Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 19, 1877, Image 4
THE LESSON OF HISTOHT. I • Grntion DeTiered. by -Hon. Galtishti A. Grow, st the Unveiling o€ !the Monuments at 'Montrose, on July 4th, 1877. Four centuries ago a stranger stood at the irate bf a Spanish con vent. lie begs ► crust of bread and g lass' of water to relieve the fa tigue of a weary journey. Friendless, Ile wanders over Europe in search of a patron for the grand: idealhat ah: sorbs..his soul, too-vast to be :contain 'ed by asingle hemisphere. He,seeks nn,unknown world-'beyond the traoc less,seal • Tolhe philosopher he is a visionary, to the priest a, heretic, to the mass ofdtig 'countrymen- a wild fanatic : - '. - - • . 111, After eighteen long years of irn-: portunity at the temple gates, at the portais_Of power ankt' the palaces of wealth., and just as;, the last faint, fliekering,hope is agent- to .expire in his bosom forever, . the famished,: traveler drags frpM - the mighty deep a -new hemisphere,: destintdin the prfividenees of God to be the , theatre klt the -or:in:lest drama in human ex -. , - stence; and bequeaths it, a legacy., to civilized man.- - - . . • • . _ A wiarter of'. a century rsses away. d a ,au. devout monk sits in the c (Aster of a German convent, poring 0 ver a musty. I,6olutne„ till imbued' . I Vith- the. teaelilpos of his "Divine :\laster he reiterates r tlie.great truth. ItirSt, nroclaimed on the,-.sea,shore and :Iloilo the hillsides 'Of Judea, "The - just Shall live by_faitlo,' , ~ . The click of Luther's hammer as I lie nails ,:hi theses to the chinch -dour, rings round the world, and 4.. i .tlloes ale* tl)e centuries . Hence forth man stands face to face with his iMakrr, requiring, .the interposi -tion of mailer priest, prelate not; Itisliop,Ao secure ,his final salvfdion., A .rAt, u ry• more paSses away: :Sii hulls in the church and dissensions in thetlite .fill the mountain fast nesSes.of the swiss cantons with ex ilea frOm the homes of their kindred, - Until worn out with tbeis wanderings among strangers, in 'strange lands, they ; seek a 110111 C in the New World, where they .tail rear their altars and - tvorShip their God tumwed by the , mirthen as. of a bigoted church or the edicts of :a tvrannie state. -Allll Plymouth Rock is _consecrated for ever by -the exile, as 'he plants in , it: December snows"-the seeds of "a church without a. lii-hop, rind a stat&l without a kino.'-' • ' A -century and a half more passes itWity, and.n, delegate in the House of ling eases of Vir g inia, in .one of 'his . bursts ref impassioned *eloquence, ex claims.L' Give me liberty or give are il,iatit," 'and the New, Republic is ' lit tru., . . The boom of. eannoron . the plains slif*s a continent, and I t l rah an _obscure militia Colonel from the shades of Mount 'Vernon 'tiki highest Pinnacle •of ,earthly-i to:stand - forever on that proud . pedestal, peerless among men. •In the midst of the prikeval•farest of' Columbus' new world,- on the d'rurth of ;Daly, seventeen 'lituldred c ml , l •seventy-six, tifty- , six bold iner chlipts. farmers, lawyers and mechiln e,t liting a few teebre, colon inheriting, naught but, their MO rights on earth -and their hopes in: 11 , :aven,teiminst in by the ocean in fron - t, th, wilderness and the savage I in the reatr. lay the foundations of a new Enniirc.:baseed on the equality i of all men in their inalienable rights I , of life, liberty and the pnrauit" of Llrippittess . '}'hey startle the conser-1 y:itisni of, the ; ages and shake the , thrones of ; tht world by; inscribing over its portal's, "The just powers of .overninetit are d erive d from , the s 7. 0 eonsont of tole governed." To:that hour umnkind had been reL.• garde!' as composed of two classes, the! :16 - horn,to rule, the Other to be „rude• t the one possessing all rights in .1.,, state. the • otlafr having no its, save' midi as-might ‘ -be confer- be the ruling class. -/ 1 4 even yehrs of bldody conflict en [--, and, the stars and Stripes, twin-. with this fillies of France, float out triumph on the crimsoned fields of orktown. and the Young Republic.. takles, -its place •Itho lire-side of - t natifillS. ,• ' r . 1;10.. the;'hoz.annas to • Liberty-, are yr-hoed - in ,thee Avail' of the bondman. ° Threc, qnlarters bf:a century more, mutt the iron hail beatin7 on the walls o r suliii6 r atrial shakes a continent. , and the pri,sot doors of the house of 4:Jlu (age are Sundered forever. '' . A half million of hero patriots rie, 2 l, in i l t,,rly graves. .The Martyr President seals with , .his• Mood- the em'incipation (4 3 f a rave. and grasping ' f„nr inillion7i of 1)1'40 chains ;lA eends from Earth'ito Ileaven,, thus (. on.secrating forever '-the land of ill' ' ' ishin,r'- ' reon . oi* the !mine of tIM mid- giant and the asjium of the e.xNile of ,ei eyy clinic and Of all races of men. t I lenecfOrth the i ; oil/less of Liberty cAn rear -her altars without shudder., in... at pie clank of the chain. riNtet , ..d bv heVprofessed vorarie-> Wherever on earth's broad surfaee 'wfong'may lie tlonyto facolim:. humanity,,e,very American heart will twat in sympit lAiy; and if ponAless ti do aught else -.- Will drop-;t tear o'er the sid fate of the 4.ppi•essed. . ' '.Griov9usly 'the nation sinned ; gi ieloi(sly it has • atoned: God so -ordained in the retribution (f his providenees, that for the sues and tears wrung -from the bondman, through his ages of; sorrow, he ex acted the sighs and tears of a nation, 3n , ,litning its unreturning,brave. Tile tiß' ISM 1,11 wealth coined' in the, sweat af the, -Soffit: rnings are Icortlites 4 . Z. 114 'soave so gnat, Inl orers' Ilan: , lid ttt'lls toil he scatter- 1 Thai. oat (tin, who boy them pay only In 1 , :o6(1, - -Ol to the witi, in the havoc and- Tie low; promised millennium of - dcvastation of mar. . . 1 the race will come when all ggKern • Will the Ilepablie learn from this ( meats are based on the eonsiiitt of ,• . terrible- visitation of : s ngnis l ~ 'and ' tin governed, and everyhuman being . I w o e that the "only sure follMlation is in the enjoyment or liberty. pro ( f0(.....0cial peace. and national perpet-- r l by I:iw. Then, and not, till nit v i- in (•.lual :lila .lu ,, t laWs,aklinin- I then, can the swords be beatl into i, , .,•rt sl. alike for the protc(ltion .of 1 ploughsikare . and the spears il.ito cy.:IV citizen. , :tree I tannin"; hooks. The lion and the 7'Nfatioual fli,astrs• not the I lamb trill lie down U . :wafter when' growth of a day, but • the fruit . or liberty_ and'!toppression, justice and lontJ years of inithil.iee and-wrong. injustice shall cease to struggle for' . 1 W 1.. are told I,y theorists on the ,s.7 . l.upremacy in the affairs of men. Till I : ri ., e and fall of. empires - that nations f that time the ear of humanity willi)e; oilt:e rent and powerful crumbled to 1- pained ti'tlt; the roar of hostile can decay by reason of the extent of non, and the angels must weep over their territory .or the - vastness of Ow martyred 'brave. their population. And we , rend in Never was a sword unsheathed in l 'the tssays of. scholars- that 'the mice holier muse titan that of the perpet -... preud mistress of the world, en-' nit of the American , Union, for if throned on her seven hills, fell td the time shall ever mile that, torn 1,,. pieces 11-y too great expansion,of er by faction and national strife, it falls, tel'ritorial lipits. " . . 'rent and dismembered, it will be '.- No notion" ever yet died,. or el I. the knell - of pan's political hives; . ivill, no matter what the extent of the death . s;gh olliberty - on.cart .. 7 ,. its territbry or !iciw vast ifi popttla- The last great experiment of free tion„' ff - governed by just laws and eleetivexoverriment among men WWI V , - "iiiilolo,) Wi'Lli a , humanity,as broad as then•have been 6,;ied ; and the (lod 'the rae.e. ' . dess of. Liberty, heaving leer last : I:,,it t : died the day slit marched gi , , , b, luny wilurl he way back . froni • • it, l.i'l - trimaphal processions long vital) tolleaven . ; - ani the downirod ";-, t,, ~f C;11.0 % 1::4 Iron; conquered 4en of the world can \ng theft chains I,ro••.inces, 1,, Ile _ CO/ i Sigoe4 to cruel as the only legacy the 3 can hequeath 1,,,,cia , :,.. 1 , 1/ hh . soil, .- lice glory de- to their children.i . , -1,..1-:,-,1- nnever more to retiu mi.: when Soldier:z' Orphans-Imr niteers -•,' • hurled me:novo-men and children, MA that the Iteiniblie 1 light lire;, , , the arena of her. fioligeum, to Thtifigh it brought, anguis to your -1 - - . - 1,, ' Ina' 1 ,- 1 . 11ifT41 , 4 hv wild b.eitBtB4 -AS a yOIIUIS 1.101 . 0 aluti cicrudv.l t* 'Div/11- .;_.,.:_ 1111 of , daYsPietnele - fOr -her poPulace. • Any nation will die - lhat - incor porates into .its "institutions, its cus toms, or its laws,' a : barbarism that blunts the sense of,j4stice and chills the humanity of its People. ' - Every sigl - i wrung from crushed humanity by organized ' wrong as tends on the prayers of the victim to the throne of eternal justice, Mid sooner or later comes back in. better retributions on the head cif., the' • wrong doer. If the rulerS or , the law makers of a people fail to piofit. by Such lessons, then in the °provi deuces of God, l'haraoh-like, they - nanst be taught by -wail Zed woes. 1 - A: nation whose people shall prac tice the. great precept, " Whatsoever ye would that others should •do 'to you, do ye even so to them," will live forever. . - \ • , • The plans of 'an oVerrulinn• ' provi dence, in the affairs ofs„ men, formed. when' the morning. stars - first' sang together, are- wrought out through the ages, and we trace the wisdom of the original design :14 the develop ment of sacceeding events. No mat-- ter how widely separated they may be as to time or place; - they are but : links in the grand chain of beneficent 1 results; God in his Wisdom, kept the New World a howling wilderness, so that, in the fullness ofl time, when ney‘ . principles -of action, new social organisms, were to .be developed, it could be done on the ashes of wildeiriess and the ruins of savage life, thus-saving the labor 'of a long and possibly bloody conflict in snap• ping the ties of life-lond prejudices, in supplanting.the old by the new. Most s bf the evils that afflict society \ have liadAheir origin in violence and icrong,, enacted: into‘ law by the ex j\rience of the past, and retained by the prejudices of the present. Ilad the New - World been peopled anterior to the moral earthquake of the geformation,,which shattered the. time-co, secrated formulas of relig ous idesS, and broke up the prevail ing nal°s as to -the individual rights and 'tales, it would have been necessary to demolish the old befoq testing the nt.w. It was indisPensable that the in vention of the mariner's 'compass - should precede the adventurous acre. whose spirit; led . 6lumbits;,t-o-b-." .- e Vi the perils of an unknown and sh re less waste -of . waters., '4 The mission of-the homeless Nazt rine,• with his tcachilizs from - the manger to the cross, were., by reason Of persecutions by this civil authori ties, I,,jorne, by Ills faithful disciples, as livirrg, witnesses, to the heart of the .Roman empire ; spread 'thence through the German • forests of our Saxotiwieestry,ito be by them trans eiplanted\ to their new homes in the British Isle, where the seeds of the new relieon: Might germinate and ripen forfg-ltarvest hOme in the' k i\,..., New World - . . ' With die's - ix:Wows of these; mighty events lioYerif around . us, we conic ,on this aimiversary of the nation's birth to dedicate,\ this monument to the heroic &end, and lay our votive offerings upon thel\ hallowed dust. 'Not that blocks- of, stone or tablets of brass are'necessatv , to perpetuate their ine'aiorieS. The live in the affections, of the present, and Will live - in the gratitude 4 all tine. Their tbmb.s 'are the he:irts of the great and the OA, their monuments the granite hills of a nation reioichr . in freedom. Thoinrh WrappO, in the shroud they are. not in the kindly remembrance of rose who come after us, is not,to die. ~ '„Tlm, period, of: existence allotted ;to each individual in i this world\ 'pilgrimage, is. at best but ir tleeting shadow on the dial-plate of time : ':ls fI wink' of an eye, 'tl the \draught of MEE From the bltessom of lkAlltlr to the raleue, of ME Not days, or years, but heroic trials, brave deeds. and dekp feelings, make up the calendar orlife.• lie liV'es longest who lives most for his coup-. try And his race. Whether on the heafrohl high, , min Ow army': can, The fitte,it purr li9 min to die, IN Where he dies for tpan.l A'S w•e b•edew r the g rass,tinown moitrids of our country's fallen he roes with affectiori's holiest tears, we do it hi doubt whether ulostto ruourii or to rejoice •at their fate. For if fle•re lee e - ele earl rely l eie:0:10, A hewer,. are 08elmer. news - _: ii i.l. dezir, Illatieen literrty Aran IMMYMIEM . Over the Marathons and through the 'rheri.nopyhtes of the history, nations have .qiehickve4l more glorious mission and: the. race better development: It seems to he a part of the plans of divine providene'e Oat every marked advance in' ciVili4ation'must begin in mighty convuls - iOns.. The mond law was,first proelaithed in the thunders of Sinai, and trig: earthly mission of the SaviOur or nianknid closed with the rundina orinountain-; and the thrpes of the' oarthquake. The aoiltiOis of—hibertv herself was horn in the shoe'k .of battle, and amidst its carriage hassearved unit her grandest Vetories,• while o'er. its crimsoned the. race has March ed ontis higher ma. nol,ler destinies. As the lightnings . of Heaven rend and-destroy only to purify. and rein vigorate, so freohnn's cannon fur rows the fields of decaying empires, and seeds them anew With\ Itutintn gore, from which springs a more vigorous race,- to cherish the Mopes .and griard the rights of mankind. • ~. ~, • . . ing.of you-lays with sadness, yet, through life, you:will bear the proud conszliousness that in the hourOfthel country's direst peril it was , yOur kindred who' gaVe their livei to save it from 'destruction. 'The CoraMbn- -1 wealth, though it can shed no tars, takes you to its bosom, and in its effort to supply, so •far as it can, file plXce of those you inburn, proVides you , a home in its orphan schools, where you are to be fitted, sOfar as education can do it, for the trials and the duties of life:. - “Lotall th elide thou altu'at at be thycounirVe, Thy , And so live that 'when called at' the close ‘; r of, life to pass the , dark shadow \ d the. Valley, you . may' ,be buoyed in that trying hour by : the consciousness that in no way have you addest,to the weig,htl of human Woe ;but have, in Some slight degree at least, alleviated4he sufferings of the race.' \ "May We be forth one summer's day, ,Andall•that thou wishnst, and alt that thou lovest, 'Come smiling around sunnY Avrti•" • Veteran Soldier47-This monument wilt stand, till time erodible*. it to dust, a memento of trite heroic sacri fices of you. and your co-patriots in .arms, also as. a visible incentive, stimulating the living te\emulate the dead, tliuk purifying the, thonglits and enobling the ambitious ,of 'the ;living, while. consecrating the( morn ! Ories of the dead. They Sleep, in 'honored graves, and as you Itto, eaue,\ by 'one, to ydur final resting, place, the tears of the gre,at and the good will inoisten yourlaShes, _and :the benison,. of coming tunes, will :rest upon your urn. Your deeds will live, lour after tl. to marble crumbles and the brass fades. In the gloom of future national' dis asters-should such be in store. for us.— "When the battle's distant trail" Breaks the Sabbath of oar vale t' • When 01,4 . .011'1W:A roualc thrills, To the. heart of these lone hills: , -' ('ailing upon freemen, to strike, For 111,ert.i s and right, your example will nerve the arm:ancL steel the heart for the conflict. All nations have had thein,days of disaster.; and civil war 'has strewn the pathway of empireS with molder ing ruins.' The founders of the Re public,though,can onized, as-the wisest men tha,t ever laid v , the Corner stone of empire, yet in to grand temple of liberty - which they reared they left thecanker worm of human bond age tO gnaiv I}t, vitals of free institu tido; till the crisis hour e'ame.swhen ene or the other 'must- die, Iv' that deadly conflict twenty Milli Ons-, of frtaanen -Vowed, Ifannibablike at Om! altar of their country, that wllatever else might perish "it should not be the institutions of-their father -A. The Right of pm- first great disas terls passed, and the foundations of• 1 our' national greatness sail stand stving._ . Turning' from, the shades of a sorrow-Oil past, let its, , hail the sun= lit dawn Of a glorious future. 'A victorious patty,' in al carnival .of blood 'can not. in this age loured itself into a pirty of perpetual hates. I Hates and raneors„ must of course ,some day have an end. Standing, then, 'by the -green grave of the fallen heroes of both sections, and dropping a tear at the disconsolate fireside where -affection still mourns the unreturning braye, let us. bury ' with the heroes dead the animosities engendered in the conflict ; and while , pointing to the past as a beacon-warn ing for the future, let us remember tha we are all American citizens, Ting in the traditions of a com i n ancestry, and vieilw, with 6ch other in deeds of . patriotic the for the advancement of the great n6ss' and the glorylof the Republic '‘eneeforth bound tortether as - One homogeneOusfiu ideas And ons,frOin the gulf to the hikes, n ocean to ocean, with one nd one destiny, now/ .and I , ITer Aiverg t sern euti. 7001, CARDING:—I'he sub: srriller :ill card rolhe the'rescht seitann at ht., out tedabli. Invent to ataptea U. Pa. I Ills long ~ c perlette • the pulite may lte sure ht 143y lag their %soi, dela In the , 11 , , , t leeedhle manner. and with .11. patc h• a, he will give Ith; perqortal and eiwie attentieli t,, tt, • burl acr e :. eta pc!'.'Fund. Vi - 0.4 %Aril II rtyt/t , llt Whet/ CaluploWti, .5, 1, - 7. IL 4r Or alt Or - dr ."/ 47,C,E1.1 • . IVILLti Wy;•; , Y. :J,caied ijf a mile froth ;d: at •. apj,les, er, a tarn and 11,,e , \\as It U.Al4' detvet t's arty will, Ire ,1 , ,a a raid Att t . ft) • .1 • IMMEZI §- '.. . 6- ,' '' - ‘•,•-‘ r 1 1 11 E 1: NI)Ell NEEIII=I 11: , ,Lalning , ... Tke Ha vontWit ‘I ,t'l ail 111',1 ,, - .1;311Vt• of go , :il hull OW ri!.". & , -., , .---n toil of chld - wl oth:rowls..,liliukT. filvrogoi. 'Elle I p•lthloll llii- -pring,l4lllllw,okits g,l Th ., coll . ar I , larvto alp! .Ity. 1t:0,1 I.t. pr , -.0:,I f or't. ,I'.tol. ,a,l,,nit 1::,:f .I„tC v: 1,.; 1 a lilt' lo ttil yo:lrly wi th II feipoil. 'A1.1 4 1 l'iTe%‘ kV 111;, Al lurney-at-1 ay., Tow;k:ltiW. I I c'• .:..., c- C. c ° 01 ''e , c-1 no . ti' 1. P r. ..t ,-.. Si. Si a: I.: i.. \ -...., ,s: P fs 4 4 it 4 *titi 't i 4•4 6 ta ,it 'ft 4 4' 4/ t' 5 . it , !I . 't it i t II " i'. FA It NI AT. 1 1 8. IYA ` TE SALE A Fittpt of 10 0 , niilra id I warida li r ibr.Luch. on a good r.nol iron Tow,anda 3lnn rpp!po, pit: . lll " cior paid fruit graptoi, appit.. and I peapli pichard. A• 20011 f num. truing houv, ‘vitli I I ropia, and .1 collars, with Wa• tp: in lip&p brought • {non • Va:ll3big.,,,prt.lrg, ilerpn;2l. wa'a.r is ill , barn yard.thypar round !rpm the sainesid r iiig. 11114Cr0011 , 11.1 Sttle . *Xst`ilillt :43110. f.d. I lo.rA, barn. I gpoil corn hpiire,..rolltry yard underground chirkery and Ptio.r oaf bnibling. 7;" 0 1 0 iitifbvpd, bal4ne.• in a ppdc., The jaild Ii sill a:dated. :dot to pa..t. and old a gpiai Mat... Pt nAllisathli..aug' is 50:!dri YV Isliallll.o rink' (.4 vii . lage. It is own./ od by 7.,611,j,,,ir 31,1,11111: - ft ToW;111,13. %%110. ii yrars.'dkirs.sT.,i ‘ go old of the farming. It ran hp any ital.. ape!, t :got April per 4.. Parties harv....4 to, tlec vivo- Shure pf\ pne.ba2f;', lop gown and a tit, ',pun yoariy with hi•prPst. Po, Vl . ll A 11)/ tst, 1..7a. Ad .n N pit r:ViS \VI LT, Attortit'N:at-Litsv..fro watola, slah4. I • • re it• 4 0 C . CA, S' V', Cs , ft., p 1;i 5 \fa. .P• st n t sr, ;a I) El .\lO XIO F:D I • \ THE IIOSTON 13001 & t11C67. \* sTolt,E, Alas reumv,4l to NO:3 PAT:I79N'S MAIN-61'1, T\cp tloorS aliove Steve , & I;ofig, it - e.litive on band a large.gto . s;k of ELI- ST-CLASS BOOTS & SFIOES Which we will.sol at ; ASTONISIIING LOW P1119.IIS:. Conic and &ce and th.: etnninewli, MI . MI goods warranted as represented . _ OUR' 'MOTTO: -W} STVOY . T. I.3 I ,tASE • 1 .1:1 gt4A.ll, %Ai rant./ Thvt4 Rifq,ll4 C J -1 1 • .1. sllETTliri, fuilyYoins tiny Y Toranda, 5, 14;7. ON" VENIEN'r C I • NEW ARRANGEMENT. Tao demand for a GILOCZkIr ,STORE Ina corn ludent location has Ididucod,ns to etdailin our start and supply, oursthe as Villa .5 fun tine of CHOICE FAMILY. GROCERIES PI7IIOIIASEI> YOB CASII. .Xud witch will be so/41 as Pim io thtliattte quality, tan be iture4ssed abywheSek. • - Wo keep on hand the CHOICEST BRANDS OF FAMILY FLIZRJR. All goals deltiered free of charge in the torsuirt. We also continuo tho BAKING BUSINESS, And our customers can procure FRESIT BREAD, ® "FRESH WSCITIT, ROLLS, CAKES, AND PIES, rvin't day, as usual ELF.. 'spizziEks FOR rie, 7 .2vlcs Asto PAIZTLES A SPECIALTY, One Door North bf 'Ward House. "b. W. BCOTT & CO. 'rovvanda. March IS, 1877. STEVENS & LONG, \ WHOLESALE & ItEt CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES COVNTBY VRODUCE, Having a urge and commodlountstore we are prepared• at ail times to carry sviarge stock, ' CASII PAID FOR BUTTERY RAIN AND PRODUCE. flr taken in exchange for goods, an lowest cash prt• crs. Our long experience In the' Grocery Tratle gives us peculiar relvantages In purcbpsing, and as we are not ambitious to - make large profits, we fiat• to ourselves that we can offer CREAT,ER INDUCEMENTS TO nivel% than any other establialiinont tn 'Northern Founaylvanla. tlp/tItTEII MAIN A BRIDOS ST., tr,yl3. ROCERII & PROVISIONS MCCABE & EDWARDS, deile - rp In all•kln1s of • I: 1 \ - • -,. it .. , , NE .1) &;ONOR 47 OF C0 ., ,V1N0- ... \ ilt • \ P"lrfum < M i . dm,July 72. 1875 ' - i - miui. \ GROCERIES - _ • NEW Fi tlkt • AI'D NEW - 400DS• • .H. J. adill z 'llse fitted up the ohl stmo with * ?till trio of • r • .„CROCKERY, CHINA, Ci_iiN, GLASSW - RE • CUTLERY,' SILvEIL PLATED GOO S , STONEWARE! • MIS BABY WAOQNS, FAI'COY , 'OOODS, -TOYS; TOYS! lIOITSE rugxismfmi GOODS! A greatyatlety of LAMPS,LANTERNS, • CEIFAINETS NEI A till* ilErairtunEs Sewing Machines of the leading bakes sold for Cash at stub:. at wouderfally low prieei. 11AC111;:lt NiE . Ekie a on. , r. \ I, ~ lir:?.tlTS A?....:ti\ CiI11,131:Cs1 • Are Incl., t 9 look over our switruent, as we tiro detormitir t} -40 ull.tu'our jwra ei x to, pleUr. Re ..,\uoltubcr the 1,1,.'..t.., ,` . ' • , \YI AI ItCPC.KEIIi.IittIFIY.. ° - , . . :TOlrilidll,llBlloo477, , • ,\\ \ • , • . , • El Dealers in GRAIN, &C. STEVENS & LONG. TOWANDA, rA it PROVISIONS. RUSSELL Crockery Ware. =I • LTO IL. It FINE.AMERICAN AND .BWISS BOLD AND NI• YEN WATCH:C/4 • 'FINE JEWELRY. • -J ' r ' STEB,LINGL SILVER SILITER.PLATED WARE, C LOCglti ISOM Tine CHEAPEST TO THZ BEST. GOLD, (ULM AND STEEL , SPECTACLES & EYE ,GLASSES. One door north of Dr. Porters' Son`s Drag store, Main Street. IM TOWAIi.DA, PA.; jan3.73 NE W JEwEhuy STORE\q W. A,c ROCKWELL l!rectir In. a slew supply to his loft) stotic of, gioda, I=l=l \ ' SILE.II, PLATED VIT ' AitE, ' \ GOLD AND \ fLATED SETS ■ cLocks, And everything in the line, which will be mold •t • LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE, , , , Please ;Ire as a call aod examine our goods • • Itepalringdone at tlitsbortaat notion. Dec. 12. 187 t. r E GREAT WEDDING. CARD DEP4 The Meld styles In WEDDING INVITAITIONS. rrleea lower, than any Holm In the Country ORDEUS wY M PROM?tLY ATTENDED TO TVX. 11. HOSKINS, . STATIONER AND EtiGRAVMR, 913 imp, Street, rtitladelptil'a. April VZ. ts 77 rrIIE SUBSCRIBER. TARES 11 Plesuinre In calling the attention of Ills numer ous patrons and the piddle generally, to .the fact that hej3tlll continues a GENERAL MARKET BUSINESS At the OLD STAND of MYEIt k ItUN.DELL, to carroll'a Mock, nearly oppoette the' Meant House, and,that he ta, prepared to furntah• SALT AND FRESH. MEATS, FRESH POULTRY , VEGETABLES AND BERRIES Or the very beetatualty,at as low rites is any other establlshuteot. ' Jane 187”1- F llt.s,T NA'TIONAL BANK OP TOWANDA.' ' . CAPITAL ' $125,000. SURPLUS FUND • 80,000 1 , . Tlitank offers \UNUSUAL FACILITIES fos tho t saction of a . .i GENIAL BANKING pusiNtss INTEREST\ PAID ON DEPOSITS ACCORDINU TO AGREEMENT. i. ' griefAt; CA a GIVES TO TIM OLLICCTION Of VOTER AND CH CRT. - liT • . Parties wishin \ t SEND MON o EY to any part of the United States, ngland, Ireland, Scotland, or the principal cities nd towns of 'Enrope, , can bare precure drafts for titipurpose. ,i • , PASSA(JT TICKETS ' To or frem'ibe Old Coninry, by the best steam or ssittnelins, Missys on bead, r As, I LI ES TROVOLIT QVlst\kir SEDUCED SAT highest ~r ice, paid, foi , IT. S., Boxtd4 , ' l l . - Gold p r od Sil r. 3os.volitit. R.N. ItITS,JII. Treitlaent., -. . . Calthlltt. W IL DODGE, :` • AT , • t T NATIONAT,II-ANE, TOWAND. it grit Eft . ISTB ;met iNsunNicr. CO:, of Phil _AYA z ' 'II,IIPTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CI . .of Riirtford. . oirer . ll3o,ooo . c ti `Towhatia., Pa., Feb. I. RUT 1113 Gllit,(l rifizArm' qnsurance on lives In Bradford 1011iIGIIk tROAD'LEY; JUL. Idanlifactera of Wooten Hoods, tirita, be CARDING SCDRESSIiiII, Pone to order. Cast, NIX for woo', also Cloths exchanged for ',roof 1 unaam . . Lift ANSV IL Ult. , r . I • C , . Tits LITTLE : Four Imitizre Tvi coßsicß Is the best , pheo In Tows:ids to buy good • CIGARS AND TOBACCO, • at low roes. •Remeeiber 111.0CIT . opposity. COURT H0,1:18E, atom op TOL "INDIAN spi2S46. THE HIGHEST HONORS AT VIM CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION, , ?be /lieges thanlinciaaly mammoth the MIN DICLIMOUN PIANOS tar the DIPLOMA OP DONOR AND . MERIT i Placing Mien la the front rink withost a superior. rsucsa Est,oer CosrsTrrsoN fox SiNucTIA . EllesT.CtiAse ixerseausznti. - $6OO for $250. $lOOO . ' $B5O for $275. $7OO for $3OO. foe $750 for $325. $ for $360. $450. $OOO foi $4 OO . No cOintissicix, TO ACIENTE;* NO DISCOUNTS •TO TEACHERS, . ' Sp DEVIATION Is rnscz; THE THE 3818NDELSSOUNdinind.-Edaare. ond UP ht Planes contain valuable ptents and improve , rants never before intrcsleftd. • • - ATEUSILEE'S NEW '.PATENT DUPLEX ''' ESTIIUNO SCALE it the greatest advance history of Plano waking, producing the stealthier power, richness and deri m t of d a sustaining singing quality never fore beings ..Grand Piano In a fig _nate C ', \ KE DE1.8301121 UPEIOUTS are the erica. ;'.. They aro pronounced the "W -iden." \CTORY AND W'AllEl2oollllSt . , ' 456 and 488 West 57th .Streef. AK 816 and 870 10th AVOIMIO. . SENT ON TRIAL 'olive Catalogue wailed free. V . • 8. k •e, r T MiILND,F L. b. 'atm lite. t Yebl77. ' • _ molt . Wee, sa, sttatriod,\ Tilt A -Sued 10 A, 840101 the YANUP Nos. 480. 882,. *OB. 888. 880,. • ' PIANO .11hudzsted and detail Whoßata and Retail desie;s In ill kinds et \ MUSIC .&L INSTRUMENTS Invite the public to an examinatkin of their &deb lishment. AND RINGS, Continues tube the favorite'. with Musician& and well sustains tie high repatatto,n earned. It Is not necessary to, go Into any extended description or the Instrument, as , IM annals Will he apparent to all ,op examination. tiIIORGE WOODS CO.'S PAR jolt ak VESTRY ORGANS. , . , • 'These Instruments are celebrated the world over for their remarkably pvir and brllllant W. RocksvEta. Which Is owing fo.thele famous Combination Solo Stops: Acotine, Vox Humana, Plano, all of aridch are separate and additinualacts of Reeds and Bars, soareanged is to admit bt an almost eruflesi variety of orchestral effects and beautiful combinations; Al EiXTRAORDINJCITY POWER, ELEGANCE or STYLE„ AND TUORg? CONSTRUCTION AN b' FINISH Among the man] Patents owned and used by the Above OrM,-are SEPARATE SOLO SETS, GODS• OCTAVE COUPLER, .• -1 imrnoviD VALVES, - ATENT Vie offer all our inntrunients at the lowest figures, arid guarantee them Just an represented. Down be deceived by traveling agents, but coma directly to headivarters, where you am sure of getting Just what you bargain for. •. ~ MASON&IiibIiORGANS CENTENNIAL E 3”11131710N. They are the only Instrlimenti of oho clus L. B. POWELL, 115 W.rosallaz Scranton: Pa.. REASON AND ItAbILIN ORGANS, and hu r feonstint97 in Ftpc.k, at Ma apadous Warcronatt, a full lire of theac.celebratt , tl In- strumerits.• ricforeTO reheat lig. sendl to him for price, and be ; convinced that 24/040X ANt) i AMON CIEGAi: cost/ no more than Om price usually obtained tor an Inferior Instrument. CATALOGUES AND rBICB7IIBTS MCLID FREE. seranton,"l.7a. * March 29, 1877. e's 0 0 'lANOS ' FOR:S2SO.- i. And *II other style* In the same Pre p,.rtien, inennling Grand, Smart and Upright— all/rid•oictsir—sehl effacer to the people ut factory Oricer.\ No agents; no,commladons ; no discounts. k These P oe made ono ottbe finest di plays at the tCentenn I Exhibition, 'and, were unanimonsly reecomen d foe th e Hrorilter HoNoits. New Manufacto —one of the lailgest and finest In the world, The mann Grand"' contain Idathushirs new patent DIV: Overstrunefleale4tbe greatest improvement t he hlstory,of planollneking. The Uprights are th Picot in America. Don't fall to write for lidnstrated and Descriptive Vatalogue,— mailed free. ME DkLB3TION rbtaio CO., Lai No. 56 BroadwanN. Y. , • , PA, 14.1 g EDUCTION N ;PIANO 1 propose tc) Wits Mance hereafter tor $3 LL 11 TINY; Ott 14 BY THE YEAR. extra lfb ° As I 71 t Irlfa l ta n= ;it I . 1 coottnoe'to sell pR(IAN\ A ND 4 , PIA OS tho beak nlarturts, I. Apply l er addmss • PROT I : \-- \\n't 'SOHN PI4ICO CO., mr ass OtTsci lresdiray, New-York. WANDA. MUSIC Co r i Main and • 1101.1101 AND SHEET kIISICi - The celebrated MATILUSIIEK PIANO 1!1 , We also have the agency for QUALITY'OF TONE: PIANO ATTACHMENT, AND BELLOWS HOLMES '4 PA93AGI: Towanda, !tiara 11, IBM FIRST RANK . EEIVEn assfgr led drat rank. 13 THE GEKERit. AUNT FOR THE Pnices Ramis FROM 15/30 TO $l4OO, Mr. Powell also keca carefttlly selected _stock of CH ICK E RING PIANOS, rag susagra ' , gums OF Tit i'01111.1) fipyluir these Pianos. In large guantllies, be' to able to offer extra i rid ucements purchas ers. AChfekerthgPlanli.doesnotcoattwice ii much u the very pOorear Piano midi?, and 11 WORTH TER TSRFX ASIVMUCII MEE! Reliable Agents Wanted Eveilfwhere. M., DITTIticK Towanda, Pen! Towanda, Vett. 12, lilt' D R; • OLD GASH \PR;ITO'. STOItg, Cease? ;lath and Xinefilm, Towanda. 'Pa. utigaiiiioll44 oosa a't *trier co" a Costarirol Wholesale and Relit! Dealer In • : DRUGS, -MEDICINES; \ CHEMICALI ACIDS, DYE-STUFIrS,AIt GLIM, • PERFUMERY, TOILET AND FANCY.,GOODS, , SPONGES, BRUSRES, nriAcEi # TRUSSES, SoAre, COMBS, POIRADI6,If 4t* DYme, TEETH, SKIN, and 041 N. PREPARATION' RAZORS, rocxvr-xx •• • _ . • POCKET-ROOMS AND PORT.M9I , II4AIES, • MACABOT andSCOTCH SNUFF, . FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DIG ARK - GARDEN, FIELD AND FLOWER SEEDS,. Fore Wines sad Liquors, for Medicinal Pulti:oes BOTANIC,ZCLAMIG hiloNaorATDienENNDlNs t And alllannine popular Patontddedlntnes \ SUPPORTERS, SVSPANSORINA, AREAS? PUMPS, NIPFLO, Nierix SHELLS & -, • Nunarato Hamra, TtzTutern 811112/0114, APID PANS: trNINAI.6; TDAZINCINX TAR& ELASTIC , STOCCINGS, • • KEROSENE OR.OOIAL OIL - , • " - WICKS, CRIIIINEYS,„RATIt nßicx, SPERM, LARD, WHALE, NEATS FOOT, • TANNER'S, AND MACHINE OILS, • ALCOMIL, AND SPIRITS TURPENTINE, SashoPaint,Vai.nish,Whitewash, Counter,' HMO, Maio, S'hOe, Scrubbing, • And nit kinds of tfrrtorlup. WINDOW AND PICTURE OLASS• , PURE LINSEED OIL, PAINTS, PUTTY, AND NARNISIL . - • , READY MINED PAINTS • OP ANY D ESL It F3O ,COLOR, ' BYTIIE'POUND,PINT.OROAXLON, WOUND IN Oir:OßTiiili - NISIL AND DRY COLORS Olt ALL All artielei warranted ai represented. Prescriptinns carefully compounded at ail boars of day and night. Open Stindays for Prescriptions from 9 Ico 10, A 11114,12.0 I and 15 to 6, r,sl.4niari376. • DILBLIC NOTICE..-- .1, JOHN 11 II Ati!f AS, being a Blacksmith by, trade, bad often felt the wavy -of some means whereby I could soften Iron at the forge , so that I could work It-at a better advahtaget this itottared me to snake many experiments with different substances cv high otittred the best prospects of sueeeksi• It was on one of these oe.casions that I diseOvered ORIUM I TILE WONDEBFEL EPF 4 ECTS sudeox 1111'07i THE lILTMAN SYSTEM. of three months he. was able to throw m;iiie Lis earl and walk to my sh ui p a'pparsally arwetl as ever. I had worked Just ae It did iii Lai • • PROD treING A PPMFECT CeRE i gWrtr. It to other of toy nelghhor, awl filells., for runes around. who were suirering f rum SWELLED LIMBS, • RHEUMATISM, N EURALGIA, STIFF MISTS; ALL OF WHICH IT CURED WITHOUT ANS • that the ELEcTrft SiMews Lt • St. 31EtST would penmtrate the. e•ltin of matr . forther than any other substance:, it oteurred to me that It IVE GOO) FUR TUE And It has prot•ed Itself n o of the very Lest appli cations In all extehriardlieases occulting In that noble animal,. Fre;nate& by air Electro Stilton Linttnent Corn-. Tway: Office. 76 NV 1111 am Street, Scly York. SOLD fir ALL DRUGGISTS, prry cizxTrs New York, April 5,:77-3:1 ATE it's . IL:A G O 1, GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATI - RM. VITAJTV A dre.t:slng which is at.onee agreeable, heaftby, and effectuat rt , r prherrrlng the hair: Faded or gray hair tasoon rest6yeit to Its original rotor, Milt the gloss, and freshness Thin hair . Is thickened, falling hair elli.ukoffatul lo34111,•,s or. tea, thotigh not aiways,yarcl by its usc. Nothlng can restore theliatr ;here the rt;lltele. nil, the gland's atrophied aniklceaye.d. But such wir 7 e.ulatil eau' be ! , avel for 11,0 ful nem, by. tlit!s • plkatt(in. , Instbad of fotilltw Vit. hair with a pi ,:y sediment, it will keep it elean and vl '" It occasfunai tide xlll peevelit haV (min turning gray or fallhig off, and comfe,incatiy prevent bam. ness. Free from those Albstanee.; which make some preparatiens daegerow,... jutions to the hat!, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm It. It wanted merely !t•r t ,nothing else can la? foOntl so Contaln- neither all nor lye It tines not 5. , 11 white cntn- hrt \ a„ and yet Lista lOnicni-t4e hair, givlig It a rich gl . ossj\l . ustre; 4 ltml a grifeN p?rfiline M C: F. 13. A: LOWF.I.L. 71!A . S$., Tract \ a s ! an 4 Shako Iral rhouilsts. SOLD IVY A LL \ oll:t*Gli (SI'S F.V:ftlilill Ffl:E. . .: . _..• , , . MI M -i ,‘ N• t,, , 1 - r4 , ,; - ,1 \ - ' - ~- -I TO ',THE WOitkING- We are preplired to filrulsh all 'classes with xonstant employment at 'tonne the whole of the ' time, nr for theft sPare moin:•ts. Ilosiness: new, light and ivrontable. I s 'erssons \ of either sslc. cam -room SO cents to to . et even and propor thonat sum ily,dcioti their whole time to the tins- Mess. Boyt! and girls earn nearly . Us note!) as men. That all who Sec this notice may `,send their ad dress, and test the hitsiness,, xe,e make this inipar alleled offer! To such as are`lii,t well, satistlyil wa wilt Wail one dollar to pay,for the tront.le of: a ril ing., Full particulars, sample's worth Several dol lars to confluence on, and a copy of lion and Fire side; one of the largest and best 111ustratett publi- CatiollB.74ll freg,by mall. Itemler, If you want pertnancnt,profit:tide work; aibtress4; EondESTIN- Se."l & Co., Portinuti, cA•&T.AsII 7 E et, e every agent ev - er , month fa tiM Miss we furnish., but those willing to work ran easy llyearnadozendoliatsa day right in thtir own`.! localities. Have no more room to explain here. Business pleasant an d 1101411:1111e... NVOIIIeO, 1,055 and girls do at well as men. We Willfurnish you a complete Outfibfree. The business pays better than anything else. Wu will bear expense of 'starting you. Particulars free. I.V.rite and sec. Farmers and mechanies, their sous and daughtekt and MI classes in need of paying work at ilotne';, Should write to us and learn MI about the • work .at' once. Now Is the time. Doan delay. Address TOILTE & CO., Augusta, Maine. ' Jate25,17,, .TOTICE TO BUILDERS.--"-Prot, peeats tor Wilding a f•eboot None, at Pine Urosu, in Tow'atida Towaslttp, wlll berrieetved by the Selkuld 11l motors of ',aid Town ship at 2.o'clork :Saturday, June :MI, 1877, Plans and Sp4llh'ellons to In seen,on' the ground at the time of letting. TWA. (21..ANCY. North Towanda, June 7. Seey'liebool Board. DISSOLVTION..—The co-partner ebtp heretofore between Ihe under ,shrtred,, doing hualu'emi+ under the .firm mute of Michael Itour . o & Sou, has hoop h\' mutual cOnr.en.t. IC 11 A It I. Iti iar Me the Borough; an ',melting fee. ' Athatig, May fi77 617 SP iND I UT FOR SALE. [ / —nr!oltig aboor trorymort• from !Ito rielizlttakr hqod, h 4447 my house and Wt. 11l North Towanda tot' sale at a hargata. The. prqperty is a vttry - (W- M table' one, /I.llll \ l Ay! 1,/, terms to salt tan chasing. YlItS. T. VAN 11, , ,L11. Norrh Toviantla A pill 1?..*1577. Qr. EI,F,I"S (.1X S'l' Ett PAY AX]) oi":•;;E.-..- A tvwlo; , ;i•:•a.wh o Abe Means liouxi. ..114SarOI , ti4v .refts.infuhlo tetnis, aliserythr, u hoe' r,z, 011ter6 St wholesale anti retail, • • RS &c., . rr.~~r• r.::r: rER, 11.0 T = A~7) COLOR II Alit pitEt.,.z;lNO, 13=1 THOS. ROUSE LEHIGWVALLEY , AND PA. & N. Y. ItAff. ROADS.—Aningementof seller Trains, to take effect Iday.l4, 157-7. , • _ E S AR BTATIOI4B. . . litagais Matte. .•.. • Ban Bathe ter Auburn' . . Genre Ithaca.... .r Owego Elmira • Wayeily Sayre. ...... • , • • ... • . Athens Milan Meter Towanda • Wysamt 1ng....,.,.. ......, Standingatone.„. Ituthanereeltl....'...... •C"••• 1 Yrenehtown \ Wyalaslng • I.aeeyvllle... . • . Skinner's Eddy i Ideshoppen ' 1 bfehoopany ' •TnnYhannock..... ..... .',.,.. .ImGiange., A c . "" A • Falls- :,.., I. A It Jancilen'' .... . Wilkes-Barns! .... Maue IL eltunk..' .... Allentown` ' • •;.• Bethlehem.:, ' Easton ' - l'hllatAtiphla ..•.. s . l. I, • • • • • 'WESTWARD CM= •....--- —.-...,— , 1 . •' -: •\ 41'.31.4.)1.1A-31.1A.31;\ ?few York. - • ` - ,„„ 6' 30 6 1104...:. Phlladelptita„. BMA • 8 151 Easton. " 9 20...... 9 301 1-1 .etblebein ' -,‘,, 9 - 50 , 1 10 001 • Allentown . ... :-.. s .. ~1 1 0 (11 lO .121— .• ~ „Stanch Chunk-- •• 111 05 , 11 15 1 ' •, Wllkes..llarre • -• 1, -1 151 720 1 55 1 ' 1..4L ti;JuncliOn . ..,-I \ l \ 25. 755 2 20' ' ' Falls - 1 1„, , 1 8 19, 2 41% 141C:range.: • • .....1.- 1 ... 8 351 2 159 Tunkhannock ....,—..,.. ..... 1..2 151 8 46 ; 3.10! 51.4howpany -1 '.9 1 , • • ....112, 3, ~.3; 51,...,1101 - pen r 1 t ti 19, 346 Sklinler'sE(l , ly . -+ I 9\351 3 55' , ' 1-„a4 .yillle ' - 1 : • ..-,1,3-01j- 9-39, 3 58!. ' Wyahn-Ing A', z . • ~....., 11 0.044, 4 15;4-- Frenrl2lown • '' ••• •• ( 10 1 5 ! - 4 28;' -- tinnonerllekl . 10 2564 ale . - standing Stone , ' ;10 32 1 4'42 1 .TY yw/ k 131 g ' c ...: ..... . .....' ....... 10 .41:. 4.504 ” Towanda - ' i 4 0040551 - 5001.7 30 ulster - , 'll 09 5 12 , 7 40 .11ftlan 111.19; 5 211 7, ' 55 - Athens - ' 4 52:11 29 5 3 0 t 805 Slsyre - 1 4 38;11 35.' 5 34i,S 10 WAverly -" " I'4 4591 45 5 40,8 26 - , Ell4lro ....75 21'12 40 6'151 9 10 4 18 , ...g0 , I. 24 1 , • G 30; 9 55 -Itliata.....s • I 6 08'...:.' 7 10;. :... Gellert ' 7 4i 9 101 Ajthorn .. •,. '1 9 5:•,?,,„,. 9 45 , 440 noehei:ter 110,56' 1.11 210 6 55. Buffalo . j/2 "5, , • ' 'l2 051 615 Niagara Falls '• . ' 1 05' . 'l. 051 94W IP-31.',P.M. A•;51.11'.11. Trah PI and 13 run through, da4y - to rbitaitel- Oita and Now York without chaulF,wlth Pullman Weeping can , attached, k. A. PACKER, Superintendent. • Sayre, Pa., May 1877-tt. lIILADELPIII.A. S 111:4DFICQ P , AIataNtiEMENT OF PASSF.XOER- TRAINS I)ECEMREI l irll, 1'76 Tretins hare .41tenleAct1 as Poi lozha : (via Pvrki.,m 71 ./ITOI/.6h•) ' - For Phlla4kAphla at C.. 50; 11.10 a. k ni., 3.1,5 and p. au.• • ' LEMra2 For Philadelphia, at 3.10 p. ni. jria Ten 71 11. .Itrin c 1..) For It:•adlng, 7 1'2.30. 5.511, $.55 2.10; 4,30 att• l .l.oo tn. • 111rrt..1/nrg, 42.311, 5.7.0, rn:, •4.20 my be. t lo ,11.1 1 • aria ',xi; I, Ili. ; ..f. . }••;.:- 1.:1111,,h.q . and Conmilda, 5:50, 5.55 '3. 41;1., and 4.:1 , 7 p. in,. r . - _ • tDocS uut nal on Montlayk . ' SUNDAYS, or'neading, 2.10 a. an., 3!:t1 9.0 p. tn. , 1 ,r I larristurrg'. 2.30 a. M. sod :LW p. in. 't rains jor Allentown Par., rt...(oll,lena: (ri , r, Perkimnen "ranch.) 1., , •art., . Philadelphia, 7.3t.,,3,1ii,, LTY!), 1,30, and 5.1 1,.. ti.` . . . . SUNDAYS. , . "Le'ave PI Tide/Oda, b. 1.5 a. in. ' _ Wa Ewa Pen4.l. Sr-inch.) Leav , !.ltead , lg. 7.40, 7.45, 10.35 a, tu., 9.00,6.10, and 10.30 p. tn. - Leave, liatrist trg, 5.4 6.10* . a..t0., 11.00, 3.57 and. 7.05 p..,11‘. - 1,.. , ave Vanea , ,te t.lO a. tn., 12.53. and 3.45 pan. L. act f 'oll.lloloa ~ 00 a. tn..; 1.0 and 3.30 p, tn. . i ~ SUNDAYS.- • a .. Loave,dieding, 7.'20.... tn. • - . Leave liarrtstairg, 0.2' a. In.- . . • Trali.s'lnarked thus '' . l lain to and frc;ln depot 9th and Crc,-ti streets, , ther trains to and Irons Brad s.t depot, The 0.50 a. In. and .5 5.1 p iti. trains - (torn Allen. tow.i. and the 7.50 3. tn. aud 5.13 p. 10. trains from M 14. 6 ,4111113, lace through ;ars t 0 and troll Pal ; alioi,b,.. , ..1„ F.:mot:alEN, ;eneral Manager. C'. G. HAN et - C.l . C.,.6eneral Tick At Agent, C0ct9.75, . ~ , ~_.......,'.., pENNSTIX.ANIA - 11,1 - LROAD "WINTI:It T1311.,T.A.1.1 , 1,E. '1" -,. 1 Nine trains to I,'l,ll:nb* bla. ktitrains burg, eight trains to NeW York. awl Oil • , to Erie. • • awl after fleceintrer 10, 187,f, the pass train, of Ow Peolisylvarda Railroad tore pan: &part from iiirrisirtirg at Ycrk, ritt,buq: and , MEE' Expre;ss leaves Harrisburg (136 1 e 1 a pt I ('nft: l 3" it 2:5 0 a. in— an !yes at Itldladei- Illa at 7:00 a. M.. ;Ind York. at 10:05 a., nI.. .Fast.line leaves Harrisburg daily at 4:0:'• a. tn.. arrive 4 at Plit!adelphla at 7:35a.T., and NI4AC!I" - ork at 10:25 a - . ill. ' aevornniodat lon. , eunneet forlilttla d'e;ptita, teases Harrisburg daily t , actpt tiunqay tit 5:4 1 0 a. in.. arrives at Laneasie r. at 9:05 a, in. . . . . . . EY.prps leaves_liarrisburg daily ex. eept..Sanday at tl:2.11 a. tn.,. arrive.. at Philadelphia at nr. and New Y.W: at 2:05 p. 13); colnalbla A ereinirodat inn daily. ex'rept StunEV. at 7:37i a. 111., arrive.: at Philattelp . iiia at - I2:30 p. and New nrk at. 5:05 p. nt. - Etpref.s leaves liarriNburg daily at 12:05 p. tn..,arrives' Pliiiad..lpitla at 3:45 Ys tn., and New y.. 1.1 at p. tn. Exprehs (eaves HarrlAntrg daily ex cept Sumlay at 1:15 p. In.. arriv, at rhilad,iphia at•ca'wb p. ni.„ and S e w Vol* at in:ls p. In. • Expres. leave, liarri,:harg daily at 4:l. p. in . arrives at Philadelphia at 2120 p. m., :wit New Y.,rk at 10:t.ip. tn.' If arri,l,t.ra Afro ”modat ten via Columbia leaves, Ilarrf,burg laity except sainlay at p. tu., and at rives at Phtadelphla at 9ton,p. tn. tlantie Expre , s leavrY. IlirrhAntrg dallyat I 1 IS p. In., arrives at Philadelphia' at ;3:10 a. 314, and New York at t:1.5 a. nt. Cincinnati Express ieaveti dally at arrives at Altnona at 4:16 p.m. and Pitts.. burg at N:10 a. ni. • . • Paeitle Express leaves liarristntrg daily at 4:"2.0 a. m.. arches at Altoona at ,9:00 a. rn: riot breakfast, awl Pittsburg at 2:011 p. in. • • ' ' Way Passenger train leaves ITarrisbitrg daily at S:00 a. arrives at 41topna at p. In, for , dim net; and 'Pittsburg at SIC: p. I n ; , Mall train leaves Ilarri,ourg'dallyexceptSmitlay at I 3p. in., arrive, at Alt,imri. it 7:10 p. in. for per. and pity.kbarg at Ism a. tn. Fist Line leaves liarrisimrg dally at p, arrive. , at Altoona at 7.n p. in. tor zupptr, and Pitt . ..burg at 11. AI p. dIY9IIn Areonnuoilat lon Ifarr)sburg daily ,eacept ~ 1111.1:ty at 4:30 p. :yid arrives at Militia at ya>n p. in, Exprr,s, leaves liatrtstmis dattyrcirept Sunday at It a.; p. th., arrives at .1./t,othat ai '2:2o' 3 , athl t'ittsturg at ;$llO a. lis. SSI IF.RIE 11:111.1:( 4 0.D. • tai leaves llaril,balrdaily exi•lllt Slat at 4:2 a. RI.. arrive , ' al_ Willllainsp.rt at b:l5 a and Erie :t; 7:37,r, ' Niagara Expfess lea,ves Harrisltii.; ilQcxecpt rit 111;50 a. iit., arrives at Williamsport at 2:Ce p. ReilOVl, p. and h3llO 9r20 p. za..• . Lm k liaveu .kceoniniinke,linv leaves ilarrishini dally except Sunday at 3;20 p. ni: arrives at -IV it liazilloort at 7:20 pan. and Lock at A:4O p.m. Y T Iti 'OA -I. , Itt IY 14..3 It., General Manager. 'Gen. . 1111 25, '77 VORTHERN ctlvrjtAL RAIL WAY TIME T,\ ISLE. Through and direct route fir Wachingt6n, Balti more: Elthlra, Erie, Itu Yalu, Itochoster and Niaga ra • and'attor SUN )AV, ).4n - , train:, on the NortheroCentral (10:4,1% SL •\i. t - Noirrw it Alt t , . Nl:kg:al-a raptc..,--Leaves . liarrls.bur rcpt c.ionlay at 10:50 a; in., Williaiiiv.irt . t . in.. lcavel, Eltuii a at 5:•21 p. m.. leaves 'Can. h at 5:45 p ni.. arrives at Buffalo at 1'2:15 a.m., 1. ,at Nfagara Fall at 1:15 a. iii. \ Mall leaves Stall lime daily ex'eept) Sunda at 8133 a: in., arrives at klarrbtlmrg daily except , it ,y;- day.:4 12:15 p.'lo. i . . .. Fm.t Slur.—Leaves Haltlmore dally at .11:1‘ a. m.,, , arrf\ei. at Harrlsburg dally at ;t:10 p. in:, loaves liarrislnirg dilly l.teipt Sunday at :::20 P.m:. leaves" Wllll3tnspert at 7:311 p. m., leave% Elmlt a at 10:50 - p. in., arrives at Watkins Idea at-11:50 p. qt.; • \,. TIT n.lnirg- ExpfelF—L-I.cav‘a daily ex- Cept SuMlay at itagfp. tn.- Arrives at , HarrisbUrg daily exce s pt Siiintly at 10:50 '. • • . evlitelnnatlExpresa —Leaves Baltimore daily at 0:11) p. in,. airlres at Harrisburg at 12:43 a.'ni. • 'Eric Mall.-I..e.ave.s IlarrlAnirg daily except Sun .day at 4:45 5.M., leaves Wllllantsivrt at a:45 a. in., lcaves'Elm Ira at 1:1:15 p. 111., arrtvei 'At Canontial dmiat s'..aap. tn.\ . . \SOUTH W A It I, Southern Express—Leaves tanandaigna daily evert Sunday at n:55 p. leaves Elmira. at !:30 p. ieaveoVilliatufport 12:3-5 A. In;, arrives at Ilarrishurg daily except 3lontlay at 4:vo a. 'in., 'ar 'rives at ltaltiniore at 7:45 a. in. East: blue—Leaves:Canantlalgtia dally except t , titlay at ttsls p.\ m". leaves Elmira .31 9:10 bitiVes tWIII lantsport daily except ?Monday at 12:35 Leaves Harrisburg daily at .1:20 a. m., arrives . at Baltimore daily at 7:95 a. in. 'Washington Express—Lcaes Hai rii.linrg Staiday at 7:30'a.. m., irtives at Baltimore a r , 114,1 a. lit. Mail Leaves itarrisMtrg tially except Slually at 2:10p. tu., arrives at Baltimore at 6:10 p. IMy x press—Leaves atk ins B len illallyr . Sec•pt Sunday at sMit tn.. leari4. Elmira 'daily Niartlit Sult.lay at 9: in a. iii..•te,tey Wl3l4l.lllVOrt dally reps N 0 0d,,,, at 12: to p. lt•iwes Ilarrhburg daily at in.. art tr.-. at-ltaitt more ttat+y at 7t3.5 Aft Irani tnal.tu; conoecitoo at 11 1 ,104,,n, for. mot t toi r mit • . I'vr.flutjlt, }:lf.11111:161III, Apply at tti., Ttekt , t tit Ike In thartitt , ,ylrav,la Itrattratailtepot;!.. FitANK.TIIO3IPON. • Uenoi s ul . )l4sager, ' jan2k, 7.3 11 . E;iRY MERCUR, ANTIIIIACItZ AND . _ 31.15. '29 r.M. P.M. rat 2. 05 •2 44 . ... 5.2.5 52490024 605'935 " a 6'14 0 44 & " 9&? 3. 6ao 34 '4l 4 3 6 55 i 11195 41 MI c0,1121/411. PARK ♦xn ILITZWSTEZETR;TOWAXDA, . . EGO STQVF NM .111 . :3 1 ..I li) * 41) , 12 101 EGO STOVE - RESTti 831 A LL ti er ::.i.: :... 12 50 1 \1 20' ...12 40 4T 5 05 Coal screened, and delivered to any part of Dom', adding cartage to the above prices:- ALL 1./LUXUS lateiT Lb ACCOM'ANIED aT TIIL CASIT. A 45 8 55 A.M. ■ P.M.. = lowstida, Jan 5: - 1577 8 30 1 1 ,32 COAL, '. ; • We keep" , iM Tiand at our•yard all flies of Pittston and Wilkos.llarro coal. and 1.0ya.1 Sork coal, from the County 311nes. Also, Barclay Lump and Smith. . . We keep the .licargnallty of Lime, Hair and moot, Erh•k and d•lastei, all ofiwillett we will at bettowt prices'. - B' ' • • Towanda May 1876 riIIEAP COAL AND.t,l3lt. Froin and after July. I, l' will sell coal,. Ilme, for cash (et**, . the ?Ace Ilst be corrected mat4l4—.• rol.tlt OF COAL FOR JULY, rr.r.r px or i,boop,s, AT TUE YARD: Pittston Stove, Cile.4thutuabd Farnii^e Pea • (!arb , Jll trim Lump . , .. •flArr_lay 'Mountain j.unif: ' , - .:.. .! Stn!( Alleiliown I.Aine iri bwho Lath "f 531.... Bair IA (mallet Erick 74 • i 0 tb I atii A.lyvirs-prepArktl to de,llver purehases:on short. notice•at the,ulai price of deilvery, . • I-also tender my t nio,:to rly many frfends and etistomers - 14 their xrry i beral: :patronage in the past and ir_ti,e under:the new departuie to make It to their interest In, continue to bur where they cat. get the best g , 0,-xfsfor twrica,t money. ,Those iriu. are ludelded to the will take notice that t tnnid have 111 ‘ 0,11e)'411 . rirall . t. buy for ra. , h,and .pay freights. They tutt.t setthe by' the first of Ate" gust next,- . ' Very Itespeetfnlly Yoorg, --• • • ; J. if. torluda,.ltily 1, 1975. EVltt? E A CORth 31A15,. WASHINGTON STREETS: , Ttirc.t:ifil, PA. Thin large, etunisollious and elogantl:?-runit,h , ol - house his jv.t been opened to the traveling lothilt% The proprietor ha: ,pitraiii neither pain,. nor !t s /..V . 11 , 03 tit iltaV.tng all Its appofra. amt relieet tulle solitha a sitar.' or Pubac rat roux e. t:At.S AT, Ala. ,Itoe RS, TtCin 't,e suit the Ours,' La , a stafile attached; Nt HENRY, l'uol'HIEToli;„ Toands, Junr 7, '77:tt. , • . MI 31 Fi,,k.NS HOUSE, TOWANDA, CORNED MAIN AND BRIDGE - N:TRIDVDB. • ~ • The rlorses, liarneas, &c., of all .guests of this hosuse, Insured against loss by Fire, wlthout. any " extra charge,. • • , 1 superior quallty of Old English Moot Ale.. juSfc received.. • T. It. Jultl Lk N. . Towalola, Jan.,24;74. ".. I'ruprteter. Fr TIE CENTRAL _HOTEL,. - • -,' Ji: • 4 , • 1:1.e.:T lr: It, l'. ( V. . r • • The undersigned having i taken . vessepslon of the aboVe hotel. respect full •;•' solicits thelcuron• sge of his old iriends.and the public generally. artgifr-trf. ' . 131. A. Fr rl: Ft EST. li`i' TIA LWELL HOUSE, TOWAND.A 1 ‘ A..., . . - . JOHN 51:Li-IVAN. • r - Having lensedt his house., Is. now - teady to see m modate the traveillug public. No pairs nor expenser will be seared to give sati, tilt* who may give him a . ell'. : ..- . . • • - 'Sir North side of Public Sql 'are, east'ot Metcurti new block. . ~ _ . EAGLE. HOTEL, Flo Plit.- tral: 14• t the corner of ('twit direttly In • the; vicinity ; ,outh of the Court IlOuse. JOIN LAME, PItOI•nFETOIt. • nicer mut arrive at PM :Wel Erie follows: ' The adore has been re4t:rntshed and re fitted; :md Is now at, n tc. The traveling public. Thollar tiro at alolines he.snyd:ll7 , d,with the heat :dal:ling attached t,, the premises. Bitarders hy the day or week. Scrum twalatcd. May is ) .1011N-13L7ItkE.- • 'New Advatiselneatt. • QII !MAN'S •Piri'IiACATING 1.1.; I V. It, Ito 4 ts always • and call Ito,irso. either to the I tel.l, the . hous , .. or rail. road. or a c Waco 1 0 to awl 113.0 the bock with pu. • I enables youLto wee , a roil of your COITYSIII , IIIieII t. a , a trigthg, rust. No bIISitIPS3 tau affortj to be WI lu;ut I t...F.rom one toter? copteg ''made at one IC : .ITM, mliell, water or to.. A z••iits w.tnt< , d. ran On nr :/dress J. R. Ki' Tottatla, ra. Rooks.f"r att,. at the 11.41 t StArt. of !Its. Morton. In Niery”l'S Mock. . A Ito at the Drug Store of Jo. 001111 IMbec, Athens. s • tioayfir77.; Otl SALV,.._._ , t , w o Polly Tri'.akl p i iwok, ai for each;' I one-tiori , e 'Tread Pow er, t $174: I tupritve:l with or wltholit 3147; Corti sholliqs,at Str'aw Cutlers a: . •th,,,, are all now, of ; lflood Co:'; mt.ich bolow•ucaal jirjeo, Also: Ilolati4 for all their tnalie of Plow;,. 11. £, AtheiLs,-Pa., Nay It!.. !ST:. ovber 2141 h. SI Way will nui ax T III: E 1"I'15 A _L 1 RANe E co., OF TI sCAlop:.‘„ Is no peghlual I.ll‘ci, daftj ex t *hlgua \arrive Each. memberpays a fee, at the...time or Ile.nrlng: to cceter charter and tr..; - tdentat eat...l),es 4 the 11... Vter whleli un cru , .'oer roy ILIC la iv . rril:Ared. In meet arteara ros.q.y ere amone the mipt.m,liip. ."Thb Im.uranee for FA itM PIroPEItT.Y. in r.tyldly Intolavor. • . are or nosiness, SPHINGraIILL. PA. • • 'l'l .{gent 'extlyass the Township. , of-Tasca roea.... lierriek, Wyalttsltig. Aaylum, Terry and S6tling litono, and farmers In tht w Tow I. ImmrAnce or, tn.fortuatton, may ad. 'dress, 1 ' • • IL S - I,;'3l'S r.R.s, , ,: and Act., : • "" Spring Ilill, Wridrord Co;„Pa. ‘l". - 31.811III1WAY. Pres. I CLo74ni NT I, EN, PAC rtl A NI) I 11011SE' R.VlsEns tAt' Dit.t i)r.i)itt, TV A Nit viC.,l hare made arrangement., nitb L. T. Ilitchard for his l'lmrongli-Briql . To to at thy StalAo itut Nerve a litottl . ,l number of Nltun,4, coutineni•lngllAVY: , t, 1t.77. This Huree is. tqle the it Mid l e t,hlyd this country call prvitice. Illy p,o'4llgree through the i.t . • C flotY•ch and utarc•.•• tu' EugtutOl. 111 -1.:; a Let tl Nil tuaifogany flay,* 10aCk lctlul., th , u lag mato, aid tail, awl In Si .:(1. , :r yorfect. • Is only to'be, :STU bu adittired:.••Tortits for Colt tow. L. S. liiNG: 4 l:l , lfT, 'rt. at!la, . - • . DUNN . iv, CO . - C en'eral • I'm , . a 1 ... a dare i!omaral.hkoia Nlorcliant.. -PO :ma . ..•:. 5 Uri.t nwirli :itrei!.t,' Now 'Yon'. are proicic.l t...r-- cetve rol.lgrimeit LS or lqi:r fur e -1 - S I t 17 tii /cr. 6g,•. 4:4erm., p o t ; it4,,,. Applc,,F;mtr, 10 A11,..31 , 1 F11 ,, i ' ilt 5t1A.4 , 11., ,I. No. I ri Ivrea, c ((11..-6 ws Jolt I:goi&c.i. ilttl all ICtUrre; or luptdry, promptly atlealletl li? all ihirvlmr laws, fur utsbc,il ca :4,1)1h - 110 , 2n, .:, OT Itorit,Atay 17, 11:774w), :, , . , - Dealer lir SULLIVAN ANTIIIIACITIF COAL, YARD PRIC E S (C. 401). ANTHRACITE' al4 IMMEI SULI.IVA.N ANTHRACITE.' H ' 5O ' • " • 50 i.OO COAL, _COAL. . PIERCE 4-, SCOTT. ECM Botch. 7,01 V, %. NI) A, 'P A • • . .L... c . : . ?,, • ...-_, -,••• . „ ... .-t ~.. ' -, t:: , , ,T, u•=, " . ‘- i',' r.-.•,. 1.,•' r 4 -4 0 • ..-• ',., ct _;, .z- et o.• r- = -., = . e : e: .- • - ` 4 .,. - I F- .. 0 . •r-'. 6 7 . - Pm - z .. . ...= .' -4 ' 7:: ' ::-.' - -t: '' hi • = ,- . 4 --' •I 2. • • -..- •-q '.1... O. ~...I c , ... s • -k - - . .- ::: .- .b- 4 , ..., .... 01. :- , ''' 4 - f"' "'"' ''' .. Z. 50 r ':. : , ... .05 . g 7.2 . . .. 1 ' r ......"' Z.-• : Z t ... • : .... ~, ,i,„ e - r. w ' ' • , t• V .., s'.c-. . f; ' F. =, ~, .i ' •*" . , . .-1 '- ;"'-', 'i ... `7. , _ t o -4 - z J\ f= 7 ;' ''.. x 7-7,...... -. ... 1- , 0 0.1 7 1 3:,..?„ ~..-• i.; 0 . ~.:„, ...,, 02 \ CI: - et T ''''' • r.t .' .... Z 0 -.::: . ' 1- 4 ' .. , -T -' a, 7.: ....: ~...1 .-, .--. ;..: ....• n. ... in ,-1 - ~... .... et ( ..;I'.-.., ... . i: ~, -....., .7", ....., -.. . e' e.' Z 7...- - ...tif`t-.. ;:fF •••,'' P... 3 , .4 , ~` .4 . ...:0 "•\ 6 ./.I.' ..:: ..= " ® / 4„:. ; 4 , , rn ... .:! .. ® ...:,, _, •-, tf: . '") . , et •-:,,. rz; .., - 14 . ~... . . C.' r- .S. = ckf -1 : rz . 7 -. =. CI -; C,,,, 0 , -•--. - ;•-•' .= '--... , :-.••• •-..t :- . . - 4 e':... .1....4 ...,• • - :0- ,z . ..-... -, .:-• .-• $..., • L-4;. ,_, ... c. • n 5:-e.,... $0,,, .ft :::. ....... E-I ~ tt ~ ~.• '.:* •-• 7.: .": '"" 2R ' LC .t.. ..., ~,, ~ ti „.., 2 ..... ~ v ..,/, --r ( . 1 = g k,..,... 4 1,11, -. ‘„,,•. ~. = ..." .... . p . 1... - .W.I L. __,.." r , • t:a . "i ' ••••-• s ....• ..., , Cf. .... •••• :-.. , ''' . 2 - • • CI:; , D x -. r.: I , • :4 : 1 ' 1 ~ , I T • ‘ .••• 'U 2 ‘ e' ' '' •••• :,1 ~ ...7 \ 'C ' 4* ,- -T' ';1- .... ~~e O, —.=, r b r - 0 ~,...,.. n 4 .. ~ 4 » c'z S z '' , ,n , r: -0 1 P. ' • •,•,, . ••••• - c -.". r•.: , I' • 4 ,, ...• ~- rj • . ...3 ..II 2 ';', =P P , p '; - i . '-: ;... , • ' .7": •-• ...I el• ~..., ...1 c'.'" ... r.. ~ 't:',' . 0 " - • .!, rt, ;,.....• ‘ N . 1 • tri /..: . ''.. CY , C : ~..... Y.: . .i., .. *. '' ' . ‘ZE r ' • \ . UP ' t z... 1 Y * *. M . \ ' • . , ac et FARM ritoilrßT‘: ONLY. ..I.)oCTOtt Avrit r , t?, 1t,77 v. MESCUR 13 • 00 SO i Q 0 3 50 2 "5- Ell