11 padforl E4,tepotier, MN Towanda, Pa., Thanday, July 11; 1378. A. CIIAMIII4II,IN..' ' Dealer tn PINE JEWELRY • recnts,. 6ILYI:Ii .S PLATED WARE, TOWANDA, T"A,. -• • Towanda,4 an. is, 1577. -,•• LOCAL :AND GENERAL. nr..N apples are "(1441ing . up-" the juvenile population. • - - Tut: Northeastern 6tivecation iti it tet-sion at Athens. It wirk.elose this.eve BUM until further notice, -Sun dip. evening service at the' 31. E. Church dl commence :it 6 u'cloch. • 4111: ladies of the N. E: Church, Non roeton Pa., wish to return thanks to all those who so kindly assisted in the sue ) • cessful entertainment given by them Juno 1 2t4h. By order of Committee. HON. J.S. 11. IV mut tas en Monday last appointed assignee of the estate •of g.ecit:Nt: UNDERHILL and others. Mr. UNHERHILE's embarrassment is caused by the failure of a Newtork partner. I= QUITE R 11111111 ,4 :1 of " stylish-rigs." have recently math) .their appearance on our streets. The neatest and mostnoticcablo is HARRY STWEETtsn's,, manufactured aL Ilit h ruiu & Si•Exet:a's shop. The box is lingliSh Clot, cart .style, antl rests -on Brewster gear. • -411 1 -0--. Ta.}:n4:, was soind. noticeakily pleasant singingt tho Lake Street i htkesbytorian intorch ye:gertlay, Miss M PATTEII - of . ")%raverly, sang sopnoio yea - of lunch rWeet.m.ss .e(r. reetness, al most carrying the listeners t , y st 4 Etniira Trt.az Le a fvstival fu . the brreti , Of the Morryall Sabbath Sar;ol, ill E. K KELLI7ICS Orchard, tot Tue:i.y afternoo: nnil evening, July 176. A good Frq• per trill be sc rye,' for tv.renty tivc ce:it each, and a good thole; may b cxpectud Ce;me :in. N. Of thh, has re signed the coal agenvy orthe New York Central liailvoaril. a poiition he .as mimed conic time ago, leaving a :it t:irr po:ition on t'tt Elie. The I:tt ten has alz.aiii.scrinA t" Elmira fr.im . I sier, at Lim iirio depot.— '; I !,.3 • • 4;1:1( I: .4 L.O Wr. , -Tv. - 4:1t1) fe: al:t1 1:11is, 11, nroi l:lcat \Vest ei : n It takin• ithit• 3.4)11 NS ill :LVOill 1 , 11):111-gallge I'OIIOIICF, tiekvts elivaper 0,1311 i :13;:f other ?hie. ()Ille.e at the 'Wm..; Tevkan- MEM T. X. & W. 11.11 E )lanag( Olt fe 1;l:;t11 . 6rd Co ant mc•t ;tll.l sc, lc . aca the juilne: , • f o t..the fi c i t i„, ip - Sepioniter. \V 'is begin UK! builaing :Ls nE a izz a6oii':llo43ny ;rangcs • - t:f eutLay hat 1 1 t,l vonli.ett.! fol* the .'tiH forward at the SUMO time, -Thy Exuvutiv , ! .Colunlittee rwjli ilieut nit the Fair trrow3;l.: .114 I (it,il at 2 tielook P. 1C 1 lits the lo:LIC: - Lgerr: will 1. , .! ii hI .‘,..ugu , :t :;t!, 1 o'e)o. - _ , L . , ;:t the ';',..ett 1,,.• " 1'!vI :n to;C:4 (.11tI Foul alai Par. i . ,_ ; .i..1 ) 11,1 ,111;.1- 61 , 104.0/. Tlit: , , gr(11111.1, 11,1iikS RE peri:itt-ndcnt .: sotrw orth, - ••• .1.: -th.lt ,they :.1a..1410. in a thr.mg . .l: the wat,t i lifttl rare / `i:...1 31' they were luiripily I`,ll-. seeitig the train , f,.,10 thi,: 14, A.)i %k4' lirt• - part 1+•;:c )i lwf. , 11 ,7 act,-, uC f• wilt! efrr, tlto 1;,:1 clay ro:lii.."7ll.6liiA e !110:.P. :If Le ..,. 1 . 0:, 1, ,.e.. „. c , ,,, ,i:re ,,_ , --MrsiN. C. Miumxn and Mrs. Mgctr ! 4 man 0, - .(: - .t'wei a v.te:_itet, fot . ;hi, ihz.iriet 1 l'uvr- km ra i-kipida -. Monday for a.l l at \Vest l'ithtt. Af.,,,„ : „ a t„...,..,, 0 . „. t i,,,, , i tilt. to Germany. 'They will visit the ! t'ai'ls Exposition. Mn. M. expects to re- r UtTil. O. keld. a to nominate the erphan .t .,„i,. „ f . his „ la ~,,,,,,,i , : „ ; , „, i ., 't:':::, j „„,,,„, i turn: early in September, and will be ac- I:. i,vit::: , , „r Vt.titroso. The :ioune; nein made hasty preparation 1 "r th: - ri..; 1,1 ex, I HIRAM, - who have been attending schoo l : „i i i lytt i , , e, L it t . t„ hi,. g, cat „” t i l i nt i„ il I in Stuttgart for the past tico years. . , • failed in - ,ezielting the I ctittirol standard. I —Rev. Doctor - SCOTT and wife, are phiitte.:4ll the intittenee 4, cm,: (3,, ~,,,N, ;,,, i spending a feW days in town. They waz :1 riod, , d :-,. s„c „ no. vpi, „ 11 ;„.„ : . : „ 116. i 1 v ere summoned here to attend the funer tile ordeal, mid at tliclexatuiva•jun last i PA "f Mrs. BARTLETT' . '111•11Ill ytrattg livii:,:t had the 1,,-„,, , , sari:,- I --Mrs. SpEt.noN, Ilecompanied by her 1 daughter 'vs', mid Master IZALru, is iisit faction of Leing accepted as a cadet. Ile • and Its friends will not. Soon, I , .v,:et. the l ' l g a t I t T. JuNE . :S- Shiel'lc ft - rettiblitit dist.lasil by tliil (*oh,- t " .41111 g 4 - 1 Mr.nit'n and Senator DAVIES • ii, ; . ,1 , . I :Mended the Wyoming Centennial. nel, v, lit>, had lie. -felt so di...4,, - si d hive Inailv p"litical cap'.2 al, .I,) .4i, rr0,, , , 1 —llcv..l. S. liEmts has returned from the ~ , o ,ition to sonti; - 01 ; 0 ch:c 4 , A yr t h e I d, trip to the East. , iir:i futteat. I —Rev. EnwAnn Pu tz tu, of the "'New il -, ukrib:xreer, is speriditi: , , ramie time in this place as tla• guest of N. N. linTl's„ ( , vl. j, •I ha•. calicti to a nets ;I . : tit 11V, h'ert , , , ll t,r1;1,S111 VlVCS,l2ot ci,nr:i 11,1 an I.li.titstanding the stringent . times, and if :1•:0! to 'll , j : L ay 'be 311.)wcti t•, rc my opinion, never , • I,ll t (‘":' I.efore lat.; tinarei.tl interest. been controll ---'• •" 1 " •'•;`.'•'l t ,,i mb well, amt p,,mld business prinei-. flu, v•° - adopted' Icy busineq:4 men of the vari T ; lua ,, ,v of `v!!‘ , ii, S"d : "! . " 4 voC.It iOllB, 1 -,, r all went to be aware of " f : Y ll]e fact that we have ino,.:ytit. entirely of :t r (a• t aterged from a period of financial embar- Lissment. consequently all feel the im- t,, ; glance of good Iv:incs , z I,rin:7.:ples and :,1:;1.1 , . 11!,,s1 (11.:•• MEM 1 1::..0 ti:,, • '' I ' l l 1 - ,1.11,tr.r.'s July It by the I.atheran and ai.ients. spletid,tl . ! , :; , thodist At.: . bnlit 10 opi•ortanity is offeredto soltiti rtilial,le In- o'clock A. the schools conx - tr_oed 3t the catr:asset t.f this county to e the an d a ft er singing by the choir, "L ' l; ' 7l. tintl prayer, Itev.,ilictra ell lIEDF.NP.I) de r. 1-1-1111 .1.11 livered-a very able addresf, after which ins; rumental.mutic was furilibliell by the t ).*VI ton Band, who prentise soon to be, . IN their product ions on that occasion, a t. dy of well trained' musicians. Very 1 , 1)Ott afice the band unit playing the corn t` * :nand ‘tras give', "Fall' in line !" then It-Itottly after, "Forward march :" Every . t - L thing iva then on the move and soon We SU tl learn 1 " :. 11.41. " stood by a long table, and taking a glance .1. e:••iA .1;,.•1:t at . - I ,t. ) and up aneNVll the table I soon 'pe rc eived tit L, 1. • S. co . eNulate ttetti-1.-1 QS lice that the ; ladies bad not forgotten their ;taros I ' rA ' fleri ` '.lt at 7 ' l ' ll ' l ' l, 1 " -. ! part of the work. for thole before me I the of s:cs , N that a et:lring - appetite coind long Agel:t at ( ,:::.1,;,;;_ tor in the way of food. I firmly believe, e'W--"I daft:. if actiott arc a - true gulati, that all enjoy. siimed icy M. :li:salts, eel th a t b o untiful repast-. s.: : ' it. H.. ' .1..1. 11.NN% Vs had a tittl. in the. new 1 ;t h .., 1,.• . • the ft • nil eve , ini - r which ~,• hall In, a , 11 .1 • . •I t' Ott ate- ,g.tve all whodesired an typportunity totrip l':• 111- - ind the the light fantat•tie toe, and I jed•le by the • '!"' '‘ J "'' " 11 -Idiom; of sonic that the:, tilt, t the toe I , N - 1:01 • " W I 4 11.. i of . 4.lreat . Bribtin anti Ire-.-' or tho too often. . : and Ler i ttt.s• - • July 6, 1876. • ECM '•• !•• z ::..k tt,, the 'll. fr.();., ;!•, RIM t c:r•~ ~~~ (} w•t:,l..•t,t I; 01. YL•c, ME - MAIM= it Soli ire fitting up a now law office soutliside of Dlercur Block. . . • MClvrrur.4; SPENCER hatio placed tbis ()Emit Under obligations, for their Courtesy in repairing our loader. Oca neighbor E.A:P4risoNs liaa again been called to mourn a death in his fami ly. One year ago 116' . estimable wife was "calledhome," and noVi, the second and only unmarried daughter, MARY, has been summoned to that bourne \ fromwhence no traveler ever returns. - 'deceased was a favorite with her father who .feCls most deeply her loss NHS. JIMBY SULLIVAN, residing near the upper depot, attempted to kindle s. iiro by theuie of kerosene on Friday after:- noon last, and was so . badly bunted that she died the following evening. She bumps: ed that therewas no tire in the stove, but it . appears she was mistaken. The canvas blown Into;tt shapeless mass, and Mrs. S's elothei sot on tire. Two tramps who were in the vicinity of ,the house; flow: to her assistance and extinguished the flames,. lint not 'until the debeased had been fatal ly injured. TilE onerous services of J. M. ILknortiottro appireciated. For more than a year past 'mil:to been laboring as a mis sionary in the neglected pertions of Sulli ~r:pn and Columbia counties, often travel ing long distances on foot, in order to reach his appointments. Ile has recently been greatly. aided and 'encouraged in his good Work, by the presentation of a horse and wagon—the former from' the Convocation of Williamsport, and the !at ter than Mr, AIeFAnLANK, of the large taming company, mar Laporte. Litt Puu.rars was killed by lightning yesterday afternoon, while at work- in a cornfield on the farm of his brother Isna- Ptirbmi.s, in Smithfield. Ho was at work alone and was not missed until sup per time, more than two hours after the accident happened. When found he was prostrate upon his face, and the horso which he had used in cultivating the corn stout! near by, the lines still fastencit around the dead man's waist without be. ing tangled, and the horse showing I no Qif,rlls of uneasiness :Is ,he stood-near the body. The lightning had first ; struck a locust tree a few rods distant, nid is sup. ,posed to have glanced at the niau's head rending a lrfie: in the straw hat which ho wore, and blacking the side of ids head withut otherwise disfiguring his person. The 'horse had evidently lxiOn thrown down by the shock, but has Slunyn no sign~ of injury. -- Smilifield,.Tuly 5, IKS. C .I{ErorrrElt Itad the pleagure of visiting a Jiniet little toWII, , 01'1 the 't\ - yalusillg, Creek •aboct Ilve pin the village of Wya I.:ging. called (';:wo,:t.,wc, and was really • Irpri-• - :d-at the I.)._;pitiftil scenery around ple,e, and to note the improvement, business transacted there. We step -1,-.linto C. S. 3.. , :yrnicrv's store and was :iprined to sec every place )tiled to over !:owing with g0 , ),1s of the latest variety, end everything usually found in a country ore, and by 111.1 way, ho is 'building a very large and commodious new' store r-on), eighty feet long by thirty-six feet wide, witlya very nice town hail above, N.hieli will be a great, improvement to the }.lace. There is oiie Union Chnych where l'ere is service held twice every Sunday, ...not a large Sabbath School every Sabbath -..ut three o'clock, a VCIy nice parsonage: I.lYge academy where tin re is rehool .the year around. Mr. Er6ENE THOMPgO: is teaqhing the young ideas how to shoot the pternt summer, and gives good satisfac tion. There bs one strictly temperance hotel, •nc=-fiu More, one drug store; kept . by Dr. which will,Speak for it :,•11, one tin two harness shops, twei I , lacli sin itl) shols , two slim, shops,. one ;;; - essnutkev. and lawt but not least is Mrs, =ME= S. M. :oct ;:v4- of T. A. (......;N:VSt inillinery store, which is patronized. Slic 1 r a new millirwr c,):11 the city, one apprentice ana herself, y;lio ale kept busy time,: and is re- Cciv ing 11CW daily. Sta., has cits v4iliers (loin \V alusing, Terrytown, Skin nt.r's Eddy, tl‘tevensville, and ail the sur iounding town:, StimET:mit. June, ES r, „ lEEE I;entic: UNI.Norn.v.N, Senat4,r -•vi-1.1; A. n. NEwm L AN, and 11. Meli, .h!►lg OCT ., y coammiz,.. =EI ME 1,!:. 04: ;qv, :•, 11 , ft. A, • I=l 1'; - t)v “Ttis :old wife, r. T. :,.,;(1 wife, and IRA ii. !I CM 1 . 111: • Ey and \silo spent last -sabbidi 142 lit the Fouttli in the wilds of Sullivan I 0 be. al,le to meet ; i:i• - V.Irit3LIS nee, .-tho:y r.cqr.ixerdentA A itio-Eii* was livid in th( =MIN == def irs. ' law ovi of the high esteem An which the late ram= was held in Elmira, lie addF .th e following :from. the discourse of Dr. iltfmi, of the First Pres byterian Church, mil* Sunday morning. In alluding .to • her tictth ho said "al though Mrs. FOISISIE i r not a mendier of his own communion yet she .was a sis ter beloved. She was Om) ,Of the dOar Saints of doe upon whom' an Apostle would have invoked a bon diction like that of PETER. over the botlyi.Pl known throughout Joppa . for: 11 work; and.alms deeds," .and wore it permitted bow many tem IMRE crs would:. be offered by you might be restored, as was Dune life of pietind charity shO L. ingly illustrated:. Nothing had bettor beA come her life than the :mantior of her do. Pmture out of it. Slip hadlaceti often warned, she said, that her time might be near, and that it became horito be ready. ".I am ready, if it, is' my Lord'il will; my work is done." Was not this' a fitting conelusion to her active, unsparing ser vice in her own bereaved Chnrch, and her cordial 00-operation with like-minded wo men of other Churches, in every humane enterprise? . Blessed disciple of our com mon Lord l'may her example bo an inspi ration to us all, that we may be able, like her, to say at the last, " I - Mn ready, if it is my Lord'e.will." ~• , There were many tearful eyes in the . congregation, testifying that the Pastor had not erred in expressing the greatness of the loss that had befallett the comma- ?say, and their sympathy with the Church and family circle upon Whthu this blow has descended with speCiai\toverity. WARREN Cm:Tim—Scarce—SU:miler ries and thunder showers ; ,Plefity—rain, mnd,.and potato bugs. The blacl borry . bashes promise a good crop. The Free will Baptists of this place held . theirs,year ly meeting, commencing .1110 . 20;4,, and continuing three days. Several ministers were presMit, including Rev of Troy ; Revs. Mr. Pnt;Scori' N and others. The attendance was goal, al" though the weather was quite unfavora ble. A black snake six feet lung is_ said to been killed near Potx CRAFFILL'S iu this place, last week. Summer vacation brings us the ever Welcome presence of Miss Lta.q FIUME from Elmira Female College. Miss 1.1:1NNAII PITCH nu, who Ims bean an invalid for years, h:ts, tinder the shill cal treatment of Dr. F. GI Monnow, re gained her former:deg - tee of health. The Itaptikt Church in this place, (not to be behind the time 4), 18 Undergoing pairs, the minister occupying the Freewill •flaptist- pulpit once in two weeks until said repairs :u•ce completed. Mrs. CooM:a. a must estimable old la dy, and fornicr rcsidcnt of place, is hcrc *ending, the*summer :With her two sons. The people of ail denominations in this viciniti ale enthusiastic in ipmise of the now Methodist ' minister, Rev. M, E. RA aim seems to be peace and unity ; may.succes.s and the conver sion hf many souls attend .hia well direct ed e ffort s. MVUTLE. .1e 2 1878 r\p, it w,Dpi .( a WI- It Ivy, —TI . ,eol l ia y 1 i .1, Lout .1 It, is on the proverbial hospit tat) of the 1 e aplC of our eth .• of (lie t lit 11 and a ,;veil I, 1 \•l111011( fair valley tats IA up, Ind irs tla a. o. i, 'leads direct to It T 1 .se is excellent. wa ter ~ Illllii a • I S`: 141( 1i 4•1; 1 11 In lo l l L' , ll, and good bOh foil) thationstrat el them over before mit' c ' 4 I et ening of Jlll/0 ."'hlt at the i es, 1c isce of ll ‘ I l 'ii i i,iii ste l 1 ° .... will bo "ri cents T R ( 00. is tt . 1 TI eme tsion being Pol II I. or rOh . '--) 2 i per week. This. the Is (rob , lig of over one hui.ii cd nit it mustlL CI '` 1 l ` itil ' it di° I. Q sr ed guests to (elan tts the second ans Iv( 1 A c c 11 1 1 .1 " flu u ( „ u l li s i , l i A . t t 1 l it ' : l l N tlia l l ' l N 111 i' v Is' li sal) of the marriage of out. ;Jan il field The Inc 11 • . 1 -, se , will betransferable, al .I MI C( OT LAI Cu and Isis cs tunabh lady sot to redin t on w1:1 be made to 'lto ctal o mat not. 1 e aide to re] tam the/ win le The cloth. of the weather scented to hat c w colt V. bile the out. is oea eledin,,lyi an iiitctest, and furnished one of Juni• mei e odatc et iii •d( . t assuit d i that the most lovely evenings. About 6 o'clock p fond wli '1 s 1. 1 1 as is 1 oat a. in( I co in= tr , the guests br,z in to aril% ci and soon try hotel, 11 I tl .1. .1 1 1 be ibun lame 4.11 I c cit ds of lu. - ant t i t 1 li l i , , tea, C ) 1 1( e the spaciouspatimo, pi LIT lb, and beau. cream ,'bit ( i, bit td, butter,et / It I'l 1 1 1 In iii. G ail grounds mete dotted with the inint ii 1 b.. a . ti .1. Ll.• man who 1 - had 111 ( . 11 1 0 friends ( f the host .11(1 hostess,an c . 1 0 no. I. III:}:c 11•1114 v., (.. 1 turd 11'e noticed Iniang them Mr. and 311 s. 11• ( 1 tount- I al' w be ro I( ed Tin 1)2.1 / c::, .nin ::des i. w 1 , N 1101 1 Ltat; rind so I, "iii and Mrs bt l t i I Una-, and the 11,ssis Roiteiti and E.ll Marc-h I TI I • I , 1 2. 'I " Ilc"' 111 I lie" a () Mt Kt t, of Mots indt, Holt' TH. LAN- A spec' .1 1 1 ;viii leave Phil tdeli h.) ',l\4,a id Iskl, Mr, and MlO Jots on atu t 2t, i .2. ::b1) :it 1 0 clock, I 11111 111 , i 11l anti lies. H ll )loittts "` o _ 1)l ' I ' VI \ ti ' k(t ( " 1 It' I ) ` s i ts 1 - 1 Of thls I must b. ito to (ola t I ti. Mi and Mr.'. I L Putt., 111 and 1 11... r , 3 1,,, toti utter this;'slit Ist, and toe Mott.;lN SCOTT, 3lr. and Mll , 11 W. 1, i btl ti (C. lento tickets Alt_ ob. Outl,, , XlllLl/ 4 1. , r and daughter, tsa I•its s . ral(Ar 5 . \ ii Hlll' be l \ 11y I II h. Inc.:- \ ll In) LI, will . 1 molder, 31.1 -.it 1 Mrs.( P 17 t• lie ti Ins(1 lilt, hat to tires( tisoi; them ant! ( , , 1 mu ~ Mks I, C. \ ,I, 1 in h an 1 ,I t i l..tt r a x i I t it _ h it ii i/ l . i vi , n.'s ti :ti . sli..itt daiiglll 4. , tho MI OW ma t INI. r Ti , I' al) m 4 4• 1 4011 •) I.cl lt LI 1. , of tit.'State lIIs 101 31141 sister, "is kt xDiNI \ 110 1t..1114 , 14 il t-.' C 111 CO; with this trait : )1, -. \ Tot, Ti. I II suit Ir . i Pio/ i I L: ol, l t l i tz i i i .1 11 '-‘ 1 , , i...•,1. i t syl .. , 1. tickts 11 r 11 I 11 iiils. a .1 st-te '‘i .-, r l ' 1 ) , hit :tr o t . rill j ' c nil a ( c 1 A 11( I i 11% A( t t t a r fl ' (. Rio II 1, • 11 1 , )0 I and theos( It ...isnot r. -..1 Wu II C. NI i 1 • and }milt',Mr,...l 1 int ii tic IA 1 1 li • n). '1,' 04 ~-5, t r MN Pit t- 1 ki I ''. MI 111 IMI • F. ii : 7 4 :1`,. 1 j i i: t .,: t . t i r i ' ' ‘ l , il i ' t : l o ' l (i i .I ,.: l tlß o f ' ;T o Ow i•,E. C, 0\ 1 Old ,Sister, E. 1L1 ,,,r y .1 111 , 1 I 11; l ' 11% its a 1 It: i l 111): N ls NlltAillle Co :,t: seal M bl' r i i of N 1 t'o's Mr• . 1 1 I,crl to 1 end curt us to the cull') t• 111 llt-. II t . '•• I 1.11 %It WO Ml• f_ Oil Sunday Oa io t them viii be D . B 0v,,1 ~.., Mt and riles. T 1,, irs I 31, ~ tier, seit l (e a t , I I nip nmi i t ai • i t,, the ltlll M. L C t-, ...'S and 4 1 111 ;lit' 44, Miss F E. ,_ l\ l lil l ) ., t i ., .. iiiyild t j t s p . l l l l .lL t i lt t ac t , icir rik eli e Tf. WA 11 ill I '‘`-`, Miss LI T I I I 1 I f 10", V[1 , 41 1111 ) 11 will be by the lit% I F ',nu. , WOOO, t it.‘, 11,-a Srt.l a, ?I•lstei rn ,„,,,_ I (put ( r 10 Ilia in C , f, told one of ti e n)tc RR s, MISS 1I VI 11l '1 1 S' , . . MIS, most able ed Lt. 4111(.14 11 11/b(CI sof 111 swim 1 tts 'arm 1.. t t-i a rrn and M is. Cit tail riii•P., On 1 tics•l tv there will be an exam ion Wild Moo:A,Lis. 11. 7iloio. --, and Miss IiI•1. 11) kilt el 11 ' 1 40 II,;; via. T mc)town, riLd_ mt ( AM. ,of Rome D. 7 K. NI. N LI•I IC I r and II ii i•ct s Ferry's, and returning id ri•l and wife, of 11 5 thising 311 1 t.1 4 . 1 1ti 5 1 1 g n c,.. 1 t 1i t ...7, 1 1) ! e ' ti ' it ' if i ti l l 'll . lg Mi a it t rt t 1. 1 1- 1 1 i i n , a 1 1 and Mug LR. Co) , . ITLI.II melt mother , to the A. 3 of the Po. mine fin ie will and PFTr't MC VI 1 .1“, Est}., of. Minna be about ti to I. iti•s to visit the b :Plc turtle'tiro t . ^1 ,ts 1 ir this will licit. l, :old Mrs A G :TV_ 1,110( 1., of We Ilsboio', IL trail II s II ssl HO 1 , (71 .N111(.11, Iowa; 1 .1 1 . 1 1 0 , i : t i l 1 1 t. C., 7 Ili: , i.lte il l t l . / 1 1 1 /0 + l t e io , A:. t` i T. MIN AN. Coll., of Blooi p,initg, and On 11 ra t it l :..."l. l l - t f the:b:l .. tss un dm, of many others,the En/ tell no tit 1. I be 1 chl !he lid A i you behliil the d Isla ty of present s i Int_ of tot tittt will be si to in visiting thi NlllO , 111 ,of the t Ittli fie ld, snit the thought mould it 01100 recur to 3.1 Til 1 • 1 (awls t -a 1.. .1 tnnsio 11 that Noll NI C.l. 111 the n i Ist it a eomnmviy the c mei kites iliui ll li" alt •} eN I MD, 1 Mt 1 1 7`,4- fa ',to! werel Ct Ilt lit, fol 11010 NAL 1.1 4I I( 111, Is l• .4, mi. • 10; ,l .tied l, t 'if 11:111 such works as Ts- •k. it sON, I 1003 1. c ''' / ' HS 1 1.1111.1.1 I, His(ort of Marl fr .1 tount3, Stu f o , l • t l ih r i : l ft j , ( ll I P '..,' I . '" ‘ I ,7,• i ta 1 1 1 1 ‘' I ti141 n shine s 11,1 ' , lt I,low t 11 , 3 Cent, ional Esl. e t } Ott site an :.rtes / 71 1'1):,;No Il ' v. i . Int on, America Pasty - ire/I, autogi t,li , c 110.1 boonl it 1 it •1 Ii ) ( , fir aut ‘i ii I,a a' albums be outfit! s'. lone r 3, 1 I I the. o 1111 lil , l c , i t , LI, 'II I•ei d 1 , 11 ,1 I( id 4, 1 %rit r 4 variety or cluoi to and t I e -rat ns, but they, t i i (1' t " 1.. 11 ; 111- ' 1 " (111 ' ' humid poem Ind many ()then hand,.) . 13 hatuid I 1 11. ( 1. (I -, Nt il understand `hat to volumesl mch space trill not allow m e to secure thi .i- 1 1 li , . I110.)(1 rates and enu it i ate 'I limo must havebeen peen- I in nice fitl3 ^ la i I (t 1 :1 ni tbsclu cl 3 met ss .. l' 1 • II r 'he . , ' 7 , r 1) backers there, for v e not,-..l that coin •.+, 1 ( 7 . 1, tinl the D. patty:ant Oh cers 1 motht) am inf, the presr nts A tine steel ale a:iwioina 1• ' 1 e ('' r/'': 01 Ilea'u(- 1 m41.11 ii ;ofl ti col 1i 1 mut hnt V.. 14 t et i ll i 1 , ' ' l ' 17 ' t 1 c. is kI, a o iii, I I l iN lb, r o o 1 v 0 ,1, it , i t I 1 I I ,) ) ° 1 •/ i of Mr, o o ml, if , o 10, old 1 11. 1 ' ' ' ' ' ''' ' ' ' ' ' ,)0 r 1 4 'hero it .11 at 11 1 IF.L.\V_s '/ / i. -IC / If P•I'l 2! 11 eS . ntii I I_ Olin 1 1 1 i.'' II II .., I•III Ili i• 1,11 I three very filll ) 1 1111111 , , b.. ta1.,11 Ur t . I. ' who I 71 II i.•l ilt to H ,(I Ili 1)7 (1 4 ( IS pressl3 for rho occasion by herself. Tht t the 1 , 11 1 111117 1 1 7 ,, than( •,Ii ' 111 rIlla . `" I; t', 1 Of file putmi •renttoncil in the Ocpos zepr. scut "Youth," " Middle, Life." 1 I " 01.1 Ave;" gild Ile e . el'e It. specimens „lmes 1, t 11 li, it ~ it(d, Ind 1 dor, ,t, Win as claiming 1 111 snider the ( wnecti.- a i ' Ai g i I. ‘ te t i amr. Si ~ ,nii s o leLs i e be tt s no ,e, w l s l i p a l: 1 0 ,11 ( 1 0 n tl a i I cut tale, the locatiors of •T a ir 111 xi - A \ Of 'tit, tell( (tin' ins 11 siedit upon Thss I ac( nt 111 1 t' Ilel ,1 I lit or. Ci r , .DII I l( 1. 111)a Ith ever.oll _t 11be 1 1 rot tors '+ foi Iloin ' .. 1 ' ' NS herb( author a dal cr. ._.'cat I/Trait! Mt .. %if 1, but c . al . ThelC v l' , on this occas n the leaf-I I I t I N I l it t l i l L l :, ~‘ 11 t l ,: 1 1 l , sI ' l'llll' l ' id- ono tell lii,thing ' Ist . 711 1 ‘ I ' tt -, pos., hie of the ,o. \ 11l 011 '1 stillness of \ ;If 5 , , •.. WI 1):.:'t s r Jorl tat (4 it ot .7( i . 0 . :'Merle fa Ilion, and the most pis,,? •of genuin nee-n Ii• 1 • is n '. i . Itl e lited, when Ito [tit;::it's t ill. (0.1,41,.*0l aloe , • , i-i 11 beret feeling air! ;” " and ii'';l' n iti ;I• sat.':l ' t ino id Tittle NI 1-: ii , the 4 ii oi I - tatbstantial goou .5)111, Ild to the Inol , e t i o u t. ,,. , '" l m it I 1 :11 1 : 1 ,' ' '/ I .alit ` l ' ` Inn lead 1 N .TO ' 1.11,. 5 7 l) I) ) { ;ill. t lot of the A5.,111 1(.4 I I III ) , N't 11. on it would sects that .he rest comp au; ` i me:e all inembets of (ne httle column' 1 t 3, so tholoughlt di 1 all enpl3 thernsehe 1 I m \ \ : 1 7. ) 1 .1 ;( 7 7 7 15 I I 17 ( 1 1 L a in c , '1407, lie sind it, to ',. ,0 - iII 1I I' Ino As r is It 1 • int' 14, 1401 f, he bolt,. 1' 11- t i II nol li, 1 At atter% als diem;; the Cs Mtn.; same fin- 1 , , Pox, .Tune 2, 14 I st IN 1 ?at so I•iliN Po . music, both tocal and instrumental, teas 1 Fur co . " +4 ' ' anal theirr t " ' l ' q . a ' ni I, oct 10. P. 116 sells k lot its Dt , i • lio , iendezed The sumptuous colation sera i tit cut file I. 1 Mil/ C ,_:) from 'he sm. sta- tit winch Ins trite ~.., .„,,, k 1 in in t. , led was one of dclacacie-sniliciently choice tem. the 1 01111.1 tt pt .1 t will be I. ' l° , cuting the eeed - rrt to •• -i lis .i. t- :n , , 1 . fruit ( •rt in - - i't f -trn i Ito mouse C c :atm st tpi ctite, after' . rioai Tr(': •, settled, first on th • P , ' t' 4 t ill' tom I It (1 , 14(n. •":i I . ill I win Rini, 1111' f which Ile aCle ftc ore 1 with t plan., solo 11 1. /ambit (to MI -i • r -1 1 .l•'1 Ilia and 1 rendered itt ht., styleby M his 11 VrTI I 1.1") 'd II 1 ' I I t i lis i 1111111 Mt•d by 011 ir ci fli rt Is ' I To %NI I,of I tome, and It. t•tecii elm. it I I " 1111-I ' l ' `1 `I Isilt rap" I 1 It is tbo3,llli• ~ ft 15 I, TT,I 1 f and tiNcl‘f the 1 14,111 1 lit gut to ilupeisi :trail ll" I" oiler,l 11 1 ' I 111 1 1 , 111 d t L I yi,a,„, th o ~, 1 , ~r , ,,, , i , I and the wish could he seat' in each Loon II I I " ) II I ' 'lt I ' urn '' 1 '''''"'" ' iNI .1 1111 1111 MI , . t ' l ' l 1 1 . 1) , • I ten Ince as the HA nt ibt was spore", '! 1 ' T ( / ''''` ` I '• I. 1 ' " I '" 1 • ' for .i lc es* foil a ~iil. I I pi I t that heaven's it bct.t II sin " . "1 attend all The c imt , 11'.1 ,:i i' I 111 • I11,:;::inns to laic .1 ITU, ti ,111 Iv , . , i l i t . Liar/ugh life's Pin 11. 'Mr and Mr". IFqSI, till castelli 10 , WI 0 pat: il l 4 lout f stns..) bird then .1 1•... se sto 1 ' i onto, IR, (Am F. cit. Yours, Imill st at from 1 owanda fot• Utniton On j portion or the same, tu I Ind cnltivatt .1 a. ' , E A, Ith o e at. I part ot los Limn t. I ,rue:(• Vert =I Mil I I 1 • TUE Tanyiint3 o the ANDREW l'ilmunni were brought to this place on Saturday evening last and interred on Stunlay afternotnr. The aerviceiv were conducted by IteV. DOctor "SrElv.knT, at the 'residence of Mrs. W.. 11. Mom . AN. Mr. MEN - Annt waSu native of this county, and-was fin many years an active business' man hero. Ile died of consumption. • To VIE, GRANdES OF i3ltkO70111) COLIN 17.—At the lasfineeting of- the - Board of 151anagers of this Society, the following resolution was passo I , : iteAoiced, - Tl,lai the several Granges ' Patrons of Husbandry, of this county • ho requeSted to notify the' Secretary ,of this society, as soon as possil•le, of their in tention to compete for premiums at the next fair, so that this society - may .. prepare suitable liiiildings for theiraccom. % °dation; Wk. S. VINCLNT, Sec'y Bradford Ce. Ag. Society.. • oWanda, July, 9; Itl7B. 1 • • • 1 - 6. V. AT.VPRI), ED. UV:PORTER—Dear Sir: 117\o have at last got the long wished for and nch needed post-office started at this place Tho office is called "Bladk's," _We asked or it to be called " Black Ash." The reason lye ‘r Ash" was left off is un known to me, but as the old I saying' is; "beggars must; be Choosers," and-feel very thankful ithe Department' for it, let it be Black or \ white, only'so we have. - an office. The mail will run from Black to Him:brook eilerSi Tuesday- and 'Satur day for the present. You will please for ward the RENOrEn.to Black. ~ I will say in 'llatletlf of the citizen's of this place, as well as 'inyself, that we feel very grateful toeurpresent Congressman, Col. E. Ovnirro*, Jr., for IMi assistance. Years truly, . . ' , • Wm. J. 1,1 , :: , :r. . , • Unitin Cerners, July 1, 187t1.. WEB EXCUItsTON .I`,.I,GETTYS.RURC!,.—We pub lish for the infoOnation of all concerned, the following circular issued 'by. Depart . meld Commander Hum. : - , ll.E.s.Dnumvrr-us, un.sn'itumv 01? REPUBLIC, D1.11%6TM ENT OF PENNsYrAm.- tirA, No. 12418 CREsTNUT STREET, P1iILA DE11•111A, Cire zdar : • • I. The arrangements for the 'week's enzampment of the cunrades of - this Dc \partmcut under 'canvass 'at Gettysburg in .Ittly, have after' much effort 'been corn- Pleted, and are hereby announced in de ,tai with the aSsurance that everything' po.sklble has Inch done to enable the cOm radest,to spend a week of pleasure cud re creation at a comparatively trifling ex pense. \The indications are that the en campment upon' ti at historic - field will be a memorable event in the histmy of the Department, and one; which. will always be thought Of with ;pleasure by those who participate injt; Let every Post haveat least some re' ,tesentation there. It is suggested Qa - it they - brim.! . with . them a guidon or smail!inarker With the number of the Post ell it, s to denote their location in the amt . !). Soma twenty Posts' of this Department-I:3 4e alieady arranged to at tend in a hcKlyi j Sevkal Posts from.cither States will also •t! Col. John B. 'Buchelder, the hictorian and artist, who li - as_ClevOtC(l fifteen years to the study of tll, - . bat:Wield, and has collated mora itihn elation Item Any otlo.1" living tn;,:i, l)n during the whole cm:amp:n-IA. and will\ tal:c ghat Atleasuro ill I,4nt in - g but localit'i F .4 and im _parti fng in co:icet Ling Ole b:th,le. H. The gntaml 'scoured for 'flva came 'is the 'far famed I . :Ailctcry ,‘ , Tpc; ;it C OM mt.:mice, of the National Cemetery. In additiont.o tl:c "scene severe fighting win. re many traces. of the contest are yet to be found, it is /no of the most, central points of Union line, and iron . it .there can i.e had a view of nearly the whole battle-field and of the be:wilful Cote Common audio= F. Santetneon have formed a co-partnership for the me th* of law. The new firm oecnhy Ovnwros!s old office. I LIMIT:NIKO struck- an apple tree near the hens() of: 3:tonnow, in Wil mot, on 'Monday afternoon, and killed. a fine ox and a large steer, The , sterm was very severe in the neighborhood. GEO. U. Bunt[, for' sovernl years patt foreman of ITEMTHEEY BROTHERS &TEA- rtes manufactory, died on Saturday eve ning last. He had boon sick for a long time with, Bright's, disease. The deceased was highly esteemed by the firm. with whom he was employed, as Well -as- all who know him. lie was buried 'Monday afternoon. • HISTORICAL NolHits glinurEs SOME - EARLY SETTLRItii ON ' :TOWANDA: entimc.—Mr. EDITOR :..Widle in Phila- delphia a abort time since, I w•aa shown a .paper purportingrto be a depogitiou of CASP,EII Stwoun, V.Philadelpbia. As it, contains . somd facta.which were new to me, I thought pOssibly-thoyinight be new to most of your readerS, and of local lu tenist to : tho Towanda Creek , region. Af- ter the' usual introduction Of hinvelf the deponent procoeds to say that ho in cOni pany Ganst, Jolts WHITMAN and CII:IItLED COOT•F]t, some Limo in the year 1784 or 17tRi, applied for and obtain, cd a warrant for a tract of land on 'To- wand: l l:m(4c from the to tiro source thereof, in the then county of Northumberlan.d, now in the county of Luzern°, and, tbo land's were then en. tirely - vacant and_unimproireil ; that after regular awnly, patents issued to the deponent and others of-the • coin - pally for the said lauds; that the deionent, in the, year 17A1, went to the land included in his .part, at which tinte the same. was wholly unpultbA:ted, and built , a house in. the township of IVpiodr, iu the county I Luzern°, and oceedeti' at great expense to clear the satin , tract lying on / Towanda and fenced the i , :nne, and ha 6 paid county and road taxes the said tract ; that the deponent retna:ned anmolosted on . the said land for Et\ ral yea: s, nor did ho hear that any persons claimed the same _until within . -two years last past -; that sometime in the.:lntit'ipio of tlio yearrnii, Onn SCOVAT„ who Byes on the Towanda, on the iambi; taken up by Jou:: STEIN= mr \ 'rz," of the city of Philadelphia, mer- 1 clilit,under the State of Penusy?vattia.,the said OUR prover. claiMing said land:; der the Siisquclianna company, by title P;tid to be derived from the State of . Om ueetient, EE, JACOII JAcon JOKEI'It WALLAcr., MICHAEL KnA.dr. and STr.rmEN LAND, were sure yinr with sursivinair strunients, and pas:zeil the clear and proved fenCcil of .the ocroneop;',:nd marked the line trees and divi laud among themselves; the asked by what *authority ther itair Seev.u. and other -A, nip survey ; JosErit f-lun and 'answered that they Nrlety lauds under title ,wi l ed from. (:onnect cut the sail JAcon owm\ (Yp n , waruln, ou ands z ,alcen up by the JOHN IIHTMA.,7; ; Hll , l all the persous above nanted i live in the same neighbor boocl on latufs taken np und . er the ,Com / itht, and claimed by the surveys made lastl , tumucr 'onnectipitt Mile , although the have previously been surveyed same title ; tivtt the said Ouu ad Jacon novVmAN at the time rcreTd to told the ditnonent that this was 4 6 yalikoo-1,1ay," and that JJ3sEeti GEE, hitAttsr, „Luon m i na and JOSEPH . W.Ni.r..ten, the last i spring entered upon the deponent's clear field, ploaglicd the planted. Indian .corn, 'end have lateiy gathered antlearried away the-said Indiank corn ; the 'said Jo- Gurfis . preparing timber to erect a house on the field haired by the depo nent, the said Jo ;:ttit; elaimin:2; nteler the Connecticut Sonnet Company, that the deponent the last spring stto.ed . the above eircumstanees to Jost:lor - NA NNEV, ,, i ES(1„ who said the clepo.trent must site Josnrit.G4u:'; the .lopottient akotinade complaint to 310-r.s, t.'“,•tt,e..tutt, ,Tustice of the P e ace, of z 1 10 ( tity of T." -erne, /10 said he cote,: 1,.•tItlo anything tt , r the. deponent. (Signed,) t .t-r.\l: !-ot;ttrit. Sworn and :sullscyche‘l vluvi.`ntil veralwr, elk./ or Phil:W(4- `o.la, 1.4..rme (Nigited.) NtriTar ON Tilt: A v..--A1 the date of the deposition tit t.vv,nship of " W;,•suelz., comprehended 1), , !:, ~id es .of the liver. - Ni i he map of i i, near the month of TOwlanda. Creek. :a e-• :zed a saw mill and called." tiiT , e - r's. - While Mi. Also lin does not Melitho) that he had a saw mill, it is Cery m•ohable there w:.s ono in the neighl4 - olte,el. Mr. SlNniut'sl house was dolibtim“ nemt I s There are on record in the '.`reader's office scene empty, the patent front the Com monwealth to NVm. Ci.ls:4 - , yf Philatki phia, dated Nue 21, 1786, fora tract called Geiseland en the south side of TM wanda Creek, brier and adjoining land of CASPAR aild also hounded in part by Wm. Mouni , oN's lantl-the said tract was surveyed to .Tons Miay 8, 1786, who - conveyed to CM , st: June 10, 1786. Dec. 27, , 1`.7, Wm, (tmssi: conveys 'to CAsl.4ll ti.tsone. the saute tract. March 11, 1794, tit:scut?: serf: ti Ilon. :lons Nnuttit,soN one lot near the month of Towanda Creek, and o a number of oth er tracts on the F311 , C creek. Some of these tracts subsequently became tart of the. Asylum Company's lands. May 2!, 1792. Itcoomut Fox s1:11s to (*Asp tzeN, cm a part of tile " Fox chase," July 1:;, , 1800, the licks of CAse.tu SlNnfut. t.o' I.lonx and A nu.% 11.01 Si nit, of Philadel -1 Oda, a lot on Towanda Cieek PETEtt MARKOF, it beim; a part oi a lot settled by ltunoteo Fox. April 2,181 Q, ALITAIIANI SINOP it sells Is, .TotiN ;-'l5O 1: It his intermit in' the said lot. This is the last record I have of the Six( Ens in this county. A part of the lard ••411::cribed was in certified Chivvy:wk....lu n C•aolect, cut titles ouvailed. MEM MI • TwzivE tramps were arrested op Satur day night last, on suspicion of having robbed the -Wyaluaing depot. in the evening policeman Bums . received notice tat. several of the tramps wore on a coal train which *reaches this . station at 12 c'elock: Ito at once stationed guards at •the‘past,end of the bridge, and wlkn the traitildd been drawn on thei;:bridge sig naled 'the engineer to stop. The officer then went out nazi captured seven of them.. The othe`r \ five were -swayed at Laceftille. At a- hearing before Esquira You to on Tuesday, all \ but.two, were di Plarged. • Dins. O. D. 11 AItTi.ETT died on. -Friday evening last. She had NA in delicate health for some time, but her_ death was a great 'surprise to \ the entire community. The deceased was a lady of rare excellenee of•clutracter„and wastriliforsally revered. • From the time she came here, •fifteen years since, she, had been\ an active work or in the Bpiscopal.Churoh, and all char itable and benevolent organiK.ations cam, mended her active and efficient aid. The large attendance at her funeral 'en Sunday afternoon attested the high regard - in which she wks held by all - who knave her. As an evideuco of the prevalenee of "western fever" in this county, we learn that - ono agent for Kansas lands has alict fifty letters from correspondents in MS \ vicinity, asking information. . - There is no doubt that at least:2:3o families will leave Bradford county between this date and December, most of them to seek homes . I -in Kausa.s. To all arch we _would mom; mend the Chicago, Burlington, Quincy Mid Kansas Paeillect•tutes: From our knowledge of those popular roadiiivetake pleasure in cominending them to the pat ronage of the public.. • They furnish first elaSs accaninodations and are-liberal. • IN MEMORIAM.-At a 'regular . meeting of Maggie B. Lodge, L 0. 0. F., 4 d dime.; 1878, the lava lug rosolutio . to the memory, of Sisters Al.mtue. BA . anti .I..iz,•H, Gonr, were 'adopted:: WuCREAS . , The good Father- ho " do oh all things well;" has bee .pleased to call home to the "mansions air," our no loved sisters; therefore, . Texaco", That the fain lies of our do-,' ceased sisters, in their (our of affliction, have the heartfelt syn Athy of . the mem -biers of this Lodge, who Would gladly share with them - UM throw they arc call. ed upon to bear. Resolved, Tho hi token of our respect for the beloved sleeper ii, our .charter be draped in mourning fur the space of thir ty days. ./ . Resolved, That these resol'utions be en , tered - urfon the minutes of the Lodge, rind a enpbe presented to the afflicted fami lies and published in each of our local no •s ( 7 / papers. , . ITon.krE MORTON. . Mrs. WM. 'SNYDER. Mrs, W. S. Etsnum Doc•ronr , GAN - % 1113 t rr.—" It is possible that Mr: Codfreyis up and at work, and eared by.so simple a remedy I"' " I assure you it is tine that he is en tirely cared, and with . 'nothing but Fop Bitters and only ten days; ago his doctors gave him up and said he must die !" ' " Well-a-day i If that is so, I will• go This minute and got some for my Poor Ceorge. I know hop a;:e good." ed the / P.eponei.t the said 7 /..:1e the said WEEMI2 htityvyinzsail WkITINt4 .'T TOE Itivr.n."—As the Irishman stood waiting at the river for it to rim by 'in order that) he might cross over, so people wait mhen suffering with constipatioa, forgetful - that the ~cause is torpieT iirPr and appepia, and that it GUI'I3I iltedfq bUt iuust be overcome by some gentle yet positive cathartic. No medicine or combination of medicines yet discovered - give such prompt and permit iient relief as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pfir gative Pellets. PINE .4 P P Irirm.r Co., Ala. Pi cut I:, Buffalo, N. Y.: , ht , r fl , •tu youth up, for seven yenta life wal a lturdott, my foe,' xvould not 4llgost, and my liver' - m: , onlargo.l. I trlvn various ri•mc ift..s, but purvose. Your Ptlleta have effect ed toy OW. , cure. Inelo.ed pleso ti n 1.50 fur a e,py of the I'm plc's Comutou Medical Ad; yi:,•r. I regard It a* Um Ite3t book ever publtalmd. I am trylng to Let others toule your medicine): and real yoUr bank. Yours truly, JOTN , E. LUNAN. ef:DHESS GOODS at reduced prices may 2. I,7 r ;V" Go to SNELL 6:.; FAioutAVs for ih , :t 7+lEl , llou (It, 41s. IZ" Sum.t. F.knxiLtm do Rll idue., oI ,DICESs.. 'Or Everythinein , the line of station ory'at NVIIITCOMIt "SHETLAND SHAWLS ill groat at E.NT't. may 2. n- Ladies, Misses and Cid Gl.o 7 S'EP.S'ilel 110.51 1.:0" a: J. L. KENT'S. mar 2. E 9" HEADY 31.A.DE SUITS, HO SIEI:Y, a!:.1 4:1.0V Eti F C . 001):. 4 . at. Bros• 'P! , on.lf, 1•:1: N TABLE*I.INEN, ,NA.L'IiINS' and INN E 1.3, L.KE.•N mar?. - 110S)EltY ! 110:31E : All new my1... , ,5• at J. LiKr:NT's. may:. CoasiA:. has tli r V best wearing Shona for Mva, !toys and Tooth., troar-orer effored lu Tin , vg.a.la., and aZ prices reaell'of . all. Lt .- Straw Work an 4 Bleaching a spc clity at SNELL S FARNHAM'S. CZ" Thompsou's GLOVE FITTING QoitsEt at .1. L. K ENT'S. May:. I'AIt'Ai:,(F)LS and "L'IIIIIRELLAS at J. L.:kir..7:rs. Q may 2. 0 4 " You can get all the latest styles'of Stattoliory, very eticap, at WIIIITC ,, Y.II ok SLI AUT'S • Mrs. 1 3. liiiii"jos is sellinggooqs this citEAPE.I: TH AN EV El. Cali and i•saaiiao I",)rore purcliatiqz II BUSINESS LOCAL. :==l CT L. 1 Rotionns eli4llell.oB conipc tition for ,wality of good:: amt lov: prices on minds ano.Atomii,,,, and :11 building I/13. I=l C": 6" Mts. E. Mrsocti4 has . returnetl• fr, , :n the ft'lty. nuajfa:.tlecio.ett , y thf. NEsT im...l.r.Ar OF 3114.LINEIZI' niot NWOONS in t.:11 , town. r . T. :MIN. TT,IttWAIED I I ft,r 6 5 g - MILLINERY (10(11)S iii the larg- V .\ 10 ET V. or :tyles, at. and S rt.!: 1tr,•..• N. Y. Slot,l r , !.c!. Tow:lll4.i. c.k!) Inifirt.l izz:::: lets the oast .Skirt th , ' -6. At. - ti,er .1...ar;. , ,e5t, ni•str. and (711earest !-r 1..tt11,4*, Mt • awl I Lltiltirrit,' r :it I '01Z..1.1F - F CIA llt:1 Malt) :Ott: 'nary apri - to ~rrCOWLES' Bakery AN'agor., of the Ist NVar.l .I:al:cry, win he on laud dairy With Fresh CrOcers I of from time Brettil, Pies; . 145 P Don't you forgi:! it. 'We have Ira :Nt'r.l( - 1 - nitY y.n can buy tly, ra.:tll-I);ll:v4eracisers . . _ - 1 . . z. , ;r The. patrouag- al110)11Z Ilia first -1.13,, ]:1111t.1,, io Nwo. li..t I: 1, t oa t t,Luttly oh:thglog from opl r.•,111 1. , :lie• 4•11 ,, T. - Tl, t;raotl Coot tal lo .t.. I he:; 1 ota.o tly ttoit , t,i t 11, .tlit i.,,t w rtti pf lis coolltat!tort lty I.frto log t!, p,unc a. emototxlailoort fur oat: awl tWO 11,,Ilart. poi .I,ly 1. ~....timi the (Woo! :-.., 1112=1111:11 rr.T. 111. 1 :"Nt has rereitell a NEW sToci: AND CIIII,IIIiEN'S WEAR, for the Snnolier Tr44le,tvhleb ha offers at Far 11`,;•; than hereti..C. , :e -014: and nt' !ewer tignr,h than aliy eempettter ean . dui.Heate.„ oxae,, , ! l e :pet he convinee.t. St., ,'n Malt ' , tr.-1, Snob t.l 1:1lilite.—s!;:i..11( el: Root. Cl,l )Si (1171 . t;A i 06:0.11tralid ,111,1 y ' TIT.. 'tttkr,igt , ecl e;la , Sale the entiro -400; of Wate!ws. Si:rr and !'fated in st.we f4.rnii , rl). I.y M. it KS - - PELM and Hut V.; h; te r.1.,:v; bi "00 1)1141- it 3.3 tio.Mll . lll , CU 41 , stock rcgard !er., nr erv.t, in nnPir to ATlnfl tljl ti utu. ht iA. if*tsi 4411.:0tit4.. .\ fir Nothing short • of unmistakable , Sts Conferred upon tenser thousandsof suffer en could originate and Maintain the repatatlen which AYEtt's SAluaarAlitt:LA enjoys. It is compound of the best regetat4e \ alteratives, with Potassium of Potasslu ah 4 Iron, and Is the most °Sedum: of all remedies for seroftliou s, Mercurial, or blood disorders. 'Uniformly intimessful and err= Ulu in Its remedial effects, it prod and complete cures of gcrofula, limos, I Pimples, Eruption, Bkln Diseases, or dors arising from Impurity of the its invigorating effects _lt always roll on cures Liver Complaints, Female S int! Irregularities, and is a potent nine ty. For purifying the blood It has no equal. -It MOTs up the system, restores and preserves the health, and imparts vigor and energy. Tor forty years it has boon In extensive use, and In to-day the most reliable medicine ter thO suffering sick, every. where, For sale by all dealers. SPECIAL LOCAL. for PIANO AND OTIGANS.-11 yolt wislt to purchase a very sinelor PIANO or 011 ti AX, 'meal lacier) , excellence to any made, at Mauttfac turere Wholesale Price, and thus MVO nearly one half of your monby, do not fall. het ore purchasing, to write for catalogue of description and prices, t Post orrice ilex :OM, New York.' _March?, 1078. tr. . far E. F. kuxxv.L'sEn WA Ininigives tone to the stomach, improves the petite and assists digestion, excites the :owels . healthy action, expelling all the foul b mors that contaminate the blood, corrupt tho so Gone and offend the breath: It excites he liv rto a healthy action and strengthens the nerves imirarting that glow to life that proecedsalone fro n perfect health. Thousands In all walks of II fc, Acetify to the virtue, .of this exceellent Inhdlcine In correcting the de mngement of the digestive organs. Get the genu, luo. Sold only in one dollar kettles. Ask for E. F. KENKILL,'SUITTER WIN OF lieuy, acid ,take ne \Qther. nyspepoila t Lyn I F. Kunkel's HI e for his disease. I : manjryears in tee with ituperainlle appetite, wind r headacheollzt Get thoten r bottle*. \ Do you of something to strengtiaCn you? Do you wai A k 9 oil appetite? Do you want to get rid of ne OUtilleSik '9 1)o you want energy". Ho you want o sleep well, or he cured of dyspepsia, kidney or,l •er dlseasel , Try F. F. lit:Nxtb'e; BITTEN AV NE or I no:: Every bottle guaranteed to do as. • .communded. 1 epot and nmce. 211) North Ninth 'tree % Filikulelphla. Pa. (it[ the genuonc. Sold by allArugglsta. A \ sk-for F.. F. Kunkel's and take no other. All 1 ask la a trial of this valuable med icine. One bottle will\ yonvince you. Get six Lot, ties for !iv& dollars, ons. dollar for one. ~A~geliK[o2 Dysp9pnla (cr Wine of Iron, a sum cure has been present ed datly for Practice of eminent physklaus . Success. Symptoms are tars of /tat. rising of foo4, dryness to month, lams, sleeplessness and low spirits. ne. Not sold In bulk, only ono dollar, Tape Worm Itentosed Aliso. . Tap: Worm, Ulu, :^BM and Stomach Worms re moved alive in from two to\four hours. No feu un- Iti bead of Tape - Worn; pa;ses alive and In one. Ask your druggist for Hunkers Work Syrup. Sold only In one dollar bottles. llS ‘ cul for children or grown persona. It never falls. \Or semi for Oren tar to Hr. Kunkel., 259 North Ninth Street, rhila -1 delphia, Pa. Advice by mall fee. Scud three cent stamp for return of letter. - E. F..Kunkers A.nstral an \ E. F. -lien. - kers Shempoo for the flair. • The best and cheapest Hair Diesslrig and Halr Cleaner in the world. They remove dandruff, allay irritation, soothe and C/101 the boated eralp, prevent the hair front falling off, and promote the, growth In a very short Hine. They preserve and - beautify the Hair, and render It soft and glossy. 71My im part a brilliancy and a .liky appearance to \brald and wiry Hair. and as a hair dressing they siful- rivalled ; eradicate dandnig and prevent baldness. The` shampon cleaans the Hair, repiovos grease, scurf, Itching, eruption. Cures headache produced by heat and fatigue. - Kunkel's Shampoo and !Am\ teal restore Hair to a natural and glossy color, •re store failed. dry. harsh and Wiry hair. Price per bottle el. Ask your tiruggiq for them, or send to E. F., Kunkel, prim-le:on, No. - 259 North Ninth Street, Plilladalphla, l'a. [3tay2-ani. MARRIED. WATINEIh=-MIDD AIN:II.—M the M.-E. Parson age la Ulster,' dnly 4th, I , Mk. by Rev. N. X Beers, Mr. Stephen Warner and Miss Aliee Mhl ,laogh, both of A.thenr, - N6O7_t—SMIT It—Al the boom of the . brld te.tieftatt, sth, Of' July. by t Itev. J. S. rt Letvart, it. It., L. !.f. Sl town, M. this pLir,•, ishd }I ins 1.1.1C11 K. Stitt (b. N I.M A N.—A t the Parsonage MtrAi0....t0m....1 h, ney. I lalluck Arm strotil, ilbert 1:Inv!,01 =al Miss II:are.;: C; Mt;sseltnaq, lath oI I.lVerp.n. GAMIILY. kt the Parsonage In Meadons. Pa.. Jui3;'2:3l. by Rev. tir. Ilrainhall. Mr. Thus. J. Gamble and 1453 \lllnde.ll. -Whalen, et Warren, Pa. PICKERINC—IIRUTSMAN.--In Wysox, at the residence of the inri..:1,41. minister. July 33, Is:s, by Rev. Si. T..Datchef, :qr. Orb) Picker . leg and Mips Mary lb. Brut:mum. all of Orwell. Canton Dove, July 4th. Lp Elder Calvlu 'Newell, Mr. George tttelley, of West Fratrallit, and Mrs: Charlotte Watts; of Canton. PA.Y.N E—M INSON —ln T,,wanda. on tho tali by nor. John S. Stmart, D. D, S. It. Payne Etq. and 1.11iF..3. Ella r. Maklnst.n, all ‘,l TuWantia. !dare. •In 8„1.57: 1 , of con innnidlon, Mary, danglder dr E. A. Parsons aged 25 years. Now Aavertisements. OVERTON & SANDERSON, ATToR T-LAW. E. ()VIZIITON. 71 A Zi U 'E . rID.F.NIX OF 'HARTFORD, OERMAWAMERICAN, OF N. Y., 'llltE ASiOOTATI . ON, • IMIZEI RAILWAY VASSEN (.lEn ( A COT TRAVELERS LIFE AND ACCIDENT, The boolza, records and •-gool at Ill" of tl:e late find of Noble & Vincent haring been transfelfed to we, I au prepared to transact a general Insur ance and real estate business, on reasonable torus. Xirzieveral houses for rent. IV3I. S. VINCENT. 5,y I . Malt: tst., Towanda, Pa. REPORT OF nig CONDITION of the First National ItaLlt at Towanda ht the State of l'smntllvailla, at the close, of busl ness Juno tta, 1878 : Leans and discounts O.:craw:My U. 4. Buntis to. secure cfreclat Inn U. S. Roods uu hand Other Stocks, line feint uppr.cred reserve agents.. Dee from other National llanks.... Duo Irmo State Batik, and bankers. Real estate, fernitere. and fixtures. Current eypozo , c.: anti taxes Premiums paid Chocks and othor cash Item, Kllts of .ether, ltanks Fractional currency tinenalmg nickels) SpeeM (Including gold Treai*:, - ,crtllic's) 4, Legal-tender non, 14. Uctlpt fowl v. S Tr. (5 lu it. of ctr.) 2.475 G.! nrri.7. raug3-tti EMI capital pal4 • in t 4 .011. 1 ;1, fang Nat local 113111.; n , .tt•, MlNtangi 11,g 11111.11 , 1 1 , 01; als 11 , •1.o' IS Stli/JI•CL to elieck Time certifi,:oweor d,spo,it .11ao to other National Itan}:g.... Due to State Railks amt EMI i 7 ,0,i , 7.1 7,7 State of Petw,yivaoa, rla,lfor.l. I. N. N.. haul, ••••••••.,T ILA 6 I :v , • to the ifly El TS. • t_ll3..erilq - 0 al' 1.1.0•r:i 10 !/‘ . 1 , 1 1 ! 111, (him MU ii..y „hay, 071. 'W. 11. 1/ , .. Nlitary 6. , I:IIIC.CT—At tvst : E. W. BALE. .tog. Dirociors 0 C. A.:cv Townmln. Jtily D, I' .+. ISE Isr OF LErrvAls 1.0D:111111 1g in Irost:Hord Co., tor tho Ivetik Itenj.tititn.orga S. Brown, t:,•01:;'... Char. 11. ittPtli.. In:, N. • Del , by Ctart..Nire. C. T. 11-,1. T. C. Car.ilt,r. in' M. C. 0,11111..1nm,, llarrts, 3Tlss V. 'l.. Sv. reiN.ll4 , vo pica.se 0154 , d.au ‘.: S. W. Al.:Vic:3). I`. M. • isi)urolvs the JO.ll ]inter, (2ee'd. In tho lit,ms• court for !lit) County of Bradford. " 'rile uodorslztic.), an Auditor al•pollited.by said Court 'to ti,At oitt.lll tiid,, to thhl !muds of tio• nIII :Writil tolb • app.litti.e•ht I,t Tl'l , :-11,‘,1. .11;1.1' ::“(14 . A.II 1` , 76, I Wel. 1., pl."( at the 01:1,:e Davie , whe amt wh••1.: all r,p• . 011 i a Ek . 7: quit e:I It, 11131itt:Iltel 1131111 i bet.le ITV :I, ' , nett A "01!t. , r, of he debarrt; front re-m.lllg n 1 up. , tt ,1111 NV. It. r. I: ~.\ thljtoq. • Tewanda, June 27, i,7A-11;,.. Ucab make looney 3: v.orlt lor uathan at anything 4'i-+.. capit.tl n"- wo WII styrt jou. 10 per ,L. 3 at 10 , t.w oulto by the intith , trhnip. Itenynxenten, h.tys :nal girls wuotetl every whew to well; for New. Is the th i n. tietUy (hit fit ;n. t. , 11713 f tcv t . Co., A tt- Ittatne, -.1.. or SWINTON'S SPELLERS, SWINTO7.C'S gEOGRAPRIES, SWINTON'S U. S. \ \\ DIED. Ts vA Pa Jo F. SAN-vtasON CONNECTICUT, lul\C rNtnN rt AL, (LIFE I= =I t:161.547. fr 3 a,591; l't ".5,000 fq . 1.,00 04) 11413 IC, 1 - .253 23 4,106 S :17,L1S 3 Cl 6 96 1L511,0 , 1 i 17 MEELIEM .11'2 %t),; 10 11."% i it {9,Cdl(l 00 14.1 00 ..s 21; 27.1256 5,.64 75 IGII .i th , atm:, 1.1,:a!•Ovt• S:310, 1.. U. Maui a E. SPECIAL'NOTICE.TO SCHOOL PIRECTO, ,D Eoso3 .. • 'COUNTY. 1311;ADFOR IN BCIIOOL TEXT-BWKS \. • - NEW \WIADED READERS; TILE BEST AND CLIEA.PEST\ BOOBS \ \ . . . . • • . - N. it•—Please cutupetru prlcds with thasc‘now'in use.i • ‘., . \:\ . PVBLISIIED. REND ELItICATOIIB SA. AHOUT THEM ThC ltz ENV GRADED READERS are sensible gotten: up in'a sensible 'manner. Intead of giving - Ivan/flu they pro us qualify, conse quently they are Cheaper anti are well suited to Inca the wants of the age. These books have been in oiir Nnrinal School ever since. their publication, and have owl, entire satisfaction. • • F. A. ALLEN, Principal. C. IiAItTOL. Prof. 3lathematlcs. DORA N. WOODRUFF, Perceptress. • 1. C; DOANE, Prof. Natural Science. KATE. REYNOLDS, Language. Ficulty . of State Normal School, Mansfield, Pa. ' G ItADEB READERS" aro In nse 'in loam' of our schools and are a decided improve- \ - 1 1 . % T i t N , Il; 3 l4,<Lo i k . ; A r ca. . w l n or o d ur 11.1 8 00ls, ta a n n e il l Lotter than anynOw In use. 511e6 S. J. LEWIS. County. Superintendent, • Tioga Co., Pa. BRADFORD, Pa., June 8, IS S. 2ffy Sir:-1 had the pleasure of preserding sW I NTO!'''S GEOGRAPHIES and SPELLER befoie. the I lloard Edlieatiou of this city, and af ter a biktl . pZ\rusal they moved theii adoption in the Grated v:hlch was unanimously carried. I take pl , :•a , are In saying that I consider the Geogra phies far superior to any that I have used or seen, at.tl that Speller Is the tineat thing out. ,Very respert,f oily yours, \ IT. E. WATKINS, Teafjler of Graded School, ti-Bratilord, 7.llcKeaii - Co.i, Pa. - - . \ CANTON, Pa., Janie 4, ins. To tnivon ft may cone, rn:— ~ Thi, .. lo ray that I have • cartitully examined SWINTON'S SCllO°l, Cl EOM:AMU EEli aad. In, many rmip •i•i., titid them tar Attperior ttrany Ihs ographie3 with which Lam alqualuttl. Very truly-yours, „ • 11. E. ItAESLY, Principal Canton Graded Schap]. • ' • J. W. PAittilONS, t Tea - cher tirainma'r \ Department.. , . . WELLFROTIO, Juno 1,167 n. After tin extended examination, I nin five to ray thatd think SWINTON'S GEOURAPIIIES bettor than any others within my know,ledge: Per Leanly • L f duraUlity binding, and for a combination or helps both forscholar andlenci•r, I do not how they can be surpassed. ' ItEv. N. L. REYNOLDS\ Ex-County Superintendent, &c: DELAWARE LITnnAnY INCITITTE, FRANKLIN, N. Y., 1878. s About a year ago we adopted as the text-books In thIAI net !tufo, ROBINSON'S SHORTER COUR:SE NIATIIEMATICS, THE NEW GRADED RRAD, FRS, SWINTQ7I'S SPELLERS, and baring test ed them In the school-room, can now say ,they give general satkfactlon. ,know of none so well adapted tO meet the wants of teachers and pupils lu these branches of study, and can eheerfully re coinn•end thin to Boards tl Of Education and others deSlrlog the CHAS. H. V ERELLL, A. SI, Prlnclpial, . and Faculty. SOLDtER'S ORPHAHS' SCHOOL. / jiAItFORD, PA., 1878. • Aft'r.a thorough examination of SWINTON'S got: itANII ES, lin/ satisfied of their superior merit. like It so •ui,ell I. think of introducing it in our sehouhnest term. H. S. SWEET,. Prhielp3l and Supt. Soldiers OrThaus' School The NEW GRADED READERS ire eensll;le books. gotten up in a sensible giauger. Instead of giving 113 11(alliiiy they give us quality, conse quently they are cheaper and arc well suited to meet tin, wants of the ago. These books hate been In our Norinal'Orphan School ever since their pub acaticin and have given entire satisfaction. F. A. ALLEN', principal. W. C. IS ARTOI., Prof. Mathematic*. In.citi N. 'WOODRUFF, Perceptress. '.l. C. LOAN E. Pmf. Natural Science. ' KATE REYNOLDS, Languages. Faculty State Normal School, Mansfield, Pa. If a nut umirt; Pa., May 16, inS. 10 mx,eptidon, sWysiTos;-:c ci kOtiItAPIIIES sreltt•ii.t Ite Maki fur our 50100iS. it is Wrestling to im? conducted by a new route through the various tmelvatol i'coplos of the earth, and itairo - so many things we ought to know pointed out taus and de scribed, iu such- a pleasant way. Both old and 'young can Mat he entertalnedand intimated. The series Is to he commanded for-Its method, Its lilus tratiou- and.maits. and statistical tables. C. COBNPAITII, stoic inspector and F.xamilier Soldiers Orphans' bc11",11. . . WESTFIELD. Pa., June 4, 1878. SAV I N TON'S G EoG It A PRIES arc -better than any we new.liare In our schools. In my opinion. I have ackod.many teachers and thoy Invariably pre fer them to any of the others In tise: . . Miss 8. J. LEWIS, Superintendent Tloga CO., Pa. K I NO svpvt. Pa., May 21.18751 I have examined SWINTON'S GEOOTIAPIII-, CAL SE CIES and_ am atitch , pleased with the bucks. Tim , : cannot fail . tuAlve satlsftwildil to the live teacher. tier. C. COPETAND. • Principal Wyoming Seminary. 4WINTON - 5 'O'rotiltAl'HlES stand the test nest ualutuddy. We have used them suttlelent,ly knov.' whC , reof wo speak. Just the SOfiCS for our ethunue.'schetds.. • F. A. and Faeul , y, 3lanstlehl S. N. S. Pa. -i.S SOY. P 3., Juno 3, 1870, 1 41, !I rot t I ty Oyu the following bimkts were 1 by :he Lo Itoy Scheel Board on the tibere am , 4l tl SWINTON'S GEOGRAPHIES, • l:•;, and HISTORY or IT. S.. SO 'ON'S :iIO CoCB , K fiV ARITHMETIC, • ndllo Ni.:Vc - GE: AOKI) BEADERS'..., HOLCOMB, S.crotary„Sehool Hoard. TdAviNnA, Pa., Jilt., 11178. I c s WINTON'S (4)ML t.ETE cotutsz N IOU; tt 1•11Y,ln all Its - features, the very , est I kr.ow for school-roots use. The "Special 'tale Ce.•graphy' Is a reynllar and most donli - able 'am , ludeod r think It a "r..anplete Tonne,^ and nciF.t delight to every "Ilvn - teacher and 'leacher in Towanda Collegiate Institute ..foie. I, IS7. I 31,0 g plea,ure that SAVI N .s ER t Et,fiF complete in .two volumes; is the best svith which I am acquainted. Thu maps arc eiact, clearly printed 'and beauti fully colored. On the whole, the work la Anwar nBs.le9, and I can cheerfully recommend lie nee In the schooi-room. I 'have been acquainted with tc)nistr. , ; . s A lIITIIIIV.TICS. for some time, ati.l I M•yet hesitate in pronouhcing them superior to sun I eNer iutV. The Stotler Course, In' two ', - ss,lzs, k me,quale.t as regarde,livontents;dellul ,l,,,,s, tables, etc, by any with which I CII AS. M. LEE, (olin!r Suporiutendent W)uming , Cu., Pa. SifETlflbilitT, June 5, 1575. I Inivz , ',...c.;utinett INTUN'S 11F.OGRAP111FS -.11 i'Ula Es with gre4t. pkasure. anii in t le:I: 'we:: exeellenen that 1 know of in no other r.rort II INtory tE xt..ry clearly'atol and 11131 C, I iectli - aphies the fopt .E.o 311 3 t.g.. fisr study of .16tAluis and Counties coum•!ei nwst admirable trait-. J. W. 1.110 Wr • County timperintentlent, 31eKean CO.. Pa. ?.E.11...-.T1“..t0 books or any of - our publlcationl 311 1,-.:,;+.nt on ai;l;llCuttott to the utoterntgued, any of oll! Are'. Is, or through Local llPeaterr, at our ~t•rs t t stokt' tottY RATtcr , ,, and ample, Moe ;;I : ren: to matie I roduct ton :nut atettlettient. - 1. • Special Agent for 1•91)1111.1tok.t::;-- 1 VIESON A 13. FAUN, TAYL i Olrlit CP, 104;3.40 tirapd JAS. & WAtitER, sg East Water Street, PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, 1 . STEAM & . GAS FITTERS iteetdeneetand Public Bat!Mugs fitted with Hot and Cold Water. Slam Matins Dared Of ICY reel Radiation. - • • A full supply. of Gas Vtzturea. Opal Glob% Ake , Patent Damen Glebe. Angle and Meek lf fee; Water and Steam Gasps; iron and Lead Pipe, and a full supply of Stamm Ylttlup. Hainstges Glees ElmtrA - S. T., Mrl7ll, 1811. T .ROSENBA.I.MI & SONS, LAD . Liiy Gpous, ximuNERT, siptm ars,.*c, The Motet, and Beet flaw In thef Are bought to Caah, and prices are guaranteed W . be as low as rho lowest. • '44 EVERY DEPARTMENT . IS KEPTIISITPPLIED WITH SHEOL/L=9T, " 'NOVELTIES. . MOST EXTENSIVE-]MILLINERY BUSIME.9S IN ELMIRA, Arid portico dealring anything In tart dna will dad - It to their intelest,to call and see us, . As-we conduct no fancy ostaldtsbanent,vor prices arellways ptaln and moderate. • The trade eapplled at the hewed aphoka l le pii cee. Specialluduoctoetit6.to Carib atelinactii DoWelorri*phK*r. " 0113014 T., May YS, " D ti gb kl P ; T 0 S H IN PREMIUM HARNESS" STORE ! Have In Rock the largest and ine3l. complete ekseoct- FARM AND FINE HARNESS That Oan .be tonna In any store between Albany SPORTING AND TURF GOOpS! A. largo vette ty of , - TRUNKS . AND SATCHELS'! , A ware somplme :Ito& TEAM AND :TRACK. WHIPS 11 A larger and better aosortment of LADIES' AND GENTS' RIDING In conclusion, we inky that we have everything that can be named connected with a business of this kind, that we are anxious to sell. Wake up and And acme op sad see is, and we wIU dentoteneate - . - what we Mg. At $O6 IL WATER STREET, ELMIEA, 1 Y Sign of the Gold Collar:VI CHAS. 11. WiIEA.DON & SON. FOR FINE MILLINERY, li7ANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, AND LADIES , GARMENTS GT :T. SWART. G. L. KING, , Elmira. N. Y.; SIBIB ELMIRA, N. T., De. t„- 1114 lAA Water flinali MMI to D•tp I ova Oooos Wo cialm to 401.11 EAST iti.ATEAWL - . •lEaWSnm BkOC4 .18 • 0 o - 03 I 5 •ti . • ri2 Z., - ; 5 1' •rl y ■ 14 • eD , 73 : 7 4 . ' p p:. tl • 4 • ti • • \'‘ gsz A zo "="z \\\- `- 4 Cv r; \ )0 - • el • (L) • E,44 0 0 : PI n 1-3 7 4' • !;4 . sa '• - • •• 4 tzi 4 • • 1 le 1 cl • - 0 •' -4 0 v. • • -4 :;.". ;4 4 r - VI • t'd 11 DISCLOSURtS AT Till FT*ST C. U. WiIEADON & SON meet of sad Elmira. Moro SADDLES;. &c., fia PULL DOWN•YOUR VEST EVERY DESCRIPTION, At Vow rrttes, ItArELYEA & !TILL, 32.7 EAST WATER STREET, ELMIRA, N. Y., apr• : Lead!All Competitont: Mg • - ' C ALL AND SEE US • <_. lEFEED DELE VAN HOUSE, ELMIRA, N. 7. Opposite the Depot. C. T..53111'11, Formerly 01110 Ward 110000, Towantso, P 1,41118 G E R ITY.k MORREL, [ll.:tetratithed 1847.] WHOLESALE - DRUGGISTS - DRITDOISTS SUNDRIES, PAIE.NT MEDICINES • &C., &C. Me t LANZ STAINS, - Fab. 28, 111. • ELMIRA, N. Y. TOWANDA MARKETS. IMPORTED RY STEYERS'a LON - 0, General dealers in 0 reveries awl Produce, Patton 4 Block, corner Maln and - Bridge Streets, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 10, 1878. WHOLESALS. RETAIL. .5 750 . 4 76 6 00 07 so 15Q(43 00 2.56) - 1 100 . 1 10/c3l 20 ' 1 "J 14351 30 . 5041,4 . 1 550, - Nom . 35 23 3040' 33 45 5005 Go j 7r.44 1 000 125 1 5415 200 Flour per btkl Floor per sack C - oin Meal per 100 lbs Chop Feed Wheat per bush.. Corn Rye Oats Buckwheat Clorpr seedoiiedlniu.. Timothy. western,.., Beans, 82 lbx: . Pork. mess Dressed hogs [laths • 4hoilders Lard Iluttcr, tubs Rolls Fgge, fresh • tlo-ell apples, bomb.. .t'otatoes, per bushel (Bitola Beeswax 7 • conazcsaw 11Y DATIVE /1; 880. I 1 sCef) •0b . 10 03 ' • 06 V 3 ... 08 09 • 12. - •• • • 110 12s rza 120 13 • I.tal) 16 - • .10 • It; 10 11 . , 1-• lilil . es . 'antes ' . Weal snail , IWO% Deacons. 2 0 030 Sheep pelts. , - - 'owns Tallow ....'.... IMArt; AVOW . - - • ' •.. - 24€24 IM .4 ; EM IN M V, bi t_ 1.3 PRorntiron
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers