Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 05, 1877, Image 2

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A. : 17.1":011) College has'llo4 200,000 vol-
E 3
OrrDA_" in Louise de La Rame. She
iiE South Australia is brok-
'olmv.onv Ins - nominateg as the ticket
•„vy , 4 Eyarts and lies.•
HE Rinderpest in England has already
4 , MC a very 'pestiferous plague.
or steamer Britannia, just arrived at
!cv York, brought 020,000, gold.
mrovEyp.: a Florida presidential eloc
, is 'o be made collector at Pensacola..
!•rPOETED Eater cards are in "mita
:p of illuminated missals of the middle
c::KET is as quiet as a nursery - ; anti
refugees are afraid to return to Turk-
11 - Trill the 'resident is neither di
nur. remotely connected with that
•TY. what v will Chamberlain has the
I.ity - which Americans most deify—
..inNoLn, is preparing a-l'ol
,11:-of his poems gnd essays for ttie
t , “pular bon; with the ladf6" this
w ill again be the long, flowing
sic I,so:r. river navigation has fully re
-I.o:te:i are now running to
17r; aud Troy. •
!lII' Winchester. lk , fore reported .asliore
ITt 7 :nry.'g_ot `off Saturday morning
to Norfolk,
, T 1 facroy Of Coiony &
N. H.. Nva barned Friday
e-timated at. sso?4juti.
T KM' ill New York are feel
tile turroi-s of Oa:: law. Thirty of
ago re_!4,!ntir been arrer,teil.
li9ok keeper of the Brooklyn
~m le about ii;lti:;,o9o but was arrest
:in-I'i all.but *10;4104 recovered.•
Yor.Nc, a Pennsylpnia Railroad
oaim;toi: was o;rushod to death boetween
. 00 ffjfziot cars in Jersey City, on rriday.
. _
W 1!)E . IJ. pit roe assumes-a toPloftinest
at would - Joe iinposing, perliajA,- if it
. • loot - so supremely ludieroous. — -
"lloot.n tloi office. for I ant eorninorz':r
orlde over three hundred applicants for
sit ;on by mail to - President Hayes daily.
Tin diarno,nol market keeps &Ali which
load for :;(s5l - times. or joorl for had
nes, just as you :have a look at
the Terre-11 - ante Erprest : " A
ly - re-idin!.;ft!w•.in.iles west of the city
•ni ry tmve bitth to three children, two
and one bey."'"
I G -was - fatally shot bY:Na
.3O 1 (:ruinb.- ..chile breaking into the
Nerth .`.3toniivrton, Ct.,
Sunday. •
:.• s i lme•Lusiness is estimated to be
velit. better thmt a year ago, must
floc fact , Tries ruunin, over time, and
the hawk tintilug work. '
bast a doz.:lli ballet coripanies are
in tlic Szatitt. find vet the peo
•1,;e1 - 11,.:xliog• for the i'resilleut to
ileirny the tr.ittres..' •
'I n I cFn. is the spn
.T. )latliews,:. for a ling
~f nritlit.maties 31.ititai
at tlsftnd. Ohio. ,
I It'd.l.TT,alle young latly Who has
meet -stuffy practicing . law in
}r,, california.
T. '('. 1)1:1‘ E of San. Francisco recently
vt- .I:qr.turl the Palace Hotel
r' , hiDlfincnrti tlr ll4ln. Hugh licCul-
a literary de i c.-.
the 11.4 - r.stjt of his granddaugh..
r, 31rs. She has writ
ti a n rz el. to he iral...fisbett itt,a few days.
I)P.. J i.t .t of the Austrian Legation;
lio is - )vell know in tlig_litrira.ry eirejes of
still leave - for Home,
lie is also to act in a r ti eflicialeapaci-
Tin!: Jurnel ease, so lonfi; an eye sore to
! I , lli tliclim3eis,, 'has been decided in
r o`-:;,t 11!tdaine. by the L. S. Su
n., 1 5 rt•Iiiips we shall hear no
"re ”r
1 1: 11:11 T;;; IVII , Wiig for a tifia.s4
with “1,1 John Brown
Levu latoy_4stitoi g Th 4
t ~ v.: ~•.•in 7 , ~ .
. .
' t .. sr ... f)filt:t• ~f. tity.:l, student's of the
. - 1 .,.v 1 rii - . : er, - ity have signi:(l a cleclara.-
n ;I : , th t .y (I, , :.ire :11r.- Glacktones eice
t to tht , ..rectorsl . .ip. - . ,
I 11111111 W r
nf Itt:slan: "Catholics
n.l itely uttl tl 'alone; the line of the
railroail, in the vicinity of
.. i i IPPn
.1,,;:r an employ-ee of the
k Snail. company. Wilmingt*
d Friday niornip-r.
raught In the 111:tiI.1 shafting of
.11,1!1. -
fa , t freight train of twenty cars,
tea and from San Fran
:, )Ia Nil the Baltimore. and
,ine readied New York making-the
p tivi day.
iG•rnia operator, is
frten .sonu and proposes to
IThroru. lii• is . said to have offered
, V;;";.:lant. A. Hanlnwrid a large surnlo
~:n!p:lny.. him
tratispire - s that the lady
wlii, -- was hot at recently was
i .I , y 'the hail striking . her corset steel.
s.l)s filial a little Treasury,steel-in s 4
t its end now and theft :? , has lievn rt.veivedin New-York
loss or the British
iliirtiett. near Mistaken Point, Ne*,
mil. with all but two of 4-11eereti'r,
, j ot; her voyage front Liverpool to
. John's.
r e 4,1 of titn dam on the Farm
river, at Rainbow, Conn., gave
n Wedm',day Three. paper
ilsv‘cre in imminent danger from the
1, hut the Wit - 4'r was thially,:diverad
~u-ther.directi,,ru. The damage is esti-
litji:iiet l / 4 says a
!.iilN.a.lni e n fr4n that, negh
::- (;'n leave for wbere
P c (ir,) ;if furnish ci - eirk:
LLia • Each man . hires out
." ;:t a Landsome salary._
V •'%; , ,,.r1 f;; , . 7. - 11:! of- Berlin states
tne 1;;;ypt Las sent two
•n eat trid . ,, es to Turkey, and has
scr.,l troop:. The Bey tof
- font four c , lmplete mitrailleuse
a large sum ot money. .
Si:'l7ator I).tvid :Davis vra - nts
;:: - ,,f clothes, he semis a slito.friend
al a•.:al -Tts the tailor': , terms?' Then
re. Ars en the lame aria the tailor has
ahead into utter b.inkruptcy., •
il 1:1) I,a; just been pnblished
2,merican Palestine explorati , ,n
C. v. .1 . 1 notable re,ult of - the latc..q
:oration by Dr. Merrell is fixing the
y 1 the:cities of the plain at the north
of at the s,;uth end of the Dead
I,een Iteteti)f6re held.
Gteat Wes'tern Stove Company.
made 14.000 stoves
whit:h %cure distributed through
-Ica[.ca~, Missouri. Nebraska
r„,„„ - Th e company 'make seventy
yarieti , n, of • stoves, and their
have . -ca y to produce 20,000
.I,oNtfroN paper raysthat a I'resbyte
.i ho was cea‘ing to bO a
".”r \Nat. Oirered i ,. ,;:;,004.) for his Mann
serfnoyis. , The Carcliaser intended
ia'.l them to 11:Misters: of the church
f1:1;_!:,Iiid and Were long he
i. , 14t-d to cut ..thcro in two, to suit the
and vie . fus. The of was declined.
.advic ' es to, London from Ceylon
he. aspect of _affairs in ream to the
yatunerr — Riarcity is becoming daily
,racy.. I;y tire eud of March '2s,tx;€l
will be paid off from the coffee
nild in a month . or tw will
o-there , wi
000 toprov : idefor. Meantime
starving.-men women and chil
•, 4re comingOer from India.
, ;Etvs has Veen received• by the Japrt' -
-t! embassy at 'Washington that the
:un , a iusun-ection has been suppressed
the government forces.,?ghe telegram
iveying the intelligence .it La sent from
Sirtury morninar-ckby Ni'ay of
nla, St. Petersburg, London and Nvw.
and j*as received at i2l , p, 'die
!e day at Wa'shingtom ; •
;isuop H AILE , of Niobrara - , states that
'ese.among the Indians there are
coo regular communicants, between
• ;Ind who_rezularly, attend the
ic.,s of the Church on Sunda - y, and
ihaps I, ,1)0 -13 a; 4 i•;e4lelilldien. Schools
• established anti and
rei:ts begin to feel a pridOn the prog
-9f their children. AI '•
pratfall 'oda.
E. 0. GOODRICH, S. W. ►Loe=D.
Towanda, Zs., Thnrsday, April 5. 1877.
The Republican County Counnittee met pursuant
to adjournment on Tuesday afternoon, March 13.
After a full discusakin of the matter the following
resolution was adoptall: -
If-cared. That the Chairman call a Convention
tolacet on the second Tue.sdaY in May for the put'. -
Iwise of chaosing delegates toi the Republican Mate
Convention. and nominating such candidates as are
to be noted for at the election! in November.
In pursuance of the fore . i,ing action I hereby
give notice that a convention for the purposes set
forth. in -the resolution will, be convened in the
Court Reuse. Towanda, on
~Tl' EST/ AY, 312 y IS, at
I o'clock', p. m., to be composed of two delegates
from each election district.
The Vigilance Committees will call the primary
meetings oni...tunlay, May 6, at such hours as rriay,
.be deemed best. Said call should set forth ape.
citically the time the polls will be kept . cpen4s
swell as the place of holding the caucus.
TLe , analdatea to t,e n , rnivatod are Dist?let
torurrand County Surveyor., •
W., H. CARNOCHAN. Chairman.
J. B. M. HINMAN, Secretary.
The following named per, , ,ns hare l'een appoint
ed vtgliatiee committees fnrThe'eurrent year.
boro—Dr (' Hooter,. d S Reynold..
Albany—Alex Engllsh, Boyd Wllleox, Ste
A,yluar—E H . Delong, Jo. A Hornet. E J A rrt ,
M Eiy, .mbu Carroll, if NI,
A il•hs twi,--W A Plzmuvi:r, S Layton, John
f -
I:arlar ,
' '
Wnriingtonl)om.,—r I,..Rice, W 11 II Green. N NV
-::: 1 .
Burllngtr.n tw7-11 C S_vn.rer, S ir - ,.. ttn.. Nv I.
Lat I
wet—Alfurd Sl.ll.laHard,
.Caut , ,n tr.lro—Throd , ,re .I•l6ree, A M Ayres, Ezek
cantn, Lindley. lehabod
c.lum bia—H I Furggeon.lf • E Madding.
Pranklinterne M Kee, Bos. Vlionesti Win B
11 - Ross., l ‘ollera
11,1 , 0 - riek—W Nesbitt. Jnnois Neweil, Jos Lee.
'Leftaysville—J G Bcnnley, W B Payson, 3i S
I,r Hot - -1: S Palmer. Levi !i auford.l2 en ben Stone.
!Melt E McKinney, Levi Morse, James
St ravel. • - I
Monroe Ie,YoM M , Coolhat gh, John Dougherty.
ar!ri Mitma. i
Monroe twp—T T Smiler ,Ell4lale, A L Reek.
l'_Frkl 1.. A It Loring. D C Potter.
r , vert.n—sta, Mulleneanx. p lrrtn
E Beecher, M H i,;regory, E
Ithlghury—J P Squlreg, * Owen, Eugene
'Thompson. I t
Borne 1e..r0-0 Rlekey. 111 ; .owner. F Young.
Berne, twp--4. I/ Prlur
. e, (rhfas II Stephens. T B
Banies. '
Szl,stn.4olmHW II II lorry .1 Thompson; 11 or
are II“ron. , ,
Standing 4itnne—peter tatlnier, Henry C
S'te%,3l.. II iron tiordtdl.-
T T WcK.l, Carren , !
- v,w,rhts
:!..pringflel4-lym'Trary, A Brr.wn, 0 P Hark-
Creek-LSantuel- Tipipps-on, W H 31 oort.'
ohn Ilr , an. •
Sylvania—Tom Arnold,- Leroy Scoutln, Finly
Finnan. !
Tr ,, y I,om--J 11 Grant, Gen L Pcctr., N M rora t ::
troy•twp—Jolin F linne t Cliales INlaidy, M 0
_ 'r..cranda. ward-».Jud- , 41 11 ,- .lemnl, Ed
'2 , 1-war , !—lt A Merear..o 11 Lynn. D Pratt.L .
a ard—D LSs eeny, l'ram ENiree, K V Hev
T•Aranda twp—penFor,den Se.ville,tf M David
run. _
- Towanda North—lS" IT SnOth, 1) 0 Iluflon, G
. -
Tusear..ra—W Barrowclil, rat Mahoney, E L
Taylor. j
B Miner.. 7 ilosstr.
Weles—fi'apt Judson. ISforils
- 11-arreit.--tyrgs 4 11 ,- ,u - Pn,!Geo Rr.lgerq.. Nathan Yomig. • I
ml 'ram Ellshree, JaroL
A Weiler.
Iry.tiii-11);:—L 1) Ell). 5; 3T S:rpnen=,-r• I •;nnr.
Wv , ol-IVni If Conklin, II II Shen,, .\ F Eddy
E. Ctt tt,o.t:, ENg., of Troy, 1% n eandlOa.ti; for
I 1 .trim Attorney, to he llOlnilinted hr lll...l:Repub.
lican County Cenvention one the Stl! of 314 y.
Fon. more than tWeitty years the
RF.rouTmOias endedvored. by ev(jry
fair:mean:Vt.° uphold the Republican
offfanization, 4 . 10 to promote' the
success measul:es calculated to
-advance the cause of _human lights,
and the material pTosperiey: of
country. We havejaiined to award
".egtial and exactjtistice to all Melt,"
without fear, favor,,'affection 'or the
hop of' reward. Above all have we
sought, anxiously and sedulously to
preserve the integrity of the party,
to preventschism and discord; be
lieving every Republican entitled to
the same rightsand privileges as ev,
ery other consistent- member of the . .
party. With the petty squabbles
:Old!' quarrels find jealousies which
seem almdst inevitable to parties, we
have part nor sympathy en
deavoring; far as Was in our pow-.
er t 5 promote harmony and good
feelina that the Republican cause
might be suceessful,aS the - means
advancing the, general good.
Such having been in the pi - st the
motives which actuated us, we can
not now be drawn into - any Contro-
versy, which --originates in personal
disappointment and ilbnatiired and
unneighborly jealousy. If any one
connected with the'llEroicrxa is the
cause -of envious feelings with others,
we regret it—but we don't exactly
see how it is to be remedied. Mean
while, instead of endeavoring to cre
ate-trouble in the _Republican party,
by indulging in personalities. and fo
menting, discord and division, for im
aginary personal grievances, we pro- -
0. - ;e•to devote our best energies to .
the cause which for years has claimed'
-our support. Others may consult
their personal inclinations, and are
at liberty to pursue the course which
to them seems best, but if they ex
pect us to engage in any controver
sy which can only result in danger
and disaster to the Republican cause,
they will be mistaken.
TILE following gentlemen have
been selected by .the President as
members of the Louisiana Commiss
ion : Judge Cit As. B. LAWRESeE, of
Illinois; 'Ex-Governor J. C., BnowN,
of Tennessee General Jos. lIAwLEy."
of annecticut;
,General NO. 3.1. HAR_
LAN. of Kentucky; and WAYNE Mc-
VEAGu I of Pennsylvania. They will
proceed at onec to New Orle:ins, as a
commission of investigation to ascer
tain and report the faets to the Presi
dent. There is a significance in the
latest pnbl ishwl utterance of N icuot.s'
aclherents, that they apprehend' no
troubles in holding their position
againstrifAcissno, - as additional force
from adjoining Stateslcan be procur
ed if necessary.
..This explains the
overpowering strength of the Dem
ocracy in South CarOlina,• as well.
The white Leagues of ."adjoining
States" Can be relied Upon whenever
.Tirktreops having been Withdrawn.
from the - State liouse l at Columbus,
-1 .
S. C., Go;. UITARREI9AIN will aban
don his efitim to thel Governorship.
WE hope the fact that -only two
candidates are to be -nominated by
the Republican Convention which
his been called to meet in this place
on the Bth day of May, will - not de
ter the Repuplicans of the several
townships from sending as delegates
their best men. Every district should
be represented, and the question of
candidates and the general policy of
of the party fully discussed, so that
the Convention may represent as
nearly as possible the will of the
The Se , leetion of delegates to the
State Ccinvention 9 will also devolve
upon the . Convention, and delegates
should acquaint themselves with the
desires of their constituents on this
question. and come prepared to send
men who will i s eliresent Us fairly in
that, body.
For the office - 6f District Attorney
we lye heard several good names
suggested. I. McPuEtti; oN, of this
lloroulli is one of them. He is a
young man of excellent abilities. and
undoubted qualifications for the po
sition. Thus..far he has been t i ..4e
"architect of his 'own • fortnne," .
having mainly through his own
efforts secured a college education
and profes - 4onal training. During
the few years he has been a play- ,
ticioner he has gained a fair practice
and is looked upon by his fellow
membeis as a rising man. He has
been an active worker in the Repub
lican ranks for years.
HARRY' STREETER is :also named
for the position.. Mr. S. is one of
our most successful lawyers, is an
able, urbane gentleman, of excel
lent business habits, and would dis
charge-the duties .of the office with
credit iklt fidelity. .
E: CHIESON of Troy will also
be presented to the Covefition by his
- ,
section. where he is very popular, and
enjoys the confidence of the conimu
'fSity, as an attorney and honorable
business gentleman.
The ,Republicans of Canton Lave
_expressed a preferance 1 for W.
'STONE of that place. Mr. _STONE -is
well and favorably known especially
fn the south-western portion of the
county where he has always resided,
and biS claims will be modestly but
earnestly yressed upon the conven
tion. ;
For the office of County. Surveyor
we have heard no one mentioned 4
, Is IT :I. Mia.vmr.•?=-,:The• day of
miraculous cures is generally 'sup
posed to have passed away with the
death of the apostles; lint the follow
ing account of the wonderful recove
ry of a young lady from •an almost
incurable disease is published on the
authority of the Harrisburg ,Petfriot
which vouches for its Aruthfulnesi:
:Jennie Grissingei is the name of a
young, Harrisburg lady who-reeently,
experienced a remarkable change in
her physical condition. .bout three
Years - ago slid was afflicted with an
affection of the spine, which gradual
ly became worse, until slit was oblig
ed to take her bed, from which she
,did not arise until a- -few days ago
and then under peculiar circumstan
ces. She had been attended by skill
ful physicians, who refiorted to every
known medical expedient to .relieve
except the application to the spine
of a red-hot iron. Two of them, held
• a consultation recently at which it
was determined to apply this terrible
remedy if she consented to gothrough
the ordeal. They communicated the
yesult of their deliberations to her;
but she protested against any further
medical experiments and said qhe
had made up her mimd to trust_ her
ease to a supernatural ageney for
cure and that soinethinr hail told her
to rise frog) her lxiisg• confinement
next day. She accordingly elevated
her person and sat on a chair. The
Hallowing day she walked across the,
room, and since she has attended
church, walking with perfect ease.
Owing to the protraatcd confinement
she is weak, lint•her spine, which was
broken in three places, has been re
stored to its original firmness. The
physicians who had treated the lady
were ( - galled in to see her after'; , shel
101 her bed, and expressed their, Sur
prise at the marvellous changeqthat
had Occiirred. Esi;rl her lun,gs.Ayhieli
had been very seriously affected,
were perfectly sound. Miss Grissin
ger, who resides on Allison's Hill,
attributes her cure to divine interpo
sition in answer to prayer. • Slig , had
particularly fixed her mind on cer
tain passages of the Bible relating
to promises. The yourig'lady is dai
ly growing stronger, and she expects
soon to be restoreitto perfect health.
ER\ CoNine.ssmEN.--in. his rent
lecture in New York Col. R. INoEn
sol.i. made the following remarkable
statement :
Let me tell you something. If the High
Joint Commission had failed; if the Vice
President had never counted the vote; if
the election had been thrown into: the
House of Representatives,. Samuel J. Til
den would not have been elected,but Ruth
erford FL' Hayes would have been elected
'by SoUthern cotes. [Great applause.] I
know What I am talking about. During
the last Congress the S eithern metnbeis,
ntit all of them, but er.ongli:of them, men
who had fought .upon- the field of war
against the life of our country, then held
in their hands, so to speak, the destiny
of the United States. With one word;
: they.could have plunged us into the he 4
`of civil war. We were not savM'ity , tlit
Northern Democrats; we were.not saved
by the great ghost of honesty and reform.
We were saved by those who once sought
to destroy the nation, because they had
had enttugh of war. [Applause]. They
refused to act with the I.Lurbons of the
North. They said: "We like this ti-ouri
iry; we know what war is; our laud r was
laid waste; our homes and townsaU)
ies were reduced to ashes; there 4311 be
no more war that we can pievetp,t t A
President shall be chosen. ataljhat4',icsi
dent shall be inaugurated." .Sler4; t say,
who had fought upon the field or battle
against our party, stood up in the cau
cuses of the Democratic Party, and , used
those very words. [Great applause.] To
them we are indebted for the peaceful so
lution of the question._ : They ireserved
it, so to speak; and I am 'willing to unite
with them to preserve that piicelcss rift
forever. [Applause.] •
mysteriously disappeared froin New
York two months since, has turned
up in Europe under an
THE President has deeidedtp with
draw the troops from South Carolina.
CIVIL szaviczletrosm.
The abject of Civil Service Reform,
(as . it is termed) is just now engag
ing the attention of thC r 'Slitional Ad
miniitration, as well as of the coun--
try. Like all measures of Reform,.
a great deal is written and printed
about it, which is very vague and in
zdefinite, if not incorrect. The popu
lar idea seems to be, that the Civil
Service, is 'corrupt and ;inefficient
lid needs a thorough : . and radical
overhauling and change. ThiS idea
is promulgated by the modern School
of theorists and visionaries, who use
the catch-Word "Reform," and apply
it to all subjectS and all persons, on
account of its supposed popularity.
The Administration, on the contrary
acting upon the more sensiiiie and
• truthful idea, that the greatabajority
of public servants are honest and ca
pable men, has started out with the
determination to keep 'valuable
ters. in the service, and by making
their tenure of office secure to them,
work out whatever of reform is
An experience ot several years in
the public service has given us some
idea of what is needed to reform the
abuses which under our present sys
tem nf.ycessarily prevail.. The man
ner of making appointments, through
Congressional influence has been se
verely denounced, and has been.
doubtless, carried to extremes.. Yet,
while the offices should not be par
celled out to either Senators or Rep
resentatiVes, as their prerogative, a
member of Congress shOuld be a safe
and prudent adviser as to the char
acter of applicants and the :wishes
and wants of the people so far as his
district is cOncerned. The 'appoint
ing power is(not supposed to be ac
quainted with the sometiines peculiar
and antagonistic circumstances con- .
fleeted with applications. for
and the member of Congress is nat
urally, and will be, usually, called
upon for advice.
With all the good which will un
,doulitedly some out•of this determi
nation to perform , the civil service,
there is an immense amount of twad
dle and humbug indalged in Vihose
who have no practical knowledge on
the subject,' if in fact, they haNiiany
practieal -ideas on any subject. Tliat.
the mar-ale of the public servant is to
be greatly elevated, or that any
grand and
,sweeping reformatiOn ,
to he 'achieved, we 'do not believe to
be poSsible. The public service of
the country to-day compares
bly with that pf any *-other."nation.
llonesty . And efficiency in office is
the rule and dishonesty and .worth
lessness the exception. A holding
to strict and rigid accountability= of
those in 'office- is what needed • to
.elevate the standard, a,nd to. secure
- to the government a faithful per•l'ormi
alive of the public trusts s;onlided to
those in the service.
Where Reform is most desirable,
is in the tenure of office. Heretofore,
those in subordinate places-holding
their office, at the uncertain ~pleasure
of political influence, have never been
I able to fell -that, hoWever faithfully
an , l conscientiously they might per
form their allotted duties, they were
secure in their positions.. The daily
iltnger of di,Zplaeement stared them
in the face. The uneasiness produced
by this s 1; 1.,e of affaivo has been high
ly detrimental.. If this is- changed,
a' great advance Will! be made. If
the principle could be established,
that in„the lowe'r grades of Wiled..
there shouKbe no removals except
for cause, civil service reform would
have made - great progress,„ and most
Pr the evils or abuses popularly sup
fposed co be connected with the pres
ent system, would be removed. The
heads of departments, and the pt:in
cipal offices throughout the country,
could be easily regulated. s
There is another class - of persons
just now fondly- advocating Civil
Service Reform, who are somewhat
like the man who was in favor of the
" - Maine law," but opposed to its en
forcement. - Their ides of civil 'ser
vice reform is to..reform everybody
out of office, and reform them in !
These people have no idea of consis
tency. except so Or as their personal
aggrandizement is befiefitted, and
their Reform does' not go.. beyond
their individUal interests. Of course
they are not always happy—but still ,
the world moves
In an artiele on the retirement of
General CAMERox; the Tioga
Mr intimated that the argument made
by Mr. C. as Secretary of War in
1861 in favor of arming7the slaves,
was supplied by Mr. Conn, a former
editor of that; paper, and a gentleman
of marked literary ability, the latter
corrects the error in this neat and
merited tribute to the late Senator:
To tl.e Editor of the, Aggtator : I have
Ast read your article upon the retirement
Of Simon Cameron, and in cor t iffio n w ith
hi'.; many friends can applaud your candor
and fairness. But in assigning to the the
credit for the argument in Secretary Cam
eron's report urging the arming of freed
slaves, yon unwittingly do both him and
me an injustice. Iwas not only not the'
author of that argument, but never, until'
I saw the statement in your paper, knew
that I was even suspected of having pre
pared that portion of the report alluded to.
I was not at that; time a member of
Secretary Cameron's * eilicial family. hav
ing resigned in September previous. I
regret the publication the more for the
reason that' there has been and still exists
a disposition on the part rof some to de
tract from the really great abilities of Si
mon Cameron, and rub him. of laurels
which be has fairly won and is entitled to
wear witholit question from any living
man. You never wrote a truer thing
than when you say that, "while he has
the faults of our common nature he has
more than the usual amount of its vir
tues." There remains but one thing more
to be said of him, and that is that lie has
always ranked far enough above the en
tire leadership of the opposition, both in
ability and in the virtues 'which secure a
faithful following.
May I ask you to publish: this note, in
order that ,the false impressiom created
by one passage in your.articlo may be fir-
ever disposed of so far as I am , :oneerned?
Respectftilly, M. 11. COBB.
Philadelphia, March 21, 1877.
The following is the - full text of
the Inw pasied by the lasi Livia's
ture, proitling for a etay bf -exectt
lion in certain eases:
SECIIOar 1 That Mail eases *here larldt, Mite
merits or hereditaments have bc.,sn or - hereafter
shall be levied on by virtue of any:wilt of lied fa:
clan, or other writ of execution. and an Inquest of
six men summoned by the sheriff or coroner of any
of the cities or counties agreeably to the existing:
laws of ibis Cortfhiontreahli; - .Sabel - nod that the'
rent=, Isemes and profits of such property are not
saMalehl'heyotid ail reprises, within the space of
seven ydars to satisfy the damages and costs, or the
debt, interest and costs in seep writ as Mentitmed,
it shall !settle (Inky of the sheriff. I o.iumtucm alt
men of his bailiwick to go upon the prein!ses and
antra*. the said property and in all eases where
the defeudand or defendants shall consent to a
ronitentnattors agreeably to an act entitled " An act
relating toexesottions." passel the Mateenth (lay
of Jane, eighteen hundred and thirty-six. and In
any caw where an Innuisit lon a'ntl condemnation of
such estate as aforesaid shall not bo deemed Deeer
nary In law, it shall he the daft* of the sheriff' or
coroner of .the proper'enunty to summon an Inquest
of six ;Taxi and lawful freeholders of his bailiwick.
ho-shall is• under outh . or aglrrnotion. and shall
reeelve the sane• pay as jurors are eittitbol to In
similar eases, to go upon the premises and value
and appraise the some. at:a the sh.riff , or coroner
shat make rrturuof such valuatlea or apprises.moot lilt the writ - aforesal I to the court from
which the same issued, and whirlv.valtettir or ate.
pral-emenrisbl'9 yet', all write and
err Yet tin nr ScAiet ernpr.c•es I 6.!, iota ra,erf. in v
future yte,.'ziiitgl which ni.4 le. lea led on the satire
property. and In ells • an - y writ of yen:II:100
or Other wilt, shall, issue i'or the sale of each
tenetneuts or hereditatuents, and the same
03011 1 (1 tar .•1 , 1 at p-tdle vfludite or niters , ' for two
thirds or more of such 13113110 n appraisement„
that then 41941 In •:1 , :11 ca , e the sheriff or eont , r
shall not make sale of the litelnises, but shall make
return or the eatne p e e"tiljngly, to net (Wilt f/N/11l
which the exmattion 1-su,d, and that the capon
all further proeeedings fort ho sato of • sash
teneutenls or hervilltantents, shall be stayed for
one year freed snd after the return slay of the ven
tilt tonal exponas. or other writ for the sale - of the
Premises- Prornied. That :Its sheriff or coroner
shall not be entitled to poundage , nnless in those
cases where a sale of the property shall take plare.
2. That In all eases where lands,tettentents.
or hereditatnents,llolo been heretofore fevisallgs , a
and c o ndemned, or est , nded, or that liereaft; - r
may be el bow! ft In virtu , of any writ of ti-r 1 faci
a. and in at I C 1 4 ,0 where 31/7 lands. tenements. Or
•I , O11:313 , Itt• 111 i o 1,0,111 , r Ileteeter shall 1, , ',oil
ed or twried on, by attain• r f any writ of levarl fa
rt" It slially I" Ile dote of the ~ I telitr or coroner,
beforps eano4ing. 'to- said orotewty .kale. pur•nant
to any av rit for thtt intrpoSe. 1,11..4 or In latrt4l4ll , e
of corm o rot of tiler' fae.hts. It shall he the duty of
or rorillor. loc:"Ort. •31.1
proisirty to sale, pursuant to ally writ for that pur
pose Issued or in pursuance of such Writ of levat I
smiunot, sic good and 13T1%11 111'.`11 tf bls
I,ollu wlio,teOng fir -t , worn or atlirtutaf shall
go opo , fiallases and milli.. trip- vnlna.lon or
appraisellielit or nub proie.wly as directed by the
fir-d-welion of this :wt.
Sac. it. That in all cases where .estates for life.
or for a term of years, In any lamb, tenement.. or
.r.olitatnents. haw i n g 6, -n or . !ALI!! be 5(17 , 4 a n d
lovlrd on by virtue of writ or execution. It shall be
dutv'or the sheriff or coroner before he shall
pus led to :01 vertly find sell lit., premises eon.-
saSti to summon an inquest of slx good. and Lawful
men of his bailiwick. wio. belng fltst dots' sworn
ur allirmod shall go upon the pl/Cllllsl%l and make a
tree valuation abliapprah , ;tient of the 50111 1 .
if sit4.l. estate; for life Or a term of years as afore
taltliafter being advertised and otTered for sale by
numb , rondo,. or tottery aceortllng In law. I 01.1105
10. ' , ld for or nirirO t amount of the
valuation and apt n 11,4.1110,1 to hr - made as a 10! ,,
la!tt, Up' She Tiff r"r. r make rebut, ai•-
`eordlngly and 111.'renr,11 311 further proceedings
for the ,01- of 111 1-0111 pr.o,bl , shall be stay. *I for
one year from tho flay Of ,3111 sod of exoetil
Prorith'‘l, That the raid dd fewiant or tivfotolttotti
shall ozototto :tot! &Ill', tli• Or r•aout r.
as the rate fluty Is'. a judgment bend, with oio.
more sullieleni 11l shail hr freelmide'rs
and appr.4`;',./, by the crotrt. to br• t•nirted of r , •eord
and shag be a atireal .1,0 , 1
tatifh.d. Ina p!Lally of 1 .a 1.1.• tto•
v703t1.11 or apnr. 1 1.4• 1 n.•,,t. ett;Alti , qlo.l r.,ra1,.! I,4y
mi•tit of ail nen*, debt. 1117..r.,t and
4. That In v.h , re 1,1 r; 'nal proper-
FY talom ox(rwlon. by virtue of awy
writ of tiorl f.lrlaF. I ••11 , :cl of x•y rwir of (.• I.
p;, - .3s or :ilk cottmout,talt!.. Nirtutt of
1..n1 - emet !Mon 1y.,t401 by a ttottt , tt of the itt'actt. It
,tittit be tho duty Of rho oftl,tl,.to ‘, nett wlt
.h tot tllm etettl rottwolit 0 , 5 r. twlt.tivit tatttil rt•-
qa.-stotl I.y Ito tlettl.t.r, to ...mouton, tltt,to rtt.vo.ta
-1 fr, , •nobt-r,. eitit.• to, t,rtt,o,
tint deli' 'worn or a:Tin:lel Ity the •aitl olitter shah
color attil appral, E.a.• pot ,004! proporty afort•;,3l „
widch v.1111:,11on or appral—men! dgy,ed_hy the an.
prat-orA toge!hcr \stilt !,•!to.ltile of 111, prop. NV
In execution ,ha't he annexed to the ref lira
oa •31.1 s\ !it, and ,•:14 ,r,e11,r. - 44Al.prot,,•rte,
any proptrty ...Id for I Wo-t I s
of the amount t.f rattirtt to.) .r alipral,•tnent
vetolue,' - f the sU.Or. Or
givon t!, the I,:alordT, or ida!itt lO N her. or
Hol togent; or attorney, agr,irddy 'to tli
thoo, of the fird ,eat lot, of this act, that then rh! ,
.ale of stndt 1,, - operty for a. term "r.
tw.tive toortflo , t front that date', That
th , Orh.ttitlititt (tele'. "4Eldt rzrrt:l•• .011
, I , llVt . r to th.,.herlff. corottPr, or eolettede. as, the mat' lot.ra !tot:0, , •n•• or In , s: - .. , 11131C1,kit-i..-
, nr1t1..,, to I. entet and be a nen
of ~:11.1 period of time th6:ol,,tult of the
causation ii apprai,Pintdd, coLd!tiOned for no.
f:dt Hui forthe,aning and delivery of at! and every
par: of the !•alit persona! prverty. un.uf titr (.411;i r
Z1 ,, 1t of Ito. ...314, ~ it'cro'illott Ilto Inoper
•heri tr. e"rortero:#,:oottstahle, In or.
lot go.od ord,r and c ondition a.„ Nli i, !lir
•arii Y,11••• art.:1. 1 ,11.4 ..71 . 1101 :yr !...;th4, or ttth,r
rtinal In value awl lit ql
(Sider to Iry 11:4::11:1/11"2. , 1 In 1111 . 111:11111Cr afort4al.l. or
In , 1..fa0;,,1b , •r00f for Ito 1. tyin of tft.
of tht. Itrpt?aao•tto , nr or villa:own with L:h•rc.t and
or the .:11aonot of the Ihtort ,, ,t potof,
tor w -kilt.• iwry tva4 1131.., and upon t Ito eteeto
..h4l rry 4 S7l nac h 1,00 the .alit
pror , “l bc r, thrloot anti rt...eilvored tool Ow
ye..4r.-•jit'tt- of for said defendant yr &fowl:tot:.
Pr,ry bo T
ifd 0,. hat watur- tti vxt
A:t!.l li. •oloarn.ol prevont any
!•.r or erraitYts from hactog the property of
.1 0. •1 1 .1' 01'11 0 1r1or,. Np 0 0 • 11 10 :114' at any rort'
alto th , y may think af
:rr it utat hat,. ono— 1,441 1 io cA: a, ;if..
11'1. be all uld,.. ar..ript 13
. .
•,110, 1 ,••• • 4-Nl•eat rt••'•tin:c• ‘lll,ll
t. •'
r, a! ,,, r4/1114 1. , 111t . this
1 . 0.! 011!: WALD(' t h•• prn( d••• ,, f
qal, a. iti Irt r coc.•a. -
;,.•`-r•• ,10.1! w i alUelj
t.ra' or ev'eli!l , •ia 0 r,:d h..
•h•• •••. 11•1•• 74,11,6! i:I•
'1.:•••• Vi.jr •11- t!r•rooth'irn I tl'41:0 - ir.!
r-ut tot,: nontletint eh:l;g.
•• tel.-at:wit:l;y ;h.• t . w.ttlttittnte.- or tie' , :ty
lien:. or ohnizo , on , T; , l Tt• tf I - -
,:I , IC rEtrg, grtetr:•l-tent... 1'rov1•1,1
t tit 1:14! .ttitt,'y t , t •Itty,
ft , r t:ineeth e it sentl-attttitatiyt/1110,4,-
, ••• .111- e , ate. tt - du, ”r NO
,tfit. are hoio'y nothoritod to to• in,ti
nito,LoOr rtalitrs lair Prot I , lott. that tlos
ta..t t..!nrtin Ili fore- for a loitger pt , t!u , t
thttn eighteen ttunt tt,tc
- -
-So much has betin printtgl in the
DetnO'cratic newspar ersjn regard . to
the manner in which th 6 bill prohib
iting the„appointment by the Sheriff
of - Philadelphia ut' numerous (im•
ties to attend elections, that many
lionelst-reiderA have come to the con
clusion that a f.T.;ross outrage was per
petrated, by the Minsk", and that
Speaker MrEn should be ensured
for - calling to the Chair - Mr. IlunN,
while the bill was under cons;dera-
tion. The following candhl state
ment' of the whole affair, we copy
from the Pre.;s of the il7th ult. t
careful perusal of this statement will
satisfy the unprejudiced, - that the
disgraceful scenes witnessed on this
occasion. are chargeable to the Pem
ocrats, and not to_Speaker.MvEß or
the Republican majority:
Sit:: A, then• h,4 been such perst,tent mkeep.
re•-ntntl , n of oluring thes. •hn: Mce
lay rvenhiz, 'nth 111'4—In the be the
1) , / , '.0-
eratie pre., the f 4.14, , ,, trig eel eet staleineta djr the
el, I. Ittli• 1:t•,111-
I lON. , It. 'IIIZ It. ortkr. it r. 1:11113,1, De;:twar.., of
fered the celinwint:
That 'l'.l:•n thi , 11 , 41 , 0 aolJouros
eveoloir. It -adjourn. to nio , t to t,la mlr,urt Iht•re
t..r (or Me parro.• ei.11,1.1e1114: ifoo3o Hill No.
on 0.111'4 r,:ling , and 11!,..ago.
The me•aker pro te,a,.. 31r. Huhn, put the Ties
thai : •• %Vint order whl take on the res
ohvion 7**a:id the ta•ply emu°, •• not reading:*
The reolution was again read, :and the rine , d
dl..:lnetly put br Speaker pr o tem.: e wpi t h e
110a , e agree to the re.edutien?" At this stage. of
the proeeedlng.. edth..ta the le:iNt •daa , '''
Mes-rF. Se and ntsvtie:•, with other I/1-11101.r3:s •
lift their %eats and eatne to the area lii front of in
uktk'i desk, wittily ,gesticullthig rind shot Ing
their dots at the 1-.peaker rd the
Tit... Speaker pro tern. g,...1.1.ann.r
-edly reminded the gontionen that ttu y were pat
of outer and inu.d" return to th,ir seat.. They re
flp,ed to do and !In. Sortten..t-at-at wai ditto
ed to 1...a.t the gottlernon In 14 their , rat.
and pre,..rve %%Mit Lr pmeet..l6l. tndu. The
di..turhahee f ill..
Democratic side ..f the 'louse. the 111 , 1.111.11enn,
rtioty,reniairlin;, , In thoir and the Spra',..,:r
pro lon:acting ‘Attimitt tho len‘t -evitement Iu
e - etd or manner, Kpeaklng klnd,y I,ed enforcluz
the rule% of the 110.1 s eer ith .11gmly
Dongta•s„ Had, IV ziker.
m!nlitr. anx. Mer.ltny.
time,plo v :
llltr!n It, a!),ll; .1 t114,t1 thr prt . ri•olj ,
sp-nLvr pro pat. a. fol!cw, -Shalt
lir Itutin no..v put :'• 31r. 54.1,113u,i1y
th-ri pt tp.t r.or,
r4l I,y the Spv-aloy pro to r ,
and tank at 11 . : 1:4 tea tniuutc, 1,, as
That Ittde rrnalte.; that Ow 1r0n...• shall ad
journ at or berm , : Io r. m, on Monday. and a to., o-
In:Ion fixing a tp , cial for the , all.l. -
9 , 1r , - , tw, , dltirds tot”. 4-0. an.... R u t,. 27 y r , I,l r ,
That any-ino.!on to alter the !tilea of the 11(41,1
:41:tii jle ort , r ono 11.rr.
Tb- Sp..ak,r pro't . eal.APetitt`it the point of order
hot well for tin' r. it wa. , romp.-
tr•nt Pt - the llou,e to fix a ,os , lon of th,
any time It ,aw proper. out,lcleof the r,gularhot:ri.
of :he t:e , ” , .r.n, and It V. as no violation of any ris!i.
for n .` , don to I, fl %" ,1 IT the noose, and that
It did not ropitre two-thin', to pa, ',aid r,,olutt
an t•titirrty. ticr.h.lon of speaker Str.r,g, 11. 1t..1570. page '2II. Stnal.'s t, yfeia:ty
1576; raze
An appeal aa4 then taten b y Fannee and
Seliattl`rlY. wide!) at pe,t Ir 3, laid ?wait the tatle
by 111 to 6t; m•y•. and the Or the
Speaker tea...sustained by the House.
The question reearrinq. "t‘hall the main quer
lion HOW I,) t,qt r . it W;IN determined In alarm
ative, and on the question, 6 . Will the H o t:, az t e,
to the resolution. offered by the gentleman !rum
rtelaware?" Ilte_yea% and nays were required by
Messrs. Crawford and I; rut n; r. awl the 70.0101{10n
was agreed toi—yeas 112, tutrs 57. Su the question
Wa -4 detertnined In the allrinattce. '
The allegations that Democrats mere not reeog.
nlzed 15 false In every particular. as will app , ar
front the foregoing record. Mr. Ertmatterly was
recognized on his point of order. The Itouso pa
tiently 551'1941 for its reduction to writing, and the
yeas and nays were tied t y Mcssrs.Craw ford and
Gentrier, and the appeal of Messrs. Sehatterly and
Faunce respectfully received and considered.
Harrisburg, March 24, 1877.
urrzns PROM on murasPaspais,
wmanN &tar. ustee ;A 1877
.'Sib the clove
_. of Congress, Washing
ton has taken i rest; that- IN as to gayety,
and politteid differeucis, Yet, though the
ebb and flow arthe tide maynotaPparently
bear and away—so manystirrffigevents
and brilliant beetles from the Capital to
'the woe(' at large, the under current here
is Steady awl !grow'', arVfife' Moves on.
since the. formation-of the n w Cabinet
the 4 civil`service" -- and :its r!arm," till
a column or so of the daily pa rs, and if
anything is reliable of whiclr-we read, the
new Secretaries, mean business. Many
of these hightofticials express a desire to
return to the plan of '• competitive exam
ination," as to the qualitieations. Yet
many think this plan would be a failure,
as throe undeserving would thereby be
taken in, and those of perhaps more real
ability be ruled out, it is scarcely neces4
sary to subject a lady applicant for posi
tion as.copyist to thu-same rigid examina
tion in mathematics, which would qualify
her to tie chief of a burein, upon 'A sal
ary of sixteen hundred dollari per annum ,
yet it. is, moreover, to be desired that
merit should decide in these eases, and . '
not political influence. Before coming to
Yastrin4on I had received the impres
sion, only because; I was told so, that the
clerks in the ditfenint departments hail
"little to do," and not "much of that."
How often do we hear the expression,
't living upon Uncle Sam," whereas; re
search teaches one that Uncle Sam can't.
"plav a lone hand." I have been through
the Treasury for instance, and hard wit
missed the ,coitus operare/i of the whole
business. it is "all work and no play," .
and that after the most rigid arid perfect
riles, from the highest officials' down ta
the fleet footed "messengers" who "do
the running..", - The lady clerks are ex
pected to do their wank promptly, and
without error, and mans of the gdntle
men spend their evenings -atter office.
hours, pouring over dull scores of figures,
loans, and ho,-114. Col: Sellers' expres
sion, "There's millions in it,".would ap
ply to the care and labor cif the Treasury,
as well as to its iron vaults. SOUle one
remarked the other'day.,that Assistant
Socreta-y Cfmant "bad talked so mach
to the hundreds who beseige his situctum,
that his voice had nearly failed him.''
Notwithstanding the effort made by a
New York hand organ to grind Mr. Con
ant out of office, he is firmly established
in • his posithm, and the confidence of the
people. 31r. Conant is a tine looking gcn,
thonan of dignified presence, and bah
himself and his lovely and iuteresti.lg wife
arc very popular in society here; It is of
coarse the trite test of WOrth—this' " home
appreFiation "—when men tire Watched
day by day by the same eyes, maintain
their position or g . fihil name intact.. "the
press" loses its "liimer" to harm. I may
remark 0, 11,1,4,1 tat., that it was with sin
cere satisfaction that I wad of E.O. Good-
Tieb's re-appointment as Surveyor of that
I'irt of Philadelphia. Also. that the r_;-ay
. yOung in istocrat of the•_Voi'l, '.,, we r,, , , f ,
-•ohjects. - ::t.• lie is
.surpried to kli• , , *
that Ili:1,11'0rd Comity is a phlee wortky
of his "regrets"—attel it's notice. I have
no doubt this s,.:ion of the McMichael' s.
would inturro4.itt: Mr. Croodtzi , li as to the
s, , i•i'il ;:t !whip: of his ..zreat-leatr;tratni
fat bin., "Brad-ford ,(einiti• 'Mal cd," sii
muses the e , ritor who ply.' a `• itlootled
jell, :mil to cuter,, , x1p,•11 - 3(;W:-1 , .lik . " 0 lien
wcathl rtlnire more reil-tap , , etc., than
to gel - an a tip , tintinnt as minister to t :le
"heathen ti ni;leo." 'l . ).9,n't hint : rine, how
ever, that I have evi'' aspirod to Oeribitle
for the ... - Vio•tir A ilo.r I:•,t.y , but. I happen to
- 12,n'e heard "the :tu4:ject dis.tussiii.
It is truly a Ira (.liing wayNvilich some
city people have. This p , rtt,t,, , ':;//. , / "the
-country" when, upop the Vallivar,, all
01111i:hr people knoW that; from; thence
, c,Anez: the brain, net v'', and slut' of the
Nation. The same spirit of impertinence
inTer,;cwed " your mo s t obedient'' one
(lay List 'auttonnovheti a presuntimz New
York . girl feint Tiled me that .'• count ry,
',:iris could alit .lA, intelligent, as in the
lid plane they Ilad to spend, ; their tithe
F...lnking, or in'the dairy,. tmii. 4-f e ,lw:e
r:;nhl not obtlitt:. the 1.1.4,1: - i; fo real "
Shacks of I- omerl."_ YOU :nay 610 pynd
upon it, I did my level IP 't to-'r to If
ilte spirit 'of Irving, Dielien,i, ...litilles
ttmli. and other.strotn , felh;•;vs 1.4 Lip
TIM . pit. Ali:is:N - 4:w Yorl: on a lame rock on'
~ ninhattan, and,--sneenctieti.
Lot. now I. must Last:. -.t to 101 you
of thos3 fort noate. tcom,•u 111 r
"1,111:1(A.TVIVI: . 6 or \V:l , l;in!.:tun. L—t
evening, at 'an alt' rece tYy
Passett. t Lk! lovt•',y ar
ii . 1 oc-this city. % . al,ll
I,lieonvo ,
6 :1.,0tit in a I;indery, " .
Miller a passin olanea.. t leni:ner
W.t, eliattin;; NVith ex-Senator
was favoitql Ivith an int rodiwti•qi.
S!;e is a line hpdzinn,r-wonnm, ,vvitii hia.l
, i3.;‘1,:(1 by laf..iv;„' k hair, and ..
well in rieil di - tss Of black Stilk,. - ii - 11;1.
Ntrtito ebilk ;tll,l ;Ind
111.1.1111P1 NV Ls 111, , 01:0 :•1:', 4 1 . 11111L4 than
slii. win . .. • TI;(;:e . is ci, nitit it
;4.6:11101v feelit4 ill Ilir C 0 ..., and it Tv as
‘ith silo a ple!sant.
iir,tt she toll n:e,ol . •- la'r 1 .Ne I,tt
and how theY 14re wally blust 101.1 CI
l ' iununer is a I. c.ILI rers:.4l,
to say thejeast ; Lee I•dent it is max
et'',Sar.Y i;raeo I'rreenw.,l,sl v.oro
a oal k Cardinal silk, with gray faripgs,
sthich was very bccollling to her coiniilex
ion and nail . . liee f.:eg is very inleri st
ing, and yet thrnili!larh 11,41 , ,WS
, INisich
t11 , 11:41a. honing bamo
taken her . beauty, and. left lier i emus.
lier reeihtion was not :Wove', taitivisni ;
in thesedays, when to bo a
deinant l s perfect, hulls. and a
voice as beautiful in its modulations as
the cadences (ir a vocalist. lit
Cl! Greenwood speaks. WO feel the
tnagmetism which pervades all that sike-d
bays ;nut does. that s,'.inething—w - liieriL'l
ileaven only gives, and'whirli fate cannot
destroy. .loaquiti Miller did ti9t app,
at this i'eeept ion in his Usual baek woods
e•e4ttime." but was "clothed :did in his
i ; ;lit niiial" in a suit'i'ir:filaek, and wore
an immense upon out...hand, ;Ind
upon the other :1 white kid glve. There
is surely nothiiry, poetical in his taffy eil
ortal hair worn ailseetedly low:, Int there
is sufficient lati..sia . ,, e in his restiez:s bite
eyes. llis figure is rather st?opcd
sloudi . ing, and :Itogetlier " keen."
r s per, ,,, ,,?1 , e.f e.)niparald, with
ninny of los verSes. I Ivoultl like to • , ive
you a prof*. ;t2 P. LI Iv ler . ; .rate.
v,.ho has drainaiized Ila ne'seaultit
Letter, and Who is a gracious podiltss
crowned with si eeess.• More anon'.
TILE fullowin , * repOrt on the tem
perance questiOn from committee,
to the M. E. Conference recently in
se--:ion in 'Williamsport, Was unani
mously adopted by 'We
eotninend it to other denominations:
IVnEn.F.A.-, The manufacture — and sale
of all alcoholic drinks is the fluitful
source of crime, poverty and misery. de
stioying the happiness of thousands of
f: inilics. produeing unutterable sofferir., 4 ,
Idling our prisons witlt criminals, our
penitentiaries with e“Oicts. and 1:c11 , wit
the souls 4,1 ruined fellow creatuies; and
• . IVitmit:As, 'rho Church of christ is ap
pointed by our Lord as the light of the
world, the Salt Of the (3111) and (1w great
avent fur the salvation of our race: there
Re. ,,, lced, That we accept it as our 5 ,, 1-
cum duty to exerteour utmost etrorts for
the prohibition of this wicked flank, and
earnestly recomnreihil all our people to
n~e•every means in their p , iwer to arrest
Elie progress of this..l,•rrihle evil, and se
cure as early as 110.*iii0e the Ve-Clilla+4-
111.. at of Me local optiim law or its equiv
alent. • _,
llek,li-efl, That we eaT:U'e , tly appeal to
an Inn' pePple to he comdstent in their
proreFsitlfis and conduct iii regard to this
import:int sulticet—thitt they vote it; they
pray—mai ned - ,pray on Sabbath r.r the
cause of temperance and then at the nex
election vote for those hom they knots' :
to he favoyable to the license law.
.17,epi1e , ,W, 1 That we racommedthe organ
izatiop 4 4 1 juyenile temperance. societies
in all our Sabbath Sehoo,s.:,.and -that all
our children and ymmg pc 7 ople be mg,al
to discountenance the us.c of alcohol aid'
all intoxicants, and enlist now i . while
young, in the sacred cause of' tutai-absti
nOnce. •
/?(ei , ./red; That we call especial atten
tion to -that chapter in the discipline,
(page :In), which relates to this 'subject,
and that we enjoin upon all our stewards
to.previdc the pure, unfermented juice of
the vine for saprameutal purposes, as the
discipline requires. • .
• IT cost /New York over $123,000
to pros'ecute the•ring thcives. - A
good thing fol. the lawyers.
ai.TDDiraT has been appointed
Commissioners Clerk- of Sut:queban.
Bemis the Easton Express,' six daily
paPers have :beim started in Easton; and
.thaEaston daily Free • Press is the only
one that continues. Therefore, the Ex
piess ►nplies, there is room in Easton for
two daily papers and no more.
_J-3L W. GEIST, who has just retired
from the editorship of the Lancaster?Er
,a►niner and E.cprcas, in connection with
Hun. John B. Warfel, is about tuptat t
new daily paper in Lancaster, to be - callod
The New. •Era►. It will be indcpendcr.►t
Republican.. . -
THE . mere:Tr:tile appraiserS list of
ton county, already published, contains
177 names. Last year it contained 192, a
falling . off of 15.
SEintETAIIV QUAY havingi!een surxested
as a candidate f,or Governor in P•7B, an.,
nomice.s that Jul is not a candidate; but
desires to retire from public life on ac
count of ill health.
THE . ..Williamsport Ga:ette says: "Ben-•
. nett's branch will send down at least forty
millions of feet. of lumber in the log this
spring. -Laurel run, a - tributary, will con
tribute twenty-three millions. The logs
have been on the bulks between two and
three weeks, and the landings, ,in general,
arc broke.
HEr. E. J. GRAY, President of Dickin
son Seminary reported to the•late seseion
of the M. E. Confrence at Williaifirport.
that the total amount expended by that
institution on account of the Preachcrx'
aid society for the education of preachers,
childrca-agaregrites thus far, ft 45,539,43.
The society still has a credit. on the semi
nary linoks of $31X1,27, making their total
credit $5,92.7,70.
TuF. - Williamsport Gazette thinks the
next house of representatives could not
do a more graceful act than to elect. Hon.
Edward McPherson its chief clerk. So
do we.
JossGrnss•os, an nand citizen of Welk
boro, died of diptheria, on 'Saturday, the
'?.-Itsmlt. Mr. G. was one of twelve ail
dr,.n of "Wm. 'Gibson a Revolutionary
soldier, and was born in 1804.
Tug first conflaizration whieh has ever
visited LaPorte, Sullivan county, was ex
perienced on Saturday evenine- of last
week, when the residence of Mr. John
Tinklepaugh on Main street was burned..
T E dirOtors' cit the Lehigh. Valley
'Road _ Com pany have announced a
quarterly dividend of seventy-five cents
per share equal to six per'''cent„ per an
num. payable on Monday; the leptlk;day of
April to all stock holders, and to women
only on Saturday the £l4lll.
Tin: Union . Hose Ciampany of Lancas
ter :ire - said to have killed in their hose
house, the other day,.tifteen rats average
in'z overt-two pountlß a-piece.
' Alst.;ohl man engaged in hauling coal in
Ashland Al heir to 'slll,ooo some time
a:; , ), - and i n : - .iaturday last he tiled, leaving
tie , forth c to ah only son.
A 505. ,. .0f editor Day of the lTunlitin
noek Deiio-,rat was one of the studebts
promoted fur proficiency is compositbm.
a't the reeem. conies cement exercises of
Keystone Academy, Factoryville, Pa. ;
WirATEvEn may 1 e On:night •of the
times manypf the Pit tsbnht. manufactur
ers arts-mimingto their full.capacity, and
some of them are unable to keep up with
their orders. - Double turn is the word in
the rolling mills, while many of the idle
s s works are starting up. .and the ma
. chine .hops, tell of marlied improvetpent
rn orders. ; "
Thu eemperince revival in Pittsburg
contimies. The number of card pledges
up to this time reaches :194,000.
1 IT is said that there ;t i re more'llaPtist
clanehes :old members - .in Philadelphia
than in ;my other city of the world; save
G. B. P.t.rinr.ii for a long term of years
Pn.thoutary of Susquehanna County livis
lw;.1) cluctrd Cashier of Pirst National
of Montrose. Mr. E. is - one of.the
nio>i - coinpetent men in the state. and is
beside pos,esed of other
reouNite to the new position hers been
called to. ;
-A Wonderful Distovery.-OGr ,
0/1 . :1 -4 t•r
efr,eted by Dr. 4 . ;.%(71.'S " 311:111 , AL
It I- .10d to, .to tI gr,3l,t
Al o. bEI
41i 7 .•:.vered. 01114 unnyaNt -
:i t , C 1 :1!.4 1.1.7:171;,
~r:7••.ue• and ,troc,g. It cures c!.l: , l3 . sca,es of tia
LI, mei a%kl
a!! and
au,l Vig“r
In ii.. Thut , l tjt , ture•t '
N''4.-.N tit' t'onv. , r,, Y..won,i,r 7
.11 ..un•
Mr-. Z. Shi4l, t',lu..r , , N. Y.. I , :rcil,`.<
aril K gliwy 11,., p
k. wt. sny , tt.:o
\l - ... •:•r " g Ukuf inutlt It. ru,o, app.r
A Lut.nT Tut 1 .4toA T.4-.01:. N. li r . 14,1tItt
:411.1x4,:41,..01 1,7
1 , 1 I ii.•
P: o.. 11; A. lit Saraiog 1, N. Y. tt id
kn a-FriTicip.t! of la. Lit a
t f.hirnia!4'. sr:, that 'n
ife ha, tt,ol tint
\Votol. , l” f;';': a complication of ‘11 , , , a,,s
With :lar ino,t happy elita.t. (.tt F ta.mody - e‘ or
:ou. 11,1 thy tilt,• it.
t.E. , . (1:1 . k.,1 of t...?•irl'lt.ealarrh.
('fitnqr:, N. y.,
t i(;;:111` , arrtllllll
- 31 r ,. I. S. ATI'LI:ToN, 11111shero. N., IL, spiral
; d 1:„,-.1,14... • . ,
j Dr. A. DAL - roN,_?lctrei,ville, N.Y.; st,ter In bed
It wo y,ar , With r..thal..:,fid 1,,r,:tp.un,,,,,: 4`III ed.
MN. C. P. 0111.%'.\.Y. Concord. N. IT., confined
to bod w1:11 ((Ina!, and kidney di rase: cured.
No ~paref”r LOW other cures. - :3'-
A,•`..: your Druggl-g. f.•r •••:11,•dical W,n,1.1 - ," and
;'.,e eur,A. Pepared by Dr. CAJ,E & Co., Sarati•ga.
N. Y. .
For ! , :tlt. lit Towanda D . r. If. r. Ibuirtn
ItI . ,IIEN CUltlt.t N & N. V.
ITc77 Atlverti:enlett:
;TIN a that slt pol , llfiS
11.•;• , 1'4 :0 till . kol hr. It. r. rirter.
inuat,ll.lte pavawat L. the anth.r,lizia.d. awl
all por..wis harlatr azala , t I.,uare :East'
1110111 ' , 11111 y ;L:1111 , 1.11C11:e.1. 1. r •t•tlleuk,at.
. ELIZA r:
Art 1q77,v3„
01 - S'rElt BAY ANT)
•-1;t11 or
1 II RoUrli • I•y thr 11.1 y or wt t-k on
ivrto W:11111 111.:11,, , :nt,i'a: all 10•..1r..
0 . ,,,t..ts at viz_lo,le,alt• and trtall.
r us WA" 1:o It
M.Hiu to ~nl,r
orrot , lTE: COri:T not E: SQr.II:I
M 39 Just r.! , ,- . .re,1 a
lIA'I S,
.&.c, &c., &c
IT , .pri•pare.l li furn!, order, math! to
At prli'es the nin,ol p•asonaide of any establUth tnent
in Towanda. Call aild nn' :dock.
J. f.. MuMAIIII.I4:.
Towanda, I'a., Al4ll 5, '
NIXON will sell any rla no or Organ made In
.tats country a.t panic prices..
I pay no rent, and hire no clerks, and buysall In.
struments at bottom cash prices,
.and ,Soli ss
low as any other man. Parties wishing to purchase
will please send for Catalogues and prices hefore
buying elsewh ere. Addtuss W. H. NIXON. '
marl= Einar, N. T.
LIST OF LETTERS remaining in
Post Oeice at Towanda, Bradlord C 0.,• La.„
fur the week end log April 4, 1877: ,
Allen. A R. Braga; Jobli,
, Barnard. Henry, , Itatley,'Mary .1,
BoWninn. 81 L, ~ • Brown, Chas C,
Bartea, B. F. (7) Bowman. Mrs. W.' B.
Brown Lamont, C [awry, Haggle
Campbell, J. F. Debility, Henry . ~....,„
Flnerty, Owen .. 43 lirJun. "lane
If amestmon. 'Wm. liotratt, James '
Kelley. Rose C. Madden, Jas
Sweaney, Maggie • Th fil&Y, 31114 Nellie
Titus., D. S. jr. Why
Block Hattie N.
. reruns calling for any et he above, will please
say •• advertised," giving date of IBC
S. W. AL V,OIID,'P. At.
SPRING OP,ENINGIAR. 28;29, 30, 31.
At which tin.m. we will all9w an entirely new stock
Jihr Our stock being entirely news-wi l t I fresh, we
shall take pleasure Its showing l it to our many
friends and to the public generally.
Elailra \. T., March ..n.17.
NrAy , coo ns
: , r 'rocK OF
R 1 *
OF MAIN STREET., Pa.. Aprtis:l77.
wlll sell at
CAPS, .'.
j 7
AIL koods, warranted al represented
,A.lll goods warranted front ittyplng.
Towanda, Cs., AI (I 5,
Now Advertisements.
, -
Ha.; removed to
Two doors abQvy 'Steven, & Long
we have hand IVliir t le stc...ek OI
Conn. and see and h. cons In ca
folly yotir9,
"tk siaTTEL
New Advertisements.
, TVISSOVErTION.--The, coplrtner
. ,A r ship heretofore exlstlng between B, F. li'at
kton and ittramq Watkins ls,tld-lay. ' ty niuthal
eintseat, dissolved. All notes and bunk acsolnts
belonging to am late Item must be yabt• to Rink , - ;
Watkins, and he, the sakt/Itkrthey Watdlnq, k to
pay all Ilabilitle4 of 4.3.14 firror
Eneshequln, Apri!.s4o.
VOTICE.—The undersigned haw
jAiging closed lila business at Wysauking, Pa.,.
will proceed immediately to the settlement of his
Crooke, which will he left at the store for'the n e xt
thirty days, lit charge of N. L. Park, who I, It
thortzed. ha serlie all accounts contained therein.
It is turd that all, persons haring, unsetttol z..• -
counts w h me Wlll accept 01 this , laritation and
call and ettle, and therefore aitriti any unpleasant
ness t might arts , front the necessity of rescr
c _
,n, tot er means for collection.
April ss, ta77. •,, GEORGE SMITH.
- - ~ •-- • +
ii SAUKING.—The 3.ferchandise and General
Produce Business formerly carried on Lyißf..Mosge
Smith. will hereafter he confirmed at the ..a,.•
place hy George Smith and N. L. Park. under 3311 M
of Stith h & Park.
' Thanking our nornerems friends for past faros , .
We cordially Invite all mi extend the same I -.0
patronage to the new firm. Iraqi Will he pad f , r
atl -kinds of 'Farm Produce •34 heretofore. l , .te:
Goods sofa as low as a! any store in North"rtt Pet.c
sylvanla. GEolttlE t , 3111 It, I
Wysaukinz, Apr, 5-41 c. 2:. L. PARE.
. , .
selelt lons of,
For s,
Caq, raid frn - all ?awls of
At the old staLd of C. B. Patch
Towanda. April 5, 1577
puilLie NOTICE.. -I. JOHN
If.kNNAS, Lellit: Blari:stuitlx by trade. MO
t•ttert - frit O.- tof meat,: berehy I . - .111,1
. soften 13on at the 'fi , rtre. .!.o that I e,
:th at
a bettor advaht.4.•: Itehtee.l IL , It, make Iny
exporl!Nobts with illtrerilir
the best prospects of ,ere• It. waz Lb 6:te , ,1*
these to . ca:Atql.i thai I disolxerecl
I had a def,,t. la tlin=f• ,-,r fingers, whiff!l
bt•lit Or up In my 1.a.t.,1 -neti litanner
the ~ ontrat tl-ti 4.1 Inc cwils. that r1.1:,.y v.cre
to - tn, , , in n:. 4.111 y avotal! . Jn. , I t ~,
no; 1:1:141:, my tool- at. I - otn-n
thnnglic that I 17(rtild •-lit /AT
0::1 - of my way. 11,3:1 ,: ~
any hope of Litt all to Wrll. I
xvorkiiig with
a w l cryj'A 1::.
withlny •
Lt; ttot.t", elfer - t St
tilt:11 tlAy ll,' a 11 , 1v3" 11 :ttra=tt'r,
r.t.t...1 It xvlth taw •t 1 to
-,..trprp, fifitt,t itty ~
atift I rtittei ttit•to I
rwittl lianNy myyyo.. 1 hawl to
try :.wa w.w::y. awl a g,t,..rt.!
tiro t•••t,'t.
Th , rhat hxl t• 1
etft ,, •:% ;wt. r .t f:
a i•,.r.1.; atol 1 :LZ :ar-E
:Ey 11,'.1,.1. that 1 f,:r.-r..
Ms tlrxt str,p t v,a - , to thh, rtv,tr s tatt ! y
W1 . 114.:111 e 1.111,0114., witil•;.-rf ;.•
c 011 1 ,:
r.-rough y htttti.t that I thttut;ht wou,tl thrt
,-ri m .tt!
ill,:. I ft,tattl t - ,vt,) t hy t it, I .
Tr, v.a t—rt..t - tttiv att.: L
li.akt• a
ek I* ,tc.❑i.elt.l". nt•l 1•1
ilti• - rif , r•V or "II 0:I:VT,.
11 . :01 :!..•1;410..1 . at,,,tit a mit • p ;
la: 1 ;W I.Y • ••:•I•
t hiar•t i a : - J ..
LLNI)IEN T. a:.11 .1
11:1:111 it tit..r.•;lz H., 'ld a t ,d tn....., t
..1 1:1.,111., ,iy. a-t:,I ' •.t,
tt, u: ,Ity t i, a, itartattty
a, It a. y
I :; - avi.• it to iiitier 4.f,mv
.:•‘‘.-r-: fTt•,:t
SIk7EF:LEt.)' 1;I :`,fl):-!.,,
it H.LI-AFA-ris-.1.4,
• lc:
If I ruii ;1"r A N
i I 11
AI \ !
;..: - sn d n:;.:. tr
lu_ Ti::.
k I • r.
II I . ,
Qtf,'o, 76 NV!:,l:onzi,..-z, .N . t.v. Y.
SoLL) BY ALL ril!t-iii;I:•17,
New Yorl: ! , A pn! 5
AriAT I KNOW A. 801.71
S(.l'7lll3oiT , _oN, 1.;)
B. f
with ' , ht. V }. , ;.1.1"1,r. Ft,r•
iality, and i int ,1:*•• wii..ll , `
1., an? tLin;:r , 1114,; . . I r u , ,nl. Irraf.t •
211.111:: VI.GF T :11" 'ith - of r.
and. '•r fr,V I t m• il: • r,•IY
an , / her,r in
a , ,nt ii4;l'":
v, hum L kn.•,, 00 .‘
11, 1:I .'"•;
Vcl re,',
:16 , Nlt4 , t:TAltliir7ll.
:;...t1 .Ith. h- ttro:t
44 1(Nri t ToN! . .z.—\!6"ah! r.,
hcarttrrn„ a:1,1,10.:,no--,
tho thothihg •n.. , . tli•ton , i,•;l in tho
tit , •nus.,, 1:-
onhk• P.7',1".-. The intrtl:ll.:
or f.t:t r •;" fr• ar
t• v.ateri , rl,ll. p.1110.441t.1..r. of •
T 1; •
1 , ...1.1,'1.1r. - 41:4 ,!,•r t:f s
to LL'j :La!
ri P.l,
I r
tt!..l I i•
GAINED 15 'POUNDS OF 11, 11 .1
. 11 T!1 Buovich. *Z.tu. 17. 1-72.
11. R. ..Fl , :r , 4.r,
have had dysp.p.ili i n I:,
fn!ntfo.r7ll.. y 4.114 :13i:C` ,
of 111;TT:tr,,''N1-.1t1; '.:•:
I:.g roIl.l. Si‘prerah4 . l . l'la:a
114- )e tiii,t•
Ili I , n, ed. My fo. :1• , "s v
11:tVe I , OLII 1,1 , of 11 0 .1 h,
vrti ihu
as I all d
:1)1 , 2ri,0,r of Card Roos]. Por.,•lli , u:ti )1.4
:111 7 Si: I, A'\ A N
N .Jun: t, 1.:72.
Mr. il. R- Star,
rt—Thr,onzh 111 , s aaviee and rarer.:
suasion nr tn- •v. `,T. n' a.•
ht fal..Ctig v. ter
have %mi . ,: v.I ter veal-. I hAve z od .eity to
tho, anti alroaly
Da..f. eAItTE!'
CINt \
Mr 11 R St=r,lB
t\6) totZIV , f•.. , -
11i-h , 41 voqr r. iie ha. 11, .1 wiz:,
b,.nont. zollo 11 . 1.1 , 0 a, tr
W1 1 11417%1115 , , al , sl,o‘tiv,h vm
ar , 1:,43; enttn•ly - p,‘Nk.',:‘,l th,• ;tr.
was ;:i ;
*fr. 7 '' Sr , 1.• n 8 :
\it SI 1:—I .%% meo: xiticrftaiiy :041 tiic t4 4-44:i
-ntot4y.. to the 44 . 444 t
0.1 in fav or , ` 4l\ :.'l.l 422 , 4 , 11
f. 41 . 1 dt, (11.1 1.(11..b. :1
.11,1 , 1 CO (:(
(4 4 r Ma\ ut:11 -
iireatlftti 14. t 1
. 4...-41 44 ).:
itqz ftat Nvolilti it 4 1.444z . ii I 4•4'.4:4
.I.•\ 11( . 1 - 1 . 1i.L. ally taut. a:44 t.
: AIM 1 let•I to ;hail. (;; 4 4:1 4 4•: . i
tt4-1 - 4 , tit 444.4 it 04.1 ;: II \ 1:. 3 . !.1
0111 . of tit, i.'>l for 4
iot for:ins,;,.: i .;
to; a kt . 1.1:1-:TrN E. 1-r Vat; ;INNI , I
t. till`
1.. t.;(
C'ortnir %), ;:lit
( . 11 A1t1.13,T0 31a:dr 1.9, 1;9;9.:1
it. TI• Merelot ; . 1
- Fllls-k to ' , certify th:tt I hlre a,eii your •• RI ~ 1
l'ivisat:9l.ll" ( VI-A:1cl t :.: l'.) 'at my 'amily for FUN 0:31
v.'31,. 'llllll I.IAIII /1 that`.' f..r Scrofula or raukeroo;..
'llini;rm or Rheumatic. atfeetton. , . It cannot he ex
eolied% nip.),..wCa. Wood porltierawl spriliq no:divine,
It IR the herd 11‘91,,, ,- • 1 have ever it,,,1 : 31111 1 113N0
11 41:11 ammaNi cverylitlig. I ( 4- all ch-erfully recotit
!two,' It to :4hVaie in 111,1`11, of such a hic.11,..4,11% 1
Yours respeet fully,
. . . : 311 Cs, A. A. I) I N SAIOIIE,
19 Ilassell Street.
IV. 11...DE . cliElt, Jt
NEERAI4 - ,“A .
I 4
c:y I
I'f:Ti E\ C~
ut paid:
rrup:: •I 1.::