S. W. AJLVORD, Publisher. maw XXtVUL !Suchen Cols. Av. J. YOUNG, 4 TroRNET-A r LA W Tow•NDA, IA. , eZC Pint Napqnal (dllce—,,ecood door south of Fool ynth 51, up stairs. A 0/ 11. k "INN EY, • i A T TOR SF: V -A TiL . A.W. • owe —ltorms former occupied by T, M. C. A. Beading Room. A (Jan.:ll7B. s.- --7 • _ B. SWIHER I 1., .: . . , . . . / r) , s 2, - 2. r s s' . i / f i lmer over Mrs. Mingna• stern. Tracet,A linbicoa Bioek, .Trefdinent of (liseaftod teeth a opecialty. ~ a S and ether adminisfgred when dosirtat,-tuela.:La. W ILLIAMS & ANGLE, , ..;•4 2"TORNEYS-47-L.411 7 . - IFFlCE.—Fortnerty occupied by Wm. Watt Mg, Wt. LiA Rs. (0rt.17, '77) . • it. J. ANCILI. , T - 1 - ePTIERSON, I I. • AT TO RNEV AND t'OUNSICC.I.OII•AT.LAW., - TOWANDA, PA.- Atry Brad, Co. 7 ( reb.llB. I AI.A SON &‘, HEAD, ATTDILVE IS- A r• I. A )V Towanda,-Pe: Office over Bartlett St Tracy, ljaln-et. F.M A No N. A.9:77 E - L. lIILLIS, iATTORNET.AT-LAM. TOWANDA, PA. • )trice with Smith & Montanye. tnorn-75 In • F. GOFF, . • _ . TTORNE i-AT-LAW. aln Street (4 floors north of Ward !louse). To l'anda, Pa. _ _• (Aprll 12, 1877. • WIL TTIOMPON, ATTORNEX, O AT LAW, Wir Atusisd, P.A. Will attend IO all business 'gnat - m*44l to his care in Bradford. Minima and Wyoming Counties. (Mice with Esq. ISE= M! ELSB RE E, &TTORN EY-AT-LAW, TOWANDA, PA MIME et 11. LAMB, r ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, WM/if:S./SARRE, PA, tOUOCtiODS promptly attetittod to, JH_ ON] w. MIX, ATTQRNEY AT LAW, AND U. S. COMMISSIONER, • TOWANDA, PA. Office—Nunn Side Public Cquare. Jan. I, 157.5 AVIES k.."CARNOCIIAN, •ATTORNICTS AT LAW{ iiorTll RIPE or WADI) Dee 23-75. TOWASD4. PA. It .S. M. 'WOODBURN ; N I'llysi -I:ntami.Surgeon: °Mee over 0, A. BlAek's P,, Tr.vranda, May I, 1,721 y• ADILL & ~ C AII LA„. TOM' A SD A. PA.. ✓)Ctrs In We/ arm Mork. flr,t door ~.coat:lvf 111 n National hank, tip-stalr:, IT. •I. MADILL (iatiS-7:11y) J. N. CALIF? ( RIDLEy k PAITNE, A TruIZNE TS-A T-/..4-11 Small :Ode Morour Block (rooms foroiceiy o ccupi e d - Lc I ia% tI M S Cation ToWA OA, PA (11'77) =II T. imFwoo, S. D ATTliltS EY-AT-LA NV OEM CIIAS. M. IIALL, Attorney-at-Law and Notary, Will glee careful attention to any Food news entrust e.l to him. 1)(11 , e Itlt l'atriek• Foy it'. cornett), Towanda; Pa. '(.l urir7:77. • QIIN. F. SANDERSON, Arriucc OFFICE.-31eaus Building over Pon'elPs Store) inehn-76 Tow A NO A. PA. FORGE P. STItOUD; • • _ , 4 TT , ik.vE r AND CO L' SSE Lf)R-4I IV 'tiihre—\t alll-31... holt . door. North of Ward How" , rairtlef, In Stlpfelni• L'our: Pentotylran atol 1 • 333 lea TOW:\ SPA, pA State. 3 ri. STREE TER, LAW OFFICE, ToWANDA, PA ME (\VERTON & MERT.UR.T.AW, TMVANDA PA. t)ttlre over Motttanyes Store. f may67s U'A, i)VERTi , N. ItIIINEY A. NI ERCUR IMEIOIIII A r raz.vE I-4 T-LA If ('FFI. K OVER DAYTON'S STORE, ToWANI)A, PA A prif pITRICK & FOYLE, ATTfARtiEtS-A 4 , 11,14. lu MCI en r's A SPREW wiLT, J 4TT++R k ri.pr.vski R-A T-LA.ll' cr" ltpou • lw, dnvra ilOri 11 da I.l.tig, I. nwol. :A ut;il 'by ElIT()N & E SIIRE P; A Tros.- tr% AT . I, w, Tow A N Ilarlng ,1- 11:1 , hl. , qaer Ihedr profea,lMlM I. It jitittllo% . ..peytal attention given to it. orphan's and ICezt•ter. '..nrt, .".•1.F. , N. 311, (;11.1i I-7") N. 41•. T . WH C. ITA K ER, I. 10)1,K BINDER. . In ND T, INV tNI> A .(1 .;• 6. RUSSELL'S EN EH iNSV . RANCE AGEtNHCIE $l, 'Ott 1 NS1:11 A NCE. AGENCY. The following ti ELI A BLE AND FIRE_ TRIED ~ ...j.a.111.• A %. 16..74 4.: 11. 141. A( r. • is )AVAN DA INSURANCE AGENCY ..'' t, : S', tAlr Cour 11.0540 W. :S. I:NCEN MAN A Ell B...JOHNSON, P 11 15 1 ' 7 .4.v 4;SL SCR.; F , )X, I ' l % , r• over t cr:ion's Drug . Stun). Towaneli. A`l }B. 8.. r K M E , i, : n 1 ) I E . NT I t ST :7I. (VICO 4.11 :Ind AI °p'~':~:~:..'•••. Tr•:h .•a trArtqlr eftLout lain. J IAI o PAYNE, M. D., -I Pli IS IPI AS AND SCR el E‘PS r 1 • 40 10 m.. and from 7 tat. att,-1,11.1) the E}', aio Ear., tk . t.19:7 , ,t f: l IIITY Nid RREL, V F,.h~;L.Lr•t j,<~~ wit01.1.f.:4 LE DRuGGISTS ' 1 “ • I'l • • AfEIPICENF:ti, ck. ( . ? Sc t•tl: CET, ELMIRA, N. "vEoffiE," _ s Says a Boston physician. 'has no equal as a blond purifier. Beating of its many wonder - NI mires. after all other remedies have failed. I visited tilt, Labratnry and convinced myself of Its g 11111,. merit. It is pre wed (rout barks, roots am erbs, each of 'which is highly effective, and th .y are compounded In such a manlier as to produc astute, shing results." VEGETINE win curt: the worm ca,e of Scrofula VEGETIN 3 1C14331.3e3ded - physiciatts and apo th ecarle, est VEGETINE las efrecteil some marvellous cure, in caws of Can VEGETINE Meets with wonderful ,ileue,s In Merrurlabi{seam VEGETINA. 111 eradicate 7,..a1t Itileunt Nom the spdeal AP.Ttirtt ITEA.D Curt.74,the most Invet.rtatt• ca,t 7 s or Erysipelas • VEGETINE . Removes Plinit!es and II timorm front the fare VEGETINE Cures c(instiprif.6,n and tuguttites the'dnmel, tIIIIT 1'3.7 4 EGETINE,• Restores tRo entire systllon to a btalthy twollt lob! .1 July 2,•76 1, Pirietil'i• 111 1,1" We:atf," Is the gnat reined? f.,r (.e.twi al I),•,illity arktiowletig,4l or ',void, to bo th, .twst and too,t.t - oll.thlt• rot rin•r In ISM= vEGF:TICNE is t' Al,l, I)ltUtit:lsTS TOWA.NPA. T IIF STILL TAKES TILE LEAD! carrl:ig... ('ll}:A 'lll ‘N EVE 1:. and Nat Rag it At a f: ft: A'l' I:Efit.CrioN, Proprietor of the Uld fart ht G•• Vangf:u•lorp, our. Thiin alit Elirithetti •ateei , . tt.nu.l 4,11 ill, 1,1 ‘,ll :itt,lii.sll of PA lilt mot to 11.14 large ropiplete Lit tit ~1 OPEN AND,TOP 'BUGGIES .ate tt 111:11111f;let PI,. 3101 Warr;lntell i - Verv. part It ttlai to Irc. .11...1 t.. the 11i.14.4 pity work. NOW IS YOUR TINIE TO BUY! Look at the fhzaz. , s, atel remember that every Vehicle In warranted : PLATFORM OPEN It 1761; I I> Top itu(i Ez., Turvaucla: Pa. • pyi7-73 The .priee,'nre nit el,l or manufacture and will not In . 