II ';lt44fori gtpinta =l=l=Zll • W.I..OIIIIIBERLIN, Dealer In- • FINE JEWELRY, WATCHES, - SILVER': A,' PLATED WARE, TOWANDA, PA. Towanda, 'Jan. 18, 1877. TOWANDA POST OFFICE. The Post Office will be kept open from 7 o'clock• 4 t,. M., till 7 , 4. P.M. Motyy Order and Registered . 'otter deportment will elate at 6 o'clock, P. 3f. ON SUNIIIkYS the Office will be open from 9.30 . to 10.30, A. ANNIVAT-5 AND DEPARTEMER Or MAILS.— Mons will strife and depart from Towanda - Post Office as follows until further notice : • ESTEEM From the North. Pa; & N. Y.B. 8., at a, P.M. Locked mall from Elmira and cast and west at 10. W, p. x. From the South at 5. P. M. Through mall from phtladelphla, New York and - Eastern'Statea, 4 A.M. From State Line & S. It. R., at 9t30, A. Front Barclay at 7 P. at. From Canton at 5 r. a. From Troy et 12 sI. . From Lettaylvllle, Rome, &c., at 12 st. From sheahequln at 10 a. U. . From Mphoopany (Monday, Wednesday and Fri day) at 12. It From New Era (Tuesday, ThUrsday and Satur day) at II . • Pa. , N. V. R. It., South. 2p. Y. . Through mall to Philadelphia, New York and Eastern States. 7ti o'clock, r. North, 4:15 Y. • Through mall - to Elmira and points on N. C It. K., 10.30,a. Y. & S. R. It.. Bernice.aud intermediate Judith; o'clock. P.ll. Barclay, 12.30 P. Y. - Cantos., 9 A.Y. • • Troy. 1 P. NI, • iihcsbequiti,'l2 •Leitarraillo. 1 mshootiany (Monday, WetitiesdaT and Friday,: at 2 r. Y. New Era (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday), ai -1 P• S. W. ALVORD, P. 31 LOCAL AND GENERAL. TUEnE is no abatement . in the temper ancc cause here Jons BILUTSD, of the firm of 13nAusn has gone to Kai sak on a pros pecting tour. - C. G. BARTLETT and J. 31. BRAUND die about to open an insurance office in Eas ton, Pa.. r REv.. L. R. CIIIPPFti, of the M. E. Church, Thrrytown, is conducting a spirit ual revival in that place. MRS. JOHN HARRIS has removed her dress-Making rooms. to Arcade Block, nearly opvosite the Episcopal Church. S. R. PAYNE, President of the Torvan da Temperance Union, has already de rnonstrated his fairees for the position. CONBIIIOF.B Hum, WHIT, AN DIMS and KnAtEn, paid a fraternal visit to Post, G. A. R. at Rorme, ono evening last; week. THE temperance people of Owego are to celebrate the anniversary of the inau guration of the Murphy movement in that _town, on the Ist day of May. 0. F. But.t.Atn, the absconding mem ber of the Legislature, was arrested at Wyalusing on Tuesday Morning, by De tective liisnrcctr, of TunlOannock. . . Mons than fifty members of Franklin Engine C0.,1 No. 1. marched into the Court House on Wednesday evening last, signed the Murphy pledge and doned the blue. Mill ATTENTION is directed to the advertise ment of the " Red,. White and Blue Store." Under the present management this es tablishment hasacome ,to be one of ou.r . most popular business places. !=• ' • THE family of J..iESIIIrLLF:n, of V hint. consisting of himself and wife and live children, were attacked 'by a disejise which had all the syminons of poison, a few days, since and within one week four of the children died. . Jost ii Ro'rr►, of Allentown, While walk ing on the railroad track, just above {he upper depot., on Monday last, was struck by the engine of train No. 9 and instant . ly killed. The engineer, made every -effort to warn him•off but he did neit heed it. ToE County Ilistorj - is now bei g deliv 7 ired to subscribers. We regret that wjint of space compels us to omit. tliic review w4ad intended to give. It is a 'source of congratulation however to Mr. ('itArr,. and the enterprising publishers, .EyARTS & CO., to know that the work is every wilt+ well, received. Many of the sub , 'scrib4rs ,with whom we 'have conversed say . tiae bobk is . fat. better than exl)ecteil front! . the representations of canvassers. The engravings are very fine, and the his tory :as full and interesting as it could made. In our next we 'shall give an extended notice of the book. AT a meeting of the, Agricultural Soci ety, held Tuesday, April 9th, .the follow ing named gentlgpien wore chosen Execu tire Committee for the ensuing ;mar. Gko Fox, HouacE llonToli , f, G. 11. VAN nrsE, R. M. Wr.r.f.r.s and I. A. Pam:. September 18th,-10th and 20th, was fix 'ed upon as time, for holding the annua Fair. . . A reSolution was passed offering s4s_ premiums to Griintics Making best exhibits of prodnas of 4249 farm and garden, $2O first premiuni, fri second and, $lO third. The next meeting will be on . tbe 23d o' April, and will be-at the Secretary's office GwEno Tinit:q: ,Flank Joyce , collector 'of taxes for the township of Iyarreo, l'a., came to,.owego on Saturday last and drew out of one of our banks $26:1 in bills: Towards ev,ning be started for his home, riding in an open wagon. When about two miles south of 'The State line, and when it was nearly eight o'clock, lie was kritek Senseless by some ruffaan or ruff_ inns, robbed of the money and-left in the mad. .When be repipcd consciousness he crawled to the nearest house, Mr. where he 'yet remains, too ill to be moved. Mt. Joyce thinks be must have been followed from Owego by some person or.persons who saw him have the money. As vet no due has been 'obtained -of , the highwaymen.. THE temperance work in Towanda has assumed such proportions that..he history of the past few weeks cannot given in • a paragraph. • . - -The meeting in the Court Do se on ' Tuesday evening last, was a grand tit t of rejoicing over the' triumphs achieved by • the blue ribbon brigade. The meetin • was conducted by the newly elected presi dent of the temperance orgauliatiti, S. - B. PAYSF.,7eSq. • Thevariuns speakers, Con. Sxtirn, Rev G. C. Jost's, S., W. LITTLE, esq., D. C. DEwITT, esq., and 1)13.--LEONARD PRATT ? all expressed,thesentiment of the commu nity that we owe much of our success to the.admirable leadership of Jour BARRY. Ills zeal alid energy have overcome all oh slacles. He leaves us united, earnest and hopeful for the future. 5 • • As he psis to new fields of labor many abundant- successes crowd his efforts for the good .of humanity. - Om readers will read with pleaaute and we doubt not , profit, the business hxali of STERN RI:MITE= 3n to-day's REMITTER. This firm have been doing business here for several years. and hive won for them selves enviable reputation. They have removed to the store lately occvpied by Mr. FRUIT, and are now opening a sPlen splendid assortment of seasonable &kids, which they the critical attention of, the -3-- Mrs. JANE, NELsoi; BAUBY spent 'sev eral days in Towanda with her husband thiring the temperance revival in progress here. This noble, christian lady Is one of that famous "Old Guard" of Pittsburg, or band of praying woman, who left houses of luxury and ease to go out, and on bend ek:kness, implored the dealers in intoxi cating liquors to quit their traffic. 'We all know that the Woman's crusade Was the "sowing in tears" Of the seed - of the right effort, which is now bringing .forth an abundant harvest, "some thirty fold, . some fifty, and some one hundred fold." . . With heart and band she has aided the tempeionce work 'under FRANCIS 311:11- Priv, from its first inception at the "old House" in Pittsburg, seventeen months since, up to the Presenttime. Herbeauti ful home, her generous purse, her warm heart, have been Open to the poor inebri. ate ; and in hundreds of homes, to which sire has helped restore the erring one, her -name is never spoken except it be coupled with a blessing._ "And her • works shall • praise her in the gates." . While . irere, 'she was called fipon to speak in the 3 o'clock p. M. prayer meet.• • ing. In a few modest and feeling words she exhorted the clirislia» g, women of Tewandmmever to weary in -well-doing: She said "there is a wonderful power in the cordial dasp of a weman'd, hand. InStead of -passing by our fallen brother, lee us take him by the hand and speak Words of sympathy and encouragement." Wititsuoli a yoke-fellow in the gospel temperance work. it is no wonder that JOHN BARRY knows no such word as fail. M. L. 8., EAST S l lTtrvlEt, D. —Tills pl e asa littl e village is south of the Erie, and lietwecn the Pa. A; N. Y. R. R, and Northern :central.. It is situated in the center of Sittitlilield township, and relies upon this beautiful agricultural district fur its sup-; pOrt. East.Smithtield and the Township have long been noted for the intelligence, sobriety, and. industry of their people, and consequently they have erected in the village four tine churches, which are emit supported and attended. Probably Mare is no town in Bradfo:d county, and perhaps none in Northerh . Pennsylvania, that is -as. lhoroughly church-going as Smithfield. The society is excellent ; their social gatherings Under the au• vices of the churches are conducive of great good, which is leaNiing its impress upon the minds of its youth: :Her pastors do her great honor, and are doing a great work. Rev. DE.V.N is pastor . of the Disciple, RCP. EyElt;Trr of the Baptist, Hey. CITAFEIt of the Congrega tional, and Her. ST-?allAXI of the Metho.. dist. lirtmkenness is 'seldom seen upon her streets. Until recently, no licenscq lig uor.dealer existed . within its pecsiticts ; this house is kept very neat and orderly, and only ale is spy' with•eareftil restric tion. =1 A literary society, well supported, has sixisted for many years, * and the Library Association has deVelopt.zl' a large and well-selected library. :No place of its size in the county can I average' as many professi;mal men, teach ers, &e. Hon. Jas. IL WEBB, ex-Speaker of the Ilouse, and Esquire FORREST do most of the law business in this section. Drs. Moonv, I.:Nnunwooli and Cowtm, look after the physi 'c,,11-disabilitie. The township sannil building is .one of the best in the county, and an efficient and well-organized graded school has been conducted under the Principalship of J. B. EMERY. Three Teaohe.ts are uniform ly employed. In Spite of the hard times, the town is constantly improving, the new buildings are good and substantial, built ro be dura .ble ;and to remain ; the ‘Congregational - parsonage now b6ing erected will be an ornament to the place ; the Methodists have recently finished a very neat and commodious two story parsonage. Smith field does a good, healthy anereantile bind ness. Its steady growth and prosperity, is due very much to its church and school privileges. Cot•lrr P EDCN t; ti -MONDAY' APRIL Russrffi vs 1 P Kirby, Gazni 7 slice. Wm Smith &Cocs E W Leonard, Garnishee. Abranor Jones vs Wm .Tonyg. —Rules made absolute. . John Fassett vs W Ilarrowelift.—Rule discharged. J B Overlield vs \Vni Martin, 2 eases.— `Rule to satisfVudginent* each case. ' E B Parsons vs ElaCliwelt.—ltule to. • open judgment. In re the assignment of..J Leßoy Corbin for the benefit of his creditors.—Court ap point M M Mitchell and KF Walker ap. pra welts. .Toel Davis vs B L Me .16e.—Couft strike oil exceptions tiled to bill of costs. - II 11 Chaffee vs '3l P Taylor. Gaud-. shee.—Court, direct judgment t(ibe enter- Rd against the Garnishee. 301 m Crossett vs A Lewis Son. .lames Sullivan vs A'J Layton. Jacob :McNeal vs P W Covell. II W PafriJk vs Benja min Northrup. Court permiti each of the love cases to be settlyd. _Etna Insuram;e Co vs D R 'Blackman, et al.--:Master and Examiner's repor..filed. In re the lunacy of Patrick Moroney.— Commissioners, find him 'l.O be insane. Court diiect him to be sent to the lasaue Asylum.at Danville. 'Ralph Tozer, et al vs Amiziah . Kinney. —Court direct a writ of haben facial pos sessionem to issue. • 31 31 Pike vs C S • Ilunsicker, et - al.— Court,strike off levy in this easel • - Isabella Bigg vs T 1' Bigg.—Court di rect defendant to pay it 50... gattie Rolf Vs Pascal Roll. Emorette B Wheefer'ys W II Wheeler —Conrt di . rest a subpoma in divorce to issue in each 11112 Belle Newell vs B F Newell.—Court grant a divorce. slattliew Jackson vs J P Garni shee of Codcling - & Russell.—Att - Execu tion. J W Mix, Esq, and Overton & Mer cur for plaintiff. Wm Fbyle, Esq. and lion E Overton, Jr, Esq, for Garnishee. Verdict C for plaintiff. inlet Fassett vs E T Park; et al.—Ejeet meet. Davies 'lc Cartiochan for plaint Ellianan Esq, arid Patrick Fo r yle, for defendants. 'Verdict fur ti st National Think of Athens cs J I) Kyse --:Assunipsit:Yatrielr & Foyle and lion E verton, Jr, for plaintiff. II F• Mayna end Elhanan Smith,. Esipi, for defendant. Verdict for pthintill'of NV 11 Bari s vs Win May.—Ejectment. S NV Little, E. , for plaintiff; 'Patrick & Foyle for defen ant. Verdict for plain tiff. litO;iDAY, U'llll, 9TII. 'Corn vs Jennie battery with attempt • • • tense defendant 'to 8 months , in county HS Ackley:vs Stewart BosWortb.i—An, ditor's report filed and confirmed nisi. • IT-V nulkner va A. W tor's report filed and , confirmed nisi. Ex ceptions filed by , Geo. Nichols. . • Geo Landon vs S Boswerth, et al.--Rule made absolute. Frederick Shaft vs .E C Herriek.—Rule to strike off award of arbitrators. ILE Watkins vs W Barroweliff. Eule to open judgment. J 0 Frost vs9A,Bprns, et al.—Appeal. J F Sanderson and W II Carnochan, Ew e for plaintiff. Jas Wood, Esq,' for defend anti, f ie - idiot for plaintiff of $55. • 3fiss St -sit ItAtm has taken a echoqat Laceyville. STITAIVA steam flouring mill, in Canton was burned on !Tuesday night. Loss, c12,- 000, Insurance p,OOO. THE Presbytery of t Lack'awanna will hold its regular spring meeting in the Second 'Presbyterian Church of Scranton, commencing on ~londay, April 15th, at half past seven _o'cleck, r. at. • Delegates to the Presbytery over the Lehigh Valley R. B. Can obtain excursion tickets to the L. and . B. junction from• the 15th to the 19th, on application at any of the princi pal ollicet. 11E-OPPUNG AT WYALUSING.—The M. E. Church at Wyalosing, Pa., having un-. dergone extensive internal repairs, will be re-opened with appropriate religious ser vices Sunday, April 21st, 1878. - Rev. A. GRIFFIS, of Binghamton, N. Y., • will preach at 11 A. M. Rev. DAVID CRAFT, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Wy altising, will preach at 7i r. A cordial hvitation is extended to all.- Cogne and worship with us. E. A.•RonsatTs, Cut nct.r. PizocKnuNGs.-4. meeting of the council was held Saturday eviiiing. March ttOth, 1878, for the purpose of clos ing up the honsitiess which required the action of the members of thieliErticil whose term of oflice was about to expire. I . All the members were present except Mr. Snell. The committe appointed lit the lest meet ing df the council to go to Seneca Faits and purchase an engine for Naiad Co. No. 2, sulAinitted thefollow.ng.report.: The undersigned t a committee appointed to purchase an engine,' would respectfully report That after ‘isiting and examining the engine refered to in the resolution, anchalso ob:utnin ' offers from Messrs.. Button k. Son, of Waterford. N. 1%, for an engine examined by Mr. Pierce, President of ,the Naiad Co., and after consultation with Messrs. l)odge and . Pierce, who alee . visited Seneca Falls and examined the engine re ferred to in the resolution, we purchased of Messrs. Button & Sou an engine fur the sum of bix hundred dollars, with the privi lege (if the council ebt.sent) of selling them the old Franklin engine at two hundred dollars. Respectfully, J. F.M.E.ixs Committee. Report accepted. , • By .l. F. Means: Wherras an :indication has been made by the Franklin- Eimine Co:, for the runt of one !mull reir4lol - to enable them to pay certain claims against them, therefore, Reiedred, That the imni aunt. bundled dollars be and is hereby approptinted-for the use of said Co.. By Connell:1mo Bryant: , - Ites;dved. That in cenbeleelitlen that Jame* Wool shall gi re the land to widen 111 idge street on the North eidedo be 4 , f allure a idth as the mtreet briOW, t b , borough shall ley elid Wood the expemie of mate. ial and a erk for retire -from Mut:hank street wePtuattlly se tar as raid Wood** lands lies on e.iid street, to be of the sane: kind as J. F. Means' fence on the , street below. elethis of Collector WicKham Syr the abatement of nncjilectalie taxes was allowed amount inc to $l5O. 3u, nod nl I gir;, t t ee mete rir land, rota rued to the M1R n11..1011,1, t , 15 For errors niad reductions made in 1,,,5t11..1110 I.y the county cumtni.oduners .125.611. 11:e following bills wero road and examined and witbmit special approval by the finance *cotuutittott ip • rl• marred paid : • 11,witt t lI.yU, legal eon ire 7 II NV Mlller,lice department ' Ii 31 NVillrock, tiro doormat:a • " 111.ati, labor on et ....eta Franck ‘Vatt., lii ou alrgoda with tram Ili do. 3 30 3 I) liwnS'tio, labor will," /quota 3 ve lir A Iln one, p , l oe dut , .1 , ; !M. , r , i 1 Brow r I J Frantlinio ftt Fro:Min Co. N.,. 1, . t Samuel Savor.mol, 11 .. det :tlc K. an; dopllcutva .1 A Wilt, , -.1 King..t.Ory, salary • .11 L Lamereaux, auditing James W1to.1; legal service On motion the (vomit Adjourned to mo t. Diunds mt.ming; t, la7s, at :.:45 o'cl•yek. Coundl met In pqrsoance of adjournment, all lb latml,f , m 'being prvmmt, The G.nli:ltinimithee eubmilte.l the following report The committee on pus and lamp inette a meld reepeetfally report that they have carefully- ex amined the 1a...1-i and poiitil 'and find them out of rep ill, air; as tiiiiexponse fur gas fur the year ending 31,r0il ratirely nominal compared %tilt% 11th r ye,ero , ymit committee a mild recommend ti .t the bilme and pets be painted with pod matfitial to t.. prod.-et Ito to fount the %%pallier and further 'le , iy : -houid they he longer niig let till th. 7 will t, teMield mete than the rest of painting. anniittee 111-0 reOnntilinini the rein° al of the club'- ' , One Mean pile.• until such time it.t they -me ...ed.-4. We find . 4 1 , 1111. of them already tic .I.en, and they he left On the , pints during the mitiiiiier nliOe would be. hooky., year EOM- UM = dfAte remoc4,lon plan: uf safety. IlLt 11 The rep.rt the committee was accept.] and on ,t•thlu Tle• unfiniilosl lt,iness ip which the membets a1,,0t to retire we're required to set, hating been ennt• the .miloate4 acre . nil .114 M;.ssrs. lin ant, Pitttiell. Long', and Means. .whoee term (,fr'cr% ice a 4 conncinnan list email and A. It. lim;:shury, L. D. Illont.my.., W. A. Jones ale, W. G. Alger, tle• newly elected members, einalille,l and took thole seatg. ttu liaaion of Mr. Betts Mr. Henry was Illipt•lntril _temporary chairman. Mr. Beery on taking the chair said that the first .loodnes; to he Acted Nam by the emtneil was the elec tion of burgess, and that nominations foi that - ollh e were I ow order. • .I.li n.-i)twul Snell N Belts and fila nt, tiler rionduatinits Lei.ug a ode the vote sin, taken was linatimontily re•electi‘l. Betts then took the chair m lien 'on motion of Conn. ihnon Kingidiury, Miran, Sngll nom Aviiiitant Mit ;41., !tett, the next liot,inePA for at lion was tlo , election of secretary., t - . 1 The 6dlow Ing noMlliatiMilt were then unlade: . ClOnti- Hint. Iliiniy nominated JimiePi Council.; nein h.al.e nominated W. S. Vincent. motion the; noun nati on. were ritmed when the Burgess appointed Councilman done. , and Mentanpi teller*. -The council pr o.4•rded t.11,01.rt nod the folliiwing , _w . :ta:the result: tor....loiry side,. Vincent vote, Thehlit VWs instil the rnlinuit avoll1(1 now proceed to glen t teen.nrvr. Mr lieniry'e“tuliratoil Joseph K whereupon Mr. Dodge Moved that councilman . .11;...q.r lie notion inn th • tin cart rhe a Miro rote of the council for La trengurer for the .1- f. 111111..! year. Tho ilsotioll wise c.iirted and Mr. Alger thin rating Mr.Kituriilutry sins.dretared duly elected. 1111 motion Lilo council took a recres until 7 o'clock m. On reassembling in the evening nit the members were preent... . i A propo4ition seal reXeived frti4 Thomas 31erbleili to furni , th tip! botongli n ith ;miler. On motion the proposal was teierrecl to -tb! Wee MEM= Mr. Pont .entered complaint in relntio t to a, nniranre rminnting from the premiaes of Juttgo-3tercrr owl terminating' near ht. prem4ew. Reicrro4l to outoitart cominittee. Mr. Itiyton's complaint of obstruction of street 11 =9 • . . The slnntau 11. and L. Co No. 4, Asked the council for an apptopriatiou of forty ilotlarn to meet their lia bilities. Their request was granted. tin motion the council proceeded to elect the balance of the officers regnired for the organization of the hrougiu go'rernmeut. John N. Calif! and James Wood were nominated for borough attorney, The lampera appointed Councilmen liirm.loiry and 3lontnnye tellers. The rote being taken resulted at 110110WS: John N. Cdiff had 5-cotcs, James Wood hail 4 rotes. • • BY Councilman Snell: 'Resolved, That the borough attorney's fei‘ for tend: time at regular and special meetings of the elicit and for legal advice during the ensuing year fifty dollars. Adopted. Airs Wl , OllOll WAS nominated' and unanimously' bulleator of the borough duplicate of taxes for IsTii:\ On motion of Councilman Nen ry; 0: ft. Burns wits r-electod Chief of Police fur the current year, and the cpiesiton-of his sal try referred to the ("mince mnn mittee,eaid committee to report to the next mretnig of council.- • C. w. Dimmoc.k tkaa• reappointed night police and , -- i:ttary fixed at lwenti,dtdlons per month. E -Street commttjre was directed to repir the drain near Mr. liethim's at the corner of Main and Mirabelli Street*. \\ • I The ntiCation or repot' ing - theinad to the dyer at the foot of Pine street retie on tneti44:Yefeired to the sheet committer. . The rate-of tax to be levied for the year IF7S wits then considered. Councilman Ilenryanid that be should be in favor of reducing the irate ottszation for ..,ofougli \ purposes, as . somi as the ilebt of the boromila !would statentit such reduction.. We 113X1 , by careful (Tommy ri:doeed the debt the past year some four thousand dolliirsiind hare balance nncollted ou the duplicate of I8:17 of ft. 2 5 41, eli colluctabli• to apply; la until a further'-,re duction of the debt, shall have bn muds, tie,dld not . deem it r _ r to change . .the tate. Mr. Henry then', \ sher.—Assault kill. Court sen- MI Jos. B. FistiEn, Stated. Clerk Pastor ram • p d J-• irtmrHl MIME 3 inaett.the piatage of the itollairtlis motet/an which tees tutted without dheent. . . , 1i)lrod, That a tax of per rentimn line last adjusted valuation for state and county ;limpness be levied as teironglx, la a for the year . 387 d, of To- wanda .ttiroUgb, that the Beard of AppeAls be lt dat the Council Rooms on the 3ntb day of April, lillS, at 7 p. m,at'which time and piece the collector shall glee due notice. By Councilman Budge: .. Bemired, That the requests for crominge, grades for side walks, and ditches for streets, presented to the council by /degas. Bryant. Rockwell Spalding , ley, and Mts. We. be referred to the street committee and that they report tho amount of work necemary to' the next meeting of council. Bemired. That nn wort be done on the streets un less ordered by the council, except mach necessary work between regular meetings of toe ctiancir of -cleaning and repairing the crossings and opening the ditches, us may be ordered by the Burgess. . Adopted. • . The petition of J. C. Eangto be continued in charge of the Franklin steamer and salad engine at a salary 4375 per year was referred to the Chief Engineer and . officers of the mid commides. Borges' Betts made the followingeppuintments, viz ; Councilmen Snell and Henry to, act With Min es Finance Committe. Street committee Ist Ward Conn einem jone.;,Street committee 2 . nil ward Councilman Montanye ; Street: committee 3rd ward Councilman Dodge. (lies committee Kingsbury and Jones.' Flee Department committee flenry r Kingsbnry; and Snell. The following additional bills were examined' and without special, approeal of the' finance committee the council on motion onlered them paid: Joseph lidarshall,work for IDe dept. $2 Of) 0 repairing street tools 50 T. 50 The. Fessendert, care of town clock , 10 00 , A 'Horton; stationary - 4 20 Mtn Fitzgerald, street labor tall 10 per day 15'0 " James Iledfunl, °. . " -. 15 40 Thos. Kennedy, • " ' " . " - ~15 40 Dennis Lynch, 1 38 James .Xestor " " _ - 138 .Pat Powers; teaming . .25 CC= To the Tionorable the council of Towanda Borough. The nudendgned Lege leave to auldua ILe rollowing • report of awes tried (or the month ending April lat. .31arch 23n1, Franai Wile?, charged with being dim ilk and - di‘ orderly on the greets; F6rrflu, coon $2., DeftmdAnt committed in dufaillt of ilnymput. tluhew fluently defendant lneyn *ln. . March Z7ni, Thonlne Kennedy, chnrge name an ahove; Finn *5, amt S 2. DePodant committed In de (Atilt of pnyinent. Itesiw.ctfully entail itted, W.. 1. Towanda, April 1,'.78. Pollee eluitire, The adantes were rl,ul and approved and en motion the council adjourned. " • WHOM SHALL W E Tncsr,--Whenafflict ed with a complication a disorder, and the limited resOurces of Ott f4mity phYsi clan have been exhausted Without bend- fit, the all important question is, whom shill we trust? Many physicians are bid ding for the patronage of this class,_ and it becomes the afflicted to thoroughly ex amine into a Physician's claims, and know ripen what they are based, before trusting hint It.. V. Pierce, M. D. of Buffalo, N. Y., is one of the_ most successful and widely known of 'authors and physicians in America. Ile has recently. .orected a Grand Hotel, in Buffalo,- . at the enormous expense of nearly half a million dollars, it being the most complete and elegant saitarium in the .world. Dr: 'Pierces has originated a system _of diag-. nosis by which lie is enabled to distin guish- most chronic diseases without see ing the patient. This scientific System is fully described in his Connirm Sense Med ical Adviser, which is sent to any address . on receipt of $1.50. Address IL V. , Pietee M. I)., Grand Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., The doctor is endorsed by the clergy, as will as by the medical profession, of the land. We have spaea foronly the follow ing among the large to whou : -.- Hon. A. L. Bo`reman, Ex-Goverrior of West Virginia, and late U. S. Senator : C. R. Fairchild, M; D., Seneca, Clelleu, M. D., Garratsville,N, Y. : W. F. Ilazle ton, M. D.. - Silver Lake, Kan. ; F. S. Turner, M. b., Veazie, Me.: Geo. Diete rich, M. 1)., 105 Vine Street Baltimore, - Md., .T. 11. Sherrod, M. D., Paoli Ind.; Geo. B. Chapman, M. D.; Platt4mouth; Neb.•; T.. 1. Casper, M. I).,- Springfield, Ohio ; James 11. Porter, M. D.. Gorham, D. E. Virells;' M. D., BriSlcil, N. IL; J. A. Miller, -M. D., San Leandes, Cal.; J. N. Camp, M. D., Baladan, Mo.; L. W. Rhodes, M. Northumberland,' Pa.; Joseph S. Burr, M.D., Wust Lafay ette, Ohio ; Rev. E. N. Harmon, Elsab, Ill.; Rev. Isaac N. Augustin, Shipman, IlL; Rev. J hos. O'Reiley, Newman, Kan; Rev. L. Weston,Bucklin, Mo.; Rev. L. A. Dawson, honer, Rev. W. S. Long, Graham, N. C.; Ret - r. Andrew Adams, Calhoun, Ga.; Rev. A. P. Moore, 712 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.; Rev. I. A. Thayer, M. D.;' - "Baconsburg, Ohii"; Rev. L.P. Proflit, Palmyia, SO 00 (ti 3 tou Kr See the styles at Stern Bros. a — ot) li ) th.L. 2 I I 10 (10 EAILMOIDERS and LACES at Stern Bros. INFANTS' DRESSES and LACE CAI'S at Stern ltros. - ro IM 7 :,to MEM tgr.GO to SNELL • S.: FARNILAM'S for. tyest Millinery Gloodi. IE9EI reir Everytliing iu ill° lino of station ery at Wutii.oint SIIAL'T S. CX" Straw Mork and Bleaching a - spa clalty at SNELL & FARNHAM'S. ' MiSseS FARNHAM (10 al kinds of DRESS MA KI NU. • rar3tits. 311-2“;os bas . the 'oast Spirt, s'llitporter, alt.° the Skirt Elevator; . LEG norklc FLA.Ts for $1.23 a stern Bre:l. 6. 7 ‘" L, es ready made suits and (A L ieu w RA-Pr Ens st St e rn !troy, Car BABY WAGONS'.' New iStock this week at :\ I A 1,1 Lt.'s Crockery Store.; =1 ur The °BEST BOYS NV :11:4 ON ;in tolen—only one dollar M..oll.L's Crockery Store. . " . re , FLOWER I'OT . A 'NG LNG ASK ETS large:4 a.. , aortinent at 31A DILL . :i Croekery.Sture. . Cff" Pon RENT. :---A , dwelling house on State Street, betwe'en Second and Third, Euqulio of .1, J. 61:11;r1TIIS. - CoesEn has the best wcarieg Shoes. for Men, Boys and lionthV wear ever ogre Al Towanda, and at prices within t h e reach of al. - susDowNs. and SAILOR HATS for nets at Stern tiros. Novelties in lIAI r_ anti llat Orna ments, Neckwear and- rural Jewelry at SteL Brun. V.r..NEW BOOTS and NEW SHOES every Style and Variety, at Itt,uxt;s Boot and Shoe Store, Prices to ast,mlA examine and be convinced. CUSTOM WORK ande'RE- P A IRI NO done ma abort notice. aprll. , . CIF" Gents 1111004:A-sewed *hoes, Con gross. uuttou nod low Shoes=every:palr warranted and sold it pree•es• that cannot fall to pielbo. Call and se fsepai Colt I'S. - MILLINERY GOODS ..at wht,le sale at Stern Urea New York Store. All the new shades of . Silks and Ibbons at Stern liras. Mr The bdst assortment of BIRD AGEBIn town a MA CsOcery.Store. Par ELEGANT PATTERNS in .TA , PANNED TOILET *ACE at MAratCs Crock: cry Store tar HEADQI7ARTERSi FOR MILLI NERY GOODS, Steru Bros, New Toile Store. No'l, I;rldge Street, tirst door from Main Street. HATS for tile millions from 2: r icts p tit Stern ,Bros. • ettwuw , , Bakery Wager., of the Ist Ward Bakery, will pe on hand daily with Fresh Crackers hot tronk the Oren, Bread. Pies, Cakes, her re' The Largest, Jyßest and Cheapest line of Slice for. Ladter,iilisseit• and l'hildrciia• wear ia found at Consaii's new !gore, corner Main anti ritie-ate., Tracy ! St Noble's Block. apr47s rir Horse Powers for - sale, one Second hand, and new ones of Mood & Co*s manufacture, Sayre Ilanrg Co. Sayre, Pa. Man. 3 months Vir Go to Stern SPRIXG.OPEN ing SATr IWAY, Apr Mb, 110SijAT; Apr 15tti and TUESDAY, Apr 1,41.cn. I Ladies, you can buy a SEWING' 'MACHINE' for LESS MONEY. at MA DILL'S (rockery Store than of any traveling:agent—yon Bait• all the expent!es of commission, as we buy our 'Machines at headquarters.. Wash Tubs; Wooden Pails, Paper Pall 4-1 •full line of WOODEN WARE Ju s t re ceived at 31apiLl'S orOckciry Store. ISE SCA 91 J. KINGS - nuns, Secretary NEW LOCALS. f 187 e $ t POWELL & Have jut recived and , now offer , their Spring purchases of Rouse Furnishing Goods At prices, much below those of any previous season. Body.' Rrussells, Tapestries, _ Three Plys, Extra Superfine Ingrain, Ingrainsiof Lower Grades. Floor Oil lOths, Mats and Rugs in Great Variety Canton- and Napier Mattings, Druggetts, Crumb Coths, &c• WALL PAPER ! CompleteAssortmenein all Qualities. WINDOW SHADES ! Gilt Border and. Rolland Shades, and Shadings of Various Colors.. Lace and Muslin Curtains, Upholstery Goods and Furniture Coverings of Cot ton and Worsted ,Fabrics ifl New and Choice,PesigOs ant( PaAterns. • Towanda, Pa , March 28, 1878. 'BUSINESS LOCAL. • vir.Threm putonKid, Gloves in all -he new shades at '3llOl. NOUS'. tvr A gook' 'double Sleigh for tale cheap. nook : 6 at Fnowrg'Furoature store.; rr Bronze Lamps, with qrystai Mum- Inatur, only 90ct. ltnnc L L. 3 C roclf:ery Store. Iw. M . - Wm. A. cUAEnnutts has just 're turned [rein. New York -with gaols for the 11011, days. • ny - You can get nil the latest styles of Stationery, very neap, at WIIITCOUII h SHAMS • We will pay c,asll for Itenilock Lumber is the log, delivered at our will on (Jules St., J. 0. Inowt's SONS.. rir Remember always, that . we will sell you Lamps, Crockery and Glassware at the lowest prices, . MADILL'S Crockery store. IiMI Don't yOu forget it. We have an exrolent CRACKER•ArAARTART,9!!Y,BI totti7l . at COW- 1,E3• BAKERY, where you can buy the beat treah-baltoi crackers; rlrClam Chowder at SEv.r,EY's Oyster Itsy nelcbSaturday night. HH frtends are inrlited. As enAuLuy nrvor does things by halves,: you may antiripate, a good time. nr challenges-vompo tition for quality of goods and : low prices On.Ba.sp, Ddors, Blinds and 3foldlnl,s, and all building ma. toilal. - ' ' • canir3.t.f3 , Great reduction on rates to all pants Wen, R - orthwest and 'Sontherest. The cheapest tares , ever 'ottcred. Write or apply to G. It. Sherwood, T owanda, L. P. 13.1.1clet:oitice. MA BARGAIN FOit _SOME Goon, N- DrSTIOITS 3fArr. A gentleman having more busi ness roll& hands than he can attend to, 3011 sell a Stock of General Merchandise on terms to make it an object for some good man to Invest. No capital of any hecttipt required. Fur further particulars enquire at 11113 Mike. Feb. 25; U. Vir To TIIF - 1 Puro.w.—Tho, Steam Grid stlitshetintn, formerly owned by. F.S. A Y /CRS, *id he started under N F.IY idA.N'AGhISIENT ,and with increased facilities, on 1116. N DAT, Feb. 11, .1875. We invite all the old patrons or this pp. olar Mill to glro.fur a call. • We shall not object. to Analcitig new friend?, SATISF ACTION G U Alt ANT k.T.I). ti. W. IiODO NUN, A gent ,Sheshegnio, Feb. 7, 1878. ire' Moor :—To any ant all desiring a vOnse of U. 1.. 3toodrs Bcrtnons, Prayers and addreasea. as revised by his own hand, belt In print, Dolt large, tyPe plain, paper good. and contains over 800 pages. with . ';3 seimiits alitl 7h addresses, well bound. Price according to btnd%bg, •2,50, This Book Amuld be In every house, as '2(ongis and Sermons mate well. Apply to E. Burroughs of Alba, Pa.' . . CLOSING OUT SALE of Gold and Silver Watches, Chains, Fancy Jewelry, etc. The undersigned having purchased at Sheriff's Sale the entire stock of Watches, ChalnN Silver and Plated Ware, ante store formerly occupied by M. DELMAN, and not wishing to remain In the busi ness, has concluded to sett the entire Stock regard less at colt, In ostler to bind up the business. Call early and . secure bargains. M. J..soons. yr-PALI:B VECIATABLE SICILIA,/ HAIR RENEWER Is a scientific combination of some of the most powerful restorative agents In Abe vegeta ble kingdom. It restores gray hair to its original color: It makes the scalp white and clean. It cures dandruff and humors. and falling-out *f the hair, It furnishes the'nutritive principle by which the hair Is nantished and supported. it makes the hair - moist, soft and glossy, and Is unsurpassed as a hair-dressing. It is thei -Mold economical prepara tion ever offeredlo the public, as its effects remain a long time, making only an occasional application necessary. Is reeommendtid and used by ern* ent medical men, and officially riffles:lied by the State Assayer of Massachuset t. Tho poptilatity of tlal • Hair Ile:newer hasinunnised with the test of many years, both In this country and' In foreign lands, 36 , 11113 IroW knoein and used In - all the civilized countries of the world.- -Fon SALE BY ALL DEALICR6, ESE LAST OF LETTERS remaining in Post Office at Towanda. lingitorti Co., Pa. for the week ending Apr 10, PM:, • Rays, Chas Bowers, Miss Einrna tiolcontlt. R. C. - • - . Coleman. Mary C. Nester, Masy A. (2) Croak, Ella °Want, Rattle • Clancy, Ella= . Powell, Stephen P.'Dillard, James Ryder, Mrs 0. L. '(2) Dlckennan, 0. 31. • . '• Ackley, Mrs M. C. - roakreST.Actlt. . • _ . !fermiimer, Sum Co. • Verson%calling tar.,ex . sy of.the. ab we "Ill'plea.ie sky "AM! ffrtlsed," gfiripg date of list. • S. W. ALVORD, r. 31. ?owell-k Coe S7~ - ~=N" ....-- = 10( I) SEMI ci.,*.gxKl:s.! or - tiIANOS AND OROANS.—If.yOIt Wish to purchase a very -swprior PIANO or ORGAN, eqtml $n every excellencA to any made, at Manufac turer's:Wholesale Price; and thus save nearly one half of your money; do not fall, before purchasing,: to write for ratalogue.of description and prices, to Post Ogre Boa :1985, New Yor l / 3 ' :ilarelt.7, 1878. tf. : . t. E. P. KUNKEL'S BITTER WIRE OF Prox—ilas never berM known to fall in the cure of weakness. 'attended With" symptoms, indispOsiticm to exertion, loss Miner:wry; diflicultyOf breathing, general weakness, horror of disease. weak, nervous trembling, dreadful horror of death, night sweats, cold feet, weakness, 'dimness of visien, — Muguer, universal lassitude of the _muscular system. coot , :mous appetite, with dyspeptic system, hot Itarlds, flushing of the body. dryness of the skin, pallid, countenance and eruptions on the face, purifying, the blood, pain in the hack. heaviness of the lids, 'frequent black spots flying before the, eyek with temporary sugnsion and loot of. light, want of attenhlnn, Mc. These' symptoms alt arise from a weakness, and to remedy that, use E. F. Kun kel's Bitter Wine of lron. It never -fall. Thou= sands are now enjoying health who base used it. Get tne genuine. Sold only is of bottles. Take only E. F. Kunkel's. Head and all complete in two hours. No fee till , head pasaes., , Seat Pin 'mid Stomach 'Willits re moved bT l)r. Kunkel, ZVI North Ninth Street. Advice free. No fee until head and all passes in one, and alive. Dr. Kunkel is the only MICOPPSfiII physician in.thlsconntyy for the removal of Worms, and hl Wohit Syrup hi pleastint and safe for chil dren or grown persons. Semi for circular, or ask for a bottle of Kunkelis Worm Syrup. Price one dollar per" Witte. Get It of your druggist. It ;levee fails. E. F. Kunkel's Mistral and E. F. Knu kel's litkampoo for the Hair. , The best and cheapest Harr Dressing and Hair Cleaner In the world. They remove dandruff; allay Irritation. soothe and cool the heated scalp, prevent the halr from falling and promote the growth In a very short tune. They preserve and beautify the Hair, and render it soft and glossy. They part a brtlllancy. and a silky appearance to braid add wiry 'lair; And as a hair dressing they are vtni rivalled ; eradicate dandruff and prevent baldness. The , shampoo cleans the Hair, removes grease, scurf,itching, eruption. Cures headache produced by heat and fttedgoe. Kunkel's Shampoo and Ens. teal restore - Hair to a natural atittglessy color, re: store faded, dry, harsh and wiry hair. Price per I ottle. $l.. Ask your deng,gist for them, or send to Sankt', Proprietor, ' '?a11 North Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Feb.'74ms. MaiMME= ; EMI Ell SPECIAL LOCAL. Tape Worm Samoyed Alice. MARRIED. BOWM tto Parsonage, Mon roston, April nth, 1879, by , Bev. fishnet Arm strong, Mr. Prank Bowman and Atlas Rosa Tay for, both of Greenwood. ' ' EREN . EII—A LEX ANDER.— At Monroeton. on iho _d lust.. by the Bee. E Brennen. Mr. Sidney French of Troy, Va., and Misa Sifean Alexander, id Mdelliddan, • • ; -WOuSTER—MIDDAUGH.—At the Rome M. E. Parsonage, April Ist, 15;4, , R. Geo. I. Will lame, Mr . Franklin 11.'Wooster. of Athens, and. Miss Rollie' Middaugh, of Sluishequln,Ya. MUD'S ERL-BRinZ.—ln Monroeton. March 30; ,1578,, by Her F.. H. Craumer. August Bridner and Mies Hattie Bretz, all of Monroeton. DIED: WAKEFIELD,—In Pleasant Valley. March 27. la7B. after a severe Illness, Miss Mary, danghter of P. P. and Minerva Wakefield, In the 16th year of her age.: ' lief ant Wits peace. `• ROYLE..—April oth. 1879, at 464 Hart-st.„ - It "lc lyn, N. V... Mrs. M. A: Boyle, wife of Ch es Hoyle ; and aunt of S. F. ltoyle, of this place. NEW.. FIRM ! NEW GOOD'S MISSES SNEL.f. & FARNHAM - Take' pipastrre in Inviting their friends to call at their hew Store, • Cooks with otHeretir,Block, • And examine their stock of • -NEW MILLINERY GOOD'!. . Dress Making done. Ptices to suit the ilmes4 Straw Work and Bleaching a Specialty.. Towanda. Pa., Apyll 11, PIM WA tiL'S HEALTH APPARA.• Tot . 1. a comanell'Oyninfsinta; so con strtacted that it ` will straightest and limber 'the back, expand the chest, and strengthen every mutt de In the body in 0110 tenth the time and trouble of any other gymnastic amwratas now in use. All persons, large or small; ladies as well al gentlemen can practice-upon It, no matter how round should; erect they may be We guarantee that It will- ex pand the chest from 2 to S indies„and • make a per son from to 2inches taller In one monthsprictls lug b minutes 'daily. This apparatus has cured, and we guarantee It will cure the worst kind. of dyspepsia without medicine. The above Is enders ea by the most prominent physicians In the U. S. Send for Illustrated circular to . AMEBIC AN 11E ALTO AUPARATUS CO., 6117 BROAOW SIR YORK. New York CitylAptilt, • rcoGALski,-. I_La- Employed with If offiendelman ter the pasrfour years, begs leave to announce to his friends and. the puplic generally that he has removed to the Itoston 09-Cedt Store, one door south of the First National Bank,'and opened a - shop for the' repair of Watches... Clocks. Jewelry. /lc. All work war ranted to give entire satisfaction. (AprelS, • ;avg. lPrfil SALES.-- i y . virtue dry write iseuelLeatt.of the Coot of lessor Bridled Colinty, and to m s di- Will expose to public sale on ?MYR& ,2nd• day or MAY , lele, at the door of :Meth, at 1 *VON le. M., the following tprot2,4o Wit t , 3negok °Matelot land diode In LO boot north by Towanda Creek, east by lantana West ersd Salinas Morse, south the Barclay Land and Coal CO, ;Fen by 1 11010/mb and George Whipple; aeOti ..ns acree =thor less, about 70Raprored, with domed bane. 2 flamed fruit trees thereon. \: barns, and collard if . - Non, ALSO—One other lot dtmilis In Leroy top, \bonded north and east •by lands of the Barclay Lind and Coal Co, south by lands of KB Holcomb, wet by lands of the Barclay Land and . Coat Co; eonthlan 23 acres mow or lase, no tmprooradits: \ Setae Mid taken Into execution at the milt of 1,1 K Mott O.F Mott. • ' '. 