i kkaUord gepodtt • ED.ITOII6i 7 • . T. *LIMBS T4wandc,Ps., Thursdap, Oct. Is, 1871. REVIIIILICAIII STILTS TICKET. FOR JUDOS OP TUE OUFRIMS FOURS, Ho*: JAMES ,P. STERRETT, Of'Allegheny-Caqaty. FOR AUDITOR dratERAL, J. A.M. fASSMORE, Of Schuylkill County- FOIL BTATE.TRZSTRIM., Wm. B. HOT, - Of 1494itplimerSr Courty. REPTIBLICAN COLA' TIMM FOR r TISTRICT ATTORNEY, '-'I...IIt;THERSON, Of Toviatids Borough. FOR COUNTY BURY/Va l T. A. SEWARD, Of Smithfield,Tornsbip. Republica Meetings. MEETINGS will be held as follows : . k'antou Boro', Saturday Evening. Oct., .2i. Troy Eoro', Monday Evening, Oct, 29t1). RoY. Tuesday Evening, .Oct. 30th. rGranville, Wednesday - Evening, Oct. 31st. Sl;ringfield Centre; ThurpdaiEv:g-Nov. 1. S:nithlield Ceiitre, Frid# - ziging Nov. 2. Monday Evening, 0et..29t1i. Lervsville„ Tuesday Evening,. Oct. Wyaluiing, :Wednesday Evening, Oct. al. Springhill, Thursday Evening; Nov. Albany, Friday Evening, Nov, 2nd. WE I►ave,rassurance that able, ipeskers trim. abroad will be tattle above.meetings. Tbe names of the speakers will be duly announced. Republicans in above locali ties are requested to make arrangements for these meetings and see that notice is given. W.-H. CATINOCTIAI,7 THE SILVER QUESTION. The advocates of a silver standard seem to think that Withaeap - nicirrey there - Will be no trouble in the debt , or class extricating themselves. The ciperience of history does not war rant such a conclusion ; neither does criclr l'easoning comport o with,strict integrity. We 'do 'not affirm that those who fav i or4double and there fore variable '-,Astidard, intend to be tlishonest, titiOthey arr . sadly mistak en.- Men 'Ai riot run into .debt,•dtt ring Opricitle of legitimate, uninflated . `business ; it is only when Speculation • is rife, and commercial values flcti- • tious," that men embark, in questioi2- ide entei'prises, which luree the ma jority to', bankruptcy, and ruin.' Dc sire for sudden wealthregardleis of • the means employed - to compass it,; is the siren which in seemingly pros :. per(itis• times, when money is cheap, leads -- men into debt and extra .,-gance. It we would hut calndfand • dispassionately look the matter , in the face, we must satisfy ottrselies that a._ single geld standard is' de molded by every - consideration of ' political economy, commercial pros peritv 'and blisiness integrity. • This doctrine may not be palatable' for the pri7sent to those who - are pushed to the Wall by - unsympithizing credit, orsand will be ridieuled bkpolitical dernngognes, but' the sober, second , thought will convince reflecting me of its soundrics . s. The nm - sure of vanes is controll ..cd;by: the laws- Of trade as certainly and inevitably as night succeeds-day. .All commercial nations mast unite eit to:jshing -a .common standard, And' no 'inci:vidtl4 nation 'can main tain standarn . of its own, independ; Ciit'c,f the nations With which-Mini telations, without seripus loss: Gold, 1)1 all themetals, has a fixed yalue ' the world over, and therefore by con :sent of most civilized nations is the 41tandard of values. Individnals.and ~,overnments may prosOr for a time • prOnaiscito flay,'! but holders of each evidences - of indebtedness, will sooner or later inquire into the con dition of the maker, and •if it ap peara that- the debtor proposes to cancel the' obligation by , uneurrent fonds, or currency a flue)tuating the credit of such a debtor n ill soon re at n heavy . diseounu_ This is not Mere assumed theory, but . is substs.ntiated. by . . historical facts. The_" Red pog`,*' depreciated bank paper .of Miehigin, and western • • Syild:Cat are still remom7 bered with regret tlyi - More than one *tate. EveM here 1 .4 -4'ennsylvania, 4ms - inesS men have 2 4lt forgotten the 16-4scs our (levee is* currency ; en tailed; in the o _paYrtiVn t. ' „, of debts in 'our neighboring Ante. Let us learn wi4dom from France. '.. ; tyt!'wit4taniting 'her Igge indemn payments to Germany in therec ognized standard of other nations , Ate to-d 4, holds .nearly five hundred chin, and - the amount ia titill inereasing,T.while England hag lntt onb. hundred mid thirty millions. i'(.l draw another illustration from iinr own • eon)) t ry° . As the day for ,resumption • (11 a Ws ; pear, and as me . oproach honest payment or our ob ligations; we Itav' aecuinulated'in the pa•at year ; to the redemp-. • then, of fmktional currency and ho ds, forty-five millionain gold; at the same ratio we shall befo'rnt,he first of 'April" have an amount,4 coin • ' t final -to 'England. The overproduction of iron in this 14tate a few years since reduced the prile to a • point where it did not jeiv. to manufacture, and the country - 14 still suffering from the effects. So the enormous produCtion of silver on this 'continent; would produce the smite result,‘should it be reitonetiied. To-day our areen-baCks are worth Itfi cents in gold; While silver Is only s...orth 9G - cents. Is it the part 'of vet's , awn to make - silver a standard - .in t:le light .of these facts ? if it is done,- a great wrong will ; be inflicted ~..upon those who have commercial re lations with other nationS. It will - establish discrimination against 'us. Loconly unjust to busifuls!renf.but illinottil to our eomtnerCe • TIM FORTY.,Mit CONOIRIPM The- extra sessio of the forty-fifth Congress convened on Monday last. The, Senate being a continuous' body had no officers to elect. In the How, HAM S. J. !ASSAM: was re-elected Speaker by strict party tote, the Republicansl, voting fob 9Airyixt). The President's Message was sent to Congress on Tuesday.' The docu ment is quit! brief, referring only, to the subject f appropriat,ons for the army and +Y.- It is thought the - session will be shOrt, as there is dr/disposition *on the part of both H/uses to expedite platters.- The' appointments made during the 'oecess, and such changes as have been agreed upon will be rol fervid to the / Senate before .adjount nient. - A .few' wily politicians in 'this State having succeeded in securing a Coalition of the Greenback and Work ingmen's tiarties, the question now arises, irhat can the latter hope to secure by such , a fusion ? _No party, now in existence, can benefit, the . workingman -so effectually as the Repn Hain. The Democracy hate always \ n and still are tree trade: If we had, had a - Democratic Presi dent,rk\l\iat say e Smouns and a Con gress made of men like Senator WALLACE an Representative Iltacx- Er, of the Clinton disiriet, there wouta not be aJo 'ling mitt or fur , nace,'i steel work- or a cqtton mill in operation in the ,C i untrY; as both are in favor of free tra e, and would have o pened our ports to the pro l 'ducts of the furnaces an 'factories of the Old World. , tnglart } France Belgium and -Germany wo have supplied us. in ruinous com I • itiop with our , on n workingmen. We can prove this 'by history. When. e Deinocracy were in power, our me' ehanics always