Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 07, 1878, Image 3
Viradford 71.1rportet Towanda, Pa., Thursday,' Pet. 7, 1878. _ W. A: CllANßfiltlN,' , • • . Dealer In' _ • FINE JEWELR Y, WATCHES, •' SILVER & PLATED-IVMM, . TOWANDA, PA. - Towanda, Jan. I!i * , 1677. • ..TOIVANDA POST OFFICE. • •, • • , • rho *llllm kept (Ten friyak weloeir; A. till TL_. P.M. Money order and Ragfstired L•thr dr(•art •nt frill Hole at l Wr . /..i.k. P. V. IN Sl' :i1) AI'S the Office visetifrom to in,14 , ,-.1". 31. AI:MN - ALA AND I)FrAILTURES MAILS...— Mails will arrive and depart from . Towanda Post tlflleo as follows until forthtr notice : AI; . IIIVF.. . From the.N(Wth. I`,. &N. T.R. It, at 12.30, V. M. 1.,,,ked mall from Elmira and oast and- west at 10.20, t , . W. _ , . From theSindh at .5, v. at. Throu gh mall from 1.1„13,1,.tiM1a, New York and gastertx Slates, %1 A.M- Fnqn state 1.1ne.& S. R. 11.`, at 0:30, - a. It.' , From Rarelay tit 7 r. N. From Canton at 5 v. at. Front Troy et 12 M. . . From I,odtaYsvllle, Rome, &e:, at 12 m. e= F rom From She‘hermht at 10 A. M. .e.... From Ilehoopapy (Monday, Wednesday and Fil ...lay) at 12 at .. ,?: From New Era (Tuesday, Thursday and Satur ,lalo,l 11 A. It = pa. & N.l'. R. R., South. •1..30 A. It. Through mail to Philadelphia, New York and Eastern State... 7'., o'clock, P. M. . North. 4:lr, P. SI. , Through mall Yu Elmira and points on N. C R. R.. to.:)a A. it. 1.. kit. it.ll...llerniceland intermediate points Isar lay. 12.30 P. It. • , canto". 9 A. N. ''', - ... .I . Troy, 1 1. N. ... :...he,hequin, 12 N. . • 1 1. eltayay . ille. Ir. 11. . Mehoopany Oloriday,- Wednesday and Friday,) at 2 P. V. ' ".•;:e7ar - Era (Tue. , 41ay, Thursday•andafuritay), at i r - m; S. W. ALVORD. I'. 31 LOCAL AND CENERAL. Tnf:ladiesof t Christ Chian* (Episcopal) will In glad ttlst.s'e all their friends at ller uur flail this Wednesday evening .from 6 toßefreshments served: t'AnsoritAN!A three children are all down_ with the _diphtheria, and the youngest one is considered in a critical ion THE. Philadelphia Press says : "Mrs, inolE, E. WiLsos and her precocious daughter LtPLA, 'of 'Rome, Bradford coun ty, Pa., are Imilling temperance Meetims in Williamsport. A V.II.I:AItI.E horse Owned by A. lisnt - nv, of. this. borOugli, died lit 4 week. The animal had been driven btitsi a short ilistanee and wasapparently well. C. C. MowEn, of this place, bas=been chosen:to reptscseni;the lath Congressional 'District of 4-this State in the Pational Oreenbark Liberal Reform Convention to m,semble in Toledo, Ohio. tit'n•En, of rotterville. has been .appointed .agent 'for this region for the p.rnlar work, "3/o.,(iy : /114 11"rds, 11" ,, r15, e nd irorkent.7 It is a large, 'elegant une,.and eontait - e , life- s like por traits of Moonv, Ilt.ts, and others. Tin no: vrlio love to .-trip the light fan tastic," have ,plenty 'of opportunity, at rearm able ec.t, by, attending 'the' hoPs given almost weekly 'itv-Ttoine. The twit one kill cdmeotralUnion lallgm Fridtg . evening, February 15. Admission to the 'Hall cents. ...tilbling furnished free. TitEllarrisburg Tdcgrql• of one ay last week states that ex Sheriff J. 31- this•eounty, was in'that city in the interes s of the Pipe bill. M ,- 3Nttur. is sometimes accustd of "laying pipe" here at home, but we were nut aware that his Operations in this.direction extended to the State Capital. IT 11(5 just transpired that a careless tof Permsylvania, th e p enn ,yi ran i„ young professional man Of this place hl - st that returns , bie Idwuships, 'wards and his mi'eetheart-by making a mistakOin fur- ! counties, lists of I JiliCol, itt C Vl'r county . warding presents fur CliTh4ntas. •llisof the State, and tile . retnrils•( , f the hist ...bruther'swife reeeifa from him a jewel Presieential (:'l(TtiOn in UVCI3: State in the ease and a note asking her tomarrl; him, 1 - I ,ion. It is, i n s h„ n t, j ust , i n k eet ,i„ g the silver.mmuited feeding 'bottle with the (-Mei pt ise .and ability dispheyekt Nqut to the girl. by the Time, in its,'aily issues. • • Sun4-s . DEATn.—Wm. V. Siwym , is, !residing near Liberty- Corners, was en g-agecrib widlnbling potatoes at the"„store of tlEonot:- STEVENS, oil Monday last; when he 011110;ln:0A of fatigue, and sit ting down in a 'chair, - expired suddenly without a struggle.' Ile was -about 55 -years of age. 'Coroner IVALkEn held an inyirst. Ttte Steam flouring null in Stieshequin, which has been idle for some time, is to be starti , d again next Monday tinder the di rection of S. W;ltonGEns„. of this place, Mr R. is one of aui• very best linsiness men, and we conv,Tabilate the people of - , ifeshequin on the good fortune in secur ing him as a resident of their town. bag any home, They Nvill 'return /rile Brown, 'Albany :John Ilr•mn. .Aihany rba"wcy 1.• any one I:‘ , C'satisfic.(l that/they it 4,l•°•Camp, ll e rrietcy williani c req a,,ll, bget„ twice its value. :-....1,:i0t in p r izes is Athens twp'; S fioVidson, Jr. SheMiequilt; . l.given free t?,agents. Edward belong, Asylum : Wright (ins : tin, litulii•gton twpO'eter Learn. Ttisca 1. TE-Ntri.nAx( 1:.1-The foil •Wing, (yllicers rota : Tiamtby Le, naid. sp r iu g li. 2 l:/ ; 'l' were installed in Prohlistion..L'H!!!c• N. 11 441> l'IliFe;'1."ol•': I''A Oliver, A1ilin"1; : 1,011:'; I. 1). ortl. T.; by :Asti ict Deputy . -Edward Partridge, Smitlitiellf,: l i t„ ar Per- S: p, \V. naEIL, mi Tuesilay Uveiiilfg, , Feb- - yy. Ihirlington tarp i r ., Theodore Pierre; ruary :Alf : .• / . l'anton 1,1• ; -0.; Valentitie S;;": 1 . 4 P11, O I an . 111 t'. T.—Miss 14 - i.zry. E. -. 3lvErt. --Ville; Lorenz,' 'rink - ham, Sylvania : Dan- W. *V. T.—Mrs , ,/t. It. 31vEl:. ;• iel. Willi4ms, Ilarcla.y ;• Edwin Wright. ty. ,q.. 7 -lik. E. C. 31V 1.:11. ' ' - colmbia.. I' - -•• 4. ------.. IL ' . A:S.—Miss MARA: LEWIS. ' -A E Comstock vs FIB Williams. :Chas and 'Mrs. lIJL . . ... ~,, „ . ,-j -. 11. F. .s.---.J. .1 , ~,JA All LES. : Perrigo & ( s o is (lW Titus., :Wm RSte -1 W. r. —Mrs . S. Posnor. : vans' use vs It E Bennett. et" al. II P. 11'. r.—E. IV, •Sr.ocum. ~ Ingliain vs Cyrus A ye:T.-1;111es dis- W. .If.--C.T.lll , l.ipr: . ellarLzvd. . . , 111,T. G.—II. I' .••1•qis , i)::: • 1 oit Mack:nail vs 1 7 r Swo.t. My run i • ir. 0. G.--W M.,At.I.EN. _ Nichols vs Walltee • Nich••ls.—ltule.: wale 11. IL ..—.l. M. not I.II'F,T. - - , 11.1”.0111 - 1e. - L.: 11. .`.•'..—Mr.s.ll-iE. C. - Mvut. - . : licnrY I Vard , et al. v. 4 M c Melvin., et The Lodge is in a 1 al.—,Except hills Ira Mast Of . $ Rep•wt al h 'NV ili ion than ever I 114111 prtiF•peDills i." 0.1- ed. Court direct plaintiffs to pay all costs, tl:fore, and reports fitv- o - ; five nit : tubers in good standing, who are and confirm the report'.iinallY.- c. Rev. \C. A. IlAnnEn and' family are . heartily in ,earnest in the work-of reform. John Clough's‘use v.: .1 W Taylor, et al. ' ~ pendinga:few days iir town. They :tie : Towanda Rnildifig and Saving h:und As +'n, the wA yto Ilazlebin, ' where they arc . soeiat ion -vs I , w- cuiven: (q. al.--!:x ! Asp- WI: Fiat the foil •• r item; wl ' I will tilN111f;„ 3IC 1 V• 1 1, , , i , crici the remainder of the winter. ileports dismissed and interest farmers and horsemen, from t h e bons ....Indit(ws' -Senator DAVIE` , Wati . i.llllllllollCd home mink ,. oft ) S e w s di1 . 11 1 ,1 2111fraTos : a epl•riii comb:mad !inally. - X::: 31anday by the illness of his plartner, , ln re the assignment of Hiram Horton '• IL S. "Edipfston,. of Milan. Bradb.a :I -4 •'I'L C a a-IIAN. •We..,:tre - pleased to c o unty, pa., brother •,f J. M. Edmiston, for the henetit of his creditors.—Anditors I , .un that .Mr. C. is Much iinproved.. ' of this village. •:irriveci liel''' lasi-Friday stipigemental report tiled and confirmed evening,. Mr. Edtiliston'visit toAlie west Ri. s i , . .. - ream:fit KA, eldest daughter of Mnj. i . . one 1 both -of 1-i i ihiasti b re is anc i l tre l; i i i is s i t t d ies , s ,f . - :t 4 ::. Dekay vs Hiram TaylOr, et al. ( it \ ni.F. , and Mrs. I,IELEN3II-hu utt, died ' (...' l l l l l- is ' fio l a i6 l 4 ( a tt r Z a of ;his ' pha l- :0;, his Iti , di- Court appoint I McPherson, Esit, an An- i ''' \V"lllclaY morning. FaEmilnE Was i bred Percher , m Norman stallion, ' Gam - ditor to distribt - ite the fund raised by the umaikably brig:it and lovely b little girl, : .- betta.' s\J. M. Edmi - Ston had. made ar- Sheriff's sale of defendant's real estate. • I 1 " was a great favorite with all hetH ranacinentt; for /his horse in . ,flay last; Edward Overton vs John, Matthews" et,. ••• tnpanions. .About twi, weeks ! since tjle and has been lop( him for his-brother. • 6:Li:lberia was four - years old last May, al.- 7 11ule to set aside execution. ‘‘.l attacked by that most' dreaded enemy is a very dark'iron grarwith silvery mane ' S A Wheeler's Use vs Patrick Halpin. ofcbildhood„diptheria,in its most:virulent - and - tail, staudS„sixteen hands high vVi- , : s. 31, S Prentice's use as Wm Peet. George Lorca. Everythingthat medical skin and out shoes, slid 1 ‘ ( ' 1 1;,. ', / • 1! , ) ! ) r" thild „ s ' r ' ith ' ) ..: • I -• N VP: . .mks. k C El•aire •*, use hi thin flesh. lie `nnerits tmum of the •. mu latt •. . ,••• . • 1.. • careful i o n could' do prayed uilavail.... form. style . .ind act i'On of his justly cele vs Philip hierry.-.-Itole to • open judgment ''''! ill the patient, happy little sufferer bated .tire, -Phil., who has in each case. - • .. - ".t, finally relieved by death. .1•_:, he WaS proved one of the hest breeders ever im- , Thounts MeCook as john A Poi, et al. h. , i •i i A „ g. 24 , 3,...67 . H er ER „ Tow i ng pa.. 111t ) e i f i l l f s r i 0 m; n e ) ri F , I . ; vk l1 1 1 1 ( e !e ti t fi ( ) )l ‘ it r e s Olg . traii ‘ d Rule on 13:distill' to give security for costs. Irill. : . have the hearty sympathy and eon ‘Jfitr'tfelfer, of this place. - 'rive dam is , a _Bradford I. and B Association of Atli, (I..lenee of all who knew FitEnniF- •' tine Pereheron Norman mare . weighing, ens - tarp vs Rosa B Comstock, et al.' Rule • --":"'" '••••------_,,,.- 1. • ,-.. 4500 pounds, and now owned hy s 3lr. Stit-:' •.,. Bent,' x• - •yoN.--Stinday, r tfortiary, :in, tor. tlambetta was bred and Owned by — ,- ~• stru:e ,iir judoment as to Rosa B Com: • I `7`, - being the - twelfth anniversary of the Mr. SWIM. until p - circhased by My. Ed- stud:. , . Btu lington Union Sunda) . Bebop, the f 01..-. mist in. Thus far he has pro , ved o,be a : Cli Wright vs Smith & White.—Rule l e n ::•••• horse, of sure and, uniform, breei . . _ . o s - f: ''lvide •tahment as to N Smith, lowing officers wereliOnimhusly chosen . . his bhod can show a better pedigree, sl u en I, •e v•• daring the present year, viz : few xj, fine color, , style and actik.m,; ands 31 5 Fox's ex'r vs II N Iliekek.—Court Mr. D. l'AiritsE, all Normans', s he has Wkiml - and get permitdefelnlant to amend his answer. 317,.. - ... 11. ;, As:4.- Supt. -.i " tic disposition: Mr, E. expecth to st/rt s \ H'll Ingham vs .c yrus Avery.—Court 'east with his horse 'next week, and we ~. 1 r 1 , ~, • Mr. .IV,mmEit DichERNIAN, Secret:lly. t ritaw c,e,e'Revut 0 ~,e an answer. congratulate the'peopreof northern Penn- • ( \ " '• etc 1 "...s ELLA 1 . 11 A( r, Assistant t . ..lve . y. % Sylvania upon this opporiunit,y . o f i m p rov . li .a te Hospital for the Insane; as M IN, FANNY HILL, Librarian. ing their stock.'.' \ I Arment twp.—Court direct c o mmission_ \ ! Mis. - 11. CourtoN, Assistant Libtariard Mr. E. has arrivekwith , „ his xaluablei , ert-; of si.t township - to pay said jag- Mrs. P.• II EA nusx lv, Treasurer.llorse at his hence in Milan.. ' -I went. , \ . . - - (ix Sunday next, the liev. AVNt. A. oi . New York, Will Keaelyin'arhit (Epi-sc4a9, 'miming and eye and also at P. M. The tituiday •!•-ellool session will be - omitted. Mr. - .Ntcy .: iS an excellent preacher, and a very - • :iiterestin, , ,, , , speaker to child' en and youth.'; -;.; The afternoon service is intanded e:Te cla,ly for the youtug, who are invited; as i ale all others. Pe . .1::6NA1..-31rs. Poet , . and _Mrs. 1111.- Itumilpre visiting in PhilatielphiA. and 3lrs. E. T. Fox .lire in Pitita- 00 1011,1 G : A. Glow firmed in town Montray evenfil and remained' until IV( noon: Av. G. is looking w:11, and was riTeired here by his old 4 friends vii the enthusiasm of olden tithes 'when h 1 represented this disitiet in•Con gre-•. • 3ins. LYDIA Buss, ma P. p. Buss; died i i n,,this pl evening last, aged 73 years, Tim Presbyterian. Sociable Wednesday evening, at the house BETTS. All are cordially invited. • Cot,. W. H. 11, Davis, who has st ,been -appointed by the President as , on of- the honorary • commissioners to the Paris Eiposition next sorer, is a broth er of Mrs. Judge MEnern. ; DEPARTMT.NT :of .the G. A. It., has appointed J.. AliottEw WILT, of this place, Inspector-General. The selection is a good one, and will-meet rith hearty approval 'from the soldiers in this county. .M D :disc EITA CARPENTER, who visited. in - Towanda last summer and formed a ntunbe7i of acquaintances, died in Morse Heads on the 31st ult. Deceased was in her nineteenth year, and was a sister of Mr. W. L. ' CARPENTER, of this place. • - Amur noon on Monday last an alarm Of fire was sounded, and soon the : , .;ait.ds and both steamers were unlionsedl The, fire which proved to be an old building occupied by JERRY .I.EnEn, in the rear of CIIANIBERLIN'S store, was extinguished before the steamers got to - work. PitorEsson C(4l.r.s, of the Elmira Fe male College, williecture in Mereur Ilall on Mond:! . y evening next. We ['Ave - not been informed of the subject, but the rep utation Of the speaker is such as 14 draw a crowd, and . we hope 'foci:mita will show its appreciation by giving a full house -TnE Grand Artily boy's in this county . -- have reason to feel proud of the honor conferred supon comrade C. T. Hr. LI., Of Athens, by the convention at .Lebanon last Feel:, by. electing him Departmbut Commander. Mr. 11. was a brave soldier during the war, and has been One Lf the most active and efficient 'members' of 'T -lie 0. A. It. since its organization.llis pro motion is as deserved as compli , Mentary, and we hazard nothing in predietg in‘that asltlie highest officer in the State his pop ularity and usefulness will not be. dimin ished. • W. D. GREEN, of Burlington, keeps one'of the best hotels in the county.. and rin strictly temperanc'e principles, too.• I Lis table'is always supplied wit li.the very best the - market a irol ds, and advocates of the license sYstytto get no ar:giuments from him. „Mr. is also proptirtr of the only gt:neral . store in the place - , and is,just: now offering "extraordinary itziluvenients to ready-hay customers. He i's4etermined to close out his entire stock f before the first of April. It adonis us pleasure to : recommend both his hotel and mercanlile tablisOment to the .;.,((..nerous patroige "the_entire cominunity. , . , Enrron :—SAmt•Et, J. t.hi , tild first spell Eidgeberry and be sure- he '1(.11 i.,ro ahead, and not insinuate 'lig that we are all dead and high ridge, for we profess of the leading enteiTrises .1) pace With our sis! e r , w 0 was incorporated KI was I , :ameil after s. 1 Ica rued to over the JOHN learn , is right, by his sin.. buried on s. to b alixe to of the dxy, and . townships. This near the'....• Ist - , the berries on tin: r. spell it nearly forty p,,st office do: (then ke, aira it has bee?' that Strattgo I to Stimut , l Never loot; d that ?'ay. E vecived 4 sevel al eeks since of the Phihidelplikt A n ts;s, arid br:g qi not jhaying ackn,,wlcdged the rvciiipt fare tII IS. 'Fri ! . document is inval'uable. and in. a printing 1.11;ei• is refe . rred to ap freiluently as the (1 ictiorrary. B e sidp f , rituch r (Ither valuable and 9z:ern] matter,. it gives a. digest eif the Pe-tin4lvania elec tion laws, the procecellmof ihu Repub lican and DeninerlitieV44te conventions liar , thvy Of :494 itihit it. that is no hibit it that payin - •' Fe the S!;• l tes that a (M, year iu milk:had litter pay :•' ; 'loo.for he illinzt mtcs this to. by :-lilL dealt •• That ':-.13.•ws only milking 'stock. is we get the' he-'t stock /of lIAN3 , s , IMETI , TURES FRE.F.”—The yield is six per eunt• en s of Jets , ;•cr iLimrs, a itiam 1 page lit erar3 mid family pater, full of ',Co hare little 'to choice ,stories, ,sketches, peel IT. ete.s other sear, mall ctjs t Mit at the tilrtttcn by the tibl e. t „ 4 writer-t;, ii esiring t ~«' lime and . 11;1 ' over ;A., front lo these who one that eYerY o should frontd see'‘ their taper„. younger. Kill talie three months': ,suliscriptious; ! , nt iiri':shim and edifeimi• rem; wert3 commt neing with' the 1;114e1':. COO:lining 111WIC 10V. il,ll. li. L. Si (:; 1 4, the opening cluiptei s of a splendid and 1,..1 cr,,k;El:. (moth,' 'With the •Onirils, — . • the ant her of "My NV int efr in n- eu,prics—?di s :p A y, Cuba,'' etc for the small sum of fifteen ttli.—Monday ant:tn.:on the. foIlow:ng tents (or postage stamps), ittld will send , welt; sworii c:1 as I:rand o-s, em it free fiv a pair of elegant rixij - 'ciz : (.. Ithigway, Foreman chrom.i.s.'snitable - I,for framing and adorli- Mg * ton Arnoldf% Windham ; Charles er,of .tho _late i l k'', on Sunday TIIRRE are two - persons by the name of SAMU.F4I. this place, and the one Who figured in the trial before Esquire Two. the other day was not S. C. Alva's, son of our late respected townsman, J. C. ADAMS, butatiotherindiy s idual altogether,, eetii ifils N. N. TILE Bradford County Agricultural ao ciety met . pursuant to I;ublished.• There ire a large,nurnber present. This Ri. 31 1., l'iaki. - .T, in feturning - thanks fin' his cordial ; election, and explanatory of the working"ofsic Society for the past year, said : .-- . • "l'wo Years agO we organized here, and have made an effort o carry forward this Society in the interist of -the farniing class, and the sueces s as b6en all we could have expected,. to great toluble has always been the mean, to rent or buy grimed to make tisture.s to erect build \ ings suitable for mit •prrrpos .f,. This is one - of the difficulties wait:ire .bored 1111- der., The ground, howci - er, cos • us lit tle.W e pay fora part of it. $l5 i year. r t.\\ Whether we will be able to buy lao 1 as I slirtlffil recommend either those gilt mds or some other lands, will depend upon itr future prosperity.. We have done -w-li, wb Could-do with the means we. had. Th`e E N eentry,.., c, arimit Ice have done all they can : to - inaku the - fall meeting a success. 1 can only say this,mueli, we have endear- - orcd to manage this thing as ebonondeal !ly as possible. It costs a good. deal of Money to carry ii on. The pt•emituns are not heavy. We have , the grounds for . live years from 181 d, that is, in the lease and control of that grimed with the right to remove our buildings at the expiration '; of the lease.. There is $15.00 to pay each l' year to Mr.- Strickland. ,We haVe, beim I ,imporinneil from time to . time by some part of our people to have - some'. pulses Otffired fOr speed '; the plescut managers have determined not to pay; out airy num ey ler that Intrp‘ise. .I.,:ist fall, in compa -nv whit ft number of - others, I attended the meeting and exhibition of the Farm ers..Cluli (4' Tioy, awl they lad a - 'very. creditable show there, everything .. was well •managi•d. The show i)f stock was '..vetv lino. The exhibits of g r ;; hi a nd ( hi_ ryiprodnets also. Our peo;le must, take mere interest in our (air. : Eaclt-::year we int'lst strive to imprpye and 'fiiliirge ourl slum. • ' •,••-• . OP; 0. . \ f " We have inereaseffillie miltirf - iir of our stalls for cattle' tilit'in,24lte4gginds 8 0 1113 iwenty-fire in Wilniler. an(4;illft ; , ,11u ad ditional buildings and petitt.Ar sheep and swine. We Inive paid 1 iiToSe,cretary $:2ll, and I think be, has earneiPt thyt.%.,or foul tinier, over. I taker this y.f thi.pcirinnity ill answer to the gaod feclingZimaniqled to say, that I have hada i•ery plcasimt inter effinist• with the ollic . ets.,o/The Society. I c have endeay.ared to o.:operate is ith tbnin. I have never regarded my sell a person al, or , :ne-man power. and in-the future I trill endeavor to do all that I can; tO the successful carrying-on of I his,S74,--ociat j . ,'A l . IV(' have: little ( Ise beside the pg.bduct of the :oil to look to for ourliving9, -- -,Nearly all the other cliterprtscs here ;it-t=4lloles. We mu. t:ttieet and form so,•letv. and ca..- ryr: on with referen-co to a faithful ;Ind (tattles', desire to inei ease our" prosperity. In \i-1v 1 . ,.! ii.thVlC is a farmers society siait t .1. We have not- anything of the spine kind exactly. We haveq be I.i range and we have the, X ! 'ritalltaral '' , Oill t::, which I:eaCia, a nt to mote people: - ' W e have ::.easel 4i - tat to do to ,timoLito to people or this part. Of the county to , 'ionise the ~ agricultural paper:‘f, to that they-imay imprre,o from lout- 1- ti, to bring forward samples 4., 'what. •••1.... 11 a man is raising 1114 'kind th'ere is Ii reason for him to ex a nran chooses to raise stock aying him, la- ought to ex- ' , Impare it with other stock 1; = MEM copy Inc : ASst I , llr . 'bat •tier he given alvay `hat will pay, nail - Farmers 'iler °incr. inh i erence n ' It (I.s *ice a iu~ the ! f, n rill- (I Mosella Comstock vs Isaac Comstock —Ceurt appoint II Streeter, Pal, Master. 5,i1ey.1 Adams vs S II Adams. Eenedict vs Hannah 'ilenediet:,. Nath an ,C,Oleman vs Chloe E Coleman. 311. 31onn vs"Elizabetl► C Moon. Caroline Sherman vs N II Sherman.—Court directAa sub.. plena in divorce to issue in each case. Josephine BolHugon vs F Antoinette 31 Eiklor vs George . Eiklor. Court direct an alids iubpciina to issue i each ea e. Clara McCracken vs S McCracken. ter Hoyt is Lydia post. 0 K Jones vs 31irarn It.Jones.=-Court direct Still* to an ake proclamation in each case Addie Dickinson vs G W Dickinson.— Court appoint B A bong and II Ransom, Est's, commissioners: Christina C David vs C 11 -David.— Court appoint C'3l Hall, Esq, eommis niiSsioner. - Susan 131aic , ,ys GT Blair.. Celia 31 Wit , limns vs A E lyithams.—Court appoint A C Moping, Esn, a commissioner - in each case. , . Nviin;tell vs 64 Wardell.—Cimrt appoint Edn'artl Pee a Commis inner. . , Canton tivp vs Towapda twp.—Excep. tions susznined as to $:',O.:A and dismissed • / as to th e rest. • \ Com vs S S III& for a neVrial dischaiged. ; Cone v 8 A W preteueeri Rule for a Oesr trial made absolute. Coin vs• Jas . Burke.—Forritcation and bastardy. t;loort refuse to strike elf ;the settlement ih this case.' .Com vs GliorgeS-Birney.—LarepnY r Com vs OIA Wandell.—Forgery. Com vs Fkank Ganley.—Felonious As- - sault. Pefefidants p 1 :ad guilty. - • (7ion is Joseph Lee.---Thsertiou. Dis trict Attorney McPherson i and ILI Madill, Esq, fir Commonwenhlt ; Elhanan Esii, foe defendant..' Court find defendant not. guilty. Cum vs)Vm Cori:cll.—Desertion. Cm' dismiss proc.cedimTs C'om vs II II Ingham.--Assatilt. Coin vs ~mate.—Surety of the • Co . it vs A A liquors on Sunday * 'Continued to May term. Com s "John Acla.—Selling without lit mse. District Attorney Pherson, N CaMr, and E doll; Es-qs, for 6ommonwvilfb ; Win Maxwell,' Esq, Tor defendant. . try find . defendant not guilty, but that:he ay the costs. ' In re the petition c Benjamin Ball and John B ltall for the be etit of the insolv ent L.:vs.B.--Court fix first lay , of twit tern% to hear the eases. • '• ('out rt Johnson Brewer. giot. Corn vs Pilottnith and W II Bre .er.—Biot. Court permit each case to be set ed. • ! Cum vs Cyrus Avery and F. I , ' A .cry.— Conspiracy. Distriet Attorney Me 'her son, IV T, Davies, Esq, NC - Mains S Ai "le apd 1) Kinticy., Esq. for Commonwealt • Elhanan C DeWitt' tool Eisbree, Es q , ,, for defendants. Ou The ttraiul Jury dinfosedeof the folio %V- lug oases, mr. • TRUE BILLS. A Coln vs George Birney.—Layceny. -- ,Lunn vs Frank ,Kitchen and Richard Sion.—Assault and latiny. Cinn vs 11 IS Ing - ,-hani,--Xssuult. • Onn vs Gustavus Conkint.-False tenet:h.. Corvieli in; Boy - le. =Fornication n in! rtly. Corn vs Ali.xander Ennis..--Aduitery. ('um i?sGeo.W Lenox-Larcelly:by bai- t'•m: vOI 11 Buster an& Jennie Buster —1'L:16111°1/s assault. C.,nl vs SA - loc.—LA rcdny. 'O, Thomas Niatkins.-:--Latceny. 01211 N 4 S, Luke IMat.x Ist anil J,uke•:l3(l.l, lau w:sault and battery. NO ; i" A TlltrE BILL l'om vs King.—Assault and bat ty) v. Counts- for costs. • - ANNUA I. It if F. TIII LAm vs FIFA k:Vi)I,E:NT A StOCIATION, Ok TOWANDA."' Ttu follo 11114 is aOiA of items of the be contributions. di.ilalreetnents and I reoiuti; for yearto date: 4; .11.1ifir. -I,irt-h.•,, 1, • •iid 11.k.ritl n". 111,111 4r..14 in , 1!1•,, 4. Serolid band 2: ,::4;1[4•0. : 1t..,,1 ; 111 , 111411 . :1 hat. 1 . .1.W 2 ( . 131:• 111,4 , U.,1111•11 , 11..1.154 111q1 1: Girl , g1re , , , 11 ;!.•I.‘ t•no 1141i11 , 1 ~.1 dlatt.l, , , tv.w lA. 1 1:1 ,1 virl.4' rho ~, 7 ; 11iLIIII gown+ 111 , W _111"; '111!./.., 1,. 1 , 2: Lid,' flew 1114•I:t 4 . 41:i I , !pm, 2; Itinti.C,l 11 - I'.+ TI,V 'lllllll . ll rods /11, 1. 111.111 ti tn.-n'+ 11:11111/ IleW teriond lain c. 11.1 L.wd :1; :iten'a osert,, t: ..1iirt..e. , 111.1 bawl 11; 11..y*4 111 , e \ ii.n . 11,11 • 11:11142; 14.p0' rat ~ .cott, l !laud Lnp. but' IJ't Till i iy.s, ho nuns al...(111 j. :”. I .41. Sher! 1;.old, 7 1; , ..1 Atr.eitl pt )knil , l. .1. :;too 1, 114:4, 1,..1rn 1,1;11. 11. roct.ry, 3:lnt.: IC , Chrt .14.11!in;i„ nr.l,c 1. ..i! , !• I:• I 1.4 n. ytirt! , . 11.i...1,1 17. 11,1!,1, .1‘.v.,4, I oil, 5%, 1... :112 , 1.t.y Glooqi."1 rrertc-rF 1 So .10, .1(1 I `ll Ir .. I' 111 t•11,-,1‘1•11., .1.11111. S II II r Fr.. 011,1 , , - .•ilt n lan: 1t the ant:i?al nit t aft.r.rtiooa, Jan. ;n1». %;11 , , %Vas 111 , 1 failliftil t • 1•17 t'2.3 i„ rs. I:1 )lumen) - e one 'lle, fermi). en• 1'.1111,011 11..1.1 am \one .1. IT, i`l, l initey tom • ton, M . eoM. Union so, re `;5l •Ileotitm et ('hriet %API-1i el at i'lmrt h or the 1 . 04-011; 'Fiom fins letter Loy Atior rmentne •1jr7,11 Froth, reel:age (khan remnant.% - tlipg held WedneAday T. Fox, i••.,:t of the association • the first four years a its iirgomizatioU. \vas onant onKly'elected . 1 . 0 tt6xt. ollice. The society feels. deeply graieful' to Mrs. Fox for - consenting again to iill the re! , potodirle pe,ition of President; irtid tender her the heartfelt thanks of the e " Mr: ; Win. B. Dodge, Mrs. De: Porter, Mrs. C. V,. ~,nd Mrs. Judge Morrow were elected viee:Pre•idents. Mrs. S. W.. .Alvc.rd ecl Treasurer ; Mrs. R. MOVelles Beeording Secretary ; and Mrs. A'. CorreSprinding Secretary. A \rot, war given the'retiring I,n..ers who have w inittifully perfurmed The interest Manifested by the comma -Tiny generally in - the work of the associa• Sion. both by kind :words and the liberality oftheir thereby - evincing entire con-, thienee y and judgment—greatly encourage lam our. work ; and we enter upon the4duties of another year wiih mare hope, and stronger faith. Our report of pnSt year speaks for itself. Many 'homes have been cheered; and very many limas lightened through timely aid. As an it,socioion we have ever felt that our fieay s isnly Father's ble a sing is resting upon Us,—iealyzing.fully.that whatever good we l ye enablrd to accoMpliSh is through nis ktnCe: . and strength- given. - Relying wholly upon a' 'higher Power, arid trusting implicitly that We, shall be guided aright and sustained in every duty we are encouraged to persevere with in creased energy and renewed zeal. MRS. 0. A. IsAt.usvis, .Prest. Mus. 11. M. WEl.i.t.s, Ree'd. See'y. .T. AxmtEw IVr has • been appointed Soperinteinlentlf Pompton Schools, to fill the vaeamloccasionettbythe death of .Prof .Mr. W. will make an exi client, eflicient officer, and.the pebple of this county have reason to be thankful that liehas consented .to serve in thi§fm-• portant office until the next eleetiOn. N. Tam, Esq., has served as School DL rector itt this borough for the "past ,eight years, and has ‘ glveir more time to the du tieS or th e e position than any other indi vidh, 1. He is an excellent officer. 'IVE arc new enjoyiiig splendid winter weather: —The Musical Convention bold i !betty Corners under the direction cia.sT. of Spring Hill, has been post. I , I3EBDAY, TEL InTililf7L BX Order of Corti. top of Pro] pones to` the eeture IVO T / 11 iSDAY, the abjeanxs and Bei seraed‘ Ail are turf Grecnba, ty of the Firs! Ward wit namltiatlan at Ward °dicers qatee to the Borough Centerei ttanal Hotel: on SATURDAY E syn. at 7 o'clitelt. far Th o members of Wysau4i will giro an entertainment at their Hall; FEB. 14TH, 187 S, consisting of Tel Vivants, Chaindes, Musk, etc. Admission, 7, children under,l2 years, 15 cts. Doors open osercises constdence at 7.30, p. m. NoircE,—Tho next Quarterly Meet ing of the - Heine Charge tot tbe ',mutat Canter enee year, will he held at the M.E. Church, Home, Feb. 6111 add 10th, 187 . 8, .1. It. Angel presiding.. ..„ larTo RENT.—Wagon and Blacksailh film*, - a good :chance fur a first ,rate workmen. I.Posse::4ton at any,Htne: . • G. H. WIILLES.• ? • Wyalualiig, Bradford Jan. 1, 1678. tf; tir The friends of Rev. E. DUTCHER and wife win glee them a donation visit at the L o use of me, ilmat MccAnr., in Centro' Valley, townvidp. on OM afternoon and evening of Ynerday, Feb.l2, 1678. All are -turned. , rff" Everybody is invited to attend a Donation Party at the house nfbA.9. 1 18fatthews Dr Pottertllle, Mt Thursday afternoon and waning. rob. 14th, 1878. Defreantuents served from 3 p.m, to 6'. in. Lecture at 8 the Church, by Re,. E. J. Sfouttis.. ti t ' To TILE PUDI4C.—The Stem Grist Mill In Stiesbegun. formerly ownod hy will ho started under NEW MANAGEMENT and witn Inereaseddacllltles, on MONDAY, Feb, We It4lte all the old pateons•ot this Silll to giro Ili a call. We shall not object to making new friend,. SATISFACTION GUAR ANTEED. - S. W. llotUrEtts, Ageitt. Slieshequin, - Fetisl, tam CLOSING OUT SALE of Gold arid Sliver Wale IrS, chains:Paltry Jewelry, etc. :The undersigned haeltig,purcliased:ot'She'rlit's Sale the entire dock of Watcher , . Chains. , and Plated Wire, In the store toimerly occupied by M. If Dl:t.stw, anti not wishing to re'rnalu,tti the boot ness,-has concluded to.sell the entire' stock regard lest Oflcost, In order In wind up the business. Call early fluid secure bargains, • *, 31: jivoits. G ROUN DI;ESS ' OR.T P.f'TioN a.—Some having tried x put up '• medicines without obtain ing the relief promised: Indiscriminately condemn , them. 'ls this fair? Suppose a fudge tliould argue that becati:e the last three prisoners had been Postol - guilty he should condenin the fourth with out trial, Isnot,anuh masoning aloud And yet a ra not those who condemn of/ medicines, because they have been decelv s ed in one for two. equally un jest 2 The fal medielnes madufactured by It. T. Pierce. M. D., Buffalo, N. Y., are the purest and best lu the market. dist:olden Medical Discovery has, formally years, been' the purest and best In the market. Ills! Golden Medical Discovery has, for malty, years, been the standard- remedy In all affeetion; of the tiMr, stomatit„ , and 'hlcied, and when tilted In connection with Dr, Sag-'s Catarrh Iteme'dy cffects'a speedy core of catarrh. While 't Is Fai•orl te,Prcscript lon is the only remoly °AWN] ss'serving of rem:deuce, for the Cur", of thesedir eas, :11111 Mr.r11:11O`oo, lorrilibr to women. Afeyou skept, .at concerning. Its power to cure Y if to, ild lyes, at • of the followlk - named ladies: lit eal. Y ;kept, res, at • :Mr. Fr: t t t. roy Putnam Pa: Mrs D L tiq Nl.dopy, We7A Emporia, Katy: Mass: Mrs 1./t Doshi R.O. Proctor; Iowa; Gni; Mrs a C Me; - ran, 1:y101110re, 3ld; Mrs Luc) Ohio: Mrs Nancy MeNatightX . I. l: t,teinrod, Friendship. N ti VcSttictd, N Y; Mrs Anthony Yt Mrs - 41 N Books, Grand Rapids, yeith, Watertoivn, N V. mudreds .can be given at Dr rerce's °Mee. druggist for Pierre's Memorandum Hoak., • Everything in the lino of static ery ITCOM It /t.SIIAL-rg. nr Three ButiOn. Kid Gloves in all thy. stew shade. at 3lits. qiNGos% rir , Slrseos has the best Skirts_ uplorter, also the Skirt Elevator. M . " A good' double Sleigh for sale h.•ap. Ewinift. at Fpo,r. Furnature Stare.. Zr," lirmize. Lamps, with Crystal lllun ,aror. only 90e t. MA Iwl n 44; ry n tore. lw. CT - ,You can get all the latest styles of Stationery, very cheap, at WiltTcOllll & SilAuT'S • C.Per Go to CuumisEni.m'a and see his assortment of merlewl,.( . ;ol4 and Silver watches. " WM. A. Cilm•fur.m.lN - has just re turned (rein NeW York. with goods (or the Holf days. . . C," " CIi iNtIIEItT,IN sells goods clie3lier .for east', than any other - establishment In \o here Pennsylvania. • ' LT" pay cash for icrolock •Lusiber In the log. lolicered at ono, on CI arles St., .1. Q. rltih•T'S t4ONS, CV" Itcniembyr always, that vro, will sell you Lamps, Crockery and rilassware at thi) Muust prices, MA Crockery Store. 1 . 1 0 - L. B. Rom;Ens challenges compo • Iltion for tioallly of s gorals and low prlces on Sash, .1)•;orq, Illin4, and Siolillny, s, and all building nia.. ranga-ln • Or" Don't yOu forget it. We-Lave an exnhrnt CRACKER SIAN ['FACTORY" town at iAILES* II ti Etre, wlwre . - you can buy the' bret fre;ill-I.yakr,lernekrrs. Presi- r-Tf" Gr'eat reductioil on rates to all .otsts AVest. \NorthWest and Southwest. The .he:rikst lures e'r4.r offered. Write or apply to t;. t. Shrrwood, Tow‘atla. UV. I. It. ticket office. VW . SPECIAL To TIPP. PUIILI - C.—llaving ,ovily.l a Coal and 'Wood cant on Canal St., near the Eplseopal Church. I am now prepared to MI all orders - for COAL ANT) W(1401) AT ItOTTOM . PRICES Ftilt CASIL Having Mid, experience In thl.'llusluess. I believe I eon tIo.:Irt'll by lboNe that 'favor. me. With their , orders as aim. one In the' trade. It i• my Intention to keep on 'hand a good itiptly or - 00 lor,t COAL AND WOOD In the market, and s , ll It a. I.IIW as POSSIItLE and Illely fr. KINDLINIi WOOO by the I , ltsrel or load. Any orders left at. the:Store of T.. T. ItoPle.. Main St., near bridge. or 0. D. Wickham at `the twit orttee,wilt rerelve the same at tent lon as at theyard. Thanks to a generetut public for their ,1 very liberal pat ronaga. during the past eight years whit,. In 'he kroct•ry trade. I • respect fully ltoliclt a • conlinuanee of their (mama, and 1 will guarantee satisfaction. • Very,,ltetpeet lw.inniels7B. r twit; Et tetaraN,, • rfr F. KUNKEL'S BITTER WINE OF ITus—itas never been known to fall In the cure of w-e•ak irt , s attended with symptoms, ImilTosition to exert bin. loss oi memory, difficulty of breathing. general w6akness.illorror of disease. weak. nervoii trembling, dread tot horror'ath, night sw4ts.' cold feet. -Weakness. dimness of vision, , languor, universal lasslind. of "the muscular system. coon, limns app..tite. with dyspeptic system, hot hands; flushing of the body. •dryness of the akin. pallid rottldenance and eruptions on the fare, purifying the blood, pain in the back. heaviness of the eye lids, frvpient black spots dying before the eyes, with •p_nimrary suffindon and VMS o,r light, want of atteultion. etc. These symptoms "all arise from weaknjss, and to remedy that, use F. F. Run kers Bitter Wine of Iron. It never -falt. Thou sands are now enjoying health who have axed it. Get tne genuine. :told tally in $1 Ixltlea. Take only E. F. Kunkel's. Head and all complete In two hours. No fee tin head passes. Solt. Pin and".Btomach Wortits re• moved by .1)e. lintikel, t 5,9 North Ninth Street. Advice free. No.fee until head and all passes In our ud alive. Pr. Kunkel Js the only successful physician In thlscountry for the removal of Worms, and his Worm Syrup Is pleasant and safe for chit (-ken or grown persons. Send,for circular, or ask. for a bottle of Kunkci•s Wenn Syrup. Price .one dollar per bottle. Get It or your druggist. It never falls. E. F. KninilLeFis Lustral and'E. F. Kan The hest and cheapest Hair Dressing and Hair . . Cleaner In the world. They remove dandruff, allay Irritation, soothe and cool the heated inalp, prevent the hair from falling off, and pro Mote the growth to ik*ery short time. They preserve - and beautify the Hair., and render it soft and glossy:. They Im part a:brilliancy, and a silty appearance to braid and wiry Hair, and as a hats dressing they are un rivalled veradleate dandruff acid prevent baldness. The shampoo cleans the Hair, removes grease, scurf, Pelting, eruption. Cures headache produced by heat fatigue. KiankePs Shampoo and Los tral rei ore Hair ;OA natural and gtomy cuter, re store faded, dry, harsh, and wiry hair. P i rko per brittle, $l. Ash your druggist ter thous, or send to E. F. /Dinkel, Proprietor„,2oo. H 4 Norlh Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Feb.74lms. " NtiV WIDALIi. - ntertainmont isn't be given at of the Church of the Messiah on liailost. It wlliconstst of Music, lings. ; ;Refreshments w . lll be tit to Ittind. . -Labor-Reform par hold a courci tor the pi selection of 'Sole. ke, - at the Interns ] nets Verallle-,, I )111./ Mrs , Le- N2rth Wharton, Pa; Mra - Mary 4 atr;, Maiy Friable, Lehtnan7 ~ ,- C lkillfrottio, Ohio; Mrs Harriet S:prlngflebi. Pa t 3lra I: Hiatt, Iss-I.ollise Pratt, Hollgovllle, 011, Norfolk, Va:Mra C N Vernon, $t Thornaa, 'North Ilowxr4 street, callman Barnesville, Jefferson. Iowa; Mrs 511,:s Enen Cady, Verona, .1k; Mich: Mrs F II of.referenees BUSINESS LOCAL. I===l SPECIAL LOCAL. Tape Woroa Removed Alive. kel•s shampoo forthe Hair. - OP THE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF, BRADFORD COUNTY ' • FROM JAN: IST TO DEC. 31sT, 1877• . .. To amoimt paid Auditors.... i Prothonotary and Itegiater,.... Bridge contracts -. . 4 .• Bridge rapsirs ' • Viewers 'Bradford County Agricultural Sotlety.. (- 100 00 Constables mak lug return to Court 903 78 EZ= Costs In Commonwealth sults • , 3,926 79 . . Counsel In criminal-stilts; ' • ' 50 00 • CounsePto CommissFoners .... 50'00 Crier and tip-staves of Court 1,137-34 • J. It. Reeve, Isist.-AtCy from 1571.t0 74. . 551 00 District-Attorney for 1577 520 00 • giection expenses 1,752 44' • Fuel and lights 851 97 tirand Jurors 1 • 1,049 55 Traverse Jurors. 9,543 86 Insurance on public buildings ..... 204 00,• Coroner - and Justices' Inquisitions 191 25 , C. E. Ferguson, late Jury Commisslnber 98 14' Jury (.!onuntssioiters and Clerk for 1877 • 183 94 , k oMce banks "- . • 971 12; g G tango ,Tlllll3B- i pin is, I cts.; Eleount litth,lbe Several CoHeelers Wr Burl Ltlti Arir Bar, Bur ( of Ber. Lltrl Len Onv, - Two. Tow But Mon (Dm Bml Sow Spri Trod Town TowandwNorth, Wrso% weib - All'l.lllo Asylum . - • Alba Bore' Athens Athens T.a•p Albany Ithrelsy ...... Burlington Bow Burlington Burlington West Canton Bore''.... can trgi Twp 041131114 n ... Franklin.... Merrick.... Lenny Le!Carmine !Maineld.. Monroe lit,to ?jonrrk , Twp Orwell • = FEUZZI thnne BOre• Springllcld South Creek.... Sheshevoln . Snsmtlng Stone. Smithnekl Sylvania Roro•. Towanda Twp.. Towanda North Towanda Hero% Troy Twp ,Troy Bolo• Terry ITiowareira llTlster 'W) aln%lng linelbasn. IV( . nrren... .W11111E4... • . . , - . ~ James C. Robinson, Tren rrrrr , In Account Ilkilb j he `ornaty of lirndfora. • -) , . . . • - 170rollertll fro 11,77"a:01 provion. Exonetrit to'rollertor - Pr'reentagoto Collectoi. l'all„Stattyr rep,,nrer.. I ......... ,':,... Hank tax.' , - 1 1 1r07614 F.- . 4.. Tear!, x:1 , livititnau f0r.1.7.0 . " - Tear et.h\lustllute for'l , Z - 47. T re e, p. r ct•np. oniaillssjoeUdi , 7,6,l67 10 0 t. rt.r c,rit..\, wir , i 9 misqhon ;13.1 79 , I 3 In Tren•ory .11ill. Ist,- 18'7.:5- . ; ' ' ~. Y ..., ..... J. Due neon dup's of tr 76 and previous Duplicates of 1677 Dank tax- Incidental rocelval‘ • De-Assessisients In Tnia...nry ! lan. Ist, lan 417.1 Al Loaned rrom clttm , ns' Hank 1'2,171 .all on )our ECM RADFORD ent'N,TY. , • . We, the underlig n ed, ennunis‘loners of said. County, (hi herehr.rertify that this is a true and i , nrreet statement of the reeelvats and ecpenditures of mid county front thy' Ist day 4( January to the :list day 'lf December, inclusive, A. IL ii,;. . \_ -. , ,,,, 14 Witness our hands-and peal of orrice at Towanda, this Fth day of January, A. IV., 1 . : , ,T.r. . . .k• , . • ' _ ‘" . ' • . . (1. W . '. KILNIF.R., ' ' .111..1. CIIOI.IIAVGIL. Ounniissioners. JOIIN'HALDWIN , •-•::%. . - \;T—WILLIAM LEWIS Clerk. • -. . . A TT Commissioner's fnce; Jan: 1;, lA7i, tit A Di4ll W.e. the n. latetuent an, 1 COUNTY, SS: cler4lgnt..l, A n (tors of said Connty, do I , ~ the roucherg for the tame, and find i • ,- JON Ere .• At the 'residence nce n A. il .Idnet,, at Stevensville, I. \ , ~ of J 11.14 th, LyndsFlarN,J, , , a COOli,epor,at-Law, late of li 1 . . ¢ , . Iy 7N N.—ln Rome. Jan. Ist IB7s, at he house of / her daughter, Mrs. J. IL Arinstro tttlllgggggg, Cecilia Dunn, wife of John Dunn, aged SA yea s. lilessed arr'the dead that the In the Lt ,I. GARTER.—In Sayre, 11,0.7 th, 1877. of dlpt via. Laura,. only child of P. E. and Jennie Car er, aged 10 years:dull mouths. A Ugh r from our hou , rhold gone, . •Y : A voice that we loved Is st tiled,— A Id:tee In our hearts ti vacant .. That never can tie filled. , pl. A TT.—I n Merrick. Jan, 17, of cancerons tumor, Jefferson C. Platt, aged 2a years. Mr. MATT was a young man of great energy, Industry and bitstness eam;eity, and was highly esteemed by ti large circle ol friends. For _ three months be was confined to,his ram, during which time he suffered extremely, yet with great patience and resiglation. All that the best medical skill and the most careful nursing could 'accomplish to arrest the fell destroyer was done for him, but . In vain. Millie In health and actively engaged In the pursuits of life, he, like too many; neglected his spiritual Interests : kloit In his enforced -and Inactivity he gave attention to this ah, 7 laniort ant subject, and not In vain; hr obtaltaal'pal*M and conscious acceptance with his Heavenly, Fa• they. The fear of death was taken away, so that a friend !olio watched by his dying bed said to the, writer, His death was a perfect triuttiPh." Tlie words of the poet were beautifully illustrated : '•.lemis ran make a dying, bed Feet soft as downy ptlls are,— / Whilst en hls breast we lean on} head. And breathe tam life ont sweetly there Ile leaves a widowed mother—now 'doubly be. craved—and a young, devoted wire, together with brothers ; and !Miters, and I might 'add, the entire community In which,be lived, to mount Ills loss. Unmil thy bosom, faithful tomb, Take thbn new treasure to thy trust Camptown, Jan, 27, 1578 WATCHES AND JEWELRY. ItF.PAIRFA).—Mr. F!`. Motilllesseaux, the well-known repairer of . Watche+ and Jewetry,-who etas 'formerly employed with M. liendelman, up to 'the time of the reeent sale, has rented the same WIIIIIIT In thenbi stand wherche formerly worked and where he will be pleased to %erre these, want leg anything to his line. All -work entrusted to, him will be well and promptly'executed. Towanda, 'Pa., FA). 7-3ws. 1 4 - IST OF LETTERS. remaining in post'Oflice at Towanda. Itradford Co., Pa. for the week ending ,Febnaryft, 1575: Allen. A J Col*, Mrs (' T. Eillc F... ' Ellis, Addle '‘).- (it/ff. - Addle I, (toff. Gen W . fialaqui. Leander NV . Lane. Jona .1 ;tidier, 31 rs Sarah Northrup, Jane . Pickering. II l'i Park. Wm Pichard, Mart Hedgers, Nan . Sielder, Mary A • Pers s calling for • any of .the above, will please say `• at iertised," giving dateOf list. •S. W. ALVOItI). P. M. E♦ C TOR'S NOT IC E.—N otice ,LLA- is lietibiglyen'that, alt persona in debted tib the estate of 8, af.„Lott t !met...late Of Ihirllngton trep, deceased.mitst make Immediate pay tnent,a lid all per AIMS haring &lima against said estate most present them.duly authenticated fur settlement. ' ' • Ti. . Ct. Jan 10-4 w, . . Executor, TiX ECUTOR'S NOTIC E.—Notice I _A Iterelty given that all persons indebted to the estate of Ira Beeman, late of Plke txrp , de ceased, are!requested to make Immediate payment, and all persons having claims against said - estate must present them duly authenticated for settle: meta. P. E..WOODItur dee:o4w • • ALTHOUGII .TIIE i,otio TONS of iiay called for in my last adyertiSeilleld has nn en secured, I stilt continue to par CASH for 11AT and STRAW'. H. S...te.K L EY. rpriug. Hill Jan. 23;• 13734 f. Otter this week, at Retall, , s cases each, L.. •LONSDALE AND • FRUIT OF THE LOOM • BLEACHED MUSLiNS, At Right and onehnif (Sines pRr rirf/, the lowest price ever reached In the Hlstoryof the Ilry-Good builness. • • CaOr Timms. AUwau.itl Report 9115 93 . . 90 00 . 14,299 5 . 1.257 97 . IN) 74 3,0 00 - „.. E. 11. ~E. 11. Bishop._ ....lief,. 11. Knapp. Iteeket4., Myron ~.. C. S. Wll.on liostner. N. V. Weller ~..tMorrls H. 15,1111, 11. Davis.— Itenj. M. Clark. i. „_lWni. P. Lane,... McKean.... _IC. S. Farnsworth. SnilleY• • • •• Sbepartl ....I.las. . dr:. A. Wooster. „..jW II Payson Carmer.... 1f0116tt..... S. 3I logos 0. Vansvlnkle... .....John 31,01 , 1 n, • • Northrop... ..... S. I. E. Sp:ll4l,lg . ;Tint Ceonard David Chase George .. t . iGeorg, ,, Sage lE. V. N Lebo - 1 ,, • - I.lames F. Itrlatol. .... . W. Dimock...., IF.. IL Itel:ong.S.. A. Wl,•khan, • N. Fish M. Spalding... N ,s. toll:, Clapper ' ;James G. Itow le.. ;0. W. Corbin ....lElnor Neal ' • • •jE.. li. Illsbop Knapp... .111,,,itas‘E.Ratek Itte-Assessioents.. ~ Total :i3 5.34.14 34 1,1!4 90 9 9 : 4 170 71 111W1 his inother. Mrs. L. on the eveming tt. Attorney NtShiagton, DX. MO E..L. CARR►N(.T(t\, Executors POWELL & CO. • . . Postage and statione • Public prtutlug" L - Prisoners' support in 'Jall • • Eastern Penitentiary Conveylog NlF,oners to Penitentiary...: Prize,' and Clerk (loaner Sessions' fees.. itesdra on piddle Windings 'repairs and rent.of room for Troy Court Sheriff for suMmoning 'Jurors Sheriff for fees in Commonwealth sults: Wild eat certificates Making duplicates. Sc Treasurer for attending Troy Court Cowrie, and' eompati g Treas"s Cash refunded Jr. E. 'Flipper, Stenographer of Court... Downy for the return of - stolen horses.. .(1. W. Kilmer, County C011111111AS1011(.1 . ... M. J. Coolbaggh. County Ceninilsmioner. John naldiviii. County Columissioner..% W (Maui Lewlsr Clerk EMI of County, Tax,for 1577 and Pre}'lou• • ' A inlit A tient A in't Ant'iti c .1 YIl n t 'Ciery.,/;.Reert. P•r 1 ; 1872 23 40 2.3 50 1 . '11474 100 SO 95 15' 5 71 • ' .• 21 53' '34'821 1875 . , 20 12' .211 121 . .. ; "•• 668 - 00: •r. 24 101 8 91 1 '33 02 502 15: 531 02 3 101 2n 03 I" .93 23: 87 671 921 404 "; 731 8,4; 6141 03'14 881 3 5 03 •I " 108 149 ' 101 091 1 51 i 530 1 25 - 1 25; " • : 128 1;1_ 1211 Or " L nun 66 • 054 27, - 9 43! 34 97: ••• - 53 14 53 14 1 I : 770 OS'. 727 fix; e 4 671 . 33 53; " 576 65 539 05 11 08 , 20 73 320 02 320 02' I • ; 709 83 602 97: 12 80. 34 97 , 25 53 25 5 3 " 564 20: - 533 48, 2 69: 23 :•.;•" 720 18, 673 33: II 27 35 SJ. "t 21 1 6 15' 98110' 845 •••1 24 12' 24 In _ " 030 24' 594 91; 3 91' 31 34 '756 53' . 713 47 5 375 37 119 8..,51 GIG 20,. 543 02, 2 4.3' 39 70 " 1178 90-1115 24,'.4 90 4 23 70, ....; " 407 20 439 104' 5 10. 23 10 " . 514 09 1 514 69 1 " • 191 77 VII 77' " 502 77 524 ' 4 3 10 22'8_27 73' " 321 32:-. 305 22 .; 111 1 0 ' 852 82. 1 ; 5 . 785 54: 20 82 41 5.: • 723 29. 679 92 7 40: 35 91 . 242 '7o'. 91 150 940 7 8 920 34 . It 1,4 48 75 154 05 142 53 . 403 7 5(1 "1505 01 1476 93 10 01 78 07 " 34+7 39 513473 181 Sr. los'oo 619. ^ 0, 574 80 977 30 03 •• 8 0319, 81:3 51' .17 55, '42 29 '• 153 44,. 115 00 119. 7 C/: . 893 50 ;-11 '3 433 44 50 789 33 745 00Ct 803 25 75.-94 3 ..8 410-03 • " 1730 52 - ,400 40 • IEO 47 17‘1 77, ft 61 all " 61041 57;01 25 (N' 29 :in i• 1009 na 46r:5 41 o'ss' 51 41 • '832 18 720 ,00 1042 53 1002 35 720 • " 315 5 0 297 88 .1 02 15 71; 11 3 7, IS 1035 IA 47 09 5; 219"92 297 09 1 02' 10 91 195429 810 ...... " - 4140 50' 125. 74 21-22', 119 51 " 392 43 351 57 26 30 In 00 " 103 0 2: 1 .1537 42..11 71 81 10 " 1092 72 1/65 (10 152 18 1.11 80 8 2 .11 111 " ¶ , l 1196 91 s lO (! me, 13 S, f 3 34 :152 .)9 " ,01 559,11 t, '\ " 1667: 92 17i) 4\7.1 , 44.3 ~1 1 52. 71:1 47 )1 ;'W " 213, S 5 20111 3,1) 14\106 :13 151 15 • 922 I? 914 645 g; 501 !ell: 43 2i\l6 " 26 4.5 2 9 3112.1 01 234 94 .. '. 4 • 1 , 71 26 - 177:1 :13 175 ./ 12:.2 76 1175 N 7 II 1/ , 62 75 4230 ..A9O 9 , 4 .4 31;2/ I •59.2r1 03 660 72 19 ,, .14 ' .• 112/1 74, 99, 15 .73 92 52 ex. ...... •. 1316.13 -1.1:i2 73 20 70- 113( trl 11 II 16/:,11 II 1424 17 1320 52. 73 (2' /19 453 1 . 245 1.12 9. 4 110 111 7l 251 :IQ ‘•44,3 1 3 .1393 7,4 ry'9l' 71;51 ..... '671 16 •414 2 47 OF 43 71 . • .•• 31.1 75 . 194 74/15 20.. sa••m 7 . . , ...471 , 7% 22 912 01 X 27, 24 2722 04 EU _ tereby eert try that we hare exatttinell the't, , reg.:llls t to be correct: • 11.1.14 vi• Fr.; . IV: L. 1..\ %TZ. Auditor:l! ,11:1), . Legal -IToticD: 11 x - roTIcE .-The County Commi:4- sinners hare fixed ,, epon the c rOIIOVVIng ILltt`q for Insidlng appeals 'atstlte condnlssioners' In Towanda tar the 'several tvwnsittr: and t.nrnitglis or lirad ford County : Monday, Feb. 73—.1.11tun, Teiry, Wilmot and Tint; , day. Feb. 26--Overtnn. Nlonrne 'Ctivp anti, tni 1. Franklin. I: ra 111 ille and Leßoy. \\'evlm•>dac,' Feb. 27—rant,m(tarp. and Imro') Armenia and :11lia. eb. 2A—Troy Owl'''. and bortil, S'ylvattla and Rut Ii ton West, Friday. Marel• 1..-Iltirlintztnt, (twit, and hem'', stlrrlngteld. Smithfield and Itldgherry, . Monday,'.llareit 4—tionth Creak, Shethe ,l,T.ltehtle, TNItANIZI'1"1(11 - .—In the trild f'ourt of the Cnito.t status for the' NVe.d. ern District i,f Peeist‘yhmilia: James W. 'Favior and 3lallion M. Sp:Milne, late co-partners as. Taylor of Towatol,, Bankrupts under:iv-rot' . March 2d. 1,‘.7„ haying applied for a dischatge from allthelrd• ht , . and other Oat nts ittsirrable ttlider said art. by o .`r of the Court, Notice hylieridiy giveti to allereiliiors win, have proved Iltett and other tereStelL 1., appear tia:tiat 2:ld day s# Fit RV.% VY, at I.k ...I.IIW s. 1i1r.„f.1.f. , 1,• It. Menus r. E•tl , Register In Itaidirtiptcs.; at his office. In TM...1114/a, 1 4 a.. In it ow rau.e. If any Ihoy hate, why a di,- chargd ,houbt not be the said. rout:- rupt:t. S. C. 3icr N DT. E•zs. janjl-2w. rrerls. A UDITOR'S, NOTlCE—(ieotr.e Alxvc..l vs.,L. 21. E, A. Ridg way. F. E. Ridgway, knit - Mrs. M.l A. P::A:t, T. T. In the (;hurt of 4 '0111}1.4011,i'll;a:4 of !trail tOrd tr. \0:.4, Feb. Te1:111. t,7i : "'The underslgoe ii. an Auditor aptininted by the court to (list eitoit‘v I titrtG tti the Sheri band:, art : p eg from sale of d-relidanis' real' estate. Olil al gelid 411 the 4114414 , s add, appointment at ht. ndire In Toirauda Rorougli, Pa., \U If' trt,'l's7li. at 10 WeleielC.t 0.. when and .where ail . 14 , `IsonA baring claims *gym said fund maid bre.iet.l thew or Li forever debarred Irony ( - 41111411 g In itjsm the saute. ' 301LN. W: Towanda, dan. 29, 1,573-tiv. Auditor. - AUDITOR'S NOTICE2I—In °the Orphans' COnrt of Bradford County; N0..71. I)er. Term. 1147. 'di., matter of the estate of Lawrence O'lleron, dr...eased. The underslgurd, an..Atulltorattp4itited by . the Court to distribute fit ndS,ln the hands .4 tutors arising friUn ~ a le of isttfistinar and rear estate of said decedent. Will attend to the dullo.'of his appolnttnent SA MARCH '2, 15.71. at the °give of I Borough, at in o'otock.a. m., - whea and shore all persons having claim:: upon said funds mud pre sent theta or be foroNer debarred- from coining .o tpon the .ante.. W. 11. CAIINtiCIiA N. It Feb 8.-in' ' - AI).M.INIS'rRATOR'S NOTICE. —Notice Is' hereby 011.11 that all I..4rsotoklu ileltitq In the eolatt• of Allot. Wins:on'. tate of \Cli mol.twp., dre'd, ire rectuo.ted to male Imniodlat.• payinont. and alt Ivrsons against said estate most IttOsnnt then 41.13 V antheutlratrd b.! SC111 , 1111•1111. I• 9rlcK. Feb.74w. • ••• .14.11.1hibdratt.r. • • ARNI I NISTRATO It'S NOTICE. —N.t.fre Itetch* glymt that all persans In debted tot he estate of T. Harrhgeh.ktte et IS r le: r. , rd dert . Weli, ate requested to Make Itummtlate payment, and alt p.,•; 4 : 4 9T1S Itarlyg at:plast estate ittuat preatmt them it air antlintleat, GOLDEN. Z.jahle4er. " '• . ministiator. AD.MIN 1 STILVrOIt 1.4 NOTICE. • N otice Is hereby given that ail:person, tn. eldelfs la the estate of .E.neni-zer Ittgem" late of Ulster, 4.lee'd,, must make Immediate pay ment, and all persons having claim , against kald tats inust present them duly authenticated for ro.. tie men PIO. B. !LOCK WELL, Jan 10-6 w. ' , Admlnistrat cr.. (ZIIE111 . 1'}"S/ SALES.—By virtue gundry islifs 'lssued nut of the Court -of 67;Intiteit Pleas of Bradford County, and to tee di, mo r d, 1 . will cipose to public sato' on FRIDAY, tho Bth day of FEBRUARY. 1876, at the door of the Court House,,at 10' lock M., the (( Mooing descrilwd property, Wit :• • r One let. piece or-parcel of tandliituate, In geld twp, bounded north by lands of Levi 'Morse, cast by the piddle highway. smith lay the puldic highway and lands of EdWard !Anger, -we.t by Edward. Longer and John 11 SlOClnifey; e - ontAho, About 6 acre?, monS, or leßo, all Improved, with I 7'63 3,2:9 1,14 framed house, t trained barn and oth-r outbuild ing., and fee? , frult trees thereon. ' •-•, ' • AI. t—One other lot situate - In ; Litehfilq trap, founded north by the public hlghtvay. - rait_by. the nubile highway, south by lands lot Mary flicks, welt bze_is-04-Ed-watd ..hojgre,r.rem ,1 a I n, abort t here mort ,- or levy, all linprovial. with I cooper thereon - . Seizet and taken Into exeention_at the milt of Si W. Wheelock vsM WlC:arguer. A LSO—On...other lot. al cumin, In Li field t wp, bounded north by lands of Henian 31ors , k atol„ T Merrill. cast by lands of Lydia, .f F.rins and —= Well• r. south by lands of IS 6 lieeirr,.l.ytuan Can- goblet and livorge McAfee, v.'st by lands of Albert earnwr, .loin Myer-and Lon Merrill; contains_ INS acre:.'utore, or less, about 100 Ito proved, a Ith I franb ad lion 4 e„ 1 trantol barn and sheds attached', other MO orchard of . (it'll trees thereon. de bed and taken Info executligt at the snit of 31 'W W hec totzk's use vs Isaac - • ' 3 - 9 1 It 1 ' A I.So—tme Other lot Fitiate - In, Ulbtpr twp, boundevnoilli by lands . of Henry Scott, 'east he Eftehen and Edward M smith by lands of Andrew King. west by hinds of II Tem. ideton: Nadal ns 5n arras morn or less. :shout all itr., prosed, with 1 framed house, I Insured barn and other taititididlngs, and—orchard of fruit trees thereon. and taken Into "'attention .at the eitit of I' I. Ward - .ll;Sts—sone other lot situate in West larMtigtoti twp, - It muted Sugar Creek, eas.t - by lands of th , tinii swatn, south by thn , pnhllr highway. we,t. 1:11.1a sof .lohn Ballard: enntahn. I.'" acres more or Ivss, all Improved. with`, I seater saw tulll and alt . tall! fixtures and.- maelliners' r belonging. thereto. together with said defend ant's.' rights to the dam aere,s slit elhg , ar f 'reels. and 'the right to - nose the waters of said creek for Ile:. [6B of said , • • MIMS A l.Stt—the• other - lot to mate In Wetit In'', bounded north. by th, ea-4. and south by lands nf,Gortnn• Stvaln. n....3t by lands of .I(din ll3lLint: contains 't ut a u acre r ninn;nr.-les , : all'lmprostd, tytth 1 - fraideil h0w..., ut!n•r on:1,0'1,1- .111 gs. tail a ft:w trntt..t revs ther.on. t.elzed antl . tak• en Into e %emit iou at the 'gilt or Pomeroy Itro,e.lov.y to n.c of •lob Mot ley v.s Win Ballard au•l Mal furl: T T. • lwr for situate., 1:n ,Ulster twl , , bounded north by 1:111,13 of the .tutliony est ate.-ea by the Sit s quel,a,,,,,,, nir.r, south by lands of !ten, hen pottne.-wos,t by !atll N Maven , : ,coldnini , tint acres tnore Or t•:", Iniprc,ved. whit. : fntttad houses, I tripled barn and o: her ontloalll. lugs, and orchard of fruit tees thereon. and taken lido execnt,lon'fit-lhe cult of A bree's use vs Philip Berry. other lot , Itaate In Wilmot twp. bound, , , - 1 and de-critscd, and followtC: Beginning at 3 ttot. and shines': thence north by lot set oil' to Da vid ens!, (f ,'pane to 3,fsf,t and i.t.nes in the •war rant line: thynee wet,, 7 , 10-pers to %hone heap: iliene.• smith 10; pet, io . a stone heap In line Yon I, 1v.,11: 1111-nee roust Ifiq pers ID_ the Toilet. of beloolog,; , arittaln,, 70 acres and I In pers more or abotit improved, x ith 2 I,l:titk. g , table and a few' t- trees thrreon. -Seized and taken tub e:tincittiOn at the snit T MeCittffiick. trn‘lce.v; ,A other lot situate in Towanda bo , ro', bounded north I,:e fa7ols of Airs r Ay M flint', east by lands ~f Mary ftrennati, , Fo:1111 les , L,lnhard-st. we,C by lands of 1%," in Ronan:, acing Soft front tai 1.61,1- 113,1- , t and I:Aft deep stlth 1 7tannal thq•ni,n. hi, wrier lot ,1141ite lit Ton ;vela bor.', ,bounded and fiesta:lle:a Beg7rfning , , , at the .southeast eon-- of lot '! , .11, TI: thence nbrthetlY along the east end onots No So and 75. ;sift nwt. I 17 70 or less to iIPOTI-th0tw0,,, ,, t..r1y : l oft Yllone nr p•CS In isir: siSitt 75,fr mortior less to a (ir on ILo.nnl No 70: thenine 'easterly along south line of sarottlot No 71. in- r, or le, to ti O.l , !ace of liegihningt 1-ing part of tot. No rle mild 7.1 null Ward's sub-illsi ision irY i' i i*diudiXtr per to 1 t...• ltls .litne; to. l•oil:111.g,' A 1. , ‘ I—slur or.h.•E lot 0t0ace , 1111.11 , 50r0 ,, lOff'd n1111do,lit)N1 gt1:11111: at Solt; 11;1 loog the.las sinjthwarrsnt I'oes:ly line; thither taring the -ntil!ert . ll raich nest iirliont p•irs to the !Inv of Itioil I I:w.f. warrant: thence horth along the hole 1.13'-to p•-iis to a hemlock: theni•e'hy land. hcrar..• tail lee I.:1 1 / 1 0 nt charles ltai p.. 1 A to the p'ac'e or hegii.rong: 110• It• being part e.f a tract of land in rho ivarrarindi 111:1 111.` of If olwrt 701. , A oth,r•iot situate in A rineaht hounded el as follows i - llegiJailrg :II all t-,;ch. original warrant 1 or: 110 t r li - ,•2 C-1 0 yrs to al and stone.; tn. neo rant 1 .1 t%-10 p-re to a cot of the , olio:y Hoe ttra.l.l.:l , f 11011 :rt Igo e .111 ,1 Y: al 4 Pri said. roonty 111. i tto. east.ataint Vl'• nod• o'' a pis-t tho.lizei of the nntin i•ast 31 , 41:11 10''roa. tO• Nieni e nor: milt'to a er - r a. 0.-1 s'onti.; theni, easi 'to ill- ''o'l I iti.• Of I to• v: al7ani: tp-nee 1-111 pers to the place of rontalns cs mires twirl: or less. and port oriwaiirant No 0.g:17 0.1 the lalids• known its tit, ly ai ithridge tra.,l„ MEC EMI lEE EIE Milli A I.'" ••tli . er I , e:2,lT:int • In t, 11. IpotwW,l talut- nt Tlionza , Inrinl east Oy:!ai . l , 3, 1(i11 •an•l I: ‘ll:llanari. •,4191) by . Fnbm ilite,.'w est by late:' , 'tarot: tmailll; eontaths 10).iteres ot . Ivhleh ble:: to; .I%lrs Wa;11 .Utter, tht , levy inr,41:11111.: toeever the atllvido•l parrhelongingto,al•lllcocy 'Ward. •••e;:••4 and taken exceuti•el' at the, sult of uhejs Ileory Wara; A 1.." , +-0/1, ...tht.r 100 t nate In 'Towanda bop.% 7112 t , 9 1. , 4tl t tz 1.4 , 7 'tit 11.251 m. 144 4 .11:414•41 atin dosoilln . .l as (.114.41,4: Itegintling :If tin. nurtlaust rot 4,.f • Philip Se ...Wok's .14n: Stiff e .elong 11n.41.4f said 5r01.1.14 - . , an th.•nee Innitiorly mill alley : 2:41 11..,4 . masterly on a - lino para:l4•l ttllh tiret an . ritloitpir line alantt 1 1 0 1 to Maiu•sis tlionee ' alotay, to titr i.'34 . 44 of l .. .„oinning, tyltit :SSs.:4.• ry• 5.•14.4..1 tat: .. nolntosic ration suit 0f,.N1 (Alining vg 1:;,In•rt •• A 1 - ..! 4 . Ptlic . r lot - situate In : ;;Ilst . :t • t4.4.1:141,1 and east 1. : 5 1: 1 1..1.of •lannos Iv, south privato ro:in of •lalin:S3fin'itrty_ivo-t. high:: al: leaning fruit; 1 : 1•4t ,. 1 . - to A t 4 . 1 r. w,ll - 1. 1 frUnie,l,l...4 : lllling thou . pn, seiron and zat:en into t . ,..;•."1:f"it - at suit of 1'utt1.,441.1 A - Tnitl.: is .% 114,- . . iti Wost:.ll rap': hound 41 nortlt I.y lafnis,of S St itos.. as: lit' land: 4.f I . l.ltvaril Sivain. Sivain'i Pal rosy ;tun inlins of John by, lan+, of or : forinorly ofd amt and 4 onrge itat 1 1. ,W, We-I I.y of Ilano Tlotalas 1:1:1••kuell aiol COM:1111s 111. .or less. about lin i.rovol, a 11.11 2 Trained lan,: with- shods : .1 her flunf...lnurns. oat 14.01.1ings and 2 Or. 1 . 11:.1.111.1 fruit A 1. - Si lot sin:aro In Writ Iturljtglnt : • vp, I 4.11111 . ,d nor:I; 14y ;inn salt Le lands ' or:Gor;4.l.4 surdn. 144, 1 111" lif o .stain,'; oflin inoro or loss, t%itli I Pu1t.....1 honseatol otle•r snotitillltings . :04.1 and a fr . ,. fruit troy: ihrr.sun.S .. li. ,. .raan • lag'- , on ii.iorltorinion at ilio 5a1:...1 II tram 1:4 . 4., to viso of A and .1 Nl•ancv vs•Nlyron ltalhtrd :tint .fohn 11,41..• 14i1.1, Wm I: T. anti A I. hallo - d. T., A I.Sti -4 lap other 1 , 11 1 .1(11111 . 1, Ire 1.110111,1 , 1 Imp. 1,..:4441.•41 nor( It by lamas of 1 1 11,111 N . :111"V. 131.,i",,;( II 1. - 1,v1,;“4.: south iainis 4.`f e;n sotto. 111,1%. tre LetS, :hots[ It .1,11171 . "‘,41, • will, I fra1:121111.11,•. 1 fro : nu:4l learn tt It le :Awns Iniart,...l, 1744t10n anil oreliarn of 'fruit •11% - es tliorrl.44. • A LS , .-,--'1114• Itof..n.lant's 4 1nt.,...5t la one othor l: s:itato In Eli, "north loy lanli of II ‘t • I'atriok, and :tf C.Crint....ll. east by 1,4.1, of II w by langs of I:ago : tom, Catlin anol %Val S . trkett, Ist,: lands - o( Ay, John Toirclail. an.l fii W Corti:n . ll: taint, g litre- more ..r lrs.. itholit utlnii.roveul.• ill: I fittiti..4 fll' 11 MO ,11,1% allarl; 55i,44. 4 1 1 tal:op at tiro snit of l in.t N.l - ;1..11:11 1 1 .111i1 Oi .1111..f1N;1.11 1 1 1 vs nolan: A 1,54 4-4 in, odor : Fut. - aro:a I, r. - nratiol- :1 loot!: 14y Wins it 14 . 1. Y flit; 131 - If, . f 11,1„.•r Learn. Uestn.y Prt.•r bourns of an :lil - 1• Intly or 1.... all litiplost`d, Willi I dttriling lu tls 111111 few - Tarr lo: 111 Til.earom north by of 1 1 .1.1:11..v.: Evart:. i%,tsr Linn , u•nnt.Li , L; :LL !.1 on 1,.", won'. 04, ‘ 1, 1,11 1 I 1.111111: inaiso.•l all other onil.iiilnings and Tow !tilt! Irrr. I,r-..u. • , .%I.Sii-Ono'n'ther lot wn:v.lll4lb by lanio. 4.1 114.4..i',..a„5t I.y talins lan .sof .41441 it,st 1.,17,14:ty: von- Tanis lipitrr.os 2.. ay: vs I htar4 -:soul 111111 fest' fruit, 110., S . I'o - ut sold tokot. into 4•v... .11 14.11 `::l sflop_f \I of 1.-avirs list vs I,lle 1:. , g.;r. Jr. 1•:%. Also at She tuft of same vs nth- . r Ul,s-ter pot!lt I.y lands : of John Snritli. ' 4•Arn I lie `.11.111.•Itali113 la:111% ward. I .y hunts 01 I, ..nat.. • Wo;los, aert's of land mossy or ,11,1 , 1 t A i.'o-1!Iit• 1.111,1 1 . 11.1 :1111,11.. 111 l'Is! 4.r township;, ilor:11 1:44..1. , 1 tau:. Stias, i liar* , 41.n...5ai1, II it Inv her Ann I' flail:Sl:7lly., vast 'l.y Itiv.u . all I . 1.1 . 1 1 1 1r 1 ,1 g1,1 , 11::. .5 , 11111 ;Ito p . 31.1 - ty Iron; I'lsl4.r in - charin."..y tan alot othot --'I 14" . , -- 1.411.1is of Jim - , 14114Tisof as i In - Noitioft lots con:alto: 1"/.1 p• n '7l 1111 M %,,,, I. I !al n0...f riteri f+:eg I fraup .4 lluril a1ta 4. 14 4. 41. I riann.l 1 ' , Poling 4 : 4,4 , 1 too .g.on slop. t ....%n all4l orrhar4l of fruit 1..11 Inn in 1,120 21 11 I% 4- 1 l'.l 7-1 ;1; to A 1., I.o',l ro.rlh Lt. =l=i of 31 AV {01.4..11,1: =1 . "r .1 . 31111'S I:. fall st,;;;jl (Ittrir drrar.4l.3ll. isc,t ~~1:ceh•r Sr:uiG au~l~S~,arn~ i hoi:•Alt I. It • f-htn-Aahoo trA`ms,t fr . :into& 114. 1:01,1d 111 , 111 , 1 .1 ".ji • ..t :1,1 Al .1.1tItt•• II IV OM ; 11."0--ihin• other it ssititate .111'.11ontr. innstitztl, nod ilsessnorilsn'si a, r”""" Begins,!:: n'to , t,' tits , lo:rll.w.ssst o 1 Ono faros l‘fsist nia iTtt‘nsti ~ r th it \ 1.-^r: thrPrr s orh 37 P. rant p! Into tern; tlicn-ss NON! , W•`io.l , l 7-10 f: , -r,: tlonts ons tinsrtli :52°, wn,t. 11 4 prt`l , to gintdrdz; T,a314, too as,d. rr,. t ;lug thistrfrs Int wont I :1411, :old to Ss•loaslor.sal,ss to 3:si n ss. •solti to Pavlsl . :sort , , 01.1 to }(a cs AT , .9" ,,, :;drr0 'Stith I tratosol .tosts•-. 1 - trants,ol psi!sl ,1 "r.-hard at (rut: trvsnss. tlosrensin. tsss-I,:n .1 al!II.1M.: , ;1 Inw oxonotriots at the suit nst 1%4, %;.an'tt v:ss•tistsr - D . orsoy., ' ,A— , nor nal:Lons lon".41:11:nt..!,In ton - 4-44, is molts!! mot (1.--n•rtbssnl totttov,: -It gionnlng los souch ssinl sof essr 'lot N'i t's nttts z o;,s,nsnt sss td, , s.nn nn , ntor nsrlns , nso;t: ,t:lllotosns,:nln:ogn•ozittoof ca." II ns , ss sr, ins linse slino stn.:: tlontosss ons !isle of yl' 41,„:„•:, 1 0 6...9th 5.55.,. 0 .‘,P,t 11. ,, S :Stria y Ito. , lint . ts;,sihno,,,s on the line of Ilt - sory I:t., and lot Nnn Ili north 5!..0, dog. wonst It ttlitTer, to lino plarso'n4i_ onostaiton ts:: pots oloroor lons. all topnn,srtssl, (raisin I lonarnt fin :fruit trot, nlscionstr, ta:non Into •••xecatitna tit tines suit of tsm'it l'itpisor;A-, [fenny 'Walker. .5 into's—tine I.l,twr lot nsltntatis in Windham twp. ,tostooln,l.rostilt bi, tabs:,, 14-.3 .iillnoseil, -- nstits s t Iwo& M; sooth - t.y other' Ettnorsott Isy_ttins' public highway t,li.t.. .\ ll,rsonntisTalcs . s . sTavt. contain , Xs.", ar zo'ss abort' I:nsinintssno - n - snt, with I old ttu,iNe aitel (ewe' frokt N.-I , zed taken Imo" eXTs•II- - 1i..11,,:it..1 Sid Or L Elsilees`s tine Vs Emerson Smith. A 1 -. l )—tinc,nthei Int .ituate tit Win.iham twn, buntaled north br other lanas of Enters.op Smith, ea. , Uhy land. qF s.lyron N:chol.,,onth hy lands ot Boebuniii "151,:v0n, wegt by the puhne highway: conthlus tnoreor less, aix+u• 'linp;oved. I trained houie, anti a tew,trult trees thereon. Seized and taken Into execution at Ittit suit ~r G ,„ Nichols•.++we Is . Eine r,Un smith, M K 7 att John Strack hammer." - ALSO-01te other lot Sttuinn In Pike townshl Wendell north the Legal. ntlwr lot In l'isWi•, :y* land , or '"IL , : ,, and- .lam-, 31,4%0 leaNling front r I:; , t•re,: ( " 1/14t1t I. It. , t9hra Into t•X••1•Iatoz, at th, , .lann (:11 1.1*.:0 , twit NV-o,n". VI, and nf ;(1, of 1 , 1% V I rOttl:;;C:Ti,11t:ail: !4 . o , •01110.•Al r;.l. 1 fliaio:l • :vim,. Legal. of Wilson Eirsall.aoutii•and:welt by the public high• way: confairia 1 acre More •or le►a, all. imprOved, with I framed hour, I framed barn, and'few fruit tree:, thereon. ALSO—One other Pit situate in Pike township, I;onlided north by.lantle`of .I•llavics,' east and Muth by the public highway, and lands of Witann west by lands of Mal Mister* contains .6 acres more or less , all imprnVid. 111.11 bialdlngi. and fee/fruit trees thereon. rielz.etl and taken Into cx. e , ntion - at the suit of the 'Athens Building and Loan Association of Athens vs L 3241regott, A I,sii•-.4/lIC other lot situate in Towanda Is% bonndcd.north by lot N 073, east by a 12ft alley, south by a left alley, west by Towanda-et: ,all prrived, with 1 - framed house thereon, being lot No a' {lawn on (1 Mason's plot Or Inivey of 'south TowAnda., Seized and taken hito ciecntlon at,the suit fd' II f, Scott. trustee Ye Ye Lyman• R Newell. ALSO---One• other lot .sltuate „in Wybox I A'P, bounded and described as follows: fleglnnlog at a stake and stones near turn of the road • leading Coward T., mralwila Eddy; thence s.outh 7T, deg, east nefs to a stake end stones onythe bank of the ca. 'mitt isITI.q bounding on the i Ninie Ninth 34 • g , ,- wei4. rut 55 pets; thence Op the, „west line of the stetsard Pierce tarot running north 7 west as pets to the (dace of ber c inning4 eontal us_,S acres and 127 pers more or h st.. - - - Ai.s_l-4ite other hst situate In Wynn/ tivi't lownided and descriheil as - follows: BeginAing at a post nn the east hank of tins canal and ' , Phil:Aug mattli 27 deg. east 33 pets to the river: thtince north deg, east 20 pen to a tor: thence north 37.110 g; West 40 pets to the east bank of this canal; thr•timft ti p 'canal laimulintou the same to - tho place of .I,g in n contains 4 mores and 1.3 perm more or 11.44, s,_d,d and taken Into execilt lon /14 the pull, of .1110 Ifi.4lWes vs .1 . 0h ti J tit -114111m 11.S11—O s ne other bit situate In Tuscarora twp, bolincted and described follows: Beginning in the eentre'of the Komi leading fr,in Sterem,rille to. Laren./Ile, on the line of Clyriti Stevens: . ttwneo, soon 59 deg. east 111 rods; to a stakr; Thermo south we,t on the line of N . Itosi - lin aryls' to a p.n. on the line of lands formerly owned by I flulburt:, , nprtn :19 deg, we.d 122 rods to the center of said road: thence along,said road to the place of be- -' ginning: rontaTirs 22acres mornor 11.9.5,ab0nt 9 Int prnvecl. with I fraweil house and few fruit trees thereon. - . • A r•One other Mt slttiate In Teiseariira trip, temi.cle.l north by lands of Luther Shittnay., east, by rotitte highway, soiith by lands or the f:erniait. Titus elqate. west by lands forlnerty of II It leg. ham: rontain, , 6:aeres•inttte or le Ss, about 5 iroPrny' ed. Wit b I framed barn and few fruit trees thereon. s.dzed and taken Into execution at •the suit of W Cl and A, It Ititetows vs Joshua Palmer. ALSO—line other lot situate In 11 - mix tivp, bounded !dulls by the public hlghTva.V. east by lands. - or..r Myer }teed, south by lands of EustaCe Cool , banglk. *est by lands Of Enstsice coo,lhaugh: con- 7 fain. Caere inore or less, all improved: with I fram ed hbusc.,i frani4 barn and few fruit trees-there on. Seiced and taken into execution at the cult of T F Madill vs George 11 Vargason. Al.:•. 1 )-:-iine other lot situate In Athens borough. bonod,l north IT hunts of the-Pa arid N Y Canis and It R Co, east by lands of dames A Bristol. sonth by lands of \Benjamin Madison, west by .New-st; coidains If of an acre more or less. with I framed h..use, 1 frAtned barn and few fruit • trees• thertein. Seized and taken Into execution at the slit of the Athens Minding and Loan Assoc:l:Mott of Athens, C Smith mid' Jos WEiy, Jr. -—One tither lot situate .In Wrsor twp, . _ bt,htuled north by public school house it.d: east by road leading front 'Towanda to• Home: •ouilt by tand , t of E Whitney, west by lauds rts EtWititney atilt F: It Myer: contains 1 acre toort or 1111prove.1, With framed house. I framed barn, apd few fruit trees thereon, Selretlalld taken into execution at the suit of T A I,. ll —orte.other Int situato 'ln 'Athens :twy, _ _ _ bounded north by lands of J L Corbin, .eaSt of—l - Td•Roy Corbin; Haunt by :Nortli•st. west by lauds of Ann Walsh: contains . j • an acre mote or , leti, with I franied home. and ,t' barn thereon. Seized and taken into execution at .tho milt of Holmes St: Passage vs A Prince. 'l' 7'. A LSO--:One other - lot 3ltnate in Burlington twp,' t.owleletl . north by lands of T. S Wright. easttbc the Tebbe high*ay. knot:ll:and west by lands of 1. S Wrigld ; contains= acres more or abourls proved. no 1 , 1111 , 111,e5. and taken IntU erem ite], at the :It'd of it It Tuttle'. use I'S V; 111 T. Peet: A NM! KW J. T. YTriN. Sheriff. TOlV:lfida.i'a., an. 17. 1877 it .Sl- - ;IGNEE'S SAI,V.—By virtue of an order Imsued nut of the Court of Common Pleas or fbe C'otrnty of Bradford.(Penn..) ' he ,lind . e lsigned; A s:lgnee of rieorge P.. Ca , h, • charlei li. (:ash, and Frei Cash, of Towanda, Pa., wilt e•Titose to public sale at the rourt Houle, In ,, rongli of ToWanda. Bradford County, Pa:. - nn TrEsnAr. FERICCARY IsTA, at 1 o'clock . P. NI.. the ,tbree uhdlvlded fifths Inter- ' eat owned by George P. Ciplt. Charles D. C•tsli, and Fr , 1 A. in the !ohms log b tfactsolland. rlat 1. lot. in Barclay township. Itrad,f4rd county. t , a., ...luta...tiling One hundred and; •thlrleen i;;, acted /0”:"r m lisp, in the r warrautee name ` 1). 11. i'dtihinttliam. with a sate mill. titlll hoaxes" WO a stable thercon. • Al,St lot In Barclay towns hip . ' afore,ald, t,otalid tic , 400 :irrpfc more or lean, In the wart:mu, 'time of I'eter Ladley. , A 1.'. 4 0—A cerlathi Tot:in Barclay twp.atoresaitt con/alninz.:eli :ter,: inure or less in the warrantee :mom. of Wolter otewart. 4. .V.Sn—A•reri,iiniot in Barclay. and !ive,rton Mi.:. 111 sam'mmitty, contarning 4na acres more or les4, in the warrantee mini.' of Andrew ].alloy. 5. A LS. I—A certain lot:l7l.H:ire lay tv.liatoressitl, containing arre.s more or less, In the wartanteo, nain.. or .I,Kcyh:fadir v. Kaell one:hrth Interest in the above tracts will bo ,eparately. Thee tracts adjoin lands - owned by the 'Barclay and, the Itarclay.ltailroad I;asseg through the D. it. cunnturhain,aLd Andrew Ladlfy tracts. - JOFCI.II aildi Peter Ladley warrants are known t. coutalu'vaMalde Coal 31inest. also, lrposits ."uf Imo and tire ('lay. The saw milt , on the It Ii • t:unninghatdt tract oil, but the mill Wa i t is valuable. will al.,losell at sante time and place; the ninth. sided twtolfths' of Charlet.. I). Cash and ra.•ll, In the:followlitg lot ~ o f land In the Itorngh.of Towatol.t. ,entutty - and State •aforeAald, bounded and de•e_ribed a, foliates: viz: Bounded 4 the north'hy rofther street. - east: hy'Thlril street, so nth by lands of A-. li.: tare, (formerly Wm tt fir ti.), wv-t by an - alley; being about 164 ft front on sald Th trtt• sheet, and 220 feet bank - Un-sald , Poplar' Areet, utth a tr o.stora• brick:4;4loe dwelling , fratniNl barn at it other otitbulldlngs and a fe et fruit and ornamental treed thereon; said rot, ); ate n a• the "Homestead lot of: p;erfd Cash Es.: '• • Eavh.,,h,...iitt it Interest ht the , :above tot will bd ,erttately. sawe'thne and place the inter- . est of ii,,r_e P.Wash‘in a certain hit in Asylum; on:My - find Stan . : aforesaid. Bounded as follOwaOriz: Beginning :to feel smith 'of •an, oak stump the mothea,t corner of Sauntel Vanderpool's Int; Ilil•nce westerly and parallel with said .1. , ,,,,1'b line to his • ,outirwest cornfr: thence westerly on the's.outh side Of a road propm:ed to be opened from the Mtn Ilp firptentik,ned to the corner ?-1.,j• Merit i1,%A1, and Th, iiic I.e the most eliginle rout • to the foot of a sinalaill en the present road about 25 rods or mom wC...: of said lost ment foiled corner: thenee southerly ' an 1 in lino withsa fallen tree lying:term:4 the creek 1 , ..a point 1..10 f,ct•south of said erica' i'r Holden I 'reek 1; thence ea , derly and parallel ‘yltlla,llo Creek to ajimntinuation Of, said Benjamin's weer line, . titmice northerfy to place of beginning; .contalit Mg .. a nig stone quarry. ~. This lot is held under \ a contract' front Win R. Storrs. dated February 11Th, 1i70,-and said Cash's interest to'saill contract onfy4o be sold. " . - - IL— TERMS iti* ::; .1.1. F. ' _Ten per cent. of the par. eh:toe money to be , paid on the property_ 1,014 • z.: I tick down ; ten pe cent On the confirtuation of :lie sde. and balmy n one year from date of sale with intereq front t ate of sale. The unpaid pur elm, money to to secured to Bp.! satisfaction of the Ai....iglier. • 11. L..1•3170,TT, .•‘Sslgnete. • • - I will also sell M S3/Ile time and place. a lot of I,rrsonal nropreff belonging to George P. Cash,. 4...t.sistttg oflsoine quarry ttpols and goine judg nients and areottnts. • - TEJON .1 SAT. . -4%1.414 Townrl,l7 Till A L LIST-FEB:TER:II,IB7S. sE.COND WEEK, (''F Piere, , ,ase vs Edwin Blakeslee Elias I tairotel:er 'vs - Corneltus lltstisleker. .1 0) l'iMst vs 4) A Borns. et al .1 It Cowell v. Cordella M Killer Jairrs 0, 05111% an vs DaTtit.i DriNcOli trespass II \V Itatrlck ve Beni:unlit Northrop Meet Thomps•ll vs - Michael Cott:matt ••joet Fas.o••tt_v. E T Dark, - rt al ' eject Itartcm cliff vs AV S Ford ' trOVer 3""P.1 Taylor kic F Wrltrs's attw'rs - in) art .I'r:tut:. T. tttlia•rt vslit•t) NV•\\ elle,. et ill. , elect Fir , : Nat Rank Athens vs Johnl) lif , /r dolt f.irifforet Park..' 11 , ..1 , The0114 , 11glit'rt; " , Pi at.sel fa Am .00 N" Iteeker Dl•ettard Pratt/ rep t A Ices:miler NOO.l t t Frost and :sin.. appeal.„._ .1.4 n Nlettle vs Lemon, I) e litl t'"Vanee vs .1•0110 - it 1 1 'IV L and at. o) .1 I) \Var.' vs 11.0hanott Mutual IttlItIntr••'('••• r.tlebt Thomas Ma; thtoNvs vs 11‘000 . V.M.) 0 4.r. • W o oiter Ellis vs Ih-was Ml•falton's es'•otinpt lev.,f)e wit's rx'r vs 1.;••••; El•i's - 'r • jeet tre vs rt F ano SiAvers /1..41 hunt's vg Ge.,rot It mune, .... assiltfipt .111 A tI, II Ttlynor v, NV .1,4 , 011100 r " 01.'4 Film E.Mitrholl vs dailies Kelley •••Ject„ • Tit sies)_ , N LEV: . . I, l Vice Ward:Luau vii Irani' It Illarkinait ~ Issim Tiiisiiie Ist:m..3 . vs giro '% Khmer . • deld. ' J. Ith nm v , 1 1' ii ,, r1 , •11 ... .. , 21.1 , 3 i M Wt . rA: .Mery vii !lir:tut Itortici sts' - ltitical ' - (sale N Wliiticiy v's 1.:111,41 Nrtritn..!,•., et at ~,,i la is:11161cl 11 ',milli vs Levi Wells I. , stuiiiit. 'Elitner .1:III, Hewitt V. Sahli:el Kellum ' deer . .kileliit is Leiinard'va Roderick %Ml:mei trils•ai . W e t I..iviice'vr 31 1 . 1 ` SIIIOI,II‘IVVT ••• CI, fa ,anitiel Walbridge vi.sW W Deqker ettycliant • Waslilligtoi Miller vs John li•Seliritilet ' •iyis•al ilcid•ge N lid] is s v.; Isaue Deeker, et al ' , :eisouipt llrlilgiil Ci•iiiiii.V vs'W R tsfcrrs eject dcrelidali It.•tli vs }rank Goddard - -" assoltillit —Elilaiii't Hall vs Itleharil Kennelly • nripoil di I' Chalice vs Miles I' Taylor, gar • Ail ex 1 Jai k-ou Lew Is vs I , E Pickett . • debt ..., I dacidi-Mt•Scal vs..l . W Cowell„ rFp II Miller vs Illaite•W.iles - aiiiil Edward t ivertiiii v. Vol islinitli'ii - e),:rit..... Edward iuiertou vi, Vol Smith's t'a'rs... I C_cliilson v's , T,Waltniati , Win May vs I. T Rap, - .. i siusair ,':ether. etUl v - i. c W Doane 1 lams s 6111 vs Levi Wells sstiliiienws2il Week - returniible Monday, Feb.- 1, l'i • BEND. If; PECK._ Ij..Aorida..l3ll paryl7, IB7s. --Pn.thotioihry t,I 3 \ I;l' I 1:1 NS' COURT SALE.—fly- • .. 1 1, \ f s, virtue of :in order lasued out of the 1)9,1414,4 5 , 4 • 44 , 4141 or I.tratifi.rd County. the undersigned. exeen- • tor 14\1444111M Decker. late of Towamia itec.4:14.4 4 4i. will.expose to politic sale litg,gi the pre m. ,es; at one (1'1 . 1111 . 1, Y. FE It 10. i , - 1+7.., tits ideceased's one half intereist in follow- •' in described real ostnt: I: s inning ht post on the Berwick turnpike, , corer of. 'substilvlslon of the Franklin Collego f lots, N'o4. 9, 17; thence along sa;,l 4,,repik. North eV ) West H 9 iserrhis and. WO to a ecrner lot 'No. 19; arid by No. 19 South. :134, West 14i loci - idles and 2-10.10 a pine' tree: them, by sob division Intl Nos. 49 and •44i, • .:alt , I'l. ^ ierchei and to a Hickory Sap- • lieg. a corner o snleilivision I.ot No. 17. and by • ?Is; North '3 O East .13s perdu., and :I-la to the place of begin log: containing 73 acres ant S. is•reliesof land, sore or less: there haying be,•it • In sires 11 \land oi, .the SOW!, Easterly _ eOrtter of the san44,:' by.the Grantor of said tiered, .440:'which had (previous 14, his 4 44.ove . yan c es himl been sold and conveyed to Schradr. • TM:MS.-1110U as It la struck down. 'hem ou , I.llln rmatlint, and the residue-in tyro equal anhual in'st aliments. from contirtuatlou ia- .. intrre s t front eunlirntat ion.' • • E. T. FOX. W. B. .ExeCtitOrS. IMMENTSE Auorrows NOTICE.:.--In the l'ourt of Common l'h , as of. Bradford 4;ounty. Davi4..lonis, 1449:with 8 Co. VS JaSOll II and 1. W.Stnith. Tkrm, In7t;,:• Tile undersigned; an Aiidhor arpotutted by the Court-to distribute (nods arising from the; Sheriff's sate' of defendants real estate. wilt. attend" to the duties of his appointment at the ettleiLof - Overton the horotigh of Towanda, on SAT r 'WAY, the inth day of }TAM '.\lE'l, 1878. at In o'clock - whatri all persons having. claims against's:dd fund must present them; or be forever debarred from cumin in on said fond. Eil SOrT, Assrgnee ME • elect ~.appeal :'fa el f . ...appeal ....trespasl