naril titpotter, a Towanda, Pa, Thursday, May 30, 1878. AV. A. CHAMBERLIN, • b Do? ler In ' FINE JEWELIY, WATCH= 1 • SILVER St PLATED . WARE, • TOWANDA, PA.' Towiinds, ain. 18, 1877. ' LOCAL AND CENERAL. DANIEL BROVili t of the 'Milan House,, .Las issued cards for- &- hop on the 3d of July. • REV. H. ll.JEssu?, who has been la boring as a Missionsiy in Turkey for the past twenty years, hi tvisiting friends in Susquehanna County.' THE officer BUNYAN spoken of in the -sketch o r Col. Myr in another column, was aso •Of our esteemed friend, Wl.l. BUNYAN, of Granville. . . W. H. EnwAttus and wife,- have very ' sensibly concluded 'to "set up lions° keep ing;" and will soon be prepared to receive their friends in Mt's. H. L. LAMOREUX'S house on Main Street. HON. GEORGE LANDON will deliver an addivss before the Herrick Reading Soci ety, on Friday evening s , dune 7th, in the Herrick Meeting-House. tie public gen erally are invited. • - (km esteemed_ townsman, JAMES MAC FARLANE, Esq., contributes a very inter esting article to the Elmira Advertiser of Thursday last, descriptive of the opening tor a new railroad from Coining to Geneva. - - Timm?: will be a dance at the Union Hotel: Rome, Pa., o!t Tuesday evening, June •4, 1878. Admission' to dance - only 50 cents. All :ire invited to attend. Mu sic—PAßlS & SMITH'S Band of Owego, N. Y. . ' H. C. SMITH, Pro NOTICE.—The 'Cniversalist State Con vention will meet in Towanda, June 4tb. sth and fdli, at the Church of the Messi ah. Occasional 'sermon will he delivered by the Rev.X. E. 'nicker, - of, „:Titusville, on Tuesday evening, June 4th.' A sTitaminF.Ttuv and ice-cream festival will be giver at Temperance Headgarters, on Tuesday evening of next week, June 4th. As the proceeds are to be used for'. the benefit of the temperance work in To wanda, a large attendance is expected. S4AITT are now •fully settleidin their new quarters, One door • south of 011AMBERLIN'S. They have one 4?f the most convenient and attractive Book Stores in . Northern Pennsylvania, and keep the best assortment of goods in their line. ' N. WlLLl.►us uatually feels that the decision of the Supreme Court on the usu ry question, whletrAvelniblish elsewhere, is quite a *tory for him, as it vindicates the position he . .has aiwiys maintained, and .in which be his been opposed by. many otheLlearee'd - members of the bar. WE present to-day to our readers _the first of wse,ries of interesting letters from the. West, written by aspecial correspond ent of the REPORTER. The author •ex pectkto spend a month id. \the -Western States and Territories, and 'will take pains to inform him Self on; all matters of inter est to people contcniplatii4 making that section their home. WILLIAM:GRIFFIs, Esti., of this - place has been appointed by Governor HART RANFT One of the:commissioners to sur vey the new county of Lackawana, and gliperintend the first election therein. We congratulate the people Of the district be erected into a county, on their good fortune in securing the services of so"ca pable a man. WHAT DOES IT ;TAN?—The following notice was recently posted at Sayre : l 5 CENTS DEWARD !--LOST, STRAYED on STOLEN FROIS TILE SAYRE DOUSE, SAYRE, PA.—A large man' weighing 250 pounds, full gray beard, i_about feet 0 inches in height, rather corpulent with florid countenance, and ' answers to the name of • "Jake." Sup Posed to be sultininii from mental aberration, and in his deliriuin mutters, "Many Happy The aboe reward will be paid for the said "Jai" on presentation of the body at the office of the Sayre ilouse. Sayre, Pa., ?illy THE Bradford'("ounty Agricultural So ciety met. TuesdaoTay 21st, to take.a,C tion in raga idto the'pir to be held Sep_ teniber 25th, 26th, and4;tb. The „prize list's have been placed InNie hailds of the prime's, and Will be issue to the public about July Ist. The premium o Granges shaking best exhibits " has called forth so many responses, that it has bee ‘ h, decided to eiinStrUct a liiiiViiiii at least si' feet long for the accommodation of Gra s ges wishing to compete. There will be am . 1,- ing of the managers at .the (ace of tli _ : , zeerCtary on July 2nd, at 1 o'clock. • Su•tmsi DyaTti..-FRasit G. !Minnow, of Wilmot townsnip, complained of feel ing unwell on Wednesday, last, and went to Tcrr}•town, to consult Dr. lion•ros. While in the Doctor's house he• became f:auddenly very ill, and died on Sunday 9.f r ternoiim Mr. MORROW was a young man just in the prime of life, and leaves a wid ow to mourn his untimely death. Ile was -a• brother of. Judge MORROW, and was highly esteemed in the community where he resided: AlthoUgh not a member of Any Church ; liu professed a good faith and died happy. • I'LlisoNit..--Joitri Mix,, Esq., has "go®e west," and will extend Lis to the . mountains of Colorado. lie will be • - absefat several weeks. ._ • —lion. W. T. DAvits returned from nlarriNborg Saturday everiing. Senator 1/AviEs' constituents have great reason to' feel proud o — theibigh position he occu pies at the State Capital. ' —Jolts' B. SWITII, of North Towanda, is visiting friends in the West. • — 7 .lndge Monnow and', Capt. CARNO CHAN both spentiast week .angling far the "speckled beauties." —Miss MAny Ei.ww, of ,Bloomsburg, is visiting friends in town. f:HANGE OP TIME ;ON THE PA. N. Y. new 'time table will take effect on this road June 2,nd, after which- pass enger trains will leave this station;,,as fol osra : Going south, train 7 at 10:00 _St; a. Train 9 at-2:30 R. • M.; train 15 at 10:35 P ,M.; and the evening train from Elinirat. will arrive at 7:00 P. m. Train 29, which now leaves this station at 8:00 A. at., will be taken off, and train No. 7_ which takes itS . plaCe will be a through -train for New- York and Philadelphia. Train No: fl will ran on faster time than heretofore, and will arrive in Philadelphia at 10:00' P. V .-Going north, Ttain No. 32 will be fifteen - 1 11inutes earlier,' eaving bete at 7:00 A. M. .Train No. 8 at 4:00 A. At.; train No. 80 at 11:00 . A. Train No. 2at 4:55 p, x, .4 i k corrected time table will appear next issue. . _ , STATISTIOL—This is conceded by all to In a veliforwaid season. By reference to the following table (given by Mr. An- DREW KIST, of ditdoil township), which gives times of blossoming of apple trees during the last forty seasons, it will be found to be one of four early seasons. The latest is June 7, 1878. The two earliest are May let, respectively,lB44 and 1852. The two next in order, 1845 and 1873, in which years the blossoms appeared May 6th. IC/5 June ' , 10669 Ili,. 1838 May 20, ,1860_" 1840 " -' 25 1581 " 1841 Juno 2 . 1882 " 8842 ~. Esau---.! 1843 . " 6 1 1864 4c 1841 May . ines : 1 ,4.- • 1845 . - " 151868 • 1" 1846 " - 101887 June 847 66 848 June 819 May 850 - June 851 May 852 853 .dune 120 1868 - " .. , t 7 1869 - " • 3 ao iv() - May 24 1 1871 id. 10 261872 •' 12 ' 1 1873 30 1 18'14 IA 20 8.0 - May 85S Juno 8.58 22 1275 11272 21277 Ell 8 1878 a We blip the above from the Canton Sen- tind. We' believe the author is mistaken in regard to the year 1854, as our , recol lection is that on the 28th May in that year there were apples on the trees in this vicinity. ja 3IEMORIAM.—At a regular meeting of Towanda Lodge, I. 0. Of G. T., May, 22, ,1878, the following resolutions of re spect to the memory of Sister NANCY A. SIC ELI, who died May 10th, were 'adopted ; WitEnEss,? The Good Father, who " do eth all things we 11,," has been _pleased _to call home to the - " mansions fair" our be loved sister, Miss Nancy A. Snell ;-there fore, Repired, That as we seek to retain the perflime of the _flowers we love, lung after the frail blossoms have perished, so let us cherish in our hearts the fragrant memo ries- of the fair young life— Nip't -by 'Death's untimely frost "—that so lately passed away from our midst, in the very spring tido—of bloom and beauty. Let ifs learn the sweet lesson of patient endurance-from the silent, uncomplaining fortitude with which she , bore, for years, her sufferings from an incurable malady. lieftolredi That-while we sadly miss and of our number, who had been a Good Templar almost from childhood—Miss her as an amiable and charming Companion, a generous and faithful friend,--let us re member those who _mourn still more deep ly for one who bore to them the tender relation of affectionate daughter and de voted sister. Let us strive to comfort. them in their hour of bereivement by the fullness of our sympathy,. and the prayer that He who chastens m love, may pour the oil of consolation into their grievously wounded hearts., Tl•at as the fading of the ear- ly spring blossoms contains the promise of a future resurrection to newness of life, so have we the gloriJits hope that our de parted Sister—herself the fairest flower of all—shall yet be raised in immortal youth \thdbenagy by Him who bath said, "I am the resurrection and the life." ‘Rfat4red, That in token of. our respect for tlke beloved sleeper, our charter be draped in mourning for the space cif thir ty days. \ ResolTO, That these resolutions be en tered, -by the Secretary, upon the minutes of the Lodg:eand a copy be presented to the afflicted family, accompanied by the. assurance of beartfelt .sympathy of. the members Of T7anda Lodge, I. 0. of G. T. lieNolred, That tti4 be puiblished in each of our local newspapers. Mrs. M. L. llama, 1 Mrs. 0..1. CuunnucK„ ( Corn. Miss EMMA WELLMAN, -- - OvEnTox. = 3ln. EDITOR: The voice of the sturdy old farmer, as he' drives his cows home, or his team across the farm, is still heard in our midit, and &cirri early morn until close of day. his vociferations reverberate from every quarter, filling the air with a- series of sounds, bespeaking that everything is on the-move, and that an active and energetic people inhabit the vales, table-lands and steeps of our town. JACK FROST visited the farmers' or chards a few nights . since, •and partook freely of the fruit. At last before the sun has set behind the western hills, forever leaving the earth in darkness,. Overton can say she . has a band, (not a band of robbers, for we do not peed th6m), whose semi-weekly meet ings attract the attention of many of - the male denizens—who seem to be much in- terested in the welfare of the boys, and their progress as muscians. Mr. Wm.- HER, of Towanda, meets with theni once a week to give instructions; On Thursday, May IGth, at 1 &clock P. m., the relatives and friends of Mr.-HEN RY SIII.It3IAN met at his house topay him the last tribute of respect, and at a few minutes after 1 o'clock the coffin lid was reMoved, and all who desired looked upon his silent and emaciated form for the last time. After all had viewed the corpse who desired, it was followed by a- large procession to the cemetery near. Mrs. Mc- CAN:es, where it "was very decently and becomingly interred. After burial an ex cellent and pointed sermon was delivered iu the Lutheran Church by Rev. HiCuAnn J/Eiwonn, from Matt. xx.,- 26-27. Mr. SHERMAN died after a protracted illness, and his absence will be deeply felt by many. He was one of the early settlers' and among the oldest. He was a little more than 77 years old, and the father of twenty-four children, many of Whom now mourn his loss.- May'2o, 181'8. ITOW TO TR,yVEI, EASILY.—Poor folks. and tho elderly who have not the strength * visit the scenes of their youth, may by At i nn, recall those scenes .\ and live ~ with friends of ” auld Wig syno" \ —in ii!,, nory. It is going on forty, years since I w it to live in Bradford County, all of Who. ()Id townships I have visited, \ ehielly on fo t, :old so formed acquaint \ antes everywh*,:which I love to dwell upon in imagination. I know not wlim I shall see them aga .if ever, as my lot is cast elsewhere for th present. ' • The new. ,Illustmted listory of Brad ford, gives many the cha Ip3 to -visit the county again, and to see nl re than one hundred of its people, with n danger and fatigue of traveling, and little expense. Some ot the persons here shown a . 0 stran gers to me—look like a pliolograplfe al bum or whom one knowS none, or lik a row of grave-stones—but all have th if friends, and are dear to some one. I wtrk glad to see that most of the portraits in clude man and wife, for I honor fore mothers as Well as fore-fathers.: The ' motherly faces Of Mrs. MF.ANs," Mrs. Lociwoon, N, both revive kindly mem- orieS and reveal filial love and duty. • While I am gla4 to meet so many here, I am sorry not to find some others, and was surprised to observe some hUsbands and wives with their backs turned to wards each other, 'instead of looking each other lovingly in the eye—an overight of the engravers, doubtless. . That is a solid, friendly trio represent ing Smithfield, and I would like to have seen at I - t a dozen others or its Old fain. ilies. Attending ,) hapv at Alba) very benevolem ISE gentleman wl working men 1 during the lone know. The ff length of time this book, it BAIMR, of Rol The calm, ei .ent, agl Au?) of Jones SHEPARD, of Athens, recalls )i i re: mark of , old Dr. Manus, of Spanish memory.:.Be was asked , by ..":_fbAnfige, M as to "the sort of a man,'•' Esq. Siutranii was? "Can you see that hill?" said Mr. Roma& "0 yes—certainly." " Well, Esq, Biroraan can see through it." Pond Hill I have beard of, but never saw—until now. It is a beautiful spot. rwish anew more of the country's natur al bertuties•- • -besides this, and . '" Pisgah— had been brought out. I love Nature bet; ter than Art, in some respects. • That portrait of Col. Jouw FRANKLIN —painted by Snorsun Mourn', of Mill town, and obtained from Fratarxrares grand-daughter, away down East—sho'crs the grand head of- a venerable man, a sketch of whose life should be the work. of some well-informed person. Re was a hero for what he deemed right and just— of noble impulses, and firm as the rock. le and Major Zornos FLOWER are all I recognize among the (supposed) hundred soldiers of the Revolution whose ashes re pose in this large county. Would that more had been secured, and that the natnes'of all had been here printed. Glad to see the old Kingsley house in Wyalusing, and Esq. D. Paroles man sion in Athens. A few of the real pioneer shamies, log bourses, and barns, would have been additionally interesting and in structive, by way of contrast with_ the present„ The new Presbyterian Church edifice in Troy Ls-magnificent indeed, and credita ble to the liberality of the rich men who built it. But I would like to see. ictured also, the pioneer Methodist meetingtons3 in Burlington, and the plain yet solid Baptist Church in Smithfield. The two latter cost much less, but may be as be loved and as much blessed as the former. It is pleasant to see the faces of a few of •the preachers—stme disappointment nut to find those of Elders SITEARDOWN and SLIEPAED, of Troy, and some others. Glad to meet so many kind and worthy physicians—sorry not to find Dr. Dor f:INS, Dr. WESTON, etc. Portraits of our two most noted poets— Mrs. BARBTOW-ST. LEON Loun, and hire. KINNEY-SCOTT—would have been accept abl to our youth and loilers of learning and literature. Nor would any object to see school-masters GuYEtt and , ConrnN again. Most of our historic characters are here found—btit we miss Senator 34 , KE. , ,E, of Burlington, and Judge Wri.tasToN, of Athens. .Es T. WELLES, of Wya lusing, KiNosnutty and KINNEY,' of She shequin, etc. Glad of the good numhei, we have, but must-realize there is a limit to all these things. Wonderful Improvements are visible. Points I once passed through while tlny were all woods, or where log heaps were burning, or full of blackened stumps, are how cleared up and smooth as thrashing floors used to be—when we (lid thrash. Dwellings for man and beast, of logs, (and rough at that) I suppose are mostly gone,. and in their places are commodious and elegant buildings with comfort and luxu ries undreamed of thirty and forty years ago. 3leti and women, then in their youtli or prime; now seem to have grown old like the writer,. and their natural vim is abated. Yet I hope their hearts have not grown old, while nature teaches that "we all do fade as the leaf. Probably this visit islang enough, and, lest I tire the reader, I say farewell for THREE SCORE. the present THE following Sheriff's Deeds were ac knowledged May 9, 1818: • To 'Samuel Sharp, CP Miller and D D Dewitt, for 102 acres and 80 perches of land in Tuscarora twp. Sold January 31, 1878; as the property of W Ilarrowcliff. Consideration, $2,515. To U is" Biown, for 1 acre of land in Warren twp. Sold May 2, 18714 as the property of 00' Pitcher. Consideration, $25. To,Wm H Russell, for 52' :mica of land in Warren twp. Sold May 2, 1878, as the property of James Kinney. Considera tion, $7OO. . To W A Wetmore, for # of an acre of land in Herrick tip. Sold May 2, 1678, as the prbperty of C S Walker. Consid'!t oration, S6O. To A D Spalding, for 138 acres and 111 perches in Leßoy twp. Sold May 2, 1878, as the property of Adelbert 11 Taber. Consideration, $1,400. To II II Ream, for 2 lots in Wilmot and Terry' twps: - Sold May' 2, 188, as the of Wm II White. Cousidera tion, $'•379. To Ira Finch, for 50 acres of land in Warren twp. Sold May 2, 1878, as the property of Thomas Dunlary.. Consider ation, $705. To Charles S Green, for 200 acres of land in Canton twp. Sold May 2, 1878, as the property of John 31 - Allyn. Con sideration, $2,000. To N 31'Pomeroy, for 50 acres of land iu South Creek twp. Sold- May 2,' 1878, as the property of D F Dunning. Consid eration, $4O. To F R Warner, for house end lot in Athens twp. Sold, May 2, 18t18, as the property of. C L Swartwood. Considera tion, $4O. . To - N N -Betts, for house and lot-in To wanda borci'. Sold May 2, 1878, the property of C F Nicbias. Consideration, $1,260. To Daniel Strope, for 50 acres of land in Burlington twp. Sold May 2, 1878, s the property of C F Nichols. Consid eration,- $146. To . A J Layton and B E Lewis, for 70 \ acres of land in Turicarora twp. Sold May - 1878 as the property of J J Lewis. r s 'Consideration, $3,073. ; TO John Shackelton, for lot 'in Athens twp. Sold May 2, 1878, as the property ofGeo ConsideratiOn, $23. To II Ii Mott;for 2 lots of land in Le- Roy twp. "SOld May 2, 1878, as the pro= perty of C. P :Mutt. Consideration,_ $63, To Lydia Berry, fcir of an _'acre of land . in Athens tartiN Sold May- 2, 1878, as the property of Ephraim Lewis. Con sideration, $25. . • \ To Job 31°1.14, for 130 acres of land in lurlington twp. Soid May\ 2; 1878, - as, \property of C F Nichols. ‘Considera \#3,4oo. „ , tion, To in Smith the pror tion, $75. To William . to in Towanda ht as Ithe property of sideration, $lO. ``. To E T Fox, for house, and lot in To- wanda boro'. Sold„Illay k 1878, as the property of L C Nelson. msideration, • To Isabella B France, for 71 arcs of land in Burlington. Sold May 2, l't3 a , as the property of Deidamia Knapp nd Chas Khapp. Consideration, $2,100. To Benj 31 Peck, for 221 acres of land in Tusearoia twp. Sold May 2, 1878, as the property of C D and 31 31 parsons - . Consideration, $25. 11 (pier saw a an old . hard to rest. did not •at this find s by MUM The following deeds were acknowledg ed in open Court May 15, 1878: To James Poster, for 1 acre of land in North'Towanda twd. Bold Mai 10,1878, as the propert7 o; Norman. 11 Chapman. Consideration, $lB5, ' ' ?- 'E t To T-Fox; for house. trail I in - 1o 7 *ands; bold e•• SOkliin7 1(1; 1818 es' t e - "".''!,-1,:,--Fr,.,;;.:•,. ~'-:,-!-:.,.;,,.:;',,,,-,-;.. '-:';.;-4.-.;.i't.;:':';;.";,''4"-°''''':''''''''''''. k h e. %)..• q :,. I C Elsbrarjor 100 acres Sold May 2, of James Fivis. Mallory, - for house and Sold May 2,, 1878, mglassWilson. Con- property Af J . ' 13 Allyn. Consideratlon, To Gilbert H Gorsline, for 50 acres of land in Burlington tatp. SoldMay2, 1878, as the property of C F Nichols, - Consid aration, $4lO. • . To John Bunter, Srl for bonse and lot in Canton boron: Sold May 10, 1878, is the Property f L I/Richman and M Ler oy. Consideration, $4O. To John W Hollenback, for 157 sans of land in Wyalusing and Tuscarora twits. Sold May 2; 1878, as the property of II B Ingham. Couiideration, $750. To Job Morley, for 2} acres of land. in West Burlington twp. Sold May 10,1878, . as the property of Anthony and Ann P Bush. Consideration, $18.50. • TO Pomeroy Bros', for 1 acre of land in Troy twp.. Sold 'May 2, 1878, as the pro perty of Lyman Batcson. Considoratiou,. $5O• To Pomeroy Bros', for 2 lota in Canton .boro'. Sold May 2, 1878, as the property of C H Veil. Consideration, $2,000. To Sylvester Rockwell, for 3 acres of land in Granville twp. Sold May 2, 1874 as the property of _Edward Vroman and D Perry. Consideration, $2OO. To IV A RockweV, for 45 acres and 07 perches'of land in Albany twp. Bola May 10, 1878, as the property of Robert Mcln. tosh. Consideration, $lOO. To R II Richard, for 15 acres of land in Albany twp. Sold 2, 1878, as the pro. party of Michael Kelley. Consideration, $lO.. To John Ssiackhammer, for 2 lots in Herrick twp. Sold May 10, 1878,. as the property of Philip Swackbammar. Con sideration, $l2O. To Louis L Wood. for 15 acres of land in Pike twp. Sold Feb 8, 1878, as the property of Sylvester" Wood. Considers . - tion, $9O. The following deeds were acknowledg. ed May 18, 1878 : - • To J E Cleveland, for 27 acres of land in Armenia twp. Sold May 10, 1878, as the property of Wm M Alclntosh. Con• sideratinn, $5O. To Charles H Shepard, for lot in Ath ens twp. Sold May 10, 1878, as the pro. party of Daniel McCartney. Considera tion, $9O. Ustniv.The usury quetition is one which, has caused more litigation in the civil courts than.any other for the past,sev end years, and the following decision by the Supreme Court of the State will be read with interest not only. by the legal fraternity, but the business commnnity at large. The following is the full text of the decision : WALTER VS. BREISCIR.-.-USURT•-•OPEN. ING Juno NI ENT-PRACTICE.-A judgment debtor who has paid usurious interest on a judgment, and. who has confessed- a judgment of revival, is not precluded by •the confession from asking.that the latter judgment be opened on the ground of usury, or from crediting the usurious in terest on principal as allowed by the act of 2831ay, 1858. • In such a case the Court will- opens the judgment. , Error to the Common Pleas of Schuyl kill Comity. This was an appeal by Walter from an order of the Court beltiw,"opening a judg ment held by him against Breisch on the ground of usury. ' The undisputed facts of the case wiv es follows: In January, 1871, the defend -ant borrowed $2,3,000 from the plaintiff, givire% his judgment note as security,. which was soon after entered up. On this judgment the defendant paid interest. to the plaintiff at the rate of threi3 per cent. a month until, ;March, 1875. In the early part of 1875 the defendant paid' POCI in redu :thin of the principal. .0n November 3, 1875, the parties entered into an arid cable action to revive the judgment, in which the defendant confessed judgment of revival to the plaintiff for $2;100. No interest was paid after the revival of the judgment. In June, 1876, the - defendant obtained a rule to show cause .why the judgment should not be opened and the defendant let into 'a defence. qlte Court below (Pershing, P. J.,) made , the ride absolute, whereupon ,the plaintiff took an appeal under the provis ions of the Act of it April, UM (P.L, 53). A'. P. Spinney, for the appellant, con tended that the defendant was concluded by confessing judgment of revival. The Usury Act of 18 May,,1858, provides that it shall be lawful for the borrower or his debtor at the option to retain the ex. cese. When judgment is suffered the op. tion is spent; the borrower has• then at. lowed the itsitrions interest to become merged into the judgment, and it is too late to take.advantage of that defence. 3 Parsons on Contracts, 119. Thatcher vs Gammon, 12 Mass. 268. Thompson vs Berry, 3 Johns. Ch. 395 ; 17 Johns. 436. The defendant was under no• necessity to confess judgment in the amicable seire fireiox ; therefore the doctrine of Vantino vs. Wood (1 Harris, 270) does not apply. He was capable of validating that which was before invalid. • Dunain vs McCullough, 4 S A; R. 487. The Court should not open a paid judg ment. It can only order it satisfied. D. C. Henning, contra. It appears that on a, roan of $2,800 made six years ago, the plaintiff has re ceived about KOQO as interest, been paid $3OO on the principal, and still has a judg ment for $2,100. The excessive interest cau.of.course be credited on the principal. Lucas vs The Bank, 28 Smith, 228 ; 2 N9TE9, 13. i. ' The defendant having confessed judg ment of revival, no other relief can be af forded him as to interest included therein, other than by opening the judgment, liopins vs West, 3 Weekly Notes, 343,. lie is not concluded thereby, however. in this application. - Maitland vs. McGonigle, 1 T. 7, 11. pi. G5B. April L 1878. Tine. COURT. There.was sufficient evidence to show excessive niun ry intervening between the entry .of the original judgment and its revival by ami-. cable agreement. If the - amicable ; revival were conclusive upon the . defendant con fessing the judgment, usury would seldom i be 'reached. Hard creditors, aware\ of such law, would always - make it a condii.l lion of giving time, that a judgment orb warrant of attorney to confess it or to re- vive it should be given. This corrective power of the Court must be_ exercised to prevent the ruin of 'unfortunate 'debtors who are in merciless hands. This case is an apt illustration of the benign effect of the law against usury. The defendant in this case for several years paid interest at the rate of thirty-six per cent. per annum, the usury amounting to a largersum than the original debt. Ordenallirmcd and appeal dismissed at the cost of the appellant. , PER CIALIAM. • Wysox.—The following are the Officers elected by Wysox Brick Church (Presby terian) Sabbath School, on' Sunday last : Supt.—lter..Mr. MASON. /Pt APSt.—D.-MtILLIAHS. :.?//41 Amt.—Cn.Xis.. REED. Seere - tary—S. WATTLES. • `Librarian—L. PIOLLET.' Axed. Librarian—Jos. PioLLET. Treizeitrer—•-E. G. OWEN. \ TEACHERS. Bible C l / 8 , !Males—Prof. MILLER. Bible ClassisFenattles—Ain Alr. Mssott. Youths' Pep).—Dirs. ALLEN, Other Teacher—S.: A. Tons C. REFD, P. RIDGWAY, MiE \ S L. OWES, Miss L. MYEtt, Miss T. PIOLLET, Miss: M. MOS. CRIP, Miss M. LEWIS. The Church, and School are both, in a kiLmt,- flourishing condition under the man- went of the pastor, Rot. Mr. MAsoN. r Memorial services hero arisepr to \interesting and limpoiing\ this \Commander WILT and his a 4. been to great trouble• in pro. -"Mon. be very afternoon *iodate* ha' paring for the DON'T nigleet - jag at the, gine ht p ilit 4 e d Meth** It win*: ; -• • ~. Tux exhibition ghee lig the Collegiate Institote atutdents laitereek was welt pa tronised wrid etfted,_bi the _.erleode of that psi* inatitotion. LIMAN ' ,WI.IWZR hro cipenedalfootand Blurs ehopjlit east of die rhatotto (O no, and will be glad to melts calls from all of his friends in want of his serrkna. Ilara re; Moinumson.—On Thanday morning last W. W. Dicaum's bane in Monroaton was burned. °lithe rime day timbarns of 4.. L. Caitioassispil Timm Swan were destroyed by fife \ Axone all the entertainments-which are to take place In town, none are more worthy of generous patumage than 'the„ " Naiad Voneert." 'The " boys" are ever' on the alert to save the property of our Foolde• On Monday night a small bowie iii East Teniamln, owned by 0. D. Kuntwir aid occuPb l 4 by SicKLERS was burned. r ! The " shinty " on the island opposite the, freight depot, was burned Wednesday morning. Tux stuF i r the Graded School will favor their s with $ public exhibi. Lion at Me Nall,. on Tuesday evening, June 11th. The great ratilfaction which the public have • always expressed , with these performances is a guarantee that, a large attendance may be anticipated. Tusiadies of Towanda will be gbul to learn that Mrs GEORGE etrltlrr manufac tures all kinds of hair work in the most artistic manner, and at raarsonable rates. Orders may be left at her residence oppo site the:Colored Church, or at the Barber Shop of Jon. Jouasos. A NEW REBEKAH DEGREE LODOE.— Quite a i number4of filMshequin Odd-Fel lows and their ves were , organized into a Rebekah Degree Lodge on Tuesday af ternoon under the title of " Maggie B. Lodge," in honor of the amiable wife of D. D. G. M. BLACKMAN. The folhivring officers were chosen : N. G.-41.-L-FuLLER. B,—Mrs. G. W. BLACKMAN. B. Bee,' y—W S. ELSDREILI F. See y.—Mrs. Vir:_f3.,EtaitzsE. Treasurer—Mks. S. C. MARSHALL. A BAILOR'S FORFAIOUORT..—The expo danced mariner, before risking the perils of the sea; skillfully adjusts his carte and makes provision 'for every possible contingen7, well knowing that when the storm comes, his ability will be taxed to the utmost in saving his vessel and brew. Yet the mariner on the sea of life makes no preparation to cope with the storms (disease) to which all are liable. Nostu dious effort to keep the many organs in order, or regulate their.functions.. - If the liver be sluggish, bowels constipated; head dizzy, dull, or aches, he 1 , 4 guesses it will wear off Ws day oa so," and d' nothing to obtain relief, though knowilig that one or twat doses of Dr..Pierco's Pleasant Par gative'Pellets will effect a radical cure, and that a bottle ofrtwo of his Golden Medical) Discovery will effectually ward off ad future attacks, by enriching and. and purifying the blood. Suppose a cap tain upon discovering that his vessel was too heavy one aide, should "g uess it would right itself in a day or r 4 and do nothing, could any one be blamed but himself, if lb a storm his verse: launder ; ed, ind all perished? So people who care ,leraty and foolishly neglect the premonito ry symptoms of disease can blame no one-, but themselves if an early death is the re: snit.',leader, if yon wish to "know thy. self," fa bidden reefs and dangerous Boasts upon which thousands have been h I pwrecked, while navigating life's ocean, procure a copy , / of the People ' s_ Common Sense Medica l) Adviser, an illustrated work, of nearly one thousand pages. Over -one hundred thousand copies already sold. Price, postpaid, $1.50. Address the an thor, R. V. Pierce, M. D.; Buffalo, N. Y. SEMI NEW LOCALS. I PANS AND PARASOLS AU n great variety, AT - lIEDII6ED warn.'. J. L.-11.11112 ur After all that bas been said about " sweeping reductltm." the 'Grand Central Zr the only liret-elaas Detain New York that has made a " sweeping reduction." It otters drat-class accrue, modatlon for "2.60 audited per day. tar BIThIBIER .6001)8 PARR PRI CES! I have !envoi hand a falllineof FIGURED LAW NS,.WHITE GOODS, BUNTINGS, be" sc. marae. J. L. KSICT. PRoF. A. L. Gtnna, the well-known and rpttliir TEACHER 0F112141111A218111P, is canvassing the village for the parpoie of getting np a class In writing. ,Lessons will be given at the Graded Bcheol Value, beginning on Saturday eve ning, MAY 25th, from 4:15 to land frtun tto 9 o'clock. P. M., during' thirteen, consecutive days. The lessmS at 4:15 o'clock are intended for chil dren ; those in the evening for ladles aUd gentle men. Those who Attend the aleritOon class have the privilege of attending an the evening if they goose to, which mikes Twenty-filx lessons that, each scholar may obtain for pm. •Insy7.3. BUSINESS LOCAL. Ur DRESS GOODS at reduced prices at J. L . Kate's. may 2. Ber STERN Bros. have jest received a line of Ladles ready made aulta and Summer Sacques. far Misses SnELL & rARNBAIi do all kinds of DRESS MAlthice. - - t MILLINERY 0 . 1)0D§ at whole sale at ST= c SteS. tr. HOSIERY ! HOSIERY ! HOSIE RY An new ati J. L. Km's. wart ' tiff - Everything in tiro line of statiott lerf M WHITCOB & ['SHETLAND SHAWLS in great variety at J. 14 KFtl"l5. may& tom' Lsulies,l, Misses and Chiklrens' .GLOVES and 110517.11 S at J. L. KINT'S. may 2. Imo' The LATEST NOVELTIES , IN MILLINEIIi, at the lowest prices, at &maw Arr TABL4 LINEN,;NAPKINS aind iticELS, at J: LAEta ,J • mar .flir Straw Work and Bleaching a ape, chilly at ixact, k FARNIIAII.4. Tboiiipson's GLOVE FITTING CORSET at J. 10EttNres. mayl. tom' PARASOLS and UMBRELLAS at J. L. Kinrre. Imam far Get your STYL I SH BONNETS at Arteix 1:11'011. New York St014,!1130 We money. ar HOSIERY, 4 pains for 25 couta, at 'Amax Bros. ts' - Embroidities, Laces,' fiilka l and Ribbons at Brass Bios. yr Yon can get all the latest stiles of Stationery, very cheap, at WilitConit . g Eittairra tar Mrs. E. J. MINGOS is selling goodii this spring CHEAP= TII►N EVES. Call raid mamba° before parebasibi. iv STERN Bros. are telling BUN. DOWNS and SAILOR HATS for, SS rent", and LEGHORN FLATS for 01.25. fir Mrs, E: . J. Mutate has- retuned from tee City, and has decidedly the FINEST ISPLAY , OF MILLINERY and NOTIONS hi this town. owl& tom' - GLOVES for 15 cents. and COR. BETS for la cents at STERN Om. New York Store. • S Table Linens, Towling and kin. at arras Brew rir Mrs. E. J. Mitme has TRIMMED HATS ter UN! DOLLAR and upwards. tom' LADIES NECKWEAR sad SILK RANDIEZRORIEVI 'Ms 25 tests ap at Wilair . rir Go to 810 m. & FlA4rEneit's tor brat Mitheeilfiloods.• ' • • 111rMite..litrwais bits tbe best, Skirt enpportor, ste6 the Skirt Ilevetat. for Cowen has the beet wearing Show foe Mne; Maya ind Youths' . itett -eta* . (Meted la Towanda, snit at pleas 'within the teeth of sal. • ir Horse Powers for sale, one Sesioed, Land, and new ones of Blood & Coy manntsettue, Swore Mann; Co. Sam, Pa. Mao. • =oaths • lir " JOY BELLS," . a new Sunday- Bobo°, Singing Hoot, by W. A. OGDZN. &le copies 21 cams by mall. • L. IL PowALL. - Belsntio, Pa. Itir Great reduction on rates to all points West, - Northwest and Sonthweet. The cheapest Swot deer offered, AVOW dr apply to G. Sherwood, ToWanda. L. V. L S. ticket Moe. Ellr The . Largest, Best and . Cheapest line of BM. for s LadlesVhfisser and Children.", Wear Is found at Coming's new store, corner:Alain and Pine-ids., Tracy R . Noble's Block. . apre7B 1311" Co WLEtte Bakery Wagot„of the lit Ward Bakers, will be on band daily with "fresh Crackers hot from the oven, Bread, Plea, Cates, Ike. •, sprit Lam' Flower Pole and Hanging Baskets — valet, ever shown In thlemarket, at Ma. roLve Crockery Store. lam"" Mrs. C. Atiza begs leave to Inform the Ladles of Towanda thatshe Is now Ins pired to do SEWING BY THE DAY on reasonable terms. Nesldenne, No. 5 Ward k Overton's b felt, lint Ward. aprl7 Don't you forget. it. We have an excellent CRACKER MANUFACTORY In town at cowLEB. BAKERY, where you can buy the beat fresh•baked crackers. I L. B. Rona Ens challenges compe tition tot quality of goothi and low prices on Bash, Moors, Blinds and Moldings, aid pit building ma: . tonal. taug34f) FELen Co. (Ta •lor & Co.'s old stand), Main Street, having Jue returned from the City. are offering one of the Ae.t Assortments of DRY HOODS, FANCY GOODS. HOSIERY, CAR VETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c:, ever exhibited In To. wands. and their Prices are astOnishingly Low.a le iirWOOL CARDING The business of Carding will be conducted.. usual at the old ai l establishment In Camptown d ring the coming summer. We will be ready to do the fi rst Sack that comes. and cheerfully refeito 4hose for whom we worked last season, as to , c quality of work' that may be expected, Noy ath 1878. Ur To THE PURIM.— Mill inSheshegnta, formerly o will be Maned tinder NEW and witn ncreased facilities, o 11, 11178. We Invite all the old * War 'Mill 1 o Ore cm a call. We making new friend,. SATIS ANTEED. S. W. ' • Sheahequin, Feb. 7, 1878. tlr CLOSING OUT Silver Watches, Chains, Ft undersigned having purchi entire stock of W atches. CI Ware, in tho s re formed; DELMAN,'and not wishing ness, has concluded to sell less of cost. In order to alp early and securthargains. . Vir Moony.—To an: Il desiring a volume of D. L, M.sodra , Prayers and addresses, as revised by his own and, best In print, book large, typo plain, paper . and contains over 800 pages. with 73 sermon' and addresses,' bound. Price according o blndlng, r 1,50. 'MO. QUO. This Book should be In every house, as Songs and Sermons mate well, • Apply to Burroughs of Alba, pa. 13r E. H. PORMAUL, 1 —325 East Water IS't,reet, ELMIRA, N. T: . 7 First Floor—DßY GOODS. • Second FIour—MILLINERY. Third FIoor—CARPETS. Fourth FIoor—CLOAKS AND SUITS Upper floors accessible by Elevator. J. visit of inspection will more than amply repay. julyd. Cif-GREAT AUCTION SALE!-31. JaConn, at 31.11s:NDELitAst's old stand, Main-st., will offer at Auction Sale, commencing TUES DAY. MAY 21st, 18711, at 10 o'clock, A. M., and to continue every. afternoon and evening until the entire stock of Goods and Store Fix. urea are sold, GOLD and SILVER W ATCRES, , GoId, Silver and Plated CHAINS, Gold and Plated JEWELRY, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, American and Preach CLOCKS.,GoId and Silver SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES, Ac., Ac., Ac. All gials to be sold do the highest hldder,.regardless of cost. All goods sold warranted as represented. mayiB. M. JACOM, Towanda. far Nothing abort of unmistakable benefits conferred upon tens of Undisands of-suffer era could originate and maintain the reputation which AvEn's SARSAPAVALLA enjoys. It Is a compound of the beat vegetable alteratives, with iddldea of Potassium knd lihn, and Is the most effectua: of all remedies for scrofulous. mercurial, .or blood disorders. Uniformly successful and cer— tain In itilremodial effects, It produces rapid and complete cures of Scrofula, Sores, Boils, Humors, Pimples, Eruptions, Skin Dlsea . see, and all disor ders arising front impurity of the blood. By its Invigorating effects It always relieves and often cures Liver Complaints, Fernide Weaknesses and Irregniarttles,. and is a poterd renewer of vitality. Yor purifying the blood It has no equal. It to up the system, restores' and preserves the health, and - Imparts vigor and energy. For forty years It bas been In extensive use, and is to-day the -most Irallable medicine• for the suffering sick, every where. For sale by all dealers. SPECIAL LOCAL. lar PIANOS AND ORGANS.—If you wish fo purchase a very supelor PIANO or °DOAN-, aui In every excellence to any made, at Mannfoie. tnrers Wholesale Price, and thus ease nearly one half of your money, do not fall, before purchasing, to write for catalogue of description and prices, to Poet OMee Box EtB.s, New York. March 7, ISM tf. «E. P. -KUNKEL'S 'BITTER WINE OF IRON gives tone to the stomach, improves the al. petitewnd assists digestion, excites the bowels to healthy action, expelling all the foul humors that contaminate the blood, corrupt the secretions and offend the breath. It excites the liver to a healthy action and strengthens the nerves. imparting that Blew to life that pmceed alone from perfect health: Thousands In all walks of life, testify to the virtues of this exceellent mhdlclne In correcting the de nintement of the digestive organs. Get the genu ine. Sold Only In one dollar IsAtles. Ask for E. F. KUNKIL'IFBITTRICWINF. OF IRON, soil take to other. Dysperital.' Dyspepsia! Dyspepsia! E. F. Kunkers illttr Win: of Iron, a sure cure for this disease. It has been prescribed daily for many years In tee practice of eminent physicians wlth•nnperalelled success. Symptoms are loss bf appetite, wind and rising of food, dryness in mouth. headache, dlzzinesiCsleepleisness and low spirits. thst the genuine.. Not sold in bulk,•only one dollar bottles. DOyon want something to atrengthen yoti ? Do you want a good appetite? Do yon want to get rid of nervousness? Do you *llllt Alnergli Do you want to sleep well, or be cured bf dyspepsia, kidney or liver disease? Try E. F. -KUNKEL'S BITTER WINE or I nor:. Every bottle guaranteed to do sa recommended. Depot and office, 2:19 North Ninth Street. Philadelphia, I'm Get the gennette. Sold by all drugglats. Ask for E. F. Kunkel's and take no other. All I ask is a trial of this valuable med icine. One bottle will convince you. Get six brit tles for live dollars. one dollar for one. • Tape Worm Removed Alive. Tit* Worm, Pln, Seat and !RomAch Worms re moved alive In from two to (our boors. No fee un fit head of Tape Worm passes' alive and In one. Ask your druggist for Kunkel's Work Syrup. Sold only In one dollar bottles. Used for children or grown persons. It never-falls. Or send for drew! Mr to Or. Kunkel, 259 North Ninth Street._phila delphla, Pa. Advtei by malt free. Sella three cent stamp for return of b•tter. E. F. Kunkel's instead and-E. F. Finn ket‘s Skaunpoo foe the Kate. The beat and cheapest Hair Dressing and Nair Cleaner in the world. They remove dandruff, allay irritation. srs,the and•cool the heated scalp, prevent the hair from falling off, and promote the growth tea very abort thne. They preserve and beautify 'the Hair, and render it soft and glossy. They Im part a hrtlllancy and a silky appearance to braid and wiry Hair, and as a hair dressing they are on. rivalled ; eradicate dandruff and prevent baldness, The 'shampoo chums the Hair, removes grease, scurf, Itching. eruption. Cares headache produced by heat and fatigue. Kunkel's Shampoo and !Am. tral restore \ Hair to a natural and glossy rotor, re store faded, dry, harsh and wiry hair. Price per bottle el. AAFur druggist for them, or send to Z. f: Kunkel. roprletor, No. '239 North Ninth . Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Cliar2-7m. \ • • ... .• btIST OF LETTERS remaining in 'Post °Mee at To w anda. Bradford Co., Pa. he week ending May. 29, 1878: • ' , Coolbangb, Win ilattle It intres, lin, A. Ceolbaugh. Libbl Mitchell, Ezra Dougherty, Alice (2) MiCrau,,y, rs ttle Donley. James itathburti, L.S. Haynes, Sarah Williams, limey ~ • Hold for POStage. \ . Samuel Hanks, Philadelphia Pa, \ • - . 'WIII H. fillies, Wllksbarre Pa., . - Persons falling 'for any et the above wiltplease say ' , advertised,. givine date of Hat. ••, . • • S. W. ALVOUD P QIIEI%IEI 9 B SALES...-By. virtue 1.„,1 of sundry • writs hived oat of the Court of Common Yu as at-Bradford County, and to me di acted.. I will ripe' to public sale up THURSDAY, the 13th day of JUNE, lOU, tho awful the Cowl House, In Towanda Borough, at 1 o'clo.k, the following deseNbed . property, to wit:.• No I. One lot, late; or parcel of . land situate In "Addled ded north by toddy of - Joshua Merrill and-Fred ohnsoyi, mud by :iond of George Lamoreuk; south br lands Of 1.1 Nunn. one west by lands of Jonathan Hadlot% and A 0 ree contains 68 acres more or less, abottt 33 ilopogred, with framed-house, I framed barn, and sheds find fruit trees thereon. limited and taken Into execu tion at the suit of A C Elsbrees ado vs Daniel Reasor. No 2. 41.1.13 . 0-one other lot'sltuate to Pike Me, bounded north by the public highway, cast by lands of Wilson Edsall, south and west .by the publichighway; eontalus-I sere more or less, all improretf, with 1 framed house, I framed barn and few fruit trees thereon. No I. ALSO—One other Int , situate - In Pike twit, bounded north by lands of Wen Darla, easterly and south erly by the public highway and lauds of V. ikon and west br lands of Heal Bristert contains 5 acres of land be the time more or less, all impel , ed, no buildings, but few fruit trees thereon. Sett. ed and taken Into execution at the snit of ihe-Athz ens Building and Lain Association of Athens, Pa, Yeti M Gregory, No 4. ALSO—One other lot situate hi Albany hip, bounded north by' lands of Joseph Campbell, east and south by the public highway. west by lands of Clark Babcock; being 100 ft front and alit deep, with I fr'oned house and few fruit trees thereon. Seised and taken into execution at the snit of• Edward Overton vs 8 Ormsby. Ito 5/ALSO—One other lot situate In Plite twp, bounded north by landsof A D Fassett,' east by lands of the Thomas Brink estate, south by lands of the Thomas Brink caste, west by, the public highway i contains .12 arms more or les•. all Un proved, with I framed house. I board' shanty, and few fruit fr.-es therehn. Seised and taken into ex cc E2MEIRiMMUIM No 6. ALSO—Ane other lot sitnatp In Leroy. tap; bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a cor In leading from the stage road to . the south side of the Towanda Creek, and cor of Lindley Stone's land, and In the line of Amos Vantleet's !arid, and running; thence north as the original course, glitch along the line of Amos Vantleet's land; runulpg thence' mirth as the origb nal course given along the line of Amos Vanneet. Lewis Darling, formerly. 1) -A Greene, about 201 pens and 6.10 of a perch to a cor peat and stones adjoining lands of Reuben McClelland on the north, and thence east as the original course '23 pct's to a cer In the line of David iloagland's land; and thence south as the original course mentioned in former conveyances a distance of about 312 4-10 pens to a cot adjoining Lindley Stone's land - as conveyed to him by Nathan - 14 'Wilcox, and along the line of David lioagland's land to said cot; and thence south PO meat 4 IWO pets to w Twat and stones; thence meet 11 6-10 pets to a-blekory tree marked for a our; thence north 3 6 east along said, Lindley Stone's land and line is pen to a eor, near a hickory tree; thence 88° west 23 3-10 pen to the place of beginning; contains the supposed quantity or amount of about 68 acres, be the same more or less, (2 acres being reserved therefmm in the convey anceJabottt 60 acres improved. with I framed forme,- 2 framed barns, other outbuildings, and orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seised a',d taken into'execu- Don at the suit of Overton k Elsbree va Anthony Darling. 1 No 7. ALSO—One other lot situate In Granville twp, bounded north by lands of Charles Parmerter and David Eaton, en the east by lands of Ephralin Kendall, south by ,lands of Widow Annable dnd David Thompson, weal by lands of Malachi Sive maker and eartlaMl Clark ; cent/tins titi acres more or less, all improved, with 1 trained house. I fram ed barn, I framed hog pen, and orchard of [nit trees thereof). Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Burk, Thomas Ji Co vs James Ritten house. No C. ALSO—One other lot situate In Smith Creek twp. bounded north by lands of Robert Ray, east l}7' lands of James O'Leary. South by lands of C Kline's estate, and C W Lord, west by landi of Patrick Hurley; contains 114 acres - more or less, about OGacres Improved. with `I framed house. I lot barn, and orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seis ed told taken into execution at *hi stilt of Calvin West vs Henry SpenCer. No O. Af-tio—One other lot situate tr?Granvllle 11. ICIK_GUAair 4 e Steam Grist ed by F.S.ATEtts, MANAGEMENT MONDAY; Feb. *trona of this pep- Plutll not object to ACTION GII-Alt lODOX!th, Agent. bounded north by lands of John 31 Phalin and James Riley, east by lands of Adam Innis, south by rands of Adain Innis and Wm Bunyan, ' west by lands of Harrison Ross, Christie Lowe, and John 3I contains 87 acres and 31 pets, more or less, about 80 acres imkroved. with 2 framed houses, 2 fra ned barns. other,outbuildings, and 2 orchards of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into 'exe cution at the suit of U D Baxter's use vs Omar Davis. of Gold atid. Iry, etc. The !rlreSsle the rer and Plated I by M. I In the WW- I mock regard nt3lnest4. Call M. J ACOI3B. No 10. ALSO—One other lot situate In Asylum twp, bounded and 40)1411110d as follows t lleginning at a stone heap; thence east 164 pees to a stone heap; ttience south 23° east 119 psrs to a stone heap:- Thence south 70° west 121 6-10 peps to stone heap; thence north 15° west laPi pets t. the place of be gluplng; contains 54 acres and 153 pers more or less, being part of Sarah H'llutier's tract surveyed In the warrantee name of Barnaltas itlcShatu. about 84 acres Improved.-with 1 framed house. I framed barn and sheds attached. blacksmith shop, work- shop, I framed granary, and orchard of fruit trees thereon. . No 11. AT SO—One other lot situate In Monroe and Albany twps. bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a sugar tree at an original cor of Jno Boyd and John Kidd Warrants t thence east by "no Boyd warrant 167 perm to a hemlock cor df Otis Ly ons' lot; thence by the same south 143 pars to a cot; thence west 1417_pers to a cor of C Kellogg's lot: thence by the same north 149 pars to the place of beginning; contains 150 acres and 131 pers more or less, being mit of a •large tract in the warrantee name of JosePlt ThoMpson; no improvements. No 12. ALSO—One other lot situate in Monroe twpwbomuled and described as follows.; Beginning af'd toren line of E C Kellogg's land; thence east 100 peri to a cor of the Saulsbury lot; thence north 39 pets to a cor on James W Irvine's lot ; thence cast 85 perm to a cot on Ilhe of John Bristol; thence south 2414 0 east SS nets to a cor on line of John Bristol: thence ea ;t 2-114 0 west Wipers to a cur on line of E C. Kellogg; thence by Kellogg's land west 142 perm to a cor: thence still by Kellogg's land north 58 perm to the place of beginning ; contains 76 acres met G 3 pets more or less, no improvements: No 13. ALSOI—One other , lot situate In Asylum" twp, bounded and described asfollows: Beginning at a cor, belog the southeast cot of the Philo Min ces lot (now cue Bacon), running south 7.1t 0 west 2 7.10 pets to a cor of post and stones; thence south 83 0 east or thereabouts, 38 pets to a cor (being northwest cor of Benjamin lot), thence south 2° 30' 30' weit 112 perm to a con thence *north 75 , 4 0 west 44 5-10 perm to a.cor; thence north 40 4,.owest 17;8.10 pers to a cor of post'and stones; thence south 78 0 east 114 pore to the plate of beginning; contains 75 acres more or less, about 50 Improved. Seised and taken into execution at the snit of Hiram Elsbree vs James Ellis and W Ellis. , No 14. ALSO—One other lot situate, in Plketwp, bounded north by the public hlghway,eist hydands of Wm Hutchinson, south by lands -of Seymour Wilson, west by lands of Herbert Beechericontains 6 acres more or less, all improved, with 1 framed house and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and ta ken into execution at the suit of Catherine E Har rington vs Martha B Bradley. - ' . ' No 15. ALSO—One other lot situate in Columbia twp, bounded north by lands arealeb Burt and .James Strung, east by lands of Caleb Burr. smith by lands of Henry Gernet anti Fayette Kenyon, west by the public highway.; contains 90 acres more i or less, about 90 improved, with 1 framed house. 1 granary and few fruit trees thereon. Seized anti taken into execution at the stile of J M- WRilatus' Use vs E 11 Williants. _... No IC. ALSO—One other lot situate in Troytwb, and bounded as fellows; Being all that piece or betirel of land-lying in the township of Troy.-and eing a portion of the land bought by Pomeroy Bres' of -Win and Clement -54 . neatl, anti now or. culled by E A Kennedy. being all the land owned by Pomery Bros,' on the north side of the county road, and supposed to contain 50 acres of land more less, all improved, being the same piece of land conveyed by Pomeroy Bros!ko Burton S Ayers, by articles of agreement dated Dec 29, 1873, with 1 framed house, anti orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into-Uxecution at the suit of Pom eroy Bros' vs Burton S Ayres. - - No 17. ALSO—One other lot situate in Athens ' Dep, bounded north by land, of C W Clapp. (now in possession of- H Vandozef). east by. lands of said - Clapp and John Dontwan.k south by. lands of E N Merrill, west by Main-inn/being 150 ft on said Main fit, and ISOft deep, with-t - framed house and barns thereon. No 18. ALSO—One other lot situate in Stiestui quill twp. bounded north by lands of - Henry Ma nolo and Joseph Humphrey, east by lands of Vo seph Humphrey, south by landsof John Wagot na Adam Kier; stonily lands formerly 0 dby lifor' , ,, gar Thompson; - Contains 106 aere, or less, -about 90 improved, with 1 trained h . 1 framed 4141 barn. 2 sheds, 1 wagon house, and an .orehard tif fruit tress they on. Being the same land Conveyed to defendant by II W VanDitzer by deed bearing date Nov 4, 1876, and recorded in deed book No 132, at page 430. Stized and taken into execution at the suit of 11 k' Maynard's use vs Hyman Van- Dozer. No 19, ALSO—One other lot situate in Overton twit, bounded anti described as follows: Beginning at a -birchtree 011 the line of Paul Moore and Josh ua Cooley warrants: thence south 31 0 , :45' west eking Joseph Anthony's warrant 104 7-10 pees to a ha-wood ; thence north SB's° west along Eli Morris' warrant um tiers to a cur; thence north 31., -15 cast 104 7-10 pers to a cor; thence south .384 ,3 • east 160 pers;to the place of beginning; contains 101 acres and 112 pets more or less. _lt being the Same land sold to .1 W Owen by C L Ward by - contract datedthq't, 1569: about 50 acres Improved, with 1 framed house, 1 framed barn. and orchard,of Trutt trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Mrs Ellen Ward Miller ot, use of W w )(lug:diry vs J W Owen. . `Co 20. ALSO—One otherlot situate Canton twp, euuded north by lands of G P and' D C Manley, ast by landa,of George Meeker, south Sy the To 21111a Creek, west by lands of- Dr N Smith; con kalns 73 acres more or less, all improved, with 1 framed hOuse, 1 framed barn with sheds attached, I corn-house, I sheep-barn, 1 hay-barn, other out buildings and few fruit trees thereon. ' Seized and taken into execution at the emit .amts F Fox, ex'r, vs Stephen A Randall and .fared S Manley, N 0 .21. ALSO—One other lot situate in Towanda . twp, bounded north by lot No 92, east by an alley, south by lot No 69, west by Main-st; being lots No 70 and 71, as will-more fully and at large appear on (I F Mascin'epliat of Sunlit Towanda, anti being 90ft . front on Main-st. anti 125 'ft deep, with 1 framed house thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the salt of 11 L Scott, Trustee vs Michael Boyle. No 22. ALSO—One other lot, situate in Athens born% bounded north by lands of C W_Clapp (now in possession of 11 Van Dime.), east by Linda, of Said Clapp and John Donovan. south by lands of F. N. Nenil4 and west by klaln•st ; being 150 feet front on said - Main•st and 150 ft deep, with .1 framed house. 1 framed barn, kc, thereon. No 23. —One other lot, situate In Athens born', bounded north by Sattertee-st, east lty klapleod, south by lots in the Sstteriee plot. and west by Main st and other lots deeded to defendant by C•W Clapp, with 1 framed shed thereon. Sams being lots,No 10, 11 and 12 as shown on the plot or survey known as the Satterlee tract No 21. A LSO—One .other lot. situate In Athens berm, bounded north by Sattericest. east by lambi of H L Esstabrooks. south by lands of John Case. - and west by "laple,.st ; being about 150 ft front by 150 ft deep. No 25. ALSO—One other lot sltnate In Sheshe qulh twp, bounded north by landsof Henry Manole and Joseph Humphrey. east iby lands of Joseph Humphrey, south by lands o! John R'aggehatl Adam Kier. and west by lands formerly owned'. by Morgan Thompson; contains ipo acres of- land mom or less. about 90 Improved, with 1. !rallied house. 1 'framed barn, 2 sheds, 1 sragomliouse and an orchard of fruit tree thereon. Seised anal-token into execution at the suit of Anson R Collins Hyman Vanlinner. * No 28. ALSO—One other lot, situate In Franklin twp, bounded and described as 'Moira ; Beginning at a Mee° of cast Iron In the center of• the road leading from Towanda to. Can tort thence south 334 ° east 5 rods and la links to a post 2 ft south-west of an apple tree ; thence smith strife weal It rods snit I link to a post on the east line of Luther Smith's tot: thence north west.a . Mila arid IS links, to a hack In the center of the road ; thence along mid road to the place of beginning: contains care COde of laud. more outsell. VarePlllla eta the above described tot a pleee of land deeded by has Taylor toSaasuel Webber bydeed besting dal Nay 18. Itin; and _reworded to deed boot No 128. .3 . 94 and beta( it lota° ft on west end biaarst va 4•lttaxt ; *lt tasprosedOrttli 1 store atalAwel thaserat.:lletwat tattltlatO '‘ . 44-31•10*-91Therils JOU 7,430141.1 l=" 14904',1041010 11M11001110011110 Impl. . - of the estate of the late John Demorest ; thence by the line of the same east St 440 percheit to a corner In Mellen ate lot heretofore contracted to Clotlkla Hassell t thew* b$ the line of the same south .115 $4O perches to scorner of Stephen Russell; thence bribe line of the mane west a 1440 perches to. the east line of said Nichol Dentorest's estate ; • thence. b 7 the line of the sane north o . s faePorebee t o the elate or bellhinkiff I contains is acres and 141 perches, all Improred. with 1 framed house. I framed barn. 1 framed granary , and orchard of fruit trees thereon. halted and taken Into caeca tlowat the suit of J W Woodburn vs Traoklln Rua No siSiAtilt:V=43mi other lot, situate In 'Herrick MN' beurled,. north by lands of David Fleming and John McKlnns, east by lands of. Zebldee An gle, south by lands of Patrick DewatiOurd' west by lands of George P Nesbit and Charles Bill ; 'con.- tatna 112 acres of land,. more or less, about 60 im- Improved, with 1 framed house, I fretted churn house, 1 trained barn, 1: framed corn-house and sheds, and other onf-buildlngs and orchard of frult trees thereon.. Belied and taken Into execution at, the sett of Henry C Smith vi Win Nesbit. • • N0.26.-ALBo—One other int.sltuate In Athena 11 -. bounded, north by - lands of the Novelty FurnltUris Works; east by Malwet, south by lands of E T Fox, and west by lauds of the Penna. N I" Canal and It CUrteing about 34 an acre of-land. more er less, all linproved,wlth 1 °Mee building thereon. Itels.ll and fake: Into execution at the suit of James H Webb, adaer of C. V :Welles. decd, and the First National Bank of Athens*. 111 Altilf and A Twist.; N0..30.4 LBo—One other lot,st taste In Wilmot T... bounded north.hy CharleeLe mon, east by lands of Olive Evans. south by lands of Patrick Carroll, and west by lands of Widow Brady; contains 99 acres, more or ~less, about 4S Improved, with 2 board boooeo, Ilframed, bard and .2 orchards of frillt trees thereon. belted and taken.into.exech-, [lomat the suit of C-31 Manville's use vs It C Wan. doll. , A LSO , -One other lot,sltuate In Aitylum T., bounded and.descrlbell as follewo Beginning at s corner of lands Of - Elhanan Neal; thence north 41%*eas4 As petit to a stake and stoues't. thence south 4934 . ° east 02 pets and 10ft to a corner of land owned by_David 'frumble: thence. along sal I thimble's ried 4014* north 60 Dere to , a corner of S Dollon's land; thence along lands of said WS Holton and Said Neal 62 pers and 10ft to the place of beginning; contains 20 acres and 'Di pers of land, more or less, mostly itiaproted. No. 33. A LSO—Defeudant's N interest In one other lot situate In. Asylum twp, bounded'and de scribed as follows: Beginning at. a white pine a coiner of a lot formerly owned by Barnabas Mc- Shear!. thence north 40S° east 160 pets to a white oak, another conier,of the Jut formerly owned by Barnabas Mc:Shears thence north 40„ , i west 50 pars to a post on the line between lands fortinerly of BarnaUs and Joseph Mebhear; thence .uorth east I 4-100 perslo a black oak ; thence north 41° west 30 12-100 pen to a red oak thence sonth'49° west 159 59-100 pers telt stake and stones.; thence south 42 , .V11 east 29 N; pers to a. white pine; thence south 40,e,`east 50 pers to the place of ginning ; contains 60 acres„ inure or less, all re d. with 1. framed house, 1 framed barn with shedas bed. 1 corn-house, 1 framed horse-barn, and •le fruit trees•thereotx. No. 33. ALSO—One other lot situate In A • loin twp, bounded and described as follows r.Beginning at a corner In .the creek ln J Coolbaogh's line ; thence along said Coolbaugh's line south 47S° cant 19 6-10 peril to a corner; thence along D Trumball's land south 4 S° west 79 6-10 pers to a corner; thence north 504 0 westa pers to a coiner ; thence • south 42SP west 2 2-10 pet's to a post corner: thence north - 54 0 west 27 2-10 pers to a corner of E Neal's land; thence along the same north 57:%° east 31 3-10 pets to a corner in line of D Notion lot thence along the same south 47S° east 9 1-10 pers to a cor ner: thence alongthe same north 42..i° cast 55 3-10 pers to a corner In the creek', the place 'of begin ning; contains about 10 acres of land, more or less, mostly Improved: — No. 34. ALSO--Ohe other lot situate In Asylum two. bounded and described as .folows Plug at.a corner of line of land formerly-owned by Clark Heath; thenc north 47'Ssl west in a- swamp to a corner of Joseph Mingos' land In said swamp ; thence through said .swamp, along said Bingos' line north 631 0 cast 29 .pers to a corner of the saute; thence south 47!4 0 east 7 pets a corner t thence south 40 0 west 26 pers to the place of begin ning; contains 2 acres and 91 pees of land, more or less, mostly Improved. Belteda d taken into exe cution at the suit of E W Hale' use vs John Pat.. terson: • No. 25. ALBS)--One other lot, situate In Wysox twp, described as follows's tieing lots Nos. 4 and S of block N0..28 In Fiesehut`s sub-division. 75 - Ifeet front each and 225 feet deep, fronting Mal s.sts , w ing the same iota contracted by said Morgan to said defendai the 28th day of March, 1811. Seizeu and taken 105 execution at the suit of H II Morgan, J O Vought and OyhthialTought. .ANDREW J. LATTO NS, Sheriff. Sheriff's 918ce, Towanda, La., Msy 23, 1878. "SHE ffist FF'S SALE.—By virtue of L 7 two-writs of FL Fa; famed out of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, to Inc directed and delivered, will he exposed to public saie t at the, Vance House, Piffle borough of Towanda. Brad ford County, Pa., on TUESDAY. JUNE livt, ina, commencing at 10'O'clock. A. M., and to con tinue from day today until sold, all the personal property In said Vance House, consisting of wal nut suite, walnut parlor sets, dining-room tables and chairs; beds and. bedding, stoves, carpets. crockery, Silver and plated ware," large kitchen range, kitchen- furniture, bar-room fixtures, gas chandallers and fixtures, &c. {VIII also sell Vance House 'bus. TERMS-All slims of tn and under, cast) ;over over r. 5. thirty days, with approved security, • Seized and taxen into- execution at the suit of Almon Southworth' vs .1 C Vance. '• A NUR EW J. LAYTON, S!:eriff. The balance of sakiproperty, after paying above wit. will be sold at public sale. • Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Pa., May 13, 1n 4. IN BANKRUPTCY. District J_Coort of the United States for the Western Din riot of Pennsylvania. In the matter of John A. Codding and, Chauncey S. Russell, bankrupts. Western District of Pounsylvanla, A warrant in Bankruptcy has been Issued by said Court against the estate of John A. Coddling and Chauncey S Russell. both of the County of Brad ford and SLite of 'Pennsylvania. fn said District, adjudged bankrupts upon petition of their credt tors, and the payment of any debts and the delivery of any, property belonging to said bankrupts, to them qr to their line. and the transfer of any prop erty by theM. are forbidden by law.. A 'amain of the az:editors of .said bankrupts, oo prove their debts and choose one or more Assignees of their ea tate; will bo held at.a Court of Bankruptcy in be holden at Towanda.. In said Districe,' on the lath day of JULY. A. I). I t iTs. at 104,1c1-cit. A. M.; at the °Mee of Overton & litrcnr, before R. A. Mer cur. Esq., one of the Registers In liankroptcy of said District. ' JOHN HALL, mayBo4 - 2 U. S. Marshal for said District. N "BANKRUPTCY. DistrictlCourtof the Untied States for the . western dls- Wet of Pennsylvahla. This Is to give - notice .that on the .2241 'day of May. A. D. IS7B a warrant In bankruptcy was Issu ed agatmd the estate . of Eugene Underhill and Charles E. Noble, of Athens, in the .County bf Bradford and 'State of Pennsylvania, and Thomas E. Amull„ in the County of Essex and State of New Jeriey, who have been adjudged bankrupts upon their own petition:. that the payment of any debts and delivery of any prpperty belonging tit such bankrupt to them or Tor .heir use, and the transfe# of any property by them are forbidden by law: that a meeting of the creditors o' said bankrupts to prove their debts, 'and to (1101/Sp one or more assignees Of their estate, will he bald at a Court-of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the (Mee of Overton & Merenr. In the Borough of TOwanda; Pa., before It. A. Mercur. Esq., Register, on the Bth day of July, A. O. ICS; at M o'clock, A... M.. JOHN HALL, ❑. S. Marshal, as Messeiger. may3o-w2. INCORPORATION NOTICE. To all whom ft may concern; The undersigned citizens of Springfield, Bradford County; Penna., hereby give notice that they Intend to ‘p - fily to the Court of Common Pleas of. Bradford County, or a law Judge thereof, fora charter. and to be incor porated into a body politic In law, with perpetual. succession under the naine„stylo and title of t`.The First Baptist elinrelt of Springfleld,” forthe pur pose of extending the Christian religion, and to provide necessary land and building.i therefor. FERDINAND lir-WRITS, F.EEXI BURY. WALTON OATES, . GEORGE - CORY' • MARCUS STRANGE, FRANCIS RIPLEY. Sprhigfield, Pa... May no, 1578- . 3w. • • SSIGNEES' NOTICE—STotice In hereby given that J. Lrmy Corbin, of Alt}, ens Borti,.Bradford County, Fa.. .by deed of volun tary assignment, haye assigned all the estate, real andpersonal. of .the said J. Leroy Corbin to Win. Snyder aml in said county, In trust for the benefit of the creditors of the sail .1. Leroy Corbin: Alr'persons, therefore. Indebted to the Said J Leroy (*twills will mike payment to the sail Assignees at the store of Y. T. Page.. In Athens Born% aorl those having claims or demands against the said .1. Leroy Corbin willpresent the same Without delay. • W NI SNYDER, Aprinier7w • F", T. PAGE. Assignee of .1. Leroy Corbin.- .A.IIDITOE,'S • N OTICE.— In the Orphans' Court of Bradford `County. No. • May berm, 1878. In the [natter of the exception» to the final account or A.O.- Miller,. Guardian of Alfrrd 211111er.: The ntulersfgned, an Auditor appointed b the Court to Pitsof said eseeptiobs will „attend to the dutletof his sppolnonent FRIDAY. JUNG ii, A. I). 1878, at his office In Towanda Borough, at 10 o'clock. A. 31. ' when awl Where all persons in. terested In saki exceptions Must he Present nr, trr forevei debarred. ' - F.. F. GO/FF.. Towanda; May 13-w4. Auditor. NCORPORATION NOTICE. I Notice Is hereby given that application will be made to the Court of Common pleas of Bradford County. or. the President Judge thereof, ° for- the ra Incorpotion of the "M. E. C hurch Society orm I lan," In Ulster township. The objects of the said association are the tnaintertance of the public wor ship of (hid In accordance with thc rules anti disci plineqi the M. E. Church. • E. U. ER, IL-IL VINCENT, S. L. A NTIIDNY, f A. o. SNELL. , 5.N."11 AVENEL Ilan, Pa,. May 23, 1878. • piXECIITOR'S NOTlCE—Notice u is hereby Olen that all persons Indebred to the estate of Joseph Humphrey, late of Sheshequin. deed, are requested to mate Immediate payment, and all persona having claims against Said Estale must present them duly authenticated for settle• ment. • A. J. TIIPMPSON. She'shequln, Nay 6; '7B. Executor. ECUTOR'S NOTICE:--Not ice Fif, hereby given that all permits Indebted to the estate of IT. A. Garton. late of Wilmot. tlec'd, are 'wrested to make Immediate Ipayment; and all persons haring claims against sold estate must present them duly authenticated fur, settlement. THOMAS E. QUICK, Executor. Sugar Run, May 2, ISM • ADMINISTRATORIV[NOTICE. .lii;otlee Is hereby given that all persons In debt' , to the estate ofCnrnelta.lakeway,late of She. shequin twp.. deed. are requested -to make Immed iate paynient,•and all persons having claims against said estate must present them duly Authenticated for settlement. . G. S. LAWRENCE, May, 16-6 w. - Aminlstrater. A DMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. - ..E3L—Notlceis hereby given that all persons in debted to the estate of nonce: Williston, late of Athens Bore', deed, are requested to make Immed iate payment, and all persons having claims against nate estatemnst present them duly authenticated y fat settlethent. .C.NTHEIIINIX.WILLISTON. •.. Iaif i tOODUAN.- . • , • . Adntinhrtrator. • --- • ' inotoerpl.• . . ,41.01A0 ' ' 7444.1 • - • Js AS. &K. WALKER, :':: 338 East Water Street, : 4 ZLIIIRA, N. PRACTICAL PIAYMBERS, ...-- -- --- . i.1 • • -- ' , gl , - STEAM 44 GAS.FlTtlital Residences-erd Public lialidilega fitted Tridalted;7•;•;f s , antleolil Water. Olean Heating Direct fie 41 1 11Vri..... reef Radiation.. .. - • •-•••-4.-- ,1, -- „_.• ~vv7; A tall auppty of Gas Pixtelee. , urem uteli%A;;;•- , . 1 ,- =', Patent Burnpii; Globe, Acre aid pewit if ____;;V:':' Water Steam Games, iron sad Lead $ l , ll l l O - ;;': , and a of Stem pilings. -.-- -- :•-••• -: • ... . . P romp tl y „„ . • - •;• - ••tt. , ; zit:mines gine& , . '• - :-.i' . . . - Elmira, N. Y., Kay 13..Dge. - : - .. •=vs , ; 4:.; WATER & GAS PIPE, PUMP TURING; Ar... • The antlersigaed hawing reaernea. att Ms - plate of tautness, Sew 12111 sad 192111atirillill .Ave., (near Water) the tosaataetare et eta/Ma* . • - • • WATER AND GAS PIPE, •-• ~--- Is now ready to furnish anything la his use at -. very reasonable figures., This pipe Is banded WWI -, ,lon and coated with asphaltum. making it very. t t roof and durable . equal if not superior_ to say • her. it arra quality of lIMP TIIBINGSAr, SQL PIPE,- Suitable for Tanneries snit idler reppaasseees,, - =de , from the best White Pine. 7 ea Mad. Parties In want of pipe will - commit their own Is.. terest by ordering of me. Orders by mall prompt. ly attended to. A. -WYCKOFF.' - : (Suetessor to I. B. Hobble) ' • • lIIK R. It. Ave., Elmira, N. Y. Elmira; May 23, M • g. - • LADIES AN -D GENTS, , Bend your FADED DRESSES, COATS, OR ANY ARTICLE • • TUAT NEEDS CLRANING . OR MEIN% To us. We will GIVE SATISPACTION OR PAT POE THE GARMENT& ' WM. ROBERTS' CELEBRATED DYE'S; CLEANSING WORKS, 424, 436 IS 12$ WATER-ST., ' ELMIRA, N. Estai l lished 1855. -4lFir Wert returned t. O.D. by express sired. • Nardi. A. G. , BRINK, Manufacturer k Dealer In ' Vermont and Italian , MONUMENTS & TOMB STONES Scotch and American GRANITE MONUMENTS, MARBLE & SLATE MANTELS, 222, 224, 226 WEST WATER-STREET, ELMIRA, N. Y. Arm tBl GRANT & DE7A7ERS, . . _ . It • It WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRAT.EIIR .f • t In all kinds of Agricultural Implements, FIRST-CLASS WAO(2NS, TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, FARM 4t PLATFORM WAGONS, PHAETONS, &c, MOWERS AND REAPERS, SULKY HAY RAKES, &c. MOWING MACHINE SECTIONS AND KNIVES TO "FIT ALL MACHINES. 160 LAKE STREET, ELMIRA: N. T. May, 23, 1878 T ROSENBAITM . St SONS, Dealers ►n DRY GOODS, 31ILLINERY, SUITS, Itc„ IC., 901 East Water Street, ELMIRA, N. Y. The Che.dpeat ,and Beet Place the City to Buy ! OUR I OOODO Are bo - ught tor. Cash, sod Mori aresuaranteed to be as low as the lowest • • . .- EVERY DEPARTMENT dS KEPT SUPPLIED WITH THEIILATEST NOVELTIES. We elelm to do the MOST EXTENSIVE MILLINERT BUSINESS . IN ELMIRA, • %nd partici desiring anythlWe In Hutt line will Owl It to their Intaiest to call and nee us. • As we conduct no fancy eatabllsfiment, oar prime aro always plain and moderate. The trade supplied at the lowest wholesale pre• res. Speclatioducementato Cash customers. , Don't forgot The place—. 201 2AST WATER-ST.." Rathbun Muse Block 11 1 :lintra. N.Y.. May 23, 1878. IT 'WILL' PAY YOU ! It you want FRENCH CHINA, CHANGE WARE, STONE CHINA, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, z it; • CHANDELIERS, OR BABY WAGONS,' • CHEAP! GSM -W. ELM.O4E'S aprIIIIB HENRY E. DRAKE, JEWELER. Corner Lake and Water Streets,' ELIMITIA, N. Y. i , Elmira, 1.41%, April Is, 7617: 1 - 4ERITY & 1110.1tItElY: - • • • issgoatatii goo . .11. ,- - • -WHOLESALRDIUTOGISTS " • SAWA ! • ' .. l;;'lli - ;'`; . . El _ `7 , ME 131 -East Water-Street, - Elmisa, Y. Y.