Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 24, 1877, Image 2
II vi= iaoi &:*;imre. Tut , time - altnciat' , Urrirst to come to the garden, Maud. i . Mns. Lureotar, the widow of the ex .l , resident l is flow in Europe: Tux recent-Tictibmile Foe emion :in ' London cost elmut,s3oo,ooo. :., , THE City brAtnissels has been beird Von, and-the public suspertsik is over. Titu shadow of gloom rests upon nilic 4 circles in Constantinople, they,say. ' A TIGOIIOt'S opening of the campaign on ,the Danube is rnotnefitarily expected. , Thorn sides were stincessftil in gaining ..nnimportant victories on Saturday. . - TuE scarcity :of sitpplies, is - likely to give the Ritssiatiajn Ana great trouble. A. Rtssrat.: colonel gets 4400 a year, about as much ai, a section mail gets on a raj'. road. • THE President will name Boger S. Green to he cue(' Juttice of Washington 'reftitery,; •_ ' ' . ,•• , ;Mas: buooss, the butter modelar, is ;411ing aligure of" "The. Marchioness" la her game of cril?bage. 9 Tcs - millionq. of dollars are sail to be 1 - 4-ested ih the' culture of flowers in and Iroand New York. IT F.NIiT. WARD BERCI= has made O'ert 44: 1 .000 MIS season by lecturing, and yet. tie are `lhard-tiines." . 'fp ; estimates %nil actual receipts of internal revenue for the fiscal year ending June 30, will tally._• • I • IT begins to look - miff the weather bad .1 finall beComeTsettled, and was going to behave for a while. • - • THF. latest French fashions are all in neutrid tints: Thus does the war affect even the'dress of - the people. Tun 'Willard brothers, of hotel fame, -- ave. uniolig the- wealthiest, if not the, • ‘i,calthie - qt, wen in iishingt n. I , AFTER ail what .thewomen of this age long forali roach :as anything is a bonnet that will Make. them loule young. "frit youngest Fen of the Turkish Prime Minister' is studying in Berlin; net the care of a-Protestant clergytnan. 3loour _is • casting ,his eyes and pr..l,yer toward Baltimore ' and has partly pf.tailsed t - .) hold a revival there next Fall. Tun Sultan and the Czar will call. it a holy- Thel, inf the: view of the tiej.;_li /6, will sanetiff the consequent nvirdeis. - • - EvEiftnon - T is waiting to see Turkey iir'pe.l - ,tut. ;Russia, promised- to do it. :Int-Inez, the wiping out - sberus,to be all en the other side. . - DUISING tie last seven years American IccumotiveA have been exported to the liiiniber of 20u and tc; the value'of $5,494,- t U+. A rooNEI, in the Russian .army can't put 00CCry iiueh style, after paying his I) ! Jurd and wash bill,‘, on a salary of S4QO per annum. .WFIENE7ER architects cease to sacrifice strength'forornament then may ek-• pcct to hear of no-More'disasterslike.that at Rockford: • • 11,EIN neutral, it is impossible forus to extend a helping hand to either itussia or l'uricey, but either of them can have all our arms—for-cash. • • :TUE rumors of ,a contemplated pur- chase of Ame ricau-Vessels for the Russian Terkiiiipavics has created a lively Air among Our ship owners. - Tim widow :V Orville D. Jewett, the natlior of the habd-grenade tragedy, has riven birth to a "son, with the prospect that boar mother and_child may live. RtAi. estate in Great . Britain;* and es peeiatly a Scotland, . is, at, a decided dis erint. Lands in the very heart of Mid • Lothian pan he WTI for a mere_ song: THE Turk clods not now "lay dreaminr , oi the hour, - when" eta, Russia hasinade `it- too hot for him even to think of sleep ing or dreaming either. • . " ED Dot7oLAizts says le•only meant it in fun, and he essays to Booth the.worind ul feelings of the wrathful WaShington .' Lois by a sympathetic card. • SErnEr.kitv Tifosi - Psos, of - the Navy • Deortment, who is d native of Culpeper comity ; Virginia, has promised to go on nit old-fahloned li)ossum hunt there this fall. .1 • Tun Southerners have .been coming down like Wolves On the fold for offices r.ioce it: has been ,hinted ; that' the Presi dent ilesired apPoiui only.ttatives to the ofilcq. r . . . . • • , .TrsT as paterfamilas - was congrattda: tine himself en the cud of-the costly win ter eaipaign, .the price of paregoric •is doublcd . by the war, and the, green fruit sc:i.S.lll;inst coming on. . .Cotor.cq., ROBERT Ixor.n.for.l,. has re fair aiegal fee a one-third interest iva lo6;miotive, but,divers creditors took he.eughlo out ,of -the country and the ciolouel has lbst that dainty. bit of pi4er f • - • ty. I • , . , 0..4; of those rare occasions a diamond iti^,;' was eclebrated• iu Germantown, New .Icrev,. the other day, by , lliraln .0 ut . "4.,kalia ',vire,' who are ninety-seven , unfl`ninpty-'bur respectively. A 'lloSON,liaper remarks : "One cannot Lc ton careful this weather. A swell ex- chaill:ed his heafy winter cane for a light bamboo and:' t tho consequence was, a S t•evOe'rLld that laid him up fora week." • Nits. ti A Y ES • Won' let . the female correspon4nts come in and overhaul her fwardrobe and get descrip;j ti,.11 , :.0f her iinderwear, and now they are , diFappointed iin the present administra, , . ? 4 ,--. .r.‘QulpsAiti.E. New 'Yorkers who have bail clothes made: by London_and Paris tail irs have lately been obligd by Uncle 'Satii',..: officers to •pay penaltles',of :$lOO or :::!.sEfor receiving goods known •to have' been smuggled. . Tifi - . wife 'of Consul Van Buren, whO h:s recently been sent home from China, lia: b4igun.a skit for divorce ou account or 06' peri4ohal immoralities which caused his suspension. She was a:Mrs. Sheffield, Of New./ laven. , A, NEW YoAs - piper states that a young troy was seen , complaCently - taking a ". shific '"on. Broadway at the hands of a i . pr. ireSF:ional boot lilaek. There are few . - sli , oies that a New York girl is not up to, , al - A most of Thera , are. looking after .the 1 shiners. - ' ' . , • . • , A FA suroN 'report saYs that gentleillpn's bats ;ire. provided with a new kind of•ven . tilator Whidh will laSt much longer than, :41E, liiile style: Anything that will out ,,• last i a hole a valuable addition to 111 , 24 esonrees of ii,people. . PmtsoNs engaireitin the manufacture of • 01.)::ceo, snuffs and cigars in. the United • 'tatcs are 125,..1ii5, and in the- sale . and fliNti.ibution.of the liaihe - 24,9•11 persons -I,;i• ~ ~1 ;firms, ,making • ari aggregate of 450,- . 1.439 persons as firms engaged in the busi-. itess. .. -1' ' - Ott of t't3e sequels of the stringent pro .liibiti6 lal s in Maine is that hundreds of . . dollars are , niefery.Week from Portland to llostonfo r liqubrs by people who wore' ferinerly in the:habit 'of drinking ,at the sll , -,on. One . ik*ess company has been inflicted for •Ibtinging liquors intki the State presuniably knowing - themliolhave bccii for sale, , .Ten - Att PETER BERJAlinir,' the . Most p.)puhir lawyer in London, and whesein • is over sloo,oo_o-a, year, was farmer- . , ly . secretary of State of the southern `cnf,deraCy. 'He is sixty-five, was boin . 1•;t... Domingo,- is a Hebrew, went to NV Orleans after graduating at-Yale, ivas Wilig,7then a •Democratic 'United Stafcs Senator an,d then a Confederate. • .1114.sivEnvitt,i1., CARLtsi,E, for, to:my years one of the leading members: 0' the old bar of.the District of COlumbia,' toullolsrf of the Supremo Court of the States, died on Saturday morning, `about 'sixty-six years. Ile' stood very at the bar, and was known and,. • fi - apl , reciatett by the leading ju rists th rough tot.t fife country: Lie was counsel tbr • eral governMents., • , -4 A. vOrzco, Lady clerk in a Philadelphia (Iry-,oetis store fainted, and in the presence !, Of a: pitying circle - of easterners the gym .3,:tstiefic proprietor. sent for. a -carriage • tokl - liad her taken home. her ,weekly ' woges ..we're - six dollars, but that week Cte envelope only . contained one. The ex illanation . given 20 reply to her question . was that the other five went to pay for the earriag4 • • . , • , • - . • k kr the Pails '4OOl ofArta 'and Triclei • experiments were lately made with paper: allegcal to beincombastible.'l3neets . te..*. it' were exposed simply, to the • fierce • fi;;;;oes Of a sPirit lamp, wittfout any other etLet than to slightly wither it. When 1111, vapor was exposed in bulk .no. effect was arpriarent. "It was thoiskfit very de sirable • for the naminfacture . of bank •`=•s.: The secret 'of the miumfactore ,ota with tbs • NMMIEWM ratitom (Itittt EDITORS* S o. 000nitiati. Tovindsh Pa, Thrsday,lity . 'lll, um- Tax foreign news is of the gravest hnp_urt. Fighting on. n grand and bloody scale seems imminent in both Ehropean and Aelatie Turkey. In the latter the Ithrians are hbont to Uttempt,the passage Of the broad and rapid Danube in face of the enemy. The Tusks are likely to, dispute the , passage - with desperation, and a bloody engagenient--or„ rather, a series of them, at various points on the Lower Dtlllllll momentarily . expected. la.4siStie TuFkey, an assault by the Rhuts on Baton* a city of twenty-flvithouiand inhab itants,-and an important port on the Black Sea„ is thre.atened, the out 'posts having 'already • had severe skirmishes. Operations spinet the cities of tars and Erzerourh seem to have been suspended for the time. • Rumors of the interference of En gland and Austria in behalf of *Var. key are renewed, and with increasing probability of truth. A Russian de• tachment having entered' Little Wal lachia„ Ausiria hai. entered a formal pretest,'to Wliich -. Russia has respond ed with theplea, of military necessity and a promise to withdraw at the earliest practicable . moment. In France there has i been a minis terialcrisis, and the excitement' is so great that revolution 'i predicted.' President MitcliAnos requested the resignation of 'his - ,,Cabinc4 though they had not been' ; defeated in the Chambers. He has refused' :toap point a new Ministry from the ranks' of the Left, or . Liberal party, which= is in a large majority, but :has, eon.: trary to the custom if not to the law s taken them - .from the Right, com posed of IMperialists,, Monarchists, Ultramontaneso, He has also pro rogued the Chambers for a month, and it is expected will then' dis Solve them, making new , elections necessa ry, which will undoubtedly bp carried.- by the Left; but in the meantime, during the -many months that Anust. elapse, the reactionary party will be in control of the Government. If the change be interpreted as a_ clerical triumph, it is believed it will , lead to dangerous complications—likeli to end in war-with 4Germany. Presi dent MACMfriinoN's course is account_ red for by the correspondents by the underanding that he believes a gen eral Etiropean war inevitable, and he wants a government which will not be disturbed by parliamentary fac tions in the great, struggle about to he inaugurated. The opinion prevails among the leading coal men of New - York that 'Mr. Gowen, presidept.of the Philadel phia and - Reading. company will not consent to the proposal ma ne a few. days ago t to suspend mining opera tions during June, the time to be fur .ther extended if it shall be , deemed 'advisable. _Snell a moiemenL would defeat Mr. Gowen's plan, -formed some months ago, to get out a.s.much coal as possible during the summer and throw it on the market. No sus_ pensioncan take place without Mr. Gowen's co-operation ; and as his scheme of increased production was certainly not adopted 'without due consideration, there is good , ground fior the hope that he will not consent to the suspension. Although Mr. G. Is in Europe, he has been communi . f,.:lated with, his and reply is expected enxklionday. A general suspenSion 4n the mining region interested would work great hardship just at, this junc ture, and we but give' expression to the hope entertained by all save the large operatoys, when we sayAhat we trust Mr. G. will not it. No INCONVENIENCE the contraction of nati the present month, wh in notes will be with& culation. The banks of New York have a reserve of over seventy ions, seventeen million pollen more than is required by law. In view of this the prospect of selling four per cent. bonds for currency 'is good, and so is resumptlon,.before the spec- 1 Hied tipie, , January Ist, 1879. WRAT the country now most needs is the statesmanship which can 'de vise ways to hasten the revival of business. No depression.that here: tofore' prevailed, equals ,that which now parses business in all parts . Er of the n' n. The amount of capital I? idle in m chinery is unprecedented, and the loss of interest on this has much to do witliAhe general depres sion., The statesman who can "put this' machinery' in motions is the rutin' -\ for whom the country now looks. PRESIDENT HATES returned to Washington highly pleased with the flattering reception :accorded to him by the business men of New York: In Philadelphia, his reception by\4ll classes was no less early and unan imous. In many resPects Mr. HAYES reniiinits the people of the great and immortal LINCOLN. • 1r is a gratifying indication of the faith of financial circlet in the success of the nesi admihistration, that, the banks of New ,Yoglc , are willing to advance funds for: the payment of the army and navy miatil the meeting of dongress. • Tns election of , a Republican as Chief Justice et §ofith Carolina *mid indicate that WADE Hem Prow is in tending to keep fitith - wiih the Presi dent. Misr will the demeeratie organs do for something - to find fault about, how:that everybody ismtisflO4 tith rresideat Ilan) - r. •, The 54th•*nualse.ssion of -*• .00 1- 1 4 k 1114 04*- o ,•t e to4.4'i "I ii l the city or MAY ,tstb; ** N 514::GrtiA, - 1 4 a 2 4* : j*qing. accompanied eel , eral COnneilinen, appened . in li r e hall; and ntre conducted to seats on the VitigeT . ACV: Grand Sire of the Grand Lodge of the Fitited: States; Introduced the Mayor, who delivered an appropriate and eloquent address -of weleorne. \ Granif s lfzuster 801191 reipOndedin the following elogpient retnarks: .11. W. AILVOWD: "Ms. NATon: Representing - the -Grand Lodge -of *Odd \Fellows of the State of,Penisylvania, the_ distingidshed honor devolves *leonine to express the sentiments throbbing in the hearts of.' the rep resentithres, of ninety-fire :thousand Odd Veltman scattered over this Commonwealth, lnackrurrriedg-' big the compliment:you have so eloquentlybyst6w ed aim; in accepthig the welcome you, as the chief magistrate of the:City of Erie, bait so kindly extended to-hem.. Indeed. ,yen nave truly said- that they represent every trade; occupation and business; for hero are gentlemendistingulabed In physics, law and thealoand ever t department of these:knees: aria , mee antes, and every branch ;..of Industry. These men: have,sssembled for the sole purpose of devising andlkerfecting such means as in their Judgment are best calculated to diesenr.- !nate fratdrnal love, elevate miff Improye the char. aster of man. and promote the welfare and happi; noes of a common humanity.. Odd Fellowship has done more to aleniate the sufferings incident to human life than any other secular Organization, The contributions made to relieve thennfortunate Incities and towns donated - by Are and plague.• and. sections of the country afflicted bYlaartne. - stand out before the philanthropic world 115 4 111 pen -bitable evidences of oer liberality.- We are-nu -joined to relieve the distressed. bury thedeachnisit the Bleb. and 'educate the orphan; ard .we pot •t, with pride to our record of fifty-elght years, showing our fidelity to the trusts -of our order. Firmit me, my dear sir, to quint you from the in uermost recesses of my heart, for the cordial:wel come you have so kindly extended to us; Convey to the members of Councils and your citizens our acknowledgments for their hospitality. and assure them that our sojourn- in your midst wilt be re garded by us as - an oasis In our Journey through life, and that in after years our memories will re-, vert -to It with emotions of sincere pleasure and gratitude." • - • ~ The committee on eleetiOdo made the following report: • • R. W. D. AL. Simnel Haworth. of 'Philadelphia: R. WO. W., John A. 10ler. of Allegheny City ; G. S., Jas. 11. Nicholson. of Phlladelp h. T., ht. Richards Hackle, of Philadelphia; G.H.G. to G. L, U. S., Isaac P. Shopper* of Philadelphia. ' .Grand Master EllifgH made the' following appointmente for the ensu • ing year: ° W. G. C., Rev. At L. Laverty, of FM 90; W. G. M., A. N. Price, op No. 203; W. G. C" G. W. Illackman, of No. 440; W. G. G., Isaac W. Hoff -man. of No. 183 r - W. G. H. L, F. Baley, of No. 23. • The session was the largest ever held in the State, over eight hundred Paii.drands being present. It closed its delikerations Weclnesdiy evening, at 101 o'clock.r" - DEATH or\Fa-sEsievrom Firm. We copy from the 'lndependent Republican, the following' notice of the' death of Hon. P. Prrcu, of Montrose.. Mr. F."formerly repre sented this district in the \ State Sen ate, 'and had many warm frlends in this-county : \ After a painful and severe illness, borne with patience and resignation to the' Divine Will, this excellent, man has passed from the scenes of earth to the better land on=the'other side. We do not desire, at this mkt hour, to write an obituary of the life; excellencies, Airtime, and abilities of Mr. Fitch; that Work will be done by some friend who has known him longer thfin ourselves,,,and who is