Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 26, 1877, Image 1

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    nun' or minima.
arAfirertistng In an cases each:Latta of nibs/alp•
bo is to the paper.,
stlKClAl..NOTlVESinsertekattrtyrats Mats
per ilea for the- first taserttea,*tl. ir . tva CS.T7S
per 'Anatol' subnequant insortloilinf
1,0(7A ' 1., NOTICES, same style as reaatng, OW ;
A It I: ERTL'S EMEN TS rtitt be Insierted sect:4l2*i:
to the following table of rates:
Tl MP' 1w 4w I 2l)am 1 6m f lyr„
1 inch 81.501 3.00 5.00 1 6.001 10:00.1
GS Inches..T. 2.001 5.001 S.oOI 10.00 1
1 Indies - 2- 4 ;0 1 7.00 1 10 - .00 1 - I s .'1;00 20.00 1,11k.011
4 inchos - LAO 8.101 14.00 1 11.251 2.041
“K 1112.00 1 14.00 I 22.001 no.ocirfs.o, - •
,S" column.. 10.001 20.001 :0.001 40,00 1 , r,SA 1 75,ms •
3 column... 77.00 1 50.00 ► 00.00 1 50.01 j
- ADMINISTRATOR'S and Executor's NoticeN
'.Op; A uditorknot leek 82.10: Trusiness Cards. Awe_
1 . 11-(per rearllls.oo, addltlonatilnes. l ll.oo each:
\AAIUN Adstertisements are entitled to quar
t tell chsnerm.
TRANSIT. QT adTertiseinents must be paid for
1 %, VANCE.
At.e'ltevilutlona nt Associalloaa. Comtrannke4.
t miser limited or Individual Intere4. and nottres
nr Marrtarex and P..ath.. exeretlltig five lhAell, sr
TER C F.RTS ry:lt lAN F.
-.MB PRINTING, of pvcry 1011(1,11n plain in
fan.' , rolorA. Anne with neattiona and (11-patrb.
Itameibtlla, • Wank% Cards, ra ,-
t n ta•errients, he, at el:cry vf , " style, prifiteel
at tha tZbortest notlee. I{TER otter. I,
w.ll supplied with pnwel
moat nt ,new type. and el,
eteeuled .tit
kilid at the )ovrest rateA,
Pibfessianal and Znenesi Car&
• •
MIAs ; 31. ITALL, „
Attorney-at-Law and
will Oro env fill at ionito any hti‘ ,o, l
4, V
1 to tOrn. (Mee with Patrick & "Ylts.
(Ifer). Towanda,. Pa.
TowiNvA. P•.. \
OF FW Building ((ver Stpre) ,
thetti+-701 • TOWA VOA,
W. it. W.m. LITTLF,,e- •
.4 't TORIVE 1".- AT- IT', TO TPAIMA. PA
()Mee e r n )t, : k ez's ry.,vlslon Store,iltaln S i treet
Towanda. pa„ A prll 'll,.
OROF, D. STlfOtrn,
• •
wIll• • —ll3lll-5t..74i . doors oT V. Rouse
l'rnettprq I❑ Stzprpme !•nnrt
rot' and Led. T( )\V AN I)A. PA
ilffkre over Montabyes Store. ' `;:rinay67s.
A 7:7•%oRNET—ST-4-4 W,
A prll 12, 1874
Towanda, Pa.
j 10743.
qfflee, In 'Nfercur's
' °M' -with llavleA4 Canho-han, Towanda, ra.
(4_ F.-3IASOX, : ..•
" 1 To Ai - A. N 1,0 A PA. .
Wile , ' first tlmr south rf C. It. Pewit, IC•q.. sec
and - floor. • - • Nov.:PS. -74. •
(Miro with. Smith g Mon tan y..' rtiorl 1-75.
tl •
.4 TTQR.YI4I - 8 ror.vsEr,/,(4:-.1 T-L.4
Mien oviir moss • 'look StOro, two ,i7;:is north of
si,•rons & Long .Towanda. Pa. May be com.atetl
i!‘ iiermau, &wit 12,
_.- 3.F RERsos- & KINNEY,
ATTt RNE S- T-L.4 It
,TOVVAS'DA, PA. ,Onlre,t4 Tracy Ir :Noble's Nock
Towanda, Pa.. Jan. 70, 1701
• • TTOPAWY-...1t-L AW.
Mal,l.Stmct (4 (loots north of Witr , l House). T 9!
cvanda, (April t.. 1877.
Y •AT LAW, WYALUSING; PA. `Will attend
to aw•buolneAs entrusted to his • can 3p Bradford,
Sullivan and Wyoming Counties. ()Aro with F.AI.
Porter. • •.• rturrl9-7.1.
• 0.t14-74. TOWANDA, PA
- WILALS-TlA l .ltili., PA
C'9lleellong promptly attended to
fIVERTON k,}7.I.SBREE, Arroa..,
• 1 1,7 NET., AT 1...4w; Tow a. l'a. Haring
tend Info ro-partner,qttp. offer their prote.4sional
e"...,..ierrlees to the • politic. Special attention Oven to
""binilneas In tho Urphatl"F and itegistera•conrtg.
A. F.ItTUN, .1 it. ( aprt 1-70) N. C..ELSIIRIF.E.
At tp l LL &,:CALIFF,
Diflei In *nod', Block, find door sout:l of the Flint
hintional bank, up-stairs.
J. MADILL, Claus-73131 .4, N. C ALIFF.
.1 .4
.irron.vE TS-.4T-LAir,•
(14"7 7 ) s. It. ritryrs.
u. S. t owsusstoNit,
Olllce=Norm Sl , lo Public Square.
- • Jan. 1,1876
, •
' Ai-roux SYS AT LAW,, ,
Dec 12-711
15 prepared to practice all I'lm/inches of his
tilt • 13110C1C, (entrance on ■cetth
- elan and Surgeon. Oftleo over 0. A. .131ack , s
Towanda. May 1, 187'11y..
1 - 4 : D. PAYNE, M. D„,
I •
pfirstclAx AND Strlte;RON
Ottire over Montanyes' Store, (Mee hones troth 10
to 1441 A., N ., and from 2t04.P. M. Special attention
given to diseases of the Eye and Ear.-,;0ct.19;16-tt.
Pllrstet.i.vAND SUR9EON.
flake Dr. Porter & Sores Drug Store, Totianas.,
. _ .
I'Vl D. L. DODSON, -DrtensT.
z..• On and after Sept. 21, may he remain the
riersitt new MIMS on 2114 floor of Dr: Pratt'a new
otlre'on State Street: Business solicited:,
S ,, pt. &TAIL,
• I,TIRC M. E. Itosendold's, Towanda, I'a.
Teeth Insetted on Gold, SlNer, Itnbben, and Al!
utrittimu base.' Teeth extracted without pain.
f.q. 1,142.
Hiying;i:einoTed Ma Dental intact intnTraeyr
a ‘l, , ,rtre'n new Mock, over Kent & 111i3%• attwe.
I. •pr e pared to do all kinds of dental war*.
lie las,also put to a new gas aparatus. •
ruay7.37l. .
11 . C. WipTAKER,
itur•nrsit BU LtilNO, Tulip FLOOR. TOWANDA
0 , S. 11.1.TSSEWS
Asia Strert, opposite the &Agri Heusi.
31ANAta 4
, -a- ' , : . - The following . _
;Companies represented; .'
Weeu tr;etlf, ' O. A. ilt..ll(3lKt
i . .
, S. W. ALVORD, Publlsher.\
itite.i. Heat! , ates and Invigorates the iiltole
sy o ...m. Its utedlfal prot*rtles tiro Alteintite,
TOiliCt :Solveut arid Itittretiv. •
food as4nrt,
the Print tiv
tetic TritVolloll
V E t. E V I 1 E:Mn. 11. U. Srr.rENs
Dear rkir-1 will 'awed cheer
' fatly add My ieStirtl(4ly to Ih,
V F. G E T .Ir' };.gnat pig have already
received In favor of , tour grrst
and goof ntedielne, V IFIG t:TIN X,
V F. t: El' I N Elor I do not think enough can he
' , aid in it, poise:, for 1 1V23 trou
bled deer thirty year, with that
N E(i F. T 1 N F. ,imaorni dim•ase, Catarrh, and
,had" sorb had co:1401111g ~l udi,
' that it vrottt4 maul a..i. though I
V E ti E T I N E never could tweathe any more,
, ater Vial F:TI •sq." has - rimed me-:
otary,l l
and' I ght toel,to.thank 610,1 all
'V E }T 1 N tho time that there is so goOtt
imedielno ns VrAttrlSTE,,,alot
also think it (Me of the befd 111141-
VEO ETINE letnes, for ritIIMIS, %Mkt
II king feelings at the edoznactt
.and :NIVIAO everybody to take
VEGET 1. - Fa Lai VV, for I ran ale,ure
:eines that vvor was.
V:GETINEr f With. L. Onus.,
Vor.,Magazine SrWalnut mts„.
ainbrh,lge, Mass
amp:, it
tri as a
V F. G F T I N F:hood purtfh•r or .Spring
it the hail thing I rave
• e•vrr itvd. awl' I hate USei al
(. ETINE e•ve•Q - thttig. r
fully ree. , l'utai..l‘,l it to,any true ta.
ltreed of t,neh a inedletne, • \:
Yr,-.11.‘ tweet fully,
3lit+. A. A, ttiNSUCIRE.
No. l 9 Russell stre.t.
V 1: ti ETI N
VE- F. 4 'r I N
v E G E. T I ' , 2 k ; y Mr: STOVENS
utth•, 4.1 . your V EitETta'r, and
VEO ETI g . E am con v I 'wed It I a valuable
• remedy t6r; Dy . stultsia, 'Kidney
l'ourpfalunt and vt.tral debility
V E I.:VINE of the sv.tein, •
. .
1 eau heartily re entnnien4 It
to alt sulleting truth the ahuve
VEl:k:TINI: i'llo)l43inlSl S.
Cones respectfully. ,
3flts. MUNROE ['AUK ER, • ,
VEGETINE 86 Athens street,/
repareil by ii. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mlis
July 27,18
Cheaper Than al Any Other Plate
hare alwari on hand Repairs for the . 1, - OUXU
ainl CUM ./I'lON Mowing "%Otani!:
Best in Pse; • •
Ail kinds of TINWARE on hand,
and Tin work of all kinds dono at lowert
TOWandll. Juno 28, 187 L
Tfl I IiTKE 5T11,414D,, YI LBERT .STS.., PULA
Mandfacturs of patented _
with ttbalchig aid Crinker.titinalng Grates for
Isurniug Atrthracita.or Bituminous Coal.
Descriptive circulars its N. 7 ruts to any address
Philadelphia, April 25.::17-Iy. •
Made promptly' iiorder, at a low price, for CASIT
Lumber brought here to be milted. erill be kept
undiir .iver end perfectly dry untiltaken away.
timid ed , mdi for your bona; and a dry Wear to load.
• , ' BOLiGERS.
...ttiurituia. Jan. 18,11171 . .
SOUTII !SOSTON. Feb. 7, 10
Door :41r-4ft:ten taken feverat
k taa bay t.tele
L OS, .11,0Ek
c., Jai
- H. T;-JUNE.
, Neaten, el,:
'Northwest corner
Iro; Btrtimlimns Coal
Cooking Ranged, Low•Down"dntee, Etc
Main, ke.
The undersigned is doing
And all kinds of Pinking-mill Work,
. - • F
So tar you ean't spe It.
I dare also on hand aurae stock of
Vallei I am qeillng at priersio snit the Uinta.
D 01V-BL 1 NDS
Cali and ice my Goods and Prices.
::---1 •
1.. .
-- • i
Live for nontnthtngllro IPA
LePk ahriat thee for employ ; •
B.IC riot dowti \ to useless dryarefeg—
.l:aborlm th\swei•test joy„,
Folder! 'lauds ale ever weary, •:
Selfish hearts a e never gay,
tite Tor thee.lea.A tl my dutte's—
Active t„•; then. you may.
\ Scatter blesslogil Iti thy patinva.r.
I tmltle word. Itutt eheerlog stutlee
•` Iletterer t than gold anii\!+llver,
With their grief..itspettiovviles„
the pleasant iwinshlne ftiqeth
F.ver on the gra:ett.ti earth,.
So let iiyhipat brand klmtuesi
rifnii.ten well the darkened earri.
Warts that are oppremed • arol wei7,
:I)'rop the tear of t , , yinpatny ; \
Whiver words of hope and comfort,
lave and the rewardsnail
...toy onto thy i‘ool returning
From this perfect fountaln-liosil,
Frly, AS thou freely
ee ,
Shall the grateful light he shed.' \
entiy one ihnntent,tintetteyetl I , y car',
nut.lied as the ti•tnple Iterated to praSer,
When 'leaven la p.Antingthe
Ehrottlng the thy,' Its prtals ajar,
tivapttm the enttatn nt •night with A stan-.
Give tzli., n At.
ct.t , v,i
to.l of
irli U.
itlit• of
Spirit or.mwer, forever yon 4 ll rcign,
Tyramt, eimlacln th heart and tho brain,
With ev'ry endeavor ophcsxeil,
• ,
Shit of the It•hstinx that nature has taught,
Weary with hurih•us of Infiniti.' 9itinglit—
ti rant tne a poinpt a draught.,
Sparkling 1% it to t ranooll teNer plativit
By inortti., at We:mire's; behest.
Give on a•peare the ...v;nl,l cannot give—
-10-9•l'lie (min action : to art Is
veva, rest.
reasio,s tla• kof of tho It fllstratightt'
itoundles.: the reahu of Int;INIllie thought.
r hero iluagery'tlogors carves:se));
Waves of oblivion !jeer ow ndi
Welotone torgolfulltess lortux to'nyy soot—
.tco toe rest.
Illy for
14 that,
!al d ak.
That Dead Leltter.
, .
cuAro . , 1.,' FIRE AND TiliEF PROOF.
Dinner 7 hour in the manufacturing
town of Alidilleto n,upon Irk; a hot
Summer'' day; the sun glaring•upon
huge Warehouses of- dull red brick,
narrow tortuous streets, the gilded
minarets of 'our new town-hall-6f
which ate Middletonians are justly
proud. All , o ,this I can see from
,my office window, with a glimpse of
the coekedf-hat ot\the brOnzememo-
Hal to the late Prruce Consort, who,
in Field Marshal'studfOrm is hold
ing a review of the arts adsciences,
on a rearing charger..ltie are an,en-,
ergetie and thriving cdiumnunity at
,Middletown, although ycliinight not
think it just' ; now, when it streets
are all deserted, and everybody is
engaged in hard feeding. It; is no
fault of mine that I am not thong
the evetyhody.• A 'pereLopto ' en
gageMent retains me at my pos I
expect my. Uncle llgnry on busi, ess
of importance, foirliieli liii:'lt c,
chosen the dinner-hour, when no on
is about..
My obligations to Uncle Henry
are so great that his wishes t ate law
to me, eveb when they involve the
sacrifice . of My dinner. He has been
my guardian and. my best friend. By
his help have: been enableetb. set
up On my own'accOnnt as a solicitor,
end, through his iliptience, I, hope
eventually to be prodded withra re-•
Spectable practice. He, is 4 thriving
rnerchani.of our rising awn,and one
o(the best fellows in. the !mild, en-..
terprising arid sPectilative., -firehaps'
rather too iveli of the last, but there
is a cool gsnfldence about. him that
generally brings'hini out rightin the
end.' He has no children of
but has another ward, a niece of , his
wife, one Kate BroWn, between Wltern
and myself, I may tell you, exists in
attachment of long standing. - Whew,
my practice brings in`4 sufficient in:
come, Katt. and I, be married.
Altogether, in spite of\ the dusty,
sultry air, the sleepy aspectof things,
and the 'Knee of something wanting
caused by the negleeted'call: din„
net., I - felt as' happy as e t maii\,could
well ~ desire to be; the ,future
scenic& bright And cheerful, Fund
there was nothing_ i the present'to
cause me the Slight st disquietude.\
, • \
But something i • my uncle's . step
upon the-s Stairs gave me a kind of
presentiment of coming misfortune.
lie came in,ittui threw'hiniself into ri
chair; thinc , his hit upon the 'floor,
and,,wipeehis face with his handker
elliefi an nnacetisOuned air of weari
ness ancl,chagrin \upon his face.
4 E All well at home ?" I 'asked.
". Aunt all right, and Katel"..
He'nodded in an abstract way, and
flung a telegram across the table to
me. It Vas from, his Londonscorres
pondent: "Dillies k Co.'s ace ep-.
Lances ' returned ; regular smash ;
everybody connected with them will
come down." '
,I remarked bandy that it' iris a
very good thing that he wlsnot CCM
fleeted with them. '
" But I am; Jem, worse luck," he
said ; " we wi•re operating in cotton
together for a' rise, and they 'have
drawn upon me for a big figure."
I felt this was bad news, and !did
not know what to suggest. But pres.
ently 13nele, Henry brightened up,
and went on to say thati . although
this would no doubt hit him,
yet he could weather it, as long as
his 6onnection with the bankinpt firm
was unknown. The bills that wer
now mitturing, drawn upon hith by
Gillies & Co., were payable in-'Lou
don. He must raise £lO,OOO to meet
them, and this at once, and with t)e
utmost secrecy. He could do this
easily enough on the security of tie
title-deeds of the property he hivl in
the • town and neighborhood ; his
banker would tulvance_ the -amount
atOnce, but he did not want to
his banker. He would not have it
known for the world that - he was
- raising money on his property. . Bet
ter pay a heavier percentage for the
loan, and deal with a money-lender
unknown to the world Of commerce.
Could I "find him some one to
vance the money at once on;
. . ,
LINT rov. 13014ETHING
—.tt - LIA CLARK intria/CP,nts.
------.)---- — 7 ---
It was not \
th t I replied 010, .I thought I could
put . y hand on, stich• a person at
- once. somotimebefore, in my hot
and fscolish youth; had been led in . -
to bettmg a good dal on.races, and
•losing, One , Liverpool fleeting, -a ,
good .deal, Vint* than \ I maid pay,
was recomended to.a MoneY-lender
-one Bob • largreaveS, of Ilembent
—who had rl. ieved My pressing ne
cessities at a 'ulllciently exorbitant,''
rate of interest. \' tni. , le Henry. had
subseqttently Vel . y generously paid
oil all my debts without asking any
questions, only ex sting frthh .tae a
.promise to abStain f Rm such ethirses
for the future. Bob it was welt
known' among the iiii'tinted, could \
t i,
tind money .to any amou tif he could
see his way to a good p At, and . Ji
had no doubt that he vrOtilil jump at
the prosper t of _getting.. iii 4 1 . a high
rate of.interest and uneiteep ionable
_security. ' . r' • \ -
Hargreayes was nn eccentric kind
1 of man, nominally a' tailor,ONing
the life of a recluse, and ner*, Ou-ly
pprehensive of having , it :trio •
tat he had any money at all of hi . :
,- . ~,
own. There / was .no mar. of any
wank oi. ,
secrecy` on his part. Ile
did . not . bear the best character in
the world ;Pit is Arue, and It was said
that lic\had acquired, his money in a
Way tlitik \ would' hardly bear investi.,
gationL ' But ; then, you don't a'slt the
character of a roan who is ping to'
lend' y ou ,e19,Q00, , I .telegraphed to
,largreaves tp - come over and se me,
and next inon ioii • at the appointed
hour, I heard a, \tremenduons thump
ina• o-i the stairs;., as if a heavy bed
stead or sometliiitif of the kind were
'being dragged uP, Presently the
door was cautiously \lieltr ajar, and a
wizOed face appeared in' the 'op en
ingX_ , \ -
: 4leeing that I .was all' iilone,l,3ob--
forti*it was—Whisked dexterously
into the room, incinnbered\as be was
by a crutch-handled .stiek.\in each
hand, ao,brass-bourid woods clogs
on his feel;\ The amount, of timber
he •carried ac c eoutited for the not. oia,
the stairs. \ ,
' " Well i'm\liere to oblige you,
Master Turner iiiit. if it's brass yoli
want, you'll, bear\iii • mind I'm a pooir.
nian."• ,
'' " Then you an
replied brusquely.
'go-the way you
• " Aye, but I can get a bit of money
sometimes, • thou knoivs.• There's
many thinks a 'deal of Bolt Har
areaVes.. But at this ' mtpute, I'd
take my Bible oath, Una : worth \noth
ing; but what I carry on my liaek. ),
itec9rding to appt aPance thaOras
very little, • for •he was. dressed\iti
threadbare clothes of a dirty snuff_
brown color; patched s and; mentl
1 .,
and that would lave advantageous
stilljnore patching and mend
ing. A greasy lack cloth cap-was
on'his head, mull the only sad thing
about him was a heavy:co*skin
waistcoat, - strangely out of keeping
with the 'Sultry Weather.
After chaffering awhile:---for Bob's
. -,
impeeitniosity,was only assumed to
justify a higher percentage—he con
sented to find the
. money--at 6 per
cent,- for. three months—down upon
the nail:. While he was , &Way to get
the money, I sent for Uncle henry
to come and ratify the !bargain. . A
\ simple memorandum of deposit : of ti
tle-deeds was all that Was neeessary,
110 this I was not long in preparing.;
1302 th w
at the affair as Concluded •at
-one6 i and • the parchments 'banded
over to Robert in exchange f0r..00,-
000 in\ Bank, of England, notes, .all
\ . ,
*oiled 'and limp , as if they •had been
!fujibirg .while. in' circulation. It' gave
4iie a greatleal of trouble to make a
list of thew, for Wel' were of all de
, ,\_ . . . , .
' 'nommattonsond none Of the same
dates. or : coriseeutiVe numbers. ' I
I finished:the task,' after a while, and
slipped the list \into airy
.portfolio. 1
The notes 'I plae .carefully, Within
c ii
my safe, and. lock them up..130b
wrapped up his pare ments, in azi old
blue cotton handkeraidef and hOh
bled 'off, casting, ruanY - , a- regretfid
-look behind at my safe,. \ as if it had`
been a sarcophagus • where„his heart
Was :enshrined. That safe .. by, the
way, was present.from ! Un le Ilen-•
\ e
ry,'a•capifal one by a' first-ra mak
er, and 1 was really pleased tO\have .
something valuable to - put tn it.
Hitherto a simple cupboard would
have answered my purpose just iur
well. • \ .
;,i - As sootins Bob was gone, Uncle
Henry gaverne instructions as to the
1 disposal of the money.. On no ac-
count was it to , go through the bank,
It must remain in my safe till the
next morning, when I was to:talce it
un\to L'ondon myself,and 'retire cer
tain\ acceptlnces -then coming due,
and 'get back the bills. My :uncle
was. intFli pleased that \ I had manag
ed the \business so promptly,
gave me nelieck for .E.5/3 \ for my ser
vices. lie s . was in excellent spirits
now. Cotton had seemed, a -trifle
harder at that day's market, and
should it rise 1 a little more, he\wonld
be able, he told s ine, to put back the
flO,OOO he' had just bortowed,\and
'clear as ranch more besides. In that
ease, he would settle a good part of
the money on Kate, and we might be
married as Seen as svliked.
I wentito bed that night in a hap
py frime of mind, proinref the con
fidence placed in me, witin,vague but
pleasant dreams of future happiness,
when I and Kate should be-man and
wife. But just at, dawn I ~ : avecike in
a horrible - fright, perspiration break
in,; out all over me. I had &earned ,
that somebody had robbed the office;
and in the moment of waking it flash
ed upon me thati had , left the duplP
cate key`of thy Safe hanging on its
accustomed nail over the fire-place-In
my 'office. 'for. there I had got into
the habit of hanging it, as I had
trick 'of . leaving -My keys at home,'
and found that the duplicate obviat
cd the inconvenience of not being
able to get at my things. in the ex
citement of the dayl had forgotten
about its existence. s ‘
I rose at once, Although it was
barely four o'clock,and - walked down
to my office at top speed. There ev
erything seemed' quiet and tranquil`;
the windows, grim and dusty IcoolE-1
itig, blinked down upon me ins reas
swing way. After , all, my-seire Was
uncalled for. There was hardly the
remotest. chance in the 'world of
thieves getting into the place, and if
,they did, would they be likely to find
. ,
- 1
.\_ .
v-\ r
, .:
, tri 11,:.
-,..1 . 1
-Cj I s r ‘i, J 1
-, 1,
. i ‘...
, s I
.P.. . • • . , .
D COUNTY,. p ( 4 TiIISDAY MOIINING,...MY6, — lBiie \
od to me,!' I
yoll'd better
person having entered the premises
Sti tild.l Relieve such aistory myself
told f any third person ?
On opening for hope occurred to
me. I was. possible that Bob Har
greaves Cad kept the numbers of the
_notes li4ad .handed over to .me.
Howbent, Was only sixislilea away ; I
might be th t and,.
back before the
hours of bu s t ess commenced, in am
ple time,,too„ telegraph the num
bers to the leading banks. After
soine difficulty I\ found IL cab, and
started to drive to re. A'thiserable,
\ ,t
\a xions drive it w
ob liVed in a ro el little stone
co gc, on a waste, untidy piece of
l i
fan in the outskirts of \ the village
of I bent, Early, as \it was, he,
was a e dy astir • I could see .hiin
throug the window cross-legged on
his boar( busily at work, stitching
away at a wskirs waistcoat,. even
in the lave veering anxiety o . the I
moment, I cOu 4 not help a feelin 01'1
wonder at .hii employment, the t,
of his apparel i \ so much •more i
need of his ItibOr, The ground was
too soft to' give ins ning of 'my ap
proach, but my shad falling across
the window made him look up sud
denly. Catching my e -e, a deadly
pallor came over his face the corners
ofl his mouth began to witch, be
junsped off his boar I and ca eto the
door. Bob stood in the don way re
• garding me with an air of cove mis
trust, then his, eyes glanced eaerly
around 'as if ,he doubted whether I
were not accompanied. Seeing only
the empty cab and,its driver,
_wait c
' ing in the road, a hundred' yards oft,
he recovered his self possession aid
inquired my business.: I asked hini;
eagerly, if hp had kept the numbers
of the notes he had paid 'me on the
previous 'day. "Why, what's amiss ;
have 't you'?" parried Robert . with 1
l asti t
cave caution. Something at
this oment prompted me withequal
caution. It struck me that Hargreaves
world be more ready to give infor
rustiest if he thought that I was al
readylxissessed of it. "Oh, I have
the nuriabers," but I thpugbt I ahould
liketti compare my lilt with yours."
"What, you've gotten a . list then,"
cried Robert,. '.'then what do • you
' Vrant + more?"\ "The notes have been
s len," I said, and then' I went on
to eseribe the\eirenitistance Of the
reb 3;4 Robert listened with aisar
eastie„ incredulotis smile that 'was
very prvoking, especially as, I felt
that his s \mental attitude towrd the
story wae \that which the whole world
would speedily assume "Take my
advice," he \ said,. "go \, home and
frame a likelier tale than that. Same
time, if your uncle's in with ye, I'm
not one to spot sport.. There's One
lee to begin with , if they toeic . thy
case with the num rs in it, how do
you come to 'know \ ' em now ?" \‘‘ I I
took a. copy, of matte," I replied,
scarcely noticing the ussinnistion :Or
broad assertion.• rather, 'contained in
t4r :
Robert's speech; I was broken r
spirited. " But I must c pare it'
with' yours. Oh, do give me the
numbers, Mr. Hargreaves," "'Say,
I've gotten no numbers ," lie lied,
sullenly ; ". what'd be the use of um
bers tome ? Pd work enowto h
er 'ern, together,'bit by bit and., o e
by one, without , bothering 'shim
'lumbers. I'm no scholar either, for
that matter." , '
With' that he slammed the door in
my fake, and went back to his board,'
but I saw no sign Orthe cowskin
waistcoat as I passed hie window,
dejected and crestfallen. BoWillis
sitting with his needle in his hand,
gazing at its point in a kind of sul
len reverie. la him was the last
gleam Of hope I• possessed, and. I
, could not give it up without another
''trial. "I'm sure you could telt me
something 'about them, Mr. Bar-.
greaves," I cried to him ,thrOugh the
.window,'" Where you got them from,
some of them."
" I tell thee what," said Bob from
his board, " I• sweat my Bible oath I
know naught more about thy notes,
e!3 go thy' wars."
There/was nothing to be gained by
wasting more time over Robert, and
I drove away homeward, still more
*etched tharf beets. Bar th e time
. .
the' duplicate` key 3 .P There was no
use in alarming ,he'netghbo. rhOod by
.trying to Wake up the housekeeper.
Et erythitig Wah arm* told. tigitOhe
street tranquilly sleeping in the ear.
ly sunlight. .1 would wait till
o'clock, • and the world' was astir \
again, and then go and secure the
duplicate 10y. . I' walked shwa the
deserted tOwn, refreshed myself atii
an early-breakfaSt stall, nii4 tlieh, As
the factory bells Were all jangling
out, and the streets vrere filling with
operatives hurrying"to work, I pre
sented myself at - the door of the
.building that held .my °Mee., The
hOnSekeeper nodded at meulicablY.
NO catastrophe had happened in the
:night evidently. 1 ran up stairs
three steps at a-time, darted-IntO•my
(Mice, and—Casting •ti glance arotind.
to assure myself that everytliing was
in statu iwo—toiard th t fireplace
for the key. It was hanging 'in its
accustomed place. With a feeling
of joyens self-gratulation, that no ill
effects had followed myearelessness,
I proceeded in a leisurely, Oiay to
open my safe,,to• assure myself of
the-Safety of the 'deposit. Judge or
my horror and dismay when I. found
oat the notes were gone clean
at e. \
. . ~ . .
T the first stuPefathon of despair.
at the lass' of my uncle's money
owed n eager .desire to lie doing
somethirl, I mast go to
. the'Police
(Alice at nee ; ' the notes must, be
stopped; I had taken the numbers
where was the list? In 'nly
lio; that too' I, had placed in the safe;
that also: was\ gone. Nothing else
was• touched, thOoose silver \J .kept
;,!sere was intact,
• Here was a blow\that almost over
powered me. In adition to the less
of Money, loss of re utation would
follow. What a prett --sort' of tale I.
should have to tell, ofrobbery. in
which the thieves had at-left •the
4 41:.
slighte:st trace of their perations,
where the oileets stolen were notes
of which I had retained none \ of the
,par,ticulars. Those who knew me
best rniiiht believe me, but certainly
no one else .Wbuld.. Ten thou and
dollars abstracted- from an unlopked
safe, the minibers not known; and no
kgns whatever of any ,unauthorized
I /
we reached -31 ddleton buSiness had
connuenced at , unelels warehouse,
and, always
. ea y at hie? Work, he
was these „himself busily , ociapied s 'k
Tk telling him was the worst \paW
of the business, but he uttered not a
word of reproach, and evidently, ful
ly believed my account of the mat
tc.r. Still, as he paced up and . down\
his room a gloomy ashen' face,.
I saw that the.didaster was. one tliat
affeeted him 'bitterly, "Have You
told the Poliee?"he asked sharply,
'at his*, I "'NO," replied. "I am
now on h - o e way; I, have only, seen
Robert Hargreaves since." " Thank
Heaven ydu have not. The thing is
bad enougl4 let ifs make the best of
Not . a WOrd to anybody of the
loss, • except 'Kate; you
.may Crust
her; but not another living soul."
My uncle Wati \right, I could see,
hard as ,it was-to keep quiet. The
tale of such a hiss,N s tlnder thescsus
picious circumstanCes, at this eSpe
cial.juncture. would lb fatal to his
credit: As it wis, he 'might lie able
to tide oVer his dillicultiO. Ile would
go to LOnclori at once aiii\ try_ to 'get
the - bills :held over. And cotton
Would onlYc,spring a little!
Already Uncle,_,Henry
the worst of his misfortune
ing about his business alert.
posed. Hut for me, bow con
the thought of the probabl
disgrace, own-L-3 should bav,
upon my friend and benefactor !v 1
kept up till I had seen him MT by
the London train. Then I 'hurtied
off to Kate ttr tell of the irretrievable
misfortune and to get a little com
fort,-where 'Only comfort was possi
blelfrom a woman's sympathy.
• Kate, • when I - first told 'her my
neiss, was ov ercome w ith grief anti
'dismay. But she soon recovered
presence of mind and eouraire,• and
tried to re-establish Mine. e 'lt was
possible to d
ter. If, we c
try; secret n
lut, stolen
enough be
an offer, an(
ages of a g(
ty- therewith
I inserted \I
the local pat.
4es, offering ) 311
the. recovery of :,the missing notes
tio \ x. \
all t
pidity E,
by ever o MI,.
against in . Ten- ‘,..
Why, a , w ole life's 5...
not be an e uivnlent. I n,.
dead letter fro me in disgust, ....
retuned to ray ismal reverie. There
'it Illy, however, looking• at Inc re
proachfully, and took it up at last
to be rid of - it Biktocin tearing open
the Post office envelli e, I found that
the letter within was n t in my hand
writing, but apparent y• in that,. of
some illiterate person, and that the
address•was that-of a person I knew
nothing about. It was an Unopened
letter, addressed to "Captain Sam
I \k
,White, 'Nowland's.row, Middi ton."
Why bad they sent it backt . rze,
who certainly had not written 't, ?
Tice secret was that the envelipewas
one of mine—its seal embossed with \
my name,and address-'—and thus, it
had been sent, to me at once, failing
its delivery to the addressed. It Was'
very cool of somebody to mair,e use,
of my envelope. Still; as the 'letter
\ had hpthing to do with me, I had no
.right to open it, and I.Was about to,
lnelds It to the Postmaster-General,
asking him to have the letter opened
and returned to the original sender',
when Kate came liras, usual, toSee if
I Lid heard Anything. , "No news
apt:6 totaay; James ?" she asked
stonily ; "'NCI news, IC-ate." and we
\both' , sighed `•
...then she looked over
, 1
m Shoulder ' b re what I was doing.
''Oh, Jem " he said reproachfully,
' talt ng 'the letter from my hands,
4 Y 44, -are corresding with those
betting men again;; ; you are trying '1
to'fg4t back uncle's money that way,
'and you Will only.matte it worse."
then I\;emembered' that Sn]
White was. betting Irian who had
betin'advert - *ng a good. deal lately.
I explained Kate how the thing.
had happened, nd she quietly dis
posed\ of my . se les, and satisfied
her own eunoriity, y seizing the let
ter, tearing it open, nd taking 'it, to
the- window to read, As she red,
her pretty face was pti*ered up lath,
all kinds of pnr,zled IV Ides.
"I can unike'nothing f it," she
said, at list, banding m the dead
letter. - .
It was dated the 16th of .1 r ,
day after the robbery, but by
[ address and no signature.
• _, .., ~
nv Et.:.
\l r tistsvrted trenri—llav : e a Iltel Joh lot of callret
pritle... tett timeisaiel yards or sejasewlable tor. fur
rehy iarket. row over and see the on Ate forst
and HMO ye have the shiners teddy. 9,01
at levtn morideg,"
Jetp !" cried Kate, when 11 had
2iiti4shetl\rreacling no li ,, ht.qothi9k
,•• r, •
ina in ,thd,proceSs, were there: Any.
enVelopesln the I,brtfolio tlllit was.
stolen witlr4he- notes ?!' •
" Yes, tlit certainly were a few,
and, stamped with. my name anti ad
dress on the seal.
• ‘" Then "that letter is from the thief
and\the ten thousand yards of ealieo
are then Otes; and lit; is going to meet
somehody on the ticst, that is•to
triorroakto get rid ofhem." • •
There Was no doubt 'that Kate was
right; anal rose and• liti%"ged her on
the spot at \ the joy of her\distxwery.
But-, after' all f when the - fir 4 burst of
delight wasovier, how wete we the
better-for this.lettd? The postmark
was 'Middleton ;\ there was tiothing
in the letter.itself\to give any,elueto
the writer. liut•ifwe could find out
the_perSon to whom it AVIS addressed
and keep• j d watch On .
The post
011iee people had not e teen able to
find. hiin ; but, iilthough \ Sam 'Wright
might have no definite address, there
was. no - dottlit that he was still in exis-
tance, Ills advertisements appeared
in the
, papers constantly, although
the • crusade - of . the Police kainst,
betting men compelled him to \keep
out of the way. My former experi
ences stood' .me in good stead. %I
found out a roan, an occasional tout'
Who knew. all about, hull. - \
Sarri Whip!... said the man.
"Why, he's" go' g to be wedded thi's
blesSed morn g." lie went on to
41110 rue that White' was about
marryi • ! , ..„ 4 . ,;young• woman with.a lot
of mon :, -t at - . lie was going-to re
tire f OnO•ulgar turf business tab
get cr, and for the future bet.only .
w• h the aristocracy and at Tatter
salPs. He' w. s going away - to Paris
for his weddirr trip, arida few of his
friends were g lug to the station
presently to see him . off, and give
hini a parting cheer.
Making myself 'ot t to be in the'
chtegory of . Sam W ite's friends, I
got permission to join he party, and
soon, after 'noon the bride and bride-.
, ,
groom made. their appeat.ance at the
station and were
pkto a `first
,class carriage by the wait*. crowd
of admirers, who howled and\C.theered
in the most, roWd3= `faShion.% The
Captain did not,secin over pl ased 1
With the• attentions 'of his friends,l
and the' bride Was decidedly fright
ened; ,She was a V, ery\pleasantlook'
ing, prettyyoung woman, by the way
. and in. formand features reminded
que a good deal of; lite. The oppor
tunity was not to be lost, and jump
ing upon the carriage step, i s thrust
the dead letter before him, arid .tell'
:lug him it was.a matter of lifk\ and"
death, begged him to say what he
knew about tli writer. He snatched
the letter from my hands, crumbled
it, up, and s flung it out of the a window;,
bidding me begone for *impudent
rascal.. The train moved off amid a
salvo of cheers froM White's admir
ers; and I picked up the letter. some
what crestfallen and, discorted..
My frierl;.,the tout, sided up to. me
again. , "Cut up rather rough ; With
yon, did Sam, Sir? Set beggar on
horseback;-yon' know. Was it money=
you wanted of him ?" ‘:
As a forlorn hope,, I showed the
=intim letter, and asked him if - he
could make any_guess the Writ
!, adding thatit might be .£5 or £lO
his pocket if he could find Out.
, i
\ .l
g k ilf i i: wr o eenima t
all abou ,
at my bale
the man al e
out that Sam l
of meeting so c
netted with the 1
nes4 at the Three .
house in one of t
of rho-town freilu a
and other disagrees fa
The landloYd 5f the ini c
a retired prize-fighter -a
and dangerous fellow, ant a
-lc tout confessed that . a t
standing abdut a disputed . ' ek
Made him afraid to-venture, 4
place, and he could gather-no. t
The 'whole e day passed away, . a
nothing more could be , done. Ka e
ooked despairingly - at me as,l toi
,had . passed., Captain White
one out of Our ken, and out of
En g lish jurisdiction altogether; his
correspondence was still a' mysteci- -
ous nothing. The'elue that had been_
so 'marvelously revealed , to us, - all
come to naught.. It was enough. to
make, its despair. ,
'he man's rape brightened, and
hole aspect changed.. "I don't
the hand-wad/la myself, but
three hours and i find out
it." .
There was a dinner party at My .
mule's that night:—.a very grand' one.
I never saw Uncle Henry. more gay
er, to all appearances, in better. spirits,
-et . three days at - the outside would,
zee him a. ruined man. Among the
gi ests was . Major - Smith, the Chief.
Co stable of ttre'towii,a; .bachelor
anti bon 'vivant, who, was still rather
a l lull s' man, and - . not averse 'to
makin - bimself agreeable •to
; .Nate.
lie took ler down to dinner, - aud I
kept a watchful 'eye upon them. A
great epergne of flowers was beweefi
us; but in th lulls and pauses in the
clatte I • could
they. were sayii .He very . fond
of talking about the . great people he
knew, and - 6d ben indulging in a
long • flourish ' about_ his dear Old_
friend and comrade,tord'--, wheni
Kate *ught him down to the com
mon level by the . question,l , "Prdy,
MOjor Smith, do you know a Captain,
Sam 'White?" • • • 1•/
" White!" cried the .Mitjor,,,rathr
. ..
nettled at being. cat - short, "Nhite I
of what regiment?" .
/ • V
" Oh,. I..don't . know that, -bu be
'lately lived •at NoWland's-row"'
• \The Major's - eyes at once Assumed
the\ keen . twinkle of the/ of
Police.. ' - • I
." Have you been plunging into the
bettinn•-ring, Miss Brown ? gam
White is a dangerous / fello*. He has
the'eharactct, too, 0 being a secret
it fence." "Il . • ' .
AThat was all .I / could hear, for. the
tide of conversation .rose once more,.
and Art:owned all individual voices...
I did not enjoy my :dinner.' that
evening s flelt that we wolo on, the
e, the
: no
e an appointment to meet
and punctual to his time i
)eired: Ile had found .
White wis irk the habit
fellow, not cob
turf, on, secret Nisi
‘,Pigeons, a public-,
lowest quarterS
'rated by thievei
hie Characters: .
one Grinrod;
vas • a - fierce
"my friend . -
iebt had
~ ar the
• ,
nnuth In Advance.
S 2 pe r
Trecii)tee. 'lt seemed, in.
enough thrit.itajOir Snfitti
Km li::i•e.-the tiis4 htiuting
prisoti,.on a charge - of fraud
cal taunt of:property:, hL.
, 'iTorne Of my, aunt—in t .
precl and help:ess of Women
Kate?, The _ thought was
edge or
•might so,
us off to
silent cote
would • 11
—and -ol
A Ile r he Iguests NYCT? .gone,_ K 4
and Ihal a : tong an Entrions ul
tation t getimr. •i f tin; next d -A
passed ) o, - er our hew . without nri ~:
ing something to liltlit, rarewell to
hopn tiltogtither,', lt' was.bardly Ilke
ly, indeed, that the unknown criminal
would kiMp thelappoinlinent :nit had
made, asjle-nad reeeiN'ed no reply to
riiii letti.. Still, thqre :was chance
that-he. would. ,
.. .
Would it' be • impossible to get
somebody to represent Sash White,
And keep the appointinent oti
half? That ivas out of tile-question,
White was too . - well knon,- Then,
although w' e assiuned that the ,Three
19 cons was "•.ohl place P ;Men
tioned in • the. dead, letter, yet we
were jtist as likely :to be wron , i alto
Then Kate.'.*..fitce ItOitcd up, :tuft'
Flaw tliat•she an idea. . " Yotusay
that the brille•of Captaip White w
a good 'deal - like me.' Vell,•_wiiy
should I not.isilie -, be 31N.
§aln tin(l go yz 'keep the. :ip
pointment. on hisbehaff!"' I lip(1
great may
. objections to urge tb
suelj_n OW, bat. one by' one lilt!:
overruled- ttion. Ent I perginvled
(lei. to umkc• this addition to her
sc4ierrke, that I should accompany her
he guile of. her 'husband's clerk,
or . secretary. Finally, we •inade
.\ -
appoin s tment to. meet At 10. o'clock
the following morumg - , and go to the
Three Mewls. •
, As we - \puslied open the .51Viit
Idoors•of tlise Three Pigeons, a strolig
waft of 'inln , fled odOrs—beer and
spirits, flavor s ed with tobacco, and a
slight suspiciOa of wet sawdust—
drove againstusyi a babel of voices ;
too; surged out ijocuse, luau 'ling
quarrelsome., Kat\'?.slirank back and
got` behind me ; for, a ,moment she
Was: not prcpared - foi\such an ordeal
as this. kerowd bf people, chiOly •
Women whose'chain - eters \ it would be
compliment to call doubtful, were
clostered , about a sloppV; \ pewter
covered' counter, wrangfing,
snarling, - swearing. The most
alarming thing was-that, at thC\Sig,ht
ofus, the noise suddenly ceased\Und
alp - e yes were directed toward
; is.
The 'landlord; a huge; brutal - lookia
urin, was 'bailing wit - supplies,
Nuor, rigorously exacting. the price
before delivery, helped by. two slat
terrqydoeking- women. fle... glared
at us v crithliot, bloodshot eyes, 'and
seeingthat.we.hesitated at spproach
! ing - the\drinking counter, fiercely de-
mandeduir business., KateMliarch.ed
up to him .with well simulated bola-
Bess. i 1 Lam Ifr Raptai if - Mite "
\ she whispered. • :
'," At once the . man's ..couu.tenance
changed anti,asiume.d.a more friend
ly aspect, said he led the •way to an
tip-stairs room. • •' •
- ' 77
what do you ant ?- . said
to me,l,aying his you
on" m' breast
in a threatening way as about'
to folloi:`Kate.• " You've - naught 'to
clo with the \ Captain ?." . ,
Date at once explained that' . ,
the. captain's 'acw . see ret ai or • iigen
11er husband. was -Obliged
- out of tie, way,.oWing to -police !port,.
'secution; but he lead an important - ,
appOintment'liere, 'and, had sent,, - lie'r.
'and his .new seCretary to tratis4et t4O,
busineSs.• In confirin:dion :Of this:,'
she handed:him tbedead letter., ~
-GrinrOd spelt , it over *Rh, a can
tiotts,but comprehending face:-
"Aye,-it's all right,'jno.'c~oubt," he
said. "I charge ,a sovereign rot the
room; you -knows:' Kite badetue
Pay this at once ;AMA as'soon'as the,,
money had paased, Vrlitroti
bered that a
. telegtara.dicid just'conie
for the':Captain, which, 'perhaps, bOre.
upon the matter in hand.., lie ,went:
to.the bar. and - trough!. backthe tele-.
gram. Kate, opened it ,and read it;
and_handed it over to me with a ges
ture. Of despair.' :It was from
friend, nosvbent, to Captain_ White,
Three :.Pigeons," :laconically, As
thee do not answer, I shall na conie.".
• - Now It seemed that all our trouble
and painti bad been . lost. , . The un
known would not Wine forth and be'
revealed. Our Cliamn) . _ was• . gone.
The landlord.looked at us ingniring
ly.: .No doitht s hc
vr. had read' the 'tele
gram,'and• kne was a put-off.
" Oh;he's not coming, then. Well,
Why didn't you wire- him to.-come
,yoa can have this room , till he
cones, only, as it is. wanted a dcal,-
shall Charge you another pound; fd,il
the use.of it." -r, ' •',' • '.`
,The suggestion was- a good. one; if
we had known to whom. to ~send the
message ;, but., in the .latter cage, we
need : not have, been going, vi.r9'ugll
this disagreeable, 'dangertuf experi,
went at• the Three Pigeo'n7!
'‘ 4 I . ' don't think," I. said at last
Othat euiplo3 4 erwouldapprove of
my sending for.. this ; it Woke'',
like belt* over-anxious about the bar
aiin2". ••• 4 , s: • • .'• •
I looked
. over a l t/rKate;,who once
took, the 'cue.; I am sure 'my husband woul
not like it. if y = ou, tuy dear Mr.
Grinrod, would kindly let Urn know,
withon our ; 'knowing about it—'-%you
know "what / a-temper the Captain , has
—that CiMf,ain Whiter is here, wait
ing/for/hitn. I would:pay for the
ropm mid five shillings for th m
e es
sligecab and-so on, - and should be
,4o much obligee. to you." -
The irascible, suspicious Grinrod
74 , 6 mollified- and subdued by, the
power of beauty.. - • ,
. I' i'll do anything to:oblige a lady."
be said, and went out; fcqlispatch the
message evidently knowing .quite
well where to 'send it
Never did hours pais so . elowly as
thOse that elapsed • while we were
waiting at the Three Pigeons for the
unknown 'thief.. The. landlord came
in and mit, doing his best" to. lie civ
il and attentive, talking about hOrsda
and handicaps, and asking
-for advice
upon this race, and that, until I was
afraid he Nyould.discoier my shallow,
superficial knowledge,. and, detict
me as an imposter. The peoplAn
the. bar yelled, 54' quarreled, and'
fought; ebtnethnes, GiinrOd Was call
ed out Mutat halfa - dozen of the
!nog. Intoxicated, those who could
dritik no tnore, into the itrcet.
Twclre o'clock - struck from the.:
ehurcia.c.lock. opposite, •. ti 426. . :
slowly on, still no body''-came. 1 An ! ,
other honr- struck; and we began to'
felet that it-was uselcsi to wait
C.. 1:.) ,
- '
'jut then •we heard a bell ring, t' . ,
and '0 rin roil bustled in. " Ilea here; i '
at, private. door;. shall I show •,'ein
up ?" Kate nodded' The, next: fewl!..
minute§ age. ' .': ' : - I
. . There was a whispering eonferen4
at the' door; then we _heard something, . •
'on the Stairs; thump, thump, thntnp,', , :.
:ip if alleaVy piece of furniture were;'
being dragged:: upi. Then the dOori ,
opened ~ and - revealed the- cunntng; •
Wizeriwt'face of.l3ab IlargreaVes.. .;
...!-Ile had evidently com, in bot '
Ilaste; - the perspiration streamed '
from: his-face, which he vas wiping -
nervously with bis blue cotton hand.:,
.I,:erchief. - Ile wore the very Mine., , .
costume as when 1 first saw him, ex j ' _ '
ceptthat the cOwskin waistcoat, was .
.rephiewl by one of dirty white coti.
ton., '" Tin laie, : ,missuS," , he. cried,,' -
-inaking \ it kind - of 'awkward . salute.
" A nit sO, the,Captain . could 't conic
sell, he'd‘ouiilit to let me know.'' ~ e
1 .-
7 , e, . .
At this Moirient 'he. caught sight.
ann... I could withhold .myself no ,
longer, and rushed eagerly forward.:
i I iS . face lice,amediviel, and then green. :
Ile: UAW to escape, but his ,stick
sliped fro. under him , he .
came . '
down- heavily, his • iitia ' d : striking
against the corner of the table, and lay .
Ahere Insensible. - .
.ft was not a tirrt for ; . thinking of . -.
legal nitetieS,,and I had' no scruples
in turning out his pockets at, once,
making 'sure that I should - find the .
missing notes,
..I. soon came to a ..
big' greasy pocket-book and opened'
it, but the notes were not there...A • ,
thorough search only revealed in"his
lio's6ession. a half-eroWn, a few • cop-,..
,cis. a..return third-class ticket ,for'
'v. • f
ItoWlent, and a.. pawnbroker's dupli
cate for the cOwskiiiwaistcoat; pledg f :
cd for half-a-crown that morning-
was staggered at this last appar- -
via proof of the'man'S impecuniosity,
and Certainly the• Position. was• an
awkward :one.-. -Hargreaves; for the
moment stunned by the , falli was . just,
recovering his senses. On the faee:
of it I had been guilty of an aggro.
vated :assault and - robbery. And: L
had not a title of evidence "againSt_
tSe man. 4 .l . j ' ,.. .
-: " 1 - think we'd ~ •
better get 'out -of
this _as - fast as we can;" I said to - I
Kate. " . 11 r. • Hargreaves . has , been: , ' '
too many for .us," end I began cram- - i .., •
ining,• his. things back into his pock- .. -
et. " Stop," cried Kate, " Jem, I've, -. • '
been thinking ..- • there is . just d one
chance. - Let us steal the pawn-ticket." • ''l
Tlict thou g ht tbat . was :in her mind
also" clashed upon me. 'I slipped the ' '
ticke.t into my- pocket, • Kate •put her • '
:arm in. mine, we -marched .' boldly,.
kh3wn. stairs and out or 'doors; we --. ~
were ,in „tire fstrcet before, anybody
had noticed us. -
,Then we . went, • , '
'straight •to the pawnbroker's shop - . •
...tad redeemed-the. cOwskin waistcoat,
carrying -it - Qtr to :my office, where. ,
We careftilly examined it. ~. . , ..
-' •At first' • sight 'thed.yas nothing .
reiiitirkable in' the waistcoat ; but
Kate's-attention 'was speedily drawt .-: -
to -the .elabOrate way in - Which AIM
lining was• quilted in, and the pains-
\ taliii.t . g . stitching about it. - It was .an
cxeitpig Moment when, after unpick- , , ,
in \ g.some - of ,i,lic lining, she: brought •
the \corneCoPit •pieec,of paper •to - .. -
light. \ It was a bank-aote, and, bit - •
by bit;as the waistcoat was ;unpicked, . ' •
note after note game to light, till the
whole araonnt `Of x• 10,000 was made - . - _
up! - -,..: '-- '` , :-• - - •
• 'Yon. Can \iniagirie Our jok. as' we ~ .
Put the. mi . sing• money into Uncle
Henry's' hands \ Hp was on the point '• • • .
of . calling in an- . .accountant'to take '
Charge of his'books, and inform, his ... • •
creditors_ that he\ could no longer . •. • •
ineet'llis engagements, but the recoy-
ered .£lO,OOO put a new aspect on af- ,'. -
fairs. My uncle's credit was saved. : .
We sent the cowskin waistcoat' to . _ .
'Mr. Hargreaves at Ilowlient" with a n...,.,....
polite.. mite "begging, him to. accept • ,
: the' two and seven-pence-halfpenny . '
we had paid Air its redeniption,• ; as
eo'inPensition for' the..,ilight dathige .
we liatl y done to its lininga.damage , .
wbich•hi4•skili in his craft would en; . .
'Ole 'hi - in speedily to repair. 'We'saw/ •
I nothing tnore of liin till the.end _of •, •
three monthS, Nsilten,a favorable turn ' -
of affairs enabled my uncle to rePsy . .
his' loan: with interest: . Then /Bob -
was seizetritith. reinorse, or /some ."...
leeling that answered_ the
.same pur
and.he.confessed tome that he
bad_ stolen tli.rnotes .thato / ve had so,
fortunately recovered.• /The: devil
had . tempted: hirrt, he !said..;:: fOr . lie': • --
had noticed that; when/ I -locked Pg. • •
the safe, I Made use of a key I took , •
from a nail over the fire-place, and ''
that I returned itAb the same place„ .
Time tereptation to clear £lO,OOO at a_ -
blow was iiresistibl,e. He watclied.' •
u3e out of the / Oilice, and had no ditt; - ,
fieulty "in ',shooting back the lock of : -' .
my door With-his clasp,.knife,. - There •, -
was no risk; for, had he been. found •.: .
in may robin, he 'would hire had a• , . .
Plausible -. excuse ready:' Then he ';,.-
fonnd/the key of the sate, hanging '-. - .
where I had left- it,.and was soon in -.‘
, 1- -- - ;
possession., of the money lie had so• \ . ' , ,, r •
reeettly parted with. Ile took , my 'T
'fOrtfolio;loo, for he had:seen:me put .
;the list of notes there. .He„would- '-
have gone -•t - ziLeiniCit next day and - -
cashed- them-, had he -not heard from ~: ",;:` • .
we that I had a copy-. of the list of
numbers--may Lbe forgiven for the, ~ •
fahtehood 4 told on the occasion !---- . .
ba, assuming . that the notes would - .
lie stopped, he wrote to . Captain' • ~. .
White, who- '
from his frequent. visits
to the Continent and' his 'habit: of • •
dealing with .large sums .of,oney,
was a convenient agent for .he pur- ".•
p4se. - I fancied that! Bob h il. had •
similairle.alings with him before of a • • ./._
like nature,
although he solemnly 4f-
iirmed that he had not. ' ..' T A'S Robert .• -
.Saitl f lie.was y no scholar, and had not -.
noticied, in' using one of my envelope§ .! : •
'-=for • the sake of -economy— that.. • . -
there was any but an ordinary device . • -
on the - spat. If-he had he-we - WU have •
thought nothing of - it ; and '; tre was- ‘
still in wonder as to the way in which . - ,
we. found out his appointraerie*ith.
.fte had sewed the notes up
• his cOwskin waistcoat the-day af- •: _ .
ter, he stole them; in' fact,' that was' .
hi occupation on the mciming..of my • `-..
viSit.•.: 'And he secured' a plaettof safe - -
deposit for hiS money by . pawning . -.
:the waistcoat on - his 'way ,to meet' ..
Captain - White. •... . - •
- After all, Uncle Henry made-a lot . • -•.
of money through being ' obliged to -.
hOld on to his cotton; lor, it rose - . .
Suddenly to half-penny a-pmind; on-- -- •
receilit•:of disastrous news of the new
'crop.. Ile behaved very
to Kate on •the occasion-. f ..onfwed , .. ~-'.
sing the other day.'-'. I•.often, shiver '
lif/ o
- . thinitiof. ho • nearly I bads'
shipiireckednlllinr .proSpects
. for . life •
by. a..moMelit's carelessness; 'sad: . •
undeti Provitlenee s iand , neirt to my , ,
Wife! Kate,. I 'ha l ve nobody, tblhank ',..
so munch forgetting mice out. of the.
'scrape• as, heiltajesty's Postmaster-:•
' Oblersliii-ho'sent me that unopened
dbrid .
•lettql4.l/tq'Allie - 0 - 004dt
. - • „.