Vtadfind gtporter, Towanda, Pa.; Thursday, Karol 1, 1877. iv A. CHAMBERLIN, - Dealer In FINE JEWELRY, - W ATCHE§, • S[LYER, AND -PLATED WARE, TOWANDA, rA. Tcnranda, Jan. 18, W. 7. ' LOCAL AND CENERAL. THE Universalist Sociable will-meet on Tuesday evening next, at the residence of Sberift LAYTON. Ttik Athens .Build'ng and Loan Asso ciation is rapidly being disbanded by the withdrawal of members. I - SEVERAL invalids in this place are' test ing the "blue glass" theory, with what results we have not yet ascertained. Cot.. Wutonr of _Wilkes-Barre. dis tributed another thousand loaves of bread tip the poor of that city, on Wednesday t. _ OWING to protracted illness, our es teemed frfencl PATRICK Dr FEY, of Mon roeton, offers for sale or rent his black mith shop Our townsman, IL JAcort+,_ is luxu riating at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, Cal., one bf the eighteen hundred guests which daily throng the house.- THE new Jury Commissioners Lave-ap pointed Mr. A. D. cOOLBArOII Clerk; The Commissioners met last week .to draw a jury for the-Troy Court. - A new code of laws has' been adopted for the government of the Towanda-Fire Departnient, and the Council has ordered five hfradred copies-printed. THE pupils of. the Neath Graded Seflool will Give an exhibition in the schoolhouse on Wednesoay evening next,' March 7. for the benefit of the school. A THEATRICAL troupe, under the direc tion of Cexitt.t . E. are to perform - in this place on the,9th of March. The play ndmed, "Forbidden Fruit." saloons and eating Loupes in this county will have to be . "run . ' without permission from the Court to sell "grog," unless the Supreme Court decides other wise. • EXPERINIENTg • are beinz made on the farm of W. -W. Woounc►ts. Esq., in Rome, for minerals of 'some kind. We hope the etnrt to diFcnver, hidden treas ures mac be - successful. - S. BEEns read the beautiful :service of the. Episcopal Church, - and pr. ached an excellent practical sermon to a large congregation in the - Presbyterian church at - Mouroeton, on Wednesday evening, last.. BY AN oversi l tht a portion of our edi tion is dated Feb. - 2:f, on the outside. The }'nun;; man who makes up the, forms hat, init failed to receive a •` propo.iali" yet still imagined it. was leap. year. in which event of course the date would be Itotrect. 1.11. - . y. J. 5. BEEns deliver, d a very in teresting and instructive sermon to chil dren ~n F•anda:.• evening last, Reno the text, •• A little maid." A large Munbcr of the F!unday-school scholars were:it-res ent, and listened atte-itively to the dis c-Nmrse. EX - -roMMr.: , TONETZ S'ITI.P.\IIII. or wells, , caine as near-bting elected .Inkice of the President. 110 as Tit t bein „. resident. 110 only Ile-14,411, vote, -which hi s orpo - nent got is strongly Dimm er:trio. ami Motzith , must be popidar R it'll his neighbors. - THE Presbyterian Sociable > 111 meet next nrei Wudnesday. March 7.: at the res!d,Nlce (,t Councilman in the Third Ward. Mr. atni Mrs. Dojuln 14 , ':Isied to see all their friends on the oreasiini. . A LITTLE it , ly under three years t)r age in 111.1 .liird \\ ail speaks ihrce: I:ol2;natzrs th.mtly. The !lino- 11:2,41:5t oil:verses With his father in Frtrnei, his niotPter in Gtfan:in, and the servant in 1.11,i1,1% IT-MA'l" loe illterCStrlig persons desi rwis , fiserving as juriu,s, to know that the names are rut in 1116 Lox" in De kN•alher of each : year. and tint Jury Corn inissLwlers lutve nc , .nnue eAntrol over thi2 older which the namt!s , arp drawn than th. in:tit in the mum'. - AT Tilt inSt InCetillc,r of the Mutual BMWing _lssociati.m, applierAtimi was male withdraN% al of ahout thirty share!. and it is . cx eted many move will be made next month. It begins to look as iliiMgb it might lie it lung time' before the slia:us will become 'par. Tw - o Weeks t.:inec 21)114 , 1:need the death of NATITANIEL-BENNETT. of North Towanda. Jirst a week after his funeral,. ;'tg - ed Wife. who had b,!en his comPau ion 1, moro than ti it p years, died. Mrs., B. was .- years old. Thu , the aged peo ple t',e county are rapidly disappearing. from the ear4b. . fliTodr}:it : 1t a teo . ular rni , eting of Asylitin 1,10*.1-(Vof ‘t;. T.4ln4d ;it tll4 it 1.1 of meeting. Tim,- dat evening. VOL 24. tlni following - resu lution was adiiiiie4 Jinaninniusly : Ergo:red. That we'tender our thanks to ,Tivi L e ('. S. .for the action lic ti s taken \in re;:ard.'io the licence Jaw. M. - FRISBY, Sec y. TN .TUSTICF: to mu-selves ana the tlinns' 7 l , ands of p..ople who have written us rnt ccrnin;: tlw Washington Territory colony,' WO arc c Mil wiled to state that the notice Was ins rted at the' request or A. B. SM IT .4 , f 1 - I:ter. who has fai;ctl to fur- Msh ns with any particulars of - the mat ter, - We Must therefore request.that par ties ‘sho,dcsii:e infotrnation on the sub ieet will call on or address Mr. SMITH at Ll-ter. 4 NVe•know nothing about it. Tuft dedication services of the ISniver s:.list Church in Tokanda;will onntnence 71wsday evening. 1:1. The meet ing wil! elose Thursday evenin. , . Prom ise.;; clergy men from abroad will he in attemhtnee. The pablic in general and esperiAlly the fliciels of the , Cause, ale invited to be 'present. A oim milb..-eof re.7,epti,m will - be at the ilinrch and pr'. -vide for the wants of all who may c, me. 11-y ogler Of Ttustei s. - 7- Tit F.: new hall of the Wyalusing Grange in the vdiage of W!..ahising, will he detli e3t Maid) 3, 1577. Exercises will com mence at. 10 oclock and dinner s , •rved hetwtam the hours of 12 and 1 4..c10ck P. M. The otlii.ers 01- the State Grange and other disiitignighed speakers arc expected to be prt sent and assist in the exercist.s._Membeis of neighboring granges :out the public general:} are cor dially invited to attend. Ample provision will bk. made for all who desire dinner and charges will be moderate.. ) ,;i: of the most impiirtant cases from county to be argued before the Su-. j•mne t . ,t,: . rt at the session next week, is that of T vs. WILCoX.- Involving the constitutionality of the To Couit. case is carried to the tinpreme Court for the purpose of testing. this point, by lIT N.AViii.i.tms. of Canton. if there is, any doubt famong legal minds on the v question. Lt is Ili ;41/ tinfe it Here disp.slAk 11 * . and Mr. Wit.i.TAMs Aioul n have the eii-operat;iin of all patties inteteratd iu his efforts to obtain a decision from the Supreme t 'mut. 7 I). .I. QrAtn, of Troy, and W. H. jr., of this plii7: l e, have, rented the :store lately orcupieil by,C. 13. PATCH, and will i.liortly open'.with an entirely new and fresh 'sit pply ortiroecties and Provis ions. Mr. I.2tAin htc lie:2n engaged in the business for several yea:a in Troy, and Mr. DErami has had eonsiderable experience here in the large establish ment of McCv E t Enwattri-i. Both are i tist rithis and pi 'pular, anti their location exrelbint, iso that-we CACI see -no reason all they may not do a prosperous busi. .1/054. 'They PertfiftlY moric 4 ifigo puma. .. 9el PERSONAL.—Hon. H. W. TRACY was in town last week. Advancing years and feeble health have confined him very closely.to his pleasant home in Standing Stone for the past year, and we are pleas ed to see him able to be around again. —Rev.-T. A. EDWARDN who has been assisting in -a _revival at Bath,' N. Y., re. turned home last week, and conducted service as usual on Sunday in the Baptist church. —Hon. V: M. Loo and Jorix74l. GRAXT. of Troy, were in town on Friday last. These gentlemen are both very popular, and . were warmly welcomed by their many friends. —Mrs. Dr. STETXXS, ne. Don.& TIDD, left for Jersey City, on Friday last, to join her husband, who ,has established himself in business there. - Mrs. S. has many friends here who will miss her: THE following 'teal from the Montrose Demaerat ought to be read and observed by all Postmasters : "Wit respectfully call the attention of postmasters throughout the country to the fact that the . sending of a paper which is not taken from the office, back -to the pnblication office, with the word "re fused," or even the longer inscription, "this man don't want the paper no lon ger," written on the margin, is not the notice to the publisher, which the law contemplates, and which under his O.ith of office. the Postmaster is compelled to give. The Department furnishes a blank especially designed for the notification of publishers when papers are hot take inom the office to which they are address A. and it may interest small Potmatiters' o know that until they hare properl)/ ilci . : ,shed a publisher, they can be held respcm gible for. the amount of subscript ion due."- LITTELL'S LIVINcr ACE.--The numbers of.this standard fmiodical for the weeks ending Feb. 19 and 17, haVe the following noteworthy _4contents : Arctic Heroes, from Eirek of Scandinavia to Captain NA, RES, Lonclon:Qqarterly . ; Condition of the Larger Planets, by Holum - ) A. PnocTon, F. H. A. S., Popular Scienre &rime; The Geographical Aspect of the Eastern Ques tion, by Env: Aim A FILEENIAN, Fortnaght ly Reriew; Jullan's Letters, Agates. and Agate Working, by F. IV. Ituot.uv, F. S., Popular :Wer,re Rerirzr Jon Jon. sonn's Saga, the Genuine Autobiography of allodern Icelander. Frazer; Kist:st,EY. Forthi . 7l,tly Rerle .- ; a Pub Griselda._ E.ranthrer; Scenery in Hol land, Month; 11 eariness, a Tale from France, by Ilt - not.r it LANDAU; /I'tel.•tr , :(o4 The FAtaill/W of the Door, Blackwood; 4.1 7 tallvients of GEO. MACDONALD'S " Mar quis of Lo , sie," and Wm. HI AUK'S. new serial, and the usual choice poetry, etc: WE 11AD the pleasure one day last week of 'visiting our excellent graded school, in wmipany with County Superin tendent KEENEI . c. Although many of the more advanced scholars had beed excused for the afternoon in order that they might witness the exercises at the Institute, those who remained were attentive to the instruction uttered by the Superintendent, displaying by their prompt and intelligent answers, thorvugh drilling, and mire than an ordinary degree of comprehen sion. Prof. RYAN has just reason for pride at his success as an instructor,and good fortune in having such an exception ally intellizent band f KEENT- - ..y spent an hour -or more in drilling the scholars iu reading and elo cution.' We were most agreeably struck with both his method and manner. Many instructors have the best theory; without understanding how properly to apply it practically: but our Sulerintendentis not of this class, awl we doubt not the ideas awl instruction imparted to the scholars on this ,N2casion will be productive of much iz,o(l. The scholars fully compre hended him, and therefore received the_ instruction with pleasure and profit. THE Elmira 11ri,; , (11 , 1w,H4 tells the f.. - lowing anecdote of the experience Of One of the members of the 'Elmira Fainters' (*lob. \%::.) en hearing a neighbor emu l'hin of the antics of an unruly cow, pro posed putting knobs on her horns, to ef fect restraint. whereupon the neighbor said it would 1.2 a difli?iflt task. and he would. give :my mat. live dollars who would do it. The unsuspecting member of the (.•lal, said he would undertake the task for the sum named. charging no thing if lte dial not succeed. The bargain was immediately consuanthated, - ; and the contideal member proceeded to town and procured a costly pair of kmdis, such as he felt that he could afford in View of Ilk, I liheral compensation which he was to-re ceive. Ire then :nitwit him -elf with all the f.'5.... rings that he thought lie shoulil net al, and with a conthlent air proc;:eded to the house id" Om neighbor who owned the troulalt s 4 heat. AntiripAting an easy victory. he hastened to the stable N%:,ere Inc was informed lie wouldlind his victim. Ile found the cow. and 'found a difficulty - In the way of the accamphsh mem of his feat. Nhich 11;:d led entered into *his .v Tl:c • A I: TIBER Sing) is an excellent Iplace for ree , rintiin: reminiscences, and relfears ing events in ithe earlY history of the 0:4(.0. The Wrisnrial e:.:ablisliment of JonxsoN, is in,„ exception 'in this respect to the ordina ry skiving saloon. White nndiergoiin an operation under Jor:si skillful hands, the other evening, we werc'aniused by listen ing to ti›ll stories rented by .11M 31. and others. Jim said be distinctly remember ed seeing a lishinz party take tiro th,,its fie,/ NloPltat one haul just below where file dain now crosses the strenni. - This -story" Nva,ssupplemented bY ,- FttaNx Rho rceolleelLd the circutni4ance of a party visiting Northrops Island one 'and securing fintr Owus,ovi •• The Ship did n't begin to sink," but in order to sceure the' enormous draught, a deep hole was ring in the' sitiid and the eels placed in it. The -,:ollowing clay the lacky fiche; nun exchange,d a portion of them' with,Mr. 31.ksvim.T.for a cow. If the clhirt!•i' of our law-makers to again supply the :: . .usquelianna with tish..brincrs a return of such days, not a few will have omision to rejoice. THE following Bradford. COMAS cases are on the list for hearing before the SL. i7retne Court next week: • 1. Conl r. 31eanc. l'ertiorari to (jnar ter Sessions. 4. McTavish vs Lock*LCod et al. Error to ( - 4 . 4111 - lion Pleas. Williams' vs N CIZ W Co. Erron to C;Tirrion Pleas. PC. May vs Spalding . . Error to Corn mon Pleas... Nkk e vs Long. Error to Common 1:. 110-1. 2U. Decker vs - Sill. Error to Common EOM Y;. Person vs Pierce. Error to ('on- mon fleas Oliver's Appeal. Cm Li.‘rlri to Com mon Wffril v, Vandermark. Error to cominm Picas. . Deake vs Keiky. Error to Com mon Pleas.. Ball: id vs Miller. Error to Com mon Pleas. .',o; I 'lsm] vs Stowell. Error to Corti- twin Picas lititty's Appeal. Certiorari to Com in,on Pleas. . :it. Elliott vs Wileoz.. Er: or to Com mon Picas. 39. 31cCipii..••,, MeCiPlUtn4l vs Pomeroy. Error to Cumin on I'kas. Tar. County Lodge of Good Templars me t i n Rome on Tuesday and Wednesday last. Forty-two Lodges were repres nt col by at leaq'two bundled delega'tes.— G rand Worthy Chief Templar DA I:TT pre sided. The icpin ts from dehovates Were cneouragini , and showed the Diner in a healthy conTiit ion. A publie meet in;; was held in the Presbyterian ('hoc • Tuesday evening, when the house was literally till ed. eve! y available inch of space being occupied. The exercises were very enter taining. consisting id' v,oc:d an d instru mental music. speeches. essays and decla mations. Among the speakers were N. S.l:llAzitni, ('Haurr. MANN - thus: and Glitual:. and Revs Wifit.atafits and KFATLEY. Those who were present will not consider it idvidnins in us in calling p:rticui tI attention to the :cry exci'llent And j e rfcct mariner in alien Mrs. Kira: rendered "The (01,1 Smith,' and .he well read and finished essay by Miss RI and the remarkable chicution display ed by little 1.01. a. WiLsox. a beautiful and intelligent "little maid," not yet in her teens. • " The old Apple Tice," recited by 'Miss BoattfiNfAx, could hardly have been improved. Had we space, we would gladly speak of others, but ahem every thing was exceptionally good, it wonld to impossible in the short space at command ki da jastice to those parti c ipating. Th e pepp:e of Rome wit? , their mvei WO geu. Grow ho3osaity, welronlvii the 4elewito3 qPir tlntPfs '• " Tsls County Commissioners ate Um, engaged in bearing appeals from the're cent triennial assessment. The valuation of many of the townships has been mate rially reduced. Some dissatisfaCtion is manifested at the action of the( board in' increasing the rate from four . to urea mills. The low rate was fixed last year. because the Conimlasionera saw that with the surplus funds on band the amount raised by a four mill tax would be sufil= eient to meet the ordinary expenses of the year. But during the curreqt year, the itridge at Athens is to be paid for, and there will be other extraordinary ex penses to be provided far, so that the Commissioners should, not be criticised too severely. They have acted for the best interests of the county. The econom ical and judicious administration of the officers during the first year of the new board, has fully justified the expectations of, their friends and "reflects the highest credit upon them and their efficient and accommodating clerk, Mr. LEWIS. HattrEn's for MAttert. T The March number of this excellent magazine hits been on our table for several (ins. It is entirely worthy of its predecessors, and full in its One hundred and ft:irty-four pages of what is entertaining, interesting and valuable. -The editorship of this pe riodical is well placed. It its in the hands of llEs RV M. ALDEN, a young man of ex quisite taste and the most relh.ed and cud lured jud;.l - ment.: lie should have the ere lit of the conduct of the magazine. It belongs to him. The number for March opens with'an article which will be of -in terest to many, "Con,iimisirary Art iu Prance.•' It gives wood-cuts of a num bs: of pieces of artists mentioned and -portraits of the most famous ones. It Is quite a pkasure Co know how one. like MEssIoNEs, who can get $O,OOO for. a small picture, looks in the face. Auc,CST DORE' looks like anything but the man with the reputation he has, if the cut b' a correct one, more like a round-faced bar tender, or the head-waiter in a French restaurant.. The cuts of the paintings are fine, wanting only the color to make them quite perfect. An,account of the "Prus sian Wends and their Home," strangers probably to everliody, follows. It is nice ly illustrated. There is an article on. "Litchfield Hill." with likenesses of some of its eminent men; a paper on "The Dis tribution of Animals,' with illustrations showingmome of tee strangest- birds and beasts known to man: "A - Summer Cruise among the 'Atlantic Islands," "8 Popular Exposition ol some Scientific Ex periments,' and a short story. " About Dolly," with those above make up the illustration portion of the number. The serials, "A Woman-Hater." " Erema " and "Garth," are continued. There are - three short stories, an article On "Webster ' -and the Constitution," and seven poems, which, with the editorial departments, comprise a number which is tit to set be fore a king. A L A RGE ESTABLISH MEN T. —We have several times referred to the extensive furniture manufactory': of J. 0. FRosT SoNs, in this place, but . we pr/mu ne many of our readers hr this immediate vi cinity Ai) not yet