'No L LSO—One O th er lothitatata In Len, twp, bounded orth by Wets of -W If Wilcox. east .by lands of L alley Stone, south by Towanda Creek, west by Janda of Mrs D II Illantl; contains 13X, acres more orlon; all Improved, no buildings. .. No S. ALIMM•Oe e other Itheftuate in Leroy twp, bounded north 'hi lands Of Menton McClelland east by lands of J \Bailey and W B Wilcox, and 11 . 111110eghted, south y t he Tomanda Creek , west b lards or Anthony D contains 73 acres more Or Ines , lnes , shout 67.1 m W,, g; with 1 framed house, 2 framed barns, I Tram \ granary and orchard of fn lt trees thereon. Seised and ;then Into execu tion at the snit of 0 F. Bullock vs IF II Hoagland. No I. ALSO—One other 10 sittate In Towanda bore', bonded and describedim follows,: Beginning at a mot oa the corner of Center-d and First-are; I n thence by Firstene, nor th 70 0 t 100 ft to a post; thence by tot sold to Loveland, th 20° east 75ft to a post con thence oy vacant south 70° west -100 ft to Centorave; thence by Centerove, north 20° west 75f to the place of beginnhoeceetales 7,100 sq ftbeinglfe A of Block No 7 In Sayre A C,ces addition to Towanda. ,Seised and taken intoexecution - at the snit of the Towanda Bunging and Saving\ Fund As sociation of Towanda bore" vs In E Steve No a. ALSO—Ono other lot situate in North To- Wanda twp, bounded and described as follow/q Be ginning at the southwest tor of Richard Mord s son lot; thence northrly along said Morrison's, west line ta pers mo,e dr less to J F Blackman's lands; thence westerly 6 pen to scot; thence southerly o n a line parallel with said Morrison, west line 26 pets more or less to the public highway; thence easterly 6 pen to the place of beginning; contains 1 acre more or leo. all Improve', with 1 framed 'Souse and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken lute execution at the suit of James _Foster vs Norman H Chapman. - No 7. ALSO—One other lot situate In' Albany twp, bounded north by lands of it H Illesards, east • by lands of David Want:on:ma Calvin Underwood, south and west by lands of Thomas Waltman: con tains 25 acres and 155 pets more or hiss. about 15 Improved. with I framed barn and afew fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken Into execution .at . the suit ot R H Richard's vs Michael Kelley. • Noe . ALSO—One other lot situate In Litchfield , twp, bounded north by land of the party of the first! part, and Sarah St Campbell, east by land of John Fetter and - Chauncey Wheaton south by lands of Johnson Rogers, west by lands of Wm Tuttle; con tales 100 acres more or less, about 30 improved, with 1 board house. I board barn and few fruit tratht thereon. Seized andlaken Into eieention at the snit of Margaret Eighmers use vs Jacob Camp bell and Elizabeth Campbell. --No 9.• ALSO—One- other lot situate In Athens twp, bounded north• by Railroad-et, east by Win Milispaugh's lot.-south by Bradford-sr, west by lands of Mrs Dennis McCarty; feet front and feet deep, with a two-story framed dwelling house and aMW fruit trees thereon. Seized awl taken Into execution atthe suit of the First Na , Dons! Bank - of Wirerly, NY vs Dennis McCarty. No to. ALSO—One other-tot situate in Burling ' ton, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a pest and stones the southeast cor of Isaac I) Soper's lot: thence south 56,4* west 41 pen to a post and atones; thence-south 9,ii o wed 276 pen to a (or In the road on north side of Wallace Creek ; thence north $3S° west 13 pars to a post and stones; • thence north 65° west 3 pets ton post and MOWS: thence north 70 0 west 9 pen and 5 links to the point of rock; thence earth 64 0 west 20 pen to a post and stones the northeast cor of Isaac D Soper's lot; thence south 9° east 312 pen to the place of begin ! 'sling; contains 71 scree more or less..about 65 im roved, with 1 new framed house,l old fumed p house, 2 framed barns, with shediatached. I fram ed granary, I framed hog pen and orchard - of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the Butt of laibella ILFrance vs Deldamla Knapp and Charles Knapp. No 11, ALSO--One other lot situate felted-Bur lington tarp bounded north by •Sugar Creek, ' east by lauds - of Oorton Swain, south by the public high way, west by lands - of John Ballard; contains 1,!.i acres more or lesseall Improved, with 1 water saw mill, and all mill fixtures and machinery belonging thereto, togther with said defendints rights to the dam across said Sugar Creek, and the right to flow the waters of said creek for the use of said mill.. No 12. - ALSO—One other lot situate In West Bludinton twp, bounded north by the public high way, east and south by lands of Gorton Swain, west by lands of John Ballard; contains ,( of an acre more or less, ail improved, with -t framed 'house, other outbuildings, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Job Morley's use vs Wei Ballard and Mallard Williams,' T T. . No 13. ALSO—One. other lot situate In Leroy Grp, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a roe now or formerly of Charles Drake, Ina line of Harvey Holcomb's ; thence along said Drake's and hind now or formerly - E.' P WooSter. 63S ° west 205 pees to a cor of land- not or formerly .of Jesse Warberton; thence along said Warberton, south 1 0 west 106,4 pen; thence south 6AS O east 205 pen to southwest cor of the Harvey Holeom lot: thence along said Holcomb lot north 1 0 cost 110 pers to the place of beginning; contains 136 .aeres and 111 pera more or less, about LS improved, with' I framed house. 1 framed barn, other outbuildings, and. few trait trees thereon. Seised and taken into execution at the suit of A liNsading's use vs Adel- - bert 11 Taber. - No 14. ALSO—One Ober lot situate In Albany twp, bounded and described as foilons t Beginning at a black birch tree standing on' a hidge of rocks near the south cor of land - of Augustus Sierigere; thence along said ledge of rocks the tour following - course's and distances, via: South 12.0 east 20 pen to a - hemlock, soutkat° east 6 perslo 'a hemlock, south 81,M* 0 cast tom pees to a hemlock, south 55S° east 12 pets to a hemlock, south 23 0 east 30. pers to a post and stones; thence south 2936 0 , west 65 peril to a coo; thence west n 3 pers to a cor ithebee -north 29S° east 157 pets to the place of beginning; con. bins 45 acres and 97 pers more or less. Beinrpart of a large tract of land conveyed to Lowell L' How ell by Russell Miller and Margaret, his wife, by deed elated Dee 26, 1865, and recorded in deed book .N 076 on page 196, - etc.; no improvements. Seized and taken Into execution at the stilt of` W A Rock well vs Robert .Mcffitosh. No 15. ALSO—One other lot situate In Burling tOn twp, bounded north by land,' Charlotte Norris, east by the Bernicattirupike and landitof Mrs - Ann Carman, south by lands of John Spencer and the public highway, west by lands of Horace. Brown Abel Schick; contains.l34l acres more or less, about 100 improved, with 1 framed bongs. 2 framed barns, with sheds attached, other outtouhdings, and or charch of fruit trees thereon. , No SCALSO—One other lot situate in Burling ton tent. bounded north by lands of James W Nich ols. east liy lands of Jas W Nichols and Washing ton Dibble, on the south by the Bernick turnpike, west by lands of A J Blakeslee; contains 50- acres more or learlabout 401n1p1WV1301,1fitti I,framed house. 1 framed barny with sheds attached, and other out buildings and orchard of fruit trees thereon... No 17. A I.Bo—One other lot situate in Burling . ton twp, bounded north by lands' of H and Weed, east by lands of George SIMMS, south and westliy lands of dames W Nichols; contains 50 acres more or less; no Improvements. . . No IS. ALSO—One otherolot situate In Towanda bore', bounded and described as follows: Beginiog ' at the southeast cor of lot owned by John Laggau, situate on the west side of Bridge-at extension, ex tending along Leggett's south line lioft to decor; thence southerly along lands of 1.1 flrtnitheand W Patton 40ft to a cor; thence naterlyalong'said Grif fiths' lot 150 ft to a cor on Bridge st aforesaid thence along said Bridge at 40 ft to the place Of be ginning, with I framed house thereon. No 19. ALSO—One other lot situateln Towanda boro', bounded and described as follows: Begin ning of Houston st at the northwest cor of lot :told to Lucinda Carter; thence along the south babe of Houston-at, westerly 70 5-10 ft to the line of other lot of Emeline Houston; thence along . the line of said lot southerly to a cor on the north side of an alley of M C alereur; thence along said line easter ly about 90 ft to a cor of Chas McKinney ; Glenn, northward!" along the line of Charles McKinney Chas Dutebea, and Lucinda Carter to the place of beginning, with 2 framed house( 1 framed barn and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken Into execution at the suit of CI I Tabor's use is C F Nichols. No 20. ALSO -- --Que other lot situate in •Atheas top, bounded north by lands of C 11 Wheelock„ east by Centre-st, south by lands - of Senhimin Bub-- nell, west by Keystone are: contains 127 pers more or fins, all improved, with few trait trees thereon. Being lot No 5 in John A Woodworth's subdivision of Keystone-ave in Athens twp. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of John Shackelton's use vs Geroge W Miller. . _ No 21..AL50--One other lotaltuate in Tineamra trap, bounded and described an follows: ft ginning at a white ash cor, being the southwest cur of a tract in warrant name of Paul Lowery; thence along the western boundary of said warrant, north Pa° west 50 rods to a post ; thence east - along the north ling of land formerly of S W - Rodgers, 70 reds more or less to the center of public nod; thence along the center of said . road southward y• - 61 5-10 rods to a cbr in center of said rind; thence west 62 rods to the place of beghtulog:colitains22S acres more or few, about 12 Improved, with 1 fram ed loose. 1 shanty and orchard of fruit trees there on. Seized and taken into elocution at the suit of the 'Aetna! Sulidinrand Saving Fund Association of the Borough of-Towanda vs C. 1) Parsons and M 31 Parsons. ... ,No 22. ALSO—One other lot situate in South Creek twp, hounded north by lands of 0 . F Ver nier, east by lands of Raid Vendor and V C Leon ard, south by lands of V-C Leonard, west by lands of V C Leonard; contains 50 acres more or less. on improvememets. Seized and taken into execution at the molt of N 51 Pomeroy's use vs D F Dunning.- ' No 23. ALSO—One other Ist situate In Warren twp, bounded and.de cribed as follows: Beginning in the road the southwest ern of Wm Bradford's farm, now Shelton's; thence south 811 0 east along the road to the northwest cor of Dennis Madder'slot, thence by last named lot southwardto lineOf Hastings lot; thence by the same south A7S: O . ve4st about 50 pers to a stake and stones; thence south 2).s° east 24 pent to a stake and stones on the line t Lenin's land: thence by said Lucau's south 4 0 ainikboutilti pen; thence north "a° east 117 .pe sm by land of Clark Russell to time line of Nathan iel Bullock's lot; thence by the same north SS. east 39 pr to to the line of the aternald .IVni .Bradford farm; h t e ,l nee by the same south 23° east 39 pers to the plac of begineing; contains 52 acres more or less, abut t,42 impfioreil, with 1 frothed biome, I framed bans, and orchard of fruit trees there-qt. Seized and taken into execution at time suit of Wet 11 Russell vs 'lames Kinney. ' - 1 No 24. ALSO—, One other kit situate Canton twp, bounded north by lauds of Reuben Loomis and Ez ra Williams, on th e east by lands Of Victor Rock- ' well. south by intent Henry Mattson. west by„ the public highway: contains 50 acres mere or lees, about 45 improved. with 1 framed house, 1 framed barn, 1 framed granary' 1 hog pen. and orchard of fruit trees thereon. Sel and taken. into execus Hon at the enit of tel Po er vs E T Suffern. No 25. ALSO-One othe lot situate in Terry top, bounded north by the p blle.highway,'east by ~ ,,,,,cl\i, lands of Widow Williams, sou by landsot Widow Williams, west by the public h buoy; canton's I acre more or less, with framed holm.. 1 hog pen, and few fruit tre thereon.- Selz kelzi serf taken Into execution at the an of 11. S' litc-* Kean, Adm'r vs Seymour Saloon. - Bur li ngton twp, ALSO—One other lot situate- I Burlington twp, bounded north by loads of Chario to Norris, east by the Berwick turnpike and lan of kirs Ann Carman, south by lands of John Spe ;and the public highway, west by lards of orate kas Brown and Abel Selllcig contains 130 acres re or leas, about 100 improved, with i framed h se, 1 2 framed barns , with sheds attached, other I- I buildings and orchard of fruit trees thereon: No. '27. ALSO—Ouei other lot situate in Burling ton twp, bounded-north by lands of James W Nich ols, east by lands of James W Nichols slid Wash.; legion. Dibble, south by the Bernick turnpike, west by lands of A J Blakeslee ; contains 50 acres, nlOlO Or 4099,_ about 40 improved. with I framed house, I framed barn, with sheds- attached,. other outbuildings and orchard of milt trees thereon. N 0.28. a LSSI—Ono other lot situate In Burling ton tem, bounded north by lands or 11 Weed, east by bads of George Simons, south and Inst. by lands of Jiffies W Nichols; contains 50 acres-mom or lest, no Improvements. No, 29. ALSO—One otherlot situate la Towserda bone, boundedand described as Salons : Beginning at the southeast cot of lot owned byJnoLaggzrnsits Saga nate on the west side of Bridge-at extension, and extending along Leggett's south, line IlOft to a cor; thence southerly ;kilt !auditor Griffiths and W Patton 4Oft toe cot: thence easterly* along said Orllliths lot 150 ft toe cos on Bridge-it aforesaid ; thence along said Drldge.ot 40 ft to the-place of be ginning, with 1 framed house thereon. No 30. AL}3lone other lot situate Ia Towanda Loco', bounded and deseribed as follow's:. Begin ning at llouston-st at the northwest tor of lot sold to Lucinda Carter; theist* along the south line- of Itouston-stwesterly 70 5-10 ft to tho line of other lot of Etneline Houston; thence along the line of said lot southerly to a eor on the north side of an alley Of M C,Mercur; thence along said line easter ly about Oft to a cur of CharlesMcKinney*, thence northsrardlyalong the line of Charles -McKinney, Charles Dutcher, and Lucinda Carter to the place of beginning, with 2 framed houses , I framed barn and few fruit totes thereon. • • Noll. ALSODefentlant's Interest In one other lot situate in Towanda boro', bounded north by Houston-at, east .by lands of , C, F Nichols, south lry an alley, wed by nds of Mrs Houston or C Nichols; being . about 50ft front on Ifonston-tt and 22aft deep wing a two-story framed house thereon. No 33. ALSO—The Defendant's interest In one other lot situate In Towanda bore, bounded north by Houston-at, eaatby lands of C V Nichols, south by an alley, west by lands of J II Cbaapel ; being about raft front on said Houstotr et, and =lt deep with I framed barn thereon. Seized and taken In to execution at the suit of the Mutual Building and Saving Fund Association 6t the Borough of Towan da vs C Nichols.. No Ea. ALSO—One other lot situate In Wyalus. hig and Tuscarora twps, bounded North by lands of Clark Brown, Josiah Nurse estate...A-Wheeler and others, east by lands of S nought, J W Hullenback* and others, south by lands of J W Hollenback, Gee C AtWood and others, west by lands of Philemon Stone, heirs of Chas Ingham, L M Hewitt and oth ers:coataltis-175 acres more or less, no improve ments. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of J Spalding. adm•r, vs II It Ingbam. No at. ALSO:—One other lot situate In Terry kits bounded north - by lands of Widow Gillette an Erastus Shepherd, east by lands of the 31athew Wells tract, south by lands of Darwin Jones, West by binds of J P Horton, and John Turner, cohtains .200 acres more or less, about 100 Improved, with I framed house. 2 framed barns, Lhorsetallis and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken, Into execution at the cult of Barton Allen -vs L A Jones. 4o 7eS. ALSO--(one other lot Minato In Armenia , boundednortli by lands of John Lyon , easg by de of C 1' Lyen, south by lands of Job W Kinch, we by lands of L-P 'Williams; coutains 27 acres morel:sr less. atout 10 Improved. no Imililings. Selz ed an • taken Into execution. at the suit of 'J E Cleareland's use vs Win 31eIntosh. No .38 \ALSO -=-One other lot situate In Monroe twp, bounded north by lands of George Edsail, east by the Bersalek turnpike.,South by lands of Jerre Blackman and Mrs Gard, west by the south branch of the Tewanda Creek; contains 8 acres more or less, alt improved, with 3 framed houses, 1 framed barn. 1 blacksmith shop, 1 wagmi and- paint shop. and few trait treeethetcon. Seized and taken into execution at the su tof I. M Bowman vs Franklin Sweet and D It Blackman, Secretary. No 37. ALSO—One ether lot situate In Herrick twp, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at • poet on the northeastseor of a lot thisday deed ed to Edward Clark; Owns's. south 88° east 53 4-10 pen to a post; therm south ' OO west 119 3-10 pens to a post; thence , north 88 0 west 50 5.10' pest to the east cos. of safd.Clark lot: thence north*3c o 11 7-10 pare to a beach, being another cor of. said -Clark's lot: thence north 63° east Se sews to a post: thence north 179 west. 85S peril to a birch; - thence south 67? west 12pers to a birch; thence north - 28 0 west 32 pees to a post; thece north 31° .eest 1 0 !i. pets toe post; thence north 32° east 10!y-'pens lb a post; thence north 1 . 3 ts o west 0 pers to . a post the place of beginning: contains 24 acres - and 104 pars more or less, about 8 unproved, with 1 framed barn and part of 1 framed house, and - orchard of fruit trees thereon. •- . . No 38. ALSne other lot situate In- Herrick twp, boended est by lands lately Wised A E Du pont, south:by ands - belonging to the heirs of John Lackey, deeea ed, east by lands of Wm. Nesbit. north \ by lands lately owned by Stewart Harris and A E Mopont; contains about It acres more. or less.. about 8 Improved. with part of a framed house 1 hog pen. I - hen house, and few fruit thereon. Seized and taken info execution asthe suit of Jno Serackhainer vs Philip Swackhammer. - • - ' No 39. A o—One other let situate In - Granville twp. bound north by lands of 'Benj. Baldwin anA 0 k il Baxter,eas lamb of John Vroman,south by lands of E Bailey aedthe• public highway, west by lands' of Inman Taylor; contains about 3 acres ,more or less, all improved ; with. I framed hotise thereon. Seised and taken Into execution at the suit of Ed ward Swain's use vs-Edward Vroinatt alai Daniel Perry. . No 40. ALSO-4)ne other lot, sltuato in. Canton bons'. bounded north and eastby lands of W illiant Crooks, south by lands or Wm Black, west by ,Sul livan-st; being 26ft front and 40ft deep; with l_two. story trained building used for an eating saloon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of John Hunter, or his Wife. vs L Z Melitman and 31 Levi'. Ne.. 41. ALSO—One.other lot situate in Tuscarora twp, bounded north by lands of Henry and Loren.' 'to -Ackley, east by lands of Widow Lewis, smith by lands of Ellen Slyer, west by lands of Aden Lyon and Stanley Ackley .1 contains 70 acres more or Woo. about 60 impixwed with - 1 framed house, 2 framed' houses and sheds attached, and orchard of .fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of it E Leafs vs J .1 Lewis. Also' at the suit-of A J Lyon vs some. ' • No 42. Al.soL-One oilier lot situate in Marren twpibounded north by lands of-Clark Bowen, east by t he public highway, south and west .by lands of Chauncey Arnold: contains I acre more or Ittss, all Improved, With 1 framed house molt fruited barn thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the I suit of (3 N Bowen vs 0 It Pitcher.. No 43. ALSO--One other lot situate In West Bur lington twp,lemacted n . erth by Sugar Creek and the public highway, south by lands'of Isaac Swain ' and John Ballard, west Isy lands of John Ballard. east-by lauds of lbetae Swain (now Win Ballard). Being the same piece of land deeded by John Was lard sod wife to-Ann Beach by deed dated Feb 25. 1870. and recorded-in deed book No 103 , page' 434, etc; contains 3 3 3 acres more or less, excepting aed :reserving-therefrom the mill Int neorth of the onto: He highway, deeded to Wm Ballard ses long - as he Shall desire to nianufacture lumber thereon, with 1 trained house and 1 saw mill thereon, and also a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken Into ex:' eeution at the snit of H S McKean, ashit'is vs An thony Beach and Anti P Beach. - - - No 44. ALSO—One other lot situate In Athens twp,' bounded north by lands in possession of ti S Farnsworth, east' by lands of the Pa Zs N • li Canal A It R. CO, 'south Igstinde of It S'Esimitister, we'd by the public highway leading from Milani() Ath ens; contains Sy of an acre more or less, all improv ed., with 1 plank house, 1 framed basin, and - few trees thereon. Seized' acid taken into -execution at the suit of (4 B Sumner vs - Ephraim Lewis. No 45. ALSO—One other lot situate :In 'Wilmot twp, bounded north by landsyf Riebarsi Ely, east by labile of H-44 Ream, south and west by the pub lic highway; contains iS an acre more or less, all - Improved, with tframed house, I board - shanty, and few fruit tire, thereon. - No 46. ALSO—One other lot :innate' In Terry twp. bounded. north by lands of Wheeler, east end-south by lands of Mil and G ii Wells, west by lands of Israel Vaninvanlee; contains 57 acres more or less, sio improvements, with I Leant' shanty' thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the salt of D F Wells vs Wei II White. No 47. ALSO—One other lot situate In Ridgbury top, bounded and described as follows: 11cent:sing at a stake and stones on the public road leading from Centerville to John Larrison's residence, and on the south line of Jim Smith's farm; thence east erly along said Jim Smith's south line to Joins Lar risou's land 176 rods; thence south 3 0 west along said Larrison lands ISII rode to the center of the creeks thence north - -67° west along the center of -said creek, 5/ h reds: thence north 30 0 west along said-creek 9 Ist thence north along said creek 32 rods; thence north 5.1.. 0 wesCalong said creek 23 rods: thence north 71 1 ilawest 26 lists, thence Misfit 8 0 west 21 Ms; thence liorthrS 3 west Its ids to place of beginning: contains Sitssi acres more or - less, about 65 improved,-with 1 plank house,.i framed barn, I old log barn, other outbuildings,' and orehard of fruit tress thereon. Reserving 'the:4l4l'd of wax. across said prensises to get the timber of 13 acres-o f land belonging to Burt on the south site or 'said creek: also the right of way in the Mien convenient point to got It C Lockwood's thither across said premises, said Busher situate on the south of said creek. ' No 48. ALSO—One-other lot situate In Ilidgbery twp, boasted and cleSstilbed as follows: Beginning at a white oak tree, It being the southeast cur of land formerly the estate At .Dati Dickerson: thenic. west on the line of pals' lands to the southwest eon thence south along the line 01 lot No's te a post and' stones standing in the ine of list •Nri S, anti thence ), -north to the place of I ginning; essetales 45 acres more or less. - Seized ael taken Into exvention sit the cult of It C Locktrtied's use vs Theodore Lard son. _ . No 48. Al,Bo—fine other lot situate In Wan - en twp, bounded and 'described as follows: Beginning at the northwest cor of the Liteank tract• thence nearly south along the line of the Lucans tract Jas pen': thence by lands of Aaron Vandyke. se :Mr. or now owned by David Bowers. north 601° west 50 pen, and north 1.4° east 2.3%. pers, and north 29' west 80 3-13 pers. and north 85 0 , west 30 7.10 pore: thence by lands of S A Wheeler north 88 0 east 24 I;ers; and north 40° east 67 6-10 tiers to the u-ti Mec ca cross-road: thence along said Macro:is-road south 270e:nt 62 pen, and south 8° east 2.5 4-10 pets, anti stn 4 0 east Is pr.rs to the place of beginning: con tains SO acres Inure or less, about 40 Improved, with framed house, .1 framed - barn, and orchard Of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execu tion at the suit of Aaron Van Uykc, Jr vs Thomas Duniavy. No 50. ALSO—One otter lot situate in AtlienS twp, bounded north by lands of .Ilion'Bensley. east b 3 ---street. south-by lands of fivory;Wheeloek and Mr 3 Amy, west by limn ofJoltit Watkins; con tains about 4 acres more or less, all Improved. wlth 1 small plank house; and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the_ suit of John Bentiley vs Win Monroe. . No M. :ALSO—One other lot situate in Herrick twp, bounded north by th 6 school house lot, east by lands of NV 'A Wetinore, south by lands at W A- Wetmore, west by the toddle highway. count:is of an acre more or less, all improved, with 1 fram ed house and fes4 fruit trees •thereon. Setted and taken into execution at the stilt of'W. A Wetmore . C.S Walker. - • No 52. ALSO-One other lot situate in Athens top, holintled north by lands of Elmer & l'o, east by Lehigh-st,•south by a vacant lot, west' by lands , of Elmer & Co, being Soft front on said Lehigh-sr. I and extending westward from sid street the same width 150 ft, all Improved. wit two-story framed dwelling horse, 1 small cut-house, and -few fruit thereon.. Seized and - taken into execution , at, the sultiof Flt Warner &Co vs L Swattwoetl: NO 53. A1.130---Otie other lot situate In Allietts bone. befog lot No 104 in a plot and coney made by Orson 'Rickey for Hon Edward-Herrick; being 2-10 feet on Elmira-st, Soft on Bridge et, and 74 3-10 fret-ott the line of James:Bristol. with 1 black smith-shop thereon. • 160 . 54. ALSO—One other lapilli:tie Athensbonc, bounded north by, North-st, cast by lands of Pat or .Moses Foley, south by Chest ittit-si, west by lani4, of 11 earner:contains about 7, of an acre-inure Kmi, all improved. with 1 little old house. and ft. 4: fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into .execii ' lion at the suit of the Bradford Balking anil,t.o.in Association of Athens township vs . John towers, Pat Powers and Michael Powers. No 55. ALSO—line ether lot situate In/ Warren twp, bounded and described as follows tilleginning at a post and atones on'the east side of the high way. (sald highway leading from piittenlllw by Werklzer's mill), at the northeast cot' of NM: tan-. nen lot of S 31-Beecher; thence a rth 54° east by said tannery lot 13 ..pers te a ake and stones: thence north 11%. 0 west by-lab of said. grantors 7 640 pers toa stake and stone : thence smith west 6 3-10 fern thence suet( it Itio east 0,5-10 pers; .thence south Kt° west r,-10 / to the east siteof the first mentioned high 'ay; thence sunlit , t e along the east side of the ighway 1411 to the place of begluoing: contains 52 pers, 11n the same Mori or less. all Improved, tylth an old framed building thereon. Seized and/aken into execution at the suit of.f F Wheatoerr vs Burke & Wheaton. .. and J F Wheaton . c'y. • ~.1740 56. ALS ne other lot. situate lit Canton Sore', bounded "laid described as follows:. Begin niug at the southwest cur of the grist mill lot In :the center kit the tall Brook read; thence north 2 0 weal a 240 pers to a hickory tree, (south side of 1 race) thence north 89. , a° west 14 1.10 pets to a t; tbeictitiorth 59° west si 2-10 pers. to a post; tit nee fi tiorth 86 0- west lit 240 pore to an iron wood tree;enre sonthllo west 4 4-10.pers to a yellow Limp, cot of grist tirtlllot onthenerth bank of creek; thence by the north bank of said meek, its several coirses and distances eastward about 33 pets to the cEntre of the Fill Brook road,' where the same ictessea the creek; thence north 83° east by the cen , Ire of sald road 5 5.10 pinto the place of beginning; contains IS acres more Or less, all Improved, with a steam saw mill, with engine, boiler and attach ments belonging to same thereon, No 67. ALSO—One other lot situate, in. Canton = ~,- t , '•,, Wit '' two', bounded and described foUniart: Begin sling IS feet north. at the goeltwell Creek Week hedge Meets* of -Troyntind 11%11 - 11nser fends thence by the centre of said gall Brent raid:south • 83° wen 10 &WOO pers; One north' , 2 0 . wen # 2-10 pees to a hickory south side ninth race; thence north westlt 1.10 pen to post and.. stones; thence north SP west 9 2-10 pars ton rani thence north no west SO 2.10 pen to an iron - wood tree. , thence south 81 0 ' west 4 440 pent to a yellow Ding tree east of the dam (made to coulees the water the grist mill):thence south 2° east pen to the ' centre of the:viral! Brook roads Unfree by centre of same north 70.4° west 11% pen to the east side. of - ' the turning shop dam; thence across the creek to the north bank of creek north 24 0 eastabeerth pers; • theuce along the north bank of creek and the swath tine of the before mentioned turning sii; l to about 11 840 Prs eto the southeast cos of said . lot to • a point about a feet ninth of the gate In rats that conducts the water to the grid milli thence north by the east line of the turning shop lot to the south line of Lands of Pion; formerly belonging z, to E R. Colwell; thence by the south line of same to thi s centre of the Armenia maintain road; thence easterly along the centre of said toad to the center of Tropst; thence southerly' along the center of to the place of beginning; containsliti acres lean, sli Improved , with a. framed hone •• Hitched 1 framed steam grist milt, """P77:! glue, boiler, and all the attachments beton the same thereon. Belted and taken Into execution at the suit of Pomeroy Brothers vs C H Veil. ' No 48. ALSO—One other lot sinatelnBmlthfleld twp, bounded north by lands fortnerly owned by Chrlitlan 0 Ilene and lauds of Thomas Murphy, east and south by lauds' of liezehish Huntington; wtstby lands formerly of V 8 Vincent. now ityln. nuiVanbasklrk, and supposed to contain 100 acres '- more or less,' mostly Improved, with 2 teamed houses. 1 framed barn, I framed horse barn. 1 old ' Mei mill, Pcorn 'house, and other outbuildings, and orchard' of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken Into execution at the nit of Overton k bree and Hiram, Elsbree vs Jas Fine. , - No 59. ALSO—On Other lot situate Ito Towanda bolo', bounded north by an alley, east by lands of r L 31(x)dy's estate, south by Chestnut-st. west by lands of James Nevins; being about 76 feet fetes • . 'and 200 feet deep, with 1 framed house, 1 • framed tare, other outhouses; and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken Into execution at the suit of L B Rodgers & Co vs L C Nelson: No 50. ALSO—One other lot situate on , Cruitiitt twp, bounded noath by lands of Frederick Kerrlck and John Crandall, east by lands of George Mat- . son, south by lands of David Berate, west by lands of Merrick Crandall, and .f.ddlsou Beals; contains .200:acres more or less, about 100 Improved, with trained house, I framed barn, and orchard of fruit trees thezeon. • Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Mrs .1 N Bullock vs John X Allyn. • No 61.. ALSO—One other lot situate In Towanda born', bbunded noratby lauds of J P Kirby, east' by lands of Martin Bennis, south by Lombard 44 west by lands of the estate of Catherine Cummings, deceased; being about 76 feet front on said Lem. bard-et, and about 175 feet deep, MI improved, with old framed house, and few fruit tree* thereon. Welted and taken into execution at the omit of Wm M Mallory vs Douglass Wilson. • N 0.62. ALSO—One other lot sitnate in Pike twp. bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a stake and stones the northeast cor of J Haugh's - lot; thence north 2S.° west by land of 4 Beecher - it :4 6 per. to a stake and stones ; thence north cast ipy lands of said Beecher 130 goers to a stake and stone: thence south 69° West by lands of the above grantors 120 pers to a stake and stones; thence south ;a° west, by lands of II Manchester 11 0.10 pets to a stake and stones; „thence south 13* west by lands of V Pease, 171 pers to a stake and stones; thence north 66 0 'east by lands of A Conk -lln and.) Ifaugh 93. pen to tat place of beginning; coot sins 110 acres and 80 pers. be the same more or less e aboilt SO Improved, with . 1 framed house. 1 framed barn, 1 framed horse barn, 1 granary and orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized -and taken Into exece_ilon at the suit of Frsneis E Cowles. vs Johnathan 111mon. Also at the suit of Cyrus Cook versarae. 63. ALSO—One other lot situate in Towanda Moro,' bounded north by lands tit AmmiPennypack er, east by Second.st, south by lands of the Presbys terlan Parsonage, west by an alley; being 40ft frank on said Seeond-st„ and 160 feet deep, with 1 framed, house. 1 framed barn, and few fruit trees thereon" Seized and taken into exacatlon at the snit of E7' Fox's uBe va d S Allyn. 'Also at the suit of C 8 Fox'S use vs-samts. ANDREW-J. Lin-row. Sheriff. Sheliff's thrice, Towanda, ra.,jAprlllollB7B. RPHANS' COURT SALE.-By O virtue of an order issued ottkof thivOrphans , -Court of Bradford Cointy, the undersigned, Guar. dian of Mary Bowman and Effy I,lowman, minor children of J, M. Bowman, late of Asylum twp., decd, will expose to public sale on the premises, ntl SATUTtI4 AY APRIL V. 1878, at 2 o'clock, I'.. SI., the following 'described real estate, situate in said town4bip of Asylum : Beginning by line of an old white oak, corner of Wtn. Morrlsoncs tract ; thence [east 60 perches to a'. stone heap; thence south 100 perches to a yellow ,pine, said-to be cornet-ef Wm. pates' tract; thence west 40 perches to a stone heap; thence south 15 0 east 47 perches to a stone heap.'thence south 77 0 and 10' west-81 2-10 perches to a stone heap: and Thence north' 17. and 10' east 161 perches to the place. of beginning. Contains. GS acres and 134 pet ches, lucre or less. , A I,SO—One' other tract, situate in Mid)croruship, bounded as follows: Beginning at . a poet On the line I,etWeen .T. P. Ellis and J. R. Belong: - running 60 rods along the line between sajd belong ~and the first-deScrlbed land 40° west to a post; thence south Sir east 36 6-10 perches to a pest on the Jine between said belong and said first-described land ; thence south 21 0 west 656-10 perches to the place of beglnnhig . : Cbutailis 6 acres hnd 100 perches of 16 , 4. more or less. Terms cash upon property being struck down. ay.itusitA WILLIAMS, Guardian Asylum, Aprit4, 187. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.-By xirtueof an althalsrder issued , out of the Or phans' Court of Bradford County, Pa., the under, signed, - Executors of the last will and testament of Curtis Tyrrell. deceased, late of Pike twp., Inesid; county of Bra ord. Will expose to public sale upon ' on TH 7.4 tH the proURSDAY, April 18, 1872 at 2 o'clock P. .. all or that certain lot of land situate In the township of Pike, In the county of Bradford and State of Pennsylvania, and bounded as follows, to wit: On the east by the county line, west by lands of Dimon Bostwick, and heirs of Salmon Bostwick, deceased: on the north by lands of John Move, formerly lands oVesse MancOck„ deceased; and south by lands of Titus Waterman. Containing 50 acres of -.land, more or less: saving, excepting and . re.serving from the above described lot or pateel of land. all that portion of the same lytng on the east side of the Fowler's Mill rood, bounded and described' as follows, to wit; On the north by the estate of Jesse Hancock. deceased; on the.east by rho county, line; south, by [ands of Caroline. Waterman, and west by Fowler' Rill road, sup. posed to containitdrty-flue acres of land. • TERMS OF SALE.,-t2OO tale paid on the day of sale, .1300 on the final, confirmation of the Sale, and the balence in one yea[ after dual cmiflrtna non, with interest. Plk.., March 26, 1976 POMMITTEE,'S - SALE.— In the mattC - r of the lull 'of Jeremiah Hinson: In the Court of COMMO Pleas of Bradford Conn ty, No. 920, Sept. T., 1 877. By virtue of an order Issued out of the Court of Common Picas of Bradford. County. the under signed, Committee, itc., of Jeremiah Henson, the lunatic., will exmo to public sale, on the premises .to Albany fwp., on FRIDAY; APHIL,2O, 1875, at • o'clock, I'. M., said. lunatic's undivided one-half interest in the following described real estate: Be -ginning at a corner belonging to Wells Wilcox and A Beverly 'thenM , - north 20° east along the line betweene,:.lieverly and Wells Wilcox 73 perches -10. a stone hemp (of a corner; thence north. 61° mist Is perches to a corner ; thence north 29° east along line - of land belonging to H. Wilcox 73 perches' to a stone heap for a corner ; . thence north el° east 'Oka' perches.to a state corner thence south 29 0 west 143 porches to a .post for a eorner.along the line of laud belonging to A. Quimby thence south , 61° east Wei perches. to the place of beginning. Con tains 50 acres of land, more or less; TERMS.-450 on the property being struck down 00 on - confirmation, and the -balance in one,and two years, eitlt interest from date or sale, and . be secured by judfnent en real estate. • . ANL/BEV WICKIZER, -April 1, 1078. Committee, &c. • -DISTRICT COURT OF TITE- United States for the Western District ogz Pcnagylvanta. In bankruptcy. .This is to give .nottce flint on the 27th day of . March, A. D., 1575; warrant in bankruptcy was issued against the estate rif Malichi T. Shoemaker, or West Burlington. in the County-o 1 Bradford and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition t that the Par' - men t of any debts and delivery of any proplrty be-• longing .to such bankrupt to hbn or for his use, and "the transfer of any property by him are fot hidden by law-4 that a meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt to prove their debts and to choose one or more me.ignees of this estate wilt be held at a Court" of Bankruptcy, to be holden - at the of of Overton", Si Wren r, Towanda, Pa,„ beer, m c r e ni., llcglster, on the 3d day of MAY. A. IL 187 a. at hi' ' o'clock,' A. M. • JOHN D. S. Marshal as Messentre4 . PlttSburgh, March 29, 1878-21 v. - . / AsSIGNEE'S .'4' .. "OTICE.—In the District Court of the for the Western' District . "( Pennsylvania. In the rind of James" W. Taylor and 31altion 31.. Spalding Bankrupts. In Bankruptcy - • . . The drcdllors vilH take notice thata third gen e rat eicet lug of tha creditors-ot sayi bankrupts will be held at Towanda, to said , dinAlet, on the ~. rh!l day of April, 15.78, at le o'clock A. 31., arthe office of overton & 3lereur. before A. 31eriur, one of the 11f:0st - ors in said I/Istrle for the purpose nam ed in the -, 27til Section of te• Bankrupt, Act; of Idarrh'7.o. 1807, to wit: partial distrtbutlon of said Itankvuntse.state. . E. T. FOS, - Towanda, March. ;7, 878. • Assignee. xNCORPOR - 4 TION NOTICE. Notice Is here y given that application slug* made to the Cou of Common Pleas of Bradford County, or a Law Judge thereof, for a charter of Incorporation/Err the " Wyalusing Lodge Ball As- S9Ciatl6l)."be located to the township of Wyk- - losing ; th objects of said association being t i.o the maint• tang . of &suitable place for Meetings of the cidd 'ellows. HARBISON BLACK, . , ~., , J. S. ANGLE, • 1 • JOSHUA itußnows, , • , G. W. EI MOTT, ' - . IL K. GESTIN, ' -- - ' March 2S, 1878: = • • .UDITOR'S , I OTICE.— In the matter of the estate of Hester Taylor, dee'd. In the Orphins , l'ourt'of 'Bradford County. The undersigned, an Auditor app anted by, the Court to distribute niOneya In.the handsel the:Ad ministrator of said estate, as shown b his final se. coon% Milt attend to the duties of !di:appointment at hivolfice I n Tdwanda Borough, Pa„ on FRIDAY, the te,th day of APRIL. 1578,. at 10 o'clock, A. M., :when and where all persons...having Claims upon said, fund must present them, Or else be forever debarred front coming In upon the same. JOHN W. MIX, Audlter. I` Towanda, Pa., April 4, Is7S•w4. A P.MINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby iiren that all persons In. dehted lo the estate of Jeremiah Blackman, late o; Itoureel township, decd, are requested to make I mindliate pliyment, and all' persons haring claims agulred -said estate must viscid them dulyauthen• nested sot settlement. I 11-11. Administrator, with will annexed. Monneton, Pa., April 11, 1875. ,• A DMINISTR - ATOR'S NOTICE: --Notice Is hereby . ' given that all persons In:. hted to the estate of Ueo. T. Cole, late of Towel:eta !lord„ deed, are requested to make immediate payment, and all persons baring claims against - said estate must present them duly authenticated for settlement. E. L.-HILLIS. Administrator Pen dente Lite, tuwantia; Pa., April 4, 1878, 1 4 NXECI.TTORS'NOTICE.—Notice is hereby given that alt persona Indebted to tau emote of-1.. M. Stevet s, late of Wyaluslng,-de.. ceased, are requested to Wake Immediate payment, and all persons having claims against said estate nutst-prese.nt. thew 4103 r au thenticated for settles went. " ISAAC MARSH, Otwell, March 7, 6-w. EZOCUtOr. A ; . F. F. T TRELL, '- L. M. TYR ELL, Executors.