ff axd otter, 1877. W. A. CR/MERLE •., - , • • • • Dealer In " FINE AEWELNY,' W A T E.S, SILVER, AND PLATED WARE. RWANDA; ra. , rou.m.ta, Jan. is, 1877. ::LOCAL AND ..CENELIVAL:\ JAMES Mir),NT makes an import-Int ,an nouncement to all persons in need of car- MEM ;lilts. • IjArion and Miss EltuA Mims aro about to start a ladies' furnishing store in Initer. INV. Di. STEWART )136 returned from his Western trip and occupied his pulpit :on Sumlay last. • - • 1)0 NOT fail to hear Mr. SWETLAN73 on Thursday evening.. He is•an earnest and eloquent speaker. • ,a -r" Hay. G. W. CHANDLER delivered a temperance ..leettire ih Leßaysvillei on : ISunclAy evening. •. - !FIFTEEN copies of Appleton's New Anierican C,yclopludia, Lave recently lean subscribed for in this place, • ' IVP.If; sorry to learn that our old foreman, :ions i'lleConutux," now of =the Owep), Times, had his clothes-line robbed last-week. . nrn.rt-r special attention to the ad 'Nement in another column of a . farm house and lot for sale. The,rtns. on t ot to secure purchasers. VOL .1. L. Kt:NT, having purchased the of his partner in the firm of KEilT s .t s, is now offering his cnstorners a assortment of goods at low prices. .S. II larg , It •v. qtr. BROW N; -X Waverly, men pied the chancel of Christ Church, on ,I:unday last, and was assisted in the serv ice 1:y StEELE, of Washington. TnP.t‘ glorious Fourth" icy tti - be cute- Ibrated hi - an itnipsing manner at Idinne k 03. Mr et:urtE and Tlon. FonNym are expected to orate. 'Tni Pre s byterian Sociable - will n ect this Wednesday evening I:4 Or residence of IVon. .lostt;it Pow FILL. ' !Vivre is plen ty Wixom, and all will be Iteleolne. 'Tnr people of WOlusitig are making preparations for an old-fashioned patriot: ic celebration hC the Fourth. Fc.ll partie ,ulais next week. Make your -arrange ments to be. there. PVI: INCE 1T Plf ENT.-MCSSTS. L. s and C. 11. ,ALL'EN will speak in of the, Murphy movement, in 'utell at Ghcnt, on Friday evening, EC 11 tltl:i behalf the 1 li .1 pc: if11:1).i10) AT M. 'E. Cut Next. Sabbath D., will speak .a in the M. E. Church at the usual hour of. MEMII3 Tun Loyals; , ek coal IA the favorite for domestic F i uposeS. If you do not desire to 'continue its. use, "never send -any' to your house, asi the good wife Will hot be, satisfied with any other after once burn- GIEE! Orit good friend, I). 0. lfoi,Los, has again phieed ns under obligations by the presentation of a basket of large and Ins straberries, grown 'hi hil; garden. '1'111:y were the largest we have seen this Sealapn.- • • • A sTii.x . .BEitity and Ice Cream Festival will lie held at lecture room of the Uhiveysalist - Churclp, for the benefit of the Ladies Society /.1f 'bat Church; Tues day evening, June Qii. The Imblie‘gener ally 'are invited. Muir. deliVered a'leeture on tem pertnre to a large - crowd In the Curt lnse last evening. 1101% although past enlisted' for the war, and enters , the s,.rviee'witli as much vigor and earn, estne - ss as a young-'vulunteer, Tim Towanda Muttial Building Associ ation has completed its sixth 3, •- •car. From pl. es , u t indications more than fourykr4 Joilger will be tequired to close up. Many of the shareholder) , becoming sat is- , Vied they can do better with money, are- w:ibilraw;pgtbeir ,hares. IsvvrAtioNs to the marriage 6f litiSs ItolkE Snip MA N, of Chicago, have boeu is sod. • 31i-s S. has Many warm friends in TOwatitla, who will extend their congrat ulations, The happy event will transpire on die inst., at the resitiene o e of the brije's - father, Col. S. V. Siiirm.qx. , In r. contract for supplying th§• Public School with boal for the current year, has been aw‘atlctl to .T. IT. require. about SO tons of the "thiek dia monds" to kee,p the temperature of the at a proper state to allow the '•• young idea to'shoot." A t;rnr, employed in the family "of JAs. w is, in the, Third- Ward, fast week forged al order for about twenty dollarS, which she negotiated at J. L. la:Yea for dress goods. The forgery was soon de tected, and the girl arrested alai lodged in . jail. The next morning her friends paid the bill and settled the matter. • Fete more than a quartet of arentury " (fray's Pop" has been a favOrito sum •meta beverage for those who are not en tirely satisfied with the drink prepared b the Alonglity—pure water.' - The-reci pe for this " l'op"is known Only to Mr. L. 11. Scorr, of this place, who is now . fain - oiling it to My-ow:Atm AT rat: session of the State Convention of Universalists, held in ilcieliolsdn teoerit ly, 3111,. of this place, was oi . (laine(l to the niiitistrK of the church. deliyeFedithe disemirse on the OCClthioll, and his plotber, offered up the l prayer. The next s e ssion of the asso ciation will be held here: T. 13. of; tho banking film of P. Turxkbatinivk, has witi;drawn from the^ honae, and is sue " (Teded by the father of Mr. The bank `will lose liothSn4 by the change, as the.busiees's has always . ' been conduct lies Who enjoys an t•uviatile resputatioe in business circles wlit , rerfr be is known. P. 1). Fttwo...n, of Monroe, wait at work not .far frtim his borne one day last week., be Millet a large rattlesnake, measuring three anal a half feet in length, 14% inn ten rattles. Whin firAt diseu'ver ed it. Was but a few feet from -Mr. F.> in a cirri-led position, apparetitly4eatly for hat, tie.: ICifave no signal until after it re . rehted the first blow. .• STRAWBEMY 'AND Um= k. : Ram Furl • =The ladies Of the /1..• EChtirch,of 0 ell, will hold a Festival on stt)._eirea o ind f Tuesday, Jane 2% 1877, a Ma ink 'ornall. Levers of strawberries IoS r tient!, attention I ' N Dn. Jugs Luaus, of tbis pbtas,'open ed the Murphy campaign at Bare*, on !Saturday evening last. It was • the Dont tot's maiden speech, and the result was over aNandred signers. _Doctor 'RAMS i 8 tho,roughly in earnest in theleed work reforming not only— but but moderate drinkers, and we srs kaPp tio y to chronicle his success.- Tut'llushfor4 (Minn.) Snakes this reference to two of our friendih • "Messrs. in. and D. 3.4BWants or Monroeten, Pa., aro is this:eltypests of their could; M rs . 0. W. Cetisiwit. They express therusettes as lunch pleased ,with Rushford' and tho country generally, srwin probably beCome permanent res. i Tit p. ,,T . SAY •op TUE Tnsnsonzssolt t Minx he Owego TlT:we:says: : •,• "BPHIL m WiLtralts, a colored youth fi:om Totia . ,a t - Pa., tapped' the till:-in DAVID Bnts-x saloon On North Avenue, and captured, • • *nen seven and. eight dolla're in .money a 1 a three barrel pistol. He was arrested by :hetiff RonEurson, and arraigned before atm PEAnnn." AN IDEA prevails in sore quarters that the 'grangers are on the deck e, and, will eventually die out as an order. If they do, it spill not be, the fault" of Bro. GLAD DINO and his good wife. During th: last week they have swelled the members by the addition of an embryo matron. Mother and baby both doing well. Better late than never, CHARLI E . , . Coke to, the t'otirt House on Thursday t evening (the 21 t) if you_rsish to hear `something origi 1 and' interesting upon the subject oft' mperanc:e. - D. W. SWETL ''itly Esq., of Ilehoopann, will then tell y u "au o'er true tale,' l , and you -can understand the moral and the warning Contained in bis story with out any speaal effort upon your part. I' .• L ' ikNlc7NO, accompanied by his daughters, ,Mrsi. Ipsizoi. and Mrs. Portrin, spent last Sabbath at Minnequa.' o hotel is already filling itp,'and Super- . ititendent Trt.pt anticipates a aticeessful' season. Minnegna is certainly a pleasant, resort, and Mr. TYLER' takes - good care that none o his guests Ivo occasion to find fault with the appointments of the bowie. \ •POURTII OF JUL] T . QRWELL=Thero will he - orations and. Mkric from 11 A. M. to 1- • Dirnittick's ffall.•l - lestival;,,afternoon and by the Ladies'''. Aid' Seiii - ety" of the Tres yterian Church. 4blindant entertainmen pro . vided at reaiOnable rates, Erniiient si)eaXere.wih be presetiNY orde'r of Committee. 318— LANDON'S lecture OD Sunday after noon-was listened to by a- very larg6 eon: course of people of the borough ant) vlein •ity. The people came with, high expecta tions and were not disappointed. Mr; LANDON'S eloquence and earnestness, to- . g t ether with the Phases in which he piel seined the 'temperance question; held his: audience almost spell-bound for nearly , two hours. His• remarks differed from most of the speakers of s tho day, in that he had no frightful. personal, 'experience to relate, but his arguments in favor of vital abstinence were such-as to commend them toall. A IlExtrrY.—"We were sbownthe other, day, by CIIAMBERLIN, an Alderny, heifer, whic ds . a perfect beauty., Not much larger than a good sized.cream , pitcher, the animal issymmetrical in - form and gentle as a kitten. Although the cow is not theeproperty of Mr. C. he takes great pride in exhibiting her to •his friends. This beautiful pet,, no doubt prove, useful as well as orna inbutal, is from the celebrated herd 'of Col. , W3l. COLpfill, of _Harrisburg, and. was presented to a lady friend in this place. Mr. C. has madeitho breeding of blood. N 1 cattle a specialty Tfer years ? and pronounces the Alderny the best for fam ily use. If ho has'any more like the One we arc speaking of, lie can • send one along, We will take good care of it. PEILSONAL.-LMrS. WAKEMAN", of Con neeticut, is visiting her daughter, Mrs' .J.B, .13Etugs, at the Rectory. *1 —Miss ALICE SATLES, of Troy, is visit ing friends in this place. —Mr. M._ MoNnoE, fornieriy , Deputy Internal Revenue Assessor' of- this Drs, too - , his mother, Mrs. Judge MosnoE, an Mrs. Fours -En., were visiting tat Mr. RA last week. • IN —.T. R, FARISS, 441.110 firm of D-ARTS ,& Co., ha taken up his residence at the • Means liimse,for the heated term. 2 -1-'... Sitntin, the young gentleman ,who read the Vakedictory at the' com mencement exeicisef the Institute last week, has been engaged as an instructor by Prof. QUINLAN for toining year. —.1", , ,5. H. tlAvyns, 'of,lie,T . :,lirm-' of HAwEs\prothers, Toy manufacturers, MonroetoiVwill sail for piropen Satur day, for the benefit of his health. ' l ` 'le ex pects to remain abroad several mo ths. We hope his e. 4 t;ctations may" be fu lv , .., - •\.l L realized. - —We yesterday recelvellia pleasant call from Mr. HowELL, of th)Tittsbusgh Dia- patch. Mr. H. is interest in the publi-' cation .of the county` 1 00\ and will. ed probably remain in the county \t'or, some time.' We bespeak forbira a welcor— ception everywhere. TIMPEIIANCE: MOVE3IiINT IN STEVEN, ILLE.-A temperance • meeting after the Murphy order was -held in. Stevensville, _on 'Saturday' evening last (sth inst). and C.M. ALLEN, from Towanda, 'addressed the people; giving chiefly their performl experience in the . use of intoxicating thinks; which bad a• good effect upon the hearers and resulted in n signing the ,plcdge, .which we con - spier goOd beginning for otir village. The people of SteVensVille have concluded to hold : another on Saturday evening next, 16th' inst., in order to keep the bill moving to the beit of their ability, but would, thankfully receive • any goodbelp from elseivhere. By Order of Committee. 11E0IIGANIZATION OF THE S. L. kS. IL R. Co.—At a meeting of the directors of the State Line & S. Rz R., held •in this place on Thursday Last.,,;,N. N. BETTS, _jr„ was unanimously eleited " President' In place of CEATLI.ES E, Psrisozo,• resigned. CHARMS CUSIMAN, D. It. LATllit73llld, :JOHN C..WELLE.B" resigned as directors, and their places were-filled by the selec; tion of. E. T. Fos, of: Towanda; R. 11. Rocursrmi, Of ,'New York, and W-sr. WitELEN, of Philadelphia. W. C. TO*Afi= of "Providence, R. 1., who is Well and favorably known in this" community, was elected Treasurer in place of lir. SLATEn, and will make Towanda home hereafter. We most - heartily the , stockholders and all con cerned on the fl-ittering prospects of the compiny: :With an inexhaustible supply of Nut • ir , s 4 coal, plenty of - capital to de ' velop the Mines, and officers in whom the 1 company and public have implicit confi dence, there is no good, reason why the ectacHern shall not prove.remunerative to those who have, invest/id fkiiids In It, as well as a sour of intresOng Prcisperi tr to Dada:vitt sot counties. lire Wiest ate road will be' put in first- Oslo oilair • itoonce;" , fay Oriplpped for height and passenger traffic. • , . sts. Wx.-Itammiore died onlitardai 111 6110 g, aged 78 yrus, She *as Mother of a 114.ge .of thlldriTa l 11111014; whom AT I . A.ltto Pltlms Mrs. Geo. Mutat% lArwroze. Romso's and 411. Routsoa,' . Mrs. Itozmost vas ono of our oldest inhabitants and 'wag mneltittlt teemed; She wUa consistent mmehM of the Presbytetian blire t h and was folio*. ed to her last restin ' t lane by a VeVyiktigt number of relatittes frfettlit, th¢- hafston fltpubletafn - The detemea vias the n 7 Pe BARBER, had nu tines and friends in this ()Tatty; Pent FATALITY... 4'or some time , , fishermen and othera have noticed w • alarm - large numbers 'of dead . fish in the river without:thy apparent cause. It was Punt:hied •by seine that thb impurities ream drains emptying into the river might -be the occasion," but the following from the Tunkbannock Ailmbfican / seems 'to indicate a more serious difficulty ) , anitcall . ... for scientifiCanvestigatioh : "Mr. exonos AtessanErt, an old and successfullisberman, having noticed with no'small anxiety the increasing mortality among the fish, decided to make dome post-morteni examinations. Ile cut open a fish about - five .inches long ,which;-had just died, and between the , intestiires and the flesh he found two long, white worms, each of which was longer than the fish it self, They were alive and still squirming when he showed them to us over an hour, • ftcrward . One of the worms had a per t head, but the Other' seemed younger an • ho bead was not so distinct There was a• • what appea to be an, egg ror anothe worm. It w broken in handling. il The' most .• tri king fe ture of these - worms is their Is •-• 'on outside the intestines.' • TUE COUNTY ts!i s v.—EvAnrs Co., the firm who pro to publish Rev. D. CRAFT'S history o • is county, are mak: ing a thorough and vi roes canvass for, the work, and - we' ask for them a hearty and generous reception fro our citizens. The history will be authentic at .d com plete, and should be in the hands f every family in the county, The autho, has spent years in collecting materials for e book, and has been sucessful in bringin,, to light iitany important . events which havi been long forotten,* and=-perhaps never known to the present generation.; The impression having obtained in some portions of the county, ,that the sketch in EAUt.E's history is' the same as the work now being canvassed. for,. Mr. ,CHAEr makes.the following statement in regard to the matter : , En.:RE'r,onTEn—Dear Sir: I 'have ró , ceived , nurnerous inquiries of late relative to thiFpublication of the liiitotyof Brad. ford county, and take the liberty 'of an. Awering them through the 14342417.1:a fur the benefit of all meerned. ' I have arranged with Messrs. L. IL EVAItTS & Co., of Philadelphia, for the • üblication f the work,' . aiutahave assn. ''Dees that o far at - least as the mechan i 1 executi' n of the work is concerned, it ttid be all the people of the'county can 1) desit. Thty agree also to publish the \ history i full as I shall write it. As is well tknow s ithrough - the county, it has been my purpose to make this.llistory as full as material\can be obtained to make it, and as.ttecuritas data can be had for securing. it. In this\respect I have spared neither time o lahor Mu. , money, and from thii interest whilsh has een-expressed in retrard to the work, trus that those who represent the interests of . ie publishers will-receive dife encouragem nk, from our prosepeople. A full psp ctus of, he work will be soon . printed. 'ours Trrity / ~ , . AVID Cie. llryalusing, June 1?, 1 - 7. ...........„,„....:__ 'PI iti ..msS MoNuttENT.—At thUnion Sala, hatirsChool in Rome, 'Pa., Su day, June 17; 1877, it . was, thought to be 1 proper iN \ place to give notice of, th 6 intention of l many .prominent citizens of 'the . "iited States to dedicate a monument to the memory of two late; Worthy and proink- dent leerobers of the town, who wet* Prime movere, in the Sabbath-schools, not only of Rome, but - throughout the broad land; of America and even in. foreign. lands.' We referto the lati; Mr, and Mrs. P.T. Bt.tss. A very large sum of InOney has been raised by contribution in Sab i 'bath schools throughout -the country, ihrOugh the instrumentality of prominent ' gentlemen in New York, Boston, ,Plajla- . delphia, Chicago, and many oilier cities, .forlhe purpcise of erecting a proper me morial in honor of the dead. - The enter rpiise is in the hands of Mr; JOitti WA-NA :AfA icfr.h, of Philadelphia. We under Stand ?the, monument; 1s now completed; and ':will soma be forwarded:to Rome. A letter of rezent data from Major Witerrt.V. to liMr. JaITS ELSWORTIL . of 'this place, states that. the dedication will take place • !Monday, July 9, and that ,he intend to 'die present, Accompanied by 3 ,ssrs. -Moon and SANKEY, .Mr. - 'l3v mut.% Mr. 'MeGnANNAIiAs, Mr. WANNANAKEIL and iniany others from different parts of the !country., Mild& time, a committee was ,appointed, consisting of nine persons, to !make such arrangements as in their judg ment the occaion would require, as fol lows!: JOHN PAssuotiE, W.II.SnAw, A.A. TAvi.on, S.; SV:F.S.Y, G. W. STONE, W. P. ARNOLD, S. I...WELLS, :TWIN VouonT, and 1),. B. IlAttsiEs. Said committee have appointed their first, meeting at the Bap-: - MA. Chureli ten Wednesday. evening, June 1 20, and give all 'a . cordial invitation to be present, and take part in the highly inter `qting movernent. im RIMSPONDRST Fritirnf from Wya the Elmira rtdrertiser, furnishes , mstingiterfis which we appro. hirin g t? several in priatc :. • ~ —Tli Methodist and Presbyterian min . isters are on intereangeable terms, each occupyiatt the other pulpit. —A; FEE, who; cit , ( first appointed postmaster in 1849,:, is in\peaoeftil posses. sionf the office noir/ for the fourth time. —M. LEWIS,,, Ono of tfi victimi of the eehig accident, is in a' ho *fill con- . ditioh, - bola ble to sit up a few urs at accident, is a time. —The movcin ,kior of making a I3or' 1 of Wyalusing, is (Mt gaining favor. In\ the proposed limits aril. oVer one *hundred 1 .. -0 • voters, •—i i tcv. DAVID CRAFT. •o his,place, has about 'convicted his "Ilito of lira& ford County." It is to be inns ted and' Published by 1.1. 11. Er P.:M.3'lkt . `41., - of ..1 ; Philadelphia. —lt won't do to say a word against any one in this section, as e k veljr — onolwould - 4. at once be offended, .as. r tliey 4all relate ed by marriage, 7 -cony-or pros keted• * —CALvt's STowni.4 Who his lust caro -1 pleted a largo barn, - .,Wi1l colutnencet at' once a' private residence, ' and a thine -1 story business block?' A few thorn such men as Mr. SrowELL and - the future 'suer cess of Wyallising is assured. ' - 1 . .. —Mr. J., H. llowano, who for Many: years was in the employ of 'lloo.rn,• DOUNCEC, ‘Rosa & CO. ? of Elmira, is doing . in this section a larger hard Ware buiiness than his most sanguine expoctatiol?.4look ed for—his sales already reaching, over twenty thousand a year. Ile is ably;as slated by a Business partner who, I for, life," ho Wok "for better or 'Worse." Mr& ilowarto being his bookkeeper and, cashier. gfiti-is an agreeable, .interesting and intelligent lady-one who/will never , lack fiir friends where she is / iinown. . . Mil er of Mrs. reia. MI - W. H: SIWVi See'y "f.hr.tTit oe lilet), Orneon P. POlrr -- nt. tr zn VrOesiist ) tioi3V: ' i Oirigo 'l.l t aes that Rev. GE°. A.TdE. died ... itnifalof. on Rev. of hiat Wreak., . ~! M. its a ivisidentif tlik t idlidef . , : - Ality into ihiliair . liip.oe, - Ile bad $ thsitAtnestdered tile itainistiy; hilt nit letter, * quite hehilitt taint,. hint , Cobtagiviiincal tiketelt lett* Throve clip the foßcesingi, ".Mr... , .Mr. Pon=in•an eminent degree all the ,nob r oller Inelal fie nl• 1 A trite MA ailtetionitte liitsband mid father in atieliity b • Utensil 4,1 g. tallied, he was Rebirth libbtoroilk Irak and trust ing, iinamenting .11.14 gun** bcitittiati` tenable, ,14tithibit bill, ilieildi tO hittlaelf at; Withlideke of steel. He detested by-, pntrisy. pcdsntry Mid arrogance. with' s' deep loathing -and Quilted modesty, sin mii eerily, ingenu . as, to adoration. He was a - faithful r, and than be none oonld ever be mo •popular - with their parishioners. While a tdsitive men and ti.few may, enited hill great abifities„. of enemies he ha none. "With Mr. PitiMWO earty life we are not fam il iar. Others,,will, in tSme;; do 'astir to his history.% He came to Owego nt, Wyealing 'Valley over twenty.tive ye. ago, Mrs. POuven becoming Pre cep 4. ... •of the Owe Female Seminary, and he , he pastor f the Owego M. E. Church. I . . subsequently ..: he was-eta tioned here • pastot t ana be resided bete white 'Presidi .: i tler of 'this Conference - District, and atg ther titnes t having mean while been stati . . for some time at Factoryville or Wa Hy. Since first dom ing here he and his mily have ever re garded Owego as their .otne and Oviego people&lined bite tit be , , ging to them. we presume his remains I •repose in evergreen Cemetery. Sit:mei. ving Owe go last, be preached, we think,. in Pitts ton, Willrea.Barre, and Scran •ii, and from Scranton be was called . to Bnalo, where ho labored for several years, a .... until the failure of his health, Arid wh • he at once toOk high position. 'When his. health commenced to decline,' his Buffalo friends purchased for him 'ajovely borne in Cowleaville. the great enthral beauty of which was suited tabis tastes. At the time of his death bewas again connected with the Wyoming Conference. 'The news of his decease casts a gloom over a numerous circle'of admiring and alive-. tionate friends. The funeral services took place on Wednesday, June 13, at b - is Idte residence. . THE'D/CTIONAIiIi AS ANINSTRUCTOII.-.- We notice as a matter well worth men. tioning, that at the recent great publish ers' trad,e sale in New York, ‘ the books that were most in demand "and brought the best prices, were Webster's DiCtiona fr- • the Pr— They cannot express their thoughts for the *ant of' words, and often they ex press thoughtsi very 'different from what they intend, beams° they' do not•under stand the Words they employ. And very frequently, from the Ramo cause, they take no iaea, or wrong ideas, from what they read or hear. . The remedy for these evils il the proper . training in the study of words, by the use of the Dictionary, and this • training shouldbegin as soon 'as the child can dis tinguish between one word and another, and continue. indefinitely. The apparatus for this study shritild, of course, be the most complete., and thorough to be had, nd this is abursdantly supplied ,hi Web s . 's Dictionaries, which are jpstly ree o;.lni . ed. wherever our language is spoken, as the . ndald authority in English. Da rents an hers can in ne other way so effectually . kso cheaply Promote the edu: cational interests of - their children, when of suitable age, by putting in their lrands any ' ono or 'Kebster's. School Die. do c ries, for daily u.,in connection with the atudy of their lease and by placing on the amity centre table, or the teach. en' des as the authoritativ guide and standard,' Ty of 'the unabil ed: The unab 'dged contains 3,000 Illustra tions, over 114 000 words in its voca_. ula ries, and 10,0 words and meanings .ot in any other Dittonary; 'the 'abridge. editions comprise The Primary," wide - hid which bail some. capital rules for spollin . " The Common Seh..l" 'is -.similar, but arger, with ta ble. of 'synonyms , etc. "The High 7 \li hook" still fuller, with \ , any useful tables; " The Academic " an "Counting House" for advanced schools a for gen -71 eral hone nun business use. T latt i Lags4o specially' , valuable coinmcrci . ' and financial tables. Thb little "Poiike ' edition i with its bright gilt edges an . l . morocco binding, is truly an invaluahl pocket‘pompanion. It contains 121,047 than: 18,000 Words, rules 'or spelling, many ab broviaiiolis, wordsland phrases,.prOverh , etc., ordinarily met.: with 'in the Greek,; Latin and Modern ianguages. Whother it is convenient or nOt to have copies of any of the other bon, kir of the series, we certainly recommeritikhat A all should pos.., secs a copy of the Pocket, which, when not otherwise obtainable, may be had by mail, by enclosing - $l.OO to the pliblishers,, Messrs. Ivis - 12N, BLAKiIiAN, :rAymys & 1 Co., 138 and . 144 Grattd street, New York. Tun following article from the Alliens Gazette is applicable to every locality, and especially 'to Towludo. .Enterpriiing, public-spirited men are too often bvor looked, and their work thought liglitlY of Until after ttieir death. Posthumous hon.: • - ors aro not to be disregarded, but:how much potter it would be rete the public to accord some of the pialse due to public benefactors-before thesactors die , " I.TSZFUL MEN.--Several weeks ago we 4'llllth:ft to the growth of surrounding vil lages, and the credit due to live men in 'the promotion of that prosperity. • No matter how ,encouraging the baturalin artificial facilitieS maybe. for the'llealtby expanson of a town, so king as the vicin ity-is occupied de a d nenpnly, the sur "ridings will 'r -4garily partake of the ~he men and ,not. Tate the industries 'mels of progress. to build a mill and so it is to w natural advan- Lug country; .but lunging to create letery. It requires and keep up live fore alluded to the tug neighbor, Wa: i \ erly, l, , W ism u....„ —w . exceptions, in men, be business of that town was ere-. \ vir sited and kept'. alive by n orlfmall means, hlt untiring activity. .11. i we see Wow fel qw citizen, Owen S ' ULDING,. Esq., is thesrepnted father of Vire . Iy,-as is Hosfe:,nry Ei.sis, Esq.; of fla and We do not think '1 necessary te•wai till such nieu have pas Oil from among us - fore the -raced of. crit fairly due them !should he, given. Thew ixisthumous ac. ,knowledgments of benefactions 4o this eresent, living 'world may be all well nough; but such reed will not. he Unduly puff,W, up by a chndid alluZion to .their heisitiim in the common affairs of this work:W.4%y world.' , It militia be pretend. (A thit these men havi been 'wholly in different to their awn interests in the 'work which is to remain a monument of - tlti.ir enterp!ise. and liberality' long after Weir work is finished, bat they have elm. sea, inlooking carefully after their ' own affairs; to promote the welfare of ban dreds of their fellow men. This they need not have dune in any enterprise purely meth& Itds for - their tuntelfish 310110tacitell theirt,pitundiol94 _;blip public Inane, that they arkeeigled to public commendation 4 1665 But do we not see io que,""htichdt7 inert ixsuesdngactive enemies, sr* bittylLtiltmtilled themsdves, With the growth and "prosper* of Atha the We do not mean Tiogrr i elati•that is farther beck than we propose to ,„gel but sine,. eau-advent into the town we hare noted activities, not wholly sash, owing with our growth and eftengthett• growing our Wendt, One, at least, of oft prominent eltiNhohas at many UglyOAS ' looking arontid hitt as etildst 44 tither ' men of the coin- unity, we have abundant reason; to know, is in all„ matters'tothe general adieu/me/eat of our hi:Aerial i terests fairly to be compared 'with she gentlenien alluded to from Waverly and ti t r e4 : 3 lnthinking men °Min i ,tuo often, ' 'attribute &andel Wooed” to some over. pre/etre &Id tutfaitutsin Ire* sileoesafid hieU Are free froth OA suspicions. The gentleman alluded to is C. Maws. Ilia . first steps' il2 businesis life were saber here. His whole. life, thus far, has been .lived here. Be has shared the adversities and, prosper* ties of the village.. And if thoughtfid nien will stop to consider,, they will iind his messes invested in' _those, branches of around us which have thus:fer momoted the stable growth '4.4 the totrii:, Many_, boomerangs have been hurled at Mti r. snius, -but most of them have spent their force upon his assailants. We have other leaning men who,msy be benudter noticed, but at present we place hit in our category of leading and Oseftil web-of this locality." 7 : /tont, OR, tempotsnoe reformer, spoke it th'e following places recently, and obtained the annexed number of signers to the Murphy -pledge , I Wednesday eve., June 0, South . Branch, 47 names; Thursday, June -- 7, Northrup ellow, 41 namespfriday, Tune 5, New Albany, 140 names; Saturday, Tune 0, 31 - Co .'s, names; Sunday, June 10, Monroe 23 names; Monday,. June 11, &Ott's, 2. names; - Tuesday, June 12, and Sunday, 7tff, Asylum, 73 names, ; Wednesday, Ju ,e 13, Henan Hill, • 28 names; Thursday, 14ttf, Greenwood, 4 names; Friday, June 5, Fianklindale, names; Saturday, June - 0, Westqrank.. lin, 55 names. • Mr. Mos will speak at t o following places : Grove School House, Burlin,g.. ton, Friday, June 22; Fisher' School House, Saturday, .Tune 23; Prone wn Church, 2 r. Sunday, June 24; - turn Centre, ' , TnE MI Gr.o. C. 8 this place, clay, on I& a large attel, pledge, as we are informed. AT MCiNIIOSTON. L. Ilsrturs and C. 11-656 M; :E\ addressed a very large meeting 4. Monroeton on. Sunday evening last. ,19 - ararries were add ed to the roll there,. It believed there are now but nine persons in 3lonroeten who have not donned the- blue, and they are " almost persuaded.' AT LEItATSVILLE Large and .successful meetings have =ri hold at Leßaysville, during the past wee . AT onwm,t, The Murphy inovemeut was inaugprat ed at 0 ell, Vuesday evening. Rev. G. W. Cuss .Ea was• the speaker. We have not leer d the number of signers, tiut know that t .ose present were treated, to a masterly argu out in behalf of tem - =2 BUSINESS C nrFLINEir suits at Kr: Elir You eart bay a plated Cas cents, la klercar Block. tar All The .hest publications, chew at WIItTCOII/11 i SHAUT'S. VirJOB. 14 - - of, , Suramer Shawls Ca' WHITE goods in great variety 'at r Bssr•n. Igr A large _ aasottment of spring and summer hats, Just ix:vetted, at M. E. ROtiEtt• rtial)1!• - • "s. WifITCOIII3 SIIMIT sell the befit : Mink ttooks'lsauutacturcd In the country, • - rfr You ,can buy nice, fresh-baked 4Ctiaelera at CowLxa7 Eatery, cerS cheM4 rif Crackers of all varieties halted every day at CORIALS. High tiftromune " Deep " High Roek," and "Kissengen" waterlt K. 117,111—5. Ladies', !dismal and Childien's Olive selqug wlthpqt' regard ,to cast. tt.the old stand 6 TAILoit . ilfYo% can get all the latest styles of Stationery,.ttry cheap, at IrttiTcuatn & Sital:TV Theharges t and beittisAortment of Fiwingelothlog in town, at M. E. itosaNrtain's. ter New firm, now gooda and low pri ces at the Brldgv.Stivet Furniture Stet!lttesin. Eveiythini in the line of station err at WHITCOMB B:HHAVT'S. ter Ltiips'only 25 cents at 31Antt,t's Crocke,ri Stoie: puli 7 tar Don't Oviribeyr . but, tis COMB k 811Ai:7"8 ton,yo9l: Watt l'Ver. mare. tar Undertaking q speciality iat the nrld • Street Furnttnre Store. • Imar29. egr Fourth of JulyDaUgo at tho Val lej house, We(inesday esenlng, id illy 4. rir If you want a suit of clothes eheziw er than yOn can tiny the name In-New York, Just call at ROSEVFIEGD.R.fr • or Beautiftil White Pigs for sale 1!6 , the subscribe''. ,W3l. Shoshecialn; May 17, 1877, - • licirrox, has reamher .ieflonery Store from Patton's Mori to 'uth tittle of Mercur Meek, rir 3 Book an 4 the store •T A good Organ for salecheap. Will take Tay . la loather at Vratra ° luraltureSuire. May M., Mtn. . • r,lrhams , anal berkshires, ShGrt-• IforriCkttle,'ilut BerlrshlreBrrine . . A few, for isle. G. H.W Wyslusl4, Pa., June H, MI 1111 r If you want bargai sin Ready- Made clothing, call at lloslcsrizio's arhtlo,ho Is closing oat for Spring stock. OuirS. Er Manta "The Tailor" at KENT'S Thd Grand Central Hotel, 'Acta , ' York., receives welf.merited terms of, pry' . Ise rrom Its thtioralas of patron& wtiO ' enjoy Its' reduction from 11.00, the caprice, in P.SP. and 13.00 per day.' \Jar NEw Cloths Cassimers at! far Dr.'C. M. STAtiLET, (Dentist,) has removed from Towanda to Athens, [where, Le will be loWndist t Ms ottlee on Main Street: just north of the Central House, and will be glad to see his old enstotnep as well as new tete" ' 7 inn;-3f.• Palau and Muslim; veiy loir at Ravers. /lir DEATU TO -POTATO BE'Gs.—Patis. GnERN : 2 4 .1ift/ GalllitN. Wirratittd gentane i Linireg . prices. i Al. Dr. A. C. roirrpro Drug . . _ . 'attire: ' . ' ' . " 111.116* or mull,. "Tbe.TailOr'" at I{llN \ ' the 3lerC.4nt tng establlalunentin DAVI** !made to orate; ilsocutting, ,done with neatness and dis cs% . \ is; cheipt KEtrr's. . . - . . . ..;tlr" H. C.. Smrr u, Route s , will give. an IndeL hones liednesday evening. Parish k Smith% tall band: Hll Jadrareeettlially Inritea, • BALtrmii% : yOuil. - :41 . 0mr.8.. - NA:4 l d — lng . jairnarctir'i hipitt l iiitt and joinseiiiiiit,44. v. than. „taiwy deamited ;moss. The h iettaieltittey,;hetdicheWer tife 4 teit, Paper - teahleE Wm:own-a 194Avro t have hLs tome as loyitl and cheery' as a monarch. . , 1 : • • mare .# r ' ,-, 1?•-• -..t.",!"_ . -!-. -,-5 1 :, • 3 ' toacnos iaao as rarer's. ~ -t - EM ur Why Wmyogi . ease stalb Crickets when pa natt boy ithetni" . teisle tasked, jolt as cheap? - Ann lone parer its CWWL3lo.'Crieluera arca to Ifr. C e. Biker/ IA theitrit Wsed t whare yen athirst erects:WWl same a y„they are taken from tne.oven. . . • jen2.l4 ar OALL at gEili t ti'itud lea gib totk Coeset. • 4. MANTAirriss.—Tbelmblie, win be please. AO to learn that the old and reliable ttrtdot 740!t4 ThYQYE luarei decided to *lce she'eROCEZIT "CIIADE ti specialty, and to that end hare islet tee eared a Imo ineolee t _somnrialng everything ,ttt the line' which the/ will sell at ; astonishingly low ' gut: • e A. large stack - of . 431oves .axid e!ory at Aft2,cr;l3. $ To Cosismirnvi3.—The' adverti ser,,a rettiedidiyatclan, having presidel4l44 covered, a Medical Missionary in Soothers 'Ashy st'very vetenible: remedy for the apeekty andipermanent cure of Consumption, asth= me, Btoncixftls, Catarrh, turd ati %throat. sad long adeetirsit.o-altlso a positive' and radical specific for Nelson's Mobility, Irinemsdame Deimy abA ! _4rxer.. voitu Complaints, • fects• his duty. to 'sake It known to his suffering fellows.c Actuated by this motivate iiiiill.,cheerfolif, acid . (free or charge) to all wbollbaftei MI the retitle or preparing, and Mai directions for auccestfullY tisingishis presidential. ly disearered - reinetiZ4 Those, who wish to stain tlienssetves of the benefits of tills discovery Without cost, can do so by return mall, by addressing with a stamp, naming paper, Dn. CHARLES P. mAwrinALL, • •. . .23 Niagara . Sliver, • Vir FatiiiOnd Parasols in great variety Nexv,s r - AIGLPA—TAYLOIt.-=At the 'bowie of i the' brldel Parents...l'3XL° oth. 18/7.11.Rev. J. D. Davtes.)ll.. ,P. IL Attie and illtas Ir. S. Taylor, both of name, ipa. _L • ' .. . G oorni.ra —TOWNER. , At the 3f. . Paniotiago, May dad, 1477; by Rev. J. IL Daviea, Mr... Lotion Onodlng, of Minim, ti. Y., and I Stfla Itha =I. ' Ttoknor, of , liorobrooli. Pa. , • :. • , BEA 0 V E—W/f EELEIL—A t the P,araonage,Yoti. roetou. June 14. try Rev. ilen A eek nnetrungOlie, John W. Brague and Dop.mtnerft I ,Wheller, both of Luther's Mills. I,ONO—StAXWELL I AI the residence, the bride's mother, In Troy. Pa 4 Tuesday everiing. June 18th, 1972, by the ftev..B. t..Conde, Pastor ut-the Prebytertan Church, V. 3feKean Long. Erg., and Mire Fannie R. saxwell, daughter of the late Thos. Maxwell. Beg., all of Troy,..Ta. itONTOOMERY—SHAW.-419 the residence of the bride's parents, In. Towanda, Wednesday J :of -of Di! J une 20tb; 1877. by the Rev. Steele, Of J...*Tatgoperyl E. 941" Mesirs ,xµ - Ent., of leo at Bar There was signed the , PAOW'SDA MARKETS. .x . , . 1 IcEronTED.iirysTEvENs 4 LONG, 0 eneral defersin Groceries and produce, putron'a , . - Bloc , ,corner Main and Bridge Sere Or. •1W EON t.'sil KY EVENING, JUNE 20.16i7. Flout per bbl •• sack Corn'Meal per 100 lbs. Chop Food Wheat per.bush 'Corn, _ OMR. 66 6l Olturkwheat, •• Clever seed, medium, •• pea vine,. Ttinothy.festertt , CAL. Beans, elOtts, Pork. mess... Bozos Butter, tubs. rolls, Eggs.' fresh.. Cheese__ Green apples. Moth— tied .per 1 b.. 01 Besspherries... Blackberries.. 'esehev kt., per bushel 11 0 r for 99 ro4t ()Mons; Ileessta.T. cod, 'Vedas skim; • Deacons.,./.... Sheep pelt* Tallow , Wool. n washed fIITOTATIONO ELL at -.C0., Butters Muth Third Street, Plalatlelpliti4 U. S. 1881, " '65, J. and 3—.. t• 76 , s 'Ai S. . 10.10, coupon. - cy New VA, Reg„ 1381 • " " c., 1881.. • Gold " Slicer n ' • l'ennsylvanlit Re . . . ...... Philadelphia h trig Lehigh Navigation vafl y. Ex: ntv United R. R. of Clasburgh. T. & Buffalo RAC Northern Central Central Transportation '• • Nompue honing North Pentisyvanta C.& A . Mortgage Vs, *B9 OTICE TO 13IIILDERS.L, Pro pi.etai.s.for-buUdingsaSchoot House, at GrOve,, in North Towanda . Townshlp, wilt' he received by,thaSehoof Directors of said Town. ship at 2 o'cloat P. st.', 'Saturday, June 234, lea: Jiang and Specifications to he aeen on the ground at the time of !oiling. 11103. CPJLZ‘CT. North Towanda, .1 uvol, *et ScheatAoard.' HE • UNDERSION ED sell- a house and lot In Wysnx, locate . d - 1 , mlleii from 'Towanda ttorn•,and 4 of a mtle Snub 3 . H. Lamming's. The lot contains about an acre, with an shout/mice of good frult—apples, poached, cherries, /te..—a well of cold water, a barn and other outbuildings thereng. The - house wits newly palnced this spring with two coats of Jevrett's lead. The roller Is large and dry, -The property will be sold.for , fl4lo (abort half its value), !too down and a lire s lot yearly with Interest. Addrera J. An_ drat! Wtlt, A ttornepat-Law, Totibiada, PaZ•sprltt. t - .11 it t „ • -; 4.44.44 ;4.;;.; ; 11 , ; 4 VAR.'. AT PRIVATE SALE.- A !Arm of MO hetes 'within 1.!-1 miles of TO. wands Borough, on a gUod ld ci . rigid 'muting from Towanda toNourbehm, Kith plenty of good trait —tipples, pears, peaches, plumbs, cherries, grapes. hc.-1 apple and I peach, orchard, A cord frame, deiling homtl, wittrYl rooms and cellars, with wa ter In the MM.. brought from a valuable wing, threath latency togs, Om nrunittg water In tht barn yard, thwye.at found ,frum riding. One good underground stone basement stable, for 'horses or cattle. 1130 I - horse barn. 1 good Corn. hOuse, poultryiyard aO3l underground chickery and other outbuilding. 75 acres improved, the balance inycoods. The land Is well-watered, and ilea to Int easy, and under strand state of enKfition. and ,Wllblin'ln minuted ride of the village. It la own, ed by &gentleman residing in ...Towanda; who. on aecount - of advanced leads. 'desires In go ont - o( the farming %seiner& it ran be bought any time , be tween this and April next for 00 per acre.' Partici buying bef o re hamlet' wilt be entitled to the Own ers share of-the crops, whiCb is one-half. , :-.440m0 down and a like arm ; yearly with `intereer. Possession 'given April Ist, 11178. Ad -dress, .1. ANDREW WILT, Altanterat-Law. To. wandat,'Pa. . Jun2l. A'*I . AAAA *4 A A, . o...),:***•***** ST'OF LETTERS. remaining in Post Orice.at T owanda, Dratlford._Co...Pa., or itieWeek ending tune : • Bonham . , Jennie.• Ittlnnett.. Net Batley, 'Persins ' 'Brown, Lee intritard. Richard IT Carpenter. Hannah ! Cook. M Canter. Geo - Doty, J PAT* Annie Davtd. Hate Doty, di Jay ,• Gleason, Analis •„r ilistchinson. Annie ' Widen 'Starlit - • ' Momiley. FL • , Drams. Dernsrd Jennings, Mary . Johnson, hits* Laney a 'Karlin. Mary Meet acken, Sarah McCarty, Jas• kliolan, Michas! Man.b. Writ ilelen . Peterson, Angles ' Preston :T r Golfe, Iglien 1 -. Regent, Mies Mof Stark, D tar p.t) . v 's SqUiren, Heury.ll S Stow, Nettle" ' Thornp.on. ‘,- ' HELD TOE POSTAGE. i W H Thompson, D'yalunslng. I push O'Bryam Elmira, N F. lbannali A Camp, WysPodnz. • Thom Morris, 42.19 Transcript St.. Philadelphia. W it Morfla,!'4ll F sty Plnladelpnla. Persona calling far any of the above, will please .late or S. W. , Ar,vortit. . :U , ~„ . VITAS; 14.:1111I,L, ' -. -. ~ IL) t ~, 4 T.T0RN.E.Y4.42 . -1:4 TV A1f.D1N0,2"4.4r: • • Witt give tikrotul &tie . inton to any tatitneitaentroot cd to tam. trice wlth: Pattiet 4 FOIL., tarot Joora4/ Oftlce), Totttlad^ Pa. CJone777.\ ,- \ f the Union Hotel, (adetice Party a :ill; qr, 4, Hay. atuale : .97—Taatielf inn Buttato, MARRIED. W.I.I9LSKAL9. RETAIL. • • - 19 Oa ell 00 ... .... : . .... 3./0 (, 3 73 ... 1 7s • . 7 7t ..et 7t 13 i9O t (j. 70 70 70 a I 00 • ot, e 10 t3_ 11 12 14 1.5 61 17 4/ 15 15 • 11 dm f iOO ECTED ItY DAYTOIti, l 000: 1k.,7 04(4 }.OS • Ott if •tO . 20 , 7.5 ral 1 50 On eV 07 SO mamma firoltens, No. 42., June 18th, 1877. DID. A 511213. 1 ilh Ins ^ l '.3P,lel • 14 1.1:14 115 118 112 , 5 112' t 1'2214 111 ill 1 4 111 11 losq los% 100 3ot 104 11J 1 4 .17N; 18 29 29 , 128 128 5 1 4 8 , 14 18 31 31, 4ats 44 40 40; 107 ,1 4" 101 Now Abertisemests. AbrOTIONAL AMUMIONS MENEM MAI CO. Having just.returned from New ilrork, have this week gilded largely to their stock by purchases tc!, i stuip!y. the various departments of theii, busi- H MS. The greatest care has been exercised in the 'seleetion t 'and' prices of many kinds of goods will be foUnd!LOWHR THAN KUM :: LADIES' DRESS GOADS, FINE 'FRENCH ORGANDIES,' rum 'FRENCH, ORGANDIES, FRENeA cßoAspiEs, LAWNS,: LAWNS, LAWNS, LAWNS, LAWNS, LAWNS, `LAWNS, LAWNS, f LAWNS , Ell . . i . . GRENADINES, .GRENADINES, 'GRENADINES, GRENADINES, GRENADINES GRENADINE S', . DRESS LINENS, DRESS LINENS, DRESS 'LINENS, Mil LAWN CHECKS, LAWN \ CHECKS, , '` LAWN CHECKS, LAWN CHECKS, LAWN CHECKS, LAWN CHECKS, =I 1417. of god Z Jeans in. He imtuork illdreu, r, Her- E. SW, And a great - variety of Worsted Dress Fabrics, entireVnew, to. which we invite special attention. _ - \We continue most popular sell the best and mosopnlar makes of \prints' at 61 Pas color&l, good sty l es Pr i nts it . 0 tents. " We lias - teceived a' fresh lot of Peibales, one yard• wide, tote sold at 8 ( -VI% Per Y • Also s anothe large stock of Domestic Ginghanas, best quality and styles' - , • , . , ed Musl.s lO cents. 4°. , . BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED - at 8 cents per ya 10 00 11-00 2 20 Limsdale. Bleak " Vita of, the Loom "Cabot " Bleached Muse brand, at 8 eefits per yard. lISLINS OF THE FOLLOWING YID ' If YARDS. NAPKINS, TOELINGS,-&c., AT SQUALL Q \\ . GLOVES, • HOSIERY\ . 7 .. ...-LACES' AND . . . • . • • • . . LAPIS'S' NECK WFA j , LADIES''. ECK WEAR, • LADIES' NEC . x: WEAR,", . \ • • •. • - SILK • . •••‘\ ~•• „SILK FRINGE SILK FRINGES, - • . • WOR WOKS T • s \ WORST • . . • . . , • •• _-) • . , ALSO A aiOCK.OF • .•. • , . • -.. . . . I I 4 EMBRACING EVERYTLIING\IN • A, PULL AND COMPLETE „ASiORTME*T OF , DOMESTIC COTTON GOODS: ! EMBRACING COTTONADES FOR MEN AND_ MAW' WEAR i , STRIPED : SIIIRTINOS, BLUE: AND •BROWN:11EkIiIIS IN' ALL QUALITIES,. BROWN • DURK:S, EttlYl7 '§IIEETINOS IN 'ALL eIRADES; At" VE:B Y LOW PA't&ES. Towanda, Pa., June 14, 1877. =II=MIUMMEMI • ' '4"-`t -11.::N F. 4 , _ 4 , lIM Mil t~._~`' MI II CRETONS, CRETONS, CRETONS, CRETONS, CRETONS, CRETONS, CRETONS, CRETONS, CRETONS,. En GRASS CLOTHS, • - GRASS CLOTHS, - GRASS CLOTHS, r -.s! • WHITk . ISITYMER; gUITINGS,. WHITE' SIIMMEIi\ SIJITINGS; WHITE SUMMER SIDITI:NGS leached Muslin 10 cents one yard wide, Soft finish, a very poputirl EMBROIDERIES, * \ • ■ N .0 -T . k9N .S '., ERIE 2 PRINTED JAPONETk PRINTED JACONETS, PRINTED JACONETS, PERCALES, FERdltis, PERCALES,. PERCALES, PEE.CALES,. !BECALM, EET4sT_CIS ANpPILL9W : 21 4 ,2; - i, ,LOW. PRICES. TED BALL FRINGES; 'ID BALL FRINGES. BALL FRINGES. ME IN ME 14j - 4.‘,4:-.:06 . ,: MI _ 4,,,. #- • IF" N EW ,YlRit U NE 'faunas., a. ;as gars of s!iit wits. - ertoossity,. • 0/ 1 / 2 !4,9 Cang.As aLABOVARS BABY WAGONS,_ FANCY GOODS, - • TOYS, 110YS1 LIE HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS! • A pat Twisty LAMPS, LirrrzßriE4 ,cnnuans! MO Sewing *athlete at th e Isalttas Cashh at stem at weedlerfoll7 low prim* MACIIIAZ NEERLIM a OIL:' LADIES, awns AND camps's!: • , AreOd to wet arer oar riest~er. ea we are determined, to do all to Oat poorer se . piesee. numb - tribe plate. • lowaadk. May 10, 977. O"VE N'IENT NEW ARRASEMENT. , . - . FOULARDS, FOULARDS, FOULARDS, • In a convenient location' has Indteed ' as to enlarge our gore and sapplr Amoebae wall a hal Use of CHOICE FAMILLcatOCERI*B )!lIRCHAEIED. FOE. C-A.llll, And whle s .ll wIR be sold as lay ow theism, quality can be parthaaed anywhere. CHOICEST. BRANDS 411 goods delivered tree ot'eharge lh the hottegbi 1 FRESH BREAD, • 1 FRESH BISCUIT, FILING ORDERS 112,R :01C-NICS &SD One Door North of Ward 'row/ilia', March 16, 1677., STEVENS & LONG 4 . ' WHOVES4L,E k RET4 E CHOIC FAMILY GROCERIES, 'POUNTIVir PROMICE, ' ), • \, . GRA /, , ab.. , ~ - ..... 7.. . ,' Harter a tetra aad reamed sea prepared at an Pales to Gary s large stock. CABE F4ID FOR BUTTER, • Or intern M nucleate Mitoods, an Merest mai pet. MO. ' Our keg e2perime in the Oreesry Trues wi„veses peculiar to purcbareing. eel se e are not ambitious to roakikerge pelt% We SON , ' tar ourselves Mat we can oast - 1 • - CREATE!! lIDIOCENIERTS TO Penne, .1 _ Bolan this any othef : est,bUiesest lvs4ila. : 4 ~ cx r Door NORTH or coutit re 4111; RVN*LL Towtattla, Jsll 112, R 11314. BE !MD NEW GOODS K. #11: . • CUTLER:I: o SILVER aut'TED 0001)8, ,STONE - *ABE t A NEW. DLPARIVRE "OLD CitOCKERT STORI.** , 'Grades ant hartilm. The. disallow:l for GROCIRT STOB2 We •eep on hand tbe Or FAMILY FLOUR. We also continue the BASING BUSINESS, And opt cnatom , en ten proper* ROLLS, CASES, AND PIES, ' Kver7 daY, lARTINS" A -spacribrr. w. acorr iv. \• ' • MI Aim mioistrcne. \ STEVENS'a LONG. • • • R TOWANDA, PA 11l =I I 1 E