NEWS riois ALL NATIONS. TllE . Turkish armies lire on the country they occupy. TRERE are about I:1,000 alloyed Baptsti; iu PRAIRIE chickens are flocking into the New York market. • •. BISMARCK and AnOrassy haVe been hob 'tasting at Salzburg: _ ' MAcMinox Says France desires stabil. ity, order and peace: GREAT_ preparations for lobbying are on_ focit iu Washington. - ' THE fall styles open, just as if there' was plenty of money. • WENDELL PRILI.I4 t jlatlier was the first mayor.of Boston.. " TM First Baptist Chitral of Baltimore Las F,613t out 41 ministers. Nns. CROLY, "Jenny June," has been forbidden all intellectnal labor.• BROOKLtiN IS rejoicing at - the prospect • of an, elevated rapid transit road. Mina: ate only live Lutheran Churches in London, all of which are German, 'spiritual 'communications from • Brighain Young thus , far are very hazy Tug total receipts of thc State fair of Ohio, held last ‘ieek, aggregated $ . 21,202. Tit E.liellow '-,F'ever at. _Fernandina un fortunately shows no sign of - abatement. Witenr. will Generp Grant hang his key if lie gets the•jreedom .of niany more-cities Y luza'ATcH from l'lount , Washngton reports that a furious snow stormprevail ed there oil Friday. . JERSEY swears by "Little Mac." 'lf he once gets to digging in that -State, its people will swear al I )1 , the sixteen international - riflemen, only one, Mr. •Evans; of the British, used : spectacles while shooting. SENAIon .)btioN's soil John,. .Who is hi Alaska.; 'is reported - to 'bp recovering froni his diengerous illness, _.- Tfm• Pittsburg Clii.okiele thinks the: -c.,lnbatants in . the' War in-The East are "as hardened liars a.s fight.:riC . ( ANI I' of tramps is located near inaiac Long Island; and property of all kinds that vicinity. GENEIt-xt. 'JOE JouNsrox thinks the war would have ended at' Bull! Run if the federal army had been successful. Bee• Keepers hm'elormed an ass - elation and will soon hold a convention. it, ,night tube a sweet, arrangement. ..l'Ast DENT . Git is credited wlth the intention of, writing a book, his' ravels, of course, being Ore . -subject. tl 11 moist Ills will, which has just been p4'oved, the widow of the late Commodore ;ardner is allowed 3r.70,000 per annum. very'stFinge thUt no one beiies 4 es in'Tweed,•wheerk-not many years agO, he .enjoyed the 'flriliiiiitett confidence ,of the' j .eolne: Tot: Govermq-;:of.California has offered a large reward for the capture_ of the men concerned in, the recent murders of - - - , Tim 6`1)011,. that Tweed has told all he intends 'to 'tell has Some foundation in truth- if the Tammany, gossips are to be believed. ' SLIPPI. n. of flexible threads of glass Lave , .inade their, appearance in Vienna. lie :effect by gas light ' is prgagunced - . 'nu, Vanderbilt will• contest, which was to have come . up LOA week has been I , o,,ironed for a month to a - qCOMMOdate Judge Black. ) CA NW DATE fo'r a judgeship in San Francispl, elected by 1 (;,650 votes a.z.ainst 1i0;19 for his opponent. " Every' C C01111tS." ;31n. Wtet.t. M Pf AsTnit's yacht, the Sinbas:;.-atiress, sail to he the largest ves he] of the land tq' i t , r built in this oinntry, liar tann:hed, antinn.,,f " Ten Thousand a Year " left personal propert=y v,alued at $llO,OOO. iI is eldest son is'begnevit , .hed the MSS. nf, I he .selebrated nnal. enooK -Says the Indiatts•are gelling along splendidly' sift e Crazy Ilorse . > death, tlo.lf,c,imps being quieter t .1. - merieanvillagt , s. - --- Mi: , ,tltnotAN,, ;If Indianapolis, herself set that, so far, as she lia-s been informed she was not the mothor of the late 11. Ymmg, of Salt Lake City.. YorNo's corpse was laid ont iu the robes .ot a Mormon high prie s t, The fire was eoverediw ith red sputg, and w ere - noi•leasing exviession. "11ir. men (1 the American whaler A. 71 ni_litvu have arrived at St. - .l4lins. The was wrecked in June,; during a•storm in litidsott's Bay. .LiSt4; the recent, i-yehme in TeTlCS see...the Black Warrior liver rose•sixty threc feet and thunirffl the country, dc st :il l ,OOO balt; of cotton. A ItEtr.l vt:it has been appointed for hr 3lontelair and Greenwood Lake Rail- Iliad. ..At has- been a poor speculation, pctni l la ing. paid even expenses. 11o.v. ('‘' , 9!l: , :c. 'and a party of friends went' fishing at• Newbutyport, )lass.. on Wednesday*, and returned with over ....!,0110 nilielierel and 200 h , !i)dlistl• 3i is , I'n ni.oTTE i„„ nom esoN is no other than 31rs. -Loraine ltogert,; )loss •Etlie I:minim is 3115.. Nelse 1 4 eymotir ; 31 iss 3ialie t I; 01 - 1101 ., John J. Raymond. TIIIERS . death leaves but twp Sur vivors of the nien who signed the pl'est , protest which I ieceeded the revolutiou of ‘::;o—na mely, ign et and M. Poise. ._.paper thinks 'that Thomas Jetiersotys greatest (hied . was ,bringing love apples" (which 3NerlOW call tuma t,ws) frq,in France tr. America as fur d for . - RE \. A1)11:.INIIAC" MURRAY hag Itilii.4llt 0111 the other owne . fs•of the Gold and is now sole pr4tprietor as Mull as rditur , in chief. Ile has two ant tellitor;.. ,t Li,.. the Refortnell Gernmn .... 11,nreh hAforinally posi..l Nev. cI. L. Islient; , lter • who re. -onie„tiine and joined the Uni ‘t-rsalist I'lllll,h. IIApT(sT cvangt•list at Naples, Italy, tia.efitly baptized six eon_ poi is in the Bay of Naples. His church 11.111111 , e1;" 111CIIIIier, t and /As SCF- Are men at toptied. - Tin. Fion!t•nae Smelting IVolks. re ly ..ifq•wil in Kingston, ( it.,--by a tli.:lny were 1 - .toallc 4 , lWned . by the Right I ;lb% N!i.N4 kit !EV. Calif.,rnia, 11.111,4) 1 I'4 , lntnissioner-1.101 1). Nlark , , 1; I ,, llViei4•d ~ / a.lll('tit nr I.nhl,r funds; - sctt t,t.,:,it,,.,•l.n:,a,.in'lui;,,nnicu4., ght,v,t t‘h tial on) . the “bitiv v.: .$l . : N Ilk. 1 to • often. h. tql folly !• Vg k. • TIT pi g gig grgg.ig grt art..t g N h.'etil fn' hint alai have de , .11 :L 1 , 11 f . 'n . .1:1/iC . O• of j NEM , u,m 4,r,t i;tl hefore .• I 11:1:. Zvi v, I : 1 ,;,g,,v :t 4.l.hrtfv`(.f The chart , ,e it Nt,(A tittclail.,, made iti a ~ ..111 . e‘:/1.,111g I,t• :ul.ill i,ti t y the Sci =II THE c•au4 ttf NVl•t.ttern ta1. 7 11t...ti . •, - That 14 hPWa Hill V.- 1 ht• 1,! ;;t, Kan ," 111 :11S" tn.lkr lar , e rethrus. Thf. id' 111:twi , ,' is :est tinati•ti at 97'2.- • Tiii: Bra,4ly,":of .N e v, Las pr.Aably etal,d lii.eareer ont-• iif lily setiteneos Late beeliregliirineleven cars to s;ttisfy t :mil an aildit ional fifteen Will crown tlie column of his-good deeds. Tug 134iston Tr,'in.arript makes thb siuliilar statetfumt that the Catholic Chili Anirned at Foxborough. Mass., was woalt about s'3.o9o.and the instil:ince .olicy for - s'-').040 ran out a Week or two ions to the tire. 'Twoil have been to keep that policy running. :itl;l:oatA Comity., 1. witiell for 20 vea:iii" has gi , ei an unbroken _series of : I ;quoeratie victories , by majorities rang - J ut, between fllto and 1 lilt ~ retured a 'Re - public - m . llO the Senate, and also one Re publican Atsemblymaii at the late Mee \ tion. ThiSla'et dews nut go a great way. but ii. affords some consptation. :T4l.l..Legislaturi‘ Wisconsin made an al opriation for ia.tinction in ,itst Roto lo)* at, the State Cikiversity ef t ha , some priN ate :dual !should gi;e i - I .Q I Vatol7. • 'This CX ( C. C. V a'hit;nn haS nn :do, jironti‘itnr to 41 41 thr. coining A - ear n saitakie ?till to supply it - Instruttieot:: equal lair to l'o!!f4;e4td by llFlrr4i4, fradfota geptitt '- ,EDITORS 0. 610001111C11. S. VIA LIMED. ''owastda, Pi., Thursday, Sept. 27, 1877• REVUBLICAN STATE IitICKEt. - " -- r -- . Foit Ji l tiligE ,OF THE SUPRE4E COURT f . Iltili. JASIIES P. SYEIikETT,. 0f . Alleghetw Cpunty. ' , iFOR AOPITOR tIENERAL,- A. 31. PASSMORE, Of Schuylkill County. • IFOR• STATE vq.E.ASFRER, Wm. B. HART, Of 31ontgorrwry County. REPEKLICAS COUNTY TICKET.' FOR DISTRICT ArORNXY, I. 'Of Towanda Borough. ° FOR CO:LNTY SURVEYOR S T. A.7SEWARD, Of SniftliiitlA Township TllElotiTt HOUSE Our town 'etiterapoiaries are dis cussing with no little warmth the• " podr house question." So far the REPORTER has said.but little on the subject. . Believing that the :-'poor house systein 'is" the humane and 61tx4ian method' of providing for the. necessities of the -Worthy but-un fortunate class i who froM various causes,find themselves tmableidearn a. livelihood, we have for years advocat ed the erection of such an institution in. this county. The practice whiciEvir tuallrprevails in most of our town ships ofTtrming, out this unfortunate class to the lowest:M(l(ler, is a relic of barbarism which should no longer be permitted to disgrace the intelii; fence of Bradford County. Moreo ver, it is more economical to support the poor and destitute in a " Hoine" fitted up for them, than 'under, the present plan. Statistics'•of counties where the poor Ininse system has been in successful ' operation foi a number of year 4, prove the wisdom of its founilo%; l ' Bradford has too long been dereitot in : the matter. As to the farm selected; «•o venture no o ini2ri. , Vehave never beec i t, upon it, but welielieve the ConimiSsioners ) acted, : in - good-faith, and were advised by - some: whp are now opposed to the selection, - td make the contract. • The farm may not lie just what rilLwould like., and we very much doubt if any place could be selected which would not excite !Viposition from " some quarter, but "thelfact that the r,ejec tion• of the propOsed .site postr'mes the establishMent of the " Home for the destitute," for a number of year _ should not be lost sight of, 'World d the farm it suited 'to the purl) .: e. Leading men of the iligerent ?wn /1/ ships should make a personal iX=firii illation of the premise, and re pre pared to recommend CO vot Ts what action ought to be taken. / It is not a political issue. and Republicans as weltdas Pemocrats, acte/r ,looking at the matter in all. its forms *should , .vote conscientiously and not allow prejud-ice and kti , to warp their / judgment and influence their actioji. 1. 1 ' .1) / THE Faculty/of Lehigh University' have taken a sel, iri the 'right dyee lion, and one which should lie imita ted by evi„ , ry college iii the land. half a d l ozen student;,: caught - -a.' wretched' freshman at night,' and striped /him almost 'raked, causin . o , l him gicat,, suffering from cell and ufgostire. The Faculty, instead of pooh-poohing the affairout of .Sight: l l on the Score that !‘ boys will 14., boys," as is the'custorn in some oth!erTinsti- li tutions, .debeeted the delinquents. suspended two for a year, and-ex palled the ringleaders as unworthy. of the association of gentlemen. This - is the true method .of dealitig with the matter. Let boys be boys in ev ery outbreak of manly impulse. apd fun. hut in outbreak of Ifri4ality is another thing. I lazing, fa , K.Y:ingkui kindred observances are tOlftated'in • England. alMost to the taking of life, because precedent makes' hiiy cusTinn sacred/ to• JulIN ,Preve(lent, thank heaven. is no demigoa in' America and the last trait which we arclikely to borrOW from CY tn., -Eng fish cousins is their. coarse love mf horse-play., There is guile, enough ; common. sense i n 1411,1 iv ifp;n ion he re to. give ruflianisth its right name, wherever found, and the college i which iii this intitter firist listens to ',ptel ! lic opinion will soonest further Its own interest. THE Itepublicairsor I;ra~ifnnl hate 11(.VP1' beet' lur ()nice of District Attorney wi'irthy of their s'uf- Aitges than :111r..114.14:1D:itsoN tics of I Hatt V. :I. self-made man, land aeknowledgcd le the har and . !people to ICein e‘ . •ery way qualified for the higli posithM, - he hi :in honor to the party, 'and hip e.l2;etion by the ustnd majority gill be a simple act of justice. The oppo , ition will at- Tempt the.old dodge of asking COM- O - plitnentary vote;F, for their candidate, i'but no good liclpubliean will listen • to stack propositions. ONLY about one. Month until elec tion, and tin! intervening time should be templed in arrangements for get ting out the Whole Republican ivote of the .county. het no one excuse .himself on the ground that there'are only tA.O: candidates on the county ticket. The ticket is just as impbrt ant aF, though everv_ollicc in the county were to be filled, and the r•en tlemen to be voted fur are entitli to every Republican cute` , Fellow publicans, see to it ticat be reimtation' and ; prestige of old Bradford is aunt Idlot - red "stitli!w from itvliffi , ri ;we yqiir part • PROHIBITION CONVENTION. Pursuant to call' the Prohibition iSts of this county met in Conv=ention at the Court touse on Tuesday of ternoon. • 'The attendance Was sivall,- not hrilf the districts ,itt the', county being, represented. WI I f LIA m - Cu Am nEttixsz, of IVyalusing, was elected . Chairman, and S. B. WARNER and G. C, Air rotaries:. On Milling ,the list of: delegates about twenty 'ar.swered to their names. A Jnotion . was Carried invit.' ing all cerschis present who sympa thized with,the objects of the meet ing to - participate in the proceedings. •8... LIT'PLE, ,if Towanda, was nominated for District Attorns.y, and f.l. C-AsE, of Troy, for County Siir i,eyor. Both of the candidates are highly respectable gentlemen, and members of the 'Demecratie party. cpgards the. temperance question they occupy no higher ground than the itcpublican candidate's. The Convention was Addressed by P. C.?DENVITT, Esq., and-Col. laliA. 7 SN!urn. Both speakers advocat ed regal prohibition; Mr. DEWITT with commendable frankness inform ed the Convention that thei only rea son why he was not, with thein was a di strust‘ of success: 'The resolutions were- good, and arring the Ungenerous flings at the Republican party would have been, heartily endorsed by any RepubLican Convention in the - Connty. A resolution was adopted directing jthe Executive Committee to ad tpt the CraWforqCounty System of nom inating ciinalates. , We have iio't ben furnished with a copy:of the proceedings by the offi cers, and consequently are unable to give them to our red lets. THE GIiEENBACKERS. The Greenback Convention - h' •1t assembled in Williamsport lasli•eek, nominited a full state tick Judge of Williamsport, yias :4eleet "Lsl as the !candidate 'fu Supreme Court Judge, J. E. ENIN4Ns for Au i ditor atieral„ and A. . L. WnionT fir StatelTrea!:tirer. he convention was•eomposedor ab ut lwo hundred delegates. This yOunty was repre , Fseited by C: C. YkowEn, of Towanda. ! The folloWing i a, synopsis of the platform doi ed : q . retried t her cent ract . 4 he at once r made a ful) ked. am V , 1;. ,- ;•5 bey) fthe fy. . for existing evils, a . fur on of the currency snould stopped and such currency / legal - teibler, silver remone / /the sii-called resumption act' of rthwith repealed. The property Mend bondholders should be taxed as that of the farmer, the mano r. •busineSs titan and mechanic :- the system of ' bank note . currency be abolished and gold ' and silver tented by full legal tender papeu where, by the terms Of the er;n is otherwise provided., receivable .. .;ties, public and private, and sulli. (wilt for the wants•of business, should be substituted therefor; and, in order that melt' egal tender paper should have a• uniform value, it interconi,erti ble into bonds of the government, bearing a low rate of interest, and payable at ma turity in coin ((Jr legal tender. paper at the option of the holder, but• always inter changeable ' with ' full legal tender money . favor of protective ditties on all artieleb which have raw material and skill :to manufactiire. Congress adopt a sys teit of ene‘mrageinent to Arnetidan steam :Alit : that Congro,s pashah . 4 . , bLwhich ,the ail-phis earnings of the pehple , mly lie dep o sited under the 'general goyim nifrent : *it as between employed capital and -la li,o- there is mutual dependence, all dis rinfes in wages, time, etc., be settled by arbitration ; that the payment of wages sboald be in moue' and not' in story or dkril; favor the • common tichbol • system*. Snpplemented by :a system . I it industrial sidlOols ; that 'we .lenounce., the claim amdelly-th ! banks for exemption from Vix4tion; II attire government should not pay la great 'r fintcrest on its indebtedness than agrieultn,rists cam: tnat the dimne 'stead act be so amended as to make piac ticahle the.stAtlement of the lands by a system lir colonization that-would enable thousan s ils'of 'families to b.ec6lne self-sith taining. - • ..e, Ton recent lirc'in New York has I led to revelations in regard to the • mum faCture of Pianos - that will prove of service to the :general public, liy putting, th'enr on their guard Lion to 'the - character of many of :the. pianos lsvlkich are offOred foroale,• the principal rtcommendatibn of which is thei-r cheapness. Thousands—or fluFse worthless .instruments are thrown into the marliet:iannitally. Persons• who have piano purchases in contemplation will (,)o well• not to trnst to their own judgment in mak •in A selection, but obtain the opinion , of sonic coinpctent person: or what is ritually iafc, ikti• only Of parties s who are kijown to be' honorardc in their business transaction, and who value tlielr reputations too much to 'risk . thOn by selling, pianos which they cannot i•buscientioukly recommend, ) A 'W DI:AM—The eincinnati hiopiOr's telegram froni Atlanta, Ua.. has the .following 41)ry from Fluirida: "Mrs. Julia L. I. a datrgh s ter of CAnowir. •LEE ENTZ, lived in Calhoun county,Fla., , t'lir some amt--she had been in leo.l iealth, and exhibited a" morbid fear - CU' pain. About the fii - st of the month she tlespaired_of, reeorery !reg . - .' 1101:, husband that. when thougl k t tip. end was flpprO:lelling, lie would alit in so that .she mightdie ~ , ped,dily and . 0 - ainles4,-Iy At. lem , th hejholieved,.;the t i th e haul eoine, and sln.,wed her the ehloro fo'rin bottle: She inhaled' it.,,put, a• hew drops on lien handl:en:lnel, and laying it overilier face, (101 without a murmur. l'he husband frankly admits that she might have lived a (14 days longer, tint says -as she seemed to . have ,no (b•eall sof the hereafter, and begged him to give her chloro form, he thought he had best to do s'). It Opeats that no doctors were present,. 'but": that she began -to `strangle,' and she thought the time had come. The ease will probqyy un dergo investigation." • 1 na: JOHN S. MORTON, President of the West Philadelphia Passenger Rail way Co., and .also Presi'dent of the Permanent Rxhibition (1%1.. has eon fesed to the issue of a la i rge amount of spurious stock of his railroad • pan y, inounti ng, to about sl,oei Loon. The Secretar y and Treasurer Of • the Company r.ere teeossories to the _fratid. - \ 4 • \l. l . S. SF,NATOR of 3 issoun, I ditA \ itt hiqmsidener in St: Louis. nn 'rritir.da,y THE CAIIPAILN IN PENNSYLVANIA. A correspondent of the New York . l'imeg, who attended the' meeting • of. the Republican .State CoMmittee at Harrisburg, am Thursday; has ;this_ to say of the campaign ofthis-Statet,' .. One of the most encouraging signs; in the political horizon is the hearty' indorsement - the Republican platform and candidates have received in all sections of the, State. This 'unan imity of feeling Is in marked contrast to the Jealousies, briekering'S, and la feeling which harass and weaken the Democracy. The' campaign will •be a comparatively • .(Itilet - ohe ; Shell : seems to be the desire of both Par ties. There will be few meetings,and those will he held in the regions wife& the Labor . and Greenback movements threatn most harm. The ligA between tlaLtwo great parties/ will be conducted on g,triet. part differences. There will be 'no es (b f3i . e /1 issue (tagged in to embarrass he voter. It will be a • eontest 'be veen: strict Republiean principles. lii the one hand, and the old-time Demo cratic policy on the other., he Re! publicans will ;‘ , .0 into th light as the chatiipions of proteeti n, and the best interests of the pe pie and in dustries- Of the State nil° 'the De- mocracy will rally ar ' Ind their five trade banner to th - battle - cry of r "'Thrift for reverse only." With such an issue, and with. the cheering reports whi4 e the in from e4ry hand, - the Repu lican party of Penn gl,lvania shon4 give a good account of - its(...Fo'n thy(lth of November next. J. A. M.A ssmiqtE.--Our candid ate for A f :ditor General is an honor /1 1 'to the arty that nominated hiiu. This is' the only country that pay's tri hu to genuine worth, •n - h matter 'whe e it may lie found. In othilr la tds aristocratic *ancestry is .the . H passport to public favor but • in this /country•merit sometimes rises supe rior to circumstances. The nomina tion of Mr. I'AssmoitE is an illastra- tion. He is emphatically a man of the people. Poskissing in au emi nent degreb those qualities, that fit him. for .the position, he_ is at the sal to time, a genial gentleman, tape frier and an honest man. By hon est inch -try he has labored among the people, f liii4 own locality until they glie fill iluch an endorseMFnt that , the Republicans of Pennsyl sylvania almost Aknirnously chose 16m as their staMlait. ' hearer. We do not write this becatis he i.i a re pnlilican nominee, hut &Lim: leing and intimate acquaintance. -We.\ \ lintrw Mr. I'Ass;%ioitE is thoroughly 11111triri \ ed for the duties of the o ffi ce ; inn . besides,young men. struggling under ilitrieulties oupfht to honor . one' of their own number wl u has success fully fought their own, battle. He .has our most cheerful support, and we belied he will be triumphantly eleeted. TILE DEMOCILATIE•CANMDATE Pon P S(AIELL, the demo ratic candidate for Auditor Genera profc l sses to lie a strong anti-corpora don man. IloxV i sincere he is mad• liens eertained b}• a perusal of his legis lati ye record • Ile read in place, " An act to in - - - corborate tl , te Aim riean Improrej ed and Loan Company of Philadel phia."--4L. It., page 1;•2,• I 559.] Presented memorial from .Ginn Duff Clreen in favor of passage of and moved that it be printed in .lAT.- islative Iteeord.—[L. It., page 7'2, IS)9.] • Amended title sAts to read "An act, to incorporate the American " - cal A geney. -- 11,. IL, page Fitt:, S5!l. lnil on fund passage of •th bill voted 1 - I.;A. r. ' This was the infamous Ctimur,Mourt.lEtt*P4l.l, Senate bill No. 257, "An act to . Tegitlate the char, - res of railroad com panies." bi4l was Mtended to. opre Vent the - undue 'diserimMation,and unfair charges tirade. by railroad companies fur traiisto)rtinfr goods to non-competitire points. See speech cs.of lion. ElPas IL I vish and Hon. John P. P.ennv, of A llgheny.—[L. . pages 5:;1„ .. Mr Sehell voted IL. pagi! v;(l.] "An act, providing the means for sceuringAhe health and rarely of per sons eziiploy,yil in. the bituninftms coals inipes of Pennsylvania." :Ile endeavored to defeat the bill by char g ing it• was special legislation for "tlwse western reilliilies, "7 and at tempted -to prove it,,was in violation of article-threy, seventh section of the Constitlition.—FL: IL, page 2,7-S, 286, 1577.] Made trival and factious opposi tion by offering amendment s‘ to y. de strothe e ffi ciency of the bill.—[L. t- • it.; page '297,1 577: After itinde„King legislation for sev eral weeks, anl4 finding his position untenable, ammulment was witlt drawnr, and to cover up Iris trick vot ell for hill on final passage.—[L. page 19S, HIS WAR REcOHD. • Joint resolution relative to the, organization of Congress, 1t0 , ,/re,/,• 'flat( PennsylVania re malus as vver faithful and true to the Constitution and the : Union ; and de teiliiined that they shall be maintain ed; that the - treasonalile threats Of disunion uttered by the adherents of the'present national administration on ,It(",tloorof Congress will not de terhe---r peSine . from the expression of their irtilftical views, and the piotee tion of hen ilkterest but Win he treat ed With tl;e 'utmost euutcotpt and ' scorn, while any, attempt to carry such threats into `ti,ecution will be her detemiited resiStance.--i 114. ° IL, page 49, 4 , o;nd Mr Schell voted NAy. ii E sups ought to he 'taken to put down the ,intaidlition of ‘woik ingmeil in the mining regions. The spectacle of bands of midnight par . - ti l esnarading through the.cohntry and t afurderiug honest men who are stAriv l'ing to . support themselves and Ili:n -il:es is not creditable --to— Pennsyl ,imnia. THE Massachusetts Bepublicans met .in convention 124 - week. Judge unatt presided, The I'evident was warmly endorsed, and bioV. : Rio: re nominatol. LITTLE MAV„: at last found a loc'.al habitation. The Democracy have nominated him for Governor. THE National Ilrenk of Cortland; N, -was raided on Saturday- night runt robhcd of-$200,000, • FIRE AT WASHINGTON. ~ The Patent Lttfice Barged Out WasumoTori, Setit.-24.-The el room. of'. the ;United Statsis Patent Office was almost entirelydestfoireci to-day lid fire. In it was stored up wards df . three • hundred' thousand models, 4epresenting the. inventive genius of Americans An 'fine arts, science, mechanism .and varied' in;. : dustries, One-half at least were con sumed and the remaining portion throw it in tioni)ision on the loWer floors of the building: -he origin of the he is a tnyfitery.: It is alleged that it broke out in theirr . reen house pi propogating garden/ situated be t Ween the. model room and the roof of, the • building, almost under the rafters; This space, In addition to containning the green, ht.,use, was filled with . , ld records of the Patent Unice, in the slu pe of . iiirawings and specifications for. patents already Is stied and __With. rejeeted models, all dry 'as tinder; The tlitory advanced .is that by Rime means tire caught In the green house, and. from ,thence -came in contae.r with old papers. which burnt up „like o much chaff. ''This is a good Theory, but it. is sug gested by many that, with a room. usually filled with .day watchmen, it is strange hoWa•lire in a presumably fire-prOof building should haill made. •sutlicient headway- to,davetthreaten its entire' destriktion arid destroy, ed nearly one-half &its ; Upper poi.- : tion. s The loss is of that kind which cannot be estimated in dollars and 'cents. It Will seriously interfere with the worhings'of the Patent retard it:, progress in the mat ter or the issuance of future patents abd will undoubtellylead to infrnge , meats of patents, records 'of "which have'been destroyeit,by to-day's tire. Many of, the models consumed can never be duplicatea„.and such as can be Must be from. the original patents granted and now in use... A great intiny historic relics of. America's ItistorT were storedaway in the south .front or the model room and 'were saved.. Tiu:se incl u ded the original I ; Deciaration •indept:ndence, Wash- Inaton's couni \ ,ssion as commander- in-chief of' the. Ameriean armies, his treasure chest`and its uniform and sword. Among. the Nmodels saved ; was one _filed by Abraham Lincoln 'years ago fiur letters\ patent fur-an improved method , for lifting vessels over shoals. Videfflerk Lockwood, of the In terior Department, states that the ;lire originated from spontaneous co►n- bustion among :Opt of non-pateptt chemical materiaPstored in the attic of the building- Ninth street front. Ile declares that no fire Was made in the conservatory to-day. nor Ltd any been inade in the building,. The . principal loss front tik: tire falls upon the Patent-..0,:1ice. In thq west hall, where the Mgdeis were, all de stroyed, .were piiiny pertaining to \ \l of varions kimls, hoisting niach'nes, land conveyanees, games, toiys, riiirriacl and ear inventions, etc. Among the models in other portions of the lmildin:r !•:ivcil were those re lating- to ele(ltrical apparatus. ehro monometers, cutting machines; heat ing contrivances aml also the origi nal model -of the \llowe sewin . l . . The.onginal,copy of the ; Declaration of Independ6kce and rel ies of General Washin!!tbn. which were on exhihitimi in the hallAif the main building were saved, •aS - ,,Was also the Franklin printing press;-in the same hall. :.,inee - the flames have :leen .subdued., late . this evening-, and Ite otiiehils have had an opportunity to make a haSty examination, it has• 'wen found that nearly .all the speci fi,.avions and original drawings of the Patin' Ofliee are safe, and frOni these models Can be reproduced• if net.'es; sa - I ►~ ---- DARING EXPLOIT IN NEBRASKA and humanity let us gti-to work and take . - dare of our poor asap intelligent and'Ultris'- Citt:VEN F. , 1 V y... Sept. 1.1.—A1l t i„„ 1 .,, p b.„„i, „ . 410. t „ . (),„•11,i„., more I eastward bonnd passenger train wish to mention: the propertt,' I-et-minuend which passed here at 1 r. 3t. ' yester- ed to: t lie Connit issioners will et i4t the emat day, was stoppeq, and robbed, by ty thirteen thousand dollars. It is stated • by some -that -to buy this wii 'iert Y' and to thirteen masked.inen at Big Springs, , make it A suit.tlt. haute . % l vill i tll,l, 'a i Nub., 1 , 0 miles east or this city, ittSL niill4ax 'for two ;meesve years, . ,ten night. - • The robbers first took pus- '-are the farts? The taxable propetly; real session of the station at the Sprinr - s, • anti. personal, - in this county is, in r o un d destroyed the telegraph instruments minilie.ix, vidileitia six million tiollais. A two unjl tax tin this; amount woull ' he an d eunipelled Abe agent • tti ban' • thirteem,thousand dollars—lhe price of Out a red 'light. When the train the property. Add tint: mill Anore, ; nd• stopped they Iroarded it and . placed you have tirevenne of nineteen thousand the train men and passengers under live hundred d 1,ir,,,n,y .4 p!Aiatllr, 111, ..4.11 , ....;1T 'to pah,11',11 , , ,f 'I. , .a.i.i! in llii•a.i.a ,Ir. *, , 1,,.. i , f lit I:l:,vii r.,l:l, llt l'OaTtft, a if.nrrpap ,, r,„Fpt: .ll,ltell at . T,- , warola, II to, 1,., , ,, T ) I: I',antl hi- , .,-..,510ri , ' , l' tLe , ‘,1;1:i,:11::tcrit,,,11..;,•1. 1 • l'.l , • "i' 1 6vai,:a. 1'3., Aag.`2l, 1 I ' ' r 7 ,; It;' .\ 11A , 1: , !e \T.; T.; 1 ' 6,5; mi, lv EA LTIi•Or r r.! , Ns.‘..l. VA\ i A • / 11•r.t•1f , .1.1 42nitat, - . .., ' T•, f h ••• Si, •r iff •" , f R ~, ,f f,.r•l f '.. ri 1) , :',.., , ;I , ,/111 g : V; , ~ , . ri:,,,:,“:1 pm ' !..t ‘,I A , I ~..h,e; I: , , I“. 1:4:A i A I.:'•• ••!' y.,•it• enati•y •;,- al! anti ••11,;;:liar. g!••••I. and i ;,,it tid... iat,,1.,,m, t .. Int•nl,t. wow. y,,,,rigi-t-tt.. at.d. ,-,..1it.,;- •0•-• liati•l , or 1,,-.........inti sni-A - rr tlat li't! ll . ' i , •. and alip-ar,l,,f If. , ••.ir .i 4,•a p•,••:;‘, t• 1 a, tll NV!, at t 11.• lie, .{11 , :r.., I:l -au/for sal:i Connty. nn Q.- 'l r "e *l'llii"litrii'r u.- , .t. tiinte In .1,, , ,, r tll of a pl••.VIII !.....ilini•-it. iltid !"., it :,,••1 ! I it••! if , lt3:y iv,.l all p• r•••••ir. in ta I ~,,, • /- . •tilin, , .,•,,iii., th, .w.i ,41:1. , 1 , ,. di:min!, it nn. giit 0. nlvl Gln'ilit , .f.r a!:y of tin-in intly I, at ,- ~..!,--••• that Til.!p 41111 •;Nrty of tinstit I, and tt,•- •-•ar 1••••f••1••• 9(.1 ('Corr.. at tin' day awl ritnn• a fni, •ald.lit air,:rtir V. hat •-•liall'i••• oill•nitt-d against theiti , and al•ide.the J.141;;:”.•nt of tli• - • fnairt Iln•ridii. alai Irov , p.wi1...:, ...I. I li••! . .• tlik writ. 111 M ho. C•9.::l' 4:r iel the 1-1411‘. P. D. ,al.l 1 wirt, Ll 3 of Aug1,1..1. 11. . . T, . r , rtdy that t.v of %:rit Atta , •:l:l,ut, 1 f - o.t. r,o)„;y_ ' , are , ' (4 !anti. Ni:.tal.• to ' , •tur:V ,zat , or ()a •!-Ch va.t •••• it!, iky .1,0 0 „ parr, ~a 7.•. . . . • , I.t:i 1 , 10 , \Vin. '.. 1 1i:31:11!1!.4 I (,;:11E1111..E;S: LES.- - fly rIZ , I, •,t nnt tn • I .00-t (nonootn I': :.I..'ounty ....A no• ,F. ro, •:no I ;IA y. •tt In • do, ,•:;:11.• ' lf in T.• . ;votol.i. ot ST— to • f• ~,,, L.“ 1.1 If! :Ltra ,1,1,• iu ill. t.. e t 1.... V ac , iif , 11, ;i: .. it!. I flar,-11.1,.,..t. I frill, •at, ! tIo••• ! A 1. , ..t—!•,. 1 .Ih., f.t ill .1.• , .•10::•. , 1 th.• {+,F:l !,1!•• •.• •• till. I ri I V it,t; at O d ki:o' .! MI Ili), iiI i V111•11 0 . 1•••••••• • iciri II.: ti • 111.. 11. • I,r•vil ,:t •tn.• ::1-t tr.irty S t 1!••• , •,•r. " th' ; • T"'"' party . 117,1 L.° It' I' P.i: • •-•,,..1.1 parr -`* , I t Kati. t 1 • ;.-rf.l! !..; =EI SIEMEME W. A I.V0111), P. M 99 M Zl2 =1 .i Al I.m, . 1,t.;1 V. , , . 1 ,10.17, • I. 1......,; , t 1.. •1 , .,.v., i , it II il.c. c 1.1•1. •K ll:x,ri.v. ll.trtfy: - .1 Fil,. In. 1•.. .. , ... :1,-,1! =. 1 . 1.. . tn ~,,,,,.. ~,..,,....1 .., Ti .. %V 1,,....1-.11 v , A 1,, 4 , '. -' I . ..“:: , „,11,,,, , i,i II • I fi. , ~ , , ,'1:: ~ I'l.‘l,t 1... il!,,•rz. 4•I air: Get, NV • Wy1:......R . ;:tc.,.;01 - 1. ' 1 , ... ~. .. f tII . T. • . . , 4. 4 q 11,4111.1• 1 ... 4•1111'r v's .1 .1 1V1.ii.j.1,. I• 1. 34 ri r , l 'N:ti llnnk ~; At'llon.. vs..l no 11-K0y,...r.,! .. I.t %.1... , ;tr..1 l'ail,• it...._.1... "'T.,. II•,11:1...• ..ot :11. ,1 P..i. F. Ink'in 11, P..,.. 1111 !;,1,.....P...• 1.x•,.......3,-pt '• • F. \l ''''''''•• ''''• "" 3 ‘ . .'FIV ra ,,, P-• • • t' 1,.. :- 4 . m.l A 4' II:,n 1 , v. T.) "1'11..n1p,.., 1....nit.11.'.1 . ' • Ili . 4 . . 1" 1 . 4.1t1 4, y t. 4 4 .111 . 1 14.14311. i.. ..'i'.. ...--••• • '.: 1: ~.,,,,.......,i , ... , T. ~,, .I.;:n I f 3 , ,...•n. v.. 51 N• IllZwig.,.. • "' .111... i.:...., _. , 'UV.. 11, Wi•I:l•• V , Pa &N y c ..,:. Jr 11 I , x )..,•;,,.., ; , , • 1 1 `,1: , . ~ ll,' N , ',aril .•:1tti;,1..11, 1 . 1 a! . ....1,,,9' ' .TN I',ANI,TI;I7I , TI , II , : r,.. c. I.onli - rri - ,TI. I'. I. Kn,L:l,t... •.p•...•.,1 :11••! ..'. , ,i , 1...; 11:.• I• .71..1 11114141 Nl.owr %. A nno 1. 1,1,‘ 714 . .".•:• ;...1. 1 , ;....ii.t -I l'on] . .-yls.., T•I I rv.w 4.: .11,i.,14 4. 14.1...41 .1• • ,'• •• ' 1 Ny. 1':.h.•.. 11an'...r7:44.4 . . ' N... I. . 4 . - 1 4 1 . 1 .:,. y , NV. Pli;;. -1 .P.. 1 • .I'''''-' l 14.1 ,tt:... •••t• .1111.1.11 . 1" i•,.. 1)1...1.1 1:111,:',111. 1•,! :1! .6 , k n•til, 1:1i/1.1,ii' . ..C.• !., 1 4.. ~,,. ~ I. C- 7 , , , ~5.,,,, 1,, t 1,,, 0.110,1 4 %/ll ' :!.1% , :: VI. 1. 1 1 11....1....1 I .••• 1 1;•• .. • jA,;,.1..•4;!•••.1 • . ..::!! . ... 1 .1.p. ;.,. , .':i. `IV .... , ,liill ,•,......%, N p,1.... ' 'l'l' . II q, , :11, - . ,•I 1).•1,....17,..1 ,•-•,].. i . • Nl,,i \I , r...r 4 . ...1.d1t: Nan-,..,. I, •''' • ~ 4 . ... P. 1.. ..n S.\ 11' 1 ;1. •. V. ..141,r..11,1.-. f. , : •- .flp.t 44t... i, r....urrin(4l• 4474 M.!, I• at 3 ~ • .•• . ...I; v. ~...71; :! .I:.::. , w'l. I-:. I• 77: ...... - ...i.1 v.t.i•l; r. , ..n9140..... 4145 t,,1 ;1,.• ...,:‘,.• ‘ , 1 , ... , \V. l':Ipl. , )1 , 1141;ty, ~,•:. ~ 1-77..a1•2 ..•.1....1,, P. NI. ' 1111. 1 .14,;,11. TI rn, .1i 1 , 44. -, III.:12.I. 111. PIA K, 1.4,1% Tr0'.•: , :..1.4:1•3., :. .eptenil..vr 27. 1,77. Bit,l Cagis,;: I,ra., :0,11 paint ut ' 9 I rip i ~1 Whip , . ft ‘t MEI -i rill: I A -IA . I.l._;'l' fl)rit)ct, I'. . ls 77 .‘;,1,:. i . h-ir...1-.. ~.. :. c 1:,...1 0 ,.•1!... 1 , ..,.,.•t• 1):m.,.. , ,,.r.% . , r: I. K,,,, 1 ht... .:.‘. , t‘ l',":1. - 2....,•• A - , i , •1"t".11: IN ,:ra:l., , I 'J , .1.., 10. %V W,. „\., . \\ m 1":;,,...y., , ,,1 .... ;,.. .:-.• 1).1 5 i.•I Cniltiot: ‘-‘ T. I , n,ft1..t.1.... • .:. S. ‘1:11 , l'tt: ‘‘.l” . .tt ' ... \l \I ..... 4 ..„ . .. SCOI: K I,to‘:. II ... A' • •11.101 1:. : .1,. ..t ;0.. \ ‘ tl , T It. ~ p :_:, \, \ \I I: ytt . ..l; .1 i.j . . , . ;.., k ..\N" ‘1,:t.1 •,, tit,. • AT t•I ‘ A N. \ r‘t, I, 11 Vat , 11.• riv, t . l al ... 1.1.1 y • V 5 i , ;.• , •!...... Y• .1 M 50.10,1 I , I . .. I.‘ 111 ' • r ‘ ,. ,V,I I II •I • •t II il II II . lI . Y . . • .:1,•• • r., 1.., I . l I '.. T..f ,• .,,, .1 , .1 I - F i •• • •it.,... '•.i.l, .6 • tit. In •... „ \ V. it. -‘ 1?..t.i1 It- T. l l l • It tIlar.1..1•:‘ 1 1 ...., ' 1 1 . ' 1.,• T..) 111 - ... 1 A, ‘‘ m\C V....n.... .. .:1 -1 ,111.1...•t . 11 . : ‘ , "- -11 . 1 • , • 11ii g ir- ' , I T 1 1 ...11 , 1 - . 113.. , "•• \V in W tt t .4 - II .11 1 t 0., .., .\\l ‘‘t1,•.,.. . ,- - -1- - - . o .' l i .: .‘ 1) \ 11-N1:-;"1 . 1Z .1 . 1 . ( 1.1 .). 11.11 1 \•• 1 \ !Tt , ' .. . . l i II V. t . u • TT I' h1 , 31.1' , ... VI N t• iTh i , '. ; II- - , "7.; , '"1 ; " ' _, li'' - '''''L" , '" T i t , - Ti DI - st. •!.. I ~ l , - •l•Tt.l.t Yottt..T. , •1 •11 ...'t ....k\ '' ' ''.:'' '" ' T ' • ..i''. '''' '. T .1 ITltt t .l \ : - ....N , , •':11: 1:‘ 1 Milli:, I•t '.ll .... . ...t; ~, .''''L:'-" .. Y• " . ' ....L ''"• ''" '', 1' 11 l'el `WI \' I • Clilln:A 1' , 1:11, , i vt :ii ...... .art't'A. ',:'."..‘. l'." ''.."' :" th ' " ii.'i " !•:1..1 ON D ~.\l\it.i... 111,1 , •; .1, .•1i..,1 , ' , IC 1!••• •-,4111 , ti . ' I,: :11t• t1 . 11111,,ip .\'' • Il• '‘i: MEI liEl L kil. vroN 1;1..!;•I 'NI. V.( 1'1,411..210t: OEM . . . . , I: i s, 11. %Volt, ;II Atli r 1.10•1 1 • "...•13• r•X••• ' • • '4l :44 • • .•.•:" N U 41, 3 4 4,1.4 •;••• '•" H. • . • • I I! I 4 „, • I. I •-••,••••3 441 , •••1: I: •4•.,1 Z - 444 . 4 - 1•1'.• 1 .433'.444•1:4 . . •••4•10. 1• -• 4 , 77 • •T' 4 ";".• 4 , 11.1•1:-F1;• 44143:4 444 4•• :4:.••• 4:1 ••44 • • TIZ I .11 . 4 I . TA‘ •I: i1.N.:•.) •NV .1 I , ••••• . 5 15 S• F. II NI i•il.•11 11.1 A! =1 MEET IC 1., Will . • :114' I 'l• , '.l.nui,i:th Klub, 4 .0%1,1, 1111 ~•.; I.'t ( .I4•1 1 ,1 T 1 .1,111,61; ...!I •Ir \\'•, l l.t To. W yoH, 1 , -.•44 II I:311 t'll.; ..... .q. 1„• ~ !Qt. ,:t•-.•::; •of •nt , I \ ,`1 =EI H it'll'. It. 4111111:1 N"rd:triPp..„ AN ' ltt . r • :•• • - • ,11 ( ll.lcau• V , )l A ‘I \l'...trn•ti A yr, V , E . r Park. et al w a II 11.trtt, c. I=l ys l`r W cholloy v.'s ......... )114 I,.tet .\ T tiIIPHANS' caurt virtue et an order tanned n , C rtre nf' Ifni/trout Count v the, u de land% non of Cha..F.WelleK.flf tworo*.in - er•thf.routity of Bradfol public !ale In front of the poat of on FRIDAY, the. sth day of .0C 'f•Mek. "P. W. the following 4 .parrs! of lano,l , lz-: • - Nn, I. - SiLliated In Athena. irnith-We4t ,ortier of-.a.10t nr 111,T 10 th e State l'erin , ylrania east 00 pen to a thence Kr a post: theme north 72 0 post\on tho north lino of Joh! thetten, north along I MeMurP , af int 111:1 2.10 pers. I 150a-10 a e 104 per,. t 0 ,0., brow of the'tooni st:.ttea 111 , rd , Ccouth,,h°.east2tl -11?. ei3t I.rnith eonrses and dist:lnce-v:10 , oz tho I tato; along 11110.7.0:1011ng tatuls to fheoe•:. kouth west 171 pia. , or heatnnlng..4ll , itainibg lor.. being:UM' SAM.. 144,4: of tan Stealdir, ,, to .111 h ff , /ftlenhat Nos•embes., A. IL; . isa2. forA nl,l I' ri I , :lon . .r!,f , reneo_bring thereto' Deed 'llook.llll.:pag'e 534. /W. \/1 et, fratrie divelftngalonse.; c, f] Oreleird:ol, (Hilt trel, then on. . so. A parr,' o Atb,zis bor6"..b , .:ind,,i eu the r. •bt' bind of C. F. v . : elk, and ;m a , trt:et, Tt,ir, th"r.q.n. plJ•er , (r prireof , nt hrns born'. hojni.lod It;,( to linb of I:i:tn.:is 1' north I; Guy on In, ea•zt ~-nntts lan, an doe'.d. containing abont.t,n ael part 1!”. Ja'tot-, bor , l ~ f,, r, iforrovotl, • , N.. 4. 1 ••,A or pal In ttn ,• of afor,kal• On In, ••.,nth Ito;,! land Of (lot , . r:lVrller. on OW eth AV,I! , •! an!) , 1v;od lA AV/Nos, lo!hd!":;.) f(nd front ‘.ll . ft.d. fu rear.critl! "Tio , l'A , l/11 1N•;.5., A v,r!. In pleir, , 4,r parr. I Wm, an!! hound,tl av f! ! on it,, siqd,ll Ado 11.1.1. i•f f'. W.41,t lqr. Iry Alain !•dr - ,2,„1: 111,nr, ir ! ,„ i i ,a•d 9) r—ft ,- ,1,,14,.r :111•Z:.•-• r.y. fei fret : ,!( • op to 011.1 i 4, . Ni, C. A tot tato td. - Or t,r p. it .1t1.oto: :pf boon+ tl ui u g tt th,i ,ortt.-i•Aut Ci,11 , 1• Ilopl;IOT; St on•q to tho So. , Itt , 11:11111:1 rtror th..llror to 11101:tud "re. W.(' : 1 0 1 1• to f !..,1111 -...15t. l' r tot r thooott along saki-It•t 7. A eel - lair. pitoo-or In .11horo.1:Oro'. and ttoon,l. rh Ilitig iri Ni:tlll.tiJr. .o ° . 3 n reverv.i•r at•l v.l•!‘ •nti , • , t th 11 CAI •i! t...t U.% iLt i 7• .httlge .r. In:v1 , : :1it. 4 4 0 : Wt',t 11:30 -, ,f M. NV . . 1:;:o 4, 2-- r••..: ,•ettrwi :1, , • 3'114 r : 111.•,:4 ••- r, 4•,4r: , 4r .:tt.l Tyt47' 17;4 144 IRE =MINEN=II ~.•4111 I• f 1•14:1!:11111PL, of no T• 2, N.w A rt.i.1.11,1 I.t.n.' go: At11..1, :t.t -Ir 11;1 -Ili, 11/Ith :lost •••VOIY )3 , 01` •.1•11th 10' 11••:Jk111, :1"11•1 "-•,• •• •.1.1. 1) , •“1147:, f•-t ••;1 f•••I'1,11 r, , t. with N., : 9. .A p.grt, I ~ 1 tie- , wit!‘ :Nnii . r.f.r. 111.• 1V.•••: I. 0:1i :11.• •\•••:11:1 , •!l", ••;• • I 3:••111 , 11/g \ • r i-NI” .1 , lan.; VT , ;\, If 'lc r Lrl , t• •-r f•r \ 11 . ,..•1•• :ind I.tlt W 1,0,!•-• F. !IN. T and ~y 11 t.•. /.!• A ~ 1 .1. I :to , : 1: ~;if 1 v I , AI MOO )111 ' 11,1NS ' i. ' r() I. - I f I • .f I •,;,, 'tit. , 1 In. H :•. CZ= 11111111111 .' i. 8 ,:~ ~: •~ ;. =EEO :I‘.• MEE 1; NK ro•-i.A • ' • f ! 1,„ 11111=MI 11:p.•,11 1:•,40'11i , 14 . y. to 1 , 0 b` , 10,-, ti., ,11•;.• ‘L fh E El So! • I ('( ) 111 ) ( ) II ON. tio• .V•kk:,:tio•• kkru,.k kt.tto Dll N I IZ, A 'l'( • r•,;.17, t.f .•'- 1 0 t, • •-:VI"' ,1 •-• 1 4 1 :XIECI - 1O)11 . ; ; :, NO) .• , 1'1" ,1 '. _EI .4 i• • =I • 1,1 Legal. El lIMIE \ 7„ • rn . ,:.., EMS .1 MUM! EMM ECZOMIMEMII2 I , IMO 111E1 =I 1 ME 1!I ES 0 PC!=lin IMM :tg•Llp‘: t•,l J 41.7. 4. 1,:,7 011's V lEEE ME ~`~ ~:A 1 •:4 r~nui•r NA', r.11%1 .Nl ' .% 1:6 .L ~: F} ~, l: h:~?. l