Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 24, 1877, Image 3
RI ~........wA~;.: or t at pragovi,_" niranday P a, Thr,Saar May 24 k 18it. W.,k, 0111111011141 N; Dci2ertn FINE JEWELRY; WAT.OHES, Am) .PLATED WARE. TOWANDA, DA. Towanda.' 7au.18,2877. 40C/9.,-Attitl CE.t4ERA.L. • DON'T fail to • secure 'a ticket for the school exhibition to-morrow evening, Bll3llol' Bows-will preach and adminis ter the Rite 'of Confirmation in Christ Church this evening. • , • :•Iloict. C. F.' Ntenots and Rev. , T. A. Enwmtos, are spending a few Weeks in Ohio, before proceeding to California. • SzvgnaL of tbesofficerti and atoOkbold ets of the S. L. it S. R. R.:6 Coal Corn- pang, have been in town for•several daya. • 'Ws uorSthe - entertainment, to en by the students of the Graded ffahool n Friday evening, will be largely attend . CONGRESSMAN' OVERTON', Senator DA , -NIES, Captain ,CABN.p,criA; Q. D. larncEy, and. C. L: TRACY, are trying their luck. fishing this _week. --- Tun regular meeting of j Pomona Grange takes place at Wyalusing next week. _ it is expected thia.v . will be the largest - and best meeting Ok the kind yet held. ATTENTIO. , KI4IGIITII I .—A full attend ance is , rev, sted at the next regular meeting, to'r ke arrangements to attend the memorial services on the 30th. • Tnn gentlemen who are to, addresithe , teinperhnce .meeting this evening Are Messrs. CALL 111.11dSMITAI, Who come high ly recommendetnind- will have much of interest to say to the people., ` N. S. FRAZER, of Wyalusing, addiesied the- temperance meeting . on Wednesd ay evening last. _A fine audience listened at 7 ,_ tentivelY to hini r rapparently plc:wed with the effort. He was followed - by I. Mc- Pnhnsos'in a shOrt address. • - 4 A WOMAN, giving her name aiBMSETT, crazed by ('rink, was arrested - by Consta ble 'WaLts,..near the upper depot on Sat urday evening, and lodged in the kicklup. The morning: finding her sober. she was • released. J: DAL SWEET, of Monrocton, has gone to Minnesota: for the benpfit of his health, lie will spend the summer • at Rochester; Minnesota. We earnestly hope he-may return in the autumn with healthfully restored. Tun next meeting of the f Presytetian Mite Society will beheld ati the house of TIIEO. MuLt.ocK, oil Monday evening next. These weekly gatherings are'ben eticial pot only. as a means of raising funds, • but. in \ promoting good feeling among the memiieri of the congregation." REV. L. F. PonTER, through whose, efforts the neat and substantial church edifice owned by the Universalist fAociety of this piaco was siStected last ycar,dhas accepted a call to the pastorate of a church at Morris, N. T. Mi. F. is a preacher of good abilities and great ener gy ,and perseverence. .A Vous° man nailiedGonpnr.r Ili OvE was drowned while bathing in the Sus quehanna river at: -.Ulster, oi n • Sunday . morning the 21st inst. tie was emplOyed bY Win. Irving, I:sq., as a farm band, and had been a resident of the pladp .. 'but a short time. He- Was formerly' from Dinalian's Ferry, Pike Co.,‘ Pa., Where his friends now reside. CoronerWat e imit summoned a jury of inquest, who, render ed 4 verdict as above. GEOIW,E F. PAnsoXs, son of E. A. Pan soss; of the Argux i ,has been appointed to. fill the vacancy now. - .existing . in tlio Na vall Academy for this Congressional Dig:. trict, s and will report . for examination -1 some .time ;next - mouth;, GottoE is a 'yiing - inan of-excellent habit.4;"and we have no doubt well qualified tor the posi tion. Thatfbe may pass a creditable ex amination and reach the highest:ran'k in thelidval service, ;is the ahlent desire of his many friends. ‘, OntiFuLLows-:= Membpri:ofßrad ford'Lodge will Meet at the Lodge Room, at 1:50, .r. it, on :Wednesday, May 30, for the purpose of .takhlg p4rt in the Deco tiOn . services. .All members of •they. 4)( ge are requested to be present. A cordial invitatitin is also extended to other ! Lodges, to unite with us hr paying this tribute to our Nation's Dead. Byrorder-of Bradford Lode No. 167, O. 0. F. Fllin.—Shortly after 1/O'clock on Wed- nesday: Morning; a houie occupied ,by GEO. V. MYEU, on' Pine Street, was •dis, covered'to be on fire. Bet.we the alarm was falily raised the inside ...of the build ing was a mass of flame, and it was found luipossible to remove any of the furniture, Mr. 3lrEfi lid not been living in the 7 house for some ,tinie,'l)ut was preparing .to begiirbouse,keeping again. Ilis f‘rni -ture had been stored there durilig.;: - Vi i e. winter. Mr. 'M. loses _the whole of hps furniture and his an insurance of spoo.. The new dwelling of COVERDALE&GRE•k i t was damaged to the amount of •Sever 4 hundred dollars, Which fills very heavily, on them, as their house was destroyed•bi fire only a few months since. The house occupied by . Mr. 31virtt was -owned by 4. C. STOUT, Or IVilkes-Birre, and insured. in C. , 8. RUSSELL'S. agency for $1,001). • PEnsoxit..-316. J. B. .BAUSES„for merly Miss META TILESTON, is paying a visit to the , family of her uncle, Gen.. PAT TON.. Mrs. B. resides - with-her husband, at San Rafael, California,• and made the jouraey, occupying seven days, atone. She has a" large circle of- aconaintances who .will enjoy her visit. —Col. J. A. CODDING, whOrIISS been on a business tour ,througli Nor tai New 2ork and Vermont, has. returned. An interesting letter trom his pen will be found on the first page of to=day's RE PORTER. ETAS CnssrEL is in town on a visit to his friends here. li l a 7 -Our young friend, C. M. 'tut., passed a highly creditable exam tion , before the committee and was ad itted to the bar .last week. We congratulate . CII.IItLEY, and predict for him success in • Lie profession. ' - rs . —I. . s icPuunsoN; Esq., will deliver the (oration at Sheshequin co 'Decoration Day.' The Posts at Ulster pn#Eheshequin unite in 'observing the ceremonies. Mr. ,Me I!u . zasox is a good speaker, and 'the eiti 7 ", zees of that locality are to be congratulte, cd upon vecuring.hiel. . - ,"" _ -Our- ruder' wilt ber that 'aome•:tinte`, , in Igor* laskihe 410004,1RO : in of Gnonoa L. Rai, - via enteted dniingthe night, and the money Ariviel, broken off and robbed. *ll4 tilting; irsiaNc oolOred man, inuligrest. ed AM* afterward,susidelon of rob- and bia-lainjaiksbme time until the May. Term of Court ) , when the Grand Jury ignored the bill, and . On motion of hisimansel Gtonos &novo, Esq., , he:stati dischaiged,' and is now; working at hbi trade of baiber.` „ numonwm—lnvitatiims have been issued a marriage . ceremony L to- come off at the .llniversilist Church this live., ning:•. The contracting Partin= are two of our most populUr young people, HENRY Robswam and :Miss ANNA GORE. The ceremony': will , be performed . by Rev. G.. J. PoaTuir, and will be witnessed; by 11,' select company. We extend our cungrat ulations in advanee, and congnstnyite our young friends on their good fortune: May long life, happhiesi, and ocintentment be their lot. • • • • Mu. A. 'RAFE; who . had the: misfor him to lose his bank while employed in the pinning mill of E. C. Dirws,,eB,\dis abling bier from pursuing ,his :avocat asks mechanic, has opened a confectionery store one - door south of . the; National Bank, and-will keep a full Supply of frail candies, nuts,' fad* cigars, tamed, sar saparilla, birch beer, lemonade, etc. • He also fras a gOod assortment of green -house Plants and • flowers at the lowest rates. Dfir,H. is a temperate,.: industrious and worthy , gentleman - , and ire 'earnestly Tee =mend him to the support and patron:: age of a generous public. 3 usipa, Co7Ermos— Prof. J. WILL IAM SuFFERN, of New York, Principal of the Western Norinal -Musical Institute, and author of nume \ ms — works of merit, has been engaged to conduct a MII4ICAL CONVENTION in this place ; comirePce ing Monday, Eveiring r May 11th; and closing with a Grand‘Concert Friday eve ning, June 15th. The high reputation of Mn. Strmatx as an instrUdtor. his success in conduating conVentions . „*ft as a teacher or vocal n ne to make this -convention or )st important ever held here. be and we doubt not will be improved Droll who take any interest in music. A DESPERATE CHARACTER .I.III;ESTED. COLLOM, a native of this county, was arrested in Elk county last winter, charged with a murderous assault, on another man, and lodged in jail. Some time since he escaped, and the Sheriff offered a . reward 4:)f• for his arrest. Policeman Bemis and Constable IVELis suspected that the prisoner was concealed at his father's house on the State Road, and on Sunday morning' lagt about 4 o'clock proceeded' to the house, where' they found him, and after a lively ads° succeeded in securing him. He wag brOught hero and placed • in; jail. On Tuesday Sheriff Scutt, of Elk. county, came on land took COLLO3I back to Ridg -1 • way, whereho . will be closely watched. ColLom is represented as :a most desper-' ate character, and the officers are entitled 'to great credit . for - arresting him. ThE Board of Manageri of thd Agricul tural Society, .meton Saturday, 19th inst, and completed the revision of the premium list's, rules etc., for the Annual Fair- in September. The work of, publishing the list in pamphlet form,ls now under . way at the RIE:PORTE I / 4 aCC, and will soon be read for distributuT. .1 The 'Society \ talk of, 'enlarging - th: grounds to embrace the Hotel and adj . cent Grove,- and also, of putting up an additional building fOr the awmodation of those who have already signified - a de sire to display wares, implements etc., etc., Tho arrangetheas for the • exhibition seem to be well advanced towards , . • com pletion, and if properly : carried out, can. not fail to be' of lasting benefit to four 'cominunity, as well as success to the organization which has them in charge. The choice if A. D._ MC.,NN, E$11; to fill the vacancy in the Board was an_excellent one in every respect. :THE MURPHY MOVEMENT.-The Pres byterian Church was crowded on Satur day evening last with persons anxious to hear Mr. Wm. 31*8LY.., the Elmirane formeii notwithstanding the fact that the evening was intensely warm. Mr. MAx- Witt. commenced' speaking at ,abo4 8 o'clock,' andmntil half-past nino held the attention 9t the audience by one of 'the grandest; if not the grandest, lectures for Total Abstinence ever delivered , iti this No 'Cheering, or clapping of hands• attested 'the approbation of the udience, but the tear-dimmed eyes and 'whispered "4104 bless hiio," were a trib ute far mire worthy the grandly eloquent ,discOurse; and when at the close, a num bet of those to whonethe wine cup has braught sorrow, stepped forward and af -fixed their tomes-to the pledge, .truly it , seemed that the "silver 4ining to the great cloud was becoming visible, and then-it was that hearty. cheers were giVen. The meeting was one-of the most success , ful that, hes yet been held here,.— names being secured. There will be many pray-. ors offered in this community, for health and long life to la BILLY" Mexwmt.,- and a warm _welcome extended to him should be over visit us again. With our entire community, we tender him aboart felt " God bless and'preserve you." .—M T , T rsr, Y ITEMS; W. M. POMEROY is quite iek, and has gone to Owego fat treatine t. Mr. POMEROY has 'just re turned f., a visit there,-and reports her - • , - Bishop Ho I: preached at St. Patin; Church Tuesda • veniug. . , ' ~' ~ Wu. MORGAN a . 1 ISAAC CLEAVER haVe been repairing their oases. - .. . . -Mrs. S. W. 'Poiten. • has been quite sick, but. is•remevering. 1 The young people of t . : High School called on the Principal one , voning last week, and presented' Mrs. , i cCoi.Lo* with a beautiful iiair of Itasca. ' • It. :P. REDINGTON 081)8Cr8 to Vial eh.cp ningo county; H. Y., this week, in ~m -pany pany- with Wri,j. PIERCE, Of . Smithileb - .SitrAnT Bros., successors toll. F. .I.SED e I* . GTON, are getting up a large trade. They are fine young men and deserve sue - nes& Mia ANICIE _POMEROY has returned from HoChester, where she has been at , tending school during the past year. • • / Mrs C.S. Bisanvoncs has a fine dais iofjavenile singers. Her pupils are Snak ing rapid - progress. She win give i f con cert here next week. The weather is be coming very dry, and frequenteomplainte are heard s cosiceming the severe droutb; The citizens; of Troy met in the Opera House, Satuinay evening,. 19, sad made arratigesnents to observe-decoration day in animiiretive maaper,,Capt B. B. lirticnnix v'scas chosen ktaisbal, J. W . QOIILD Assistant. Prof. T. WOOL- Lou was choien:t President ( of the Day, and Hon. V. if' Lena, Hon. Duos RoCa , watt, Hon. :11. ;1146 . and 'a' roltelloi, VicePrrdinata.,, Rev. L CONDE and Cap. - CAU . NOCUaIf !ere V1) 0 11414' water* _ -0160ixisioD. MEMO Iteue - Tillawnnusoraselestai • lidisianda `, Aziats intkappObarmen bt IP A 9 ineir 481 IerVICW I Will baldigirrea kr this Post'lllcy 80,18'7 pad • the fcerwhig will be tlin rof the daYit - 1 - - The Pos - laths, Seltoobe and - otlir wh:k.,will• o , Terai na tare Nt k part in the • - s •• of•the'clahlwill time' at the publio• sq.\at, 2-": - Wckicb P. Procession will move OM ,P. x The line of march will ber , 0 . ~ It Street to • North Williani Street,. .. . . William Street toliew Cemetery, vr , - • a 'square will be fonnea, • and the folio . ! - # \ observed . : • , . : '- ' : \l. Hymn. 8. Address by commander ef the'' . 8. Dirge by the Baud.. • ' . \, 2 .4. Pt4yer by.the Chaplain., ' - ' .5. •Decoratbm &Moe& ' 8: I:fymn--"CoVer over with beautiful flowere. 1- - - ' 7. Decoration or the Soldlerigriveri and Dirge by tbe Band. , • , 8. Address by Rev., DAVID Cam. - After witch the column *ill •re•cortn and march back to the Publid-fiquare, where they will be dismiseed with the benediction. • • All honorably discliirged' soldiers and sailors are invited to meet, with thei ',Post and take part in the exereiseli of the day. - By otider of Post Commander. \ D. W. Scorr, Adjutant. . HEETING,Op THE BRADFORD COUNTY 11E4OAL SOCIETY.—The Bradford Coun ty Medical Society met at the Means House, May 7, at. 2 o'clock P. M. The President and Secretary le-ing absent, tite r , meeting was organized by electing,Dr. T. 'B. Jourrsoi, President, pro tem; and .pr. " . C. Bum Secretary Ipro Om, ',after wh ell the meeting adjqumed to Dr. B. 'D. PAYNE's office.. Dr. 41.1,5. x - having' as.: rived, took his seat as Secretary ot .dm , Society. , • . - :Dni. J. W. LYMAN , and :E. D. PAYNE were proposed and elected, membe - i of the Society., pi. , f141, presented t" o /in teresting txtsesito the t3ociettfor . ' min ation and counsel. - tone was a ' 'of se vere tonic contraction iar• the, exer ten dens of the extremities of \en side, espe-< 'daily those ()the toes, whi were dra.wn completely into the bot eo. the foot. i The other was a little y about three ' years Wage, who had large haitl\ umor in the right flank, *ii • dropsy of th 'ab domen. The question - Was • what was t o 'character of the t mor. Some _difference\ of opiuion was anifestcd, and an inter= u4ing discuss'on followed, participated in7by Drs. PAYNE, ALLEN, , HULL, and JoaNsON. ifim.the size and firmness of• the ttimo , it was believed by some to bel l the live , that the misplacement was con geni an had been.uverlooked until re / • cent 7. A nother view was - that the liver mi t have Ircu gradually disphiceci by /g l i pressUre from above. Others thought hat the enlargemr' night -be lused froM excessive cub' mes sentaric glands. II ineithe case 'faith& the great_Vistentio) the fluid contain( Ments . Of the caso - w' ea' D r s. E. P. ALLIt were elected delegates to- the Ateeriu Medical Association, Drs. LYMAN; lIULL CONKLIN, PAYNE and QUICK were elected delegates to the Pennsylvania State Med ical Society. _ • Society adjourned to m"et in TOwatida, at Di. PAYNE'S Office. tho t 11th of July, at 2 o'clock P. 31. Wan Mars.—:Schedler's Topographical' Map of the Bobrudsha (Eastern Bulgaria) Central Roumania, and Bessarabia,--the valley of the Lower Danube from the Transyliania Mountains in the_ North to the great Balkan 'Mountains in the South, and from Sistova in the West to mouths of the Danube in the East. Col ored. . Scale, 1 : 800,000. Size, 23 x '24 inches.- Price ; folded =din cover, $0.40. This is the beet and most complete Map - of this important section of country ; yet issued. It • has been prepared with great care and with a view to minute se. cufacy;giring the;location of not only all the eities and towns, but , also of almost ' altitiniillages. ' railroads and highways are distinctly sh own, while many, even, of the less important roads' are else indi cated.' The lakes, - lagoons, swamps and . imarshes, of this region, which will 'prove of great importince in the military move- Men*" are givrn. and .the map is also 'very accurate and relialile in regard to all 'water courses, as. ,to mountains, hilbr, etc. - -This - map is, in .f.act, so - faithful as to detail that it might be safely used by °S iete in the field. It will, therefore; be of Ifieatirehie to all who desire to trace the inovements of the opposing forces under: titaunlingly andminntely. , . reinarks4ply, also, to. the fol. lotv, r ing Map t viz : Shedler's Topographical Map of Wesi eni _ Bulgaria , Western_ Roumania;aid EasternServia.- Colored.' Scale, 1: 600,? 000. Size, 23z24 ' inches. : Price, folded and in cower; $0.40. • - Both these maps are drawn in the same style and on the same scale; they fit into, each other so closely that, anted, they, ferm one large map orßoumaida, rip, etc., that is, the valley of Lower Danube from litilanOviti the Iron date" to the _Black Sea. Size, 23x44 inches. This combined rnap presents, at one view, the principal seene of the:Con test between the-itussian and the Turkish armies. Published by E. SerzwEir,'32 • Frankfort.street, New York, by whom len 101 he *ineptly -Taal • npcl re cei of price. The same publisher will keep • e market fully supplied .with all other Maps that "nia.f 'needed, and wide. we expect to mentien in theta columni. GOLDEF W Met Quo' who tidSs over South Monn non a clear day; can see fro, the yonder = de a - white farm& hew:With a brind p 'near, tit& &s -‘quehanna. lt is in .Oida, directly oppOstie the steep rocks, o from Wywrz to Standing 13tclyi. , In the house mentioned hive- - it'd fOr • over forty-two years, ,Mr. and' - B&W= URI& X BLUM'. Theirtr_M,go mei >, brated eight years eaelier still in Glas Connecticat k where - . Miss': BALI; MAMA ethWELLAwillllo, MI& , 100.t.tri l the Rev Mr. HbrnaxY in *60141 minister,. Pfikliatinii• - ' ;.,The nth inid evrfOT 'O ' ccin* 'Me , , spring r and was celptgited bit hp r.. . ~ . ._ .. .. :: ..., ......... ME Am m of by elop- Ach= E. P. Autaw, t3etoiy. Eh ------, ! ,1- _ , ?: ,, t• ,, 37', -0 MIME A.•ilimbe4iin bad -. ' - , - - - -boa Asp& Oni,;„ Iti 'II th el 7 00 Rai OAT Wi iilii rips* " Al :* fe i r ns f , :: The -# 11 7::;; ,1411 !* " 11 4 1 ..,. 0 _4 8 „, „ ,l':•res,..r inont wait COMO izethisky timilthiut media; Mel triPPikalitit'alid tbOwides sated it - .74and4rl;lll#lolii hid trethiiiidtappy i liacrito date. Wei* so, being in the_rutrieWorthree of their 'oldlclien,': two ilaughters-ln-law" foyer OM xlehildreb, and irmity . tAluir ;:liditris t lOW.' tritlkiliOlL:'... 'lc; '''''' ' '' F - i rl4:l Oneedinge were Illin — lict:- `Ch ief: _ upon the linimfmo3 was samietidig which all seemed equal to : eatlwrires OTell_the Al!b 1 4 1 ! ktadOlN: .igarA°b ll ' dePleted bY tholf - IRcalgabre companies Or guest. - =Betintei the 'Oeiiiiid:and third filling of the tables, the boinpany 'assent:. \ bled intkolarge puier„-where the bride tAI )ridegrooni were Baited beneath .a fully arranged legend upon the Wall: ••••••• • • a • • •, , 'CI GOLDSX,WIMDIIIIG. • , • • .It. psiitairwigliD) ' • . .....• 3832..1rn. • - . d''' • , • • • • • • 1 • • • • ' 1 Rey. J. a mis a llect, or Christ Church, this plict' .Y .1- rsomeireinarks,--iutd in: . troduced wq,cessi .ly Coh PIOLLET and G, en., ,Psriwit., Col. PIOLLET spoke Of ids long aCtltud - ntaiies .. ili Mr. and Mrs. ICituttr, and - Of -their . -.. plary coarse lil \ Offilfiklleii., lYsTriOn, it pp*, spoke of the past and wish O the couple many more happy years togithe Judge RtriistrAiMr. erbium of Stand . . Skns, and otfiers,'. were eipected \ to Ape. • , bat owing' to pricir engagemen d o or cinmmstances, : did not; The la r .-. of the time was spent in social con •kmati.. abdut old times and kindred subjects, andlo wore away the &Mtn ' loon and eveklngo ta happy day. - - . ' Mr. and,Mri.%re well knownin TO \. • - wands; He itlit ..i. su tantial and thorough farmer, and manyfriends here who Will echn the kind wishes expressed on the day of the Go .m? We " ding. . • ED. INPowritft . \sre are , atop, this Locality a short tim f • in the t terest the "Boss .Fanning. Mill,'\ I thought - a short letter'from us, inigb \be• reaii\by some of the many, readers 'of - Irth7 paper with interest. . We left home on Monday this month, went to Florriellsv; nosed up some business we temptation for the oompany, there came direct to ;this March wind was blowing on than anti it continned all the, week, makihg a he‘vy winter overcoat comfortable( Da= ring our- week's stag at that place, ' , we had clecatilop to go up into Allegany coun.7 ty, N. T., about 15 miles fridm Hernells vile, to do some business, and suffered , as much with the' cold .as in mid-winter. The country looked as forbidding as in. Member. There' were no signs of airing, or at least not much; etcept that the ground was not covered .with snow as in winter. The warm• rays of a spring sup s or the gentle Showers of April mid , sy,, bad not visited-that section so boun tifully as in thcisemere - fevered, 'I thitik vegetation there'of all kinds is two weeks later thou along the valley of the Susque hanna river, or in many of the back town ships of Bradford county. "We left Hornollsville for this place'on Friday, .and reached here Saturday at 10 g A. .' c There is a marked thauge in l the west ker and the looks of vegetation. We came rom a section where' snow banks were le sight, and a cold piercing \ wind was - blow g, with-little prospect of wheat or grask-a d bat very little .spring plowing and Seetlin *lib done, to a sec tion where all, this - w ' k was finished up some timeago, and . fru trees ' of all kinds were in fu ll bloom; and 1 . n and gnuia wo or three weeks earlier t . an in Allega ny county, N. V. This city ( . .n) con tains upwards of 17,000 populati.; and is surrounded, by at rich•a,gricultural . , tiara. "I never saw any better farming len , Ia any part of the country than I see he or a section where the farmeis seem illo proSperous than from Cleveland to this place. The staple crop is wheat, ' and I' faucet that grain buyers on the streets are offeting for seed wheat from $2.05 to $2.109 r \o and IC white seed wheat $2.00 to (4;1.20; cm', 5 cents; oats -from AO; to 50 cents, an \Barley 90 Ceuta per „bushel. This is a g oo d: market for all kinds of grain. • Imineses quantities of •flour, is manufactured . h and sent to . an eastern market. The fletding inills---and there area grelt many-lof\ttem—are all rue- . ning on full tithe, and aye all they can ds. This city is manufac4uing quite ex tensively, so much so that thksmoke from manufacturing _ establishments settles dowtroirer the - west part of thsity like, that of - .Pittatnirg. or Clevela . The .Buckeye Mower and Reaper is marinfac tured here,. and .they have _an' imme nse budding otbuildingsconnected with thei ' works. Mr. Mum, the Owner of• the Buckey patent, lives inprincely style, has , , an annual income from royalty alone of near a hundred thousand dollars, Is said to be a very liberal man, and gives. of his abundance° to the churches and .in sup port of Sabbath - schools large sums annu ally. As to Other manufacturing es tablishments:in this place, I will speak in a subsequent letter,; if we remain here "Ong. .' . ' - ' . , - • Now as to the sale of •tho "Bose," in this section, I. know. they need, it, and I hope we shall be able , to convince them to think as , we de in that respect. But I as iiite you we have a population of German: descent. 'Most, stlf the .people I meet talk German and English fluently, but I Sear retain some of the prejudices of their fore fathers; still,_ they look and act more pn:s.- gressiveihars in their earlier history. The Germissis are the best farmersin America, lied tbey have the most fertile . sections, of USE; different States. With their industry add Siperioijudgment on a farm, they would make the. more ;sterile portions of our country blosSom like 'the rose. All farmers would do well to Jmitate their in dustry a n d *dance on Atm farm. It:is Well known that'thati'eheist arid most f , - tile farming lan4 in Pennsylvania are, thebatutcef. the ;Germans, 'and no can travel through those sections wi out admiring both; the buildings andfa cul ture of the Essnittsern and waste • of C. F Nrots. - Akront Obi% /WA A Bl l. e that Tolter./ 74 --".estolisat" “oitt. atra.tY sy of your douse """ satisfy al►l lloweirr'.!°rithA' ,i6ll Tilitih big!, Aiiiiil:-*'."7-thel !frilitJ'l% ihritleaLzlPS 11=ZITZIM IMlZSt=l== I.o*.*.iseitoolits*otio Apoii****. 00610catt - alicuth wt*thiteid,oooiii kointaittomkopwarou g t - youriiiiiiiiikitiatidOos — froth by 4 " lOUbir,k*iqncropoiis la . our &din. thir 71. 11 Tsinsr aisa-10 our itnif stur4oinhvoiiimueiguis*dada; "MO woaid'airpeeo 110116iglit gr od. genius,thcbachelor of hisemibund. nEpaity, had . not: deserted': duty to his Ciedgliags;ael rues' tun bribont, to do. dil-0 411 c 4 440,14g TesPlaces' alarming 'symptoms- were reasdfested, I heanl the wind , uLt*ntern at work. PO" wall udneliald with lavish Mild upon his :buildings Indoors and out; Sexes being hunt and 'encloced, , and rnunds teantified. Getistps pleb* Assert , would not inn* forthe truth or their , as sertkm, tor the p, "(matures have been disappohmdmany times in their maim tures in this direction) that at last—et kit, his dreamt eit bliss 11‘) tO be jeaiiii . ed, and that a raystio:belog of c etberlal lorelit‘s is to reign supreme in his large heart andbrillbukt Tethers. Friendship's claims *MAW bnociunall account, and ,we might as well begin to paddle our own canoes. Vnti the minding the spring by meadows fiagtant with cO4slips and violets, inspir ed'hy.the Music of hiidsin the , tree-tops, d of peepers and frogs beneath. the war te\of the ponds, we: expect to boast a cold our cheeks equal to those of the sun-b -traveler, and a voir, by con-: stant use • : the dairy home, become . like Oheri i amines, clear and; ringing, ,the voice-of t e latter - 'become El i by crying , on' so nob proport) , .. It would aim . •-m that the whole of. 'Byadford is , to c . .Plisnas, and that :th e fonper_ d la! -owners, will sink into, hypochendriS: " .One of our .pleasant mea Ofreereatiort -our mite micieti=ii now d ie4l ns We understand that the funds were ppropt ated to buying futwitnre (Or the arson: age., .; Much credit is due to the eff! of the'APJ ortby President whose 'untiring n :"rigilnhusiness, and vivacity of mane make tie always a welcome guest. _ _ Our Sabbath-school is now superinkinii7 . . 'WA. DR., st, man or fine address, Mannors;\and earnest ,desfri to do . .A new linpetnes is given to the.beL , • , . ~ 1 fore vi , 1-rogulatedAnstitutle • . ~,, ..' Thik .t,, t Templar 0 . 0 - Prosfierini,t' .The presen ' eorps,, , clothed - in authoritY, are striving - magnify th ..:-• I - Aces. ' Sy the size of the : 4cliel carri bYtbe trea surer, I - Should , nk the An cialv.coridi % tion at its maximu ~. A . se , of tem peroncOmeetings or , roppsed., " , - hope the result Mayto .so' ~ *offal that •-• : • Y of our ‘ frierulay be pl'e , ! , , so solem • ly_ least as inany r as o ! , in:ten thO t : and Towanda' or Troyo bnsi- t.c ness Sndlmi able to resist the , , wi biog . enticomente of salo ons , that, ca , . . every man to be thought -a dehu' as he' ~ rives furfouslytomeward,—his 'wife or s • • ,t -teartwith,fast-beating beart,: clutehi , ~ with despair to the fragile articles bought,: at the store, or . with difficulty balancing herself as the wagon fettles . over a preci pice.' 1. - - - I ' - * .., T OSIAIL May 12, 1877. Couwr PRocEEDRiGs. Virednesday, May 116. 1 On motion of Davies & Carnochan, Court admit W J ,itoptig to practice as an Attorney in the several courts of this county, whereupon he : waa duly sworn. • On motion of Madill& Califf, Court ad mit Arthur HOad to Practice, as an Attor ney in tbe several courts of this county, whersupon he was duly sworn. _On motion of Patrick & Foyle, Court admit Charles hI Hall••to practice as an Attorney in tha several courts cif u i this' whereipon he was duly sworn. 1n motion of D C Deyiritt, Esq., Court it L M Hall to practiCe as an Attar ,'the several courts of this county, he was duly sworn. . application of Henry Whita ioption of Lilian Chaffee as lir. In re the application' • the adoption of Emma 'ld and heir. Court 'lO petitioner in each it / 1 ' • L rieh , whereu ;n ,In re th . ker for the suk his child and o'f - C R Martin, Morley, as his grant the prayer of 1 case C Atwood vs David 1. ca Hancock vsDavid Al) Roberta vs Justus Lewis 2d , 10 open judgment and • let the 1.. into a defense in each each case. • B M Iranduzer vs Allen Baldwin: , I to set aside Sheriff's sale.' • \ . John Holmes vs W Rul , for judgment for want of sufficient adds vg)f defence. bany township vs , l Bibanan Smith. Co tt direct keC,otd to ibel amended. In te the alleged lunacy of Briah H Wrigh i c e ourt appoint' A 1 J CoMmbisi r. / B . B Rose vs C Hunsieker. Court r dist,Oute fund raised _ by Sheriff's• sale of defendant's real estate. . . , :Comstock . ---- Couisteeir l Court direct an albus sulipcena, to issue., ' Win Crooks vs Elizabeth Crooks: Court direettlieriff to make proclamation. • _Amy :feirehild vs ginsr. ce . Fairehad. ,Court•appoint.W J Young, req., a tom; missioner. • 'letter to a thing' c'nn people of Sunday' I Dead. It Ih-west of trine.' - On ravine, Dorn t!eantifai log or the tutry froni Theitigh' southein Charlotte' D Dewey vi Hiram Dewey. Oa motion of 1$ vies, and Carnochan, Court make the nival ordbr and derive 'of.divorcei Nancy Morley *Reuben 'Morley. On motion of MnPhereeon & Kinney. Cotkr make the tenni order and decree of di= yore°. • Airgusta'B Bennett va J Bennett. ,Julia A. McCarthy vs F T McCarthy. On motion of J'}:. Bhorsysker, Esq.,, Court inake the usual or4e and decree of/di ,. •-• v,orce in each case..' , John V Batteries vs Jacob DeWitt's 4dm'r. "'feigned, issue. Hon/Edward Overton, jr:, , apot;Potricic & , Foyle ter plaintiff. I'favicat..t •Carnnebin and .T,F Bandersonj Esq., for deferubart. Verdict for ,plahitilf. . a 1111011tIk -lost ihno iny Netter tint lie guanines Thelollswin deeds, ottbrei 810/A.MI7 Tulltsisir Poirism ewim QlN 37 7;"* , dinth)ih_.4A ===2=M== 12CIE 1.11.-kotO in lminp timuddyotatt a W., 'ciliuriot 3 ; conslders- Um, .To Philmider CAMP; 140 Semi In Wpa townahlp, lottlikifii the piops . eity. of WmPsinit:eenstdalution, site% .7 T 6 George Lan- acre in Wytduw sing tn., sanitaiktkikroPert7 of Win' Camp; consideration, 41,085. To egi Wait . SereAi# AirribUting twit.; sold May 8, as ,property oft : Camp; considerationi r 1150. :, To' ;Campbell, 49 scree in BuffineCui tirp.„'SOld Nay.% as the prop erty of P P Bums; consideration, $1, 9 / 5 . W*Lane„ too acres hi Burlington township Sold May B,,as , the prOpertyof P P Burns; consideration, V*l4lo. To•Enphena Jobrumn, 15liacres In Litch field tys t itold May 8 as , the property of John ilia consideration 0780. To Joel Steventandill Laporte, 41 acres in Towandatwp, sold May 3 as tbe prop eft" of Drlsaias, ; consideration $75. To Athens Building and Loan Associa tk.n, I acre 11213heshotinizi twp, sold May Bas the property of 8 R and • B consideration $726. ' To G C Atwood, 45' stem in TUsearora twp, sold Ma .8 as the property of Wm S Hall, consideration •_ _ To Groat Kellogg, 150 Sera in Monroe twp, mid May Bas the property ot, C Kellogg, consideration To. Allen Jayne, 100 acres In Tuscarora, Gold May 8 as the property of Lewis and Wm Roger, consideration $1,050. To ft ,L Parks, 2 lots , iu Rome twp, sold May .8 as the nroperty of 0 S Struble, consideration $960. To Francis Stuthers,acres In Her rick .twp` told May 3as tiroperty of David Neibit, cousiderati $8,775. To G C Atwood, 44 acres* Wyalnsing, sold May Bas the property o Q Magee; ,consideration $125. To Henry Hickeraer,l lots in t verton, sold Maya as tho property of M a (eke. mar, consideration $1,505. _ To N A Graham, 109 acres in WI d ham, sold May 8 'as tha property of Swart, consideration $2OO.- - - To Stark, .Miller and-DeWitt, 1,531 acres in Tuscarora, sold May 3 as , the propertyof A Waltram, consideration $8,021. To Jas McGregor, 35 acres in Rome tarp, sold May 3. as the property of 11 A McGregor ' consideration $375. To C E White, •57 acres , in - Litchfield, sold May 3as the property of H D ck. Wolcott, consideration $230. 1. To J 4V' Alderson, Jr, 60 Acres in Pike, sold May 3 as the property of J W Addi son, consideration 41,90/- To Ann Bunnell, 'house and lot in Ath •ns twp, sold May 3 as the property of Michael Walsh, ponsideration $lOO. . To John Kelley, 2d, 35 acres in‘Frank= Ho,csi , ;l May 3 as the property of Ira Morse, terre tenant, consideration, con sideration $5O. To A D 3lunu, 2f nerds in Litchfield, sold May . 8 aa,thesproperty, or. John Mc- Keanyconsideration $95; " To J 13 Schrader, 22 acres in Moine° twp; sold May 3 as the property of E ler and S Brown. consideration $550. • To Mrs. M ' A Squires, 2 lots in Towan da booz4 and 1 lot in Wysox, sold May 'll as the property of E N McCormick, con sideration $8.15. • To 011 Swain acre in West Burling ton twp, sold as the property of M W L Williams, coniideration $25. To E W Halo and .C!'M Maniille, 48 resin Terry. sold .Mayll as ,the prop; e yorSmith th Shores, consideration $lO. ' •I l 3 Blackman, 100 acres in Monroe twp, •Id Mar 11 as the property - of .F C Sweet, consideration $l6. J J Thompson, 1 acre in Athens. twp, sold May 11 as the property of W . H Dunl3, consideration 4200. • • TIY` R Fleming,' house 'and lot in Wyr, lnsing, mild May 11 as the propel ty of very''and J Beaumont, consideration $2OO. ' Ta Athenall 'and L Association, twO houses•and lot' in Athens, sold May ,11 as the property of 12! P and Wm Knapp; con sideration $450. To Athens B and L Association, Noose and lot in Athens, sold May 11 as • the property of G H and 'E , Dayid, considera tion $5OO. To Margaret and Mary Chesley, 35 acres in Granville, sold Ithiy Y 1 as .the t ioperty of John Chesley, consideration To Ak} Kelley, 102 acres in Fratiklin,- sold May 11 as the- roperty of John Jen- king, consideration $100.• \ , To .E T Fox, adm'r of L L MoodY,\ 2 lots in Sheshequin, sold Feb 9. as the property of Lewis Goff and M. Osborne, consideration $1,815. ~ To Howard Elmer, planing-mill in At ens twp, sold it ay 3 as the properto o S B Roam, consideration $4,055,. To John Sullivan, 53 acres in Ov on, sold Feb las the property of CS S 'van, consideration $2O. -ToJ ,G Keeler, 70 perches in yalusing twp, sold May 3as the prope of Id' E and J M Elliott, considered° $257. To Wm Bolan, house' and of in Towan da boro, sold May 3. as.-t 4 , property of Michael Pyne, considers _ "en 42,285./ To Butler Heirs, 106 ,;' res in Wilmot, sold May 3as the pro rty or CMS Whip pleTo , consideration $1 1. Lark Bird, 61 • twp, sold May 11 : ' vett, considered° ." - To Samuel 0 .‘I Sheshequin, .. 0 of Asa Frenc , To John Stone, so Wood, •..s• . To B . ' .1d , . y et,al, 4-.1 T. / so. acres in Smithfield the property Wm Ga . $1,350,/ Marshall,/ house and lot in Id Slay / 11 as the property s, consideration $2lO. acre in Standing .day 11 Rattle property of Jas . Isideration $280:. Smith, Smith, 50-acres in Rome twp, y 11' as the property of E• F Goff onsideration $450. . • A L Cranmer, 2 lots in plonroe twp„- May 11 as the property of W: W Acker, 'consideration $lOO. To U Y Faulkner, 31. acres in, Orwell twp, sold May 11 as the. property cif A W Alger, consideration $9OO. -.\ • To Daniel Shoemaker, 40 acresJAßOme twp,. sold May 11 as the property of Greg \ Struble, consideration $330. To G, C Atwood, '72 acres in Tuscaror a twp, sold May 3 as the property of Rufus Potter, consideration $2OO. • To John Holmes, _house and lot in Aity lum twp, sold Feb 1 as the property of M Ellenberger, et al, consideration $124 To H B ?dorgan, adm'r of W H Morgan, and E T Fox, adm'i of L L Moody, 1 lot in Wysox twp, sold Sept 3 as the.proper ty of E N McCormick, consideration MI.:. To Mrs M A Squires,. 1. lot in Wysox twp, .sold Sept 8 as the property of E N' McCtirmick, considerationll pe oo. ' . Monday, May 21. • Rebec jr. 0 0 al. Rule 'lfendant 171 ' Corn vs Charles Carter. Court sentence defendant to pay a fine la $lO, , and costs of prosecution, and 4 mouths in _eounty jail. Com vs B F Ball and J B Elan. Court sentence each of them ¶o pay a. fine'Of $lO - and costs of Prosecution, and 4 months in the county jail. -' Corn vs B.F Ball and J B Ball.' Court sentence each of them to Pay a fine of $lOO. and costs,of prosecution; and eight months in county jail. • . •J: Com vs Wm Wilson:.-- court sentence defendant to pair,a fine of $lOO, and costs of prosecution; and 1 year and 5 months in the Eastern Penitentiary. . Com vs Frederick Seebich. Court sen tence defendant to / pay a firte-of sloo . ana costa of prosecution, and .1 year and 9 months in the Eastern Penitentiary. Com vs John Taylor. Court • sentence 'defendant to pay a tlne . of $lOO and costs of prosecution, .and 1 year and 9 months • in the Eastern Penitentiary. • Lyman Pincher va jamesiFiyie; Rule made absolute. ' • • _a. J Birmingham's use vs It N Williams. Rule dtscharged, • - Plsbree aE Kuykendall vs Main Tay !or. Court direst Sheriff to amend levy. J H Raman vs M V B' Rodgers et al. Rule on plaintiff ti give• security for, B Chaffee vs H P Rule to dissolve attachment. • Thos Hesvner et al vs C A Heavner et ad. Courk direct aw iNSUEIt to beframed. Court adjournetion Monday tO - Moi July 28. WlzAlimo WorrE Anoirr.—We fled m oak of oar ezehangee from thefismilio eWit, the Thmton (Or.) - the following 'in 'Mira tO ' o o l7 ontet 41 . 111 *0i1V 41 7 ( WPM 111 PS ("7 BEV .7 - ,.,2 - ,.,v-.. , , , ,: : ;!j : .\ , :t. - t. - ::53,;-:: . - - 1.-:•f.‘T;=:7' . . -, .'-', :j:;!.„:._.1_0111-,,-, WEEZEJE Eng thei'mattor 'NO I ground . 1 .. . . "In eseuriageorralgk inunie its 'll :no IS'Almetabli toot "Therething to write - about." . For qatbeneilt of our alp Isepondents in earinnsparts of the 00011- try, wepiildhilt the following guide._ be seen that there - is ao.forindatkile, for the o raise., sod that the mnalleat tion will afford ample mate* al for a weekly 'letter. Correspondents, please cutthit out and - Post it in a COSY spienous place : - • wh AteldeAm ere, use charact lltl e " r el6itl / 2 6 - ;, W ete. hinestilk4;l4luideter'7ll(nihen: BeillkaaNi Where & - b7 whom, amount Malin, etc. ..: • Chimp or. business fi rms , when add name orwues. - ' • ; . • .Crope, resent condition, _and kb= , Crimes of any kind, names of offenders, nature of the crime.- Churches, cLanges of pastors, revivals, election of Church officer; etc. • Disaolution of partnership, names of parties, - where going, etc. . Death, who,:when, where, cause!, siFIL Discoveries of curiosities, minerals, or anything new or 'saleable: • ,Elopements, names of parties and Mr. ! intelligence;. place When candidates to be, or h ave, been elected, Fires, Whose property, when, where, cause,- amount of insurance, names of companies insured in. Firemen's news of MI kinds. •\ ' FaCts and figures; concerning. any pro-, ' ducts raised in the vicinity,amountssold, l profits, etc. • • Festivals, held by whoni, for what ob ject, amount raised, etc. . Improvements; by whom, where and Inventions ' patents granted, and to whom; what for, and nature of improve= : wont... Lectures, past, to.come_ , and where, by whom. • Marriages, whOi when 4 by whom mar: ried,_when3 going on bridal tour. MUiders, who, when, where,., object of murder And by phom. BUSINESS LOCAL. asks Boxoa at HaNDELsiaa.'l.32;;.: hen Laces at BERT 4 Blass% , Cir Toy . • Vir Fineench clocks. at HENDair ' •Vir New Pre...s\.Gooda . at , SzaT, & Brass". . . - ~ • & Fri?... , airEngraring clone atiii.aNDar. woe's Jewelry Store. . -:. \ -B" Gold INfecklacos ()tthe •it styles st' Itiot sst:x 's. • r eW goods received dad DELMAN . A. Or You can buy a plated Ctustoi cente, In Mercur Stock. , . Hasidsomost assortment.of Jewelry, In town ai HENDELMAWI • t New Cloths and Casslmeres at aprl2,, , KENT k BUTT USNDLTAIAN offers a great redeetioairi SU ♦er-Plated Ware. • Sir HENDatstart has' good *oats and his prices are very low: That 1 the place to buy. - A Qom' Ail'the latest geblications, chip, at & SUAUVII. • fl'Full line of Summer . Sinus & mass.. Or-Bargains itt.Ladies Ti & BLtsfv. • jtier' Large stock of ERI at KIM? & BA.zsa!reri.chstsp.Al A . rarge `stook 9 games andltoys, it cast. at WHITCOMB k \kll goods. l sold AI. •ligNDELmA.Nl•itar ranteli \rePreserit S. Crackers baked every. story. rir day at COWL assortment of spring arid jam received, at M. F.: Boa 111111ILLIer ha rumirs. A , . nrreoxit &"43llAus sent* . bed manntaiiared W•the count/7. , • Blan "r4 r r- Staling • Sllsee and . Silver; Plated Cups at s'isr.tyieri's; / • .• ••••'‘, r /4 , Diamonds,,lngs and Spierinsat HaS DELX Alt% • ' ' rir Tea can :-buy 'nice, frecli4:l4ed 6rackere'it, Cowr.s* Bakery, very cheap. ' • OrCi-ackers of. all varieties baked every. day at Cowtar.a• Batary. r7r A - big stock, of very fine Stone Rings at very low prices at Rz:vDELiciara• Vir Sterling 'Silver and Silver Plated waro it low prices at RiNDELNIAN'S. Fir:Ladies are especially invited-to at tend the Wept Ciockery at Aitken! next Week. rir You can get all the Latest styles of Btationery, very chap, at War:Colas & StrAttrv't tar The largest and best assortment of opting clothing in town, at. M 4. Rospiwitin,g. - New Om), new goods and low pri cers! tho Midge, Street I:arnlture later(' Etearr. . AP Everything In the line of 'Jewelry, Silver and Slicer Plated Ware. st HILNDI;XAIIett. rir Everything in the Tine • of station ery WILITCOMB R BILIJTV. far HERDELMAN'iII Eitoles . firstmelasitrticies ttir the 1.011 day", far Don't go anywhere/not' tf, 7!- coma k SuAtrios fOr yonr W railer; itirtt. gar Undertaking , . speciality at 'the Ti - iidge Street Furnipire / Etore.„ mange •__ . • Iton't_faleto tall at listenatatarra and see Ids goods and learn the prices. ' - - airGeld,' Sliver, and Staid Siteetaeles, and irle Glasses, in great variety, st na.NDILMAA'S Jiiwel ey Store.' • • ' ti' Ladies', Mules' . Children's Shoes selling without regatd to: cost, at the , old eland of :Linos:la a CO. ' = UM . i - CO"- It iron . want bargains n Ready- Made Clothing, all it Atkotilits.LD's while •he Ys elostnq ont for 15ring:stock.* • • . tar If you wilita `at& clotheec,heap. or tkan you can buy the same to New .Totki.just ealikßoOstraLioht. • ivrligNingirai d ul'lhu' tho 'finest stook of. Watches, Jewelry and allveniare, ever brought into Ulla tows,. ban =4 see ,! • sr Don't (sato call at liastmaxaw'is, If yin) wish to buy anything In the line rot Jewelry, Silver and BLlver•plated:firaiw. - . AP Pine kmarlaus andtiwbot GoldVatches, In Key And Stem Wlndisns, for ladle* and _genii, at" 'Hosiery! Hosiery! HosielytZGreat Barvilas at KIN? at Buss: : spri2: ,_ gig• A good Organ foi sale cheap. Will tate pay In lumber at - Frost%furniture Store. . Muy n, 1877... , . . _ . . 113r13eautiful -White Pigs for . Kilo by the subscriber. Mrm. Dlet.reten. Sheshequin, May 17, tern. . pr Mrs., Howrox has , refiloved her Book and Stationery Store front I!attan z 'n Block to the store south aldeot Idereurlikinir.; : - • ilritisswomo Ltriauc,' WANTEti; peatxmed 3, ig, 2,3, or 4 Ineh i plhat. Apply to Rito2nias„lioivoetan t Pa. rirliwir is -the tiles to select yeti? Warrcoza a !kraal' buil $ large and weU seleatal state`sflifeh tiry-aller very - - ti" The Gxsud peamitk Hotel, - Nsi Yort,win snail) Ittioptaisritre. it* Nee** nidnetion ot Was Min o.44keiloWtaiN ill*P 0 4 1 1 3 4 0 Per flop, ' _ -7 , 7 7 .• • •-- ' • duo= wohii•Bas-iusuoratatiw. co lit , flawOlitietweliwkiwillaMPars 1 5. i NY Mk. A; Kum - the literobsiat - -Taikik too soma its Tinoefolootangosett tobows Awl Mon: 'oooitiOist) e to OMNI Mob auttinf o . ‘l4thig suttibuniftigitest aritseit r , sad 41*. *kW , - • body is finite& to ea at A. . 4f, Iffousirollioterniplf nut"' toppoote Pow. au, aivoitsfors, , 00ssrey oko:1 scoodao, mow of I#illlint. You will. be epatisoott st ooia that theiio lll4o Place See fing4liii *Jim& , • - Bra t imry Yo:crig ilostsit.• 'Nothing iondueeiliore toadhoopoe* ni4oo rams. ; ly than fastily decorated rooms, humblest cottager may, ag gattlauaag Mc Wall 'Paper * his heats as Inviting and cheery is Mouiliet. ''mare. • • yr - 14*-est• Btlik Cricks= when inn 4nut tiny the itterriltreth bate& jest-Is tielpt Ask your grwaer•lor COWL2S 6 Crackers or el to Mr,:4:Ta. Bakal to the rift Watt( where you eau pt Cracker? theiWite day they are taken trout,the oven; , }sass. • MoiTixtrATtio . public Will bk pleas ed to mini *it,* liter ina.renside it= of- TANY*I3 have decided Agitate the CROCKLItt TRADS s tinsels*, and to that end:have . just te l eeitelilsrge ineetce; 4taipttelng eirelytlttng In Moline, which they wIII pelt at_ wittediddagly low • tor Tc TEM LiDll2l OP; BORLII . GTON AN'S) Nrict tn.-4111.E, J. Mission has opened • 311.111deirlitore at the house of Mrs: P. Rosa. Elbe' Wu n fnU.sOpPly , or Millinery doods. and , all_ thi3 latest'stileit ot Hits and Moneta. Her jocks ito all .new. :ahe_ letettig :just, ietnnied from the ally. Valtand see the ptlees before baying elsewhere. 'day 1O 107.3*. " , _ • - - . . tir SINGER Etristito, MAciyriirs. . oRsAiIiEDUCTIONII. ..- , T;ie. new Family ginger ..Sevshig litaeldne will hereafter be sold at 304°1- lars,'and other styles Pt Genuine. Singer Ma chines aVegually , other, pricer. Though Mons machines hare been reduced one-balf in price the quality wilt be maintained at: its highest standaid. The gingeiGesdng Machina 'Onsapany; 11:4r FRO* A WzrzaithvarliammulD Plutiticumi.—llartleten, l trulon Co., Pa.. 974.4essrs. 8. W. rowle4 guns.' Boston : Gen nemen-Alaying received decided benefit 'front the nee of PsnuvlAN liornuPlor Dyspepsia and Gen eral Debilitibf . the system, lean recommend It heartily boa! eases as bling a very effective and pleasant preparation. It gives almost. universal satisfaction..: ' nespecthilly yonii, • - *ld by an druiestS. Amur BEATEII,_ . tom' To - CoNstrArriv.-41e- adrerti • - seT, a - retited physielan,. having providentially die -7 Covered, 'while. a Medical "Missionary in Southern A3lll a very simple vegehibla remedy for' the speedy and permanent care of Constimption, Asth _ms, Bronchitis, Catarrh, and all throat and lung iallectiona—abioa . positive and _radical specific for 'Nervous Debility, Eremature Decay, and all Ner- Vous ,d9roplaluts, feels it his fialf. to =keit known to his sufiering fellOws.: Aituated by this motive; he will cheerfully send • (free of charge) to all who desire it, Diu recipe for preparing; and full directfous for saccesifullytiMng, this providential ly disctivereS remedy. ',Those who wish to itail then/Bellies of the benefta'of this discOvery without cos, can do-so by return in'ill, by .Aildresslag with 7. a s p, naming paper, \ c A••• Dii. CHARLES I': HARSHALL, • . • , . ' fii Niagara Street, ' at HEN 1 or 99 • • MARRIED: • CAE TER—IPC4I4EII.—At Montpeton : May 18, A. D. 1877, by J. 13 7 , 11. Hinman, nil.. Cyrus Carter to Miss Candice M. Fowler,hoth of Munroe Twp. MATHEWS—TALLA.DY,;4Zin Monday evening. the 14th - day of May. i 5.77, at the \ house of George TalladrAy H. W. MeCraney , ' Esq., Mr Win n' Mathews to 31iss Alice Tallady, all of Bar clay, Pa. • ' , - " • - TEEL—DiIIO AMITY. —ln• Rerrickville. .MaY 1877, by E. Carr. Esq.:. Mr. Robert - Teel:of ,New Jerse ;t 7t. Elizabeth A. Daugh; erty, of Wysox, Pa. ! KENT spri2. at. ICEN-r is and Skirts \ spilt • DIED. . • At blaiestdeneei Lu Wells, Pa., James B. Brasted, or consumption, aged 311 years. ", ,• 1I I TATION OFIVIIITE,POW -31 EL ' & CO., Bankers and Broker., No. 6f, _ _ \ TAT . • Bouth'Thirltieet, Philadelphia, May litti, 1877. \ , • vin. ABKiD. ' . .. . . 17. 80851, C \ 115,1 g 115% 14 5.20 44 165 , \44 46 .' . Cali ed. i, .‘.\ '4 !6,5,; „k atit i .J •• . 111 1113 ' •A .44 . 4.4 \64 .. 5 7., 46 \ 66 . 114( 114% .. 4. . '66 egg fit \ , llB% II illSi 4 . ‘ 1040, coupon. - ' -113 S 1138 " 'Pacific Wall e7 : ' 1 2.5.11;1i25f'i. New s'a, Reg. 1681 • ~..„ 4114 1./.2 44 44 . ie . . • 1831 . . . ' .111 V 11/1% Gold .. . 100, Silver 100 Pennsylvania 33% Wade phia & Erie \ ' 8 high Navigation • \. 18% '" Valley, Ex. Div \ . M 34" • United B. R. of N.. 1.." ' 130341 'Pittsburgh. T. a sqa.lo B. It" ~.... 5 . Northern Central • \\........ 18% 0 antral' Transportation 34 'Nespnehoning......% , ' " "44 North pennayvanta.- 1 . .": 44 Co&A.3!ortgagelli'a, '39 • • ' " `,, 103 S TO ANDA SfARICETa. \ .REPOATEp BY STEVENS & LOSIO ‘ ‘ General dealers hi Groceries and Produce, ration's . Block, corner Main and Bridge Streets. \ WEDNESDAY EVENING, )FAY 3, 1877. • • . • Flour per bbl c 4 4 4 . stele = • • .Corn - Meal perloo lbs .• Chop Feed • ' Wheat per bush 4L vs 61 00 Corn, • 4 • 4 ... .. '••75 0 - 80 Bye, “ • - 75 . • Oats. 44 44 4S :50 Buckwheat, 4 4 704 (80 Clover see d, pedium. . • ' 44 pea vine, Timothy, western, ' • Beans, 62 lbs, 1 5,0.0 2.25 Pork.wiess " ...... 18 . 00 Miura. .10 0 11.. .Butter, tubs 18 7 - 21 . ; " . • • • " /8 ® 18 • 22 Eggs, fresh.:... 11 ' 14 Cheese... lr r ; 20 Oreinr apples, bush...' 50 .SO _ '75 Dried- 44 ' per lb.. 4® . 5. 6 0 k 44 Raspberries • • ..• •• 20 • 25 Blackberries.... • .8 10 44 Peaches . . 12 (4 - 20. ' 2 6 ,Potatoes, per bushel... 80 90 .1•25 Onions, •t 4' . t • 100 125 is 150 filled with Gloves 65 cts. :EXT BLISS'. and look at spin., _ A large stocl,c Ku? it BLISS'. NES ,D. s. LAY;MT. Agent, WLIOLESALL ... 9 00 11 00 2 40 4152 75 80 1 sq CORIIIIXTZD BY DATTO2t..k BRO. . illdee P •0• 4 . 04'6 i 03 t = Vests skins 04'0 10,: Domes-, .... .... 20 p' 40 ' Sheep pelts ' " 'Tallow • ' •' . 06 @ 07. -y Weal. washed....: ,. 30 ' ".•!, unwashed..... sew Advertisements T IST" OF < :LETTERS, remainingin Poet Office et Towanda. :Bradford Co, Pa., fur the week ending May =, 077: ' . Burke, Martin Burdick, D ' Benjamin. David 4trennan. Mary • - Cumming:4,R C Colvin. F - Drake; Jane , `Ouery, Mary, i t •• Rakes, Julia Lynch, Ellen • . McCracken, Small McDonald. Manricq - Ragan; Thee • - Shaylcr, Mary' Stratton, Florence • Sheldon k e Warren A 11 .•. Persons calling for any of -the above, will plelise say.`adverthed,r giving -date of S. W. ALVORD. P. M. REDUCTION IN PI,t3NOUNINGI 1 proposi!, to tuna r4zios hireafter for . s 2 EACH TIME, OR $4 BY ME . YEAR. When instruments are outside the - perougb, an extra charge yank be made for travelling fee. ' 1 condi:kw to sell / ORGANS AND PIANOS Of the besimilinfsettifee, ae teual, • • 011 Apply to or address PROF. NM. DIT'iRICH, Towandi, ronn'a. To'lima', Feb..!!, larr. G REATLY -REDUCED PRICES The enders fined Isdoing nutitmo, WATCHING; • AND BE-SAWING, And all kinds of Planing-mill Work, AWAY pOWN: !! • DOWN 111 • 'Bo tar you caul de It. • , : • tuivp al . s6 c s in tkOk* a !‘#.iri? iioekcit 9 t ,!4.811 VTIFIch I arkeellteg pytees to salt the times: - • WINDOW-BLINDS ~;,• Made twouiptlrto 'Order, its tow pike, for CAM. IT YOU WANT TO GET ItICII QUICK, Tux (loop aodEsioloi. I be'mmed; will be3rePt undercover ani r. "" re pw e ,iis /r 1: dri ito ntll r ta isee telsm_ ficolOedivic" "Lt. Ooteee - - ?ph 14,11771- c : _ 7", Kent k Kent k B 1 Xesit 131 Keit B .14.0 B 1 go-°&sl :NoitikS Kent _& Bli Kat &1111 Kent & Bl Kent & Bliss Kent ift B Kent it,l3 Kent MB "KentAt-B • **wt.& B 1 Xent,& B Kent :& Bliss Kent'& B 1 Zent Ar t Bliss itensA. BUBB ICent-4(k Bliss Kent &W.. Kent & BI Kent k Bilis ICent& Bliss Xent &Wise Kent & Bliss ICOLC4 Bli Kent_ & Bliss Keit & Bli: - Kent & BUBB Kent & Bliss Kent & Bliss ent k Aliso ent ent 13143 p • . ' ent Miss ent.&Tibia : ent & Bliss ' ent & Bliss ent & Bliss ent &Bliss ent & Bt ent & Bliss : exit & Bliss : ent & Bliss ent & Bliss ent l & Bliss ent & Bliss ' ent & Bliss : ent & Bliss ent & Bliss ' ent & Bliss ent & Bliss ent & Bliss : ent , & Bliss • ent &BBB: . ent & Bliss : ent Bliss ent .& Bliss ent & Bliss : ent & Bliss : ent & Bliss ' ent -& Bliss ent Si Bliss : . ent & Bliss ent DT, ent & Bliss ent & Bliss : ent.4. Ns, ent & iis ent & Bliis ent & Bliss . ent & Bliss rent & Bliss ent & Bliss ent & Bliss : ent & Bliss • ent & Bliss ent '& Bliss 1 ent & Bliss , 1 • ent & Blis ent It Bliss ent & Bliss : ent & Blisl ent .& - Bliss • ent & Bliss ent & Bliss ent - &: Bliss ent& Bliss ,1 • I • •" I DON'T YOU FORGET in: RE.ADY 7 MAIk:OL9T4INCf . - HIS PRICES,' 41.114 .I,OVirEWI 'lO 00 11 00 '2 50 2.50 - Ile ft* , 12 111 THAN ANY . OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. : THIS SIDE OP THE OLD COUNTRY ! I , • Ills goods are ahtsys, ' -• : • • ‘80,1713,1HT FOR CASH, i AND GUARANTEED TO BE .TUBT WHAT THEY ARE RECOMMENDED! En TN THE' CLOTHING. LINE rifom TEE CHEAPEST.TO ;THE MOST COSTLY GARMENT : BQYS' CLOTHING, 'NEATLY - AND SUBSTANTIALLY NADI, . AT ABOUT TUYANN)T OF MATZBIA4SI SPRING HATS, SPRING OVERCOATS; TASTY IBERILELLAS, . BOT mseoir tiootis .• - EvEn ormuttp Tuts-Naainci; _ . cioniieisinowuinins - : ..- - - - -, :--" - ~ ' ' • 4..EBiA lr, lOXIATXD IN TC74IXD A : And they theion tun no Hide dented at In eases of rely transient 11!" 1111110 , 11111 TOT continuo long In use piers.. . .11141..111 bobit . : PClllllllll4llll4ffeti ' 5i r = . ?.. , 11','5 7 .':;,.V-*S.V.g7- -1 4aci:W;„ 4 :iTr i ...:-.... : :L=.: ' -. . 44 A , :;* 4 -wl - ii.FA:.;..4, 1 1 ,, A, , ..jf-i." 4, f•r:-" - - . -'‘`- s ,-.. - .1 . , - =~Y-:~Btf.t~: • • thirairvia‘itsi;maismi. ,„--, OP! (;-• •'•`!'",; '•• "" ilai MI ;.: --%'' .:11:00,.1..,.;.:*,1) - • ): Zrew• -' 44-000$ DBES - Affs-P4Ng4 4218 - - • ••• . PAILISOLO, , ASOLL El , •- • I:Jogai nue Olt HOBIEBI HOSIERY; , AND GLOVE& ~- G eLOVZS, GLOVES. BesatUtt SUILIMB•SHATMI • SUMNER sgAns Beans_ Ital • SUMMER SHAWLS Don* fag to an Ind, et. ou SILKS,, BILKS, SILKS, SILKS, SILKS, SILKS. .~ ~ :; We • , z — opened. In eOllllOO. wittrour Dry . tieede,s • I .itizile tni.,, ,.. : TA _Zblithe li DEPARTENT,`- - Where will be I complete assortment of ' t. • CLOTHS,- CLOTHS, CLOTHS, (Ee l ife n (U. KENT Toiraiala, May 10,1877. IlatafielL • Why, the lad that Ir. E. ROSZInTIELD still continues to sea AT THE OLD STAND I Abi - Oobas ,11 1113 stock comprises irrerythlmi • /d nice assortinen $ of And Mt :st: R. i-Rosgttkp t ' .- i , r,,:.- -., - : EEO 4n: :~ ~<- ~ Yr" i`..; El -i . 11115 WM