~ . • , :-. . . ''. • \ • - ~„. / • '," l • .., '' • . •••• • ...',• • , . , • . . '.••••-• • . . . ~. .• , . . .. . • . • ' • • . . , • • ~ -;'• • , . , ' 1 - i i --, , .-•-, . , . ~ , ' -. • - • . . ' ' ? - ' ' - • • - . „ - • i " s: - - , ~ . . - _ • , ~•-.\ , , • „ - • • • ' • ' ' \ ' ' •• • . _ .-.,:1 -. . • . • .. : ~- I , , • - • - . • . .• , ' '' _ ,-.• . , \ • •_ , -•, . . . - s - , - . . ~ • . - . . a , . • . -., - • • l ' ' • V , • . . _ • . .. ... • . , • • :!. • -.. • • - . . • . • , - ~ . ,- • . . , • .. . • . -•- .. -• - s . • • , - • . , • . . . . ' )- - I . . ~, - , . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . , --„. , ' . .. .•_,-.• . - , . - -, ..c • . . • . • . ' ' , ._.% ,:, , • , , . . • 1 . . „ , , . • • . ' . . : - • • - ' • • ; 1,. -• ' . ' 2 , • • - . • , c- ' • • ' - •\ ' ~ . • • . , 1 ~ ' • .. •'• •• : - , . . .- • . • ... . ' • ' - ' • ' ... 7: • . .. . . ' • -,, \ . •,. • . . .. fir • , . ~ . . . • . • •• ;. . . , .., ~, . - • „ . \ • - • ' . . . . . -, • .' I '•-. , . - • . .. . . _ . . . •• . -. . . . • , • . . ~ ' • ' . , , .. :MX and kedicinss, • ..- •- . ,: - . ~..• . . gidirosb„ . , /,'.. 1- •;. ,: . , i nt ent .serves failure, for• he May know if Wagon" and CATSUP:. ~... , l a p ro ,fita z i, i aroc•ifet . - -, Pianos ',starts:2a. . jgritnlftival peiartingid filarafiortal Pe par ...= In order to bee teacher it is necessary -•• - - - . . n* .' 2 CONV:,ENIENT . , ' --:- . • . , ~i ; ~,,,-,.•-• 1,7,, ,, ,, ,-- ,i: --; •-:.",,fkr-l',••••••",- "kione-09%filli . The teach- . HE . IGHEST . . HONORS .., - - R. ' ll. C. PORTER'S , -,_-• •L i , ".- T . . -• ' - . . vrizen VALLE, . AND PA.' & , . ' - J . . : ••. , ' :.-.' 4_4'N. r..90.9i. 110 - AllB.' Arrangenfentet Pg. . ' TgE FERI'II,I7.IIVO VALUE OF Aslipi. E. F.L'Ocutr.ll, 1 5•• , ;i ii i r . l'f e 1 1 .. , _ENiILOUIII. Ch 'notions Orthe, : . ,:',. „. - - '' - -- OLD ' . ESTA.BLIS,IIMENT - . . • • • .at tint . . . . , , •,..,.,. ~. • ~...., ,- • '..r , .. um& Tratini, to take infee stay 14, 1873. - ' Clointnittte different - parti. (Attie body, and know bow. , • • - ' ; • '-'I 4 TEW , ARRANGEME ' NT. - • ' - - • ' ' OLD CASH DitvG:, stets - ~ . - F.--- 'k. ."- ,-(ltiestione.: & -are very often ; asked •,i; A . WlL'r, 3 ' '-• - ''E AnT A If.D.'„ - 1;T :x., I): CRAFT to preserve them in their healthy cop di- STILL TAIrtS: Tin; IN &D t' • ' l ' • . • CENTENIgAL EXHIBITION ! .. ... . . . • • whether - ashe ' are good for sueli.and G. W. Itrax, ' '.Aseociate Pf Edit° . ie. : Lion; and since the body is controlled loy. --, • • . •:, - • ~,.• ••• • ' -:: •' • •-• ..,• • ' • , •-• , . . . Coital' Main asaCrina ate4Afewsnds, Ps. • . : .7 . .. ~,,.. such graia . land. They are - 'good A. A. ll:t•.Ncy, "'-, ' the 'mind, he must know' liow to train - ' • • •-•----" . -- . . Ligabikkid 43 1 W ri Tuarftir-rigresildurifi3 ,• ' 2 . /- . J 1 .1..) Dll for all • Idn '±hf laud. The difliculti• - - • that so aisle prove a binefit to the ptrpil Carriages CHEAPER TIIAN EVER . and play. •. • .. • .. , . , ..: , , . •• " -' - Pnlolniele and Retell Deafer in ,-' • •....-.... -._...........,, ~....„,.. : . 'form Wagons tit a GREAT REDUCTION. , '...... , ' . r .. .:, - : . ~ ~.. .. • The; Judges nnennnintaly reesininen4 tie KEN.. ' - is, there . not enough, ashes .to use . - ' r - ail& the coinmunity in wnich he lives. . DIttION 112EDrCINE13,. oittMICALB, • . - , -..,•,-..., • ' • .I. . . •,• •P.M. P.M. MX A1f.. 1 • • ..ennwitutivations may be sent to either of the DEM-SOUS' P I ANOS t ,, • the _DIPLOMA -OP The mental p hilosoph y, must be practi.• : , ' , _ . ........,. ~, : , •,. ',,,,.,... - ....,..' ~', .. ~., '‘,. T . llwlllima - ed tors ' ' , .• ttoN.on AND .lIF.DAL 1 P MERIT I PI/mbar - 1.. ACIDS, DYE -STUFFS, A lIIATE, '. , , ri il l 1 1 " 1 Ii 6 . T . $lll , . Their ingredients are , tbe necessary' ahuve ellitor, :IS I taly. be Tri,terrell, and will appear -."-. '''''' 1 ° 50 5 ~•:-:.:: : 5 15 2 c In the issue of which he has eliai - ge. cal. No One i•v111 deny that differentipu- , i . , them la the treatimik srl • • .•• t a superior. .• • ' - rZnPUSCEIVIt r iVILET .../.InrA,Ncr fIOQPS: Rochester ..; -.,.....L ' ...i - ...1 6 .00 • constittients . of. plants and soil. ' 1- . , . • a.. A. WILT., Elinor Present Wee& e lls have di ff erent - characteristics and dire ."- - • - - - '.'• - - • : • • - , . have .Applies] them and seen them tip- ' posithins; some \ere' nitire apt iti s lone - j - -,, -~ . .- . . „ .., • • ..: - "..n• IL 0•C Ell Y. 13 TOSII, !- - . Iliteze BiLow eosin:Trio Pon ittalcTLY SPONG4 BRUSHES, BRACE'S & TRATSXs, • - 0n s . , . •A e ub e Uri a , ..• • ~, '' !••• ' ":?,•,,•••;,,•,•:. .7f- : t s. -• 4 7 U 1 ......., 8 00 .. , ' y1952-C1../LBB Isteiti : tie. ti ' ISIOAPe t C051119,,P08A88.8i Vito DPhil, : • Ithaca,,. •• ' , 732 ....i. 942 plied in various quantities, film ' a , i -- f,'T - " , -.'' .. 'VWig - 1 ' _ki . another, while an- j. .„ . -J AINIES•DItYAS; it', An is minicaleatlocatlon'hits induced us toeilarge ' ' for $250 - '. ~" $lOOO : . i ~ HOST 110 EISOCATZ,(II4II, ~ :."- , .., so, 1 for sus ... TETIt,_ SKIN, Ana MAI,II, ITILEPANATIONI3, Owego - '- • • 45255 S - ; ic, t„ 0 . • few litrshelS to nearly one hundred I"mprte : ‘ to . r oi : the o . ld Carr' lase ' Jinn - ufaulory, ' car. Mir' 'toe attd supply ourselves ulth`e full, hue of - 520 9 00i 245 10 6'2 q pki ':'il • • •“1 . in some ether • RAZORS, POCKETACELTEA ; ' s ; ~..,Elnklra,-4, i • ••, '' ''' . ~, per acre, and the .benefit seemed ',.to Rem' before e the Teachers ' .Is - ontttion''Juite . 'B, .ratich of . stn • • a • ~..•.\ s o on. We must ,Mai n . and Elizabeth streets, would call the special ' ' -' .. ' - i . $7OO for $BOO. ' . for $75 1 for $525. ,POCEXT-BOOKS AND POST-StoNNAIF,S • ' -aye' OOS9 35 3,21 1 11 20 S' • keep pace •with the tivantity.l" They - 1377., at Windham. ' have a mental science that will nanitit, us 'attetion of FANNERS and others . to yils tarp, , ,-• :' . _• ~ . . . 18nyrt '' ,,,,f.•..•,. - it 14 914 330 11 30. in deterininipg these dill relives on - shOrt atd, , e o tuPtetelissoftlaetit or ' ' ~.... • CHOTtE. 1 1 A311.i.Y. 111111,00 'RIES " fin •335° ' ' $451 - .•$5O r $4OO. : :t.. MiCABOY lanf - scfrrett ositlart, .'• Att u ri,.-,... - ... .. ...... ...... 820 ,9 50 3 28 11 .3.8 630 ' B'4 11; 49 - . ' toREIGN AND•PONESTIC Cla&Rfi, • M I are •eicellent, therefore, 'to a) 'S - - . . NO .OMIIISSION '76 , 4kt - is:lna. . • 0 40,....... 85412 00 1- 'N.: c; person can .operate successfully up- notice, to that we can go into a sciool . • . .OPEN : AND TOP lIITOGIES - • - : - • NO DISCOUNTS TO TEACTIERS. .., .' GARDEN, FIRM') AND) PL O WER , I I t: vs: lel. ..4 ' a 8 55 1 1028 4 16;1220' • where it is desired to dispense . • • with_ (, a thing, the nature of wh l ich lie does: and form a tolerably covreet \ ldea of :the ~ girls before . - .. . ,e• 11:itF l itt A.B Is 'FOR CAB II'„ - . „ - NO DEIhATION IN PRI 5' . Pure tiTtnes add LlnuorB, for Medicinal Puriosini. Wysaukingi,. • , Ibiniktri;EOLECTlC taiteolitEorATlOlCßElliOnt, .; 4 912 30 fiCandlngStono... ...... .. , . , 4 , 42,12 40 { • tliCtrotible.ot frequent appliCatiOzis- not understand. ' The fattier mast under-,. dia s. positiona of the' boys and . . • ' 1 r'so92-47,, Of 'manure, as on lawns and. ,door- ' • • '' , :- . l ANt i , , , 1 %, . . ,ATi' , 0 . 11 L, 3 1 1 , .. , ',W&GOI , I . - ,--- 7 - . . • . be - . .., , . . • ' - __... • • tux NENDELssuirx 6..1, 84. 1 0.. am u . I - And .11 genuine popular l' tent Medicines: i • 1 k. 1 ,„c i ," 16 ,4,r,,,,.„ 6151 . . ~staticll the nature of the soil he cultivates; n 'Whirr t i base 'a slay in/ditch bbl • cap determine th4t,, you have i bl e k e lr to- AU .61 SIR own ninnnineti n n, ' 5115 •Iwarranteri i t i And which win sous as levy as the saute qesiisy. rightpiaims contain valuable [steins bpd laVrete . •iirronsing, Suit al oh - - ----- ."---. . ' ' . 5 01/12'57 yartis,And Upon pasture where eta- • , • „ • every particular, to be equal to the most expensive man be purchased rui . y.where. T ' • mente_riever bolero Intrude-mu ,it s !Es, .Bittasi Irk to, Wyslaslng • s 121 1 111 / - the carpenter, the kind and metlitt o' f the( seccei:s- - When Yealive that kratritiedge, Mc-manure will not do. They are .. . . - '''"° 4 ' y_ottLivi , ll , haLe no n tre_ s ubl , c o Ttr ii _ et .inall iv . ei ag y; " „ ,i ,, our,- , tit ' ' , 7 11 . L• -' - ‘ ' ''' . *• . . OvEnsTnoNo .13CALE is the greatest advance - - NURSING HorreaS, TZETHING .Iliali ,a • ' - \lf ATIIPSTIMS Nr.Wi TATENT DU PLEY. toiI!PLES, Meta. SHELL& at SHIVA:D.:, , .LAC iu ti n rr er ti s ioi d •s y • • ... ......- ?• • ...... . 11 2 1 5 ' 551 I Xi . i • ri mil i/aa wood h e is working at; and the potter, , ~, , also more required bY some planits • p u m as ilaurliulla roots c . " - • . . . : . • ~. . . In the , history or, nano matins, producing the 8 . - ' • 3 r,,.° 8 h 0 FP , 4 1 •• - lio 401 s ze,t 607 the clay he moulds, before either , can iiro-• • 9 ni. OEI9, : Ba rt rael-8. Uttlowl.a, TO - HHOMIL-. atchnopany •' . . ... 1.....1 A Le( r sty th:iti Others ; :and some - soil§ ifeed One of the t laws of =stare it ' s that • ineet\tateataeseg. power, 'richness and of • • - tit 30 6,3; 223 duce,any ad.vantageousyesults , ;., , ••' '.. '- like proil • nee - s)ike.'!.. a yoltiallaraNnSlina A , - • • • .- • • •i . wiles an'd silltimining singing quall‘ever bigots, ~ • 'T.lttl 6. Er.seric SToCKINGB,.. ..: ~ . • Tillikhantiock ' .atirranre• ..... - •S 43 2 32 . , thtr,lll more than others. • New, land. , ; • attained; being ii“ Grand Piano in a nue Case:, K- - OSENE O,R. COAL , IL. ' Fags .- - • ..... ..,.- 15 by I 44. ' • 'r.lie huntali Rijn(' ...should certainly re- parents are honest, your scholani and \ , 7 .:... - • . -. THE MEN DELSSOIIN CYRIOU . aro the Wro ; z.. CIIIMNETS, BATII RICK, , I,r,Allaalue Allentown i h : C r w e t. :: :I: 7 . .... ~ .... 7 ... - . ~.,...741 - 2 1;r1 . 29 7 : e iv : for instance - Outs a good supply. Ohl ''. • , we keeli On 4nd the, finest fri America. , They are pronouticed . the I .PI- ' celve the same attention from those who children wi , ~, „ y _ ~ 11 be honest - if you are deceit : NOW \ZiOW IS YOUR TIME To 131.1 Y! . .. ,seat et Ihe Future." SPialf, • ..,AliD; WHALE, N ATS ;FOOT W i n C es-115 Ti 5 •I'• - • , ••• .. .. -. 1 - 2 • 1 1 .7 ‘ 04 : I i . ! ~tl , . • -, • • ‘ Soils, eSpeclidly thoSe of clay, are , they will Ixt so; if you are f they ‘, - , • 1 • . TANNE tli.1141) MACI - E OILS, ' are to guide, it for weal or woe. That the • MANUFACTORY AND WATIEROOMS t , 31tos,lienefitt,ed,• and, if holding eon- will be frank; if' you are religions, tliev _..t. - .- Look ist, the Dawns. and remember that ereti. CHOICEST : BRANDS -.- .• ... 'ALCOHOL, OD SPOllts unrEscisin, c • ' Bethlehem .•... i.-... 3 03 730 Estes whiel), tiverry and ic,ontrol; : inimil ail 41. be religtoleikityon arlyinipatient and, ,wehtole s warranted: . Nos. ifICS• 492, ',4114; 41M1 and 498 West 57th Pueet. • k „ .1 - dri'.ll//e. carbonaceous material like • . .. a . i • OF, FAMILY FLOUR. aii . ..,Paint,Va , ish,W leztash, Coienter; r.l,lsfitatoii, ~..... 6Co ~..., 8 4 i... .. .- ~ . . . . . '• - sod 'and vegetable refuse, all the bet- more. (Iffir6l4t .t - til , o,turtrOilielid Ali - ii: 44 ifietfulilley vtikbp 84 If troll arc b4er - ' • t • lat.a7irottst wA00N5......... ..... .sioo toter° ' • ter. :Ashes are a, mineral and want laws of the soil, the kind and quality of egted in the ' Studie ' s, th e *lll be interest. lx 3 k w if °PPM BUIIIIES • so `i too . ' - .. .. . - . • . • .i. z . 5 .. 150 All sands delivered free of chair In the borough. illustrated and deseriplive Catakre Maned- free. - .. „rind ni,/•hala ~ of brusheir- . __ __ _ ,_ - r Harm, Ma 8 e Scrubbin g New York..'" . I 8 53 111 30 N'Oe-triv• - see, 1 4 14 NU, us alio no tote 'Avenue. . 8 . • PIANOS SENT ON TRIAL._ ~ . P.M., A.P4.si• - 3LIP.M. • . .. e(Yetable rifiitter,to act - upon ; hence' th e wood Or clay. mak es it more aPparent ed; if you aroi.selfish, they will . ~ . , you are kind to them, they- will kuul TOP BUtiG ES . WINDOW AND C TURE i ,,I, CLASS, • they are - a Partletilai - benefit , upon that these who. have to do -with mind- • . • atExtorr.ssonst . PIANO co - of all a ea. _ ---.., - • 'i - 1 . 9 .• , to y ou ; you are consistent, they wilt be. • _ „ - - STATIONS.. , =tests'; tari ff s . arid fieldA Where clover shmild give it their most ca.refulconsider- consistent. If: you want to govern your -l ' he i r i ri e e . 6 , 6 : o " rv i r a ft e r , l r A l u cni 4 . ; thet - tif nimn l fact aie' ' . '.• •' • _ . •• : Bustutiss Orrles- . PUBIC LINSEED 11., PA 1 1T, i, piITTT, A- k li .-- 8i• aOl 2 1 . 1 - -_1 .. - 'h es been ~; •rown _and : - are stiperior ati•mi and study. • You would call a mein ItilidlaLgovle s ti ybfirae U. do' you wish to , la disposed:of, so you most tua t° ge n ie M 4 n e :V ‘ o t ll lk . • - 1 '• . ' ' f "..-"...--- . , . - ~. • • . No. ES Roadway, New-York , ' . . ' VARNISIIX i: - t -," ' • of °drafty" be Indus- . . . . . . , . • Dein n'e tinpnwe neon by .intertar Work and • '• . Mr . e also . coatinue the ~ . \ , 'IW Y MIX.'Et! PSNTS ' . ! ~,,,s, ,;. , : • / 7 / .. : 1' . .,51.1A.51.,A.81•.tA../‘: . upon clover itself: •It may be said a f• - )01 to begin the practibe 'of law without t each rioue r''' you gl re ei :• "l -1-kti-' ,. , , a a e - l a",tb - -em to b e e bidi„ ..• . - .. Febrt7. - • OF Y DESMED COtio . n. , . • i, e w 'l r. " ..... ,' "•' 6 all } 1. 6 .16 they a?ford a special - manure fOr the' oinking due preparation by studying its ,o - us, by' ' lielbk 'studions' yonrself. Yon poor materials, but,purchaseatt thb establishment - . TWANDA. MUSIC EMPORIUM I - ~ . , 4 .. .- - BY Tlf POUNIi, PiNT OR . • LLON,, hilade phia....... s .8 08 1 -. 8 151 Ealdon 0 57 I 30 • . , . . _ ClUVers as well as, .nertahly,:for pota- principles and.thaxims• a man. a quack, j must be panatual, if you' expeet'your pm- Which has heen.iii operation - ale nearly half a re m- - • • .. ' . . . • turrand Is pernianentirlocatO. 'on irn In .on. on vaililSl, . Betlileheui...,:,.C. u bui ito & -• • , BAKING' BUSINESS, . , . . '- AN DRY cot.ons OF ALL Mt, ,S. Atlentown ..74.. - . _ .. 10 el, 1 0 421 • , • • toes and for toot ere )s iiV k general. to begin the pm ctiee!of medicine without , ells to be p u nctual. You can teach them ~, • . • . 'Manch Chunk .... .........., . II 05 ll )5 Ft.tr wheat they atford .an excellent h% '' t - t 1 - . vatt, , a ~eia led a coursd . of lectures and , : neatness - and cleanliness by being so your- •.. , . 1- • • •. . ' • 4111 rtiiies reaefaiited'es represe ted. .! . .IS'llkes.iler,re ' - • 1 15, 7.20; 1 551.1. 7 . EEPAIMA:I PROMPTLY ' ATTENDED . TO. i • •• \,•' • . ' • Cor Main find. Pine-sta. 1 . ,,, , #B. Janeti0n ; .......... 1 AS: 7 as) ti 20; •' inanum strengthening' and. brighten,' • •[self. :, ' .- .• :, : - - - . - a dipionm in iiis pockl•t; and' a Man an I Thin is a gesitlaw of mind. Exereta- --- ' - - • ~ Anil our customers eau rakers ' - • ' - • . : . , . Ere riptions carefully eilfnponnuled at an \Amin et d and night. Open Sundays for l'reScriplions f "'„, ( l l B ,:;,;''',' . . • , ... ..... .:- 2 19 51 2 2 5 4 : • .. - - • : • , - •:. . , . . • . • , . . .. .. •.i g - . lag, the straw, as ~ is seen in recent . . ~ impo,ter, to preach thc.Gospef.witlioai ing.a certain faculty of Mind will excite- • - ,•Ostes And Factory eor.llrairl WA Elizabeth streets. - - . • • orb eto ie, A. 14., 12 to 1 ar.d sto 8, e.n.-onaya.V. ; ',,,Aiu% - ona ,12 15 8 491 a tat tbrest clearin•rs *here ashes are . a . 1 having - stmlied the Itible, the lora's the - like faculty in atiettier.person: - . : 1-. _ FRESH 'BREAD, - • ' , • • • 1 •- ' • • • - _ __ , a erie 'pally • a la,' a 33,• , 144.rrre ing,redient in the soil. They prayer, ' or• the' Apestlels.,Ct•eed; 'and 1 • .The success' is with ourselves, and the , . . ',.., . ..• - . - . , r III:ILIC NOTICE..- I, ' JOHN ' 3t., ~ .1 ' '''''' ..„ pen i 9 101 AJIO'. FRESH BISCUIT, - ' . II ANN AS, being a Blacksinith by trade, bar • ' 16 . - ttia• j he drilled in or sown broadeast, would dill a erson . whii , be g ins to . t.ca . :l - , ; fa _ilure is Owing to; a failure of properly 1 ' . ;understanding the n a t u r e, of the • thing ' i . . . .•' - A t --f... t. .I„4„,ats UHT A N'Tj , " .• . . . • - . . often felt the want of soute,naeams•wherelty I eMild r 1 ' soften 1, on at the forge, so 'that I cored work 4at 1\ • :wit to almost any amount. A feiv , . • ' ; • a butter advantage. this induced me to make. Many ,/,' . • school, Without haviag , a, proper khOW.I, - ;OPciated upon. We might • say much r . • •' - ROLLS, CAKES ,• - - '•, . , _ experlinefits uith di ff erent taibstanCeswltielietferedy It bushets per acre of hard Wood ashes and :lii - :thit gin:e'rii - lilac, but ' time. w5l not , permit. .Allow Towil•da, JunC'"' • ll' IR" '''''' ,' . .- • • the beat prospet•ta Of success , It. was on 6110 (.4r S 1 ' -drilled in a clay loam well charveal edg.e of mnn ' , a the '\ AND - PIES, • ' noLnzs & PASSAGE", . ' theso °centavos that I dlscoVered '. . ...y," AV I , i_bi heli''' ,. pii3" : •sic...lly, !tient:illy and moral-- . ,me to - recommend one book to the teacher • with rotted. veaetabl Manure will ;an&•parent that will assist therm in iiii- ATEW CARRIAGE FACTORY ! • , • l'' e•. • • • .. • • TIIE. WoNDVAIFUL EFFECTS OF .ELECTIIO I ' wholesale so - A Retail dealers In all k ads • • sti..lc . o.N Cr 0.; I'll E Ill;NIAN SY'sr) , mt, liave a inarke - d effect, lid more, will I.YI 3 .'''''' ,- a.'o"" 4 '. ''"•''''lll/P""ter• , deratanding the - lows of 'man, believing - 1 - 11 . -,i. - Everyday, as casual. TIM lawyer has to-do With the property that if ! stittlied 'diligently' end - practiced East of the-Reporter Office. \ . • y . r • have a conitnensurate benefit. lieeefi ,•' '' 4 -- . _ ~ ' efi ll - 4111 terid to - tasks editeition On • ;1114 rights of riiS . elientSl the physician, ear Y 1 - . . , - • - ' :• • •-. ' : ' . ' . •I , • , / . I had a defect in three of iny flnierto, which wore • is •a coininott Wood for fuel, and this • FIbLIY a ORDERS fan `.1.1C-IVIV3 .1.V.,1).. ~ . a proper basis and crown many with sae- . • . / , ' bent, or shut up' in my hand In such a triantiM: by with the betty of his patient, largely. affords an e.icellent ash, V . ery . and the di- • PARTIES :I . sIiPECIAL TY. • ~ - ' the emilraction of the cords. Mit they/Were very Incv, With the morals of his MSS who ' now fail for want. r o d proper ' ~ - . - 'MUSICAL INSTRSIENTS ' Ovablesonie tO too In my daily avoeatitin: I could . • • litli in potash; with a .good prOpor-Parishioners; knowledge oft 'he thing they operate up- ' ' .. . • '.. • ' . - not handle icy tends as i wisto•il • and often 1; , I. • • . . .. • • , - , • - • thought that I bleat have them ent.ia to get on•,n; -,, lion of phospnornt acid: Let 'all bp lint the teticher has to (19 with the body, on. That book it C:onibe'S Co.nstitntion , Mclntyre- & Spencer . • .... -,..---- •• - . • . . „ ~,,,:t nr zdy way. 1 Irad'uscil everytbltig that offered' used .121 at be saved, and never reject Inherand s•itil.. I w•ruld ask tart teitchers of Ilan , • - . tim Respectfully announce to the public that they are . . - ' ' . . • - AND 2 . . any hope of roller, but all to tioetrect. Well, 1 say; ,' , _ • WO AA teachers add. . per urns: - • .. . I wai'working- With Ele etro oil ' , on at the forge,. ' leached ashes, which are nearly . Its . and feu - tarts present these questions : 1)6 . , ~ . . . , ~ • - , derstind the fiCte . nett - 0i rigns - living, feel- - prepared to all "'HIS of . - • 't • ' _ , . and orcourse could nut peeve, ells contleg'ln com 400 . d its the unleached.-E.rt•holtge. -you know what you are doing ?• DO - you 11,g and thinking, and we meat teaek - FAMILY CART:IA(IES, iOno 'Door North of Ward-Heirs.. ' . SIIEE MUSIC, • • tact with my hands. •• • ;. \ 1 . TOP AND OPEN BIIGUIVA, - • . '". , 1 todk• no notice of the Ifeet It had predueed, •-i -,, . ‘ • , ... onderstaaul the nature of the thing you - this to our pupils and ebildrent Children : t , . until one illy wishing. to/ `se a heavy hammer, : I =--.1"1.--•-- we PHAETON . & PLATFORM SPRING WAG(4I4„ . .. . '• ' s • creep, then „walk, run Wad - Neap... - • grasped It with my crooked band, and touch timny ;I •••. al"e .ipol'iltilitz iii . onn '.'• have yeti any idea * TROTTING :SULKIES A -SKEI.ETONS, D. W. SCOTT a CO. ' , • . • , - . • surprise I folind my crooked' fingers sti;alglf,ten t , - .or the !sits that govern and cOntrol-maii„. ? a t not expect them to spring into•full- . . . . • . . . f i n .h vit ri i i t n th t. e public to au examination of their mash , • . II ged perfection with all-their pourers, , Made of the best matte real and in lute 1 t tyl • - c' t m: ' i t'l l a m ' t • a l:f !' :e l a Pd s t. o ll and hail, i t 'e a n l l '. li;: - / 11 0. "n n Y). 71 1.13.' at3.sgeC of e lli r c .t e' r ‘ u.1 .1 1 0 4: 1 Y c. ' 1 1 .: ' , 4 : 1';d : a 4 ..' 1 11•Yskally, mentally ;11)(1 morally? What and e't abirti '9 under welf - instruetea All • work warranted to giro perfect hatisf .e ac a tio g n•. a. ' Towanda, March 13, lirrf. • h .p it.: . - ... • Q. - T .- EVENS At LONG . ..,..a. happy tliOuglit , it would be, coald we zordnand , . - - .. . . . . - . : . The questiant was, What had prraltored this . • • - • , , . st teach them to lab t . wonderful effert • Every act was recalled, and after ~,., ( 1.) ;:,' heal' each teiiither and parent in the coup _ - • --- -7----- - . twledge and develor • 0 • ': . . - . a lung and care, Id Investigattom lat last made up " t y answer "tentlifitlly in - the, ailitinativ..d; .. . i - • • my mind that,nty good fortune hail been caused by ..--,, ...., to an' 'en- - eeptible sibps, ar . . . - , . . . -z Ifow i; would tin out . hearts With jory.' If' lon(tbey will f . nit:TV:O .S. SPECIAL. • • • , ariiiers . ; that (lay T 1 WHOLESALE & RETA.I.II • - •,E , L EV TR 0 ~5 , ILI b O N ,tili , , wore.true, iri WOtihl hope to:see th'e • (mien, in •o• t r „,f 7 i 6 .-•,"h, ore. Alle'ittotenar B \ ipliotes: . to return.. Fariners wii bavo moot this best Caning, Painters in the • - ' i - ' j ~ • . loille . 0111;1111 'hymn - day. If it were true, \ysidally, r country, and de all work in this line at the lowe/t • . • • . - . aci lt i l ic Y b a l e .gutri P etr7l a'i dtie ta tt L i l • i . ' w ' •td i t . it l'' sd%Z;::it b Z --t 1,-, _ __.....1•71., :ode out of What is left af- this wo• - - . . f , • • The 'celebrated - that everybotti viand WA. IL 1 nuoleililigent searrks I through g r ., t i . t v i e i r i 3 , l:r. u . i .:r i, t , f t . , :tt a i n t i l l . ..ea t gi l i t c .. airl i l t d a throw ,er .1 , t i t , 3 l : F ..‘wyers, doctors, ministers and " c w""hi nu 111 " re ht';•n: orerirne..eorrAP - , in . eel -• • . Dealers in • . -.,..4. - . - • . - nierclunits are so , rted awl pecked out. ti'-"' and ""''cr.V.' / J u t aiai: Low different. s -11 - - . ~ --.•• f. • • - or PM ' latle1 ( t7l . . i . ' :t rk tl i .' 7, " :: '0 1i 8 .1 r 0t: 4 3.15 and•T, 55 • lb(' piodulo. I need not indut it. 'You •. ~ - . • . . cHOICE FAMILY' GROCERIES, MATIIUSHEK PIANO ii, , •,110. 1 1..,k, I imitol a Way by U131,11'11. (; , •111.111u• /1. ,p. n), • • .' . " • .i. :Lull if a inati fails on a farm lie is , - an .knots of ' , ... , . .. . - The result was perfectly sati , fartorsatal .:1 Was • • 1 : 1 5. , 1, , t0 succeed in-a store ; for all know what it i,. • • . • . . , able to make a iiiiiwiii, ,the Rico the .world has _ , • \ RE P 5... IItI N ii •-• . , . ~ never'seen before. I- now began to levk'sawtit, tee - I ` ^ ft thriv- .ID order to nntlerstanil our antics, more - . . Continue, to be' the favorite viithlfuslentns,..and . - • • , the Instrument, as Its merl y ts will be apparent to , all ., , well sustahrs thelligh reputation earned. It 1. 11 „, fl * (.3'4'819 try 111"1,26,t of 11 on Olhcr , • N., ' . its .. 1 thpiiiit:zlily, as teachers and pare*, we' Neit.'iy and javiaptly done at reilueid prices. • :- , - . . -.- necessary to gii Into any extended description yf . h. , ti w a(l o a . ri a g i b , le , i e r Ilving about:amine front. my 'w•111 gia e a ii.r.v 111.itiglits ill relatirdl tO . •• of L E I.F. II C I T It l. I : l l .l( k. . ' t e N "' 1 e ..715 '1 1 b !7: : ;: e ::t ' i rr :l ". :l 1 trr t - t fault J. ...s., , t. 3. Ifaitimig now springs and rePairing old, ones • ing rentraeteil .I.v rheumatism. I sent him a hottle man, _lala int.:" at his tratitre. carahilitii7A, COUNTItY PRODUCE , - on examination. • ' -.ter IS, 1.11111, 1.1-C - iS not sat- :tin; the lows that .4ii'crit and control hini specialty. All work gnarantood, P1e.0.0 give um a ~ • • ~-,_ .• . call. ' . ' hint lunge It thoroughly. Ile did u,, bud' at the.mar.l ,- . ..act.l to make farmillo c - if 1, - --:- • . • . • . • of three mouthy he )vas :knio to I lin.or aside his canny , . '. ' .GRA IN, &C. - - . . 111111 valk to myishop appriretiy as wall as ever, It ....) ,3IeINTYRE & SPENCEP.„• • had worked Just as It did in my ease- y • ' - , PtamiNG As ; A:DusiNES).—A •ma7n who ix not smart - enough to" run 4 stoN,'is not smart enough to run 11„, farm and do it successfully. It used to be thought that 36- fool couldbe a farmer;'hut no*, thanks to an - 'en lighteuol nation of fanners, that day is passed never to return.. Farmers are not made out of what is left af ter lawyers, doctors, ministers and -merchants are sorted and picked out. and if a man fails ,on a farm he is not likely to succeed nr-a store ; for it regnires more talent to be a thriv ing.farmer -than it does to be an ai-- erafge merchant. One great fault with the tianier is, that he-is oot sat isfied to make farminti business, and-to Ono!' his whole soul and abil ity to rmiky, his' 'business • pay. Too many'want).(o keelrstore,ipeddle or 't4peculate-one Way or 'another' .and neglect the farm ; pd-whenever a• man does this, ruin will be the ineNC itable result. • ._, Another great cause of failure, is too many farmers keep too .much land. Large farms arc all right if you have 'large capital ; but large farms and sinall capital ;will not do. A farmers' capital js skill and inoney. If •hc- has,little cash he Must 'have no more land than r im can thoroughly Manage by his personal labor; every acre•beyeint that is an inctunbrance, one acre well-worked is more profit :dile than twenty acres skimmed over : for a half plowed, half harrowed field will not produce a good - crop o*;any thing unless it is weeds. It is this g,ried Mr land that keeps sb ',Many poor. • Small farms worked well are the kind that pay best, because they suacti to the =pi t.al ;Of 'the goi r end farmer.—liermantown Telegraph. .DAERYINO A BENEFIT TO LAND.- - Tli most sections of the 'country,' . films are Much improved by dairy . ii,_. Those that run can be made„ , fertile by, a dairy of as many cows as can. be' kept upon therm FOF instance, take: the fine (Wry district of central New; York, as Herkimer County, trlwre the'plow is but little used on trianv dairy farms, after becoming in g ‘ o•s. condita 1, their owners depehd cutircly on their butter and cheese to ,uppoit their families. ' The great 414 alltlty or manure inane GU Oleg! farms 'enables their proprietors to bea.vdy fertilize any,,field that they desire to pro* up, on -which they • grow One. or tAVO crops and re-seed - it, and in a few years they'have their. . farms . in. splendid • condition, and I . ‘ Wirth double andAreble what they were when dairy business was Com- Pnfoic'ed - upon tthem. 1 . My advice, to • farnier3 e-veryWhereis , to keeplill the ows:that von can •iirotitably. Not to boy many at 'first 1.4 to obtain ' Vajl fleolt:c.oill, and raise vont. own dairy by degrees.. Don% 'begrudge •-• the ori!rinal' expen-st. that superior .stock fluty cost. ,I 'may' make you feel that you havOnade',3 ,InhZtake in paying,Tioth 3io to $l.OO a . head for a few cows that gave, 20 quarts tif,inilk a day but Niith a right hull you•will soOn" have all your -money ciunin* back to 'you. in' a ,spljndid young stock that you will rition have. • Dt.O.iNe; WITH THEt.v.Af ter.the l+itain bah heen made. Were `* - re other-4 points which are important. The man has eoritractedlo do 'certain thinig4 r 1 certain I,niount of money.: ifhc `floes less. we expect to lessen his, pay_; but he does niore ; . J,do we increase it? If he quits work :Italian hour oceven an hour before: - sundown, it is ofteit the cas'e ; that a - dednlioa: is Made .trombis pay: but if he *of : Rs:atter sundown, (nlit we 4ot by the same ride to pay extra for it? li. is , often'the case that for .-special'eausestotinish ul3 a piece of plowhincr. so as not to need to bring up .and harness the horses next ‘day-L-40 brhig an 'extra lead. *or ?:two of )fay in atnight-we ask and re ceive an. hour or two or .extra work. Is not this as much upon mir side of . tlic bargain as the loss, of time .Was on hi If it is fairly understohd that iii 'return for such favors the man ma,y have a half or a whole ti at a lei:Mutime, it, will be far from lost, anil trill increase his Willingness • to In so again either for you or his next employer. l i man who. will L wait at the "lem 'end " of the fur row because tie Cannot, get clear around again before sundown may be set down as worth three dollars per month less then one Who does not, for this exaniVe,.-is the key to -his whole characiter:f If we were 'niore enact 4nd etireful .on these • iklints slvUld see a markpa proverneutl -- in our 'hands.—Corre.- Cotinirq Gentleman. name is alway s better than a name, and a name in -heaven is nocir tpot ter than a thousand namen on • - 'I . ; ar , d thiigwikprtribOLll of . th ese Is to deli withlGodln' eCt'et; nitnot - Inte - n' e:tt - on- a tiarni,nim, - ^-1 in places, for which they are:-not At-1,1 1 : 1 Knie: ‘ 132/2 7 141naar4vidAL )14u1F,x... It has been sanl thai - man is but a.iit- 1 tle lcm er.t ban th 4 angels." Another says tliat he is' .t cronjohpmi of half animal hall angel: mhile . n'tliird says he is an :int- , mal posses s ing reason. We might ply- these definitions, 'but think from those alroady given and from our own obser,4 , .film, it will be evident that he par4lies if several natures. These Latnres are physical, mental aad -moral. to which we might properly add a sue:al nature. With6ut the physical, the others could uut'ezist,, or at least mani fest themsrelvek. 'So far v.se are bat mil-. mils,; as animals, we are the feeblest and is t , lelieat 0 and helpress when lirst b;somrlit into exi,tenee yf all creation. - ; • AV( consider ,hat it. takes twetme years before! a person will arrive at t eir ttiajtity.. or in other words we by con -' _o mon consent-say that it takes twenty-on yeti beeotne men 'and kronen. To educate this' :tnimal l to become a man is the (hay (If cart teaeher and parent. As tier pity'-deal I , eing is the foundation. of sociality, MentalitY= and spirituality-, and thi. means through•whieh these man ifest. t heinsetv( s, it is important•that the body ho a ~ ,( s)(11;ne, fun the larger, strong- Cr and healthier the 'body, (other things being equal) the .stronger and healthrer the mind. We believe that The Grad C A gtor intended-that man should he a ereatare with a healthy body, strong mind to think, and_healthy moral powers to control the others, and possessing t liese—happy. . . IVe`thittl: alF:o that . wite.‘ . l the Creatot th,-_ , _;ituAi it to he thils, : lie established cer tain tides , ter laws by Avhich he should he .L O - - , 1 , 24,1. au& it these were. implicitly titieyed, he cc , athl he and if they disregarded ainis . vhilated. the result N 1.1,1,1 be pahishincet and inisvry. ' Lchcti in , . iii•tly In the truth of` . these that . in ( ! riler tt, \% It PI:111. to ' I:dill...ate 11111. in OW WaY-41.. .111t1 br. t , i Iporate successfully skintil‘• Nve must under: 11 . 11.1 r - shall I begin, yeti I,%•hcre can these laws be 11'e the lauguage of • .7 K:1,..- :;., ~ 0,:: , ..-,r : 10.-:,uoeifii.o to srao; :1 •, 1 .,:•.•r ,:,•:y •:. ,1,t0,:q..11. , s titi.".':- 'Ft' ithi',.,w thyself is. the hey:tote. Without lino , Ail;g you:`nlf-yow 1,444 ../.10t be able to kiloW MT !otill"V 1 , e11300. ': r ;, ',' ''. 2 .: ;-: Yfio MiIISVIORVII•t hat : voltNi , ere - broilfzlit' litt'o f Id , worl;I a puny and he pless being, to inalie 1:11 'WTI yourNV: nts only, by. Inzintvlli, , ,lld.e vies like' any thitnal; and that In e.,.n. alai attention of the Tart of you I,i:etas, you gri•wtaiitlj ..ztAtal strong it. le , iiv;.tiiii.iiiinii. Y.spi must learn also that ,tar +., : i* 4;0,1's gi.ctit hates is growth atithiLcay\ y,,,i were created ,witli the t:ttp. - tbility if growth and. activity: Bea l r in fi , hl,l tlett activity weans growth, and in.li-f iv ity tie t •ay. . ", . . „ . hie It - a4111:11, palTlq.s should linow that iii iiiiler•U pupils arid chil dren, they must. rive tbem r proper exercise for.the,bOdy attii tilin g. It is the duty of the edit:atm . to ,n , ,vide suldi exercise \C ill - give work. to' the several natures of man. , We canii4t . educat; another. 'En li must it.forThimself.Lir- tersel& Ire can only provide the nitans,, , create such eiivionst.u.ees as Rill assis 'each one t o I educate himself. All we tick d .do is ii) give the Lo:,, and aia, chant. We do. lo , t belong to the cla s s who be' 'eve tht. the boys are all bad, and good on • when taught to he good. We. -do belie o that the,l,oys and girls are all good, lizru ajr When taught to. be bad. If - •ou were to place a Litt yr girl \ ip "a narro dark cell, and keep lin' in it for montlis he would heeorne pale and feeble for want of sunlight andmkercise. ou give sanie lad it (113111 W 'amt he NOP opt npou the street, kicking, jumping, tlisrow ing dust, playing - in- the mud, or snow balling a passer-ly. •• Vithe'n y uu tiLi this, you gvc the boys a Chance to develop. Trieir physical nature reqiiires this exercise in order to grow. The bop: anil girls require such exercise as ,N% ill develop the. whole of their bodies.. \I(01 would not wish one member develop i.(l the exiwnsi) "i;j - the other, but tee ; should seek . lOra harnionitals dev'elopMent of body and mind.. It is possible that a pNson way have a strong, healthy, liar-, 11101, developed 'body, and not tx, There may lie no mind to -direct But a strong, healthy-body is the lontitiatiun on width a strong and vipiioas mind must be built Clio ualyi, g rnyvti with the;btly itittt quirk sixertOee•impliier reiaiUe a the hotly: The body . regaires - food-to sit engthen-iti likewise must the mind be furni,hed nigh fond for;nourishment and owth. ' The teachers and educators arty a kiud of cook, to- prepare the -food- for the minds of , - the • punds under their charge., lf 'this to the Aitse . 'we sb know how to prepare it . so as + table and at the same -time' r strengthen the mind. There much in having the food for well sekqted and prepared,, as having the food. fur< a'good. iirpare:l and ,cooked. -Spine Lucy : others du not. 14otee to how to ..4?:tke the stuitiarith..l intprestikt"; t4bers Rio wit.) tinkms Im - .6 . . teofht.s•etit - it' intert•Aing t has Vii' lortitatMeind :out will our who o f oi Qthnot make it intembi :yr p.iidtorlinylvarr ns.. of its intellectual character, We must teach them to labor np the hill of knowledge and develoromenttiy,al l . Most liziperceptibleseeps, and that by this Slow transitiondlidy will ‘ind. theinselves Wien and , wont**, in •organization and. formation, physic:ally, mentally and mor-, ally. Nature this works in her vast la boratory of inin , ral and vegetable pro- . dtictions, no less than in the animal and mental :life. . . Non must info itrn year pupil that while it - is his duty' antliprivilege to nourish the body,•yet that to cat and drink is not the chief good-of life:. that the entire Man may be debased by the indulgence of ap petite; but to nourish the body so as to insure health and the highest order of ihysical and mental development, "teach \ t em eq, imitate the. simplicity of 'nature, di ler the tight Of: Physiology , and' the wor - is, done' '. Te. ehers, endeavor tounderstand your selves,‘and the laws-that govern and con trol your actions, mentally andlnorally. Get a practical knowledge of them and apply and - use them fir - the school room, and make yourselves Masters in jour pro fession. Each one of yon resolve' ithin yourself that you will be , a first-class teacher, and go to work with a ivill ; show by your work that you are / working for the advancement of mankitut als well as for the ,paltry • dollar. EndeavOr to live and to teach in accordance-with the laws of nature, and success will crown your efforts, runtyou. will 'receive the reward, " well done." • - Watches, Jewelry, lie. - ATCHES, • JEWELRY, ALVER W • • • m. HE NDL MAN, Dealer In • FINE AMERICAN AND WISS GOLD - ANpl3iz.v s ipiXell Eft, an . d , FINE-JEWELRY. SILVER WARE, SE IME:1 WiLING SILVER PLATED WARE; CLOCKS, FROM PUE CHEAPEST TO THE BEST. sapT.D, SILVER AND STEEL SPECTACLES & EYE GLASSES. One door north of. Dr. Porter tt SOWS Main Street, 4 . TOWANDA, PA., ll= I NIEW JgWELßYiSTallji,' W. A. ROCKWELL Towanda, Apr 4 ll2ll, 1577, NEW CARRIAG P t FACTORY! TOWANDA, PENN'A. lIENRY STULEN Respectfully announcsa to his trhlnti and patrons, ttst !is has built a FEW BUICK .C.h.IiIitAGEFACTORY; • *bore he i, constantly keep on hand a full assort ment of FAMIL r . CARRIAGES, • TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, 1\ PLATFORM WAGONS,:.- : 1 iTIIO TING SWEYS, AND SKELETONS' Undo of thethest material and Ilnisho4 hi the beat city style , Ills tong experience In city Car- ; fine tu, tortes Oven hint a decided advantage over others in the TINISIi k E+li'l,E AND DUILABILITY • , • 1 4:11 ir•TOpS. II be asks ta'an 13.1$PECTION OF \ IIIS WORK .t Previonsto purehaslnvelsewhere. '4 \ t . ALL WOW; WARRANTED \ TO. GIVE • PERFECT SATISFACTION. ' Thankful for the liberal patronage (avert,' ex tutted and restieetfully ask a contlnitanc7 the tme. . 'AIRING FROYTTLY ATTENDED T O 1, . t &C • HENRY STULEN. T 13-74-tIV AT REIIUCI PRICES THE CHEAPESI MO N .TOWAN DA IS' IN MERCUR l SCYTHES, GRINDSTONES, I !ORES, FIXTURES, . MOPES, - &C., &C., &c., Cheaper Than at Any Other Place! , tihavo always, on-hand Repairs for the youzia Mriunion and CuAsims;:Mosi - ing Machines. PERRIGOS SIDE MIL PLOWS, MI Ail kipds of TINWARE on livid ant Tin work of all Una§ done at lowan prices. towands, Juni, Its, Ica NEW -STOCK, Opposite the new• Jall, / Earaware. HARDW, S 1E STORE Farmers can buy their ', . SICAtIIS7 Rest in Use. H. T. JUNE Gmeriet. OF GROCERIES! Choice selections of U! EMI=I Having a"large and conamodionststorems are pretiarthl aG all,thaes to carry a fame stock. CASH PAID FOR BUTTER, \ onAtm AND PRODUCE Or taken 1n exchange for gicels,•an loweat cash pri ces. Our lotig experience In the Grocery Trade 'gives nepecullar advantages In purchasing and its we are not ambitious to Meat large profit s offer ourselves ,that we can offer • GREATER INDUCEMENTS TO Boyars than auy tither' establishment In Northern Zennsylvanla. . _ - STEVEN'S 4!‘ LONG. • 00ItNEM MAIN A BB,TDOE ST.,; - \ GROCERIES PROVISIONS. . . McCABE & EDWARDS, Cnsh.tlealers In in kind!' of GRO,Ct4IES• & • (;',NE DOOR NOR7.OF CODDING k RUSSELL ' Towanda July 22. 4.1175 inas24. EC= NEW FIRM AND NEW GOO' N. J. Madill lied no of CM BABA. TOYS, TOYS I HOUSE FITILNISHEG GOODS! t • A gre;sc variety of LAMPS,' LANTERNS,. ,CHIMNEY! DITARTURE! E 133 Sewing Ninehlties of the leading makes sold for. Carh AL *tore, at wonderfully low pricer. MA:CHINE NEEDLES OIL f4A DIES, cif ElsiTS Are Invited to look over onr assortment, as wean! determined for do all to our power to "pleasu. Re member the place, NM "OLD CDOCNICIA , RT.OIIE." Towanda. May In, 1111. pArtLoll, & VESTRY ORGANS These I'O4TM - flunks are , celettratsit the 'World over forkhelr remarkably pure and brilliant Which is owing to their fajnous Combination Solo Stops: aeollue, 'Vox Humana, all,of which are separate and additional sets Of 'teed% and Bars, so arranged as to admitnt au almost endless variety of orchestral effects and beautiful combinations; THEIR EXTRAORDINARY POWER,. .AND THORO• CONSTILUCTION AND FINISH Among the many Patents owned and used by the abtite dna, are SE PA R LtE S(/LO SETS, TP*Alit)A, PA WOODS` OCTAVE COUPLEIt; IMPROVED VALVEK, • o offer altour instruments at the lowest figures, and guarantee them Just as represented. DoWs be deceived by traveling agents, but come directly to headruarters, where you aro sure of getting just what y'ou•l*rgaln ter. ri =I Towanda, %larch 8,177 • ‘! UNE MASOMMLIN ORGANS AT Tllll CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION.' 7, They are the only Instrument/I of the chin L. B. POWELL, 11111 lirylmalar. A , st,rimatea, Pa.. _ IS THE GENER4 AUNT TOR THE , MASON AND HAMLIN ORGANS, and has constantlT in stock, at his !parlous WILMOOMI, a hill I h of thmte celebrated in struments. Before vourchaaintr, send to him for prices, and be convinced that a MAIM* AND HAMLIN OIMAN to) more than the price timidly obtained for an interior instrument. • 43--, PRICO RAzras from 060 TO $1.200 Mr. Pewell also keeps a eateruily selected • stock of .. • - • CkIICK ERI NG .PIANOS, C ii 7 zunnio nun or raz wows). 1\ Burin these Moos In large . qoantildee. be Is able tw o er extra inducements to porches. en. A Chick . ...rt ng Plano does not cost twice es much as the4ser made, and ii . ' WORTH \ $ ITV cil Reliable Age) DITALDOU Scranton, ra., :PIANOS i . $250. 11 'And ill other styles I - thou:true pro. 4 ' 600 4::11 p:.riled; Including Grand, Spear° d Upright— allyiestllase—sold dlaect to the yreopk at/factory prices. No agents; no commissions; ndellscounts. These Planes made one of the finest di .plays at the' Centennial ItithWilton, and werd unanfanonsly • ....ended fcm the HIGIIIICEIT 130.1401111 New nufactorT—one of the largest and finest%he w • Id. The Mears Grande contain Mathush k's tie .• .nt Duplex Declaims Settle. the p ea pt Imp • emeut In the history of piano making. The 1:1pr .is are the finest in America. .Don't fall to Write f , Illustrated and. Descriptive Catalogue,— Inal l o-f • •• DIENDICIASHON rIANco CO., • apr.lll No. 56 DrisadwaY e N. Y. '' p ?MUG' ON IN PIANO TUNING I. . / xi) •=t propose to n 12 EACH TIME, 1 I When Instrumenta extra dame-will be made o. - 1 continue to se I ORGANS AND PI Of me-best manufactures, *514 I Apo) , to o;a4dress orriittcH; , Towanda, rout' Towanda, robe 77 , dOll. ' • . We also have the agency for GEORGE WOODS & CO.'S QUALITY OP TONE! StEGANCE OF STYLE, 'PATENT CAKES, PIANCOTTACIIMEN.T, AND BELLOWS. • & PASSACq: - - -;-- Eril ASSIGNIIi FIRST RANK assigned first rank.- ==! MIMI 9%e Patios bereaftet foe • R S4 , BY THE 'TEAR. outside the Borough, an . or travelling fee. .NOS' PRODUCLNG A PERFECT URE -I gars nib other of my neigbliers and ritend.% Tor ndlii arbuntl. who wore suffering Crum 1 ' SWELLED LIMBS, • • RIIEUMATISAL NEURALGIA ' , STIFF PYINTS, 11:1TRNS, , t(e.; tte. ALT. OF WIIIC;II (17I:ED WITIIOrT ArNY ° that tho ELI:ell:0 SILICON' LINI MENT wvolll.pone:rate the skin of man forther than aav other mihstaliee, it oceorryol to the chat It 4. 3i UST 4 111; (atop IN:I1 TILE • Anil it has proved Itself one of the very bkst appli cations to all ektelnal dl,eases occilfring In that noble animal.. Frepored by , the Electro Silicon 11.1ament fotu pany. Office, 76 Wltitmn Strvet,New York. ' . . BOLD BY ALT; 'DRUGGISTS, FIFTY CENTS PER. Now York, April 5, '77-s:n. • AYER'S SA R SAPA RILLA, For Scrornla'and all Scrofulous Eryst- Belts, Rose, or St. Anthony's Fire; I.irnlitions . and ; Ertiptice.tihs‘sses of the sktn, Ulcerations of t'liv Livtr, Stomach, klilneru Lithp;+, Pimples, P . us... toles, Illotchus, Tumors.., Totter, Salt Rheum , Scald llcall, - Itlngworm, Icer;.Surcs,ltheu mat km, Neuralgia, Pafci in the Ilonet.; and , Fr.- male Weakness,. -Sterility, teucerrhren, arlhlng from Internal nlermtiou and l'terlne diseagt,s. Sy- phli tc and Mercuilal disvases;Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Eilmilelatinni 'GenElTal DM , lllty. and , for Vdriiying use 11100,1 This Sarsaparilla is a coniblitatiou of regriable alteratives--Stillingla, Mamie:ll:e, Yellow , MO:— with the, lotliiies of I:otassium and Irtm, amt iSLhe most efficacious imttllcine, ' yet'kre,wit for the Sis- ewes It is lute:mit:a :u curet Its Ingredients are se .1(11Ifi t ly voi full alterative effect of each is asv+itred. and a pile It is so inild as to no hatinles N even to eltililren, It t still soeffrctnal to pnir,e. out rroni the systeM .thot:e 1'111)n - titles and corruidlod , ivhicirdevel,:n 111-• to loathsome disease. Tha reputation It eaijoy Is deri yea trout its stritl the conr.tlenee which pretelnetd ' , by:At:tails all thieountry repose in it, ijor expert . once' of Its tisc i tulness: Certlfleates attestijig Its 1,:o • have aectunulatx eit, and colistnritly. lief ng mil or these eahe3 are putilivly tilown, they I li litOs ,convlttelng eilkletiee the!Jur .of Sar t saparllla over ‘l\r'ry oilier attentive medicine known, ttnit Ke neeil ito no tore than to al"iitte the public that tIN , liLst ilnalitits fi has ever P055.,:,,e41 are strictly inalittaltii,l , . DR. .1:C. AYER, S: CO., -I'.iNVr.l.l„km.s)s.,. „, ,„ • Pntytl*•al and Analytiehicheitirsts. SOLD BV ALL BRUthilksTS EVEIZYWHOIE. • CAN'T. BE lIATE .I.IIY .... very 31. n. ' if e_. ..... cvery agent every nelntlt the busi• ullss we turnlsit. but those willing ti-work ran eas ily earn a dmensiollara a (lay right in .their. own humtitles. }lave no 11101 - 0 10111 to explairy! l ere.,, \ Business pleasant and honorable.. \Vel l um, ',boys and girls do at well as men. We will', fural,h \you a complete Out nt free. The lmita, , s pays heart that) anything else. We alit bear expeMe rrf 1 starting you. Particulars free. W' rite and sem\ ' Farmers and meelutuirs.'their gotta and Illangt,lt. - rA, and all classes In need of paying work at home s should writ!. to us and learn all :Moat the. work at. once. Now Is the time. Don't. delay. Address Titre at Co.,Augnstm Malta'. • - jat;25.17. • .q q TO THE WOIIKING CLASB.,-- Wciare prepared to f nrolnh all tae with eotudant employment at home, the whole of ,the time' ' or ter their :pare tnemets. Business new, light and profitable. Per,sormet either neislly earn foom 50 cents to $5 per evening. and a °per= Coital sum by devoting their whole thrie to the bus iness. /toys Arad girls earn nearly as w orb asiMen. That all wile see. thls notice may send their !M -ittens, and test the business, Wei teaks) this unpar alleled offer; To such as are not well 'satisfied we 'will send one dollardo pay for the.trimble of :writ ing. Full particulars, samples worth several dot larn to commence on, and a copy or Ilome and side, one of the largest and bent Inustnitert cations. all,sent free by mail. Iteader,tir you want permanent, profitable work, add teas G Eon r, l: ST IN'. sox CO.; Cortland, Maisie. Jau25.17. DISSOLUTION—The copartner ship heretofore existing between the 'under signed, doing business, under, the firm fissile of Michael Rouse k Spri, bas been ilivilved by toutnal consent. • ' MICR ARI...ROU„SE; Albany, May 24, 1577. , Tllo,*. ROUSE. r E. 11_ . OUSE Alip,,LoT FORS: thE. —lining about to yeintn : e from tbe neigh - bor. bond. 1 offer my lIIIIISO and hlt 111 North' Tonintly, 'ter sale at a bargilln.:-. The itronerty Is :t very de sirable one, and will be sold 0/1 terms it, snit me ambers. 'MRS. T. cAN1 0 1}4.1)... North Totrittiila Aprlll2, istl. Q, L EELEY'S OYSTER BAY AND ]tUROI'Z liout3E:—A rcw doure s ee,fithel the Mesh. Ilanße. Demi by the ilar or. wei,k ou teeeeeeble tartars. Warm nieatetctro,t at en btirp., Oyatats at etholtsala aatt textaft, • tubt't7. m • , „ SUNDAYS For. Philadelphia, at 3.19 p. in. 1c 4r Yi.Eto - st Penns. Bran eh.) , For lieridin . 42.30. 5.50, 8.:,5 a. m., 12.15, 2.19, 4.30 and B.lBri, , 01: _For Harri. nit. 42,30, 5.50, 8.55 3.. t ni., 12.15, 4.30 and 9.00 p. in.' 1 '. ( , For•Lanr: ter and I(.l6lumbia, 5.50, 8.55. a. ta., and • . •4,39 p. to. ''. t lines - not run on 51Ondays. ; ' , k :SUNDAYS., , • , „ 1.'4Head1ng,..2.30 a. in., and 0. 0 0 p. m. , _ ; For' Harrisburg, 2..3d a. in. and„3.oo p. in. a • Tr;ii i,, fir .4 Ilentoten le;re rut fo(fnNis: - • \ trier rerkiammn Fru nth.) '.. . (,eave Pl7lelphia, 7,30. a. in., LOO, 1,3 n, and aj p. in. • „ : . - . „ SUNDAYS."' ~ • . :. • Leave Philadelphia. 8.15 a. in. - . IcirtlVatt , Pennol„ Branch.) . • Leavo Reading, 7., 7.45, 10.35 a. in., 4.00, 6.10,-and i 10.30 p. 111. '7. - 02 , i0 Harrisburg, 52p, 3.19 a. in., 2.00, 3.57 and 1 - .."1.; p. in. L,ll, I.ain'aster 0.10 s,n. 1., 12.55. and 3.45 p.m. 'Leave Columbia KV', a. nn, E.OO a nd 3.33 p.'ni. • I. \ • SENDA'rs, . T.eave Reading, 7.tn. 'a. tn. ' \ . ....,. , - Leave Ilarrishurg. 5.20 a. m. • \ . , Trains Marked thus (*) rtut tik and from depot Otis and Green streets,. other [mitts to,and from !trawl htreet depot. • The G. :ton. and 5.55 p. m. traln.frorst Allen. tow.t. and the 7.30 a. tu. - atul .1.147. p. to.'traftis from I'ldtadelphl.i, hare Utrough ears-to and 4uitt Phil atletplila. ' \ J. r.. il,"001:TE!N. General Manager. •- \ . C. 6: lIA NCIJC h., General Ticket Agent. (oet4-75, • ' ._...„._ pENNSYLVAIsa..I RAILROAR, • WINTE:R Tl3t . 4 l'AIII.E„ , ' . N;ne I ralnq to Phlladelphhl. , 9l3. trains .to Flits. berg, right trains to New York. and one train '!, [rum • th t anti- after December ICI. 1576, - Inc -pa.‘,....engt;r Vrains of the Pennsylvania itallmad Voinpally n ill ift. put ilront flarribburg and :urt ive at rht . adelphia, New Yolk, p!ltt.burg and .ErleAlstolloWb: .. rAsvw,kittfr • • , . . Plitlatle!pida. Express leaves .llarrlsburg 11.4115 ..yeept ]lon hay at 2:10 a. in.. arrive: at Planylel phla at 7i00 . ..i. in.. and Niqv "York at 10:0,5a, nt.. l ,Faht lihe - lear•etk Ilarrisbutz, daily at .1:0,7, a..m., Prrlves , at PlinadQtrlill at 7;35 a.m., and New York' ,at I i.. , ::::: a. tn.; . . Drlervlileitreonno.latloh. connecting' for Plilla -41el1 hla. loaves parrisburg flitlyeveypt.Sundaz,' at 7,: , ;i: :I. la, aril veS at Laneastffr at 0: , ..1*.v. In: liarriThurg Express leaves Harrisherg daily ex c,lt t;ltitlay at 6:20 a, tn.; arrives at Philadi;lphla at i0:0e a. ni. and New York at 2:03 p. - c , ...tutibla Areounnotlatimi lath% except Sunday, at 7:13 ie. to.. arrives at Philadelpida'at 12:30 p. in., and, N cir 1 ork :it .5:03 p. }:xprems !eaves Harrisburg daily at_ 12!03 p. la.. at rives...at Philadelphia at 3:43 p. . in., anti New York at 0:45 p. m. • .li,::.1-town Express leaves Harrisl , urg daily ex, _te.i , t •zulolay, at 1:45 p. ni., arrives al Philadelphia : at (::0(1 p. and New York, at .10:15 Nut. Expre. , leaves Hatrishurg thills'at 4:15 p. in.. at rives at Philadelphia at 2:20 p. hi., and Now Y,rl: at 1(':13 p. ltarrtabm g Arco, modatten via,Columbu, l eaves daily, except Sunday 'at 3:3Q p.an., and art Res at Pitiatielpitia'at 9 . :0o Atlantic V.xpress leavcs Harrisburg dally -at 11:13 p. in.. arrives at 'Philadelphia at 3:10 and N ew York. at 11:15.a.'iu. =I rinettniatl "Express leaves STarrl,nurg daily at V2:15 arrives at Alt.ioua at 4:45 a.m. and Pitts -1,,,rg at S:ao a. 11,. Pacific Express leaves HartiAlijirg 4:211'a. al rives at - A Urania at 11:e0 a.. in. fur breakfast, and Pittsburg at 2: 0 0 it: 7u. ' Way Passenger train i leaves Harrisburg daily at s:t.o a. in... arrives at A itoplia :it p. tier. :Hid Pittsburg at Ski Mall train leaves-Harrisburg daily except Sunday. at 1:25-p. in.. arrives at Altoona at ‘7:11 . p. rn. for per. and rittAalfg at 1:00 a. in. Fast Line leaves Harrisburg daily at :i:3O p. arrives tit Altoona at: 7:25 p. ni. for ,suppbt, and i PI - Ili-burg at 11:30tn. Mitnte i•Areninfinsi p. atlorileaveS ifanistnirg daily except Sanilay at 5:30 . p. tit., and arrives at \llhitltt, a: Assis t! . in. • . • IA Express leaves IT:iritta.ttry, dally except . Sunday" at rtal.:" , arrives at ,%Ituotia at 2:20 0 a tn., and Ilitslitirg at 0:10a. in. • ri[[l.lELi•l[l& Kgl) Kin I,I,I[AILUOAD Mall train leaves Itarrisbuig, daily' except 'San /I:13 at 1. - n arrives at Williamsport at 8:15 a. In. for breax fast, and Erin at ::au p.. m. Niagara Express leases Harrisburg dallyAlxcept Sooday at In:50 a. lII_ .arrlyes at' Wllliamsymrt al 2;00 p. ut .. Itenovo 4:40 p. in., and Kane 9:20 Lack liaren Acconian.lSt lon leaves Harrisburg daily except Sunday at 3:20 p.arriltea at WFI- Ham Tort at •;:29 pan. , and Luck 'Haven at SAO p.m. I: AN' THO3IPSON., D. - M. BOYD, J It., General Manager. • Gen. Pass. Airt. janils,l'7.• • • - NVRTiIiIItN I CETRAL RAIL- Through and difect route to wag l inkton, -p,aiti. more. Elmira, Erie, Buffalo Rochester Aind Niaga ra Falir, , ()wand 17itis thu„Ntirtbern Central Railway s wilt run as tt. - ..• 3:OIITIIWAUD. , NOgrira Expre—Leaves interisluirk daily ez rept Satuiay at 10:50 Williatiezpurt Elmira at 5:::Vp. nn:. leaver. Canandaigua'. :it , ': 1:5 p et.. arrives at Bultalt , at 12145 nan„. aerie° at N lamira Fall at.l:ls' a. in. AfaU leav s Baltimore daily except. Sunday at !Oft a. in., an yes Harrisburg daily except Sum% Sum day. at 1^:15 p. Fast line—Leaves.Balthmire daily at 11:2% a. ru., arrive,. at Harrisburg daily at 3:tQp. mi. leaves Harrisburg dally e_teept Sunday at 3:::011.nr., laves Williamsport at 7:3osp. in.. le:ives Elmira at 10:50 p. M.; arrives at Watkins Glen at,1,1:50 p. ni. .Pittabing Express--Leaves tlanitnore daily -ex cept Sunday at-1:05 p. In d Arrives st Harrisburg daily except Sunday at to..qa p. m. ••, : • -. Cincinnati li,'preav —l.ea\es Baltimore daily at• 9:10 p. ut.. arrives at Harrisburg at 12:15a. m. Erie Mali—Leaves llarrlsbdrg daily except Sun day at 1:45 a. M., leaves Williamsport at 8:15, leaves Elinira - at-12:15 p. nt. , aryl *es at Catiaudal dna at 2:30 p. .souTziwaut). southern Expressl..e.aves tanaraalgua daily. except :Sunday at G:55 p. tn.; tempi Eithisa at 9:30 p. tll.. loaves William'Spout at 12:35 a. u1..,- - 4tryives at 11.1141,1:nrg daily except Monday at,4:09 a.\ ar rives at Baltimore at 7:4s a. m. Fast Line—Leaves Canandaigua dallyAxcept Sunday at G:SS p. in.. leaves 'Elmira at 9:317 p. \ m., ;leases %V tillarusport M 5 daily except Monday at 12:4 p, in. leaves Harrisburg daily at 4:20 a. in., arriv \ e.z ‘ istlLL)tinic!re dally at 7:45 a. m. • aeliltigtou E4ress—Leaves liairtstteg, daily except Sunday at %TO a. tit.; arrives at lialtittutre at Ett: a. in. Mall 'l.caves liarristilarg tinily except 'Slimily'it 2;00 p. i i.. arrives at lialtimore at 0:10 p. as.. ikty , fltpre&s--I.e4ves Watklll3 (;ten Aallycccept Sunday at sine a. nt., leaves F.lgltha daily except Sunday at 'MID a. in.. lcares Williatitsport Salty ex cept Sunday at 11:40 p. m., leaves llarrislattg dally at m., arrives at,Baltitnera daily al 7nr, pan.. All train:, mating connection at Baltimore for It'sishingtfin and the South. • leOr further information apply at the Viekef. Of. lien in the remailianla iratttaaft depat. rnA.Nic Tuostraow,, Gtuaral pm:VIC 11 14 /ItY HOUSE' :I3-•. ` - • ' . •.. - - • (ON TIM trAO . 7l. PiAITS • COHiN ' t \ i Sr Z$ UA - Pi '6 - M AINO-TOM OTHE ETS. .. . . ' - \ DT-ttlraittba, ?A. -• •• " - -\- / • .•. • ,Tbin h o rr min mix*orta and ategalitlysfurnished hauDie has flatlet:lt °piled to ans tr4t 4 ltlig pubile,7 , , The prep 6tortiaisstafto ileittitr paintner expetriO la making hie hotel first:class in ' all tot .appollit. meets, and respeertfalls toiletts a than, of publfe • patronage: MEALS - AT 'ALL ((OURS. Terms .. to suit the iltuete. Large 'table attached, - • ''. .., . ...../ `. WM. IDEXll,Y,XitoguisToit: Tewsiilii,,juld 7;% - .4t. \ ,:- \ . : •. ..----- f" . ' • 1 1 --7 . . . MEANS 'HOUSE; P OWANDA , _ hi, . . 901) 1. =l;i;p , 74.141 . 1 A ND natidia 87.41 LETA. .‘ Thitliartee. Earnest, .t . c., - -et ill'Artid‘ Mil of this' _ No,* iitsured against loss by Fire, svißieut any e/Axtra ehairga. - , • seperier qtiafittOf.ol4 English lips Ale, just xecetted. T. R. JORDAN, 4 .Towandt, Jen. 24,14. ' ;.Prliptie for: , ' E - VENTRAL HOTEL,.,_,. . g /CsTEII,:XA:. •, i .- t; hti brving-,tan• - \ . possetsion \--, of the aiKrre - ,hotet, - respeetfaity tiollilti the patron- , age of bit old friends and tlie piddle generally. 0 , anglf-tf. -.. ''' •.' - DC A: ifOI:IIE4ST. • • .ELIVE • L 110178 E - TOWANDA, Joiprif.uLtiy ; AN. Having leased this bonne, is 110 w rends to areom .roodale.the travelling puldle, No pains nor expense Will be spared WM satlsfaellins to WA's.° who nay. ere him a call, - . • . , aarNorth skis of rains Sql jar, eaSt ef . Xercur's new - block. 32 ] 'AO -LE HOTEL, • lOWA\DA,•PA. .• . . _ . . At the ceriterlit Collet ate] River-sta., Arrestry t hi. - . the elelnltgantl miutll or thAl Coast !rouse.. ' ~ JO!IN BURKE', Pr:brim:tom . . • • • The above Beale has bees re-furnished and 're' fitted. and h now epee to the traveling public. The Bar will at ad thnee be supplied with the hest of liquors:. Good stabling attaehed to the premise& Boarders by the,day or Wee, -accommodated. May 16, 1676.) ' • Cca. and HEN4Y ••MERCVE, I/Later lu ASTIIRACITE ASL`' SULLIVAN, ANTIIIIACITE COAJ,,, CORN . xu I'ARK AND 1 . I,Tyjr,v. S'iLLZ.ZTs; YARD PRICES (cAity ASTNRACITI EGG' 5T , 6 1 . - E\ C.ll"F.§TN't:, 7 r . PEA ". •• •. SLLI.IVrtS SSTIII:A(ITE NM • STOVF ,C II N UT IME We kr'ep on - ltand atnur ,yard all sizes of Pltt,tti and Wilkes Itarre. coal. 010 Loyal' Suck . 1„oah from the Sullivan (:ount.t\lliti,.... Alai, parelay Lump and W6.keip the hest quality of I.tme. Hair end molt...l:rick and, all uf-w Welt we will Ixnt.otn pr PIERCE's&-SCOTT • Towanda May 1 1.5761) '• \ I CAEA . P COA - L AND.LIME: "From ana'aft^r .7ply I. 1 vil.ll sell eml, lime, kr., fc.rrii,h only, and the price list will be corrected tuonthli:. .. , . . . . Pittct: orf'ytiA.r.. F(R Jt - LY, ruin. TIN OF 2,0015, • — AT TAE YARD: rittstonStove„ CheStnnt:;ul4 Furnace " Pea Carbon Run Lump ' • " ". • Sunth.... Barclay Monataln Lump . - " Smith ' ' Is. 7:i . Allentown Lime . ? bush e l -' _ 32 . Lath lit 11 ^ ^ i • Ilalr f btishei..l .'to • . . • • 4triek VI Nt - 10 no • `i, am always . prepared, to deliver purchases ;on: sliqthottee at the usual price of dellvgry. - . ' .:' f I also tender my thatsketo my malty fri,•nds. Anil :cinstoivers (Or their very liberal. pa,tronage lit I,he !fast mid hope under The new departure ti molt, trio ascii Intkrest to ctot t i lino '• to lily where they rail get the les t go A, ri,e the le.,s; ini•livy. - ' •-• Those w ho aril Indebted to mit will take notice that I mast ,have money or I can't hur tor cash am parirelghts. ‘Ttey tutp.t bettle by - fhe firSt of 'A gust next. • -Very Ite'sreetfully Yours ' \ ' I - J. If,PIIINNT Towanda, July I, \ 19:5. \ . New 'A3+eztlseme.nts. 7;\ ITIOAAN'zy . " 1)1 7 1,.. 3 LICATING, .• .' S , ~ LETTER - 11010K - .--,Tt otaiWars ri,atly, and tan lie timid either In the Ililld"the louse.. or rail. road. -or; any place Con may Istand have the Ms.': with •ynt. it enables' you f, keel , a entry id. your vorresroudenee at al I i !ling cold. No hint nes?, man can afford to be without It. Front lolt.to f ri, copies , }lade at one wril 1,1 g, withmtt pen, \pent il: Ink, brush. water Or pre... A zsn.ts wanted„ Call .n or atlth - eti:t .I,lt. K at rlrtge. Towanda, l'a., `Book s. for sale.at the 14,,.k Store 44, 'alrs..llorton. Insi'leret.ci Itlpa. Towanda.. 'Also . at ihi Drug 5t,...r," .. ! A.._ stpli IT las, Mhens.— .—_ 4 itil•tio , ' \...- C i ~....',2 ,•,•z -.-. .-. • II . 1 I --. . c••• . CZ . .... : ' PI . 7. ; ' ..../ 71 • ~.r l P r, 7., -4 e . o ',' _ - . r- -- ‘•-t• - 7' .7. •,... , =• • ...... - - ---, . c r -a; ~.. a• 6 ;cc ' l ' ' ....:-.-. - r-- - -- ..? • • V .." 1 •-3 .- ... 1 _ ....... - ...” •-.. ,:z., '•i •Ar ... `.-.. •-• aci ,t- - - - - • ...... 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E•-: •-ri ',•- -z, c _. , -' ,--. 2.:, - '... ...: ~.•,;: .= —:: , - , '..", - cf_ ,T, = ~,,..„, :,... , , ti , ~..2, -,,,_. 0.- -. ...z -. • t....- ..n • . ,•-•.,4-4-• .=.. - :-. • „,, , ..., _ , _•...., _., ...- , „n, v., • ;II ... .1, •• :.5 , 2 ..0 .... .'•••' C.f) M.... '...... ~,, ... . •••-• '../ . . 4 . - ,.+7i, ""` °..: ~_„'—: , ® , -- ,, t ~, , c , • .......; ~ •...., ,-, r... . 5 ••,.. 3 .. . r, +2 2 ... , -.L.. "'1...4"Q', ..• ti cp • ..- - _ 0.4 ..... ‘.•.. ..- .-. „.. ... .- -, . ! ~....;. . 1 .,... = •-• ._ •-• 1 p 1. ' ..... c „. ',Y. •-• , c . r•••- '," • . t.' , . ~ '. 0 ? 73 7 .../1 =, • .Z 3 ::: tri $. ..." • t. '= " I. ..3 . . .•" • ‘ r.- :2 • 0.0 0 r t . Cr - .... e D . L c ?. ...CC,. 0 ....1 , , ...... • - , '•• •••• '-' OC fr . • 1...2 . • - V0 . R . ,•5!..11. E. --r w o Pon v.. Tre:iel . -1.: - Powers; at elle:tell ; Y one-1pr..:Tr,..1 P..w. or. at frii ; lunpreveii 116rselloes, with or.wit !mitt 111111 , +. at f 7; 'Corti Sliellt,rs ht 17; Strawl'uttrr. at .7. Thee are all 11P1k. of Illood k. ( . 0...!i III:11111f Av ture., and 'Much 1., low prices,. Also. 1'1 , 1104 for all their spalie (4: Plows. . IL F.'l.' AL It ii. At hem,' Pa., May.lo, 1877. • ' TBE. - FARMERS' - lIIIT TV AL , • ~„. ISsuitANc. ell.; ISM TiTSCiAliOr.k. Is nun ISsulitg ivrpvtual lydlcfr vu. FARM Alto PE R,T ONLY:, Varh.meniber pays a too,. at the time of. I muting: to cover charter and Iraldentalexpemes of 'the t'o.. afteravhlch 00 fu• - •.;ler payni.lit I, royntre,L. yaoopr to took act oa4h,ss tire - among the meal -ti I; • This j,lao of ito,nrailoe for FAlnt to eolot:tg. rapidly Into favor.. 7-lace \ tlasinesq, s l'lt ING HILT,. PA. • . The Agent, canvass the Tnwnparlps of Tusca rora; Pike: Berrlck s Wyaluslug, Asylum, Terry and Stamllng Stone, and farmers In • thrwo Ton n shin wishing Insurance orlnformatien, may ad dress, • . , A. It. B.lfllNEß.Sec.and • Spring 11111 , Bradford , C0.,1'a.. : W. M. SHI.TIIWAY, Pres • .(etti7lll2 . . • - • PiNTLE3IENT,FAIINIERS AND N. - Jr ta s r co u TS: AND VIR:INIT.I.—Ati ea utadunrcattarslivntA with U. T. Ills Illtomugh-ll'rell 114 , 1 h 44, "Doc Ton LIVINGSTOR; . . . To boat my Stable and werve a limited ounit.er of Afaren, continenettig MAY ist. IS ^. This:Horse ..; .one of` the finest and best fired this country. van produre>:. Iris pedigree trieei through . Illy be,t,.. horses mid . ntares In England.; Ile is a beautiful \mahogany. \Ray. Ilaek paints, flowing inane, and lan, and in action perteet.• lie Is °illy to be seen admired. Terms fit Colt low.. - 1 \ _.", , \ ' • . 1., S, KINt - ;$1111\111:, IC I . Atril, it,.l.s.ri'; \ -: • - T0ti .. :,11•1:3., I'a. • ._ . • , ....._ . . - • " n UNN \ *. C. . Gc.tiOr3l I' rti _l,l4. d en Omanis:don Alerrhanis. lib and •IYI . tireenwirit \ tirreet, Nei! Yurk, at", prepared to te-. eelve ronsigoinents or buy for r A .tlf Butter : 14m,, Cheeae. PolMoes, Apples:. Flour, grain antrlerviti' lt, ieosm. A af.. 1 relvviirm given wli,ti h•quin.4, Ikttd all letters tittnpatry.proloptiy attended M and shipping tan tor Iloilo on aw kat ton. , - , Nov yorx, )by 7, 1577.1110, - ' - I ME 00 5 t 00 a 50 .../4 50 . 1 .. 4 51i EE3 MEM =MEE Tit to any part or tho BittirvA.rirra. ALt. NIED•BY TIIE ('A•itt, 1111:1Wl-At MI COAL. I s; ~45 00 •50 .. fi 00 3 51.