vtiloota geporta, EDITORS; E. 0. GOODRICH, Towanda, Pa., Thursday, May 2, 1378 REPERLIIFVN STATE CONVENTION lir. A INCA t RErt - ni.tcati, STATV.I.COMIIiT• 147.., MA un, Ant - to - : ti. March 27, 1875.—tn pursuaoce of a resaat lon of the Republican State Cnultnittee, alinpteffat a meethag.held In Harrisburg!: this day. a lterublfran State Convention .(to be eoni))osed 14 delegate' from each genatorlal and Representative district to the number to which such AiSltict t. entitled in the Legislature), 15 hereby called to meet In the city of Harrishurgis, at 120'clock, tiooll. on VrEini ESDA 1 - „N1 AY 15Th, /r 5, for the pur -10.,.e. of non:lusting One person for Governor. one -per - Non for Lieutenant-Governor, one pen.on for : , ecretary of Internal Affairs,. and one per,on for Judge of the Supremo Court. .11y orber of the kA P. WitsoN. Chairman .1 oiry A. SMELL.Seerct*l COUNTY CONVENTION. l'ur=uatit to a m.oluttion passed by the ftepubli.. caa Contily.Couiptittee, al a tneeting . held on Tues day, April 16,7ri, a special convention of the Re yit,lte3n party will convene at the-Court, Siouse,in Toiratula Borotigh, on TUESDAY, MAY 7th, In.S. at t r. vt. for the purpose of eleCting THREE DELFG ITE' to represent Bradford County in...the R.-publican Stair Con;•entlon to convene at Har risburg otiWednestlay,"%! t ay IS, WM, ratifying the t.enaterial Delegate elected to said State Cottrell •lon by Wyoming County; and for, the transaction of any other business that may come \ b efere the Oronventlon. • Ity the same authority the Committees of V 10- lauoe of the several , ,election• districts are hereby directed to calla primary or delegate election ''for pelt respective disttlctit, to be held on SATUIL pAY, MAY 4th, 1875•,_ next, for the purpose of electing by ballot, two delegates to represent each pf .sahl districts' In 61.1 County Concentirn. The ,delegate ele'ctlons In the townships shall be organ- I red at a o'clock' r.'st., and kept open continuously to the close, which shall-be at 5 o'clock -P. St. Tor tie boroughs the said delegate erections shall be franize , l :it 7 o'clock r.'sti., - andkept open conttn ume,ly until the close, which shall be at B o'clock The rotes'shltif ttren bs etionted, and 4,iin re sult ce C rilfled by tIM °Meer* to !fie Chairman of the I said p otrention, and a copy (tethered at mice to the 'relegates. or VtiIIIANCE . A runlyia—Daniel Webb., Simon Sherman, An- I r,..w St•ward. . . Aiter--4;en II Werb, G W Carman, Jeff' Long 'Lead. Born'-11 11" ,F ECM Athonsi,wv.—F E Weller, ..intuel OTenshire, li Hank Iln.wii.. A•yliun—lnt:epli A Hornet, BC M logos, R Her rirk. Albany—L D Sterig,ere, Daniel IIron•u, J T Ile% ted. • liarelay—C 1' Moore, r W T 144.7. J Eldred. lioro*--J y Rice, E A Evarts, John 31,;K Weat—.l B Mcßean, 9 Il Ballard Tilos Blackwell. Twp—. 4 G S Travis, A (hew llr~eitte. canton Bam'—F A Owen; d S Theodore Pierre. canton twii--Watson Freeman, [teary kattison. (; W Wertherl.y. Columbl3—.l D Won, H x fiergelon, a IL Wat- MR& Frankttn—JameeC itAgeway, Stem? McKee, James. 1 , MI-011. l.raU ❑lc—Adam Innis, Jl. Ferguson, John V ro man. - Ilerrlrk—Q T. Stead, James IT Hurst, E It Palmer, H Holevmh, Wesley H T W Iftlnk, Al) Claslier. • N ti (xldlng,l P Carle, J 11 John Molt, Monroe Itorti—A Lloyd Rockwell, M Ro John bootee. ' Monroe 'lvry—Dwight Dodge, N Northrop, Jr, C L tlult. , ( frentt Creek—F W Reit% David Gardner, Al v 111 ltirtutyr , . , I 'rwell—/IL cav Thomas H Smith, Frank John tiverton—Jante4 Molyneanx, Fn•d lleverly, Al fred stret.vs. l'lke-1. A Bosworth. S B Canfield, Josi; rani. Itidgehorylt MI Meat!, E A Cooper, Mex Stnr to !tome It. ro'—Cory.lon Barnes, M . ll Towner, Kinney. Rome Twp—Joslah. Berton, J E Catlett, S N Barnes. sar,--Chlts Wheelock, john A \Vold worth, ley mouth Wavt•rfr —1) 1. 1 , Clark, yi Mn 11 lalkuer, ~ e l3lloeld—N W Waldron, Waiter Phillips, F NE'arrley. spclilgtleit—Tlicodnn! Wilder,f_dson llnrkneSs, lian, Bii , lcy. s, , utti Cro•k—DT llitdryth, S L Ttinturson, Geo! licrry. Sylvania—Finley Yunnan, (;co 'Monroe, Leander I:ri;Wkry. 1 Shesliccoln—W in Snyder, G 1. - Gorton, Isaac L T,..:ug. - -' • . Sisintirng Stuno—Wtn Bostwick, W Stevens, Guy Brown. .... T‘•try--Toilathan Terry..l Dyer, ti,llownian. Towanda Twr--Jaines Hale, Leroy Boum°, .I)avl4kon.' Torrapda Is,d/.•—Flrsl Ward—C-1) Passage, Jas II T t,:sem; Towanda Itorti—Second,Ward—W Keyser, Har ry fl ray, I) II Lyon. Towanda Hone—Third Watd—J II Orcutt, %V W S Vltteettt, Tm‘anda.Nurth—Reuben DeLong,, Win ululth, (tllrei• Newell. ' • Tno: Itur,e-11 M SP:olkm, D Lamp i an, Wm Morgan. Troy TlT—John Hunt, MJlton Plerce,M U Loo- Tli, , rarora—Wiu Shumway, Goy Lnuloreanx, Hal Llunec• ~CS'H•r—llenrq Mingo, Geo 11.orley, AnclrewiNtor Warrvn--11111es'Prineo, ilowell llowell, .1 1) Kin iVI-o,lharn—Geh AVbeaton; Ebert. White', Gen I taxi ie I ICC. . ; Wilmot St Clark, Daniel Ely, F. Meek.; Jr. NVellr. , ;.llorrls Shepard, Win Ile'yea, Wthdohn erm, , Wyalusing—Vi :, , ..graves, Geo S . Hornet, k Wyst;x-4 B Mods, 1. T Lent. L Shores. 11. STII Err ER, Chairman .In4i'it M. ELI, Secretary. 'Tie primary, meetings for the Sc- lrction Of delegates to'the convention to asseMble.ou Tuesday next, will be held o{L Saturdayf afternoon and eve - ping, Every Republican should -be • present and see, that the best men are selected for delegates. The coun ty is unanimous for pao,w, and 4 del egation should be sent to the State Coni•ention who inn do him the most good. Believing that his nomination is -for. the best interests of the party , in the State, all mere:personal preju: • d l ices should be forgotten in the ef fort to secure such a result. NEXT TcESDAY is the day appoint * ed for the election of a County Su perintendent of Schools of this coun ty. We sincerely trust the directors may manifest, sufficient interest in • the matter to be present. If our pres ent schOol system is to be continued, it is important that not only superin tendents but. 'directors and 'parents. ender . ready and willing aid in -carrying Out, the law. We believe • t the 'superintendency an effective means 6f elevatinCthe standard of ,education in Our common schools: but much depends upon the fitness of the ottic'er, and directors will be held responsible by their constituents for the Manner in which they discharge ' the dot? of selecting'a person to fill the position. Therefore, no director should stay at home, on Tuesday next. . A little scrutiny of the Florida de velopments of fraud in thS Electoral vote kis served to. reveal the fact that the "testimony" or-"confess- ion-" is as worth. *s us such crimiu- ations usually are, the suborned pre ' iinctiou of.knaVes to aid . a sehenie which has no warrant in law and rio justification in, equity. It ,is believ ed in, Washin,4on that by all the frauils alleged ' and actnal in this Electoral vote = count , tills Florida developinect is the most arrant piece of effrontery in crime and political cliicancry *country has As yet been called to consider in disgust. The're are those in Washington who hetievet that the . Florida" gelfacculers of irinm have been induced to idiow the statement to go out ass means Qf sul t Ketip g I.3talit t 9 ridicule and contempt, and that. at the proper time, this canard will be exploded.- Be this as it may, the development does not seem to intimidate' any one.. President HAY Es enjoyed himself in Philadelphia, serenely contemplating the vanities of his Quaker City ad mirers, and partaking of the sutnptu ons hospitalities of the Union League, as if the sky. above the White House was as peacefully blus as the', dells and / glades of - Fairmount Park. $. W. Az.vonn. THE .Arf/US of last week announ ced with . : - great flourish of trumpets. that Col. j ) IOI,LET had addressed the, 'Greenback Club of this place, and' enrolled himself as a member Of the: Club. His membership was short duration, ,as on Friday evening last, after a spirited discussion the Co loUel .Iwas unceiemoniously kicked out of the organization, with the in timation that the members do not ' propose to become the "at's paws " 'to haul out Democratic chestnuts for .any one. haVe no sympathy with the Greenback movement, but the club certainly deserve credit for their independence in rebuking the greatest political demagogue that ever cursed any party. . t t Now tbe Col lel wanders about moodily, i i nusin( to himself, - .lf so, .ii I'm floor for, I woroirr what 1 was begun for." The ilr'ous editor must be careful that his p;ans to secure a nomination for "rar do nut meetrthe same fate The Pittsburg Mont la , ?rcial-Gazelle after a careful examination into the conditioU, of the iron trade in that city and xj;icinity, sees encouraging signs lof doming 'prosperity in the• fact that out of twenty-two ironworks _which came under its observation, only two were idle. It says 4 The present state of business is signiffeant The volume of trade is vowing -larg er, and the quality of goods manufac tured and purchased seems to be dif ferent. Merchants are buying care, fully, and though at small figures, yet liberally and intending to pay. Let business go on as it has done the last two months, and, the good times that have begun will continue till we reach a good and safe condition., A DISASTROUS strike is in. progress among, the English cotton factory operat!ves. At Blackburn only 5 ; 001) looms are working out of a total of 52,000. PauperiSM is becoming ,manifest among the poorer classes of operatives, such as weavers who are without funds. The strike is on a falling market, however, and cannot succeed, though it may last long enough to t ause the most serious distress to those who engage in it. THE sale of the Eric railroad, which took place last week, has been confirmed by the Court. The - price paid was V),509,000. to mortgages fur about fifteen millions. The new company have vindicated Mr. JEWETT'S mAkagement by select ing him.-as-Pre dentof the organi Trt E: summary manner in which Col. PIi)LLET was ejected from the Green back club has caused several other gentlemen to "tremble in their boots," There isn't IVso much en , thitsiasm as there was among the eloquent orators who have been out enlightening (?) the people for the past few*niOnths. TIIE House of Representatives at Ifarrisburg have finally resolved to adjourn on the •24t1► inst. The people would have been just :Ls well pleased 11ad Ott event occurred 'on the 24th ult.; but let us be thankful. It is tisiitte to our Senator and Members, t 6 State that they have favored )‘ an eafly adjuormnent. • . Juput: St.% .. Lox . , .who was last \ fall elected Presi- Pa Judge of the Lu zerne distric has. already displayed his entire ul jiess for the' position: Mid if half '.. at is charged against him is`true, snourd be impeached. IS 7 7 takes.advantmge of - his position to punish his political 'opponents. " THE W: GRow can votes in other. can old Wzt.m least thre him than his compe /t f Tux last' 4VIIS contains an expla. nation of le silly and divusting squibs regarding Col. 0 vEaros which have apperred in that sheet - for the past few weeks. " I'a" is a candi date, for the- Greenback nomination. "No deenyed politicians wanted," is the motto of the GreenbaCkers. "Too old and antiquated f )l sayi the editor of the Argis. Now where can the Colonel go'. Chief of Police CULLEN, of Read ing, sues the Pniladelphia andßead- . ing Company for $lO,OOO rewartl coy the arrest of thel)ridge-burner rioters. THE anticipated repeal Of the bankrupt law,. 'has caused a great rush of business in that direction for the past few weeks. . .THE Green-backers have given. .notie:iithat their organizdtinn is not 44 ) 4 an. Nr disappointed pOlitieal I'34* Jr Is now conceded that Gnpw is the - .-strongest matt named for the Republican nomination for Governor. TuE -delegates from Delaware County to the Republican convention have been instructed for PHOSI;IiATE of line, has been 4iii3efirdreit in blrge . quantitie3 in . Kansas . . .. ' • ME ran says ii more :Lan any The give at .otes for any of NOT HARMONIOUS. It Ole inner circles of Demo. cratie patty, 433 y a' the Harris'biarg Telegtyph, there is ayery dds struggle pending on the subject . of the Democratic nomination for Governer and Supreme Judge. <lt is not so much a:question as to what man - shall receiv=e these dubious Lon ors as it is what leader shall dictate. their bestowal l It is a struggle for personal prestige, in the course Of which the masses of : the pemocratic party are treated like so many dumb •beasts of burden, while their drivers, the leaders in question, chaffer about the honor, emolument or prestige there is to be gained from the service. of -those who bear the load•. along. Senator WALLACE thus far has the advantage of energy and position. He' is a natural fighter, tenacious, Übi quitous and unwearied in ding what he undertakes._ lie has literally driven RANDALL, CLYMER, .SVCAND; LESS their inferior fellows otfthe field, and will control the Pittsburg convention, defeat the well laid plans of BARR, IroraiNsA Co. to gobble it when it convenes: . The outlook is proinising for DILL. If the conven tion met to-morrow WALLACE would control it for DILL as.easy as he con trols the Pairiol in the same inter est. This is now felt in all parts o the State, ano particnlar - ly in - Phila delphia,. where Senator WALLACEjs a much stronger man -than .Sam RAN; DALL. There is character in WALLACE lie alwayi tights like a fighting man; no trilling, no putting in blows for mere. 'displays •of adroitness. He hits to hurt all the time, and that's the way to win. But he leaves pain ful wound's on an adversary— Hence Senator WALLACE'S triumph this year may give him Sore trouble in the. years to come. But -he does not think of that, acting on the old ax iom that sufficient 'unto the day is the evil thereof. HERE IS DANGER. The opinion is becoming too prei alent that there is little difference in the principles of the two great par- . ties, and that an election now has little significance aside. from the con test for office. The bareful reader of : CongressiOnal proceedings during the past four months, however must be constrained to a aChnowledge that there is great (Imager to be feared from the accession of the Democratic party ito _power. The New York Tribune which' has, exhibited a de cided leaning toward what has been termed reconstructed Democracy for the past few years, now sounds, the alarm, and presents some strong rea sons why the Republican party should continue to rule this country : "Secretary Sherman,-it is said has improperly asserted that the restora tion of the Democratic party, to pow er is " the only danger that really threatens our public peTti;e and safety." It is even said, that• Mr. Sherman cannot possibly believe this and must be insincere in' saying it. Patriotic and able Democrats. are named, by way of proof that the country has nothing to fear from the advent of that party to power, anti it is somewhat rashly asserted • that " Whenever the ascendancy of either:party is actually and positive ly a menace, to the public peace an safety, then the days ,of liberty re numbered." But. Mr. Shemin is entirely right in•this matter, and his critics are palpably in the /Wrong. There was a time, not more than seventeen years ago, when the as cendancy of the Democratic party would have not only .a Menace to - the public peace and safetY but an inevi table and quick disunionovith result ing War, endless - and merciless, bet -2,4/.. ween.smidered se /Mons. • Secretary $ man wisely refuses i to forget that hue. In sonic degree the Democr is party his changed its: cobsti ent elements, but the same con rolling spirit remains. It is ruled y-the , South, as 'it was be fore tie war. In loose and jocular plir. e the South -is said to be " re coil trusted," but it is absolutely im pfssible, to /name the Southern states an who dares, publicly to disavow the idea for which the South was said to ,fight. Southern statesman come. back into the Union because they cannot help it, but not one of them ventures to - -denounce the oh. jests of the war, or to say that on the part of the South - it was wrongly fought, or to say that the. South will not seek in peace, and by means of its political power, the very objects it mistakenly sought to.gain by war. Until the South has changed, achy should its tool, the. Democratic party he thought to have changed , in pur )ose or character Secretary Sherman need not go back further than the opening of the present session of Congress Co prove that the Democratic party threatens our public peace and safety." . The attempt to set aside the Settlement of the Presidential question, and .to reopen that most exciting and dan gerous controversy; is made by Dem ocrats only, has the support of not a single Republican, and obviously threatens the . public peace and safety. The effort to rob creditors of the na tion, by making its bonds and the interest tbereon payable in depreciat ed money, _unquestionably threatens the credit, 1*(1 therefore the peace and safety of the country ; and it is made mainly by DemocratS, and would doubtless_ have succeeded it there had not been a Republican President.. Pour-fifths of the Dem ocratic members of Congress are in flationists, and of their thousand schema every one threatens the pub lic peace and safety, and-the success of eaeh and all is to-day prevented by a Republican Senate or a Repub lican' President. More lies behind, as the vote of the House on Monday proves. No. body can guess how many millions may be voted . away, if:the Democrat.• is party gains the , power. -_ Seven millions on Monday—why? Because the South wanted three milliohs or More, and was willing to ,conspire with hungry members from other sections. Can, anybody guess how many millions the House would have voted, if there had been a Senate to match? Thal, there are Southern claims, for losses during the war, readers of the \ Tribune know: Does any one suppose that these claiTs would • he forgotten:pr generally re, jected, if tpe Deuperotie party had power ? All theie eipenditures and claims threaten the public safety, twang° bankruptcy, ill come if they are gratita They threaten the pub li6 peace, because disorder, and re slstadec to law, if not actual disunion will follow whenever the Nation is financially crippled. SecretarfSher ; man 'told nothing but the - truth. Democeatie rule means now, as it did aluring the war, peril to, the. Union—peril to its credit, its pros perity, its peace and )ts safety. NO other man in the South is so universally revered or looked up. to as i'Err DAvis, notwithstanding all the hypocritical professions of repen tance and loyalty of the southern people: ,Should the democratic par ty, gain ascendency in 'the nation, DAvis will be one of the leading mem ber. 4. That; the poeople of the north mayundcrstand the " true inward ness " if the ex-President of •the con federancyOve append a letter written by him a few days since to the Me- Morial Association: • • "Let not any of the survivors uu- pugn their faith by offering the:peni tential plea that they believed' they were right. * * * Let posterity learn by this monument that ,you commemorate men who died in a de fensive war ;that they did tnot-=as has been idly stated—submit to the arbit rament of arms the questions at issue—questions involving inaliena ble rights inherited and held in trust for posterity,.but strove for the State sovereignty which : their fathers left thern,,and which it was their duty, if possible, to transmit to their ;dren. Let this monument teach that heroism derives its lustre from the justice of the cause in which it is 'displayed, and let it murk the /litter mice between a war" waged for the robber-like purpos'e of conquest, and one to repel invasion to defend a people's hearths . and altars, and to maintain their laws and liberties Such was the war in which our he. roes fell, .and theirs is the crown which sparkles with the gems of pat riotism and righteousness, with a glory unditnned by any motive of aggrandizement or intent to inflict ruin on others. We present them to posterity as examples to lie followed, and wait,seeurely for the verdict of mankind when knowledge shall have dispelled misrepresentation and de lusion. It is not, unreasonable to ItlSpe that mature • reflection,. and a closer study of the political history of the Union may yet, restore the rights prostrated by the passions developed in our long and bloody • war, if, however, it should be other wise. .• Then tnnn our heroes' gfares shalt ensue, In mournful imies the A TIMWer fit : Anil, If our children mind ohey, ' They twoit, Lut, thinking on our . day. • Twill fess deliase them to subtnit.'• JEFFERsoN nAvis SomE New York correspondents of a Boston paper lately astonished PIS readers by the statement that/the property of -Trinity Church /New York, was worth .t least $7O 00,000, that it owned several thousily d houses in the lower part of the city, the ma jority of which was occupied as drink ing saloons or used for other disiep utable put poses. This has bought out General John A. Dix, one of the Vestryman of that / parish; and Treas urer of the corioration. In a com munication to / the " Chore/in/on "..ht ' states - . that ,the entire property of Trinity Church, from which it derives revenues,floes not exceed in value s7,ooo,ooo—one tenth of the sum stated ,y the cori - espondent in clues- Lion, hose communication, has been generally copied by the secular press and by portions of the finti.Episco -1 i.iilian religious press. The General /also denies and the police commis sioners of New York, after a thorough examination sustain Ws denial, that any of the houses owned by the. _Church are used for improper pur- poses. 'Every lease granted contains covenants by which the tenant agrees that-the premises granted him shall not be so used. •If he violates this agreement, his lease is forfeited. For our pa we 9gret, that Trinity Church corporation has not seventy instead of seven millions of property. It is one of the' noblest charities in the country. Ali its income is ex= familial in the most judicious manner and not only Alleviates the condition of the poor in the parish in which it is located, but its influence is felt in . nearly every parish in the city of New York. . TUE Republican County Conven tion that asseindled .in this borough on Tuesday last, to select Delegates to" represent the party in the coming State Convention, was quite a spirit ed affair. Interest centered in the passage of resolutions instructing the Delegates upon the Gubernatorial question. The friends of ProPesspr Wichersham were particulaey active in pressing.for what they were pleas ed to term a "complimentary vote" for that gentleman, while the friends of Pr. R McClellan, who was a can didate for Secretary of Internal Af fairs, was squally persistent in asli ing that the Pelbgates should be sent uninstructed in his interest. Col. Hoyt had a few,zealous friends, but the sentimont of the Convention was decidedly against his- selection as a candidate. One of the caritlidates for Delegate to Harrisburg was. de feated by a very few votes by a friend 'of Prof. Wickerseam, because he was believed to be an earnest friend of Col. Hoyt. The friends of Mr. Grow were in the ascendant, and -his nomination would unquestionably give more satisfaction to the Repub.. Beans of Chester caunty, than any other gentleman yet named.--41meri can Republican, West Chester: WE ARE PAYING OCR DEBTS.-It is true, there are a 'great many idle persons in -the country—more than there have been for years—probably more than there ever were before ; and this is a misfortune that cannot be. overlooked. But it is a fact, which unquestionable statistics dem onstrate, that notwithstanding the presence of thii great body of unem ployed persons, we are_ supporting ourselves and sending abroad $170,- 000,000 more values than we buy, showing that' we are paying debts to that amount every year, whereas eight years ago lee were buying and going into debt for $100,000,000 per annum more than we sold—Phila delphia Times. WASHINGTON April 341.--Minister FOSTERN letter, ofllcialy recognizing the Diaz government,.gave assurance that he would omit no Wort to se. cure satisfactory adjustment of the pending questions, and re-establish friendly relations. The Mexican, Minister of Foreign Affairs replied, expressing satisfaction, and stating that the recognitiou was the first step towards a proper understandint' between Op tWo republics. WHAT 0113 COILSSPOITDENTS BITE• LETTER FUOlt HAZBISBUILO Ilmatisnima t 'Aprll I N, 1818 As the correspondents of certain news papers in Philadelphia Sad Pittsburg, boiling over with a disposition. to furnish sensational reading , without any regard whatever to "being - correct or truthful in their staterncuts,when referring to the pro ceedings of the Legislature, have recent ly been, most grossly misrepresenting the Speaker, and charging him with. - conduct entirely unbecoming antonorable, impar tial presiding officer, it is proper that a few words of explanation be made, to the that justice may be done on honest, intelligent gehtlethan, whose manner of discharging -the onerous duties of the ; Speaker's chair will compare most fayor ably With that of any of his most ilitistri ouslpredecessors.. It is charged by the Manufacturers of sensational stories that the friends of the anti-freight- discrimination , bill made a bargain or had an understaiiding with, the friends of the Philadelphia recorder by which the former members were to aid the-1:1 , 1er in gettineSenate amend-, ments to their bill through the House, and in return, that;the advocates of the reCorder„bill wouldagree . to the holding of a special session to consider the act to prevent discriinination in Carrying freights. This agreement, it is alleged, Mr. Myer was cognizant of, and permitted it to be understood that he would assist inlearrying it out by recognizing a mem ber-ou Friday, the Inth inst., for the pur pose of enabling him to offer resolution fixing a special session of the. House, as above suggested. Although it is not spo- Many charged that the Speaker was a par ty to any bargain or the kind, the meaner course of implicating him by base Innen.: do is resorted to, and he is reflected upon, for not giving the'friends of the anti-dis-i , crimluation bill a fair chance. On Friday of last week, the date indicated as the time the resolution fixing the special ses sion was. to be - offered, i& is alleged the Speaker would not recognise or give the floor to any friend of the discrimination act Or representative from the oil region, and that they were thus prevented from getting their resolution before the House. A reference to the official proceedings as published in the Legiobitire Record No. 233, clearly establishes the fact that the Speaker did his whole duty on the occa sion ..ieferred to most fairly and impar tially, and that:there is not the least foun• dation for the - charpes made by any of these sensational newspaper correspond ents..: : From the Record, a copy of what. i: herewith enclosed, it will be seen that Mt! Stewart, of Lawrence, a protninent w 5 t- - ern member and a friend of the diserimi nation bill, when, on the 19th ins ~ the order of original resolutions was called, arose in his place-and offered a re. lution, as already noted in this correspondence,. providing for adithitial sessions on Mon days and Fridays. This *Solution was entertained, when a number of members endeavored to persuade ,him to withdraw it, which he refused to / do, and after the. tjme of the session until the hour of ad journment :wag occupied in-fruitless effdrts to carry it throughit fell. During all the time this resolutidn 'which -related to the fixing of sessions was before the House, no member n7de any motion to amend it. Had the hie dsof the antiAiserimination bill been z s wideawake as they migh have beenor fully posted in parliamen tau tactics. they could , have offered a ftamend lent that at the_sessions provide( kr it' Mr. Stewart's resolution the cim siderittion of their bill should be first; in of -if a majority of the House had so decideA the matter would have thus been /reached%tpd the object they desired would have beeraocomplished. . It was ielno sense the. duty of the Speaker toicave the elmir.and inst7t or direct members as to what they co id - or should do". Messrs, Billingsley, Jackson, Everhart, and other members who aro well-known friends of the pet measureof th oil men, frequently had the floor, while the resolution ti*ing sessions was pending, and could have "got their work In," as the slang phrase goes, if they had been qui& enough to , see their opportunity. Thet attempt, therefore, of Hariishurg letterritere to hold the Speaker of the House :resps:ble for the neglect or failure of that body to arrange a special session for the purßose mentioned, have nothing in them what- ever, - and will utterly fail to do Speakm Myer an injury. - As. an additional proof that alit talk about a bargain, is sheer nonsense, well- known fad, may be stated, that the mem bers from Allegheny, Lawrence, 31crcer,I Warren, Beaver; Somerset, 'Washington and other counties knew nothing of and had nothing to do with any suararrauge ment. These gentlemen voted steadily for the recorder bill—before the discrimi nation bill came 'from the Senate aud af terwards—Lc:Taus° in their -judgments it Would add half a' million dollars, to the State revenue frOM the whisky businrss in Philadelphia, and also because it was a party measure. The House held a session on Monday evening of this week, but no bwiness of special importance was disposed of: number of appropriation bills were passed second reading, am! an unsuccessful effort was made to tix a,sesslon to consider the discrimination bill. The first session h the Senate this week was held on Tuesday mornii.g, when, as the number of Senators in attendance was limited. only a few bills were consid ered on second and first reading. . in the house on Tuesday a motion-Was made, which was agreed to, to . rebOnsider the vote by which an act authorizing the appointment of ' wornen,prison inspectors was defeated on:third reading. After a brief discussion-the bill passed the lions() finally ; yeas 114, nays 41. The greater portion of the -da'y was de voted to the consideration of a private bill for the 'relief of J. .3furray ,Moorbead. Late in the afternoon a vote was reached on the bill, when it was lost for want of a constitutional majority • yeas 08, nays 74. This vote has since been reconsidered, and the bill amended and laid over for final passage. At this session an act to establish boards of arbitration to ; settle all ques tions of wages and other matters of vari ance bet Ween employers and employes, was passixl An act to provide s for the current ex penses of the board of public charities by appropriating st.fl,Boo for the year 187 g, , and also to pay the deficiency for the year commencing June 1, 1877, was passed finally. The. passage of this bill was vig orously opposed bya 'lumberer members., who expressed the opinion that instead of appropriating money-to pay its e%pens , the board should be abolished, as it wis an ornamental and costly institution rattlli cr than a use'ul ene. . In the Senate at the morning session on Wednesday, • 'House bill to prevent. the sale of articles of traffic or merchandise within ono mile of any camp-ineeting held for religious worship in this State, was passed finally; yeas 37;.nays O. ' • At the afternoon session, the following House bills pasied , the Senate finally : A supplement to an act to prescribe the manner iu which .courts may divide bor oughs Into wards. An act making an appropriation of $200,000,t0 the State hospital for the in sane at Warren. An act prescribing tie mode o f fi x i ng the salaries of county superintendents of c o r nmod schools; with an amendment pro viding that the law shall not apply to 'anyl school district unless a majority of the school board shall have accepted its pro visions, Under this act, which has passed both branches of the. Legislature, the sal ary of. the Bradford county superintend ent will be $l,BOO per annum. , In the House ea Wednesday moining a motion was made to proCeed to the con • sideration of a resolution for final adjouip mist on May 24th. The motion was not agreed to. . Bills on second reading were considered during the remainder of the morning ses sion and until 5 o'clock in the afternoon, when appropriation bills were taken up. An act making an appropriation of $lOO,OOO to the Normal schools of the State was passed finally and sent to the Senate for concurrence. The consideration on final passage of a joint resolution proposing an amendments to the constitution,. reducing the number of members of the House Of Representa tives to 150, occupied the attention of the. Senate for nearly the entire morning R:8- Edon on Thursday. Among the ablest efforts in favor of the adoption of the resolution was that triade by - Senator Davies. His speech, 4hich was clear, forcible and to the point, was entirely extemporaneous, as his Speeches always are, and made a most favorable impression upon. the Senate. - " • At the conclusion of the discussion the resolution fell for want of a constitutional majority, receiving only i 4 rotes, TtAi Republican Senators generally voted in the affirmative, while the Democrats, with one exception, voted - in the negative. A number were absent when the. vote was taken, and it is probable With a fuller at tendance a motion to reconsider will pre-: rail. _ At the afternoon session of the Senate ou Tlwsday, tivo lions° bills 'passed final ly, as billows . 'A supplement to an act, entitled "Au act to authorize the acquisition 4j the several counties of this ntwealth for the Use of the county bridges erected over rivers, creeks and rivulets, and for the abolition of tolls -thereon, approved the `nth day of May,' A. P. designed to *end the•tlird section of. said act, and also to ainerht thb first proviso of the fifth section of skid act, so that not more than $15,000 shall be pahi by any one 'county for the 'purchase of any such bridge." - 'An 'pet authorizing and empowering the etniik•of common pkias of the several counties in this Coilllllollwealdi roc:flange, alter, and direct the mode of preparing and keeping indices in the raid offices of record in said county, and for prepar ing, milking and substituting new indices for old indiees or parts thereof. in the House on Thursday oearly alit the morning session was devoted to win- i sidering on second reading an set fixing the salaries of Ihe judges of the several districts of the Commonwealth. Thu hill passed second reading with an imitaidnient cutting down the salaries of the city judges. , Local and appropriation bills Were co(i sidered .on second reading in the II Use in the afternoon. The Senate met this morning at ten o'clock, but owing to the small/number of Senators present, bills on third reading were passed over, Sonic half Ozeti House bills, local in Charat!ter, roised .second reading, when the tieuate.. ftitr a, session of about 30 minutes, itdj tuned to meet on Tuesday /evening next. - • In the. House this Morning the friends. of the bill to prev6t discrimination in freights finally succieded in getting a res olution through liking, it the special or der on second vailing' for Wednesday /4' afternootenext( - : : . . The resobadon for fi nal adjournment on May.24thwaS next called op. -Amend ments leveling the pith and fith of May were votid down, and the' original resolu tion fixing the 24th of May, at 12 o'clock: 31., for final adjournthent was adopted. - 311. S. S. Jones presented resolutions adAited at a mass meeting of workingineh hfild hi the city hall, Carr:emirate, April 4, / 4.875, to devise ways and means to relieve the suffering and' distress which afiliets our poor unemployed workingmen. The resolution asks for government assistance for those who may emigrate to the far West and iako up land, with a view to alltiate in some measure the' sufferings Oa now ex-ist in the ever-crowded towns and cities of the coal fields and manufac. taring districts of this o State. - The • reso lution was referred to the committee' on labor and industries. • Mr. Morgan (Lawrence) offered a reso lution fixing a special sehsion fur Thurs day evening, 31;ly 2d, for the considera tiOn of silt act liking IL t ; .- IX on vinous, Spir itous and malt liquor's, which was not adiTtedi. Res°liitions and annnilillentS prOViding for sessions on Mondays eud Fridayg different purposes were refeved to he conimittee on tides.. Adjourned until Monday eveninm. Cus:•,EwA(ib . . Burfon liErouTptt--.Bfr : It is an old saying, . but. none the lesS; true, "that by the fruit Shall the tree be known ;' and what Is correct in this may also be said of any rligions, political or. other - orgattiza- 1 thin that may exist. And tt. is with that ' object iu view that I wish to speak of the Greenback-Labod-Reform, ,iliae•National party, or miller the I,stlivers that , be. that are now controlling iti Whemthis organ ization first sprung into :existence we were given tit understand that it was to be in the interest of the laborffig class, and by them to be controlffid, and as 'such I was disposed to look upon it with favor, but of late I begin to .somewbat distrust the motives"whend have been compelled. 'to sit and listen to sonic-of" the speakers that are now trying to. promulgate its doctrines throughout the county, and in order to•become more fully- satisfied of its objects—knowitr -that we were to have a convention oW - Friday last to elect Ajelegatds to the State Co , .vention-1 %rata induced to be present and bee for myself Who was manipulating the ?•-ante, .and 1 came away fully satisfied. Now' let us have a short political biography of sonic et •• the poisons now - managing this 1., -eat Labor-Reform- tireentstek (tti,/,) 1 .4 ational'party, and what is true of it in this county' is equally true thrtffigliotil the State and the country. And first, we find Allen McKean. .31y eaAiest recollection of him hinds him a Dediberat, and then an old line Whig. ever ready to take a nomittation for any office where there - was a chance for •an election, especially if he was to be Ilene fitted by lit. And thus _INC find .him until 1848; when he was nominated for Pro , thotiotary by` the °hi Whig party and re ceived votes enough \ from the Democrats to elect him. The swine in 181, .and again in 1854, but how much Knott Not thingisin had to do with it at-this time Int may explain. In• 185'1 we find hint a can didate for the same at the Republican Convention, and saying at that time that he had been -true of the first to hdp'organ iztr this party and that he wanted an en dorsement from it, and then, -as he had bei.ai well paid for all the services that lie had rendered, be woqld retire front the field; and with-this dpelaration before us he was nominated awl. ,eleetcd, and .in 18110, three years later, he hail forgotten all about these• promises andl letters he had Written upon that Sublect,l w a s a ga i n a candidate for the saine office, and. al f er a most exciting contest Was defeated. We will say nothing about any attempt afOr the convention to disorganize the pasty that had given hint power 3d strength anti become an independent candidate, but in 18132 we find him a candidate of the new-formed People's party for represenr tatire, and be :of - course. We again find him in 186 ( 11a kindidate for Sheriff, a nd bc a ten mu It Worse titan before. By thitt time he had hist all power and infla me& with the Republican party, and sought to return to his early assficiations and be. , :ame a full-fledged petnneiat, and with them has remained, in hopes that ' something might inure to his benefit. And thus he has continued until the or ganization of this new party, and then we tind hint One of its-most earnest cliampi- . ons. Of course, trio Prot's Mlle° this fall has nothing to do with it; Allen is too modest to ask that. : lie will probably re main with this party until after the elec tion next fall, unless there should be a 'new one fornied before that dime with bettei chances of success for 'him. - Next. cornea Col. Smith. Well,• now, we like the Col. usl a neighbor, as: a citi zen, and as a "laulyeri. We; have many times sat in court and beard him with pleasure in . his earnest` appeals to the court and jury in behalf' 'of his client,— but if there has been a political organiza tion, in . the last 25 year 4 thai he has not been.one of its champions, I never heard of it. It cannot beat th u e near approach of the election ofjudgefor this county. has anything to do with his G rcenback ism. Then comes 0. J. Chi. ',buck, who was . six years County Superir tendeut as a Re publican, and then made a canvass for the office of Register an IRecorder upon' the'one-term principle, and was nominated and elected ' • was again a candidate fOr re-election. defcatea in convention. 'be came an independent candidate Of the ITemperince and Democratic parties corn bined.and was most beautifully.defeated, and we now find - him also a champion of, Oreenbackism. "Too thin," Otis yen cannot have the Register and Recorder's office this year, only to go in and tout like the rest of us. The disguise will not answer. • '. After hire comes Ci i. Nichols, whose political coursa is well known throughout the connty,—whose rebuff at the conven tion last Friday I think'has cooled all of his aspirations for Representative. Good bye, Cullin; pity you, but it cannot - be helped. I. A. Park is the next , upon the list. He has been a candidate before the Re publican Convention'many times for Com missioner, and from some Vlll43oillieyeaine to the conclusion that there were other equally good men in the county, and they did not want him, and he was beaten, and ! he is now alsd one of the converts to this new party- Are you also to be nominated 'this fall tothe office you barb 'so long m 4 -. pired to? ' Then comes D. C. Sinsabaugh.l Well, we will not waste much trine on him,' Only to say that he also has been a stand ing candidate for many years from Athens for Sheriff; . but the Republican party could not see it, and he now is also a eon- vent of this new party. Have they agreed to nominato yeti for 'Sheriff, Dick? -PieHet was, I believe, also a triela her of this ;hew party, teal understand 'that after ono week's probation be ha4,to step down and out; so I will :bay nothing of his political.eareer. ' Then comes E. A. Parsons. Well, we have gut "Father" out for Congress, I although it took quite an effort tOget the first letter skrittkm ;. but it was done, now he is. before the people. This dist a re must be hard up for material, and 4Ye teially this or any other party, th will faro' him as a candichaelor that p sition. Saying nothing about lack of. alnlity (be; lieving his chances of success before Any party are t6o remote to be thonglii, of), •we will only speak of him Pplitieally, and to look back a few years, and if you can find a doctrine that he VIO not advocated it is one I never heard o , And what is he tu-day—Oemocrat/ or Grcenbaekcr ; who can . t t dl ? Does / 'he expect to play fast andlolnm with' both parties? Why do they not Aiscard him.at OflCe. tit' make hint sever . , his7Conneation with he De mur:l:m.y / , These.are a few of the leadini,:persons that control/this organixation. Of their Ifuture .wC / can only judge by the past; . lint with/these and such as these at its all head rOte in my opinion, divests itself of or ay / aid that can be given to the labor ing/classes, and the objects and motives, .11 1 *ever pure they may hare been, can mly he used fur selfish purposes. And ,wi.ll this view of the ca.'se, - I ask that my n:uhe may be stricken from the Greenback Club. •.Ex-GuEmlstiaesEu.: =CI $2 00,000,000 I . . Tribui,e shows that the ex-Rebels at Washington have this year: put in bills to draw about two hundred millions of dullard out °film U. 8, Treasury for war damages, &c. If thcy•catinbl• whip our boy's on the ficht they think they .can batiktMpt our Treasury, as Floyd .k Co. tried to do befo:o the rebellion. Can the editors of the .I{rmioirrEn. recover and re publish Mr. Tilden's pledge, just befor' the Presidential election, that he would not pay the claims the ea-Rebels are now urging That pledge, doubtless, saved COnneetient, New York and New Jersey tir Tilden, and did not set hint,back any in the South, as the Rebels thought thy could. (mere(' him fin• their purposes. aS they did Mr.. Iktehauan.• $200,000,000 to our National dpbt, and wbere would our nation financially ? Let us keep our currency. sound—fulfil qur proulies ti, pay—and let the Itehels pay their own losses in their own paper, of which there is plenty afloat (or they could print - Mom very easily) . fiLEAIIINGS. Tuts navigation of theTiver. Ncva has hew' reopot6l. WILLIAM H. 1'.0:bEIIIIILT sailed for Europe on Saturday. • ticumoirrunis to the four per cents on Saturday, $150,001 , SI business failures ild - ay is the over age for Allegheny -county.. Ati innnense blue-grass crop is cxpcc et) in the ehes . ter Valley. , senii-annual dividends payable It )stuu in. May aggregate :v3,960.227. ptN MAW]: (11;( P. KANE, of Baltimore, was paralyzed in nis loft side on Friday last. Tu mu.: has been abrunlaut rain in Mo. - oceo, awl fears of a fatnine are deereas ng. DA VIII RI,NN EY has betiumithed42oo,- mu to the bublie schools of -Rochester, ;;suer county. - TIIEIL is a ''white. ribbon " Movement nNrinstvong county to discourage the iso of tobacco. ENGT,A,NIi is arranging-the forrnation of :scold army corps and raining tlio•corps o full war strength: . THE twelfth aniiKersary of the Univer sal Peace Union will be held at Pough keepsie on Sannlay, Junt.,l THE Russian Government has interdict eft the e)ipoi - tat ion qt cereals and provi sions`from, llourgas, ou r the Black Sea. A dispatch says the Nicaiaguan ;ow:aliment has aceeded -to the demand ndemuity made by clreimany. OEN 1:;RA1, GRANT arrived in Milan on Saturday and _was received by the Prefect, 6y odic and other notabilities. .4 dispatch from Berlin States that Atistria is resolved to take immediate and forcible possession of Bosbia - and ilerzegovina,: • Ttly/M.n4stilmati insurgents surprised.a Russian encampment near Phillippopolis and captured one thousand prisonerstrd. four guns. * • Tut: report has been revived that Ger .e nany is Pecking to • cure . the nbutraliza iet.pf the Daltic irkthe event of war. A'NEWCatbelic church, to be. the larg elzit in northern Pennsylvania, has been cuinineneed at Meadville. THE horses .shipped from 'lndiana St - tion, Armstrong county, during the month of 'March are valued at '02,54t1.. ALLEGur...NY undertakers 'have had a meeting t.) devise Iva,l,s to tOrce delinquent customers to pay their debts, one of which was to advertise them. OUT of six thousand Russian soldiers at Rustehuk forty or fifty die daily of odinary anti' spotted typhus. At Adrian ople,. Sistova and Tirhova it is reported that hundreds 'die daily. GEonnE one of Lancaster .011 y nt 's fted sons, was admitted to the Lancaster bar on Saturday, after passfng a creditable 'examination. His friends unite in prediCting a brilliant and—useful future. , Tun l4iissinfi el-Congressman T. L. Vance arrived in Cincinnati on Saturday from 'San Francisco, and started for his home in tiallipolis. lie is undoubtedly insane, and is in charge of a friend of his 21.1.TiftWilli it IS stated" the i strike of the cotton operatives at Pres' on is ended, the weavers, winders and warpers are still standing out, and there seems to be no prospect of .a settlement at present.: I,Vrin.r.: several men Were preparing to make a blast in the east mines, near St. Clair, l'a4con Saturday evening, wpretrik tare explosion occurred, instantly, killing Thomas Hughes and serio:iisly wounding j)avis, both / residents of St. • Clair. THE venerable Rector of St. George's Protestant Episcopal Chord), New York, Rev.. Dr. Stephee'll. Tyng,i Sr., preached his farewell sermon Suriday morning. At the close be was led out of the Church leaping feebly on the arm of ono of the congregation., A errizEnc of Worcester, Miss.'Public ly horsewhipped his son, 14 years old, who was at play with other boys in an open lot, and so brutally was it done that the boy fell to the ground, when the fath er had got through with him. Some in '4,niant persons caused the father's arrest. A 'RESIDENT of MontgomerY.county has exchanged his faim of 104 acWwith the buildings, implements, crops, and stock, valued at $4:i,000, clear of incumbranco, for a theatre in Philadelphia subject to a mortgage of $45,000, and has given $lO,- 000 tolioot. In a year or two he " will have the experience." THERE was something pf a panic at' a funeral in a private, house in -Allentown, Penn., the other .day, caused by- the breaking of a joint suppertitig the, floor. And when , the coffin bad • been - placed in the hearse the horses obstinately refused to draw it, and it Was necessary to carry it by hand to the Church. • PRIVATE: FRANCIS. CALLATIAN, of the engineer corps at Fort Willets, Long Is land, died on Saturday from an overdose of chloral hydrate. Ile :is heir to landed estates in Ireland, and ireceived twenty pounds monthly front li irk solicitor at Cork.. lle came to Ameriim, on a frolic and enlist ed for five yearS. lie took the chloral to relieve his.'sufferings from drunkep cesses. . , \ - .TH7BAI3 TERN MUDDLE. • •LoispoN i April 29..:—.11r....Gathorrie Hurd spoke at Bradford in a very dete mined tone. 11. e said , he beli,.ev ed nglatid could send. 70,000 men 'I broad at this. moment. England is r o longer a small island, but a vast Empire, having': a_ right to draw trust-_ worthy defendera.from all parts o • the. Empire. Ite knew nothing which gratified himself so much, as when lately he received offers from Canada to raise regi ni en 4 ; and `he believed the same heart was beatinOn all the colonies as at home Referring to the San Stefano treaty, he Said there was danger ►f one power was able to dominate and .use another without actually annexing her. The English and European interests might suffer and the state of civilization and hu manity would be brought about very different from civilazation and hp- inanity of England. Durable. peace for,Europe could not be secured _by the destruction of all which had been solemnly ratified by all Europe or by predominance of one, power. It was to secure a durable peace that the governments were,seeking. entrance into the con,gress, !where the views might be freely - heard -upon, every question affecting --the treaties of 1856 and 1871. They looked to the people to enable , them to speak with 'force and decision, which would give_ effect to their aims. A sensational Constantinople cor respondent asserts that the Russians are again demanding the forts on the Bosphorus and approaching nearer Constantinople. A St. Petersburg correspondent says there has been no perceptile progregs in the negotiations: during the last' twenty-four ,hours. Direct pourparlers between England and Russia have hardly begun.- itussia still wishes to ascertain England's view in the general terms. It is not yet known whether Lord Salisbury will relax hia present strictly , nega tive attitude. A San Stefano special, says . the Grand Duke reviewed a portion of the forces Monday. He spoke a few farewell words, and departed for Constantinople 'en route for Russia. A Vienna correspondent, says , it is no secret.that the chief object of the recall of the Grand Duke, is to lessen the friction and diminish the danger of a collision. The proposed attendance at mass in Constantinople, and grand .review at. San Stefano, were entirely due to, the initiative of the Grand Duke and were counter manded from St. Petersburg.. As. the advance to. San Stefano was also attributed to the Grand Duke, it may well be a_wish to spare him mortifi cation in the event of withdrawal being ultimately decided upon. REME A CASE OP LEPROSY IN BALTIMORE , IlAurimont, April 27.---There is a patient at present in the City I.los pital here who,' according, to the opinion of the medical faculty, is un doubtedly suffering froth 'el,t,phanlia sis ght-cortfin or true leprosy. His name is Abraham Brown, and he is a native of New York City, 45 years . of age, and a brick-layer by trade. He is a widower with !four children, and after the death of his wife went to Cuba and ,South America, 'in either of which Countries it' posed he contracted the disease. About two years ago,- while in this city, the.disease first showed itself, the symptoms - being a numbness of the muscles of the face, ,and numer-, ous tubercles . appearing over the body. On the 4th of . March last he went into: the City Hospital, and the , physicians, after \ examination, deci ded it a case of. genuine leprosy. The condition of the man is really: pitiable. The. disease - has - attacked the neck and hands and feet, and these portions of the hotly are scaly and shriveled, having the appearance ofyellow and faded parchment. Since :his admission to' the hospital' his 'tongue has become lareerated. It is dflicult for him to swallow food, and and the tubercles on his body have become hard, while the flesh on the affected parts is gradually sloughing. oft The 'attendant physicians say there is no hope of saving his life, ,but they are divided in opin ion its 'to whether or not the disease is conta- Mousor infectious. THE SHEB.MAN-OAMERON WEDDING. CLEVLANp, Ohio, April 28.—Much talk is indulged in " society" here over the coming Sherman-Cal:h eron wedding. The preperations for the event are conducted with great. secrecy, in: order to astonish -the world with its effect. The following facts in regard to it have, however, been definitely ascertained : The wed ding will take place a week from next Thursday night, at St. Paul's church, -Bishopßedelloissisted by the Rec tor, Rev.. N. S. Rulison, officiating. Theiceremony will take- place at. S o'clock, and the number of invita tions issued will he 1,000. Afterthe wedding -'a recption _to the im mediate friends of the family will be held at the residence of - Mr. Colgate Hoyt, the bride's brother-in-law, on Case-avenue. The ar,ranginents at the church will be, very elaborate, Owing to the bridegroom being a wid .oter there will,- of course, be no groomsmen. The folloWing is the list of bridesmaids.: Misi Dennison, daughter of ex-Gov.: Dennison; the two Misses Sherman, daughters: of Secretary Sherman; Miss'Andrews, of Cinc;nnatti ; Mis' Julia Parsons and Miss Seater, of Cleveland. The following gentlemen will act as usli;. era L. W. Smith, of St. Louis;; the -tire sons of Senator Blaine; William McMillen and J. H. Hoyt,- of CleVe landii and one •Other, whose name could. not be learned. The Senator and his • bride will leave:. the same evening for the East. ' DETROIT, Ilich., April 29.,The gas main leading into the Free Press building, exploded, this morning, ih juring -two pressmen slightly-, and the• building was thoroughly nutted by fire. Twelve presses Were ,damaged and $40,000 worth of job material burned. The composing room and editorial rooms were burned, and the -material of the former fell through. Total loss $50,000. The paper will be issued to-morrow as usual.' INDIArfAr9LIS, Ind., April , 29.. 1 Senator Monro N's remainswereta ken from - the vault to-day. The im mediate family and a few prominent friends were present. Tne:Rev. Dr. and Rev. Mr. ' CLEAVER COD ducted the services.. TIST•OF LETTERS rernaming in 4 Pest Menet, Towanda. ;Bradford c 0„ pa. for the week ending Max, t, Ms : Durkin, Leslie McCall, Cato • (t) • Wert, N. A. O'Shea, Win Mound, Mary Rockwell. Ed - .. z • Dereten, Edward Wilson, Win - - , Johnson. C. Ben Wheeler, A. W. • : - Wood, Mrs A. „ . .. Persons calling for any of the ab we will please say advertt•n;d," giving (late of Ilst. • • S. 7. {WORD, r. New 'Advertisements. I - • Nt...; BAN'ICAUPTC District. • •i_Court of the United Motet; for the Western p h ; net of Pennsylvania. In the matter of Stanton C. Mercur. Bankrupt. Western District of ponee.l J 1/1111S, 118. A warrant In Bankruptcy has been issued by said Court against Inc estate or Mahlee*C. the County of Bradford and State of Pennsylvania, In said District. adjudged a Bankrupt -np oe N u _ • lion of his Creditors, - and the payment of any debt. and the delivery of any property bekmffing to said Bankrupt. to filmor to his use. and the tran s f er , of any property by him. are forbidden. by law. .A bleating of the Creditor?" 'of .said Bankrupt. An - prove their debts and choose one or more Assignees of Ida Estate,. will be held at a Court of _Bankrupt cy to be held at Williamsport In said Digit - let, nn the'llath day of MAY. A. D. inn, at 2 o'elock P at the oilicei orire• B. fitulth. Esq, onievf the goo,. tern In Bankruptcy of said District', 14 Onot Douse. • • - John Ban.* nisy2 t U. o.lllarshal for saldrbiatriet. • FOR- 'THE WEST ! And the best ping 111 the West 1! 4%. HOME, IN THE ARKANSAS VALLEY, Thrcmgti which rune the Atchtson s -Tppeta& Kanva, ' Fe It. R. wsoo,ooo ACRES OP.I.AND TOR SALE ON ELEVEN . YEARN CREDIT WITH 7 I-2 PER CENT. lIIITEEES:f. '• The abundance of excellent Water in Spring's and running gtreams, combined with Chcap Lang nt litiperler Quality and the Finest tilmite in .the World,"make it the most desirable in the' West: Before locating elsewhere. ' apply for titular saps, ke., to • E. K. DOANE, Agent Atchison Topeka It gantalre Canton, Peon'''. C nton, Pa., May 4, 1878. r 0 THE-POOR !--DADEVILLE r —Forty tote tOr *ale. 04 mite trona the town centre) at th y low price of Twenty-fire Dollars per lot (VS). Lecation healthy; two miles from the !Catlmince, and wart plenty r,dialting to the elms, cutting rails, wood, atc„ or farming; prosisiolis rheap., 4.)ffolaarter of an acre In each lot: Terms, ono-half down, balance In slz months: Edlter of this paper agent; for farther particulars address MRS. C. A. MI.LLErt. DaderilliP. 0.. Lade Co., Mo. Jan. 2478 NOTICE.—TiIe Coininiseioners of I•nwarida township have Thirteen 113) child ren from Two to Thirteen years of age, foc, whom they desire to procure homes. persons desiring to adopt or employ any of them can to the un dersigned. worRANK 1i ftE.6ll. GF.Q, W BtiONl ILLE, A. W. DIMSIOCK, Commissioners Towanda, Toweship. Towanda, April IS, 1878. - PAINTINGS. . . PORTRAITS AND LANI)SCA PIES " ' Palmed to order at any price from 14 to poo. 011 Paintings Ile-l'iluted, Re-Touched, or chaege a ......._made he desired. All stork done in the highest atytelof the Art. JOHANN V. newny.R. Tomo:gib; rot—April IR, ins. . ' Elmira AdvartisemeM,l., YCkOFF'tIOUSg/ (Formerly Fennsylva.nla noose.) 117 WEST WATEIf. STREET, EX.ltltt f it i N.. 1. E.li. WOLIDAT,,tgent. Street ears pass the House every fifteen minutes. Rolm, F 2.00 per day. J pedal rates (Wen to-com mercial men stopping over Sunday. tapr.B4B.. - FOR FINE MILLINERY, ir!ANCT: GOODC TRIMMINGS, AND LADIES• GARMENTS OF .EVERY DESCRIPTION, At Low " - -11APELYRA & MILL, 121 EAST WATER-STREET, ELMIRA, N. Y., apr Lead all Competitors. 1816 CA.LL AND SEE Vg AT THE DELEVAir 110 USE, ELMIRA, Al:- Y. Opposite the. Depot. - C. T.'i3Slllll, reorittiiaa. Formerly of the Ward House,'Towanda,l'ara4-78. tel . )-3 0.4 t." 11 P X a tz tt , ray IN E MI-. o-. 3 1, .. 1 1 ...- VI M I HENRY E. DRAKE, JEWELER, 'Corner Lake and Water Sheets, ELMIRA,.N. Y Elmira, N. Y., April IS, 7&ly C. BRINK, A. 31anufactarer & bealnr In . VOrmont and Italian MONUMENTS & TOMB STONES Scotelcsind American •. -GRANITE. MONUMENTS, MARBLE ,& SLATE -MANTELS, 222 224 , 226 • /WEST WATER STREET, ELMiItA; N. Y. Elara, 41'11 Is, 1878. r r WILL PAY YOU ! • 2 • , It yon want. FRENCH' CHINA, CHANG WARE,. STONE CHINA, GLASSWARE, L-A MPS, CII4k.NUELIERS, OR BABY WAGONS, • . CHEAP Call at T. W. - ELMOHE'S, 131 East Water Wert, sprISIBI -Elmlrs, N. YI LI -10 „,}l4 "cu. 121Eg
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers