Ilatifora ligtotta. Towanda, Pa., Thursday, Xs7 'SF 1878. L A. 011AMBE . RLIN, Des!aria _FINE JEWELRY; wants, SILVER PLATED WARE, • !TOWANDA, rA. Toranda, Jan. te.„187. • LOCAL AND GENERAL. THE Bishop was the guest of M. C '.NIERCUIt during his stayin town last week THE Swedish Quartette did not have a very large audience on Thursday evening last. WE are indebted to the Owego Steam boat Company, for a very pleasant rido on the "Lyman - Trernain," to Hiawatha Grove. • A STRAWttEARY and Ice Cream Festival will be held in the Lecture Room of The Church of the Messiah, an Tuesday, May 21st. All are invited. HARRY STREETERi . JOIIN B. Hums and 0. D. KINNEY, accompanied our dole ;vacs to the Republican State Convention now in session it Harrisburg.' Tun store lately occupied by.T. F. Con ism next.door north of the First National 73ank, has" Just been neatly fitted "1,12_ !of ;the occupancy of WIIITCOMB d& SIIACT. AN; error in the educational of this week in the solution of the problem of C. F. lIEVERLY, where it states "allowing - wake, in making" should read, " allow waste in making. REV. WII. McGLATIIERY assisted in the service and delvered an excellent sermon in the Episcopal Church on Thursday ev ening: He was , also present and took part in the services on Sunday. HORACE BEAMIS, Esq., of liornellsville, N. Y., will address the Murphy Temper ance Meeting, in the Court House, on .3' Wednesday evening, IMay 22nd. Po not fail to go and heai.him. Tim, Naiad Concert will be held in Mer cur Hall, May 31st. W i e can asssnre our readers thit it will be one of the best ever given-here. The best musicians of our town have it in band, and there is no doubt but they will make it atriind success. Bisnor.l-16wr: officiated in Christ Church on Sunday last, morning and eve ning. At the close of the morning ser vice he administered the rite of Confirma tion to six candidates.. WE are gratified to learn that Mr. ILE. BABCOCK has bean promoted to the posi tion of ticket agent at this place to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. SHERWOOD. Mr. B. and his estima ble wife are heartily welcomed back to Towanda. Mn. EVANS; wlio has been writing ase ries of interesting letters for the Rs:mu -TER, stated in his last that ho had closed, but on our solicitation has t concluded to resume them: We know that our numer ous readers have read the letterstwith in terest and yirofit, A CIENTLt:iII24 of this placeho is to start in a few w - eeks on an extended tour through the West, will give his') impreS siqus of the country in a number of let ters to be printed in the IIFiI'ORTER. As the person referred to is quite competent to write up the Western country, those desiring reliable information An regard to that section will await his artieles with in terest. • , G. R. SUEIMOOD,• who-has for the past. Several years been ticket agent for the Pa. S; N. Y. R. R. Co., in this place, has re signed the position and "gone West." GEonoE made hosts of friends during his ojo9nrin Towanda, all of whom extend to .him their best willies for success in his new enterprise. THE many friends of C. T. SMITH among our readers, will be glad to learn that he is now conducting the Delo-an House, Elmira. "SYKE."%'aS one of the most popular landlords who has ever pro- sided over the Ward House, and his old guests only need to 14 reminded where he is, to give him their patronage when' in Elmira. REV. G. C. JoNts, who enjoys consid erable reputation as a lecturer, as well as a talented preacher, delivered; a lecture on "Ireland and the Irish," in the M. E. Chtneh on Wednesday evening last. We we `e Prevented from: listening to it, but thaerVio Were. fortunate enough to be pri!sent, speak in the highest terms of the effort. owe our readers an apology for not informing them before this that *E. llosEtiFiEl.o is the only . dealer in Towan da Who keeps a full line glen and bo) s' hats and ealts.' . Call at his store, and FiIAN I K will lit you . out with a tile at any price from a dime "chip" to the linest silk hat. Miss N. A. SNELL, eldest daughter of ex-Commissioner SKELL, died very'litd denly on Friday morning last. She had ,been complaining for some time, but no, Years of her death were entertained until `within a few hours of her demise.: Miss SNELL was a young lady of brilliant bite lect, and had a large circle of - friepqA. Only a few week's since she, in eontiation ' With another'young Lidy, opened ani illine 7 ry Itore, and the new firm were doing a flourishing business... The unexpected be reavement fell with crushing weight upon the parents. THE Eureka Shops are driv6 to their fullest capacity in filling oilers this sea- son. A large number of the superior ma , chines have been shipped to the old coon try. Mr. E: T. Fox, as manager is un doubtedly the "right man in the right place." J. R.•B EI3E, BookiteepFr iu the. Citi zens National Bank, received the sad in telligence on Tuesday last.that his father bad been suddenly attacked by illness which terminated in death thin a few hours. • - • - PEnsoNit..—Ross. ROSSEN3III7.ER, of Sayre, and KANE, of Scranton, were in town on Saturday. • —Wc bad a pleasant visit from Gen. CLAIM, of Auburn, N. Y., last week. The General is engaged in collecting In dian history; and made some discoveries in this vicinity. . ' —Mns. E. O. Goonnierf left for Phila delphia on Monday evening to attend a wedding. - 7 3 Int. Gan. &Erma - and her - clank ter Lorrik are spending the week in Min adelphia, Maj. CHAP. MEUCUU a a family . are visiting Mrs. M's paleatsia Williamsport. CATllElaing Thula, a alatin. of He st WAIID Ihexcunt, died - in' Elmira on Friday evening kat. She was the author of several important works. i BII . IIOP Rows visited Barclay 4h Min dity and administered confirmatiou. Bar elaOs one of the stations oceripled by Rev. J. 111putreco, who officiae 11 4 501110- thiiig like a dozen different points in this, Sullivan and Columbia Counties. HARPER'S Mayan iral 0108435kM1147-sizth volump with a very attractive MUy num ber, both in illustrations and letter-press; The number contaf' ltly illus trated papers, viz triples in Essex," by S. A. i -Birds of the West," by IDGEWAY, charmingly .illustraL apses and BEARD ; "Old Flemish Master (PETER PAUL. RILUBEN); " The Italian by EUGENE LAWRENCE; and "Aloeg the Havel," by ARTUUR VERNER. Bides these illustrated papers there are 9nec r two engravings accompanying severhl sto rigs and poems: la addition to the serials by 'WILLIAM BLACK and THOMAS HARDY, there are short stories by SUSAN ARCHER WEISS, LUCRETIA P. HALE,' and JULIAN 1 11ANYTIIORNE. Poems are contributed by FRANCIS L. MACE, HENRIETTA HARDY, MARGARET J. PRESTON, and others. A Very suggestive paper on a subject,,_ al ways timely, is contributed by WILLIAM BLAIKIE, entitled " Free Muscular Devel opment," showing' by how simple meth ods the best physical methods may be se cured. The Hon. F. - 11. MORSE contrib utes a brief but important • paper on the English Civil Service, with especial refer ence to its consular and diplomatic branch. The " Easy Chair" opens with an article on DANIEL WEBSTER, and follows with some very interesting glimpses of the . old Walton House. It infroduces us again to a Sassafras Club discussion, and concludes with a notice of the "Tender Recollec tions of Irene Macgillicuddy." The other editorial departments are as entertaining and instructive as usual. A SUNDAY School Convention was held in the 31. E. Church at Forksville, Sulli ;au Co., Pa., Wednesday, May 8, 1878, in thibe seasons : morning afternoon and ev ening. The attendance 'was good, considering that this is a farming community, and the people are very busily engaged in ag ricultural pursuits. Six Sunday Schools were represented in.the convention. The convention was not denominational in character, but all Sunday School workers were invited to attend and participate in the business, and di#ussions that might come before the house. A programme had been previously pre pared for the occasion, and was followed during the convention to the satisfaction of all concerned. A number of well Pre pared essays were read, and the discus sions were spirited and instructive. Sunday Schools were recommended' to all as among the best ,means, if rightly conducted, for educating the young WO° principles of the Christian religion. - The Convention appeared anxious that Sunday Schools should advance the, King dom of our Lord, JESUS CHRIST, and bring glory to his name, in being an in- strumentality for the conversion' of sin ners to the Saviour. . . A vote WilS taken to organize an associ ation to be called "The Forks . _ and Elk land Association," and a committee was elected to draft a constitution and by-laws. We hope to make our Sunday • Schools more value to all concerned. - . • Li.'BEDEOIID MinVipW, Pa., May 11, 1878. DECOILATION DAY.—Memorial Day will be duly and fittingly observed at ,Leßays vile, May 30th, under the auspices of Spalding Post, No. 33, Grand Arn.y of the ItePublic. Col. C. A. CARTER Will be Marshal of the day. Comrades will meet at the Post Head guarters at 7 o'clock A. jr.; and tILUa pro ceed to. Stevensville, headed by the Le- Raysville Cornet Band, arkiving at Ste vensville at 9 A. M g ' and, proceed to deco rate the graves of soldiers buried at Ste vensville, where a short address will be made by Rev. THOMAS TtipmAs. Will theri return, stoppiiig at Comrade J. A. lloswonxit's and .W. 4 R: STEVENS', decorating the graves of soldiers buried there, arriving at Leßaysville M. • At 1 o'clock r. m., the .processicin will be formed at the 31: E. Church and march to the cemetery, headed by the band, when the work of decorating the graveS\ of our dead comrades will my per formed. Rev. A. 11. Floorrand others will,deliver addresses. All soldiers who are not members of the ,Cr. A. R., are expected tb take part. The members of the various organization's of Leßaysville are cordially invited to join in the services of the occasion. The citi zens generally arc specially invited. By order of Corn. C. H. WAUNEIt, .1. 11. SMITH. I .1. 11. Boswowru. A FEW COriItECTIONS DESIRED.—Tbe Illustrated History of Bradford County is a Very valuable book, and shows a vast amaunt and variety -of research. None but those who have attempted such a work can know how much real toil this has reqpired, and how easy it is for occa sional errors. to creep in. To illustrate the magnitude of the'•en terprise, let me state that the fourteen pages ofßaptist History, (126 to 110,) compose over ttrenty-ficc hundred proper names, dates, and numbers. .These are what may be called arbitrary facts, which i .rely be determined by this connec tion with other words as most ordinary writings makbe. I have not gone throngh all my authorities a second time, to rer ify those two thousand and five hundred names, etc., but I think the printers have been more than ordinarily successful in putting them in type correctly. Owners of the History, however, are requested to make—with pen or pencil—the following corrections : On Op 133, Column 1, lino 7 from bot tom; write.lifey-three for "eighty-three." Or page 135, column-1, line 17, write Jere,» y. for " - W. II." H. DUPER. 136, column 1, line 24, Cheyntiug for • " Tioga." 137, column 2, near bottom, Hendryx 'for "Hendry," and 1866 for "1856•" 140, (Litchfield) S. 0. Cqrmer for "CARNER." Same page, (Tuscarora) Siloam for "Sylvan;►," (right in same copies). Same page, column 2. footings up of first • table should bo 1571, instead of "1585." Some minor errors in spelling may be overlooked; but these should be corrected: lily sketch was prepared in 1787, mid closes where the "Old School or Primi tive Baptist" begins, near bottom of col umn 2, page 140. . Any one who can point .to the original 'records of New :Bedford, Saga' Creek, first Alba, colambia, Warren, Windham, or W,ysox—or any suggest im portant additions to or corrections of any . compilations (paged 126 to 140,) . will please address me without delay, at New Milford, Susquehanna County. May 7, . 1878. 0. N. Woamrs. W s briefly noticed, a few - weeks since the death Of MART LE 4111,11APIE, wife of Lot* Gu.waPnc, at the advanced ap of 91 yews. Her maiden name waa limey Airs UnowN.' She was born l / 4 .in 'White hidl, N.Y., 'on the *Ad day of January, 1787, and when a child ter father's faint ly moved to Heensboro.' From the latter place they moved to Tioga. Pdtnt, now Athens ; coming through the dense wil derness on the old bridle trail on horse back, arriving in the year 1806. Here she taught 'two terms of school in the then sparsely settled country. The next year, 1807; the' family moved to . Towanda. Here ANN, as she was usuhily called, en tered the Service of W. Means, living with that family inglie "old . red tavern" which was burned a few years ago, and an interest in the welfare of the deceased was ever evinced by Grandmother MEANS and per descendants. In 1812 she, was married to ANDREW .1. TROUT, with whom sbe lived until he was accidentally drowned at Shamokin October 10; 1831. Being left a widow she again enter the family of WM. MEANS, endeavoring to careor her large family consisting of live blip and two :girls. She remained with the\family until Nov. 15,.1833,. when . \ she mamed \ Ltrxx GILLESPIE, who still survives her 'a the advanced age 0 91 years. Her farly were increased to two girls and two boy by this last uniori. Two of the children: of tke , first husband distin guished themselves during the war with Mexico as well as duriag the Rebellion, and one of her sons by tlie l. last husband, m Jaes"Girtasele, died in t i Anderson - vile prison. - The children an their de scendants little Tecognize the pvatihns and hardships endured by• the early ezt tlers of this county, Then all was wilder ness, now Lima and comfortable hoiiies Meet the gaze on every size: The old. pi., oneers are passing away, and we that, re main enjoy the blessings of their toil. May we ever revere their memory for their good works. And as the links that bind the past io the future are broken, may abler kands write and. preserve t . lseir their memories . t 'HISTORICAL NOTF.B QUERIES.—In ho last number of the "Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography," is an interestirig critique by Jou"; GILMARY . Siti A , L.L. D., of Elizabeth, N. J., on a paper read by Gen.. JonN S. CLAM:, of Auburn, N. Y., before the New York Historical Society, at their April meeting, 1877, t n " Champlain's Expedition into Western New York in 1615, and QM re- cent identification of the Fort." Thnti introduced, a few wordspay not be inap propriate as to the . which Gen. CL:ktix is engaged, his methods and sonio of his results The well established principles of Phil ology,.and tlie careful study of the an cient languages of the East, have thrown much light on the history of Oriental na- tiuns, and enakled the scholar to' plve many difficult questions respecting the movements of these ancient peolile before he historic period. The aboriginecs of this continent hay ng nowritten language r tad* means o pursuing historic data except in the vague and uncertain traditions prevalent among them, in which the facts wore so. distort- ed and covered tip, that as matters of his- tort'; these traditions were well .. tigh worthless. Among the earlilt Etirolan accounts of thisTeople were those of the French - Jesuit Kiests who were sent nut as missionaries, and French military com- manders and adventurers who tntversed the northern part of the country 7 est ward -to the ildississippi, and wrote fill descriptions of the people and .countries they found. The must of these accounts are still in existence. The Dutch bent more 'on traffic, gave little attention to the natives farther thati to purchase at the cheapest rates their peltry. The Pu ritans of New England, and Captain JOHN SMITH, of Virginia, have left. valuable data, but the accounts of none of these parties go further back than the begin ning of,the reve.nteenth century ;.:%rid then these observations were confined to those tribes living near the coast" and along the shores of the great lakes. Beyond this all was undertainty-for a long time after wards. " For instance, no further inland . than the valley: of the North Branch of the Susquehanna, the_ first,: account we have is that of CON RAD WFISER in 1737, whose_journal,lmeagre as it is' in historic data, is of great 'value. This valley, from Tioga to Wyoming at that time was un-. occupied; but there were traces of a. pre.- svious occupancy, and on the traditions of the, blood stained field were intimations of hard fought battles and stubborn con tests, \but who these- early inhabitants were who so stoutly resisted encroach ments of the conquering •Irottois, whence they came 'and with what nations affiliat ed were unanswered questions. It was not long after Asi„S.isEit's Visit to our coun ty, that . Delawares from the East, 'and Shawanese from the ' South, . began to I crowd into the 'valley:under the patronage of the Iroquois. .When the Scotch-Irish began to settle on the Susquehanna, in Dauphin'County,-I they found a remnant of whatiad once been a powerful tribe of Indians \ called Conestogas. Some years since Mr identified these as the same nation called by* the French writers Gal qucs or Andastes, by the Dutch M. by the Virginians Siisquehannas, oras ti. word was spelled by Captain Jonti SMITH in his narrative (1608) Sasquesalianough. At the date just mentioned they were the strongest Indian nation on the continent, consisting at that time of not less than ten distinct tribes, and having not less than thirty towns. The first being great ly weakened by a pestilence (query, was it small-pox !) were almost entirely ester minateAl by the Iroquois, theirlimplacable .enemies. As this occurred not far from fifty years before the beginning of WIL LIAM PENN'S settlement in Pennsylvania, until very recently the existence of the Susquehanna nation wtisplinost complete ly overlooked. Dr. EonElti:iis the first, of Pennsylvania historians to assign to them their real importance in our aboriginal history, and the author of our county his tory the first to show their early outman- . cy of the Susquehanna valley in this county. Just at this point Ocn. CLARK'S invest igation begins, and by a careful analysis of the names, and of the ideas involved in them, of their various towns and tribes, is able to track these nations if not to their origin at !east . ages farther back than any writer has heretofore attempted, 1 among the valuable results alredidy.reach ed with a good degree of certainty, are : ; .1. That the Susquehanna Indians be. Aenged to the Huron-Iroquois ,family, in* common with the five nations, the Now tem and , the Erica of New 'York, Ohio -1 and some parts of Canada, and the Tus. caroras of North Carolina. 2. That they migrated Southward, one part the •Coliongorontas from about the Lackawaxen and settled at Wyalusing,' when the old name GahoutatO, and their name .uf the river Gabonta denote the same radical idea, and a common origin. As early as 1640 or MO a Huron tribe Jailed .Onnontiogat was incOrporitedwit4 the Iroquois ; It is fOundAhat Onnon sig nifies a bill or mountain, and Tioga an in . terval between two streams, and thus &A the.Olusintiogas were a tribe about a b near where two streams meet, - whkii met by the location of iipanbih fnu at 'lll. 8. Incidentally the-meaning of Indian names is fixed. The wort of /Elscnorsaio DER is invaluable for the signification of Delware names, but his attempt to trace all our aboriginal names to -a Delaware origin, has involved tke whole 'abject in endless perplexity, and ia.•now regarded as simply ridiculous. You may remem ber how some parties got into a . muddle a few days since over the _word Basque llama, each quoting the same venerable authority; while the truth Is the =mete of Irignis origin, and it is to be' foand in the Andester or Siisquehanna's language. Another illustration is seen in the word . Wysox. ZElsnEnortn„, who was familiar . with Iroquois, calls' it Wisach, accenting - the last 'syllable, an Iroquois word, while HECKEWELDER in seeking a Delaware or igin of the word, makes it a corruption of Wisachgime, the place of wild • grapes while the tritth is, the name Wisach is much older than the Delaware occupation of the Susquehanna - country. Other interestic facts relating to our early history might be mentioned,-but we had intended to make only a single Para graph, and have already far exceeded our bound, the peat interest which these in vestigators are beginning to awaken amongst thoughtful men, excuse if any be hied for the lengh' of this ar ticle. It must be - confessed that it does almost startle one to think, that we are tracing people arid their movements through our own county at a period prior to the discovery of the continent by, Co Lonny& welave accepted an invita tion to accompany Gen. CLARK on a visit down this Susquehanna valley, which he kreposes to make shortly, we will defer a fnrther discussion of this topic until then. • • PROCEEDINGS CONTINUED. tY, MAY Stb.. . CO ti it WE DN ES Com vs , sentence him . costs. - - _., Corn vs lieu Campbell, Addison Campbell and Silas Cnrepbell—Riot; Jury find defendants not guiltY, but that Hen ry Campbell pay the cots. Com vs Byron Tall and< \ Honry Tall— Maliciously breaking down fence. Dia; trict Attorney McPherson anajonWitt ! .k Hall for Commonwealth ; Overtnn tip Mer-- cur for defendants. Jury find deferfdints . not guilty, but that they pay one-half of the costs, and the prosecutor Wm B Shi nier the other half. . .. W Marceline—Assault. Court \to pay a fine of 425 and Corn vs Edward Bakes—Larceny, 2: cases. Defendant pleads .guilty. Conrt suspends - sentence in one case, and sen tence him in the other to . 20 days. in the county jail. Coin vs Joel Davis—Perjury. Court direct a: nolle prosequi to be entered. Ct.urt confirm the. appointment 'of C F Jones as Deputy Constable of Pike twp. In re the application for a county bridge across Sugar ltuit in Leroy twp.—Court appoint as viewers•J S Quick, .1 W Ing ham, Aaron Ely, L P Stalford, J B Stal ford and Joseph Gaylord. Com vs Wm Terry—Adultery. Con tinued to September Term. .Corn H 13 Inglianl—Assault. District Attorney McPherson and DeWitt & Hall for Commonwealth ; Williams & Angle for defendant. Jury find defendant guilty. Com vs . 11 13 Ingham—Surety of the pea Ce. Court adjudged defendant guilty and sentence him to pay the costs of mi ce:llton, and give security to keep the peace. Com vs Ann Vail—Selling liquors on Sunday. District Attorney. McPherson and H F Maynard, Esq, for Common weall ; N C Elsbree and H C Baird, Emit, for defendant. -Jury find defendant not guilty, but that she pay thecusts. - Com vs Ana liquors to minors. District Attorney McPherson and II F Maynard, Esq ; for Common: wealth ;N C Elsbree . and' C Esqs, for defendant. Jury find defendant not guilty, and George Kirkendall for costs. Coin vs itnn Vail—Keeping disorderly house. District Attorney McPherson and II F Maynard, Esq, for. Cominonwealth ;. N C Elsbr&n and II C Baird, Eggs, for de fendant. Jury find defendant not guilty, and George Kirkendall and Jerome Eigh my for costs. Corn vs Alice RonanSelling liquors withont license. Corn vs Robert Rich ards—Nuisance. Com vi Wm , Finan— Fornication and btardy. Continued to September-term. Com James SicklerPerjiiiri. District Attorney McPherson' and Win Maxwell, Esq, for Commonwealth ; DeWitt & Thail and E M Goff, Esq, for defendant. 'Jury find defendant not guilty, but that he pay one half the costs, and the prosecutor, Win S Vincent the other half.• . Com vs A J Noble—Burning a barn. District Attorney McPherson, D'A Over ton, N C Elsbree and J W Mix, Esqs, for Commtinsiealth ; W H Carnochan and J' F Sanderson, Esqs, for defendant., Jury find defendant not guilty, but that he pay ofie-half the costs, and the • prosecutor, E A Irvin the other half. • . • The Grand Jury disposed of the follow ing cases, vii Coin vs Edward Hakes—Larceny, twp cases. r. \‘\Coln vs Wm Finan—Fornication and bastardy. Cr IRE Conn vs Ja Com vs I' Cora vs RI Cora vs Nl' officer,. Corn vs C M Fitch—Perjriry. Com vs C M Fitch and Cliai. es Dunbar —Conspiracy. , EOT TRUE MLLE. ~\ Com vs A. CElabree and J H Hosrner.-7- Larceny. . Com vs Frank Kellogg—False preterr 7 ces. J C Peters prosecutor, for Costs. Com Nellie Hunter—Accessory to burg- lary after the fact. Com vs George Vanderpool—Adultery. Angel ha Vani3erpool prosecutor, for coats. . Com vs Riley. .Sickler, Hiram -Heeman and Otis Ilectnan—Aggravated assault and battery. Ambrose Vincent, prosecu tor, for costs. _ , The Grand Jury were discharged on Thniulay. Martin Kerrick vs Margaret 'Renick- 7 Court dint alialias subpoena to issue. Joseph Rollins= vs F H Rollinsoo— ' Court appoint W S Vincent commistner. Betsey Hill vs S R Hill—Court appoint J W Mix, Esq, commissioner. Nathan Coleman va Chloe E Colonials —Rule on plaintiff foi an ailowanco. Mosella Comstock vs Isaac Comstock— Court confirm master's report and grant a diiorce. Edwin McClelland vs Calvin Dodge— Master's Report filed. ' - - In in the alleged lunaey of Join Ryan Cc!nrt appoint Dr D.B Pratt, E L MVP: BILLS Terry—Adultery. Vail—Keeping disorderly 121131 rs to minors. ors •on Sun- Rjury. ,ny. -Nuisance. Assaulting an IdIn& oo!smisidoq. F sod James EI3 Li le SO lunshogretilaremiablienssia-. VIM= of do! filed and oonfinned * el. • In re theasoirmoent of Geoige P Nab; F Cash, C D Oash, and -Um 'Towanda Eon*" Mowed id* ior,tbs beam of their crediton.-_ , Retern of Assignee's .sale in each ease confirmed -early.. In re the assigninent ofiatnesß Cost& lo taxi the benefit of his creditcus. Court appoint L W Eigiuney and Wm Morgan Morris Jacobs we M Heolelman— . Audi. tot's report filed and confirmed ni si. 'Citizens National Bank of Towszola vs A Codding and' C 3 Russell--Auditors report confirmed finally. W Lane vs J W Van byde—Andi. tor's report, continued finally, except that portion to which exceptionu are filed. F Fiber vat F Nichols- 7 0*A 'ap point J L Wilt, Esq, an Auditor to dis. tribute fund raised by the Sheriff's sale of defendant's real waste. , N M Pomeroy's use vs 111 IL Trot— Rule to open judgment. . ' Miami Pike's use vs A Hunsicker, et al -Rule to open judgment all to A Hun sicker.. E W Gillett vs L H Pont, et al—Rule to. subrogate Rockwell . & Titus, and Titus to the rights of the plalntllt MONDAY, MAT 18111. • 'Mums Beige vs Oise Brito direct an suss subpcess to issue. Clara McCracken va 8 McCracken. E B Bought vs Marie; Bought—Court ap• point WJ Young, Eeq, commissioner in each cue. Com vs Henry Campbell—Assault and battery. Court sentence him to fine of $5 and costs of prosetution, and to give security to keep the peace. Com vs Samuel Depow Forgery. Court sentence him to three years and five months in the Eastern Penitentiary. W P Griffith, Trustee vs J J Griffith— Auditor's report filed and confirmed ni si. Account of Stephen Homo Receiver of B Ingham fi awl confirmed ni Ulysses Marco use vs C X Sanderson t et al—Rule for judgment against C M t3anden i rni for an of a sufliciePt afldaa vit of defence. 1 Bradford L and 13 Association, of Ath ens twp ra Mary B gnglish—Rule to sat isfy mortgage. Henry Ward, et al vs M C Xercur, et al—Rule to amend record. Towanda Building and • Saving Fund Aaociation vs I E, Stephens — Rule to set aside Sheriff's sale. ' Farmers and Mechanics Bank's use vs Charles McClure—Rule absolute. Nathan Coleman vs Chloe E Coleman— ourt permit plaintiff to discontinue pro- peon vs lffichael Coleman— nlaintiff to take a non-snit. ' Poor District vs Canton Act—lssue. W 11 Carno- In! Shaw, Esqn, for plaintiff; Bab for defendant. Ver diet for plaintitiC L J K Williams vilir J , Thompson, et-al —Court appoint . Hon \ Joseph Powell, Re ceiver of the late firm Dive; Beadle & Ca_. 'John 31erkle vs L D orrest—Eject went. Wll Carnochan and\DeLOs Rock well, Esc's, for plaintiff; I N Bvans, D'A Overton, II W Patrick, and R F Maynard, . Egq4 for • efendant. On trial. ' WATKINS PosT, No. 68, • aro makMg preparations for - the proper observance +f Memorial Day in Towanda, and the fol lowing committees Dave Veen appointed : Marshal.—PAST COMMANDER. Committee of Arrangements.—J. AN DREW WILT, D. W. Scorn, B. M. PECK, GEO. V. MYEB, H. POWELL. Committee OA Flowers.— L. HARRIS, JAMES BRYANT, JAMES PIATT, M. SILL, J. N. CALIFP, EERA RUTTY. Committee on Ineilations.-0. L. S. MANDELL, --- COOLBAUG:R. Coll/Make on Finance.—C, E. A9ND111.7% G. W. KILMER, J. E. FLEMING. .- Aids to the Commander and Marshal. —G. W. KILMER, JAMES BRYANT, D. W. 'SCOTT, L. HARRIS, C. E. ANDRUS. All the secret organizations, fire depart— ment, military , company, schools and citizens generally, are invited to partici pate and form part of the procession, and show their respect to the memory of our dead comrades. COL. OvEnTox arrived in town on Sat urday evening, having come home to at tend some imppint business in Court. The Colonel hr one of the most industrious members of Congress, and is seldom ab sent fronr the post of duty. Ills vote on the triff bill reflects the sentiments of _the laboring maisei of the country, and will add greatly to his popularity in this dis trict. AT Mercur Hall, Friday evening, May 24th, the students of the Susquehanna Collegiate Institute will give an entertain ment of an • exceedingly interesting and mirthful character. All are cordially in vited to be present. ANCIENT Clsmes.—What appeals to the imaginative and reflective powers of man m.,re than the ruins of some ancient ivycovered and forsaken castle" Poets have intended the muses to help them weave into verse theiegenderic chivalry andhravery that'history accordirtia, their former owners and occupants. Painters have vied with each other in portraying the grandeur of their solitude and decay. But is not the premature and social wreck at thousands of young people, annually, a theme that ties of. man? Dr. it. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., prescribes his Golden Medical Discovery in such affec tions with the gratifying results. No known remedy equals or compares with it in purifyingand enriching the system. If the bowels be constipated, use his Pleas ant Putative Pellets. • In the more com plicated cases, Dr. Pierce may be consult ed by letter, and will generally be able to prescribe medicines especially prepared for each individual case' that wills peedily restore nervous vigor and perfect health. The following thirties, among thousands of others,c have either been cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Medicines or have ob served their wonderful curative proper ties on friends : J. R. Seitz, Cairo, Ky.; Mrs. A. M. Williams, Claverack, N. Y.; .C. 11. Can field, Chatham Four Corners, N. Y. • C. T. Hobbs, Randolph, Pa. ; Albert C Ras- . ton, Washington, Ohio . Mrs. E. R. Daly, Metropolis,' lIL ; R. A. Johnson, Buffalo, N. Y. • A. McClure, Albany, W. Ghlwold, Brackville, N. Y. ; W. jklyer, Vermillion, 111. For father par ticulars see " The People's Common Sense Medical Advertiser," an iflustratiVe work of Over,9oo pages, sold post-paid for .4,50. Address to the author, IL V. Pierce, M. D., Baffalo, N. Y. _ NEW 4 LOGALII. or An e4erierioed trayelar says : "Atter a week's soprani at the Grind Central Hotel I have no hesitation Ia taste, ar that It fa the best wit cheapest arst•ctase hotel \ la New York." or GREAT AtiCTi \ ON ; SALE! —M. Jacoaa, at It. Haltast.xawa, stand. Maleast., will 'offer at Auction Sale, contmeneing TUES. k„.... DAY. MAY Mat, ills, at 10 o'cloc \A. NI. trod to eontione every afternoon and mein until the entire stock of Goods and Store Pik: s are sold, GGLD and SILVER WATCHIS,Goid;SUrer and Plated CHAINS, Gold and Plated alkiiihlLßY. Silver and Silver Plated Ware, Ameriesit s and *tench CLOCKS.,43oId and Silver SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES, *c., *c., &e. All gooMMi s he sold to the highest bidder, regardless of cost:, \ AM goods sold warranted as represented. ' \_ . mayld. • . It. JACOBI, 'Towanda. tar MILLIIITERY GOODS at .wboleh sale at smut Bros. . it "JOY BELLS," a mew Sunday- Woo& Musing Book, by W..A. 001014. Sample toplai ila cents by mall. L. B. rowsu.: war. lletaatou, tirsioom eiRDING.—TIis business of Carding will be conducted - as usual at the old oitabllstuiwat In Camptown Morley the caning winnow. We will be ready to do the Met. Sack that cowl% and cheerfully refer to those for whom We worked last elision, as to the quality of work that may beexpectsd. May BO WM Mr DRESS 'GOODS at reduced prices at J. L. Xsirre. , ser STERN Bros. have just received • line of Ladles ready made snits , and Summer games. • or Misses SDELL & FARNHAM do all kinds of GRESS MAKING. BUOINCSB LOCAL. lir HOSIERY 1 HOSIERY 1 nosm. ! All new styles et L. Kearns. • may 2. Or Everything in the line of station s', St WHITCOMB & SnAUT'S. garSHETLAND SHAWLS in - great variety at .1. G. Haire's. yr Ladies., Misses and . Children' GLOVES mid HOSIERY at J. L. Ktotirs. msy2. Ir,The LATEST NOVELTIES IN MILLINERY, at the lowest prices, at STsalg Mug. VI/ TABLE LINEN, NAPICINBand TOWELS, at J. L. lizara, mart. ligriltraw Work and Bleaching a ape• deity at exact. a TAitxnmes. Thoppson's GLOVE FITTING CORSET at J. L. KINT'S. MIL Vir PARASOLS and UMBBELP,S at J. L. K. VB. I Get your STYLISH BONNETS at 871.117/ Bros. New York Store and save money. vr HOSIERY, 4 pairs for2s cents, at &mix Bros. Cr Embroideries, Laces, Silks and Ribbons at ikrznic Rms. Pr You can get all the latest styles of !tattooers, very cheap, at WIIITCOMB t 8111AUT'S mm. E. .1. blinaos is selling goods this spring CHEAPER TITAN EVER. Call and examine before purchasing. aprl7. 1f STERN Bros. are selling BUN pOWNS - and SAILOR RATS fur 15 =to,. and LEGHORN FLATS for f 1.2.5. oar ?dm E. 1. MINGOB 1113 returned from the City, and has decidedly the FINEST DISPLAY OF MILLINERY and NOTIONS In this town. aprift. I GLOVES for 15 cents, and COR SETS 'kir SS cents at SISERti fins. New York Store. • Itlr Table Linens, Towling and Nap kins at STERN BrOS. I Mrs. E. J. Mt sos has TRIMMED HATS for ONE DOLLAR and upwaids. tir LADIES NECKWEAR and SILK HANDKERCHIEFS from 25 cents up at STErrs Bros. tir Go to SNELL & FARNHAM'S for trst Millinery Hoods. ur Great reduction on rates to all. point's West. r Northwest and 'BOuthweat. The Cheapest tares - ever offered. Write or apply to G. R. Sherwood, Towanda. L. V. It. B. ticket office. t E. 11. D91131111:1., 325 East Water Street, ELMIRA, N.: Y.' I First Floor—DßY GOODS. ' Second FIoor—MILLINEtrY. Third PIoorCARPETS. Fourth FIoor—CLOAKS AND SUITS Upper doors accessible by Eleiater. A visit napection will more than amply repay. July.i. 'ELM rt Co: (Taylor & Co.'s old 'ale Street, haring Just returned from the, offering, one of the . Bert Aeaortmentr of IDS, FANCY GOODS. HOSIERY, CAR- £TS, &c, ever exhlbitest lu To- wanda. saktheir Prices are astonishingly Low.aiS Cle Mrs. V. H. ALLiN begs leiye to inform the Ladies of Towanda that she is now pre pared to do BEWI.SiO BY THE DAY on reasonable terms. - Residence, Ro. 5 Ward & Overton's b First Ward. rir Co %%Es' Baikry Wagon, of the tat Ward Bakery, will be\ on hand daily with Yreah Crackers hot from thei \ oven, Bread, Pies, Cakes, kc. aprll rir Flower Pots and Ranging Baskets —largest variety ever shown In this market, at MA DILL'S Crockery Stare. \ war. tW The Largest, Best -and Clieapest Una (or Shes for Ladles', Mates' and Chilrens , wear Is round at CORSCWS new store, corner Min and r a lne-sts., Traey & Noble's Block. • apr4'7B\ ts' dins. Mixeos has the hest Skirt Supporter, also the Skirt Elevator. CORSER has the beat wearing Shoea for Men, Boys and Tenths' wear ever Offered .in Towanda, - and at prices within the reach of all. ifor . se Powers for sale, one Second hand, and new ones of Blood & Co's manufacture, Sayre Mani g Co. Man. S months • Sayre, Pa. tom" Don't you forget it. We have an excellent CRACKER MANUFACTORY In town at COWLES' BAKERY, where you can buy the best fresh-baked' crackers. Cif L. B. RODOEItIi challenps tompe- Litton for quality of goods and. low prices on 13asb, Doors, Blinds and 3101(114 s, and all building sus. terial. tang3-tf). rir CLO SI NG OUT SALE of Gold and Silver Watches, Chains, Fancy Jewelry, etc. The undersigned having purchased at SheraPis Sale-the entire stock of Watches, Chains. Sliver and Plated Ware, to the store formerly occupied by hf. iftta asLWA not wishing to remain In . the but cress, bas'concluded to sea the entire stock regard less of cost, In order to wind up the business. Call early and secure bargains. . • M.Jicons. I To mut Puntic.The Steam Grist MllllnShe.shegnin, formerly mimed by F.S.Aktuts. trill be started under. NEW MANAGEMEN and with Increased facilities, onrMONDAY„ Feb. 11, 1878..- We Invite all the old patrons of this pop. "'liar Mill to give use call. We shall not object to making nit,. friend►. SATISFACTION GUAR ANTEED. S. W, RoDOISS, Agent.. Sheshequin, Feb. 7,187 t. . . MOODY.—To any and : all 'desiring a volume of O. L. 