rabid gtportet 1 EDITORS 1 O. GOODEICII. S. W. ALVORD. Towanda, Pa., Thursday, Itarl6,. 1878. STATE CONTENTION. Special to ttioilitrourzn.• • • ' HARIIIBIICRG, itBy 14, 1878 The delegates tei the .Convention to organizelo-morrow, are nesrly-all in town to-day, and the various ho ids are densely crowded with an ex cited throng. The friends of. both .GaOW and; !Toil* are sanguine of suc- Cess - . =At the present, writing the chances ale in favor.of the latter, but Gaow is wining, and may carry - off the prize. Sentiment of the __ leaders , is,divided as to whidh of the two gen tlemen would-make the stronger man; both are very popular, and either would Pollthe full vote of the party. The - Bradford delegates are active and vigilant, and their opinions com .mand great respect.- . Caucuses are,to be held this eve. ning, when the line of action to be carried ogt•.to-morrow will be agreed . upon, The Gnaw aLd WICKERSLIAN -men• have it in their power to organ ize the Convention, but time -close whether they possess the -lead "ership to avail themes ofsuch an ad vantage: LArza.—We, learn 1 telegraph that the Conti ention met at I‘,lO'cloek, and after organization proceeded to thenotniination of candidates. ilorr was nominated for goiernor on the first ballot,—receiving one handred and sixty-one votes. The platform floes not refer. to national matters. BrurerioN OF FEES, One of the first acts of Senator ,D.lkviEs on the - assembling of the liresent sessimi of _the Legislature eras to introduce a bill reducing the fees'no'w received .by county officers, and alt!lcoughthe measure wad stren uously; opposed: by many Senators, through the watchfulness of 'our Sen ator it has finally passed, 'and after the expiration of the present term our county officera will have to be content with about two-thirds the salary they now receive. The bill is an eminently-proper one, and Sena tor DAVIES and our Members are en titled to a - hirge share of credit for iputting it through and Will receive ' the approbatioti of all, and especially of the !debtor eliiss, from whom the fees are mostly collected. . • It is , peculiarly gratifying to Mr.l DAviEs' constituents that he is ac-' corded a place in the front rank of lcadinj and influential Senators, and that to secure'hiS advocaey of any : measure is always equivalent to its.. tit:mess. • - SOME of the good temperance peo - pie, who have so often listened to the declaration from the lips. of Cot. and several other gentlemen . -! of this place .during the last year, - . si• that " mine but pledged Prohibition ists" could ever receive their "sup port for 'any offices hereafter," will be somewhat astonished.to learn that the wily Colonel,, with a brace of other professed Prohibitionists; were engaged tooth and nail in an* effort 1.4) secure the nomination for Gover nor of Col. PioLLEr, one of the most outspoken and consistent ,advocates Sr free whisky in the State. Indeed, it is the boast. of. Piourr that the only way in which he contributes to the payment of the 'National debt is in putthihing a vast amonnt of whisky, 110 N. M. S. QVAY has resigned the .of Secretary . . of State under Governor HARTRANFT, the resignation to take effect inimediate ly. :In serving his connection with ofticial life in this Col. QUAY' leaves a host of personal and politi cal friends, who will always be. glad to,hear of his continued prosperity. Courticoirs, affable, with excellent mental qualities, and a eciod judge of human- nature,hewillbring to the ex ercise of the duties of his new office just those qualities requisite to a successful administration, The Gov ernor has not yetintimated his choice , for the succesion.—glarrisburg Tel egraph. •;1 TUE first volley in the contest for the control of the Forty-sixth Con gress will be fired in Oregon. The election occurs next month; n7heri a Representative 'will be elected, and also the legislature which will decide Who shall be the next United States Senator, The two parties poll nearly the Same . votei the Hayes electors re ceiving only a small majority. In the last legislation four Independents _held the balance of. power. The struggle pending will be an excitinf one, and as theinitialzun will attract the attention of the country.. THE recent decision of a California court that Chinese emigrants cannot become citizens of tha-United States is strictly in accordance With the law. Originally the right of naturalization was confined to free whites, but in 1870 the statute was so amended as to include persons of Africa n descent. With this exception men of color: are cit./ uded. ."•Wno . made Mowzn ?" is • what Col. SMITH wairOZto know; while " Senator " • Otrlan modestly • asks," Who .gave that r0 -headed law yer authority •to organize clubs ?" Happy lot of fellows, - those - Green baekers ' • TUE faet that Mr. SHEARER, the National candidate for', Lieutenant,- (Jove:ll'or, has declined, and Judge Brxri.ty is undecided in regard to aecePting, is not a very encouraging 'augury of success at the polls. THE !NATIONALS' CONTENTION, PHILA\ PIIIA, M ay 8i;--_-The • Na tional State onventfon Was called t o . order at Con ert Hall, this morning at 10:30, by S6ike Chairman Deweek. All the Counties in the State with the exception of ibout five, had full delegate t s present. \lt is estimated that the number of delecrates present \ 0 is'about 230. .Chairrhan Dewees; in his address to the convention; review ed the condition of the *IT, r . David Kirk was elected temporary chairman. Alter the appeintment of Committee on Credentials,- the Contention adjourned until 2.0' lock \ p. In.. \Upon re-assembling the report ini' thecommittee naming Frank W. Hughes for president was adopted. Among other speech makers', Miss Farrar\was introduced, and argued that the -national party- should xecog nize the right -of woman suderage. Mrs. Burns followed in . the same vein. ' ' A\ A eommitt,ee on Organisation and on Platform Was appointed, after which the conve Lion adjourned until evening. . . Upon - re-assemb ing at 8 o'clock this evening the Co s iTntion receiv ed the report of the `ommittee on Permanent Organisation making Frank Ir. Hughes,. of Schuylkill county, permanent president, a vice president from each Senatorial Dis : . trict and live secretaries, which was adopted. ' • 1 • The following gentlemen were then placed in nomination: For Ciovernorl,-S. B. Mason, of .Mercer ; Thos. M.: Marshall, of All egheny.; Hendrick B. Wright; of Lu zerne ; - Chas. L. Corson, of Mont gomCry, and V. F. Piollet, of Brad ford. For Judge of Supreme Court-- Judge, Agnew, of Beaver; Judge Clayton, of Bele ware ; Benj. S. Bea ty, of Williamsport, formely of Mont rose ; Atulge 31ayer, of Clinton. For 'Lieuteamit Governor--,R, B. M'Comh, of Lawrence; Christopher Shearer, of Berks ; Wm. Ibols, .of Centre: For S cretary of Internal affairs —Sames , ,L. Wright, of Philadelphia; Prof.' A: M. Bust, of Allegheny ; Hugh B. Stevens, of Philadelphia; Joseph A. M'Gee, of Philadelphia. All elforts at adjobnrment were defe:tted and a Ballot on the Snpieme .fndgeslip vras proceeded with, re 4niting, in Be . nt receiving 114 votes and ,Agnew 94 \ tcs. •A motion to ominate S. B. Mason :by neclamation was lost, The name of Thomas R. Marshall was withdraWn and the ballot pro ceeded. . Two,, ballots — were taken on the GorernOrship, the first resu:tirig as follows: ; Armstrong, - 31 ; Wright, M 4 ; Mason. 94; Piollet, 4. • The second ballot was as for ojcs: Amstrong. 24: : Wright, 57 ; Mason, 115: Piollet, 2. Masr , was there upon declared-the nominee, and• the nomination was made unanimous. There was•but one ballot taken on the Lieut4nant GOvernorShip and it resulted as follows : .1 - learer. 129 ; Pincher, 3-, and-Jackson 37. All the other eanclicates for the position'were withdrawn. The•batlot for Secretary of Inter nal` affairs resulted as • folrows: Wripiit; 9:3 ; Burt, '75 : Caldw'ell,- 3. The name of ll'GeC had been with drawn.. IThe follow - in, Is . TllE I'L :TFfßtil vets, Our govet:um•nt, founded upon the prfnt•ieles of trelivillaul sovereignty and the equal civil and leditical ritthts of all citizen', was design ed t 1 le • a trovertir. 'tit •%of peopee•. for the peo ple. and by ti n • but has become, in fact, a government of corporat ions. for the necumniat lon mid protection of property, by politicians, bankers, bylikers, stork gambler and other; whose Interests at* diametrically upped to the general welfare of the noopM ; and 1111.1,m5. lie polbitionthe ballot-box, through (rand, bribery, le•rjury an I ViUiellee, the will of the people has been disregarded in our elections. and by the incemp-tenee or wickedness of public ser vants uoj d.t law: have loco enacted which have paratrf,•d 'lndustry. destroyed c•ontlrLsnee, compell; the, people. antagotilvol races - and filed the land with suffering. starvation ; and R'htle I.ththe Demoriiit and tlepnh. bean parties itre re,pons'ilile for these evils, they Ineither of them apt h,llll' to Colllprellelld the gravity of Ihe N/I MI! lon or offer any wise and peareable t remedy for these vimngs, coatinninr, to keep alive they party mgatii:.at Pons and to divide, the people intoluedile parib , for the there purpose of a di vision of the Ale Ills of otheo, thereby rendering a ne' parts . organized to secure equally of eitizeit , Ship,aini . lust ire to ail. au aleailitte tineessity for the premervation of the Republic. Tttut . Fmmt.. Tile itelegams to the first ennven lion of the National vasty for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. as,embhol lh Philadelphia May s, Is7o. I•ommen.l to their fellow -eltizens, as essential to the pro,:perity awl progress of a free people, the following. El= FITZsT. The pnblic lands-theloriglng to all the people—should be Carted It held In (east for the homes of A metlean citirens I that theloi ernmsnt filionn) ifirnish aid to Mottles ffesirlsof of settleing ,thereupon, in miming sufficient to enable them tw retillivate and improsw.the sank. Instead of fpnifier ,int.; the puldic dominion upon • corpofations or pri vate speculum-, .SEt nso, in last of Daniel Webster. The great interests of this great country, the producing eansetf all Ifs prosperity; is labors tsfse,r : LA BOK The govetnment was made tf• protect this Mins try ; to give to it Lath encouragement morserurity, To this very cod. with this precise . ldert In rhew putter lea , given cr. Congressciver the currency and over the money system of the country. - Anti as the general goVernment alone- has been entlusted with the high constitutional prerogative of deter miningthe nouwy syststo of the nation We demand that this grea . Vower over the people, controlling as it does their power of a...elation In I he e xchange of contaislities. ssrvlres and itt.•ft , , shall no longer I he den-gated to icr,vate Inciielcinals,ccr eorisitutiou, but that hereafter I be exorcised by the .general Rol eminent alone. Hi areordiume with the neeels mid prosperity of our own citizen., rather than eon him In the financial syf truss of Europe winch have for centuries been used by l'he few to enslave the 1 many. , 1_ THUM That National teiptr motley or green li1;s, based not alOne on twin metals, sliver and tid, but upon the emlre wealth MA Integrity of the natiol., should ire Issue'd In sufficient quantities to revive our jmost rate Industries, by enabling the people to associate freely sit h each other in the exchange of services. commodities anti ideas, and thereby put an end, at once and forever, to the suf fering and ruin which is rending Iloshearts of our people and inciterinining our clvillratsom ' This I money is in 1w a li'ffal tender for all debts. public and private. FOrltTlf. That 3.4 money.reptcAentsaccortitTlated labor, It , an i uFnt 111 , re3qt , or Interest should be Anil-led to the gen , r - ,11 avel ar,r yearly forte Ise In all brane hes of - American Industry, wlstelt at the Lpneseut time cannot exceed throe 'per Cl.en per :Annum. this principle hereafter to apply to all debts. and every violation of it to be punished as a, misdemeanor. t>rrlt. The national debt Should be paid accord- In to the. terms agreed upon when the debt was contracted-1,4,1A not payable In coin should be paid In corraney. No more bonds should Ir. Issued except for .th.s redemption for those payable In eoln, and phew no: to be mid In a foreign market. hnt tout sznalt dleutlininationN, In which the sav ings of the masses may Ice safety Invested. lit - Xvit. That all spectulative tramsactions• In money, government bond.. land, food ,or any of the necomarle.s of ' human life should be prohibited, and all Improvements Indispensable to the welfare of the prove Should be controlled by government to their ititeriA. SEVENTH. We demand a system of just taxation by which the wealth of the nation. rather than the Industry of the people, shall pay the expense of the goverment. No property except what belongs to government, should be exempt front hearing Its just shire of the public burdens t and that a gradit ated Weenie tax should supersede our presents un just systein of placing the heaviest burdens of tax ation upon those least able to bear them. Ett;l1T11. Labor-saving machinery, Instead of be ing used by capitalists to enslave the 'soaking elasses--driving them Into a deadly competition with each other. in which the holiest ties of altec tion are destroyed in a remorseless struggle for to bless io controlled 'by government as M bless the whole community by lessening the hours and eheaPening the products of toll. raising the wages of. the Wagers, and thereby affording time and eppertenity for greater Intellectual de velopmentand a, higher NINTH, We demand the repeal of :Milan's which tend to oppress the industilous for the. bencliet of the idle, or to enrich the few by I ,, proverishing the many; that co-opperation in productive labor and equitable'distribution or Its rewards be mado as practicaldo•for latagers as it now is for Capitat ists toetenbine In order to Secure the profits of In dustty, And, as there can be no political freedom to th.e.e" ecOnomically enslaved, it hehonves nnr people to mate at once to secure such legislation as will effect [tally check fhb already Increasing and dangerous usurpation. of enpitallstsS and comas- Volts. and • that will .protect the rights of the humble citizens. , TV.nvd. The epetive franchise .is the birth right of A ruerfractettizeuship.,and any atteniptlo deny Its exercise en account fit t ptiverly or by Into. 'iluelara property quallf eation - wlll be resisted by 411 the means - In our paver. The ballet-box must Ire the true depository of the people's will every at tempt to pollute It roust Tilted with severe 1 . punishment. ELZ 31 VZII/, That as tromen, 1 are cititaue as fully entitled as men , to all the privileges ;properly be longing to citizens. haying.% ireat Interest In all the institution of IlocieiY. we recommend that they have equal civil and political eight& TWEr.rtif. Wetlemand thoehthf-bour system of labor; the peohlbltion:ot child labor; the abandon of ttio forlion cuctrstaaratetzt • factory Woe. yid 'letnicabop Inspection.; irtiOM;lale sad' permanent ~tie law" fpr (be protection , of Americas Who- National , • . the estabilshmeat of labor tairearis, State and . • TrinThearitzi, We demand the abolition of all auPtallare public offices, misted as sinecures. with enormous Mares. for party poitomis;_that all pub liecilleers Militia to striet • setennm=ity•for the. !faithful performance of their duties underthe lam and that every infringement of the constitutional or legal rights of the citizen by: our public officer shall be sever/Ay . • Fonteramtru; Edaaadlon shall be freelseidar and 'industrial. No child should he allowed to grow up In Ignorance or be taught to despise man. nal labor, so that he will prefer to lire IlEthenestly upon the earnings of ethers rather than by his own hottest toll. Flrramittr. The National party proposes to rev; cue this government from the grasp of selfishness and steed, to end the abuses that prey upon its vitals and to restore to It. as the trustee of all Abe peep*, that economy Integrity, IMpartiolly and puttee Worthy the generous totifipnce of a great nation and the hope of mariktod." THE CAMERON-131IERNAN WEDDING:- -CLEVELAND, May 9.—The marriage of Senator J. D. Cameron to Miss ►an, the • long-talked of the society gossips, has ited. The wedding was, tost elaborate and costly Cleveland people have ereTnony was cele- Pau)s Church which is ,ndsfimest structures in the city. - For \ titis. occasion it was decorated in tli most elaborate style. The entire alter as liteially covered with flowers; upo each side In semi circular form, were ilace 1 dumps of almost every variety f white flowers and green. plants. At the entrance to the' chancel was an e . borate arch 'of evergreens covered with orange blossoms. Beneath this 'arch the bride and. groom knelt whilC \ the \sa cred-service was performed by \ fight Rev. Bishop Kedell, of this dio ese, and Rev. N. S. !Wilson, the Ilec or of the church. : . \ The.ceremony was witnessed by nearly 1,000 invited guests, - only those holding tickets were-admitted. ' Among the guests present from abroad were the following: Secre tary Sherman, wife and daughter and . Miss Huggins; General Sher man and daughter, Airs. J. C. Auden reid, General S.- Van Vile.; ; Mrs. Moulton, of Cincinnati, and Mrs. M. M. Granger, of Z inesville ; Satri. uel F. Barr, of - Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne MacVeagh, of Philadel phia'; Mr. and Mrs. IL M'Cormick ; Miss. Burnside; Miss ; Cameron, daughter of, Senator • Cafrieron ; 'Mr. J. N. Du, Barry • Mr. and Mrs, John Wister ; Mrs Clifford Sinith. and Mr. A: M. Hoyt and 7 , family, of Albany. At a feW minutes' before-8 o'clock 4 the chiircli having been 'Med to its utmost capacity for some time, the bridal party arrived, and, entering by the front passage, passed up the long aisle in full view of the multi tude of spectators,l First came the bridesmaids—Miss Ella Sherniaa, of Washington ; Miss. Moulton, of Cin cinnati ; 'Miss Jennie Dennison, of Columbus; .hiss Julia Parsons, •of Cleveland ; Miss Senter, of Cleve land ; and Miss Debillier, of Yonkers N. Y.; then the bride leaning upon • the arm of her. brother, Henry Sher , man ; next followed the bridesgroom with Mrs. Sherman, mother of the bride. At the chancel steps Mr: Cameron met his bride, and thetwo marched together beneath - . the elab orate floral arch, where the divines stood in waiting. The ceremony, which was that of the Episcopal Churclkseethed unusually' impressive and when.- the point • was reached where the Bishop asked," Who gives this woman away?" Henry Sherman stepped forward and performed that task. The bride's father, although present, is in.such intirni - health that he was unable to participate in the cereinoney. It was• decided by the family that - none of the presents should be madeiknown t? the public, but the following partial list was obtained by the Leader. Senator Cameron gave a fine Ori ental pearl necklace, in two strands ; also a pearl and diamond pendant, with a large centie pearl surrounded by five diamonds, with a pear-shaped drop pearl ; also,- one bracelet of o.ld, having a magnificent pearl, with tine diamond on each side, set etoss ina the band diagonally; also, one saile stele as foregoing, but set with three. fine stones—ruby, emerald and sapshi re—each between two large dia monds, afield' of great beauty and rarity. TIIF NATIONALS. The Greenbackers, Labor Reform ers, etc., yclept the " Nationals," met in' Convention in Philadelphia on Wednesday last, awl after a some what stormy' session nominated ticket. Mr. ARMSTRONG and Col. WRIGHT, both of whom had fondly dreamed of gubernatorial honors, were left out in the cold, while SA)r uti, R. 31AsoN, a la.Wyer of Mercer county, carried off the coveted prize. Two of the delegates from this coun ty, Col. SMITH and A. R. BRowN, sup 'ported Col. PIGLET, notwithstanding the action of the Greenback Club of Towanda Borough in reading the Colonel out of the Party. Elsewhere we giv6 the proceedings and platform of the Nationald. Below we append a sketch of the Meat : 1 .....1 - SANIVEL R. *AgO'.V. 'Urn ffirn in lfercer t ountv In i 827 ; admitted to t • bar sit the same comity in 1852: elected Dis trict Attorney on the Democratic ticket In 1853; five years later. without opposition became the Democratic nominee of .3fereer county. for Con gress, after.which le retired from pOlitics and de voted himself to bla - professlon nod was not long In a.ptiring a leading position at the bar ; since 1867 has beer; law partner orSamuel Orifath. In 1872-73 b took ground In favor of a national currency and against the national hank system, and by his ener gy and wide eatigided Influence acquired the title of "Father of, lie Greenback party, in. Western l'enttsylvania,,,, • CURIS_TOPIIErt gllltArtAn. Is, a tauter residing at Tuckerton, four miles above Reading. on the Reading Railroad. in Berks county, Ile is about forty-three years of age. - The larger part of his life was spent in Reading where he made money as a builder. fie put up more housed IMltending than any one whom the oldest 'lnhabitants calls to mind. After an active Ilfe at Reading. Mr. Shearer bought line farm at Tucker tomand Is now known as " the Model Farmer" of that section of - Berks. Me is worth about *Bo.otlo, Is a thoroughly well.ln formed than, looks very much like a !armor <with thobstoop.shoulder of a hard working granger), and has recently spent' notch time In writing upon agriculture and monetary subject's. reliticaily Mr. Shearer used to be a staunch Republican, but R as among the first to op. theppoose policy of co n tra iew t t'e A . candidatefor(on inthelisstrlct I= was born in New York and moved toSuspichanna coontr. Pa;, when a boy. Admitted to the Mont rose bar. he became ono .of Its leading members. In 1566 he located at Williamsport to practice his profession, and one year later was appointed Presi dent Judge by Governor Geary when Lycoming was a separate district, and'at the subsequent elec tion cave within a few hundred votes of beating Judge Gamble In thy face'of a strong - Democratic majority. Last year he received the Greenback nomination for Supreme Judge at Williamsport, and In February of this year was defeated for Mayor of Wirliansport. polling b4B votes to 98$ for. Dr. Logan, Democrat. and 824 for Col. Barrows, Republic-an. Judge Bentley prior to his affiliation with the Greenback party was always a consistent Republican. lie presided at a tireenb.*k meeting at Williamsport in 1876 nut voted . for President Mayer. • Ile Isla years of age. • . • JAPES L. WIMIGRT . • was nominated for State Treasurer by the first Labor-Greenback State Convention beld.at Harris bum September 1877. lie Is a tallor,:of Phtla delphla. his shop being st tla South Second Street. lie Is a ready'talker and very earnest In his views, being also specially noted for Ms solidity. Mr. Wright Is fifty-nine years old, and has acted with the workingman, according to his own words, sinerehe was nineteen. He was president of the Anti• Monopoly Convention .beld'in Harrisburg In March, It7o, and temporary chairman of the Ma ttonal Labor Convention held In _Pittsburg to Mutt of the same year. Tag Americr.ii Tract Society dis tributed' 74,000 1 000 pages or tracts WA- year.' - VITAY= - _ - biTteznoit ougunize. . • to, me, The House held 'its that settaicm this work-on MondaY iftenrem at te'elook, when • two bouts: were c o nsumed lit offer ing and disposing of motions And 'varia tions on various subjects. Of- these, one 'rwas.a motion to recommit "an act to Pro vide for the levy and collection df a tatty upon svinotis,, splritotis and - malt 11 (better known as the bell-bunch be: the committee on vice and immorality,- which not agreed to; As this bill. does not stand a ghost of . a show of being reached at the present smarm the objedt of the move is diffleult of COmprehension, unless he desired to don - satin' tithe and thus prevent the consideration of /other bills to which ho was opposed.' • A resolution was also offered asking the Senators and Representatives of Penn sylvania in Congrera to oppose the imme diate repeal of . the I ankrupt which, after some discussion, was indefinitely postponed. The entire session of the House on Monday evening was devoted to the con sideration of_ the general 'game and fish bill (which his been before the House at three previous sessions), without complet ing it, on second - reading. At the morning session of the House on Tuesday pension, revenue and appropria tion bills being under consideration, the following among others was passed finally: An net to provide for the cdrrbnt e - penses of the State Board of Agriculture, by appropriating $4.2000 thereto. A number of other bills, making appro priations for various' institutions in differ ent sections of the State, were dicposed of at this session; some going through while others were defeated. A diaper- Ron" is being Manifested by the people's representatives to economize in ail direc ctions. • ' An act defining fit posters and extend ing the duties of he Board of Revenue Commissioners was under considemtillin when the House adjourned on Tuesday morning, and being resumed at the snor t) n session the discussion was continued f° two hours, when the bill passed third rea ing and was Laid over for final passage. The \ Senate was called to order wa Thee day evening, but adjourned without trans acting any business. At the morning session of the Senate on Wednesday, that body concurred - in the resolution \ of the House providing for the final adiournment Of the Legislature on the 24th of May. It was feared that the Senate might old the resolutions or-' delay passing upon\it, in the expectation that the session would necessarily have to be extended to the firskof June ; but its concurrence in the resolution clinches the question, and it is hoped that both Houses will now set to work and close up the bus iness of tire , session in as satisfactory a manner as possible. At the afternoon session of the Senate on Wednesday the Clerk of the, House presented the House oil pipe bill:\ This is the bill which had originated in\ that body and had- passed it by a majorliyof one vote, as noted in a former letter 'of this correspondence. Mr. Latnon called rot-lite reading of the bill. After thii bad been done he -raised the point of order that the bill was of a . similar character to the Senate bill on the same subject which had been considered and defeated by the Senate during the present session of the Legislature, and that it was not competent nor parliamentary for the Sea; ate to again consider the bill. President Latta decided .that the point was well taken. He based this decision on rulings made in the Pennsylyapia Senate in 1851 and in 1870, 'and in precedents afforded by the rules and decisions of Congress and of the British Parliament, the latter running as far back as the year 1000. Jettersoa,s and other manuals-were clear on the subject. Setiatiat Stone, Peale, Green and Fertig appealed from the de cision of the chair. The first three gen tlemen' making the appeal, with Senators. C'erbett, Dill and Hawley, spoke• in its favor, while Senators Cooper and Herr maintained the decision of the chair. -The discussion was continued until the hour of adjournment without coming to a vote. In the House at the morning session on i Wednesday, an act repealing so much of the law oC 1814 as fixes the time for clos ing the soldiers' orphans' schools; was passed finally by a vote of 144 to 1. • An act fixing the salaries of . Judges of the several judicial districts of the State, coming up on third reading, occupied the attention of the house during tbe remain der of the morning and a goodly portion of the afternoon session. The bill as it passed third - reading 'and, was laid over for final pas.sage, fixes the salary of the Philadelphia and Pittsburgh judges at $5,000 per annum. the Harrisburg jalges at $4,900, and all others at $4,000. The House bill to enlarge the criminal jurisdiction of justices of the peace and aldermen passed finally and was sent to the Senate. It provides that justices and aldermen 'may hear and determine the several offenses - and misdemeanors men tioned in the 30to, 31st, 44th. 46th, 69th, 720, 97th, 103 d, 108.th,112th, 140th, 148th and 162 d sections of the act of 31st of March, 1860, entitled, "An-act to consol idate, revise and•amend the penal'laws of this Commonwealth," and may determine Icases by a necessary jury of six.... In the Senate on Thursday morning, I immediately after the reading of the jour. nal, the consideration of the appeal front the decision of the chair deciding the point of order against the consideration of . the free pipe bill well taken, was re sumed. The entire morning session was consumed in the discussion of the point of order. The argument was opened by Mr. Peale, who maintained the appeal and claimedthat the decision of the chair was erroneous. Messrs. Hair, Jones, Law rence and Newmyer sustained the posi tion of the chair, and Messrs. Corbett, Hawley, Ermentrout and StOue favored I the appeal: The decision of the chair was. then sustained bythe following vote : YF.As—Messrs. Burnett, Bussey,Clarke, Cooper, Crawford, Davies, Dunkel, En gelman, Everhart, Fisher, Giltillan, Gra dy, Herr, Holben, Jones, Keefer, Larson, Lemon, Lawrence, Melly, Mylin, Newell, Newmycr, Reyburn, Roebuck, Seamans., Smith and Torbert-28. Nars—Messrs. Allen, Butterfield, Cor nett, Detwiler, Dill, Ermentront; Fertig, Greer, Hayes, Hawley, 3PNeill, Peale, Seymour, .Stone, Wadhams, -Wright" and This artion finally disposes of the free pipe bill for this session. At the afternoon session of the-Senate on Wednesday tho bill which had' previ ously passed the House, entitled, "an act to ascertain and appoint the fees to be re ceived by the sheriffs, coroners, prothono taries, clerks of the several courts, regis ters of wills, and recorder of deeds of this Commonwealth, except counties contain ing more than 120,000 inhabitants," was passed finally. This bill, in which" the imple of Bradford county have been tak ing considerable interest, has had rather a rough time in the Senate, and had it not been for the watchful care and able,. earnest advocacy of it by Senator Davies, would not have been passed by that body. When it came over from the House he had it referred to the general judicary committee, of which he is a member, and the bill was promptly reported affirma tively the next day. When it came up on final passage 'yesterday, Senator D. ad . -. dressed the Senate in its favor, as he did when it' was on' second-reading, and at the ConcluSion of his, remaaks, which were forcible and to the point, the bill wag passed finally by the conititntional major ity, 26 votes'. ' In the House, during the different stages - of progress of the bill, Speaker Myer rendered most efficient service in pushing-it forward; and when the vote on the final passage was taken there, his in fluence in. securing the necessary consti tutional majority was known and felt. For the enactment of _this law, which is now in the hands -of the. Governor, by whom it trill no doubt be signed, the peo ple of Bradford county, as well as the State at large, are perhaps more, indebted to - Speaker Myer and Senator Davies than to any other two men in the 'Legislature. A number of oppasition.bills were con sidered in the House during the mooting and afternoon sessions on Thursday, while several of a local character were also act ed upon, but none of them wore of spe cial interest to the readers of the Rims- TER. "In the House thistriorning, House .bill 'making . an appropriation of $lOO,OOO to the 'Normal schools of. the State passed finally. Also, Howie bill extending a local dog law for certain counties to all the counties of the State. This bill provides for the registering of all dogs, which makes them personal property, the stealing . of which is made Weeny. - . A. number of other bills .were passed second readidg,.when; pending considers . / Hon ,= oust b il l on,fiecind rens for t DIX 0011111 milli. the reDererf J. M. Moorhead, ' Sesta ---,,---= ' . adPul tiledind -Oillkll likilkalty flea* '' - 11$1401 of Senetor Davies ht thfr P Wit //10--olirlit Abk - 1 alba; 0)411,V A • , al balk' ' (1310111ftsilli1110,1111101 1 • n),ltersprimipally , —......,.- 00 10 . 0061 d liven siitXM4 tiad- Mr. DAVIES, Mr. Prplident, it it were aimita 4lb lug tint ! ~, InsamlifilL There pesSiblerto keep the Senate in sufficiently was * 1 41411 1 4 . 'titan a 4111OrtIM prOl• good humor to pass House bill No. 94, on eat at-itny-tinee &Tit* tittrday,, sad to-, second reading, I would call that bill up. ward 4,o'clocb, p. m. the hour of ad- his entitled An act to ascertain and ap jounimcint, the number of members in point the fees to be received• by the sheriffs, attendance was dill less. When the de- coroners, prothonotaries, clerks of , the 'bate duallPokoloath‘i bill pulsed second several courts, registers of wills and re eadlng by a majority of 2 votes, but on corder of deeds of this commonwealth, tar question, mshall the bill be tray- except counties containing more than one scribed for third reading?" the yeas and hundred and fifty .thousand inhabitants. nays \ were called, which is a very unusual ""I 'trust the Senate- will pass this bill to thing, 'and Wittig decided in the negative third reading to-day. I desire terray a few by one irotei thtte friends of the bill , hay- words in,ita favor. This bill, so far as my ing left the House just after,the Conner section of the country is concerned, is de veto. It hi \ understood that no motion mended with almost a unanimous voice. It will be made to reconsider the vote, and does riot apply to the present officials. In that today's Toroceedfngs will end the the last section of the bill you will find a struggle, which \hex caused muchleeling proviso, that it shall not apply to any M on this bill. \ fioisis now in o ffi ce. It is a bill intended. Ttepubliciansand‘Democrats hereabouts to bring officials to somewhat the same express- themselves \as in ho manner condition and position that alt other peo alarmed, butxather *aged, at the result ple have been compelled to bring tbew-, of the labors of the new \ party at its con- selves to. Almost all classes of the corn vention in • Philadelphia`on Wednesday. inanity, the laboring man the professional The nominations are goner conceded man, all have been compelled, nut only to to be weak, and finally disposes of any redncerheir fees,hut to work on, trusting anxiety respecting the part`whick this to the future for their pay. And this bill new organization will' - play in tite coming in part restores the fee tell as it was before campaign. Ctsszurlioo. the net of 186 e, though not entirely. It is -- - \ ''''' a little improvement in laver of the officers over the old tee hill. It reduces the fees to the decimal system. Under the oil Fys tem we had, twelve and a half cents and eighteen and three quarter cents and thirty \seven and a half cents. Under this act, where it was twelve and a-half cents, it is now either ten or Ofteen i where it was eighteen and three quarters, it is either fif teen \ or twenty ; where it was thirty seven and a-half, it is eithtr thirty-five or forty cents, thus reducing it to the decimal sys tern. In key county every convention ,pf either of the great political parties that has convened within the last two }ears have passed reaolutiops nnani nously requesting that something Of this character shall be passed by the Legislature. The convention Of, the Republican party which convened two Years ago passed such resolutions unanimously. Again they reiterated the same sentiment in the con vention which met last fall. This hill pass ed the House lag secston\ almost unani mously Up to third reading It passed again this year, finally, and recfived a vet) • large vote. Now, in my rection of the country, there is a real nem witty \kor a re lief. As the fee b il l now stands its is op • i pressive in some particulars. 1.-t m e elll attention to the clause commencing at the eighteenth line—“ Traveling extnit, meg 'on each writ for each mile necessaarily travell ed, mileage to be charged only on one writ, where there are two or nrre in the sheriff ; hands at the same time in favor of iame plaintiff' and against same, defendant tour . cents. :r~"yf~~t } y4?l Enrron likkrirtra ! Kansas at present is nova desirable place for mechanics and laboring men in quest of employment. I found the hotels and boarding houses filled with this class of people waiting for something to "turn up." . On my route from Springfield, 111., to Topeka, .1 made the acquaintance of a party ofl a six or eight mechanics—middle-aged married men, whose hopes and impulses were 'quiclv ened and intensified with that not entirely innocent malady, the " Western fever.. Their destination was Great Bend, a point very near the center of Kansas. They expected to work there until fall and then send for their families. I left the cars at Topfilts, and as the train moved from the station silth this happy party,' from the bottom of, my heart. I es= pressed to them my strongest wishes that their great expectations.would be 'more than realized. With all the 'artlessness of children; they had confided to' me their plans ; bad. talked to me by the hour of their families, going into tiresome details of the precocity of some of their children, their courtships and marriages; had shown me photographs of 'members of their dwn ratify' and finally had exacted promises from me, that if in the coming years % should visit . "their town,' I would stop and renew the acquaintance we had already formed. My heart had warmed wonderfully towards these hon. est-hearted, confiding men. About ten days afterwards I found them returning, utterly,dlsheartened, to Kansas City, Mo. They had been unable .to find aey em. ployeaeat. I saw scores of idle young men who looked as if they had made but their first venture from home, and a set of more hOmesick youngsters I never saIV. The larger portiiin of them seemed to 'be on short allowance ; even those who had money enough left to return home were ashamed to do so. Such parties, of course; send back discciuraging reports of the "West." .1 narrate the above incidents not be cause I feel that they will be more reada ble than other matters, but I refer to them as a Startling to oar hard-working citizens against abandoning situations in the East at even verymodente wages with the aim of bettering their condition by going West. The truth is, the labor supply greatly ex ceeds the demands. , Kansas needs farmers. The State needs Men with some means at their command to "go up andpossess the ,land," Sixty thousand settlers, it is estimated, have already taken up their homes in 'Kansas the present year. :The greatest influx is through Kansas City. To see the wonder ful tide of irilmigration makes one feel as if the wholh nation ware in motion. As you advance into the interior you encounx ter an almost endless line of emigrant wagons. Towards evening they "damp" for the night, their horses and cattle either "carralled " or fastened with lari ats ; the Children frolicking on the grass while their elders are busily Aeparing the evening_ mail. And yet, this semi-, aboriginal life has an almost irresistible fascination about it. As a fellow-traveller expressed it, "it is but the linked sweet ness of a picnic long drawn out." • ' It may seem incredible, but .1 saw num bers "footing it,"—upt "tramps," either, They had heavily-loaded haversacks with them, and were plodding their way West ward. One evening .1., was sitting cozily Ina railroad reltaurant ; a pitiless rain, accompanied with a merciless wind, ,was raging without, and'the darkness was im penetrable. A modest rap brought one .of the clerks to the door; upon opening it ho was confionted by two of these foot-1 men drenched to the skin. One of them I inquired the distance to some point west ; be was told it was over 70 miles. "Arc you going there on foot ?" the clerk asked. 1 " Yes," •he replied ; "we are going out to 'homestead' some-land. Now, boss," he continued, 'rean3 you let us have some empty ,boxee to sleep in to-night?" They got the accommodations they asked for' and were grateful. Such men,' of t: course, will hew out a living under cir cumstances that would appal ordinary mortals—and Id not believe their exam ple will be largely followed. 1 I intended that my m letter in your paper f , 1 of last week sho lii conclude my cor ipondence at pre . nt„. but. as yourself, as well as large nu hers of the readers of your paper, seem solicitous for me to con tinue my letters, I will try from time to time to furnish - you with other articles. , L N. Ermi t .4. 1 Mn. EDITOR : YOur correspondent un der the head of "Comtlromik* still ad heres to his original proposition : that butter and.oleomergarine are of the same I material: This we are unwilling to con cede ; and although there is a close re semblance in appearance, this is a case where appearances are wonderfully do captive ; and how any one having any ap preciation of the delicacy of really fine butter can substitute such an article, is more than I can conceive. - I once tasted it entirely unprejudiced—in fact, supposed it to be a very fine article of hurter—and such a taste I never experienced before and never hope to again. I agree entirely with 'your correspond.' Mood, views in regard to adulterations oil food, The coloring of butter and cheese is a useless and expensive prictice 7 not for the.purpose of deceiving any one gen erally, but to, produce an article of a par ticular style to suit the fancy of custom era. Cheese uncolored is about the shade of slink, and never yellow like butter. The amount paid annually by the cheese manufacturers of this country for coloring material amounts to thousands of dollars, and the question has Often been discussed in the American Dairyman's Association how the public taste and dehiand in this respect could, be correctedond this useless expense avoided, but the problem is still unsolved, and so long as the demand is for colored cheese so long' producers will have to conform to the practice. . The article used is universally Apnato, or its extracts in some form, and when unadultenited is entirely harinlese nei ther injuring or Reproving the quality of butter or cheese. I think the practice of coloring butter is not very general, tho' it exists to some- extent in our county, & Richardson would not have an agency at Towanda for selling their coloring material.- It is undoubtedly the, poorer class of buttmmakers that ute it., I will close this eftiele bigiving the best recipe I know of for good' colored butter at all seasons of ;the year : Good 'grade or . thoroughbred Alderney cows (sometimes called Jerseys) :•good pasture and pure water for summer; nice, sweet, early-cut hay, witrgrain and roots for 'winter; some arrantement for separating the cream from the milk quickly (we pre fer the Cooley submerged system) ; the utmost -care and neatness in churning. working, &c., and if properly handled you *ill invariably have at all seasons of the year a good colored, fine Illivored but ter that wealthy peottle of the citicsArill be glad to purchase for their tables at from ISO cents a pound upwards, even in these hard times. So says Tt,w ' DLE-DER. CHAS. E. WHITS, a selftconatitnted delegate to the county .Greenback Convention, now issues a all for a Prohibition Convention. How parry, partlea do q.IIIITH, Wurra , & Co. propos) to ran, anyway ? • ABOUT TAMA. 'lllo.'4' ........ Now, that alone takes out an exceeding ly opptessive provision in the law of eigh teen huitdred and sixty-eight, so far as my county is concerned. For instance, when they commence issuing their executions against a defendant, they are generally Multipled within the sane day, and seine times the same hour to a 155-ge extent. and. frequently the same 'plaintiff will have a' number of - writs ncainst the defendant at the same time. Ile may live thirty miles from the court house to travel. The sheriff is entitled to mileage upon each one of those writs issued by the plaintiff hgainst the same defendant. That makes the see bill oppressive, and oppressive to tin alarming extent. So that creditors and . defendants suffer thereby. Now, this pro pokes, Where is plaintiff issues at the same. time a, number ,of writs, that the sheriff ilia!l not draw inifeaglibon hut one of the writs; if other patties than the same plain tiff issues writs upon the same defendant, the sheriff draws mileage upon those writs under this bill. , Now I claim that 'that is right. The intention and spirit of the !are is that sheriffs, shall travel for so twiny cents per mile. It was never untended thet he should draw thirty cents per mite fir traveling, and the - old fee bill permits hits to do so, and that frequently. I can give other reasons for the passage of this bill. It is demanded in my section of the country, and it is in other sections of the einitioe• reel there is no measure before the Senate this .winter to • which the ,public attention is so universally attracted as this measure, and whenever. those of us, who are here representing- the county, re turn-home we are confronted'hy the quPS - . Lion. "What are you doing with - the fee VI?" „They say, "We are officers that are growing rich and opulent under the present system, while all the rest of us are compelled to, come down to hard pan : and weetsk, you that they shall be .compelled to come down to bard pan a little the same as the rest of the cenortunity." It is- providle ed that this shall not affect any person now in office: If the men who are opposing this do not want these offices, with the re duced fees they need , not take them; others as good as they will accent these offices under the fee bill, as proposed in this community, and will improve their cir•' cumstances thereby. ' I do not desire to take up the time of the Senate in discussing the necessity of the law. It reduces fees ahhut thirty per - cent. from what the act of 18118 has fixed it, and the applicants for the various positions will not be diminished. You-will have the aamepumber of efficient persons ambitious to serve the public, as under" the law of 1868, and you will materially lighten ;the heavy herder now carried by the geitral public. • " * *. Mr. President, I trust hat Senators will give a careful consideration to this bill before casting their votes. lam satisfied, Mr. Preeidient, that if we reflect the sentiments of nine-tenths of the peo ple. I will without fear of contradiction say -so of the districts 'I have the honor to rep= resent, that this bill will be -passed. And that sentiment is not a weak sentiment. They have a strong and deep conviction that the act of 1868—That this modifies and changes—is oppressive in some .of its 1 features. These officers have: acted from 1820 odd -to 1868 or about that period of time under a fee bill giving them less emoluments than the bill .before us does, and when this tee bill is attempted to be passed reducing it from what it' was placed at a period of time when everything was in a far different state than now, there is a hesitation' and bloting op the part of some. I find on a caretul consideration of the Vote cast when this bill was on third. read ine, that, a large Proportion of -the votes cast against it came trot my side of the chamber, and a" large proportion of them came from Senators not affected by - the bill. If I have_ counted correctly, out of the ten votes c4t against it, eight are RC publieners and six of them are not affected by this bill. I ask Senators on toy side of the chamber, in this . ..year !when we 'are -about to enter into a political struggle that may decide for years the political complex ion of the State( when we are-charged tm jusrly,,as I have always cleimee, and as I believe, but nevertheless charged with de• parting from the twill and wishes of the masses at times, can we at this day, whew we are approaching the importaat• political crisis, when here is-a hill directly affecting the masses of the people—and when, as I cl4im. is large proportion of them feel that the law, as it now•stands, is oppressive, and oppresiiie to an extreme degree, when many a man has been sold- out, id his lit tle home gone, r and •he finds, i stead of paying his debts ; it has gone to swell the emoluments of 'an officer, who makes him _self rich in a few years, and this bill comes before this Senate, ! Republican Senate; asking for relief, and asking Us to reduce and cut. down these fees by which officers become rich suddenly, lopping off its oppressive features, but still baying je t.,4l fair bill. They do not become rich ii my county and in my district from •takingtille. gal fees; they become rich from taking: that which-the / law gives them, ,and nobody will blame thtfOfficer for that ; the remedy is here. Has anybody pointed' out a- Sin- Fleetection, or is single item that is unjust in-his bill that is now- before us? I have , not beard it yet; So far as its friends - tare concerned-they have been :willing to accept suggestions - and amendailds ; none have. been suggested in the vital portions of this bill. Now, of course I only speak for my own district. Ido ask Senators upon my side of the chamber to examine this bill care• fully and see if it is not right, and Pee if it does not remove en evil, and if it does re move an evil, then we should cast our vote for it. lam giving' my judgment, not with the intention of influencing other Senators; they must act upon their own responsibil ity ; but in my view of the, ease it is political necessity, so fat at my district is concerned, that this bill should be passed, and when I find the minority in this:cham ber arraying themselves almost unanimous ly in favor of it, I ask my, side- of the cham ber if they can afford to defeat this bill? Maa. Jons Moamar was a most pious and. devoted wife. , Yew Advertisement& SPORT OF THE CONDITION at of the Pint National Moat Towanda.lt State of Peatutyh'enla, the elate of bud. neer May I,' lBlB I "nitsOtrttCaa. . , . Loans and discounts - 15711,31111 110 Overdrafts • i••.. '- 6516111 13 U. d. Mauls to, secure circulation 1i5.0011 On Due from approved reserve agents 43,160 46 Due from other National thinks. . 1.563 02 Due from State Banks and bankers 5,036 65 Heal estate, furniture, and fixtures • - 25.128 63 Current expense' and taxes paid 4,255 61 Checks and other cash-Items . 4,322 37 11111 s of other Hanks - 2,633 00 PrActium:Ll cunencf(lieluding nickels) 43 60 Specie (Including gold Treas'y certificho 4,557 41 Lege-tender n0te5....., 18,130 00 itedpt fund with U S Tr. (5 pr ct. of cir: 2,475 00 Total... LIADILITIES (3pitestock pnld In 1121,000 00 Burphei fund' 80,000 00 ' Vu Wed lly profile " • 8,805 59 .National Bank noten fottatanding. 49,500 00 I)lvidends unpaid • 94.0 ludivuals deposits nuliject to check 221,490 91 Time certitic3tes of deposit ' 00.818 59 Due to.nther National Rinks ' 2,585 08 T0ta14313, 814 11 • State Of Pennsylvania, County of Bradford, se: 1. N. N. BETTS, Jr. - , Cashier of the alxwe named hank, 110 solemnly SlVe:ir that the above statement Is true to the best of soy knowledge and belief. ' N. N. BETTS, Jr.., Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before we this 13th day of May, 1871 W. If. MOUG-E, otary ['utak. . Ctitinwr—At test : JOS, POWELL, Eir. ST E V F.NS, DI rectors. C. M. MANVILLE, .41" • Towanda, May 11, 1878. • • PO 4VELL 6. CO. desire to call S.PECI.4L.4TTENTIOX to their stock, Of .° • . 4• COLORED • SILKS and 11 - 0178 TED DRESS I:4I3RICS, which they are. nv receiv ing And offer' for sale at am IMAIEXSE REDUVTIOX • FROM- FORMER - PRICES. . 7 : - ;41so, to their stock of IA dies' R E3D r•-.41.4 1 DE_ D.IIESSES, ntattufaelared froin, :floods of pew and desirable styles, whielt they offer ati: prices front • •• . FIFTY D041.,..4.1?8 They are, also i•eceivin.,' additions ito' their stock of Ladies'., _RE.4I)Y-,41:411Le MUSLI.N, &: - ADER,G.',IRATE.N7B - at prices less thati\cost of materials front whiehthey are - . Towanda, .314 9, 1.4,8 Volt. SA LE_ j A TiA BA RGA I N.— •I: Having no further use for the Franklin 'Hand Ftre Engine. It Is ntivr offered for sale nt a bargain for Mr it.al tiro r' f. 'Call-on or address 'N. N. BETTS, BurgesY. ' VOR SALE` OR •LEASE.=The tis q uehatina Blue Stone Quarry. situated 'hi Asvlutu, two tulles from StaudlnS Stone station. This Is the must valuable Quarry in Bradfoyti Co. For partlinlarssall ou or address J. W. 1111 x, Esq., Towanda, Pa.. ot . I Eo. P. CASH, • • Itio. 2814 N.'llth Phila. n T v! 9:t K L, E AN T 'e : S t . " can li p e u r t . - elia,Ae ilkkets to all points t 4 puttl and Welt. at as low rates sy at..ant other olhee. and have baggage checked, by . callin i t on me tit the Wyatt:wing Depot. W. H. KANTNER. Wyalitsing, March 21, LIST OF LETTERS remaining in I'e:t ()thee at Towanda. Bradroitl co., 'Pa. for the week ending May, ta, Bi 78: , Burke, , Anale Kenneda. Brldirst (2) - Ballett, II: W. McCall, Kate Cheffee, Marton OrshaW, J. N. Crowley, Magzio Smith. Eliza' Ballaglo,.. Mrs. Swe,eney, Maggie Ilan, G. W. Sbell, W. • . solmor, Wilcox . pefsei k s calling Y for of the above, will_pleare say " advertised,. • glv .1 3 a n gd a m t . e . 0f 1 1 . 1 1 .t . t 4. . nt ' t ; „ t_ . HENRY HOUSE, ((IN THR:EUROTSAN FLAN.) CORNER NIAIN &WASHINGTON STREETS TOWNSDA, PA This large. conimodlous and elegantly•furnished linos° has Just been opened to the traveling The p mimic to r has spans' neither norexpense In making his hotel dirst-ciass In all tta-appotnt .lents. and respectfully solicits a-share - of public patronage. MEALS AT ALL lIOGR i. Terms to suit the ditties. Large stable attactiALL WM. IiENItY, Pitoritirroz. Towanda, June 7, '77-tf. AI EDICAL ELECTRICITY ! MRS. W. M. COVERDALE, In her practice In this borough during the past year, has effected many wonderful cures. Her in creased knowledge makes her fully competent to treat nearly all disca. , o, Incident to our race. .Spe dal attention Is given to purely female complaints. All kinds of Fevert„‘ppople;y, Inflammation of the Eyes, (pansy. Croup, Pneumonia. Pleurisy, In tirmmation • f the Liver, Intlartimatory Rheuma tism. Amartisis, Jleafuess, Aphonia, Desperia. Diabetes. Dropsy. Chronic Ithenntatism, St. this Dance. Epilepsy. gaiter. ,Neuralgia. Fever Sore, Cancer, Catarrh, Curvature of the Spine. Asthma, Bright's Disease of the Kidneys, and other diseases too numerousio mention. Charges moderate: Trims cash. Residence on Poplar-st., west of Western Avenue, where ale may be (mind at all looms. inay2. , M , B. & F. 11. OWEN, GI Elll3 ICED, WRITE & BLUE TEA. STORE, = Are offering speelnl indneementAln °Tory tlepar meld of the Grocery line Ildre are come ofthd prim: -(1 Standard A Sugar 4 25 40: 50 :50 75 60 " BM •Cottcev iME= liLOO per Pack ; begt White only e 2.00 llama - • 09 10 mina Shoulders G corgi a.Cott fish Mackerel Pork :row can And anything you want in the Grocery line. and at prices to suit the times. A liberal dis count RiVCI2 at wholesale. one motto Is and shall be ••(nick sales, Small Profits, Cash or Ready Pay., CALL AND SEE V(R TOL'IIBELVEIS Cash paki for Bitter and Eggs M. B. & FAT, OWENS, El), WHITS & 41.17 E VISA STORE, Dridge-St., Towanda, Pa April 11, 1878 HARDWARE. • AND TINWARE, . • STOVS, 12.;A.NCEMS sold very cheap , ' 11. T. tNne l i, • . IN- MERPUR BLOCK, TOWAYti I A,, P.V. YOkOFF HOUSE, • (iformarly PannsyKanis Hansa) 117 WEST WATER STREET, ELMIRA, N. Y. • B. B. HOLIDIIT, Agent. Street ears pass the Nauss entry fifteen minutes. Rates, 02. 50 per day. Jpeelal rates given to coin. rnereLid men staffing over Sunday. tapr..l7s. FOR FINE MILLINERY, . •- TANGY, ROODS, TRIMMINGS. AND LADIES , GARMENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, At. Low Prises, ' RAPELYEA t HILL. 3:17 EAST WATEWSTpET, ELMIRA, N. Y., apr Lead 41 Competitors. 1818 t 543,1118 14 CALL - AND SEE US AT TIM DELEVAN HO UI3E,. ELMIRA, N. T. OpposhA Me Depot: C. T. SMITH, - Formerly of the Ward Haase, Timm* Pae•ITS: GERITY A - MORREL, (Established 1847.3 WHOLESALE DILTIOGIST DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES, PAIriT MEDICINES, 126, I;As6SrurtT, Yeb.2B, 111. ELSSIBAOI. T. Do CD "4 O 4 til ' 0 ."" - V• 0 0 ri 21 o' . 0 - H • r' & I ° • •-• VI 0 > iis to, P ch . .-- I=o 0 .. 0 1 •• g to - t g .....7 . W •r: tz 04 Li ' 1 ... ....„_. Lu I s ' T r , : . W • • g • • • "•? 0 ° A: CO 0. --- n • '" 1 PI C, ' • ae 0 € • CD ---- 0 .1.7 , g ,7 mi 'ei I . a 4 0{ • ; a g i.l . ° . 0 I 4 ' ri F.. 0.11 W al GO X C v. t ; - ri . a P.. CJ , 2 r 4 LA o 2:2 . 1 .„ ti. g I 1 ' N„ °"" w 2, t 4 .. . a 0 111' A 13 tl a - (n .**3 I-3 Cn a •:1 5' •-• 0 •g • x . St '2l 0 0> el 4 tri r\ a o , 'A K x• 0 " r-3 3 ' t- , ,-3, 0 e. M 0 ni • = i .a f' a "'l hi o 1, 1 dC .2 .• • A C IJ •-% '2 : • Z • "' 0 4 . 4 X • Si C 4 ''' I: . ' V. 2..4 • P ° P r y a , r b. V. 111 rit t x , E. DRAKE, \:rEwsz.,:ra; Corner bik - e and Water Stree es, ELmtnA, N. T. Eltialra.`. Y., April IS, '711.1.T. _ _ s, • A C. BRINK, Manctfacturer & Dealer ta\., Verrnont and Italian MONUMENTS At TOMB' STONES Scotch anil American GRANITE MONUMENTS,. MARBLE & SLATE MANTELS, 222, 224, 226 WEST WATER STREET, EIMIRA, NT t , Elmira, April 18, 1878. TT WILL PAY YOU! • If zou want FRENCH CHINA, -- CHANG WARE, - STONE CHINA, GLASSWARE, - • LAii.PS, CHANDELIERS OR BABY WAGONS, . •• CHEAP! • Call at ' T. W. ELI4ORE'S, . tat East Water - Street, aprittis. . Elmira, N. Y. EMI:ID E. F. DITTRICH 4: CO. IMIMUIII 40 . 30 60' 07 08 " 06 " 08 10 " amm New Firm, NEW GOODS, - The andramamed firm has Just opened, at the old and well-known stand of C. B. PATCH, Groceries and Prusrisio' ns, TEAS, COFFEES,. SPICES, ' • which having been purchased etnenine recent heavy fall In prices we are offering to our customers AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Our stOelt of goods Is complete. and the best In the market. We respectfully invite the - public to examine our goods and prices., and we are confident that tbsy cannot be beat. :AU orders will reeelve prompt attention. The highest market price paid for etuttttr pro duce, Towanda, March 7,1175. Dohs Abutigagatil. Groceries mid Provisions, Prices. A FULL UNE OF Wood, WUlow and Stone Ware, S. F. DITISICH ♦ CO FAME.—jti every community there an some ass vibe beanie - Immo la soma particular branch of bade. The . blitory et M. E. ROSENFIELD. TEE LEADING .AND POPULAR CLOTITT.IMR! be enrolled Ills nun on tho'roll of stu:enrol NTERPRISING MERCHANTS. With his tuinal excellent taste jand jinigment If f: Rosenfield bas just opened an Immense stock of SPRING AND SUMMER (loops Selected slat the g greatest pre. led every article guaranteed lie Is selling elegant SPRING OVERCOATS at Meets plating them In the reach of Alt Dont buy anything In the clothing linslinttl yea • hams examined ROSENFIELDS STOCK If you do you w u regret It April. lath, 1873. j A C 'N,. Is now receiving Spring it Summer STOCIc. C.LOTHING ! WHICH HAS NEVER BEEN EQUALLEB:BEFORE THIS MARKET, Either for Quality or Low Prices; Every Article First-Class. -- • .0 ,PLEASE CALL '4St EXAMISE BEFORE PURCHASING., Patton's Block , Main-St. Towanda, Pa.. March 2.8, 78 L L. lent. J: L. KENT Has Just returned troni Hew York erittk - A FULL LINE OF Spring foods. Alt N% crOl Black Cashmeres At SO cts, per yard, and other goGda in proportiou ZhVargest line of Cloths and Cassirndres Etei eliown•ln Towanda Hosiery and Gloves In enilleaa variety A large stock of Shetland Shiwls duet Opened Ladies' Ties, Silk Handkerchiefs, And Neckwtar, A large assortment* gonads, My s 11711 L KENT.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers