NEWS nou ALL NATIONS, • - - , - . .. • , . , lits Tony of the Abyssinians goes back • 3,500 years... . . Tim first:newspaper. in England was Ss merbin 15f....‘ ,4 , • ..; . Tits, JeWs were banished from England lln 11 . 320 A. I). , • ! ' CoNsT.AnTlNort.r. was' taken -Tiy trio , Turks . in 1453 A. Dkr. n ~ • • - oms was taken by the' Germans in the ;year ,152:7 A'2 I). \ . Tits: massacre of the. French in Sicily occurred in 1:3t?....1 A. I). I . , ti,:; -- nts Miles are 9,153. yards, while 1 Fictnish miles are? ti,Sile, yards. • . Tilt?. most anciant known coine, are of tbe fifth century I). C. • , • 17 . 1 ; 776. coitotif•spinnim , was, per. formed by the hand-spinning - wheel. ... Tits. Olio State Fair . will be held in cold:l'9l)ns Sept. 10-14 : ,!.. Onto promises 'to prcxlitce 30'00(1,00(1 . ~ bushels of wheat this year. \ !. , , 'Die. life-boat Nl-0 invented by Ilenry C. rCtthead, of Sii4tlisliieltbl, Eng"hiti. ! 'Ex-it, it - i intnin. Tti.oilsi has postponed.n his ttipto.Earope '-' _ • .1. itm• ! ENT editcrial l indicates that the Neu ' Yiirlt! Irori" I is coaching.' Senator llayard for the presidency. . l' s x the yrtir 135 A. I).lhe Ilomans de ':4 ti•yed 580 4 0 St, Jews, and banished what romainol from Jude.t) . . . . Tut Boston -Cny,ntf.,ll , 7e.rilth seenses ' Eeston women - of nsing inordinate quan tities -Of ellium. Nupply of house ser:vants in Boston exc:t' , Oils.the demao, and many families have retlneed wages. Tut;most effective machines for saving :tea sillier:soling-Inman laber.n . owin use • - of lean in4intion. .utNE orirroi grinder has fur- NA - York with music . for thirty svven ye:t • • - (Iv all the various- Methods prop(lsed f!t• the• I.oltictitfn tipsi.age none is so pract.:c.d this—t,;et tmieried. . • )lAr.v retmning Canadians frpm Mani toha. bmne ward' bound.. have Concluded 'to settle in Northern Minnesota. 4 , -. Tit!: frionds of Goi•ernor nice. 4.e:l,NlasF,- s.vhtt , ietts. say that he will. utulettno cir kiustsancps, lie a candidate for re-ctiori. TwrEll says he has paid C.4 , IOKfMO in 1, - -;al fees. Davh) Dudley Field: the great 11. , :nf •rratic ( lawyer, relieved the iloss.of • I ymiN ( . 011/nlbi4. (101'e'1 last. WePI: with a neighlwr's &nigh. 1;.1. only. 11 yeaN. ofil. •lle'is , '2.3 years 01 -. . . Evt - s - wrx, it is not known ,gtvaetly ,wmany li - ves were 104. by the St. .lohn F.i.4 - lit,7on persons at leas_t Met:sud den deaths at the time. Rairt;~ peiforated with thwe Bodes, that the mortar may f!et'a good "hold,: arc• being used iai the- constructioa of bait}tin ,`in Minneapolis Minn. rnovint:Ncr., It. 1., is talking of ept fitig down the salaries of all its officials. fr,lnt 0, to 14 per rent. Those receiving. the smallest pay to sillier the most. I WAsuro: the skin ali over once a day in cold or tepid water promote:: its healthy actikin, zl,nd necessAry absorption of nitro: ES • Trti: of a man in health is ,nurses in 24 hours. It diminishes o'ating, lkut increases during dig s t ;. , 11 :11/41 ELI. Mt CLI WI% :1 Gefirgia" nezress. who died at St. I '.at hefine's Island, was 1 ,p,, r t 0 ! t o h e 1 , ...,1 'years old. She out lived seven.or eight Int:bands. THE people of Colfax's old district want to send hint to Con , ress again, lint hc - kl.k:slinei , ..the honor, and says he is hapi,ier,as he is. • PoTTEtt, a Jitstice, -or 'the Ver- Mont Supreme Cr.nrn has been adSudged habilitie,i amounting to .sl7lo,ttho more than hi'- as, , cts. . T uE Meth.) sneers at th..itlea a.mar t ye. became. it sagely observeii, " you'lmrit an icicle at the stake:: yorsc, lady, mailed Martlut. Region. committed suicide ?war Centre„'o.., a few nights sime, because her father' re- .1 - 1;,,,•.1 t. Iliiy...ei a new pair ,q• shoes. •\ ions..and • say: that the scheme foi . :.-.r. Jl'oil N nil( :•••t Julius are two dille'r - building a railroad in Spain is a real_- eel edies. Elle. I p nmer is ,in New 1.31unt.,;. . anti - T he \ it, work will lie oommeneeel sks, Ari,k, .Le M!ler in 'Newfoundland. !..;ljat, tile w.e, In 5'...10rin. - , ipontlts after the pfisOn doors are • . Tni,..y:s are otter, found in Laphrat and c,:li‘eitod 'into iron (ire and car -1,o:::01/4., , 11,sr. Lignites are petrified. .1 re , . ir wcen, peat and coals. iwil.panell 'drink register should hay(' ',' ,- `110"41,;(1 ,in Virginia. the Lst bt , t the instrttment: 7 . Were not respite. n• . caught in tiro ,f ll l ,:.•Cave (if the Winds, Nin,:ara twenty-thre6 pound . catn-li ‘‘a;:e.tilght. there on Friday night. )In., WALno EmEnsoN is about to e re r t imimmient'oVer the remains of i:*11“ NVllliain Emerson. in the olil , . Whitt. ( ',..tnetry at - Centre Rut- 'dam?. • 'l' ;r. r of a , slimmer hotel the Ere-t ;old a repv;ll * -r- the other day that the bet glaitias are those who live the best•at: tlvir on u l i toutes. There is. a good Ural ili that :,-ma`rk. "Fut. Pria.-e . lMPt•rial 'Of France is ti‘l4,‘ , ,, el en 1,, the verge Of matrimony awl the of donwstie life, his Royal cot.sin, th.,,lioduta Dona Queen lsa buill's eldest dau~htcl. Tito‘tpsoN—or rather • .::17 rs..,i us:le r a hit of sharp criticism lii in who bas Loch looking at her 4)atiie-itie,es.' lie says the men's are too lean after a day's tiring. Tll - 1-A al-rested a Man in De Soto Parish, mtmeil William Lutigly, the other lm ha , coafess,eil to the killim; of w• , nnyn. Hy lived' among W.; neighlt entirely umuspecteil. Sit% 1 - .1; •Avzi, tint coined by , Kim: of about 'II. C.', the eporh .he I,ll , ling of Cltith:lge, Anil ahont 1 to yvar , after ale construction, of Solomon', Tcniple: 1T ii cstitiveil by authority that in 1-;:arApe) peis , iin in 1 - i:1; ileaf and flutnl),: is Iri.l;:nit, i iu 1714 , in the Unitetl 2,50,1, .while in Switzerland avera: , e 1. 1 in 7,0:1. P. T. 11.‘11N1 m delivered a teinpe,r anki keit:iv to lii7rell4 , w-passengers while evir:Nitt,z ,cclrn. the , teeasion riving the aeath.ilf one . on boal‘l from di:cilium tr"e- Wens.. • • A . i 111.‘,, ~f " Mrs. Frarfeis P. )11airi la:st Snt -, :ilh,v. the Lrr;),lld,OllS the (lei rail-hoar. 'Hayes dlurch and fiAlowed the f•111,1r of t'lw;irclt 111,. Unitcd 0.11.1:14t10 1.1.:4 yea; were 10;22:f. plus;.s w:+!Alip. and it r Ob.) ThiN triiittok a IMO ica) N,lninary. A Fit nm IS making barometers in shah.' 01 ..hl t t net.s. .which :ire very Tlttetly and als , servievable. \•lien ca -2n t.t the.sna and tlrt air the lean s • bee. titt7hdoolt Moo, , Ithen the air* is: moist they turn pink. / lom"rni - mn's • htmiso at ',Bridgeport,' Coup.. is founa to 11;.€1 - e been occupied titirftr -, the ieneralss'abseiloe,,' for some :Iv:tramps, pietty much 'lt•anzl It le. :1 pipe and other. ' \• SF.N . 11%1 p, 11f MisS:,s.ippi, rind` . 110 N z.i:l;4 ‘; . tt , " t.hinesi , goal ter• welen Owy w and b ecame e,ttiviocid :t.Sl:ll` Chinamen is not a _V!rel 'a:ail citizen. A . lady nameril z Anna. Ihililll iltS 7 passed a medical exa)hi nativa the Paris faculty vilth. all the is- a very rare ()war edi.o 1-Iraru.e..wheie the doetzine of fenuill , 1 tut:cinativn in the • medical pro fesspne ha,inever ihado mach headway. f)11.1.oN and day Could have re ,tunned fl 4 Olll tin West to - Omaha. It is :said that the road the Mark Mils will trot lie. conlin,need thl:.:.year. They have einitTaeted to li4iniplete ;Le Coloradu Cen tral road to Cheyenne hi the fall. • . i fart f. d..etors agreed that the death of a little •!iri in that cit - last week hydo,phohia. A 1;H,1 was I , !evenl,d by the 011's bnither. who Us hitt• a by the , c u re and Who C1)11- t:10;!lo. - tors with a revolver. • I a VerhThllt . thii sale or lager beer has bvt”:l.• t 1:4 of the elaint that. in hot ho,r-";-:;. , lot' di ithkeiine:S.V6ay ;mil it hi that theft. a .iiiihtakti !!!!! pulled x. S. eipoimicii. - ------------ - \ Towanda, rea„ Thurstlay,•Jaly, a 1877, • • - SEIFICBLICAN MlT:4lloi' T14:14. FOR DISTRICT . ATTORNEY, • • I:IIIcPI.7.RSON; Of Towanda Borough. FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR, • T. A. SEWABD, ! • Of Smithfield TO*nship. REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION. . --- 7 . C lIF.ati , QT:ATITETC'S itc.Mtr.t.ty.tex STATE,-: :Ye: 11WI:TtiF., May :9th , Is.,.—in pursuance of are. 7tt4 non of, the Itepuidican State Committee, . opted at a meeting held in Ilarrisbnrg,thisday,altepubj can State . Conitt ntion,- to be etunppsett of delegates from each „Senatorial allii Representative district. to.ihe number to which s'nrh district is entitletrin 'the Legislattirc, - . is hereby called to meet In the city of Ilarrisleurk, at 12 o'cloclt wrap, on Wednes day, Afeust 4 2.9 th., In; ' liir thi,y.topow of nomi nating candidates for Suprklue !fudge, StataTreas urer and Auditor General, to Fe utted for at the ensuing gpiit•ral emit - ion on thiAtik day of 'Novem ber neat, Ily (miler of Committee.. lIEN RY H.IiOYT, Chairturtil A. WILsoN Nnizrzt , l, Serretry. Tii eRANVFORD COCNTY Svsmi. f---The'Republictuis of Potter coubt3 l are to vote on a proposition to adcipt the Criiwford County System of nominating candinates, at their 'ean euses this fail. ,do not ,believe the propositiOn wilkhe adopted. The system has been in• vogue in a few or 'the counties of the Ciminionwealtli f and has met with great disfavor. Faulty asthe,delegate systerii is, the other haS many more objections. Under the 'delegate system', 'esti-di -dates must havd a .majority of the ..election districts to succeed, • but., the operiations. of the.. Crawford Systenf," a •• , ery small 'minority of votes may, and in the ma_ irity of eases do, nominate. For instance ; If there are tenor fifteen eandidateS • for the samernomination, as is nOti unfreqtrntly the casein this eountS, from seven !fundreik- to • a thousand votes will be almOst n eertain to nbmi nate. 'n101011:7,4 there are seven thou-• sand Republiken'voies in tlic county. JOHN GRAHAM, Tweed'A when he ',first becaMe encoinPkssed with law suits,.. and who •wari4d for his ,client as for himself; is 'very bit tef at the ex-Iloss, dte says TWEED is " rich—very 'rich" and is insin cere, and hypocritical in his profess ions of penitence and anxiety to re turn to the city what he purloined." Gft:inpr also corrects'a popular im pression. He, says . Twrkl: was very inean and stingy with h • la*yers ; • that, for four years' . servi'ec: he only lreeeive.d 4 fi,oooy gruibgingl) paid, :and in additiOn he was fined $:."0 for contempt while defending Twee' his criminal suits, .which he ,ifto pay hiMself. TwEED's fortune Ilk .cstimate's at from six to twelve tiilll ()Pencil. The statanent which is denominated a,eonlession is stigmatiz ed as , a . cheat by which the prisoner is to escape Without rendeiing rep aration. Another of TwEtio's es.- 'counsel Sa . iS T WY: Eil Was , liberal in his fees_ to lawyers and says. • al& GRAHAM reef. veil $16,000 fOr trifling seryiees, and i ,is beedilse a large additional amount . claimed :was - not paid that tlitAii.6l\ as iunied against his old client. • . . . ... Tut: N. Y. llorald no ices soh*. of the distinguished wome wlio are clerks : in Washington: 'here arc mane there who,Weie -born in opt lence,and were most liberall• edit eate.d., but who have_experientedthe changes in condition steadily_ go}g on in this country—Who have sec 'their friends (lie and their fortunes vanish. Among the namber is Mrs. MAtty•Wn.c.ox, daughter'of Amitsow .1 AC Ks() s N LSO N. the adopted son of President JAchsoN. She was liorn in the White lloilse,,ana was edu cated in Germany. A granldaughter of the grcht financier of .the lleolu tion, ROBERT MOBIL! S, is also there, and a daughter of Pomi's Secretary of the Tyeasnry., Ron ERT .J. 11 7 The Herald presents quite an array of noted' names now borne by lady clerks in the several departments. They show us how eNtremely fleeting •is fortune in this country. Wealthy families are constantly sinking into pert4rty and, out of sight. - It, all slyitvs what folly there is` - in the `hi ide of • wealth and station. The only tiling that can. stand against the ,vicissitudes 'of life is a good name,, --, established and preserved by an hon . es,t. ant,Lsensiible . . , . il tsyl l Aucii was reeCntly accused, (*oily and by , name, by n weekly 1 fourhatpublished in Berlin; of'using. ! his official place and knowledge for influencing the BOurse, and of selling his Line for a large premium- to a bogus stock company. The editor of this infamous sheet has taken refs ue in Switzerland, - but the author of the accusation—a member of 'the s landed' ,aristocracy—has just been .condenine'l. to three months' .impris omuent. f Referring to the facts, the c.firrespotidentof the Christian Uniod remarkk:' I find the - punishment Jr too light:. Three years would . have been a litter. penalty for such an of fence against society. FOr it is the good or soeletY the purity of the Public service, that is assailed in such' a libel upon a public ollicei.. There was not the shadow of 'fotniilation for the accusation—novthe remotest 1 Suspicion- on BISMARCK'S integrity. The usual pimp; were made, that the author supposed himself to have col.- ' reet information, and that in making the charge be , was actuated not by : malice, but by an honest concern for, ' the public good; but all these were ' --..---- -to-of.orlv set aside by the court." UN =I det EDITO =I Il i • 'L. a ly in 9 - NOT SO liiitUrrr t ALL. , The Lancaster4nquirer i orie - of . the few .Reptll44an papers- it, : the State which have for yiiars—p Sist ently.oppose4 the "CAMistoNs,' but Who.. s the. frankness to rebtike. t e 'dliplicity and dishonesty of thosc, journals which are just nOw endeav 7 'oring to injure the party, by pro claiining that the CAMEttoNs will 41' , . in S r eeuring a Democratic vietorythig pill., Triefonowin g -sensible remarks in the inquirer of ,last. week,.,will eon Mend themselVes,to all fair-iiiind ed(pc.ple : • 1 • . . .- - Our \ readers will bear us' evidenje that we \aye uniformly, and on all proper occasions, protested' against, what is • kn wxt as the Cameron rule in this State. We Imre used what ever\ influence w e may have possess ed to emancipa e theaepublican par ty of PennsylVaUta frOrn the person. 'al domination of : 6)(i. man, and his followers; whom IN I C • 10 not the best rqn..esentati es of advanced Republicanism. In do: if , so we have had only iu view the go d ot the par ty, 'and. file permanent tri ikiph of its . principles. ' What we' have done in the past 4 we shall de in ' Th..- future, whenever the •question come before the public in a practicarfornr. Hut we do not seetlic propriet3 no cessity 'or sound policy of bringi ig up the" Cameron " question, as it s called by sonic Of our. exehanges., when there is no good reason for it. and when it cannot subserve!mq.; good, end or answer any. Practicat purpose. 'And'yet this is constantly being ,done,-by_ Many. of the so-Called anti-Camerou'llepubliean journals of the- State.. In season, -and especially out of season, they •are constantly recurring to the intentions, perposec: and actions of Mr.. Cameron, Or "Don," which . they unifon niir de. imunee; without the slightest regai t .d to whether they are rioht or wrong, for or against the public weal. ' . It-is in the nature of things that: such a course 'should strengthen the person against whom it is directol, Indiscriminate d'enunedation will al w-vs strengthen public inen. ' The e “ wolf! wolf!" •when demoh st ito be fipse., a- few Limes. is never\ag,ain believed. . To damage-a public 'man you must maki!. charges againsth s hWthat can • li c e sustained. A false charge; wheintlisproVed, re acts against the party -who makes it. and presents the accused as one who Maas been the i utiOn; an.-1 is entitle pathy. Just now• t g : cir culated that ' intend to ailow_Pc‘llll IICIlif;- er;ltie this far re eq.- prised. •to tl pol icy. Nothin , z,cdul -ii..11.1e, or further fr( ;... fac tion-or party sonally more e,ess - of the. E. i vthis year than these same " CaAnis..7 Its defeat could ti i 1%w.; no !You, \io them ; and if -aecomplislicil •,tb rol , :.4 their agency, would s,:ri.nisly if .liX fatally dainage them. - Wie.ll 1 lie light begins they wiil lee found lisle! , all their . ettorts for V-iettirv, and it is the linty of all Ili i publieans to Amid shoulder•to shy ulder. with thein to defeat the eourinon enemy. . . • . t lYhen this ieport is proy„ed yo he ',false. as it. must he, it will not i;:ia,re `hose who circulate it, but will do - n p6§itive good, to tim part.} - ' t‘ aains - C whiAn it' is directed.' The. ,trill :ill . pear\ I,s the . sulijert4 - ,,,r. iiii-ti:4, k al - , - .7" \malig‘ltnt, and wil; ! ) 4. stronge , Jhan tic:rot:e. ini.pdi,h, e,?...i : . !nation. X.° man iLs I_,Cen moro f..rt t‘e i)litrillurs of ; i is el l ciiii,-; than ~`s\m imo\ Call T l. ho me:kik -they have to .tin to damage him lin*t. i i, m-ostly .- enure( \to.. his Iwn i ;it., V,:... might e:te dozeiss of ihi. , :e di?. tinly .and space permit \blit al, p1.. , .•:=4-1.4 11:, , . 0n e referred to al,. 5v,,... vc I.A -....t . v a 4; a fair sample. It is t . \ e last, hut not the least of its kind: thy Orator of the (lily :1 Ting of ,the sailors is 31x . mtrose, W.:l ident of the day quot Ted. prophetic. worclop frOm , tl address of Mr: bitivw l ' . 6 , SpeUer 0011 - IZepreAentative in .174:1 Ment i,, nc tivhicii shoil eateiVin every America kill remain a monnmen• \.4ithor, lonl7,4lfter th:• icy \u„1e which followei St I."_ ciat on is forgOtten : '• A ioVernmeurthat ca. the loy: ty of its OWII the wspe 't of t-he world that will nit protect its Lr serves the e uteiopt the No flag alien o the source, sippi will ever\kimt pertmtu mouths till its. 3N ateret are human gore am not one eser be wrenched 'viii) the the Constitution of '143 til it isbapti4ecl in fir and Col: t)1 h • it: chosen . to r4res'ent I which Mr. “Row so hiti snit who attested his ih!vr i;rizieloles that men:or:44 '• inesent at the extutst.s ., -on the Fourth . ,•(l ,- ; h' , Lor tit moncify of his brave fell-in battle. THE perscentiono: . len; lihg Democrats' of I.ottHianr.. IN; return which 'President expected for his !..i,cnerous treqtritent of th'e. i. late rehdls. If the Synth prove's itself entirely dei-oid of hon or. and ini•apable.of appreciatin:y the confidence repos4 in theta admingstratiOn, tl 't:itne will coin, ‘Clien'they ~c ess, ,r t- to Bret thef,r fully. U 1 N. Irow.utn is paosoc;htin! , thy campaign against the Idaho Indians vigoz . busly. , Qii the llth an ciwge ment: took place between the su - hliers and a band of three hundred red . - ci__ . skins, on, the .(2 ttahwood. 'l'lle sae kres Suffei.ed.ra I Es of 12 killed, and quite a number :ounded. Gen. lb - 1w- ARD reports th death yf'.Cal;tain BANCROFT, Lica NV 1 La. t. 61 :.•;, and II enlisted men, and 29 wounded. * . AFTER sixteen years' admin6tra- - tion of the. nation by the Republieqn may, the goVernment tb ef fect a loan 'at 4 percent. ipteiest. llndei' the last Democratic Adniiaai tration the gOvernment was unable to borrow $12,000,000 at twelve per tent. 'Foes anybody' lesive 3 change of administration ? - _After twelve yelirt of •eloae viten. tiO . a - to the .affairs of the. , 9t.ate ,, ,:as a' trusted anal hOneit public: servant, Giir..ll. , itiaANtr. is e.ujoyiilg a short respite from oiripw cares, in a-pleas ure trip to California. The Gover or, aceomPanied by his ' w i ife, four e ildren; Dr. 0 2 '6oNNoit, wife and son, of iarrisburg ; TnEobotit - and Kife, of Philadelphia;- Dr. Co_'it. sos, ac Norristown; and . Mrs: 1,.D.r. Ilystraii I two.children, of :Norris 'town, left he E ; State - Capital on Slot. day. .The xenrsionists - will stop . duce days at 'Denver, two days at Salt,Lake City ?and two 'days At Car son City. GoVernor HAUTRANFT .will probably not return until the let of September. . Tne owner of - own of the Reform .Cltil) in Phiim elphia; r:- fuses' to re-let the room to the Clot)" if the liquoi-Orinking.anti ea %I-play ipg are to 11 4 e continued- by. the mem bers in thd- Oar, rooms, as •he fore. We should say that the'sc l e prcibuew !-L4:l.m: yet the are pro . blit4Y a. fair •saiulileof that animal in Modern days. , • ' V 11E strike on the D;itimore and Ohio liailr - Oa(1 continties, and all :. 'eight ..trains are (Mainecl. A . 6otri pa ry. - Of soldiers 'were' ; called 'mitt sho s Were exchanged 'between 'tliVn, and the riOtnrs,l:estiltingin the death of a-striker and wountlin.of several • others. . ,•' AJATEsT despitnes from the Old \Grit ,give the particulars of a san guinary hattle'and greatdestruction of life, but the details arc sd mixed and confused that the avera!re rOder cin scarcely con:Tref/end .the ,sittra tion. • - STRIKE ON THE BALTIMORE & OHIO The Firemen .Masters of the Sitnatinn .11 - Ateri ssnt: in:, -W. ...a., July 3 C)._ Ttn. tirc„men on :01 1 freight trains on the B. and 0. ltailroad at this place',2o or :',O in number, struel: this e - ..enin!* and left their trains 4 The^ Company put new Men on theiLengities at once, but l the strikers into N fered to prevent them from startingrains. A M t large snob asse - thlet.l at the Pe pot, and a riot at of time was inuni ,lent. Col. Shull, Manor of the town, kith all the police at hi-, comin z ln(l; al;restesl the ringleader.: 13. f the strlke artil,, attempted- tn protit, the new non in the disele,rge ;if 'Owlr duties. but the strikers were-reinforced hr a large boify of eitiz6us swelling the erowdfill it. reached. the proportions 'of , a hinge mob. With the asistane.e of this mob t-___.he striki.,rs iiiecceiled in rescuing k tra•ir comrade , -. The. new .firCIFICII " 9' =Mil are noNN , completely jritimiclateil, r and \ \ is'no' prospect at present of any Id ! to p f.F is thi. strikers liavo ,perty and pas. etoil to par3s. or tlic city - lias 110 nl6 - iinl:,fot - city :".tlkolitic,; to e.xlvnfl Unit einin,y compli 111 l.!il t; in . Luntlqn Th fins , nPNlning., :Ind it.i- , nu k'onn, 011:1!:tek-' ncyea conrtes. •"rhe City-" is, n ' Ivithin the inet, of; Londoii, rule,' for the rp•A by its; (min - aovernincnt. Whilst • .of London fs rovenleil rosin elerk and oilieerS of the City Chant bcriain as his "compargators;" who make tfl'i.:ni,i,elves irspon i iihie7.for his 'good citizenship. The Chafkbevlain then administers tin; oath of li;lefity, shakes hands witbi,ltim, , and . gives inn, in a gold h(izza: parchment slip ‘v: I - ranting to hitribnid his Iwt.ling within soven s (il the city, -Ant. rraneili.-e u 1 .a I:monad / of Londo-i." 'This with-it vari ous ri_. ts and privileges. If& may carry on .'ny seta l trader in the etty. without lie' g taxed for the goods he brir-rS 1 . 11. •he &deal.; 'l,O live within li eity.he wi be free frotn.tolls and' customs ".thr( ighout. England and ports of the . ea.' II is children,' liciup. left orphans. will have the right to become Wa AS Of .the and put thqir proper y•-• for sate keep-, ing into the Inty.'Cluu heit. also has the right to hunt wii tit the Conn tyof Alidillesel, though lossibly'ilte may'not tind a# game., eis also —and this \iS a very !_rood t lug for an American, more apprecia c'd for than: now—exempted front compulsoiy service in theliritish: .my Or navy. It is quite probable tha banquet , at the puildliall mat the presentatien—for do nothing Without' a lian:juet, just as Anicricans can do little without ora tory', although the latter rather take. to banquets too- 7 .but conceding the round of dinners our ex-litiesident Is. undorgoinehe will probably by that ti:ne be seasoned to his sueeession,of feastings.—Plidadeiphia Ledger.'i • =I RIT PSC II IPT 16): Sl3 the 4 leer cent. loan reached s6s,onp,twO Saar day last. Does that-look as though I money was 'scarec. GOT. HAUTRAPET. CITY" hi VAN 2, grantGeuerai City of Lou- 11111Uull (211011:4h tile- •' rretedt•fii • • EREIBLE-EXPLOSIFI. It A 14n. I • • s• Three Personslhstaadiy, :Killed and. him derioniatin,fruid-4neldente. of the lid . t. . • • July. terrible - NeploSio 'occurred this morning iit t\ the ore Mines• some bine miles from klaeungie,\mhleh_ . eaused; a great loss of life. The mine is op erateA bY Mr, .";cis - e - ph Si"fer, • for. the Lehigh lien , Company at A llentown, and and at, the time of the explosion 2G hands were the \ wOrks. The explosion took.. lace at `a few, minntee before 6 4i'eloek. • Threever sons were instantly killed, five fat. ly and serionsly:mouiled. - \„ ' \ The names of the killediand wound ed 'are aS followS : • - \ Anion Miller, the ,engineer, aged 38; instantly \• • • •. • Owen \ Lanib, labcithr, aged '25, in stantly killed,' • Wilson A ndrews; aged 12, insta!nt -ly killed. ' • . . Llewellyn 11upp, laborer, .fatally BE • njured: • • Henry Ifclnbacb, n dritier, fatally Djurecl.. - Charlesl,llOlir, -laborer, Wally in used.; Thomas Kehm, fatally injured. ATictar and . Oliver Miller, sous'. of thd engineer, aged respeetlyelyl 0 and tlyears, were also injuret“, Victor llitaLly, and Oliver seriously' • , . "..Morris Schrager, aged -lA, was . bad l"\ brui,sed, .by Ilyit4'brieks on • - "' the fa .e a liT- legs. \\ \Vill ughby Stephens, aged '3,9, was ihin ed in the head-and let's. .. \ Joseph Ialloway„ aged 60, wti, slightly wot Med* In the 4 right arm and left leg. - . . All . those .Zd leaVe families: Aaron Miller Av. s thrown a distance !of 30 feet and lnk.4 body shockingly bruised and inangled.% :Rupp, who, with Heinhach and N ohr, was, sitting near - the ;Wall wide . Inclosed the boiler, was terribly bun d- and scald= ed, and was Tonna lying in the hot 6oul -under the boiler. le. cannot possibly. survive. The bailer was ;,. .. • 35 feet long by 3 feet in di7eter, and 'was broken 'into three ii 'eces.. \ Clue piece, consisting of, three •tioiis, was thrown .fully 100 yards to the cast, burying itself In' a .mu bank. Another portion,' consisting of one seetion,/was thrown north ward.about •51J yards, and the third piece, over Tt) feet long, flew •in a westerly direction and - landed in• a bank of earth, which it penetrated to the depth of eight feet. The engine-_ house wang,coinpletely destroyed; the horiie shed, distant about 80 . feet, badly - wreeked; - 'and 'the washery 'slightly damaged._ Several' horses and Mules Were.killed;, - The cause of ,the accident has not yet been ascertained', the Coroner and his jury not having concluded their 'abbrs. The verdict may not be rendefed for several days. .Tice boiler hal' been in position for over four years, and in steady operation for the past six months.. ItlVLlS.CX nlifinetl last January and pronounced by the inspector to be in-sound con dition.; 0, . . BUSINESS PROSPECTS. - Saturday Closed pc fiscal year of the United States government, and the hooks of the Department.balanc ed tip, iireparatory to. the entering . on the neWliscal year. ' The recoi'd is a more tangible development of the improved financial- condition of the country, and has in it more en couragement in the iniinediate future 'of business than anything yet pub lished. -It shows the internal. ieve nue receipts to. havO ii creased over two'aivl a quarter millionst-zan evi denee of improved business that cannot be adsappreciated. The de \mand of business have impelled a larger coinage than we have had in one year, and the .prospects for the coining yea? are greatly improved. Preptions are being made at the mines, increase the product of the - precionSinelals, in view of,the expect ed increase of demand, Thus. the condition Of business in the country is\esidently, \ and healthful! imProv ing.' The lapse' of the Usual, Link \ dtirin: which 'the depression \that follows panicS cOotinues and,thee,vi dently li .althfully \character of the recuperat n promiges favorably. \ In atiClita in to the above,' we note thvee fait:lot al elements of promise,„ that mean intu.. 1 with rete,rence to the !nisi nCss.reetipe *ion of the country. I. .Our I iron 'ti ole has developed great power in col ipeting , with the foreign trade: The fact that\ it. is able to 11 . 04 the Ame 'jean market is of great importance; - t additional to that, — t is beginning ' reach - out in competition in foreig. markets;, The sending of an agent 0 Brazil • itlicates the purpose. of r iron in. suers to seek after the tr de of that n - reat and growing 'EnpircAt railroad, bridges is der oiling railroad, .nd other pi lie iinproveinents, and w‘ I , furnish an :mportant market for yari\ oils forms (K iron. manufacture for'. several c years to cone. . IL, The iron 1 ship-bnilding iniiistry of this country ' is making an.imission - On the corn petitve strength of tir commercial .mariner This is an iniportant Mat ' ter. The y enterprise and energy of i our people ,are practically solving \ what was regarded as a very trouble '. (nue question, and we are in Ai fair Wily to recover our supremacy on the n( 4 , l \ n. . Tlin entire system 'of "AhO buil( ng has-clianged within the paSt, tweid 3wars, and we are competing with linp i\ newest phOise of the enter • prise.... its includes iron steamers of large t _nage; which, by making frequent tr .s:, with large cargoes, gives one ve sel the eau-big-capacity of half a dozefailiug ships. 3. Our 'crops form thelast elemeat of prom ise: The wheat \ye and corn Crop cover a large area, nd the prospect is that nre will have ularge and val uable yield. This is f greats 'advan tage in that it retires° I s s,-ft perms-, tient increase of wealth, ( crived fronV . 'the soil." With such eletil \ kits of ad- vantage and such prospeo,..‘„ , in, the immediate' future, there _ea \be ,no doubt of the , speedy revival o \busi ness activity.—Pittsbury Con ~ere ival,. July .i d. .- • • • ' r - THE , REHVILDING OF ST.. JOHN. . —r- opulis part he ST. Jour, NEw-BatiNs3vicK., July a Meeting , of t citizens here this morning, Mayor Earle presiding, a committee was appointed to exam • p chartersof x loan and mortgage a.isoeiations, with a view or. organiz ing.sucle a company 'here, With the object of raising money England, at low .rate of interest, forrebitilding St. John. The, meeting resolyed `that the ; loCal government \and • citY.cor partition should aid LlC‘y association in obtal a loan of at'l.a.St $2,000,000. --0-4_41111, .PKEtiIDENT GowAN of the . ltee,ding road has returneil.• • • Tnn V, 1=1:1 TiLlUil kill wont; j t Tut= delta's. A wil store du ,IN the twanty-seiyyt eight. working. Esuanavioa to the West and, South has been quite active this spring and aunt ~ iir froullohigh County. ' - NAT. McSAY hats nailed for Europc,• • leaving his nineteen suits againkt the Pbilidelphia Tim.f s behind him. ' • _ Tim Lancantor County Prison Board aie erecting a new building for the better accommodat on of bummers. 1 ' • Tuttincaster banks hold. about $2,- , 11,000 subject to cheeks and time eert k iti , ea EiF3CRETAIIIIES Evans '- and Devens have been nakittg a tour of the coal, fields, of this State. CuintriclCE ACINEir - of the state Supreme `cart wit.; arrested ,a few dayti ago in Betiver unty for shooting pheas atkts out of se a . n., 5 40 1- , • Iconic Luo\oiv, of,Philadelphia, has docility's' to be a candidate for Supreme Judgo \ on the Democratic ticket. - Tug \Lackawanna region, has • shipped 2,985495 tons of coal thus far this year— an increase, of 787,476 Eons over last year. • .)Tutt Pennsylvania Teachers' Associa tion meets atErie on the 7th of "August. The session will last Ulu . ) day's,, ', ,A u six months Old; at.Bothany Or phans' Mime, .Winrielsdoif, - his hatched out a - brood of young.ehickens. TitnEE 'carrier' pigeons let 100 3e y i n , Reading-by:an Easton \gentleman arrived' in - Easton in-forty-five lainutcs—distance fifty-four mites. :X Tire Aspirit. el Berk; says that ,Berke ..C'ouitty is for Noyes and will send • seven the State Convention tikatii, =ibis for his support- . ..., . . J s•st ER Bost.un, of barlisle is to furnish the Government with 25,000 head of beef cattle, 0,000 bushels of corn, and 4500,- 000 pounds of dour.. .. . EIIINRSTCOKIILEn, vestrynian of 2ion's Lutltran Church, Lancaster,•on Sunday night was gagged and .robbeil of about . $1 , 2.6 by three highwaymen. Dins MARTHA'VEIT:LIM of Scranton, has two, breach of pr shits in court, and three other yet fig men were notified that. she will reach tll il.. casea in the fall. Aar Millersville 'a child of Walter Eshel manw as knocked down, by an express train and the. cars. passed 'cover it, but, it_ fell in the middle of • the track and, *as uninjured. JOHN EAGLE, .of Maytowa;\ Lancaster_ muty, aged ninety-one years, cut . a sit kof rye With a Sickle to show his neh, ibors how grain w a s gathered \ half a ee'ntu ago. -.- TILE primary Republican eleCtion, in Forest C may resulted in the nominatiqn of Lawret .6 for Treasurer over Dunn, by a•vote of L. to 169. Thompson got 5 . ` votes. , . There wiltl -a larger yield of grain in Adams Comity 1:113 for many years. The oats Butter looki better, while corn has a good promise; Th potato bug has not done much harm. AT a circus at Beth client, 'an elephant while being loaded on a, car, fell on. its back, :tint betan a 'terrib roaring, caus ing a-panic fr a time, asst was thought a wild-beast-1 ad broken loci . I VAMEANTS hereafter Win bo fed on bread and water in the Eastong. 'Here tofore the fare has been so g at the prison that this class of vagaben Is , pre ferred to be there to roaming abo t Tllti. comity. . _ TIIE Senatorial Conferences of 'it and Cambria Comities net, at Holiday burg on Monday, and elected :John T. Harper, Esq., of Lloydsville, ,Cambria County, delegate to the next_ Republican State Convention. .. Tun Brotherhood of Locomotive 'Engi neers in Reading received a part of the money agretid to 'Le paid to them by the order to which they belong. They expect to be' paid proulptly heacafter f including JO ON DENITHOUNE, of Huntingdon County, 'heard a peculiar noise under his window, one night recently. Ho ,looked out of the window, fell to the ground and had his neck broken. He was seventy five years old. ' Alt old lady took a Bible from which three leaN'es had been torn to a binder in Lancaster, one day last week, and 'asked him to bind the ipok and have - the miss ing leaves printed while she waited for it, as she did not often get to town. 'Hon cholera has made its- appearance in tho vicinity of Camp Aid, Cumberland County, and for some days past a number of fine pOrkersrlyave died &Jai its attacks. The hogs eat heartily and in av few mo-• ments after are seized with convulsions and die. Cr.ARENCE Duntsocit has been sus pended from practice, fora year, at the Philadelphia bar, for having moved the Court to admit a young, !min named O'Grady to practice when ho (Deringoo knew the Board of Examiners hail refused to oss O'Grady. TILE Democracy ofCrawford County . . . .re having a lively time in the canvass for the nomination of a President Judge 'of that Judicial District. J. 11.Brawley and Pierson Church are the leading candi dates, with Roger Sherman, of Titusville,- in reserve as a compromise candidate. SINCE the laying down of the third rail on the ETic Railroad, the cars which run on the Lehigh Vallag.anil its connections arc obliged. to have ftill names stencilled on them beside. thd 'simple- initial. A North Pennsylvania Railroad car was six „months on_the litie of the Northern Pa- Citic. THE leas© of the Girard House to Mc- Kibben, Vosberg Sr Co.; , afterwards held by C.„M'Kibben & Son', has been annulled by mutual, consent, and the' business will hereafter be - conducted •by the Girard House Company, E. C: Eby as President and .Terenriali 31•Kiblien as general man . or. • investigation S touching the death of Pa ick Connolly, whose head:was rut' ff by a pedal train on the Lackawanna & Blom - , Railread, early en Sunda,y mortilitg a short distance below Wyom ing, rove. Is the facts that he was. stabbed and-shot ,a d placed upon the Crack by big assa.4l4l us. . .TourKti.i ttv; of Ittuitini;dow County, was _killed during a • rain \ storM. While g o i t it, down a hill he sat on \a flock chain of a''...kvagoii,.; an 'the liorses -- becoming frightened,at a clat of thunder gait at a rapid - rate - of speed, hrowingXelly to the ground, and one or th hind wheels pats iver big body. • . -, , A\cliT of. young mei tress _cling on the farm of Daniel , Frit in faboning valley, near Pottsville; we r ordered -Off by the proprietor. . One the party named Iliirke,Kelley drew a volver ow Fritz, when the latter knocked im down with a musket and shot him, fro which, he died shortly,'afterward. . , AI6EytTS MARTIN. of Erie r reociv the honorary de,gret; of A.M. from Yale a ew days ago ; whereusion Gin people of Et'e. wondered 'greatly. who Artenms Marti might, be. After a diligent Search he was foinid tti be a, self-educated market gar-. dener, aged forty-two, who for the last six years has peddled produce In the city streets. . . , ON MO'nday, Governor Hartranft signed the death "warri.ut of Alleti C. Laross, who wag convicted in -liorthanipion County for the murder of his father and mother, by means of.poison. He will be hung on `the 10th of September, the same day, that 'homes P. Fhiber, the' Molly Maguire ni rderer, in jail at Mauch Chunk, is to be xecueed. A knr: at Powers & Weightman':lab mato at the Falls of Schuylkill, Satur day day morning, caused a loss of about $2:3,- 000. Thn x ilames wernicontlbed to the up per floor and roof of the used for . _ .. . - the-maneis one of a series of vith; the works. T' by -in surance. WORK . sane at IV vigorous seetions.ot and the ad; -finished V walls:on th, commenced of the last to warrani conFis OWL NEW 'OBI 14TElt. Lunt So- 4iht- • • . • ....—..... . . NSW N'Onit, i, 4lll,Y 11 . . . • The Bea Cliff Temperance ?roplobisve do the fact that Boston ladles (T .ers • tepidly . _ ing,drurikards. This lathe testimony of, one Cap . laldScott of the Diatom pollee torus ; who doelarei , that they drink atrastantantS, and alio prtialely, • at borne. Perltapirthey do, ut if so, It Is decided ly on the sly. I have Its'ed i n Batton, anit'so far as my Observation goes, the wine generally offered was of the weakest kind. and malty people were ad vocates°, the tfayes prlicy. fitful this fs, an ,awful accusation to he brought against goodly Boston, and tlyit too when set many of her alibiing lights i are away. The story that Titter' and Beecher are reconciled needs verification. ldr. Tilton has gone abmail with his two daughters. Anil It IM smoked the calu met of peace with the Pastor of ilyrnouth before • e left, lie did it so quietly \that no one has , heels a e to find it-out. Mrs..Tfiton helped tier (Baugh to to get ready far their journeytwer these* with Shed ather, and It Is rano - U*4'oot l'hendore kiss ed bermot only Good Bye lett.ttrerpfr. Re , 41111 not.rhowever, commend her to !oral care. flho is living with her mother, Mrs. °roe, and has the youngest child, a boy, with tier. \ • - Times are bard and thieves are kettye,-they sac-. celled In stealing 45.200 from the counter°, dames Colgate, a banker In Wall street, On Wednesday.: 44,000 was a cheek which was stopped, bilk the oth er 42.'200 was In bank notes. Art it- must have been defied for with a wire, and there orp numenets pee. pie - in the l otlice,lt la strange the thieves we j•e not detected.• - • Speaking : Of flailing, Alderman friteilleY s h \ iv, a. decided love for "ye gentle spOrte,” sung tifir vett e ble tratic Mallon, and he wants to go fishing le, e Central tart ponds which are dignified by the Itte of rates . -Aillhe raginsdlles who rejoice in a fling and bent pin, seconded the motion with a f , general "Hi. hi,"and "Bully for Alderman O'ltell ' lt,,`. but In spite of this Oberlin:l and general en dorsement the motion, fell through. . " - Mr. It. lf. Stoddard:the - pilaf, who,haS succeeded •In putting - the City 'llaik - isUirary into a condi:lnn where it is pmettrallymeful, will add to his latibrs; those of literary Editor of the R.rorris. and. that department of OW Paper SO 1111111.11111letny lie bene fitted by the acceesion. l - ,- I. • ',.' "• . ' • Mr.,,,,NiVilliatit IL ‘ tills-city, hi-exhibit ing a portrait ralleh i he rails oJesinicif Nazareth.' ` It Is'ntore ambltiiimethan lileiallistle,_ and few., mo ld° would probably find in It thele.bleaFor, (he's's/ of Man Whether they yegardeilLlllMlrnin a 'l'rini tar's% or a linitaran Witt of is a large quarter crayon. Seven .fert by ten, a Very fine look-. tog Jew, and If accepted as .a possibly portrait, would go fal toward upholding the muse ear Chrii tianlty doctrine. , • ' \,, L ... A few weeks ago. he English flrafillie INSayd all admirable engraving of the Queen 4)6 nigland and other members of the royal family.. Tills was hears ly,threo feet by two. and a clear cut. well defined pleture.4,thrthy London the lomon Graphic. , link has beeMcmited by-setters, patsies here and certainly not improved upon, for the London 6 mphle is one of the finest specimens of newspaper enterprise. This week the Loudon Illustrated News has the finest war-map that has" been yet published, anti al so,issues an extra number entitled "Russia and Turkey." These will probably he redipsed.'altered.. and E must-say spoiled, by cheat, ilipieri lie p% I t semis a shame that this sittinlil tie dime, 'der Il!si' gets no idea of their real worth front these Chita 1 copies.. - I _ We are,millosibteilly Messed with petitions here. but our English Consinsgo ahead of us, ' A If bis Eliza Taylor, of Sfaceimill•Ml, has petitioned Parlia ment In behalf's.? her rats, complaining 'that inn High Sheriff of her county has set ceitain.s• springs guns Mid englaes ealeitlated tit intilet ttiltirw." and has by that means untimely cut off three .of her cats• and the chief constable r.•fuses to print and post a placard offering one twitind reward. And this the House of Commons Is egpeeteit to attend to for the Much Injured spinner. 'Thr;st• in 0111- Cealltry will now know what to do, with thi illustrious pre cedent before them. ', • . And-now for the warm-Weather, her. is nit ex, ample for preachers. I 410 not hesitate to giveit, .because to follow English customs Is unite this pro per thing, these slays. A minister In the It.inie Street Chapel. !smitten. gitre out hl; text atm then said "he had pondered It a whole week and 'midii not sails!, himself as to its real meaning. Inspira tion frequently came to him In the pulpit. lint it had failed him on this occi•stim, and so lie was Ilea -1 tilt, to proceed: - Sensible malt and happy congre -1 gallon. ,If only all preachers would oi , tly preach when they had somi•thing worthy to tie saht, lion -many dull sermons worild be spaird. Let us hope this English example may he copied. . We have a genuine century plant in . tilossion in Kew Vatic, which Is a curiosity In Its way. The piano of utile!) I stesk.e to )-on. In one Of toy recent letters, that is being; minufact•irmt for the Mew York Press'Curell ',situ; Ag. , ney, has, proven a ost excellent Instrument: ,it wjih-goinparb favor. ably with those fronkwell known - makers, as it con-r 1 touts all the qualities and insproventeuts for w Well I they are noted. It is made Inn alt forms anti siZON. het they - especially recommend their :quart: Maui I at IVA. \lt la of the finest tone and finish. quite as I east as any tsfsi piano lo the market, and Is sifferml at these Itrllla, ltecitUSe it pa:eies'ilirollgli no later- meitirte hands, n t ghes straight f torn the manu factory to the \ huyer. sowing all the earmitse of mils. dienten. it Is new and hint es rellen: ilepaiture.. TO protect the the . agency Lave copyright ed It under the nuine of the ...Silser Bell. - if psi i wish to k more about ft. address them for filr- ' her particulars..fies s ui any or tier subject, at thi;ir Bureau, 39 Broadway, ItOeni :; n,a . . ~ W yfllo le ate Tritl- A Wonderful illirowery'.--our Oithiermts exchanges.-are tailed ' hcet•unts"...f tuosywon4vr ful cur = es. ettoeted by Di \ "M Epic.% I. WoNDETi I ." It is saki lcilie the greate . st yetAllseotered, giving Intr,yarir'y s, t4, the vitt etas- tlcltyt.t. the step, and making the incalhl hearer, courageous and strong. It cure.i cli;seasss of the Stomach-, Kidneys and is pi Ile - , Scrofula and alI iiiwet LAir:ISPA: cures Nervous 1•14 \stratiou and NOcaktiess of either Sex. re , toring Tone\and Vigor to tl whole system. Ilyaol the fullowleures:- NOl AN HI:ST, Sheds Comers, \yonder fill cure of .elyspepsia and tieart tlrseast. , . .\ . v.) (.), Y, t 1, 11 1, ), 1 ) ), .• \\'.. cant:haat l'll. In red. ' . tic! I a, , Mrs: Scrofula A. If. HA.. Wonder " gavt A mrn'? TRU. $(11110 lerpfula: cured. 4 41tENor,r. Saratoga: N. X,. whhdy known as Pll'llOlEll of lite of our , Ifadlug institu tions of learning, says th t hi, "wife. has tho •• Medical Wonder" for , nnpiteation Of di:ease, with the most happy effect. No other remedy ever touched the case Ilkej . t. (;Ed; IfikrSl:s, Oneida. cured ELIZABETH WOOD. Sl'2.!til COrne Sheits'eonor , rs, N. Kidney l!lsenset gained .10'pounitS:\ 1 %Ex. §aratogS, S3y9 that ' 6 illedieM - • - • N MIPI? 1 . District him health, strength and appetite.). l • • flonrt of tho T r otted • States • for the Wes,tern ALF, Wi l t monk, - • •••• Isteirt of I . ..‘ousylvrola., 1 the matter of dailies 'Pposed tv Le, in cons:lint/oh: :Sr! Bankrupt , - )4,.1 art of Irelin9tvanta. atn.\4l Itn1:1:1111.;cy ha, bet‘il Conrti agaitiid the e•titt. of W and 3lAitioll: • Sp3tAll:g of . 1%. , 1C311d3, ill the County of. font, aMi i , tatii of Penn , yleania.. in said I,adinitgi , t‘litiokrutd,l upon p,..titlon of their credi4 tot, and the paynworof at.y debts and the deli," cry of any property belonging a, said Bankrupts., to thou or tridi, , ir one, and the, tratisfor of any i'll°P , reY•l'Y Mien, ore forldildott Vile I tor . A .int• ci log if the creditor , of itatCFropts, to proye (twit- debts an•f ..p.• or worn. asqirllel`S or 'tumor amt dropsy., reduced 17, inel\ Mrs.,l. S. 4 APPLETON, IIiIINI,Oro,, , • disease, Mrs. C. D. Oitow Ay, 1'00e.4.!1. N., 11. to hed with•leinale and kidney tli,ease; en Dr. A. Dar:l'mi, siste two years with female aml - ncryou.s dit.easeh.; Nrr spacefdr 1,000 4ther (111%14.4 Ask your DrUggist for Medical Wonti , r," be mired. Pepared try ,Dr. 1.; s.tratot N. Y. For sale In TOWalart by 'Dr. 11. C. I'onrt.. wholesale, by II s..xltt, CUR & Co.. V. - • VEGETINE PI:11 I FIE:3 . TTIE mood, IT...nov:lles and Invtgorates *lt, Whole System. Its inedleal properties arc Alt,:rattve s Tonic, Solvent and 'Diuretic. Eli E N DLI: E E r N 3111 . . n. R. Srs.v:. Ns Dear Sir—l %%111 most cheer fully told my' tustilliony'to E'G E T 1 N E great. tininher yo't hale aireii.V :rttcgive.l ha favor of roar great . • • and g.,ul VEGE N E for Ido tiot think enough cart • - , 311 in its praise, hi 1 was ifou hied over thirty year, with that V Eli E T 1 N E dreadful tlis4ase, Catarrh. - 41.1 . !had shell ha.l that It would , sin as though I V Eli E T I N E never (....ul.l any ni4v, , - and V F. ,- ; has coiNfl'fitc: awl I do loel to thank 114 , 4 all V EG ETI N.E the tine` that yiere i, so _ titetlielne as Via: 3114. also thitik it one of ti. toed- V E G ETINE mines for coughs. and .sinking , !epilogs at tilt; stomach, 'aria advise take V E G ETIN Ethe VE(4 EvINE, -for 1 can assure . them it is one - of they best inetll- CltieS that eve r was. V E.G ET I N Mits. In Hiatt:. • • •Cor. 7113gazine & W311),1t stA„ V F G ETI X r; . ' • ' • - Cmbritlge, Al :15F ' VECETI VEGET IN E ! HEALTH, V EG ETI N EtT?:ENI6n VEGETIN My glnuglitcr 11:%‘• rouciNefl •grOmt 70.'111, 010 litie of tvas . zi bource orl , r,az at ahoy to all' tier frivrol• , . Iv. of j reS101(.11 ur ho:0 1 1%.t v EGETINE ~!rengt lind N. 11. TII.I , EN, Itoittraucw& Nli. I:anding. BoNton 311.4 cs I -1 V E (4 E T I, N E E 0 E.Tl4+; V E 4 ETI~,\ F: VECETINE ! c - Axxi - vr ) ier. V Ettx ' AIII.F.STOWN. 114. V E G I7 \ T I N i Dear Sir—llik is to' certify . s V E G E T I N E that I have nmul your •!Jtlood : Preparation" in' my fatuity for Nu% era: years, andt iihik 't hat. E6E r I !„) for ISerofitia or - ranktrotts Ilti- \ \ '.inori. of i twain:die atter:lons, It 1 \eannitt Iv excelled : ' and a, a 1 V E I F T I N E,100"1 purifier or spring toed!. : : elne, it i- the best ridn7, I have. iever used, and I V,• us,-,1 at-. v ,F , (4 , LT 1 x E;most o..erythlng. I call cheer , ,fitfifTee.iiii mend If to anyone In • tieed a, such a medicine, , . v.E G E . , r N . ,E r , , ] . ours respeetflilly, Ilitzt. A. A. tot . .•:'SNIOI:r.. s ~ . . \.-so. 13 Russell stroet. V gOETIN 1,, • I 1 . . \ • , • .:,- . < V E G-E TIN I\ ,:e. ..—:.---... VEEI E T I .'!..: E. \ • . ItECO LEND IT \ 11."...1,1r.T1LY v EG E T I .1V -- ~ Souril. cis ToN, 1.1.c1),7 1 10. VEGE. TI N E; 11 r. STEVi:- s':\ . \ • 1 Deor Str— lave taken feyeral • it otttes of you V‘l to EIT IN E, \ WIII. - Y.E CET I N Earn runvineed t' I; -a 7 ,onato - ireinedy tor • flys •psfit, Kidney • Complaints and g ni , ral detditt , I' E GET I N . E i a the system. . .. . 1 I can heartily re .i to alb suffering. front , VEOE T IN E;romplaltits. . '' Your.' respectful'. `, ' i i • . Mr.S. 3lrmin.E 1..\11 k.. , V E G E T I N'El - as Athens ' eel . . . . l'rel. by H. H. STEVENS, .114.iFito . 311 , - - .1 the in- TiLd on . t n two wilding, soon be ; of the not be tpriation ufficieut VEGETINE- IS SOLD BT ALL - • - „ .. - . gilt Adveiticomeats. : ' - WANTED--A . RESPONSIBLE r ARTY tilth EAPI.TAL,,a3IEILCIJANT pnErrattu, to take a . Partnership Interest and Manage P.M:inch Dollar St(/re, whleft we are about toatart in this tiqction. 'None but those who caw ye the' hest reference 'need make apiilleatlon. . 11 Communication's: strictly.confldential. Address . • • DB fOIING & 13110.. - .' • ' PALACE 18 - 11.1.A8 STORE. ' • . it, IESTNUT STREET, P1111,A1)4I.P111,(. TIS ,pF- LETTERS remaining in 4 Post date at ,Towanda, Bradford - COI, Pa., for the week ndlng July 18, 1677: . • . . Bushnell. £'"'' ' Lynch, Miss Katie Ilebble ‘ WM • - 3lnflan. Llszto J ... . Bennett. Marys - ' March, Irtn Conley. Pat • I ltuldnion. Peter if eareY, Win F , Rupert, Reuben IC' ' ,- Poles, NIII44'N , ' Sniltls,'Eliza Batmen, Frank F. , Walton. Miss'S . , 11awes. Anna. ' . hippie ' . Amanda .• . Davidson; II Vt ruff, Wm ''. Ilifse. Mr Wh e. IMIll! W rtit e kl, Hattie ~ ..Wlfee,f,zr, iir.t.s Ton.appnEas. • ' , NDENI'S. J. T. Jennings, Canto% Persona calling for any of the 111/0 please saY advertised," giving date of list. S: W. A LVOI: P. 31. TIIE COMPOUND OXI EN TuEn'tuli.:NT,—This Is nos\ystt , tn of .41- cation confined in its action to narrow !Witte. e 4 Mg OXYGEN' V AONETIZED. it is the, wonderKVlAllizer of the human la - 4.1y ever known. fritcreforegt should cure a greater varietV - of lilt antl a larger proportion of patients than any other ttgeUt. Eight 'years of expeilence fuliv cOnflona the expectation. Tim imiccrit.era unite their fore'es 'to make known and awailatdo to the sick the wonderful virtues of the Compound Oxygen. It is the safest, surest. and cheapest remedy In the worldX Let all d'onsomptlves. Dyspelittcs, Para lytics (recent:. anal all even discouraged Invalids, saturfor our Drorbure of 110 pages. which - contains mach wonderful hut true at:stemmas. bestof nvni lats. aio one terms for home and otnce treat - - nu:W. It will to mailed free of charge.. PALRN, ii. Pu..-Nt. It. STA 51.; M. 1)., • ' 4 1 7 I.ItKFY Sr Pal VNI '• ' " Girard Street, Phila. MEI A~~T~.NTS 'TED $5O TO r t.:oo •..s. new. clear if conrise I 7 NI ER II ICSTO •R Y . Coinnienrlng' eßrlist periods. closing . March..l47::, the World's great, Grand it lqtory If t!. .t 3:f r. M toot. p: A Gv. and M DiArt: Including 1114t s ory o.7iteliniql lioluvvratiou \ ,ps...,,id t ut gaud T ,, rki's4 diviro A hools.,of thrilling Inter and unlver"al need. 'i 4 ..11s tarter.( Until Any other. 11-ant I Nil 111u , d rat 10(14; lur. PriCVSolliek !..210M. X. Ira trrti3c. vireulars SINN% ,tiLiToss WI! if It, Dy (11... Pll)lAlieipiti.l. I'a.; (Mein/mil. O.; cm. raga. Louis, Mo. qn1711.13t.; 'irtr (.. - IAIT 17 1 ON',. ---.- X 13•• wife, Angeline,, ~, 1 'riving I , :qi my bvl a of! i , ,t - kr..l withota Just rank or provocai ion:" 1 11.•rt - 11•4Trarbld any ukti, har boriog or rio.t Ing her'ou - 11,4,a count, !is! WIII;Tay TV) 111 - '1.1., - 0, her fiort: rm.: 14 g . F.;.••• P F. t.: I:T: \ \ . Wittnos, ra.. . Jl,iy IL 1577 • ' • 4 . , _ . • ' • Z. z. ; ; ; •1.4' • t-NriENsrusEt) WILT hk`ll 3 11. , 3,,•• 334 lit InWys.x, innated nli: , ,frotn' tiorn',4ll‘.l.l oi"n mite fin in 11. Th. Int contains:Oslo an, with an abmplan., of 4,1.1 fruit—apples, penelirs'. sip of Nil,' water, a barh.and .01,.r (int Imildlugs th..n.n... The Inis,: woo box Is painted this with two vont , : of Jewett's lead. latv•ntnl The prois•rty will 'be so'd for4IV•II tatsslt halt Its valtie)." . .e•lno down atnl a lite snail 'Marty with Intert"st. Address J. An, ilrow Wilt, At torht.,y-atLLaw. Towanda-Tn.-p.:177; 0 0 si i 0 0 0 lir f> 9 94.; Q`' 'r TATEMEN OF` RECEIPTS an./1 Fxv,-ntlittires Towanda li!4triet, f,e to dune 1, 1,37<t. by dour 1. 157,7; 13:0aniq. on 11:tii.1,.. F rota (s , 3lrutol Frr.stl f'olle,•tor Wlekhavi. i'robt W. 3., Y•..tne, !Inv!. : Stat., appropylat:.6 J. gingslni t,qtaLi,,i.. •a;a, ..... ... .... I joilMlfr ntere4t loNniao,t , Verll - . • 1." M t•II:11 tetori ( . 12.71 s. &.(• rt i,1111.; . . pool Molitor flen-ral. tai Serr,lary • Kral osiate :Loa 1••olool torn 1.500 .00 int:anco 1 on Ouplitt.t. , . 1:57 1.. 54 :13 jta':it•e• Q:.• nn tl,npAcatt.. .547 cs Vittver , ali , t yinfroll • ..1.2o0•06 Balance on tiaudl ' I.lin 92 I.l.lsvarlaVertilll, I:. T. FOX, =1! k ; , . N. Y., ovarian. their estate. will h. , ..1.ent at a,rourt, of Itabkrurte:; to he hoith•n at•a%o.a, ' ra., In siht 141,trlf:t, On 11 the r4,ll:ty.of Au t - r, A. 1).1177. at. 1. ti clot:. .t. m., at the tallee of ityertnu & Niercur.,in the 11)4- /n1101o( Towanda, ;,, , n.r, , It. A',..Zticreur, Esq,„:•cur; of the ltegisfers in BankruptCy of out phtriet. ' . , \ • .14,1fN 11A1.11. '' jy,l2-21. r. S. ,Nlttrikti for said I)lstrict. _ IN 1;1,1C K 11. LT PTO.Y.=--111 the D is= Irk! Court for the lye"ten t I)intrirl of Penn , . sylvania. Nlerton I.:nub at. of 4ratlford County, a Itankropt tunler the .A.e; of l'on7gres,' of - March ?A, 1,67. having applied for. a )11)tylirirge from all ii , . clet,ts, atil other eatllll9 proeahle tlinierlahl et, by or d er of the Court, motive is`hereby given all creditors who have Droved their,tlehts, and r 1..1'40T1S i1it, , 1,5101. 11 appear on Ihe Ist thy ''si UST, 1 , 77. at :: Weloel:. 1.. M., before If. A. E.-‘l.. 11eg!Aer Ili Irani: tilitey, :I.t. 'llltwne .to ..11t . ,1N,atn , , , , it ...any theyltave, , 4t . it,y a ,1.,,,,1,1 ~,.t. be -.J.q - a1..4 p, the hai•l 17 ! ah1..- :••.. C. Ils.N.'A N rt•Ll:ss . , - • - ('I.;rIC. s around 1.41 y. II : , 'spiliat i • r to :, "di r morel iurri, Pa ,fisilia,t,., • 1.11 ,, . Jul. uly 111. At L !natter I W iti . A. tJavitt. I ltrailt r oid County. - The niolersigto:il an .‘tlltor•appolnteil,-by said 1 l'inirt to ;llstri aut., le toy raised hy the sale.of ti, real estate of , il, .C1,11:1?tf, , Win at end to ti n can.- at his offiro in th horiingli, of To .on il'i" EsnAti. - tin. 7th gla)aif ACI : t•!.,T next, at In ; Ai M., ~ f that rt.'', at which Cline and plaee ail' perSIAIS 11::Vii.g efainis on the fund aforesaid can plesent the sit'n., •, other i%se I. NO iittlirrt.d. It W. 1.. 1 . 1:11.'li, Auditor. Thwanda,alnly la. 15.77. • “ . ‘ 7 A upfrows NoT `'l,.—J. II. /IL chit4m xs, P. W.-Ci!welrat i 1 Fdleri . Cowell. In the Court of Connnowr-leas• of rad tot(' enmi ty. N0..5. - 4,:l , ,diriiary Terra, 15.75. kvi, ''Cllt• innlersigilel._ an-An:liter appol dol. hy salt C.',.hirt to illstrihute.fur4 arbdr:g from le of de fendants7real estate. wfli attend to th ilutls. of Ills preltlon Al IliS 11211. t ., ii.lhe borough of . \miranda, '7 \\., rui SATA:IIDA 1", that :fat i;ay or :I 1.1 .vs ~ .at 1 0•0,..k. r. M., at Whlrli time ar,l place, al l 1 , rsolis lirwitig claims upon sail triads tons: present. hem. •or he for deli:tzar:al f rem ''ein,l in , inyupini the camo. • d.. . . wli. FOY 1.1.7, " ..lutie 21, '77. Auditor. • _ -. _ _ ___ . A. - 1 ' 1)11 ' 01PS .IVOTICE.—In the matter of Mb c:•tate or John Purcell, :Aced; la i the Orphan:` 1'411.11 of I:rail:on' l'onniy„ • Th., Ulliit'l,K9l4 , ti. 311 A minor appointed, illion ea eeptious. alai, ti , lam - shalt assets and inalie distri. Kati , n.irill 'at te.:4l to th , itiallits4d, his appolattniod al his ..iliac In the lanougli of Towands, on . FRI DAY'. Al' fa I'S rs.:4, j•-. 77, at 10 ~'elor l•-. 3.1.1,, at whirl, time and pinee all p0r.,,, a , trarteig ciatins•lipma said 111.1 are rroonacti to pr,,ollt tholu or be ,forever !10irn:.1.f1..111 t W.11 , 111`; 11l `inn the same_ - .1. N . 12.11.1F,F; ' A lultrir, ' July 12, 1A77 NCOIZPORATI()N . - NOTICV. - T., :01 ns:ay roocern : Vile,underrgned enir...n- of .. Trnr an.; trinity I:erelky give radii!, th A t thoy tnf..n.l ('Curt or.conituin 194.3... of Itra4;•ot .1 C a. Law Judge thereof, th... loco:v.41111.n 4leairooii Coveter} loiraasing .m 4 keeping . the sank! In proper condition for a. place to bury the dead. o , ' lam,tv., f; FM. N. NI:WM:HUY,: MUM Holf..ael':7'osl4:lt4)Y. V. M. I:.WpN. E. VA NTII ry rr. r,. N EYNERI), DAVID, 11. . FQRItEST Tro' Pa., ,Inly FP, • , A DMINLSTRA:k.OR?S NOTI'CE —Notioe Is hereby .g,ivett that all pi•rsOns It deliteil to OM estatotof David 11 , mvener, lute' mate iitimediatTe pay ntynt •to the . undershrt - ned, nutl ait.perseas hating . cl• s, against stini ttstat, routtovsetirthent. dilly a het.; tirated, for ttleilmat. : S I :, July 19. Administrator, penile? e lite. A NIST R A TOR'S' N TICE. olive is tterrhy given that . persona in delited tO the e•tati• o: iteoter ay I•ir., late of North 'l'mvatitlit, itrad for Copnty, must make immediate payment to the u,hor.dgned, and all twr.solis having ,•iairiocaraln: .;ald''OStat(t touAt present them, duly autlimitira el.for settlement. '. 11. DECKER. :tune 7-61 v. • . Administrator. A DMINISTR: OR'S - NOTICE. 74otte, , to, given that allperstma tp defiteil to the et:tap of cynthla Jordan, late of 'Mine twli., itee'd. t ost make hum:at:lM payment ' to the underviglie , , per,etts having (13111151 :•gainst said est: , . must present them. duty ituthen . titated..ifor.set •me t.• L. F. It VtiliELl., July Itt., Administrator, pendeitte life. -1 .1 ,4 - 1 X . TO R NOTlCE.—N r otiee is 1 •rebyiglveit„that all persons indebted to the est: eof 4. K.Wright.late of Athens tvi'tylec'ir. must lit - it Itnineillate payment to thenudersigned, all i COMIO haying etaitni,against said estate must Tn• tit them, ilfdy authentmated, for settletnefit. NIA F.. - • ELY ' July Ili; "77. Executors, - • .ettnend the above'w, • F...XECITT - 'SHNOTICE . I, - . IS - OtiCe . jIA hereby tztvOtt - ttatt personn 'lndebted to _ton 4,te of E. “. , 31,•catho, Into of Albatty. dOoetivt. nt , t totttto toonetlinto pa) moot tot ho taktlerttlgtt.,l: tx.rstois havlttg-rialuth azzlost tkiltrostate most prohont them, duly : au ,tlteutleatO, for satilenzcht. - ' R. : .`• ••June 7.6 w. \• • rtfitili• u I or. . . • Itit ISTS. Ea MIM!•!I f;7 SSO fit S 9 11,1 •"'J .52 tr! =I 2:'!,1.1.7•;:vrtc.1m - 0 1 1 1.499 00 .... 119 99 ....11 ..r.r !tr.l Ft •:.fs 42 15' I 9 41; 33 93 . • 40 (91 .. .144,93 1=:1=7131:{1 MEM= 9 I= ,12.,q00 00 '3 370 00 MIMI the th,.; , :ate of L. Elbhree VS. In the Court of Common Pltas-ot t Eat L. BENT " • \ • - , • .(Sueeessor to Kent IIEBiles). =EI Lit -.0 Fi'E R. FOR .TII:Ek NEXT THIRTY DAYS Hl.4\ -ENTIRE STOCK .OF DRESSY\ 00015 S, WHITE GOODS, LINEN GOODS, cfc., itc., &b., AT REDUCED PRICES; ,OVES, lIOSIERY, LACES, ..A . D EMBROIDERIES IN VARIETY.. A LARGE 4T(IG.K OP' SILK it WORS7'.E4) . FRINGES YL'ST RE-CE I VED IMRGA INS IN :_LINEN, NAP K INS, TABLE TO WEL LNG d'e tte • OUR STOCK OF " TITS' ;.AND' CASILIIERES , • - IS tINE (.2 trA L E •\- 2 • • idATD NA V* SECURED / S E I' • *A RP] s TA ILO 11; WE ARE . PR:E.P4RED, TO • CLOTHE - ALA .11710 3111'' TA VOR US /WITH ,THEEIt PATI?6N4 GE: •4 Towandn', Jime 21.1 sr7 J.. 0. Frezt,'s Scia. Ntiv.Goiflis FOR THE OM WE ARE NOW V.EADY A FIiv.,.STOCIT OF -ORNI TURE AT\ PRICES Tb Stilt THE TIMES, .OF Quft • OWN MANUFACTURE, , -WIIICII W INVITE \rat! TO CALI., AND i 1r- STOC. GOOD PART 0 U R ril WHEN 'IN 'WANT. OF ANY, TILING IN OUR: LINE,•GIVE-IjS REMEMBER TUE t CALL PLACE, AT THE .oLD STAND OF . MAIN . • STREET; J. o. FROST'S - O,N 5.• 1, ‘ l BIM TuiFankr, Atirtt 6, 1677 23 EMU 101 /I J. L. KENT I= SPRING TRADE! WM =I i j•. E
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