El (pAdfo,i4 -l epo . , i oT azis, ra.y. Thunday, 118,7 8 , 1878. A: CHAMBERLIN Deafer In rINIT jETVELAY, VT/TOMS, • SIINER . S7,,PLATED WARE, 'TOWANDA, rA. ‘%• TOWankbk, 3411.19, 1877. LOCAL AND. GENERAL. liUsgsotatY lost a valuablo trot-. t'sig hove last-weck ON MISSION ER 8A1,14,11, and-PoSt ISlas-. ter BosWOIITII, of Lellaysrille, am attend= isg . [lilted States Court at Pittsburgh, witnesses. Is Ilic case of llF:Emmi. , againstthe Erie I:ailroad, tried before Judge INGUAM •in this - county last year, the Supreme Court has reversed the decision. PENNINGTON LITTLE of LaPOrttt township, was chosen Superintendent of comthou Schools of Sullivan County on Tuesday last. . • liEcon,vion Day will be duly obsersisd at I.ellaysv . ille, The arrangements 41 be under the, auspices of •Spalding P(4 G. A. IL. Col. C. A. CARTER, Comman do., will act.as Marshal of the day. Br reading a card iu another column it will he observed that the Franklin hand , ermine is offered for sale: Any town de b lug such a machine Will find this a fa v,wable opportunity pr securing one at a bargain. os Tuesday evening Rev. :JAlty.s PE 'riul, vastor of the Presby terian ChoiCh at Tarelay. Rev. J. S. STEWAItT, D. D., preached the sermon. feev. Dr. COLT delivered the charge to raster; and Rey. IL Anmsruoml charge people. _PRotaFir.—J. L. BItADLF:I', of South 14itelieh1, is the owner of a . most prolific ewe. At,the ago of one yeat the animal gave birth two lambs.; when two years old she had : triplets, and before, she was three years of age, in January last,. gave birth to four, making a totidinerease of nine inside of two fears. Is there a sheep owner iu the county who can beat Mr. BRADLEY'S valuable ewe? Tut.: managers of the Bradford. Cennty Agricultural Society met at the Secreta ry's .office, on 'Tuesday, May 7th, and changed the time for holding the Fair to ntli, Nth, and 27th; instead of the prior. week. The Troy Farmers' Club had Previously fixed upon the 18th, 19th, and 20ilt, and it was through a misappre hension that the Agricultural Society se lected, at a former .nieeting, the, same time. -A • THE temperance celebration at Owegn un IV [ ednesday last was a grand affair. A large number of the bluea•ibbon fraternity participated, 'and - everything passed off in the most orderly manner. • We are . under obligations to Editor. KEELI•'tt and his excelleut.'wife for nianY ,eourtesies. Mr. K., who was a Towanda boy,' has come to bc.oue of the foremost citizens of Owego and occupies one Of the best residences in. the city: 1.: - I.STER ITEMS. - Miss FRANK . DA4- , TITiM.OMEW, vho has been teaching in the Primary Department of the East Smith field graded school for, the past three years, is still doing an excellent work in that capacity. She is one of the most en ergetic and thorough teachers in the coun ty, and has given excellent satisfaciioP. Mneh damage vas done in Ulster and vieifity by thy, late rains : gardens wash ed away, bridges earrieaoff and destroyed, bridges surrounded and injured, lots coy ered.tvith. gravel stone, pebbles, and de brisi of all kinds. 1 4 he old building ()copied formerly by S: timrrit is beiii,g refitted and ren ovated 'throughout by its reeept purchas er, fOr the purpose of starting a drug store, whielf will soon be in running or der. • MAccoim. 1:1=1 A Ny.WSUNDAY SCHOOL SIIinINGI3OOK. —"Joy Bells" by W..A.O6mLN, is the largest contribution. of sacred inui4e for the Sunday School— .We understand tb4 . since. the publication of Mr. Opyr.,i's' ".Crown of Life," thiee years ago; which proved so popular, that - this favorite Au thor has been diligently at work prepar 7 in . l.; "-Joy 'Bell*" Upon reviewing this new collection, we find it full of new and apprOpriate hymns set to sparkling and pleasing melodies, by a variety of both popular and faxorite authors, which can not fail to delight the great tn.my . of Sun day School children L Mr. , Onrir.N seems to lie possessed !will a tine genius for this special work, apd weave of the ,opinion that this book Will boa; immense success. It contains 160 pages usual style;, and sells at the. popitlar price of $3.60 'per doz.., and 3.5 cents a single copy, board co‘ (Ts. L. B. Pow Scranton, is Agent, • for the work. ••• AT a regular meeting of,tilster Lodge, \o. 1,070; I. 0. of G. T., of Ulster, ra., tlie-following were installed by D. G. W. :1., stnnEE 11'.c. ATRIcK McNEnNEY, Jr. W. I".T.—{Mrs. J. a 11IcKAY. • W.S.—W. It. \YELLER. P.N.—J. S. McKgr. T.—Mrs. W. It. WELLER. 11. C.—C; J. DEtritA. 31.—JouN BoWNIAN, Jr. InA W. Sem...net—CAßß TERv‘ - rLLIGER. • 11•11. S.—Miss BELLA K. WALKER. HATTIE BOWMAN. U. .--31i14;.4 ANNIE BVITIIINSON. 11. -,-51iSS LAURA DEKAY. - 1. U. C . .-31. W. MERu!Lt. • 1.. D., (frp. the 'coming year) 7 -W. .R • IV LL L En. 1 4. 1 ,, G. L.—J. S. 11,161Ay. IV. Sec'y.f 1:17 1, 1578. - R. EDITOR :—lt- has been, suggested that you devote a column of your valua ble' paper to historical notes and queries, narrative, biography and incident,.and in vite contributions.tO it from,all puts 'sof the e,,unty. - -4* The Ilistory of the County has, just litetk published; and it is to be supposed the peeple will read it, and errors, emis sion:, misspelled names, etc., will in all probability be found; and if corrections be rent directly to . ilia EF.PORTEIti they may be made in the margin of the book with pen and ink,i.as I find the paper may be written upon without blotting. The narratives, incidents and . exPeri ences which the book will suggest Land call up, may here be preserved: There ait• 41.mbtless in 'the possession of many .14 people, letters, 'deeds, journals and extracts; from which would be ageneral interest. With your permission, Mr. td (l..r, I say let us have'lhe Ilisteribil cio- T!asttuent in the REPoRiEfe: • '• C.. Burrwgrsto Lows, No. Et" 1,110. F. —At a meeting ottha Rebekah-Degree of This Lodge, Acid May 4, 18T8, the follow. ing resolutions were offered : " WHERE" bas pleased Aledghty ..God to call from among us snit worthy and much beloved sister Hattie, wife of Brother Elmer Jakeway ; thereinto, Resolved, That in the death Diner Much esteemed and worthy sister, Hattie Jake way, our brother has lost a loving wife, society an honorable member, and the Lodge a worthy sister. Resolved, That wo tender to our much regpected brother, Elmer Jakeway, our most sincere and ' heartfelt sympathy in this, his hour of bereavement. . - itesalred, That a copy of these resolu tions bo furnished our worthy brother by the Sveretary,: and that a copy be furnish ed the printers, and that they be plwd upon the nannies of the Rebekah Deg. - W. LA/toos, Seel: FIRE IN ATHENS.—On Monday evening last a tire'broke out in CAnnEnt.o Block, in Athens borough, and beftimtbe flames could be got under control, that building and Central. Hall and a large ,building known es the Brockway house were eon sumed. By the _greatest exertions,' the residence of Mrs. G. M. SAWYER wax saved. C.Otxnft's Block was a three-story framed building -; the first floor was occu pied by the meat•market of Joint M. JANES, and G. L. EASTEILBOOK'S grocery store ; the second story as tenements ; the third floor, or large half, by, the G. A. R. and Good Templar organizations. Ce • tral Hall-was a largo wooden •two-s building ; tho whole upper floor was, at is known as Central Hall, ono of th best finished and roomy halls in Bradf rd Co. The Brockway 'building was o ned by GEO. LYON, ono of the proprie rs of the Novelty Furniture Works, al d occupied / as aresidenee. The loss in buildings alone. must amount to ti•om*7,oo to $9,000. The fire we understand 11.9 probably of incendiary origin. - Ofe loss of person al property we have of learned. The / 2h loss on buildings wa nearly covered by insurance.. / • EDITOR Raron4En =I hear. 'numerous expressions of dsappointment. Since the appearance of the "History of Bradford County," for the reason, mainly, that so largo a portion of the illustrations and ac companying sketches refer to persons and residences of the present day instead of to the older settlers. This may be ac counted for in some cases, by the difficul ty of obtaining correct likenesses and/ facts concerning the latter who no longer . survive. There would seem,.howeverino excuse for incorrect statements, su e_ as are given in following instances; and, if many such occur, it will go• far to impair credibility of the work as a histery of the county and its early" settlers/ The pub lishers probably - obtained these sketches from the immediate descendants; and for their insertion we learn,/they have been liberally paid. Still, it would seem that some care should have been to test their accuracy before inser • g gross misstate . ntents that may have been . made through t ignorance, or piompted by-excessive van 7 ity. In the personal sketch between Pagati 242-3, says ,`Jous INott.oi brought the first cal ding machine into the county from Cooperstown about 1807." - The first card- ing machine on Wyalusing Creek was started by ELISIIA ,REF.T.r.n and GUY W4r.s, Esq., near 131..teK's Milia n , some three miles from ,the river, but was soon inrehased by father, .louts INOITAM, Jr., and put in operation at. this place, where he had'alrerly established machin ery for fulling and dyeing. lle afterwards bought another machino at Cooperstown, bringing it dowA the Susquehanna inaoal nee,' The