.71yittlfi;1.0 1400 •"Towanda, Fa., 'airplay, April 26,11377. W. CHAJIBERLIN . . Dealer In FINE JEWELRY, • • WATC,RES; • . - LVER AI Da PLATED WARE. _ TinivANDA, PA. 7 Ty.wapda,•.Tan, la, Ism '_,L.Or.AL AND GENERAL. !Eynnrm3D:sr should be present at the temperance meeting ilk jthe, Court jlou§e this evening. • •" • •Tnnss divinity students Were ordained to the ministry at the meeting oi - Presby- . lery :here last week. Tilt tuiyersaliq Sociable will `be held at the resideucd' of E. WALKER, Esq., Tuesday evening, April 31. SnELEY is,supplying his customers with all the aainties of the season, such as clams, frogs, trout, etc. Tuu:bul 3fontuse.N, who was taken in cliaige,by:t4, police ?t: New York last week, is a on of . 111TR - A - u*Ktonnts(;)N, or this place. , Ile left Morrie in February last. A rAtit`iir mules owned by 31cTx.rvitE IitSSEL4, : amused the people on Main. street oriLT,ttesday evening by .running away, wbile attached to a dray, loaded with 61r1 iron : e nd kra:p tin. _ Tun "cottattOneetings " which have been conduetet !luring the' Past winter . Infar the upper depot and in the vicinity 6t", the nail!itorks; by Hey. J. S. BEEns i will'he omitted during tho sutnmer f,Cg -4011.L ant: indated to our photographic artist 1. T i Ftstis.n, for some neatly ezi . ,clited likenesses of two orphan .children of the late P. P. ITLz.s.. Mr. F. has a f t • copies 'Of these . pietnres for sale to tip friends j 'Of Mt and 1 . ; • W(1 -' 4114 1 11 boys of the 'Mr Ward Ntart afe* ays since on a trip for the yntinger brother a one of the young travelers, gave information to his fathcr, who intercepted them by use of the teljgraph, at Milan, and had. them I , rofight back. • . _ll'3r. BNvn r y.l•., Esq., of Sheshetinin,.,has, ht.ndlY tentlered a connliodions new hall,_ 4.?nt free. 4o the Good Templars ofShe shojnin, s 4 long as they desire to occupy it. 31 - 11.-ti.vr certainly deserves a blue fil l hon, as well as devout thanks of the order. =MEI t. 4 Evrit.u., applications 'have recently been.made to the Mutual Building Asso ciation for the withdrawal of shares. ..' , ltat - es'itre worth something over Vq) for eadeention, aligf many of the members ATh.o hold freesliaili; . ‘ wisely prefer taking that amount to making a loan. . 'Vint Ifhst :National Bank - rakes smith •(in aiIW!I,:R.; Statement in to-day's It is'oatifying to those who daye not their means in business ventures to Lave the assurane:?, that the First ntioti al Is a perfectly safe dtpository for their surplus funds. ' . . S.rricE. 7 .l.l2,y,pel .on riesirin; help fur tense-elenning or temporary hoose-woilz k . ; 11 - 1 Y 4ind..4:an be il,•eornaloclated by ap-' .i. ply lag, to the membeus of the, Ladies' Be nevolent Society, or at the store ofd. W. .it.,,cr•r 6. - :•Co., where a list cf na . will l kit fur inspection. By crder.of L.B. . , t • . 'TnE.`ll , .,elle4er Amateur Rifle Team" 'sho . ot a match . with the " Waverly Yearn'' On the grounds of the latter,' on rsdp y„..May lq s Distance 800 and I.t )t) yard. . Our friend, qmonnE .W. whais ; jeonsidered (Inc of the best hereabouts, ii a:member of the • IV.tverlv team. . - 1:1:1 - . M., L. Coos, whb was ordained to tl,y ministry at the Presbyterian / church, un it c tt esd ay evening la t, has already tak+•n his departure fora Olelcl of labor in c+rudO. Mr. L. Is yoting inan of e,k.; ccl),.nit culture and full of zeal for tie Muter. We hope he - nniy he blessed abundantly in- his efforts to preaCh the glad fid ings: • are appreciated io:thi.iga olil 7 frielid GooDE:iiiix-n, of the Man•iiiehl erected Justice of the Peive.a year ago, and low- lie has been elm,:eit to deliver a poem before t.he sueleties of the Normal School, at 'the ,approaching, eommencement., We Valle to hear it. • i — TYPF ` 4 PG:Vet-It Vint() Imv e :rist oik”wd a carriage nianufactury 'e,twt of Ihe. It6l.tintr.it ollice, havd bee'n st..ettre the services „ of acc:)rat lye pa hiter.;• .c.n,;.o . c.ilth . ,7ll•patation - or heiug nori's - t.er of lii , - . profesi:ion.,ttrul those piirch4gin : ..; work al the-•,tiiblishirivatw'here he is cniploy;. vol. rv,k, of getting a job hich • I h0'51192:t(1..1. • nonleron; friends avid, ()r ) 3lrs. -E. A. PALsoNs, of tbi=i 1-I,:ev ; will be pained tolearn of ber..-seri o-nsillness. Foriseve . i-al ilays,ber life was ciccil of, lint at the present:Nl-riling Let. I:ll: , ,i'l•iaus hopes of ulti- mate ree.Avery. Mrts. 'is one of our - • efitimahle'and inlellig,ent ladies, re :s- t.pceteo and beloved by.tall !sho,knOw her w6l. prity4r_ : foil her recovery i):l•red . at Clu'ist on Sunclity EIM • ,:r.,11 , 4 tiro general business" deTresh In, espe`eially Minlng . inanufapturing tlsis.sectioti,,it is gratify ing to know that there are a same which ha% e'" weathett4l the storm," and now .at the beginning of a new era of prosper ity e 2 n Comicial inns: such is the "" Rom: Ens' Planing Mill P.aetory. All througli , the lard limos \l:r. R has. kept thing . s moving, and "acliigc veritiet),. " G,tid helps b ener ; cy. excellent .foresight, , and pste ri.,.e.se,:,sing manners will 'gc . ne.rsily ensure : , access, and 'l!r. It's ea:•:e, we are glad to lu 1 .• :.;.y,t'..irni Ales weepno cep ion to., the rule. :. Two yoriii'7, men givit q 'their names as l'alEsT and I.lnOcti, cane tothisplace sev i ral wrielissinee, and engaged board at tie ..r.isell' , llltis.e. Tikir ostensible business tiv•it of selling territory fora patent but strung suspleione were enter -1....ft511 that they were endeny,pring to put e. , unteireit, money •On 'fltut4ty I.lst they left the Elwelli4ouse - Ivithoot settlitil; their bill, and were ar. Itestes at Browntown and brought - back. evAeLee of their guilt on the .charge . , 4 - prissing counterfeit money was found, hut." they were bell for , appeararu?e, at `eptirt4 c i answer the.charge of-trefauking - MIL St.a.IYAX of bits bill. .. • . • t . • _ . THE Pnebyteriana are Patting a 'Elite roof on their churelvedifica. A nnutrt;kn meeting of. Watkins Post, No. 68, G. A. R.,' will be obekl at the Rooms of Co. K., on Fridai.evering", Ari1..27. A full attendance is desired. . J. E. natisimo, Commander. Attest D. W. &Orr, Adjit. Rolm Lodge L 0.. 0. F.', of ;Rot* at their regular meeting recently, discovered by_ accident, a package of powder weigh ing about three ounces, whicih lied been among a lot of waste paper under one of the desks. It is-semi/ad that the package was placed them hy.. " civil sl'ou.l4l, Minded person, with the purpose of us. ing a catastrophe, thinking that the pow der would ; tie thrown into Um stove among the waste paper without discovery. , •ft has created eqnsiderahle excitement in the neighborhood. TROY ITEMS.--The ,temperance meet ings have closed for the present The last one was held April 19. Much inter es,t has been felt in the) matter,' and a large number of citizens have sighed the pledge, but as qroy has not a large :num ber of people addicted to strong drink, of course thOse siguing were largely tempe rance people, and they will keep the pledge. Join; WOLFE has. failed for eight or ten thousand' dollars, and wilt leave his Credi tors behind half of that sum., He has the sympathy of all classes in his misfortune, for he is believed to be honest, and he has a host of personal friends, His fail . ure is doubtless due to heavy -expenses . rather than to mismanagement There will be_ s moderate amount of building here this: summer. Three new; houses are.already in process of ehretion.' Mr. Mita= POMEROY has Outdone all . I .the other, Trojans in building. He has just Unfilled an elegant mansion which combines.beauty and comfort in .a more marked degree than . any other residence here. Mil Decoration day will be observed here with nppropriate. ceremonies. ThelTroy -Fafm , srs' Clulids in a, flour. ish4ig condition , l o and bids fair to continue :io.ere.are many and farmers in the o manization , and their discussions show t Lem to be expert in their business and gq lerally intelligent: Regular: meet ings a e held every Satdrday afternoon. PER! 1 mer week. is 111111 •NA L. —4IAMI LTON irOWES, ..a -for owaada boy, vas in town • last We aro pleased to note that ha g a responsible and luciative posi act a large manufacturing house in ;ork: i L kaits COOK, Esq., and 'wife, of Or tho have been viniting, 7 their Chit the West since last winter, will home this week. -r:. A • 'NM' Kncasataor„ litro has been to his room for many months Ell New —Ci well, v dren h return —II confine in the effects, of an injury -received , ue'are pleased to see is able to pas; fr last fal ride oil C. K: LADD 'statts Monday next for visit_ r German*, where he will spud a year perfecting his profee 7 , sional studies. W. H. Busrtti..i., a Black Viral visiting her friend, Miss RAII.II, week. i —lira nut, was here last -3ffss BELLE: TAMAN, one otour trio S t. cultivated, accomplished • and popular young ladies, left for Sheboygan, Wis., on Monday last, wheri) she will re.main for a year,or more, as the guest of Mrs. P. 11. ShllTlr, a former highly esteemed Towanda lady. —Dr. Hownsts, srhOvisited this place last week, in responselO:invitatious from many of his patients, desires us to say ':that throul., , ,li an oversight the notice of his visitation did not 'appear, in the RE,- POUTER, and that ho fears - many who de sired his services were - "not,':aware of his coming. Due notice of his nest visit Will - be given through theweolumns. CONTOATION. The meeting of the North-Eastern Convocation in this place last week, was one of the Most interest ing and profitable sessions that body his ever held. The following are the' names of the clergymen in attendance : ;• Rev. GEO. P. HoPKriis, St. Matthew's, Pike; Rev. A. A. 3Ltemit, St. Luke's, Scranton; Rev. J. DicA.= ILinnixo,- of Athens; Rev. H. L. .lONES, St. Stephens', Wilkes-Barre; Rev. L. F. BAKER, Grace Church, Great Bepd; Rev. TIIOiIAS Bull liOWS. St. Jiihn's Church, Ashley; Rev. W. G. St. Paul's Ohurch, Troy; Rev. J. S. BEER.% Christ Church, Towan da. . • Lay Delegates. Dr. J. V. 'Suitt, Tunkhannock; M. C. MEncust, Towatida;\ AMMS, Troy. Subjects of great iinportance were con sidered: " How to make tlio Sunday school an element. of 'strength inithe church," and the " Use and - abuse' of the Revival System," led to. quite a general discussion i in which several laymen took ,part. Most of the clergymen expreSsed themselves in hearty sympathy with.the revival system. 'The meetings -were all' well 'attended, and the discourses pointed, practical and impressiire.l The conVeca-' tion - serm4n was preached by Bev: G. of Troy, and was One of the ablest. we. lave ever listened to. The next meet ing of the Convocation fill be held. in ‘Vilkes-Ilarre, in July. • The success Of tle meeting. was largely due the rarerex eent.ive abilify,, earnest piety and careful attention to all the details of • itev: S. Ilmns, !lector of this parish. A 3tr.lTirsa,of the friends of terniier : :ince was held at the 3KE. Chureh;'"St Towanda, Monday e'e • , prit 23, ISit. Attar a prayer by, . T. WARDS, PEOEGi §xnout,), was elected,Chairman, and Ci)l, Join: A: COD . DING See'y. The Presideat, s in an. cotton ing .perch, expressed his, \ faith in the temperance movement and of its ultimate success. , Remarks were made by Capt. C. M. 31.A. - Nvitt.s..; Gr. D. S. PRATi f p.on. C. F. Nrcnor.s, S. W. BpptlEns, 11ev. POItTE4I, Rev: G. N. Cli ! ..\\:,F; DLEn, Rev. T. A. EDwARDs, and others NV. CHANDLER nominated Capt. C. 3f. 31aNTILLE as Chairman of the Cominittee,-which was carried.. The following named, gentlemen were elected a gerinral temperance committee : Dr. D. S. PnATT, E. E. BUFFINGTON, GEO. D. STROUD, S. P. 'W f urreonn, D'A. Opurrox, D.:l. TURNER, JUDSON Hoer COMA' J. P. V. 12.; FLEET, GEO. IL' Wonn", S. W. ALVORD, C. S. Ilusantl., IS.T. • BETTS. Adjourned lit a - mecting of :the•above-mentioned CoMmittee at the 'office of Dr. PRATT, there,were appointed the following sub committees, who will at, once proceed to organize a determined movement against King Alcohol : _ Finance Committee -- N. N. Bin% ir; J. P. `'.SIC FLEET, S. P.EIT4MI3:, Italic—Dr. PiAtT, 8*(11:ro, E. E. BUITINGTON. 4 On Speahere—C. NICUOLB, C., 8. EvSBVI.L, GEO. H. WOOD. s' \ On, Arrangemente-- . -C. E. Asit..PAusorts, OFERTot J. 1101, coXit.' J). N. Timis; Booty. NS Joule A, CODDLITO, 9•340 y. as /WORT"' OMCe MS Presented the. Other day with a nice supply of sum. paralfraud Rids water, through the kind ness of 8. 83mu, who knows just how 'll: 4 li n ' thak, refreshing limier: ages The "boys"" .of conrse extend thanks, wall. . • for many hippy returns Of the Occasion. OR Stertraixtr, ' lat 'nat e the Exec*. Alva Committee of . O Bradford County Agricultural Society int Ind fixed upon 2 SePti)inber 28, 27 slid as th e, , time for holding the Pair. -r' We understand act ina itant revis. ions -have been made the p rnium list, .and the following named-gentlemen were the re. as superintendents of tbe re. !meetly() 'departments.: ' llOnses, ..11. irakr•raz; Cattle, . flon. IL bAPO Tx; Sheep and Swine, C. .1. EABTAIIR9O ; Poultry, 11. lawns:tea Scorr;• Farm an ' - Dairy Products, Capt., I. A. Pans; 'Do. mestic Department, G. 11. Pox; Mackin°. ry Department, ....._.; F orage , ine:. , ACE Ilowrox. The Committee will meet again next Saturday at the Beerctiry's COCO. , UNDER the Caption, "Cantert boys aps predated," the Sentinel says : „. "At an election for eitmfficers, held at . Topeka, Kansas, on the 3d :init., M. H: Case; Esq., formerly of our borough, was elected Mayor, by a majority• of fifteen 'hundred. .A t same election our old townsman, QUESTER - TDOMAti, was a can, didate for Police Judge, and succeeded in tieing his opponent, who was the old in: cumbent, and consequently holds over.. Oiir county is well represented in Tope4. Hon. TuoStAs RYAN, Member : of Con gress elect, CuErriut Tnouse for,County Treasurer, ArioLvitus Tncimas,; Clerk o U. S. Court, aid 31. H.ase, Mayor of Topeka. , W are glad to e the:" boys" appreciated. They wevg 11. good citizens, l e and uprigut yeung men 'When we turned them over to: Kansas, and unless they, have become corrupted since they left our apron strings; will well fill their respect lye stations.' - IT is very coalmen now-a-days - to make the Post-Office a "scapegoat" for,all the errors and Sho,comings of people who transact husiiissswith this branch of the government.l/The following letter will explain its9f : : ' tAexviLLO, April 23, 1873. En. EIVIITER --Dear i Sir : The last Argua l e tains an article in regard to the returning f a copy of that paper from this office; hich is so palpably false and unfair,.., that am surprised t the refusal of Mr. P.susoN to permit an explanation from me throng i his columns. , The facts in the case are, tat X. never retuniod a copy of the ArgurPN, non any other paper, to the •office of publi4lion. The.roppart ment furnishes me wit, h'blanks to notify publishers when their P. pers are not ta ken from the office. Nei her cave I ever given notice to the Argus nice that 31rs. M. J. Mott refused to to her paper from the o ffi ce. I called t afi at the \ Argun olliee and asked to sc the copy which tney claim was returned, so that I might learn who had returned it, but they. would not, or could not produce it. I pronounce the article false in every par ticular. . - J. 'E. Fa heir, P. 3f. idesionum.—At the regular meet ingrf -West Franklin Lodge, 1070, I. 0; G. T., held en Satarday peening, April 14,.1877, the fellowiog resolutions were adopted : , WllEnr..ks Death has invaded our ' Lodge., and. removed WHAM' SMITH, a l!rother of Our order, thus depriving us of one of our noblest and' most useful mem bers,. in the, full vigor - of his youth* and• matily,strength; therefore, • ' ReWced,, Tdiat this Lodge - tender their. heartfelt .sympathy to the bereaved pa r rents; alie to the sisters and brother and to the mourning friends, as well as to the bereaved farbily in this theirbour of deep grief. We cuend therif to • the grace i of that God who doeth all things 'well. As Members of the : order, the highest . tribute. we can bestet upon the reeellTY l'of our decd4sed brother, *lll be an4ionest endeavor tb emulate his many virtues as a Good Templar, and—upright citizen. '.We recommend that our charter be dr4- ed in Mourning for the space of thirty days, as a ma* of respect to the memory .of Brother 'F. L. onEsE . l4., Corn • THE • followink resolutions of respeCt and condolence Were passed at • a recent meeting of Evergreen Orange, No. `28.7-',;, , Wurltit.ks : It has pleased the Heaven ly Master, in his wisdsm, to remove froM, our.midst by death out late .worthi:and egtecnied brother, ItEviißN W. VaNnEn! 1'001.; and, • Visse.r.ms In his death this communi ty suffers the rloss of an inthistrious and upright- citizen, and our Grand has lost one of its beat and Most faithful Mem bers; therefore be it • . . Resolved, That we , re,gard - ltis untimely death at a severe calamity to our order, , and especially to' thik Grange, . of 1 which- " ho was ever a trite! and copsistent mem? ber; and that we regard the devotion he displayed for the true principles:of our order as worthy of the highest praise. Resolved, That, we deeply sympathize with the friends and ~ralativel of the de--: ceased in their sad bereavement,' and ez tend to them our -heartfelt condolence and' sympathy. \Resolved, That in respectto the memo the deceased; 'our charter ;be draped ht . ino ruing thirty days. . ".. . R olved, That a copy of these resolu tions , presented to the family, of the , decoasell, that - they be put upon the min- .. Utes of the Grange, " and published in the 'lowancla 0.7-rs. .. \ t H. M. 11114 En, • -! H. F. Tunic; COM. J. 11. WELLS, , . \ ' LIFE IlkcsurtAxc —Life Insurance has, -during the lia•st t nty years, received great attentir. The sands of peaPlein s this county havtaken licies, and many families who °the \ wise w> uld 'have been destitute, are• enjoying th comforts of r\ life, through the prudence and foresight of. the father and husliand, in curing at: .• policy - ot( his life, little \ realizin at the. time hew soon his •"sunitinms " - - siuld •c ,„. -,. • t conic. We regret to -re orrl\ also, bat „ - t. many have paid their premilim for years . only to find that the company they hag\ trusted Was fraudulent. . We heartily bel l . • hove in the plan of life insurance, -and recommend every poor man at. least to provide a smnll suni\for ,ins family bY.• that means. Irbore are\serne good cotnt,, panics that Or:, worthy theconfidence and: patronage °tall: Sugh - a one iVhe Penn .. Mutual, - of Philadelphia, Tin*, resident,- S. C. Bear, 'Esti., is not unkno - Wnin this , .community... - His sterling riurilOce es an i . . ‘. Upright, honest . and. successful . la I nkiness man, would he a sufficient guarantee, of .the Silecess ofithe conipany, but the ins*l tution does not restits claims for public . '" confidence alone upon the reputation of. --, sits officers, brit his stood the test of the m):est thorougli investigation, by the le- ! \ sumnce Commissioner of the State, who has been handling all the' companies in ' the CornmonWealth without gloves, to , the ' \ - great discomfbrt of Many of -them We clip the following - paragraph from an ar- tidle , in the -Philadelphia Inquirer, on the financial depression of the country, . as cOrrobOmting. - wa: we have said in favor of the Penn-Illutu l, : , s . , . . .• " The life: insurance . companies - hate shared With other Xorporations in the - ,gelleral distrust engendered breztrava? "gamic in "some easesi ~ `-and mismanage? ment in others. ' Tho rent reports of the insurancacoinpanierr tofPennsylvania• .show.that there are yet i nind•lire corn 03- nfes in the Stale,'' - notali the Penn Mu- tual, which stiiruls out ink nu trke contrast:, with those wideliare sit ring f sink." picien. - It Natl. large _tiurplus ON r lip- bilitieF, a result - 'due to the. conserr ti*e s management ,of the company's" oilleersl and directors, who have felt thu reaponsi. hint)? of their - position as trustees, and custodians of thelUnds which .'-are alone controlled by thesitiembent they are de signed to, benefit. Thoughtful men• in -sure with more faitivin such conservative 't eompanies in "timeof trial', when their. un-' 1 aken integrity is realized In the Storm -wich meals' co many financial wrecip.".. Tnu unfoitUnate &pure of COL DIVIOIII, one of Bin&unton'a most ail= I terprising citizens, led to the 'cloaiig, np of the maguif6nt hotel bowing Col. DI rutnie. Thoelegant furnituiti was sold a auction last week. 'A , large portion, as good as new t was secured by Jotter 0. WAnio, of this - plum, ,for the new War& Home., - The Binglisunton Times,; in not. • he, purchases made by Mr. !WARD, this excellent description the Ward House soon to be opened to the puhlie:\ ' ~ ' _ \ - PtieENIX Ll= - .' - -'' -- there has - risen on the 'site- of the old hotel , a magnificent heck structure :which hint ' once an ornament to the town, and'a Mon ument to the. indomitable ' will,. "business enterprise, mid etie,rgylof Mr . J: 0. Ward; His . own architec t;,, superintendent and bUilder, this gentleman - on the 28th of September, just ftrenfy s days after the fire, commenced the work preparatory" to 1 re building. .In ; this work\ tef!preparation l`alone, before A sin gle stonenr the fthanda than for the new building was fhid,- there_ were overytur thogesnd cubic yards of .tlirt,\brick and -atone removed: ' The foun : dation,ror the new-hotel was laid in Octo ber, - and the. *elk from , that-time: on pushed*thrward with a- vigor which en sured:Suer:es% 'l.t is now complet ed and will ready for occupancy and open on or abnut the 10th or May next. \ -. It 'pEsCItIPTiOX of this - magnificent house, .forsuch it is in all its appointments, will be found inter-, ,eating,: especially to 'the traveling public: it is centrally locatedla the - village of To .. -wands„ fronting the Court House and pub lic square, and entirely separate from and 'independent or any other bnilding. , It is :120 by 100 feet ien the\ grodnd,'' With an open exposurettni all four,sidea, and with. an (ripen court' in the centre. - There is not° a room in the house which has. tint one or ••. ore windows opening directly ontdoors. -It I built entirely of brick andjkinet„ five stories high, with a fine dey cellar under the whble house. It is heated .bY,„,stehtn throughout. there being a radiator in ev ery mom and one or more in each orthe: halls, -thUs avoiding all, danger from fire .in tl u or in the - . upper : portion of the building. The furnace, which , is 19.: ;rated in the collar,-and the entire steam fitting and heating:apparattas is frotnthe establishment of .&.11. Cook, of 'Elmira. 'There are 100 regular rooms or mutes of Moms In the building, besides seven. largn i and distinct 'parlors: -The rooms are all large and airy; The building is provided With five different WayS: of eg'ress from the upper floors, andit would be an utter impossibility for a fire _to, so.start as to shut off escal4e front any room or - floor. The dining room is . 100 feet long, well; lighted and airy. : ...- The kitchen is a nitßiel of convenience,:so arranged as to be easi— ly kept in perfct order, with no oppor tunity tot the collection of Waste* and filth so chmmon in the kitchens'of some public houses: The house. is supplied with the finest electric n nunciator.'extant,, and at a cost of over $609. The plumbing work haS been done with 3 'Vitni• to elegance and durability "combined. Pure spring Water is brought from atlistanceef a' mile and. a half,: and ig carried all ,frer ~the hnuse. Bath,roems,' Water : closets, etc., / a:refinished in the 'latest style and with' all the improved aurtenaneek A : -foie large reading room and smoking room will contain ill :,:t" -- 31Iina_New York dailies of as wellas the panels ,9f the surrottriding se.ctipli, and proniinent western trade cen :tree. A large tiro . proof brick- stabler has .also bee-a built; and_earriages and an om nibus hill run to all trains. ' i i IMPORTANT runcmitsEs. ' . Mr. Ward, the proprietor of the Ward house, has been in , Hingliamton, during the past week, in attendance at the sale of the Dwight House furniture,. and has been tlinflaryst single purchaser of all - the large'.fiumber -gather/1 at the: sale, With a businbss foresight he .saw that in the sale of th elegant furniture of vthe er k. Dvright Hons . ' there would be an oppor tunity for him ‘ .o.pUrchioe much Mat was neOded in• the furnishing of the Ward IThnse, and.at 'much lii*As than the original cetst, while the articles were at the same time nearly all of them equally as good as new. The appointments - of the Dwight House, as all know, were not excelled by . those of any hotel in the country, and they have received .that care and atten tion dining the brief,iime they have been. innse, Which their/plenty deserved. Of this sale Mr. Ward has taken full, advan tage, buying. nothing ho did not nced`be-, cause' be thought it w A is cheap, but seeur;/ . in for the - Ward Hods° thefull and com plete outfit.ofprly-seren of the finest fur nished rooms of the I t iWight House. ' These forty-seven. suits "each comprise, black ,walnutds i bekad,. with reau.s; enelosed, Marble, top wash stapds with high backs, inarbltt s top shelves and centre. tables, making eoinplete lied-room Suitaof.the 'saute as the best rooms in the Dwight House, which have \ keeni.known far and wide ' for their eieganti appoint-. molts. Dells, mattresses, bedding,theets, pillow cases, in . fact bnen, etc ;of- all kinds has teen purchased for the new ho-• 'el, at this sale. Mr. Ward is a \shrewd man, and knowing the reputation .far and near of the Dwi g ht House, he has, \and correctly too,. thought it do .detracimn from the merits of the \Yard House to ,cure articles bearing the mark of they Dwight House. -. Another important purchase Made by Mr. Ward was the ele gant-and perfect range outfit of copper utensilti which are in. perfect order; /Wig°. this barber shop equipments ; and the Dwight House . ..! omnibus. / 1 It was originally the intention/of Mr. Ward to haVe built, an ark, and :have loaded all hi*Birighainton purchases bn board, floating thein down the/river, thus saving freight; but lack of time no pre vents,,and they will be shipped v* the Erie Railroad to. liraverly,/iind gehee to Towanda", a distance of twenty. miles; by Of Lehigh 'Valley Railroad.' It must not be inferred that the pur chases by Mr. Ward in Binghamton are all that have been made for the new hotel, Large amounts have alsobeen expended iu New I",orit and, :somehow with a Sort of Pennsylvania "instinct; also in I'hiladel. phia; so-that theAVard , Honse when open ed-will be fully ,and thoroughly furnished in it, style , of magnificence and ltixury, :seemingly far beyond the . demands of a ! place Of, the ; `size of ITowandn. But the! proprietor Of the Nti,itrfl.. House bas.,been a successful landlord there for ten years, knows the *nnts,Ora traveling communi ty arid is evidentlyho, unit to 'meet them,' Jet it cost what. it:will. llls honk) which wasgiurned hael`a( reputation alt ()rer the country as it first-class hotel, and Towan dat,has reason to feel proud that she is; through the enterprise \ of - one of her land lords, to soon-againhave her severe • loss more than made up to her. Stiecess tl) the ‘Yard House and itsAndOmitable, verse rtering, and enterprising landlord, ...E FIN* lunLadies Of ha White Irousey" in rank feAlie's Popt.4,747r\lfo,gqi 11y for April , sucaeded in the'. Maynnur • .!cr by " \ The Ptesidcnts at ITOMe, by 13.m . 50,7 3. "Issi-xur',: LL. D. Th articlc is- illustrated witiii, 17 !line edgrailuga,, showing Places f interest in 'the history of bur Preeidentr from WasnricbToN down. The May or miler is..repletelrith choice literat ' t , stories, ~ incidents o rare i, ecdotes, poetry, art, , . . science, cte..,,, It as some 70 illustra ,tions among ,its Ilb Imud \ red pages, cOncern ing.waincr. CANK \ t,fi, Saßtiagb do Onba, Elephant- _, ppipgi Ceylon, Char coal bprning,:etc., etc. It ukipdeed up to its bcat;standard, and Wett„worth its price---0,50 for one year. Send to FRANK. •LZSLIE, TAT \ Pearl street, New York. SPECIAL attention is directed to adver tisement of Aittericarr Blue Oil in this .• • BUtINESi:LOCAL. 3tttsic Bores tit rixDr.rar.tres Cam' Fine French, clooksat TjESDEL MAN'S. efr:New' Dress Proods aL 'gRIcT '' \7r.12. illiiringTairinftdoue at fia..immitait'a Jewelry Btutp. Q' Q 034 Neatlaces of latest styles at rix \ ,t , DELMAN'S. • • Lff New goods received daily at Ulm . 41, — ♦ or You can buy A plated Castor for 99 cents, in Ilerrur Mrs.!E. J. blqicos is selling Goods . cbso 4 per_than ever. Apra. ur Tcssi lA c es 4 xissl T & Base. irgr Asti latt, s gal to atra. E., J. Attsaps &012*, • LIU HaThisomestkasiortment of Jewelry gr...lpziatmes Itlr New 'Cloths ' Cosqineres at . 44)112. ' !Cm a BLISIS%; 13oset tso to tali U. bb goods and kiwis the priors. ' SiP • nIrXkOLJI3,A4( Offen 41 - Vtat ver•Plated Ware:. ear , * NDX.LIKAN heetrO-geods and SU prices are yeti low. That li the ple4 . te to boy. 4. C 'All the West publioatioriis liery e e*, at W,111302111 BI!AITVS.! tar Full line of Summer Silks at ritET iklitaties. ' areaZ• gar Bargains in Ladies Tics at . KENT 1 BUSS'. ' • aprl2. Or 11,. feu! ilpsie*t hosiery! Griat Bariaino.t.ni..ll. ELM': AptllL 10:747 at KtitT go stock of Shawls and : Skirts LID' very cheap.' • aprl2. • / • ts' 1. 1 •t cost, at W cgs stock of games and toys, memos ai sa_Aers.. • or Yo much you will be surprised, to learn how ,Guy for 55 coop; iteFcur Block._ .pelt-g i pds sold At U. I.lx.mastwovs war ranted as resented. Ems' The; day at COWL , l best Crackerii -baked every at Bakery. • . 1 gamine! ha , rtaLhos. go assortment of spring • and _ lon received, at 31.; E. 11Cosza- To;50 34 . it, 811A1, -r sell the best , ni'aetereti In th e country. 110. Sterling Silrer said Slitter PlAted'cug at, tlErWn mizmiUs vsLatkles. .ds, !Mugs and Stud Plasist - - pyr,Ton can buy nice; 'fresh-baked :Ciaikers stCOIr pp,' Bakery, very et sp.'. • pr Crackers of all varieties ery daTat COlrLlpir Bakery'. $W 4 big stock of very lino S Rings at very lo prices at lISNDISLYAN'S• fari S' wao . 3 atliew tend' the sal Youpan g!et •,11 tlI latest st y les of Stationery; Very cht:ap, nt WiatrcOMlL & Siya.TT'S PTVI) largot, and best as, spring c otidng In toistrii:at V. E. New fi;rini new goods and ecs y rit the srl4o'th^reet Furanurn stare ( Everything in :the Unc ut detvelrY,Sl ' d Sliver Platd Ware.'et NE:I.PELYAN's. _ tgr .Everything in the lino of station ers at Wuticoms! If r7 ; c6E.l.,?l_ , k:i's store. with flist-class articles for the itoliday trade. ' t4r Don't go anyw beie' but to• Wit comih SttArr's for p o or Walt rapr.x. mars Ur Folt good house • it a convenient, Imaitton. knqulro at 4,4a:office. C2",t7ndertaking spciality at the Bridge Street•F.utntturt Store. marl% Ikt! Silks!. Silks! A largo stock of Mack and Sammor . 9lll:4, at KENT ffi flues.% , _ tar Ladies 2 Button Kid Glcivcs \ fkiets per 191 r—reduced from 81.Cp—siliViT 114/5,8' Vir Call at KENT & BLISS' and look at their new Corset. , 1:1 4 t.t Zepb.yrs, Canvass and _card Board , • at Mrs. E. J, MINGOW. 'aptl2 - • -M 4 " New Sty BOr Hatt; at 3163. E. J. AttNaos.. aprn, 10r Lath aid Children's, Shoc4„ , selllng trlthout regard to cost,,.at ttm s and of T..i."1 - Lon ik CO. ' • ' marai. If\you bargains in Reily ale Clotbthq, cap at Ito , svir :,111.10 tie Is c for Spring Rlock. ,AnarB. I.t'o" If you than you can c it at It'Osvcr• 1 '.„ t a 'suit of clothes cheatl ryn \ . ~ • , i . 1 ... t s „ t ‘ i s i s a t 7i‘ie. In Neyir : 'Vork, just I 1. itall the fist stock Jewelry and ,•tlfic,s•rware, ore! brought Oils town, Call awl Leo lh ./Kir I)nn't. full to lILN - rii,:twas'a,if you Wish to buy anything In the,llne ut \ Jewelry, Silver and Sllvir-plated - Ware. • " ; STAB rilia."-4.Stamping. f Brhid and Embroidery, neatly nxecotetl. Orders \ takeii at lir.N.Tilkfitass' Iry. GixmlsibturC. • Air Fine American and Swiss *itches, la It,eY and Winders, for ladies , and i:gentg, 6\ 11 EMBEEEM Of.4a, Myer. and, Steol/Spectackr, and Eye ,p/ great variety,• at ,11.1..Nnict,MAN's Jewel- Glasses, ry Store. • . {gr Mrs. rforvr •has removed her Book anOtattonery store from Patton 's BiOck to tho storo'south 'side of Iteitur Block. , l rr Ono bundre4 of fresh Ashton eau, to be avid at lawast narkot phca, Ay - McCaas & gDWAsiv45. [aprlA-tie] . rir Now is ‘- the tithe 'to mlect your Wall rapt:r.,!.wthret*a a slim 1160 41 large and , well selected stoek . wlslch tlie4 oiler very ware. CM • art Take . Note, there is great re.. durtion in - Waltham and Elgin Wale res. Call at HE X P ELM A ..F'S and 541.1 will !ye - auto - I ' jniy one at the prices bets offering. - 1 . Ur . P-LATER..---I S IERCE i SOTT 11:1V0 Just reiscive4 at their, coalsard a sullly , of fresh -',groilnd plaster from the old: Cayuga lied& 'Thu - best Ilithe rnar'aft. •aprlfl---Ire) 1 Wantcd.—AY ra Par of 5 c}rlp acres In or near "kowanda, 'with good ! . 11,413. and Rama Rent Inuit be reasonable. JOlttres)i P. 0. Rol_ 471, alas. , - , (Towanda.' ra.l far The Grand . Central. Hotel, New Tprknoted fnr its profuse and elaborate derora. tionalnd Veglint table, now Niers tite:same necom. • inodatlon4 at a redaction 'from COO to t 2.50 and #4.60 per dAy. . M" To Cyan BuiErts.4--New amble' noCil3lason Organ,; 'To. With lathe stops, 1114.: Address L.E. POWELL, clipr234wl ' • - 3crinton, Pa \ larA.. KLI:sE r , the • Dlerebant ha.i mOted his Talloririg 6taldl.shtr(bnt to Davi Fl 44 Co's,,Store. Clothing made 'to order: also cuttlirg, .ttinkanktriintalug done with udatoets and dls 2 . Giro I)ia a call, rgr Everybefly is invitbd to call at A.: _ \ \ t _ - • . J. ilgtrz \ a's eboatiaph:'rarlors, (opnaalto Poi's'. itti..k Co:<sstore, up-stairs) and'esainlne bpcci tnena of his4ork: ' Totyvlli ht convinced at once that Were Is s tfic place to. gr. , ,t first-class pictures. : \ \ - BEAUTIMY ITOMES.. Nothitig conduces mote:to tiappiti6s and peace In k the faint. IS-than taldilY,,docorsted rooms. Thelhuinblest cottager may. by, purchasteg his Waif 'raper at Wurreonn t'Snit - rs:have tits ht use as Inviting and cheery ass monarch. irtr . B: • 31b5t.4.10 - F.s.-Tho.pebkie be ,plea. - elt.to learn that the old and' rellatdo•firm of MON TA,.:TES have decided to Make the CROCKERY TRADE a specialty', and*to that end have Just re ceived a large invoice; coinprislng a rything .1n the, line, whichthey will sell at oidslitnay low, prices.: rfr lilts. E. J. MiscosluOnst retuvi ed from New York and Phil thl.i, Nshere .she has been selecting 3lnllner,, LadieVornishing\ Goods and Notlons• thr ih4 ringo . 4tlBttinmer trade of all kinds.l kno er capaldlay of Be l lecting the best the market afford4nt this season she has alsO the cheapest. ...filer opening days, are Yrtday and saturliai of Alas week. - rir ST/Li. jdzA Ds VIZ i1ft4114.--"Ille \lltnger" conthints to be the food:Ito with ;he 1 / 4 . (trim The late lattworeminsils apprecloted by all witkezamlne It.. !Don't allow any motif to Induce you le s perettais only othereewlng Machina; Moefilees sold oe,easy iertna. A liberal d Lemuel for atl ttilh down; at the tout ' store of IiVIIITCOo \ tt \ At SttacT. , . TboalugeiMarinfactuting Compink Avg; • ' • •,e; , Vir Wil mill you eat stale Crackers idea rat, OlitOwity,lkem Mee: fresh baked; jai* as ihealif Alit YOur &Twee' lot VOIIILLIt• 'Crackers, Or dole Kr. •elf:Bakery tuthO First: Ward. where_ ion can get Crackers the same 'dity 'Wei are taken . front the oven. \.% ~ ‘, . ... r Jan 2 , , 11117-A CASE Ili litiNapALE, P.S. -I was Attacked with the liver esMfpisint. 'Natick apparent. Ay brought me to the brink ofcthe grave. 4Doring my sickness I waif attended -by three phystclans of our place,. but received nojfejp. I also tried the variouireinedies recommended for)omplMn Is, 'but they afforded me Po relief As a t resort, IA ....,... _„ -1. i ..,_ - "'""c„, P7lrs'Wkst . y 3 tryi Ira. Wiaratt'sltsussa or 'P \ *IL Cailta• anili try, using 64 bottles; I 'was , rester'. to better health thin.lhave eajoyed be. fore for en y ears. "rifitstatement - ntsy Wl:oiled -upon as at city true; .:-"' ' Darikr ritual 'v. li'lle a, , p .rtifimte was gireit in the presee of Dr. 'A. a. ffrorff. of IfOuPwiSie. who II !le 1 \ kdown in i e rieknity as a successful practitioner. 50 cents a . $l a hottle. sow 11 all druggists. sal ee oilois In SW. 1 . • Or To CoNsotttsTlvra.,—The 10Verti, aer, a retlreil Otialetait, hisl4 provideritlalls 01111 coVered. walle*-Medleal NlbEitm.ary in Foothill: \ Asia, a very simple ,vege ' hte ',ramify for the speedy wollertnatsent. ) rare of.,(7.orkvimplen. astb ina,sllrtinetillls, Catarrh, unit all' throat awl lung allegtl?us.4:so a li(Mitite awl rttlrat stwettle for . Nen-poi jmbillty, rroinajureDeriy, and sillier- Toils COMplabits, fees It hit . tlllttO Malta it knoll:11 . W 1113C . SliffPrilik' fellows. A:ct e d, thla motlye, he will cherrfally_sead (free of 4arge) to all who desire It , the recipe foe: proparleearoi ton directions fur micrwodully using; this 'worldnal- Kir disc9vered. remedy., Throe. !rho %Ist% to • l flti itioto.solveS of the berwtlts of,tit 13 id 15ml:cry withcakt oest,e/ta do-so by retain Mall, 3,g a ata(op,-namlttg paper„ I . . . Dn. C . I.LA ME'S P. 31,14,11511 A LL,,. . • .. 33 Niagara Street, - ' / , . •,. Sullales N. T'.. --- MARRIED'. - • . Xi/EWING —COntIII,L—On TuCeday.'f• 441 17; '1877. at th. resfocut;c 4 . 4 Andre* De*Aug, War renham, tty Ito Bey. Win. Mactna>.l4i. Andrew Dewing, nd SI Iss Ir..t tie It. Conur.n,-yuungost :daughter"! Jr., ibe late ,Augustus eoburn s • %QM of .. Warren, Bradford county, Pa: '. , 111 1 TOTIOE..--All.pOrsons are hereby warned against. parr basing 3' note' zPren by 'me to L. U. titritkland foralxl7-searn dollars and IlftY eenr4. and dun•Jone.a, 1877. .!s31(1 :note , slll not be paid; no coli.plerat!ou having been reeelved. WILLIAM IL 111_ 7 811SELL. Blq,ek ITral nut, Aindl •26, 187:4 • ZIVES:AND PROPERTY.S4FE .4 AT LAaT TtiALL USE BEAUTIFUL' baked s ' AMERloAN ,. l3Lus . ..oit ss . • , This Oil cannot lie Ilt anywhere 1 lama thiltick. ft.wili last nearly t*leo ,as Maw aa . any other t./1.1, and CIV4I nearly double he illumination. AR. It wilt bort in ;thy kind 'of a lamp.' . ''. / tlforekei&ra are doing well hr . selling. It. • , 7- /114 r Ve want good, tictivre -Agents. - Exyloslve terrltor giveu. Send, C: p. D. foil a IS.oo'sample, air \ and try* - . ' . • , '' AMERICAN' 111,111: O IL" l C 0.,,,.." \ S. E. CorAilrard•ave.A Get Manlown Itmel, ' ' April f.a, - iNly.• • • • Pil Ilpdelphla; Pa.' R1 . 7,1 " 0 --- 11 \ OF \D TILL CO ITION 0 f.the 'F' irst i'.4,ati otial - liank at Tolvahtia.li4 tint State of renosylvtuiria, 'at. 'thy , close of husluess, Arrit 14, 1877: , . , itri) mer.l 2 . - 7,etans and diScounts..,. i ...... :..,,. ,• • 071,44 73 41.verti ra Et i 1 : '' ' , . . 5,1.33 73, U. S. riltunis to serum ctreui. Oat au,4ein oa IT. S. bends 01i hand ; • . • IMO bu Imo front approved reserve agr 4's . ` 45,105 03 411:- trout other N.liirnal fiat . . k. 1 '..... .. 905 04 Nie front State Bail; anti Ilaulmrs, ... '. 9.011 93 . lit'al eState.`fitrniture and fix.tur...?...\ ~.. 22,490 CO 4.11t4 elit expenses a»d:lases paid: .•.. . . ~ 3,651. 93 Cline 's and ot h••r rasii Items - - 11,1,00 26 hills o otter ISanks.A . , . _3,734 fie' Vractbe al currency (fail/I,ll'lg nickels). f.ro 03 s . perle 0 urhulinfr, gol.FTreaseo, - eer4i's).• 01*-19 . Legal-tender Illitlt.Ni . 21, 70 00 It tut ettijit it tri \ (lind W/Lti U.S.: Tr:::: sure rj, 2,4, ': 90 ` - tai 11 1$ \ \ .,.'...t ... ' ---- .T.; - I. ' N s t.I.4.I4ILITIES.- C9,plials ' iock Itald-hts.'' ' Surtgus fnn.l ' . . ruthrlderl pt °tit a._ 4‘,. ......... National 'Sauk notes o ' lltslandieg. . It:till:Wu:0 deposits sol.je 4 fe Cheek. Time eerfiffeatie. , ofd Vioel lbw to other National;:yatik., Bills payable • ' i . . . .. . - Total 7.:58034 42 State of I ., flao 4 ylvatila? . County of trati ford. t 3: 1. N. N. UF:TtS, In; CaatiOn'of thn above named bank, ,b. solemnly kate4r that the ab4Ye abatement ls'true t 6 the Itest of ly know led i.f;.! an. belief. . N,. N. BETTS, .It., 'ashler. Subset - N.4i and bW06.110 before nte thi- , k4th day of April, 1577. , • . . ic. It 1.101./CE, Sinfary Ptiltilc. ConllECT—Attest: tl . ' . 1 , "'• or Plated ted to at xt week.: • .ortmeut of YISLD'S. W . ~ E. I:V4II.ILE. t. 1 C. MAL .1.74; V1.1..1.E, lllrectOrs. H. 144 curl', . T6wand .April 26, '1;y77.. . . , r. ----- ..... - 7 - , - ._ • ----„-- t --,----.... ..,_-_-_-_,-,_„,.. , ... , - - i - ICENSES. 4 Noiice is hereby, xj. kiv,i, that tlt•., 1% . , oslng•applkaliotis for Li. eenseA for taverns. rail! •raionces, and merchant dealer's,' have barn MO hi ,hl, eatee.. andt hat the saute will be pre - ..ent.Alto th i. 014 , ,f,' Quarter 5 t ,,,,.. stoty oil Monday, May Ty 1677, r the, nysitleratlon tif:lal.l Court: ' l'AirEmvs . . .. George .Ipnlail: A the,bs,ltoro`., - . : 'llet,ry Mei:arty. Atlii:h.; Twp. 1 \- - P 13 Wfusa. Albaiiffrwp. \.. . ''W:hrren Smith. A list '4lllllle, - o•llinalda Ta'p. - J..,1)3) Irrtil, ('41.71 , 4) Dom.% . . Veto. ity•vdle, ( , auto4 Two. ; entryniltia),„ -, . IT. S. Belton. 3tonta Yrtryy, ' 1 Vincent 'Baldwin. It Idgehory: Tsrp. I),lniel Brown. 1.71,4...1 - 1 - wp. . . ; . • , .• Ct Ii P 1)1.1.x,.w, T,wran,l4 Itorw,.lstWard. Charles 11 seel6 - 2:Towanda !lobo, ll:t.Mratil. _ , ....Inlyis SulllvatbTovoi..4l3 . ll..r.o. 2nd Ward. Patrtek Sullivan, TOINAII , I3-81 , r0', Ist Ward. Washington (Teller. Zi...tyx.ataLy Bor.' Ist Ward., ( - has A & 3,,i1i. F. War , l.Towainlailor;,•2ll,l•Ward' Tiomiasit .I,u,laii..ToWatlda Wow,. tat Ward. John Burke. Towanda.ltoro, 2,1 Ward. •Wto henry, •••• i `•• Ist ; •`", 1 , E S Eeeler. WyaloslngTwp. ' I. .1 (1 Imugherty, V. Zap f ',,. .1 P Strong. (4 , ll.nrikla. - 1 . . ~, a 11 Millar: Ulster. . ~ ' Dant - 4 Kellogg, Albany. , . • • • . Lyman Brewer. Wells. . Bytiyan VanDlixer; Athens Beta: . e II Aties, - Sheshepiln. 1) lt,,Roseneratn , ,.tilyesetinln. . Edward Williams, .Towaa.l3 Bora', '24 Ward , '4. ... . , • 1. ^ .. EATING 110t5ES. nef,lr Ennis, Towanda liorto,2nd Ward. .„,... A .1 Beers. Canton 'to r n,', W AV Alleepirr. Canton noro*. t - ,Eil*attl Wllliatus, - TOWatida 11\nro', 21 Ward. • . . . ItEncilAN'T:tmitEltli. Glle s fi :clef!: Troy iloro.„ , C T Ittrby, Towanda lioro% ilyiiWard. John Flirgeaialtl, Towitolla Coro', Ist Wird. 1 ' - It TV Nobles. Towatola 110.10". 2nd. Vard. . John ()Minn. Towanda Burp'. ist Marti. Jag eiinmitskry, T.oyymnfla ii ,, rlNtst Want. Cliarlotribulari , " a \ al, ' . , - • , l)aotel Sullivan, Athena into.. • • , - il. 3f a. PECK, Prot. . . ..Towanda, April 12, 1577. - - TN TUE MATTER O,F TpIEAP J. 10Jc:diem ( tilt, Fail Creel' fittuinlis Coal Company for a.decree of dlYhofatinn. „In l'onrt r.f c4nlin.ot I:teas for the county of Diratlfutl Feb. Tern,, Iti77. No. 3ef... Tu all whom it ;nal!. concern; PPithlfe xtotio Is ticteby f,l'ven that , on the' seeowl day of 3lareli.\l..' 1877, tha pettlion of the Fall Crcot Idtanninen:i Coat Ceti:pane ivas presented to the Court of Coin: mon Plea:: far the c ce" , ::t3:- of Bradford, ptayttlif the saiii-Contt to eater a - .lecree.that.the eortora t -.W.wretip(m. it'was oictereit ;by the ,ai,l court *dm OW :edit petition - alionl , ll ,, e heard on MON DAY, 4.711 , 7th flay 31AY next. at . 10 o'clock to the forenoon, rdirn.antt where all pia tics Interested may appear atut hep eaid. • •DA V2F,S - CA (VITA N, Solicitors ftir it ey.elitloners. It PH \ , virtue et 4 Cuvri Of 1112:3(Ift, I tulidstrAtiv i nt the, t., of said county, will t• ,pretrAses In Litchnel coin uianring at 2 cnelock. estitr, Via : Buuti‘ind et t 4 tark and :Jane nrown. 'llOO. 1 1\i tie;' vast by land of 11. N. tt 1, of Pharies Brown; euntatniti . TEtt3ts —rid to ha paid ( struck' dour. One-half the resid, or Mato, and the ta lune° In one ye, Lion with Interest. GE:O. A pritl2, 15n. ' l--- ICE TSC,ORI'dIiATION- N I O .-- \.‘ _i_ . tibtiee 1% hercitY.gyren that anil ( !rett \ l ' wlllbe 1 wade to a taw judge of Itradrforil lottuty, at the I May, Court of couarnort.Pleas4tor the Inc ' pora tion,or "The VTniti, Church:of? Ire,qr Frank) . In Franklin Twp.'The Object a S:114 .AsNlffl3tll 1 IS (fi tlee t :11111 111:lint:lin a bowie for thrpublie tr,,re I.lp, of God. and In whlch the Gespel t ot Je%tis (3/rift, tuay:tet preached. • I • ' , ' \ _ • - • • ITICII %AM 51ONTOOMEItY, , ' 'W. It. Itt)CIZM'Et.I.,: . • • .I, T.. WOODIN,' C. R.. 'ATONE, i ;• • , - s I.FONAIIi) MORSE', ' • - '' „ A.vriir, , il e....::+liist. • 'Sl i est Frailkllt, April 12, 181.7,;. . • . - INCORPOIiANION 14()TICJ , 1: =.i -Notice Is Itercisy given that aPliticattott wflitxt woe to a La* it tiqgo , or' Bradford. County...at Wei ".11tay court of Contne.in Plcai, for the I ecorporatfost of .I , lte Valley !ate , Itill Af‘oelittlen,- of t...ihe shequin," haring 1',..r its object' the purchase of buildings,- Inaloteniu,ce o( a hail /or fhe,actoulo. tiattoßpf the - independent\ Onler of Oderretheys, . de. - ft. W,..M-LACX,M4N, , .. GF:O.III.I.•DS, • . - . . F. S.A 'V Elf- , • W5l. ii.li V 11r.tt; J. I'.. It(tclEltfs, . ' J.T. BLACKMAN% • Shesbegiitn, Aptiftii,-;g1;7. IStIZATOIt'S. sotick Lex. , ell given that all perzw s ns le. dt;b101 U, the essnte Moses Ellettherger..late of My lum t•wp-, deed. mist. make Immediate paymerkt 'to Vlui • itticr.dgned. anti all persona having elatme. agatOt mid estate turmt present them, duly sutlieu timitesl, for eettlemen 1., • • • •- • ' P.. StOllllS, \ • S. B. E11t.F.: 4 : BERGE:it, • .varet, .1.1.41tx. , • • Adialtilstrators. • MOTION! OF ASSIGNMENT.- Notice ts'kerehy.given that Jason S. Smith, of Ulster, has Made a - rimlntary, a.t.tgament of all F his personatand re state, book accounts, etc., to the undephrned foi t ithe - .beneflt of his creditors. Notlen Is therefore . 6 , 11-I;tven to eII persons' tindebted to said Smith ttat Rpymettt mast bentade. at once to the uodefrigh4l, and altpersans haying elalmsazalnathlni mot present Mtn( to me for, settlement. , - • t, tftrAcqula v Aril 20, Isl 7. -" AssAgnee, iTei•Advortiieteatz. • • .0 23,00.e0 •w. &Now 00 •.. 8,868 99 49,M)0 . 00 ....t2.6„6.4 30 53,926 88 9.199 2.4 ..; • 5,000 00 10. 1 .11! NS' COURT SALE.--By \a : order issued out of tbe tirpliaui• I County. - the undcrpgned. Ad- F.-tate.ot 11. D. Miller.. tl ,, e'd lite ` , ..:zp.so to tut 4 die''satu on " t hi , . eta F 1 ID. \ -, FIAT 4. i 577.: 1'..11., tt e tottowitig . ;vat \ khn west I y ;units of St•tjt kto IT 1 3 1 4 of .AVIn. Tut `klicii. a d south by biud ''. 35 at es. more or :tbs.'. th prv?perty hong ue r fin confirm:oton I ,l\ from rontlrtna -4 MILI.E.U. . lbaltitstrator. IaIistoCLAbfATICIN.. Hon; rion, ir);Nroißjaw; Petit DM 13th * Judicial District, &matting o :of Bradford; and Ilotf. C. $. MO'fffisW 'Judge In itioi for said county of Bradford. ;sued their precept bearing date the-26th da) uarr. 1877, to Ma directod , for .holding c 'court of Oyer and Terminer, GeneralJal I Dell, Quarter Bessions of the Peace, Common Picas Orphans! Court; at Towanda. for the, county Bradford, on Monday, Mar 7th{. 1873. • to, contim twos/reeks. Nottre Ls therefore ierctitygiven loan !tenons in terested that they be then and there In theirpreper person, at to o'clock. In the forenoen of said day, ulth records. ingnisitions and other retuenthranees. tondo those things which to their office appertains to be done. Jurors are requested to la{ pune lest In theiratteridance agreeably to their notice. Dated at' Towanda. the ,10th day of the year of our Lord. one thousand eight hundred and serenty4even, and of the Independence, of the United States., the one hundrtd and second... A. J. ItATTON, HQ TIERIFF'S SALES.-By ',virtim , kg of liu44ry writs issued out of the Court of Connlon - Pleas or Bradford County, and to the di rector/1., frill expose to piddle sale on . FRIII•A T y thortith day of May, 1577, at the door of the Can't House', 1 i Towanda, at I o'clock Ir. Mo. the fully W ; Ing dole bed property, to wit : • ' • , ' . One lot t •sithate In afonniti lisp. honnded north rd+Y lands of Bariluel Lyon, Itenj Northrup, Elon 4 w, Wilcox, Wtrd. Mason and Nelson Gilbert.- east by Jandt of 0 Wodgo . smith by lands of Win r and. Alan:nee:lt ellog and Mrs 31111er„ west by bed -1 OP. Mason estate nd Belli Northrop, t'• D ri\A [ .a Nt. boritl,eoo arras °and more or less, r 'acres insroved, lilt) 3 framed Moms, barns, 2 small hay bas, and sheds attach!, , with all fixtures longing thereto. `s t\ ALSO—Defendant's Interest 1n one' orb land, situate In Monroe add Albans: twps, ' :north by - lands of Chester Northrop east ' ~.of F. C Kalogz and lirrs3tiller. south \ try/ 1ap.,.. -Widow Brown, Chas Brawn; Houston cpst and F. •I'irilcO:c, west by lands of Jerre Blackman ' , George Adult. and Jr W Lewis. chntaltilng aboi 1d450 acres Kor \ land more' r less, no Imp r ov e ment r4 Sei z ed and ken into eteentlan at the - c ult of D/11 Blackman tad S Blackman. , ' • •- . - • - ALSO --One other lot of land itaoAthenstwe.. hopsir eft north by !nudger Henry titer east, y Minds M rs Matthewson, South y obilithighway aild.,l A 'Keeler. west by lauds out cDollie , cote tili\ bling I ere of land morn or less, :alb Improved, wlllst fro ed house, shop.. hoard . barn , and few frultirees t ereon. Selzedand taken In o ol'ecti- Don at the su • of J J Thompson vs Mr H Dunlap. ALSO—One ' her lot of/land situate in 'lte%riek twp, hounded u tl l l T i by hinds. of 1) A lIIIIis and N Wrn Taylor, east lands of Wm Taylor and P fc- Govern, south by lands'orD Armstrong, and Jati Lackey. west by lands' of 2 Angle, being/the entire, flytn as boutithal arny out In Deed' Book. Ito 4o'page 80 , excepting al ,r :t 4 . 33acres sold to . 0 ,A . 111 his as bounded noel do. 'that! In Deed Book No 112 , page ir.B, containing ter deducting said •3S acres, about Ile Acres of laud: more or less, abZrut• all Imprinted, with' I framed lice, I framed barn, sheds attached; and orcha n 1 ro f rut ttreas Thereon. S.eized and taken Into exec:Won t the sort of Efeo Landon vs filfilltS. - ri „ '•. - , A LSO6-ono other tot of land sit\ to in Albany twp• • hounded north by'. lands of Ermitus Nilson. "east -by lands or Silas Vkrenson, south\by lands of Silas Bakes, west by lands or Geo Il• Binder, eon. tattling 45 acres of land more or less, shoot ZO acres ImPrOveri. with I log house, I Ingham, aml•orchard , of trim tr e ks thereon. Seized and taken littp - exe- . 'cutb.n at the snit of !Imes Marcy vs.( M Yargason. A 1:.: —tune other lot of land situate In ,Asilutti INN boutel•4l. and describe:l 'as follows : Beginning at a /wen and stories In rim of said Jot; thence south /73 0 , west (SS. 4.10 per taa post ,and stones. in , eor: thenee north 161.f5, west 51 per to an Old whdte pine stump In 'co o : thence forth 44 0 , east 203 4-50 per to ~:t pod apd stones insehr: thence south 12 0 25' and I.ji per to the place of &ginning: .eonteining 94 acres sod 51 per stricrmeasure, about 75 acres Im prove, i I 'framed house, 1 framed barn, I wa gon `t tot orchard of fruit, trees thereon, r et eq., reset log therefrom I acre_ of land Geo p Spetieer and wife to J f C , s4- . _ ,at ..teti dated-. elzod and taken Into exe en o suitor, Al frt:4 guaritanof FI, gems" and J L Ci Gl9ahglr, guardian o v,B Geo P Speri4. Al:fitcs-tfit&other lot, of fantb,sitnato Ter.y . , ron, bin/mica anti tieserlhed at. follows. b-Bginn ng at a eltesttint,tor, untilitg'east 7 pert-. Metter' by lauds of I•aintiel V uol i south Of peF to a stake and stones Or a chi; the •e. east n,per to a cor; theitee soittli s tt,pur to it toil thenea.west 85 per to a eOr; thenfe north 100\per tOttm 'place of beginning, ett4lll:it4c4B aeres rif Lit 4 more or less, about''2o aerks improved, with r house and. few ftult trees ( thereou. Setzel, and taken Into execution at the stilt of atyt 3ftinvllle\y; A D eolith .s and Illfza Shore's, , wtre'o Z Shure T. T. A - LS(.-4•Oue other loboibauti situaM in Granville twp, tuormied north by the`pubLte \ highway. east by Intirts'of .11 (Thehl,2v.,Outirby 'wills of NC Ii it weSt by lands of -Ili:ant Thoruas,\7titainllig 35 neres4.d.lancl r Mit.% More oriekv, aimill \ all lut roved. with Itainoil house, I foamed bans and anti orchard' of fruit trees thereon. S'etzed.anii , taken Into execution at tho suit of T ClAwfm •vs ALSO—Otte othlr lot of laud In arida tsr. }139,454 .. ac It alay,teadln2. orniNnalit4Swain'aZtot/t • • • aitillle. west by.l3liiis of Jo, n Ballard, containing 1 aereof lariat Marfa, f.t le.As: Al naprored. Setzed and taken Into execution at the s tit of 'E. W little and Betts..irs use is Slane at and Wan L Williams. A I.SC.One other Pit Cp land situate In Canton twp, bounded and deserifx. I as follows: Ileginulm.f, at the .soutti side of 'rowan . t•reek; thence sown •(aa3t.io„ 5-est 22 per to the cross •roads running lay tire . mill formerly known as Pratt ' ti11a...; thence 'south 2 ° . west 2-per: thence soutletasli . West- 44 per or the tine of lands of Jos Wilcox; t ewe north 2,r2 0 ., east 45 per to Towanda creek; then e south 73 , ,,0,„ east kl per to the place of beginning. said grantee at hare saine right as Asa l'ratt •kw 'of tirawing aller 'frotat said 'raiivantla creek for - tne purpose.of. 'rat ir,2 a nilll, eamtainin about. n aeres •of land ntaart-or I , n:s:with - I :rained house, t fratueda grist nalli, I framed barn:with shells attached, with nth er'entiolllantigs atitiqs few fruliirees thereon. • . A I.Sfrarne other - lot of lend siluattk In Canton boni:\liottnaleal. and alescrtheal as follievr's"i Beginning In the centre of Lyconating rat, It being - the north west cos of J C Deltlitt's•lot; thence along south. titte.of said beWitritiot„, south 391a0. east 11 7-10 per to a pest In In)e of lauds of .1' C Ite,Witt,, ~.1. C . Wright, Jacob Ittirtrauft, Levi Stull, John (Itlttiu •anrSofhers:\thente:south 3*„weit 46 7-10 per to a post, It being :reef. of lot owned by F Macs: thence try sirtit Illaelestait line tiorth 36°, west tf per to a Is ii-i iitt ?fen ee, by\ intim north 33,1¢ 0 ; we'd 24 pet to the southwest cur (,[Tait maned by A II 31ixt,' thence by soutkllite of laielintiv the said A di Mlz and Stens- In Wileox, north °, east 107,10 per to the south east can\ of tot trained lay said . Ileitasa ',Winces; thence lay \ satnc north 3G°, west 10 per id the...centre of I:yearning st; thence along centre of silt' st north 1 34.,:eaaat 12 5-10 per to‘tte place of begyining; eon- talrdog 3 acres, 74 340 lwr of land • more ,or less, ,with I trained house; 1: framed horse harn,"aud a I Tew frolt,and orminientalltrees there On. .." , , A I.S , )—kine other lot ofland situate In Canton 1•oro. tounded north by.tailts,of 1i!..0 It it,. J ohn W • I t lri Wm and - Ezekiel Neiman, east by Ezekiel fete -1 luau i l tul 4 tSeantring'stOmuth hay Lycoming st, west by lands of it 31 3ltudef anti Chas Stockwell, rota, taltaing 3 acres of Maid more or 1a ,7 7, all- improved, win, I fritimal house. 1 framed 1.. fo, grape.ry and :tilde orchard thereon. riefzeti anti taken into est- , 1 010611 at the suit of l'orneroyttros\Vs I:- Iv 31cciel- 1 Plural. If SteClelland and .1 It Inropon . T. T. , ALSO—tine other lot cat land, statute In Rome 1. 1 twp, bounded axial alescrilant felitawal\i Iteglialinig at'n *take the southwest eo Slut 4.. \lt' Torrel's lot: I lieneettlong the sraiiitttail of ' the same south $s ...; 0, east il3 per to a 51.i1ke . . 1 stones on tire line I of (.- Vattelie, (Tents south 11. . siest tOa,sliike afRI stone', roe of G W.:Wenn:lb • g;.tlietiee by (Ste line Or the same north taSt. l ", west las per Lila C1 , 1 0 1T09 . . titre of S. Indiaekt thence lay the line of tire ...-aino ',nest If. i ...t.g. east 633-10 per to a car in line of, Win liall'stot: thence by the Ilse of the same Avu,th 661.. s a, e a st 43 per iO a post; tiontee south lit°;wot 2:i.A , doli4r to the place of beginning, iroutaining 7iti s naertet,3l per of. land mom or less, about •35 aereal F . Improtri..With 1 framed house, 1 hoard ll,OlLse, 1 a Irina:4 barn, I sitan saw bill, and orchard Latf reit trees theteon: • Defendant's ,1i interest:only le. lad sold. Sol7X.d. and taken lot.. execution at the,-,stilt . -of 4 ll Phi truers use ex.E. E Goff. Also at suit itf First' National Bank of ,Towanda.; l'ao van E: V. Golf and LeavlS‘Goir. a A ESO--1 • Ine outer lot of land situate in Smithfield - top. hounded north by lands of Mary Wallace and. .(Ira'' public .Irlghwity, east by lands tat ratrtek White...grunt lay lands' of Orrlir or Flank Scott. - West by kfutli of .1 L Gerould. and a lot weried by. Sarah 'Clavl ti. deceased . ScOntaining Gil-acres of land.. more pr lex - c A NOM' .51' ac"res hutaroVed, being tire same land enavered ley the gild Samuel Niles to.the, Fatl.atetrililants by deed dated Feb 4. 1569. Selzela, and taken into •execution at, the suit'. ofSamuel N /IN , TS NV M• A -Gavett. who surives tiSrah Gayett, A Isi w --tare other lot of laud' Mltuate in Altman norti,bounded as' follows : Sit tuttetut the north side of Bridge 14.•Issitig lots Nor-land \221 on plot. or survey 311,4 , 11.! . lay Orsonlnt:key:for the lion Edward ilerack.lWith 1 framed rons„! anal f,* fruit:,-tree: thereint.,'Seizetrand taken into execs on at. the snit of Athen.4 11- At L Assoc/anew:of `Antelits . ra,. vs Geo ll' natal'Elizabetir Gaeta]. .' • , 1 .aLtiti--Lhaetatiter lot of hind situate in Trtry twp, minuted vorr Why kinds of (..'...st tlatar.l•ast hyslatids of Daniel Nylitte. south by Lands of Mandel Nirtitte, W , et by the putille Ilighway;:containing ,2?, 3 aeres of land more or less, all Improved, with 1 framed 'I licsonte,-,1 framed barn and few ft nit trees thereva.\: acinettaittl taken Into execntiert at the snit of „Elias •I, Lotasen vs ,1. LI t`oop , r., . - . sin—Gue other 1024' sltoste In S'ranklittlWp, bon alettnortht by lands of Ir:\ Overton, east par 'ands triranlSl l'optey sonll4 - by lairds of 0 fli•• 11aatlge„'atral weft by Imins of. JOtrl Irtockwell ; _nen. iI lain ing '' arses of Mild. (nose Or about 351111- prOVfed. •‘• th 1 framed house. .t (rallied learn,. land few ': frill; lees thereon.-frael2eat WWI -taken. 'pan I •• xt•attiletr at he suit of Writ A iltoekrvell vs Ilfrazu tvelwell and T. . - • 4 - % ' • • y Atso—tank! • her lot, slinateln S.hes l hertnln . . wp, o:Toded north b rand., of 'at) F'ayres,seast bydamil of Paltatt•pore, ran Why lands of LEalph•Gore;!,attal, I -, tealst by lattatic high a 3;; containing s . :litre of slalad, more °rtes.., all It:atria - eat, etitle steam grist-utlll . and alt nalll tl.ctiares haunglng thereto.: Seized and taken IntO execution a the suit of 0.11 Vaintyke vs F S lyres. • ALSO—One ntlterlor, 4 uale In Athens Boni', bounded warth try lands' v .Mary Long, -east; by lanai. of Martha .1...1.eng..'50ut by lialllow-st, and wdst lay lands of QS.. \Visaed ;,aro tattling _Li • sere, of band, more or-leas, . with 1 new melt Itouse",and' few-afintt tree. the'reOta. ' . . ALSO—alue otia&'tot, situate In Athena, itoro',, Lotottied „north Lay 3iary F Long, east y -;-..slitartas. . south by 11illew-st, 'and west by Elm rest: con taining • about ?i st! 'an nen of land, rn re or less, with I itew framed honk and barwand eti,frstilt ,trees ,thereon. Sulked ;MI - taken Into e raeutioh ht the suit of The. Athens itolitllngand Loa Asaeo,- -etaalen of Athens Pa vs altelos P Knapp and ‘Vna' a , a 1 liiiavp: . • ALSO—One'other lot of land 'Latinate InVearck to twp,noureled Sod described .as follows: Tti . e . ' do" fendatit's undtvideLl'S Interest, beeltinlngat a post • the northeast ear of a tract, surveyed ',in the. War rantee name of-Robert Iteeltylematt: thence south lialli deg; west 125 rods to a Post; thence so.uth, - ;etea by the seyeral eonrses anai - dlstaures.to theylate of beginning, contalidlog lti 'Ores of land !note or less, excepting and, reserslng , ievertheless to the said the Barclay Ciaill Ito,: their inecessOfil tar asglgnees ;forever all of the stone.,,coal, metal Ores, or other nalneral substances In the said lona. - Seized and taken Into ex'ecuUoit at the Dolt - Of Ei:T Nifticoro tIIeTI John Atntituf.' —-. .. - ; • Eno t ur Judge of n the county urodate ve Irk Feb: S ry. • r ME A f,f4o—One otherlot, situate' In Towaktda twih ftorinded and described as rettawst / Beginning at a car on Italtroad-St ; thence south erly 50 ft; 'thence Westerly to Center et; theme northerly 50 ft; thence easterly to place of beginning, being lot No 24 Iti ti yl i s s s or es roan of South Tonoinda: all improved: its buildings. t3elsedand taken Into execution at the suit of 4:0 Trost re F. Cook. ° Alsllo-00.6 other lot. sltnate In 'Windham twp. bounded north by lands of ,daines Drown. east- by lands of F;llery Choeney and Wm Sibley, , wrath by, nth of Reynolds 'n4 — "by landi of —snj bound as follows t ita the-southwest by tbe tuddle road, 'east, noldb and South by lands of James Es py: being the let of land conveyed by P.S. Squires to Cyrus Faller and by ryrits' roller to T: Anglo t acre el" more or les,s, with I small franiud house and NW fruit trees -thUrenn,. Setzed and taker/Into exer . litron*.at the snit of, John lioltues vs James Wood; ALSO-,-The" defendants C I).Cash's and.: P A 'Cash's undivided two.fl ft hirinte.rest In lila Oland "situate In Barclay tarp, containing 113 acres,' more - or less, : In the warrantee name,of 11 H Connlnghatn. with a (saw mill.: mill houses. and 3 'name thereon.. . ALStl—The'dePts..o I) and F A Cash's undivid ed two-IBMs interest in another lot intuate In Bar. clay titt; 6iipaining 400 acres of land. more orless # In the _atrantee name of Peter Ladle". ' • ALlSO—TheitleCti, C I 3 and F. A.Cash , s und e two-fifths_ In teresf in another lot situate in Bar clay Awn, containing; :136 acres oeiland. more - or le:s.s,An the warrantee Name of Walter 4tewart. ' . ALSO—The deCts, C' l) and PA bash's undivid. gd rivo-fifths interest In another lot situate itrßart_ clay and therton talis.contalnlng 400 acresof land, meteor Less, in the warrantee name of Andrew, Ladley: ALSO—The del; ,GietYP Cash . % intereit in'tnie •otlier lot, situate In TOWanda Dort?. bounded north by Pine-st: east by Fourth-et.', south by, the 'Me ..feneof Col J V Means, and tied by lands of Sullivan; being atwe'it Sint on 'said Pourth.st ' and about. 330 on said .Plne-st, :frith I framed house, barn.. hencoop. etc, thereon. The dell, C.l) Cash's Interest therein also'to be sold:". - \ • ,' % ALSO—One edherlot, situate Towanda Novo', bOnnded:nortb by Wm .A Chamberlain, 'I'„C Delano anii.Jantes Wood (known as the spring lot), east 1 17 / . \ltreehanlcs-st, south by.lands of parties- naknOwn. 'and Mfst by the spring lot attires:Ad: being abOut. 31)41 front on said 3fechanlca-st and LSO ft (leen'. ' AJ.i.io•=-The aorta. C D and V A'Cash's undivid: ed twOJltths interest la one other lot sltuatOin Bar clayi.tWp. containing 33,5,,acres of land , more or less,. !tithe Warrantee patheiot: Joseph Lailley. Seized aryil taken \ lnto execution at the suit of E W Hale Vfr C D CaSh. •V A Cash, .M-A Cash, Geo P Cash, l and P IV Ca well. See*Y., 1' •- '• - • - A hSO , -Tbasdef'4,Geo.. Cash's undivided .:.s one eft h Interest Inn lot of land situate In.Barclaytwp, containing 113 abces, mow or less, the warrantee n"n t name of It II Cu in am, with a saw. mill, , two millitouses and a s thie thereon. . - . .. . A r,sl)—The den's.\ Geo P - Caslr's undivldedone fifthinterest In a • icitiitnate in Barclay tvrii;`cotr talnitag 40.3 acres of la nd, more or less, In the.war rantee name of reter La ley. • ALsg—The de f 'ts; ;Geo ' Cash's undivided one fl fth Interes,t In one:ether lo 4ituate likil'arelay twp. containing 330 acres of, land. tore or, less; in the wartantee.namo of Joseph Lao ey. '• . . . A LSO—The del*" Cipo P Cash's nedirlil'Al one ea ill Interest irone other lot sithate In Darelay tW fi: 't , otit al Ong 335-acresof land, 'snore or less, to tilt , . iyarr,anti-e name of Waiter titoNt. - ' Lsci—The deft, GeOV Casicsundivided one fifth Interest:l n one other lot situate ^, n ltar7lay twp, ponialteln.4oo ieres or land, more r less, - in the warrantee mime of Andrew - Ladle:F. - .- ilLt-0-4)nnother lot, situate In towand Boro'.- b0un , 1,,1 north by St.atest. east by late: it - Vbl Beni •- R9Ykeakill. south by Poplar-st, and west liy - 1 ds ,'of -Geo II Wood; being about 30 ft front and, a ut' ,I SO ft deep; all improved; no buildings:, Saz.u.l and taken Into execution at the sal; ( of E W Hale vs iier , P•Cas.b.. ' • ' . ' - - • _ . • - ALSO---One otherlot of, land situate lit Towanda hounded and des - crilted as follow's: tlegin ming at a cor on the west 81de of .1171agest MS feet north trout Wtn Patton's north AIM; thence South nl deg; west 218 9-10 ft to a eon thence north 8 deg, west 75 ft toialtonvthence north Ot deg, east 218 0- 10 ft (0 lltdwest side t.tt firittg,-+ st, heretofore men-' thnted: thence along the west side of saute 75 ft to the place_of beginning, - . . ALSOL-tnie other lot of land situate- In „Towanda borW,, bounded and described as follows; _LlCglnnlng M r s.; cur on the petit side of ,Irridge at, thence d"g. `Test '21 , 4 0-10 ft to a cor; thence north deg, west 10 ft to a cor; thence north - AI. aeg, q&St ici a . cOr itt the west elde Bridge st 'be.mtitrot, thence alolig the :Kline setuth. 10 deg.. east 10.11 to the' place. of beginning; being tO nfhl -ed to the north side - of lot. first dot:milted ~with . trained house. 1 shed aMl'f•e: fruit trees thereon, A I.ry)—Lot No's,l and 2 In 31,/rgan S Moody's ihrOlcisloll Of F.astlTowattd.m. nt,,- Pear on a map - iiiinlC Lc W fI Morgsn. and rt:corded In the office [or recordligr - aef.fts.,'et(*. in .deed 1)44 -No 110. page ta, MO as ft lloows: North by lot :Coo in the name of .k 1 'Willis, east ley Ictrinsvlvania avenue, soutttlrf WYeat.l . lking St, Wet; by lands of a tobn E Gelg!=r, tieliift the saint, Mr con tr:lo,ml to o Oretitt on tic: 281111 day Of July 1371, 1 beard nouse,.and few - fruit trees thereon.' seized and taken Into execution at the snit or Na ry Donohue rs E _N-MeCerthick. • Ali.Stl—fine other lot of laud sit uate'lli.Towanda bore, bounded north by. Poplar st; east by lattils'or artha A,Griswobi,.southme mews of .1 1.1 3fe'arts, w. -t by land, of ii ,ties Passage. being. about 50 ft VrAttt by about IWTtdeep,t,ith Ispriegofwliter ; thereon.- seized and raktM Info es - ecution si • the suit of John llolmes-es ,11 - rantimil. 1..50-•--Ono other lot, slttutte in Wyalirsing bounded and described as folloirst ilegiriniug at a. post the sonthwest cor of,3t al Th in s ts; thence ted - thr; deCwest along said Mal n-st 4 pPr - to a post furl cor the southoust 4 ; L affert y, I , a lit..T“`e north-13 deg east 16 per to a post the north east ror or said tagerty's lot; thence south. 77 deg' east 4 per to a post . un the w stslde Of sal.; Third-stp thence south 13 deg west along said Third.it 16 per - ratite place of begintilitg,lit eluding-lots' •I\l'o 10 and ..13; contaltthig two-fifths of-an acre. strict measure, . with 1 framed houte..-I,frameil barn, and-few fruit trees thereon.. Seized and taken into execution at: - the suit of Mrs 31 it Avert es 'Cyrus 'A:lieu .and _James Beaumont. Also itt"sult of -F illayt qs Cyrus As - cry and James Beaumont. ; A LSIS---Ono other lot:Of land situate in Columbia twp, botmded 'north by lauds of P C 31organ, east by lands of P C 3lorgan. - s:outh by the public MO' , way leading froillrolumbiA X Roads-to Anstinville, west by lands of Chas T.eater - and 0 Morgan. eon . telnincli acre of land more or less.; with 1 framed building used tor ,a Church thereon. - Seized taken Into execution at the suit, et 'Newberry -and Beek'S vs .1 Watkins, Prest; Ii 31 Ferguson. A. - 41, Sec'y of.the Austinellie Baptist Society... ; • • • . A LSO—Orte other tot. situate. In Route tll:hod:MS cd north aud , eas3 by ,public high Way.. south My lauds-of GeoStruble, and 'west by lands of John Stritide: containing 40 acres of land, more or less,- all improved,'ot Rh few fruit trees thereon. ALSO--One otherlot,situate lu Rothe twp,lxmnd 'ed north by lands of George Struble and John Stru ble. east: by..puirlic highway. south 'by lands of Washington Towner and "Tartlet Barnes. and west bY lands of .Charles Forbes and Luther Cole; . • tabling 46 acres and ifb - .per snore or less, all improved, with 1 framed house,`.; framed barn with shed attached:irk - till few fruit .trees thereob. ALSO-Oie other 10),situatein Borne ttyp„bound• ed north lands of Smith Forbes, east by bands of Harriett Barnes: sinith by &bile highway, 'and_ west by lands of - Harriet Barriest. containing acres of land, more or less; no lintroyements: Si:li ed and taken into execution at the suit Of Illanlel Sioreinalter Ts Geo Struble. - •. • • ~.a.1.80.-=One other (WM land situalo in. Vi Bol tap. bbunded north hy lands of Beni Bennett, and • Clark Baxter. east`by, , latids of Samuel eliatither, lairt;.V E and J E and dot x . ituotr. south bf lands of Myer Heed and the estate of !Joseph couklitt. deceased, hest by lands of V E • and_ J Moller. C Spencer and Richard Bustin,. contain ing 300 acres of land More or less, about 200 acres, improved, with .l grist mIll, • 1 plaster mill, • I plan ing mill, I blaelts.mith shop. I 'Wagon stibp, I framed house ate(' for 110fel, 1 framed dwelling house, 4 framed tenant ?Muses, 4 framed 'lvan's, other out. , buildings, 3 orchards anti other mutt trees thereon. with all and singular the, NV:ltt''r privileges and easements' belonging to or irt . itivalse apper , tattling to the , same. - A s \k , lso-;-- tit ne tither lot of land situate In' *ysox hounded north by )ands of Mrs Sautudi Rep nolds anitilie public higavtay, known as the ffollan road. east by lands of Beni Bennett., south - by - Jamb: of A Lent, west.by lands of Mra:iantuelitisin'T an d ELI Spencer containing 30 acrei, of land inure or less, no imprciventents: - . . ALSO—one other lot of,latill sitnato,in Wysoi twp:, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at,": white oak eor 3ti 5-10 per on warrant line, east Of cast One of what was - formerly _called 'Claverick. twp, and out the south side of a pond or - lake, for. `merry called Lewis lake, now known an Mountain, taker thence around &lid pond or lake at high water line Allo.several eourses and distances of said high water mark or lino Meng lands•of .7 It tmiklin; W Ellull,- V. C -- Spencer and others to'the 'place of be. 'ginning.. containing within the . , said high.' water I I mark or line al."ut SO" acres inore'Or lc 3, tint` Wile, being what,ts ("ailed Pond Lake. . l r ALSO—Otto:other lot tif land nitual• t in :wy sin s - I tap, bounded north by lands u[. I' Spencer, east by lands of Mrs Binhop, south by lands of Mrs Itigh; ""p. Vrne. l i 6 tleY. and Delos Yargustin, west liiy Pond Lake. the .same Milnining Pond Lake at the outlet, and, being a strip of land! wendingirtyril 914 'out ? .zet along. the race front ,sattl outlet, dawn tint gulL' about ti, rods . . nodal - Katt R ruts. wide,- containing; M 4.03 of land more Or les.s, with a gate house to out let: thereon. together with all And singular the de emidant's rights and privileges of"daming tip . and dr.bate!' W ing.the watand. f rout said Pond .Lake. Seized and taken into execution at thi suit of - W. 11' cooklin, Adner Joseph Coukiln, deed, vs E Reed Myer, \. - , . : .. • • • • - • \ A . N1111P.W.4. LAYTON, .Sherilf. - "SherifrisOince; A prill9, 1877. ' - '- ' . r,'! •' . . . • .. . i TN BANisilllTPl'.(l'-.-:•:-In tliel)ts . . . . i t Iv tact Court' d the Irntted States, -.for , tte'Weid. otittilstrict of Ittzuns,• . leartlit. In'ra Ila ty Mlx4 a Bankrupt N. It' in Bankruptes. - •" . Netfee Is hereby ktven. that there will he a thtrd general - meeting of \the creditors 'of% thl above Hauled Bankntpr, fur -puipo.ses. contemplated to the '24.ith tsecttorr of 'tho liankrupt Act. on* the ht day Of MAY. 1777.' ate o'clock. P. M., at Lthe, tace of Nawf.rd overton,•jr., I,efore .Eduard N.' Willard, ite . ttilder.. in Itankriptcy, Towanda, Pa.; and all creditors 'who have proved their debts; arc hereby requested to he present at•ltald Meeting. . ,• • ' •' - •'• JA.5...r04 - Elt, Asslguee TowitudaeApritl2..lB77.../ " . \ . . D.M IN IS' TRATO RS' . I',COtICE: :.cotice is . herebC given that ailTeisons'in- IttebuLA to tbo,„*statoriq ILeAYy.A. MilleT,late of Athena,Aleeel.W4, most make immottlate'loyment to tho umiersigue(y.and all persons • ttaving s elahns gal.uq, raid eAta*ninat prownt thetnAttly authen: mated, forsettleinent, OF.O. IP. MILI,EIt„ , • - L.H. 5t11,1.1.:1t. ,\ • ALA , . JOHNSON", .Aitmlnistfratort. Allllll2. 11117. XECUTOR'S,,NOTICE;-,,Notito I h Hereby elven That all persona Indelded. to toe estate ot :aames,Vtowtey, - late. of iltidgb4l7, deeer.sed, must Dmitri Immediate payment tottiO uudeistgued,,audi all persons taxing elalsas - 1 against said estate must pro tut .them,-duly au , theotteated, forsouleitmat, • " . I • Ir.:mentor. • a s„ UPI A ----- R '7— Pt IAN 7-, S ' COURT AL E, .- r 1 y .- . ‘,7 vlrtne of An order fantod iitirdtthe Osphadie Court of Ilrit4 ford Count]. the underSigned:Zitee• " utor of the eititee Geo..D. Montanyer. late of the - pOrotth of Twinta_ga, deed, will expose -to date -at the Court If ouseirf the Ineforigh of ITOSTalitta.l%.:. On THURSDAY. the id day of MAY, A. D. 1577, 1 At 2 o'clock, 1.. at., the folyrultlg described ?Saler , tate; ',lSt, : ~,IE . --. •: ... -E-, ~ . -I. - One lot - si tuated i n the boro 'id Tosfaados • .•', .• bounded and dosertbed'al ;fojloWer Beglnningwit -- - the west side of Iltainatr, at the soilthesutteorner of . A tot sold to. floftnes tieiPiatusaget thence SouttlerlT, - • along the west sideitifilfaiti-ed :it ft and * lychee*. • , \ xs north line of Pine-it ;then • .lptifr said Perth Me - • of Ping - at westerly 74 ft to n Shey; thence- north , . - - •'. Orly. alongsaid alley.= ft an 3 Incheito the south. west corner of lot of said lifol •& Passage; and . , • thence by same eisterlY'7,4 ft Itos - weet side of Main-st, the - plate of 'beginning,' with a..two-etory -brick building theremi. The second storyOf .11.04 . ' • building dining Its existence, together , with the ~ eeroud story . or that part of ttr;isanni over, the toe - ~ • a a n sold to nottnes & Passage , to be:owned li the Par , ' chaser* of the short, described lot,'lncom with said Holmes k Passage; they tohace ed_t. ifof the . rent-and us e thereof and said purchase other half..the first story to be occupied by 'loch pureilast. . • , cr while said itildifig'stands to the _ partitlonyrai . '. •ok tint south side of said Holmes k PaesageOli ste t .. ' •,,,. - is noW•occupled by them under their;deed. • 2. - AlsOrone other lorin Sabi born;; 'bounde..sa ; 'folloWs:, Beginning it the southeast,Lcorner df int No. I. of it Ward's sotslivision; thence north 85°. 10' east Along the north lino of State-Ot SO ft to * ; ' -- corner of tot No 3 of said sub dlvislon; thence north ' '4°, 50' *est along noe'of santexoll.to alt fooral. , lay; thence along the south linolikeild-affersouth . 35 0 ID . %Tat 5D ft to corner of lot 1t e.l of Said iluh. • division; thee along line of same ; south 0, 50'• ' z ; east 150 ft to place of ho - gf Outlt, .being. JO No 2 of -..- Henry Ward's subdtv.ision. -5. -Also , lot No 21 of said subdivisi o n , bounded as ' • ' follows: Beginning at &comer otteastline ot West- ' see and south linen! Ward Yet t hence " i rvei ern see ' - '- ssm o ,' east along-south line of IV -sire22s3 ..4, to - • '' north-west corner of lot No 22; th nee along linh.of ••• me south .30,!•4 0 , east 110 ft to north dine of at 3 ft; ''. .. - alley; thenc along same Booth shout 801 : e. ft to east tonne of Western 7 ave; thence along same ,•,„ me north 4°, se' , west ICS tt to placetif beginning. ' • . '.. Also, lot N0..22 of • aid subdivision. Wooded • t " • as ' °Bows: Beginnlng at ,nortikast _corner of lot ' ''', No2l: thence along line of same 50nth.5303•6*,., oast 110 feet to said alley,:;" thenee north SOS° , east • along same 50 ft to corner otiot N'o/23:thenee along - - line of-same north 3034*, writ 110 ft to south line of Ward-aye; thencettiring same south 5731, 0 0ve5t. - .S 7 ft to place of beklnning. , ' • 1 '- • • , .7. Also , lot No 2$ of *ld - sub tliviii6n,- bounded ---- as tiottows: Beeinnitiewt , thenorth.easttorner °tic* No 27: thence aldrerilno of same tfoattr - 3030; east ' i 1O: ft to the north ilae:of said alley.; thence, along. line of sane north 5924°, east 50 ft toa corner of int No 291 thence along )Ine of same north 3054, 0 „ west Ito ft to the south line of Ward-are; thence along ; same 50uth,5934 0 ,' west 50 ft to place of beginning. 8. -Also, the undivided half of the 'following do. scribed lot situate in said bozo. bounde4 as follows: On the north by lands,of.3-P Kirby and L. D. Doerr te.n, east by an alley, math by land of J 8' Meads, and west by Helmet: 'being 20 ft front"' on ,Main-st, and-s 0 ftin depth: Sabi testatorsa interest therein' 'being the undivided one...half of the „equitable title and same land that J F Meant; omiractad to sell to., A ) /1 Sweeney, whose interest was - subserinently sc . qulred byeald testitrir and H W Noble. _. One lot of land in Terry twp..o Bradford County, I; , iondcd 'as follows :. Oa the north briands:. of Ed ward and. Erastus Shepard, east by lands of canto of Cl' Welles, deed, south by lands : late of Henry: "Vetter. and west by-the Terrytowneroad ; contain ing 50 acres, More-or. less. Being' thd same' land that said •Montanye purchased by contract of Cleo B 'Mills. and baring - an tit - nimble title, puty thereto. •TEBMS OF SALE.- n lots Nos 2,5; 6..7, 6, and' int In Terry two, ttel..foutif of-the purchase money to be pald'on thq propert being struck. - down; one -third of the residue on confirmation of ,sate, and , the residue one year,thereatter, with intireitt. ~On lot No I, piston the,propOrty heing struck i dow.tr, one-third of tte,restilue on confitanatioh, and the . residue ono Eyeat thereafter with, interest.;: John i2",311x; Esti, liasa, map of H Ward's AnbetiviSten.• showing the locatirin of lots Nos 2,5; 6 and .. All persons I ntending - to bid Are invited toexamine•this map alhflfollice. '' - PA,CL D Towatuta,fPa., April 5,1 31011110 W 7.Exec)aioi • EGISTER'S • 'OTICE,--Ncitiec tr is hereby given. th.rci haalleea Me& in iho ,,tuto of-Register of Win In and .foi tbo - totntv-sor B r3drord...accounts of ad InlstratiOh the - Tol; lowing eidates,,vli, • Final acc't itt Martha leffenbanh ei'x of Chaa tnetienliazich„ of O'r • eon, deed. . - -•; Final aCc't of 4 1 .1.;•. 1 one now dec'd,:•• guartlian 'of A(l2 L jOea. minor chili of L. 1,000 s,? br Terry: deed, by Sarali,P Jones, the adtrorz of said pia, ciet af.y ri.einnintskey,',adm*r of,Penvirs Purcell. late of Rome, . , Partial acct of 0 J. Ch'utanielr, per of.f,acoh chnhbuck, late of Torianda bora, de',ol. • . -Partial aec't of Win Ii Rankin, adiii'fititStepticii § Ilalad., lain of Itidgebnry. deed. ': • - ,--' Ft aec't of s '..A 0 3ltiler, guardian, of , Alfred 31111 . minor and of Al).. C ]filler; ~ • • - ,:, ' Final aec't of . .!I L Rockwell and Lireinda -Li on• ;Ira, adizaw of Noah - reonard., hitii..,Of , Troy. iwp, Finaf'aeet of ,I.ucindaliefebratiCadrier of Illeh ,ard fi:choonover, Late of Standing 'tone, deed. Final acct of F. II Powell. ituardba 'l4 Orrtn• F, Spencer,.minor child- of Win spencer, late of Or- F Mal :ic % en of kincria;;Wilkinson, adtte'r of. 'S W Wiliii won. - ' -. , . ', , Finaltace't Of W 'Nf Coon,-adtur of 011re.11Coon, . late of Towamla bore. dee'd. , ~ .._-,' -, .', ' . IMal acct of Geo W Sterigere, eer of 'leer Ste-. yens; late of Albany, decd, --; ' . - ' . ••• . • Partial acct of Jas Ilourfgap, ndru'rrot, John. }fon rigan, late of Wraluclug. (lee'd. • Final acc't of Stephen 00,14,4.1m"r of" Harrlion Isodd, late of W Divot. ' • Partial noel Of E-11 - olles;vi'r of Ellen J Welle s late Of Wyalusing, • .• • - Phial acct of •PA Ilecord. ailas`ipf Day-MR:lugs fey., late of Asyttlin, deed, " - Frtnil ace% of.3lauric 31cDonnel, adm'r.of Jere r•Greatty, late of Towanda tarp; deed., Fintsl acc't of S.l. Lathrop, atiru'r of John .g 'Ash es-aft. late of W r ilmotqlee'd.: - Flnal,acc't of Chas If pallard,:adrn'r of rity , fi .3to‘iller, late of Columbia. dec - d , . _ - • Fins.lacc*t of Hate l'urcell, adui*x of "john Pur cell, lite of How. decd. ' . • Partial acct of 'J F Wheaton, of til4risuel • Wifeaton, late of Warren, ilec'tt. Final acet of F ti . lluul rl.a4m'rofP'PWake field. late of Springfield. clec'd. Fital ace*: of 11l A' Carpenter, tultiVl of Andrew Fraley, late of fridghburs.l (lee's!, • Final acc't o. John. N Weser. :idner - of Charles - Iteeser. late of Springfeld..deVd. ' • • 'Final :wet ofs4-4., 316rg'an,liy:r_of • henry 31or f;ATC. late of Wrox: deed • • Final acift, of A- 0 .11atliews, adra'r of, Abran,i Ward, lat-ol,;orn-eli, deed. , Finaracefof EN 1P. ,- ernan; guatillani,of Alice Thus fnow fhprthafrled with Janies 'bouncily), ininor child of German Titus, late of TFfscarorai Final atel nt E N Doetnan,•guardlari 'or ILittlit I' Titus, minor etald kit Gertpan Tltesi s;:t1, late of / Tuscarora, decd.- • Finalacc't of'E y Beeman. guardian Of,W TituN - ,miner - sen of German Iltus lAte of Tns carom; dec'd, - • - . Partial acv iOf Joseph -Powell, atinVr, C L I Ward, late of Towanda boro, decd. • •` FinalAcel of ,T Fox and Wm B Johnson, adnrrko6Gee A Johnson. late of Granville, dee'd. 'Partial acc't of 'Win J Delpench, ex.'s' of N . alen: Alue.Stnlth, late of Sheshequin. decd.nand alsoliniappralsement of property. set o,l' by :t•r s And 'adra7Ta to widow§ and children of the fol. go in;; decedents, viz: • , _ . „ r... btate - of H.E omer . Cigswell. • . , •, Allen Crandall.... . - . . .. ”S U Pitcher. ' ',•t- • And the Same will be presented Id the' Orphans! - 'Court of Bradford County.Mey 10, IST:, at 2 o'clock' 'K.,..11., for confirmation and allowance..._ . .f C. E. ANl.MUS.liegiSter. • iteglsterslbtflce, Towanda,'Pa.,`April "7, 1877. r l ORPHINS' COURT SALE.By. yfrtueotan order Issued oat of the Orphan's eourt. of Bradford, County. the undersigned Execn. (ors of the estate of Margaret Ellenberger, decd, late Of said county, will expose to-public safe' nut thcpremises, in Wllinot township, on. FRIDAY.; 1.1 AY 4, 1877 . , commencing at. 2 O'clock, r. IL, the. following. describea - real estate : : . : .1.61•:;SIO. 1.--Bounded on the north and. west byl hinds of .lacotrStroud. atuLon the east ! and South.' by lands of Aaron' Ely, containing about. three-: fourths of an acre. _ . . . • , LOT,NO. 2e.....illegirining at pisst thence - 177 lands of 11. It - Ellenberger, 14° -east 144 per to - stake; thence south Sy.lanU., , ,of ' A. fliy. 11 0 .. west ant, Per to a stake; thence north by ;arms of A. Elk, '74 0 , crest 14 per to a stake; thence by taints of John • tiougherty. north It°, east2lo34 per•ha . the place of beginning, containing actlYs'anir2s perches. - LOT .Iso,l3.—Piegintilegnt a:stunt - ft of . the bank of the Sutspiehanua ricer adjoining' land of A. Ely, thence south as°; as,' per to a hemlock. tree; thence scent) ) , 11 0 . west. Or aA, the compass ~polnted in 1517. west yo a stake by.the'roadisitlet,thenco north 72 0 , west,ll4 per to srstilinp; thence south east •22'.i pert° the place of beginning: - containing a acres and 42 per, tlere.or less. NO. 4.—Cornmencing'at a heap otatohes ott 0 4., , E1y2)s linet'thetice south 7SO, eAsr per to, a pile f stobeS; thencescuith 11. 3 ; west 12 per; t heard .17a 7-10 per to a 'stake on P. Ifolfman*s Unetthence north 7s. west 19 per, u a heap of) stones on AL. Ely's Intl.: thence along said line' tiorth. 11°. east east 1437-10 per.to the place of beginning, enntain- leg 19 acres anti 125 per, stria measure; ) . 'Tr.11315.—.543 on each-lot when struck down, one half of balance on ecoarmatiou -and romalnderJu one year -with interest. .1.1.0088T,R LTD,— P.'ll. STOWELL, Executors. aprl2. 'Frill A L - LIST • F 011 'MANI TERI!, X lan: • . . , • John F Satterlee vs Moses O DeWltt,adMV..issito •C W "Clapp-rs-D It-W , alker - ,' ; debt John C nation. Vs M V B Hedgers, ' tiespaia. IHehar Horton vs Sainuer Hyatt, - appeal ..uirent Waltman vs Justus Lewi5.4'......-..trespass Peter Brady vs .Hine Gibson -• . - „ Appeal Thi,ble.Ktnticy vs,Geo W Kinney - debt Al, MeNean .3.W/a Biles • • ' ....ejectment .1 H Cowell vs Overseers of PoooffAttyluin. :appeal _ .1 C) Frost vs'. '.e. Burris, et al. 4.1..1...., Jll2`ol , hiann vo..J P Hoe on -'' . .. los Stanton, Ft, ( vs lel Orlscelf... Michael Coleman vs Jo n J Tilompson..., 'Emma Jane Hewitt vs :lamed Kellum,. :ejectment senior,' Waltkidge vs NC W Decker covenant Jas Paster. assignee vs McCabe a Mix. . - debt Ja:..uson Lewis vs 0 E Pickett . Arthur Yates vs Mlchoeteelematyet al.;.trespass ~ :1 W Patric): vs Benj Northrop , .ejectment C Ctillson vs T Waltman . ~, ...aptreal Win May vs .1. T 'Wyse , Vespass -SIIS3II' Canner, et al vs C W Deane electme4C ...John Thompson vsllichael Coleman A Waltman vs WarrOn .10 - re5.......„ - appeal Washington llarrowcilff vs W S Find ' - - tthver Wm IX Barnes-vs 'Win May, et al - ' ejectment . .:F.;: . 1 . , 1 , 01 i re,... lleterhabfe.slay 1 4. 1877, at 2 . o'clock f. . _, S - liElif.H M. PECK, To - wand; April Is, 1877. . • .irrothoLotary (ARPII.A.N - S" CQURT SALE.—By k., • virtue of an orterissued out of the-Orphans! i 'on rt. of Bratifordt•outitv. the undersigned; Ailin o 'r hfqtie estate of R. E. Cogsweil, deVd, late of Vas- .i c•arora, said county - will ex pee te public sale on tho 1 I - premises, on FtflatY, MAY 4, 1821, commencing ) at 2 o'clock, P. m.; the following described rear es. 1 , trite.: Beginning in the center of the highway on. Om cernerottdartE. VessenderMierrat deeded to Bela Cogswell ' ; thence westerly along her .lifie to the center of Tn.karora Creek, believed to be Mann 1 . il7tteren perches ; thence down • said creek far enough to make en acre by running a parallel lino . hhek to th e - center of the highway, and along the highirsynOrthward in front of -the • 'Store,- to the place bt beginning. to - contain one acre, reserving. the use of the miltiner shop.an indefinite period of. - t ttne, or as long as his wife Itydia desires to occupy the same for a millinerii shop. TIM said fond ;be ing subjected to the payment of one thousand' dol.: tars, In ten equal anneal payments trout the sixth day of .iuly, A. D., 11175,,With interest annually. TERMS OPSALE.-,-r...5 on Prolipmeheingattuck down and balance on confirmation, ~c • • ' , ipria. 'yiKECUTOR'S NO . TICEi-- Votice \ ttaereby Mien that an menu .`indebted to . he cetate of /Caroline Waterman. late of...Pi ke.dec , d, must mate Itnmedlate payment tothetutderslgted. all parficms kering etaluts against said estate ust tic prepent them , duly authenated. 'for settles!' mt; ii U g a El =MD BELA .COGSWELL, Aaminititnips.c.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers