Reparlmni = How to Fatten Chicken. • • It is hopeless to atttempt to fatten chicikens *while they are at liberty. (tly must be put in a proper coop; and this, like most other poultry ap• purienanceS; need not be expensive. • fatten twelve fowls, - a. coop. must be ihreO feet long, eighteen inches high, and eighteen inches deep, made en tirely of bars. No part of it solid.;-- neithertop; sides nor bottom s Dia-. cretion must be used according , to the sizes of the chiekens 'put; up. :They do not want room ; indeed; the .closer they are the better—provided they. can all stand up it the„ - same time. Care ,Mustbe taken to idt up such as have been accustomed tbgether :or they will fight. If- one is quarrelsome it is better to remove it at once, as, like other bad exam ples, it. soon finds, imitators. * A dis-. eased chicken sho.uld not be put up; ' The fore *should be ground oats,. and may either be put in a trough or oh • flat board . 'running along the front of the coop. It may be mixed • with water of milk ; the latter is het. It should be well slacked,form ing. a pUlp as loose as can be, provid ed it does not run on the 'board. They must lie we'll fed- three or four times a daythe first time as soon after daybreak as possible or conie liient, and then_ at intervals of four .liours.- Each meal shciuld be as much and no more than they can eat up • clean. When they have done. feed ingthe board should be wiped, and -sonic. gravel may be spread. It causes them to feed and thriVe. . ' After a'-fortnight of this treatment you will -have good fat fowls.. If, however, there are but four, to six to .be fattened, they must not . have so much room as though there were' .twelve„. Nothing is easier that to al lot them to the proper space; it is Only necessary to, have. two or three -pieces of wood to. pass between the bars, and form a partition. 'This may also 'serve when fowls are put up . at different degrees of fatness. This requires, attention, or fowls will not keep fat and healthy. As' soon as the fowl is sufficiently ; fattened it must be killed, Otherwise it will still get fats-but it will lose flesh. If fowls , are intended for the Market; of course they are or may be fattened at once:;• but if for home consumption, it •is better to put them up at , such inter vals as will suit . the time: when they are requiied` for theitable.- When the time arrives for killing, whether they are meat. for market or other wise; they should be fasted, :without food or water, for twelve or fifteen hours. This enables them to be kept some time after beingi-killecl;.even in hot weather:—.Lbudon, -Cottage Gar dener. • U ~. T FOR CABBAGE.—A .N d ew et . sey gardener, in the Fruit Recorder, Considers salt necessary to the devel opment of cabbage, especially in places far from the coast.: He finds them more criv, of 'better flavor, and to keep better when salt is used than 'without: He uses it as folliors: A few days after setting out the ; plants, and when they. are damp, . tiler after a rain or when the dew is on, I take a small dish of fine salt, 'und, Walking among the rows, sprin kle - a pinch of salt 'on the center of each plant. When the leaires..begin to grow I repeat the salting, and '''wheii .. the center of the leaves begin to form the head I apply salt again, s2atterincr-it over the leaves. Atter this I look them over' occasionally; and if .1" find plants that do not head . well or appear diseased I sprinkle .the Salt over 'freely. This will save all such plants'. A quart of salt is sufficient for.five hundred plants in a season, although ; more can . be used with safety. 11..osia 1 - las.—We have becotne practically acquainted with one way to utilize °lir vast raisin -resources and . that is—raisin pies. One was placed on ,our.-bome table by Mies Matilda Kohl, a lady of rare culinary ; talent, aria so goad was the impres sion whrehi the pie made upon ug, and we upon the pie, that we inducea Miss Kohl to give us her recipe for publication: We can recOmmend it to all readers: " For one pie24ake o'ne pound of raisins, pick the berries from the stems, put them in kbasin,.. cover with water and put in a . 6 steam er'and steam for one-halt hour. • .Steaming is better than stewing, be cause. hi steaming the-skins of the raisins are not broken. When the raisins ate steamed, seaseri with cin- mama and sweeten to taste, and put in a desert-spoonful of coin-starch to. i. hold tire juice between- the, raisins whe'n 'baking. Have the crust ready, coyer,thet ie like a tart and bake tee til the crust is done. Try it.'7-7Piess. TUS potato''beetle sticics its eggs abbot the underside' of the leaves in very - small parcels, sometimes no' more Ilan two or three of the sal mon:Colored things in. a place, so as almost to defy. the closest scrutiny. to find them all. But - when the larvae' come Out they are plain 'to be seen on top of the foliage. • Since we have learned to squash the eggs, no inawk is_leUtimentality should prevent our haiiiiirng the worms without mittens. Make no bones. Of mashing• them. One . rub destroys them, and a pinch • of dirt now and then keeps the balls of thuinbs -and the fingers. in good frictiOnal. order. GINGER SNAPS.-TWO coffee-cup fuls New 9rleans morasses, onestea cupful sugar, one-half cupfullardsnr butter, three leaping tablspoonlids of damaica - ginger, one heaping ta blespoonful soda dissolved in. one half cupful warm water; tablespoon- ful vinegar, make quite stiff, roll very thin'; bake brown in a hot oven. FARMERS need's breed of fast-walk iog horses, both for ;their own sale. A . slow walking horse is a nuisance, whether plowing, harrowing or bar vesting• on . fa.rin, or -for cart, :Artiek, dray_, Sai.tdie, or carriage use the eity..z Agricultural- societies - should offer premiums for them, as -was suggested a dozen Seas ago.' Tra best way,to plow head-lands is to leave strips of untouched laid at the sides as well as at theenda of the field, all of equal width, and then finish'the whole by going round with one continuous furrow until it is completed close to the fence, Um; avoiding the treading down of newly ploughed land. A PATAL epidemic' has brolen out among the horses in , Hunterdoil County, N. J., which. called the, "black tongue.", The animals die in great agony a fear hours after the at tack. Experienced veterinary sur gonas have been sent for as the ! : ,dis• 4t.-is spreading. - • ' fituafionAlipailmenl E. E..9,_unri.A2r, J. A.. WILT ' VC/Malian limy. D. Cilarr, of G.V.ItTA2I, •• Amok& HMOs,' A. A. X.EENEN, . -,, • uninitailifei imp tie sent L , to either of the it... . • -.. editors, as inay be preterjed, and n dll appear n tit. issue of *bleb ho ha* abarge.: , • A.A. Itscisir, Editor present week. ED. EDiCATIONAL.DEPAIRTNENT Tho following prublem which appeared in your humoicif April 5, I notk liatefitett un , solved; therefom, I take. ,pleattum in an- • awering it. PEOBVltm." — A:Arrner piatum in an equilateral triangle; f ns the hatterlitkOP43ll.bit .- 80 1 ita length that the horia may graze upon one-half of it ? _ .' Soi,crrts) N.—By placing .six equal equi lateral triangles, together, with fheir de creaiing.Portionifiniraid, Acme is farmed a regular hezegon. Nowg a circle wore iiiscribedWithin it, letting • its' centre bo *i...*•••*!..** t - ID - I -- IC I" `i. ~........20---- El • • * ••* i_fe • II - • at the meeting or those six earners nr. the triangles, it would -be composed ! of ; sta. equal sectors of a circle,' of which 'any one would be shaped like the field of pas ture to be eaten by the horse. Then since the horse is to eat the pastors from a sec tor of a circle that contai n s one•half an acre, and is one-sixth of 4, Cficle; by Ai& ing five-more suck sectors with it wO zPSIII have a circle that will contain three acre*. Hence the radius Or' this circle is the length of the chord or halter. ' /; • • ji ivig,-,854=611.1.537A2+ 1 / 2 611.15355233+'=1421115+ 24,7215?0 12.4607:5+ -,length :of Halter. N. B. The horse doesliot eat all with in the circle, but the portion described by two radi€ and the intercepted .arc as the spice C D AC. • • ' • net:Ex - ENT F. linvnutTi Overton, Pa. TEE STATE AB9OOIATION The twenty-fourth annual session of the Pennsylvania State Teachers' Aisoci ation will be held at Erie; August 7, 8 and 0. The' following programme of bu siness has been received'frou Sant..R. Buerlde, of Allentown,' dhair.ran of the 'Executive Commit: - Tuesday, Auyusi 7, 10 A. Is.—Opening exerciser,. Address of Welcome by Supt. H. S. Jones, tof/Erie. Reply. Enrollment of Members: Reports of Reception 9f Delegates from County Con ventions / Or, liiititutes. Miscellaneous business. A „ 2 r Geoz z L. Marus,`Princr pal West Chester S Normal School: Rotation of Colleges to Common Schools; 12i. Thomas G. Apple, Frriklin and Mar /Shall College. Discussion Of President's Inaugural and Dr. Apples Address, on the general subject-9f Higher Education. 8 r. m.—Ped'agogical Museum, , sn ad dress by Dr. S. P; May, of the EduCation4 al Department, of Ontario, Canada, -Ills= eussionpf the , afternoon continued. IVednesday, _August 8, 9 A. M.—Paper on Restkutions laid over at West Chester. Prof. - Sensenig, Indiana State Normal SchooL!, Discussion. Paper on Teachers' Personal Culture, by Prot.Cughey, 64 Lafayette Collego. r. M.—Teachers' Teuure of Office; . Supt 1 , 11 G Curbs, of • Corry, Pa. • Die eussiou. . 8 at.—The Cultivation of the,lmagin ation : Mrs. Superintendent .Eiekoff, Cleieland, Ohio. \ - Thursday, August 90 A. st..--The Ed ucational Pioblem among the, German Element—Supt. Samuel Baer .of Berks. Discussion. 2 r. M.—County • Institutes=-Dr. Geo. P. Tlays, of Washington College. Dis cussion. Miscellaneous Business. . 8 r. m.—Addresses by Distinguished Educatotelnim abroad rand !by onemohels of the Association. R. K. BUEIIRLE, Chairman Executive Committee. 'HIN4B QN BPELLIIG.S To knowfhow to spell is: chiefly .valus ble for the, purpose of writing. It is of little worthitie a means of teaching lead ing. Says : idr. Calkins in his new object Lessons : When taught exclusivelyirom spelling, reading seldom becomes natural; and the pipils.frehuently stumble all the way throtiglt school, calling too saw, on no, and making many similar mistakes. Spelling should be:learned. through 'read- , ing, not reading through spelling. ' Read words naturally precedes spelling -Words. To , teach reading chiefly by spell- . belongs to the A B allethod: Spelt inn si onld not be introduCed , until the children's eyes have become accustomed • to distinguishing th e , forms of simple words as wholes, Spelling deals with the elementary forms of words, not with their sounds as spoken. The first t iessons in spelling, given while the children are learning road familiar words, should be conducted by printing words on the blackboard, -and taught by sight instead of hearing." . ) , The pupils should be taught to spell by printing' words on , their slates,' copying them from the blackboard at first, subse quently from books. So snob xs they can write let • spelling be taught by writing words en their slates. This should be, the chief mode of teachhig 'spelling. However,, Oral Spelling may be employed as a valuable means of teaching -written spe:lling successfully, thus Causing, two senses—sight and hearing—to take cog nizance of the elementarrparts of .naett word; instead of only one, as in the com mon plan of teaching spelling. , The plan of requiring pupils to, prct nouns each syllable separately while spelling, is one of those customs which long usage has \ so firmly established that it is difficult to lock upon auy ot,* mode without prejudice. \F \ rom a longitersonal• experience, and the resuiti of. lie experi ence °Pothers with many thousand chit dren, 'believe that,iniied— \ * 4 'king an advantage to treat the several,syllables as 'so I ° lO Y liPitatO ; WthdlliN 16 4 tiler.. *to them together gradually by\repeat edly pronouncing the previous syllables as each successive ono :is spelled 4 \ it is a positive hindrance .to. progress in tral spelling, and a loss of time. - To spell pupletiiy thus, port' per, 0414 . 1 4 Pe r- Pl, 7 •9peY''Plexit' tr.l9-;P°r" plex-i-ty, !Uterus to be a Sort 'Of '"Heintit lhat4ack-bnilt" style, which inataervet as an occatdonakirmusement for children;, yet to continue such - repetions daily; as a sart of the process of gelling is a need.' less perpleilty to pupils, and agreatlitr; drance tet< their progress in learning to , spell: Every lequirement tLat diverts ; the attention of the pupils frd the or4er, ' ll 4 ll orningt*ut Of. ill*. !ilt44l.lillotinfra . ' . . the *can tewds re** \ tlialt slate leant ; \ trig to spa tha werd.-• . \ .The followink : 'method Itite:l. -, , ..111. Voughiy testis' at td fo*ld . t3 l,, ie e , satisfactory for o f al spelling : lsfOrd, is pr , °minced by the teacher; the - i.upn T*. was the patnimii":o 49 a: iiatingtlYthini spells it, speaking ea_ eb letter Ptlainly,And Mold i ng a pause bet men each. syllable, ticataiabra by promo uncing the whole 4 01 '4 'PRIV Teac.4 l .'i!r"lPPß ul f u tl . , _ u O nt " Papii—Com,mand-ineutt; 0 -0 -Le el-a-IW ei'ti*O.Aol44l,ttelate*, '‘,l.94l.Slysth?_u.lgibe tiiken to secure the pon s . 0 hetweeti the 411ablisiAlidlli1 stikfilliAr. PS ei3O;e4ir.. dfetinctly: - ~... • . _ i# r 1 SUPITIZINTENDENTS will halm"a uric op. 0 3 ; 0 01 1 . 1 0 .the..iegThlg i7.t!T + f`',) . 4 41,1 ti r standard of qualifications sec fireu ier" licaattaglikk9Aeika‘ Itorgatmelk 4 .l-7j a 1q." 1137- countries tho number of persons sp.elYhkg or certi fi cates is greatly in excess oi . the -• number of sehOols. It is a wise OCI to . If l ll tii, standard 1“? .higb: that only ab ilat mumgit 'supply the schools will rarbr. ei 1 certifies s. The schtiolsirilt then go is t3 ob . , holi\re or Abo‘.beriAnaltaell T S , imost deserVietteichers. if certi fi cates .are - given - giieh In itAiii NA' 'illiAnnxibei lof leachers, requi, ~,, .y, : Of .thi;ise most poorly quitieilb' ' . I.i) Lont 4:111 force themselves into the hoofs to the eiclii= sign of others more ~ ••torious but more Modest.. If, therefore, it superintOndent btu; inoreitpel F ante for soh; than there are whoa; to tiverthem; \ ' "na s ty , 44 t% 'Muti:cSißef." B !e'the .hrk - dirilacCl iii. .ahoit the number require. In uo Other way can ho 40 1 :80 Imttch to,elgvatue pro fession and odium the interests Of • the schools under his care. Pennayteci is School Journal. • ' • * , EP= !b. ~ f EEL TffETIE WRIT tWoiifeSEOPM of a week each of the County Teachers' ,Institute yeii,Azobike'.. to be'held' estate part of the county, and 'dentist or s takeeiit.; fast begin Monday, August 20, and the other Monday, August 27, the 'session c)6sing on Friday of each week. The aeon for holding the Institute early s that'the Ma:et - tem Af Mraded and Nornal schools in-the-county may have a cheMaO'aittAid; -While%lieksoni 'Whiffing o attend a tcnn,of school is the, the, can Also be - preiMle ' " lion. Jour FRExcfr, of. Vermont, -one .of the Üblest Institutemen'in the 'eountry,-;ill be peesent the entire term ag'iPtri'et4r, PffQo 'NTT boinadb toga' tho' of.P4blic Inst i rBction --to spend , a day or rtwo. with us. The pa)4lities now nro,that , tho that sossiote will ho held Towatidb; 'and the second at Canton. • " ' Sanvgn firm RIGUT.—We understand the School Board of Towanda - Borough hare elected 'Mr. Isaac S. Craiford, of Herrick, to fill the,position in tho Graded SchoPla 141411r.a,m1.19c!"' 'the ret44l46!'ithi 4f. Mi. H. 11: ' .==l W OOL . sub- Scriber will card rolls. the IWeSsii67.6eitaisi at his old establishment In Catnptown, Fw: From his long experioncethe publJc may be sore ot•haw. log titbit' work done In tho best posstblo manner. and with dispatch. as he will giro his personal and. close attention to the business. Price 6 cts \ per pound. Wool takento payment-when desired. \ Camptown, Juno 5, 1877. • IL B. 4 - 4 1. C.:4 -4 4 1 4 1 ' 4_,.• 4. 444 4 ' THE IJNDERSIGNED sell a htiuso and lot in Wysox, located miles front Towanda Boro.,and of a mile from 11. H. Lannibg's. The lot contains abbut 34 an acre, with an abundance of good fnlit--apples, peaches, 'cherries. &c..--a 'well of: cold water, a barn and other outbuildings thereon. _ _Tiokliouset was newly Eiinted this spring with two emits oflettett•s Vag , "•'" " • "". 1:21E111:1111Liiii.he sold for 1)1200 (al)out.half to value).itOo down and a like *um yearlymAtlE lottonool..,;A m . re J. An drew. Wilt , Attornopal,.La*, 'rowan a, .pa.-j;117. 0 0 o ' l 00 0 o' . it t.lO 4;4 . THE 0011 POUND,, OXYGE/ TBEATMENTIIittIi Is'illifYistem of medi cation confined in,its action to narrow limits. Be ing. OXYGEN MAGNETIZED, It is the most aerOffike. human body ever known. Therelbre ft should butt •-is • greater varietiief ills and a larger proportion* pat4nts than any. other agent. Eight yeari . orkxpe ence fully confirms the expectation. The subs ribers unite their forces to make known'and available to the sick the wonderful virtues of the Commend Oxygen. It is. the safest, surest and cifeapeat - remedy in the world. Let all Consumptives. `.:Byspeptics, Para lyticslrecent), and all ,even discouraged invalids, send for our Brochure of 14.9 pages:which contains many wonderful but true statementk , hest of testr menials. and our terms for home and °Mee treat ment. It will be mailed free of charg.l\ G. E. I'XrENT;II. I'll., M.D.. G. It. STARKEY, Q. 3f., 31\D., STARKEY. & PAPPRX. • \ lir! Girard Street, Pink!. ARENTS WANTED $5O. TO, - , v.OO PEB MONTH.-7A new, clear & concise UNIVERSAL H RY Comm'enking with the earliest periods, clueing March, 1877. Three volumes•of the Wood's great, T tia JnDBl7C, " Vil i ttlegngt7; ahtft,iep,lnuegurqUen Presirfet3l ,ilayeth &knell chrheikfe&r,Alhook of thrilling lute*. .est and universal need. Sells faster than any other. t i ra f g, l l l =ti j Ae l r l A l :i r d e re es s; 4 lV. Dy at co:: Phllsdelphla, Pa,; Cincinnati, O.; Chi csk4,sln); 5q164415, 310 i e i I.tilar9l3tll 132111 . ~ t41 1 , 1 1 -- 411;.44 1 1 1 - 4 1 144: 1 11 - 1Mt --,vA,Rg NEPAITAT E 4/4g. .A'FaHlibrl6acrCawite , 7!4 tile d hrT , o• wanda Borough, on a good-level roe 4 1145 - from Towanda-to Monroeton, with plentysif . ritit,t —apples, pears, peaches, plumbs,. cherries, grapes, *c.-2 apple and I peach orchard. A good frame delling house, with II rooms and 3ecilars, with wa ter in the h 0111 1 ,13 brought from a valuable spring, through pump logs, also running voter In the barn yard the year tpunasupplied from the same spring. One good underground stone basement, stable, fur horses or cattle, also-1 horse barn, I good corn Pease, poultry yard and underground chickery and other outbuilding. 75 acres Improved, the balance In woods. The land is well wttercd. and lies to the east; and niftier a good state of cultivation,. and Is within 20 tnioutes ride of the village. It is own. ad by a gentleman residing in Towanda , who, oe account of advanced Mira desires to out of farming business. -. Ircan babought an . time be• tween this and Aptirnext:for cio per acre. Parties buying before harvest will - he entitled to the own er's 'thereof the crops, which is one-half. TERMS t-1-5500 dciaM and a like sum yearly with Interest. 'Possession given April Ist, IS7B. Ad, dress, .1 - .4.ISIOREW WILT, Attorney-at-Law, To wanda, Pa. . luall. ttlidtAttiiitittitt T HIS+ w .. `,7 4 , 1 , 1 13 - AA: I 7N G tv -‘7,4 13 / - frk . : imaap-to AND f WAIRANT.gD TO FIT!' f.l* MER - CHANT TAILOR. OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE SQUARE. NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK . 07 ' CLOTHS, !" GENTS! FURNISHING - GOODS, CAF, tte; 4tie.„ l,."1:., . . no Is prep:seed to furnish to Mier.. made :to grauirN RING AND SUMMER SUITS, BEST tIALITY &LATEST STYLES, At prices the at reasonable or anrastablislunent In 'ftwanda. and examine my stock. ' :Torsildit, pa 4 apsil tl J. c. McNIAHON, Mai las! readied a- NEE J. L. Mclll4llOX. El I orn' • : The demo! fee l s . o ROCragt a t walegtleeayoa otel lin hid*" lert His lArrit ; FAMILY GROCERIES • t!..* 3 0t.,F.95, , c And Irmo you _be \ as beer air th e Nene 'linty Oa be paraiusa easy • , . - ) ka!pm bug . CHOICEST BRADS OF SAMILY,,FLO 11. Al 3 geode delivered tree o: : chap to the beeseilk we I aistSaos.tles NEE BAKINO•.BUSINESS, • ' s Aid Our euitoseeis au' Ming* FRESH , BREAD, FRESH BISOIIIT, ROLLS, CAKES, AND MRS, . . _midi° PEEN reit rw-mcm 4 pAsT . ,{Ra 1 aPscrazrr. • zreci,ds7. as mud, . . 111 rd House. D. . ISDCrri h Co. . Ono Door Korth 'Toirsada. March 3877. STEVENS &LONG, wn9LggALE tk.B, E\TAI CHOICE FAMILY. GROCERIES, 001;INTRYTP,ODUC!, GRAIN, &C. =I Hating alarm sett etatimodiasslston w, era preps:ea Marge times to.earry • a stock. 4, -• C - ASH PAID FOR BUTTER, - . - GRAIN AND yEDDIICE. Or taken ta:exchWige for goods, as lowest emit pt. ces. Odr 'mg experience In OIL Orocerrffrade gives ilepeaulter advantages in purehesim and so we are Dot ambitious to makOlorriptclite. we 1141. . ter ettreelretthat we can offer GREATEN INDUCEMENTS TO Balers . than any other establlshisent In Northers .Penosytennis. s(OIZNIEIf.34O)I 4 Expos. frt. = GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. .7I , IliaCIAllll/"EDWARDS, 'Cash desueis in all that of • , • • I,\GROCER ES. &, PROVISIONS. . \ ONE DOOR KORTH OP CODDISO ISIIISZLif \ Towanda; July Ora:km Wars. NEW. FIRM AND NEW GOODS EA Has *lleo opAbe. old fttire of. 0. .11. 11Spiek wtLk hill line of • I CROCKERY, CHINA, ,CHINA, \ GLASSWARE! CUTLERY,`, . SILVER PLATED GOODS, - ". *STONEWARE, BABY WAO \ OIO, FANCY GOODS, TOYS, TOYS! HOUSE FURMSHING qooDsi . A rest v_ezistr laws, 'wawa; clirliSlrai ME ' A NEAT DEPARTURE/ , - , - Cseldties of 'tee hatuni ipaokl fly Cash St, stasis!, Foliderfly low pr,ea.l , MACHINE NEEDLES e OIL ,• , • - 'Lamas, ow= Aim Ara bolted to look over mum, • ais we me determined- to do al Is ow pourer osocaar seoukh, 1!44119,144114 1= 110 E EMI Deaten ta .SM:girENl3 & LONG. `IOIVpiIDA, PA H. J. MiCadlll I = NM wymaw. . .. .. . •:•0•-‘..y . „-.'.: , -*'..:- sua r zalvAltsit . . SEE= ME A- , Illk Ift D: li-F MA ffill . . . . . ;. ir*- 1 4: 11 ila7Alt -*wit Dalai la FINE JEWELRY: Ars STERLING SILy-,ER ‘-` SILVER• PLATED 4 'ARE, clAxim i • , !SOW \ Pr" 4 * l1 / 4 2 / 18 T- rill uae natal, SLY= AND 112111,19 • , , SPECTAOLESit EYE 04.414.0401& Om don imirilLof Dr. Pater il 'Brit DIN! 41mis, , • -' : ' . I , 'L; •1" .\•'• - TOW& DA, PAL I .'. .. NEW JEWELRY TORE.J 'Pr iteddvtai a new inippli lAA& large stock ff W. A. ROCKWELL ' RUCiI AS SILV=ER :PLATED WARE, ' GOLD AND. PLATED SETS CLOCKS, And trterrtilnetn . the line, whleh will be sold at, I - - LOWEST PO SI Iftepelting " dooe n at the shortest I'lesum give us a can and examine OEM s • Dee;:u. THE )1/REAT WEDDIN Tie 11/test sialeslll, WEDDING INtrII'AVIONEI. Prim lower than in., House 'Akio Cos?try. ORDZIO BY yAIIL "PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Wit H. HOSKINS, 13TATIONItit AND ENGR&VEIR•• ft* Aron meet, April 12, 1877. HE - SUBSCRIBER ' TAKES . T Mame In canes the attention of bh seiner. ems patios' and the penile genenilly. to the feet that be still eestlnues a . GENERAL MARKET BUSINESS At the OLD DTAND of MYER, hi lIIINDDLL, fa 'Carrell , . Block. nearly epite the,Yeana Dome. and that he le preyee*to wnish SALT AND FRESH MEATS, FRESH PQULTRY, VEGETABLES- AND BERRIES or the very hest Otani, at ea lave Mesas any ether nstabUsbnient: • 00M. MIER. Jose L 1571•4?'' FIR" NATIONAL BANK N or TOWANDA. $1515,000. 8 Lug Pura).... 80,000 , . ?Me Beek Eels UNUSUAL NACILITIZS fee the trieiseetios of -. ' . , \ GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS ~,_ _______,l IiTENEST PAID ON maroerreACCeiDlNG , .TO Ataxamitarr. • • , /erscup. Cillililityl, 110 \ ints Commeigor or Sons Aim Comm , jo Parties libidos to SEND ]t o e_to . port of the.Untted States. IngliM, Iteart. . or the prlsetpel dUes ass teams of Itorope, as hop promo drafts tie ilieelsolow olllo 4 ' liASSAGE TICKE TS . wow olio the OM employ, b7.te. eima Weis f ee salllog lue„ shays ea WM. . \ irattitse isogairs arms kr asoucea lane; ‘ l , , I j . highest nice paid for. U. 8., Bonds,. Gold and Silver. - ' , p JOS. 0 1 MILL. iltr H. DODGE; v v •.• /MT NAPIOSAL wpm TOWANDA. PA. as:s~sxrs~ CUNARD IT= resußmica co., or mem iirruLt. nrs nestraksoz"bo, • - eta4No la susses* *1 ilamtrimt Co. Touraada, Il i P b.i, 9Th - MEI Trawl tiBROADIMY, „ILL Manahavariira otTreoks Goods, Tam, at CARDIRGis DAWNING, ems pm far iadkaila ckalraisaltural tor Ind Janson : , 0 "- • \ riechiso Ti\gz CORN= laths . CIGARS AND TOBACOO, ' - !is Minis% limismber stractuss IlLocriipoilut nom, _ 48411 , *Pm !LP ,noutiiiimiw. • - • \ fame , Zeal i • '- ICIRESTIV)0118' 7: : ' - ', - ,t l ) - - ig*taidTlON 1 stkiebe i -....r.:- :',-.. , , , i;,. , -;:, ,:-... , 10,1 : : , •t -, i..• 1,, , ~. ,- , , Hi`. 7 s t ,'',-"4? -11 •1 1 - - ~, •,1-, ~ l '•-, -'..',--, ' • !,."'4, - 1 ' t . rsamos . Nilii.eill Illit liu or irriarb jr. xias r sow oimasost ctsiiiilipir; coif Vaishmseni , tal • • i 0,- pooki -7 '' ' . ~' ht . . .' , I fce • I / ,”....` . fie, ~- l'a, * f i r • •: jolt •. I 3,..11111"; , ' ... 1 . 1 ~ I I ... irblabinfincat lIPASZNIS; ' ;' •, : 1111WDUISOUSTS IPOI MUM"N , .> 114 !-:tf. •, r •: ':" " XV4T I . °2I , Wi. . t .. ~ • i l linligailanitagatif 4104 erliellitM4Al iiiiilS riabOleastala rata . tea aaa lippiremrt waft Rawsebsfass o f i low e ilana ta iliiAl l i t it i oz li , f i s t= pr - Plt=h csi neteMNl: t i iota alitewitarippiever - Wiiit S . be C i n i llMlT ru rril i llaS isilli sM s 14401iick, pol- rinirmugeS SW I ttl' r. ,t,f_roPile• -, • - .. J. ,", i; ic*litie iip*iiesixiiith Xos. 4.0. 04„01 sad Si IV* fttb. Ptirst. Siii. II*: At!. ilsi, sis`gad tie iith:Anittie. E i. ''' '.' 111 •. isztri:oitiLtti.' ' - I inisuatea' . . . Cagaloirro!ammilre. 'II!t ' SS 11,0010‘i,5.,: ..,1 II inns Oilits •" • Sli ihiliguip.SeEr44Bl4, ,f . MEM BE El I= TOI IT. TOWANDA, MUSIC' 11 • • Ijoblunest. vite . the e" .t.osa euxoloattim of Mott eitsb. • -•- • II ~.. \ \\. ... flis eelebrateir i • I . • . , . • . MATHUSHEK PT PTO • \-, • . \ , , .Continues to bei• the favorite with Kt Aching" and well sustalas the high reputation earned. ;It \ is not netessary .to go Into say extended deserlpUon of the Instrument, as Its merits wYI be. llPPlire" to 2ll on examination. MID galas, IBLE PRICES. PARLO do VESTRY ORGANS. • These instrument/ -are celebrated the wend wet far their reinarkaldyintre and brilliant .w. W. ZOqi4ELI,.. owing ttbettlaraosu Cointdaalloa Solo , Btora Asoline, ► fix llamana. Plano; an °O d& a are aerators and dttlonal sets of Reeds and Bars, sa arraopd sato ad udt ot ao ahead endless yarrow of orc effects and beautiful ecembluatlons; THEIR XTRAORDINABE TOWER, EL\BANCE i Off BMX, AND THONAP CO BTRUCTION AND 1112iISIL it • Ell, PIANO ATTACTIK 2, AND BELLO I 1 - CARD DEPOT Mee' g the many SUNS Ink Me SZiAE/4 . 1'Z I 13 . 01:0 SSTS, e r earstruments at the kiwest figures, anal Jest as nopresessed. - Dona be ta traveling agents; . but cane directly to headseartem wbere Jea are sure of vigil jut !bat las *meta tor. • ' . • FM \L. B.' PC)V4ELL, W "116 7 111 kg Ammo. illemuttiel, Va. • - intim AUNT fat THE • ' I MASON AND RAUL= ORGANS. and has eonstat l y In stock, at Ids speck= .enueromas, s Mil 'line of there celebrated In strtunenta. Before pM.e4ttudmr, send tobits'ibe prices, and be' eoneleeed that a Minim *awn Itaarbm Oman Goias no Menthe pits terualli obtained for inferior insbunnuit; . • • Fame Roma Ittox &IQ To Itmell aloe kw* a eirelf selected .belt a CHICKERING' PIA QS, • >rsi SZADmil'ltaitts-tDiticallollA. _ ~ Daring them slums In buite quutttliee, is able; to odbr eitre, inducements to parch* • cm A Citickering Piano doeinot Cot Mee as ' , =ea Nom eery pottiest Piano made. end is„. • • • WORTAI lUD TM= AS *vas itor actual um. N. x. 811178.814 . • piM►. k6O6••P/A/108 FOR . $250.1 \ And VI other lapel In the eatie ;Kik% toroidal, Ommd. In sad v est- po—sda Mort to the people' at factor, NO wank moommalarkmaroo dlscomits. Own P lains made Om of the Guest &miasma the Ceatemalet . Taldbltlos ‘‘ amd wets - emotional" recommended foe the mom Somoza. _ New llanabetary—ose of the largest and . floest In tbe vests. . Mho Immo Oten r ontata Nathealtere Saw patens Duple* Ore Ileel., the grimmst lonsmoreseest lathe history Vino moktsg.. The Uptlithte am thefirmat is Almadem Dos% lan to who for It histrated smi 1k5 11 144 Cealcries" mum nee. maturzsanait a t pi), Na as Broethreg awl, R"' moN 324 PIANO TWUNG 1 pc," to puisrheas bereatter Iriwe $2 snit imo, 0$ win' inn TF,As. When lattremeekese . aeeiN I the Baesegb, ea astgaastss I nn" . 940 t i e °SWUM If% 6n.. Main anti Pina:al .110L111113 *--PASI,IIIIX, Wholesale sad Mall dodos In t el Wadi et MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND . SHEET MUSIC, 1 We statue the itgeney foe OZOSO2 WOODS it CO.`B QUALITY OP TONE! to - owned and need* the WOODS , OCTAVE COIIVI. DIVILOVED,IVALVES, PATZNT 11!= gOLIIIIi3 •'rABUAGL Tamed* !larch $ 1577. ii=3 iIASON&HAENORGANS slum souran“, FIRST RANK = ••011111TENIIIAL EXHIBIT : II9C They writhe only ' intramems of the dais - aiditied flidnuak. • , • Aim*" Wanted ZeTywhaf:. CAMINO a!" ha -inn Rout •- Pa.* /414.111.• immdir torn ::.013,GAlli& AND I'IANO of 11- Ow bat ii , untaessr," ffivos „ • -PROP. rta • Teenaga s Peon Fo. ism Iyijett:,loo4lllickytW - ifif!T'fT., 1 t 4 7 7 7 ';...."; 7,A;4;“: 7-* ! . : 7 7 = , f,7k ,, 711 : 1 7 ;if:• , ;„ ~ .: ' ; 7 ;714 7.7 '...- 6tr , ''dA Or , *ln) - irck ~- __- - .r5i4,411. , :. _.= In o k ui v i o, : - lilapok,,, :',s, - ,.; - • t -, 'rni t tiOg littpt ' , !011eig4711k ti g . . tit ii*liii i ii44iy . — 7 . I *ailik • • 4 7,,,;' iliniiriltiOirerorckriAirilnixarcdobfixii . stottops; sleveaskskicistalattiow 1..: IfilLOWlONisiti - g01i4 1 4 .!!! ,111 0 :14.91.47 11 1kz__.f iniivir, - szw; - , and limn PICIMAR4T/?*; : `......, '' '-' IKAKORk i toratier-xii.Ancii '' -• i * '..- --- i iIO=4POOKS ANKOWWMIONSYKriiis ' , ... - LACK 'sic itcatu ICIFUPP.!.. ,--,, :',.. , - , 4 1: 0 , 1 4Wa1i AIM DOMPIT.O CV.A4WIL: '- . ::. f/ AZDKII I : ItlIfIst! AIIP 149W.14 1 'WIMP, 1- riiriii*liii suctkiesctor'ke4tetsiiPithrioei roviatta i lectscric agossiimitinsltatialopik ,-,;444,111,05u5ifs psisitsitratesslinsustism. - . ,,, tilPrOrrUsfk IgYMIF., I 9L - 4 1 flamit P?.!TN: ..,.. .:Iltrti4S. Nirrix.Onfq, l 4 # lllll imh. ...- . itiiistifit llcrlTtikei, TaftWOlisf 111 , --. 'as, - ino-rams:, tiiiistm;r4nitingolio: , . stns. 1C1,14110,07 . ocottims, 'ft.- . -•, ,- : . . •.:-.. it ROSEN& OR.COAL OIL.::: - '•- ', WICKS, CIIIKKEPS, BATH :KRICK, , - , srzint, :41 . 9);1niti.r.,-Irtit.rti TOOT;' .. - .TANNitalk. AND MACHIN' WA: 1 , . _-, - ALCOUOLID llPHfitalfuuraarrilillpr, - ' , 44AiNijar,f " arz , :WhitiudAk , c r ,sidT; '; ...•_...', 4 0 rov if . liO O A , fhwtObinv - . 1 ,' ' ... . =:•; • 404 40 ki of .erWhsiq "•:, ti :, ' - **POW , AND l 'i l SRC g. 44 8 6. 2 7. . • idol • tun • LISBKSD OIL; P AY ' iruirtr, AND ' - ~. j • . MACY 'MIXED PA IS .; . ' ,' ~ O P. ANY OKSIRED C.O.LOR . ' - . , ... TIT at POUND, PINT OR ditto*, • • OROVND !NOW; OKVARKISTI; '" I . , AND DRY COLORS OP ALL lIIIIIS. AU artists/ isirrasita as represBs4a. Prasalptians carefu ll y compounded 1411 mf. day and night, Open' Sundays for Pres,cr. l 4= l . ffemS to 10, A if.; 12 to.l and a to'ff,.r.m....pnayfr 1 00001' I. IIBLIC :NOTICE.*--'t, • JOON HANNA% being aßtackemith by trade. had often felt the want of some means whereby I could soften Iron at the Urge. so that I could erotic It at better sdrehtage; this Induced me to make many e .".rimentswithdifferentsubstanceswhichoffered th best prospects of success..' It was .on .ode of t• . occasions that I discovered • - - THE • ONDEEPUL EFFECTS or sl,renio •811.1.. N UPON THE HUMAN STSTEH, I bad a d • eet id thrie of um tipOrs,altleb were bent or shut. • • In my hand In ouch a' manner by the contract{ ••. of the cords, that they Were very troubleeome to . In my daily avocation: 1 mild not; handle my oats as .1 wished..• and .often thought that I won • have them cut off to get them outof my way. i r used everything thatlced re any hope of lief. bu to no.effect. 'Welk 3, I was working with El troBlEcon at the forge, and 'of course could not p col its coming, In con, tact with my hands.,- , -i • I took no notice of the -ffectot had !produced, until One day wishing to . • a heavy hammer, I grasped !tenth my crooked ha . and njuth to my surprise I found my crooked • ngers Straighten. out. and, I had -as much use of hem as ever. I could hardly believe my eyes. lab ed toy baud to my wife and faintly, and a - general Jetting was the result, - " " ' The emestiati new was, What had p nefothis -wonderful effect? • Every act was recaliedi nd after a long and careful itrvestigstlon. lat lasit. ado up my mind that my good fortune had bear:can d • . E L - EC ,T o\B L, , o My . nezt step was to diewrer ga ul mete:mans by which I could combine this wboderfinhalants so that everybudlcould use It. A made diligent search through eiery wok that I thoughtwonld throwany light-upon the. object, and at last; to is very old medical book, I found a way by which trot& do It. The result was perfettly sathitactory.j ed 1 wait able to make a liniment, the like thp„worldhas never seen before. now began to ha* about mo for cases to try the effect of It on ottMte.• I had a uoighbor living about a title from my 'hop who had a lame knee, - caused brthe and* be ing contracted by'rlieumatism. I sent him a bottle of ELECTEO SILICON LINIMENT, and told him to use lt thoroughly. He did so, and at the end of three months hi was able to throwashiehlscane d walk to my shop apparently as well as ev e r. It hid worked just as It did in my case- • , '„- • • PRODIICING A P4IIFECIT CURE - • I sere 14nod.her of my neightiorskaud friends, for mites aroutul. who-were suffering trent SWELLED LIMBS , RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA, . \ • STIFF. JOINTS, BURNS, - kv.,: \ &C. c., & . • _ • . ALL OF Willett IT qU4I3 WITHOUT ANT • - TROITULI ' - Finding that tho ELECTItOsILICON LINI MENT would , mnetrate the sklnNot man further than any other enlistance. It odcurald to me quit it o I MUST HE -1300 D Fug THE M ESE, ' And It baa proved Itself one'of the very t appll rations ha all external diseases occurring tttn that noble animal. - N. Yrepared ,by the Electra Nitta* Liniment 6t;a: pimp. (Mee, '76 W pllam Strre,t, Neir York: \ 80L6 .11Y ALL riT . LUGC4STS, FIFTY.CENTB N•w York, 4 1 1: pril 5, 174:n A"R'S CHERRY PECTORAL • THROAT- AND LUNGS, SUCH AS COUGHS, COEDS, wuoompio COUGH, ASTHMA, BEO:CHLTIS, AND CONSUMPTION. be repittatin it bas attained, tit consequence of \ .., the marvellous' ewes it has prothteed during the Jss half eenttiry;• is \ is , sufficient' assurance to the p..bit. thstit will continuo to realize the happiest t: \i results\ t can be destridAli almosbevery section t there am persons, publicly known, who have been re • red from alarming and even despe. , tutti diseases of e longs, by; Its use. All whohave ' ‘ , \ tried It , sekn owled , its superiority; and where Ito virtues. are known, n ono hesitates as, to what medicine to employ to re teve;.,The distress and self \trections. " Cu sun . tat rellet, and p 4 arietles of 1 \ \ 7nt str\k. of count ering peculiar to pulmonary; PiCTIMAL always affords Instal fermi rapid eines of the Attder r. Mal disorder, as well the', :nose, diseases et the lungs. 'As • safeguard to children, andd the dts o peva' which beset the Throat and Chest` It - Li)uvaluablei-for, bylts,4mely use: =Alludes are rescuOtt and restored to health This medicine gams friends at every trill; as the cares lk Is constantly. producing are too remarkable lobe 'forgotten. 'So family should be without It, and these An hire s onee used it Weer will Znitnent physlctuns thre'agboat the imintry pre. scribe lt, and Clergymen ofton*commond It from their knowledge of Its effects. . • • Paareisro tor DR. J, O,'AYE6, S•CO., LOWELL, MASS:, Practical and Analytical Chemist& EGLD HY ALL DRUGGISTS 'WERT-WHERE O THE WORKING CLASS.- ..L. We are.prepared to furnish all classes with antidatit employisteut at home, the' whole of the hath:tor fret. their spare • momets. Business nest, Light and - prodtable. Perssobs of either sex easily earn; fools $O rents to ea per evening., and a tionalsalittfliplerrollog.their 'whole time tote r ' ns. toes& •`l3oye ant girls earn nearly as much as men. That &Huth° See this notice may send their ad dreatOladdext the business, we make this new alieletelfekTo sods as are not well satisfied we wilteend one dollar to pay for the trouble of writ- Inv Pull partieularsotamplee wotth`several dol lars to conimenekte, and a copy of Home and Fire side. one of the Weed and best illustrated .Pnbli cations. all, sent free by mail. Reader, If Yoll.want permanent, profitable wort. eon k co., Portland, Maine. .' jan25,17.. (4.999-ett,,a M ose N giit \ ! EktAD N Y p we tarnish. but willing t t ) o nti r a k tbe tit e = ily earn a dozen dollars a day right in their own localideg Rare= more room to explain" here. Badness pleasant and honorable; \Women, boys and Orb do as ,woU mei. We wiliturbish you a complete Outfit free. The business pays better than anything else.; ' Wevrill bear expense of starting you. Particulars free. Write and • see. Partners and mecbanles, their sons and daughkiius and all Glasses in need ot paying work at annum Mould *TIM to ns and learn in about the work \at oime. Now is this: time. Don't delay. ; Addicts Tam St Ananis, Bohm. rove, 1143 TO-BUILDE. - --Pro. UMW pawls bar building a MON' is Pine rove, Sc North Towanda , Township. will be reashed by theNehoel 7:Menton of u hf Town ship at 2 O'clock v. it Saturday June lid, • 1877. agand !peel flitidas, to DeWitt!' on the ground ar Uwe of, lett4fig. THOS. CLANCY , . ,Nneth Tenranda, June 7. Bec'y School Board. HOUSE AND LOT, FOR SALE: —Being seat to remote roan the neighbor. tiger my boos and lotto North Towanda for ode at $ bargain. . The property his very% de. Urals one, and will be mold oo terms to snit wh. Chasm. . - • - R 1173. T„CANT.IF.I4). • NortltTowindla April 12. 1871. • - QIIBLEIPS , CIYSTER:BAY. 'AND hzy•ILIIROFIGAN 1101781 C.. —A few doors south et the Yaws Melee. ' the dew Or week on lIIMMINOM6 terms. Wane mewls maid et 111 bows, opine as lidwiesas and ntap, town. PER BOT rIfE. FOR DIEXASTA OT TUX pcdAhe distress and se- frections. CUEUnY and per- etle3 of bron Cppuidable ! I, :e: 1 ' - .k . tlf • 44, REMO . - - ,•• uiss.tedyt—m":it, M is iy•• • 6 • Pillar 16••• • ••,•,•• • • • • • • • Atileat.•••;... 1111 : 104 '1?"'?filit'ir• - .111 ftr .ria. • .44. ! !aqui' 41 ••••!!' ftf fitmebtatiir ' •• • • .►• - • •••• ' skluaera Eddy ' ilealmopen iletieopsay ' • " traallthansaah..•.; • 0• 0 ...I/ /•.%/61ral! . lre . •*••• - •••4 415iJJnnct100........ . .. Mauch C - Micah:mu Beiblehela..;•.' • •-• • I P:atdori; - Philadelphia ' - - $111! York..." • • • iii OM= .8T . AT10,2411., Kw 1r ..... • 4 .". • Philndelphla• ..... . . =ist Allentow he n • ' • • ' ' .• hindcb-Ciuth•••• ..... ••••••• Virllkes•Rarre L. It B. Junction • • • Balls . aßtnre•• ' ' • uni nl atanztoelt .... ,•••• blehoopany ••* • eftoppen ' • B • ners Eddy.;.,... • onryirig • • • - Prone town Standing tone :nett: ; TowainitioN • Miter • - ..... the ;SAayr na e ''' • '" .......... Waverly Elmira • • .. ... Owego Ithaca • .......... . • ..... Auburn • Rochester ' Itutialo . Mager* balls • • Titans 1 1 1 and 15 run through 'dam to Philade phis and Now -.York without. Osage, „. thPullinao sleoidng ears attached. . , , S. A. PACKER, Saporta udenst. - _Syre, ra.-, may I 1877-tf. . pineE D .LPHIA. & !►RRAICOEMENT OF PASSF4 4 IO2Ii TRAINS DEeF.MIIEIt 18*u; 10,5; Trans leltie,Aiteittotols as follows: Perkininen Brtmeh.) For Fb For. 4.10 tDr Par For. Trtm liii ME 13=3 tray 7.64 Leave Leave Columbia 8.00 a. ln.; 1.00 and 2.33 =EMI • Leave Heading, m. Leave Harrisburg, LW*. m. Trains marked thus to) run to and from depot 9th and Green streets, other trains to and from Broad,street depot. The' 6.50 a, in. and 5.43 p. m. trains front Allen town; Sind the 7.30 a. m. and 5.13 p. m. trains from Philadelphia, have through cars to sn‘from adelphla.. J. E. WOOTTEN. Cietitiatilausger. C. GI HANCOCK, General-Ticket Agept.loci4-75, ENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Nine trains to •Phlladelphia, six trans to . Pitts. burg, eighttrains to New York, and ono train y: to Erie. On and ante December 10, RCM, the passenger , trains of the Pe nsylvanta Railroad Vompany will depart Men Ha Wig and arrive at PM ade i phia, New York, rind] and Erie as, follow': - STWAIID. ' ' - Philadelphia Expre leaves 'Harrisburg daily except Monday at IMO a. to» arrives at • Minded phla at MO a. m., and Ne York at 10:05 Fast line leaves liarrisbu - dilly at ens , a.. in, arrives at Philadelphia at 7' arts., and New York at 1025 a. tn. . Dillerville accommodation, acting for Phila delphia, leaves Harrisburg daily rept Sunday at &nos; m.. arrives at Lancaster at gap 'in. Harrisburg Express leaves Harrisburg. daily ex— cept Sunday alt 6104. in.. arrives it Philadelphia at 10ale a; m, and' Now York at 7x05 p. - Columbia Accommodation daily.. excet ‘ Sunday, at 721 m.. arrives at Philadelphia at in., and New ork at 5:05 p., . Pacific Express leaves Harrisburg Maily at 12!O.S• p. m.. arrives It Philadelphia at 5 :45 p. m., ew York at 6:45• p.'M. Johnst*n Express leaves Harriaburg daily ex. cept44u9fiay At 1:4 p. m., arrives. at Philadelphia at 8:00'n. in., and New Yorkt at 10:15 p. m. Daily Express leaves Harrisburg daklyilt p. arrives at Philadelphia it 240 p. 15.; and New York at,10:15 p. ta: • . , - . liarrlsberg Accoiinodatian vineolumbla leatel Harrisburg daily except Siinday at 3:50 p. in., and arrives at Phiadelphia at 9a)o p. in. • , • - Atlantic Express leaves Harrisburg daily at 11:15 Tr.. arrives at Philadelphia at RIO a. m., and, New York at Ml 5 a. M. WESTER TIME TABLE. wEsTwAva _ ' Cincinnati Express leaves Harrisburg .dally at 12:. 15 attires at Altoona at 4:45 sap. and Pitts. burg at Bt3o a. tn. kssing . Pacific Express leaves Harrisburg daily at 420 a: m., arrivesat Altoona at 000. a. m. for. breakfatt„ and Pittsburg at 2:00 p. m. • Way Passenger traittleavea Harrisburg daily at •IV a. in., arrives at Altoona at 1:55 p. m. for ',din „r, and Pittsburg at 8:45 p.• 111.' • all train leaves Uarriaburg.dally except Sunday at 1 t i p i . tn., arrives lit. Altouna at 7:10 - p. ft.- for per, d Pittsburg at 100 a.; m. • least hie leaves H arrisburg daily at 3:30 p. in., arrives • Itoona at Td3 p. at. for suppar, and Pittsburg t 11:30 p. nr: • : . ' liftniln•Ae modation Isaias Ilarlisburg daily except Sands ats:3o p. m.; and mires at ADM n at.8:00 p. tn. leaves Harrisburg Pittsburg Zap leaves Hantsburg dallyexcept Sunday at 11:03 p. ~ arrives at Altoona at '2O) a tn., imd Pittsbutra 5:10 a. m. . . • .. • • -Plut.DZLPUra.CD,Fritlt,llalLltoArr. - Mall-trab lenses it Mari daily except -Sun day ar.44:5 a.,m., arrives & Williamsport at 8:15 a. m. for break fast,.and Erie 7= p.m. , :Niagara Express leaves 11 sburg daily except - Sunday at 10:50 a. m., wivesakWilllainsport al 3:1)0 p. m., Hin ..'an 4:40 p. Kancie:3) p. M. Lock Haven'Accommodatlon leaves Harrisburg daily except flanday at 3:20 p. m.. A yes at Wil liamsport at 7:30 p.m. and Lock Hay , at 8:40 p.m. „ 1 1 11A.NV ,TILOMPSON. -• D. 3r.11 i 1 , Jli., . ' General Manager.' v - • Gen. •. Art. . _ . . NORTHERN CENTRAL RAIII WAY TIME TAIILE„ - Through and direct route to Washington, Balti more, Elmira; Erie, Bidialo v itocheater and. Niaga ra Nafla • - . On and after SUNDAY,, Noiember . 28th, 1876, trains an the Northam 'Central Rahway will run as follows: • "tronvtlitrAlin. liimsralxprese—teases Harrisburg daily ex• rept Bunday at 10:50 a. ra.; 2130 p. in., leaves Elmira at 311 p. m., leaves Canandaigua at 8:23 p. m.. aivives at Buffalo at 13:13 a.m., arrive at Niagara Fall at 1:15 imin. . Mall leaves Baltimore daily except Sunday at SIM a. in,,. arrives at Harrisburg daily except San. day at 12:43 la. m. . Fast line—Meaves Baltimore daily at 11:3' arrives at Harrisburg daily St 3:10 p. zn., leaves Harrisburg daily except Aunday 3..0' . m., leaves Williamsport at ran p. tn., leaves Elmira at 20:30 p. tn., arrives at Watkins Bleu at 11:50 p. - -Pittsburg Express—Leaves Beitiniore daily ex. rept Sunday at 115111 p. - m; Arrives at -Harrisburg daily exeeptitunday 51'10:30 p. m. , - Cincinnati Express—leaves Baltirotire ainy at 9:10 p. in.. arrives at Harrisburg at 12:43 a: tn. Harrisburg daily except San. day at 4:43 a. lat, leaves Willialatipart at 333 a. in.. leaves Elmira at 12a5 arrives at Cornmeal dna atilt* ta - , sotrinw.taa. _ Southern Express—Leaveis Cimandsigna daily ateeptenday at 4:33 p. m., loaves Elmira at 920 yea Williamsport_ _at 0:33 a. m., arriresat Hanialnirtdally except WiMay at 4-10 a.• ar rives attialtimere at 11;43 a. ai - ;' • 4 . ' _- Bast Ltne--Leaves Canandaigua d aily 'except SuadaYat SO& tetras Elmira at 140 p. m., leaves litrilitimspOrt daily except Monday * 22 * p. m"leaves liarristmtg daily at 4= a. in., arrives at Baltimore dallyat MS 0: in. itraihlngton Express—Leaves Ilai rtsburg daily except Sunday at 7:30 a. 'arrives at Baltimore at lila a. M. • Mall Leaves Tfarrisbrirg daily except Seedy at 240. p. sm. artless at Baltimore at 8:14 p. in. Daylexpress—Learres Watkins Olen daily except. 8:00 a. ur.,; leaves 121 Mira daily except Sunday at 4:10 a. m,.. leaves Williamsport dally ex 'cept Sunday at 12:40 p. tn.; leaves Harrisburg daily at 41. p. mitres akßaltimore daily at 701 p.m . `'All trains mating connection at _Baltimore for Washington and the South. • ffor further Information, apply at the Ticket Of fice In the Pennsylvania Rralirrad depot. • MBANK THOMPSON, Usimral Matrager. laultssl6. • ,7 1hini r 14117StiiitrkSTORAME 'll N f 4 1 4 • = FOUST& IRt AND .1ira1t,_82117.741, TOWANDA., 9 t.,. 4 4 43 Eli En Is 42 up . rw so "Its I. :YARD PRICES: (CASH). Cr 44 • ‘, .:.! • ! fiT I FI CTr *• (11421 trVguaIESTNUT • • • • 11 )It/CA e.g.. ..y. NEI ~i .; i El . . 10 40. Z_ 6G •!•‘',.?•••••••.” ..480 ;STOVE 660 • CitElßti-UT ' 660 pIEALL *UT 3 3. L2:~ trn 340 MI 6 00 11 . 48 A.M. • ~ . Coal *cinema. skid delivered to any part of Bore!, eilding cartage In' the above prices. AL t." ORDZSlVitritrill AIqSOIIIFAXIIM Wr.tilt CASA. Ell ~~ BD Towanda, Jan 5, 1877, 2 030:. 6 6 111 31) 10 10 1 II 1 / 63 . 2 . 32. 58. 1 . 26 42 OAL; ~.: . 111 EE' 9 50 0 92 111 OS 151 We keep on hand atmr yard all sizes of Plttitnn and Wilkes-Barre coat and Loyal Beek coat front the PulUsan County Mines.. Alao, Barclay Lump and Smith. . " . ' 1111 maa 7.551 5 151 2 411 4 39 31 l 33 •Wo keep the_ quality of I.lrne„ Hair mid meat, Brick and Plaster, all of whickare It bottom prices. • . ~! Towanda May lit, 1876 CREA-P COAL AND LIME„ •t• 400' 7'Bo 7 15 786 8 05 8 18 8 20 XlO 9 86 ' Prom and utter July 1, I wilt sell mil, lime, I for csah-only, end the price list will be corre cted monthly.. rittOit OF coit lox JULY, esn SON Of • .. . AT TIM. YARD: ..... Pittston : Store, Chestnut awl Furnace.' 113 Oct • Pea., - 3,30 Carlini Bain L Smith • - . - • ito n• A ~..1. . -3 Oo Barclay . Mountain Lump 1 4,. ..,.. . 2 214 64 , .. ,- *Bentsen Lime bushel ' , Lath .33 M . .. . . 4.40 6 55 1 6 15, 0 40 rze/ . . Hair ..bushol ° •' • ..- trlck 1 11 IN •ir iilll' . I sin 4.lwpys preissred Wdelli , er purchases' on shOrt Spike at the usual price of dellvery. Itaso tender my thanks:to my many friends and customers fOr.their very liberal patronage In the past and hope under the [few:departure to make It to their Interest to continue to buy where they ean - get the best goods Tor the least money., Thosewho are Indebted to me will take natter, that I must have money or t can't buy for cash and pay freights. They must settle by the first of, An. • , gust next.. • , c - Very Respectfully Tour". J. H. PtIL'iNY. =MIMI HEN CORNER MAIN' & WASHINGTON' STREETS. s of defame; commodious and elegantly-fitruishArl house has TUSt been opened to - the traveling public. The preplietor has spared neither paint, nor expense In making his hotel first-class In all its appoint ments, and respectfully solicits a share of iMie patronage. "MEALS - AT ALL HOURS. Terms to snit the tittles., Large stable attached, ' , lIEN I IY, l'noruixfOlt. Ttiwantia,..fuett7, FANS' . 1101JSE, 4 TOWANDA, *I • CORNEII !JAIN A.ICp DEIDfly. 81711eXT13. 'The pones, patsies', he., of all . guests of tilt bemuse, homed against lois by Fire, without any extra charge. • A'supertor quality of Old English Rasa Ale, jest • . T. R. JORDAN, Toiranda, Jan. , Proprietor. i EAGLE 1107 - . - :TOWANDA...PA.\ ' At thecorner of Conn and Thari directly la the vielnitx and south of the Court House. JOIIN HUNIE, Puornorron. The above house has belii re•furnished, and rw - - fitted...and 'ls now. open to the trarellng The dar will at all times he supplied with thebas,t of Good stabling attached to the linartlere by :Ito do or week' accommodated! - May 10, 18:6.) ',JOHN IitINNE. . . • .-• . . - .- New Advertisemea kIIIPMAN 2 S DUPLICATING LETTER BOOS.—it laialways• ratly, tool can be used either In the fieht..•the house. or tali , - road; or any , place you mo be and hairs the book with yoti,-. It enables i i i. 9a to keep a copy of your correspondent° at x tri lig cost.. Jo business man CAD afford to be withsiu It. Sri= .tine-to fro copies made at rine 'nitro , Without pen, pencil, it - kk. I brush, water'or pre . Agontswanted. Ca/1 onwr - 'dress J.:11. Witt dge, TowAnda, Pa. Books for - sale at the 11 ; •.,it tore of Mrs. Dorton, in Mercer's • •Ittbek; Tow o 1 . Also 'at' the Drug Store of 'Jo- • septikflues, Atherni. , , . . • (ruaylel7..) .: V • an SALE.— Two i Pony Tread rove's:rig, at +49 each; I one,horse . Tread'POßA . er, at 175 ; .linproyed Horse Hues, with or without , Mills. at 97 1.1:Orn Shelters at 417: - Strati Cutters at ki• . These are"all new, of Itlood ac. Co.'s manufse• ,cure, -and rauekbelow VIAU3) prices. Also. Points for all their make of pimes. D. P. PARK.. ' Athens, Pa.; 31,:i.„0„ 187., - _ - • - • 3 • -'l, g 1 m* -a 0: ' . g. "o.rga 7-iS C , -=p a # oo P oil* ,-- ~., -4 -- -, * e-4.1 • 0 e ..= Zl'' . ' Cl* " •-.c c 4 . 1 ' 5 : -.. fi r .. 0 e: 17:f - S 72 '.- eit F. sa -- to to ra , e. A ../ F' D • ;11 C ... ...e0 et, ... ..0-. '.d '4- P o. l' g '."l et . 2 Fr . t° ow ta : 3 2I A ' -4 . 10 o ^ to2 . - 8 - tn - .r-s.e . = 1 , 0 et • al -,,,, •••• til .. 0 • •. a-LS ::' 8 v, 9-: ...±.= to. 8 n 41 ...4 4 s"; wq ~. z - 0 va t-1 R F ,se .4:0 6. • - -..;' I P_ 0 — 2 til - , 1 t 4 r• '- - .'° 12 tf4 -7' . et 0 'to - ,80 r_s., 0 n . 4 aw 2 0-4 X t 5 ,v, 0.,., e' .Z . . - •••,,_,. 1 0 0 ..'.. 1.4 c ' 4tt . .• re. • Ca 0 - 0 . =... . 2 .• ...; . V i eb „ W g. tt. - , i g ( ` .42 E. n- , .ii 2 to ;.•' oss " t =‘ *" . l 0 ej" •.: . O t rgeAF, ° , R,, 0 0 r ~... girl \ .2.' - "g v i . ..dp, ,t. g ,,, CA 4 ifr , 2 ''` awa 0 .• CP ea .1 ...., 4, tt g• .tee = = m ~,,, r 3 "" 1: . i .._ ~T. go cO .. t.:" ' • c . " HE'. • i.i •ieani ? - FAR:, Each met to, cover eh, after whlet to meet ;to • Thts pla Is cote ::,g ?lace of . .• ' The Agenl ram pike:. and &mull , ehlseissrlsht drew... X. M.SII Q'AENTLEMEN,FARMERS AN I . • HORSE-RAISERS OF ,EIRA DFORDSOIDIr- I T NIS VICTNITY.-4 hare Made srrangehients • Nett. 4 IS. T. Birekskril. for las Therough-Bred Horse, To be it my Stable and seetett limited number or Mares, commencing MAY Mt. 11f77. ThlpMorse is one of ' ibe finest and best bred this country ran Koduce. Ills pedigree traces through the beet hones and marea In England.: Mit Is a, beautiful mahogany Bay, black paints, dewing' mane and tall; and In netion,perfeet. lle is only to be re . ' admired. Terms for Colt low. L. 8. KINGSBURY. . Tpwanda. Pa. 44 1 / 1 0 2 , 187 . & CO., General Prot ir,r4iduee eommissdon fhferclumts, 00 sod 4 LiesenwleaStreer, :New ytirk, aro prepared to re cells consignments or bny,for C a fill Butter. icar. Cheese, Potatoes; APPIMI, Flour, Grains and Fruits In season. A Nit.l reference given-when required. and all lettere of Inpulry promptly attended to and laltprinK tap tarnished on application, NOW TOtkOlibi 2111 ier•Me§ V , ,* ••• • • " f ...7"7". 1.17. - menctrs. COAL, COAL. PIERCE I I ; SCOTT. Hotels. in lIOUSE, Ei1m914..A4 FLAN ) TOWAiDA, PA . L . 1 3 OTEL, CMS. PA. . ituiviug token ti possession eettully solicits:the patron. id the public itienernll7. - 3t. A. Ftiltiti.:3l'. USE, TONNIANI4, 11231iM 10 now read] to sreotn- ••DOCTOR LIVINGSTON," MEI 5 00 .. • 50 - 4 ' \ l 'g • 0 • Old tt 0 t e) " tC ; t 4 • - • tl • - 14 0 .03 •.‘ • kg; ' •k 1.,, pt \ gyp. 'X,