Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 11, 1878, Image 2

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    Wad Pportm
• I:D=010i - _
TOwsnia, Ps., Thad&Ys APT/1 a, - / 878.
. .
- Ilast)QuAnTaaa iterunt.icak EriAin County.
Tao, gaunt snunGli, 'March r:, 1578.-112 purardlince
of a resolution of the Republican State Committee,
adopted at - a meeting held In ilarrisbargh this clay.
a Republican State Convention i (to be composed of
delegates from each Senatorial and Representative
district to the number to which such district Is
entitled in the Legislature), is hereby called'-to
meet in the elty et liarrisbargh, at 12 o'clock, noon,
on WEDNESDAY, MAY ISTR; IVA for the pur.
pose of nominating one person for Governor, one
person for Ltentenalit.Governor,- oae person for
Secrctary of Internal AffairA'tand one person for
Judge of the Supreme Court. By other of the
committee.- •
JOp N A. SweLl., Secretary.
There will be a meetingof the Republican Coun
ty Committee on TUESDAY, 'the 16th d'ay of
APRIL. li:4—at 2 o•c!ockV: M., at the Grand
Sury Room In the Court House, Towanda, for the
purpose of perfecting the organization or the Com-.
nitttee, the appointment of the VigilanCe Commlt-•
tees,. thing , the date for holding the Republican
County C onvention for the year ise, deciding
whether thei.elelegates to tho Republican State
Cocvention from Bradford County shall be elected
by the County Committee or- the 'County Conceit-.
lon, and for'the transaction of any other busluess
that may come before the Committee.
The following gentlemen compose the Republi
can County Committee for the several election re.
senile for 1878: ' ~. . .
to -
Armenlit—D. W. Randall.. - . , .
Albi—V. M. Wilson. • f
Athens Born•—Joseph M. Ely.'
Athens Twp—Frank Morley.: •
Asyluin—,Benjamin llorriek. .
Albany—Emanuel Robinson. .
Barclay—l.. Putnam.
Burlington Boyce—S. W. Lane.
iimitngton Weetr-Danverse Itourne. ,
Burlington Twp—C. D. Campbell.'
'Canton Tw .p,-Charies R: Taylor.
Canton Itorri—John S. Griffin. .
Columbia—Timothy Oustln. •
Franklin—Nelson Gilbert.. • -
oranville—M. T. Shoemaker, 2d. •
Herrick—George Landon. ' ''
Leltor—J. B. Granteer. •
Litclitleld—Levi Monte. ,
• .
Lt•ltaysville—P. VI. Bock.- -
Modroe Two—.l W. Irvine. -
7dontot Borte—G. 11. Rockwell.
On-utt creek—Dr. F.W. Keyes.
Orwell—J. P. Coburn.
Overton—'Clarence Williams.
Pike—Spercer Tupper.
Ridgebury—E.,A. Cooper. ,
EnameTTrap--L.D 0 . Prince. ' •
Rome Rome—Orson RiCkey. •
Sayre—lL W. Thomas. ,
South Waverly—John Merirle..
"Smithfielti—Buftiti W. Child.
Springfield—William Tracy. .
Smith Cieek—D. F. Illtdreth.
Sylvania—Finley Furman. -
. .
'Sheshtsmin. , -U. E. Itorton.
Standing Stone—William Bostwick. ,
Terry•Win.l'. Dorton.
Towanda T wp—George 11. Fox.
- TowaMdts Boro•—First - Ward—J. lbalcomb.
'. • , Second Ward—Jas 'Mclntyre, Jr.
.. , . Third Ward—Geo. A. Dayton.
Towanda North—Ezra Rutty.
Troy Itorcee-•A. C. Fanning. , 4,
Troy Twp—Win. Simms.
Tuscarora—John Clapper. • ' '
I:later—Wm. gouge.
Warren—cook Roger..•
Windham—Nelson Loomis.
Wilmot—t-lohn S. Quirk.
Wells—Wade Beardsley.
Wyaltrsing—Lewis Biles.,
Wysoi—A. 11. Hinds. . '
A full attendance Is earnestly requested.
11. STREETER, Chairman.
, AN effort is being, made to organ
ize a movement on a comprehensive
plaito draw the stir Plus labor of the
cities into tlie rural districts bf the
old States (particularly the Middle),
where there, are ;hundreds of thou
sands of acres of unoccupied land,
some of which. is the richest on the
continent. There is no quel+tion
about the feasibility 'of subh
if the-. Proper men take hold of it, and
the : result would. be of the very.high
cst benefit to the settler and to the
State at large.. Here in Pennsylva-
nia the'amount of such land is cnor
mous. It lies in neglected richness
ulong the lines of ai the. railroads
traversing the , State, .and could be
made to yield crops which would cre
ate revenues of( fabulous value. In
addition to the agrieultqmlwlvafita
ges which would be derived from the
: cultivation of this land, the develop
iment of the mineral resources that
would attend its occupation would
add immenseti to the material
wealth- of the 'State, from whicb\ rev:
enues could be derived, liutof whch
industry wonld reap the latest re
. ward. Nothini could more op,
portune than a dwell direVted move
ment of this kind. The bulk of this
lind ought to lie sold at- very low
prices, while • there are very large
quantities of it unpatented which thy
State would have the right to Sell.
We cannot locate the leaders, of this
new enterprise, bnt , will watch With
interest whatever she • it may .as :
etune. That it is . highly practica,.
there is no doubt whatever. Near
to all markets, 'Contiguous tti• every
convenience an with facilities of
transportAion the unoccupied land .
. of the- old States ought to be the
most desirable on the continent for
THE South wants money.' That's,
what she has gone into Congress for.
Some days since, we showed from
figures which a cotemporary had
compiled from the file's of the House
of .Repiesentatives, that • the , South
• demanded the sum Of $150,000.000.
There is no Way to reduce this mai:.
When it 'comes to an item for the .
- army or the navy, for the coast sur 7 .
yey, or for • printing, the South
. is
ready with anamendment to all such.
apropriation bills, to cut them down.
There is no time wasted in discuss'ng
such motionsthe motion to re - duce
is made and carried, and. that's
end of it. • But, for. these Southern
claims,,the amount demanded is $l5O
- and this must stand. It
dare not .be 'reduced. On the con
trary, since these, "Claims" have
been put in and thus been embodied
in an appropriation bill, there has
been an addition proposedainounting
to $42,000,000 inure, all to cover
Southern, ,claims which makes the
amount thus d_emanded to pay South
ern claims, sine Congress assemblckl
$1:12,000,000 : And what -are' these
claims? The answer can only be
for losses sustained while resisting - .
the national authority--Hwhile giving
battle to the Union-armies, while de
. tying the Naitonal Government,
and traitorously endeavorirg to de
stroy the National Union. -had
there . been a Republican. Ilonse
\such `" claims " never would have
.-. been shovel into Congress, because .
the attotuist Co' collect - Such' fraudu
---..lent amounts would have been resist...
ed and defeated; v .
'The 'New., Jersey town meetings
have gone..Repubh4n._
IF TUE machinery of the Post Office :
for transmitting money;•orders and
regiatered -letters slibuld - suddenly
stop, the people may understand that
the Pemocratic House has . failed to
provide the money needed for that
service. Last 'ye:Li-there was danger
that this useful branch of the, postal
service inust _cease operationibit - ac
count of the lack of printed blanks.
That difficulty was temporarity tided
over; but the obstruction is again
met, The House Appropriations
Committee have deliberately lent
down the estimates of the Post Office
Department, and the money for print-.
ing the required , ,blaukS is nearly ex-
Iliaustec. -Meanwhile a, bill containing
,anappropriation of $35,000
purpose is pendingibetween the two
branches of CongreSs, and the Derito
: • -
cratic managera of , the House mani
ftst the utmost indifference to the
condition Of affairs: The fraudulent
practice of refusing appropriations
for the, maintenance of the-legitimate
service of the Goverdmenl is produc
ing exasperating results. The'House
Appropriations Committee are.point
ing with pride -to the fact that
they have cut down the Posttriaster-
General's estimates $3,257,398 ; but
the Country must needsnuffer
venience from thiS dishonest course.
It, is not even poor economy ; it is an
attempt to-make political capital by
refusing to pay, expenses which arc
necessary and which must be paid at
20113 ttl re; Mine.
D ,m LEWIS assures the *ork
inginen in San Francisco that they
can reduce their living expenses to
very 10 figures. • Ile contends that
for a suth so ridiculously small that
'he does not dare to mention it better
living can lie had than can be found
at any hotel, so flo i r as perfut_ diges
tion, sweet breatili,'. health, strength
and _ : endurance a 6 concerned. He
went into a first class market the other
day, and pointing . tvome beef asked:
" What is that worth , per -pound? ".
" Two ci"nts," w./s • the reply. He
•pointed to the corresponding part - 9f a
sheep: "One ceat," -was the answer.
One pound of either piece stewed with
a few bits or slices of bread, within,
pinch of some of the flavoring herbs
will make a capit:d dinner for -two
men. Of course the - Workingmen ask
,if Dr. LEwis:ever lived in that way' , ?
`His answer is that he has lived in a
whose food costs.materialY more .
than it does there, and he lived as
well as he ever did at a hotel, on 50
to 55 cents a week, and indUlged in
not a little variety at that. With
these figures:on his sfa'.e, the medieal
Student, who professes he can board
himself in New York for '2O cents a
day, is convicted of extravaganceand
riotous living.
TUE new plan of. keeping the
Poineetcin students in order, propoun
dell at the -Alutivi 'dinner, is to put
evey one of them,upon matriculation,
under bonds to keep the peace Noth
' ino• has come of the late trouble mOre
imortifying than :this propositi(in.
K}utside of colleges men., are hou,nd
Ito keep the 'peace only . after they
iliave given sundent evidence- of an
ntention . to break it. The Princeton
Titan, if it Wadopted, will be based
upon the . presumptiun that young men
go. to the eollv,re intending to, be tur
bulent.and defiant of necessa`ty dis
cipline. It is doubtful whether bo'nds
to keep the peace would have ,much
effect in restraining those who are
likely to disregard the restraints of
decency, who arc lacking in self-re
spect, and who care - nothing for 'the,
\ mortification which they may occa
sion their fani s iliCs. However if the
experiment be necessary, let it by all
meaUS, hi; tried. Injuries to persons
and preperty might be atoned fur in
the only ay possible—by a pecuni
ary Mulct.
The Republu \ •an party is the sole
:hope, of the •cOuntry against the
grasping Southerri , elaimants and the.
reckless Northern \repudiationiSts.
It is the only bulwark against the
dangerous alliance of asSolld South
with the demagoguism of\the North.
The NatiOn is confronted today not
only With enormous demamiSupon.
its Treasury. but with wild and\law
jess movements which threaten 'the
foundations of public honor pit se,„
curit.y. There are signs and partents
in the political sky which fill thought
fulmen with deep concern, if not
wish grave alarm. The Republican
party is the one consecrative force
which - stands as a barrier and protc
tion.against these dangers. It never
had a more yital duty than that
which weSses upon it now, and its
true policy is to proclaim the lofty
cause which calls all true . men to its
support - andsay no ,more than nec
es's:llT of the idilferenees which em
barrass it, .
Tat: Democrats all over the country
are putting Seductively baited hooks
Under the noses -iaf the Nationals.
They are talking beaUtifully about
the life long devotion of the Democ
racy to the laboring man, and are
asking What is the use of going into
another party to:get what the Demo
crats,.will only be'too glad to give,
provided they lean gain posession.
No party has ever done the laborer
so much harm as-the Democracy, and
it is strange the intelligent working;
man- does not recognize the fact. -The
.bill now being urged by the Detnoc
racy in Congreqs. for a reduction of
the tariff so - that the labor of this
country limy be brought into com
petitiOn, with the pauper labor of the
oldworid, is another instance of4he
hoSti.4ty tif that party to the laboring
man. -
A new law of this State makes - it
unlawful for the\proprietor, of any
place where ntoxleating - liquors are
sold toemploy women -to wait, on
The llteptddleins of Penneytaints
United; Alert and Confident,-
- WASHINGTON, April 6.--State l gen,
ator Butterfield has been in the city
for several days on matters Connect
ed with the organization of the• cam
paign_in northwestern• Pennsylvania.
Ile gives 'a very satisfactory account
of the feeling amongst Republicans,
and' shows that every nan is prepar
ed to do his duty. At no time have
the republican voters of Pennsylva-,
nia had ainore important crisis to
meet. In addition to the-olection of
State officers and a Legislature to
select a Senator, they have a Bepub-
Bean representation in Congress,
which will help to give that party
restored ascendency in the, lower
branch, which will inevitably balost
in• the Senate • after the fourth of
March next. There is no doubt of a
gain; of two representatives in Ohio,
twe in,lndianna, one in Massachu
setts ;- also, others in New York,
Ndw Jersey ankMaryland. iThese,
in connection with other prospects
in the West and on the Pacific coda,
render it almost certain, with proper
exertloni l that the Republicans - will
control t e next House, and especi
ally with judicious nominations and
an active • campaign. Tim meeting
of the National and , Congressional
Committees, as indicated-: by the
views expressed, promised these re
sults, and it,is only neccessary for
Berhiblicans to stand to their colors
Undisturbed by the indifference on the
part of the administration to ;aid in
realizing all these expectations. The
reports brought hereby the Republi
can leaders:from Pennsylvania during
the past week have done, much to
strengthen the confidence of ,Repub
licans from'all parts of the ,Country.
The Demacrats in Congresiare in a
State of. utter bewilderfint. Their
control in tie • Hous . has clearly
demonstrated their imbecility • and
their unfitnesslo manage the affairs
of legialation. AlthOtigh there are
many important subjects of legisla
tion there is a probability of—the e
House dragging along until mid-sum- 1
met, and adjourning withont%accom-'
plishing a single measure of benefit
to the people:
Bnlenelng Between Peme and War.
LONDON, April B.—The Times' cor
respondent at St. Petersburg, tele
. on',Sunday, says : " To-day
the hopeful' rumors which without,
apparent cause were current on Sat
urday • have take*. a more definite
form. It is said that an important
letter has been received from Berlin;
suggesting that concessions should
be made to avoid a European year:
Whether 'this is true or not, it is
pretty certain that Germany. is
abandoning her purely passive atti
tude. Russia has not requested Ger
many's good offices, but there is
reason to believe that she will gladly
accept them. Hopes for a congress
are reviving, and Gen. Ignatieff has
even _postponed his departure ifor
Constantinople so as to be able to
accompany - Tri ; fice Gortgchalthff
to Berlin as second, plenipotentiary
if the Congress meets. It is emphat
ically declared here that Prlnee
'Ghika, the Rohmanian Agent must
have misunderstotid Prince Gorts
chakoif, as the. latter never 'refused
to admit discussion on the Bessara
bian question. The Russian Cabinet
does not deny that - the Bessarabian
question involves European interests,
although it hasT not yet expressly
admitted it."
The Times correspondeiit of Buch
arest telegraphs that. Russian troops
in Bulgaria, Roumania, and South-
Western Russia are taking pp strate
gic positions, of which Pitesti, in
Romania, commanding the southern
debouchment of the Carpathian pass
es,iis the most salient.
Contracts have been made for the
delivery of sppphes at these cen
the forces sent to three points as
yet appear. simply advance guards to
prepare for the reception of larger
forces, should the, progress of events
require their presence. '
' , A special in - the , Tinies fro - m
Stefano reports that the first Russian
calvary division and a division of
C(Asacks of the Don have begun
their homeward march by way of
'brad. Three regiments of Cossacks,
two- batteries, and s— hie Eeleventh
Corps, under Gen. Schakoffsky, have
gone' by way of - Rnstschnk. .
The 'Daily Telegroph's correspon- .
dent at PerasnnderStands that Aus
tria has assured the Porte that she
will oppose any'effort to enforce the
San Stilfano treaty. • The Rnssians
are desperately urging the Sultans
to surrender his ironclads and posi
tions owthe Bosphorus,
. The Vienna correspondent of the
Times Says besides the " Aibal re
marks made to Gen. Ignatieff a more
extensive :statement in writing of
Austria's - views - was delivered to
Prince Gortschakoff by. Austria \two
days after Gen. Ignatieff's arrival' \at
"I . 't. Petersburg. It . is announced
I' min
t \
' Constantinople that the current
o feeling in the Turkish Govern
ment is now running wholly against
Rus :..\ .
• -
BATH, N. 1. April 7.—One of , the
buildings of the Stuben County Poor
House, near here, burned last 4 night.
Fifteen. persons p r \ islied.' The fire,
was set by an insane :pauper. The
building *as fired by L. Ford,
of-Hornellsville, an inmate afflicted
with fits, but considered trustworthy
and allowed liberties. • Th \ e \ Bath fire
department arrived too late, The
building was of brick, with \ iron
grated windows and doors, 'and\ the,
inmates were unable to escape. Ford,
David Curtiss, .John AlviaU Joh,
Messenger, Biel Page, 'Betsy Smith,
Julia Davis, Rosa Welch, Ann Ran
ger, Mary Stone, Chloe dude' (col
ored), Ann Shults, Cathorine Sulli
van, Jennie Mills, aged four, and
Mary Hewitt, aged one, were burned.
The details are bloodcurdling. One
Man was bahiy injured. Over forty
were rescue& Several escaped. The
scene is sickening in the extreme.
BATH, N. Y., April 7.—A disaster
of the most shocking description oc
curred here at an early hour this
morning. • About one A. y. , L.. C.
Ford, an 'insane man, seat to the
Stuben County Poor 'Reuse, ;from
tiornellsville, net fire to the building
used for •,the insane department of
county of the county house, ,
in which upward of Oily people
were - sleeping. The fire spread so
rapidly' and made the rescuing
of . the inmates a .matter • of
great danger and difficulty. AbOut
forty were rescued by the officers and.
citizens and some escaped, but it is
certain that fifteen of the crazed'un
fortunates have perished lathe flames,
and one is injured shockingly and
probably fatally: The scene of the
disaster is too sickening for discrip
tion. , Five males and ten females
are among the dead, and the ruins
are - a horrible mass of charred re
-mains, mingled with the debris _of
the building. '
WASHINGTON April 5.--Tne Dem
leratic members of ' the SOSO , of
Representatives met in caucus this
evening for the purpose of nomina
ing a Door-keeper, which
was made vacant by the removal of
Mr: Polk. Gen. Charles Waield, of
Georgia, was nominated on the first
ballot... The vote stood as follows
Gen. Field, 69 ; Gen. Shields,' of
Missouii, 20; Harry Mc - Coy, of Mary
land, 18 ; Walter IL French, of
;Massachusetts, 7': W. K. Pendleton,
of West Virginia, 2- Total vote
polled, 116.- Gen. Field is a native
of Bentucky. He was graduated at
West'point in 1849; served in the
Confederate Army under Gen. Lee,
ann ,soon after the close of the war
entered the Army of the Khedive of
Egypt where he remained until 1877,
when he returned to the United
States. His political disabilities
were removed about two months ago.
L. •
Whcrnma it will be the work of
the smiling new silver dollar of the
natural order of things, certain it is
that the dawn of better times is
near. We see it, first, in the marked
ddcline is the price of living. 'Pro
visions can be bought now at prices
that ruled before'the war. Clothing'
is way down, anti shoe leather the
same. Rents have tumbled terrible
within the past two years, and a good
house, comfortable ana pleasantly lo
cated, can be rented in this city to-day
from one hundred 'dollars upward.
Truly this is a happy condition of
things. All that is needed now is
the awakening of 'our industries,
and even this is nearer than many.
people think. Tile signs of the times
tell us that money will be freer and
plentier this year than for many years
past. The money lenders are getting
a little more confidence in men, and
very soon capitalists will be looking
for safe investments. Factories will
be started, the idle mills will be . in
spired anew, furnace fires will be
- built, and gladness will be upon us
all, before we know it. There is some
thing in the shape of events' . that so
informs the careful observer. We
must practice strict. economy for a
season yet, but we believe that-before
next fall comes the bright beams of
prosperity will flood the land from
Maine to Texas.— TVilks-Barre Leader.
FRANCE seems determined to main
tain an attitude of strict neutrality
on the Eastern question. This is
wise, and it is a pity the other gov
ernments of Europe not immediately
interested do not follow her example.
It is certainly better for a people to
perserve in industy and to husband
thier resources, than to waste their
resources, paralyze their industries
and sacrifice thousands' of human
liyes to the grim, bloodthirsty mo.
lop of war. If the French are able
to preserve their present attitude,
.they; will benefit more by such a
course than flit conquerer in the war
which seems inevitable, even though
he sequin whole provinces in the
bloody strife.
THE policy of registering drinks
taken at public bars by the, Moitcr
bell-punch, as a basis for taxation for
public purposes, is steadily gaining
in popularity, and though ridiculed
when first introduced, is likely to be
gene - ray established. Wouldn't it be
a c-pital thing for some ingenious
fellow to ,invent an attachment to
this machine that would register the
nathe of the drinker, and stain it as
a part of the record of the establish
ment? Some of the side-door gentle
men known to such places would be
put to considerable inconvenience in
putting on a variety of disguises.
The Ron, GALUSHA A. (know is a
man honored in his own community
evidently, for the delegates to the
Pennsylvania Republican Conven
tion from Susquehanna County,.
where he resides, have been instruct
to vote for his nomination for Gov
ernor. 'There are many other indi
cations of similar popularity in vari
ous parts of the State, and it may
turn out presently that Pennsylvania
is to have the rare good fortune 9f
securing so good a man for its Gov
ernor.— Tribune.
JUDGE LYNCN has of late been
very busily employed in the West
and South7st. In view of will
`ingness and thoroughness with which
the judge performs his self-imposed
dutle9, cannot some one coax down
into \that section of. - country the
French'Communist now in Gotham
who boasts of the part he took in the
murders committed in Paris during
the last reign \of terror in that city.
LAST month the imports at New
'York amounted t0*24,838,970, a de
crease of nearly $7,000,000 on the
imports of the corresponding period
of 1877. The exports of domestic
products for hot month amOonted to
almost $30,000,000, an increase of
$12,900,000 over the same month
lait year. This makes a
_change \ of
$19,000,100 in our favor, which is \ fi
-cry encouraging, circumstance in
th se hard times.
Tit • E will not be room enough in
Washin ton for the Democratic con
testantse seats in' Congress who
will be encou\raged to go there next
Fall. If the party succeeds in
serving a bare ajdrity, it will seat
every man who c prove he was a
cayalidute on electi n day, no that=
ter whether he received any votes or
not. •
FOR ' the nine months of the cur
rent fiscal year there has .beeu a fall
ing off in the reduction of the)Qotion
al" debt of nearly four milliontk of
dollars, as compared with the same
period of last year. There .has al:
heen a falling off ofrecenues, which
is not an encouraging fact to con
template. •
0111 -- (XISUIPODEITTe • Mi.
inns no* Wu&
FtelltalNl STATION, Ipin. Apr ' ??, 1811.'
. . ,
Eamon REPonlrite : About three weeks
Since I started from Athens,, intending to
be absent about' a irei3k.or ten days on a
brief trip West—as Tar as Chicago; at
least.' I have extended my tour far be
yond the time, occisiened by unexpected
delays, detentions, etc. On myroute hem
I passed a few days in Central Illitthis;
and such weather - and such roads I never
before saw, in my life. It seemed as tho'
the wind would blow the very marrow
from one's bones. Mud l Talltabout mud
in 'Bradford countjr; why, oar people
have no conception of the genuine article.
The people of Illinois are too wise iu their
generation to even pretend at this time of
year 'to use a spring wagon ;• 'the. chief
traveling is wean dished on borselsek or
oil mules. I stop • $ at a little station in
Piatt county, and t, was necessary for ate
-to -go a distance bfbent three a•half
miles on some bus ne . My first thoffgh t
was to get ho rseani t
buggy forth° pur
pose, but f t $ 't way of traveling im- ,
practicable.' A - • ntleman offered me his
horse, but as it ha been some years since
I had been in the $ dle and I was totally
unaccustomed to ,iud navigation, I po
litely declined. I finally 'got an opportu-,
nity of riding in • r i iumber wagon driven
by four horses t•' within a-half mile of
my destination, a• d availed myself of it.
After a few Lou : of suffering the tors
moats of •ft lost so 1, I arrived at the de
-1 sinstspot.' One ' hole day's rest, how
ever, nerved me p for t making a wagon
journey of six ilea to a station on an
other road, but ' the man who was to
take me had but ono team lie did not ven
ture to add th weight of a wagon-box
to his wagon ; "eve went without that in
cumbrance. 'Pfhis credit, I should add
- 1
that I was given the post of honor, and
that was a seat on the reach, near the
hind axle. Wherever the mud had dried
it was as hard as if frozen. Some of the
time those dried humps would threaten
to scramthe boots off my feet; then I
would thoughtlessly straighten out my
limbs horizontally; which would bring
my feet directiy in front of the hind wheel,
when before I could Protect myself the
rim Of the wheel, which continually
brought up fresh,' ,unadulterated mud,
would generously drop its burden upon
my boots. I am naturally "long suffer
ing," and noted film my patience wherever
I am known, but some expressions es
caped me that I do not feel responsible
Tor. I remember 'the driver saying once,
"I ' notice you can swear when you're a
mind'to." I apologised immediately, but
smother beastly " gob " of mud deposit
ing itself on my boots, made me instantly
regret the apology. While I-was trying
to avoid damage •to my boots on the one
hand from the hard bunches and hunks
of earth that came up close to . the axle,
and on the other hand the mud from the
wheels, the driver made the casulatory
remark that, the worst road was still
ahead. I believe I could then and. there.
"brained" this man without any coni
putiction of conscience'. ~So soon as I
could get my breath and adjust inYtray
eling bag and pluek up sufficient courage,
as well as suppress my murderous feelings,
I asked him if ho was trifling with my
feelings or whether such -a, reality. was
possible. lie repeated 'the assertion,.
merely-adding that we had to pass thro'
a mile and a-half of :"swag." I new
know we did reach that " swag,' and
somehltlN got through, but I will not at
tempt to describe it. I, well remember
that it took an industrious hotel keeper,
with what little assistance I bad the pa
tience to render him, , for out. an hour,
with a sharp-edged-strip of wood, to par
tially rid my clothing of that infernal
mud, . .
I found the • people,all through Ohio,
Indiana, Illinois, lowa, and even Missouri,
talking about "going West" I did not ,
wondea in theleast at this desire- on the
part of the Illinois
. people, for assl told
many of then), Iwoald get out of such a
mud hole if I had to take up my abode
even in some disreputable river.. -The
land in that part of the State is suet a
dead level that the prairies are perfectly
sodden with water. I saw many large
ditches, and supposed they must have
outletk—peahrps hi-some ravine or river,
but on examination I would And both
ends closed. , I inquired the object of
such a - system of drainage and was in,
formed that the surface water would col-.
lect in them and then the summer's sun
was expected to dry that up. This led
me to inquire as to the health 'of that re
gion. which I was assured was the very
best ; " but," I asked, •' do you not lave
chills and 'fevers?" . .s," wlas the
answer, "we all pretty mnb haveltilit
smart of that, but that's nothing." I no
ticed, slip, that at every railroad station
asiAertainly as :wel came to a depot WO
saw a drug store. I ,was glad. to leave
the State, of Illinois, and I will 'not
locate there after what, I have already
written. I will say this, however: If any.
family has a " hankering " to,get where
there are oceans .of mu d, and to have
"chills and fevers" warranted to bet gen
uine," and to reside where hogs 'cannot
forego the luxury of hog cholera, pack up,
at once and go to Central Illinois. This
I consider the fools' paradise.
HAItItIBDURCI, April 5, 1678
The new National party having author
ized the Chairman of its State Committee"
to run the machine for it, at least as far
as all preliminaries are concerned, 'that
gentleman has issued still another call for
a State Convention. The idea of being
first in the field, appears to hvae taken
entire possession of the head of the " un
known quantity" party, awl lie issues
his orders with as much care, facility and
grace as some military chieftain.
The last call of Chairman F. P. Dewees,
for the meeting of the Convention of the
National' party of Pennsylvania, was is=
sued at Pottsville, on Tuesday, the 2nd
lost, and• names the Bth of . 3lay, • at 11
o'clock A, 3t., as the time and Philadel
pluda the place. The call, Which is lengthy,
embodies instructions to members of the
new party how to secure representation
and urges active work to' insure success.
It will be remembered the Cony, ntion
of the admirers of - laborers and green
'backers was first called to meet on the sth
of June.
The Democrats then selected the 22nd
of May, and Pittsburg, as the time and
"place for their Convention. Mr. Dtwees;
who, It is 'alleged, does as lig A is told, by
Frank Hughes, a former .I4Mer of the
Democracy, next proclaimed that his
friends would assemble on the 15th of
May. This day having been designs
by the Republican State Committee, f r
the meeting of the Convrution of: t t
Party, and the managefof the Nationals,
bound to be ahead of all competitors in
the race fot an early start, heralded their
last order from the Pottsville headquar
ters, as above instructed. As the third
time is said to be the charm, it is probable•
the business is now fixed.
the in • 'cations point unerringly to
the fact that the coming political cam
paign will be a protracted, exciting and
bitter one. In this connection it may be
stated' that some rather startling develop
ments were made at Scranton, on Abe 2nd'
lust, at the meeting= there, of the legisla
tive committee. to investigate the cause
and effects of the railroad or labor
of last summer. z . . •
A miner-named Jono. 11. Powell testi
fied to the - existence there of a secret
organization known as the " Knights of
Labor," which, he said, were 18,001)
strongin and around Scranton. Toe oh-
ject of the order, be said, was the eleva
tion of labor, by legal and honorable
mons. It. was not a beneficiary, order,
but\ would help a brother in distress, and
was \ not for the purpose of aiding or en
.wing strikes. Tho • witness also
stated that be presumed there were lodges
throughout Demme county composed of
all clauses \ of workingmen,and in the'
lodge to which - be belonge there were
carpenters, \ mechanics, blacksmiths,
miners and mirukengineens. Now if these
lodges are'scatterell throughout the state,
and should take ahand in the coming po
'dial fight, their influence will no doubt
be felt, but which 4 the two greater
parties willhe the most Affected,
is one of the things " At lab can
find'out, you see," yard ) votes
are counted, if it can t" I
The Patriot, the cer of 'the
Democratic party, here, s morn
ing, in a' cordran editorial , article, fie-,
nouncirqg in 'strong lan4nage the "Kni ! Ms
of Labor." This article, which is especi
ally bitter, after denouncing their organi
zations as "stealthy, secret and corrird
ly," contains the following paragrap_h \
\i\"ln a• manifesto, issued by Mr. F tie
Deuees, Chairman of the. Eaentive
PeFgee of the -"National Party" of
lvania, changing the time for hold
• - \ 1
<--:' a
I - the Ig tat i _ .
i .
enti onl ik ent
15th . t0
the - Bth' of ' Map bir , roc pl ea the
party Upon the large sooengels to :th e
ranks. ~ike 'there : were no does of 'such
eteetedees in: the Febary , .idectiove in
this state' 'Mr. • Dewees probably :derives
his infcirmation . fronrthe secret:reports Of
the subordinate lodges. that hive beat .
transmitted to headquarters. Tram these
secret lodges are to issue the delegates to
the "National " party on the &Vet' May
in Philadelphia. Such an organization is
not a political
,Tarty. .It is a conspiracy.