realize tha relation the establishthent hears to the prosperity and growth of Towanda. J. 0. FitosT beeatne prtyrictor of the business some twelve years ago, and at once •commenced to en- large and improve .it. lle saw that in a country like ours,' where lumber is cunt-, putatively cheap, furniture could be profitably m inufactured and skilled work meninduced to locate hen. Iris plan was soon carried into execution, and the busi ness grew ft mu year to year, until he found the care and labor too great for him, -and six years since admitted as partners his two eldest sons, who like their father displayed an aptitude for husieess,Nvhich was a sure guarantee of centinifi;d success. NI or almost every article of furniture is produced in as neat and workmanlike condition as at any of the older establishments in large .Thus the firm ha - ve been enabled to save quite a profit which usually goes into t he .jobbers' pockets, and at the same time afford employment for• a large num ber of mete, and a ' market for lumber wit manufacturei4 were compelled to ship to the cities, at prices -'which were not remunerative, after paying exerbiant ft right charges. On the first of February, the senior member of the firm. whose lodes begin to show a large spilfikling of the "silver, - retired. leaving the business lib oily established and in prosperous con dition. to his sons, who will without doubt maifitain the high reputation of the bite firm, both at Inmate anti abroad. It :mist be pi*culiaily gratifying to Mr. FtiosT iii IhL •‘ troubbnis time;, ,, ti zuncially Julien the best business men of tlie country. by the scores; , are '• falling tt', - to relleet Clat lie has not only been able tv-•• weather die storm,":bn• j:iy•by • a competency 1..1 - himself and good wife, Sq that they will nr'•t iii their ifeclining year•. be dePendent for the mean` of sup pert upon even the filial affection of lov t and generous children, who have been triine , l and editeated in liab is of industry :mil business pursuits, and largely aided perantarily. As the fruits of years of lali.;r hone st hnsiness tiansactions, lie isiibw ahie to retire and live in case, - Minot-et.' and respectM by all who know The new firm, .T. 0. Filosv'i...4lNs, have signalized their •• new departure" by es tablishing a branch tore at Ithaca, N. V., which has been placed under. the super vision of it younger brother, :qr. riliNt., , T FizosT, and.we feel confident the new thiil will .sontinne in the same prosperous and honorable career, which always character iz,Nl it under the able management of their father. „En. : The Teltelters' Insti lire for this county was in session at this .plao..t on the 9th _and 10th inst., and we wholly oblivious to the fact of hot sending you any reptrt, until tenth:it:led of it by steing the Essay of Miss WATTLES in your paper of4his week. After all we doubt it yktur readers care very much tin read prosy reports of theseeotiVeations; from pctis itching to compose, sober :-.itides for the public dilectation.' our streets mere tilled with rosy school ina'ams and rather bashful mithi educa tors: There is a freshness of manner about these female teachers that is really exhilarating to one who is tired with straight-laced conventionalisnis.- 'We wit nessed in this cdueational collection some variety. jest enough to !end an additional charm. There was tlie;fall girl, who evi dently regretted that she ~w as not of a more dimiantive size; andAliere the chub by !.liss w h o doubtless envied the stature of her tall sister; there the blonde, ,as rosy its a frosty winter's_ day and good health could paint her—a 4 the lid' brit nette. A latge number of them were good-looking—tone .rer!) pret ty—none at all ill-looking. The young male leaches certainly did uot appear to advantage in the society of their fair associates. The conver-at ion of these girls bad a sparkle about it like champagne,—their manners were easy anti their depoitment genteel. On the contrary, the young men showed aWkwartiness of movenient, and inful embarrassment. A little contact with the world, however, will iemedy these little defects. looking ..iver the elle( ry faces of the gills we could not help thinking that here was a good p ave for the boys, to select sweethearts, and for the older ones to get wives, and we rather guess the boys - were of the same mind, And we suspt et the Misses held pretty much the same opin ion. We paid but little attention to the,.suh. jeets of discussion. dr to tile stilled jargon of inchoate Orators. We went to see and admire the schoohnteams, and we gloss iTt the truth and the whole truth wed !teal, the most of the boys there went for the same,purpose. The / , :tine week we buried the venera ble Capt..laso:s; K. Wity:wr. ime of th e largest processions OW seen hew follow ed his remains to the grave. lie is sin cerely mourned by all who knew hint. The remembrance of his deeds will reflect greater and 1111,re lasting honor upon the deceased than all the vet Wage of fulsome .I.ant•gYlic. We trust his memory will be swami the indietitin of stalking stereo -1 y pt , ll obit nary. lie was a gfittd man. God has taken him Lome. Many hearts are bleeding with the bereavement. A knowledge of his excellencies is garnered up in the memory of surviving friends, and his body lies m that "silent city of the dead,“ whose pale-fact 1 denizens are patiently awaiting the reswirietion. The same week the infant daughter of J. B. ItE . Evr,-Esq., suddenly died. Seiz ed with convulsions in the night, she sur vived but a few louts. Another precious little bud gone to blossom in the "garden of the lord." More Llcia.lin, , l hearts to' Join OW great prKessii . in of nloprnrrs—• mor9,sorrow—more eavtbly hopes bligbt* 1_177.!M att q! II4 tq l !! AVR".I. BELOW we give a COmplete list of the tosnship and borough officers elected in this county on the 20th ult. : EE33I/13 Judge of Election*, S L Sherman; Inspector*. W N Porter,l 6 Morirsu: Skbool Director*, II 1) Ccrrert, B Young: Con.fOle, W fI Seeker: flood Com, 0 H Pletcher; Andltor, C H Webtort Treas urer, I) I) *lets'sld.,rl Town Clerk, C L Green. ♦Ln.l nOll6 Judge of Election, A M WI1son; Inspaetors, Andrews, J W Packard; Jamie° of Peace, John T Lamed; Connell. J S Reynolds. Ira 11 Smith, Geo. Auditor. M 'Packard: Dardoil& George II Webb; High Coostable, Rimer Cowles; Overseers of Poor; L .1 Andrews, .1 T Lamed. F •. Judge of Eleetiton, .1 13 Reeve: InSpector?. OW Tripp, CO Huntington; School Directors. 0 A Per.. kin& J t. Hersh; -Justiee of reace, J Williston; Constable, If C tilmallangt ; Academy Trustees. A Ninney, J L Corbin; Overseers of Poor, I) l'ark, F T Page; Auditor. J L Marsh; Minkel% 4 I,,Corbin; Council. EII Harkins, T Welsh. U H pelidieum, JJt Kiy. J N Evans, C Maurice; High Coustable; J 11 Homer, ATHENS TM , Judy, of Election. J 8 Murray; Inspectors, J'‘.l Campbell, I F. Weller; Justice of Peace, I) A Reeve; Constable, N Eduilnlater; Road Com. M Coleman; Auditor:o II 811 le; Treisnrer, N Ed minster; Town Clerk, fl A Kamborson; Townslilp. Trustee, J 6 Morley; .Acmletity Trustee, Mur. ley. - MINI :bldg., of Fleetion, I) Kellum; •Insprrtors, R S baron. F N Maori; School Direeture, M Frisby. G C Beaton 0,114111dr, 1) Fenner; Road Coin. W Morey{ Auditor, F W Frutelley; Treasurer, H I. lialght, EEMI33 'Judge. of Elertfun. Inxpeet(irs, S S 01111 s!..Y.. 1 M Schou] Dlrrett,tril, I: II Rich ard., II IT , Emury;li Allen; Cowan!,le. W W Cur- NMI: 'otatul,doner, W Allen; Audi:a*, W Ayer} Treasurer, S D sterlgere. 111113339 Jiiiig,• of Election, L Beery; Invectm, Fer ri:or, B F Crossley; School Directors, J (conk. 1) Fogarty: Justlee Of Peace. H W 31cCianey; Con %table. E McCabe; Road Corn. A II Varlets., .1 North: Treasurcr..l Colilm; Aulßur, 1: A Thomp son; Clerk, I) F Steele. BURLINGTON 8080 Judge of Election, floury Pu Inspectors. S Putts, L 1) 11111: School Dircrtorzi, L 1) 11111. L • W Larie; Conetehte.ll 31 ilark; ('ounclintion.J V Rice: W R Brown. C E Cainpholl.A 1) lttret.L S NVright: Auditor. R Murdock; Overseers of l'oor, 111Contp ton, 11 P ]toad. BURLINGTON TWP Judge of Eleetlon,i T S Baker; Insp.etoni of Election. II Tottal,Jobn Huston; School Directors. M Itallcy , It nolentre'rk, Constable, 'y Lane; CominlsNiuner, IC M Proyne; Anlitor, H I) 'Weed; Ttcastirer, MeDunaNl; Town Clerk, A Melville. li= .Midge of Election, T Blackwell; Inspectors, J Rockwell. W I) .McKean; School Directors, Siatitoo, It Roekweli, 'I) grown: Constable. II C 3lcK,•ao: Mad Coot. J C Tompk bison; Auditor, A i'dtockwell: Treasurer, Warren Kellogg: Town Montgomery. cAseroti Tw t g. oz.. or Election, r V Brown; Inspectors, L Lewis. S Wllliants: Seloth! Directors, l• Worthen, I) }Lot'kwell; I; W Camp; Road Coin . Sftet.cer; Anditor, S Manley; . Treasurer, E Gott; Town Clerk, .1 II Wright. CANTON' folio Jadk.• of F.!ertion. (1 11 EArlle; In. erlors,'F A t)w.n. W L Seltlow'Sch.,l Pirecto 1., F. Newman. E V 110rg...t.5. It %V Clark; Council., Ed Newman. J S Mix. W Erwla:,Overst-er4 of Poor, W slier, It 31 31aill,y; Agyfitor, II U l'ar.soihk; High Coustab Leabey. IZEMMIE! Judga of Election, H B Watkins; inixuctors, 1. Smith, E titpid'; School Directors F W '.V Courtney; Con.t.wh/e, 7' Coloney; !toad Cum. C Rutland; Audi , or, D Dradt.,rd; Treasurer, 31 Ken nade3 ; Town Clerk. U B EMETIE , In . ci , otor or ENVIIon. B McKee; JnKtlee or Pear,. M Walter.; ConNtabl,..lohn Smiley ; In sporl,,r., (: Grace. I Smith; School - Directors, .1 I: ,, ekwell, .1 dawn; Auditor. II Kerii; Treasurer, I Vurney; Tona Clerk, T J Smiley.' =I J of Election, 1. I) Saxton; Ii pecturv, N I) palter, I. 11 ISAtilt,r; Shoot Directf.rs, U Taylor:. A Sarlez• • shepartl: 1:03,1 Cont. H Jetmlug.: Andltor, M T Shoemaker; Trvasurer, I Putnam; Cleric, 11 IMMEEI Jit,ige• of Meetkm, NV %V llarr(i4+,l; Inspectors, 1 R4.lvrx, R Ilstnklzisms: School I?lrectorA..l 1. ('amH Overtwck; •livaive o(' POylee, W A Wet more; CK.Cahle..4 31e1bemn; 'Road emu. J And , ,rsoni Auditor,S P Warner; Treasurer, E Fu!lei; Town Clerk, 4 L Woodburn. • 1331139 Judge of Election C if agian.% inapectors T F Wlinau., 111 ALGrhwold; School Inn•etor, Austin itlakeqey, Stone: Con,table Wooster: 1: , /u/1 Cow. J A MeCranery, A udlt.r, E Liner, Treasurer, I: o it Towa Clerk Leroy Hot colon. I= r.I Election., .1 II MeKtunes: Inspertorm, J.l Nogers. rII c4mphelt; hool 1/Ireet..rs, Rogers, II !tarn; Uutistable, A canter; Treasurer, C 11 M.,rtlll; Town Clerk, L Morse. I=l=l .111.1;;.• of Election, W Brink; InTertiirs..l M Atn..l Lent.: Scioto! liire,torii .1 It J.Olll. MIN; ; 13,11%.111::, W 11 l'Apion: Ovcr sPers Halley, I. Col,.aLiti; Auditor. I' II Buck; Tthitiei,%;iincil, A \ Icbols, J M Benham. oN T 1 , 1 or, vern.m. A If Clugls%ngh: Insper.tor, EMgt.!, Elt Cot: Selmol Dlrr,tor. w.lt- Con.tiede, 11 S 31111g.1%; S3th3. " Trraz ttn•r. \V V Storms: T‘mit Clerk, A E ItenJamiti. moN nor: 114)ito. of Efrellorr, II II Ingham: Immix tors .1 Punt , It A .( • ratim-r; Dityrtorq, it W 11.0:7.1•11. II I' 31InguK; 3I It Onlnvr, 31 It.g".. 11 Iv I:.wk W N R ltv, riva . E E N (*hut,. bue;ct S ('ratan-r; A tollior, o II Rock. I; . 4. oilw ELL .Ttslgo 4,f ,Elect los. (' .1 E . lNterbrorgic;lngper:or., C row:t..; l'”lckinls•lotter, I) I) 4);r7.,•t0r,, S Cas,, I S N ('osc1:11,:e, C 4) Vap%Vliikle: Tvlsarierl:..l I' it.1114.r. .1 Cliblrilyk. ME= .iaJze of Meet 10;1.1) Lan.•1n5i......t0rv..1 Flern• g. .1 31.11vtwatii: School 111roc:or+. 'T Maier), J Lat... R J 11.11., of Peace. Mr- Cann: C00.1111.1d W It.ool Com'. l' 3ltil!en; .Auditor. M Treaqtrer F Ilelelteuier; 'Town F. 31, Caw). CET Jnag.• of Electfon, A Pellet; InspoMor4, A W Llitio, d W Raker: Dirvviorg, F Miller, .1 Slocum; .11POIce . or l'eaeo.S II Inger.o/1.1; W Noble 4. "" [30 ". H Knapp: Road COlll. F Garrison: Molitor. A Coursty; Twasttrer V Rower jr; Town J Mt:Carrick Jr. EIECEEIM .In.lgo of, E:ortlei,, II Wells ; Inspector.. J H Rnei Re. E gehool Directors, W J Davis. W T It ran! ;.1.1.11,:r. of Peace, C . W Itoyno!ds, E Keeler : DII Northrop Road commis. stoner. IC W Coolhaugh ; 1. A Bosworth ; Trea•irer. C Brink ; Town Clerk, C F Jones. EMI= elusive of Election, A , lelnert,G vr ri,ntld ; /1 19 1 , ..c• Wrtiter Dmiey, Eao,ert Jonitins: .411.'01 C C 'ruton. IV C 11.1nited ; Con.tal,te, John Stitrton ; ltoad Conitniscioner, Geo. Hight mire ; Auditor, Perry Brown; Trensttr er, G AV Mead ; Toown 4;1,..r1L. G W Mead. =I jaage of F.leetlon. Ltree; Inspector, II M 11,.ekwel1,1: SleCabe ; School 11lree(or5, C 'Stevens, .1. Stilker; Colima!,le, .1 S }•rink; Commlissloner. .1 1•: (ifflett i Auditor, I' M Towner; Treaiurer,-W ForbeN: Clerk, T B Bartier+., =I Iturgeol. S E Seeley ; t'ouncitmen, W Towner. C Ban,. S N Brown. .1 Whitaker. li P Vonglit ; School Director,, A P young, 1' (' Stewart, Jusdice of the Peace. F W Maynard; Auditor. 0 Itlekey ; (•onstable. E E Spaulding; of Election, 1 C Adam% : Inpeetors, g) F Young, A A Taylor, Over scerr of l'uor; C Stewart, I. It Browning. I=l3l Julrol of Election, U 1.2 - Wile'ox: Inspector II IV I'rr►in. ; School Dirrt tors, I Philap., II Hunting ton. \V Hulas°, fi ; Constable, E V Nlyhols: Road Com. 31 F It:111601A ; Au.!Mr, T Wotxl; Treasur er, S Irani!:ton ; Town Clerk, C C =I Ju.igte of Elections, A W Dailey; Invectots, El inur 1))1;;;:..it, A W.....Jattrtli ; School .1/hectors, J N 4)41 Dunbar, Tint I,uonArti ; Road Coin. R Alien ; Auditor. N S Treas urer. Sam Harkin-. ; Town Clerk, .1 K citEEV. Judge of Elect C F Moon : InApeetoro. C Andrus, (.laaFTaller, Itatvrsou, Sdlool Dlr.wtors„ Jaillurnhatn. Julius 31 B.•rrq of Peace, Geo 11 Turk; Court:tido-Daniel ; P.oad Cotn..lobn Craig; Andltor, S B ; Tr.•arnrer, S I. Thworpo ; Town Clerk, Fred Chauue.•y', 13=1 Judges of Electin. Con-tatitlli.r Clark Tlukh.tcn. (' K Dlrectiirs, C Pcck ; ovcr.cier% of 1 or. J F 31 Cinuarne..l F cll. F Furman, 3Vin Sciiiit , n, II .1 N Nash. A scouten. 'Vin Kill; Burgess; F N Ifurges.i.; Auditor. I. E Shattuck. 1125311 Judge of . Eicetion. ( Dorton ; Inspectors, AV llortcm ! Maz,haill' School Director!, A .1 Th.nhp•un. .1 1:/,gcrs ; .111,t1cr of Vence. 'V 6'y. .1•r ; Con4table. I; l'1111.1.; Road tom E It Rail; 1. Fuller; Trca,arcr, It Gore; Town I= Judge of Huff Inbeetnrs, Pill frrd ; F II Park. I !Twat , son ; Or Peace., .1 I ; Cot"Jable. P Grace; Hal ('c,lll, T 4' Hoof ; An4r.t.,r. M P Vafluest ; Tre.i.survr, A Towii l'ivrk. J. Hart. EOM .I.IZe of F,lti , ! ton. F\V Vandefshol II Thlui 31.:: , 114.1.ard ; School I)lr,•rtors, Strong'. Einot Jlt,tice of 1'1,31 . '. 1) V Wens; ron•talite. II It Frut. hey ; - it.a.l Coin, N Terry; A .111 tor. N White Tr..a,urer, II }"ri:rry ; Cieik. .1 Ii Schoonover. I=l .1 of Election, 1 ) It it-A*llllD ; In•ll"rtnrt P I) ( . . , 111”'flY. J F.pb•r 5C11. , 1 Director. r Gregg; Jti‘tlee,if Peace. 11 Raker; (Vat•table. A W ; grevl Coto, 1. Scoville • A nd tor, I, M BUM. uuu ; Treasurer, II I. Scot[ Town Clerk, M Fox. = Welcorne song by Glee Club. Dec lamation by Frank Peck. Music by the Glee ('lub.! The recitation by Miss Fan nie by Wag well given. Essay by Miss 'Julia Kinney., Subject, Ideality. Song by Miss Minnie Pattersou. Prof. Huitim was then introduced and deliver ed an interesting lecture; subject, Gener alor , y of Words. The Glee Club then sang "Teaching Public Selena.' Declamation by Fraffk Pink. The song that followed by Miss N inn ie Pat tersion, was highly appreciated. Recitation by Clara Drake. After a good night song by the Glee Club, the benedic tion was pronounced by Rev. McMaster, and the Association adjourned to meet. Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. SATURDAY 31ORNU10.. Devotional exercises conducted by Prof: xcsit•non.k..l Ryan. T.he fourth resolution adopted. • ,111 essay %YRS then read' Mis.s Bert:ice udico of Electioo. A I' Been.an ; Inspector!, M. Montgomery. ii 1) Gray. Jr : JUst Ire 01 Peace. ' Wattlcet. .The Report Or Committee on I.mte Directors. It shumway, A Rock- History or Association called for; Inif-tiot wt'll• 9 rears 31 " 1 :"'"rn 2 Par'" tring prerred time VMS giVOll. Tiylor J tatippert Town , clerk, It 641 i ch A t tpl!!or, ) 'POT! Trrfloir l pteettog (ir filo report, pi) 4Jr . . . V i 1 4 2. 1 .1qr. e 9 grovioo7l3floot Town Council:•Flr, , t Ward, F S Stesenq ; Second Want. AbractSnrll;ThlnLWant. W II Doslw. ; In•lk•clors, Fir•t Ward. R 11 , .t•I;well. A(' Stew. art; 5,5510 l %Vast. • harry Gray. II W .M3gltl; Third Ward..l A Illrkg. A It King.tyury ; %Val Firer Wart!, Thou,a4 Ketint.dy ;?mo o d Ward, Rotn•rt sh. ratan ; Phial Ward. .1 II Orruct: Judgrs of Elect lon. First Ward. Ifothoon,l eaton ; War , 1..1 A 4'..1 , 1it.g; II N.' his Setiool DlrtriorA. M.l 1.0rig...1 A Wilt Aohll or. W Vltiretit ; ltrrr.rrrs of I'.•or. F E Jayne. Dr 1) 5 Pratt ; Constablt.. Jolit,ou Writs; lite! l o.4stabl,, 4; W M; 41444. SMITH TccW N . of Wllitr ; lu•pertorm..l) 11.!;.w, .1 31 Sdiool Ilarct , pr, B Beath; E It 1)tl.o, z; 'd Poor. F 3 Horton . A•u•litor. t; It 31111 i; Trt.4.turt.r. S A 311113; Town CI. rk. M TitoY .lodge of I: 1, 0 1,L P. 31 I) InApector...Nel f N ; tirhooll)lreeturo. 3 )car.. A Rockwell. A I. , lmus Camt ; 2 yi•ars., M MI'I).MCII ; I 'ati.l2l.le. 11 N Fish ; N.cul Cow; Jolw Bunt ; AtiZ dltor. H Green; Trra4liter, N Palmer; Town Clerk', N Maynard,- TROT 19110 Judge of Election, V X Long; lilspectors V Xe- Kean Lopg. E Dobbins. 16 roller, MD gehool Merton, B D Mitchell. Delos Rockwell. R C Ben. dell. Thus McCabe; Bess. Dec2l. Perk; hie. 0 P Adams ; Council, Isaac Cleaver. C 8 Burt, W Eighmey, II 8 Leonard, M. M Pomeroy, Ed F Johnson ; Overseen of P9 l l. B Pomeroy. Charles brutes; Analtor. A Q Fannin.' . , I=l3 Judge of Election. Wm Z Ifowle ; .napeetors, 0 A Vincent. C U t►avidam ;School Dlreelfirs. J Q sumvan. T It Holcomb. A I) Minter; C. , tuttable, deo Birney ; Contitnlsslortec W II Rockwell ; Audi tor, Norman Shaw ; Treasurer, ti C Shaw I Town Clerk, E F Mersereau. EZ32033 Judge of Election. A R Allyn; Inapectore. 3P t Pendleton. Pat Touhy :School Glreetnrs. Geo W Talmadge, id It Plendieton ;Justice of Peace, W W Baker: Constable, Jas Joyce ; Road Con L Wol cott ; Auditor. N Newman. Jr • Treswirer, 8 A Wheatou ; Town Clerk. C U datTeil ; Por Town flutist., 43 votes.; against, 182. , f • naNntralt. Jodge. of Fleetton, A I) BabeorJe; fichool•Dlree. tor., A W Ilotehklsas, John •ilarcord ; Coastal.lf. VT. Neal; Road C0m..1 M Johnson • Auditor. J M Dunham; Treasurer, 11-Webster; Town Clerk, W II Clark, Jr. • =I Judge of Election. J If !Toward ; Inspectors, E S Full , r. Peter ;Sellool Directors, atartin fee. I. M Hewett ; JuNtlee of Peace, L ft Camp; Con. malde. U W Corbin ; Road Cont., If Nurse ; Audi ior. Daniel Jagger ; Trcluiurer s James Beaumont ; Town Clerk, C J Lewis. • • WILMOT Tatr. Constablt, T E Quick : Crainnisslnner, E liortem; Treasurer And Clerk ; .1 Scher): ; Auditors; C 8 Slo. wet!, i) Ely ; udg- of Sovk ; I tispec tors, E It Barns*, 0 II Stroud-; tichool Dlrectonl ; I' Ely, D E ICE= ;Judge of Election, Mehan ; Jcvare of Pesci., A Cooly ; IL lilAwp; l'restaurer4 J I. Nlfirgati,; Twin Clerk, V Wattlex ; ()wen ; Inspertors, C A La•lmir,• It II Fergumm; pcinud Directors., M Shores, II C llpurer ; [toad Cousullaalutter, ti Gard: COVUT PIIOCEEDIX9B - CONTINUED.- Wethiehday, Feb. 21. Abram .Waltman vs Rufus Potter— Trespass: Verdict for defendant. Michael Pyno vs• North British Mercan tile Insurance Co. —Assumpsit. Elhanan Smith and .1 IV Mix, 1:S(1S, for plaintiff; E Overton, jr., and H Streeter, EsT., for defendant. Court,,, on motion, direct a non-suit to be entered against tliePlain tiff. • rn - J 0 Frost and R T - Shernian-ivs J Montanyc, jr., et al,"GarnisheeS, Sci Fa.— Foreign . , Attachment. J F Sanderson, Esq., f. r plaintiffs. Elhanan Smith - and I. MerbersiM; Esqs.. for defendantS. Verdict for plaintiff, $7l against Montan ye, and $50.32 against II P Moore and 11 %V, Tracy. 0 E Ilarris vs George Griffith. Auditor's Report confirmed Fitch & Kinney vs Simon GibbS. • Au ditor's Report tiled and confirmed ni si. B Pomeroy vs Chas Stockwell. Audi tor's Report filed and confirmed ni "Exceptions filed on the part of, A D Spalding. In re the alleged 'lunacy of Michael Donovan. Return to order of sale of - real estate tiled and confirmed ni Singer Manufacturing.„co vs E C Par sons et al. Rule, to subrogate 1) A La ment to the rights of the plaintiff. Lafferty & Landon vs Lyman Matson. Appeal. McPherson & Kinney for plain tiffs; II N Williams and G F Mason, Esqs., for defendant. Verdict for plain; tiffs, $9.1.i. N C Squires vs S A Squires. Court di rect an alias rulquena to issue. J A Parsons rs S W Brague al. Court direct levy in this case to be amend ed. t , . Geolandon vs Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. of Tuscarora. Garnishees . : 2 cases. G W Smith vs Same. Rule why judgment shall not be entt. 4- red against the Garnishees on their answers. The following Sheriffs Deeds were ac knowledged : To Danielliensley, 70 acres in Litch field twp., sold Feb. 9, as the property of J S Goodsell, $5OO, To A C ElBliree, 60 acres in Athens t wp:, said 1'(0). 9, as the property of .1%.1 Griffith and 9, B Smith, $7OO. To L S Goff, :nuts in 'Rome twp., sold Feb. 9 as the property of Lewis Goff, $27. To John Kelly, 2d; 27 acres in Granville twp., sold Feb 9, iia the.proper ty of P. T. McKie', $:3O. To 7F Madill, house and lot in Standing; St. twp., 801(1 Feb. 1, as the' Property of C S and Emma Taylor, ,t)-100. To ii W Patrick, 130 acres in Litchfield twp.. sold Feb. 9, as the property L Ball^sl,3oo. To II and W Pomeroy, lots in West Burlington twp., sold Feb. 1 as the property of 1) Bourne, $:3,706. To Towanda • Building and Saving Fund Association, house and lot' iu, -Towanda Boer', sold, Feb. 9, as the property of Ann Meehan, $.555. Monday. Feb. 26 Court approve the appointment of Hi rant Taylor as Deputy Constable of To wanda Itoro'. ' In re the opening of, or extension of Not,tl Fourth sties t in the Bor o ugh of 'Cow,iinda. little why a writ of mandamus shall not issue. 111 G Palmer vs Finnic Palmer On motion of W E Chilson, Ekt.,:tt'Ourt make the usual order' and decree of divio(ei, and direct that - M G Palmer shall pay'to Fannie Palmer the sum of r.i Kr annum. Kate E Brewster vs 1) 1) Brewster. On "motion of James Wotxl, Esq., Court male the order and decree of divorce. Court adjourned on Monday to Friddy, 3largh 2 at 2 p. -'" • Col - N - ry TF:Ami ruts' Assoc wt . ios.i r The Bradford County Teachers' Association 'net at the Presbyterian 'Church_ in. Atli: ens, Feb. 8, 1877., ReY. McMaster con : ducted devotional exercises. - The Busi ness ' Committee reported the following resolutions fof i 'iliscussion Rexolred, That there shbuld be a law .passed in Pennsylvania! requiring every Director to visit the sehyols at least once a month. Resofrof, Tinit indolence and indiffer ence are offences in scholars and ought. to be subjects or discipline in school. f.'esolrol, That emulation is the moist effective means of inducing scholars to ytOrk. 'Re:tared, That Ttimant -Schools should be' established in every— county in the State. Rtpdred, That the introduction of free,'J text books into the common schools, of the State, would be a public" benefity incrcasmg the efficiency -of the school work. and lessening the expense of the individual, au that we, as an Associa tion, recommend to each district the adoption of this plan: Roqred. That children beginning the tables should be taught the Metric Syq m tern, instead ofette old system of weights and measures. Fifth resolution discussed by Supt. Keeney. J. P. Keeney, 11. K. Smith, John Mills, 11. E. Pitcher. Lost.: Sixth resolution discussed I) . y Rev, Mr. Nason, A. A. Keeney, IL E. Pitcher. Mr. Emery. A. A. liceeney offered the fol lowing aniendirient, : --- 1:ov/red, That children should taught the Metric[ System in connection with the old system of weight and .meas ure: Adjourned meet at 1 o'clock p. xt. =9 Minutes of last meeting read and ap proved. Amended and sixth resolution atlopted. Finit resolution disetr-sed by S. N. Blood; A. A. lieenoy, J.A. Wilt, .1. F. Elliott, Her. Mr. Nasom and others. Lost. 3. A. Wilt. olered the following slil st itute • ' Resf,trof, That.the attention of Direct ors be called 4o:;:e. 54 of the school law yeipiirimr the directorS to visit schools by onis of their members once a month. - Adopted. Third resolution discussed by .1. P. Kinney, S. N. Blood, I. Crawford, A. A. KCeney. lI.E. Pitcher, Burton Mcree, Hey: Mr. Nason, N. Wilt. ' Adopted. Misses Melia Crawford and Bernie', Kel logg were appointed a committee on mem bership. SecNnial resolution adopted with out discussion.• Fourth resolution .. dis cussed by S. N. Blood, A. A. Keeney, J. 1. McCollom, 0. 6. Smith,.Prof. Hutton, Dr. Allen. Adjourned to meet at 7i o'clock.' ENP.NINfI SESSION tion 'reported the following for the con sideration of the Associstiot : Sic. - 1. Every parent, : guardian, or other person in the State of Pennsylvania, having control or charge of a child, or children, between the ages of eight and fourteen, shall be - required to send such child or children to a public school for a - period of at lewst sixteen weeks, in each school year, at least eight weeks of which shall be consecutive, unleati such child or children aro excused from such attend ance by the school board, of the school district, in which such parent or guardian resides' upon its being shown to their satisfaction that the bodily or mental con dition of such child or children has been such as to prevent his, her, or theirat tendance at school, or application to study 'for the period, required, or that such child or children are taught in a private school, or at home, in such branches as are taught. in the public school of the district - , or have acquired the ordinary branches! of learning taught in the public school; provided, in case a public school shall not be taught for the period of sixteen weeks, or any part thereof, dining the school .yeer, within two miles by the nearest traveled !owl of the residence of any person within the school district, ho or she shall not be lia ble to the provisions of this'act. SEC. i. The Secretary of , the School ' Board, in addition to his duthis as Secre tary, shall within twenty days after his appointment as such by the board of di rectors, make a correct list of all the chil dren tmtween the ages of eight and four teen within their said school district, giv ing the age, sex and residence of. each, an_ whether in charge of parent, guardi an, or other person, and report the same with such other information as he may deem proper to the board of directors, on or before the first day of July of each year,t and 'shall forward a copy of the ' same to the,County Superintendent with the anneal certificate required by law; he shall also . furnish the teacher of each school in thellistrict. on the day of, or before the opening of each term of school. .with a list of the names of all such ail- Aren between the ages of eight and four teen as we subject to- the provisions of this act. The Secretary shall receive suclicompensation as the board of direct ors may fix, not to exceed ti,e sum of one dollar and fifty cents per day, during the time lie necessarily is employed in the re quirements of this act. SEC. 3. It shallibe the;-duty of each teacher in the school district, to report to the board of school directors, at the close ot each school montiOthe names of all children in attendance during the month, when if it shall appear at the expiration of four school month to the Board of School Directors, that any parent, guar-. or other person, having control of any child, or children, shall have failed to comply ith the provisions of this act, the Board shall cause demand to be made upon such parent, guardian,,or other per kw, shall neglect or refuse to pay the 81.1110 within five days ; after the making of-such demand, the:i Board shall com mence proceedings, in thel name of the school district, 'for the rehovery of the tine hereinafter provided, before any Jus tice of the Peace, in said school district, or if there be no Justice of the -Peace therein, then before the nearest Justice of the Peace in the county. Six. 4. Any p: rent, guardian, or other person, having control or charge of any child or children, failitn , to comply with the provisions of this act, shall• be liable to a line of not less than live dollars, nor more that. ; , twenty dollars for the first offense, nor less than ten dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars for the second and each subsequerit, offense, be sides The cost of collection. 5. In case any member or officer of any school board in this Common wealth- shall fail to comply with the re quirements of this act, he, or she shall be deemed guilty of. a misdemeanor; and shall be liable to a fine of not less than" five dollars, nor more than one. Interhud, one,half to be paid to the Treasurer of the school district for the benefit of the school district and the other half to ti , e prosecutor. Sec. 6. The County C'ommissinners shall publish, or cause to be published, for four consecutive weeks, in two week-; ly newspapers,• (if sn inanY are published) iii the,eounty, copies of this act, within two months after the passage of this" act, and to furnirili. the tiect - etary of each Board in the County, one dozen copies of this act, printed on suitable paper. In addition to the above, the Commit tee re..ottnitend the following : That the school board of each district be empower ed to hear and-dutermine . whether certain elalren are inroirigible, and that there be ample provisions made for the care :111(1 instruction of such children, in ease they cannot be managed in the pUblie school, or in case the patent or guardian cannot compel their attendance, and is unable to /pay the fine imposed by the plovision Of this act. Arthur Head then offered the following resolto ioti : lle.gelretl, That thereport of the Com mittee of Compulsory Education be adopted, and that the chairman of said committee be instructed to forward a copy of said report. with a copy of this resolution, to oar Representatives at, Har risburg; with a retniest that they use their influence and all honorable - means in their power to secure the passage of the bill by the Legislature. - Discussed by l'rofs. Quinlan and Mc- C,illitria and yr. , S. Ovenshire. Carried. We then likened to a paper by I. S. Crawford. SUbj.ect, Science of Mathe matics. Supt. Keeney Was called upon and illustrated the method of teaching arithmetic. Prof.,McCollom then read a paper., SulOct, ", Learn to.LaliUr and to Wait:" Miss P.vvrEnsos- then being called, upon, sang, "Is it anything to you ?'' 'Mr k .1 Keeney then ()tiered the following. . Rcmilrcd, That an order be drawn in favor of G.. W. Ryan to defray the ex penses of publishing circulars, etc. • Adopted. Prof. MeCollom offered the following amendment to the By-Laws to be acted upon at the next ineeting : " • 1:001red, That 'each male member pay annually the sum of twenty:five cents to establish a fund for defraying the neces Nary expenses of a hall and other things necessary to the successful exemplifica tion of practice of teaching. - Windham was decided upon as the next place of meeting. The following was then adopted : Ilexolred, That the thanks of aids Asst . ) , elation be6tendered to the people of Ath ens for the cordial reception given by th e m, to the trustees of the Presbyterian church fur its use, to Prof. Hutton for his lecture, to the Glee Club for their music, and to Miss Patterson for he; eellent songs. After singing. the Doxology, the bene dicriow was pronounced by m2v...Mr. Mc- Master, and the Association adjourned to 'meet at. Windham the second Friday in June, 1677. St:n littias, Seey. ROLL of Honor at Towanda Graded School, or names of impils with_ perfect rei'ord• in attendance, deportment and studies fur t - ffu . "'Aek ending Feb. 24 : SHIM( S, Non BERNS. BRID GET LYNCH, MINA HENLEr, 31.trriE 3IELvILLE, LizziE MARSH. MARY COVER DALE, CORA BIM:WELL, HENRY SIMI:, -FLED PRINCE. BUSINESS LOCAL. iirMuMe Buie% at Itr.NDELmAN's air New goods rerelved daily at tiaNDLENIANS M .. NOV prints at KENT S: BLISS.[SCII7 44-Engraving done, it II N'S Jewelry Store. Bair' G ol4I Necklaces Of the latest styles at lIEN -1,t".1.14 AN•s. New Dress Goods at KENT & 111.1.ssq.rsep7. . ' Air HEN DLEMAN offers a great redvetlon In Sll - Wive. • r?/ - llatis)tnest assortment of Jewelry In toa It at Hr.:DELA( A N'S ..7.11 - New G(NI,Is , in every' Department at 6 E.%r :II - Cali at li ENT 1:1,1:,s' for your ta -I).4lnwk, Naptins, Scr.rsq.7 L"R"' Buttrick's Patterns at KENT & 146,7 W Ur Fine French clocks• at lIENDEI.- 114 'VS. /11" Gal Opera Guard and Vest Clmins atIT r.s- Dr.LNAN's. - •, Cartitass, Card floard . and a full 1100 or gephyr§,!! 4 1 1 `r <"np1.1)(1)1-, ot p, MPf6I4IVI fir New Goods at E. J. IlLsoos'. W fiantraLmsa has good goods and his priests are req tow. That is the place to buy. - . ar Dollar-and:a-balf books for • 09 cis. Bercar Block. re Mrs. Misaos has Ladies _'• Hats trimmed, (mil and upwards. CH" E. J. Mmoos is receiving Spring style& In Hats ind 'Sonnets. ,t 'Ladies' Ties in great variety, at KENT ILA Ltss•.(sep7 'or 4adiei' Collars and Cuffs at KENT k Dustr.tsepT Sterling Silver and Silver Plated Cups at 07.NDX1.31/..N.5. Air Diamonds, Rings and Stud Pins at HEN. DICLILAWS. vir Call at' KENT & Buss' and see hek new Dollar Coraet.(aep7 egr A Good Cutter for sale cheap, by Z. T. Fox. Janis. Vir The best Crackers baked every day at COWLES' Bakery. • :37" Crackers of all varieties baked every day at Cowtrs' Bakery. • Aar 'Beautiful Christmas and New Years pres entsht lIENDELMAN'S. el' A big stock of very' tine Stone Rings at very low prices at iiENDELMAN'S' Sterling Silver and Silver Plated ware at low prices at HENDLLMAN'S. Mr" New Cloths and Ca.ssimeres at KENT& BLitzs'.[AepT or Ono more case ot• those cheap qullta • at KENT & S tass•.(ep7 • Or You can buy a plated Castor for 99 cents, In . 3lercur Block. • r Call at KENT . & 13LI88e, land loon at their Black Grenadine,. VN" A large stock of - games and toys, at cast, at W4IITCOI4 D v stiet:r•s. t All the latest publications, very cheap, at Wiltrcomit k SHAVT.S. sir Everything in the line of Jewelry, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, at FlEttn.r.tmAx's.. if2"' Don't fall to.eall at DE.:.:Ds:LNAN'S and See his goods and learn the prices. ' . • ire All goal: at M. Iik.NDELHAN'S war ranted, as represented. or Everything hi the line of station ery at Wit ITCOSIII lei' Call and see the latest Ladies' Ties, Collars and Cuffs, at lit 5. Miscos% nr MEN DF.I.MAN's store is filled with flr!d-class article!, for thP Holiday trade. k,.'"N" You can buy nice, fresh-baked Crackers at Cowi e T.slllakery. very,cheap. M"lVniTcoun & S.IIAuT sell the best lank Books manufactured In the country. Pte' Ladies are especially invit(id to at: tend the sale of Crockery at Athens next week. CF - You can-get all the latest styles of Stationery, very cheap, at WIIITCOIIII k SIIALTS Vir The largest and best assortment of spring clothing In ttoat, at M. E. ROSENFtg,LD'S. tv-- You will b© surprised to learn how mueb you can buy' for n9,cents in 3tercur Block: Silver, and Steel Spectacles, and . l.:ye Glasses, in great variety, at IiENbELMAN 'S Jewel ry Store. Flnn i Amerlcan andSn .t.s Gold trhna, Key and Stem Wlndent - ,,for ladles and gents, at 111 N DEL3I AN'S. Fon SALE.—A lot of nico Pigs, four weiqcs old. A. D.SMITII, Ulster. .." - ":"._.t r" A large assortment of spfing and summer t:345. Just received, at M. E. ItosuN- EEG= ti. 77 7 . 1 7011 SALE.—A good Gold Wntch. I'cr feet time keepjr. take horough orders In payment. Enquire' at this (+thee. LT - If you want a suit of clothes che-ap er ;hart von can boy the t•anne In New York. ju:,t call at ItosEtivilaWs. • ::-2,`" The Grand Ceßtild New 'roil:, offers Its C 59 ror,ms 011 the , new specie Ira, :s, at t 2.7,0 and ta.oo per thy. rE - llr2k:DEL3tAti basilic finest stock of Watches, Jewelry an!l Sllierware, ever brought Intetitis town, Call au.! see It. , . Z Don't tail to ca!l at IlL.Nra.k.:3rAx's, If you wish, to Luc anything in the line of Jewelry; Silver anti Silver-piated Ware. The store in Patton's Block - now ereppied by C. F. CROSS as - a book store and news mein, is Ter rent. I'os , s,lon given April I, 1877. Or I will buy Combings, or cut Hair and rairehase It, from tho,e wlstilng,to sell. Call un Mlis ELLA .I.:PoWELL, No 12 LOmttard street. "M" Take N6tiee, there 'is a great re auction to _Waltham and EigluXatles. Call at 11 EN DEL'M A N'Sand you will be 'axe ty buy one at rtur' C prieet, lie is offering. . • rff' FOR SALE Valuable Building Lots In Towanda Bcdo*, 'on easy terms. Apply to dons W. MIX. Office Mercur Block, north side Public Square, Tun-anda. "A. Kum:, the :Merchant Tailor, has livrred his Tailoring establishment to DAVIS & Co's S ' lOre;./C:othlng inatle.to ortler; '- also cutting, fitting and trimming.done with neatness - and dis patch. Give him a call. -M" Why will you ca£ stale Crackers when you can buy them nice, fresh baked; just as cheap? Ask your grocer for cowtzs.! Crackers or go to Mr. C's. Bakery In the First Ward, where you Can get-Crackers the same day they are taken from the oven. ; jann. Elrigant hair is woman'sr croWning beauty. When It fades, she fades as well. While it is kept bright, her personal attractions are main tained. By preserving the hair fresh.arld vigorous a youthful appoarance is continued through many years. Those who grieve over their fading, hadr turning gray too early should knoW. that :Ayers Hair Vikor prevents It. and restores'gray or fade'd hair to its natural color; It is clear and healthful preparation, containing neither oil, dye,' nor any thing deleterious, and imparts to the scalp what is most needed—a sense or pleasant and delight i fut freedom from scurf or tlandrulL—Seto Berne (N. (.;.) Timte. „ CE' To CONSUMPTIVES.—TIIC adverti ser, a'retired physician, having provhb , ntlally dis covered, while a Medical Missionary In Southern Asia, a very simple vegetable remedy for •the speedy and permanent cure or consumption. A541.1-t ma, Bronchitis, Catarrh. and' an throat, and lung alieetions—atso a positive and radical specific-for Nervous achlllty, Premature Decay, and an Ner vous Complaints, feels It his duty to make It known to his -suffering fellows, actuated by this motive, be will cheerfully !Tint (free of charge) to all who desire It, the recipe for preparing, and full directions for sucee ,, sfully using, this providentLal ly Ilscoveml remedy, Those who Wish to avail themselves of the benefits of this discovery without cost, ran do so by return mall, by addressing With a stamp, naming paper, Du. CHARLES P. MARSHALL, 33 Niagara Street, . Buffalo, Y r,inb Stop Hint cough or it will termi nate In that dreadful di.ease, consuMption. We are aware that a proltidicglxists among many per - - sous against medicimq which profess to cure a cough or cold when bordering on consnmptlo . n, or even when the lungs are affectul ; but weyan as sure our reade7s that \Vlstar'a Balsam of Wild Cherry will do all this; and In making this asser tion we speak from experience, having suffeVed much fro.n a cough, which, after using many rem edies without any relief, threatened to terminate seriously, We were., however, so fortunate as to secure several bottles of Wl , tars Bafcam of Wild Cherry. and,are now entirely rid of the cough, and restored ko'our jointer health. To tho,4ezuffi.ring In a like manner we recommend till.. excellent preparation.—John Westafer. Chi•onicle Eifgatwthtown, Pa.. March 20, 18:4. 50 cents and el a bottle; large bottle 4 much the cheaper. Sold by dealers generally. - 4 DIED. OTIf .;—ln Chicago, February of quick ec n l‘uniption, Eivira I. Warner, wife of-Samuel 31 Mr. 1100T11 hi the eldest son of Hon. Henry Bourn, 3 formes etl known and highly esteemed citizen of thN {Mace. The anncte4 husband was only 4 small lad when his parents removed (rum Tuwau.l 3 , arn many peoplo.bere 41 - ,0 tin 4.,lnlitl#l 1.4•1111 tto At‘qvf; potlo 019! !fltrit,', • • Now Advprthezets. . , FOR RENT OR SALE.—The un dersigned wisheS to rent his Carriage Shop (two stories high. and 201py 22 feet) in Monroe 0172: or will sell the premises. Including Blacksmith shop, at figures that will defy competition. All in good repair. March I, M74r. P. DIINIME. VijTlCE.—The Annual, Meeting .1.1 of the Stotkholders of the Towanda Gas and Water Company. for the election of a Board of Managers to serve for the ensuing year, will be held at the oMce of the. Company, In Towanda, on Mon. day, the 6th day of March next, between the boon of I and a o'clock r. Towanda. Feb. 1.5. '1- C. S. RUSSELL, Sec•y CHAS. M. HALL, ,NOTARY PUBLIC. Fire and Life Insurance in first-class companies. °Mee with Patrick & Foyle, Towanda, Pa.-tfeb22.) RE!►fOVAL ! REMOVAL ! THE BOSTON BOOT' SHOE STORE, • No. 2, Bridge Street, Will remove on or about April NO. 3, PATTON'S BLOCK, MAIN STREET, (Two doors north or Stevens & Long) We therefore offer our entire stock of BOOTS & SHOES AT COST 2, . . This 1s the lIMST CITANCEerer offered to those, wishing topurchase anything in our line. Remember the i!lsee NO. 2, BRIDGE-ST., (SIGN OF BED BOOT) , :,111 goods tcarrgnted from Ripping! Respectfully Years, J. k 31; SIIEFTEL Towanda, Pa., Marchl, 1877 .., e e e 0 T O THE WORKING. CLASS.— We are prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment at, home; the whole of the time, or for their spare momets. Business new. light and profitable. Perssons of either sex easily earn tom 50 cents to e 5 per evening. and a propor tional sum by devoting their whole time to the.bus- Incas. Buys and girls earn nearly as much as mon. That all who see this with-6'may send their ad dress; and test the business, tve.s nlakl this unpar alleled offervTo such as are not , Welt satisfied we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of writ ing. Full particulars, samples worth several dol lars to commence on, and a copy of Home and Fire side, one of the largest and: best Illustrated Publi cations. all sellt free by mall. Reader, If you want permanent, profitable work, address GEOIiC EST'S SON Sr. ce.)., Portland, Maine.. jan25.77, SONIETIILNG NEW! . . ;.'• F. H. LEWIS, V. S., _ Has opefied a Hospital for Sirk and Diseased Horses at Towanda, Pa. Horses received for treatment for the following diseases: Poll evil - fistula. all pipe and cancerous sores, warts and tumors of all descriptions, diseased eyes, wind puffs, spavinsOf all kinds. ring bones ; lameness 'cured (bunch not rem - rived); scratches or Breese heel; •shoulder strains or fou n der: contracted feet, and all diseases exe..pt contagions; cutting at-bishotengold horses leeth—an operation that deserves theiattenthin and approbation of all horsemen—an oneration;Which improves the age and condition, adding years to their lives; (locking. pricking and straightening of tails; castration,of all horses and colts (none ex cepted): For a stable of "this kind he has all the conveniences. There will he on exhibition at his office the only complete anatomy of the hope In America (containing, all of the 217 bones), and many rare specimens of surgery istrfortind by him. )taxing secured the services of .1. S.-I,llwis, V. S.. and by gentlemanly deport:nein and strict atten tion to business. I hope to merit the esteem and approbation of the public, and solicit a Ilberal'share of their patronage. ( _ Special attention given to diseasei of 'Torn Cattle. Dr. Lewis Will visit patients at app distance for reasonable pay. Examinations and consultations free. Mike at KINGSBURIPS LIVEUYSTAIILE. F. H. LEWIS."V„ Towanda, Dec:2l, ti7S. Bent ts Bliss. .. • _ ___..____ _____ _ rE LATEST NEWS! ~ ~• • re KENT & BLISS • Have Just opened anotheilarge sock of • • DRY GOODS , AND _NOTIONS! Consisting of FANCY GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS! READY-MADE SANUES, FULL LINE OF. FURS, SF:AWLS, SKIRTS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, CORSETS, ZEPHYRS, CARD-130 - ARD MOTTOES; CANVASS, Aces,, ike INFRY DEPARTMENT IS FULL Call and be Corrrineed that we Sell as .Cheap a l j the .Cheapest KENT' di 13L155. TF.,!Ft!ttli. nr:!?0,1°; '''' • T.I C Fl.—T he Board of Bivisian hzre flied upon the : fonesriur dates sod 'laces between the hours of SAL Ji, ana iT. for. oldlng Appeals for 1877: - • _ Burlington Twp and lloro-.At tito„boulie'_of W . Ii D Green. Friday. Mirth 2. - Smithfield—At the 111811081011 Maisc—Monday, March 5. . • - SpringSeld—At the Usage of . Joseph Causer, Tuesday. March S. , itldgbury—At thetbuse of Charles Handy, Wed. nosday, March 7.. . . , • South Creek—At the boast of George . Tb ursday, Marche; Wells—At the Mosier - y/111e Hotel. Friday. Mar 9. Sheshcquln At* the ' Valley House, Monday March 12. • - Lltebtleld—At the horse o f S B 'Canner,- Tuna. day, March 13. _ i • • Windham—At the bones of - George Molten, Wednesday, March 14. - Warren—At the house of. James Coopers, Thum day, March 15. " • Orwell—At the Town Hall. Friday, March Is. ' Rome Twp and Boro—At the house of t: A w Tay lor.:Saturday. Di arch 'l7. • Ilerrick—At the Rice Hone—Monday, March 19. Pike and Leßaysrtlle—At the Case Moto:4l3es. day, March 20. Tuscarora = At the house of Alfred Ackley, Wed nesday, Marett,2l. - Wyaluslnp,At the house of ) Black, Thursday, March 22. - standing Stone—At the house or 11 V 7 Carrier, Friday, March 23. Wysex—At the Myershurgh }lota,- Saturday, )larch 24. ToTcanda Boio—At the Grand Jury Boom, Mun i:lay, Starch t'.6. ..Towanda Tap—At the Grand Jury Room, Tues. ll*. March 27. Towanda North—At th t e Grand f luryßoom, Wed nesday. March 28. ti , ' _ Ulster —At tho Van Dyke Hotel, Thursday,. March Athens,Boro: l —At the Excbauge Hotel, -Friday, March 30. Athens Twp—At the Exchange Hotel; Saturday, March 31. Barclay—At the School HOuse of Foot of Plane„ Monday, April 2:• • • - Assessors will be punctualln delivering. notices to taxables. and In making returns in person at the time Fliecified In their warrants, at which time and place the BOard of Revision will attend and hear 111104;1 who consider themselves aggrieved by the Assessment; and make such alterations as to them shall appearjust and reasonable. I= By order of the Board. -Attest: WIf.LIA3I LEWIS. Clerk. • Commlsglenors• °Mee. Jan. 'A 1877. ORP.IIANS? COURT SALE.-By. virtue of an order Issued out of the Orphan'i Court of Bradfonl County. the. undersigned Ad— natuistrators of [bees:ate-of if. B. Wilhelm, tate of ' Burlington twp., deceased. will expose to .public sale in Burlington., on SATURDAY, March 17,1877, commencing at 19 o'clock A:AL, the following real estate, bounded as follows: ' No. I. Ono certain piece ocparcel of land. situ ated in Burlington, Bradford County, Pa., bound ed on the north by lands of Seth Gustin, east by lands of Daniel Lane, south by lands of Isaac Mar-. ' cellos.and P. P. Burns, west by the pub road and lands of 'Lawrence Kendall, containinabout 97 acres tnore less, about 70 acres Improved with • framed house, new framed barn, grainer, and 3 Or chards of fruit trees thereon. ALSO—No. 2. One other lot of land situated in • Burlington twp„ dainty and State afor-Sald and bounded as follows, to wit: On the north , t hy Deca tur Ayers, easoty lands of Jelin Bolllaler and Da vid Luther, south by lands oft David LAther and nest by L. M. Rundelt, containing about 30 acres. • more or less, nearly all Improved. with framed house, framed barn,, with sheds attached, and an orchard-of fruit trees thereon. TEASIS.-1100 to be paid on each parcel, on akati being struck down, one-third otbalance on confir mation of sale, one-half the residue with interest In 6 months thereafter, and the balante mac intettat in one year thereafter. ' '• • 4 ELIZABETH KELLY, JAMES IL WEBB, Administrators. ~~~j~ r ~jr lil March 1 fIRPHANS' COURT SALE.-By k . f virtue of an order. issued out of the Orphans' Court of Bratifotd counts.lhe underslgned, Etec utors of the estate olEbenezer McGee, late of Sus gitelianna County, deed, will expose to public sale ott , the , premises. In Pike Mtn, on TUESDAY, MA ItCll-20th, at I o'clock, the fultowing de scribed real estate: . . • Bounded on the north 'by lands of Lawrence Burch; east by the Susquehanna county line, 'south by lands of C. Bennett, and west by lands of :A. Woolen and S. Wood; containing IS acres, more or !c!:.., with the anpurtenadees. • TERMS—flee on day Or salc; balance on final 4 confirmation. MEMO ASSIGNEES' SALE.—In the Dis trict Court of the United States, for the Western District of Pennsylvania. in the matter ° of S. - W. Paine, Bat/kr:pt. .N 0.1815. In Bank, ruptcy. 1 , .. Be virtue of an order ',sued out of the Uniltd . States Court. the umlertllgned will sell at public sale, nn sATutei)xy, 3LARCR f.ttli, 1877, at one o'clock, r. M.. at the /nee of Delos Rockwell In 'Troy Moro', Bradford Cotpdy, Pa, the uncollected notes anti a , :eounts remaining in their, hands,-be longing to the- estate of S. W. Paine, Bank rapt. amounting to seVeral thousand dollars. Terms of sale, cash. DELOS ROCKWELL, GEORGE, B. DAVIDSON% ' Assignees of S. W. Paine. FLIIIS-7vl AuDtTows - scncr.. Parker T., .1.-Walunao & Co. No. 400. Feb. l'ernt, 1177. • • The undersigned: an' • Auditor appointed by th••J'enet to distribute the fund raised from the Sneriff'ssale of the defendant's personal property,. %vitt attend to the duties of his appolntMent at his •oftlee in.the Boroligh of Tow.anda, OAF, '! the V2th day of MARC-11,, 1577. at 9 o'clock, is hen , and s here ' , all I)...rsons having claims upon ' , said fund must present them orbe forererdeharred, therefrom. ,JNO. F. SANDERSON. Fell Auditor. NTOTI . CE.—Notice is hereby given that the undersigned.will apply to the leg islature as its preifult soe:lon, for the•patsage of an act suldllgating - the County of Bradford to the 't ;gilts of ,ald. Wm Bunyan against the estate of G: l'..3lasim. and satisfy a certain judgment, lff the ' Court-of CominNt Pleas of Bradford County. No. .7 , ). May Term . 1b7.4., against him.. WM. BUNYAN. FSEC UTORS" NOTICE —Where= as: letters test j aruentary to the estate of 'Car tes Tyrrell, late of Pike; deceased, have been granted tr, the subscribers, all persons Indebted to said estate are requested,to make Immediate pay ment. and all pi.•rsons having claims to present them duly attested for settlement. • . • Pike, Jan.1.G.77-6wo FXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice Is beieby given that all persons indebted to the estate of Polly Warier, late of Pike, deceased, must make immediate payment to the undersigned, all persons having claims against salt estate must •pieseut them, duly authenticated, for settlement. C. W. lIEYNOLO,S, LeTtaisville, Feb. 8. 4 Executor. NOTlCE.—Notice • Is hereby given that all persons indebted to the estate of Nathaniel tteunett, late of North Towanda, deed. Inuit 'make immediate payment tothe undersigned. and all persons having against. said estate must present them, duly in. thentteated, fur settlement. 'Felt...ir2, . E. T. FOX. Executor. FX ECUTORS', NOTICE.--Notice is hereby given that-all persons indebted to' tue estate of Henry Schouten, late of Burlington Berii, deed, are required - to make immediate pay ment to the undersigned, - and all persons having claims against the said estate. must present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. JOHN W. SCHOUTEN, JAS. H. WEBB, East Smithfield. Pa., Mar. 1, 77, °'' , XEC UTOR'§NOTlCt.—Notiee is hereby given that all peisons indebted to the estate of C. 11. Patch, tate - of Towanda Bow', deC'eaSed, must make immediate payment to the un dersigned. and all' persons having claims upon said estate must present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. 11. H. PASCH, March 1, 17. Eii4utor. . A IMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE , —Notice Is hereby given that all persons in debted to the estate of Slutley D. Pitcher; late .of 'Orwell. deceased. Must niake Immediate payment to the undersigned, and all persons having elalmv against said estate must present them, duly authen tieated. for settlement. . SABIN ALLEN. North Orwell, Jan. 25,44.• _Administrator. A DIIINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. —.Notice Is hereby glien that all persons in debted to lite estate of. H. I. Miller, decd, late or Litchfield, Bradford 'County, Penna., must make Immediate payment to the: undersigned, and all persons having glints against said estate must present them, duly uthetiltiOated, for settlement. st, OEO. D. MILLER, Administrator. MEM A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that all persons In debted to the estate of AnnaM.Oxerton,late Of To. 'wanda,must make immediate payment to the under signed, and all persons haying claims against said estate, must present then],lduly authenticated, fur settlement. ROBERT 11. LANNING„ • March 1. . 'with will annexed. ' I.)AIINI,STRA' I , OR'S .NOTICE —N ot leels hereby given that all, persona in. demed to the estate of llotace McKinney, late of Athens, deed. must make! Immediate payment to unilert•lgited, and all persons having claims against said estate must present them, duly anther.- tieated, for settlement Mar 1. 17 A_DIINISTRATOR'S ,NOTICE. r Notiee Is hereby given that 1 . nt. In d c ttted to the estate of Julia 31. _rat, , to of Tr 'Wanda bore... deed, Mast make imme, fate paymept. to the undersigned, and all persons living claims against said estate must present them duly antllen ticated for settlement. . T. I'. PATCH, ..Vira'r, with win 'Annexed. Miych 1, 1,877 ADMIS'isTRA'fORS' NOTICE. Notiee is het et,v given thatall persons In debted to the estate of I teary Hubbard, deed, late of Albany, mint asa a Didnetilatp payment , to the undendgned, and all persons luring claims against -aid estate must present them, duly antlitmtleate.l for settlement. .ANDREW:FEF, - O. W. CORBIN, Atim'rs, with wlll.ancexcd. March 1, 1577 W-J .CAN'T- BE MADE BY ') every agent every month in the bust n. ss.we- but tboso willing to work can eas ily earn a dozen dollars a day right in, their own localities. -Have no more room to explain here. Business pleasant And honorable. Women. boys and girl.. c:0 as well as men. We will tninish volt l a complete Outfit tree. The business pays better than . anything else. We will bear expense of marling you. Partienlars free. Write and we. Farmers and mechanics, their eons and daughters, and all classes in-need' of paying work at home, should write to us and learn all about the. work at 01:Ce. Now •is the time.- Don't delay. AddreSA TltrE & ell, Augusta, Maine. ' 330.5,17. 1- A OIVENT.S TO CORRESPOND WITH THE HARTI TIMES.—A number of de•Araldedwelllwr houses for rout, located on Main ..Meet, near tile I:ustnesa centre of the lloraegh. sevvral . dwelllngs 'unable for tpeehautcs and laborers. Prices reduced tu.eorrespondwithtte ANdy to J. ANDREW WlT.ir t Cr..s. Book Store. g'aitton's Block. • Wee% tfl Areas; 110 datiff. CY,/ !,!!, .73 i 4 V: ft v Ftlr, 4ippit* W. H. SIT ERWOOH, I. S. HILLIS, Adminlxtraters. I': F. TYRRELL, L. M. TYRRELL. Executors Executors JOS. IIcEINIciEY. Jr, Administrator