Aiadford Ntpolttr, Towazda, Pa., Thursday, Murch,22, 1877 W. A, CHAMBERLIN I D FINE JEWELRY, WATC ILE S , SILVER, AND PLATED WARE, TOWANDA, rA, wanda, .Tan. 18. 1877. LOCAL AND GENERAL. .Jr - nur: Mortno - w is holding an argument court this TIFF: thermometer indicated fifteen de: grec4lav npxf, 7threl, resillop4-4. t,f Pltr- Et.`6. A pla , ant time is anticirat4 , 4l. 'and a curtlial imitatioti i, exlcialed to all - - us ail _nto-clinrch. We-have amount of them now, with p 1 my ~1 omint•Lt All* : taSteS 111:1V he suited, and all it'iiet with the spirit " be the bietterfi;r;itii.”, Case of M. -vs sp\TAirsr, I,Lf. , ri.. the :'• Me Coth-t apppnl frmn wa:: 11.11- i!1" 1 . /V . I (I , •i * ‘•izilLtnt in urn'''. - - .I.•:\TrEKi:.l:-Itas 14.,q1 - plerted (1,• !; t: .7r - 11„... ridt,,,, t aril ( . ..nipany. 'Jr. )TEI:1:- riz Wati Captain n 7 C :pan) - Sir.;:th Pt.nuNylv'tnia dttrino• the hie and rc,i,leti Atlic.n,:. IT, =Mt , F. D. Ilos ,lift 'Mrs 1.. N. F1:1; , !:1E. .wc..e in town on 11+.1:dt.v. —Mrs, .1. T.. of Aul,nrn,N. Y. i, visiling.lwr brother, C.'1.1. in 11,N 1,13er. cc; . Tur. (:00D SCII;),ii, • rt. ly:E.-1 .NVel'k 31,,nrlar. erpry Friday. at . 7 pnt .vr (In ,Pti.iLiv, E a ,:t er if p. in , te:iti of afterlopth. iZr: .r rtlllind orx lead bat •••.viwt-v lin• , ers in lap of finit Cie I , IYI Spell" in 1)11. 1 ,,, 110.11"n ; , '0 1 . , ,t but xv, (1 , 0 think TA.', eontiutu•. the mat leTerrcd to a •T(qezios- t. • ,— v-'1: have i" "..p , ,tal party. — at Col.. or! ' , V, finf-s.lav )nrLr, 7 ! ' . l I , V anand pc:rivet !inata.i.lll%-. 1).. 1,, ved -‘q . P:• ., byteri:l`l 1 . 1:11;'01! L , :reat rya ;,. "1 a • tullT-o . ral (I+2- of - .k. LINTT:NT arj , l fa!qlV, ilf :11••••:' , t ToV.*:111 , 1:1 ;,1”.11t Ap:il 1. Mr. 1 - E-04'..NT 11.1 c I,t•n for the Sint - er Mac!,;:it• in this place for t ....ors: to to ~f rot it 01(.1e. 1" I ;2f , )1;1:1 :1A- a =I _l"- , N. :'. iiu 11 . F, 7 , 11c!t.t , •; 1 tltr Fur- V:0.! !. , ;;(•: trter in oniiman,i a 1.11. : ,‘ F.i cleon,eti i r a 1.;1tz4; eire:e of 1:1 the I.4tl.e , tt.steetit e-lint:tl,l;;;vire, Tit , at.. la•it..; . A 1..11.,1 111.!iaa thf. Jra • .6'. !"..1- . 1.;,,v ( •,-n,, ! .. an.l I ,' , il • 1 too for a: , :i-lkut• - cr and 1., OIC` 1 1 .:1 . •7`. • • ; •; .1. 11:e 1;i ro. anti •,)11 11 UIV farm!, v. ;: , ,Z eXC,I4iOII. t;y,tr sury Cil,toins at : i , l l':1111.: to tht. i , rlllCiplqs- al.. :net, t. 0tt1,•, , . of Ltool I's thcir • • :t illy-trat ion • lt !:y! l.a dl t xmi; l .l,• the 5,.. , , 1;1 ttt tLe . ,- 11.4•1,! I , f r. Gooptorti, aS A•t. ,, : . Pott of i'itila•lell.hia. =I lit: Deno. •rt ;CAT :•%•i.ien , ti,-Ileartcd farm -I..ten , in.? that “dice with •T , . . 1:1,• :1141 ik•,. anti he illelt`fOrt` 1••• , 1% • all the in the - ln:- : - e• • •e_ and prciposei .the 'AI re : !,‘ I.j inters inothur l'''•• suppliZell with • ••• !•; free 4of ux Therefiire, ._ • 7 , That we 'o ill thank anv farm r man who will serve us in V.,11 P• hp; 1 , ;11'i-eadi!ur, tiu ret:olutions o f c Ttmp'Lars' Lodge. T f.,;101‘ nfli.`lTs were installed at I'l-1 rmt.(tin,ofl'lullibitionrlkl;,;e, 1.1 , .. : tt for the corn : I,S SCSI E DEyENPORT. 1: • - .V•T•-- ).•E. 131 , 1N1 E.-11: , 10,1.. • LEE4{T l 011.1;A.. (111. A t - `l . f N• MARTI F. IV.M. —WI LI.. E. CA , wri.T.. 1 - fin - t - LENT. Gr.t.i:c.lF: YNOLDS . 11.'1 F Ft , X. • • W . ( ).(;....._1; Et Ini:E ( . lIAM BE RIJN - . Iv. . . AV. i.i.! Mversborg, al having a ;;teat deal to contend_ to dig what_they c.:ltt to ethic-ate. the young people that of -total 41 gtinenee are right fold • O r E t Boit!tti• l - r e THE Second Quarterly Conference o the North Branch Acsociation of Univer •alists, will be heL: at Fianklindale, Pa., March 28th and 6 21 . 11 h, 1871. Jos. L. KENT, Standing Clerk. ITO . N.' H. W. WILLIAMS, of Welisboro', has been appointed one or-the lay dele gates to the Presbyterian' General Alli ance, which'is to convene in Edinburgh, Scotland, on the :.Id, of next July. The meeting will consist of delegates from the Presbyterian Church throughout the world, and will include thirty or 'forty delegates from the United States. But three or four of these are lay delegates, Wtt.rrAw E. Donor -% of New York..being one, STANT.F.Y of Ohio, an other, and .Ttahze WILLIAus third. It is understood that the Judge will accept the appointment. Tim. following table.wilrirove interest ing. and convenient to business men. For finding the interest on any principal for any number of days, these brief rules are said to be reliable. The answer in each ease being in cents, separate the two right hand liantes of the answer, to express it in dollars and cents : .Four per cunt : Multiply by the number of clays and divide by 72. Six per cent : Multiply by—number of (lays. separate the _right-hand figure and by 11. Eight per cent : 711!:!tiply by number of (lax's, rind divide by 45. Nine per cent : Multiply' by namlier of days. separate the right-hand fignre, and divide by 4. Ten per cent.: ?4itiltiply by number of , lars, and divide 1 Twelve per cent.: : 1 4nitiply by the man lier-9f' days, and divide by "Fifteen per cent.: Multiply by the num: ber pl"(br , s. diti ide by .24. EicAteen per eopt.: Multiply by the number of days. separate right-band fig ure and divide by 2. Twenty per cent.: Multiply by the num er days, and divide by LErric Erlertie for April presents an arlmirably engraval portrait of WI 1.11.‘ the popular nco - 4 1isr. and in the letter -lots; the editor gives a brief hut appreciative. sketch of his life. The liternry Contents of the number :Ills :IS I'llll/WS Geographical and S•icientifie Results of the lit 4 .l,ish Arctic •‘ ? ..1 \Vi being a tevicwand synopsis . of Mr. W .- AL-- LA(4 - 2s excellent book: a fas.-inatinm bio e-raphical ::In.tch of " Edmund Rean;" "Gnat, Morn:,;' "Recent Music;and Musicians." with special reference to Mr:Nrums.-orty; a scientific Ambit - 1:16m of " tunerisrm Odclism, Tahle-Turnin t ; and Spiritualism.'' by, 1)1.. W. 11. CARPEN- Trn: "The Poet in Ore City:" "Inside the House of Commons:" "Itammy;.' "other Worlds and .Other FritA•et,a . s." bv.TTlcrt,tun Pnorron, R.. 1.. F. !VS., "'Wits. and Wittkisras." " The .Teas in Enrol e In ad iifi , m ti :til these c"bli !I•iie4s. there ate three ! eh:Tiers of Mrs. Stl,l'y "1 - ,ding Thes-Tave," and ellpi.m.; ed;telyial trot's on home and foreign literature, .Feienee and int. I=l Conn, Esq., ninutly the 110 , a notx 1/eldin l z a in the Unite,] Stntes lins written the followin,;. letter lo ft ic•nri in Tioz:i o , oili ty i n re _ Izard to !II 'ld It will be iutereNt ing to 1111:11y of our readers MINT 4 - / E :UNITED STATES, / A, Mo.11:e11 :2, 1 7 1::END : i suppose about $lllll.- 00() (4' ;;old dusintid iig-ets has b e en de por.;iteil at this' tnint. - a little *-= There' is frold payinz quantities in 'the Black Hills country. That is to say— it pays sointd , olly to it for wrcisCly what it worth'in niarket., Puri! wo t .th . lwr ounce. W h y ? Bc cJsts that to pr,enco it.- Thus, ycyl may kno'w. and tell men so. that czlrr of fzo: 1 prutotecd a t Icat as - era :jug the . whole pro duct in ;Lny year: Now. ii , vd yon, or to any of TDY "Id friYudt,lil/ 41 'hroles* , n; that there i, no g ,•1,1 to any conlpani..s vclzh NOV: anti thin " tual“.: ••• 1.10.•• by lochy Thv majonty ninov.nine ut cvcry hund:t..4l—eau :,nd civ make more at work in !lid j o.ra . . I ain : ypry yours. t. M. 11. Cnwl: 1,• • SP!.:lNrinv.t„--1 4 ..t111:11;ty Mar,'ll!' S. 'F. gave a fire looture iti place on tli,• o ,, o.ntti''.• fin:wes. • !To is a "greenback " man :Lft. , .r the 'Ve.u.t ha, evidenfly the sn'ojeet Icr; , lle at! p' (P,l 7, .nrs. LY , N WaS f 1111 hor 1 - 61)1:1.. Sho Lad 1 , a:01. i';utt ; t n.! s 1 1 : t v e •, , 1:.?,rce that in ti.f.1,1 , '.1.w1:•-ne t , C.en. ;:i.(• 11.. dear. nt.r hole, Ani , r 3•F.:!'''':3"4. (.1 s::e 110 m !lit t.:. , iLe (ri - ninT h 7. the 1 , !. ,, ,m+N 74:-. Pr. , y iZcv. I). !). w , 0 .1211111 tl:4` •Il:l1l Pi ltC.l it o.l,rtit aral tnrl:( Tht• s.ll M. S . . Crt.vl:7:. his h ffw is now irpo , ,;:, in The 0 0. :ti:. :1,1; I.l`-'it . 11.0 t-t' of Pr, 4'. Y.-11i,s 7t1..A. 1.1.1:1" •.+ il:1 , t.V.11. 1w,•31 1:1 ''sw l :T.7, 11‘4.11 \ T , N Y T• 11:: rcl 31 Tioza P.'.. lit 1114• 9 . 1 . •'.ic Mr. P. .1;131N% \ th r n ;:bSe2.' ecolliTV, P.llO T. 1 . . IV,LICh :1101 G. ;.; :r pre. , t•el anci a!;,:ic , l t• hay the• 1,a.1.1 "4 \- WET.I.: w t'm 11. t, the 10114. a'1.11 , ....1!.• are elki 1 .. . Ce t u..icr the S. I, t!: re.....nlar of 'l', , I of P.. !I•1 f lAt'.i . OZ./..1,t. the 1:11,,W- 10.7 of tits 1'i1:111c , 11 , ;^ IV. !.. unaniti:• :1(1,,14 nr..l a co, =I 1. 0 . .1%.(1..tnitt , to i!1‘• I,•;0, 4.11 v‘ if 11 Ili :0 (..!••tlo. 11311.:n: , 1 rl inn ,1 inn of our n4,1.1e,t and nite.t rhelnheis. In the full vi:r , r of r, C , on)rnander 11. inn TI/ , ‘ , l:ty laa. — ft•ll , leep, — •;; Jal tine: lin-v- tqf twin tl.. I.aln fi•••;ultiii2; to a fall , a 1 ail: ht. fully tl the te:i i , l,- itt_ls of ottr ill the (I;,ehar:.-e o.f ;1 duty ; , ,.•131 et.nstiain. 4 .lte bravcry, a 1:1a- • tat'llt, N't cf di e fr,pz i , 11Pli., ‘.l Nuitetitl:2; injui lie holy :ttlla•rwtt 1;111 1101.1: ; i`;//1. Vl:`` - el* alit1011'.:11 OW tics W to earth m - vie of the IVlien the s:,111111(.11, ft, ,, tl the St;rlente cans. he 1 -, }ally obeed; ;mil went to hi , rust. Not ,7.1! 51.1%,•, to Ili, gioi•gooll. %sp. !/I•• of A! . 110 , II• le e•:1 , 3;,1 el e ,ifi e bowing in hundue...ntniuestion n,, tothe v. ill of Him al dC,, , th all things well." we desire t,, piaci : on record 'tr sinceie hewn felt soir,,w, that. one 4;1a) had been i‘o aeLive in pro- moting the iutere'sts of. our tirdcr. and who gai - .4. 4 promise ,of f.o nitwit u , :efultless in the futtri - v. has thus rally in life been from his work. on darth, and that . hereafter the places which knew him once shall know: him no more." To his bereaved wife and ottiban ebil- ciren we extend our symrathy in thi:: ih,ur of their deep grief, and commend them to the ;:rate of that God who "(loth not willingly afflict, or grieve Mitt. , As mbrubers of the Order, the highest' tribute eve can b6tow upon the memory of our dcce2sed i brother. will be an lion- est eildearofto emulate his many viz tues 'IIS a Knight and upright citizen. We recommend that the chair of the Chanceilor('omniander, and out charter", be draped hr mourning for Mei space of thirty dayii, as a mark of remiet to the memory of Brother KEI::-.1iN 1.:R.. - i S. W. - A.l.voia), j J. N. CAMPY, A k C a m, i. =.' . U 1 A ii i t.Acit . \YE EE O= tO learn that Milts EVA ThomAs, daughter of W. A. THOMAS, E: q., of Alba, was thrown from • a cutter a few days since and quito seriously in jured. • GRAnED SCHOOL -w;• The winter term of our Graded School closed on Fri day last. The lirge roorn occupied by the High Sao& was crowded to its ut most capacity with, v -tho parents and friends of the scliola?s. ; The exercises were of s peculiarly interesting character, and were carried nut by the students with commendable accuracy., The following was the programme. \Ve regret that we have not the since b) notice in detail the several performances; ! • Declamation. Rebuke to the Neapoll tamk, WILLIE KELLY; Recitation, Grand t,a's blessing, Ira TTON; Declamation, The Kearsarge and Alabama, WILLIE Dr.exEri; Recitation, helping Grandpa, E .4 TTIEn KT iNE; Declamation, Little floy's Speech. ILtrtrty SrfAIMOW; Recita tion, Pet Squirm l. SilirMAN; Cho rus., Beautiful . Flowers, C. Primary Grade; Recitation, Good Advice, A. Mon- GA:X; Declamation, Give, Guy PECK; Ilce- Ration, The Last:Song, 3lisSom 13LAKr.; , Declamation, Stump Speech, Anrum WErJ,Fs; Di.llo ,, ce, Playing Doll, 13. Pri mary pupil , : Declamation, Lros:;••lyvi(w.; Recitation, Toe Little Shoe, Lot' IlAit sTow; Declamation, The Cobbler's Secret, WILLIE MITCHEISI.: Recitation, Writiniz Letter, FHA:chit , . FRALEY; Chorus, B. Primary Grade; lleeitati.E.l, The Lesson, .TENNtr. Borst t NN: Declamation, Polly TrtostAs Cumrks:;Rucitation, ANNA DialoMle; Mac Miff's; Cress, G. IlnowNt sc. 3. Pa . -TIN, I'. SPAM/p.;(4, S. ViiOIITON: IkeT.:lllltion, Recitation, Little Texts, .TENstr. Declamation, The Diver, GEonct MAR snAI.I.; happy are we to-clay, A - Prinmry Grulc: Recitation, Littlq - Sister, 'RAY Slimy; Dechmmtion, Solomon Ray, EvAN, Mrin; - Calisthenics: Dumb Bell Exercise, Scuiorand High Set 00l Grades, Recitation, Over the hill to . the poor- ANNA K:NN Ey; Dialogue, the, Spelling Class. A luternili•tte pupils; Recitation, Christmas Eve, 11, Losoos; Chorus. A Intermediate Grade; (':'l 'the- t nics, Junior (trades; IZeCithi ion Waitinj by the gate, EMMA Wrt.r.y.s; Dialogue, When the Ca t.!5 are away the Mice will phi', Seni. , r and I School G notes; llecitaticm, Tae Ycumz G lay Smrni; Chorus, .111 Mo. Grade; Declamation, Erin's Flag, CHAS. Ill'i-TINi,ToN; Chor us , Cool-hiss, Senior and 11 igh G varies.- - • The following inipils were lih , bly cow -1 rnendicl for having been neither late nor t p;e:4 ili v.eekst PATnic IL 1.1 - NCII. Cry .‘NDIrr:NV =•r PR \ NT: SI! \P:, ( . .%Tti:ll'. NVAII - Er.ts I'lll - 2) TA; - 'Af VI" 1.1 - 0N„'1:Q , II , . ITOWAI.1) ('ii POST, s Lu•r.\ ihr.t Ptur.n. IZA1:111Mi.1:,;•::, Guy Cc:. v;:i:, (•fi.%. , :. cm! ;i tl.l - Col - 1:1;DA; r, ‘y STroGr., l'nst y, 1 . 1 F.:, t_N. •'' EIII .! The foflowint: ruccivijtr e.9piTi:ll ha inn , 11-ith,•l•l;lfe tint ak-vnt during the p:lst two ternis of seven znim;hs : • 1.1"(1" .11 %):1 . 1-, iTowAnD LITZELKAN, iiA IZNY' ltm.l•l+ Mr.!; , •[ - ]:, I - MED t" , ;;T11,,-(1 . A11!:11.: VAN T, on a oil, e :%!...noily.yr:‘, Hi g h. cr ..Irithiril v: Ecii . r. t;, be th,l:ottllly rt.- %iev;,•.; 'tent!. whi, e:cpc(l 1.1 :Li 110 I'i'eb,2nt, :.t the ()lit 11- I)1:. 11. C. Por.tEp..-11 , :s eittito ;•tr.thlk 4ni 1 itt.11.1.,t. Dr. 11. C. ‘y thc. •:.1 LlV:ittT 11 . 1':1 :I' wit I.1)1. ;•c:-as, hut hi, family I...lisider hint iht a •ritit -cotirlithm until,g• th isist l'inzs 11,1,1 tweonit• ai1t.c.4.(1. and alarm: o n F L tliv k -1 1 , ..t. a, u,nal, ::tui in as \Vas Li cti Pnu. Nycl.t mind 1111 H ;:11011:. ctLen M 1 .,. P. 1 . 4.1ii:v.i..4.11 to him ~,•n o, usual. ljr J(1 ii• tiiitt ha,: 10- tle . . Sy!:1•,:%11:7•4 «irrh “h• 11;., :!int. A try.:!:;,, ,, ,.;(11. hitt thy f0t:11,h,,;0, and n,,.,,in• in inia_ kin‘ily I 111111111111 .! , H1 tit 1. , the Inor:tent r.or.e to :11)o1:1 1 . - ) . .i)id 1).:1) - 1 t•t 1))) ), ;); IL) 'c pa II Ittillt -Y)) , ,)• v.l)).z: I,t) 1.•;):i . )))•)1 1 0 1:11'.! nit I) : •, ))•1•-i)ii, wilth 111 -1(,:c. (11.inelt :I!. :6 .I): , :* o. •iti.' l l , l'..and . e , ):::ll , :v ,Pl , ll a ;,,,,r;kti;4! :'..1, !, EIRIMMITI=2I ii:.:,.••• t::•) wu.i. a t soon ul‘d • the : Al.,,at 111, he _lilted tip a 111 111 ILO 5 , .11111 c nrl of 11.:11 .Ih , i 0(1; tinl4l,l 1.4 co:ohitt 111"ro I . cr liftot 1% hut! 1:1` 11/Vl/111 1 1! . :11 , hr :If 1110 eiti . jj , T of M:s;11 he %%a, a (-It it I'll: io:ly 1 :111(1 lt the 1;1 Li , f :-,att! 0111 - vit - 110 gall.- - his per a„3l.,l tt t ID! s11 , .:111,t 0. a 1,-:In - 41 rc t!. , 4 . 0:1 . 111111110 - y. i. I/ 1.,1,11.2).,t .1:I, tlll,l itidll,l:l' :1;111 pC1,42V0!..n0 I,k lnt•iut>n lEEE 11 -. ( )icnlt nt by r.rnattttr:::U.• ill 1::111 an C, , 1111 rl- UZI •, I "itur 1) .4 ' n'ailllC4l anti anti his biSS viii hi' fit this•class. l'ro„ vt-rhially affable and urban: is hi, nir:•(• milli ail. Le eittne 1. , 01:124 .11 :1%; a 110 . 0 qt." l rri1 . 1)(1 am! iSt• ( • '11:11 -, i'11 . 11r by a r t . t i rr l , o f ariplajijia.,Otb,:i. . ill I 1)r. tnairiutl the only cl.nigl;ttr of N. N. 1:1 - ..rf4,,! - Esq., and thrt:e'elrildroti 1, , %vitt' his I.rroave 4 l v, ! :l.,ex hi, t..n , hivii 41e.ttli. '1 be ei , !• s! n, 11EN (•. edit .l•lna?e.l 'Me since nt the Ni''.'. Tuck .S..lnpol of sc•veTal yeas h.t, been .n,, , ei,ited fit bte.ine-, v,itit hi, fa'lnT, is qualified to e.eht..t the e. - taLli..liluent presid ,..l,;ver by his, father. The 0q.,•,. i s 11..ry a nintl. nt at prinret , m.- Tite lialli:11 - Icr . grailuated at \Yells Female Collego lit.i year, As the result of his imlcuce, industry; and busmess sagaeit . Y, the DAictor has left Ids Etmily in et 11' circumstances financially. EMI The funeral was attended by a large "liv4iill , c of IR••ple on M•inda:„ afternooa flomi his late resith•nc,•. All ilte.husinebs" !laces Were elle-ezi ftolll t! to 4 'o'cloek as a mat k of resptet to the memory of the Dbctor. rhe 'beautiful. ami Impressive services of the Episcopal Ciairch wore i read (wet- the remains' by the 11cOloi• af Christ Church:Rev. J. S.Erens.- As the sad semences were prononieed, "Earth to earth, ashy.; to ashos," the mut - Wilde slowly wended their way froirk. the city ;•f the'dead, feeling that • I )eatjl. lik.• pr. DV. - 141 ,- M hi^ It fa', ol: THE LATE MeKEAS 01' T.I,;(11". We find in the ,hest 'Northern Tier Ga.! Nit.' the following iuterpsting iti , ographie- sl;:cteli of vAI-lin cwt . ! cit'un of this county, who tiled a few days since : ' • SIII:C.' weeks ago,,We ;union ta%d in thv G,/:‘-tre. nor tvetl kitowi tompiLlll, JWIN MCI\ KAN. Was taken with a para lytic shock that for sonle tier threatened his immediate deattf, but his decease, which occurred On 'Thursday afternomi, aas so i-unil4l that ' it 3 great sur prise to : our citizens. At one time last Asiklivan sad swiss Gold Watches, !u summer, while visiting the Centennial, he Hey lud 1.41,;1n f! T rt „ni : , and t;eutt, at tvaA attapittli it) It iiiikt)l}Of 110 G I lksiu MMil 1 , „0:1:0e t! 11E11111•21 SO violently. -ft, hotveyeri left him in a depressed state of health, and it is certain be never recovered from it: fully. .• • liince his last attack he was beginning to 11- Cover perceptibly, and had even,•got so he couldrest his . weight upon .his feet. Ou Thursday, about two o'clock, he was feel irg we.iried -and lay down, , his little grand-daughter, NETTIE:, combing and brushing his hair. Suddenly ho was seiz ed with a tit of coughing. ilia wife hur ried to his bedside, and a sudden hemmor bage took place, the blood gushing from his mouth.• A physician *as sent for, but lie died in about liveminutes and before the doctOr could arrive. . : - "into; MeKEsts was the son of :hm MeKEAN - , and was born at Burlington, Pa., May 11, 180, rind was consequently 03- years old at the time of his death. Brought un_on a farm, ho develePed a hearty boyhood, and was an active had h, the early dayti of 'Bradford county, the county being formed a-sOnt - trie, 181 n, and as Bradford in 1812. One of a numerous family, he sought and found employment 'at the age of 13 }-ears in the "glore of. -O. P. BamAnn in Troy Boro' Mr. Wu.- - r,ann was the leading merchant of this region, and used to bring !di goods from Philadelphia by canal and wagon. Jolts stayed with Mr. IlAt.r.ALo eight years. until he was o..atid often was entrusted by the merchant to drive cattle to Phila delphia and bring back g oods in return. " After leaving! Mr. B. he formed a partnersidpw ~i th Ilst.t.ann., and car ried on tatifius kinds of linsittes.s. In. 1!-::2 he wr.4 married to r. ti:cri C. MoonE, a.yonng lady of Springdeld, Pa., who survives Mtn, For sonic !years he was engaged in various enterprises. .At one time he started for Galveston, Texas,. -j but was shipwrecked on Bahama Islands with his wife and some' relatives. They were rescued by the wreckers just in tiane to sve, the ship go down. They after wards proceeded to Galveston, where he Pliia:Ded some time. At another time he was proprietor of a hotel at Spring field, 111., during the ItanntSoN campaign, and again was in .business at Nauvoo, when .Tit.: SmiT it, the Mormon prophet, was at the height of his glory.. On his I.( turn he went into partnership with I). VoN Il.tta ts. itrtliebusiness of general nitnchatalr;e at SS lvania (then ('ithiniltia Plats), remaining there ;,out a year. After the war he purchascal a large plan tation at Quit mini Georgia. with a ;pm pg man !tallied Gerimm. This he afterward's sold to 1,. 11. and it is now Mien- Mott:4l; Brothers fou r the place. Some years ago Rebuilt himself the pleas ant tutors a mile and a half west of this villa e, nd has been engag . ed in farming shSee. 'Lie was an]hetive tither of the Farmers' Club. and- showed his interest conspienonsly by throw lug open. his groolids in the fall of P• 47.1 for its first an nual Fair. oldest aml mast nu tubers or - Priam Lodge, No. •,n7, I. 0:0'. - •N;: 1 . 1)1(1 of the ME pri;:eiples of the cider. Ile the ',wig!. in Ati: , t4t, ten othi_Ts, whomkurviveafs Membets, except. AV xi. lle wag snecessively Y. ;.. N. 11., :lid Past and bir the pa;..t t welve or mitre years Las been \I . -8r den of the Lodge. It was his tlehi lit to t li heathers at, the Loil: , e Heme l . At futicr:; l 4 witioli took place at ieshi; nee Of his sort llEtfuti - K.. in ra , -terti Port ion of rite village (la Sun day a lierneon. there was a L ii • go ; me w l_ ance, of Odd' Fellows from Priam, Canton, (;rativille Centre; Ibirlin:rton, tl,ritl licit], Northii-i'riiir,;-Sylvan and 'other Lodges, with Mourning lizulges and draped .etn blems. :Prayer was offered by Rev. S. L. CoN aft er ; the reading of Scripture he ll,v. W_ NVAiir, afuneral discourse of unusual beauty was delivered by Ikv. .1. E. NVTl.l,l.‘ms. The procession which wound to his grave in the cemetery on the hill, wasla Lrge One. atid hore in its many who felt. that. in .11)117,i Mc death thcv had a M McIiEAN, in hie, 1a.:4 days, ac -1:110m1„..,h.,,•11 ti r • nw: , h., of I Ithi in , vek - that pe:tve nec,ll,ll t,, tlit 'so :1. llc 'leave,: to mound:hi hi , . wife, Lis only .11 I[1:1:1.1( - OY - 4! ~r iv, Ili; large pr,per ly ~ s ,th equally -divided 1/(.1.1, , ,ee:i ,Ls wife .Itv.% Kt: t.. 1` , 77. 117,7 c .1 ,r April t;ivestlirve ;, , ritcefttl emi t I,ti,u , s to .I.*.a,ter literature, •` The, hy . .1. NI, \v . rox " I.o'e I,t.sitat," Mirs:A3l-it -1:10::. wit!, :in - exquisite ilitistration, and A St. try poem by Miss Port.- %% ttv dainty pictures. 1:E r:i 111-PIIF ove of ",At tincls by 11i a Ifumrtn;Ev: ili .s :t f,tnpy 114 I'l! of NTT'.!' Vll ich Stiiry ;(”.'...•1y171.-/ 7, ree. ,, / of 3 1,let;110 lit 1-ipz ;,• ties t f the iitimi , er art t•ci-' = rez " The Firt4 Hunt," Iy .1. 11. 1Vo: . .:1- ci - av,a13,1 " That Ni , lit.o Lower 1..(1.1y," I.y .Nl. llo::ToN, of tile ...V. Y. " Little Splia . oile; i.rothcr'~ tali II "Lt hp., atei ;00... .1-4( is. "Qninneltesset. the by Sorlin: :s1 \v. in inter. .1 , 1 .4.1-fur-notlC.:ig the I,oi-, 4.1 r.kroi uN's ial; never t.o ;IN; now. promises. to the (lis al.;•oe thon..ands of re.ttltw , ., o'd u10 , .e h:t." allventa:e= in the nevi i...oel;er. The " F'oartli .Adventure of )1:It i I.les l'ett ;.i , l in %% hich h_l I—es his dinner. is e,tpit;ll. I/ I:LEN t 4•''"FA' 3 V3lll"lbbt :per yet- S'A epinz the Carpet, — V,Lliela \Vt. c .tenivial to all houFe2kevpers. fealittot, to the littly keys titer Ow country, stilmcriiti•r.: t., the ;rifle Air: 11 ,. . iN tlir lICI.IO The _,! . ..)ci , •ty of A't-,tito 11. This Society d the it)stoti Ilollti Fair last, season, Fin this ;rrt h-lt• th,ir• work forjSr:, is oily wilh rr,:,s and priK.Aist„ — CL,Ft.r annum. -E?..r.s_V.‘ltstAN, Edito; - , Co., Ptil,lishor4, 1 FlU:3:i'ltf.'3 LOCAL. =I c,.1%,21.1 111-NLAk.,E.V.Ns rt.ints:it I:NT s.k . . r!,,:i7 " I Jr 1-:l:l7rasiPT.clw,e at lII,NLW.LMA.N . 6 Jetidity EZE te. 4;clkl lat:st ;tyl., :It IILN EMU= :.„;,;" ;..•w )ress lil.ods 8t K T is I FINSI,PM, g r r t 2.• Sil- ve I -I';; riaic I I andson e t a urtuacut of J& wei rs Ni 4 Goo& in every I)Lpartment at SC!li.ts , '. 7-e .7. Call at r:ENT fur ymCta i.,. k. Buttrkk's Patterns at IiENT & IMEM • Fteneli clficks at III(\nt•:t.- Cy- m op , r a. 4 ;.1a , r) :ill , / I'i' , t (I.alti , at EMEEZI 1 : 01: Gold 11'ate11. rfqr.: I,cerer. WI!! Iskc borough ordriN In pa N N•onl. on, . ~;.. itZ" If 'you want a suit of clothes chunp than yo I can buy the sp.ine in New York, ILIA Call 11==1 .M - lIIINDEr.m.‘x has the finest slack ~f Nvan•fle,, Jev.,..lry arol Sttverware, ever brought Into thbt•ovn. :1114 tier It. IZIZZI .1r1",,11,n,'t fail to ca!l at TIENDLF:IIAN'S, If ynu wi.h. a I.ny anything 'ln ti lo line of Jeiveiry, Silver and '' ... \Van.. "The store iu .Patton's Block now ocetTiett by C, F. citosg as a book store:yll notes twin, rossts,lon pzil 1. ts 77 e• - • 111:•tnitt sy.N has goed go.a.ts and his rrtees very That Is the• I:hu•r to Loy. ~.7tr ()net nlore ease of these cheap qr,11:::. at KENT S: RLISM.Ese2,7 -----4-4.--, r ---- M7OysTER Si rPrn.—There 'will be an Oyster Siipp,r for Op^ beperic or the pastor, on Ifornt.R.ok I'liarv. on 'Wednesday evening, Mnreh 1 the hoose or chll ae C s haffee. A-11 are invited. el , . Mare!' IL, 1,77 Z , t . • I' ILk S'N COLLEnTATE tt•rlit Hlll corm:l:knee Wriday,f4.pril 18.77..Pu1l I • orp• of, competent teachers. Ex ve!ews r.:a•Aelat,le. For_ c. ata:eg,Le, or further par. lie Wars, vullresv !.. QuINLAN, (1113 r.:2 lUr New Goodast 24,-Mar. r...-"T"l:rerything in the line of :station e7 at WHITCOMB /t. 811ACT.B. Egir CaU aiul see tlld latter L4lo' Ties, WWII and Cuirs, at Mrs. Wixom'. itr TIENDFLItAN's ttore - lx- filled with Brat-class articles for the Holiday trado. ra' All the West publications, very cheap, at IV II ['MOW% h 9/IAVIrB. EriTyttang In the line of Jevrolry, Silver and Silver Plated - Ware, at II ESMEL 11A :VS. OT Don't fall to tall at -11exnatitaall arid see las goods Will learn Dv. prices._ sir AU geode refit At bt. iiiNDELMAN'S RAP ranted be represented. W A Good Cuttcc for salo• cheap I) E. T. Fox. jau2s. ice" The best, tratkers . baked• every day at CoWLEV Bakery. L.ulies' Collars mid Cuffs at KENT la.lss•.pep7 • Now -is the time to select your Call Paper. AL.Stiat -- r have a large and well selected stuck whieh they otter, „ very chc p. ularEl.• • re` Don't go anywhere lint to WlllT comrf tiliAL - r,i for, your. Wall Paper. tnarB. 6";:ff" WHITCOMB tt; SIIAUT Sell the best Blank Roo Inueractered In the ei/untry. 4 .. • Sterling Silver and Silver Plated Cupa at BENI,4I.MAN'IO. war i)iammag, '1 ng3 and SCA rill! at lIcY DLL]IA\'e. rjr Call at RENT & BusA'" .and sec their n,ir Dollar Corget.p4.l.7 You can bay r a plated Castor for 99 centl, to )I^rcur Block. • Y :*. Call at KENT ailll.l6', and 100 l at their Intek 6renalntwc. Yob can buy nine; fresh-baked Craeicera at Cop. - LES' Vakery, very elm'ap. Z-11'` If yoti want. Laraine in !toady (not:kll.7.; ran at ROBE,NFIELD'S while he 15 0:1; for ...prit),7 st.rk. ,marS. Ladies arc egpccially iuvited to at tend the :.ale of Crockery at Atiwns twit week. rE"Y(m eang4 all the latest styles of wallmit.ry, very rikip, at WHITCOMB SHACT'S -M" -The largest and bestassortrnent of tqo Ing clothing in town. nt. M. E. ltosExtirt.D.R. arl Swel Spcctneles, and Eyw (11a&e:rs, In great. varlitty, At 11. r.% DELMAN . 6 Jewel ry Store. Cfnll Board and a• full lli. of 7.-phy r 4, fu all E 113,1 ex and Colari:, at E. J. .73_17 A large assortment or spring amt !..oemer just recen,A, at 31, E. ItosttN vaa.:,*s. 7z; A : ? lir.iSr, the 31erehant, Tailor, 1 • hi!. all.; tt to Itsv is $t Co'z ,:iiri• t titili! to 001.,r; oitttltv,z, ftttiu air l tt Initning don- with no:lino:di and dls i .t . .; ldon a vaii. ET" Why will yoif eat stale Crackers vAttli Y.;:t can, boy thew nice, fresh lqtkcil. , . Ju,t 1 114 A..k your gri.cer for rowt.F.Ft' CrlteZers or g;; f 0 310i6's. Ditkery ill the First Wind, where you can get l'r.wkers the *attic clay they 21%) takes (1111:1 the J:11:27, Neitiee, (hero is a great re duet Ha in 311 , 1 Elgin Walclies.. e 3 I 1 at t,rl, , i A N . ' , IPC lory one at Itp pt Ic •i Ill` I. offering. r PM: Valuable _Building 1”!. - .1 . , oa .;,y turins. ANOy to Jon •; 't\ - . Mix'. • I • ona...Mcreur 1; cck, north ,Ide l'ut,deSquarr. Towanda. Crackers of all varieties baked vvrry thy l'owt.u.' 11:tk,ry. tb ' Bea Irul criri,,tinit.i and Nen Yaars pres ents a: It EN 1 , E1.31 'r. Vtr• A big stock of very fine Slone ning, v-& y I,,ar prices at MIN DELMAN ',• Sterlin..l S i lver and Silver Plated %are at 1 , 4 IttiGtst , Al 1.11.:11.1:LMAN-S. Ce 7 ". New Cloths anal Cassimeres at fOr 99 cts: M..rvar monk, IMMO Mrs. MINGo:. Las Ladies' Hats- fuefl and ulm'ard, n , \ ~ 1 L.' c . 7 - E. J. MINGos is receiving Spri❑g hat. and D..nnt , t4: ' Ladics' Tics iji great variety, at 11r,%:r*Ttry "Vont' Nt;thing• , happii.,, , 36.1 twaco In tlt faint- ly taatlly loverat7,l immblest !nay. 1):.• pntvlia-Ing 1,14 Wall Paper at L StlSr r•-. have 1:1s Itous a• Inviting and ilwery 71, a 1110713 T, 11. inntS. l'oi• the prtst fcw weeks ":111 eyes'i I.••on dir•o•ti•il tho -.oat of Gworttloolit. and !:i 4 •Elortor:11 f 11•14 N•el, lb, ab .,.tbing t o ~f Now Ihet th•• "1.1,11:1”i 4 ilio,tlon to•.!, and govern ito•h:•t! :Mot, a: • r , :tin!7, , ‘7lll,•:hty, r•oplo 3:!1•11: ,, i, to F•rional %rant,: fling tot•••,••tly elothing !.!atl. fonAno,t. It Ny1:I be of intg•rfst 11 , •ar that fair 0;1 and rt.:table deal r. ,t 1ea,13 t!,• marl I. and 113 4 10'1 :L , Olllll. :It of Vale ('tithing to 1,4 found in any e 4 tal)li.ltnent this Ode of Nyw 1 - to k.tthirh ..11 :I! 1,11•t•S (NM SOll !*; Voi Tolor how it II" it t KEENEY—iILtPrii . EI4.--At the bonze of the 1.11 :Aureh I:ev. ( 1.. WlP,lanv, Mr. tirc;::•rti,.( F. o.:•yvtile, r. .1 . I , r; 1.•1:. EDI NI; rto•ltletito• of iil•` •I •r, .I . H! 7. 1 , 77. .o,* ltov. 11. D. r•• 11. 170111:..r to 111%. L. Aek lcv .I:toght.T of. :It•%••.II k; .y. of Sio ing 11111. VEI:NON-11ENNEIr.—At the M.F..ramnnt(:•. In. hr It:•r. and }li s 11.01.0 1t.•11::.•tt...; I' M. E. rarihngt.„ in iwun. h 11. 1q77, by M 311. 1....„111,Q,..0r 'agar3liiik• Mwt:l, Teri' vc”A it. slmuNs.—ln 171.4c.r. Fol , t 22. ts 77. or 01 . 1 ago. Mrs. 'Y Polly Sit11111IF; acrd o. 4 ltoncli ter of 'Benjamin and .11,1 In ,Torrytown Alarch 2. 1 6 77. ;g....1 I :ir not month , . - IN N Sator.lny morning. !if..r..h 17, of ar.ptecy, Dr. Henry C. l'orter,nged ME ('(ilt!'ltX: Carrle'tt, Coburn. aged :;:: years. 10 toenail and 12 day., die!! ;•,;;;;;;Tiv evening, Varch 3. 1;•.71".. at o' , lo- 1 ,•, a; the re.idetice of ,\. -G. Alger. No. 111 LaQt 11 , ,Iyet , e Street. Fer 111311 y year. ttt. late has le. n at her past In the f.i!thrtll rt!,..ll:trzo of her duty ; and In all it' tramaenens of Mr. Alger has been his rellane". Ily 311 11' , !IiiTabie, ight pouroe , the Colla•klife and regard; of a largo cirdu of friend- who , piipathlze deeply ulth the family In their great losq, Early hi Decelither ta.t she songht medical ad vice, and , of the rhy.lelatis all tin fart ho'cottld ascertain. 'Shs. 7 Was not in the leant start led by the magnitude of her ease, which was de chied to be comattliptiou :n au advanced ..age ; but with Ili, 11-.11;11o:1 of a emaporlng soldier she de liberately planned aild settled bar private and per tonal affairs, and niade ready for the pending con flirt. She couipiThimder, tin entire situation, and, alone, with no retlanc - ; bat on her Lord, she waged the ;Ireadful battle With a coolness and courago that ehanei;ged admicldion, and nil her fate unb olt; a murmur or a tear, except for the broken hearts that eltniTereti around her couc'. She was a lady of itiol'ethati ordinary talents and attainments, plHsessed of rend merit-and rare vir tues. She has gone to reap the rich reward of a brave, correct and noble life, leaving behind her, an esaisylle uorthy of Imitation, and a name that will be held in sacred ramembrancefor lung, lung years by all who knee' her.—Syracuse Courier. The deceased was sister'of 1.. If. Coburn of this place. eIHOICE FLOWER AND OAR NJ DEN STE AM' lIEEILIEt4 It E W SMITS 111' MA !L.—Plants oI the liqweg and fint,t sorts, careftilly pelted and pre paw by mail. My collection of Strawberries took the nrst premium for the hest Collortlott, at the great chow of the Mal... Hot tic!Oturat Society; In itoquti. I grow over 100 varietici=, the most com plete collection in the volume. Inc:taller all the hew. largo American and lint;erted Utak. -Priced tlf . :serilebre Catalogues, grafte . by retail. Also, Itult, Fruit Trey, ItoseF. ,F.vergicens, Ciwiee Hutt er. ttarden, Tree, Eveigeecti, Herb, of Fruit Seeds, 25 packets of either for 0400, by, wall, C. C. The True' (ape Cod Cranberry, best sort C. tor rplao.ll.,,wlaol, or llardett, by mall; prepaid. *l.OO p e r 10% t.1. t 110 per 1.000. Whokisale eatalogtte IM Iho Trade. Agents Wanted. It. M. WATSoN, Ohl Cololty Numerlets awl geeti • , 'waroton i se, PlywoottOlrisd.; 4: 4 !PW190i) Wqi I* • /40 . 0 it WITTW4I - • •• • CW.IMYTTEE I . -4.0-* --L- -.0- •.----.--_ -1-++ - - 11== MARRIED. DIED. X. E. &oilfield. DON'T YOU - FORGET IT ! WIIAT ? Why, the feet thit M. E. ROSENFIELTI tli control - tea to sell t - READY-MADE CLOTHING AT TUE OLD STAND! Also, that HIS PRICES ARE LOWER TITAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISIIMENT THIS SIDE OF THE OLD COUNTUT! His goods aro always BOUGHT FOR CASU, - AND OUAHANTEED TO BE JUST WHAT THEY ARE RECOMMENDED ! • llis stock comprises everything i IN THE CLOTHING' LINE! PROM THE CHEAPEST TO THE ifOST COSTLY OARjIENT! A nlco t issortment of BOYS' cLoTilusio, NEATLY, AND SUBSTANTIALLY MADE,, AT ABOUT TIIreOST OF MATE-AIALS! SPRING HATS, SPICING OVERCOA TS, TASTY UMBRELLAS, And the BEIIT LINE OF -FURNISHING GOOISS - ' EVER OFFERED IN' THIS 11AHKETt =II Mistomers know that I am T.OOA:TED IN TUWANDA, And they therefore tun no risk of, being cheated a% In C3:4os Of merely transient dealers, whit, never cell - dune' long fu one ' N, E. RoSENFIELD, Tuwanda, March 1577 Clotlaing. • 44 (ISE BLUE BIRD DON'T BRING SINIFSG," Is an old proverb In WITH THE APPHOA(II OF TIIESPRING iv MONTHS lIISINESS BEGINS TO PEVIVE And ads lends as to remark that MR. J. DAVIS, An experienced linslners man of tyracuse, T., WILL t 1 ES ; ABOUT TILE I . st,OF APRIL, At the old stand of M. E. Solomon & Son AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK OF CLOTHING ! wincri WILL BE SOLTY SO CHEAP That the oldest inlvibitnnt wilt be astonished DON'T BUY TOUR SIRING CLOTlif\G Until you have examthed Mr. Davis' ELEGANT'ASS9ItTMENT I 'Towanda, March 22. 1877 Frost & Sots. AT FROST R SONS' FURNITURE 'STORE, On Main Street, Fiom now until January Ist, 1877, they will sell their entire stock of Furniture very low for cash There never was a better titne to buy, as all kinds or goods are low. We are selling CHAMBER SUITS; Cutupleto for Elvo Dollars Otir assortment of goods for Christmas was never better Come a once aM secure bargains. Remember that we are the only Manufacturers of-runaltnre In Towanda, a n d the only honso that can !ell $t wholes9lg, prime. Pleas° call and get f! , ? PM h Bent Is Miss. THE LATEST iiTEWS2 ME KENT .& BLISS liairejust opened another largo stock of DRY GOODS AND, NOTIONS FANCY GOODS FOE, THE HOLIDAYS! 'READY-MADE SACQUES,-, FULL LINE OF -FURS, 'SHAWLS, SKIRTS, -3 .HOSIERY GLOVES, CORSETS, ZEPITYRS, CARD-BOARD. MOTTOES, CANVASS, &c., 14, EVERY' DEPAIMIiNT -IS. FULL . '1 Call and he Govineed that we Sell as Cheap as'the Cheape*t Towanda, Nev. 22. IS7B Homes tr, Passage. T OWILNDA MUSIC-,E3IPORIN ;. Con Siain..and Pine-sts. 1101,51 ES & PASSAGE, Whoilatle and Retail dealers In all klndt3 MD ICAL INSTIW3iENT§ SHEET MUSIC, Invite the public to an examination of their estah lit,lnnent. The celehrated ATII USFIEK PIANO. Continnes to he the favorite with 3E6}llium and well mtstainti the h!gh reputation earned. ill lw not neee, , sary to go into any extended tle,eription of the instrnMent. as its merits will be apparent to an' on examination. We alnr have the agency for OEORDE WOODS & CO.•S PARLOR VESTRY ORGAN s. 'rheas Instruments are celebrated the World over for their retnarkaldy pure and brilliant QUALITY OF TONE! Which Is owlng to their fatnnos Ceaddnatlon Solo Stops; Aisoline, VOX 11111114113; Piano. all of which are separate and 2uldltlnnal sets of Reeds and par:, so arranged as to adnilt of an almost endless'varlety of orchestral effects and beautiful comb:Oat:oils; THEIR EXTRAORDINARY POWER,. 4 ELEGANCE OF STYLE, ' :• AND THORO' CONSTRUCTION ANp FINISH Among the many Patents owned and vsed by the above firm, are, 1 SEPARATE SOLO SETS, WOODS• OCTAVE COUPLER, IMPROVE() VALVES, i';';PATEN 4 I' CASES, oirtr all our Instruments at the lowest figures; and guarantee then! Just as represented. Dun's be deceived by traveling agents, Aid coinKllrectly to headsusgtera, where yen are thire of getting Jtrit what you 'bargain fur. . Tf,lifiY i '. l 4Tol 1, 15 m Caisfs'tlog.of =I MOM -~ KENT k BtISS.f; =I ME RE! PIANO ATTACIIM'EST, %ND BELLOWS HOLMES & PASSAGH Leva l DROCLA.MATIQN.- WIMREAS, I 1. Hon. PAUL D, Monnow, President Judge of the 13th Jutllclal District, consisting of the County of Bradfork, and his Associate, C. S. RCEIRELL, , have Issued thelr precept bearing date February 26,,167716 inn dliected, for holding a term of Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court for the said County of-Bradford at Troy, commencing lisfsautky. March f:ro, 177, to continue ono meek, notice Is therefore heretty given to all peracdis interested to bepresent at Troy on said 26th day of March. at 10 o'clock, A. at: Jurors are requested to be punctual In their attendance agreeably With their notice. Dated at 'Towanda, the 26th dayof February, A.D., 1677.aud of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and second. . ' A. J. LAYTON. Sheriff. TFIRIAL ,LIST, MARCH TERM, A, 1821, AT TROY: • 1) It o.loes Wife vulktvl.l Campbell, et Joseph Wilcox v 6 Wm Fltzg.srald appeal Alp!, Greenwood & Cots Jacob W Cetapie.. •• Reuben Dudley vs It'rrcl.A Long G 11 Viclo vs Fred A Long.'. - 6 James 11 Brink vs Henry Nailer C mows vs dentin S Campbell....Troorer; Strait vs George Stull), assu in psi t Mary Horning's vse vs .1 31 Smith, et at appeal (:o6 k i Tsyter vs James Sheeler assumpsit .IdelliC Landon, et al vs Itodnlck ~l' cat Mary A .Ketelonn vs.r M 'Swath, et al trespass ,Win S no,fAin, vs O Is Itallard's ev'rs....assumpstt Pomeroy Itros' vs Win Wilson • l`pcnorny liros' TR Wm - Wilfon Win Itratne vs A 1) Witten% ejectrnen. F If Person vs Q P Ballard's ex'rs replevin N C Hyde &ro I:erry It Pratt's ex'rs, et at. ease Fraser Drew & Co vs Celhola Young. et al...att ex C .1 llorhans vs Cellnda Yining; et al 6 ' 1' II Persons vs Celinda Young, et ...... " Giles Wirle s-s Cel hula Young, et al • F II Persons vs 0 Is ex'rs, et al.. replevin It It2danley vs Lynda Spencer..., ....... assumpslt ep Jones vs 0 C Coverts etas eject Mira peal (Wee A V Trov: appeal .1 If Cole vs David Cory, et al eject , l'onx-r, , y . Tl 4 Green 14 Kicks 4.14 Sobp.ena., Returnable on Monlav". March 25. 1877, at '2 o'clork I'.',. M. PECK, Towanda, March 13;1677. Protlee.ofary„ "PARTITION NOTICE,-Bradford Thr rrimmeuiwealth of Nitinqylvan.lrt to the.'Sher liT said co laity, greotiiig: . Whereas.itt an,Orphan', Court,. hell at Towan da. la and for saki County. on the i2llth day of Feb rot-11y N.. 1). I si7, before the lion. P. D. Morrow, President .fudge, and hf: a , soelate on tit,t,„hench. The petition of Aaron C nephew' of ('harles F Perkins, late of theriown•hip of Smith „ald County, deccaFed, respectfully repre sents, that thesainl Charles F Perkins died on or about the inch day of January. A.. 1). IkBo. Intestate ,s"he't In 111 4 demesne as of fee, of and in a certain nlelo-ge and tract of land, situate in .abl town- Phip of Smithfield. hounded on the north by lands of Nel‘on Shuatt, •n the-east by lands of Lawrence Geriutid, on the south by lands of Edward Wright. and rot the west by lands of -lames (ironies, and containing one hundred and ,six acres of land mote, or, less, with appurrenanrcs: and leaving to sMrvive ,hint neither wife nor eliPatretf, 'hot two brothers and four sister.. viz: Luke Perklnß, of Smithfield. said "runty, Joseph Pet k ins. who has sincoLdt.d. leaVing two sons ar.ll four daughters, more fully Mentioned hereafter : Hope Perkins.' Matilda ca.. who.ot hu dtatul I. dead: Mary Pierre, 'wife of 11 , ,ra,e Pincer, and itet.ey Pratt, all of Sant thfield -aforesaid.' The names and residence. of the chii &ten of .foseph.Perkins. deceased, his Widow being (Wag. are ii foil,,ws: Aaron Perkihi, tin± p•-ditlmn er, of Coudersport. Pa., Henry Perkin.. of flataqa. Kane coouty. Shuart. Wife of Sep„im Shuart. Alnh Pere e, wife of Stephen Pierre, all of Smithfield.. Sally Gazer; wife of Philander Gates, - all of Nfenarnei,-e, Donn County. and Mary Huck, A-tr,-..f. Abalint puck. of Elmira. Thal the Interest of Luke Perkins. tfatlnia Calif. Mary Pierre, ll.ipe Perkin'. and lietsey Pratt,the po•titioner I. Informed and believes is vested in Al len if Wood. of Stottbneld ; thr- 1 rhino of r ., rtain e,4tiveyarices five.s7ctli part of real i•, , ,tate belong; to Allen Ii Wool Ri ter. ~uid,,et to the ..opport,and filailltt'Dalin'e of Hope Perkins and Ilef.ey Pratt, 11; , 011 said farm flaring their nat ural 11 , V: the other ...lull part thereof,.to the above I L Nme,l of Je , Nl.ll Per1:111:A, fee. No d , artPion said real e.tate has fro , the.petitioner prays the Court to - :r.varTcNil 1,, 11171“. 11:1C1111 , i1,43f ;aid real e•date, 1., an,! alli ,, 11;.! afore-aid parties, accord drg to respective rights. ” Whereupon. the said. court, rot due proof and consideration of tin , I,ll"ltlit , i , a, award an inquest ko - make parti:lon of the real es . :ate of Charles; I , Per-. decea , ed, and lir . ,..•t 4 'l.til,!lvati , ,n to be 'wide r IT, 1;11A DEriliti Iti:PiiIZTEII, a public nowFpaper, for the telli l of three week,, and a copv,- - of nal ! be mailed to thelast known poVt , ;offfee a d. dr,..•,0f the partb,'ln r,;-,1,1,, out of the at three weeks before the flan: of ti;' above Frilitrat. Cheri 0r... ,:owinand,i•ou, Mai' Inking . with -you ~v , n good and lawful tarn of your.. batty:irk. 'von go to and rp.w Iht pretniii:s afort,:ad.' au.l In tll- of aforesmil, 'you to lot warned if marnrd, they will he, pr. , (•nt and having re- tto the. trip., c•st.natptn tlyst.-of, and the oath and nlTlronitloir - of said weer giwpd and lawful in-n, you parti tion to a'n.latilOlVZ 11.• it, 411 , 1.1 .. repro,,enta tiro-, Of the sahlrinte,talVin.sticli inann..r and 1:. 0r0p...r1..:, a- 'iv tier law., .4 Oils . Commn directed. if the 'attn• ran he done *Mi nn( prolinli(u• to or spoiling the tt Lult, But if the " 1.1 i.Y v 011. 1,11, ...itninonr..l t; afor , : , ald. h. tint%e th..• said pavith.n or %alnallot. ' , hall I.e of opinion that Ow pr•uni,i with the A minr. t. , nan , .•..•atinot 1.0 inirt>ul i1iv1410,4 anioti.2; all the p entitied_ - thAn'to,i?.l.llre.l I.y w; or. ;nit' , to a , . 'win 1-, 'or that It , aniv.t be illrid•.l into oha res value , volt tat. , " the: vain:. and apprai, 1:1 , 2 Ni s liole of the r.. 111 t.•tai , . ur thl Shari•, or rort 11170 the !uay, ,ticlde rhea resp , ..t. the true Vahl= tn.!) thrr..of agurceably to law.. And that the par tition or •1-:;tl”..ition sn Mad , • you di,linetV a:of 4 :P 'ffly our say .34/14e at Towninht. a' t ' , um% t., d a y of Mae. 1?77, :trier . , t under your hand and 0.a , . and und.•rilotliand, and a. affirmation you niak.• .:11,;?1 ;.ariition or r ilia:l:jou, And Lis, you then and ther.• this writ, fly inlet r.f tin. ; E. A N:DTZT'S, ClErk. Mar, In With the order. I her,!?4 Cis.. nann•olllcirS. :‘,141 all !!I:tr per. , 4l. that Un ingin.ot will lar held on !he ahoer• dr,,r11.0.1 ...rate; io premise., Tt - r;-I)..vy,'..t:Ttl 1 , . :It I li. OMIMMMI Towainla,,llar , !. I'2. 1 , 77. voTICE.—The Board of Ilevis' fnltolving drip , and ulayes bt•twecn Iha Indy , of S .t. 31 and 3 I'. 57.. foi 1.1 ,1, 1111 g Al:ptnik f=.r 1,77: T owarorn—A.T hotok• Wed t,tlay. rttaioll th e .7t.; March ›t'lr:(llTia I 0°•11 Carn •2:s. • W - thc, \Tarh^_l. 1 .ONV:t I / 1 1;1 Ituro—At the Gra.u.l Jury Room, M (Ai Out - . 31Jrth TOW:. 11 , 1:1 TN; t-t 11.2 G rand, Jury 1:0.0111, Tilt.S d:tv. M ;itch 'l7: . _ . 1.1“. rand Jury M:irdi 2%. . - kter —At the note)," Ttrarmla Mitrelt 7.9... tli.•11 , Fliellapgte Hotel, Friday tlo. th , n, Thp--At d, Ev•hang, 11..4c1, Itare;:tv—Al the f 4, 11.,o) llotse•of Foot of Plane ltou?lay. . • .A—te.c•cr, will be punctual in dt•ltvcruuz notice , . and Sn tJ.iklt g whim , la a: OW nn , t• :or:tuts a: which H and I;wini or ReN mill anti hear t:4 111 , 111, - e:1;0A by th and innkc such tillertiti.:n , tee thrill nhall appear just ;int! rva,ututl4.-. I= A tt. -::—W ILL T.l INT 1.V.1V IS. ('411,:. I::Citiralc•lctier,* otliee. .1: .'i. '::', ! , 77. . _ ll I'ITANS' COTTItT SALE.—By , 11 vli-iiie Of ;iti ortk'm - I ned out of the Orphan,' foort of lim' for.' ei - mr.ty the inplersigiletl, tin:tr ll:in of Nix: y Mien, Hate Allen, ll:orge Allen. Pura All.-n.• Literetia Allen' and i t'lnionee .1n .n. ehr.d - Peti awilwir: or ',crew:. Allen., late of AVyaltpilitt iii p., ilee'd, wilt i.cpw.i. at pithlle sale .'% th , i 0 : , !;”i , .. - ., on ti AT ("It') AY, 'MARCH 31:4. P. 77, at *..toceloek. I. the- following desert:wit n...,1 i date, ie:irg an wench'. il ,evereelglitceuili: Inter.,: 171 a certain 18 , ,,11ng, lot, piece or parcel of nil ,ituateil In Wyalii , littAll.: llegionlog at a dike alitiii, on lineiof IT. li, Irgliaiii - , farni on ea , c stile of Wyalti-Ing rreAlk al.! .0 oar of land: of MeAll.tir; thew, ...till; W.l O ti- ! 157 ',en -host., a .tiiket floater. :Is. m - e,t 53 per_ r!;• , ti, ~ ...t3;,•-.. Inoue(' :ctitli 51 0 weot ailing !awl cwitr.“ - t.. , 1 le-Wi , l ,- :, plume;} y 15li pereht-s 7n a slake on the Ille• of It. V. Ingham'. fain: thence north :10 ieoit It perch,. along !awl , of sal.' Ing ham to the piaci. othet:lnning: vont:Wittig 5.:2 acre., all 5t perelec. , .. 1i0.e... or h. , ,, T Kit }l.t.—?lnn down. one-ltalf the lalatee'lon root; inati.el of ~.le, nod the resNin. la one year lit .re.ii - ter with inierei: -e. C LAI: FC It ItOW N, M .rch ' 4 . 1N77.- • , tihat,tian. . . ± -\ I)INUINISTIIATOR'S NOTICE . . L -swi,,, I a herobv given that all port•Oltfi In del!te.l to the ehtatt• ig Mo..en Eileufoorgr!"lalt. , of A • yhoo twp.,11 , ,,1. thh.t utak, hotnefllatopytnent to the uniter,ivii , d, and all persons having eltOttt. at , ,,tit.t ,ti4l e .4,3 G• to w.,t present them, duly autb6n tleah.l, for ,set tlement. W. I:. STMZI:S. ~ - S. It.. El 1.}.: N P.ETIG Elt . 3I a rt•IP 22-Bw.• - - Ad rillnkt rators. - t DAUM STII A l _ OR'S • myrioy _i_ —Notice 1. , herthy given that all .p,r,on