11 j g rirnllyrai pritarlinctd Sho hlz Fir whateverwurpose the horse is used, the . shoe -s3ould not be tool - Wit because it -is then liaht .to he 'bent, and bccomes-an,in,sutlicient covering to the foot: • ale. web of the shoe; should be broad, and eontinued throtrah the whole.shOt, to the heels, to < - rive increased c9verin.. - „ , , anti pro-. teetion to the sole•of the foot. The -outside of the shoe slfolltrt exactly -fiLthe crust of the hoof. thereby in ., * the entire foot an equal Leasing -on.all-its parts from the toe to the heel. The usual practlce is to have a portion of thershoe projecting out ward • along both the outer and inner t titiamers of;the hoyl: am:l ,, when this form of 11 shoe co nnect - LA with - a of the web at the t_.the effect t 9 place the heel tipon the inside line of the wOl. thereby: 'producing an unequal bearim , than the gromuLsurface . of the foot. Thy .Thetting off 41 . the shoe tlt. -the heels, is a great inconvenience to tie hot-e when his, foot strikes the ground, and. it is in this Nl'4 that most , of the :1-1;”.:s at'e . .pulto otr and lost in the or. troaden otf l with the oth;o• The blot: should be made stitli cently long to *fully 'support tho en, ireTstructini# of the heels,. It shot L'l tea throuOtollt. an l eavefully adapted. to the foot. If it die- nn, sit,pcifectly level all rotuul. ant if ,it extvds's.o farlutside the 11.1 d. that the nails, art ;prevented _ from entering the crust at the exact id the very 'direetion which they should! there *ill be a corill=tant "wraibing. on the nails, which is injur ious anti Will be liable to chill piece 0 :1" the hoof. The shoe cMght, to i n zmeic wi , le ai":tross the foot',, the wlae the two fr i ont nails are . x Tho ,t , reatest tui•st!le DI: CI: Al '1(4: f) 11'11 EAl',- ‘01(:11, which has in thZ.. year' btalome.a ‘ ,. .1„4.114144• art ich• tot . foutt, 'way .114• nia4lt? at.lturn4. at. a. titnch eott than • when lionglit pr..! :Jett from the c l 4 - rocer. 1.:s1 , t ill' 1,(•.t Wheat, fit:4-$1:50 Vt ' ltilid 0)4 two and ludf 4) , ,und. ttio. wheat .viion 100,1 Q. cloth, and pick out of it ':111 ! k n i t,, straw, an.l thi like ; set in t‘nine Open dish in the - stove oven to Girl. but not' to scorch ; when very dry run it throng - h a eolfrenull. -ct :r-o :1s to, craek eves kernel. .Thir, will;i,c kin of w'Avat 'mixed some fine: To cook it, let the wnler: hL Iviljng, ;hen stir in .the wheat 1(11 1 144T it; stirred till it donc: n a very gentl,e - an A big lire sill . . . . lo.irn it. It ;s N-4t.t.r to lu,il I it an hour •11 ure. • Thk may ratCtt w:crtn, any itig: (iv, inay, tuttsti, lJr nlinc<i d i tal warinol icji• It\ tUICiI wlicli tin a -tato. it • •,nily be taitcil up 1161, intg-tliNlies,*:.tiß.l cut kat., dices, or.othcrivise-. whe4' C'¢!: (IF I, k 1 . 1 4 0 i HENS —P,roperly eare , l for and tnf a Sul, hens can made to pay .3 vo:ry large ipratit in eggs, hnt if neuleet them tin V. 1110114 ,:t( (dr thcl I ittt 11..Z:1.1IS Lott Arilit. , ltt ntstiit , iu Y;14;•-- i'1*(1111 y‘lprht,ll , . tuu Many sill 0,11(1 not be toguth cF. y l ott hag,: ‘N thiriy in a flock. it is not keels a cock with them Iheln I'ol 11:1 , h h1;1, they • Will I3V as e g Will keep long 1. 1. 111. A.: nil tile y.:11 • t Tli.• ruin von thi•in ciire Anil 11111,i tido. 01 . '••ll4.hi. Pi H„' 1?! , N . 41 y in which :1 little 11..111. .1, fiat plum to .Insi, NV . III t•;;I : V.x!): . t./iy help VV/1/1i)) . Off 'CA they. NV hitevralt yOnr, _poultry, lionse siveral times aring the year., id«!' siij table boxes for t,hein to 1:1 . 1 iu an.l change the straw or hay in them ; sPrinkling sulpher into the pc .L to 'prevent vermin from annoy. i2l:'iLy Leas while la}ing. :Always. l-ep the drin,king fountain Viii of% ei(. : au, pure ‘val.er.. Much • ii.or`e - dcpends cur the watci•inl2. - of layir ran , than rnost people befie‘ - e. Ile our tiousi.: is properly venti-• Ltol, and oeaneit 42VC•I'V lilOrilitic , ;" or *( nctirniip,t at, the farti.i.-1. 1 ; 1••••,•: , h ,- plenty of izrotn . - ;foo,t. for your Li.'ll:4 I -suspend a head of csh • rrwil the eciling I.y :1 Curd, an 1 111. re; till the hens eat it all, •, up. t,,•••. hanAup another. "Chia i of 111, - De t : kinds - of grec•n • - food. y,-4 eau v.ivi.• hens 'in ter. hash once k, witlitthe soft, food. hhe to •t nn-al in the mortilip! i. ' n Jutish- of 111 al, m hoat, 1,10. melt its •o. , .itid for l~eo•s e ullx,reel tit' eoFti, oAs, - an l ' Into this grounll kteif bop.. groun.i pill, a st.asonlioPol pep.). ; or better! The inlf•erial food, twice Or Cunt s a Wvt. k. t noon give a . ' -light rye,' of or:on, in the even. in _ic ail tho ~ .r.rainthe hen; can eat. o,f tz . rain "iejx. , l - fecal, • eamptsed -i•if corn, none. compar,.‘s, ill i c lef.pniklnetion of t.trus. to bulls wheat. Being loeulf,l in a cteantry wherp4t is plenty ;Ina eheap.•l hav,• an ample .opportunity to l ost it, and . have no hesitancy in it is the best of all ,rains. .Asiatiesinnst, n ot , fie fed all they can eat or they t will become to fat i ; all others can, have AISO keep plenty of oyster shell, "ronn , l bone or 1.:, , rav,i1 • within reach of the hens at all tinit;:s. In told. weal her it will be ne . cuessary to Warm ' y . f OLT hiq;Se by a StOtT, or - Ot hell% ke; as hen,. 1/IVst, be k4t term if You npeft a snpplypf v•ugs. ;When ean Le had it orw,or the best thing • ihnt,ean ,ri een t o caring hens:. ,weet or se , nr, as are also • that ;•erap trot h C the. table, LanCoing ill , 'y, .iingr:r 1,:17,..k arid t 1, , ,:. v,.7i, L e n. k Cl'ise 'l , / , stioltin'..r 2 ,, ~,,.• IQ!li! Inca; ."1..: llf . . • V ERA' . ft:_ ) lV people know the.a.t'eran-,. the wolth, was tii,,10r5t,.,0,1 a.l44St'll .::.. 1 il;t11. ' ''"• ~. . '., .' - .•0 r. *l4 / ...,4 1,14 V from 1111111114 , ~, wcight-(>i' the different qualities .of of tho ‹t•!lt...!lCON: .... 3k\kzile WI.• 4:141INI its. 1.4`11- ;1 • '. s. :41.,..1 ~,..- 3 , .., 11 p1, 1 4. se( t{f 04, cvric.. tecd.;:anti inahy--are-ig-norant of the etrlttc to th.. sotuo, - . ; ' I. ,I, 1 . 1 .. s 11 , ; „.i,„, , :„,,,,. 1 .• :.. • ...:4:‘,,,,i6y ~r.ter, thereby i..., , ,,r1,,g 44 a i .4 ••:,•'.' , ..' ,0 , 1 , —,,L1 ItiLan,alitin — ssiih ?Jri! WO' (111:11itity to he sown 011 an itere'Lif , er. it WS , 1..t-er;.,„ l .l.:;:qsthat lie 1..).1! I“ved , '.:" , ' -1 , 1- '. , .., I; • 7, , 0 ,, t.' l. ~,,,,.a ,— , ...,..triirly iiitor tti,.. 1 ,11.... gr o und, 11 - c therefore give the fob i : aril tincl , t,r.. ;411, ~ ,,ilt„ .. - . I I.', c....... 11,2 ~ , . :k i• ~ 1,1 - ~ , ,ly by th,nl utial. their. ... /t)r..iii:.s. :1- , tl.:t.' weight per bushel ; ill' i - TI ! , ....- Ili, • 1 . 1 I:I .. 4 :444.• at . 11 •N 0) . /11 the PI iCt's print .:.• ollo•I 1A,....1.•'. ',,.. '‘lt-, , i1t.,'. v.. 1!.. ..11%.-i-t--'i , or iiii. -- , i , l , - • . . - ' - " :ill nierk.:intile t ninsaction.4: (lover of 1 It . , 1 - c I.l' , :l. .-1,,z1.11 , ., IL . ha ', l:o , ettcr hcbt,ol, ail hi fitirz. 1;0 1,011114 S j Tititothy,l:) . -1 i ,„ on zinit ilo; :, :. ,i,5t......a...iiti.,\, u%r-1.,,15i 0 . L; ''..;:•• ' . pound-, ; Red T(ip, 14 pdttnits :- 131 w. 1 milt I i t i . ~„, I 2 ..1 ' 00 0 . ,!, :k i•! Nr ,, ~,' Mei /Ill! g T . .... :.4 1.:1,17.. A ti.,W i: t•S , ,' th , , ',one celyt (lea—, I : pitintl• : Lluiwarian (I', iti-s, -•-•• ' . . '.. 15•ai111,2 . . 1 li, )1:1 ;1. 1,, , ii...1 t1,0;1 . lci,:os f ' . ' ' i '' 1 ' Pr pounds ; :Orchard Grass.f - I I ' iii . .1 - 1 ,:' ' ~ v>., , , it..,. , ,iiol3ed " lie r . 4, . •I ' '''' r ' :l ' ;'''''' i 1 1. '1."" rent.. " I 46 (4 110.111111 S : l.',llet. ,'in.'' pounds. • 7,Thi., :- . I th. - '''"" -, . ‘... ~-. . ' ' H IL) . i ., 1:1•1:1.': :7 . 00 I 11A1 1'1;1 1 4 . ..4i 0, .....A:to - M' al 't , V., ...• ~: ‘V•ty. 1, - ,:o . tt . .1.e11t.•/' . rt. 1,1,1 ci 1,)-.1.•• ii,i..:, I 1! -Li, Tt:i,h„ty. •• 10.00 iiimiltity - usually sown to the acre ~--, ~ : ' 4" i, : pea I . ine ~.a liti.. medium., ciore.,. . i„ „ ~,sa to a- .p , -,.,1:,... 1,,..: 7 •:. ;.:1,1 t:,,._ -1,,qii11.._,.....' P. A PPI. F : T, 4N & C , / . Ptibllshers.' t ii I I 1 .. 0un d 5 , , ,. . A isike ckver....o to i was Eliply_d,.tft ‘ :..the re.,,,1iu.:da... , . , •:, al a i ? : s ..., ..... , -.... „... 1.., f..:1: ; t3 1t22 f 'lle.httiill St r.,...t, phua„ 111 p.s,tim, is : ...Timothy, one tinartei to ! i" 1 ,..0.ry :Ind pr 0.,.. i , 21,1 ,. thi iv ‘‘.'Lls IP . lilt ~ , .., , ..,__ - - ,-- - -- -- ------- Cr,le. half libshel ; R e d T o p, two t o i" thy CY' "t " L. 14.4 :14 4 \ 11 . 5' . 1, , 11 , .4. :I'll r.i? - i ',.. ~ :-:, ••..,: . 1 . 7 . -.: - - * 7=47 . 14 ea . two and a hall' busii,ks - ; Bltre Grar:t, ''''/"' 142 Pr''-`.'''"itg '`""k;z2.'‘''.e'-f,.. -1 '"<l'ilo \ .-im,,...Iit,EZYANT 84 STRA i TOW -„,,,, to two 1 ,,,,,,,,,,, . \iimigariAn . ti f ilichts 0it,7,,,,,. ~ \ I:3USINEss COLLES — P t . . , ' , -- And T,.!,,,zr,:phie i n.,0,„ : „, : ~ • (; r,•,, , ••„ 0114:, half to three fourths Ufa t Wt.. fk...111i I 4 /11:.`4 , :.14 4`4 `4.. 4.1144ing .hp t is , f A, tCS S. Tenth St., Pwiac'e:nrill, Pa. f I,IP-Iit•! ; C rellard : GraSS, 01.1;,t ,or tWO ; ea^e. \'S e , :tifi . l) ”tti -.,. 1.. • t,, •• '';',llllS man' • i ''''' -- a f7- i''''"' • r'''' l ""'" / ) '` ; i 4 :"?'ua. - " , ' - 1111SlIel-;; Millet, one half to three ; 'would not May a t 1113" if it -..,, I. :IL'. Lilt fur the , 14. , •1 ,, ..'.: ,,,, ..= P. ,,, , ,,, J - • , ;.-1 , - , / ./..0. , t'...r 1 I L.: l ==C .. „,„& 2„ „ f ,,,,,• ;.,,,,..,,,- :,..•... 0.,',-, - it.114 0 t 1ht.: 1 .14, ,, .4 irlallf'ni Z)f a bushel. ":. - 1 pa„) ; lie Lai nit lore fur childhood; boy 1 .. ' , 4`"''.4'" - -"'"' - 'r- .:".,,..:" LP I''''''' tfuratioani Prparfan E. WILT,A. . 11. T. me( , 1.1,.1.gm, Ass o; Editors W.' RYA N: . . COnanninleatlnw Inn".; be lo.tr,t . 1, , 1'.1'..r i‘i 1 . ! t _L_.4?_...; ! 'lase calm,. n.,. m'^„ be vrefeileb., 3.:, 'A ;:; ii;V:3r , In the Issue or which be LW. char .... ... 1 J. T. M.,, 0..,:• . b I' ....,. THETEILOSOPEY OF Lir I It 3:10. 5n 91:C ru!e er he ruled In ti:.?;;Fr ,7111 martin:: f...1",0r foole , l In 1,4:10 nl4 - 1,41; gam'.llll4 and tra.l, It Cektor Ike I:1,1:e.] try and star lw I t. oat 4.c !k.• r SOME TIME" ...y turn ..nr Tdy, ard :La Lu 1:;11,, tla). :4 . %Pr.' T., t IMMNIZEIMEM=EI TIN :.,.!,! . .iu-f ~...r : ..~ ~. . . .e:. - "...tie . ..v... •.• . ho't wt Tha• '• tim.• ••, • 111 4 " ~,•• EMI Filen Q R W I , :' 0N , A~i .n f:: n. tL 3 ;~ ~.i. lnd a Ml= I 1 :, 11 T 1111=111 , i, 0 MEM ' =EMI MEM 1 : •I 1 IME MEE MET , / .t.) I , EIMESE .1 t.S a'.:h :~ .~ = Iked • t v• A 10 v 11; , 11 - • P .111 -3 ~-.,,, r. , , Two TEAc,:-.1;:,..,- 1.,•! IN Plitt F rti aikait bipi Itn.,;t• ccrt.tinly a tip. , inrlitc.tl•l : . 