Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 20, 1877, Image 3

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li . oranas, Pa.; 'Mindy, Deo. 90; :.1877•
Deader la
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Tfmrimis, Jan. 18„ OIL
1111 . WANDA.. rotor owner...
, _ .
. Pont clace will be kept open tone 7 o'ckelk
fn. ?t., tin Wooer Order nod Reg(ifered
11 - ottr depiesn't kat-foie: at C o'clock, I'. X.
'ON sorb the ottlikwill be open from; e. 30
'to 10. 2 n, .*•*.
AXD I:llr.tierrane OF
!Stalbt . Oit 1 , " ..e .I!,TArt from Towanda post
oulic4;it 101knurAltntil tuither notice:
. Atentvie.
PMtn the Muth: Pa.a Y.11.1t,, at 11120. - r.x.
Leeked maUtaatl loiters audesat attli west at 10.20,
ic IP.
Fitwa Ike 'Must at h. P at. Through- mall from
New Yost - and rastern States, 4 A.K-.
"'wet State tine It S. It. 11.,xt - 9:32, A. X.
Fibtra Itaretar4t T r. st. • •
From Calton at s P. )4 .
• Prom Trey et 12 at. •
Itorae,ile., at 12 Xs •
Trsm Bheehequln St 10 A. si t • •
, I^tam Meacmpatiy (Moultay9 Wedpesday and Fri 12
,11 "A
Yana New Era tTausday, Thursday and Saha
sy) at 11 A. .• •
. _
Tn. & N. t. u.iri, South. 1..30 A. M.
Tbrovitia matt , to Philadelphia, sew Votk and
ZasXrti States. 734 o'clock, . IL_
103111 i, 4:15 r. M. • : •
Through stall to Elmira a d retitite it IL C It.
:It.. 10.30 ii. M. • i •
S. 1.. & 8. It. it., iterni6s and intermediate points
2:45 o'clock.-?. X. • 1 - 1
Barclay, 11.3010. $.
Canto., 9 A. 711. i
Trey. I IP. 11,
. .
. ....-
rsltislolinin„ 12 at: - • •
teßaysiide. I P.N. •'. - 1 '
Metewrikry (Monday, Wednesday and' Friday.)
at 2 I% 74. i
XeW Era (Tnesdav Tburidav and Saturday), at
, .
1 r- rt. l' .
. I ' . l, • 8. W. ALVOIra, p. X.
~ .
We. hare made Frangculients with the publishers
or the colleting isliodleals, by which we can offer
antioe of theui inizonnection with the REPORTER .
a' greatly reduced rates. We-Will scud Lie RE
„rottr3n from this date tilt Bc'eetnher 315t,•1878,
'kith Any of the papers named below, for one year,
at the hgures indlizated : 1
REPORTER and Wiyekly Tribune, • 2 00. ,
•, ” .Beml -Weekly. - 3 00.
" Weekly Tlinea, 220./
" - 4 Senti•Weeltty. , 325:
•' " "
Weekly Evening Post, 2 tt.
" liosul-Weekty, 3 15.
.". - S. " .kmerican Agricitarist, 2 10.
" . " 'f.tountry Gentleman, , 3 00.
• ' " ,' ' " 'Word New Totteit, • 3 Bt.
. ,; " , .s• Harper's I .Veekly, 4. 29„
: - • 1. -\ .
" " - Bazar, - 130.
, I
s/ " Magazine, 4 20,
' Scientific American, 3 25,
" 1. .-
;'• Oila r zy„ ..- 4 20:
" • -
.1" Scribner. l2O,
St. Nicholas. ' 3 50.
r" Wide Awahr, •- ' 2 50.
Baby Liu& 1 49.
" Age,. 7 75.
The lihrsery.'! v 3 10.
Appletou7s Jourind, 3 25.
PppalarSelenreXouthiy,4 75.
o P . etersoni 113W31ne, 2 50.
tipptncott•ei 4 20.
Atisulle ltoutidc, 4 20
itr.w the piggestioni - , of an "Aunty."
Ti , Sunday. Sebot4 of Leßoy
leave iClirist mast tree aid entertain
trent on Christmas evening.
IsTp.itEsTiNo Clitistinas exercises will
be - given at the M. E. Church in Monroe
ton. on ,Christmas eve. All arc invited..
we expeet to go .to presi next week
on •Monday, plirsons having advertise
ments for. insertion, must hand them • iu
'onday morning,
..‘GoF - r, an aged and much esteeqt,-
cd'cilizen of Canton, died-lit the residence'
of his s'dn, GEonde 00Fi,• . ,' in that town
on Wedues"day last. po was 91
IC:ITS, old.. ,
• tti'vlonc.x. PEnttY, of Lettoy, slaughtered
kl. - ,
% A pig last week, Janly• two hundred and
forty\ d . ays old, which weighed over two
• hundred and ninety poundi. . . .
THE Owego Congrega tiOna Ithurch de
stroyed by fire some time slow, is to be
- replaced by a handsome brick structure
at it cost of $15,000 to V 0,000.,
Ev E 9 yIIODY.--31 CORN V' ELT., the
cent store, man announces that' he will
remain in Tosranditpnly-tlo days longer,
have made arrangementS by which
we ean . .zurnisn tu ,
n itE r gorrrf4l,, .4n:erica 3
It ndc4 l titrat, and valuable •mieroseppe
- t‘tl'aeti by the...publishers or thit jouttiab,
fur $250, exprss chargen.ineluded. •
PATI CosTki,.l.o, , one orrthe most trusty
eogineers„in the etpploY of the-Pa: . N.
was fined the othier*mil -the
,31ayo6a Wither"- 13,.arre, for ruhulUg - his
engiuelat a higher rate of specd..thati\the
through. t the city.
.11 - nOEWi!,TVEMS gave his ilukessions
of Irish and St 4 iitis'itlife from seeneswit
i iluritig )iis visit -to . Seotian'd at i
' I relan siiinmer, in- a lecture 'before
the Gimird.l.94mol of Weltrboro list week.
he 'to!, imys the lee; ure was very in
THE - *:l4tion . fOr Chief Engineer ;Ind
~. . ,
AsiNi;ints watr - hetriby . the Towanda Fire
Depllitinent on Monday evening s . and re
f.;ll!ed in the choice'of the following :
( 'll Eligiii•eer—C. P. A F.LLES. -
F. , • 2 1 - 1 - ..-txfistant--.Tos.Eru ()ens.
A:erod.d .4.4l;istient—En. G tit:c4,:.
THE tite Society at EAT. F6x's on
M.:lday evening callpiktogether not only
tl!r j'fitit.c9l);ll congregation, but represent.
taiives from all the other churches in
lowij, in such numbers as tO 1111 the ele
.,:ant mansion. An exceptionally pleasant
t veiling was spelt, bin most liberal coin,
pang. The collection amounted to just
I:. K. 'WHITTAKER, of Coleta, Wtlite
bhk 111., writes us - that C,ksa
i'ucius,[late or Pike this county, attorapt
,sl to c4umit suicide, on tho 19th: iintt.,
y takitiO, arsenic. The cause of the at
teinpt self-ilistructiow*as faintly
cult At ilie l clate of the letter, Sin. 8.,
was still alive but little hope was enter
tained Of his recoN'ery.. --- • ' ,
OvEarns is .President,
)li.s Erni Monnow, Secretary, of the'
l.lruira yeinale College 'Literar'y Society.
The Adrti:timer inxoticingthe Christmas
entertainment of the society,. given •on evening / notices. Loth these To-.
Towanda young ladies in complimentary
Miss Monnow read essay,
•• I:010 'Songs," which was pronopnced
excellent. The ,Adrertiter report ''says.:
ing' the Preefolent of Call isophia 'Lfter-
itr,y Society, iti was :very natural to expect
- Li r zzir. M. OVERTON something: ex
.'She gave in lier President's
Address," Some valuable• hints on Life
I ,l 3eiliteeturt3, and put forth' sorne .. beauti;
• f: . ul suggestion - tr . .' on n - character building that
nia both her he - and heart credit. Iles
tioa;t l g, addressed especially !c• 'the ante
, was rich in language sad' elevated In
•" 'au4
,• • •
be gliraybit ••.- • - **-
TP3 Ain* ifieetS etibst Tiy7lP4
frit *oultp
mot for the ,e,
telthi Plieie>mt
..TtorTilati; 5114 . 1818:' E'er/ ikketniki
Tan /4 1 4 14. CbsrektociablemM be beg
iiettlfiednesility err/ibis tbe &Obits
of the aural: A "ebelti:-.liciiliefine of
=gilding, t~eitatioA arid wig * mill form
putty tbe bMdb te
be served bi the ladle& ,
Warr On:mm.lM 4amccis.-=Pistrict
Deputy Lemon, will instill 'the
Atom a.. West . Granville Grange on
Tuesday evening Jan. 8. After the \ in
stalittlini ceremonies coi.. E. - T. "Anotis
of Asylum, and
,others will, address ' th e'
meeting.. Th e ererchies -will be open
and the Public are ion:Sally invited to be
Tau tiotittrf LAW.—;-riere'seerns to bp
a ruisunderstar.ding in \ regard to thir
"Bounty Lori" publisheda the RErou-
TF:14 . 4 few weeks since. The act is not
a new one, but is the eaTh tbrit has been
in force •for eitterai yerim past. \ sup
posed that soldiers who had 'received
bounties under the protisloirs of the .act
would understand -the matter ; bat s tt
appears many think it a new law. - AlOut
we reiterate the law is not it new one And
persons who here remitted any bounty \
,are hot entitled to • anything
CiiAntis H. AmEic , typo of more
than twenty-five years,l experience., and
fel; the past eight yearn foreman In the
*PORTEIt office, has aecured,a half inter
estin the ,McKean Miner, published at
Snaethport Pa. 311t.i A., hatwim an envi
able reputation as t he most original and
tasty job printer in the eciuntry i 'and sam
ples of his work have been solicited by
not a few printers. Added to his skill as
la printer, he has 'more than ordinary
Ability as a Writer, and public speaker.
ills addiesses on the .subject of temper
ance during the past six months here
has been numerous, and well received.
Ills removal to McKean county will prove a
talualtle acquisition to; that section, and
the Leartily wish"him and the enterpris-
. . -
ini:'paper With which be is to* connect
ed,- all the snccesOix.msible.
PERSONAL.....-J: H. Euic',. Esq.; , Attor 7
ney, is one!of the ;finest musicians in Can
ten, ,and sometimes presides at the organ
in the M. E: Church.
—Miss M. PARtiONS is spending the
winter witl"friends in Wiiladelphia, New
York and Teuton. .
—Rev. W. B/13.TtETT 7 ()kids place,
who has been spending the zi:t year in•
Boston•and vincinity, has jusCaccepted a,
call to the parish of St. Mary's, North
field,At., and .will enter upon hiS' dutieS
as rector on Christmas. Mr. B. is a most
faithful pastor; and an earnest, devoted'
Christian gentletran, a, finiihed scholar,
and thoroughly:imbued with the' import
ance of _saving souls. We -congratulate
the people among whom he is to labor.
He declined a flattering call to a church
in MasSachnsetts.-
-Mks. B. E. Esnr,rumv of Lancaster,
is in„ town and will spend the holidays,
with her patrents,. Judge and Mrs. MFat
(Tit: • The pleasure of her visit is greatly
ent4necd 'by an inf:mtile member of the
family who makes her first visit to grand
papas' • •
—Our former townsman, &. F. COWLES,
dropped in to sek us last week.. lie was
looking well. •
—CoL. l ovEirrox, is taking advantage o`
the Congressional recess, to visit his fam
ily and attend to wants of his clients.
Life at the Capitol seems to agree with him,
as he is in exeellent spirits, notwithstand
ing the pressing demands made upon'
his time and energies by his numerous con-,
st:tueneydand tle onerous duties of his
position./ I Ile is a member of one of the
`most 'important :and hard-worked coin:
mittees in the Hon's°.
i MANY of-" NEN E'S " squibs in the. El
tnira,Adretrtim• are harmless, hitt
; the one last week, to the
effect that the Eureka Mower • works are
to be sold by the Sheriff and removed to
llitillainton, is calculifed, to injure
! the town, and we regret that: the
. ...Idi..erti/terliliowed it to appear, as: there
;s 'mit ft Cintillii of troth in it. The- edi
-1 tors should compel their o3rrespondent to
Conform himself' to facts, or put his Com
munications in the waste basket. '-.
VV.' The a ;lick .referrcal to contained at least
two . other' items, - "made out of wholC
. cloth," bat as tire) Injure no one in par
-1 " •
• t'reular, we Will,not point theni , out. '
IN CANT'ON: —Last night at about
11 o'clock, the dwelling of ~fir. JAMES
WI k.I.JAMS, in Canton township, situated
about- a•..half. mile north of lliunequa,
caught tire and was totally burned to the
ground. M r., 1' J4Axs and family Were
in tined and all asleep at the breaking out
Of the fire; except Milt Wl4ritmss; Who
"awakened her linshand, barely, escaping'
with \ their lives,' as the flames completely,,
envel`oped the h.tilding in ! almost anviik
*dent, Owing to the high 'wind. None of
r, •
the household goods were sped / except
two beds. \early .their 431h)1'g,
a large supply stf . , potatoes, apples, fifty
jars of. fruit anfi ""--- Things .in the ceel
lar, a - prey flames/ The fire-is
supposed to h: inated'. from a de-
Tective flue. 1,2p0. Insurance
$BOO - .--:Olt°
ON.p of Wit. M.l. valuable
yMnig - liorns made thingslively 'on Main
Strset Thursday afOrimen by giving an
exhibition of unrestrained speed.. The ani
mal, at tacked to alightekeleton, 'was being
exercised by thgn'ican, Oats Itci‘ntxsoX.
While driving' vp . Main ,:,Street in the
First. Ward,/a team attnehbd to a lumber
wagon, pr i veeding, the other directiu,
frightened the horse, and fOr the'time the,
driver 'vas unable to control him; He had
him pretty well subdued however, when
near'Dr. POIITEI't4 Drug Store, one wheel
of he vehicle struck 'n heavy wagon *with
s'ichforee as to upset,„ and throw Mr.
/ Ilon'iNso:rt to the ground: Thus' Deed
' from all restraint the horse proceeded to.
his stable on Huston Street. The only
damage residting.was the deitnictien of
the vehicle. : •
. .
7.11 ORE. Posva. Faettyrtsik—The postal:
car which recently went east on the At
twain express train nightly, passing this
city at five minutes before eleven o'clock,
is now supplied with: a postal clerk, ;Who
has cliarge of the waiThetweeriPittsburg
and New YOrk city. The , arrangement
is advantageous to persons doing business
between Harrisburg and Pittsburg.-1/ar
risborg Patriot.. 4. '
Such awarrangement la what we
shoutd.hav,e ou \ the L. V. R. R. At pres
ent the - re are locked pouches put on' at
the principal stations between New York,
1. Philadelphia arel Elmira, but as there is
; no agent.on the traiioetters for interme
diate pointifcannot be mailed. What the
businefel community . regnires ,is, that
age ' • shall be placed on tke night line,
and thus afford largely increased midi-fe
d' :,- • with but very little additional, .enn
•• 4 • •
ir, ,4o this Depstiotent. .• ' \.‘ ; ~
lYiit -Wret-4,11444013
itteutgatlANAM l 2l: l 44WA
Akre* gamine. It Is rear - rich bi
try and 'and ildentilla-initim APllot 0 4
adra ) 1 / 4 141 4 40 art lololl t o TinguaLe• " 80-euce
-euce and Man." nafrituniata Mirk awl
Balgstia tha: thiaktat. YorNlie Pm.
1 homed the hest apatrihatibh yet rasa
thb siiblettaihaesso Tiirkhdi walk
1 , 1110 outlie,r at 'Dig& lizar"" bt
Fitieva " The science of electricity, as
applied in Peaerksuri War," a "Study
of Tooatsr," by Tin! Humus ; a sketch
.of REF. Jos. Cook, 'With *steel collared
The Eelectiq is steadilygrow . ing in
aver wits ; the most cultured people, and
is worthy of a wide circulation.
tincrtticOTT'is -
times Magati!ttt forDeCemberepensmitlu
an Enteresting and &MY Illustrated *Mr,
cle on ialtiln T.. BACO:4
\ .!:Carititiid by Cossacks," is the title -of
another 'illustrated Paper,- 'detailing the
adventures Ora Trench 011iearithOseried
undersDavottaT in 1813. Thetifivi
"'Poi Percival;" also illnatinfilV, wain—
nei to tortn one of the most. Itttractlie .
'features ot\thir :Margins! . • •
• An article Which cannot faiitn,,tittfact
much attentionand excite lively inter
est, one . cOitaining'the' reMinimeenees_
of a venerable ladY \ (" VI belonging.
to the highest Washington_ it*.
eietY,'who was t h e gal* of 'Slit:onion, an
inmate:of the White House.-during thir
Presidency of_ Jackson, and an: intimate,
friend of 'WASHINGTON JOHN P..
IC.NREDY L and other celebrities: The pa.
which is frill of lively description
and amusing anecdotes, is entltied \ "Days
o f 11171(nuth i ." . : • - \
T. 8. Pinny. the well-knownilOstois
critic, diseniscs Ouida's Novel's, and eat-
plains the Attics of
_their immense popti
larity, despitatlieir glaring faults'and tLla
censures of the `reviewers. OWE*I3
Writes entertainingly on the "Po111•Lore
of the 'Southern Negroes," and OLIVE
'LOGAN gives an account of "English Do
mesticsand their 'gays." There is a story
of Preueli Internationalism, "A Portrait,"
by ITA Axtot, Puoriot; Mrs. R.
vie's powerful' novelette, and r yi'mr. WAL
TACE 11AM:cm's tale of Southern manners,
- "A Kentncky Duel," are both concluded.
Aninng the poems, " Mint," 'by ANNIE
PouTER, deserves notice; and the-"Gos
.sip," beaides otherlively and agree
able reading, has a description oz's the de-
Iparturn of the Imperial Guarda, by a Mos.
cow correspondent. •
ins{ of the Historical Society, last wee
Cot.. j: A. Conniso, announced thedeath
of the late Paesident,' in the *Rowing
feeling remarks : . ,
Ma. Pnesinnsr.=Since our last meet..
lug our society
,has lost one of its most
venerable and esteemed tuembern. f
It is with feelings of sincere grief that
we announce the decease of our late.pre
sidieg officer General WILLIA.WPATTON.
lie was one of the founders of this society
and during its existince has been one of
it slimmest friends andlbetivo supporters.
COUNT PlTOrfErONGS—CosTittuEb.--r 'His .knowledge or locaA history has
W i erixssnsv, PF:e. V.—COM vs. S enabled' him to furnish very valuable:
eldeu S formation which I trust will. )3e carefu lly
Cowell.—Libel. Jury find defendant .and sacredly preserved bY the, society. ,
guilty. Rule cor,a new trial. . . , . •., His voice and pen have on' many occa 7
• ' ' Arms been used. for the , benefit . of the
Coin vs Richard Pool, • Joseph- Pool, society and in this: mi Well as: iti :other
*Aaron Pool and-George Pool.—Riot. Dis- I positions in life it was his desire to--be
trict Attorney Calif!' and D C DeWitt, 1 useful to his fellow men. P,ossessing an
Esq, for Corn, Patrick and Foyle, andJ I a cma ibi ta ble th d e - A is i P a j p s p i ite n sS o a ;* lci oU a rer w s, isi l l ie to se. i s n t. -
W Mix, Esqs, for defendants. Jury find ' t{.od hlessings and sunshine ,wherever he
Richard Pool net guilty, but the other de- melte " With Charity for all 7 and With
fendants guilty. . malice toward none" he had the love and
esteem of all who had - the good fortune
;Com Ns 'Richard Conmey.—l. L arceny: to know hi .... , •
District Attorney Calif and I McPberster. Lim.
1 Uis long and varied. experience as a
Esq, for Corn. .I N Evans, Esq, and Pat- I nrin.df business made hint a desirable
'rick and F4le for defendant. Jury find r companion, and no one could:spend all
defendant guilty. -- •7 • - . ( hour in his ,conipanylwithout receleing
-him. much valuable matiqu'.
Cinn vs Lyman Mede.-Surety °- fsi ll r r His long career in pnblic life inf bad or impart-,
peace: -District Atterney Califf and I N i
eel a - polish and refinement to his natural
Evans, Esq, for Conf. .II F Maynard and kindness of heart/ ar.d generous disposi , - )
J F Shoemaker, Esqs, for
,the .defendant. 9`ll/Whichnadeliim in any compaey. and
guilty, .very -situate:ln a perfect gentleman.
Court adjudge defendant , and .sen,!- Aspresident of tlits societY, he was faith
. tense him to pay the costs 'of roaecution fill to all business 1 appointments centric
and glve•Security for his good behasieur. otts and fair' in all his oftleal duties add
aret BeelCara vs Mar y F°T;"7Alward.rba' Joseph by his g7tial and' happy Manner, won the
Wileyand Mar
heartjof every - member of the 'society.
s—Hesisting an In melting this brief announcement it IS
officer. District Attorney Calif and IN 1 not eur purpose to- write his eulogy, wei
'Evans, Esqs, for Com. Patrick . & FOyle Ile viiirihat duty to be performed by abler.
for defendants. Jury find the defendants 12 .,:,-.. ds.
not-guilty but that they pay the costs- :/ I:novr offer the following resolutions .
. . ,
Thoranit licavener, et al, vs Charles ,/ .
yesolreq, That iittho death of - General
• „ Fr t LLTAM PATTON. riot society has suffer
lleavener,*. et al:—lssue. P e st -Overt°_nr t .e d an Irreparable loss—a good man. has
and N C Elsbree, Esq, for plaintaiffs. p-, fallen. One full of experience and ripe
W Patrick and Elhanan Serial, Esqs, or in- years, has . been taken away.. ilre
would record his goodness and emulate'
defendants. Verdict for plaintiffs. , - :
his virtues.
. 3tis•nxv„ DEC. 17. .-
Corn vs Joseph Pool, Aaron PC4I and . R°861fe4, ....
That - we deeply - synipathiSe
with the amicted family in their bereaVe..
George Ileentan. Convicted /of riot., merit and order that the Secretary firriiih
Celia sentence Joseph Pool to , months, to them s copy of this preamble and rase.
Aaron Pool to 4 mouths, and come Hee- lutioni. • •
man-tt months, all in the county jail.
COM t'S G B French.Cdnvicted of re
ceiving stolen goods. Cotirt sentence him
to .;months in the county jail.
Corn vs - Emery Hutlien.—:Pleads guilty
to lireaking into astorei and stealing.
Omit sentence hinvio I.year and 6 months
in the Eastern Peniten tiary.
Com-vslY ce I
.Chapman:—,Ctinvicted of
0 1
.on o e indictment, laud pleads
"'guilty to lag eny, on the other, Court sus
pend§ sentence on one, and on the other
sentence / hien to - 9 years 'and 101 mouths
in tlie c Eastern Peniteetiary.,
~ F M Welles v§ First Universalist
Chtireh of Attiens,—Rule discharged.. -
- A Armstreng vs W Barroweliff.—Rule
to l open judgment, and let tiefendant - into
A defence,
This number concludes the twentieth
volume and the tenth year of LIT issue of
this Magazine. The conductors itinounee
attractive features for the new year, and
promise that no effort will be spared to
maintaioand increase its popularity. We
will send the . MagaZiliG and•REPOFITER
for .$4.25.
Pomeroy Brothers vs Win Bennett, et
al.—,Court direct that E L Manley and I
A Hooper be subregated to the 'rights of
the plaintiffs.
~. J J Taylor vs J F 3leans.—Court direct
i Jinlgment to 'co entered for, want of a suf.'
tieicrit affidavit of defence. _
I.; V Faulkner vs Alphonzo Bosworth.
\\--Aed*E's Report filed and confirmed
_ni \ si. ' \ •:` • .
"Mary G Tingley vs F X i ringley.—Court
threat a tothponia ia divorce to issue.
MariE Wilcox vs Omer Wilcox.—
Court directan -oillB subpcona to Issue. '
MosellasCninstOck. vs Isaac Cometock;
-Court appoint W"J young 'a commis:.
goner. ' \- ' _ - .
In re the petiticin of „
Amy E Dustin for
the benefit, of lig \ r separate earnings.
Court grant the proer of the petitioner.
Merritt Wright its Martha latekey.—
Rule to strike off me s Chanic's lien.
';i : 1
' Schrader Coal Co 'a & N YC & It
\llCo.'—parnishenof Cam* '
Lake' It It
~ Rule on Garnishees . 'tbauswer,inter
rogatories. ; -... ,
C* anffily Towner vs HI ! t and C W
Parks.\ Ocoige Landon vs lit ”
I Role in each case to open Jodi
let defendant into a defence.
John Clough'ii use vs J W
M M Spaiding. Ai ditrir's
and confirmed riksi. Eicepti
Ellen.K Welles, Executors vs n B Ing
ham. - 3 W Ilcillenback vs sane.—Rule in
each alit) to Set asid \ e,Sberiirs sale. •
• In iti the asslgnruent \ of Hiram Horton.'
—Auditor's report filed )Ird Confirmed-Id
si. Exceptions on the part of F X Hornet
filed. .' ,
-1 - \ .'
EB.D 'A ither vi D Mundell, et aL—
Ejectment. , Tildes & Carman,, for
plaintiff. Overton it MercniandEthanan
Smith, ' Esq, for defendants. Verdict.,
for plaintiff.' ' 3,. 13
A. E Comstock vs, Williams :-- De' t.
W 7:Davies andlt W strict, Esqs„ for
plaintiff.. E B Parsons ' SIV Little, '
'Eggs; for defendant. Ve ict for plain
tiff,'l4l3.2s. ' .. - •
W Lewls's nanvis J V
E \ ,H ,pw:11111,
al.—lssue. Overtowit Moray r
tiff. I. litaPhersok — Ersi, . fin del
Oil Wig. -- .•
. '
f 4
A - 11 • 11 ,
anti deed wilet4 rellimeadi 1111_
&ewe .ge 496`
their jeLtho thir Of a, , •
US for en' •f 6 ; iii*lftd
. ?It votioscpAsti.:
bi the , e , t a doiteit:tiantatultil
at thergurse of Pain, .7idtp :bark
been confined t o booth for 10
on Bullard Creeki- , M Marko up the ,
creek about too idles , the 'wood
of Mrs. 8.. Tr)tut.l,, w so genero4
douated,the kne Irene mad- sited tiro en
tireVtity to bring in -r liaslro
and she - would epu*Lber table , d mtlo
" ot tea and coffee, and prepare •ch arti.!
c ,1etikw 1 904 8 4 4 . 9 inairt!:GPO! '
tier. •
The tel . "!lbr Usulh!filicod.7 ll 9* ' •
of .T. *- 10t. Attics, S. 0. ALLtri 1 1
Mr - /arms, ll.tiravr, C. M. VarrWrni
HilfillirCaliK;! GIITOLETi
Cum and Eu. Cifawnr.ww.
The sawyers and wood ehopperu were_
Ilbi t.4l.tiiiinues; I, lin Aimaue,77. Si
Pallas, JAI. ALI.O, B. A. PRATT, Mt;
,Ers7, G. S. FORE/ 4k
c Aft TiviCireeicie;
lm, tem:Htertost • - Moutatv,
JOUR Bnowzr, Bnoww, Cass.
Gam* Burr Gory, sad twos or three
ttu Pitines, tome pnliDown . t . ;.
- worked hart! to make the sick min',
heart glad or at least to try and maker
hint conifortable during the Cmnipireold
and_ dreary winter. Mn. T. B.Grunrsre
when at the wood lot was nine mrie&froj
home. And some of the other teams an '
wood chiiiiiierti were from 'six to severil
miles, also.
But in doing a. deed •of charity ie tch
men always (eel themselves, richly' paid
for all their labor. At least if you bad
been present when they all-left for home
and witnessed the expressions of grab
tude that fell from the lips of the feeble
old man, you could not, have helped feel
ing well paid for your day's work.. ' •
llopaltg however 'that tithilbenevole
society may never allow charity to knee
at her door without raising her latch
I remain yours truly,
"O. I"). FELLER.
perity and success of the .Rut•cff Nete'Yorr
rker have enabled the 'proprietors to • pre
sent a ' number of new and remarkable
features, never before controlled by riay
other journal of its class in Araerleit„.- It
1 ; . is for this reason - that all persons are lif-
Vita to send fur a. free specimen copy,
that they may ; fudge for themselros of
what cannot otherilselr t so Well sot forth.
They would,.however, respectfully
attention to the following.
Eighty-two acres, pf fine 'Lodes ants:
perimental Farm, tritet neveltiqs' are
testml and results published: No "eoh ! .,
ble-atone" - isrming.
Desirable seeds of new flowers and .har
.dy plants arepropagated and . distributed
Fast: among. -subscribers interested :in
Four-page Supplements . issued from
time to time, finely illtutrated,,and filled
with timely practical map:or.
• Specral Contributors , front \ aniong 'the
best talent in' the country; including offi
cers of nearly every AgrietiltMl s Olege.'
Full' Market Reports from the tWit great
commercial centers-New ,York and Chi-
Five pages of Literary matter devoted
to ' the r Household, •Pomprising .BtorieS , ,
Reading for the Young, Miscellany, Sab
bath:Heading and illustrated Fashion Ar
ticles, with which are furnished . Cut Pa
tter Fattens; of leading styles; also illus
trated papers on• Home Decoration, show
ing how to Make fancy and ornamental
articles. •-•• , •
I• ' i
The usual features found in other pa
pers—Crop ...
Reports,etc.—we -have , also,
more and better.
-• We invite you - to eepd for 'Heel , epeci
men ivy,. I ,' ' : 'i
You can subscribeinifolloWE 3 iminths'
trial, I/5 cepts ;-6ntontln( $1.30;1 year (52
weeks), $2. 1 50; or through postmaster or
local agent at $2 per pan'Pr' may club
as follows; The Tinsel end .anY one of
•Harper's• Publications; pr Scribner's- or
the Atlantic, (single price ? $6.50) for $5 ;
or with Arthur's Heine Magazine, ($4.-
75,),f0r $0.15 ; or:with Peterion's Maga
aztties4.lso), for $3.50 . ; or with Derner
est's Ma k gazine ($5.50), for $4 ; or with
Cricket on 11e ith ($3.25), for $2,45. ••,
Address, ' RURAL Nzw..Youzit,
, _ • 78,Duane St., New:York.
ITI Fs Wornatids Christian. Tel - cliental* _
rnichi of Towanda; will bold their weekly,
prayer meeting miry, Dec. 21, at 3,
o'clock, p. m., at tb house -of Airs„ Wk.
WAirgurs; A large sttCncianoe is desired.,
`as business otinterist - ' 1 1 ; 111 the friends
lOr temperince; wilt e , before the
et •
r Vain- - Wrta the does of the presalit s month
adaiats. deer ant 413414: iellilurity. W
cover tit Wangle ; .ad .slur
r A rim* ,
lathe - -
. . c aos e s g a i r arms
Is en 'the Seethe , the Poet eilWieltet 2
cur- 'Bloat. • ass, obhtln the
latest publicattioniorthollY, as well as
standard - 01= 2 'Setionsratzlas of 'wall
b tiding bloeli4-chfldren'igamea ate the
sta varietlessfltatioilew .1"••
' ... tin (*tares Ifassoires..Eaun. 4 ,-. ,70
Micsip • 'the corner of 74rotir,sioe* on
?daimon . Park fit's.
--It comm enced tont.;
ness jolt -.lB7B, ; with &capital Of . il l s o , -
i l
000, - IS ham . . . -a coasters* Inaro#iug
basinesi, ,a . . the :Official ''_rnanSi'llStill
Oct. 1, 4877 also - tho araosint-,offfeiso4e ,
tone 140 02 1 ; ; - 4 00 nntadril 177 y 006 .1.
liisrplnp funds, 2,_,ii v 'rite names "Onts
allkianessrei MIMI* ' ''' .. -of i5a006,..
E. T. Fox, President; - t'.'• .1 A. anisnij!iii
Ciehier.4 •The b ooks ..- -thittirithin
the last three 'months the . . Ohnsillllll 6 -
creased more than p per co ~-' ,
McSlano . :4 o llintczar.T
A glance at /Os iastefUlly t
`libido:re; one dobr north 'Oresl . • : , I
UN's, will coWkniisariaie thaelia • -
, P
:anti issartutentat gentlemen', filet: . i
turnithing / gOodi. - Ili Inks : a in - triety_i ,
` ~
cloth" atni casslineres, *lack Abe *alp
up I to/Order by expert 'workmen:. l ,lla
has mane line of neckwear, manatactired'
by the celebrated Dimon, TonSple i'do.,
of Bottum ,- ;-'1 _ .
W. U. Dneitinn., , ;' ::' / I
' There yots:*Rili - .4,0n #l l l#,. ! iif.'4 9 z
pled ty...tltilate pa: ...tazgasiegoibio.
in the. line of Groceries and prey?
whichan be - fOttridiais4 unit - e.
Raiment of the kind.
.. .! ' ' .:. ~,;$ ,-, lifortirawirttS;' - '-'
, `
'This is the itlfiest_mercatitle establish
ment:in Tow anda: jthough their - atockis
always new and fresh, id accordance with ,
the demands of the times. It is a 4ry
goods store.; .but at they make a
specialty of fine crockery, painted porce
lain and glass ware. Another specialty
is the factth,at.tliey ?We theirsistoriers
by polite eitention. and *heeping the !
best of eve th ing: in any particular - inn
,of goods.
• .
J. 9. Tuon's Etcosa.
This,axtensive - furnititiMaitahlishinent
hardly / needs' a description. You can
findanytbing here from a handsome !tar.
lorSnit to a daintily carved slipper case.
Itir the htilkiii trollies one - Anlthosi Poi
;clay some elegant book cases anti rit4
lag desks' combined,' inlaid with costl
foreign woods, and thoroughly tinisheil in
every detail. They otter also a new an
luxurious style - 'll rocker, on tleiibl ,
liprings, 'which are upholstered in, pl sh;l
combined with, beautifully wrought erd
sian embroidery patterns, in raw 'Silk:,
They have all that rich. but subdued land
harrnpnions, coloring which lighted our
eyes in fabrics -of oriental manufacture;
displayed at the Centennial:* -
lIENDLWSfAN's • L ,;
Jewelry Store. igi , lierit,dcor South
IFroit's. , lie keeps a very attescilvni a
sortment of clocks, ,watches, jewelry,
broil - a° ain'ainents, and. a - general line of
silyer-platod ware. Everybody knows
Where to tied , ~ I
: Da. 11. C. Piiainn's Dave STORE.
p_ It was established in ' 1848; and f hat
_alwayi been' a sort otEmPorionm, for the
supply of this section of country with
paints, pits, varnishes, iiindoO glass, ,and
all the staple articles usually found hi a
store of the kind. It occupies five floors
for storage, and the 'trade carried im‘is
limp* eaormods. Di Minnie, (aloof the
most ,„ skillful pharmacists in the U. S.,
gave the business his . personal supervis
lo- .
s, almost to the very day of .his death ;
and now every detailisParefully superin
tended by his son' and successor; ii. C.
Poirrna. -: .
PrescriptiOnlare tso carefully compound
ed that it has passel into a - proverli, that
"no mistakes.are ever made in De. Pon
!Ma's Drug attire."-• ' . •
This popular clothing -Store is readily
found a few doors farther south, on Main
St. He keeps a soreplete' assortment of,
ready tuado clothing Aeatobable fur
nishiug goods for pen and youths.. We
have .no regal:lr hattei: in town; but
ROSENFIELD supplie - thti lack by keeping
all the newest; and most faidlionables styles
of hats' ta] cent; of all siietend enalities.„
ITo or his clerks wilt beat you with Cour
tesy, whenever you: wish to examine
goofs, whether you purchase:qv not
Keeps a supply of ready ntado clothing
at's.oht stamt. Ile has bei'D in
'trade , bere less than a year , but has al
rimil y received a fair share of pxtronage.
Still farther south on •Mani St. is •
This .would hardly.- be tPet, institution
it is,' were it. not .- for the irrepressible
"Jon,"" while isifabilit.firins and retains
many customers.
They aim to keep everything in the line
of gentlBltitrlrs'it'foirdsliing coital:" gust
now they are making a specialty of over
' coati; of which' they have a large stock,
suitable . for all, sizes end
: ages,. (rem three
genie up to one hundred—to says "Joe , ~ .
We Compel oft:selves not tatioklit the Lirrr:t.t:s Livtue ion FOR 1518:—The
Christmas turkeys in GEO'. SzEvssi-Igro success of this sterling periodical is owing
eery and provision store;. but pass .on to te'.the tect that it enables one,: with a
the. opposite corner of , Main Anil Bridge , small outlay of time awl money,. to'keep
St's. where we find • pAce' with the heei, tho4t'and literature
w m ; A . I o cKwELL of the day. Hence its importance' to
with '
\a nicely - arranged and carefully every American reader. I!
selected stock of jew9lry, watches, clocks' r f The 4 1 ./e!t: 9 ) l l tiibikt‘rtit? - lecia'
&o. Stilt further down Main St. and in (Veal literaldre are witiWilitited - in its
th e is:iges, tome of 'whose nam e s be
COWL.Fie ISJIEERVAND LENCEI RDOME • -01113cr ID" the prospiztits ,lalilished
' We'Wddla SPeiliiiritteation to the another coluinn. •. •
' fact that in addition to the Antal supply It'bes always stead at 'the head of: its
*of bread, rolls, .pies and cakes, he bakes t 1 . 4 i. 1 4. both in the qUaliti;nuiriptaatllT of:I
from two to three of crackers pet' 416:.r4ding furnished. ; IS in, 64 0:
it at
day, which are deliciously crisp ! and fords, of itself, so th orough andcomplete
fresh. Ho alsomakes the finest cocoanut' a compendium of what bl or immediate
and Molasses candy. l e Re: supplies wed- interest or permanezt *slim in , th e literary 1
' ding receptions, -din l 4is with world is to render it alt itisektable econo.
the richest :.pastries land `cakes made t:m(3
o miser of time, labor a:la.4y.: in . tie
' order. His lunch and dinners and multitude 'of periodicals 'of the present:
cheap, and pacellent. We close our time;--iinatterlita, .angt. week-.
thy tribute `to oar' ildveithittre with a liee L -sttch :a publication has becOmt al
short sketch of 1444 4111 " 411411 Y "' T Y' P ers " famil Y
T Rust ...fatlOnet. BANS.' , ' desiring to keep-well informed ia the best
Th ee is was organized _duly 1, 1863. it ,literature,4o B y.:
:d -- - .
was ti, e ; lu s t Ib a pkie
s ti o uti l tid
s i For 1878,an extra offer is Made to all.
dertho IkTationsi laseking-sjetept, beleg 11 Crwctibmiboill; And-lidand -clubbing
-An office bilit - en the pros: titn'wltb etiio-Periedlaele are also given
eat site. lilBl4 the' banding; was - tern by !bleb a subscriber twat remarkably
dowu?,n4 pew oue.prected
.pponj the cel4"eosta obtain.the cream of-both borne
446 iiihe itti libirlor, the' and . foreign literature: ' Those - seieeting
meat coylvenientiy arranged send elegantly periodicals foi the new *ear,',lqedd .
finished banking house in the! , state; ant; do weir to 'Mandel! the respectus.; An"
side of Philadelphia. !t hai a burglar rto other maithat we krio# Of- can 447
Sod lireprobf, fault,- with chronometer 'lteilber be pit in possession of' ti a. Un
lock Tito rooms for President, Cashier 'which the current literature of trio stogy
add directors are bandsesnely and cons. .11 6 14le'etle4risei
tunably fainislitatr: • • • ,
• ~.nientiutve been but few champs, 'tin** tije.*ll - .4-Qpitila\n of
the bcOlef directors, OL. 0; ratiocar \;.
, - -\\
tim to
'tioi rAl l i r*: ihaspig
s ilielt ..... *l4 l,l CAP 4
7 ,- -etelew imii =rz
i ds d i e ek .Wr . i ;;
' teat ihrie ffriet 'or
Ak- r _i_vimob,)
sam—seti4..„ =tits , siir ,
itinti argroi ollo 7 deirm,.s 34lo , ooo ;
rsP4.Prt e#: ‘ - ,'' ! -
4\ 4110
_op iiitio'efitilkinbitsf
the corms dstarnithareoeint
i depression and tans - venders: reabstan
' a'dlo 'of caiiiihilmilsetw
,• IfOinlif itott • ileitl;airl::.i'
tit etnignitulats ron irlista w •
40 In the - dAT Or'.. * P 7h,. .l I*ler if .."1!!!!
1 I barb come to observe In , `teneell
Uncut_oresenth`thhi 6 -•
ef/ 0 N
inuenliaritleanf llla stets* *pealed by
the itch; Tbitadbisi We ''
tot , ' reCu* the
4 Phir• 4 16144 S delA ', 114)1 .
we shrink freet thi Ite _ '
/ matelot o f mp t he:. oilieg., -
w, iilit,,ikires 4 0 i,Soukeket aX ,
stood Mt theirs* sad:looked wane 1
11 lipOk of-dunthi
•m rticiable want: . .
-- Thiudestet4 crud Mkt !eselrew
isti, sad when:,mad they , ware gate.
4 ete
Tney 'were. Aramps,. of coulee* and
1 tramps are nuisance. :'`.l tried 'to put
then* odt they mled, but when I 'sliced
left bread fee my own boys, I fell to ad*:
leg wheytt was that Irepethem from bet*
Bread isn't a superfluity at our house,
bat : for _ giving a
• to' the iwdy,. and I find .I am
, A careful in my "dealings.with- the
n = ,I sm not straightway trusted with ,
much , , runty, either P:MthcAll or bestow.
It. We , it do to wad for the rich, it the
Londe w . kisto In dope* and it wont
do to laic hi the small' arguments of
those who op* warpath* toted by thane
eeeldties id a ringetit economy. We
must Igaie gist* a'matter of - business.,
We are stewards , what passes through
ouehands, and If we in going thank and
expect Gen's blessing . . our every day'
affairs, we must tools , then .lit' such
wise that he can be: . . . .in their
adininistration.: lit the,phy = •al depart
ment of Gods outwitq ther9 ' ett, ewe'
rated y adjusted system, add - we • on't be.
Mese that the more important s . ritual
workings are left to be done loosely, .rat
the play of impulse. ;Reasoning thus, e
have cometothe decision that it is . •
to tithe thelnint and =minim „ ,
If ten dollareiteabiken out. tartan par
chase of fainifttieeessltlag - one dollar can
be laid aside for beite4olent porimeat. It,
crowds a little on the host ' orpresshm
*enter but if onialiiires to it, it acmes
out all right, atid4me his a little fund tot
fan heel Unman: assets of lea iii Pre-'
sentest, '
Christmas is looming again, the
teeth and grip of the hard times,• and .
Christliuu ia just as which an Juittittation
fot thi seedy etfilib l en 'of poverty as for d
tbisirwholave never ktuicra.the prepenee
of au +anal want.
An active 4 and official uumber, of the
Ladies Benevolent Association 'made ,a
proposition! the other evening, in our
hearing; that iffittidithing should:to! dodo
`towards making a pleasant Christmas tor'
Children who will notliave one otherwise.
It has since been suggested that the room
where theSocietf meets, might be made
the centre for receiving and distributing
gifts for desfitnte children. i
Three years ago, a gentleman, whedoes
not choose to identify • himself with his
charities. volunteered money to pay .for j
Christmas gifts fgr over fifty children.
Candies, nuts, and oranges were furnish- 1
ed by Mr. FITCI3, Acme in paper parcels,
of a size'suitable (pc one child.
Messrs. WiliTcOUß•it pIAUT furnishedi
picture books, with the privilege of re
turning what were left. Dolls and toys
were bought of the Misses CratTEA and
'Me. BLACK, at reasonable' rates, and with
the came privilege. We-venture tbeie
are plenty of business men who will guar
antee the sane - privilege this year, and
further i more that there are tw e nty Iro
nic!), with whom we gladly share, who
can spare a dollar from their Christmas
purchases, 'without stinting their own
children. ,
A half dozen pretty gilt( can deal them
out: at the rooms of the Benevolent Asso
ciation without at all adding tO' the bbli
day cares of the mother at home, and the ,
smart• boys and girls who have no Christ
mas, can be,advertised of , the entertoin
ment by the blessed women who look ( af
ter dui swankier the destitule in their va.
lions districts. ,
If, however, thes.e suggestions should
rah shall of the approval of the worthy
body to whom they are addressed, of
too late to be feasible, we go') back to the
pr i nciple that inspires our poor homily
tusting that
,each; and every motherly
Rid fatherlir soul that
~believes in the
Clierrnas as a Christina institution, will
seek to melte it memorable 'to the toot
withilie circle of their' actraintaine,e in
spite pf. the preterit , * of the hard times. ~
For onwe irise luta the region of •
prophecy; p lairning to all who remelts
ber Cuntsr'e\ kttle noes, a blessed vision
of., upturned, 4rateful happy childish
faces, that elseli\been sorrowful. and
not a shilling less i the till, or n sweet,-
meat less In the ire_ stockings by the
e \\
chimney. piece. AK AUNTY;
~ I , , ,
MS - 01104 lirt - -yreelf, _was, a musical I
feast, airirella financial success. hi
kefetThig to the4nirt taken bytwO• To!v
-iiiiditSies,l4 saya`:." 4 99lrs. 0. A. BALD-
Nein' and . 'Zs., Liif6 Of 'Tow inda - contri
ihnQ initelii in th'ni(taxess of the . even=
~The lattes , ps a
_ . iipleniii'd contralti',
lived It#,44.4lDi r i:Ap * \l3, g ir of. w hia
ia t e
lour' sisilt:
. 9 may, welt feel_ proud.
: : 1 91tiiiistill 9'4 0..t0 pattretibta ri, is ; so:in
'Puna terms we say that ail\ 110 took
part in the concert 'unglued themselves
'with greisivreilit. <
. ,
Tin New York obartver,, a religious
[and Secular newspaper of great worth;
,• ." • • ' its illty4ixth : volume sooik
1 ose who eiss4 to subncribelor a newa.
:oft this eNtrecter, meet spend
- .lila; :Weder ,purpose than by send
:inMtt amount to tlui .publishers, 37
'Park now t New Rork. 4 7 We have been a
Aniitant" readei"or tbe 'Observer - for the
-0;* twelve Years; and fully recommend
it,as' Progreb4ve, sound, reliable and
;pure bouseboldjournal. . Sample copies
are sent, free to any address: - ,
-AM itateNtsnuto OFFER.—The fades
pendent, of \ New Yorli, offers in another
colurnit.togir n away, absoirktelY, a War
cestanansbritiged Quarto Pictorial Dic
tionary,- which retails everywhere for $lO,
and is, of coursC, W household - necessity.
How-they can de t lir,' we must confess,
a raYstery ;,,but Chat they, do there is no
qrsastinu.-.A : .. - \
aha Itulvenfientyisr 10w , pablishing
JosErw Coon'e tainouti s Hosten ?don
daylmolaires;:which are creating so muse
•disetissiou everywhere.
- Fier s
adyertisement7of the Independent
in Oils . •
Drdst.its'it Lrtir.s PoLas.—NothiUg
has given the \ writings of CHanz,Es Drca'‘
Elkts so strong& hold upon the hearts 01'
parents'as the , will-known excellence Of
hid portrayal of ehddren and their inter
eits.'"Thfse delineations having received
al - of ileatiet&\pf niaturo age, it
this' ieries: !!Lrert.r. Pam," from lion
ntr Ifr Fog, has just been issued; illus
trated by pantry, and attractively
bound/ The other yoltitnes will , follow/at
_ _
'For sole booksellers, or , ' sent
post-11-0d for $l.OO by the P9l f15140,-
Jonx R. Alcsostiso4 lloitfon4, Conn. -
, I -N 3.tratow j am.—At the regular meet
ing • •
of - Highland Grange,' No. 103, -P. of
, - / • . ,
H., ofyenusylvania, hejr t Grange Hall.
Litchfield, Novj.l7, A. . 1877, the
lowing preamble anyl resolutions were
unanimously aliopted,:
NtiamillAs. It, bas pleased the Supreme
•ArehiLeet of Hie' universe, to summon:
from this terrestrial Grange to the granw
on high, our Waved brother,. OtiataloJ.
Paritorhose/faUltless record, Cbristaiau
cbaracter„ . genial nature, charitable and
, generous spiiit,Jogether with an earnest,
I real and untiring devotion intim interesri
.of.Highland-Grange, No. 193, developed_
ha nu/hearty fOr dim the profoundest setk•
tin;:ta of affectionate regard ,and sister
ly . d brotherly loop; therefore, be it • -
/ Re4oked,. That while we reverently and
Ateirdittly bow in obedienee to the behests.
of that Being whoSe ways are ioscrutible,
and who doeth all things'ive'll.
• - -Res.iii'fid, . That in.-removing from thir)
Woos- ,dcoeased.,brother, we desire • to
express Our 4661)..,Sense' of th irreparahl... ,
: jo.s - susiiitied in the death f one who,
with' eloquent 'tongue; - sours ,judgnieto , ,
and ou:topiary dife, always' fittingly and
impressively illitstrated the cardinal .p,:i) , .-
ciples 'that eenstitute the - fonndatir ,- r.
"stories of:the grind snperstructdre of th-!.
34 : range,; . ~.• 1• . : .
Regotred, Thht we share deeply in the
Sorrow of thewidowJ her child, and the
:relatives of• odr. deceased brother, aryl
hereby tender to then)our heartfelt eyes- •
pathy,andeoininend them to the, loving
an i tender care of Him whohns promised .
to be a , " Father or the fatherless,'.' and a
,thelportothelwithiw.!' - -
.. ,
ll,eaolracA , That-this gmffge - he suitably
Ai:4A in mourning. for the neat thirty
daysas du eapreasicm of the grief we. feel
Ibr loss;otour beloved briither.
. Reaptee4,• That these res riotions be en
toyed upnu,the : minutes and . -published hi
two of theicoupty,pirpers, au.l that an en
groised copy of the same be transmitted .
to the - widow o, f" our il eceasech-lm-theri
wlttrittelliwurtriec of our sincere sympn,
thy. in her bereavement.
buys LAVILLI: MoitSE4 t COM.
• 3ins. I. P: liarairvis, 3 ,
D.,K.,S.tcrtsix, Secretary. • -• • •
Pros - mutt REconn arm Prc-Nrc: —ln
1764, ,lotto Ilii.t. with his oldest son mere
from IhissiellusettS to Owego, intending
to get alieme, and.return for his fami
-IY,'eonihrtitteof a 'wife arideight children.
He settled on the "place' Since called. the'
-"Dteri Well District." Idr: !Tim, being
nineebarric, built the first framed house
in Owego Village. In October of the same
year, Mrs..llla, robust and porseyering,
hired' a Man to bring her . and her eight -
Children; together with, what goods she
had, to Otsegolalre where she proeirred
three orionr, " dug outs," lashed them
I together. loaded . on her children•-yand
goods, and floated down the river toOwe
' go rind joined her husbanil -
They lived there tit! about 15112, when
they renrovedlto Orwell, Pa., They' find
tato - ehildrekb *wit hi Owego, making elev
en, who all litred to advanced life; the
yottugest, Ive'ritable .SAM Hitt,' hav
ing died at•the age of 36. -
Septimlier, , inf, the -descendants of
Jogs Hitt, to', the number of about-160„,
met for a pic-11;te on-the old farm. in frr
1 ; well, - at which ,was Criamrctr tint, of
Owego, and Causrt* Ilttt, of Orwell;
'(twins) aged 86, and'vrho were passengers
:bawd of tiMt _fleet in Ir.': Another
4045 1 10119.F..,W$ 00* LK ( .-. l f CoAPP.O of AAI
- ( if age,, and *O . sist e r
Ainferwl4o :tiny licing, aged 88.
2lti~a bib .lUkevit#. , 'pla:
minim the tables load
6t'grotkiltiti4s for the inner taati,,to
toplejustica was deem But apace
000n7ntsCOWPOe-JuOr anIM
N0.414 4 / 1 1104laird#W4000eat
MA on Timidity n. 1, V37klaftet noon
and evening. Dinner will, joe 4ayke4lls
2 o'clookforthe,benefit; of thi*wlioWeii
not remain until evening.- A cordial hid.
trtioh - 11 reztedded to every body; tiocd
mode tuia.beeAnOteek-2- SV- 101 _,."
ngementa hive been made with E. w
Dwain to take au* - of bonne nit wia
cionabie prlcea, *Prove* for benefit of
I budding fund.
By Otamtsor C0361111111L
, -v.'
Feit'4l' . it , L.,
Kiari*. 7
tar A. Poi* Winter Snit, for Ten. Dol•
s noiseNrieue:e. • sePt•M
Mit.l3:—New tot; nelrliitees, et the Shriage Street
FurnttureStore: doge.
OrWeinat the anon Cartinglruivis
Yors - ; • Illniauti.t.'s
Or: Holiday WO& to suit all cluseiat
Ksars. " : . ciceVt.
tar The, Seed Silver frisked Kahl e%
roused Spooskin tb• auirket, at - ,
• Ciusifizataws.
fair Ladies, - - Misses; and • Children's-
Wilts at reduced prices. stl. L. Knits . dee.%
• . •
, tar Silver-P1 ted "Knivei,, triple plate,
.only 44.00 . fer doz. .3t.t Id col. Crockery store.
t Fancy Goode in great , variety, at
1 e 4.7.rr8. 41040.
Don't foiget to can at . ICEnT'
lr your I►ars.. dee=
fore buy
can buy a plated Cider for 99
r Block.
•cionts,in Merc
• IVir Depot ,f o r Gold, Silver any
Spectacles tyt csiti4ar.aus's -
tir A lame stock of 'Fascias' tor'a and
Knit Goodi st.t. L. dead.
Closing 45ut our Silver-Platedwaxe,"
31 . Aotix'6Crekery Store.* ,
Lad tii• Silk Handkerchiefs and
Tier lo mot viiitaty, u J.L. deeZO.
tar You , can always get bottom prices
at co Aillassir,iirs
; _ • ,
Vir 419,41 p ! - Sliwls 131iiwls! Just rg
ceted at y declo.
lair Ton ca43alWays #nd Wtiat you want
in detralry, Spiltd : tillver - aad invite Plated Waeo at
Cumeztaata wet
ine The titte.s' t assortment of Limps in
town for 99 ets. at the 99 et store.
rura at J: L. Kt
41.1 r hosier
zir All' the latest . publicatioits, ,
chOp. atNiirittr'imie ' • A
• •
Remetpber aways,„ that we *Ur
sea Latup,; qrockory and (Iraitnrikr, at tLe
lowest prices, v",31.4D1Li.11 Crockery Moir.'_
rir parsets: Gamete: ' '
kintls snit prictsat RENT'S.
Great Parl, , *s\ier OVERCOATS
at Ito.axr , ::sk+Lim
c:.'atzi at par
H• pPP O -
. / -
bite the's*..7aus Male, twepts a iarge ispilyaf fresh..
baksit Crackens. • , Ike2 0 .
• •
get all the latest styles of
itteal; at 'Ttitteouti k kaAtv,
Ctrie . Tool theists; 401 9S
_Store s .
',.. ...
trm, ne;goods and low pri
'ge Street Furnitnie Stere.Cmarn.
, s ale E.
kV' Sleds, all kinds, \ for 99 cents, it 99
t Store. .
CgAlturawx sells_ goodi cheaper
than ady s otherestablisbinent In Northern
for caso
COAMBERLIN!iI and see his
arican..Ciold and Sl►rer watiliet.
M - Go
ms44tment of
WM. A.
tunwt tram New
day 3.
ery at Witircom
„M” Three
the new Pb 3,111.81
rff‘Carverz t lt,,
Blank Loci& ininurseters In the country.
tir`Solo Goods, holiday Goods, Toy:
Will 13ml* Guam, next • meek, at 31ADtLL'S 'Crock
LT," tiNlertakini, , a speciality at the
Stle t tt Mien.
• . .
. .
Irß 7 ' Cheapest . `Black Pure Kohairs Al
pr.-3.. Burk nrol CoiureaCaetaneres Imtopened,
k' OWELL. Co. -- . . •
.T , lst received -- Snotlicr Large
stock or Lamp:=. M A DILL'S croekery store.
• . 0 17.. • - .
• tr- Calicoes, hies style t just:iipened. Pit
5 fr.ll:A.' 10 Cns.: 4 of Gyat Cralleck:s; be.:ll . 24(41 styles,.
ditC). • • ,
Mr".llltts. Mt.tooli has the' beat , Sicirt
Lipp ter, *so the sprt Eievatok. • ;
i .
. .
Mr'TOYAillfintai IN NEEIisOF F.klar a
Vita 5.,-We hare a largi Igoe% of :the I' s
tilill, 'which Isdzelared to b the belt MU b 11.
which •we li - 111 - wAt kite.:4 - 1 foneash... / - -.,1 - ' -:
• M. Cologne Slots and Vases, argreat
1m mains than ever offered before in this relliket
Crockery S tore. .
• • ~. e
In snaking .yi3ur . s . elpctions fog, tie
remen.iser,itip prices of the. itrifier4 tor
...11!tlat 3 , 14. pt Lt.'s 'Crockery Store; range from (me
j'ent ttp'sumls. ,
rehiiction • on rates to all
p.,4 0 %-{Wet { .soft;ocesc and Southlicat. The
ever orleyea. *rlteinr apply
i. S'fivrwood, Vo7;trida, t. r V: 11. llVticket ofltsx.-
V",T holiest quality of Family Flour at
Mil HUI G 31.1.14 LS at wholesale ur rotatl.
tang:-tt.l • ' •
Ronottni elllAlteuges eompe
Syr qqallti of CiPotto and jaw ,priceeott Sash
>miry. Bilats and Muldial, a, anti all building ms
ar New 11' ''*hie.o • . PeikTv.-4. New
Yt•ar's party witkbe gI en tba Bartlett Ware,
Wls,4uking. on the vreniug,?rldood.ay, Devi-tuber
atmt, Mimic, :Pin t a'
. 14 Ilicr)o.NAurs Ortbes
7 -
Vf" poNsTiox.-- 7 The frienits - of Bei: -
E. F. nOlitlITS will psy him a Donation • visit at'
rho :if. E. Patronage, Wralustng, Pa, on Christ.'
Mar afternoon and evertiounee.Litb. Everybody,
.is invited. Ry attics of Com. decl3.
,- - Pr Ladiei aqatitA—Wahavojnst re
lie . *
re teed a line ofgtulne /apt ness goods bought
.:Itrret ;row tholin 'tier, and wiliald extend a et:m
-(11i' Invitation to you -111 to come !amino thens.
Slautt.L's Crockery Store, -- • . ',.
„ .
DAzik.--flaving coicludid tt,
"iesOmln Itt-Towaroln 0u1y.,10 days lonier, tills is to
re timely pollee to ail persoivdetdcing great. bat
;gains Incur line of pods to coon once
Y! Cant store.
la Santa Claus has • establialid hiS
bewlquorteis st ileon;L's Croeterritlitorei for
'be ranalog leildaYez 'and *by one 14,Winstof bent
tiro! srMeles will' bilielfied at twist
delis by looltlag over pokatoet. la the iiesattment
dttt be found good" loom Japan, Franca, OtitinalgY .
si,s other toieign coindeles. • as. wed ass rest
niziabered singssia.IIIIIO3I423SiSMAMIIIIII*InUt
• n
WOO to 00 1 41 101 garliT 151.1111 W
chtt - At Alaftytti
utzt Cling+ rleSlllMlWitailifii• „lea&
" A 1 1 1 2 5 1114 / 1 11 1 0 hkevogallils -
of obo Plinio" 411110 belPfla
WM* PM. alai - OW Aatl ll 4lll.4;flNOW.
nom , ' ll, O el* Oas WAN" WOW ,;
scklifvet "gligegit b!eliclastSA se 100,110,11 • „
gams* tfto: wadthiog st 44044101. - -
tpiano itititeuresidia*
Wl* twibbtro iiiNtergisirisi tr. wry
or sous
:44 11011.1*,
saitisi. 44l4l l.lPlPPfttibia g i b lr s ot- ' 1
m 4411 q ; uls4o.eisbestitme eim:B4
an 4
The ,4 6 P 011 )seiti J. IMI! tp MOeNi 1104,w4ad.
=skip iniestossi:sisty
eritront west Or sissittesiptatisis *OM 1111dIstr i
Mg* 10 at War'. JW NOW.4k I / 1 1 4, 10 1 # 1 7 , .
sod tides !A Alive sod Adtesddrr lad o ~
evert waiter; .134;, thi grist dlstisittrs amino,
or rho Platatietphlir isetty . 'Misr is Its timid .`1 1 -
I siiiesitt. desists's is' thi tronrArnsiinumnr i
lor TUX WAY. MINIM my* 0 0 0 1 1 1, ,11 43 111 Ire
of* propolsest ist,thAitsts "Ma lostweea.,.
the . buttes, sad deserlbsumits iptirsat °Ms wir
that ems" ilthOt 141 owa personal osimuco.
No aewspapee mei , befall Pressettsd Sorb se tartar'
or tostributers u .. grime IA- tads • d•partioest.
AftiOni awn OM sot is Ostia Out
ib,m• Go CaPia, &sq. .141 , Jokostoo ,
Genera JorPpHooker grieVfamei lol ll l o. o .
Troth Jolin'fr.Zoraiy,,, genera Bitiairgsrg,
General W4llliser 1517rsidtifik Item; Adis tuts-'
gap, lioit; , lllstati (taste! sl4. Silt;
General / 4M Caremeard. sidestbris4sislirl. ,
sionswan Jae/ 11 PN (" (Bm6 "41
sod Mts:Jeniftsc," ,VntrltS. 34 18 ,1 04 Peegil
otitis Weekli ThSeihas At
thu st4soit pal* are ishithigtbskr news
pawsAT *4 umayear, as thositrillitallto mad
for .44 Illodsgrr MOM!! 0414 UP MO
7 11 440 10 / . 0041114 1 . _'" " •
. 1 aPactiAL
star' The Ammal 111 , *iggtortli, -
fioders o! the TowithtlerSrliWCo. Hoitheeleettoti
it ',President, Tremont abet Mt Meshigen.
servo she @mules year. will be held t First
Natibbaftlint.Voweeds. Pa.i allfW
' lll 4 a/ elraf' ol 7 , t h • / K 41 13 fAmls , `
r. At. • ,
- F.
Dvirtimt ! Durkraa! Drentrsuil
Dywpepela Is the wad perplexing of , all_butomm
alleventa. Its symptomaareal lamed listiailit their
,variety had forlorn and 6 41#004114 , 01 1 4001
the disease often fancy themeless* .theme !n
turn. of every twins tiesdi. Prbtelledsigllegleg
to the
aoel leo E riet S s t 1&
M il h
wet the
somaee y and kalo Me fact
Ma sailly d :i lrr. de Mlaw
nervous sytem.'ande
quint,oa .
E.,l 9 Henkel'slltterbe
of Iron is *sunk cure.
Thiele obis se* be tried assikaatil •
wading, it lute been prescrthedel daily tot magy
years in the praettarglf endsrotl 4 9st# 444 41111 __
unpapsisMedsurcese. 41.111115 t eXIM/4 1 44 4#
ed to cure all the diseaseStstypie 4 44 4 4
lly is subject. but is wamia ewe Dyspepsia
in its alostellegivatetorm.t.Maxisshe
of iron never fails to cure. ilyin t ftt of D fag
ele or WOW iippetille,W4olMag
stomach the wath. helicalualailia4 ll * Le Sao
stomach and bare% coesupetioc. eteedeehe. eled
aess.sieeplesmees sod Tettbe moat
remedy and're convinced of Us nemita t
genainete only Kunkel's. ASO psitttia
'one dol bottles. Depot, De North 31000,0010.
Pblialle, ph* ra. It utver falls. sale .
Droggists sad dealers everywhere. '' • at
Art for E. F. Kunkel's Bitter Wine ef Impel
try no other. Six betties for eve dollars, or oos - dsl•
tar per bottle.
/ Worixel .W4KLIAFW BI .:;II4,Iv
E. F. Hunkers Worm Inall never Agleito
art" Pha , Seat sod SMisielliMallemst HOW.
rorre i rnitoarlve lli tte.MM
resam4d..Emismen iamb f
bp, removed. all Ohs% ‘I I IOM4, SIR b e..=ft
fffrOjed. Send fOr-elltures or v.* P.m
North Nina Street. PhiladelEhlat M 1 7 041410
your druggist tot a bottle of watisere gt
up. price 0. It never cells. •" 0 '
_The best and cheapest Hair Dressing eat* Ur -
Cleaner In the world. They remove' dazWlreff;
lay imitatinc, soothe and cool thebe114441.11.114'
vont from falling off, and promote .owgrowth hia
eery short time. They preseoreitmidlle •
Ile'r• and reuderAt soft. andAtorm. ;Tbe7.#o4or
• bet:mewl. and silky apen'enwee lo•bseld mid
wiry Hair, Sad ass hair dresdrar, theyste onsival
eradicate dandruff and prevent I.o4inge. not
-estuttoo cleans the remives I.m. eiert,
Pelting, eruptiOn. Costs hemlachet i rcd4Y
ty , at and fatigue. Kausel's Shmapio Lamm'
r..dores Hate to a natural and 10001 ..reMrea.
lefisd. dry. harskand retry pet bottle
t. "Ask rMir &ruler for them, Or Wild to Kt T.-
Ifaultedorregebttor. Siet4lt4 North Mistlit Enr:et.
Pfitliolelnida. Pa. ‘, -hurt2,"77:
t prices in
great varie..
is AU
kers) for
• APItherLRWIP.I"..; • -
if lfrs. R. 'AI Frost. In 01iw6Jl, Ti., by Rev. A.R.
• 401os idr. Jobs ff: Tfewentab and llf re-Wardelle
Fairbrotber, all of Vestal. Center, Browne C 0..;
N Y.
. • •
.31tNN—HORTON.—in Waverly. N.Y., Dee.l2tb.
pqr. 'by B . P. Brawn, Mr.„ ()eq. a. : saunn. of
Litchfield, and bibs Minnie Wtaton, of 7flontn
Waverly, • ,- .
•A. a DIED. •
• if11Lt1.11.2.-4.0 tpringilddsEarr. 1377, . ,
daLt;wltiof t rietuaa C. Wheeler, aged 66 year... ,
Deceasetrwaa daughler-oritig Bad Henry Pars
COlifillt.-An Dec.' leitt, 1677, iiter short illners
• • at-the reAlente ef•her son, Charles Corbin, is
Warren, Bradford Ca, Rhoda (Sutton) 'Corbin.
- widow of thole* Aaron earth'. for soapy years' '
• ajlituilpg Sider in, the Prinhytetlan Church. at
Warren, She mulls the slat year of herag-, sad
arae.asother of a large most of wheat nos
vivo her. •
seeds shall be great and tidne offspring ail
'the krass'of tlfe earth. Thousbaltcometotbyrava -
Awful! agelike as s Mork of corn ealmeth In his
arasod.”—loly 2-26: •
Caiitse. Pa. Dec. Otb, 1677, Amts
- 'wife of C.. 1 • Corblo, eon of W. I. Corbin, Of
• Warren, aged 28 years.
She had been a member of the United I.reabytes
. elan Church for several years, and was' a rood!' •
and noon* knew her but to admire Mr."
She, leaves three little girls aged four and talinyesta
respeetively, to stem the ills of earth without a
• motbfirs care. May Divine vim enstaln the - heart
- striElien busband iimiliging to t h at rest which, we
\ • '
trast die has found. . ' - C.
\ •
\ ,
• c-'• •
4841114 . et"
lac •
/Ilium. , er: l l4h°l 4 l , • Sii it: 0 "' TS '
On ons, ,•• 1" • # .'.. 4 ''''',.'
Clackeua 7 0 a .
Go.pgii,../....i......4*,.. Jr.../ i ll• .aill 01
Tin keys's 9' @ 10 "
ipar talh, .5... j.• ...1. • ~.,..., '
ilg, es
00 10 .0.1a4., . : r
' bkins
Oesnoto!.../: h. . ...• • .IV IiI• 0 0 r 1 e ... r
iteep pr.,1t5...., 1 20.01 i 100 • ~., .
. natow ' - " ' 00 - 10 07- • .
Woul. washed ....4... . Si.64#, 24 ,-, -..
' .. :anwashegl..:'..:. - - 20 i ' .21 1 . .
.11rOTIIT HAY. . • •
Tor prim dte.. WI on= addrosiG.S.ACILLICT's
nbeleesin deader In Sated Ilas and Sr*,tw Spfins
Pa. ; Sept 13:77 WS.
Does tbilt
Viaiiisitibusweent II
r -
• . •