Vtradfori Iltypttet Towaada,. Fs., thtnalY, April 19;1877. --w -.A.4 CRAM:BERLIN; - , Dealer tn FIN .JE,WEL.FtIf, 4 ,I -W A"TCHES} • :SILVER, AND 'PLATED WARE TO*ANDA, PA. - Towanda, Jan. la, 1877. " LOCAL AND CENERAL. A rwos. but peat new communion ta ble, has - been *aced .in tbei cbiuicel of Christ Church. - - THREE . adults, all femaleti, wet° bap tized by Rev. J. S. BEERS, at Christ Church, on Sunday morning. _ SEFLET has added another story to his building on Maio•ktreet, so that• he may be able to accommodate his increasing custom 3LAnsn, who has been spending several weeks with friends. in Wilkes- Barre, is home again, looking much im proved in health;` 'Now is a good time to repair the sidewalks about town. There is chance for improveinenr, especially on Second street. - THE North-eastern Convocation met in Christ Church, on Tuesday afternoon. There is a fair attendance. Illness pre - - vents the Bishop from being present. THE "stay law," passed by, the . last Legislature, is a duplicate of the act of -which was passed the wilder Judge represented , this county' in the P,r.v. F. W. 13.inTr.vrr, who expected to stort for Massachusetts last week, was detained at. home by illness. Although iniprovir.2.,: he is still unable to leave the Jwwe. Tiu meeting, of Presbytery, which eon4-ened - liere on Monday evening, is attended. On .Tuesday evening a liwrilorial service in memory of 'the lato HUNT, was held. Mfrs. D. W. of Wyalusing, dir.a after a long and painful illness on Monday morning. Deceased was mother of Dr. M. M. Bnows„of Ithaca, and Mrs, C EO. V. My-En, of this place. Cowt.rs' Bakery is to be removed to tke old stand Opposite the Means House, - on Saturday. A Dining Room will be attached, where farmers and others can het a gotid meal at reasonable rates. _ JOE itniNsox has been enlarging and beautifying his shaving saloon, under Ili:At - ND & Iltt.i s market, and: now offers leis en stomas a pleasant, clean ,and airy.room,..wbile undergoing'. his artistic manipnlatiod. _ Titom - Its 11Y.tx, otTope ka, Kansas, wlio wi.s called hereby the illness,of his father-in-law, the late E. B. orWysox, will probably re main. East until after •the extra mission. He has hosts offrierids in Bradford. - " Par:stlinNr lIArEs is evidently a Meth odist. His pleasant interview with -an liansas.(lehantion, _he called a "Jove feast.- That's what the country wants. 11;:ren!y-Adrocitc. - A little Methodism would n'-t hurt tlcts EMI I C'.. B. PORTER, whose beautiful i drug store was destroyed by fire last fall, has rebuilt on the old site, and now has one of the magnificent establishments in Northern Pennsylvania. Having .pnr ` cha:ed inorelarici,..Vie_store has been -en . largtd, and otherwise improved. WILLIE WrdnonN, son of DANIEL W V.IIORN, had an arm broken - while aid ingtr some other s. .to uproot a tre' near the public sell( 1 house on Thursday_ eveiling 141st. TN, boy seems to be par ticularly unfortunate, as ho has - once be fore had hiS arm broken, and at another time had An ankle dislocatedy: ) _ l'noF. fir.r.EN's lecture, "What Shall We Do With Our Boys ?". was one of the finest literary ptiiduCtions wo have ever li.tened.to.. HiS plain, practical sugges tions and theories were couched in lan gua,..-,e both refined and eloquent. This lecture aught to be heard by,every parent in the laud. JEititE JEDE - !t, one of our most induS . trions; tempjrate and worthy colored cit iztAis, met with a misfortune on Saturday last, while employed. unloading lumber fro:n a cir. One of his fingers was so bad;y.erushed that for a time Dr. PRATT fcareil amputation would- : be necessary. now haS hopes of saving it, however. Tnu District Convention, I. 0. G. T.. ft.,r the Northern District of Pennsylva nia. Will hold an 'extra session at Du sh”rk% Sullivan county. Pa., Tuesday, April 24, IS - J . 7. All are cordially invited to attend. Wm. MAXWELL, Wri.i.t A ItSPOAT has a new daily, The Times, and judging from the numbers al ri•ady out, it ought to be a ineeess. It is spicy and newsy, and decidedly neat and tasty in typographical appearance. It is pul,..ished by ALZNANDEII C. WILSON. It the paper is not patronized, it will be f.tult of the managers, M. 11. CARE, formerly' a leading metn -bcr 4.. f the. bar in this county, . and for some years past a successful practitioner in Topeka, Kansas, has just been elected 3i ;cur of that enterprising city. The Topekans can rest secure in the confi d,:tee that t:leir rights will be protected so long as "MILT" is at the helm. We hope the )layoralty is only the beginning of the honors which Mr. C.. so richly merits.. Tk.sr: Tiroxissos's many friends here ill lac glad to learn that the reported ileath of Tils czlebrated trotting horse, ." Luther;" last week, was a mistake. Mr. T. says the injuries sustained by the _ animal were only slight, and that he will he all right again very soon. At the time of the reported fatal injury of" Luther," parties were on their way to Owego to purchase him for the sum of $5,000. TILE managers of the Bradford County Agricultural- Society, held a meeting on • Saturday, 14th inst., - -and tcok prelimina ry action in reference to the annual Fair to be -held next - Fait The following named gentlemen were- chosen an execu tive committee .who will- have charge of the necessary arrangements : GEORGE H. - , -`:F.ox; G. ti. VAN DYKE, Capt. 1.3 L FARE, li. M. WELLEA AO 'HORACE DORTON. We understand the premium lista are to be thoroughly revised and conect44,. and from . . the character 'and - standing of, the members, we pindict untiatial iucoew to the Society during the coining seam. Taz Etwritir - Vsnnte "Arrezirrmin-- Is greatly froprinred in hi' make-np the present year. ; one Witt - pro neat tun* and one Which will greatly pleisi its lady readersols its story department It is now :whiling the, Willing story, en titled " ThO r ife's Temptation." Sub scribe at mre. Price $2.00 per year in aderu:\ce. Back numbers containing this story supplied to new subscribers. A4l - ADVZSTIIiILa AZEIOCIATION, N. Y. TEE officers of Idcm.roetou Lodge, 137, 1-0. 0. F., -were' duly installed of Saturday evening, April 7, by Special DiputiM. M. Cooticavon.: Nobli Grand.-JamEs'A. Dproa. Vies Grand—Dr. - 0. H. Rocinrizu. &e %tint. Assistant Seer—Sown DeayEL 'Treasurer—J. - M. GRIGGS. ' 1?. S.ta 'G.—Wm:Davos. R. L. S. to N.-G..ezzonar. DIMS. Senior Warden—A. E. BR:SI/MGR. J. W.-Wm; Cows. C.—O. AL BRocs., R. B. 8.--Jotts j HARTT. L. S.—J. M. Purr. 0. G.—MILLER CRANMER. I. G.—Wn.tas Gnraas. R. a. io L. TRAVIS. L. S.—CHESTER PEC ; kIIAX. Chapiaira—B. B. HoLLET. TuE TratnErts' INrrivuTE.—The ses sion of the county Institute, held hers last creek, 'was v a decided success in every. particular. About one hundred ars:flirty teachers were in attendance, and the ex ercises were of such an, } -intereSting char acter that most of the number were pres ent at aA the sessions.' Prof. ALLEN was the principal instructor and nobly sus tained the enviable reputation earned by years of noble devotion to the Cause of education. Prof. FRENCH', of Vermont, who hap pened to be in town Thursday and Fri day, also gaVe much valuable instruction. rile teachers who were present must have t`vaped great. benefit from the experience of such illustrious educators, and the re sult will be apparent in the improYed methods and enlarged ideas with whieh the schools in the cennty will hereafter be conducted. Superintendent 'KEENEY deserves great credit for his zeal and per severence in the good cause. The To wanda Graded School received many compliments from Profs. ALLY:s arid Fe en, as well , as all the teacher's, and Prof. Ili Ax was attentively listened to whenever be was called upon for instruc tion. PERSONAL.—We bad the pleasure of a brief visit from lion. G. A. Gitow, on 31.nday. G.'s long and faithfulrser vice as the' Representative Of this diskrlet, won him hogs of friends in Bradford county. The Homestead Law—the . great bourn of the poor man for which the country is indebted to him,thas made the name of Gaow a " household word," not only in the Keystone State; . ::bat all over the civilized world. Mr. Gttow seems to be enjoying himself as a private citizen, and says he has no ambition for official litc again; but we shall bo greatly sur prised if the people of Pennsylvania no not soon ask him to become once more a public servant, in an enlarged sphere: --.Jos:: INC. Hall and daughter, of Ho lyoke, Macs., are visiting friends in this place. Mr. I. is on his way to Scranton to attend some important meeting. —Among the distinguished gentlemen in attendance at the Presbytery, we-no tice TIMM:108E STRONG, Pre dent of the First National Bank of Pittston. - INGHAM, formerly of Leßoy this county, and now a resident of Bloss burg, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. J. P VANFt.wri, in this borough. Although the almond begins to blossom in his looks, he is app a rently in the enjoyment of vig orous mental and physioarhealth. —PowELL 4: Co. will open a fail :l and fresh stock of new goods for spring, Wring the next week. OBITUARY.—Mrs. JACKSON LEWIS died at Keelerville, in this county, March 13, 1877, at the age of 39, years. She came with her parents from England when twelve years old.. She married a Mr. _PAINE, by whom she had two sons, new grown and promising . younginen„ These sons were present at her, death bed, with five younger children, b'y Mr; Ii tvla, a grottp of mourners that could appreciate their most excelleamother. After the death of the former huSband, c:11r. PAINE, Mr. - JACKSON LEWIS; met her in Kansas, and, like the illustrious Gao. beezimia b •enamored - dr the beautiful young widow, and married her at Jefferson, Wisconsin, and brought her to Wyalusing,. Pa., about 13 yoga se). lore she was ,much beloved by ill who knew Ler. She was a very amiable and conscientious wife and mother, and a kind and . ohliging neighbor. We doubt not our loss is her unspeakable gain. —Ott Sabbath nigh; March 18, after the death of his mother, Sirs. J. LEtvta, her fouith son, ,JEttolite., was taken vio lently' ill of scarlet fever, and died on Fri day following, leaving the •father doubly bereaved of wife and child, in the brief space of eight days. _ COURT PROCEED] IS GS CON TIM: ED. Wednel4day, April 11. D. W. C. T Guy Tozer vs ArnaziaiiKinney—Eject ment. Verdict for defendant.' Rnl&for new trial made absolute. Edith Knights vs J E Knights. Court direct an alias subpama to h.sue. 31 - A Donahoe vs E N McCormick. Court strike off levy, and discharge rule. D Randall et al use vs W Mclntosh et al. A B Sumner's Use vs J J and S J Lewis;.2 cases., H II Atwood vs E B _Gibbs. Wm Dolan vs Michael Flynn. B 13eidlcman's Use vs Lewis Winston et al. Rule to open judgment, and let the defendant into a defense in each case. )I Park's use vs J N-Park et al. Rule for judgment for want of a sufficient nffi davit of defense. W E Brown vs d W Addison and P B Chaffee. Rule to strike off judgmint as to Chaffee. T Muir & Co. vs Miami% Insurance Co., Garnishee. Rule to set aside Judgment and returnof service. _B -G Titus vs Plias ntx Insurance Co., Garnishee. J 0 Frost d: Sons vs Same. Rule to set aside re turn of service in each ma l e. C W Clapp vs D B Walker. Rule on pLlirtiff to pay bill ,of costs, or show cause why an attachnient shall not issue. Martin Tompkins vs Wallace Miller— Tinspass. H F -Maynard and Elhanan stnith, Esq.., for plaintiff. Madill & Ca lift for defendant. Verdict for defendant. In re the assiimnent of E.Meed Myer, for the benefit of bis creditors. Conrt appoint M J eeolbangh and J W Pool, Appraisers. Sackett and Oterten d= Elabree vs Lew is Goff „Application for appointment of an Auditor withdrawn. R C Lockwood vs Samuel Green--DOK; James Wood, Esq., for plaint4L Panics de Carnoebm) tor_ dofeedint.....Plaiitiff tahw a boe-snit. • • • ' Court lidjoutned on Setorday • the 141,4. htst. M. M. C. TWA art gone to the grare, nut we will hot deplore thee." 1131111•=1 - 1 THi fib IWO thilidi6n of Vogel Lodge, Vp. 446, I. 0. of 0. - r, - , 0, s ,kow). qui*, fin the current testi s f r N. 0.-omm F. Am. • f V. P. alter-0. W. gamy. ges'yZiVstiir,tt 8. 'Cumin.' Trear—Wx. Snvosn. keetings on Saturday evenings. ' Tan Canton -. Selene/ pays our 014 friend, JOHN MORAY, artist, a handsome IPlinnst, which *Amore than desert- ea; - "A Fula Pournarr.—A few days ago, while in the store of BUM, Toozas & Co., we observed a fine oil painting near ly; as 'Large is We, of little limutirlvdas ss, the deceased son of Mr. E. H. Two* es, of Troy street: The likeiesii is re 4. markably correct, and received the praise of all who were familiar ,with the child. The coloring is - almoit 'faultless, and shows that the painter, Mr. Joint; MORAY, has studied his profession assiduously, and has a natural gift, for this divine art. Mr. Monir's studio Di at East Canton, where hit wduld no doubt befbsppyto re• ceive orders for work in his line." . Ac OLD friend and ,valuedlubsiribe e r, C:ants C.smr; noir residing at Clar ence, Tows, in renewing his subscription, Aim Nu' ;heap interesting itetak, frptty l isls section of the West : • " Ne have bad a vert Bald; song win. , pith tbe exception-of p, ylkhf Veht*lf iy. Schne or the farmers sowed somii wheat, but it got pretty well frozen and covered up with snow in Ifiarch;hut it iS all gone now. We have nothiul any rain the past winter or this spring, until last Saturday and Sunday, which made high water. There is plenty of rand now, but I think werwill have warm Weather soon. Wheat is worth $l.OO per bushel; corn, 30•cts ; oats, 20 cts.; potatoes,. $1; other I)risluce in proportion.. I feel very well satisfied in this Count have no reason to complain. - It think ivou • are baying harder times East than we are, judging from the numerous failures we reM of among your wealthiest business firms, as well as the common class. But enough of this." - SAD DEATH OF A FOIiMER WELL- KroWN CITIZEN OF TIIIS COrNTY.—COI. GUSTIN, an csteemsd citizen of Troy, thin countf, fur a long . number of years, was killed by the airs in Elmira, on Thuriday afternoon last. The writer remembers Mr, G. as one of his earliest and warmest!' friends, while yet a mere boy. At the breaking out of the war, Mr. G. enlisted and rose to the rank of Colonel. After the declaration . ofi peace, he retained to his home in Troy, and afterward settled in Tioga county„ where he at once became deservedly_ popular. The Advertiser gives these particulars of the sad accident : Cot RICA ARD GusTrx,,ef the town of Jackson, Tiogri county, Pa., a gentleman in the neighborhood of fifty years of age, met with a fearful death at the Water street crossing yesterday afternoon about half-pasftwo o'clock. • "He - was in a platform . wagon Just above the - Pennsylvania House, driving a team of horses, when - they became fright ened at a man in the street shoveling dirt. They ..Spran g• out ,of - . the' control oP Cot. G USTI'S and ran down the street at a furi ous rate. A freight train was passing down the track and the horses ran furi ously into it, upsetting the' Wagon and throwing G'C'TIN therefrom under the wheels of the cars. Before help, could come to him, and it 'Seerned' its' if the street was instantly full of people, at least three cars passed over him, crushing his left leg and the lower - part Of' his body in a fearful manner. He was carried to the office of Dr. J. M. Pr oon, near at hand, and an attempt made to relieve hint, but he was past human help. Sortie of the ,most important arteries and blood vessels net have been - cut, - Air - Mire — was a - stre..m of blood along the street where he wns ; carried, that was like pouring water frorn , a pitcher. lie lived but a few, me ments after arriving.g the-Mike. "The team turned and ran towards the bridge and on it,. but they were secured and brought hack without •hAving suffer ed any ,material damage. It is a great pity they - could not have been- killed rather than a valuable human life Should have been sr crificed by them. - "Col. GCSTIN was ,a farmer, and' lived about two miles from 141illerton. Ho was held in very high respect and esteem by all his neighbors, and was a prominent citizen in that vicinity. During the war he served as a Colonel in 'a Pennsylvania regiment. He was,elected master or the Millerton.Grange at its organization, and was re-elected last December. He leaves a wife and three children. " His family were•apprised of the sad accident that had hippeued, and came :9n immediately -to care for-the remaite. They_were placed hr charge of an under taker, and will be taken to 31il1exton this morning." • EDITOR REPORTER : The beautiful weather, and more especially the delight ful evenings, for the past feir days, having amused the pleasure loving people of North Towanda to the fact, that it were better to improve them *ere they had flown; caught the inspiration and deter- Mined:they would have revenge,iet come what would; everything was planned; many curious and cursory meetings might have been seen by the observing eye, some i - of which remludeduis of passing romance, seeming Strange! passing strange! and so at was.' :The dye - was east.' • l'itne, this Tuesday:night, and with much anxiety and treiddation, the great verdict render ed, and who shonld. be the victim of Otis dire revenge? None others but, the host, and. hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Iteuben. De- Long, who had always been esteemed as eiti Ze Oh and good lie iglibors, but the fates were against them. They were besieged, thronged, jambed, crowded, their rights and libetties usurped, and that in a Chris tian neighborhood and intelligent commu nity.' .Such is life. First came a few stragglers r.ow anti then, followed by Mrs. Martha Washington =- Mrs. D. 0. Ifollon; Miss Josephine, Mrs. Washing-! ton's waiting maid—Mrs, Hannah'Hor ton.' Mrs. \% m. -Penn—Mrs. Wm. - Smith; GM Mother. Hubbard—Mrs. A. Smith; 1 The Old Maid, Mira Matilda Jane Prim— Mrs: Bishop Horton; Sister of Charity— Miss Hattie Hollon; Gypsy—Mrs. A. H. Thompson; Miss Freclerilqa, the .Girl of the Peritsl—Elma IL Horton; Maud Mul ler—Ettie Adams; Shepherdess Bits. Fred. Foster; Night—Mrs. Kellen Lind ley; Liberty—Miss Orace Smith; Flower Girl—Miss Dora Holkon; *nth ; the house was full'and the above diStinguished per sonages were introduced with the decla ration, that there was no serious intent, when the polite and genial hostess seemed to retrain her original tranquility, and I Mr. DeLong 'overeamit his natural difli- I deface- and "King Richard was himself again." Shortly after, a new discovery was made by unveiling a monument which was a surprise' to *he most fastidi ous observer and' lover of pa.stry and nth: er article whereupon Lady Washington assured the happy recipients of this visit, that it was simply a surprise party, when Imirth and hilarity flowed freely for the live long evening and after feasting, dii perettd, wishing Or many , another occa sion similar. - . OCCULT. North Towanda, April 11. . BUSINESS LOCAL. Torcben Laces 21 KENT & Beige. Handsomest assortment of Jewelry in town at ifiaDlt.llAVl tar Fos, nit3T.—A. good ,bogie. -, in convenient location. Enquire at ttil.CoMee. WY - Undertaking a speciality at the Bridge Street Purattare Store. ea _ern., ar: Silks! Bilks! Silks! A:large stock of Mack sad fammer Elks, at Kax? Suss'. /Er Env :rink doni it Illitritatitt's lewe!ty Store. . W Gold Necklaces of the latest styles at Hax Dr.a.stsara: • .• . . or Ladies 2 Button Kid Gloves 65 elf. per palr—redneed from 11.00—st K&' Boss'. areal' it. Karr ik; Biiaa' and loth at thete Dew Corset: - spelt. Fr Zephyrs, Canvass and Car&Board al fit, la apriL 31 - 1. 111r' ,40Q11 N .. Na Styles, of.,::1", tr , tritow thoLlMo l i rF iCkli Busy. . • • - Y sprit. t . on cad ya p amigo': for ands, In 'lnner Block. ; . Mrs. E. rNrEariios is selling G cheaper than ever. sprit ir If Ton - Want 'a Chap list, go toi For New Cloths and Casslnseres at ems: t' • - • ,: pneilklitter. • lir Doan fall to call at As.YD[Lti►R'i sad PM . 1 / 1 21 r : 1" 124 !" 171 tir.P1".14...•• tialtaLanu oxen a 'rat :WWl= in 811. vertristeti Wars. * EIV.CDELYAN has good goods and his price► are rerfloer. Tkat Is the Taws to bet' • ' ! , Co' All the latest publications, verjr cheap, sr, Wnrscolis • BUACIVII. Ur Full lineof Summer Silks-at Evart k Bides% aprl2. silff - Targains in Ladies Ties at KmT Busg% " - r" `. )1 (iottr4 pri4oei,e7l.l'feeteryhilosieryl Great Bargains at KC IT & MAIM% • aprl2. • ger Late4itocie of 'Shawls and.fileift* at KIN? & Buss• eery cheap or A large stoek - 131' games and tom at cost, at WHITCOMB k 811,141Vri.. tir You 'lrflrbe'kurprlsec - i" to learn hoif much you can buy for 99 centean Mercur Block. , r. -"" • "--!441:4 ktr sir All goods sold at X. XISDILXAN'S war ranted as represented. Vir The ,best Crackers baked every day at Cowt.r.s. Bakery. : ifr } ;-,' ; far A large) assoOment of ;spring and summer hats, just' received, at M. E. Itoss.x; TI 3 ' , ,• Or Tirm*oxin & SitAtrr sell 'the best Slant looks manufactured In the country. IT Sterling Sllvex and 811 S% Plated Cops at lizsirtst.stiors. Diknonds, 111—nis Ur You can buy nice, fresh-baked Crackers at CowLseliairery, very cheap. Or Crackers of all varieties baked sorrily ItrtaNK.ser - zatisry, • 1..:''1 f, v. 0 rIrA bieotock of very tine Stono nitikX Jittery loft iiriCts at IikNDELYA\'B• Or Sterling Silver and .b'ilvcr Plated ware at lair prices at Ilimostsgs.si's. Ladies Are c:sikiiAllylnv . lfed tOOl.- tenpe sale of Crockery at Albens next weele.. or You can get all the latest styles of St4tiosefti very eticap, st w_nircf:Ok4 130et's rir The largest and best assortment of spring clothlng In - tbsrn, at M. E. RosExTizttn's4 6!! New firm, new goods and low ees at the itridge Street Furniture Store rmarn: 41Zetoe , J:Vellitt and Sneer Plated Ware. at 'HINDU:MAN.& , rir Everything in the line of station ery at Nt.4o-o*filiesibtfits„ (1:.) lIENDELMAIN:a ift,fire is filled - with first-claim articles' *Pr .111.4101f451i trade. aSr: Don't go anywhere but to Wlll7- coal 1 a . SIIACT.6 for your Wall Paper. mart. •ar Ladies', 31iises' and Children's Shoes selling without regard to cost, at the old 5102111 of TAYLOR & arlf you waUt, argaius tit ready- Made Clothing, C3il tt Ro4lNrtEt.toB while he Is closing out for Spring stock. marg. 42r, itromir4 l 3i Jamatti4 CrciotbekcticaP than you can boy the same in New York, Just call At RoszNrtattre. . Ing 'has the iffiest stock of Watches, Jewelry in 4 Silverware, ever brought Intothistewli s Call awl sec, 4. . . 14- tiOn't to rill at iisinia:l364 4 (4.4loa wtsh to buy anything to the Ilia!, ut.Jeareicyptilivor and Silver-Vilatod Ware.- • • a W,V4ipia,peg, ( gimpp r 4PAQ,ANCtil tiMt6re, c 'ete., "eVeiprstili market. • M. M. Wrt.tor.l & Sole. • , ete"STAminl46. l " l -,Stainpitig far - Braid and Embroidery, ase t tly executed. Orders taken at Kiwi' a Buss' Dry Goods Store. or tfAa nterteanan/d 85e14,1391d Watches, In Key and Stem Minders, for, adlis. and *.gents, at HENDELX.LN.B.' , 9014, Sliver, and 'd Steel. Spectacles, and Eye Gla..tser v in great variety, at MINDILKAS Jewel. ry tir Mrs. Howrox hag removed her Bttok sod It*UotteilStore from! Pa*inis)Siotilp the store south side of Mercur .7 tar Now is the time to select your Wall Paper. WIIITCOMII & SIIACT have a large and well selected stock which they offer, very cheap. . mom• ar Take Nottee; there is a great re auction to Waltham and Elgin Watches. Call at HasOtt.m an's awl you will be sure to buy one at the prices he is offering. • - Ti:pwEß l 7-Pmncr. & Scoyr hub Just reeeta`rit 'eat& restSailt lAA* of fresh ground plaster from the old. Cayuga beds. The best In'the market. Caprle-Swi r"Wanti9:l.—A Farm of 5 or 10 acres In or near Towanda . . WIIb Roo d 4 0111 0 and Barn- Rent must be reasonable . .kadreas P. O: Box 471, apt& • Towanda, Pa. tir The Grand Central Hotel, Nevi , York. although : the largest and finest hotel In the will an e e keeption, • bereattos, tp. the klptrat Igertlpiabsi et WV' prices. , It has reed Doom,* to r 2.50 and MOO per day. aprl2. BEAUTIFY Yam Fromm. Nothing conduces more to happiness and peace In the fami ly than tastily decorated moms. The : humblest cottager may, by purchasing his Wail Paper at IliTetaM & 811ACTIL, halm his house as Inviting and cheery as a monarch. mars. tar Why will you eat stale Crackers when you can buy them nice, fresh biked, Just as cheap Ask your grocer for CORLID . Crackers or go to Mr. C . B. Bak..ry In the First Ward. where yonCentee'Craikeis the same day they and taken from the oven. San2s. ar- FIRST-CLASS CITY LAUNDRY. —lf you gentlemen of Towanda wantjour washing done In tirst-class pie—your shirts, collars and coifs made to lookilke nartmes, catfish shirt bo soms made to look Ulm ihren,—velltshftrgaad Ain big done to order, go to DLra . , y. A. CoLtlais, Proprie tor. ' " march 2917. MawrAirrix.-7—Th• publics wilt be ed to learn thatthe old and tenable ilrrn of *OF TANYES have decided to snake the CROCKERY- Tit ADE • specialty, Sad to thaa end have just rt. ceive.l a 'Argo invoice, comprising everything In the line, which they will sell at astonishingly low _ Nice,. • • rgrßnowx lie LEGNIORNS,7TI3irteen, eggs ke;ttwill semi *nit eete*. ly packed. aisle erl. The Prawn Leghorn are the beet breed for all purpoies extant. ' I gathered In six months last year from eight bens demo launder& god "Modern eggs• Athens, Aprtl S. 1 or To the Ladies of ßurlin'g'ton and vicinity.: Mrs. E. J. Mttroos will open a Millinery Store Is Burlington, st the houlte, of Mrs. DAAID ROAR! May 1, 1877. with all the tillesfetyles for the Spring and Summer. Also, all kinds of Ladles Furnishing Goods,' Zephyrs :Pumas, And Card Board, etc., etc. sprit:4w. tr Mrs. E , .1.,34N0cks hp, just return ed from New York kid .Philadelphia. where she has been selecting Millinery, Ladies Tarnishing Goods and Notions for the OptihrAnd Sommer trade of all kinds. All know her capability of se lecting the best the market affords, bat this season she has also the ebesoist.,. Mar epilog days are Friday and Waylay of MIN week. - aprl2. 116 r CAtrnox negetiablo . promissory (lodgment) note for OA" dated South P4•1410.7e *VI Pliabto. et Tint Na•. Clonal Bank, Waverly, years atter date, and sign.' ad JOUN it. 11111111 Alf and JANII 31C11111,AT. AS , peridnihea ligiciwalied against purchasing sallt• note. _ " Jinni U. (+ t) • • Or A. ICU" - the; id - fireboat, Taiktr, biea r e° Ids1 , 811 4 1 " t, " 4 : ° 1 4 ores siiiir69 &king scoots to eatsMd titan and tritoinigl i dottri with bembeee faith. Give lire &call.' (iiir46 : ki Ltizili 'Tux TRADZ.-- 4 Thee, Maler,M enntiones to be the favorite with the blot The Iste bnismeeteest ISAPPriqeml* Weer/11l pee to fotribilWany Wow ilewlnt Illtakhltarf , Machines adieu easy terms. Allbtrisl diseennt WAR Usk OWL. Offigi at tie book store' of WRITComs 6,lltgarr, . 1 The Binger flanutacturint.Compay, Tr A. alitt*T ~goat.' , ~,i W s LTOXS Amor I—lt Is is diagrams, thing to trifle with ti cold,. At (laity pnricber!),3o told Sip beamsthat'll!' thanked Ctod, "that the devil went "boot as a roaring lion. seeking whom he mtglit Omer. Ile might catch a, poor fellow Brno didn't; taw that he wan mar tlm t bet leberl be heard the veer hti amid getout tif • Ulf way f, if be Oda% be, gained to die.” •So when 01180 hears the wheese er the cough width tells of the did iron of Coesenrpti,n Igr2lng arßand, timid fly to. Da, WISTAB44I.BAM OF WILD daniurt. and get oat of the revert danger. This propos-Atka is veil known, hail een tried freak; pari, aired Is acknowledgod by all whoaselttode ennitisaiwed ( in 1 . 4 sixdbing , and healing properties, SO cents and ft a toulo. Bold by all droggista. • fir To They - a(iveftt ser, ger, a railed physician, having providentially dla pwered, is t Medleal Missionary in,Southeni Asia, a very Stopple vegetable remedy for tho speedy nridierilaifirid cure of doisumption. ABM ma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, sad all throat and lung effeetions—eliwit poelttin 1010 radical_spiflic for Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and ail Net. VOUS Complaints, feels it Ids duty to make It known to his Butterfat [allows. Actuated by this figtfve, he v4O ilteerSahl seed i(rt/L'Pelle) sit who Orin, it, the recipe for proWsig, and full directions ior micceufully using. thlii rptotklentlal ly discovered remedy. Those who wish to avail themselveo of thiSbenentsof this discovery without coat, can do so by return mall, by addressing with a stamp, naming paper. Do. CILLIILmi-V. 11fAlisilALL, SS Niagara Street, Buffalo, N. Y. MARRIED. MARMOT? - --VANWINKLE.—rn Remo. April 10, tsa7, ar.tbo,hOnte Of the bride's parasite, tky Rev. 'lames Rainey, Mr. Clifford Maryott and Miss- Aden& N. Van Winkle, both of Ropg. PALStER-11AltDINci.—in T, April 10, 1577, bs Rev, TB: E, Shepard. Mr. J. G. Painter, of Colon, Tloga county. Pa., and Miss Clara 11. Harding. of Canton, Pa. suerit—tioLcdMa.—ln Canton. Aptll 11, by ' Itev. B. If. Hayden, Mr..l. C. Smith, of Grover, and Miss Battle Holcomb, of Leßoy. RDIKOK--WALTERS.—Tit Canton. by Rlv. B. H. Hayden. Mr. Stephen GI H ickok and Miss XIIAM. Walters, both of Vey.. LIVENS—T.EWIS.—At Orente Creek, April 10. 1577. Sy Dead Gardner. Esq.. Mr. John Livens and al ly Laura L. Lewis, both of South Creek, Ya :4 PALMER—COLEGROVE.—At Sayre, Pa., April 7. lst7. by John A. Woodworth, Esq.. Mr. Thus. piing: of Athens two.; Ps., l and Silas Rachel legrelo, of Shesbequlll,"Ps. DIED. • BULL.--In Casey. lowa, March 23, Danleo4. Buil, formerly of Wysoz, Bradford county, Pa., aged about SS years. j i I WtYF nl LETTERS reatrling in I Post W oMce at* Towanda Bradford Co., ra., for thew eek ending pill 18, , 1877: Bu rgas% Win Bowman, Mortimer Cahill, Fannie rook, 3ltsM I ('one, Mary A. Deluson, Miss aye Once, Henry Horton, Joe Hurd, L D 1101106 d, Jevintit Hall, Sarah Jones, Win Johnson. Jest* Klapp, Mg Li .11 Rudd', Mirl /Ad& Wm 1 , Morgan, Levi S Moog. J W • McClure. Mks .1 Heroine, Chas • Rockwell, M Rice. Bruit, Woodruff, Ella Willard, Jrtni S •; 1801.1)1"0/1 1•00TAC0. ('bas J Jacobs, tit John Y. patrlek Stafford, Lovelton, Pa. 31 31 Coons, Towanda. Wm McDonald, Antrlnf,Ta. -- - 110.1.1)2011, .toßnaeo , .. Jai 'Mendnild. Metcalf: Conn. Mrs Nate Beardslee, Bradford Co, Pa. Ella S Vancise, lirtitordl Persons calling for any of the above, will please say "advertised," giving date of list. S. W. ALVORD. P. M. Sent k le; SPRINGI 187 P" . I."' 11.1.:/: a • West value in -SILKS! ' ""SILKS! ,`• SILKS! And FINE DRESS FABRICS! At - KENT & BLISS'. The largest and best assortment ever broughtrto to this town now unlit freely `at our telling low prices. 'Grand bargains in BLACK Gilo-GRAIN SUMMER SILKS • AND GRENADINES! CHEAP BLACK GOODS, ' FINEST STOCK, LOWEST PRICES!' BEAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS! NEW TORCHON LACES! ELEGANT DRESS AND SACK FRINGES! Floe lot of RIBBONS AND TIES; Splendid stock of Ito SIER TABLE DAMASK, NAPKINS AND TOWELS! . very low. • • a One hundred dozen KID GLOVES! (Twodiuttoued) BEUDCED FROM ill TO 65 Cis. • Derll fall to can alilliee l tbe , s ,r•• • • COOLEY CORK CORSET/ The best In the market. ' •- • • . . ;A ran line Of .cs, CLOTHS FOB. GLEN _ AND , IlOrsJ WEAR, !lee a gill and examine our stack. , . - It ' • t .4. • • + 4 ZEN.tilit Alltage e._. , .'' , 11 r 7 .• e. , 10 A 2 : , ,1.41 - 1140111104.41111411 tr MEI MEI 1:11111=1:1 .1011 L MCAIII2.C. Wareity, MIME "VOTIOR-11. S. Internal Be \ ie simiciatiwisi *yr tillAnt.to April so, =- The Von 2f sea Statutes of the United Shank lions 12111., attla, and 31011L'requIre inety person sTei a MbilitrA tt r4 l =47 . llregal li rw l r paocure and place conspicuously in Is establish went or place of business s stamp denoting lite payment of said special tat for tie speclal-tax yeln beglnnhng May 1, infite-bs*we commencing or col. tinning business after April 30, IBM A return ris - prescribed on Vann 11, is also required by law of every perittnio special tax, as above. '4' .• The tacnid embrieed *NH& ttreprortifinitief the law ahoorkpoterizetbeloalinit4is i t 1".1 Rectifiers ''''--- roo 00 •-r Dealers. retail liquors ....v. ky , r• wp••1•"' IDealers, wholesale liejtdrift. .. r..,.'..t::.: al cc Dealers in malt litittori=le.r.:...... 50 cp roil tif*Relimsom 20 MD calm In leaf tobacco 2.5 00 Retail dealers In leaf tobacco. . .... .... 600 00 Audi= sales pfirpverti,6o6l/fiii; astir for eretr dollat• in excess otfit,66o. ,-' ' Dealers In manufactnred tobacco 5 00 Sfannfacturers of stills .;- ..... 60 00 And for @ark stillitulatgarnifed•; And for each worm maaufacktred Manufacturers of t0bacc0.,,.., Sfannfattansns of cigars re14194.0:5. 0 11 1 1 4 15 4 A firittelasalmoint :tour • .; . 'two horses or 0therd5ia1maht)..w........:.:1.4 'At 50 Peddlers of tea see°, second class (two horses -or other animals)... ..... . 25 op roddleff. 4f Plol444ltltterillilsCarviitiS6 or other animal) 15 Of Peddlers of fohareo, fourth clam (on foot ens palleiverssOismc •'' ' "- ' 'B l srewers of less thableflrbartelli • ' !v.' 'OO Brewers of 500 barrels or more..:. 100 op Any person so liable, who shall fail to. comply with the foregiiincwirements, will be subject to severe penalties. Pei sons or Arms liable to pay any of the special taxes named above mnstgply to M..C.„,lllercile, Deputy.oo4/iAtirf *span* Towand4, and pay for (I' procure' t special-tax stamp cc stamps they need,prlor to May 1,1577, appli . yalt,hout .1 drthigejnctM.V, f ? t tTIT t : SpecTal-tax stamps will transmitted by mail only on receipt from the person or firm ordarint the same of specific directions so to 0, together with the necessary matiagostamps or the *Mount required to pay the postage. The restage on. one stamp-Is three cents and on two stamps six cents.. If It is desired that they be transmitted by regis tered mall. tear 4tiltaailitinitalf shonld accompany the applleattfm. GitE.V.l.i B. RA L'M. ,Cropolisstoner gjlisteimal Revenue., OriteE • IttirViCE, Washington, IN.CrAiAliug 33,1¢7_. ; . !r mar 29. LICENSES: Notice , is• hereby X./ given that the fotfriwlng• rippltelittiles for Li censes for tarring.' eating tiontes.;.,and merchant dealers, have been. filed licatalliThe.`,ll4llThirhe same will be presented totlfeCOMPt orgilir Sea m,. on Monday, May 7, 1877, for the coned! ratan of said Court: : VIVEN:42:I George Jordan. A thenTsltoro'. Henry McCarty. Athens Twp.- Jt„„ V_,_WIIP O Zi.O I I4 II :IITivP• ‘V . : II- Trif Suitt n: Ali4ifnv We, Columbia Twp. John I rain, fanton' ltoro% Peter Herdic, Canino, Twp., (Minnoqua). • it. Si. ifoilon, Monroe Twp. Vincent Baldwin. Itidgebury Twp. Daniel Brown. Ulster Twp. 0 if P Disbrow, Towanda Hero', tat Ward. • Charles Seeley, Towanda Rorie,. tat, Ward. ' John Snliivan. Towat dm Born', 2nd Ward. ' Patrick Sullivan, Towanda Rom', I.t Ward. . Washington riteher, Towanda Born; •-lst Ward. , Chas A iot John' E Ward. Towanda Born. 7.ntiWard` Thomas It Jord,ao TA,...suda Burn', Ist Ward. John Burke: Towanda Born, 24 Ward. - ' Wm Henry, " " Ist E S _Keeler. Wynlosing, Twp. .1 G Dougherty. Wysox Twp. - P Strong, Columbia. erir .1 11 Miller, - lister. I lan% Kellogg, Albany. Lyman Brewer. Wells. Hyman VanTitizer, Athens Horn. C IT Ames. Sherin 15 M Hosenerans, Shesequln. Edward Williams, Towanda now, 2d Ward. • I ' - ''•Lt A4I IN P I W- S H4i 1. .1 Geo•W EnnlA, Towanda iloro'.2zol Ward. W CAV J BACrk, G;thton43o,oA; ttA oA••• re. "" r ; Edward Williams, Towanda Rom', 21 . ( ) . 1 . Giles le V lele. Troy Born'. S.` E iny.cf pyramils porik I 'John Firzgearalti, Tnwaniia aro'. Ist Ward. it W,i,plite.f,:kovanda 21, •• 01 I • ;Jobs 4` lllswa,ndst Burns, l - St Mari!. • • • jag Cummkkey, Towanda Mora, lot Ward. Vharles Hums, ••" t ..l• ' r - • Motel Hußtraft, Athens Rot°. B• AI, FB, rot. /". IT. • • SALE.---' By vir tue of an order out of the Court of t Vommon Nem of Bradford County. the understan ed. Committee of the per.on and estate - of A nr.•1 1 3 Morley, lunatic. will expo,. to public sate on Fri day . April 20, 1t,77. at 2 °lock P.n., on the prrmises. thJooPowing deserllwil lot, piece or parcel ••r land situate In the to pot Wynx.,and bounded 34 followttt. On the north by lands of Delos Vargas n, on the east by a highwiiy, On tic south and west by lands of -Bet heny Bishop, containing one acre of land n 4 e nC b•Ka„ VE:llll: 4 :—.oo.upott-4.16.-treperty being struck (10A'n :4100 upon -confirtnatit n, and the balance In three canal annual itaymentti With intercat from confirmation, to be: tiecuredt.yajtudgmcnt nete mem the nnnises. If. 11, MMIGAN. Innen. Cemmittee. TN TITE• MATTER OF'THE AP rofratsta of the Full Creek Bituminous Con t'osupatty for a decree of. elksohnlon. In the (bur of Comotan Newt for the County of Bradford, Feb Term, 18Th No. SM. ' Tvptoas it .4‘u,c61190rt4 rodee is Pi.)4)l l llllViardhat.ladlik seemill4l4 oflilifch. A. 1). 1877, the tetitlon of the Faii creek Bituminous c;tot Cslititssio toppispatlnted tp(tlie ClirtAti voqi. ue' , Floe", forltlfe — tOnnfy larl ford ; hity'lng the said Omit to enter a decree that he N%id,C9rOka titAtl) be ~h t.4lvh(l/11111hYroihphe, ttli tlp th" said Cour}, that the said prittlon should ho Deard on Uf.k."71.),4,Y_, tips Wislay•gf, if Alf glop % at le'D'Alocip Ibis ilitrotiooil. l 4irett herefilf•par ties interested may aipear and be , heard. - nRVIIANS' Calint ILy virtue of na order issued out of the Orphan - ll' Covrt of Bradford County. the underssgned. Ad• nilolstrator of the estate of H. p. lflller. ileh'd lab! .pt said county, will expose to .public sale on the premises In Litchfteld, on FRIDAY, M AY 4. 187% con:mooing nt rrclock. P. 31„ the following real estate,stz : Bounded on the west by lands of Seth [ark sted . Jane Brown, north by land of Win, Tut tle. east by laud of Miller. and south by laud ( !Wales Brown: containing as acres. more'or less. --:.; t r Towanda, April V:, 7.577 FS A - cki Floc irAsri • mans: - If6Ttelters for the i'etttkinerft TERMS —rto to , be paid on the property being strock - ilown, we-half the residue on confirmation of sale. and the balance to ni a year from couflrnta• lion with interest. I). MILLER. Aptli It, Itirt„ Adattalstrater. TNCOR . POIcATION NOTICE. - l'iroticflit hereby given that application will lid made to a law Judge of Bradford County. at the May Court of Common Pleas, for the Incorpork. tiott of ...The Union\ Church Of West Franklin, In Frank:B6 Twp.'",i,Tlie object of said Association fp to erect and maintain a house forth,. public worship of God, and ur'which the Gospel of Jesus ebriss may be preacheda NICA,BD AMINTGOMMSY, • W.PB...ItOr•MW ELL; • J. T.. iVooms . 7 I.l orx4L-tY I fl . T. .. ' fitit .A34 . INISTRIATORW:',VO 7Part. JA —Notice hi hereby given that WI persons In debted to the estatqrrt . _Asylum totp., ilee'd.ittVitt Witte Ihnubalatli.payment to the undersigned, and all persons baling claim: againAt sill estate must present them, diily iuthen tlcateitaos settleinent. W. R. sTourts. • 5,8. EthENßEfinF.l2. :gang, 112-13 w.. Admlnlxtratorf IsTr'g AdTertisemeats. GENTLEMEN, FARMERS AND, I roj t s E . R Ist; OF 'it'll &I)F0111) COIiiST TV-ANDTlClNlTs,7.4ibiaee'utalle arratigoinenfs with C. T. plreltard for hit Thorough• Bred florae, “Doc Top LI VI NGSTON,” 3 To be at my Stable and serve a limited number,of Mares, commencing MAY Ist. tar:. This Horse Is one of the finest and best bred this country can produce. Ills pea Igree traces through the best. horws'and mares In England. Ile Is a beautiful mahogany Ray, black paints, flowing mane and tail, and In action perfect. Ho onty - to be seen to be admired. Terms for Colt low. L.. S. IKINCABVRY. • .":". • Ibitanda, Ps. Aprll, 12, 1877 1130(1) tity i les O in n thet 2 o s ne o 4o. portion. including Grand. Spaare and ifpright— at ,fiest.gpx!ii-rNid,d lane t to, Ibe Ifortryteif own prices. ' stNtlfl nh linry m km ; d tp s. These Pianos made one of the finest dl .playsr.t.ite Cretennist Exhibition, and .were tuianintonsty. reecomended ft* the lltnift:ST 'Bosons. New Maunfaetory—one of the largest and finest In :he world.' The nonarri-Brand. contain slxtittislielCs new patent Duplex ()tenoning Seale, the greatest itnprovement In thd history of piano making. The StVghts t1104(4e Kn 4B4drieli ißon'tifldt lb write for limatrated and Deseriptlro Catalugne,= mailed free. DIEN6g6I6I6IN riANo CO., apr.l9 No. 36 Broadway, N. Y. "nISSOLUTION.--The copartner ju.shlp heretofore existing between It. }".Wat tuna :uadilirlite, Winking LI deis , 4y_ mutnal sottiierit,Marilverl. All notes . and Ulna weetwatta belonging to the late firm must ho pal& to Btrdsey Watkins, anti be, the Bald ßirdsey Watilltoi, is to' pay all lAtilißkla of- rald erm'r • • '• - , B. F. WATKINS. IttiSEY WATKINS. • Shesherjuln, April 5-3 ts. OR SALE:L.:New Seedling, by the AlltalCriber; can be seen at the Grocery, Store of W. If. Decker. (formerly C. IL Patch. Th emitiltd of four 'nk.iirStatieties pur chased of D. K. MIAs k $Ollll at their warehouse In, New Xerk, and vragruttel; true tp 14164. 74 ' " • " ' l -• ..14;151t0t441.. Conipton's &uprise.. Brownell's Beauty Snowflake Extra Early Vermm?t AN the *awe WO* ravre , f i t: Ply FrPi L tstPg results whtit last:-year , n w o e crop 'was nearly a total failure In quantity and size especially, the MUM being the ravages of the potato beetir. • • ' • • • •. Mir* Ai LPUECH. Stiosheirlo. Aprll - 12, 1877-4 w NEW STOCK OF GROCERIES! Cb b idectiotild FINE TEAS„ :AND OCIFFEE4.I Ver sale cheap. —ll •. • ; CaA.PM,lC.sUstubof COUNTRY PRODUCE! 1. ;& : 1 1 111 ' o ' la IL 4 ' 4 ..C l '. l B. Patch. .iovniaditi Apt'll s,,i!er.i.ii-4iiit14'......,,,!..1::‘,.,,,,,,E..!1'f,.-..._1. 7 4, PROCLAMATION. —Wnzas. s, HOD. PAM. D. Mongol,. President Autry of ath Judiciel District. ronspng of_ Die count/ otilradhlajfellaff ineloiC.lfi. Bradford Associate Judge Wand or said county o Bradford, have is. god their precept bearing date the Nth day of Veto. ruary. 1577 4 to me' directed, for bolding a Special Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleas and OrPhans • Court. sC , Fewssia. for tbo county of Bradford, on Monday, May gth, 1877, to continue two weeks. Notice Is therefore hereby Kinn to all persons in terested that they be then and there In their proper person, at 10 o'clock In the , forenoon of said day, with recordy 0411)11fftlitil and Mbar ventembrances to do those thins which to their office appertains to be done. ''.ltfrors are requested to lac punc tual in their attendance arneeablyto their notice. Datati lfli 'Xinniuda. Mama' day of Aprlt„ in the year of. our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, and of the Independence of the United States, the one hundred and second. • ,A. d. LAYTUN, Sheriff. gAttg:—.l33c virtue . of sundry writs , lxxed out of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, and to me di, rested, I wi,ll,Qx jw , tm. to Inah/ to Ole FRIDAY,; the 11th armed may,t um, at the door of the Court' •110111 e, In t owartda, at 1 o'clock F. X, the follows log descrlbed.property, to wit: . One lot of situate In Monroe, twp. hounded (north by lands of .fiamnr.d.l4on, Beni lioxikrallh glen Widen!, WM J'Sfasrih and. Neilson Cillhert, east by lands of, DIV Dodge. smith by lands of Wnt and Clarenee Kellogg and Mrs Miller. west by lands of F Mason estate and Rent .Northrop, containing abnnt 1,000 acres °Liana. more or less, about 210 acres Improved. with 3 framed houses, 3 framed barns, 2 small hay barns, and sheds attached, 1 saw mill, with all fixtures befcmging thereto: ... 20 00 ... :000 . 10 01 10A . ALSO—Defendant's interest in one othee lot of 'land, situate In Monroe and Albany twp.s, bounded 'north by lands olikiellietterilFeighrop. east by lands of F. C Kellogg and lira Miller. south by lands of Widow Brown, Chas Brown, Houstonost and P Wileqs3,Arlatp7t, ia:ol . lsiorifeY*Afßs 'it. George it Arlsatf. afiIITIV Lewis, containing a t out 45oacres of land more or less, no improvements. Seized and taken kite eXention at the suit of,T) It Blackman 11;, EIWIndn ' " '.... •,. • t ..- -,i, • , '' • L Cil4ri4 tithes - MA of land sltua,to Athena twpi 'bthindeernorth Ittliptelts °tilt:airy lii, Iler, 'east.,l.l dandi orSita Mattlfewoiri; !Vieth hy . pithileehn'af and .1 A Keeler, west by lands df Stella e, con taining 1 acre or-land more pr less, all improved, with 1 framed house, chop. board barn, and few ,fruit trees therenn. Seized and taken Into exert,- "lion at the snit de lect-Ilticaudwon vs W 11 Dunlap, ALSO—One other lot of land situate In Herrick & two, bounded north by lands of 1) A Hillis and ,wra Taylor, east by lands of Wm Taylor and P Mc :Govern, south by lands of D Armstrong, and .1:111 . Lackey. west by.lauds of Z Augle.baing the entire farm as hiftitittett stid desctiheillii Deed_ Book. Bo 47. page 113. excepting about 39 acres sold to 1) A Hillis as bounded and described ip Deed Bonk 'to 113, page 199, containing after. d,cducting said 35 acres. alitintlidaerett of land morn or less, about all improved. with 1 framed house, 1 framed barn, • sheds attached,, ppi,urchardoi fruit Veisltalrectoi iMiteclaiuklnkellintleexeculloatat th sdlt f (leo Laudon vs It Hillis. A t.sir)=One other lot of. land situate In Albany twit. bounded north by lands of Erastua Wilson, ; mit IT lands o.l3Llcie Vargwoorkbouth by; lads pr liitha titt% West by lands p( eta B- attars; eau talning IS. tes - ofland mote or less, about 30 acres improved. with 1 log house, I log barn, and orchard of frillt trees thrsium„ Seized andpken into exe cution at the i(dlt of .11tOSP5S . 31arcy vs i 31 Vargasou. ALSO—One other lot of land situate In Asylum twp. bounded and descilbed•as fellows: Beginning. at a rat atit9stoneltu,conot.sabi lot; thence south 71?...sresfottkp10 pe,r to a post, and stouts In curl thenee *nit( 4tlNtil; west St per to an obi Irblsc pine stiimpliveot; Bleat.' ITotth 4.4 0 , east V 331,10 petto Si Post and stonel; in cor: (hence south 12 0 : 2o' and 141 per to the place of beginning: containing 91, acres atittlii per, titriet meoUre, alroul 7lcieres lan- Proeed.'tflth I framed horde, l' frithied,barnll sea gonfbnuse and.orc,lusrd of frith t plat thereon, ex ceriting and regrming therefrom I acre or land deeded from Geo r, peneer and v,li to .1 1. Copl• Thing* , tiy deed dated, getred and-taken into fie- , curios at the suit of Alfred Williams, guardian of Fidella Williems, and J I. Cuutbaugh..guardian of 'Mare 3 11 , 11litide vs Gehl* Spencer. ALSO—One other lot of land situate In 'Terry tap, boandal and described as follows a Beginning at a chestnut cur. running cast 70 - pet; thence ,bv lands of *tunnel V F.,ol,•soath 9t per to a stake and stones for . asoy; thence east 9 per to a cor; thence .odb 9 pert Ora cor; thence west 85 per' to a cor; thence north I.cel, pea to the place, of beginning. eontainibg 49Vcres of'land more or 1,..1.1, about 20 acres improved. with .1 board house and few fruit trees thereoci.-; fielzed and taken into execution at the suit of Hale and 31anville vs A D Smith: and Eliza Miami, Wife of S Z Shores, T T. A LSO—one other lot PI land al tuate 'in G ranville Vattill•hdtidield flora) by the public highway. east by lands of 31 II Chesney. south by lards of N C•Illil CO. west by lands of Hiram Thomas, containing 93 acres of land more oe test. about all improved, with I framed house, 1 Lamed barn 'and outbuildings, and oreliard or fruit trees thereon. seized, and taken into-execution at the suit of T C Cowan- vs _John Cliesley. ~. . . Md.-other 104-Of landidtuato IsrCtoWinda taxi% bounded nuriMmy, junds of W (.; Livgarb emelt ty 8 eci1, (1, 44, 1 1 , 11 1 4 bY /atlas of Ulm, Humphrey. }teat 2y au ailoy l itejog 7i ft (rout, on said DecotW wt 71u1 14t It deep, with t twveltury framed; twain 'and few fruit and ornamental trees thereon. -,. ALSO—tine othi4 lot of land situate in Towanda limo, bounded mirth by lands of .1 F Bender, east by an Alley. sonth by landg, of CI) Humphrey, .est I iE, 1 1 11 0 1 .!ti 5 4. 3 i front on said Third et, 144 ti deep, with I framed barn' and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and Liken Into execution at the snit of A and E Coliurn vs Ilirkit Taylor, ...Also at itti emit of Samuel S 1.104) vs Hiram Taylor .and Janos 3I Cabo , ,34*C.). - attnitterin — West Burlington twp. boutult;tl and described as follows: Beginning ht:thavmtra cr tia public highway leading from A M !Swain's to Granville, south 6*. oasr 9.5-10 per to a stake and stones, thence south 61 !a * ,!Nett 'l4, itsta tit A. Stake alptetonea.,4ntarth sw.„ i treat tyroa... U. the tlentte 'llltb Apubilc' thence north :57 a=O emit 16 rods to the place di be containing ;. , .4 of au acre of laud more ur le; s. wl:h 2 dwelling houses thereon. Lll.ne)-4 other.,l4 14.4114 situate in Kest Bor!Mgton twp. bhualdbaludith by Sugar Creek, east by lands of I.:tae Swain, south hg .the public - _ tilgliriay leading from A M Swain's io Granville, west by lands of Jolr,Ballard," e/ntaining 3 acre m of land ore mi , lFiss,; *MIA WSW Mill thereon, and the water privilege thereto attached. • A 1..50--tirie ether lot of land situate In West Burlington typ • Atiquied pert!? b Sdgar Creek, ea+t by lamb( ntrsaac swalu. south hyl the public ••• . • .higiieap,leall t from Andrew Swain's to Granville. ss:es6 by lands of John Ballard, containing 1 acre of land niore or lallN all implored. ist [zed and taken Into earenthoi at the suit of W Hale and N-N Tr's - fise vs sfal ford and Wm L , 1 A LINJ--9floAt Iply lot pf ,land , sit uate Canton ttp,thtuititei Ikklkiserthed;at (Mara& at cheaouth side of Towanda creek; thence .4-outli 5:04 e. west V. per to the cross roadsrultnlng by the mlll formerly known as Pratt mills; thence south 2 2 , west 2 ilettefesee tikatt,h 3i; , vest ,31 per to the line of lands of Jos Wilcox; thence north east 48 per to Ta,:auda creek: thence south 7331°, east 84 lier-to the place of beginning: said' giantee to have same right as Asa Pratt had of drawing water front said Towanda creek for. tha purpose ot running a mill, contaTidn'about 9 acres of hind more or less, with 1 framed-house, 1 (rimed grist mill, 1 framed barn with7slictls attached. with nth er.outliniliflngs and a few. fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One otherlot °fluid situate iq Canton bun., bounded apt' deserktaid.as follewg: Beginning Id the centre of ,Lycoming st, it being the north.... west cur of J C IteWitt's lot; thence along south line K.aid 1)0WIWA 12t. snlttb $9.4° east 11 7-10 pretty) fatritistln liub t Janis of J. J C• Jacob I lartranft, Levi 111141, 3- dohn Griffin and others; thence south 3°, west 46 7-10 per to a post. Irbeing a cor of lot owned by F Black; thence -by saliPlilbreWituinit'llue birth 36 6 ,4681..3 per to a Volt; tatence OreagneAtrrth3llV;t,.•westf.l4.mr to the southwest cur of lo( owned by A 1131ir.; thence by, south line of lands hy - the Said A H Mix and ]Melis sa Wilcox, north 14°, east 16.7-10 per to the south east cur of lot owned by said - Melissa Willcox; thence by same north SG° West 10 per to the centre of Lyconiing sit tbeirtee al;vrtg centre of Said st north 33°, east 125-10 per to tt e place of beginning; cot:- tattling 3 acres, :4 5-10 per of land more or less. with 1 frame?! noose; 1 framed horse barn; and a few fruit and ornamentiftrices thereon- A LSO—Oueuther lot of laud situate itt' Canton faro, hounded north by lands of N'e R B. John W Griffin. and Ezekiel Newman, east by Ezekiel New man andl.yconting st, south by Lycotullig st, west • by lands Otai•3l . sl4oley and' coo t:111114 3 - aeres 6f land more or less, all Improved, with. 1. (rained house, 1 framed barn, griper)* and apple orchard thereon- ' Seized and taken into eats cutlon at tllo still of l'omerd fircst trail W JlcOtol jai d, U and - X , llHouper,T T. ALIStlClhe othet tit of land sittate 'itt Rotne twp„ hounded and described as follows: Beginning at a stake the southwest eiir of 31,0 L L Turret's hit; thence along the south line of the same smith kf4 o , vast 143 per to a stake and stones on the line Of C Vancit.e. thence Simth t - !S°, west to a stake and cbr of (1 W Wertenberg; thence by the line of the same north Gsl l *„ west 133 k)er toacor on the line of S ilidiack; thence by the tine of. the same north 0 , east 63 3-10 per to ticor in line of Win Bat's lot...Abet:co by the pre of the same south 58 Lio, east 43 per to a post; .hence south Va ° . west ' 25 8-10 per to the place of beginning; containing 50 acieh 3j per of land, wore or ,less., phoul, 35, acres Ind:raolErk..wlth 1/radlid I,lxlitid house, I _framed barn. I steam saw mill, and orchard of fruit . trees thereon. Defendant's S interest only to be sold. Seized and taken Into execution at the suit of J 11 Phinney's Ilia vs E . reote. Alsti 'at' stilt Of .g , ,r4llipilonaa 'tank Art -Tawaada. Pa., vs 1 F Goff and Lewis Goff. ALSO—One other lot of land situate in Smithfield twp, bounded north by lands of ]Mary Wallace arid, the public highway. cast , by lands of Patrick sixth by lands of Orrin or -Frank Scott, west t,y lands of J. - erikalarill a lot owned by Sarah - Gavin, deceased, contil nintfiu acres of land. Morn or less, about rio acres, improved, being the same land conveyed by the sahlSartinel Niles to the said defendants by deed dated Feb 4. 1569. and taken into execution at 'the suit of Samuel Niles vs Wnt A Gayett who survives Sarah Gayett. ALSO—One other lot of land tiltuatein Athens hero, T. , tindrti •.+4O/10PIA t sitar Ihe h c lrth 61d ' of Brit,,. kr, beta* lots !go !2:" . =l' on' plot or survey mode by Urson Rickey for the Hon Edward Herrick, with ',fronted house ail(' few fruit trees thereon. titlized spa token into execution at the suit of Athens it Wt. 'AOsoctatten, of Athens, ra, vs 000 B And Elizabeth • ALSO—One other lot - of Ihnd sitnate in Troy twp, bounded eon!) by lands of C. 9 Ilagar. east by lands of Daniel White, south by lands of Daniel White, west by the public highway, containing acres of land more or less, all improved, with 1 frazzled house, I framed barn and few fruit' trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution. at tho suit of Elias Itolasott vs A L Cooper. , ALSO—One other lot, situate In Franklin twp, bounded north by lands of- g',lt clerPtlet . 11 1,1 1 4 f. lands of Daniel Copley, south by lauds of 0 Dodge, and must by lands )4, ,Ivkm Itockwell; con -12 lith9 of lahnliAidotbr Itis, about 351m proved, with 1 framed house, 1 framed barn, and few 'fruit. weep thereon: if 3elzedo end fatten Into eicetylnin snit of Wm A itbetwOn vs Iran% I/veto - ell and T T. ALSO—One other lot, situate In Sheshcquin twp, Isminded north by lands of ,01 Ayres. east by bud of Ralph Gore„ oath by lands of Italph Gore, and •west by public highway; containing ;:,lore of land, more or less 31f - improved, with steam grist-milt and all Intli•i3taresbelonglng thereto. , Seized aud .talien Into eseention at the suit of G IL VahDyke 'ts V t t Ayres. - ALSO—One other lot, situate in Athens Born', bounded north by lands of Mary Long, east by lands of Martha .1 Long. south by Willow«.4t. and west by lands of C S Woodi-contalning ta acre of land. more or less, with 1 new framed house and few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One other lot, situate in Athens noro'; bounded north by Mary r Long, east by Ifurns, 'so ntli by Willow-st, and west by Elmira-0 ; con ! tattling about lq of an acre of }and, more or less, with I new framed house and barn and few fruit tree* lielzed ! sup; taken, into exaculleu l'at the kilt oil The Athens Ilitlialtigafid Loan ssee; elation of Athens Pa vs Delos 1' Knapp and Wm Knapp._ '..441/60.-, Oise other lot of land situate In Franklin .twpv !mallard amd described; as fellows : The de fondant's undivided 3 , 1 Interest,' hopingingat a pOst the northeast cor of a tract, surveyed du the war rantee name of Robert lieeityleman: thence south 345” deg, west 123 rods to a poet; thence south, etc, by the several courses and distances to the place of beglatsktry containing Iv acres of land more or less, excepting and reserving nevertheless to the said, the Barclay Coal Co, their successors or 'assignees, forever tarot the stone, cost, metal ores, or ether, mineral substaiicesln the said land. Seized and taken Into execution at 01 lair. of T lisp to John ',entitle. • "•-• - 01 30 00 2, 00 ... 2 00 W. U. DECKER, Ja Mil= k 4, : -,:-:, UM 'titular! , Mrp ALSO—One Ottierlot, boundedliaddeseribedlis f ailows; Beginning at nor on 'tailwind-et.: thence southerly' 50 4t ; thence wviterlytoCenter at; tbetseeziortherlylo ft; thence etudertylerplsee Of beginning; being Int No 24; In O F Mason's plan of Routh Tewandatall Improstd: no buildings. Seised an& taken into execution at the snit of J O Frost Ts r Cook. ... • ALSO--One other lot, situate In Windham twp, bonneted notgth by' binds tot James Brown. east by,• bin& of El Cheerio,' and Win Sibley. south by: binds of . Em Reydoida, and weseby lands of Rent Oleasomand Fmmerson Smith: containing 04 acres of link more or lees, idafurStriniProved. with 1 tamed house, 2 hinted barns and sheds attached. and orchard of 'fruit , trees_tbereon. Seized and taken Into etectitimuitibe snit of Isaac Shnltr yo Myron Nichols and Willaceltichols. See'y. .."AtfitioOne other lot. situate in Shethequin twp, :I;oundetl west and north by lands of Ralph Gore. cut Si lands of FAward!Arnold.• and south, bY nub. lies highway leading. fpn..Sheshequin to Rome; containing acre of land. more or less, "all im proved, with.) .two-story framed house and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execu tion at the stilt of Samuel O Marshall vs Asa Freneb. ALSO—One other let, situate In Orwell lwp, Mended and disctibed we follows : Beginning In the centre Orpublie mita leading from Boma intro' Orwell On the south line of -the Aaron Chnblinek farm: thence fry the centre - ht said road south Br • west 30 per to the center of a causeway near the font of the hill: thence 01 yr west 432-10-per to a stake in the south ilneof the tall Aatell'Chtlhhilek lot: thence by the same south Sti!..(e , east €3 , 1-10 per to therbegintitng : containing S acres and as per strict measure, all Improved, with I framed house, I blacksmith shop, I trained whod bonne, and few tentt..trces thereon., Reserving always the tight Ind prlvilegn to Mrs Matilda Morey, her heirs or assigns. to keep ,of two breakwaters In the dry run south of her house and yardi recording to a reservation in the deCdot.conyestahrh trim FAirard „Boardman and wife itrid'lVrn Bohrdtuan and wife to the within grantors. as referent.e to said Are(' of conveyance, being had will moss fully sopeor. Seized aed taken Into execution at the snit of Man son Elrairtitt;va JAW Algot' ALSOrr.One other lot, situate In Standing Stone. being the eatitheastundielded half of 3 retrain lot , bound as fellows: -On. the southwest by the public rout,. east, north and soitb by lands of James Es 'Of: bet ag , the same lot of land conveyed; liy P S Angle) to Cyrus PuLtArand bv Cyrus Fuller to B. .1 Angle) tont:001:1g is acre of land. morenr lees, with small • framed ,hens° .and few fruit trees thereen. Seized and taken into execution at the snit of,John Thames vs James Wood. ' aI.SO--TllO defendants, C 13 Cash's swirl' A Cash's - undivided two-Stilts Interest in slot of land ' ablate la Barclay two, con:al/ling 113 nem". more' or less : In the warrantee name of D D Cunningham, with saw mill, 2 mill houses, and astable thereon. ALSO-The delis, C ti and r A Cash's undivid ed two-Ofths interest In another Tot situate In Bar clay tarp. containieg 400 acres of land, more or less, in the warrantee name of Peter Lailley. ALSO—The def'ts, C.Dteird P A Cash's tunilvid ed two-fifth% interespn another lot sitnate in Bar tley twp, 'containing US acres of land, more or less, in the warrantee - name of Walter,Stewart. ALSO—The darts.- C D and F A Cash's midivid. ed twodifths interest in another lot situate in Bar, clay acid Overton tweet,containing 400 aernof land', , more or less, in the warrantee name of Andrew ALSO.-The def`t, Geo P.Casles interest In one other lot, situate in Towanda Born'. bounded north by Pine-st: mist by POurth-st. south by the line fence of Col J Y,3feans, and west by lauds of Sullivan; being about 50 ft on said Fourilt-st and about XV on said Pine-et. ;with 1 fronded - home, barn. henroop. etc, thereon. The deCt,C D Casb'sc Interest therein also to be sold. ALSO—One other lot, situate In Towanda Boni% bennried north by Win A Chamberlain. TC 'Meaty, and Jittnes Wood (known as the spring lot). east by 3b.chardepst, south by lands of parties unknown. and west by the noting lot aforesaid being about 50 ft. front on sairbklechanicset and 150 ft den. • • ALSO—The derts. C 1) and F A Cash'S undivid ed twtelifthsintereit in eneottier lotsltuate In Bar claV two, containing 335 acres of land, more or liss: In the warrantee name of Joseph' Ladley. Seized anti taken into execution at the. ,, snit of E W hale vs C D ('ash. F A Cash, 3f A.Cash, Geo r Cash, -Anil P.W - ALSO—The dal, Geo P - rnei - h's undivided one fth Interest In a lot of land situate In Barclay twp, containing 113 acreS, more oriess,tri the warrantee name of 11 11 Cunningham, with -a saw mill, two mlll hoaxes and d stable thereon. ALSO—The derts. Geo P (ash's undivided one fifth Interest In a lot sittiatein Barclay twp, con taining 400 acres of land.. morn or less, in the war rantee name of Peter Ladley.- ALSO—The - net' ts, Geo 1' Cash's undivided one fifth Interest In one other lot situate in Barclay twp, containing /Metres of land. more or less, In the warrantee name of Joseph Ladley. • ALSO---The defy, Geo P Cash's undivided one fifth. Interest la nlll3 other lot situate In Barclay twp. containing 335 acres of land, more or less, In the warrantee name of.Waltet,Steleart. A LSO—The defl, Gro Cash's undivided one firrti Interest in one other lot situate In Barclay twp. containing .100 acres of land, more or less, in the warrantee name of Andrew Ladley. ALSO—One other lot. situate in Towanda Born'. I..noled north by State:gt, east by lands of Ben) RllYitendalL tallith by Poplar-st, and west by lands of lieu II Wood; being about 50 ft front and about Ise ft deep; all L - npre't.ill: no 1111H(1111:1S. and 'taken Into exec:Won at the suit of E W lisle vs Geo e Cash. ALSO—One other lot of land situate In Towanda bons, tuatn , /ed and described as follows: Begin ning at a cor on the west side of Bridge st 165 feet ,morth from Wul Patton's north line; thence south '6l deg. west 2189.10 ft to a cot; thenceMorth 8 deg, west 75 ft to a cur: thence north 61 deg. east 218 a-. 10 !t to the west sliest Briar: st, heretofore men tined: thence along the west side of same 15 ft to _the place of beginning. ALSO—One other lot of land sititatc. - 111 Towanda -Unto', bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a cor on the west side of Bridge ST, thence south 60 deg, west 238 5-10 ft to a cor. thence notch 9 deg, .WeNt 10 ft to a cor: thence north Cl deg,. east 216' ft, to A cor In the west side' of Bridge st heretofore 'Met:Boned: thence along the same south 10 deg. call 10 ft to the place of beentiitt. , ° , being 10-ft add ed to the north side of lot firs; described with 1 framed house, 1 ailed ato3fda: 'fruit-trees thereon. AT,SO—Lot No's 1 and 2 in. 51orgdit 5: Moody's subdivision of East Towanda, will`upre fully ap pear an a Aar) made by W Morgan, and re made office 'for recording 11 end S. etc: in deed twilit 'N'o 110: page is, and,boundfd as felt s: Firth Tip lot No It In the name of John . W 'iris, east by Pennsylvania avenue, email. by Wytatiking st, west by lands or John E Gei v,eing the same lot con traeted to Jno Orcutt on \ the z9th day of July 1871, 1 board tnouse,and des9 fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken Into execution at the suit of Ma ry Donohue vn E N . MiCormick. ALSO—One other lot of land situate in Towanda horn, bounded.north by Popp st, east bY latldt of Martha Aliriswold, south by lands of J F 31eans. weer by lands of Iloirnes I'lo:sage, being about 5.9 ft feorit t by about 100 ft deep, w ith 1 spring of water thereon. Seised andlakeu Into execution at the suit of John Holmes vs W Bramhall. ALSO=—One'uther lot; situate in Wyalusing twp, hounded and desurlbed.asloliows: Ileginnlug at a h unt the southwest en rof Tin in n Th trd• s ts:,!t hence north r; deg ?test along satd:Main-st 4 per to s post for a cor the ssout beast cor of C 3 I.alferty's lut: *thunes3 north la'lleg east 16 per" fa a post the north- ea.st cur or salt; Lafferty's lut; thence south 77 deg east 4 per to a poet on the west side of said Mini-.% thence south 13 deg west along said Thied.st 18 per i to the place of beginning, including lots No 10 awl 43: ceanalning two=fifths ()PO acre, strict measure, with I framed house, 1 framed. barn, and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of: . )1 E Avery: vs Cyrus Avery at. dames Be ad tik roll. otit. l.- Alstr - "at suit of F B Flight vs Cyrus A . very and :Ames Beantient. LSO--Oue other lot of laud situate in Columbia twp, boanded north by lands of P 0 31orgcn, east by lands of P C Morgan. south by the public high -I'o-11Y leading from Columbia,X Roads to Austinvine, hest by lands of Chas Teater and 11 Morgan, eon tattling acre of land more or less, with I. framed , ' building used for a Church- thereon. Seized and tartan lato elect/110u at the suit et Newberry and reck 4 s v's J Watkins. Prest, II M Ferguson, Act'g Sen'y'ot the- Austinvllle Baptist Society. AL...At—tine other lot, situate in Rome twp,bound id - Mirth and east by public - highway. santh by lands of peo Struble, andf west by lands of John Struble; containing 40 acres of land, mare or less, all improved, with few fruit. trees thereon. A LSO--Oue other lot.sittmte initome twp,bound-- ed nfiiiit by lands of GiorgifStrnble and John Strm hie. east by .pubilt - .highway, Barak by i. lands of Washington Towner and Ilatrietliarnes,' - 'and west by Modal:4, Charles Forbes and Luther Cole; con raining 46 acres and ICO per or land, more or less, altimproied, with l frlamed.house, 1 framed barn . with shed attached. and few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One other lot,4ituate in Rome twp,bound: ed 'north by lands of Smith Forbes, east by landi of Harriett Barnes. south by public highway, and west by lauds of Harriet Barnes; containing IVA .crew of, laud, more or less; no improvements. Seiz ed andlaken Into execution at the suit of Daniel Shfsktuaiter vis (leo eltruble. • - ALS.O--One other lot of land situate to Wysox 'two. bounded north by lands of Brij Bennett and Clark Baxter. east be , lauds of Samuel Chamber lain, S' E and .1. E !flatlet', and Mrs Elidotf. south by lands of .1 Myer Reed anti the estate of Joseph Conklin. deceased, west by lar4s of V E and J E Plo'let, E C Spencer and Richard Bustin, contain- Jng 300 acres of land more or less, about 200 acre, improved. with 1 grist mlll, 1 plaster mill, 1 plan ing mill, 1 blacksmith shop, 1 wagon shop, I framed _house used for note!, I framed dwelling house, 4 framed tenant houses, 4 framed barns, other out bbildlngs„ 3 orchards and other fruit trees thereon, together with all and :singular the water privileges and easements belonging to .or In aajwiso apper tal Ong to the same. .. ALSO—One other lot of-landasitunte - In Wysox imp; hounded north by Janda Of Mrs Samuel Rey- 1 nolds and the public highway, known as the Hellen mid, east by lands of Beni Bennett. south by lands Of A Lent, west by lands of Mrs Samuel Blshop'and E C Spencer containing 30 aerrs of land more or less. nu Improvements.- - - A LSO—One other lot of land Situate in Wysox twp, bounded and described as, follows: Beginning at. a white oak cor 840 per on warrant line, east of east Ilse of what Was fornieri 7 called Claverlek twit. and int.the south side of pond or lake for merly called Lewis cake, now known as Mountain lake; thence around said pond. or, lake at high water, line the several courses and titstances of said Met' water mark or line along lands of J. B Conklin, W E Bull, E C Spencer and others to the place of be- Mantle. containing within the said high water Mark or lino about Sp acres more or less, the same being what is called Pond Lake. AILSO--One other lot of. land sttuatent Wys?x twp, bounded north by lauds of E. J Spencer, east by lands of Mrs Bishop. south by lands of Mrs Bish op, Wet Morley, and Defcrs Vargnson, west by Pond Lake;ffe same adjoining Pond Lake at the outlet, and being a strip of land extending from said out ! let along the race hvur said outlet down the gulf, about 30 rods, and about 8 rods wide, containing 2 .acres of land more or less. with a Irmo house to out let thereon. together with all and singular the de fendant's rights and privileges of darning up and drawing the water in and irons- said Pond Lake. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of W 11 Conklin, Adm'r Joseph Conklin, decal, vs E Reed Myer. ANDREW J. LAYTON, Sheriff k,Sheriff'a Office. April 19, 1577. BANKItIIPTCY.—,In the Dia l_ • trlct Court of lice tatted State's . . .for the West etp District of Pennsylianta. In re Harry Mix, nanknipt No. 1677 In Bankruptcy. Notice Is hereby given that there will be a third general meeting of the creditors of the above named Bankrupt, for the , purposes contemplated itt the hBtb liectioti of the Bankrupt Art, on the Ist day of 111 AT, 1777 ; at 2 o'clock. P. IL at the office of Edward Overton, Jr, before Edward N. Willard. Register in Bankruptcy, Towanda, Pa.; and all creditors who have proved 'their debt's, are hereby requested to be Mescal at said meeting. JAS. FOSTER, Assignee. - Towanda, April 12, 1677.` AIIMINISTRATORS , NOTICE., ...EX. Notice is hereby given that ail persons In debted to the estate of /lent) , A. late of , Athens, deceased, must" make immediate payment' to the Undersigned, and all persons having claims against said estate must present thew, duly authen ticated, for settlement. OXO. D. MILLER, J;: If. MILLER, H. F. JOHNSON, Administrators: April 12. 11177. ExEtIITOR'SNOTICE.—Notice. Is berebrgiven that aft ; Peritoits Indebted to, ttin isstate i tix :James , Ptonijey. late or- Bidgbay,i, deciosx ed. must make Immedlate, payment: to Um undersigned, and . all persona havintelaims agaggst said estate must present Stierd. duty au . tbentlcated; ter stittleigent. ' , JAL W IL E#ll, Eieentor: April IT, MT. EMU ORPHANSt.tOURT SALEBy. virtue of an Order Waned eat of the Orphans Court of Bnidford Connty the wittereigned. {tor of of Hie estate of Goo: D.; illontatftes Weed. the Borough of Towanda, dee% WittexPOOkto sale at the Court House In the . HOMO of Towatids, Pa.; on THIIIISDAT the aft Onset 11.4WG:A. j)..1877,„ at 3 o'clock,. P. H., the, lfalowing dencriked real estate. • - • • • L. One,kit situated lathe twilit Towanda.beinele ,ed Ind described as follows; Beginning On thewest side of Brain-et, at the sdotboadt, Omer , of :lot ~ sold we s t . t oldies it Passage ,thenee southerly slang the tilde et Maitre 23 ft sod 3 inebes to north' line of Plne4a; .thence along Said Borth line of rine! st westerly 74 ft tom alley; thence northerly along said alloy 23 ft and linehestotheloutil-west corner - of let or said lifetime k Passage; and thence by same easterly 74 ft toithei west side of Admit, the . place of te l with stwcwitory brick building ;beret/it. The second story of sales building dining its existence, together with the second storyof I hat part of the caste over the lot sold to Holmes & Pas sage, to be owned by the purchasers of the idxrre described fot, in common with said Holmes & Pas sage,,, they to bare one-half of the , lest and Übe tbefOOf and said purchaser he other b.ilf, the first story to be occupied by such purchaser while said building stands. to the vertigo's maim theisocith sldeof said Holmes & Passagell shoe, ss now so. cupled by thew tinder their deed.„:f Also, one other lot In said bore, bounded alr follows: , Beginning at theaoutb.east owner of -lot Nor, of .11 Ward's subdivision' . thence north 85 0 to' east along the north line of State-it 50 ft to a (corner of Tot NOS of said subditislon; thence north 40 50' west along line of same 150 ft to a 15 foot alley; thence 'along the sonth line of said alley south • Its ° le west Sd ft to corner of. lot No 1 of said sub- division; thetice ;gong line .ot ,sanle.sonth 4 0 50' east 150 rt to place.ht beginnitig, befits lot Ho f of Henry Ward's subdivision. Also, lot No 2l et said robelivision, bounded as follows: Beginning ata corner on east Meer West- ern-ave and squib:lino of Ward-aye: thence north 57.7;° east along south !Meet Ward-ave 223( ft to nortb-west corner of p t No 22: thence along line of same south 30S, ‘l! east 110 ft to north line of a As ft alley; 'thence along same 'south 593( 0 west about SO ft to east,line of Western-aye; thence along Same north 4 9 50' west 123 1t to place et be ginning.. 6. Also, lot No 22 of said subdivision, bounded as' follows:-Beginning at noith-Cait corner of kit No 21; thenee aloe/ line of 'same south Vie east U 0 ft to said alley; thence ,north 511,4 0 east along same 50 ft to corner of lot Nel - 23; thence along line of same north 8034 0 west 110 ft to south lin.pf Ward are; thence stook tame south 59 1 .0 wesTioQi2 to plate of beginning. 7. Also, lot No. 25 of ' , said subdivision, bounded as follows: Beginning at north-east corner of lot No 27; 'thence along line of same south 20„t it , east ito ft to the north line cf said alley; thence along . line of same north 5934 0 east 50 ft to a corner of lot No 'No thence along line 'of same north 3056 0 west •ilu tt to the south line of Ward-are; thence along same south 59 4 5° west 50 ft to place of beginning. 8. Also, the undivided half of the following Oe. scribed let situate in said boro,7boanded as follows: On the north by lands of .1 I' iiirbyand L D'Bow man, east by An alley, south by land of J F Means, and west-4,Bfain-et ; being 20 ft front on Main-et, .and seat infilt•pth. field testator's Interest therein being the undivided one-half of the equitable title And same land that J F Means contracted to sell to D if Sweeney; whose interest was subsequently se gored by said testator and Ii W Noble. • One lotof laud in Terry twys; Bradford County, bounded as follows: On the north by lands of Ed ward and Erastus Shepard, east by lands of estate ' of C F Wells, dee'd„ south by lauds late of Henry.. Totter, bud west by the Terrytown road; contals-‘ leg 50 acres, 'more or less. Being the same land that said Montanye purchased by contract of Geo Mills. and having an equitable title only thereto. TERMS OF SALE.—On lots Nos 2,5, 6,7, 8, and lot in Terry twp, one-fourth of the purchase money , to be paid on the property being struck down; one third-of the .residue on' confirmation of sale, and 'the residue one year thereafter, with interest. On lot No I. FAO on the property being struck down, one-third of the residue on confirmation:, and the residue one year thereafter with interest. John:;: W Mix, Esq. has a map of H Ward's subdivision.-r -showing the location of lots Soil, 5. 6 and 7. Ali persons intending to bid are Invited to examine this map at his 'steep • PATTI. D. MORROW, Executor. Pa.. April 5, Towand • • REfaISTER'S NOTICE-L:Notice is hereby given, there has been filed in 'the othee,ef Register of Wills in and for the Counitefe • itradrord, accounts of administration upon the fol. ' :Owing estates, viz Final acc't of Martha Dieffenbaerh eX' of Chas Dleffenbauch, late of Overton, dec'd. Final acet of J f. -tones, now dec'd, guardian of Ada L Jones, minor child of Jos L Jones, late of Terry. dec'd, by Sarah E. Jones, the adm'x. of Said .. _ guardian. Float ace's of .1 P Cutandskey, adtit'r of Dennis Purcell; late of Rome, deed. . Partial acc't of 0 J Chubbuck, err. of Jacob Chultbuck, late of .Towanda bona, dec'd. Partial ate't of Wm II Rankin, - adm'r of Stephen S lialstead.'late.of Ridgebnry, decd. Final 'wet of A 0 Miller„ : guardian of Alfred Miller, minor child of A D CMiller• • ' Final aeet of M L Rockwell anti Lucinda Leon ard, adm'rs of Noah Leonard, late of Ttoy;:twp, deed. Final acc't of Luanda Ilelebrant, adm`r of Itict7; . aril Schoonover. late of Staridin. Stone, deed. Final acct of E B Powell, guardian of Orrin E Spencer, Minor child of Win Spencer, late of ' Or- Well. • Final acc't of Minerva Wilkinson, adm'r of W W Wilkinson. Final acct of W M. Coon, adm'r of Olive 31Coon, 'ate of Towanda bete, dec'd. Final acc't of Geo W Sterigere, err of Seth Ste" yetis, late of Albany. deed. : Partial acct of Jas-/Iduriran, adm'r of John - tiourigan, late of Wyalurng, dec'd. Ft:Mine...l of Stephen \ Dodd, adm'r of Harrison Dodd, late or Wilmot, die'd. • acct of E Welles, err of Ellen J Welles, 'ate of Wyalesing, iteed. . Final acc't of A Record. ades'r of David Kings. :ey, late of Asylum. deed. Final acct of 31aurie McDonnei, adm'r of Jere G realty, late of Towandalmep, deed. Final acet of' S P Lathrop, adm'T of johntf Ash . czaft, late of Wilmot. decd. : 1- Fatal acct of Chas.: if Mallard, adm'r . of Hugh Miettler. late of Columhla, deed Final,acet of .Kate Purcell, SduCx. of John Par- .. cell, late of Rome, deed. -Partial ace't of J F Wheaton, ex'r of Samuel Wheaton, late of Warren, deed. Final acct of F N Huebard, adm'r o 1 P P Wake field, late of Springfield, deed. Final ace'tof II firearpenter, adm'r of Andrew . Fraley. late'of Ridgebury, dee'd. Final aces of John N Reeser, adm'r,-of Charles Reeser. fate of Springfield. decd. , - Filial nee'( of J L Morgan, adm'r of Henry Mor gan, late of Wysic, deed. Final - acc't of A y Mathews, .adm'r\ of Abram • Ward, late of Ortrell. deed. Final acct of E N Beeman, guardlan.ot• Knee S Titus (now intermarried with James Honusily), - minor child of Germau Titus, late of Tuscarora, decd. Final acct of E N Beeman, guardian 'of Martin' P Titus, minor child of German Titus, 7.d, late of • 1 Tu•carera, deed. Final acc't of EN Beeman. guardian of Guy Titus, minor soicOf German Titus lid,_late of Tus ',- carura. deed. t Partial acct, of Joseph PoWell, adin'r . of C L Ward. late of Towanda born, dec'd. Final aces 'of K T Fax and ,Wm E Johnson, adm'rs of Geo A. Jehnson, late of-Granville, deed: Partial acc't of Wm J Delpeueh, err of Veen:. tine Smith, late of Sheshequin, deed. , And also the apprate:ement of Prenerty set off by errs anti `aim - rs to widows and Children of the fol. , lowing decedents, viz: - Estate of Homer E Cogswell. Allen Crandall. : - " " S 1) Pitcher. ' Anil the same will be prelteltdid to the Orphans' Court of Bradford County May r ie, 1877, at, 2 &cloak r, it., for confirmation and allowance. f • C. E. ANDRUS. Thigister. ' Registers' Office, Towanda, Pa:, April 7, 1877. . . ' . lIPHA.N - S' COURT SALE--By vi • rtue of an order Issued, out of the Orphan's 0 Court of Bradford County. the undersigned Eaten tors of the estateaf Margaret Ellenberger, deed, late of said countA will . expose to public sale on . the premises. in Wilmot township. on FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1577, commencing at 2 o'clock, P. M., tho following described real estate : LOT NO. I.—Bounded on the northrand west by !atlas of Jacob Stroud, and art the edif - urid South by lands of Aaron Ely, containing about three fourths of an acre. • LOT NO. 2.—Beginning at a post; thence by , lands of IL 11. Ellenberger, ; t 74 0 , east It per to- a hence south by land. of A. Ely, 11?, west Sou per to a stake; thence north by lands.O.A. Ely,- 74 0 , west 14 per.,to a stake; thence by Linda of John fliugherty, north I layeast 30,E per to the place of beginning, emitiiining 2 acres and 95 percheti LOT NO. 3.-11eginning at a stump on the; bank of the Susquehanna river adjoining land of A. Eiy, ilrßee south 59°, east29S per to a hemlock tree; thence south 11°. or as the compa.s.4 pointed in 18474 west to a stake by the road side; thence north 7,12°, west 10 per to a stump; thence south Ile, east 2 21 , J per to the place of beginning, containing 3 acres aid C per.; PlOre or less. LOT NO. 4.—Commencing at, a beeper stones on A. Ely's line; thence south 78°, east 1714 per to a pile of stouts; thence gouth,ll o , wok 12 per; thence 173 7-10 per to a state on P. Hoffman's line; thence north 78, westl9 per to a bean of stones on A. Ely' S line; thence along said line north 11°; east east 1.13 7-10 per to the place of beginning, contain ing t2-acres and 115 per, siriet measure. . TERMS.—SSO on each lot when struck,down, cone half of balance on, confirmation and 'remainder In one year with interest. aprl2. TRIAL LIST t:OR MAY TER*, Jobb F Satterlee vs Moses D DeWitt, adm'r—lssne t• W Ctapp vs D B Walker • . dot John C Hanan vs MV B Rodgers ' trespass !Debar Horton vs Samuel Hyatt, appeal' Abram Waltman vsJustus Lewis trespass Peter Brady vs Jane Gibson . - ~appeal',T Thtable Kinney vs Gee W Kinney debt' A. L McKean vs Wm Riles ejectment c J R Cowell vs Overseers of Poor of Asylagt..ippoal .1 O Frost vs 0 A Burns, et al Jacob Mahn vs J P Ronal as Sullivan, et al vs Daniel Driiicoll tressras Nllchael Coleman vs John J Thomp son.... Emma Janeliewitt vs Samuel Kellum': :ejectment Simnel Walbridge vs W W Decker icovenant Jas Foster. assignee vs McCabe & Mix • debt Jackson Lewis vs 0 E Pickett Arthur Yates vs Michael Coleman, trespass II W Patrick vs Benj Northrop eW.4inent C Chllson vs T Waltman . 1 ....appeal Wm May vs T. T Royse J trespass Sumn Canner, et Mrs C NtrElosine ...:.ejectment Juhn Thompson vs Michael in...;,• • A Waltman vs•Warr appeal Washington B *cliff vs NY 8 Ford trover' Win 11 Barn s vs Wm May, et al ejectment Subpmnas Returnable May 14, 1877, at , 1 o'clock r. as. BENJ. M. PECK. Towanda, April 29, 1577. Prothonotary. fIRPH.A.NS' COURT SALE.—By •virtue of an order issued nut of the Orphans' Court of Bradford County, the undersigned, Adro'r of aim estate of H. E. Cogswell, deed. late of Tut carers, said county. will expose to public sale on the premises, oil PillDkY. MAY 4, 077, commencing at.7. - Welock, P. u., the folloalog described real es ;me : Beginning in the center of the highway on the corner of Mary E. Tessenden'st now deeded to Bela Cogswell ; thence westerly along her line to the center of Tuscarora Creek, believed to be about , fi (Been perches; thence, down said creek - far enough to mate an - acre by running a parallel line back to the center-Of the highway, and . along the highway northward 14 - front of the store, to - the place of beginniug,loContian one acre, reserving the use of the milliner shop an tridentate period of time, or as long as,his wife Lydia desires to occupy the saute for a milliner's shop. The said laud. be ing subjected to the payment Otte thousand dol lars, in ten equal annual payments tram the sixth day of July, A. D., 1575 with interest armlutU7. TERMS OF SALE,--42Soupropertjbelegstruck down and balance on confirmation.' BELA COGSWELL, Administrator... aprl2. XECUTOWB NOTlCE .— Notice l is bareby given that hlt Pelsons indebted.lto' the estate of Carolina WidAgt_imOste of Plkeidee must tuake Immediate payment tio thevandersigae& all persona basing ehtimanishist OM estate mast pkeseat them, awl autheliticate& for settlement, ' - Pin StillaVaLTA, • Aptll.l2.4itt • Ezecate& ,-- •- -- ,i , ':':' - i' ,', , lippL . ., ~ ~, .; ~.•: JACOB STROUD, D. 8. - STOWELL, Executors. -- M