INN Pat l64 Pli'det :want ,Thrsur, ar 3 • • W. A; CITAIIIB ,711 Mager la FINE JEWELRY, WAt.CHES, • t SILVER, AND rLytED WARE. Taw/oaks, rA. Tqwrand44 .. .Tan. If, 1877. LOCAL ' AND -GENERAL. laac-TA. No.. 3;- hold their annul eleo-, tion on Tuesday evening iiext.. • , A Pim , guests have already taken' up 'their abOde at )linnequa for din summer season. UNIVERBALIST SOCIABLE at the re-81- i • denee of ;Joni W. )lzx, Fsq., Friday evening, June Ist. Teriq trampii were arTested at Sayre last week, on a chirgo of :stealing from the railroad coolany. They were committed to jail • . - \ TUE subjc/ct pt lect,nre in the chinch Of the MeSsiah ne t #, Sunday &ening will:be "The iiumbellovement; Its Object and Lessons:" • 'lawns: 3. 3. , SPALDING and C. U. AL T LEic,.of this piaci+, will speak in bebaltqf the Murphy movement at Frankliudale this, Thursday evening. . • 41M. ESTEL 74, Of CantOn, NOW was trite norionsly injured by being thrown from a oirriagapome time since, has recovered - from the effects of the accident. . TIIE anniversary exercises of .the Sus quehanna Collegiate Institute, will be held in the Presbyterian \Church, Friday evening, Juno 8,. 1877. s Admissiou free. Altare cordially invited. \ TnE most important question among Grangers is, how to protect •th potato from the ravages of the Colorado ikeetle: So far nothin has been discovered equal to good Paris Green, and this artiele,siar, ranted pure is adveitised by onr Drug& 11. C. PORTER. - . Btstror HOWE deliVered a:-most _able and eloquent discourse in Chritit Church on.. Wednesday evening last. Several adults were baptized provinntrto the dis course, and at its conclusion twenty per sons' received the rite of confirmation ; the largest class, with one exception, ever confirmed in the parish. TII organization of the •Episcopal Church at Sayro was, fully completed last week by the election;of a Vestry, and ex tending a call to a minister. It. A. PACK- En, R. F. GOODMAN, ,J. W,.1315u0r., H. - , A. Baueoca, 11. H. 14un,Tort, J. E. MC CALL and llotaxy TII(DIAS are the Ves trymen. Tux local history of Bradfoid county, winch Rev. D. C# AFT, of Wyalusing, has for several years been engaged in prepar ing, will lie published early next year. The eminent ability of the historian, with the faithful labor devoted to the import ant work, insures a valuable cantribution to, the itnnals of that section of our State. Pittgol elazettC. WAILIVArs.--.Schefiler's Map of Turk.; oy, Greece, Roumania!' and the Noith -westeim part . of Asialfinor, toge th er with special maps of the Black Sea; Cnn'st..snti- . nople and the Bosphorus. Size , 17x52 . Colored. - Price, folded - and -in cover, $0.25.,, Published by E. STEtoEn, 22 Sc 24 Frankfort street, New....fory, by whom. copies will be promptly maireAup onreceipt of price. The same puhfisher is issuing a number. of other Weldaps, 'which we shall mention hereafter; _ • Tun Public Exercises by the 'Scholars of the Graded &bon at Mercar's on Friday evening last, were witnessed by a :very large number—every seat being ` s - old previous to the hour _of opening the oors.- The exercises Were interesting and . entertaining, and pleased all sirho-twere present. Each scholar performed his or her alloted Firt admirably,' and reflected the bim e hest credit on the painstaking and • able corps of teachers who have charge of the school. We-understand the _receipts were ,over 's2oo, and the net proceeds $lBO. :Tun gentlemen whO propose to - publish , the histor i y , of this county, have an' active and intelli,gentagent here canvassing for subscribets. Prom what we . know,f the work, wircan most heartily recommend it to the public, and shall feel disappointed If the publishers do not meet with encour' agement sufficient to warrant them in pushing the Work to a speedy completion. Thereatte4 will be carefully prepared, and the Volume t will lite ripe' every citizen of the county. At least. five thou dred copies should be taken in :this county. Tun following are the appointments for - .'the next session of '#ie Bradford Teachers! Association„ to be held. in Union Church, Windham, 'Friday and Saturday, June 8 and 9 : ,Lecturer, Rev: 8. C. Pvt:rOx: Papers, J. ANDREW WILT, EDMUND Snitnwooo,;W: - H. Hon- TON, Rev,• AniisTnaso; Essay. ists, Attu .74clittw; Declaimers, W: H. CLARK, jr., ARTHUR VAN D rwE; Methods of Teaching, 'Rev. DAYW. CRAFT, Prot. E. E. Qurst,AP; Bnsiness Committee, P. E. NEAL, C. T. A.u.soLD, RUSSELL, .11 KAN' nA RessELL, MATILDA OWEN.; COM irate° on Music, -NELsox 140liitIS, GEO. OLIISTEAD, Mrs. RATE KNAPP, Mrs. FRAME L3ISTEAD, Miss JULIA PAWES„ W. riTA..x, Pres. SEE ILLIa, Sec'y. 1 • PEnsosst....--Capt. HAN - vium and wife. artivod at their home in thii .„ place on Itlouday last. In the evening Mrs. M. prosideir at tho organ at the temperance, mecting r . 11. Coon mo is attending s meet= ing of the Grand COmmandery -in Lan caster this week. • 3irakasErELNlAN returned' to , her Irvine in Lancaster city on Monday.. she was accompanied. by her cousin, Miss ITELEI MERCUR. . —R. A. AlEneun, Went to Pittsburgh oa 3onday, to file his bond and qualify himself as Commissioner in Bankruptcy for'this district. - • —His lloner, Judge Monaonr, and D A. OvEnron, Esq., are iisiOng and fish ing in Busqueh.anua Coutty this week. —The many friends in t this place of B. Esuzmasrt Ink . be pleased to learn that at the primary elections in tat:master county on . Saturday last, -be was nominated by a very large majority :for District Attorney. —Aurae THASTON, Ticket Agent of the Eris 'IL - R. at Binghamton,: has been enjoying a mouth's vacation looking. over tiles swipes of his soldier life in Virginia. He 4450 over yesterday in this place to Yifit Ilia i - ' ' MEM 'Ws A= n der Aligstions to our wind, lent ;artist,_ G. a Weinki br" sriitinboWec, pheiographia views etf*rwsznlSs*Sor, Persons desiring °vies - innt ' slussalWthlnif very , ebefp st'Woonis TER Elmiraudstderitirerr', Virel , , Itio role= credit for ;laying that *OlO. sing at the IVard House"wae &Delwin - Tozahltailiai,_ _ _allaltlitioli =f Birillttnicluunisder of mok i isewsi. w, 'desire to correct - the statinnenCit Ilus .44 , Kiser, as It never apieared:ln Our oohs ~ 4. Thigasitting *Male has at; Arected -. , , 'storable attention - frozo tons to tit We i : ... 7 . 7 3.,,,, ~,,,,, 0ur....i0, man, Bunn% Elms, istisk reflects end! on his skill. . • , , . . ELrURA W v AnVismans.--„In times like the tit the, people *aid pr \ kte 'economize. Bu rin men should make it a sandy to furnish eir patrons With as meth .materkk, of w ver Ware re 6 quired, mile canidatentier. the sum paid and at a reasonable profit. The pibliiih era of the ElmiraWl Advertiser are ( * evidently doing th is, a s shown by admirable make-up o _their Weekly s They propose running dimstantly some first -claim-serial story, *is =giving their readers s good story In their family paper Without any 'extra eipenise. Merl' are now publishing , the bTilliantstoryintp:ed "The Wife's Templation,"whieli isiipo. ken or-as one of the finest Aittirke ever produced. Back numbers supplied .to uew subscribers. Subscribe - at once,, Prim $2 per year in adiance. Address„ " ADVERTIAIR, AIMOCIATION , " I ' Elmira, N:t Is Msmonami.—At. the regiilafiwieet•- ing of Oscaluwa'Orange, No. 144 .Yri day, May.2s, 1877, Ike following nisidu , tions were adopted - , • ' ' WHERIL!.I3, It has pleased ilia AR:vriie Ruler of the Universe to remove from our midst' Mrs. J.:13: Bantu, a dearly-loved sister or our Qrder, thus deprivineus of one of our aol lest and most aged troves and reminding us of, the certainty of death and the vanity 'of. all Worldly, pursuits; and - Wununss, In this the first death in our Grange, we lase an earnest and upright sister, her - family a faithful, industrious and loving member, and the communit a living example of-Abe teachings of the Christian religion' making her: pure and devoted life .worthy the highest praise; therefore be it Resolved, That we deeply sympathise with the friends and relatives of. the de ceasefi in their sad , bereavement,: and ez tend to them purl heartfelt condoleace. Resolved, That oat of respect .to the memory of the deceased, our charter be draped in mourning for thirty daps \Resolved, ' That a copy of these iesolu titans be presented to the family of the debeased, put upon the minutes of 'our' i Order, and publiihed is the Farmers' Friend and the vailrity papers. • ' i • 31kes. SAII4LAITE, • - Mns. NErrrs L. Ilomoi, Corn. Murksiltrrit TIIO3IrBOS, IN. MENHIRIL—LIICINDA SMITE, wife u.N of Mr. Jo.B. Baehr, was the daughter of Etiyin HORT X, and Was born April 15,18 p, and dap this life May 15, 1877, ..making her - liity-tvirti years and one mouth. ' She was married Jan 'ry 2, 1834, and for forty-three years has', heerfully shar ed\ with her: companion the oys and sor rows of this changeful life. : \ - -' She - She became the mother of iTen chil dren. AMELIA 'died when alx . ouk three. 'years ; old. - CLARK, HAMEL, NHL . Itiaai' YVILLI I A.34.ALVA and OHMS, ' are hying, and 'lament the loss of an- affection to mother: But it is a source of muctijo to them to.kniw that their motherivas a Christian, and taught them the path of virtue and to love; the Savior. Sister SMITH was a member of the M.E. Church thirty-four years. When the 'writer call ed upon ber a fiiw days before her death, dlie gite, abundant evidence that she was rJady to crossover into the glory world. Tne funeral services were held in - the Hornbreok Church. large concourse of. friends' were presoit. A. sermon was preached from 241- , ;Tirn., iv 6-S, after which the body Was' i taken. to its resting • p 1 ace. I know ttott host gone to the home of thy rest, Then why should my pout be so sad, 1 know thou ban gone where the weary axe blest, And the mourner looks,uP end WI here Lore hks pht caf In the land of Its birth, The staide It bad gathered In:this, ml Hope. the sweet &Inger:that gladdened the Lies asleep °alb() bosom of bliss.' "Levitt, " know thou bilit gone where thy forehead Is 'lard With the beauty that dwelt an,thy soul. . •here the light of thy loveliness-cannot be marr`d Nor the heart be flung back from Its goal• I know thou Nast drunk 'of the Lethe that tows Throuzh a land where they do not forget,- ~ That sheds over memory only repose, And takes from. It only regret. G. L. W. FRANK LESLtE'S FOk•ULARMONTRI.E.-; The June number pf this favorite maga zioe contains a number of lighly interest.. ing and . well-illuatratesr.articles." Among the many are the following " African Explorers and Explorations," by AmPitEto . IL GUERNSEY; "A Journey from &nevi tas to Havana," by Pimn; " Forest In dustries," by Prof. Jot, in which we 'see and learn all about the production of mapll,i sugar; " How - to Keep a Hotel," by which we are iniiiited into the work ings of the 'inner mysteries of the' hotel world. Among the many beautiful MO ries found at intervals throughout the 128 pages, we find " Bond and Free '2 by Eta PERErNs; " Markson's House," by. the author of " Helen's Babies." We oonnt nearly one 100 illustrations, and nuiner ons anecdotes, notes of travel, scientific paragraphs, short poems, etc., which complete the number.' On the coyer facts and figures are giver, which certainly prove that FRANK Lzstut's Forman, 3IoNTriLv and SUNDAY MAGAZINE are - the cheapest monthies published in the The,former may belad free by mail kir,\and the Eimvps.x NAns.zusir, for $3 per annum, by addressing FIUME LES-. WE'S Puluasurso nous; 537 Pearl-st„ New York:'., . . THE Murray Movenzar.--at several poieta in our county lively interest Ie being manifested in thetemperance cause, and large numbers have signed the-pledge which has been taken by the teen of thou sands in other portions `of: the State and in akijoining States. Although neither is lituramit nor any of his ! disciples • base \ yet visited Pittston, the tidal wave , of the great. movement has' begun to reach \ tn., Alt the p*tors of the churches who have \ thus .far been consulted are heartily in sympa , thy with the good work,`• and arraign me.nta are beingrnadei to hold union Bev, viees. Pastors WOODBleerand GREG9ILY have been pnesing.the subject upon the attention of their people, and many sig natures have been obtained to t.. 46.. Dips, rim total abstinence pledge; . In Upper Pittaton a eome of the railroad men, who have been s attendingldunmi meetings in Bradford minty and in New• York. State, have. becotne\tilln converts,* and. are not only wearing tii4iue ribbon, but are lahoring to induce their , associates" to abstain. _ The prospect is that Pittston will ens long nitness a tensperancerenrind of unprecedented interest. Surely all,wbo realize the ifies ani caunrcare oonneeted with the "cup of death," will speed at : the movement by fervent . prayer alai earnest labor.:-:Patetta,Gareitt. " Tun TENrlmitancs Moirmonct.o--,The Itemperance immanent fa Oil Jortrenshig I:: f ieplaw satiatnotorfirand Moo-' 44 ! /re!, .OnlP l wataigad- ;co d netumaiveMmineik,4 16'4. 1,, . „ , - • RE INE , - , - i ireillei 2 ' tialiffillkUlto)l it CALIt Sid ORAL, ik 1 0. 11 /* 0101 0asi "Ilia/ a tb•imetinc lir,« - eronklalikid I:WM*4_ ArrOko., , thk R ' 141 # 1 4V 4311 ilatirdai . , ( MOOttage Wen Ind lishi, *loll to* c or i br i lwil g ul ig i t i idit itr a ogit the matt f VA law mate *delivered in bobiatif emPe. nose, ' The Odra' rib SOMA`olllz oat With UMW iiitOratiOat 'And the \"1• owl wand! loignitalited4t it' don aT a large number of t ose present. 46 amass were added to the ndl. • On ikus* everting,. meetbrg was beld at - width abort midterms, were MIK% and name: added to the refl. - " `3dirridsrevenlOg, Wile obeetiVii#ln ed tri 0. D. rum s 'Pat., Who delivered .1i ;c onthm and 20 mem names were added. , - ' 14 , -Theni* roviolerl2oo signers is:Lib's PliMe ; and Mill the good work goes on. It is the kirmtbm of this ocirmnittee to , a. maid* each evening _of nest week; to be addirmM by speakers from - \ IL limn, of will speak . on Kandy evening ' ni tins cOUNTIN mentings "nin being !lbw in urlingtan with great success. At Monmeton thean 3n. the OM* IS said tO b 0 -11101taldflg,-4ho IlleoCM:ak Swift evening bit being csie c of tl e. largest yet held. The 'icy. G. W,CrLisr DLEII. wall the speaker - and *Myst au earnest and ekoquem *actress. Seventy w natnessiereadded to the roll of boruir We understand that there are now over 800 naniesiowthe roll, out as population. of 500. • The citizens .retnra their sincere thanks to the spotters who have: favored them; with nlilreissu‘ and hope to eea ~ . • A large meeting at. Greenwood on Sun day smiting last, was" addressed by Miura. Grto. C. 131 , 09, and 0; ti. ALLEN, of his place. At the elosi3 bt the address es; 118 came !.forward and placed their mimes to the pledge Sad put , on the blue ' r11 4 ) , ° 1 1 " -• ..... , . Tifir. P4ll. trACTOILY.—T " ue,question 4 ran asked, " What is meant' by , the • Actin* lb" The name' isi applied to a locality hi North Towanda, iab,oat four , pipes north-west of this place. Many ye:lire ago, when Towiuuki -was, a small ililiage, nation MrEn and N. W. )7= tux carried ori4ie buoineas of manutac thring wooden pails on quite an exten sive scale. `Altliongk the establishment 41ta abandorie' d more `than thirty years agO, the appellation.' "'Pail Fa y," is atill employed ta desigriate \ the neighhor-, lqpoci. Ffhlle - Capt. Manniut was Yet a young man \ ole Pail Factory 48 a favor iiie resort ferilie \ yonng people cif the vil lage, who fniquently visited liiidthitK and always resetveithe same efordiallvel- , , clime and generoru4)xpitality for` \w ch h, is still noted. - \, .: 9n the site ) of the d factory, - War. ill t attris now maintains. an excellent saw. l:call. There are also a niitier of good farm's adjacent, . and it was ougood for tiipe to have the pleasure of iiiiting and eXamining one of these flit) • oa day. Approaching the prertises in the sir niten, we were agreeably surprised: ikn 'tidy and thrifty appeanince of everithi g; \ indicating industry imdiptelligence in tlfik management,of the farm. The - pleasant Oeting extended by the occupant, Mr. Op. BENNETT, assured , us that we were milt considered sin intruder. - The farm Is • weed by Capt. Masirrumr, who has di ` ... all the improvements, and we lip not • cinder that he /takes genuine pride .(.. in i ipoi .ng them out. In-the rear of tb,c, house o a rise of ground, he has con , stvacted a / pond, which apwei!..the4 doUble pri of - shPporting 4 ',.- I *.:lift : '.. the "finny tri " and anpplying'lhothi Power fora lar water-wheel "inatficiitali. in L churning. II . " milk-house " is, a' model one, and is k tas neat as wax by Mta.'l3., who enjoys e enviable rsputa... tioa of being one ot th very best butter I\ maker makers in this co braced butter cOnt.Y. - \ ' '• -The clean,\even . fields, closed by stamp and storki, fences; give- 0 • Whole firm the appearance of a well-c' tivated ' gatden and lawn, and we almosten I- the Captain the pleasure `be must experi • . tie in his almost daily visits to the delight I Scurarnara ? ABOUT /478PAPICBS. That the Americans are a. reading peciple is manifest by the statistics of the, News.: paper Press of the country, - , as. given in the Newspaper Directory -for 1877; just bored by 8. M. PEDTANGILL Co., the well known Advertising Agents .of New Yo4-k, Boston and Philadelphia. Tben. arco.eported it' the names, - character (Political, agricultural, religions, medical etc.) and names publishers, of no less thaii 195 . dailies, 79 tri,Weelilies,.l2s semi weeklies, %801 l weeklies, 129'searti-monthH lietai 771 monthlies,. 16 hi-monthlies 4nd 60 quaiioriiee, publithed in the United Slates and The Britiish inierican Proarinf ces.l The Directory shows the number of each of these editions which pre \ near put:hi:abed. in each , Btate, 'Territory or . The book contains 876 - pages, l -ind em- Iti4es an immense . . amount Of vabiable ,informatinn, showing treat labor; iand ca ri in iticolleetton s and PrerwatiOn.' It trivia all necessary facts far an advertiser to ; know about \„13,b7,4" separate - pnblica- Units, while it is also interesting and vat =biro for the generil reader, the student of American periodicillitenfture, and the obierver of American institutions. _The book is sold at, the low price- or $l.OO per • • D. ReMOUTER VIM ID •_, C001•01 the dewy morning belly, that we, went to see the nuptial knot tied by Re4.,11.u., Wes ABNETIVOICI, 'between : Mr. BkerJA WIN D. finialiaras' of Darlington, and Miss Jamb P#urairr, of . lionreec In a quiet, unostentatious manner, the vows were taken,' congratulations were spoken, and then we; sat down to a table well spread' with a ) ,dainty breakfait: Then "Daze" came, and after he also had been refreshed with a lunch,dusteis were donned, goodbyes were said, and hums was gone. After them, of , course, fol lowed the :customary "old slipper," with all the signs of good luck. ' one was `present except the clergyman and his wife: and'now while I think of It, let me say word, in farm of ? .t her qiiet com fort *f il l simple marriagei, rather than the ' and anxiety .of a fstddont able wedding. - • ' s•,. In common parlance, liiimJsmrlut (nOw nolinger Miss) has "done *ell r is her settlement for ; life, audits.: in coming to tradieni for it , \ wife, has selected one of our pleasantest ledies to travel by his side along the pathway - of life, and may they, alWays tiled ot: Ames, and never feel the thongs as timipass. , M. M.A. En. Itstitraisra : I am. informed' - that , the Cofinty Commissioners' are consider: 'inethe question: of the pisionii of< pioperty-npon which to erect a count] pooeinmee. This Milan is taken \ under -the soot OM Mod_4BT/,' to, tlat#es**ce*.T.,li9,s4: attreoftnattorMn aelocii"atiltsble toositali,- . - ..' ' ' ~.."'„ Of tifilkiblOtt4O'PrfiitaitAkii*A l l* " ploc o 4 l l o *;***Mte l itjhill* pie, setirsinikkit**:#*,To*44l3l-i *ay soAti*pt-:**l-4,o4:that . :the Commliiiiiiiiii:alastiliai % - ttie'llia cialitlaii,4lo l .4V*Ot. :10.** Mod eta fin hod soil inhiaAind t ."ot Untie best **tett tor thi s- 064 1 - of 1 10*, houaelarnsi andivieiwiksbalshlissksw‘. at It aims ,t4i insilhierici': tin shield .be purchased _ by-thwoosuitytisii* lay witilini*atiiiniisigAilitifiiiidi- - oad statioq suk- alonid be at lead ii part oflovel Sat. Orb ,asil, r,saitable hi ng gardep 'trod& -With- a is _of this' ~ Jai& cethis:Aind :or l&bor coca t 4 done , by, the initiates of fills *fie, s 4 located*. we-axe In tittle**. tYNlalin alrOntilf -Uknal outhalfrmanig lard)i t4.4 fields, the r surplcuil producthms could henuirit ' with, prOfit that:oo4 not 1 - ie cusioied 19 this county: toad. . vantage. ; : Snob it pmtisrtY ails bats* dimity& can he. , eUaa ca_ietaion rates-almost aurahere tie linewatiluab na valley, and neat` .the lailrciad, awl in no °seat should a form beirolutaod that is not on the Rim of some . . of thei‘i* roads in the minty. 'this pot Ais ofifai More importance to the poop : of the county than present:cheapness!, , .land' distant from railroad . aoconimodat; .and contracted brirbitrary - geograPh 1,. centres: Railroads insikehushiess een . .- and give accommalaUons that , should go far to control, in tietermining what is our best interest as tax-payers in the matter of location of a county poor-haulm. Tex JuxiMosivuuts.—ffarper's pra vides a, welth of iilusirated and other ,ar ticles that {make a most attractive sum mer uumb_ir. The world of art, nature and travel contribute the abundance. The writer upon "Niebelungen Lay," makes an observation that will =omit for the fact that there is no literatain that can over supplant' the_ inspired. ut terances of the Sacred - , " Like the Iliad of Homer, the Niebe lungen Lay" is . a mom: meat of an epoch in a natio - WS history—a vivid picture. of the- sociatenstoms, of the religious faith, and of the predominating passieni: of a race at ouo period of ita . oxistenee. These: passions were theseof- . War and conquest front beginning to end the " Lay" re sounds with the clash - ,of urine. Ass re= gardi the mild influence" exerted by-the \ new religion of Christ, it - is rather • felt hovering Man invisiblepresence over the entire driMa than perecii'ed Ins a strong featare ofnny one peen in it. Moral en. periority; as - we understand it, Was never the chieteharaeteriatio of earirierees of fletion; nof\is .moral for.* ever !roulette outshine - or even to' compensate, for the lack of physical' power in the faiorites - of ancient song."- • • BeribeseicOntiMnes through morethan half its - pages With\ beautiful and useful . illustrations. In the 'first article, Barthol. is statue of Liberis- described . in toxins that Convey a vertgood impression of the artist'S great work . • "Allowint tarenty - feet fer the hilt Of ice island aboe 4 tbe water; the Wes tal is to bephe hundred and teefeet high, and the statue, to the flame of the torch. tone hundred and fort) , five. Thiermakee the torch at least two hundred and seven= ty-fiveleet above the level of thei bay, dt `will equal in ‘ hight the ‘coliimin in' th (=o!i Vendome at Paris, "and - will be rger than the Colossus of Ilhode so m okcelebrated by antiquity.. "Like-that statueit will have to be east in pieces of manXgenble size, ;mid built up' emelt lifter, the manner - of an armored ',frigate. \The construe $t ill be - view \ of engiffeerier Nflpter and Mr. di At night ' jets of light 31 tea of the onorint _ the flame of fired in casts; in the of„i igbt, Conn -m."-e, by 'electricity, Appleton The f I Harbor ani tit,' , . , . illustrate I l ess interesting next 1 article is : 'Mal Minters 0 \of. Persia, trot'. -,isl\kH bineau," and entitled,' "The W ar wll the TiiiirOmans." There are a few yerses There are of the spasmodic school that are scarcely creditable to such' a ~per i odical as this. st „_,, lifr. Woonax, in his article on ' Turkey, • ys truly that ' The historrof the world' does not af. f..? . another instance of vast . multitudes ' of va iquished subjecti so grleyously op• .presse ' for ceuturieists i .their own native land by • mere h andful:of conquerens. It has bee a principle of Ottoman gov-, ernment to allow ,no -official survey or census; but a . is believed that the total population of e alit:are deists tot exceed thirty-two milli' 's,i, and of-. these about ildrteen milli-xis ', •in Europe. Of the latter, only 1 three '' illions are, nuislerns; the rest belong to ' ' subject races and religlens. Turkey is nnt really a Ma'am tmxlan `eouritry.- The fa th of Christ has existed b lConstantinop a, thousand years,longer than the c ' f the Proph ret\ et, and iii tciday held with urprising te nacity by three-fourths of_the*lijeiSts of .the'Sultaii.l* It\is the vary . &Varsity of these conquered races. and. the almost total saps tiers AVM ' each ' • * r ~by rtu ettle mountain gas, by,deeb, broad and by lac „of „roads, as much as , merciless oppression W htch givekthem co chance to volt, thafhave kept the Most. rem . minor' y- in "io full,'smd caritinued rl , power.”' • ' \'• - ' I f ippinco ' a Oen* with : two very at tractive tit trated articles, isrten " The; Rhine," th other on "Peru." ' There is .roueh *aria y and -entertainment. hi; what , follows. 'T . e Monthly (tousle,' in a '. he. . - course .upo! naes; alludes _ - to a pried in • Gerniany . the like of Whickla no miknOwn l i - i mir.own caubtry,: . "- : ---4 --.'. , -' :- : . "Even - i . .,9ermanY, however, whore the privile` of the nobility 'are guarded *with jeakimiy and almmit;:fendal .rigor.-ii wine:merchant; the 'prince.'Of " practical jokers, jokers, avankned, kkjest,, but bears in ear nest, the tilt:Sounding -title :of Count *on: Tappe berg.- i I remember:Amhther case, (which ended, I • believe,. ignomini-,. oanty), of AU -biller* in Nassau, Who* real name was Vogel,--Itha changed It to: Y.. 'Ogel,,or Van Ogel. 'llan*, however, take i.,aho . rter way .by simply puttMg tiM pee. Aide ' , forcibly . before - .their..namea, :'. like yori Schntkor V. Shultze, - ler - by ehang: At the low Dutch ear), iihickmeans n& .thing, into the more . sabdcaustio. profs: Others evade. the law — aied•-aq the name, of their birth-00e,, ) Ilse "Jiteytrvealliv# Me*" 1 " 4.tullerironviConigewiateir,"; !eta, Tho Galatea "Ptoresohil Bab:" 11 more thcnagilti:nl Utah its title stied ityli Mrviexze' paper nti de Musset," world eve been leis rep* sivaithellad toe in , regard, to: Ale* epos. :the moil disgasting get' of the . lite . oi hie sub'. feet. thii article : iipo ® the , "Uniform Militia Eieivica,7 is an alltudtin tbal . verified b 1 our; wn, recollections of a cel ebration that was n'etery different affair from the recent wretched attempt 'at a Carnival - the 'fall offal% ton water.celebration a read city holiday. The procesaite-WaaliinA interesting and gorgeouN4or all of it,ezoept the military , ' portion was profusely, decorated with-UMW town tlowenvoderiam but besatlitd, rich in color andvariety. might_preprety have been tatted the !Fesat of thaliaa.4,' MIME eistrailwatax—Ai *et kat , bare no,beenim+lned 4 41,10 Was trorn Pl4lO. it-,!1,1011 11* `ln ivraiktdah, — 4-141, • ._ a ;~~<~' 3101161011ktabg I T ~s ' ''' 1 1,011011141/1 own lrAl a" r loW 44 ,:ioililill' thi 'o4l 4 l 4 . X. '4 Oigsio ß Isles* trim aodookioldslOg ....ay soomodig . 16 1 * 11110 . 11111111 * N fi i & i Th=soi s li t t it iallir. ""k - ti lo '4 'll o othok,W. T. the wimsrift his ainotty\-Thm. astotr ,4ol "bg usall. mar, *Om. vt()Unsuss• in WI with dour and Pininir U. market t bneed % vs hong*" ' 1 i.e selmabir ow ' 311°L 14" 'lrs°64t veirlorie; with cam** which is -66 co r ou r 1 , iirninnM' ' - yew* sod - hi adeaully W. oidoiltott . bather. a' 'Ws a rhediVr Timuat Ikujust o p , aoation at na l its kod %Wow% to - F. Te Oar young blind 1471/11E4 her o f EASTAIMOOt a . II I. I spoken of as strum/mai APP7 plum, asps% a tuna! andi= in tb o afigg' N 'f i g... P l ic i tai eta-. Hell George wood Pianos and ed Maw&k Plan Orgasm II ' to s-sitiao ,ice,, ; Ws otosbnamme, a Awed aUn 1 tormor l 7 of h pin o a r Vacs, Ind is-glowed to sas AI all dessuels with pow and: teal, vote:, The. tem glottises is being agitaled at iciest. • Theists sloth of 11. 'IL =ltiveSzleibse (Ouselitott Oleos hs,-tbs hatris:wr 04 angel: phyleiciatv O. IL Sitio, l les at bat takie Seem hornets stay. 0173110135, VOTZL ''' ,. .*);* . :iiinT•• Wit *tin is Nondlea Adeertheii- the, ~ follawhig account of. a\; e ions =ideal which obourredia South k, thiamine-. ty, on Saturday mominglask: • . - . "%tardier mei:sling au **lent occur red •at VlB little . lumbering *Hee 2t thiedeker, , on the Northern yakked nail road, eight miles . !Ilia - side of Trb , Pa. Abcniktwe rods wait of the k' at the north end of the clearing, stands the planing mill. ' About eight o'cloCk, just after steam hut beta gotten' 4 ia, the boiler, , a tremendous explosioaloOk place, followed by thaidadog of AWN the flying of ' boards and sbinglesy and a cloud of ashes' and dust. ,T -, boiler, which_was in , old one, an d T he . ithich• lone ANUS bad • been - ex had burst, completely wrockhig Arierael potion of the. mill • \ and shatherit* • the wholcsatencture. There were five or , six men working about the mill whin theex plosion took place, and several of them were • very ,badly . hart.' The. Sauna% a young man , named iheria, was injured in , ,such a enamor as eenst result,* hisdeath —probably - em this. One . man,. Josue Oncxx, Of Troy,, , Pa. who was at wo rk at the edger in :maim put - of the mill, c cild witupon the and hit severely Cat his right arm roken. "Two other me , whose homes are at, OilleWii Pa., were also very badly hurt. "The appearan of the building shows the tremendous enetiry of the imprisoned elements that release at' the Cost of human life. • - . • , - , - "This place, Sruidekee—the odd'uame of which • always attracts commetitis a lambesngg'•village,! which has grovinup within the; putt 1 twelve years, in a swampy, piece of ground lying in between high_ Bills. Mr. W. H. iiiStammica, a grave, careful and 'energetic man, went there when the, Ow was a wilderness, with *dense forest of pine and • hemliolt ..'irorh o i t itthe hills ; and valley; and th untusu energy has cut, cleared &admin. ufactiavid the forest into lumber , claimed the OWs, built s school sad store, a stein* iaw mill, or two, a: planing and a taco of some importance \Fn atcowit.)Df its large shipmeritti. He also owns alai* steam 'Saw mill it the 13 .tiOe Itine• i ! - • • ' titneetnon +Willmontes paned off eplend ineterday; The number of those' PlPAVlate*inui vor7- and eveiithing Was conducted iittlie at besimni4 iniumer We teady time and'apiiee to refer to the o Tea= of a cueMmi , which dim*, ke perpetuated through all cominetime, that thiLmemo ry of out , bravo defe:ders maY ' kept gram e will give a Adler a4Mount pent k r 3 e.kt ' - • ca:l3 • VW' 7/1 Dross Goods' at Km& & Blasi% \ sprit, I Baby *none, new styles, .at tha Cruets alum \ - tar licia can M eeatai tai 874:1V sloe ts`iear.Clathsasslmeies stpris. „ , Emir at stags: cheap, a lar it BLISS .cir a.BLiserthl; , HISPIT I teprackeng, . ~ tir BINP st tar Imre at ILIT WWI are -Wailt - beita egad tar efataies meet tratt T9a. , s l a . ____get fit **Pa_ styles At tetaxiiiis, wasp. at efluecolei a Beams re The, leriireerel I Det ee s ertment e t. spelairelnlhlng In triffni - EI Boikanrsurn. Ow firm, new gond. mallow a~isneetniremii. aim Mum. iir: ea IA art =dare ur of -dation !l74l!4.l"lloii "I" 111:41 ,- ;I. - '7(3 - 1 1 . ;•: ur ruia*sai 111104iiith ft !. l - 0 - 11( 4 1 darVidc -1 . 4 •pu _ _ _ •W . DOD't s i b - Priam but t( l ,' Wm cowl it 414irra tor vet wki c) rldettakhig a ow:laity at U. 6 4 - /Map II Parana" 111041. i 4 4 s • , idedlLP, tr. 2 Elution Kid Gloves WO* iirisi t -loe sex t ism ft*-42131, NOW. I , • aromit Ifyr sad lopt'it "Itlrelictimot 2 . - (2122nilra. :pas"'aline Mouse sop* oi Aim =BE ' - ZiT: . - '-- 1-??.:lriallw.til:-..1:1,, ====M MM;RMI ,~~~. 1 13.:.A,.t.;', 4 '. • IMMM ijaitiEtiii LOCAL. Preach cloaks at 1 RENDII : ' - plated 044;14 99 • Vie- latest_ p Viestkres, !sty inincons is Snatiris \ \ • all Hit; of &miler in Ladies Ties stook of Bbswls and E ISt Buss , Ivry chess, *Hi games and toys; belFed, every f and X. Z. 'Boass• buy imultiful Imk*my t!lbsre iD Arr Ann* best estatlVl:T ' very item?. varieties - Inked ~etAot: kw pekes at MUM terlinegitm and ad rims 11Primmilvi• . , , llr Ntint-Sl4 otY Wiri4 is 1 ~~ `` ~+ ~~~~~ r7s," ~l ' s~~ mow:; ~St~rr*~,si-i-" ~ Y ~ ; ~n .; ~~ ^'t_ 4 .. .. t hee the finest sboolc lih% hire* aid Slitiraltlifellgki 1a1.IOW': Can 4NHk, , - :APPOIPS' bu s• isiftikinalie >aok .s i : z ma i rr ebis se ow nee se Arnim 'grit WAiserlase ardl Swims paid Wadies. la, Il lr illkly - 013 ! WW I sat Vests• 'gams - . intar Wer e goidero! MOW Great ktalaiat /Lilt SiStseav rs refs ~,irrarodei onpgau &Roe eboil , Walburg la tinier i - ogrusitinstore s_ tirsesiatind White Pigi beagle bi subanitilin \ wn. Dzsalittcti. elleaft l igisi KAI tri.r7•7 . 'Ur *on are wanting 7 Oglockeiy, Ohm. Waits riled Wsve 14, \ tae Crockery atom mod Weft rirKiL' s 110atos bas rentirrat her Disk sas staisoom sum. trod Mott% Bloat to the stare los* dace Meteor IF 1C.700 vita, the • 4 1 Prisev,,Basp Ball . . • (Wably 40•4 bas teeme ddlplobli itall CentsublalLiiall . at lbs Ceoebry Stem Towanda, br awl sai hate one bent yft by mall. 24 Is. aiIAtOWOOD Ltnaniti lassos 1.1 1. itit S. or_ 4 lneb plank . Apply to ItAwas Ilitomuut, Miloreeto", r 4. (1101Crik Ur' !be ph= ow &swing Michtues bas chimed materially, aaa ycer MU be surptisol tease Isar Mule mosey It takes to bay elm at Itrie Na w is the time to, select you Wall Paper. Wit:roma hi Suave hams a taste sad well - ettleetett stoek 114114 they otter sery cheap. - stare. tir i. - 1 liz,ta lerchsxt Tailor; has aimed bli Tailoring catabilahment to BAIT) a Colt drote`- Clothing made io order; also tatting. fitting and trhantityrdotie with neataiWk and db. patch. = titre Elm i WI. , ' • . . . . . . la\ i Everybody is invited -toadf :s t-A, l i ti. mtilsPwftiospiruldft;o4o4ftePire. ILL Co.ledore. updates) pad Masted' sted sada 4bla wait, Too will be convinced dense sldt, • La tete*. to gee alnvetae,plcietres. - Urn. Grand Central Hotel, New 6 \17 York. exidtil 4 the semi of Its grist popelarlty sett messes , 67 17 asalstalning Meld standard of excellence st n Its rednetke hew {LOO, the old rite, toga) an . • on per tley. .. • .. Boum Nothing towhees imam to '• • • and peace the taint ly than tasttly deeorst ia tes. =Ther:hutibiest cottager may. by, pure bls Wsll Paper 'at WarreStsh & 113mAttroi.; have its htiuse itsteetthkg sad cheery as a monsee • ;Ansa. $ Why will .wit 'stale Crackers whep yen can bey them Mee, fresh bsitSl,' lost as cheap? , Ask your groesgi for Cowuts , \crackers or go to Me. CIL Bakery In the First Warge,wbere yeti eau get Craekers the same day they are tstto from the ores: I • '• • ' • • W Take tietice, there is great re nettles In Walniain anti Elgin Watches. Can at mr.noszatAxy lad pa will be awe totey. ()neat the piles, be fa opting. • • MONT . iiinf4 "MI6 philltd . will be plia . ed to learn that thOold and reliable erniet YON. TAXICES have tleeldeid to mike the cnocKaar Minn s eileelatty; and to Manna have Jaat re. eetted slam lie:ollet"comptislng .evaelthta!< is the UnOottileb`thei Ul teU at utonlablitgly Ontr Priem : • 1 arm To LADna oi Mika:mg AND VitersirrirlSrsl t R. J. Ittioos Ois,open , Millineri Store etbsioase of Mrs. D. Ross. Las a tali suppli;Of MUlluerißcamls, and arl latest stiles of Mats SaS.RosIoOSIL Her goods all . new. sae births Ala retsina - Alcorn tap c ;Call sad see the pion before . Imam disrobe Mai 10. urn 4i: .. or amok* .Szwmq MA' cniNst. - OttlAS lazrovertotrs. The . aew remits Staler Swains Yisiebtaierlil hereafter be sold at 30 dol. . tars, and all otiker styles 'of Genuine Bleier. Ma. claimsat miens, redneed prices. Though ' machines boo been r e ined one-half In pr(ee quilt) will he isialatalar4 at Its highest Mind, 111 'The Shafer Iltwleir Ifsehtne Company. , • -, 1 - D. A. Latium!: Agent. . - '4. '., -- • . Theriada, Va. . 45. fib'__ IL PAIN It THII, BRISAAT.-malati P: 'O4 darter Clo.; Ira., Jali 9.— TM. Is to certify t I_ re beea &M eted with pals la the breast; Ida. t eAwai id bra entire cough, for nearly Ivo years, lib iot Which brought .me ea low that at shies I 4ras ituabluti domirldog: After barbs trifti all the Tartiias misldslaitt I saw admitised,, without the bait bettedl i \-7Klai Induced by a Mead tram lisln• line to eye be. WISSAM'S BALSAM •M i WILD -CitausT A tiltdclhe drat bottle gave amatureu t batraedbdirellet, d I was soca eaabledtto do a goodlertimelt. lebeerfiUlivecooneeldOte arti cle kith* public as a\ tate it aad tleaelows 'remedy he dbeitim or the htogS., CossaD Luta% ; • SO centisad el s Docile. \Sold by all &tweets. AN Istriasqrrnro EXI7IIBII iros rut SChfiio9l:--.Tie, education o the ;oohed roam ehouid not be confined to. text ' Web, sad w joint tOSIODOrmiII make *of every nieintipreinpnted for thaiwighly elm:o4 in the penal*: ituthn and Imam of Ufa those- entrusted to his * her nano Teachers will linfl thli n'syirrylleasionzerehle. We hope they wtil in It Whenever practlealle : Twin— Plat ohm 14 freoff967 *amok up.. Where Is W. E. Ressirrtiumlt peel , \ &Wilt Boy fin ii *nth st the fog) of bls volceit 0.',13 kits ' Towanda* Pa., \ Bradford *wt.\ tylltnte of ylvanis. troltint Stites of. Arnett. at Isirr aprt2. Ei ;ihi' &Oho see be be eaderstad by. We Would,' m , , 3r. , 101 ;11.43. ', se mini% Ili Now *mu am Tii7 doll. will i qt to tidy old tea Idiom ' • ' Teschet•— _ 1 epier to vbileopppy, sttent* !Mat do yes s isis id by old Wu Ideas 1 0 : Betidero..-1 0 ? tces - fhat rapt, bays that there *sit be so . outbids of doles badness over tbiet !tre otl Wes sad large mate. •' - •••_. ' p - "Meati.:l - , ..... t.} 414 Ilt. WmtPump i s s thew ktb ,We obt 1011:7 Ides. ' no N Iti *ls qeheugee; and letbe fooly l italit Mt" to \'\ Biboot (ta = ,1111114 T Irffebt lan leapiar-Ir,. ids 14 °F. Wit dory WIC tree mew Mos igrailiqte s oll er I Tabills) 5U1111 01 ,4 ossolor tl ~3 ~e['a`~ 9, a r+ -r ~ ^G lb ,__ ~v.~ m'rf~'Y'a~ l.~i:T~~'- ,j EMI aid 16,.. iza bee* so► for =2:l Ww.*: t. sod., tr ice .Imss letetr tit! slo 7 0 i tM r lljOt Ma. _kiwis is s. affigut_vecentim_ • ' for • .sim!imilama. 1101 0:44.10 1 10. 1 , 6,11011 . 4 11 1 16 VW 1081111111 haisigalw tA 411 . 111 4# 1 0 111 "1 1104 001' „...A._-_,- 7t4t - Iminjw,',l=iii lcrOilk'.-- - , ' - :''''• 4 .lil - , _ • z' 4 1 100 111 56-. , -,,"%.. !.,',‘;- I,all M, ~iiii o i , 01010, 0 11P9- 41 6 0 , to - 4 41104 \ a\ 11ri,=pti41,ts1-i--=,. t vlil!.l4 ~.4.4, '-'- - -rM,•1,:4-, - -;47., : ,•1„ ~, . ' 1 0 1 . 4 ; ' , 1 1 W , 0 - -A -, W 1 8 - , 14 t 9*_*,"/' ' :411:, lime-t17;.,'. ') 2:o( ,C411,110k*II"11.. "iii:plfasksaili)llol - ' 'Amdkiestomtko 6r, skiiiiiif , amar; Nil *Mr:. tu , - ..4ety s tsjald44.”, cossosik *de -, :tiud, .011'004114.1.41"114--; ' et 06* la ' Ida disertsgt ' mu " ' - fp sa. dia,Mniga e t the Y ld t g o,,,2this M osice=ity ir... ..Ng —7160 ;.is stint t'r, i .1.21.01,, tissu withal wiesom Pm bralfts7 o * ' iess 49 ' 6.7411 ;- , ~..•-;-: ' .. ~ - IPAILHOUAIA'' -. • - i ttio_ boon' of Use tote' - - _RAW Reno* Armstrong, Barttagtas,ipso_ jam* gnegaiga of , 11r. 114-11.1 ' - ..- - . .::: . . , 11)1114 - ••• :`..... , wourr — .o-ibi f ' itudi ti commußpompOsmi.wahmao4.l7.7, . . - . ,- ~ AandSe Jew s timed cloy. ct t i1 1 111111,a...-14 lA*llBl4l=6 tallow A .. . 11. derr. S., O. McComas% aired 11 a idnagralas la Tireelha . ' t a 1 has entered Ids litaaterapit , • t thee t eohlfer et Jesus, • 1 \ . trot. 0 1 1011 . 1 1• 11 0°V ' • , iihii ilhaibratres.' Xi Y. Aprils a. INT. flallia ` alto of .11atiate O. Chaste', aced Deemed ars a .et .8. W. lad I> Ku ? Oh of Wanes. , Vaistr, Ita l. where ebe 'peat the neat o f ark wheat !mai lit Mr Meads reside. sad abs , now ateepber last.. a)aa. deep. Destheine. Sr: bat Mad Mt ready. Twelve Pas* sr 1101 **1, allisiss bar Baylor. sad Idaellied . wlta the Chock iallitant. sae araeimaseit sad attleadha-In-lier deportment, and ad Madrid thalatelhares at her wungi i. character. Thillastaad lap last Arreethulde, accapaatea. the - antacid Madan' sainthood, daughter. wade ad Der Meads ions s.bilitit Ited bas beset so wrivectemy d .; - I J.l Id. , . . .. ftITOTATION OF. WIUTE,POW vg, gLL k Cd.,kankers and llndmra, Mu-A llman Third etzeet, Pidledelidda, Mb, 1/117. , • nine a ssni t ipL!!! A*, Mit 11 tr u e , sa. K••• " Call ! " la. Jr. sad J 44- VT, 44 44 , . - . Xll4 61, 1040. autos.; - • - lux " -Poellk re. ey - .0114 New 1% Rog. tell ill* “ " e. o - tat 1111% Gobi - ' 1 . ' • 100 04 BIM* -' , 100" Pennahnuals i . , lIIN "Reeding • PhilsAtelphts a Erie ' • l 'i Ut ' Lehigh Wartgation ' ' ' ' *TN " . Valley, Itze'Dlt ON Vatted R. R. of N. J - ' ' " ITO Pittsburgh: T. it Bugg° 114 N. ' - . i 134 Northern Ceptral. - ' Mt Central Tratoortetton •', , .IS Nespeehotang 44 .. North Petntsgranla 4 OS CAA. Nortgagetre. V" • • '' - lob: aTOR advlllrUsinimb: IST OF-LETTERS reirmining in • Post Moe at. Towanda. Bradford 04., or the week ending llay al. 1877: • Barnes, rams : Snidely. Belle Reftea,iineretla - . Can:phall i F. • Custer. Charles . Crammer, Susan Doreen:, Thos • David, Nettle - • Johnson, Mrs. Arfe; lanes. Weatherly Meehan:Natio Mien, Brldwat Melville. lassie Mektantm. Prank Siegler( Peter • ithahee. Nory f Sprimmr. P. L. : ilkon;Locy Stilivan. Mary J. **.' Thompson. Lathe Thraupson, Anal* • WOMiruff. Westbrook. Cherrick - . •'‘: MELD !OS POSTAOW • • • I -Eva Xesill, shitatitnath, Pa. Mrs 11. J:„Amerman. all, XL ZoarMt Elmira N Y Persona Milling for say of the oheves wAn Pale 1 1 say " advertran giving date of list. • S. W. ALVOIM P -X. TTHE 'SO . SCRIBER TAKES Pleasure In the attention of Ids names.; ous patrons And the leralle gentraUyAo ' the fait that he still contraltos ) • GENERAL MAR \ KET BUSINESS , At the OLD STAND of MYNA a lIIINDMLL, to • Carrel's Block, nearly otothe - Meana . Some. and that he ispremsred to Wash • . SALT AND FRESII ‘IEATS, ItI,ESH POULTRY. - VEG TAB S AND BERRIES . Of ttiavertheistptallty, at as low rat4as ahflierMD establishment. .„ Q. M. MI Eli. \ June 1;117147 ItEDUCTION IN PIANO 1 propose to ells Punts hereafter ter $2- SACS YINE, OE $4 BY THE .YEAR. Whenllnstsvmeata ate outside the Borough, an extra charge will he made fur travelling fee.. • • •< • 1 oath= to sell ORGANS AND PIANOS', 1 Of the bestaissentaethtes, se useal. Apply toot • • I PROP. ww. Drrritien, • . Towanda, Tommie; Febe 12,1877., GB UM REDUCED_ PRICES 1 . ;• : Ttie itadenigned . b PLANIICG YATCHINfi,AIittIE-SAWI363, Anti 111,Mads u ruining-gm Wort , , AWAY DOWN! DOWN 11. DOWNIII' So for yen can' see It. • \ I tweak* band s tame stock of \ e H AND 1)00193, • •.• Which eT *Mal .prteesto salt the yam , \SSINS.SOW-DUDDS Ueda preiptly tecorder, at a low price, for CASH: IT YOU *Air, TO ORT RICE QUICK, Ca and see Goodatad PANS. Lumber tstsatht bete to haunted. win kept under corer bud perfeetty, dry milt tabett, Wood sheds for ydur horses, s dryplacte to load. 'lOl. BODGEIiB. .- . . Tpwandi. Jan. 18, Ur. TVSSOLIITIOW—TIie catleirtne r abi, heretofore fezbitlng between tbe under wined. clog badness under the awn mune of 'Michael Bowie a Sen,:baa been dttobred by instant consent. _ _ I MICHAEL R01:18X,.: Albany • In. Illy 24, -THOS. RO ME. EELEVS OYSTER BAY AND VIROPtAN :few doers eolith of thelf eons House. -Board by the der or week oo reairmible term,. Warm, sotoleaerred at aU bows. Oyster, sewholesalo sod - tetrl'ffe Wheitas m 416 llati4 sall • left my bed and bawd without put canoe or prnroation. I hineby forbid all gesso= harboring or Wafting Iserou luy account as 1, afaiii pky no debts of her odariUtiing alter this date. • — Towanda, If 11. 1177. •IL BILMEDICT: CIARPEN ERS . WANTED TO taki , *Wee Madam et a), tools - were Adel) from my slay. 1 DMus Saw. .1 Draw Shave, made Ws. Wr.V. W. Beath, IL\Bawa.olLeass. te.- Allot walls bare ray aura milted apao tbauo. - • eking:: - Towiftish may 0.1877; QIIIPMANT, DUPi k ICATDIG'• . " Limns BOOK It. is - a .ready; ead can be seed onto Is tbetleld. tlie or reti ree& or soy es pot at be We tbe boob wf at yea, It enables_ yes to test eryosr ee its wow oast' Ne ass el e= m o be s s p OIL Treriese ti l i t u rples .isedie st ose witless , pea; Ink break moor or • ilk= m r ai s ' Cottetter It , Wiwi. 11.Xliodhpr, PA. , ter este at ft* Bea Stott et itts. - Balesh hi Shieir. Tewares. ,- AO, st :011t Pr. gelrnk Jo! sob Ihmair; Mhos% . , . 1 1 QR., BLLE fire= Poiti:, , Porn% Was* ; immaiene er• at Inthelemodtahlrei Mak Mika. witlioeS at • MIN Udinesj. Strartlitten as 17. \ Thew imp all Iwo, .Momilkahlkilatarstri, terkAmit am* boyarimat, 'Om - k fur sat fasirsisli•ogiftwits-t abr a l c bi la cP l , l l4 l .!,* • elnatANDlOrstaliAla .7.11.111415ir 4711"1111..1411134='; [s*. M e ~~,:~_ ..mmuctosl -,`,."..*V -,',11.116L1, -4,1.1..;,,N3:;:,': e 72, „m g c r: r `'' ' 41)11 - '01/41/111110 *VW, la 'WNW Ff,'lc- - :771 , :; , ": , - .; itii4110114:";• '17 7 7 1 1 . 4 ~ a ' Amege Wair,;• - -- -, - +Y--•'-',141,,;.,411-47, - 1 1 , 1/MAPDOIOIII4,' : • '- ! c - ~, ::-.1 . 2-: 14 ~,- - 4.* - , -f '- SD Sas. -• u 'IS 14 SID 4 ,, Sat - -41 - ” - a ° 4ll 14 - - ~ ! - TN Mei= ?WI.: ' , ~ -„ ~, .... • - 'I • VasidosonS 04, ..---- " ' ' .' i ; i , 411100 - •,.• , --. ••..- . - 7417,1( . , -,...:.-, :14 -100 War" ::- .',..--- • - .' , intiorgua ~ _. iikp 'e5),,, , ,, ft .: A. . ' l'. " 1 1 .•,f.:-.1111:0 • 1--- '„: 4 -,. ;.. .I.' ..., La ,-• .. ;Tian, i: - .• . -' Illtebena Jodq . e=, 14 ~.,.... 000 14 -- : - - , :- - - .- .Waieseit.Sobl z - Isalskr.oUst, ~.,, -•-. ~:1 1 ''-, -I CO 1 - *.- ILI Oladte 44:1104' -: -- - ..v1 ' ' ''' ..l-11 .1 -_ - -.. - ch a su zoisk: - -,- • - ..2 :la '. " 7.10 ' - 'l/1. Zastabroolk; '=: . -. . --is -. `- , - 10 :00`1 . : . ':so . il ' ,;--- . nVkli c it ua r 91 44 ' _ 111. . 1 1 - T"is -.•- . - T lOOO ,issiva . _ . .14 e• 1 44 . '.. ,,,- "fDleS/7 . 11:7- ~ = . • - - 11 - • 14 co rit Liss. - - - '- _ 4 4\.' ' 700 . ... , .-„J o b s .. , 11 „ o n, • -:IC\. • ' 0 00 fli , ~ ' _la 7 00 ,8 A /OIL . :;., : ~. - 14 , , 7-0 s ENE cEI2 '-- , . • . ... . •. • . o, 4 11,. • . _C' :Ws. " • " - -31 r 0 is A • . . Wady , On, • - 8W '• . ' 1 - ''• 14* Tr ; • se. , . - .. •Ito aSi • 12 . 12 60 _ ten Strait. ' 13 . 10 00 /FRANN TWP-i-L Lunn, . 14 : . 700 _ _ •B'2l Walters. .; 13 10 00 gitAxvlLl,l2 T--Tayler ' •• II 12 . - U 60 _- S T Wm. .14 • • 700 umemcg TWY-4180 A Lent; . It . '7 00 .3 J Anderson. . tt• • '3O 00 'LITCHFIELD T-Wm Annezong, 14 - 00 Viso W Lints, • .• 12, 12 7, 60 VicitoT twr-4i Allteetioll, .' 14 .__ . .700 High X 110103mb„. -. .14,—, • 700 CID Holcomb:- • 14 -. • 700 "LIMATKVILLE /1-0 W Bailey, - 22 " 12.50 -tiL Bosworth. • , . 14 • ' 7;00 Wi Bo4bim , 24 7.00" • ITG Riley. . 13'"".. 10 00 , • J G Beasley •-, - • • 14 . . 7;00 , • _Hts --- firLyvii, ;• Is • 10.00, D. ' Gorham & Coleman, . ,11 -10 00 G X Johnioni . • .14 ... 700 J P Carl. . - • - • ' -14 wOO • • • 1:p Biscm` ' . • 14' 700 _AB Itsidw li in sa, . _ -. _ 'l3 10 00 MONROE TWPWard Haloes, , 14 - 700 - • JTr Cal4ll, -.- ... .. , 34 -, 700 __. J W Irvin .'' • - • - • 13 10 00 12011110 E BORIP-Moirit Irvin, 14 ---- 700 toi .-- • - Ell Haden. - - 14 700 • - Uhl -"ewe, & Co, • ' : ' . 000 , - '. Philo Woggle, - 27 00 ' 14 .- , •II C Tracy. ' ' 14. •• 700 • • .In summers,, ;.-- , - 22 1 '. 12 541 • .2;'L Crsnmer. .• ' .13 10 00 ORWELL TWP-W L Pendleton, 11 • 16 00 J PColorrn. - • 13 ;10 00 • • Pendleton Itros , , ' It io oo , • Pott.r &Doo li ttle; • . , 14. 7 00 1 ' E Yllosrdman. • ' - 14.- 7'oo OVERTON-John Colorings, .- • 14 - - 700 :IP llelehemer & Hoelscher, - 14 - " 700 'P Ostbsus & Co. - 13 .10 00 1 PIKZ TWP-W CItA II Buses% 12 ',' 2260 Estenon & Stephens,- 34 - 7 00 •II A Ross & Co, . • 13 , 10 00 - - Ghtiludy. -,_ 14 '. • 700 ,_- M Thomas-4 Bros'. • ' 13 1 10 00 RIDGBURY TWP.--Cridg & Tußet, •13 .' 10 00 11 C Evans,- - .... • 12 10 coo Robinson, • 13 , 00 G M Owens, - 1 10 • ;l4 ' 700 •.B L M C A ;_ 14 - 700 1101111110RIF-GooNitholls, . 14 700 J Whitaker, --; -'l4 . 7 00 litayosk, 14. ' 700 -, P T Maryott, - , .1 .; •, 14 17 00 __- E X Prost. • -,-* -• It - 700 ..• T %. ItOME TWP-Eugene Lent.% , . r. , 14 ' 700 SPRINGFIELD -0 D lister, "14 7OO W F Than ' - 14 700 . 'F li Ifattecks, .14 • 700 MS Harkin, •• •14 700 ' . N 8 Watson; -.-. , • 14 ' 700 ' • ' •X/ 111 Liscnard„ - • .- . ~ • 14 700 SIUTHFIELD-21 Bullock kit*, 14 7,00 /W E Voorhis, , .- t • 13 • io 00 •'' C K Kl •_IIEN :. - " I -14 ' - 700 • /. Beeby.ilerowd, • - I 14 ..i '•7 oo . / Blakrsly & Philips, • ' -.14 _ ;7 00 • ' /E. ii Tract' & CO.' •13 .10 00 SOUTH CHEEK -11 E phase, "14• -• ' 7.00 04XI 0 Turk, - • , . . ~, . 34 f 7 00 ___ 2 Dyer 11,Pitt.- ' - 14 '•;, 700' SYLVANIA-LC E Waldo, .• • ' 14 ' ; 700 H P Smith.' -14 700 SHESHEQUIN-Birdsej•Wstkisui, 1 . •7 00 Osbmil at Brother. . • 7 Go. STANDINGSTONE-H W Tracy, t., 700 i . , FE Bash, - = • It . • 'lOOO `-' A Ennis, •• • It. . • 700 T F Espy, - 'l4'7 to 'THSCARORA-A .1 13 . 11vsn, • 11, ' . 15 00 • HA. Smith 6 , 14. •. ,7 00, TROT TW.P.-J H Dexter, . - _ 14 ' ' , 700 ' *Ms_ ylor & Wooster. , '". la' ... ,10 03 TERRY - Dyer .& Drum : 14' : • 700 TROY BORO*-E C . ? / 4 1 - . 7 00 Reddington & L • 431 „60 00 - Jewell & Poore , • ! •Is.- ;IS 00 Stewart Bror; . .14 , /. 7'oo, • J ll'Grmit. - - ' , 14 / 700 A KAxtell, - , ,I 4 /.• • 700 : G F Viele, , , 14 , 700 Grohs & Lee, - , : -- 0 10 oo , .. Deirey & COI . ',. .14 700 \ • A Vaoralenson, • \/ is -"- 700 "..-\' •E C Oliver & ihrs, " . /14 ' - 700 • \ Dobbins & Johnson;„ , , /- 11 -.- 35 00 .., \ Hobert A Potter. i •, 14 • ' 700 Dirshort & McCabe, l4 7 00 Or Lents ' 14 . 700 • Ll ki Eighiny: , / jlO 37, 79 00 ,-. lo N Wolfe, • / . . '. 14 ' 700 Wm Morena, *-- / 12' • 12 SO Bailey, Fanning k7.analsi„ , 12 12.50 • ' . Whitaker. 1,00/2 & Co, •.9 XOO . •- , 0 Bradley, 1 , • .. 'l4 ; 7 00 J'' -VelthtuTaeoltli co, ,- •. 9 ' 25 Oo IA Ineree`i Son, -.-,14 . .' 700 / B B 31214 h0 0 1 \ . '- • Ls , , 10'00 ~, F W If.cnrey t - ,' , 14 700 / . Davison & Mc C abe . . ; 13 1'0.90 TOWANDA:IIOEO*-CH Cornwell, =, 13 11 50 C T Kirby. • •14 '- - 7 00 -11 T Jane, '.. •10 20 00 '0 7/ Wickham; • • 14- 700 - . A Horn” 10 00 • . - A Eildcdonald, - . 14- - - 700 \ •' . J 4),• Frosts* Sons, • ' --.-- - - 3 -.-, -10 00 ' Xliendelman, . ;3* _ 10.00 - . ' Decker Bros', • f .. - la 10 00 3$ F yton. t.- 10 00 B Bosenookt, , - .-_ io ' -32 ao .- _ • C 8 Fitch, , _ • . .13 10 00 , . • J Datis,',-- •- 3 A l 3 ~1000 0 A Black. Agent, , It , - -10 00 • Items & Hildretb, - 9 25 00 X Shettal, • '- 12 12.50 = - .11 Jacobs, . . '.• - 12 '..32 50 X 11& F II Owen, 12 • 12-60 J 11. Bush., _ - 10.000. :.• . , Woodford A Vendors, . 12 12 50 NI 'H i s , ' - John Carman, ' : 14' •• 7 00. s, ..- ' -. 13 10 00 - II C.Portor, - - 'l2 12 60 • • Geo Stevens, ' 0 30 00 • HenryMeredr, : "• '• 13 . 10 00 • -.. /Morn Bros , .•- . 13 10 00 • John Behlienian; " 'l, , 14 ..., '7 00 ' Geo Ridgway. - .: 12 ."-. 12 60 A L McKean. ' --;- ' • .14 ' • 700 - '• ,A D Dye & Co„ „ . - • : - It • 15:00 i DFeich.." ' ' It 33 00 ' - Turner-A Gordon, . . : •14 - - 112 700 , Montanyes, - . _ . • 5O .. 2010 9 111 ' 0 72/ 0 0' I Testi; : t /100.00 .- - -IX PhirenT,. -•--- 13_/ 10 00 R. piton, . :; 14 / I'oo_ :.-Thomas Men .; ;' a .. 11/ 1S 00 - • Platen/kill:01i, , . :At -10 00' - - X H Cowin, • " `s - "14_ '7 7 0 00 9. - N Powell &Co -•• '3 - ' 100 00 X ~. cintyre.& Re sp ell,`, • 7 40 00 McCabe & Edwards, -II - 60 00, Kent It BlisS,- . /10. • 1000 . • 'Tallork co, • • • 13 •10 00 . A Kline, , _ //. , 14 ' .700 - - Wll Decker; Jr,' /. . -.. 1 . ; .14 ' - Tl* ::,.-•.'• CP&R ii; Puck_ ,-- : • ... . 1 4 . • •7 00 , • -,. • R 'Welles& lion,/ ' ...- 14 - " TOO •:- -- • Jr - Corsel',' r- - . 4 ... .-.. IS •-• II 50 ' ' ham l3 10 00 - I L Xellistsue, • -... :- 14 7'oo ,-'_ 'TH=Eressnity - • '. „ 14 ' 700 tacoWiisballin!. ' -is . 20 00 Porter. ,• ' • 14 - • 700 • :' G DlClark4,..- •., is 10 00 .'• D Wrikott , a Co, . . n, 10 •20 00 purl2ia.:l 1/Thoiliimin, .. ' - "14 . .-7 CO J3Lotheti ,_ , .... 14 . 700 14. 700 ..ezirearpson,. • .13 'le 00 \,. ' 11 Ohnineast,l - - . 14 -.. 7 til, ,\ _ AWatitin L- " ,'• ' Hear , • _ It 700 '-• A Watkins.. ,', - . - 14 . .700 - HITLIKOT-0 T 40004 . • 43 --- lo 00 Horton & TAM, - ; •II . •15 00 1 • J M Clark.' . . • • :14 - -- 7OO .--/-' :Illerrell drilne,f.i- •' - • is - - ;'n 40 1 WILL la Saute& 10 --; iiilii 1 10 . 71'80X-41 la 6 Part, - - . r ' 0• , ,la Of • . Digital MeelmiliT .' ' 14 "'" , 7 00 1 -_ __. --' Cllastelet4. , „_'--- 1 • 5: • ' 12- • --700 WIRD/12311-1 U annents, - 2 - i _ - ''''7 00 M'Bel wAiLar.N.w.o.lBastwyNv , t -_14••_• Tool „ _ JVlU,Orkey, :, . .•12••. ' 12 SO k• - • , ' ~ --'!J P. 0 17 418 . , ,, -,.. . ' 1 - , : 'lt ••-•, . 1110- , , _.• • ~. (VW _, .. ,__ 14 - , - 700' W : raLtrollNl "C . iia•mank. . 1 'at ". r . .740 ~ at la oftekliey:t Brot t • -, . , - 11 .15 OD; Lents* &lift 4 •••• =. ' - 111 ' -'l2 59 1 ..'; •• ; 1. . '... "SP 1,1130011:, •„--.: - ‘ ...._ 's.:: .14. , '7-00 . •*-Jlll AIM, ,:, ' • . . .-. . " •1 4 - 7.00 • :, r. , • ' - Aelcl2 4 , 4kla * MOW; :32 •••• • 3210. -- :2-•' -- "Maths* D'BreinS, ' ' :- 14 ' fee •11.- 1 ' ..; C IlLsiterty, . - 1 - ~: • - ' ~ 1 31. - -- moo -: , .:•• -Met, it Broom --,.. -., , 14 ~ 7.00 .•. • ..-_...: I *.p Ban t am 411,1*, -.• ~ ;.- 13 '.‘ --- , 111 01 __• - ii_ll4o,,poiirosesiiiiiiid Ilk the 'W i er patina. wommooolowo . Clll/11tr.0.2 Ilastfort• ia - thipror APR_ * ioriii!•Ar ,‘xa .,.,„1,....i -."- , • rl4ll-7Tiqb/Riia/1b1,,..i A' Japphl3oo• •-, ; 1 _. -• i " n g 00 041Y0NE020142* , ~:iwmk2a.r.-, 1" ; i P 'lo o. ...). Oo ..,a ' ?B , - -,. -- Iwoo: , ,- \/ , '..= - -;UP.Blisialuisis, .I - s - , ,-4 c-f. ..' 1110' lONIIIDSBOSW-10‘1110 mam a. - ` 4," ~' 'lOO 11011112000440:11.41Pitelk ---- ' •• ':4 -7; ,111.00 TOW 4 l#P 41:11111 74 1 • . 11 9 . ,.r*5.'; - 4- 1.•-• At 0 --. :osCrPer, Mt -.""--'-':`..,-,-,'•:' -- 1 11 -•:. -1.- " all 'ltVilil'ff;:ti:t.e;!;"•:.-1A1..,,, Trainolv, , ,,--,....f,:5,,,,::L.,r ' 4 4 4 fr - : - /:•-'2-:„1 -4 Y! , :- 1- ', , f„,4. , ' - eit -- V•i t ...,. 44 • 7 4a 1 4,i•At ••••,,_;-,..,,,,,,e,,.._:.,:t-,4 „..,7„_, 11454 11496 ftf,l " CM k f - • ••, 11101 fi fj$S.A. =urllolllo%-ramewilaW„.. , ,, , AAR, CANTONSONO‘4MitI(OIOI 4 ,...":„,SIIII,-,_. : WYSLIISING--0 14_1_,.‘ 4;17, ifti4Vpersoutilmlemjieelafaola"arsineftlNSONANNirr :Otß/54 100 4. :•• _ AMENS TIVP--Ifsorf ,Ir. ;:sise-P, , - • . .iNd l /4 ,1 I) hissiusik_ , & IS - ALBANY TWV4/41 0 WWl*. & , CANTON rwp - • ItesSie. - '' . A_Neras. ,• CANTON 30110‘414&& WS". 4 1 ? /1!. Ifor 4 FOLUXI3IA--iVairres sums; ' • & e-,:•.2 • > • P Strait, ;,* IS "NOY TWP-kfT" Videos% -+ '•11 SO 140NUOIVIIIIV-IN & BOROu-Onistranom -11 4/1 Sr, • , SILVAN'S BORCV-41 •'• • „Ss - BOUrit i CAZZA--essilsesm_ r Ss SU IQUIN.-44444 tic Naisonis. & &PRI MELD-Joasph Camoir_„ NI 44, TROY 14080 1 -41 Vies. & • .IS -TOWANDA BORO%-,1004 411; W. Pitehet, - • • - p B Einaltaa, • & •SO 01 0 UP Rifibrol. _NW . R Cab** . • , SO IS Wrgrisavi: •-• s 1 T Ocala, • ' 4 us Mu! Notsia. - I 4. Vance.-• & I& OA ULSTER - N A Poffes t, • • I •a 4. Daate 3) =_. - • -• •se m WIELLILS--Lymaalinves. ' - - WISON-BatUett Snot, - - at Jibes DosOuft,• • - SO 04 WYS.LIMING-A Man% lON . OVINTON TWP=Jaaniss BillWolll. S. se Al BRADIOILD;COMITT, lIM:.' ' : • k _- - . ~ I, SABIN ALLEN, MermatfleApplidsetelf Nld • County, do hereby certify that the to asgoitm Bet Is correct„ as made by me at Me gate et , siahltet ail ; atereasitile Appissamat tis and , for said Coaidr, •• for they tad?, ___ ..84111121f ALLEM, May 13,11177.' Mermetibt Amebae. . --.. . . WM / doUB.T.SALPw..—By ' . ardevirtasseas /belied cot et tlat Onions , () RP deanof Bradford Countyi the sodersormil. Ad.' Minkstrator of thamtate of Olimi - Bhamilig, dent. • late of Orwell Tirp:. madecionly., *JIB ',Jive" to public side on -the Iseadimisy•on ZHUEB . 11 ... Y. • MAY , 1177, commends, at 1 seekialt, P. mi. • the folleg deseribedSeal estate s. at • the southwest corner by bode of Ikketsadeg A. O. Mathswet tbene.north sl%° east let perches to' i beech; , Mina north 12 V west* Me per by leads et Al. tart Conklin-to a lest end Moses; Omit *arta SIM• last at per try set - Caddie:to* past sod stone:: thence north , age , east, by lust of said' Conklin II MO per to poe mad Moms thence south SIM* west 'by J ohn Bled arg D. C.Plittos 222 per to beds of A. O. Mathewsesed math UM, east by_lands__of said _Merbilwe 411 per to a - post. the 'of beginning ; esstaiOng 511 acres and 21 perches of land, with an id six per cent. ; mower less. Boteming and e ng • from the stare thefolkortagdoseritied tat: sing at the soatheesttornerof lands of D. C. . idiom% ton in the tenter of the Waver. theses loath Rte west 24 per along eenterof Geld blearily : thence *. north 7131 west by land of 011 vs pleading Upset* a i alte and stone ; thence' earth kW mutt* Mil,' - per tcie, stake and Mourn thenceforth Silo east _ by r : Mad of the said D. C. Patton IT 440 per to the . . glom of beginning; containing I,aemes. mare or less, as deeded !to Harriet liMedlng,May 11,1STS i• . . recorded In deed-book No. ' 1.17; pegs SW : • • • TERMS7-100' to be rid on the•properta ance sill week down. 0200 on confirm/Moo. and the . insane and two years with Interest, , p __.. I. P. E. WODlttift. - ;MaYiti; 167. • f. , Adsdaistrator. k tunrrows Bezij.. . Haykendsil es. J. B. WfMstror. In the Court of mon Phew of Bradford County, No. 1261, May term. 1577. The y nudernimed, Mein been appellee& an Ate. prom y Sheriffs Court, to distribute. money exists; from th sale of defendan•ts seal mate, • will attend to the entire of said appointment at his Mee la the benumb of Towanda. on TiIItSINLY the tath day of JUNE, IBM at I o'clock, P.N. at which time and place all persona -hating datum on .aid funds are require4to present the same, or he forever banned from eonda_g imen said iltsid. may It we. - PZI.T. **attar., • AyDITOR'S matterof the estate of JohnlialtimusWdeeld In t Orphans' Court of Bradford County, .Hai term, 1877. - - • The undersigned, havingteen appointed. bl a srd Court an Auditor to'distrilnite money in the laud. et •E. Herrick, Administrator - of said estate, will attend to .the duties of saidpilot Went at Ms odiee In the borough of T n on MONDAY the nth day of JUNE. lifft. at o'clock, P, M., at which time and place an peones having CiatUM on said funds are required to present,them. . - ar be For. ever debarred from coming In upon said num - HICN - BY VEST...Lydian: itDMINIgThA I OR'S NO - TILE ' —Not*, Is hereby .`tree that allpersons in- debte4 to the estate of Geo. W. Keitqw. late* of • • tiourefi rep. deed. mustsaalteltamediate papdent to the undersigned. and all tem= having adzes against said estattlaust preseratthea, dalyttatheto ideated, forsettlemeat. 8" ' 13F.SJAIIIINITIATT1101/WE. • Arille, 17. Weit . gverhaisita.; : -. 1 i4OItENCE OIL STOVE 4 ~ SUMMER, cooiVi. rB I a" I m pllautl.A th Z.""' n=l:~ . NO tiNNECEMANT I - NO ODOR.: !- Bend for circular aad pricoilat to' WILSON .MILLER. General Agents o mo•Riate Avenue, . • 111": $ -909 CAN'T BE MADJI 1, n ire furnish, bu every t a arit wattle* ti the tuti: itycint a dozen dollars* day right is their - own localities. Hate no more room to explain'. here. Business *aunt and hanorabie. Aroma: boys and girls. do as well es men. We will furnish ma - a complete (tett; flee. The businies lays better than' anything else. - We-win hear expense of starting you. Particulate free. Write land see. Tanners and mechanics, limit sons and dsaghten t and all dames In need of paying west at should write to nsaand learn all about the wort at once. Now Is .the f . Donn alai. Addreira Tatra & C.., Augusta Milne. • :jasital7. TO THE/WORKING CLAS/0,••.. We are prepared to Walsh all .clanies With - constant employment at, hoe" the whole of the Buie. or for. their spare litomets: -Business new Demand profitable. Persona of either se* NOW ,theist earti. fa= 50 teats top per events& aid's= . sum, by devoting their whole time to loess. Boys and girls earn nearly ati much as men. That all Irk* see this - notleer limy lend their-ad. dress, end test the business, we • make this unpar alleled. offer: .To melt as are the welt ~141 d isd we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of inf. I Full particulate, samples worth several ' Mrs to commence on, and a at Wome mid nee. side, One .0t the larigestand Illustrated Pnblt. oations;allseut tree by Mall.E Reeder, Upset want permatient,._profitable work. address filiconozerim. sox .& Co.. Portland, leathe. • , jardS,Tt.. . - MILE INIIITRANCZ CO., OF T115C.11.1101.11, • - /a vow Wang peryietaalpoi at . *FARM PROPERT7 ONLY.' • . ' taehmetaterteos etas, at-the Mater thrtaThr. to corer charter ad tnettlentalexpreas tt lite Co.., after whtett no further payatentla recta sea to meetactua roes by are among the Ise* This plan of Insurance for !AIM Pit 9 Iteomlag rapidly Into favor. - ••: ' Pisa of flatness; SPRlNGl4l. la t i th. The haeat will canvass the a Tamer rota,' Pifer. Hattelt. Wrauent. Asy Iva 'terry and Standing Stow. sat -fitaters tit Ikon Tam ahlptirtehlog insurance Ixtforthattat, Itatad• Bradford iksse.lstrio, What Co4ro. NrAr..artintwAri Pra. (etel)tha W. - B. DODGE,,; • El FIUST.N.A2IOIS!AL 11.V41 .. 01r4n)A, ;;AL• GIRARD ITIE UratraJPOSClort. a mai*. jurriLti Luz INBUEANCE at lEtszfrAFlL Oireti . luo,ooo thiprimes ea ales la Bridled Co. Temandsams,, Yob: ti F IRST N4TIONA BANIC or Tow;u6s. lauanus FUND. '` 80,00 b - ?id Hank offers inittfrOAL I/Mtn= la 114 tamales bt a • - • • Ck BAL BANKINGBUSINESS :.. - • : ENTZRr rim ON DNPONNI. AM ,• •- M,I NO TO AO locUs.Oisa T oo4NOripar _ - ' 7 or- Zro;rso ram Cason; - 'Partlioldefoir to ON1111"NONNT oi thoNolted NEW% Natforolli, rot 0w , 0i , • Lthopetuel piaollll do latra se ow tarot ofitorApo, .1,4 ton :- .1 1110 . 112140 tWO”.., ,- , - - - • 7 '• PASSAGE. TICILETSf. I *ice tames -11 { gituttp*nsooarsieve • 144 * 11ia:4 . 1 r1r2 6,a4 t , 1 !" ,T1 1 4 1.21 k4 lk* ME -..... ~...n. N... 4. ; z 4 --. ,