4 , c 1 4 ,1 f 11 , , . Lin =and but cuthii , ia ,, 11,. ;..it 1 1 01l7" the S(el)e. A I•LiSF , iS I..ilitli ThCP• Ilt. ; , 1 :-P; ME thl• t'l•~~I \'~` I7't ~li~~~ .. , 11lli!I .l~ The ,y.,,t v ilert• We Set t.O eals ,ji • • with 4,1i, k4 ;,..-'tvict•.lh , •jr_..;,:. Tt,;• . l tiy ; ;,• ; I, i' ni,.a_ =I tL c,t!!:•.; , - lit•Nt t.i sl .1111111.1 i allti v hen iioW 16 11 in • ~ ' lis , ' S O.% c•'(1 ;i iJic ; +0 :1 state 1. It. :.,• 't t Li, GM= wo, ; j 111 Wf. 1;111,1V 111(. ~,m t• • I . 0„,•,,, FM t• s pli. I. , _ •( ;. •. 110 V. n 1 1 .•!1\ v ~c' '_l .• l .l, NS 1111 m.; IMRE OM! 117t.,‘I>Ivosg 7 ~:1"" thirli 1' sc t't 113Ve I;k11.•11. 141Ill;f1141z: tiP• tamlSt lu• .- .lySl A few all ta:d.•r - tatvl i. - . II pils \\•y! - it w 1‘,..1)(1 ItOt. 1 knot' \ poetry. '1 Lu tracl,taz. reach. it IN III; 1 , t`11 , A...; it. ' The cla,s practi..te s'i2rertil sii ici C, NI 11,y • poem „up to, I.+ll/I Witholli I t . :10Il:/ (:illl' TIP .11 :.tql.f: 0 . 110 t t'lll. i+ cite a vers.e rim , and i a VeNe and ca.•ll I toiilently ME thir - tezteher next :•c1i.4.1 from a chart. ;: , 42 : vtiwt•l N tl t i uiron 5eC0T1(1,1'0•3411{),..: rerd I " Ti)o third li - as ••, ,q and girl: liavk.;mi efmr - i0 for him; nearly 4, are nuisances. Their pos. s . lhilities never strikei him at all. lie never select a child and , put hiin in the midst Something to model by. And agaiu we felt the responsibility, bad ne \t4r do4 l irti on this teacher's 'All the task be had undertaken„ w;e: the tilling iii of certain pages of go , 44.1•aphy. gramknar, etc. 'Yet he was not 1 , a41 - man, he warrwcp.:dressed, quite the man 4 , f fashion. We fell to asking .6pir s,l-.y,. :Does be read the Bible? Does he from our Savitinr? Wien ho pray. there 3outig immortals . ? Does he rouse ilietn to a sense of. their capabili; tiv,, toes he st Ore to put their feet on 411 e rt,,cl;.? Ihtes he build up character? Are hi:: pna,its fond of the truth? th,y : 40 to the • stake for their opinions? A 4t41 v.e doubted the mans real perm-Anent years since. The'beys of each have gt'oNvn to manhood . . The first one is -till te . a . eldie4; one of his pupils I „ savr the •:Ome, 'day : sfsike reverently. of his 'cast. r. •• All I am, FoNie to him. lam not but I am an bOne-t man, and 1, I slctll remain." _These and many. It•„..pll;'ilcail me to think that the Inas !.vits. in tic pupils. The second is a it al ~:tate ..iiiticrthitor, and, _they say, has tm.licy. I lic.Ve sten . inie of his Pu pil.. reo. Ile 'is %wildly-T(1;e and never. Art. to his boyhood (lays except whOt 6 . 1,1 to Lche gailiering• more and g4.6(1:t about littn. Then, he sayS : '' . ..1:4(1:td, old Bowman never Should have taught 5(11061; lie lON'es - , money too well. Ile only stayed at it nntil he had ik 9. We all ,juievr he istonld as . :soop 115 . 11 e had made some money. Ile ivas tl,, man for a teacher." EDE } I ~ i ,a ~. ..'.r i..~ And T frVerefl npan the sentence, " was ri4itriTor a teacher.'' Are there not a go,id 'many wht • arc in the iieltool nnmp tellp2rarily and have 110 sole-mu,set th.dialtl. sn• o good there—t4i impart t hr rohtiV part of thernselvi.s' r ."ro which ot s' •,' --Torit o! s do you belonq ?—X. • r••• =IBM • Ma yrtl'S( If acquainted as far.asp4)2-. ith partuits of your pupils; a1;.,,;.~ ;.,,;.~ i~hc: ~ ,a at tumhled by P•lIt pronn : tly tO t he superiuteintent e.t,es of e•xellent stOnilarsli)p or .•\ Paro‘f •-• :Ir.. paramount to all lit r Lido to them ;yid r. 4 1. , t!,r• Trop.rty as though owci umnity 2 .. • pt" . l f . trnitt: re or all kiud, ear,•! . :,Hy :Vot etch ?1,,L MB MEE •. ‘6 . 1 1 ten licitations should 'lie i 1•,1 h.O , 4 - tammallgratle's, and thf!'ptt !c. capttai 'letters and spellitk, :I u:; ,ri,tlpud ~tlfuzelarctinn systein4tre •t . irrAn' • , .1• • , • • t • •rl I EMI Spri , lt LI(' ,, QIII:II.I\NA 1M EMI I I . . \ • Mil .11t. .. - _ ESE I= MEM . ;, ~' lL .~- lip ~i ,- I • 1 I, 1 , OLD TOTES' FOR tRE limy YEAR floor is cxett,- 1r: 1 ,, sa 'lll with your pupils • i cirp,,rt urent Uti 'tite street, _ vnigarity, answer questions asked you lty ;..;- litun yutir own, if there ' . 43 pt,ct that Ow pupil is seeltivig it , ;-,0 his own teacher. • m. ,1,..111 , 1 be left at Hight with a ; the desks free 111!111.;S, t!1 l•'tiNi tog or .a tardiness is an int, y puttisOment can, atui • r• - •:n;:tei, -Litt the het of the :. a put “I — litstory, and the lIMIM •1 ,hs. it ~-wit pupils tti - leave the room • ivason , :. Allow lint one to be. on:iTm,r. th:• same , tim. Few pupils ptimis,i4Ja—timie in the high - • to lop,w In,* to act in case of a t. ,a<•,l '2y - is ample' time for opeiiiiig =EMI ileslicb ire Nvitiilow I.upi;! , . to Ito so pre..Ac-,1 Ova gm tie printed • A' ;Ix tv1.111:g bi Hai Aj. it. 041 be 'miler td. vg•yy. \%•,01-11- should held in the r•I examinations, and the and reckoned with the ,!.. • i P:•ta 11:!Itig G , rthe month. ~ n e; .11't C Ind f.); teachers ; their ba per \ r, w,,rk i.. Own inewased. It .is tp, Vi,i1111.4 Sc.• .ha s th e own _ 1. Vitt` I;gibly therein. tiny well at rc'(cess. •i , l , ‘lily t 1t U il3' the 1,1,1„!;717,1tfl Elu:aticta col,LEtil'ATE t: i r MO.:Y . I)A Y Y / . idIVAL.A N. A 3! 1). =1 -OF r1 . 1.•101 . 1 in Tg•tt 411113 ,k r,, N, thcitrArad- II ivrit s;,,T,‘ :11:!:11.!1• - :ff or the :t•:11-ed e,h/vathot. 4 d ott": .. I't • Paint 1 . :1111•Y 1%1.1k. ell:itg,s EU E~:,~ tN CYULOP EDL~ • . • i •tr t Ln ninn kti,,tri, •• 10 , 11..11? • ll roll• ' • f •; rate 811(1 athraring Art •11 11,,;11”,.‘: t. • 'II , th , - ry, =I •IZFAVIIII.r, I. I r . ,+13 , 111y of aii rt Tl:lll7,qc,f 1'40110116n 11E1111 El ;..o: r - . 11 Liteinlnt-. Lt fo- porl?1 , 1•A of refer II& a Ptof met:n.l v;;lrtrif r, 11...:1;/.. of 0,111401 V.. N t In . .1i1 , •11 111 ,. .* may lte Intkvsted 1 ,, heir t , lls , llleSs f.r irt.fesmonal rt,r{ fraebt : ,re'V.l'llsoo, =I (irEs HUNDRED WOATII OF Fl) . . Niltßl4 THE •N'EXT NINgTY : , DAYS ! n order to...reduce our. Stock Wore the close of the year, we have LARGE STOCK. OF, GOODS AT VERY .LOW PRICES DURING TITS KEIT ArlztErs .Nirs 05'01.7 . ; WILL FIND - A FULL ASSOILTIANNT O,F Ir.lL:Nrr, CHESTNUT, .48,11 AND X. 1:V EASTLAER. FRENCH, iworste AND IN 11.414 CAO7R, TENT RAI7II AND past dUAIRS, BEDSTEADS, TABLEX STANDS 13 URE A US, NA TRESSES, SPRING I.OOEINCI GLASSES, &C., E4D1,43 VARIETY, bL OF IV Wltla BE SOLO WAY. DOWN MR CALL AT TIN: OLD MAD. FROST'S ScloNS, Oct. f :.-77-zrri. • • • .cHANOE TINE FUR NI TITRE STORE The emder•lgned has purehaiied this establish , . ineid-ot J. S. ALLYN & Co.. sod will keep • FULL S'ItCK OF 111 Mr. ALLYN !flay s tlil br found at the old place and will have charge of the . UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT INSTITUTE All funerals ;srld be conducted In good taste, and the cbarges will be reasonable. "Z.. 1, '• or 1.: her REPAIRING ANI) FRAME MAKING ç tt.t,,b,iic iiiill N Ew,JEWELRY STORE. A.ctrrainnr, Physklogy. Z•4401 , 4gy. ElectriPity, ( - ,a4riftwree, - Scutptiiro, )I ,, atr, rata t', Aft!tallingy, 4 ' (ii , v , runtPut R. - Import', Is receiving a new 5111.p17 to 1115 largo stock of good GOLD AND PLATED SETS And ererythlugin the ithe, 4lch w 11l be sold at LOWEST: POSSIBLE PRICES Plcsu gir , de. a call and examine our goods Peering dome at the shortest notice. Poe. 12. IST" hcititzto THOUSAND DOLLARS TO ItE SOW IN , TIM decided to offer Our FOR CA SIT. CILLSBSI2 SUITS, ,V6DERN STTL4E.. PARLOR. SUITS CASII 11 . 1 c 'l'lk .4ANUFACTVIREAS.. LISHMENT MAI STTEET. BRIDGE STREET GOOD FURNITiRE 11'111( 11, 11F. IV I LI; taw. Low Careful attention will be given to N. P. HICKS, Surretsny to J. S. Ailpn & Co., BRIDGE-43T, TOWANDA - Tatclies, Jewelry, &e. W. A. ROCKWELL EMBLEM SILVER PLATED WARE, AND RINGS, CLACKS, W. A. ROCK ELL, &Nees NA 'Predating, STEVIftli *HOLESALt 4 RETAIL CHOICE FAMILY GIROCEIITES, COUNTRY PRODUCE, ec. -0 naming 'bugs mad comdmodinus starb mre Tire . I . and at all times to tun CASH PAID FOR BUTTER, BRAIN AND PRODIIDE. Or taken in exchange for goods, an lowest sash pct. cee. Our long experience hi the Grocery Trade gives us peculiar advantages In purehuing, snit as we are not ambitious to wake large profits, we nit - ter ourselves that we van o!lr GREATER INDUCEMENTS TO Ilnynn Ilan any other establlshoent in Northern reansylsiulla. COENTE MAIN h BRIDGE ST., 01011 i 0 CI) b.C) t) or F-4 * a' CLI v • . . O .0 il i m H. c_. 1:4 '2 - ES ' H • ci . 25 ss - ii," s ~, iw : g.', - , • .g 2P o ' e i ..T , -a ; • v. -4 o .'. ..), t/1 :4 c., L.._ ti 1:4 :F. C. 3 ,11 r. tr. = 0 o .., l ;, Q . e v ' 1: 3 .. e .° '• 1 0 _ _-, 41" 'r '' 7.*: W = ...1 'A I 1:,.. 1 :-.: C/2 be A... E. qi 2 - , g ...„ I 1 . . ~...... ''. -. . a () 3 X' ~.M .v 41. ir... :.....,, fri ... co ' • r; 4 .. ' . a _ , a , 0, • ro ..?, l': = ••• ;., H - •": • c `:' s f a , , .L' 0. 0 E.: - ,„, '"C C/ 1 %.. . r-Ia 1 p . w 11. , 1. E-. -; 7 2 . I t : ca 4, "'" .1 ... "z• g.. ... "' +. a... 1.. .i.. 6 • 0 ' • s . RI . c : to xF. CR .1 ;•'. 0 % ' 0 al C.,) . C., 4, , , . fr . 1. 4 .. ` I • r, - . ' E-.... , . .-..., . NEW STOCK FINE TEAS 'AND COFFEES! 'reach paid ,frir all kinds of co UN T R I At. the old stand of C. P. Patch Towanda. GROCERIES .43i PROVISIONS I .NIcCABE 1 EDWARDS, Cash dealers In a kitatt of GROCERIES Ar. PROVISIONS I.;NE DOOR NORTH op i.'OpIHN6 3 RUSSELL' / Towanda, Juls,V..l 875 / New &Worthen:teats. 141.,THOUGII THE 1,000- TONS of ljay called for hi iliy laqt adwerttsem , .nt has Ken secorrml. I still continue to pay CAsH for HAY and STRAW. (1. S. ACKI,EY. Spring 11111 'Jan. 3. IVVI-tf. WANTp.—Between l this . and May list} . strB. 100,000 whltepino •shared shingles 26:Ins. long, 6 Ins. wide, t4ilvetwge V. at butts, free frolidnap, knots and wind-shakes; Aft.oo4 ft. No. 1 flooring; 19,811 ft weatherboar fing. thick, plowed on both edges No. 2; `23,908 ft. f run uirg measure) rotiflng - tatti t in. by 1 ins.; a,sp; ft. of white pine fencing boards 16 ft. long; au ft. of white pine (coring boards 12 ft. long; 'SM) ft. of white pine fencing boards 10 ft long. s Addres.- .101 IN OENSLAYE/C • EINECI ENGINES FOR S4LE' One Ift-none Pare 'Engine, one _s-horse Portable. two g 04210 1 .14! titatte ttt►a, Se inch Geld Mill sod. Portable 8011, lot Saw Mill lit.r.id-ebosks. All nIT, and cheap. Orders solicited for Engines and M Machinery of :ail kinds.. T. 1.. Jan .24-4 t. M. Vernon, 0. rI I O THE POOR PADE I VILLE —Forty lots for sale -I L..: from the town coulee) at the low price of )Twenty-live t Dollara per Let (125). Location healthy ; two tulles from the lead Mines, and work plenty: diving In th e l one % cutting wood, dm., or farming; provisions cheap. Ono.ptarfrs of an acre in each lot. Terms, one-half flown, balance in els months. Editor of this paper agent; foi further particulars address .51119,12.11.4f1LLER, Dadeville I'. 0.. Dade Co., 310. Jan:l4l4. Dealers la ii, large stuck RIM STEVENS & LONG. TOWANDArA . rn :=4 0 2 a I • is' a 0 O e GROCERIES! Choice selections of • Por asle-cheor PRODIJCEI W. 11. DECKER, JR. liarrl situ rg. j'!a. Weal T OWANDA 3113131 e EMPORIUM t . Cor. Main and rine-sta. HOLMES it PASSAGE, -I Wfibiasido and 'genii doden In an kinds of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND -SHEET MUSI4, barite the public a au CUM tnation of Melt' Watt, Ilahtheut. The celebrated MATHUSITEX. PIANO' Continues tib be the favntite with. Music lank 6.td trees sustains the high repenat lon earned, 11 hoot necessary to go Into m nyeitended dent rt Won tt the kpstrumeu{, us Itm 114;rit.3 sips 'nut tttolt op esantination. We alsoltttre the agrhey for cr.olior woon§ & CO.I PARLOR k VESTRY ORG ANS. These Instruments are celebrated the Idptlr fin' their remarkably pate aniA. • QVALITY OF TONE: Which in owing to their !mow. romidnatinn Solo Stop.c.: - Aconite, Vox iilllll3llß, Ilion, all of which :I are seliarile and additional arts of needs and n a r, , .l na arra:ll;6.d ;01 . 4111111 of an al rri,o‘t endicita variety, pf oreliet.tral effects and be:initial combinationi.; TIFIIIII'..4.XTI:tA OUDINAItY POW ER, r Lys; A ^}: hF STYLE, , A NIP THORO' CONSTaiel TION' N FINIf ;If • ,Among the luaus Vateeta and usod h, tho alwro Drill. are iiLYA.FATF: SOLO SE ivuoi)s. .•;T AV E CO LTS/E ft, .' F.. 1) VA DMZ ,ATENT ruxu Re offer all our instrutnent at the lowdst Wares, and guarantee them just a., represented. Don Ibe deertved by traveling agents, but come al revs 17 to twatt u:liters, where Lyon are sure 24. getting - Just what Sea hargaln for,. 4 lit 1'A"" A.(4 Towatlitsv,MArt . l% R, 1617 puring the. Fait Times, L. B. POWELL OFFERS A Pt tJURFR OE SECOND-HAND PIANOS An ORMS 'VERY LOW PRICES FOR CAUL iilm&ye•stiorrona ........ lloiswood . Y~tadrori~ 70.00 ==g=1;;;I 4-Ocitvg. Portabla Organs, 23.111 b-Octare B1ack:Wall:1M bauble-Reed °nide- SHAM • - G-Octane Black-Walastt. pooble-Reed Grow:. 46.00 11-Octave Dobble•Raed Organ., G T 5.110 1-Octave Hil:ogony ;lanai 26,00 ipOctsra fabewoal Plasm, • Yid* 7 , odava Rosewood Pianos $6.00 7-Oclwve Amcwood pikaos, Carved Lop 2.60.00 • '114.11,11,G5TEQ ALL IN GOOD ODDLD: MA. TrASL. 3 TeE GENSFA: A3E4T 10A 'NE CHICKERING PIANOS MASON & HAMIJN ORGANS, whirb• the 11,4 r.l ddn histrimonts of their ntido, and o iii it a,. no. nt prin. , . that Orton them within th.• rearta of all. A hiintl.rr it onch, wi l.li hani• rowarg., ern 0fkr...1 at har thie Cfrialtorritic ootiiro, oarr o d lore, Viin, 1.1 n,• $3 , 0, Ow:- g Ilan.iiii fliurnh ()trait. with t:iren r. ,, s of r0p40,,,710. and twat lily uii3nintitti. Call on ur addr.,s . . L. B. POWELL, 115 wy.min g yvvo.u., Serasreca.Pik u:», 11,4241‘..g. R EbUCTION IN VI NO I prOpOSO to taut PlatO , hereafter for $2 EACH - TIME`, tri: $4, BY THE'YEAA 'When 10qtrummitA are outside 1$1?. Itorolich, an eilra ebarge-vwlll be tha4e fur travelling tee. • I contlnOe to sell ORGANS AN!) PIANOS '1 VC the best alanUlaCtUrVS, as psual Apply to or ad rl ress l'lti)F, W7kl. I'ITTRI( 11, `Crockeiy. Ware - r EW FIRM AND NFAV GOODS H. J. Madill Uas 811.-.1 up the told btore of U. A. illact with a lull Itno of CROCKERY, CHINA, CHINA, . GLASSWARE! CUTLERY, SILVER PLATED GOODS, .STONEWARE! .BABY. 'WAGON FANCY GOODS, TOYS, TOYS HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS! A gmat variety 3t LANTEIp;S, CHI3INEYS ! LAMPS.' A NEW DEPARTIME Sewing Mullin,. of Ow leading makes bold Tot C 4. 04 at store, at K•orndcrfolly lOW fitleeS. , M&CIIINE NEEDLES. & OIL t LADIES, GENTS AND crind,REN Are Invited to look over our a.,ortment. se we are determine , ' to do all to our ja;trer to please.- Re member the place, "OLD CROCKERY STORE.' Towanda. ILsy 10, 1 Itrl. ~ =:= . •to , . Towanda, .fan S, (tin. COAL, COAL, tal NW W•enti on liana at our yard all siS'esof Pittston and 'tiles Barre coal, and Loyal *Wit coif, from the ellivan County Mors- Also, Larclay Lump and Ith. W" . keep the hest 411offtty of Lillie, Hair and • . men Erick atoll Piaster, all of which we will . at bottom rriees. , - . PIERCE It, SCOTT. Sowlrmtlallas tst, 1676 CiIEA.P COAL AND. LIME. Frern and after July 1, I will Bell caul, &L.., force-4h only, and the price flat will be corrected slenttly. MRCS OF COAL FOR AULT, Balt TOY 07/ 3 , 00 011 6 , AT TOR TARO: Pittston Stove, Cbostnitt and Yarnaee, - 415-00 • " Pea , i - 250 Carton Min Ldmp ' - 400 a " Smith... a pp Barclay 3fonntain Lump._ - • ~ 2 50 Smith 2 75 Allentown 'Li me lit bushel 22 Laib IA I'd ir l i 2 4t Hair. bushel Itricir, M ' - TO O 0 , I am Always -prepared -to - deliver pa bawl on. short notice at the usual price of dellvery„ 1 also tender my thanks to my many frill:Ms and customers for their very liberal. patronage la. the past and hope uader the new departure to make ItTO their Interest- to continue to buy where they can get the tivst goods for the least money. Those who are indebted to me will take notice that I Mlin have motley or I. rairt: buy fer.'saah and .pay. freights. -They tonst settle by the first of 'Au gust next. J. H. rlipoty. TowiLuda. July 1. 1975. ! 1 OLD ESTABLISHMENT STILL TAKES THE.-LEALO", AND ILIELI.O WS. Carri.vv , s cIirAPER TITAN EVER. alid Rta forui NVagus ata I:RENT I:EDUCTION. Proprietor of tiw.-0141 rriag‘ , If atlfactory, cur. Mate and. FtizaLe Ut •treeets, ‘1 , 011114 call the stwrlal attention of FAILMEIM and others to his large and coutpleto a.ibortui .nt of OPEN AND TOP BCOGIES -AND PLATFORM. WAGONS, All of, blx nun thannia,ture, and warranted in I.\'e Tv PArti,lthr to be equal to Tirwt elpelifdirn city norli. . . , • NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY! Loo ;9i flu. figurer, and rementher that ofery yelikle A warr.int,d • wA6n7cs OPEN PM:GIES TOP BCGGIE The prices are far below the, eo.qt or tnahufarture tortiwo),oot Le maintained after the prexeut Rtork Is , lISI.Jed of, so :Foto must 'flake seicctluny NOW; Don't lie Imposed upon by Infi•rlor work and poor materials, but purchase at thr establishment wiltrit ha• been in ofs•ration for nearly half a ren• tnry and is permanently iiicated. REVAIINNG riIoMPTLI" ATTENDED TO tnitee and Factory rot. Main and F:liv ( thettt strgets %Towanda, dune. 21, 1 477 NEW CARRIAGE FACTORY MI li . ..sportfully annnu u r.• t he public that they are pmpanvel to buibl all Yhpts of PIiAETON & PLATFORM Sritist; WAGONS, TitoTTLNO :St7I,KI . ES k SKELETONS, M 3111. 14 the Drct inat,rial and in (Int bi. 744 style .11/-nork narrantot to gtvicpertret tisfaction'. wo have ono of 11it •In•st Palntert; in the Irv, and do all work In thl. line at the lowest Towanda EMI! N vat ly dune 11, rcd9coti prices Nnhing new springs'and repairing. old .nrs a speeialty. wf.rk guaranteed. - Please give us a , VOL ' Towanda, April 26,1,47 THE GRAPIII.O u. T. JUNE'S EA ItIIV.ARE Oct. 1241 If.s ERCUR colt. Very Respectfully Yours; - Tams sad Carri ages. ‘, JAMES ngrAsi. JAMES BRYANT E;Zst or the Reporter tillicC Mclntyre & Spencer FAMILY CARRIAGEf, TOP AN OPEN BUGGIES, PAINTING A.:I,I'ECIALTY All kinds of R Kl' A UR I N IIcINTYRE & S•PENCI.II ilardwar - e PARLOR , STOVE, fox SALE AT STORE ! . , IN BLOCK, TOWANDA, PA., IS THE BEST IN 17SE \ prop anil DR: 11. °•\ PORTER:B OLD -CASH, .DRITG• STORE • Corner Main and Pine Ste., Towanda, N. '.. (Setabitshedoofir a inarfer Oraln7le,l " What s% aad Relall Dealer DRUGS; - - MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Abu* nyir-siv . crrrs t a GLUE, PERFITSItItYIIOI I I.ETANDFAI4CY GOODS SPONGES, BRUSHES, BRACES tt TRUSSES, ikure; CoIlDa, POMADES,' HAIR DYES, TEETH, SKIN, ..and HAIR PREP.AIIATIONS, RAZORS, PpCKET.KE /VEs • POCKET-HOOKS A ND PORT-MONNAIES, ' MACAROY and SCOTCH SNUFF, • FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CIGARS, DARDEN, YIELD AND FLOWER SEEDS, Pure Wines and Liquors, rot Medlelnal Pni-powa lIDEANEC,ECI.LCIEC & IlonciorArtttcllzarntrl, And all pantile popular Patent Medlettme: • \ LISTOIIIIIII6, SoAPENSODIES, MESAS': PUMPS, • Ntr.rt.sa, BIIELLS NIIIIRENGTOTTLES, TEETHING 87 -- 11 - Tnattatoxs- CORNER, MAIN & WASHINGTON STIIEETS• MEOW (ON TUE EUICOEEAN ELAN.) TWA large. corniorolions,;nd Mrgan t 1 y-f nrni sh e house. las Just I wen opeutol to the traveling public. 'rho proprietor has spariel Definer pains nor expense lu tucking Ills hotel Ilrst-elass Sn FM` Its appoint tnents, and respoetfully'solicits a stuire of public pat n atage. VKALS AT ALL .110 fr Ra. Terms to spit the times. large stable attached. NV II ItY , norstyros. Towanda, June 7. '77-tr. 1 HANS 1101:1 \_ SE, TCIVA"..I)A Pa., ORNIS.II MAIN AND 13RI.DOL STREETR. • The Horse's. Harness. dm., of all guests of this hoettse, Insulud agaiust lie.. by Fire, without any' eitra charge,. A Superior quality of Old English Bays Ale, jai received. ' . - -. T. B. JoRDAN, Towanda. .1 sta. 24,1'4. P raprietor. . . riE ,l ENTTI,AL HOTEL, ..' • 1.71.5.TE1t, PA. . ... The' tin ersigned having taken possession of the abort liNel. req.,.tfialy SO Hefts the patron. ago of his od friends and the public generally. augin.tr. , :41; A. I''oltitEnT7 - - --' . LIVELL HOUSE, TOWANDA; • PA., - - JOHN SULLIVAV: Haring lea.od this home. is nnw ready to,laconl; ruodate the traVelltog public. No pains Dor exp(inse will be sp.tred to give satisfaction to thobe who may eve hint a call. 4 ' AI - North side of Public Sp are, east of Memel new block. I ME At - the ccrner of . Court and Ttiver-qts., directly In ',the: 9telulty awl c6uth et the Court !lonic. .1014 N ItilltKE., PROPHILTOII. . • T • _ he nboce house 'has been re-turnlshed and re fited. and. k noir , ()Twit to the traveling. publte. The Bar will at aa timer be stippilvd with the best of liquors. Good stabling attached-to the prendses. Boarders liy - the day or week acconinelated. - . May 10. Ira./ • N JOHN' BURKi. , 15,. , ..„ EELE'Y'S 'Ol h,TER -DAY' AND „, Ernorv:AN Ttorstt.—A' rev...doors sonthof the! Means Elmer. Board- tic the day or week on reasonahle ternis. Warn' inetitsservea at all hours \_tiysterir at wholesale and.retall., febil7, New. Advertisemeitts. FII:ST NATIONAL 11011 to ( 1 110 . RO •` 100 . 125 " 150 =I BUICI'LL - S FUND Thls Rank otters nnusual facilities for the trohs- action of .a ezieral banking business JO S. roxi - ELL, Presidt.nt • W A RTr e t l l -1 41 8 1). j A l t r N D F. 'll: l m F lll l e % :se l :a l t i4 ta, 1 1 re well-known repairer of Wat elms and Jewelry, Who was' forup.riv employed with M. lfendelman, op to the time of the recent sate, hat, rented the name window in the old stand wherein. formerly worked 'and where hc.will be pleased to serve those want Ihg anything hills line. All work eld . rnsted to , hint will be well and promptly ,ecuted. Towand aFa-,,- Felt. 7-ales. AIiTOOL ,CARDIN v - v serther will card _rolls 'at his Old tottahltthnfent In ea his long ex perlettre the_ pubi c tag - their work done ln th e to and.with dispatch. as he will' cause attention to the nusiness. Price It cts per pound. \Voccl taken In payinetit when &stmt. 'Campton - It, June 4. 1677. . 11. B. (10(:1 CAN'T I3EIADE BY 1 Cr trev.!ry agent ever. ) , month in the tomt it 4, we fat ttislt; ?tut I/I.NC' Si, tiling to work can cos ily earn: mdolltMtiollars a ctlay 'right in their on n localities. Have nu more room to .exploit here. /twines. Jail/Sant 1“1110rallie. I{ - l.:111.(1, boys and girls do as Well as men. We will furnish you a complete °tont tree. Then hostile,: pays better than anything el-e. We will near expense ,of starting you. Particulars pee. Write and see. rat ihers and mechanics, thctr sons and danghtets,' and all clamots 1,11 131.C11 of paying work at home, tau,a;.;,l kto 31,4 , 11; tie,, w.rk at once. 'Now Is the time. 'Don't delay. ' Address Tl:ut: $t Cu., Augthda, Maine. Ja/325,'71'. Y Jr. DODGE, • NATIoNAT, pANE:, TOWANDA, PA FIRE IN:Z.URAISCE CO., of Phlla McTUAI. LIFE INST:If..k . Nci: CO Over f130.,(100 insuntnue on lives to Iltad.forl Co Towanda, Pa.. Fe!.. 1. Is'77* THE _ FARMERS' _MUTUAL• IssruANcE co.. (F TuscARO!:A, lit umv Imuirg perpetn3l'polici. on FARM PROPERTY ONLY. Each member pap a fee, at the tinto.of Insuring: to'cover charter and loridental expenses of the after which no Air:4er payment is rerolred. except to meet :ulna ly lite among the'rneznbermhlp. This 1 , 13 e of insnrancq for :FARM ritormay, cotr!t,g rapidly into favor. riat,t) 4,f But•iiies,,,SPßlNG lIILL, PA. The Agent will rail ti the Towilsllll. Gf Tnsca. ion, Pike. Herrick. IVialuging. A'syluni., Terry and Standing Stone, and faCmors In those Town ships wishing Insurance or inforthatlon. may ad.. dress, - • A. B. SivAt NER...So!. arrd-Agt., Spring-11W, Bradford co,ra, W. 'A. SHIT MIN - A Pre!k. cto7 4m DOOFING Rocky jit, Mountain Vt , rniillion Paint (tnixed ready . for - ItY.) I , the het in the world for.Tyn, -1 1 11 3 n, Felt, Shingle,A, or anything eximewd to the weather. i"riee-1 gallon and. can. i : 2 gallon:4ln enn...t 1.5 n" Three 2-gallon eanu In one ea,e , -Lou I barii4l, 21 gallonr la.uo I barrel, 44 galluua 22.00 21.31Elth'AN VERMIt.II3I 4 ; WORki•F. oct2s-310. 49 South Fiont Pala. ATTENTION FARMERS! if you wish to sell your RAY, GRAIN, BUTTER & PRODUCE generally for itt:Atri tAsit, at the highest market flees call at 'MITTS k PARK'S WVtiAlitING, PA, Wh t .AV yffq VVOI 71{1.1 11.titl'INli Stock o ge,sts. scliing at bottom ,rlres. Wysanking, ' 1,17. THE SUBSCRIBER . TAKES .1_ Pleasure In calling thou* lent i liSti of Ills nuttier patrons and the public goner 311 y, to the fact that he still continues a GENERAL MARKET VaTSINESS At the OLD STAND of MYER & DUNI/ELL, In Carroll's Block, nearly ilppdslte the Means House, and that he Is prepared tolernish SALT AND rktsti MEATS FRESH VOULTRY; • VEGETABLES .AND BERRIES Of the very best quality, at as lOw ratelas any other establishment. Juba 1 4 1176-tf I= OIL, `s root. ”LS, tTI Counter, CLASS. TTY, AND .LUX, H,• IDES. !slanted.' at all hoax. reAcriptions .-(may14475. liotels. TOWANDX. PA T6WANDA, PA .-'_ VW AN DA, l'A 5125,000 SO,OOO N. N. Ciihl cr. Feh. 14, 14.7ri IG.—The inty the present ...3ewson [ uptown:ht. From Mire of har"• po, , ll.lt.Milner. IVe hle•personal And I=ll of Hart ford C. M. MI. Elt 2ailroads; rn ton VAL'LLY ANT! At PA. N. 1 i 11MIL ROADS , —AiTingeOletlt Pt raw 'angel , Trials, to take effect May PI, 1877.. . ' ;?..O.IT itkrIONS =BE briagira ralla '1 Buffalo • liorbeliter • 7 , • to • Geneva Ithaca • Ogre • Elm in * • ,ay W s age re rly • Atheng Milan Ulster Towanda Wykauklng. . ••• • 01 . ;•.• • •lii• al* 1;1 Prenehtown...: Wyalmitng Skinner's Eddy. Meshoppen Slebi;opatiy.4„, LaGrange 'I A 11 3isnel t ion -March Allentown. i 7. llethlebern,. Easton Philadelphia New York 11=nM 2 New York —. Phliadelijata, .... Easton Bethlehem Allentown - Mauch Chunk Wilkei- - Itarre..... . 1... B. Junction Fall* LaG range Tun khannock... Meboopany Mesbo'prien Skinner's Eddy Lace Ile Wya -1? rench town RumnieritPld... Standing Stone Wysaulting TtAsanda.— For Ri.ac1ini,..2.30 a. in., and p. Frrr liarrtslang„l , ..;in a. in. and 9.f.0 1.. Tn. . Traln - a frT• A nt,•yrn. leave ot ft;ll4,ra, _ • ( rirt .Prvitimnrn • fr., n 'h.) Lea4r , MitlaiteiPhia,'7.3o. a. . . DEEM Leave Phtla4elphla, ISA% *•• (via bait Pe UN a,. 6rauch.l Leave Rea4lag. 7.40„ 10.34 a. tu., 4.00, 6.10, . 10.130 1,. ru. ' - 'brava Harrtabarg,.-OSO, 8.10 a. Di,. 2.01', 3.47 614 • 7.55p.1D., Leave Lancaster R.ld a. m., 7t,54, and 3.45 p.m Leave C'ulumU:a ,t,q. LCO and 3.35 k. m. =SIM Leave lienellng. 7.2 . 0, a, tn. ^a Leave klarrlsbufg. 5.20 a. In. . Trains' marked thus i•) run to 'and tune dl , p.r sth and Green . - streeti, other trains to and (mai. Broad stri•et depth. The 6.50 a. in. and S 55p....m. trains (rota - Atte!, lowa, and the 7.3,:a. tit. :thz: p. in. teal r; & ft. rs Philadelphia. har . . , threnzh ears to and frvin ade!phia.! : • •_ J. E. WOOTTEN, General 3tartager.. 4:, General Tie ter agent. roet A • • .NOII.TIIERN CENTRAL RAIL WAY Tl3lr..TAttl.E. • . Tnnnirh and . dtreerronte Wa. , h Ingram Rant inert. ElOtira..Erle, - Itudalo. Rochester and Ntaga rt Falts.l STTNI)AY. Nove.mtwrly, laTr, ',..Cortdern Cvntlal I:allnay will Elm foll,lw.t: • • ' ' - Nolt's ,Niaiara kxpre4s--Leaves flarrisbttrg daily ex cept ziondar at lo:wi lilianisPort at p. leaxeS\ Elmira at p. in.. leavem42anarnLyzu.t . at 4:25 p nt,. arrives at. 71titialpas, at Niagara Earl at.. 1115 ' ikvves Italifin‘de dally except I. , ..unday at -F:3O a. in.. arrixes at ilarrl.l.,org daily 'ex-ept Sun •lay at p. in. • i• Fast llii.e—L'ixes Baltimore daily at Isis a, m , arrives at Ilarrlsl.urg daily at 3:111 p. xn..,' Ilarrishnrr daily P v xrel.t Sunday at R:2op.nt.. AV illiain Tort at. 7:an\p, IraVeb Elmira at 10:v , .p. tit: arrives at Warkltis Glen at 111511 p. is. Pirtslinrg Expre.l.estvea Baltiimore (rally ex cept Similar at r, e 5 p.. in., Arrives , at Ilarrisberg daily eseeit Sinalay at 14:30 • Balaninre daily at 9tt p.- mi. arrives at ITarrngiurg at 12;45 a. in. Eric 3taii-,.l.eaves flarristktirK daily except Sun day at 1:41 a. iii., leaves . .5:45 a. n; . leaves Vlltnir.t at 12:1:i p.'arrays at .1 "anaitila:- dua at . • sountwinn.\ S .athern f:rpre!is—teaves ahartelat(;na dal , y except Sllll,lOl at p. ru., le.aves Elmira at 9., 4 " P. m.. I, avtl , AT Inianksport at )2:35 arrive• at liarri,harz daily except Ittaillay at 4:90a. al.-, ar• Tlk , s•at s ltalttaiory at in.. . ,I'anaL4algua daily pt : 4 ,1111,13y, at P:ssp. ft_ Parrs at- 9;31).'p. Il • al , ,?4,ll " ,ttliattiNport daily exe,pt .I . lotitlay 12,1% P. in.. daily- at I:'2 , a. tn.. at Vtaltinkr (Lilly at 7:45 a. ln. _ taper , ,--Leavcs Hat rt.tburg daily elrt.pt Sinai:ly at 7:3 0 3. m.. arrtvest at Bait lawn. at a. in. • • , 51.:411 I.eave.4 Harri.linFg p. m. arrives at Hal ti in"re t1:45 p. 14.1 y Expri.s^=-Leavi ,, Wen daily exci.t t. Sunda! at Elinfra .laily Stutilay at 9:10 a. tn.. leave. Williamsport ciallv rcpt ~:ttidag at 1 2:1 9 tiartl , loriz at 4:2:1 p. in., ariiNes'at . l4:lltltitorth :laity at-7:.35 All trait, mill:U.4 : , mtectitat at iktltlinuri: for Wa4/ilvgton and M.. Wroth, ;I , +l f tut her 1,1".1 App:y at 'the TlOcdt the depot.. 7 FIZANK 11,1O3IPSON. Uelieral NOn.:4;:er, MERE VABEAT CEN'TPA I, ROUTE To Till: AVE3T VIA AG !RA 'FALLS. CHEAT WESTERN ANI) MICHIGAN cFNTitAL navAv:4- Till: PC.P . I - 1..5.111: 4 7ft•TE to. Int. In. CAN DA. To I)ETRIIIT.3IIAY (.711'1". S.“-;lN.\* 4:41...175;1) 1:.%111.S: FAI.A 31.1%i 1., ST. 1..1,1'1. 11.1; FANTu!..i. 1).% LAS. all jNiltlfl q'c.•t. rlt ( - I::l:Entc.4rtti) w.k; s Fit rALA4'T AND sr.F.O'INc-c.t us. 1 , ,N.j.nv0. tiatn3 froilx.l:o..l..—tt.r to cpl,• hang', NEW AND ELEG,A.St IN(: J - Tavr ri•eTntly beep- p:aerfl nn thin ry kroveter•oll the thhntglt Irtl a+an 01,1,01111 v: onjvy Itro3kf:o.t. Dinnor:atol Slipper at.leiNu , v, at the popular pr,tee—:s reillF prr weal. tho g imlyltne to thiWest -As A VA. I , LLS. an'biding an opportunity or sl* " lug th.• Faitg and si.enery or "Stagari, wht:e et:, lutover •Bit' Tic k et:4 van .b' had :it eir fl , 'wet' ng Lure, and from all. Ageui , ropl6betalig this tine. NVII. . IC, ti rag Pos:r 7 A g:t, Iti IT. :-.. - Chos 3. 'l' t-avpl g .11,0 t„, • T;X ECT:TOII7'.S NOT IC E.-:--N oticv _1 J 1, hereby - given that ail persons Imlehto4 tar esmto °fr.. \t,-haul trwr,late nernegtony ? ' deceased. must make IMlned tate paylmett.and pets haying Vlallll , against said estate mast preseut thi'm duty ant.tientleated. for set nom tat. AI. Executor. Jan to.uw I,:currolu4N OT/ jut' A Is heri•b Orr u taadall twvainta tridei , ted the ~,t atA. oflta Ilt•catau, late ”f ke " 1 " 4, ! I re triAvle'ltevi to fivakr I vutive4l:vte F‘-yvvvvv -, :t and all jx•f:w.nx agalrol .saJvl lovitvvl Ivrevvettt theviv-d nip *ivilitrirctticatevl for IIWilt: E. fly F E. L. (sAl:lttNi:Tox, 11 •4 A 11MINISTItATOR'S. NOTICE: ' -, jotter 11. hen.lr grlveil that perwm , W. flebted to the estate of-T. Ilasrlgamla te'of 11r.1.1M , 1, .0... de r e:v.4,l are •roitti stmt - 10 make 1111111oi WO 'lxitYillelit, molltlf person.. having claims agslll + I ,A i'' . I..!•?tate 111‘1.4 tift•Sellt tilolll' glittv alithe.ml , al,kl t',..r settlement. ' SILAION iiOLDEN. . JanloMw. - ; Ad:MM.:m . .or. . - ISTIIXTOIt'S Is hereby given that alt priNos , •6- (10 , tett to th.!eqtate 1.:1,,,n0z,r. '.ter, lianNt intuto‘tfato ray 'llteitt, and all prrwu. hat oqt-cl.otto. agalt,t -3111 e— late MINI preNaltt theist Ittlty ilfithClitiratrif frt - 1.10111 4, 11 t. E'. )3. la(h\b fan 1041 w. • ' • Adnalnistraftr. P.M. p.m.' 2 05 A. 61. , 462 5 . 18 I no 'l6s' I 8 on 9 42_ 10 60 2,4110 62 .226 11 •tn 22 11 30• 3 36111 28 2 46 ii 49 3.65112 an 41511220 4 V 412 on 4 4212 30. 46012 40 5 on 12 47 5 1 - 2 157 625' 110 . 5 39 1 21 S 55:: 33, 1112 .... , ... ..• • ...I : 6 ' 1 2., S 361 i . .% . 5 . ; 15 I 5 ZOI 600 666 6 15 6 1# 9 141 6 :01 950 . 6 30 6 40 8 55 1025 ....,11 13 .... . . 11 11:: 2 .5 , 41 . .Ill: ;4) 6 251' s4.. ... 4 . 6 ::1 .1..... 44 17. '6O , 7 ; fr. *.7 0 1 -1 as El 4 47t ..... ; SO.'' lli SI, 4 60' 1 9 2r; 6 454 i j 11 '7Jt P.3f . 1 A .31 JP 41.1P3t fP.M. .6311 6 64) , . & s-tr, coi - my 'IOOO. • • . 1 1 1 as 121. 03' f•r'l4l 7 TS 1 55' . 135' 7 SS, 2 294', 8 I9' 4 59, 2 a 14 3 10- ,„, • r 2 12. 40 33' 3 35' . • 3 01 F 9 89' 3 SF' . 10 013 10 13 10 2 10 32 ... . 1011 4001055 4 41 . •••-. 4 50 5 00 7 30 W.Nt. 11. tit Tlvket t.Eo. H. snEn%p,.,l)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers