Au P Ir d cpo kl 2 , - 0 ?i, Ps., Thursday, .Inae 13, 1873 W, A, CIIAMBERLIN, Deme,in .FINE JEWELRY, WATCHES, • SILVER Sz PLATED WARE, *TOWANDA,i'A. • Towands,4an. 18, 1.874. LOCAL AND GENERAL. SELLEV is enlarging his. European hotel by thea addition of a largo kitchen and store room. HON. R. REED 31YErtdeliVer,ed thD me merial address at the deemtiori ceremo 'ties in Leltaysvill on Thuisday 'Vast. THE Tunlihantiock Democrai , says Mrs. GEO. KIRBY of this place was, vitikig in that place last week, accompanied bylier son. , THE next Quarterly INeeting of the ciplee. for the Bradford district, will I , e hell at Waverly, N. Y, June 21-23, CHET. COOLBAUGII is happy. Boy-9 pounds.. Mother and baby both doing well. Our compliments and best wishes for many returns of the joyous event. TnE Bradford Baptist Association meets in the 'Baptist /Church at East Smithfield, on Tuesday; June the 18th, and continues until the afternoon of the 20th. LJonx W. Mix, Esq., wkites from Colo rado Spring, under date of Juno 3d : "Quite a know storm miTike's.reak last night ; had to close up the' house and put on overco: ts." A.;4Ew sidewalk is being 'constructed on the south side of Chestnut Street, be tween York Avenue and Third Street, whieliwill - prove a great cOnviodenee to some of the residents of the neighborhood. REV. DAVID CRAFT will preach a meme rial sermon on the lateANros YORK, at the Brick Church, in .Wysox, on Sunday morning next., - at 1O O'clock. Mr. Y. was one of the original members of the:Church. TILE Knights. 01 minor\of this place propose celebrating., the Pointltof July by a basket pie - -nic, some where °tithe line of I the Barclay llairoad. The committee in `vite all citizens wh6 desire to do so toPar tlcipate with them in the pleasant affaii::•: WE regret to learn that our .respected. and industrious townsman, ABEL Ban 'NEiti_had the misf6rtune to lose two valu able cows last week. It is supposed their death was caused by eating some old hay which had been thrown from a barn where rats bad been poisoned. • ' WE direct especial attention of our readers who visit Elmira, to the advertise ments of several houses of that city to ho found- in our columns. They are all relia ble establishments, 'and wo take pleasure in•cmnmeuding there to public confidence and patronage. • • ' VOR the benefit of those whotoardesire to Vend the festival in -aid of the Presbyterian Church in 'idonrceton on Friday evening, Supt. JUDD has - kindly consented to nip a free train, leaving the Court House at 7 o'clock, and returning at an early hour. There ought to be a large turn out frAn-tlfis place. • DE LA MON \ TANYE bas opened a lumber • rd in Plainfiekl; New-Jamey, and ship peilliis goods tIM e -last week. We red gretto lose M. M.. d his estimable wife, r \l from this comnignity;. itt heartily -con gratulate the people of I' infield on their good fortune in securing the as residents of their city. LAST Sunday as some children o SAYEECOO7, were picking wintergre in the woods where the buggy was lett b3l 'the Canton bank robbers, they found a sataiel that was left there by -the burg lars containing bread, lAA:ter, roast tur key, etc., • ai well as papers hearing Mr. DoANE's name. This would indicate that the robbers separatedlitt this point after making a dist,ributioni 6 of their plunder.; — ON • Sunda Mr. PENNIs CARROLL, Of Wilmot, -was driving a colt, and when in the vicinity of the water tank belOw town, the animal became frightened, ran one wheel on the bank, upset the buggy and threw the occupants out, breking his •-„ „ slaughter .r.J.I.Es - s arm. Dr. I.lEnllsi , ;:c reduced the fracture and the patient is doing well.—Tht:tliore Review. TO. death of INNS. IL IiITON, second son of, Welate Dr. 1h although not unexpected, was deeply mo b urned y his many friends. Although an unfortunate cripple frin6 cliildhot?d, he niade himself may way? to his family, and was a friend to everybody. He was wide ly. knowiraud was a welcome guest in not a few households. "Lee's fitful fever (Acr he sleaps:wal." i-A. NOTIIF. It Fl TIE IN ' Meilvuorrot,wr—Our ta;i;zl,ll,,oring village Of Mouroeton is being seilimhly scorched ollatelt A few Weeks sin.-e we chronicled th burning of sever al buildings the - re, and tyriday after noon last the foundry and machine shop o - 11. W. ltocKwF.l.l, was bu?Tl ti h gr. , 1111(1. The fire caught fr./. -.- (luring the operation of casting. n i ot learn the amount of the lo: irrlrstand there was an • insuran, 04r. .Priv , osio,.—Pllll.lP (ASE, an •old citi zen of Ithaca, N. Y., and who lived in this county when a boy, was in town seV ,eral days last week. enAs. E. Cli.Annmoand daugh ter, are visiting Mrs. G's. parbas in this I= -I ._ W I LT, Esq., whq, attended the encamp of the G. A. It. at Spring ', Aida, Mass., last week, has out thanks fs , r papers containing a full aectinnt of the inVL • ittg, —Among the published arrivals at the ( ;rttlll'entral Hotel, Denver, Colorado, (Al :lune -lth, we notice the name of Jour 311, Esq., of this place. --31rs,'C. 31, 'MANVILLE started on Sat 111fi%4 last for Poebl6, Colorado. She goes in son:I-any With her father, who will en g-age in mining operations there. • , Tiin - goud results of the Grange organi -1 , zathin are being realized in many wa) 8 1 aml , si.(•ciallyin the attention given -to tlieinprovcment of stock. By discussing 1 the in titer, farmers have come to under- I stand tthat it emits no more to keep a' ood 1 au pal than a poor one, and tnany are t-6 in., thr exlwriment. We clip the fol- t . I;)ning from ,he Harrisburg Patriot or Saturday :. . 7 We had•the pleasure of examining at the .(1%:p0t., yesterday,- two splendid year. ling bulls, thoroughbred Alderney stock, front theline load of Wm. Calder,Esq. , this:eity, whildt 'Weie being ship p ed by the Adams•F4press Company to it-..E. C. 31yer, a prominent agriculturist of North cru Pennsylvania, at Wysauking.,-Brad ford County. The pair* weighed 0ver1,306 pounds, light crates include& -_. . ----=- : - - Tim Presbyterian !Sociable will meet on Wednesday evening next, at the residence of C. D. HUMPIIIIEY. GEORGE D. &rump" a member of the bar of this place; has decided to go into the ministry of the Episcopal Church. TuE festival at the Giange Ball in Wy- . soa, - for tie benefit of the Presbyterian Church, was a 'success. Net. proceeds about $75. !-‘ Oun Boarding House " has never been presenickli in this section, .and wo have no doubt Mercur hail will -be crowded on Friday. evening to witness it. • TUE Ladies' Mite Society of the Uni versialist Church, will be held at the house of M. D. SWARTZ .on Tuesday evening, the 18th inst. A general invitation is ex tended. THE theatre-going, public are delighted that raEONAity Otttwines celebrated 'play Of "Our BOarding House" is to be given at Mercur Hall on Friday evening of this week. GEo. H. Wool) has taken two fine stereoscopic views of the improved interi or of Christ Church, Towanda. They are for sal© at big gallery, and at the book itt:Tes of WmTc ouni&:SuauT 4 and CHAS. F. Cross. Itins. t t . DRICII is certainly entitled to -the premiul on Strawberries._ We have before us a 11.r.sketful from her garden, which are the lam b st and most - delicious of any we.have ev r'seen-or tasted. \ TIIE, commencement .xercises •of the SuSquebanna Collegiate Iri'tiite for„ the present year, will take place inAhe Pre,s byterian Church, Thursday evening June 130, commencing at S o'clock. All arc cordially invited. Admission free: AT a regular meeting of White Lilly Lodire, No. 808, I. 0. 0. F., held iit their Lail at Wyalusing, Slay 25,,1878, the fol lowing ix solutions were adopted : WHEREAS-, It bath pleased our Heav enly Father to remove by death the. wife of our brother, 11. L. Terry. Reso'lred, That We extend to our broth er our fraternal sympathy in this hour of his great sorrow, and though by this be reavement he has met with an irreparable loss, we are confident he will be sustained by that God in where: we trust, acknowl edging that it becoMes us also fo heed the lesson so frequently taught by Divine Prov idence. • Regolved, That these resolutions be .cn tered upon the records of oar, Lodge and be published. A:SPLENDID INA - ExTiox:—We have had our .attention called to a Practical and unique article -in the way of a Ilea - dy Binder, in which one can bind music, IT p-• .4,er'.•l Weekly, Chintney Com?r,' and all Other papers, magazines, etc., binding' the'tn,one at a time as received, thus lace, ing them on file and making a strung a d handsome . .; ,, eltiniewhen completed. But the best of all of this is, the elleapness at which they caii. be bound, ranging from twenty-five cents'and upwards. We learn that Towanda and Vicinity' will be on •vassed for this IWe:2S:l.'2:Pk article .. shortly. THEM is stopping at theVwell House,. I ToWanda,- at. this date, ly.r. who has the most complete step Ifieler we have'ever seen. It comprises tf,- 4, \lad ders in one, and is an elegant thing in tvv ;ery respect., ~ It can be placed--on stairs or winding stairs as safely as on the floor, and when Closed occupie's but little room. • It is just the thing for parties that have use for such an article for such purposes. whether it is for pOiing fruit, washing windows; papering walls or store. use, etc., etc. - Wouldn't it be wise for sone of our moneyed men to purchase the state .and throw them broadcast over the terri tory ? i/ OUIt . NEW &mom. TicAmrEn.—Prof. ButtGAN, the new Principal of our gracicd -scho4 comes warmly, endorsed, by the preks of Pottsville, as well as the friends of education in that city. The following extracts confirm the good opinions enter tained Ly the•school board : A MERITED Ilicon.- - -Tiof. E. T: Poir gam teacher .of the Norwegian Street. School, has received tlm appillitment of he Principal of the schools of 'Towanda, I ldfoid .County, over .twenty competi tor The salary is $1,200 yet. year. Prof. Burg; i well deserve:; the honor thus con- k tst, con ferred o him, and will carry with him. from Pot .ville the best wishes of hosts . of friends a 1 Nch 61 ars for his future w.:l - —PatNe 1 . • Erc h (eq Chro:iir(e, PERsoNA.L.— ofessor E. T.. Burgan, 'who foi some - time las been Principal of the Elective Ur:lmm • selnsPl Of - this bor ough, has just been e •ted Principal of the schoolsAn Towanda, Bradford Coun ty, at a salary of $1,2.1)0 - pc mnum. This is all, the more ry, because Professor ilurgairwas selectee 'biro a list of twentytapplicants. While hcs many friends here will regret his retnond, they can but rejoice at his merited sueees , . anti se can assure our friends . in Towanda that they have (It:lined a thorough teach-- et-and. accomplished gcutleman.--'l/ificr's „hitt rital - Y - GOLDEN . YVEmuNo.—A hirge coin - pally to the•number of more than one hundred gathered at the home of Rev. Joux Luc ntsoN, on the-13th of May, to celebrate the fiftieth - anniversary of their marriage. Early in the day the guests began to as semble and continued until thelarge and „commodious house was Nvell tilled in every part: Persons were present from Che numg, and Stenben Counties, Y., and Bradford and Tioga Counties, Pa: • . • Hey. Jowc LAnitisox was born in En field, N. V., in the year nOS. When 13 years of age he moved to Wysux, Pa., :mil from there to Jackson, 'no*); Co., PA., where he was•married by BENJAMIN II lin:, EMI., to Miss MAny lit:sTLY, of Chewing° Co.,' N. V. • From Jackson he moved to Itifigebury where he now resides, and has for more lan forty-six years. In 1843 he eras set ap. it for the work of the • ministry, uncle the Freewill Baptist denomin ation; be country beirig almost entirely neW at th, t time, and especially in that vicinity, ant*,ll' settlements few and scat tering, ho was ibliged to labor much with his owo hands to scar the land, 'and se cure a home.for hia amily. - .Thus all Bit) preparation, he oft t had to preach the Gospel on the Lord's,day was secured in following the plough \ •or felling. the .trees, or close bs the dim light; of UM eve nirg tire. But with all these discourage inents and-privations, he shares ,stk•day a good standing among the ministers f his denomination. Ile,lts been permitte to baptiie a goodly number, in his ministry and, many noire date; their earliest cony ic-• tiortia to his faithful ministry. Six sonsVw•ere bop to them, all of them living at the presout writing. DAvin the youngest, is the able and . successful Sun day Sehdol Superintendent at Pennyville this year. • The presents given to' the aged couple Were very nimerous, and some of them gtiite costly, and were presented by P. s - .• fEvEnix7, of the Wellsburg Bap list Church. The singing was conducted by Miss MATTrimvs, a lady of fine musi eal :aid ability; assisted by Miss GRISWOLD; and Mr. Yomius, all of Wells- burg, N. Y. -A recitution.was given by a ,Miss LARRISON, gradnate of the Troy Giaded School, of rare merit We bespeak for the young lady a bright future'. Thus closed one of the most" enjoyable . occasions the writer hati.: l- .l(ttendad- for =WY* • 'BM*. -• . . . CRYSTAL Lodge, Knigh , of Honor, of Towanda, will plc-nic at Wpston Station, on the Barelay'Railrotd, 4th of July nett A cordial invitation is extended to all that would like to spend . 6., day in.. the woods - to join us. All that can attend will provide their own lunch.- Ice cold lemon.; tide will be furnished by the; Lodge free' to all. Excursion rates have been secur ed, and all that go will have the benefit of the low rates, Fare for the round trip 8.5 cents: All those desiring to go will colder a favor on the committee by . ' buy iug their tickets on& before the 20t of June, so that arrangements ca n be'. made that will insure comfort and pleasure. The committee will receive all baskets, croquet sets, ice cream freezers, etc., etc., that are brought to the stations, -and see that transportation is furnished to the grove and return. The train will leave the freight depot at 7:20, Court House at 7:40, and Barclay depot at 8 o'clock A. at. and return at 6P. m. 'No pains will he spared to make the day one of real pleas ure. Felice -will be on the ground to pre serve order... Tickets may be had at any time of either of the committee. S. W. RoDomts, ' • . J. 12: KITIIIIDGE, G F.O P.G F..' HA lla RW AY, • - -Committee of Arrangeinents. WYOMING CENTENNIAL.-!--The one hun dredth anniversary of the battle and mas saere. of Wyoming will occur July 3d and 4th, 1878. Tho committee appointed to collectiiistorical matter desire to exhibit at. Wyoming upon that occasion as muth of its unpublished earty history was can :possibly be gathered. As this'will proba bly be the last concentrated effort to col lect: such documentary papers, mann scripts, records data, old books, fading tra- ditions, material even fragmentary,. etc:, etc., the committee make , this lastlappeal o persons having mothing of the kind re la ‘leg to old Wyoming,' to furnish them to oily of these gentlemen, members of, the committee. Such articles or materi als:will be\eared for, and returned after July 4th, 'unless otherwise requested- Rev. EO.I,IXDON, Of mowapda ;"*Wo. P. :141 Eu,, Fir. -Sruu 11E-VANT, Wilkes-I3a) u. 5.44 ) . BENE DICT, Carbondale ; S. KENNEDY, Waverly ; Itev. D. HOD. *Y.T.VI> 4 TF.It DANA, 3. 'C. PLATT, Scranton Pltiston ; I')r. II oLtIsT Providence PomoNA GRA:intl.—Bradford and Sulli van County Grange District Pomona Grange, 9.3,cmet at Asylum Grange liall. - on Friday morning, :Slay :11st, and was called to order by Worthy Master C. D. Doss, and opened in the - usual term. In consequence of the almost incessant rain for nearly forty-eight - hours, but a few of the officers were present. 'The following brothers were appointed to till the offices PIO ll'or(l'/ o . Ferseer-13ro. G. W. GnEitts, of Wys , anking, Ste'rrdrd—Bro. C. B. TAY 1:1D1t, of "Co. lunibia. - C'hq ) ,l-f 7 -11ro. J. C. I .r.kuc; ttx, of Wya Gate Kee, , e,.—Bro. C. NEILtY. • The minutes of the previous meeting Were read and declared approved. The roll of officers wet° called and ab- ‘ scntet;s noted. \the committeg...on'credenfials repfirted sevtiteen Granges as follows : Asybui F No. 211 ; llercar, Ito. 245; Home, "No, 95 ; Towanda Valley, No. 204 °sea.luwa; 142.; IVyrauhing, No. 58 ; West GranvillejNo. 257 ; Standing Stone, No. 3;11 ; Centre, No. 300; New . Era. No. 020 ; Wyalusing, No. 124 ; Cen tral, No. 194 ; West — lyarren, No. 208 ;- Highland, No. 103; Colley', No. 865 ; To wanda, 'No. 200, and North.. No. 20-i. • - \. c • Tim executive committee was tlled on and made their reports, , • Worthy Master appointed thiifollo \ Wing a committee - on resolutions: Bros. B. EimTE, E. .1. A.1"1 . 1:, and G. W. GREEN. Tim special committee was called ou for the report on the state of thaorder, who made a lengthy and , satisfactOry report. Grange tl:(41 adjourned for dinner. By. this time the hall was quite well and feats werdexpressed by. some of 'the members of Asylum .Grange that they , might be short of rations, for, owing to. the storm they did not know- bow many to prepare for, but it turned out as it al ways has, and in all probability will -7 p!! ~!y aad t , O t ie. Ttltir beautiful and spacious building was well calculated to accommodate such a crowd-it Icing about thirty by forty live feet for a dining room, and in the rear of this -are - two rooms sixteen feet square that answer for a pantry. and kitchen With a large cook-stove, with' an elevated oven . well calculated to—keep-the chicken pies red hot, and to make the tea and rutPw. With . thesc facilities and dis position that all the Grange ladies possess all need not guess at the re tilt. At f:! o'cloel; Grange was called tortir anti opened in usual form. All feeling in good humor, and largely reinforced, lisd- ecKs rvile: active "Worthy Master in a very gent emanty„ nuttier excused himself for making so wild a mistake in the meeting on the wrong day, and asked the forgive ness of all, and sugg6l4eil that the adver tising of Meetings in the future bp left in. the hands of the Secretary. _ „lbother C. F. made a_mo thm, and was carried, Oat' the Secretary be authorized to :lave:E:o the meetings in the Sullivan County tippers as iwell as in the Bredfoid ; also in She 1 2 7armers' i i Worthy. Master presented the resigna tion of Sister IlosErra FULLER, of Fox, No. 310, Of the office of Worthy Ceres, and declared that nominations sere in or der to till the vacancy. Sister ,t. 0.. At, Gcn, of North Orwell, No. 208, was nom inated. It was moved that the nomina tions *close. Sister At nmi• was elected and duly installed by Worthy Past Mas ter E. 11. DELomi, assisted by V. S. LAN; RON, - of West Granville. ~The committee on resolutions were called, and made the following report: -/ - ?esoired, That we think our State Leg islature was.lbug enough -in session to have passed some mensurn'of relief in the way of reducing the expenses of gov3l ernment by lowering official salaries, in conformity with the changed condition of business affairs, ~ and the greatly increased purchasing. power of Ike dollar since their salaries were fixed. We look, in vain for R vthing in that direction, except the not ,fee'bill, and feel greatful to our ser vaut4') for whatever measures of relidf there in that act. , .11eio/r4 That in. the present state of the count\the office-holders arc the most prospe US members of the commit= nity—they having a fixed income against low prices on evbrythmg consumed. - . llczto?red, That citizens, and as vet ers, ,w-.l' demand . of\political -parties the nomination of men for \ oar legislative bo dies, who* will strive earnestly to give us nn equal tax law, and k Ss for our officials, coiumoncinp r own Fly. • ' . . Resolved, That we wat the in terest of the people LI .1. fair words and promises from i men ' and we promise acts hertafterrathet4haa . words'tolindivatu our dlipleasure of -unfit men, or professicmal politicians' nont lusted for our suffrage. - : - • Resolved, That our large, lad important affairkinvolving taisititaratat.: peiatituitaattOalhat4o:sittt : thotiaagal ,',.,-;::,-- ; , 77 ? '-..3%,,b2 ;•S'.;tl;:n'.:'''. NEE ~_ -. _~ _ ''~ S_.. } dollars per annum, call for,the highest in tegrity and the best business capacity in our Comniissioners' office. And we call for the nomination of men of character and intilligence for, County Commission ers, who can neither be used as toots Or fools by men having designs upon the County Treasury, and who will _charge only for their time necessarily spent in the transaction of the business of the county. Wodci not believe that with a !faithful clerk a perpetual session of the Commissioners is necessary. Resolved, That our duty 'to ourselves, and a proper regard for the public welfare may requile es to fallback upon our ina lienable rights to vote as we please, If in our judgment unfit men are placed in nomination by, the political conventions. \ Resolved, -That the great need of the times is integrity, capacity, and;. interest acursympathy with the grest-tai-paying masses, on the part of the public meta who make ocir,laws and exercise- the power of taxation and expenditures. Resolved, That we recommend to pa trons and farmers generally, the Farmers' Friend and the Huabaadman, -as worthy of their patronage, and as more important to be sustained than airy. merely partizan newspaper.. In thO struggle which must .come te'free labor %from its unjust bur dens, we need the aid of - newspapers free from the contro l of public office \ holders , and the influence of powerful corpora tions. \ . Resolved, That a committee of six ‘on each side of the river uo appointed to vis-, it all the Granges in their, vicinity, and report a the next meeting, consisting on the east of:Bro. E. Piollet of Wysa,x, A.. D. Munn, of Litchfield, George Mos crip, of Wapasening, P. 11 . Buck, of Le- Raysville,'W. Shaw, of. Rome, and ,C. S. Hornet, of Wyalusing. And on the west, B. Laporte, of Asylum, E., IL De _Long, of Osealuwa, C. B. Taylor, of Co lumbia, V. S. Landon, of West Granville, E. H. Crayton, of Towanda Valley, and C. P. HUnsinger, of Colley. - • Resolved, That we tender our sincere thanks to Asylum Grange, for the warm and hearty reception this Grange has re ceived at their hands. Resolved, That we shall ever hold them in remembrance for the cordial welcome, and hope to be able to return like kind ness.. motion was made and carried, that he resolutions be adopted A motko was made and carried, to.hold an evening session, ancr that the -fifth de gree be conferred in due form. A motior, was made and carried, to hold the next session of this_ Grange at Open Hand Grange, Leßoy, on the third Tues day in August at 2 o'clock. A motion was made and carried to re consider the motion. Moved and carried to . hold the next session, at Highland Grange, Litchfield, as above.. Brothers J. E. Pror:LEr, B. LAPORTF,', and Worthy State Master were called on for remarks, and"all responded most no bly\ It would well pay ra,A . )erstin for driv ing fee mileS to, listen to such 14 of the farmers. A 11 and. earned, that Brothe I hereby invited to delivc, ir . .next- meeting. Alsc made and carried,. that S .I R AN is hereby in vitedlto prepare and deliver an essay at our eekt ; meetin g . • Grange adjourned forsupperto reopen at 7:30. Supper was served in the' same good order and 'taste as was the ,diner. After, an had eaten to their entire satis faction,-and the smoke all cleared away, a class of seven candidates were assem bled, and the beautiful and impressive lectures of the fifth degree were adminis tered by Past Master E. R. DELONO, as sisted-by Brother C. B. TaiLon. The Grange was again opened in the fourth degree and - business taken 'up. Brother W. IL SMITH and V. S. LANIXIN reported on the prospects of a Grange Store in Towanda and in Troy. 'Brother B. LAPORTE reported on the prospects of wool; that a few large lots. had been sold by our State agent iu Philadelpraa, at large saving from, the price we would be compelled to.take if sold at home: Also, reported the price of salt for fanning pur poses by. the car load at rates, 'that they could afford to buy at. • Brother :Cat. PATTERSON reported lime by the car load atia ranch lower rate than ever bought in this vicinity. ,Brother J. W. litsantrry, or West Granville, was called on for a declamation,' which he-re \ spondedto a - n-y appropriate manner: wo was taken up in social corn hich was participated in by ent. The declamation 4 s•aa ed, that Brother MERRITT was called on `again. Io -appeared' the second time, and as lie unto the first, only a more so. \ The conclusion_was its,l cture on butter leaking by Ilrother..EL R:l3 - ELoNet. Grange, closed at 10:30. A cordial. invitation to all to lie present at the next meeting at Litchfield W. IL • SIIAW, Beeradry. DECORATION AT LERAYVILLE.—under the auspices of Spalding Post, No. 33, A. IL, the ceremonies of, decorating the graves-of those who fell indefence of the starry flag, was performed on, Thursday last, June tith-the rain on the 30th caui ingAhe necess4 of an adjoernment t -At 8 o'clock the Lellaysville Cornet Band, accompanied., by Spalding Post in Car riages, proceeded to Stevensville, where they were. met by the citizens of that prosperous -village on the banks 'of the beautiful Wyalusing, and the Sunday School, also a number of Jackson Post at Wyaluing. The line -of march was tak en from the Church to the cemetery,- led by the band, where the impressive ceremo ny of placing flowers upon the graves of our fallen heroes, was , conthicted under the direction of COL. CARTER, Post Com mander. During 'the ceremony' Captain IValvrat paid a fitting tribute to the memory of AARON BENDER, a member of the l-list Regiment,, who was itilled at the battle of the-Wilderness. Ile waitol lowedl4. Rev. TRONIAS THOMAS in a short and appropriate address. The ceremonies having been concluded "'Forward" again ran along, the line and the march was taken toward • thO family cemetery of J. A. BOSWORTII, :Which is beautifully . kept, and tor which he do sCr%es great' credit. : After a ,dirge by the band and leaving flowers upon the graves of comrades buried there, the Procession which noiv numbered fifty ,wagors and carriages, soon arrived at the cemetery near WarankS-rzvEris'. After strew ing the resting places of the fallen brave,. arrived at Leßaysvilte at noon, where a& dresses were to be made, At 1:30 r . the procession was formed at the Mothed ist Church in the following order : Leßaysville Cornet Band.. Clergy.nd Speakers. Sunday &heels: , Spaulding Post. • , Citizens. 121131 Acor., In an, near) so 1:0 , . Reaching the cemetery the expressive ceremonies of placing flowers, the em blems of love and purity, upon thegrwrs of those comrades who sleep the sleep,t4t knows no waking, "on fame's eten4l 1 camping ground, 'Abet the bright galaxi,l of stars upon our national - ensign might' wave over a united land from the. Adair tic to the ?acing, and from Maine to the golden shores of California," and as wart, said by ono of the speakers, "greater love': than this bath no man." After' prlfyer'. by the Rev. Mr. RICHMOND, lion. E. Rxxxo Min was introduced by Col. rearms; who delivered ono of the best eulogies up on the service. to the country oftbebrave en who gave their lives to *tbo tufty of the Untian i - end . :>l! +r;;' ritieu-otO4itlibettirlbitit " .. ,,.f:,,:' 'Wg'gtif.:4-TalWal:Vaftaikrt ~~::~:K:t::. K... ~k':t€:. fortune to bear./.His address was listen ed to by an an / dunk:a of over one thousand people gathered from the hills and valleys of Bradford / rmd - Susquehanna, ;eager: to pay the full measure of ,respect to our eciuntr7,'s brave defenders. His address was fitting to the occasion, and was well melted. Mr. blvun's ability is well knOwn in this county, and his long public service is without reproach. He was fol lowed by'Rev. A. H. Hoop, *a Susque hanna County, who delivered an eloquent and patriotic address, which commanded the closest attention. Rev. Mr. ANortt made a, few,appropri ate remarks, and the procession prewled by the band, returned to the Congrega tional Church, end was dismissed by the Rev. Mr. RtilinOND, with. the benedic tion. Col. CARTER, Post Commander, Adjutmt iiiitES H. SMITH, Captain WAR: NER, and Comrades Boswoarn, BHivx :Ind TAYLOR are, especiady deserving of mention for their untiring - efforts to ren der the proceedings a success. But where all did so well it seems invidious to pat ticularize. • Spalding Post did themselves 'hor s ier, and it is the earnest wish of all that they may witness the return of many dedora ,tion days before the sod shall grow above the mounds of the surviving de fenders of the nation's existence. By order of Spalding Post the papers are requesd to print the proceeding,sand addresses tifliy..ssns. MTEn, and noon, a copy of that Or.Fi.. Myra accompanying • this communAeatitm : ADDRESS OS' HON. E. It>dirrert AT LERAYSVIELK, - rt./NE 6,ISTS. • .Ify Ettloto -Citizen I . \.., You need not tha I should remind you of the deep nignificance o this hour, or oftbe solemn Im port of the fen/Ices In which we are Mee -engaged. Beneath the lone altar ot the turf, upeid e whieh we I have Just tread, in sacred urn silently repose the 1 tuartyredtlefeunlers of liberty. N. While under the arch of the broad belleMeli that i so compassionately encompassed 'pew as on many a blood-stsined battlefield, they crOntended for vie tory. we their grate NI survivors hare assembled to , do reverence to thou memories, to meditate upon their virtues, and from the example of sublime he roism, they have bequeathed to us and to the world catch inspliatina, for the future. I confess, how ever, that 1 hesitate to invade the sanctity of ibis day and occasion by attempting the utterance of thoughts and feelings su much, taore emphatically . and tenderly in all the solemnities of this hour it self, and niers espeicielly In ibe pure offering with which you have decorated the graves of the Inds trlous dead, and'yet led linty b Impressive rites and eeremottles, bid also by all the arts of speech of which wul are Master. Thuseto commemorate the virt u es of those to whom we are so - ereatly 'in cebted, is a duty t•.thA performanco of ' which we are impelled by the loftiest instincts of our nature and Ideal of every consideration capable of stimu lating or controlling the actions of a loving anal grateful people. There are many thoughts suggest ' ed by this occasion, thentteraniee or which Is Ir/i -v/snide : thoughts of a sorrowful past, of times in which the giant war demi surcharged with wrath ful bolts. huog darkly in the heavens of times in augurated in the Interest of oppression and wreng, dating far hack In the history of our government, and especielly to that fatal day, the 14th of April. 'ISIS, when the flare of our country, honored and re vered by every nation beneath the heavens, finally suecumblng to the treacherous assaults of the very people it -had hitherto sheltered and protected, went down Over the amoultterlng ruins of Sumpter. They Will came toNaur minds as suggested by the occasion of the horning,. recilections of the past, of the limes when the retilebt spirit then In -the -hearts of-men alhe looorlostitetions, from thence as dire centers:and a idening \ eirrles.dia'used Itself through the aid of bar/ men nelli all thinks resell , - tittle of its hithience ' , sere tuttae4 of its even ten dencies. and subotelioated.l•sel: to the purposes of Insurrection and revolt. awl the nation like a vast. tempest tossed Sea, lets torn in esntliming tumult and intestine strile; Yee, rapidly uperrour mines grows the burning recolleetion of the`ltmee In which the Woad' this land of Columbia. beneath the banner of which no sinlthileld fires, or tha,rack or the torture of any limulettion has ever dared to he applied to the. Church of Christ, seemed trent.' Wing in the scale of Fite. When administrative, Weakness charactei ized the general government: and all things appere.ttly y..•re left to the mercy of the assailitets,. and the eiediteet. that ruled the times Inn: edlately soeceediffe. Times ot the most Intense anxiety alike utemereble In heart and In honor, meniorable by thrilling ereetamations and etere sun/Veining+ 10 the battlefield, and by, the sail farewell and the parting tear as tire loving ,. mother and siileradil them g, and tßel speed to the defense slte the ram lOU'S honer, made memorable by the long days of-pet - lent walling and watching, and. hinging fur the rein re it the loved one, by painful searching of the cruel list of killed arid wounded atter 'battle, by the Iteevy grief shadows resting en theionely heartioU , lle, and which the light of m ray nuns can never chase away.. Stich are bat a. few of e N the many though; sby his- occasion suggested and which raven winged fflt brooding over eti many 1101311`R in our land to del.\ It was a time of trial and desperate emergency, 'tunes when from aimed every loyal home In one land. went teeth brave ones to rescue our ertslangeted\pationality endan gered by ae entinislasm inspire by by the /sublime consclences.of the imperaffv. denesids of tier op easeen. and the rights - mit-uses of their \ cause' never nakinlng whether they should ever return. Indeed never caring to return until victory shetild perch en the old:banner. and of the multitude that' went forth how many that faille not again, heir, inauy who without burial wasted fin fl esel ted battlefields, or in shallow graves ranmeistened by a single tear await the resurref , lif al fmrn. No chiseled mated,. Or painted board bears 'their. narrie or tells the (peel spot hallowed by their re pie.e, they - are ,nnst however leeyend the range of all knowledge. iThe lie& of universal IM/owl/Age knows the itlaee of thilr slumbers, anti the bread eye of heaven wake. le perpetual vigil over their lonelygravee.and :me:ghetto hands may not wreath', their graves to-stay, their 'memory shall not-perish. From their very dust are springing perpetual flow ers'of fadeless hue,atef fragrance nil pervasive, the seeds of which welt. scattered by God's angels who In passiug said, I Itsse have no memorials, no gar . lands wreath their 'meths, hence in their dust I plant the germs of life, which springing thence shalt bloontinimorml shedding over ail the nettles of blood a rich perfume. end nit It. letgehe are thus .wreathing the duet of the unknown heist's of the • war, how eminently proper and fitting that we a kindred °Mee should this day perform, for those who by loving bands lifted trove gory Lode were . tenderly enrrleel back to their early lioness, where. amidnative tails they have rotund it quiet and hon oretirestlng place. there then as to a sacred statue we come around the graves of patriots and heroes wn shalt this day gat!' -r that, with. every demon 'etratlon of grateful atreetion that the dutiful heart conceives, IYII may appreprlately celebrate their lives so glorious and their death so grand. It is tale of the sayings of _divine inspiration— than which there Is 1104.0 triter or mote grand— I Mist." greater tote bath no man than this. that a /Inn lay down his life for its friends." Aye, the strongest. most eel 4 y hieing evidetwo that passably' Call be griett for . 'cause is to die foe--...: it' Mt that a man hat h ill he, give for his life.- This Is the ultimate. tit ,i aii-eompreheneling good : 'hence, beyond the sacrifice of life in the interest of any cause the fervor of devotion rennet carry us. For -'filter all. it Is riot the empty v./pen - 111g on Wand pm f63sion-of the flippant tongneetut the sacrifice of love Mat e attests.lte reality aud illustrates its power. Words may be spoken, tear% may be shed, prayers may beeottered, en Men, talent and Incaleniable• wealth Maybe conse rated.avel yet Ilmialittate test of devotionsto any e use is something beyond;some thing trar.scrifolieg eel tills.', , When we see men of whirl' the gellent leyon is ut a type, who fell so early lu our conntrvi's recent etruggre kw existence as a Union : wheel ! we see a mall like' him first of alt elteerfully :thanoffing his home with all Its pre eminent claims and Zeurearmenta, and at the sacri fice of his werldly and ...Otis and all his subordinate (1 1., hopes d aspimthe if, goit r f forth unhesitatingly to the rescue o f his count - . and imperiled liberty. deeming this a bete ineo small. and pouring eat un falteringly as from tbe.baek'nef his noble steed he felle his very lifederel upon Ile altar, I think we can safely say_of hit)) . trough In that dread hour of death AO iViird eSellped Ills lipe.—tbough spent ho lived, the siteedhe dite....- e teere is a an who loved his country becanee he died for R. And this, let me Say, Is precisely the evidence of devicion to the cause of their country ;Open by those.wheacirnein - Ories we Se - fondly cherish today. wlsethei \ they be soldiers:a of the Revointionary War or Of 17 1 air more terrible and bloody cOnfli.q. They di d \ for their Conntry's cause and Its ultimate tri alPir 1 they Cave all they had to tive.r-their lives 4 they, downlaldownthetrilvee for their friends .' Trento the starting significance ortheir death : they deed for no. In our stead ; benee. politic:illy mud settially, they are our saviours. 'ln title &Mee titers }vas re (IMO:011ln their bleed aiii it was poured out upon the hatilei-fields or Antietam arid (iettyslturg, and satirratird the earth from Nalasitlngteri to Richmond. Hence, also, the muching power of the deed: • It is not rnere:y that ti, ~ ./e Men have.dlert that we sr tenderly emitting; [heir memorle.s_ In our hearts today. but that In 11 sir dying they Celenpled a position . which we olliewlse must bayellited, or -failed forever of the gratithreettits that now aeerue to us as the citizens of a t att.,* once endangered but vow redeemed and reee itthlished on thed • mu table !basis of- universal f sedom and equal rights to all, and its this lefty sacrifice of the individual in the behalf f mutual rights and In the interest of the etern I prietipies hat underlie the well .. being of our e that gives to-thodeath of the pat riot its gram ur and Its power to kindle and com mand the ad tiration of the world ; -It le this that renders the emery of the deed hero Imperishable and his deed. Immortal. lips is no private death , but a nation its boon, and as such claims A =Wool recognition and reward, awl gladly responsive to , the claims of those--who have on lore's high altar consecrated themselves per their country's eta]; we this day, with thilr g.irferaftts 'comrades yet cur. Awing, unite In lavishing upon their graves the. simple testimonial of our undying gratitude and; our high appreciation of tholmmeasurable services! they rendered ourcndangored nationality, and to the cause of freedom Cud. humanity throughout ' the world.. When our Savior wagon his way to his death, you will remember he 'said folds friends, In substance, .. Do not forget me ;" and ourhe very eve of his srealon,llegerlng sufficiently loW,g to In stitute a simple commemorative rite, in the'observ -Mien of which helcquested his folldwers toiengage to the end, of time, saying, ".'. s oft as yo do this dridt in retaembrinee of me." It Is nut, therefore.' au Instinctive weakness of Vanity, but it 15 a lauda ble, praiseworthy desire of all noile natnres,"and onewhich,theconque.ror of worlds participated in, —ebb" desire to be remembered by those who sur vive. The poet Milton is reported to have said that "he desired to writs. something that the world would not w nil avy let tile,'' and surely has his . great aspirations been realized. In the flowers, then, with which you decorate the graves of these departed heroes, we receptive Etat of all the, simple testimonial of the affectionate remembrance in. which we ever bold them and their - great work In our behalf. We have laid flowers reverently upon their graves as the , ponce-Offering of- our grateful item, and .as In the sweet -breath of these flowers. ' the graves of hereeivare embalmed to the memory of their valiant deeds and - glorious death. And not only so Inhellowere with which you hare deci mated the Union soldiers' graves do we recogetze .the symbols of thatisweet influence which,"thoogh • dead, those brave men are atilt earning upon ;he worm ; as far out upon the balmy Mess these flow :. en throw their rich fragrance to gratify and regale :thellestes, so pervasive of the Union Is thelnliti ence of the bran, - cheering and invigorating with - sweet memories, the spinier libenyin an heretma- Mate or- th e worid , and in the lowers spread upon . . g0ut...11044n: rleas se sho o Vethe 1 rip= l it.bede fit 3Rfrr>~t ciW :- latitt,iul orisons the tiongairpevtiriter,4o4otir: , pwwith.theeratanall*i.oo ll n;e' — ''' ::''''' '' '''' ;:True 11nrielaien. lora : tatiruei' tkiiluier7 'AII - oi' ~ . , • , canalwarn tberdiede, litt . VisdyLettorte. 4fralt,Ae:sl* .441111016*;:-JarNisiar VW: ~,..... ..,4* , c .*:,..7,5? "r•- - VIIT."-,_ , .^-,1 1 / 4 e , . ..- P5.**57, 3 ; 1 each straggling luiro rising= sublimely etragliefi I and crowned from -the gory Sakti of martyrdom, and the peat truths for -which they Med.\ liberty and union, then as ever triumphant over , all lo bes going forth into the - world Meltiplyhsg Melo. tortes unto the end of time: • The fall reallitation of Martirdoineaute to of mind and heart as In the metropolis of the State I Wood by the lifeless body of the last and crowning martyr of - the war.. The lips wens sealed Mattes long before bad utfelvsLas If inspired by God him self, this grand sentiment, "With malice toward none and nbarirt for •elt."—the ever•to•be.remcm bered, the (Tod-like Lincoln. but reveal ti you, when declaring atuliLthe solumnltiesor this daf , that the stwingeat h=an.pledgq_that can possib y be given, to tbir success of say Inobacause is - the comics of its Marts:al heroes. As In tine blood and moublered remains of the martyrs to our holy Christianity is the seed of the church. so In the blood and mouldering remains of the heroic , de fenders of tbs , Tinton. Is the seed perpetuating It through ages yet to come. - To my eyes of national -faith,there is to be read upon every leaf of the tree springing from- the reed, in totters of living fight. the' American Union as long as tbo sun and moon shall endure, giving to the sentiment oft-repeated a significance more sublimely tine and holy than eiYISL , .._ • "A union of Takes, s union of lands, A. union no power can Bever ; • • A union of bearteZ a twin of bands. And the American Union forever P. Fitting, then—yea, eminently fitting, that eVery Union soldier's grave should' be clothed In , all the beauty of spring flowers, of which some one has said, they are the smiles of God, the rays of Ills complacency still lingering on the earth's surface blistered by Ills curse, symbolizing their virtues and v•Ars over oppression and wrong, and .meltlng with furnace heat of civil war.the chains of slavery from four minions of bondmen, and Planting amid the dying embers the standard of universal free. dom and equality before the law of all men, - where we trust It may stand with the. flag of our country at its top waving over a land of isnivertial brother hood until time shall be no more. Tim liburge of war in oue land has pass , :d away and peace, thrice blessed, has come to shed her blessings. Bring, then. lu each succeed leg year year wreaths. your garlands, and lay them tenderly on the soldiers' , graves and baptize them with the sweet fragrance of flowers ; but remember that more precious even than tide, that dearer far tnan the odor or perfume of violets Is the fragrance of the tears of widows and orphans this day bathing the graves of, buried . lore ; and yet more precious, far more .dear as the memorials of our: gratitude, are the substantial tokens of kindness with which we may every day in theyear ameliorate the lonely pathway along which the widows and orphan); of the now silent defenders of their' country Journey to - meet, their, husbands or fathers in the quiet land on other . • side of the grave, where.- thank Grel; the ehrill notes of the war bugle shall never again startle the ear. Resting thus in peace their country he their monement. " They need*no statute or Inscription • To reveal their greatness.; tt ts around them The hallowed ground that bolds their Vt neroted bones, the peace that smiles Op the , land for witch they fought, The wreath that clothes the land they preserved— These, though nutty as feeUngs ever are when deepest, I These are monuments more lasting than Shags reared to kings or demt•Gods of old:" - TnE \ public exhibition . given by .the students of,the Graded School on. Tues day evening wasihe most enjoyable affair of the season, and was attended by a very largo audianee.- TEE County Teseberie • lAssociation meets Lore to-morrow. ' , • PitACTICKI/ . WlSDO3L—Ati\ancient ad age says, " In -time of peace prepare for war." Is it-not equally wise to.prepare for sickness in time of health? When an ticipating a journey, -guide boolui \and maps are studibusly examined, and possible information of the route Mid, country obtained. Yet many make the "journey of life" . and throughout the entire trip remain almost strangers to themselves, in profound ignorance. of their . ability, and.have no knowledge of phys siolOgical laws that govern mind,and mat ter. 'To such, life is like a boy handling an engine, lie may . bay° - ascertained liow to start and stop it, but-lie knows not how to keep it in running order. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, an illus trated work of over NO pages, is designed 'by its author, as a popular hand-book of anatomy, physiology, hygiene, medicine and the most common diseases to which all are liable, and with which many are afflicted. The work is replete with - sound practical suggestions. Price $1.50. AH d.res§ the author, It. Y. Pierce, M. D., Banal°, Y:, NEW LOCALS. • Clr GOOD PASTURE at fifty cents week. Enquire of J. C. PAtrox. 2-tv. • `a — RE DY MAW, - SUITS, 110- SIERY, and 'l.oVErtand FANCY GOODS,- at STERN Bros' Y. Store. June-7 MILLIN MIT .GPODS in.t.,he larg est VARIETY, of the lastest atyle4, at whbleealo and retail, at STERN 'Paws' N. Y. StOrt.,' filo. 1 Bridge * Street, Towanda, ra., Call and Inspect. June-7 Sharp competition is the order of the day, among the flr.t.class hotels of Ne w York. `With ene or two exceptions, •they are trying tot tteiqi theft obi trade whtle adhering to • thelr pre-' vielishlgh rates. -The Grand Central has reaped ranch benellt from this. by quietly "Cutting" the' rates to two dollars per day. Or Po U 11,711 OF JULY PAIITY.—YOllr sell andlatly arerespectfully Invited. to attend a Fourth of July Pardy to be given at the Bartlett Muse, Wyeauktug \ TIIUBSDAY EVENING; JULY 4th.'1878;. 3lusi by McDoNatn & 11eati's Band, of Waverly. N. Y. 'fiAnTLETTTROVIERS, Prop'rs. Wysauk lug, June 13-ve3e. \ 0 .. HALL'S VEGETAIILE SICILIA:S HAIR REwitwnlik a scientific combination of some of the most powerful restorattv agents in the vegeta ble kingdom. It restores gra air to Its original e >,bl, color. It makes the scalp mb to and clean. It cures dandruff and humors., and failltivaut of the hair. It furnishes the nutritive principle by which the hair Is 11111r:shed and supported. Ii makes the hair midst; Een and glossy, and is unsurpassed as a hair-dressing. It is the most economical prepara tion ever offered to the pliblic, is its effects rental!' along time, making only an occasional applicathan nece-sary; It Is recommended , iand used by etnitt cut Medical men, and baletally endorsed by the State Assayer of Massachuseth, The popularity of Ilall's Hair Renewer has Increased with the test of Litany years, botla In this coun6y and in foreign lands, and it is now known *lid used in all the civilized countries Of the .worfd, You SALE BY -ALL DEALMIS. this spring CUE. examlno beforotarcluising. , Mrs. E. J. .Mngoos has. returned Dm the City. anti has decidedly this FINEST DISPLAY OF MILLINERY aud.NOTIONS Iu this town., - - aprta. lar Mrs. E. T. lkinqaos'llas TRIMMED HATS fur ONE DOLLAR. and upwards. IgirGo to SNELL' & tor best Millinery Goods. 31118.. 3lrsoos bas tho beat STdrt Supporter. also the Skirt Elevator. - tirCousite.bas the feat welding Shoes for *en, Boys and Tennis' wear. ever offered to Towanda, and at prices within the reach of W. ' : , ilorio Powers for eale, , on, Second band, and now onoi of - Blood Ilt ' Coso Inannteetvue, BayrollanricCa. WM, Pa. MariL.ll , months t "JOY BELLS," • a now Sunday- 'schoo singto 4l oßook. by W. A. Own*. Sample 41ea 3.4 am by mall. IL rowis.b. • , Elesubis. statittl l ,ll.aillWea4;! . so l2 t 14 1 0 liAnseikti* - Voit scityr. OgeOnc. obi* "!. 00#: . 0 ... 0•4, t :#IFie2O49I"`PAIOXii . tr Great reduction 'on rates to all Wats Vast, NOrthwest eM ffoothwest. The cheapest tares 'ever offered. Writis or apply to G. It. Sherwood, Towanda, L. V. B. B. ticket °Mee. VirThe Largest, Best and Cheapest line of Sties for Ladles', Misses' and ClAWrens' wear is found st COASZICS new store, Corner Main and Masts., Tracy * Noble's Block. - spr4lB ar,Cowtits l Bakery Wagon, 'of the Mt Ward Palterj, win be on hand dilly with Fresh Crackers' hot from the crien; Dread, Pies, Cakes, ite: • . sprit . gar Mrs. C. H. ALLEN begii leave .to Inform the Ladies ot Towanda that she Is now pre pared to do SEW IXG BY THE, DAY en.reasenahte terms. Residence; No. 6 Ward dt Orertoit's b ock, First Warthr. • apr27. t Don't you forgetiit. We have an excellent CRACKER MANUFACTORY In town at COWLES , BAKERY, where you can buy the beg frosh-baked crackers. IIarWOOL CARDING.—The business of Carding will be conducted as =UPI at the- old establishment In Catnptown during the coming summer. We will be ready to do the first Sack that comes, and cheerfully refer to those for whim we worked last season, as to the quality of work that may be expected, :May Bth ICS or CLOSING OUT SALE of Gold• and Silver Watches, Chains, Fancy des elry, etc. The, undersigned having purchased at Sheriff's Sale the entire stock of Watches, Chains, Silver and Plated Ware, in the store formerlY occupied by .3101EN )DILIAN, and nut wishing to remain In. the busi ness, has concluded to sell the entire steel regard lass of cost, In order to wind up the business. Call early and secure bargains. M. Jaconsi. rsr E. R. DORMAtiL, 325 East Water Street, EL3I IRA, N. Y. First Floor—DßY GOODS. Second FIoor—MILLINERY. Third FIoor—CARPETS. ' Fourth FIoor—CLOAKS AND SUITS. 'Upper floorsolecessible by Elevator. A visit of inspection will more than amply repay. Julys; • tir GREAT AUCTION SALE ! - ;~I. JACOB& at M. HENDELIIAN'S Old stand,, will oder at Auction Sale, commencing TUES, DAY. MAY 21st, MS, at 10 a`clock,.A. M., and 'to continuo every afternoon and evening until the entire stock of Goods and Store Viruses are sold, GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, gold, Silverand Plated CHAINS, Gold and Plated JEWELRY, ilvcr and Sliver Plated Ware, American and French CLOCKS. Gold•and Silver SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES, &c., &c., &c. MI goods In be sold to the highest bidder, regardless of East. All goods sold warranted as represented. mayl6. JACOII6, Towanda. SPECIAL LOCAL. PlANcis AND OnaAss.--If you wish to purchase a very anpetor PIANO-or ORGAN,. equal in every excellence to any made, st Mannfac- Ulm's - Wholesale Price, and thus save nearly ono half of your money, do not fail, before purchasing, .to write for catalogue of description and prices, to Post Office Ilox 3085, New York. 'March 7, 1878. tt. • -nrE. F. KUNKEL'S BITTER WINE OF Mos gives tone to the stomach, improves the ap petite and'assists digestion. excites the boa-els to healthy action. eipelling all the foul humors that contaminate the blood, corrupt the secretions and offend the breath. It excites the liver to a healthy action and strengthens the nerves, imparting that gletv to 11 to that proceeds alone from perfect health. Thousands In all walks of life, testify to the virtues of this eXceellent nOpliclne in correcting the, de rangement of the digestive organs.. Get the genu ine. Sold only in one dollar bottles. Ask for E. F. KUNKEL'S DITTEII WINE OF 1110ZZ, and take no other. Dyspepsia! Dyspepsiais s . Dyispepsips E. E. Kunkel's Hitter Wine of Iron, a sure cure for this disease. It has been prescribed daily f•ic many years in tee practice of eminent physician's with unpuralelled success. Symptoms are loss of appetite, wind and.rising of food. dryneseinniouth, headache, dizziness, sleeplessness and low \spirits. Get the genuine. Not sold In bulk, only one dollar bottles. Do you want something to strengthen you? De you want a good appetite? Do you want to get rid, of nervousness? Do you want energy.? Dn yon want to sleep well, or be cured of dyspepsia. kidney or Hirer disease? Try E. F. KVNK EL'S BITTER WINE OF I nos. Every bottle guar.anteed to do as itcontmended. Depot and office. ?AO Kurth - 'Street. Philadelphia, ea. Get the genuetie. Sold .by all druggists. Ask for E. F. Kunkel's and take no other. - All 1 ask is a trial of this valuable med icine. , One bottle will convince you. • Get sts. bot tles for live dollars, one dollar for one. • Tarpe 'W.orm - Memored Alive. Tape Worm. Pin, Seat and Stinuaelt Worms re moved alive in from two to four hours.; No fee tin ill head of Tape Worm passes alive and to one. Ask your.drugglst for Kunkel•s Work Syrup. Sold only In one dollar bottles. Used for children or grown persons. It never falls. Or send .for circu lar to Dr. Kunkel, L'sa North Ninth Street. Phila delphia, Pa. Advice by mall free. Send three 'cent stamp for return of letter. ie. F. Kunkel's Mistral and E. F. Kan. ket's Shampoo for tine Hair. The best and cheapest Hair Dressing and Hair Cleaner in the world. They remove dandruff, allay . Irritation. , southe and cool the heated scalp, prevent the hair tram failing off, and promote the growth in a very short time.- They preserve and beautify the Hair. and render it soft and glossy. They im part a brillianefand a silky appearance to braid and wiry Hair, and as a hair dressing they are un rivalled ;eratileate dandruff and prevent baldness. The shampoo cleaank \ the Hair, removes grease, scurf, itching. eruption., Cures headache produced by heat and fatigue. KUnkePs StMenpoo and Lus tral restore Hair to a natural and 'glossy color, re store faded. dm : harsh and 'wiry hair. Price per bottle Ask your druggist' for them, or sdurd to E. F. Kunkel, Proprietor, No ‘ ,"59 North Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. \ Elfay2.-3n. MARRIED. • HOLLENBACN—OORDON.—At French 'own on the sth Inst., by Ltev. J. S. Stewart. 0. 11-'O. F. Ifolionback. of Owego . . N. Y., and Miss Augusta 0. Gordon, of FrenchtoWn. DEVOE--MTER.--At the home of the bride Monroeton, Sone sth„ by' B. ilallock Arm strong, Mr. Wlll4. DeVoe and Mtss M. Annie. Myer, of Moroetem. cards. ,ROBINSON—MARSHALL.—In Franklin, June \ Ird, by Veler Newell, Mr. Manuel Rob inson; ortiew Albany. and Mrs. Elizabeth of Franklin, Pa. T OWANDA. MARKET S . REPOTED BY STEVEN'S .k LONG, General ilealern Groceries and Produce, Patton's Block, cernelgaln and Bridge, Stree ts. VrE,PNESDAY 'EVENING, JUNE 12, 181'8 FnozasAy.E. - ItZTAIL. #‘43 00087 50 #6 5003 00 1 65p. 2 00 1 264 I 250\1 20, E 4 061 1 49 40 ISO 5:1E6 500 \ 60 65 25 \ ‘3s® 40 \ 50 00'\ ocita t 25 1 500 2'oo 12 SC@ • 0.14,3 10 05 \ • 07 'OS 9 \lO 08 09 12 12151. 14 IE-‘4 16 1 iso 15 15t4 16 12 • 14 12 - 15 Flour per bbl Flour per sack Corn Meal per 100 lbs Chop Feed, Wheat per bush Corn Rye Buckwheat Clover seed.tnedium. Timothy. BeseS, 6 Ms, Pork. mess r' DreSsed hogs llama :Moulders , Lard Butter. tuba " Rolls Eggs. fresh, ' Cheese Green apples, bus'a Cranberrtes-per quart.. Potatoes, per bushel... . 01110113 Beeswax Ices iy2. 31E irz. BM great iyz._ .ens' may:. and 52- CODIRECTED AY DAYTON Jlt IMO Hides • Veal slant - • Deaeong Sheep pelts. Tallow spa- MG ay2. NORTHERN- CENTRAL RML WAY TIME TABLE. .8 at magi. Through and direct route to Waahlnitcm, Balt, more. Elmira, Erie, Buffalo, nochester and Nlaga ra tes of ears On and after SUNDAY, November 2ilth, 187 ft, trains on the. Northern Central Hallway will - an as follows: =! Niagara Txpresa—LeaTes Harrisburg daily ex cept Sunday at 10:40 a m.. Williamsport at -:20 p. "was Muir. it se2a leases Canandaigua arrive lIIM I= except SuMtay a. p. at, w.. - leaves Williamsport daily except Monday= 12:34 p. In.; SWIM tlarsiibind daily at tdo a. in.. rires at 'Baltimore dilly at 135 a. m. litaxhington Enteig..te&Telli Itiorisburg ily except Sunday at 70411kr0.. arrives at Baltimore Ude a. m. _ Mail Uwe* lianisterg daity except Bands, at ymo p. amine at Baltimore at add ;NM; • -Day Expresii-4.eliree Watkins Gieddidly clone Sunday at Lee a. r kw.* Zile** daft, except aF! wiroot. Alateit -- "Fik — Ctat* "'Via:loolcm U. B. INGISAM . 04411 . ( (4%0 . 20(410 Mr@ -1 . 02006 today at pc bun- % a. ni.; , leaves ~leaveg it 10.30 aity ex rrisburg UM wpt Sun. '4l a. m. anamlal gna daily ra at 0::tr. *mires at to., at. UERiFF'S SALES v~etae:« y of sundry writs Issued out OE the Court at Ctunnuni Pleas of Bradford County. and to me Of reeled, texpose topubllcsal , on THURSDAY.. the .27th day of JUNE, 1874, at the door-of the... Court house, In Towanda Bortugb. at 1 weloelt; t , M. the following described property, to wit:. i/ot. One tot. piece or parcel of Lind slthate la : - .41 -.4- ; Athens born', bounded north by Sumnetiannset.: , . 'east by landsof it L Wake, smith by_ the latish of • the late Edward Herrick, west by lialovsst; being 33 feet front on .itslreet and 183 feet on 8 ua-st: with tbreostory brick building en s i 7=, franol house, 1 framed tort, and few froth trim - . thereon. . . 2; ALSO—One other Int situate In Athens bow ro.„ boundl , d. as foikAirs Seine lots No Masud 211 according to ph/tor plan made by Orson Mickey foe the Iton b:dwarl li4rriek. and recorded 'Bra& . ford C,ountv Common Pleas; It Win the Mae 106.' deeded to E. At etark by N L Harris and wife. by decd datcsl-Dec, 1, 1575, with dwellthg toga: thererr.: - .• • • • • • No 3. ALlOl—flne• °firse lot situate to Athens twit, hounded an.l4leserib4 as follows: lthennlng at a pod on the east bank of the Sasquettanna eV. ter: bettlg the northvrest cur Of, land In prieseeslost of 3 T ft Myer's land: theace along the north ,Ene of said Myers land south ice, 30'. east 176 widths a loot and stones for a rue ; thence by lands of Sam• eel Hub tt north 3°. 3o' east 28 4-10 sods to a post and stones for a con thence by same lands of Satne, • .uettlotett,lsnuth tia°, to'. east ao 16100 rods ton post and aChnen foraVor ; tbenee by lands of liarno.. - rt frrenshlre north • ln°, ao , west 61 34400 rota too post and stones for a cur: thence by landi of grant ors, tooth a6°, 30' west Id kW rots to a Tall and stones for a ear; thence by lands of-grantors north wt;st 4.1'7-10 rods to a post on _the west side •Of th,public road running from Athens to Sheishe-: quint said post below! feet , oat from a mull elm tree:thence along the West side of said public reed soak 4u°, VI west 16 rods to a stake; thence north 444° . 30' welt to the east bank of the. Elusquelmorm river to a :butternut tree; thence ilong said rive south V, 30' :vest 14 240 reds: thence south IV. 30' west 10 rods; thence south 27°, 30' .west 23 rods; thence sou/It 32°, 30' west 41,40 rods to the place bf belfhlbing; contains 103 acres and 21 perm more or.less, about 70 acres Improved, with 1 framed house. I trained barn, and au orchard ofkfmlt trees thereon. Legit, ••• No 4. ALSO--One tither lot situate In SheafHO quip twp, bounded and described as follows Be. ginning at a pine knot standing on the south line eV; II - Sheitard's land; thence along. said Shepard'i• south line canoe originally run 114 9-10 rads to $ . post, the soutbeas; cor of Shepard's farm; thence south as originally run 50 rods to the center of the ' creek road; thencealong the center of the same 40 0 'west as originally run 12 1-10 rodd to a Make for a - cor thence West or 'parallel with the north .line 203 1-10 rods to a stake. cor: thence north 2.1 0 , east as originally run 64 3-10 rods to the place of begin thick ;.contalns-72 6-10 acres more or less, according to a survey made by T. F Wafter; being the north 'half of lot No 4 on the itabdlvlslou of Asylum 'CO lands on warrant No 497, about`!/0 acres Improved, with 1 - beard learn, and few fruit trees thereon.. Seized and taken Into execution at the snit of W II Caroler vs J Li Corbin. No 5. ALSO—Ontrother lot situate in Towanda boiSso f Isetrulecl and described .as Begin ning are post cn the corner of Ceritre-st and First eve; thence by rirst-ave north 70°, east 10eft to • poet: thence by lot sold Loveland south 20° east l 754 to a post cor, thence be vacant lotsout h 70 0 , - west 100 ft to Center-ave; thence Centeneve ;- north 2e° west 73ft to the place of beginning; con -tains 7500 square feet, being la/ No 11, block No 7, .in Sayre Si Co's Adition to Towanda, with a fram ed dwelling house anti few fruit trees thereon. Seized anti taken into execution at the suit of the ` Towanda Building and Saving FundAsseclatioti of `Towanda born' vs Ira E Stephens. No 0. ALSO—One - other lot situate In Canton tivp, hounded and described as follows: Begliturtur, at - a post the antheasteer of lands formerly owned by Janus Mettler; thence 109 6-10 pets to a Post; • thence south 89 0 , east 96 S-10 pers to a post; thence south 109 6-10 - pens to a post on warrant line; them* along the same north Ss*, west 96 8-10 pens to the, .place of beginning; contains-62 acres' and 94 pens more or less, about 50 acres Improved, with 1 fraM, ed house„l framed barn, and few fruit trees there on. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of JSf Snitch's use vs S Smith who survives Silas Smith. ANDREW J. - LAYTON', Sbenit Sherltrs oMce,Towa , nda, - June 5, 1678, TN BANKRYPTCY. = - District Court uf the Crated States - fur. the Western DiStrlet of Pennsylvania. Yu the matter of Judson S. Blackman, ;Bankrupt. Western :District of Pennsylvania, es. = . A warrant In bankruptiy has been Issued by said Court against the estate of Judson S. Black-• man, of the county of Bradford and State of Penn sylvaula, in said District, adjudged a bankrupt upon petition'of his-creditors. and the payment of any -debts and the delivery of any property belong ing to said bankrupt, to him or to his use, and-the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by . law. -A meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt. to prove their debts- and choose one or more as. signees of his estate, will tes.- held at a Court of Bankruptcy to be hoiden at Towanda,ln said dis• 't 'let. on TIiIIRSDAY, JULY iltb, A. IY -10 o'clock, A.M., at the office of Ciierton IF Mercury before R. A, 3lercur:Esq..; one of.the Registers to hankruptcy lu z sald district. • . , • • JOIIX HALL, • U. S. Marshal fonaatdDlatrict s , Towanda, June 13, 1878-w2. . • . • • 71 BANKRUPTCY. District - _Lcourt of the United States for-the Westerii Dls Oct of Pennsylvania. la the matter orJotin A. Codding and Chauncey S. - ICusscll, baolfropts. Western District of I'ontisylvarda.'ss. - 4 ' • ' A warrant in Bankruptcy has been issued by sat . Court against the estate of John A. (lodging and Chauncey S Russell, Isiah of, the' County or -Brad ford and State ef Pennsylvania, In ssiti• District, - • adjudged' bankrupts upon petition of their turs, and the payment of any debtk and the delivery of any property belonging to, said bankrupts, to • them or - to their use. And the transfer of any prop erty by them. Are forbidden by law.. A meeting . of the Creditors of said bankrupts, co prove their debts and choose one or more Assignees of their es tate. will be held at a Court of Ilaukttiptcy to be holden at Towauda, in said Distrlre, on the 13th , day of 'JULY; A. 1). IS TS. - 11 4 1o'cl ck. A.-31.. at At the office of Overton 3ltrcitr. ,efore It. A. Met cur. Esq.. one of the Registers In Bankruptcy of, 'said District. .10IIN MALL, may3o-w2 311rshal for said District. TNCORPORATION NOTICE - - ji,„ To all' whom it may concern ; The undersigned citizens of Springfield, Bradford County. Penna., hereby give notice that they Intend to apply to the Court of Common Pleas of ntadford County, or a law Judgedbersibf,_ for a charter, and to be Incor porated Into a body politic in law ; with perpetual succession under the name, style and title of "The FirA Rapti;: Church of Springfield," for the pur pc.e of extending the ,Christian religion. and, to, provide necessary land and buildings therefor. • FERDINAND NEWBURY, , EZEKT,EI. BUILT, WALTON GATES,: GEORGE CORY. lITARCDS STRANGE,. ' FRANCIS RIPLEY. • • Springfield, Pi., May 30, 1575-ow. A • • A SSIGXEES' NOTlCE.—Yotice Is beret.) ; given that J. Leroy Corbin. of. At hens Mro*,.l3rad ford County. Pa., by tleva'of volun tary assignment, have assigned all the estate, real • and personal. of the said J. Leroy Corbin to Wia. Snyder and P.. Ti4P. , ge, In said county, in tntst for the benefit of thc , creditors of the said J. Leroy Corbin. Ali persons,- thtrefore.- indebted to the said J Leroy Corbin will make payment to the said Assignees at the store of E. T. Page. In Athens 80rt.% and those having claims - or demands against the said J. Leroy Corbin will present the same - . without delay. ' SNI - DEll,, AprlS'.7S-8w : F. T. PAGE, ASsignee of .1. Leroy Corbin; AUDITOR'S NOTICEL--In the matter of - the ostnte of Wm.ll. Morgan. late of Towanda Borough, deceased. In theqrptunas•• \Court or Bradford County. y i he undersigned, an Auditor appointed by 'an C trt to 41 , 4tibute moneys In thehands of IL.B. .Morgan, Administrator of said estate as shown by • his partial neci,lgnt, will attend to Med utles °t his appointment at his opre In Towanda Borough, Pa., orrplt 1 1 AY. JULY . I:, 1 - 6.78, at 10 o'clordc,. A. M.. when aiui witvre all purses haring Claims upon said funds mum present them, or' else be forever (Warred treat coming its upon the MOM - JOIIN W. MIX, Auditor. Towandl, Pa., June 6, 1876-w l. - . • - /11:13DITOR'S NOTICE.—In the Orphals' CoUrt of -Bradford County, No —., May lend, 1.478. in the matter ot the exceptions to the float account 0r ., ,,k. 0. 11.111 Cr, Guardian of Aitr.'d Miller. .• The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by tie Court fo dispose of said exception, ,wlll - attend to the duties of his .ppointnh-ni FRIDAS.JUNE 14, A. D. 187 s, *at his office In Towanda Borough, at 10 o'clock. A. 3L,when and wher e all persons In. terested - In salexceptions must be present or .to forever debarred.. 1.:. F. (TOFF.. Towanda,-May =-I¢4. Auditor, A ITDITOR'S NOTICE. —_First al,: National Bank of Athent. Pa.. ea. Hyman. Vandnzer. In the Court of Common Pleas of Brad-' ford County, Sept Term, 1877. No. 934. The undersigned. au Auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas Of Bradford County to Ms tribute the money arising front the Sheriff's sale et deteudant's personal property, will attend' to the Ititteg of his appointment at his office in Athena ttOio', on MON DAV. 1831. - at 9 o'clock. A.' M., at, which cline and place all persons inter ested will present their claims, or be forever do. barred from comb,: in en said fund. . ' ' J. B. REEVE. Auditor. A t ns, .3 tine 6.4 w NCORPORAtION .NOTICE. I - NOLI CO 13 hereby given that application will be made to the Court of Comtnon. Pleas of pradford Coludy, or the President Judge thereof. for the Incorporation of the "M. E. Church Society of Mi lan,' in Ulster• township. 'The objects of the said astnciation are the maintenance of the public weir rldp of God to accordance with the rules and distil plhie of the 3t. E. Church. , Milan, Pa:, May . 23, WS EXECUTORS' NOTICE.- - Notice is hereby given that all permms Indebted to the estate of Amos York, late -ot wysor, Aermse(l, must make, immediate payinont, and all persons having claims agalufd said estate must present them duly authenticated for settlem.ut. SIMEON - A. YORK, J. M. WATTLES, - Executor& ' Wysox, June 6-we EXECUTOR'S NOTICE...-- No- Gee la hereby given'that all perviot indebted Co Um. estatelot F.... Gregory. late or „Wyaluxing towns hip, deed, must make Immediate payment, and all persona haring &alma against .sald CSrate mest, present them duly authenticated' for settle.. MOIL _ _ `'.._ ...11 /Ural:SOS BLACK, XECUTOR'SNOTIQE.—Ncitice Lj is hereby given that all persons todetded to the estate of Joseph Humphrey, late of Sheaheiptln, dee•ii, are relocated to make Immediate psystient, autl ail persona hating claims against said .state must present them duly authentlrated for lock. A. J. Tllo3ll'Bo h. lieshetiiiin, kW 6, la. Executor. 1X EC ?TOR'S NOTICE.-=Notice is hereby given. that all persons Indebted to thwesiate of O. A. Canon...late of Wilmot, decd, are °requested to make Immediate payment, and all .persons haling elatma agalust said estate most present them duly anthentleated Joe settlement.. THOMAS K. QUICK. Eteentee. - *3 gatkßan„ Mar . MINI E.-11. MINIM D. H. VINCENT, S. I.; ANTHONY, A.O. SN FAA, S. N. HAVENS, = ATO