Xitadfottl Iftepotta Towanda, PL, Thursday, July 18, 1878. r • W. A. CIIAMBERLIN,. Doaleeln .FINE JE WELE Y, WATCICES, SILVER.t "I,ATED WARE, . T9WANPA, ToWanda, Jan:lB, 1877. CENERAL. s Srman Bnog' are selling - out -their sum filer goods at astonishingly low prices. TUE Barclay Lodge, K. of P., now has a niemlierthip of.one hundred and tsren. ty-five. THE hay and grain crop in this section is nosy being gathered, and both are abundant. Z. THE phonograph, Or talking marline, is a wonder, and everybody should see - and hear it. Tun F. L. S S. R. R. Co. have just put two new passenger coaches and a mail and express car on their road. - • Miss BELLE COLE, of Canton, ; took the first honors at tho commencement of tho Centval Pennsylvania Statelformal School at Lock Haven. - Mn. OWEN, of Wysoz, is supplying our people with fresh, vegetables from Ilia own garden. He "already has-good sized cab bage heads. Mns. M. W. MicilLl; left for Cawker City, Kansas, on Tuesday vening, to join 2ior husband who has beep there for aev- VMI months. B. W. LSNE, has some of the finest live ry rigs in the country. Ho has just fitted np a new stable, and everything is fish and bright. Give him a milli JOHN W. Mix has been appointed agent for the: Topeka and Santa Fee Railroad lands. - These lands are among the most fertile tiod pr:odnctive in Kansas. TICK second volume of Bay Awes Nieto, ry will be ready for delivery to subscribers in a day Or two. The work was ready for the binder for some weeks before the death of Mr. BRYANT. THERE will be a session of the. County Teachers' Institute between the 12th and 25th of August. This ip the most favors de time, as it accommodates Those desir ing to corn mcnr to teach or attend school after that period. WE have printed" in neat and conveni ent form the "Game and }lslr Law," passed at the last session of the Legisla ture: Persons wanting the law Can pro , cure it by calling at this office. Price 25 ' cents. PAMASTER WIIMEL3I WitS In t4wit yes terday paying off the Pa. tt N. IL It. hands. The men enjoy the bright, cheer- . ful countenance of 3lr. W. about as much as they do the • coveted little envel ores lie dispenses to them. , CAPT. MANVILLH, W . . S. VINCE&T and Wir.14.61 POt.us•X started for Kansas oh Tuesday afternoon. The Captain expects to make a thorough investigation of the country; and on his return . will give valu able information to parties desiring to go West. MR. and Mrs. S. li. PAvi:r. have return ed from their bridal tour, and are now "at home." Dim assures us that not-. withstanding the trying circumstances un der which he has been _placed, he has not violated the Murphy pledge, and has as much zeal in the temperance cause as ever. Mit. A. Hot.colin, of Ulster, has receiv ed from his 41 OnittN, who now resides : in Washington . Territory, the - following description of a mammoth tree :L A tree 'cut at one of thn , :amps of Moo: dy on Burrard inlet, furnished ser.m logs, each twenty-four feet bog. The largest wasiivy feet ninelinches and the smallest three feet nine inches in -diame ter. It was 174 feet to the first limb, and the seventogs madd, 24,540 feet of lumber Tin: Binghamton Dean rat of last week =I Chester Wells, E&l., brother to Col. .1. Wells, and well known to• many old cit izens heie, arrived in town on Saturday evening, and is stopping. for a short visit with hip' brother. Mr. Wells resides at Knoxville, Pa., and is doing a thriving trade there in,the cabinet And undertak ing business. It always does - us good: to meet such old`friends as Chet., of whom the world does not possess too many. CHET'S many friends in - Towapda'woold feel honored by a visit from him. \ • AT Gettysburg, commencing is to be held a week's encampment of the, G rand. Army of the Republic.. The indi cations are that the encampment upon the historical field will be a memorable event, and' one which will always be thought of with pleasure by thoSe who participate in it. Many of those wlio have already expressed their intentions be present, will bring their wives withthem. Arrangements have been made for sub sistence, at the camp, at the rate of $5.` . 25- Per week ; at private houses and hotels, at .t 1.01.0 i)cr day. At the-camp, cool and capacious dining halls will be provided. Round trip from• Canton The "boys" wiltleavo here on Friday afternoon. 'THE particular attentir of school di rectors and parents is directed to the ad vertisement of Irtstox, BLAKEMAN, TAY- Lon & Co.,- in another column. This firm have long enjoyed the enviable reputation of bl•ing the largest •selitx)l book publish, as in the Union, and their character fur lionesty and integrity is above suspicion. Their books have all been submitted to ' leading educators, with what result may be seen by reading the testimonials. Swinton's Geography is being very gaper • ally adopted throughout this section, and we are informed meets the unqualified approbation of Prof. RYAN, County Su perintendent, and nearly all the live teach era- in the county. . „ _ )It A IWO It I) LVIII:t TY MOCK. -01 Ir friend, W.D. Suoults, of Sheshequin has pro. (bleed one of the finest short-horned Dur hams probably raised in this county.- This is now ono year old pat. Mr. snoitas sold this calf to J. Wttim, Rig.; of the, Mlle township. The calf was put upon the scales last week by Mr. WEBB. and 'brought down ten. hundred and thirty pounds.. The production of •sfich stock is not only creditable to Mr. SiiilnEs the treater, and Mi.WEBB • the feeder, but is au honor to the stock pro dueiug int.erest of - our county. Thole gentlimien deserve much credit in miter _ prising farmers and stock misers, and we always have great pleanum in bringing -Into notice through t 6ur paper the merito rious titans of our farmers and producers. IT. M. Kits% of Elmira, whose adver tisement appears In another coluttut, does business in .a manner which leaves no mom for complaint on the.part of his customer& Any article purchased at his store, and not proving satisfactory, is taken back ,and the cash refunded; without any grumbling. Our readers who buy cloth ing in Elmira should not fail to give Mr. K. a call. OBE of the most sad and shocking ad dents that we have over. had occasion to mention, occurred near Tunkhannock on Thiwisday, the 4th instant,' at. about 10 o'clock A. at., while many of our citizens were absent, attending the Centennial ccl; ebration ceremonies at Wilkes-Barre. A son of JACOB Bnusoms, How...nn by name;'agel 12, was shooting at a mark placed upon the - side of a• sniokb house in their hack yard, with 'a smooth - rifle. • This he - had been permitted to do by his fath er; who, it is said, helped him to mould the bullets. SOddenly, as the boy was examining the mark after making a shot; he hoard a faint sound in the adjoining field, Where Mri Bnusoss was "cradling wheat) Going to the place from whence the noise came he found his father lying on the ground insensible, with a bullet hole:in - the back of his head, from which blood was flowing pr4usely. It seems that Mr. Btmosa happened to be stand ing, at the 'very moment. the shot was. made, in - an.exact line - with - the direction • taken by the ball, Which, although it had passel through a distance of , some two himdred feet from - the muzzle of the gun, and had pierced two boards, each over au inch in thickness, - and grazed a peach tree limb in its course, Still retained sufficient impetus to predate a inoktal wound.. It soon became arparent that nothing could .be done to prevent the death of the wounded man, which took place about three hours after l ife accident.— Tunkhan - neck Donotrat.. . PERSONAL.-Lieut. CALtrio, 1.7. S. A., who is just recovering front malarial..fe ver,, is rusticating with his friends in Smithfield. —Mrs. F. D. Ilostatis . visited friends in this place last week. She wax the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. —1n . .% B. HUMPIIREY is in Boston pur chasing stock. —Speaker MYER is going to loWa to disit his brother and a son who• reside —B. F. ESTILF.MAN and family and Rev.. E. P. lIAmmoND arc at Cape May. -STEI'IIEN Mawr, who is attending school at Ex - cter, N: P. , is spending his vacation with his father in Wysox. —Rev. F. W. BARTLETT is spending a short vacation with his father's family in this place. —Rev. J. S. BEERS will be absent next Sunday. Rev. F. W..RARTLETT offi ziato for him. • —M. AV: PAnsoNs and F. D. Dricttn, of New York, were visiting friendS here last week. —Mr. and Mrs. STARK, of Pl•ilacicllahia; will spend tho,summer hero-with Mrs. S's father, Judge PARSONS. —Mrs. KIMBERLY, of Sa , rinaw,.. Mich., is•visiting her parents in Monroeton. She is acctimpanied 'by her mother-in-law. —Mrs. Lowi n daughter of Mrs. Gen. PATTON, passed through this.place en mite from Florida to her horhe in ;Wisconsin last 'Week. Mrs. L. resided herb when a young lady, and has many friends and ac quaintances in ToWanda. —Miss LEORA OSBORNE, Of.MrS. w.kiw's Young Ladies' Scheid, Harris burg, is spending the summer vacation with her mother here. —Mrs. CAttiNocnAii and children, who have been visiting in Troy, have returned. • —Dr. E. D. PAYNE and will, and Mrs: N. N. BETTS, are at Ocean Grove the guests of Mrs. SMITH, of this place, who is keeping a boarding house at that popu lar resort. —Mrs. Comma and B. M. PD.': ,and family expect to leave fur Ocean Grove this week. —E. T. Nontt and wire are visiting friend in Clinton• Co. -0. D. KINNEY is West on a prospect, ing tour .. WINTON'S GEOGR APO TM. ' SERIES,- he present generation has witnessed a rent improvement in schotil text-books if all kinds ; and in very few branche;; has there been a more marked improvement than in that of physical and political geog raphy. The middle-aged men of business who still retain anything like a definite recollection of the geographical studieslof their youth wil! remember that the books from which they were expected to draw a knowledge of the earth's surface were mainly made tip of a mass of dry and. un interesting details and abStract definitions that Koved mainly useful in exercising the memory in the school room.. All ac= curate information is of more or less yal ue ; but it is probable the knowledge ac quired by the average pupil from the ge ography of twenty-five or.thirty years ago was of a very indefinite and tnistynature. Certainly the young student of that day had no such aid to the easy and clear com prehension of the physical conformation, the climate and the distribution of plant 'd animal life on this:" terraqueoushall " tui•that furnished by the two books 'tam prishig SwisToN's series of geographies. The 'first book of the series is as inter esting as , any novel,—al least wo • have . town' it so in, looking through it, —and by the M ost u; Shod impresses - on the min the p iof physical geogra phy by gii. the definite aud • inter- , ; esti g accounts of the \ natural causes that olio te to make the eat4hwhat it is. The chapter on the " History ota River," is a striking example of this ntodio' teaching. Thehook abounds in readingmatter . of thisltind, calculated to interest the dull est pupil in the operations .of na Well !is the leading industries and 1 of the variety; ;nations of the earth. The larger Work, called " The Complete GeOgraphy," is a more comprehensive treatise for the use of more advanced el:vises and for reference. The lmok has several novel features that scent to be of real value. Among ,these may be men tioned the globular map, giving a better idea of the shape of the earth and the re. larive positions of the different countries than the ordinary charts. This plate will golas far as any map can to supply the place of a pod globe. 'The Polar projee- Was, showing the 'difference of time on thP different meridians and the lei3gth of daY_at different parallels of latitude, aro aldo useful novelties., That'portioa of the 'mirk - relating to our own countri has a doiable series or maps —one open, . clear and pith few details, for general study, And the other with 14 details, for refer: 'vice. It has also'a very full teit. enab linlg the student to obtain a minute knowl edge, of his own State. The wood outs pn i afusely scattered_through the books aro what they purport to be—lenuine illus., :ration,' of the text, as well as beautiful _ specimens of art. - IWei understand this series of - geOgra pllies has been introducc4 in. ze v4+,11 ais-. t#cts of the county, and is heartily in- dOrscd by those most interested in the progress of our public sehools." We (un- Mend it to the careful attention of Directors Contemplating a.change in text . ks of this character. - =ES libunin kin* mentioned in the dis patches from the Indiaa eountry, is an_El 7 mint; and married NW rfincir; of Mon. radon. EDITOR BRADINiIID REPon;rirrt—Dcdr : It is quitAi ofted we meet advocates of " prohibition " who believe that alcohol is useful as a medicine. .. 'knoll temperance mon would limit the sale of alcohol to the drug shop. Wo submit the following ta bles for tho examination of thoso temper ance men who would getiaCery 'lf you wore to questiola flick timperaneWprinel , E, -- pTe s s : Pierce's Bitters, Vinegar " Temperance Bitters (?). Quaker Bitters Puritan Bitters I'lanta►tion Bitters. llostetters Stomach Bitters ........43 Richardson's Bitters. - =59 DRAMSROP DRINKS COMPARED, WITH T11E• Small Beer: Cider Ale Wino • - Whiskey. Briaidy ... . Rum ` " Proof Spirits" . . Nearly all the above contain poisons to Which some Of their 4leleteriousproperties are attributable:`. Unlike the REPOIITEII i most of our local papers admit to their columns largely the. advertisements for such alcoholic nos trums. The public .sratithe at is somewhat modified by the continued display of OAS quack nostrum trade. - Hundreds .of thousands in the United- States aro drug ging themselVes into early graves by the use of these Vile compounds—,all the time thinking it is doing them so much goOd, they epuld not live a day without. They are enchanted- and deluded till they are hone. In low forms offeror wo have been uniformly-successful without it. • Selene() enables us to demonstrate ft is never a benefit. A thoroughly educated public sentiment wo4d.not require prohi bition, or liCense, for both prestime wrong doing. The parties governing take .the responsibility of regulating its iiscand thereby become " 6 11artiOps, criminis " in the. traffic. , By a union of sentiment - we may con sent to. advoeAte "prohibition" as a re striction, (as our friends .arel doing), but as a otre we must adopt the whole truth. Yours Truly, ' N. COGSWELL. Saliva, 4 1tily 11, 1878. Buxoroun Assoctsnos. . Located mostly in the central parts of this couuti, " Bradford Baptist Association." held its. forty-fourth annual meeting iu East Smithfield, Tuesday' noon ,to Thursday noon, Juue IS-20, 1878. The Weather was faultless—the attendance exceeded the ca pacity of the noble new Church 'edifice— and the proceedings were exceedingly an imated and liarmonions to the last. The gifted, but too often recklessßutoss could sing.— fu h. Moro Than Just t !lig - III:intl. welt...mail.' The Association's visitors and members could truly say aftor the experience of tin's' and many similar occasions— " bile oism earth We Wish no more Than : . ;fulilitield Bapti4 Associations," adding We find that Pedobaptists, Disci ples, and those of no Ch urch combinations united in making our stay most gratify- 1;1 , Z:4.1111N .To Es, pastor at New Alba- ny, uas chosen Moderator, and B. M. WELLES, of Towanda, re-elected Corre sponding Clerk and Treasurer. Fourteen of the fiftteen Churches were represented by messengers and by letter. The princi pal by baptism were twenty-one in Leßoy, eighteen in Smithfield and its newt,' -found branch on /Bentley Creak, thirteen in Barclay, twelve in Springfield, and others making eighty-two in all, with a net increase of over eighty. Nearly all complained of the depression of the times, yet several showed guiltl progress in tem poral affairs. The salary of $2OO pledged towards the support. of Bro. Ail wife+ f: P. NAnoN, Association Missionary, was made up, and be -eported plenty Of work and general encouragement in supplying - weak . Churches anti destitute fields. The annual death roll was remarkably small, being fully twelve out of eleven hundred and fifty menioers—a little more than one percent. of the whole. It corn : prised but two males—Deaeon UttfAu LEE, of Albany, and Wm. CnArzoN, of West Franklin. Among the ten sisters were Mrs.TlEncE, of Smithfield, in her teens, and the venerated mother Ft:ma:- sof: of Columbia and Wells, in her ninety third year.. Five sermons were preached The Opening services by the Moderator, pastor JONES ; by J. W. PLANNETT, of Columbia and Wells, who recently removed into this sphere_from the southward ; by AWN 11. llAtuta, Principal of the Keystone-Arad 7 emy, Factoryville, Wyoming County ; by GEO. M: SPRAT; into of ti i ie real though informal Baptist Bishops' of Pennsylva nia ; by JAMES MIME; of New YOrk State, not long since a pastor in this Ass°. elation_ ; and by DAvniSrExcEn, of Pbil-; adelphia, just from Foreign-Missions. A Sunday School address was also given by -Brother IDANtmos D. PINNEY, of Owego. These six pulpit exercises were all of superior though varied order, and receir cd profound attention-Smarred, only, by, a trifling elongation before a tired audi-L mice once or twice, and by a baby "cry ing in the wilderness'', half 'an hour on one occasion to tha.serions disturbance of most of the congregation. (A - pretty baby, perhaps- . --but every foird mother should know that its unkind, unladylike; • unlaw ful, unchristian; thus to annoy hundreds of persons, most -of whom have come many miles to worship (4on..and not to hear a child squall). A Sunday School Convention was an nounced at Auslinville, second week in 1 tuber. - Quarterly nvmt.iugs at Barclay, sec id Friday in September ; near Ogden burg, cond Friday in November, with Cherry Church second Friday in January; and with second Friday in March— the ineetino extending over to Sunday: Next meeting o' the Association at Le- Roy, third Tuesdayn June, 18711. - It is thirty-six years over - ono genera tion—since I first attended thili Associa tion, at Smithfield. ',The \ house : in which we met—and most of its Worshippers— have passed away.. Not one oftlm pastors; of 1542 now serves in this iation. F With a wonderful increase iu wealtlind a large gain in intelligence and numbers, do the present ,Onbers equal the fathers , in devotiOn and heart-felt piety? Proverbially, thoughtful and 'prudent as the Smithfield people are, they have probablyhorno the " shriukin ," conse quent upon "inflation," as wOl as any Alm : people any Where I Somelnew build ins and other improvements arc visible. .The hay crop may be light, but other. ' products of the earth promise fair. - The greatest lack in visiting the central vit. .13gc was the absence of the living form of Dr: ..litl.t.oct.:, Aviv., for two-thirds of a century, was the Mentor and' firm friend of this whole region, But his influence— unseen often, but not the less unfelt—will long be felt. . . reawnibianef. (>lllO flatitlA Rlu•t they steep rEn CENT. 17 23 2:5 30 .1110113 ltoli ..;1O to 20 40 50 58 50 le Just n dust." If. W. A PAUTT coindstiagof his Honor, Judge Mwin° l Y; Captain - 0 1 4 2310 9n.Vri A. CaAttnnumx, C. B. POUTER and al.k.h*Ap CnA3tnimtnt,. IMAM down the. titan Wednesday morningon a fishing =Ent lion. From - the amount of ,provendar stored away in the boats we judge they intend to be absent several days. .• - ' COV SC IL PROCEEDIWO--BPICIAL ors. sios.—Pennant to a call of the Magns a special session of . the Council' Was - held on' Wednesday evening, July 8, 1878, to toO *der, the request .of C. M.:Manville, fort,* issue of borough orders to apply on'hia'con' tract with the borough. Members *sent. Burgess BMW, Couri,- eilmen Dodge, Henry, Jones, Montanye, and Snell. . • . Mr: Manville made a statement in regard to his desire, for orders in payment for in stalltnents es they became due on his con tract, whereupon Councilman Snell offered the foll Owing resolution which was adopted without dissent : • Resolved, That the Secretary be and is hereby authorized to, draw four orders of five hundred dollars vitth, payable to C.M. Manville with interest from ..the,2oth day of August, 1878. to apply and beendor*d as payment on his contract, and also to - diaw an order bearing interest for one thousand dollars for the payment which .becomes due on said contract August 20th! 1878. On motion the Council adjourned. • - J. Ktscsi►cnr, See'7. 4 Corson. . Paoc.r:Entos.—The regular monthly meeting of the - Borough Council was held July 1, 1878. • Members present. Burgess Betts, Councilmen Alger, Dodge, Jones, Kingsbury, Montanye and Snell, The following report., Were made ,by committees: ' .To the Honorable Burgess and Council of Towanda Borough : - • • You? einurnittee to whom was referred the investigation of _re it 'of. drain in rear of Elwell House would .respectfully, report said " duty performed and the nuisance abated. . L; D. MONTANYE. Report accepted ' and committee die charged. • Mr. 'largess and .Towit Council: Gentletnen—Your Committee having ex. amined Fourth, street, between Elizabeth and College etreets, would report said Fourth street in bad condition, and that the cost of repairs necessary will be trom $3O to $4O. W. It. JONES, - EpWARD STEVFNEI, WM. • Report adopted and committee author ized to make the repairs as per report. To the Honorable Burgess and Councilof Towanda llorough - : Your committee to whom was referred the location of fence, sonthwerit corner of State and Second streets, would report said fence one foot and six inches in State street at Second, and two feet and -two inches in State street at alley.. Draft showing part of State street is respectsalnnitted. 1,. MONTANTE. Report accepted and Secretary directed to place it On tile. u lion. Burgess and Council of Towanda Borouvh: Your committee to whom was referred the petition of citizens asking for the en- Jai-ging an& extending of drain corner of Pine street and Western Avenue, would. respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioners by granted. . L. 1). MoSTANYE. Report accepted and street committee directed to 'comply with the prayer of the petitioneis. ' The Secretary was • directed to issue notices to the following property owners to build new sidewalks, to wit : To the owners - of the properly ljity• be tween J. F. Bender and C. M.' Milner estate on Main street. To Patton A; Bale, Bridge street. To owners of property lying between B. F. Myer and Ma Douglass on south side Elizabeth street. To J Flood on east side Williamitrect. \Y.-Noble to build-a Walk in front of his Property on Second street undeethe supervision and in' accordance .with grade to he given by street committee. . complaint of citizens -the Sanitary Committee were directed to' examine and report i s to a nuisance on the premises of Samuel Powell. . • Tollumt, June 13, 11$78. the the nlencouncilqf Turatula horough : Gentle:nen—At a meeting of the Fite llonrd, of Towandaßorough, held in rooms, May 14, 1 t 5 .11; the following resolu tion wits taered by ! Mr. C. L. Tracy : IlesoliTd, That Sec. I, of Article IX, Of the department bylaws, be amended to read ; . The Fire hoard shall consist of the Cap: tain Fire Police, the Foreman end one ad ! ! (Itic)tini member of , each :company in the department. , And et a meeting held in Franklin room,' June 11, the above resolution was unani- m misty carried. 7 The department-respectfully ask the con• lirmation of the some by your honorable body. • Respectfully rours, • . S. F. Itovi.E, Sec'y Fire Board. In compliance with the above the follow. ing resolution Was adopted : . Resolved, That 'Sec. I, Article IX,• of the constitution governing the Fire Depart . - mrnt be amended by adding thereto, and Ctiptaiit of Fire Po! fee. By• councilman Dodge: • • Resolved, That the Street Committee be direCted to prepare specifications and receive proposals for removing the cobble stones atal-earth through the center of Main street kora Montanyes crossing, corner Court street, to Bridge street crossing; the' width of 20 feet, said width of 20 feet to be filled with gravel 2 feet ,in depth, and re port the : bids received at the next regular meeting of the Council. Adopted. On motion the rate to be paid for labor from July Ist was fixed at one dollar per day. Bilis approved by Finance Committee and ordered paid: . .. I.kiyn. Jafnes Nestor, 7;4; cleaning ditch, 3w 1 10, 825 D.tii'l O'lloyle, 9 Lombard at gutter, 9 !se . , I'., engine nod to river, I- 65 511 55 711,0'. Kennedy, 6.,..L.i Lombard at gutter, 715 ' • 1 , ,,'-erigine road to river, 1 G. 5 59 99 mi c ici Coyle, 1 Lombard at gutter, 110 Martin Bennis, 11!.4 do do ID 17 11 2 engine road to river, 1.65 511 82 Simon Kinney, 9 Lumbanl it grade, 990 • 1 , ....; unglue maid to river,. 1 CA 511 65 Jae Bedford, . 12 Chestnut at grade,- 13 20 • s to - culvert, -8 80 522 00 Elias Powell, ' 10 Chestnut at grade, II 181 8 .10,, culvert, ti SO EIS 70 Jno Krunmiy, a -: do gnido ' So • i, :do cidegrt, 0 00515 40 Itlvl.l Pan - It-q- 11 1:044 3 ward, 15 1 0 Gat , : 4 11,0ey,. • 13!',' '4lO do 14 hti " du 2 wart! , ..... ~ 55 1 . cure hose 5' D, 1 10 516 'C• t, D (wain, 2 with learn on Marcia, at, 0 (Si. %V.,.) layne, ~1 . : battling atone Lontl.'d at, 150 J.i, Lt.kdbee, 1 •ilt.i do ' 3 (Si In•lioy .1.4,1iw1tt;1!..; to. - do 450 11 Saw, r. 11114; ui. ',rail, in Station Douai., - 75, - I, dal , - Cilr , 1,1111*60, F Si,- • . 165 Ilolcon.l. a: A ugos, solv engine for rate, A V 0 J Kingdarry, prentitini coins. paid (plectra 31111 . 4 %!1ai11et,1411, . E 35 tt. J I` lAtex, eying rind r 4 Ina old Franklin engine, '2 25 salary for June, . - ~ '7 09 It It lZbeltwyll, I day Witte it in Yowit atilt, - ' 1 (Si A Horton, 13 lillite• daybook fur account with collott•.r, • 125 Bam't D Sinitit;.lo days on ertatind at grade, 11 00 A d Layton:rug in case of Myer, - - 4 25 11 C Potter, oils for Finllllllll, - NO 1, 19'94 . do . Nara, No 3, 0 110 do Naiad. NO 2, 300 111,:, 1: 11014.10., !.tore for Mantua, Nu 4, . 4 tr.' 11..0 10 1',.4.1:, 1011 o f cute; • 875 , . . I.: -\ limns, :I' 4 41. i).. police dnty, t: * Itham.n.lc, do 1.Ium•) T1i;,... I',,s, i.den, town 'clock quiatct ording ' ' June :tto, ll;7si, 1- 10 80 . WM' Icep,er, ire department, - 4 to qt -t, v 31 ) , , , ,.. ~,0u,, , , r 14,-.. • Bbn Goo, CO, ;OS for I.ln4o'a (Arno),. 2 ' Entlolfr bongo, . rollco station, Trot Holt, 558 ft oak. lumber at 313 00, - ti 18 Itolw'd Elliott, 7 loads stone. , . 700 Pat'k Eentirds, 11 1 /, days labor lit ward It 10, 13 48 Wm Fit:1014,1,13y • do do - : .14 48 Dennis Llnch, 12 1 4. , do - do : - 13 44 John nark., 63/ ' do do 715 .ht.. Wood; fee In .1 '6 iron:* ea* so on A lt Dyu ,t Cu, follscellencoos, - 24 77 Yruncie Watts. flagging and teanilog on - , l'Io.,•11,ot, et rultert, 5 70 . ,extra Man 2;4 days, , 275 - ndtlitlvnal terming uu its, 7 000.5 .4: \ , ' . T. . thc lton . . IliC ,Council of Towan da /30741,/h : , • ; . . \. • i The un4ersigued Police ',Justice bgei . ._ . leave to. submit the following report -.DI cafes tried daring _mouth ending July Isi 1878: • -. .inuoir: n. 8. Horton. Brought up IA; Conn 31uflitt. charged wills tieing drunk an d ributtlerly nn thalami& fined $110 . 00;. cwt U . Iridatund coat paid. "Jun . I\ 4 o 20. P. U. Gillis. BIN, ronek,chargad with luing &rink rhargod. Jane ~tt. - Pala Itarl is ni P.nrn,t, rhur.tad with' I aitir drunk rioalei 00; cost 82141. Fine and cool Burnt Respectfully submit ed. W. J. YOUNG, July 1, 1878: „ Police Justice. • Report Owed An 40, when on motini tly ec Council a.ljoureed. ====M . „ Cum. I'. Mooim, of lioxolv t dl4 - on .Idombrinkirobilie.4liiiii tisk pit mom, hq , *eased lotto Of 66*So. laccAsz. she twos a huitxuad and immil4,ldidron to mourn theirlOsii. I thOlansiat took pia* front Chris!, Church - j on 7004 1d 14,y, more. num.—At About 9 braloclt on Monday evening 4" the ;iii and: ; id~ooe of Mrs: M. IL .FIT,c,o; 'rowan* Street, • was'dicovered rAioi#'llrtToa. enrolee part of tho j 4rat floor' age tnllllnery, '44 ' to .tie PO flip" re‘en del 4 k l/ f4rit ifts : giveni vratitireught; aid sU the via- • iblo fire eztinguishod 7 •It was icon found, however, that the fire had crept up into the attic, and,waa burning cm the under side of the roof. In a, short :l imo so i veral sectionsof small' hose were b rought for' ward and attached `to t Vildrints, and, "the fire*puVout, though snot the 'roof had , been considerablYldaraiged. by fire, and the 'interior "of thellUnldlilg by water: Mrs. Ft7;cri had- ix; insuraecblitht either building or furniture. , Loss 4150. Miss FanNoSat's goods were ;sootewlitit dam aged byl water and their hasty iremoval; Insured. It br irenerally, auppose4 , , . tho fire originated by a rat svith matches, as there was a rat-hole in the wall a short distance above the floor whore the fire was first tliseeicred.L--Confor. Sentipel. Tim hosts of friends in this place of the Revenuid gentleman referred ta . ih the following communication, which we in the Elmira Advertiser, will endorse ov. cry word of the complimentary notice • At. the Theological Club Meeting on tiesday,ln connection with other inter esting exercises, the Rev. P. D: Hoskins read an essay on "Pauperism and thO Duty of the Church," which they Club re luntiled for publication. This is the same paper Mr. Hoskins prepared for the Die.: cesium Convention, akthe command of his Bishop, and to which his 00-preisbyters listened with . attention and' - admiration. If Mr.. Hoskins wishes to avoid such coin: mands to write and mils to print, he had better alter his style forthwith, and never again write with the grace of Addison, the sense of Johnson and the research of Macaulay in the same essay. Ho cannot well help it, perhaps; neither timed can his modesty prevent this result aforesaid at the hands of his clerical brethren. It was agreed the best place for. that .paper was in the pages ofthe Advertiser, and it is earnestly hoped this influential, able and widely circulated journal will show Mr. Hoskins no favor such as his native re serve would crave for him, but keep promptly in view the favor to the public which the publi c ation, of this document will subservo. A CU:111318T. Sosn ono who seems to know about the' relation of a good newspaper to the fami ly writes as. follows : "The Strong attachment of subscribers to well conducted newspapers is feillYcon firmed by publishers.- - "Stop mylpaper," 'words - of dread to beginner's in business, lose their terror after a paper hag been es, lablislied for a term of years. So long as a paper pursues a just, honorable innd jut dieious course, meeting the want*, of its, custoniers in all respects, • the 1 ties of friendship between the subscritlers and the paper aie. as hard to break bkoutside thirst party as the link which binds old friends in business or social lifO.l Occa: sional defects and otters in a tieWsOSPer aro overlooked by those who have become attached to. it, :through its perusal, for years. They sometimes become ilissatis led with it on account of something which hai slipped into its columns, and may stop taking it ; but the absence of the fa: miliar sheet at their homes and offices - for a few weeks becomes an insupportable privation, 'and they hastea to take it' a gahi, and pessibly apologize for having. it stopped. No friendship on earth is mote 6 - instant than thattontracted by the tea der for a journal which makes an honest and earnest effort to, merit its continued support. Hence a conscientiously con ducted paper becomes a favorite in the li 4 GIIEATE.sT BLE:iS I N —A simple, pure, harmless remedy, that cures every time, and prevents disease by keeping the blood pure, stoteaqh regular, kidneys-and liver active, is the greatest blessing over conferred upon bean. --11o0 3 )liters le that remedy, and its proprietors aro being blessed by thousands who have been saved and citred by it. Will you try it? See another colunin. Run rt.Av.