11 fiTzwo hox ALL NATIONS. ' SILVER has been discovbred in Bedfoid county, Va. , z i Pas in London is $1,19 a tconsand feet; inßerlin ' TgE Turks were repulsed at Khaefah on the sth inst. • losinott his a tivelimrilla—the second ever seen outside, of Africa. • _ ilupEß the Minoitilaw there aro thirty four different grades of grain. . A:crabber, checker-board, that can: be rolled-Alp and put in your emit tail, is out. TuE blockade along the - entire • length of the Chesapeake canal has been raised. ' Tar. people of Lewiston,- by a vote, have decided to bay a steam fire engine. . miners - Strike in the Shamokin region is spreading to the outlying dis tricta. " , No waiting here ; eight artists to work," is the sign in a Nei* York barber shop. • A Tviloox . it Coney island,, on Friday o eening; witcked four hundred and sixty two bathitfir hotisetr. • • Tun United - States forces and Nea Per ces Indians had a hard fight on the 9th. Loss on bothisides heavy. • , A stustcm. section will be arranged at tl)e Paris 'exposition ' for which $50,000 s been-appropriated':habeen-appropriated':d:s: consequence of the death of -a near relative, Vice President -Wheeler wil not attend the; Vermont Centennial:-`- Tun Pittsburgh • Telegraph. :itstimates that-the gun dealers of that city lost $lB,- 000 in goods stolen by the mob. A dealer id ready-made linen advertises shirta and chemises under the title of . "m,ale and fenralit etWelopes." , T. GosnonN and Meyer Asch, have • been knighted by the Belgian = Govern mentler services at ,the Centennial. • t . TlM...Supreme Council of the World; and the Grand Lodge of Ohio, Knights of . 1 3 ,3 thiag, -are in session fat Cleveland. Two hundred- and fifty operatives of the Newarli City silk 'mill, - struck Tues day againSt,a fifteen pelt cent reduction. OF 'Abe sixty-two inemberbll of the - .Doylestown military company organized fOr - the emergency 'thirteen were printers. 111ii.zxv.soTA is going to have twenty-five per cent more wheat than last year, grass hoPpeis'to the contary notwithstanding. A.Ccousra have just been received of the 'loss of the steamship Eten, together wigs ono hundred yes, on the 15th of .1111 y. . THE , ship ,lanored l loading out going ,sliips for - Dobell &.• Co., Quebec, struck -because the firm.had engaged non-society men. ' • A A LATt.nutober of the Augusta (Ga.) ebrosiekilfid Constitutionalist contains a • " Christmas carol " nearly two columns in length. • ' lateit,..pfficial -reports from Calcutta • state that Nepaul, as well aißurrnah and 'Assam, haveliad' a sufficient rainfall, and • are howl safe..' - • • . , .Tuifoa Inman, has granteda now trial 'in the•case of 31'Donnell, thb • Maguire convicted of thp.murderlof Mor,_ gan Powell. • . . il l aNny • W._ . cORITIT; member of. the Beading School Board, who was wounded thiring-the late riot, died on .Wednesdayt of lock jaw. • AnvicEs teem Chicago state that ,the Wester,n Gnu Works at that plaee have . been closed up, and it •is reported thatthe , -managers have absconded. 0.7it.1 , -FOURTH of the .pidice force lot Iliehinoud,. Va., are required to Sleep at the station hedges when off duty, to pro ' vide for any sudden emergency. A ToUNG• man in Dedham, Masa., Ilea thrown up his situation as a driver of a baker's cart rather than deliver Boston brown bread on Sunday mornings. • BUTT= in Somerset and Bedford Conn , ties is, bought hir hucksters from farmers at. ten - touts per pound: The farmers get twelve cents* trade from- store-keepers. THURSDAY, 'the Adams Ei - press com pally will withdraw front the Marietta and Cincinnati railroad. After that day the express business will be,earried on by the railroad company. • THE People's Sir l 'ing Bank of Newport, Perry couetfy, was robbed of $10,700 by expert criiekStnen en the night of the 18th ult. No-clue as yet to the robbers.. THE village of ,tlarnsee, Mariencrder, Prussia, has been destroyed by fire and :300 persons rendercl homeless, of Sand van,' has been almost totally burned.' IT ' is said- that inforniation has been . • lodged against 150 persons who- are sup posed to have been concerned in the re cent- riotous• demonstrations at Wilkes- Barre. • -c • - -• Tirs State Capital 'man and Savings Association; Harrisbur, is arranging - 14) close ..up its business, .and' audftors for that purpose will be appointed at the next meeting. • MAL mine haS .been opened .on the, side of the Kittatinny Mountains, a few rnilosTrom Hurrisburg. The vein has a depth of sixteen feet, and the coal resem bles that from Lykens Valley. NATHANIEL tlonNa,. who came within three votes of making die Cambria Coup ; • ty Democratic nomination for Protliono tary„lias..atitiounced himself . as an Imle iiewlent candichite- for that.office. A m of `..llianY township, Ilerks ;Coinity, started out on the mountain to hunt for . a lost. sheep, and got into a- den of rattlesnakes—hundreds of them,, he 'ays. tie shot several, and then beat e retreat. Cart, irkide on the - style of tbe street car, with open sides, is now attached to pa S. ewer trains on the K It. It: for the. benefit of all who may wish to view the scenery on and over the mountain's. A LAscasritt man.claims to have shOt a froj "about a foot Sand a: half long," put of which, when cut open, glided a 2iiike two feet in. length, The ~ w eather is' too • warm at present to believe this story. • Tftl: 'Democratic Convention of Craw ford County has nominated Pearson • , c,. Church for .Indg 4 e. , Plummer, the tem lebturer, was a delegate, but de. 7-.-clares 'he will stump the county 'against 'Church. '-, .TitEnr. were 33.1 petroleum .wells com pleted-in the month of July. 'Of these 59 lure worthless. There are now 268 wells being drilled, arid -preparations have. been made fol- commencing :349 more. The production of the newly eompleted wells - utootintett to 5,449 barrels per day. - . TotLikentbers.of the coal and iron po. lice, well armed, enter the Beds .County jail'eaelt evening, and remain there until_ • the follewing - Morning. There . are Still borne thirty-live of these.police in Reading guarding the 'property of the railroad .company ) a • TIT: tike.of Brunswick's mausoleum 'tit Gene ,to be erected in the Jardin des' AlpeA-a the-cost of 1,400,000, francs, is to includ six white marble statutes (if his 'ancestors, beginning with Henry the Lay am, and ending with hig father ;-*ho fell lit Quatre Liam. Dr is.proposed to bore a tunnel under --the Mediterranean froth near Algeciras,. - ---7-itiSpain, to a point between Tangiers and Deuta, in Africa, a distance of nine miles. '‘The cost is estimated at X 4.000,000, and; fire promoters are said to have alreadyi • , raised a considerable sum. (d•lCentatcky t -szinade ' spectli a .Maysville, in his state; the othersß. day, in which he went over the old I. , ,routur of Charging the Democratic leaders of the East, with cowardice for not installing • Tilden and- then took- his position on the I Democratic platform of Ohio. , • 'AN aticial report made to the bureau of statistics shows that during the month •_ending July 31, 1577, there arrived'at the ' port of Now York 9,559 passengers, whom -7,71,3 Were emigrants, 2,242 citizens of the United "States and 644 sojourners. Of the total number oC immigrants, 3;025 were Males, and 2,788 females. . TUE experimebt of slaughtering cattle • by means of dynainite was recently tried at Dudley, yrigland, with much success. Small charges.of dynamite were fastened on the foreheads of the animals, and ax ploded by, nuelectridshock. The-antmahy t. two disabled horses and a donkey; were• ' Instantly killed by tTi •exploSion, suffer. lug a cOmpatatively - ia death. 1. Tutnms Illoußap4 cases of tobacco;con taming 400 to 500 - naunds each, were ship., ped froin,laneatite i r last year. The income to, the' protlueers was about' $3,000,000. :In 'lonic localities thu yield was $OOO ,worth of tobacco to the acre.. • WORK on the, new post office, at • Niiith . and Ciiestnu , btrects, Philadelphia, is pro-: gre:roiing steadily, and the appropriation for it year of $400,000 haS been :-..- • . Ced s. to "secure n „continuance .•ork during the building season.' paged Neportet EDITONS E. 0. GOODRICIi.. S. W. ALVORD. Towanda, Pa., Thursday, Mimi 16,1877. VBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY, I. MePHERSON, Of - Towanda Borough. ron_C(IIINTY SURVEYOR, T. A. SEWARD', f Smithfield ToWmehip REPUBLICAN STATIC CONVENTION. HEADQUARTER'S REYEDLICAN STATE. COE. MITTEE T MEI 'jab, 1877.-1 n pursuance* '3 ie9olll. t.IOE of the Republican State Committee, adopted at a meeting held in Harqsburg,thiS day,a Repute can tltAte Convention, to be coaposed of delegates from each- Senatorial and RFpresefitatlve district, to the number to witch such district Is entitled In the Legislature, is hereby called to ,meet In th city of Harrisburg, at 12 o'clock noon, on Wednes• day, September sth, 1877, for the, purpose of nomi nating Candidates - for Supreme Judge, State Treas urer and Auditor General, to be voted for at-the ensuing general election on the eth day of Norco). her next. By order of Committee. HENRY M, HOYT, Chairman. -A. WILeO c)lonnss,'SecretarT. SEPrEmBEB, 6th is the last day on which voters can be registered in or- Aer to vote at, the next election. • As sessors are required to have- their lists at the Commissioners' Office on Friday s September ith. ' - .. s Jim. A. S. MERRIMON, 1)7 iced States Senator from North',Caro? ina, in a recent address before the 1 orth Carolina University„ spoke • some plain truths to'the people of the Tur pentine- State. Ile referrea to the local resources, :the mineral depoSits of gold, irob, copper, silver, etc., the noble rivers, the three hunred miles of sea coast, with its 'tme liabors. its' extensive lumber forestS, with sixty varieties of trees, its water power, ?Me to turn the machinery\of Eng land, its fertilizing ' marl deposits, etc.' • Ile next pointed to the u4nt of enterprise, to the poorly-construCted railroads, .and to the shameful facet that of the population 338.000 cannot' read. "Illiteracy in North.Carolimi." 'said he t with a stern , and unqualified a trankneSs,, "makes darker spot in our history than in any land of Eng lish-speaking tongue. • In darkness and ign4ranoe,men cannot make citi zens, but let education, practical 'as well astheoretieal, shed its effulgent beams upon our - benighted State, and from its extremest limits it will blos som and its citizens will be an honor to it." It has long been aunqter of surprise that a State of such-resources as North Caiolina should have fallefi so far in the rear.- A large part of it is unsettled and. in a wild and primitive condition, awaiting the hand of man to level) the fbiest and till the Soil. The material interests of the State have been sacrificed to a "narrow, see ona . t\ l system of ,politics. Under the -in piration of men like Senator IEttRI. VS, it' is to be lidped North Carolina ill awakS to a sense . 'of her own worth tn.d to her duty to herself. , YOUNG men who eultrate the soil, probably cla not see quiso much "lift." as those who live 'n. large cities , or manufaeterinL to ,s, or those who aloe employed onrailrads, bnt they - undoubtedly enjoy real lie, in the long run, .Much better an they have no occasion for strikes. The nlrul we would like to teach is, that in a country where- there is so much Undeveloped land as in- the ~ 'United States there- is plenty of room . for every industrious, eco nomical man to snake a living, Mid in due time - a home l in the cultivation of the soil, the primary, spree of wealth. THE losses to the Several railroads of the' country by the strikes are esti mated at $25,000,000, on perishable articles, besides the property burned arid stolen which •will be repaid to' the companies amounting to about $25,600,000 more. The losses to business men anti others by the sus pension _of traffic are placed at $lO,- `OOO,OOO, making a total direct loss of not less, than $60,000 1 000 from the lawlessness - of a Sew hundred men• during one week; not to compute the immense indirect losses through the idleness of workingmen, etc. J -6 AN intelligent . and prominent Democratic politician •of Cntre county, in discussing the " Crawford County protein," the other day r& !narked - 0 us that notbing could afford him and his party more-satis faction- than _to see the Republicans of this_connty adopt that plan, as it would certainly result in turning this stronghold. of Republicanism oterto the - Democra9r. . AN, uprising such as the c2 , l4ritry has just passed through does more to perpetuate "hard times " . fqr the laboring class, than all the combina tions of corporatiOns in the, country could.. The oountry naturally awl rightly sympathize with the matt who earns'his daily bread by the sweat of his brow;; but unlawful and riotous proceedings frightens capital, and tends to withdraw it frOm all public channels. THERE are no' new developments in rdgard to the labor troubles in this State. The running of trains is nik more interfered with, but the mi ners in the Wyoming and Lohigh re sionit, still,^ refuse to work,' . and in some \ igtstiinees, it is reported, the mines are being flooded. tz.:Rabinet has decided that as many newsp.sper reporters as 'may desire;May accompany the SUTING BULL Commission,provided they pay their own expenses\ • SAK I NATOR COKLIINI Vial returned fionz his'Europeni tour. THE INDIANS. • HELENA, Montarip,, - Ang. : ll. The following dispatches.. were !eceiipl this morning, the ii \ rst dated uouroto:o4,"Asir.s. ro'oov. pow: Had a hard fight with the Nan Patna, killing.* number and - lasing 'a number of opium; and men. We needs doctor and everything. \ fiend such ris• lief as you can. ' • • Joni( GI ' Colonel Cr A DA7 LATtU. To One. Toffs: We are bear near the month of 11l with alarge number of wounded In on thing, food, clothing, medicine and : dance. Send ua assistance at once. Jon x 0113110 S. Colonel 11. S. A. Another dispatch to Governor, Potts . says : "We had a hard fight 'and took the Village. but werelnally driven ,back with heavy loss..gap -Lain Lbgan and. Lieutenant Wrigley are General Gibbon and Lieutenants Coolidge, English and Woodruff are wounded, Lieutenant English seriously. and ,the others slightly. The troops are entrenched and the Indians leaving."- - When the messenger was leaving Gibbon 'said, " I want an escort sufficient 'to protect_the wagons which are coming to reieve us. Load the wagons as lightly as' possible. The Indians have cut me off from my supplies." DEER LODGE, Mont:., August 11.- 9 A. st.—W. H. Edwards has arrived from Big 'Hole bringing accounts of the tetrible battle between Gibbon's command and the NeaPeree on the Big Hole River, August 9th. Gibbon's command, consisting of 182 men-17-offieers,;l33 regulars:and 32-citizens, volunteers--brossed-over from Ross Hole on' Wednesday. Starting at 11 o'clock the same night they moved doivn all the troops with the exception of a few to guard the transpottation- a few miles above, .close the the Indian camp which was on the Big Hole about three miles below where the Bitter . Root and Barrack trail crosses. At daylight the fight, opened by the volunteers firing on an. Indian going after the' horses. A' charge was then made on the camp and hard fighting took place in the next two_ hours, during which large numbers of men and Indians were killed. The soldiers then charged the lodges, but were repulsed.. ; . • The Indians then attempted to cut the soldiers off from a high wooded point, hut latter charged beating back the Indian advance from the point which they held and fortified. 'The • fighting , continued . hIl day. and was still progresSing when the con -rier left at It o'clock. The fighting was desperate on both sides, the Atli 'force .of Indians being. engaged. \ • Capt: Logan and Lieut. Bradley were killed:. Gen. - gibbon, Capt: Williams and Lients. Coolidge, Eng lish, and Woodrutt \ were wounded— General Gibbon slightly. Lient:. Bradley was the tirstnan killed. The messenger says that after they 'failed to capture the' lakes the In dians moved their camp offn..the rection of Bannock. All thetr horses were Captured, and theCmee enger had. to come to French Gulch, n arly sixty miles on foot. Another messenget; was sent to Iloward, who should - have inache there to, dap The . howitzer had been left.six miles behind and order ed to be moved up at &Alla. - Dur ing' the. fight heard it discharged twice and then it was silent. A band of Indians soon after' appedred with it number of horses, and it is . belief ed all the horses of the command, the gun supplies and reserve• aminu nition.was captured, . - When the courier - . left fleneral 'Gibbon thought' he had a hundred effective men and believed that near T ly nll thel. Indians hail withdrawn from the front. . ,•: The messenger says he thinkii one hundred Indians were MH O and nearly , half of the command, includ ing citizens, killed or wounded. • A courier has - just arrived 'with the following, dated Deer Lodge, Atizust I,lth T, wily.. x‘ Eighty I .IVOLLIIIWt `I /VELE: 4 i. • courier fro ed at DeerL 1 to the°llth:- General Gib \ n. camp was.not . r,caP u. ported. There was t. the first day's, battle n \,(. Gibbon's.lossesare: i Logan, Lieutenants Bostwick, .and seventeen - i five citizens. . 1 , The wounded are: General ibbon, Captain Williams, Lient pants .Coleridge,. Woodruff and En isle; the later seriously; besides thi six men and four citizens. (for. Potts .7 -_ . . , tiatre oil the men we want here to escort tile I %"ii are rushing out wagons, Mores. ice; ect. ueu out of one liutotred aro killed or LATER. -Montnns, Ang,nat, General Gibb-onstriv xlge to-clay .7ith'Alates 's supply train and Lured asd first re no fighting after to the,9th. killed,Captain lleY and men and The Indiana suffered severely, as' fofty dead Indians were 'counted on about half the battle field. Gen. HoWard had arrived, and would persue 'the as,:ioon as his command arrived Gen Gibbon would more to cDeer Lodge and take his wounded tOYort Shaw as. soon as medical • aid ':and• transPortien could arrive. _ The Indians had °disappeared, in which direction, it is not yet learned. WASIIINT6N, Aug. .12.—Gen. Sher idan basireceived dispatches . confir matory of the press accoUtits-O - Gen. Gibbon's fight with the Indians. GREAT corporations could not die• tate tempi to labor, if labor wag not in exces's in the market. The fact is -that there are at least' three men standing ready to do whateveroffers for two filen to do. While this is true the third man will offer to work cheaper rather than`' be, Unemployed, and iso wages will be conetantly di in inished. Why is labor in excess - ? Because' our towns and cities have ben filled up too rapidly during the exeeptionally prosperous years that followed the war, and'a,re now out of all proportion to. the \agricultural population. The demandsfor middle men, and, manufactering labqr, is far below the supply.; The result can only be cheap wages and suffering . What is the remedy for this state o f things? Certainly not strikes .and destruction 'of property ; certainly not unlawful acts that only increase` thetaxes and still further diMinisti the demand for labor.. A „larger per cent. jot the laborers must 'become prodUceis and cultivators of the soil for their own livink., GrizzLxv'S yice, " Go west, yming man," is very pertinent just now. There is no part of our broad land where men cannot .get a good living for themselves and families out of the soil. Land is very cheap andthousands of square miles of it await occupation. Let' every man who finds his income insufficient -fifuthureal needs or his 'family, or her labor a drug in the market, seri obeusltyt consider farmei._ if w ir ui i a s, m n si ot x, r e t a . i G i tetl to c. and Bulletin. , • wrzp - nol otrs atittittozwri, . - ..,....., ,---,---- - , - • . - - • 01/11 EIHUTOIIIr- Pi bi ~,. , • - .frew Val, amen Ilk arr. . . .. . . it -Can't-getirer4-:•Chtb, to which read, ournslista belong, were congratula ting :Melva. upon the fact that at, last. New Y k's natxtral watering place was to be med horn three-card-monte l y, men, and omen whom our French neighbors .'s le 14 _01kierf" - and be mo into at-L and and convenient breathing space or over-heated - but re... spectible 'he a . Efforts bare been made to reclaim .. • Island, which cer tainly Lae the finest . - .h. in America so that it would bs no 1. . ger attbarish of his life and reputation .r s person to go , . • .4 .is plan became alact . fax 41.1 rePTI - tat .. was concerned, but .0e life that was .. ved from the roughs as given over i the wilful'. carelessness . railway officials. To make it safe to see:xpeili tiourkm.. .- of reaching this pi - that ought to.baone of the most a e h. the world, Pch's 'suggestion will‘p .b -ably have to acted upon and a dine . t : ,f, strapped on the • tof each locomotive. 1 I hope, however, have better things.tO say of it before lon . ' - The Holmes' m er, still remains ill At certain sense, a mystery . Mrs. Howard) denies-that her house has not a reputa-1 tion likellayard's. and Mrs. Holmes re-, fuses to say anything alxtet, the party who assaulted her. Meautime l, he has ea. caped and the finest police in the world cannot find him. ~ The saloon keepers are justly ogry at having been arrested, some of them \hold ing receipts from the Excise Common ors for seven years - payment of s, which they consider equivalent to license, Their 'wishes concerning the ' body were not of such propitia t ory cool ness as could be desired during.the meg-, cut heated term Which bas, once more at-' tacked us, and ,they grow still more ex- cited over any suggestion that they shoeld keep cool. That sombody wants to make some money seems to be sellt evident. • CM • The arrival here from Washington of several young ladies froth the. Treasury Department to count stamps, , was usual the source of much curiosity to al the young mon'in the vicinity of the Conk tineutal Bank Note Company, wher during the last twelve days, five of the have counted nearly 200,000,000 postag stamps. The average New York your marrlooks• upon the Treasury girl, xot much as a possible treasure,. as a sort of novel side show at which he longs to get a peep. ' • .. . ' I saw a new entertainment given. pri , ately to critics and invited guests a•short time ago.. I understand now(that it will be offered to the public under the , au spices of the American Literary Bureau this winter. The originator is Mr. "Alfred J. Knight the elocutionist, who opens with a short reading of dialect, humorous pathetic pieces, and then gives extracts • from. Shakespeare in • costume. The changes are made in a few seconds and yet the dresses are perfect in detail and of `the richest material. I Lave not space, to speak of it at length, but as the selec tions were admirable and well delivered, , the audience which nuinbered matiy of 'the best people ie New York, Were unan-' - inxis in their praise. It was well , worth ' seeing and will duuhtless meet with the favor it"deserves. There is a howl among both large and small children over the wantoness or malice that led some one to poison all the salt: water. fish in the Aquarium. The poison (white lead) was : thrown in through the windows which are left open at nighti It was a cowardly and outrage ous act. _ A new industry, or rather :the'enlarge ment of an old ono. has been brought to rily notice in the form of embossed" glass. As it seems' quite probable" that it may not only prove of interest to your readers; but a probable source ,of revenue, I will make myself further acquainted with the facts concerning it. • The suicide of the Frenchman Marius, you have probably heard of. It Was thoroughly French both in inception and irecution, and his remark thht "he Want to know something about the other - world," was quite in keeping with his nal innality. .. • Paris is at present in tears ,over the death o a, celebrated- actor named La- Perriere, "w ho held his Own in a youth ful w y in he same manner asJ.h.jazet. His last wo s are said to .liave been, " I go too see if the theatre lielow is 1110 - re amusing Omit the one here." , _ The late editor of the Revuicdes Deux Moudes, is said to'haVe reolarked, "I am going -tO edit the 4 '.ewe ;of the other world," while Rabe - W.3,111 - 1 dying said to his valet,'" Draw the:Curtain, the farce is played. Igo to seek a gtt perhaps." 111. Marius therefore a seventy-four, only actoitiii the spittnf hiscountrymen when he 'took-tiff - own\ liferather than suffer, and evinced no feeling but an in • 1141 curiosity concerning eteinit4r . The question in regard to ex-postmaS ter Jewell's interest in the: Charter Oak Insurance Co., is—"llaii•he..got sa,Bonan za or a white Eleplpt?" Opinionslliffer. Dtwahuo the striker, seetts_quite ,con. tent in Ludlow ntre.ilt, jail, although \his), audience of reporters Auld sympathizeis daily decreases. The best interview ,L have seen with this now famous lean, • was that published by a reporter of the Bilfalo Sunday News, of. the sth iust, who was scut here for that purtoose. There are many advantage s gained-4 living in the country, espernally for those blessed with abundance of means. ,But for impecunious and unleisurely 'rustics, there are not a few. disadvantages, more particularly'when such people are hungry for knowledge. They are obliged to rely mainly upon their orilpeirculating library —the local papers.• such mediums do not by any means satisfy enquiring minds, and for the inevitable whys and where fores which arise, they must perforce ask questions of somebody. Here for instance is an item.which seems toiequire.further explanation : Archbishop Bayley, or - Baltimore, is not in favor of "mixed marria n cres," and has ssued . . LANCASTER County is raising i pion tobacco clop. kNORRISTOWN man boasts of a pound radish. • Tan rolling mill at Tainagna is 176r1 ing night and day. ,' ' Tng exports from /Philadelphia last week footed at 073,0 / 90. lionns thieves are tronblin* the citi zens of Clearfield County.. Mns. : XtuoAnFri Rittsui.r.ti,- of Ad:ups count, its imid•t9 r be 112 years 'old. • Fr is estimated . thai there are- oue hun dred -tramps id the vicinity of Eiji!. ' ILA:MU:SNAKE with twenty-oue rat tles waireeently killed in York County. ' , PEACEFUL Bucks County has not a sin gle military company within her limits. Taz.eona crop all over the State is re ported'as never looking more promising' at this season. • account of the increase of trade the s ffonetsdale Glass Works has added to its blowing force. 'l'nn Grand Jury of Philadelphia btu; al. toady returned true bills against a num ber of railroad rioters, . Six new oil welli have been opened in I East Titusville, and there. is considerable excitement In consequence. Caawienn Cennty will have three fairs this year--orte at Conneautville, - one at Titusville anti-nne at Cochranton. . The, Emporium Presi says that 50,00 p cords of bark ale shipped yearly trunk Cameron 'County, Worth 420%000. „ Ast intelligent ptper in Switzerlaiul says that " Miss Moldebtaguire, of ?ono- .V.XECUTONS NOTlCE—Noticp sytvaniai - hag been hung ilir misbehaving." .2.2 is tumeb_y elven that an persons Indebted to IT is Said that the qualit „,•- um, estate of Mauer Ann. taM of deceased, ROM must mato taustdlata payment, and an reruns coining forward is so cm `haring claim against ealel 'estate most present fleas do not require old w' with titan duly authenticated for settlement. • it, which is an unusualll EN RV - • 01w6U,Pa.,ausli•ew. Tateater. '~ ' ~' ` sue. y - [For the RceohTejt.) ilations.. _Theme. lotion to *any sits a Protes t to matrimo y who receives with the same. refusal of the t the marriage A candid ex (potent . person 'venting disa . We wish to lo cause and in this land kindly inform INQtrIRE#. STATE NEWS. chain MMUS Tim Demers.* IndianaCormty ha* mistrusted the following ticket.: negistei and IlsmoirderJl. P. Kellen District:At= teWIM eny, Jelin =I Pointy flurveyor, Jas. S. • - ' • ita.llhiati padti6llll6;lo463ii hitOti at nealdhlg to work at Lobanoti,thote Nome of the milk have lately been Idle in eon sequence , L of a dlsgreement with. Ploy , Titans- are 60,000 Roman Catholic priests in 'Franco , ; 12,000 'of these are otter sixty years of age ; 2,000 who are now over seversty years• are still , doing olerioal duty. - • . - • . A xvxnan of oat wheels intended for the Great Eastern 'Railway of England have been mado`at. the Lehigh car wheel works. It has do had some orders from South &both* • • WINE dealentin PhEladelphia wonder ing their gooda'sit the simple cost of int pcntation, the 'Murphy Movement and the hard tittles having cut their business down• voq seriously. • Tiff: Harrisburg Patiiot say* the Dau phin County jail is crowded with tramps, many of whom were arrested by the po ice during the railrOad troubles on Bugg c sti or gaierai " ossedbesn." "ney i and Teeth 4al of OTtu PILI cures.. Ltv Ifesdael ratpl elthf solid drill subm Sara( WTI. Aug. '. . Legg . • \\.\\ pßociam , TION. -- WIIEitEAO, J_ lion. PAUL 1). 5 PALO*. Pretlidellt Judge or ~ c 6, the lath Judicial Mark , consisting 'of the county . of Sraaford , and lion. iS. IluesakL Associate Judge In and for said eonn . of irradfoni. Wave Is-, sued their precept hearing ate the 20th day of ' July. 1977, to me directed; ft holding a Court of Oyer and - Termitier. lien al Jail Pelivery r Quarter Smartens of the Peare,l, minim Pleas and Orpheus' Court, set Tortandskt fo ant county of Itradfonl, commencing an Monday, Sept. id, 1977, to continuo three weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given Ma l persons in. Wrested that thoy he then anti there in their proper person, at 10 o'clock, In the forenoon of 'said day, t with records, inspasitions and other roue prances to do those thingeerhleh to their. oSice a' pertains to =he- doses Joann Are requested to ie. pane fintin their atteddithco agreeably to their Itot Ice. Onteil at Towanda, the Tthelay of Auxuhr, in the 1 yepof our Lord, ono thousand eight hundred'and aterenty,teven, and of the liulependence of the _United Stitestheme hundred and' second. 1 n A. J. LATTONI Sheriff. rrDIAL LI:3T fok Sept. T. Isi: KECOND wErra - 4 C W:Clapti vs D.II 'Walker deli' Jiistus , B ItaynOr's use vs \V .I Fuller lssue A F. Comstock vs 7C it Williams -: debt .1 II Cox vs Myron itabcock . • iFSUO Ellen K Mitchell's use vs James,Kelley. ejct Abram Waltman vs Justus Lewls.'.;....,..trespass -Peter Brady vs Jane Gibson l'• ... ....aTal Gen S Hornet vs o W Goodell ' . 1 suq Tillable Kinney vs Geo W Kinney* , sI4 A I. Melican vs Win 1ti1e5........t ... tjert (Illy Tonne* VA Aniazlah Klnney..../:,, eject Plizieraid. Flagg & Co vs Dunbar 6 Deivey..asspt X Lewis vs It NV Martin -.-. '-• . appeal ARdrew Bailey vs Michael Lynch.. ...... .'„,appisaj, James Sullivan et al vs Daniel Driscoll....tres'pass Michael Coleman_ vs John .1 Thomlna an,..Arespass -Emma Jane 116WItt vs Samuel Kell-fire.. , .'. —eject Samuel . Walbrldge'vs W-W Walker ' covenant IjC Elsbrce vs Charlet Elsbrce .....:. ...... appeal I.pdla Harding vs Watson Freeman - ; eject J W-Lewls' use vs 8 V Benjamin et al Issue Jackson Lewis vs 0 E Pickett debt* It W.l'atrlck Vs Itenja.nala Northrap... ...... ejett ' Win May vs L 'l' Royse - trespass Susan Canner et al vs C W I/oluie ' eject . • 'nitub NV zak. s. ' Hobert Madden vs 0 I) Bartlett 1101110 James GUI vs lASI Walls • debt John Thompson vs Michael Coleman eject E Waltman vs Warren Ayres appeal Michael Hickey vs Thomas Welsh trespass Nelson Crittenden vs Moses W Lear, .... ....appeal B W Lane vs John J Grllllth et al covenant War,eington Barrow,cliff vs W S Ford t . Dater Win H Barnes vs Win May et al ' eject Ji It Coon/angle% use vs II W Lane...:. tempt Dr Wtn {lene) , vs Mark Minto ....appeal Michael McDonnell vs A k T Waltman..covenant It A Eliner's use vs John M Pike et al • .sci fa 'Nathaniel Davison vs .1 I. Corbin amid, J Ii (loolbaugh vs JC. Pattnni • • ... aaapt JotiqJ Taylor vs Ceas I' Welles\ allin`r..am aetlon Isaac K liarrLs vs Hartford Fire Ins CO asset 0 %Goodell vs A Lew L i. cotenant L Ch.sapei's adm'r vs J A Whipple ct al - 10s05 First Nat Bunk of Athens , vs Jun I) Heyser...debt Margaret Parks' - use vs Theo Dimglicrty et al. sci fa Joseph Towner irs'll W Laim Pt al eject Antes y Decker vs D Leonard Pratt replevin ,Jom,pla Towner vs Jelin Mack et al I eject Franklin Hassell vs It M Russells' cl'is r ' •Isspt Submnaes for second week mtarnable on Mon. day; Sept. le, 18771 fur third week returnable on Monday, Sept. 17, 1877,-at 2 o'clock; P3l ~ BENJ. 31: P :CK, rent. Tpwanda, Pa., August Is, 1877. •• - (AR P HAN S' COURT SA LH. N . _7 The undersigned. Administrator of the estate of Dennis Driscoll, dec'd, will expose to public sale at 'the residence of Jprry Driscoll, In Rldgbury. on MONDAY.I4.IPT O commencing at 2 o'clock, P. M., the following described real estate, situate In the township of P.ldgbury. Brad ford County, Pa.:" Bounded' north by lands of An thony Alien; east" by lands of 'rhos Donlime and estate of Michael McAsey, south by lands of Leary, and west by lands of. Jerenalalt Driscoll ; contains SO acres of land, more or less; no fmpeore. meets. - _ TERMS.-450 on the property being struck down, onedtalf of Cho residue on confirmation. and the `balance In one year from confirmation with interest • . J. h. ELSIIREE, Administrator. 'then; Pa., Aug. is, 1277. . ._.:....._ \IALIJDITOR'S NOTICE. - Wm. itvli, 'vs. Denier tieshlt. In the • Coed or CoMmon`pleas of Bradford County. .250. 876, Fete noterTerna 1878: Thaundersigned an - A lull torappointed-to distrih-! ote funds rabied from hherlff's sale of dere:Mar:Ca real estate. wiit s attetid to the tint'es of his appoint- . niout, etc., at the office of Overton a: Elshree. In Towanda, on Entry.; the 24th day of AUQUST at 9 o'clock A. M. - - ' ; ,i, lie will also at the Me time and place attend to the duties of his ap liitment sic Examiner and Master in matter o the applicatloniof A. Wll. llama to he sot:regaled t the rights of the plain tirt's In certain judgment ag ainst the said Dart& Nesbit. - ' E. OTEETON .J.R. / Auditor, Ei attr.-4w TN BAN,F — IttrPTCYIn the Di e - Ilia Conaof the United Btat a;lor the West.' .\., tern .District of yenusylvanla.. In he, matter of James W. Taylor and Idahlou X. 8 idiag, Bank. ruotit, No. 28711. In Ilankreptcy. . To; :whom It may coutern : The u derdlgued hereby gives notice of hit's appointment alAssigneO of James W.'Taylor and Mahlon M. Spat. Ing, of. ,Towinda Soros, 'ln the County of Bradt() and State Of Pennsygia, within said- District , who two- teen adlnd 'Bankrupts. on creditors' peti tion Vibe District Court Of said District, . E. T. FOS, Assignee. #agost 13, A. b.. 1877-wt • VOTICE.—In the matter' of the' voluntary amtignment of Blood AllO. to John F. hatterlee Jur the benefit of. creditors. In the Court of ,Common'Pleltm of Bradford County, • So. 712, May term, 1876. Notiee is hereby Oren that the dual a count of John F. Satteriev, Assignee of .111.0.14 t Co., -has been tiled and will 1* presented to the court for allowance on TlfUltliDAE, the 6th / day or SEPTEMItF.It; ltin, unless cause be , shoWn why it should net he. /a 2.77. -BEND. M. PECK, Prot.• NOTICE.—In the matter .of - the voluntary assignment of Sylvester , Hirsh \to tieorge W. Brown for the benefit op creditors. lo s the Court of Cemftion'Pleas of Bradford Cdunty. No. 1085,8epternber term, tB7B. Notice Is herrn* , given that the final aeonnt of George W. Brown. Assignee of Sylvester Harsh, has been Bled and will in presented to the court for allowance on THURSDAY, the Bth day Of SEPTEMBER, 1677, unless cause be shown why It should not be. W 217. . BENJ. M. PECK, Prot. NOTIOE.In - the matter of the voluntary!. assignment of Hiram', Horton - to W. T. Horton for the 'benefit of 'creditors. In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County. No.- 1178, September term, 1874. Notice Is hereby emu that the final account of W. T. Ifrrton, Assignee of Hiram Horton, bas been flied and been present ed to the court for allowance on TIIULSI)AY, the •fh day of SEPTEMBER. 1877, Unless cause be aftpwn why 11 should nut be. • lIENd. M. PECK. Prot. ' A MINISTRAI_OR'S NOTICE ix. • once Is hereby jgbren that' all persons In debted t tho estate of ' David Hlavoner, late of Shestiegain 'deed. must mateitomodiate skytnent to tho molt geed, and nil persons hating data , s against said es ate meat present there. duly undies, ticatod. forsott movit. WM. SNYDER, +duly IC, 17. . Administrator, pemiente ADM.I.NISI ATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hen v Omit I that all persons In debted tb the estate s, Cynthia Jordan, late of Rome twp 4 der'd, mu t ..ake Intim:Mato payment to the undersigned, and a perseps having claims against said estate moat rat them. duly. autheM. Waled., for settlement. . F. RUSSELL, julylif. idtnirdstra or, pondonte EXECUTOR'S NOTI ,i--Notke isltertih_y given that all pc ' L... indebted to the ratite Of Daniel White, late o l" Sidgolon7 ,deceased. • must make Immediate\ payneent tonic undersigned. and all persons ha claims , against . said estate must present them. • illy au thenticated for settlement, to the undo . o 4 at East Smithfield. JAS. if. WEED, Exe o . East Smittifieid.Pa.. July 28, 1877. • . . • estate of 4 Is hereto* given that all persona Indebted estate Cif J. E.Wrlght,late of ,Athens twpoleed, most make Immediate payment to the undersigned. $1 persons basing claims against said estate must present them; duly ;tattletale/god. fur 'sattlenient. MARIA E. WHIMUT, ELY WEIGHT. Executors.. Jul, 19,17 111151111 QUERIFVF; . SAISILAiy 'vrifitti 1..7 of Sundry writs tamed Vibe Conti of VolamenTlemi of Bmidfeed C . intil_Jo. ate di . I*lll ear to iiipit4M mt. i 11111117,, Irtir any .. ESlNlti'at„thii: dqof .. of the si l ta MAU 1 tr'ili Is:lr id,. the Mon' tdeantilled i t Ills . ~., • Cbdi la place or a arik ig tarti. Mist No 61,1 mat !l ids Thomas, isteit* by lot ito 11, and lie Rlaer at,, bang 50 amide on old Ithioet, And 160 leet dap; content 7,100 spare ft. milli 1 llotorr' haft. ed dwellinchouse thereon. Seised and taken Into _execution iikthe sult of Campbell Bps , vs A t J CI. . • .. - , . , . ALikle other Sot' attasto In Wilmot twp, Unaided earth and out by lends of Daniel Blain, oath by the public hl trey, west by lands of Dan. let SteliNsi auntie), sees main of leap nil inn. rah. with I house and ten 'trait trees re. - Seised &ha taken hsto &aeration at the shlt or A terns's tire's Diva thwtalt and I. tried; . ALB6=lino other lot Waste in t 16% bgdatnotih by the pnbilo hlghisly, oast non man b} -lands of Chas Johnson, west by lands df It Vsoduzer, contilns a acres ,niorefor loss, all Improved, with t a fFsbied boost% 1 franied bonhomie snit Otchard of holt uees.thoinoti. anti taken Into enevalloirst the snit of A C ime,vs Menry_Armstrung. - . - - • _ALSO--Ourotheeilot innate In Art:teas Arm bounded north by lands of ERA* Knights, Out by lands fonnerly owned by • 11: W- Miller, south by lands of BenjaininNtiung. west by 'arida of Abram Wilcox and Taisho Knghts; contains ST acres more or less, about 40 acres Improved, with 1 trained house, 1 framed bank other outbuildings, and or• chard of fruit trees thereon: Seized and taken in to evicittion at the milt of 0 IS Monroe Ti Jahn 11.40 , i-One other lot situate iti Tostaddi•Untb% Unaided north by lands of Henry Well& sat by Second-at, ninth by lands or John !Mei:rain* by lands of o I) Bartlett, belntr64 ft free' (*said Sec: onil.st; and 140 ft deep, with 1• trained house • and few fruit trees then spn..Seited and taken Into ex ecution at the Edit of Ellis Laterte•ansayshlward C Irvine. • - • s \ ALSO--Oneetheelotaltuate to Troy tiorai'lroulidi ed and described as follows: Beginning at ad Mow pin in'ttor southeast cot hereof ;thane° by lends of • B F Beebe and Others north 57e. west 100 pen 04 stake; thencitiy lands of 'A D Joralemon north le.: mat 15Ii pets Bra stake: thence by. Ws of X hi Panora, aoutteB7e, east tea $4O pen to an Iron tn east &idea intr•at; thence alongCanton-M 13, 0 west 162-10 pen o the place of beginning; eontstns 10 acres and spe s of land, More or less. with 1 framed bout°, 1 framed barn, and few Bruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Win Doug` an vs Michael Flynn. ALSO--One other lot situate In Athens borough; bounded north y beds of J I. Corbin, earg by lanaa of Ann Unwed!, tooth byJlorrilskswest by lands . Mni Eynon; contains Yij of an acre `More or ion, with 1 framed Church and framed sheds thereon: Seized and taken Into execution at the MU of • F e; Welles's use vs The First Universalist Society of Athens.,.; \ . 4 - A1,150--Clue othertot sittmtwin North Towanda bounded and described As follows : -turning on. the south line of a lot of land owned by. J Lithrer, and J. F Blackman, and at the northeast cot of g ut• heretofore cifinvoyed by James Foster to Ellen , Hosford; thorn) southerly Along mid 'Ellen S. llf ford east line about 27 rods M. within 15 feet Of ithe truth line of the public romt•ldadillit from the ITd da and Mite r road to lands Of the Pa it 14 'r Wit ; thence' easterly ahritesaid road 220 ft tea one, theueo northerly on a dine parallel with the west ne hereof about 27 rods to said Culver's arid Black aril line; thence westerly by the same roS ft to the lace of Deem:lac! contains 2 acres and to rods o and men or !emit bring. the mine niece of land c veyed by Jatdei. Foster to Im. •Vosburg by der. fated May 15, 2473, and recorded In deed book - No 1 Cat pate 424, etc., all Unproved; no buildings. ALSO. , One other situate In Towanda twp, bounded north by • 3, east by buds of Frank Illackman. eolith by I ds, of John Hosford sod Jelin llardieg • west by I ds of Charlds W.lters; ,being about 60 by 150 ft, a Improved. with 1 fram ed building used for a plant him thbreon. • Seintil and taken into execution at t e suit of T A Ed wariPs use vs E E liuMngto .1 IV Johnson, E Reed Myer, I li' Roisters. (1 Slawirlile, lime: 7 ,11\4 Voebutg, S W .Alvord slid C IF hetet ALSO-One other lot silltans in owauda bard', . bounded north by lands of M E-Solo on, east by in . ' alley, south by lands of Wickhant h .k. west by )faits - at, being abbut 24 ft front and 90 them and being the same piece of land convoyed Taylor, Spaidieg lit Roffman by J P 'Means .and Ito by deed da t ed April C. 1862, and recorded in B feed Co Recorder's Offm, Book No 92; page 43e, ate.; all imp roved, with a:9-story brick store the on. Seize. and taken intro execution at the snit of J n Cloughht nee vs JNV Taylor and Id 31 tipeldlng. 1 ALSO-One other' lot situate in Albany twit, houudett north by lands of entitling di Russell. east i -by lands of J 0 Frost and S D Sterigere, south by' lands of 141111er Smith and' English, West by. -Linde of L English and others: coutains 89 acres more or less, shout CS acres improved, with 8 twe ed houses and few fndt trees thereon., Seized and' taken into executeon at the shlt of ilimm Sweet Ts Hiram IV Beverly. ALSO-One other lot situate to Towanda bore', bounded and described es follow st. -Beginning on the south side of iitat&44., at OW Fraley's north west con Ounce westerly along this 'south IMO of said It to Daniel Curreit's northeast `vier; thence .southerly along said Curnin'seset line Uthis south east con thence easterly and parallel WitlanateAt, to said praley's west. line; thence, northerly, along said Fraley's 111111 to the piece of beginning; with I framed house Menem: Seized and ialkenlntouxes cution at the suit of John P H J Hindi vs alhes 1r Van Tuyl. ' ALSO-Defendant's undivided one-third intern-it \ in' one other 'lot situate in. dieter township, bounded north by lands of 31 0 Vansychle. east by Welk of S N Havens, south by lands of Jno V ling. west by,landsof George Cornehy and-. 11; 0 Van syckle; contains 75 acres more or letir4 about ea tacres improved, with 2 framed barna, - 2 lag barn; 1 framed house, Meier 0911111114:x1gs And ;et-chard of frnit trees thereon. Seized and taken Into tient:- Hon at the suit of Wm ituell vs Ja:s;OLettea. • 1 % ALeo-One other lot ea a te lei 3reitroe twp, bounded' tenth by landl of Istsi j . , . , iil Lyon, Benjamin Northrop, Eton Wilcox, Witi nisott End Nelson Gilbert, eastity lands of D N 5 ,Melee, south by lands of 'Win and Claretme.Kell and Mrs Miller, west by land of 0 F Manson mantis end Benjamin North's*: contains about 1,000 acres note or less, about 230 acres improved. with 3 fran .1 houses, 3 - frame - 4 barns. 2 email hay barns • and si is attach- . ed„l saw m ill, with all mill fixtures 'Stinging thereto. AL I V-Deft'e interest In one Other lot M. ' -Metiffe anti Albany twps, !mantled - north bie ‘ Chester Nerthretn ‘ ea_st by lands of E C Het. and Mrs Miller, - smith by lands of Widow Brarti, Charles Brown, }fusion Post and Prank Wilco's west by lands of Jerrydtlackmau, Geo Aileen and J IV Lewis; containeabout 460 acres mote or. less, ,no Improvements. Defeielant's Inerest in above nescritted lots of landreteed subject toniortgage held by D It Black an thralnst. said. premises. Seised and taken Into recline!: at the suit of it) It Blackman vs Judson S, Illackban. ' ALSO-One other lot situate In Towanda bore', bounded north by lands of E T Fel. east by lands of the Barelay.o a it -it Co, south by lands of li IP Moore, west by Main-st; containeabent.l acre More or less, all improved; no buildings. ALSO-The deft's undivided !4 ofJ other lot sit uate in Towanda horn', bounded north by lands of Edw Overton, cast by fiallneul-st, south toy hinds of 11 Caton, west by Main-st; being about 75'et front on said Maln-st mom or less, all improved; no'huild logs: Seized and taken'into oxecutten at the salt of E. T Fox, adui'r vs E T Elliott. , - • \ ALSO-One other lot situate la Romp twp, bound ed north by lands Of John Strops, cast by lands ol\ F Gable estate,/ south by lands of Jane Decker; west by Miele of tVnt Richards; contains 30: acres more or less, about 'ZS acres improved; no buildings with an orchard of trait trees thereon. Seized and Win Cook's use vs Elisabeth B GaAs. Ai.SO--('ite other lot situate In Ridgbnry twin tiouutDelitorth by lands of Allen O'Leery east by lands or:eel:ton Gillette, meth by lands of .Neleon and Aaron Gillette, west by lauds of Aaron Illlietto; contains 35 acres more or less. about 10 acres im proved, with 1 framed house, 1 board shanty; 1 log' bent. and few fruit trees thereon. Seized Nid taO en into erecntlon at the suit of 'ld L MeAtite's use vs Hiram Wm Scott. • / .3 LSO-Que other tok. situate in TOwantla twin bounded anti described as foliates: Beginning at a teettEtatidititeht front of Win Patton's Ilne; thence north 104 0 , west along said Patton's line 130 rods 1 lea post; thence north 69 0 , east 33 6-10 rods to a past; thence south 30 0 , east 45 5-10 rods tote post;', thence north 59,4 dog, east St rods to a yellow pine; .1 thence south 30 . deg. east 84 4-10 rods to a post, be: a cor. of lot of land sold by Job Shepard to Ja cob Wolff; thence along said Wolff, northerly line south 69 deg, wept 109 340 rods to the place of be ginning: contains 60 acres and 50 pen-more or less, beteg the Same land as conveyedby John F Means and wife to Michael Mitchell by deed dated Nov 4, 1542, and recorded in Deed hook No 63, page at, etc, with about 60 acres Unproved, 1 log house, I framed barn and few fruit trees thereon. ' ALSO-one other lot ;situatein Towanda twp, Wended and described as follows: Beginning at a e'low pine, being the cor of above described lot of ii; thence south 30 deg, east along said let above nscribed M: tons to a cur of land sold by Job Shen , ard teJagolt Wolf; thence north 59 deg. east 45 rods 1 to 401; thence north 30 deg, west 63 5-10 rods to a pine tret: - thence south 59 deg, west 92 rods to a - stake;hence south 80 deg, east 48 6-10 pets along said lin of land fiat atente described to .a post; thence netit 5e deg, east along the Moroi land first described,,) gods to the place of beginning:lcon tains 50 ac rCe More or less, aimed =acme impnived, no buildings.and,orchard of fruit trees thenton. Seized and taken luto execution at. the suit of E 74 Peckham vs bile t 1 Mitchelland Daniel Savercool.' ALSO-One o f ers, lot situat e . lit Ulster twp, bounded and dere trans followe: Beginning 'at a stake in the cash line\ 0f.. , the - public road leading . from Athens to TowanVO ft and 9 inches, north wardly along aforesaid . 'l, from the northwest cor of the barnyard formerly of P P Streets, titmice northwardly along the ilnesaid rood e 2 ft ditto a 'bridge near the. tuiddle of a sTilall stream; thence south eastwardly along the middle of said. stream or creek 114 ft to a stake; thenbie westrienearlyso. 93 ft teethe place of beginning. e utains 11 pen and 2162 t and ft of aft of land; with blacksmith shop thereon. . • ALSO-One other, },pt situate I Ulster twp, bounded and described'as follows ,• B Moping at a, post on the southeast - Cur of the Villigo lot formerly owned by Nathan Olmsted, now in poste lon of II H Smith, ou the rod leading from the village of Ulster to !Smithfield; thence running In. Crbicartir wardly direction 21151 ftto a post on the soul line of lands , in possession of Chas IT Holcomb; th nee in an eastwardly direction - 80 ft; thence running\his southwardlydireetion 307 ft to a post on the north Side of the aforesaid road leading from Ulster ta, Smithfield; thence-1n a westwardly direction along sold road 80 ft to the place of beginning; contains 5714 rods more or less; with 1 flamed house, 1 fram ed berth and - other outbuildings; and orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seised and taken int& execu tion at the suit Of P-L Ward vs .1 PI Mercereau. ALSO-Ono ether let situate In SheshequlE twp,' bounded north by.lands of L S 'Kingsbury, east by lands of Clark Sextoineouth by lands OfJabOx Fhb estate, C C Gore and Geo Gore estate, yield by the Susquehanna river; tptitallis 300 arty& more or less, about 200-acres improved, with 1 framed dwelling house. 1 framed tenant house, 3 framed bents, d corn house, other outbuildings and 2 orchards of fruit trees thereon. Belled and takeit luto execu tion at the suit of John M Pike's use vs John "A Fraser and•tiers W Spalding. ALSO-Ono other lot situate ItiVerry twp, bound _ -.....5 .1.... 11 Turrell and Ge- . Kid 'knees loomy men n Dr. Amyx rile:Telma travel. I Sark • driest, City of ire at:. :alley A few : t your rthlese a Co. Sold 3:12C1 um Milner and Master ed-north by lands of James II Terrell an Geo. II Welles, cut by lands of James H Tyrrell, Augni. tog Lewis and Geo H Welles, south by lands of Rumen. Carrington: and west by lands of James H Terrell; contains 10 acres, more'or less. about 70 ,improved. with 1 framed -house. I framed- barn, other outbuildings, and, 2 orchards of fruit trees thereon. ' Seized and taken 'lnto execution at the snit of George H Welles vs Philander White. Also at the son of Ellen J Welles' erramt same. • ALSO—One-other lot situate in Monroe and Al bany tn.., bounded north by lands of James- A Hartland Letinard heats. east by lands of Daniel It Blackman,. month Wands belonging to the estate of Henry Brown, deti'd, and west by the south C branch of the Towanda reek ;'•contains . 100 acres, snore or less, about 20 improved, /with 1 board , mine, 1 framed house, 2 framed barnawith sheds ,a ached to one, I framed corn house, 1 grocery, 1 ksudth 'Mr+, and 2 - orchards of fruit trees the .... Seised , and taken into execution at the suite Jeremiah Blackman vs Geo L Blackman. , I ,‘, Al,B --Ono other lot situate In 'Smithfield top, botiode torth by lands of C 4.1 Campbell, mist by lands a 01111.11/1 Wolfe, south be lands In posses- Mon of 'e mlah Tracy, and West by lands of Geo .Crowell; (alnsoS acres, More ur lesa, about 41 Improved, w t 1 framed house, 2 framed barns with shedsa 41, 1 -framed ,shop, and orchard of fruit trees s % a. .Beised and taken into pips callow at the - ul of 8 8 Goivell4vallerbert E. Cronin. ' \ • . ALSO-Ono other situate in. Litchfield title. tolcuied north by of John itogers,'lr, and J ' ~ - • ~ 11 ' . . , If nor 'Award lands of by lauds wns Idd with 1(1 Joh an n post by d • lock; them than.. _ ning; contains 154 sem as p l o tcers less, about el acute Im • framed house, I framed barn w I framed barn, l framed hone bun . I framed hogpen. I framed hen - Chards of fruit Om thereon. • Atitte other lot situate In bounded and deseflbedsis farms S 4 Ft lig ylor; tbeneknorth West MI pei eneesonth m 141,0714 rode to a I unit thence smith se'. east 11l rods ti thence north 553; roc, to a fkosti them west 12$ rods to a post: thMttb ntorth: rode to the‘plaee of beginning; cold? and tu purl of latid more or less, wit? of 7.oucrelyoaiejed by I C Weller ley. about 70 semis Ihtproyed, with Louse, I I,ti story framed honer, 3 framed stere•house, I lime kiln, Eh thereon. • ALSO—One other tot situate In bounded and descrtbod as follows hemlock on a cor or. the Barn L thence south WI, west 124 pers to north IWO , . wes t C) pod to P eon, east 124 pens; thence south 89So. mace of beginning; couudno33i albdt tal lalpreved: beteg the INUnft: to thelaldlilram Taylor by Wirt by deed dated Anton, 21 4 A D 141 In the afro for : recording deeds, stsid-Conaty a rad t era 'lb 'Mei page 40;013. - - ALwk-ipne_ other lot of land sl boro, dedlibrtill bytandiefA by Second it, south by 111S148 of 'C. west 14 an alley, helot 773 i ft ftenti ‘.. --....— - - sti and 141 ft deep.'wlth j tartedlory framer ihoulia and few fruit and ornamental trees thereon. ALS(.I-IW:ine other lot of land situate In Towanda Toro, bounded north by rands of -.1 F Bender, east by,an alley, south *lands of CI) Itinuphrey, west o by'Thirdlt, -being 77, ft front n said Third at, 144 ft deep. with I f ed barn andfew fruit trees thereon.; Seized and taken Into execution at -the • suit of Simnel 8 Det yvs Hiram Taylor and James Blerabe,:fik'y. A 1 the snit of Samuel buck vs Hiram Taylor. A L86;4), no other tot sitostwin Eikeshetanin twp. described as follows:- Beglowlng at tans, knob etsztslin tit the south Hoe of Cll A i hepard )and thence along ealfi Shepanl's south line east as °rig !tidily Ewa 183 - O-10rulls , , Loa pmt this southeast cur of Shepard's tat thence 'meth as Originally run BO rues to the centre of tho Citek road; thence along the Centre ofsrfir gape stank 10 0 west as orig.- Wally' ruh 12 '440 Mls' `to a stake fora : tor ; thence west or parallel with t 6 north lirie 203 1.10 rods to • a stake cor; thence.horth\ 23 .legs east as originally rno 414 3-10 rods to the place of beginning; coil:aloe 72 8-10-acres„. inure or less, Occording to a survey 'inade SY . 21 V' Sit alker.beinlt thixuortli half of lot No 1 on the sub•dlyislen Of , Aoyluzh 4.10 Ands on War- , -want \u 497; about 2,0 acres improved. with 1 board haria And few Holt trees _ thereon ., Seized and taken into,'oxeention at the stilt of,. J Leroy,Corhhes use vs Enos 31 Clark. \. ALSO,-Otio other lot situate In ()carton twp, bounded north by lands of - James II Bowes, .east by lands of s lt T Park and Michael Ityrozi‘. s south , by , the public highway, and west by land of \Willow Barnes are{ land known as the Willow Lots; con tains 150 acres, thoreor less, about .80 improved, with'l fretted house, I log barn, 1• framed granary and orchard of fru i t trees ~theaeun. Seized' and taken into exoentiou at.theludt Of J P Kirby's woe vs John Sullivan. Also at the suit Of l' O Keefe's\ aolm'r vs Cornelius &Mean and Johndiullitul.,,, ALSO—Cohtz othar•fot aftuisle• In Orwell twp, bounded south bY the smith line of the Aaron Chills- . buck fartcsoweot by .41k1' treit,line of-,the toque. , north by lands' of 'l4 Remelt un it By ron Pratt. 'and least by . bouts of said Pratt and rskr II Mors; contains 05 acres, more-or leci,:all Improved: being the rattle lane as sold to the deft by Sirs 11 II Story by articles of agreement made' bind' concluded on, the 15th day - o( April, ,1873, by and het-Wean Ore parties thereto; I inmost born and shed. • Al,BO- 1 0,ne other lot situate in \Orwell twp,- bounded north by lands of ,Chauncy 11114, east by lands of A , Ilolesortit •aud Lafayette 2Rendleton, wroth by fauns of John Phillips, and weatil lands of 0 C 11111 ande---Alger; contains about :10 acres. about 10 acres. improved, Seized and taken Into exec,ution-atehe suit of lied Nichols vtrA WAlger. Al.Se—liefendaut's interest in a lot el landslt tate in Canton twp, described as follows : Begin,: ng In the centre of tha Mountain road leadtug fr. a Canton,Steam 31111 to Ward twp in the Ilne of .lee surveyed to Wm Preestine; thence north me weal. 5 Pars .to a reckt• thence isoothsrell ''' east DE pers t Stake And stones; thence south 9 0 west 98 pets salt' road; thence north 48'a west ZS pore to the pia enf . beginning: - cbatditta 10 acres, more or less; no provements. . - .., • a LSO—L No 2, situate in Canton twp, bnunil. I et'north by-t TowandaC'reek road. cat by lands "I of Lathan An fet sortih - lry .Towanda Creel: " and lands of 'IV W A ;lab!, and 'west by the afor,;sfild road; contains 4 acres, more or less, all improsed V , no buildings. . • 1 Also=-Lot No a, situate in Canton her , , tumid ed north by lands of Mary E Knapp, cast by lauds• of J M Smiley, tieo E-Bulle, k - and Baptist Church lot, 'synth by'lande of Caroline Manley and Doc N Bo din, weal hi, litvigiort-st • contains I acre, inure or less, nli improved; *MCI fra•nedlistin thereon. \ ALSO—tot No I:situate lu eitiforhaTta Armessta p., ,described as follows :- Beginnlng at a ra=t in, tit centre of the public road leading (rota Canton Ste Mills to Israel Monti. Its Annan% t -thence east' 28 pers to lands of the, estate of Ellasitock weiLdec'd ; thence south 2ii 0 -, west along said Rockwall lands*, pors to a post; tbence-ticrrth 87 0 west 128 perS to the centre of said highway; thence north 0 2 lUoi. Zij. tress to the place of beginning; cemtains •L'Oleres, mote or teats; nil Irsprosements. Seized and taken Into execution at the Sell of 51I oerva Rogers Charles Stockwell. ALso-,One o \ or lot situate In Asylum twp, de sesile-d.aa. follow • Beginning at a post and stones In COT Of Said lot; Re nee south 73a west '1384-10 per* to a post and su es lacer; thence north 46 .a.'• a' west 51 pert to an old 'bite; pine stomp In-corner; thence north 44 0 east\ 203,5-10 per to a post and stoics in cor; thence sotith 12 0 , 20' and 141 pets to the place of beginning ; ontains 94 acres: ant! el lx"rhlnote or less.afleut-75 it proved,with I (rallied house, '1 framed bare, 1 wagon house, and orchard of tont trees thereon: excitting and reserving therefrom I acre deeded from)Geo P Spencer and wife to'J 8 Ceollsongb.• Seised -I'4d taken /eta exe-- cotton at the Butt of Alfred Will*s, guarilian et - ---- ettardlan of, irate In frillds )gg ALSO—One other loeiltiate In Towanda bons', bounded and described Oy follows: Btlanlng tit the southwest ci`ir of a lot owned by John Laggon, situate on the west sido . of.tbe extension of Bridge at. and extending along sald\Laggon's .south lbw 150 ft to a col; thence southwardly along . lands *Of J' J &tifsth and W Patton. 4041 to a yor; thence eastwardly along tine of 'sa i d Ortlbths' lot 150 ft to a cur of . Bridge-St aforesaid; therm° along .Said Srldgett 40 ft to the plane of beenning. 4th' i framed house, and few fruit and orn•mental trees thereon. Seised and taken into axeCistloa at the suit of Mrs ll' A bcdtt'll use vS Mrs AlMa A' ALSO—One other lot situate In Towaftda twp, bounded and descrlbeijas follows: 1411[114g At • point In the line of Soutlf-Wllllam-stt th_e_to 'at right angles With south William-at, . In a westerly direction 150 ft to a post In Mr Pat 7 5 h's lot; thence north 71 0 ", 30" east 50 ft to a post c 4; thence, at right angles with the last mentioned Ihna, 15.4 ft to south Wlillam-st; thence by south William st, south 71 0 , 7'o' west 50 ft to the place of legin ulng, same being lot No 07, of s C and J W Means' lot In Towanda twp, as per map made by W•o - 41 Morgan. with 1 framed house thereon. 'Seized and taken Into execution at, the suit of Thomds Merl deth's use Ys llorucelleeman and Wilt ileentau. AI SO—One o:her lot situate in Athens bone, bounded north by lands of Daniel Donovan, easrhy the Susquehanna river, south by -lot belonging to the School Dlstriet of Athens bor.% west by hinds of 1 N Evans and Mrs Eggleston:contains-Ili acres more or lees, with 1 framed dwelling hostse,l-f rant ed barn and few fruit trees theivon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of John M Pike vs Chas E Washburn. ALSO—Dne other lot situate In Armenia Dm, bounded and described as foliows: Beginning at a stone formerly a beech tree and lame basswood witness, being the porthw,est cur of a lot of land formerly deeded by-Elias Rockwell to S E Coed .rich, being !tithe with line of the Ttnnhee 'tract; thence west along the stild line °Ube Dunhee tract -60 pets toapoint in the lost litre of the Coiert'slot; thence south along said Ceyert's lot to a post lie pets, being-the southeast cur of said Covert's- %tin the north linii - of Biddle's lot:Sheers east stiong.itte said Biddle's lot 50 pers Valle southwest cur of the a E .floodkieh Mt; south :ftibng -the West line or said Goodrich lot north, being in the center of the road to the place Of . beginning, DC ,per,sv.con.- ' ,IMlns 33 acres more or test. 20 - acre* it*roved, with 'l framed hoose. I framed barn, and ether outbuild ings thereon. Seized and taken- Into ,ekticattisitt at \ t \it he\s nit of Joel Marra vs lien Mclntash. '• - - - ' • I. SO — One other lot situate fn 'Towanda bore', tro Jutted and described as follows: Beginning at, the 'Southeast cur of aunt sold to s ,W- Northrop. on the - Wedorly side of Ilrhlgre or Sprete-tost thence westerly along line of said Northrop. south line 130 ft to a rill : thence southerly along Griffith's land 40 ft to a corkthence eastwantly along, hold tiritlitifas laud 160• It to 6,cor on said Bridge or Spruce ids; 'thence northerly along sald,st 41s ft to the place of - beginning,. with `l \ framed bowie, other:Gus Int tidings and few fruit ti esithereon. Solzestand,,taken into execution let the nit ` of W 9 'Steel's use vs John Langan. • . ALSO—One other lot of land situate In Asyhun twp, bonunded -and described as follows-: Begin nlng,on, the banks oftlO Susquehanna slyer north 435 0 , eakt 20 pen. to a cof; thence north 66-, - west 20 pars to a con thence W,esst , 2o pets to a eon thence to the place' of beginpingt contains 1 acre more or loss, all improved with there dwelling heti*, blacksmith shop, gels pill' ""_ _._ pOWer: and the appturtenanter - ALSO-eAnuantity of land 1 of islands, situate twine ensql twp of Asylnia, and opposite contains 16 acres more or loss. the lad parawl by - Jacol main the Zeth day of Mum and described Jo Ankle of Jicob Towne lituttild.HlV day of May,- UM. 'Possession property hrt said party of tho as day of Pennaary, 18 . 13: , `; 'Seised cation at the suit of John 1101 Ilentiongor, WAo R Storri t ondl S M mlnistrafors of Moses Rtleoisergbr, deed, ALSO—One other 101 situate in Athena hero',:: bounded as follows; Being lOts Noa 115, 116, and 117 on Elmira-51i= ft on Switi-st according to a plot or stinoiy made .hr .Orson :Rickey fur Lon E Herrick, with 1 large framed- , building thereon, known as the steam-mill property, rrserring there. frptia 50 tt onthe north sine neat to the Osborn lot on Ettnirwat, also inserting CO non Sinith at along Iferrick , s line. "Soired'and introit into executkin as the suit of C Hunslcker vs r A tilllette. \ ALSO—Ono other lot situate m\W-ya: hising . twp; bounded anti described lek fol.' lows ; Beginningnt an oak thenorth. '-•;;;!•;.