-It does not appeal to -publics opinion, but
seeks to control political affairs by the
secret machinery of its lodges."_
The editor. of- the Patriot, is evidently
alarmed and somewhat °lonised at - the
prospect of his party being injured by the
now secret societies, and ho takes time by
the forelock in thus warning the canter*
fled to look, out for breakers. Some allegi
ance, however, should be made for the
bad temper- displayed by the Patriot this
morning, when it is rememberedbow. the
Greenbackers or. Nationals went back on
the Democrats in the organization 'of; the
councils in this city, the other day. It is
a generally accepted fact that the honors
and emoulenta of (Alice enter. largely into
the calculations, f all politicum, and the
great unwashed Derneerat ward bum
mer, of Harrisburg, ie no , exception to
this role. .•
At the Febniary elteimilliere, the Na-.
tionals elected live mersbetre of - couucilith
the Republicans fifteen, stiff the Doelo
cra seventeen. The latietr being the
str gest, did their level .best to insure •
th 're votes of the new party,- (lobo held .
-th alance of power) thus meeting.. lbw
or ization of the new coat:Cab, the ajig.
poiutment of committees, etc. The! aim
National councilmen would not be allcieeb—'
ed, taken in and done for by the-Hemo/-1
crate,but voted for the Republican cut.-
didati for President, Cleirk, etc. It: i -
then perhaps, no very :
,violent preziempl
lion to infer that there filets may havej
formed a portion of the inspiration•of
the article above quoted fret°. -
• .This central Democratic 'organ, which
is the mcMth.piece of Senator, Wallace, is
also in a bad way about the 'Mariner in
which Gen. McCandles, Secretary. of in
ternal Affairs,. who is a candidate for the
Democratic nomination for Governor, per
mits his.clerks to perforin their duties. It,
is charged by this paper .that two of these
clerks; l .'haver for some days been engaged
in preparing a false and garbled statement
of the votes of Senator Dill ou various
public questions during that gentleman's
servicelin the Legislature, with a view of
having the same printed as an electioneer
ing document."
The attention of Gen. McCandless is
thus publicly called Co the fast ." that his.
clerks are 'being paid by the state to get
up lying electioneering documents to be
used to the injury of an honorable com
petitor for the nomination be is seeking."
It will thus be seen that within as well as
without the Democratic camp, trouble is
brewing, while the leaders arc both alarm-
cd and vexedt thereat. Senator Wallace
and his folloggiers having ordained that
Dill shall bothe Democratic nominee, it
cis high treason for the clerk of " Bucky ".
31cOandless to 'serve their master in the
_way indicated, hence' orders have been
issued that thus kind of warfare must
cease. -
The Senate having taken a recess until
the 9th inst., from Thursday; the - 28th,
ult., is. not in session, this week; and the
House did not begin work uptil Tuesday
evening, consequently legislative business
has been a little dull. On Thuesday even
ing it was with difficulty a-bare mtorum
of members was secured, when twenty=
six bills were put through the formality
of first reading.. 'Among these was the
bill providing for a tax on all drinks sold,
and the collection of the same by means
of a bell punch.
In the House on Nednesday, Mr. Dick
ey rose to a privileged question, stating
in substance that the committee on rail
roads, had had Senate bill• No. 229, to pre t
ventd iscriminationlin carrying freights by
railroads, in their possession for ton days .
anJ that under the rules be would make
a motion to discharge the committee from
its further consideration: After several
suggestions - oy members in regard to the
matter, Speaker Meyer decided the. mo-•
tion out of order—that it was übt a Privil
eged question. I
' Mes.srs. Jackson of Mercer and. Dickey
appealed from the decision of the Speak
er, and Mr. Billingsley took the chair.
The `pecker (on the floor) argued that
this was nut included iu the , privileged
questions mentioned specifically in the
rules, which are motions for adjournment,
poStponement, commitment, the previous
question, amendment or reconsideration.
A number of members participated in
the discussion, for and against the point
of order,r wheir ? ..after nearly two hoirs
were thus consumed, on the question
"Shall the decision of the Chrir stand as
the judgment of the House?" the yeas
were-102 and the nays 6-1; andithe House
sustained the decision of the Speaker.
The consideration and final passage in
the House, on Wednesday, of an act fix-.
ing the compensation of members of the
General Assembly. and )the number, du
ties and compensation ofi the officers_ and
employees thereof, consumed a good, por
tion of both morning and afternoon ses
sions. While the bill was being-consid
ered• Mr. Myer (Speaker) moved to gO
into committee of the whole for general
amendments, which was agreed to.
Mr. Myer then moved to•reduce the sal
aries of memberp-te $BOO, whereupon Mr.
Quirk moved to amend still further to
make it $5OO per annum.
Mr. James opposed both the amend
ments, -because they Were not. really in
tended for true reform,
.but for the-pur
prise of killing. the bill, and, besides, he
did not think $l,OOO was one cent too
Mr. Myer defended his amendment aiid
said lie was sincere in his.purpose, and if
reform was intended by this hill ho hoped
the reform would-commence at the head.
Messrs. Foster and Gillett supported the
amendment of their colleague, , Mr. Myer,
but it, w ith several other amen= nts,were
lost, and the question recurred on the or
iginal bill as presented to the House, viz,
fixing the salary at $1 3 000.. A !number of
additional - amendments were then offered
and ; voted down, when the bill paSsed
finally—yeas 105, nays 45..
Members' salaries remain at $l,OOO
and officers' salaries are reduced about 2.1
per cent,. while the niimber of 'officers is
reduced about one-fifth. There is very
little probability of this bill passing the
At, the session of the House on Thurs
day afternoon the railroad conTraittee,
after having very materially amended the
Senate freight discrimination bill, reported
it with a negative recommendation. On
motion of Mr. Dickey, who again rose to
a privileged question, the bill was recom
mitted to the committee on judiciary gen
eral. This committee held a meeting last,
evening to consider The bill, and_ this
morning it. was reported to the House
with an affirmative recommendation, ex
actly in the shape it had passed the Senate.
Among the bills that passed the House
finally, on ,Thursday afternoon, was an
act granting pensions to the surviving
soldiers of the Mexican war ; also an act
making an appropriation for the - payment
of gratuities to the soldiers of the war of
1812, of their widows, allowed under the
act of March 30; 1800, and the various
Supplements thereto.
During the two hours the House was- in
session this morning no business of Ani
l:penance was transacted. Adjourned un
til -Monday morning. CussEwAoci.
General dealers I n Groceries and Produce, Patton's'
Block, corner klain and "Bridge Streets.
•. .
Flour per bbl 1 6 50008 00 47 0003:48 50
Flour per sack , I 1.658 200 4-250 210
Corn Meal per 100 lbs . I . 1 2.50
Chop Feed . 1 250 '
`Wheat per bush 11 2511.1 35 1 40111 145
Corn -... ..... —.... , 1 45 50 6 0
}'ye I SO® 60 65
pats' • .... 1 7.8 36 • 3;:@
Illnckwheat 1 " - t. 40 50
- •
:Clover seedlonedium....• sno 5.50
(Timothy. iceStetn ..... .. 1 750 • .
Grans. 62 1tr5,...1,.. ' I 060 140 1 *.kgs 200
Pork. mesa I - .11 000 it(3l 10
11ressed h0g5...1......... 05 '. -
limns 08 10
Shoulders...,.. 06 . in
Lard. 08 00-, 10
Gress , d Chickens...,.. 08® 09 • ' 10
Turkeys..;., 10 12
Butter, tubs ' • 200, .. 27 6 . 28
Rolls , ' 'A'.(qt ' 25_ 2 28
Eggs, freash 0® K ' 110
Cheese li 18
Green apples, bush ' 1 00
Cranberries per quart.. 12%
Potatoes, per bushel.,.. , . 250 35
Onions 50 . , 65
. ,
- . , . CORRECTED ItY DAYTON' k BRO. - '
Eltlet. 04603
Veal skins . 08610
Deacons . ' , ,
Icheep pelts . 10061'25
Tallow l ...,....', 05600
Wt 1. washed.... 4
In - AVM
Tashed 1 :00.111
._.. .
, • . ,
i . ‘
1 ' .• I
"Vg= in,"
BaYll a Dos Pliglahls• 'IMO DOequai se # Mead
purifier. Ithertaged its ashy woudertid threa,
attar all et bee remeGes have failed. I ',MIMI the
.Labratory awl emplaced myself of Ito 'thetas
merit. It do prepared from barks, roots sup herbs,
each of w bich - la highly effective, and they are
compound( la such iimaimer as to produce metes.
thing reams. “
I Is the greet Blood Pallier.
Will Ones the want caw of Scrofula.
Is reemsme Wed by physicians ant apotbenarlea.
Jim elected DOM starrelloes cures to uses et Can
Corea ihe worstaisise of banker.
Meet!lirlth wradertut aucceu In Mercurial diseases.
win eradicate Slat Rheum trtm the system.
Cures the most Inveierste ems of, Zryslpelas.
ECMCITOS Pimples sod Humors from the face.
CareiConsttpatios and regulates thei bowels.
U a valuable Remedy for Headache.
null cure Dreprrpsla.
Restores tpe entire system to s healthy con glitien.
Curet; pains In UK Ode.
Ileums the cause of dlulness.
Benne' Faintness at the Stomach.
Cures pains In the Back.
Effectually cures Kidney Complaint.
Is elfectlve In its cure of Tamale. Weakness.
Is the vest remedy for Gen Oral Deqtlity.
Is acknowledged by all classes of people to be the
best and most sellable blood- panther in the world.
r _ - :• I B'
ROSENFIELD is' again in the 'field.
with a Larger Stock of SPRING CLOTH-
INQ than ever. Full particulars next
•ej as s
• r
. C 11• .
. 0
. C , Li
. .....
, M y:
0., lA.
• ' : IC rn ~..
; ...
.1... -
1 .S 0 44
4 0
0.1 to 0
, Z g -
en a
0 . 0 0 ..4
= :4 8
it . It
110SENFIE0 is again in the Gehl
with a larger stock of SPRING CLOTH-
ING than: ever. Full particulars next
ls now receiving Ms
piing4t S'itmrWr
Either for .
Qua t tity or Loia Primes,.
Every Article;Class.
Patton's Block, Main-St.
Towanffs, Pa.,Mareh 28,
ltir B. & F. H. 9WEN,
Are offering *eels', indoceinents In every depart,
menlor the Grocery-line
Here are setae of the prices
Standard A Sugar..: loCenta
Teas 25 •40 50 SO 75 80 "
Coffees • ff 3 75 - so as .i
Tobaccos • • 10 50 60 "
Tlonr—lted, 11.60 per sack ; best White only 15,00
Mameo9 10 cents*
Shoulders 'o7 OS "
Georgia C0dfi5h........ . os ..
Mackereloll , 111 "
Pork ; , Os "
You Min end anything you want In the Grocery
line, and at prices to snit the times. A liberal dis
count given at wholesale. Our motto is and shalt be
14 Quick Sales, Small Profits, Cash or Ready Pay.'
Cub paid for Butter 'and
M. B. & F. H. OWENS,
• Rut, Wine Batra Ts* Sivas,
Brldge4it n •Towanaa, Pa
April 11, 1871.
Nur Advertliemats,
In pursuance of the 434 section of the act of may;
1814, you me hereby notified to meet in convention
at the Court House In Towanda, on the Ist Tuesday
of May, A. 13., 11178,Iteing the 7th day of tho month,
at 1 o'clock In the afternoon,. and select rfea roce
by a majority of the whole number id directors ,
present, one person of literary and orientate ac.
quirements, and of skill and expo Hence In the art
of teaching, -as County Superintendent for- three
years, determine the amount of compensation for
the same, and certify the result to the State Super.'
intendeot at Harrisburg, sa required by the nth
and 40th section of said •
Co. Supt of -Bradford County.
Towanda, April 11,1878.
t LYE •
ram In•receipt .of many Inquiries conOrtileg
any mune of lectures and discovery In Electra
Therapeutics, and what , ' have new to teach.
As many medical men (Students of mine) and'
others In this city have for r.many years treated
acute and chronic diseases with eminent succers
and as I am the welknoWn discoverer of this roll,
able system, It seems only necessary to barely men
tion these lectures to serum a large class of stn.
dents. Investigating minds are everywhere turn.'
ing their attention to niy great :discovery in Eiec
tro-Therapeotics. To satisfy the growing demand
for Electrical treatment medical men and a host
of others ignorant of my Wscovery,_have procured
batteries for experimental parposes. but soon- 11g4d,
that no positive suceess can be obtained from the
application of Electricity except In harmony with
my discovery of the Electrical Law of Poleritat los.
Nearly forty years' careful investigation of Elec
trlial phenomena, combining an extensive practice
in - this and other large cities, including every
Chrase and form of acute and chronic diseases, and
onstantly lecturing to medical studenteand others,
has afforded into ample opportunities to put my dis
covery to the• severest tests, both for myself and
thousands of students. In all Its various forms, and'
the retains have been a complete_ sictory In the
moot' desperate cases after •all9)tber remedial
means had failed; and these facts have been testi
fied to by thousands of reliable persons In this and
other cities whose certificates I' now bold in my
In view of the foregoing most Important facts, I
now propose to continuo my lectures, and Imparti
complete knowledge of my important discovery and
great experience In the therapeutic use of .Elec
rielty to all desiring a knowledge.
The full course:of lectures'and private instruc
tion, for both ladies and gentlemen, will embrace
- numerous most impoitant topics relative- to my
great discovery. , find Its developement as a reliable
nelence—Electrlcity, as the controilleg . principle of
cosmic relations connecting man, with the material
U . niserse. My great discoverrof the law of Elec
trical Polarizations, latiniate Law of 'Attraction
and Repulsion, Electro-Physiology, Electro• Patho
logy and Electro Diagnosis ; and, lastly. the Fcten
title Application of the various modilicationi of
Elcetzleity for the successful diignosis and tree-
Aleut utilises:hut maulfestafions. This system ad
mits of no doubt of uncertainly—no haphazard—
nolailere in anv case.
Can this Disci.iverybe conimbantled by ordinary
Minds? •
The instruction will ix - , pmcilcal and every tray
free from all mystifying language, thus enabling'
the student at the completion of the lectures to
comprehend my great discovery, and to diagnosis
and successfully treat the most complicated 'dis
Owe Thousand Electric:ins of my Se/too/and
taught at this [the first...anti enly Chartered Insti
tntion-In this State and therefore the only institu
tion legally ant horized to grant Diplomas,) are now
'needed In this City and State end will be furnish
ed positions when desired. We have calls every
day for students to till responsiOle places in this
Tickets eau be obtained at the Institution of M.
.T. Galloway,,M; D.
Students wishing information concerning the 'ln
stitute at Philadelphia, can obtain all such infor
mation from Mrs. W. H. Coverdal6 at her reel- .
deuce on Poplar St. Towanda, Pa. '
The above lectures will be given at the Elect's).
pathle lestitution by Prof. C. It. Belles, No. 1230
Walnut street, Philadelphia, Pa.
April 4
FOIL 1878. _
- Numbering 175 with Colored Colored Plate,
To our customers of past years, and to all purchas
ers of our books. • either. GARDENING FOR
each, prepaid. by mat t ) To others, or
. creipt of
25e. Plain Plant or. Seed Catalog' . Without
Plate, free to all.
Cortland Street, New Yori,.
March 7, 1878, 1.1
wanted everywhere tb set: Teas to families, hotels,
and isrge consumers=tne:largest stock in the coun
try to select from—qualities of all descriptions,
from the highest Imported to the lowest grades—a
large diseount, and a handsome Income to all who
soli' for us—country store keepers, druggists who
wish to sell teas In sealed pound packages, ped
dlers, and In tact, all who wish to obtain an honor
able living by selling teas, Should write us for a
. . .
rs: \ o. Box 4560. No. 201 Fultou-St., ;.i. I%
.`4' , w Yorleelty, April fi, 1.,47.
"stns. HELEN"
Has returned from Philadeinhia. Where she has'
graduated at the Philadelphia Electric College and
has been granted . a diploma anthorizing tier to
practice this branch of medical science.
In her practiceAn this borough doting the past
year, she has effected many wonderful cures. lter,
Increased knowledge‘makes her fully competent to
treat nearly all diseases Incident to our rare. Spe
cial attention is purely female complaints.
Charges moderate. Terms cash. Itesideuee'en
Poplar-St., west of Westernaventte, where she may
be found at all hours.
Towanda. March IS, \
To and [mat lETAlropoly u ! .
Main Street, - - - - Tewatsta, Pa.
• .
. .
Spring Term commences MONDAY, APRIL R.
.eatalogue, or other partleulam atidresa the
Towar.4a, Jan. 17, 1578. •
Pleasure In calling the attention of hts numer
ous patrons arid the public generally, to the fact
that be still continues a
At the OLD STAND of & ItUNDF. LT,. In
Carrell's mock, nearly opposite the Means llonie,.
and that he is prepared to furnish .
Of the very best quality, at as lea ratesas any other
C: M. MI .
JAne I, 1,676-tf
This Bank offers unusual - facilities forth° trans-
action of a general banking imainees
JOS. POW 1:L, President
CALL AND SEE U'S - • - •
AT TIIH: ' .
cr ~._
. • Opposite the Depot. .
.• C. T. SMITH. - . rllol . ltll6Toll.'
Formerly of the Ward Moose, Towanda, Pa,-M .8
. „
Dike trier Mrs. Mingos' store, Tracey & Noble's
Black, -Treatment of diseased teeth a specialty.
Gas and, ether administered when desited.-yncb.94.
tons preparing "Go West" can pur
chase tickets - to all points South atel West at as low
rate. as at our Other office, and hare baggage
checked, by calllu f p on nie at i he Wyslwing
Wpaluslng, March 21, 'W.
. Plil7adelpbis:
For sale by
TO* A N DA, rA
N. N. BETTS; Cashier.
Feb. 14, 187
Lei* Ulm
OTtCE • U.. S. /XTERI 4 ;A lA—
Mired Statutes of the United States, lierdiA y
3232, 3237, 3733, and 3239; every person engaged in
any business; avocation or employment, wtp
renders him liable to especial tax, is required In
proeuriatuf place and kiapeossejrfeueosix i n h ie
establishment or place of busl•••• a • 7 •• r de.
noting the payment of said special tax for tEa
speclatdar; year helrfutilug May I, 1117 S. Kiern w ,
3244, Revised Statutes, designates who are ji a w e
to special tax. A return, as prescribed on 'lform 11,
Is also required by late of ry- person pat ° to
s p ec i a l tax as above. Her e genetic., are pre.
berthed- for , tion.compltante w ith the !Deering re.
galeetnetne. or for continuing lo fleshless alter
April $O, 1378, without payment of tax.' -
Apptteatimi .ahottlel be made to M. c. Ntereni,
Deputy Collector of internal Revenue, at Towanda,
1 Penult. • - L April 4, Inselw.•
1 • -
18 hereby given. that 1111 persons indebt;A to.
the estate of - Wm. W. Drayton, late-.of Franklin.
decd, must make Immediate paymen, and ali-pe r .
sons having claims against said estate must pre.iett
them duly authenticated' for settlement.
FrankilmAprll 4 '87.. Ezecdror.
L •Notice IA heriby given that ‘all terainel in.
(lasted to the estate of Austin A. Keeney, late - of
Towanda Bore% deed. most make immediar, pay,
merit. and all persons having claims against said c—
tate must present them duly authenticated fssr set.
tiement. " MARY M. KEENEY.
Towanda, March 21,.78.: Executrix.
heryby given that all person s m
debt ed to the estate otHeorge Horton, late of 5h...t,„
quln twp„ deed, are requested to make Immr4 late
payment, and all persons having claims against . s id
estate must present them duly authentteahll f,r
settlement. itHBENIrOI.7-NG.
3larcb, 214*
- 11 4 1 4 XEC'UTOB . ,' NOTICE . —Notice
hereby given that all persona. Indebted In
the estate of Cynthia Ann Swan, late of W2 , ,,:tc.•
sing, decd, must make Immediate payment. awl •
all persons having chalets against said estate
present' them duly authenticated for vettleritent,
wyatusing, April 4. , Execurv.- -
Is hereby giverrthat I will appitto the.Courtr.t
Coinnum Pleasid Bradford County, on MO N DA 1",
)1 AI 6, 1878, ak2 ck, Ic. Id, for the henefi: nt
the Insolvent liars of the State of Peunsylvani., at
Melt time mrereditors and all others-lutere,!,,d
May attend If they think proper.
PATRICK 310fAlle9S,
Towanda, 3farel 28, 1878.
Is hereby given that all persons indebted to
the estate of Hasid ]learner, late of Shesheyno,
dee'd„ are requested to make Immediate psymelit,
and'all persons having &alms against said. /mate
mutt pressiiit theni duly nt:lthe ticated for settle
ment. • M. IttNYDEIt, •
Sheshequin, March 14,
.7S. Executor.
• . •
_A the,, Is hereby given that all persons Indebted
to the estate of Iteu••en Fairchild, late of War ea
township, deed, tonst- s tnake intineMate payineut,
and all persons having:Valois against said es
mvst present them duly authenticated (or x,ttle
ment.- FOLLY L. FAIUCIf . II.I),
Warren Twp April a TA. Executrix.
BRADFORD.—In pursuance Act of •As..ciii.
lily, parsed the lath day of 31arch,-A. 13. 1815, and
of other Acts of .lti•vtublei there will be expo el
to public sale, at the Ceminissioners' Offiee, lu. the .
Itocough of Towanda, on MONDAY, JUNE loth
I. the tracts of land tleserib-rd In the following
Ilst,'unless the taxes ariiipaltl Wrens that Was :
Acres.Warrantee SarMi„ Amount.
117 'Albany—Barren, John, Jr lIIN 52
Cl Wagner & Haines • • , 12 23
96 Ilarcias—'7unningham. 13 H 991
170 - . Daga, George 17(59
3 0 C. Ladle; Andrew • tit , 05
400 •Ladie . k,.Peter ••• ' - -82 80
370 Ladley, .Joseph 34 li
211 Stuart, Walter • • 21 94
l.'g3 Stuart, Debrirah ". :7 47
200 Lefloy—Beck, Henry • 15 90
202 Beats, Frederick ; 19 19
402 - Barrow, John, Jr 37 - 99.
179 ' Pfeifer, George • , 13 r,
-ton - Moarwt—Anderson, Samuel 21 Go
3.21 • Den nee-Jacob, • . ' 19 7r.
390, 8.-nner, Jacob, Jr It 05
172 'Ellis. Marcy- • I 9 2s
97 Gray, William .
200 Hampton, goliert - Is ~ e)
SO llopkins, Robert 2 71
432 31cAdam:5, Epliraluf 22 22
371 , . North, Samuel • • 2061‘
400 ' -North, times ' 21 - 60
361 . North, Jonathan 19 - 51
75 Rose, David . - 407
400 - Shotts, Peter ~ - 21 fiq
400 ' , Shotts, Frederick 21 ~ 0
400 r > slioits. Georgo_ •• 21 r 6
60 1 - Moore, John • 7 fii
37 - Cirstaler. Harman I :o.
'1.4 Itaga, Peter 3 IS
400 . Ladley, Henry 22 ei
172 • Ladley. Hugh -9 2 ,
.143 Stewart, Walter • . 773
190 Woodruff., Ilannah , • - It. :6
4 , 4) Wilson, William i 21 Go
Young, 531111191 lll ..n
145 Orerlon—Barnes. James • :' 21
343 .. Betz. Henry . 52 13
343 Betz, John 5? 51
3i3 . Betz, Josapli - ~, 52 s't
313' • Itetz,-.lnnies - . 52
400 . Ily.on, Henry
~ ' '6l 2.1 -
Barnes, Pallet
Cooley, Henry 45 ;a. -
.1 ,, 66
363' C2stator. Hannan • . .5: 54
-IU9 • rooley,..Joshita . ' . ci :.'.O
-100 Cristaupr, Joseph --- 61 1 , 1 ,
313 •• • 'Edge, Peter 51 Si
297 Fritz. Aolin
. . 30. t -
343 Fritz, Samuel .
to° • lingn, George -
~.. 61 •.:0
10 ' • • .1113ga; Nathan .C; 1:a
• •
Mtn • I Ham', Peter 51 -11.
400 'Hardy, Samuel 61 •.!.*
375 Hardy, James. _ '7,7 7.1
225. Hardy', Henry 31 3s
369 • Itirrts, Ann . - 63 67
409 .. 'Hollingsworth, Stephen ''" 61 T. , )
trzs Overton I'wl.—Ladley, Hugh 31 0
101 l
... .. Ladley, Andrew . , IS 33
373 • • Stoore, (ieorgo 47 4 12 .
333 5 oure, J - obb - .51 al-
'29 North, Samuel 4-VI
39 . North, .4 II iatitall 6 I" I
iiir) - Seelty, henry •
GI 20
375 ' , ..,Seeley, Jenalhens7 4 t
.fort' S,!elev, Peter - ' T
.. GI '29
'4DO O Slildjits, Andrew . - ' GI '7O
4(DO Slddttts, - George ' , GI 70
400 Seeley, Joseph 1 ' 6..1,. 2o
I.' -Ds . Temple, Peter 45 5i
VA) 'remple, Samuel * - 61 70 .
Ina . White, Jainec 6l 70
.Go . , Woodruff, Hannah ‘,'! Dla
7G • Terry—Baldwin, James' 65-1
I`o . - Cortright, Cornelius • ' ~ Itt 447
3sa Cortright, John la Ilr
30 navetivorf, Daniel - 3 37
. zir, Tus - caror.a—Flel.l,.lleury . • 570
100 Hunt, Joh • • --..- 10 7o - --
35 _ . Putter, James . 0 5-.:
ra; John ,
21 . Barrett, Joel
51 • Bahl., In, John
ui .1,11 ihbatil. Hannah'
/I oittntbaric. Jobu
ISO • Sterling. Samuel, jr
Al.l4o—ln pnrsuatiee of the prootalonS of the Act
of General Assembly, passed the . th day of April.
A. ~ 1314, Section 4lst, at th same time and
place vrlll 1w exposed 'to ',unlit: • a te the tracts or
parcels of land or real estate de ated In the fol
lowing 11sL, unless the taxes upon Ine same arc paid
before that tune :
Tn Itlinin As.,q•a,
Jl.lll3,lita—Boyle, Michael 1575
Joaes. George - ‘,
11"an1.110./i ry
' 1878
:Alliany=lleeman, Jas. est 1875
' .I.aralbee. Reuben
Smith; Ezra
•I,•eemati, .ratne , s, cat 15775
Athens t 1 , -11 all & Cunegs, 1757t1
Burlington W t rtst.G I les 1675
tintr•—Strapkins, J 11 1875
Franknn—Goff, Ilurry 1875
Robert, rt to-wart
It . •
Leßoy—Boutin. a, y Int 1876
Eltuttin,•l` ", Int
Overton—Barrett James. 1875
W C'
l'altill..lohn T
Ilawes Brothers • ....
Lantz, George;
Mellonald, 2a
Owen., w .1
Park, Eltai
Sulllvan„lohnW llot .
Barrett...lames 1876
John T •
Ilawes Brothers
• '
Keene, Sarah A
Owens, .1W - •
lark, Flirts
Towner. W'
. Weed..latnes .
'. Keefe, Denids, 2(1 • •
Essenwlne. Ge0.1,,W
Lantz.. George
.Pike--Pepper, Henry. est 1876
111.1gebury—Egan, Patrick - 1876
Sheshequiin-41dfir. Lewis 1876
Terry—Bixby, B. 31 3875
Blabs, G M . 1876
Northrup, Charles .
Tuscarora—Bump, Aaron " 7875
.Stark & Vote,
Stark & - Vose 1876'
Towanda North—tee, Wm • 1875
Towanda twp—.3inek, John 187 -
. Sullivan, Patrick ..-
31addin. S 1878
• Allis, Foley
Boyle. James -
• Lamorenz, Isaac "
• Plummer, SAC . •
Morton, E
Sullivan, 1'
ToWantla Ilona—Brainliall,W 1875
Cash. F A
llep.liesVWni'. .... :lots
11111, J D .... h&I
'Mason, William
Meehan. Mrs 3 . .
.... MI
McNulty, Michsl • . • ...:-"- h&I
. 4. ~ 41. " - 4• • 1 heil
. 1104 ford, 3 : 4 .... . . 210151
Haight. r IS . • „ .. Il o t
Ward, Mn. AI F • is 76 ' lint
-Scott. H 1., trottee • .... 1114
Meehan. Mrs .1 • .... 1 lot
Ibtvles & Elliott '' ..... 110/
A lien, .1 W ' . . .... . Clot
.Cash, Fred
Sullivan, Daniel • • '.... , 21ots
Holmes & Kirby..... Slots
(Lister—Clair. Morris '1875 stator
Waylusing—Bennett, It E 1873 land
tillibs. Russell- " . '.... land
Wilmot—l)onovan, 55 • 1875 'Land
tanning, fd, _ .... . land
Rolf, lienrF ", .. - , . ...... • land
-Stour, AJi .J. ' Land
w -
Barrocliff IF , .... Land
Barrowellff,W 1870 land
fitowe. A J . - • . ..... ' land
Lanning. 55 . _ ...: • lewd
Bolt; Henry ... land
W. B.—Notice is hereby given than an amount
stu3flerit to pay taxes and boats will be required in
every case When land is sold at the time of tale,
and unless these terms are complied with the land
wilt ho again exposed to sale • .
J. C.IIOBINSON, Treasurer.
Treasurer's Omve, April I, 1578. -'• ." '
Anilnlstia . tor .
S ' , 2
21 "ti
34 4 .‘
s ,7
1) , l'i
4 Sa
2 ` , l
li& t
4 1 41
1 ' 1
I . p 7
lo 71
1 : i
10 (0
1 es
1 4 1
1 :4
3 0I
4" 4 0
32 IA