NEWS ITOWALIi NATIONS. OAKLEY HALL bas , returned to' New Nork from his mysterious visit abroad.. Mu. E. W. C. Greene, of the Sundiiy Zraweript, in Philadelphia is seriously Tim capital for a new steamship line from. Brazil being subseribed . in Phila delphia.; - IT is reported that James 11. Watmough,.hits resigned his position • "las Paymaster--General of the Navy. • • CAPT. W. W. Willis, commanding at Fort Clinch, died of yelfow fever in Fer nandina. on Wednesday. "Msny CLEMMEU says that Vice Fresident Wilson once asked her advice about his marrying Miss Alma Dickinson. Tim A.rchliighop of Trani is said to be the Pope's choice for the Archiepiscopal -Sec or Naples. A S:cown baronet was recently tined for using abusive ranguage to seine female . _ `employes. • DR. 0. P. TR. YER,' of Smyrna. Del.; lost three -children by death from diphth erLI iii me week recently. •. , . Vox WitaxoEt., just dead at 97 years of age, was'ktiown , all over the German army and Court as "Papa" Wrangel. . TIM ~Bruce Agricultural Works of ' Teaswater, Ontario, were destroyed by fix on Sunday., .Lo ss, $20,000, . 1 . , EN-SENATOR Wade is represented t 4 be ~. now in robust health, vigorous not only in mind but body.. ' . ' nu.iilaiirEti coivieg• - the fair.: trotter Ten • Br. icelt, for which sixty thousand ' dollars • have been =lnset]. Ilattrirm gives the - skins and skelettins, • of rare animals that die in. hiss collection to - the Smithsonian Institute. t ' Iht. TIIEOPIIILUS CLARK,: who died. in Verinontlast Week, bad beeri in practice .r;eventylfetir years. He was 97 years old. - I'ilisßAraci: BLAINE is rapidly recovering treat the accidental pistol shot wound, bur, the ball has not„yet been extracted frotn•her head. . . . , . Enut-rFnTesr, one of ,theerg aniOrrsof... M'organ county; Ky.. iii , 18:143;--and - 71 2 501, , .dier of the.war of 1812, is iip living at 'the age 0f.93.: 5r M.t.rott Gostionx has senin hia kesig ,• ..niti ion to the ChichmatiCh . i bex. on, • incroe, xis ',Exposition CoMmisiiioner" for i: • :. . trsravEltterox, the French paiutero amt:M: Lefebre D'rtralk, who was Minis ter of Commerce for IFrartoci in 18,52, are d i .... .iii. •.. . ~ • rilitE schooner Annie S. Conant . . from Baltimore for Westport, - put into queens- . :1 , 1`.1 . 11 on Sunday from stress of . Weather. . „A. part of her crgiii is lisahleii. ~ 1:11r. sculling Match :on;-the, Thames 'lli - mil.&, from -,T4iroy. to Mortlake, for 4:4ooO,'..betWeen Joseph' SOrr and Harry . Kelly, resulted in a victory for Sadler. - - . EVERYBODY in -New-England interested in mining is invited to go t 3 Portland, 31i-..;:en the 45th inst.., with a view to , - forming a Mining Exchange. . • ~ . ' . 'f-ny. Tichborric claimant has been re. moved froM the prison at Dartmeore to .th;tt Lit Portland: Eu route he. was-Ithe s , , ' subject of.much attention, . • ilrls. A LEX.% nomt 11. Stephens has.writ- , ten to Gcorgia that r 3 apprehension need be felt about the confirmation of Mr. Hil - hard's Manination as Minister to Brazil. .. • THE first Snow-storm 4 the season in Toronto pre:vailed. throughout that Prov .... ince Monday. ,The snow is from one to - - eight luchcl deep. -. The .wealier is cold and storm,. . IT* is asserted in Part i s that - Carpet, Switzerland Madame de Stael's retreat on ' Lake Geneva, :is beipg prepared. for the . reception of her grandson, the .Duc• de FOa . nea . nSmnley'S seat. as : lord rector of thel.;iti'vertnty bl St. Andrews.there is to be a warn' t..littl - on the 22d between qtr Martinis . .of Sr.tlisbury and Robert. T . . , 'fin; Gr./it/fie' reportsthat !Sate °lax ' ton, the actress. was married "on Friday to Charles A. Steil:mien. The, lady re , veotly got a divorce front her former. bus- • bald, -Dore Lyon. . • Nltt. TILL/M . WINANS, of Baltirhore, -has purchased at a . large price four •Rus sl;-,n trotters, with vehicles and harness vomplett:, and will hereafter take hisaf teill, on ..tiritws a /a Russ. sh Tim - mom: i'. MvEns, fourth,officer of tli,' steamer Kole, who stole diamonds vain od at $11,1041 from the steamer, Plead ' va g aty iii ,N6tr York Monday, and was I,elitenceti to prison for three yearS. • -IT IS said that Mr, Brumidi ' who ! is rit• rely titt years old, is never so happy s •v.ll•en he is perched on scaffolding, and w••rl•ifig on his frescoes in the Capitol at W isl•ington.. .1 7 .;E. N. Y. 7'rilaine says the nomination of Mr. Welsh has met with xvider and • in.trt• vmphatic popular approval than,any other diplomatic appointment, save that of .lames Russell Lowell. , . TO. goVernment 'departure - Ms and cif liee.s of the District government were clos . vii Monday.,Flags were displued- at lc:if-mast an hells were toiled out of res puct tai Mr. Morton. i " s z; _ . -- tit.t.'roi: Mon:rox leaves an estato '. vaili;•ltsly estimated from 4-30;000, to $OO,- MI I, which 'includes a farm in White " xormiy, hank stock, and a one-half -in -terest in the Indianapolis Daily Journal. -. i :74t.vs MARIANNA GIBILONfc of Lancaster ci.7 : -ropy, a /-oniributor 'lci the daily-, press ' of Philadelphia, will lecture ate coming se.r.son on t•William Penn a I nd lls Times;" • anal —John Milton and; he Seventeenth' • .Vcntury. - i , • 1 7 : , 'llt t: practicing physics us ! of Wheeling, • West Va.,i have pledge themselves not i,to give tunlessatnony as ex its before the a..., courts unss receivin , the same fee as _charged cc private iud ideal - for profes s sional advice. . • ~ ruE . Waterbury. ...lnicricatt , l says' that aro Methodist society in Rockville,; Conn., 'lv ving scruples as to. the.use" of 'One for communiofi purposes, now. uses a : jelly simnion, or, if that cannot be -- olitdined, pure o ate.%' ! 4. - - TILE Dubuque Times - says that . Mrs. . Billie 1,. Van' Pelt, of that city, is a pan— di,latei for the Enrolling Clerkship of the lowa Elonse 'of Representatives, and that, ..Sh.: served to acceptance in that capacity ''! a few years ago. -••••-• rrn, the - Castleton, Ontario,: abfirtipnist, was, sentenced to be hanged I)..cerither 1(1, for he Murder of MiAs Wade. His accomplices, Mallosey and Welton, wilF be held -until, the next as- MEM :irony, the sculptor, poet. and painter,. relatives in New --York. On Satut`ilareveniti4 he was the great 046 - be ahing with Generals SEer man.. Ihneoek, Gilmore, .and other dis 4112gttislied personages. MNslAna . WitrrE., the Lady Mayoress uf knicion, was Married only a few weeks' :414 , , and uuw her father, the Lord Mayor, 'Sur Thomai.White, is about to. 'nkarry ISS Fhrence Sinfp.s4m, step-daughter of r. Solmon, a We§tmtuster. Solicitor. Tim Fisheiy-Cormuis.sion met . at Hall f.,,C Monday. The .whol,e_Session was taken up . by the argument of Dorf. Dwight rpsteroh behalf of the Unitted ' States. • M. Duun, on the same side;" *Ur address • the coinntissiiM 1 -day. N 0 chic has been to the hereabout , t.f Charles Gerlach, the orkman at the tnited States Mint who h.ol been. pu rb!ining. silver scraps and fled city upon the discovery of his peculy • litigation•in refereeee to the lease ' of the United companies of New Jersey t i as at last ended. The parties applying 1.. Judge Mitchell for an injunctiqu to re stzala payment of the'quarterly rent due . ..n . the 10th ult., have anthprized the dis c,mtinuance,of that 1 • Ar'st;w:great.seal of the United States, - for the use of the State Department, at . Wastiiugton,-has been completed by Jua Baumgartner, an engraver lot Phila.- ficiphia, and sent to Washington 1;1 a few days.' This is the second seal. slat has been Made for the Stati . Depart inept within 100 years. Ai the President's reception in Rich-• round,, an old -gentle:nary a brother •of Gov. Gilmer, grasped Mr. Hayes' hand ;Ind remarked: "Godobless you, Mr. Presi dent: I Voted - for Tilden but You have Made the best President since Monroe; eudif you'ruu again I will vote for you." THE Journal 9f. Agtietagute and Par awl- •at St. Lords, has forwarded to Mr.. . Buckner, chairman of the'ooramittee on: banking and currency, a farmeee petition, • measuring 1.17 feet iu length and cantata! - 5,573 .uartes. The memorialists ask for a &midi] - system independent of. a , .inettillio basis., ,ratiford.gtpotttt EDITOZS t E. O. GOODRICH; • - It. r R. AL-voap Towanth,4,ThFc B v , Nov. 8 1877. THE ELECTIONS. The . returns of the, election on Tuesday come in very slowly.' At the - present writing ihe indications are that this State has gone Demo cratiOu result that has been - fore shadowed for some weeks. , . . The' Greenback vote,is mueh larger . than - either party ( anticipated, and maychange the apparent reault. • Iffthis county it will be seen •that the greenback vote, 500 and - the temperance vote a but 200. the vote was very light, and the result under the circumstances flattering to , the Reptiblioan i s. • Our county find State_( ticket • is successful by fifteen hundred majori-• ty. Had a . full"' vote been out, of 'course it would- have.. been :much larger. • - It is.reportsm that the Republican Sheriff aril Vreenbaeli. - - PrOlionotary are elected i&Sullivir County. . In Luzerne Cnunty the Greenback ersand. Labor Reformers have Swept nearly • everything; defeating it is feared; Judge DANA,'Who had been - bith the„' Republican • Parties. "\-,: jratic- State `. .ticket is elected in I.'Few York - and•N'er Jeri. sey, but i;l' . the former State tbe.leg,- -Vilature ,i4.,.' probably • republiCan, Massact4etts -is strongly repubii, „ can. '4: - • . i. • . . 1 . The tegislature_ of •Conneticut is sepubliein. , ,-, lfinnekota and Wisconsin, ,are al so rerinbrean. ..' . OENATOB ,111 ORWI, . .Senator .MouToN, one of the great est stateamenOf.the;present century , died last) week. We giye tip a large portion of our space to -day 'to an ac "count of the closing scenes, and some s of the more important events in his life. Like LINCOLN be seems to have been raised up for.a special object, and'haying accomplished his great worlc, has been called to his reward while yet inAhe meridian of his man hood.. He was literally " worn out." His'extraordinary services, -consum mate wisdom and - dOxibtless courage during the dark days of rebellion, has - embalmed- his memory in. the hearts of the Ameriegn people. In his s death the nation, ha - suffered (Treat loss. As was anticipz.te& by 20erybody, the Poor House was baill.Vl)ef ten on Tuesday. , This result is nudObtsd- . l due to the fact tfiata)arge 'num ber'q our people are opposed to the sYsteln, while many others opposed it .frimu personal and politiCal tivest Still , another class. honestly belitve , the firm selmted waS :not suited to-the wantsppf sued an insti tution. Whilo"thd judgment of the ,COmmissioners has been vetped by the.people, their honest intentions in the matter.will not be dOubted by any candid men. • TILE combined prohibition and Greenback vote, of the county was polled for Mr. LIME ; and it as serted-by those who assume. to knniv that Mr: L: voted the Greenback State ticket., If bd did he acted in bad faith to : the - party which nomina pd him. Many leading Demoeral i s in this borough Made no secret of their supporting Mi.. LITTLE. How such treatment will' be relished io'y Mr. NlNVNAnnorini . was ; the regular noininee time will disclose. TijE appointment of sir. JOl6 - WEr"su, of Vhiladclpina, as Minister t() England, seems to giVe 'very! gen cial satisfaction to • the country:, al though -the•gent,lem an has never been widely known as at': politician or statesman. He lift gentleman of ex cellent culture, and unsullied private character, and will make a creditable eeputative for this country to the Court of St. James. Wis. - limn - us, Nov. 41.== 7: A. number of despatches were received -during the day prematurely- announcing the deathof Senator Morton. The ab solute 'impossibility, ho f ivever, of his surviving the day produced a' pro found impression. Expressions of admiration and respejt: fell from the lips of all ho *Senators. This .morning when the first premature ahnouncement of the Senator's fie raise was received the "Committee on Privileges. and Election, of ishicli Senator Morton was chairman, was in session.,, A resolution; of condo lence was'Passed and transniitted to the family by',stelegraph. A leading - Democratic Senator remarked to-c'ay: This can be said of Senator Mor ton : Though a zealoim partisan and not in love with DeMocrats,, he was never discourteous. lle was sincere and earnest in - his vlewsond we all respected him." Another Senator called attention to'the fact\that par.: al} tic affections seemed to bea fatal-' ity in the Senate, mentioning — ln - dr, Sumner, Ferry of Connecticut,\_Wil sOn, and 'Morton as the most recent victims, whilst others have beer/ threatened.: AC 9:30 - tsmikdit Prxi: fessor Widdows, of the Metropoia Church chimes, played the "Dead March in Saul " and other dirges, • and tolled minutes bells' fOr one hour, in memoriam of the illustrious cad. "AY ASIIIsozoN, N0v..1,-- 7 -A telegram having been received film Indianap olisthis morning tliat SenaNjltior ton had died athalf past nine o'clock, the report soon spread throughout the city, but subsequently •another despatch saidthe forther was. incor rect. During the entire 'day ingnir ies were everywhere Made respecting his . condition, tyid at 'the . Capitol there was much interest expressed by Democrats as by members of the • Republican party, aside- from all p - 'titled Some of the 'mist - not certain that Judge - ' • pronounced iDemoerats, who had tEn / r - either been in the Confederate ser- REIT is.defeated. vice or in sympathy with it, private-, • • - - ly spoke in the kindest terma:-of • (- Cat,D 44 Wednesday,, at - Senator. • Merton as ainan, and. his 10•2. , prominence and -ability - as - a states- THE announcement that, ;lons MonnissEv has , been elected : tll - the Senate' of New York from the most aristocratic city district, as 4 reform er will be read witbsurprise by those who have known his past career. • ,TuE labor-reformers and green backers carried Chemung - county, With the, exception of-District At-. torney, the relitiblican - candidate for that oilice‘boing elected. GfitiEum, Ga r, had - n_ grand rO- . deption in Paris the other day. In fact the General's our in Europe has been one continuous ovation. - TG IF Amepcan masons who re cently went to - England round a strilte , existina there, and have not . y.etAlecidtd what course to'persiip:,, - - • 11 • I i THE foofish'amr,siiicidal fight in We republican ranlo in Philadt(Phia, ha4.cost the party a democratic vie tory in the city and State. REPUBLICANS whO did not go to election on Tuesday, have learned that candidaies i cannot be elected without votes. WE haVe delayed our paper a day this week in odder to give the official vote cast in the county on Tuesday D. W. VOORHEES, has been ap pointed S. Senator, in place of Senator MORTON,,deeeaseit., TnE-tepuplican mijority oin State ticket, in Philadelphia. is 6,000. SENATOR MORTON DEAD. Scenes pt' the Bedside as the Life ebbed . :j,.-.. - - - 2 : :: : ' : . '' -;, INDIANAPOLIS Nov., li Senator Morton passed calmly away •at 5:35 this afternoon. The scenes at the bedside of the'grest ludianaiitateS. man.. were .of a niCiat affecting ria.: ture. The Senathrbas propped up with 'pillows; which were short intervals, and thotigh 'partly under - the - influence of morphine he c.emed to be in treat pain... Mrs. Morton , - Sat - upon the right side of her beloyed. and dying. husband, clasping , his right hand, Which was fast becoming cold with the chill of death. His .two sons, Walter and Oliver, were elose.besitie their moth= er watching the life ebb away• from the forth Oil, theY- so 'ilearly loved., The =,solemn scene was . not disturbed by a loud word, iind the Sri f-strickeicwife and children were - left to the thoughts of :the,hour„ little knot of -listeners was:gathered about the other side of -the sick-bed and all was still.- Several ministers' were iri attendance upon the. dying statesmen, among whom were notice .ed Revs'. J,H, Bbless, -Henry Day, D. D: T. A. Lynch, W. A. Bartlett, and the• venerable Professor. Hos- . hour. Professor -lloshour i s . Mrs. Morton's pastor- in days; lung gone Wand the Senator's. preceptor. When -he entered 'the room Mrs. Mortoi, ',as though recognizing' a familiar: presence, looked up. old Iriend advanced, and the (Asp of hands that .lfollowed - expressed more Ulan is wialin the power of lafignage to portray. They remained la/ this attitude for some time; area ,as the Professor retired to another/Y.4a of the robin not a dry, eye/coidd be seen, and only ,an 1-,ceaSional sob broke the stillness. Zliorie who were present can ever foi*t the scene or the flood of recollections it aroused in every soul. At 5 o'clock the in • tense agony tuti:r W.hich the Senator 'had been laboring for some time seemed to lease him, ,and lie was quite easy. lie became conscious tor short, time, and recognized his wife -and sous and his inimelliate relatives; among, whom Were ex-G0v.,.. erno: Bill Ank, rostmaster 'Walla:if II: Hollov:a • and wife, and -Mrs.- Gray, -his .six er-in-law. At tifteetiN minutes_after 1i e, while resting quite. I easily, he said ._ . t his sister-in-law, Mr " qin dYing.". She' milled; " Oliver, yo rare not afraid to die?" He midiea d " 5:o " by, swaying -his head. In a 'ew minutes,' his physician, Dr. Thoml7, came to his bedside, to whom M Morton said : " I am dying ;,4 am wo7mt." The Doctor made • the same r nark as did Mrs. HollowaY, and recer•ed the same nod of the-head. His col( - eil servant then came iutq the room, and the Senator, who was breathing quite hard, said .-- to him, "John, air," and, closed his . eyes, and. his spirit 'was wafted to a better world. The envis in mourning to-night over. the death of the great statesman, the fire , bulls are toiling, antra gloom has settled overvihe entire communi t 3-.., To-morrow the State' 'offices awl buildings will lie draped.. The re mains will lie in state during Sunday in the main corridor oc . the Court House. The funeral wilbtake placej ; fin Monday afternoos,,at . . 2 l o'chick at. : Hobert Paik M. El'-Cl 4 ,itirelr The funeral discourse wilibe delivered 1'3,7 Professor Ito•Shour, assi4ed lly Eltlerl J, B. .Cleveland, :' .- Dr. ,Day awl Dr, r l The retrains will be in-, terred at ProWn II dl, Cemetery. . an the Doctor's aunouncement: l l 4 Ile is going," the gaze . of the uiti• 1 and sO i : ri sbecame fixed on the fact' of the hiliftband and father, with now . awl then a pitoons look of inquiry i towards the Doctor, until his further announeement, " It is ovei," when tie widow clasped :her sons to her, exclaming quietly, • hut in tones never to be forgotten, "My darling 1 litiys'' The friends withdrew, hav ing them for a time, when they were tenderly led from the room. This , livening by direction of the Mayor, the city 13 - ells .have been, -tolled fifty four - strokes. indicating' the dead - Senatoa's age. The bells will also lie tolled Cttell day at iroon until after the ,funeral. The Mayor. has called a meeting .of citizens in the IT n ited States Court-room to-morrow 'at 9 A. m., when it will lie deeided:to invite the Presideneand Cabinet and Governors of lie several States •to attend the funeral. The members of the bench and bar of the city !nil State arc requested to meet at 12 o'clock toquorrow. Reports from. many cities and towns in the State, announce the tolling of bells.. Gov ernor Williams will close the State offices on Monday, and Mayor.Caven the offices of the city government: They will jointly request the citizens_ to close their business-houses from !loon to.three.o'clock on that' day. THE NEWS IN WA:SHIN'iTTON I= Mil Vote otEradtm4 County at the Election held Tue- I ky,'Noveml)er 6th, • • Republicans in MALL csrs ; Democrats in Maio; Greenbackers th Iton4T Prohibition marked . • . . • -4. ~ . . • . , ' . . . , . • 1.- , . • i -- , , ---N 1 , -,--- f ----'1 It, • • 0, Ire ; "..., 4l; 1 - .. --ti..1 . ..-.1 0 , • - . 'a .• .t" I - ..t .' ~ ,e I P I . 4. . 0 . . ' o '. 41 . tn , • • r.•• 141 .4 . -, 1 t ••• .: w. to - t., r i, ~, . .. -i • l5 l6l .. . . , ' ;• - . .X .; ! .., -F.- Y . . 4 - • ...,. . NI- : 9 ' : 3 ; 8.-. g . :: !.1 . : -?- ..: • 3 • • 71.2 pr . - oi ~ r - • - ~,, - • • „. _. 0 .„. • .7. .- : 0 ` .. - -• • ``' V 0 •-.7 e. . 1, v ....- i4i, , ml - '4 l- : t-,..,. n ; •-•- - • .. - •V/- 2 ?I ,• 9,' V."" I 2 i: ,- ; 7 : 4 EI . 7 : ! .- - N , t 1 ''' I '. 1 F. i '" . ELECTION DISTRICTS. ' to ; ,„,„ a 5., •-: 4.8 ; •• ; 4 ••• g, F. 1 1 ..... 0. : ..: C° : l 7; b. r I ..• - - ;1 1-2 a ‘,4 .1 ' . ',' , .4 1 , 1, .1. _: • a 1 ~, .at;. :.,1 - -IN - 1 ..•:1 i.i .tl, . . -, . . . . ..i - ..., •1- . 7 ' 'r. ! t .Ft.! -.- 5. r -0, t • •!• • ' .. • ; et 41 .1 at 1 . • •' • • 1 :' l• 1. . ... 1 1 _ . • • '-. I • , I . ', i'l ": , • N-• 1 ::\ : • . . - • • • ' c - - ' ......-k-1 ;-..,—; j , , I — , ~ , '.Alba • . : ; " s ; ' • 1 191 19, 2' 61 231 17 '21.....1 • 2 3 • 171 21-.1. 241 • 171. 1; ;23; is; 1 ! 6 ; J•-261 ..311 : Albany . ' 152; 981 17 ~ i" 111 1 /10 14 1 9: 151 Cl 471. AI 143; 64 421 147 ; eto l 331'152' 75 , 2i7;.1t3 Anneida,..., • 1 2 3 1.. 111....1 -11 24 'll .:.. 11 '' 111-1 11 291 11 ....1' 301 10 1 ...4 211 f, ! " - Z. 21 94 18' 42:13a1 1.1 192 Asylum ' ... - - '.. ' ' .63 Bb l 101; 30, 62 701. 8 36, 04 71 8, 361 961 79j .161. Hi Athens Township-Fitst District ' 168 ' 63. 1 ,.... 7 1 62 34 , .... 71 62 1 ; 84 li 7• ;117! 971 11 4131 Itti: 11 71 1421 30$ 388 '` " . ,-Second District •• • `• , "-Thlnl District.- - ' 1 34, 47, 31- 1, • 1314 47 3 ... 7 3 471....1..,..1, 72 : 45, 34 .2.0; 84 - S: 31.. 83; .... 1 C •c : "• • -Fourth,Distriet ' I id; 361.;„ 531 19 1 34 1 :... 1 . 94 IS 50f.... I , 34 113; 511.-1 15; 501.,..,,1 4; 941....! • .::.` Athenn Borough 1 741 991....1 .71 1751 . 1011..f..1 .61 52 126 1 1 ...:1 6 1 , 45; 1411',.....1 41';• 73 ' 1 34, 112; 142; 1•_•1 Barclay . • I '4- . i 151 29 4 122'. 131 34 , .31 129 1 13 31 3; 1251 38: R 2,1 '541 33; 87" '931 11! 148; 96, 00; ; Burlington ' . 3121 59' 2'5 56 1 :' 39; at si grq - ao •2! '.. t, - , b 7! 421 6; .8 9 1 40 1 • 61•; 491 81; 3711, 'Bl • Biirlington Borough - 1 'l9l 9 9 .... 18 1 ' lc • 91.... 191 0, , Vb.... 191 ,10;- 8; 'l9' lot .81 7; aft! 25 , •13 - Burlington West ° I 52; ' &i t • Illi 2 93 421 157 1 11 fin 42; 35; ' Ili • 54 1 , 3111 . - ,34; • 54, 36 at; 9. 1901'12.51 •,:ft Canton Borough.... - - I 941 - 4'4; 1.9 12 ; 101 531 71 - 4 101, 531 7; 4: 90! 461 - 201 tot; • ..5,2' .101. 26: 150 74 1 ii N . . 7 Canton Township - IN; 43; .12; 171 1 , 44.1 44' 141 14If 133 1 . 44' 14' 14! 131; 45, 13 130, 47 11 ; 29: 3 - to! 3041 87 Columbia : •"- . , • I , 71; 4 . 71 1! 42.! 101 511 21 .50 .70 53 .21 49, 1051 611....; 1104 iir.....; 11 17:4 - 202,• 343 Franklin * .4 - 54 1 541 11 -11 .911' OM .111, 11 54 42 It 11 52: 57' 121 34 1 \,.56 121 29 1 06! 981 1,3 Granville ; . • . 'I, 1411 31; 30 ....! 143, !'3O ,511; .. 143 'ill 301 , .... 1 1 4 5 271 34 . 147: '2,7 3113 int 109;•2541 . 11 Herrick - 1 ' 83. 3" , I 1 10 1 141 :31 32. 1 ::1'10 1 03, 22 I 'll3' 4, 36 04, 33, 33, 25, I2l' 169, , 20 1,011:1) 1 SPI110 • • . , ; . . zo: 14'....i....; 61 141....1.-... 6.1 14:.,...1..... 95 22f 14! 53 4 12‘ 5! 21: 54 ; 68 1 II 11...1t0y • • ; ' 131; 251 31 1 171 26 1 4 1 ; 133 26! 41 II 131! 211 . :1;•1:12 , ,f - 24 .5 1 2 1 1 34 ; 21;6 1 57 "iltel'ileld ' j eit,..79, 2151 9 • Sit' 811 211 9; HI 4141 26'; 9: - 56 119 . -, ' 61_ 103! ; 15: 20: 156 . 145: 127 'Monroe To ushlp - . ' 1 "'Monroe 1.16 otigh `Orwell ' ! ,OvBrtou - . ~. - t . ! ilia: 47" 9'.... 115, - 451 JO ' 115 .; 451 19 : ....' 1951 .51; 131 ! 1631 511 12 1 1:1: 156! 249, 97 .! 601 101 31....1 611'.111 34...1 611 ID - 31.-1 42, 111. 13. Cu l 11, 3j 461'20; - 661 16 i 1321 1.9/1• 501 'll 1331 :101 51i....1 13:11 ,01; . 94 , .... ! 107, 41; 8., nil ; -., :.s ~..1 .. .0.; ,_, u k 17. 2,4! :I' ...I, 171 40, 1,...-. 1 1: 4of 11....1 .;.1. - 9; . tiot 6, 171 .27.. r.l 24' 21! Is; 79 l'lltt.• ' illtigluary n, , nßcTlfwnstilp ;" ;Rome Borough Slupaleuin !• . , 1 1231 - 221 91 . ,91'12. 6 1 211 I,u; 91 12G, 2.1 i 1 101 fot 113; 121 naL 122! •it 2it Gs! 93: 30w 60 . . , ' ow . TN : 01....; 93 1 80j 0.,... ; 90 8 1 / 5 9,...,1 94, .11 14! 95' 75; .121 5; IS": 102: 1,91 , . , ;,.., ! ! , ;4121 31•1 101.... 1 111 321 8?....:t 111 32j. sO , 1 11.02: 341 16 , 101 '' 21' • 121'23; 12:4 161 ,t,4 . . 1 4 0 ! , 6 1 54 21 33. of - 51 II "3 , 4 .9' : 5 1...,1 a•zi 11., 71 'an 3 6, 41 : 40' 79 1. 18 • 107. 731 16:- $7, Ilibi 2 1- 10, blt• 1.10. 241 1 6 ; 021 2311 51; 10 13j. • 81' • 101 86 1 129 .274, 9 4 ~• 1 1 ; Smithfield •• 2t4 1 76;....1 2; 212 • 761 .2 1 .,f...! 211 1 -1.1 2i• . 207: 7si 8 2 .4 1 47' • f 1; 130 134 32"' 129 „South Creek . , .. ; 901. 461.. .; , ..1 .91[ 48i....1 ...: 011 418,...1... .1 100, 141....1 021 -15,..... : 110, '20,'1194 - hi • Sprioglidd • - ' 1311 661... l • • .1 1:10 ; 1•0 1 ,...1....! 1331 70,......:. 1 130, 701.... i 13.4, 64 . 1 ...; 3.1 , 1661 216 . 109 • I.•;:au.ling Stone ; 371 10.5:.....: • :•1 ..1 30:1105 1 ' 1 381 1051-.1.- ; 4.1 1 ,.....1....; '7;l 3 1 15'.....: 11, 131 2.9 , 151 Sylvania Borough ' • . ' 21, 14, ,19 22.1 16 .. i 11, • 21, , 17 ‘ .... 14 271 N.... 1 21: 25'..„ 71 •21 59 43: 23 _ Terry 4• , ; r 78! /111 . .-.. 1.. .. 77j 831.... ! :!....1 771 531.4..!..,,.. , 72; 9,. '072 82 3.. 71. /iv 146 1,•91 " Towanda. Township ,' 36 14, 191.... 311 . 181.-:.1 1m 371 114....1 19' 48; 161 3 : 47 1 17, ....1 211 1 . 53! Ili, 117 Towanda North .- ; 491 341 7; 9. 49 , '?.11 8; 4 4; 49 , 431 81 41 43. 24; ; 20: 45: 34, 13 , 110:, 63. 1.4 GA Tow.itida Borough-First Want • ' I 55' 441 71 691 63 4" 6' 95 1 33 9 1' 461 6' SS, 12 1 .111 -32, 63 6: 17 42; 119, 123- ' 12., ; . , , •• •• ;,-Second Wanl • . I , '• II .6i All 111 79, 6' 331 114 1 14:11 GI 32' 161' 31; 36,124 'I ; 11. Mo', 128 , 187; .2w, 104 1, -Third Ward - t • Si- 391 141 1 •121' Rs!, 45,1 111 17! SS 47 1 181 /11 - 781 201 671 89, 93 1 24 1 53: 113 144 0. Troy Townsblp ' 1 ' 116 ! 461 11 ' ;1 61.1171 191 11 T 117 90' 1 ; 11 1171 82, 5 117, 82; 5 .. , 1 , 1 ,, it , 2 ,,,• c,,. Troy Borough - I 1 114 1 . 651 2 4, 117; 611 2 ,• 11'417 • 6.1; ;2! 1. 116 cc! 1.1;5' 64' 1! 114 142' I.l' .91 Tllsl:•afOra - : SI: - 24 ! 18 1 ,....; 891 241 17',.... 86 241 • 171 - • 031 211 19' 84 : 2.3 . . 181 89 ; . 37, 7.14! '6' , Uhler - ' ~......., 13.91 961 41 71 1041 . 931 , 1 1; 7, 104 951: 4 • 2_ 112' 91 : /i: 103 101; 6' 13; 191, 19: 4,11 Warren - " ' 1471 44, 201..-: , 1491' 414 21; 1; 114 40" 211 I IC2' 93: 20 119, 42, 20. 401 29 1: 222, 0 ; WOllO5 : 5:1 tr 1 I 4111 901....1....1 .491 .901 4./ 1 101,....; , 49, 09; ~ 1 20 1 12; 66 I,So - • •-1 WIIIOO9 1.101 89; 3,..,..t 831 89, 21... .' 89 1 Bal 3 .....! 91 67 91 1 , 7 ....: 21'149 1 I 6:. N . . Windham .... . 103. >ll 2/.... ; v , ll 72; 7 ; ... ..1 , 101 72, 9 , ler: 69' 9: 101 ° 74; 7 '25 140 152. 111 , W:yaluslug ; 109! • 60. 31! 70131, 6 9 9 2 1 1 9 : 09: 701 31 .1 17 1, 41 4 7 1 50 102 29- 45, G 4 11.2 : ~_., 16, W .y 50.3 . : 85: 123119. .11: 861 129 18i 7; 85: 1301 ; 18. 7 . ; 9 1 121 -72 62 176, 7..14 13:4 r. 1,54 17: . , ..,-....„----,—"--.1 ..--- — . ---.1...- , .....--- —I----;-_-...--...... : 4161 21411•4. G; '&9'4252'21135 414! 582:1=1 2643 447. 573'4961'2678 . 8:15:42a1 9.0761 f1.17 : 1959 3699 1 4 ... .. 4: Total , ; .: • • 1 2 5 31 1 't-: A '3 , 2437 ti I VNt: i • •767.• - 28711 •' • I'll'l , --:-.1 1 I ; :' 1.........1, 1 1 1 . 1 ; '-°- • : . ' 1 . . °Majority • - '' 4647, 1 • 11620 , ' /161' 1 : G 5.1 , 1311 : : 3231 • 1 ; , 1 :I I I I 1 1 I .• . , •4. ' man, though, as they said, his politics were distasteful to them. The !ntel ligeuce of the death of the Senator, received here to-night, produces pro . found sorrow. On -the announce ment of his death to the Senate to inOrrow a committee will he appoint= vd l to attend the funeral at Indian:lp in conjunction with - a similar committee.od the - part of the House. CR.I'LAIN SUNDERLAND'S PRAYF:R WAsntNoro:4, Nov, 1-—ln. the Sen. the desk of Senator Mor ton was marked by a bouquet of plain white flowers, placed thereon 1,;5,: some friend. The Chaplain in his opening prayer again allotted to the illness of the statesman, saying": U thou everlasting,, self-existent, , .11-suflieient Jehovah I- the Lord our ti , d, before .Whose sight ;all .things are yen, in who:se view every human life- rk must come to. an end, every' dying an must lie breathingout his lift! y be old, W 3 beseech Thee, thy k servaptl; ieN to-day assembled, i \ whose thou las in the dispensation oil Thy provic enee must be mingled with myste ries 'of the grave,, the shadow of which eems to be setting' upon the ,Sennte a d upon the land, as well as uPon yowl. • distant home where eyes are weepi o' and hurts are aching. , May we' w: k with rdv :erende and soberness in t e full and I:conscious recognition of "hy su __ filretne and righteous wit. W . unite I:iith.' prayer to beseech Thee to give iio, the dying Senator the- pro-pee. of . a better life, to open for him a ne . career- and another journey ev tt . . .. e stars: _ I sKETCIE MR. MORTON'S LIFE Oliver Perry Morton wa born in Wayne .county,AndiAna, August 4, 18'23, and being orphaned • early worked as a hatter's apprentice until 1837, when he' commenced his- stu dies. He left Miami' University, Ohio,without 7raduating: lead law with. Hon. John S. Newt - n:l44a In diana, and was adtnitted to tile , bar in - 1846. His success as d lawyer was quick. and complete; so that after six years he was elected Judge of the Circuit Court by the Demo; crats; He abandoned that party two years later, when the Fnqsas- Nebraska 95i1J was passed and the Missouri annpromise was repealed ; and was nominatod for Governor by the Republicans in 1856. Although, defeated by some iive - thousati..i votes, his canvass contributed much to es tablishing the party in Indianaond four years later he was elected Lieu-. 1 -tenant Governor, when the State joined . the Republican party. Two ! trays after taking his seat ,as Lieu- - tenant Governor, Mr: Morton be , came Governor for four years, by the . election ( - Al Governor Lane to. the United States Senate. The State was/then inure divided and distract ed upoh political issues than almost. any other ; man); of the Democrats in the Legislature and out, of it ad- - voeating armed assistance to the re-, bellion;,,while • the South. believe& coercion \would secure 'ties aid, :pd divide thewest. GOvernor Morton ! visited Mr. Lincoln and' promis/d his ! cordial supppitt - to a vigorous,,policy; and When the ear the re hellion compelled, troops, equipped six regiu ;e days, ,froin more ...than fr vol pnteerizond. must of the .iresidueinto th told--had thei when^ sulisequ s were made. He dispatched 'agents In dare for the men, an al an extra ses sion of the, I gis. sure in April. This session/devolved arduous mili tary labors the Kxectitivconk they it fully ilischarged. He •Mirgollin, • the secession of Kentucky, and virtually at state, as well as Indiana, is time. ' , He' secured the •of gunboats on the Ohio to disloyalty there; and when of the , rebellious attitude of /Buckner %odic°ler in Kentucky, had Rousseau ordered to that State with a brigade of Indiana. troops. Immediately after he dispatched, re inforcements tooowling Green, and by ti lie. defeat of 7.ollicotTer at Mill Spring saved the State to the Union'. Through all the depressions of the year his courage encouraged his own people, and at its close '4e reported forty-four Indiana regimenta in the field. His vehemence and watchful . Hers secured Clothing,provisions and care fur those. of them.who wintered in West Virginia; and when partisan. malevolence accused him of profiting by this provision, a C i ongressional -investigating 'committee, appointed at his recptat, found that the cost of ,outfit was less than in any other State. And during all this time G.ov et nor Morton's influence in Washings ton' was great, and his counsel was often asked & In the full of::1862 the Republicans were defeated - in . Indiana, but Goier nor Xorton'held_ over and checked the .rebellious projects -which, were entertained. • His message was; ii e , of inditer Osn=kl. Supreme. Court. . , neverthelesS rejected _by the Legisla ture'. and that-of °Overflew Seyinomi of New York, was adopted. A bill tq. diVest him of military poWer was defehted 4 only by the withdrawal 'of• :the Republican members of the Leo'. islature ; and this action leaving the appropriations for two years inflicted upon, the Govern:or borrowed two millions of dollars, act...d as Auditor and. Treasurer, :Ls well as lituvernor, kept all the• accounts and had them approved after examination by the nest Legislature. lie pursued this ; course with full knowledge that there-- were _BO.OOO oath-bound and disci plined Knights of the Colden Circle in the State, who only desired an a1 , !,- semblage of. the LegiStattire to in force their treasonable ends. .He ferreted out their secrets, seized their arms, arrested 'and imprisoned their,' leaders and broke up one of the 'Most dangerous plots or the whole war. Ile-elected Governor in Is 6-1, by a large majority, Mr. Morton continued his. earlier course; met all the calls for troops and all the eßtienses of the State; Suppfessed domestic sedi tion and _ encouraged patriotism everywhere. in the last year of the war he was übiquitous ; at Washing- ton, with the armies, in every part of Indiana and in other States, and everywhere his influence was good and -strong. When the war closed he surerinteniled the reception, pay ment and mustering out of State troops: and then - Ibis overtaxed .po*- '-eis yielded- to a stroke of partial par alysis. ;For this-lie visited Europe I *l tlw fall 'of 1865,. when, having par -044 recoVered he returned and re- Anil ed his ditties. Having been eleet.d to the United states Senate in in • nary, 18117. he resigned the Govern ship, and in March took his' seat for , le term ending in 1873. .11is,efforts iere in a larger Wicatre continued the, gharaeter„ability_nnd influence of p . vious'services in an other field. Th. ugh obliged to ad- dress the Senate , frequently in his chair, the substance and manner lof hV speeches commit eil the atten tion of that assemblage as closely as the orations of any mem .er, and his services on the COminittee of For eign Relations, Military Atli s, Ag riculture and Private Land 'laims Were continous and valUable.' He declintsl the 4ppointm9xt of. Mil •s -ter to England, niadem : Septembe ~, 1870. and in 1872 _was re-elected% to\ the- Senate for the/term closing in March, 1879. Eiftnost notable ser :vice in this hate term was connect— ed -with the ;fippreSsirin of Ultra southern and isloyal ori*anizations; the proteeti II of the colored voters'. and encore Ment of the law. But his (/ health wa - ' steadily breaking under a • [ complication of diseases, of which paralySis . was only the most threat ening. At the last session of ' Con greis he Was'-hardly able to attend w th regidarity; He threw his whole nerg} into defeating the plot which :limed • to change the verdict of the people on, the P.residency,and then visited California for a relief lie fail -1«1 to find; returned, and_sinkitig, with occasional Promises of improve- I merit which revived the public hope ' of his recovery and, future. service, 'passed away in the prime of • man hood, crowned with such eminent public services as few of lcontem poraries can surpass. His impetuos ity sometimes'inisled him. • 'His Zeal occasionally blinded. his judgment. But the spirit if the man was high his judgment- was sagacious and sound ; his purposes were purely patriotic . ; his . achievements were great, and he Ain long be remember- e St te e ready ed among the eminent men of the most stormy and critical perioc . of Atherican history., '- • ' STATE 11SWS • • TtrE•Plate glass works projcct at Hunt ingdom Progresses favo.ralde. .11oNEsoNLE glass factories aro. being driven to their full rapacity. Tin.: oil welisat Elkland Tioga county, is down to alleptli of 1,000 feet.., . ' Tien Pennsylvania :railroad shops:- at:. Altoona are so crowded with work that :ionic of the hands 'are : required tO put in extra time at night. \ • . Two of the locOmotive \ s—Nos 399 and 597—destroyed in the round house of the Pennsylvania rai4tad -in July .last' have been, rebuilt and ape again upon the road. THE number. of iniemidoyeepersons in Pittidinrit. has he constdorabfeyeduced within ajew woes. ThoSe now out of work, or not v%rking, are mainly ~gtags, operatives, on a strike. . THE convict cobblers at the 'Western penitentiary grind. Out twelve hundredt pairs o" shock per day. . • Tat Lehigh wagons works at Seutton,.. Lehigh county, hst week shippetta num , • •bei or wagons to Australia. , \ - ei.NNSYLVANIA has 'the largest number of Binuhty-;.•3chools among. the States— . . • , Ti Tumbler Works Company, It, Re hester this State arc erecting an addi tional furnace,..which will enable turn out 730,000 .Saiunnas lust was.the 195th . anniver sary of the landing of William Penn on AmeriCan soli. Thh anniversary was duly celebrated by the Venn Club of Philadel phia,, ~ - EMM 3TTEZS 113,0* C -- ,Z. connztroN. ran's. ______ • . - - .ouR. WILBEnIGTON LETTER ; I - Yvioott7,l:l-"4:. D. C., Nev. 2 4 -1 . 577. Congress has now been in may OYer three weeks. and s:, far it may bit said there has been no-leg4slation. of any int poaance transacted. It was expected by many of the Members, that after the Speaker had announcA his committees the House would at once proe , sed to busi ness, and in a few days be ready fir air inljeumpient. s But the business which they were, called upon 1 , 2 cOnsidtsr still re- I mains unacted upou. and as each vane-es theyro.,pect of in early adjourn ment grows ''smaller I , y degrees anti bean: tifully less. Sordething like tWo weeks :were used by the* :-.;peaker in tho firm s: tion of his committees, which, taken With(' thir filibustering, wrangling and ratting protdiyitie, which have been almost,, , d.tiiy exhibited during Ithe session, wiltH doubtluss be pr,ilong,Nl rip to Um) Ist - of Deeewbt'r—or very near•it. * In the form stunt of the' C4.miinitte'es, it will Ist..observed that Mr. Ilabiall has. given a large majority of the'Cliairman- ;daps . to the S,,ntlt. Sue't action, low ev...r. was U. Ilitrr , tilllll coillil be expect- cii -.trim the fact that the De nocrat iv, ma- , j , rite of the lhiase i:; er a '}- 1 t ig,p . , , taa ,i,-, up from that secti tn.. A great ti et d',,V dissatisfaction over she' apportionmen4 was. at first, - expressed lsy S'lllle lifthe 4,1 members hailing from t:iat portion of he caantry : which had .alwz ys been 17. 1 ,41 to ..lie I oivermin, but, la 1.: ~c4on after/re-elec tion, we Sli ppi ISO . .-•• • t f m given a quiet : acquie,csit ,- _•e to / {1 thin. --Whey may with- sorn i; 0' do t ibtl;s; entlle hi' , 010 4:0:1011./Y Mlle!! 1101101* cannod . he the e folkiwyrs and holier eause 1 and '-that the West have itO rights ii a those of the t'iontii. , wo the new memy - 6 - rs: or the Howe Site Speaker seems, to :Yaw givla but Hale at in ciii'y a sow' in.•;..;;;lneeg InPre any of 111C111 , 0 cell l'a.kl.rliiLe4,' 1ll) , 111 . ,!: w those SO ree.:_•2 bled WC iSliservo hat. tot. Overbill haS/ p111:0 , 1 i m p the VT/I• mittee of Commerit.e. As,, f: t hiHi:; among • the Minor ant committees th - c..-Positiott is one that Ito Cobtnel—tAmt a new mum her---w A dd litre hardly exp2ct,.d or as pired/to the select ion.' however, rrtlects hour, On the SIIII,-ellll.r!;'.ltrid jtuizlfirTst of th,(Sre:lker and 1 ,, a 'imitaiu extent ,5...151 that the:Colonel's l'oputation tb,,... ,- bility and rites.:s as a legislator had ai.- ready preceded hint. To this Committio. will be referred the regulation of:our ei : - tire commerce on Wlite4atirl,rlfin3-arta front the mutiplieity of rdapterS and pies tions which must neeess4iily einne befit :c it (or action and decis;om, the positi in will be attended witlrmbnutiant oppi is -tut-titles for hard work.':. It is perhaps needless,to assert that t se duties and requirementsNif the place will be as well and as ably discharged as if an older and more ex periencahlegislator had becir balled to the playe. Col. Overton So - tr has evinced the imo.4 industrious of ',its ; he is: always, to be conial at hil ahtays at work, ever c , surteous and ' to all callers and myer fails to nu " whose business places them it: cation with hint, with .t sense or s for the duties White lie. has upon to discharge: for is `tit - suite of the 14th di4riet assurance that there inter .sented, honestly failif.- 'y, and with the :ante given character and 'ilmot Di•strict. Ma paAy . of the ' , mined to a disap s on 11, ednesday Mice, and, they ' l 4 fell yester boast of a ' of I the And Ye so i itch GM LOlllllll thi•s ii 1.43 en his all. may rest iu e.:6 will bo fully and fe. abilty that WA c prestiv to the old The — AtIti•lkSLIIIII House were yesterday pointment. The test v gave them hope and as. expected ere the shade's art. day that they would be able victor.y an the shape of the rL third section of tiie resumption it is tu4 unlikely that they inigh, Boasted if they had 116 t plleeq'teh, confidence in their st rength and had ed to the demands Of the resump party who desired to offer certain ante] menu and hai.e • them voted on. The financial partici: it 'appears arc so evenly divided that some concessions , must be made to the minority. Other wise they will ihnibfitss resort to the par- c, liamentary expedient, known as tilibust- - ering and *us stave off final action for weeks. . • , _ The first attempt to endorse the Son.ll-1 ern policy of President I WAS 111:11/0 in the Hotote'of Reprvsoatativel4 vester= day, when Mr.',Goode, of Virginia i olcer- • ed a resolution ileclarii'ig that iu thi. judg ment of the House. the acthin or tho President in withdrawing the troctps front South Carolina and 'Louisiana was wtko just and constitntional. contributed ) ! in a large degree to reAtkit peace and harmony, and that for entitled to and. should receive the supp6tt of all men recognizing one : Country, ono Constitution,; and 311 C destitiy. The resolution could Only come in by .unanimons °tumult, and it - appears that several gentlemen were not prepared : to endorse: just yet. The voice of Mr. l'hilips,„of Kansas, it seenni was louder than that of others, mil lie is recorded im baying made the objectiom, leis not at :ill certain thlft all the nomi nations made by I'n:side:if, Itayes will fie acted upon at the present - extra session. Tito English misaion, the New 7Kork nom. Mations, the Louisiana nominations and numerous othersit is thought' in political circles, will! not be acted upon until in December. 31., A New and Ruse Cure for Liver and Kid ney inceaSo3, Nervous lit:Witty—Vital Weakness and liepreasion; a weak, exhausted and gloomy feeling; 1 u.. etergy or courage—the result of mem taloverwork Or Intliserelions, afe„ is found in Dr. Gan x's pinion:A ''.l.trEit, KIDNEY AND XEI:C1: i'lLt.s," which haie performed More. marreiens cures of Dyspepsia, - 11anituat Cmadvitess, Gravel, Liver and Kidney disea:es: Nervous and Sick Ileadaehe, Spine and Fetunie . ittsemws, lUzzittess, Palpitation 4;,f the 'Heart and Nervonslittality of either 'sex, than any remedy .extani. They are sniff tely veget ante pill ever orered am] ei txt humanity. and shoutd be In every Louse. A few : dosei void often taw, heavy doctor's' bills. If your€ druggist hasn't them, take no cheap And wortfiNs4 snltstliute, but send fi'SetS.'to Dr. Gatrr...k Saratoga, au.l receive them brinsil. Sold in Towanda at Dr.. H.R. Puttxr.trs Drug Store.- l Aug. lr, •77. , e0W. - 1111 iI"AT CENTRALAOITTE.TQ TUE W WE, ViJOSIAGARA RA 1 4 4 1 • - - • 1 OR' EAN 311CLEIGANVENTRAT.; -roar • - • :- --. .- .. - '\RAILWAYS. ~• . . . THE POPULAR ROUTE to po' tlts to .CANA DA. TO DETROIT. BAY CITY. SAGINAW, GRAND RAPIDS. KALAMAZOO;;COICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL, ST. LOULs, (MA MA, SAN, FRANCISCO, GAINESTOMNDAI. , LAS, DENISON, and 311 point* Weld. • \ nowa. THE CELFAIRA7TI) WAGNER VA DRAWING-ROOM Al) BL,EEPING.CSA \ "Han ou all ExprenstralinCfrnni coder to Chica gn and all pinta west Arlthont change.. • NEW AND ELEG ANT DINING CAIN. 41.5. nava recently itnen placed On thls line, affording every traveler on Dm through trains an opportunity to &rainy Break fast, Mutter awl Supper at leisure, at the popular price-73 cents yer meal. 'IIQ-Tlll,l Is gat only line to the West via SIAM: Aft FALLS:affording bp.prt unity, of N few Ing the F MIS, and sc , enery of 'Niagara while CAMS ,Ing over Saipelasiory Midge. • Tickets can he !lad at tbA 1111.nts of all con netzing lines, and f rum. all Agents - representing thhNitte, ' ' • WM. IM)il All. • etb 4 l V.:lSir A g`t, tietel Ticket A. 1.- , ROI Vl` W GE!). rdiEltWf 'traveling Art, *A ennaplfte 3rielorial iharfory Me Tinar.r."—• •• The hext„ AJrS.fNext, and mom, pnerrxrfirL .fanailikll'arprr in the , TTA R'g \WEEK IX. ' \- - 1 'LI:CARA RA TED: - • NOTICES 9l` 11E.•I•gE14S. The In-ekty is th.s ahloqt in al hind powerrul ll lostr perhalleal published t thh, country.' It-5 edit o rtyls net scholarly and Convlchig, and carry touch weight. It-illlnstzttlOns t.Y current events aro (nil and fresh. anifare nrepareihny nor hest- de ah4•r5......7,;,P1 Conri- - r-Jaanrrarq.. lre r•ill slantilal let in family throtighoot the land, asa parer. -more tnterestlng, Ith:l.4r-toned, hotter illiistrald pap-f- I,Not 11 , 11 , -,I this,nr any other et lb.e.A. The Ile' only illteltrated ol'N the day that In .114 ,l!,settlial re 4,T.- 1112th) as o national paper.-73r0Al ft" Eatgle.. . . . -TF:itillli : 1., . . - I . OSTAGE .I'IIEE 11) : ALL SCUSIiIIIIIY..IO, IN THE . II A 1:1.1:1:' , W EF:ai ;.t , 00. $1 tvr includiz prepsyraeut of H.S. postmps byl fie publishers, So?scriptions to hh A itlq:lCti ,I A(•.'A ZI W frlun it ve.l‘):. e.r. Iv,: or. Harper*4 Peribdirats, to ca)i ysls. •7 flO: 11, dyfle /re,. E.rf ra. Copy of ettlire.tio• MAGAZINE. WrEE LI% or Ii AZAR will he Ai terry clo , , of FIVE .1 4 r11 , 1'1:11 , 41:• , ' of paid. for by one rem Wane,: .;r. Si." - Copic.v one ?Aar, trith.,ot extra ropy, for Bark Noon , mr., , : on be hold - die:a at any !10% TM., Volumes Or the is ' , My mon metwe unit 'lie v.,..11% When 110;„ , 1 ni-tilbeird, it will be un derstood that the subserlber wishes to l'lntllllelll, with the NtlillliCr fox after the receipt of or der,. - / Tlo. Annual Voirtmes Of If Aill'Eltb: WEEKLY. flea 00111 1111.11167. will 1w he:it by exjpeNt, Ir, of provide 4 the fl'etttlit 111,10 q not exia•ed Olie dorm.. for ,i7mo each. . I er,,,,ph to Sr t. 1,4111, slog ro/oeir - s, siud ahli at" the rate of volotim.'fr,iyfil 'tithe ,%/ of porrhas,r. Cl;aliC•Lire for.ench Volitme,snitalde for MIM- I !biz. will he hied by mall. oil recoil; 0 *). 1 . .0•11. I:olexes to eaeh 1 , 11111, 'gran oft n.culpt tar Subscriptions received for .11 it • old v„ o.rt t•, copy tr,i (/ hoat r of t Alt In ' Rrp,,florif f. py r ht, ' TlArt PE it IL. IL - USTIt AT E Nirrt ES or The Bit:•Ir ih - 00.1 the es r•lt I the .tkkillority • I Tilrt the Hde: ore • .1... org.t.viif tlo• fv,111113.d.. wdrld, icier of !hat LINV, ti (i.f 311 mato.r , I —B•o4trin Tea edifier. i 11,1.1;; commends 11 ~ ,If to livery tin-neter fif the ..111..1r00 Lc droll aad I,rct:y / to the pool?. he it, fil...iilmoondt-, Ye,. van leiy. lind.l.l.•nt It; t. for 11, ..It: id •tlr oettit CI,/ • Agit jtal :11 • r.:011...; actor of Yl u e 1: 0 l ii , t o. , In" •1 k• (..t. ho t===MI=IMMII A 1,1 Y. Errßill9 1':,! ==‘ajwA. , ..V.•31* . ' 1•0 • t.y (I , e. 11:1V0 i0:1 I too Striv7riph•lair h 1 11 1:1•!:;:" , .1 , .\!1 WV.!:.; 1, ft yl.l (i• . 6, .• A E. 74 Cr•py "r N 1 1.4. ,, ,+11 I:. rill fre „. t•er!. tof iVE etirte-1.. irteet ti,ft beeeet ret 1;,7 , 1; .." . =I , ii, ;11,. Ea'', and LEM r tt paratitornii. V , 11111.11.• Of Winn rt•-,top , i-that 121 e wi-h , t!st,,Nninher th•• (if th.r. ho Annual 11 , %; , ./.%t:', iu • n' hkiittintr. Whi,ht• ..1•TIT Jr: t• - ....dt, (n.,•at ,nt tilt: fr.•t.fht 1.:!3 dottue. for tr.7.l , i)i•ailt. 1 1%," n('1::,1:• f!1",,h,,,,, 7. , • . •1tItn('1::,1:It, h.• ra•,, f of ..I.•!.iiverso:urri.rtr c.t., for ‘O.ll . ,eut• th:t!t. n-4,11.! I n:Lexes cot tin. .st!rit on T.:(Tipt of S!..;),crl;Wor.g rort , 'yea perle,l:cal..4 tc, pr rA. :1 ,, f 11. fe rt th r ord. tt Atidrz,s 11.11411i , l; , , Nenv frii , E GRAPHIC 1 ~ I 1'.21, RLOR ST 0 - V P., 1 11. 'l'. JUNE'S 1:A 111)WA-1ZE F 1 1. N I . 'fi.nclor.igunol has ;nu. mow. of J. S. Att.y.7: - ..t.CU . au FELL . ST(,CK OF .. . _ • ' . S 31r. - ALLYN tpay sllll be found at the old I.!„re, . ; Wid will have e•letrge• of the.. i. UNDERtAKING TiEPUITMENT All funerals will l)u ciituitirted In goml ta.te, tke charges.wilt be tva,olia4le. 4 I f. IIEPAIIIINt4 AND FIUME MA li i Ni.; ! 6Z==l I= 1:1 Y.r:, 4 1. axotre, and !u I JOU. • ;AZ!: li.• MEE 1 - • ITED sTAS! S FElliffilla NIZEI7II MI Foil SA M: AT STORE ! IN 3{L'lteUlt BLOCK, TOWANDA, PA., Is Tim BE .r.n: EEO NGE.IN TILE ranDGE sri:EET ITEE STORE GOOD FURS NVJI.LSq:Lt. Low: Careful atteutioik ulirt; t , gh•cu to HICKS, SacCes.or to Co.; • BRIDGE-ST, 'TO'tVAND.OO,. Now Alvertlsements. “limpieetonahlii the 1 e4t. sostain o ll work of the .kina. to thf vortel.” , . • ' • . . • .. - • . AIItPER'S MAGA74.IiSTE. - ~.- • . ir.r.usiteNTED./ : ' . .. NOTICES OT TOE ritESS. The veteran Jtaaottne.' long atto - entdrew. , lie original tittle of the N.,ie Meath /It has notki the leant abated the irdodarlty It wen at iilo.otltAet. but lies raided to It hi many,ways, and ha. kept fairly °breast (4 the time'', thanks to the enterprise of.the publlaticra and the tact and w 14.. dent of Ito (Alton,. For whatever and most readable In thOlteraturo - ot travel. dMcovery, and fiction. the iivra.a , c reader a loelay ionks to liar pees Just as expectantly as nt. dor - of a,gnartez or a centory ago: there ts the MlllO ,adintratr.o variety of contents and the same freslo ne,s and suggestiveness In Its editorial depart.. Monts tuov an them—Boston Joewnell, \ rw:TA!. - kk: ritsz m .ALL F:risktllllll.7.lo.; IN TIM, • \ 1:NITKI) tirkrL:S. ~,. If t li : rv. ‘ l(% )lAthl,zlN L:, Inv! , year. Pi' Oa e I 4-, 3 hle:lltis preraynwnt of 1 7 3. jolstage by I bo' I`,ll,PAlen, \' •- S.s', , ,c,eieiionati ,'s 'Arm: A 7.1 :r.. jr Yds': I.X mid 1 A 9, A tn. 1., ;Ty , : ~,i, / ,,, ,, f , , r p - ,,, , y 4 /IT. S 1'.4; r 1, 1, , a ~ ,,M, r ii.r's i'eeloill; ,, tilf. to on , whir,,,,:t• f,... fas , War. ‘s7:o9‘\poNtaa•free. ' Art E..tra (.o/,.j4,,tqllicr:l", M AGAZ I .', , : r., WEtii• I.Y. or RAZ t et, .1/1,1,, , ,a+ , 211,/i. 4 ftr , rf(s for ,% - r...ry 171 . oh'of KIV,II S l'ltse It i'lkr.l;s ra• -,t 1 ,.f. , ) iweh, p4i , l for f.qt , onc Pi , lnlthrn , 7 or, iii , 1. , '/./ . . elt pu , 2,/0 , .•, withwil ,ximte.,,i,y,f,r,,,5,,1,,,•,.. . . „ - . dark Noanhery , can tie , ,N1V , 14,1 at any tiny , . ': l'ln, VoluntiA ..r I it') .. 1 / 4 -9-ari,Ae tOillinetipo • With th , y Ninulivr:i rt.! jisto, niok I ii•roahor of 4-am•!. year. Wllitn .no II no, 15, gre'dti . 'll. I L i 17) .r , it o ,rlmod that I h•I tittl,,ctllni . wkn.q, 10 hegli'...With• - the ern" , trill,. 1; Nutliber,, " , . ' ' . : 'fir .-,- -- I . ,„ A bt A rlt 's , AVA"(; 7;1 S tines romin l-ing f . !(ISIL :111:1111g, WV.; ,qll- expr,,„ frelgt,f •••xl./..1i.1 ',par ea-, it, fnr r : . ti p•,•tfp•t/t, .5%.(41. (lni 1; 1 ,1 l u g, • • •••i•t, to - mall., ' .• - rkC•p;lpti•:•l A aarlyt i•tal Ind'' In (Ito 1ir..4 Vitt y Vnl,pay, .•1 I I I; M \r. \Zi.s has In:•••n, lirlt~ 1, r(ta•lerlnteavatlAl , Je (••:- ntrery INt :Ll,l i.trl, i 1 woatitt "f 1•6•1,1 , ,•1:, (nnlq/nt,...1 1,;•0••Iiital aI, :rft.o rate•l !Ito:Cit.% irotpa. (:1!,(11, Hair Calr, - y::E s l prq, .1 , 1. •i I•••al•r.cript..ton.• •tvl for Mr,rp,r%; • • , • , ffetr • grerliooiehlel7t the 0.. - joro 0., 'corder.% II \ Li: IN', All'll'...ti .11.11:PEI; Nev, • Leal.• - . . ._ <1) Eas STI.:II'S. 'N wr IC,'l , .'.46tice ' 11., 14 to n•i.P z tvi,i, : tt at then. has borsil' flied Ili 11,\,..3 t, 1, 1 , , r ,„ 1:,,, ! 1-;...r. of \e, - 1'I : :,,,,1 fear ,i,,, .e..a iry jet Ural fool p.usouiii,'or sq, iiiiii , trailffil iii'" iio I:: Rifiouiog ....ii•-, ss.i.s. : , :s , Viii:i ....ll'C't . , of A. oori. I o:ot. guarißaii of ll.•nry (I r. , nitt , , il-I:pit . el:; trot. ir M st,,iii„ lit., ~r sia,,ile. .iiniu, illus • :o a r 1..i.r.ial :o s't ~r i kma-a 5 1V“ii.i.:..,,,,•.er or Darius \„. Nrviiisss, lute i I' iscrr. dor ri. .. . ;'in:,: oi , ; if, IS:trrissi C•siiio, aHi .‘ii,on R Coi -1 ilso -. !Army: , of la IC r2r.!!1::-. I. , 'a of'NVitollatiii, 1 il.sos:l. , . ': j'ai ,1., aruri of tkrn.4 II 2,1:11or :111,1 'Anti I-:!1?a lII , It r)i ', a.I!:PL. of li,iiii,r.o, 31:iisray, lat.. „r ris,,,y, .1••••:) , q , -. „. y,usi art , r of 11., VI .1I:11111.•r.,11..Iner , of •licruiota)t ii' kit, - ,„lat.i or Aqiiiin. 1.•,' , 1. • i l' ii., - ; or .Ri, I I ',V; ,i..,,;,,,,ii,,: ~r i.:,,,,i...,4 /11 .-.....,.1,;;,, 1.,1i.c0r 1.1.:',1 of 'Nal i isa A !lui, lat.- of -4Sth1;;;„11.!1,1. .IrI.I. ' • • Ft,: tl aec't 'or Is' isaiivls G I of; i‘ , of .1o.! um, Bal:,-y; lU. ' : . ! 1 .. , . 1%. , !IA) a, .•': ~.!"11-:,;110.,, I 1:t11,y, Til.ra-r. Iwo of 1...i:0y. , 1,•*5. 1.•,,l ~..••[ ~f .1., , , 11.1,,,,,"; . Li,isir lIV if Will ~i r. 1....;,,i,,, F.' i ;,, .. P at,; ( 1.,,, P 'N,P.a•I.., wi io ;!/:1., I.r ll,rt: t•nry, Ta!iad - I, 1:110 eil,ss 31ourias, ~ islo ~I ;`, r'! of \ I. Crania • us. :14 , 11 . 1' Of 1. I'lcteli.,l '1T..1....... '13 . , I.' Mn,.. 4.-. '.l. 1.m.,1,:.•.......f ..-. -1.1 i....: ...It., ~r I ~ri/- / ,•:i:, P.• .1 , 1,:1, 1,111. I I:hi:4 of C1,,,i,.: 1:' , ..1..,,,n, me. 1 1 1 1111.,.., C'l l'i.. il ILI i'l..: A 3 .11. isr... - i. , 11.11.1111 . .1 Or E.. 111 113.-,it!. 1.1.:•: 1.1. I.if , •litioot. lio••••1. . r i`.4 periodicals . . F`„ ot 1' 11 'Al'rt, W. (ii . •i r. 11.11 av': .1.,1111 A I ‘4l•llng., guardian (•,' )tury 1. ' • • . A.;tro:, Ely. !V 1-jv Pal • NV 1!:13 , 1t,, , 1-r%I. • , 111%.•.'t s : At::4a- .Niar,tarot .`II:NV If, 1, . • r. a•:m'= ,•;" 1,1:h ,:r 'Brno: e. 13 1 , 1. lat, 41, "J. `i of A of )(...V. :W: Or iti'•'. r!:1-41 =MEM ; I rc an 11., 1 ; 4:••1. Nil f , r 11 LW =MIMI MEM COUIZT 1111 - 1 I 1 n.d ,I•n;•,.-i44•• • '., T.,•n-1,q1•,• no t•.r. • .) 1:10 •I,ly I'E =I k i- 1)1 . TO lI'S `..; i ) . 1* I (_. E .L ' , ...Nt 1 .. .:: I' :: 1: .IVI : : '1 '.; li.:-. ;I : .1 '. NV:II•:;;;III I:. :::.• t 1 ;-: ~ f ;;..;•.;, l' •;,... -I 1',...;,•,..,.1 ; ;-..,1: 1 i. i t:•• :I • i n , iiiiii•igtitill: i n.ll , i ii laiii . itlipii,lit iit ( 11 t i oy iiiiii iii I . `il 1 iiiii • i.ii , ii: ''. n lii • i i 7ll , li:' , iii i iiiiiii :II ~..,g ci. Via! ill i* :,31 1 : Of iiti i .: pr i n. iii.ti pr , iv. ily" AN,' 111 Tk %.,Ils, 1,1 E'`.l).‘ sir, !IF!: 1.77. :;_t an,11.,..-1, all 1“.1,0:0.- ru• yid 00,4, 111!: , :.11 , 111. ..1" , 1 , 1farrc.411,11.1 twil,ll; ;:t 1:1; ,, 11 •awe. 41 , 1 i N \1". 'UN. • A ...II: , I. A uDiToß's NaFICF th.• ..01,Ty -1.11:..1,1-1:. the hanti, Of It. 'r'. 11.:111111:;4 19 nt.:1 11 1 .111w:1 1:: ,1 .`:! M:1 1 111111. 1. ••:: I. 1:y 11;13: ,•.••‘‘,lo. Wt:L 0;:`1,1 1.41 hi , Nip 0 1311111 , 1i! I. • 1 .1i.k . 0 Trtiy 11 , 11A`.. t,r NilVi:l - ;EP. 1 , 77 3t.. at , 1171, 1.4111 p!•,14 l iII 1!;.:1t'll• ;111. 1... :01 - Ver art iP.111: ,P1:1;!tg 11l 11: - .11 N; N.;. ME Li) tA • ,A,•i - t)rri . )ll.s.• N Wl' IC E.—III , the • 1.. iwot., or I!..:• e , tate , .-f It. IL AV E:1,;10. late v: - i:1111:1.; : rtn top. : clere3 , :nl: In II:v. 4 .11,4 ; ,:cs i •v.i t ,•:- 1 . :1::.t1f , i C. 1'i0 , ::: . ,, • N... 14. seta. 1••;... ... Ail,N;(.l. t,y t n..), in if,: tho I, r: fj.,,;11 tb r . Ih fi,,l•, 1, f A:,:;orit. ,1• 1••,1 :st ( ,I.llll,tqt ):1 tN tII••171h 4a p ql NI )V v. h.ll and v. 1.,r.v , t5., 11m1irg" ;:t:cl t . ,tate•lnti,l 111 ,,, ent roil) ctouinkii, , i .Il'. , I:1)1'1'011'S Cl'l CF.. I:Fs - trite' ,tri a g•no• ( . 1,1:111' : . 1,,1,14 , 1,i41, qt. WI I !.I l'IV,!1'111.1 , ar:oo,g f; 11, 1.0 ;I: hi^r,f.V6•olll:i 1 , 77. 32.1 11.,1,1!,:•••••,•jd 1•11.• tn. •‘;••harr- dII a: 11,1,0; i• 1 r W. i‘ . • .4. 1 - I).[Toirs \'t-Yr.m E.—Johm A. I::,l.lin g , ti: :IN 0; N•. 77, hibt.r Tvrni, Is7e, . '1 h. , t0,.1.1-.4;gm0.1.-a , / Att•li!• , r, n1:11.11it,1 I." the ""i" t" -'1 1 :`111 , ff:.ta 1.. a, ~` 1111. .t4F , .Ilizit's of app ,, :ill)ll..lil ni t7•..1.1:1:1i, of, na.1.1 , ..t u.dia, la T..44II4'MONDAY, NUN" EN.I - '217, 17 , 77. at-4-0 , 1. %1., T. 11.11.1 an , ). svh, , rt , all ,tl , l • 111•:-,t b.•harre . l frcin 4 ibis tal.llaG lil ticer ME =MI - VO E.-1n the matter of the. . illSs4Vent . y Awl In _ lit!! of 5...1.;••:0 ., 0., Cyrus .ry tt,l”l hf, Conrt. sl A kf,ait•az It:40111.-i in.`ifolh.q: naor.:... of 1,,i1 1.1.4 ervat.of, 'Of • All 1.6 lo. , :!‘:, ••••.*lll .% very gtv , 4l 1, , • 114 as tr.- w.) DAY. Ow day of fretholwaiia:f. • -tit 'rre..llr,.n. - pre ;1 .4 tho time :Ind Wart. t: a ntil`ll,l if (boy ..lornm.. .V t•kriv , v,.. rrty. =ill .1 lir, .1 1 ti:f • 1 . 1'•. I, to IIMM!El MOM 1: 4 1x ECIJ'F inotlrpha /// rt// / TINI pie:olst,. 1I; I -st 7. 111 II: •er kek. it.. :11 ISI 111 Ilk' following 1•.17.4".. the lo'. / \I r: t)11 the Iron 111 and Nlan,, 04 iottlng Ivor, I,y ri, J. • I•! il. c I/101e or ; ;0••. , iN f afl,l.9lOtard 411.` t {!iy of %.,31 0 :$1.(0.1 (di CM:II:113:11M tit,gal 3111 ht. 1 , 441 , 1 i• 1114 - W.l 011M' :111:111a; payittvit , N - fr;?tn %N in< itilk-riA ftfau th:it, • E. T. Ft•X'. 7 . a W. 11. 10 - .Cli Eft. '. Evetautstt U.:_}slata. .r 1),,,,t e t D e t, ter , deed Townibi, October 2 , ! , , P' 77 . - ' T CR.SIq M A 1:315or, N l!tit Tow;t:,th, Mari': 'Jr WI:11S 3n- - I.tto, W - r =IMMO =MI N T BEI ao . ‘. • ••01. 0 `..7. EMI k:s I ii:V*". 1:. 1.74:77. • NM - ! 1•!;;,-.%) EMI =EI a • MIMI IMMEEMEI =MI • !: ,t. IBM 1:1 0 •1iFY. ; x.,.•at;4r - ~tsrl:, .—ln the 41e- MEV.. • • ~\n•ht..r. S. SAL E.—l ;v-.(4-!rtler opri ra , t r, , rti : s NoVi...M It Elt..2t,:z . j...11 , :t , 1.11011e-tilitil tat? [- 4 aitd h.! 1r.i41.1:1.j Its ml. of M tu0.14`. - Fa east 1.1, .1 , of 4IIVCII SI•11- 1:01101,1•1,14 ,, i. •11.`,1.13011‘,1. 1 corit 1:40N,• L le. ICeit. NEW. • J, -L. i r K ENT 4. ! - reciitred Ida PAH Stork or GOODS; BLACK CASUMERES, VERY CHEAT' I hail,* great variaty of Black turfs, ' that 114 kepi in is Oen class house. BLACK : `A.NI.) . i'ANCV . SILKS • My hroek L., very 14rg , .. anit elwaiwk :11;rn k m.u, f r firtrea N:40311y.4 1,h1,41t1 1,1t3 a y withutirtlrst calliuglnt. • - - K t ULL, LINE OF LADIES' AND I;ENT3 . UNDEILWEAICJI I 'ST-11,ECEIVED. .• • . 1.14 S Y' t~ '.-~i'.. ~' OF ~I ;~'~,'~,Ic~-°~ • Color and grode.jititopencd , . . . \ 'CLOTry 11NR.. 1 CAS.B : IIIERES, • .• :\•. .1 FULL 1.1. N HMI HARIZI.,, THE =I Inrge steel: "r s.ttan,, a,„; Litrsiery, IN etc., ete., In gre:lt vartri:, 'row:mak, 31arch '2.),1577 NOW IS YOUR h• ix it I Id, iu ti i rvr. i ,!! ,to n, .r4r •d p,r:v =I = CAKE ADVA\TA'GE OF THE TIDE Is 111 7- I'6;G . Y()i.:P. READY:" MAI)IifeLOTIIING. lil Alany ilea'ers ., .%ionderulschy there is always-such a.,rushat ROSENI . I s: LOTIfIX(1 But.customer;of this s mitilar lishinent, I. that is because R . 0 - E. Nk• J. L . : Keeps a' betterWbrtment F.' • • FA SIUI ON AllirkE GOODS • Than any •other•kstablislnent'in Northern Pennsylvania. READER ! If you have never sat isfied yourself on this point,ldelay nolonr•er i but.conVince yourself that ycu can save at least,. 45 per eent. buying your lIEADY MADE-GlArrlllN4 "of. IIosENFIELo. Ills si,ock consists of evervthin ill the line of Ready Made Clothing for Men and lloys, hats, Caps, TrAvding if;l•gs, Flue S•hirts, Neekties,• Itoi.stiry, Gloves: arid in filet Gents' Furni§hing I;uo is of -.every deseriptibn. Don't be del ceived., but. be not satisfied until y . ou find • • MIME JACOBS how receiving his 1: ALL AND WIN-TER ' S FOC K lEEE 0 T•II N N i tThieti has never "been — 1) fore in this market, either-for LOW PRiCTS I r you doubt, call and .cantint Patton's Block Main Street Towanda, Sept. 4, 1877 II DESCRIPTION E = WEI J. 1,. KENT TONVANI)A. NITI iffffilfi ROSENFIELD:, OITAL . IT