Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 26, 1877, Image 2

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    taws nou ALL gam.
'SPOIVM;If EN May like to know that
deer are so numerous id the end of Alli
gator river, in
,North Carolina, that they
destroy the ctbps. - , •
A. trews: , colored .girl Mean from a
.bridge. at Milledgeville Ga., descended
sixty feet . in perfect sa fety, her parasol
actiog-as a parachute. -
Tan State of Kentucky 'pays a dollar
for, a foi's scalp, and - this yearnearly all
the taxes in Adair county have been pain
with scalps.
a .fue in Vermont; when the water
gave out, the milk of one hundred cows
was substituted for water and the home
stead was saved. ••
NEWPORT Society, complains of a dearth
of unmaried men. 'ln society it that fa
mous resort., single ladies largely outnnin
`ber the bachelors.
Jews have 189 organizations and
IS:3 synagogues in this country, With 73,-
sittings, and valued at $,155,234..The
J e‘vialr population is 250,000. ;
A. w.f.'. paper states .tbo situaticsi , in
Southern licntuAry in -this terse way :
" Trade ' better ; -money plentler ; mer
chants happier.; business; reviving.',' .
IV NES; Virginia law ftirbids igly person
to capture a mocking-ter' d,..exeept on his
owu,premises and for his own use (that
is, not to be sold) for . isiz years- to come.
• th . s canebrake lands in Alabama are
coming into'favor -rapidly,. and in a few
years a plantation in that section will-be
•as:hanl to buy as it was before the war.
A VERUONT manufacturing company
. has the contract for the marble floor
itig -for San Francisco's new City Hall,
audit will take 80 cars to carry it there.
•Iti consequente of recent developments
in Cambridge it is intimated : that Boston
'intends- to mit up a sign : 44 .flaryard
- students and loafers not wanted bere:'.'
TIE boy in: Hartford who put his hand
into a . cage in which a rabid dog was shut,
just to seeif the 'brute would bite, had
his cariosity quickly gratified. The dog
TuF: - Lexington Gazette doubts if in the
-history of Kentucky the State has ever
been blessed with a moro-bountifnl har
vest. than is mow making glad the hearts
of lts farmers. - •
As exchange says a gallon of warm
water ponied on . a pailful of walnut
leaves will make a ,' wash for borne,'
and cattle, aiid save 'them the annoyance
or. dies.
TitE.llosittn-Gtobs says that at the trial
of a case hi the superior Court at Ply-.
mouth - lilasS last week; .a deed executed .
in -14451 -was! produced which_ had never
been recbrded; - -
Tug vote in Iliiinest4a on the question
of amending the Couthittition so as to
prtivide for the. paixtrient of certain rail-
Toad bonds, was : yes, 17;524; ne,-58,1711.
.That was an emphatic no.
. A L.t.w suit, begnn in Indiana fourteen
years ago, to recover $7.50 for 1180 of a
water privilege,Thas lately been ended by
n decision in favor of the defendant. The
casts amount to $2,000.
Tut: craven trust funds for tIM benefit
of the poor of the city , of Boston, and
now under the control of the overseers of
the poor, aggregate nearly $500,000, and
yield an income of about 8 per cent.
AT Ilomer,• Michigan, a sky rocket
broke loose from its managers. on- the
night of tliti 4th, and"shot into a crowd,
terribly slashing the throat of one person,
uhd inkiring_ several others. more - or less.
A TExmi post master, who,'through mo
tives of Spite, refused to • lee' a certain
newspaper pass through the mails, is now.
under e ssoo bail to answer to a charge
itrefefred againSt him in the United-States
Courts.- . y
THREE I'M:-' -ceaped lunatics from
the asylum Lt.-xington, Ky.,. hired
themselves out for 'field hands, and *ere
found diligently at work when recaptured.
There - was method Au their madness, to
say iheleait:
TllE'VjekSbUrg Ilerald gives .warning
that intrigues and the trickery ()needing
politicians threaten disaster to the Demo
eratia party in Mississippi. - The Demo in .Miss:r:.:lppi a too big, and
too' rotten: - A
A BOY in Corniti L , N. T., was playing
with au old horse the ot bet day, a sort of
frital-of-tlie-family 36111.31, when it play
fully seized him by the left ear bit offihe
lower half of it, and swallowed the mor
sel. .
IN --xlutrch at West. Meriden, Conn.,
the c...iLer night,- a crazy female shouted,
baween the verses of a hymn, "I adjure
you, 'in the name -of the Lord God Al
mighty, to trot that hymn slow." It was
accordingly trotted slow.- - •
Tut: Ithaca Journal says that a farmer
came in there a few days ago witit
,a lot
,of butter packed in snow, which ho had
iliscovereillieneath a straw pile that had
bean. moved in. the, morning.
- A -
1113 MAN went into a ship-yard at
Kenpehunkport: Me., a few days .ago,
and offered To go as high on the mast of a
z there as one of the' men—and..she
(lid, boll going"to the highest attainable
tilxi - ammt instaum of mixing things
Tlie Nashville .Imeriean announces that
',Courtney, the oarsman, had his iced tea
poisoned for him . in Cincinati, and says it
AV:18 a game •of freeze-out played upon
him.- -
Grass Valley; Cal.,
• there is a snake
• f_lng around loose whicit.iA 40. feet long.
The oditor of the local .paper there war
inform e d that this wake, with one str4t.
its ponderous tail, smashed a- :argo
ltewfonr.dlafid dog into jelly.
BATmn :115. in the Merrimack are warned
to7took out for sharks, some very large
ones having been seen of late-there. At
this season of the year they are liable to
-be in the river at anytime, following the
Ezikools of fish in from the sea.
Tritleaveland Leader has been vainly
searching the, dispatChes each morning
for intelligence that Bonaparte Banning,
who labored so hard in Congress last ses
- shm to reduce the Army, ams voulnteered
in the farce . under Gen. Howard-to fight
- Joseph.
TUE gold excitement in the White
Mountain region about Milan is at a high
pitch, and so many prospectors have rush
ed in that the Grand Trunk Railway has
bstablished a-station, at the Point of dis
covery, about a dozen miles from Gor
ham.. ''
THE absconding Treasure': of Howard.
County, loWa. took with him the. spare
cash and the combination of the county
safe. No one can open it. and, ..13 it is
supposed that several: thousand dollars
are locked up in it, the comity officers
. don't know what to do, .
TUE prig: of c,ial Was Myer so low in
Boston. OA present..time. and the
prospect an , that it will continuo at the
same low rides through the entire season.
' The latest returns show that the compe
ting companies have no power. to unite
and thus force up prices. ' •
FiciENDS 01 1 the public schools in CM.
cinuati are complaining, ,of the freqtient
changes of. text-books. They say that
houses make a point olget
ting out netv books every year and wor
• tying- everybody. connected. with - the.
Schools to have them adopted. •
• •Mit. 11E:::: 0: 1 A i•Er recently Scat tri
l.rief protest. *agaiiist
.he legged that gentle
man to " retie), • mark, and inwardly
digest.'' It was live columns hong; and
has been turned over for future use to the.
man who runs the furnaces iu the Treas.;,
( A PETEnsia•in: correspondent of the
llichmond says: "People who
talk about relettliating the State debt on
:account of 'the emancipation of the no
- - groes. Will perhaps. he given a point to
1' think ever wheeinforMcd that more than
1,3 n. colored people of ,this city pay taxes
I 7 on'real estate. 7%• . •
Pi:* . tirtus in 3liosir.sippl, according to
o the-St. Louis papers, are trying to obtaid
farm laborers fi oni _the cities. They want
- then from October. to January , picking
e,cottOn, and $1 :10 per day. White
labor is scarce, and land owners.are aux,
. for immigration into the State
. extvatinft for the foundation of the ,
Post Office -eXt cosi in, the workmen found
• upowthe old IVigi, , ,h-sworth estate in BUS•
ton,,dbottle of hock. whirl' wont through
-- the great the, tial has rernained . upowthe
premises np to the time of discovery in
. tact. It will be preserved as 'a fire relic.
• sort of skeleton 'army fwe -hive
was conspicuously . illustrated .when the
five companies ordered from .California tor
• Oregon .marched out• with au iinposing
:+: 1,4 y if PP men, which included
• , iruits juetheti up. When they
eat Fort Yuma vitt leq,zarrisonedsby 4
(4 - 91 1 9‘OTTA 444:tw0 mit
radfoya ftpotttt.
g. 0; 4100_11111C11!. t. Ilf.1ALT0111),,-
Towanda, Pa., Thursday, 1114,26, 1877.
OS Towanda Borough.
- T. A. SEWABD s Township.
Nr171.11, May 29th, 1877'1-lerniMance of a resolu
tion of_ the Republican State Committee, adopted
at a meeting held in rfartisberg; this day, a Neill).
can. State Contention, to be crunPoted of delegates
from each Senatorial and Representative district,
to the number to which such district is entitled In
the Legislate* is hereby called to meet In the
city at flertirirute. at 12 o'clock noon; on Wedner
day, September kith; 1877, for the purpose of nowt.
tutting candidates for Supremo Judge; State 'river
rarer and Auditor General, to be voted tot at the
ensuing genets' erection on the Int day of
,ber nest. By Order of Committee. • ,
HENRY M. HOYT, Chairman.
A: Wtt.soc kounie, Seeretarr. , '‘.
The strike of the Baltimore anil
Ohio R. R. employes has led to acts
of - violence never before witnessed
. ... _
in this country, and 'which call for
the unqualified denunciatson of every
good citizen: " The strikers may have
had grievances for which the railroad
company was „responsible, but the
wanton. and wicked destruction - of
life and , property •such as_ was wit
nessed in Pittsburgh, on Saturday
will alienate the sympathy which
might otherwise have been extended.
to that class of labormi : who have
* poorly paid for their toil. It
evidences a spirit of I ,4ornmunism
which should receive no countenance
in a country where all the avenues
of business and trade, as well as ofti
cial position, are Open to every citi-
Ben. Indeed, it is anotorious fact
that many of the mo,t. prominent,
zip \
railroad an . d other ente risipg bufii-.
ness men of the country s il:ed' with
no more means at their Ommand
than many,vito are now corn m ining,
Of the op.preision of capita l.' .
We have :no desire
of upholding rallioad and other cor
poratioris hi unjust demands iip,n
their employes, arid we hope to se ,
the day .when honest toil shall re
ceive adequate, compensation ; but
in our opinion, the proper way to
sequre such
. a result Is not fol. the
employed to sebk to dictate how the
employer shall conduct his affairq
or whom he shall'emplOy.- The fasci
nation of railroad life seems to have
won our young men from all other
business , avocations, and now with
all the difficulties and hardships_
which attenitraiiroading, - young men
by the scores- are yearly leaving the
farm and other pursuits to seek em
ployment in the lowest Positions on
railrouls, until the supply is far
greater than the demand ; and as the
price of labor, like any other-corn
mofiity; is regulated by the Aawa q
supply and demand, the , wages cora- .
manded by unskilled labor on rail=
road trains is beggarly. Strikes will
never correct the evil, because if ev
ery-man employed, as brakemen, fire
men,. etc., on' alt the roads in the
country were to leave; their positions
would:be filled in twenty-four hours.
Let young men recognize the fact
that railroading is overdone, that the
supply of laborers is greater than the
demand, and seek occupation in oth
er directions, and , thereby maintain
the dignity of labor awl the certainty
of remunerative wages in dvery
branch , of , business. 7. - _
TUE Cabinet has been giving - 4-
teption to our relations with Mexicb.
At a recent meeting the Secretairof
War made a statement to the effect
that the Mexican military authori
ties have withdrawn from the agree
ment made by Gen. Taxvino with
Gen. ORD, to co-operate for the sup
pression of raids across the Rio
Grande ; that that Government now
insists that 'the MexiCan authorities
shall, themselves, be permitted to
prevent unlawful incursions from - the
Mexican side, and, that the Govern
ment of Mexico also remonstrates
against the passage . of the Rio GiAnde
by American troops, in accordance.
with - the orders - recently issued to
Gen. ORD. The Secretary, express
ing his belief -ra\the sincerity of the
Mexican authorities, recommended
that they be' given an opportunity to
prove their ahility*prevent the in-.
vasion of T,exas in the \ future, This
recommendation was adopted by the
Cabinet, and Gerf.'":oan'`will be in
structed in accordance 'therewith.
For the present, therefore, oiir. troops
will . refrain from the imirsuit or \ eattle
thieves across the - Rio Orandk, in
the hope that the Mexican Govern
meat will be able •to execute Its
avowed purpose of :controlling the
marauders on the b&der. Should it
appear that Mexico:is either unwill
ing or unable teo to do this much, it
is said' that 'Oen. Qtru 4 S original in
structions willibe renewed. o f Co arSe
all that is Ilesired is that the - border
should be • pri)tected by one of the
tiro nations, 4nd it *lll he most pat
isfactork if Mbxico can restrajn her
own people.
Tut Philadelphia:Military aimpa.
,nies who were in Pittsburgh during
the riot 'have: been: very generally
Con lemned for their reportild
duct on the occasimii, but the facts
in thi case fully exonerate theni,ffom
censure and place the blitmt osi;, the
people of- Pittsburgh; who- largely
sympathized with the molts_
Wini - a tliere - have:beenno new de
velopmentalln' regard
,to "the strike
on the various railroads'or the CO,llll-
„. ' .1
try, there still is - a reeling tir • uneasi
nw,e.3 and'suspiclon
_Orvading all iiir..
Vicki, . - .i•-• 1 - '
~.~.• - =
, LET, r.l raw lipeastAwir. v •
Alr.aptpii'isho spent ilk
year la Gellunny l .is 7vritlng 4 ti g ip*,
-Puter.4o46l descrlrittlrelei*cfOr
thn -. :/elte.6tidn'
one we copy below giving En account
of the 'writer's visit to the birth place
of the - 13 c —re
:with interest on iceount of the fame
and world-wide reputation of the
greatest of German poets, - and from
the entertaining_ma,nnesia_which the
place is deseribeilras well. rkhe let
ter is entitled 0- A Visit to Marbach."
We; aregetting thoroughly Clertnanized
in one respect, yiz : - in our appreciation
of the Fetertage ini
prove by making frequent excursions to
the various places of interest in the neigh
borhood of Korntbal.
This little 'Kingdom' of 'Wurttemberg
has given birth., to many, distinguished'
men. The farntis 'philosopher. Schelling
was.born at Leenberg, fe* bourn _dis-7
Lance front here; Hegel was born at Stutt 7
.gart, and Davi-Strauss at tudwigsliurg;
there on our WayAO Marbach we stopped.
The house in which Strains had lived was
pointed outto tisOintwo had not titne,;
as we could hive wished-, , tO visit the
grave of the, man Whose" Life of Jesus"
cost him his position. in Tubingen'. Sethi
nary, and gave him"far and iwide snob.
unenviable'notoriety. We gased,
er, curiously. at a house now lased. es a
" Restauration . " or beer Below, bectinse,
as our loquaciouti guide inforined us,.
Schiller once lived there, end.iwbore, .Ite
added; DouCarlos was written:. Fur the
historial acertracy'of•thelatter statement
•we will mit vouch..
hour's• ride in an old-fashioned
stagecoach brought us to 3larbach, a vil
lage of about two thousand inhahitints.
Twb pe,.culiarities strikelt foreigner up:,
on first visiting these 'German villages—
the ettraordinary.steepnesa of the tile.
roofs, and the untidy condition - -of the
streets. The custom so universal of heap
ing the cleanings of the' stables and barn:
yards into inisightly*Piles in front of the/
houses may be\ctinvenient ; it isicertainly
not ornamentil, \neither is the odor "that
of sanctity.".. ••\. ' •.• •
But today the streets of Marbach were
unusually clean-,-being the anniversary
of Schiller's death, which occurred May
9th, 1805. • How do these sons'and daugh
ters of the Vaterland.klory in fele days.!
;The longlist of church :festivals gives an
average holiday •a* week-,-but poets and
princes, saints and sinners in the body,or
outer. it, itoectipying, the last degree of
prominence, aid multiplying auniversa-
Ines ad infinitum. • . • • -
But our enthusiasm for Schiller bore us
tip- most creditably oathis occasion. The
effect of the, - flags and May poles was
charming, especially the Marbach colors
of yellow and *bite, and the yellow badge
worn by, even the smallest boy in honor
of the •'people's poet." Upon the Mar
back coat of arms is an old castle, from
behind which peers a. Mtge giant or "Wild
man, who (the legend states) once, liVed
in the wood near the village. His, habit
was to seize the unwary whq . encroached.
upon his domains,. and after murdering
them, add "insult to injury," icy using
their skuliS as his drinking cups.
* BuSts of 'Schiller were over the thresh-
holds,eof many honses,bnt a colossal one by
Danneeker meets the eye upon entering
the little house where he was *born.. A
Pear ago.a . vast multitude, of over five
t . ousand peoplo. gathered- around this
he litcrdwelling. They had come from
fait near to witnegs the unveiling of
the hiller monutnent which standsupon
a beatitlful eminence just outside of the
. _
The view from thislicight_ is one of un-
Surpassedloveliness. The winding Neck
ar curving ‘racefully in tie alley. below,
mid the yin -clad - hills •in the distance,
tnhke a soothing and enchanting picture,
lifting one for a,time, at least, above the
the turmoil and strife of every-day. life..
This,Statue !if - Seidner was the gift of fir '
Emperor William, and was cast from the
cannon taken in the.Franco-Russian war.
The' face is 'such as a painter, might well
love to paint. The mouth denotes great
firmness and determination,- evincing a
character with which One would not wish
to trifle. The long' coat with .its wide
flowing • collar, ruined and short • knee
breeches; gives it the appearance ,of our.
ReVoluthinary heroes. In the left hand
is a scroll; in the right, which 'is raised
against the breast, a pen.
Appropriate inscriptions are on tie four
sides of the pedestal, together with• the
natnei,of the principal cities where:Schil
ler bad lived. The last, Weimar,: where
he died has upon it these lines from (,o
the:' •
Er, glanzt uina voli*te eln,
Comet en..chwurdend,
toendlich•Llc.ll mit selnem
Licht i'obln.deud
The two poets Sleep side by side at
Weimar, in the,. sleep which knoWB no
waking—but hoWtruly do they yet live
in the hearts and affections of their coun
trymen. •\ • :
This statue of Schiller differs from the
one by Thorwildsen in, Stuttgart, where
the character of Schiller as seen through
ti l
-his works, " the promincpt - idea, and in
this theeti himself stern{ 'before you.
trust - Rau, he talented artist Who design
ed it, died three years ago, his Aftiffinely
death lamented by'all lovers Of art.
This statue is-eleven feet 11'0, and
stands upon a pedestal of red
the corner- ne - of which was laid,'•;No.
'either , 1859, upon Sehiller'S 'one
tau • tit anniversary. ' ,
On thiS occasion it was announced that
the friends of Schiller in Moscow desired.
to send to the home of his bialys; bell to
symbolize his immortal ".Sting of the
Bell." •
• Shortly after. the bell was sent, its ded
ication calling forth another large assent- '
blage, as well as the eloquence of J. (1.
Fischer, who has already,delivered twen
addresses on this inspiring the Me.
This bell (duly examined and rung by
each of our party) is in the Alex
' ander Church, a short distance from Seidl
ler's house. Upon the anniversary of the
poet's birth and death, the-- bell is rung
for an hour, morning and
,evening. ,Its
name, "Concordia ; " is engraVen uponit
in large letters. A wreath of Oak 'and
laurel runs about it. Around the enFve
is a head of Schiller, and around the rim,
a motto from the Song of the Bell. Pp--
posite the head is an open book with the
words, " Viviis Vneo mortnos' plangO ;" •
under this the inscription : " Per liemmt
Sebiller'B von dessenTerehrern in lloskan
den 10 November, 1859." .
Butthe little-raorh Where Schiller was
born became of course the central point
of interest to us. On the, wall ! opposite
the door bang portraits ofsliis father and
Mother-the father hi his officer's uniform
—the mother's face betokening traces of
intellect and beauty. Between these, a
few photographs of the family. ' , The Only.
articles of furniture - in the room are, a
small table, a writing-desk, an arm-chair,.
a stoohcovered with fearfully oleaginous
looking leather, a small' Kph) iiing wheel
of his mother's and on the top of the
stove a poor little model of the house
where ho died in Weimar. -.Up staris are,
to be seen . Schiller's library, and pictures`
representing scenes from his various
plays. We bought here the ferg-simile 'of
a letter addressed by the youthful poet to
liisfut um mother-in-law: -
\lts indistinct chirography is hard to def
ciPlier, but as:we hold it among our treas
ures, we adjoin a literal translation of the
same. •
" Hew long I ror the moment, when I,
Lottschen at last. with full tight "mine,
may call, Until then is nil -life for me.
Will you also let me know, dearest man"-
ma,,ori what day-I map expect her here.,
The earlier rt occurs the - more welcome
. you will be toror affectionate Berk: -
Among other .curious things, We . saw.
there a play-bill Of "The Robbers ,'' upon
its first appearancn . at Idanheim. Schiller;
who was at that tinie physician :to the •
army had: to steal away secretly to 'see it
roprorented./ A hat warn in boyhood and
enclosed -from. sacreligions touch in a glass
case.oaused one our yonngladies-(true
to Ainerican training)), to lament her:
inalfilltpflo . get the ribbo - and cutoff a
souvenir "- _What we did d -in that way
shall remain a profound seem -May the
kind but.. consumptive-lcsakin '• treat) . in
waiting, - *lin - showed tio much c fifideneci
in us, never know how misplaced \it Arai l
Truth compels us also to - state .that tl
'pleasure witk whicli_ tier recall .th ' &
tumble visit to Media& in not. umnin ed
with chagrin.; 'We had come Juan, '_
~ a
letter - of introdinition from our hi . an
lady inXbrithal t 3 heti hex r. - It p ed
4 g ,
be an oikii-sestrk; and -. We 'we re ived
soto speak . into the very - hose - of the
.fanfily, which consisted of fath s mother,
' gria4amtber t sl44 ehildiell ittAwci7 stage
of,infaney., How Nibs • ,„,.. ... ur deft
eitineY=Atantihilkik. t• , - of °er
ns"' h " 4 ' - -2; ' 1 • - ',..,1 1 ' vainly
r'ek . ' re _ • :t s uunerstand
- - ly walk- . . tri ~ ueh upon
. ' l. ` t . ,1r.,* ,VOS 10 Pg
d# 89 m •• 1, , •'. • ired to
Coe nillriroom... Artatt - an , no .• . ion we
faftnizingly'remad that it - onld do,
"altheigh to be surtiVid - have pre
ferred ther e than one." 'We gave minute
direct ons'anout our nteigivata• . -
order watt \conscientiously carried-out,-
Most comfortable Were-the doWny bees,
under which we slept I Who but a pa
tient German , houro-Yrona z eould kara t 00 . _
rained to-such, stitched and -engin:Meted
bed-linina. filipPlla too gum) ... .• .
for three•pair of tired .feet., , liow Tawny
they . were I We oek.t;t:
11 one dnoty:elotbw
lug to lie brushed - it. returned' sorb-'
pulonely ,eleau.t. We •ordered ,breakfast,
bronght.toour room behaving througliont.
With an independence,WOrthy of :the, 4th,
of 'July. lastly, ' We' i?n i tr i ed, owe . bill.'
Imagine ouesintatfont n lodingpolite- -
ly informed that we had beetcootundenst•
as vuitort, and therefore no othapoaspliou
would ,be, - .received. „Expostulation was
vain 1,. We:lliad° 'a 'frantic Mott' toOlip ti .
few marks into thii'ehildrinia ) hitriaii."ltte - •
wary mother- :had; it 1410areel, forestalled?
us ovrt-heth. "'Each littlO'boad' shook:Si
• rcooluto refusal; •, ' • , '•,• •.,- - ,
We were ruceorapanied,. to the (dm.
c oach hy the *lMo:felony who whaled ni
" f/Inckliche IielOe" with Ski untelf Conti ! "
silty that our mortified feelings; - *ion'
I could wo have-expressed them inklertnarto:
were "too deepfor-utterance.:, '--- 1 -., ~ •.,
Do you wonder,that. our •
. pleasure, woo
not unalloyed ?, , ' -' -
Thr,.ireinarkable - popular, success
of the lain per cenL,loari Will •ddtitt
teSs `Coirvinee,,!tife TreaSury, Depart:,
ment tiudi it- might : better:have, cheer
edithe wholeorit to. the people.: It'
must, however ; be adMitted • that the
'amount, taken in the limited . ;'lreriOd
of thirty dayais three four 'timeff,
larger than .anybody ; predicted', J p4..
Secretary,' Strzaauffl•had no'. better
means reading the future thanOth-!
.ers ha4'.: It was indeed . -
, a little . sus
picious:that, the SYudiante..sli9.l4 . tio'
strenhonsty objeet - to ,extending - the-
time in. 'wh'ich the Isinda could:- be
had_at 'par, litit,they were : as-likely.
to be mistaken:as to their pophlar.g•
as the Secretary. - sow. that the. re?
suit is known," the- Treastiry , is, :se - -,
i;erely censured. .The "Pittsburgh•
Con ntOrt-ial says: . "It may not'
, be ,
known;' but it: is ild'vertlicglesS: . a'
. rfact;'
•that SenatOr.J.:D.- CAMERON, Ot *S .
State, proposed to President. 611 CANT:
to place this tone per -. cent. 'loan - in
the' American Market,', as • a ''peoples'
loan, and' haveit subscribed for 'by ;
our own. people and had ho been giV.;
en the, opifortunity • it., would . have.
been successfully. done. ' When See-.
retary SHEILMAN was preparing t .
r .
loan fq t he market, we urged_ That
this idea . hOuld be carried out; but
the Secret ry had more faitlifin the.
Spidicate tl`u n in' the ,peoPic , and:
hence. gave , t e peoples but thirty'
days, on shor t cc, the Syndicate
to be practically unlithited • as -to
time," Con tinuinkin' the same vein,
the COinotercial demands that
. Con.
\h d\
press shall' " put its turd - on this
syndicate: . business .an insist . thaV
the loan shalllre offered, in popular
4monnts,, the American people."
And it gives three reason s wby this
should be done:: First;the manifest
necessity that iii Upon ni, if we would ,
attain specie payments, to keep , Our'
- at home.; setonfi , in the event
of .s. . foreign war„ our bOnds held
abrdad are at anytime liable to be
,sent home; third, theboiding of these
.bonds abroad giv e es foreign powers a
hold. upon us that is vett ' iindesira
ble, in the'way of a presSnre fipOri
Congress, in the interest, Of \their,
claims. - In this connection we quote
the 'answer, of the World to 'the `ip-
mark of the Times' that . the rapid,
subscriptions to the Wan suggestlici
/very cheerful .refleCtions'as to there.
vival of trade and manufactures. The
worta says : "It. is•not 'becaUse of
the .hard times or any feeling Of Pan . -
ic ..that. people are ..
willing to invest
their capital securely at the lo* rate
of fonekr cent: 'lt _ is: simply' be.
canse the day of sinallthingi is really
upon us e The eras - of.lipitiinvest:
inents, quick and; ekorbitant:retirrns
and colossal fortunes made by touch
of Aladdin's lamp has passed 'avay;
the day of, cautious . operations,,'islow
.aiul moderate earniAgs• and modest
poasessiona. has- dawned. Spedula
tion has had- its time,.. and we: may .
now look to see money fairly l earned
in productive e nterprises by patient
and induStrious. Men, ..and carefully
guarded When fthas. been acquired:.
EXTENSIVE preparations are being
made at .Cleveland, • Ohio, for, the
coining sessionofthe SupredieLOdge
Knights of Pythis of the - World; on.
the. -1 - 4th and 15th • hat menth,
which is expected to' be oue of
. the
grandest and mostimposing demon- .
atrations ever held by anyerder hit*:
;country. Although one of. the young=
eat of the popular secret orders, be
inge nowin the fourteenth year\of its
existence, Abe Knights of Pythias
claim to have - upwards o 1 sixteen
hundred lodges in theUnitextStates, ,
with a Membership of :over one:bau
lked and fifty ' , thousand' , Knights.-
Assurances have • alreadyy, been: re
ceived . that; welkirilled, Uniformed
divisions will he.present fkom nearlyi
eyery city of the Union,. ond , that the
;occasion-will be a grankland.auceess
:fut\pageant. The first ottY 'tie
•ilevoted to receiving
. nkifi escorting
•visitin brethren;irgaiiizatiOn ef the
Supreme;Loilge c andu grand parade;
the semiMicto : a prize drill, - dress
rade, and award 'of- prizes; tfie cere
monies closing with . 'a grind banroo
Ilia the eventag
A wrantiNo illutration Of the bard
times amor politician's as Well as
among_other folks is\ sifoided in the
act that among -the
s pecial.' polni u
sworn in at the- Capitol \ the
day were two'ex-GoVeiTiOrn,:One Oct
Judge snd one es-Congtisatans,..mtl
several , State liolitleians
1 n hanging about Washington for
inonths fin' Sombildni
tnrnnp.", • - _
lIAD the citizens of Pitt4itifgl l
paused- to consider that, theft . : city
might :be taked49 . pay the dainageit
of the riot, , wlittle mord idrorintight
rive been put forth to stay the. work
dovas4tion aria tiVittvic#9ll.
Itestructio . alifihpettrin
The SalffiwtFtreon*Tl.4oU
•;„:-„,, • , f: r •%-t
wf) tart i c
,•.C`'fr,";(.3 - t
i 1 ,71
; •••
laptcli= Pioodsited: .
44 ; ...*4- atioti ,; ;
• -;ifl
The. !New York , aucl-Eriei
TO* OR El tb kilt 11 8111111i , ir
, T nco •
titd4i esOre f fr °
'if' bid Ili . ' Silio - jil
0, Enda , ,
A •
'Thrrstrunotr,illenn.; *Poly 20.-The
strike on the I . '*mbsylvanin Bids-mid
continues,' Mid- the excitement ocea-;
sinned therebyhas Iwo:lncreased In
intensity by the,determlned efforts -
Madn'by lbw railway huthorities to
remove the.,blockadcwhieh was is
'tablisfied Yesterday. Throughout the
morning : rbmors of the employes of,
other roads centering here, and join'
ing•in'the muvernent were tfreely.Cir
(misted,. and found 'ready , credenci;
but,iipto rd'elohle this:afternoon' no .
deniqnstratian' hid taken plice:" The
Strikers - botirly . inareased in` strength:
As' trainilcMfki r lu the:3",,,i;ere
:and Vie. ciewS, after taking the train
'to the i yAri;l, jpined the striker:
Therer ire* . to-day; 'at `the lnerest'ea:
!tininte; 2Oo'lifaded 'pare. on the' Crack
;between the linpn
s pepteand East
Liberty, flak th,C- -,4 nyraber en "route
Ainild swell the id:11101 1 500 Waded'
darir , The - constantly in
:creased,' and 'the mann of tracks
promised'soon oeenpied,by cars
henvllyladeit With gentle for e 4. parts .
. orthe 1 an West,' '
At 10 4::;!chiCk 'lll4 . iiiot Sheriff
Fife, in - tornplianCe With' i a request
twin the railroad Whelp's, visited the
'strikeisnfTwerity-eighth street atd
. (irderedthemio disperse. This they
'refused 'to do. - The S.heriffremained
Oleic until $, o'clock' this. morning,
hot his authority was defied. -'
vras - in fotiriedthat 'trains shetuld not
go out if 'they' could prevent it,' and
shat, they dicl,not t:i4e any posse
he couldonster; nut' for any ttoops
hat:could be brought out. ;Finding
that the strikers were lint/disposed
to .yield ;obedience - to ,the civil au
thority,; the railroad officers decided
to call-upon the military. The 'fol
,lowing, dispatilh was at Once' forward
ed tq and Secrets.'
ry. Quay: .
• " • •
rlY14;1131; io July 111:
. •
To Rob: .16,Art Latta, Ltshednaal•llorrinsor.
Pennsylvania: • • • •
l hare foraureed the follOwingAispateh to hid
Excellency dor. Hartranftat Harrisburg: Hear
ing that he ts'ainseut front the State, I forward it
also to you for finch Reston its you rimy deem your
duty and powers render prods% . ,• •- •
R. 11. FIFE, SherttretalleghenrCounty.
. ' • ryrtsbuttort, rennr..4uly39, 1a77.
ro John P. Heir/iron/A eilOorreicre Of Feist.;
spitkinits, : . •
riot, and mob exliden the , Pennsylva
eta Raihoad atTiusttibertvand Iti •the i'wettth
Hard iii Pittsbargh.-Largstassetablages of-people
are upon the . railroad. loathe movement of freight
fluids either HatitorliTeld to •provented by intimi
dation and violence. snoteillsgt and obstructing the
engineers antlether employes of thersaliroad coma
pony In the kiLieliarge or their dolled:fits the Sher.
or.thr, county I have endeavored to sritpress the
riot, and hatrb not adequate Meanitist'uly °inseam!
to do au, and -I therefore request yon to exorcise
your authority In plitug out the, military to sup' :
press thoitame. • ' rifts%
Sheriff of AllegbellY Coni3 4 7.
',.Thei following' are -the replies
ceived • ' - - 1 , •
-13E A vir4 Perin.; ?ray Itb.-3:33 A. 31.
the V ijOf ; . - , • ,
our telegramdareceived ;;- hay, telegra imlto
the Adjutant-general.' ' AY.
'• " I:AziertiTittl4 Penn.-41T A. M.
To H. itsrife. Sksrlitetll•gbriall .•
- -
Have ordered-Hen. i. 004604 to rtaco ly regimens
On duty torrid you IU - supproutstng dHheder. ,
• LATTACAdjuMnt43reeral.
Oen. Pearson :was • found: shortly
after 3 o'clo`ek thismoriling„ and the
Proper authority harvihg been' receiv-•
ed•'•from,the Gilireripir lie issued the
folloWin'eorder :s ' : • .
filtAtiqtAttitlift 51%Tt1 niVieltott. '..'
iN Naertoxitt. tit:Fiend Or l'ictiletiltiArn xi a,
4'iirirsuvtrikr,.Jtdy,2o; IST7-1 A. If.
Srirtat. Gltticti.te r 7S-0. 5.--In enini.l nee with In.
sir ll6 9 , M ll thus+ iteadonnoters Natioltal Claim of
'Penn3ylvattM. Jim, Elghternth Iteglm n; 13 beret)
milord and tilfertrd to ametnble at the Central
Armnry, fully unlfOrmethatined, s and equipped rur
ality at 6:30 'A. M. Col. P. N. nuthrle zit report
fifr duty pith hlsanstramnihttbelatilosiDepoS al
7 o'r/ock ,harp..t. 4.. • ‘‘ ' s
Iv enter dr - Matnr. =en. mama'.,,
J. 31001tEA talstant AdJutoint•kteeersi.
But one- freight train hasfbcen al.:
lowed to gotout. since yesterday, -and
the•moving'of 'that train was due to
- the Strategy. of the-raillikad officials.:
,A$ the East Liberty :Stock Yards'
theie wereithis ' Morning :in ear 2
loads of ehttle, hogs, will, sheep ready
for 'shipment,_and 100• car-loads ex
pected to arrive to-d:iy from the
West ovd . -the Pittsburgh,. Fort
Wayne and . Chicagoiailroat. The
stork loaded yesterdiy for shipment
bad to'be unloaded •iri the t evening.
This fniernin i ,n. OA cars Of stock from
the West, which hid collected on the ,
tracks - near :the Outer 'depot, were
permitted by the strikers to proceed
to tlie Emit Liberty Stock Yards and.
discharge 'their' loads.% • Thirty-eight .
more eats of cattle fltrrived - 'over the
:Fort Wayne road at 10 o'clock this
sinorning, and - were "-unloaded, but. a
committee - of-strikers 'accompanied
eaeh engine to see that the crewsilid
not , ork)ose the -strike. - - -
governor litirtrinft ass istued the
following iiroelipn,stibn :! •
. • Julyte.
In the Mitneand dry the authority of lAA ComMottJ
se:nth-or. Penneybrarria—A teroeleinattom •
' Wheless, it' has been ' by the.
peeper • ainborlttes ;et Alligheny County that !trit
ons demonstrations exist In the City of Pittsburgh'
iOd rations point/141°DR the line ist' the Pennsylva
nia Itallthad Company, *hereby the property of and the tires of I taetnnloyes ore put.
In Jeopardy, and the .pcane end gal). order of the
community berhen,tehich the caltl,clrU authorities
ere wholly unatde to stapiiress; and ' whereas, the
ooustittallon and laws of Ibis Cetnntonwealtb an.
thorlse the mercer, wheneveri'. In his ,Indgment4
the same way be amnesty, nsemploy, the Mints
to 'suppress , domestic. violence and
,presMver the
ice:New, therefore"‘ John r; trartrantt. Ckincrul
of the Commonwmlth of Penneylrat4 do heHreh
• adviuddsh4ll geed ettleens'and tsons attlili
the territory and under, the jariedlettalkotitte temi
„ntoterrealits, aren't aiding or abetting seek tellair4
'fol. proceedings, r and 3: de4eretkrieentidand all
femme eugsf r el i th stomp' detnenstiattens" td
orthilth di set Mere tpeepeatilyle Sett
retpectivtqlamaet,strode. letumier.theux that,a
persrstente In violence writ Aimhpbl resort' he Mali
militatty tate Uhl* Urt:.tsbeenney waitron* obi*
ince to Me laws, gtren, under ney hand a4the
at losrocthersaata. , . at Itirrfsburgh. the- *eh
tet "tit twastlear of, ttokit.opisBbd monad
. elght hundred,andmrenlYsielree. Ithei of the Cent.
•thenierluilth Asio dnistinedirbdatid4dcond.
t't t 'lf.`riMer:TP:4 3 4 l 2,.GOlNThef.
Fy Itie ttorenuir : " ' -
M. C. QUAY, fleendary oftintiOottlmensenartb.
TuE :"AnidrAur rim ont,Tihraton.
Pirtliiiitiuy; July 4 -li.=` -The
'of 1,116--inid 'otyiki'io - ligt \city
yrida7 night was re lied yestsKday
iieht ileeetettiotss theotriki
Ible fata) 'effects of the shots rre4l - 11
the tr9QpB msperoted the eitizene
4 ,.1 00404"1
, I vw the stficer 11 . hi
, _i'lipturb)s`4,
' tht-V4vetilul
bout' the city - U . 4.W-
Were m° king ita.M:l94-813'
cure anus, breaking direction°, tn the anima
r 7 An TIM 1-71777M1T1M1 pro,
wing. themselves to execute the
is ftely expressed of niksescre•
ing the entire Philadelphia command.
Itt i lbfw tie the Aililawx were or.
&red 'to the round , housesls
N.. ere ley „con • . a better proteb
liter:'Abobtlen a mob pumbering
iiitral r . thoueutnd: had congregated
Windt 'the., round bottle. They - had
Orti . iithigy imOtired the ;guns 'belong
-ft jet , ' Hetelsitatonta betterA ' ii, Weal'
Kirgfinittattoti,Xuid idinted theni. Bola
to ebitiinsed thextnnid house. -Sev
eral': fiend') 'AMA gore - fired at the.
;building: and e - bircieli made - In : the'
tiall;"hui when 'the-infuriated-mob
1 htumiiteit to Idsh . IMO the building
-1 tlftc-!inilitary 'were Ordered - to ire' a
Volleyel'ausketry, whick:followed.
44unicif that thtt. Chafing grina'Of
the tortheandirere being.brentght in
to reeptisition,Cansed a'pank and the
1 iinob 'fied:Precipititely forthe seYeral
ttitireti, the milli* meanwhile keep::
iiit. op P the 'Thisbe& . The '= rioters;
Jittireyeic:4'ere acionSinforeed, - and
lis ilitiustindd siert-flecking• to their
Ostititinte they returned to the id
tablci 'tiding:it difficult to , dislodge
I ,ttie military - 41"m the building,' they
.resolyed to burn them out, and an
order 1 .t6 this effeetwasissued. 'in
'consequence of the bleekade which
l'had'exided for two days oil tile sid
ins iii the outer depot yards, as well
.as. , these' extending easterard, some
;three or tonr Miles, - crowded with'
'freight 'ears; filled with grai4 pro.
duce and' merchandise, besides which
.a number. Of loaded' oil,' coke and
ens; cart idled-no in the mass; while
a. portion of the'mob surreunded the
building in' which the.military had.
.taken refuge, large bodies proceeded
t,o'tiettfire to the! oil cars, and in a-
Moinetit: .hugs= volumes of smoke
ihieli- rolled - : upwards, followed. by
druid fiames - reaehing out in every
direction, told that the work of de
struction had'commenced. The sight
of *the. flames seemed to. literally
craze the 'rioters, some of whom rush
ed wildly about with fighting torches
in:their hands applying . them to the
cars' indiscriminately. An alarm was
sounded ; and the: fire depaxtment
promptly responded, but the rioters
who had complete control of the city
refused to permit - them to go to Oa
tinguish the dames. :They said they
were determined to destroy the rail
road company's property, but would
do no injury to that belbngingto
private citizens. They kept their
word too; , and when the lumber pile
belongingto a citizen took fire the
rioters therriselves turned in and
helped to extinguish the flames.
Train after train was fired by the
infbriated Crowd, butthe cars were
so far distant front theyound houses
that the heat did net seriously, affect
the military, although their position
was Qua of peril. \ , '
Finally a large party of strikers
captured a car Tilled with coke, which
they ran from the. Allegheny Valley
Railroad to a'sidibgeontrectilig with
the Pennsylvania Rilroad.\ \ They
then procured large quOntities of
Petroleum oil, and uring it over
the coke, ignited the ' materials. \ln
; 0
a. vky few moments !the car was \a
naps of fire, and It was then pushed
along the tracks and forced against
the round house. ' The building was
soon ignited, but did' not burns as
rapidly as desired and the Mob rush
.eil out the road and seat burning
- trains toward the bhildihg. From.
Midnight until five this morning the
Main efforts of the crowd were direct
-1 to. flung the buildings and , cat*
Ti t Atka ball ail hour later the , mob
vrhiVihd,beenlieeleging the Milita
ry' le - Tor some unexplaitied reason.
This. afforded the troops, - who were
In actual danger of being roasted
all - ye, thepportunity to emerge.
Ftrtfii tire , building they quickly
Marched.. lip .to Thirty-third street
'and' ther t ine t.t Penn
„ avenue and But
ler.atr4t. T\ir objective point was
the United States arsenal in Butler
street, Where they expected to obtain
shelter. While turning into Butler
strept,fiewe'rer,the rioters discovered 1
their retreat, aild fully one thousand, I
fully armed and aupplied with am
rnunitien; followed in pursuit. Some
of the - troops' fired at 'the citizens,
either'accidentally or }intentionally,
at 3 they were moving along.. When
,they reaehed the arsenal the com
'Otandaht refused ,to admit them. He
said he had but ten'inen, and would
be; powerless to hold the place if they
should attack it. He consented 'to
take.eare Of the wounded, and they
Were:, accordingly carried into the
-hospital.” The main , body of troops,
inantinued their march out Butler
street; the fasilatle being kept upon
them by the mob as they movedafor-,
ward. 'Shots fired killed one of the
•Seldiers before theyreached the ante- -
nal, and nearly opposite the cemetery
gate, fullY 'smile above the arsenal,
two others were killed, and were. left,
lying on the sidewalk. They contin
'tied' their fight and crossed over, to
the north of the Allegheny river
on,the Sharsburg bridge, the mob
followin g 'theta as rapidly as 'possi
ble. sAte r 'Teaching the north side
troops scattered, and in this way the
moil diyided in very small bodies. '
In the ineantime,the city was in a
'state of energy, thousands who have
;forned , '‘ \ . . -
• :r • fr.
,* , ? - :1i
:'p ~
gathered about theltur \ ning buildings
and trains and assisting in spreading ,
the Baines. By seven o'cleek the fire
had extended from' ,Milville \ station
to Twentieth street and cnveloptd
hundredi of cars, extensive machine_
slava, two: round houses, the depots
and othee of 'the -11 - niion Tranafcr.
'Company, blacksmith. shops, store
bowies and numerous other buildings;
making tip the terminal facilities of
, this corporation. in the roundhouses
were 125 first;elastilocciinotiveawhich
were 'totally destroyed. . The secties
transpiring on Liberty street, along
the lin e : of: which' tracks 'of 'railroad
run, simply
,beggers • 'description.
Whilalaindreds were Br.
the cars and -certain
thedestructions of Valuable-buildings
at 'the ' , outer depOt,:. thousands /of
Men, women and children '
in . pillating 'cars.. `Men armed
'with...heavy sledges would break open
cars and then the contents Would be
throtin- Out snit carried off /Awl those
bent On'protlting liy the reign of ter.
for waiting., • The street was almost
'cieinpletety blockaded by pertains la.'
-boring - to 'carry otrth plunder !they
had gsthered . logether. 'ln hundreds
of iliattlitei **DEO were,premeti in
to iseirvicSio enabki the 'thieves to.
get awttrwith their goOds;
ralfitytirMcCarthy early hi the day
dlidtkitiMid to, Stop the but
the handful of men at his command
were tintible to \ OntrOl th 9 crowd.
- \ • 4 - vTi :
The pillage Was checked, at '
mbb fired the cirso,4 tikkitAfem
ed with the w‘itiVoficl ,-.'`,...,, n.
is impossible to ifoop; tust Idi* qf 1
amount it
.. • . , it'ilo tot , Ock kh
t zt
dreda of tho :.,
~ _ , - : 101, ''
‘ 4 4 ,tek.
loss. Here bra ,
_wo filit6uld
seen hurrying away ":with pairti\ef
white kid slippers under their arms,
. , thquearging An _ittfaxtt_wolit be,
rolling a barrel of flour along the
idewalk, using her feet as a, propel
, _km power, while scores , ofi females
utilizelA apron and dresses to carry
flour, eggs, dry-goods,l etc., bundles
of utebrellaktaney - p hater, -
bacon, leaf 140, Jut co,
laces aad flottilvehein : ed together
in the-arms of robust ruen, or-carried
on hastilyrueted. handbarrows.
• At eleven o'Cliick itteeirrienPpar-
ent that something must be done to I
check the rabbi an..l a tintrtbersof citi:
zees hurrie4y, propoSed tiOticeseall
ing a mass meeting of citizens at Old
City Hall, to take measiitee'lo ' pre
vent further destntetion Ocproperty.
A meeting was held at :neon; and
a large number of •leadine eitizens
.responded to the call. It was decid
ed to appoint a committee consisting
of Bishop 'Twigs., 'of the Catholic
Church, James. Parke, jr., Dr, E.
Donnelly, "James 1-Bennett and Dr.
'S. F. Scovel, paitor of the First Pres
byterian. Churoh, to 'haVe a tonfer,
ence with the rioters, while •another
committee was appointed to 'wait on
the ,railroad attthorities' to ascertain
what,course they intended to pursue,
- or suggest a compromise that would
put an end to the „disorder. The.
meeting, then adjourned to meet
. again at .4 o'elock.,:, The.. committee
to •wait on the- rioters. failed to, in
duce them to refrain - from further de
struction of property, and the rail
road authorities could not be tound.
From the time the military fled up
to three o'clock no - effort-,had been
made to check the riot; other than
.the meeting Of citizens .referred to.
The mob worked very quietly , and
t, was 9:notorious fact that few of
the raflroad employes were engaged
in 'the work of destruction. • Here
and there a man who lmd -been dis
charged might be seen leading a:
crowd, but yenerally the ringleaders
were men who had- never been em
ployed on any railroad. Many half
grown boys were. foremOst in the
work of ddiastatiGn. . . .
t 3:3,0 a • urning car was' run
down grade under the' . shed4 • ear
rounding the Union depot,
.I.Tp.. to
this tiro rit was hoped that the:tuild-;
ing would escape, 'but- the mass, of
Dine lumber"--used -411--4,110-shedding
over the tricks were _soon 'a . ..sea
fire. While. thellio Wastiagi ng,. here
a Mob pillaged the. freight-flepot- uf
the' Pittsburgh,. Cincinnati and- St.
Louis railroad, which is -close:vi
cinity.- Boxes of freight received
for-shitin nt. were hroken open-and
the valuable contents : earned- Off.
.After . plundering:the depot an
and' when:flour, hams 'and' all kinds
hadi..been carried' away
the torch .was applied; and- soon the
Vast •
,depot general
offices adjOiningVeas a triasi'of tone:
The Union dept wee a large:four
Atory building theliPper-,floorr. being
occupied by the• Keystone hotel:
the rear of the depot and extentlfrig
back 500-feet were liriekof pine sheds,
covering the different tracks -to -- prcl
tect passenger:from . the Weather.. It
was underthete the burning-ear,aras
The' freight depot of: the/Pitts
burghi:Cincinnati and Sti Lotus rail.
road was a large stied' fronting- on.
Vrant street and, 'extending from
asliington • o.oet: to /' *nth
nnei The company's general: offices
wereln the four-story/brink building
fronting . on Seventh/avenue:. • These
• w
Were t • .
)yea, as as also
the - C Adtuni Express
Compt street. The:bOoks
and svf a had been:remov
ed fn depot ofilees . ,.
well f her -be
fare tl theni.• The lire
depot, ?Alm 'duty from
the time of the, nret alarm, bat were
not allowed to throW any Water on
or mike any effort to\save the prOp
'ertY of . the ...Railroad Company.
They consequently di reeted their-ef
forts to saving private preperty" On
the,Aorth stile- of Liberty street: In
this they mere mainly , sueeeSsfly
though dwelling and sash' . factory
.destroyed early in the. day:.
When the Union. Depot bidding was
fired, followeeby the Pan Handle
office, a panic 'seized • the Citizens,'
Who had. hp - to this time calmly fold;
ed their ;arms and looked on. 'lt
was • feared thatf - •Vie 'ConflagratiOn
•would Sweep: the entire .p(?rtion of
the city south' Of the : Pan -Handle
Railroad tracks. • . :
•,•: At this juncture the fire depart , :
molt of Allegheny, 'Which had :been
-held in readiness in ease of en out
break on that side of the 'rimer was
autfnoned . to assist Staying \ the
sprOgress ..,of.. the'• Haines: -. The Pan
Handle -Company' railroad •huilding
wail the last . one in the line and the
Allegheny department *as plaeed
on. Seventh avenue to cheek the:pro
gress' of,khe flames in that,' - direetion.:
When' this • last building was 'fired,
the.whole territory between- Seventh
avenue and Millvillo station, 0 dis
tance of three mi es W a mass-'!of
names cif railroadcompa nes propertY
being, all between - the south . aide Of
Liberty and 'Bluff: Hill, extending
from.Seyenth avenue to Millvale.:?
Small houses on the side although
badly scorched were .
Thelnil road, buildings destroyed- are
as follows - .
Two round houses..
- One machine Shop. •
Superintendenen'ofOce. • • • •
Car repair 5h0p5..,,, ,
Blatksmith shape. .• • '.
Three Or four Oil hoaxes. -; •
Union transfer/depot and Wiled.
: Pullman -par/ company's laundry
and offices. • • - • .
•.• , .
•• Dispateher's office. .:, . : -., , /
Union :Depot . Hotel: -.... • i• •
- .Pan Handle railroad engine horise.
. .
\ General. offices and freiaht :depot
\ .
and the/freight depot . - of ; the. /tdaras
E press Voupany.
Prtrtnunn, Pa, r,u l •
y 23
h .
161714hai just been
and:_for7rded to :Washington :
. :.
/-*- :•.-
--.• ntw
*Apisso, T il li., July lit.
, . •
ltuthetford: B.* Balms, Prestdelit. ruffed Mated,
is ashingtoriv . • - - - ; .:
. . .. .
• Doniesile sioleice exists within the ftfiste: of
Periasstiants, i the eity of Pittsburg 'and:along
. he Mae of 'the. Pehusylvanits thtitroad and. other
Wadi M. said - state, which the authositfiri Xre
tumble to suppress, and , the. Lel/haunt - ot, rum . -
sylsattla cannot be convened la me to meet the
cmergency,,l hare, thentfor, •rrenest „that iti
eonformity Ur the constitution the .01*er:imam.
of therpitcd States.stiall furnish me with military
force maeleatio sturpress disarder„ and tbprotsct
Penm,sand.Pr,oPellY sitaitiSt domestic v101011(41. , •
,-- • s. JOUN F.,:II.titTICANFT,
. ' ''. .- ': . • • Jlovernot cf:Permsylvista. .
, WAsitiNGTON,. July! 23:--.alie ,f()1,
iowing is tke .President's I'l•eelattat
-1,40n in ttc.the riots ilt. Penn
: ...; - ..f • 5 -
Bribe Proddent of the - Coln:A Aintes•of A
:/",- ' • s*oenim•kfloX.
. Whereas., It is provided th
in e-Coostitotion.of
tho, trotted Stows that 'ha - United nianis'illrafr pri.!-
.lect t COW Stout In this Uoton onnoplitin fon of pro
Leghdature, or of the Exeauttve: when tha
blurs baling tie'convened
. sr„alost 'ddrifeiller vio
lence. And • • . •
Wharton, Tfialloverrier of the State of l'erm4l
- bds ferallinlfo tdt 4 0 friti8fIci Ilfqf'nc.+ 2 ri•iefs
. ,
tate. which the • theritieli of Bed State
lelo suppress. .And • , • :
Tho laws of thetTnlted States' require
allcases of insurrectionin any State,. or of
on to the Jaws thereof, whenever In - the
et of the President It becomes necessag to
military forces to suppress such
'obstruction to the laws.' ho shall. forthwith
lantetion eomittnell tech insurgent* to din
!and retire peaceabty to their retpeetire
eh within a limited time. , _
Now—therefore 1, Rutherford D. Hayes, - Pres,-
dent of the United States, do hereby admonish ail
persons wlthiet the territory and Jurtadiction of
the 'flitted States against: aiding, countenancing,
eiudringo taggort in sue , wf c l do rocelid.
Ham and I do hereby:waft : al/ persons engaged is
oi raggit i riate w e i ttlikWardwtzt
ably t o their respective abodes
_or! or 1e34173 12
otetnet hetet of the 24th day of Juirirettard, -
In testinteny wipmlpf l t bwritheartaterset. my
baud a n d muted, IhraOl i tinfWnlß,Vlta Atld. ;fa
agte . 4ll
d - ay totatitl
eight hundred anti sereutymms;eie, and o f the lade
reudenco-of. the United'Sfates America the one
aundred and v etoed. , 11. Harm, ---
I JOY the Pruablent I ;
WittlAtt RtraWrs. Secretary tif State,'
ing to night is 1' topefittthat the worst
has. passed,- : i 1 otiose calling meeting
'of the workingmeri\and'syinpathi*ers ,
With the strikerimere torri.dowri by
..thelxiiett... , ' . -PiisseUger trains ate de
parting - and: 7, arriving. 'ea r : iusuai:
Traitia,thaple,'.wpw ; ;Tersey
ofthe 'lllMlYnnia'raileadii - UrelYeti
anti (140,40 *our : per-
Bens were arrested' in the . vitinity' of
of the-depot charged :with inciting
riiit`had - heen'ebintaittedainta gp'ecial
grand jury %sworn to
indietnient.tigainitthe rioters:
BO:MX(4. - rti.; ...Idly 23-9 P. M:
Three soldiers have jast.bbenwOund
ed by stones.; aix policemen, one
cladieronilY,.,bY. gun-fire, and - .font:
flert , of the mob 'have ,been_killed,
and, twenty wounded. Tice :troops
are guarding the round . The
kioters are around- squadS.
Everything tintct. now.. 11rigadier.
Peneral Frank .4ceaer is in - corn.
READixo, Pa., July 23.:--To-day a
crowd 'nuMberinr, several , Persons as
sembled along , the .Readjng.ltai I road,
and. thlatifternoon . they , commenced
atopping freight, coal, and passenger
trains, only permilting Mail trains tp
prOcced. .At 8 o'clock this ev fling
eve,nrcompanies of the 4th Itegim'ent
P. N. G. arrived and proceeded along
the railroad to . l'enn ~ street.. While
in the deep cut, extending two
squares t from . Walnut to POI, street,
the Soldiers Were assailed With:stones;
,and. immediately commenced
it is alleged, without cirders• :The
tring was indiScriminate, the bullets
'doing - bad work 'among the hinnense
concourse of people in the vicinity'
of Seventh and Penn streets, among
. were many,.resmetable eitizen4, -
:pi well as ladies! and. children.: The
troops fired up Mid down' Penn.
streets. Five persons are'linown to.
have,beewkilled and frMn eighteen
to twenty:fiVe were wounded; SeVeral .
Of Wein indrtally. ~A-number of per
:sons are supposed , to have- Vim
Wounded who: .e§caped in the ;crowd;
Apiong those ' wounded . arc seven
!Members of the police force, some of
.thetri:nrionsly. Chief Cullen had, a
narrowi'esc4e, baying been abet In
t.lre breast, tint a thic;memorandum- -
book turned, the ball. The police
':were itationed\: along ithe railroad
tracks to. firesere prder,and receis
ed the full fire oftbe military. A
number of ,:,Stildiets• wer'es, knocked
down' and injured' by large, stones
at -them. Great - excitement
`prevails .to-night. • The mob, broke
into the armory' of the''lleading
Rides and captured all their 'pins,
and have also takeii. nil' the weapons
from a 61 :store. They
engeaner—upon. -ibe-F-military, .and
further trouble _ :fea rea,t, o-ni t.
The mob is -OW "engaged in tearing'.
. .
.up the railroad' tracks andthere,ls.a
blockade of - accumUlated - freight anti
coal cars: :Ws ' - raitroad :co-mmy
has a strong guard stationed around
aft `their machine-shOpfk laniroth6t
builOirge ,in, the„-eit f , to prily'en t . them
from lictng, burned: Sep eeat compa
ides,of t,uit'6d . .fb.'tates iregulars 114
the lah,keg,iment 1 3 ::"Sr..G. are .e.x ,
peeted to arrive.during.4he.night.
N. Y., July ( , )- 4, , 7 -7,
tally hi the afternoon an
. on
Abia9t. 2,p9 who Were ,guaril,
iii the ore tound-hone.:
The millitary'NtiCiv \obliged to love
the buriblitig, ;which hoi't
td by the mob, *ho iniveltlaeeti-eari
in position as defence againsCan•
„at ,
taek. Colonel — Floeh, Of, ° the Qsth
Regiment, with about thirV - mett'anti
three officers, 11mlishly prpeee,led to .
the round-house - to rerae it ctom-the
mob. - They wZYCTriiet with/ yells of
deri4on.from.the crowd, and, up,tler
a . shower of stones, Were OA igetlito , rel.
treat at:the .duble.: - cittick and foree
their way through th.e,,Yelling . crowd'
at the point 0f4,14-I)syonet; some of
the soldiers belng_hrdiy: hurt on*. the
-hands with .kniie. and 'arsO:cliiiied.
Four of the soldiers lost their - mils..kets, which howeyer, were afterwards .
ree:oereii..; . .COlonelFloelt'was . .bad, -
ly clubbed, tWi wnec knocked o slo and/
forced across the canal and -obligd
to lake. - refng,e - in - - the 7 - 1 - iakk - Sl:vi)re
.paint-shop.. Theyenglncers Of/the
Erie and Lake Shore roads/have
`signed/ an .agreement. with Abe tire.
Men ,not to 'run . with gre4l liandK
lt,"iS' eipeeted that" the `NeW York
Central engineers will fol26w.snit to
iii,rht: - ~
P \, -
' AT I.l6*SP:LtsVii,Tai .oili.*iirl'l'Al.o.
.. /. . .
ITottN ELLS V 11. LF, .F... - Y.. J uly2'.l.
The . sittiatioi lif) tr` 12 11r .renialifs
unchanged. At thatlinie: the corn
witte,e,ol,),(l,stli kersWajted-Upottthe
railway 011icial tostatellieir
ces and prop - lase terrn.4.'ototettlement.
Their prineiPal grie‘;anee was the
discharge of the committee who has
been sent/to New :York to - confer
with . , ilet.eiy,er
_Jewell.: The foilew
ini,'4eY4,ifte" ternia;'Britkeitnen , ba:go
to wart: at:the:reduced. wages of ten
per Ont . :, and the
. company. to pay
for i the ".;extra hours they work.'
1 SWitehtneif tluil Brune, ; ten , Ikulra
Constitute a day. Fircuien to • be .
-paid as follows, according to years
of . serilce : One , dollar:. and t ; eittY',
cents, 'one dollar.: - . and . , .ninety-two
cents,two dollars and three' cents;
and_two - dollars and fOurteerieents,.
—substantially a -red-U6tiOn-lirtelt
per cent. Firetnetilo7 lie prompted
according . to: merit and years of Seer-,
vice.. The tracknie:e in.triiiiielliit iiie
yard to receivironc dollar,. and liti?
cents, and on sections - one dollar and
'forty cefits, with fiee.reititaritireetri-.
pany's land. along the. tr . k, - ;unless
there is or may be an . 4 ff rt . /
ersvise: i .
.411 men. dis .ir ai to be
• ve . ,
reinstated.. '-,
' '
The Erie officials replied. that they
could not accept the terms,. and haul;
no new Ones to 0110 ; Abitf-the : only,
alternative was. to quietly go to worli
trusting to the jiistiee skid - thilgiiiiiik
nifty of the'receiver,leit ;16 'continue
in their•lawless course. : The , pojare., ,
epee. was•elianaeteKkzsd ,liy frank. And
gentienewly deportment on totb
Janv 7 itibigibil hal lfisti.Kla
InveliOatl \ nn",ealling,lntfon-I,he' cicij
and adlitarys, Auttiorities to aid An
4 tfli
suppresng e ‘ conspiracy,. '
Itiotntts demonat,ration§.•at. Buiralo
were e*perieneed\an ISlond4, it
is all quiet again. \
;1 414: VIRDI!""
gi#lrikho,:comminded:the - . •
Indians latheliglitlehetre Cinder and -
iiiiht(kunnul4. `glain.o4 - ncnr!oti\ '
.his_ follp.wera across; 'the.,.bOrder„..on,
British soil : A scont,in the sentee,
of Titeif;liilesc.lo# a nephew of. Sitting;
Arid retently.yltifted• '
*here hi_ learned the'particulani . 'Of
tke 47tiliter, Massacre: staternesit.. .
is' ; Wei' mank . 'o l Ouster's •nien were
liy)antinted Indian s, who ran.
over the n aim _ killed thetesiitiftheir:
The . pooilelliiirs-.Wereliu&
toiether - here and: ' thet* and
fiti n glit - :at Vent disadvantage': yet
they-killed sigreat Many.pc - theft - •
Sailintadlghting dOsperetelfte .the
last, Sitting " Bullasserted - that the
battle lasted only.thirtiblititie,
and.. a few Men --
aroiii forlarif .hcitie', bad
gotten'ofrearite distance, and` could •
have :escaped but ,iinfortnnatelyi .
enStoroliangedhi4 iiti ; td,ilien.A and
ordeiing,a,clia . r . ge the, 'dev - oted - :pa'rty
r.u.shet,l'.iiiiiln' . tho - lndfilietirith' Aryl- •
rers, shoOting down the agitinuilied
Savages right and - left". Oustericilled ; • ..
fire_ hiniScifisheurbiepiStel l exuAleck'
scathe foe pressing -ajiciut. him; he
Closed with a, grappling . savage, and .
-beating out lirain's with the'butt,
was shot as, hi ,fell,4o9:thei—
ground. doubtless 'true Story'
Supports the theory advanced by ind
i tat). men at 7 the tune - if' the . iriattere'
_Wes:. of Seine tl44leratelinal act;
reeciving.Suppett 'from the pollition. i
andlocation that = he seeing his cob
band tearing to face:
the eonsequerices or :scorning toJive ,
when- his soldierslay dead about hii4;*
hail, deliberately, rushed ,' to. - certain . •
I death. ; _ :
SAx FnAiiefseo, Julf2o.4—,APort,
land dispatch states that prior to the
adjOurament of the 'Grover Commis
sion Sen:dorSaulslaiy:Atated-:, that
. (1 not , desi re :to put himself
the : stand, but if 'tuiy niemhei of
the ecimmision -desired to aA„j hini
any que44Bl- touching
under eoUsideratiOri; I .he was - silting
to answer honestly. • Ncr deal& lfav:
intr been . " - eipielied . toexamine Grover
he Was -npt,the/ stand. : ,
Morton„.in ::offeltiding his r,eMarVs;,
said he knew of 'but- one M
nv Ore.
neSSi'wh . otild . be,eklled testify'
td . testi
before Commissioner 11, Goldsmith,
Whip had been . suptimnaed.
• 'leading
independcnt' . organ in -summing up
the case editorially: says the verdict.
is;" not proVen." .Lbokin over the'
*hole ground it may Oresaid there'is:.
.I;robaliiilitY that Money. helped to •
secure the.rosult ,but nioney was not,
fhe leading influence.' Grover'sspartYl
bopedtocarry the Bresiddntlal-elir- ; ,
tion •GroverY. :sneoess was owing
. to - •that expectation, and
known an extreme.. partisan, it
was -believed .be would have.power.
with Tildon's Administration to re
'Ward all•his..friends . ; liesidesit was a
constant.flrg - Unient . .that his election '
ivas necesary:fOr Illeorganization, „.
'qua' were persuaded that . Ooegon
-would be list .he were '`rejected.
This ..was - i11e..-rallyirig":. cry and ' the
pressureof the'pending electipit . for
President was: the. main L .conditiou
that made . hIS election `possible.
Even with his' Own .paity Ate is mr;
,popular.. -The last time/he. run- for
Governer lie. received bu l t 9,17'4 votes,
a number much less than was thrdwn
:for Idle When he was first Cliseted -to
that oilier.. hnd 'nearly- 5,000 below,
that which Tilden received: •
.A ROLISGE Or; Bust /
NEw.. Yomi; July .16.--John 1) / ./
Lewis, the ;,.bead 'of the; dry goods
;firm •or ;Ilaviland
!Church and Ctia i rribets-street while •
:out . riding lit.teUtral Park :4 1 , 1 4 a 2..
year a7'o wa: thrown Rom . his - car- .
?ria!re,and . kflied. tie • lett,awill beL
queathin partie s
and:direckiid. :URIC: the ille4me of his
1, etate, aixnAt $230,000 . )4/ .uneneuna:
befed te:il estate, be to 'Miss
"leizzie Tay,ton Taylor/until . - She was
lawfully married.. / lif she :hail -any'
children - the' estate as to'Fo - to them, .
and if, not . inarriejl, or: without
dreti' When she died, she was to be burl- -
ed in the sante gi•aye with t,hc : testator •
and,that the >estate , be,: expended'-in.
decorating I,lm. grave. • It:: war, sus-.
, : tli4 / Mr. Lewis had nem.
blood in Ws veins. And the. will was'
e on tes te l'br Jfetiry •
Smith, / brotber and sis.ter,' int both
wzitil ill negifo . blood. in : their veins
and /A:dining .to .be lialilirother and
half-sister -of, the -deceased.- ,011 the
tr ../ ral it was proved'tliat Lewis Was
- sOn of . :1.• slave wonmn.and
hisjnother. having tied to
canada v; dug, tltdtxistelice of slave
•ryintho.lTnited States. Judge Bar-
Teti to-daYln y the term of the
Suprenic. C .; piirt,.gaye his '
the erisc. 'resweepslttwaY pro.
visioirs:of. Ire
.qxcetit that i giving, .
Miss ,Taj•lor the income of the estate-
until.:`she is law %married, and
w ifether‘ stie : has - On irett or"' not tIT
estate then does tO . ,`liewis and him .
Sister. t o , . • . .
.c , -An- q,iligant orsuggeition' is o
ffere7l itsii. tneanS of secu ring life in-.
l i.
sura nee in tstment;asTit: is"rion , con
ceded that tbere-:'are onOtonore than
eight of ten solvent - coMpanies in:the
country. t In .view Of •this:Tact, the
latest sugOstion is, that the-policy
•holdefs' in:inielve9mpanies ought to
insist that they shall: as speedily as
Possible invest' te bulk of . -their :as
sets in 17nitea . SNies . :bonqs t ".4 to b 9
.depoilteittVith the treasuferS".inthe
'States ,where the companies are,. lo=
cited. to be •by them held inttirn for
:thiic -fitiellt 'Of policy holders As
tiii:fe4S' no. la'w•te enfotcc suclia . dis-'
positidn, officers of.tlie,se- eokpora
tionikeit :likely to-yield assent,
an /tWaltds in .their possession have
.atforded- too inany advantages for
. . ,
-private . gain ,•to be:given over to in
-I;estinents, wherc :tiie ',i4o 'Wel Avill
. be
placed out of theit reach..: : - ,- -.
A Watute'rral 131 sr o
r vgl7.:-411!: nutnrmua
are )II1)(1 With , l lS=Al fuost - wonder•
tul • otfe)qed Ur., GAGT'S "111F.DICAL
Syo . Nl.)E.ic.`!-. 11 13. s z lld To 1)5 l'ho gfo)ate,t-v . 113.11%;ei
tltlts to 111.3. making 111$ 1111:3:1,1
eout'ageons itif ' ttcii)g. It cttrrrali dis , sivA ,, s of it.),
:I).lle.f; . z)tcynaci). Klthio,ys and hill))));. - Scri:flila and
311 I.o,q4l)l.)ec.ietif - cures Nulfotis .1kr)))4 r - alfol and
iVfialttirli of oi lb& rt•st“;1o;fl'oio' Vigor
to the w1;411e) sy}emt . - 111%),(1 , the ft,! rare));
$4111:41.1 01rIl r i`T.: it. Y..,
vuro : cif aysimvskian.l
.31im. Z. .C.ll:lllte,....l3cift4;!wrivrs; N. Y., for:ll4e
Scrofula:intl . Kli41).7 1 .111:)e3 . 4o; gained 44).1.4))))1l.,.
A. xi. zais 'flat i~lleiltc?t
Wonder " gave titmllUnilth, 'strength and arperltr.
j 3 / 4 1 . iecrpi• I.eackotiOt Ones: I
A.4k your Ikrugglat t ,for Wonder," an
Lo ta}udK repturolly,Nr. U.l.4k . ir SaratVgA ,
. For Wu, la Vocraittia Ay br. A. II: ro,RTIIR
ItEmsrCut=44K 4 Co.? N. 2 •
. -