—lf a few doses of . a propri-' etary medicine fails to cure a malady for which it is advertised, some seek a physi cian, 'and contentedly take his 'routine prescription for months,--even though they .receive no benefit. Is this fair? Sup-- pose the traveler on a strange and danger ous road inquires the route to some town some twenty miles distant, and, after go ing imp or two miles, concludes to aband- on the road, because ho vannot gee the town. If lost, could any one be blamed: but hiipsclf? The Family . Medicines mannfactnred by R.N. Pierce, M. D., of Ilitilalo*N. Y., area safe.and certain.curt for-the-various diseases for which th ey are recommended. His Coldenliedical I)is eovery has lung been the standard remedy fur the cure of scrofula, bronchitis, 'con ' sumption, dyspepsia, liver complaut, ski diseases, and ail impurities. of the \ Wood, while I)r. Sage's Catarrh remedy, if 'used in connection with the Discovery, effects a speedy and perfect cure of tlio most ag=, gravated catarrhal ',affection. For many years the diseases and Weaknesses pecu, liar to wcinen were regarded as incurable.. The knife and caustic were freely used with but exceptional benefit. The success attending the'use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription induced the doctor to sell it 'Under, a 'positive guarantee to. cure this class of diseases. If afficted, do not delay or hesitate to try it. See - Pierce's Mem orandum Books given away by all drug- MT ONE HUNDRED LINEN SUITS from 4.100 up o s t tiTsitn Bros. 7. rir TRIMMED HATS ALMOST HIV, Eti AWA'Y at ,STEIIN BrOS., Ca' School will open in Rome Academy W.II. Principal. , Or CLOSING OUT balance of Supi titer Stock or Millinery Goods at GREATLY RE DucED I',IIIOES St ETS,ItN Rios. Ca' The occasional "hetet unbler" is not a rarity, but there are few hotels that give, the almostondversal sailftactlon both In iattls and ac comtnedation that characterizes the Grand Central Hotel, Now Turk. It is concededly the, beat kept and most popular among all Its rivals. 1w ti" The Fall Term of the Susquehanna Ceucoue institute will commence 'Monday, Au gust 26th., 'We understand ebileeial attention will be given dining this sessioti to thy preparation of teachers for their exatoiltallo,i and winters' work *end for unc of the ticir CatelOgites Write:Princi pal, E. E.lgt"tm.a ' julyl9. Le, 00 'l4 (J I TiE WYOidt:ift EiLMINATLY as ft school for grpdustion the professions mid the practical buslne#a Mrs ra 6111fe. or as apt eppratory School for college and the higher unlversittes of tearnlm may fairly be Bald to tate the lead of all InstttlitlOns of its'tlus throughout the country ; and we unhesitatingly commend It toall our young .Men and women aiming towttril tilghttpndird of tdnentlim. It is recommended hy ‘ the 'Presidents of Yale Collegeqrinceten CollogtOyesleyan veralty, Lafayette College and Syracuse -University. The Conuncrtlareollege ha. most thorough cours es of study in business. 'lts grstruates rank high as clerki and accountants. Next term opens Aug. Milit. Niece - reduced... koonit;; Ihr boarder* and :an day scholars. Send for a cataltiue to Key. D. Corr.t.sT; D, D. D., Kingston, Ps. 1w En $517 15 Mr .1. C. BLEM has received a NEW STOCK Or • I. ADZES` AND CUILDKEN'S W K Alt' for the Summer Trade, which he offers at prices f r i les than heretofore' kohl, and at, lower figures hart any competitor can duplicate. Call, 013111113 Wad ho comilnce4.. Store on Main Street,. south sidel of Brltige,—sign of GM Boot. intl.). t np by Cont. Dila- II.r" CLOSING OUT SA.I,E otO Ott awl Silver Watches, Ciwlns, fancy, .lesetry, etc. Tim •underahrped having purchaacd at Sheriff's Sale the entire neck of Wntehes,,Phalns, Silver and Plated - Ware, In the store formerly occupied by M. MEN. - *l...Aux, and net edshlng to remain in the • Mail has concluded td sell tie ample stoCh regird- Llyer mit, to order-to up the ' CMI • *sea* barpitu; - JACoie tip t.y Ofreur q•lei ly. Luitl . to U. A. KIIG - suuntr, Sec'y NEW LOCALS. s - . \ - 11111111111011111 - LOCAL. ~,•, .,, -`..,10., ,--. _. . tf- -311_ t. r: I i ~.tirimujiti'ocioqi, ate iredociedvaii at.r:Wkijih.4'''''' •."-- "''' ''''iliOi I by,5trirmat,i4M.0.4.3„,8#049.14,i F.4191_,11A11111 ;or law tinzit. , &_,FAßilint do all moo or DAESS*AFN9. . k ie-Eft ery at WUITCOXII k SniuT's. tirsurrrAND silxvits in pest Tarlotj at J. I:. „10pri•16. „ 41,12. IT Ladies, Misses and. ; . Children' 90TP, kod 49 8 : 01 4Y. *A., P. D4r. *,` • ur TABLE LINEN, itAPiclita sad 3:?7T1T 1 14 1 . 10 !.!( # L7I - -s t 41A** 1r HOSIERY ! HOSIERY ! HOKE. ux : 1111,41rit•tityier 044. 031116.11 4111171., I Conan bark the best weaiing,Shoess for Mon, Boys find Youths , ' wear eire prod la Towanda, and at prices within the resell:of &U. • ; rer Straw Work and BloackinF a ape. clalty at SNdLL & or. T4ompso9l, If ITTINO CORSE•r-nt rir PARASOLS and "(MORELLA§ at J..Ll' t You can get all the latest styles of s!auonery,,very, cam s aL Wnycoluka,Sumrys . . . . 112 — Mrs. B. J. MlNoos is Bait* goods nits spring CHF:AVER THAN EVER. Call and, exarniSe befOrcpurcpwslag.c. •i f• • sprl7. . OrL. B. Roacauts challeukes . compe citor quality of goods and low prices on Saab, Doors, Blinds srutlioldin‘s, and all building sua. tonal. fangS4l7l. gair E. J. Mixotos- has tetnrned from the . city, and bas pp FIN T DISPLAY OF 'MILLINERY And NOTION in this town.aprt . _ _ pi" Mrs. E. J. Mmoos has TRIMMED TATS for O E DOLLAR and upwards. rir Mni4. Mmoos bag the - aid Skirt sPertAt. ale 0 rir The Largest, Beet and Cheapest line of Shea for Ladles•, 31lsoes* and Chlldrens• weir Is found at tlblnatti'llideir store, corneeMaln and Pine-eta., Tracy k Noble's Block. spriTS CowLa' Balleryigon,ff. dr 121 svard jsakeig, ei)&ihe pi 1441 dap, w )h F:6 4 h Crakkets hot Own the oven. Etilisid,•l4er, Catex, kc. zipm Or Don't you forget it. We have an excellent CRACItEIt RIABIIIrAtirORY In town, at COWLES' BAKERY, where you can bay.the, 1 hertEre th-plihtt Frielt4z); t Various eauses—Adiancing years, • care, sickne* 'l4ilisitipeltitmetit, l aid hereditary predisposition—all operate to .turn the hair gray, and either of them Inclines It to shed -premature ly, Mran'S . llstn VidOtt *lll restore faded or gray, light and red hair to s rich brown or deep black, ay may be desired.' it softens and cleanses re.aIP.II I X III II brallilXiekiol9 l lll4, ladd . cares dalidniff and tweet*. 41$ Its nie hair Is chocked, and a newirroirth will be produc led in all eases where the follicles are not destroy ed or gland! decayed.; Its Litchis Ateties' utituny shown on !mashy. weak, or sickly .Bair to !flitch a few applications will produce thogloss, apd !resit netts sflOtttb. Harmless and•sure in its operat on, It Is incomparable as itiressing, and la especially valued tor the :softie/Ars lid :richness of tone it Imparts. It contains neither oil nor dye, slid will. not soil or . coloewhite cambric ; yet it lasts long on the hair, and keeps It fresh and vigorous. FOR s.t LE iti" - ALT. :* SPECIAL LOCAL., Mr E. F. KUZINF.I I / 3 BErrEn WINE or zuwi gives tone to the - steelach; Improves the ale petite-and asststs - tligegrintt; =Misr thertgittelk - to healthy action. expelling all the feel humors that contaminate the bloott.,.Corrtrit the secretions and offend the breath. - It excites the liver to a healthy action and strengthens the nerves. Impartlnt that gle s to life that Dreaceils alone from perfect hea Thousands In Svalkwor fife, testify torn° of this exceellent rolidlclne In correcting It rangement of the:digestive organs. Get the germ tile. hold only In one dollar IN•ttles. Ask for E. Y. LI N EL'S BITTER WIN V. 01;UOS, and take no Dyipipaia t Dyspiepsta Driicipstio E. F. K linkers Bitter Wine of Iron, a sum pure for this disease. It has been Prescribed (Mill,' for many years in tee prnettee of eminent physicians with impuralelled success. Symptoms are loss of appetite, wing' iutil Mingo( food, dryness lismoutlh heatiaehe, dizziness, sleeplessness and low Spirits. Get the genuine. Not sold, la hulk,'only one dollar lsitiles. Do yen want something to etrengthen you ? DO goo want a good appetite? Do you want to get rid of nervotiqnoiss? I/0 you .want energy? Do you want to sleep well, or be cured of dyspepsia,kidney or livef disease? Try F. Kr xKIL'a BITTZU EVer bottle guaranteed tulle IA remnimended. Ilepot and office. 219 North Ninth Street, Philadelphia, en. (let .the minium. Sold by-all druggists. Ask for E. P. Kunkel's and take no other. All I ask Is a trial of this valuable med icine. One bottle will convince you. Get sic bot tles for five tiollans. one dollar for rue. Tape Wallin Removed *Me: Tape Worm. Pin. Seat and Stomach Worms V. moved alive In front two to tour hours. No fee nu. lii head of Tape 'Worm -passes alive and. In. one. Ast your druggist for K unkel's Work Syrup. Selil only In one dollar bottles. Used - fur children or grown persons. - 'lc never falls. Or send for circu lar t.l Dr. Kunkel, Zie North Ninth Street. Phila. dolphin, ra. .Adrice• by mall free.. Send three rent stamp for return of letter. - ~: ••, • • E. P. IlusikiTs LaFtral aind IL F Kan. kerliillianiptie the Hair. The best and eticapest Hair lit:easing and Hair Cleaner In the world. They remove dandruff, allay Irritation,-soothe and cool the heated scalp, prevent the hair from falling off, and promote the growth In a very short time. They preserve nod beautify the Hair, and render It port and glonly. They Im part a brilliancy awl a silky appearance to braid and wiry Mtn anti as a hair dressing they are un rivalled oradiesto dandruff and ptevent 'baldness. The shamoo cleaans the Hair, removes grew), scurf, Itch ing, eruption. Cures hoadathe - prodneed 'y boat and fatigue. Kunkel's Shampoonad -Lus tre! restore Hair tea natural and glossy color, re- store faded, dry, harsh and—wlry hale. Price per bottle - ft. Aik your druggist for them, or send to E. F. Kunkel, Proptietor, N0.',,239 North ttie,b., Street, Philadelphia. Pa.. • ' • atait-4in-1 MARRIED. SEELEY-WATTLES-3n Wednesday, Jplgditt., Isa, it the relthletie Of the bride's parentS; by the Ite,lfenry F. Mason, of Wyear, Ps., Mr. Entldge P. - Keeley to Mho -Remit* L. Wattles,* . both of noise, Bradford county, Pa. ROBINSON-HOUSE-At the house of Elmer Robinson, Orwell, Pa., July eth, 1878, by Rev. J. B. Darbwhir. Edmund L.Mobinson.! tr l Orwell, and Miss Hattie EAtonse, of Wysex.l • G BEEN -PACE ARIL)...-,At the parsoaavt, Monroe. ton, July letbi by Armatr.mg, Mr. Thoodorellreen and Mks Della Packard, both of Barclay. OIREIN..-SMILEV-At the - ' Monroe: ton, July 14th, by Bev. Matlock \ Armstrong. Mr. Dorsey limey. of Barclay, and airs. ?Ida andlet; of : Franklin. ANDRUS K I ERSTED.-At the Bedding Church rafsolosEA. rtiiiir*N. Y., July It. IS, by Rev. Dr. L. C. tpeal, Mr. Frank F.. Andrus Ise O. Edith Jiivrated, troth of ti 11.7.1.E5T0N-DEWEY.-At the Baptist parsonage. Wellsburg, N.Y., June:Zith. - -hf Mr. Warren Eleston and Miss Emelliou Bowen, all of Ititigeldury. IT lit It AN /i4-1TA8,T01...-41.t the- hawed' . F. Barton, In East 2.4mlthfield, July 11th, by IbWr. 'P. N. F:rerett, of Wellsburg, N. Y.,. Mr..Willlate Burbank, of Springfield, and Miss Itasca Barton, second daughter of Col, Barton, of Smithfield. , TOWANOA MARKETS. - • EEPORTF.ir ny STEVENS & LONG, General dealers In Groceries and Prodace, Patton's Block, earner Slain and Bridge Streets. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY it, 1878. .1 Flour per hl4 Flour per wick Coin Meal ',sr 1 . 0 t) lbs Cpop 1 4... IVltcat pet' housh..i.... ('orn ME 1:)v• • • • 64163.' Oat , ::E.; Wit 32 Ituckwheat ii so* 00 Clover'se.4l,loedlont.... S 00 Timothy. , . I ng, pesos. 621bs, 15044.1 21 16061 200 Pork. mess ......, 12 et* .. 0844 10 pressed hogs 03 Gams Shoulders Lard Butter, tubs Rolls ... . . ." rue, frestt Cheese Green applek Potatoes, per bushel., t Onions COURECTUD DT DAYTON is Ililo Ell.les T. 61 TA Stpr'ep pelts. MA! t IST OF. LETTERS' rem i aining in ii. post °Met, at . -Towanda, Bradford Co., Pa, for the week waling , Jane 15, 1575: • I Ackley, Mrs. J. C. '.- Gall*, y.ll i . Banger. John , Lyseb. Kate 1 n ' ' Bennett. Lovetta Llnch.Mrs. Bridget tirke, Mrs. John . . . Matthews. Mauler . . avenaugl, Daniel Moley, Ann :wrier. P Isellta Smith, Sarah lobs Mrs: ~ f, Shay, Arne. Irate. Ju n , . , , t , : t lindth, .at: . , lethlonn .1.% '. I Welngard,., ‘• .: Pa:ming, 1 en:Jetta Willard, Levi $. - . Ileidlor Foster'. - i Mrs. G. B. Otertun. Iclmlrs. N.Y., Bold for Address. Itantel Matthews, Clansmen 11111. N.Y., aco. alma. Terrusa t at atm= 15 a. Oat% . _F - .. - Persons ealliag lay. aay of Oa -lbw° Illilralla lay m a4verttae4l," glatOr data at-llst. • . . - - - - - . ~-.. 8.. W. ALTOBD., P.. 714 t . -... . . ..-- SrE,C,J.Aki7grC4l9, :!. ~ n - -13RADFORD COUNTW • . 1- pi;- • • • - ~ Z , , ME SCHOOL Tk:.iT;lloo.. NEW. ditiDED READERS, SWINTON'S GEO ORA MIES; may 2. SWINTON'S Jr. S. HISTORIES THE BEST AND cliiarEsT Wm& (IC conipani prtetw with thomotow,i,u • READ SAVILIAT LEADING fEDUCIATODB SAT • ' ' Towskfra, Pa., June 8, 961711. As requested, 1 have examined the Into edition of SWINToSPS GEOGITAPIIINS. This 'second sad more .careful examination adds to the :blgiv • opining I previously had of the books, especially of the matter One. - Prof. Swinton has , a ph:28114,4 of stating things In of his test-books, and In aline has he been more felicitous than In this Ito mentary Geography. In the larger work the phis of additional information for claws as special work le their Own States Is a good one. The plan used In the descriptive part Is both naturaland" phitosophleal ;for instance, position, tie., outline; surface, rivers and lakes, climate. and political dt visions follow each other In the order enumerated. It Is easy to be seen how nsturallyeach Mitosis and depends upon end grows out of the preceding triple, wlif lay,luovrover, that • Swtnton•e miles, In my judgment, now that It has Amara line systein of Map Drawing, is the equal ofany series I have ex- EDWIN E. QUINLAN, • Principal Susquehanna Collegiate Institute. UM TOWANDA. Pa., June 5. 1375. • hare examined SW I N TO'S G ROG It A pin ES, and ate Insult to say that I . like them. The knew'. edge Is well classified. Your relief maps, Is my opinion, ate eleelleat for sharing the general sur face of the country. and I consider sAppr's Abe Thad system of mapdmising. So, taken as 3 whole, I consider It a raluable work. • . • I. S. CP.AWFORD, Assistant Principal Towanda Graded Scheel. The NEW GRADED READERS are seri/Ibis books. gotten up in a sensible manner. Intead of giving us quantity they - give us quality, cense: (meat* , they are cheaper and are well suited to meet the wants of the age; These books have been In our Normal School ever since their publlcaMon, and bare given entire satisfaction. ALLEN, Principal. W.C.B.ARTOL, Prof. Mathematics. • DORA N. WOODRUFF, .Perceptress. • 3. C. DOANE, Prof. Natural Sciense. : KATE REYNOLDS, Language. Faculty of State Normal School, Mansfield, VW: •: PItANKIMC, Bradford Co., Pa., June 1%. 1878. • Baylo examined S I NT0.1. , :!S BCBOOT. OEt OGRArU r lES. cheerfully reeemthend them. for their comprehensive and practical-arrangement,. and believe them to to the beet adapted bathe wants of our schools of any Geographies that I have examined during twenty years of experience In teaching. • Wimvotatrem, ra.. May is, 18711. WA have been Using THE AMERI CAN EMT. CATIONAL READERS fur wino Hum, 111111-XOll - them excellent books, among the very best: 'rum. 0E0.1.. MAItI3, Pltnclpal State Normal School, • .orlIE GRADED READERS" are In use In many of our schouts'and are a decided Improve ment iWpon the hooks' now in our schools, and SWINT4tWS SPELLERS or , word books are much bottrr than any now In use. • • MIA:. S. J. LEWIS, County Superintendent, Ttoga Co., Pa.' CM.VM L. Kixo, . My Dear Sir:—t bad the pleasure of presenting SWINTON'S GEOGILXPIIIES and SPELI.IIMS before the Board of Edncatlon of this city, and of-' ter a brief perusal they moved their adoption in the (traded School, vrltlch was unaulmously carried. lake pleasure In saying that I consider the Geogra- 1 pities far superior to auy that I - hare used or seen, and that the Speller Is the finest thing out. ' i Vers respectfully yours,. • • - 17. E. WATKINS, • J. Teacher of Graded School, • Brad'ord, McKean Co., Pa.' • CANTON, Pa., June 4, In& To lebonl U Taffy oneo;roz:— This I■ to sty that 1 have carefully- examined SWINTON'S SCHOOL GEOGRAPIIIES, and, In many respect•, find thou! far superior to any Ge -egraplitua with which I am . acquainted. Very truly yowl,. • • H. E. RAESLY, • . Principal Canton Graded School. " .1. Tr. PARSONS, Teacher Grammar Department: After all exteinled'examinatton. I ant free to aby that I think SWINTON'S GEOORAPIIIES better than any othernwithln my knowledge. For beauty 4.ml:in and deerubility of binding, and fora combination of helps both for scholar and tricker, I do not see how they can be an rpassed. REV. 1.. it - EYNOLDS, • DELAWARE LITERARY INSTITUTZ, t• FRANKLIN. N. Y., 1878. About a year tyro we adopted as the tent-books% this Institute, ROBINSON'S SHORTER. COURSF. MATHEMATICS, THE NEW GRADED READ ERS, SWINTON'S SPELLERS, and having test ed them In the school-room, can now say they glee general satisfaction. We know of none so well adapted to meet the wants of teachers and pupils in those branches of study, and can cheerfully re- Commend them to Boards of Education and others desiring tho best books. • liAntoSutairt. Pa., May IC. 187 R. In myopi mo r n, SW I N'TO N"S F.Ol lit A PII lES `are Just the books for our Schools. it is refreshing to,be conducted by a new route through the various' larks and peoples of the earth, and haTo so many things we ought to know pointed out to us anti de. Scribed \ in such a pleasant way, Both old and young can but be entertained anti instructed. The belles is taite commended for its method, Its Illus trations and : sumps, and statistical tables. • C. CORN FAITH, State Inspector and Examiner Soldiers Orphans' ' School. - - WIIOI.IIISATX. RF.TAIL. . 6.'.306 78-. . 6 00667 56 1 50641 90 • 12.5 w • rlioo4 , . 1 10a 1 2 . 0 1 ztveti 30 • 4rOt 4.501 os W oo . Ila lilt Lt. , Id 32e • 2 IS VW 15 • 10 1 . 10 11 12 so eail so Gs 011403 ....1..... 4040 :0030 1000125 ' 05006 21026' liaise:lW: :1 _' ..j'-'A . '-' i,_goglilio.. : 7DlßEcTom, , :, - !, 1 DY EEO 1 BM ii7iVI.NTON I B SPELLERS, ern PUBLISHED. i ABOUT .T IEX. • • o.c. outsworaf Baaproa:D. Pa., Jana 8, 1878 Wir.Lt.:mono; Juno 1 IBIS Er.•;County Superintendent, /kr 112MilMMI SOLDitn's OnPtteNS' Sk.llOOL, . / liAltronit, Pa., 1878. . . After a thnrough .examination of fiNINTO ''S OISOGICATIIIITS,^I ate satisfied of their superior merit. I like It so well I think of introducing it Ittour school next term. IT. S. SW EICT, 1 rtiiclpaA.mtd.upt. Soldiers Orphans' School -WE rriat.u: Pa., June 4, Ms. • SWINTOF'S • GEO(4RAPIIIESate better than tiny We now have In our houls, In my opinion. I have asked many teacheriand they Invariably pre fer them to any of the °therein use. M 1604. .r. Supptintendeo7oga Co., Pa . . • . -. . litstisrow. Pa.. Moly 21. ISM. 1 have eiattilneti SWINTON'S GIA%ItAPIII- CAL SEKIIES and ant touch pleased frith the. bwk.s. They mewl fail to give satlsfaell a.-to the live teacher: • C. COPELAND\ , . Principal Wyoming Scininary, SWINTON% GEOGRAPHIES stand the test most *Mullah'''. We have usa - thetu.snttlelently to know whereof we spook. Just the series for our Commi' Schools. P. A. ALLTS and Faculty, Mansfield 8. N. S., Pa. Ls ROT. Pa., Jane 1,111711. ' I. do berebyeettlfy that the following books were adopted by the Le Boy School Board on the above named date t SWINTON* GEOGRAPHIES. SPELLERS. and HISTORY OF U. S., ROBIN SON'S SHOUTER COURSF. OF ARITHMETIC, and the NEW GRADED HEADERS. J. N. HOLCOMB. Secretary School Board. TOWANDA. PA.. June, MS. ,11. - c,,nsbler SWINTON'S COSIrLETE COURSE IN tizotilurllir, lit all Its features, the very best r Imo* for school-room use. The "Special. State Geography" is a peculiar and most desirable Indeed 1 think it a "complete mune." and It must be a delight to every "live" teacher and scholar: . Mus. M. J. SWART. Teacher in Towanda Collegiate Institute • Trxicruonfock, Pa., &tiro 1, MM. take greetpleasure Instating that SWINTON'S SERIES OP OIitNiRACIIIES, onuplete In two volumes, la the best with whirl 1 am sequaleted, •rbe maps are es:set, clearly priutod and beaull• folly colored. Ou the whole, Ilan work Is unser pli.ussi;ind eau cheerfully recommend Its use lit the- schoul•troum. I have lawn acquainted with ROBINSON'S 'ARITHMETIC'S for some time, - aid 1 do not hesitate In pronouncing them superior 1 any I ever saw._ The .sportirr Coarse, In two Meet, Is unequaled as regards Itatontimts. deep'. ttlum prebinuv.teblese itei. by any with Which i . • CHAS.:S4 ' . Caing:Superii*Aentifyorniutf Co -116.•-•:-. ilacatio* - Bedford - Co.a`sk. June 14, 1178. Resift carefully examined SWINTON'S SYS. Mil OF G y EOGUAPHT.iIk& keenllT recommend It ei decidedl the most m work, and the best Piculeted Co suit th e masses. We Ultimo felt the want of s better and more templets work in AMs line, and by a. careful examination' you win and this to answer thewant: L • • V. -T. OARBISON. EWE -I% ' =II CansoN Res, Bradford Co.; Jane 13, IBM Having caroffilly examined the following NW's, thereby recommend them as my preference for .0 In oar- - schools : SWIM TON'S_ SPELLERS, SWINTON'S SCHOOL GEOGRAPUIRS, ROL lICSONM SHORTER. COURSE CM ARITHME TIC, and the GRADED READERS. - E. A. THOMPSON. • iI 1 , ME -Z. 1 aciiLINGTos, lIORO.. pa., June T. 1878. I heartily tailor:le SWINTON'S GEOGRA PIIIIZS. 1 e,r ~1 ALBA Ilono, Bradford Co.; Pa., Jane 1Z 1678. •)f all the' Ueographles I have -used - or seen, I thtnt I would recommend SWINTON'S as the hest. 1411.TIIPOnT. June 3, 1878. ..l have examine(' SWINTON'S GEOGitAPIIIES and HISTORIES with great pleasure, and fled In them fmtures of excellence 'that I know of In no other works: the History is very clearly and plea.- witty presented, and In the Geographies the topf. cal arrangement for study of Mates add Counties I 'consider a most admirable thing. J. W. CURTIS,- , Couney'Superintendent, Mclictui Co., Pa. =RE The work before us IS composed - in a spirit. of "rational eclecticism," and embodies what Is best kth* modern methods of geographical teaching. The execution of the work, in its tom, iiints llent. It le id n it.lll . n on stra e o tl f o t ta, m m o rr t , t pc., ti ts . e an sr original. and will prove, no doubt, one of the moat awful books on the subject that have ever been published.. EDIV MID BROOKS, Lb. D., ' MEE =II rime. cheerfully recommend SWINTON'S G FOG ItArlll KS, bettering them to be of euperlor Merl to to any other system tti use ; slimpler, better adapted Sur too and more easily taught; and cheap er withal. - C. M. F FAIRY, - Principal Graded School. 111 ■ NEW GRADED READERS pLeetisnenG State Normal School JKvizrwzr MaigartaLD: "µ •• MILLERSVILLE " SIIIPPE%SEI*RG " WEST CHESTER " JRICES FOIL INTRODUCTION Introductory. Exchange. New Graded Reader No. 1 '..15 .11 - Reader No:2 s .24, .18 Reader No. 3 .33• .2.5 , Reader No. 4 .42 ;31 • 'loader No; 5 Swtnton's Complete Geography... 1.08 • Striation's Elementary GOOgriphi .87. .50 SWlnton'syrimary U. 9. llistery. .48 Swlnton's Condensed I.l.B.lllstory. .73 .55 Ontllnos of ilistory.... '1.20 .88 SwlnOtt's Wald Printer .13 .00 Swinton's *ord Book or Speller.. .15 . .11 ,Swinton's Word'inalysis . 24 .16 N. B.—These books ,or any of our publications eau 116 bad on application to the undeisigned, or any of our Agents, or through Local Dealers, it our BrECIAITINTWODUCTOILY RAITS, and tunple trine. given to make. Introduction and Settlement. ' PnbOihers, IYESON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & COL US - Q,UEI..IAN COLLEGIATE IN -Bryn-Tr- Fall Terin commences MONDAY, AUGUST -V3, 1.678. Expenses'tor triltlon and for abed. room from 4180 to .188 per year. For catalogue or further particulars address UM - Principal, • •• : EDWIN E. QUI.NI.A. A. M. Towar.da, July 17. ISM. . . Tyl KANSAS!KANSAS-1 . . Buy a lioine iu the Arkansas Valley, through which rune theAtchlsen, Topeka, & Santa Yo R. It. 2,500,000 ange:s of land for sale on 11 years credit, trith Interest t' per cent. , • Tien ' , set:T.444ns b ratasas Eueh RECURSION TICKETS AT RED ECF:I) RATES. For Information as toTlrkets, Routes and Lands, 4j ply to ' : • . JOHN MIX, • Att. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe It. It., •Jaly.da:lB7B. TinvautLa, • • NEW LIVERY. • • , • , BOARDING AND EXCHANGE • - . STABLES. • - The undersigned haying rented the old Mena .11onse Barn, and provhied himself-with NEW BUGGIES - AND WAGONS, JO: D - GOOD HORSES, .1s now prepared-to accommodate the Witte at . REASONABLE PRICES,. • . - ea -f ew Buggies for sale cheap.. . B. W.. LANE, • Tealinde,.fa., d uly. 15, 1870. " 7,yt . • FIICENIX OF lIARTFORDi,i GERMAN-AMERICAN, OF N. Y., Flit& ASSOCIATION, OF PrilLA., UNION MUTUAL, (LIFE), RAILWAY PASSENGERS, (ACCIDENT), TRAVELERS- LIFE AND ACCIDENT, The books; records and "good will" of the late firm of Noble & Vincent having been transferred to me, I ate prepared to transact a general .insur ance and real estate business, on reasonable terms. afeSoveral houses for rent. • I • , WM. S. VINCE NT. - • SVI • Main St., ToWanda, Pa. ADMP.IISTRATOE'S NOTICE. —Notice is hereby given, that all persods In debted to the estate of Anna Manson. late of San Francisco, Cal.. decd. must make immediate pay.' ment,•and all pir.suots having claims against such_ Witte- •antret present them duly authenticated for, se,ttlement• 11. 11. NILUOIIN, June MS; 18711.6w*. • ' Admlntstrater. . ToTry„cy...- The - ceparterneship here} existing between the.underslgned. under. the,.*Arut . names of Noble & Vincent and• A. J:.Nolfle & C 0... baring been dissolves' by mut nal agreenjoht, this is to notify all :persons inde•d °die, Urrhattipg claims against said firm that the 1/.knits, palkisind accounts belong to W:n S. V In cept, 14 whyln all payments should be made and by whom all - wiper demands against said firth will'he paid..:• ,l ..t. J. NOBLE. s T-evrauda, June IS, 11473. 'Wx. S. VINCENT. __ • FiXEOUTORS I NOTICE.--Notiee herekt-given that all persons indebted to t e estate-of Amos Turk. late of 'Wyse; 'dseease.dsust make Immediate payment, and all persons beving claims against said estate must present theiustinly authenticated for settlement. •7 7 • .• . SIMEON A. YORK, • ••• - • " \ J. M. WATTLES, Wpoz, duu4eAri Exocutora: VERTOR4 SANDERSON, O ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. OvlorrON., IT can tualorrioutty faster at *ark 'for us thatuat U : 2 2Artintig'qisql Capital not required; .we steurcyott. iier day at home +smile by the Indus , boys and girls *anted every whero.to aTerik.frr us. Noir Is the time. Costly OuMiati-tt!rtni key, Address Tnua & Co" Au. 'F,r5tPO/it'o"4t4 maySChly. • 18tfir). 7" - /i 1876. IrWAVY;IO6ISUEA.NCE AGENCY. 4.:\srz •ei 12W „44.4 1 E•0 nximmite the Vont _ E..- :-DiPAYN'E M. D., .'- • . I me s s, • ... . r !OUR ARO SUROSON. . 01111 ii ' oataiirs' Stowe. OW* !warp tram HO to Et . A: tt„ trout uciti 1 to 4. r. x. epenha attention ,stronw: .. • ot.te owl 140.79043,144;." , . S.I. STILES.: .1r31XA,.. L. !sum l'rinelpal State Normal School, " Mille Pa., le Normal Monthly, September, Ins NINF 3itt.roim. Pi., Oct. 13; in? ARE USEI) IN ME C. L. KING; Ella rr: N. T., Special Agent . for 138 & 140 Grand St, NEW ..°OlllC' New Advertisements. .lIRITISII AMERICA, CONNECTICUT, -LANcAsnIRE, I=l Tuwautla; Pa Joiis F. sANDI:RstiN V 1 N CEN T, VANAGEII. nabs klltaLlsemats. JAS.&R.H.WALKBR, MC Eq. Weer Ur€ 44 ELMIRA; N. T., PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, STEAM Jr, GAS FITTERS , Residences Ind Public Bandits& fitted with not and Cold Water. Steam Heating Direct. Cr Did*. reet Radiation. , A 101 l supply of. Gas Fixtures, OW Malmo, ire. Patent Aomori; Globe. Ankle and Cheek Valves Water and Steam Ganges, iron and Lead Vile, and a full supply of Steam Flttlnp. • Estimates Promptly Gieerpb. Elmira; N. Y., Ifay la; 1878. - RO L - • SENBAL73I & SONS, Datiers In MIY (WORN, MILLINERY, BRIM, Arc.. Re.; $Ol Emit Water Strict, EMIEKA, N. Y. The Cheapest and Bost PlaM the City. to ,Buy! .IV y OVR GOODS Aro bought for Cash, and prices aro R`4 to be as low as the loweste EVERY DEPAIIT3ILST ' • IS REPTIISEIVLIEJ) NOVELTIES We eta4m to do ?hi) MOST EXTENSIVE MILLINERY BIRIIXESS • IN ELMIRA, , Atilt parties desiring anything in that line will find it to their interest to call and see US. As we condtict no fancy establlshineut,onr vices arc always plain and moderato. . The trade supplied et the lowest wholeasie psi• cos. Special Inducements to Cash comknoen. I Donn forgot tbephicie., 901 ZABT WATER-FYI', Rathbun - Blow Intaik. Elmira, N. Y., Way 22, 1878. $ g• v. - a.2' a) •-• • I El E 1 A. STONISHING DISCILOSUItES AT TUE T;RST PREMIUM HARNESS STORE I C. U. WHEADON It SON. novo In stock the largest:Kul most complete wort. 1217113 FARM. 41CD FINE HARNESS That cau 1,).e funiul• fu any store•bctween Albany . and Elmira. :Moro SPORTthG AND TURF GOOtS! - A largo.vgaletr . TRUNKS AND SATOTIELS 1 A mom complet. stock of TEAM AND TRACK WHIPS! . A larger sift! better asaortment . of LADIES' AND. GENTS' RIDING SADDLES, &c., &c. In conclusion, we' say that we have everything Ili:Wean Ist named connected with a business •of this kind, that we are anxious tosell. Wakeupan4 PULL DOWN• YOUR TEST And come ntiand see us, and we will demonstrate . what we say. - At , 206 E. WATER STREET, ELMIRA,- N. E. - *S. Sign of the Gold Collar.litr CHAS. WHEADON & SON uog FINE MILLLNEAt, FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS. AND LADIES' GARMENTS OF EYERY. = At Low Priors, • KAPELYEA h HILL, • 32.7 EAST. WATER STREET, -EtillitA, sFr Leadjalltompetitors. ! CALL- AND - SEE , • AT zttc • . DELEVAN 11017:5E, ELM RA, N. Y. Opposite the Depot. . C. T. SMITH; - hornittioa. ' Formorly of the Ward House, Towanda, ra;44`7S, rGERITYit MORREL, • • (Established LW.) - . . WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. DRUOGISTB-SUNDIIIES, I'M ENT MEDICINES &c., &e 12K, LAKE KTILEIrf, EL . MIRA,-14. Y Vet,. 2S, 13 pII.7DITOR'S NOTICE.—In the estate of John Reeler. deed. In the Or. Court for tbe of Bradford. The undersigned, auCounty Auditor appointed by the said Court to distribute the funds - twee hands 01 the Administrator, will attend to the duties of his appolnunent on TUESDAY, JULY nth, A.D. is at t o'clock p. m. of said day, at the ollkirof Davies at Carnochan in 'Towanda Borough, When and where all Persona are required to make their claims before me as such Auditor, or be debarred from coming in upon said fnnd. . • • . - W. 11. CARNOCIIktt, Auellter.• ' Towanda, Juno-27, - Ap m INISTRATORB' ,NOTICE. —Notice Is hereby given that all'persons itt ; deided to tile estatcof Debir [tideway, late of W 3 ,4 sox twp., deceased, are requested to snake imine-'1 Mate . payment, and all persons having claims against said estato-must present them duly authels-j Heated for settlement. • Wysox.; June O ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. — . Notice is hereby stink that an persons In debted to the estate of Almtra Bateman. late or Warren township, - dee'd, are requested to make; immediate payment, and all persons haying claims against said estate must pvesent them dialy Althea tie:ited tut settleteent. • J. }. coorkat, . s Warren Centre, June O. - • Administrator. --- VXECUTOR'S NOTICE.--Notice. _IL/ Is bereby given that all penalise Indebted to the estate of Frederick Gregory, Isle of rummy..., . deed. are niquested to make Immediate payment. . Amite persouskanng.. - maima agwra ago Lestate 'Pirtimetenttheadaii xatbeetkiftd roirripettw,,., 141P18Tuukt-441100e,..:-.--.: I 0 Pi ti> 81 L A ei ~.1 x is ..-__ hi v. eicw ..Irn , T. cs .o e, . , o o, ol v til r, r. = 6 IC) 8 5 t: i• ": , ,1 3 ~ IM is A. 11. RIDGWAY. IL I. RIDDWAY. Admhilstratom
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers