Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 17, 1878, Image 3

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    padfold Nglortet,
l'crwavii,. Tlarsday;Sat. VT, 11178.
Dealer In
S !
Towanda, Jim. 18, 187.
The roa Once will be kept open front o 'clock,
A. 9!., Notary Order and Registered
Lettir depcirtmettl trill rtose at Ccrclock, P. X.
ON StN,DAYS the office wit be open from 9.30
to 10. M, A, M. • . .
3. Malls will arrive any depart Wm Towandicrost
Of ice as follows until further notice.:
Froth the Worth. PA. i S. Y. U. R., at 12.313,.1.x.
I.ecked inalljr.An. Elnlith zuclusst and west at 10:20,
From the South at 5.. P. x.. Through mail from
rtilladelptda, Nest or and Eastern tates, 4
From Suite Line & S..
It. It., at sap. S
A. X. A.m.
From Barclay at 7 2.. lc a
. .
From Canton at S V: li..
From Troy et 12 it. ,
From Leßaysellle, Rome, ike:, at .1: x. ..,
From She.shequln - at 10 A. X. '
From Mehoopany (Monday, Wednesday.and Fri
. s. dar) . at 12 it .
From New Era (Tuesday, Thursday and Satur
day) at 11 A. NI ... ,
1:1223331 N. Y. R. R.; South. A. x.
Through mall to Philadelphia, New York and
Eiger& ridates. 1"), o'clock, P. 11.
• - Nnrth. 4:15 F.M.
Through Mall to . T.inaira and points 'On ' c N. - C - R.
R 10.30 A. 31.
S. &S. it. R.. 'Reptile° and intermediate potnta
2:45 o'clock. k.
Barclay. 1:.3e r. x.
ritath.. 9 A. N. •
Troy. 1 P. x.
Stiestiequiti,' 12 31.
T.eltaysvllle, 1 P. N.
Ifehoopany (Monday, Wednesday and . Friday,)
-at P. x.
New Era (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday), at
1 1" ss
W. ALvont.
TrIE pews in the 'Presbyterian Chtirch
brirg an income of nearly three thou Sand
dollars this year. •,
. .
REV. 11: A. CuEvimys - n,.of Boston, will
lecture iirt.hesM. E. Church of , this place
next Monday evnii,g, :January Sid>.
ject, "The Struggle of Life.'.'
Tiu Widow .of the late 'General LIENRT
- . W41.F.S died in Cleveland a few days
sin. Her remains were buried beside
• those of her husband iu the cemetery at
Tint:telegraph Oleo at this pace sent
4,72 S tuessages last 'year, anti-'t'(ccived
4,963. These figures d . t.l not - include rail
road business and free nicssageg't , ,
• Tiit: friends ~of Rev. Mr. EVERFri,
paitor of the M. E. Church, will pay him
a donation visit at the Church, Luther's
Mills, Tuesday, Jim. 1878, afternoon
and, evening.
Tus radies' s Benevolent -Association
want second-hand clothing immediately..
Friends, Will ytm re.pond- to this -call ?
'We can use any-filing.- Send iu your con
' ibutions beford next Wednet4lay
WE, the trustees of the Colored Church,
tender to the people, of Toicanda. and vi
'6nityour hedrty thanks for their liberal
conkributions in assisting its to raise
in all. Thos. Blt.htt, Sec'y.
DONATION VISIT. - -:-The friends of Rev
llAu.ucK ARMSTRONG wad wife will give
'them the gixtepth annual donation visit
at the parsonage, 31oureeton, oil, the af
°-terpoon and eveniug of Thursd4,,,,Jan.
24t1,1 3 , 181'8. All are invited.
REV. IT. A. Cl.EvEt.msu; of Boston, lia's
consented to lecture before the Orwell
Libraiy Association on Saturday. evening,
January nth, at the 31. E. Church. Those
who listenedto Mr. CLEVELAND last win- I
ter will need no second invitation to be;
vresent on this occasion.
-WE leatiithat•the saw-mill of lionAcE
Wsnwicx, in Standing Stone, Was
stroye:l by fire on Motiday'bight last. —AII,
the machinery and a quantity of Inniber
was deAroYed. Loss $lOO. No insura lice.
Mr. W:has' the sympathy of the
MRS. .M ecru will instruct in,
German the' Collegiate •Itislitute,
commencing with the next term, MMulay,
Janu'ai . y 2S. Mrs. MEact:a has made a
specialty of German for several years,
Lacing spent two years in Germany.
have •no doitht that-she will have alarge .
class. •
eoL: MEscHAA lectured to full houses'
. at East Smithfield, Jan. 2, in. Cmgiega
tional Church,- and lan: 3d ix the liisci
ple Church: The Colonel's second lecture
far surpassed his first. !Te is evidently
doing a gixid work, is advocating a govd
Policy ; and one of the mbsj i naturatand
eloquent speakers of his age.
Tut; Ea 4 'Smithfield Graded Selitiol,
under the present ma.nagentent l , is looked
upon' . as a.'great saccest. We' hear very
favorable reports in all directions, and
ti ere is bit one verdict.' Ihe following
is; the corps of teachers :
P , iiirip;zh•Prof. J. 13. EVERY.
lutertnediato - ; Ev.A. SNTDER, Primary.
l'Fl k -osAi..-=Di-. D. LEONAJM
' after several months' praCtice in hospi
tal los,'hieago,: has returned to his home
7 alai resumed his professional duties..
—C4 fi:ActrAm trill lecture-iu-3lercur
lo 7 ingrrow evening.
. —qtrs. Ovt:Nttittatt and sister, of De
trait, Mich., are visiting relatives ,in this
A coItit.F.SPOLNDENT writes us that Mr.
B. F. WiLmor, of lbsUie, while work
ing on the railroad bridge 'spanniug To=
wands Creek at Motiroeton, Tuesday last,
fell into the water of ten feet depth, and
swain to the shore with an axe in one
hanil and a lot of spikes in the other: lle
'di.l injured'a the aceidtnt or
(one make himself a Baptist, as as head
was fill the time above water. •
(),• .londiay afternoon last- the little
three-year-old daughtei'of GF.O. JACKSON
was badly scakiedtlix - falling into a pail of
hp Pt water. Dr. JOII,NSON was immediately
called and dressed the burns, which nearly of the body. The little
pattent.'boto . her sufferings with a fortij ;
tulle (plite remarkable in -one so young•
She is , an nricommonly beautiful and in
--teresting child, and every kindly
furls a deep Sympathy with her in this
painful misfortune. •' -•
AtTliornif tlui Town Council baCe'
pasEeclan•cirdinaitce prObibiiing , hpys from
• getting upon =ring trains passing, tine'
the I.niough, the law Is a - de'ad letter. On
Monday morning a lsd.namect PRARLEY
_ 6 ° 1 1 , 4 %N. while attempting to .step from a
• 'n l "v•eg coat-train, had his foot badly
crushed luidpr the car. The unfortunate
boy-wa - s taken to the Ace of..,Dr. PRATT,
where the. wound Wit ',dressed, and the
-Young - patient, is doinotell.•• _lt is Won
derful that more - accideUts l o; this ,nature
do not.occur, and paients who allow their
eaildten to be upon therailroad track are
'very culpable.
TEM. following officers of Watkins Post,
No. 68, G. A. R., were installed for the
ensuing year, on January llth, by D, W.
Bari; installing officer : =•
Commander J. •Asnaiw
B. V. - Cominaiuier-4A3rEs Birr-4,Wr.
• V. Colimander—GEOßGE ?firm.
Officer of Day,,famns Purr.
Officer of Guard—C. E. Asnarts.,
Chaplain—D. W. Scorr.
Byrgeon—J - . N. tAl t tFir.
Quirternyuiter-0. D. LYON.
Adjutant—Joszrn TIRKET. •
Representittitt to Dept. Enetzmpment--
C. E. Annunws. •
Comrade Gto. V. DYER tppointed a
committee to procure names of - all volun
teers froin Towanda boron& far. the
-•nnty history.
moutatii. —A very pleasant affair
eatt4pff last night at Pennyville. At an
early hour Stevens' Ball was filled with
good GARgers—and some good-looking
orke_,N_to,o,hen they pracesded,to install
the followineofficers :
W.":0.--.TEFTErcON 311. Y.
Cut I
W. L.= RN
IV. G. X.—_CoLsl.4l;
Cerea-,Mrs. PARVIX CoviLLE.'
Pomono—Mrs. 0. A. BunrimAk•
''lona.—airs. G..C. CORNELL.
Lady Asit-.-Miss B:tuilltx3i
Then 'followed a stepper, and such a
supper !—everything . do tempt the palate
of the most fastidious ; in short, it was a
complete siecess, and I am fully persuad
ed in my own mind 'that,some day lohall
sign myself Eier Yours;
SAMUEL J P,of 11.
Ilidgbury, Jan: 2, IS7B.
LERor.—As we see hue . little in your
colums, frorri Leßoy, I t4tight I would
send you `a short 4.itezuqt product
of a small farm ; the case I am acquainted
with and think the statement Correct:
COLT is CiLtNEV has-thirty-tire acres
of improred land which produced as.fol
lows, the majority of prices being taken
from actual sales shade by him: 5} acres
corn ir-olnceil.so4 bushels of ears, of 30. blptiO, $151.20 ;: 76 bushels of
oats, 30 cent, s22.tyo ; 35 bushels of po
tjitoes, 30 cents, $10.50 ; 161' bushels of
buck Wheat, 50 cents, ssit.2s ; 3 toils of
bay; $6; $14.00 ; oat straw valued at
-1300 bundles coin stalks,' :1 cents, $432.59 ;
From - 3 cows, 9 tubs of butter (40i
at 20 cents, :;Ii•z1 ; sold q-calvCs foi- $17.00 :
sold-poultry to the ;IniMint of $13.00; 749
Pork, at 6 cents.' $44.9-4:' Making
s4o9.li9—about $16 1 : per acre, besides the
pasturing for:3 coWs, 2 ca?ves and 1 horse,
the' product • from the garden and _ eggs
sold, flow will i mir . county.average with
this'? - A Suusuniumi.
Leßoy, Jan: 8, 'lB7B. • ' -
Tnor ITEMS.—The week of prayer was
observed by the Methodist
churches at theic respective housd:s of
I worship.' No union services this.year t as
in the three rears Mast.
Ilev.(g.W.WAnF. of . 4 t. Paul's Chni - ch,
received a Webster's Unahiidged Die-
Itionary and other valitable presents from
members of his
a few days'
since. Ile ' is highly respeeted by every:
one and a great favorite with his peoPle.
Mrs. N AitNot.n, of Ithaca, has
been spending a few weeks' with her
friends here.
Mrs. courn..l:, of Philadelphia, is risit,
ing her da:igliters.firfri fek days.
The Murphy Baud S,ylvauia are soon 1
to give a tine entertainment at the hall in
that place. -•-
Mr. and Mrs..t. IL OLIVER flaVe" just'
returned from Nunes, where they have
becin 4siting,
B. consented to deliver a
leant e before the' ( 1 ;riolcil School on " An
cient Mr. B. has given the subject
much thought; and study, and-is well pre- -
pared to do jukiee to this important hut
too much neglectild study, , t , , **
WE COPY the foll Owing notice of . the
death of Capt. LEST ft the Memphis
(Mo.) ./kreille. ('apt. IL was an uncle of
Mrs. C. P. WELLEs and a relative cif JAS.
COA BF, of this place : \. I
`• It becomes our painful duty' ,i•ecoril
the sudden death of one of our best and
must highly•respected eitizens: CaP4in
.lames S. BeSt died at' -his residence
thiS city on Tuesday morning, the
nit., after a brief illness, in the :1:1d year
of his age. Dn the Friday previous he
was about time as usual conversing with
his friends, and in the ei - etiiis retired in
aPparently as Bond health as he had been
accustomed•to enjoy, though he bad not .
been ip first-rate ltealtli fOr sc% eral years.
Early Slit Imlay morning he 'called niewr
bets of the family to his bedside and
formed thentthat sick. A physi
cian was at once sent for, lwho pronounced
the cause of his trouble piiraly4is. All
was done for Inin :that possibly could be,
but he continued tu'fail and grow worse;
lying in an unconscious state the greater
part of the time ; with'blit little or no use
of his.linabs, until about teo'clock on tire
motning of Dec. nth, when death rebeved
him' of his sufferings. " •
"Capt., Best was born in Ireland in
152-1 ; 'came to this country with his pa-•
rents, in IS3S, . and, lived in- Quincy.
until ISss.•when be removed to this'oMn
ty: .sii.ce ? which time he has made Mem
phi.: his home. ..During - the war lie served
with credit. as a Captain in the t2d Missouri
Militia, and in lefsl he was elected Sheriff
of this county. lie was, at time of. his
death, a niember of - thc Episcopal Church:
In his death our community loser one of
its best citizens; and an bonOrable, up
.rigi4 man.. He vas buried 4 the cemc
tery in this place on Wednesday with
sonic hofiors, of which order he was an
old and respected teernber,"— . •
WEST Wysox.— With the thei-picinie
tki' near zero, and. Old Jack Frost oi!tile,
rampage, the Wysozers have kept Close .
quarters fot the last few days. Wednes
daylast " Old Sol." put in an appearance
and loosened up-things generally. To
give an accurate 'account of the changea
ble weather 'would certainly Plizzle the
wits of old/Madame PARTINGTO:s:, Or \ Mrs.
I.totoNTE,, Who once said at a tea-party,
"if she had het life written out m full it
would make a large dictionary."
Thepeoplee of this district have reason
to congratulate themselves over our well
conducted school by Miss BCLI., who is
well qualified 'fdr the task. The school is
evidently well managed, judging from the.
high terms in which it is spoken of by
both parents and. children. • •
Rev. Mr. Attstsrnotio,. of Monroeton,
has for E'orne time past kindly supplied
the people at the White thumb with ex
cellent sermons on Sunday evenings. As
preacher he posSesses r inore than ordina-'
ry ability, and his discourses are listened
to with marked attention.
An effort is
.. now on 'foot, to procure
.means by subscription. to locate Rev.. Mr.
1 11r.r..L as pastor;—preaching in the Brick-
Clith in the.raorning and in the White
Churekin the evening. Ile Preached here
two weeks since, giving good.satisfaction.
We aretgla Ic• state .that the.arnount re
quired is nen y raised ; and that the merri
bers,are Tettin wideawake, after a long
indifferen . as to their church in.
Wrests. If the me . hers composingtwo_churches would vv - • k together united
ly, Owe is no reason orb strong church
organization should not, 4.,• built up in
this community' and much 6• # s accom
Wysox, Jan: 16,A87a,
THE Commissioners have trulde the fol.
owing appointments for the present year:
Counsel.—PAvtra CARROGLIAL
Physieian.—Dr. EL M. - WooDnumg.
• ',Mercantile Apprai iser.,—p. D. Ring-
DAM. •
The selections are good and give gen
eral satisfaction. The appointment of
Mr. LEsvis for a "third tern)," is the best
evidence of his fitndsei for the position. -.
TnE stockholders' ot the First National
Bank held their annual meeting on the
Bth instant and elected the following board
of directors: Jos. Pofirma i N. N. BErrs,_
eito.--sTE - 37.58, H. L. SCOTT, E. W. HALE,
Ftsff, R. 0. Slum. Hod. JosErn Pow:
*as re-elected President and-N. N.
BETTS continued tashier. The state
ment of the First:. National, which .we
print . in another_ Column, tells its own
story. While' i :so niany banks have sus-; pended, this institution steadily increases
in business and in dm condence of Alm
CI no .0 rvs:.N Awav,--2-A - pair ~,of
choke sxB chromes is given free to every
reader of this notice who will send fifteen
cents . (pOstageAampstakeii) for a three
month 'subs. , 4q4ion to Leisure . Hours, a
large 16 pigs family paper, filled with the
best stories, poetry, etc, by the ablest
writers. The papers sent will contain the .
opening chapters of a charming story, en
titled, "Holden With the Cords," by the
uthor of " Shiloh l 0 My Winter in Cu
b " etc. In . order to make known this
pub kation to all, , the publishers, J. L.
Pattetik-Qo., 162 William-st., New Fork,
offer tlie\tove subscription at about half
price, and also give free .such a beautiful
pair of - chromos as will adorn any dwell
-1 ing. Double value of Money is guaran- .
teed to all who send. $1,500 in prizes is
given free to agents.—Adr.
TEE . Direct-Draft Eureka-Mower, man
ufactured at Towanda, Pa., has been in
great demand dating the past season. In
spite of tlie - hard times; their sales more
.than doubled the preceding yea'r. These
facts are net lost upon the leading capi
talists of our own town and vicinity, who,
seeing a promising) future for,. the direct
draft mower,_ lave united in the purchase
of the extensive manufactory in Towanda,
including alithe patents and titles s thetein,
vested. The purchasers are men of en
'Orgy, as well as large capital, :IA will
push the manufacture of i the Eureka, for
the coming season, to the full cap city of d
their works. .kpplications from arid pend
ing negotiations with -.:several parties in
the Yost for territory and rights,to man
ufacture- under the patenti promise a
large revenue for the new company. The
ofileerS and manigetnent of the new firm
have not been made Public- up to the time
, -
of going to press.
Tfi'n following correspondence-explains
Commander and comrade., or 5,,,,,,ii„., i)
z , .usiNF , s -.HINTS 'FOR, EVERYBODY. ,-,
• Pot, G. A. L. of Leßabari"e. a. : P
There is perhaps no subject upOn .which
iGENTs-,I send You enclosed a picture the great public is less informed than
of my brother, Maj. I. P. - Spalding, who .
fell upon the, battlefield of- Gettysburg''nse the United States mails. Post,
Whilst standing. beside many of_ you, his masters are daily obliged .tci reply to in
comrades. fighting in defense of our roan- quiries in person and by mail concerning
try's flag and honor. Will you accept this the proper mode of sending various kinds
piethre as a sli g ht token of gratitude from 7
me for the honor conferred on the memo _ /of matter throng thepost-office. It may
ry of my lamented bvither in naming be about a letter or package, -concerning'
your Prist for him, as also for the mar:s4' i f• money or merchatidise, or relate, to pee
actsof kindness `and confidence shown/. '• " •
Min and my son, Capt. E. A: Spalding. i - .
tal charges or rulings. The following de--
dining the dart: and,tryiug days that you i- part Mental decisions were made in answer
were together as:omrades in the army ? 1 to inquirie by postmasters, ~but the in-
May success attend your efforts and may formatiOn is also useful to the public : 1
the benefits anticipated by the- founders '• . !. - '
of your noble older be fully. •ealized.- and ' 1... - PartieS addressed have the option to
may it bring comfort and happiness . to , refuse to tale ally package out of a post
all of your disabled .'comrades and their i Office, or the hands of a letfer carrier if,
fantilies.: That long life. peace, prosperity 1 for any canie, they do mot see fit to ac
! hapPinsss may be the lot of every cept them. ,
Union soldier, and especially every-men- 2. A postmaster. is ,not, obliged to ac
her of Spalding Post, is the sincere and ! oolif 11l payment of postage-any enamel'
heartfelt p4ayer of your friend • 1 whiclitenay be so mutilated as to be itu
.!. A. 11. s r. „ ! •; m: , : ,- G. !torren ,.. t, . - •
Athens, Dec. 11, 17t1. . • I 3. A - blisiness card may be printer . or
. ~
nnpre*ikl upon the envelope •or wrapper
of a package of third class matter, with
out'subjecting the package to extra past-
. . -,-
. •
A res:qiition of thanks was heartily ten
dered Mr. A. H. SpaldinT for the. very,
acceptableandtimely gift of a portrait'
of their respected and lamentai Major,
who, a,;ltas already b-en stated, fell upon
the. memorable field of Gettysburg, and -
With thousands of others yielded up Iris
life on that eventful day that the nation
might live. Many,are the tender memo
ries of the past, • forgotten; perhaps. by
many except thrice who participatjd in
that long and bloody. strnggle for the
Maintenance of the honor and perpetuity
of our nation, and there isitotbing. per
haps, .which so unites the hearts, of any
people as to - have been banded together
in the detNse of a common cause; there
fore, we, 'soldiers of the GranOrmy of I
d e Tepublie, have united ourselves to-,•1
ge 1-r in Fraternity, Charity and'Loyalty.
Frat ruity, tbal,,,,we, may assistonean
Pother In lightibg the battles of life and
ilia intaiiii •14 a respectable existence in
this laud w - s,fought to save; with Charity
toward our tying lirothers-of the South
• t uipa n di e ted fy4he history of anr natim t
while our fealt• to the flag and Loyalty
to the gOvernme is supreme,Land the'
prayer of every true 'pion soldier is that
God. may so direct th hearts and minds
of, the rulers of thiS He)tic.that peace
maylong reign throughon our borders . ,
and that we be henceforth a d forOvcr a
happy, united and prosperous col&
. 'J. D. MANDE , Y•ILLE , IC m.
.I. N.. SMITE, ‘‘,, •
Le Raysville,: Jan. 8, 1875.:
_ .
—The new year of-oLittell's I,fring
opens With the number,for the" Week end
ing :January sth. Owing! to tue recent
estaldishment c4' important periodicals
abroad—notably The Century
in - England—aid to the sinsultane'ous itll
- mcn t of others, a fresh impetus has
been given to foreign periodical tre ;
the ablest living thinkers and' writers be
ing enlisted in its service town extent;
heretofore _probably unequalled: . The
Liring Age presents with 'satisfactory
..eonipteness ,whaf is most valuable in
this • literature. The publishers already
aurronnee. for early numbers of the trla•
year, articles by Louis Katith, ex-Gov
ernor of Hungary (on the Turkish Ques
tiOn)-; Pref. 31ax Muller, Prof. Goldwin
Smith, the Duke of Argyll. Rt. IfOnora
ble W. E. Gbtdstone (on Courses of Re
ligious Thought), Richard A. Proctor,.
Prof. Owen and others (Studies{ in Sci
ence), Franc - es Power Cobbe; Alfred Bus
selLWallace, Prof. J. C. Blackie, Edward
'A. Freeman, Afattnew.Artiold, J. Leslie
S'tephen; x lohn Ruskin, and other eminent
writers. In the department of fiction the
best foreign 'authors will he represented
in serial and sh'ort stories.. The publica-
I • •
tio'; of a 'new story by Williani Black is
to be 'begun in January, from. advance
sheets, and other attractions will follow.
The volumes of-this Standard- weekly
magazine for the new year promise to
surpass .even the previons'ones in inter
est, and in importance to Ameriean lead
ers. The beginning of a..nevevOltiine is a_
favorable time for new snbacriptions \ ,`and
the publishers still; present to new suit ;
scrihers'for 1878 the last seven number
of 1577, which - contain the first 'install
7inents of a fine new German serial, trans
lated for Th.c..Lici.izg dye ; also- a serial
story by Miss_Thackemy . , and the'-usual
large amount of ' other" Valuable . matter.
For,fifty-two numbers of sixty-four'large
pages each (or more than'three thousand
pages a year) the liiibicription pries (SA)
Cis low; whihr - for 10.50 the publishers
offer to, send any one of the'Ainerican
mbiatlilio.. or 'weeklies 'with .The Living
Age Tor a year,. both postpaid. LITTELL
& Galri : Bestnn e arc the publisbers, . •
onwerth Loin; N's. 57; Knights of
ta k in\
Honor, celebrated thei.r th I,inniVersary
at theirroome, over liton 'a a fore;
Moady evening last:. The wee filled
with guests at the hour of. o the
public exercises-8 calclock p. en. •
O. A, Bt.tcx Wed the chair of s - • 1
and gave_the elicit ens of welcome. - Re .
Dsvrro CnArr, re Sowed with prayer. The
31M.Loct.brothos, three of whom Eve in
Waverley, the lead' being a resident at
Towanda, sang :a song; "Rush the:lC:my
baby," in a very - effective manner.. : Mgt.
S. P. Warrivtin. played the - piano amen.
[ . air. Kra-ram:on read-an address . upon
"The objectsland benefits of our order.*
This was a lucid and ,thoughtfid , 'exposi
tion 'of tho .moral and material •bpneti a of
a fraternal resociation for mutual ele
.tioti miiitimpnyvement; founded upon the
sentiment, of the brotherhood of maaami
that charity which seeks to alleviate ee
-1 sufferings of hi:in mnity. There is tot
lisp - ace to recapitulate even its leading
points ; but all who !maid it will heartily
agree with me in saj ing that it was i
highly interesting and instructive elucida
tion-of- the objects for which the order
was established.
• One of the pleasantest incidents of the
evening was ,the presentation to - 948W
Lodge ,of a handsome Bible:. This was
'done by Mrs. F. E. Posy, in:'7 a neat little
speech, in behalf of the wivstif the-mar
ried. members....W.lterdgers reap raided for
the Lodge; song by ut.toct: icolothtrs,
"The pure, the bright, the beautLful."
A very agreeable. surpriie, yrbieb vial
not on, the programtne; was, atroMed by
the guests .being served with delicious ice
/cream, cakes, sandwitelies,
The net song, "'Tis.,moonlight ori the .
lake," was encored; and in response' they
gave a very, amusing solo and chotus en
titled' "The great len Convention." This
so_heartily applauded as to Call out a
• pathetic piece, "Only an outcast."
Dr. Wuoinsuits read .a brief article
gaing interesting statistics of "Our Or
der." O. D. WiristtAN! followed with the
" Early history of Crystal Lodge."
Rev. D'Avin CIiAET Spoke of its benefits
as a mutual iife-insurance company.
The singers gave. us ono of those half
burlesque and half devotional plantation
songs, "Angels, meet -me at the cross
roads," which really have a weird. and
thrilling effect when sting as, it was that
A vote of thanks from the audience wlis
given to Mt - tLoi.:E brothers for their ex
celleht music. . .
The entertainment closed with a solo
and chorus, " fkaven our home."
:May Crystal Lodge . "live long and
prosper," and thus be enabled to celebrate
many More pleasant 'anniversaries..
N. 0.
age.. ' - ,
N -I: A. mail carrier _should not receive.:
mail.tnatter unless he is one mile ormore.
. froth a postoilice, and when received such
matter should be delivered . into tbo'next. •
postolli..N.Lat - whielrhe arrives. This rul
ing does not refer to mail matter. proper. I .
ly . enetosell'in- Government stamped en.
velopes. N
5. Anythirother than an a&itess
I written or priaed \ upon side` of a • ponl,
i card which contain\ the words, ." WNW i
1 theleldress. on this, side, the message ofßi
Other," renders the same uninailable as I;
; postal card. ' . , ,
1 6. When two or more kinds of mail
, matter are enclosed- in the same package i
I the entire packagelis :übject, to`the higher 1
I rate. . . • - \ , .. ;
7 To paste orattach anything Whatev-
er to or upon a, postal card, except\ the
name and residence of the person addreks . - i
ed,nders the same uninailable,as a isls'.. )
tAI ;card.,
I ' S'.l3lanns - cript passing between (either -'
_}.way) antiTrs and publishers' of books in
the mails is\subject to a postage, of' one
i cent for eactr . outic.e or. - fraction thereof.
! -9. •` Drawings , " made with pen, pencil
or licugh,-are subject to postage at "the
1 rateof three cents for each half ounce or
1 fraction thereof \ I
' 10. Music nianugcriPt \ and proof sheets
of.theisame cannot be sift through the
-mails at less than letter rates of postage.
- 11. Manuscript letters- trMiSmitted by
mail are subject to postage of three ants
fur each half ounce thereof, when sent in
tiled or unsealed envelopes.
. 2. Unpaid letters containing orders
for 1,, ods cannot be lawfully., carriedity
the re. '1 carriers outside the mails.
13. SI .cimens of penthauship,enclosed
with pri d matter cannot be Mailed in
the same, pa -kage withoat subjecting the
My*, packag to letter rates.
s Ransfeker.
\\ l
Merriti iV\tight vs
Rule nuide
allunsielter ti=s Cornell.
Same Qs Stniti.Salne vs
er, et-al:•Susan Coueee.ll'cs L.
trustee.. Cti H ancht S
C W John R
. son, ir, et al.r-Itules a,
J C Beardsley vs Griffin Magee, -et -at
G C Atwood vs same. Peter
J B Ellsworth . . .1 Deidiemans use vs Wm
Coolbaugh: lI.L Millet vs L D Parine
-ter—Ru?e to open judgMent in each case:
JOseph Humplitiy vs L B aMI - J Mitus 7
to set aside execution:
James Finnel vs Mutual Building and
Saving Fund Association of Tnwanda- .
Garnishee. Rule to enter judgn.ent
against the garnishee.
A L McKean vs Wm Biles--Rule, fora
new trial.
In're the petition of C P Snell for the
benefit of he.: separate, earnings.—Couch
grant prayer of the petitioner. '
Moses WatkinS vs W N Frederick.--
Court direct a Tend ex to issue. •
In -re the assignment of Wm T Dailey
for the benefit of his creditors.—Rule on
Iriine Burgess, Assignee, to :file . his ac
Jas Foi's ex'r vs H IT -Hickok—Court
.permit plaintiff's hill to be amended.
'Edith Wandell vs 0 A NV - andel—Court alias subpoena to issue.
Su►n Blair vi G A.-Man.—Court direct
Sheriff tO\rnake proclamation.
• Addie Dicinson vs G-3I Dickinson:—
Coiat'appointl3 , Long and R H Ransom
Es. 4, Commissioners. " •
Lelia E.:Scudder vs Nelson Scudder.—
Court grant a divorce. ' •
In re the assignment of C B Kitchen to
13 : Van Dyke for the benefit of his
creditOrs.—Court appoint C WeliolOmb
mid Levi Nobles Appraisers.
Charles Drum&met - vs Oscar Dyer.—
Court appoint.' P Ssudeison, Di% Mas
ter and Ey.aminar.
POrnetoy Bros' vs Bradford; &
Co.—Court appoint Delos Rook. nett, Esq,
an Audito r . to distribute the fu : pd raised
ty the S h eriff's sale of defendants per.
glottal property. • -
S -
HER_IPP'S SALES.--By virtue
of sundry writs Mined oat of the Court of
Commen Plea. of Medford County. and to me di
rected, 1 will elipmeetapublie Macon THURSDAY,
the Slat day of JAN...111714*M0 door of the Court
House, In Towanda, at I o'clock g. it., the follow
tag described property, to oft:
Owlet, piece or parcel of -laud situate In Troy
twp, bounded north by lands of Samuel 8 Purple
and Ben) Smiley, east by lands oCcupled by H I)
InteLeollth by Dads occupied try A p Pitch 'and
Lucien Stiles, west by lands bf Henry Hescock and
Widow Kirby; contains It 2 acres more or Leas, about
160 imprOved, with I framed house, 2 framed barns.
other outbuildings and orchard of-fruit-trete; there*
on. Seized mid taken into execution at, the suit Ot
'D E Ward vs A J Close. '
ALSO—AII that certain plece of land situate fin
Armenia top, bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a Stake and stone on the south line of
Alex Perigee:lot, being the northeast cor of 1, Hur
dlers tot; thence east 120 pen , to a post; thence
south 100 per. to a 'post Ln the girth line of -T Fel.
ions' lot; thence west 120 pem to a post, being the
eoutheast cor of 1, Bardtet•l lot; thence north to
the place of beginning ; contains 7q, acres more or
less. Seised and taken Into execution at the suit
of Alrord Roctorlies Hannah Runde!' and 1) W
Runde% 'l' T.
ALSO—One other led situate In Athens top.
`bounded northl:y lands of Mrs John Kelley, east
:by lands of --iran Down, south by lands of John
Hriseoll, great by Ceater-et: altienproved, with 1
framed house, and few fnlit trees thefton.. Being
lot No 23 of Shepard and Elmere plot of South Wa
verly. Seized.smd taken Into execution at the suit
of H 8-McKear: vs H Morgan.
ALSO—Ona other lot situate In Burlington twp,
bounded north by lands Of Charlotte Norris, east
by the Berwick Turnpike and lands Of Mrs Ann
\Catist.n, sotrth by lands of Johis Spencer and the
:bee highway. ,west try' lands of lioraae Brown
an Abel Schick; contains lso acres more •or less,
a 100 improved. with 1 framed bouse,2 framed
barns Ith.shede attached. other ontimilidings and
aa o of fruit trees thereon. .
ALSO—Qne other lot situate In Burlington tap,
boundestmerth by lands of dames W Nicholliseeast,
by lands of 'meg W Nicholls and Washington
Dibble, south • the Berwick tett:pike, west by
lands of
.A J BPa Mee; contains 50 acres more or
le-a shout au Imp west with I, 1
trained barn, with s ds attached, other otitbulld-
Ings and orchard of fr it trees thereon.
sttsts—Otte other , tot mate In linrlirgton two,
boimded north by lambs o I Weed, east by. lands
CHI IST CHUBCII.—In October last the of George Sinume and othe • south and west by
budget James W Nicholls' c stains 50 acres mom Vestry of Christ Church decided; to snaker no „ . •
Amnia quite extensive repairs on their •AL 40—One other lot eltnate 1 Town
14 bi ro ',
bounded and detteribed Ks follows. Beginning. at
house of worship. The' contractl 3 was the southeast cor of lot owned by Jol Laggan, sit
v ss_ nate on the west side Itrolge-st entire: et
nOtaregell to L . B. .nononnts who ptislveci ' tending along Laggan's south line ion ft o a cur:
thence southerly along lands of .1 J.Grinit ant w
the work in his to vigorous style, so&
Patton 40 ft h.- a cor: thenee easterly aims said
on Thursday evening last the Chureh ow, ortmtbs• lot 150 ft to a cur oft liridgo-st afore aid;
thence along said Brldge;st ieft to the place of
again opened for services. Revs. F, D.. ginnlog, art th 1 framed house thereto.
11081U818 and J. M. HA/Wilco were in. the aLm ' fte .. fither lot ~thole in Towanda born', bonnded and gest-rib...l as follows r Be:tinning MI
church with the Reettir, J. S. BECIIB, and mtetou.A st the northwest esuf of let sob! to
da Carter: thence alobr.: the smith line of If
the former delivered and interestinf dis. westerly Vs 5'40 ft to life line of other lot pf Eine
line Huston: thence *inn the line of Sald lot south
course appropriate to the occasion, at the -line
tea cot on slps north side of alley of B C,Mer
conclusion of which Rev. Mr. RR
_ails car; thence along easterly abort so p to a
cor of Chas 11,i-Kintinv; allure northerly along the
Mad the dedicatory, prayers W
. o had line of Chad.* Afelarin:Lr. t'ltariee bateber and
intended giving a tlescriptionof the build-Lorinda Carter to the pare of beginning, with
tram'd framed barn and few fruit trees
Ing as it now appears, but . want of space thereon. Sx.l7:d and tateninto executi..n at the
suit of A and .1 Morley vs Nichols. Also at the
compcl 8 118 tr. d ef er rise i t until next week. suit of Edward Overton to se of ti F Taber vs
It is only justice t 3 the Rector and Wars-.' " '
ALSO—tifie oth..l^ins rlttlate lir i.e. Rev tWp.
Ursula V Fitulkner vs A lc Alger:—
aL-Teaite. i• H F Mayna.rd, and p C, Do
Witt, Esqkfor plaintiff ; Daviea Canto- .
chan and Etlianan Smith, Esq; for defend-,
ants,. Verdi* for defericlants. •
•Wm May vs T Hoyse—Weipass.
Patrick & Foyle foi'plalntiff ;• H.F May
nard and D C De Witt; .Esqs, for defend-.
ant. On trial.
dens to say that lacy are entitled - to the
hearty and unani - nous thanks of the con
gregation the painstaking efforts-they
hive taken to renter the Church not only
fomfortalile but really attractive and ar
tistic in appearaace, at a oMparatively
small cost. • •
, . .
AT A regular meeting of Tpiraznla
Lodge, No. 200, K. of held on
. day evening, Jan•. 1, the followiisg
officers were installed by D. D. G. C.
:Tom: - CALIFF for the present term :
P. 0.--(4.0. 11.. Wool).
C. C.-11ENTLY ilAlutis. •
V. C.—L. 11. F ROST. -
Preta te—O. J. Cni7r.nrCß.
K. of R. and-S.—.T: IL 0nc(:7,77.
_JL of E, —T. P. VA'Nvt.F.E : t.'
if. of P.GEottGE CLARK.
.3f. of I.—C. C. 31uwEn.
. . ISIELL9cx.
0. G.- 7 1V m. IjHysKR.
Trustees—O. A. BLACK, WM. IL 'DECK-
En, jr.
Tiff: annulil festival of the , Pre.s.layter!al .
Sunday tri'z.liooh came of 'on 'New Year's
evening and was a decided succtu s. The
stiperintendeni, D7A. Ovravrox; vas pre
sented with a , heautiful copy of Jamison,
Fausett ‘5:, Brown's Commeifary
Mrs. BALDwrs, superintendent of the
Primary department, was the reciplent.of
an elegant present in• the shape of . a. dozen
soh silver spoons.• The school numbers
over three hUndred and is iu a. flourishing
TifF. following, ‘officcrli,werp elected by
.the stockholders of Citizen? National
Bank at the annual election on Tlirsclay
hu4: Directors, E. T. Fox, JOHN" . Mix .
J. L. KENT, N. C. ELS - 1311.EF.,8. M. FECk„
8.1):17yKE1n.41.1.:JAME,13 31Ac4'mtLax E. IL
A.' Foximi„ DITTRICII, P. R. .A.CKLF.Y,
and M. B. Ifnionir: At a sul*quent
meeting of the board E. T. Fox was
chosen Ibiesident, B. 31. PF:CK Viee Presi
dent, G. A. Gctussr.v . Cashier.
The condition of the institution Was
thoroughly examined and prcmotinced per,
fectly.satisfactory, by
,the stsckhohlers.
THE County Auditors' are busily engaged
examining the accounts of the county fat
the year Dill. The board consists of D.
,L.k.tcrz and C. L. Sttia.-
'The verdict. of the people is
thatM. E. ROSEMIELD'S is the?
And now I am again before thepeople, with the
Martha Luckey—
DOUSE being obliged
ohj 13e11-
For the benefit of their creditors, the
assig . nee ha 3 sent to 71
F .
\ •
••\ • -
'36 ;;;sltlve instructions from the\MCnee ire to
sell these,;oods for - Till, as soon asposelble s • •
- •
EL E. M4:enBel3
That have ever belt.Mrerefl to the
Attd Its surrottndlngs
We !lave also a larollne of
Come Early If lips Want itargaina.
Towanda, Dee. 1,17.
....- ..,.... .
got:tided north 1,3 the Towanda Ca,eek, cast by the I.:gel:a:west hyl:inds of A llln , le a, I J'tho 3 "h!
put-lie Wghwa.....r , known ai ihe Mmaittain Road, earn renitains 320 aeres more or less; about 150 In
south 1,, lands or the sehrader co'ai and Sand co, pros,-d, with 7. framed boaseis,..l framed barns,
west by lands of 1' A LI eleomlit contains 40 acres granary, other toctilitlalin.. : ., and 2 orrhards of fru(
more or . loss; about :ti Implored. V. th 1 framed trees thereon. • Selz, it and taken lute execution at
hoase, I fratnittlatrii, I framed.shoto and few Milt the imif of Jl' Kirby vs N N Parks, and Oscar N
t recta therroh.. Seized and taken Into ex:et-MI6:1 at Park , : TT.
the stilt of 11 $ T.Me.s's use vs :lames M - rt'ranev. ALSO-tier other Pit situate In Burlington twp
XL: 4 5.1.--Ont: other lot situate in Towanda twp, hocnitrol north by Sugar. Creek, east by lands of
hninva^ 4 and eit4serile` ,l as ft-tin:WS: lb:giants:gilt a - Mrs CYtathia parker, south by the palate lal hway.
pointin the lino of Smith Willlanostt•thenre at a l's Its- lattils of !;"Ydn , l" Vao4/ : . a t oms r ' in ' res
' r1e,14. tingles wit ti said solith Willlatm ea In ;tweeter- our{: or lese,,,alsult 13 Improved, with 1 board house.
ly dlkemtion 130 ft to a poet 1-0.51 r Bateh's-pet; thew, I bokul barn and few trait tree, thereon. Seized
%north 7I.:10 . east 5 . 0 ft to u t cor; thence at right and takeninto execution at the suit of Job Slur
angles with - the la‘; m -t i tionsial fin, win to smith ley'. mat vs Marvlsl ito/.. ,,,, :1. r :r..
trtatiana,,,t; thence by s ..On, wigly,...q. ,„ ; , : h T i e,. • A Lsaii_eine oilier lot a 11..1,3 4 e In Burlington two,
30' west :'Oft to thr plaee of begillis lug; sons being bounded and ti. s.irtheil as follows : Beginning' at a
'Not N. 17: 1.1.f.$ (•-and .1.. w Means., tot In Towanda, cor near the spring In the centre of the road t un
iwp. as per map MA. by Wm II Morgan. with I -ping southerly tolthe centre of the bridge arm s .
Framed Lots: 111 - reon. Sels-hl and taken Iwo exe- the pond; (limier sontliwest along limn of I` 1'
cation at thin sole of Thomas-Meredith's use vs S., Set's loud to a) Hu! of stake and stolivs: thence
Horaei,,arail Win Ilezonan. t• • north 17'. we.t tat a ear of lauds of I' I`. Burnes;
AL) ) ,C)---One other .tot situate in kr'ho•nii tap, thenet• liorth 4'. last to a CO4, te• 14,111 of Will otl l .l
:bounded north by lands of Alfred Ripley, east I,y Timothy linfoyleillicnce east a2°. south Caplan, of
it-ids of Ttenry Covert. south, lay lands of Hosea •lc ginning: ein.tatltt 67 , aeres Caere orb-se, :Moore ta
•sentt amt ether lan is of ilefrtilant s AlaustM Smith, linpr .ved. with 11ft - clued house, I log barn, afal a
w , !st by lands of Waioer Potion; being. lot No :90 few fruit- green thtireon. Setze-1 and taken into eis
or, starrants No usit and 095: rontalsis 100 acres Innurt eentlaut at the ' , tit of A and .1 3t”,it-y vs Debuts
, er fess, anti is a part of lands of Ileury Drinker, Fictin and Timothy till A1t0.., , .
deceased, as, salialivlderl by Sairistel,qte,tit , jr, L
' A°. )--, the other lot situate in Overton twp,
.. .
ALS( r•-tine other lot situate 111,- A rinrillit twp, bounded and al:: - - ,lrit.iil as follows; Ilegtiollog :it a
• bontoled north by lauds of Waiter knit:tad and said lietutnek cor south ,T.:',°. west MI pens to ii Item
' daaronilant. A lanson snit O. east by lauds of flu-ca lock ..,17,11 thl-n0.",,i,0th 05 , ..a.-,a..-; 22 2.d0 p t.•: 't,r a
5 1. 14,b South by toads of Joules Furman estate. now chost lie t • sal,ling cur; I hol:ce South:l'3 *a . ---- 59•: lands of Cranford, west by lacols of Atiaoti Paltrier; rt . , to a past; thence swill, al •,..., west S7l,rs to a;
contains Ili acres anti 2 pers tonne. or less, and be- post; thence north G. , ,0, west .00 110 q- , rs to the
ttig tot No 133 of Warrants 934 and 215 of the Sugar a-pitwo of le•gl,,iiingt,e,entains 50 :rtes.
_Creek' land of N Drinker, alea•eajed. as saballelleil • A !.:Qn-otte otla.-r tot !ilta-nte. In Overton tap.
by satunei Strait, Jr, atiout 1:0 RCP, improved on bound.' and desetilk,l as follows: -Beginning at
both or said tot,, wi t h 2 ruined Moises, 2 frimed the ;wet hires; err', of a tract bf land 'p t
'tarns.. ',frail:rr rind Orchards. thereon. Seined awl 1 tee 11.1.1117 . 01 .1 Downing: awn, nort ii:,-;:.„,0,,w,..; ms
• taken into evecutl'on at the sai• of I Vri, t re e , Nur,- 1,..,,,,1,-, a - post col :thence south a 2 - 2 °.' 'Nest toti pers
. X IVITIZ i•xrcator of 41 p•thei,,t-ii, vs a iatomn smth. to A p,eit cm: theltee ea.tery. along the line of Neu.
AL'O-flue other lot situate in Pike twp, bound. .bon Ilineladd atoll Andrew -Wift 12. pers:to the top
el and desernas! as tallow,; coninottodog at :a of fla , orit• - k a•: -fames Ileveriyes fle1,1;1:1111111 , , 0:4111V,
broth lace standlog' near the highway upon the the top edge of the em-kis at N•r, thence' east i tier
line of Into], of John Alderson:. thelle.r north `NO!, to Ito- ror-.,r .1-. hots,!:lllleverly , ,latiil: theock.
deg. west fo ths east line of .1 W Bosworth: thenhe north 32 ~.,°. east k 7
. pers aheig 111-• tine of J rlt
north I°. east along, 5;11.1 ilosworth's nue 42 per, to . , ()Owning tract to the pla,,i'' , o - , :ginning; eoatato,
it tor: then,: south Slis°, east 67 Ic`r , to • MO..' 'nt acre. more or ',Ws,. Improved., vi nit t
waY: theta: smith i• - .. west along - the highway 40 ft:fined house, 1 16,7„ barn. a o a leer fruit trees
dims, to the plaim of beginning; contains 13 aeres, :thereon. Seized and taken b u execution at the
more or bees.„ . no impruvestients. smi .(I and takm :suit id Henry Ilehdierner vs Mirth', Ileklisimer. .
into execution at the suit of A(A. Keeney vs Sylves- A I.Sti-i aye-firth - -r- - lot: whoa:: In Wells twp.
to Wood. , ' 1 s' lit,undeolaitit described as follows: 111.g1t10;11: :1:
AL.:A)- 7 One other lot sitnate hi 'C'anton to - p, i the southeast cor Of lot No 13, of the allotment or
Lint laded north by holds of it 1' and D C Manley, the lands off lie MM.:hats ester in Wells twpafore
ea't 'V lands of (i‘• MeeKer;soull, by the To- said. coneeyed to J ohn' Strong: them,' atimg the
wanda ('reek, nest by laude of 1)r N°Snd 1b: eon- south tine of said lo: north eft°, west S 7 0-l0 p'n.:
talus'.; :keret: more or lesii, all Improved, %still I thence along the east line to tot NO 22. , eonveyed la.
framed Melia). I framed tarn, and row fruit trees I. Moses. 14 Wyltai, ,till lf a°, west
thereon. Seized atobtaken into ...3001tio:1 at 'the t11.nre'..... 1 .0.r.y, the eat 1111 e M: jot ~ N o 2.19., eONVev , a
Statfit 001,154 r Fox, err Vs Stephen A Randall to lianDah C CollilaOlt With I', a, W.,..t. 13 7-in perst
and Jared S Manley. . them, Meng-tine north line of Mt No 123 hereittaf-
ALSO-tine antler lot situate in' Wilmot! tap, - ter ,lesetthed north -'n o ,cast Seri 3-10 tiers; thenee
bounded and described as fallow',; (n stains so along Da: west, ilne of MI NM 125, also herein:tin-1
reres, 00 pers, and bounded I,y lino begintilag :it a described north , 4°, east 11 , 9 tern to the place of
post In tlin warrant line; thesoett west 131 pets to, a begin7ill'lg; eontallts 63 3.16 au'n't mere or less, with
stone heap; li o smith 0 7 ki lorry to a Men, Heap: the maiat altowasiee of 0 pe r r cc far rot d'!', etc. I:
thence cast 100 per, to a.stone heap on said iastirant being- Mt No 214 of the allotment of the litheim to
line and thence Mongisanao mirth 20 0 , east 71 pert tantls In Welts twp.. ' . .
to.tho plae,i of begin/ling; tieing the same pet nds , s - A fee.4- , -ine - 0t1,4 lot slttla!e 11l We-11.• twp;'
e ,, ONeyea By the l/1.11, and administrators of Satoh hoanded and ,b.,. cra i,,,,1 ~,, fellow 5: itegitlainZ at
Ii Battle: by their deed dated 'tiny 16.. 1557, to said the ,oillll - 1:lSt. (IPT Of i 1; No 1:s aionveya,r to John
. .tagain; about 4b) acres Inaprovod, with I Mg house Strong; the:meaning the ens; Ilne rii'..3i , Flot,iiorili
and few fruit treks therm's,. Belted a,.,1 taken into 2. 4 0, east 59 410 pere;•thent-,- along the soutii--lito
tesetaition tit the Fait of Andrew T Mal • tirnoek, sal , Of in; No 223, Conveyed to Theoplus Moore.:,hod
siring atlin`r or Saran If Butler, ilec'd- s - s 'Patrick , the smith liter of hit No 215 eos,veyed to I. F Ad-
Ragan. - stns s ‘ ouzh era 0 . east 495..10 per;.; fit •lie anolig _the'
• .
AI .Sr4z-4)ac other lot situate in TOW:II/113 1,01 . 0% west' kllio of pot N., 214 rottv;tyett to John A. Ayres
Moulded wteth ;,y sta-,,,,,t. cast 1,3 , ;and, of —.. • sonto . .l t-.:., o - e•t Ittl , I. pora: the-hi'' atilt along Hoe
Keeler,imatithibe, west by 'lands of A C of 1,,, N 0214 and the west line of tot No 212 con
stOtit; tieing WI front Oh I,llil Pop!, and 139f1 veyed to Jesse sermon] . south rt °. west 63 7-1 0 is‘rst
dc - ein Wi th I framed how.). I f ramed barn and few thetsee along the line of lot No 12 , aforwaid, 'oath
`frnit Dees thereon. Seized and taken Info i-N,,,eu.. .o°, was: 4.-: 7-10 frers: thence along the west line of
lion al. 111.. Sall of .1 I' Kirby', me vs tr c May., lot \0 224 above 111, descriTied.`north ',°. east 103
...LSit-tine aches lot situate In rsallth Creek twp, petii. - ro the imam of - beginning; contains -19 acres
hounded anti deacrlhed as follows': Beginning at 3 more Or le`F.s w I thilie usual allow ince of 6 per cent
hemlock stake on theiiortheast cor or haters owned for roads. etc. It being Io: No 225 "Utile allotment
by James W ,Suffern, twining thence southerly ' 1 of the Ithathani lands it, Wills tap.
along said Suffern land - afoot Tr; 4-10 rods pin ebeid- A LSC-one other kii - situate In Wells fwp,
nut slake; thence' easterly along the lasola of S Pet- h o unded mid desert bed . a.., follow , : Beg:lining' at
tingill about 7 ' " 9 "'ls' t" a whit Pak Maker the southwest ..or of lot No 2.14 above described;
thence northerly- along the land contraeo by par , theta, along the south" Ufa. of. saki' lot. and the
ty of thefirk part It, Ephraim Hat tersotryl l,6 lll 7 6j south Ilne of lot No - .1 above dec.-W.41. r.orth sr,
4410 rods to a white, oak stake; thetire weaterlx. I e a „: Its peel; then, atong tne crest ltio- of said lot
along the land; own.-. 1 fly Charles Suffern. about 7 . 5 I No 212 a tormethl eenyeyed to .1e ,,, , taliaparg south
e-in rods to the place of bcgissithig teerititanis atioat l°, west eti listo per:: thetwe along the north into of ,
31 240-acres, 1-i t tie same mote or less, about 6-arres tot No 1.27 ber•-lnafter described north 32 0 west 62
I tapri . i iVed..llo hangings. Sellted atol taken.lati , WC-,
Sun. 3.1 0 p,.r...; tloence along the mirth line of but No 3 , 3
e ' uln i' n at the " it (- f F 1 - e "ai l vs .bas K A! mt . ; hi , 1 CO‘ tlcll,l to 11101.110,1 1101Tfill, 'Muth •lN Pk . ,. 0 west 70 1 , - ,
At Sir-One-other lot sit:tate In Scant:l4ml: tarp. I-10 p-is; ;hence along the west title of . tot No 210
110111111 Pd and 1.11 , 11.1'11.ted as follows: IliTifoiNig at. a afor e ,3l.l, conveyed to Hannah it Conikton north
whit., oak - s4ake„on the northeast err of lauds eon. 1 , 5 0 . east C; 0.10, tiers to the plare•of oegitening;
trimted to James K Areidgh, conning thence awn li-eigitains.s6 2.16 aerts Wore or less. with• the wocal
erly aloug.s.ll,l A inel gh land about 70 3.10/rogs to a 1 I
alletvamer. of 1. perr tut t. road. rte. It lit s -Ing for
' white oak stake; thence easterly along the lands or j No 12,: of the allot Went Of - the Bingham wits in
Aba t er Knapp ationt 75 6.10 roflg to a stake and , Well , tact, '
stones; thence northerly along H lands belonging lot AL:slit-One - other kit sit hate in Wells twig
to Longwell and Banner about 77 2.11.1 riots to a dam:idea and ilesrribed. as follow;: Beginning at
hemlock shake; thence westerly along the lands 1 the southwest con of lot No 12.5 conveyed to :Jolt!, 41
owned by.Charies Suffern, :Omit 7.5 0.0 rods to the: Barnes; theence along the west side of said lot and
hiller "t itettittilngt etititaltis ?twin 36 2.10 iterea, be 1 the west line of lot N.,111 ronvey,.„l to-. 3-,..,,,,,, Shop:
the same more Or leas, about•S acres improved, no I nr. l . a foresaid , novill 41 6 ° . east 53 3-1 ° lien: - then"
bnildlngs. -Seized and taken into ext-eutlou at the ; still along the line of nit No 211 nort h. I°, east 012 I
suit of F 14 Hall vs Ephraim Batter:mu. . t 240 per's; tlierict..alOng the south line , of lot N o :r.:1
A 1.80--9ae. scalier_ lot situate la Monroe twp, '4,Otituve described, ton tit 89 0 , west en 0,19 peia4es: '
hounded tiorili bylatals-of - tieorge.frldsottl, rasp by I thener along. the west line of lot No 3 , 3. af0re,31,1,1
the. Berwick' Turnpike, south by lands ,d• .!.err,, I cone - eyed to Tll l / 1 11:1,1111,1IPII and line of Mt No 240
Blackman and llre Gard, west - by the smith branch ! eon, pod to 4 Steele .coal 1'3 , 0, west 112 5.10 pet's;
of Towanda Creek; contaltis 0 acres more or 1et.1,1 11111?11.1. ,till along the. Ilneof tot N 0240 south sot, 0 ;
all improved, with 3 framed houses, I framed barn, ; cast 337.10 pert and south 2:',°, weer. :73 I.lo' mere,
I blacksmith shop. I wagon and paint shop, and few ; and thence' along the north Bite of lot Ni, 126 east
frult trees thereon. Seized and taken tutu, evert- I 57 3-Ip pers to 11.1 , ',Mani of Ir-glinthig; contains 57.
(ion at• the stilt of It S Bakes's use Vs Fran kIIA C : B.lo . a,•res more or less, with. the usual anowanee - ;I ,
.Switet. - . ' ! 0 pet eent for roads, etc. It hieing let Nut -127 of '
ALSO-One other lot situate in Litchfield tap the_allotment of the Bingham !antis In 'Wells twlr.
hounded :MI described as, follows: Beginning ..1, ! The above described 4 lots of land tieing the saute
the' NoW Viiiiit Stateilluo at rot of land of tit iner t t hand conveyed by Win llingliam's trnstees to Ste
peariodl, ruritling southerly :Orlin said . Pcarsall's ! phen I. Parmetter-by deed dated Jan 15. A 1) 1072,
•land to actir to a stake: Clyne., westerly along land , and recorded 10 the office for reeordlog deeds. ete, i
of said Peariall anal II Ball TO :I 11 , 1111017 k tree. oti I in and fur Bradford Countv in' Deed i Book, No 111, I
cor of Ball, 0' Lovinian. mid Jonathan Hunt: theme page 154. ete., asp of the said land ti,ntattilog 127 ,
nortio,rly by
_lands el A 4 - limit anti Jonathan ' al-tes more .q . lees. alsett 100 11,1,r0ve.(1, with I trans. ,
itunt to the State Moe to lands or 'fluiddeils Lee; led muse. 2 'framed barns-anal an orellatd of fruit
.themes vlasterly:along sold Thaddeus Lee's land and :, trims die a.o.n. Seized and taken Into execution at
Sitate Lino to the piano of lel:pining; con Mimi 1 , 4 1 the int: of ICJ, Mllleri;:sou vs Lewis I'm -
- acres morn o r les . ,, nnont is unproved, with I trait- 4 A Leit4--thir.tither :4.: situate In- Trs,y
ed lions:. I reamed harm 1 water Nan - mill, and few I boarded unit It by bands of Daniel 0 N], ea-t
fruit trees thereon. Setlzed and taken I nt,, ex6eAt- by Mackticy-si. South I,y the publi c highway lead- I
tlen at the suit of Andrew C Hunt vs Samuel and Mg to A rnomia twp. west by,lanala of E Van Dine
Mary I) bee. V and liofart's tannery lot; evidatas nacres and 147
A Lott-4'mi• other lot situate In Athens twp, per:. wore or It-se, all improved, with 1 ftanied lands of [lentil: , Shc'an and Win house, .1
framed hart and
.few fruit trees thereon.
Rork-AM. east ley lands at Wm Iv o r Card anal .Iola: A LSO--One other lot situate 1140 ritienitc.tts p.
(Viirlett,...oaftli is lands of John O'Brien,. wee t by . hounded and desitribiol 'as folloWS: liee,allollO..l In,
lauds or Thomas Donohue: contain!. 54 acres more the &titre of the riot at Seeley Rimier's southwe• E
o r less. alloal Irl imilerw ed. no Indhl big', ' cor: theneediorth `0 , ',.. We.a 72 pers to 3 con in the
ALiol-aline other-1M sttaaar In Ithlglotry tap, cetote of Ow n-ad, lion lace n o rt II 2 ° , east 107 4,5-10.) ,
bounded north by lautf's\of 'Thomas Donohue. cast pers to a stake ant stones.. 4 14 Beeker's ear; thence ,
be lands of Thomas Donohue, south by hinds . or south 06 0 . east 22 tears to 0 stake and Siolle* Becky'
doh ii Leary, west by lands': of Dennis la In ; t on-' et's eyrtt Minim north 2 ° ..east - Vs') per.S to Monroe cyr
...3ios 20 acres tarn or less. ab o ut 13 Unproved. 1, il 11 'make 'Mot stones:. thenve shwa., east with Mm,.
1 framed house, 1 log house and few fruit trees' -roc line F 3 pets to a stake and stone , . Monyars
thereon. soil t hoaat nor; thence south 2 0 , nest 40 I-la wrs to
-.ALSII-The Defendant's undivided hi Inteiest. 1 a .take and stones ILW Millers !for on
in other lot situate In It idgintry
_twit, ~1/ •11:111- 1 5 Boyle''.
line: theme math s7 ° , west 3a 940 pers
ed north by lands of Thomas and Jane Chattibers, Jto a hemlock stump cur; theme south ° / o net lei
est be lands of 1 anies . M.,• Ayey, south 14,, 1-oils of 1 pers_ to thetplaec ot beglintingteontainS;:yaeret and
Ant Moir -Atte.. Ives; by, lands of Mot ri., O'Connell; , SO pert, of hind more or ions,
coat attic 54 aeres more er lees. about 44: improved, 1 ar.set_okottiair lot situate In Arinenla tap,
mt th 3 framed litooe.e. I framed barn and-, ipmed i botatadrai north lands of 111 ran,. Wa' Si II ter. east
Stied aral few fruit trees thoreon. Seized and tak.'n 1 bv land. 0(04 , ifallard, foriticy.y mr ned by John*
loin eze,titoin at the suit of .•listilas .51cA:sey, I llooley, south by litois of 'Jame., ma'son. al,d alms
adin'r ys Patrick J Mr Asey.': a ! Ktilgiv, west' by i:-.1:0-, of. Stumm/ With:tins; eon
A Lisl)--illie other lot situatN 111.1gliary re,p.',, tams ;go ac r e , ~,,,,,, or let, / . - •
Itinttnieassortp by 'and: of Allen O'Leary, „east 1.1, !`„'IL,P)-(/11:,1311l:-/* lot , illlat,!iitt Armenia tarp, ,
' 1,.,: 0 1, of 14,1soti Gillette, I,,,iitli by tands 4P . Nolsoil ' hounded awl deli-ritual as foll>iiis : - Ilettleablng at a
and' Varon'tilllette....mest by lands of Aaron 1411- post and stones in the east Hire of lot No 329,and by
L retie: contain* 35 flere,3 more or lips, 10 linprove.l. 'Whiteman t'ierce's tot nor :h 2ls per:kW 0 1/1,1.4 la
L 'lVlal,l ft01:14110U,V, I board shanty, 1 log barn, the Hilo of J heck eck or's , thence by said Berk-
I and few frult treces thereon. Selz..4l'and taken Intoer , 10,t2E„w5t.,:3.7 , 9-In pets tll a pod, a cor of...lsaac
' exerution at the suit of Bil, McAfee vs Hiram W I NV lillanNot: the Lee byi.:aalil, Williams's hit smith
1 ISIS-Pets %) antia
ets to , post, stts3 1.10 pert to a puss:
'A 1.841-One other lorsituate In .Tuscarora tivp, thence by inkin Mason• - ‘, , !ad, south Ili , per:, ton post
hounded and described as follows: Beef :fining at a in the wart alit line. and th-nue along thesalti war
last In the original warrant 11no;thence north 12 %,." taut line weal 110 p; to life place or bi t giiittittg:
i east 13ti pers to a'post; thence !loath tr3la 0 . east along contalna.lon aere,,,4wl 6 per. !non.. or :less': a beliag
I t a t , I I „,„ of r u i ver 1.17, 1 . tr, to An oak; thence watt h lot No 32'. and' Par, l (i. lot Sc. 326 "s known and de s '
.0•4 0 , west 47 2-1 D rod; to a point in the line of; Ell. Ignateil elf the/ map,or plan of survey' and solidi=
' linger :thence south 74).3, -0 . westl . 72 pen) to Ilni first vision Or the Henry lOvitaker Sugar Creek lauds)
mentioned line; contains 72 acres and 611 pers More always excelling awl resening that part of lot Ni,
or lees, about 60 improved, with 1 large new tram- j 226.0 . 0 the Lorna side:ot the public highway. The
ed Warn and shed, and an orchard of fruit irces an three lots above ti.:Strritic,(l 'wing known as t he
. thereOtt., l ltenjantity * Young ratan lii Arntenir top. and con-
ALSO-One other lot situated° Tu4artira; twp, • talus altagether.277 acres and 00,p eras tan we or less,
!mounded and described as follows; Beginning at a about 240 Improved. with 1 trameal An - riling lantse,
point in the line of Edinger at a cot of thellno ale- It traded barns with sheds attaadiell, I trained
scribed lot 47. -1 0 roils from th e oak con tnentroned . - tioe . p..n; 1 • finne d eltairn house anit,:eintro power
in the ahovti4lesctiptlon; thence (nun said plaec of I thereon and other outbrilltlllip and two orchards
:beginning south 6 ts°, ;went 1, , .r.: 8-10 pers to a cor ; I or/ fruit trees thereon.- Seized 'as,l taken
thence north &alio, west 72 pers tothe crock:thence- si i tto eater allot' at tliestflt of Elijah liosekrans vs
\along said creek the several Courses and distances et ti
Benjamin Tong.
fij a cur; thence-north 831y'; west 70 perm n
s.. ALSO-One other lot situate In Smithfield twp,
to an old‘vrarrant line to the - place of beginning the, I,Oundeil north by lands or 0 , .1 jtairiliagaine and
first alezeilbed lot; thence along the linc , of the ft rsr I 51:itlacw•Ilahner, by lands of Cyrettus4 Forrest
descried hit northeasterly 1.11 pers. to the plate/,fand the piddle Idglii.'tay, south. by lands of ..1 M
beginning; conMlns 102.aeres and an pore more.//or - Berlin : game, west by lands of .1 31 Burlingame anti
lees. about GO Improved. with 2 framed ita;,l n llng - itetaryTieree': contains-DO:tete:smote or less. about
houses, 1 herse barn and sheds, 1 !rained . ob •78 acres linproved, with I (rained !reuse. 2 - framed
house. 1 granary'orrornhouse, 1 bog pen, aid-an . taros, 1 framed granary, Caller .olttlfOildlitg% and
Orchard of fruitlrees thereon. / I or hard of. (Chit trees thereon. - Seized 'anal Maui
ALSO-One other let situate In Tusearora tap,',
,luto execution at the saill'ef I' I, Ward es e A Bur
bounded and descritietfaa follows : AdjOlnlng the t litagante. . . .
last mentioned tot on the„east,.tteglnnlng on the I . A 1.00-One other lot. situate' In Wilmot twp,
eastern ilue thereof at-Meter. of Edinger; thence.: hounded north by lands of stoe.oll urns', east by
along tea line of Edinger eaiterly 2.4,t0ds to a cur; , lands of whl6w Vaughan:.sonth hy 13JOIA 0r.% Ras
thwice along the line of Edinger sonthwesterly 40 I eiteraw, %test by laildsof .1 A .Itoge-p; contains 71
rods to a cherry tree Its the littebf ,the lot LaSt above i acres more or less, abont : 2s Import., w A
Ith: I m:,
& scribed; thence Montt the line ?(said lot to -the ! the board bonse, 1 ~mall bOusay 1-c rn house and
place of .beginnint frontline 'Z. arres more or lam, , young orchard of fruit treess.thereo 1
a. Seized and
all improved. Seized and taked•infaii,execution at l taken Into execution at the suit of ono It Staltorcrs
the suit of Geo C Atwood as NY Iltrroweli ff and Wtnee ea Cl' Bosecrana: , , :f; I
i .
Barrowcliff, TT. Also Who-Butt of F. Wat- I ALMF,Orie other - lot situate<l Athens 'tap,
11.413 as W 8..,06. Also at the snit otA Arra. I bounded and described as tellesrit, Beginning at
, . .
. . • . \ -
i , '
strong Tv .salite, Also at the salt of L ark, hi Iller 1
& DeWittlituttevs same. "
- ALSO-bie Other lot situate in Miter twp,
Mended north by 'lands of the estate of Darius I
layer, east- by-the public highway, south by Landis of- 1
widow Flood, west by lands of the Dart ils Myer CS
tateicuntaltes X acre more or lens, with I Stearn
grlit mill. and all Inill natures and machinery be
longing thereto, and other:outbuildings thereon.
ALSO—One other lot •sltttte In Ulster twp,
boutided north by lands of Mathew House and Pat
rice Flood, east by lands ofnlimahai Watkins, south
by lands of Amass Watkins, west by the public
highway; contalnSlX sierra more or less„ all im-.
proved, with I trained &Mi. 1 framed barn, and
few fruit trees thereon. Seised and takeu into ex
ecution at the stilt of Geo C Page vs Z 0 Campbell.
ALSO—Oue other lot situate in Litchfield two,
bounded north by lands of Beni Parks and Silas
Wolcott estate, cast by lands of Beni Parks, south
by lands ocA 1' Wolcott, west by lands of A P
Wolcott zeontalus 40 acres more or leak about "25
Imorzored;. with 1 barn and few fruit trees_thereon."
Seized and taken into execution at the snit of -P Vi'
Wolcott and Frank Decker's use Vs Clerisal E and
WI.) Mann. , 1 -, ' "., - " •.
ALSO—One other lot in Canton two.
bounded north ny.lands of 're‘lerlc k H errick awl
John Crandall, east by 1 MS of George Sla'soff.
south by lands of bavid Barnes, west by lands of
Merrick Crandall and Addison Beals; contains 200
'acres more or leas, abbot 100 Improved,' with I
trained kouse, 1 framed barn andorchard of fruit
trees thWeon. Seized and taken Into execution .9:r
the snit of 16 M Petneruy vs ',John 31 Allyn nod
Merrick Crandall.
. ALSO—One (Sher lot situate In Windham twp,
bounded and described As folloWs: Beginning at a
cur of Zel-s • i llotehltlss` lot: thenie'south 45°, we-4
7 0 . P1r 3 toe cOll thence north 45 0 , west-140 tiers' to
a Tor; thencehorttb4s°. east 79 pees to the place of.
beganning :contains 69 acres and h 'pets more or
less, about 10 improved, with 1 Old shanty, I old log
barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and
taken into execution atihe salt .ot Myion Prinee
vs Geo M Vanclse.
ALSO—One other lot situate in Tnse.srotretwo,
bounded and dc3crilied as follows ; ,Begluning at a
hen:fleet near the northwest cor of what f's called.
the `• Mg Lot," belonging formerly to &funs Ing
ham, thence north 2.4°.east 131,X rods toa stake and
Voiles: thence south 71e, east 99 rods to a stake and
stones; thence south 449 west 123 reds to a brake
- and stones; ttnince north 61 0 , west Ca rtels to the
' place of beginning; contains 45 acres and 130
or less, about .4 improved. with I framed
house, I framed barn, 1 blacksmith shop, and few
(ruff trees thereon. '. eied.atid taken into execs' ,
thou at the . suit of Ste'pljtn CSlntch vs Eflw Smith.
ALSO—One other IE4 sltuate'in Athens twp,
bounded north by lands of A Cr Elsbr-e. east by
lands of A C Elsbree. south by the public highway.
west by. lands of [ A C Eisbreei and the public high
way; contains 4 acres more- of teas;' all improved,
with I framed noose, and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken into exeiMtion at the suit of A. C
Elsbree vs C C Snell and Mrs I' Roullandson.
ALSO--One °Gam lor situate in Athens borough.
bounded north Viands ofd L Corbin, east by lands
of Ann' Ilunnelf, south by, North-st, west by lands
or Mrs Kyncin; minmies f= of an sore snore Sr less,
Itil 1 framed church and P ram - 1 sheds thereon.
S zed and' taken Into execution at the suit .of F 51-
Weel,; , f \r es use as the First Universalist Church SocP
et) o Athens. "'
_AVIS . --One other ' Tot situate In Albany twp.
boom - led orth by lands of,lllmm Sweet and E T -
Park. east e the sm i th-branch of the Towanda
ton lil
Cre.di, sour ' ylands of 31liler Smith , west by the
Berwick Turn Ike: cold:Xis 3 acres more or less,
all lin proved, vi „. k . „. framed bon.c and a few fruit
tree, 14erni. Se z ed.and take' into execution at
the stilt of C 51 31 : n kille's es: , vs GeGEogit,:i. T T.
' A I.SO- .`ito! , other _t situate. in Wycox tap,
bonini ed north by :ar.lll, of-Charles Daugherty. ells!
by lands of lieory ltirchard. fe,se OrAtiall. and I!
S Allis, south b y bands of Thomas Dolan and Joh ,
the centre of the road leading from .the ScH.' ailed
'north road near _Aaron C Scott toward. the south;
west cor of Athens twp: thence by land of Aarortt
Scott senth 21a 0 , west bll rds too coo thence bytands
ofJ W Chamberlain s6.4' o .west GO 3-:t1 tale to a tor;
thence by land 'of Sothnion Robinson north 2% ° .
east 142 340 rods to a cor; thence' by land, of said
:Solomon Robinson 117S 0 , west 535-40 rods to. a Or
In, tlie shine wall; Gloom by lands of Patrick White
410 1 . east 43 340 rods to the centre' of the road;
thence In the same mad as follows. Rocittit79sit ) east
45 rods:thence south 02,1 0 , east 4: msdr. thence
South 7 214 ° . east 10 340 rods tOihe place of begin
ning; contains 51i acres mom or rasp, Meult lo Ints
proved.. with I framed house, 1 franked barn and an
orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized . .and taken
Intosexecutloa at the Suit of Wm Ilussell vs Adam
Witte. •
. .
ALSO—Cne other lot Situate in ' 7 Albatly -twit.
boutded and deserthed as follows': BeginnEng - at
the northwest cur of it:tel . /at:lel English loft thence
south GO O ,-east 127 pets to a stake cor; thence north
30°; castle; perm': thence north 60°, west 11.5.4 Owe
toa stoke con thente north 1626° west XI pera , to
the. novelty road:Mimeo:3lmm sa id , road norths 3 4,
east 12 Perst . thence:riorthOS pers-tn a hemlock co-.
lino of Win Camplit thence north .00°,- west-44
tress to stake cur; t .ence solith 30° west 155 'pets
on the Hfie of A English andZ Wood to post corm:
the line of B Yandike; thence south GO.. east.
1 4;
to tleverly road ; thencisorcinth 4r .:wet 45 pe
along said rbad,'atol to place of beginiting;conrat is
1:0 acres more or less, adopt 1(5) improved, with 1
framed house. I framed barn. 1 framed gran ey„ 1
blacksmith shot), 1 steam saw mill, and orch id of
fruit treesohereon. „Seirednnil taken Into torn.
* Out: at the stilt of Rockwell dr Titus rillfic ael 310.
•AL9II-.ono other . lot situate In Al ny top,
uttlt•d north by 1311,1 k of Joseph Ca Orli; east
and south by ohe public highway, wes by lands of
.(,'lark Ba , icock, being 1011 feet front a (100 ft deep.
with I framed house slid fe-a fritit Or en,-therObw—
eicept lug and reserving that part [Abe house anti
lot dby said Ormsby to Jose ph ampheli off tbg
part' [Abe
of sald tot. Selzsd an taken - IM e .
O .se-.1
etc ion at the suit of Edwi..Wer ii v s S s Ormsby.
. A LsO—Oneother lot situate in Tiiscarr.ra twp,
IMundeil north by lands of 11 ry and Lorenzo A c k , '
ley. cast 1.4- lands of-widow .ewls.. south by lands
of Ellen Styer.'west by la cis of Aden Lyon and
stiihiey Aekleyi contain: 70 acres tufwo or legit.
310.04 GO acres improved with I trained housti. 2
foustild barns and slted • attached. and an orchard
'Of fruit trees thereon. Seized And taken ,Into ere-
Outoinlit thc 7 sult of . ,I,L Von VA J J Lewis
ALSO--One other of situate in l.itchgeld top; /1
hOunded and dete r hell as follows: Beginning at the
northeast corner orlands bmfouging to James Hai,
ge'ri.: thence arm -07'-,°. east 25 5-10 rods' a cor of
lands of Wln T ttlerthence north 3.4., east 62 8.10
rods: thericet.outh 8I';°. east 111 roda: thence
south 2, 2 0 ., %Y OH on Dated Szoables .West tine 106
! rods In a co of said Strubles:landsotherce north
tali°, sees 152 rods tea stone: It beings thu south
' eit'st cur o Jadies Logers . 's 03.4 tot: thence north 2li
tWg., cos Ai}_ rods to th e - place of bmgmnh,g; ~,,,..
tales 14 acre: , and lIS pots room or lest) , mtio Jai.'
prorTents. - , ~
AI 'o—One other lot situate in Athens borough.
brooded north by lands tat(} I , Leon, John Bate s
man-and Tlt Davis, east hy4the estate - of G F / Saw.
yet'. south by lauds of A C'F.isbrae and Pa and % V'
e and It 71 Co's hind, west Uy the (theinung river:
contains 'la of an acre more or less, with 1i yramed
cost -•r shop thereon. ' s ' . ' • / ,
- A LSO--One-retherl it situate In Athens bernugh,
bounded north by lands of A C ttlahrf,e,
.jand s of John Pa rrull, s'„ nth I,r landtkr N 0' Ifmr.
ris, west by lands of Pa and N ! Y.O Mad R' R Co: .
contains %lan acre inure, or less.
~ .
, A l',Salirse other lot sl mate Ili Athens borough,
ffouridcd. north by 41. F Lyon, ewst•by lot No
I and land of A C Eishroc„sontil by lands of NC liar
- Hs: westliy Pa and N Y V and It ft ('o'4 land; being
irdfeebin length by 30 feet In width. Seized anti
take:, Into ettcidlen at the suit of Cltarlolte E Mc
'liLatneryy .", N and .J P Blood.. .
A 1. 1 . 1 *1-9!1, 9 6111.-r It,: ',I t 11315 In-Overton tarp,
bounded and deserilied as follows: Conithenclng at
a ants cor rut :sing ~ , , stherly :is pers to a .beech
coil thence wc•terly lilll - pore to a ;Hair map]-:
a brute norti•riy r,s p , rs•ti, a beech cur; thelle ca..:
i-aly tel port to ihr plfiee of lin:On:ling: contains
5e acres and I'l pors pyre, or less. 'about, 4 acres im s
proved, with I leg poise thereon.
- ALS:O- I file other lot situate In Route township,,
bontled , norfh by lan,hs of I. D Prince: east by:
lands of I. It Prim. aU•I Viola Wlia..on, sonih 1,, , - , ,
land: of N'ititt Whalon and James Prince, west IT
lands of Lewis lins•eili edit:at:v. 15 acres adore: or
• less. abclit s lin proved. with. 1 framed house. - I.
franked .b.irn, and few !ride trees thereon. Schtet
sad N-r..TI Into ex./Tit:too at th e slot of S N pron.
,1111 vs - VI, la Whalen. .
ALSO—tine other lot situate In Ilmine havr,,
boll - :,101 north by lands of Batn--y rIlri;„ east arot
sonth t I !ands - of A W Taylor. w.,1 he th e puld,se
high, ay; e , ,nniffil 29 acres more - or •
all duo-
mrsel. with I !framed- house. 1 fronted barn. I
framed gr.inary and orchard of fruit trees thereon.
'cued an tatiOirintoesOeuthin arthe suit 'of N
,Fros , 's Pasta.
AT...S(I-oov oiler lot. situate 'in Pike tonnsliip,
4 , orincle.a.and deserin,l 'as „fp:l , sw'; Begin:ol,Z its
tho.centro of the road leading fr. mule -state netil
to Ilonmr Stearns at Inf. mot of Georg. , White's
ion smlth 19 0 . east In the rt-iiii`rof
road 91 per. to a ear sif Sanford Wili , :e's land:
then( ~:1 ilto,-f Sanfr , ril White south 72 0 . ,vest
loa.y.ers to the oar:ant line of the King-shit - 4'
ilienee on said %liar - ran:line sonth 3 0 , west i 2 - pens
fo the eor 441 4- amtkr , l SCI e and Writ White; thence
north 47°. west 7 , :`-2-I0 tors on lino of Dr Whipple
and, rii,,,rge White; thence wont/ V: east 27 pers.:
thoto-,4 tort h ;12°. ca-t 37 pors.Alieure , north 25
deg. east 4i p•-rs tfka post mid he swamp r1:11 in said.
warrs"st ntit•::l ror of - Gce, Ichite: thence north 3 0 ,
east bun said 'ari - iinflines 75r10 pers to tipo
la , mt,theni:e north ca•t - 74 2;10 tiers to OM
place of 2.,egioning:' vontalus, stet, acres noire er
talon: improved, with I framed '1,11. , ". 1
Jr:inled isarn, and °reliant of fruit trees tb-reon. - •
A 4„, , ,.(c—c me-other lot situate in. Pike tor. milli,.
1,„„a o and C,l.rset flied fnllows: 11 - egliming at
Mir ;i cor of lands formerly owned by Rem
hbn W t!Bc, thetic, , north 51 ° , west pore a
p , ,,l.tlionce smith 33?.- - \%eat 77 - st .tilrrs along 111-
' !mid. of,s II llart.h I, a beech stomp; theme north
we,: along lire of itilmts of .1 II Marra: - 24 puts
to a po , t: then!, vhutli 3 0 . west atemc .tha line lot
lands Nit if-kw - cif 4-10 in"r. to 3 1M 'a•ti:lfu•uee
0 , oast c 2 p-rs to a lieml.orttilence.einitli
s7°, east s•' - rods along. the line of lands of Writ
and Isaac' Whipple to a pied: thence
north 47 0 , ws - st a 2 pers t 0.3 post: thence north 5 0 .
`e rs
nst427 is. t a - t.rst: thence north 32 0 . east 3:
pets to a perSi; theln'e north 75 0 ; east 14 pers. in a
them, north 5 0 . east 27 pers the plain, of
eohrains ir , 3 acres more or, less, abont
:5 improved; with I log home, I boor& house,
-flamed and I frame for a dwelling, house and
mishapl of fruit tree.; thoreor., also other small
framed house thereon. Selz -d and taken into 'es,
mition at the salt ofAbel Turqll . vs Theodore' Ii
Bradshaw and L Terrell,
A 1.40--One Miler. Jot sitirate Burell.-
hounded and described as : Beginning at
so lulh• pine Col-311-1e11..0 by A W Vairtiirder's lot
north 25',°. east 124 pers to, a ~true, heap; thence
-south s'l°, cast 1 tiers to a stone neap; thence south
2 , , 0 , we-it lto I , l•rs Id a White pine sapling. and
thence - rrwith 7, 0 . pets to the roam, of iv.-
ginning : emitains -t:. acres and I - 13pers: being the
. saine prernises.eonvt , yed to said MITCr , k ~ by admin.
istiators heirs of Sarah II Butler, deceased. dated
1 , 407. delivered this. day and I,taeby tuort
gagod In sectiritv for purchase memos' are.. therein:
all Improved, with I trained !loose., 2 fratned barns
and sheds attaelmil, other oilier otithuildine , ,, and
orchard- of fruit treOs itherern. Seized and Isken-
Into eaeptitlon at t he snit of Andrew T
surviving adminis: rater of Sandi H ,Butler, nec'il,
vs Philo Mlnges.and.Phllip,l Bias. T 'l%4' •
AN -J. LAY TON', Sheriff.
Sheriff's Mice, Towanda.. Pa.. Jan. In, 1074.
Q-11ERIF.P?S. SALES.—By''Airtile
1,3 of sundry writs -issued out of the Court. of
t'ommon Pleas of Ilralford Court ty, and to me - 01-
rected:l will expo's,. to
. ...nubile sate on FRIDAY.
the sth day of - Ft:BHT ART. lei's, at the door of
the Court 'Douse. at I o'elock n. is., the following
described wit:
!to n e ltd. piece or Parcel of land situate ,In Litch.
Hold clop, tem:hied north by lands of Levi. Morse.,
east lty.the poldle. highway. south by the fiuttW
highway and , land< of - Edward Longer. syc.t by
Edward Longer and .Itibu II 'MelitriNey: - contain,
about S times more' or less, all improved. 'with 1
framed house, 1- fsatned tiara and other-Outbuild
ings, and few fruit trees theteAti. ''. - .
A Lisi.t—t ine other lot situate hi Litchfield Vterp.
bountlettnorth by the' public highway. east by the
public highway. south IN lands of Mary llicks,
west he lands of Ederar,l Longer(coittains about 'a
or an acre More ee less, all Improved. with I Cooper
.shop ihs4et.n. Sehted mud takcAnto execution at
the snit of II W-Wheelock•rs S. I 'Caroler.
A I,s,i—lnie other ' s ot situateA 1 Litlifield twp.i
boutolud north Itplands of Ilona )lorsa and T 11
Merrill, cas . t by lands of Lydia
.31 Eimos, and ---
sWolt.r s .roostll by lands oil: Ii lie,; , ler. Lyinan Van.
gOrder .0 tli-orge Mr .t fee, wt.t.t by lan'is of Albert
carmer..lohn "Myer and Lon 31 eitt It contains 'itia
acres more or less, alum: 10tiitopi - yed.'wlth 'tram
ed .house. 1 franici:f barn and sheds attar-MA. other
outbuilding:, nod - nreharsl'of fruit tree; thereon.
Seized and taken Into eSectition as the suit of M
W Wheelock's use Ys Isaac P/Itaidwitt. ' '
.- , •
J ALSO—Ono other lot sihate lo Ulst er twp,
'bounden north by lands 'of/Ilertry ;Scott, east try
lands of eharh , Ettehenfind Edward Mills, south
by lands of Andress' iilng, • wost by lands"! 11-Terci
plehetc.; roatalns an aeres' lion's , sir Iss”, nit all Int.
proyioh. w 1,11 I fratackientme. I framed barn and
Ottlet. outbultdings„ And .orchard of fridt trees
thereon. i-eized :int! talten Inn; execution At the
'suit of P L Ward ‘4 I' (.I•Malbirw,
A.1.5- , N-- ,, llo , plisOr,lot iltuatissiii West Burlington
Du. it unded nos th Ili. sugar Crt , ",:k. east 'l, - landS
of Gorton Swald.'<otit it
„liy VI , pa -)b• highway. west
I,y lands of
~ ,,jolin Ilallard: contains l's: acres
more or 1 ,, 5....A1l iint s .roytil With I water sate mill
and ail mill halm es \ Nei machlnrry belonging
thereto, tOge:her with said its fetiguirs tights to
the dam acro.s said stitzarpreektiuiner the right to
thus' the sinter> of .sald'ericli: for the
. use of said
mill.. . . • .
c -
a1.,,5,0- 7 01te other lid sltdate in West Burlington
twp.,, ( t,,,andt.dnotrlt' by . the public highway,
anti/sot: l h I ,, - Of Gorton SiVaIII, by landi
of„.lthu Ball:1'CA: contains t of nn aeribtore or lea,
:01.Intprov.d, with I franferl house. Other.outtntlld
ings, ond a leyfrtilt truss thereon. ren t ed and tak
'en-into onvoill lost at this salt of Po.neroy Bros; nor,'
ttittse of Joli:%10:1try yo WiUsltallarsi and:-„Malford
Williams. T T. ' . .1.:• ,
' Al-.. , “ I—One other tots situate Su. 111<ter tap,
bounded north by lands.of the Anthony estate:Cad
t•y th• 'stn. - red.:um:l !Oyer? smith 'q lands of Rini
ben Doane, west by Sand % of-S N havens:-contains
10c, :.errs mote or iss , s,A.:ll s rpot Sa Improved. with 2'
tram nil 'nooses:l frnupd ball] and 011si . r. - Ontlistitsl.
logs. sad orchard of 'frit:l It ees thereon. Solzod
and taken Into ex .- "cilllOti at Its, sill: or A C Els
bsee'r tin as Philip Berry. • • •
1.1.5. 1 -011 . ... otter lot - .44-11ato In wilm , .; twr . .
1-nu rile d and d••,riPed and follows: IV - ginning at
a post as.,l stout", : thitlirs . Worth I , V lot :sot Mr to Da
vid lamh y 6 pers tit a postaild ...f. , 11 . .... , lit the war
rant tin.' : tlienr - vs e ., .1 I‘C 7.15 pori, to a stone heap;
thi.ite , . son:n 1(C porn Ii) a sure li,:ap its line or „Situ
non,l. Scott: thence efts's 51.117.1 U por.s to the place
of be inning : coot:0+1 , 70 acres and ILO perstitorepr
iss , ,.alAilit 37, improved, with-'2 (Mantis, house,. I log
stable s and a few fruit trees thereon:. Seized and
!taken loin execution at ihe suit tit A T McClintock,
truster. TS J‘dut F Willtims.
, A LSI t-One other Itit''sltuate In Towanda born'.
boolided north by lands of Mrs E SC Miner; east by
land< of Mary 13rennan. south liy•ttenttartils - t. west
by lands cif tritt Itrit•to: beings:oft . front tin Lora
hard-it and I2lft deep witlil named hOnse thereon.
A LIOI—One Otheilot OltiialO In ..Towanda horn',
hounded and d-serlbe , LaZt follows :', Beginning at
.Mite southea-tt cor of bit No 70: thence northerly
along the ea"; end of tors No 9 and 72. 7sft more
or les< to a nor; tluai n coorfOl•r/y .71... if t noire or lest Its
a eon thcbce.son'he cis.; 7,lft. more or le.s to a cor on
the south line of lot No t:o: Ilurneo easteyiy along
said soot h line of same lot No 70 :tort tnore Of less
11l the plats' oPoreginning; being part of lots No On
and 70 on 11 Ward's stil.-divi,lon or Towanda bolo . ,
orisorryo by Snlonion Co - per to I.' L Want .Ip_lils
,Ilfe Date; no buildings. .
- ALSO—One other lot situ4te In Mnorne twp.
t,,,,nant• Shut cl; toss iliesl as tolls - M.: Beginning at a
141,11 . 4'0r; thence south arnirthe Jas Smith warrant
'217 2.10 pent to the
line; thence , along the
sane' north float west about - 2 41 porn 10 Skit' line of
Itaniel Role warrant! thenco_northalOng the sante
141 f-10 porn to a. henilt.:k.,..thence by lands In war
_.rattfee cause , of Charle4 Gnltist.lUo per< to the
of.beginning; contains InStj acres more or less, the
same being part of a tract of land In the warrantee
nitre of Robert Ilopkiu.; no Improvements..
ALSO—One Oilier - let •situate •In Armenia pep,
bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an,
old baech,' original warrant curt thence north SS°.
west 52 (SAO pers to-a..pi,st and •stOnes; thence north
s°. east S 3 6-10 porn tots cor of the county lino lie
twecn Bradford and,Tl4a COinitY: thence along
. Said county line 3 0 , east about 120 rods to a'post tin
the Ilue of the AVM Mclntosh lot; thence along said
line north lI.S O , east about 10 rods to it cor; thence
north s°. west about 77 pars to- a cor a post and
stones; thence south UP :east to the east Ilneof the
warrant; thencesouth 5 0 , 215 4-10 pens to thCplace
! 11 beoluning; contains 65**Cres more or leu pad
g' O
. - I
belrig part of Warrant No ii,lei7/4 the Janda Udell --\\
as the Braltibrldge tract. .
• ALS O ,-One other iell-anne • in 'Armen% Map,
Wended north by lands ofboon* 0 - Irwin, east
by lands of
top .f.
line, west la P Mill Sad .. Chapman, south. by
t 0 1,..
talon L nd, 433 Janet. smith; . •
contains 204arres. 100 res of which'belont to
Mrs 11:lion Ward Millerithlsieey intendinn Meurer -
tire undivided ',IX partbelemgingtollidd Henry Ward. '1 ,
Jinxed and. Liken into, execution at the Suit Of
, Tantrum diathews" toe vs Henry Ward. •
' ALSO—One Other* lot situate in Towanda bola'.
bonneted and de red a, foldout: Beginning at - • •
the northeast co of Philip Seebick's lot; tionkelf . '
westerly o line of said Seebick ' s about 140 ,
Wong if
ft to an alleys 4 nee northerly flout said alley26ft ,
to a cor; theate easterly on a libe parallel wl:h Ant -
mentioned 11ne about itnft to,, thence along
• Main-st , 4lt to the place of bttinnlng. with a 3-stn. - ,
ry brick . ... Glee th ereon. Belied and taken into eie. • -
cotton:a tfie Salt of . * M Laming es Robert Mein. 1
. ne. other.Mot' sttoate -in Ulster . rye,
boon ed - nortaAt t l riot by lands of 'James direy. s
ty, math by apr irate road of James McCarty, welt
by be, public mg way leading from ulster to Atb.
e ,'with 1 trained building' thereon. Seized /and. '-
Oren nitoexeentlnepat the suit of dames Mather, .
E C Tenths a - td W.,- - zAfTettle',lll A D House. •
ALSO—One ottierlot3dtuate In West Burlington
Imp. bounded mirth byjandaof 311 Stiles. cast by ' .
lands of Edward Swain; Gorton dept. George - .
Darrow. and other lands of John Ballard. south by
by !antis Of or formerly of 11 W and,Mlllle Bragresvf,
and dieoirge Darrow, west by lands of Wilbur Gam. - :
maga and Thomas Blackwell and Jackson Itceeb; •• _
contains 240 acres mere or leis, about 150 int.
proved, With 2 trained barns with ' sheds attached.
2 other framed bares, other outbuildings and 2 or. ' •
chards of feint trees thereon. • • .
• A LSO—One other lot situate inWest Burlington
iwp, bounded north by- the' public, highway, east .
and south by lands of thirton Swilit,-west by other
lands of John Ballardre3ntaln.s . ,t( of an acre More
-or less, with t trained houseand other outbuilding*
and an,l a feat frultlrees thereon... - Selzed and tat- •
en Int , ' execution at the suit of filram Gee; to use -
at A and .1 Morley vs Myron Ballard and dobn Bal..
lard, Win 13.11ard,,T T, and-A L Ballard, '7* T.' . '
ALSO—Otte other lot situate lin Litchfield twp; -
bounded north by lands of 'field Vanover. easeby
lauds of II F Mayeard, south by lands of Shuble
'Cotton, west by lands of - II 8 Munn; eontaini about "
ea acres more or less, about 40 improved, with 11. -
framed house,l framed barn with sheds attached,.
other outbuildings, and-orchard of fruit treed.
thereon, ./ • , ,
• AL5.0.,...The.-Defendant's fri'terest In one other
lot situate io'.l.ltchlieki two, bdunded north by
lands of II W. Patrick. and 31 W Cornnell, east by
taflds of M W Wheelock, south by lands of Eugene
Catlin and Wm.Sackett, west by lands of Manley
\Ft...Sent% .Inhn,Loteland, and .3I W Cortina: con.
'Fining tho Xeres mere or less, -about PO. Improved.
76th 1 framed, baru- and' sheds attached. Seized -
n 4 taken info execution at the suit , of Finn l'ise , ,
Ronal flault.of Athens' use vs RobereCanipbell.
Al-SO—One other lot sittitite in Tuscarora twp, '
booadld north by landa of, Isaac Huger, emit by.ths
public Meta - ay. south by the public hlghirey and
land. of Peter Learn, west by lands .14 Petei Learnt,
contains 14-of an acreore or less,. all Improved,
with i dwelling hbuse, and few.frult trees thereon.
i i
' AtiSO—One other lo sitoate In 'Tuscarora twp, -
bounded north by lauds of Mathew Learn. east by
lands of I sale Huger. deed, south by Yands of -Al
ten Jayne, west by lands of Alle n Jayne; contains
32 orre.4"and Ile pers more or 1......;,' about XI, improv. '
'etf„ with I-plank house, I framed barn, and %other -'
outbuildings and few fruit trees thereon. - ,
ALSO--Onc other lot situate in Tuscarora tarp, ".',,
hbanded north by lambs of l'ereinlah.ltieer, east by
lands of -....-W lino r, S./m*lr by lan.laof Allen Jayne; 1.
and l-ale Huger, west - by the public highway; con. -
talus 54 acres of land tnore'or less. about M acres
-Improved, with I board shed and few fruit trees' ,
thereon. Seized and taken Into execution at - the
suit of Morris Learws 'users Isaac huger, Jr, Es. •
Also at the salt otsame es same.
A LSO-One otber - lot situate In Ulster' township,'
bduniled north by lands of John Smith.. east by the
Susquehanna River, south by. lanes sf P L Ward,
west by.lands t,f the estate of Charles F Welles,
d'c'eassl; cm:Mins-100 acres of land more or less, .
about IS asres Improved. , no buildiugs.
. ALSO-A:rue-caber lot situate in Ulster township, '
bounded *dill by lands of Norman Pilaw. Charles
Holcomb, if E Pitcher and
• L'rlah Shaw, east by .
the Susquehanna River dnd puhlie highway, south
by the public highway Leading from Ulster to - -
Sinit lifleid„.Chauncey 14,cl:well estate and others,
west by lands of James Barber, Theodore - Rogers,
Adelberet.haw. and other leas of dame's McCarty, -
klleiVll as the Newell lot; eat:tains 110 acres more or
les., about 75 improved; with I large framed dwel.,,
ling hbase.,l framed barn with sheds attached, 1
framed building used' ter a wagon shop, I corn
hodse and other outbuildings and orchard of fruit ,
trees thereon.
, A. Y...51/1, —One othe titst In Ulster township,
bosioded north by lands of Edmund Lockwood, east .
by land , of C W Ifoßlvlnl, and James .31:cflarty,
south liv the public highway leading from Ulster
to limiftineril, west by lands of John. Elsbree: con.'
tat reeilli acres more or lei's. about 20 improved, no -
buildings. Seized and taken Into execution at tho .
cult of NI W Wheelock es Jamelklizearty.
A ',sit—fine other lOt situate tn Smithfield tarp,
boauded nbrth by lands of 1-7.lllott.Willcox, east .4'y --
g , ther land, of ,alll James Finie and lauds of Here.
Wall 11tintitigton, south by lauds of A 11 Dutton
and Omar (Jrandall, west by lauds of Omar Cran
dall. Ss-lvester,Ycung and SlmozOToutis: contains -
148 Zi.S-100 acres more or less, reserving out of the
tame the school house lot now ,occupied- for
•ellool purpse's. about 1:t0 !Inproyell, with I framed
house.: framegrbarus„ 1 franieo horse barn, and.' .
0:-, liar lof built tress therebn. Seized and taken
lot', execution at the suit of James II Webb vs Jas
Flrle.. . __
A1." , -o—fine other lot situate to Monroe twp,
:ed and described as follows: Beginning at a .
M . .ack oak the northwest of the farm of-which Da
vid If t 'wen died,. possesviel;
„thence - north - 56°.
eas 121 , 4 pets to a post: thence. smth 33°, east 94
thence south i 31 ,, west IGO perm; thencknorth •
2S 7-11 , pers: thence north, - 32° west 146 ;
per- , to the !lace of beginning: cuntala loo" acres
more or les,. eve.ptlhg.,aad reserving therefrom
:thout 4 acres sold to Oliver Schrader. also 10 acres -
sold to David-Jones, also about 2 acres sold to Ma
ry Ann Jones; about do Improved, with 1 framed
house, l framed barn _and -orchard of thutt trees
the' c.o. Seized and taken Into execution at the
stilt of P (.'Ward vs Harry PorSey.
A 1.1 4 0—i Inc other lot situate In Pike township,
loweded and described as follows; Beginning on
Um south side of Church-st, at the kor of lot No 9;-
thence north 6:12°, east 8 pers to center of Locust
st; thenee along centre Of Locust-et:south 2540 s east:
116-;0 pets to tfte Hoe of Jno Q Ingham's lot:thence ~
on the liae of dm, Q leghain's lot. south 86% 0 . west
pers to the ithe et Henry Ross lot. No 9; thence
clean: line of Henry Ross and lot No 11. north 23,1(
, dog, Rest 11 3do pets to the place of beginning; •,,
contains 92 pers more-or less, all Improved, with 1 -
framed hoiew, 1 board. shedgand few fruit trees
thereon, Seized and taken- Into execution at the :
suit of S B Tupper vs Henry Walker. • •
ALSO—One other lot situate In e Windham twp,
bounded north by landS of J Howell,. east by '
landsSf Myron: Nichols, south-by other lauds of
Emerson Smith. west by the public" highway and -
Jambi of Atwood Jakeway; contains 32Y, acres more _
or lees. about 15 improved, With 1 old house and few
fruit trees thereon. Seized rand taken into execu
tioi3 at the ,suit•of, L Eisbree's use vs• Emerson.
• '
•, . ,
ALSO—One other lot situate in Windham twp,
hounded north
. 11,kjiither lands of Emerson Smith,
Cast by lauds of Myron Nichols, sitat'i by .lands of
Benjamin GleasOn, west by the pit die highway:"
contains 33 acres more or less,atemt n improved,
Willi 1 framed house, and a few fruit freeS thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Geo
Nichols' use vs Emerson Smith, 31 2f Smith and----.•
John Swackhammer,
ALSO—Gee other lot sittiate in Pike towns - hip,
bounded north by the public highway; east by lands
of IKilson Edsalhsouth.and;vrest by the public high
way; contains 1 acre more or less, all. Improved.
with 1 framed Bouse, I' framed barn,-and few fruit.: •
trees thereon. - , ./
ALSO—One other lot situate In Pike , township,
:bounded 'north by lands of WriL.l Davie east and
south by the public highway, and lands, of Wilson •
Edsall, west- by, lands of Rlal Brlster; contains 5
-acres more or less, all improved, no,buildings, and
few fruit trees thereon. .seized and taken Into ex
ecution- at the - suit of the Athens "Building - and
Loan Association of Athens vs L Df Gregory.
ALSOOne other lot situate:" In •Towanda MP,
bounded north by lot No 73, east .by a 12ft _alley,
south by a left alley, west by I:errand:test:fall 1m- .
preyed, with I framed house there - on, being lot No
72 as shown on G F oriurvey of south
Towanda. 4 ,Seiz,d and taken into executiOti at the •
suit of 111 I. Scutt. trustee vs' vs Lyinan Ii Newell.
. A I.SQ—One other let sltuat- in Wysox twp,
bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a
stake" are stones near the tun; of the road leading
toward Towanda Eddy: thence south 75- deg, east
55 a stoke stiff - stones on the bank of
nal; thence hounding on the same south 34 deg,
West about 55 perei thence on the west line of the
Pierce farm running north 7 0, west 53
flers to the place of beginning ; contalus 5 acres sod
137 pers inore.or less. - -
ALSO-One other lot situate In Wysox twp,
bounded and:describe/1 as follows: Beginning at ?-
post nn the east bank of the canal and running .
south 27- deg, east us pets to the river; thence north
21 deg. east 20 pers to a cot: thence north 37 dry,
west 40 pers to the east bank of the canal; thtaice -
up - said canal bounding on the-same to the place of
beginning; contains 4 acres aud 23pers more or less. •
iielzl and taken into execution at the suit or Jno
liolnies.vs John J Griffiths,' T T.
ALSO—One ether lot situate In Tuscarora twp;
bounded and described as Beginning in
the centre of the road leading from Stevensvilleio '
Laccyvllle„onthe line of (•yrits-.l4tevens; thence
0 ,, 411. AU deg, e.:stiti rods to a stake; thence south
' on the line of N Ross 3'o acts to a post
on the line of lands formerly owned by I ifulburt ;
thence north 93 deg, west 122. rods to the center of
said rood; thence along said road to the place of be
ginning; contains 22 acres more or less, about 11 !tn.'
a - oved, w hit I framed house - and' few fruit- trees
Alstu--O'ne offer lot situate in Tusearmi tvp,
lipidideil north by lands of Luther i Silumay, east by
the putitie hlghwr4, south by lands of the German
Tito, estate, vest by lands formerly of II B P..g.
ham: contains G acres more or less, about 5 Improv
ed, al h 1 framedbarn and few fruit trees thereon.
it-41 and taken into execution at
. the suit of W C
and 'A B Borrows vs ..J
oshua Painter.
AL - 9.o—Orit„Other lot situate in
,Wrox twp. •
hoisuiled north by the public highway, easthy iambs
of J Myer .Ree.l. south by lands of Eustaisr, , ,E‘wl. -
west by lauds of Eustace Coo:taught, con- .
1311151 mire more or less, all Unproved. with I 'ram- .
'17.41 house, 11framsd barn
few fruit tgees there
in. tidied and taken into exeention at the stilt of
T ididliisdt,George IT Vargasou. . .
ALSO—One other lot situate in Athens borongh,, '
tweeted north by land; of the ra y Canal
It s Co..eastdiy lands of James A Bristol. sontb
by lands of Benjamin 31adisori, west ty
eodalzis lj Oan acre boor- or less, with 1 framed
-house. I framed burn and few Unit trees thereon:,
ai , d ;taken into execution at the suit of the. -
Athens Building and Lban Association of Athens,
P.t. vs U titsiolth and Jes Si Ely, Jr.
Ai.SO—One other lot situate lu Wysox tWp,
bounded north by public school house lot; east_ by
the Tublic road leading from Towanda to Rome.
-ruin by lands of 9 E Whitney,.west by lauds of 9 •
E Whittle) and E It 31yer; contains I acfe more or
less, all Unproved. with -1 framed house, 1 fronted
Mare, and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and token
Into execution at the suit of'T F vs L Wood.
ALSO—One-other lot isituate In Athens twp,
I;ounded north by lauds of J Corbln, east by/
lands of J Leßoy Corbin, south by North-st, west/
by Lauds of Ann Walsh; contains' Xi In-,acre some
or kiss, with I framed house, ad. 1 barn
thereon. Seized and taken - into execution at- the
'suit Of 110Imes &,P.assage vs A A Prince, T T.
' A I.So—Otie other lot situate in Burlington twp,
tioninied north by lands of L S 'Wright, east by the
bighWay, south and west bi landsL S.,
Wright ; contains 22 acres morel:dime:, about 15 Int
proved,-noliulidinrs. Seized and taken idtosexecus
thin at the suit-of.ll - 8 Tuttle's use Ts Wm L.Peet.
• ANDREW J.- AYTON,' Sheriff.
. Sheriff's offleo, - -Towantia, Jan.,17,1517.-,
virtue of an order lamed oat of the , Orphans'
Court If Bradford county, tit , . undersigned, exam
toi:4 0 Herrn; Sehenton. late of Burlington Wrough t
ilee . d, will expme to .ptiblle sale, on , the meruises.
In Smithfield township. ortS Arunto AY. V E MUT-
A !:. - Y itt;•l47li,-at t o'clock p, .m., the following de
scribed Real Estate: -Bounded' on the .north, by a
! d
public hi •heray,on the east by a public highway.
on. the 's th and-weeit by lands now belonging to
!Bet It W ;'and siapposed to containtightperren
:'T E BM. : OloOnn the'propertybelegstruet downt
1200 in cOnnillation. sad the , P.lsince In two egnal.
annual IllltAithleritt, with. Intcrest annually front
confirmation. - ',. • • '- ''
Joits Ir.
JANELE. sono
WEBB. •"- roxi
4an. 17.,