'Moody's Sermons, Prayers and addresses, as revise4by his own band, bed in print, book large, type plain, paper good, and. contains over 600 pages. with 73 sermons and V addresses, well bound. Price according to binding, $2,50, 1 3 A 0 50 .' This Book should be In every house, as Songs and Sermons mate well. Apply to E. Burroughs of Alba, Pa. • or In the whole 'history of Medicine no preparation has ever performed such marvellous cores or maintained so wide a reputation.. as ATZB'S CURIUM PI6CTOIIAL. which Is recognized as the world's remedy for all diseases of the throat and hangs, Iti lontcontinued series of irtinderful cures In all climates has made it tinirersally knows as a safe and reliable afford to emp loy s Against. ordituiry'colds, which ate the forerunners of More serious disorders, It acts speedily and surely, al ways relieving suffering, and often saving life. The ptotection It affords, -by Its timely use . In the throat and lung disorders of children, makes it au Invaluable remedy to be kept always on band In every Mime. No person cair afford to bevilthout It, and those who have once used. it never will. Trom their knowledge, atilt, 'composition and ef fects. Physicians - use the Citatory' Picronat. eatenilvely In their practice, and Clergymen rei ommend It. It Is absolutely certain In Its remedial effects, and will always 'curs where titres are possi ble. Poi sale by all dealers. ' A."'9NEES'iNOTICE.--Notice le hereby given that J. Leroy CorWo, of Ath ens Bow', Bradford County. Pa.. by deed of volun tary assignment, have asahroed all the estate. real and personaL of the said J. Leroy Corbin to Win. Snyder and P. T. Page, In said county. In taloa for the benefit of the creditors' of the Bald J. Leroy Corbin. All persons; therefore. Indebted to the said J Leroy Corbin wlllmake_psyneest to the said Assignees at the store of P. T ce. age. In Athens Bora', and those having claims or demands aphid 'the s aid J. Leroy Corbin vrlll_pfeasnt the slung srlttrou delay. WX. SSAGE,Ziti 11•784 w F. T. TAG, . • 4.l.eivjelbta. : - - - • fir PIANOS AND OBOAMIO—If i l titt wish' to purchase's T nyder' PIAXO er ORGAN, equal In every eaceliese• to My made. stigmata& tarsus Wholesale Pries, sod Mr ism beady use. halt of your ammy, do nod MW, befit* lanekattog. to writs for et deaniptios - altd press. to Post Ogiee Box yaii, New York.. . March 7,117/. tt. - • iir E. F. Kirrauu.'s Erma Wutwoi !mix gives toes to the stomach, Imptette the ais• petite and mists digestion. excites the bterels to healthy action. expelling all Om lent humors Oat contaminate the Mood, corrupt the seeretloes and offend the breath. It excites the Ilver toe healthy action and stissigtheas the nerves, Imparting that Wow to broths& proosedsalone trees perfect health. Thousands In all walks of Ws, testify to the virtues of this stateliest inlidldne In corsecting the de rangement of the digestive organs. Get the geom. the. Sold only In one dollar tattles. Ask for E. T. Ktrxxim.s Dims Winn or loon, and take no U.8.-lwGH&x. Dyspepsia! **pepshit ,Drip?posta! E. F. Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron. a sum MO for this disease. It has boss prescribed daily tot many years In tee practice of eminent physicians' with nnpmalelle4l success. Symptoms are loss of ippetite, wind and rlsAagOt tood„drynessln Mouth, headache, dissiness. sleeplessness sad low spirits. tiet the genuine. Not mid la balk, calyces dollar bottles. ll° yob won't something to stub:widen you 1 , Do, you want a good appointor Do yen want to get rid of nervousness? Do you moat energy? Do you want to sleep well, or to rand of dYloPoPala, kidney or liver disease? Try P. KUNKEL% firma Wiwi: or Ism Every bottle guaranteed to do as recommended. Depot and Mika, :If North Ninth Street. Philadelphia, Pa. Oet the gennene. Sold by all druggists. Ask for N. P. Knakel`s and take no other. All I ask is a trial of this nimble med icine. One bottle will (convince you. Get sis bot tles for See dollars; one dollar for otos. . Tape Worm Ileatevedl Alive. . Taro Worm, Pin. Bait and Stanaeh Worms re. moved alive In from two to four boars. No fee un til head of tape - Worm passes alive and In one. Ask your drunist for lOmkelli Wort Syrup. Sold only In one d ollar bottles. Used for children or grown persons; ft never falb., Or send -for elven. bAr to Dr. Mantel. VIS North Ninth Street. Phila. dolphin. Pa. Advice by mall free. Send three cent stamp forreturn of letter. \ E. F. Keikens Lustre" F. Kam kid's liteeepee hr the He ir. , The Mat and cheapest 'Hair Dressing end Hair Cleaner in the world. They remora eusdrulf. allay irritation, 'soothe and cool the heated scalp, prevent the halrfrom falling off, and promote the growth In a very short time: They pregame and beautify the Hair, and render It sort and glossy. They Im part a bilinear, and a silky appearance' to braid and wiry Hair. and as a hair dressing they are un rivalled ; eradicate dandruff and prevent Wdness. The shampoo Memos the Hair, removes Grease, scurf, - itching:eruption. Cures headmhe produced •hy heat and fatigue. KunkePs Shisepte sad Los, tral restore Hair Vas natural and glossy color, re store faded, dry, harsh and wiry hair. Price per bottle fit. Ask your druggist for them, or send to E. F. Kunkel, Proprietor, No. 219 North Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. EllayS.Sm. MCQUEEN—HOLCOMB.— At the residence of the brtde•a mdther„ In Ulster, May stb. 1878, by Rev. N. N. Beers, Mr. John M. mccitteen, jr„ and Mimi Helen D. Holcomb. ACKLEY-110LCOMB.—la Ulster, May 9tb, by Rev. N. Deem Mr. A delbert W. Ackley and Miss Rosins Holcomb, all or Inner. • ATERS—GEORGIA.— In Towanda. May B, by Dew. John C. Stewart, D. D.. Decatur Ayres, of Snrlington, and Mrs. Annie C. Georgia, of Sudthneld. cioss—WlLSON..—At the residence of the bride• father, Mr. Jamei Wilson.: of Athens; by Rev. 13 Barton French. Mr. Frank L. Ross, of Derrick City, Pa., Sad Min Louise S. Wilson, of Athena. BAILEY.—At Warren Center, Saturday, May 11, 1676, John Q. Batley. - aged 36 years. - At the time of his death. Mr. BA.utir was an active member of the Baptist Church, of Warren Centre, and was a moat' esemplary Christian man —belched and respected by all who knew him. Ile leaves a wife and one son to mourn their loss. HOTT.—At ColoMbla X Roads, Starch 6, 1878, of Erysipelas., Eva J., only daughter of Z. C. and R. C. Mutt, aged 15 years, 7 month; and 11- days. ETA was an amiable and lovely young lady,. greatly admired by all who knew her. Shiwas the light of the household, and by her quiet and amia ble ways contributed largely to the happiness of bei homy now so desolate. Her Illness was of short ,do . lion, kind • '. • APPRA.ISER'S LIST.— Venders of foreign and domestic merchandise, distil lers and brewers, brokers, *c., in Bradford Coun ty, will take notice that they are appraised and classed by the undersigned, Appraiser of Metz chants and other license tax for the year 1875, as follows, to wit Class. P Cochran, S D bleregero & Co., ASTLVX TWP. II Miody & Son, Geo 11 Webb, 0 F Young, E Weller,g Underhill At Noble, Porter k Co., C H Wheelock, - King Borchert, Wanderer k Co., Jos Wylie, H M Corey, ' Anson Beldleman, D F Park, Ely Wright, Jos Hines, F II Lyon, G 'L Estabrook, E N Frost, M Lyons, John Peterson, Chas Morse, -- C S Drake, I Potter, John Carroll, Gladke k Itosenbarn, -Wolcott & Gohl, W P Chaffee,- Mitchell Bios T Ereanbraek, . A\ A Rimier, Fitch $ Kinney; F T Page, H Wißiston, G C Gregg, 8 M Wooster; . - BUELINGTON nono., F D Proctor. W II D Gieen, BC \ BAIC hi Knapp. It A_ Abbott, supt, N J Thompson, 'fgt., P F Lynch, Jerry Ryan. Beeman &ICenoly. Strait & Hibbard. C H Gernert, . C G McClelland. Geo McCarrlck, CAXTON, EAST Burnham & BeardsMe, J R Wright, Mills & Peppers. White & Sinclair, James Flnnell, Strait & Son D P Sanders, • C M Elliott, W Clark, • • Burk, Thomas Ai Co., Khmer & Moody, E Newman, - O H Crippen & Elliott, 1' Ulman, L Yochsberg, 11 M Trout; C W Beardsley, E Smith, W S Cranmer, Pierce, Tripp h Pierce., B S Dartt, Coe At Campbell, Bacon & A V Trent, - 'J Kenney, • C E Stone, W Owen & Son, Mix & Whiteman, T WPeck, Coon & James Johnsion, B M Walters, Tailor k Manley, P Porter Moe, J J Anderson, W WArmstrong, W:Lsatz. Hugh M Holcomb, H A Holcomb, G W Bailey, L L Bosworth, 0 Bensley, Grey & Lyon, 'Gorham & Coleman, J r Carl, D G Bawl. L P Blackman, A 8 Baldwin, W Johnson, G W Irvine. • J S Harrington, .famq n o Tracy; - E T Fowler, llehsevanit & Co, ,L o IloSea, Summeta k DJ Sweet. Sweet t lateens. A L Creamer & Bons tteletemor t lifootorther, Francini:Wham k Co., . . 'Pendleton Broe. Potter k Doolittle. !stable k Corbin, Y Ileardaiso, • .. Jr cooper. W L rentlieleeh: .. 1 •PICIAL LOCAL. MARRIED. DIED. "I.lfe's fitful fever O'er She sleeps well." Legal. I= ALBA 80110 =I ATHENS 8080 WAIST DISRUNGTON .LINGTOX TWT = COLUMBIA = CANTON 80110. I=l WEST FRANKLIN TAP. GRAXTILLS TWF. IE3 1272:MIXCUI iatCnrizib -rwr. LICSOT LIUATOSVILLZ nonw. =62:11 SONROX, nouu•. OTROTON ?MP. OIWLLL !API. * 1111111 TWLy: Z J Lastsbrooto, • , H • goo & Co, 0 & A II Hanoi% aoNZ 1010% N Fran. L ft tirowidEr. John Whitaker, L Rome GrAoge, Pt( g, Geo Nkbols, L Les; PAWL TWIN 0 1 Norton, PWG lOtl. 8 Owen, J C Robinson. B C rmins. Craig A Totals, 1=1333:1= If Berry. W , KG Chao% MU W Strong. lITLYANIA. 8080% P Peek, H 7 Smith, emtwansgm X B Watson, W T Daly X 8 Daftness, 0 D thita,' T H Mattock • ormip:Xo2 'STOWS Twr. VEBush. MexEsuits, Bostwlckilmr, 'IIIIIIIIIIQUIX Osborn Bine, ,0 F Ayers; spivs/Ista? rirr. Z S Tracy ki ca A E Chillies k 800, M Bullock it Soh, E Vorhis, Walter Phillips, CBMu,. TOWANDA BOZO. 11 BA H Owen, . • • J r Comer, Mr■O w Mingo., J J. Kent, McCabe, Jr Edward., s Mclntrye A Rumen, ' Bowman A Kline, -11 .1 Larklit„ ' . • W Kismet' T Muir &Co, , ' Powell & Co, • Holmes Jr Pass" Dontrieb, Z Dittrich A Go, - • C P Welke; . • E Wehrle& fkm, ' W A Chamberlin,' T H Emnione, The Singer Manufacturing Co; Whitcomb A Maui, -C II Porter, D W &Ott & Braund & Hill, Abram knell, . George I. Rosy Henry Mercur, W K Smalley, C V Cross, - • George Ridgway. • . D Wickham, 0 T June, T Kirby, A Mosencrance, Montanyee, • 3 0 Prorate' Sons, Pi Jardbe, 11 C Porter, Decker Brea', . C P' Dayton, 0 M Clark, M E Rosenfield, C S Fitch, 1D Filch A Co; J Madill, Leroy McKean, P Hicks, . John Carmen, = J K Bush, George Stevens, • H Jacobs . . Woodford A l'andorts, Turner A Gordon, C M'Myer, • • ' Crane A Illidreth, L T Royer, John Beidleman, Isaac Sterne, Rockwell A Titus, • Wm A Rockwell, Joseph Hindi,' 11 A Cowlny ' - Humphrey - fires' A Tracy. Pierce dr Scott, • Jemes 11 Phinney, - Howe,pfachine Co., Hullos& 'Lundell. A 1/ & , ; =EZZ J 2d Capwell h Sons, J P Horton, k ,J Vilorton, ETE3III3! A JSilrara, == - .12 .1 II Dexter, Shat r, George T Ingham, Horton & Tyrrell, Stowell Bros, Charles Kingsley, 02 Jske Sebnonor4, Smith & Park, Daniel Meehan, Charles Banter, JEAVE #lO 00 15 00 W G F G Cooper, J D Kinney. I= Wm .H Hume% M held! man & Cud Wm N Barrington James Mather, . • c. p Forrest, . . A Olmstead, James Irvine, A Watklus, • TROT BONO Jewell .t Bomeroy, Stewart Bros.; John H Grant • Grohs & Lee, Dewey & D II Dare, E Culver & Son Dobbins & Johnson, Ilictok & C H Spalding, Daimon & McCabe, Hobert & Porter, H F Long, J B eaten°, W Eighmey, II Wolf A Co., Dewitt & Balky. fanning &Loomis, Whittaker & Long, Bradley, Newbercy,.Peck & Co., A Pierce & 800, Redington & Leonard, D B Mitchel, 10 00 E Charnbetiln, ' C B IFloßeranek, I M Allis, Ackley, Loyd & Blocher, J II Howard,. 8 Ackley, Lewis A Brown, • Andrew' Fee J Ballock, N P Bosworth & Co., Clark Bollenback, V Hornet, BJ Fuller, C 8 Fuller, + C 8 Lafferty, 7 00 7W 700 40 00 80 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 700 7 00 7 00 Sheplicard. W 8 Boiktnno, 10 00 ° lint of Orions engaged In. the tale *of. Pitent Bedla N m& mtnuits, de, In the County of Bradford, for•the year lga Liiil D Btorriere„. 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 Porter & Co, *TRIMS litillolllfil Joe G T klicanbnick, • CANTON IL \Bearlatep, CANTON IMP. B W Clark, & Whiteman, 3000 10 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 700 700 Burnlottn Wright, Tiglor It Manley, =I J G Ikm',ley, L P Blacktuan C D Holcomb, HC Tracy V J Sweet, , 7 00 E N Fsoat, - TW? 10 00 J 0 Itobiason, I= 12 60 7 00 7 00 W 8 Dailey, I) I_l it Bullock & sou. w, Clark D'rorter, C T C Porter, Turner a Gordon, 7 00 10 00 James Irelne, Stewart , Broi, 13 B 0 00 7 00 7 00 0 00 0 00 P A Qu rcrC, V Fount. 7 00 •__.7 00 7 00 700 FEED! • A list ravenous engaged In Hotel keeping En - tile County of Bradfonl. for the year 1878: El P D Wilcox, . J W Morrie Kellogg, 7 00 7 po 12 50 7 00 12 50 7 00 7 00 7 00 Chao Dewltt, 8 8 Bugg, . 0► M Shmabough, Wirren Bnilth, JalP Btrotig, 10 00 10 00 John ltrettig 4 . lames Vu; II Tattle, 100 7 00 7 00 700 10 00 12 10 EEM;fieffl =I 700 7 00 10 00 TOO T 00 7 00 7 Of/ 700 10 00 7 00 ' TOO 700 12 60 10 00 10 00 7 OD 7,00 700 7 00 IE 7 00 7 00 7 Otk 7 00 7 00 10 OQ 700 700 700 700 10 00 7 00 12 50 12 SO 10 00 7 00 9rnai.. Tax.. 10 '2003 • 12 12 60 14 7.00 10 -2000 . 50 00 -8 30 00 13 1000 14 700 14 - 700 13 10 00 8 100 00 12 12 30 14 700 13 10 00 13 10 OU .14-• . • 700 13 1000 • - 14 " 700 13 10 00 13 10 00 ' 13 10.00 10 ', O 20 00 13 10 011 14 700 - 13 10 00 , 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 Oo -14 700 14. '7OO 10 20 00 14 713 14 7 4.0 13 10 00 11 15 00 14 7 00 13 I() 00 13 1» 00 . 13 .1() 01 10 00 13 \ 10 00 13 10 00 - II) 21 (x) 13 10 00 . 14 . 7 01- 13 10 00 "14 . 7 00 13 " 10 (0) .p 59 00 13 10 110 13 11) ' 14 701 13 II) 101 • 2' 250) • 14 7 00 . 14 7 011 13 1 10 00 11 15 ei 14 7 Olt 14 7 00 • 14 7 Oft 3 100 00 14 700 14 700 14 7 00 13 10 vo 8 30 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 =2 13 12 13 14 10 no 12 4)0 10 (F) 700 =! 700 40 00 7 00 7 (0 7 00 7 00 12 4 1000 ll= 7.00 7 00 7 CO 137=31 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 WTALUSIXO I= 7 nO 7 00 =I CIE= =1:02 OE 5 00 5,00 =3 CANTON BOZO Ml= 6(q 5 00 I 21:1=2 mosior. 80\O.\ ' - 4 lONIC Bob.O • . 4 \ „ 5 (0 Ela 0l) 5 Nl\ 6 DO TOWANDA, 11101110, 10 00 10 l 0 10 on 10 00 I=3 riov moio. =2 I Clan . 5-* 50 40 t,. .s'. 50.1 , 0 5 60 00 1:3=3 =1:12 5 5010 5 '9oto =1 5 • 5OOO 5 50 00 =MIIII2 5 141 5 50 OU CANTON BOZO 5 . 50 00 5 5000 6•' 60 00 4 100 00 ti 60 CIO Lap]. !earn asst[ TWP, -7 - • 6 60 00 f. Cho ,Saffetp, SYLVANIA SOIL Hem Casaforum; APRINC111114) TWO. Jos Carom aszasswix: D IN lialencrans, 8011111 WAVIIILY. Wm Iltommy, - TWP. 16 platesly. =l=2l Ores! Kellogg, TOW/ . IIIDA CI U Seeley, _ Wm Henry, John ISullivan, W Metier, 81[ Mown.. • oUPDisbrow. A- Jennlop, J C Vance, T II Jordan. Li! X A Forest, John Beeman, Mural Brown. I==3 heePal Janhmma. EMI D 8 Kennedy,. Doughilm, Charles Bartlett; TT& LCZIFIL 13 town, l'.,inn-I iJ 8 /I Derry,' ~ --4.- • . 6 60 00 1 A net of persons enisged In ranting Hilliard TWIG In the County of Bradford, for the par 1678. • • - Tali& Tot •i CJUITON 111010. W W Gleckner, =3 J W Maynard, ildlnasqua) =l= T 3 Jon's°, • • - : 9 4000 7 n Wm Henry, • .. 1 30 00 A list . 4 Rankin IA the Comity of Bredkied We 11171 L =CM E E De*n•t Son I= Pomeroy Bra. WTALVIIIIO. G M Bixby, A lid and elasellicatkro of person' slimed In ir hole. sale liquor dealing lo' the Want,. of 11Inn:Wort for the year 1878. •. TOWANDA. HOBO, C T Kliby, • John Pitigerpids James Commtakez, Nut?le, Caton, • - CQLU)IBIA 2W? L P - Palmer, - 13 - 35 - 00 A Het of penman mooting 'Bewlteg - Allies in the cot:may of Bradford for the year 18731 CAXTON TWV. 1.. • . 'J W Maynard (1 slier, *3O 00 A list of pe none ruining breierlee In . the county of Bradford fur the iear lin: 1 . - . C B Spalding, TOWANDA DORO ALodrr, . - ; 'lB .18 (0) • , . A list of petwons ranofog osioxio In the county of Bradford for the year 1878.- TOWANDA 8080, Patrick McGoTatilf TROT 8080. . 4 • 13 ' • 13- F Green; 11 Wolfe & Co„ CB-143 SIFICATION OFtVENDIPBEI Or 111}3. DISE. : Balm SIM° Clam EMI do' 10 000 r do IM=EZIZI :do 20 do do 3o um • dj • do '0 010 do do ..54) (MU.. do do fin 000., do . do• 75 Imo ' do do • AS ono do do 1110 do ' CLISSIFICATION OF PATENT. BULDICINES. Mae. Tax. 4 6 00 $ 10'00 Wel I 1(% CMS do 200 do do , SOU do I j ' 2 CLASSIFICATION OF TAVERNS. Sales of 14000 and leas than 5000 • Class 5. Tai. Balei of 1000 and less than 6000 Class 4. Tax CLASSIFICATION OF WHOLESALE-LIQUOR . . DEALERS. Sales-or 5000. and all sales ander Class 13 . Take notice, all who are concerned in Ibis tippraise!, talent, that an appeal will -be held at the Treasurer% Office, in Tolauda, °tithe 14th day of June, A. D. ma, between the hours of 10 a. is. and 2r. when and where you may attend if you think proper. - E. D. RUNDELT., Merontlle Appraiser. :/1q t5Z1878. • TN BANKRUPTCY.. District XCourt of the United States for the treater& di.. trict of Penns,iridds. This Is to give notice. that 'on the Pith day of April A. D. 1878 a warrant In bankruptcy was Issa• ed against the estate of Rufus W. ChUd of Smith. field twp. in the County of . Bradford, and State et Pennsylvania, who has bee adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition; that the payment Of ;say debts and delivery of atiy property belonging to such bankrupt to Sim or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbiden by law ; that a meeting of the creditors of said bent rupt to prove these debts, and to choose one Or more assignees of his estate, will-be held at sr Court. of Bankruptcy. to be held at the cake of Overton & Mercur, Towanda Pa., 'before IL A. 'Hereto . Esq.. Register. on the NU day 'of MAT A. D. 1878, at 10 o'clJek, A. M. April,lBth, - 1878. JOHN HALL. • • U. S. Marshal as Messenger. ININ BANKRUPTCY. District of the United Stabs for the Western Dia rict of Pennsylvania. In the matter of Mahlon C. Mercur. Bankrupt.. Western District of Ponasyl. vania, A warrant in 'Bankruptcy has been issued by said Court against the estate of Mahlon C. •Mercur, or the County otßradford and State of Pennsylvania, . Insaid District, adjudged a Bankrupt upon Peti tion of his Creditors, and the payment of any debts and the delivery of any property belonging to sate' Bankrupt, to him or to his use, and the transfer of .y property by him, are -forbidden by law. A eeting., of the - Creditors of said Bankrupt, to prove their debts and choose one or more Assignees ' of his Estate, will be held at a Coen of Bitakrupt cy to beheld at Williamsport in said District. on the 28th day of MAY,A. D. int. at a o'clock P at the Mice of F. E. Smith, Esq. oae of the Regis. tens in Bankruptcy of said District, in Court House. • John Hall: may U. S. Marshal for said District. IBANKRUPTCY.—In the ilk- • _l_trict Court of the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania. Franklin 11. Person, of Troy, Bradford C 0... Penn., a Bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2d, 1867, harlot applied fora Discharge from all his debts. and other, claims provable under said Act, By order of the. Court, Notice is hereby ' given, to all Creditors who have proved their debts, and other persons interested/to appear on the 27th, day of kf AY 1878 at 11 o'clock, A. M., before B. A. Mercur Esq.. IteUster in Bankruptcy. at his Mee.' in the Troy House, Troy. Penn., to show cense, if any they have, why a Discharge 'should not be • granted to the Said Bankrupt. Troy, May oth. • S. C. McCandless ' IN BANKRUPTOY.--In the dis trict Court of the United States teethe Western ,District of Pennsylvania. In the matter of Mala. - ..lT.Shomaker. Bankrapt. to. attl, In Bankrupt ' e Western District of Pennsylvania. o whom it may concern : The undersigned here• by see notice of his appointment as. Assignee of Malachi T. Shoemaker, of Writ Burlington. In the County of. Bradford and State of Pennsylvania, within said district, who has been adjudged a bankrupt .ipon his own petition by the district court of said district. Dated CanWa the itth day of May A. D. 1878." J: May, 16-2 w. ! Assignee. • . DMINISTRATOR'I NOTICE. .EX—tiottett is hereby given that all persons. to debted to the estate of ComeliaJakeway,late of She ihequin twin, dec'd, are requested to mate tamed. .late payment, and nil persona having claims against mid estate 'must present them duly. authenticated for settlement. G. S. LAWRENCE. May, 16-6 w. Analstatrater. •• FyiXECUTOR'S NOTlOE—Notice , • Is hereby glean that all persons Indebted to the estate of G. A. Ganon, late of Wilmot, decd. are requested to mak 5 immediate payment, and all persons haring claims against sald estate must present them daily authenticabed for settlement. - THOMAS It. QUICK . Sugar Run, April 25,-It. . • Executor. Ern V j X.ECUTOR'S NOTIC E.—N citice Is hereby alien that all persons Indebted to fhb estate of -Joseph Humphrey, late of Sheabequln, deed. are requested to make Immediate payment, and all persons haring claims against said estate must present them duly authenticated for settle. went. A. J. THOMPSON. - • Sbesbequtn, May 6, IL Executor. AD.IIINI,§TRATOR'S NOTICE. ilotice is hereby given that all penons In. debted te the estato of 4greiniati Blackman, late of Monroe totruship, deed are requested to make immediate paymentvandall persons having claims against mild watt must present them dnly asthma. Bested sot settlement. B. B. HOLLETT, • . administrator, with will annexed. Bouroeton, Pa., \ April 11, MS.' 5o 5m 5 00 TROY WOO EN MILLS. , • . .. • J. C. Loveland - 4 eon. • ... . - - • Manufactu \ rers of . WOOLEN GOODS, CARPETS, TARNS, A.C. . ,\ - . - • Frilled-Cloths, Flannels and Tins manufactur• ed by the yard on shares, or Woo l - . taken in ox. change for goods. \ Yarn taken In the skein of customers, to be toted on cotton warps for Blankets, - Sheeting or Men's , wear. i " Wo are alway s prepared todoltoll Carding , raiej- Dyeing (all co lon), and cutlet Weaving. \ ' - J. C. LOVELAND A SON. Troy.:Ps., May 2. Be784III: . . \ 113 ECIA.AE HOTEL, 1 -\ (rovid - SIDIt PUBLIC aqvAria.) '' \ • Tidirreiktatera home bee bees tberoaribly rear • 'aerated aatt repaired throvirboat. arili tbe proprie- . for la noir premed to Mir ill1•46111111101:01MMOdip . Ilona 10 thit IMMO. ea rite moot naresshis terms. , - ' IL .11. ilttiNlidela, , , . • .. . . I II II a 8 ' IO !Al 6 ' 60 CO I 6 66•t0 50 GO 4. Mk 00 t s . 1. • • 5 SO GO . 5 50 6 50 OS a , SO SO ' 5 SO AOW ° 00 6' 50 CO 6 50 GO • ' .4 101.1 50 GO 6 .60 co —; 6 6000 +. 6 SO 00 I 40 , 80 CO • 60 OD , 1 - - S aoo GO CO a. doss Tss 9 40 00 9 40 00 SS OD am. • Tax. 13 25 00 13 15,00 13 35 00 13 23 00 13 ' 23 00 . Mos. - iTax. • 13 25 011 Clana. Tax. 13 2600 23 DO 25 W 14 1-X1 EOM IMIIM --- Ii lb 00 10 •2)00 9 95(19 SO 00 40 OD 9 90 00 5. in 00 4 - So il) 3 100 OU 3000 5000 100 00 IS 00