N 111 NEWS nom ALL -- - SzcnETAftv Ev.kui's vas sixty-years old on Wednesday. - • Tut: iTroy Timis office was destroyed by tlic Sunday night. A Nt - ml4 - .11. - 91 . Lehigh county-residents are r,emoving to Delaware.. Tar, Altoona shops can turn out a loco.- nuitivein a day. of ten hours. cIirKTICR corintians are petitioning , the Legislattire for a woman suffrage law. Pon,'s original MS. of MS poem. "The Bella" isnwried by a lady in Rowell. , LinAxo;si ho s y has been poisoned, by eating pickles but Up in patent A flour one fourth of the indebtedness ofl'hester county's held by one family, - v ]lnr. branch railroad from Birdsboro' to Ittacling 'has been sold at auction for qa;o ,, t) Dn. Pcsr.vris not very ill, as has been • - liated. Ile has simply suffered •a • little (coin rheumatism. A:: 11TV.It meeting of thel'ennsylvania Edito ' I Association will be held at liar risbui . ,- February ;21.. . !LT the 'request of . nearly all Dias. b‘urgh's physician, Bertha lon llillern agre.” to walk in that place, . . ..Km.mmr, litonmslt... has .been making , callsiu Washington.. with Mrs. Eugene Hale, and is much liked there. THE drought: fn New South .Wales has ended. There have been general rains thronghcut the colony during, the week. Tut: position of . podrlionse farm physi= cion iti Allegbetiypounty. pays SSOO per annum. There are nine candidates so far. , • , ATirooNA's outstanding indebtedness is *311);:220,33,-against which there are un colleetcd rereuttes amounting, to $55;637.- Ma. llonni . ll. ITAirs'En, a feeder in, the nail factory of thelPottstown Iron Co.. Cut 20 kegs of 400 - porifids each of twelve penny nails-in one day. I • . TUE county cOmmissioners 'arc going to make a geological survey Or Clearfield county, to test its riehinets in the way of Acold; Won ore, the clay, etc. TUE,late Mrs..}:*. F. Denny, of Pitts burgh, gave away during her lifetinie $1.000 ; 000 to charitable institutions. Per estate i . ,;,:valued at over ~t3,oofiilooo." IY.:nr." sheriff's sales are advertised to take irlare in Pottsville between the inst. acid March 2d. One half of Schtryl,- kill county is said to be mortgaged. 41r- the Southern Sclators Gordon is fik!St . ifil,e. , l as " cailivst ali rt, and high. I,rowled.;" Lamar as looking " like a s i c k as : 4 a blonde, strong fiaiou. +. lax 1,,04tr . nn0 cigars were matkr at Wrightsville, 1 . ,,rk county, last year. The aniount paid by the manufactnrcs bf : these cigar; for stamps along -was .25- ssti ON hiindred persons in lleading, who • neglected to clean the snow . off the • pavements according to the city fiances, have been tined four dollars and — costs.l-ach, 4 ,'l`ttE Frencli Senate_ has fitrAllis failed to ;cleft,; life'Senator to till the !place of (len era! Pitladinek4mo candidate Laying received. the requisite majority of the,senate, which is* Tim next meeting of the . State Boa'rd Agficulture will be held at Doylestrwn Llticks county, on the last Wednesday in These meetings are to be held in rotation in different parts of the State. rim creditors, at -t-hreic- first theetng. hak laled. to make .elaliee of an . , as signee, Judge Cathvaladiir has appointed William A.'Arnold, of Reading, assignee the estate, of the bankrupt Reading Saving haiik. A TEmsunxs( from Tiruoya states that the Russians are receiving large reinforce- 'Petits. The ItusMan troops in Hotlinelia have uren ordered to hold Aliernserves in eadin6s to march at any mbnient's no tice. - • . P l ipe's deathig attributed by some to.the closing Of the wound in his leg, Nrhirli made the humors mount into the and brain. tt her ace( units say the cause of death wit's' the mounting of wa ter to olb-heart. , 13AYAun "TAYLott ify.. the possessor of Schiller's Court Sword.. MOODY ANDS began their Tabors at ;-pringtield, Mass., rstititlay. THE t". , :hali of Persia .44- ill visit Europe again, ihroy, in Apt :TationonE Roost:A:LT (lied at his home in New Y.,rli,Saturday evening. . • ' ebunty furnished eleven prisoners for thY western penitentiary last week; TilE Clicca;ro Union League Club pro.. ajormal reception to Senator -Conk , : 11 cu. no'rn ttlbar - conist. of Cleve.: land Ohio, hai.e assigned. Liabilities, stl,t)4o, TnE Ct.kiiiraiiy boring for Oil on Kt:We Clinton ,contaty, Jias leitscd :f,;"ou iicrt , s;.r land. • A READiNG lady afflicted with 'dropsy • has not., paitakn of any nourishment for vighiecri dayei. Toomp: SII : kNEIL, of Boyertorn Borks coziwy, has rioeu alaz collector for forty ni , cout ye years. - tlEv. Ilse is NVAtto 13Etzetttut ter to tally zi.gto•ed Gi be interviewed in Chicago Saturday lest. insl;ection of local -military stores and warlike material is being Made at u•bee, t - anada. A -family_inciurn the destlr of a' eat which had reached the ven . erable age of "4:1 years. • is scarcely any drilling being - done in tbe . k,il regions air:C*ln in the caso of wells i‘e-Srly C.,mnpleteti tort , ENT for the defense in theciTil den`lyr.inle 'nits, closed Saturday. 'The 1-ro-vention wind np next Saturday. purEN, proprietor a the •C.tlit v.13-circus and tneiagetie. has fail ; 1.14 - 011ite5..510...41011 ; assets . Ex-St:ettEl daughtm Mr s . Magruder, gave a . roception to Mod ' rt , -1-in the actres.s. ittiashington, art Fri :- day. • la n 141 E. Ilartford KliTritri, Chief of Police pays twenty'-tire cents feir every uninuzzled deg inken to the station-house• in that AN SO-pitlllti coltish has- been,ranglit (4, Newport, It. 1., and Massacinisetts is overwhelmed with aonfunion and frantic With jealousy. THE .".k•ew York Herald's obituary of 1 . -Te Pin:, IX was written live. years 'ago. I y, Mime., :Mundt, bcctei known as Louisa