Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 23, 1878, Image 1
OE II S. W. ALVORD, Publisher. Enid:ten Carts—. -pAIN TINOS. . 11 PORTRAITS AND LANDSCAPES . Painted to_neder at any price tiorn es to FM; lOn Paintings Ite-Painted, Re-Tonched, or changes made as desired. All work done in the highest style,of the Art/- JOHANN F. BENDER. Towanda; Pa.. - April IS, ISIS. • R?GALSKJ, - . , Employ l litt M. liendelman for the put tour . years, begs I to announce to his friends Mid the puplic gene Ily that he has romoyed to the Boston wAiedt tore, one door south of the .First National Ban , and opened a shop for the ,Tep . air of Watches. Clocks. Jewelry. dtc. All work war ranted to t•ltre entire satiafaction. f Ap11174 'J. YOUNG ; _ ---- • ATTORNE r -A 7LA sr, 'TOWANDA,'PA Ortles—second door south of the First Nationit Dank Mato St., op stairs. 0, D. KINNpY,' • .. • ATTORNEY-AT-LA W. ' d Office—Rooms formerly otcupled by Y. M. C. A neading Thom. fjan.3l ,R. F. - B.SW.IS4E 8.,• : DENTIST. (*Mee over Mrs. Mtngos• store, Tracey tcNobte's • Treatment of diseased teeth s specialty. Gas and ether administered whett desired, mcht WILLIAMS 4r, ANGLE, ATTORAWFS-AT-LAW OFFlCE.—Formerly occupied by Wm. Watkins, N. APIELIAMS, ATTORNEY ANY. COURSELLOR•AT-LAW; (0ct.17, '77) McPIIERSON; TOWANDA, PA, Piet Atty Brod. Co MASON & HEAD, A TToR.2rE S e .-A T-L A Towanda, Pa, Office over Bartlett a Tracy, alalrma. MEBil G. F.NEASOX Vi L. HILLIS, 124.. ATTORNEY-AT-LA W. TOWANDA, PA. • Office with Smith & litontanye: tflowll-75 GOFF, • ATTORIVE Y-AT-LAW. aln Street (4 floors north of Want house). To. !vandal, Pa. (.4441 17, 1877. fiVr H. THOMPSON, ATTORNEY • At LAIP S *YALCSING, PA. Will attend loan business entrusted to his ears In Bradford, lialliran and Wyoming Counties. Office with Esq. porter. tn0v19.74. [II ELSBREE, &TTOILN El-AT4SAW, • TOWANDA. PA MD= C . L. LAMB, ATTORNEY-AT-laW. WILKse-BAntti, PA, ollections promptly attended to. JOHN W. MIX, ATTORNEY . AT. LAW, AND U. 9. COMMISSIONER, TOWANDA, PA Oface—Norto Side 'Public Square.. 7 - - Jan. I, vas D ATIES".& CARNOCHAN, , ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOUTH SIDE OF WALL) 1101.1 F.. Dec 23-7 e. TOWANDA, PA' R. S. M. WOODBURN, Physi cian and Surgeon. Office over 0. A. Black's 'rockery store. p Towatida, , Mar 1,18721 r. _..„. 31 A b ILL & CALIFF, 0 ATTOR7CETS AT LAW, T Mlles In Wrotlrs Bleck, first doorsocaAcDltt PA . poles r s t National hank, up-stairs. O. J. MADILL. (JanS:73ly) J. N. CALIFF GRIDLEY & PAYNE, AT TOR t tiE rs-. 4 !South side Merril' . Block . (rooms formerly occupied by Davies dc Caruochan), TOWASTiA, PA C. CiRIDLZY. (1417) JAMES WOOD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, me 6948 TOWANDA. PA CHAS. M. HALL, Attorney-at-Law' and Notary, WOl give cerefni attention to atfsltininess entnivt ed to him. (nlic with Patrick & Foyle, - (over Journal Office), Tbwauda, Pa. (June 777. JOHN F. SANDERSON, • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, • OFFICE.—Means Building (over PowelYs§tore). 'ruch,-78 = (IEORGE STROUD, ATTORNEY AXD C'OMVSELLOR-AT-LAW. Office.:—Maln-st., four doors North of Ward house Practices In Supreme Court ) of Pennsylvania and United TOSS ANDA, PA. States Courts.—rUee7.l6. -S T RE E T E R, LAW OFFICE,, TOWANDA. PA aug.lo OVERTON & MERCUR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, TOWANDA PA. °ince over Montanyet Store. • cmay67B D' A. OV FUTON. RODNEY A.VERCUR M. MAXWELL, • ATTORSETIAr-LAW OFFICE °VIDA DAR - TON's STORK, TOWANDA, PA - April 11, 187 g. PATRICK & ATTORNEYS-AT-LA TV. Offiee, In Sfetcurs Block ANDREW WILT, CP • ATTORNNY h cousBELtoß-4, 4 2-LAW, • , trace ov..r eroi4S . Book StOne, two doors north of gtr•venn It Long, Towanda, Pa. May he consulted n [April 12, IC.) nVERTON & RLSRREE, Arrott- V 7 NETS AT LAW. TOWANDA, PA. Having en tered Into co-partnership, offer their protessionat P , rriees to thil pUblie. Special attention given to Nedne,i In the Orphan's and Register's Courts, lIVERTON, dn. (april-70) N. C. EtSBURE. S. RUSSELL'S v• • GENERAL :sSIJ RANCE AGENeY TOWAAM, Vir.:B-70tt ,INSURANCE AGENCY. The following . RELIABLE AND. FIRE TRIED cornrantk4vpresentedi A NCSHIREAIRE N 1K41031E, MERCHANT'S March li% I'4 ' 0. H. BLACK. Mt 1876 T oWANDA INSiTRANCE AGENCY at,,in stred nppottite the Ontr \ ilg , z . . tot, W. S. I 3 7 INCENT, \ *AN ABER. - ' DR. T. B. JOHNSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. (Mee over Dr. Porter h SoreaDrug Store, Towanda. jaiit.7stf. •• W B. KELLY, DENTPT.....•OfikCA3 • over IL E. Rosenfield's, Towanda, Pa. Teeth Inserted. on Gold, Sliver, Rubber, and Al. mniusir base. Teeth extracted without palo. Oct. 3472. • . E D. PAYNE, M. D., PSYSIDIAN AND SURGEON. Othecorer Moatanyea• Store. °Mee hours from 10 t u 12, A. u„ and from 2 to 4, P. M. Special 'Motion [TM to dirrases of the EJe Anil Ear,, ILI • "IT E IN E ". Says a Boston physician, 'has no equal as ahi purifier. Bearing of Its many wonderful a s, after all other remedies have failed, I - Hal the Labratory : and .conylneed myself of Its nulne merit. It Is prepared from barks, rootssuperb', each of which Is highly effecUre, and " y are compounded In such'it manner as to prod co &atom 'blur results." VEGETINE llt cure the worst case of Scrofula. • VEGETINE Is recommended' by physicians and apothecaries. VEGETINE Ilas . cliected some merrellous cures In mesa Cat,- VEGETINE Meets with wonderful meccas In Mercurial diseases. • VEGETINE Will eradicate salt Rheum-from the system • VEGETINE Cures the most Inveterate cases of Erysipelas. IMUZI!M VEGETTNE, Removes Pimple) and Manors from the faces VEGETINE Cures ConstlpatlcUl and regulates the bowels. c feb.li9 ietTlitltnEAD VEGETINE Restores the entire system to a healthy condition VEGEAINE Effectually cures Kidney Complaint. July 27,16 VEGETINE Is eifectlye hi its cure of Female Weakness. _ VEGETINE Isthe great remedy for tteaoral pegillty VEOETINE is acknowledged by IVI chsses of people to he the best. and most rrliable.blood purifier in the world. VEGETINE IS SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS T HE STILT, TAKES TIIE LEADI Carriages CH EAPEWTII4\ N EVER. and Plat oral Wagons at a GREAT REDUCTION. 4 Proprietor of the Old Carriage Manufactory, cm. Main and Elizabeth streets, would call•the special attention of .FARMERS and others to his large and complete asi,ortm rot of - OPEN AND TOP BUGGIES AND PLATFORM WAGONS, All of his own manufacture, and warranted In every particular to be equal to the most expensive city work. TOWANDA, PA NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUYI Look at the figures, and remember that every vehicle Is warranted : PLATFORM WAGONS OPEN BUGGIES TOP BUGGIES The prices are far below the cost of manufacture and will not be maintained after the present stock is disposed of, so you must make selections NOW. aion't be imposed upon by Inferior work and pr materials, hut purchase at the establishment which has been In operation for nearly half a cen tury and Is permvieutly located. . . REPAIRINis PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Oak° and Factory cor. Main and Elizaboth streets. Towanda, Pa. jlll7-73 Towanda, June 21, 1877 NEW CARRIAGE FACTORY ItesPectfully announce to the public that Way are prepared to.bulld all libido of PHAETON A .PIaTIPOITAI SPRING WAGONS, TROTT.ING 73111.K1ES & SKELETONS, Made of the , best material and 'nibe best style All work warranted to give perfect satisfaction. We haie one of the best Carriage Painters in the country; and de all work in this line at the lowest rates. . , - • All kinds of ItEPAIRIN9 • ' ?. Neatly an ,ptotnptly done at riO , ticed prices. - Making new. springs and repairing old ones a speci L alty. - 401 wpreggaranteed. Please gire usa eal - • , -•- - \ • : . i ' IiteISITSE 411 arrsocu. Towanda. April 211. 3 fin• I VEGETINE Is the great Bhial Partner VEGETINE Cores the worst case of Canker. MO • VEGETINE 1. a .ratuable remedy fin• Headache. VEGETTNE WM cure ppapepela. VEGETINT Cures pstris In t h e side .VEGETINE Removes the cause efdiszlness VEGETINE Relieves Faintness at the Stomach YEGETINE Cures pains In the Back Wagons and Garrison. OLD ESTABLISHMENT JAMES-BUYANT JAMES BRYANT. East of the Reporter Ogles Mclntyre 4 Spencer FAMILY CARRIAGES, TOP AND OPES BUGGIES, PAINTING A SPECIALTY. • ~ ...., . _ __ _ . . ... ..... ... .. . .. _•. . . . . , . . - . . . . ... . . - • . ..., ....... . . .• . , - .• • • ~ . - . . , ..:.. _:,....... . ~; ... , ~..,... ..... „,, f..., ~.__ ,r .‘ , I • . I 1 , - . \.... . . .. . , • ... •-,• . - \ ..- . ..... . . . • OrFr • . cLi. , .._ THE WiIIFAHE: long the Battle's naming van We mark the tried and true, ' Defenders of the cause of man, A chosen, peerless few. -porn to their mission and Inspired, • Oh, should they fall, we feel ' , . No spirit would like theirsibe fired, No hand could wield theft' steel, Yet, one by one, they step aside, Or on the red field lie; - -And still their places are supplied,- Still rings the battle my.; - Still o'er the hoary walls of Wrong - Trrith's startling missiles fly, ' And still, a ith steady step and strong, Her hosts are marching by. AM so it shall be evermore, Until the trOmpts blown, ' Proclaiming Wrong's hard rule Is o'er, . And night Is on the throne. . Oh, tear not for our cause sublime, Let hate do all It cant : Per In he darkest coming time Tt e hour shall bring the many Blanchnret THE FOLLOWER. We have a youngster in the house, A little man of ten Who dearest to his mother is Of ail God's little men. In doors and out he j clings to he, lie follows upend down t He steels his slender band in hers ; Ile plucks her by the gown. (iv "Why do you cling to tno so, child? o u track Inc everywhere. Yon never let me he alone." , And he, with serious air, Answered, as closer still he drew, . "My feet were made to follow you." Como hem my child, and sit with me, Your head ulmn my breast; • on are the last of all my sour, And yon must be the best. Howmuch I love you, you may guess - • When grown a man like me, You sit, as I am'sitting now, Your child upon your knee. Think of me then; and what I said (And practiced when I could), , 'Tic something to be great and wise,, 'Tic better to be good. 0, say to all things good and true, " My feet were matte to follow you." Come here, my wife, and it by me, And place your hand In mine (And yours, my child); while I have you 'Tls wIeIGII to re - pliie. We've had our share of sorrows, dear, We'io had our graves to fill ; • But, thank the good God overhead, ° have each other still We've nothing In the world beside, For we are only three; Mother and ehltd—my wife and child, ITow dear you are to me I know—lndeed, I always knew, My feet were made 'follow you! R. 11. Stoddard 41' icell;stirotO. Slimmer's Golden Days. I have an intense, inexpressible desire to go into the country ; I have a wild, unutterable longing to see the green fields and to hear the mur mur of the river as it flows- smoothly through the meadow at the end of au - ntie's_garden ; I, have a mad im pulse to throw myself down in a hay field and to toss the hay about until I am weary; but i_can have none of these things, for it .is the height of the London season, and mother will not let me leave home. Mother thinks it is high time one of us was married ; :and as I am the second, and am twenty-one, all her energies seem to be expended on me this sea son.• a - _~_ I suppose it is because Barbara, my eldest sister, is such a lovely girl ' that she can pick and choose her husband; so that - there is no fear of her being put on the shelf, and that there -is plenty of time for Helen,. Who is only just out, that mother pitches on me to torment 'unmerci fully just now. June is so hot in London, and I do long for the country, , and yet I am so strong and well that my long ing does not make me look pale, and late hours do not even take the lustre from the roses in my cheeks, or I might appeal to • mother's heart and then, she would let me go to the country.tii freshen up my beauty. . I am not a bit beautiful, though Only I am young, and all the Hesel tines have gooths and pretty figures, so 1 come in for those two attributes just in the same way as I get any . name of Lois Heseltine. am all this time dreaming of: the country and of pleasant things, in stead of dressing for supper, and the bell will ring directly and I shall Abe left, and-father - will look grieved and mother will scold; and I shall not be one bit nearer Coolmory. ' • In the Midst of my meditation Helen cotheS room and says father is waiting, for me ,before he tells us all a . piece of news. I quickly change my dress while Nellie gets out my ribbons and frills, and before long we are all „eagerly listening to father's story. 1100 10 11110 . Re " 100 . 125 " 150 He tantalizes us by making us. guess the news, and, after refusing to do so, we all make the most la mentable failures in that line, until I say (my mind still full of the coun try): 1" " Has it anything to do. with the Coolmory. people ?" • . Then father says: Lois' guess is the nearest, for Maggie is going to be married this day fortnight, and she wants Lois to go down at once to help her make: reparations and to be persbrid esma id." ' And how did you hear it, father?" Baitlam asks • as she absolutely looks interested about: Maggie, -for -we are all very fond of our only cousin. " Well, the young man Mind to see Inc at the office to get my con sent, as I am-her guardian ; but, as your aunt and Maggie have already settled everything, there was nothing left for Me to do except to give them my consent, which I did most grace- Ally and heartily." Mr. Strafford is -a gentlemanly young fellow, and had been curate at Coolmory for a year; he-had just been Presented with a living, and nothing will content him but to mar ry Maggie'olT-hand, So that they may ' take a holiday and wedding tour in -one, before they, settle to his • paro chial work down\ at Westbury. " It is very annoying that Magg'e'S wedding is to take place just now," mother says;: and. then continues: " Why could she not haVe asked Barbara or Helen to be her brides maid instead of Lois? But they al DI CIIAPTER ways were such friefiei, I suppose I must let her go" and then father de cides the question at once, and adds: • "Qf course she must go, and after the wedding she must stay with Aunt Mary until-Maggie returns from her honeymoon expedition." Already I am wildly happy at - the idea of lebving Londoti, and happier still when I think I shall be out of all the gayeties that are set down in the engagement book, and which stretch out until the end-of burning July. How I commiserate my sisters when I think what they will have to go through while I shall lazily enjoy the summer weather down at pool mory f_ Don't think lan not ftind of gayety, and even London ; but am weary of it all just now, and par ticularly weary of mother's efforts to get me married. I have never seen a man I could love, so I have Hever wanted to be married ; but mother will insist on it, and seems to think it reflects dis credit on her tact that she has still her three daughters on her' I nth quite content to wait until:the others are married, and then I trust she will let nip alone to enjoy myself in my own *ay, and keep father company, while She goes about find ing husbands for .other people's daughters. I-have no reason to grumble just, now, though, for my wish is,gratified, and 1 am going down to.Coolmory (or six weeks' holiday, and shall only returnln time for the general migra tion-to the coast or continent. Mr. Strafford has been to see us, and' ,we 'all agree with father in thinking him quite an unexceptionably- agreeable young_ man, and mother considers Maggie a lucky girl to have already secured such a prize in the matrimo . - . nial lottery: _ . He proposes to take me down- to auntie's on Monday morning; and as Maggie also signifies her approval of this plan in her letter of invita tion, I agree to it, andam raidantly happy during . the _next three days,. though I am taken about a good deal more than consider good for me: MondaY„at length arrives, and amid kisses from the girls and inumerable 'directions from the mother about tlk length and of .my bridesmaid's gown, father- -slips a clean, crisp ten -pound note into my hand. Mr. Straf ford and I are at last driven allay. Then, and only thin, I relized the gratification of being on my way to the country, and at the . same time as happy a girl as was to. be found with in the bills of mortality, as some -body says. lam having behind me all the gays-ties and so-called pleas ures of the metropolis, and all dear mother's plans for my futdre happi ness CHAPTER 11. The wedding. is over and I have just seat home an elaborate account of it. Auntie has gone up to her room to shed unlimited tears, for she thinks it the proper thing to do; and I feel rather dull and lonely now that the over and Maggie has gone. The .wedding was very simple, but we made everything look as pretty as possible-and transformed the house into a perfect .bower of roses. The church was crowded, sad' Maggie was so contented and happy that she 'looked real pretty. I was the only bridesmaid, and had to don good deal of singing, so that I felt quite a, person of importance. Then there was the breakfast; then Mag gie went away ; then all auntie's friendswent to theirrespeetive homes,. and auntie and' I are left alone td en joy each other's company. The best man, a young surgeon named Philip Graham, is staying at the rectory, and I think he ought to stroll over to know how we are afterlife fatigues of the day. What I Have seen of him I like very much, for he is tall and dark, and appears to , be of a serious turn of mind; but he is not really serious, fin- he has an immense fund of humor, and generally amuses me to such a degree that -1 laugh to an immoderate extent, and am always in .dread of being reproved by my auntie ; but she . seems to enjoy his' conversation, and never checks my,' mirth as mother would. We saw s good deal of him before the wedding, as ,he used to come over and spend the day here with'Mr. Strafford, and, naturally, we used to go about a great 'deal together so ail not to in terrupt 'the lovers. 'I wonder - if we shall ever see him now his. friend is gone,. and- how long he will remain at the rectory. With .all my self-love, I can sec that he'does not care a bit about me, and that there isino dan ger of his 'making "love ; so does. not contemplate leaving Coolmory at once I trust , we shall have some pleasant walks and talks together. Next morning auntie has recovered her 'usual. spirits, and is already look incr out for letters from Maggie. e, Be fore we have finished breakfast Mr. Graham comes in, just in the same easy way as if Mr. Strafford was fol lowing him. . , . " Good morning, Mrs. Lisle, how' are you after your fatigues of yester day?" he says; and then they begin to discuss the wedding and' talk it all overi:Whielt to my mind is very often the best part of the. entertain ments. I look out of the window and think how pleasant it' must be under the slitule of 'the alders down by the river bank, and fervently wish that Maggie was here, 'and that we might, go Out and' spend our morning there, as we , did every morning last week. Evidently Philip Graham thinks.the same thing, for turning from auntie to me, he asks if ,it would 'not be pleasanter out Of doors this lovely morning, and if I will stroll down by the river with„him. I looked toward auntie and d,utifullynsked , her if she 'will accompany us;' but she declines; and says she will spend the time We are out in packing uptMaggie's pres ents. feel I ought to offer to' help her; but the sun is Shining so daz zingly, and there •is such a. fresh breeze down by the river,, that my (rood resolution melts away,, and in another Minute my hat was on, and Philip Graham and I' auntered thro'• the dewey imeadows and I am enjoy ing pleasTint,Coolniory - even as Much as I anticipated. . We - wandered, through .a good many fields and Inally i settled.doin to rest in - quite a> very lovely, and the scent o 1 eln• „ . REGARDLESS OF DENUNCIATION FROM ANY QUARTER. \ ver intoxicates me to snob a degree that I throw myself down.into ik And take a long sniff before 1 look: up to see what my companion is do. ing. He regards me in quite a gripe rior way, and I cannot help laughing, as it strikes me he looks very much like Landseet's dog Dignity, while feel like impudence, with my rough hair alid ,my hat very much at ohe side. . • Atter my frolic I amooth.mrhair, put my hat straight , upon myparasol, and then 'ask Mr. Graham for a re mark. Ile answers me - slowly, as he says: "I was thinking what a child You arc, and wondering whether you had any depth of feeling or force of char acter." In a moment I am serious, for his words chill me sotnewhat and then I tell him that I atti hating a sum mer's holiday, and am just a child fora a month, during which 'time I want to leate all my worries at home. Then lie laughs,in his turn at me, and enquires my troubles ;and be fore know what I am saying' I tell him all about my mother and the girls ; and' when our walk is over I feel as if I had known Philip Graham all my life. The rest of the day aun tie and I devoted, to paying visits, and in the evening we answer Mag aie's letters. All our days pass pretty much the same- way. Every morning Philip Graham and I take a walk—some- timetimes down to the river, and oc casion,ally to the little town two miles off, to fetch the letters that ar rived by the afternoon's post. Aunt Mary is .always busy in the morning, and , never comes with us. She is, such al dear, sweet woman, and al ways reminds me of father. I have been with her a good deal 'for the last two days. for it has been rue- ing incessantly, and I have not been able to leave the house even for a turn in the garden. Wet days in the country are more unbearable than in London ; for I feel as if, they .de prived me of so many modicums of flesh air that legally belonged .to me. We have seen nothing of Mr. Gra ham, and I. miss him very much—a great:deal more than I thought pos sible. Perhaps it is because I have neither Barbara nor Helen to talk to about little things that do pot inter est auntie. At the end of the i second rainy day, there is a little excitement in 'the house, because .we receive an invitntion for a dance at the rectory next !week. Auntie and I find-Venty to say about what we shall wear and who wilkbe there, and I go to bed in a plea§ant frame of mind, but with an intknse desire for the foll Owing day to be fine, so that I may go for a walk with .Mr. Graham. It is just as fine as 1 could possibly Wish, and at the usual'hour Philip Graham saun ters in ; and without waiting to be . asked I put, on my hat,. and once more we are out in the pure, fresh air. Everything appears to have been bepefit%ed by thc,rain ." the flowers and grass look so refreshed that I exclaim, The world seems as if it was just made, and I am delighted to be out again." " Did you find it dull the last two days!" Mr. Graham asks; and I con fess that I 'did, and that I whished he had come to see us. " I did not think you would have_ liked, it, Miss Heseltine ; because I understood you to , say you did not wish ~to be bothered during your visit to youf aunt." I looked up to see if he was laugh ing at._ me, but he is perfectly se riouiii,so I tell him that he does not botherme, and ask him if we have. another wet day to call at auntie's so as to break the monotony irtnil rupt our tete-a-tetes. This he prom ises, but adds that he is leaying Cool- mory next meek, and is going to In dia as deetor on one of the mail boats. Why . did you not tell met sooner, Mr. Graham ?" I-ask ;., and I feel as if he had wronged me by not telling me soonet. "I have .onTy just got the Appoint ment,iand only .knew it myself an hour ago; and I hastened over here to tell you, because, Miss Heseltine, I looked upon you as one of my dearest friends." 0, how his words delighted me ! At last I bave met a man 'who is hon- est enough to tell a girl he looks"up• on her as a friend, and 'who does not mask his friendship behind a flimsy veil of flirtations. " tam so glad you look upon me as' a friend, Mr. Graham. Nowl, can tell you that you have made my visit to auntie'smuch more enjoyable by your friendship; so, let us shake Viands on it and vow eternal fidelity. I put my hand out to him, awl raised my voice to a theatrical pitch then looked up at him with eyes full of laughter; but his are looking at me so tenderly that I. drop - . mine to the ground, and cannot raise them again even, when be says, in his usual voice: Thank you, dear little Lois. I think you are a woman who, will prove as good as your word on all. occasions;. and I thank you are one whose friendship is true enou g h to last through life." ;He speaks so sternly now that I am quite relieved when lie continues in a lighter tone; " Since we, are to be real friends; Lois, you must call me Philip." " Yes, Philip4 4 ' I answer, and •then add, hastily, "And -we shall be ways friends, whatever happens, Philip; even it we never meet again." Somehow -I have a presentiment that fitter today we won't see much of leach other; .tio I want to go down to the river' -and spend one more pleasant morning. We lazily enjoy ourselves discuss Our favorite books, compare our ideas upon music, and I can scarcely be lieve it;late ae it is when I see auntie approaching us, with the tid-, ings that loucheon has been ready for more than an hour, and that she has come to fetch us in. It was such a glorious July day when Philip' and I became Philip and Lois to each other, that so long' as I live it will stand out in bold relief from all others. Never can . l forget the. golden glow of ;thatk, summer time. WO hail!' had four dqsof str?lre) , _ - II 161 CflArria ORE weather, Mr. Graham, iluntie, and I havebeen able to go out - for a drive tooafternoons, but the fourth is too wet; so we spend the afternoon itiatehing the rain, at least Philip apdl \ do j _while auntie works. . Aunt,Mary seems to have taken. n odd Idta into her head .since _ that orning she fetched us into lintheon. verily belive she thinks Philip is akin g love tone,or that 1 am rail ing in lovewith him; for she' never leaves us a moment \ alone, and inter rupts all -our conversations. If this absurd notion has really taken poss ession of her mind, all Or free inter course is at an end ;, for she would never encourage anything.`Of this sort without. directions from\headt quarters, or, in other wordsonotber's consent. I think if--she knel that nothing was further from our minds; and that we were only friends, she might relat her vigilance.; but I do not ,care to speak pn the subject, and feel that I would rather not enjoy any more rambles with Philip than tell any one of our compactor friend ship. It is very hard, for he will leave Coolmory to-morrow so that unless auntie ceases her vigilant -Watch at the party Which takes place to-night, we shall not have any time together. At . going away Philip asks me to keep him some dances and I promises to do so--; but even here auntie interrupts, and says: "Lois, dear, I don't wish you to dance more than' two- dances with any one,- as people in the country will talk about everything," and turning to Philip, she proceeds to - say: - . . "I don't want my niece to lay her= self open to criticism ; she shall dance twice with you, Mr. Graham." Philip bows his • thanks, but looks disappointed. At the party Aunt Mary_ introduces every one to me, and before Philip can get to me my priagitune is nearly .full ; but•l have kept' two dances.- The first is a quad rille. Auntie dances- oppo'Site' to. us, and directlfit is over she takes ine off to introduce 'me to some old lady who knows my father. I don't know any of my partners, and I don't care to dance with any one ; but I go through all the dances in a mechan ibal way, and get - no pleasure out of them. I notice that Philip does not dance, and that every time that I look at him he is looking at me. At length our waltz arrives. . The music seems better and the light ' more brilliant. Directily I feel Phil ip's arm around me, as we slide off into a delicious step. " This is nearly as pleasant as-sit ting by the river, Philip don't you think ?" I asked ; 'but he answered ; " I would give ahything I have for one half hour with you alone, Lois, down by the river." "It would be very nice, Philip : but we shall never go there again," I murmur, and the music makes me long off again: ,Nest time we stop- is by an open window thit leads to the garden ; Philip puts my band • through his arm, and leads me to it ; then he bends his head close to my, ears and whispers: "Lois, come out into the garden, and decide my fate for. me." Ile looks atme so tenderly and eagerly thatl see in that moment ,that his friendship for . me has turned to love, and I feel that I cannot re turn it: and dare not answer him. `" Lois, won't you come out? DO, darling, fnr I must tell you that I love you, and hear that you lOve me:" • I do not know what to say'; he is my - friend,-and I am so fond of him that I do not wish to hurt him ;.yet I cannot give him the answer he wishes to hear, for I do not love him, I am trying to frame a reply when auntie comes up to us and tells inc it is time to leave. I- answer hurried ly: " Yes, auntie, I' will get my cloak," and give Philip a look to follow me, but Aunt Mary has cheekmated me here, for'she.hards Inc my wrap, and - Lb& takes Philip's arm. As he puts me in the carriage he says: " Wrike me an answer in time to let me come and see you to-morrow, before I leave Coolmory." ,I nod assent, then lean back, cover my head over, and pretended to be asleep. Why could not Philip have remained my friend ? Why does he want so much more. than 'I can give ? When I get to my own room 1 take out my desk and write a letter to Philip I want it to be kind and friendly, but I wish him to under stand I have no love to eve in re turn for his. First, I write a long letter telling 'him he has mistaken friendsniP for love.' ' but I feel I am wronging him by su ch a disposition, so I - tear it up, and write just what I should have said , to him had time allowed : "Man P 1111.11.: Foralve me If I have ever led you to beileie my affection for ;you was any other then friendship. lam sorry that you love me, for I have no love to offer you In ,return. but I shall always remain, dear Philip, your true friend, "Etym." It was broad daylight before I have finished this/short epistle so Ido not attempt to go to bad, for ' \see it is , six o'clock, but I change dress and run over to the rectory with my note, drop it into the letter-box,*d get home again long before auntie\is down. After breakfast she ordera , the carriage around-and asks me to go out for a drive with' her. I see her reason; she is afraid Philip will come over, and that we shall. go ant for a walk. I knew that lie will not so I assent readily. As we are on the Way, home we meet the rectory carriage returning from the station and I knew that Philip Graham has one. lam very weary and to bed early. Auntie winders, next. day, why Philip does not call, and I tell her that he basleft Coolmor,y, and is going to India: She replies that he might have been polite enough to have called to say ,good bye; - -and then severely censures him for his inattention. This I cannot bear, for I am very fond of Philip, and I will not bear a word against him. I fell weak and hysterical, and burst out crying in a foolish way; . then rush out of the house down to the river where we had*, often been together. I throw myself down on the grass and have 'a good cry; then wohder `about to all the places where I had \ been so happy, and remember every word that Philip said, and every= thing thati had done v •even to my mg* alba clover field. •-: - ..-•,, . . - . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . r 1 . 4. . ~...& 1. .. Eveithing is. the same, but the country seems to have lost its charm. The sun is just as bright, the grass just as green, the river just as rippl log ; but I- want to igo 'home. I am longing to see mother and the, girls, and to have no time or opportunity to think of the past month. I am pining for change, for nothing seems pleasant to me at Conbuory now _ ; but most of all I im longing to see Philip again. If I could only see him down on the river once more, only .have time to tell h:m that my letter was a Mistake, and that I love hith more than life! - It is too late now, and . I only look forward to seeing Barbara and Helen' and trying to forget my summer holiday. I never thought how gold en-the days were, or what made them so bright to me, until Philip left; now ail the glory of my life seems Wive, departed with him, and 1 feel as io.he beauties of Coolmory are mocking at my misery, and I desire as much `togo home as I longed a month ag to come down to Aunt Mary's. - • . -cuaroTt iv. I have been iiothe some months now, and everything i . the same as ever. Mother is just Ms \ busy about getting married as, she weak last lien - son, only that she seems to rave giv. en me•up altogether, and I ain\allow ed to accept or refuse invitations at my own sweet will. We'the antumn at a semi-fashionable witte ing-place, and made' some new ac quaintances among open, a Mr. .Jerome Beauchamp,who is very at tentive to Mother hai great hopes of his ultimately maki ng one, of us Mrs. Jerome Beauchanip, brit I have my doubts on.the subject, and lbok upon him as' quite a • confirmed old bachelor. He is an amusing, cle ver man, and does not bore me in the least, consequently we get - on very well together. I have never told any one about Philip Graham, nor even asked Aunt Mary for news of him. When I first came home-I tried to forget him, but every day I think of him and wonder if I shall ever again see his grave, se rious smile, or hear his melodious laugh. • • . • . It'was nearly a year since . I went down to Coolinoty, and we_have again glorious summer weather. The season is swing, and we go out a great deal.: I seem to- have lost all my girlish whole-heartedne , s and enjoy nothing with the old joy ousness ; but I go out, and, my thoughts aredistracted while I dance and jalk, but when I come 'home , I Christopher L. Ward, the eldest son m William was born the 23d of-Oetober-the towing the former's exodus -from New England in 1807. A log house, the usual shelter of the pioneer, standing in what is now the centre of the borough of New Milford, witnessed this. event,—a cir cumstance which is note-worthy and sig nificant of the rapid progress which`, under the influence of American soil and - climate, and American institutions, developed the hilfory of this section and - has followed the lives of men in the present century. 'William Ward became a (prominent and useful citizen of the new county, and con tributed in various wayi to dring the con dition in which he found his. new libme within the possibilities of civilized life. Ile was a merchant, magistrate, 'land land agent. and Conducted Atte affairs of exten sive estates—the Dußois, Meredith, and Drinker lands lying in the county, and; after rearing a - large family, and virtually estab lishing the first permanent foothold in that neighboreood. died at the age of - sixty-four, Octotier, 1849. Under. these primitive auslpices the sub - ; jest of this sketch gained the rudiments of an ecincition at the country. schools— meagre opportunities which he studiously improved through life. Possessed of the paternal industry, - he steadily - pushed his ' way from these humble beginnings, and be• came in early life noted _for his - retiring and studious ways, his application to books and thirst fur , knowledge. Proceedi •g to Mon-. 1 trose,..the capital town ,of the County, he learned the printing trade, and in January, 1831, became partner in and editor of the, Susquehanna L'egisier, subsequently merged into the North Pennsyleanian. He contin ued the publication pf the paper until March 1830. - In 'the same gear he began the publication of the Register he was ap pointed:County Treasurer. While publish ing this paper there were intervals when the entire work, mechanical and editorial, fell upon his hands. In 1833 he was ap pointed, Register and , Recorder ot. the County. In 1832. at the laying . ,of the-cor ner 'stone, ,of the St. Paul's Episcop,sl o church, his name appears amongst the ves trymen; and in 1834 as President of the Young' Men's Temperance Union. In 1837 he was admitted to the bar from the office of Hon. Wm. Jessup ; in the practice of 'the law.her became subsequently associated with Hon. Benjamin S. Bentley. , In Octo ber. 1837, he was' elected a director of the Susquehanna Bank, and, it is related, be came instrumental in securing the losses of several sufferers by the failure of that in taittition after his retirement. from any nffi - - cial connection . .''• In 1840 he came to Towanda and Pnr chased the Tousey 'residence, on ,Third. S ! reet.mhich,laving undergone many alter ations and received several additions in his hands, has since become famous for the collection of res, euriostr, hooks, and moo, graphs, and its remarkable. interior archi tectural' 'attractions. ' This place. [named "‘Tredinnock," front a Celtic word found in the works - of George Borrow, signifying "house-on-a-hill] is always associated with the memory. of the owner by, the residents of the town.. The design of the library room was furnished by Mrs. Ward. the owner's second wife, and to .her is due: !Tich of the taste arid labor which contrib 2 uted to Make ‘,'Vedinnock'r one of the most • charming , and intereating, country houses iri the land. -' At Towanda Mr. Ward embarked in bus iness. with his customary industry and en ergy, and•took a leading ,rank as a liberal,., minded, hospitable, charitable,. and public spirited. citizen. ' He acquired considerable property in the t twn and neighborhood, and throughout the county, owned wild lands in Sullivan, Lycominz, Potter, Tiog!i. ' McKein; Wyoming. and Susquehanna counties. and became agent and attorney for,the Cadwallader lands in° Sullivan, and the-Carroll-Caton lands iu Bradfoid County. besides enjoying numerous trusts of a minor character; His acquisitions in real, estate extended to. North Carotin t. Tennessee, and into Illinois and New York. He en couraged and contributed' to public jour nals. His taste tor this pursuit, his expe rience in mastering the mechanical part of journalistic art had produced an abiding effect upon his tastes; . -which. joined to his literary divee s ion•-, - never departed froth him. He , w,as i associated until the day -- ot his death with almost every'prominent- en terprise or work of public moment under, taken - in the vicinity whereitille had chogen his last. abode. The extent - of his business engagements took hint continually . . from home and kept him constantly and univea• riedly employed. His correspondence and acquaintance with public men, men Or let• tyre, capitalists. and. men. of professional Prominence, was intimate and extensive.. He Attended almost all the, political con , ventions, state anti national,' of . his party„ `as a delegate, and took an active and ad tromi.ry part in politics, though Persistently awn ing public office.: His hand and purse •were !ways at the command of his ,pciliti cal frie &and freely presurned_upon; ' In 185.1 he watt sent on a special mission , - by Secrets s of State Marcy , ' under . Presi• dent Pierce, 4o Mexico, on matters relating .to Vie Gadsden Treaty.' Aboitt the mune' -time Itentecamettnsel • for:the . American elainieuts,nnderot e tresqi lee. indemnity.. ft , Maw* hide ' di** *PI iru, Is e. Biti„ .::.„„.„,...,..,..,,...„:„.,..„,„..,..„.,.,4.,.,,..„2„.„..„,..„,,.4„,„:, ~,.....„...,.„..,.,,,L,Aprt•;,!;•,.: -:;- - ...-A , 77...(;-.a_ , x 4. 74 I , ?'>` , -, ~.i fz ,' , - ;„ :,,r, . - :t.;; ' '' , WY , '''.4. - ti :x... - !...k,..v.,-,..2-f-slvz.6E-4 , ,:33v-sliwtt.,;-:apiA,,,,z-,&',40-4e4tye-,i_f4,-,,c;f4g,lottedat-A,..,,e,k1-.4:-:1-1..a5s,s- feel weary .of it all, and : then think how happy I, might have been with Philip if I had answered his 'ques tions differently that morning a year ago. I often wonder if he is still., in In dia,•br if he returned home at once and also - irlielnet any girl on his voyage there or hack who has made him forget me. I feel that I should be happier if I knew these things concerning him, and then I argue with myself that he is nothing•to me now, and. my, stock of logic is ex hausted 'in the conviction that he Is dearer to me than all the world. I am in this frame of mind onimorn 'lug when father sends for me, and when I reach his study I find mother waiting . with him for me. - Mother is looking delighted about something, and father is looking worried. They .do not waiting. before I have heard their reason for ~sending for' me, namely, that Mr. -Jerome Beau- cram has - done me the honor of prci posing to father for my hand and youthful' affections Father gOes on to tell that, be;th mother and he approve of the- match, and - that they have given Mr. Beau- champ permission to plead his cause with me. I listen silently until fath er has finished speaking, then break out into a passionate refu99l to. see Mr. Beauchamp, much lessto become his Wife. Father looks quite ,relies•- ed at my answer, but mother ,seems ditiappointed, and I wish it. was in •my power to pass Mr. Beauchamp's offer of-marriage on to Barbara or Helen. After this little . episode my life semis even darker, for . Mr: Beau champ used to lend me clever books, and his conversations were always brilliant and amusing. Now my re fusal of-him has vexed mother,. and nothing I can say or 'w:11 pleese her. Evidently Mr. Beauchamp will not take father's answer as ii.decided one,liecause this morning I received 'a letter from him, it - which he begs so earnestly for my love, and prom ises to make life so pleasant to me, that - foionemoment I felt inclined to 13t the dead past bury its dead." and'to become his wife, if he—will have me when I tell him ali my love was given to Philip Graham ; but .1 remember Philip's words, and that he considers me true and worthy.; so while the others go out to the p:rk I stay at home to have a quiet after noon to answer Mr. Beau -hamp's let ter, and .to tell him that I cannot. marry him. . It is a brilliant warm .day,. and, I am writing in father's study.. Sin very much puzzled what to say to, Mr. Beauchamp, and my thoughts re vcr to that other letter - I wrote to Phip Ulla time a year two.' pass my fingers through my hair with' a vague it ea that that' wilt help me what to Say, when I hear the study 'door open and close again from the outside; then look up to see who has entered, an can scarcely believe my - own eyes, fo it is . Philip Gra ham ! In that one glanc I can see that, Philip loves me still, and.that no on has come between us. I Tllat he lovei me..with, the same passionate long in.'s, is -evident, fox before .. s ither 'of us has time to reflect he has \aought me to him, and I have to .thronc my arms around his neck, and say nth, but." Philip," *while be aniootlieS my hair and murmurs, "Lois! my little Lois!" . Then " he puts me from him while he says: " Lois, I 'should never have intruded on you, but I came' to see your.fatber on business; and they told me that no one was at home." . Here ICannOt help interrupting him .with my eachuration of:, CI; Philip,. it' JO what I ~hire - been' praying for Then I break down, and cover my face with my hands, as I remember that he has said nothing to me that has given any right to revert to old times. At length I look up, and find, the, same fond old smile on his face as he takes my hand, and says: - ,L!' So, Lois, you do love me, though' ton wrote that , letter, which has kept' me in exile for a year?" And'my eyes answer for me; for in another moment I am in, his arms again,=and he is pressing his lips to mine. • "1 came on here from your fath er's office to get him to draw up 411 agreement tor a partnership with Dr: Drewitt; bat. now he; . z will have to give me . a4reed of gift . insteaa ; for I shall not .give you up easily this time, little ~Lois.". • • . • • •Defore the others tome in we have settled everything; and Philip and I are, looking forward to spend, many .golden summer days together. • , The Late Christopher L. Ward, EMS. [The folloiving sketch, intended to ac• company a portrait of the late Christopher L. Ward, -appearing in the History of Bradford County, was received .. .too late for insertion.—(So. Out•or the township of Willingborough, in the county:of Luzerne, the township - of New Milford was created and finally estab lished in August; 1807. On the 21st of February. 1810, the County - , of Stisquehanna was, by act of Assembly, set off from Luzerne, and two yearn afterwards the county officers were chosen. By the. time Susquehanna county had gained :a separate existence, and cotemporaneons wial \ the establishment of the township of New Milford, the controversy petween the Pennsylvania and•the Connecticut claim• ants over the title to the land—the most re matkable incident in the annals of the local h story of this section of the ,State up to this period, had been settled by successive enactments and practical cOmpromises and, finally, had passed into history. Pending this condition- of things, in the year 1800, William Ward,. of Litchfield county, Connecticut, and. Sally, his wife (nee Brigg 4). of 11Oxbury, came . , into the wilderness lying along ,Salt Lick Creek, a district subsequenily named New Milford in lunor, of a town paternally-asso ciated. with it in New England. The-genealogy of this race is traceable to English, and thence - to Norman origin, and the different branches of the z family have spread frotp New England, where_ the first possessors of the• name landed in 10-10 throughout the EastTrit and Middle eater, and are mainly resident in Connecticut, New York, Maisachusetts, and Penns/1- - , Vaunt. * $22 per Annum In Advanoup:, interested in establishing the validity of;tbw: Garay grant for a railway route acroefilits-, isthmus of Tehuantepec. 1856 chairman of the National Banat's. emit* mittec in the campaign which resulted is the election of Mr. Buchanan. - -be was, elected president of the Atlaittor and Great Westerußailway, and in 1858 proceeded to Europe -to negotiate its as. curities, and enlist foreign Investment in the enterprise— h . This - he succeeded in ae-: Compliehing, placing the road on a fooling that mubsequently securert, constrotticin. In 1861, he was chairman of Democratic - State Centrel Committee. During a life of constant employment - io this manner, he had found time tocorustruet several houses,. a large hotel among' the rest; tafterward burned), and conducted in - umerable improvements in - his town and neighboring • properties. Added to these, almost every enterpnse of , moment in hi* neighborhood found him Connected with it. • Be w.t.s director and officer of the Towanda :•- Tanning Company and Sbrader band Coen " t pany, both successful and extensive con- . : . - cerns. Among the valuable properties ac. quired by him was what now constitutes tbe town of Ward, in Tioga county,. originallt► i 15,500 actes in extent, and covering the mines of the Fall _Brook Coal Company, owned by the;late John Magee, of Watkins, In his latter years, mach of his time was employed in managing systeniatically, his multifarious business affairs, and in arrant in. his collection of prints and autographs. 'and illustrating works of biogniptucal and historical character contained in his librat7. Flom time to time, he interested himself in and sustained . several newspapers —the Patriot and' Union, of Harrisburg; the Baitimore Leader, (subsequently the staler man) ; the Erening Express, of Washing ton, D. - C., latterly combined with the Na tional, amongst the rest. His collection of rare books, engravings, auto graphs and - Works. in - every department of.: literature and science, arranged in the: handsome library room of "Tredinnoct," , with its gothic outlines and stained glass ; windows, and walls. hung with trophies of: feudal times, and historical reliques, Amer-, kap and foreign, f firmed - a unique assent-. bldge of objects of art s history- and enter tainment, and. gave evidence of a range of information and a vast mastery of detail seldom met with in a man of active And . constant business habits and pursuits. ., Mr. Ward was twice married; first. lo• Hennab, daughter of W. Raynsford, ,of _ Montrose, who died Feb ',try 25,, 1830._ , His • second wife was Hai. .12 Charlotte- Porter, of Waterbury, Con o survived .only two years. By his first •wiiehe had two daughters, the youngest of , whom, Mary, died In Charleston, S. C., in the winter of '1857, .and - is buried there. His eldest daughter, Ellen, married Gen - . Win. H. Miller, of Harrisburg, and is still (18713) living. By his second wife he had one son. Henry, who. is still living. Mr. Ward took an active part in sdiscov erinz.,; and prrserving the historical remains atViersonal -traditions of his section of th tate ; rind on the fah of May, 1870 1 ' being interested in the efforts-of the author of this -work* to collect materials for anac• count of the Moravian missions of Penrr sylvania, he-addressed a letter to the news. papers of-the town concerning the subject, offering to ['remote a publication •for the preservation of such annals. On the morn ing.of the 14th of the same month, arising from his bed, he fell in .a fit of apoplexy and expired within two hours of the attack. His remains were followed by . a large con course of citizens to their last. resting place iii the , burial ground in Towanda, where they repose under- a mem:meat covering those also of his second wife. This is undeniably• the record of q busy ' useful life,,a life of toil and of contribtotion to the day and.generation in which be of whom 'these chronicles: are written, - , was born to live, and in which he bore his tart steadily and' faithfully to the .end. The - range and experience of such a life is no less remarkable than its lesson of rewarded - and unremitting work. The energy, habits of method, and, withal, the sagacity 'and strength of mind and -vigor of body. united ,- in the subject of this sketch are seldom met /- With amoliit men. That such an energy` was not wholly expended in the pursuit, of selfish gains, but was used, as this min's was, to improve, enlighten, and betintify the world within'which his sphere of action • lay, is evidence of - a broad and/ctiltured mind—a kindly and cathcilie spirit, a baud' for-generous deeds, a heart tall/of kindness for his fellow man. .It was',given him to this, the age-of_ wonders :he saw io the mighty impetus of human progress that has sweptponwardwith such giant strides is' . • the century at :whose dawn he came into the world, - the contributive force of human intelligence and human hands ; he saw,,and felt the. impress ,Of his time and bet* an honorable and , ansrduons part, the-ainple,__ . measure of his allotted share. *Rev. Mr( Craft's Historillof Bradford'. . County. 7 . TEE LUST IBDIAIt 00IINOIL ON THE OEII - . /' . /The tire sinks low, the drifting smoke; Dies softly-In the autumn daze,. And silent are the tongues that spoke The speech of other days. Gone, too, the dqsky ghosts whose feet . But no* yon listening thicket stirred ; UnSe'ared within Its covert meet • The squirrel and ttte bird. • The story of the rag Is told, But thou, a, sweet and lone : Glen of the rainbow : thou shalt hold • Its romances as thine own. Thoughts of thine ancient forest prinie Shall sometime haunt thy summer dreams, And shape to low poetic rhyme- Theniusic of thy streams. When Indian summer thugs her cloak ' Qf brooding aziirti'on tIM' woods, The pathos of a yautshed folk • ' Shall tinge thisolitudes. ,The blue smoke of their fires once more Far o'er the hills shall, And sunset's Olden clouds restoo . The red man's paradise. - I Strange 'sounds of a forgotten tongue • Shall cling to many a crag and In stash of falling waters sung. • Or murmur of the ware. And oft in midmost hush of night.• . shrill o'er the deepdnoUthed cataract's rOltr. Shalt ring the waiscry . lrom the height • • That stoke the wilds of yore. -5 Sweet Vale, more pelmet' bind thy skies; • . Thy airs are fraught with rarer balm ; A. peoples busy tumult lies. Hushed In thy sylvan cilm. Oh, sweet thy peace : While fancy fumes Soft idyls of thy dwellers lied.; They loved thee, called thee gentle names,' /n the long summers Quenched Is Metre ; the drifting ontnie , vanished In the autumn haze: Gone, too, oh, Vale, the simple folk Who loved thtle In old dayi. Rut for _their sakes—their lives serene— Their hues, perchance as sweet as 03 , 14.. Oh, be thy woods for aye more green, " And fairer bloiim thy flowers!' Ix Michigan they never hold inquests upon the bodies of men whose pocketh are found to contain fruit-tree catalogues and wiretence samples, but if — the mur del er becomes known his neighbors club together and present him with a ~goldh eaded cane, or a patient 4,0,26:0-box. A ' FELLOW at a cattle show, where he made himself conspicuous by his bluster, cried out,, mill these prize .0 tttle ! Why they ain't nothin' to what our folks rear ed. My father raised the biggest Mgt of any man 'round our parts." "do doubt of it," said a bystander, "and the noisi est." , "What is that arrangement?" asked a newspaper man of a depot official , the oth er day, as they stood looking into a trim ming stove window. "Blamed ifl know," said the depot man, "it's some son of a patent faunel. 4 ' And then the. ;Ivo 'pla cable men went away. and didn't know, that they bad been looking:tit a coral. -And'yet rine. peopia-thinir„aktkeyster; . fissin 7l . , #5:5 U g • t v -,_ r , ;~~~=: c.i - , , , —Dmid Gray