OE NEWS EMII : ALL ITAT/OITS, A VATTIMI "Ellglis4 nobleman Las enlist- I a•::l•;priv;:ite.. reroltection% are _becoming , arisome, . . , . .„ (;;N. K . I. V In: A. is :•41 id (.0 - have bequ in urcii-Ilang:l4iall plot. • . ( 'R:Aron) C'ounty complaitis of too EINEM A It.it(urr - ; Islane,' man has wlitten a ok (unified • • Titenty Years in I n.'• T iN asserted that. Chicago has nit 1 le .llly constituted bank within her limits. C 1111'fil 3 wr of cotton ±,pindle.: . are in - IN'ilktington for .k:rtglatlti. the , Proviilenee fire amiiaws :I, fa the hisirranee • A e,mitty in "Miehican has stand hitrs equal to ti,111;1'.20.000 feet of raihtyr. . . it that 'since ..I.ll;_7ast i, 1.:•.7e., kn . have luovek.l int..) the .;,eire •kk . i L. "1.10.• eonttnnplates another i:::err'RillXattrinL: the Chribtnias bort- ~ • - Tili i I ,„ ta l 1.0-.4., .., thc,. r:.zi.ti. , iin foleos I.l;tilLcaria 11: . ;:ie v...trlied 'tile. cd,wrn..it, .:1 „f :ii.l i' . 01 I Ine::. -_.....- 4 t : The ftni 'n• Ipi..)l..ilyas is sfi . ll fifvoi-- 'A A % 1:1N Or :30CarrIlL; ct ,, 125, I.Wcp 011ijUl'a .`,.> i r fle Itailroad ti- -4id•111. -cent. AVIiI:- by r!.t. I'f:l:ions was -n;*2. f111 , ! , 1 ail part..,! Dvas. - ktr N, , pablic.il) cam a , :s are r chAnlctirr. fll; . 2:,,licsa ill t•r:fily ; :11 Pf , 11. , 1111, 111 , t Vt•ar CCl,t 'll/ , P".l :11111 th, , 11:111. ME at A. 11. ..1 1 .4. 1 ., t.. (Th(l3- ..,. IT np•l 12:: lo . ‘ >: - di , p:tlcll C:11'011110 t Was c.; y e ar., .1. ;,!...1 has aprcareA St•Vt•If;LI t it 't 11 ..:) nfinv !p: .I.;;lv , yhits !!“.4) , • , 1 linc'aarvz,l :•,:ttliiav,- ! II;) 1, is acting a- intc.rpl-etet : , :q•i 1:,,w It • ..1.1 I her' ;hell. MEI EMI • ' 1 ,.• F 1 I 11 - 1N.i..1'.4v:1-,, , b1 by !be ::; ;!gt111....; ''' El 3vit, third iii thq, ;,, 1. \S rho 1 , , 11,, , -.11,p1.0 .0r .;;; ; ..‘f •1. , ,.-Airll7so 111111 - \l:k . 1 Z.l thc4 1 v.ll/: 11W INO:131, ho-: NEE MI i~-~ tl~::~~~ ?r~:urs t. -. . =III MIS I: 6t pi, • 41;t• , iff ,P, E 1:“ , r1.1111 :it CSil ,C , , it•j•l. "1,1 . 111 ,, fi11d RI f ,. ~~ ~~. ~~ MEM •I% (`'!fh :Ind ; n e been, I nn,',..l.olVje =ME EMS iv.,l-e i;r4 ei:1:111 , . I •I I•1•011: , •k d =I ' 1i I BIM ME ME =I =ESE Mil RIM of_ Vi1i,)i:1,41.1,‘,.1.1 =EI ...,,,~ i. ; ' • 1 •1 E101 : !17.1! t , . ,111 MEI i. 1 i.l El EMI I :1 BEE =I _'+l( l. I NM BE kt , :$1 A'ft l l4i...l 11..1 I IN ' I E. 2: li. • • 14:1011.,_ =I ~~ 1,.; r~~;iii j;,•.11;041 !N. 111• . ' •rt ;11 , '1 \ AI ME is ht . . 111 ..f. irn hca, aituri:y , .Nt .11 V. 4).rd he 11 it \ . 1 0 - •egkon j .„ . “21.1.11. :•z . 2 , 1 cad'. :6i , 1 hr,. The -:.; it'. licSi 1 I , ~ t rt* . I II I ~. , ~,; .; I Coo y •o o f ,our '.1, , 11.• 1,f`,;1. tINI• than el,el y 1.,;1 ttj.r; , u , •lnmt and ' • - 11111. I ykratlford Ntporict 11,0. GOODRICH. D., W. ALVORD Towanda - ,'Pa., Thursday, - Oct. 1, 1877. STATE TICKET. ..FOR .71:1H;E OF THE SUPREME C 0.1.; flos, JAMES P. ,STERRETT, • Of Allezheny.Cotinty': -10 It Al, Dm .R ENERAL,- ..:,.,„ .1. A. 31. PASSMORE, • `\ Of Schuylkill Comity. t 'STATE TRiASIAtEIt, rM. B. HART, • Of - mo t , Tomery County. _ , REPT' BEHAN '9UNTY TICKET.' nut: - DISTRICT /kTTORNEV, I. IICPIIE Of Towanda IN , ough. F.IR COUNTY .SURVI.'"(PR, T. A: SE:WARD, Of Safithnfu.lll Townshil. • it is very seldonr indeed in th histOry-of priliti4al chuventions that a tiokel, is selected with such unani mity. and good.. feeling as, were the candidates by the late-, Republican Convention at Ilarristlurg.l Judge 'ST E ETT -11 . 3(1 no commtit9r, even for a compliment:l.l.N , - r. !less c. - ir - the pOsition was .10111 a -fed v all to he bvpind a doubt undo hid selection by the tonventnin !Was simply inatt(irT7of forn. lie had been chosen h7[ the people in advance. Col. Hitt - CT , ' name hail- been promi nenl:y mentione‘lin connection with the Treaurership fOr m'any months, anal to his honor and the wisdom Of the e( i nvention, -not a7-eliar:C! against 41§-01 - Irae'..er was attempteil i)Y his litter s 1 politivl opporn:Flits. .11.nr lug the years hi. , ruts I,leeu chief C16r1,.. of the Treasury Pepartineut, his de pOrtment has peen such as to chal lenge thi= allilliratior , i . of all. Prompt in the (li. , e i , lta , of his duties, conrte-ou, in his interjourse with those has-- Vyith this department, lu noniination — wats rut !exemplifica tion of =ermine sei‘y-ine. reform. nil. Capt. ll.‘n - T will maintain his poi itil:lrity as head of the Department a one who has tht.L plefisteee of his # ti ne l naintanek 11011 ht. 'tit; still, .luolitor c;eneral,• our can(li- ;late is not unknown to the people in th4,:)..ounty.. Mr. l'Ai:s . monE is one tV,se •A - hole-lule(1 mt n. who un e.,nscion,ly :lily:11'A others to them. The manner in ltirh lie Made the , anvass• ccliit U, re:sultol in his nomi- ci.tjon. won foi , him Lite confidence of not only his ailvocatus I,l l t tlio, t , who prftfrrrill nnotlivT. rho ;J.l- 4,ovalic nic wholv ti:•ket wmiinated c‘ - cu tli ..4il;:piciall of trick ery sitar!) practiev.,l and has' se curCdpit augurs t Ittt t tit 0 1-.1.11 -, riumpliilnt'lty-ee•-•:'s in Noveniller..• Let! the lepul , licans of -Tradford , ee to it th4t then ilo their •hole du t . ty tow:o*.j-locuring e ; , uch 'a glorious re.ult. Thj , :iirliet. State im(l\eount3; ., is.)vorthy of tfTi7 cheerful, earni , sl . ;nn(i h , ,:arty sflpook of ev er y lic;p_lll,±llif:an: I=ll 19 -, 11 • 11j, for . deftlin:‘ , witli the labor I ilC, s l Ikonr& 11111iierOUS OIR . -- that has . Iv , ),kufl well it& 1;144 ,- - 1.1:tn1 and ' taa..\ he roun , lll , eftll Wherever there e. mills or% '1"1u the A. c•st;tte, I ~1 ,•;i '1 tio , tl.,:ind. aro rt.pro:: , ent.til 11 : 1- h the ipan:prcr of lite cstate to bt. „,„t coqitented than he flan tA - er i" I" ',nor, II fliem tolie hitherto„ notwitsti ‘lth(‘llt tirlaty. • - tlit• I . ollloloh of their wa , Tes.‘ 11.j.0 , t ..wity, at- fe hi's this nipareittry. anomp.- ennttnluunt. to.tlte fact that-th, rum henAl o r (liii ? loy with enough . 1, 1 - a g,0 . 0 , r- - :::izt.4l. from I rile 11N:111er to Ont•-•11al r nit acre. 1.0 vv ;i;1 eunitielled the'worli mtl to i vate these. plots of a..(1 they have fottiol .that ME =1 '' U; ~ ~ 1 u~irr; .I =I !In . : 11 . 111( strll , , i , tence frir hvAillifir,; the rin.(l tnt•:11 cycit with the Niwcst, • tlity s:l% - e It. is al , o/th':lt the moral p,"..et U 1 tl:p gar !l en ., t:xepileat, the inn Icss idle time to he telii!pti.,l . il4,, tits s.pat fun. and-suun Iparain!! to it a kp in tht li i e v hieh theii: own in,lll-trx - 'rmilliii. for them. IA fur ti pr alivdiltage is thil thr, farming cpclis the way to 'work that toil ,111'1 nrt the lallurer: . _when• he i s thruwil ont—of troll: at the regular or !!ivi.s, him a hew rin to nj, 101 V :1111111;:it'S- . 111 . 111 ' 4 O amell taure.hatepptirient. !!:ti pas are nut. alw a ys a s th e y 5ii,,,!1,1 • butt a , 2 . ,,0(1• pe6l,le in a pusiiiim theti•ean make use of the hiln e'cartaint•,l in thi-7 re cur,' 01 . what nallies the ern ps cheerful ami et!ttented tinder • 1, t. , ii : 1 :.1414 •:; IMO MEM .~1 ,~•, ~ .t_r ..1 '~t l ~ ~i 1 :i~~....~.~.. FM =UM =I 1. .1 \ .'.il'.. ~{ii EMII3 v, - ;t!Te.4, 1111 C. IV. P. V 1.:•••1 is-NV,hat . , t tio • 11:1:Vell ,Jtail I,ll'n ' : 71lyti of • Clo.:16 - 1.11 . 01V. Iloi't 1.. 11\ ZI.L .iti rifian of the Itepub , CTuonjttee of Penn : -fy valise,. A n carne,t. ,•!. s man line executi.ve ability. a •etn Ineptly litt6l for the loci- :71n(1 .2:0;;51. , , v,0rk n'ay f;xicectp(l 11,-r:wl,1114)111., Mil t •• ,rt 1 , 1 4 ~ =I v.,•(11 ~ , J; in 9 21,14: -11epol,4r:tje4 of Sew Yoit 11-1,1 last vec.l Alt r a rcttht r a• - • . stortn v ' a ;4.,i• Cjvhot I .vts nom i wttrfl. t• • ElEl =ME 'l'llr nr« from -the_ w:tr indica!, th:tt out drawing to it 1141 the eol . lte'l hict• lead,. EDITORS: .4 GOOD TICK £T \ TgE POOll NOOSE AGAIN. Araby persons took advantage of. the visit,to the " Pair, to'rnaki an in spection Of:the farth sereted.by the Coni2nissioners fir the' " Home -for the. Destitute. Whateedichtion was arrived_nt we are unable ,to. say, but theinformation . thus - obtainer will undoubtedly guide 'many voters in their action.. in _regard' I to it., One thing, 4 however•, We , believe all were convinced of, that is;: \ that whether they believed the • farm \suitable for Ii the purpose. forwhieh . it has been-se lected, or otherwise,t.liey db notdis.: pute the Tact' that 'the prol ) ert3;:yis well worth the price agreed nitwit that the land is rich and pro i dt!etiye, and that portion which isteleared generally susceptible of cultivation. We hope the representative Men of every district may visit the property :and makea thorough examination to the end that voters may cast their ballots intelligently on the question. THE NM I -York ; Tribune in com menting.on a letter received from one of its correspondents now tray- - ersing:the coal regions, speaks thus sensibly concerning the situation : " the principal cause of the in:ning roubles will he found ;in the fact -4posits have There was 'I• the h,on ies still-ili a:dm, and and night ruction. of credit a .ssary rail :men flock is, and -all m was.sure lative amd :mills shut ,ers of coal ith costly _ ...... ~ .. anines 'that would lie 'flooded and 11tifilea if tlf!:y Were left tilOtil Foi at the price of coal was\ kept up 'Sy‘artilicial Inca cis, Oini4 - 41ations..,We re formal among the operators to inflate rates on a-dull marketind compel small consumers tb pay fixr the stoppage of iar g :e ih,instfies. .Cot iloinatious were formed, on the 'other hand, among . the laborers to exact' I '2 . ,her ir'age. •that the condition of tra( jastilled: A s'a result the coal region \ was-dis turbed by a% succes