Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 18, 1877, Image 3

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    Altradford geportet
Towanda, Pa., Thursday, Oat. 18, 1877•
. • •
Dealcrin '
Towanda, Jan. 1 . 8, l*J.
The Pont (Mee a 111 be kept open front 7 o'clock.
A. M.. till Money Order and Rtiottred
•Letlertf , partment trill claire at 6 O'clock, P. if.
- St DAYS tbe.o(nce will be open from 9.30
to 10.20, A. H. -
3tails will arrive and tlepart front Tliwaikda 'Post
OttWe as follows until furthernotic:e
From the Worth. Ts. & N. Y.It.R.. at 12.30. r. M.
7..i , kr41 mall from Elmira and cut and west at 10.2 p,
T. M.. • • .
From the South at 3. r. M. Throogh mall 'from
Thlladelpbta. New York and Eastern Stater. -4 A.M..
From State I.lns & SAL R., at 10r45, A. M.
From narelay at a r. It.. ..
From Canton at! v. st.
From Troy et 12 st. •
From I.eßay.rille, (tome, fte., atl2 YE .
From Sheshegnln atIO A. M. -
From Mehoopany ()fonday, Wednesday and Frt.
dart at 12 tt
From New FA'S (Tuesday, Thursday and Satur
day) at 11 A. le 1:
' ' 'DEPART.
Pa. k N. T. R. R.. South. 1...20 A. r W.
Through mail in Philadelphia, Nevi York atid
F.attern States. a otetoct, P... 31. II :
North. 4.30. r. M. -
. .... 1....
Through mail to Elmira and points on C. R.
It.. 10.30 A. st. .
S. 1.. &S. It. R., Bernice and•lntermedlate points
a o'clock. A. M.
Ilarelay. 12.30 P. N. .
Canto!, 51 A. 3i.
Troy. 1 P. It. • - .• -
Sh ...hecjoin. 12 'at.
i.Pitay..,,tille.l r. tr.. • .
Mehoonany 01Onday, - Wetineviay and Friday,)
at 2 P. M. . .
New Era (Tuesday, Thursday and 8310(407), at
1 r: .m. .
".S. W. A .V 0111). P. M.
Thr•,• next teem of the Susqu
Collegiate Institute commencesNo4
itoRR GEIGER wrenched hisinele
badly ore day last vreek•that he, has been
unable to n-alk.
Mitats and C. H. AI.LE , *ill speak
iirliehalf of the Murphy movettleot in the
- 11iiroptown Cliurcb, Sunday, Qet. 2,5, at
o'clock A. •
Tun 1 - niversalistSoCial will be held at
the residence of ;Inds BEIDLE4AN, on
Tuesday 'evening, October 9.:1; • All
arc invited to attend.
Tar. Republican nominee for Sheriff in
Luzern county is a brother of our excel
lent Teutonic frieml, PETER LANDMESSEN
of Rummerfield. If. Mr. b._ has the vim
of his Rmdford county brother, he gill
make things lively-during the campaign.
Iltsnor O'llAttA confirmed a-elasS of
about. fifty, at St. Michael's qhnich,
recently. The new ceinetery gar
the village was also consecrated by,. the
Bishop, assisted by Father - Dt7s.s and
01 hers% .
11.-rrvta-fs L;riag. Age for the week cl-d
-in". October 13th, Contains the beginning
_of a serial by the author of-that eharrding
story "Pat i ty,•'ibe'sides the usual arrmunt
of other interesting and .valuable rmliter.
A now volume began .with October. Pub- .
liiihed by LlTrm.'. and Gav, Hciston.
3 1 AN INTEI.LIOENT and sensible frient
a , :kens to enter a proteAt, against tobacco
chewers being allowed to spat their filthy
lativa on thesidewalks, where tidy people
are edimpelled - to suffer from the nuisance
We fully sympathize with the complain
ant, and respectfully ask our city dads to
taka sonic-action in the premises.
Mu..T. B. M. lIINMAN; of • Monroeton;
has growing in her bay-window, a calla
lily with one flower and one bud just
burs,ting. Since December the plant lia.s
bad fifteen large dowers ou it,—part of
the tinie, foty at once. \lt "has been in
bloom every month,. except July
August, SineOpc,ember last.
ATION. - The friends of Rev. E.
nnou, , lttsnre invited to give a.(10-
nation at the residence of J. ll.l , 'Lt.Ows,
in Alba, on 'Wednesday at:teinoon and
()iv 1) hors will filease
Lring pic-nic slipper, also such other
th i you c.tu spare, —p ror isioi IS,
grain, -I* - iney r etc. By order of Commit
Tim Bradford Baptist Association Sun"
day-School Convention, says the Gaze:te,
held t4is neck at the church in Troy, was
.an unusually pleasant one, arid the k?aperx
and addresses presented were manced by
• ,a vety practical spirit, and one that must
r sttlt in. great good .to the Sunday
. school work. The address of welcome
' was by lief: V. — T. itt - Etbw - Fa.i.,_ mad on
T9esclay 'Mrs. Hati.owELL read - a, Vapea.
on object Teaching in the Siinday3sehooi. f
Th attendance, was good. Rev. 11If4
IT r from East r Sinitlitield,,.*as mode *tor.
f,: ----- tf .---- --:-. •
Mo.kiilSE.---Ld. A., of M mroe,
has picked and sold over fifty 134 Is 61
apples from his own orehaid§ this - ason,
'Mrs. BLACK MAN, mother of ::I Dso - N
ii{,ik M AN, of Monroe , who has bee very
i!i, w'-are pltMsed to learn, is impirovink,
Mrs. 11. K. -11Estunil, who has been
lying very dangerously ill at 'her -Mint's,"
Mrs. ROBERT 3IcKEE's, in 'West Frank
lin, has so far recovered as to be . inoved
14) her Mine in .Monroe.
_ •
Barclay Graded School, under the
slpervision of A. T. . .EY, during-the
ntanqiending Oct. :I, slioiks the enroll-.
mont:111 2YI pupils. The roll or honor for,
the Iligh4.l)epartmesit for tlio-month is
as ft , ll!ws : 7 GEO. MOWILE; 31.toi1r. Mc-MA
P!ial:try Department: 17.4A.A.41trrnit
-14,, ANNit: FOREST,
N I P. Pow ERs.
. -
I . E ll.‘o wS A 1.. .!Irs. MeNEtsnr, wife of
v l'reastirer 3lt'NEts of Wilkes Batie, / is
• ri,' iting friends in thi County, i ,/ I
,et7itAs. N. 3loitin• has so far reeO i eied
from his-dangerous • dine as to / 1)$ out
again. Mr. M. has 7 h
is - of ! friends
i •
.' and ' acquaintances all . ov the county
Wii.) will rejoice at his partia /restoration
to health. .-.-
. • , —Miss Atdcz PEST, of Burli i
been granted a perriaanent cert . I
~ • State Superintendent TWicalinsu's,
' PLE, is an escellen teacher„
earned the complimentary distinction,.
-4701. OvinriON boards at the Ebbe k
-blouse, Washing`ton. •'
' 4
—l - ir. ---,—, of Willard Insi'ine,Asy.
was in town this week.
—Mts. Dr. D. LzoseettoLets kiss
from her etelt to 31Inntevetat
Tun Queen Esther B. 8. - Club, of Milan,
win play, any, Club in Bradford County
for a ball and liar on their grounds.
I. 0. 0. F.—The tolloWing officera s weie
elected at Valley, Lodge„,446, Shealmiuin,
for the,term annmencink \ October 1. L.
ll.limuste, N. G., Ux.lizza. E. Ileurrox,.
V. G., AV. SNYDER, `Treasurer; (1. W.
Aaa't Seep; Trustee* G. W. BLACK MAN,
IT. N. WILLIAMS, senior member of the
law firm of WlLLriats & ANGLE, IrrT
finally concluded - to make Towanda his\
permanent' residence. WILLIAMS 18 ' a
good lawyer, and enjoys a large audflucra
five practice. •Himself and family will
meet, with a cordial welcome in sociaicir
`- - The tarrte - Democrat thus
.refers to a
recent visrt \ of -Mr. W. to that town
"The smili s ng face of Lawyer WU:
MAW, of Canton, which was last week
seen in: the Sullivan county bar for the
first - thee, it menu: has produced a very
gdod unpression;\indeed, one preacher
was sure that the beaming face and coi:
pulent body belonged to none but a
brother minister, and itjook considerable
talking to dissuade his belief. WILLIAMS
owes his colleagues a fee for the convinc
ing arguments they advanciirl , in his cause,
Tim old cdtnetery at Troy
oldest burying grounds in
On the 25th of March, 1812,
committee was•appointed to'
tist meeting hope- and brit
Elder donated about if
ground, and in just one month and thirteen,
days service was boa in the new house.
The building was constructed of logs, and ,
was occupied 'for a number of years. The
burning ground• has continued to be used
by all denominations. A few years since
an addition of two a s eves was made, and.
now about seventeen' acres havebeeri add
ed, and a charter is to be obtained so that'
some one tmay always be r authorized to
keep the rounds in repair!
4V400d eal of money has been expend laying out drives, etc., under the
direction 'of a landscape gardener. `‘
I. 0. or 0. F.—The. following are the
officers of Monroeton Lodge, No 137, for
..,present terra, installed by Special
1 eynity li. I. SW - me:
V. 0.--401 IN DUNEEE.
See y,..4-J. B. SMITH. i .4,
. ..
A kSs'i,SCC . Y—E. F. FOWLER .
M. GRIO3IGS. ' .‘t-
P.C.—J. A.'DEVOE. .'
Rep. o Grand Lodge—D. J. SWEET.
Con.— .M. BnocK. . !
U.S. to . . G.—W. C. oAltthiEß.
L. S.—J. • . HARVEY.
J. W.—W. J. EVOE.
At. S. S.— . o. N. 00TII. .
L. S. S.—NV . 'twos.
-*•• 0. G.—NATHAN C .
I. ' I. G.—Joni 0. N,FA
It S. to V. G.—II. P.
L. S. to V. G.—C. M. Fi
TEM ERANCE.—Mr. 12 Or :—Valley
Lodge, I. 0. G. T., at Allis'llollow, held
an open session on Saturday evening last,
and by invitation "Messrk. - HARRIS and
ALLEN; ,of Towanda, ivere ,present and
addressed the meeting. Their remarks
wire listened to wint the closest attention.
At the conclusion of the addresses 'the
Murphy pledge was presented and over
forty signers obtained, and the following
named persons made application and Were
initiated as members of the Isidge : Jic 0. ,
At the conclusion of the initiatory core=
monies remarks were, made by Messri.
BRADLEy, ELLIOTT, and others, after
which, by arising,. vote, the Lodge tender
ed its thanks to Messrs. Mums, ALLEN,
BRADLEY and. tim.torr, for their services
oil this Occasion. The meeting at a late
hour adjoureektall present pronouncing
it a grand sifecess in. every particular.-
3fr. : We had heard and read
- •
and' of the doings of the two Towanda
,Temperance Workers—Mums mid AL
LEN-4)a did not believe they would be .
preSentiat Bumpt4wn Church on Sunday
last, when late on Saturday evening wJ
heard.the rumor that they were expected,
as speakers had so oftbn disappointed our
people by failing to he present. Happily
on this occasion, however the speakers
were in attandance at the appointed hour.
But unfortunately the late hour at which
notice was given of the meeting, ana pre
vious disappointments, made the 'attend
ance small ; but those fortunate enough
to, be present had the pleasure of listen
ing to two as able, earnest aud eloquent
,addresses as we ever heard delivered. It
iSno wonder that these gentlemen are so
suceessfid in winning nien from the path.
of intemperance. None who hear theth
can doubt that tbeir efforts are .put forth
throl44ll no .pecuniary or selfish motives,
but from ‘an earnest desire - that others
shall shun the path that can lead
misery, woe',and degrehation. At the
conclusion of the addresses several names
were added to the Murphy Pledge roll..
A motion was made and unanimously
adopted, requesting the 'gentlemen too f
speak here ag . fp, which they kindly con ,
sentell to do;; ; te a-- - at
11 o'clock;a. u• •:;
.rousing turn-oul
Oct. :I, there gw
ton, a very pigaii)
and - •
of Ara. ltnxim
year crime back
their mother w
farty,years agp
born and grew,
horde The how
ized, and timelt Un
dor.its hwpitable roof gathere i cl children,
grandchildro, and great-grandchildren.
Ten child On bal been born in , the old
home, bq two, together with their fither,
had gob to a better home. Eight chit:
dren,./with : their husbands and wives,
bathered around the table, loaded with all
thiPluxuries bf the season. Each brought
some gift to the dear old motherwhose
'heart overflowed with- joy and gratitude
to God at ,the return of her children to
their old home once once again.— .
The house was ' beautifully trimtoed
,with floWers and eiergreens,_ as was the
table slso. Each child brought a beautil \
fully ornamented cake, which added'
greatly to the beauty of the table. Near
ly Sort) , sat down to dinner, including a
I#other and sister of Mrs. R., three"
nieces,. two from Wllkei-Barre, one froth --
Towanda, and two nephews. The day
was passed in amusements of all kinds,—
games, plays, sang and I,tughter,—eves•
to blinding some Of the guest's and start
ing them on is wheelbarrow race. At
abows9 o'clock the company dispersed to
their.respective _hoises, feeling that one
ttO pleasantest days of their lives had
`qi spent, mid resolved to have the use
: QM u long
,48 th! i3% - "her lives. •
I, has
to by
co a
witox. 'rho farmers hereabouts are
very busy "gathering in" for winter, or
In other words, storing away the necessi
ry provender for man and beast. •
The first surprise Party of the season
gathered at the hem of STE URN &THICK
LAND, On Wednesday a l iening. Oct. 8.
The party was large aid \eorusisted of
married and unmarried, lull \grown and
small persons. ' All went there for a jovi-
al time, and they had it. Mr. and Mrs.
STRICELAND did nit surprise worth cent, is,
although they enjoyed the occasion huge
ly. As these gatherings - are said tote
quite frequent in this locality,, perhaps it
would be well for everybody to " keep
\theis-house in order." -
We are sorry to state that Mr. DEBER
lit WAX, an old and highly esteemed
citizen of this township, is lying danger
°wily 81 \ rat his home. ,
.anti-Murphy ' men from your
_visited the woods of your
correspondeteata few days since, for the
purpose of sheoting game. Nothing was
killed, as 4 - 7 could learn, although some
telling '"ne caustrie:t shoh" were successfully
made, g' the party to return home
with two sheets in the another
Thieves have commence .),heir depre
dations early this season. —test Saturday
night Mr. KIRBY, near your ' , Blage, had
stolen from his barn, a•hiaggy and single
harriesa.,, Abont,_the same time a\load of
adabage was' stolen from the Prot \ txris.
V. P
GRANGE FAIR AT LEROY...-011 the °.,
and 4th inst., the memblys of Open Hand
(range of Leßoy, held arfair for the pur
of comparing the ,fruits of their la-
All consider the effort a complete
suers and and feel - like saying they believe
township fairs can be made more profit
lable thaii \ State or county fairi. The
members of the Gr ang e own a 'fine two
story buildin and a convenient lot well
adapted to thi urpose, and the "spirit"
says prepare.for ext year. The judges,
A.T.Lit.r.v, E. N Ltinsts, S. B. MORSE,
Mrs. A. T. LILLET, Mrs. S. Witiisms
and Mrs. R. MASON, itheir report to the
say there . . were 17 varieties of
corn and 50 of potatoes on . exhibition.
Did either of the county faits beat it. The
samples of both were as ilnes we ever
saw. J. N. liotcomn showed - 5 ears of
gem raised from done kernel of tb Branch
corn: A. T: Lii4.xv, 40 varieties° pota
toes from the seeds f one ball. S. Mc
.CRANEY had the best smoky hollow cn
and best beet. C. T. MonsE, best mixeil
Smoky Hollow Corn, Early Sweet Cor n
and Carrots. A. D. BRIGHAM, best eight
rowed white corn, , S. i WILLIAMS, best
Yellow corn, (red cob) . and Apples. A.
T. LILLEY, best eight-rowed Yellow and
twelve-rowed corn and Brooni..corn. S B
Mown; late Sweet Corn.' R. MASON and
J N Hor.coatn, best Miring wheat. 11.
Mssos, best T. C. King Apples and Early
Rose Potatoes. J. C. SnAmnicuitn, beat
.E. T. BUFF UM , best Hubbard
Squash. J.j.... LILLET, largest Beet., P.
A. Hot.comn, best, mixed Squash. L.
Cucticiiii.r., best Turnips 'arid Oats. • L.
E. PALMER, best Turnip Beets. Mrs.
L. Cntarcuit.i., best Quilt. Mrs. D. H.
lloAci.sxn, best Window Curtain and
'Fancy Embroidery. But let this suffice,
.for the articlei were tad' numerous to
niehlion. Perhaps you :mayhear from
me agairl next fall. :.‘ Gii,kx9in.
not,a very common thing haVe the pri
vilege of celebrating the birthday of an
individual so farTadvanced in life as the
subject of our notice. And it is less corn
mon,that at such' a
,period the memory
ankirasoning - facultieS temaip_unimparr
ed 'But such is the case with good Dea
con E4rorr,' whose eighty-niitb birth.
day was - ;celebrated at his residence in
North ToWanda, on Wednesday evening
the 10th inst. On that occasion some
Seventy-five Of, his friends met and spent
a'very pleasantevening with him, all ad
miring his gifts-Of intellect, force of char
acter, and versatility - so -vividly maintain
ed at such a ripe age,and partaking with
him of the bounteous' repast, toothsome
and free, th4t forined a feature of the.
, 7 \
The guiding hand of a good providence
is wonderfully apparent in the preserva 7
lion of thin old gentleman in almost
youthful elasticity and buoyancy:
May he see many more such occasions ,
is the hearty wish of all who visiteikimn
on the evening in question. M:
DE:Vitt OF DEMI?. RIDOWAY.—Tio sub.:,
ject of this notice after an illness / f about
three weeks. passed away on ,•
ternoon, - at 2 o'clock, Oct. 14%1877, aged
63 years. Mr. Iltaawav wa an old and
highly, esteemed resident of / Wysox town
shipnd was.also a protainent anti faith
ful member of the PObyterian Church.
Thus the labors of a od man are ended,
but his example 7111 live. May we all
follovi.. nith aslie , pllowed Christ.
~ T he funeral todk place on Tuesday, at
2 r.. at., at tlie Buck church, and was
largely atte j ailed. The funeral sermon
was preac / ed by Rev. Ilatt.ocK ARM
STRONG/The remains were interred in
the W z y! ox cemetery, near the chur... h. * ,
At, regular meeting of the West Wy
soav nnday School, Oct. 14, 1877; the ftil
lo'-ing, preamble and - resolutions. was
nanikiously adopted : , ...,.'
-- WILE - SKAA, nod In his hiserntathe wisdom has
permitted the angel of death to visit us as a liunday
tichooLond remove from our Midst, our beloved
hrothee Debit' Ridgway, the fOnt.der and assistant
Snaerintendent of this school; It is therefore
Rrsolrrii, That while we do not cotnprehend this
inymerton. visitation of Providence, we neveriho.
less hare unwavering faith in the word of troth
which Attires us that thv b. Lord doeih all things
well. and therOfore bow In hutnble spbodsalomto
his will: . •
Rpaoired, TiMeln the death of a dear brother,
thin school add community has lost a true. earnest
and faithful christlan, and the cause of 'righteous
ness and truth a fearless defender, and the vacancy
thus.ocraaionedcannot be,easlly supplied.
Rearared, That our .departed • brother by his
many noble qualities of head and heart, and by his
untiring devotion to both the temporal and spirit
ual interest.' of this community.'isal greatly en
deared him to us all, end his memory will ever be
cherished by us.
Resoivecf, That we deeply sympathize with the.
bereaved family, upon whom this sad event falls
With crushing weight; and 'that we earnestly ram
mend them to the care of Vim who promised to be
a imihand to to the, widow, and a father to the
fat heriess.” .
Resoirect. That is a token'of the esteem. in whleh
our.departed and much lamented. brother was held
by *this school, , we sincerely believe that a gaud,
man has fallen, and gone to. his rewanb" leaving
wittiNsorrowing hearts, and a lite Worthy nur
\lnd tition . V. Y.
GENERAL PArrox. The brief an
last week 'of,the decease of
Gen. PA rros, with sincere sor
row: by -a largo circle of friends. The
General had been confined to his house
most of the time fora year past by rheum
atism in his feet, but• otherwise enjoyed
pod health until siboUt two weeks since.
Ills symptods did not alarm his friends,
however, and his death, which• was the
result.of apoplexy, was a severe shock- not
only to his family, but the entire eommu-,
. .
ParroN bad been a resident o
la for fifty-five t yews,--hod wit
the growth of his adopted s home
desolge wilderness, almost, \ to a
thriving embryo eity. Nor had he been
merely, sit idle spectator. during the won
derful transfolinatiOn. a He has left Mani
monumetits\of his public-spirited enter
prise. With clear foresight he anticipat
ed the growth ef Towanda, and early se
cured several valuable - lots, which be im
preited by the erection of substantial
buildingis Hs waa\of a t genial. social•
tuns, sttd hitoompantwas sought by all
cl•-• • • the cultund and unlearned alike
g pleasure in his society.
For m. ny yeirs be was a leading attor
ney at the bar - of this county, but drifting
into politics be was appointed to a, re
sponsible pOsition. in Washington. The
fact that be was retained for nearly thirty.
years, Is the highest eulogy to his capaci
ty, faithfulness and integrity.
Poi the past sixteen years, ;be had re
sided withhis familyln this , place, look
ing after his Witness affairs and devoting
his time to liter*? pursuits. A few years'
sin a he . published a work on the "origin
of 'the colored race," which attracted a
good deal of comment.- After bli return
from Washington, be took a deep interest
in \ the temperance question for several
yearsond often lectured on the subject.
At the time of his death. he was engaged
in prepaling a history of Towanda for
Camer's History of the' county. He took
a • lively interest ia the Historical
Society, and was seldom absent from its
meetings. Ho Was one of the Vice Pres
idesa from the date of its organization
until two years since; :
, \ lVhen lie. was cho
sen President. •
The deceased leaves a\widovr and two
children, ion. Joscrn t PiproN and Mrs.
J. J. Grurryrrts, who notwithstanding
the fact he had outlived his "three score
years and ten," feel deeply the safiliction
which has befallen them.
His funeral was attended 'on Saturday
from his late rezidence, by a large num
berlpf citizens. Among the mourners•was
a brother of Mr. Perm\;• who had not
been in Towanda for more than fifty
k, ears.
GitAxn\SottEss.--LltgTeeably with 'previ
°us-notices, the Grand Army boys assem- ,
bled on the fair grounds in East Towanda
on Wednesday morning last. Ample pre
parations for the occasion bid been made'
by Quartermaster Aannot,' assisted by
Quartenmater's Sergeadt,' Krt.srEtt. Du
ring the forenoon, Beretta' hundred of the
"boys" came into campy equipped aczord
ing to order with two days' rations. etc.
With companies K and I, of the N. G.,
there. were. about live hundred soldiers
who participated in the-encamprrieet.
- At 12:30 dinner call .was 'sounded, and
the boys surrounded, the ' t` mess " tables,
in genuine Army style, ~and partook of' a
soldier's dinner, with all the zest imagin
able. After dinner the usual army rou
tine, guard mounting,' etc., was gone
through with strict military' discipline
At 2 o'clock l the several companies were
ordered out for drill.. The performance
wa's executed in a manner to satisfy all
that the boys . had not forgotten the les-
110118 of the i drill learned so thoroughly
during themunpaign' ,of IS6I-5, At 4
,clock GenJ IdAnn ta. made an address to
the boys, in which be. called their at
tention to scenes and : incidents familiar
to them during the rebellion. .. .
At i 4 o'clock, the usual dress parade
was performed by the several companies.
Before - tie ~parade/ was dismissed, the
Adjutant i . ,eneral read the following pa
triotic lette , from Col. ovEitros, which
was rcatived with loud applause and
cheers from th 'Colonel's old comrades in
arms: . .
twAttott, October 10, 1871.
Coat itisman C. T. r I.l—Deme Sr t :—I
hem-scary deem
it to be In W.k shlngttt to-morrow, and
will therefore be unable .
to attend the Encamp
ment. I regret this excem iugly, as 1 should great
ly enjoy Meeting the " bi} " amine. the camp
Please cofrimunicate to the murales my regret)
at not being able to attend the) re-uniou. and -do-.
log what 1 could by_ my Frescor and aid t, give_
-permanency to this our county \lrganization: I
Asti, however, be with them lilt s cit. and shall
learn with pleasure that they have mid their as
set:llolmi together at this time SO enf, yable that it
will be the beginning• of annual Enearopments,
which shall continue so tongits any of us cursive
to meet in this way.
1 suppose all who were in tlui Union artny feel,
proud that they had the great honor to Imp a,. \ rnong, ,
iv le
those who by their services in the field wtrmou ,
bled to perpetuate our free lioditiltioncand tha It.
Is their desire to (ceder a spirit of • friendship'e nd
concord among those of ui who remain, aril a the
same time keep a bright spot in the memoiy;for ail
those, who gave their Jives for Melt . country; That
this will be the tendency of our annual imiherings
I.Bave 'no doubt,. and that our children will th us be
reminded of events fu the lives of their 'parents
which will beget lit them and the eel g generation
gen -rally. a spirit of patriotism why 1. should oc
casion again require It. will
.inspi them to rival
the deeds of bravery of those wy saved our land
In its hour of pert). - .
. With kind regards to yonrs7 I
ate., I reina`n with respect, /
Yonrs truly as
Wi z.
. ilif
,n e l 5. ' Y r
1 ;.
r ' i'
About midnight, T 9)
were supposed to I'
ing plemantly of '
x een the'sahlier boys
'sleeping, and dream-
C ones at home;
they were sudde y awakened by signals
from the pick . line. tinder cover of
night, the en o y had
. maile an attack on
.thetamp. --sharp but decisive skirmish
followed, 'tilting iu.a that route of the
invaders,/ ith only ono or two wounded.
Privdte / I ENEDir received quite a painful
woundfn the face, but refused to go to
Le rein
(Sfisiderable amusement was created
onj lursdaY -morning, by the arrest of
sdveral parties and their trial by Court
Martial. Ono fellow, Charged with being
a rebel spy, was tried, convicted and sen
tenced to be hung. The judgment of the
Court was executed. The material used
was buckwheat straw_ instead of hemp,
so GlItibLEY, although he served as a
fright ful.example oCmilitary jpstice, still
walks the streets.
\ The sick call oier.• Guard. Mounting 'at
tepded to, Brigade Drill under the direc
tier! of Gen. MADILL was executed to the
great delight of the boys and the large
number of spectators who had assembled
to Witness the mimic army life. At - the .
close of 'the drill, stirring, patriotic and
appropriate speeches were made by Capts.
CAnNOcitApf and SEAIII,E and Maj; Gonk.
The dinner over with, the boys were
'divided into about equal forces; represent
ing the Union and Bebel armies, the for
under command of WARNER,
and the lattki ' Lieut . WILT, The nabving
of the troops, deployirg skirmishers, etc.,
was executed with `admirable pregision,
and reflected. great credit upon •the -troops
as well as the commanding officers.L:Of
course. the " rebs ". wbre \ defeated, but not
until they • bad captured \ from Gen. MA
DILL'S division a field piece:, This strate
gic movement was executed by Capt.
SWEENF.T'S company; to the evident cha
grin of the General, who never suffered
any such experience while fighting real
battles in Dixie. We regret that want of ,
space compels us to omit much that was
not only interesting blut iMunotive in
connection 'with the Encampment; but
the •ollicial report will probably supply
the omissions which occur in this notice.
The interest manifested by the public
must have been gratifying to the _Grand
Army boys, as it- gave re flowed expres
sions of sympatiur', in the_ great cause for
which they fought, and to which many of
their comrades sacrificed their lives. The
spirit of patriotism and loyf.lty is still
warm in the' hearts- of our people, and
gatherings like this will servo to keep it
fresh and beget in the rising generition
principles worthy of the cause for verlich'
the brave boys fought during• the rebel
lion. .;
The following leiter was received from
Gen; BVAVEIt and read to the Encamp.
meet ; -
BELLEFONTE, OCt. 9. 1837:
Lieul.J. - Andreaf IVill, Alpst :he G. 4.
of Bradford County,
Idy DEAR SIR : Yours of the 4 .3 d inst.,
has been received, inviting medo be. preS-
ent at an encampment of ther,G. A. R. Of
\ Bradford county, including soldiers, sail
ors and mariners ol>the late war, and the
military organtzations of the aunty to
be held at T w'anda, on the loth and 11th
inst. ' The are 'several reasons why I
would • e to attend. " I feel a deep inter
est ' organizatidns of this kind, formed
to perpe ate the history and friendships
of th
t eic
r: I would like to meet our N. -
0. companies whenever I can. lam anx
ious to visit Towanda, in , punmance of a
determination.‘of long • standing to visit
every county toim in our State; and be
' sides it would be very pleasant to meet
old friends and perhaps make new ones.
All these considerations move me, but
there are so many others pulling l in differ
ent directions that I \am' compelled to
forego pleasure and resist inclination and
follow'the prosy path of 'duty. ' t '
Convey my regrets to your Comradek '
and remember me to friends in Bradford
countyq . `_ Very Truly Yours,
• ,
\ Gov. HAUTRANYT sent the'.follorving
telegram : . . - .
Himusatrftn, N., Oct. 10, 1877.
Limit: 4A. Wilt, Towanda, Pa.:
iThe Governor regrets hisinabilitp to be
present•toinorrow at the Enearepnfent of
the 0. „IL 3. P. ReATItAlgrT.
it mat \ ntlmated that* from- sight to
ten thou people 'Wore on the Encamp
ment grounds last Thursday.
We are under obligations to" Quarte
rmaster Anzirtas and 'Weed ail the mem
bers of the-Encampment, for hospitalities
and attentions during our visit_ to the
The officers elect ,for the coming year
are : •
Coatmduder-~-C: E. Aintive. •
8. K Gonstismider—M.lE. WARNER.
Burgeon—Dr. M Dr.
Chillailin--DAVID . 'RAM
Oltet+ of Ihe Day—FRANK AMERMAN:
G/leer of Otorti—CnAntits FONDER.
dtutatg—J. A. WILT.
JAMES Monntsou, a brakeman employ
ed on the Barclay coal train, was killed
at Waierly, on Monday morning last. Ho
was engaged in "setting" the brake, when
the rod broke, • throwing, Hewitson for
ward on t+•e . track. Two cars passed over
him, severing his body. The deceased
was a young man who was married only
a few months since. He. resided in this
JoaN VALUES telegraphed his 'father
a few days since that he had "struck oil"
again. This time it-is a live hundred bar
rel well.
Rev., S. W. WEiss, of Tunkhannoek,
will lecture On Tumperanee at the Court
House this Wednesday evening..
'As THERE seems to be soma misun
tleratanding over that ball game at Mott
rooton, we advise the Winonas send
down• a challenge to ,play . the some
bright day, and then mover their lost
A FootABLE to which all are cordially
invited,'will be hold at the residence of
Plum Qui.tmex, oil Friday evening, of
the present *reek. Proceeds to apply on,
purchase of the Mathu hek piano recent-,
lys placed in the assembly room of Suakin°.
- lanna Collegiate Institute.
Tug pews of the M. E. Church were
rented on Tuesday evening. Thelladies
of the congregation provided a bowitiful
oolatiou on the occasion:
Root: 3loz will talk on temperance at
North Orwell this evening', at North Rome
to-morrow evening, at Vought Hollow on
Saturday cvening.,
flot:comn, widow-of the la EZRA
Ilot.coun, died at the- residence of her
brother, Mr. Ilicsos, in Canton, on Fri
day hut: - • -1
limv..o. J. PORTER, of the Universaliht
Church„ is giving a - series of =Stinclayeven
ing lectures on. the different religions of.
the world. •
Air A Good Winter'Suit for Ten 1)o
Tarn at itosrxr at.trs. , sept. 7
or Caßat J. L. Ii ENT's and seo th
. . „
el!fr You can buy a Plated CaatOr for 69
conts,ip litercur Block.
or Large-stock of Shawl just received
at BENT'S.
Mr All the latest otiblications, very,
cheap, at Wuncomk k suiur's.
Qom` Dress goods / n great variety at J.
L. KENT'S. -
r2r The Bey quality of Family Flour at
.MY EItSISIS (.t,t t.LS at whoicsale or retail
• (arglAf)
Mr" A
yr:4, ram,
1.. K '
tgr Great Bargains in OVERCOATS
t R9SENFI6LD7S. Sept.::.
(I.W" Call at J. L. Knives and see the
I llork Corset.
\M. Fancy Goods, and Notions in great
varte \ ti 31.1. L. E.11,N
47 '
M" Bagainsin Ilosierkat.l.L.K ENT'S.
. • •
tir New rm,• new goods and low pri
eel at, the Crtilgitreet Furniture Store [mar29.
and your assort-
rar Black Cali' hineres, and. Black
paras, very cheap at .\f } . KENT'S: •
• {;1" . Don't go anywhere but ,to WHIT
COMB & SIIAVT'S fur yollisWall Paper.. mare.
Ur Cloths and Cassimers, in great
vartuty, just opeited at J. 1.. K
Ladies, Misses and, Childrens
Gloves, at J. L. KEvr's.
or Rose Blankets very cheap at K ENT
Undertaking a speciality at the
Bridge Street Furniture Store. mar2u.
. Or Table Linen is great variety -at
M - The largest and best assortment of
pr Ing clothing In town. at 51; E. Hong?: el M.D.&
VlrVou can buy nice, fresh-baked
Crackers , ,at' Bakery, very cheats.
Q r - A large assortment of spring and
gamin's hats, just retched, at M. E. RORC\•
M r- Crackers of all ,varieties baked
every tip , at COWL ES ilakery.
Eveiythinte in the. line of station=
ery at WIIITCoMB & SItAtTVS.
Cif' L. B. 11,onanns challenge* compe
tition far quality of goods and tow prices nn Sa.h,
I)oors, Blinds andlioldine, pi, and all building ma
terial. rauga-tf:.
MILLA.-Wne ha k e a large stock or the Fanning
MIII, which Is declared to bs the but Mill by all,
which we wid sell cheap for cash,
rstra Nnfrcoafn & SBAUT sell the best
Blank Boob; manufactured In the country: , ,
Ladioß; you will leel p iid,to cab
at MRS. Mt sacis' and sec her nevoods. She.has
everything beautiful Gil. Fall, and In now.ready for
rir ThrUe Button Kid Gloves in all
the new chars et 31 its -Mt atios'.
",,,, 4f*,-„... 1 . _ •
EV El t il r. ipArai4.(4., Grain Buyers, ' at
H. 31EitckitIF Coal Ofneri are now bnying and chip
ping potatr•c„ Do not deray, bit come in early whit
your cropo-they are paying the highest cash price ~•
--; . -
Cam' 3 y.. l'ilmnos has the Ist Skirt
upp9tV p also. the Skirt Elevator.
2 ,
_,_.ii..' •• ', --.)---.- . ,
A9' Ole first winter term' of the twenty
,fourrn yes of the Sualmehanna Cn'leglate Insti
Lute, will iommenee Morday, November sth. tal'.
For Catalogua or other information address, or call
upon the principal at Towanda. - N.
or Persons having Wool at 11. B.
INGIIAM's tge . tory.will find it cardt.:l vol ready
torfrillvery.' Theinachincsare in excellent condi
tion, runnik coral:mon .Iy, and lo.vping up' with
the work. All carding nbould I.n dun., ir:fore cold
weather. Price t cents rcr ppn.d.
VI . • IL B. Isoisitm
riremeKETtlel : These Celebrated
Planes are shays kept In Stock st PowtcWs Mn.P ste StOrO. A full line of Sqnsres and Uprights to
select from. A few which hin'elieen rented a short
time'are offend at reduced prices. Send•for circu
lar to L. D. PnWELL, 115 Wyomong
Scranton. Pa. '
t INSUMANCE,- , Sseunr., SIMPLE,
ClEAr.—Every man owes It to himself .to secure
a'riastialde amount of money to his fandiy. ,
The 2letiErs Insurance Company. of Phil
.adelphla, entrance fee ri on ever! 91,000, annual
dues tt on every 91,000, and death assessment from
90 cents tii9:.69 per 1000;accorillogio age or party
InsUred. assessments made except to pay act
ual Items. Not more than tri,ooo taken on one life.
Only the best risks are Intro, and none acCepted
over 00 years of age r y - and not more than is
sued upon persons ever 55 years or age. • ,
Our 0,000,000 Insurance Maned during the put
year, and no death assessments made. •
Ea4lovernoi 'Janet; Poid.oca, President
TilonnTon coNnosr, Treasurer: Il e 0. Stnoali.F.,
Sen:y, an 71.0. E. 11.• CO:gnaw, Aaslatant Seey.
Tor !skitter Itiformattati apply to L, T. lta X,
Goatral,Airtal for Bradford toasty,
ull - stock of Card Board, Zeph
3, ele, etc.. at J. 1..
'ew Prints, and Ginghams at 3
You can get all the latest styles of
r, very cheap, at W
3. 0. Frtns - rs SONS
E. Qui5t....,A.31
I •
S !wax Y ntx public will be pleas
ed to learn thatthe old and rellablelirm of MON.
TANYES hive decided to mate the CUOCHEBY
TitADE a specialty, and to that end hate Pot re
ceived alarge . invoice. consprleing eveiything to
the line, which they will 'sell at &stoat/shingly low
prices. •
E' To CO ' Neti3tPTIVES,—Tho adverti
nor, a retired phlVslciati, having providentially.dis ,
covered, while a Medical Missionary in, Southern
Asks, a• very simple' Vegetable remedy for the
speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, asth
ma, Dritachltin, Catarrh, and all throat and long
afluitions—also it (ositlie and radical specific for
Nervous Debiliti, Premature Decay, 'and all Ner-
Vous Complaints, feels it his, duty to. mike It
known tolls mitering fellows. Actuated by this
motive. he will cheerfully send (free of charge) to
all who desire it, the recipe forpreparing, and full
directions fur successfully using , this providential
ly discovered remedy. Those who wish 'to (wait
•themselvia of the benefits of this discovery without
Cost; can do so by return mall, by' addressing with
a stamp, naming paper, •
1)n. CfIAR"L'ES P. MARSH/if:L., -
32 Niagara Street.
"I'I'LL—MCCMANKY.-.-At the l'inonsge, Mon
melon, Oct. 10th, by EsY. Matlock Armstrong
Mr. Asa If. Sten. and Miss Emma G. ;Itinerancy
botb, of Canton.
V Kit M ILYA—ION ES.—ln Le Roy. Oct. 6th. fen
by ii.*K. - Mmt, Evi., Mr Snifb.r % ; erinilyst to Miss
Iti - xtotte Junes botll. or Canton, Pa.
n Wyainsing. 5ept:tt5,.1877.. by
Bev, E. F. Itoloqt.4l Mr. Ira A. Brown, and Miss
Maiy V. Cor, both of Vyalvaing, Pa.
GRoOVEIt—Gi t; Y.—Hy p . ..l • F.' Robertit. Sept. 10,
irgi. Mr. Ellan'tiranver. of Standing Stone, Pa.,
and. M M Mary E. Gay, of Wyahrsing,
RICE.—T - A`rt.ol:.,-At the M. -E. Parsonage, In
Burlington:Or, id. 1877. by Nev. •lotaac Erwin
Yr. John v. Biro, Esq., fir Burlington. and
Sarah E. raYloredd West Burlington. IA
to tl
, t, ' faro misfortune with a II rut' and tranquil mind ;
'and the Owerful .rourig. , and unfailing spirit of
content with'which ha imt the great.afilictlon of
his life was a constant inalu;el to all who knew him.
Vorpany pars ho , wrought with his hands at such
slmpls avocations as by their nature aro not wholly
t1....,1 to the sightless ;and when wearied with toll.
nO s would take his staff and it nd'llls way?sided to
tlu:spustolii-e or sour , other village re. t beyond
the . OM' river Wyatustng, or
. p,rharru,no the
oldintil„nearer hy, built by his 0 - ,vn father pore
than half a century agot\vitere - in cheorful converse
ho w sold While away a quiet hint with Mani' a
friend and neighbor; not one of whom Ind will long.
remember his-line face and eommandlng form, his,
phis:ant salutation, his quiet humor. his abundant
&nee tote. his many amiable virtneS
will loog 6 einbAint fn the hearts of his numerous
frllhols the memory of , ; '`.llllllnl John Hollenbacit."
Our friend married late in Ilia :'and though un
blessed with children, he did not lark In age and
misfortune the careful and, loving ministrations of
a wife and adopted daughter. lt Is wolthy of note
that of a family. of ten sons; eldest°the of whom bas his threeseore years and ten, John ti•
II ollenbaek is the first to be laid hy the side of his
mother, long gone bet,.re. la t h e out burying
0111110 at "Vc'yalussug. Upon her maritte tablet we
road, in character and phrase already grown quaint
with age
..I.%red to rat!, ot
.k, wlfu nt Ito ~ 11ollonba,k, and ilaughter of
an , l Datightii•rty, who depnrteil , this
'~llte.Tut. rAtl, 1117. 31 year; nail 16
chi t t.E. At Romp, Oct. nth, 5577,- Lizzie 3,,
youngest daughter Of the late Ferdanat,d
aged 13 years. •
Man I. hat Is bordof a woman Is of few day?,
and full of trouble. lie eomethpsib like erflaicer
•and is cut lifirr 11...-41)11 XIV. I.'.
t . Why make ve thl., ado and weep? TIM damsel
is no: dead bat sii•eNth. - -Mark v. t 9.
Itlngliamton. (let. Iltt. Minnie
Ann, only daughter id S. and Lyflla D. Crocker,
, aged 5 years. 7 months amlol days.
Yew Adsertizer.ents
f IST OF LETTERS rerriatiling in
iNwe Otlfee Twa - anda, Itradford Cu., Pa,
Mr the week ending Octulwr 17,.1:477 :
Iliv.hop, G. 11. ,
ColT. , r, T.
li(Ogem. I:. S.
Thal!, :largaret
Persons raltlnz for any or tun above, will please
nay —advertised," giving elate of at.
S. W. A (NORM P. M.
Tordtor or the estate of Itobert 11111'quo, de-
The undersigned. an Auditor appointed by the
Orphan.' Court of Bradford Couniy to distribute
funds In the hands-of I). F. Dunning and Wiltiarn
Itelyek Administrators of Robert Militnn, deed:
as shown by their final account. will attend to the
dirties or his appointment at Ills °Mee In Troy Bor
ough, on Til1:I1:41) AT. the'221,41 day of NI WEN-
Itl;It. A. B. ts 77 at in o'elovic._.o. 31.. at which
titne,ind place all persons having claims on said
furobtore requested to.present them. or he forever
debarred from coming In upon said rund.
-oet Auditor.
virtue 4.4 s an order insued Ina of the Oipban's
Court of nulfekrd County, the undersigned. ce
-1)PlIr or the estate of pathia .liwitatt, tate of Ronte'
hr p., to 0;1i:1e- sale on the
prenikes, NoVENIIIEt; IGth,
at 2 ii'elock e. NI., the following described proper
ty. to wit:
:Lot S. I.—Beginning, In the - centre of the pub
lic road, southeast corner 'of Chaeles Itussell's In
line of Smith, Lent and ti 11111; thence by line or
the same. smith 2°. *est 84, tiers In the southeast
ror of , W 41 - McCabe's: thence by the line of the
same north Se°. West 25 peis to a stake; thence
'south 2°. cart #l4 pees to the moiler of tho public
mail In Ilse of s:alit Charles: liossell'sr; thence by
line of Same and center of said read south Bs o , cast
25 porn to the place of,begiunlug; 'Contains 10 acres
attar; measure.
A Lsal—thic other lot of land it ...sikpated as Lot
No. V., situate to the same [sip.. and la!moted-nit fol
lows, vl7: Ileginnlng at a corner of land conveyed
to Win Morrls; thence abnig line td his lot' I!4°,'
-6,st 22 pers: tree still along itueorsNaryhvs
land, and north Ito of said lot conveyed to Addi
son W Taylor, south 89 6 , east CO pers to a Corner;
thence north I‘., east 72 5-10 pers to a corner to
line of original Survey; thence along the original
Ilse west 114 per , ' to the place of beginning:contains
27 acres and thirty pers more or less.
A LSO—One other lot of land: designated as.l.ot s
No. 3, sithate In slid SRN and hounded as follows :s
vie.: Beginning at the soot hwe,t corner of a lot of
land loWli(”1 by Mrs Jesse Morris; thence along
sonth Ode of same 123 pers to a corner on ts TCass• - ;
thmce I,y the line of the same south pers to a
coy on the road; -thence along the 'am, west. 123
pers to the Imultirast corner of
Morris: thence
along the same mirth G 2 per. to the place of begin
othg ;contains 41 amen and ;la pers more or fem. •
There Is a - mortgage or !FM upon the last dvscrlhed
lot In favor of A i. Richards, with Interest from
2lth April. 1876. given by decedent.
Al.:S(1-011e other lot of laud. designated as Lot
No. 4„ situate lai said twp. an/ horinthid as follows:
Beginning at r a Make at the northeast corner of
Ct othlaJordan. and on the warrant line which is
the politic highway: theneo south 83°, east GO pers
a 3
to corner ill like highway; thence south west
7.t peis to a pollee to the Ilne of A W Taylor;
thence north .49°, west 63 pers. to a stake corner - RI,.
nt MaJordan lot; them.; north 1 !.i• 0 , east 73 pers
to the road and Place of beginning; contains 27
acres and foi in rs, strict inmnstire. The last lot as
I.ot No, 4, Is claimed by-S.:311111M Jordan, husband
and deefolent •
TERMS.-000 to 0.• paid when each lot Is struck
slow ; one-half of 4he balance Upon confirmation,
and the remainder of Mucha money one yea.
`from confl rmatien, with interest front that date.,
, •
7 virtu., of an order issued out of the Orphans
Coon of Bradford roundy, • looderst,ocii. elec-
I utor of the estate of George Fox, latent Wysox.
twp, deceased, will expose to public kyle on the
polishes, on. SATE It D.A.I". Nov EMBER loth,
ia77, at 1 o'clock I'. M., the folios; leg dcescribed,
property. to wit: . .
Beginning at a corner of Elliott Whitney's lot
on line of J M Wattles' (now L T Lent); thence
soul h Xl O . west 61.4 pees to a car; thence along the
lin.- of J .W . Wattles• mow T. T Lent). south 55°.
eit.d. 12:9 1-10 rod. to a coy, thence South in. ' west
72 rods to a coo thence-along the line - of I ll'Spaul
ding, Ktiow Pool). north SO, west 13.5 rods to the
eorner of Michael Maloney. Low 'John Meehan: .
thence along the line of the same north east 124.
rods to a corner on warrant line; thence along the
same south 84°, east 97 rods to the Oar) of begin
ning ; containing 95 acres and iss.perches toe the
same more or less. about 7 5 . acres improved, with a
framed dwelling house and barn thereon.
Tr:Rms.-4201t0n property being streilCdown:
¢l,ovo on the 1:OrInt MAL 1011 of sale, and the- balance
on two equal annual paymetots with itittrrest and se./
:entity for the payment,of the saue; •
Aunaott , s NOTIOE-1n the
matter of the eltiato of tI4IR, WIlltiolm: IMO
ot twp.. flecersod,P In the Orphate::
cam 1-of Bra , lford Coitutr No 14,Sept. Term,
'file:undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the
Court to distribute inorleys in the hands of the Ad
inlittstrator of said estate. arisiog front the pate .if
teal estate,
111-attend to the duties of his appoint
tuent at the office of 111ad11t it Calll,on /4014
the lath day of NtiV F.ll KEIL 1877. at 10 o'clock-a.
when and where all persons %haring rlunie
*Kamen paid estate mot preeent them. -or be foyer ,
er debarred ?tent eomlnir In en the same.
Buffalo, N. T
roa n -
3, 1 577„
son of
of the
hi the
and In
de Ida
.ari In
It way
\ •
Trt, ar
gy and
la II as
a., able
Burke, N"ra '
Hoover, .11aLe
mith, Mary
Mt Ceorgiu
l i ege.
1.)1tt41..*1 HICKEY,
. • Executot
' . )
N p / .4 • „ / 1.
. tV7II
-1 I
V •
lt- STOCK , - - . 1 0r: 'COORS)
. .
. .
. • I ,
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, .
I •
. - 1 • .
• -
• -
• WE
- •
• . •
\ '
I*, 110770
41 \ COet,
M 1
\ .
\ _,
lion. PAUL D. MinotOw, President Judge of
the lath Judicial District, consisting of the county
of Bradford. and Hon. C. 5.,,* BvestrA., Associate
Judge in and forsatd county cif Brattiest!, have Its,
• cued their precept-bearing date the lst ' day of
Oct.. 1877, to me directed, for holding 'a Court
of Oyer and Terminer, General, Jell Delivery.
Quarter Sessions of 'the Peace, Common Pleas and
Orphans' Court, at Troy. for the county of
Bradford, commencingon Monday,Det.;24, 1e77,
. to cont in ue two - weeks. - ' .
Noti is therefore hereby given, to the Compere
and Just gee of the Peace .of the Couto of Brad
,t they be then and there In their proper
persons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day,
with re s ; inquisitions mitt otherremembrances
to dolls things which to their race appertains to be do et and tease who are bound by recovd
sances otherwise, to prosecute against the pris
oners are or may be Bs the jail of staid gaudy,
are to 'then andtbere to prosecute against them
as shall , just. Jurors are requested to be punce
teal bathed: attendance agreeably, to their not lee.
bated at Towanda, the Ist day of October; In the
year of ortit,Lord. one thonsand, eight hundred
and seventysetren. runt of thelndependence of the
United States, the one hundretb. - I
A. J.L.I).TTON, Sheriff
virtual:4 an-erder issued oat of the Orphans'
Court of Bradford Minty. the undersigned ad.
mlnistrator of estate of Jane Gibson. late of the
township of Ulster. deceased, wilt eXpose to public
'sale. on the pre,mises,en FRIDAY. OCTOBER 25.
1577, at 2 o'clock P. M_ the following described .
real estatealtnate in Ulster twp:
Commencing at the south-west corner of land
turskonder contract with Peter ate Cally and ttie
north-west corner of the tut; thence first along said,.
3leCally's land, east 12314. pens to the warrant line •
and land of-Lewis Lewis; theriebalong Lewis' land •
south 154 pens to the' south-east corner: thence along
Etan Lewis' west ID' .pen to a corner: thence
north 114 pens to the place of beginning. • Contain; , •.•
ing 110 acres, more - or• less, excepting to Peter
Brady. Ills heirs and assigns from the roadway as
now opene4l and worked for public use from the
-Farmandfineam saw mill to the public road lead-
Ing frotOcrwanda toSmltt acid:Centre. Deed for
the ahoAdescribed land Is recorded in Deed Book .
Page 171.. •
TERMS.OF SALE.-200 upon the property
Ing.struck down. WO upon confirmation of, sale,
• and the balance In two annual payment; from •
said date with interest from confirmation.
. Titter, Pa, Oct. 4.077. . Administrator.
F. •Tho ma , Argig . 'secular of /oh* Batyrs.-tZee.
Baty.—ln the Court of Common pleas Of Bradford
County, No. 1192, Sept. Tenn.-1877. •
.1 hereby direct, On motion of Et; N. Williams.-
plaintiff's attorney, the Sheriff Is to publish copy of
the writ In this case. for six weeks in the BEAD.
Foal) Itnrowrzn, a newspaper published at To.
wands, If no person is found In possession of the
.within described land. , ,
. • President Judge .
Towanda, Pa, Aug. 21, MI:,
\ Bradford County. as. •
\ To the Sherif 4Bratlfor:d County —Grvef fug:
'll - e command you that you attach Gz%toct'BAYY
IntO of your County, by all and singular, goods and -
chattel% lands and tenements. moneys, ghts, and
credit...ln whose hands or possession .soever - the
same may be, so that he he and appear before our
Court of Common . Pleas , t 3 be holden at t ' "for,
nogb of Towanda. in and for safd County, 0 the
first 'Mondsiy - ot September next, there to an r
Thomas Baty, executor of John Baty, of a plea s (n
asximpsit, and that you summon George Daty.and
all persons in whose bands or, possession the said
Ends, chattels,'Moneys, rights, and credits, or any
:.f them may be kat : ached. so that,they and every of
them be and appear' before said Court, at the day
and:vice oforps t 10- to answer what shall be object
ed italrist tlifm and, abide the- judgment of the
epuit therein; and hive. you then and there this
writ. \
WitniesS the Hon. P. T). Morrow, President-fir
our said Court, at the Borough of Towandaafore•
.atd, the 21st day of August, A. I). 1877.-
. BEN f. 31:PECK, ' .7
•., • Protl onotary.
, . .
r„ the Honorable ..Iydge:
I certify that by virtue of the' annexed writ bt
Foreign Attachment. I have attached the following
deka-Med lot piece or parcel of, land. situate la
Canton township. County of Bradford. State of
Pennsylvania, and bounded as follows, - to wit: On
the north by lands of James McMahon-on the east
by lafids of Patrick Grady, on the south by lands
of John Hairs estate, and on' the west hi lands of
Daniel Downes and Wm. Lawrence. Containing:
GI acres of land more or lbs.?. • ,
Thomas Baty ra. George Baty.-4n the Court :\
of Common Pleas of Bradford County, No. Int
Sept Term, 1877.
1 Ifereby direct. On motion of If. N. Williams.' `.
attorney of plaintiff. the Sheriff to publish copy of
the writ In this case, for six weeksan the.BUAD.
rants fft raltrEtt. a newspaper , published at To- t ,
tranda, if no 'person is found In paBsesslon of the
within described land.
Towanda, ra., Aug. 21, 1811
COsi >1,67: W.E.A Til OF PEN L 1 : A i A
Bruitotrl oionty. ss, -
TCI the Shertf ofßrentford County—Green-7%v
'we command you that you.attach GEAnGE BATT .
'late of your county, by all and singular, goods and ,
chattels, lands and tenements, moneys: rights, and
,credits, In whose bands or. possesston*soever the .
.same may be,, so that he be and appear before our
Court of Common Pleas, to be holden at the Bor.
ough of Tnwanda. in and for said County, the
first Monday of September . next. thire to answer '
Thomas Baty of a plea In astmtupatt; and that you
Summon George Baty and all
.persons In whose
hands or possession the said goods, chaftels, mon•
eys, rights, and credits, or any of them may be at=
tachett, so that they and every of them be end ap
beforp said Court. at the day and place afore. ,
said, to answer what'shali be objected agalnst.them
and abide the ludgmentof the Court therein; and -
have yon then and there this writ, '
Witness the 114. P. D. Morrow, President of
our said Court, at the Borough of Towanda afore,
said, the 21st day of August, A. I). Din.
.ItENJ 31. PECK.
. . ,
. Prothonotary, '
To the generale Judy.:
certify that by v.irtue of the annexed Wilt of
Foreign Attachment, 1 hare attachMl the follow:-
mg lotpiece or parcel. of .land, .sitnate in Cinton
township, County - of Bradford, State of Penns-VI-a
nts, and bounded as follows, to wl4:. On the north
by lands of JamesMeMahon, east l,by lands of Pat
rick Grady, South by lands of John Bat,y's estate,
and on the west by lands of Daniel Downes and
Win. Lawrence. Containing 61 acres of land wore
Lyof sundry taints Issued Out , of the Court of
Common Pleas of Bradford Cennty, and to me dl
- will expose , ,
.puhlle sale on 'FRIDAY,
the 19th day of OCT., 1877. at fie door of the Court
Bowe, In Towanda, at 1 O'clock-P. x., the follow.
ing described property, to mit : • . •
oue lot plece . orparcel of land situate In- Troy
hounded and described as follows: Beginning
at a stake, In the northwest corner of Amos Pleree's
Iot: thence south 35 0 , east 12 pees to a post; thence
south 45 0 ,.*est '5 3-10 pers to a post: thence north
12=5,;°, It 2-10 pers to a post In center of Canton-at;
twmce north 33 0 .... e: .111, f rods and 3 llnki to the
place of beginning; contains atres of land more
or less,. all Improved, with 1 framed house. I tram
barn. arid fern , fruit trees thereori. .
Al.SO—One other lot .of laud situate in Troy
borW bounded and described as 'follows: Being all
of thelarty of the first parts light title, interest
and demand in the land fio - wed by the creek, com
tnetteing at the old dam new owned ;by II Bowen;
thence north by the ereelc to the north land of
lands formerly owned by the party of the first Part
together with the pilvtlege of usingtheereek,sante
as party fit the first part now has, and party of lbw
first parts Inteyest in above lard and water privl.
lege, not before deeded away, and by this deed
conveyed to the party of the second, part and noth
ing more. Party of the second part takes it at his
- Own risk. It being the danto piece of lied convey
ed to John N Wolfe by the executors of Eillhne
Case AV deed dated June 16, 1869, and recorded' in
'deed book No 82 lin page 149. etc. netted and taken
Into I . xeentlon at dm suit of F. Pomeroy
.vs John
N Wolfe anti Thad- Wolfe.
ALSO=-lane other lot of land situate In Athena
tawn y , and bounded as follows: Being tots N 0 .115,
116,1nd 117.0 n Elmlra-st, 2.ilft on South•4l. accord-
a plot or sorvey made by _Orion Rl:key
E Herrick, with large frame building there
.n as the' steam mill property: reserving
from SOft on the north side next lathe-Osborn
ing tl
lion .
n Eltulra at; - also reserving 60ft On South•at
liii s rriek's line. Sefied and taken Into eie-
l a at the slat or N C vs r Gillette ,
t E Corcell. A.J. LAYTON. Sht.riff.
i erl if's Office, Towanda,: Pa., Sept. 26, 1977.
E .,:irtie of au order Issued out of the Orphans' .4
CeMil!' Williford Co.. Pa, the ntelersighed„Ex
etutar of the last wilt an d . testament of Curti,
Tyrrell. deceased.late of Pike- twp., In said mutts
ty of Bradford, will expose to Phblit sale upon the
pMmlses, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER - =th 1877,
St Inv k P. 31.. all of that certain lot of land,-
sfluate hi the township of Pike. In the county of.
Bradford, and State of ,Pennsylvania, and bounded.
as follow, to wit:'
On the east by the county line, west by lands of
Dinion -IlOstwick, and heirs of Salmon 'Bostwick,
deceaScd; on- the north by-Lands of John Ntsore,
formerly lauds of feline Hancock, deceased: and
.south by lands of 'Nils Waterman. Containing
ls: aen-s of land, more or less; saying, excepting
and reservin! from the above described lot or
issreel of land, all that portion of 'the same lying
on the east side of the Fowlers Hill road, bound
er, and described- as follows, to . wit; On the
north by the estate of.Jesae Hancock, deceased; on
;he fast by . the countylinersOlith by lands or Caro-
Snell - literal:in, and west by 'Fowler's Mil road,
',Apposed to contain thirty-five- acres of laud
7 - f+:ItJIS OF terbe paid on the day
of sale. S• 100 ou the final emititrmation of the sate,
au:lithe balance in one year after linal;onfirma
11unit with Interest; • -
E. Y. TYR F.L 1.,
Pt e, Pa., oct 4, '77. ' Executors.
'Folksier vs Alphonzo Bosworth. In the Costrt
of Common rleas,or Broil fon) 'County, No. 1,390.
M3v Term, 1877 I
d'• .The undersigned; an Auditor appointed' by said
}Conn to distribute funds arising froth the Sheriff**
of-defendant's, will attend to the
duties of his appointment at his office iri the Bor.
oughl of Towanda; on MONDAY, the Stliday or NO
:I.IEMBER, isr7, at 11l o'clock, A. IL, at which
flute and place all persons haring - claims on said
Nods, are required to present them- or be (mover
debarred from coming In on Bald fund.
octi. Auditor.
Istotwo is :hereby ittren that all persons la•
debted to the estate of James IlleMorani- tate of
Athens, deed. must make Immediate payment
wthe undersigned.- and all persons bating claims
against said estate tdust present them, Onlyaulhen
tiented, for 'settlement.
EtriV AIM UciiORAN, •
. .
•M A IttiAltlCT 3teMORAN,
Athens, Sept. 20:,17. . Administrators.
4 ITDITOIt'S the.
matter of thin solnntery assignment of II tram
ltortuu, etc. In the Court of Common Pleas of
tirsdford Co':. No: 1,1;s, 4 • ra T., ts 74:
The undersigned, au Ain/dor appointed by the
Court to distribute funds In- tlir hands of W. T.
Huston, Assignee, arising, f the sale of real es
tate and personal properly, -. shown by- his final
account, will - attend to the . duties of his. appoint.
meet at hls oftlee lu Toefanda. - Pitt on 'THUD'S
DAY, NOVEMitEIt Ist, leffsat lb u'rkiek,,A. K.,
wbere ail persoußshaiii.g. rialtos limb fine fund/
mutt Present Wein, or be debarred Mita temitlig 11l
upv-the wee. MiX,
Tontndiini.,,lnktopir4*, - Aualur,
President Judge.
- Shert