dettile and ineidenti.of the trip are fresh in my meniery to me liy Lim. Tbo remains of . both old ma chines arc now in my possession. The same sketch says : "Join; INOIIAM Started the rust sash factory in Northern Pennsylvania, if not the first in the State:" The first sash factory on Wyalusing Creek was started by WILLIAM STONE on the race built by JOHN INGHAM for a saw mill: The machinery was purchased by We. Sro,,:cp: at Eldridge, Cayuga Co., State of New York, and run by him fof several years before JOHN INGHAM became the owner. CaliiptOWD, April 13, 18.78, TUE Methodist church at Wyalusing which fur some weeks past had been un dergoing repairS, Was re-opotied with ap propriate services on Sunday, April 21st. In 17112, what was called the Tioga cuit was set on; and WILLIAM COLIUT was appointed the preacher: The circuit extended front the south part of Wyalus ing northward to the pole, and westward to the Pacific ocean.' Mr. CC/Lilt:UT -nn- dertook to pioneer the way along the Sus quehanna, and northward to the Seneca lake. - Ito had,-a-prea.fhing • placn and class at GIDEON BA LDWIN!S e who lived where Mr. InA EnoWN noW floes, and a preaching place, at - Guy WEt.t.s' Esq., who lived on the property now owned by Eustis LY.wis in Morryall. This was'the lirst,Methodist preaching in the town and in the county. It would be a very gre • satisfaction if we could find the old class book or learn the names of thoSe who composed this first claSs En the Wyalus ing charge, but that most likely will never be found. Wyalusing continued to form a part of the Tioga circuit until 1814, a. period of twenty-one years, when the Wyalusing circuit was set off, tiro division line being the §usanelianua river. In 1832 'the Wyalusing circuit' was divided, the eastern part becoming what was known for Many years as the Pike circuit. Pre vious to this the interest began to gather about the.porthern part. of the circuit and in 1839 the name was changed from Wya fusing to Orwell circuit, and the next year the appointment at Wyalusing was at ' tidied to the Skinner's Eddy charge. ' The apliointnient`Was a-very weak one, and Methodist preaching was enjoyed but once a month. GitiForf B,ALtiwis and the class that was accustomed to meet, there - had passed away and WTI forgotten,and fOr year no forin,of Orgapization was main tained. In 16-43 Rev. Ilf.N nit BROWNS- CoM BE, the preacher on theTkinner's di charge, organized a class \by the name of the "Wyallising and Drointown el. , ss," with tWenty-nine Member's, eleven of whom resided at Wyalusing . ; four \ of the eleven - were transferred to'Asylum,leav ing but seven. Eleven .years afteivarci, in 1854,- there. were-but" eight membe_ but other fields had beeri opened, and the appointment was transferred to a-cliarge, which was formed in the lower part of the county. This year too . the Wyalusing Dis trict was constituted: with GEORGE LAN. INN its Presiding Elder. - It is to be re. , gretted that at the laSt session of theiOn fercnce this district has-been dismember ed and the several Parts attached to tither districts. We are sorry for the necessity which compels this change because it loees a nainelistoric iit the annals of Method ism, and because it does not indicate an 'advance in the strength- and efficiency of the Church. In 1854 also, the house of worship at Wyalusing was erected. It is a plain brit edifice fifty by thirty-four feet, - without a belfry, was very plainly finished on the . inside and cost about -eigh teen hawked , dolLars. Threw rneu were largeti instrumental in its erection, viz JOHN KEEt.e.rt, Rev. G. W. JACKSON, and CHAMBERLIN. At this reop ening service two of the three bad gone toNnin the wonhipin the Temple not Mr. Jausort was a load_ elder, and- an earnest Christian man:. By trades black sinith, be labored with his hauls . for the support of hil family 'and f gave peach* . revivals, attending &Muds and sup. plying the waste Pima with the niinistra tiois of the (IMO* At the breaking out of the Rebellion his whole soa ves enlist ed In . the cause of his country, and at the organivation of the 141st Regiment be was elltdien Caitlin of COMOM ,04. Ow. ing to his age and previous ill lusfit be soon broke down under the rigors of the Held and was compelled to resign and re turn home. He afterward went west where he died. • Mr. Ker.i.nn was born on the Wyslns- ing, and belonged to one of the oldest families on the creek, and his graildfath er is said to hav rbeen the first person buried in the 8 vensville burying ground. For many .yea ha was engaged - in bust noes about rye miles above Wyalusing. lie warm l ral supporter of Christiani ty, a con istent member of the Church, a man 9 1' genial kindly spirit, and when the writer knew him his venerable appear ance dignified, but courteous manners, an , social disposition challenged one re s . . t and esteem, Ile died about two years rime at a good old age. The names of others, who by their activity were instru mental in build& up the Church, are de serving of mention, but they, belonged a period somewhat later than theta . o havobeen spoken of. • • The old Church remained as it_Was first completed for nearly a quarter of a cen-- tug until this pad winter, whcil the inte rior was completely renovated.; a recess was cut back for the pulpit, the walls wore newly finished, new seats and altar rail which was said, to bp the most, elegant one of any Church iwthe Wyoming Can ference wore put in,/ The entire cost was not far from-nine undred i ydollars, about j one-half of the o ginal cost of the Church; and in style of / architecture and elegance of finish is probably not equalled by any. in the Coney. . On Sabbath morning the. Church was filled ',Overflowing. After a very able 1 and eloquent sermon by Rev. GRIFFIN, of the ) ( entenriary Church of Binghamton, members of the congregation pledged I themselves to the amount of four hun- I /dred and eighty dollars, which with the sums previously given provided for the payment in full for the repairs which had been made. In the evening the sermon -was preach ed by Hey. Wm) CRArr, of the Preaby terian Church, after whieh the Church was dedicated according to the forms pre scribed in the ritual of the Church. . The peculiar character of the cervices at thole-opening is indicative of the spirit of Christian friendship which prevails he "tween the two Churches in. this place, and the harmony which characterizes their Christian work. As marking the growth of the charge, he membership in 1870 was fifty-six and n 1878 two hundred and fifty-eight. MY LAST VlSlT.—There is always some thing solemn in the thought of this being the last act in ti e life-time of a responsi ble being; if a righteous act, the individ- ual will have his or her reward for the ' works of the righteous do follow them," but if the oct,is wrong awn is no- means of altering it. But to my last visit; it was to see an old brother - of mine in the State of New York, who I had not seen theic twenty years past; having heard by the kindness of a stranger that he had become very feeble, and in straightened eirente stances in regard to worldly means and among strangers; and I was afraid that he; through pride or for some other cause would not let me know the worst of his condition, so I made up my mind to go and see himi and if possible persuade him • to come and spend his last days with me ; behaving no blood relations in that sec tion, and being a lone man like myself, now in the eighty-second year of his age. Having buried his only son many years ago and his wife two years ago. • And not feeling safe to travel alone in this eighty-ninth year of my age, I en-• gaged my nephew to accompany me—h : also having a desire to see his Old' uncle. And having given up all care of myself to him (under divine providence) we took the eleven o'clock train at the upper. de pot 'at Towanda, and reached Albany, New l'Ork, _in the evening of the same day, nothing occurring worthy of note. The next morning we took an early train to Niverville. Columbia Co., where we found my brother near the depot in a very pleasant section of the State—finind him well, but the visit being a surprise and his eyesight poor lie did not know me, myself having better eyesight than he, I saw the ELLIOTT features in him at once, and it proved a happy greeting— well pleased also to see his nephew, they soon became acquainted and made their visit more tangible than I could mine, for ',bey could fillup their pipes and sit dari together and smoke, whilst myself coul d . not indulge in that luxury,. knowing its dileterious effects upon both our physical and mental organism, but . I said nothing for fear it might spoil their enjoyment. We found Brother in a much better con dition than we expPcted ; in the wreck of his worldly matters, which came through the mismanagement of an adopted son (who turned out to be a fast horse man), be managed to save a life lease in a house' and lot which,he rents to pay his board, occupying one room himself; that with what bedding and other things he saved makes him look comfortable for the pres ent at all events; and he seems willing to trust the future. Ho told me that he had set up his grave * stone by the aide of the one set at his wife's grave, and had put a sufficient sum of money in the hands of a friend to de fray