111:1111::1111. afo4•r k is d ISposell ur . , m, 3011 11111 , 1 11411, 5 0 11'01..11, N.,W. Doi Ititp....tl upon - I , y It.fet lnr it ark ant t•tt,,r titatehalt. fait I'm!. ILI , at Not s‘ltteli has in ‘.l.4•rtttlutt i.. 1 ta.a . tir trail a con Inry amt Is prrlitAittaall) I'IZyNIVTLY ATILNI)EII mkeatl4 Nlain t, Tou - arAta, duns 1,77. -- NEW CARRIAGE FACTOR \ ToWANDA, PA 1:1•Sperl relllyiellet;ettllci• ee elm jee,ejile that 111,7 ~re pr,pated 0, (mild all PIiAET 4) N % I'EATF. , RM !.1.11!NG IVA(ii,NZZ T I: , ATTING & Made of the best mate: ;al nod in the best style. MI work warrattted to ktnt• i.erfeet satt4netioh. 11.1Ve 011.. fpf . II". Io I I . . lll!frt . fn the t , ,,lotry. and (14 all ho.ll. lu thl. ht.! at the ii,We'ot X.•atly and prmuptly r.,111,-.1 }a Icr 1:11.ist.1117.,1• 1 T , .1 /I 17.4 fp.l.lt.ttl e. .1. )", .1, 3 call. Towaula, April 23, N 77 .. . . . . . • ' i -4 'T _ . - . ,_• • . .. . . .. . ' • . . . . . , - , , . - . , ... . . f , . ' 4 - _ . •f 2 • ' . . . .. . •-•—•••• •-.- . „ , .' • • •••• /. . '• • , ? 7 ''",••. . . a . . / : . . - ' • \ , . , . . . \l' . ' - —7 ]_ ) . t. ' • .' .- L • r _ . . : /-':. ' 2 : : ••' • . 1 .:. ! .. , ~?' . ; : 1 ,'' : : ~ , . 11 \ -•. N •.• ' . ' . . N . 7 , n I I \, : - , , ~.2 . , . . • r ' .` •• ••• .%- , - " Th, i . . 1 , . , , ': 1 • ,k i . . . . —.) )1;1 'i: . ... , ,41i.1,...-.•-- , -. ;.:...,,.„,..:,_„,.:„....) 1 1 4.1 11 , •., ~ .... ~,.....,_. \ ./.- ........ 4 ( , l, ,-- - 1 1 ~J. ~ ;:7,,:-....i., A 1,.,.. ~.,,, -) r , . . s_ .. k , ~_:. . . . ... . • . . . . .. • . . - .... .. . , • • ... ~. . .. , . • wrinimmir_ ■ Nedical. -VEGETINE Is the great Blood Purifier. t EGETINE Cures the won't raw of e:ankvr - VEGETINE It a valuablo f relocay for Ilewlaell VE(i ETIN Will cure Opv,p.qa. VEGETINE ('fire. plia , in tilt SIdE VEGETTNE Itemores e or I 77.111*.1tc v Eu N P, Relieve- Faitaire,, the ...(trokqk V EC; FA' I N E Cur' s pai . j . r in lb.. in. ' . - VEfIEAIYE Effectnil-0 hlt!n*,,; ontidainl - V E G ET,I NT: VEGETINE vt.:GETINE Wagons aria Carriage: OLD ESTA PoLISIIMENT 1%1 BIZI-INl' zy,CD PLATFI)IOI WA )Ns, ltjl 1 ANA E.I , COt I:ci.rier 'mue Mclntyre & Spencer FAMILY ARRIAI.LS Tut' ANI) GtifES PAINTING A sI'ICIALTI MIMES It I: l' A I It 1 !, 'TYRE t k SPENCE,:t: CM My best beloved—the Spring is fair, The woedk are green, an.(life Is good, Vof II yon not COlllO with ine,‘and tread T taugh , rovered paths anil s worxi ? The ntb•llower blanches all the:copse, With jacinth the hedge Is I.ltti; Atol ever weakened leaf stein. falri, „ But not, :tali as you: • blacknit s sing on hazel twigs, s .„: Through the Atti arches of flu; trees, N, The cuckoo' s dista t. cry Is borne Acrt*t the tneadom . 1 the hreve. The littlish's song Is snleete:4 far, Put saddens as the hours go Is . You hear?—the nightingale's ill not su untch as 1. . Will you not listen to the tltrlng? What tender voicer do y6u hear? (lave vlttlets on speech for you P • 15 not the nighttnzate's song dear? 'Yet, somehow, though yon catch the somtd, Ton mks the meaning of the strain ; At, : %try not have more Joy (Ton i' tore, With nut SO MllOl of pain. Too little rest : too little Merit: Too !wry boors to etow:tzitt real : — _ At last diNe.l,l , and pain ' Weak grows the never li.oseued hand: l'itc strongest rope yarts strand by :grand 14-fleatli a ceay.l.,:s strain T. 4 .1 Lin, It ho burn. hi.. midnight ell /II tier Ittitely and unwhole•somc tall, ' Think Ulten - hr trims Ids 1311414, That thus ha trinistlslife an well, And hasten!. towards his last low cell, Its darkness and Its damp. Ito Is hn w”nl4l travt.l far awl 14,ng, A itd k..e.r? stat , ly stria, ;ilia ,tr"ng Must t..Nt ty.slth.the Way: A vtt,lr , l;:l, , at tir.Nt !hay Wl/1, who halts at wlysltle At 1,1 shall Is in Tn wvaty reel all strvains are .Ik,ep, .1 II 1 - ":14,, are lough, an hills are etrrp, As way-worn tray..lh.r., know. Ul o. hour of rt,l loon T. him w hn tolls thrdu=h I.lo:its of noon WI h 1,3111(111 steps ;111,1 ,lour,` yc I, ) too" - nark 1.E.• t:Ig111-full cold a•c? dark, e, (al, I:elght of thought, Pt ,o 1 . ,! 'lOO4l .4r. hand bat h • WOI L. Xit,t—Wol he strng. alirs - rellastrost; • • My .Correspondent Ellwards. I 11;;; 4_ flour mexchant. 'My office and w;.rt house :ti l e in South Street, in this city. I buy and sell flour in . the Corn : 1 also sell it through • Illy correspondents, kali home and abroad. Edwards was one or my country correspondents: SPrintftield, Mass., was where -Ed wards resided. Every man has his own peculliar business history. and 1 have mine. Not Itnig ti!ro Edwards became sin; ~ .odary connected with 'My business c are e r ; and since people - keep .ask ing how it came allow.. I will tell I lie plain I rtith about — it, because . E i dwards s sileni. From Inv earliest childhood I de cired to Lea miller. Tiwre was a fascination. about, the rumble or the min stones, the' endless mounting ale olthe elevator cups, the perpet ual sifting of the long white bulls, and = the clatter of the coopers on their barrels,: It was all this that finally made ' Mk' a flour merchant Everyone thus has his peculiar tastes in'i)arly life, which in general attests all that follow,'. Nly taste was for the mill and .flour, and I have retained it. all through life. lint this taste for tlonr and the _manufacture -, of it leads sometimes to q uite unexpe - eted results. I was cat:isnot wit-it .the working of the little old-fashioned country mill and ivater power 'until I made sonic nwupy. Then I ‘vv ntol a bigger, better mill, so that I could make money faster. „Some said : (lo to Ohio: - other's said.:s. Minnesota is the best:Stith, for wheat: . but old Bruce who had been nearly tiVerywhere. You ' , II to Illnois and you'll like it better than anywhvre else.' And old Bruec was right. I went to Illnois and liked it so Well that I had no thotight of going' elsewhere. 1 made money on every barrel offlour turned tof the mill fortff years. It was gsod luck : but somehow the luck g...1d. or bad, seems to come to!rether. 'About this time I invented the ITIVIIICIILk• Bran- Duster. and that was , the greatest luck of all: People outside of a flouriiT mill 11 0 11 4 , kno w munc h . a hout bran, and loss about. the machine call e d the bran-diister.' But the miller knows !hut it will save hundreds of dollars every year in a large in,"di• (tin- fathei : , thought irt hey separa tedllie flour from the bran hy sifting it thron! ., ll fine ' , ilk holtity , Cloth of nianufitelore, they lead done .all that eould be done—flour-making was perfe,A. It was a mistake, and the brut-lister proved it. My bran-duster was called, the In vincible Bran-Duster be ca us e it ap peared to-clean the limn wholly from The flour. It was a great saving, and millers knew it. I sold the machine far 5110 per cent. _profit, and was not wl ell} , atistiol then. But when a little &-ro , s-eyed chit-ago malt rwith Isis pants tucked into his boot.F4, and ho.rrowim , fine-cut from every man - hemet, went up stairs and down, all over mV Mill, and asked questions until I was tired out answerin f r. offeri , 1 to sell him a machine at cost 0 gyet yid of hint. But he didit,t want machini-s he wanted toJmy.the patent and have the thing in his own hands. I asked that cross-eyed man filly thousand dollar, for my patent. and latlghed to thitik that at last he Must sec how bork:d I was. • my friend. just pay me fifty thousand 110119 N. and ykht shall Itlisze the patent and the independent for tune it will bring. you.' That's what I am going to du,' teaching for another:man's fine-cut and making very tree With it. You fix the papers and the money is ready for you.' I hare had a kind feeling 'for Chi ofl!ro. ever since. lint when that lit crocs_eyed man -,at dmvlt nll , l 141 ' a IMP: :..-I(kj'y wife the smartest, prettie•-t, hest little woman in the State'—l felt guilty. and It seemed soinehow like I was I - lobbing that nice woman. rut then t 4 tni , to ?1 In " Padre. LOVE SONG IN MAY. REST st.th.l Lhove h it Throliz ■ TOW*DOWFORD 2, - 18787 'd she couldn't be so smart, or she never would have niarried a fool as he was. • I was an old .:bachelor\ then, and Western bachelors always despise themselves if they think. thCy have cheated a woman. It is all ri bt alit to cheat a man in a trade-L,he 'must look out. But I continued 'to liake that guilty lecling about that croS. eyed man's wife, and I hoped .to` . meet her some day. Then I intend ed to act the part of an honest man jy her. I sent $30,000 of the money I,aid by the cross=eyed man to Dowcy Blossom, my New York corres. pondents, with instruction to deposit it sonic good bank, there to re. main, to my credit until wanted. Thenl. - felt less guilty toward .that injured , Chicago lady: A man \ ill .businessi never knows how muclr, money he wailts ; nor. (Ides he knOW at all times how much he may use in his business. That was why I put that money away in New. Fork tbr the \ cross-eyed man's wife. It is true a mina \c \ rtme that the cross-eyed mani formed a stock com pany of capitalists, and., sold them his-patent for $11)0.000: I \ didn't be lieve it—who would'! If he\lid do it he couldn't have been. such s, 101 l as he looked. And Chicago mcll are not so very liable to be fools either. I had been doing busihess With Dewey. & Blossom of New York, fo \ r, many years, and had found them reliable, but .of late their account sales were not satisfactory, and, the money n•as never ready when' due. Sometilinw was wrong,. They owed me a good (Val of money and while it might not be wise to press the immediate payment, it would be 1)11141e - tit not-to increase the debt. I stopped further shipments to Dewey & Blossom. Two weeks later that firm failed. Dewey telegraphed III" DEMI=9 I went and saw that thin!! were enough fol . : me. The liabilities of Pewcv & Blossom were 90.000. The iiriheipal creditor, in3Sielf. The assets were vely little beyonil two young wiees, Ivith. the li , rgest, and best :issort.ed si that 1 ev t ir saw. Nothing available for a bache lor ef«litor from,lHnois. Two twen ty thousand dollar outfits and not one garment that would _fit me. , or anybody belonging to me. ft was rOm,h. Ifewe - said I wire was a tireat deal too costly.' Filly e e pfs a barrel profit on hour the whole_year throierh Nvonl.l scarcely pay - her dry !roods bills. Anil it was true. Blos som. said if Dowev's wire hail only Open satisfied when she -had- set the whole female part- or L0nr . ,..,1 3raneh ready to drown theinselve.4 at the sight of her costumes. they could' have laid seventy-live cents on the donar But when Long Braneh was whofr inadequate, and unhappy Unlc—t she could rent the at Saratoga and run the spriOs too, why the, flour Iraile woulild'U stand it.. Anil that was true. abiO. The limn ofDewey ikl i ilossotti wa4 bankrupt:. The 11 . incip:11 sufferers. Mier ; all would he th o se lifolisit %rives. They woulii now have leant how many minutes it re.inirs" - -to cook sort. tb)nol . and some otl.ei• tisuful hut not showy matters.' The only of ally possihle :value to the athon; . ; the assets Of my 14ankrupt, correspondent.;, was t s he ).0 0 11 will of their business. I was then an I . llnois _miller, 1 I,itt, it there was money in it. why not bepinte a New Tork flour merchant. Dewey Illossom turned Over their account to'' me, give Die a'de tailed report or the commercial stand- . 'oil , of ef pu.totner and correspOn flent. .The si , o; of Dewey A 7 Awn was taken 41oWn. and the sign uI aolul Middleton, ,Vlonr.: went up in its place. Then I beeline a flour merchant. The railure.of „that firm was the be..innin:c of bad luck and mnum'e fol lowed it.. Vor six months it secured as if all the flour ,theaters in New York had conspired together to, cheat Inc. and they had very. gratirying 5 , 11.11 - 00 i. I told old Plumb, a nci!rh bor. about it, and he laughed. heart ift. llvisquitoes are alvNys must ea ,er f o r 'fr e sh 1,1(od. These flour lizzar4l,3 are :Llway: - look:ing'for frcsit Sins, new firms and. fresh liloo(1." Ohl Plumb w:t.; ri!rltt. this ad vice those buzzards found - lorlgirj in 1m , .114)w strlpt jail for a tint o : :tact' widelt there was 2onerai pleaS antAte:=s in t h e flour trade. , more:. the utruritg,._(a)rrt..sio Indents of the late .fh . in or was Ed w:ird:; of Springliehl. cwoonereial st:trpliroz cu . Edwards was estitnate,l thus: " 600,1: hot a little slow. , Ton honest arid kind • hearted fro' this nicked world.'' There was a singular 'record to inake'eoneerninr. the credit value of a person. I remeinher reading it over the_ second tiiiii , •aud wonder int* what Edwards had done as a busines, malt that lie should he pro nounced too honest for the rest_uf t twre it was : an i the state ment was made bv one who .ki l ew .Edwards well or tier such singiilar statement would la. made_ Edward ) : ',Weil the l utt fret i saitue. I him... and that It bt had tow became iii nv. TI ) write •El lwank . that. a eliarriT had-taken place. was a matter of coarse: that a tire halance due was desirable at an early day. Edwards responded promptly with a draft for 'half the amount. and an odd excuse for not - sending more. " t;randfikther :oil she had _rime up to Chieoi;ce to see hint. I can't leave the store to go collect ing till she comes hack." It Was signal U. IV. 'Biwards. pi•i• John." ".G. NV. - stood for (kOr ,, f,f ington. no 41 0 1114, htit, just what 'this . :rrandfathcr :tt Chivopeo, Itad'to do , Frith the Nur bill; was' -.not pla,in. 'vas Pr(l l, aiily l'itqler and strongyr half i,l• the poor. lien -1 celied Edwards. ,Soine in; n act their way. nc•vcr Farr call the ir „ Itteir o\%ll p:ot,:er l!utt •.'ty ht. and it •r. if they were afraid. Pct . - hap , i titGy are. for John. he (e -scrved a spanking, for writtimr a rid. ct•Itool-boy Icttur. I sliowea REGARDLESS OF DEZit.TNOW#O*#OII A.ITYQI:74RTF.A. it ,to my ambitions i office t•o,y % and warned him of the shame he Would brink upon himself if ,he was ever - guilty . of a similar letter. • The balance due from Edwards was never paid, but Edwards urged the shipment of large lots of medium and lowgrade flour., The flour was sent. After a length of time suffi cient for Edwards to sell the flour and remit the. proceeds, I wrote Ed wards, suggesting that money 'was thnext triingikorder. motley cathe, but a prompt reply, and an ex cuse tic singular as that first one of John's\ , "The mills atiChicopee and Hol yoke are kile now, but they will soon start. up again. In the meantime they must' ea t„: - although they can't PaY." , One thing wati\certain: Edwards owed me too 'muelj money. There must bell settlement; And I began . to wonder if EdWants \ was not one a of those ki -hearted lintnbugs Who 'have the! nity; of making h ome body foot the lids for their foOlishnitii.TH • I had business at Ilarford; 'so I telegraphed Edwards to mee c t me there. He didn't come, although I' waited over one, train and sent an other message, sharp and saucy, over the wires. -tio Edwards appeared,' and I had to return home in bad hu mor.- -The next day a, letter came from Edwards: and it was el - tont' to make:the ollest, flour merchant \ c•ut: up rough :i \ "-The mills Are still - idle 'and, will be\„,until. the first of nest month. They must, eat, whether they pay or not. "I ‘ haven't the heart to starve themoior should you, either, I am sure." -•- It then occured to me. that ilerhapS Edwards wai-I s feeding the unemploy: ell operative , 0C mills named with my - flour and at my cost. There might have been 'improper language about in the office, but there was no rtason wily the, porters should all at once step round as ies„they were in mortal fear of somebodY, and say to tliiu:` Ti.r " never themght the geptl e may, could swear like that. dill you?" Ibit'J sat doWn and wrote Edwards a sharp letter : ". You have been dbing a strange ,thin_ with my flour. What right bad von to sell it -in the way yon. have done? It is la raced robbery, as I look at it; and you can put any otheri.and better lace 'upon it, you had better do `.so at once. At any rate, come down to the city at once and bring .your accounts with you, so that I can ,ee'what means." Snell a kW/ ought to have brought Edwards Or any other man at once Imt it didn't. was a lm , y time.. Mclntyre o Liyerpool, Vail Swartz of Hamburg, and ono or two alleys cabled fa something every day. Let them wait a lay. or two. This Edwards. stirred tq ti depth or cOmmereiat bitterness to Ole very bottom ; 1 11(M, let• him answer ror it. -Sr I ',yea to ftillof mis chief for Ei'wards. .1 f he dian't show good cause for outrageous doinp , s I intended to c10; , ,e him up. sell him out, hreak and make an end of him as a llour luerehant. MoSt people are hungry when they reach Sprhu:field, and that city is one of the ft w places in this world where there is always _something ,good to eat ready and waiting for yon. A good dinner . mgkes true De mocracy. Wlicre—there are ideas at all .it makes them more broad .and After my dinner I went to see )Edwards in a better humor than before. Standing (1 - or of the store' to which I had been directed* was a boy—a ycmat liable looking boy. His pants were tm'ked into-his boots, Was 'covered tNith flour, he was-cross= cycd ; and if that little Chicago man had come and Aooil beside that boy, it would 'have liten hard to - tell which was the orig;R:d inulewhich the copy. " I want t i see Edwards," I said to the boy. " Gyne to Chicopee to see grand father: --Ite - back at 3 o'clo . ek. Want some Our?" " No,. I want see Edwards." "Come at four o'cl6ck." At that im,ment a customer came, and the Loy iell mo to attend to him. wont trick to int• hotel and waitoi. . At ten past four I started ollt agail to ~e-I:•lwards. 'The same 'Joy was on duty at the door as be fore, only now'" hi.; face was so be 11,,ured that he was dill more sin` u. lay than at th " Is Ed warls here ?" I asked. Ile nodded. • " Tian 1 NN % ould to sue him at ()IWO. }lc 10%kell fairly inAhe face, :Ind actually at the. Then, jerking his In•all toward the rear of the store. said : " back in the ollice." I went init.': into the 'office and found only a lady there. " I want to see Mr. Blwardi - .T. - Is he in 1' " Yon want to see me. then. Then is no Mr. linsliand lief tiuc4 year , ,; ago." I was too" wiadrastonished to say anything for a moment. Is it possible that you are Ed wads. the Ilwir merchant:"' I tun th e p.r..40/7 . , sir." Anil I am John 'Middleton, of . ..Yew York. 1 inust 1 K uur par`lo.ll', writin!r you.a verY shat jt letter..sui•po=ed • war writing to a man. or it have been very wc..,Ted. You being :lady makes it a rudeness on -my part." " know'' it." she sand, ." Tint. in•spite of John's re , monstrances (John is trig- boy) that I was ruining my Credit with you, I simply couldn't see former customers starvimr,when it was possible to feed them. You have come for your pioney, sir. Sit down anti I will phy you what t have herd.. I must borrow from the hank enough .W pity the rest. , They i , Clered to take a qiort gage on ouriniuse, but I hoped to get along without that. But you must-hate `•, Tuirney, I know, even if there is a mortgage put on the house. . And • h went to the sail and tOok w hat ino'nev. there. W 3,4 tin re--, ii6t r much ; and sat down tO write me -a .check for what she had in the bank. While - slirdWas tilling the cheek she kept looking up at me ins the way oddest, a Such , a pretty little wo man She Was too. But I was so indell'ashamed of Myself* that I sat dumb as an oyster. here was the little widow going to mortgage her house,. and Ipe rhaps herself, on my aeconnt. It was rough—the roughest I had ever seen. Bat - I let her fill out the cheek—two hundred and sev en dollars and thirteen cents. It took the last .cent on deposit, and 'she had just -given me the-last cent in the cash drawer. .She was'so pretty as, she sat there gravely!writing in her check-book, and every now and then glancing shyly np at me. Where had I seen that face before ? puzzled myself 'in-vain ; I couldn't She gave - ine the check,, and now my wandering brains came back into a business channel as !n. I tore up . the check. • • • ••• " Mrs. I Edwards I am heartily ashamed Of myself : for what has just - passed between us. You shall not mortgage ypur prOperty'forpe. Do ihe oho.' • I'VhE collect -and pay me, do it. •If Vie whole world was like 'pin it would be a better world than it is." She was crying, , actually crying; and I felt:- - zno matter how 1 felt; but ,it was time tb hasten baCk •or miss My train- l'el'haps I said so, but this is what she said : • "\clod bless you! •Yoir haven't Changed oneibit since you were wboy. And why ean7t•all the 'world be like y i ou, John Middleton ?" Then there was a perfect U'rrent of tears. Ntho'in-the -world was this little . woman 'who knew me ill My,- bovh9bd ? \ • 4 1:lou may laugh or frown as you please; I don't . care. It's nobody's business if I did take, that little wo man in my arms. and \ kiss her when . I found that she and I had been play mates and schoolmates., 'She *as the .widow of that Chicago ma'i. too, and that money had ,kept on deposit so long Was hers. It took so long'to say all We ed to say, to ask about all the living and the ifead i that the train - went .On without its passenger. And it is sinrular how many .teri detireccillections returned when d . is, cussing the scenes of youth. It was , not Mrs; Edwards and Mr. Middle ton, but .it was tieorge (for her 11:1111e .Was Icorge Was h i ngton,. oddly enough) and Jack, precisely as if we w t wet ve instead of forty. Of eourse- I shall tell the whole story, :Mil if persons laugh, why let them. ,„ When I \ pame back to New York I brought (leoygie with, me as Mrs. Middleton. And that is all all there_ is about it. )i)Enr.—DelA t—there is no' worse demoralization of Character. The !cad records of defaulting, embezzlin! , and dishonest, failitre 4 s which we meet with so, constsutly in the . daily press are often, indeed most 'fi*iiiientlY., the result- of the demnialization of debt, and bonsequent di.;sperate ef forts of extrication. The, financial' Drops lute given away: The little debt, which at first *as as Small 'as, a grain of mustard seed, like the roll ing snoW-ball, has .gathered weight and multiplied itself a thousand fold. And still it grows, and like the fabi lons hydra Which Hercides was Sent to kill, ; you no soonOr strike .off one head than two shut . up in its place. The struggle is severe, but in the end decisive; either confession ,is made of a hopeless bankruptcy, which •might liave been avoided, or integri ty is sacrificed to the moment. Debt. rilins as many households and tle strOys as many tine characters as rum. 31F:1IORY AND ITS CI:VIVRE —A professor suggests this for the culti vat ion of the memory: Before you mindto bed at night implant in your mind that you desire to re !Umber, and reireat it r in the morning. Mind never sleep,• but 'retires into that , si)iritrial catliednil Which t h e Almighty has pr6pared. yrOblems Unsolved before retiring become clear and intelligible lu the Morning, alter the night has rolled away. Clas -sify your knowledge its much aspos siblerand lia.ve suitable pigeon holes in your brain fora proper assortment. -of your information:. sound logic, clealt head and conscience, good humor. healthy digest'on. are essen tial in the cuAiration of good memo- 1111:11=121 AanTA6E, as.wal' as cutting of the finger nails, has'its superstitions. Amon!! Ow I;oznans- . 114i marriage wits celebrated till an augu , r was consult ed h.nd a nqt tmate time Selected. Thel - r is an obl . rhyme..which tells us to marri' on Moil.l;y for Iteoll 1. for 1,4 T. day or all Thor,lay, for rr,r,..e, filiday fro* • • '....aluitlas no look al :11t." • Thi2;Lmakes the first -of the wee. prowtum,,tnd the last of the Week an unpropitious time_.to get married. And yet, an old superstition makes Thursday luarriag,es fortunate and ff== BETTER THAN A ScHol4L T KAP irit Ames, of the Methodist EPiscopal Church, has a remarkably Wyel head on the value of a 11P wspn. p u r 1 ; a public educator: In a re lent interview he said " 1 was au old' school teaclier, hut my conviction is that a good newspa per. among a family of children is worth More than any. CIO that von can, pay -a school teacher. It will More" sound views of life and its duties, so that any time that you can lodge a religious newspaper in your family.yon will be lodging seed that will bring forth, fruit after you are gone." As prayttr • is the fool and breath of all praelical religion, so secret prayer in , partieular k of _vast impor tance : insomuch that I wily believe tliitt if a man were Ito keep a particu lar and accurate journal of his own heart :hat for one month, be would find as real and exan.t a eorrespon kuce between the temper *of hissoul at the, seasons of secret, devotion, an. I inn other parts of his life, as we find between the ehange4 of the barome ter and the went her,—Poddrid9e. \.i. .. ~ • Speechless sorrow eat with me, - I was Sighing wearily , tamp and Are were out; the raln Wildly beat the window pane, In the dark we beard a knock; • • .And n hand was on the lock ' tout In waiting spoke to me, !laying sweetly, "-limn - come to sup with thee,” Then the maiden by hls_able. To Ms wonder, thusreialled-: • • "•Tls the lift-yon led below Went to form my nature so; • • I am, therefore, what thou arty -1 am Nliapen frtim thy heart; -• • Where you faltered and fell back I co mctehi,f:beanty lack, For the sendtdaoce that I wear " Is thy life ..eieee sod fair; • th•f•ltl :'thy earthly (feed* agree With all the lii.nuty born in tne„•' Bent.n, to:Babirrin't: MI ?ably. WHEREVER THERE'S A. BOY =RE SHODU NEVLB, BE A BOTTLE, - A friehd gave me lately the expe rience Of s a ,skillful professionals man in about the following words.: • "My early praeiMe," said the doctor, "was successful ; and I soon attained "an enviable i)osition. I married a love ly girl ; two-children were born to us, and my domestic \ happiness was com plete. But I was invited often to so cial parties where. wine —was freely circulated, and.l soon becamea slave' to its power. Before I 'was aware of it I beCame adrunkard- \;1Iy noble wife never forsook me, never taunted me with bitter words, never\cea@ed to pray foray reformation. Webe came wretchedly poor, so that -my= family were pinched for daily breh.d. "One beautiful sabbath my wife, went to church;and left me lying on a tonne, sleping Off.:my previous night's debauch. I was aroused by hearing something fall heavily on the floor. I opened my eyes and saw my 'little boy of six years old- tumbling. ahem, on the carpet. His older brother said to him---'Now get up and again. That's the way papa does ; let's play we are drunk !"( watched the childans he personat my beastly movements in a way that would have done credit to•an Eider ! I'arose;and left the house groaning in, agony and remorse. I walked off - miles ' into the country—thinking over 'my abominable sin and the ex ample I was setting bofore - my chil dren: I solemnly resolved that with • Gods help I would quit my cupS, and I did. No lecture I ever heard from Mr. Gough moved my soul like the spectacle of my own sweet boys 'playing drunk like papa -does.' I never passia day 'without thanking my GOd for givng me a praying wife, alid bestowing grace s utlicient to conquer my:daestable sin of the bot , tle. Madam !if you have a son, keep him, if you can, frOm ever touching a glass' of wine." The narrator of the above touching story may never see it in these col flint's; but if he does, I know he will pardon its publication. It may be a timely warning to more 'than' one father who is putting the wine glass right before his Own children- It is the ready excuse of ninny:a young lad for taking a gla'ss of champagne. "We alwaysihaVe it .at borne." "The de : canter at home kindles the appetite whir spon seeks the di inking-saloon thoughtless or reckless parent gives the 'fatal.oush which sends the bov to destruCtion. Long labor in the temperance re form has convinced me that the most effectual place:tti promote' it is at home. There is the spot where the mischief too often is done. There is the spot to enact a pmhibition law. Let it be written oh the walls'of eveiy house—" Wherever there is a boy, there shoidd never be a bottle." . . INDICTMENT OE KING -ALCOHOL. The history of King Alcohol is a history of_sharne and corruption.. He has taken the glow of health from the chei..k„ and placed there the reddish hue of the wine clip. , • ,Jie has taken the luster from the eye and pear it dim and blood-shot. taken beauty and comeli ness from - the filee, and left it ill-shap ed awl bloated. He has taken firmness and elastic ity' from the step, and made - it falter ing and treacherous. Ile has taken rigor from the 'arm nil left flabbiness and weakness. llP c has taken the vitality from the blood, and filled it with Poison and the seeds of disease and death. l le has transformed the body, tiqi.r. fully and wonderfully made, hod's masterpieee .of mechanism, into vile, loatlisunie shrinking mass of humanity. lie has entered the brain, the tem ple of thought, dethroned reason, and made it reel with folly. He has taken the beam of intelli c,ence from out the eye. and left in i:xeliange the stupid stare and ilullness; lie '11:15i taken thi. impress of mariliona from the Nee, rout left mark of semoity anti lira- THE GIIEET. All my mom was dark and damp; "Sorrow," Laid I. "trim the tamp; Light the flie and cheer thy face ; Set the guest chair In Ile place." And again I heard the knock ; ' Id the dark, I :Mutt the lock.. ' Eater S I have turned the kei', Enter, stranger: Who art cairn, tersup with me," ,„„ Openine.wide the door he came, Iltit I cool got speak his name ; In the guCet chair took his lint rould not see his face: When my cheerful fire was beaming, When my little.lathrewas gleaming, . And the react was spread for three,• Lo: my *aster Was tbe.guest that supped with me: t THE BEitTIPUL NAIDEIi I= Vicar, whose anointed eyes Pierced the walls of Paradise, Sawa youth of spotless grace •rau Wtthlitthe holy place. Wandering 'neath the blooinlng trees— Faint with his first emit:cies- - lieetarlous odors sweet and tare v. Wooed him on each vagrant air, And silver brookletshroke In song All his' flowery way - along. At mice a maiden strangely fair— Ileantlful beyond compare,— From a near approaching height Dawned upon his ravished sight. " Who art thou ?" he quickly cries, "Sweet enchantress of my eyes ? For, never In terrestrial kir , ' none a vision half so fair. ■ /lie has taken cunning from the hands and turned them from I deeds of usefulness to -become instruments of brutality and murder. Ile has broken_tho ties of friend ship, and planted the seeds of emnitj% lie has transformed the kind and affectionate mother into a friend of biutish incarnation.. He has made obedient:. sons "and daughters and breakers of hearts and the destroyers of homes. . He has. taken, the luxuries' off the table and : compelled• men to cry on account of famine and to beg for bread. . ' . • • He hasstolen men's• palaces and given'them hovels - in exchange. He has- robbed lien of valuable serail and given them not a decent burial place , in death.:.. lle Juts filled our streets and high ways with violence and lawlessness. Helms cornplicated our laws and crowded our -courts, • • •He has filled to overflowing our tionsp of virruptiiin and peniten lariei: • • • . He ha.s -peopled with, his multi tudes our-poor house. He has strengthened us for room in the insane asylum. He has taken away faith, hope, and charity—yea, all that is lovely and of goOd report and :given de spair, intidelity,:enmity, and all the deeds and emotions of wickedness. He has banished Christ from •the heart; and created hell within it. ' : He has wrecked and enfeebled the bodies, shattered,and destroyed • the minds, imperiled' and damned the souls of our fellow men. He has caused olieyors - to the law to pay the fines and costs of; those who disobey. He causes the laborer, the innocent, to pay for the ease of the idler, the These are the counts of indictment Let the - world judge of their. truth. " VARiETY T-lIE ScF. OF LIFE."— This' proverb, repCated anti yet - so little thought 'Upon' 'furnishes the oceasioh for a few remarks upon 1004 for Children and adults: One of the most nec'esary allowances in diet, if we would preserve the best health, is a change in the nature of the food we eat. But 'not Only variation from time to time, but variety atthe same meat. The cost of adding a . few ek pensive vegetables to a, meal tri fling to the cost of thelleadachs and : ',(Yeneral indisposition-broughht . about by constantly eating the same article of diet, The inethod.of eating large ly; from the same dish, whether from .necessity or choice,. is vicious: Noth mg furnishes a surer road.to dyspcp• sia and such ailments than such a course. If ,you are feeding your baby, changehe gruel for farina, for cornstarch, for arrow y00t,.• and for thelost of such articles, fromtime to time; if it be a child add an addi tional vegetable to its beefsteak and potatoes ; and -if an adult seek to vary \your meats and 'vegetables constant, 'ly \ ; and, may".l,finally • add, if it is change your method of pre paring food. In this Way your' chil 7 dren will never lose their appetites, our lady \ readers will not over indulge in sweets , , from a loathing of the food provided for them, and the hap piness which\eomes. from a- well-feel. system will bfl our homes., • TUE FIUOATE Binn.-=swab . see a swab blue point' in the\heaven.' Happy i and serene region 'Where has rested in peace above -the Hurricane! In that bluepoint,And'at an elevation of 10,000'feet, royally floats a little bird with wings.epormous•gullV? No ; the bird is to small. Its,is,„'•the little ocean eagle, first •and chief of • the wingtM race, the caring navigator who never furls his sails, the lordsof' the tempest, the scorner of all .perik • —the man- Of war or frigate bird: We have 'reached the culminating point of the Series, commenced by the wingless bird. Here we have - a bird which is virtually nothing•more than the wings; scarcely any body —barely as large as that of the do- Mestie cock—while -his prodigious pinions arelifeeenfeet. in span. The - , greatTproblem of flight-is.solved and over passed, for the power of 'flight seems useless. Such a bird, natural ly sustained by such support,- need nt allow himself to be borne along. The storm . bursts ; he„ mounts tb lof ty heights, where hq finds tranquilli, ty. The poetic ipettiphor, untrue - when applied to any other bird,. is no exaggeratibn when-applied to him ; literally, he sleeps upon Ile storm: When he • chooses to - soar his way seriously, all distance vanishes ; l i e breakfasts at the Senegal ;• he dines in America. . . . SOME TIME tinte, I think, yon wilt he ;4) know That I have kept yon altrat'w in my 131•ari, - A ntl t hnt me heart has 0116 truer gIOWII Lt all-the t trt virn.ha",44 apart, Some day, Mum you hart slipped :Away faun cart. A I/ druanilng of the 14z , t, And Sadly think of all your life ha* , 111114,11, - Yon will rericinher me in truth at lant, ' Or may It co 100 to ',Asa some dreary nlght, after a flay that ha. been hard to bear, • \V hen-yon are weary. heari:Aeli and tonora nrne to rosatotror to taz,.— That put will cl , tne yoile t ire.' eye , to tlry . arn of vender falittty; ~,f t.alb, l light: (If re,l fiat toilette,. r.rwotlklng hark cow' hair, Awl , tveet word, rpr their lwarls ilelight •th, then run wilhretnenlber„arld Le glad That 1 bare ls'rpt you ever lit my hear:, And that ...11) heart•• true hen"e will ye: lle they Although we wautter .!tent amt :11 , 31 . 1. • —St‘rr. A wise ,man 'never- less alone than when he is • Faith is the best ells* for a heavy soul to leau-uisin. , • ' Charity loses its benign Inihtenee when heralded by ostentatiOn. IflOwers are the stars of earth—stars are the flowers of heitveli. Danger should be. feared when dist:pit and braved wheif present. • It is better to plant - virtue to be, imitat ed, than vice 'to be shunned. • You have gently' ventmed, huy all must do so wen w•onLj gr e a tly Win. The first,and fast thin! , which is recital - - 141 of genious is the love of truth. 'rake ere not h' g u to the tiNnl c uf ice l es t yo t tall 41,11'61 H; re.l.4:qt)iee. Malik infl worship seceess. hit think too little of the means by which it is attaincil. Occasions of trouble. and advet sit y do not make a nran,faih hut they :.huNs what he is, I MIN $2 per Annum In Achrance. FUN, FACT AND yAOETLIE. jiiat'ope little dripk" hap - made all the drpokards in the world. lie is no true friend who has nothing but compliments and praise for you. . - Most people find their only happiness in forcing themselves to be unhappy. Sharp; intelligent rascals are more re. _spected by the world than virtuous fools; To borrow a 'pocket knife. and find it will' cut is one of the pleasant sui prises of life. When a religions society quarrels and splits, it stand . to 'reason that tho devil gets one of the divisions. It is hot difticnit to do' good, for . the means are constantly clustering about,cv. ery man's lip and hands. Ile who cats mince pie in a restaurant affords beautiful and touchingevidence of child-like faith in his fellow man. • • If .you would enure the favor of an in telligent men, cut off your story as soon as he smiles an underistanding of its point. The physical attributes of man arp con stantly,at war with his mired and intel le-ctual forces--,notably in ease of boils. • There is CO sadder moment in a poor man's life than , wheel he rakes together the last.few,grains of a fi ft y -cent bag of smoking tobacco. Tears at a funeral are sometime& a mere disguise for joy; just as laughter and gayety and social'festivities may mask a broken heart. k " I am afraid you will come to want," said an old lady to an English Gentleman. "I have come to that already," was the reply. "I want your daughter." The old lady opened her eyes. A boy, who said his father was "a phi lanthropist by profession," was asked by another boy how he made it pay ? " Oh," was the reply, "he collects money fur the poor and builds tenement hounes out of A son of Erin onoe aceosted a reverend. disciple of Swedenborg thus : "Mr. —,. you say that we are to follow the same business in heaven that we do hi this world?" Yes!. That is in „perfect -.ae c(irdatich With reason—for the Creator -himself is not idle, and why should his creatures be?" " Well, then, yerhoner, do people•die there ?" "Certainly not!— they are as immortal as the Creator him r self." " Thea - I should like to knoW„ . .yer honor, what they'll find for me do—for I'M an undertaker in this world." • A gentleman relates, alter leaving the paper of which he was the editer, and re.. turning on .a visit, he wrote a' eader for. the new editor. and he really thought it .g,,0 4 1, better than he had written for months. Next day ha met an old ac(ittain—, Lance with a paper in his hand. "Ah," said he, "this papci" is but a miserable thing, now—nothing like What it was when you had it '' And pointing to the article lie had written, he continued "hook; for instance, at that thing _Why didn't that fool let -you write:that article?" The truly great are -cairn in danger, merciful iu pro.perity, eloquent in the as sembly, courteous in war, and anxious for fame. The truly great are calm in danger, merciful in • prosperity, eloquent . in the assembly, courteous in war, and anxious for fame. There is no union between the thoughts, the words, the actions of the wicked ; but the thoughts, words, and actions of the good, all agree. - . . There never did and thew never will exist anything, perffianently noble and ex cellent in the character which is . a Stralt ger to the existence of a resolute self-de nial. Talents gtve a man superiority far more a , reeable than that which proceeds from riches, birth; or 'employment, which are external. Talents carstitute our very es sence.. The matt who lives right and ; is right has more power in big silence than anoth= er who lives differently has by his words. character. is like bells which tring out sweet music, and which when touched aecidentally even, resound' with sweet music. No one who has the charge of the young can be too careful in preventing the daily recurrence of, apparently,-the most insig nificant irregularities, for, allowed to-day, they come with a little more strength to morrew, and after-a few 'more "to-mor rows" become fixed characteristics fur life. ' The goodness which struggles and bat tles, and goes down deep and soars high,. is the stuff of which heroism is made, by which the world is salted and kept pure: 'lt is the seed which=beirs fruit in martyrs and makes men nobler than their nature _and (lend-gods and the prophets of' a better time. The' ,instincts of the hearts are -very true. There are eyes that are like no other eyes, to us when we first_meet them. There are -VOires that, having been uncO heat el, haunt\ our dreams. the ~ e uol reasoning in the world is worthless when compared to tbe, signs and tokens with which reason has' nothing to do—which s 4 to us; "Ile haS., come," or - "She is here." ~ , ' IVe cannot impede the progress of the h_ C ur of death, or of the'd.a) of judgment. How soon these may arrive, is known _alone to infinite wisdom. Should wu not tremble in expectation of thesapproach of 'some mighty chieftain, 'whose CA, ))))) isissiim ' was to slay each foe he vaniptiSbed? 'PIM is the province of the cominekor\Deatg-! and none shall escape ! lle may not comb to-day or to-morrow, but as sure as we. are born, we arc In to die.. N . .It was finely- said by Socrates that the ! sbortest and most Oireet road to poptflari ty is,!' for a man tq be the same that he , ~vislics to be taken for." People are ogre-! , iously mistaken if they think they can! ever attain to permanent popularity by; hypocrisy, by mere outside appearanms,: and by disguisidg riot only their language! hut their looks. True popularity takesi deep root, and spreads itself wide ; bnt the false falls away like blossoms ; for! nothing that is false can-be lasting. FAMILIAR QIJOTATIOFS. Believe a woman or an epitaph-. All went merry as a marriage bell. I stood among them - but not of them. And there was Gounting in hot haste. rerthe glad waters of theilark blue sea. I have not lqed the world the world me.• • )tan'the pendulum betwixt a &MI& and tear. There is a pleasure in the pathless wouds, i • Time writes no wrinkle . on my azure; br(tw. • Know ye the land where thocypress and the myrtle. . . "Heart on berlips, and soul within her Sft as lier clime, and suuny.a4 her skies. , . Aud both were young and one was beau tiful. Who track . We stops of glory .to grave. Christians have burned each other, quite persuaded that all the apostles would have done the same as they did. A baffling cry of some strong svVimnier in his apiny. - Ile was the mildest mannered map that evci scuttled ship or cut a throat. • The mountains •look -on Marathon and . Marathon looks ou the sea. 0 "darkly, deeply, beautifully blue." Truili is always strange—stranger than fiction. , • NUMBER 48; BITS OF WISDOM.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers