:NEWS• nom ALL NATIONS. SlXTYihoii ud'Russians have crowd: the I)anube. • ItonEur D.kT.l3 Owmv"ciied at his Lake George cottage, Sunday.; Tn Halifax collections in aid or St: 3uhu have reachcd..l.ls,oPQ. . G. O'R. 13nr.ccr sOon.mako anoth er statenient:on the Theed matter. Ruv..E.fi. norms has been convict -d of forgery at St. Johnsbury, •Vt. 'l 4 32iimi - , hundred 31orinon couveilts ar rived at NOV York from Europe Sattinday. TitEPiiii4elll2titt - v , obsctirtionii foi- The t 4 t. John suiterers' Saturday reached 41,- 142. -`1142. . . - ' ettAllt.V 4 F. :Bntoos o 2, well .know.n . edinr, died' in -. Brooklyn. ' WArteSday, nod 'LI.' . Tnr. British Consul at New York mkt:. 'fol- di4 foe, the' suffers from the.-St. Johns tire. , Tni. Dm `Goals Bank .of New' lork' - has gone cuto liquidation. Debts. w3l be ; Maid in full. . ~.,... TUE LOttisvillo stove moulders have all - struck. - Every foundry in the city bas; .I,o'en closed. . • • T9ito:Pro.dispatch , says : Tlie frost timottlay night dick considerable injury to the crops., 1, iikr.ArQsf:i contributions to St. John's anannittsti to over $13.0Q0: Portland's?, Of.kv. -• • THE creditors of Adolph Gnirdt; the tleanlfinz hanker,. have oommenced7civil 'ants agtinst himt - - THE t'aledovian Club, of San Francis, Co, t.ubsi;ribed five hundred dollars for Luc L-4...lobn.sufferers. , • • of llalifax, have . organized. piejiaie Cf‘AllUlg for the w6znen and tl)lllll7ea'ef . • tut: 770-s detin:CA:l4 The silver meni miiiing company ofe-s. 'fork city. es an impudent fraud. Tui First National;Bank of Shanattioali was established Safjrday with a eavital of th ty tlions:hid dollars. . . Tut:, lowa grand-lodge of Freemasons has contributed a. giunite block and $1,900 to the Washington monuniejit. .i,WAsinNozoN dispatch says that C. Wiley Wells, of 11lississipPi, will be ap- pf,inted i•onsnlyeneral to China. , new A t;E:4. altar-hi Trinity (Istall. New ynelc, will dedicated "next Friday, whit a three days" celebration. Sart - imart>ll,lontreal citizens' meeting callrd ,t the authorities to appropriate *sl , :ont) for the St. .lohn suffeters.. , l'ltlaticiphia I.aritiple Exchange, apioAuted a committeooxuperintend attl inea::nre fur St. John./4- pu. house tsurgentv 'of St Brooldyn, died Monday 'front tht effects of a disse ng wound. Tips damage tO caten , erop on the Atkansas rises by the flood- is estimated at from . 20,000 to 30,QUU hales; Tat; amount taken from the pllcymas r - te's /iliac of the; Grand. Trunk Railway" at 'Montreal Friday evening, was SV;0110. TII LIVVII 1'11bn:4111/g CO., of 3foritrAil IZon , c's Point, N. 1":,- has gone .bn-i if.2,Hr,0014 assets nominal., I.:ustmontute.ittnx It. GoLnsnoitin l a, 'of the lied States Navy, died in Pldla delphia.Saturday morning, aged - 69 years. rAn t ia N. I mt ., Saturday Win Mayer, afrmer, rras killed on the street by the kick of a horse, his" skull being smashed. P. Johnson. of IVa - shington, D. C., 11:\S been .appointed receiver _of the `National Bank.of the State of Alissouri. Tug failure - or the National , . - Hank of the ;itate of _Mississippi prokesyery bad. Five directors owe the institution S!•3O,tMO. Tint President and 'Airs. Hayes. left .for Boston 31, .n,lay, Accompained by ,'Se.retaries Evarts. Deens, Key and ,`• hal, T.ttx.emplOyes of the Internal Revenue Iluietut - Nt 'Cu iday adopted resolutions of regret it.theL death of ex-Commissioner Pratt. •, r • Dom PEnno, the Brazilian Emperor, is In London, and. is nit driving furiously mound ihe r city at five, o'clock every morning. jtET tjtY Sitimms . tt expects that home subscriptions to the. four pr cent. han will reach frolu twelve to fifteen 1r is rilitirteg 1.114 the steal - tier convey int; the gigantic Centennial Krupp can fo,licssiagrimilded near; the Island a 4 . • PottawN . acts Monday sentenced t•t live - years in the Pennsylvania titate tar abducting; Mary Masterson, amajA ten years. • -t , t'voNEtt , 1111,40 N, President of the 1. - nionPacitie Railroad, Was thrown front earrit:igt: , at Salt Lake City, Monday, and attri•tn,ls - injured. . • y al I rIII.T has been arrested, charged with alt,int4lng two girls aged 14 ,and I'i from Brooklyn to New York' and eliecting t heir ruin. I 11'asliin , ftg)nllonday;11 he pastors of the Prott:. , : ant elottwheN exiended an'in vi tat ion to 'Iot.01,; and Sankey to viSit.:that city the comiti : 4 A Fit.irr fiiectirred. Monday tw'ecn gainhlers at Far Itiwkway. Kniyes and pistols Avert , fre6ly Mimi. Ono man re.C.CiV4 ? ell - twelve cuts with a knife. A l'orrsymm: tele:zram says : The • mother of Ed. Kelly, hanged at Mauch Chunk, has been im.ensilde since his burial" arid is,now reported dying. . titre G,i;vernor of Pennsylvania: has is_:` Sted a warrant for the exiiention,- Sep-r trnqier 10th. of Thome:. P. Fisher, cpuJ viet6d of mnrderirig Morgan Powldl. -.lM.frur instillers in the mountains near , the State hue,.'sixteeu miles fr&ni Union town Va.. were surptised Saturday, and foul :tills seized. Ten arre:•;tn were made. . . rtielldti of ( );ikey Hall, who have beim t•thicay,illing to keep track of him iv Loml,M. _say he has succiTded in elndiva ,tlit m, anil that all 'trace of hinr is lost. liunnrc t.. of Brooklyp, xi - 4o re, eentiV arrived in Sing Sing 1 , 4 -s l cad the samther, .srfrA her,elf and child - Saturday night . .while insane. 4 , 5:1-vizi: wind st!irni passed: over +t. Sunday night. itfir, Xing tho Pacific . lloti•l, Tootles Oppra alarge number of other buildings. - Several per. , lain Were injured. ,rrirr,; Ly;orrs tOlvn:bouding case referred to F. lhas been decided ag:tite.t.the validity of the $17)0,000 of 1 , 0n.1N fo r th,,,,,,,,,triiction of the Sodas ("Orning railroad, • Inept itts were held in all ehnrehes nT Ponzhkeepsie Sunday night. and Were very largely attendol. Let the zOod wiirk fru. TI)o many pe6- Ve can't sign the pledge. THE Paterson, N.J., silkweavers' strike cent Mum, The Solelaes weavers Ni.,ho de manned ten per cent. increase were Sata nrilay Invited nut until they .neeeptl a twenty pe'r,etint. rednetion. A T.-VIWE number of operatives -in iron 'lminufaet ming establishments in 'the and Sukyuchatina val kys, Are 011'a strike .iii4.ust a reduction of wages: lliFtween 1 - ,ooii and 1,:i00 Men are on a strike. - `A ntsvArcit from Cooperstown says a cave iris weently been ,di,%eovered near Lamensville containing .3 ton of pure - kali: Nkele4on and peculiar copCr Mi.,. It k SUPliONed to have been occupied to an Tudimi r , cltNe. ' 11.%xm: ihm!.t.N. of Banger, Me. , ju s t ictut 'froiit Sr. .1. • says of ttur en Iaml! : The overwhelming , needs of 1b people arc vary great. They do not parade their misfortunes. and 1 4 .11,0 )0 4 3 must speay fur them. Subscriptions here amount (q over $7.00(1. Pr is-iv:ported tli t lion. Frank Abbott, of I 'iirt . 3ervi, ' • • late treasurer. of the 11totherliood 'it - Locomotive Engineers. i,_,short in Neontits Witkthat order. Itirnor•places the amount, froni e l.lo,ooo to Sin. The Brotherhood are reticent. TUE hydrophobia case,• at Milioney City attraets'mtAlt attention. Filter, the vietitiwis stilt livirut, tut when offered Water or is he is seized. with - convulsions .and stiP:ors dreadfully. / • Fister was bitten • scren mouths ago by la - pet terrier. A Bitt•ssFa.s dipatelt says : The iuter nal itmalAfrican co nu mission has tkeitleti alum y.L saippe,:i. :t)fithe taive trade. e‘ pt. 4111 t‘ ill lrstl?c %ai.ihar it.t the d.. 4• rillgatiiLt. The bet-ti colti.Nilm,LN telvgr.tin saj-s that' the !).vni:.!(iitiN . iAte.t, have Emmet - 914.0d priyatc . act at 13 ag.tiost every Iliettlbet`...6li 01* till Ititilrtl li•ft, 4.1t0 afteri f • lig tl ti:A11"-, till: I .7cmillillteP: u e..::linit.try of t ioht tf Hf4' the law. • 'ffillaMi - foi*Videttliterikril'il(l4 1 • •••••• - -- e lar.--- 1 21p114.124.2AdeLal f*lnfr,iljllfieX. WM til *porta EDITORS t E. 0. 40011RICII. W. ALVOST/i. Toraida, Pa., Thursday; luta 28. IW. REPtELICAN STATE CONVESTION. itErrItLICAN STATIC CCM ' 111,4:r mc say. u Xelrectetsee of et resold= Lion of the I.'epublican State Committee, adopted at a inectint held in Harrisburg, this day,lsltepnb eau State tkerrention, 'to be composed of delegates from act Senatorial awl Representatriv district. to the coulter to !Mich such district is entitled in the Legislature, ;is hereby called to meet In the chi' of flarrisbni:g. at 12 o'clock noon, on Weilltes, ditY. Amgtirt bath, le:, for the purpose of DOW- Lattlig candhlatcoitoi‘ Supreme Judge, Statk'frees titer and Auditor fieneral, to be Toted for at the cue ling general olretion on the eth day of 'lineal ber. next. Ity eider. of Committee. . , HENRY M. HOYT, Chairman. A. WxxsonNounts. Secretarr- TES MOLLY "AI_tOrIRES-.-SiX Pottsville and four . at Mauch Chunk --two expiated their crimes on the Terrible as• was their fate, no les - s , terrible was the nature of the offenses for which their lives have paid the penalty. The heinous mur -tiers eon - united in the interest and at the. behest of -th& Aro . Mat - mire organization are . qttite unparalleled . in the history of on.i.` l State, Its 'Operations extend over it period ,of• at least fifteen yet:rs, and the liVes at last taken by the law arc as nail ing compared' with these sacrificed to the revenge of that most infaMous society. Working in the (lark and: shielded by -oath-bound secrecy, it has been practically -beyond the reach of justice for-these many years.' It .has been merciless, and its 'victims have usually been •rinsitspecting_and • unprepared. In the latter part of. 15.75 the power of the lgolltes was: _broken, and in 187 i; a number of con: vieyoris followed - sufficient .to po.ra: tife.conspirators. • With the exe: (Anion of ten of the gnilty ones it is, to be hopedF-sometirK i g like security May come to the region so long , cursed „the'Mollies. ' STA BOILNatIiI Eti. —The location of the' boundary line bet*en •the State ot Pennsylvania and New York 'is being inquired about by the joint conuniF - .4.10n ontte. two States at the hall of theiGeographical Society of New York. ' One of the ~objects of the commis sion, besides fixing',the boundary, is to replace any monuments Which have becothe dilapidated or that have been removed ,on thedine.. The com mission consists of'S..6tEs Woaam,L, RonEwr N. TORRY,t Rllfl C. Vii. GERE, uf a , OIIN L. • t vs, 1.1 nd .1" Exat Putt Os= 'and. CnAUNCEY M. DEPEW-; of the Board of Regents of the thiVersityof low York. Mr: WoiuLti.t. was jade eh:tirtn:ul and S. B. Woiii.w4ant, Sqe:retery of the Board of Reg - ents, was 4nade Secretary. The commis sion reisolved that it is expedient ' - that a ieeonnoisapee of the boundary lift between the two States be Made by skilled by rsiirveybrs, in:order to ascertain what monuments are miss ing and the condition or that •emain ; also that an ieal dethrmination be made a., _Ants of the line to ascertain the true Neb.- tion ( . . , u the surface of the earth of the forty : setsond :parallel of north . latitude; that .two ,join iii the work ( - ;'I survey, 'one to t,o appointed : by the (:0111Illis , 4ioiqroni. eacVState, aiad that the commjsSioners request the superintendent of die. Government Coast Surverto Co•io \ •rat t . • A BRIEF • Clespatch fro \ m. WilkeS flarre inforins . us that .. I.,t_Nt K. A. BEAMI:;II, . SAfrgCallt-at-arlilSo if\the llonse of Representatires . at Harris !hug when the Democrats, last . had control Of that body, was senl;enced at War ilkesbre L yester f day •to 'ur \% years in the Penitentiary for forger The prosecution grew out of-the .em be7Aement • awl forgery 'of ' school bonds .during the period when the, accused was Commlssinci: - of'the county, and I/s conviction was only secured after a 'long trial and the :InOst convincing proofs of his guilt, ev't , ry effort. being made by his Dem .oe.rat partisanS to. shield him from r, Oa' 0011Soluences of his crimeS, After ..... Ills - Conviction IlEANfisu fled, -:but re- Cently feturnell and surrendered,hiiift self. 'llk tate ivill be a warning to diShonest officials that should not be permitted to pass unheeded; 'Tie first battle worthy of t4nama ;n .the campaign: betweeil the Turks and lZuss*s has taken. place in Ar menia. it resulted in the flefeat of the Turks: 31.1_(11TAR .P4IIA has fallen back` halfWa. between Kars and Erz'erduin, and is said-to be in a tight -place' The: Russian .left Wing. fouohtind. won the battle, and it is probable' thaVihe right• will fol low up•the encceA and perhaps - send the Turl .into and beyond Erzero iiin. The ii:ditlasted alsint six hours r, the Turkir-h ennunander, fell . and h-is forces were completely . irunted. „instaiwes similar 'to • the one ref_rred to -in the following • paragraple l Nl the riarrisburih Ta miaht be gathered 4 all • t oyer the country , ' , and yet man --nrp saying th 3turphy Movemen wifl accom no permanent good : • 1 1 101,114 Nays that • If only lelip , l* ...Att. M mid!\', eollyt• r , al Irk ' ho will .I„iie a hie..s.'ul nork.” Itight. We know of eLt• g. - orlernan 14 , 116 , R• couveretni from arittlstoaese lempetame and' t: nrChttaulty !t*:ts one of the et frets of -Mu. llorphy's labors Ito s tho western part of Ilse Slaty ; 'and If fhb oont - orsiod had boon the only result of Ids lahors, Mr. Murphy would -have teen repaid. The gontloihall alludott,tri—a man of odnration, gr,at intellectual force,; no!de pruseneo awl an ornarnont lo :u3 honorable prOtopOunsitoas the , uldoot ot,perh'elical attacks from 'the •worm' of the +tin. ttit”, :4i:tit transformed tint from tho st.itO or and pltintileti gee t luntunt n 4,la•ad., •• !tot o e toldnse rosuluot and appearance etceed ,t.,l ii iI of rh;• „ le nos the pig hi' ttherty. grtitlt•lnt.ta. I int 0., Itt Murphy's Ii loll!; 1 euo, uoi dtit:) , n l'•liiitent ore 1213,1 l but 14, lit iallait.o It.t• hourly for et magi (a to keep his pludg , . and eriduh- - ntoOls et litiviliTt anti n . liteluritCo h, Nave hlk fellow man from 110 , , Irouturd - ,, life and the drunkard's ti11rol!“'4 only tgll ptO - cont.—yea, it only ttnitt per irk,' he oid heieed duiu• :do , UOOl., ant, 11,. hzlvAli , ..l4 t.. 11 :•a'in - .irulnr4ltapl Aiti.ll.lll4 - 6vt .11.1ttlinoni af „t . (; A../ he Wyrk," • s) ectual claaracterf In visiting the seve l departraentg • of, Goverolnenki t tilyn t igiqi 'ilea, with::' 'e ' 'not verY pleas ant /egenfi place bunter:B "No . 17acancies' ". :if The initiated - haft learned, bovierei; /that% the 'iiet&e does not alii4kys mean exactly what it reads. . 'The fallowing pointed let ler '‘ from Government-Printer DE- . FREE,S, however, bears no 'uncertain interpretation. it is direet, and to the point, and is a fair notice to all whom it may concern. It is an an nouncement that the Goveinment office is, for the 'first time to many years, to be, run ,again on business` principles; that the best workmen only are to be employed, and that "the mosbextensive publishing-house in the world" is no longer to be, a mere political maChini: =I • • Orrier, 07. THE Pniarzn, „ Wasiitivarote, Juue 18, 11117. It 6 now, More than sixteen years since the esl tablistimeut of: the Government printing_ Mlle,: Since that timacompojiltors, pressmen and' book, Finders -have come here from every part of the country for ereptayment. Many or them obtained it, and hare., by bard work and economy, secured homes for their families, which. In many instances.: have not been entirety mild for. Otherx, who not own houses, rent them or hoard, and nearly ail have families to supportoutof theirdally earnings.. Thereare now more %ober, industrious aud capa ble workmen of this :eharacter heire than calm. at, any time. be ceiployed. It-.would he Unjust and: cruet to discharge any of these workmen merely to' others from a distance in their places,-and if 'l4lll net be aohe. "Aft letters have been recelml from a great nom. tier of persons asking employment, it is deemed best to 'adopt this method of informing all coto tierned that It connothellad. so that the expense of tinning here may be avoided. IC most also be • distinctly understood that ItA ent, etaaldishm cannot be made either a raliglo , ,political or,sharitaide asylum. It is a great work MuM—the most extensive' publishing-bone in .the ; world—and must be managed with the samerivard economy as Is observed by the managers of simi tarprirate workshops. or else It were better for the Government to abolish It. ; • JNO. D. Willman, Public Printer, TO, the hundreds of ' deserving; printers all over the.; :country tho may at fi7t seem• hard; but it is in exact-accord with the principles upon which the late PreSidentialcampaiirt was fought, ; and - is only - carrying in to practice the pledges wade by Gay: IlAvir.s while a candidate. GOVERNOR TILDEN'S counsel recent , . ly filed an answer in the suit insti tuted against him .for the recovery of income tax alleged to be due to . the Government. The defence con sists in a general genial of indebted ness, and an assertion that in./ the years that 'when no return .was made all obligations Were discharged - by the payintnt of the assessment and penalty imposed by . the collector•of internal revenue in 3Ir.TILDEN's ti•itt: It is a legal question of con siderable interest, whetherthe nation loses its right .to recover. sums that . should have been paid under the 'in come tax laws by the - failuie a offi cials to Put a proper;valuatiori upon, the current receipts of individuals Who accumulated fortunes• with sure Prising rapidity dulling the iprosper- Otis time that prevailed a few years ago, and - it is 'said, that in several . test cases this important point lies been decided in favor of the Govern ment. A synilar ruling . in 'the suit' against Mr.. Tit -DEN will place him' in a very unenviable attitude before ' the people whose suffrages he has sought for the 'highest 'position in their gift. And, whatever the, result of the pending proceedings mu be, the fact that they are - being serious-. ly impressed, not, in a Vindictive spirit,. but In the ordinary : : course of official business . , satisfy citizens alai parties that - ,the charge made during, the last Presidential carn paitin, that. the IDemocratie leader shirked •his just share of the national burdens,.,had a',v6.3r substantial fount. atfon: Ilussi - A, says an exchange, is Slow. 14 hut surely fastening . , her grip up-. on Tore, and maws" a peace is soon agaiiiged 4 herecan be•but• one result to, the w 4 I)etween' the ;two nations. In Arn the-IRussians are con verting tie territory As sfitst as ,it is acquired into provinces'of their which is easy to do in consequence of the fag that , but a proPor- Lion of t* people are Moslems. Rus sia evidently means to keep all \She in get in that quarter. Along the Minix?, Where tire Czar ,eornmandS In person enormous preßarations for , ;he Pass-vre: of troops are going on. It is jiere hat the . main .s ildvanee will Lie, made, las he field of operations is far ngare.:- the.se , of .supplies,; than \lq that, in Akin. I -may he months,- or it may beonly day 'betOre the march. upon COnstantinop _ -.4-. ordered. .When 'it does eOme it ill' be made in earnest. ‘ •Meanwhile.jurkey is sadly apitoyeil in the irea 1 .by the 31ontenegrins, Who keep iii) a con, stunt disturbance from their fas .ess es beside the Gulf 'of Venice.. 't ried and assailed orr all. hands, it i' -wonderful how - lOng the " sick man " is able to sustain hiMself. T.nE Indian outbreak in Idaho was nexpeeted, and is. : not clearly laine4 The Nek - Pereesribe,live in the northern part the Territory, number some 2,84)(1,' and have been regarded as good farmers,-And con siderably advaOced - in civilization . . Their part of the , ' Territory abounds in mountains and rugged deple, and ileneral llowAnn may .not find it so easy to " make short work of theui as he imagines. It; is possible that white miners lave created the ,pres cat ill T feeling, as)he region :in which it exists is.rich in the precious me tals, 3i5.9( TiLnix hits been suffering with bilious colic ever since -the de . - cisibn of . the presidential question by congress; and the other day he had • opportunity- to let off the accumu-, latedgliS and b'rlek in the "Hendricks' meeting, and he!dii:l ‘ an in a manner neither creditable .to\himself nor the party he,..represent "biled over," but the,exhibitigin \ was: :row When not disgusting. \ Ile was , 4 'eoupted out;"'and that waaallraud," . not only against: hini, 'but al .who= voted for him. Poor Sammy! ;haw Le, - liotes to .givO uN tlio • Ibaud SEIZE o 1741.7.11NC1E5. WIN TICE ZIEW INDIAN MB; ; • I:Arts-for the .14!ard' ! • Instruotalt4..liminisAkoqulsition of the 01* of Oritint-oilii "101 Heporti- of. t‘e ticiTesipickiteir Being Decoy latliamlligatillnete4—t Bticiendo Fort Billed 1004 !i*it'Aint (Wren in Imminent Danger f.l!*alotiditeltilli-4iit Oregon, now at WashingtoN yesterday received tlicrfollowittglelegfek - from the O ov 'Ciller of that-State: ' txvc'eriis 614-icz sia e sli,-.has To 'tort. J. N. rt,;;;.,,ksk tho secretary of 'War to instruct the cOnarnandor of the Military nopartment of (Nitro hia to supply cititens„of (Vogul; i,it.-thit c rte.inity of with arum atul attnnfoi Mott troitiv the Vancouvoi4irsenal, on the. ketritsttion of the governor. Tip \ citLvens „of Walla waits arm •in 7.d anger of attack, and hare appited to roc for am. Intunition. ~The scitiolimilueri. • - - - \ " CIIADRICK !, The Secretary of War, in vie* Of the übove minesti, ,has .instructed- Oeneral 'Howard to answer the re= qUisition of the 4101'0.1:Mr to the MO ettent of the law, which allows .500 stand of arm's to the citizens. .THE SCENE OF THE • FIRST 3118SACRE. • .e dispatch from Boise City tO'San Fiannison nays: '`„43y an arrival . here jast night. Minrsday) • the. previoui ;reports of the - Indilan outbreak near 'Salmon a-re . substantially confirmed. The.seene of the first massacre on tie Salmon river and tributariei- of that stream coming in from the north € ern side; draining Camas Prairie and neighbering, mountain settlements Nulled Camas Pruirie covers the foot of the hills to.the.north of Florence Mountain Andthe breaking clown of : the table-land called Craig's'. MOuntain Idaho is about the centre ofthe range of settlements on the Camas Prairie ' lsituated at the foot, of Florence Mountain. - sixty-five niileS from Lewiston.. Idaho settle .ments on Salmon river and its tribe taries lie. to the4outh and - southwest_ pf Mount Idahtf at a 'distance vary ing from fifteen to thirty Miles.. The •Indians did not kilt:Wornen and chil •dren, but allowed them to 'be takon under escort or friendly spews to . State Creek, *filch had thus' far been left - undiSturbed.. •At State Creek the whites have fortified themseiVes in a - stockade fort, in which. has been received the wiles and children -of murdered men,- together with the' families of the Men who had escaped massacre. Gathered - in this place -are the, following persons:' Mrs.: lienty.pfers and two Children, bus-, -band Murdered at John Day's Creek ; Mr. 'Sherwood, wife,. and- grown daughter; Hiram Tilman, several children ; Mr: William Os- borne and - fi've ekildren.; the husband was murdered at : IlarrY Mason's' on Salmon river .Sistee‘of Harry= 'Ma soti,., Harry w4S. murdered in .his ! Odle; Mrs. H. C. BrowMiVhose, hus banitivas murdered at this 'store on Salmon river;J.J. AinnuiA -and • two 'children, the husband was wounded at White Bird Post Office:* John Woods; Charles Ford's wife, and . lbyr ehildrens Mr. Cohen, wife: and several children. These women are thus shut up:in the ithidst of hos tile Indians ivithout adequate means . of defence and without aid. They will Certainly be 'overpowered and meirdereci r as the Indians'. declare their determination to flake the fort 'and murder the, It can't be hOped the Indian's will -again spare i r the women 'and children after the ! losses they must suffer in : capturing,. the fort, as the men will fight to the last. Our informant says he is felia bly. Wormed that the: Indians did ' • not a single building or -.destroy any property-, Vut cleared the coun try of stock. which they have driven to the south side of the Salqion river. The Indians,have now their,priticiryl -camp anti headquarters on the Sal ! inon river, just below" the mouth of! a small streatuealled 'the -Skookum chuck, while the stock .is gathered and pastured on ail extensive, ular-shaped region formed by- the Snake and Salmon rivers, on a high mountain range. In contradiction 419 preVious reports that- the i4ioops behaved badly, onr inforinaht sayS he is assured, by citizens who were frt. the'fight that the troops, though they allowed themselvesto eel into' ambush, displayed through out the. action the utmost. gallantry and fought like tigers. .kbolft 25 or 30 soldiers were killed in abOtit 'the &iliac orrhinutes. The, sit nation in _Northern Idaho far exceeds.. in gravity any outbreak of our day; 414 it will`tax . the best resources 'of H.he.Governmentand of the people!, immediately, interested to subdue the Indians and restore pence to the country', The Indians know the ar my on this coast i 5 a skeleton, and the people are helpless Troth' want, of arms." ' , '-. . • I'EItRIS LUwll\,•TH£. SUNDAY 'AT—TIIIII,TY-Tilralr. MEN K 1 LLED telegram received at the Army licadlnarters, 'San Francisco, Tiies2 l l Any - afternoon, from . Ueneralj, Haw. aid,. dated Lewiston the '20,0, re- ports 1 3 6 Ty's loss In the efiga , ,T,o - -. anent of the„ ID.h, inst. one officer, Lieutenant K. ; Heller, of the 21st In fantry and 33 men. . Heller - was placed wOutided 'on his horse by Cap tain Tremble,' Im . t . was afterwards illcd. - The people at Florence re. ,•‘pprt they hare • elfeetnally ,blocked the Indian train towariLliittle mon and Weiser. Captains Yet:7, Tremble; and Parnell .are:'„repurteil wounded.- Perry's , cuunand I 4 at Fort Idaho. =M ~ MAN. , . )i\Winnemucca de:lintel says ifo.. erno6Brayman, of ,ltialio, reoeived a despate from Winneinucca, chief of It'he Pluto now 'at Silver City, in ;'*liich the lief assures the Governor that he has inton of, breaking peace with the whits; that ;f an In. -diau outbreak o , ii.s e will remain .friendly, but if he Wants to -light he will give fair Warni g. A i TERRIBLE ' RP,. • . •'- ~. -' • llys , \ ~ A. terrible'contlaration starts. St, ,John, N. 8., early\yuesdav aft .1 noon, June 19th, and Was Still bur ing fit midnight, and beyond control. Three-fourths of the eity\have been • destroyed. The 'building4 buriV 1, comprise the post ~ollicestorn house, academy of. Mifsie, two urge .Th counsel Air ex-Governor Tit hotels, eight banks; two school li us- den - Fr lay tiled in the New 'Torii %,\ es, four ehurchea, City hall, fon r news- , /Unitedqtes District Con it 'an . an paper offleca, all:the insurance ofllce4, .swer.to - suit r ut' the 'Government every wholesale and nearly all the \ag,ainst Mr. • ilden to recover $150,- retail.hOuseS./ The .only batik saved ill 0 income La. alleged to be dile the is the British North America. •Sev- Go - ernthent., T e - ansiver states that , eral schooners and larger vessels the r•Lt t,\ :nrris.maile }. ; Tilden were all Were burned to•the Water., ' - : coerce and that in the rears when ' Five Men .and two infants are now lie - negletted to make retrirns to the known' -to imVe lost,Al f eir lives, and- , •Go%riinie L the - eolli •tor made an manyare missing. - - . . asseSsinent, which, with he . penalty The loss is estimated at from slo 4 = attached, he kid; i • The a steer con 90,000 to $15,000,009, and, the it?- eludes- with :o . general 'dm] 1 of snranee will 'not, 'it, is fl - night,: ex- the allegationsii the coMplai i s and .Ceetll44,ooo,ano, - .i claims. that 1 ildeu is indehted Mth.. Thousands •iir people wander theting to the •Gor ern ent '.or inc tne• feltsfuel in dc . spair.'l:fie I tal: tor cm any, iithei a, eourit. .: . _ , . Threc-Fourths of`'9t• Johns, N, Thonsani4 of Po nle Botueless4 ' Lost. • estynetion.of provisions of all.kinds seems to point to:farnitu4'ind relief tin* come in ispeedilyor ma4y:innat frOm VAL; • rell "yea even • - • Joi is • ti:j. • 'ebsportleursi and: .-get4',4f:St.f;o:l opoutyll.44 ;neh.-tif the St.4o.he Ykrit.',lt# impn ab0u.040,090,k,• FIVE HU .ACSES DEVASTATED.;-7 TRIM' " DEAD, BODIES k'08,...`40. ' --_ . - Futter - ace tits of the i great:fire hi confirm the 'first' re.. ports of the cx it of the disaster. MI the pnblic iatii ings, 'nearly ; tlui Steres r enclrhalf - t. • dwellings ere eonsumed, - amt-15,000 - the inbabi taitts.-4re homeless an. destitute. The loss.is estimated atieri twelve A. list of:•ten.Pers. i who perished is given.. A. telegra re ceived. Aro.n ,Carleton ' opposite t. John, Jul; night,.stato d that the fi . • was got under control at four o'cloCk . yesterday afternoon, after. devaitat ing an area of '5OO acres ) and that AO bodies had been found. Provisions .and..e,lothing for: the sufferers have beenorwarded from Montreal, - hex, Portland and Bangor, and re-' lief subscriptions have been started in those cities, and in Chicago; ter the. - Chicago fire, Si. John con, tributeil $lO,OOO in gold 'for the Sur- Teter§ in that city. - : • . • ST oti,N, June 25.--The parties at the - 1631AM injured at the , fire are doihg well. Those still missing are T. O'Leary, Mr Coughlin,. a :women Slid-child of Smith street, and Miss Vance. The aggregate eontributicin for the sufferers is $200,000, besides proyisiuns and chithing. The total loss is estimated as nearly .as possi ble at $15,000,000 to 20,000,000. The. total amount - ot - linsuranee is about $7,000,000. • : „ :.; BosTv, •Tune fire' : at Mar- . .blehead :his forenoon swept away nearlY the entire business portion- of the city.. IL:began'in a stable of the Marblehead_lititel; and • is believed to have been. incendiary. The flames .spPead . Alarming rapidity. Air the large shoe manufactories but three were burned: These were most ly large wooden buildings filled with -machinery and j employing, hundreds 'of. .ten. The Eastern Railroad de pot \ and a'large number of cars were bUrned. Over forty dwelling houses. were: InFned - , the . occupants - ,saving bit littler ome'fmilies fleeing with of ly the Clothes they had .on.. Ser. ciity-tivo bnildings in all were On sinned. ; It is•lmpossible to estimate tie losS. The'fire is now under eon; . . . !The tire ommeneed at two o'clock this "rnorning , and-stopped at 6:30 this afternokiii, John F. Woodlin, it fire man,wils flit:illy injured.- At 4 o'clocik this .morning to, loOr from . ' the site 9f the tiencral aloveren4ine house, n 'clear view, :obstructed. only by standing, chimneys, Was_kad of near ly fifteen acres, enclosed by .Essex, Schnol,N:Pleasaet, Spring and Small ~.truets. in. -a few brief .honrs the flames had destroyed two-thiqls of the 'old town, and left withodThros pest o'f employment Judy three- . fourths of the male and female work ing people.' Seventy-two. • buildings ti ere destroyeib The total loss fill probably: be half - . lcosTorr, June 2:s.—Th / 9. Marble : . 'head 'fire broke out $n the rear of tbe :Marblehead Hotel, ; i burning fifteen acres of buildings, !inclUdinff every* shoe shop but tive.i . Dispatches ' for help were sent to. 'Salem and Lynn. . The' main source of the water sup . ply Pi'aS. a bri l ek pon,l reservoir, and over . this was the; General Glover en! , ine, house:: In the'rear of the engine louse Was- EvoriS'& Collins' shoe _manufaelory.• Only-a. few feet from the factory ,was a barn, in the rear of the' Marrhead Hotel. The hotel. it;,ielf stns . d about twenty feet froth the 'engifir ko q s q . y4e first.re- . suit of the fire as the simultaneous \. burning of the Our buildings, and eonsequently the> 're department was virtually eompell to wait till these were burnt in order to get any relia ble water supply. . The principal losses are; Allerton Bloek,-$30,006 ; - J.H.Orthe, $lO,OOO ; G. A. Green', '$7,0001; Marblehead ,fhigsony,' , Ss,ooo l , E;11.-113artlett 4, Co., 18,000 ; J. 0. teNrOur, $7,000; Pope'l3lock. $15,000. 'Munroe 8r05.,. *30,000; J. M. CrOsiby, . $30,000 ; Ile - eh;ibite Building, $4,000; Jona thon, Brown, $30,000 ; Warrhstead & Woodfin, $25,000; i S. E. Crowell , $5 - ,000; 13; U. -Hathaway, $4,000; Blaney; $4,000 ; W. ILCaswell, 4,- 060. . • 11os.roN. June 20.—A earefullt ' pre pared IA of the 'losSes by the Mar - blelicaq fire makes the- - aggregate On buildingi; $350 - ;000. • Loss to omit pants, stoOks, machinery, furniture etc., $l7 0000. ' • ~ STORM IN THE VEST. • C June 25.—A ferrW; wind 1 , and frain . stortiv apparently started in the vicinity of Iliansas. City, is now in-NorthWestern Missouri and over towa also a large pOrtion of Illinois and -a - section of Michigan. Telegraph wires are, prostrated in every direction. , At Peoria the wind lifted the tin feof or of the Chamber . . of Commerce, the' rain !boded the building. , The storin is raging severely at Bloomington,! where 'Ain is , falling in torrent4, , ao the" wind . growing stronger. Hail and lightning prevail On the Northwestern RaFfroad in Illi nois. The tornado will reach this' city, protably in two hours. Atlispateh from Des Moines, lowa, -reports,/ Weather tion with cluck this after] city with the twenf va-t, c.ral)le d: blew . • wi DEstroveA= q,rat Livcs teams an breaking inry. stances 114 of life is MI '4,711 AND IN. vr t. 3 k , s. \ 'tr. • it itt. 1 'f e ' ~ LATER WAR NOM \ - .. -.;,. • • . Lorinos, '.kne.:. Mi.. l --47-41ispatch frOat,Gillats says ihoslts e'en -thane to Cipastlia Ditanbillaciree it, diffearlitil. The' Tttrita - Offer but 0141'0' : stattee. i .44:7,NAgni . in - the o' _._ ailiAtitninent,-.llis,Tlirhs aiWridnforeed; and - wiit . ixost'a-ity, of' Scranton; bar rallied, eliargo the Rtissians - and been elected one of the delegates. 'from drove them back. 'The whole of the LuzerneCoatiti to the Republican State • , 'fighting lasted thirty-three ',hours. Convention.: 1 ' The Turkish 'loss, according. to the Tun lieeald say t; that the jail of Wayne latest ttcotinta, was upwards ot\ 2,- County : is without a tenant. the . last; three erg' having • been discharged, on 000 , and the Russians much heavier. he Turkish he4dquarterscare stili'l, . , ,„ •,. 0 ' Z ‘ ewin, where „twenty-four . battal- . ;.1 , prisoners' of last week; still's a. .rosT, 01. •cranton, has hove,. over to (Mirt a woman o: that eify ions'and two batteries occupy an ez- upen\the . charge ti', Veing a "'common . cellent\position; which is urnassaila: scold. \ r: This is a daugerous, precedent, 'ble.in the front. ' . and other sta . dds had Vetter beware.' . r The Tt Mks then opened a terrible THE • Pestonice ar Cooivine! oil the artillery firC.andLcompelled.the Rus- Montrose Railway, ha.s'b e en discontinued sians to fall back With- heavy loss. ' and a new one , established :it Allen's Cor ners, Called Soul Montrose, with Dubois 'l ,e Tarks acknowledg,e n loss of , \ Mutter appointet \Postmaster. ... 400 killed,- and about the same nuai- • bee wounded. It' reckoned ,the Tin , : people of Susquehanna County , will celebrate the Fourth. at Montrose, at Russian, losses werett least double. which time the Soldiei.' l'donumefit Will 'On the 22d, Mukhtar again fought be dedicated with appl•oPriate ceremonies. a severe - battle. The Ru.sian cavalry lion. G. A t. €row, the largest contributor I. 'to the monument fund, will \ deliver. tle. Were placedin entrenelmMnt to - act as infantry, but ultireatelYthe Turks detii""Y- address. ' (},rove them out and pursued theM, - TnE Judges of the Supreme Cenri, now the Russians retreating in di\SOrder 'in session in Harrisburg, wentsoir \ - an ex- . `as fak as Zeideiran: ~ . \ , cursion last Saturday. They were \ in a steamboat along the raging -canal to On the 23d, 16,000 Russian begat visit - the steel worliS near the •State Capi tO advance against ' this- position, tbl. They .epres,e(l th e: in:d ee ,: d e li g lit. The main body of this force ie. at \Cd with the scenery, the steel works, the .Saricamuch, five hours march frOm stcambvat and—the lunch. &win, and its advance guard is at, 3.:(.4.vitt:53.8 that Senator Thomas V. Yenitoltoy. It is very'probable that • Coqper Made the wittiest "after dinner a battle will be fonght in this guar- specelW at the late jollification 'of editors ssornbled at the Delaware li ater Ga . ter.. The .Turks await the assault, liealso Mentions that the Senator "wears P and if it is not attempted they will a gßatee Which. he dyes red to match his advanctand endeavor to-crush this -hair." Tha s ts the way one man criticises corps.; ; - - /the personal appearance of another, and :---- . , , So far all attacks on Kais have this remark waS \ prompted morn hy.envy than by teen repulsed with loss. " - - ' malice. - .ter ' . ,c) . • • Os Friday !Mehl nas the engine Ala • bama, with a coal train of -forty cars, Olt the Lehigh Valley Railroad. was passing the lower setcion of Shenandoah,. in -this State, her ° bOiler ,ex . piteled, seriously . Wounding Tiinothy MeCartY,ft brakeman. The engineer anti 'fireman eSeaped with Out slight bruises. &,..:nunibir of small buildings took tiro mg several -ere de molished. '. . . W. 11. .trinnsiest,, of Ridley towirshiP, Delawaret.Cotuity,. this - t3ta tC, • Mon4k.ay night shot his cousin, ..TolneWorrall, and a few minutesafteiwaids ,•blow 4i * torn brains out. Worrall's wonndS wilf,iprob ably prOvn fatal. 1341 i men were well known and ritspe.etablyonnected. The Shooting was eAnsed, by "jealousy. Both men wore .married, married,' Johnsen: leavin4 a wife and two children. . \ Taa Pennsylvania Railroad' \conipany has just adopted onlita road a fop, of car for the transportation of cattle for long distances which will put an. endto:the complaints of. humane ,peoplo in regard, to the.methods heretofore imuse• for • the carriage of live stock.; In the no* cattle cars feeding and watering' can be attend ed to, and the • result is .not only to be commended upon principles of.humanity, but also for its effect and benefit to con sumers of meats, by improving the quan tity of our food. . . . . CnosE : to St. Michael's cemetery chapel, In Union terwminip; Barks .comity., there /stands 'a . - niagiiiiicent - elm tree, whnse dense branches extend over a diameter of more than- tam hundred 'fret, 'shading a quarter Of .an acre, of ground. It, is 1.14: yowl doubt O, c. of rho linvst trees in the country, and is a well-known land -murk. The oldest'citizens' recollect thisvelin as havifig heen a largt).tree in their 61111 - .0, and although itha'S withstood the storms of liquify yea rs it sb6ws no signs fifiltn,a, but stands as vigorous and *erect as ever.' THE GRAVE' OF THE FIRST TREAS- MR OF THIS NATION In a wild spot - on the southern slope of the Idooaie Mountain, in the northwestern part of Wayne Co , Pa , neglected, , Sunken, - and hidden by rank; growl hs 'of i nnderbrush and bri- - ars, is the .grave of Sainuel Meredith', the first - Treasurer . of - the Uniti / 41 States and - that of his .wile, Margar et • Rea Ci. ' Mr.. Meredith' was appOint ed• Treasurer by General - Washing-• ton, when ho became President, In 1789. Meredith - 'was ' the son of Brees Meredith, a wealthy Welsh no-' blemen, who aided the American cause with both. counsel and treas are,. orrone - Occasion presenting • the Continental Govarnment..'..with - $25,- 10 -to ameliorate the 'condition of the; then Buffeting' army. The elder Mer ith and Washington had been o \o\ intima friends befoin the bitakin,g out, of he war. Samiael. Meredith screed as reasurer' under Washing ton - eight a d Mr: Adams four years. In the-Mean ' , la he became interest ed in Oxtensiv: real estate specula tions in this. 1 ; -tic) and Susiliie lianna counties, laving purchased 31),otip, agree of lan ' lying in btith. Emigration was then setting in that direction. , Ins idea w - to found a -town pear the Surinneha , da COunty 'line, and hi. 'obtained ' a . c arter for one. It was. bb .be called -', elmont. When o TeMrsou caulejuto O' ice; in .1 • . .• ; . . . . in 1801,'Ideredith •reslanVoP l -1 tiotragainst.the. wiNaelk olr: , ' , IIOIIIIII. Presidekt._ Ho crept - 0 a p :-, • 0 04 I tesidettolltAke,*44kne :-li ,' ' piirchaAed, .00. railfko 0 r . : ' I kis. familyolliat ! . , .d , ',':- i 1 and-,000 '":'' - i . ':-.*::,.::: i ~..,.,.. ! engagett ~..,' . :1 -- „,..ii. TM ing away is • ample fortun%- -- el pont, inkhe called. his 'residence in the wona t Was all that ever ,came of . itr.propesektwww4 ,-- ft int* . --• . . . at tittles 'by: Robert Mcirris, Dr.' ti jamin Rnsh,'aad others, • faikoui in American histoth s . but Meredith and his wife were forced to. resign. the ligliliminLymilibut ‘l-114 . --.4sid.---ciceil. 'pied' in Phllailelphia, and 'lied In is-. oiation iftti-reinainder of4heitdays Mrs.: Meredith Was ...ii Member Of the Reed faMily or. Philtitlelphia, which is still a prominent ofie:;;Johti MerOdith Reed,presentniited States Charge d'Artfairs at Athens; is\ a representative of it,. • She was n •fas moits and accomplished- helle Of -the Revolutionary - days. ' I'liC residence of the Meredlths was - the resort .of the *it and fashion of that golden age of American society. :Vol. Cal ;rally Freeman, an -aged 'native' of Mount Pleasant township, was a page in the Meredith family when they took up their residence at Bel mont. - Although in the midst of a. wilderneSs [and . reduced in e ircinm- stances, they -maintained ' all their aristocratic'customs, keeping liveried seryants and a carriage, and Insisted on a strict Observance of a.ll the con ventionalities of the cirClCs in which. they had been reared... Samna Meredith die4:lk 1817, aged 67 .years. His wife die 4 ithree. years inter. The spot in which _they were burled is-a small enclosure \a few rods from Bel. .wont. Two . ekumbi inp.o•' . stones mark the fir 'll • ' - 41 , - upon, them , ,nt, the' reside mt. the propel out of the ha of M. w tend tulles: tridus cue Lb ktion Timex lts: the sill'Ort +period that • Tohn Sherman has been Secretary' of he TreasUry, he has earned the ere( 't of the Government to a higher point than it; ever before reached. Duti,ng his longterm -of :public,' service . Mr. :Sherman has made finance : a special study. l lie OveValuable . aid to Sec retary Chase during the - rebellion, in the advocacy of the financial schemes . which stipplied,the Government with money. !When the war over no one was more influential. in" the,' pro motion of legislation - for. the elttiti guishment of the public ,debt and . the niaintenance of "the national credit. A man .of nice "sense of honOr in .pri vate life, he has been 'distinguished for patriotic sensitiveness ; in 'everp thing that .relates to the financial credit and reputation of the Govern ment. ,lie has never tampered with the plighted faith of the nation, qua. he - has tthiformly resisted . measures that were not identified with the id business interests of the country or that imperilled" the 'restoiatibri 9( the national credit. • in the Mtmlwof a statesman of such - honor:tale ante cedents the Treasury 'Department cannot fail to be administered : with wiJlom and discretiom—PresN.'f . • STATE NEWS TROMA.O.TO BE COLLECTOR AT BAL. John L. Thomas was last Friday appointed Collector of Customs. at Baltimore. ',He was, tour years ago, removed from that position in viola tion of the civil-service rules against the protest of all, the imp orters in Baltimore, and his restoration to the place is considered a vindication ,of re-Vhowmig will erttifivonAtokotios oiNtho "Ist of - ' • • • • • • TITg ifoooittlifgj IS -34 e; Ilpidettt's .tcleaastone_tor_CiYil_Ser-vice •, , - Reform. If, ealoWetil it will afford , . great relief to offieiala: • • • ~s Art • one 12;1 " , "FlrtA destre to call your attenttlnn tertbe ref., lotrfng telfngtitplit In*)ettets addressed by tne to the Secretarettl,e Trefoil:try -on' the etniduct. to be observed by officers it the general , gpverninent. In rotation to the elections ,f 'fit) officer should be Atrirettnittedflot take. ittft :in the man .agetuent of political oreeizationx, eaut!tig*.p. CM* vendetta or election rarapalgns. Their ?VW to vote and to express their views. on' public guts. ttoulk ‘ elther orally or through the press; is net de nied. provided it dttes not Interfere Itrlth.their OM dal duties. No assessment for political penstock on orlicerentinitordinates should fro allowed. This rule Is applicable to every department or the civil service. It'should he uudersteod by every officer of the generatgovernment Shat he Is expected to cobrortn his conduct ro its.requtrements. " N:ery Respectfully, • IC, It: lIATV3.” . A-Wonderful Dprrovery.—Our numerous, exclsauges are Mimi with accpunts:of most we,Cder ful cures' effected °by Gift El; " MY.DICAL , ti tlt.tt." It is said to iM,the greatest vitalizer yet discovered, giving bapyat;cy to the spirits, elas ticity to thtt step, and ° malting the itivalidltearty, courageous and strong: lit cures aft diseasesof the Liver, Stomach, ffichitili,and spine;. Scrotula and all MANI I ceases; emus tiervoni i'Majration,atl. .Ny . eak, i nesti of either ans, resterlpg Tese.'and.Viger to the ramie - System.'. li4ad fife foliciWing'cuires: ''.110.1c31 AN AUSiri Sheds Coroprp, Wonder ful cure of dyspepsia anti heartAlsea.se. • White,.filreels Corners, ,ti..Y"-terrible Scrofula and }Clancy Disease: gained 4A poinds. A.. IL fiaraiPlP 1 / 4 says that i 4 tAlcilleel Wonder" gave Idea hetilth, streaph:arat appetite. ,Ttute9ol, S. loath some, FcrofulA; iupposeg . to tk., In , ccilittitution; I , t !.. Prof. 11. A. llit.soa'',.9aratetta; R. Y'„ widely known aq Principal of one of trait firtitlltig Institu tions of learalliq, hay:s that his. wife has- tilted the •'Medleal IV Mulct"; fur a complication of disenirt with the 'mkt 1131,6 , effect. ' Noothpr remedy titer . touched the cake like It. - ' people near r them, .e yn't res (l (IPSO- t:r.o.JlAltii , ;.. Oneida: coredot terrible catarrh: Et.tz)}ltErlt WOOO, Shols COITIPtS,' , ..N:Y., ovarian tuolornbil dropsy. rethicod'ls s inch . Cs body. Mr.:, 1. S. AI'i'LXTON, Hillsboro, N. H., spud dl svAse- Dr.. 1.. 1 . /ALVIN, SiSter in bed Iwo years with fernado and nervous diseases: cured: Mrs. C. I'. Onnw.tli, Concord, 'confined to bed with female and kidney dlsbase; cored. No sra.T!efor 1,009 Ober c'nres. Ask your Druggist for •• Wonder,:' and be, cured. repared by Dr. IL: Aur.,..li Co.,sarattva, V. v,*.r Nalu In Towanda by Dr. 11. C. , polciAß: whet}•sale, y HENRY CunitA,r4 Co.. N. V.., . . • , . Vow Advertisements.: •. , -,..,-_-_- - -•-, -----..-..--,-,c,_-.•_ ___:___-•----, ..._ _____ ItirOOL - OARPING,—The sub. • serther ill aril rolls the piesent. season . ..., • . at MS 01 estabilsic l tetst in eithidOWN l'i• From Ills long experience he pull le may he :qtre'ot hay lnit their work done tk l the • hest possible wanner, *nil with diqpateli. as e will give his personal and -clo,:e atteutiou to ttle tti,lpess. Price“; Cis per potinq; - Wool taken in tet tii \ e ‘ tit when desired. ilan • , apioik'n, June 5, Pri. It X ING UAW y .IST OF LETTERlYem . iiiining in 4- A Post tbniee.at Towanda, I. tifot'd .Co., ..ra., ftor.the week ending June 28, Pen ''. , Aley. hector , Cockle:C*l " • • . David it ..,•: ~. ' 'Donovan. A Me • Fegicy, T1i0....) . A:11.1, , , Ilayto . Grant,. Katie F . 'llaytier, Sarah I • .faek, ,, n. Ilattie June, .1 II • __, Kamer:A I. • Quigley. Mary , ;tiny, Miry A . .Regnault, Philp I Ray, Annie - --' Scannell, Michael.. Vaught, J 0 ' Vought; Jewell -I, HELD YOU I'oSTA4t L. • ' • , , Henry A (: rein, Mt Whitehall Slreete N V. .. . Persons calling for any of thrtahove, m,lll pl ii....• say "advertised," giving dale of list. . ' ' S. W. A INORD, P. M.? .. . I 1 - --- - I( N oTI cETO BP ILDERS.—Pro r,sais for tollltling a Srhtof llons,' at yin.. I. !:rove, in North , TmVatilia s Ti r ,Wl3Milip. Win be received by .1 he School liirertors of said Town ship at 1. o'clock P. m., rtaturdat. June, 23(1, .1.: , ,77. Prang and stweiliettions to lie ..:VII 011 . • tIIP -gninund at the time vr letting. - Tllens. CLANCY, .. . . North Towanda, June,. :Seey 'School Board. , •-MST NATIONAL - BANK CAi'ITAL . . -$125,000. SURPLUS FUND. SO , 000 This Bank offers UNUSUAL FACILITIFS•Iot the transaction of a, - ENERAL BANKING BtTBlsEss INTEREST PAID oa DEPOSITS AC,CORDINti TO AGREEMENT SPECIAL CARE GIVEN TO THE COLLECTION OF Sorus AND CIIKrKS . . Parties wishing to SK"..II)IIIQICEY to attyl - iart of the States. England, Ihatiii, 'ticotiantl n .pr they principal Titles and .towns of Europe, can here prucura /rafts bar. that put ruse. . • • ••• - • PASSAGE TICKETS To or from the Old Count ihs best•stezth or 7,,:a111ng Aux, always on Itand. ir,ANITLIER.Intot7GIVr OVER AT REDUCED RATES; highest , rice paid for U. S., Bonds', , . • Gold and '• • jos: rOWELL, President riga: SUBSCRIBER: TAKES 1. • l'lt , astire In callipg the atietittoft of hlsJottner otts pa trolls autl thwituhile general lc, to. the, tact that he still cotttliittes a GENERAL MARKET BUSINESS 'At the OLD STAI4III nt MIEIt Sr. In Carrells ftioeit, oearly opp4lslte the Mans I.louse., and that be Is prepared to famish _ .SALT AND 1. - 11. -- ESII MEA S , . MatiLTRY,- VEGETABLES 'AND BERRIES. of the very bestiptallty. at as law rates:l,smq other est3blißhnlent. L .lnno I, 1576-tt 'TIRE- GREAT i WEDDING CARD I).ENYF , \. , • . \.. The late,t styh4,An , _ WEPR \, ING IN - VITA-LIONS% • irriet, L, ,r 1I an ,any llou,e. In the Countiy f.i----I ? C • • : re" - • ()lawns py MAII, PROMPTLY .A TTENPED TPJI. 11. HO SKINS, sTATIONFt . ,kNI) ENGIt.IVEI:,. Aptll 12, 1877 lI.:DODG E, " • S",,ATI9NAL..4AN TOWAN DA, PA. 11.011ESF.'FitA . GIRAItD TICSURANCE / 460., of ffhtlalt., i'IDENIX. MU UAL - LIFRINSiIIt/NCE to., of Hanford. Over .1;0,000 Insuranceion Ilvca •Bra4lfcird Co. • Towanda,, Pd, Fah: r, 1577, • ITAIGII• &AIR° DLEY, 1111 Mannfturera of *ciolen Goads, Varam l ac CAU:IIiNG ;AL "/) . "I..SS/25d, • •• : 4 - • •,, Dona to , ordar. - Cash rohi for wool, also elotas eauhallud (sr wool TAM YSV Intl! EMI 0 ~.;. .__. _ __c _ !V ;Ili 4. iTTPA: .h_Ti.)V fr: Taili;;. 4 i pius. CO" : ER; \ \t. 1;i1110 !Mgt plan Lu Tewieellte bey Reo4 \' ' CfGARS . '.AND TO BACCO, \i • :• .." at lets Teter., Remember, ' -.' e. 4,3 vtilit.)4; ofpoii)ter ROUSE. torn': .OF 7 . 1116 "Iti)1 A 164,11TAW."..? • • " • irr29.7. OF TOWANDA. N. N. BETTS ,Jl. Cso3l.r. C. M. .M.) F.R. - 913 Melt Street, rlillade,ll4lll. - / Clothisg. BPIIII4G AND fitatMEß CLC4III.:Is! STOCK-. IIit3tENSE-;' JuitOphieckst the °id stool of qtr soComos a sox A greeably with aranouncentrat, MR: a. DAVIS Ny Ailed the store litely occupied by Solomon & Soo with the most complete aiseortment. of. • 4EADY-M4bE - 6LO . THING ! OK - eserrtlesiripitoe ever offered Is this martot. Ply stork comprises everjthing in the line of Read/- Mae ClOthidgsOT J(EVEI, YOUTHS' AND CHILDREN'S WE All FURNISHING - GOODS, 1, .cArs, TRUNKS,': VALISES, UMBRELLAS, CA VS, .4e, .i desire to annnoneo to the peoPle nt Itriolfimo! County. that.l hare permanently Ocated to Ttlsrun da, and-shall entleovor, by close attention In tia)4 nem: *Mill profits and falr (leallog„ Mel Vati4 secure ray-strafe of patronage. My stock Is N W. hairlng heen parchasett the pa two wockslor CASII. • . „ 'Towanda, April's, DON'T YQV FORGET" t': - " :_WLEAT ? Why;the fart that IZOSENFIELD '• • ; contuittoctogett, READY-MADE ',CLOTHING AT THE ((MD STAND! • ' that . HIS -PRICES _.ARE LOWER ! THIN -iikr OMER F.;ITABLISIT'3IEr -THISIIIIDE DT THE. OLD COUNTI:I It I. goods arc 2.lvrays BOUGHT FOP. CA. Scf r AND GUADANTEED Td 8i:"..0179T WHAT THEY AWE NACChilHAtENlikt • • .111s-stt,:rk comprise3eyerything!' TirE CLOTIIiii6' LICE r FROM TILE CREAPhS.T. TO •- TILE MOST COSTLY GARM A nice assortment of • BOYS! ,CLOTHING. : • NEATLY ANI) S63gIANTIALLY - MADE. - AT- ABOU T TIkE.COST.OY SIATIALIAT;, SPRING- RATS • : - SPRIN(VPVER'CQA TS, 'l-ti UMBRELLAS, ... And the . . BEST LINE OF FURNISHING GOOD'S . EVER OFFERED IN 'THIS 3IAREET y customers knoirillat t am' • PERMANENTII-1.04•ATICI) IN TuWANI)I... herefore run no risk of being ebeste,l f merely tramlimf dealers, who nevi In one place. ; - • • as In eases contjniie leo) 31. E. 11.1:1SENFIELP NMI Towaudi; 'March ENO VAT ff 1.741: REPL . • During th past winter I have by clop lion CLEA:IkED Orl: My old sioek , of Ready-Made Clothing, and ,non • offer tarry cuitorfiers • AN ENTIRELY N):«ASSQRTNENT, , Purthased with a peciakview to the wants et . . . . , TOWANi)A . VICINITY! Ittleng experience In trade herr. I believe 1 tut: 4er4tand-wltat thopeople dt.stre In the cLOTIII).TG LINE, And foet my Mock, now being opened CANNOT- FAIL:;I4.) SUIT ALL. PRICES WEl4l ' 'N KV EIC SO 1.44 W Aud I can p*r eierything TIIE LINE (sr D .ti'ENTSF: At prices srlitchiili'Q corn ptt I t i..n WE WILL NOT E;E Rnmemllcr this wl4want 4,f-Clot,tlLug •"g .11. J ACOI3,'S. Towanda s 'Aptil 12,•1.;;-: Furniture A CIIANGE . IN Tin rininur. • FURNITIT'RE ST-0111; • Tho'inu erslgued has purchased this e:dahlidk meat of - S—ALLYN a ipo., keep . 113, • : F • L. STC,CK OP , I GOOD I:I.7RNITt7II,Eti WH.H.II . HE .W►K►. SELL. LOW!. Min ALLVS may still fouild at.the 01d . 1.13re . • 3/114 will hare charge' of the I fiii`DERTAXING 15E PA I? NEN T All funerals ell) he Conducted In good lane, xud the charges wilt v rtwutiable. • . . caierui attention will be gluon it) J fEpAntrNo AND riismt 31 - N. P.AITCKS, driceesmnio J: S. A Hifi a c ‘N)) . % diftrida, - ,Mareb 2 0 , 1577. \ „ El IS X. DAMS I ` , ;rlSllEDrr'f eroDlisi.- ■ VA ,o , r?