the expenses ,of his funenit, so I found his reason for staying where be is were • stronger than mine for bringing him home with me, so I gave it up and contented myself with visiting whilst we stayed. In returning td Albany we found our selves in company of a friend who• has a residence in Towanda. We were heartily glad to see him, and he manifested a like feeling to rds us—especially towards me—for wren we got out of the car be took my carpet sack and carried it to the `hotel for the sake of easing me of the burden. • , After leaving our baggage at the hotel, we took a walkto the new State Capital, which is in progress of bidlding.. An mouse structure all of cut.atone, covering an arca of four' hundred feet one way and, throe hundred feet the other, which i about the mice of sixteen common village lots did notlearn the estimate of ita‘st, probauly,four.inillion dollars, lA% took the night boat fOk 'New York, / as there was no daily line running, I shnuld liked to have gone down 'the North River in the daylight, then I Should( have, rem. have ; City of Hudea4there I went to tilarket in my boyhondi l ithd other places that I have seen, and/I could have looked upon Catskill litoun‘ains aud,guess at the place where RIP YANWIIIIILLIIIIIpt the 20 .yeanrafter hiving beer! headed • by- the ghost of licnnitat HUDSON ; buts it Ina night and I took i good sleep on board of a splendid- steambeat.... •Daylight. Walk upon us Ante Wks before we got.to• the city, but the fog' iias 'so *kik 'that we were out of sight of land until we got new the wharf. , '. After tiling tope Orsk quarters in the. city the first thing' we I wept to see was what could be seen of the, suspension bridge that is being built to connect New York with Brooklyn. To conceive of a suspension bridge scrum a chasm is easy, but to give a correct id m i of a bridge ou a Perfect byre' across si w e stream wham the banks are but a few feet above the waters at &height nt to let the shipi in -full rigging pap under , it is beyond my powers ofdescription. The work is in quite aferward kate of pro gression, the piers are up said to be two hundred feet high. We nag passed ,th;mg the fish mar ket, and; if I should mpt to speck of 'the quantity and des cribe . ribe the vast vatic volume; suffice it to ar for the city and 1 mid besides. We next an elevated• railroad, ligh as the windows I the houses and close went to the building Insurance Company, ram* to the obsemato• trod feet above the Jade the busy throng beloW look like a company of children just lef - ont of school. The flag staff of the weather indicator h on this building. The time indicator is also in full view ; by this the inhabitants of the city can tell exactly when it is 12 o'clock at Washing ton. At *wining we crossed overby ferry boat to Jersey City, and I was conducted, safely aboard of a sleeping car, and put in charge of the porter who saw that I was - nicely in bed, and - called me up in time to dress-and then kindly took me by the hand and led me to the 'bus • at the Towanda depot, andln duo time I was conveyed safely to my boarding place, and here - I am in gt.od l!ealth; and have just finished this review of my journey. COURT PROCEEDINOS.-.-MONDA MAT 6, 1878. • The following persons wore sworn in as Grand Jurors, viz C W Holcomb, Ulster, Foreman ; Ly. 'man Arnold, Orwell _; C N Beers, Orwell; C C Brown, Canton twp ; M M uoolbaugh, Monroe twp ; Miner De Groff, Athens bo. rough ; John Epley, Towanda twp ; Dan: iel Fogarty, Barclay ; B C Holcomb, Le- I; Walter Mason, South Creek ; D May4lidgtonry ; M M Platt, Franklin; J J Rogers, Litchfield ;.George Rutty, Ath. enitwp ; D V Stodge, Towanda bore'.; James Strnble, Litchfield ; Sherman Tan:. nor, Wells. • N C Harris vs J J Thompson.—Judg .ment for s plaintiff in ease4stated for 027. 80 and costa. First National Bank of Athens vs J D Ilyser.--Jiidgmetit for plaintiff in case stated f0r41,826.00 and costs. Sarah Jordan vs OliVe Elliott. .1 N Ste vens mE y•Yr•kizer.—Rnlei made abed. James Foz*s ex'rs vs Randall & Man ley.-mßule discharged. Davis, Jones, Beckwith (!b Co vs J S Smith, et al.—Final confirmation of Au ditor's report, stricken off, and report. re ferred to - Auditor to file a s upplem e nt a l report. Citizens National Bank of Towanda vs J A Codding, et al. Pomeroy .Brothers vs L D Bradford, et al.—Auditors reports filed and confirmed ni James Nesbit vs Wm Nesbit:--Court appoint J F Sanderson, Esq, ,an Auditor to distribute fundh raised by the Sheriff's sale of defendant's personal-property. N C Harris vs F A Gillett, et al.—Court appoint; H V Maynard, Esq,• an Auditor to distribute-funds raised by the Sheriff's sald of defendant's real estate. In re the assignment of Moses Gdstin for the benefit of his creditors.—Assignee's final account filed and confirmed . n 9 si. In re the alleged lunacy of Aaron Shotts. Inquisition returned wherein they find Aaron Shotta not to be a lunatic. _ C W Clapp vs J W IfollenbaCk.—Court :unit record to be amended. J N Murray, et al vs A C Howard, et: al.—Demurrer sustained and bill dismiss ed at the costs of the plaintiffs. Abner Wood vs N.l Lines, et al- H P Moore vs Nelson Vanderpool. trel Porter vs E T Buffum. Calvin West vs Henry Spencer. Augustag Cook vs A G Fria bie, T T. John Clark vs Ellen Clark. David Horton's use vs Martin Rogers. J B.Overfleld Wm Martin. MW, Cor nell's use vs John Bradley. Rule to open judgment in each case. .1 0 Frost & Bons vs Bramball & Haight. —Rule to open judgment as to W Bram hall. Hulett vs Z B McKean, of al. Rule to strike offjudgment as to Z 11 Mc Kean. First National Bank of Athens vs Batt Golden, et al.—Rule to strike off jndg nient. Guy Limoreaux vs Alexander Gibbs.— Rule to set aside execution. . Ii L Parks vs C E Thayer, et al.—Rule on plaintiff to tile declaration: ' . , Caroline Manley vs,-James Fox's ex'rs. —Rule on plaintiff to pay costs. F Reichimer, et al vs Farmer's Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Garnishee, two cases. .? Joseph Mosbbacker vs same.— Rule to didsolve attachment in each case. A. J Noble vs W S Vincent.—Order sus pending order of sale revoked; and Re ceiver directed to make a saltil. ' : J A. Codding vs F S Ayers.—Auditor's report referred to the Auditor to find ad _ ditiona! facts. . Kate Grippin vs C L Grippin. Court direct. a subponia in divorce to-issue. Mary I. Brink vs C W Brink. Hannl rs7:1(0/ Clark vs E M Clark. Court direct an ias subpoena to issue in each case. , Antoinette M Eiklor vs Geo ' iklor. Mary,G Tingley vs F M - Tingl .—Court direct Sheriff .to make proclamation _in each case.' A- . - : Mary .1 Medea vs LymaryMedes.—Court appoint J 8 Wiliiston,/Esq, a Coinmis goner. Caroline Sherman / is II N Sherman.— Court appoint W EChilson, Esq, a Com missioner- s/ ' S II Waslibnin vs Sarah Washburn.— Court appoint W J Yining, Esq, a Com missioner./ . . , • Addle Dickinson vs G W Dickinson.— Court p‘rit a divorce. Cot/ vs John- Pyne. Fornication and bastardy.' , Com vs J Fox.. Felonius as. sadlt. Corn vs A W Alger: Concealing pis propectr. Corn is Gustavus Conklin. saise prate acs, Each of the above cases continued taeptember term. : ` ' Com vs Frank Tallada. IPelonius as sault and battery. Com B F Ball: Con. tempt; Com vs Frank Ketchen and Rich ard. Ebston. Assault and battery. Court direct a nolle prosequi to be 'entered in each case upon payment of costs. - COM vs Oliver Nelson.. Surety. of , the peace.—District Attorney McPherson and II N Williams, Ergs,. for Commonwealth; .1 II Shaw and E B Parsons, Fags, for de fendant. Court adjudge defendant guilty, and sentence him to pay the costs of pros/ ecution, and 'give security to ' lieep - fe peace. . inaltigErana andliaynard for defendant. Jury find defendant guilty. "Court sentence him to pity a finnof $5 and ansta'of proseention. Coin vs Limo Dec*. Assault and bat. Coot v 8 tery.lontslltY l 4 l 9o o tegisitliTh Ileinitatiptelt battery.—Defendant pleads guilty-. • • Con. vs .1 W- Marcella& Assault and. battery. District Attorney McPherson for Comnumwesltli; D'A Ov, 3 49; EN , for defendant. 'Jury find defendant guilty.. Com vs Henry tamPbell, Silas Cambell: and • Addison Campbell. Riot.—Diatriet Attorney-McPherson' and N C Elsbree, Maga, for Corunumwealth ; DeWitt & Hall for defendants. j , • , . The Grand Jury diapered , of the follow ing caws, viz: • , TRUE BILLS. , COM vs John Alkler. 'Assault and bat tery. ___ I r Com vi Isaac Docker. Assault andbat tory. , Cern ye Henry Campbell. • Assault and battery. • Coin vs Henry Campbell, Silas Camp. bell, and Addison Campbell. Riot. Cora vs James Fox. Felonious assault. Com ya Byron Tall and. Henry Tall.— Maliciously breaking down fence. 2 cases. Com' vs J W Marco Um. Assault and battery. Coni vs A JiNablo. • Burning a harm OURDON Illewtrr : Esta, ono -of our oldest an' most higl i g esteemed citizens, died on Friday morning last. Mr. E..was in early life a carpenter, but,for several successive years was elected Constable of this-borough, and was once chosen Justice of the Peace. He was a quiet, peaceable, and honest gentleman. His age was (gi years. JA 11E8 ELLIOTT. AT the annual election of Naiad Engine N0..2, hold May 7th, the following offi cers wore elected for - the ensuing year: Proident--4: , ,Vice President—E. N. 3LtsoN. _ • roremars 7 -C. L. CODDING. trst Aeshitant-O.E, lgristerr. mut Assistant-LC. N. BEIDLEMAN. I 'Seeretary-..GALEN OWEN. Finarieickkflelretary : —;: , l... BEETLE._ Ttuue+err-1 ~F urmucti. • /yrremen---Ittrytrs' *uric Azemen—C. Bnirros and FRANK Ron- EN FIELD. • Member of Fire Board—A. T. Planes. After election the Company adjourned to FITCH'S as usual, who opened his ele gant ice cream Parlors, where a collation of ice cream and cako.awaited them. ELECTION OP COUNTY SUPERINTEND. ENT.—The School Directors of the county assembled en Tuesday lima 'the - peti pose of selecting a person t , ) servo as County Superintendent of Schools for the nest threelpitrs. Ron. E. R. - MYLE was elected Presi dent, hud E. 11. THOMAS and J. B. REEVE, shown Secretaries. , lion. .11'41. WEBB nominated G. RYAN, and W. W. WIIITNIAN nominated Prof. RANSLEY. On calling the roll, the vote stood, RYAN, 160; RAICIALEY, 11. We most heakily coligratulite the pea. ple of the county; on their securing the services of so competent and eflicient a gentleman. Under his adminiitration the educational interests of tlie county will be, carefully guarded.and the standard etc. -*stet'. TIIR building known as the "Tovntuda House," on Second Street, was burned on Wednesday night last. The fire waadis covered about 12 o'clock, and before the, flames could be atibdned, the building was a mass of ruins together with all•tbe contents. • The house was disreputable resort, and the inmates had been notified to leave the Taco. AuAtata LABAIte alias fawn Bon- BUTS, one of the inmate" watt-suffocated by the smoke and perished hi the flames. The proprietteSs; Mrs. BATHYREST, es caped from a second story, window. Coroner WALKEn was notified of the affair, and on Thursday Summoned the following named jurors, - who after exam ininga number of witnesses, rendered a verdict that the deceased came to her . death by suffocation : , D. 0. HOLLON, E. R. DELONO, C. W, WITTER, B. A. CHAM BERLIN, D. L. PRATT, and CHAS. KNAPP. From the evidore elicited no other , v6r elfe,t could have been rendered, but the gien&al impreisiod ttthattliere was some thing " erf,x?ked" about the fire. / C. W. NEvms,,Sec,'y. The head girl wer said by till beautiful rectal OM understood, icing facts frosty ' demati cian regt factor in orderto. town factors, as a science, me or more face calcu lations. ' a this 'way, the avoid-. ed. In i Fam ily Media. D.. of Buffalo,.N. ~ ~ to the cireful / mvestigation of'toe Several class ? will ,diseases for which his remedies are presMbett as specifics...theirlunpaialiel ,i( ed in mess attests, arguments stronger t an words , the Doctor ' s skid. Hill Graci a Medical Discovery is nnstovassed in curing diseases of the throat, liver, and blood ; while the Favorkte 41-. tion is sold under a Positive' guarantee to we those diseases and weaknesses pecu liar to woman. No remedy yet known equals De. Piekee's-Compound.Bstract of Bmart-Weed in curing dysenkery and kin dred irregulanities of the bowels. Over one hundred ,thousand copies of the Pea I ple's Common Sense Medical Adviser have been sold. Price $1.50 - post-paid. Ad ; dress the author, It. V. Pierce, M D., rßuffalo; - :r: , 1 ,, i,"' ' -- 7 ------ 7 -7 - ' NEW LOCALS. , . -I+l ' - 1 . ' Ur "JOY BELLS," a new Eiti . niay- School Singing Rook, by W. A. OnpEN. Sistnple copies *.S tents by snail. ' f.. n. rowsui. malt.._ - ; ..: -f.! ; : .1 !Scranton,' Ps. VirWOOL CARDING.--Thitiusinesi of . Carding will be conducted as usuay at the old establishment In Camptown dining' the coming summer. We will bo ready do , the first Sack that mimes, rind cheerfully refer to *bow for whom we worked for tut season, as to the quality of work that may be expected, May bttl 1677.. , •I r HOSIERY t , ROSIERY lIOSIF RV All um styles a t J. L. Km's. mayt tar MILLINERY GOODS at *bole sate at EiTRIGIN ! A larErriOthig in the. lino of station- Wuncoxs & 811AUT'S. _ rirgifElliAßTY- SHAWLS' In, great . irarlf•tt St J. r.. KENT'S. may 2. / I Ladies, I►lirsea and Children!? pLOVICSAid fiI!SIBY it I.' L; gilfre. • raari fir Tho LATEST NOVELTIES IN MILLINEIIT, at the lotiest feces, at BORN Rm. I arTABLE LINEN, NAPKINS sod TOWELS, at J. L. Hurts. awl. orge l 7.—tois. San duly find &rim ehdty as flarstat. glr Thompscm's wyg . , FITTING CORSET st J. L. XXlVrak , MTV. ana batter/. shit o Er PARASOLS and 'UMBRELLAS at . W vs. • - mays. lir Get your STYLISH BONNETS st Brixlt Tiros. New York Store and love maw. or DRESS GOODS at reduced prices at J. L. Werra. say- STERN Bros. have just received Him of Ladles ready made , sults and summer .Basques. ' fir MislloB Boom S FARNRAM do all kinds of DRESS ISAKIRG. 146131ERiri 4 pairs, for 25 cents, at mats arm Embroideries,. Laces, ° Silks • and a bums at STMI Bros.. .1. Mr2.mei is selling goods this sipriair CIikAPER THAN EVER. Call and eiarelne before perebaslog. opal. . tw- STERN Bros. - are selling fgl.7N-' DOWNS and BAILOR HATS for ,:t3 cents, and LEGHORN FLATS torte.= tsr Bear in mind tlia; we will 1011 yon • Mager tteirtng Machine. with DROP LEAF, two Drawers and Cower for $30.00.• \ . way& ' 0. A.'BLACK, Agent. IM Mrs. E. J. Milieus Ilan. returned from the ens'. and had decidedly the FINEST DISPLAY OF MILLINERY and NOTIONS In ttils town. it GLOVES for 15 cents, rind' PETS for 115 cents at STERN Bros. New York Store. tW".Tablo Linens, 'Fowling and Nap= tins at StettN MVP. rif For Crockery, Cutlery, Glass Ware, and a boat of other articles, useful and ornamental. go to 31snita.'s Crockery Store. . tor Mrs. E. J. ?thauos bas TRIMMED !EATS feir ONE DOLLAR and upwards. - LADIES NECKWEAR and SILK HAN DHERCHIVIPS from ZS Ceuta up at STERN Bros. for oto -SNELL & FAIINUAM'S for best Millinery Goods. rir Cnicnsnrtio.—A splendid oppor tunity to buy a Illitclass Plano. I hall a floe 7 Octavo Chickering Piano, which has been rented. It Is laltosescond Case, tour timid corners, Is In perfect order, and wit be warranted the same as a new ‘ one. Price WO. L. B. PoWett„ may2.2w. 115 Wyomlng-ave, Scranton, l'a. $W Great reduction on rates :to an polnts.West„ 'Northwest and Southwest. The cheapest taros ever ()gored. Write or apply to G. It. Sherwood, Towanda, L. V. it. 11. ticket °dice. tir E. H. DORMAUL, 325 East Water Street, EL3fIRA, N. Y. First Floor—DßY GOODS. Second FIoor—MILLINERY.' Third . Ffoor—CAAUETS. Fourth FIoor—CLOAKS AND SUITS tpper floors xeceaslbbi by Elevator. A visit of inspection will more than amply repay. julyn. Fir FEJ,CH it • (Taylor tt, Co.'s old stand), Main Street, having Jost returned from the City, are offering one of Me riest Assortments of DRY (MODS, FAICCT 6001)8.110SIERY,CAR• rETS, OILCLOTHS, kc., ever exhiblied. In To• wanda. and their Prices are Astonishingly Low.alB Vir 3frB. C. H. ALLEN . bogs leave to Inform the Ladles of Towanda that NM Is now pre pared to do BEiVINti BY TILE DAY on reasonable terms. Residence, No. a Ward . & Overtones b ark, First Ward. ppriv Ear Cowi.Es' Bakery . . Wagon, of the lift Win' llalcc4r, will be on hand dally with Fred' Crackers hot Mtn the oven, tread, Pies, Cakes, Ste. • sprit" rer Flower Pots and Hanging Baskets —largest variety ever sltowirla this market, at MA DILL'S Crockery Store. . may:. rErThe Largest, Best and Cheapest line of Shea for Vannes', Mews .. .and Chlldrena' west Is found at COnsETVS new store, corner Main and Plne-eta., Tracy ik Noble's Block. aprE7B lifseos Las the beat' Skirt Supporter, also the Skirt Elevitor. Cousin has the best wearing Shoes for Men, Boys and Youthe wear ever. offered In Towanda, and at prlets within the reach of ail. vir Horse Powers for rile, ono Second hand, and new ones of Blued '& Cols manufacture, Sayre Stanfl Co. Sayre, Pa. Man. 3 months , . ilou't you forget it. e have An excellent CRACKER MANUFACTORY In town at COWLES' BAKERY, where you can' Loy the beg fresh-baked crackerk, Or L. B. Roootdts challenges compe Litton for quality of goods and low prices on bash, Doora,.Blinda and !dolditq, 6, and all building ma. tees'. lang3-tn., IIIfCLOSING OUT SALE of Gold am! Silver Watches, Chains, Fancy Jewelry, etc. The undersigned having purchased at Sheriff . % Salo the entire stock of Watches, Chains, Sliver and Plated Ware, In the store formerly occupied by N. DELMAN, and not Wishing to remain In the busi ness, has concluded to sell the entire stock regard less of coot, in order to wind np the'business. Call early an. secure bargains. MvTACQBEg. lforte Wall tie a • of Cr To T r im Punuc.—The Steam Grist: Millis Bheih6qulp, forinerlyinvitesl by F.S.ATins, will be started under NEW MAN /t GEMENT and wltnincreaaed facilities, en 310NDAY, Feb.. 18, 1878. We Invite all the old patrons of thin pop. ular Mt to give us a call. We shall not object tii making tujw Maude. SATISFACTION GUAR ANTEED 8. W. Rot:leans, Agent. Sheahequin, TO or PIANOS AND.OROANS.—If yeti wish to pnrchase a very supelor PIANO 'or ORGAN, equal In every excellence •to any made, at 'Sianufac. turer•s Wholesale Price, and thus save nearly one half of your„pioney, do not fall. before purchasing ; to write for catalogue of description and prices, to Pad Office Box 5a8.%,. New York. March 7, 1878. tf.4- tar E. F. Ku - NKEL's'BrrrEn WINE .OF Nos gives tone to the stomach, Improves the ap mellte and assists digestion, excites the bowels to healthy action, expelling all the, foul humors that contaminate the blood, corrupt the secretions and otend the breath. It excites the liver to a healthy action and strengthens the nerves,imparting that glew to life thatproceedsalone from perfect health. Thousands In all walks of life, testify to the virtues of this exceellent mhdlelne In correcting the de .lartiehlellt of the digestive organs. Oat the gene. the: Sold only in oue dollar bottles. Ask for F. P. ONKLL'a BITTED WINE OF 1110%, bud take no other. ,/ Eiripteltila I Dyspepsia! Dyspeplits! E. V. knniePs Bitter While a less, a sore cure for thlddiseate. It has hpen prescribet daily for Many 'years In tee practice of eminent physicians with nnputraltiled success. Symptoms Ire loos of appetite, - triad and riatagof food. drynesi in month. hvadache. dizziness, sletplessness and row splilts. Get the genuine. Not sold in bulk. only !medullar bottles. Do you want something to strengthen your •Do you want a good appetite? Do you want to get rid of nervousness? Do you want energy ?1)0 you want to sleep well, or be cured ofilyspepshi. kidney or liver inseams ? Try E. F. RtgillrAL'S • BITTIII, WINE OF 'nos. Every bottle guaranteed to do as recommended. Depot and office, 2t9 North Ninth Street, Philadelphia. Fa. Get_the genneme. Sold by ail druggists. Ask for FL F. Kunkel's and take Do other. Alt I ask is a trial, of this valuable med icine. One bottle will convince you. Get six bot tles for 'Meddler& one dollar -for one. Tape Worm;Pin, Seat and Stomach Worms re moved alive in from tno to tour hours. No fee un til head of Tape Worm passes alive and In one. Ask your drontst for Kunkel's Work Syrup. , bill only In one dollar bottles. Used for children or porn persons. It never falls. Or send fOr Wen tar to Dr. Kunkel; 259 North Ninth Street. Philar detail*. Pa. Advice by mall free. Send three tent stamp for return of letter. E. E. nuakol'a Lostral avid E. F. Kul • kePo Ellionkpoo for the Hair. /H B. Isarks.it r The beat and 4 cheapest Hair Dressing and Hair Cleaner In the world. They remove dandruff, allay Irritation, soothe and tool the dented seep, prevent the hair from failing off, and Promote the groirth la a very short time. They preserve and beautify the Hale, and render it soft and glassy. They im part a brilliancy and a silky appearance to braid and nary Hair. sutras a hair dressing they am un rivalled : eradleatetiatuiruff and prevent bakituns. The shampoo elevens the flair. removes grease, scurf, itching, 'eruption. Cures headache produced by heat and fatigue. Kunkel's Shampoo mut !As tral restate Hair to a natural andglossy color , re store faded, dry. harsh and wiry hair. Price ' per bottle tn. Asir yoor druggist for them, or semi to H. P. Kande/. Proprietor, No. "Ha North Ninth Street, Phlbutelpbla, Pa. fiday2-3m. otic and tnialiiiiillellll/eo rAnlcriAlegr want' a Baby Carriage, call tkery Store. - mar.. get all the latest atyles of heap, at.Wuvrcome a Su+uret BUSINESS LOCAL. SPECIAL LOCAL. Tape Worm Iltentored mAnniso. I WNlrra^oll/1/ETT4t the bane of tbe bride, A pit Mb; tell: by - Rie. Gee. L:Wllllaies. Mr. William T. Timm* and Ulu Monaca &Gillett, boat of Some. re. - . . P02111C116414111ARD11.;.-1o Key ld.le7i. by Um A. %Stowell; Yr. Preceptor C. tattles ti INatte.!.3llchsoll, both ot Rose. Is. 011tD. wurintoox—ti4l47bas tap, ; AprO ed. JCL of parodysl; lone Westbrook, aged?) ring $ months sad It days: • PITZLPI3.—iii Burlington borer, Kay 1, Ma, of paralysia. "tyro Mips. sea" sod 14J hit rtsitime was bons to linotooth,, Rotlaad county, Vt., March 3, Mt. He moved from Solon. Cortland comity. N. Y., to Candor, Tlmo county; N7V.,..and from there In 1141 to Burlington,;llrad. ford county, Pa., where be_ has eoallneed ever slam to reside up to the time of his death. -t Mooair.—To antankall desiiifig a volume of BennamOrrayers sue addresawsiai revised by Ida crirpliand, best In print, book' large, type plain, paper geod, and contains over NO page?. with 73 sermonsind it addresses. well naiad.. Price according to binding, ta,lo. 43. 43 0, SUL - • This Book abound be In every home, as Songs and 'Sermons mate well. Apply to E. Burroughs of 4lba, Pa. ' Itirßy - universal accord homes CA ?Harm= Pitts are the b•st of all purgatives for; family use, They are the produel, of keg, labori ous., and successful chemical investigation, and their use, by Physicians in their .proctiety. and kV all Civilized nations; proves Ahem the best and most effectual purgative Pill that medical skill cal devise: tieing purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use. In intrinsic value and curative powers no other pills tan be compared nit): thorn, and every person, knowing their virtues, will em ploy tit m, when needed., They keep the sjstcm in psi mleck,order,` and maintain In healthy action the whole machinery of life. Mild, searching and et a fectual; they are specially adapted to the needs of the digestive apparatus. derangements of -which they prevent and cure, If timely taken. They Are the beat:and safeat , physic ploy far children and weakened canstitutl 5, where a mild, but effectual, Cathartic is tilted. SOLD tsY ♦LL DltUtitilSTd. TOWANDA MARKETS. \ REPORTED BY STEVENS t LONG, Gene‘l dealers In GrOcertes sad Produce.Patteu`s • block, corner Male and firldiro Streets. W,EONESDkY EVENING, YAY 8, 1878, WIMILISSALE. lISTAI i: flour per hbl .# 6 50 00 00 #7 #5 50 Flour per sack ' 1 6,5® 200 1 71® 210 Corn Meal persloo Ilia .: - - i 25® . Chap feed t _ \ .... , • 1 2506 Wheat per brieh‘ 1 250 135 1 40011 - 45 , , Cora 45 60 -- , 14 - . ltre ' --- . ' 6 6 0 65 Oita...' e ' " . • 50® Buckwheat - \,.. 40 • ... Clover eited,mmilum,. \ ' - 500 525 Timothy, western,. 4 \• 1150 Beans, 02 Iter, . , s 1 00444 125 1 5(.0 200 Pork. mess 1 . 250® ' ow 10 01 08 D • 10 08 08 08 00 • 10 0843 ‘, 09 ' lO 10 12 1431 to Ise 20 14t Is \ zwo 20 9 10 14 \ 18 Dressed hogs... Ileum Shoulders I.ard . Dressed Chickens • Turkeys • flutter, tubs Rolla. Egg& freaah Cheese Green apples, W.& Cranberries per quart.. 'Potatoes, per:bushel. Ontorts - - Beeswax CORIVCCTED DY DAYTON t DBO. Rides Veal Mans Deacons Sheep pelts Tallow New . Advertisements. FOR SALE 'AT A BARGAIN.- MTlog no further use for tho F ranklin.lfand Elie Engine. It now offered forple at a haltala for Vie oral two weeks. Call on or adidreas Inafa-2t. b N.. N. BETTS, Harem. , . NOTICE. - The Commissioners of Towanda township have Thirteen (la) (*Mid ten from Two to Thirteen years of age, for whom they desire to procure homes. Persons desiring to adopt or employ anf of them chn apply to the un dersigned. FRANK. GREGG. k GEO. W. SCOVILLE, ' A.. W. DIMMOCK, • Commissioners Towanda Towethip. Towanda, April It, 1878. LIST OF LETTERS remaining in Post Bate at Towanda, Bradford Co., Pa. for the week ending May, 9, 1878: Raker, Rosa 'Lunch, Emma* ell, R. F. Mrs, Lynch, Annie . . • Bottler, Addle S. Myrieh, N. H. Ratner, Elisabeth MeKate, Thos ,Hubling, Maty Stephen!, J. H. Haitaway, A nnlo Stritth, L. A; Mrs, Kelley, W. T. Mrs. Stewart, Caroline Persons ea/ling for au of the abate will please say " advertised, giving date Of lll4t, S, W.•ALVOItD, P. M. . IN • 'BANKRUPTCY. District Court of the United States for the Western DM •WI of Pennsylvania. In the matter of Mahlon C. Morcur, Baukrupt, Western District of Poansyl. vania- : A warrant In Bankraptcyhas been lamed by said Court against the estate of Mahlon C. Merritt. of the County of Bradford and State of Pennsylvania. In mild District. adjudged a Bankrupt upon Peti tion of his Creditc4a, and the payment of any debts and the delivery of any property belongltigto said Bankrupt, to him or to his use, and the transfer of any property by him. - are forbidden by taw. A meeting of the Creditors of wild Bankrupt, to prove their debts and choose one or more Assignees of his Estate, will be held at a Court of Bankrupt cy to be held at Willlamspmt in said District. on the :Atli day of MAT, A. D. 1578. at 2 o'clock P at-the office of P. E. Smith... Esq. we of the trees ters fn. Bankruptcy of said District, In Court House. • John Hail. may: U. r. Marshal-for said District. gfficAL ELECTRICITY - mits. COMMALE, In her practice in this borough during the past year, has effected many wonderfnl cures. Iler In creased knowledge makes her fully competent to treat nearly all diseases Incident to our race, Spe cial attention is giyen to purely female complaints,. AU kinds of lever/. Appoplexy. Inflammation of the Eyes. quinsy, Croup, Pnetimonla, Pleurisy. In ftrmmatlen cf the Liver, tuflanunatory Rheuma •tieni, Amamsle,' Deafness, Aphonia, Dvspepeli. Diabetes, Dropsy, Chronic Rheumatism. St, Vitus 11,ance, Epilepsy, Gaiter, Neuralgia, Fever . Sore , C Curvature Of the Spine. Asthma: Bright's Disease of the Kidneys, and ether diseases too numerous to mention. Charges moderate. Terms cash. itesidenee on Poplar st., west of Western Avenue, where she may be found at all Ileum. mays. SUSQUEHANNA - COLLEGIATE • INSTITUTE. • Spring Term reimports MONDAY, APRIL 8. Tor catalogue, or other particulars addles!) the . Principal,- T.. E. QUINLAN..I.M. Towat.da,'Jait. 17; 1878. PO TTI'ELL 6% CO: dOsirp to- call • • SPECIAL ATTEJVTION. to thei?' stock of BL - .WK 4. COLORED SILKS and .:WORSTED DRESS FABRICS, which they co t e now receiv ing anct offer for sale at an MLAIENSE REDUCTION FROM FORMER PRICES. hi c. ,....jthetr stock of La dies' BEAD Y-M4DE DRESSES, manzifa,etured from foods of new and desirable styles., ',laic* . they offer at prices . ranging front, ONE DOLLAR to FIFTY DOLLARS EACH. They are also receiving large additions to • their stock of Ladies' liEdiDr-mADE .71(USLIX if.h.pERG.4RX.EJVIS at. prices 1e.43 than. exist` Materials from whielt,tl44 are made. Totcanda, May 9, 187 g. SHEICIFF'S SALES.—By virtue bt sundry writs tuned out of the Gird of Common Mesa Bradford County, and to me di. reciek. , ifittil encaNt.to pub li c. ale en FRIDAY. the :Midi, of MAT. 1874 at the doorof the Court Mouse, in Towanda Borough. at 1 o'clo.k,, P. x., the following.deSertbed property, tomtit: - No 1. One lot, pleepor parcel of land situate In * Burlington twp, bounded north lands of D Luther. eat by lands of Writ Barnes, south by lands of Darld Mead and Isaac Lane, west by lands of Barton Bcouteti and Wm Cannarecontalio, SO aerssmore Cr less, about IS in:proved, with 1 board house, and board granary tit Seized and Wilkey Into execution at the suitor it T Fox va Almanza Allen and Darld Mead. Also at the suit of N C Thompson vs Almanza B Allen. No 2. ALSO.—Ode other lot situate In Canton bono', bounded and descrlbmt as follows:. Begin. cling in the east line of Mix is Whitman's drug More lot on the northeast cor of the lot herein de - scribed; thence easterly - along the south line of lands belongingto Lodge No $2l, 10 of 0 F. soft to an alien thence south along the west aide of said alley about 1001 tto the north line of A 0 • Keliers lot; thence west along Kelley 'S north line about to tt; thence Utah along said Mix & Whitman's- east line to the place of beginning; contains about 3,100 Kure feet of land More or less, all improved. - Nos. ALSO-4Mo other let less,. in Canton two', bounded arid described as • follows: ning In lb...center** a proposed e ate:igloo of .Ceo tertst at the northeast cor of K Wright's; thence ' west along J K Wright's north line 185 ft to Beale's alley; thence north along east line of Bears alley 600; thence east along the south line of other Inods of 8 J Illekok iestt to :said CentrOst; thence smolt along the center of said Centre.st to the place of beginning; contains 11,100 square feet of land; all Improved. - No 4. ALSO—One other lot :situate In Canton bona', bounded and described as follows: Begin. fling at the northeast cor of the last above descrlb. ed lot; thence west along the same 185 ft to fears alley; thence north along said alley BOft to lot of A 0 Kelley; thence east along said Kelley's south line to center of said Centel...at; thence south along the center of said street to the Kier of begicintr , g; , nn. tains X of an acre more or less, with 1 framed house thereon. No 5. ALSO—One other lot situate In Canton bore% bounded worth by other lands of 8.3 - Hickok. east by Dlvisien•st, south by lands formerly owned by O A Krim,. West by lands of James A Itolhwell: being about oOft front and abont 130 ft deep, with 1 'framed house thereon'. lielted inittaken Into exe cution at the suitor Mrs J E Bullock Yst•Stl Hickok and If N Williams, Sesey. No O. ALSO—One otberlot situate In Pike twp, bounded north' by the public highway, east by lands of Willson Ethan, south and west bythe public highway; contains 1 acre More or less, all improved, with 1 framed house, I, framed barn' and few fruit toner thereon. No 7. Al,Bo—One other lot situate in Pike twp, bounded north by lands of Win Davis,* east and south by.the public highway.-and lauds of 1111 son, Edaall, and west by lands of Mai Mister; contain, 5 acres of land be the same more or less, all Improv ed, no buildings, but few fruit trees thereon. 14,1 - ed mid taken Into execution .at the suit of the Ath ena Building and Eau/ Association of Athens, Pa, vs S SI Gregory. No 8. ALSO—One other lot situate in' Albany twp, bounded north by lands of Joseph Conklin, east and south by the public highway, 'west by lands of Claricliancnekt being 100 H flout and.'sOft deep, with 1 trusted house and few fruit trees thereon. (excepting and reserving that part of the house and lot sold by said Ormsby be Camp bell off the north end of said.lot. Seized anti taken Into execution at the milt of Edward Overton S *Ormsby. • - No la: ALSO = -One ather lot situate In Athens twp, bounded north /glands of George Ereortheck. east by lands of Albert Campbell, south by lands of N C Harris, west by lands of Horace. Williston's estate, contains 125 acres more or less, about 10 Im proved, with 2 framed .houses, 2 framed. barns, 1 hog hense, I corn house. other outbuildings, and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. No 14. A LsO—Une other lot situate In. Athens t.wp. bounded north by lands of 11orace 'estate, east by lands of =James VVldte, south I,! lands 0f,.1 Griffith and theidiblic highway, west by lands of Senn' Kirby; contains 55 acres more or -less, no Improvements. Seized and taken into ex ecution at the stilt of Miami S Pike vs C II unsicker and A Hiinsicker. No 15. 1 ALSO—One other lilt situate .In Orwell twp, bounded and described as follows : lleginning on the public highway leading froni - Wysox to the Wappasena Creek, known as the Ridge road on the southerly line between said-piece of land owned by said Taylor atal the .northerly boundary rane of Wm II Darling, running north .1,,"° , west along the said Ridge road 44 pert to a point; thence' north 714 ° east along the.line‘of the said road 43 pets to a point; thence north Is'4° east along the said road 65 tiers to a peintethence along the said emultiorth 21 0 east 34 pers to a point; thence along the said road north 54% 0 east - 12 pets to a point thence north, 65.k1.° east 32 pers; thence along the'sald road 73.15° east 24 pers to the line between the" lands of Cyrus Cook and - the said Taylor; thence south 24 0 east along the line between the said lands 15 2-10 .pert to a stake and stones; thence along the line of lands of Cyrus Cook. N W . Morgan, and the said Taylor tooth 12 1 ° west 163 4.10 pert to a cor: thence north 80° west long the Southerly' line IS 4-10 pert to a cor ; thence south 3,..(e west :16 pers tea cur On the line of lands of 'William II Darling, and the said Taylor; thence along the southerly - line of said Taylor lands north bra ,° west 50 s-10 pert to the centre of said Ridge mad to. the place of beginning: contains 92 acres and 21 MO's, be tlo: same more or lest - No 16: ALSO—One other lot situate in Orwell twp, boundetfand described as follows iteginnlog at the center of the before said Ridge mod °lithe southerly line of the ian'd of said Taylor, and the northerly line of the lands of .1 J Newell , naming along the said line - north 95 0 west 232 pert to aver of the lands of - .l,l•Newell. Henry Ilowe, and the said Taylor: thence north fll.• ; ° east along the west. erly line of the said 'Taylor's land 106 pert to a cor of the lands of Burton Russell, W W and the said Taylor, marked hya stake and stones; thence, along the line between W Olds sort the • said Taylor; thence 67 1 4 0 east 110 5.10 pers to a cot roarked.by a stake and stones at the- piddle road leading from the - mid' Ridge road to James Cleaveland's; thence along said toad south 5 0 east 12 6-10 pert: thence along the northerly line of said ' ( Olds and S II Wilson hinds north Srai°- east' ' 131 5-10 tiers to-a cor of sold B'i'son, Cyrus Cook, and said Taylor's lands, marked by a stake. and stones;thence along the line of lantlsof the said Cook and Taylor, smith t.S O east as pers to the before named Ridge road ithenee southerly along the said read 198 pets to the place of beginning; contalns I 167 "acres and 33 pert, be the shun. more'or less. I No 17. ALSO—One other lot Situate In (dwell twit. bounded and' deserlbed at follows: Beginning at a sugar maple tree at the cor of the lands of II r II Darling and lands formerly owned by II Chaim• lain, now ownetTby Dr Lewis: and running along the line between those-lamb. north 4s 1 .2 9 West 511 3. 10 pets to a cur of lands of t h e said Dr Lewis'J • Newelland Taylor marked .by a stake raid stones: thence dire east along the 1118.1 of the lands of said Newell anti Taylor 79.5-10 pets to a cur marked a stake and stones; thence along the line between the same south I° west .16 5-10 pers to a cor marked by a beach sapling: ['mate along the line between tile land of W II -Darling anti said Taylor 52 0 west 458:10 pets to the plaee of beginning: cOntalns te acrovand 80 pers, be theiiante more or less. The. elem.; three lots of land art: kitiewn as the-A (1 Fri.- •bleTarni. with 1 framed house, 3 framod bares, sheds and outbuildings, and orchard of-fruit area thereon. Seized - and taken fate". execution at the suit of A twists T Cook's use vs A .1 Friable. No IS. A LSo—one other lot situare In Pike trio: heralded north by lands of A• D Tassel?: east ity lands of the Thranaa Brink estate, south by !mitts of the Tliotnas Brink estate, west be the inflate -highway contains 12 acres . More or less, all ran proved, with I franoel house: 1 board shanty, and few Dolt trees there're. Seized and taken into ex ceutleit at the suit of 0, W galley vs Stephen It Canfield. ' • No 19. ALSO—One other lot situate in Leroy twit, heunded and described as follows: Begisming at a cur in the public read leading from the stage toad to thissoutit side of the Towanda 'Creek. and cur of Lindley Stone's land, anti in - - the. line of Amos Vantteers lanO: and running; Menee north as the oreginahroursa given ratting the lint of Amos Vantleet's land: running thence north as the origi nal course giVen along the line of Ames Van fleet. Lewis Darling: formerly D A Greene, about 2tt _pers and 5-10 of a perch to a 'cot post...and stones' adjoining lands of Reuben McClelland on the north, and thence east as the Original course pees to a cor in the line of David Hotel:imps Vaud; and thenCe south as the original course mentioned in former cratiVeyances a distance of about 312, 4-10 pert to , a cor adjoining Lindley Shale's land as conveyed/to him by Nathan r.Wficos, anti along the line of David' Iloagland's laud to said cur, awl thence troth afte west .4 3-10 per, to a post 111111 Stories; thence west 11 6-10 pets to a blekory tree isarktid for a cor; thence north 3° east along said Until 3* Stone's land and one 19 pert to a cor near a hiekory tree; thence 8: 0 west 23 3-10.pers to the place of beginning; contains the seppeSe.i quantity or amount of alstut 66 acres, lie the same noire or less. (2 acres being reserved. flierelmin In the, convey airce,)about.6oacres improved. with t f ram...l house, 2. framed Minis, other mittniihilings, and orchard of, fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken O & into .exect lion it the suit of verton Elshree vs-Anthott . 1 Darling. , No 20. AL.Sti-‘olte other lot situate in f rabville twp, bounded Math by hinds of Charles Parmerier and David Eaton, on-the, east•by laud! of Ephraim • Keutiall, south by lauds of WilliON Annable David Thompson, west by lands of Maleelii shoe maker and Cartiand Clark ; contain., 56 acres more or less, ail improved,' with I framed hense. I fram ed barn. 1 framed hog pen, and orchard of - fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into executlen at the stilt of Patrick McGerighralt vs James RI nein 110,11SP. Also at the suit of Burk; Thomas & Co vs same. . No 21. ALSO—One other let situate in „Ulster twp, hounded and described as follows: on the southwest cor at, the junction of Cash creek road anti Main neoleading Duni Ulster •to Athens at a phst in' the cur_ ' e a fence, said cur being moth east cor of said-Mt . :thence south on west side of said Main road 66ttsrul 2 Inches to a point; thence westerly running parallel with building now till said tot 60ft to it stake: thence right angle souther ly to said loti thence westerly direetion on said stinth lie tria point : thetice northerly about s reds to south side of Cash Creek road to a post ill fence: thence easterly along south side of said C.ish creek • rand OS rods to the. place of beginning: reserming therefrom the original surveys of said a pier._ of laud lying on south side of 'said lot east a right angle and south of line running parallel-with braidings for C 11* Holcomb in consideratiotrof a plece.of laud now occupied by sata bundling or point on southeast cereal said lot with 1 tiv.sstoryltranael building, 1 trained barn, and other euitmralittest (hereon. *totted and taken Into excention at the seat of the Athens Bulltlingotel Loan A saocialtoe - of them', Pa, vs Sl3 Lucky:Os - A and Mys A Lock wood. Not , ALSO--One other lot satiate: in Athens bone, bounded as follows: Being lot No 42in a plot . or survey made by Orson Rickey for the Ural Ed want Ilerrick.and Inntnded north by lons No D. 15 and 46; cast 'by lot No .11, south by Chestnut-st. west by lots No s 7„ Ss and 59, which :Said 10t inter albs was conveyed to Francis Si ()reale' by the Sheriff of Bradford County by deed dated and aek nowledged the lath day orSeptember A. • 1). with 1 framed house and few fruit trees thereon. Seized anti takerfinto execution al the suit of Ilia Athens Braldlng and Loan Assort:Ohm of A trams', Pa es - 31 W Ryan and Margaret Ryan. • N 023. ALSO—One other lot situate In Orwell twp, bounded and tie:trained as follows .; Begluning at a post and stories on the east side of the high way. (said highway leading front Potterville by Werkisers trall),.atthe northeast cor of the tail nery_lot of S - 31 Beecher; (Melee north el°. east by said tannery lot 13 •pers. to a 'stake and stoves: Menet, north lits° west by land 14 said - grantors 7 6-10 pert to a stake and stones: thence smith 54' west 6 3-10 i ere - thence south 11'1, 0 east 6 5-10,pers; thence soutb 810 west 6 feto pets inane cast stile of the first mentioned highway; thence south 9 1 4° `along the east side of the highway 141 t to the place of beginning: vonlates 52 pers, be the sane more. or !ells, all Improved: with au 01.1 framed building thereon. , ' Seized and take into Burke & Wheaton, luto exeinitton at the cult of .1 F Wheaton, ex'r "v and .14 Wheaten, Seely. No 4.4. A. ALSO—Orte .other lot allote in -tome bon), Isrffintled north by the Aeadern. lot, cast !by lands of ILK Adams, south by the 4 Illitl-FeIIOWS west by )fain-sus being about 100 ft front, and 150 ft deep, with 1 trained house, I trained barn - , t tratuetl i shut; and few fruit trees thereon. IF No 25, ALSO-Oneother lot situate n Rome tateo", l l beturded north by the public lane, eat by the Wy sox ('reek, south lo• lands of Wm Cotratattgli, west by talitis of. Dr itieetarantains I tier° shore or less.. all improved. no buildiugs. Seized raid tat.eit into ex.:oration at the suit of - toplion Elwell vx Ales:an der Keefe and ILL Parks.. No 26. ALSO—One other lot situate in South Creek twp, bounded north by lands of Robert Ray, east by lands of JamestrLeary. smith by lands of J,C ittitte,e estate, a nd W Lord. w..st ity lands of Petrie* Morley; contain...lll acct-:.more or lest, 'about GO acres Improved. with I fronted house, 1 \ 12%. 25 \ LS . 04403 . 40640 . Wi1430 Ma MS . 05406 4 . LepL tagsL log barn. and Orchard of fruit treee r thmeon. Seta. ed and taken into execution St Hilt Of CalelS West es Henry Spencer. No 87. ALSO—One other lot situate In OraarolThs - (.. twp, hounded- north by lands of Jobs M Plahlo pod James Riley, east by lands of Adam lonia, south hy lands of Adam Innis and Wm Bunyan; 'west by hinds of Harrison Ross, Vbelstle Lowe, and Joint 31 Phallm• contains 87 acres, and 31 pers. mere Or less, abent SO acres Improved; with 2 framed houses, 2-framed barns, other.outbal kilns% and 2 Meharl . of fruit trees thereon.: Seizes:land taken into-ex ' cotton at the atilt of 11 Kslfott vs Omar Davie. A • so at the Ault ofsJ Z Spencer to use of U 1) Baxter vs Omar Davis. - • - No 28.. A 1.140-41ne other lot situate in Towanda taro% bounded north by lands of J J 011113ths, east by lands of E W Hate. south by 11/Idgeirt, best by Malmst; being about 7511 front on said kfalk4W sad about 70ft deep on • Bridge.st, with t three-story belek block thereon, known as Patton , . Math. - Seized and taken foto execution at the salt of A and E Cohnrn's lice, et at vs John J Orlfilths sod J ' Patton. No 30. ALSO—One other lot situate in Leroy twp, bonnded north by lands of M T Shoemaker-, and James Rittenlomse, east by the estate of Eph raim Annable and lands - of Reuben Stone, south by lauds of Wesley Stone. Lindley IkOne, and M H.; Annatde. Annable. went by the public 410 Way; contains 1341 acres and 13.1 pets more or less, about 110 acres Ina proved, with 1 (raffled house; I framed barn and :s • shed attached, 1 Ice house and orchard of- fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken Into execullon at the suit of James - Lyon - sears vs David Thompson. • No 3i: A LS.O4-One other lot situate in Asylum two, bounded and described as follOws - Beginning at a stone -heap; thence east 104 pera to a moue heap; thence-south 25 0 east 119 pets to a stone heap; thence south 70 0 west 11l 0.10-pets to- stone heap; - thence April, 15w west 1 0 5'4 pets to the placeo f b"" ginning; contains 94- acriA a n d 15.3 pets more or less, being part of Sarah 11 Butlers mitt surveyed In the warrantee name of Barnabas McSitain. about 84 acres Improved, with 1 framed house. 1 framed barnand sheds attached, blacksmith shop, -work shop, I framed granary, and orchard of fruit trees thereon. - . • NO 32. ALSO—One other lot sittmie In Mourne and Albany twps, bounded and de:welted/4s follows: lleginnieg at a sugar torn at an origlital cor of Jnu Boyd and John Kidd warrants; thence cast by Jno - Boyd warrant 167 pea to a.hcintock rum of Otis Ly. _ nos' lot: thence by the same sontb-143,pers to a cor thence went i 67 per* to a cot or E C Kellogg's lot: • thence by the same north 145 pets to the place •of beginning ; comains 150 acres and En pets more of less swing part of a large tract In the warrantee ' name of Joseph Thompson, no Improvements. No 33. ALSO—Use other .lot situate In 3lonrcat tai. bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a cor on lino of E C Kellogg's land; thence. east 100 pert to a cot of the Saulsbury lot; thence north an pers to a cor on tames W traine's lot i thence. east its pets to a cor online of John Bristoli thence 30ut112,4' , 1 0 east isiSers to a cor nl3l line of John Bristol thence ea it. 24 west 1/0 pets to a cot on line of l". C Kellogg; thence by ItellogrslanftWest . 142 pers to a cor; thence still by Kellogg's land north AS pets to the place of beginninga contains 76, acres and 63 pert more or less, no Improvements. Y No 31. ALSO-41nti other lot situate. In Asylum tap, bounded and described as follows: Beginntut at a tor, being the southeast per of the l'blio go' lot (now,one flacon), running south 3..i 0 west 2 ,-10 pets to a cot of past and stones; thence south 83 0 east or thereabouta. 38 pens , to a cors(being northwest cur of Benjamin lot), thence smith 2°,_ 30" west •112 pets to a cor; thence north 73 1 ( ,1 west " 41 5-10 pors to a cor; thence north 40:4 0 west 1741140 bets los cot of.post and stones; thence south 780_ east 114"pers to the place of beglnng: contains 75 ,__"acre's more or less, about 50 improved. Seized and ' talcen into execution at the salt of Hiram Elsbree vs .lames Ellis and E W Ellis. No 35. A Esc --one other lot situate fu Pike trip, bounded north by the public highwayman bylaqds of Win Hutchinson, south by lands .or Seymour Wilson, west by lands of Herbert Beecher; routalns 6 acres more or less, all Improved. with 1 framed bons° and few .frult trees thereon. Seized and to.. ken Into execut lon it the suit of Catherine E liars rtugton vs Martha B Bradley. • Ne 36. ALSO—Ono other lot situate-in Columbia 'iwn, bounded north by lands of Caleb Burt and. James Strong, east by lands -of Caleb Burt; south by lands of Henry Geniet and Fayette Kenyon, west by the public highway; contains, 90 acres more ' or less about s 0 Improved, with 1 framed hou. e, I granary and few fruit trees thereon. Seized end--; taken intOexec.utionat the suit of E B Parson's use . .vs E 11 Williams. No 37. ALSO—One other lot situate In and bounded as: follows : Being all that piece or parcel of land lying In the township;of Froy and, being. a portion of the land' boight- tiy Pomeroy." Itros• of 14'm and Clement Amead, and and now *es - culled by E A Kennedy,. being all the land'otriled by Foolery Bros' on`the north sidw:of the county road, and supposed to contaltiso actes s of land more less, all Improved, being the same piece of land conveyed by Pomeroy Bros' L Burton Ayers, by articles of agreement dated Lee al, 1." . .framed ht. 41.0.4 8114 orchard of frultrrees thereon., Seized art taken Into execiition at'the stilt of. eroy Bros' vs Burton S Ayres. r•Tunant . . No 39. ALSO--Ono other lot situate In Atht , bard, bounded north by lands of C - .3V Clapp. (nc: In possession of H Vanduzer), east t l y lands of eagai , .. .. Clapp and. John - llonoraii. south by lands of 'F., :. c uir . 31errill. west by Main-st; being 150 ft on said Main st,..snil Ilioft deeii,'with 1 :rained house and barns" n tlienn. -. . No 4 . 0: ALSO—One other lot actuate In Sheshes twp. bounded north by 'Muth of Henry Ma= note and Joseph ,Humphrey, east by lands of Jo.. sephHumphrey - , soutn by landsof John Wagot and Adam Tiler, west ,by lauds formerly owned os ]tor. gan Thornmom contains 100 aerea more or leas, atsmit.9o improved, with '1 trained house, 1 framed' bign, 2 sheds, 1 wagon house, and An orchard Of fruit tress thenon. Seized aitd taken into eaeett. Om at the suit of W C and A 11 Burrows vs . man Vandurer end If F Maynard. . No 41. ALSO—One other lot situate In Overton twp, bounded and described as follows; Beginning at al birch tree on the line of Pant Moors:',and Josh ua Cooley warrants:- thence south 31°, 45', west alOng Jteteph Antbonrdwarrant 104 7.10 per's to a haswood; thence,north 64.49 west along Ell Morris' warrant 160 pers to a CM; thence north 31°, 40' east let 7-10 pers to- a eor; timbre soistii 58!.i0 east fro pers to the place of beginning; coutains,lo; acres and 112 pers more or less. It beog thd sable - land sold to W.Owen by C 1. Ward by contract dated let-1. 1863.1 .about 50 acres horn:wed. with 1' framed house, I framed barn. and fese;frnltstrees thereon. Seized and taken Imo, execution at the shit of Mrs Ellen Wan! Ml ler :o. use of .W W • King , loiry vs .1 W t 'wen. - . - - 'No 42. ALSO-4.the other lot situate Canton trrp.• bounded north by lands of 41 P and 1) C Manley, 'east by-lands of George Meeker, south t y the To- i wanda Crock, west by lands of Dr N Smith; eons , tain3 70 acres more or le-is., all Improved, with 1 'framed house, I framed barn and few fruit:trees' thereon. :...elzed and taken into execution - at Dm suit of dames le Yo s, ex.'r vs Stephen A Randall and ,Ihreq S ;11,siley, • No 42. A.l.sl)—(ltie other lot situate en Asylum twp. Moulded north by lands of John Ellis, east by lands S Heath, south by lands of E W Neal, ' west by other lands of said Kipp; contains 42. acres. inure or less, about 40 improved, with I framed . barn and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of II L Scott's use vs -L II Clink. - • - No 43. .1.14 4 0—0ne other lot situate In Towanda twp.'moinded north by lot No 92, east' by an alley ,' south by lot No 69, west by Stablest: being lots !Via 70 and 71, as will inure fully and at large appear on •6- Mason' s plot of Sonth-Towanda,,aud being-Mt front tm.ifain-st, and 125 ft - deep, with I framed house thereon. Seized and taken Into riecntionlit the suit uf.II L Stott, Trustee V. Michael Hoyle. ANDREW J. LAYTON. Sheriff. , - torid'sbdice, Towanda, Pa.. April 17, 1677 TRIAL LIST for May Term, 1878. sECOND WIEX. Canton Iloro• vs Canton Twp...... ' . • John Merkle vs Lemon I) Forest' • . ,F.lnts nunslker vs Cornelius Hunsiker . Th10)In Kinney vs Geo. W. Kinney—. Sti , --an Canner et al vs C W -Doane John Thonirvion vs 'M ichael Coleman.., FlVst Nat Hank of Athens vs John I) Kyser...debt name };twin Drake... .` . . iatt.3 Towner v.) 1 . .er01 . Corbin - assre. .ssaeher Drew vs littince M Kinney, adni*r... (Aileen! Bank, Waverly, va Coddinh A llussl " • same • - .1 D.Monfanye.. - same . Cbauncey'S Russell " David Gardner vs Daniel lieasor appeal citi • zerz Batik; Waverly. vs John - F.Means.. autspt N 1 Voorhis' use vs If IC Gates ' ' appeal same '.l W Huggins et al ... SWIM A M Harris =. SWIM John Lantz. • `• same Alfred McClure e. same 0 D D Murphy 5.... • " same "f 11l F Wilson .. • 6 A 3f idtlaugh vs - Eiluttlatt Smith .1 A Linderman vSiti.c It 11. C 0.... "' • Win Vanderistol vs Jun Crimmins .... " C W Cispp vs G M Ulzby ....- ..... *.e.380 Sunretraes returnable Monday. May 13, iris, at 2 P. at.. • BENJ. S. PECK, Prot. Towanda, Pa., April 1., 1175.. . . BANKRUPTCY. District xeourt of the Vetted tltat.o for the western dia. triet of l'enusyleallia: This isto give notice that. on the 12th day of. .Ipril A. D. is7to. warrant in bankruptcy was Issu ed against the estate of Rufus. W: Child of Smith field ten, in the Comity of I:rad ford. and State of rennsylvailla, who has tern sdjudgett a bankrupt upon his own petition ; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property heionging-to styli bankrupt to Mtn or for , his tier, and the transfer of any promrty, by him are forbiden by law; that a meeting of the creditors(/' said bank-.„ rlipt to Foe., these debts, and to choose one or :note assignees of his estate, V 1 111 be held- at a Conn of Bankruptcy, to be held 'at the office of therton 31ereur. Towanda l'i., before R.. A. Mercer Esq., Register. on the 215th day of MAY ...A'. 11. le7e'at 10 o'clock, A. M April, l°th, JIMIN U. S. Marshal as Mi•ssenger. xECUTOR'S _LA is hereby given that all persons indebted to estate of Wm. W. Craytnn. late •of Franklin. ec'd, must Make immediate payment; and all per, ,ns hav lug claims against said estate must present menu duly authenticated for Settlement: E. 11. CILAYTON, Executor. 13 GM rj4 XECUTOR'S NOTICE.--Xotice . is hereby given that all persons Indebted to the estate of l'ynthla Ann Swart, late of. Wyalu killigolec'4l, must make Immediate payment. and II persons having claims against aald estate-moat presentl them duly authenticated for wit meat. JAW. H. ?I AIM. - • .xeentar.• Wyaltiglng,April 4, '7B ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby .given that all persona in dented to the estato of .lereinlah Blackman. late Or Monroe township, tiee'd,, are requested to make Immediate payment, and all person shaving claims against said estate must present thfm duty authen ticated sot settlement. 11. It, . administrator, with will anneied. gettroeton, l'a., April lt4lB. 4I)MINISTRATOIt'S NOTICE. Natlce persons hereby given that 011 l ndel led to the estate of Geo. T. Cote, late nr Towanla Boni., deed. are requested to make Immedia a . " payment, and all persons having elaimsaViDZSgaiik estate must present them duly authenticated tat settlement. R.L. 11111.1.18,.. Adadniatrator dents idle. Towanda, Pa., Aral 4. 1878. • • FAX- ECUTRIX'S •NOTICE.-No tick! is hereby given thatall persons Indebted tot,..ustato.or lietwen Fairchild. late , of Waren townvhlp, dce'd, must make immediate payMent. and all persons having claims_ _against paid estate west present them duty authenticated - fur settle ment. POLLX - li. FAIRCHILD. Warren Tmp.„ April i . lB. ' • Ifolecutrii. , TX EcUTOR'S Ofil C E.--Notic,e Is hereby given that all persons intlefited to the estate of G. A. GADM, late of Wlltnot, deed. arc requested to.mak i immediate payment, and all. persons having claims against' said estate must pr,, , 44eit them - daily authenticated for settlement. 'nioitAs It. qNICK, Ruti, April 25, 7tl. , Executor. T - 14 .1 4 X EC U'rOlt'S NOTiC ,/ hereby given that all persons- Indebted the estate of dose& lloniphrey, late of llheshequin. , deed, are requested to make Immediate payment.and all prrsonahsving...ebilms.agalost said "estate tOty,t. pre:unit them duly soitbentlrate,d for settle• merit. IA -J. TIIIO3ITSON. slieshequln, May 5,7 R. ' ,Executer. ' ',Alio eject 104 ejtct
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