better acquainted with the facts to make such an obituary complete. We are simply satisfied to take up the salient points of his life. Ile late Mr. Fitch was a man of sterling integrity, whether as it citi zen, a lawyer, a statesman, Or a Chris 'thin. In the dignified retirement of his 'late years, he ever manifested an eminent - example of modest talent, substantial learning, and unpretend ing wisdom, with exceedingly affable manners,' strong social s airections, ab solute fidelity in every 'telation' of life, and probity beyond the' ,slight est suspicion of reproae,h; as :ra.rely adorns even the highest walks of ino-, fessional ex4ellence. Concerning whom it may it . be more appropriate ly asked than of him : His'publie services in political-life were both 11E011 and incorruptible. His Senatorial career at Harkisburg was earnest, beneficial, and patriotic. The member of the bar of this coun ty have lost a 'companion , who was .an ho - por to his. profession, „a model to themselves, and an example of vir tue and excellence to all. ... Mr. Fitch' was a man of ardent feelings and' of ingenuous' tempera ment. He was strong in his attach ments,to true men and to opinions, and was not easily turned- from any course of speculation or action which he had\ once satisfied himself was "right. He put on no airs and assum ed no,superiority on the ground of fhis intellectual , attainments, ' but 'placed himself on a level with every, one with whom he had any concern: He was ever's. 'conscientious man. He was always•trde to his , moral' as well as 'intellectual convictions; and `followed them witithersoever. they Ile Ek His straightforwardness and -franiess were among ' the secret cause of the . remarkable influence. Which h confessedly eiercisetrover the minds' nd judgments of others; \\ By his hont ,as well, as by his res oluteness and ecislon, he was the mainsprini of e rything with which he was connect . By this moral influence he control and swayed all men -with whom he s associated. As Ben. Johnson says o Lord fttßa con, "he commanded where spoke." He has left an' example, Sul of in-1 structron and encouragement t the young men of our county, land s pecially those of the legal profession. He has shown-them to whatheights of greatness and nsefulness they, may ascend - by' truth; temperance, and toil. He his left to all a most glori, _us andn preeious'legacy in his exam 'pie of integrity,' Moral courage,' and independence.. Ile: has taught the Oting men that there is nothing so grand'and beautiful as motalininci ple, nothip• to truti, 'OM as intet eumsta, He with6ni day atte funeral many. All a heart and loni, Post and ducted He has num, more enduring than marble ; and his beautifutlife, and his true and,affec tionate character, have bequeathed to his family the richest ,legacy. Many will commend his tmderstanci ing. His Memorial shall not depart away, and his name. shall live thro' future - generations, only to be revered and spoken of with affectionate ten . Some Oamma. , Our!_neighlicou of the Amus"will:nevei cease annoiring the • editors 'or ibis papet, becsus4p they hl'lPPettOht E=MIE ME "Cut Pador. et Jurtilla torar. /ncurrupta IYdes,:ntidesiese veritao Quando taiam inventint yiirem " .„ Nreirellif ilip' `v - 2 .. -. .......•• • : ' - " - • 'S '',, f-' - ' ,4,1, , • N!inr., , (On. iliCeA 4. - y-r44,' ,- , ,;.. , 1.. f. sidled:or Pe , i n, - ,1 10 0 Ot idindelphliC busph t . - were 1 COSOtiliii ,= , . _ift. _ , ,,4 :- - :Sean*: 6 —..-, by e ,v‘ul,°Wit,,„Ar-v. and other ick t eit4ing. The yr-President °e9 'lll3!°a4.olittling with him - tfin esteem And beet wishes ei'l4 ids :--- - 1--7- - •:-.:-.------ ------== countrymen. A-..,coremporary wyna n iiiii - ' itioolorifetiod . • the fo o &pa 0., -- parlors_ of of the disthigninkid put VI Tiii'erowinin' iltioiirtesriiibeiting list of-civilities notaferred-OntOesersi- Grant by,the city people of Phil adelphiii duringlia -slity'in the city was the escort down the Aver Thurs; day, on the,occa s ion of his dirta \ rttne by the steamship Xidiann 11::r T.fiveiv MA- -. Thte. .irss \-- hindeotneiy • -• and, tastefully • done, roil respects , both that part of it whioir was in.ohilrge of the city ind Goverilreent author'. ties and thatwhiah'wee \ the &port* , aeons act of the public. Tbe day_Yria a lo \ velye May day on .the Delaware, and the scene 011 #63 river waebeau- On the steamer Twilight, in chirp of the Council Committee, - wawklen., Grant; 'accompanied by the Mayor of the city and a delegation of Conn' tails; with other oilicens of the eity government, the Govezvor , of the State and other State officials;`: the United States Senators front Pepe 4ivania, ithe Philadelphia Congres sliaud delegation, the . -Judge of' the United Circuit. Judge, several of the Philidelphia Judges, the Gerieral-in chief otthe United States arrny, with oth'er oxilisr . officers. three members of Gen. G and g large - number of , At the Mli: Twilight speeches rl Mayor Stokt• ley, Get Governor Hartranft, Fish, Chan dler and 11 aator Cam eron and :'.Gen. said: - \ Mr. Mayor and gentlemen, I feel very much over. come by what I have heard. I content to being overcome at many undeserved complluietttlL 4a a soldier, they are not due; as, Executive ; lbey are iti ksitc not due. No man could fill theplaces Isa filled without able lieutenants to assist him. Ibe eve .I s he l , e f)rt ' t i e t r h t o hlt w lt e l o gg s f v . e l a t i l l e , v d e riatt ir e Ac r:a a t self I was entitled to credit except for selectin excellent men, and I believe that I did generally succeed in finding the best men to aid me. No doubt Shermap or Sheridan could have filled ,The place 1 Oiled equally well or better. I believe men are bora for the emergencies which require them, and. Ilk! had failed, Sherman• would probably have taken up the west and succeeded, I thank yen for all your kindness. On the Revenue steamer Hamilton, in charge . of Collectbr Tutton and Captain Irish; Were, Mrs. Grant and fanilly,,.accompanied bra large cir cle of her lady friends in Philadel phia and from Washington, with the gentlemen who were in waiting on them. - • Both steamers were handsomely decorated and enlivened by music, and they, together with a squadron 'of twelve-other stsatners, all gay with bunting, gave a holiday appearance ' , to the river. . The warves and ship ,ping also were ndecorated; and all. along the shore &mut() Wilmington. flags and signals. were displayed and salutes were- fired.. When all the ves sels got together, near New Castle, And Gen. Grant and his family were • transfiirred "roar their steamers to the Indiana; the scene was beautiful and impressive;: that part of the river being covered,bytandsomely dressed vessels, with:whistles sounding, can non firing, innumerable flags flying, hats and handkerchiefs,waving, and 'cheers, following cheers, as the great ship passed upon. her way towards the sea. \ Gen. Grant will probably receive the most. distinguished welcome \ in England that has ever been extended to any American. The London Trines' announces that the Queen and the Government take the liveliest'inter est in his visit, and 'that he will be. received- with every distinction. pions speciaLtelegrams printed, this morning • in -• London, describe `at length - the ovation that marked his departure, and the• keen interest taken in Erigland in his contemplated visit will result in a reception befit ting the distinguished visitor. The' period of On. Grant's stay abroad is uncertain ' his present purpose is to'remain at least a year, but beyond that Ids,stay will depend on circuit- stances . not foreseen at present. , r*PIRESVDENT The London, Times of March 17,th • contains an editorial leader - on ex- Preqident GRANT. The I:opinion of the knglishjournal will, we have no doubt, be interesting to 04 readers, and vref. 'reproduce it in otit.colunins. below, as follows - . . , " General Grant's eight years of will probably be regarded before long -.its comparing well with' most, Presidential administrations. It may be that We judge him in.this country fromfrom= a favorable point of View, for his errors were mainly connected with doniestic affairs. His Home Of fice, as we should say, -was his weak point ; but in all that relates to the external affairs of the Union, to in ; . tercourse with foreign nations; and' _to the dignity and credit to the cowl-. try tOroad, he has not fallen short of his reputatien. He has conducted. all negotiations between the' United States.. and ourselves with teinper and patience; and the mutual reiptict to the two nations amid circumstan ces not a little trying has 'been strengthened during his Presideney. For one conspicuous benefit •his countrymen unquestionably owe him gratitude.• It must be regarded `as mainly due to' his influence that ex periments with the "eurrenci,which would have, 'antonnted•to something. 11 e repudiatkin, have been defeated. On this queation Gen— Grant\saw clear where - the interest 'of 'his count, ay and refused to coMpro a:dew .it,' nd , the pectmiary credit of 'the Tlni States abroad is new miring, in a t degree to his firm ness. \Even witiespect t _to internal administration, i must 'be remem bered - that he weed to the Presi dency when\the cou ry Was still distracted witiqeh i e p ons• of the, ofvil war. He d not 0 opportw •nity open to his au essor; o adopt ing a strong and clea pcdiey the outset, and heniust at t be-gt en the credit of, having b tight the e tt country safety through -a' ryeritt cal period. On the whole - he would probably be one of those cha teru to whom the generous saying-will . ,- applied': 'He was a areat man, an, I haVe forgotten his faults.' _ No thing, it-all events, but his virtues and his gteat achievements: will be remembered,. when he visits', this country. He; will, be welcomed as one or the tio4 distinguished men the United States have yet produced, and he will attract to- himself the hearty friendliness With *Mali -En glishmen regard, the greatrepresent, tatty° or their 'race in the New World," ' \ . • .' • - f. A .- 001 , ,,(gilleretsfe 't_thifieghei . t liitioiti - in oimiiietiite44 . ..0. the ton-- ti,',*littilitiMl:;";: , :' - '::-,- •,-:-Z-L....:. D 33 eago,X 4 ine; new I,lmriger-Pztu,te which offers to the public a cootie- on i line; Xi* 10itY With Out change of cars, the only route ' by, which • I .:';ts can enjoy the' Ininti`iiit th4i , b,raMk guago Pullman palacf3 katalinci idping coaches, through withont change. Por families this is the mast desirable:, route =to the IFest,aialtmealtinen be taken with 'Out letiviiigthOminwhile 'QS sleep sing\Ooaches used araOne-third •wider < than thwe in use an any other and tke \ aection of clkunt*triversed by this lirs'4a acknoyrilited by. nil to offer the most beauttPd maerOry ir4 the world. "Fri im:s 7 pie were transported over th last:year, and not aiingle perso ati injured or sesingle p.ce of bag lost. - • , • ' Tram leaves New York'daily at 7:00 p.m., Tin the Erie itailivar. need:lg at Salamanca with th untie and Great. Western Road, and at Nansfield with the Pittsburgh, AI Wayne and. Chic4go,' Railroad for Chicago, which is reached in advance or 00 - y . other competing,fine. • -Through tickets byway of this line are to be obtained in every tick; Otoffice on.the line of the Erie R. R. 'atia.kte'verystiperiotadv g ita g es have - onlylpbe known to .those whci con= template journey to the west, be it for business or pleasure, to be pat ronlied by thr,. , for it has no equal in point of eorh•cnience; while forfe males.traveling alonc, or with chit dren for, broad guage ptd-, ace, hotel and sleeping ,poaches offer CoMfoitS' never before realized rin railioad travel. . The 'new Colony Exploits via , the Atlantic and Great Western .. Rai l from all • points on the E‘rie Railroad to Texas, Kansas and the Northwesti began running may 13th, through \ withotit change of cars. This.trainleaves Waverly at about 6.00 p: m., t` i onvenient 'hour, and run on lightn'ng express time-with first-class cars, Sioeg pin coaches and all modern imprc;vOments. • • . SBA * IIKEtPENT—` MUM WIGHT. ' • .f\ A most . extraordinary ev lit has occurred at Oban which I give In de tail, having been, an eye with • - : to the whole affair. I allude to th • stranding and capture of the verita ble senserpent in front of the Cale donian hotel,- George stMet, Oban: - About four o'clock yesterday an cud nisi Or fish, evidently of gigantic size, was seen sporting in the bay near Heather-island. Its appearance evidently perplexed a large number of spectators assembled on the pier, and sevemitelescopenwere directed toward it.: A. careful look - satisfied us, that it was Of the serpent species, is carrying its head fully tWentiflye feet above the water: ' A number of boats were soon launched' and, pro ceeded to the bay, the crews armed with such weapons as could be got handy. Under the lirectionnof Mal colm Nicholson, - onelniatinan,\ they headed the monster, end smile of boats were within thirty yards...of it, when it suddenly made for the*open ing. A random fire from severat,Vol unteers with rifles seemed to have no effect upon it. Under Mr. Nicholson 'a orders the boats now ranged . across the entrance of the bey, and by their screams and shouts turned; the mon ster's course;: audeit-leadeg directly :for the breast...wall of , he Great . West ernhotel. One .boat Containing Mr. Campbell, the .Fiacal, 11 -a moat narrow escape, the' Anil , actually' rubbing- against it. Mr. ;Campbell and his- brother „jumped loVerboard, and .were picked up ,unlitirt by Mr John D. Hardie, saddler, in his small yacht, the Flying Sciid. The animal seemed thoroughly frightened, and as' the boats closed in-the „Volunteers were unable to• fire, owing to the crowd asse:nbled on shore. At a r,. tie past six' the monster' tcsik ti e c t ground one-the beach in front sof; e: Caledo kin hotel, in George street,.. and •hi proportions were now fully visible. In his frantic exertions, with his tail sweeping thebeach, no, one ;dared approach . - The- stones 4 -were flying in all directions.; one seriously injured a man called Barney Barrow, and-iinother breaking the window of the CommerciaLbank. A party of Volunteers under, ,Lieutenant David IMenzienoW assembled andlired vol ley after volley into the 'neck, accord ing to the directions of Dr. Camp bell, who did not wish, for scientific maims, that the configuration of the head should be damaged. is there was a bright moon, this c Wined ~‘ till nearly teti o'clock; . w en Mr.. . I n Stevens,- of the Commercial 'bind, ivaded in and fized'a strong rope of the animal's head, and bythe exer tion of \ some seventy folk it was 'se curely dragged above high water I mark. - Its exact appearance. as it lies on the beach,* as follows.; •• The -extreme length* 101 . feet and th thiCkest part is about 25 feet fro i t the head, which is n feerin cire • ference. -At this part is fixed a air . Of fins, whigh are 4- feet 'Ong bynear ly 1 feet across the sides., yurther back is a long dorsal skin, extending for 'at least 12 or 13 Beet;, 5 feet high in front, tapering - t o kfook.'.The tail is more of a Bette ed. termina tion to the body than i arkything-lse. he eyes are very , small in propor -03 i and elongated, gid gills of the len _ li of 2-i• feet he ind. There are no external ears, and as Dr. Camp bell did it t wisithe animal handled till be com nrditated,With some eixti - r4lt neat scienti ' gentlemen; Ire could not awe to; r there vmre teeth or not. -(1 ;"exci meat .is created,' and the c,iuntry . le are Sicking t isi, In to view :it. . i TIC :morning; - Mr. . Duncan Clerk', writqr; took Paw* sion,oftbe monster, in the rights or r. mlitireo; Of Apply, and Mr.Jitiiicii NlOl, - wrlter;.`in the . . thane Or the: prwo—okivow Boot - ' OEM r eing _ _ir %. _ _Aires,,, otheis witit ligs aid , arms tore off.; The Ship yard is th*sgeil with relit tivennt the ; vietims, and it, presents 'S - disfresSing *HS. Thhi`is the first sucidotsince Roar too ` the yard. and-. he bas ban ed some forty vessels: ~ -- , 1 --"- ' "\ • ' Cuanza, *ay 22.-:—The istunber deisdis seven. /In addition' tothose already repoilied, 3. J. Crew was in , stsintly- kill 0, and George O. Woli' and Barnl L Cannontilied at eleven. Thicepeonti_sete wouided; bit will PrOstdl" mover._ • The killtici and wounded were work men / inipsged -in : knocking blockn,, fronyunder the keel. The scene dur ing'the time the : ship was . going off was heatt-rending, men being seen istruggiing ti) 'escape, whilis the huge blockik rolled by the ship; crushed them to st,j lly. No assist:nice could possibly be rendered. Flags sin at half-mast t roughout 'the town and ;, work at the shophaset4cpped- I!John Roxiche has ordered money furnished the families '.of the victims. John Faundation, who, had entire ch. rge,Of the launch, makes thefol lowiligt;atement: I found the ship ready be moved, and called for all c a t 6 hands t o , et out from nnder, before I common cutting loose . The men who. wore . d Trn , after the blocking evidently dM bot-hear the order, or did not - obey,,hey had full five minutes to get out. \ I remained un der, which is frequently the case, to attend to the forward \ pocking." Car.srza, -Pa., May '22. ---All the \ ;pen who were under the Saratoga previous to launching her, 11 ve been accounted 'for. No additional Ba ths have occurred of those injured, Ird the limit of the number killed ma be set at seven. ' An inquest will b.. held to-morrow. . / THE DEATH OF MISS 0111130 ii / \ MERMAN, MI88:, May .—Miss Cernelia Chisolm, who w wounded • , in the Kemper affray, d' d to•clay . of gangieue of the arm ulting from lack of prompt sur ' lattention. Miss Chiacilm w Wounded in the defense of het fa her,.Judge Chisolm; on Sunday, the] 9th of April. Her t.\ part in the e ft of.that bloodY day was of \ an heroic haracter. Judge/ Chisolm was taken the jail at De pi/ i I Salk, and six men 'we e placed n' n r guard over him.. Feang foul tiY,. his wife and daughter 'CorneliNwent n a p to t he jail with cl him.. His tighter. then discovered that the gu "s \ f the guards were' emptY, and that the re tectinn accorded to, her lather . w sham. " A ,large crowd of armed Men; abont 200 in number, had gathered outside the jail. - C,ornelia pretended . that she wishedto obtain food, and, passing out through the crowd, went i ome„'and co ncealed in • her dress a iLak of powde, ,i. some shot, arid utew ne , pera kir wadding.. Taking some pod in heiland she' returned to the jail, Carrying safely through the. crowt store\.of ammunition. When.. the , ail , was attacked the guitrds deserted and the family were leftridOne to.d ed. '' s. he Judge fought Wel , but would 'lave been killed Outrighthad not Cornelia between tliguns ~ of • the crowd and her- father. \She pushed the guns away with one hand while -hanging around her fathe e neek with the other, and siver 4l . l o ol Peat edly. The Judge was finally shot r7 in - 11 , places, however and fell,and Co nelia in the ' rain of bulle s fired at the-Judge received sabot in the hand and five in the leg, Even then, she had the' presence of mind to give out that her father was dead, and by this means influenced the crowd to go off, ' and :secured a chance to have tfig Judge earyied to his hcinse, where-his wounds could bedressed . and medi caLaid.given to him. She showed a coarage and devotion of . the niostox alteit type throughout the irhOliday, and it was due to her reckless indif ferenee to her 'own life alone that Judge' - Chisolm`" was not massacred On the' spot. He haa-since,died, how ever, and lloWllll3brave daughter fol lows him, . ' - ' ' LET*wrlov,,otrs, cowvoilmarrs. The dreary oil; Carnival has been and gone, and hundredii of FexTle today are exclaiming over It as as ebeat. If any came froth rile town to bei prea ent at thleezienstrely and gratalteusly advert, ,fraud, we . New Yorkers pray their patience. W e I do not think many residepte Mott much stoi ; ei ther In the screened Carniva4,t its father, if I may so designate COI. St. i u t still thef hopxl It might be something bead • • e mere a eitislng 64in proved to be. "With • except • n ofA few brewers' teams In the' mo •re pared - - them was not one which was not familiar • • ;Caw Yorker biedind born, as the City H i k' Or Trinity Chtirch. \ln spite of the morn ••;,-. .there was still hope for the evening, Whe 711. • rii*d bon bons thouldbisabstituted as • • unlti• • of allude warfare in place tradelni/ti cards.' . dietary biscuit... Alas wean° tune with all the paraphertudla of his exposed. to w , eta then, as if to mist ra,Oropergloom over the • emu then the lights t 004 84. that only now and then a glimpse ottla tinsel, the bellsaed the mask -should be vidble. Broeklyn; all Jersey City, and large delegat s Dorn other places, asslstekt and grained or • it. Any MMus It= couldn't make a better tree into* countrytown than that processloy ed Tueiiday night, Wouldn't get patronage ough to pay its bill poster. After t melancholy parade Came the still more IDs bell, too slow and stupid for anonyms , who there in force to enjoy, and toe - free and . easy or even ordinary respectability patrentie. hi • • prOmesl i tded with their bate on. Gilmore's d did Its it, but the conviction of 'a that-class Met was upon. them. They essayed a Modolled, some metalled It a s' Noodey-Sled"can can, and it sounded like the Dead Derain Said ; a polka re. called the melancholy howling of the dogewhi had just left them, and altogether the favorite 'band seemed tole undo, the inguenee of some malicious ; Dfakka who had a ,spite against the Carnival.. I don't belie*" another one will4ser be attempted In New York. l lf We ever , should' get up, an annual' poiri•wow, It will have to be done by, ourselves In a thoroughly Iltillhlarway, and not , he, a • worthless espy of some rarity Of the-Latin races. The Brat of May le the genuine New York taint satin which nearlyovery resident participates and brings all ids personal property out to add 'variety to the show ; any other attempt must prove a fall: The President, or as a greatnianY New -Trailers persist in calling him. Yr. Hayes. was la town. He cattiobn here Ant to ao i little junketing with the pond toes of the city from the Chamber ,of Com- Mice. ata anemia to indulge in s Utile. lirliste git ihitswith SOW a ear citizens. public Maras the uncovering of thestatoe of Vitt Greene Ealleck, the post. which bas - been place! in CM , tral Park. The ytnerabla post Bryant i , traduced tbe:President.'do facto, to the peciple, la apleaSant speech.- /111...14yes then presentedlthe statue, and Mayor Ely accepted it.. d'pom by. Whittier,. the 4.twerinan ;wet hiniesic;isto antiviruses upon sill osesoko4, vas nevatadoilles itdet , 111 r. Saha °IOWA** PoetHanso, k ihe ineldb heel" • of th e PPP* maw* Wag the Peet Cods the illdliaa! ,B NothborloWear "Ate:opting tvciotb, CNN fisw Tot* May 18th, 1877. 1 EMI imistUng INKIKII64: A-4113, 11:Et - - . ... acareelY be , reverted , ~.......- aka.. eldielied Apoilderldoeoon. `li potent font„ablbet iffithilittedlttuntsibmifroessearOy ether Way, that the seeders masculine dress lent ; !SIDS tif, WOW, Of at all &Made. The Sanaa' ti& li Itestiesst, -as welort:: to the President, Sid Parched,, ,y, as they' elways "do. As Setting esen,tt quite Probable th ey would each Want await *onto carry th eir „vats,. black. their baits, *ad dai other odd jobs, but for Me' Weather MarchlngthOldi'lnnt darlings aFe iir ' I After a Period'of six *door bindaelit inactivitY, Dr.,llenty T,llemboki Me jffapoidoit. edri,Miaer) WW II , °ln"! 01144 to IS kagg ileal ' Onlil,, Vilth his I wane Lusted wffitatin,":4ll de prime, bf life (44) 1 with all his i!ito; unimpaired;as eigorons and hint m over, though smart in ig 'under mull , _ dies persecution, the Iktetor tuts again set his fae tory in motion and is priirdred to. supply the world with hts Illeithring prepartitiorl•'- Ho bat mused* ' tad with him his tie . ::Old and. tinsted..numietters. Ilfessit. Ifeareep,iinl le weiti . tdartiotej tut issued to his old Mende of the press he Wye * that in order to make asearanes doubly Wire, I hate toads a Cont i pate change in therwrappets and labels of my rem; edicts; whith jail be - maasfaetered in faun under y hnmediate supertition. "These wrappers *hi be .. , led In carmine Ink all others are spitriouS,.ar 'miseries titbit my name Alin be held amilis 9 to the \ l7. I ask my frinds, the friends- ot • the Unitedtatiis, to mist APO' itt my. undertaking. With yourdroperation my vi . ctory Isi,t foregone cenelusion.\ ' - _. ' • : , The last storyr a 7m itorth, tho' than mililsei, Is O llie e ff ect that lady whose,rabe;s* mot'- stun= eluntlY suit per, wanted to tiier:: if It couldn't be made ellittlOinere epidernibkihe: - . "I can do tiothing moil, e, unless', !heare r— is is to be gummed on you."\ i , .;., ' . •' \, A. hint to Your houseAtteP rle rearlirs. An enik• nerd French autllcaltY statesthlt , otioelghth ,borax added to stitch will give 'thin to linen. It will do no harm to try, , at all erentirilted colt‘ 'produce profanity. : ' . ' • ' • , WAIIIIINGTOtr, D. C., MayiTt . ' 1877. The spin hater to Washington, does not4iter golog caret ly ththugh the public h Ildlogs\and &troth:4,on, ur finest' avenues,: (th substahce \ ot most vlsitorly work ), gO away wit an • estimate-4\ public b • intpresslOn, 'a lingering re mbranco—of tk city such , as W•ti like to have .pt is place we visit. That Is,.he has neglented Undone source et ailpth 7 ela, which. t im appreclatile person, is moat re plate with a loymentedestrian trip too ar sub urbs. Ills tmeis ge rally is en op , Willi hurry ing f rein building t hollding.•'examini4. various ru imprOveculi:th progress, dodging /around for pagan" glio*se of th e Presidentandiauth oiSclals as may bolu ocity, making anft*ntances from. whom be s a tolerable anion - tit/Of bliorteatlee respectin Congreisiaad Its win / kings, for eve r y one he is aparliamentarian) /and then lul goe 'mu! lal the Idea that he haaSeen all therO Is to :be ala and about Was legion. Someheir, or o e te di n too, he gets the imp stiouthat"the Capitol. leveed from the eastern kls a - Structurept vast area, squally appsaratice, and saiuouniect lry a (Hs iircipirtlonste mass called a dome. A ride or two be,may take, to Arlington. where he hasnue clews; to the Soldierly Rome, with which he 1a: or should be enchanted. . . •,/. - , ... , .. , But nbtonly eie visitors earelesa of tie pleasure to be dent. 'l' m twilistrLen trips to . the suburbs of our city, b tWestungtonissatisaisth, with very few, esceptions, u It iii de justice to the n I C \ 'natter. True, inelleatton must precede an appre clationctither:Walte; andto thoie lacking the in clined It is,leleas Iskspeak. -,. - • iteccently the desnabilla constitution for mere-, / ~. . . Wen leitinwts . me my a nal \ spring Walks, and • tint well knqwei pound hazy \teed rune over -and' /ralpsitSWlthin the pest two)ireeke, i I Leaving the\city by- the rolat:ii gockslitallrnad, a leisurely tramp of an hour brings to Brooks' Station, three nsileisett. Striking, In :a country mad, leading - lathe west we ;dough chee tly alert breathing the fresh, nui”lr, which inapt s into 1 us new Ilfe, : and Isveifnewend thou shying/oar hat Into space from pure eshillradon. A few nilnutes , Walk, and we are near I the - Glenwood €,enseter Here, just off the read, We stoop'end drink of . the 1 coolest water in the-District, a berrelsprlng. Then proceeding Westward„, it little farther through roll ing meitilows. we ~reach, a piece bt rising ground \ froniwhich a glorlopa view of the Capitol Is to be had.. sow, standing on this eminenee, WTI a three-quarters view of that noble , structure befor hins,hat. man most have a st ra nge task inilel, who thinks it squiity, dtsproportionate, or topped by an ImPenderable mass of a dome. • At each sue cesalve view \ We are impressedmore and more , with, its grandeur- \Look at It froth whatever point you will, so that pisinl\l t ss et a 'considerable distance, you cannot bitt b9 s ruck with Its symmetry:. It is only when one stand's immediately beneath Is walls, and reallzesithe incomplete stato,or the eest tral portion that one thiniathere Is a disproportion between dome and base.. , From this mound we move on e few more rods, entering high pasture fields; arid as the 1*..51 rays of the declining Sun shine rosily . areu.i4us, we walk .. . • , silently through the gleaming ; the veS‘per sparrows \ - 'rise from beneath our icet, tittering theirfaibt and \ - 1 skeet protest, and the far-away. boil-like notcs' \ of the wood thrush strike the ear like a happy . , branee of the by-gone days. Other voices of Mb 'JO:Bight comlngle In it‘ 'bannonl: These upland meadows appear; to be a favorite resort of the vesper birds, and we always linger a short half hour to listen to their low chid. lug notes as they dispose themselves to rest.. An effect. which in its-character is altogether . 'aubdaed attends these birds. So small, so, short or ilight, so fegille.of voice—they form a wee 2 link in thelealthelogical chain, tonimedovrn and 'leading fls toontented with larger and' harsher fOrma of birdlifx . . ', Again, w<are the city toward the northwest,. stopping on 71 ) ,tridian hill fora glance over the city, Arlington, the tire rivepi that eye-sete- l a Trait.. meat of a monumenkto the. immortal Washington; —and'above all, - thal` i *gratil old . pile, the Capitol ? whieh, from this point;ds seen in a specially favor- . able light. Rock. Creelt),\thon reached: It is well' named; rocks hinuMerahle adorn its bzo,3 and MI \ ter its bed, .- • . N, , ' 11 • ' Adhimrs , walk in the, iicinitii i re stream pre. seats to one every varlety:of. tope ‘ 'TMeal feature; consequently the flora and art faun as varied 'as in Mani more extensive districts. 7 I is not un -1/41 usoal,to ceont thirty or forty species offb s dar ae tog walk, while the flowers seem withi" ' Jinni, ber. Sogie of the most romantic, spots ituagth We are to be found along the banks of this. creek, anti thither wend their way on the **Scorching days oP summer tdc-nic parties. , .. \ ' • ' ~,ATialle or so up stream, thee is fa gimp bend arming an acute angle. The area of 'this triangle' is of a rich mould covered by luxuriant, growths oft swamp grais sitdmildflOwers, with an occasional'• tulip tree rearing Its thaPisly form in -the sunlight; while the apex Is an abrupt rocky bank. of 'a hun dred ftetin height, don which dashes a lively lit. tle cascade; . The creek la about forty feet in width here.• Pieta' the verge of the southern hank there has fallen a' giant magnolia—undermined by the wat4--aexces the 'stream, Its top resting in .the spray of the ilvtlet coursing down the stream." Up the sinooth, clean trunk of this grand old tree one may!crand, and reatingsecurtily among its branch es within a fesi fmtof the splashing, water,' a fa vorite volume In hand, the"blisteriagleat of a mid scimitar's day may be inocked \ at. .'. " • • Returning to the city by wafer Georgetown, we pass the Oak RID Cemeter*Y . 'T.,a'delightful cord and shady retreat. A walk to the ruins of ,Port Bun ker, noitheast:of the citY,ls alai'. fall of interest. From the summit of these earthworks a fine vie* o the Capitol demands the attention, first.. The to a a great resort.ef_thelitUe gray rabbits, here, . wing the fail and early winter, score sable h > tamer' may be seen' poking round withah tiqtuited >kets. - I have seen one of these gun. : ners" fire at d miss a rabbit in," form," when the muzzle of his . i% ' et was only three or four feet distant ;neverthe . . rabbits are a drug In the =T heta: - ..- r • i r ., •', ~ The visitor should n t failto goto the President's grenade' on a Saturday afternoon. The marine 'band playa for andloor and half on that day ; and' Washington may then be see afa promenade; for everybody gdes to ,the "must " ,The President . and• family occupy the soothe portico of the White : Reese ; all grades of society,7 l\ m diplomat to iteeroteui.; all sexes and ages, fronit, tint oldest member.'of the eldest inhabitant's secie to. that t, iltzdanlinate ttatttantty In baby carriage a tended by ditsk,y nurse, areall there. The.uutrine dis composed of slaty istrforniers, and' ranks c > >tit third among the great bands ofxhe country. Aa specimen of*"the. music to \ which 'we aril treated eaep, week, I= give the', following . recently played programme t 1. Nitional ales.: 'I. Ccirenktion March; fromtt f tpFrophet.lfyerbeer 8, Overture' Carl Booth 1: 'Fantasia, from Lacreee Borgia " Doulzetti - t.. Watts. Tour du Monde Metra & Lorelei, (Song) Joseph 'Nesvadba 7. Turkish. March • 't - Mozart 8. Medley, Peace Jubilee F Boyer V. Selections Irons Opera L'A.friCiaa..3leyeriseer 10. 'National ids& 1 havp said little. concerning Washingtonians., Trod. Douglass has accomplished a good' deal in that; line - In his Baltimore , lecture. People hero thin& he waaspeciall7 unforiunate in his choice of descrlptive expiewdons, and from present Indies .tions'his place Is likely to be the price pf his •alleg ed ingratitude. ! lie says the lecture delivered In fialihnore was tfie same that he read" to a Washing ton audience two years net, admits everything ro. ported by • the liantmore 'pipers, but thluki it: 'strange that such a rnmpastshould be trollied by n t. teritees iihl h attracted little atteistion at the tine of their Ant delivery. Evidently helsills to tom prebefid the altietenee In the tet4tlen that It t. • ' : •.; , ;,..•, - -os-m•A6i- . l"pyripri , -74 111118eiliery intrasereits eiehatigesiire filled with recounts:of asost 14.0*.egicte,iug:. Ph 9Ausx woxpru - ..“, it Is said to be the Itteldrit TitOlzfr. 7114,1***A it!thirliklorumviu old r . , " cos! ticuy to the step, and mating the Invalid hearty, eetiageons anthstrong. It cares** dtseases the: laver &NOW* pdni , is And *toe; :iServrai. sail. Alt Bided Dtsiales; titres Servals preetiailast and Meats= of *ter 80 4 7ests oll2 o*'" 4 . to the whole system,. Reid the tetanal's' tares t NoarfAX IIuUT; - ebediCorners, L Y. l woielAr ful cure of dyspepsia Ind Lehi dbeeee.- Mrs. Z. A. While, 13hedii Conieeil, ^H;N.,4, tent* Scrofula and Kidney Disease; pitted 4 0 ponds..:... • A. U. Ilatir:ax, 'Saratoga, says Hist "Medical Wonder" gave . him health, strength's:ld appetite, AtnErir Taucsnazit; Tuncook, it:' H., Icat low: *winds; aupf•iabd .ta be la .n'onetittitlorii ' Prof, H. A: Hitson, llgatogii,. X: - Y,. ertelelY known Aeirrincipal of- one of our leading Institie; Hone of learning, says that his wile has used the : "ace.o4sl Wooder",.for i complication of dlseases wash the Most happy effect. No other remedyever touched the case like It:, _ - . - ~ Out !Luxe's, Oneida, cur . terrible catarrh. 44 ELIZABICIU W?oD,'Sheds Co: N. Y., ovarian tumor and dropsy. reduced )3 luches'arcitind body. Mrs. 1., S. Arletitton, Millsboro, N. ti., spinal disease- / ' • Dr. A. Dacron, M 'DM, N.Y.:. slater In bed 'tiro years with femnlo 'end hem= diseases; cured. -- Mr. C. P. OauVAY, C0rm0rd,.2 4 4 11., cot:Angel to bed With re ' ei and kidney disease; eared. . 2. , No 'space for ,000 other cures. _ . ' • - -.)Lak your rugglat for 6 . Medical Wander," and be cureit. / Pepared by: Dr. gias lc CO., liana-op,- IC y. . - z , Por/ale In Towanda. by Dr. - H.D. 'POrmiti; who t4sale, by ogNicr intii AN k CoWN. 'Y. , - A LIST.. AND .CLASSIFICA tibtii of Persons engaged In the sale of Goods. Wares and 3rerOlandlse in the COnnty of Bradford for 1877 , . , . ... -. • . .' - C/asa. LleenSe... . . , . , A • ALTIHOIIO'-0 F Young,: . . 14 . •r 00 c,eorge\Wehh, _ • 'l4 400 .. ALBANY TWP-r-F.F bochFan, - .12 . 12.50 • 3 T liestett ' . • • 34 700 \ ' ti LI Sterigefe & Co. , 12 - 12 50 AHYLHSI. TWP 7-13 Moody-A/30n. 13 10 50 Al )ENS TWP—Ansou Beldellnati,'l4 " , 700 ' Jil Vandoson &,C s oz . s, 4 . . 14 -. 7 00. .. ' French & Hulse; •.. ` 14 ' 700 H Whealloc, -• • 14 : -7 too . - Wm'Coiy. . ..' .. ,34 . - 700 .ATIIENS 110110:—C S Drake, 74' '7'oo • ; J L Corbin, .• . .. ~11. - l5 00 ~. W ()Thurston, ‘ . ' ' .• 'l4 ' 100 ' • .311tehelIABKos',' , . • -14 ,'. 700 .' Nl' Cha e.„ ' l4 • . 7400 John c arroll, • , . '. - • 14 --• 700 ,' . Wolcott & Hohl, ,' • l2: 10.00 - ;.• lgalah latter, N; . : ' ; , 14 - 700 .-, • II 1 Grailke & C -• .' .• . 14. : '7 00 ..,, . , Chas II 51,L05e, - • " , ,• 14 .• 700 .- .: GT. Eastabrool4 -. • la . .., • 10 . 00 • ; 'Fitch & KlnneY, 11 . .15 00. • " ' Frank V Hull, . . . 14 ' = -700 • • 'F T rage, , • • ''l3: .• 10 00, Joseph Hine, ' • ' 14 .• 700 ' , A'A Kinner,' ' . ' * \ll_ .15 00 . , ' 7) L•l'ark, ' •• :11 . ',-.15 00 , .., • , I , II ,Lyon, - . - .11..1in Carroll, • . , ' *.14 ' 700 - • -:•., KclOgg St Maurice, I • 14 - . • 7.00,. It Wilaston, - '.• • - 14 - .7. ~, - 11 A KM. y . • . T 4 • 00 BARCLAY TlA'l"=-R A Abbott,'. 2 • ' 00 ',I W Thompsoni Agene,... ' .. 4 ' , ,110 . 1., - - Ilititehininul & Levi. • •: • ' •14 7 Cti .BURLINGTON Twr —St Knapp,. 14' •7( i WEST—Sh r yloe &Monster. 'l4, .' . 7.00 . ',. ~ 11(H10.--WII'D Greer!, : :13 . '. 10 00 E A FAerett, 'l4 7 00 P Tracy. 14 .7 COLUMBIA TWP—C II Garnett, 14 'OO C Meeleftnd, , 14 t , 700 Gee M Carrick, „ 14 700 Strait & Iflbbard, 11 15 00 P Wortentlyke,\ 14 7 00 Jetty Ryan, 14 7 00 Reman & Collot.y, \ 14 7 00. Idnurhe.l & Stew - art. 11 7 00 CANTON TWP--Inhn It Wright, 14 700 R Burnham. 14 7.00 CANTON ItoltCr—Kilmer & 'Moody, 13 10 no 4, II Estelle, 13 10 00 E Nessmon. 14 7'oo Mix & Whitman, •14 700 :111 M Trout, li; 700 Craniner, 14 7 00. *pierce. Trip & Pierce, 12 12 SO 1 1-^ 1 1 '. 21 " 50 4 Bra ir White, 14. 700 Jm, Benny, 14 7 00 ' Stone, - 14 700 W Owen & eon, 33 10 00 lanly & Crippen, 13 10 00 Ill \ W Clark, 14 700 ke'.Thomasmas & Co, 14 7 00 A BeTre,, • 14 7 00 Coons `& Brain°,l4 7,00 White &\Sinclair, 12 12 SO S Strait.. 13 JO 00 XILANKLIN TWP—L•It Lantz, 14 7bo 113! Walter.\ 13 10 00 GRA,NVILLE T—Taylpra Manville, 12 12 50 \3 T Riggs: `l. 14 7 00 HEBEI( h. TM , P—Geo A\Lent, 14 7 00 .1 , / Anderson. 13 10 00 LITCIIFIEI.I/ T—Win Arm ng, 14 700 \ Gen 'W Lantz, 12 12 50 LEROY TWP—II A Holcomb, 14 7 00 Hugh 31.41alcomb, 14. 7 00 H C 1) olimmb. 14 700 LEUAYSVILLE 11-6, W Gorey, • 2 12 50 L L Bosworth, 1 7 - 00 IV F Rabbit's, 14 7 00 R G Baley, 13 10 . 00 .1 Bensley, „ 14 700 (:ray & Lyon,, 13 000 Gorham & Coleman, 13 1!,1\'Clo G Sr Johnson, 14 00 \ P Carl. 14 700 P Blackman, 14 7 00 A Sa Baldwin. • lO 00 MONRCEirwr—Wartl Haines, 1-I 700 J T Cahill, 14 7 05 .1 AV Irvin. 13 10 00 dONROE 110110.•—Fowler dt Irvin, 14 7CO lib ( In i e l :a '1 1 1 :11 1. & CO, 141 ;0 ( 0 ) 0 0 .1\ Philo Mingos, 14 7 Ott \.l/ C Tracy,. 34 • 00 JAI. Summers, 12 12 53 ' . • A I....,Cranmer. . 13 10 00 ..ORWELL L Pendleton; 11. 15 00 .1 P COhnrn. • .13 10_00 Penilteton Bros', l3 10 00 ' Potter *Hoolittie, ~14; • 700 E Y Boardman. ' , 14- 7.00 OVERTON—John Coleman, 14 7 00. F Heietterner&Mosbacher, •14 • 7no • P Osthans &Co.,\ 13 . 10'00 ,PIHE TWPW C.& A.l3\l3nrrowit,--.; 12 12,50 Esterson &Stephens, 14 7.00. ; 11 A 'toss &Co, \ 13,7_ 10 CO ' ti•N Hanky. • . • ....14 • .. 700 35 Thomas & Bias`. ."\ 13 • 10 00 - RIDG BB RY .TWP—Craig & Triton.' 13 . 10- ee H C Erans, • " \l3 10.00 .1 C Robinson, - . 10 00 G 31. Owens, . . .14: \ • 700 It L 31eA'ee, .. 14 4, i 7 .00 11031E'BORW—Geo Xlcholls, 14 \ .7 00 .1 Whitaker, . 14\ 00 3i L 31ayoard, • 'l4 ' 00 1' T Maryott, • 14 7\oo .E 31 Frost. • 'l4 ''7 00 ROME TWP—Eugene Lent. , 14 SPRINGFIELD—OD Gatos, 14. ' ;.7 00 • W F Daly, • .34 • 700 FII 31attocks, • 14 . 7' . 00 31 S Harkins, . • 14' 700 • N-S Watson, • 14 r ..7 00 D E I.eonattl, 114 700 •MITHFIELD—M,BuIIoet.k Son, 14 1:0o - W F. Voorhis, • 13 'lO.OO • • • • • : C Inglis, 19 Ileeby (irould,' • 14 . NBlakesly & Philips, . . 14 -XS Tracy.& . • 13 SOUTH (41EEIC—H E. C 1430, 14 Ge(kp , Turk, t. 14 - Dyer Pitt. • 'l4 .SY ‘ LVANIA- 1 -V it E . 14 11 P:Sni 11, 14 SHESIIEQUIN-411rdsey Watkins, 14 Osborn & BlNlten 14 STANDING STONES7II-W Tracy, 14 E.Busll,- • 13 •T F EspY,\ •-. 'l4 TUSCARORA—A J.-Sileari.,;, I 11 ' _ • • If A:Stuith. 14. TROY TWP,—J It Dexter, .14 Shallot' & Wooster. 13" TERRY —liver & Drummond. 14 TROY 110110*—E C - Leonard, • • 14 • Reddluston & Leonard, , . ' Jewell £ ronieray, , . Stewart. Bros', ' 14 • J 11•Grant.°, . 14 Axtell, .• 14 -0 F 3,71e1e,. - • 14 Grohs & Lee, ' • • 13. DAewyraCOon„ : - . 14 • E C-Oliver & Son • 'l4 - Dobhins•& Johns on, , Bohan - A.l'olton', .2' • , . • Davisana.3.leCabo, l 4. • .11 P Long. - r.. • , 11 S. Wi Elgbmy , - • •ig: .io John N Wolfe, '•• 4. :•14 Wie •• • 12.. raniihii - A Loomis, • 12 - Whitaker, Long &CO, *, - 9 • Bradley, , • ' ow bury, Peek & to,\_•,t. • . I A riereo & San, \ 14 ~ /1 11$itehell, • • 13 F W 1/over. '=• , 14 • Davlson4'3leCahein.',:--,. 7. • 1- AS TOWANDA BOIZO'. + C . S Cortiwoli t 111 C T Kirby, • • ° \; „ II T June •.: . ' • • • 0 D Widths*, ' s '?„l4 , Aortoo, ° 13 A S n Mcdonald. • - 14.. J O Frosts' Sons,- 8 Dl Bee 4 4:?, • • / 3 •-' :Beeler 8 49 r0s , • • • 13 • Dayton. - ' • • 13 311 E B scuftcld, , • -1••• .11 FROM EZMM Kolabsti - Aid TM, Dcideasit r .tis etintr, ban toirsehhigtoo sad (ts teriPlgrill. both. ROOM= and 'orng z blak irltts a" Tame* VINO" Tang!. pianos. ~u 4, NlNsurerat, sadcmief Douglaal 11 7 ine** the reteßobifi tre the nisi* will 1114 It Ss Legal. A Ennis, -‘,...- C S J Davis, 0 . .4, Ageßt. . . , ER , 114 it Too , .14 - 1 700 0 v arier; tr • 14 .700 • 'V PIS 14. 7 00 AL: Cosier,. l2 7 00 .w. W A Cl It uiesblol24 '.,. : -1 3 10 4% eltehee; :"U 100 TNTLlZtamonly_ 214. .• .700 Whitcorahlkegialt.... -10 oo Parlor; 'l4 7 M. 0 it-Olart,: = 5. u 30 0W 11e040./kCIS" - , •- • - 10 '2O 00 Oto'L Thaw - 11 •'l2 to 7 . Mnif"T. • 14 709 J Mather, = • 14 700 r:431:43 7 4 '• • • 114...7 co ; C S liefgreeN • - 10 oo • M Olmstead,: . 14 700 • - • A Walkika4_ - =. - ..14 7to ':'-:'Hairy; BoctensC; ••l4 7 Go A Wattles. -• 14 700 WELBruir*.t.l ingbam, --33 • - to Go • , • Dorton Tare% . 11 A 35 •411fOlirk. - '" 14, 704 ; 03044414 & 01 ; 4,0% 13 - '42 00 v IlMesetsi- • 14, • 709 -WilLlosll—legetsol I Hnisted. - 2 13, so 0 0 WYBOX-413313b IhParir,r- • 9 ta oo Dank Meehan, 14 7 oo . ' C Bartlett. - 14 7 oo' WMIAM-.W HBesselij ;. 14 • 700 . &dilate.= &CM 14 700 ' WABBEN—W &Bostwick, • ' 14 700 •.. ~.J D Kinney, ' • 12 12 -.4,1fC= . 1 - - "1260 r • 7 no - 1ACTALU1111:11-1 riChsiabeillo,.. 14 - 7Go . HS. ACtier B ro', • , 11 15 Go ; - Lewis & Orowe, - . . . 12 12 so s . 0 34 - (0 3t.eune,- - • - 14 • 700 " Achim IX 1 Blocher; 12 . • li Me' . to -2, to •\,a- Nathan D Brown, 14 700 C t 3 Lafferty, •12 40 \Avec I Brown:' '. 14 . 7 f.)O .P Bosworth Co. ‘. - co Alba. of persons engaged In the sale of Patent Medicines County of Bradford ha' tho year 1877: Class : Licens.?.- ME EMI .a.TRTNS BOTF—W O' Thurston ./ \ 4 300 ' Joseph H ines. ' - , 10 oo cANTolti 110R0--*lx & Whitman, . s oo • $W Clark. . • . • 4 500 ORASTILLE,-Taylor & 'Manville -. 4 • 0' (xi 'LLTIAYSVII.LE ROIRtF—JO Ben:ley,3 1,0 oo L P .Bia , kman. ' 4 b.OO MONROE BORtr—Fowler & Intl?". • 4 5 84 ROME Boll.o*--Elt Frost.' - • ' 4 oos TOWARD& 110R0•-0 T r Rigby. - a .lo oo- \, C Porleric 3 • ' `Jo te • Turner & Gordon, . . '3 10 (,) Clark . 11 Porter. • 11 to 00 TROT 80120 - -Stewart &Ansa •, 3 lo - • . A R Axton. - -' 0.00 - Wit Stimbell. • - i. . • •; , -.- '3 • 10 00 WTAL.USINO—J . •y . 10 is) , . . A list and classification „gf_pertions engaged in running Billiard Tables and Bowling Alleys in tho County of Bra3lord for Hint • - , Alleys.Tables.Lieense: - ATHENS lidito"•!-C H Spaulding. 2 • 40 oo CANTON TWP—Peter 11erdle, -2 ' 40 00 • Peter Herdic. - 1 oo CANTON 110110=-IV N Gleekner." 3 40 ( TOWANDA 11OHO',-0 11 P Disbrow, 1 30 to 3 Butler, • t 2 • . 40 td ' , Geo Ennis. • - i 3 20 to A !Ist of persons running Breweries in the Cow:. ty of BradtorAl f9r 7877 4 . • Class. ;license. • AT.llth - S 80110 4 .-4 k Gillett. - Y . Ain TOW4BiDA.I3OItO*.. A Loder. 2 SO co the.,A list,of Bankers in he County of Bradford for e year 1877 ' . Class. Liceal:e. ' Atnisti, isciito•—N Harris: 9 25 - 0 o - TROY BORO'—Pomeroy. Bros'. t 7 1 ; 25, 00 -, .CA N TON HOMY—Doane, Clark & C 0.9 ,' '2O no .WYALIPSIN - , -11 M Bixby. - • 9 . 21 oo ATHKNS - TllKirby. - - 9. ' 2 5 00 - r. l —S A. List of re nitip ed in keeping Hotels, and selling vinous And spit' us liquors lu the County ' igad \lo . of Bradford, for 1577 :. ~ , ' ~,... Class. License. / ATHENS TUT—Henry Meg :10y,, .5 .no Pn . I , Samudl It Briggs. 4. ,- : 5, , 010 ATHENS BORO , ,—Geo $0 L Jordan, 5' 57 LO . 1).31 Sinsatitingb. . -{. 5. - 50 to .• ALBANY TWP—P Wilcox, , - 5 / no 00 W JWilgus.. f . . ,' -• 5 . .3.) co . - C ANTON TlVrt—Poter Herdic: 5/54 00 .. CANTON 130110• John Irvin. S, ' 50 CO . . , 5" 50 00 . - —Sas F Fox. OOLllMBlA—Warren,Smtth, " ' ..,,,5 2 .51 c.) \ - • J P Strong ... : . ,/ 5 50 co LEROY TWP—C.D Holcomb. . 5 50 no MON ROE VW P. — l 1 S Holland. • 5 •50 00 MONROE'BORO"—OruaI Kellogg. .5' "SO oo SILYANIA. BORo*—HiCunningham. 5 ' • 50 ()) 80 UTIICREEFC-4.3e0 Suffern/ 5 .. 50 Co StiF.SHIN4I.II.N-41nes 4 Rosecrans. 5 - no oo ,SPRINGFIELD—Joseph Causer, 5. 50 no , TROY .1301.:O '=G F Vlele. ' -.- . 5 50 CO TOWANDAJtoIttIe--john Std Bram 5 - .90 00 ' -, JohOldUcice, .%. •' . 5 341, 00 . IV . .. ritCber, /' ' ' '.. 5• - r'. no - P. B:Suillvon,, / - 5 50 - 1.0 ... . . - ,•01 , 4 ': .. O lllOlsbrO,., , • ' 5 so IL caton: \ • 5 , 50 nn /WlicHenry, - - •,. 5- 30 (0 • TII Jordan,-• ' 4 „too to Henry Xpblek, . -so or ) -• J C •5 is ULSTERIt A Forrest, \ 5 • .54 00 M Douglass S 50 to Daniel Grown.. , i 5 So eo ' .5 'to 64 - , WYSoX—llartlett Bros', A :So oo • Jabez rfauglierty• - • So to IV YA L G--A R „Mathews. ' 5 . sft to O'YEHTON TWP--Jantes4 Hannon.. 59 oo HHADFOED COUNTY,-S,S: N I,'SABI.NAttEii, 3fiercantile Appraiser of id C ounty, do ItUreby certify that the foregoing list bl• correct, ati made., hy meat the time of making my` alercautile Atiniscnient in—and ter said Councy, , for the year 1e77„ \ . • - SABIN A LI,EN, Towanda, day 13, 1877. Xercantile -Appraiser,' ... . OCOURT SALE.-1;y virtue of an order Issued out of the - Orphans' -Court of. Bradford County, \the underssgned. Ad ministrator of - of Olive Blanding, dse'd., late of Orwell Twp.. said county. will expos* , to public sale on the premises, on TFIURSDAY, MAY 31st.- 3677,..iminmeneing at 1-teclock, P. 31.. the following described teal estate ' Beginning at the sunhwest turner by lands of A. G. ]Math- es : • thence -north 6134°‘ easPlos . perches . to a beast,; thence 'Mit h 12,,ii 0 west 6 3.10 per by lands of `,:i•l -beit Conklin; - to post and stones; .thence, north 81,36 0 east 90 per by said Conklin to a post and stonb t. ihenes north 40140 east by land of said Conklin GI 3-.lo.per 'to a post and 'stones; thence south 81S 0 west by John Snell and D. 0. Patton. 222 per to lands of A. (.'Mathews ; thence tooth •••• 12% 0 east by- lands of said Mathews 48 per to a• post the place of - beginning containing 3dacres and 23 perches of land,, with an allowance if .sit. per,cent., more or less. _Reserving and excepting from\ST: al'ove tile, .; (l following described lotegit.. uing the southeast cornerof lands of D. C. Pat; ton t center of the highway; thence south west tt•per along center of said highway thenes north 71:q west by land of Olive Blanding 15 pt.; to a alike and stoue ; thence , north - 17X.ct east per to a.stake and stones thence north se eat.elty land of I the - saiA \ -D. C. Patton -17 4.10 per to m s place of ibeginnlngi containing. 2 acres; more or ices, as, deeded- tollarriot Blanding May I, Ks ; recorded In deed boo Yo. 127 4 Inge 300. TF1C3111. 7 430 to be 'Todd on the prigety' Iry ing struck . down, #2OO oh Confirmation , andt te balance In one and two years wlth`interest. • - WOODRUFF. 'Stay 10, - • - Administrator. DMINISTRAIOR‘'S NOTiCE . ss...l,sidtlee_le hereby given thatall persons In debted to the- estate of Geo. W. Kellogg, tale. Blimroe tivp. dec d , must make Inimelltaie payment to the undersigned, and .3il:porsouts having clam ls,gainstsild estate Mutt present them, slutpasttheis ticated,for settlement: • N , BENJAMIN HAYTHORNEsi x , Apill 19, Administrator. • nISSOLVTION—The co-partner : ` 1p beretotore oxistlng berweer, [be - under- Mimed" •dolog business under the firth name et 1111 - ebnet Rouso s Son, eat been SI +Allred by muto4l consent. •.• MICHAEL ROUSE; Albany, May ti, 1877. THOS.-ROUSE. N • CtICE----Wher6as my *ire Han .- • . ash lisfilft my'bedanil board - without just Caine or Pr (4o e4tlOn• I. hereby forbid all perrmi" harboring' er troMtng her on my neeount as I shall payee - debts otheeontractlng after thin date. Towanda, May 3 ft; MIL, IL 11ESEDICT., • CA,RPENTERS • WANTED TO take notice that sots &or my tools wire stolen from in'y shop.' I Alston' aw, 1 Draw Shave, mrillo by Mr. ti W. Meath, 1 Brass Oil Can, his AIJ of which have in name marked aeon them.. 4. S. 'CARET. Towanda; 'May 17;1877 7 oo - DUNN & CO. , Genral Pro - 'A.A. duce Commission Merchants, •istr and 4'2 Greenwich Street, Newyork. are prepared to rt colve conslgrtnients or buy for C 011 Butter, Fmts Cheese; Potatoes, AP lea Flour, Grain and Fruit s in season.l reference given when required, and all letters of inpulry Promptly attended to .Ized shipping tags furnished on application. , hew Yea, May 17, 1877-m6, • " ' • • • QHIPMAN'S DUPLICATING LETTER BOOK.--It Is always. ready, anil Can be used either In the field.- the hohse. or rail• road, or any place you may be and have tho with you, It enaldes you to keep a ropy of your correspondence at a trilling coot. NcibuolnOgs man can to without It. From one to ten copt••s made at one .writing; ' : pqn, pencil, int. brush, water or prism. Agents wanted. Call on or addresi'd: it. Kirtridge, TOwanda, Ps. hooks sale at the Bork Stine of Ws:Dorton:ln :Vero." Mock; Towanda. Also .at the Drug Store of Jo. seph.lllnes, Athens. ' - . tmayle'•7.) FOR .SALE..—.Two . Pony Tread. .. Powers, at - lo each :. I one-horse TreaAl Po= er, at f 75; Improved Horse, Hoes„ with or without thins, at 17; Corn Shelleri at r; Straw Cutter. at. ' 117. These are all new. of Blood & Co.'s manular.: tura, and much tmlnef usual prices. Alm: Points for all their make or Plows, . D.T. PAIlli• , Athens, l'a., May 0, 1577. • ' . ROCICh CA ''T BE- MADE BY `,..'", el ti 61. ' 1 7 kent'ever! Mon thin.the Inn I- .. tivs3 we furnish. but those wlllingto work can C3H 'DT earn a,dozeh 'dollars a day right tn their ev,n i ,localittes.. Hare no more- room to ekplain herr.;. Business plewent and honoMble. Women, t,o3s and girls do as well as men. We will furniA i r a a complete Outfit free. Tho business' - pay's Nit , r than 'anything else. ' We will bear, expetpe .ot . ' starting you. - ParticuLars free. Write and e. . Partners and meelantes. their sons and daughleir. , and•all came, in need or paying work at home. • , should write, to us and learn altabout the woi a 1 once. Now la the -.time. - Don't delay - Aildr , S TVA & CO.. A ugus t a, Ilsine. . .• janlls,": 7 , • ----- ENT LE MEN, FA Rik ItS A NI ) . jr . nortmr. liAt.tits, Or rtitAppliniviir , .. i- . 1 c '' AND VVI 1i X,IT.-...1 have made arranvit , r , ! , - with...L. T.lllrchard for hia Thorough-41nd nor,.. 1 • 13 . 13 10 00 10 00 10 00 ?o be it my BMW sod serve A Mulled nuniNr , t 341eis, toolfooneLlif SLAY tot. IC:. This 11.4 t • One of the threat 'sod bola brt4 this 44 , untri rilacP;''' tits relavve tatters ,thiough. said mares an Itogiiitt. -fs br1;1-Ua t 01 . 4210 0 8 7 iir. Nark pit.' llietclog is y ,V.? tall, and in oettoo rev' tY telly to be motii ,> be ttlntirvd. Ten • ' ' ' ' 1,. h. Ellt4lAittl:V. Aril4t. • - F TA.Vi313114. r - KLOUSE AND LOT Fbli, SA tauten toreneere from Atia.nritht ,4 % I titer my boons as let in Ni.rib.T.44-apds for aide itrenori. no property f• 31 Very 11 , .' airable MR. 11114 wilt he mad tm terry , o) 41 .• 111311111% 1110. T. CA Fit LP. :loth Towsidi April se 1477 ===M 11518 Om Advertisements: "DOCTOR LIVINOSIpN,•• ItiE