altadfoti Towanda, EL, Thntrpy, -.lived 16, 1877. . . W. A. C/1013ERIAIN • - .• • - Dealer In , • • - FINE JEWELRY \ p . • W A Clt E S', slisEr., AND PLATED WA TOWANpA, PA. • • • .Towanila, Jan. 18, 1577. LOCAL - AND CENER Ann LA'l4.,vsn is the - champion fisher man. On Monday last he caught thirty three black ltss. • Tar next rniversaligt, - Sociable will be lieid at tlie":resilenee of J. LAY TON, 'pesday evening, August 21. ,Itonnv.Ws. "Blotter Tablet," needs .only to be seen to be aliprepluted. :, Every business Man should have them. Universalist SUnday-school of this „place are holding :ti picnic in STEVENS tt LON(i'N Grove, this Wednesday afternoon. & S. R. U. & Coal Co. re tL.ived an order on Monday last‘from a party ir. Buffalo for eleven-ltundredtons citizens of Waverly arc to enter tain the Commissionei* who arc-survey in, g the line -bet-ten New York arid Penn's:ON-aril:1;0n Friday next.' • ,• Titt ."feedersi" having, 'been. started again after the '‘jstrike," the Main line connecting Bradford and, Sullivan coun ties is running two trains - Paily ag,aknif Stml-rt - ,r, who 'has been etig:Vgeif_ in the foot and Shoe husinesli hero for two or three'years pist, has disposed of !his %.kiek to a,rnan in Tioga conetYy - W4- goods have been removed. Prior. J. B.' ENinnv will contitkt the IfigliSelool 'department, of ,the East Smithfield . .Qraded School 4 commencing August 23.. Mr. En FiILY'S. 'pas( record is sufficient guaranty of his silecess. TIiAT original story of lkiniruptcy and Ruin, l our esteemed e - ontributor,• - 11r. A. J. tAvroN, contains a longer chatter this week than usual. The tal kill no doubt-be cditinned holuighout! the THE Liu-ta Dal gi`:'(il:tr , ),4•l:2l, in the Public Square, - this ('y'Veilotsday) evening.:, ,This will doubtle bo &me of the line: teoncerts of the, season, and our eitizZus will miss a treat by not attend- cm Dunmo the Laying :illo:wresting sea son just passed, there harthcen killed on the farm of . J. Ittnu NVA-V, in Monroe, nine lam: Lttlesnakes. .0113 CIT- the rep tiles Fas thrown with sheaf of oats cu to the wagon Where Mr, tt. was loading. . • Tut: Fall Term, of tjte ToxiittulaSetratled Etchool • will ppm 'Monday, August f 27. 'Students whose parcn:s do . not yesitio in 'the-Borough cat' attend on payment of `tuition of fr ont ' , ;::.2..7),.) Co p e r quarter, Aalrtlinfr, to tire r_r,-..arle in the school. Tfir. flew ...rector of theZEpisicapal chtirch at S.tyre, Rev. GEO., RosEN up,.(a his (lath:4i On Sur: !lay niorning, Aug.. 4. The tio:sie Was conducted , by-31 s. Dr. 3.IoNTANym, of this place. The new., parish startir off antler flattering-Qauspices. coicakhrol:ot:AT ' of • the county Pe ',went!, writing of the Murphy meet . ing . at. Dusltore i on Sunday, August very Mattering terms oft the ;liras delivered by C. M. Ham.; of this place. The meeting was eery stuteessful; ‘l%litea. number of names being added to 11:e roll. ' • WATRas, the famatts Elmira artist, has jaXt completed an excellent and life-like .likeness of our talented, and eStecawd townsman, Capt. NV, 11. C.tit .:Nueu.ts. 31r. C..," (411 friends Ad ueigh boi-s- it-Troy, are so muclijdeased with it that they detain tlie.port rait fur UM- pres out, fur . exhitation there. . . ()Nr. of the must. remarkable freaks of nature Wallas come to. our knowledge rtventlx;is tkat of.len beliniging to Mrs. DAY Instm of Towanda towaship. whicb wlicn-Aipctieti was fottnil to contain alio Lard-shelled-eggs That does very well for Towanda. Now let us hearTroni Nonroe: Tin annual meeting of. the North Branch• Association of: Uniyersalists will be held at : Standing Stone, Wednesday and Thursday; August. 2 and 23, 1877. Each parisli-16 the Association is entitled to four delegates. All the friends aro in vited to be present. J. L. liry'r, Standing Clerk. EM Pin AN VE. —.The Niltrphy mettini4 at on Stuhlay- jast, was a cry saci;,..ssfaloi?o, 4$ Sigirells betng ob- Cal; ill. Tim meeting was adlifessed by :Messrs. 2%..1 : LEx, PRATT • and V AN Loos. , e 511.4.1 1 And spettl: el behalf of the Mnrithystnovenient in the M. E. Church, °ye, tra,,:intnl.ty after . .I.tiust. 2ft, at 2 o'clock. Iit?..ETIN4; of hones ly discharged -f,l..Ek-t-S he held at H. me, Pa., Wed- r..*Ly-esening, - August 22, 'tor the reorganizing a Post of'-the Grand 'Army of the - Reptib Seve64 0111cetof Depart c pient nicatigenent 1., present. and it is hoped that an .orgau iztion n.ay be effcctt4l that . will be per and bCticiliNal to the class xepre- E inyeceipt of the catillogifp,of fi,e\Vyv' ming Si niinary, Kingston, Pa„ ~ he 6r the'very finest educational ipstitu !,,6ls iu the State, and take yk;asure iu the!if!ehool to the plitrou,-. ~f who desire to send•tkeir sons and daughters away from home to be ed ; w. , ltd. TIM iadroad troubles are settled 71 , 1 W, and all trains arc running regularly, fiat student desiring to reach Kings ..a will experipee no trouble. Tun follc citit. item will interest Our ' P!rting " readers. It is copied from papei.. Tho owppi of the animal forinerly A resident of this county, ;mil is ; ! .:tratilcr or R. C...SiNsAnAuon, of • At hem: Rose, of Vlailtingtott, Sinsabaugh's httle dyer, is making a brilliant record , dowmeast. She has now trotted in seven )- ra , AN. In three she took seeond,moneY,2 tuu the first money and in cafe came iu fourth. • At Chicago she did not appear to he at herself, and ,we will, not count that time, At Cleveland, Ohio, last week, .lid . sonie lively stepping. There were hhut heats. Buse took the sth and the 47 M. e,tyhthe seedud money. - 36 is'report-.„- i ed that she trade .ttl emariqtb]e time or lint was lteaten about. four seconds. ismioe years. old and showibg such remarkabl e speed at that age:Ahem is no lmt she limy yet, rival•Goldsmitil3 sit is now at,llttfralO".--4azrtie. Muninvram took quite a. send off at Wyalusing; on Tuesday evening of this week. Drs. Raps andEr.v, of Lacatvitte, were present, and . made short bit telling speeches. Upwards, of . seventy - signed the pledge and donned the blue, among em. several who have heretofore bees anything but temperancq men. Lnsr-TA. Band has received an 4 ton frontGEO. 8.-Davison - to visit Troy, and gWo the *nee loving people of that to*,;- a free open-alr concert. The , boys 1 haveVccepted, and name Friday evening of this week as the date. Mr. lORDAIt will send the Band acroaa' the ecnintry to Troy, in his elegant new• - Ward Mne:, Pass. We congratulate our Tropp* feast in st 44 everywhciv band in the that they are 1 their stay i EMI dnruvß E. -E. MC 7E, W..H. 2lng, Profs. MeCoLto :3. P. EEFINET; Business ' Committee;' s. P. Conuns, E. CRUBDUCE, GF.OILO H. HOWE, TRESSIE ALLEN, JOSIE Music Committee, C. J. EASTMAN. TUE following named persons were in- stalled on Wednesday evening, August 9, by L. D. G. W. C. T., IIEN 11o:was; as &Beers of Alvord Lodge, No. 1,071, I. O. G. T., for tile present quarter : W. C. 7,-0..3. CIFUJIIII7CIi. • W. V. T.—Mrs. 0. J. ettunnuca W. S.—E. D. MCKEE. , W. A.S.-41.ATTIE DOGANT. W. F. S.—CuAs. 11. ALLEN. • W..T.-I.onsrgs: RoPART: - W. C.—J - AmEis 'Mums. W. M.—LLEWELLYN HARRIS. W. D. M.—Mus. C. IL ALLEN. W. I. G. —Limn MEWS. W. J. G.-rGEOUGE C. SToLL.. 11. I. S.—DEL. GORDON. L: ff. S,-'--INTETrin DEAN. " P.N. C. 1%-LS. W. A 4 1. attention has been called to seine flew and utensils, recently invented, which make baking and log iv-pleasure, instead of a .drea4ed nap ceSsity.• One, of whinh, the Centennial Cake and Bakiag Pan, made of Russia, iron, is so constructed that you can re-i -mo've your cake when baked, instantOr from the pan, without breaking or .injtir ing it, and yon call remove the tube, and convert it into it 'Jain &atom pan, for bakin:: jelly or plain cakes, bread, etc, Another—the Kitchen-Gem—a Plated wire boiler or steamer, .to hang inside of an ordinary'isori pot, for boiling or•stearniiig vegetabh4te., which alien done, can renniversperfeetlidry, l without liftiPg the heavy sooty iron pot, off of the stove,. - the danger of burning the haniis with the steam in pouring off the hot water, and the kegetabitts can not possi bly luirn if the water boils dry, as the steamer does:not touch the bottom of. the. spot. These goods am' sold exclusively throngli:agiarts to families, and every honsekeePer 'should by all means ave them, A iZpt,inilid opportunity is oills , ed to some reliable lady or gentleman can-• vm•-siO of atis coitay to secure the agency for a pleasant and profitable business. For terms, territory, etc., write to-L. E. Entry:: tt Co., Nos. 21.1 and 216 Elm street, Cincinnati ; Ohio. ' • PERF•ON A wn. W. •T. -.I2AVIrs and wifeani Mrs. LA:;l9itft:x reiorned `from the seashare on 'Saturday evening last.i. —IL B. -INonAid, of Camptown, , was one . of the speakers at the Murphy meet, inat Dushore, on the `sth inst. Ms ad dress is said to have been a very tine one. —Hon. JAS. 11. WEB; who has been quite ill for some time past, is able to be about again . , to the .gratification of his many friends. lioskilis, of visiting at 1: T. m'os's. • itir. and 31rs: Star,;: of Philadelphia, are paying a. visit to Mrs: §".s. father, ) /I Judge Parts rNi;,,ili : this glace. i 7 -' l l are . appy to' see our 014 friend, DAL S vt:cl i , home ;wain.' Fur some months asti he has been sojourning in Mimics( D. and returns to this county very p Lich unproved in health. . .. Gi ir at Ill.kcf.tnt.ANE.lll3(l his young bride were in town last- week. • • ~ h —Mrs. .1. V. Gimmu,accoinganied by her son nom, is visiting friends .in BrOome county, N. T. —Prof.F. - 5MA1.1.E4, - uf. Syracuse versity, is visiting-friends in Toyrnda. • • F. C: BUNIMM, o 1 TunkhanT noek, client acouple of days intown this week. lie was sununoiled here as a wit ness. —Rev. J. S. 13Erats is enjoying his sum mer vaeation in a visit to..his old home in Conhecticut. • —raymaster WitarEtx Paeed tlirough this 'place yesterday, and . mati \ o\ the rail , road entpl4esthappY by the presentation of the usual monthly envelipe. —Gm?. SA.NnEnson, Jr., of Scranten, made us'a pleasant call , on Wednesday. -Miss:ANNIE MERRY a n d EMT! MEIIWY of Newark, are visitin4 friends in ti.eounty. They are the guests of Col. At.t.ruv Mt;KEiN during their sojourn,in Towanda. • -3111.1. - Ea Fol'. and Wife and J. M. Foy and wife are' rasticating at Mime Springs. • 4, —Mrs...GEonor. I r ketsos, of DitshOro, is visiting in irtitauda. ---Mrs. G. 0. PitATT, of l'iTillianisport, vision;; friends in this place. Tile "l gate campai n" was participated in by ,two companies from this county, at fficheil-to Col. STF;;D's 12th Ilegiment, . C. of I'a.,L , Cot K of this place, coin, mantled by" Capt.. I). L. Swi : NEY and - F. Co. I, of Cazit4a, Carit.--Nswro. LaNtsui . . l.hrtli compatileArneompOso of some of the t verybeSt .in:eii\in Bradford- comity, and e.ondtteted, ~ thernselves litre. 'old" sot - diciS. The t inr seen in camp - ot. Aiwa. tin, was-not wasted. The \ moiniuft I ,' drill" .and evening " - dress paradas' were gone throit`gh with as punctually and precisely r • \ as though :the, men were making, 4 .‘soldier; - , • ing "n . permanent . business. • The strict- 1 est military \ diticipline vas enforcd„and was acquien by the men, who obey- ed all Ordera.fronkthe officers with alaer x a.- ty and ehecrfitine4. Thimen held all of their Officers in the "lighest' esteem, and when off.from duty, it would havobeeu a difficult matter to distingirksli ale:Ors from privates. The - Guvernur `inspected the troops on Wednesday, and es*ially com-1 plirnented Col. STEAD: and liiinen on their fine appearance, and the eikeilent . .cnilition of their gum An order .1ler.: ; in this division was issued tbo same et"- . 1 i:ig, mid at an early hour on. Thurstlay morning .. tbe 1'201.11A Altoona by special] ,train,'. ari iving -iu Williamsport at 11 o!clock,. where : y formed In, line and marebt.4l . , frO "depot down to the • . Court 110u 160113, g through !Itlrcse.• • ( ,' .i.,....._; - , ,:s. :::., --,-`7;_..:--,i. parade!' to the • great' ruttisfaction oft r ims° concourse iof people, the boya . "stacked" their Aries,: and . preceeded to. the Crawford Reuss, where. a' bountiful collation h.a4:lexut",hastily prepared: by 314. Bramtweavrizir; Mayor of the city. • At 2:io O'clock do liremOrd and Tiogs companies agnin iimbark(4' : on„b* cars, having been, escorted lo the 1100 by-the (dicers of the Regirnent ) the Beet . mental Band and the vrtmonspuit panics.' Thnmgitilie' iortiteay or. kt.crlik in bolding A train in Bl'etirrt, the Towanda top Were . enabled 'to reach borne * eallyint the evening. - eonipany X bos:ritOred this P** l on ThuridaY eTenilig last; and were • • Inot at the depot tr y the lio•ta Band, and a large immune of people'who gave the '.,,soldier boys" a hearty reception. Pre ceded by the hand,' the Company Mater. ed down :Main street to: their armorY, whetermost ofthern found friends waiting ' to receive them. , The_ boys were .01 in the best of and as 'they .were brought to a "rest," gave 'three cheers' for Lin to Band and 'three more for their esteemed Captain, L. SiCEEN.EY. We hope tie occasion • may not again arise whishCalli for' their services, but if it should., , man*, who responded so promptly to the call in the into emergen cy, will be found ready to gia.again. —By a blunder of the ,priuter in put- . ting the names of the company in ty,pe, is pur'isine:of the 2d inst., the name of F. V.,'frouno appeared whom it should hare been P. E. WrLeox.. As Yugo was one of the best soldiers' in the. Company, 4.. is only justice to' him that the corrise , should - looliameOts Bradford at 9rwell, Ly of Bop. ifoaaul, Of CUUBBUCK 911031, liffi duce • square leagues to square miles this would give t17,841,000-histead.of 320,4)89,732; a distinction with a differ ence, surely. The next •absurdity -is" About forty housand minion times more ridiculous .(I like 'these big figures, they seem to give you your money's worth); inasmuch as Your Irishman (rest his sowl forever), intimates that by "dividing in like man ner" the . total population (65„237,074,255), by the number of square miles of surface (11,420,09,739), the quotient represent ing the average of population to the mile; Will be 1,424,626,075. For the life of me, I can't make it but 5.76 ! E `.'What your author can mean by =tide-, ing th9.l.373,inbabitants of each square -rood (what is asquaro rood ?) to toiled, is beyond my_ limited' wisdom to make 'out. _Unless there was alarm) majority of cripples among them, ono would think ten (10) a very short allowance of feet for 1373 persons. -(' Or-is it intended to reduce each man to ten feet, . and nothing' else ? Mercy on us ! What soldiershey would running make for F ! They could beat ( I v JACK ALSTA 1 , 4 out of sight 10 less than tifty lig theusand miles. 'Hold up there, my winged Pegasus , before the crazy figures fly away with your crazy , brain, - .- Seriously, M. Printer; what's out of joint with my figures? They don't ap pear to prove . w!ell. Its I make it, 11,320,- 958,7.;12'. sqmtre miles of laud will\make 1,159,:26.14:3-1S;546;800 square rods (rsup pose our Irishman means rods instead .of roods), *which is G 22 times more than.lio makes ft; not so big a difference aii`some of the others, to be Aare; yet quite worth caving . • Isn't there, moreover, a slight hitch in the original- count of square miles of earth's surface?: Let us see: The diam eter of the earth being say miles, as determined by 'the best authorities, the surface area is found by muttiplyitig the sqtkare of the diameter by the 'number` 1.1.416. _Thus the true area in square . miles (both . land and 'water) 7940 x i)30)43.1410-14:,539,201, ;or about one , fifty-seyciith of the area l l _ given by our . Iriblituan !. • , • 'finutligain, the aggregate number of Earth's population for all time is given at sixty-five billions, two hundred and thirty-seven millions and odd, which is only about thirty-two 'Ones the prese4 population (two thousand millions) ) anont would represent thbrefore only generations of men; .living ancldes t .d. How in the name of-all the bulls in Ireland ant I going . to . make thisnumber caer .whole solid ground 12rbod es deep? I give it up, Mr. Printer. I was hexer good at figures; and this Hibernian gentle nian's 'arithmetic is fearfully and Wonder fully made. Artg: 1.1, 1877. . En. RIZPOIITED : We 'would like to in forrillhe reading publie through the col umns of your, paper of the state Of things as they now exist in the once — pleasant town of Sbeshequin.- - Sadness and gloein are thickly gathering around us, especial ly those of us that have borMaccustomed the social glass, and the' la red , limuled eider; barrel in father's cellar: Something has got to bb done, and that quickly, or thiS oltiAnner town will go up the spout. • This Murphy movement is, raising }lob With, us. They • havd held .inectingS nt Shores and llornbrook, and now they contemplate holding one in the Valley Church, right near Our usual place of resort; where so many times we have rested from our usual labor, andlreen en livened by an occasional ‘ glass.,i an old friend . would drop in and'say *'\Corne, lboys, won't you have something?" .We alays said ".yea," because it w'mald not be gentlemanly to say uo, Under such eir -1 munstances, and beside - s all that it s Oas just What we had been waiting for. . eumatcv and Law cell their meetings' a success, because so large a Ulllllbei' sign the pledge._ Success 'to what?• To the cause of Temperance, of course, is their answer. Sucdtes to rain and detestation, I would call it;when a mariCan't enjoy a barrel of eider Witbout having the faucet turned the wrong way and haft to run away without doing‘ anybody any good, or having hot water an \ cl.seme othei Mgt put in by tht women, tomato "mother," they say, so that it will become vinegar limter. I would like to know who is g•tig to dcink vinegar. I should like to seethe man that could. If we can't.drink it i ifr4, is it good for? Good for - nothing but to soak pickles and cabbage in. gncb: a state •A‘th lags is fearful., I- can't for 1I pa it„ are n't checked `sor ling to do with ou , They aro inturitm oat thhni; Vtire an exi thiranta tI4I yam 0 g.!:l' Malaita ft T %Ito M difference Utti .Jnq"msr possess of worldly 'golahVitlik6, e;' Makes a:man'anirageons down, scare nor coax We under ant els":, mnstamme, Maas you pikkint totake ti driOki l itittiten tie la Ciortnotly taknnti back * and. embrace on an a near and dee Mend, hoping rry sou, to get ini)ther AAA.. ' • Now as Ilsaidtim . tominenteMetit, something hail got' to Zia done. diet those ill WO lett our cider as'we love our faMillesLO den's know aa this terni is iltite.strtmg enough, but I . can't T 541310- tu _4 l a 1 10 # 4 0 -11 .1sks & Olf• for freedinn, and some time daring the, week that those Murphy men 'bold their namp- 111 0tingriet ;alum a purely: cider gath orb:lg.—get out as 14 a crwird as pinedhle; Ink be sliv and plenty or Y cider, so that the speakers = hair° som tO wet their lips and throat occasionally, and we Will; lam certain, Imo a bond time. In this way wo may dovise'some plan topro-. seine onr•righte and miiititain'ai i i integri ty. If we, don't di, something, it ' won't be four weeks before , thin town r Will be destitilte of cider , and we wi ll be, roaming about seeking, for something to tinenoh_ onr thhnkrbut findiationa, SheihequO, ; Aug; 0 ) 187 V BUSINESS LOCAL. lar Fon EALS.—A good second-hand Coilk Stove, with utensils complete, totillo. Apply at this Maim. '• or. Lest. Between Wyalusing and ToWanda, a clasp .Pocket-book, containing between la: and 03 dollars, keys, schodi certificates, etc. Supposed to have been test on o. train, or from the depot. .Any one finding the same +will be re warded hy.leaving It at roirci.t.'S stole. • Cam' In consideration of the dullness of .the Attnes,, Smartt Boos, would announeo to all tuelr'old Customers and as many new One* as ply before the Ilnit of ttopter..ber, that they will deliver 3111 k - the 'Cooling fall and winter at five a) rents par quart.- . . Towanda, Angant 14, 181"7„--4w, • Cr' You can bay a plated Costor , for 99 cents, In Morcur Block. ' "i"1111 the latest publications, very cheap, At Ifurtcoms as SnAur`s." tliirPnivra-and Ittualina ,veri low at V./MTV. ,"'Ufr The Best quality of Family Flour at MVERBBtIEfi MIL LS wt. wholesale or retail. tang-trl - CALL at ICF,NT's and see the Cork BE— conducot ly than tan cottager filay;\ WilirCoMu .t and cheery Asa trrivy YOUR Nothing mire to happiness and Vann In the taml tlecomte4 rooms. The humblest by purchasing hi; Wall Paper at [ s r avt'st , haye his house us Inviting march. _ matt. Genuine _ llook;'?. Rock," and “i k iaseage . riia:ate.F at iltanva. • .. tsl - Mrs. C. M.1 . M.111 c ,ce i. !eve purulls for lust 'cpon in' Organ, atJor real once on T doced pace of in, ' ler each., She Inn thoroughly-cOmpoteii Ladios', Slisses's C kl,dren's shoes wstbout tegazd to east. at 't a 'old stanQ of j'ATton. & Co. or Yon can'get all the latest stylAl siatiOnery, very cheap, a,,t; wur..icOus t SuAtiires tar" New firm, new goods and ioay.pri ces at the-Bridge Street-F=llnm Store (m*r29. MO - Don't gkanyw s here but to Wiwi' coma & Snarl's for your Wall Paper. marl'. • Or If you want a suit of clothes cheap er than you es - ut buy the gawk. to New , Tork, just salt at Itosivirtimws. 0,11 - 3lre. lionrox has removed her Book and Stationery Store froth Patten's Block to !Li; store southaidao! atorcur Block. . Darliams sod Berkshires, Short horn Cottle, and Iterksbirofiwine. A few for rale. • • - W . . 11" y -sliming, Psi., Juno 11, irr: . • Egr If you ivMat .U'irgains in Ready, Made Clothing, call at Itoerts limn's while be Is rf toting ont fur gpring stick., lava. ar HARRIS 44 The Tailor" at KENT'S nirNaw Cloths and Casaliners riE%T . B Vr Undertaking a speeialitY' at the Bridge StictA Jeuroltuni Stow. • mas 79. fir' The _largest:ma .best assortment of Spring cflatoing,intown, at M. r e : nosssristrei. YOu can buy . nice, fresh-baked 'Crnekers at Bakery, terrcheap. ' ar A large atisprtmeut of , spring and summer war, pit received, at U. E. Row:. rtait.ii's. . ~ 7 .. •••• . -N . WllArtais "The Taller" at Xy.vr's GrtE NE% cheap at K.Eives. VirJon lot of Suriuor, Shawls at RENT'S. Tbero will be two seasitme of a week each of the County. Teachers• Institute the _present seheiallear—the arst to be held to the .tit,sded School building, Tualanda, beginning Monday. Aug, Z:lth;iit' 2 o'clock, P. a.; the other - to be held at Canton, beginning Monday, August 211 h , at 2 o'clock, .I%st., this lustltuto to close with an afternoon session \on Friday of each week te• 'speetlrely. of IreFineat, !kees of the shiest, If not the ablest, Institute men In the coon. tI7. will be present as . Instructor the whole time, and'other able Instructors Wilt also be In attend . The law makteg It obligatory to hold the lost!. tutO certainly contereplatML that the teachers shall ottani', and those Intending to pursue the profits: sloe the.enselnd year ~,r.lll bo expected to be pro fm cut.. It is seggestedithat tenehers bring *memo randum books and lend pencils, that they may note:, .dow,u and hare fur future relerence the manyvaitti able suggestions they' will receise. s . .h and can be obtained at very reasonable rates, mid everything paisible will ~ .be done do promote the pleasure and profit of those in attendance. - Clergymen, school directors and Mimi frlendeof education are cordially Invited to be present. . A. A. B. GENEY, Co. Supt. Towanda, 9. 1877. nr LINEN snits at KENTS. Roe Onus challenges comps- Harm for quality of goods sad tow prisms on Saab, Doors, Blludsand Moldln‘s, and 611 bundirpirpa tetilli; Cdrig34(l,•' 3161rriznras.—T4e public will be pleaa fed that the old-and reliable firm of MON TAilyks have deelded to make the CROCKERY TRADE &specialty, and to that end. have just re ceive.' a largo 'luvolet; cetufprtslng everything to the line, which they will Mil at astonishingly low prlroa,• , , . tiMAI SILAUT. sell the best istkis matvotancired In the country:. • rjr SIIEPAItD CO., Grain Bu3ers, are ilbaying, receiving and shippin: new grain at INlNAX3lxucnire Coal Otllce, Yark- at. -;ang.O. • _ - _ =I ar'WtrkTa' goods in great variety ,at "xxxi•s. \ . 111,7-Mti will \ you eat stale Crackers when in can buy Uttar nice, fres,' baked, Nit at 01+000; Ask yonr . grober for CoWalts• Cfseketra or got Mr. Ca. Bakery likthe first - gran , , where :you can get Crsekers Um in*3 day they are taken. fronithe wen. . faiax . ge," SltiflNAltlf AND . CON x FACIAL L POLL ft.016-:11 . .111 IiCCOM 1111elitAtIODS for In boardoirs 1034 200 day scholars.. ,Itrelelee \ ll *taffeta* for college, probnotional study and - fortinsloess. /iltuds and painting by competent tescherit. Cow nrarclal College has no superior; 'contain _ l lamas, ~ telegraph offices, etc. Priers rery.tme. Tan t e rm opens Aug. 22. Comments! students vend to Prek, L. \ l`tErtescric for catolegnes, and others to Set. C 144.5v.r0, D. 1)., lilingstoa. Latrine Co:, ra; ~s ~~ ‘I.4JL 't .r t they vted to VIT 0ck110135 hhitittg Wool at 11. •11. .INatimrs 'sap : 7loll find It carded and ready 'fur dcilrery. The machines stein excellent condi- Von, running eon:lnsanely, and keePlig up with Atte work. - All einlhar should he done hefore'cold .west bee. Pri;C eelati per pound. jylX., - - 8../3101taxt. ,r roux it just vkes no MIN, Uri * IY. :Pr I 'Of an 'biked ' - AinianitakialTho*blresrvariety, at riP i lltrAtingitt the.thie of station •'l at Wittivons aenAVrs. • , - or A large *to& Of Gloliedi and Ha: dot at kiwi's% tor To Cozoofgrnras.—TbWlidverti .ser, a 'retired piste," having providentially dis covered, white a Medical Missionary in Southern „Asta, a very simple ?notable remedy for the speedy and pentane:it ammo, Conswipilon, aro. ma, 'Bronchitis, Catarrh, and all throat and lung &Sections—also a positive and tadiati specifiefor Nerione Debility, ' , remature Decay, and' all Nov roue_ awniditlats feels It Ws duty to mite it hem' to to his elifteitut fetlpirs. Actuated by this motive, he win chdertilly send (freiWf charge) to all who desire It, the recipe for preparing:arid fall' directions for successfully Ashr, this providential ly discovered remedy; Those who. Wish t 45 avail theinselves of the benefits of this discovery without cost, can do SO by return Wall, by addressing With a stamp, claming leper, Dm'CIIMILES P. MADSDA'LL,. . Xlsiara &Ma. - " Buffalo, N. T. • nr.E. F. xustui'a Brrrioe Wins or j ilion.-6 t. i. ItrintePs celebrated Bitter Wine of l'ittin w ill effectually cure Iltarcomplaint. jatmdlco, dyspepsia, chronic or nerftus dpbtilty, chronic diarrhea, disease of the kidneys and all diseases arising from a disordered liver, stomach or Intes tines, such as constipation, flatulence, ,Inward piles, fullness of Mood to the bead, , acidity of the atom. h. nausea, hearthnrn, disgust terrace!, fullness r weight In the stomach. sore eructations, sinking w fluttering at the pit of the stomach. /swimming of the bead, +wrridbor difficult . breathing. Sutter. nit at the heart, ,choking or suffocating sensattou hen In a lying posture. dimness of 'lslay', dote or ebs before the sight, dull paip In the bead, dad +envy of perspiration, yellowness of the skin and yes; pain In the 'side, hacii,i head, chest, hmhs, tc.; sudden gushes of heat, burning In the flesh, sealant imaginings of evil-and meat depression of pliite. Price , el per bottle. lteware of counter. (nits. Do - not lot your druggist palm off some other reParation of -Iron he may Boyle rood, but ask for K unkent Hitter Wine lof Iron. Take no other. Kutikel's Bitter Wine Of Iron is not sold in bulk— only In et bottles. K. F. Kunkel.- Praprietnr, N 259 North Ninth Street,' Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by all druggists... 4._ . . 1• , , . .T4gt_ ottm lIENOVED ALIVE, Head and all complete. la two hours. .. No fee till bead passes. Seat,l' Pin and Stomach 'Worms removed by Dr. Kunkel, 259 North Slab Street Philadelphia, Pa. Sethi for circular. For minor log - Seat, Pin or Stomach, Worms, eaq on your 0 ruggtat and ask fur is' bottle of Kunkel's Worm Sleep; price el. It never falls,- Common sense teaches if Tape Worm he removed, all other worms can be readily removed. E.V.KHNKEL'S LI/STEAL & B.P.KUNKELS . ' 811AlltP004011 TUE HAIR. ICu-KLux. tDITU A. THOMPSON S.MITII -BROS The best anti cheapest Thdr Dressing and Italy Cleaner In the world. They remove dandruff, allay Irritation. soothe and cool the heated tc.slp,.prevent the hair frolu falling off, and pmmote the gnowth In'a very short time. They preserve awl beautify the Hair, andfender it solt and glossy. They lin p part a brilllanfy and silky appearance to braid mid wiry Hair, and, as a hair dreasing. they are nurl. valed eradicate dandruff and prevent- baldness. 'be sharnpo cleans the flatr, removes grow. sdurf,:lichtng,-ernptlon. Cana headache produced by teat and fatigue, K unkers Shampoo and tral 'Madero flair to a natural and glossy color, re. store faded, dry. harsh' and wiry hair. Prite lct bottle, Ask your druggist for them, or send to P.,Kuultel. Proprietor, -No. Kb. North Nthth Street, Philadelphia, pa. • Aue,iev. FIBCRSMITIf At Laccyrllle, by Itee..l4.*D. Gray. August, 11.7 1877. Mr. S..T. Flak, of Sugar Run; and Miss Hannan Stultho3f the URIC place. MATTIIEWB WHEELIIOII6E. At Nichols N. Y: Auguxt 9. 1877, .by Rut. John McMaster, Mr. E. F. Matthews and Mlss Simla A. Wheel. house. Me will receive 1:51c-42Pon Plano Int 81., at the ro ws of ono hour tescherAti MORRISON WARNER. At the Entsonngn, 3tonrodt.m, August 11. hy•Rev. Ilsolock Arm. strong, Mr, James Morrison nail 311ss Unto Warner, botb of Towanda: . DIED. PLUMY-Ell—At New Albany, Aug. 12,1n1, Ade. 14. E. Planner, aged Ga years:. !SIM QWANDA ,MARKETS. ,REPORTED BY STEVENS LONG, General dealers la Groceries and Pr....duce, rattou's flock:corner .Nraln and Grid= Streets. , Flour per bbl " suck Com Meal per 100 tbs Chop Feed Wheat per bush Corn, Rye, 4.* Buckwheat, " Clover seed, medium,. " pea vine,. Timothy. western,.... Beans, 62 iba, _ Pork. mess. . ... Hates Butter, ...... ..rolls ...... Eggs. fresli.... ...... Cheese... •I . .... •Green appicsi, Dried , "I , per lb.. " Rasptlerelea ". It lack l irerries..... Peneties ..... . Potatoes, per bushel.. 20 Onions, j": -• • Beeswax.. 23 C t • ItrutrTlts '1 N' ST DAYTON' a 13130. tildes.... . ....4 04 a 0 .os Veals skins 0$ 10 Deacons ~.. .10 , 40 Sheep pelts, sbeareiL. 10,4 20 "Tallow" *thin • it, SO 00'4 07 Wool. washed....... 37 • . 6 nnwaslnsil..... IL^. 25 • titrOTATION OF IVIIITE,P ELL k CO{, Bankers sod Brokers. N Third Stive'X, Phltatletptsia, Ang.'iSth. • 1.110. As • V. e. 1881, e • ' , • ' 112 ".- 'B5. J. % and J • 106, _., .44 4. 487 , ; 46 44 109 . i 61 44 46 76€4 . . 4 44 /MC " 10.40, conpon„ 112% " Pacific Ws, et 12416 Near Ws, Reg. 1881 109% " " C.. 18111 ' 109% " 4%, Reg, 1891 10886 " •• c. 1891 108% Gold 105% Oliverloo J Pennsylvania - 2534 . - Reading 11% Philadelphia & Erie ''7 Lehigh Navigation `,....• 373 Valley, Ex. Div • - al% United It. R. of N. J 128 Pittsburgh„ T. & Buffalo It: U. • a% Northern Central , 13 Central Transportation - 275( ' Nespuehoning . 48 • North Pennsyvatila • u c.tA. Mortgage Ira, 'B9 • lii - RE SPECIAL LOCAL: MARRIED. XarlotL EDNESPAY EVENING, AUUUST 1,1, 1877, N VirIIOLTSALII. . RETAIL.. # 8 CIO #ll 950 208 all 7. :A 1 75 1. 75- 1 45 WM qi I T.) Go TS 18 00 10c lbs .10 (4 II . ..'..12 14. HP (3 - IS , 18 21 0 16 A 18 V3l 12 • • IA • 11)i , PI, ' . New Advert! temente. CHEAP- PARE -BETWEEN TOWANDA AND TROY. The undersigned having taken the contract for carrying the It. S. Mails between "Towanda and Troy. has provided himself with a new and coin• tastable stage nd good teams, mpg is prepared to carry parson° and freight at redbeed rates. UOUND RIP TICKETS FOR . , . To account: ate persons having business to transact,n t ha e concluded to sell round trip tick ets for .2.00, ickets for tiro from points between Towanda and ystsameratio. Bty stage is roomy and substanita . no I ran carey - all who may desire to ride. TIC ETS for,sale at ElweillicT, To. wands, and ad s House, Troy: Towanda, locust?, len. !THE DRIVEN WELL. Decree Ms bean rendered in i fara a the Greetiratent, Mad the Judgment %Mottled. At the' thstabee of theprluelpat *Pump Konejadureva;" who are now setinpattagents for the sale of Limn. res4or Tutum Wells. 'we here minted to allow 'to their enstoiners a dlscomst of Tiny per Cent, on past Royalties for Domed le and Farm, Welia, when paid voluntattly at the oglee of out! agent within twellt7 days after published notice; We will ex tend the same terms to alt tnfrtngera tu this Coun ty. Citisenst National Bang, Towanda. arid B. A. Long, Troy. are our age-ta for the PAmnty, where they will reeelve Royalties and have Lieenses on 'these term's: rattles neglecting lit' settle within Twenty Days wilt tie !tittle to thMttilt Royalty of Ten Dollars and to snit without notice. W. it. A. 14 (SIMMS ainto. ' Joint Ownets and Attorneys forint Patentee . . , August 9, 1817.w3. LISTLETTERS,OnIainina• in Post °Mee it TOwart* Bradford Co., ° PI6, for tho week oadlos August 15,110711' • Brick. Jis Herman Wm Huillry,'Julls Johnsuu,,,o 0 MannlDE, Doha Rockwell, Ella shaw & Carpenter, Voorhees. ;Peter. ; Personae*nog for Any of the abin*,wlll,pleass Ilif advertised," siring data of list., \ S. W. AIIVORD.•!. Si. . , UTANTED_A RESPONSII3VE V'ET', :with CAPITAL. a IKEEC It ANT PEET EttRE th to take a eartneratlip Interest and =mar) s Branch Mall? %tore, which we are also% to start to this Section. None tntt thole ANN" MEI ore the best reference need make appileadon. An Ceressiuntestiens strictly- Address • DE VOUNO it sito. PALACE. DOLLAR STORE, . CHESTNUT STREET, Pll/14DELPHIA. MASON - /t Arro. 'Towands, ra. Oellee over BOrtlett Tracy, lielo-st. G. ~ 31Asox. tarn) , Arrrnurt MAD.- Tu E \ REPTER OFF...Lek , ' ) Doei.* - - • BEST , 4OB.PRINTOTO • of w estabUah - m itt In Northern Petwinntli. x . 1 . . -QIIERIFPK,B ALE S.;=-13y , Army/ ►of iniltdry4rits twined twit of the. Court. of Common Piitaliottradford Cuing , Lod to ' me di: meted, Win espial@ tb peiblfr Mk on 11101tlitiAt.. the Ink A. 1527. at the door ot the Conn House. tb at 1 **cloak P.'sr., the follow. log desalt propel;; toiler One levee or Vilest et tbati "(Nitta Cantos bore'. and bounded north by lauds B Case.emat -by lot No 14. now ownedWm Chapman, moth and west by the tong lea d g to 'Armenia snoontsiot coutainsil acre* lad SO per more toeless, be. leg let Np 11 upon the map of Bailey turd Wolf a. one's land. ail lorprovedi with 1 damping' house and few fruit trees thereon; - ALSO—The undivided )4 Interest In Abe follows Intl described lot situate lu Canton Pep, bounded north by lands erg' spencer; east by binds of mid fineness. wrothby the public highway !MBA, front Canton to rail Brook, west by - lands of .1 Marider. alibi coattails a acres of land more or less.. all int prated: no buildings. flatted and taken late tree. ention at the snit of Pomeroy Bros' vs Jno W • Bai ley k Nicholas: VanNantem • . . . ALIKW.One other tot situate in Pike twp. bound ed Meth by lands of Abner Wood. ktnosil Baldwin and Mrs Laura Birch, ent by-lands of the estate of Zbenover Itagey,..illimm . . south bylnnds of Alm, Sediebth.% Whhieti and heirs 'Of Abner *Wotan., deceased. west by lands of .ttierdi BosWotth snd Daniel Camp: contains 160 acres of land more- or lees, about is-acres itnprcnred, With 1 framed bonze framed barn and sheds attached and 2 orchard; of fruit trees thereon. 8015141 and *atm:Onto pie. melon at the, suit of A A Keeney vs Sylreatee Wood. Also St the suit of same vs same.. ALSO—One other 3ot situate in 'Monroe twp, hounded and described as Iteglnnine at a birch eon thence south' along the James Smith warrant 237 540 per to thq ,Priestly Hue; thence -along the sante north 0 0 , wst abbot sdo per to the lino of David Rose warrant; thence north along the same 24361.0 per toe beinlock;.:therica by lands • In the warrantee name,cd Charles .Boldrt tat per to the place - of lliglntdng: contains 183.31, acres of land more or less, and being a part of 3 tract of land In the warrantee Dante of . Robert liolikitur,tto f in . Provements. Seized and taken intedearc'uttnn at the stilt of.'W W Kingsbury , * user rellenry Wang; ALSO—One other let situate Id Wyaluslng twp, bounded north bribe public highway; 'called tad it, east bt lands of Idrse Ii II ellenback, sonth by lauds of V B Iltstwortlt and the lit IC Church lot, wmt by lands of Jba Gaylord; contains 4 of an acre of land more nr improved, with 14mo-story framed dwelling bruise thereon. 'Seized and taken into execution at tbe suit of G vs M T Slot ALS ery , • - . • O—One other lot. sitnate in Wilmot twp. bounded and described as. follows.; Beginning at the northeast cf:r of lands of John Shrugs; thence, along lands of 3f J Stewart, north about SS rods to another cor of '8314,1110 PSharts, thence slang said Sharts castoS4 per to the place of beitioning: eon. talus SO acres of land; be the muse fl/01 . 0 or leak no Improvements and , no buildings. .t being the same land conveyed Iryy Alonzo Lloyd and *lfs to Conte- Hue A Donovan by deed dated _igov 11, lel, and re- milled In Peed. Hook 100 at Page r 3oo, etc„ and ti eatd Donnean, to aald defendant by deed dated Dec 21, 1672, inittrearded in Deed Book Noll 4 at age &L. etc. Betted arid taken Into execution' at the aultOt Goa C Atwood Ye Wellington Ilacrow , ellff. - • .- . • . „ ALSO—One other lot . sttoke lu Monroe horo% bounded`nortb by latids of NS Holton, coat by Main at, tooth and west by lands of. John 'Daugherty; contains !4," of an arra more Or less, all Improved. with 1 framed tionseand a LeW - fralt treewtherenn. Seized and'taketi Info execution at the emit of J P Klrhys mesSl Travis. , • ' " ALSO--One other lot situate Warrenterp. bound ed north by Minis of It T Abel; east by holdout Pat-. rich flancian, south by the poblichL/hwaY, west by lands of Alb In Nicholls; contains acres more or Jess, about all improved. With 1 fr toed - house, tmni,..q.) barn and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Silted and taken Into execution at the Ault of lea Prime's Use Ta "'Mitch telegan and *.fqbael Ryan ALSO—Otie other, lot situate In ;Albanytwp, bounded north. by lands of Sterigcre, east _by. lands of E Overton, Jr; south by lands of Mrs M Jd Hall, treat by rho Iterwict turnpike: eontsdni -acle-% of laird more or less, all lieprered, with l.trro- story framed dwelling house used for hotel, tfratM. ed barn and few fruit- trees thereon., liaised ands taken into.execut 101 l at the suitor PteeinauSwoet•s use vs Daniel Kellogg, . - ALSO—One other lot altnate In Canton tarp, bounded north by land* of Prank Tlardwin. east by the public litgliwaK leading from Troy to Canton; south by Inuits of S y Elliott, westlifiandsof Ems ins Valium: belngattiostr 4 tilt's+ front on mid high way, and` II I rode deetii MI fin proved, with I framed Louse, / framed bane, and few fruit trees thereon. &heti and t en Into exectition''at the cult of Jag Ilatyxtl• •s v+ amen Mellon:ad and minty) - sodtt.: so at the cult of Strati, Clark & Sams. .s.l.Sfi—Anti other lot sltn:itn in .Tewarida bounded north by lands W a Tracy, mist by. boils of .1 P Nlrby, sontli - by. Lombard-sr, west by lands of Simon Kinney: being about 75 ft front on Lombard-ar. and 10 ft Sleep with 1 trained house hood. thereon. Seized-had taken Into execution at the rant of n W obte#veM Caugley. • 1 ALSI)--tine other lot isttuat t e'lri Tuscarotu botioded north by Sands Airmerly ortal by Ti 11 Ingham, cast by laud.i of the German Titus estate, and Newttin Wittainw, south by 'lmola of /Drain Taylor and Mont° flaWley, west by lands formerly owned by ff If Ingham; uotitalni3Y3 acres more or less. about tr, acres improved, With I (Muted house, I trained barn and orchard of.freilt trees thereon. 11'.1. 1 .50-9ne other lot illtuats in Tusearera top; bounded north by lands of Walinan' 3c Wear, for merly owned by Cyrus etereas, east by. thR public highway, smith lands of Joshua Palmer, nest by lands 'formerly owned by IL D Ing!mm; couttil;r d acres more or 1e...4,1ab0ut 2 acres lurprotcd, v.ith I plank house. 1 Wall! barn and few fruit trees, thereon. Seised and taken Into execution - at the, snit of Gee H Landoa's use is Loa:es fithurnw. , Alen at the suit of B arr a va same. ' , • ... . . , ALSO—One other let situate/ in 'Granville twp, bounded north by lands of Asa Andrus and B'Plovr Itusklrk, east by lands of Jane Morrison, south by laods of Chester Monroe, west by lands of .Itecca Morrh:on; coutatns 52 acres more or lees, about all Improved, with I framed house, 1 framed barn with sheds attached. and few frulttrecsthewvn, •It be-, Ing the north half of the Daniel .3febroo estate: Seized anti Into execution at thu.stiii of Ma re Barrett, wife of Lewis Barrett i's 'Augusta L - . it i oniptnti. . ALSO—One other lot situate In Athena tap, bounded north by lands of C 1.1 Wheelock„ east by Centre•st, rbuth• by lands of lierdatnia Bunnell. • west by Keystone-eve; contains 1.27 per mote or less, all ittipnoved, with feu( fruit trees thereon;' being: bet No S It; John A Woolworth's subdivision uf Keystone-an In Athens twit. Seized and taken in to exeent len at the :alit of .Ino A-WoodWorth to use of John King trs Geo W Mliler. •. . . . ALSO. , One other lot Acitnate in Albany flap, bounded and describe d a 3 fatlOWS: fleglnning at a point on the road leading from Wnt Rahr's land to C 'Morahan's land; thence: north ar. it' *est , 28, peClo a Coe; thence north 25°. 114' west le per to a ,cor; thence north 2 0 , -m' west 50 per; thence.' north 'TIN west 44 per to a con thence north 21 0 ,.20' east 4 'ivt• to 4 cart thence tintlh 82°, cant Alper to a cot: thence south - 16 0 , 15' cast 54 per to a con thewe sontli,3o o . east in per ton con Unitien.south :TA°. SC' each' !glut! , to a roe, thence south CA, raid 2t Prrt thence leth 22 0 , SO' west 10 per; thence south Ws.. vrce. 11% 'per t a eon thence south 51 0 , 20' west 11 per thence \ ne th 0 0 , west eta per to the place., of beg Lining; to • optin g and reserving a certain lot_ contracted by John It Sterigere to James Watson. conlaining to errs: It being cut off front the north per hitt of the foresald described piece of land,: containing 42 rres,\he the 613/. more Or less, about 12 acres Repro en, With Ito house thereon. Spired and taken let exeratibp at the snit of J 'A Deck er' ii use vs Rot -rt 31eintosh. - . Af.SO—On other lot situate In Athens NT, bonded non • Icy lands of L \ IS Kerr* and N Milan lel,,Bavidson. n tile east bot y "J:eyst•e...are, smog: anti west tip is ids of'J 11 Milletrontalns abont ttli seeks of land ••ro or les*, all lintwored, no bond, tugs. - Setred tid taken Into eaeradlon at tied suit of Elizabeth • Yates vs T A ilatnilton„ Al:So—One other tot situate hi\l'lster !tact., bounded town be lands of C. %If ifolcoinit„ east by lands of John 1141te. wenth by lauds of\Jobn M Pike:llirant siting ,Wm Mouncer . and J. in Syl vester. west lands of Jarnvs . BfcC•arry, botn ye4e about 18 runs I mg and about 50 feet wide nth hoard house, 1 stable and few (taly . trees thereon/. Seised and to en into execution at; suit of Win Rturesll's use ca, nerdy Mead, • , ALSO—Onelothrtrjot situate In Litehlielditarp, hounded north by the peptic highway and lands of William eampbell, east by lands of: °bed, reed, Martha Ball's estate, the public highway and lands of Joshua Turk, also In lands - of . Leonard- Donor est's estate, south by lands of Joshua Titrk. It S Munn, the public _highway. and' Leonard Mentor cst'S estate, west by lands Of A dam Crana.l.oonard 9 00 10 00 2 so 105% 100 1.5% 15% !123 ! 33W 27131 Detnorest4 estate, and lands of David Toed: coo.' tains 220 acres more or less, about 2lOacres !mom cd, with 2 framed houses, I framed barn with sheds attached, 2 other framed Virus,' I framed horse barn. I old framed house, and other outbuildings and 3 orchards of fruit trees thereon, ICE ALSO--One other lot situate in Lltelol4ll twp, bounded north by lands of 11 NV Patrick and the public highway, east by the public highway and lands,of-Adam Crane, south by lands now or for merly owned by Adam Cram, and lands of C David, west by lauds belonging to the estate of Robert Campbell. deceaseff, contains. 122 *ores snore or less. about el acres Improved with I framed' house. and 2 small orchards of fruit trees therein,. ALSO—Ono of her lot situate in 'Litchfield . twp. 'bounded north by lands now or.forinerly &tweed by Samuel W Leo. east by lands* of Gilbert Pearsall. mutt, by lands of Wm- Canner, west by lands of -IVni Carmer, weskby lands of Jonathan Hunt and Frederick Lowman; contains .56 acres more or less. about 45 acres improved, With 1 framed barn and orchard of fruit trees thereon, 11.50—one otherlot situate in Litchfield Lion, bon:tiled 'north by a private road leading to the house of W H Canner, Cast by taints of W 11 , Cor nier and Wot Campbell, south by Ga n da of Win CanapbAl, weet•by the publib highvrayand said firli vale road; ;mutates 20 acres. more or • less, all' lin-. printed; no buildings. •, ALSO—One other lot situate in Litchfield tort), bounded north by lands of tilted Teed. oast by lands! of Gilbert Pearsall, south by David Ball's estate, -west by lands of Martha Ball's estate; contains 30 acres more Of less, 'about le aorta improved; no buildings. . ALSO—The defendant's- Interest In one 'other lot or land itituate In Litchfield township., and bounded north by lands of Obed Teed and Benja min Hail, east by lands of Gilbert Pearsall, south by lands of ChM Vonduzer and Joshua 'Perk, west by the public highway and lands Ben/ Bail; my trans 100 acres more or leas, about 61 acres imprit. ed,-with 1 framed Wise, 1 framed barn, and . or, chards of fruit trees thereon. Seized anti taken in lit execution at the snit of M W.ll - heelock to Ben jamin Ball. • ALSO—One other let situate in Nryaleistug hunted north by lands of 'the Pennsylvania and New York Canal and Railroad Company, tied by lands of Washington Lung, south by the Susque hanna river, west by., lands of Berdanain Mown; rout:1111%1'A acres umerl or less, alt improved, with I plank 1100 , 0, 1 fritlited - 1 , 4141. and few fruit trees thereon', Seised ata taken Into exec: glue at the suit of John /fetlock vs W if Brown. .A LSO—One other lot situate In Windham twp, bounded north by Lands of Wm Bradford. east by lands of John French, south by lands of OrseMus Ca/Telt/4w, west by lands of Abel Boardman. Elijah Shoemaker; contains filitscres mute or leo; about 40 acres Improved, no buildings, Sind being MO sam e • band Us deSeribedi In mortgage from Pin= . and FmuceaCarpenter to Dewitt Clinton Dewitt. bear ing datolcov. 2, A 11 Isla, amid recorded ill the office for recording :deeds, etc, in and for said' comity at Yowauda. Pa, In Mortgage, Book No La, skpagli 2?5 As%l' Seized and taken Into crecullon e the suit of The Howe Sewing lEichino Co Vs Hirano .Carpenter. ALSO—One other lot 'haste in Monroe borough. hounded north by /and of Patrick Dantee east by Miltost, - south by Banda of et I.Trwiers. ;ad west by lauds of John Dottgberty contains of au l 'aree, more or less, all improved. with 1 trained house, '1 fronted barn, other outbuildings, and few fruit trces.thervon. !kited and taken into caeca tiOu at the suit of Wescott, Neat ft•Co vs 11 S Hui tau:, ALtier—Oitl other lot situate in Terry twv, bounded, north by' lands of nellboll Yrutelly... east by lands Lt Curran Inman and Othlel avow. south by thilkaddic highway, and Crest by the laud of John Ayers; \contaius Weems, more or low about 23 improved, with 1 kg house,. I trained horn,' and orehaid of fruit itioreun. Salted And taken Job, execution at the *OM of •.D W liarstaigtThr vs 'Ursula Clark, s. • e • , . A4Bo—Oats _Wl:cried 'situate to StuflinctOrt twp, bounded north by Sugar creek and lands of IN hickerraan, east by the paroles Turnpike and Wide of Prank IfelirilkOttattblty 'lauds of Lyman Wright and Hollister Compton, and west by Walk . of 8 Ai 'determent ernitaisuni aered, - tisornorteso. about SO Improve:O. with 1 fratued below: 1 shanty and few fruit trees thereon. Est:epilog and reiew lug therefrom! about I acre m the north-east cotter of raid lot sold • nal IV Miller lava tannery - lot: ,Seised and taken into exoentket at the salt of, • Catnplielri itsit es 41 U Wheat slid 4 T Wheat. • ALSO—One meet lot striate In letyaltislng bounded 6140114m5! Deghining at an oak the n wait rot Of Culver Campsien lino. of hind* of theniss by the' east line Of said Lewis an , O O. Atwood nonb wettest 67 pets to a pine cur or a lot deededS A Brown tosiithln ranters: . then*, wettt 140 pets to & poetic& of Mrs Van-, Ogrtleni kg; lim on es - ilfie .01 Vantiorders 'north 45 440 pent to blame te: \beim° south 88° east 10 440 pen to an oak cur on 'holed manor ltuel - thetietby said line Moth breast 40 pen to a ,eor of a lataaedeld to Israel Camp in the Wyslns leg Creek; thence along said creek and south line of said lot tenth 72° east' 55- pen to a , ear of Wm Catatutlunice Along the line' of said Wm Camp *oath 10° east 40 - ners to or near the earth abut metit of the flew bridge acres* theWyalasingereek theneWhy the Alit olde of paid bridge smith 12 0 west 12 6-10 pars to the With dad of the embank. meat thereof; thence by , too center of the public road south 43y4ti west 28 pots acmes the mill rice; thence by the month side of, sold mill Thee north 5314 0 west 6 pars; thence south 83° west 11 pen to a butternut for a corner: thence south 1158 0 west • 3 , 10 port to the South side of the - mill nod; thence slung the south side of said road south 88 0 west 36 pets thews" smith 10,4 0 , west 22 1-10 pen: thence south 16° west 10 pets to or treat the, east side of race; the mill - thence by the add race r south I 4WD west 31 6-10 pen to whet* the nortitlifle of Calvin Camp tutenects the said Wyelasing Creek: thence - said line ,TLIO, , west 41 per; to thri beginning. Containing 63 acres monior.less; together with the free use and occupancy In fee Mende of the grist mill race from tho said Wyalusing Creek to where it enters the land hereby conveyed, as said 'mill nee Is now located, also the dam semis sild Wyo.. losing .Creiik and the water and water privilege and 'usethereof as freely and effectually alt the within grantors have and hold the BAIRN tOgetber with the free nse - atid full right to go din to repair or reconstruct the same. Also all the within gran tors rights or tutored nertalning to the full nee of the water of the. said Wyalesing Creek for the use of the sag mill on the within granted premises and 'all other tines of aid water privilege as held by them, ptorided they, the within grantors. shall not be mode liable fcr any damages sustained by the flowing or hadititig int) of the enter In the poor of the dams beyond their own premises, or from dams constvluence of said creek being a public high way. Being the same as deeded by. JD AL II Causeadd 8 F & 43 7 A. Brown' to vitt in granter. about 8 acres IMF/rived with one grist mill and' mill sheds, o;te frarckd house and one framed lure thereon. 1 ALSO—One other lot situate In WyaltiSlinftwlti o bounded as follows: Beginning In the center of the Wralosing road at a'eorner of lands Or S Billings, Visas Stone and_ C .1 Yoghurt, thence In the center 08 1 of said rinul tenth 7,lS° east on obinirira lint 10 pens; thence north4r east on V urgsline 50 1-10 pore to the center of 3 pine plump fastuinp Awe; thence north 78a we ton Said eh* p fence-9 nets. lheare north 4 trio east 3:q pens: thence north 773 0 west on tie Wall 'AS polite tiramhaWattne; thence north 12SP Area on . Branthall's line 33 pots to a pile of stones on north bank of Camp Creek: thence. north 3310 oast 42 4.10 per! to a cor of P . Stonenw laud: thence Keith 62°' east .on l' Stones line 'il4 *perm thence smith 84 14 °, P ast ON . yen to two ma ple trees acrir of land oll l .Carr;*thence South SS ° west on Carr's line V1!.4 pees; t hence south SW 40' east.l3 4-10 pert; to a hemlock tree on bank of race; Menet; to center.of Wvathstrig Creek; thence down center of said creek Its several course!! to the cor nr 8 11111inga. lona; tlionce 'north 7° east ou 1111- 11ngs , .11ne about 27 porn to the place of bfginningt containing IZ6 acres inure er )es., 115 acres lin- proved with three trained 4:veiling tinwes, two framed barns and sheds. one . wagon house one woolen factory and ill machinery and appurter ! ince& belonging thereto, and portion of said fac tory building contshiln,c oueAelaner. and all ma coineyy and appurtenances' belonging thereto or contained in said building, one saw and < lath mill with nit machinery anti appurtenances belonging thereto' or contained in said builning, one otheg building anti alinut buildings' end few fruit .trees thereon, with all the rights and privileges of wa ter power, dams, race and waters of Wyslusing Creek as used, held, or ,employee by If it Ingham. At.S.O-:One other lot situate In Wyaiusing and Tuscarora twpa.. bounded's& followf: -Beginning at a poet the enr of Edward Smith's land on line of - Luther Shinnwayse lanti,thenre on line of said. Ed ward Smith and A tabu. 7fyo tree let pen to a Coe: thence north 24 l--co east on line-of If It Big- Isam's land lttl pen to a post for aeon thencesonth Tei4° east on line of said Ingliam's land 159 •pers to a birch on warannt line: thence, south "Jac , west on said warrant line 30 pers• to a peat the cor of land occupied by Luther Shutnnvin thence southll,4l4 westie pens to' the , place of beginning; con- I tabling 131,acres, strict Measure, more or lest No tutpros'f.tuents; one fraineil hou:so and and framed Istris thereon. ' ALSO--One otbcr lot situate in Wyalasing.ttep.. ended on the-north by lands itf 4ostah Nurss and Allen White. m 4. 0.1 lands of ,Stephen ltonglit and Geo e fteught. .the sunth by ether lands of 11,11 fug lam, And on the west by lands of Theresa Sante. flharles K Ingham's estate and L 31 Hewitt. containing 173 acres more or less. / ' ALSO—One Nuier lot' situate in Herrick hip— baunded on the north by. lands of Jfamiltutplor ross'on the tact fly lauds of . Haat/ton 3forrevy and .John Branyan. on thessoutit by lands of lames Fee and lands formerly owned by Itltimr.l Graham and nn the west by said land Ilurmerly evened by Web atd Graham and Intuit of Saihnel m's agres more or less. about 15 nerve improved with one small house and stable thereon. . AL.4O-4b l e other lAt situate la Iryaluslng hounded on the north by lands formerly of S Shoemaker, on tim east and-south by lands of'Mary and nest by the, .Wyoluslug Creek,- con n ine aere more or •ielss.. • • af.SO-rOne other lot situate in Ncgobtstng bounded northerly pylands formerly of S G Shoo maker, castoffs by landi of Hiram Elliot and NY Stiumway, southerly by lands nt Theresa Stone and Mary I:handful], and westerly by the Wyaliising Creek, containing 10 acres morel or less; used for slide-way for leo. Seized and taken into execution at the anti of John Nt*,llollenbaek's ase'va II Ing ham, also at thb suit of Ellen J Welles' ex'rs vs It ll'lnaltarti,• also at the suit of Ellett J %rents' ea '2'l3 vs 11 IT I "glum. ALSO--One ether lot situate in 'Franklin twp, bounded north by lauds of John Lauer., east by lands of Iturtim Grown, south, by lands of Ross Yappers. west by lamb of 'Wm Ilockwell amt Ell jah Blake; cOntaina 50 acres inure or less, about 44 acres improved, with 1. framed house. 1 .framed barn mud orchard of fruit trees thereon.. Seized and taken Into execution at the suit of Andrew Crane's use vs J 13 Johnson. ALSO—Ond other let situate y in WVSO3- two, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a cur en last side of pnbile , highway leading to , se.- called Bowman Eddy ,st Aland:3s ft from north wnsticeir Of .1 P. Kirby's- land on said; highway; thenrtratong said highway northerly 80 ft/to a cur of SI At Noble's landi smith of ra Si .N.Y/C Si. It it Co; the nce eastward ly 130 Di titmice southerly-par allel nttli highlsay 80 I'22:hence wemtu`ardiy 150 fr te the, place of beginu big; the strip onand belong ing 16 If W Noble south of timid:rove, described land is intended to he opened by said 'Nibble as a past of ' a street whenever. Ell Coulliaugh pens the balance lying netween It and J3' Kirby' lot now used as a lane. But in case suiiiktrip'sh 11 not b.! opened, ii then old strip of land being 160 ft in depth and IS ft in width. to be kept opens at a lane, with I fram ed house, and feyr fruit trees' thereon. :Seized and taken into eteention at the littlt of, the Towanda Building and Saying Fund Association vs Henry I.ehtnatf *nil D Olfolion, Scey, ALSO—Ono othet, , lot %piste In Orwell twp. bounded and described as foliose*: Beginning at the Toddle highway sending from the Wysox to the Wappa..ana Creekvknewii es the ridge road on the poiltherly line be.Bkeen said piece of land awned by said Taylor. and the northerly' Imundary line 'of Win If Darling, running north ..; ,1 % West along the sahl ridge read 41 pers to a point: thence berth .14 ,3 east slung theiine of the said toad 43 pees to a pelnlithenee north tidio, east along the :ttld road ttl.twet . io a point: thenne along the said road north _t°. east 31 pen to a point: thence along the said vittd north ii4itp, east 12 p;rs to a pttliit; thence . north iiiii4°., east - 32 pers: thence along the said ,iseol 23y°, oast 24 I.OTS to the line between the lands of Cyrus Cook and the, sal.l Tarter - thence, south 24 0 . east along the line between fhe said lands 0/2-ln twee to a stake and ttr....70A: times al 31tit the line er lands of f'ynis inerift.,l7.W Morgan. and tho „Wild Tyler. south 1210, west 3113 4-10 pent to a nor: thence north S.9°, west:shrug the southerly dine 28 4-t0 priS to a ear:: thence south 3!a°, west ; 1 4 pens to a cur on the lino of landiiof Will 11 Darillig and the said Taylor; thence along the southerly line of sehlTaylor lands north 244 0 . west 50 8-In pers o litecentre of the raid ridge road to the place of beginning: contains 92Scres and 21 pers,he the same 111.0 U or Ims. • . , , ~ One other lot situate In Orwell twp, reminded and described aS relieves: Beginning at the centre of the aforesaid ridge road - oti the south erly line Of the land of raid Taylor and the norther ly line of the: lands of.A J Newell, renting along. the tail floe north 81°, - west =22 pers to a corer the land, of J J Newell. Henry liana and thee:lld ;Pay ton thence nortit,2l4 o ,'east along the Westerly line of the said Taylor's . land. 106 pars to a nor of the lands of Harlon Russell, W W Olds, and the said Taylor's marked bra stake and stones; thence along the line between\W W Old's and the said T.aylor's; thence 87:na. east 110 5;10 pers to a eor 'narked by a stake and :dimes at the public road leading from the said rldge\read .to James Cleve land's; thence along said read‘Senth s°, cast 12 6-10 - 'rend thence along the northerly linen,' said Old's and-8 ll.Wilsotes land north 8815 a,. east 131 5-10 pen: to a eor of sale Wilson. Cyrusr,ook, and said Taylor's land marked bye stake an s tones : thence , along the line of land of the said Cook and Taylor. south esa, east 53 pen to the before named ridge mad; thence southerly along the Bald road 198 pore to the place of beginning:col:tattling. 167 acres and 33 pees, be/the same store or less. . 'ALSO—One other, tut situate hi Orwell \lmp; - bounded and describe,' as follow!': Begin:II:10w a eugaromple tree at the hie of, the land of tt Dar ling awl lands formerly owned by 11.(211andelu owned by Dr Lewis', and rut:11111g along the line between these lands north 48 "degrees, west 59 5-10 porches to acorns; of lands or the said Dr Lewis, J'Newall and said Taylor harked by a stake and stones; thence due mat along the line of the lands et said Hewett and Taylor 70 510 pore to a ear marked lira stake and stones; thence along the line between the saineelands south 1 0 ,• west. 16 5-in pars to a eor marked by a beach sapling: thence Wang the line, between the land •of W 11 Darling and said Taylor 52 0 . west 45 8-10 pers 'to the place 6t beginbing; containing 12 acres and 80 pen, be the :t i me more or less: the above 4 1 lota of land are', •known as the A 0 Friable farm, with I framed house tool, 3 framed barns, sheds and other outbuildings, too l orchards of fruit tree's thereon, Seized and taken into execution at the s sult of James JO' Ilasklns ear's es A 0 terisble. ALSO—One other lot situate In Burlington born', bounded north by lands of M Ayer. east by the Berwick'Turnplkee south by C l Campbell, and 'west by lands of S 31 Dlekernaan: contains if, acre, more or less, all Improved; with 1 framed Mime, I, framed ham and few. trillt cress thereon.. tleized.' and taken into execution at the suit of imac.l3 So ! pliers use vs JS . . ALSO---Ono other - lot' eitnate In Monroe; tut, hounded north by lands of Oen 124:011,' east by the' iterwiek Ternetke, semi, byi awls :if Jerre Week man and Mrs Gant, and wept by the south branch' of the Towanda Creek ; centalbs a acres, more or .less, all Improved. with 3 framed houses. 1 framed . tarn. - 1 Maeksmithe strop, I'vragem and paint shop, •at d'lnw trait tree: thereon. Salved mad taken tuto execution at' the suit of It 5. Hakes' use vs Frank lin 'A Li3o—One'otlierlot situate In Pike tsp„bound eit on the north oy the poetic highway le3ding up and down the' Wyalmag Creek. on the cant aid south by land: formerly of .the Thus It Briggs es tate, now owned by Tinsley, and en the west by the public:highway known as the Feeiler hill tssid„eontalotng one acre more or less; all Improved with one actor raw mill and elder nilit with all the machinery and mill fixtures belonging thereto; also all the right title and Intermit of wbaterm• name or' nature defl'has to the dam lettels the Wyaloslng Creek lo Rush twp, taneemehanne Ca, Pa. and the waters of meld 'ereekoind the: free use add seen leiney of the water et:arse or mill race tes4tng tram' Ned aim to mild mill, and the .right to flew the waters of a. Id :Trek in said raeo as tally and effec t:lane as' now held, employed or 'enjoyed by the said Ephraim' n. weight° . Seized and taken_ info exception at the suit of John, A Falb:ash vs Eph raim Riltought. • AW—One:ether lot situate In Flheshmulin bounded tat the north east Ity lands of 1. J Cnlver. south-east by 'lauds of Jeremtah Kilmer Jr and Abram Ranter, 'south-west by lands of Joseph Towner, and north-west by lands Stephen Newell, containing 73 arms, more or:_less, about 40 acme finprovnil will: twe 'framed houses, two freine4' barns, one blaeksmith Map, stone iriarry mid or chant of fruit trees thereon, ' • ' ALSO—One other lot situate In Slieshednintwpi, bounded as follows: lloglnnlng at a hemlock true and cur of Abraham flamers warrant line; thence mirth 2: 0 east 48 3-10 pets to a black maple comer; 'Mecum In a northrly couree 3 pens to a cur in the touter or the cre e k , also being the south-east cor of the, tarot -formerly owned . by Merrill /Ave - tarot thence In a westerly course. down ad4.affingsald ereolt44pers to weer; thence. is souttlerrxeourte Jere tot*, place Of. beginning, eontalning 144 ISM Pcra•betinf saluq'lnott lustsigt huprOrollirtthne . . . bonding'. Seised sae taken Inks eteentton at the suit 'of Henry W Hoteliers toe vs Charles M Car. \ er. JaltieslV Sayre, P 'Lane Jr, John Marlallo, W C Green, W 11 Enka and Theo Canllehl Jr.' LSO—One other,- lot sltnite to Asylum • twp, on ded an4r4eselibed as %Bowes Besdantng at a irood eor of louts owned by-!1 B Ellenberger \A son Trultefacrand bank at Dwell creek; ong landehrsald Ernlteker south Ma, \ S. to tidstone ear and nod; Um** - -re 4 %It Saa,' west S 4 pets tots t 111111110 north 54%a, meat M. N t r ear and Medea Andrew r Ellera o _gr thb said Ellenberger and roail t rill ton post tors — thence al?ng _— ... 114\ AA ‘,... theft west alms e post cart e. 6-10 tiers to t 1 e berger: then , north 42 0 . we ___ -...e alone, thestaid Eilent - north 614°. east 44. pets tO a post con thence 0 Alamo Muth • 6634 18 , west 17 240 pen to a Net t - thence neigh 4( °, , wait lin pets to a road : s toad south 62 0 , :east 64 4-10 pen to a hendoc t e 0071 thence along Me sabi SD Ellenberger Tata, east 323 pots to the pianos of tie as 64 setts ' - and 148 pets, be did lamb mote or 1 framed houso i l iI stable and an orchard oft t s thereon. ALlllo l —Defendaht's lute in the follasing de scribeddot stoke In Asylum t p, hou nded amide. , secibed asfiellows : Been at a t co t between 114- , Mon Decider and Wm It Eton% en's, along the said Stone north 82 0 , east 91 pers t an oak stomp cor; thcncB south 86So, ended 13-10 rs to a post cor and muds of Win 11 Ellenberger; hence, along , the said Ellenberger. south 34 ° . east" 48 re WI 6 ' post cot: thence along same north 1114*.e tl7 249 pore to a post cor; thenee along SAM sou 6 , ...,;°„, west tillers tO a post , cot and toad; thence toes' Wimp and road Souther. east = pens to a pus cor and land' at Wilson trultchey; thence along e said Irnittchey south 17 deg, crest 27 740 , pets to post cor and lands of 'Jacob Eittely; thence' aloe the said Email' north 42 deg, west t 640 .pers to a post cor; thence along same south 61 der. west - SI Pent ,10 a post cot; thence along seine south 61% deg, west 57 pets to s post cor and lauds of the said Docker; thence along the said Decker north 1711 deg ; west 63 nays to a 1 111 ell1 )11 1 8 cor; Menet' along saijorliorth . ls deg. west oa 5.10 pen to the plams of beginning: contains 10Bacres and 11 pars of . land, be tbe same more or less. with I framed house, •. framed barns, 1 wagon house, 1 gratiary. 1 wood. abed. 1 hog house, and 2 orchards of- fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the mita Seth Hornet Ts %11, A V and 'Wm II Ellen. berffor• • • Al.4dl—One other lot situate In Windham top, bounded and described as follows: Meginning at a stake on the west side of the public road car of -P. Maloney; thence along the line of the same mist 114 Pets to a pile of stones; thence south 4s3i deg, west 44 pen to a pile of stones; thence north 37.16 deg. West 61.10 per than ironwood; thence senth 6 640 kis to a post and stones thence west 207 2,10 pen MUM centre ofs pubile road; thence north alOng the centre of said road to iMaagle on the northwest side of the same; thence hy the north west side of said road north 4214 deg, east 2$ an angle in said road; thence by the side of said road north 6734 deg, east 44 porn to the place of beginning: contains 31 acres and 81 pars of land more or less, about 45 acres !Motored; with 1 framed barn, 1 trained shop and few fruit trees thereon. Men* the same place of land conveyed by A W Alger and wife to said Xtri Flrstlitook by deed dated March 25, 1873, and regarded in deed book No 123 at page as, 'etc. Seised and taken into execution at the suit of 15 V Faulkner's liSe vs Was .1 V irstbrool • ALSO—One other lot eat:late*, In .Troy hopto, bounded and dimerlbed 23 foikruce Be inning at 11 stake In the northwest coy of Amos %Pierce% lot; thence south 53 4, . east 12 refs to *poet, thence south 45% West 5 5-10 pets to a poet: thence north 4231, 0 . It' 40 pets to a post In -centre Of Canton-et; thence north 3.5*; east 4 rods and 8 links to' the place of beginning; contains 54 1-10 acres more or fess. all Imprvved. with 1 framed house, - 1 framed .barn and few fruit trees thereon. AL9.o—One other lot situate In .Troy bore', hounded and deicribed as follows: Tieing all of the. party of the first part* tight title, interest and de mand in the laud dewed by the creek commencing at the old slam now. owned by B Bowen; thence' north by the creek to thd'north land of lands for. mcrly owned by party of , . the first part together with the privilege of using the creek same as party 'of the first part now has, and party of first. parts Interest In above land and water privilege,' not be fore deeded away, and bl this deed conveyed to party of second part and nothing more. Party--of the second part takes It as his own risks; it being the same piece of land conveyed to John 11 'Wolfe by the ezfeutont of }While Case by deed dated June to, 1i 43 ". 41341 ;recorded In deed Igo 82 at page 149 etc.' Seized and taken Into execution at the suit, of F Pomeroy vs John X and T V Wolfe...° ALSO—One other lot .elttidte In Armenia rep, boundod and described as follows; Beginning at ..V.ake and stones in the warrant line. acor of lands -- err !Brant A Case: thence by lawlsof'Slinteon MO, gap. David Smith. et al. ea the olli Met- of-Scott's north S. 1„,?" west 112 rods to state in, centre Of, the a me:nafi; road i thence brtheaeveral courses and 111,4a:we's of said eeitire nortlreasterty 71 rrgls more or 105; to a •stoke In centre of said road: thence by lands of party of the ;second. •part south !IV, east :9 rods to stoke In tine of lands of ii• A , . . . Ca...! neir a dry.nhegt out tree; th6co by said Case lands. i..untli 32 0 , weild 20 rolls to stake and stones, another car of said Case latly; thence still by-Fa.Te south 2} O. west rods to the place of beglnntfiz; contains 854 is aerea trial? or lest no Imidovc inenta. Seized and taken Intl oxecutlonat tbdsillt 6f II Sc P Pack vs John Itlxbyt AI SO--Ontt other Int sltuatit In Sheshcquln Lim and north by lands of C 11 Awes. 0 F -Ayer, and P S Ayer; east by Deer Melt : Creek, south by . . ~ . Silas l'Ociea estate. west by , 077 = Davidson , s mill property, now to pcx , sessioll of C D II - Cole's: rill:I -t:On:41i of an Sere more or lesit.f.hrelng 'the same conveyed to M Watkins by A fill with 1 framed. house and other otithulldinkti, and few- fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken Into executlon at the suit of II YWa Mir me vs 'Darius Totnkins.. A I.S.(l—One icit)tlir lot situate In Armenia twp, bounded nor li by lands of Wilinotitundell, east by land of rrin Fletcher. south try lands of Rich ard Rockwell. and West by lands of Jacob Rock well: con . Ins 50 acres, more or ~ _ AL1,40.--(lne other tot situate in &Vnleala IwPii bounded north by land! of Wilmot Itunlllll. east by laMis of A. J. Axtell.: south by other Lands of. / p Tim thyFellon (the *bow described lott, and - west •hy ands of t Wilmot Mini - tell : contains 20 acres. su re or less, arid' both of said pieces contain 70 ees,. mom or less, about 60 improved. 'with 1 yarned. hon=e, 1 framed barn.. and few trait trees thereon. Seized - and taken Into execution: at the vial' of Arnasa Watkins' vs Ttmotby'rellon. Also ' at mutt of Chas A Rama vs same, 0, ALSO—One other 1,7 situate in ' Cantem twp, iv - mode,' northlty lands of Motel Murry. east py public highway lending. from_ Canton to Williams. port, south by lands of OWen & Sallard, and west Lo lands of the N C It It Co; contains 2.1 acres and 01 rodsl more or less, about la huproxed; no build ,' Mos and few fruit trees thereon. I ::- ALSO—Ono other lot situate in Canton tn... - . . i.onioled north by lands of - It 3f 3fanley, east by lands of Michael Hickey, south by lands of Adam Ennis and Haviriond Blackman,' and west Ty 'Ed ward Vermyllar; contains and 119 pees of land, more or less. -about 4 improved: no buildings. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of len abed Sellard and William Owen3rs V K Jones: Al.' 'se at snit of Jft f.'ranclle vesante. Herrick' is A,l,9(l.—Hne other lot situate in i twp, bounded north-by lands of I) A Hillis and WiliLim Taylot, east by lands of'Wm Taylor and P. Tdclilov-. errt, south by. lands of D. Armstrong and James Lackey, and west by Z A ngle; ' (being, the entire rand as bounded and described in. deed book No 47, page 80, exrept.lng about 38 acre( sold to IT A Hung, as. bounded and described firder,d hook No lik, page-135;3 contains, after deducting - said 38. acres,. about 110 acres, more or less,.-about all tin proved, with 1 framed. house; 1 . framed 'barn and shedsattach : yd. and-orchird.of fruit trees 'thereon. I ° tlcired and taken Into execution at the snit of Geo f.andon vs Ii Hillis. Also - at sultdf same vs liata. - '''s• other -let, situate in . ktildns Unto`, bounded south by Fridge-it, east by !and of Widow Elsbcce, north and west by lands of 3,f C Harris: Ticlng.oo ft wide on, said Itridge-st and extending northward thekfrein Ito ft. Seised and taken hb to execution at the suit of Oerning & Qnicit vs A A Prince:\ . . • A L'Ews—OneOther lot altuate in WyaluslarreTs • bounded north: by -lauds oUS. 31 Dewitt, east ll lands of I) it Chaffee. south' by the tent re of the Wyalustins 'Creek, and westl,Vy lands'of L M Hew itt, and SlethOdlstradvonnge lot ; contains 4 Aden of land„moro er le'an, all imponted, with •1 large rwtestery Trained building ameeter and known as the Camptown hotel, 'I framed ban and orchard fruit trees thereon. 'Seized end taken into cxe- Oution at'the suit of J tiThoMpeott vs A It Slathers. 1 ALSO—One t other let sllnatd "fn, Wysox twp. bounded north by lands of L F . : Whitney, cast by the pantie highway, south lip lind4 of Allen Fox, and west by lands of F. Reed Myer: - contains Si:of an arse, imp, or less, with t framed house, ]-fram ed shop, and a few fruit trees. thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the snit of !T.F.Madill vs i . tephen W Bull. • ALSO—Ono other lot situate in Wells twp, - bounded north and east by lands Of Henry -French, ' south by the public highway, and west by lands of Mira Kato Ayers: contains 64'acres. more or lest, about 55 Improved, with 1 framed house, I.fratned barn. and 2 orchards of fruit treetithereen. and taken into execution' at the snit of Lucy 0•4 macho.• • ALSO—Ono other lot situate In Sheshequin tarp, hounded north and east by lands of Ralph „Gore, -south by lands in possession of 0 F 'Ayer, and west by,public highway% contains - 1s; of an aere.,knore or less, all Improved, with steam grist milt and milt' %stares belonging. thereto thereon. Seized and , taken into execution at the suit of John A Codding vs F 8 Ayer. ' - , ALSls—One ether lot situate to ,Rome township. bountled'north by lands of Gen Nlehols.. east by lands belonging to theestate of L L Moodv, dee'd. -sunlit by lands of .0 Jitney, and-west by -Malmst ; being about 50 ft front ell Mallt-tt and about 200 ft deep, With 1. framed house, and tow fruit trees thertmn. , Seized and taken into execution at ' file Milt of W WoZslbunt, guardian, vs F E Wash bunt. '- A LSO---one other tot situate In Tuscarora top;' :tided north, Cast and south by lands of -Walt man and Wear. and 'west by- land of Martin N • tont flu:. contains Sty acres, snore or less, about Sint. owed., with 1 plank house thereon: Seized and, taketelnto execution at the snit of Jas Coleman vs 'Stephen Bought and Limn, T T,. A I.Bo—One other tot situate in West Burlington wp, Is - mailed , north by lands of Job Morley, Joins and Philetus Campbell and GeV ii Beaune, cast by tandseu lk'llourne and lands to possession of , John Ati G mlck and °word by Ell Jacoby, moth by lands of ,Charles Bloom, D 11 Campbell, A and 4 Sterterund .trulren•"Stanton, and west by lands entarneted to Robert Swains contains 440 urea.. more Or less. about 200 iinproved, with 2-trained houses; 4 framed barns with sheds attached, ether outtetlldinga t steam saw mlll with all -machinery and milt fixtures belonging thereto, and 3 orchards of fruit trees thereon. • belied and taken Into exc. .cation at the snit of Job Marley vs J C Tom kintott. -ALSO—One other lot situate lu WlndLam twp, described as follows: Begin ulng at tseor of. Zabut ilotcbkiEs• lot; thence wait 15° cast 140 hers-to a -corethence south 45 0 west 70 psrs to a ow; thence north 4,5 0 west 110 tiers to a cm- ' thence north 45 0 cast pers to the place. of beglentin„• ; contain* Re acres and 24 errs, Mori) orless, ante:R.lo improved, • with shanty, told lug barn, and few fruit trees thereon; A LSO—One other lot situate in` Winulharn 4 : op. tiesernsed 'as follows Apeglunlng In the- eintre'uf The nod/ending from Rome to Nichols and On Ake_ north MA of the mall trading by J Mores; thineen be the centre of the Home att:LNlchols road Myth 8° east 33 540 pets to a cot of Mrs° Cass; thence by the south line of the state enuth 72 y°" oast 50 ; 1.10 pers to a stake; thenCe south 15° east 8 5-10 psis to a stake near a birch tree; thence south 82 0 4uast 5 peo:' to a stake and stones ; thence .setttb.77°.east 42 0-10 pers to a stake - and stones In. albs line Of ' Misore; thence along the line of the ammo Oath - 635 0 west 20 3:10 pens to the public road:, thence by the same Barth 88 0 west 43 7-10 ports to the place of beginning; contains 20 scree and 10 pens, more or Jess. all tusproved,•with I framed house. 1 framed tram, and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the snit of John rammer° vs gee %%mete., =A Iso at the suit of Gee Klitner TlSGeOtge Vzinellni., • ",! - - • ALSO-One Other int'sttnate In Windbaris_tip, desirlhed as Beglnning at a birth troelor the-southwest eoy of the lot herein described, standing 'west 27 pers,au4 north 123 X, per, from the hartbeest eorof Warrant iet.No4ll; thence east 100 peas to a postOr, hetnieek 'south 10 auks marked for a Witness; thence north 80 pets to Chao Hill southeast cot to a hemlock tastdln,W; thence west-100 pen to. a. post orhirch tree north, 84 0 west 8 links marked for }witness; thence south SO per to the place of beginning; contains 80'acies, mere or less, ' about 40 Unproved. with- tframed house. I framed shed. , l shingle milt with *Stares, -and Or chard of -fruit trees therebn; being the same piece of land coleissyell by Oliver Ellsworth and Wile to eald.fanses Ellsworth by deed dated April 12, 1833.- anti recorded in deed . book No 11, lento 101, te • ALSO—One other lot situate In:Windham twp, heun,:ed earth by,tands of Etch-lug VanEtten and Ames Crandall. east by Jaudaor James Iliggina and Aaron VatEtten,4ooth by Isipds of Simon Itaesed, and west by lands of John Ktt)kket ilalll,lr, contain Ira " 268, more - or less. alsterit,3o Improved...with tow fruit trees thereten hotlhf IN:swamis piece et 'laid etet.vcycil by Lewis V nirvana xVo toultitalooo • . • \ . Elliworth by deed. ,•, April 4.187 L Selsed-and e taken tt into eseention `itt the suit Or 81 lirsdUl ve . JimEUsWortb. - \ - ' 1 ALSO.-One other lot attuate In Vaned* to bounded north by e isoe,leading ðos houses/ WurPark, - east by • leads Or Wu Park. - 111001.VY ' lands of Irian Whiltfutint, situP.West, by Deft Or We Fisher; tantalite 17 acres, more or /au an improved, with I fraud hemp s 1 framed barns , and orchard of fruit tree* thereto. - SUN& and taken - Into execution at the sulk erdeble DOW* vs John Gregg. • ' ALSO -4)ne Other lot situattil la °WO& Dip, desertbed is follows: Beginning at the seat& Ode of Toesuida eteekttheeee south UM* weld Bryant to the noes roods running by the mlll Delmer!, known as Petit Mills; thence south to wad 2 l thence south SOO Wed *7 pal to leads of - AID you: thence north 400 outs pen eat? Dab to 111 - pat at ziortheutst cot Of lotbot by A I) eras or - ilezeklah Wiliwt; , thence .wily Siang the Rine - of AI) Voss 14 pen -to a poet ; Went surtherly , along line of lands or Wm 'Wright Sifif Pers SO To' . wanda Creek; than:Sakai mid Creek swath DIM. east 44 pen to the Asa of beginning : tegetber • with the right of nine water btu Torrasido Creek for the Imrposeof running it Int& - tise ewe, - as held by Asa Pratt :. said property Cattalos If acne and 4 pers„inere or learorl_tb 1 felweedßilid 'mill, I framed dwelling hair. I framed bens wit& . sheds attached, other antbuildlogs and fe w frfett "trees thereat. I 1 s .; . - • ALSO—One- abet- - tot situate in .Cantolittero!.. described In follows: Beginning In the eanteror Lyon:Ding-at, It being the northwest cot of 1 C Do. • witt's tot; thence along south line of wad Dewitt's lot south 99)4 0 east it 7.10 pen to aixedin llits of' lands of 1 C Dewitt, I C Wright, Jacob n Levi Stull, John Griffin and ethos; thence = 1 west 46 740 pen to a post,!lt being a cot of tot wood by? Black; thence by said Black's east like • a. th 6 60 west ;leers to a post • thence by um@ no We west 24 pen to the southwest cot et lot own - • by A. 11 Mix ; thence tsy south fine of lands by th . • Id AG Mix and Menus Wilcox north 314 0 east 10-10 pen to the southeset cow of he owned - by Saltt Rua Wilcox; 'thence Weems north 6a? wad 10 pe to the centre-of Lyeardwd. theses along centre of said 'street north , Do nit 12 540 p ea to the •ti a beginning; natant s Sens sod 74 6-10 pen T lend. more or let., with I trained house,. I framed bun, and few fruit and au' % \urcizero ,eamental trees n. - A roso—ollo othe lot situate fa Canton bone,' bounded 'moth by It of it Co, Jobe vir Griffin and Ezekiel He en, easterly by lauds of Ezekiel Hannan and 1. cantoret. motherly hi - Lycomingst, and west lands of R M Yawl. and Chertea Stockwell ; ins it acres of land. more or less, all improved, a fil ‘ trained house, I framed barn, Surer, and orchard thereset. AL90. 6 .0ne other tot altos Leßoy terp, de. wined's' follows; WOWS( s post on the northeast cot. f kit of-18nd f y owned bY RIM* Bloom :, thence sotth 2 0 west 40 pets to an Ironwood fora no; thence north no nun to a post ; ' thence 2? west. IMI pars to a • thence south no west 73 per to the place ' b.44nning or t ri, contains to acres and 89 pets, more or lea: 1 in. , . prevements. Seized and taken Into a:eentiqu at the snit of - Pomeroy pros vs R W Retie' Ir. - McClelland, V A Hooper. WT..... : ALSO—One other tot Waite in Canton atobodtt; • 'bounded north by 31111 :Creek, east, by Una of- Elm: Dunham. south by Union-at, and west by 8 • etratt and Mn, IS'm rf Smith ; contain* X sr sts ' acre, matter less. with 1 Inhaled hones, t traded. barn, Other outbuildings, and fly fruit taws there. on: Selied.and taken Into essential at His suit of • Duane, Clark & Co vs It l ieJdeCielland and' W fir Smith. Also at snit of al - • vs same. ALSO—One other kit situate in Ttnesione Irtrp. bounded berth and east by lands of Waltnia and - Wear. formerly Cyrus Stevens, south by lands df the Gernert Titus estate. west by lends of Whet Shammy; centain. 28 acres more ot less, about 10 acres improved. with 1 framed house, 1 framed barn, and few:trult tress thereon. Seised and tat. en'lnto execution at the suit of W C it A II: Rut. rams vsloshwilitalmer. • i ALSO—Oevether lot innate In ,Grativille twp. hounded north by lands of HC R It Co. nut by the publiebiginny,sonth by lands of Philip- Cherdey. - .''': west by landspavnerty owned by MrsMmr Clifton _. and Philip Clielrey; amiable i aersof land more or " leks. all improved. with I framed , house,l framed' barn; and few jcult trees thereon:J. Beled and talc. en I nto.executiciii at the suitor Michael Collins yr D P Roam, .:•-i. , • . _• ALSO-nto other lot situate in' Wyatt:sing top. bounded north by lands of .. Gaylord, east.,.br lands of Mrs 'Snip, on the south by the Polio highway, west . bOanda of Ackley. Lloyd add Ms. e,her; contains ab 00,3•4 an acre masa lesa. with 1 '-• 2-story framed-house, and 1 trooper shop thereon. Seized and taken Into execution at the suit or (I NI .• Bixby vs P 11.Cummiskey. Also at the trnitof Geo, ft Landows Usern,P H Cumisirey. ALSO—One other lot athlete in Orwell Pep . • winded atifoti Dies: Beginning at a. stake & stones •in line of UK Bosworth & Russell , s lot and south • 11 , 10 of highway; thence along the center of high- ,- way north 24 4tv west 70 5-10 pen to strke and itones in center of highway In E Dimmockl line: . _ . .... ... __ . . __ tbence by 11:t1 s 1 1100.1 , 00th= deg west 6t persto Bald Boksworth's northowest •mr; 'thence south 683 i deg 4ar:t. CI 5-10 porto the place of beginning, contain ing s l 4 neres,morn or less, shoot all hnprored; uo bulldltgs. - ALSO—One other lot situate,. in Orwell tins. bounded as follows: Beginning it a stake north- Wen cor Daniel Dlmulockt, thence north 21 deg east 8% 540 per. to a birth en the east bank Watt ereek: thence up said creek' noath N N deg west la 240 pen: thence north 52 "deg east' 12 340 pets an ash; thence Derek 354 degeast 12 pent thenee , •, , . north 3 5 deg east 25 3-10 pen to a birch on assent' - ' totnk of the creek; thence " north 11,4 deg wed 12 540 pen to a stake in the west, . line of sald kit; thence north 50 deg east, 68 pets to a stake near a beach; thence along the west.. line of lands of A W Alger south 106 1.10 pees to an angle: thence south 1 deg emit fr: 840 per.; thence month It deg west. .21440 pen: thence north 3.9.55.des west 14 410 pees thence west 20 4-10 pers; thence north SS deg west,' .20 pets to the place of beginning, connilWat 411. acres and 83 pers. mere' at' leak about 2:1 wrestle. ' • prove 4: no buildings and free fruit trees thereog, t 'Seized and taken into estientkniat thirsult of p v Falkner's use ca Alphonse ifo.Worth. ' A.. 1; r.Arros. Sheriff, , - Sherif:6,o6lm Towanda. Pa, Angell EGI STER'S NOTlCE—Notice' • is befall'? given that therm has been died the office of Register of Wills. In and for the Conn ie of Bradford, accounts of Administration upon the following estates, Filial Kcal of Donnis 31chlahott. guardian of list. Gan Final wet of 13 K ifniqttn, issee'r of Betsey Gus till. late of Burlington, deed. • Partial acct of David Strobl... guardian. of Nur-. ry Vancise, minor child of Coinellas VanCiSe, late • of Slieshequ In. deed. Final acc-1 , 6f timid Strubble, guardian of Sum. tier Vanclae, minor child of Cornelius Vancise, tato of Sheshequin. decd. Final acct of Elizabeth H. 0 = 1 . 0 7, iftlarititl - • of Anna L Ormsby. • Final acct of,C Abell, err oil Mary Wheaten, late of Warren, „deed. , Partial acc't of Bailey; and Francis Gregg, • err of Josboa Railey.lateof Mirth Towanda, deed. Partial acct of V S Landon, Ball* Clark, and Re. beeca .1 Landon, errs of L F Clark. Partial acetof Ass Dunham, ez'r of Lee Doul ham. late of Warren. deed. ; Final aeon of Roger B Howell, guardian of Rob- • ert Olmstead, minor child of Mary Olmstead. deed. - Final met of Wm Mitten, es'er ofJohn McPhee . eon. deed. ' • Final acc't of Dexter And P B Chino, ern of Daniel Chaffee. late of Warren, decd. ' Final acc't of D F Dunning and Win Rain*, ad Wes of Robert Wham, late of 'Wells. deed. . Partial aeon . of John Patterson and! Jas Mason,' erro . of day Pofteroon.„ • Final acc't of Wm Delpench and Wm P Hoe ton. errs of David Horton: late of Sheshequin, deed., Partial acct of S A Chobbitek, err of Miner/`a` IChubbuck, late of Orwell. deed: • • ',I Final acet. of Z Struck, adnrr of Moses of Wyainsing, deed. Final acct of M R Gibbs and Edward Herrick., miners of ifenry L Gibbs. late of Athens. dee*, Final neet of Harslet lloaglln. adze's. and , Marlow, Dayton Allen, adturs of Wm HoliglirstUrto of erysox'twp, deed. - , Fi nab acet of Loyal F Russell. admrs Pendeate• lite of Cynthia. JordargAec'd. as guardlsq of Geo B DelriOreSt, a minor child of Pitmen Demolest, deed. . Final scc't of Edward Herrick, adm'r of John . Saltfliarsh. late of Athens, dec'd. • Final aet of Helena! Sawyer, cdteex.of Attend-. ra I”: Sloan, late of Athens, decd. Partial *col of Sarah Spaulding, adm'z of Lewis Spaulding. lateof Leßoy, deed. acct of S J Hickok, guardian of R A Jack "son;. minor child of Jonathan Jackson, late of Cali- ton; deed. - tom, meet of John Bixby, guardian of Louisa Bixby, minor child of Warren Bixby, late of Apr rants, deed. Final acct of Wm MI -•-• of•Siush Da . t Partial acct of•Saroh .oDavis i 'lnardLinqif Gots ir Darla, miner child of Jonathan Davis, late of Rorlington. deed. ' Final seal of Edward M Decker, ades'i of Israel Smith. deed. • ' 'Float are't of Miami Benson. adm'X of Beillialitt , .BCTIAOn. late of Columbia, deed, • . Final - sec% of J T Ballep, guardian of Clarence ' Smith. Minor child of Cyrus Smith, late of Bur n:l'2ton. deed. Partial seer of James Fitzahrinions, err of Den ds Final acct of Wm Rowell. adm'r of Daniel P. Joites, late of !tike twp. deed.' Final acct of , Win 8 Jayne, Orr of John Batea, iate'of Canton, dec'd. Final acc't of 0 W Brink. adm'r of Emily Jet late of Len:gym-Me. deed. r Final acel of A S Baldwin, erret John Thomaa, late of Pike, deed. - • • - s .Partial acelt of Win F Robinson. ex'r or Tbourase,' Barris, late of Leßoy; deed. • • va s'.; Barris, wren of. Wellington Banowellif, guardian •of John It 3fontgemery,ininor child of Henry' Montgomery. dec'd. t And also the appraixement of property set eir by • executors and adminiatratorarto widows and chit. rfren of the fallowing decede ts, ylo Estate of Wm Elliper. • 1 / 4 4 " Beery A Miller. " " George Munch. r: . . •Austin Randall • Elam Kendall, - ' - And the same will'be pre nted to' the Mitban.s' Court oflirad font County tember 6, ten, at, S r: sm., for confirmation-and, lowanos. C. E. ANDRUS. Register. 4 , 'Registers OMee, Towanda;n Pa., Aug. 4„107 • . ADMINISTRATOR'S Pursuant - 10 an ardor Of, the Orphans' Court of Bradford County, ronnsylinnts, there wit/ bet sold :it public sate on the pram:Saes In Wafted bap., said county, on SATIIRDAY the 25th day Of' MI. 17. ST„ A. 1)., 1577 : . Juimenelng at o'clock. -I; M., the foll4wlnzdeserll,e.l real ottate. ie.. of Levi Dutbam: deceased, to WIC: One lot of land bound ed on the north by lauds of T. Coburn and J. C. Mannbur.' oast by lands of Trust Crawford and Jubn talreblhls. hontb by lands of •Datrhani, and west by lands of P: Iflrkey and Darling; . ! .. .oltalning one hundred acres, wort, or leas, nearly Crwoodlapd. 'CONIIIFiON OF SALE:—One hundred donate to be paid when the property Is struck down ; flay hundred on contlrtuaticm, sod the Balance in one yOne from the date of ronfirmstit.e. with Interest. ASA DTI:CHASE. Adednistratot. Warren Twp.. Pa., July IS, 1877. A SSIONEE'S • NMINeII--In , the matter of Jaiob 0. Fletcher. Bankrupt: la the District Court of the Vetted States, Western Divlvict of Pennsylvania. . The crediting wilt take notice that a general meeting of the croditoes of said Bankrupt will be held In Towanda. In said District: on the lath day of AUGUST. A. at leotto , k. A. ii.. at lb* Witco of Overton & Meteor.. eftde B. A. Mercer. onet of the Reghtten 1n P thkraptcy In said district, for the purple name . in the 27th section of the Bankrupt Act of March S. IM7. (to wit,:' a final distribution of said Bankrupt's estate.)' if your claim Tuts not already been proved, it must be done or Deere thesisf ineetter. ..JAMBS H. WYSS, &M=*. !last Smithfield, July BE ittt. . . A lIDITOWS - NOTICE.Johti W. ye,lf Elkumb.;rirer. et al. In thetoort or common Pleas of Bradford County. 7.81. Bent. T. 141 : , • Th., tuutcredgned en. Andlter appolstad Int the Court to distribute Nada sating ttoui defortaaare *not estate, will attend-to the duties of Ida attd-ap. - polntment nt mo.ofilep of Natick it Pore. On MONDAT; the 27th day of AUGUST. 11‘77.. at IV o'clock A. x., whoa and where all peraubli .hairtng claims agatuat said rand. must present the muse,. or be forever &bond there !tram', - custf. M. NAIL. aueNw. 11 Mil 'of 9 C Adams.