Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 13, 1877, Image 3

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VtafFi gtporttr.
NAIIIIII.I Pir; Thu:by, iho. 13, 1877.
Dealer In
FINE atwEijoev,
AT 9H E S ,
Towanda, Jan. IS, 477.
\y,. hare made arrangements with the publishers
of the following 'x.110(11613, by Which, We can offer
•,,aysrbe of them in connection with the Rar.onTra
at-arca:ly - reduced rates; We will send the Rm.
rourEft from this date till December 3tst, 13711;
wfih any of chey.apers named billow, for-ondyeir,
al 'to. agates - lnilicated': •
REPORTER anti Weekly Tribune, -
• "I• Sethi •Weekly. 3 'OO.
" • " s:Weekly Titnels, 20.
4 ,`•
Semi-Weekly. . 3 25. I
" Weekly, Evening Post, A 2 15.
Seml-We'ekly, 3 15.
Anierle4n .s.7,rlclturlst, 2 10:
c.'outitry Gentlemaii, 04.-
" Rural New Yorker, 5 10.
". Weekly,, 4'20.
• Bar, 4 7.0;
" azlne, 4 20.
•, Scientific:American, 31,'x.
" Atlantic, 4 W I
•• Galaxy, 4 20.
" Scribner. •
" -St. Nlehnlan, .3 Sot
" Wide- Awake, 2 50.
" Baby Laud, 1 40.
" I.tttlek Liv/ng 7 75.
" The Nur...elf, Z 10.
Akaton'i Jtinrnal, I i IS,
" Porilar Science Monkhly,4 75.
" Telcrnons Magazin4, l 2 50.
G.lers, ° •* 4 3.13:
Elpithicott's " v • 4 20.
" Atlantic 319nthly,-1 420
JOHN BEE 1.. is to ; give party at the
\N DYKE: house, in Llste'r, next ...WO
- evening.
READ our elubping rates in. another
culunin t and then Oiake:np your 'lists for
the coming year. -
aml tliirty-three meals
WC re o.orved aL 8 r.F.'y's European
I louse, toe day.iast week. /
• "Pitt Say T e. ,Aca , . binned
List Olitik. It wits ow ni4l .by 1 ioweltn
F. En. •
I'qe. reiaira on - tiro Episcopal Church
,arc,iipproaChing completion. `,3ei . icesacre
nou'. held in the hasement:
iisext Sca:iable 'will be
held at the residence of 4.:0t.. U. F. )I.vsoN,
on Tuesday evening, 'December It3tli. 1111
are invited to attend.
THE friends of Mr N'll - ,t, TowNErt, o
Rollie, congratulate him on the vindiea
tion tir-.lli good name in the recent at
tenriA to bleplcen his - character by a crier
in:11: proceution.
THE entertainuient given by the scholars
of the Presbyterian Satalay
Fridity evening %vas a very pleathut
affair. The little fellotcsenterc,i
into the
spirit of the perfaaaances and aufnitte
theinselves creditably . . "
AY E were-favored with a pleasant visit,
List week, from our esteemed and intelli
gent friend, ; W. F. COnnus, of Warrentf
witcP. although he has attaitiA almost to
thejallottod period is still bale and hearty;
and vigorous as most men of forty.
Till: hi-weekly gath.•rings at the M. E.
('lmreh are rendered prolitable, as well
as pleasant, by the hearty co-operation of
the: whole cougregation., At the meeting
en Tuesd.ty evaning Rev._ G. C. JoNEs
read an;ting essayA
'TUE Musical pe(;plP' ' of Waverly,
assisted by Mus. I.4*viN, of. this-place,
gave Miss MlNNti:PArrEftsos. the priina
donna of the Southern Tier, a' benefit 'at
the Opera/House-in Waverly, on Tuesday
i:ve:ningl Miss P. his just onnpletcd a
eoursh it the 'Poston: Musical Ncadenay.
Tne e Society .ing aa. te'
&nee of W.L.f M. 3Eti,Lonv, (M Monday
evening, added sixteini doltar's.tO the fund
the ladies are: necumnlatingwith to 1111101
_energy and zeal, to be used in furnishing
the eintroh when the t - eibairs are completed .
The next meeting will be held at El T.
Vo'x's, inl 3londay evening next..
Dec. 1:3, has been appointed
it:day of fasting and . prayer, I)yi
National Chrizithin Ternp4anee
Union. The day will be apprOpriately
observed in Towanda ; and the T.
placWrviiii - hold a
r. V., at ttielhouse of
`Mns. Vl - 3f. WATIOVS. Ad, wen inter-
in the canse of temperance are cor
iii;tll): invited to be present.
Ma:. V, ?i. 11A1.1KE12, who POSideti with
Ili. sou,. I . .2lVAtKv,n,, Esq , in this • place,
was ettriot.lXprostratett by, di,ease afe ;,
,14.- since. lie 11:111 . ITCII 14Lint all I!4y
i .
and was . . feeling in bettel i.pirit% thr.u.,,
ii,,itl, until after pertakiu of I.tiis supper
win ;t1 lie F u (Id e tilY became : 4400us.cif a
5....:t. Fit and certici.tting pain 4nloue 'of his
feet.. lie is now lying-in 'a vellr- critical
,„ , I - - - , i,on. • - !
, •
- i
early aily. -
Dow.n in tit , Valley, people pursue the
eVvn tenor of their way, \ making the
cold season a long uninterrupted holiday,
Lunt:kering :has ceased, and' even the
woodman's axe no longer echoes in our
forests, fur they too have nearly yielded
supremacy to the " black diaMond," and
thus "-the winter consumes all the sam
pler doth 'yield." The old Universalist
Church Still 'stands an unmovable terror
to evil doers. 'True, we have no preach :
ing, and soon: have the assurance to sas .
that, , for : the fortriation of peace _and
unity, it is all the better,! It is not the
vailey..ntind yon, that have the squab
bie,in Cmirt. ,
„.-At„Sltintlagon -we again have two very
well-eMithicted stores in operation. Mr.
-O. 'P. Air* irrOdd Fellows
_block and the
Qant = as boys pPositc. It'is' not propos
ed to write 1 als to advertise country
business free ( teost, although would like,
.to say that ont'peiple are disposed to
patrpnise them for their own , adialitage.
The appointment.of.Mr„,NYEß, aforesaid,
for - Postmaster giies good -satisfaction.
If hie is as attentive to the 'interests of his
patrons'ashis predecessor, kr, PiTILLIPsy ,
the public cannot fail to be well,satisfled.
- But among \ the sad things which- MOO
been transPiring among us during, the
{critical times, our old stand-by, P.',,S.
AYEU has yielded te x theloree ofseircure- s ,
.stances; which he could not control, and
pass ! .d under, the financial guillotine.
The' mill is silent. At three &tote years
he may as welldmv&Passnd \heti - eta the
upper and neither mile stune:.\ \ Old man
D.V . ftrosoN, when lw built his water \‘ mill
I - -.near by said, ." people say this wilk ruin
. me-; hut they will Kaye a . mill, Won't
1 1 t)r -! .tr.t.v.. wedding of a Bradford girl tliq 2" We have a lino mill, whetl s ;
a!' the. capitol of Michigan, said by the PitaNi: remains prostrate or not. liis ,
I, !li,ing Reptiblicalt to be theaargest wed- enterprise gave us ttlat much, although
d,.....!:; that everoccurred in the State. - Oct. no bettei\tbau a " whited. sepulchre!' if'
- tii. lt , ;1, by 'Rev. ,T: 4.I3IIWOUTai Mr. "not . set in inoihin. The public are iuter-
Ec.mak J. 1:12.10tost;. of Vertiontillle, csteil in the \ mcweinent; - The loCality is
, liehigan, to 311 t-ti Put 31: Muss, excellent. ,But to 'make' it 'sure-lire its
formerly of Bruifforil County, Pa., on the iproprietoinbeds i.tifficient surplus capital
Lining Fair' rCunds, in the presence of`t \ 'to fill interstices ivltich- are son:UAW:mg,
over.twelve thousand witnesses. Illauy but' not. often, left -f r want of custom
1 444; Resents wvo pi:aired. - • w 4 to till regulartifiao. - • al': Q,. .
As:4 - 2.011x as 181'2 there - was !a public
• the eastern part of
the CO ay, called - 9ie Wysox and Ott'
a‘,ll I.ll,rary,•• and einitiiined hun
qcll C 1 .ice volumes The late TiloS.
liJanriT, was thelirst President, and Dr.'
S. T.' p-Ansiow, Secretary: From the'
uMoit.s it appcairi that prior to that time
• a library had exisitdiu Orwell township.
• ,
(luit esteemed towm.'man, GEo. Riba-
has. for:Abe past eight years
htTti utnploved in thegKeeery business in
" tld. 1, , ,z1-e, has ) just leased the coal and
"'N/ yard on Canal-st; near the 41.Psco
` Pal (I=o, and is now prepared ‘tOiill all
orders I'4 coal . and - 'wood; at the lowest
price . ..s for cash. This is no new departure
Mr. P., as he has had large experi-
A•th 91.11 kind pf Itusines.. , sb6fore.eoming
to" owandal Wr bespeak for Lima lib-
c ail patronage
Tearn that' a sad accident occurred
iT!'l.irebti-ldron:Saturday evening last.
Mr. FUINK lloLlEits with his wifti and
littledhnOiter were Jriving from Litch
tell C&ii u e to hy, home, When One wheel
of the earriage.struck a stump which had
face lef ` in th&rnad, and the vehicle Was
breakinethe leg of the child near
• 31011sEaudJnnsoN were
• :died and adjusted the limb of tLe little
V. M. Benoit - Obit, Pittatoir,
-14catthnt, R. k. /admit liethlthettc•
arid-Pnitit-13kalw, • Eini m,. were guests
the Ward House on Monday.
Wn - regret to ' learn that P. 131 FORD
vithas beeiliin inmate of the Danville
ue Asylum for the past three: years,
wesstrieken with paranoia a few, days
shun and 'the physician thinks it:doubt;
ful about his tecovery.. - -
iVE are - indebted to hon. 4.111. HAWI,
the no* Third Assistant Pi M. General
foi his =nal report ,of hiti department.
It isa.carefully prepared and interesting
(locum' cut. ',,\
Ting Eureka Mower Co. ".reeeived this .
week an order from South Pitied& for a
Mower to be operated brisMatn, and em
ployed in c utting i the rank grass along the:
track of a railroad. Th 9 machine will be
KI just as noon a it can be nianu-!
attended th
T. 0. of p.
and , r,eport a von
hoped visitiwt
publish a work'. entitled
tory of Lafay4tte College, ,
is a native of Ois county, al .
m o st proutineht . young eclu a
Hui. J. A. ItossmEr., occupied' th,qu.l
pit of the Prt4y.t-:rian.. : Churchi ou
day evening, 41d favored) the-cotigregx
tion witli a mokt . excellent pracgcal dis
course. 3lr. R.. a pleaSant speaker,
and a thoroughly orthodox theologian;
• ,
cofyimence t6. - dary the publication
of an ankle. diseriptive of the littriness_
firing in Ttitianda who advertiserin the
1 . 3 gronTEtt: call' the espeiat atten
tion of our readers to this review, and
iugc, , est. that they bear these -eiitablish
rnents in mind whill .ptireliasam 'their
holiday, goods. ,; . The article will be con
tinued xt week, and will embrace all
Our . advertisers.
roeton will speinl the Winter in Philadel
• \
. —LtRUT. MART, ,Canipany "I,"
12th lir ginient. is att'Agliag Court as a
juror this week.
• \
—M RR. E. Bmm:cm better known /t
this county as Mtss Scim,
daughter of- the late x Asn 'Sr TT, has
beim elected Superintetfdept ofiatblie
•schoolS. in Albm-- - County, Caliarhia.
M us. St.kNi iat add. one more to The -Ist
of teachers - whom Bradford .has sent out,
• and of whose reeord she may be justly
RUYKEND.p.i. and
VAN FLEET visited ;New York city 1.1.,q
week. _ •
Tin' follow;m; -note from Rev. G. C.
JONES. explains itself: ,
' TowANn Dec. 1,18 i..
Eiwroil?RF.roicrEn-,--Pror .Sir :—AI-•
low ma toie c orrect a r• is •onception of
some peoplOts,to the no an roz, in part•of
my sermon oil Thank gi in Day. •
Then I spoke of corimunisni 'exhibit
ing its strength,' and "'voting," I intetrd-
Kl reference tn any political party rep
resented in The late Fall - elections. I re
fetyed to udthitt , " but the riots of lat.t
siiinno-r, nil-Witt:l we stand so, largely'
intiebt-d tfi the comnitniktie . and--rowdl
elements of the contitry. •
7dy'uot suftiehmtly guarded expressions
haVe Alone given rise .to the . mistake. •
My exetise for the eNplanation is, that
while a questiou• as o the mooing oa
anythiug t persimally - slid' in public may
he I ,Mute insignitleaut, yet it is important t be, pulpit should not. have the rapu
tation of a vehicle of party politics. _
Yours,. truly,
liEdnoE 0. Jost'.
members of Bradford Lodge
meeting of Monroe n lodge
on Saturday - eve - log last,
7 enjoyable t." e. It is
`soon be returned..
WEN, i 8 about to
Sketches of fps
' Prof., OwEN ,
one of the
tore in the
S r-si tz U N. -Our people are pretty
generally pripared for the rigors of the
eAhl . Our two score
...poor are
cArefully farmed out, and the poor house
goest ion ha's ceased to create any espetial
'AL!.,rn , , • The schools -are also in running
order, and a general' satisfaction, if not
I,losperity pre%aics within per borders.
l the better class of our Mizell% ftel y. atiV
especial wide at our represeatioii in
eeurt the east week, they are very much
di, posed to keep it to themselves. Utile
sclioi4 master a nd •iiotninie have retired
from active. 6CI Vi2e among our adult
thtZ lawyers arid the sheriff
will tleap the llarv_st of taich neplect; and
proms that we _are striving to keep 'pace
with the lively rollicking ,world around
The farmers, Who. constitute our. prin.
cipal , .populati9ii, have nut been untninl
- of theValte offall plowing:during, the
hurt xampf:4l fait weather. It not nnly ,
advaoces l spring but much-of our
flu - nip:lit to be improvedby the iMl
verizing whiter. A largv
area is devoted to winter wheat, which,
dc' theTapprehensionk of croaker, is
to thin very finely indeed. This is espe
eiill3 ti nl3 along the river border, where
the s ,, il siiems . 'hetter adapted to its cul
ture thawkinds'hirthee back. For oats,
corn, potatoes and foe dairying purposes
OurPlands . ieniote,from the river bottoms
rs triliute to the Egypt of an
Rtninstscptcts - Mat Rstramons or
Tug VALLEY oir.TllF.,WillolF
11% Enrrcin ` rte REPORTER Atqlq
3one mile below.; Tavern;"
which reference was made in my Your
Milo Wood," there , settled two brothers—
ihnt,matt and Ramo= Iltiesa44;;l think
as early as 1808 or 1809. Thitorithr get
ting tired of this mortal life, withlits per
plexing cares,. passieover _to the other
country some 55 or 10 years - ago. ` Elie
widow lived till .a few years ago.
Uncle, Moist:, the other brother, and
Aunt , Pima, as they were frequently
called,, premed bard; on to fourscore and
ten and then, within`a abort time of each
°that., weneup to join the .pure and the
good in the heavenly world.
Some fivil persons by malice iident.„: or
somebody carelessly gave this Place the
name 'of " Slovensburgh;" and'although
the •name of the post Office is North Or
yet by many it is - still called Slovens
And now Mr. Editor, in behalf of these
people, I demur against this. slanderous
name. North Orwell is now One Zr. the'
prettiest little hamlets there is in . Brad
ford County. Most of the buildings are
new—nearly all are well painted—two of
of the honks in yarticular are very large'
and nice—Hon:we . IlesseLL's and Mr.:
Cass's, cithers - give evidence Of good taste
,thrift. - The meeting-house is an dr i
'lament to the. place. if tin peop le: are
as mindful of their - hearty; as they are of
their place, of worship , I. think the y wit
'surely get to heaven, But this is not 1
we have to.say of the place : bwego 'as '
its Mary's Glen ; t Imira ' its El ridge 1
ark ; New York its P Ir, ' and
islykt•tit Orwell has its miniatur m ansion'
and :tilt.. , ItAieleings to one Ito is called 1
by eve.. body rncle MINER. Ile has such
• if trees, plants, 'rubs and .floiv
'y use is festo ;.ett within - and
'I ink ho I . s - read and copied
*a `. ise regained:" But
'• .. one in the. midst of
int —the air peifumed
' 4 " P tits and dowers—
t" •s, his windows
'i * y ded by flaw
-1 . r and per :.
. .
1 'ful sly
a variety\
2r . if., His %,,
witlo.iit. I t
hero lie dwells all
beauty and loveliiie
wish efflorese7Mof p
some native - some efs.ot
at times almost entirely lil,
ere of all /
' l ost every form; col
fume. . . '
As / be-looks out upon his beam
roan/hogs, methiuks I bear bini sa;
/ -I am muu:ircli of all I survey,
, .
. Sty right there is none to dlsput.,:"
:Y..; u -need not wonder. Mr. Editor, if it LI.
often haa:ed to-hfm that. he needs a house- .
keeper, rhy widows and maidens, or by in
terested" friends for them. But he has
made one viopian happy, and she having
•,,ee onto the better country ho proposes
to sp•mti the rest of his days in his pres
ent relation. And, then again, he knOws
if he Sbould marry one, all of the.
\ atighe'be offended and - so proposes to
tri , .tt :ill alike. • •
- Tne, next settler below the HUShELLs
\ ,
was a Toali by the name of COLLINS. lie
died solid 3 years ago. His widow sot
vived him mnyyears. The next pioneer:
was t-t lON DtAtaticn: He lived till with-.'
\ •
in a few years,. and his widow still lives
on the homestead. Next to Lim was Ho
-oEle ALOEIL who red about 30 years i '
ago, andhis widoW alcut, 20 years agN - 1
Thd next settler across creek Irpm the 1
Mr. AL O EIt's , gust spoken of, .was Mr.
SA XTON. ilfab# his Wife liv dtoag wd
old a,..ce. ',,
ihe nt:txt/ive,enme to, - as we. pat down
the creek; is what Was. known for \natty
years as ' Mamma Bill's Tavern." It
seems likd . tt dream tolOok back over :4, 1
years and - call to remembrance this house,
yet I remember it distinctly, and think I
also remember of 'seeing her. Iler' hus
band - wits living, r, bnt was a• very quiet
ma..t„ and she had the principal' rimiage
mad of everything. They had quite a
large family. "SAN" was one of theM,•
and if a man told him an untruth he would
say that lie 'lied like "SAr HILL," as
quick as anybody. The old people must
have died hearly . fifty.years ago. SA3LUEL
was cousuOlCA by a cancer many years
ago.. lie Was buried neatly on the oppo
site side of the roadfrOM where the old
mans;.iu stood. A marble slab marks his
resihtg place.
A short distance below this tavern
house was erected at an catty day a.schuol
Lotisc, known for many yeats as the up
per. or Chubbuck, school . 4iouse; -while
on, e , ees,ed near the same time down nem.
6,;c0re.y,1: VOI7OIIT'S was Caail the „Mid
(ile, I:ndatiotlier erected also about the
sal: le 'tiree.;;onie three miles further down
the c-cek by MajorEtttorr's, was called
the h.wer-sehool house. - Net one of these
are now standing on their old fotteda
-1 i•ms'. The. houses were all used„ for a
grant Many years, by common consent for
the thathle purpose of sehools and Meet
ings: ):t this upper house, more than 50
years ago a verdant youth taught, by tht
none of ViNvENT M. CORYELL,:IiONV a
vendable old 'than living at Waverly, N.
Y. lie j,'.dited the old 'Oneida Conference
inlB2.S, and was engaged for many yea 4
in flit regular, effeetive ministry in the
M. E Church , . I man by the name 4:
CA , =SIDY.fQr awhile lived about opposite '
of this school house. A few rods
1 :.,
this. school house, stobill . or a' number of
years a little-log house in wbielt NATHAN..
181. CuunnuCK 1ived...,,,4 2 5vaS built many ,
year; before the schoiii--lionse was. The
-first sermon preached by a, Methodist
preacher in OrWell, as far as we have any
record, was preached in this little .log
'mono. Thiti was probably in
. 191 . 4' . 0c,
ISI4. The name of the -preacher 'was
MAstuAtrexEs. • :E. This NATHANIEL'
CIicHBUCK was a - arked character..
'Titoizh he was an unconverted matr j at•
the tone he got,thsT Methodist preacher
th pr :ash in his house, yet he was soon of
ter, mostpewerfully converted to Opp, -
. and became a of great usefulness.
Iris talent for exhortation Was wonderful.
Bev. Twin/is DAVY, an old minister, said
lie had heard the greatest men in all -of.
England. but for exhortation he never
beard the equal of NATHANIEL CHUB.
BCCK. Ile died some 15 years ago in the':
triumphs of the Christian'sfaith, aged 76.
A short distance , below where this NAI; ,
yt.A.NIEL CaunutiCK lived; *as a familYl
,by the name of PnixcE.. They must have
been very old when they settled here,' for
50 years ago they were old and feeble.
.She, while at work, was • stricken down
itistantly s bfa fit of apoplexy: He long .
.aga-was his fathers. AMASA
Drintrcx Bved a short distance- below—.
be dietTa number of years ago, but his
Widow is still living. 7 - . ---
\ The OeickinforderwisDANtEiTtrssr.t.t,
Mit lie long smeelonnda resting place in
thelittle,cesnetery near by, if bile his sec,.
'end , much-younger—Aunt Burn as
eVerybod; called her,—=lived till within a
lew years. The nearest neighbor south
Was the, now Roo. A.antut Cut-nnucx,.
who still lives. Next to him in the long,
-long, age, was T ours TILtTCHER. I.4t
iess and shoeless irithe rnandtr you could
:, \ _
see Lim at work. Jliefeet became so hard
that ho could work among thiStles 'and
briers. But he Kith his first, also his sec
id wife and antimberof their children,.
id, wife, ,
ha7 t\ one on to join the mi g hty hest be
yond be flood. 4bout sixty rods below
his houn was btiPt at an early day a
school bone—built of bowed logs.. Ono
Of the most earful ever known
about this sec on of the CountrY, came;
and in. its con*strnek this school house.
Some utitOtvottos wok laud _at & 41*
tans of filen' or four idlee - rtoni the
plaoo where the haw sb?od:' torpa
do blew down thousandiof aareeetfo#6ot
,--tearing th e twee el) - by. the reete — •
throwing theitilneviry . eirection. I
an eyewitness say that the Deena was one
of airtol gratsketir. l'he air for a great
distance was fkill , of limbs and tree tops,
whirling in every dirictionSomethinglike
the flakes of anew l i e March snow aqui&
Its-principal direction was froni'west to
east, extending a number of- miles in
length, but less that; half . a mile wide,
Mr. WATUEVNI house_ stood just itt the
jmargin, of its course-6-it tipped over
chair that happened to be -standing i its
open door - and passed quietly away. , I.S.
HENRY LENT'Sfionse stands now, think, :
exactly Where that school hbinie -too&
_ Thus - far the pioneers t 12, naked
were from-NeW England, a. d butt three ]
of them are-among - the liv g,. vis fr Mrs.
SIMON DIMMER, Mrs. Asa DlWlttex,
both living on their bo estoads, add Hon.
A'suow Cilunnucx iving at Nichols, N.
Y. - iitirelfwe ina exclaim : ":For What
'is your life. 4 is even a vapour that
appeareth for a little while, and then vanz
isheth away.'/ C. E. Taxi OR.
Whitney's Point, N. Y., N0i.',28,'77.
PVILC AsE Yowl. Goons. —The almost un- .
p lentd mildness of the Weather has
de:iyed the opening of the winter trade;
et our merchants alt- mannfacturers, in
anticipations of the revival.of o husiness,
indicated by the "signs of the tinier,"
offer for sale an - unusually attractive stock
of goods. A visit to the different places
°timidness in Towanda,. at this season of
the year, will well repay any one who
wishes to purchase, either holiday pres
ents or the necesseries of life. •
in Mercur Block, on Main Street, is filled
to overfloWing with a variety of usefil•
anti faimy articles. There aro handsome
lamps.-elegant rugs and hassocks—glovei
and mittens ,for nieu—velvet pl - rBBe, par
loyu 4 . 7 -smoking . sets albums--pictUre
frames of all sizes and ,styles—glassware .
.—boy'sticork benches and tool-chests—
rocking horses—brackets—earttd wall
pockets- 7 a collection. of dolls and child
rell.B toys; that would suffice to fill Santa
Claus' pack with gifts for all the good
boys and girls iu town. '
in the same block is'eSpecially attract;ve
`;T this season. Beside the usual array of
holid ty goods, and. the staple articles
foutid \ i i t i ta drug store,Kitty.manttfactures
and se s largo quantities of . medicines of
full sup
is next
m ith a
hic pat
tnl aa w
rd trio
Ow Col
has a tempting variety of confeepion
cry, cigars, &c. in' a corner of the :Post
(Mice. Acro, the street, and north of
the Ward isiousi2,. is,
of D. W. SCOTT &Ca Beside- the usual
variety of bread, -pies, cakes . sc.;there
may be found a choice stock of teas and
~ffec—fruits, fresh, dried and estmed'—
raWns, oatmeal, `soaps. and a full
imsertnimit of 'first-class grecerics . of all
tt & StlAt
at their 'on ,Main \t„
recognizes :ds of the; hour •
chasing a I carefully selected
Of "art pt.. 2ry' :antigun Th \
also' keep the emb.iSsed scrap pictures,
paint and varnish, wit'h makes it possi
ble for every lady in Tow \
anda, and vicin
ity, to indulge in this pleas eg mania for .
d. corative ,art. _They also •kt-cp a variety
of children's toys, handsome booki, writ
ing desks, fancy articles of all kincht and
elegant stationery,.all suitable furl.
day presents.
I'Vx. A. Cit.3tirt:iit,Atli's •
show window is' fairly dazzling with its - I
display of glittering wares. Just step. in
side, and see the magnificent silver table
furnature-,41t0 exquisite cameos, prC:-
i t-iems mines and skillfully wrought devi
-I't,•:4 in jewelry. There arc watches and
hcks—gold pens and peueilaild hau
-1 dmis of artistic articles "just the thing"
}fir atrappropriato gift. Best of all, par-,
chasers cau - rest nu the assurance that Mr.
C's prosperity. is largely due to the fact
that he keeps•tirst-class goo s, :and rinve.p .
allows any misrepresentation of values, in
I his store. -
•tAtt lovest thou the.ceneord Of sweet
sounds ?" •At the reliable music store, i
on the corner of Main tt Vim, Sts.',l can be 1
found everything in the way of musical
intruments, from a jews-hain ton grand
piano.' They have the exclusive sale, in
this section of the country, of _Gio.
Wootis prince. - of parlor organs, and
Mathushek's justly celebrated - phinos ;
either of which is'ilirnished in. plai' or.
most elegantly finished and ornamented.!
caseis to suit the means and tastes of all
clasitits of . buyers. They keep .- sheet mu
Sic, and everything that is required in
thelpractieenf.tbis "art of arts." .
f, lii Tilacur tt 3loottE's new block,, the
hidles especially are attracted by the taste
._, f-airangement of . ,
..I --.: Mils: Mmoos' MILLI:4:11Y GOODS;
wit:dews look like a parterre of gay
biossoms, with handsomelytrituniedlats
and'honuets.. She keeps a full assort-
Ment of flipper and lambrequin patterns,
zephyrs and embroidery silks, gloves and'
handkerchiefs, and a full line of fancy
4741 A and ladies' furnishings... . ,
thmr south we find the enterpris
large and well stocked dry goods store.--'?
here one can get bargains in ladies'
dress 'goods materials. There are the
1 4ylish and handsome all-wool matelasses
- 7 -elegant silks and velvets—useful mus
lins and cambrics---delicately embroider.-
ecl linen setts—gloves and handkerchief*
=table linen and hosiery—neck ties and
ruches—woolen blankets and comforta
bles. Mr. EE also keeps a large had se
lect stook of c idles for men and boy'S
wear, Which TITS, the cut
and make up _wi atnessand , despatch.
He win guarantee to g,ic - a- you "per
fect dts every Alma you employ him.
Next door south,. .
Keep a line of goods that are useful if
not'. ornsmcntal. They: bay and sell
poultry: butter and produce in enormous
quantities. The fragrance of:-pure teas
and coffees—the sight of luactqus fruits',
and plump turkeys—arc not only sugges
tive of ChristmaS feasts in nearly house
holds ; bat also of, Viholesomp_ fare at
cheap rates, for every day in the year..
- (N. B. Customers will find WILL ED-
ViARDS just , as attentive and obliging - sfs
*Per.) • •
Everybody in 'northern Pennsylvania
Knows where to find
- Pownt. & Co.
ThS*Tget dyable stow of this aid mad
reliable -• .. [tends. re
riety of choice .• .• • - They beep
elegantAtisil • .'•
ruP and WV** i Pt Kr-, l2 A stirtall4
sacquei• and and
blankets, • , sib holism hearyilothi
and medal - 'ldii:4osirtbir'PoiM 4 l4 Is
in ' , Nevi Y • k' =t *sing
bie es in neer and huddciaidde
On • corner
we . .d the grocery irid prorliaaa,aa of
' • Ow. firataini,
bola name lb a- 60 0 01.* tar: l oetrifZ,
as well'as energy/ in midi:nth* title newt
One can only say thattbe intormotts Wes
are only proportidned to" the grent rade
ty, and extensive stock of
,firsroclau. gra.
eerie's kept in Ads establisludinii. \The
lame shift debut% *tubed •by , the hn:
mumbo athoinit df business/ are all eitperi=
enced and expert iddesthen...
Near the bridge ist
N.P. Flick's Ftin‘Xtriin &roux.
There you may , llnd . a great variety of
chamber suits, tables, sprlagbeds,artd . tbe
popular wovedwire.unstreaoss. -lie offers
for the holiday unusually varied
assortment of Oaks: Nothing could be
more appropriate Or ti• gift to a friend,
than one of those handiome, largo whir*
rockers, resembling the unique,' twisted
wood-work exhibited 'at the, Centennial.,
There Um convenient.foldiag rciciers, and
sewing chairs; There are also theinvlting
balcony rocking chairs, after, the laahidii
able Eastlake models. ' ' ,
Our last visit, for this week, „shall bo
made at that earlioiluM of holida-, goods,
THE OLD uttoc*Eav swat;
kept by 11. J. 'MADILL it CO. ' In addition
to a lqrg ie stock of children's 'toys there
arc seine of the beautiful Jitpauese goods,'
that delighted oar eyes Mlle exposition-
Exquisite Bohemian glass vases and toilet
sets—the quaint deixwated -"Chang"
ware, manufactured in Edinburga•full
assortment of art-pottery fordecorations,
a variety of canes and lamps, cut-glass,
table furniture and articles 'especially
signed for Mil holiday trade, in seemingly
endless variety and profusion..
'of the__several courts:of this, county emu
u eneed ' , Mend December ''TTon u,
D. .lionnoW presiding; and Associate
Judgeltt - ssmi oil the
After , the several emiltableS had
,presented their returns, the following
named grand jurors were mien% aid sent
out, being first charged
~1))..? his . honor
Judge Mon now :
Cy nus - CoOn, Orwell, . F'orenven ; W E.
Bartdn, Smi t hfield, Hiram -Birney, .Wil
mo,t.; IL P. . 1 1 1 rhOgiMi.:;Ztaltlon
Cliatreti. Shesbequiti C. J. Chubbuck,
Orwell A; C. ELsbrec, Atbenit bore ;E.
Horton, Canton ; Henry. Huil; Athens ;
Ezra • Jewell, Troy borough ; G. L. Lewis,
Wyalubing ; D. Paisage, Towani*t be
rough ; A. L Rockwell, "' A llonroc : Lewis
Ross, Wilmot ; James Squires, Ridgbury;
Smith Stevens„ Asylum ; J. C. Vance,
Towanda borough ; '*hitthker,'
Troy is
• Tlui'foligiuEng.vses were taken up and
disposed of :1
Commonwealth re, Jo:Wph and .Stephen
Gyre;:—Larceny. Common o Wit ce.
Levy, L. L: Richman, C. Brothers,
o. d Marks Lev— di
rect -I nolle prosequi tt) be entered in each
On met ,
ses were 6n,
t'ommonwe ‘..
Commonwealth s. James Ilotheten.
—Assault with atte' pt to cmir'n~it i cape..:
Commonwealth rs. ' ?man / 179eintraer
icense4if Athens
borough.. Defendant pleads guilty. _Sen
tence suspended;
Cummome..atith es •Edicio. 1314k.eslee—
Selling liquor without li...erse la Smith
field township. Defeatidant pleads guilty.
\ ion of counsel, the following ea-
Nn,tinued to February term •
\44th rB. 11u. co trel?-I)es-
t., base
(it par.
Commonwealth vs tAlie en Plerce—pe
fendant charged with =mutt and battery
.nil was also-under bail for, broach of the
'peace. Court direct a nolle iirolipti in
each case, on . payment of costs. Onlor
compliedwith, and defenini released trim
. .
Comm9ntrealth. rtr H 1)
District Attorney CalilY'aud- Delos.
ltt.ekscell, Esq., for enuonunwealth.
Cl it Esq., . for defendant.. Thh:
c: se v 6s argued before' the - court. .The
deft, ...nit was adjudged guilty, and sem
teneec to pay the costs ofpro . secution and
give lqiAltir the pa) rnent of 'V..)O semi-an
tu h . ; ifc •"
ty of the
hit and- U.
wenlth ; E,
ant. COlil
sentence h:
and to give
Coin MON
cealing Pri
big credit.
11. W. Pal
Reeve, Ee.
.nan Smith ....—.. _
defendant. Afters hearing occupying sev 7
end days, and 'able arguments by the
cainsel, the jury rendared a -verdie.t ' of
guilty. Rule for new trial.
• In'the matter of the applicatien -at 'last
term foi rule to open judgments John W.
Payson vs. G. P. al, and D. -Cr
Strait vs George Smith, in each case the
1 rule was made absolute. In the cases of
11. C. Sammis vs W. E. Armstrong, C.
I W. Clapp - vs D. 11,• Walker, -rules. dis-
I charged. The court' also grants rules to
I openjuttkmetiti'and -let ikiteildintilintii a:
defeeile. iu the cases of Luke Dolan vs II
S. Alis, and Charles l'et:rigo & Co. vs
. l
W. Titus. . . .
On motion the emu% grant rule on the
sheriff to pay into court, mousy rais4
front Sheriff sale of F. H. Perlion's per..
4tiodail property. " • !/ -
rule'vres grahted to enjpie the sher:i
if f froni selling the real estate of S. N.
Blood, et al on Charlotte F. 3rGlathery'ri
Hannah Vandeip - oplis Henry -'..Vander
pool,—Conit decree divorce.
C'eTio Wfiliamsipi /LB. :I{ 7 4livina}si4-
Courtdirect the sheriff topublisli procla.
!nation in.divoree. \
Court appoint L. IBMs an auditor
to distribute fuinds raised from sberifra .
sale of Stewart I *swortYs pe \ rsonal, es
, tate. i, . \
D. It.. Black Man vs -.P. U.. Sited.—
Court permit defendant to take additiqa
al testimony.
In re ,Burton Russel t,•
tion returned, finding him a lunatic, and
confirmed nisi.
doarnfo' krteaith eii'A •A' 7 AztelOn - dicted
for selling liquor, to 'minor,. on Supday,
and without license. Defendant plead
guilty to all three of the charges..
Cocimontecaith to Wtritfiefd
fisting sukofficer. Def‘ndant pleads gulf ,
ty, and &Int rinspea sekenee'upon pay--
mart of fists and 'giving security .for•
behavior.go .
cotiredire•Ceit 4014 to lit?
entered•• in the case of Luke Dolan Jr.,
indiaments for assault and battery, and
William May, charged with' forgety.
Alias subpoenas . were (Riveted to be is
sued iu the cases of Peter Iloyt vs. Lydia
Royt,and V. K Jones vs - H. Miram Jones.
Clara McCraCken vs S. EcOraten, and
Frank Dorman ys Rosella A .Dorman.
Yu the *Mowing i,:ages Aft Two WWI
- .
atol grand*obkiilkilktniadil and let
doiFfiiirtitd - ca - deTeliisi 'ltfoirreitleif
OldOlisliktoi" ‘intNO. Llicrotiesi t 'X'
t z4.
• 144wjettatt>Yit.Dii. likwOl - at,el. 4 ; Ni 1199,
ptleii cu tiAL'' ' - ; tilt. DIV. 4
P. P. Rogers et* ; , irs4.ll. Horn*.
N. doh \ ll ,
. D C
. abe , ilk,. Aeklert 'J. A.
Decker's wie its. A. iiin tr%
: u
E. T. Fox.. ass of &
Esunks4krrifir COes Wu- oil 1
plll4losa le q ; the Teld 4 **4 l
for the , beteilt of oreditors."
The good Jury dispoled
ing'eAles: • - , '
flit,* stubs AoAnfirr
Settles d daireli. tibil.
, P4winnialkaleo• Selling
tut Been*. , • ' •,..
William it: Chapman: Larceny, i ea
\\'Whitildd keen: iteelEting• an officer.
•'R. B. Film& ~Breaking Into a store
tuld`*aling \ . \Emery 11tidson Same.
-ClUtrlethut,lett.\ :Selling liquor to rest
• L. D. Forriat. Malicious mischief.
Richard Pool t Joseph • Pool, Aaron
Pool ind q ,
etate Haman. IBoL
. rqot. Smith and: 'iir. H. Breuer.Ag
gravated asaault. ': ~ \ ~'
--Geort,re Carl. horse ‘44allng.\ \ Same.
Breaking 114",11 store and ng. `. -
CP" Ater/ and E• 1 :. 4 ri• 6 4 1-
spiraey. • • \,
Mary Fox, Edward Fox, Josep \ lVlley 1
mut Margaret Reels, , Iteslatillgattefllceil
William Baker. Assault and battei - y. i
Richard Coniney. • Larceny.. N
Alice , Helmt.• Selling liquor without
license in Towanda borough.. John Ack
ley.,, Same. John _ Hayes. Saute: Jim.
Fitigerald„ Same. Redmond Caton.—
Same. Saul el Butler. Saine.
Peter Sick; . , Lsrecny. •
Anna. Walbo . Assault and battery.,
Complainant, Daniel Walborn, who is the
husband, ter costs.
W. P. Towner. Forgery, twocases.—
G. B. Filkins the prosecutOr f An• costs.'
Armstrong Tyler. False pretenses.--. \
County, for costs. , •
C. N. Beers -and C. J. Eastman. - Lar
James Hetherington: Assault with in
tent to commit rape. County for costs.
peorgo , Miles. Malicious misceief, J. 1
W. Kline for costst. ,
The grand jury were discharged on
Sa tin day molting.
The following were continued to Feb
ruary, term : Cominouwealth vs. Alexan
Ennis. Adultery. Commonwealth
v.. Cyr„&s, Avery and E. F. Avery, cou
spiracy. Commonwealth vs. rilut Smith
anti W. 11. Brewer, aggravated assault.
In each of the following cases a node
pro:lova was entered upon payment of'
costs : Commonwealth vs. Charles Bart
lett, railing liqtior to minors. Common
wealth vs. Reuben 'Patton, nuisance.--
Commonwealth vs: 0. T, Zeizenfass, lar•
ceny assn f3/60 . Preellekk ,
C'oniniontualth, vs. 'Eatery Hudson.—
Breaking • into a store and stealing. De
fendant pleads , guilty. - - -.
Connnonwealth, es G. .B. French:—
Breaking into k store and stealing. Dis
t; let Attorney Califf aud J. B. Reeve, Esq.
for Commonwealth.' I. N. Evans and I:
McPherson, Esqs„ for defendant. July
find defendant guilty of receiving stolen
osis. _ ' ' ' '
l'uninwhirealt4 vs P. ri. Pcrton.—As•
Fault and battery with intent to kilL Dis
tjet Attorney Calif. 0. D. Kinney and
'IL J. Madill; Esqs., for Commonwealth.
I. N. Evans and Elhanan Smith, Biqa.,
for defendant: Jury find, defendant not
guilty, hut that the prosecutrix, Cora
Decker, pay WS of the costs,' end the de
fendant the balance or the costs.
' C'ommonweattli vs. W. It Chcipman.
Larceny. District Attorney &lift' and
}lon. W. T. Davies, for Coiamonwealth. -
.E F th,n; Esq, for defendant : Jury find
defendant_unt. On another• charge for
n similar offense , Chapman plead guilty.
Conldwnwealth vs I. D. • Forrest.—
Malicinum mischief. District Attorney
(7alifi; it F Maynardend•Elhanut Smith,
Esq.k. for Commonwealth. Ovorton &
Itielcur and I,N. Evans, Esq:, fur dofen.
dant. 3ury find the deteritlant 'net, guilty,
tut tl,&-t he pay tiue-half the costs, and
the pi o,, , ecutor, A. E. Blakeslee, the otiv ,
tr half. . ' ,
Coicozontreolth vs William Bakel. 7 -
Ass.t, r and battery. • District Attorney
Califf, I. N. Brans and U. F. tayriarB,
Esqs.. for iiompienwealth. Petrick &
'Foyle - and Elhattau Smith Esq., for de
•fendlint . Jury find the defe;ulant, guilty.
Ceart sentence him to pay n tine _ of $25,
costs• of preset:talon, and -thirty days in
tha County. jail. ' •
:Court appoint J. IL Shale, Mi.,: a com
tnissioner to. take `depOsitieus in the 101-
loWing cases: Belle Newell vs B. P. New
ell Lille E. Scudder VS, Nelson Scudder.
fn re il~c lunacy l of H. If. Wright.
Inquisition confirmed, and court. appoint
J.. 11. Crandall . committee.,
if. E. Cuyler •vs J. If ./lifts:--Court
t rod, Esq.,_Mrauditor
raised Aly the Sher
's real estate..
of Sylcester Harsh
qitors. Auditor's
Mary T Long.—
Rule' on. plaintiffs to ive security for
i •
\ \ `‘,;mosti,tv, DEC. Q. , •
W F Elizabeth P Di—Alias
snlymna. \s, • . . •
.141 a (Allison-vs . Francis. Chits n—lii=
Vorce. / \ _ .
Emma E SaMMoris TB W N Sainni)a -•
—Sheriffto inake•prociarnation. -
Christina C DaVid,vs il A David—Dittet:
Atitiamptte 31 Eiklor Vs Gnorge \_ Eiklor
•-;-aubrama'in divorce" • \ • -
.•... .
Coin. VR Barri. Pool—Sarety of \the
pe4eu. Districtt.A.ttorney- Cstig. and :L\
GridleY; Esq;4, i .. cit, , roptcloroieo4 - qr\
tour Head,fai. 3 defendant: \ Court
adjudge 'and sentence.
bim to pay the costs and - give-bait
good behaviour.
CoM vs Selden S Cowell—Libel. Dia.,
trict Attorney Califf, D'A Overton, I N'
EVans, and X C Eliaree,'Esqs., (Or Com
, to.mwealtb. Elbanan *pith, W T. Da
vit's', ll C DeWitt, and H .P• 'Maynard,
Es4s. for defendant. Ori
Ancl rew J Layton, Hig4heilff of Brad.
'ford County, in duo form of• law lick
uTvledgeff the following Sheriff's Deeds,
To George C Atwood, 2 lots in Stand.
ing twp.. Sold.niv.3o, as •tlie pro.
perty of Barney Clark. Consideration,
To Geoige C Atwood, 82 acres in Tus
',earoni. inv - . : Sold Nov 300tts!tikn:pripci•
ty or Almon L Pickett: Consideration'
Ti> Geiirge W Bailey, 2 acre in Pike
twp. Nov 30 as the piopertY of I, A
Ricket. , Cpusideration, 05. ; •
To W W Bowman, for, lot in Towanda
twr. Sold Nov 311; ad the isroperty (7r Ar
minim NOrthrop. - Consideration, IMIS.
A and J Morley; 157 acres in Burling;
_tun twp. Sold Nov BD, as the property of
Wm Ballard. Consideration, OD.
To /rib& Bop% atiniani%Pia
toile' ,, Bold , ,NOr 80,14ii=the - Property - .of.
HsacylietiWhelk! •'.ocalidohitaHowi 4o(!:',
,4 Bolevilie Buigesi, 61# ethicist NftiburY.
twp. - - Sold. Nov. - 110; "slim • prop* Of
Biniet , ; ll4ohines.•: - V4.iiilderatkoh, -05 ,
=Td A CBlibree,lB **eosin A.theiiitwp.
&lilt 'Nov : 0% illi es prod) , ciE X itch;
en& .IXotisidaration4l,l2o.: - '- .. • • ' , .
so SAI Hanis,.4B acres hi Athens tow.
Bold Nov.alli lie tha i•rprirtt of.) 0 Mi ll i. i
CcassideAtitek 43.0*
T 0149 Harris, fOtindrrin Athens tsx
Ough. : Sold Nov 110, ,se the - roped); of B
N and 3:p Blood. ',Consideration,:s6o.
To NV Hai* 1161M1 mill "In Athens
borangh. - Bold Oct 19,',a. the property of
BA Gillette sa
i d 11 ECoryell. Consider.
0 01 4 $5OO. . ~ . . , .
. O Win lihuTinstoe, 60 &area in Home
tot. Sold Biphimberois the property of
Ell th B liable .: Consideration , $ 335.
To : Hornet. 65 acres in Asylum
typ. Her 80, is the property : of
idontgorn xiNanderpoot.' Consideration,
To Enos . i Jo mob; Executor of 'Ton
i", Johnson, 9 acres•cl; e id In Wells twp.
bold Nov' 80, is the p rty of Albert J
iihicarrick; -Coneldendion, $lO. '
e Towar.da
To a A Kelley, 9 lots. in Leßoy tap.
Sold Nov $O, as the property of 11 1 A Gris
wold. Consideration, $3O. •
To W W Kingsbury, house and lot in
Towanda boro. Sold Nov 30, as the pro- .
perty of W H Snyder, 'W and A II Kings
\bury. consideration. $205. .
\To limes Mason and John Patterson,
Eaccotors of Jas Patterson, 66 acres in
Ridgbuvy twp. Sold Nov. 30; as the pro
iperty Of,-Hartiey • ‘Mcliinnes. 2 Considera -
-OLT, $5O. \, .
To H. S , McKean, Administrator, ; . 220.
acres \ in West \ Burlington twp: Sold Nov
80, asproperty \ of J M and J A Phil
lips.Co • eration, $B,lOO. , I
t.l.n4 t
To E Porn roy, house and lot in Troy
born'. Sold
30, as the property of_
B F Beebe 'Co ideration, $lOO, - ‘
. -To E Poriiiroy; ~,Jota in Troy born' and
twp. Sold Oct 19, as he property of Jno
X and Thad Wolfe. ' nsideration, $6O.
• - To Delos Rockwell; 15 acres in Troy
I ,wp. Hold Nov 80, as 'the p party of E
:C \ llockwell. Considera:ion,.Klo;
To John Saulsbury, house an
'TroOloro'. Sold Xov 30, as the ,
ty of Wand J 1 . 1. Onstiu. Consider
$BOO. \ • •
To Pleedes Si
..'o Pleedett Scott, .. acres m. : nuth- 't, .. ,
\ ts
.. .111uIll.u. both of (Nanpbellevtlle. Bull van Co.
field twp. SolckNoir_3o, as the property' twAttus—utctisatts.7At tat lbestdittenvce
of Sterling K Campbell. Consideratiiin, - I.. e iv ir tli l i e a - tu s ti. tu rr.l . ..iril i d - w tb ahl:: ol -W Y si're ' n ," " 4
$l,OOO. - 2' ',
31:•• Sarah J. Itlehards,, of Rome; ,
. .
To 3 Monroe Smith, t 156 acres in froi• ' ETCH; --At the borne of the bilde's.
Nr.E.a‘l%TntZ\ '—
No •
v. 2
i •411 . , 1877.:by Rev. B. Vldtan, Mr.
'tarp. :Sold Nov 30, as the 'property of A. Jeronw Js.,,,Newtoit anti 311b.s • phi. Patcb. all of
I) Evergree Pa.. •.- .
and' N Spalding. Concrittitin, •,',”... ,
000 - . .. wALE.E.II n,
—St the M. Fv: ratsonage.
Orwell: Pa.. Dec. sth, li7l. by ite.7. 4. M. Davtf,
e • • lir. George E. Walter and Miss tibias L. Lau
To T)anielShoequalter f 88 act sin Air Intl- a n.i,b,,ta of Hetrick.
ham twp; Sold Nov 30, as .the'properisr , . . sweemmowsw"" ---
tf W:.11: - NichollF Cr id, I.tiittil7loo.
of allace Nicholls. ;ousi eras ~,,, . ! ... ----
. To Z r Walker; louir-o ittni lot in \Atli-. 1 w yle l f s r 1 '4 2 1,1 s7;e n gr it a rti l ie t u ll s ' i'irsts . : .7, 111
ens born'. '. Sold Nov ilO . , 'as' the property ; wiNsi.ow.—ln Wlin3ot i*iL tio!. , c4. in the 2111:
of George Beerez: Consideration, $75. \I r n .vr a tt: i hzr: i ge ti l4a ku ill itiv, `R:litalw, rlanghterof Al-,
' To .Jarnei H Webb, 5'61 acres iu Lister ' t
twp. Sold Nov 30, as . the property. of 0 1 r-DiT OF LETTERS remaining in
H 1 loleomb. Consideration, $5O. - li : i ,..:,:. Office at TrroFantla, Bradford CO” I'a.
for the ‘ lteek itudingticeists•r.s.isn:
it a :tolOW F . ~• _McGovern. Pat .
'HEY. 110311 COM3IISKY, son of JAMES . 1 1 1 .1 3:171Z1't l ir 4 ;a e ura ' :• It l l n g s g s N eit it t l i t i e s
CO3I3IIsKY, of this place, Was ordained a i 17,;',,e.`,. rotcji} - , Smith: L M
' Srbooatuaker,4 D
priest•at St. Vincent's . Cathcdral in *ran- Ilaiiii',..rtli, Isiar, • Williams Henry -
ton neently. Bishop O'HARA officiated,-;!”.l;,T,sei-taisk.7,,!Qin.iraYsistreet e ve, will Ple3sip
assisted by Fathers Dui and BOFFF;E. )
~,, : , '`\ S. W. ALFORD, P. 31.
. There Were present at this ceremony Rev. ..
Fathers- 31N . ..1.3.1 - , of Vilkes-Barre ; ' '---
DosAutiv, of Plymouth ; KEENAN, of !
Duslmrse, and 3IALLY, of Scranton. 'Tlit :
Bishop conferred. . upon him the holy i
orders for the Right Rev..TA3tFs O'Cols.. i
- oit, of Nebraska, as a vicar of that re-j
gion, and the newly honored father goes;
at - once into his field Of labor. Ile is I
Young,! but lull of zeal for the Work
arnong' .the' ftir . western parisiouhers '
-whom he haS been sent to minister.
MR. !..'omusiir also has another son in
• - the Priesthood; -
Tuk 'student! of the Susquehanna Col
legiate Institute Will gie, an entertain-,
meat in ..the Presbyterian Church, - on •
;Friday evening, lierember 21, commenc
ing at Proceeds Will be applied:tin
payment of the new chapel piano recently
pufeli.iced. _The exercises; will tie short
tinkl of an interesting character. Ad
rniSsiOn '25 cents. All are col dially invited.
Ncw :P.ARTY.' Yourself and
lady are et invited to attend a New
..Year'; party. at,the Utiion hotel,. Rome;
n .Tuesday, evening January • Ist,
1i31.. Bill twiidollars. . •
O Ul5 ONEfigic- LLOC A.
Vtr A ocklAtinte rtu ii.„fiir • Ten Dol-.
' • .wept :8.
. beat them aft on Cavviiir , Knives
z 7,
and ltd,riu l / 4 MADILL'S Crockery sum!.
tar Birga*stn Absiery at J. L. ICF..ivr's.
The finest Silver l'inted '
Futies'and Spooss,.ln tlko market. - at
L. KEli ; T's and see, the new ;
goods •
VW' Saver-Pi ted Knives, triple plate
only 41.00 per Joz. Il.s.Dit.L7s Crockery Store;
ar you can a plated Castok - for 99
ccuth, la 11Crrur Block.
• -
ra- Depot 'for Gold, Silver and Steel
Bpecta des at C LIN
rind nisi.
Eitq., a coal-
Ell.s Chilson vs
I:4Lirge stock of libuwlsjust received
at li - ways. .
. .
. . .
. ,tll7 You call alway s.get bottom prices
at cu..msEstrws , - : '
, . .
SAS -7 You can always find what you want
11l Jerelry, Solid Sliver and Silver Plated Ware at
Tice finest asso . rtinent +TMamps in
towu for as eta. at the .99 ct:Store.. 1
f:1" All the latest publications,' very
heap. at itliticous &suairrs.
Dress goods in great variety at
L. Sher e.
. ,
far eiIAhMERLT.4. sells goods cheaper
fee eheh, - thi , any other ? s tabllabruent In Northern
tt, 100
Closing out our Silvor-Platedware
atAvtLL•s ersickery store.
:\._ ••,--- Go to C anuEnute r s, and sec Iri s
astaileueut of •Amett. Gold 'and dilver watches.
\''s`e"-.-- - 7 - . • :
\ t'st. A. • Cit.teutmt.vk has just
~ re
,tiosit \
s New York •. lth goods for trie tion 7
OP- -
';ar ' Black r\ashmeres, . nd Black -Alt
pacw..l, wry etwwpcd,J..L.'KEST's 4 N .
...._3 ,...4.
. \
tal - Ckiths and eassimers, in great
variety, cast opened at J.' .ENNT'S.
\ . --•,11/0ti
nrEvtir3rthing in thfline ol \ sta "toi.
au at. woacoma ar'suitrys.
. Bronze Lamps, with C:
inator. only 93Ct. M .611. Crockory
Threo Ifu
M ttio4 Kid Glovel
, . ,
the uew shades at US.
. rai - Carrers from Not: to $400; at M
ott.vs Crockery , stlre. - \
Wurreoxii'd; Stutr'se)l the best
Bina 'Boots manufacinrcd in the coinitry..
,•;eW.'qii, ,, w Goods, Holiday Goods, Toys
ap kaTiey GOIAS. next MADILIV6., Crock
ery Serer" - . • Noy 2 Iw.
Qr - liadirtakiai. a spedalitivl the
snigidatteeactrnitaie State.
Sable r iiinagit 'great variBi~` at
larLsdiesi Mum- amst Chiktrei
Or Cheapest Black Pais 31614,46 M
inas, MIA sadealos'ed Catimeres tad assenedi
rirdust readved...AnOtber tarp
StOckig Lampe, at ataatta'a Catlett/ State.
dreaticoeg, *lice style just oieno al
sceno. toomesof best CaltcoeN beitttlfull
fUteelift/h POW XL!. II CO. •
te 4 Mat.Mtatwe
- ba• tbi best Skirt
Supporter* Mee the MLitt Mentor,
dir To FAionsAmigiagoorlfasictio
sfo.Lß.—Welume a: large gat of the Noshes
which le declared to be Abe tied E by Mt,
which we will sell cheap for cub.
rir Cologne Sets and Vases, at gre at=
er Imrgains than ever °Used hafore In this market
St Antht.'n Croaker, Store. ' •
Dr In making soir selections fot, the
Holidays, remember the piers of tim . artfetee for
sale at MAort,t.'s Crockery Store, rsage from One
cent upwards. ~
tt'l4.l - crrcz....-There 'will be the
Concert Exertises, gild Christmas Tree In the
'Presbyterian Church, to liontsetoo,,On Christmas
Eve. All Are tallied to use the Tree ititheMedium
for making piesents to their rMetels. deeta.
. rgr NEW TEAR'S .. , PADTY. i
--,A Now
rear's part, will be given at_ tb i Birtiett Dame.
Wymukingi en the evening of Monday, December
gist, 1877. Music, giTt.lli k Naius ALD's Oiches
tra. Bill, OM. •
.deen-Zw • . .
Mr Do ATI(IN....AIm friends :of nev.
E. V. ROBERT/3 will pay. him' a ‘Donatioil stilt at
the M. E. Parsonage, Wyslosing, on Christ ,
ma, afternoon and.evenlng. Der.Vitb. Everybody
Is !oiled. By Ordeialf Com.' dealt.
or -Ladies and Uents-AVe havejgst re
celyeil a line of genuine Japanese goods. bought
direct ; frozu tie ilitiporter, afid . would extend a cor
dial invitation to you all to comeexamtne them,
31 . 1tvist,'s Crockery Store. • •
. •
'.Santa Claus bag' established his,
beatninartera planit.L . s . Crockery Store for
the coming Holidays: an 4 any one In want of beau
tiful articles will be helped at least in their seine•
units by looking over the stock. ,In the assortment
will be fouhd goods from Japan, France, 9ernsany
and °tire • foreign countries; as well as a great
1 . number of samples of-Autericariskuland workman
.• MARRIED..' , .
A.Nbritso-N—livnuovol3.—tAlea.Dec.. s tb
tar. by Elder E. Burronese. Mr: Austin D. Anz
dersen and Miss Herminie C. Burroughs, both of
Franklin. .
FAIWCETT—IItILLAN.-.i i st the parsonage, In
:Muni oeton, Dec 6th. 077, by Ber.lfallock Arm
!At rang Mr. Jasner Fawcett. and Miss Mara
.i -
- lot in
ASSIGNEF 4 'S SAL By virtuy:
of an order Issned Alit of the-. Court of Ciro
molt Pleas of Bradford' County, the, undersigned,
Assignee of the 'Towanda Eureka Molver Company.
of Towanda. Pa.. will expose to public sale on the
pritinittee, on TiIURSDA F. - DECEMBER 117th.
1877. at 2rtiClOCk P. M.; the .fo.lowing 'resl. estate
situate In Towanda lioroiigh, Bradford Cu., Pa..:
Beginning on Malfost at the southeast cli_lner ut
three.Beory brick 'llittebtne shop bulldingr thence,
- westerly. along the line - of land now or lately oweeo
by J. F, Means to Becond-st;" thence north 111 1 011 t
line of B,..eonelst IN feet, more Or less, to -land
John Deanna; thence easterly along land of sald
Bruno-I Bnd others till It intersects the line of land,
convey, e 1 to grantors by Henry Phsenwine;' thence
northerly 50 feet-and 10 Inches; "thence, easter':
elong.the center of an (10 feet wide.) 77 Pet
to west llne of Mato-sit thence southerly 1 , 45 feet let
the place of beginning. =, .
A LS')—One other Id, situate -In said bonie , .
and hounded as follows, sit: Beginning at the
nOrtheastoorner of isnd of the Towanda. Eureka
Mower Company. °nisi!' at:thence westerly along
this renterof an alley VI feet to lot belonging . to
lleouorest; thence southerly along the rue
.sn,sid Is-mutest lot to the north line of land ot
tb: , Towanda Eureka Mower Company; thence
stout, said line - 7.f, feet more or leas to a
eor.ter; thence northerly along line of land of the
, Towanda Eureka Mower Company ,to the place of
.„,.The aforesaid tutu having thereon a ;three story
briek machine shop, with hack, .stone - and ,100.1
, additions., and a two-story frame - building used
1 t sliep—with Machinery and'fixtures therein, and
other outbuildings; known ait the manufactory of
! to-la Eureka Stoner Company.
TET:lttli OF 1 4. 1 11.1 1 1.--01.000 - to be paid on the
1. prop?' :Y. being struck down, and balaneoon
E. T., FOX,
des-5. 4 77. ' .Assignee.
1 n.ll . slso sell at the same time and place strait
tlty of Mlwtng Machines, Brim parts of machines
r, Machinery. Tool s , Patterns. nrents, Of
nee Funtlmre. and other property—lncluding al
fuo p-tt nunal set of whweeer kind of the Towan
da F.orelta Mower Company.
TEIt.M 4 OF SAT.F e .—Caslt. • r. T. FOX. :•` . . ...Assignee. •
-.L. Nc.two heroll' given that appil..7atten will b. ,
made to the • ourt of Common Pleas of Bradford
condty. 2 . 1.3 w 3toir teereof, for the incorpora-
Bell of C LAU sON HALL. A 550f.:13.410:q of
Sugar !ton. The riopri'Q the AP.oclatlorr mIII be
for 111. jurp(Ne of meting and. Inaintatuing a hull
'Fur the 1.0. O. 1. •
•N% M. ILL T'a ER.
• .1. A. SIIII3IAN.
...1.11 CLARK.
Segar Rim, Nov. •" eptritatttCe.
DITOR'S: the;
matter : of 'the estate of Emily Jenktn4 late
of : i.ellaysclite Bore.. dec'd.
The mitlorstgned, en ikudltor appointed_
- by the
orrhalfs Court of -Bradford Contain; to dlatributr;
funds to the bands of the Admtntstrator, arising
tram ).1v:•. sale of wild estate, will attend thettutle,
of his appointment at the office-of 6. W. Brink,
Ira. at 10 o'clock..a.- in.. at which - time and
p4teo all potions having claims on sald futids, aro
reqtdr:tl to present them. or be forever debartim
(rota coming In on said fund. -
I‘ee. 12. IlAw
V( Yr I CE.In the matter '
of the
,L 1 Insolvency of A. F. Peteriou. ;In the Cotirt
or Cetirtion Pleas otßradford Connty.-No
On tity. ad - of December, 1577, the Said Peterson
tile'', It- 'Mitten In said !Court, together with a
srateic, of all his properties, his indebtness In-
etuiPtzg the nannninf all *his creditors... ed and ttps
can,o all his tonnes, ' , whereupon the Court Oh?
said Peterson haying 'given boost as required by
law.) 9.scl on 3IONItAY, the .4th 'day of FED-
ItliAltY. - for the hearing All creditors are here
by nu , tiled of the hearlog, the time and place of
the sant', where they can attend if they eboese.
ci'VEUTON & MEitCrg; , •
IVOTICE.—Notice is hereby given
that the underslgned4lll apply. to the, next
Vgla'ature for therake of en Act sobrogating
the C.-nntrof Brad urdmi the rights ofWilliam
Banyan, agatnsi ,the estate of G. F. - Mtnelul4. and
satisfy a certain Judgment. In the Court: of Com
mon Pleas of Bradford County, No. 80. Miiy Term.
I e 74. against him.
. M. scr*YAs.
OT I C otice is hereby given
1.1 , that ajmtleationlwili be made to the Uoiern
cr of this Commonwealth ter a charter Orleorpo"
radon for "The Sheshequln and t ; later Fry Com.
pang." a corporation to be organized. for Ihe
poae of maintaining , a ferry between the te(wnshlini
of-Ulster-and Sheshequtn, In tho,County If
fort. on or before danitary 10, 1878.
(Slgnid.t ' , lIENJ.,P. WATKINS,
.W3l. SNYDER'.
lititpaßY WATKINS,
• •Ae D. AI.LEI.AII. •.
c 1.31 .
1.,,...—,N0ttr0 Is hor*lhy given Mat all persons b.
ilducti to the estate tut Oriando J. Park. late cl
tap, deed, must make immediate pay
-Meat, and ail persons having claims against sald e '
mu presz.nt them-ditty authenticated 'tor tor set
. t httne . •. 31. DELL PARK.
not zruw. " Admintstvattia.
tal Ilium
IW. .
beret4y given that all persons
del.:cdtitthe estate url. ft Sherman, late et Lite!).
f 1,14 ( lewd; are requested tfinake lininedime
lynemt, and Ml per•ous having elatrus agatual said
must present - them duly riutlientieatell ter
sett:enl.,ut. t*. 11. SHERMAN, ,
\,vilT . .. Tito Amiuol Meeting of The Stock
bOtei s of the Towanda Wldge Co. for the eirettou
et . ..a, Perod.eut, Treaatue rand Ms Manakrirb., is
a..rrL\tKiensultitt year. will toe held at the Vint
1 . ..1tit, tWAtank, Towanda.. Pa.. on Wednesday the
t \
4 .14y 0 January,. between the hours of 1 and a,
P. st. , . •
Dec. 4, let
- \
Stockholders•or the First.Nattottal Hank*, ot
Towands. P 3., for the election or .Diretter, rill he
held at the °nice of the Bank,on Tuesday. lanuary
v, between the Minnie! t awl 3,
• , Ira #.112Z5.1%04.
N. N. BETTS. du.,
Y Treasurer
a. bop
imitios . 2 7 #l,l{Air
Ckoe belety Ow Aid It to their Wessel to S 1
=lse the now .
t4M:alstlog of a ta assoittueniof
FURS.! FURS ! ! FURS !!!
A burl stock of
AT -_
Le=estocit 'ot
Towlindliember 1, VITT
• The verdict 'of the people is
thitll. E; ROSENFIELD'S is
- '
And now. I again before the people wittittin
That have ever been offered to the
And its surioundlnp'
. -
HOUSE being obligrel_lo
For the benefit of 'their - creditors, the,
assignee has lent - .
My positive instrietions - troin the assigeito we to
sellp.e,e goods for dab, asi soon as paeribie.,
We bare alio a lamellae of
GETS' trmustim GOODS,
- \
Come Zany if Tint Ilfaist
. t,~i
. ~~