Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 22, 1877, Image 3

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    Xltatlfail feFortcr.
owanda, Pa., ThursdAqaelr:Si7 28,1677.
Deafer In
Tawanda, Jan. 18, 1877
Pnor. Lr.o's Dancing Class give a so
cial Hop at the Central llo.el in Athens,
this evening.
.Tonx CoNnt.iN, an old and highly-es
teemed citizen of Wysox township, died
oR-Friday morning last. - -
runt.tsu this week in our Dinta
tional Pepartment, two very fine.essaYs,
written by young Indy tencheis of our
county. J-
PROF. Lro, of Ithaca. will be at 3fercur
Hall, on Feb. 25, from 2 to 4 P. m., where
he w ill take names of parties wishing to
join his class in dancing.
f •
A connEsrosnrwr wants to know of
us where be can . get a "blue. gLiss."
11. any of our bar-rooms, of course. If
one doesn't make you "blue" enough, try
another. •
WE ARE indebted to N.H. Woon, Esq.,
formerly of this county, for a copy. of the
Lamars..,Sentine. containing an interest
ing descriptive history of Plymouth coun
ty, lowa.
OCR townsman, GEO. D. STnornm, does
not telieve in confining himself to the
law; and has established a Mission at
Gregg school notise, where he is holding'
religious services every night this week.
OYSTER supper will be givei:L at
the house of Hey. L. M. Ilt - finEf.n, Lu
ther's Mills, on Tuesday evening, Feb.
27. The Proceeds for the benefit of the
new church.. A cordial invitation is ex
tended to all. -
A•coNvEnTEn lectured in the M.
E. (lurch on Meirlday eveEingla - ,i,:t. The
same liersou - agiiladdressed the Sunday
school scholars at the Presbyterian
church on Sunday afternoon.
TIIF Presbyterian Mite Society will
meet next week "Wednesday evening-,
Feb. 2.' 4 , at the house of In!, B. Hum-
TIMM:, Esq., in. the First Wald. The
invitations are not confined to the mem
bers of the Presbyterian congregation,
but all will be Warmly welcomed. -
31tts.zEmtLY MoILvAINF., widow of Bish
op Met LvAt:str.„ and mother of Ref. CHAS.
E. 311:1LvAtNE, Ltte Rector of :Christ
Church, this id.ace.. died at the. residence
of her son-in-law,ln New Work, on the
19th inst. 3lns. Mcli.t - resided With'
her son iti this place for a year or more,
and wuib the warm affeceious of all who
made her acquaintance.
FIRE MONROCTON.—About 9 o'clock,
on Friday evening last, the large fr..ine'
buildinz nearly opposite the residence a.
IIoLLETT, Esq., was discovered tip'
bit - on tire, awl was *Jon a mass of ruins.
The building was formerly - occupied as a
wagon ,hop, but had been vacant for sey
oral fVI ars. It was owned by the heirs of
;.T. L. I:O[I:WELL, deceased. The fire was
the work of an incendiary.
IVILTIANr, HonAcv„ DrANA and .31.4nA
ITEMA N 4 were arrested- by Deputy
S. Marshal DELoNu, on
_charges of false
prose e uti,w, perjury, forgery and crinspi
racy, and wore taken before .Joni W.
Mtx, U. S. Cqinmissioner, fur examina
tion. The hearing in this case has been
p.. , ,tponed to gain time to get evidence
from Wa4bington.
Thu. Pi - esbyterian Mite Society met 'at the
1 ,:idonce of lion. E. U. floonnicir,
Wednesday evening last. The gathering
was a large and interesting. one. - and the
collection niosf noble and generpus,
amounting to . The Society mei ts .
again this Wedne.sday evening at 31r.
JAMES MacrAnt.ANc's.
TithmAs E. MYiftt, who begau the study
of law iu the office or SMITH MONTAN
YE, and recently finished his course in
that of Judge Mounow, passed a credita
ble examination before the boar,' of ex,
anliner and- was admitted - 20 the Bay last
'week. Mr. Mica is a young man of
ability. and has many frieuds wherever
he is known : be has our congratulations.:
and we wish him the success which- he
lioti.ker, A. CLEvnt..uvp, of Boston;
has kindly e,onsented 'lecture for the
bent lit et this Association, at Dimmick
Ors; tll, ou Thursday evening,
rch 1.
The picastire and pra!it derived from
the Library- darinz, this its first year, the
need of enlargement, and the well known
ability of the lecturer, .wiil insure a full
attentimeq, Ticket 4 tls cents; for sate
at the stores on Orwell llill. .
. THE Towanda Telegraph Institute,
with C'. W. NEVINs as President, offers a
rare chance to all wishing to learn teleg
raphy,,- They hare secured as chief in
fitrue:or. Mr..l. KANE, a first-clasts opCi
afor, by way, who has worked in the
Western Union Co.'s general office in
New York, and has had .experience as a
teacher in - a large telegraph college in
that city. , Tie course lig thorough - and
practlLl. and terms lower than at any
pfber school. Good operators are always
in' demand, and sucli they claim to turn
PERSONAL.—Senator DAVIES and Rep
resentative FosTER eAme home to vote on
C. 13.- SATTERLER was home
ou a short le.are.of ahs,:nee last week.
— 7 Mr. and Mrs. CLARK Wr arO at
pm.:ent in Kankakee,
—Prof. McGnAN A ITA N, fOrmerly of
-Pa.; and a . gentleman well
i'XII in musical dielz!s of To‘itnda., has
beo mte a partner of Mr. WHITTLE, of
Cdr.:1 4 , 1 1, in place of, the late Prof. P. P.
TM'. first National Bank of this place
has bCen st) judiciously manage' that, al
"thoaghit has been very liberal in furnish-'
ingaid to business men. it has lost no
tion., Iry the many failures which bare
Occurred here during the pist year, The
stockholders of:the Balk - are largely in
debted to the prudence and glod judg
ment of Cashifcr BETTS, fur such a flatter
ing and creditable result. With such an
enviable reputation as a financier at home,
it is rt.) wonder that-Mr. BETTS is already
menti,sned by - prominent men in different
parts of tile State as a future candidate
for State Treasurer.
111 IT) )St welCome
and hi ,, hiy prized of all the monthlies
ii4"ll leach om cable, is the Erlectie, ed.
i:ed II W BID WELL, and published by
1:. - 1"!-:i.roN. 25 aind street; Nest York.
Elch nUmber c(intains an elegant steel
ttigrarim,7, generally the likeness of a
prothinent statesman, while the literary
eontril , utions embrace the cream of all
the foreign periodicals; It sustains the
same relation - to the current literature of
the (:ay that an Unabridged Dictionary
does to a well selected library. No one
wha desires the best can get along without
:the Ee!eetb!. ---,The price of the magazine
is per annum, bat we will send the
. ItEruurnit and Eclectic one year for f. 5.50.
CAPT. MANvrt.r.r.'s frequent visits of
late-to the State of New York, are ex
plaised by a notice in another column.
In the selection of a wife-the Captain has
displayed hia proverbial good taste and
exeellynt jodginent. The bride is not un
known to this community, having resided
here for several years, and numbers
among her intimate and warm friends a
large circle of acquaintances. She - is a
young lady of exceptional good sense, tine
intellectual attainments, and is withal an
_ accomplished muSielan. She will be glad
ly welcomed back to Towanda, by her
own and the Captain's many friends. We
extend to the happy pair our Warmest
Tam revival services at. the Methodist
Church still continue, with no - lack Orin.
Yom' a men_ can be in better business
than formingh. "home guard" about the
church doors ; after service, to see the
ladies pass out: Young man Igo home—
with your girl, If you have one.
LEerratz.-L-The Rev. H. A. CLEAVE-
Iam:h . formerly of Washington. but now
of Boston, ' lecture in the M.
Church, on Wednesday evening. Feb. 28.
CLEirer. asp is in the Elmira lecture
course, and come to Towanda to give
the same lect are here as there. The lec
turer is well known in this county. He
is a very able and eloquent speaker, and
will no • doubt. be greeted with a full
house. The subject of his lecture is
" Tongue.", •
ROLL of ;U or at Towanda Graded
School, or names of pupils with perfect
record in attend.ance, deportment, and
studies, for the wt ek ending Feb. 2 :
_ROSE QufoLsr, CORA TitrrittooE, AN
NA SHIPMAN. Fot • Feb. 8 : DEsste Fo
, Tire MOM brilliant so mai event of the
season, and one which we unfortunately
forgot to notice . in our b st week's issue,
was the party given by C 01. B. A; Pito:-
ER at his princely residen co at Sayre, on
Friday evening, Feb. 0. About three
hundred invitations were issued, and
nearly that number of gues is were pres
ent. Most of our neighborin g towns were
represented, while many Were present
from Bethleherri, Easton, Xi. w York and .
Philadelphia. A special train received
the Towanda party from the fc.ot of Park
street at precisely 7:30 r. N. The Colonel
himself was in his most genial mood—and
all who are so fortunate as to count them
selves among his friends, know what we
mean by that—the guests seemed to par
take of the happy spirit of their host. and
" all went merry as a marriage bell."
A TRUE LENT—Those of or readers
who observe the season of Lent, will find
profitable suggestions in the following
lines written two hundred years ago
Is this a fist to keep
The larder teals
And clean.
From fat of beeves and sheep P
Is It to quit the iifsh
Of flo,h. yet still
To lid
The platter high with fish!
Is It to fast an Your,
Or ragged go,
tlr show
A downcast look or mar !
No: 't Is a fast In dole
The %heat of wheat,
And meat
ra:o the huhgrs bout,
It IS to fast from strife,
Fran old debate
And hate;
To rtrcumelse thy life
To show a heart grief-mat;
To starve thy sla—
Not . hin:
And that's to keep thy Lett f
Tin good people of Wyalusing town
' ship are thoroughly .aroused on the tem
perance question. remonstrance a
gainst granting, a license to a hotel "in
Camptown, signed by several hundreds of
the best men in the township, was pre
sented to the Court, and inee!tingii are be
ing held a:most weekly. On Friday night
la't, Capt. C. M. MA4svit.t.E, of this place,
delivered a very eloquent, argumentative
=address on temperance before a large
and intelligent audience in the Ilaptist
Church at Camptown. The Captain, in
his usual forcible and entertaining man
.rier, presented the cause in a new phase.
lie proved that the liquor business
even from a pecuniary standpoirit was not
paying. His remarks were listened to
throughout with strict attention; clearly
indicating that, the audience Were in
hearty *sympathy with the speaker.
_Capt. MAsvit.i.E was followed by C. D.
CA3ll', of the Tunkhannock Republic2e.
and anilther editor who happened to be
Present, in a few remarks. The proceed
ings were enlivened by the singing of sev
eral appropriate pieces by the Misses
KRAMEIZ and others. With such ener
getic, earnest workers, as Maj. AVERY
NVTr.r.r.,urn no tcsitims ars•-•o
the rum traffic will gain but little
headway in that vicinity.
lltonoron Although the
election•ln this hoiough on Tuesday was
somewhat enimated, everything. passed
off quietly. The Republicans cleated their
Councilman in each Ward. The follow:
ing is the vote in detail :
t ol:NCIL.
E. S. Stevens...
Thos. IL Jordan
John Griffin
8. G. Titus
Thos. lienned
11. A. Cowie',
W. F. Vincent
J. 31. Collins..
Dr. D. S. Pratt '
Geo. Ridgway...
Redmond Caton.
IV. IL Kershner
R. R. Rockwell
A. C'. Stewart
R. D. Burckeil
J. A. Wait..
M..T. 1 4 ong.
W. H. ;lopes
L. T.Royso...
Johnson NVells
C. F. Tay inr.
G. W. Moffitt
Abram Sticll.
1. 3. 'c;riflitlis
Ilo'bert Sherman,
M. Cangley......
W. B. Vincent
J. 31. Collins..
Dr. D. S. Pratt, ,
F. E. Jayne ,
J. A. Codding.,.
S. P. White:nnb
Harry Gray..
H. W. Magill
J. A.
.31.. J. Long..
NV. 11. Junes
L El tree vs 0 II Holcomb and SV.N .
!Havens. Court appoint I McPherson,
Esq., an auditor to distribute fund raised
from the sale of the defendant's personal
G C Atwpod vs S Q Shoemaker.- Court
order the fund raised by the Sheri,'s sale
to be paid into Court.
Jas Foster vs() II Havens. Court strike
off the levy in this case. Calmer vs (.; NV Doane. Mary
Warts' use vs same. Rule to enjoin
plaintiff from proceeding further in each
case. - -
In re the petition of the . Morris Run
3Coal Co. for the appointment of a:trustee'
in place of Jas P Haskins, tie - ceased.
Coot appoint James Macfarlane, - Esq.,
trustee. ? •
Com a Edward Britton. Selling ii
quors without license. Sentence sus
Qom vs EUWard Britton, Jack Chilton;
and Ambrose 'Vincent— Larceny. Dist
Att'y Calif! and Gridley it . Payne for
Corn. Win Foyle and Wm 3lax , vell, Esq,
for defendants. Jury Vincent, but
Lind both 'Britten and Chilson guilty.
Court sentence each of them to pay a tine
of #lo,:ixlit: of prosecution, and undergo
au imprisonment of six months in the .
county hail.
Corn vs Daniel Lyle—Burning.a barn.
Court sentence defendant to pay a ripe of
$lOO, costs of prosecution;and undergo an
imprisonment of- one year and threei
months in the Eastern Penitentiary.
Abram Waltman vs. Rufus- Potter—
Trespass. W II :Carnoehan, Elm=
Smith, and Wm Foyle, Esqs., for plain-
C.. F. Taylor r . 72 tiff. W H Jeakup, 1 Overton, - Jr.; arid J .
Geo. W. Moffitt 108 I W Miz, Esqa.,. for defendant, On trial.
Chas. F. Taylor
G. W. Moffitt.
Johnson Wells
L. T. Ro)se...
S. W. Little..
W. H. Dodge
J. H. Orcw.t
W. S. Vincent
.1. 31. Colnus..
F. E. Jayne...
Dr. D. S. Pratt
James 11. Nevins.....
Gurdon H. Eaton '
Jos. P. Bradley
.T. A. Hicks
A. H. Kit.pbary
M. J. Long...
J. A. Wilt...
W. H.. Jones.
L. T. Royse..
ABOUT 9 o'clock on. Saturday evening;
a large unoccupied building" - belonging to
Hrnsu Thrtaroc, k about a mile from Lib
erty Corners, wits noruramed by fire. The
building was erected five or. six years ago
for • dwelling, but was left in an unfinish
ed state, and during the winter had been
tised— for storing corn-fodder, most of
which had been removed. A high north
lest wind, at the time the fire, render.'
ed the most strenuous , efforts necessary
to. Nave C. N. IRVINE'S house and barn,
and other adjacent buildings. The fire
was undoubtedly the work of an incendi-
BYLINE, 0. P., Superior of the House of
the Dominican Fathers at Newark, N, J.,
delivered a lecture at St.. Vincent's
Church, Plymouth, Penn.," on - Sunday
evening, - Dec. 31, on "The Past and Pres
ent of the Irish Race in the United States.'
The proceeds of this lecture went towards
.paying for a lot adjoining St." Vincent's
Church, on which the pastor, Rev. PAT
nicx, TosEr.; intends,. at no distant day,
to build a Convent. Theie is as yet no
-Catholic school in Plymouth, and Father
ToXtn is very anxious to establish one
without delay. To sadist him in hasten
ing this project, he proposes to hold a
Fair during the Easter, holidays. and as
he his many friends iii New York, it is
hoped that they will not fail to give him
a helping hand, in this connection.
thee Tonkin has Undertaken quite a task,
',but the importance be .attaches to the
Proper education of Catholic children„will
not allow liintle be deterred by any ordi
nary obstacle. The zeal and success with
which be labored for thirteen years in
Towanda, are an canyest of his . sticcess in
the future. When, thirteen years ago,
he_was sent by Bi,,tion Woon,to this lat
ter place, his t0...W0n was fair from being
an enviable on , J. He had rnuelkto do and
to undo. The place was involved in debt.
The old ch‘arelt„ which was then twenty
years old, the plastering had not yet been
paid Tor. Father TONER had it finished,
paid the debt on it, and afterwards pur
char- ed two lots, and then commenced the
nevi church, which was so much-needed.
Tliis new church cost about Vio,ooo. The
ccmgregation gave Lim some $10,328, a
lf age proportion of which was contribut
ed by thefarmers, in work, hauling stone,
digging 'out foundations, etc. The ha
lance, with the exception o. a debt of t 711-
000, whiCh be left upon it, Father TONER
gathered together 'by his lectures, fairs,-
etc. •
Any one who has seen the church, can
readily understand how solid and substan
tirlD everything about the building is.
The basement is 100 feet by fifty in di
mensions, and is admirably adapted for
school purposes. The fitoue work is of
the best quality, and is ail cut. The
brick is also of the best quality, and was
obtained at Horse-lleads, near Elmira.
N. Y. 4
.The cut stone with which the
—whole lakurch is tritumed was brought
from Syracuse, N. Y. The main entrance
is all of solid porches of this -stone. The
spire is 200 feet high and is slated. The
whole work on the church was superin-
tended by Father To.NEn himself, -and he
was careful to see nothing- was slight
ed. When the location, the difficulty in
obtaining money and suitable building
material on the spot, etc., 'arc taken into
consideration, it will be readily seen that
Father TONVii has accomplished wonders,
and the gtwei and honest people of Towan
da cannot bit appiec ate his work; they
would be very ungrateful it' they did hot:
With this -record before him,. Father
Torn t will not fail-in establishing, a Pa
rochial in Plymouth, and in erect-
ing a stiiAable residence for the Religious,
who ale trohave• charge of it. We wish
him every sr] ceer:s in his undertaking.—N.
Y. Fiseenorir's Journat.
Feti. 14. •
Wiu D Powers vs John McQueen. As
surapsit. Verdict for plaintiff; $1M.97.
Abram Waltman vs \Vni and Peter
IlunsiOzer—Trespass.' IV II Carnochan,
lianan Smith, Wm Foyle ' and E J
Esqs., fur plaintiM S W Little, E.q.,
for defendants. Verdict fur plaintiff,
fill Ross vs C Mimicker. Court direct
settlement in this ease tit be tiled, and
judgment to bo entered according to its
On motion of, W . II Jessup, Esq., Court
admit 3.'11 MC.Callum, Esq., a member of
evunty, prac
tice in the several :•ousts of. Briulfoid
county, 'whereupon he was duly sworn.
On realingcertiticate of 'Board of Ex
aminers, mai bn motion of Fi Lanai) Smith,
Esq., (.'unit admit Thomas"E Myer to
practice in the several c•iurts of Braeilm;(l
county, *hero:pins he was (114 sworn.
Newberry Peck vs .1 Ww,kins, Presi
dent and H 31:Ferguson, Acting Sec'y,
etc. Hide to enjoin plaintiffs from cipl
lcctingjutlgrnelit from Watkins or Fcr-
In re the assignment of Bloud &
for the benefit ,Of their - creditors. Court
iiiitet a citation to J F Satteilee, As
Kate F Brewster vs D I) Erew,, , ter.•
Court appoint W J Young, Esq., a Com
The following Shedtrs deeds 'were ac
knowledged :
To G C Atwood, 102 acres in Wyaln
sing township, sold Feb - 9, as the property
of S di Shoemaker, f, 1 3,50%
To Alfred Bennett, 2 lots in Litchfield
twp. ; sold Feb. 9, as the property of J B I.
Wheaton, $2,201. To W .14"
acres u Shesheiplio twp., sold Feb 9as
the property of A French, $l,lOO. • To E
T Fox, hense and lot in Tow - a - luta Bor t ),
sold Feb. 9, - as the properly of J S Bus-
To Josiah Kilmer, 50 acres in.
Sheidtequin twp., sold Feb. 9, as the pro
perty or $2;800.- To Gent e
Landon, 93 acres- in llerrick tivp., sold
Feb 9, as the property— , of C - A Squires, }
$2,50U. To C Sackett, 131 acres in j
Rome twp., sold Feb. 9, as the property
of Lewis Goff, .$1,700. G Spaulding, :
2 lots in Wilmot twp., sold -Fcb. 9, as the 1
property of T C Wakefield, S2.4:JG. - To I
Frances Wood. - 03 acres in Smithfield twp, j
sold Feb 9as the property of . J 1' Camp-4
b4ll, *1,200. To James lIV.OOd, 2 lots in'
TiAvainta Bore', sold Feb; 9, as the
petty of j X Cudding, $750.
Monday, Feb. 19.
Com vs James McCraney-- Nuisance.
.. _ ..119
..... .-1
1 ~i
• * - 1
• • • v. • . /
o ••• ••• 65
Contimied to May term
John F Curren vs HeO Lenbx Court
appoint J F Sandersom - Esq. Master and
examiner in this case,jinstefad of Henry
Peet, Esq., who declined to act on ac.
count-of sickness.
Justin Moody VA Sarah Moody, et al.
Cons t appoint guardians ad litew fur the
several defendants, and 0 I) Kinney, Esq
an examiner. -
Wm Watson vs SSivester Harsh. Rule
made absolute. •
F M Larkin vs Jcnnette Larkin. Le
and( r Smith N'''s Ellett Smith.
.--- Dens
more vs Densmore. Court appoint
Edward Hen iek, 'Esq., a comthissioner
in each case.
( 12
Mary E Coleman vs N D Coleman.
Court appoint J W Mix, Esq., a Commis
Opticlia E Ilouts"vFiV II Routs. En:-
.F 3
ma Levering vs t: L Levering. On Ma
-1 tion of .1 H Shaw. Eul., Court make the
"nsual order and decree of divorce e in each
lir ItIENOWAIL Km. Am Rtxt
Bnattows.— ,
11 any care for what ts bertik
Bogie tti imitlts,rendered tree;
Ines ire theta length atm of thee„
Not an ungrateful to thine ear."" 1 1- ;
:When deidlixfomes to claim the Joict!
forms of those who are nearest and dess
est, memory gathers many. treasures into
the beautiful casket of her heart, While
affection locks them away froin the gaze
of the. world. It is often best to recall
sweet memories:of pod and useful liveti
that tbeir.written record may glen light'
-and comfort to those who livedfter: — Yet,
. it were an easier task for stranger hands
to withdraw the veil which conceals our
sorrow, and whatis loft tons of our dead
' .history of thoiedives e —freini t the
Ontir c world. To-day it: hai fallerito my
lot to speak of -a -near nntl cherished
friend, and so, with a trembling hand, I
write the name of limintET C. fiennowst,
and after it, + 4 She , is dead." -•My heart
fails me *hen I think of telling the story
of a long and useful life such as hers, iu
- few brief hues, knowing also that none
but an artist's hand can depict a- strong
charaCter in colors so delicate that they
- may not offend the eye of taste, or gently
touch.the chords which make up a sweet
and perfect harmony. Yet, could I paint
- this picture in all the warmth 'and glow
of its true beauty and reality; I should at
least be sure of its"ficciiptanee from those
who best knew and loved her. -
name ef the subject of this memoir. She
was the youngest child of liztt.ti..4n and
COL3IsrEAD IlatcrWttl:, -who settled
iu th beautiful valley of the Wyalusing
at,l'ilce, and where their names are yet
faithfully remembered. We aro told that
this daughter was the pride, the idol, of
these most excellent and devoted parents,
and by the same fireside where she was
born,, she has lived and died.
It may seem impossible to those who
are carried away with the improvement
and the social advantages of the present
hou'r, that any young person, living in
those earlier times in a quiet farm home,
could have received the education, the
care and culture, that was bestowed upon
I'ARRIET llosTwlex. Yet every advan
tage which money could procure was lav
ished upon her by an indulgent anti fund
father. Not a care or trouble was aliened
to mar her happidess while she was with
her parents, and there are many who re
member her, a gay and beautiful girl,
with a wealth of golden hair, clear blue
eyes which tarnl:led with laughter and
merriment, and a voice of thrilling sweet
nest:, which has so often resounded Ulm'
tile village of Montrose, where she spent
many of the-happiest days of her girl
hood, and where she lays never been for
gotten. She ;was pok.essed of rare social
qualities, keen and ready wit, full of vi
vacity, courteous acrd easy hiller man
111.1F, and in her married life her home .
was renowned for its wide and gencrons
hospitality. Who iA there who ever found
triat'kind heart unpixpared to welcome
tbem, or that anything which would give
pleasure to her guest .was a trouble t.)
her. She understood the dutfes of hostess
perfectiy,--pl oh !there is so much . to
bring- tears and smiles iu thinking of her.
Seldom do we find so numy of nature's
best gifts b stowed upon .one person.
Mrs. Ill'unows bad an exquisite musical
taste, which was often enthusiastic; an
artist's eye for colors, dress, audall beau
tiful things. 'These truly feminine traits
were bound together by an iron will, en
ergy, perseverence and a certain superior
ity of bearing which tirade her truly re
markable. A gentleman who knew her,
long and well, said' of her, one year
"She is a person who never forgets het=
.If-respect, or dignity for an instant, un
der any and all circtunstanCes. She ever
bears herself erect." And the remark
was perhaps the key-note of a character
which always commanded attention and
tleference. It is of more frequent occur
rence that ardent and impulsis'e'tempera
mmits such as hers, yield to:adverse cir
cumstances and close their brilliancy or
identity. Yet this wis never, the case.
i - ith our dear departed friend. When her
face was worn Ly sickness and care, when
her form prematurely. bent had 'lost its
elasticity, the oldfasbination of youth lin
gered around her,` and dreW to her side
hosts of friends. Mrs. Burtnows :was par
ticularly agreeable to tbe.young, always
considerate and kind to the poor and tin
tor gras'o and respectful to those
whose 'locks had sooner I. ; rown gray.
1:4•It• el each oh lllt'Strf
IN Ito have been riniule gay and happy iu
that home from which the light is now
gone. Phase will read the'se lines Only
to say. "Ii is all too true; now we shall
mi...; her." ~
I And now shall I speak of her as a
1 frit nd, ever sympathetic, unselfish, warin
In arted, appreciative of each little 'kind
floss shown Lee? 41ntl then iu the highest
pease of ‘vonianlifsod as a mother? Ati. l
blest indeed ate those who have lived.
long emmigh to 'realize the unselfishness
of yual thing tenderness, the deathless love
of a mother's heart. There are, more
over, many frilly gocid: aid faithfol wo
men- who have no that rate facuiLy of
Winning the entire confidence of Aber,-
f.ehildren, of their sons more esrichilly. -
They are ready fii instruct, 'thlntomsh and
ease for tilt m. yet are not by nat re !lit
, ted to be the. companion of the yo tno, to,
sympathize'witkeaelt joy, ormaybe tlieir
follies, or to win the admiration of their
sons.: There ifillltSit no•sight more beau
tiful illaniliat sort ...r Chivalric devotion
of a boy for his mother; In this resPeet
;the',dcat one. of whom !I. ! aM : trritinkPlgid
merited acid received all this, from live
grown SOW.; she was their confidante,
`their comPapitot always, their darling—
now theft angel. Cotdd any woman ask
for more honor? Surely not. In the last
illness of Mr.:: lit - anomN, 'she' villa tender
ly watched- and card for by the strong
arms of the sons whom she had made'
happy all their lives, - and for VtliorriirOler
I death, there is no consolation,, except-the
, great hope of Filmdom within those gates
1. where ail may strive to win an entrance,
anSlie bidden to enter in.
I !I he faith of her childhood had prepar
, cd this truly loving mother for the amigo
I which Waste come to her sootier or later,
1 and in ,her !death St. Matthews Church
' - lms keit a valued member. Those - who
still go to worship there will often in stem-
my see the form oft. a fair girl, and hear !
her singing the church songs of praise;
Own Wilt Later day,-bear an aged. father
:,and daughter . singing : together ; within
' these) walls; and Inft a few ;weeks ago this
tame form, yet frail and worn, standing,
, by one of her children and joining in the
service, to the last, with sweet accents.
I And now that voice is. hushed, to earthly:
!ears: The lifeless form tvhs borne form
the church but a fifw days since : the tired
I feet are at. rest, busy banes are folded
away. and so "Ile giveth -his beloved
! sleep." -; ; • . I. E. 11.
:FREI) WALKE R, :woo nas;neen an oblig
ing apprentice in this office for several
years, has been promoted to a "case."
ia`MtiAr Boies at ItExt3EL)tAti '5
New goods received daily rit itENDLEIIANS
New print Kat KENT 47 13LIss.[sep7
re-EngraTtogdope at littxpetaiAN•S .h•Tvory
. Gotil Neciqaces of Ito Ja! , !st styles
New Press Goods at KENT it"
461-111iNDLTNAN 'finis a great redt:rtlott lu Sll
- Ware.
ETr. Ilamlsomest assortment of Jewelry
in town dt,
New Goptis in -every Department
at Krkt & 1M1544'.[4e1,7.
Car" Callat KENT S 131.1ss' for your ta,
LIB Damask, Isispkink kc., kes*APP7
"f • Buttrick's Patterns at Kittcr
Air Gold Opera Guard and VestChalns at lir.a . -
Fine French clocks at lIENnEr,
buts.f.. • •
sir ITENDELMAN hai good goods and hie 'prices
artfarry low. That Is the place to buy.
M"" Dollar-and-a-half books for 99 ctrl,:
zterettr Mock. -1
tff"Ladies' tries in great variety, at
K T a i i cc 55•.,W.117
- •
1411,r Ladies' Collars and CUTS at KENT
461- Sterling Sliver and Silver Platril Cl at
ii /13.31 N
air Diampadr, Blurs - ind
Cali • at .Iciv-V , Bg 8_F . 1 . 34'..euul Poo
;Bolt. new Dollar Ciirseltar ,
ice` "A Good Cutter for salo;tbeall by
E. T. Tot. , - Jana.
T 1 140416 1 beit Cra l tkeri .11aied ;143'17
day at Bakery. •
VT - Trackers of all varieties baked
atm day at Cowaitt•
,Reantifdl CbriottiotO and liew Year's pros
Vir•A big stock of very tine Stone:
Ringo at Tory low prices at Rim UZIALVer
rir.!§torulg Silva Aiid: Sihti Plated
ware at lolir prim at inexasua.fore.
rir New, ',Cloth§ !. ••Catsitaerea at
Vir One more case of those cheap
Quilts, at Ilvvr & liiisa%toeret
tlr You can bay a 'plated Castor for 99
cents, In Mercur Block.
rff- CAII at Itravir k Buss', and 'low!,
at their Black Grenadines.
ur A large stock of games and toys,
at coat, stymetrata */IM
U' All the latest publications, very
cheap, at wntteolta k
/1411- Everything in the Ilno of Jewelry, Silver
and Silver Plated Ware, at If vcnr.Lmazetr.
. .
' irS 4 Doti j la7eto eel at 7l.s..six.x.mss6 add 'see
las &ads aralearn the prices. - • •
•T All Vied( BOW at 31. IlvevrtstAx's war
ranted as represented.
EiOrythitek in . the line of station•
inir Call and see the latest Ladies' Ties,
Collars and Cuffs, at Mrs. Mmuos'.
ITENDELMAN'S store is filled with
first•cfaxi;itritcki fur the nolftlay t ratio.
Ea' You can buy nice, fresh-baked
Crackers at COMES' Bakery.-very cheap.
• & SIIANT sdl the best
tikint !Meta manufactured In the country.
i l tj7 lAdiei are especially incited to at
tend the stile of Crock( ry . at Athens next week.
tar You can.get all the latest styles of
Stationery, very cheap, at WIIITCOMII a SIIAVrB
tar The largest and best assortment of
spring clothing In town, at M. E. ItosesFiziao6.
CV — Yon will be surprised to learn her
Ranch you can buy for 09 cents In Mercur Block.
/lir (told. Sliver, and Steel Spectacle, and Eye.
Glasses, In great vat leap, at HENDELMAN . 8 Jewel
ry Store. -
44- Fine American and Swiss Gold Watches, in
Key aWd Stem Winders, forlinpusi anti gents, at
, .-
6_"7 -4. j . FOR SALE.—A lot of nice Pigs,
four weeks.old. A. B. SMITH.
Ulster, Va.
Cr A largo astortinent of spring and
suissin. Data, Just received, at M. 'E. ItoSEN-
•Ur GOSPEL HYMNS, No. 2—The - New
Moody L . Sinkey Hymn Book, at Powell's Music
Store, Scranton. Ifet.lo2w)
Z-27; FOR SM.E.—A good Gold Watch!.
Perfeei time keeper. Will take borough or , Wr.s In
payment. Fhtgnire at thts °thee.
Car If you want a suit of clothes cheap
ertlian you ran buy tly came In New York, Just
call at Itosesirt LLD'S.
V/ . lIENDkI.3IAN has the finest stock
of Watches, Jewelry and Silverware, ever brought
into this town, Ca!! au4 xee
'Don't fall to attl at: iiiNDLIIIIAN'g, If you
to buy anything in the. line of Jewelry;'Sllver
and Silver-plated Ware.
:1'" The store in Patton's Block now
occhood t7'y C. F. Cross a book More and news
room, Is for rent. PossesMon'glven Aprll I, IS;;
I will buy Combines," or cut Hair
and purchase liartin ti.oseNang to sell. Call
J Lornl.ard street.
7-.7.lurymen and others attending
wt:: find thr best of arconirmxtations at nind•
rite priced nt SEimET , 4 Etiropenn Ilotel, on Main
Z ' t ile (=rand Centiat irotel, Now
York. int.atis "wnr" on rites. rro accommodate the.
.lenistol for low prlrcs, IL has reduc , yd Its rate's'
front! to flt.bOsiof lit,So f r dq.
take Notice, there is a gicat
ti^ll..ii In Waltham and Flgln Iratches: yealeat
lII;NDELM AN'S all 4 ,yrinl3:4l De. Sane tolnp nue at
the ricer he 1,4 otrerlng. •
CZ — FOR SALE -- Valuable . Building
L ou! Towanda narez c vn- Can. krralS. Apply tip
.10trc W. Mix. ((!lien Meteor Block, north side
Public - Sloan., Towanda.
, . .10.411.•
. Mr Th7:7. A !' fot ii4ki;44 . Oii times.
Thl. Grand contra! Hotel, New York, the leading:
hotel, annonnees 'ant , : Lel I tint priers. It has re
deiced rates (ruin ILOO to 02.130 And 44,00 per day.
t.."`" A. '3lc.iihant Tailor,
has !roved his Tailoring c:StabllshMetit to ti.sytti
Co's' is:tore. , ,, Ciothihkinado to under, alsocuttlog,
fitting sUll El - thawing dt. with neatnt,ss ;and dis
patch., Give him a call.-:.
CZ" Why will ken eat stale Crackers
wtilo! . you can buir them nice, freshliaked, just as
Ask your grocer for COWLES' Crackers
oc : Au to Mr. ("s. Bakery in the First ;Ward, where
yon can get Crackers the same day, they airr k taken
from the oven. ' Jan2.s.
CT " 1101 FOR THE WEST I.—Arrange
ments fur 'the transportation, at eery= tato
rate*, of two or three hundred able bottled Men and
women, to Washington Territory. Laborers of rill
kinds are In good demand. All persons witting to
work can rind employment, Farmers !command
from to era) per month. .Mechanics get from $a
to ti per day. Females are prat! from, 1)30'[0 per
month, and board. The climate of, Washington
Territory 13 the It^st In the world; Flo4ers bloom
'in thn open air the yent mind. -For parttenlars
and to tame of starting. lipense, etc., addretts RE
TORTER Office, Towanrl4 Pa. rebt-3t..
AT A, STRAW.'—If, ho eaten It , It Will dOlllm nrti
good. Thousands of people, who have neglected'
colds and coughs until they have become dnger
ons, will rush to &mkt everyvtostrum for relief.
This is why sn many experiments are tried by the
sufferers. (to to yam' . I)rnggist,. buy a bottle of
WISTAIet4 BALSAM 01' WILDrIlEllItli; and We
Ij with ceniglenee. at onto and ulti
mately cure. It is no stravv:ilt lei a cable well-tried;
hold on to and and be saved. •
50 cents and II a bottle. Sold by all drtidlits.
LV"To CONSP3r adverti
iscr; a retired physician, having providentially dis
covered, while a Stedlcal iktit•shinary in Southern
Asia, a very' simple vegetable remedy for the.
speedy and permanent cure of ConSnnption, Ast.h.
ma. Brunebltis , Catarrh. and all throat and lung
afb•rtions—also a(F,,ltive and radical specific for
Ner;onsl)ebility, Premature Decay, and all Ner
vous Complaints, feels It his duty' to make It
known to Ills Sulferiiig fellows. -Actuated by this
in t ee, he will cheerfully send (free of charge) to
all 'alio desire it, the recipe for preparing... , aad foil
directions for succe , sfully using , this proviqeurlal-
Jr' illstainrerea terut , .ly. Those whO wish' to avail
themselves of the benefits of this discovery without
Mit, can by return mall, by adiTroisilig with
a stamp, ural(lpg paper,
33 .Ntagari Street,
MANVILLE BAtiktilN.—.Ve the Presbyterian
Church. In Pen Van, N.Y., on Sunday evening,
Feb. Is, by.lier. Mr. Palmer, Capt. 12. M. 31:in
side. of Towanda, Pa., and 311s* Ella T., daugh
ter of C. 11. Barron, of Pen Tan, N. Y.
ELI. a CO., Bankers and
South Third Street, Phitadelphia, Feb. 19th
U. E /84 / 6 r
" 5-20 " .•
. • .• 64 .. 65 , J. and .1.
- a. " "
, 1040, coupon.
66. radii(' 6'N
New b's, Reg. IBil '
(.4 1001
Philadelphia k Erie
Lehigh Narigatkla
Valley, Ex. Ph
Unite.' H. 11. ut X.. 1 131
OH tr , .ek
Niirthern Ceuttul :us
Central Tra aomportatlon .
„ lox
Nospuehoning ,
North r e lotltlvarga 4b
CAA. Sibbb4P4lo Vilt
Zed k
• 7,,
Consisting of, • ,? 7
Call and be Convinced thatt.ce;Sell as
Cheap as the Cheapes&l
TOliratida. • NpV. 23, IF7n
Fled and J.lte;insuranee In flrst.class companlea.
011 lee with Patrtcit & Foyle, Towanda, Paectetal)
I'proposa to tote Manias hereafter for
When Instruments aro outside the Borough, an
extra charge will be made for travelling fee.
,Towanda, Peuu'a,
Towanda, Feb: 1877. . ,
LIST OF LETTERS remaining in
post. Office at Towanda, Bradfor d
. Co., Pa.,
for the week enfling Fob. 21: . ' ,; ,
Bennett Efia 4 , Clark Vestinea E, -.
Cannon Mrs B A," • " Fulton Hugh,
Ihill Sirah, .- Havens Chas,
Kennedy Mary, McDonald Patrick,
Mcifill Emily, .• Mason Plane's, .
Monger W J, Mahar M-J,
()'Heron M kW., ' Sullivan Hannah,
Shawlii Mary, Spencer George,
Smith G It, Thomnplon Chas.
Wm Lanienian. Towanda.
Thos Fletcher, TOwanda. ,T,
Mary J .McCaul. Towanda.
Nell McDonald. Towanda.
,Wm House, Vanettenville • N Y 'l'd N Y. i
- n Mary McCaffery, Elmira, Y. r!
.... -W• U Huntieck, Troy, Pa.
Perßins calling for any of the above, will please
my — advertised," giving date of list.
-,., "- • - S. W. ALVOIID. P. M.
t • illustrated moiltbly of
The number for January begins the nineteenth
volume of .this Magazine, and while Its putt record
will. it is hoped, be deemed a sufficient guarantee
of future excellenceono efforts will be spared to
diverify its attrattious and to provide an increased
supply of popular reading In the best and most em
phatic sense;
The great object and constant aim of the condne
ton wilt be to furnish 'the pbulic with literory en.
tertainmetit Of a refined and varied cearacter, as
well as to present ln a graphic and striking manner
the most recent information and soundest views on
subjects of t in a word, to render
Lippincoft's Mag . :One strikingly distinctive in
those features that are moat attractive in magazine
literature. The contributions now on hand, or
spec Lally engaged,Sinbrakc, a highly attractive list of
Cnlnctsms, ETc., ETC., ETC.,
By talented and well-known writers. A largo pro
portion of the articles. especially those descriptive
of travel, will be profusely and beautifully llMatra
ted.. The pictorial embellishments of the Magazine
constitute one of Its many attractiVe features. In
addition to the general attractiveness'-of Liimin
cott's Magazine, the publishers would Invite atten
tion to the following special features for 1877:
1. A new serial story. "Tug'Mangy's or Log
gia, by George Macdonald. author of "Mateo m ,"
" Alec Forbes," "Robert Falconer," etc. To those
of our readeVs who are familiar with "Malcolm,"
this new story from the pen of this distinguished
writer will need no recommendation, and his repu
tation is a guarantee to others of a deeply interest
ing and powerful story._ IL began In the November
number, which issue, with the December part, will
be furnished gratis to all new subscribers for 1877.
2. A profusely illustrated series of sketches In
SWEDISII SCIEI4IIII.I' AND. Ltvr.. by Prof. Willard
Fiske. of Cornell University, who is thotbughly fa
miliar with Sweden and Its People from ,personal
, Ituffaln, 31'. y
3. A series of popular papers on ART AID ART
MAMMA. by Edward STILAUAN (Yuri lißlun), au
tbor of The New.llyperlon," etc.
4. Illustrated sketches or• travel, entitled M
TV nag ?Bola SPAIN. by Edward King, author of
..Ttie Great Sollth... etc.
5. Dire. Lucyll. Hooper's Interesting and piquant
tinued through the year.
scribe(' In i rind* Illustrated aeries of papers.
7. During the year will appear a number of hand
nomely illustrated abort articles, desertptivo of life.
travel.. and adventure .In tue United States, En
gland. South Amerlei,;Japin. Mongol* and other
o. 42,
• 1 13%
• Able
• 109. i
• 115a4
. 1144
• 12354
. 110.
. 110.,
• 101 1 6
. Kiss. • ritteg, a 5 CTS. •
TEll3lB.—Year y subscription, 1 , 4; tiro copies, VI;
three copies, 410; tire copies, 1$: ten coples.2o, with
a copy gratis to the person r mitring the club. Bin
g* copilot, 34 cents. • .
NOTICE.—The November and December
bun, containing the earlier chapters of The Mar
quis of Lossle,'T will be presented to all new annual
ruhscribers tor 1577. .
Specimen number, malted, postagepald, to any.
addrets, on receipt of V) cants. .
ru agents is tlhetsl csinualiakm will be allowed.
Adiresa _
. J. LIPPIAVYTTA CO., Pabllshers.
71 sad 717 aLarket4l4
.• • . :MI
Ihv.e jot opened Jurpthe4 Imp, stock of
&c., &c., &c.
" Snolb east repairs 30 00
• •• 4 sets heater tile. CO
" • 4 blocks mid backs-- 17 00
•• " freight 2 07
- .
New Advertisements.
1 continue to sell
Of the beat manufactures, as usual.
Apply ttior address
Bomb auditor,' taloa Pitiort
the Receipts, Exitanditurlik #ibb .140 44 11 Lla
blinks of Towanda Borough School District for the
yeaketititag May3l, tams. •
• ' REORIPTS. • - -
Amount in Treasury at beginning of year. 0,110,30
?Ste. paid direct to Treasurer....o,U* to .
Less rebate on 20 . .... 246 32
4,958 13
/WA from Col'r L.T.ltoitie on dap. of 75. 140 10
NooB from State appropriation . . . 889 08
1160'd from G.W.Uyan inon-reaPtscltolaii) , 115 00.
Prot.G.W.ltyan, 30 tnonths to 19 Ate!, 16,41,400 00
If. K. Smith. 5K "" 287 60
Yank O. MW , 434 " "17 Dec, ; '7.l,: 170 00
Stella Pitcher, 10 " "19 May, 'IC. 400 00
N. E. Bowes, 1 '" "11 J`ne, ,40 00
Ellen ldoecrlp,- 10 " 19 May, '76.. 400 00
A. Chamberlin, 10 " " •-r. 400 OW
E.Pennypacker, 10 •"., " ." ."- 40000'
Ella Spalding, 10 "- "' '", • 340 00
Hattie Bogart, " " . " " . 270 00
Clara Lewis, .
Dattd Bhelp, i 2 months, It po..
4aa.'lll. Phlnney, 141410 th coal, 114.83 per T.. 4343•34
John Kerwin, 1 load Wood 3 00
E. A. Parsons, aftv4 annual statement • 0 4 00
.. notice to taxpayers... 3 00
, P. W
S. W. Alvord, putt. 6pec'ns for school noose.. 12 oto
-.. " " bonds 3 OD
... ,66 64 mu, ' 650
14 "" certificates El 00
' .. reports for 1tyan......i.. 40 Cu
.",i letter-heads • 7 CO,
64 4 ' adv*g statement - • ', 2Ow
" " application— 200
" • " " to contractors - 200
" " "lot fur 'sale • '2 00
notices twice CO
•` " 100 sheets carbonized paper... 18 73
142 25
Itolcomb & Angus, 200 school tax receipts It 50
" • notico to taxpayers....,..,. 20
Edw. Overtoo „ 12000,
8 p'r el, to Jan 1, 70. 180 00.
51.11.Lanitiogi 1.300, - • " " 15, -.. 108 .33
E.T.Foi, 'nal, 3,700, " " Oct 20, '75. 148 06
Codding S flown, I)10,000 to 20 8.,.76, at 75.175 00
1.11 •• 1111 1,500 1111 22 1111 u u . 11 75
foo 75
Cod'g & Haag, pump arid blnk _gm 00
pump and plyo,. 25 00
" 19 It, lead pipe 209
• paid Goo. Neal i 00 -
- work.... • 348
•• 6 siZeta tfu & damper. 148
". butts and screws 87
base knob, and screws. 25
" latch mouse trap, &c.. 815
4. " 13 bolls
,• brass chalu and putty.. 82
" wheelbarrow.— 2 00
• •' shovel, & snow shovel. 200
••• 24 broorus - 9 60
• i dusters - . 720
" . 7 dippers and 4 cups... 142
" pall dipper and cup.... 106
" 6 lb glass at 25 110
" 7 lb glass at 34. 2 10
- 5 lb glass at 40.......:.2 00
lb copperas, ' 6 n
1 galluu etgual oil 168
'154 58
Leas cash ' 50
--...4154 OS
Fox k hlercur, 15 brooms 1 6 6 9
6 bars soap 75 ' ...
David Shelp, 21 .._•• ..... 20
.. 22 lh copperas ... 108
.. " bottle chi. tituur 24
" ~ glue 20
-- 1 72
Mrs. A. Horton. 17 boxes crayon at 25, • 1:5
httbotub Sc Shaut, SJ boxes crayon at 18 . )u . .8 :1
State Superluteudeut Ceutehnlal arpg - attuti: 10 00
I. H. Lanning, bond
'Nathan Tldd, 2 p'r c't cum 0ur,278 32 #l5O 56
•• salary as Secretary • 50 00
Receipts as above
Teachers salaries
51.430 00
Janitor ' ' 360 00
Fuel' 4 , .
- 348 34
Printing ' .... 53 n
Interest 1,216 33
1115112-211 Ce - 86 75
Miscellaneous ' ' '..... 185 85
Bonds 1,300 00
Secretary and Treasurer ...... ..;... 206 55
Balance In Treasury
A . 3.31T3, MAY 31, 1876,
Cash In Treasury, ........ 1.195 57
Balance due On duplicate of 1574 56 33
107 A 1,73141
Building aud lot on State-st 25,000 00' ' -
do • do 'flnc•or • 4,000'00
Contract forlutsoldonSecond-st 1,200 00
---432,336 31
NAY 31, 1578.
Bonds, 8 p'r c't Int rein 1 J. '76112.000 00
" " " " , 20 0. 75. 3.700 00
413,700 CO
We, the undersigned, Auditors of the Borough
of Towanda. hereby certify that we have examined
and settled the accounts of the 'Towanda Borough
Scheel District, and that the foregoing Is,. as we
believe, a true statement of the Receipts and Ex
penditures of the salt Di"drict for the sehouiyear
ending May 41, 1876, awl of the assets and.illablib.
ties at the close of the year.
11. 1.. I. MDR EU X, Auditors,
Towanda, Feb. 8, 1877. .
for Country Produce, for the week"endlng
Feb. 17 1877. Reported *xpressly for T l •the BRAD
FORD REPORTER, by 11. X. & F. 11. THURBER. St -
CO., \Vest Broadway, Reade and Hudson Streets,
New York: • ' ' -
BUTTEl2.*lteeelptefor the week 18,477 packages.
The receipts show a falllng ‘ off. but the stock here
and that . yet to come forw.ird IS considered to be by
those best posted In the trade. largely in excess of
the requirements of consumers. There continues
to be sales tinkle for export, but the quantity taken -
Is so Bun It practically affords very little re
lief to the market.
.We quote:— , •
State Dallies; entire extra.',... i - 2`•@26
" .. " fair to goial 2.1@23
" " firkins selected 022
" " fair to good lacono
" half firkin tubs, choice selected...... .: 1 0@-.32
" " ' " • " fair to good 224ax..5
-•" Welsh tubs, extra, fall @2.5
, " " " entire dairlee 21023
-" creamery tuba. good to tine 3t0:15 •
'Western tubs, tine selected 6425.
. ,
", " fair to good 18(421
Western early made, selected (418 -:
• . " " ' 66 fair to wax! 1e1q.17 .
''' ' " " poor 70i0
Western roll butter, fine • 17420
" • • " poor to good- l4OrlO
CHEESE.—Recelpts for the week, 6,48.3. •
There has been a moderate Inquiry for exporiand
local rise; the market dusts tun at an advance of
about Se in all grades.
• -
- •
4 We quote:—
State factory, fancy (4.16
fair to g0tx1.,......:•• 15015 S
Western factory, chettilar fine 015
Oat, flue - 415
o. poor to grxxl • 1 4'414
EGGS.—,Reeelpts fur thd week, 6,700. '
Under liberal prices have declined. and the mar
ket closes quiet at quotations.
We quote:77 -
State and Penn fip2l
Western fine fresh
fair to good 19020
50uthern..........._ 13i§20
Fionr firm; Meet
Spring wheat, extras
at: Louis, extra.
" fancy
r" family
Corn meal,/yellow
.Wheat dull and prices barely,steady; Barley dull;
stye quiet; Oats dull; Corn higher with a good de
Wheat, Spring, No. 1....
Chicago. No. 2. ..
" Milwaukee, N 0.2
'• Red winter
" Amber
- Rye
Oats, mixed •
Corn, western mired_
•' 't ye110w....
110 PS
The market is very much depressed; stock /3
freely offered and finds few purchasers.
Crop '76, State. good to prime mid r
• •"76 Wls. fair to prime • . 76,11 ,
Market dull at quotations. •
Good to prime 8
llltiD FRUITS.
Apples air In moderate request for export, -hut
wlthA Large stock opening. hot little of the quality
sought. Heavy packed. Western Is about the. only
kind that finds purchasers. The demand from the
local trade 13 extremely limited,: and prices little
better than nominal! Peaches and other fruits are
&widely dull;
Apples, State, sliced. .10:igi 5
•• " quartets ./. 11 , -/(di s'.
Western, sliced
" quarters V-i 0 5
Southern, sliced 4.% ffis 5
quarters 813
Peaches, peeled, fancy 7.3(42.5 -
•• • fair to Wood " 14016
" unpeeled, halves it@l2
Blackberriea, per ihq t4is
73A59010 -
Cherries, pitted., pet ...... 1C6617
Pious; per th
Kgspberries 025
ILiK. a P. B. TlluunEit & CO.,
IMporters..Wholetiale rocers. Is lOom. Merchants.
West Broadway. Be.ule a 1.111411011 SIS .• IV. Y.
Produce Commission Beixiirtmpnt lit charge of
S. Gates. We receive outsell on Cutittulstilon
kinds of Country Produce; make cash advances on
consignments and tarnish stencil plates and mar
ket quotalloas when desired. Correepondence so
• •- t t t-
lon proVuusly paid
1: , 151.7111NCE.
..18,553 45
1393 57
- Mark ets.
5 40@5 90
8 OPPB 30
0 5606 AS
6 9C@7 40
7 56(643 50
.......... 9 c 1 0 , ,, 3 OS
...... '..1 3504 40
10, , •
To amount patil Auditori........ I' 4 , 124 90
Tor Prothonotary and Register Offices.. 90 00
Bridge contracts ' f.. 407 24
Repairc' • - • 422 37
. .
Brad [Ord Conntl Agricultural Society.. 100 00.
Constables making returns to Court.... 1,672 92
Assessors - . . .
' 2,979 00
Costs in Commonwealth suits ' 2,994 90
Counsel In criminal sulte.... t . 20 00
4,03 4,
Counsel to Commissioner* •
Crier and Ettfp tterresof Ctsaft ' '' - -US ati
- t Attorney -- ..' .i'aoo oo
Elect !t, expens..3 --- 2,526 63
Fuel u • . lights - ..! • ..... .• 147 79
Grand jumrs 041 52
Traatera?. &worn 2,020 85
,Insurnuce 011 puldic,buildiags ' 3.. 216 00
Jastfees , inquisitions ' 704 281
daryc Conaniissloners and Clerk, • 183 40
0111 re books and stationery' 644 t 4
Ponlfc printing - 877 04
Prisoners' support - in county Jan 2,678 90
Prisoners , sup'rt In - Eastern Penitentiary W O firt
Conveying prisoners to Peultentiary.,.... 481 16
ProVy and Clerk of Quarter Sessions... 440 93
01,430 00
Account with the several' eolieelors of &eerily ras for tile Vou . nty of liftaciftrtdjOitheiyeiir 187 C, ..
. .., ?.,
, r 1 , --- l — t• - ••-., ii .
. . • .
TWPS. AND 11 . OROS. ,• .. -Va . nie.'of Colleefure.' . Pri Am°.'ile : 4 "' ° ' n ' t Anyrnt l
•Aino . nt 4 n , ° . nt r
• C'rged.4'.llec*cd.:Ex'n"d4Prrge. Due. •
•... I , 1
! Fr L.
Annenla..._ - iw„ pl.
,Beeker 114761 144 1 1 1 - 110 00; 1 4.1 ' 7 131-7;,1 . 1 , : 5: 7
Athens lion/ ' U. M. llosmee .
11876; 799 13 , 746 561 8 281 '39 1211 - r •
Athens Twp N, V'. We 110....., .. ....... ..,....11876 , 1717 37; 1594 181 37 23 i ; 85 96 . '• •
Asylum • - 3fyrnn Frlsble .1.. •18761 561 26; 415 501 1 114 711
'Albany ' • ' 'W .W. Corson . • 118761 - 11133 53 1 -, Z3O 921 10 211 . ' 17.451 ...,..•."..
Alba " lJolua.T.L4onard 1876; 93 89 - 02- 78. •1 =, 4 8 9.8' -.
1 , 1
flare' lay ' 'Oho 11. Davis • ' 18,6 129 IR 590• 09,' ~...'l - 220 - 18
. 1 Win. P. Lane ' 1 11761, 519 1 1 1 490 65;
Burlington Born 11. B. Phelps .... , ~.:.116761 106 451 61 e 9; • I i• 46 45
Burlington West V. C. 'McKean ' 118761 459 48 , 410.005 2 441 22 Nil • 24 12
Canton Twp
~ 'll.ll,ram lAudiey '1 976 1 984 1 3 1 930 4Z 4 5.51 49 lel .
Cantmi Bono "IC T. Farnsworth..„:.. j . 11,761 465 19: 437 MC, 4 411 23 04
Coltunbia 1 0. L. Gates ...- :1 1874i 1021 74; 994 77; . 3 31' 62 661 •
Franklin avid Smiley ;1871 370 84, r 2,7) 4EI . I 84:1 18 491
ei rallVi Ile - I DO. N.." Fuller • - 118701 651 1 0 1 GI; 14' 3 - 411 32 41.
Ilerrirk I. L. Camp 114761 441,79, 412 5 1 15 42;
.23 /CI -
Le Hoy .... , ...... ..•...L. A. Wooster .. : ......... ... ....;18761 609,52 , 573 67, 5 76, 30 2( /
Lite1iti01d..1....:.:•..... Albert Carmer 1181 6 1 702 77; 660 4 1 11 -7 531 . 34 7 0,
Leltayssple • 11. C. Lyon • ' 114761 174 76, .104 77, 1 321 8 87, .
Monroe Twp D. S. Mlngos • '
. 48741 630 241 „ 5.53 1 „.
1 74 84,
Sloane Born 11. B. Iloilett . 01 6 1 123 13 ; 114 22 '
_l 4 BB 6 031 • • :
orsi•elli. • C. 0. Vanwlnkle -
* llB/6; 758 53; 700 ne, 1 56 53
Overton lohn.hlathews , ; 18751 203 671 191 641 17 44 9'641 "
Pike ' E. C. Abbott '13,76l 926,119 873 72 • 849 4555 . ....... '
111,1gbdry .IC Sr. (* . en, 1 ,1875 739 2F. G 44 04 11 86 36 311 : "I'l
, ,
Home: Twp . Morris Vaught 118761 610 20. 420 00 ~ . 1, 190 20
. .
Rome Born ........ ..•,... 13aae A danie; 1 1876: 85 1:- SO VI, :- 4 311'
-Smithfield' • • E. V. Nichols 1 18761 1178 9 0 ' 90 tit,. • 1 178 00
Springfield Tim{ Leonard....• 118761 978 Ssi 401 00 10 781 48 411 514 69
South Creek ;David Chaw , ..... ..... ...,.. ........ ...11876 407 25 345,00. '• 1 , 122 . 2.8 .
by:rants Iloro ',James F. Bristol 1 ,18761 93 051 87 97' 4 . 4 641
Sheshconlii !Geo. Childs....• '• : , 115751 1037 1 7 G, 99021 535 ) ,51 591 ....,4. -
stividlug Stone...—. / .10 eo. Sage „ •11 - 714 52.5 191' 495'34 1 361 .: 26 15 , •
Terry . .IS. II owm a n . 11876; , 364 1 1 ! 340 771 536 18 09i
Towanda Twp ' , 1 .1. W. klaglll - 118761. 562 77: 512 001 ;:..... 50 77
Towandaßoro IA. Wickham 116761 3213 03 1 2976 301 79 73 157 001 •
Towanda•North .
I.E. 12. Delong ' 118761 321 321 253 74; f .......I 67 59
Troy Tsvp ' ;Leonard VanUorn '1876 1070 52' 820 CO , 1 5 461 "53 29 191 - 77 ,
Troy Burs, '4l. 31. Spalding 116761 811 575 701 75 8 681 40 14. .... 4.. '
. .
TTlSCarara. ' •• IWin. Snyder - ;1870, 544 00' 518 12 . 1 8 62, 27 2 4 1
Ulster 'James Bowie 11676; 545 22' 551 1/11 4 18! 29 131
Warren , ' It" F. Bowen . 1187 9 E 1859 0 , 4 809 20; 7 241 42 641 •
Windham - ,S. 1). Russell • 1 1878 618 93 618 31! 398 34 GC
, . ;
Wyainsing IC. W. Corbin - 1 19713 739 755 744 161 6 281 39 311
,Wylos• P. 111 Bishop • . 118701 852 82,' 602 001 I .240 32
Wellcs (1.-B!1 Knapp • 4876' 723 21. 430.00. 1 - 173 . 29
AVlOnot 'John Schnek 118761 503 44. 46914 ": 14 II; 24 73: .
'-' lite-assessment . •166' 96 72' 60 84.; 1 1 35 88 I
—... _
• - ' .
, --, 1-
9360 i3O
-1 9 7 w
.. 5.500
James C. nobtnson, Treasurer, in account lath the, County of Bradford.
Due upon ituplleatesof 1875 and predcus.g 2149'18 '" Iteturtis uncollected for 1876
Duplicates of 1876 31204 08, Exonerated to Collectors....
Rank tax 10n 90 ! Vercentage to Collectors...:
Incidental ........ . • 254 97: : Pald State Treisurer
rn;eated land tax
! , rated land tax__
ilPeelvetl from Wm. Bunyan
I t uaned from Citizens' National Ilauk
lei Treasury, Jam'lst, Ind.
County Auditors to account with the:County of Braeffarfor the year 1874;
To amount of orders tssued In 1670,
_. .
We, the undersigned, ementlpsienere of said County, do-hereby certify that tho above is a true and
cortvi.t statement ed the recedvals and expenditures of said County' from the let da l" pf January to the
31st - day of December inclusive, A. D., 1876.
#1,300 00
Witness our hands and Rai or office at Towanda, this loth day of 3.inuarY, A. D., 113.77
6209 68
' • •
W. the undersigned. Auditors of said County, do hereby certify that we have examined the fore
going statement aLd the vouchers for the same, and Sett it to be correct..
. .
W. L. "LANTZ. !Auditors.
Comulbsloaers' Mee, January 10,1E477
Nczetrztrrtri - -
tekve flied upon thet font - ming dales and
-places between the hews 31. and 3 p;:tt., for
Ii linng r pen , s rot 1577:
Asylum—At the hOll3O of 11 1. Haight, Monday,
Felt 12.
Terry—AA - the home of 33- II -Ribble; inesday,
Feb 13.
WtisnotAt the house of Josiah Struvelt,, Wed
nemlay, Feb
AlbanyAt the house of 13 Renogg,' Thursday,
Feb 15, '
Overton—At the house of Jas Hannan,
Feb 16.'
Monroe Tarp and iturrAt the.houso of °mat
Eel!ogg. Saturday. Feb 17.
Frauk . litt—At the M E Church. Monday.. Feb 19.
Gr.tuTlLte—At the house orl3 F Tayior, Tuesday;
Feb U. ' • •
_ .
Leßoy—At tim Itojcom - I,b Rause, Wv4ne4Alav
Feb 21.
Canton Tscp—At.the teystone Flou e. TharsataY.
Feb 22.
eanton Soto—At the Keystone !louse, Friday,
Feb ^3.
Armenia and Alba—At Ira SRAM's, Saturday,
Feb 21. .
Troy Twp—At the house of V M. Long, Monday,
Feb 2a. •.,
Trot, Baro-,-At the house of V 31 Lent, Tuesday
Feb 42 - 1. -
Cohnehla and Sylvania—At the Anstlutille lla
lei, Wednesday, Feb fts,--
Burlingtott *eat—At the .31. E Church,. Thu*
tl.iy.*March I. .
. Rurllfigton rirl) and Moro—At the, house of N*7
If I) Green, Friday, 31 . M.dt 2.
Smithfield—At the .13LakesIee 'Tfoose—Monday,
March -
hipringtleht—At the house Of Joseph Causer,
Tu-sday, March a.
.ftllghury—At the house of Charles Hgpdy, Wed
: Souih ereelc—Ar. the house of George Suffrens,
Thor day, March 8. .
'Welts—A r the :floaters - 111e flute!. Friday. Mar , 9.
Silt...9.64min—AC the Valley 1rta....,
March 12.., -i• •
I.llrhfield—At the hease'of LB' Carraer, Tues
da:r. 'Mardi 18. ' a
Windham—At the house of George Moser*,
Wednesday, March 14.
Warren—At the house of James Cdopers, Thurs
day, March 15., , I
Orwell—At the Town Hag. Friday. atarch 10.
Rome Tut and Tiore—At the house of, A A Tay
lor, Saturday, March. 17. .' t
Herrick—At the Free Thinse—Monday, March 19.
Pike and Lellaysvllle—At the Case Hotel, Tues
day, March 20. . - ,
Tutearticr.—At the house of Allied Ackley, Wed
neAday, March; 21. • , •
Wyislusing—At tlie house citii;Btack, Thursday,
?Starch 22. *,
StamlingStone--At the house or li w Cartier,
Friday, Match:rt.
Wys , ca—At tho' Myersburgn Hotel SaturdaT
March 24.
Towanda Boro—At the Graica - Jury.iftoom, Mon
March 26. -
*Towanda Twp—At the Grand Tory Room, Tues
day. March 27. . .
. .
T.m - auda North—At the.G rand Jury Itoom;Wed
nesday. March 28.
I.7lNiei At thi). VanDyki, Uofel, Thundity,
March 29.
Athens Bozo—At the .Exchange; Hotel, •Friday,
March 30. r rll
Athens Twp—Aisthe Exchange iiptel, Saturtlny,
March 31. .
larelav-4At the School Ironse of Foot of :Plane,
Monday. ApiU 2. '1 • •
Assessors will he imnetluil lb delivering notices
to tatablei, audio making return in - person at the
time specified in their warrants, at which time and
place the libard of Reviskin'tvill attend and • bear
anise who consider theniscives aggrieved by the
Assessment, and make suf,h alterations- as to them
shall appear just and reasonable.
By outer of the Bmret
Attest:—WILLIAM LEWIS. Clerk. •
Coumisstouers'9ffice, Jan. 27, 1b77.
is hereby given'
that application will be made to the present
SeSNi4MI of the Legis'stare of the Slate of Pennsyl
vania, for the repeal of the Act of Assembly ap
proved the 2nd day of April, 1869, to amend tne Act
approsted tho 4th - day of April, Bat. "allowing the
Burgess and Town 4:Outwit of the Borough of
Bradford - County. to levy and collect a tax
of not more than two pexcentunt on the dollar of
the last adjusted valuation, for Borough purposes: -
hod for the matoration of the Act approved the 4tlv.
(tarot April, 1868, aforesaid, allowing the Buress
and Town Council of said Borough of Towanda, to
levy and collect s tax for Borough purposes of not
more than one per cent, on the dollar of the last ad
justed valuation.. C. 11. PASSAGE,
310 N TAN YES,
11.11 X,
11, W. Ii.itIDLES.
1 5001 52
1 444 L 48
1 460 49
I. 45 01 52
1 55(41 63
1 5901 65
63(4 70
8700 00
49(p 52
51(4 54
57(4 60
5210 60
- VOT.lCE—Notice 'is hereby given
ki that the u4dersigneil'alli apply, to the Leg.
imatitre as it* present session ; for the pan age of an
act suorogating. he Cotti.ty of Bradford to the
rights of said Wire Bunyan against the estate of 0.
P. Marion. and aallsfra certain judgment In the
Court of Common; Pteas of. Bradford Coanty.
SO, May Term 1871, against him.
fens. ' WM. BUNYAN.-
' j as, letters testamentary to the estate of Car
tea Tyrrell, late of Pike, deceased, hare been
granted , to the subscribers. all persons Indebted to
said crate are requested to make Immediate pay.:
mead, and all pursuits having claims to present thein
duly attested fur settlement. •
• ' F. F. TYRTtELL,' •
Pike.,77-6ns Executors,.
—Notlee Is hereby given that all persons In;
dehted to` the estate of H. I. Miler, deed, late
oC ,Lltehlteld, Bradford County, Penna., must
make Immediate payment to the undersigned, and
all persons haring claims against said estate . must
present them , duly authentleated,, for settlement.
Feb_,. 18
A t ts hereby given that all persons; Indented to
the. estate of Nathaniel Bennett. late of North
'Amanda. deed, most make. Immediate payment
tothe undersigned, and all persons baring claims
agalnst• gild estate most prebeut duly,
tnentteated; for settlement.
Fen. 22 1 77. , • E. T. TOX, Zxscator.
61100 . - ! or
Gr.c ni
ss sap !
96 72
500 00
3060 24
2537 53
e 41418 24 . Total
01781 18 I By amount of_ orders paid in
Repatrifoti jntbilr, billelinge i,oo*
TOOths for Court ot Tiop ' 150
Sheriff for summoning Jurors ' 05 ft
Sherlfre feet in Comillotruealtli wits.:. 1219 54
State Lunatic Asybato 245 20
School and township tax ' - • 1 SO
Wild taSeertlffrates • • • 75
Bounties to ..... .... . 50 CO
Township lige ',Nits, • 74 de
V l9 ll rfidke* Wester% 01fieet 90 00
Coping psdpnent-ttoc., Piot% Mee ' 240 00
Making duplicates... .••••••
Making registers
',Avery for County Commissioners, 1315.. g ,
Treasurer% expenses at Trtry Court..." 27 4)
A.typm Snell, late Conimissloner— 10 00
Benj. Knytendall. late Commiestener:.. to Ou ,
:Morris Shepard. lota Commisshuter.....; 10 00 f
E. It. Coon. angh, bte Cierie 100 OD
George %%Mintier.' Comnitightmer...... 592 DO
31ortis Coolhaugh. Commissioner... . .. 590 00 4 .
Commtsgtoner • 240 ob
William Levels, Clerk -.„.; 1,000 OD
• X1,'101. 38
I 131300 b0 : 272 . .7.5 601 300 811 1175 76
Batik MS.—
Orders paid
Two per cent. commission 0n . ...
One per cent. commission on 121890.27.
In.Treasnry, Jan. Ist, 187-
G. W. K11.31E12.
M. , J:'COOLBAITGH, Commlisioners
r.7V V L 1 , 1. , 1. 1....:23./ir:.--ny
j virtue of an Order issued out of the Orphan's ••,
Court of. Br aidford County, the undersigned Ad
ininistrator&of:llle estate of IL B. late of
Burlington tutp.:deeeased. will expose to puldle
sale In Burtinguin, on SATURDAY', FEB. 3, lih•7. •
commencing atlo o'clock, A. fit.; the following 'real
estate, bounded a; follows:
No. 1. One cerain pleee or pareel-Of land situ-_
ated In Borlirrguro,-Bradford County. Pa., bound
ed en the noritrbv lands of Seth Oustin, east by
Lands of Daniel Cane, South by laude of Isaac Mar
cellas and P. P. /tuner; west by the public road and
land a of Lawrence Kendall, containing, about n 7
acres more or less. about in acres improyed with
framed house, newframed barn, grainer/and ii-off.
'chards of trait trees thereon.. :
' A LSO-N°.2. One ether lot of land situated in
Burlington twp., county and State aforesaid and
-bciunited as follows, to wit: Oh the north by-DeCa
tur Ayers. east by. lands of John Itolllaler and Da
rla Luther, south by lands of Darla Lather and
-west by L. M. Randall, containing about GO acres,
more or less. nearly all improved, with framed
house. trained barn, with Abed., attached, and au
orchard of fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—No. 3. 'One other lot Oland situated in
Burlington borough, county and State sforeiaid,
and bounded as follows s ito wit: On the north by'
lands of Hollister Compton and Long Bros., east by
the brick wall of Long Bros. store, being the cen
tre, of the main ing,, south by Trey st reet, west
lby lauds of Gee. P. Tracy, being about 33feet front
on said Troy street-and 111-feet deep, with three
story brick building tlnMetin. • '
ALSO—No. 4.- One other lot of land situated in
Smithfield twp„ county and State aforesaid, _and
bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by lands
of dam Schill, east by lands& Andrew Campbell.
south by the road, west bylands of Dnrylih
Ford, containing:s'o acres more or •less, about 3
acres improved with a log house thereon. ,
TE,IIIIS,OOO to tie paid on each parcel, eh same
biting struck down, 01M-third of balance on ccnolr
tnatten of sale, one-half the residue 'frith tnterest
months thereafter, and the balance with interest
in one yeasibereafter.
Adult nlstrat ors
ADJOURNMENT.—NOtice Is hereby given that
the above sale Mantis adjourned until THURSDAY,
FEBRUARY Sl at 20 o'clock. A. 11.. In Borlington
virtue of an,order lisued oat of the Orphans'
Court of Bradford comity, the undersigned, Exec
utors of the estate oilEnenezer McGee,,late of 'Sus
quehaanallounly, dee'd. will expose id-public sale
on the premises. in Pike twp., on TUESDAY.
Alt1:11 20th. at l o'clock, P. 31., the following de
,seribeil real estate:
Bounded on the north by lands'
_or I.awrence.
Burch, cast by the Susqttehanne,wimty line, south '
by lands of C. Bennett, and west by lands of. A.
Worden andS. Wood: containing 18 acres, more er,
leis, with the appurtenances. ,
TERMS-8100 on day of sale; balance on ' final t
coallrmation. , .
1. S.
Feb.!,tr 1877,
ASSIGNEES'. SALE.-4n the Dis ;
triet Court orlthe. 'United States, for the
Wessern District of Pennsylvania.. In the matter
of S. W. Paine, Bankrupt. ?\ 0.1815_ In Bank
tcy virtue Of an order issued oat of the Untied
States Court. the undersigned grill sell at' public
sale—au SATURDAY, MARC!! 1577. 'at one
Welc.o=k; L. at the office of Delos Rockwell in
Willa:tom% Bradford Coillity, Pa., the uncollected
notes and accounts' remaining in their hands, be
longing, to the estate of S. W. Paine, liaristupt.
amounting to several thousand dollars. Terms of
sale,'eash. DELOS ROCKWELL.
Assignees of S. W. Paine
Parker vs A. Waltman & Co. - No. 400. Feb.
Term, 1817. • t;
The wider:44llo,i an Auditor appointed by
the Court to clistrlbtito the fund raised from the
Iftherlff's sale of the defendant's persooal property,
will attend to the -duties othisappointment at his
office In the Borough of Towanda, on 31411 4 MAF,
the 121 h day of 1877, at 9 o'clock, A. M.,
when and where all pe nOtaving claims upon
said fund: must present t 1 ni or be forever debarred
• Feb . Auditor.
1 1 XECUTOR'S NOTI E.—Notice
Is hereby given thkt all persons Indebted to
the estate of Polly Warner, late of Pike deceased,
must make immediate payment to the undersigned.
all persons having 'Mann- a galnst said estate must
present them, duly authenticated, for, settlement.
• Executor.
Lelisysvillec Feb. sr
r i X ECIIT()It'S NOTlCE.—Notice'
,Is hereby given that all persons letlebted to
the estate of Alitra ratridge, late of Ulstzt hap.,
deed, aro trquVred to make Immediate ray
ment to the; nudviNlgnetl, and all persons having
claims against the said estate. must present them,
duly authentlcattd; tar settlement.
Is hereby glven . that 'all. persons Indebted to
the estate or Mary Keelei, tate of lierr:ek tur„
deceased. must make! Immediate payment to the un
tlerslg,ned,,and all persons having elalma upon
. sald
estate must Kesent them, duly authenticated, for
settlement. q,. ,
--Notice Is hereby given that all persons In-'
deltted to the estate nt Sindey D. Pitcher, tats ur
Orwell, deceased, must make immediatepayment to
the undersigned, and an persons having claint.
against bald estate must present them, duly anthem
Mated. for settlement. • SABIN . •
North Omen, Jan. 25„-Iltw.• • Administrator, •
. —Notice IA hemby given that al, pv..,ozits h!-
Itebted to the estate of rahack Bannee, later
Warre u , deed, num mate Immediate rtymetit t.•
the mulerslgned,?attd all penults, having Aqattr
against said estate must peeseattheat. duly authe:-.
Heated, for settlement. W. U. ItUsSELL,, ,
4544 , 17, Adaiisturates,
210 SI
. 1175 88
1032 90
31704 1
. ,6)179
. 318 .0
1151 SI
.41813 '24