padforbt gtporttt Towanda, Pa., Thursday, April 4, 1878• 1 - LW._ Ai , CHAMBERLIN Dealer in FINE* JEWELRY, • •, WATCHES, SILVER & 'PLATED WARE, , 'TOWANDA, PA. _ l'owanda, Jan. 18, 1.877. --,- --- LOCAL AND GENERAL. A new post office has been established in Wilmot township. The name of the Lillie° is Sciotaville. Tor: meeting of the Women's Foreign Missionary Society will be 'held at the Presbyterian Church on - Saturday after lakiimit 3. o 'clock. J. THE 4ase of Mr. Coot:aAron against the pa. S. N. Y. IL It. Co., referred to last week, as being tried, before arbitra= tors, resulted in an award of $2,000 fori the plaintiff. The case will undoubtedly be :)ppealed. • dune£ 3194n0w is holding an adjourn e(l session Of Court, this wujr.' The only case whiCh has comae before the jury thus far is the ejectment suit of l'Assi7i'r vs Pans. The land in controversy is_ situa ted in Terry toivnship. WE inaclifertantly omiftedlast Week to mention the fact that the Franklin and Naiad, boys were under obligations to C. Friel' and his estimable wife for a bountiful supply of hot cOffee on the morning of the destructive fire of. Mrs. Coi.Es's house. Mun.young friend. JOits Mims, of Uls ter, is to be,pongratulated upon his selec tion for a life donippion. Thehridc nee Miss VoolutEEs is one of the most accom plished young ladies of Mansfield; and will no doubt make him an excellent wife. We wish them a long and happy life. Fq 4 TERA SCOTT met with Another mis fortune one day last week. The delivery team which was standing hitched .to post rn front 6f. Mr. SCOTT'S hou6e in North:Towanda, broke loose and ran fu riously up th . e street. One of the animals was so badly injured that it will never be fit for service again. The wagon was also considerably damaged. - C. T. SMITH has leased the "Delevan House," Elmira. The Delevan has al ways Kenn a favorite: resort for the people of this county, and "Mine Host" SMITIT'S reputation as a hotel-keeper will' add largely to the patronage of the HOnsc. Bradford County people should make a special point to stop at the Delevan when in Elmira. Tim Pittsburgh Telegraph says _Ent•. llEntucti, of this .'olutty, has been ap pointed Clerk 'Viol - bk. Auditor General 5C11 . E1,1., P. G. Cnvrectum.; ofd Tioga County, has also received an appointment in the. Same department. Mr. lqamett is. eminently fitted for the respbnsible position to whiCh he has been appointed. Pmtsoss who have fide Work in the hue of watch and clock repairing Will bear in mind that En. M rl ti,rsstAux, the French watchmaker and repairer, who• has been with 31, lIENDELMAN for. the past several years, has not removed but remains at the old stand. where he will be glad to see his Many Vends' and the public .generally. • • EsErtAi. Jons D.tcts , the venerable father of Mis. :lodge MEnct - e, died at his home in DaVisville, Bucks County, On Monday morning last,' in the Voth year o f his age. Gen: Thivis was fox many years one of-the most prominent politicians in the State. T wenty-tine yearS• ago he re tired' from active life, butt hataeen in the enjoyment of excellent heakth b.nd virror outs mental fahnities until w r itha,p a few weeks of the time of his ci,eatb: Dlt.b. S. PRATE niale - a narrow escape from a serious accident nn, Saturday eve ning last. Ile was visiting aliatient near the ironworks, and in attempting to turn his horse about the animal bAcked a +little too far precipitating the 1)i)clor, hori,e ,and buggy down an tiba4ment some thirty feet. The lk)cte: WAS Considerably bruised; but fortunatclfr serioing injury, although he is stilt:suffering from the effects of the rkirilousfitll.l As Mr. BRou - si the milk - Om was yre paring to load his cans on Moitday mpro ing, Lis team of "mustang` ' s"' gave him the'" step," and 11,roceeded cm their ac customed journey, :it rather allively ' , rate of'speed. As they were thrill:lig, the'cor ner at Dr. NEWTON'S .IA.s...PESSENDES succeeded in catching the wins, and brought, theth to a halt. The;/trip from Towanda Creek and thr - ough t lseveral of otrr -streets - was .accomplislitfd without damage to either team Or vehltde. =2E2I PERSONAI..—COL 'OV - f'.4TON is in town this week. Judging frOui his •robut and vigorous appearatice, ‘t-a-shingtoutmos phere agrees .}‘''ith him. Ile is certainly making a proud record for himself. No member of the Pennsylvania yields more influence than he, and he is seldom absent frozil ills 'post of duty. -1-Among the attendiuits at Court, this week, we notice our odd frierid and .pa tron, WM. LAWRENCE, bf East Canton, looking as hale and hearty as" most men of . forty, although hgt- bas nearly arriv ed a the alloted period. —Senator DAVIES has taken advantage of the recess of the Senate to attend to, sonic or his legal busiticss. The Senator is as popular at Ilarrisburg as he is here among his constifbents. Mis . ?•:`s N. A. tixr.m. and NINA , FAmtL M jll4 , mtarned from.Ncw York, where they have been purchasing a stock of Millinf:ry and Fancy Gobds, 'and will be reads' to exhibit their stock to the la dies of Towanda to-morrow or next day. They will occupy the rooms a few doors north of Mercur Mock lately occupied by Mr:4, The new firm will also -r carry on dress 7 making in connection with their other business: 31,isses SNELL and FAILNIIANI have alLthe experiegee and I other qualifications to ensure' them sue- CtSB, and we hope they will meet with a generous patronage from the ladies of Tw , I . vanda and vicinity. WE are indebtM to the co4rtesy_of JAS Ikt . SWANK, Secretary of the Board .9f Centennial Managers of this State, for two volumes containing the report of .the a. • Board to the Legislature, together with a - message from his excellency, the Govern ,or: The volumes arNneritly bound in muslin, and cotaiii also a list of the aft , sets and members 'of the 'Board-and of the ' • associated Com mittees, an historical sketch of the exhibition, an alphabetical cata logue of Pennsylvania exhibitors, and a series of articles relative to the industries ; ,r sources and capabilities of our State. The hooks are handsomely illustrated and are, in short, a valuable acquisition to any library. . FREDERICK HEICIIEMER hai been op pointed Postmaster atVvertott in place of JACOB Horrsarivirs resigned.' THE body of. Young VANDEAHARE, who was drowned in the river just belqw` this place last November, was found floating in the Susquehanna in Lancaster County, in February. The Lancaster Examiner and . Express prints the following. facts concerning it : Mr. William Vandermark,' of To. wanda, writes: to the Eraininir and Express to describe the clothes. and gen-. cral features of the unknown man found drowned in the Susquehanna river, near Washington borough, iii.the early part of last month. Mr. Vandermark states that his brother was drowned 'near Towanda on the 27th of last November, while raft ing. He also stags that over two hun dred dollars have already been expended to find his body, but thus far without avail. He was twenty-two years of age, and had a scar on his right cheek: • . This fact was stated to Deputy Coroner Martiti-at Washington borough, and be reports that the body found in the river was so much debomposed that no scar was nottedable. Hessupposed the deceas ed was twenty-two years old, heavybuilt, clean-shaven face ; ho wore dark woolen pants, brown overalls and gingham shirt, and was coatless. On -his person were found five keys for chest locks, etc., and a pair of kip' boots. These facts were communicated to Towanda, •and from there we learn that the body found in . the Susqueluma, at Washington borough, is no doubt that of Charlie Vandermark, who was drowned about one mile below Towanda, last November, while propel ling logs. His :Dandy live in the country near fowanda. linvEirristxo.-- 1 A acll postedt °tempo. racy gives this sensible advice iu regard to advertising : . There is A:great lack of knowledge among people generally uPtin the best means of advertising. An advertisement to be otpiactieal - value must be • printed where it \rill be seen, and also where the pet sons who see it are likely to desire and be able to buy what is - described-to - them, If every merchant could ascertain 'what persons are; lemrof his goods, his best ad •vertiseniet4 would be a circular mailed' to their address. No merchant can, howev er,-Obtain this information, and he must therefore seek to discover by what man ner of publication he will be most likely to tiring his wares to the attention of pos sible purchasers. It isjcpnceded that the best means- of dole,Vis-• through , the newspapers, which make their' way alike Into the counting Louse, the Workshop and the family circle, are read ou street cars, railway cars and steamboats, and, in fact, address then.selves to all , classes and conditions of people. 'The daily news paper that has once-secured a large gen eral circulation And a' tracts to 'itself -the announcements of a fair representation of the community in the different branches of-wholesale and retail traffic; :serves as the-most effectual channel of communica tion between the Layer and seller, and becomes in one sense an exchange in which they mean to conduct transactions. It is a very great mistake to suppose that. readers are generally content with the news departments of the papers and leave the advert:sing . colutnns unperus&l. On the contrary, the reader who sits down- to thoroughly dig;..- his newspaper i ..,,,ex ceedingly apt to post himself up i the advertisements : and even if this weti olit, so, the fact remains that wlijn a persdh wants to purchase a particulai• thing. the newspaper is immediately turned to for : information as to where it may be had or what- particular ind ucements al e offered at certain establishments. , A. decidedly unprofitable system of ad- vertising is that which takesthe'shapes of handbills scattered alongllMstrects; post ers on die corners, glaring letterings on* rural fences . and n•eky hillsides,-, or cards in hotel albums, patent desks, and other catch-Benny shifts meant to attract atten tion in public places. A well arranged, conspicuous adilertisc mentin a reliable ,journal never escapes the eyes of the taublic. It carrids the mes sage of the advertiser everyviliere and commands respectful attention from eve. rybody. It is not . pilsll6l aside, or thrust out of sight or forgotten. It 'earns the confidence of readers and is consulted by thousands of intending purchasers. Its cost is even small in comparison with that of the foolish advertising so strop .. Arfy con demned by busiriess-experts. Th& money thrown away on the schemes of which we have , above spoken would have paid for a large amount of newspaper' advertising that would have stimulated trade and vastly inreased sales. T,•ike, whole country is talking now of a revival of industry and I prosperity, and it is a very sure thing that I the business men who rip the largest benefits ill be those who take care at the newspapers shall do them good . ser vice. YUAT, IZO.M ' STEVENSVILLE.—Think ino. that what is transpiring in our quiet little town and vicinity will he of interest to, some -of your numerous readers, will endavor to mention some of the leading items of interest Quite a number of our citizens are emi grating to the West this Spring, amtmg avhich is our neighbor Tnrononri BRAD sii:or'und family, who contemplate set tling in the Wall Walla Valley. Mr. Biza.nsuAw• is tin enterprising citizen, and carries with him the best wishes of 'Lis numerous friends who him success in. his new home. The farm recently , , by' hi m h as s oeen , purelmsed by'the JosErn MAnsu, who intends remoit iu!' thereon -soon. Miss HATTIE TAomAs and F.T. ESSTA iIppos have just returned from ,Wyalus big. where they have been teaching dur ing the.W inter in flit' graded school. Miss TitAs's beaming cOuntenance is again seen withqdre choir,,occmpying her old po sition at the organ. Mr. EnlVAnn CoDDING,; of Lellaysville, izTra Miss :Xi RV Triimvs, of this Place, closed a very , successful term of school here but a short 4.iine since, with the high esl of honors. Mr.tonDING is the' right man in the right place; his school here during tic past Winter was an , :eruinent success,__Lle leaves us 'with' the bast of wishes from all his pupils. Miss MARY TnomAs 'is a beautiful and and, accom plished young lady, and universally be loved by all her scholars. Miss SARAH Sri vENs is visiting friends at Lacevville. Miss ANNA TnoNtAs has ,just returned from a visit to Ithaca, N. ;Y., bringing -with her Miss. Amtr EN7.:Nsi who is now visiting lien friends, "the TwomAsEs," KEELEtt - and wife met with quite a severe accident While rntnrning home from 6tevensville a few days since. The horse taking fright became utiman ay,eoile, running. away, throwing them both out, breaking; Mr. KEELERS TibS titwl quite seriously inju-ringlirs.'4EELEm. NELsoN' Ross, of 'Wyalusing, we un derstand, has rented Wm. 3,osEs's place, and is soon to become a' citizen of our towm. Our enterprising young townsman, C. F. JoNES, - is making sonic fine improve ments about his dwelling on Church St.' J. L. Cri.vivr, proprietor of the Brad ford Lumber Mills, is just completing his beautiful residence on -Main Street. Mr. GRANT is an enterprising young man, who has the esteem if all. He has recent ly purchased a valuable printing press, and is now prepared to do'all kinds of work hrthe line of printing. • Prof. S. F. ACKI.KY and sister, of Spring 'ill, have been holding a • musical drill here during the past week, Which _closed with a very fine concert. Mr. ACKLEY is a fine musician, and an able conductor. He is a rising young Man, and will -soon rank among the first in his profesSion. His sister; Niss MARTA ACKLEY, makes a fine and:graceful appearance at the organ, and adds greatly to the attretions of their corLventions. . Among the singers Were the' vcalists, Miss Lorri._ Brat, Miss JULIA COMM'S, and EDWASIS COD DING, all of Leßaysville. MUTUAL." ,SUPERMITENDIMT WILT pat. upon 'the qua li fications of 106 . tmugtera Troy the other day. Tan Board of Managers of the Agri tural Society will meet at the office of W. S. VisremiT,'Secretaty, in' Towanda, on Tuesday, April 9th, 1878, - at. 1 o'clock, P. M. - IMPORTANT DECISION.—An important and somow 'h at novel divorce case was dis posed of by his , Honor, Judge JEsser here last week. The\tacts in the case as we understand them are these : In the year 1870 JENNIE 11. H AS NFELT, Of Water town, Wisconsin, a young lady of more than ordinarny beauty and intelligence, came east to finish her ede7tion at ihe , Auburn Female School, undo t he the charge o f Prof. Ileowx. While i-stud‘nt there she made the acquaintance .of CHARLES M. FITCH, a young gentleman ot \ that city. After leaving that institution she returned to her home in the West, whcre \ she was visited on several occasions by yAn g FITCH, the result of which was a betrothal and marriage in October, 1872. The brief wedding tour ended, the young couple took up their abode with the par ents of the husband, where they contin ued to reside fol. a year or more, but the young wife not being possessed of as much wealth as was supposed, FITCH'S parents she alleges, began a course of ill treatment towards her, making her very unhappy. About this time • a daughter was born as the fruits of the matriage. tinder. the• influence and control of his parents, the young husband was induced to turn against his wife, and she was forced, it is alleged, for lack of support to quit Auburn,. and with her infant child return atone to her mother's home. Soon after her departure illonnaL L. Furcu, the father-in-lcw, circulated the most scandalous reports about her chastity, on which the young Mrs. FITCH brought an action againsKtm for libel, and a jury awarded hert:::judgment of $4,500. Hav ing been foSed in this attempt to destroy her character, the husband, CuAuLEs M FITCII, filed in, the New York Ceurt a li bel in divorce covering in substance the de famatorylibels in the former suit; to this action . she appeared and put in a general denial, and the plaintiff suffered the case to be dismissed at his cost. Abandoning further proceedings in the State of New York,* he came into the. State of Penusyl- vania and filed another libel in divorce for the same causes as alleged in his petition in the State of New 'Yfr)c, and by means I I of false testimony surreptitious y obtain ed a-decree of divorce in thee( rt of this County I When - Mrs. FITCU, some time after the decree for the first time was Made aware of the proceedings by seeing a notice of the divorce-in an Auburn pa per, she immediately took steps to exposé the-proceedings upon which Fl;rcit pro cure&jie decree. To that end she came here and employed counsel, who satisfied the Court that the plaintiff had procured his divorce through fraud and deception, whereupon the, decree , was set. aside. Judge Jr.s.sur filed the following able opinion : . On the Gal day of April, 18'77, Charles M. Fitch filed ids libel In the Court of Common Pleas of this 14 : Nullity, setting forth his marriage, with Jennie M. ! Fitch the respondant, on the 29th day of October, 1872, and cohabitation until the Rth day of Februa-, try, is 74, and alleging adultery of the respondant with one .1. M. Gillett, and concluding with the ,al legation that the libellant Is a eltli..n of thy Com monwealth' of Pennsylvania, and bath resided -therein for more than one whole year previous to the tiling of this, his petition." The required affidavit was appended, and on the same day a subp,ena was awarded upon, which the I t following return was made: "I hereby certify that I served the within writ on the within named defendant persoiaally, on the 20th day of April, 1877, by producing the same to li , rand making known to her the contents there of."_ . (Signed), CUAs. DuNEAR." worn and subscribed before me this 23d day of April, 1572. J. S. WILLISTON. Justice of the Peace. , . Upon this return, no appearance being entered for the respondant, deposttlonswete taken ez.porte proving the adultery, and the residence of the ..11- bell:tut was proved by his own deposition, and that of ono Atkinson Canner, to have been in Phflatlet. phia from the latter part of March, 157th, ?Or seven months, and from that time np to July Itist, 1577, the time - . of taking such depositions at Athens, Bradford County. , Upon this tes(hoonv, on the •Md day of July, 1.577, this Court, Judie Morrow presiding, granted a divorce a eincoto On the.ffOth of Sept., WT. ;Jennie U. Fitch, pre• twitted to the Court her affidavit, setting forth that she was a resident of Chicago, In the State of' lilt note. where she had resided for a year.or more, that no service was ever made upon her of tit.- suiw Arena, or any other pap'sr In this ease by Charles Dunbar, or any other person,that she was Ignorant or any proceedings la:Mg instituted until she saw a notico'of the ilvorce In a newspaper, and deny ing each and all the facts alleged as cause of di vorce, and showing by,the affidavit Of John T.Pin gree, that the libellant had not been a naident of the State of Pennsylvania for ono whole year pre- I 'lons to the date of filing his said petition or libel. Ulan these affidavits this rule was granted. At the hearing, the following facts were estab lished by time testimony : 1. That Charles M. ' , ltch had not been .srealderkt, of the State of Pennsylvania for one Whole, year previous to tiny - filing of his libel on the 6th day of April, 1577. 2. That no personal strviee, tiorany service what ever, was made of the tditlprena, In ails ease upon Jennie 11. Fitch, the respondant, nor did she have not- knowledge of the proceedings, nor appear Ho rein by counsel or otherwise. And upon these 'facts the respondent asks to' have the decree vacated.' It is also proved that Jennie If. Fitch and Chas. M. Fitch were residents of 'the State of New York from 'October...lB72, until the Spring of 18741. 'ictkn Charles M. Fitch, failing and refusing to support and provide for his wife and child, she returned to the home of key mother in Wisconsin, and mime , quently to the State of-lllinols, where she resided Ve hen the proceedings In this ease were instituted An actual bona fide residence of ono whole yeai previous to the filing of the libel Is a pre-requisite I to awarding the sulqiettaf , This residence is one of the essentials to Jails: ; diction. Where there Is no residence the Courts ?have no Jurisdiction, and If a state of facts all al leged. and giving Jurisdiction, and upon which the Court acts. and they prove to have been falsely set up, the action of the Court Is obtained• by fraud, and In all such cases will be revoked and set aside upon the pr..per request. Nar was there any personal service of the subp(ia ua Oi , faiseiy setup by the return. The law'reryfilros - serviec or publication when serviee cannot be obtained. There was no publication In thin case. Rut beyond all thi4 the law—That bad therebeen . . . . . .... the required residence of libellant, and bad there been a service ilium the wife at Chicag;•, her resi dence. this Cnort had no juriadlctien, because this had never been the common ,domicil of the partic, nor where the injury was committed,. nor ha i the offending party fled from the common dont- - lell. X The hneband could no mo t draw the domicil of the wife In Pennsylvania b his presence here, than the wife could draw that of *be husband to Illinois, had she fled to that .State. "In this re spect justice requires that neither should draw the other within the folds of a foreign jurisdiction," .(colvice vs Reed 5 Smitii.,3so). The law, as settled by the case Just cited, Is that the injured - party ih the marital relation must seek redress to the dom icil of the defendant, unless such defendant has fled from what was before the common domicil , of both. This Is affirmed in Reed vs Eleer (52 Pa. Rep 515) In which ease the Court says, "Clearly where it is once detenitined that a Court - has not jurisdic tion, notice or psocess duly served cannot give vi tality to the judtment it may pronounce." When, therefore, the libellant Fitch failed and refused to support zhis wife in 1874. she bad the right to go to the home and domicil she had before =Triage, and there acquire a new domicil. Her domicil at the time of the Institution of these pro. ceellings, in the State of Illinois and there is no power In r laws to bring ter against her conk sent, or wit out her knowledge within ourjurirdie tioq. , lint the libellant says she has no standing here, and no right-Ito be heard and produces a record of the Superior Court of Cook• County, iilluols, show lug that on the 15th day of December, 1876, Jennie H. Fitch prefered her • libel and divorce against him for desertion., and en the 10th of February. 1677, a decree of divorce was granted which decree remains valid and unreveeseti: This,ctaims the libellant shows that she is nalong er Ills wife, and therefore has no right to be;heard. when his marritial rights are In question. This In t')it t 'limes a new feature Into the case, and makes It er n worse if possible for the libellant. . ,or this being now admitted by him shows, that athe time be prefered his libel in the Court, he was net the husband of Jennie H. Fitch at all, and therefore be sought to have this - Court Issolve the marital relation, when none existed, bather he knew of this divorce of his wife at the e does not appear In the evidence, nut it does ap r that he preferred a bill similar to this, and for the Su preme Court of the State of New York, at what had been the common domicil on the 7th of March, 1876, Whemanswer was made by the wife denying the charges, and issue was joined, and that such bill was dismissed byssensent of parties on the 30th of Deceinber. 1876. Whether he knew of this divorce or not, his bill was no less a fraud upon the Court here, and If the respondant is notthe law fit wife of libellant.' she has a right for the protection of, her personal char- - acter, and the reputation and feelings of the daughter of these parents to have a record which will forever stand as a foul blot, and an impeach ment of her character as an Individual, and which upon any state of facts, this Court had no rightful power to make, vacated and annulled. We do not pretend to express any opinion upon the merits-of the alleged cause. We only decide that this Court had no jurisdiction of any causeof divorce between these parties.that the decree was obtained exports upon false affidavits of service, and an untrue evi dence of reoldence Of libellant, and whereas the libellant new shows no Maritial relation existed at 'the time.. . Therefore, the decree of this Court, made July 1.3 d, 1877, dissolving-the bonds of Matrimony be tween Charles M. Fitch and Jeanie H. Fitch is Th. rated end' annulled, and allsprormedlngsln Mistime are Set aside, and the said:libel Is dismissed at the cost of the said Charles IL- YAM .. OVEItToN & M ERCtR represented the libellant, and PATRICK & POTTS the re spondent. .. _ A NEW-ENGLAND SUPPER IN is YE OLD EN film.s."-. Festival for r the 'benefit of the M. E. Church, in Ulster, Pas will be held, - (Deo Volente), at the Van Dyke House,. in Ulster, JOHN BEE3t4N, t'ropri tor, on Thursday evening, April 11, 1878. • supper will be served in the style. of Ne • England's primal days, the Commit , teezprong in the costume of "Auld Lang S e." A very enj i t \ Ail are co • 1: fee 25.centa. lble timo is anticipated. ' ly . invited to participate. By Order of Com. Aram.--The folio ing beautiful poeti cal effusion is peculiarl applicable to the present season : • Now fades the last long sire k of snow, . Now bourgeons every Inas of quick About the doweling squares, nd thick By ashen roots the violets blow. • Now rings the woodland loud and lon, The distance takes a lovellerus . hr,, , • And drowned In yonder 115Ing bine The lark becomes a sightless tong. :low dance the lights on lawn and lea, \ The docks are whiter down the Tale, And milkier every•milky sell Oo winding stream or distant sea. • Where now the searmew pipes, or dives In'yender greening gleam, and fly The birds, that change their sky To bull ; that live their lives. From ...Rd; and In my breast Spring wakelis s too; an d my regret r Becomes an April violet, And buds and blossoms like the rest. THE following officers"ere installed over Bradford Lodge, 1. O. O.`F., on Holi day evening last, by D. D. 0. it., G. W. BLActimen : N. G.—A. J. FISHER. • \ V. G.—CHAS. FRALEY. Asst. Secretary-0. S. SMITH. The following are the appointed officers for the term : B. S. to N. G. —Jim H. CotmiNo. L. S t to N. O.—J. L. KENT. Cl/11.—G. W. RYAN. Warden—E. L. Ilmt,rs. '•.. Chaplain—J. A. REconn. R. S. to_ V. G.—F. C. HEATH. -L. S. to V. G.-11MM HARRIS. L H. WARRINER. O. G.—A. BARNEII. Organist—H. A COWLES. Finance Committee—S. W. ALYORD, A J. NOBLE, JEFF. S. CAREY . . B. S i . S.-11.K. SMITH. .L. S. S.—JESSE SCHONOVER. , • "STRANGE WHAT A DIFFEIiENCE."-•• Tvieedle-dum in your issue of March 28, says, speaking of oloomarigarine, "that and what we call butter are of the 4_3 amo material by a different process." . It is . Moubtedly known to most of your readers that butter is made from milk or cream, also margarine . from' the fat of dead animals, whether from - neat cattle slaughtered for .beef or from the carcass of some plump horse or mule after life's, fitful dream is over, the consumer may not 'know, but " where ignorance &c" 'tis folly to inquire into particulars. That milk in all its lusciousness is the same material, I never knew before, but, this is doubtless owing to the mystery of the "difference." I hope Tweedle•dum will not feel badly when we have here as in sister States a law that the venders of this vile stuff shall only sell it for what it is, and be liable to severe penalties for palming it off on unsuspecting customers for butter. TWEEDIX-DES. . . A. BAD-BEREAVENEENT.--GUY L. Ross, aged two years and eight months, only child of DANIEL F. and BELLE Ross, and grandson of Gsonon M. and • MARY Ross, of the town of Ulster, Pa., came to his death suddenly March 20t11, 1878, un der the most afflicting circumstances. - The day before, Match 19th, while at play in his grardfather's house, ho fell back wards into a pail of hot- water, scalding hills so badly that he died in about twen ty-four' hours. It is well, that the little sufferer was released-so soon from the ter rible resulting agonies. • . Little Gui was one of the most spright ly and beautiful of boys. • His, symmetri cal form was a model for the sculptor, and-his many interesting ways made him a Cherub of ,two households—the father's and the .grandrather's. No human words can tell the deep affliction caused by - this sad bereavement :—sad in its, suddenness and the attendant circumstances, when viewed only from a . human stand point— but not sad When viewed in the light of Divine Revelation, for we are there as -Su-red that, "Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven." We have the clearest warrant for believ • g that this sweet boy, passing thus sud denly beyond the storms of time, inu; found his everlasting borne in the blissful Peadise- beyond the river. Tram COUNTY HiStORY.--StlbSCritOrB to the history as well as all persons interest ed in the local history of Bradford Coun ty, will with pleasure that the work has been completed, and is now ready for delivery: We have not yet seen a copy of the book, but learn that it is au elegant volume, and doe's credit not only to the author but to the enterprising publishers who have pushed the publication with so much energy. Mr. H. B. Ptr.ncE, who some of our cit izens may remember as the gentleman who assisted Mr. Cnstrr in compiling some of the chaptertof Bradford County, and was in the publishers office when the history was completed, at the. conclusion of the writing of the last page dashed off the following impromptu. To appreciate the force of the expressions, the circum stances mint be known. After the fire in which a part of the printed matter was consumed, there was it great deal of extra labor required to bring the work out at the time it was advertised to appear. ED WARDS, the foreman of the printing office, who was eagerly pressing for corrected proofs and copy, hacka peculiar pronunci ation of some of the names of the town ships ; for example, Sheshequin he accent ed on the first syllable as he did Wysox, making it also short-the spelling and the rytbm are intended to convey this pro nunciation : AN IMPROMPTU (A LONG RAT) AFTER ".EXCELSIOIL” The presses all were running fast, • The typos setting up the last, When Edwards cattle from realms *bore, And more In sopawi than In love "Wlssox I" " We want more copy right away ; We've set the last of Tow4ms-day, Shesbos-quin is in type. Ark we must base It rare or ripe, \‘' This Whom "Here are stinke prooti to read right oft, At once; don't stop to.sneeze or cough: 3111eMeney wants thew,--cannot wait,— He !rants to know,, too, just the state. There Is," said Edwarts, "Jost one thing latehlod of what we-need to fmizig • This Job around and out on fluid, . o ,For which we wal4.with that stiblfme,— That's Whoa Just the tag kith's; our play,— We want . lt . bad,—we nou't delay,— weii set It up in wink of eye, And proofs revise before they're dry, Of Atlases." Thus saying, Edwards went air, But floating downward, falling soft Upon the ear, like sounds afar, ' Through cottage casements 4 half ajar, Came "Vistas." l'rtz teMperance interest is on the in crease hero. The meetings which baVe .beau held during the _past week, clearly indicate that the the interest of our people has not abated in the least, but that there is a firm determination to continue the warfare against King Alcohol, until the last devotee shall surrender or "die in the last ditch." As in all movements this character there is much in the, man ner of Conducting the meetings whichlis • 'stasteful to someg but • all unite in pro ng • nciag the results good, and therefore all . f... citizens should give it a. hearty suppo Mr. BARRY, the conductor, possesses • large - degree of executive ability, and . - his judicious management hasteen ins , mental in, awakening . in terest in the in - • tlugs. Tolhe admirable choir, led by Mrs. A. BALnwiN, much credit is due,Jas muskis a most import ant element an the .MOKphy ,movement, and this portion of the ex,ncises has been Most successfully maintaineA We - nave not the time and space to refs in detail to all the speeches which have benkmado, but the Court House has been crowded every night, and the addirsses hivelreen attentively listened to. LLEWELLYN HAR RIS, RHODE 310 E, ARMSTRONG TYLER, AMES . MCINTYRE, and other reformed me)tave advocated the cause in feeling and aching language. On Tuesday el, ,ening, Mr. J. B. Iliiroos, of Elmira, spoke for nearly hour and a half in a most eloquent andoonvincing manner. At the conclusion of liis address, the larger part of the Naiad Firia , Oompany filed into the 'room in a body and signed the pledge. This manly example *lit add to the al ready brilliant record of\ he Naiad boys. The meetings will •be ntinued until further malice. The evening salons are pFeceded by a prayer meeting at - the M. E. Church - every. afternoon. QUITE an excitement.' i vase created on Wednesday last, :by tboj diszovery that one of the trusses sustaining, the roof:. of Christ Church, had in some unaccounta ble manner, slipped !loin its position; and was liable to come craShing down upon the heads of the worshippers, or at any time, and fortunately the matter was dis covered in time to save an accident, =and the timber was placed in position' again, ' and the building is now as' secure as ever. rt SHER, the Photographer, has edited to the attractiveness of his building by ,placing over the entraute a beautiful and artistic sign.' 31its. 311z:Gos bas the' best Skirt Supporter, also the Skirt Elevator. Eir FOR RENT.—A dwelling house on State Street. between Second and Tided. Enquire 01 J. J. Gltri-FITII 8. CORMit has the Destweating Shoes for Men, Boys and Tonths• weir ever offered In Towanda, and at prlrps within the reach of all, r/r Clam Chowder at SEEMY'S Oyster Bay next Saturday night. Ills Mends are Invited. As CHARLEY never (lees things ty halves, you .may annelpateA god time. ar Gent's tine, band-sen:ed Shoes, Con; cress, Button and low Shoes—every pair warranted and sold at prices that cannot fall to please. Call and see them at.COUSENS, or The Largest, Best and Cheapest line of Shea for Ladles', Misses' and Chiidrrns' wear fa found at COnskn's new store, corner Main and Pine-ate., Tracy & NoUle's Block. apr4'7B gr Horse Powers for sale, one Second hand, and new ones of Blood k Cob manufaCture, Sayre llfanrg CO. Sayre, Pa. Man. 3 months VirA BAIIGAIN' FOR SOME GOOD, IN- DtiSTIOUS MAN. A gentremari having more busi ness on his hands than lie can 4 "attend to, will sell a Stock of General Merchandise on terms to make it an object for some good man-to invest. No capital of any account required. For further partiqulars enqoirwat this office. Feb. 2S, tf. MOODY.—To any and all desiring a volume of s). 1., 31 oiuly's Sermons, Prayers and addresses, as revised by his own hand, best In print, book large,type . plain. Toper good, and contains over 600 pages, with 73 sermons and addresses, - well boknd. Price according to binding, 12,V, $ 3 , 00 , VSO. - Thisitook should be in every house, as Songs and Setinons mate well. Apply to . E. Burioughs of Alba, Pa. - Ems' 14 , universal accord Arnu!s PILLS are the trst of all purgatives for family use. They arc the product of lung, labori ous, and successful chemical investigation, and . their use, by Physicians in their practicef and by * all civilized nations, proves them the best and most effectual purgative Pill that medical skill can devise. Being purely vegetable, do harm can arise train their use. In intrinsic value and curative powers no other pills can be compared with them, and every person, knowing their virtues, wilt em. ploy them, when needed. They keep the systsita In perfect order, and maintain in healthy action the whole machinery of life. Mild, searching and ef fectual, they are specialty adapted to the needs of the. digestive apparatus, derangements of which they prevent and cure, it timely taken. They are the boat and safest pliy.l.• to employ for children and weakened • constitutions, where a mild, but effectual, cathartic is required. SOLD t 11" alas DRUG GISTS. N. N. BEERS tar Everything in the line of station ery at t WlitTcona & SIIAUT'S. I Three Button Kjd Gloves in all the new shades at :Sins. 741tNaos'. A good double Sleigh for sale cheap. Enquire at Fnosr Furnature Store. Or Bronze Lamps, with Crystal Illum inator. only Wet—MAUI I.l's Crockery Store. lw. UITAFITIERLIN has just re turned treat New York with goods for the Holi days. rir You can get all tbe Most styles of Stationery, very cheap, at WMTCoiiin t Suarr's Cam` We will pay, cash for Hemlock Lumber to the log, delivered at our mill on chilies St., J. 0.-Fno4i's Sosn, itsr Remember 'always, that we will sell you Lamps, Crockery and Glassware at the lowest prices, MADILL'S Crockery Store. rir Don't you forgot it. We have an excellent CRACKER 'MANUFACTORY In town at COW,LEB' BAKERY, where yell can buy the best treeh-baked Crackers- ti' Great, reduction on rates to .all points West, Northwest and Southwest. The cheapest fares ever offered. Write or apply to G. R. Sherwood, Towanda, L. V. It. B. ticket office. lir To Tur - Puratac.—The Steam Grist MIII In Sbesliequtn, formerly owned by F.S.Avans., will be" started under NEW MANAGEMENT and witelncreased facilities, on MONDAY, Feb. 11, 1878. We Invite all the old.patrous of this pop ular Mill to gtYe us a call. Wo shall not object to .1 making new friends. SATISFACTION GUAR- A NTEEIII, 8:W. RODGERS, Agent. , !Mesh obi, Feb. 7, 1878. Of Wissoi Oh. great the power litinmimi tongue; I :. Its praise complete bath no'er been sang; We hear Its fleece:4 oft of woe, Bat here of Johns the printers go For.Wkilos While Ittiehtdf nut Its wears round, I dopbt If ought irltl e'er be found So full ofgludnese Isthls try, When late and'lnst it dusted bye— " Here's Winter." Theo hall to thee, oh last Proof4heoli .2 Old Bradford's towns thou dr,st complete;, lto more shell Edwards spealts the name, Or call for copy,- , winall the Mime.— . Of Wlssos, oy NEW LOCALS. BUSINESS LOCAL. - 5 ! I CLOSING Orr SALE of Gold and Sliver Watches, Chains, Fancy Jewelry, etc. The undersigned haring purchased at Sheriff's Sale the entire stock at Watches, Chains, Silver and Plated Ware, in the store formerly occupied by M. Hsu- DittalAN, and dot wishing to'remain the bust .ness. has Concluded to sell the entire stock regard less of l cost, in order to wind up the business. Call early fad ware banniine. • _ M. JACOBS. 1878 POWELL & CO. Have just recived and now offer their Spring purchases of House Furnishing At prices muck below those of any previous" season. Body Brussells, Tapestries, - Three flys, • Eitra Superfine Ingrain,',,tl Ingrains of Lower Gra ds. Floor Oil loths, Mats and Rugs in Great Variety* Canton and Napier Mattings, Druggetts, -Crumb Coths, &co WALL PAPER !' A. Complete AssOrtment in all Qualities. WINDOW SHADES ! Gilt Border and Holland hades, and of Various Uolors.Az- Lace and Muslin Curtains, Upholstery Goods and. Furniture Coverings of Cot ton and' Worsted Fabri6s New and Choice-Designs - and Pa tterns. Towanda, Pa., March 28, 11378 Miscellaneous. ,TIMILEST AWARDS! CETENNIAL EXHIBITION. - J. REYNOLDS & SON„ Northwest cornet THIRTEENTH AND FILBERT an., PIILA, Yanntactarera at patented WROUGHT-IROX. 'AIR-TIGHT HEATERS, With Shaking and Clinker• Grinding Grates for burning Antbracite.or Bituminous Coal. - PENTENNIAL • WROUGHT-IRON HEACTERS. For Bl,tumluona Coal KEYSTONE WROII9HT-IRON HEATERS, Cooking Ranges, Lew-Down Grates, Etc Descriptive circulars SENT runt to any address EXAMINE BEFORE SELECTING PhiMOW*, April 26, 77-Iy G REATLY REDUCED PRICES ! The undersigned is doing PLANING, MATCHING, AND RE-SAWING, And all klnda of Planing-inn! Work, AWAY DOWN! DOWN!! DOVai :I: So 4r you can't mitt. I bare also ou band a large stock of SASH AND'DOORS Which I am selling at:prices to snit the times, WINDOW-BLINDS Made promptly to order, at a low . prlce, for CASH IF YOU WANT TO OFT RICH QUICK, Call andsee my Goods and rrlces. Lumber brought hero to be milled, "will be kept under: cover and perfectly dry until taken' away. Good sheds for your homes, and a dry place to load. ;ands. Jan. 18, 1877 NOW IS THE TIME AD VERTISE, -AIVD THE REPORTER THE BEST , MEDIUM -IN ,NORTHERN PENATSFL VA NIA Let Merchants and BusineSs Men snake a note of this. 1 • TIIE RAPIDLY INCREASING CIRCULATION OF THE REPORTER IN EVERY SECTION OF YHE COUNTY\ IS ATTRACTING THE \ ATTENTION OF ADVERTIS ERS. NOW, AS THE ;SPRING TRADE IS yu.Fr OPENING, IS THE TIME TO ADVERTISE. Powell k Cai 11•11.1=0 C _ CARPETS,! AIrEDICAL ELECTRICITY 'lilt& TULE,: M. COVERDALE Has returned from Philadelohla, where she his graduated at the rhlladelphla Electric College and has been, granted a diploma authorizing her to practice this branch of a'edical science. In her practice in this borough during the past Year. she has effected many-wonderful cures. Her increased knowledge makes her fully competent to treat nearly all diseases incident to our race. Spe cial attention is given to purely female complaints. Charges moderate. Terms cash. Residence on Poplar• St., west of Western Avenue, where she may be found at all hours. Towanda. 3farch,2B, 187 e. AGENTS - WANTED FOR THE • - HISTORY °F TEE WORLD. Embracing full and authentic accounts of every nation ofd ancient and modern times, and including a history of the rise and , fall et the Greek and Roman Empires, the growth of the nationsot mod Europe middle ages, the crusades , the feu dal systeni; the-reformation, the discovery and set - Clement of the New World, etc, etc. It contains 672 tine historical engravings and 1260, large double column pages, and Is the moat .Couipleto lllistory of the World ever published. It sells at sight. bend for specimen pages and extra terms toi Agents, and ace wby it soils, faster than any other book. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia. Ps PASSAGE TICKETS • To and front Europa by INMAN AND NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Also, • FOREIGN DRAFTS IN ANT AMOUNT For sole by WM. S. VINCENT, Main Street, . - 'Towanda, Pa. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, CAPI7 Ar. PAlp 1N.... SURPLUS'' FUND This Bank offers unusual facilities forthe traits- action of a general banking business JOS. POWELL, President. - nUR COMBINED CATALOGUE FOR 1878. I°- EVERYTHING FOR THE . GARDEN Numbering 175 pages, with Colored Plate, SENT FREE L. B. RODGERS. To our custoinewf pact year. and to all purchas ers of our• hoax, either GARDENING FOR PROFIT. PRACTICAL FLORICUL'URE, or GARDENING FOR PLEASURE rueice #1.50 each, prepald,t3y To others, of eeelpt of '2.5e: Plain Plant or Seed Cato . without Plate,,free to all. PETER HENDERSON at C , SEEDSMEN, MARKET QASENEIUB AN • il.olttEift 35 Cortland Street, Nei , Tort . • March 7, 1878, if (GREENHOUSE AT YOUR A DOOR. For 11100 we will send free mail either or the below-named collections, all distinct rartetfes : 8 Abutlions, or 4 Azaleas, 8 Begonias, or :Camellias, 2 Caladlums (fancy) or 8 Carnations (itonthl9). 12 Chrysanthemums, or 12 Coleus, 8 Ceutanreas. or 8 other white-leaved plants, 8 Dahlias, or 8 Dianthus (Flew-Japan), 8 ferns, 8 Mosses, or 8 Fuchsias, 8 Geraniums, Fancy, 8 Variegated, or 8 Ivy-leav ed, •4 Gloxinias, 8 Gladiolus, or 8 Tuharosei (Pearl), 4 Grape vines, 4 Honeysuckles, 4 Hardy Shrubs, . 8 Heliotropes, 8 Lantanas, or 8 Petunias, 8 Pansies (new German), or Salvias. • 8 Roses, Monthly, 8 Hardy Hybrid. or 4 Climbing, 8 Violet, (scented), or 8 Daisies. English, I:Scarcer Bedding, or 12 Scarcer Greenhouse Plants, 16 :Verbenas, distinct and Slideddid sorts: 25 Varieties of Flower, or '3O varieties of Vege- table Seeds, or by EXPRESS, buyer to pay elacirges, Stec,Sections for y 5; 6 tor 63; 6 for .5; 12 for 14 tor f 7 ; 18 for lie ; 'or the full collection of 210 carte-ties of Plants and Seeds—sufficient to stock a greenhouse and garden—tor t 2 to-nur bout "Gardening for Pleasure , ' and , Catalogue - offered stove (value 11.75) will be added, ' • March 7, 1878, tt - 1 Johnson's Anodyne Liniment will positively pre. 'Vent the. terrible disease, and will positively cure nine.esses in ten. Information that will save many lives sent free by mall. Don't delay a. moment. Preventibti is better than cure. 1.8. JOHNSON& CO., Bangor, Hattie. V R. SWISHER, \ DENTIST. °Mee:vier Mn. Minim , store. Tracey* Noble , s - Block. Tiestment or diseased teeth s specialty. Gas and ether administered when desired.r-mehMle , 1878 ME Goods ! i 1 ..,,, New Advertisements. TOVVAIiDA, PA. 9125,000 .... " 80,000 N. N. BETTS, Cashier. -6F- . PETER HENDERSON & CO., . 33 Cortland Street, N. Y lON:vignißti )Ssr.2l lm REASUREWS SALE OF UN- 'MATED LAND IN THE COUNTY 'Ol 7 RADIPORD.-4n pursuance of an Act of Assem bly, paged the Illth•darof March, A. D., 1515, and of other eta of Assembly there will be framed to public e, at the Commissioners , °Mee In the Boma of *wands, on MONDAY, JUNE, tarn, 1878, the trae of- land described In the follOwlng list, unless the xes are paid before that time: ' Aerie. ' Wecnantee Name. Atorninf. 117 . Albarli-Darrisks, Jan, Jr • - $ll 52 - _ 17 _ Wagner s kHalnes - .., Barclay —Cunningham. D H Mtge, George Ladley, Andrew . . Ladley, Peter - • . °. Lune), Joseph • • , Iltnart, Walter - -- . Stuart, Deborah' Leßoy—Beek, Henry Beats,' Frederick • • ' - Barrow, John, Jr ' Pfeifer, George - Mm.roe--Anderson, Samuel ~ . Berineraacob . .. 1. - - Behner,Jacoh, Jr 21 -. Elite, M arcy' ~,..„ - • Gray, William . ! 5' . ' Hampton, Robert , 10 Hopkins, Robert. -2 • McAdams, Ephraim -. -,23 ' Worth, Samuel *- -- ' 20 North, James 21 North, Jonatbre ' . . - 19 • Hose, David • - 4 Shot's, Petei, - • 21 Slms, Frederick - 21 - M ,shotts, George . 21 oore, John 3 Castaler, Harman 1 , . Raga; Peter . 3 Ladley; Henry ' ' -121 Ladley, Hugh , • 9 Stewart, Walter ° 7 'Woodruff, Hannah 10 Wilson, William2l - ^ Young, Samuel 10 Overton—Barnes, Jaltles • . 22 Heti, Henry - - 52 Betz, John 52 Het s„tosaph -.lletz,;janies . 52 . ' 'Byron, Henry lk _ ' •. . 61 • Ilarnes,"Patrick - 45 - Cooley, Henry - --- --. ' - - $ Castator, Harman . 53 Cooley; Joshua. . 61 lastator, Joseph ..61 dge, Peter , 52 Fritz... John 39 • Fritz, Samuel - ' • . 59 liege, George .. • \ ' -81 ljaga,.Nathan 6: Haga, Peter • -, Hardy, Samuel - - \ 61 Hardy, James N 51 Hardy, Henry . N, 3- ilartil, Ann ' . : ... \Ai 'Hollingsworth, Stephen - 81 . Overton Twp—Ladley, llugh 3- Ladley, - Andrew .. - • 11 Moore, George - 5' - - Poore, John . . . -5 : North, Samuel Worth, Jonathan Seeley, Henry - - 8 376 Seeley, Jenatlan 400 :.Seeley, Peter ~ 400 Slddens, Andrew 400 • Slddens, tteoige. : 400 Seeley, Joseph ' 299 Temple, Peter 400 Temple, Samuel 40 0 , . White, James 60' ' WoodruffOlannatt 76 Terry—Baldwin, James 460 -, Cortrlght, Cornelius 343 Cortright, John 30 Havenport;,llaniel M Tinicarora—Field, Henry 700 Hunt, Job 35 Porter, dames MI Wilmot—Allen, John 216 Barrett;. Joel 381 Bald.. in, John Hibbard, Hannah 75 Ifollenbaek, John • .fc 09• March; Samuel •180 • Sterling, Samuel. r ALSO—In pursuance of the provisions of the Act of General Assembly, passed the 29th day of Aprll, A. It. 1844, Section 41st , at the.same time .and. place ;ell be exposed' to public sale the tracts or parcels of land or real estate designated in the fol lowing list, unless the taxes upon Inc same are paid before that time : = C s ......= ; ,- . 1 .... ki,s 2' , . Whom Aced. .Z , ".- S 'I •• ti _.. sl !, • -• if rs N., ti .f' • • i 74 ; ARMENIA. - • 36 , 90 90 ' Michael 76 1.90 . ~.. Jones. George En 1675 Beeman, James. eat So .;.. Larribee; Reuben . 64 • • Smith, Ezra .24 2 00 1376 Beeman, Jamet, est 2 sO ATHENS TWO'. . • SO 65 t. 24 80' 1876 Bull el; Cummings SO BURLINGTON WEST. • 1875 Grist, Gilesso ‘. - BURLINGTON 110110. • 8t 147 1876 Ilionlin. J. int 55 400 08 Donlin, r int •55' 4 01 e.IVERTON.. 1'875 Bariett, - Jarnes 15 ••-• C 50 .14 ....• Cahill, John F 50 ;90 .... Hawes Brothers 72 • Lantz, George ' 72 • Madden, Patrick 130 IOS 14cDonald, Jas 100 144 • .McDonald..Ja., Id so ~... Owens; W J - 1 44 .. Park, Elias . • 158 Sullivan, John W hot Weed, James -I 12 1876 Barrett, James ,40 324 Cahill, NS' C - 50 763 Cahill, John T '5O 7'32 Hawes Brothers ' 4 32 Keene, Sarah A 400 63 40 Owens, J W land 5 0.4 Park, Elias • •300 11 90 Towner, W 3 24 - Weed. James ' 1 08 eo 54 2 70 1 75 90. - : 92 72' 3 60 4 80 24 00 15 60 1 .14 360 1 Id 5 40 54 2 70 1 08 • 4 09 ..... Keefe, Dennis, 2 , (1 75 10 39 144 • 720 McDonnell, Jas 100 15 04 1 08 540 5.40 .... Madden. Patrick 130.17 26 400 360 .... Eseenwluc, Geo 60 10 90 ..,.. Sullivan, J,W. . lot 100 • Waltman, A F ;60 , • ..,.. Lantz, George 360 PIKE., • 1 35 2 79' .1975 Popper, Henry, est 692 - 1876 Egan; ratriek SITESIIEQUIN 3 Otl . 1576 6otr, Lewis • • TERRY, • 57 1E75 Bixby, G 1 57 16i 4lt 1576 Bixby, M 10 71- SO NorthruQ, Chu - tcs .4 25 1 . 60 1 SO 460 . .... Cash,.F A 1 92. . , .... Headle, Wm _lots 701 .. 11111,.1 . D ' • h&1 570 • ....: MasoU, William . lot 3 7.4 • ..-.. Meehan, Mrs .1 113:1 SSO - ' ..... McNulty, Mich , l lael 12 24 .., .... 6 . h&I 2'40 ' ..-... Hogfirti, - J - 216t8 :1 $4 • - . .:.-. Haight. C E - llot .3 84 4$ 120 1876 Ward. Mrs M P Tint • 4 - 3 et 80 200 .... Scot; II I„ trstee hot . 6 Sp 49 ' 120 .... 'Meehan. Mrs 4 Het 450 60'. . 1.59 . .... Davies k-Elliott lint . 570 Feb.l-1, Is7B 80 t. 4 AO . .... Allen, W A Dot 11 — In 32 80 .... Caol, Fred lint 304 20 13.00 -.... Sullivan, Daniel 2lots 43 4e 44 • 8 60 ..,. Holmes 3c Kirby Mots 3Go 20 GO ' J 875 Donovan, 31 ' land 20 ' • M . land 160 :tin% Henryl .4,00 liatrowellff, W land 100 1876 Barrovrellff, W land 100 • Stone, A J land 120 ' • Lanntng, 31 • land 160 Rolf. Henry' land tO B.—Notice Is hereby given than an ammo sufficient to pay taxes and costs wilt be required it every ease when land is sold at the time of sale and unless these terms are complied with the lam will be again exposed to sale J. C.. ROBINSON; Treasurer. Treasurer's Office. April t, isie; ORPH.AN's COURT SALE.--By slrtue of an alias order Issued - out of the Or phans' Court of Bradford County, Pa., the under signed, ExOcutors Of, the last will and testament of. Curtis Tyrrell, deceased, late of Pike twp.. In Said county o4Bradford, will expose In public sale else, the premises, on TIII,IItSDAY,• April 18, 187 S at 2 o'clock r. M. all of that certain lot of land situatO In the township Of Plke, In the county of Bradford and StateldPennsylvanla, and bounded as follows, to wit: On the east by the county line. West by lands of Pinion Bostwick, and jwirs of Salmon Bostwick, deceased; onthenorth by lands of John Moore. formerly lands of :Jesse Hancock, deceased; and south by lands of Titus Waterman. . Containing 90 acres of land, more or less ; Basing, excepting and reserving from the above• described lot or parcel of laud, all-that portion of the muse •lying on the east side of the Fowler's 11111 road„, hounded and described as follows, to wit ; On the north by the estate of Jesse Hancock, deceased; on the east by the county line; south by'lands of ,Carollne Waterman, and west by Fowler's Hill road, sup posed to contalti thirty-five acres of laud. - TERMS OF. SALE„ 1200 to be paid 'on the day of sale, 3QO on the final confirmation of the-sale, and the balance one' year after final confirms- . tion, withinterest. • rtke, Pa., "Marth Vls 1878 A lIDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the - Matter of thu estate of-Hester Taylor, decd. In the Orphans' Court of Bradford County. The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the Court tedlstributemoneys INthe hands of thetAd ministrator of said estate, as shown by - his final ac count, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office leToicanda Borough, Pa., on FRIDAY, the nth day of APRIL, 167 A , .. at 10 o'clock, A. H,, when and where all persons haringi claims upon said-fund must present them, or else be forever debarred from coming In upon the same. JOllle W. MIX, Auditor. ToWailda, PA, April 4, 1578.w4. LegalNotlieL 57 43 81201 61 20 61 20 61 29 45 58 61 20 61 20' 918 • 8 56 16 87 Ward, Henry. 1876- Boyle, Michael •ALBANY, 1E75 Simpkins, John II 1 08 - FRANKLIN: •„ • • 1613 Golf, Harry ' 65 .... Robert, Stewart Smith, GII • hal .11' LEROY. itIDC/EIILTRY TUSCARORA, . 1675 Bump. Aaron .... Stark & Voce 1976 Stark & :"TOWANDA Is.ZORTII , 1675 Ler, William' TGWANDA TWP. 1575 Mack, John lots 120 ...,Sullivan, Patrlrk lot • 1 40 - .1076 Maddln,S 1) 5 154 ....‘ Allis, Foley hOll i 0 Boyle. James lot 40 . Lamoroux. Isaac lot 40 . Plummer, S C lot 40 Morton, E lot 2- 60 Sullivan, P .* - 4 - 1 40 .. lOW AN DA BORG.. . • 1875' Branthall,-W lot 102 ": " • 6 00 • .„. "• " h&l 14 40 • ULSTER. 72 .7875 Clair, Morris aalot • . . 15;•2 Bennett.- . lt E land .AO , libS. Russell land nn :\ IDIOT . • F. F. TYRELL, L. M.TYMELL, •- • Executors 1401 Not**. DROCLAMATION FOR AD- • JOURNED COVRT.—wllitniall,.lion. Paul D. Morrow, President Judge of the ittb Judicial District, consistingof the county of Bradford, and. lion. C. S. Russell, Associate in and for maid county of Bradford, bare 'lamed Mete precept- hearing date 'February 11, 1878, to me directed, for holding . an adjourned Court of Common Pleas at Towanda, • commencing on Monday, April I, 1374 and to ono - tinue two weeks . Notice is therefore hereby given Wall permone it terested that they be then and there la their props? .person, at M ecloCk to the forenoon Of mild day, s with records, inquisitions andother remeMbratmes to do those things which to their office appertains • to be dene..- - Jurors are requested to be punctual is their attendance agreeably to their notice. Dated at Towanda, the llth dayof February, In tbs . , year of our Lord one fhoutand eight hundred and seventy-eight, and of the Independence of the United States the one. hundred and third. ' . A. J. LAXT ON, _ Sheriff. Sheriff's 011ie°, March 14, intl. " TRIAL LIST fin April T e rm of Court, 1878, at 'rowan d a • . FinsT Witt. It B Chaffee vs Miles P Taylor Ellis Hunsiker vs Cornelins Iltn.siker.. - .; .:.eject • .lacob McNeal vs P W Cowell rep' • 11\A" Patrick vs Benjamin Northrop ....eject • John Thompson vs Michael Coleman eject Johittlrossen s's L Lewis & Son - eject John Ta-isett vs E 'l' Psrk et al, eject • Wm It Barnes vs Wm H May et al eject' .. First NaiTank, of Athens vs J D.Kyser .debt - • Clarissa ToTs'use - vi J Leroy Corbin...sissnipt Jonn.Nerkle s Leani - iirD _Forrest - eject J C Vance.vs bn I) Ward debt John 0 Ward vs ebanon Mutual Ins Co' ' debt 'Weller & Ellfis vs lennis MeMabon's er'r..altampt o sT\ Alex Dewing's actin x vs Geo Fox's ex'r debt James Sullivan vs A 3,Laytort appeal 31 C Harris vs J J Tho p50n........ assmpt L S Russell vs .1 P KirbY g'rd'n . ....atter 31 JacksOn vs J P Kirby4rd'a ~.att- e x -- LaWrVIICC Butler vs J Pisitby,,erd'u.......att ex Levi Noble vs .1 P Kirby, g'rd'n • alt ex C W Russells' adni`r vaSterne Clark ' • „ rep P W 31clionnell vs A J Layton rep Ellen K. - Mitchel) vs James Kelley • . • eject 'Thisble Kinney vs G W Kinney- • • .....ilebt". • sEco:vD WlOnt. • - Wm II Chaflee vs John Ackley ' • bade — ~ J 0 Frost vs 0 A Burns et al appeal Jacot Mann vs., P Horton appeal • I N Whitney vs Elliott Whltney - eel fa • Samuel It Smith vi - Levi Wells 161111114. Samuel 'Walbridge vs W W Decker coy Washington Miller vs John II Schrader appeal,. Bridget Connolly vs Win It Storrs- - , eject ; Jackrou Lewis vs 0 E Pickett debts . H Miller vs Blake Wales appeal • Susan Carmel' et al vs F W Deane eject . . Keeler & Wells vs Jesse Norcowk - - assnipt Iteciweß & Titus vs John W • Itahm .... alt ex A Waltman vs Warren Ayers appeal , Frisby & Geppen Is Betsy Smead appeal . John Conley vs Theodore Larrison - appeal , It -F Bowman vs Jeremiah Vandermark ...eject J R Cootbaugh vs B W Lane --:-.7' assmpt '. II D.W Beer vs I' D Wilcox - ' trespass • GeolD Peck vs DeWitt & Maynard............debt - - Dr W-31 Cheeney Its Mark !Mato...—. .. . .t..sppear - Nathaniel Davison vs J Leroy Corbin.-.,.. - :.assropt Harlin Baker vs A H Wintermute e , Mt ex Frank I. Gilbert vs Geo W - Wells et al ..eject. First Nat Bank of Athena vs John II .11-yser....lebtr Subixenacs for first week returnable on Monday, April let, 1878;-for second week, on Monday, April 8, 1678,—at 2 o'clock, P. M. - . . • • BEN.Wit. PECK, Prot: Towanda, March 14, '7B. • ORPHANS' COURT SALE.-By ky virtue of an order Issued out of the Orphans' Court of Bradford County, the undersigned, Guar. titan of Mary Bowman and. Egg Bowman, minor children of .1, .11'. Bowman, late of Asylum %%op.,- decM,-will expose to public sale on the premises, on SATURDAY A 1.-111 L 27. 1678, at Vo'clect, P. 31., the following described real estate, situate in said township of Asylum : - Beginning by line of an old white oak, corner of Wm. Slorrison's tract: thence east 60 perches to a stone heap: thence south 100 perches to a yellow pine, said to be corner of Wm. Bates' tract% thence west 40 perches to a stone heap ; thence soutt l / 4 15* east 47 perches to a stone heap; thence south 77* -and 10' west et 240 perches to a stone heap : 'and thence- north 17° and 10' east 161 perches to the place of beginning. Contains 63 acres and 134 pet cites, nine or less. , . ALSO—One other tract, situate in said township, 'bounded as follows: Ilegluningat a post on the line 'between .I'. P. Ellis and .L.R. belong, running $0 rods along the line between said Delong and the firs A-described land 40° west to a post; thence south 05° east 26 6-10 perches to a post on the line between said Delong and said first:described land; theam smith 21° west 60 640 perches- to-tba place of beginning. Contains S acres and 100 perches of laud, more or less. . a 37 5 70 10 20 5 92 21 70 34 54 9 77 16 09 MIES Terms cash upon properly being-struck down. JEItUSITA. Guardian,. Asylum, April 4, 1575. ' _ COMMITTEE'S SALT).—,In the matter of the lunacy of Jeremiah: Henson.. - In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford Coon. ty. No. 920,-Sept. T.. 1877. By virtue of an order issuedt of the Court of Commpti - Pleas of Bradford County, the under.. Aigned; ComMittee, &c., of Jeremiah Henson, tho lunatic, will expose to public sale, on the premises in. Albany twp., on FltlllAY, APRIL 241, 1878, se o'Clock. P. M., said . -lunatic's undivided one4talf interest in the following described real estate: Be. ginning at a career tedonging to Wells Wilcox-and Beverly ; thence 'north 20 0 east along the line . 'between A peverly and Wells Wilcox 73 perches to a stone heap for a corner; tgenre north th , l'east, 18 perches to a corner ; thence north 29. 3 east along line of land belonginglo It. Wilcox 75 perches to a stone heap for a corner; thence north 81 6 east 45X: perches to a stake corner;` thence south 25 0 west 145 perches baba poet for a corner along the line of land belonging to A. Quimby ; thence south 61% , ca-t 3is perches to the place of beginning. Ten pins 5e acres of Land, more or less. TERMS.—ipe on the and being struck down pa contirmatiOn, the balance in one and two years, with interest from date of sale, - and lie secured by Judrnent en real estate. ANDREW wicKizEn, Albany, April 1, 1978. . Como/Moe, dtc. - DISTRICT COURT - OF THE • United States for the Western District of PennSylvanli. In bankruptcy. , • This I s to give notice- that on the ilth day of March, A.. D., 187 S, a warrant habankruptcy Wall Issued against the estate of Malichi T. Shoemaker,- of .West Burlington. to the county of Bradford amt State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a •bankrupt upon Ills own petition; that the pay. meat of any debts and delivery of any property be longing to :mch bankrupt s to him or for his use, and the transfer' of any property by him are forbidden • by lam': that a meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt to prove their debts-and to choose one or more assignees of this estate will be held at &Court. of' Bankruptcy, to be-holden at the office of Overton • & Mercer, TA:ma - ruin, Pa., before R. A. >lerenr, Register, on the Sri day of MAY. k. D.. 11178. at 10 o'clock, A. - M. JonN . ALL. • U. S. Marshal as Messenger. Pittsburgh, March 29, 1878-:w. VOTICE U. S. INTERNAL= REVENUE SPECIAL TAXES.—Underthe Itevlsed Statutes of .the, United States, ,Sections, 3232, 323,7, 3233, and 3=9, every person engaged in any business, avocation or employment, which renders him liable to a special tax, is required to procure and. place and keep toiskpicuoNity in his eAtettoiliapliefit or plate, of business a STAMP de noting the payment of said 'special tax for the special-tat year lieglnning May 1, 13731. - Section 3244. Revised Statutes, designates who are liable to special tax. A return, as prescribed on Form 11, is also reyuired by law of every person liable to special tax as above: Serere penalties arc pre scribed for non-compliance with the foregoing re quiriattents, or for continuing in business after April 30, 1378, without payinent of tax. AiVication 'should be made to IL C. 3fercur, Depute Collector of Internal Revenue; at Towanda, 4. 13764 w. 1 80 10 Go A SSIGNEE'S NOTICE.—In the 11.'District Cehrt of the U. S., for the 'Western District of Pennsylvania. In the matter of James W: Taylor anti Mahlon 31. Spalding. Bankrupts. In Bankruptcy "The creditUis will take notlca that a third gen (brat meeting of the creditors of said bankrupts will be held at Towanda, Ifi said district, on the 22d day of April. Is7ll, at In o'clock A: M., at the office : of Overton & Siereur. before R. A. Sfercur, one of the Registers in said District,. for the purpose uami• ed in the 27th Section of the Bankrupt Act, of starch 2d, 16'67, to wit: 3 partial distribution of said Bankrupts estate` • E. T. FOX, , T,.watida, Starch, 27, lzi7S: Assignee. rXECITTOR'S NOTICE.Notice i Is hereby given that-all persons Indebted to the estate of Cynthia Ann Swart, late bf Wyatt'. sing, deed. must make Immediate payment, and all pet SMIS having claims dgatuat must present them duly authenticated for Settlement. - JAS.-H. SWART, • s Executor: Wy.alusi rig, April 4, '7s ExEcuToll'B . NOTICE:- —Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the e,tate of Win. W. Crayton, late of Franklin.. (twit, must make lintnetfiati' payment, and all per. sous haring elaims against saki estate must present them duly authenticated for settlement. E. H. eItAYTON, Executor.. : Franklin, April 4, *Si SOLVENT NOTICE.-Notice I h; hereby given that I will apply to the i!otirt of CominorePleas of Bradford County, on ,I/ONDAT; MA% 6, 1878, at 2 o7click, st., for the benefit of the insolvent laws of the state of Peopsylvanis, of bleb time toy creditors and all others Interested may attend If. they think proper. PATRICK 3101AIII.ri: Towanda, March 28, ISM EXECtITRIX'S NOTICE. ..,:otice Is her6by given that all persons In debted to the estate of Austin A. Keener. latent Towanda tiorce,' deed, must mak@ Immediate psy llium, and all persons having claims against said es tate must preseutthetu drily authenticated for ocl. ttemcnt. ; MAUI' M. KEEXEY. Towanda. 3tarch 21, '78.. Executrix. A DMINISTRATOWS NOTICE: _,Cl_,—Notitto is hereby given that all persons In domed to the estate ofGeorge Horton, la t cot Etheshe. quin twp., deed, arereguested to make Immediate payment, and all persons having'cialms against said estato ninst.present them duly authenticated for settlement, • igTOEN youNG. March, 21-6 w: - Atultdstrator. _ p i XECUTOA'S NOTlCE.—Notice ir IN hereby given that all peraons indebted to the • efdate of Adam ..Overpeck. late of Renick deceased,ruttst make immedlatepayment,and all per 'sous having claims against said estate must precut Dawn duly authenticated fur settlement. ANDREW OVERPECK, EZIEEEL CARR. - Feb. 2.4. ' Executors. XECUTORS'NOTICE.—Notice Is hereby given that all persons Indebted, to tem estate of L. 51. Stevens, late of Wyalusing, de. ceased, are requested to make Immediate payment. and all persons ba'ving claims against said estate must present them duly authenticated for settle., went. ISAAC MARSH. Orwell, March 7. e-W. i Executor.. JXECUTOR'SNOTICE.—Notice jis erect that all persens Indebted to the estate orparld Hearne; late of Sheshequltt, decd, are requested to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against said estate tnust present them duly authenticated for settle. meat. WM. SNYDER, • Sbeshequln, 31arch le, '7B. Executor. TIXECUTRXX'S NOTICE.- No :EA Lice Is hereby given that ill persons indebted to the estate of Reuben Fairchild. late of Warren towosblp;dce'd, must make immediate payment; and all persona having estate - ettiinst.sald es ate mvst present them duly authenticated for settle. Meet. " POLLY L. YAIRCHILD. Warreft Twp., April 3 78. Xxectitti3,