Vallfori Iteportm lowaa4 Pc, Mundy; Kir 2,10 A. CHAMBERLIN Deahle la FINE' JETVET,RY, • snivERTA-PLATED WARE,. rrowANDA, PA. Towanda, 111, 1877. LOCAL AND. GENERAL. C. 11. ALLEN, late of this office, has , been employed as foreman in 'the job de partmentaf the Bradford Era.; . Ts!: contributiOns of Christ Church Sunday School amounted to nearly two buudred dollars last year. AN interesting notice of the Wyalusing M. E. Church came too late' for insertion this wcek. It shall appear in inn; next. , Tn • old Eaglkbotel has been treated to a goat of wild* paint, very ,materially improving the citernal appearance of the building. • _ Trn Episcopal Church has lust been presented with an elegant new baisznal font., by' Mrs. Kt waraux, of Saginaw Cith Michigan. HISEVP HOWE will visit this place on' the 12th of one week from next Sun day, and preach and administer the `rite or-Confirmation. P,ROY. McCo',Lux, of Troy, prints a (4 . 4 in the last Northern Tier Gazette, an nouncing that he is not a candidate for County Superintendent. THERE will be'a Sociable held. in the Lecture Room of the Church of theldessi ah, on Tue,day evening-, the ith inst. All are cordially invited to attend. TILE ladies ha% ed decided to servo re freshments at the Murphy sociable on Saturday evening. Those" . who desire to aid the cause will please send in cakes. WE regret to learn that J. H. ATEns, the market man, is confined to his house by illness. Ho hopes to bci able to serve his customers again very soon, however. GEE. RomnsoN, Commander-in-Chief G. A. R., of the United States, has ap pointed Lieut. J. A. WILT, of this place, one of his aides. A distinguished hBnor worthily bestowed. - ' TILE Post Master General has ordered the establishment of a new post office in = Sheshequin township, to be called Black Ash, with JERlhilAll KILMER, Jr., as Post Master. TEE many friends of T. C. COWEN, the auctioneir who sold goods so cheap here a few years since, will be glad to learn ho will again open a store Item this week. Look out for him. STERN Biles., of the New York Store, , No. 1, Bridge Street, is the place to buy you; millinery goods. They bare the laigcst assortment, the latest styles and their prices defy competition. J. L: KENT is dailyireceivirik large addi tions to his stock of goods. His 'assort ment of cloth has never been excelled, and of course everybody knows HARRIS is the best tailor in the northern tier. B. A. 31cGunut, for many years Preside - Ct of the Georgetown College, and pastor of St. Aloysius' Church, Washing ton, D. C., will hold a Mission in the R. C. Church of this place, commencing on Sunday, May 12th. WE See it stated that Dr. S. F. Cot.r, of Laporte, had peas in blossom In hik garden ten days ago, and Laporte is two thousand feet above the level of the Who says Sullivan can't raise anything but hemlocks? Oun venerable townsman, Deacon Jr,s. ELLurrr, who is in his ninetieth year. has just returned from a trip to Kindel:hook, N. Y., where he had been to visit \ '•his brother WILLIAM; whom he had not seen for over twenty years. WE were shown the other day an artis. tic specimen of bandiviork executed by C. L. TRACY, Esq., of this place. It, was an i admirably executed diagram of the sit tings of the Church of the Messiah. Cue n • LIE should cultivate his artistic taste.. - Duarso the severe wind and rain storm n Wednesday night last, a barn in course of construction and nearly completed, owned by JOHN MAHONEY, of Sheshe quint was raised from:its foundation and carriect some ten feet due north. What seems most remarkable is the fact that the foundation wall' under the north side, was also upset. A bare standing on the same ground was destroyed by fire about a year since: ,Mr. 111. is an industrious young married man, and has the spnpa-! thy of all his neighbors; THE Wyoming Conference in session at Pittston last Week, made the following appointments for the eastern portion of this county : .-- . . • . ' PreAiding Elder—S. F., BROWN ; .resi; deuce, Waverly, IC. Y. ' L.-1 ' Wyalusing—L. COLE.. Windham—A. W. Loom ii;. . ltonre—G. L. WILLIAMS. * ' Orwell—J. B. DAVIS. Litelitield—L. J. HOWARD. Leltayseille—J. R. /iNGEL'.' Ilorn-Ilmiik—S. BARKER. • llerrick—Wm. KEATLEY. t ... Athc .1---ff. M. CHANDIERLIN. • • , ROY. .1. 11. RonEnTs, who has been sta lioned n Wyalusing for the past year, was granted supernumerary relations, at his own request. PE:RSONAi..-..JAM. MACFARLANE'S fam ily, who have been spending thq winter in Syracuse, bave ieturnzd, and again oc cupy their pleasant borne. • —Mrs. JUOGE STUMM), of Philadelphia, is visiting !lib family of her son, GronoE I). STROUD, Esq., in this place. .—Mrs. C. M.'MANVILLE is in Philadel phia receiving 'medical; treatment. We are glad to hear her health is improving. —:Rev. Dr. t. Scorr, of wai in town last week. Ae►as the guest of his brother-in-law, 0. D. BARTLETT; Esq. —Rev. J. E. WILLIAMS, pastor of the M. E. Church, Troy, spent several (Uri in town last week. Mr. W.. ranks as one of the ablest divines in his dinomination. —Mrs. Wu. M...MALLORT, is visiting friends . in New York. _.Mrs: • 11. M., .of Mil, is visiting friends in Chia place. —Dr. E. D. PAiNK and wife have re turned from their visit to Maryland. The Doctor is much itnproved in health. • —Dr...lons. DJ MEnctu, son of Hon. MEncun, and I who graduated at4eirei: font M-Aical Coll* at the late comm' meat, has been appointed one of the res , s i dent physicians Blokesley Alms House„ and will enter neon his duties about the Ist of September!. . Dr. lilsacuu is to be _congratulated upon his good .. fortune. Tux stesiti Idit mfll of Si6WELl,l3roth ets„ in .Wilmot township►, whys, upp4 l (kn Satnr4Sylinorning. The firci'wai disqp • emd about 3 o'clock; The, origin of Um fire is a Inysteir.:''i Logi $5,000 ; trainmen $1,500. The mill was ore of the best in the county. Quite a number of workmen will be thrown Thit - of einployment until the mill can be rebuilt. • ,W3L. TALBOTT, alias HENRY was arrested by E. J. EASTBBBOOB, of Stevensville, on Monday night tag," and brought here to jail on Tuesday morning. The arrest waa made by direption, of the Sherlifof County, N. Y.', who came . here Tuesday afternoon to interview the prisoner, who is charged with robbery and arson.' . . • TlAnnOi forlday is again with ns, and is a specially intetesting number, ,overi' for a magazine of such general iixeelieuce: It is highly 41ns:tinted. "Coast Rambles in Essex," "The Itaian Poets," ' "Old Flemish Masters," are'all good 'articles, while no can fail to be deeply interested in "Song-Birds of the West." Several of the serials are continued, and tho ered book bf the "Return of the Naive" • is continence& iLibis nuMber. ' The .Edi tor's-Easy Chair, and his, Literary, Scion; title and Historical. Records are as full of valuable information as ever, while the Drawer is, as Mina], very interesting. A DECORATION.—Watkins.Post,. No. 08, • • G. Ay H., have made arrangements to have VANDEILSLICE, Adjutant Gen eral of the 0. A: it of Department of Pa., to deliver the oration on decoration day, May 30, 1878. The Ppst is making arrangements . to -have Memorial day dilly observed, and will invite the different organizations to participate.. The Posts at. Herrick and Wyalusing will unite in the afternoon, and have a union decoration, east of the river. Perkins Post, No. 202, have procured Corporal TANNER to deliv er the address at Athens, Several Posts will join - the Post at To wanda, and.all old soldiers will be invited to " fall in." A LonuE of the Degree .of ,Protection Knights and Ladies of Donor, .Was insti-. tilted at K. of P. Hall, 11Iontauyes Block, on Thursday evening last, R. KITTBIDGE—iWeII4-to charter Mem bers being present. Tho Degree draws its membership frni the K. of 11. and their families, awL permits its members to take certificates for',dcath benefits to the amount of $1,1)09 eaelt7—The in; officers wero elected ft, the ensuing term : . _ P. P.—S. G. TITUS. C` V. F.-J. It. ,K.141t1 I:E. Scefy.--S. 31. WOODIIURN, 31. D. Fin. Sec' .q.-31113, S. W. 14,Dogrts. Treas:°—o. A. DAYTON. _ Chap. S. W. RODG ERS. Glack. —.Mrs. 0. D. W whit Au. Guardian—Mrs. C. D. PASSAGE. Sent inei—FHA NK I10!4: FIELD. • Truittas—Junii Bit AL' D, C. D. t' AKA A t E, S. G. TITUS. f l _ • _ COVNTY SUITICINTF.NDENT. —lt kill Soon 1),. time :for. ,tliei . School OtilictOfS7,.of this county . to choose a Superintendent of the conuitofrifili4l4: , ''iliealim-4ione of greater importrnee.than we would at first suppose, judging from, AlAiliteagre salary paid to an official whose woperly dis , ehfifirinfslitielife so ardiiii y - P 111 If .Iro - wourdlialie .our i fF 11 taught, %t ;., standard totlitier: L ii l s - A qualifications • must be eleVatttriwittfer than *lowered. It is. h timau nature to shirk whenever,it can ; and if we do not ask , a more thorough preparation for , the. im portant work of frainingthe minds Of the young, . then we shall - fi nd. tkat ., mauy teachers will never rise any . highet in their very responsible, as well 4, 4nora ble, profession. . , ~. . . Very much depends npon theyBnpetin teudent of our schools. If be be cMoci entiotis and progressive in the disetarge of his duties, then he will require the same thoroughness and flitelityto . obliga tion ik thp teachers iinderldS r}p~rvi ion. We have seen the name of Prof. G. W. present principal. of, Jowanda Graded School, Proposed as a candidate for the office of County Superintendent. We know whereof we ailintywhen we Say that Prof. Ilv.tkis one of the most ivide aWake and ellkiient educators in the State.: We'have visited the schools in several dif fe'rentounties ; and it is rao disParag e meta to"tho rest to say that Oar grAded s tool has`rnade better progress under his wise gnidanee and good management than liny Other school.?f the came under our O servation. Not that there „any hot-bed process of fording' and stimulating an unnatural in tellectual , rrowttr. the contrary he encourages a feeling of aelf-reliance in his pupils, and siniply aids them to a 'knowl- edge of the best methods of \self-culture. There% only one possible (iliiection to Prof. RYAN's'Brad ford , County will gain a Superintendent of , the N most thorough and pradticalpm' ifications; s w \ h lie Towanda will lose one of the Very best'ed neators in' the country. N: C. X MattheW's Parish, Pike, now in existence some sixty years, within the. inclosure of this somewhat excluded vainly of the Wyalusing, participated with Wire than ordinarir zeal an fervor in those service of our beloved Church throughout the land,' so -stfigestive and so fittitig at this festive season of our EceleSiastical year. 'Easter eve., (4 P. 31.0 found the Rector and a considerable collection of people at the Church waiting the coming of the Sunday School children, assembled in: the vestry room, and as they marched 'up the aisle, two and two, singing as they Went, each one . in approaching a wooden perforated cross plaecif within the rails of the Chancel, to sorted a handsomehougnetil in the'right place, so that this emblem oft; Our salvation as the last little hand brought forward its appropriate gift, became a mass of fragrant tower's long ago said to lie the " smiles of God," teaching us that as in ' our redemption; ".Truth and-Justice meet together, Rightemisness and Peace kiss each other, so the midst of wrath remembers mercy." More than common interest and impres siveness were added to these exercises from first to last, by.the effective singing of the children, who have been t well and successfully instructed . .by the Rector's daughters. • After Trayer undltddress - by the Rex. Nit. sniGsms, and the Alistribu . tion of prizes, vocal music intervening each, the congregation were dismissed with the benediction: • ■ On Easter Sunday, at A. M., there . was art• unusually large congregation iu . 'attendande. The general worship in its _apparent heartiness and fervor, rendered doubly affecting and spirit-stirring by . the intermingling of the children's well-train cd voices, not only in. the anthems, and hymns, but in the respOnsive service 'cif the Church. After the address by the of ficiating MTnisier, the - reCeiving of the of ferings of the people fur Diocesan Mis sions, 'and the administration of the Lord's Enpper to a large number of commani ante, these long to be remembcrea ger ynces closed with tie blessing of the Rec ter:, • G. 1 1 : S. I= , , „ ~ . . NATIONAL GREENIIACK CONVENTION.— in pursuanceof pablie notice and a previ ous eallskien a abliverition cif .delegates of the Nation al Greenback and Labor Re form party for the county of Biadford met at Patton 'a Hall, tbe headquarters of the Tewanda Greenback Clnb, Apr. 27,'78, for the `purpose of choosing,B representative delegagea,to.represent said party for the county" State Convention, to be held in Mil ndell?k on the Bth clay otay next, ii for , the , irpose of/ nominating 'a State ticket. Also , another object of tho meet ing of said convention being to take the proper action idreferenee to the choosing' of a Senatoriatdefegate to represent the Senatorial, district ofilriniford and Wyo ming Countiesin said\State Convention. "Thaconientioti, was.led to order by cl3l \a„ 1 Joseph Ochs, the Cbairm pro. tem. of the County Committee, • and its objects and business in short ennoun&d and made known by Allen McKean, the (*respond ing Secretary, who informed the di4egates • that the further business and actin in the convention was with them an in n il\,\ their hands; whereupon, on motion, C. . Mower; Esq„ of Towanda, ivas uuans mously elected temporary President, and JUNI H. Calkins, Esq., of Columbia, Seo ret4ry. After which the Piesident, in a fewiwell timed remarks, thanked the con vention for, 4 the mark of distinction ar.d honor Fouferred upon him,'in_ 'choosing him to preside in the tempora ry stage of itS organization. After which, ho inform ed the convention that he deemed it ne cessary for the dispatch of, business that sonic order should' be adopted, and he thereforefore suggested that the conven tion should adopt the, following .as the or ders : i ." Ist. Thtt appointment of a committee on permaienVorganization, whose duty „should bo to report officers for the con `-vention. 2nd. The appointment of a committee on credentials of the delegates, and report the names of the regular and proper dele gates chosen. :xi. A committee on resolutions. 4th. The . yor9inition and chola) of del ega,tes to the State Cothiention. - A motion was made,- and on taking a vote adopted,. that the President. appoint a emnrnitteo ortlitee on credentials; and report to the convention the names of the regular delegates chosen and in attend ance ; whereupon Dr. Lester D. Montanye, of Towanda, Asa,.ll. Brown, of Herrick, and G. 11. Kendall, of Franklin, were ap pointed said committee; after which, a motion was[made and carried, that the President, be also ,further authorized to appoint a committee of nine delegates to report the names of ofticersfor thcperma nent organization of the Convention, and also to report resolutions fur the consider ation thereof. Whereupontl e_Tresident appointed 11. F. Johnson, of Litchfield ; Joseph Ochs, of Towand ; Harvey B. Ingham, of Wyalusing ; S. W. Lewis, of Franklin ; Bingham - L: Rockwell, of West. Ilmmrlington ; F. A. Bradley, of Rome ; G. 11. Sible, of Athens ; J. Watkins, of Co lumbia, and-4t .G. Kelley;' or Leroy said committee, and during their absence, and also the absence of the committee on cre dentiabs the convention was addressed by COL: Elhanan' Smith, who in his happ&and forcible style, spoke for about three fourths of a hour, impressing it upon the people that they were now travelling in time right direction, and to lend their ef forts in perfecting a good and healthy or ganization,-etc., after which I). C. De- Witt,: Esq., was called, and responded ,thurettn . Ho informed the people and his friends present, that although very much out of health and butjust able to be mon nd, and entirely unfitted at the time 'to ad- dress them, yet notwithstanding he felt inclincd to respond to their call, and he verily believed that the movement itoing on was right, prOper and just; and would mogiveAtif ;cordial syniPatides and • Sup port. lie also spoke for about three fouratle..ef.awlifmr„ and-An his usual ef forts made one -of his„telling and argil iwmuative speeches which t-ag, fully :LP preiated;! A ftii• which the- committee on credentials of delegate made report of the names of ate, delegates from the town ships and boroughs, and di.giets, as fel lows; to wit : AV. Docker, AL 1. - shade. Ati 11...r0 , :-R.O. Sitmihartgli..l. 1.. Corbin, A Mons Tap-District So. 2-11. 11. Slide, .1. 11. Clark. Athens 711,1,-Diatricl, 1(0. 3-John A. Wood worth. Bales. , Rarfihglan AVett-Bingham T.. Itockwell, - .Toserh F, ulke.. Barhiy-11. W..?lceraneiT. John. Carroll. C,duinbia--,lohil IL ralkiiis, .1. Watt:in.. Frankilh-S. W. Lewis, 1:. 11. Derriek--415VR..1irpwri. I. 4. Parke.; I.iteliflOil-11. F. Johnson. 'Teary C,s,rier. Moar,o, am A. Mace, Henry Ilarri.. ' Marqi, Nrad flat t. Ihmie Typ- , -1 , ../T. Iliadlcy, A. L. Richards. Itorci•-.1). IC. lyisall,arti. Shorcs. S. I;. Standlng Stone-Thomas Grace, Richard Jen. niarzs.• Towanda lloro'—lifst Ward—C. C. aloxer, .lu a•ph . : Trmatoia Itorn•-.4!eeond Ward—L.ll. Montanye, Ira C. A idrich. Touanda Itoru•—Third Ward—E. Smith, C. F. • ._• TrOvadativir—E. A. Thomp.ron.J. ithineholt. Towanda Nortli—''has. E. Whin.; I). 1,. Hounn, Ur o Uluit • .Grecnbaek Club at rail Factor•—N. Wy•ox—'Norman White, Allen Crinklin. W",alusing—llarrey It. Ingham, IL I. Fleming. south Waverly—John 1. Pal nor. Fred. Ilcchel. Whereupon, on motion, the report of the committee was accepted and adopted by the - convention, and the delegates afol'eftitittreeogrit;ed,As such. . The'committeec on officers for the per manent org a nization of the convention appeared, and - made the folloiving report : For President, C. C. Mower ; for t'ecreta rieS, McKbab And..l.olin 11. Calkins, witich. report was unanimously adopted. Che committee as aforesaid also report ed the following resolutions : Witt:TEAS. In view of the fallare of the flepub- Dean and Democratic parties to furnish a relief to the depressed Industries of the conntry; thereby tiu..appoint Mg the jit‘t hoteys and expectations of a suffering people, we declare our pH neitiles, andin ylte oil Independent and patriotic men to Jill our ranks to the moveihent for financial reform, and industrial emancipation ; therefore, 7:,eld,d. That we favor a currency of gold, sli ver, and Uotted titates Treasury - notes, which should he a full legal tender for afhtetfe, public or prlV:e, and the retirement of National Bank tlls. R..rofccd. That weare In faimr of the full payment of all outstanding. United States bonds In legal ten der grilenbitek dollars where the original contract has not specified otherwise. Rrsolvid,. That we that labor has a per fect right to a rensonable and proper share of the wealth which it creates. - - • • fl,sqr,l, We believe that the Invention or tabor saving uniditnes should have the effect of reducing the hours of labor. Rrsotred, We favor the distribntion to actual settfers of public lands, with such government aid ac niar,be ucceskary to occupy aid improve thew, loslead of extelding , further aid and asslstaned to ratk road corporatlods; Efw.tre-rf, 'flutt - assesments on taxable property khoLibl be made on the cumulative prineiple,increas log the rates according to the autount of property aettiallXoaned. .ii,enin%xf. That It Is our belie: that whatis called the -era‘i - ford County System," to the best meth. oil in utak log 'laminatins to carry out the direct 'wishes to t wal of the people. We therefore here. by meontmettelts ufloptjutt as soot aiPronvenleptly may be, after the.noutlitations for theienbuing con ing eleatiuns. ,After a short dismission, the resolutions wbre adopted- auid the committee dis charged. - • It being announced. by the President that the pelt business In order was the choosing of three representative delegates from this county, to attend the State con vention on tint of May next, and con ferees to confer in reference ttia Senatorial delegate. Whereupon the` following named per— sons"-Wero nominated for representative delegates to wit : John A. Woodworth, of Athens ; Edward thrnann, of Towanda,; W. S. Lewis. of Franklin ; A. H. Brown, of lerriek ; Elhanan Smith, of Towanda`t, William Patterson, of ShAetjuin ; V. F. Nichols, of Towanda, William Henry, of Towanda h Thoinas Merideth, of Towanda. The names of the delegates being call ed, and on counting the votes, it appeared ,that John A. WoOdworth received :15; Asa BrOWn'til •, Edward Gueuann 27 ; C. F. Nichols 23; Thomas Merideth 11; .Patterson 5. The names of Elhauan Smith, William Henry, andVilliam S, Lewis having, at their own request, been withdrawn before the vote was taken, John A. Woodworth, Asa H. 'Brown, and Edward Guenann hay inr,. received the highest number of votes, anl. - were therefore declared drily chosen the repreientative delegates as aforesaid from this county.' On motion of C. E, White, Col. Elhanan Smith was unanimously chosen, and re commended as the Senatotial delegate from this - Senatorial dikrict, of Bradford and Wyoining Counties, and Allen Mc.; Kean and C., C. Mower were chosen con ferees from this county to . confer with conferees froM Wyoming County, with instructions to awry out the wishes and expression of this . convention. ° • On motion, • lUsoirid, That in ewe from any cause which • may prevent the attendance of any delegate cheisen its afore•ald, he is hereby emposered and anther's ed to name and apisdut a substitute to attend as a 'delegate in his place and stead. C. F. Nichols offered the following reso- Intion,, to wit : Reeoftwd, That the delegates chosen from this county; to the Bth of May convention to be held al rhiladelphla by•tho National Greenback party, to nominate raudidates to is , supported ,a 1 the next State election for State o ffi cers, are hereby requesj- ed UP Tote fcr and nee their efforts to atuthate how• est and copal% men from the laboring interest and Muses from argon g the, lumen and mechanics, (except for thy °Moe of 41(ag• of the Ildpnetne Cook, which of rightshould be conceded to • man' of the legal profession). E. A. Thompson offered the following amensimentito the aforesaid resoultion : itsiorwd, That the delegates of this convention be instructed to vote for no man who still clings to either the Democratic orDapublican parties. 'Which resolution and the amendment thereto, were on motion adopted. On motion, it being Resolred v That theproceedince of this contention be signed by the oalcorkind that the several pa. pore of this county intellective of pert:, bland are het oby - requeatal to . pubilsh the same. C. C. Mown, President. ALLEN McKEns, I secretaries. • JOAN CALKINS, • CArr. NOBLE of the Tr easury U r ment, and Capt. LIONNESS, of the Adju tant General's office, were in town 'last Saturday, and paid off Co. K. boys. ICIAJon HALE, of Woodside, informs Us . hat be now has • his table supplied daily 'th asparagus, radishes, lettuce and pie. plak from his own garden. , Sicieel writing the above, the lefajo:r has given us i ndubitable evidencothat ho can: not only supply his own table, but has something left for his friends. Wo tender mir ackniawledents fora generous sup ply of early vegAables received from him. SCRIBNER is alway welcome to our ta isle. There is not much oom for improve ments in this daily codrk.ted magazine, but the May number seemtte. be better thanany of the preceding onet The ar iticle on the New York Post-Offie, by ED. *MID EGGLESTON, IS alone wo \ rta the price of the periodical ; but, when we !into consideration the numberless other good things it contains, it almost seem); indispensable. St. Nicholas, too, contin ues to hold its place at the head of juve nile publications. TILE inclemency of the weather did net e . prevent.a very large audience from being present at the Abbott Concert oii Friday evening last. We have not the space to notice the performance as it deselyet, but only express the §entiment overy one who was present, when we propounce . it the greatest musical treat Or people have ever'enjoyed. ?digs Ints the sweet est, most flexible t ly cultivated voice of any: singer new Derere the public, and is withal a most refined and sensible lady, entirely freer from that - disagreeable affectation which most professional sing ers display. / The othe /members of the coMpany sus taintheir parts . admirably. We under stand th t Miss A. partially promised to visit TOwanda again before taking ber de partrite Tor Europe in June. .. . 'MONROE AGAINST THE WOHI.D.--3111. EDITOR.: I have frequently noticed. little innocent brags in the horse and stock lino from our nef4, 4 litior county of Tioga, and elsewhere„ without even stopping to think that it was lawful to boast back .at, them for talk sake. Well, now I have found an opportunity, and I will improve it. 11. H. of our borough; called niy attention to his four-year-old 'lambic tonian, that will bear a few a•ibrds of hOrse talk, and then show for himself— notice first the stock. The colt (Major Gregg) is by Wood's Hambletonian, he by Edsal's Hambleto nian, and ho by Ilysdyk's Hamblctonian. Hi, darn is of the celebrated Clay family of horses, and the sterck is in the colt. The colt's sire is half-brother to Gold-, smith Maid, and the colt himself-is half brother to the celebrated "Eilburn Jim," and a host of other celebrities. This young sprig of promise is fifteen hands high, bay roan color, and can step with anythinof his Ago in this or the adjoining counties. Mr. INGHAM, in his -great painstaking, has succeeded in breaking the colt to be ail kind and' docile .% as a Newfoundland dog; am) when upon his heel, for a coltish dash, 'he is in the neighborhood of a three minute horse in his coltish days. Call and sec the prodigy—it will pay to look at him fur an hour. No*charge fora sight. MONROETON. DRAM'S DOINGS IN ULSTER. Another lamb snatched from the fold. LIZZIE MAY OLMSTEAD, daughter of NELSON and CHARLOTTE OLMSTEAD, died after a brief illness witlrdiplitheria, in 'Ulster, April 24, 1878, aged 10 years and 4 months. - LIZZIE was a kind and genial hearted girl, and possessed a quick, penetrating mind far beyond what is usual in one of her She was a member of our Sabbath School,which she dearly lured, and took a deep interest in its lessons. She algo took a remarkable interest-in the services of the Sanctuary for one so young. She said to a friend a few'daya before her sickness, "I do not go to Church to showmy dress, but to hear what-the Minister says." • She was unusually thoughtful on reli gions subjects—Gov, the Bible, Heaven, and interests of the soul.. In her conversation during her sickness she gave unmistakable evidence that she trusted in the Saviour, and we believe that through the riches of His grace, she is now mingling her voice with the songs of the ransomed in Heaven. ' 'When it became evident that she . could not recover, she tried' to comfort her weep.: ing parents by saying, "Don't cry, I shall be better off." And she said other tender things which will be fondly cherished by her father, mother, and sister.; The sis ter, older than herself, is the only surviv ing child of the family, She died peacefully, as only JEsus can help his trusting loving ones to die. N. N. Ii E'ER& Ulster, April-29, IS 11.. • THE Pi•prilar Seknee Monthly Sol:rt.meat— fro-April. New York : D. Appleton di Co.—com -111.41C0S with Matthew Arnold's address before the Royal Institution on, Equality. In wideli. - after a long and it:tel.:sting review of the subject, ho ova"- ~ demns the British love of inequality as a fruit of vulgarity, and demands abetter ideal life among the lubbile class for a cure, and changes In the law of bequest aml careful consideration. • Another long paper by L. A. Tollemache treats of hen and \ the :tackle veracity, asstnlng, that the creatien and s employment of hell is an immoral act; he rep re:4;ttts that God sbonid not be believed even on his own \ testitnony to have been guilty of it. Professor Tyndall! replies to Dr. Bastian's ctincism and re peats Illirndemnat ion of the doctrine of spontan eous generation. A paper by Claude Ilernsrd con cludes that` mechanical, chemical and physical forces are the `only ellicient agents In the living organism ; and. the physiologist's business is only to observe and explain their action. Mr. R. W. Dale, who visited yhßadelphis and other parts of this country last fall, acknoniedgesthe hospitality of distinguished physielans here ; observes that popular representations of`the American people In' England are gross and slamie \ rous libels ; says the People he met in many cities aid towns were quiet,. modest and reticent; that neither farmers nor hired people feel compliniented s by notice ; that munching of the old-fashioncourtmohat abandon ed Englamthall a century ago existit \ here ; that the people are reserved and undemonstrative, bat there are no limits to their kindness, attd their hospitality is of the best sort ; that the peoper \ show an admirable temper; that railway trains keep as good time as in England ; thit the railway riots and laborstrikes do not prove any Communittle \ power. The other conclusions are as rye but the. paper is unfinished, 'Max Mutters criticism of Noire's "Origin of Language" touches the theories' of ilmicarters, Spinoza, Leinnitx, Locke, Scluipenhaner, Kant and pthert: on subjec tive and objective evolution and the relations of language to the origin of reason, furnishing much interesting pbllologicai study. The law of likeness Is - considered by Dr. Andrew Wilson ; forest and field myths are "examined by W. R. S. Ralston; there are some other papers and notes, and a title page and Index to the vehrree are given, . /or •Us.rusr suiCerei.-41 one of the nu* "put up" medicines prove ineffect ual,. lak are eets*nnosl.4lll. Is this sight? Are all' Amer . denounced an traitors luaus* Benedict Arnold committed treason? Some refuse to use Dr: Pierce's Family Medicines, simply bellaUst thel have s Anet-others without benefit. Dr. Pierviel prepara tions possess actual merit, and,\ if taken when indicated, the. most sangubmsexpec tatiorus 'will be realized. Ills Golden Med ical Discovery is the standard. alterative and biroxi-poxitior in theinarhat. Then; sands of testimonials - trent, tbotra, it, has. cured of consumption, dyspepsia, liver complaint, and vario us e forms of akin dis cover', are on file in •the Deane& officer certifying to its efficacy. De. Pierce's Ft vorito Prescription is relied 'upon by Ira men to cure the many weak es and"lr regularities peculiar to their sex. For further information see the People's Com mon &se Medical Adviser, an illustrated work or nearly 1 , 000 . papal Over 100,000 copies'sold. Price $1.50 , post-paid. Ad dress the author, B. V. Pierce, M. D., Buffalo, N. Y.,. , NEW LOCALS. t HOSIERY I HOSIERY I TIOSIE. AT ! All new styles at .1. L. Itrarrt. Ins" or .al o at S rir .. cry st W tvr variety tom'. 0 1.0 VP: CV" MILLI Brox. rir clatty ai Es'` Thompson's GLOVE FITTING COSET•at J. L. li.vvrs. m 572. r Vi c PARASOLS and UMBRELLAS at J. L. }Tr 6. h. re- det your STYI4BIIIIONNETS at STERN Itroew York ,Store and t.ave4uoney. ,Itir E. H.:ROHM:iIIy J 23 Li t 0 Water Street, . c. Y. First Floor—DltY \ 9ooDS. . . fleeced Fksir-11111..11;kiiiERIt. ' Third Floor—CAltrETS. • • ' Fourth Floor--CLOAKAIN'D BUITS. Viper floors :iecemible by EliAlitor. A visit of inspectic o gill more then empty rep y. July.s. tor DRESS GOODS at reduced prices at J. L. KT.ST'S. lraay2. lABLE NAPKINS • nd . TOWELS, at J. L. KENT'S. may 2. Veb . STERN Bros. have just received Hoc of Ladle' ready made WU' sad Summer Sacques. tar Misses SSELLd TARNUAIt do all kinds of intESS'IIAKING. ice' HOSIERY, 4 pairs . ' for 25 - cents, at Sintsi Bros. • • Lam' Emblroideries, ° Laces, Silks and Ribbons *t STERN Bros. If you want. a Baby Caniage, call ai AMIGO; CrockOrp sivre. J.l far You caii get all tho latest styles of stationery, very cheap, at WiIITCOMI k SIIACT'S li' Mrs. E. .1.. MiNuos is selling goods this spring CHEAPER THAN EVER. Call and examine before purViasing. aprl7., LW STERN Bros. aro selling. SUN nowss and SAILOR HATS for 25 cents, and LEG!!! Ic FLATS for Qom' Bear, in mind that wo• will sell you a Singer' Sewing lifer!tine, wtth.DßOr LEAF; two Drawers and Cover tat Q 30.00. IME f Mrs. E. Minnow has returned from the City, and Las decidedly the FINEST DISPLAY OF MILLINERY awl NOTIONS In this town. I . . `- "-GLOVES for 15 cents. and 0612; SETS for 15 cents .at STERN Bras. New York I= Table.Linens,' Towling and Nap kins at STERN ra" For Crockery, Cutlery, 61:mg Ware; flint a bust of otlier art Icier, useful and ornamental, gu to MAIv L L'S llrockery Store. inay2. • rg" Mrs. E. J. Moog has TRIMMED HATS for ONE H4, - )LL AB and upwards. , M . LADIES NECKWEAR and SILK HANDKERCHIEFS from 25 cents up art - Ivens „Bros. Far Go to SNELL Sr. FAmitnAm's for heat Millinery Goods. 41 k- Biikery 'Wagor.,•of the 114 Ward Itakery, will he on hand daily: with leresh.Crackers hot front the oven, Bread,Ties, Cakes, Be. aprl I t Flower Pots and flanging Baskets —largest vtviely reel - shown In this market, at M A pmt.s Crockery Store, mays. C2r The Largt st, Best and Cheapest Ilse of Shea for Ladles:, Misses' and Chtldrans' wear la found at COUSEWK new Atom, corner Main and Plue-sts., Trary & Noble's Block. aprliti Mr Mns. 01.13n0s has the best Skirt Supporter, also the Shlrt, Eleyator. • Ladies ready made suite and CAL ICO 'Wit A PPERS at Stem-Bros. ine COMER has the best wearing Shoes for Men, Boys and .Youths• wear ever' offered to Towanda,' awl at prieett„within the reach of all. ar Horse Powers for sale : one Second hand, and new on of Blood & C 0 .% manufacture, Sayro Manf'g Co.' Man. 3 months Sayre, Pa. Car FELen & Co. (Taylor & Co.'s old stand), Matti Street, having Just returned from the eity, are offering one of the Rest Aisortments of DRY 000Iirs, FAN Cy GOOD:3. HOSIERY, I:An n:T.3, ttlL tAtyrits, &c,, ever exhibited lu To. wanda. unit their Priced are Asttaitshrngly Luir.atB Cg r " Mrs. C. ALLEN ben leaiv to Inform lbo 'Ladles or Towandilbatsbb Is now pre pared Bid,. SEWING BY THE DAY on reasonable terms. Residence, No. Ward k Orcrton's b ock, First Ward.aprl7 . . 111===121 tir C lc KKR I splendid oppor ne.ny,tobay a first-clam Plano. I have a line 7 Octavo Chickering Plano. which has been rented. It is In Rosewood Case, four round corners,. is in perfect, order, and wilt be warranted the same as a new one. Pace OW. L. B. P0w54.1.. may2,4w: 115 Wyoming-am Scranton; Pa: Gteat reduction .on. rates to .411 Wilts West., Northwest and Southwest. t i tle etheape.t tams ever offered. Write or apply to Q. R. Sherwood, Towanda. L. V. R. B. ticket °Cleo. rlf A J3AII . OAIN FOR SOME GOOD, IN prgriong MAN'. A gentleman having more bust neggou big" hands than he can attend to, will gell Stock of General Merchandise entering to make It 'an object Ifor: acme good man to Ingest. No capital of any account required. For further particulars enquire ek this Mike. Feb. 28, tf. rfr nosiness is good, and the reason Is, tbat I am selling an entire new and well select ed stock of Mats and Shoes at very low pricei. I keep no old and shop-worn good which are out of style, my goals, are of latest patterns,\rd bought at bard tlines%prlces. Examine my goodsoud cum tore prices with other houses, and convinee your self Hist what 1 ssy is trite, W Sign of Mg toot, Main Street, two doors Booth of Bridge. tros4:24w.). J. C. Atom. «T; C. COWEN, a former. citizen of Towanda, and one of the cheapest dealers In the Country. intending to close out his entire business, will favor the good citizens of Towanda once more with an opportunity of buying goods for t a short time at their psi' 'slue. All in want of French, China, Ironstone, And Whit:s Granite Crockery, and Yellou.ware ottiest Make. Mafia ware of all kinds, Rogers and ftrotherabest Silver-Plate Ware, Table and Pocketi Cuttiery, Hardware, Yankee Notions of all kin 4, Hosiery, liandlunelilets, Sus, and a thouratie and one other articles. All ittitey refunded If gout's told are nut aatisfac• tory. \ sale to north •n dies as*, Invited liftetnom may 2, 1111 r Don't you fiAggtit, excellent CRACKER I‘4l.lXllltillTititY tri iota; st COWLItB I BAKERY; whets yea an buy the beet trabbeked trachea. . 1, Pr L. B. nODOKRII challenges 4:0111p0 Mos tor quality of goods and low prim oo Muth Doors, Blinds and Moldln4,s, awl 'all tell " " t' Moony. any end all desiring a Solemn of s). L. Moody's Sermons,. Prayers and hddrossea, as revised by bls own baud, best in print, book large, type plain, paper'good, and eontains Over 100 pages. will' Ta segu= and 5$ *Adresse% - bound. Pelee according to Milling, 12,50. AN: This Dock should be In every bowie, as Soap aid Ilernsonalnato well. Apply to , X. Burroughs of Alba, Pa. \ . , - tom' CLOSING OUT SALE of Gold and Silver Watches,Chains, Fancy Jewelry, etc." The undersigned haring purchased at Sheriff% Sale the entire :deck of Watches, Chains, Sliver and Plated Ware, In the store formerly occupied by M. Mx. anduot wishing to remain In the bust. um, has conelnded to sell the entire stock regard• less of cost, in order to wind nP the business. Call early and secure bargains. - 3t. JACOIIP. Mil Or To Tni-Puowc.—The Steam Grist Millie Bhushequin. formerly owned 147.f3.avans, will be started under NEW . MANAGEMENT and wan incrensodfaclllties, on MONDAY, Feb, 11,1878. We invite all the old patrons of this pop ular 111 Ito give us a call. We shall not nicking now friends. SATISFACTION GUAN ANTEED. 8. W. Normans, Agent. s':\ t who station. fikesheiuln, Feb. 7, 1878 a groat mar.:. tr Various causes—Advancing years, care,. sickness; disappointment, and hereditary predisposition—all operate to tarn the hair gray, and either of them Inclines It to shed premature. ly, ATRR•s limn VIGOR -will restore faded •or gray, light and-. red hair to a rich brown or deep black, as maybe desired. It softens and cleanses the scalp, giving it a healthy action, and removes and cores dandruff and humors. Ity Ita use falling hair Is checked, and a now growth will be prodet. ed 'bildri3ne "IP. mart. lES IN •t STUN g a ape- In all cases where the follicles are not destroy.. ed or glands decayed. Its effects are beautifully shown on brashy, weak, or sickly hair to which a .2 few applications will p rodu ce the gloss and fresh imssof youth, Minnie d sure in its operation, It is Incomparable as a d -sing, and Is especially valued for the soft lustre and 41chness of tone it Imparts. It contains neither oil nor dye, and wilt not soil or color white cambric ; yet It lasts long on the hair, and keeps it fresh and vigorous: FOR 'SALE BY ALL DEALL'ItS. • • tW PIANOB AND I..fltOANS.—lf you Wish to purchase a very supelor PIANO or ORGAN, - equal in every excellence to any made, at Manufac turer's Wholesale Price, and thus save nearly one• half of your money, do not fall, bereft purehasing, to Write for catalogue of description and prices, to Post Office Box MS, New York. March 7, 1578. tf. • t E. F. ItITSKEI:B BITTER WINE OF Tem; gives tone to the stomach, Imp - raves the -Ap petite and assists digestion, excites the bowel, to healthy action, expelling all the foul humors that -contaminate the blood, corrupt the secretions and offend the breath. It excites the liver to a healthy ellen and streegthentrthe nerves, imparting that glow to life that proceeds alone from per feet health. Thousands In all walks of life, the virtues bf this exceellent mhdicine in correcting the de rangement of the digestive organs. Get thegenu hie. Sold only in one dollar Mottles. Ask for E. F. NUN ItlCL,'a BITTER WINE MAHON, and take no Other. Dispepoda! layapepels! Diopepolaf E. F. Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron, a sure cure for this dliseaselt has been prescribed daily for Many years In te ,practice of eminent physicians with unperaletled success. Symptoms are loss of *ppetite, wind and ?Wog of food, dryness in mouth, I:adache, dizziness, sleeplessness and low spirits. Get the genuine. .Notkold In bulk, only one dollar bottles. Do you want soniethltiitsi strengthen you? Do you want a good appetite? po you want to get rid of nervousness? Do you want' energy? Do lon want to sleep well, or be cured`Clyspepsia, kidney or liver disease? Try E. F. "sitx.r.'si BM= WIXE or I nON. Every bottle guaranteed to do es recommended. Depot and office, 2.12 North Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Get the genuene. Bold , by all druggists. Ask for E. F. Kuuliers and take no other. - All I ask is a DUI of this trainable med icine. One bottle will 'convince you. Get \ six bot tles for fire dollars. one dollar for one. \ , Tape Worm Removed Alive\ Tape Worm, Pln, Seat and Stomach Worms re moved alive In from two to four hours. Nofee ill hoot head of Tape Worm passes alive and in tnni. Ask your druggist for Kunkel's Work Syrup. sole only in one, dollar battles. • Used for children or grown perfons. It never fails. Or send for eireu iar to Dr. Kunkel, 259 North Ninth Street, Phila delphia, Pa. *Advice. by mall free. Send three cent stamp for return•of biter, - E. F. RankePs I:astral and E. F. Rae 0. A. BLACK, Agent here tituttnpee ter the Hate. • The best an cheapest Hair Dressing and Halt Cleaner In the world.. They remq'tollandruff, allay Irritation, soi,tlie and cord the hektaisestp,,prevent the hair fioni falling off, and promote the growth In a very short l time. They preserve-and' beautify the Hair, and render It soft and glossy. They Im part a brilliancy and a silky appearance to braid and wiry Hair, and as a hair dressing they are un rivalled ; eradicat4 dandruff and prevent baldness. Tho shampoo cleaans the Hair. removes grease, scurf, Itching. eruption. Cures headache produced by heat and fatigue. Kunkel's'Shampoo and 'Ens trat restore Hair [...a natural and glossy color, re store faded; dry, harsh and wiry hair. Price per, both: It. Ask your druggist fur them, or send to E. F. Kunkel, -Proprietor,„ No. 249 North Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Da. Alay2-,Do. CLARK—CAUL.—At the tatraonage, Monroeton, April 24th, by Rev. IlaHoek Arrnetrong,. Mr. Dayton Clark, of Troy, and Miss Rebecca Carl, of Towanda. MORROW.—In 'terrific, April 13,1878, or consump. lion, Julia E., daughter of 1111,1MOTI and . Jane Morrow, aged :a years. TOWANDA MARKETS. EXPORTED BY STEVENS k LONG, General dealers In Groceries and Produce, Patton's Block, corner Main and Bridge Streets. WEDNESOAY EVENING, X AY 1, 1818. . . Floitr, per 1.16 • • Flout per sack t'orn Meal per 100 Ihs Chop Feed, Wheat per bush Corn Rye Oats Buckwheat Clover seed,medlum,.. Timothy, western.... Ileum, 62 Ilia; Fork. mess Dressed hogs Hama Shoulders Lard 'bout the lst of ihisy la Me{ `lock on Maim Street. The la.; r old Mends, are especially dae the goods. Sale every rcm3N. BUSINES111" LOCAL. SPECIAL. LOCAL. MARRIED. DIED. =EI 16 50 g4 8 - 00 00 04 6 50 1 65® 2 00 ,1 75® 2_ 10 1 25® 1 25® • 1 250 135 140® 145 45 50 60® 50® • 60 65 2$ 30 3E® 40 50 5 00 . 5 25 1 750 1 oota 1 .23. 1 500 ZOO ... 12 5( ® 'O5O 10 07 - 09 • • 00; , 98 08 1 09 10 • 08 0 00 t 10 10 12 . 290 22 20 24 . - 180 20 280 25 . • 8 • 10 • 14 18 Dressed Chickens Turkeys Butter, tubs Rolls Eggs. frcash Cheese Green apples, bush.... Cranberries per quart. Potatoes, per bushel.: Onions 'Beeswax COI;ILECTED IRY DAYTON- II IMO, !Mee Veal skins. Deacon.: Sheep pelts. Tallow I • 3110CLAMATION. - w DEREAS, lion. PAUL 1), Mouuow, Plvsident Judge of The lath Judicial District, consisting of the county of Bradford. and lion. C. S. Itcssio.t., Associate Judge In and for said county of Bradford, have is seed their precept bearing date the 10th day of fo me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer, 11 eneral Jail Delivery. Quarter •SSlttlig of the Peaot, Cummon Pleas and Orphans' Court, at Towanda, for the county of. Bradford, commencing on Monday, May a , -1818, to continue two weeks. • Notice Is therefere hereby glrhn to the coroner» and Justices of the Peace of the County of Brad ford, •that they be then and there In their proper perionit. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, with records, inquisitions and other remembrances to do those things which to their office appertains to be done; and those who are bound by reeogni zanees or otherwise, to prosecute against the Room; who air t or may be In the Jailor said county, are to be then 'and there to prosecute against them as shall be Just. Jurors are requested to be punc tual In their attendance, agreeably to their notice. I)atcd at Towanda, the 10th dayor April. In the year of our Lon! one thousand eight hundred and sevonfy-eight, and of the Independence of the Culled States the one hundred and third. A. J. LAYTON, Sheriff. Sheriffs ()Mee, April IL Isis. T RIAL LIST for May Term, 1 - 878. SZCOND WEKI. Canton Bolo' TB C anton John Methle vs Lemon 11 Forest Elias ilunsikee vs Cornelius Hunsiker Tribble Kinney ea Geo. W. Kinney Susan Canner et at ni C W Doane.. _ . John. Thompson vs Michael Coleman •• First Nat Dank of Athens vs John I) Nyser...debt same-. - Edwin Drake.— •• Clarbisa Towner vs .1' Leroy Corbin • asspt Issicher Drew vs Horace M Kinney, adm 6 r.. ,• Citieens Dank, Waverly, vs Coddifitt is Rossi, same '.I I) Montanye.. . same Chauncey ttEussell 6 , David Gardner vs Daniel Measor appeal Citizens listik„ Waverly, vs John r Means...asspt N II Voorhis , use vs II It Gates n ' n • appeal . . - same J W - Maggins et al same A N Harris 14 sane John Lantz- o same ' Alfred McClure same D D Murphy ' . same. V Wilson G A Middaugh vs Elhattan Snlith .1 A Linderman vw - N Clt It C 0.... 0. . Win Vanderpool vs duo Crinnotous..:.... C W Clapp vaG M Bixby • SupPudiaci - retornable Monday. May 13, 1878, at 2r. n. TIF.N.I. S. rex Prot. • EIZC:I3WC=ItM A PPLICATION FOR PARDON. EA.. I hereby give notice that I shall apply to the Board of Pardons, at Its meeting ou the first Tues day in May, for the pardon of William Wilson; fen teured to mprisonusen t lu the Eastern Penitentiary at the fieptentbertorm 1441 in Goon of Quarter Sep. Mona. - __LX1112914453 WILSON. Tgwituast PL, April PI , iFe.! avitisramits. EAGLE' HOTEL,— .(sowen rips !MILK Swazis.) Tits bell4acirtileSuee bins theltallali romp ibarated are erpdretthreeglieut, red the people: tor snow prepped testier Irepetese seeNesedts. Mu to gm , pates, ex the rellsonitle term. - :It. /I.4ZINXIXOII. Towanda, Pa.," Mei*, Frt. • MEDICAL ELECTRICITY t was. w. N. covnim.ii, in her prattles to thts borough during the past year, haiefeetal away weadortel tures. Her to. creased trisdffl inks* her. toy eolapeteat to treat nearly all dhows beeldeut to oar race. flpW eial &Death= Daiwa to purity Amalie isomplatata. AU kW, ot.l evert. AppoWly, lallamssalloa of the fps. Qidusy, Crotrp, - neereeos. Pleurtsy, to lirrosaatlea- at the Lint, -InAumaatory Itheusui. Uses, Autarods. Deafness, ANION* Dfspe_pds. Diabetes. Dropsy. Moak' lthuusattsus. • St. Vitus Panes, Epilepsy, Gaiter. Neuralgia, Fever time, Cancer. Cats" Ceriratero of the Rpm Asthma, Bright's Disease of theXistasys i sad other diseases too nazierous to mention. Charges moderate. Totes eash.. Beddow. ft Poplar st.. west of Western Avernre, where she "7 be prowl at all hones. . mart. TROY WOOLEN MILLS. J. O. Lcivedand Manufacturers of WOOLEN GOODS. CAIMETS, YARNS. IC. Frilled Cloths, Plannets and Yarns manufactur- ed by the yard. on shares, or, Wool taken In ex - • change for goods. . • Tarn taken in the skein of customers, to be Stied on cotton warps for Blankets, Sheeting or. Men's wear. We are slime prepared to do Roil 'carding, Fancy Dyeing (all colon), and esime4 Weaving. 1. CI. LOVELAND It SON. \l'ri•y, Pa., Nny S. DM-2m • DISSCiLIITION.--,Notice is hire 'by given -that the impartnennip heretofore 'misting between the undersigned. under the firm name of `H. 8. Ackley & Brother. In the 'general melamine Mulatto at Wyalnsing. has been dis solved by mutual consent. The business of the late firm will be settled Op 'by H. 8. Ackley. to whom -all debts must be paid. and wbo win gray all Habil. ties. H. S. Ackley will also continue the business at the old stead. . • • H. S. ACKLEY. H. B. ACLLET. • (l'yalusing, Ps.. April 13, 1878*. TN BANKRUPTCY. Distrit 11.00urt of , the Vatted Sham to Ma western die. triet of Pennsylvahla. This Is to give notice that on the 12th day of 'April A. U. 3875 a warrant In bankruptcy was day against the estate of Burns Ir..Chlid of Smith. field twp, in the County of Bradford, and State of pennsylyania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own -petition 1. that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt to Min or his Mb, and the transfer of any property by him are forbiden by la*; that a meeting of the creditors of said bank rupt to prom these debts. and to chose one. Of more"assignees of his estate, will - be held at a Court of Bankruptcy. to be held at the ofilee `of Overton k Meteor, Towanda- Pa., before B. A. Meteor Esq., Register, on the 20th day of MAY' A. D. 1878. at 10 &cluck. A. M. 1 April, 18th, 18711. 'JOHN HALL. • S. Marshal as Messenger. A SSIGNEES' NOTlCE.—Notice Is hereby glean that J. Leroy Corbin, of Ath, inoro , „ Bradford Connt, by deed of voila. tall assignment, hare sawedan the estate, real and personal. of the mid Lem oOrbla to Win. Snyder and F. T. Pose, In said ootmtzfrin trost.for the benefit of the creditors of the said J. Leroy Corbin. All persons. therefore,' Indebted to the said J Leroy Corbin will make payment to the said Assignees at the store of F. 3% Page. In. Athens lloro', and those having claims or demands ageless the said J. Leroy Corbin will present the same without delay. - Wk. SNYDER, • • Aprlslbew F. T. PAGE, ' Assignee of J.;'Leroy Corbin. LICENSES. Notice is hereby, given that the followincnamed persona have tiled in the office of the Clerk of Quarter • Sesalons their petitions for license, under the existing laws of this Commonwealth, and their several applies nom will be heard before the Jadgerof she Court of Quarter Sessions, on MONDAY, the-6th day of MAY next, at :o'clock P. of said day: TAVAING. . Charles Crowley, Sayre, Athens Twp. • J P Urgers, Sheshequin, . . J M Brown, Wyainsing. - George Jordan, Athens Bolo'. ' Washington Pitcher, Towanda Boro". - lst Ward. O H P Disbrow, Towanda Boro', Ist Ward. J G Dougherty, Wpm: Twp,s _ '' John Beeman, Ulster twp.- John "'Hauraki, Towanda taro', Ist Ward. John Sullivan, ~ ~2 nd S B Brown, " " Ist " Charles Dewitt, Oreutt Creek, Athens twp. James J Hannan, Overton twp. Daniel. Kellogg. New Albouy, Albany twp. David Siemer, Canton boro'. Warren Smith, Colombia twp. Wm Mammy. South Waverly, Athens twp. Thomas It Jnrdan, Towanda bore', 2nd Ward. Joseph Joralemon, Troy bons'. E A_Jennings, Towanda bore', 2nd Ward. ' Duman S Kennedy, Wysox. Wm Henry, Towanda horn', let Ward. ' Cll Seeley, .•' all 6s .So . ante) Brown, Milan; Ulster twp. Vincent Baldwin, 'llidgebury twp. Jll\McDondald, Greenwood, Monroe twp. It It Be leye..Weils twp. A H Tuttle Canton bons'. JamesStiOng, Columbia. ' XERCIIANT DIALERS. Clarence T Irby; Towanda bone, 2nd Ward. " John Gritnn,\ 66 46 let S 4 . H W Nobles; \ " . " 2nd " James Cummiskey, " " let . BENJ. K. PECK, Prot. Prothonotarrs 011 . 1 April IS, 1578. Has Just retarnedfrom New 1r with A FULL LINE ON. Spring Goods. Black Cashmeres At AO ctajor yard, and other gouda In proporitron .124 35 65 Cloths - and Cassimeres • 04(d03 40040 :PO 30 1000125 05406 1 . 1 Ever shown In Towanda. Hosiery and Gloves Shetland Shawls Issue eject APIA Elect Ladies Ties, Silk Handkerchiefs, UM Toanda' MY Z. 1878. J. L, \KENT All Wool The largest Una of In endless variety A large stock of Jug opened And Neckwear, A large assortment J. L. KENT. aHERR?' F'S . SALES.-By !little AI sundry writs booted out of the COOK of mon S of Bradford 'Coun and to me Ali- Meted, I Winexpole to' ilsablie s ate on 111,1 DAY.-J the 10th day of KAY, 106. at the dower the Court. House. in Towanda Borough: at 1 o'clock, P. W., the following described property, to wit : .- ---. No 1. One lot, piece, or parcel of land situate in Burlington I.wp, bounded north by lands of- 1.1 8 Luther. east by lands of Wm Barnes, south by lards of David Mewl and. Isaac Lane, west' by land* of Burton Sanden add Wen Carman:co:dales .110 acres more or less, about 15 improved,- with. I board Mosey,. and board 'granary thereon. Seized and takes lnetieletotion at the suit of E T Fox vs Mamma Allmiand David Mead. Also it the suit of N C Thompson vs Atalanta B Allen. . "., - No 2. ALSO.—Ode other,lot situate in Canton bore'. bounded and described as follows: Begirt eingintbe east line of Mix at Whitman's drug More let on the-northeast eor of the lot herein de scribed; thence easterly along the south Ilne of , lands belonging to Lodge No 121, I oof 0 F. 30ft to an alley; thence south along the west side of said alley about 100 ft to the north line of A (i Kelley's lot; thence west along Kelley's north line about 40 ft; thence north along said 2112 h Whitman's. east line to the place of beginning ; contains about 3,300 square feet of land more or less, all improved. Nol. ALSO—One other Ict situate in , Cantbia bore', bounded and described as follows; Begin ning In the center of a proposed extension. of Cen terwt at the northeast cor of 3 K Wright's; thence West along J K Wright. north line 185 ft toileale's alley; thanes north along east line of Bealls alley 60ft; thencteast *Song the month tine of-other lands itf 8 3 Hickok 186 ft to said Centre-et: theuee south along thesenter of said Centre-st to the- place , of. beginningeicentains 11,t00 square feet of . land, all improved. No 4. ALSO—One:tether lot situate .1n Canton born', bounded and described as follows: Begin ning at the northeast ter of the last above describ ed lot: thence west along the same ISsft: to Iteal's alley; thence north along said alley 60ft to lot of A G Kelley; thence east along said hellerssonth line to center of said Center-st; thence south along the tenter of said street to the place of beginning; con *tains 3( of an 'acre more or less; with 1 framed house thereon. No 6. ALSO—One other lot slteate In Wanton born', bounded north by other lands of 8 3 Hickok, east by Division-a, south by lands formerly Owned by C A Krim. west by lands of James A Bothwell: being about 60ft front and about. 130 ft deep,'with I. framed house theteon. ' Seized and taken into'exe tete:Yß at the suit of Mrs .1 E Bullock vsSJ Hickok anti H N-Williams, Sec'y. No tt. ALSO—One other lot situate in Pike twp, bounded north by the public highwaV, east by lands of Willson - Edsall, south . and' west by the ipublic highway; contains I acre. more or less, all mproved, with 1 framed house, I framed barn and few fruit trees thereon. • . . No 7. ALSO—One other lot situate in Pike twp, bounded north by lands of Win Davis, east and: south by the public highway, and lands of . Wilson , Edsall, and west by lands of Mai Brieter; Contain's+ 6 acres of land be the same more or less, all Intones ed; no buildings, but few fruit trees thereon. Selz-. eland takenelnto execution at the suit of. the Ath ens Building and Lam 'Amociatlma of Athens, Ps, vs 821 Oregoiy. - , • No t.' ALSO—One other lot situate in. Albany twp, bounded north by lands of Joseph Conklin, east and south by the public- highway, west by lands of Clark Babcock; being 100 ft front and 60ft deep, with '1 framed house and few fruit trees thereon. (excepting and reserving that part of the house and lot sold by said Ormsby to Joseph Camp bell off the north-end of said lot. Seized and taken Into execution at the suit of Edward Overton vs S 8 Orinsby. . No 13.. ALSO—One other lot situate in 'Athens twp, bounded nortiihtlands of George Erconbeck, east by lands of Albert Campbell, south by lands of `N C Hartle serest by lands of Horace Willistan'tl estate, contains,l2s acres more or lens.. about 90 I ru-' proved, with 2 framed houses, 2 framed barns,. .1 I hog : hens°, 1 corn Vows other outbuildings, and an' orebard of fruit trees thereon. No 14. ALSO--;One other lot situate In Athens twp, bounded north by lands of Horace Williston'i estate,'east by lands of James, White, south .by. ' lands of J GriMth and the phblit highway, west by lands of Selim Kirby; contains 55 acres more or lees, no improvements, • Seized and taken intoex ecution at the suit of Miami S Pike vs C Honsleker and A Hunsicker.. No 15, A LSO- -- -One other lot situate in Orwell twp, bounded and dmici 'bed as follows : Beginning on the public highway. leading from Wylutx to the Wappasena Creek, known as the Judge road on the southerly line betereen said piece of land owned by Paid Taylor and the northerly -loundafy line of Wm H Darling, running north !;,°. west along the said Ridge road 44 pen to a' point; thence north 114 0 east along the line of the said road 43. pets to a point; thence. north' 1831 0 east along the said road 65 pers to a point; thence along the said road north . rued nor 64.! 21 0 east . ' ► 4 pets to a 'Mint: thence along 'the said i° east 12 pets to a point;' thence ti north 85,' 31 east 32 pers; thence along the said road' 7331° east 24 pers to the line between the, lands of Cyrus Cook and the said Taylor; thence south 24° east along the line betw.een.the said- lands Ire 2-10 per. to a stake auttstoues; thence along the line of lands of Cyrus Cook, N W Morgan, and the :said Taylor south 1210 1 west 16.5 4-10 tetra to a cur: thence north Be o . west alone the southerly line 18 4-10 pers to a cor ;thence south 34° west 30 pens to a cur on the line of lands of William II 'Darling,' and the said Taylor; thence eking the southerly Bee of said Taylor lends north 84!: 0 west ,50 8-10 pers to the centre of said Ridge road to the place of beginning; contains 92 acres and 21 pers, be the same more or less - -•-, ' No 16. ALSO—One - other lot situate in OrWell twp, bounded anddescribed as fellows: Beginning at the center of the before said Ridge road on the southerly line of the land of said Taylor, and the, northerly line of the lands of .1 3 Newell, running rating the said line.nuirth 82 0 west 232-pets to a cur of the lamb of 3 31 Newell, Henry Howe, and the said Taylor; thenct,nnith 23s° east along the west erly line of the maid Taylor's land 106 pers to a cot' of the lands of Burton Russell. IV W Olds, and the sand Taylor, marked by a stake and stones; thence along the line between W W Olds and tfle said Taylor; thews 87'° east 110 5-10 ',cis to a cur marked by a stake and stones at the public mad leading from the said Ridge road to James Cleaveland , s; thence along said road south 5° east 12 6-10 pen; thence along the' northerly line of said 011ie anti S H. -Wilson lauds north 893.1° east 131 5.10 pers to a cor of mid Wil-on, Cyrus Cook. and said Taylor's lands, marked by a stake and sionesithencealong the line of landsof the said Cook and Taylor, south 2.e 0 east 38 pers to the before named Ridge road; thence southerly along thesaid road 198 pers to the. place of txtginning; contains 167 acres and 33 pers, be the same more or less. No 17. ALSO.L-One other lot situate In Orwell Ben, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a sugar maple tree at the cur of the lands, of D 11 Darling and lands formerly owned by II Champ lain, now owned by Dr Lewis. and running along the line between those lands north 4s3s° west 59 5- -10 pers to a cor of lands of the said Dr L6WIA, J 3 Newelland Taylor marked by a stake and stonesi . thence due east along the thin of the lands of said Newell and Taylor 7e 5-10 pees to a tor marked by a stake and stones; thence along [benne between the memo south I°-west In 5-10 pees to a cor marked by a beach sapling: thence along the line between the land of V. H. Darling and said Taylor 52° west 45 8.10 pees to the plate of beginning; contains 12 acres and 80 !ern, be the same more or less. The above Clime lots of land are known as the A G Fria ble farm, with I trained houie. 3 framed basis, sheds and outbuildings; and orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized anti taken into .execution at the snit of A ugusta 1' Cook's use vs A G Frimble. ' ' No 18. ALSO— , One-other lot situate In Pike isht, konnded north by lands of A D Fas.sett, east by lauds of the Thothas Brink estate, south by lands of the Thomas Brink estate, west by the public ' highway ; contains 12 acres more or less, all 110. proved, with 1 framed house..) board shanty, and few fruit trees thereon. Seized anti taken into ex ecution it the•eult of G W Bailey es Stephen II Canfield.\ ,„.." f - . - ' No 19. ALSO—One other lot situate - in Leroy twp, benntledattel described as follows: Beginning at a cor In Bs - public raid leading frotekt he stage rood to the tunith, side' of the Towanda I`reek, and cur of Lindley Stormer( land,' and In the line of Amos Vanfleet's Lind. and running; ti etice north . as the oreginal emu-ea given along the line of Arne, Vanfleet's land; running.thence north as the origi nal course given along the line of Amos Van Ile . t. ' Lewis Darling. forinerlyD A Greeno, about 281 pees and 5-10 of a perch t t, a cor - post and stones adjoining hints ofßeuben MeClelland on the north, and thence east as the originel course-33 pees to a cor in the line of Daeld Ilhaireind's land; and. thence soulh as the original cokree mentioned ir is former conveyances a distance of tab out 312 4-10 pers to a car adeening Lindley' tl,(one's land as conveyed to him by Nathan I Wilekx ; and along H the line of Deihl oagland's latal to aid cur, and thence . oath 89 0 west 4 3-10 , pees - to\ a post and stones; thence West - 11 6.10 pers to a iiihkory tree marked for kee - , tr; thence north 3°-cast( atr said Lindley Stodiksland and line 19 pers too c r near a hickory tree: thenetes° west 23 3-to pers Q the place et beginning . ; contains the supposedqnsetity or amount Of about 66 acres, be the saute more or lees.. (2 acres being reserved therein - an in the convey ance,)ahout 60scresimproved.with 1 framed houst, 2 framed barns, othet outbuildings, anti orchard of fruit trees thereto. Seized and taken Bite execte s lion at the-suit of Overtop & Elebree vs Anthony Darling. NO 20. ALSO—One other lot situate in Granville ' top, bounded north by lands of Charlet Parmerter anti David Eaton, so the east by lands of Ephraim Kendall, south by. lands of Widow Annablo and David Thompson, west by lands of Baleelti Shoe- maker and Cart land Clark; contains 56 acre:waters: or less, all Improved, with .1 framed house. I fram ed barn, 1 framed hog pets, and orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized aid taken into execution at the stilt of Patrick McGengbran vs James Bitten- I se. Also 'at the suit of Burk, Thomas d Co, vs saute;: .. No 21. ALSO—One other . lot situate in Utter twp, bounded and described as follows: Ilep,ltining MI the southivest cos at the junction of Cash creek road and Main road leading from Ulster to Athens at in the cor o a fence, said cor being north east cor of said hit; thence south on west side of said Main road 66ft and 2 Incheslo a taint: thence westerly running parallel -with building now CM Mid lot 60ft to a stake; thence right ahgle souther ly to said lot; thence westerly direction on said. south lino to a point ; thence northerly abed rods to south side of Cash creek mad to a post in fence: 'nee easterly along south side of said Cosh creek mid et!ti ruts to the place of ,begletting; reserving therefrom the original surreys of said lot a piece of land lying on south side of- said lot east of sight angle and south of line running parallel with bblldings for ,C W Holcomb. in consideration of a piece of land bow occupied by said buildia t cor point on southeast eorof said lot willtl twis.stors• framed I framed barn, and other outbuildings 'thereon. Seized and taken Into exectilion 'at the 'gait of the Athens•Buildlng and-Limn Association' of Athens, ita,•vs S S Lockwood. and Mrs A Lock wood. - ' No 22. ALSO—One otheriot situate In Athens' 'lwo', bounded as follows: 'Being lot No 421 n a plot_ or survey made by Orson Rickey for the lion - Ed ward Herrick and bounded north by tots No 44, anti 46i east by lot No 41, south by Cheatimt-st, west by tots No 87;.fts and which said' lot. Inter alit. *as conveyed to Vrausis Drextel ,by the :Sheriff of Brailft.rd County by deed dated and aek ' - nowledged the lath day oflioptenitter A. Ir. Isle, 'with a l framed haulm and few DUB trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of the Athens Building and Loan Assoeistion of Athens, Pa vs 31 W Ryan and Margaret Ryan. No 23. ALSO—One other lot situate In Orwell twp„ bounded and deacribed as follows: Beginning at a poet and stoueson the east side • of the high way. (said, highway leading fronu Potterville br Werkirer's mill), at the northeast cor of the tan nery lot of S M Beaches; thence north sic' east by said tannery lot 1$ pers to a stake and stones:, • thence north west by land . of said grantors • 7 6-10 pers to a stake and stones: thence south :IV , ' isest.6 340 erst thence south 11!_o east 65.10 pers; thence south se west 6 6.10 pets to the east able et the first mentioned highway; them e , south ai4 o alting the east sitie of the highway 14 ( t the place of beginning; contains 52 pers, be the' same teen er less, all Improved, with an old - framed bitlitlitig thereon. Seized and taken into o,.xecution at the audio!' .1 F Wheaton, We vi Burke & Wheaton. 'aud J F Wheaton, tiee'y. • . - No 24. ALSO-sine other, lot situate In Roine boro,'bontitital north by the cademy lot, east by lands of It K Adams, south by the (tad-yellows tot,. west by Main-st; being about 100 ft front, and 150 ft deep, with 1 fraMed house,-1 framed barn,l framed sitop,Andlew fruit trees thereon. No 25. A LSO-Oneether lot situate in Rome bore', be.Willlool north by the public lane, east by the Wy sex Creek, south by 'lands of Wth (*Mani,, west by_ lands of Dr Mice; contains 1 - aere, More or less, all improved, no, buildings. Seized anti taken into execution at the aunt of stephen•Rivrell vs Aldan der Keefe and 11 L Parks. • N 026. ALSO-One other lot situate In South' Creek twp, bounded north by lands of itols.rt Ray, east by lands of James O'Leary,' South by lands of .1 C erate, and C W Lord, , Won by lands of Patrick Ilueteyt 'contains 114 acres. more or less, 'bout 60 acter ! implined - with 1 framed botise, ~_it -~; !mg tam and Into Of !Meteors thereon: • Sols. tsl end taken Into execution at the suit of Calvin West rs Henry Spencer. . Nol7. ALSO—One other lot situ/dein Wawa, bounded north by lands of John It nails and James Riley, east by binds of Adam Innis, south by lands of Adam Innis and Wen nmryan, west by lands of Harrison Rmsarehristle Lowe. and Jobs X Malin; contains a 7 acres iind 31 pen mere or less, about 80 acres Improved, with 2 frantedhormes, S framed barns, other outimildims. and 2 orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seised and taken Into ona cotton at the suit of If K Mott vs Omar Darla. Al. so otitis suit of J N Spencer to use of V D Bute? vs Omar Davis. •14 o ie. A 1.80-ODe other lot &ante la Towanda . bore!, bounded north hy Janda of J J artdiths, east by lands of E IV Hale. south by firtilis44, teat Manila; being about 7Ut Mot on said Natant sad shops rott deep on Bridgoet, with I thivrootery brick block thereon, known am Patba's Bleeka Seised and taken Into exeeition at the milt' of J 4 and E Coburn's nce, et sl n John J Glialthe and 0 Patton; No 30. ALSO—One other lot Malts In Leila, .. twp, bounded north by lands of M T Shoeneker and James Rittenhouse, east by the estate of LOD .. raim Annable and lends of Reuben Stone, south hi , lands of Wesley Stone. Lindley Stone, And It II Annahle. west by the public highway; contains 134 acres and 133 pets more or less. about 110 acres it& proved, with I framed house, -1 framed barn and stied attached, 1 ice house and orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seised and taken Into exeentina at the suit of James Lyon's ex'rs vs David Tboto*sta, No 31. ALSO—One other lot situate in Asylum tap, bounded and described attfolloWS I Beginning at a stone heap; thence- east 104 pen to a stone heap; thence south 27° 'east 119 pen toa stone hesp; thence south 70° west 121 - 6.10 pen to stone beap thence north 15Q west 163% pen to the place of be- • • , ginning; contains 94 acres and 153 pen more or less, being part of Sarah. II Butlers tract Surveyed In the warrantee name Of Barnabai sltShatn. about - -. 84 acres bnproved, with I framed house.-I framed barn and sheds attached, blacksmith shop, work. shop,-.1 trained granary,and orchard of fruit trees thereon.. ' .7 . ..... : Nu 32. ALSO -One other lot situate In klionroo and Albany twps, bounded and deseribed as follows: - -Beginning at issugar, tree at an orlglrlat cor of dm, Boyd and John Kidd warrants; thence east by Jno Boyd warrant 167 pets to a hemlock cor of Otis Ly. • ; oils , lot; thence by the same south 1431 en to a cor , ' thence west 167'pers to a cor of E C Kellogg's 104 thence by the same north 148 pets to the, place of beginning; containslso Urea and 131 pert more or less; being part of a large 'tract In the warrantee • name of Joseph Thompson, no improvements. No 33. ALSO—One other lot situate in Monroe 'twp.'bounded and described as follows t Beginning. aa cor oh line of E C Kellogg's land; thence east 1 rs to a cor of the Saulsbury lot; thence north rs 39 to a cor on James W.leritwes I.t I; .thenes 4 04 x, Fast 85 pen to a cor on line Of John Bristol; thence south 24)i0 east 83 nen to a else on line of John - Bristol; thence emit 2434° west 110 pen to • neon I -111Mor It C Kellogg; thence by Kellogg's land west 1 142 tiers to a eon thence still b Kellogg's land north 58 pert to the place of beginn ing; contains 711 acres- and 63 pen mere or less, no Improvements. _ No 34. ALSO—One other lot situate In -Asylutti twp,.bounded and described as fond's: -Beginning , at a cm, being the southeast cur of the -Philo 311 int got lot (now one Racon),.rtumlng south 5% 0 west 2 '• '7•10 pers to a cor of post and stones; thence south-. 83? 83° east or _thereabouts, 38 pen to a cot toeing northwest cot of Benjamin lot), thence s o ut h 30' West 112 pen to a cor , thence north 78N west 44 5-10 pen to a cor; thence north 40)-0 neat 173 pore to a cor of post anti stones; thence south 78 0 east 114 pets to the place of beefing ; contains 74 acres more or less, about 50 improved. Seized and • taken into execution at the suit of Illeam Elsbree ' vs James Ellis and E W Ellis. No 35. A ESO—One other lot situate ,n Pike twp, 'troweled north by the public highway.east by lands of Win - Hutchinson, south •by lands of Seymour 'Wilson. west by landsof Herbert Beechemcontalns 6 acres more or less, all Improved, with I framed louse and few fruit trees thereon. Seized - and ta.. * ken into execution at the suit of Catherine Z Illai , riugton vs hlartha B Bradley. Ne 36. ALSO—One other lot situate In Colombia -- • two, bounded north by lands of Caleb Burt 'and James. Strong, east by lands of Caleb Burt. south - by lands of Henry Gernet and Fayette Kenyon, . west by the public highway; contains 90 acres more or less about 80 Unproved, with 1 framed house, 1 ' granary and toy fruit trees thereon. Seized, end taken. Into execution at the suit of E B Parson's nee vs.E B Williams. • . No 37. ALSO—One other let situate lit Troytwp, And bounded as follows : Being all that piece or ',ascot of land lying in the. township of 'Troy and, being a portion of • the land bought by Pomeroy. Bros' of Wm and Clement Sinead, and and now on. cut.ted by E A'Kennedy, being all the land owned 'by Pomery Bros' on the north side 9f the-county road, and supposed to contain 50 acresof land more less, all Improved, - being the same piece of land conveyed by potueroy--Bros , - to Burton 8 Ayers. by articles of agreement dated Dec s, 1873, with framed house, and orchard of fruit trees thereon. Selzedaud taken Into execution at the suit of Pom eroy Eros' vs Burton S Ayres. No 3S. ALSO—Ono other lot situate 10 Athens boro% bounded north by lands ore W eiapp. (now, in possession.of II Vaodu;er), east by lands of said Clapp abd John Donovan, -south by -land& of E N Merril!. west by )fain-st; being ISOrt on said Main at, and 150tt deep,. with 1 framed house and bans thereon. No 40. ALSOOne other lot situate in Sheithe• •• quill twp, bounded, north by, lands of Henry -hilli- note and Joseph Humphrey, east by land' of Jo- sepirllumphrey, south by landsof John lit'agut Mid Adam Kler, weiS4by lauds formerly owned ray Hor gan Thompson; contains 106 acres more or less, about 00 improved, with 1 framed house,l framed barn, 2 sheds,. 1 Wagon house, and an orchard of fruit tress ther,on. Scheel and taken. into exec*: ' ttoti at the suit of W C and A B Burrows vs Hy man Vanduzer mid H F Maynard. • No 41. ALSO- - One other lot 'Must In Overton twp; bounded and described as follow ': Beginning -, Ms birch tree on the line of Paul 3f re and Josh-, us Cooley warrant 's; thence - south ale, 45' west along Joseph Anthony's warrant 104 -10 pent to a ba-wood; thence north 56X ° West al e g Eli Morrie- • warrant 160 pers to a elk; thence north ate, 4i' east 104 740 sera to a cor; thence south 364° east 160 pets to the plate of beginning; contains 104 acres and 112 pers more or less. It being the same land sold to .l W.Owen by C L Ward' by contract dated Oct]. 1069; abbot 50 acres. improved, with 1 • framed Lunge, 1 framed barn:and few fruit trees 1 thereon. Seized and taken Into execution at the-i suit of ]lra Ellen Ward •Miller to use of W W Kingsbury vs J W Owen. No 42. ALSO—One other lot situate Canton twit.) hounded north by lands of G P and D C Manley, east by lands of George Meeker, south 1 - y the To. wands Creek, west bylands of „Dr. N" Smith; con tains 75 acres more or less, all , improved, with 1 framed hdhse, 1 framed barn ind few fruit trees , thereon. Seized and taken 'lnto. execution at the - suit of James F Fox, ex'r -vs Stephen A Randall • and Jare4,,,S Manley. , No 42. ALSO—tine other lot situate en "ASTIUM : twit. boudded north by lands of John-Ellis, cast b' • lands Win S Heath, south by lands of E W Neil, - other lands of said Kipp; contains 42 acres more or less, about 40 improved, with 1 .framed ban: and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken . Into' Aecution at the suit of If 1. Scott's use .vs:L. • Ii Clink. No 43. A LSO•One other lot situate In ToWands twp, lsmnded north by lot No 92, east by an alley, south by lot No 69, west by Main-st; being lots .o 7 0 and 71, as will more fully and at large appear on G F Mason's plot of South Towanda, and being SOft . front on )lain-st, and 125 ft deep, with 1 framed house thereon. Seized and taken Into execution at the suit of if L Scott, Trustee vs Michael Boyle: ANDREW J. LAYTON. Sheriff. Sheriff's Offfce, To wan d a,. Pa.. April 17, 1877. • 1-I:APPLICATION IN lATORCE.• . —To S. R. Hill. fit the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County. No,. 66, Dec. T.. 1577'., You are hereby notified that Bet.ey Hitt. your mire, has applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County for a divorce from the boutis'of .matrimony, and the mid Court has appointed Mon day, May 6th, HU, In the Court House at Towanda, for hearing the said Betsey In the premium, at ik - bich.time and place you may-attend If you think proper. A. J. LAYTON, Sheriff. APPLICATION IN DIVORCE. - To C. McCracken. In the Court of corn-, mon fleas of Bradford County. • No. 62, Dec. T., 1677. Ton . are hereby notified that Clara McCrack en, your wife, has applied to the Cow t of Common Pleas of Bradford County for a 'divorce. from'the bonds. of matrimony, and the ffaid Court has ap pointed Monday, May 6th. 1878,. in the •Court. 11.011 . FC . at Towanda, for hearing the said Clara in the premiso6, at which time and place you may at tend If you think proder. _ PPLICATION IN - DIVORCE. .A . —To Lydia Hoyt. In the Court of Commoti picas of Bradford County. No. 297„ Dee. T., 18:7. You , ate hereby notified that Peter Hoyt, your hue. -band. has applied to the Court of Common Pleas - of Bradford County for a divorce Tram the bonds \e t matrimony, and the raid Collin has appointed ' loilday. May Gth; lan, In the Court House at To w'auds.. for hearinptheaald Peter In the premises, at wLich time and place you may attend It you think9uOper. A. J. LA TTON, Sheriff. API LICATION- IN 'DIVORCE;P .M. E. Jones., I n the Court of Commotv t'te..s ofliiradiewd County. No. fix. Dee. T.; Ital. You are hereby notified that V. K. Jones, your husband, has pplied - to the Court ,or Common Pleas of B Mint County for a diroree'from the bonds oft till - 113 \ mq; and the said- Court has ap. pointed Mi 'iday, May eth, 1611, In the , Court House c In, Towand flYr,i hearing the - said V: K. Jones In fie premrsc, at whieb time and place you may at. Lead If you ink preiWir. A. J. LAYTON , Sheriff. • \ • 1 1 XECUTOR'S NQTIC ' E. - :,Notie - ,1.4 Is hereby glien that all\ persons indebted to . the estate of Wm. W. Craytom„ late of Franklin. decd, must make Immediate virulent, and all per. sons having claims against said estate must present theM duly authenticated Our settlement, , • E. 11. CII,ATTON, ..., ! Franklin, April 1.'67.. ' - • Executor. ••, 1 - 4 1 X - ECIITOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice ts hereby given that all persons indebted to, the estate of eYnthla Ann late of Wyalu. stnic..dee'd.'m - ust'inake Immediate payment, and all persona having datum agalcett said estate must mesent them duly authenticated for settlement. JAS. it. eWART, Executor: • Wyalt!slng, April 1, 1$ ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE: Notice is berebk rived that all persona fn• debted to the estato of Jeremiah Miacktuan, late of Monroe township, 'dec'd, are requested to make immediate payment, and all persons baring 'claim, "against said estate must present tio.m einlyauthen tleated sor settlement. —B. It. floChlifTTo adthinistrater, with will annexed.. Nfonroetou, Pa., April U, Intl. : A .DMINIBTRATOIVS NOTICE. ix—Nonce Is hereby given that ail persons In. tie b tedlo thr estate of Geo. T. Cole, late of Towanda Dore,. decd, are requested to make Tmmedlate payment, and an persons having claims againat !fad estate must present them duly authenticated for settlement. - , E: L. lIILLIS, • . ' Administrator Pen dente Lite Towanda, Ta.,-J4prll 4, 1878. INSOLVENT NOTICE. Notice 1 : Is hen'thy Oren thud will apply to the Cc - ranee conitorm Yleareof Bradford County', on - MONDAY. IHAI 6, INN at 2 ()Vault, P. Y.. for the benefit of 'Ow Insolvent laws of the State of rennsylranta, at .10110 time my creditors and all other* Interested may attend If they (blot proper. - PATBICY Alen ANON. Towanda, March VA 1878. • U XVECTRIX'S xa_ticv is hereby given that all persons indebted to the estate erlieuben Fairchild, late of Warren township, deed, must make Immediate payment. and all persona having Oaten against said estate mvst present them duly authenticated for •settle ment. • FOLLY L. FAlitelliLD, Warren Tarp., April a IS. Executrix. TiEXECUTOR'S NOTICE.:L.'Notfcv is hereby ;leen that all 'persons Indebted to the estate et.- G. A. Genoa, late of Wilmot, deed. are rotiertte4 to Immettlate payment, and all pmums baring. claim** against, sate estate must ...bear them (tally authen.leate.l for setatratettr. Tin= tiTICIIC, Sugar R u h, April zs, 10. ,N4ecutia t - • MI A: J. LArrpx, Sheriff
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