Padfori geporter, U Towanda ! , Pa., Thursday, 'eb• 11, 18713. • W.. A, CIJAMBER,IN, . beible±tin • • ;v7 AToiiz\s\ • $ SILVER & PLATE \ D \ WARE, • . TOWANDA, Towands; Jim. IS, 1877. ' \ . - - LOCAL ANDt GENE THE McKean .3tiner bas abandoned "patcut outside." Gam. W. 'MOVPITT will be a eandida for re.election -as High COnstable neit Tuesday. SF:VP:RAI. sleigh loads of Ladies and gen tlemen of this place, went .to Ulster on Monday evening to give ,lonN= - BEEMAN benefit.. .C. H. &stmt. the efficient Secretary of. the Odd Fellows Relief Association, of Montrose, was in town last week. Ile reports the institution as in a flourishing condition. MISS AMAMDA. CIIII3IBrPLAIN and Miss ELLA SPAI.DIN6, teachers in the Graded School of this place, have been granted permanent certificates by'State Superin tendent WICKERSHANt. THE police, reports for the past year in dicatc a marked improvement in -the mor als of Towanda. The effort of OW blur phy movement, and the judicious watch ful attention of Policeman G. W. Gti,Tilc, -who enjoys consider able notoriety as "an .arti6t, has sketched a "farm scene," and preSented it to the publishers of the county history. If it appears in the work, ."Gus" will he made famous. PATRICK FOGARTY cf This place has told his residence, and purchased a farm on the James river Virginia, Mr. F., is an industrious, intelligent and worthy gentleman, and we .trust he may . Meet with all the success he anticipates in Ids new home. ° Rev, pr. CowlAis, of Elmira, Female College, Theached' in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning last. _ln the afternoon he gave an address on " Solo nionS Temple,"- to which all the Sunday selmil scholars and teachers in t9wn were invited,..and a goodly namb:;r were in attendance. • ' Oun facilities for doing job work neat ly and promptly were never better than at present: We have one of the ticstjob printers - in the eciuntry—Mr. JduN Noni.E —and assure our customers that the high rep ion the REPOIRTERIAas ablays StlS tained for turning out neat work will be \ • hilly maintained. WE understand therc•Ure to be several bosincss changes herein the 'Spr*. Cott- SER is to retnoVe to thy Tracy, Motirt't and I Noble Block, and WOODFORD ,1a I s )1111S will take posscssior. of the store in Fki.- Tox's Block, lately - orcupted• by Close' I Book Store: J. L. s .Alintutox also expects 'to change his location. . • Dun members of the `Legislature are al! aZtive. Senator p.tvitt_s is admitted tq. be one pi .. .the leaders of the Senate. Spea ker litivytt, of the House, Susttins the dig nity of his Position, awl at the same time maintains his reputition for affability and courtesy. while 711e,scirs. (ltt.torr and . YosvEß arc always to be fotSind in their seats, and have presented several bills air ready this session., Timmeetinfr of ttio Mite tid6et - ,y at tie, residence of WM: Mi_x, Esq., on Monday evening was a very. pleasant 'gathering, and tlu• collection amounted to over four teen dollSrs. .• The meeting next Mondayeveningwil+. be held at the residence of W. A., CHAM BERLIN, when a time musical Cntertain- ' ment may be exiicrl cte. ONE 6f W. 11.. CARNO6IIO.Nf• children, a little girl aged. abOut )3 years, died of diphtheria on Sunday morning. The re 'mains were taketv to 1 . 14 for interment, on Monday. Mr. and MI - - sympathy of the en; i re cm sad bereavement. It n-il their many friends tp kno boys; FitED'andJonN, wl criticalitondition for son] considered out of danger. WE Tpgret that we wer liStening to the lecture a Monday evening last: We are informed `that the audienee.was very small, owing Ito the imperfect arran,gemehts in regard I,i the affair. No one s seemed fo be -e4, taia.the lecture was to come-off until day or Satiirday. Those. who were fortu nate enough to be present speak of the Icctiire in the highest ternal, and express the hope' that the Doctor maY visit us again under more favorable circumstances. fixtniursorilinconz—Q. A. BLACK and .1. It. lierTaMMF., of this piaci), •inade an excursion last week to Athsns in the • in terest 0(tIe Order, and succeeded. in ob taining Afteaftirst.ctass flames to a peti tion for A.charter to orgituiie a Lodge of Knights of lionor in Athans The objects, .plans. and berictits of the Association are beginning to be appreciti tedlp our Titinity. The Order tnimbers 0 , ell ;oio Lodges and 32,000 member:4 i: An effort mill be•made at „once. to institute l L Ages in'llonie, Canton, Troy and ot herr townOn Briulfora County. - _ Rvv. W. A. NEwisor.ii, Secretary of th American. Church Missivry Society. occuliled the chancel of (*brig. (71nirch on .snnday last. In 'the morning. hr oi air interesting addras eiplanatory of the office, needs and work at the Society, A getieniuN offering wastuNen up It its CWICI rtNiOn.: In the afternoon Mr. NEWlSOLDaddress rd the 6unday School children. His re marks Were instructive - ►ud entertaining, c and were listened to with tte strictest at ttintion In the evening Li delivered a praaidal • , dibeour§e from Micah V, Pith. PE:ni1:05.4,4.-I . OIIN E. GOODRICH wife of Williamsport, were- in town last week to attend the funeral of thell: geand thughter. -141a3. A. G. AARON and E. G. Phil a flying visit;•to this • place Lint •-• , Isimivrt e LF: Ras coutlized-t6liis Louse most of -the . rinie last week, but ;is itirpeovirk now —Past Chancellor- Commander J. 14: I a In the • darkness and confusion Mr. i:Atarsr is in- Philadelphia attending the ! PAchAno could pot : observe his assailants r very closely. There'vas an evident plot meeting of the• Grand Lodge K. of P. • 1 to decoy hint t6t6wn at that time, and —Fitts. i .J.` P. KIIIANY bala heen quite iil ' for the past ten dav • but her either, t rob or murder him outright. I , ' • ''', s y m p toms :, The 4 yir ° is not eonscious of having arc an enemy in the world who'wouldivish to --Miss lifArtv WARD, has returned to i dcrhim an injury - . • - ......- . . , her home after an absence of „several 1 The ToWanda officers have the affair in .. I hand, and may -be aide .t...) throw some . . . ~ —liti.x. H. H. Itockwnyt, of Elmira,.l light oroa matter that: wears an' air:, of bass I,een hi atieudawai at court this week, ! mystery at present, • Tim loN, , errot gobd irill be pleas ed to learn that the "Original "Sisredisti. Lpdy Quartette!" Lave been engaged .for an entertainment in this place, and *ll appear at 3lewur Hall, on s Thpraday February 21st. These favOritel need no encoreinume from us, lrtit we doubt not, be greeted by a fultiMuse. Admission 50 cts ; Reserved Eeatti 75 cbli Tickets, for sale at-Kramos. • . PoMoNA GRAN - 0 - E MEETnto.-13radfod and Sullivan District, Pomona' Grange, No. 23, -Will meet in Grange Hall, Wrsex, Pa., on Thursday, the 21st day of Febu rary, ikt one o'clock r. st: , A full repre sentation- is requests'. We expect to have a social, time. ; Now, •brothers and sfsters:come to this meeting anal help maks it wtrat it should Aie---profitatle and pleasant. Installation 434' officers will take place some time during the meeting: Fifth degree conferred in the evening if Arable. Worthy Stifle faster, Piota.i7r, wi --bectfieie 'to OR on lifthe work, and tilen able spoakerA arc expected. I say\to 1 subordinate Granges, wake up and (vile to this meeting. E. R. DELosti, Master: Towtti. Fob. 14, 4SiB. , Miiial , . A GEF . T' 0 A - r,.=:=A= pair', cif • landsetne 6xB chromes a egiven free Ito every one who subseribes• or ee months.,to Lei- Are /raters, a lar e - page literary pa -1 • tier, tilled with the bet _stories, poetry, etc., by writers of e.,.chlllte,d reputation:_ The paperssent will coat, the opening chaptors of a charmik story entitled ." - llolden With the Cordtt,' hY \ the anther, of "Shiloh," I.;:Winter in etta," -eta: The nulylishele, J. L. PArrox • 'c l 'o., 162 William Street, Sew York, hal t cided to offer this short subseription aft:teen cents, (postage stamps. talt'pn), aln tll \ ie cost of'wld4-e paper awl !Milling, 4p4 '. give free ,such a pair of beautifulchromes as cannot fail to pleik:eit..47 one. 1 )04 ble value; of money is ittont,rsed to every subscriber. $1,500 in prizes is given-free ~ to, agents. _ . \ • RATA ACCIDENT AT QAltiir RUN.— While working in the wines at Carbon Run on SatUrday. the .`!(1 lust XstntEW Tlotiußs, a well known miner at .th&t, place met. With an accident which result ed is iris death. He and his son, a lad about 15 years old were working togeth er; . A blast had just been fired - and. it is thought that all the coal which had been shaken loose overhead had not been pull *l down, and :Tailing soon' after, erushod him beneath The- . accident oceured about . 11 A. NI., and•he died abont 9 o'clock that evening.. The deceased was 'about 40 years of age and Wes an industilous aid careful miner, -respected inui esteemed 'by all. • 11 . e leaves a wife Mid ruse children. Ile was buried at liarcittyon Tuesday • ' 'Holmes Ld to , leave Carbon Run in a ithole'time and go west indeed:ltail au: le up his mind to settle up and (fti4t the day before bu t afterward changed his mind.—Journ al, Ii MANFTIELD STATE; :NORMAL SrTrooL. = Early last spring Prof. F. A. ALIEN, who ,has for several years. been principal bf the Sohlierisl Orphan School, ansl manag ed it with great success, Was elected prin cipal-of the - State Normal School. This fict algae, to those - personally acqUainted with the Professor, was a sufficient 'guar - ir 'the prosperity of the sellout. .T.VN, knowing that the first re- Or a good school is an able and faculty; soon associated with hi m incipal„hum It. FnENett,•-Lls: atr State Superintendent of Pub: lie Instruilfon +if Vermont, and the au thor of Fit`r,xt•rt's mathematical works, including Fisk:kit:it's Iliniiminal 'Theorem, and who lifts a li ‘ ationril r(lpatatiOn, and - is •regarded as -one I ( the foremost eslueat`ors in the United St-at s. IVith such men :a :the head of the_seho 1,. -assisted by such comiwtent assisiants its .1.4 l; Do.k X r., A • 11., Profes k ,air ofnat oral sciences ; W. C. .13Attrot.,.A.. M. professor of mathemat ics ; Miss .E'Arr; ytEnNortna, languages; Miss Don.k . .N. W;.soUnt - Fy, reading and grammar ;Mien M. ALL-rs, book-keep ing and telegraphy, and W. S. HUtiLli NO BE, principal of model School could well be otherwise than 'successful. Electric bibs have _been introauced throughout tise buildings and Pr'ove as much 'a eonve- . nielle‘, for schools its for hotels. Prof. ALI.E.N has purchased a uclephohe and as his residen... , e, the normal school, so l -1 1 'ers' oiphan'school, the'farm and agri c itural departments i ), f the latter institu tion, all comfected"by' it. As some of the above ale over half a mile apart it is a scatter offtsr;at convenience, besides be-- ,ing a tine acquisition for 'scientific pur pqs.s. The; professor can i!.it in his (;f:tiec and conversewith, the :superintendent of - the farm, half a - mile away, nTili as nsuch.,` -s , , , :a.,Q, an,: accuracy as though be wele prefi \t it: the same - co,,m.- ° Tlicr have also noted a free course oneeores, by iou. men, which has provdibolli enjoy d profitable. They noyr have'- , up- I v to students attending the nor bout the same num;ber. - iii the 'ban seltool.'. and due innidred School, where _the •stuilents ”act ice as'r well as the Oleo- Mu :h has been - dime to with tirst-class charts, " - C ins hien able 9.4 trint, niui sehher,' o: of in the model are given the ry teaching.' \ t.tippiy the apparatus, etc.— UTAT. TTA ‘ CK.-1 a machinist works isammws I I. ill aTIQWCI* to the folInv: faun his ,ister, as be suppose Tow.csuA, Feb. SHERMAN W. P.tesAttn is very sick. Come at once. Lucy FACKA n. The sister is an employee in the and shoe manufactory of flemrini !S:J• TRACY, in the First Ward. A Jew, days ago . a stranger called at the shop and enquired for her: lie then stated that he had some • business to transact with her brother, and enquired his ad ' dress, which she readily gave biro. l'AcsAnn- reached Towanda, oa No. :11, which stops. at the lower dvpot. knowing this, he) got. off at the upper d pot and started to walk dOWn the track. When opposite the ecinetety, where a high bank bides the railroad `from view, lie was suddenly assaulted .by two men, wlio- knocked him- down and beat him around the head and face in the nuistbni tal manner. Ile" succeeded in getting away from them, and ran back,to the de pot. Ile had received several ugly wounds on the heatVapparently from a sling shot, or steel knuckles. A telegrAm,l.was sent to Officer 13t - iiNg, who brbught ' , him to' a hotel and s hrul hiswoutuissires:sa. Vpon reaching l pi sister's hoarding plitee, in fouml that she had not been sick ; and of course bad nottsmt any telegram. SUDDEN DAIlAti i MoNsoE.—utyssEs. SIVR.F.T, a yolltigpall of 'Monroe township, died very suddenly on Thtirsdirlaat.l 7- P. was apparently in. good health, until short timed previous to his decease. The use-of his death wan affection of the heart. lie was aboot2B4col.spf#tge:and, and leaves a young wife. - liQwas buried on unday bYlkeiOdd-FellArs, of i'vhich Order he was a member.. • - THE comhitiation of Coal men in the IVryoinftig and Lehigh valleys to advance the-price does not 'effect this community, as the Loyal Sockis coming into very general use, and is considered superior to . any other variety for nfost purposes. The small nut for ordinary beating stoves is more economical than any other Coal and is sold at much lo o wer 'price than the hard anthracite. A company consisting .of R. A. and wife,' Dr. W. E. Jonssox and wife, R. A, ELMER, JAMES S. MI:11- ItAY mid others, took a very pleasant sleigh ride to Towanda yesterday after noon, starting atql o'clock. The objec tive point was a visit to Don.. Josmeit PowELL, .e.i.Member of Congress. The day -was ext4edinglytpleasant, -as must. also - have Inkn i .the ride. The four-in hand team. vias in eliarae of llimAn SIIEBRV of this village.— Warerip...ldro &As. The party reached this place in safety and received a warm reception frond their many friends, • LIZERTY CORNEAM—hI .December tiro M. PI Church at Liberty Cornerg, was favored with the preknce of the Pisgah Praying . }laud, who remained with us three' weeks; during which time fifty per= sons were converted: ::.The Band were also with us at French town' a few days. The. result of -the -Meeting was that seventy bowed at the altar and sought the Lord, twenty-eight of the pumber being married men and M. S. livasE. l n, 4beity,Corirrs, Feb. 9th, 11.378. . MEE! TTF., nomilkai t \ \ putaid day nex . . cinstrib iligit, Con 'a ?,th:Ao! 71, fol - PIIINNY ; C. C..I,Vi i \ o,. , ers , :',,ra ~ f Ike "( . ~, F. E. ,Tiv.NR. - • . d ita r. ..T.nrs .Orru. .,]•--.XJ,T.EN. Mt. 'F. \S . ' '.. {',, f i n c Miff ID- \. Titiol .ff v(l—A. H, psi:sin - in- ; WILIIFIF., ,ludye ' 4 Eiectioit—Thircor(7- 7 11, D. SiintlDAN. ' " f\ \ lOpert of Election-Third A. arcs. 3 bra rft• A ssim sod TILE. 1;1011 . 1;TE OF AroNI: TON I:4is 4 ;r., 1,.0. of 0. F.—A a rer.ulaig"meeting•of 31miroeton Lode, No. 1:11', 1. 0. 4, F., held at :IPutroe tr, Pa., Felnuary 1h h, • 1.877. Tlits‘fol , lowing preamble and resolutions were adopted • Wm.:eras, It has pleased the Supreme Ruler of the . ,Universe, to remove by death, onr respected and egtecined friend and . brdiher, Vi,TSES M'. SWEET, whose. eenstanti.devotiem :to the priniples 31141 teachings of our . Order, commanded the respect Jana esteem of the brotherhood ; therefore, be it. • Repot ri!ii; • That we deem it a duty to pay'hi proper tribute of respect to, 111.. i memory fipr his many arts d_s nevoleneo and charity, and for the .deep iiit;;rest lie always manifested in the Orde . r up to the HIM; of his sudden death. Tha.t.ctat totyler to tiw ft?tily of obr tleeenSeil brother our hea'rWit sympathy in this- theit sad bereAvoinent. Ilt,wirr.-1, That the hall, and charter of the Lodge be di-apeil in mourning thirty day., • - • llisotrq, That a copy of the foregoiwz. preamble and remAntions Le - Pfeseutt4l the family of our deg .ased bro; her, and the same lit, pablished in the Timanda papers, and - spread on the minutes of the Ledge. T. It- FOWLER, ) • ;L.A. DEvog, eqm. 1/1.. PrArr, # Mn'. LAinc.k MOrnEn 'rift: LATE Ri.e , s.—Only two "W‘erk's, since, the lid , :etuttrvit contaiisql a biief notice of the new- home!, on North Main St. Tow:mla, which had been tit up for the occupation of Mts. 1, - iot.A 11 s>;, the mother of the_ " sweetsinger." In ten' days after taking possession of her braetirnl . earthiy home, she wenno dwell in The "house not, ma,lo with 1 11ands.leternal in, the heavens." It. is a ! C ;nfort to her friends to know that her 1.1,4 hour." wcrefllll of grPtcfstil74% . ..ol” - rr for 11:c kindness and carc slum a iuu I,y tisi'Se who deli , 4lited to do her reverence.' ou f• oveniw.. FA J wypaiutidstrw2;;:je, but as 5t,.....et1y and peact , fully as a_tired child goes tai its rest. cut Tintrsday List, Feb. ^;., at 10 o'clock : it rtligt ,tis set vices Avert . hchl at !wt' late !residence. Remarks vtre inatreltr Ite En. C. I'm; Rs anti prayl ty 11 r. .1. 6'rElt ART. The rernskins watt then taken to:ltotbe .witcro the funeral setae - tt Was. prea . .bed. by . 14. STONE, tlt frig 10: anti physician of the family more than a glit s ter of a unwary ago. The text was flop? Rev. 3 chap., 4 vet. "Awl away air rttr- frmli th.•ll - n 1.41 tl :.• io , rn, tr`ith.•l •11:11i 111,0 !••• Iliore !• , r tter foe 1/1,•1' 7,1 Exprr,s. The services were open«l 1r the choir singing in a very impressive manner, "It is well with my soul." .SOIIIOII was LCPry a most elm i mmt exposition of tint in the •resitcreetion ,A" those tcha the in the 1..:,r,ti." Dr. SToNt. preached the Inner:ll sermon 76 Mr. I, AC abont tliitteen years', since. EIOiAN PACKARD, ,AthenB, quite ming•last, Feb: telegratti 1870. sister • i)lajorirrrt.E. the cc:A:shore); with P. P. Buss in the gospel work, paid a feeling tribute to the memory of the hon ored mother of one whomtbe whole world mourned. 'said that he helieved that greenback-labor -reformers laic the 'follOwing ticket to be nnjt - borLiugh election on Tues- 81111.31 AN. s \ —E. 1111.1,16 - '; n , t on. - -Du.P.S. PRATT .7 near the,beautiful cenotaph which all the nations of the earth have helped to erect to thepemory Of,,lier son and his sweet nife.' Mrs. Bi.iss, Whose niaiden name was. Lvin.t. DOOLITTLE, was brim ;Fp). in •Litehtield, Cimn. , She was-mar ried in June IStil to Mr. I::,'AAC -Buffs, at Smithfield, Bradford County, I'a. -Mrs. CF.. nK WiLito.ti of this place; and., Mrii. JENNEVIS &.f - Wellsville, Alle gheny Y. :we her only, surviving children, - . • N. L. B, AK iateriiithig:•revtirilkk saelitipg is in progress at theM. Chareh.• Fstmu & Co. now . occupy Um & Co., Storo on )lain Street._ _ 111/ar. Agent- Fox of the S. L. ,§'; haik been confined to' the -house .for the past' 'month with ihementbmx - SHELDON oi 'Canton, last week shipped twenty-one thoUsand snap rollers. • - Out: ice dealers succeeded iiiseciaring good supply of ice during the recent field weather. _ TIIE Troy Farmers' Cipb have . itcdeti - to ,hold . 'their exhibition on the 25th, 28th and 27th of Septembei. next.. • -A ; -TowAiceit lady has fallevrhey to quite a fortune by the death of an aged lady friend in the eastern fart of the. eounty.' • dosT of the portrait illustrations for the, county history, will be made from: photographs takeu by Wool), of this place. Tilt -warm weather on Fridayfand Sat urday last caused the ice in tho river to break up and pass out very . qUietly on Saturday night. ' QK7ITY, a number. of Odd4Fellinin, so ! boiniiinied by their wives, visited Um* on Tuesday afternoon, to assist in eine:er ring the Rebekah Degree. • 4 Goom.y number of:young ladies and gentlemen bail been . busily engaged in pylparing„decorations for l'ilercur Hall on oil occasion of the Naiad reception. 451-kold friend D. _J. QUAID has been ariii - Ainted traveling malesenan . for a - large ..NeWlYncli grocery house.,iflgoofi felloW, and well calculated to- succeed in his new calling SEVERAL, new cases of diphtheria have beep developed, since last week. ITLIF., eldest daughter of C. L. 'j'R.u•v, and the little daughter of -C. E. Attnittis, 'kit) among the - number. . • - • Tnr•. supper given by the lariieg or Christ Church provecf% splendid: succests seeially; and financially. The attendance was gond, and the entertainment elegant. The re eeipts amounted to T 145. ' Tnr'Naiads are-making-extensive pre parations fora "good time" Dll Friday evening. The boys are always prompt in responding to the fire alarm, and thane who enjoy a " hop"roubtless 'pat ronize the entertainm t. • , WE are pleased to learn that Hon. W. 11. Ji - is giving excellent satisfaction as auflge of - Susquehanna Coupty. Ileis winning golden opinions from all parties by the impartial and dignified manner in which he dispatches business. Tittl . .people of this county will read wit t vegret of the: serious jiln,ess o'l - siitYYtivr, Esq. Mr. P. has Wen dec initkgi,n health for the ,p3st 'two or thre ve)krs, and new his condition is such as to lcivc"no hope of his secovvry. of a rneniter of the Grange,' \ . ELo:s; is a first the, 'year ho bar \ from,his farm of 77 ? and eighty four del 7rain, besides sup- \ , \ ;iI.TITOL\ .. \ C , 111\011.1 flip 1 class\rarmer. vest Mstpl sol ~._ ?ere:: e.ifii,t hundi 1111 s wortfa\of flay' a 1 p,,rting Lis \family. WE 11 iIYO i ifil OtaisiiiCtive hundred cO , pl aCook • Nil; Most of them to 'scribers. We iippe that all air old subscribers lk will nail \ themselves of the oppOrtunity. , to ccuro it,' by sending the theitbseriptlo at Nme.. -Where. the book i to be sent\by mail: thri , c cents :idditiotial \ to pay posse tatze'should be foriwarded; , \- . . 311:. EDITOR 01"111E TZEPOUTER ‘ -riot knowing but what some might want 'to keep the •‘ Iteminiscences'and Retleelons of the -Vatky of you ...Wysox Creek," \ \ l would like, if think hest, to have you„ the following corrections : In article of Nov: 2g, fOr first paraoraph roi.."llseti7s". read Reel's ; fitrst .para graph for "-ltansell' read Haus : ell ; sixth paragrapb, for 4 '.iinon2 a ad .Simcon; eleventh paritgrapb; fis" Warber" read Thatcher. Of Peceudier 7t.h, seventh paragraph, fur ••I.'arlts" V4,Aught ; seventeenth para graph, I'4 "born up" road from up ; tiglacenth paragraph, for " lower " read Lower. Of DeC. Viiit„ ninth paragraph (my own mistake,.you fulloweircopy) "later" read In rtirlo of Dee 26th, next to the )gat. lice of tiriNt parilgraph, real narrows, )n -stead of " : moutnnins,", • • )f Jaquary Vith, .F•Aseetul paragraph, ont " look " in next, the last.line., Tenth "or what" rcMf on quotation?, s , r , cond pAragraph, "•wh( " read which ; fourth from the last lel 1. ii , " propew , ity '! read prosperity. Please 4,1" just as you think best about the above corrections.. • . As ever lours, etc. C. E. Tmois AT a , I n ee tin g . of• Oscaluwa Grange of North Towanda, hell on- Friday evening. laq, the following report of a committee 'pre.vionsl appointed was uuauimously adopted : Worikti ifaster, Smterot rtml Brother The undersigned nwninittee appointed to draft, reso . ltiiions 'expressive of the gritat ortinv of this Grange at the death of our late sister, Mrs. , Lousu. 8.14;LI, beg leave to submit the following : Witztlx.As, Death has invaded our ranks and rem veil one of our most high• ly teeme-d and useful matrons; and whereas, we, as a Grange, desire to place on record some token of our regard for the deceasiik therefore, That in the 'death of sister, Louism Smith; who departed this life on the 24th of January, we- realize thatOs caluwa Grange' has 'suffered' an irrepar able loss, and that one who added so largely to the enjoyment and profit of our TIIVe Li ilq.s has been called front her sphere of tscfniness here . to- the reward -which !, the tireat Master aboye bestows upon 1i those v Ito-fait dischlrge their dutieft_ In this life. • :lie.w!red; That while-we mourn the-loss our deceased sister; our our alle viated by ourfaith that loss,is her in estimable gain • that having performed her labors faithfully, .she is now permitted enjoy that blissful restwhiab her active Christian life prepared her for. Raotred, That we can best show our veneration for our, sister's memory by striving to emulate her many virtues, slid by a closer devotion to the, precepts of our order, which were ,exemplified fief daily *alk, and were so dear to her heart. Re:lnked, That tts'a Grange we tender to the bereaved husband our heartfllt sympathy' in this time of his great sorr4 w and atllietim. and point him for eimsola t ion to the only sure refuge of 'the cd.' Him who has / said that he 'cloth not - afflor willingly ict grieve the children of COURTP/10, cifk — . WKDSKII44Y, & , The Grind Jw,dips . pofes, W`tlif Oilkriv ing additional cases, \ ' wits. Com vs Wm Scott .— L arceny. ' Com vs J Madison and Simonit, 7 - CComn \ ovs J Patterson.—Pqnsica o N and Imstardy. \ ROT Tiara. mix& C. 'homas Dalais.—Assault and ! )buPosts• obi Ol:Wind John Dolan.— Assault andbattery. Thomas Dolan 2d for costs. : • r.;`,+;'. The Grand Jury were diachaaged ow' Thursday. • \ Corn -vs CyruirAvery, Mad John Avery. ' Conspiracy. Jury ihni \ defendants guilty. , Corn Ors Gustavus.Conkiin.—False pro. tenses. \ • Com vs A W Alger.- - ;-Conspiraey,. (ion. tinued to May tefm. -2; • Com vs I N Comstocb.--Surety, of the pasee.—Distriet Attorney MePhins7in and D C DeWitt, Rig; for Commonwealth ; D'A Overton and II J F.sqs, for defendant. ,I;Cotri, find defendant guilty and anntencerhim to pay the costs, and to give'sticiiriti to keep the taw: Com vs Thomas Watkink—Larceny: District Attorney McPhersoirand .fN Ca hit ,Esqr., "for Commonwealth; WA Over ton;.. Pig; for defendant._ :"Yttry find' de fondant guilty. Corn vs Wm Scott ? --Larceny. 'Defend ant pleads guilty. . Shesliegaia twp vs Smithll3ld P Emma Briggs vs Case Bri ggs. l E B Bought vs Maria Bought. -.!Court 'direct a subpama in divorce to issue in each case: Betsey Bill vs Sit direct 'Sheriff tornado proostoiiion. Frank Dorman vs Aosklla DOrman.— Coqrt appoint A Jloultlin.ond Jno Kish paugh, Esqs, commissioners. 31 Frederick vs W M Frederick. —Court applint J S Williston, ES4, commissioner. Celia 31 Williams vs A E Court grant a divorce. T F Madill vs 43 11 Vargaaon. Luke Dolan vs 11 IC and H S Allis. • 31orf4fi Woodruff's ex'is vs H L Park.—Rule to open judgment in each case._ !- .31W Wheetodi vs S B • fa satisfy judgment: O F Taber's use vs C F NiebOls.—Bule to set aside execution. - C A Ileavener V& Thomas I.l.l;avener, et at.—Rule on 'plaintiff to perfeet. his bail. K Mon tgomei y vs S B Ov'eitOn. —4OB to quash special capias. In re the assigfiment of Hiram Horton for the benefit of his creditors. Auditor's supplemental report confirmed finally: :.. The following. Sheriff's Deeds were We inowledged : • - _ George C Atwood, 'for two late in Wits fusing twp. ,Sold-Dee '7, 1877, as the pro perty of 11 B Ingham. $911; Amos Armstrong, for two lots in Tits earora twp. Sad January $l, 1878, as the property of W Barrowcliff, $2,217. George English, for three acres in bang twp. Sold Jan 81, 1878; as the prci perty of George English,,T T., $lO. Hall, for 30 2-10 acres in South Creek twp. Sold.:.4an 81, 1878, as the property 'of James K Ameigh. *271. .' F G Hall, for 38 2-10 , acres in South Crcekltwp. old . .. Tan 31, 1878; is the pro perty of-Ephraim : .#atterson. *2O. . Henry Heichemer, for two lots in Over two twp. Sold Jan 31, 1878, •as the pro perty of Martin Heichemer. $25: A t.l Hunt, for 84 acres of bind in Litch field 'Lull. Sold Jan 31, lfiiklui Ale pro perty of Samuel Leo and Mary J 3 Lee, T T: $3O. Job P Kirby, for a house.and lot in T& Wanda Boro'. Sold Jan 31,-1878, as the property of W, (.3, May. - $5O. Job P Kirby, for 820 acres in Wysox twp. Sold Jan 31, Ati7S, as tlie property of .1. - AParks and Oscar A. Parkis, 7T. $2,600. 11 , S icKeau, for house and lot in Ath ens twp. \ Sold Jan 31, IS7B, as the prG. ,pettVirf 1011 organ.. 4.150: , 1 A \ Pierce;‹s`g ex of 0 B Pollard, for, 2 ot. of land in Armenia twp. Sold Jan 31; 1878, is the proPerty of Alanson Smith. • \, • Myron Prince, 'foi.\6o acres.mid 20 pers orlyul in Windham wp., Sold Jan 31, I?6 ' , , f_as th,e,property o George ,M .- Van cise. ;10. , • 1 - 116senkrausi. for, 4 lots in Trdy borough and Arnrttio AirpT .Sold Jan 31, 1878. as the property of Benj*d Young.. - William Russell, ! acres in Ath ens twp. Sold•jan 4, as the \ ro pe'rty of Adam AVells. 3 s 'lloo. Mary E Ithodeil, for defedant's -inte. est -in Albany twp. 1 - ecei4l)er 7, 1'8;77, as the property of ' Chauarei S Ros sell. .$3. \ - Mary E Rhodes, for defendant's \ inter estin two lots in Albany twp. Sold Dec 1, '18'77. as the property- of John A . Cod- ding. .*..1. . A II Slocum, foi• 4.i.acres and 1301 peta of•land in Tuscarora twp. Sold Jan '3l, 18?8, as the property of Edward Smith. $1,4)y0., ,, ~ • . • • ;Lk 7. r..! Towanda Building and Saving Futal Association o. Towanda boro, for 251 acres 'of land in Alabany wp. Sold as the property of Robert Mclntosh. $1,150.' Ewd Welles, for 50 acres and (16 pert; of land In Wilmot twp. Sold Jan 31, 187ei as the property of Patrick Ragan. $l5O. W Wolcatt and Frank Decker, for -40 acres.ot land in 'Litelifield 'LW-p.:1301d „lan 31, 18" Pi, as the property bf Clarrissa E Mann anti . 1V D Munn. $lOO. mosnav, irEn. 11. Com vs Samuel_ Butler;--Selling liquor without license, Defendant pleads guil ty. Court.suspends sentence upon pay ment of costs., Corn vs .1 Madison and L D Simons,— 'Larceny. District Attorney McPherson and Overton & Mercer for Common wealth ; 0 D Kinney and .1 NV Mil-, Es 4, for defendants: Jury find defendants not guilty, Corn vs 11.. N Busier- and Jennie Bus ler. --Felon i ous assault. District Attorney McPherSon and -.1 B Reeve, Esc's, for Commonwealth ; 11 H Rockwell, Big, for defendants. Jury find-defendants guilty. Corn ,vs,ll,N Busier and Jennie Basler.. —Larcenoy. Court dirkt a nolt3 Prcilegni to be entered. r • ~ Com vs 9 S Cowell.—Libel. • Court sen tence defendant to pay a fine Of slo9,,and costs of. prosecution. - • - ' Coin vs Luke Delmt and Like! Dolan. 3d. 7 - Aggravated assault and battery. District A.ttOrney McPherson and H dill,:Esois, for Commonwealth ; 0 D.Kin ney, Esq, for . llefendants. - Jury-find do; fendants_guilty. Court sentence defend ants to pay a fine of $lO and costa of pros- ecu ti on. ' , Corn va Luke DOlan,—Surety of the peace. Corn vs Luke Dolan and John Do lan. Same. Com Vs Luke Dolan and Luke Dolan, 3d.: Same. Court sentence defendantsin each can to pay the costs, and give bail to keep the peace, Hannah Clarkros E M Clark: Court direct a subpasna in divorce to issue.' Mary E Tingley vs F M Court direct an alias subixena to issue. Emma E Sammons vs IV ll' Sammons. Court appoint 1V ~J Young, Esq, a corn missioder. - +tined child of ver be an object I solicitude, and )ccial protection , -whose mercy horn lamb.„ lark of respect be draped ill of thirty days, wead upowour • To COITI, Ti re the petition:Aft:l44 D Lee for the benefit of. her separate °spine. Ceprt grant the prayer qt . thetleWalmer.- A • Joseph Doll vs Hansom Dennott.—Soor port of commissioners confirmed finally. J P Carey 144 Per, mit defendant to file exceptions., ~.iityrjeigaing , B use vs Michael Mey lerL Court direct levy and appraisenicht 4 '04 1 ;1 4 , 11 1 1 4 . ' = • T \l ihotruis Baty, vs 'Gem* Baty. Sohn Baty \ vs -same. H K Mott vs Matthew Motesiministrator.—;43arnishee. .Court: directgudgrnent to be entered in each Corn vs llexturder Eurtia.;;•-Adultery. District Attcnney McPherson and Elha nab Smith, Ez9s, for Commonwealth; Patrick & foyle, \ And D C DeWitt,' EsqP, for defendant. . • Reribrier's Monthlyinanitedi tit 'inercruu ing.ten l dency to ,draw into its service a number ot new artists, miiittly profession-. al men. the last six months, it has had original work from the ' peneili, of Wv.tpr EATON, WALTER SUIRLAW, OLIN LA Ctuoi, !Drum Sznntims, '. FRANVL% IHROP, J. RICELLY, CHARLES C. t , , o utn, and others. The March 'number will n tain Szuwiugsiby two artigno , hew to ' ilia Monthly;—W. J. ihrunnswy. and J. DA, VIDSON. Mrs. MARY HALLOCK` FOOTE is now at work for the Magazine, and con tributions are expected from some of the ablest of the new men who appear in this year's exhibitions.. . e Att. interested in the multifarious aims or that jawnal, will be happy over the Rural kllo Yorker's remarkable an nouncement in Reissue of February 2341, which r ill . b 9 mailed frOe to any one send ing add r ess to 78 Duane, New York. THE next regular sesshin or the North- Convention; I: 0. of G. herd at ITornbrook, Tuesday and Wednesday, February 26 and 27, 1878. .` • . 1 Curia, Dist Sec'y. TUE Presbyterians will hold a pound party at Judge Moinow's this Wednes evening, and will be glad to see all their friends. Cam' Seasoned, lumber wanted, Maple, Beech or }Meth Apply to ilAwits BRO'S, Mont; vrtott, Pa. t NOTICE,—The Musical Convention to be held at Liberty Corners under the clireetiot of Prof. 8. Agiffzirt., of ftiOng 'has Wen post'. potted toTVEBD?..Y. FEI4. Isrtl, 18:8. -,ll2rTbe members of WimukingGrange Rill entertainment at their Hall, TH VHS DAT, FEB. Mil, 187 S, consialing of Tsbleatixs, Vivant's, Charades, 'Music, etc. Admlsston, ^_.i cis.; children tinder 12 'cam 15 cts. Door; open at exercises commence at 7.50, p. m. nr-To RENT.—Wagon and Blacksm:th Snaps. a good :chance for a firs rap) workmen. Poisession at any time. G. 11. WEr.r.r.s. W7alttaing. unworn Co.. Pa. Jan. 4, 1873. tr. Otter this week, at Itetati, 5 rases each, FRUIT' OF TRE LOOM , I BLEACHED :11 . 11,7,.41.1Ntt, . , At Eight and one-half rents per yard, the lowest Price ever reached In the ilivtoryof the.Dry-Gana . .3An3l. bitAtreess. Vir To TIIE PUlll:ll2,—The Steam Grist li Ln Shedbermln, formerly owned by Ir.S.AYKit.S, ,will be started under, IEW MANAG EM ENT and eitu Increased facilities, on 310311 A Feb. 1878. We I.nvlto all the ohl patrons of this pop ular 11111 to gle us a call. We shall •not °Meet to rusk Inc . new friend/. SATISFACTIO.kI:IIAR- A-NTEED. . S. W. Itutfurats,Agint. Sheshequln, Feb. 74 1878. [$ "CLOSING OCT IiALE of Gold and Silver Watches, Chains, Fancy Jewelry, etc,The undersigned barlog.pardbased at sheritt's Sale the 'entire stock or Watches. ('halm, Sliver and l'itcd Ware, lathe stools formerly occupied by M. If Et. DELMAN', and not wishing : to remain In the bust. ness..his concluded to sell the claire stock retard- Iktitit Of boot; iaordet to wind up tlv! busl i to.l,.. Call early and serum bargains. .3WJact.diS, 44 NOrice.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the To*auda Gas and Water Company tor-the election of a Board of klnnitgers for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of general business, will be held at the °m, e of the Company, in Towanda, on Monday, the 4th day of March next, between the hours of 1 and 3 r. at. ;1 Towanda, Feb. T, Sieeretary. t Vir A . LAsY ItEETING.—Among th'e !numerous notable - wymmithetle creations_ of the celebrated artist. Gs too EL MAI% who stands first" among the painterspf the Munich school, are the' Joachim' seems of the blind girl holding the stamp for ket fellow believers to descend into theloccret catacombs, and tliitfota the poor motherless child, J rl.l A CAPL:LET," carried by the nun, also the crushed widow compelled to took on the auction lii,!heinidlscralned i property. But ,by many, " • `Last Greeting.'" Is considered his Masterpiece. ft" represents a lovely maiden, who has been cast into the at ins, In a *man, to be devoured by the '.savage beasts. for the detection of the.. inhumati 'Mob. • She leans against the endreting clone wall; "at her feet, brolte'd by...thetr fall; some simple wi`ld \powers imploringly she. looks tif), seeking The hand from which they C3IIIP. Her whole life, k like some gigantic panorama, swiftly flashes, thee' feverlkit brain, every act stands out with pain ful, distineihess. Deeply she z re.all7:es how, often thatsente, strong hand,whieh now alone bestows a last t•eirrell, had Omen proffered.. A hiyit would have p ter.ted..iiesides ensying comfort, happl and\health, bad ale nut. carelessly and die. dalotouy 'turned ,away. Woman suffering 'from those ebronl\xeaknesses peeallar to their Srl: are prone to just such actions. Every day they hear of the Favorite i\ftraiiriptrui of Dr. s.t - . Pt ratE, of the World's litspensary and Invalids' lintel Buffalo, N. Y. Thoasand'il theie suffers write lo universal commendation ofiLs great excellence and worth. Once with the dreaded pale of dls eatte,ft laiverse-than.foll fp be carilless, and'k:dei: lay. the use of this positive ocana_of cure. Ladies suffering from weakness. iting-doirn pain or weak back, and nervoimprost [lon, will timid this A ,prcific remedy.. (In recoillot " The People's Common Senses Medical Adviser." a book of over nine hundred large'pages, be sent_ post paid. 'lt contains a clear and . conclse.yle,erlptlon of The numerous • diseases with .whlrli\omen are afflicted. Address the author, l't M. D.,ltltuffnlu, N. T. . NEW LOCALS. By Order of Com POWELL 4 CO. LONSDALE AND !BUSINESS LOQAL. • Co' Everything in the line of etationl cry at W ULTeoae,h eustT•is, ' Or Three. Button Kid Gloves in all the new shades at Mn.a Mixat)s% rerMus. Moons has the best Skirt supporter, also the Skirt Elevator.— rir A „good, double Sleigh for sale cheap. Enquire at 4'nosrt4 Fultnalure Store. rif Bronze Lamps, with Crystal !Bute (nhtor. only Vact. MADI 1.1:5 Crockery SiOre. la. Vir You can get all the latest styles of Stationery, very cheap, at WHITCOMB at SU Ayr's t Go to CILAM.IIEIII;IIti'S and-. see his wortineof or American, Gold and Silver %catches. far W. A. eIIAtIIERLTS has just re-- turned root New York with pods for 114 11011- days. 1 ' • bHAMBERLIN sells goods, cheaper for caith, thootony °the rentibllshmenr In7lCrorthern Yennajtvanta: I We will' pay Cash for Hemlock Lumber In the log, delivered M our in 11l on Ctarles Stn J. 0. FILWITS SONS. or Remember always, that we will sell rill Lamps, Crockery and GlasstsMre at the lowest prices, ht.soiLL's Crockery Store: . t L. B. RatBF:IIS challeugeg compe tltlon for quality' of goods and low prices on Sash, Doors, Blinds and I'llohltn i s, and all, building ma: tertal..` Eauga-it). rir Don't you forget it. I We have :in excellent CRACKER MANUFACTORY,In town at (3.1 W BAKERY, 'where, Soy" can buy'fhe best fresh-baked crackers. , . Qom' amti reduction on rnfes • to • all points West, Northwest' and Southwest.: The chestiest fares ever offered , . Writep . i . apply to G. R. Sherwood, froimida, t,. V. B. B. t!:ket-otnce. SPECIAL LOCAL. • I SPEota4 TO THE Pu44ic.—Saving s opened a , Coal and Wood yard on Cat's! St., near the Episcopal Church. I am now prepared toll!, all orders for COAL AND WOOD AT BOTTOM PRICES FOR CASH. Having had experience in thLs 8139100/11, I believe I can do as well by Move that favor Me with their orders as any one la tire 'trade. It is my intention to keep on hand a good supply of the best .COAL AND WOOD In the Ind. sell it as LOW as POSSIBLE - mei lire by tr. KINDLING WOOD by the barrel or lead. Any orders left at, the:Store of 1,. T. ItOlse. Hain St., near bridge, or O. U. Wickham sdrilAbe receive th e same attention As at tiro yard. Thanks. Wa generous public for their very liberal patronage. during the past eight leers while in the grocery trade. • I respectfully tv.,44it a Centinnance of their favors, and I will guaraati ; e:: satisfactiOn. • Very Respectfully.. twaaidossla. Okonon Itlnuw'Av. far E. F. KITNREL',I3 BITTER WIN'E (fl'' /TOW—llas never belin known to fall in the.etire of weakness, attended,with symptoms, indisposition to exertion, loss of memory. dime oily 'breat h 'general weak nem, horror of olseasp, weak, nervous trembling, dreadfahorrer of death, night sweats, cold feet, weakness", dimness of vision, latignor. universal lassitude of the muscular systein. error. mons appetite. with dyspeptic system, hot hands; firmhlng of the. body, dryucss of the skin, pallid countenance and - cruptions 'on the face, purifylog the blood, pairrin the back, heaviness of t iy.;./ey,y 7 this, frequent black stints Hying before time eyes. with temporary suffusion and loss of light, want Lot attenblon, etc. These sTniptomemll arise from a weakness, and to remedy that; miss E, F. Kim 'kers Bitter Wine of iron. It never fail. Thou sands are now enjoying health who have use-( it. 'Get too genuine. Sold only 'in $1 bottles. Take only E. F. KunkeFe; Tote Worm Removed Alts e. Head and'all complete In twig limns. No fee till head passes: Seat. 'Pin and . StfimAeh Worms re -moved hy Dr. Kunkel. 259 North Ninth Street. Advice free - . No fee null! head and all 1,11,34, In one, and alive. Dr.-Kunkel is the - only sueressful s phYsiclan in this country for the removal of Worn' ft, AVhis Worm' Syrup is pleasant and safe •for or grown persons.. Send for circular, or. ask 'for ~ Kittle of Klink el's Winun Syrup. Price /1111. .dolla per bottle. Get it of your - druggist: *t pever fulls. E. F. Konkel's Luatral and E. F. Kim. kelt', Shampoo-for the Hair. The best and cheapest Hair Hreassng and' Hair - Cleaner In thembrid.' They remove dandruff: allay \ irritation. soothe and cool the heated soalb, prevent the hair ?rem failing off, and promote the growth In a verrahOrt time. They preserve and beautify the Hair, and. render It soft and glosSy. They irm Part a brilliancy atul\lt silky appearance to braid and wiry Hair. and as \ ti hair dressing they are un rivalled; eradicate-dandtuff and prevent baldness. The shampoo cleans the \ Hair, removes grease. scurf. itching, crurien. com ‘ relleadlache produced by heat and fatigue. .Kenkers Shampoo and Ims tral restore Hair to a naluralitiliftlessy color, re -store faded, dry, hOrsh and vAry hair. Price pet hbttle. el. Ask your druggist fig them, or :wild - in E. F. .ii.unkel. Proprietor, No. .2k6 North Ninth StreWt..PltUadelphla. : N P.—AS if. W. ratorS In Merri,k, ' February r. 411„ It7a..bir. the Hey. D. Mr. Wm. M.:Nesbit, 'f West Polut, Nebrabka... and Miss Sara J. Camp.: • \ • ALEYN—TAYI,OItf At the Lome of the brbb arent.4,-Filnuary uth, 1878, by Rev. J. R. Davies. Mr. A 4 3 .11. Allyn; cf Orwell, and Mende L. Taylor of. !tome. . MARRIED: DIED. , . _ . . AIIINONI AN—lp Mk ho , lrt,,mh, au Sondat moralt,g, Fetrragry loth. (4 dipsherla, Jane i. youngest danghter of W. If. and Suphla 1.. Car nochati, aged 3 years. 6 months and is days. 'sconEE:—ln Windham. Tnosday afternoon, Fel. sth, 1579, Sarah Moore, aged al years, 1 • months . 711111 4 dill's. " children ilico up, and call tier bressed (Athens Gazette leas° copy.) CARMEIC—With feeling's of the deepest regret. ' we atmOunme thtt death of little Bertha, aged 7 yeartca atouttot anti"ft days. daughter of Albert and Eliza farmer, of Litchfield, who 111 , d Jannarr23d. from 1101am:trim: of Mi. bowels. af ter a severe Illness of only a few days. Elie will not only he Rattly missed at home nth sehrA, but even the-neigh:ors wlll mks h.'r itttle visitx,,for she always hrhnght sunshlt7Pleth het'. .sho Was a child ot Moro than ordihary mteillgetme; of a kind heart and affeetlonate II nnl lba, and with heraw eet sidles and happy face, she Won the ,Imart4oiail fern kneW_ her. , ME it ( 'l7 11.—•=A t - Towanda. Fehruary 6th, TS; Fredrlka, daughter of Chart”., 3114 Helen ( 31erettr, aged 10 years, 5 months and 12 dar.. “Cslnt on. t hebosoin of thy God, Young spirit': re, , t thee now. E'en white with us thy footsteps trod; • Ills seal was on thy ;,row," "Dtpt, to Its narrow hourP beneath : Sonl,.to Its place.on high Tkey th4t ere seem. thy Wok. tn death tioonore may fear to.dio,". •"bone are the paths, and sat' the bowers, -. Whence thy meek's:title In guntt ; lint 0, a iwlghter Ibbute than ours • In heaven Is,now thine own." WIL.cOX.-0a of January, tell's, Ntigi Mary Adelaide iVileftx, lough ter of Eton :yid atigy'fllvira Wllvoi. aged '2 7 years. .74traet from th.! sermon preached oti the °era of her funeral by her pastor, Arp tr mg • has l,oen my pleasure- to hare known :41er . tstkigto reinalits arse ahnot to consign to th:loint. (root her earliest years. She was toy pupil win n a tutu!. when in early youth and then again la the full maturity of her youth : and I hare nev , r known what swilled to roe to 1... fau l t lA., pharneter. tier teacher for year , . I do 'not le , Ileve that I ever, had °evasion to titter ono word of rept.4.of. Some i welve a tars ago elm heealne a Wein her of the rresbylerlan ehoreli in- Monromott, avid was a memiter lu gooi tun' regular ' , landing the day of her death. .lo,t one week from tho d a y (.1' . her, burial she sent Chrtlel , ! for me to nslt her; I Iptstened .to 11 , r slot; Outwit,: and found her in a tlyiwz.state, and with no inv.( tir tug. Her mind was clear and 'mob:lvied. :silo re alized tier 131tuatIon. • But the could not road her title clear to mansions ru the t•kres. Site seas for a time in the dary.. bur longing and praying for Itglti: and light and peace. and JoY and hap pines, woro not long denied her. With great narnestness anti with a sweet smile of faith and thtipe she was 'able to say: -Jesus has pardoned my sins. I can trust in Him." * From that time until death closed' the scene, she seemed at peace and happy: She begged a weep) rg sister not to arch, /131. C, "i am hap py." 14.10 opp-who was present In i rim room on the rs - easkut of visit can ever doubt that Addle Wlttaiz Is now In heaven, a ransomed shiner. Ills, who while upon earth never turned away a pony tent soul, diAmt refo-^ to hear and :tuswer the prayer of this fJu r, st:lferhig. dying 'to the-stfrrowing father and soother, and broth ers arl,slate'rs, to.the whole afill'eted household; 1 Ft - pp - dee that I can speak words of comfort and hope. Your daughter,, your sister, is not dead, but sleep. et li. She will not return to you, but you Indy go to 'her. Ifeoilonber fliardeadt la not only breaking up, but re-unijleg household , . The separation. are tetnporary;:the n-nntons are eternal. That Savlowr that your daughter and sister ft-it that she so nitieh needed 1n a dying hour: and that Sat lour that slit s,' eat uestly sought.aud found, is the sery Savtonr that you need time to cute fort you In your aillietton. You have the tenderest and profoundest,ympa: of all )our neighten, far and near: you hare lit syrnpatl4 of !Inn who wept with Mary and Mart lest over the tomb of Lazarus. Oh, Let toe urge you to east all your cares upon Mho : lie w ill snstaln you. "One tltht Is above all. niP<rs, d e ,,rve, tipt i;anie MS Is 11:11"../J1.10114 • !.. 00:1,. Fs. Costly, tree. and m , end.' . Trust In Win. TOWAN'DA 'MARKETS iIyI,3tEVENS Sr 1.41 NI; Gentrr: dealers In-f: rocorps andyroduee, rat tiny, corner Mal.n 3111111:ridge Stre(•ts. 'WEDNESDAY EVENING, :1 l Elt. la , 1577. )V HOT. ESAL E. RF.TA I 1.. rlonr per bid - 7 (O (W. , ?' n Sreq,! , l 00 Flour per sa(;;; 73(y, 20 2 tc(i. 225 Corn Ideal per 104) Cbop Feedl :VI W heal per bush, _ -- Corn live eat Ilitekwheut Clover seed,inedluro_ vStul ct, 1{0:1111S, nrS, - Cork. in Dres,ied hogs Hams Shoulders ord 'arcked Chickens. t urkeys Durk , . lie e Butte Cubs Eggs. (re (Meese—. ....... Breen nppl, eranikAlles Potatoe., Iw•t I tst.4.". Onlona' • BeessrAx rr I'A TUN k IMO. I= Iftdes__ .. Nal). Veal !skins.... . 0,±0.1, , I )i.aeon4 . . l'.tr:i; It. Sheep pelt% ' • la( e.r.,r. Tattaw • s . \ (th,.xvoi -'nut. N*3 , h...q1..:.. \ - \:,ii' 4:IF, Unwashed " . N 41:1.21 •.%\ . .__ _ , 4 - CITOICE FLOWER AND • • • . . - - ..- . • • GARDEN \ SEEr)S. , . ... STRAWItIIRIES,PEACTIq ke ' ~- Plants of the newest and fiee.t Imprwred . ' sort s. carefully vaeked and pret•vid II mail.' )1y enit'.-,-- tion AStr.twberries took the first premium for tht , best clonertion. at the . great . ,how of I be,Massachn. sel i 3 Tiorticultilml' Boston. 1 grow ov,r I /DO varieties, the wont- collIrlett• rollers i o n It t!.l , 'country. including ail the new, large A met lean and Imported kinds. Prlee-1 deserlptivt; cata1.,g0,..-., gratis, by .tall.. Also. Bulbs, Fruit Tree., 1t, , ...„ Evergreens. Cht.tee Flonet.Garden, Tree. Es -r -green, Bort., or..Frult S'eeds, 2:i packets of either for et.oo, by mall. , - NEV SORTS BY MAIL, C, C. . The True Cape rad Cranberry, best sort • C. berry, best sort for Upland, Lowland, or harden, by mall, prepaid. ,11;..q. , per leo, MOD ppr I,AUO...Wholesale Catalogue to the Trade. ' Agents wanted.' , • • B. M. WATSO.N, rim co,•ny .Nurserles and Wardionse, M;L•sachust!tts. abllabed' lA4Y. Leta t.. - - • ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE: . „-1\e(Ico Is hereby given that all Tenons to dented to the estate of Allen WlOstoa, late of!Wit. Mot twp, deed. are requested to make immediate . payment, anti all peraonsi having claims against said eatato. must pmkerii Ahem' duly autbk,ittirateil for. settlement. JOHN • Feb.74w, AdininiStratcr: • .4133.32.13,60. Rep _ art .r° V THE RcEIPTS AND = EXPENDITURES OF 'BRADFORD COUNTY FROM JAN. st TO DEC. 315 T, 1877. El • o amount paid Auditors.. •Prottionoiory sod Register contfacti • : ttridge relialre ' • • 'Viewers - - ' rad Anil Cour. ty A,gr I c 'lite cal Soc le ty 100 00 tatiteittnaking returns to Cotirt 993 78 Amset9tirs . 3.009 00 Costs 111 Conimoiivreal . th snits :' - 3,928 79 Counsel 'in criminal suits - . . 50 00 Counsel to Commissioners Crier and tipostavei . or Court - .1,137 54 J. It. Reeve, Dist.-Atry fronel37l to '74 531 (p) District. Attorney f0r1577.;.....,' ... • .... ..' .. -. 620 00 Election expenses ' .1,52 54 Fuel and lights - r .r,7,884 97' Grand - Jurors .....,i. .... ‘.` .... . 1,049 56 - Traverse •Ihrors ' , 9,643 'BO insurance on public buildings ` . 204 00 Coroneiand.Justices' Inquisitions " 'l9l :24 C. I Ferguson. late Jury Comitulssioner. s - 2 8 14 -lury CommiSslorters and Clerk for 1877. \ 189 31 Ortie,, books . . '.-, 971 12 . . . Aeroflot Wlth-tpeilescral Collectors of tonally Tax for 1[677 andPresloile. 'MI'S. AND UOROS. NA3SES OF COLLECTORS Wysox " Iturllngton Lot.) , •••• A riomt la ' • Athens Asylum ' Atha Row' . Hanel 3y Bodietzten Canton Hort; ' 1.1[011104 • I.ef::tvv!lte . Uraell To , mois ' Towand3 Baru , - Wltalhatu A rmeula Asylum It3relay . . . lturlintlion lierliug!..on West—. Mott toe Twit ' Orwell ; It ,me Twp Smithfield , South Creek, • Troy Twwanda Twit Towattda North • Wvsox A rat Asyl ' • • • • • Alba ,liar Athens iro • • II A.thens ' Ihnny Barr I.y: .... • • itri ! ton r . ! Horn' rl he.thel 'rap. West t ton Canttet.T.wp , Franklin Granville 11•4rlek I Lelrtty..,*tt„. Nlonrott nn r4l, -• • rl3w it ttvertnn .... P1kc...... Home Rom, Wttotiry.., Swingliehl Smith Cr S:01 le. 'III ti,r,eLl norti. T - olvag,(l:t Twp.. Tttwarnin Nnrth Towttml.3. }torn% Ttny Tur 'rrnr ItTrtte Tn - •r1.:•orn l'hh•r It' t•lf , %% arr \C 11 ni t... ? \ James' C. resiutrer. in ount With .County- of Bradford. Robinson,, Aee, I'neollectod froni 1877 and mniotts. Exoneratcil-to-Collectors Perre'ntage to Colleetors Paid Sento. Treanur&.r Rank tax, . Orders Teachers' lu.stitutO for 1 ,1- 6 Teaeh..r.s• Institute for 1877 .I'l4ll per centorninlasion on $.56,107 tO One per cent. connutmlon - on otoos, - 43 In Treasury Jan: Ist, 1878 • • Du, u l! on dull +i,f 1576 and ftreytonf , titilm,mmi of t,77 • Stink tax Itmlitmoal rem:iv:lls' - • , in 'Fr.m.mry Jan. Ist. 1477.;. Lc:viol from Cittzmit.' .:‘; it Bank.. DR A Ityi iitli (1111STr. 'S: - • . - • . IVii. the undersigned. eununiiisionerc of Said County, do hereby certify that \ this is a true and correct , tatement of the receive! , and etno:tulltnres of. , said County from the lot day of January tia the 314 t day o f ciiiiirdniiiir. ireelo,tve:„ A. 1t... 1;77. . ' , . \ ~ NV itne:s our bands Mid seal .of °Mee al Towanda. this 17th day of Janbary, A. D„ 1878.. Arr il l -T—WILLIAAkeI.EWIS,, Cie rk . BRA irroltli 't 7 OII.7.NTY. SS: , , . , W,. the undersigned: And itorq of ',aid (:nonty, do hent•hy,rettlfy.that we hare examined the I\ t:T , ingeing statement aml the coti . chen, for the same, and Mel It to be correct. \ . ).; - . \ • D, Boun x r.. \ w. L. LANTZ. Auditing.' C. L. SHL.PARI), e , Cominisspmler'S 01lire . , Jan. 17..117S TOTICE.—By virtue of an order _Li- of the Court of Comnmal Pleas. of liradforil I ~nnt-y..•the !inaersigne,i, con l mittee.of the-le , ,nitanil_proisirty of .lere,tithili ilenson.ainnatle, will sale. on • the prs Inln -in 'Alhany townstrll% on 1 , 111 It AY, M.ll3ril at .2 M.. tro. Interest said lunatic Owing 01w-hlif) in the following . ileseriloil piece ~r panel linol , itnateltrsahl,townshift of Albany, bound . • ..• col and de-critici as 10/11IWS : • 'A • Begint,latt at a rorner-helcinglng to Welts Wil cox ana A 11.-veriy; .thence north V.,. east along oho line between A li,verly and Wells Wilcox 7 twrehes to a .te,nc heap for a corner: thence north ea , t Ir perettei: to a Comer;them, torifit 29°. PAS( along I he'iitte of hunt belonging . tit A Wilcox 7i pet - flies to a ,tt,no heap for a cornet; thence north Clo.ragt pers to a stake. corner; thence south west lIS perch., to a post for. a., corner. a!ong tfif , • llne of land I,lloagirj.: to quimby t helm, ..out it 610. t.3..t rt.qllll, 10 tilt, place of bepin„,l7.,7 1)(1 artcs moro.i.rir*,s. • TEl:ms.-0 , 50,,ip ,, n the property N•lng struck d vn, :1:14 the•baialiel . upon 11.11011r:1(iOU ( sal)] sai,. • AN DUE IV WlcK rzl+:ll., fn.l-1.- CottitutZlet.. • . TRIAL LISt-FEiralll3l,lB7,B . ~ • . . . 1 1 14 , TilNVklilan V , Daniel.]: Blact:lnan........ptsue T 111.14 ! tilat4y vs lieci IV lii,ney. debt Javoli Niattn vs .1 P Ilort , . ii . • . - Irpeal Mi7ter S.. .‘sery vs Iltrant lintte , ~appe- a t I , ane Viililtney ca EPl ,, tt Wltita..y, et al _set fa s.tuatel it Staltli vs LI•Vi Wel: , ' W.IIIIIIIL EIIIVIVI ,r;111!: irtwlit .-,•S311111.- , 1 Kellam eject -rit deli,. S Leettara Vs Roderick Wtlllanl4....:appea, =l= Salnuel Walbridge's - NV NV, Decker • covenant NVashirizton Miller Vs Jr,bri.ll swlirader 'appeal Ileei vs rsa'ae De.el;er, et al assampt. • Itridget 'on"lly Rfsb.rrs eject .I , r ,, iplap Roth Vs Frm,k.l49,blard ' • assumpt F:ii7ihet 11011- vs- * appa.ll II vs )Ili,, Tavhe., g 3.1-• at tex V-. CP E Plekett debt I 2 . 5 - q. 135 1, 4144* 1 SU ea 6i', .50@ 3U 3: 40 5) ‘l,..N;•ai I' 1'ov:41 rep - 'tplrt'al vs V..r ex'z's sr; fa 11v-it , a 1 vn Vol Sa,l:ii's .'x'r. • ' r[ • c. T Halt wan Ippeal vs 'r Ilsyso S..'asait 'n)lnvi..el al vs C.,W Donne 7:74 , , 2 01. 1 notTh t 75 • 1 7 , , (.1. 04) 14 . = ~uL • ~,ro~.:: retnritible Nion , lay, F.• 1 ,. 4, Is • " .. " . . r , • ,Tov.Audn. .fan Prothonotary. NNOTICE.—The County •Commis st“tirt, have fixed 'Upon the follo*lng dates 114.41ing appvals at thr rotiMll,l4lileK,' ()Si:ive in Tow:111 , 1;i Ituinugh.. far III.; %evert' townhhlp... nt-xlft•nt : . Feb. sylitm../Tvrry, Witinoi. and - . • Os • I/9 1/ . .(i 19 ' oa 1 •/ai, 27 I r.r IS.) ] fi 2f Li, 2. '...1 :: . p; I I ' 5 'l'lw:day. Ft. 1,.. 7.6--Overtf , n. Von (e an r;411 kltn, Granvilte nad Lenny. v• Feb• (1,1,, as 1,,,r0•) monla aH. Alba. 'fmr. and nniV).; fru West. • I—lt trill OWE.. twit two') ithlglwrry, 3t.nday, - 31areli 4—South 'Creek, .o'o6, Sh,he rp , f•l March s—Windham, W4rren. ttnrct and I: , •nte (tv.p. and bore'). - 3tarch..6-- , 11 , •rr! , 1r. Pike, Len:qF Tn.ear.ors: IVyaln3ln,..; and - Siancling - Sitv.. Tlint,d'ac..Marelt 7,-W„) .5... X and 70wanda (twp bon,' and !;:ortli). • Friday' • 'drip s—t: bier, Athe:ic wp. lion, d I:arclay. ft'VDITOR'S NOTICE.-4n the Court of .Common Pleas' of Bradford county. Davis, Jame.. BeekuJth &,Co. Janun s‘s.Stul!li and I. W. Smith. o. 593, Sept'. Term, L. 6: • , . Lr undersigned:an Auditor apprduted by the . con t d,sdlstrthuto funds arislmt froth the Sherifrs sale 4 defendants , real estate. will' attend to 'the dutles:of tair arpoliltatc'nf at the . "Ka , -of Overton Iterettr. In tlk , Borough of 'rownhtla, 4 , n I . Bll)A . V.\thedrith day of iriVt, at le reeloek AJ, when and where all t.ert.on having ‘lalms said food must present them, or ho -for , :ver,debarred from coining in on said fund. • janl7-Iw. • 'R. A. M Etre Ult,'Auditor, • • • A ITDITOII.' NOTICE---.. . S. De if.ay (ram It' the ( : Oturt'of Coln-. mon Pleas of Itradford s Vonnty. No. Septern- Ler Trllll. 1 , 76 ittol;w. , lgi-,1, an Anditor eppol lived l!A - the 0 . 1 1 1 1 to dl. trltatte futat./.ra/stil Ly Sheriff . sale of f , •fewlant'N real '.0110101,.10. the , 5f Ids app •intment at his ofTlee s tn Crow:ml4 holm% im 7 trEs DA Y. )1 t6CU li, IN. at to o'..lock, A. al.'when and whe . te all perons having ehlatts idiot Maid fund must present them or Ix, c run. er :debar red froni - Mming in upon the game. \ I. Dlcr RSON. . febl4-4w. A.tuittor. • I D. M. T.Jonphear ' .. IL It. Hill - .. O. W. W I IcoX, " Cluis. NM E. t'Spalding... , i • ~ :Hen . Kerrick " ... I .J .. S Reynold. .!11. V. McC.raney .... ... LI. V Mee .12'. S Painsworth i.ras. 3le phersim - ~ 1 1. S. Munn ,i 4:. 11. HUMphrei.... ..• ,;(,.. 0. Vanivinkle .;'as. W. McGill . ' - .... . S. W. Rollrcers.,.. 11. S. ....11V. H. Recker - ....INI gron,F risble.... • ......lohn It. D-40.1., .. .!31. R. Pherrys , .: „ , , N. C. Mcßeno ..!I).S..Mlngos ;_;;!(". 0. VansvinkleA.... . ....;Morris Vought.. e .'.. ..`. ....'E. V. Nichols' .... ..!David Clta.z . o ...'.:Ton I...,nnard . .. , .: Leonard Vanhorn.:., .. ....Id. W . . 'Magill ... ....!E. I« Da0ng......5..... .:..I E. R. Bishop.... .;..‘f:to. 11. Knapp ...... ..... W. H. Beeke .-„!myrue &nisi& ... ~....-.C. S. Wilsou ~.., J ohn 11. H0mner........ ....,N, V4WellOr ' ~...i Morris K eJiog . g , • , I.lohn 11. pasis,A ~.....ii. d . M. L Cl a ark ' ... ;Win. I'. n , IN. I'. McKean ' • I'. s. Fr k r,mwortti • lifiram - Litu11ey....:" . ... Thomas' . oleney.... ... iHavid• - •Smik'Y ' iO. :+hrpri,rd ja5..31c410..rr, , 0n • II A. \V ..t e e I I,W It. Payson - I A Mort Canni-tr .. 111. It. - H01itt.,... ":1.1 S. 'AI Ingos.• .... !C..0. Vanarinkie , ......i.lolin MATlorks....-.. .:. ;1).O. Northrop • :J. S. Prink ~,%...-....'E; F.. Spalding 1 rohn St !riot, " .... s s • • Tho Leonard N,. . ' David Cho., • \ .fle"rge CLI1(1, 4:e0rg , 5age........ ..... ' V Nichols 1.1311105 FF. 1ai , t ,,,,, ... • • ' \ .., A . W. Dintocir F R. PoLong\ s ' ... N A. Wi , k ham ... i.... .. ii„l. N. Fish • H. 31. Srahli - ug...':.,,.. IS. llOwnsan • , lohn Clapper . . 1 .1 - anle\ (r. IDA' , •4) W. sc.thifi . ' • : Fliner . .C 1 :11 - - 1 ,- ... It. 1-110}ip -0,,0, H. K -I n.m.p ,- - - • 1.13110, .1.01 c ,,, ' 1T4,0111,1N E. spriek . iße...l..ssossihenta , I • ",„ - ' . Total EMU Legal ITotim =1 By 0r.1.:.r or the Board Atte!,;,-iyila.l.%N! LEWIS (::crk Conanii,ioners• omi•e. Fel,. 7. 1,..724. Conaty nwto!s. Ills 95. 90 go' C 14,259 52 1757 87 80 74 Postage and stationery 89 i. . Public printing MI 10 PM:loners , support In Jail 3,270 21 Eastern Penitentiary 1,614 SD Convoying ptisonera to Penitentiary.... • 891-'6O ProPy and Clerk Quarter Sessions' tees.. . 4"39 61 Repairs on public bulklinga ' . 672 93 Repairs and rent of 400 M for Troy Court -472.00. llheriff for summoning Jimmy - :63 20 libeciff for fees in Commonwealth stilts. 231 60 Wildcat certificates 20 Making duplicates. kr • 68 00 Treasurer for attending Troy Court VI 50 Copying and comparing Tness''s sale ... 312 00 Cull refunded 30 33 F. E. Tupper, Stenogsapher of Court.... 666 60 'Bounty fur the returMlif stolen horses.. 20 00 ti. CountiPunmissioner..; 610 00 Coolbatigh, County Cemmlssloner. . MA 00 John italdwin„ County Comizilasionee.. &SO 00 William Lewis, Clerk 1,000 00 Total.., .4 - netzt Anent ' r :Clefo:' Reed. 1872' 23 40j ao 1671' 100 88;. 93 15 .24 82i 24 82 1875 2012! 21 12 • 680 00' 6z4 io 1. 582 10' 531 02 " 93, 23, 87 67 " 731 61' 681.03 ;93' 101 99 " - 125 1 25; 128 04', 121 04 1 698 66, 644'27 " 53 14 1 53 14, 770.0 86 73708, " 576 65'. 539 05 220 01 320 01 " I 709 831 .661 97 1876 •25 53; 23.63! " 564 20; 532'481 4 .1 720.18;673 sat 100 45; 98 00 " ; 24 121 2112 ) i 630 244 594 941 .. 766 63, 7 13 616 20.'683.01 , 117 s 96 1115 14 '; 467.28' 439 08[ . 6 ,514 69. 514 691 " 191 77, 1 562 77; 524.831 32t 32r 303 221 •• 852 82'785 54; " 723. 29' 679 9.1 ;187.7! 242 70. 95. 00. 960 78, 926,341 1 " I 154 05'; -142 53, I 1565 64 1470 93, " 3487 39.3136 73; ; 1 ^ 619 20 878 801 " , 1i 6 3 10' 803 511 :•` 153 46:: 145 09 1 893 56 „944 '73 i 789 33 765;06 1 " I 'BO3 13: 759, 9$ " 1730 '32; 800 00' " 18;'6 47: 1709.77; 41 61 1, ' 6 610 41' 556 01 1 :5 00; ; ` • 10 00 63 . 4015'64: '9 55 1 .4 . 535 IR' 7 2 000', , 0 6 1062 83 1002 1 .,35 . 7 101 1." $l5 56 297 68 1 112 ' ;" .; 1137 49 1035 56 1 47 01; , 219 02 .207 09 .4 02 - 10 911 1050 29 880 00 220 29 " 1346 3 11 1258 74 21 22 68.54. • 392 - 43 353 571 20 200 18 661 " 10 30 2 3 1537 . 42 11 71' 81 1 1 1 1092 72 963 ...... 129 72 152 10 14186, 2 801 • -7 /2 70 91 119614 10 911 63.09' . 1716 5$ 1265 00 - 13 251, .115 34' 332 89 • - 80'6 81 580 00 , 7.86 81 1067 02 1579 27' 4 - 501. 83 25; • 811 32 764 47, 8•551 . .40 50, " 2138..8 7 ; '..'013 38. 19 14' 1041 44 154 - 15' 73 008515 922 19 848 PO 74 10 44 045 88 501 00 117 41 26 alii• • • .... 4289 26 4529 34 120 01: . :38 911....3.. • 1 , ,71 A 26 1773.33 ‘5: 93 4S' " r2rt ..2-79 1175 87! 14.16• 82 751. 690 75 590 99 857 31 2!); 926 03 850 73 19 94 AS • 1136 79 996 15 75 92: 52 (16 • , MS 43 j 3.32 73 20 70 0 4 , k, 004 "• 1191 01 1066 41 11 16, 56 44! 'A : 1423 17 1320.5: 63 69 63j ' r2is 92 595 00 13 76 63 78, 211 38 • 1403 0 3 1393 54' 15 91 73 511 • 871 3e 914 27, 17 08 4311' 345 7 5' 194 74 15 Z:1. 13.5 St 1 '5319n 5d47978 27:94'01 7.til! 24.272;1,09 .2,51 R 51 .5 •I" 15 1,1%7 90 EMI I'o - 3 • 1.154 81 1;145 FP --' IRE 9 C. W. KILMER. - . . :M. J. COOLRA UGH, ‘Comnilssloner JOAN BALDWIN ~ \ . , , . , SSIGNEE'S SALE.—By virtue of an order' Issued out, of the Court of ( . .pnitnon 114 orthe County of Dradford.(Penn..) the , enders ed, Assignee of George P. Cash. 'Charles D. Cash, and Fred A. Cash, of ToWanda, Pa.. will expefe to nubile sale at the Coati House. in the Berough of Towanda. Bradford County, on TUESDAY, FEBRUABY l9tb„ 187 a, at cl o'clock r.) the three undivided fifths inter -6t owned by deorge P, Cash, ChariesD.Cnsh, and .Fre'd A, Cash, in the following 5 traetsof land; vie: 1. A certain lot4n Barclay township. Bradford County_ Ph., eontalning one hundred and thirteen OM acres more or less, In the warrantee name of D. 11. Cunningham, with a.saw mill, , S mill houses and astable thereon. 2. ALSO—A certain lot In Barclay township afore,atcl„ contaluing 400 acres More or less . ; In the warranteti name or Peter Ladley. 3. ALSO—A certain let:ln Barclay twp.atorectald, containing 33i acieo more or less 111 the warrantee name•. of Walter Stewart. 4.. &LS( i—.l certain Mt hi Barclay and Oyetton to ps., in said county, containing 400 acres more or less; in Ahe wArranteeziante of Andrew Lailley., 5. ALSI I—.l certain lot'ln Barclay twp atoreleild, c.iotainlng 335 acres more or less, in the warrantee name or Joseph T.actley. . . . Each ont.-11 ft If Interest IWlte above tracts w111•be • sold seNiintely. . - •Thesst tract; adjoin lands owned by. the Barclay real co.. and the Rarelay Railroad passes through the I). U. Cunningham rind Andrew Ladley tracts. Thy' Joseph and Peter Laaley warrants are known to contain valuable Coal Mines; also. deposits -of . , .Iroo and are Clay. . . The saw mill on the D .1I Cunningham tract ... old, but the mill seat la valuable. , , . I Rlll also stql At same time- and place, the nitdi• ,sided two-flfths Interest of Charles D. Cash at . }'red A. Cash, In the ffdlowing lot of land In tiro llorough.of Towanda, County and State aforesaid. bounded and described as follows, viz: Bounded on the north by Poplar street, east by Third atrret, smith by lands of A., Il.Stone, (fonnerly Wm Get? , its), west by in...alley: being about i 65f t front on said Third stre,t,' and :2'.`..ollkeet back on said ropar Street, With a two-story brick • gothic dwell i ng house, 1 framed barn and - other outbuildings and a frnit and ornamental, trees therCon: said. lot' known as the • , 'lloinestcad lot of David - Cash Es. _ M . Each one-fifth Interest in the .above lot will be sold separately. I Will :aso,-e;1 - at same time and place - the lider est of Geor2e I'i ('ash In a certain 161 in Asylum; . county and State afores.3l4..bounded as follows,vis: Ilegitoiluvaoifeet -south of an oak _stump . the • southeast eornetot SamoaTanderpOid's lot; thence westerls , and parallel with said Pool's line, to LIS' southwest corner; thinee westerly on the south side of a road proposed lb be opened fro. the Plump first mentioned to the corner.last mentioned, ,an thence by the most ellgi tole roam to the foot. of • small hill on the present road about ludspr 'pore nest of said last mentioned corner; thence southerly and in line with a fallen tree lYing,seross the creek to a point 150 Qet south of said creek (or' Holden ('re k}; thence easterly and parallel with said creek to a continuation of mid Benjamin's emit line; therica.• northerly-to place-i3l --- beginning;'eontaining A Iflnestone quarry. • . This lot is hold under -a contract from Wm IL 'Storrs, dated February 13th, 87a. and said Cash's- - In said contract only Ito be 'sold: - TEIOIS OF SALE:—Teti per cent, of the pur chase nioftey to be . paid on the tipperty being struck doisw: ten per cent on the confirmation of -the s ae, and balance to one year frOm date of sale Interest from due of sale. The unpaid pur.. chase money to be secured to the satisfaction of the Ass - ignee.*, SCOTT, Aralguee. to pa,. MEI I will al9o sell at samo tlrue and place a lot of personal - property belonging to 'Georg's' IP. east!, eouststlhg of some quarry tools and ,sorue' Judg tuentsi awl accounts. TEAMS OF ',ALE.—Cash .Towan4a, P.!:, Jan: 21, 1878: ANS'. COURT SALE.:—:-By „Virtue of an order issued itro, the firphsns• Br,ulford'.countyi th.' Undersigned; execu- tors of ileum - Schouton. litte of Burlington borough, (ket, will expose; to public sale. on the premises. township, on SATUBBAY. FE1 . 3121.1- AY Rl 6 , His, at. o'clock p, m , the following de iicribed Beal - Estate Bounded on the north- by a ynabllc highway. on the east by a public highway, / on the!moth ant west by lands now belonging to Merit Wood,..and-supposed to contain eighty-seven acres. TEHMS:iioo on the property trehdr struck down; taooon cludirmation, and the balance In twormnal aonual Installments, with HILO st, annually from cuntinuatlou.• JOHN "*. ECHOUTON, JAIItES H. WEBB, ExeCutors. 1 Jan. 17 ikIUDITOR'S the Orphans' Court of Bradfard County. N 0.21. Dee. Term. ISII. - In the matter of the estate of I."anrence deceased.' • 'The undersigned. ittrAuditor appointed by the Court to distribute funds in the hands of adminbi ttaiors arising fr ,, bl the sale of personal and real estate of said decedent. will attend to the duties Of his appointllleilt SATI.ItDAY, - 11ARCII„, 2,187 a. al the ortlce of Davis .% Carnochaty, in Towanda In o'clock, a, tn., wharf oral whore MI persons hating claims upon said foods mud pre. sent then, or be foreyer debarred-from coming in tpon the same,- U. CAUNOCII A N, Feb SAW , Auditor, $13.281 02 CM • • , ins•tst l Anent CV.l49tie.. Ain't Ss`. " ( 4 C 6 ill -1, -.''. 33 97t..... Ji smi a sa 14 88 1 81 3911 ME EMI i 2 8D a e... Is se)... 26 11 271 3,91 31 39 5 37, 37 09'• 3 4EI ackle 4 901's, 58 761 5 /91 33 10 ,27 71j •-- 16 1 ' 41 bro s ' 36-94. • -• 1 1 7„79. ss 751.. ' 7 • 78 07: Iss se ; 30 631 42 23' 7 ISSI 41 59' • 24 33 40 03 57 (A I 9305.) 29 40' i-4 44 1 , ' I 115 13 15 76! • 54 841 CM 20 82! 7 -16 11 69 4 02 10 04 1 184 86 9 77 17 3 9 MEI • *.37.2 09' , 1.081 40 •M 3 83 2,923 08 1.491 90 53,284 02 .123 94 . 198 50 1,12024 511'98 . 4,M18 06 MEE Legal -Notices. H. L. geOTT, A.sslgnec!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers