Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 15, 1877, Image 3
radforti Neporttt Tirwanda, Pa., Thursday, Pabrnary 15, 1877. AST CHAMBERLIN, Dealer In - - - FINE JEWELRY, WATCHES, SILVER, AND PLATEPWARE, TOWASDA, PA. Towanda, Jan. ia, 1877. . LOCAL • AND -CENERAL. NEXT Tuesday is Borough election. "JUDGE MORROW has ordered a special term of Court held, commencint - April 2, to continnetWo weeks. THE Universalist Sociable' will be held at the residence of Wm. K. Hut.,' Tues day evening, Feb. 19. Tine. next Sociable of the Presbyterian Chureh 'will be held at the house of Mr. J.katts 31acF,tattaliE, on Wednesday, Feb: L'l. Tag quite unusual sight of two funerl proaessions, one following the other, was witnessed on Main street, Tuesday after noon. Ova free bridge, which has been con sidered somewhat dangerous for a week past, is all right again; and teams are crossing the ice in safety. Tnt: friends of Rev. J. B. Davis will pay him a donation visit at Dimmick Ball, .Orwell, on .Friday evening, Feb. 23. All are cordially invited.- 3IANT of our readers will read wits re gret the arnouncement in another column of the destruction of Ltm.y Too - sus' Planing Mill in Ilarri burg, last week. TUE next Convention I. 0, of G. T will be .held at Rome on Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 27 and 28, 1877. It is boiled all the Lodges in the Distriet will represented. 31SItS. SNELL & KCTIZENDALL have purhased the Third Ward Meat Mjket. - TluTare Will gentlemen in whom the public have the highest ,confidence, and will command a large pattonage. Drnmo Lent .services will be held in Christ Church as follows : Wednesdays, 4::,0"r. at.; Thursdays, 7:30 P. at.; Fri-_ dap:, 10:30 A., M. Sundays, at the usual hours, 10:30 and 7 P. m. nrn neiglibor of the Argue pays Corn inisshjpers' Clerk awls- a graceful and inerited compliment for- the manner in which he has discharged the duties of his . oSfiice during the i past year.- ALL persons interested in our excellent Graded - School, will read with satisfaction the-very clear and encouraging financial report of the district, prepared by the Borough Auditors, and printed in another column. • • , DENIM' DICKENS, a c blacksmith by trade, living at Gillett, 1 , 4., fell dead as be was getting ready to retire, Monday evening. Ile had been in his usual health during the day, and had worked all day at his trade. lie was. about thirty-eight years of age. -- THE Republican primary meetings for the nomination of- Ward and Boro' offi cers, will be held at ti e voting places in the several wards on .aturday evening next, between the Hours of 6, and 7 o'clock. Let there be a full attendance, and good men selected. Mn. Moons, the evangeliit, has pub lished the follow•ing card in regard to the fund - for the BLISS children..: "I am glad to announce .to the Chris tian public that contributions foi the fam ily of Mr. P. P. Buss, have been so liber al that, with the addition of what he left, they are- well providedAbr, and collec tions Should now cease. A LITTLE over a year ago, Rev. L. F. Poimin came to Towanda and commenc ed circulating a subscription for a new Universalist church. No one then thought that - lie could possibly succeed, but the 'niversalist society OW possesses one of the finest churches for' its _size we know of. ne hear that it will be dedicated next month, when there will be held a two days' meeting. Prominent clergymen from 'abroad will be present. • - ANotitEu week is - gone !—gone, with all its joys and sorrows; into the misty land of the Past. To some of us it brought pleas Ore . -and sweet hopes, and beaming smiles; while to others it bore• sad mes sages that put out the love-light of joyous hearts, and made them all dark forever. Aiutcso the weeks go by—one after- an- other, like`miltistones on .the journey of life, each one bringing us nearer our journey's end ! Well—come to think of it, we shall all orbs be happier when we sleep with our feet to the daisies. En. REPORTER : At a regular meeting of the Fratiklindale 'Lodge of I. 0. Or G. T. No. 497, held at their hall, on Satur day evening. Feb. 10, a resohttion tender ing a vote of thanks to Judge RussF.l,l., for his action in taking such ground as Rill prevent many would-be liquor-sellers from scattering; their poison among our people, was adopted. And, on motion, a copy of the resolution was ordered to be sent to Judge Russ Em., and a notice of -the saine to be pliblished in our 'county papers. Feb. 12: AT THE alinual meeting of the Bradford County Agricultural hoc iety, the follow Mg - lacers were chosen for the. curren year _ Preftident-,--,TosErn E. PIOLLET. Vice PreilitientA-1. E: Buchanan, Or lando Taylor, W:A. Wood, - S. D. Barn um. John B. Smith. Managers—l. A. Park, 11. L. Scott, lhirace Horton, G. B. Vaußyke, G. IL Fos, It: u.-Welles, John ,Baldwin, _C. J. Eastrooks, B. Laporte. rer(Gtry—\V. S. Vincent. (",,rre)onding Secretary, , -John E. Fox. rrt - axurer—E; H. DeLoug. Tuc following named persons have been installed - officers of Alvord Lodge,. No. 1,011, I. 0. U. T. for the present quar ter : . - W. C. T.—HENRY HARRIS. ' W. V. T. -4.ORAINE BOGART. W. H. ALLEN. W. - T.-J. KITTRIDGC W. F. S.—ANNA KrYKE.NDALI.. W. C.-T. A. Emi - AnDs . . W; M.—GEO. C. STOLL. W. A: S.—Mrs. C. H. ALLEN. W. D. M.—GRACE STANLEY. W. I. 0.7-HENRY TONES. -W. 0. 0.-FRANK ROSENFIELD L. H. S H. 11. PITCHER? P. W. C. T.—J. A. WILT. PERSO.NAL.dge ZEBULON FRISBIE, of Orel', paid his many friends here a welcome visit last week. . —Mrs. Ti1011.1LS; PLYS'N, of Topeka, Kan., is visiting her parents, in East,, To. wanda. - —The frier.ds of Mrs. - L. A. CLARE will be pleased to learn that she has arrived in Louisville, Ky.. _ —E. 13,'COOLEAUGH, Esq., of Wysoz, is dangerously ill. • —Gen. W. H. JESSUP, of Montrose, one of the ablest lawyers in the State, is at tending Court here this week; W. PATRICK, Esq., has been con- Ailed to his house in Athens for some ._time by ill-health. - His symptoms, - we '',are glad to learn, are more- encouraging now. —Miss LIZZIE COO . LEACGIEI, who has been spending several'months in thii fam ily of her brother-in-law, Ilbts. THOMAS RvAN, in Topeka, Kan., . returned td her home in East Towanda, last week. JO.irs W. ,31asoN, U. S. - A., is , enjoying a short furlough from dutrafter several years' active campaign service in the Indian country. He is visiting his father, Col. G. F: MssoN, in this place. CALIFY, U. S. A. , was a visitor at the HP:Touren office on Tuetiday. Lieut. C. has just returned from a cam paign,a,i'ainst the. Indians. He seems to have borne the hardships and depriva tions of frontier life remarkably will. - C. B. Pawn died at his resident* on Sulday morning. Although Mr. P. had been in poor health for a-pow or two, his sudden demise was a surprise to even bis -most intimate friends. • He was about town as usual on Thursday. On Friday morning be arose , at an early hour and -went upon the street, where he was found soon after in An unconscious state. He was taken back to his house, and every thing done which medical- skill could de vise, but be did not rally. After remain ing in an unconscious state most of the time, he died on Sunday tnornine - Mr. Pews , came to this place about eighteen years ago, and engaged in the grocery and provision trade. He was one of the first dealers in the town to purchase but ter and other farm produce and pay in. cash. His coming among us seemed to mark a new era in trade, and for years he was one of our most enterprising and successful merchants._Liberal in his deal ings, generous almost to a fault, and strictly honest, he won a large circle of friends. He war buried on TueSit , y afternoon, with Masonic boners, beside his wife, who died twelve years ago. Mr. PATCH leaves an intelligent and interest ing daughter, to whom be was devotedly attached and who reciprocated his filial affection, to mourn her great loss. The deceased was about 43 yews old. BEAUTIFUL Pm-ream—We have re .ceived frichn the Fine Art Publishing House of GEO. &maws & Co., Portland, 43Iaine, several pictures recently publish ed by them. The subjects, as works of high art, deserve the highest praise. STINSON & Co. were among the pioneers in the Fine Art publishing business in this country, and year by year their busi neva has grown, until at the present time it has assumed colossal proportions. A short time since they published a chrome that had a run of over one hun dred aid twenty-five thousand copies. The weight of them unmounted was over nine tons. In the selection of subjects, STINSON & Co. show correct judgment of the public taste, which natural talent, aided by long experience, alone can give. They publish every description of fine works of at t, from a chromo to a photo graph—from a fine crayon drawing to the 'most elegant steel engraving. They bring into service the skill of the most talented artists. Messrs. STINSON & .Co. are at present in want of a large number of new agents, to whom - they offer the mot liberal in ducements. We' call attention to their advertisement, headed, • "To the Work ing Class," in our advertising columns. LITTELL'S LIVING AOE.—The numbers of the Living Age for the weeks ending Jan. 27 and Feb. 3, ' contain the Anglo- Aniericau Churches of the United States, from the London Quarterly; Dr. SCRLIE kANN's- Discoveries at Mycenm, Nature; Prince BISMARCK'S Literary Faculty, by FitAxcis lIVEFFER, Gentleman's .Maga sine; The Marquis of Lassie, by GEO. MACDONALD, Part VIII, .Adrom'e,SheetB; A German Bath, Blackwood; Self-Help in Science, Good Words; Fields and Field- Sports in Madras, Fraser; The ',Words r worths at Brinsop Court, Temple Bar; JOHN WiLsals CROKER, Quarterlyßeview; The Jews in the East, Saturday Review; Caprices of the Nile, Chambers' Journal; The Storm-Wave in Bengal, Saturday Reriew• Earldoms, Pall Mall Gazette; The Shadow of the Door, Blackwood; installment of "Carita," by Mrs. Ota-. PRANT, and the conclusion of "What She Came Through," by SARAH TYTLER, to gether with poetry and miscellany. The back numbers containing the first installments of 3IAcDoNALD's new serial, are still sent gratis to new subscribers fur 1877. For fifty-two numbers, of sixty four large pages each (or more than 3,000 pages a year], the subscription price ($8) is low; while for $10.30 the publishers offer to send any one of the American $4 monthlies' or weeklies, with the Living Age for a year, bothl post-paid. LITTELL & GAT, Boston, are4the publishers. ED. RETORTED. - Dear Sir : Seeing others are free- to express their opinions concerning secret societies, through your columns. I will, with your consent, venti late my own opinion upon that subject. I am seriously opposed to all organized secret societies. Ido not think they are necessary in our-land of liberty and free institutions. More than that, I believe they are working mischief to the cause of Jesus. Besides, they are dangerous to our freedom,-"—some of them conferring king ly titles,• which certainly do not become Americans. D. L. 31ooDy.' Traitors have in many instances escap ed justice, who ought to have been hang ed, or at least imprisoned for life, because they were shielded by the Lodge from the penalty their crimes deserved. There is a-mighty tide of influence eon stjntly rising in our nation, that will, sooner or later, burst forth against secret societies like the old Abolition element in the days of slavery. - "Our God-is march . 'neon." Those who opposed slavery - ,were subjeJ to persecution :. so now are those who oppose secret societies; but ." truth is mighty and will prevail." JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, JAMES MADISON, WILLIAM. H. • Smiiin, Vice-President WILSON, CHAS. SUMNER, CHARLES FRAN CIS ADAMS, D. R. KERR, D. D., Prof. J. IL W. SLOANE, D. D., J. BLANCIIARD, D. D., A. M. MILLIGAN, D. D., Prof. C. A. BLANCHARD; and many oth'ers,iiave spo-. ken strongly against secret societies, and those of them now living are still in the work. There are seven or more Christian de nominations that bear testimony against the Lodge, and many individuals in all the churches arc praying and working a,',la . nst.this power of darkness. • Armenia, Pa En. REPORTER: Agreeably to notice on the first Thursday of February, at 11 A. )t., the Grangers of Bradford began to assemble at the house of Bro. TAYLOR, of Home, and as they continued to come from the hills'and, valleys of the county, it'L was gratifying to note the cheerful faces, the warm and friendly g-reetin 7 of the brothers. and isisters, showing to a close observer that this organization has accomplished much in the way of bring ing the farmers together where they may labor in a united brotherhood for the ad vancement of the interest of, agriculture. After providing for the faithful beasti that brought us among this generous peo ple, tha nest in order was the satisfying of our appetites, which the ride had done much to improve, becoming satisfied that the people of Ronie know how to enter tain guests, and in, a way that will long be, remembered by those who were fortu nate enough to be of the number. We were called to order by Bro. MUNN, who with the assistance of our Worthy State Master PIOLLET, installed the offi cers for the ensuing year. Theafternoon session passed off pleasantly and -profita bly., There were about five hundred brothers and sisters present. Adjourned to 7 r. 31.,1 When all those who wished to be initiated farther in the mysteries of the order, met at the Odd-Fellows Hall for that _purpose, when Worthy Master DELoNo, with the assistance of the other officers, performed the duties of his office with credit to himself and the order to which he belonged. They all returned to Bro.- TAYLOR'S large hall (not larger, how ever, than the brother's heart), and there finished the business of the session, which, all things considered, was one of the most interesting ever held in thecouniy. And when I think of Judge'stone's large turkeys and •the way they were roasted, together with the reception we received at the bands of our brothers and sisters of Rome, I am glad for one that I have joined the Grangers. J. B. J. Firms from - the Northern Tier Gaulle of last week : . "'Thursday evening Last, A. II: Wl's- TERMUTE, who for seven or eight years has been carrying on the business of an undertaker here, left the place in compa ny with his adopted son, "Pete," for parts unknown, leaving quite au amount of property and unsettled debts. The Sheriff seized upon and advertised the property to satisfy the creditors; about eighteen in number, with claims amount ing to about $1.200. He went to Towan da, made a transfer of some of his proper ty and "lit out." He left his wife and little girl behind. —The friends of Ihniat KEDLY, of Granville, son of Enmt.-xn KELLY, Esq.,. will be, pained to hear that ho is again laly.ring under an attack of insanity. lie was attacked with the same malady some years ago, and was taken to Utica, 11.. Y.. for treatment. He remained there alietit six months, and returned home, , -it was hoped, permanently cured. No Brag. toms of mental derangement have been noticed since until about three weeks agq during the progress of a very exciting law-suit, in which he was a witness, reas on gave way, and be -was again a raving -maniac. Through the advice of ;lid cians, be has been - taken to the Hospital at Danville, far treatment. It is hailed that he may soon be • restored to b family and friends. Masa( hart been a sober and industrious citlien, And will have the sympathy of all who are inti mately acquaitited with him. - , -GOLDEN WEDD1N0....... There .was a large gathering at the " Wolfe Farm," near Columbia Cross Road; on Tuesday last, to attend the Golden Wedding of Nev. JOEL Jewett. and wife, who were united in matrimony fifty years ago, or in 1827. Rev. S. L. CONDE was master of the ceremonies and performed the du ties with credit. Letters were read from several parties who were present , at the rst wedding. Remarks wile and witty were made by Dr. E. G._Tnietr, Dr. E. L FORD, E. B. Jewel I. 'and others. The old fan* bible was brought out, con taining the family pledge, signed long years ago by all the family. - Rev. J. SPENCER Jewett., of King's Ferry, N. Y., made a short address full of interest. ing reminiscences, especially referring to the interesting circumstances of the or ganization of the Hector Temperance So ciety, and the fact that it was the first total abstinence society organized in thil country (in 1824). Rev. 8. P. Gams, of Canton, offered / prayer, after which came congratulations. A bountiful supper was provided, and justice was done to it. The social element was predominant, and the occasion vras one to .be long remembered. Among the presents was $139 in gold piece., 'about $lO in currency, an elegant . gold chain from his son, J. H. Jewett, a fine silver and gold card receiver from Mrs. E. S. JEWELL, a hook and gold piece from Dr. TRACY. —The Presbyterian Society is now in a -very prosperous condition. The sacra ment of the Lord's Supper was observed Sunday, Feb. 4, and several members re ceived into the church. The church his decided peon the short term principle in regard to the board of elders, and S. W. POMEROY and GEORGE L. PECK have been elected elders ueder that arrange ment. JOHN E. DOBBIN'S was elected Deacon. It is a subject for congratula tion that the church is able to retain as pastor Rev. S. L. CONDE, whose zeal aud untiring labors have been instrumental for great good to the spiritual and tempo ral interests of the church. The body of Mrs: AIITiAII CASE, mother of Axonus and JAnEZ CASE,- was broUgh.t to this place for burial on Tues: day; frhm Williamsport. The funeral at the Baptist Church was attended by a latge congregation. COURT . PROCEEDINGS - CONTINUED.- Wednesday, Feb. 7. The Grand Jury disposed of the follow leg cases Corn Vs I N Coaistock Assault and battery. - , Corn vs George Acla—Fornication and bastardy. Coin xs L RobertS:=-Eugeno Carrier and A Waltman—Larceny. ihe Grand Jury were discharged on Wednesday afternoon. Com vs .11landus Ilottenstein—Larceny as bailee. Jury find defendant guilty. Corn vs Edward Britton—Selling liq nors without license. :Dist Atit'y Catiff and E C Gridley, Esq., for Common wealth. Wm Foyle, Esq., for defendant. Jury find him guilty. Com vs J G Corson—Resisting an offi cer. Coto vssame--Surety of the peace Continued to May Term. In re 'the application for an incorpora tion of South Waverly as a Borough. Grand Jury report it is expedient to grant the prayer of the petitioners. In re. a county bridge in Monroe twp. Grand Jtiry return said bridge is necessa ry, =bat not too expensive for the said ; township to build. • Amy Fairchild. vs Edward Fairchild. Court direct Sheriff to make proclaim- . tion. -B W Lane vs S Ellenberger. Wm Se'...6Hten ca BL- Knights. Rule to open judgment 'and let the defendants.' into a defense in each case. • W R Smalley vs 31 Cangley et al. Rule to open judgment and let 3.1 Cangley into a defenSe. • I 31 J McNeal vs II B adna'r„ et al. - Rule to appoilat, Commissioner Tin this case. ° Hannah 3feloy vs Elijah Granger, Oir nisliee Of Ellen 31eloy. Judgment against the Garnishee for - the amount admitted in his hands less $lO. 0 E Harris vs George Griffith. Audi tor's Report filed and confirmed ni ai. • C 31 Parker vs A Waltman & Co. Court appoint J F Sandetson, Esq.,an Auditor to distribute the .fund raisd from the Sheriff's sale of the defendant's personal property. The following Sheriff's Deeds Mere ac knowledged in open Court : To S 31 , Dickerman„house and lot in Burlington Boro', sold , Feb. 1, as the roperty of Mortim6r VOsburg, $5O. To E.J Elliott, 100 acres .iu Herrick town ship., sold Feb. 1 as the property of W A Squires, $2,581. To .1 P Kirby, 22 acres in Asylum twp., sold Feb. 1 - as the property of 31-TAlen berger, $lO. To Asa 3lattocks, 17 acres iu Springfield twp., sold Feb 1 as the property of Z Y _Bailey, $5lO. To Win Marvin, 75 acres in Smithfield twp., sold Feb as the property of D W Lane, $215. To Lyman Matson, 15} acres in Herrick twp., sold Feb. 1 as the property of Ad. am Bunt and Z Y Wheeler, $3OO. To D'A. Overton, 2 lots in Towanda Bora' and Shesbequin twp...sold Feb. as .the property of C S Rusiell, $330. To Adam Rifenburg, 78-i acres in Litch field and Athens twps., sold Feb 1 as the property of Samuel Smith, $2,800. To P S Squires, 3.5 acres in Standing Stone and Herrick twps., - mild Feb. 1, as Hi t e property of W A Squires, $4O. S. BEDFORD To C L Tracy, 'rolling mill and lot in Towanda twp., sold Feb 1 as the proper ty of the Towanda Iron Manufacturing Co., tt-1,300. The following Tavern Licenses were granted :. S it Briggs, Sayre; • Edwin Blakeslee, Smithfield; C E Bartlett, IWysox; Joseph Causer, jr., Springfield; J F Fox, Canton Boro'; M ,A Forrest, Ulster; C D Hol comb, Leßoy;, Ornal Kellogg, Monroe Boro'; A It Milberg, Camptown; George Suffern, South-. Creek; D Sinsabangh, Athens Boro'; J C Vance, Towanda Broro; J W Wilcox, Albany. R. Caton, 'Towanda Bortv. Addison Grace vs Ann E Grace. Re port of the Master filed and confirmed Henry Ward et al es 31 C Mercur et al. Master's Report No. 2, tiled and confirm= ed - ni si. . E Case vs E SeHard: Court order the Finn of $245.73, money impounded, to be paid to E_ll Dewey. Monday : Feb. 12. Corn vs 1. N. Comstock Assault and battery. Com vs same—Surety of the peace. Cont vs CliarlesF_rench and Wal ter French—Passing counterfeit money. Court direct a nolle prottequilo - 7 be' enter ed in each case. Court appoint S R Warner an Auditor of Herrick twp., to fill a vacancy. Sarah Morse vs 31 K Morse. Court direct an alias subpaina to issue, Mary E Coleman vs N 0 Coleman. P 31 Larkins vs Jenette Larkins. Charlotte Dewey vs Hiram Dewey. Snedeker vs Snedeker. Courtodrrect Sheriff to make proclamation in eackatse. Sarah E Evans vs C H Evans. On mo tion of E Smith, Esq., Court make the usual order and decree of divorce. S S Phillips vs S C Phillips. On Mo tion of Overton Elsbree Court make thi usual order and decree of divorce. PATRON Coddiug tt Russell va School District of Towanda Boro'. Rule to set' aside judgment. _ Pomeroy Bros. vs R W McClelland et al. Same vs same. Rule. for judgment for want of sufficient affidavit of defense. R K Hulett vs Asa French. Rule made absolute. J A Parsons vs .S W Brague et al. Dili A - , Rockwell vs Wm Griffith et al. Rule discharged in each case. Newberry & Peck vs W Bartow. Judgment for - want of an appearance. D It Blackman vs Etna Fire Insurance Co., Garnishee. Rule toxitlid raw appearance. In the assignment of:AI Watkins for the benefit of his creditors. Auditor's Re port confirmed finally. 0 D Bartlett vs JS&SD Maddhi. Court direct a feigned issue between Rob ertlladdin and 0 I) Bartlett. II M Lock wood vs E Lickwood. Court direct a subpconx in divorce to issue. :" Wm D Powers vs John, McQueen—As sumpsit. Elhanan Smith and J W 1111 x, Esqs for plaintiff. W Carnochan, Esq, for defendant. On' trial. Wk LEARN that Mrs. MessoN ELBEREE died in Warren, on the 7th inst., agesl 75 years. ' A TRCE BIM 3COT - TRUE B 1 lAA 'MERCHANT -DEALER MU NN Las LW* BAPIMAR, NONTILLV;•- Has taken-mink as the largest, most liber ally illustrated , and el Peet family mag azine of genen d ,Yc4iding. Its pages are large, typography beautiful and clear, en graving first-claas, and its price is within theleach of all classes. We, have in the February number acceptable articles from: the pens of the ablest writers, includingA. H. GunttsszY LEONARD Scorr, Alr FRED TENNYSON: AIODIRT: MORRIS,_LL. D., J. E. Notts; 1 7 11lied' States Navy Prof. C. A. Joy, anti others of known ability. Its 128 beaut . ful pages,. 100 illus trations and able contr:buticms furnished for 20 cents , give it thekirgest circulation al'any monthly publish ed in America. Those of our readers who " reside at a dis tance from bookstores an d newsdealer!, will do well to send -42.5t', the subicrip tionprice, to FRANZ Ls 31,1 E, 587 Pearl street, New York, and red" ire the Month ly for one year, postage fre s. BUSINESS LOCAL. Music Boxes at Brarpxxx4l - 1. 1 Sew goods received daily ed n lINDLEKAXII Or New print - 1;a Blom & B Liss. [sera sir Engraving done at Uswincieut, 'S Jewelry Store. Sir Gold Neeklacei of the late et atylesuat D*LMAXI6. • g Now . Dress Goods at KENT it azass..tsepv il•lbratimratii Wrap great, redzietlca In 811. ver-Plated Ward.: - `I VI" Handsomest assortment or Jewelry In town at HiNDILILIX*S {s' New Goods to *every' Delartment at lEsx, & DLtsr•CsoP7.l or Call at KENT it Buss' for your ta ble Pamisk, Napkins, dm., ke.peepT Buttriek's Patterns at EIINT & Liss:' • SIP Gold Opera Guard'and Veit Chains at Mx:. DELMAN'S. • ar, Fine - French clocks at 11E2 :DEL a.s • a*, Iotmr.LNAN „good town and hi:spices are very 1011. That Is the pistol° buy. vir Dollar-and-a-half books for 99 cts.: lliercur Block:' Ladies' Tics in great variety, at KENT, &-BLIRV.[Ser Ladies' Collars and Cuffs at KENT k Buss'.(sep7 Sterling Silver and Sliver listed Caps at 111:NDELIC1Ieri. la. Diamonds, Rings and Stud tins st HEN DELMAN'S. Cs - A Gooid Cutter for salo cheap by E. T. Fox. • jan=3. air 'Tlie best. Creekeri ;baked every day at CURLS' Bakery. , -M" Crackers of all varieties baked every day at Cow Las• Bakery. ire Beautiful Christmas and New Year's pees,. ents at II espetat /ors. ar A big stock of very fine Stone Mega at eery low prices at HENDELMAN-8* rir Sterling Silver and Silver Plated ware at low prices at HINDELMAN'S. or Call at KENT acl; BLISS' and Bee heir new Dollar Enrsal•C"Pl nr New Cloths and Cassitneres at KENT & Buss7.[ltep7 rjir' One fooro case of those cheap Quilts, at KENT & BLlss•.(s.e. pr You can buy a plated Castor for 99 cents, In 31ercur Mock. rir Call at KENT &. BLISS', and IOON at their 11:aek Grenadthei. ra- A large stock of games and toys, at cost, at tirstrcomn h 3HAVI".I. or All the latest publications, very cheap, at I% 4 lllTcomn & SwavT's, itir Everything. In the line of Jewelry, Silver and Silver Plated Ware,-at if ENDEL5raw'B. Sir Pont fall to call at HENDELYAN'S and bee his goods and learn the prices. 115 T All goads sold at 31. lIENDELIaa'a's wai rantcd as represented. VD - Everything in the line of. station ery at Wnircomn & SHACT'S. 'ar 6111 and see the latest Ladies' Ties, Collars and Cuffs, at Mrs. 51p coos% lIENDEI.3tAN'S store is filled with first-class articles for the Holiday trade. UT' Yon can buy nice, fresh-baked Crackers at CowLEs• Bakery, very cheap. WITITCOMB & SiiAt,f sell the best Blank Books manufactured In iho country'. 1.71" Ladies are especially invited to at tend the sale of Crockery at Athens next week. Mr" You can get ,all the latest styles of Stationed, very cheap, at WHITCOMB k SHAUT*B Ca' The largest And best assortment of spring clothing In town, at 51. E. RossArnu.D•s. rir you will be surprised to learn how much you can buy for 99 cents In 'Merv= Block. girGold, Silver, sild Steel Spectacles, and Eye Glasses, In great variety, at MiNDLLMIAN's Jewel. ry Store. American and SWIAS Gold Watches; in Key and Stem Windors:for ladles and :gents, at HENDELMAN'S. Cgr Fon SALE.—A" lot of nice Pigs, four weeks old. , A. B. SMITH., :Ulster, Pa. - Mr' A large assortment of spring and summer hats, Just reserved, at 31. E. ROSEN riEi.ti-s., No. 2—The New Moody it Sankey Hymn Book, at. Pawnll'a Musk Store, Scranton. ttebtOttw) _ r3' FOR SALE.—A. good Gold- Watch. Perfect Mae keeper. Will take borough orders in payment. Enquire at this office. la' If you want a suit of clothes cheap er tlinn you can buy the same In New York, just call at RoskxviEcrt's. ,EIN7IIENDEtatAtc has the finest stock of Watches, Jewelry and Silverware, ever brought into this town, Call and see AL sir Don't fall to call at ilvent.r.miu`s, If you wistilto buy anything In the line of Jewelry. Silver and Silver-plated Ware. Mr The store in ratton's Block now occupied by C. F. Cnoss as a book store and news room, is for rent. Possession given April 1;1877- £ I will buy CorObinga, or, cut Hair and purchase It, from those wishlug , to sell. Call on .1111.33 ELLA d. PowELL, No 12. Lombard street. Vr Jurymen and others attending Court will find the best of accommodations at mod erate prices at BEI:LIT'S European Hotel, on Main street. or Take Notice, there is a great ro ductlon In Waltham and Elgin Watihes. Call at iIViDIELNAN'S and you alit be sure to buy ono at the prices he Is offering. " 'Or Fon SALE Valuable Building Lots In Towanda Boro7, on easy terms. -- iepply to Joux W. Mts. Orrice Dlercur Block,. north side Public Square, Towanda. - li F zzA ! for the. good oli times. TN. Grand Central Hotel', New Tart, the leading hotel, announces ante be/tuns prices. It has re duced rates from 14.00 to 112.50 and 113,00 per day. • ryr A. KLINE, the Merchant Tailor, has moved his Tailoring establishment to 'LAPIS Co's Store. Clothing made to order, also cutting, fitting and trimming dons i►lth. nestnesi and dis patch. ' Give him a eall. rir m6O .CONSTABLE.-I reaptctfully announce myself aN a candidate for the oftlee of HIGH CONSTABLI, subject to the decision of the Republican caucus. Ir nominated and elected. I pledge mid!' to discharge the duties of the office to the best of my ability. "131.045GY W. MOPTI.T. flr A CARD TO THE VOTERS OF TUE Roam:au or TOWANDA.—At the earnest Solicits , Don and under the advice of numerous friends and business men, I have consenter. ,to be a candidate foe the office of BOROI7OIICONRTABLE, Instead of High Constable, as noticed In some of the pi; pets list week. and I respectfully solicit the Toles of the people. L T. Rote. 11/ Mon Catorram.z.r4sual F. TAYLOR wtII be* estelldato before tail Republican ewes for neententlett the glee at Moe COMA. are. Ile is eves, way eitalleed toe the poultice, and the support of Ma friends IU respectfully sone. free.. Co,. - or Why will you eat stale Craekere wben yon can bey them Ilthei trash biked' )Yet: ad cheap? Ask your groCer for Cpwtsa , Crackers or go to We. c.n. Bakery In the First Wan& where lon can get Crackers the same day they are taken Prom the ores. lan= fSr To Conintrrivre.—The saverti per, a retired physician, baring providentLuily dis covered, while a Medical Missionary In flOnthern Asia, a very MOM!' vegetable remedy foe the speedy and permanent Cilia of Consumption, Asth ma. BronChitis, Catasvh, and all tumul i and lung aficctions—also a positive and radical specific for Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all) Bar- Vous Complaints. feels it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive. he will cheerfully send (free of charge) to all who desire tt. the recipe for preparing, and full directions for successfully using, this providential ly discovered remedy. Than alto wish to avail themselves of the benefits of this discovery without ant, can do so by return mall, by addressing with a stamp, naming paper, Da. CHARLES P. MARSHALL, Mitlasses Street, Buffalo, N. Y rir From WILLIAM VAN GEZEB, Esq., of Lewisburg. Union County, Pa This certifies that my wife has been afflicted with consumption for the last four years, and had be come so reduced tint she was unable, at times, to walk across the room, and a good part of the time unable to be ont of bed. She would be seized with violent &Meeks of coughinruntil she would lie al .most exhaustul and helpless. She received the at eendance of as good physicians as could be found In rhilimleiptita and the country, but to no effect. 1 was at last induced to try Dr. WIFTWII Daulaw OF WILD - LUIRRY .1 AO the effect for the bitter • was truly: astonishihing. Before she bad taken two bottles she felt and appeared almost as well as ever: so much se that It Is seldom necessary for her to use any now, except occasionally, from hay- Ing caught cold from exposure, or from sudden and , :unfavorable change of whether. I have always been oppilied to patent medicines and pronobnced them humbugs, but I must say that Dr. WISTAIPS BALSAM OF WILD Cuxaav is an exception. I un hesitatingly recommend it to the public as decid edly the best and most efficacious remedy incases Of consumption. WILLIAM VAN l 3 [ZED. ' ' CAUTIONS-801%WD Of preparations bearing siml• Mr names. Examine the bottle amorally before purchasing. and be sure you get Dr. WISTAIrB BALSAM or WILD CHERRY, having the signature of "I Byrn" on the wrapper. ' 50 cents and it I bottle. MARRIED. CR AN n ALL-0 AM B L E.—A t the M. E. Parson• age, Terrytown, Jan. 30, 1677, by Rev. Joseph 31011 ' 10 M Mr. Gilbert B. Cru"nctall .and lea- Leila B. Garnble, both of Sugar Ran, METMOND—EASTMAN, —At the M. E. Parson age, In Burlington, Jan. 14, 1877, by Rev. Isaac Everitt. Mr. John V. Reymond and Miss Emma Eastman, both of Bru'ahlleid, Pa.- KELLOGG—PF,Rn.7.—At the home of the bride, Jan. 17;J577, tl.f Pee. Isaac Everitt, Mr. Clarence T. Kellogg and 3.11 as Cords Perry, both of West turllngton, Pa. SWAIN—FAY. NING.—At the home of the bride, Jan.-17. ICI. by Rrv. Isaac Everitt, Mr. C. T. Swain anti. Miss Josle Fanning, both of West Burlingt/m. WISE- 1 1cNEAL.—On the 10th inst., by C. D. Campbell. Esti., at the residence of Burton William Wise and Jeannette McNeal., all of Burlington, Fa. GRAVES-4AIFtGENT.—In Springfield twp., by Rev. W. Beach, Mr. Hiram Graves and Miss Sa repta Sargent, all of Sprlngdeld. DIED. POND.—At his lib residence In Wilmot twp., Jan. 21, 1877, Alva Pond, aged 69 years and 10 dap. CUMMINS.—In Ilidgbury. Jan. 22, lan, Mrs. Ar. , mina Cummins,-aged 62 years and 10 rnontht. QUOTATION OF WHITE,PCM.% ELL' & CO., Bankers and Brokers, No. C, `South Third Street, Philadelphia, Feb. nth, Ism lIIL 9. 1881, c 54...0 .4 '• *4.1. and J... 64 64 44 .67 . 46 64 1 0 .40, c oupon. . 446 " Pacific (Pa ey New a's, Reg. 1881 ' 6 e. 1881, Gold Sliver Pennsylvania Reading Philadelphia & Erie Lehigh Navigation " Valley, Ex. Div United R. R. of N. J • Oil Creek - Northern Central Central Transportation Nespuehonlng North P.'nnsyvsnta Mortgage '89.... } Bent •k Bliss. THE LATEST NEWS! KENT & BLISS nave p l at / Opened anothei large Mock of DRY GOODS AND 1V OTIONS Consisting of FANCY GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS , READY-MADE SACQUES, FULL LINE OF FURS, SEAWLS, SKIRTS, 110SIE4Y, GLOVES, CORSETS, ZEPHYRS, CARD-BOARD MOTTOES, CANVASS, &c., &c., &c. EVERY DEPARTMENT IS FULL , Call and be Convinced that we Sell as i Cheap - as the Cheapest! KENT tt BLISS. Towanda, Nor. 23, 1,70. Now arottitomerits. TIISSOLITTION NOTIOE,Tho Colsrburrithip heretofore Watley under the arm name of O. frost h Sons. Is Ibis day Ms. solved by Manta consent, J. Ct. frost retiring. SAKES O. THOM The undersigned will continue to any on the Tantlture balances at old nand and place under the dna name of J. Trost's Sons. to whom all debts due the late Oral muse be paid, and who will also pay all debts due by the late firm; .••• - EDWARD PROST. • LESTER R. TROST. Towanda, Jan. 31, lalT. XOTICE—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Towanda Gas and ater Company. for tho election of a Board of Managers to serve for the ensuing year, wlll be held at the ollesof the Company, In Towanda. on Mon day, the sth day of March next, between the hours of I and 3 o'clock r. n. Towanda, Feb. 15. C. 8. RUSSELL, Seely. NNOTICE.—Notice is hereby given- Bat the undersigned will apply to. the Leg. to Its present session, for the passage of an act subrogating the County of Bradfued to . the rights of said Wm Bunyan against the estate of 11. P. Mem*, and satisfy a certain Judgment la the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, No, SO, May Term 1874, against him. febB: WM, BUNYAN. LIPPINCOTT'S 'MAGAZINE, POPULAR LITERATURE,' SCIENCE k ART. The number for January begins the ninetrenth Volume of this Magazine, and while Its past record will, It is hoped, ho deemed a suffi(dent gtiarantee of future excellence, no efforts alit be , spared ' to direrify Its attractions and to provide as Increased supply of popular reading In the and most em phatic sense. • The great object and constant aim of the condue tore will be to furnish the pbn'ac with Memory en tertainment of a refined and varied eearacter, as well as to present In a graphlz o ; and striking manner the most recent information ljnd soundest views on subjects of general interest • in a word, to render Lippincott's Magasine distinetive those features that are F .ostattractitre in magazine literature. The contr ,butlons now on hand, o specially engaged,eutP ace &highly attractive list o TA LICS,SHORT Broll r es. DESCRIPTIVESXETCHYS, PA'..sns OS SCIENCE AND AST, • ' Foams, Port' LAS ESSAYS, LITSRAILY CSITICIS MS, ETC., ETC., ETC., . By talented and • .tell-known writers. A large pro portion df the a' tides. especiallilthose descriptive or travel, will t u profusely and beautifully illustra ted. The pletc,rial embellishments of Melina:lnc constitute On aof 14 many attractive feat urea. In addition to the general attractiveness of Lippin cott's Magazine, the publishers would Invite' atten tion to the 'following special features for 1577: I. A taw serial story, "Tue Ms ItQr,IS or Log an; by ueurge Macdonald, author of "Malcolm," "Alec Forbes," . ..ltobert Falconer." etc. To those of our readers who are familiar with 'Malcolm," 'this new story from the pen of this distinguished writer wilt need no recommendation, and his repo. ration Is a guarantee to others of a deeply interest • lug and powerful story. It began in the November number, which issue, with the December part, will be furnished gratis to all new subscribers for 1877. 1 '2. A profusely illustrated series of sketches In ,ifiwzotsig nezNznY AND Lire, by Prof. Willard 'Fiske, of Cornell University, who is thoroughly fa miliar with Sweden 'and its People from personal observation. 3. A series of popular papers on ART ►.YD ART 3I►TTERS, by Edward STRALIAN (Earl Shim!), au thor of ••Thu New Hyperion," etc. 4. Illustrated sketches of travel. entitled Pie. Tunas ruou SPAIN. by Edward King, author of Tee breeit South..• etc. alrs.4.uoyii.liooper•s interesting and piquant PAPERS AND LETTERS PllOl4 PAUIS will by eon tinned through the year. S. TUE BEAUTIES OF Tint Ruvez will be de scribed In a richly Illustrated series or papers. 7. During the year will appear a number of hand somely illustrated short articles, descriPtlvo of life, travel, and adventure In the United States, En. gland. South America, Japan, Mongolia, and other countries. , FOR SALE BY ALL BOOK AND NEWSDEAL . EBS. PRICE, as CTS. TERMS.—YearI subscription, fl; twu copies, $2; three copies, live copies, 18; ten copies. 30, with a copy.gratls to the person procuring the 41ub. Sln gle.coplei. 33:cents.. 240 rie E.—Tbo November and December num bers, containing the earlier chapters of "The Mar quis of Lossie." will be presented to all nett annual subscribers for 1877. Specimen number mailed, postage paid, to any address, on receipt of 20 cents. To agents a liberal commission will Wallowed. Address 3. P. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Publishers, 7115 and 717 Market-et., Phil= ANNUAL STATEMENT OF, the Receipt.. Expenditures, Assets and Lia bilities of Towanda Borou g h School District for the 'year ending May 31. 1876: BID. ASKED. - lln 114 108% 108% 10971 1103 1123] illpy 1183.1 111 N 114311114 M 1233 e 1123% 110!5110h 110 S-1104 10331 f 033; 100 100 44U 447ei J.... 12 123 n 2571 211 43q 3371{ 134 .• 8 1 i 7 23 2.5 S 38 78s 62% 52% 47 48 11ECEIPT8.: Amount in Treasury at beginning of year.#l.llo 80 Taxes paid direct to Treasuret.....s.2o2 50 Less rebate on 111,891 24) 218 32 4,956 18 Reed from Col'r L.T.ltoyse on dup. of 15. 1,512, 39 Heed from State appropriation....... 889 08 - Itec'd from O.W.ltyin (non-resin scholars) 115 00 :48,583 45 EXPENDITITIRES. . TEACIIEI7.B . SAL•RIES. Pcof.G.W.Ryan, 10 month% to 19 May, 16.41,400 00 If. K. Smith. 5 " " " :87 IA Frank C. Mills,' 6 * "17 Dec, 75., 170 00 Stella Pitcher, 10 " "19 May, 18.. 400 00 N. E. Bowel!, 1 " 11 rne, 15.. 40 00 Ellen liforcrip, 10 " "19 May, '78.. 4(4) 00 A. Chamberlin, 10 " " " * 6 - 400 00 •E. Pennypacker, 10 "•"• " 400 00 Ella Spalding, , 10 " " " " '3OO 00 [tattle Bogart, 9 " " - . 6 270 00 Clara Lewis, S X " " " 282 50 - .4,430 00 109% 110,46 JANITOR. David Shelp, 12 amps, at P 0.... Jas. iiPhinnej.l4l4l.o lb and, 14.85 per T.. 11343 34 John Kerwin., 1 load wood 3 00 E. A. Parsons, adrg annual statement 1 4 00 ' *". notice to taxpayers.-- 200 ' i!C00 S. IT. Alsord, pub. t.pec'ns for school house.. 12 CO .. .• bonds 3DO " " " bills 5 .50 " " certificates 800 " • " reports for Ryan. , .., 40 00 ~ k " " "., letter-heads ' 7 00 " ' " advl statement 300 .". application 200 o " " to t,ontractors 200 " " .. , lot 'tor sale 2 00 " notices twice . 4CO . 6 . 6 . 100 sheets carbonised paper... 18 75 tr 2 itole , ,mb it ingus, 200 sthool tax roxelpti fl 50 ,•• notice to taxpalers 330 • Edw. Overton, 12,000. 8 rt. c,7t, to Jan 1, 16.1960 00 11.11.Lannlog, 1.300, " " 15, " 108 33 Tral, 3,700, " " Oct 20, 15. 146 00 Coddlag k Missal, 110,000 to 20 S., '76, at 76.176 00 1,600 " " 11 75 3616cELLANEOC6. Codlf k Has% pump and sink ...II 00 " " pump and pipe.. 23 00 " " 19 119 leadldm ..... ... 209 " paid Geo. Neal 3 00 .. • ... work.... 348 " ' " 200 lb cast. repairs 20 00 " 4 sets heater tire. 26 00 4 blocks and backs.— 17 00 " . " freight 397 " " 6 sheets tin & damper. 148 " butts and screws b 7 " • " base knobs and screws. 25 " " latch ITIOUSV trap,. c.. 315 ••.‘ 15 bolts.. 4. , - , 39 -- • ' " brass chain and putty.; 82 oi , wheelbarrow.... • 200 ••` shovel, & snow shovel. 2CO " 24 brooms —. 960 " " 3 dusters ' 6 ' 7 dippers and 4 clips— 142 '• . " pall dipper and cup.... 1 06 - " " 6lb glass at 25 150 .. " 7 115 glass at 30 . 210 .. " sfb glass at 40 ...... ... 200 " 125 0:. copperas, 625 " 1 gallon signal oil 163 1154 58 Len cash '. 50 ---4154 08 Fox k Mefeur, 15 brooms VS 60 " , " 8 bar's soap—. 75 David Shelp, - 2 *. .... 20 " •:. " 22 it) copperas' ... 108 " - " bottle, chi. lime • 21 " -_" glue... ••t -- 172 Mrs. A. Horton. 17 boxes crayon at 25 1 23 Wldtbomb & Shatit, 30 boxes crayon at' 16S . 825 State Superintendent Centennial appr•atlon. 10 00 . Lannßig, bond 91,300 00 SECRETARY AND TREASURER. Nathan Tidd, 2 p'r c't coin on $7,978 3 " salary u Secretary...... .... . 50'00 RECAPITULATION. Receipts as above ;9,533 45 • _ EXPENDITV RES, viz: Teachers salaries 84.480 00 Janitor 380 00 3Puel • Ste 34 Printing .... 53 25 • Intcres; 1,216 33 insurance 88 75 - Miscellaneous 183 85 Bonds. 1,34.0 00 Secretary and Treasurer 206 56 Total expenditures for the year 8,187 88 Deanne In Treasury ASSETS. WALT 31, MG Cash In Treasury 4125 67 Balance due on duplicate of 1874 58 83 •• • " " 1675 1.744 41 Building and lot on State-et 25,000 00 do do Plne-st..—. 4,000 00 Contract for lot sold on Secoud-st 1,200 00 Li/Luna-mg, NAT 31, 1370. Bondi, 3 ter el int tem 1 J. 76i12.000 00 • " " 20 0, 73. 3.700 00 4„-.7-.--7413,7(0 00 BRADFORD COUNTY, SS. We, the undeffigned, Auditors of the Borough of Towanda, hereby certify that we have examined and settled the accounts of the Towanda Borough School. Millie, and that the foregoing 14 as we believe, a true statement of" the It •celpts and Ex. t penditures of the said District fur the school year ending May itl, 1875, and of the assets and liabili ties at the close of the year. FPM. VINCENT. 11. L. L AMOR MIX, Auditors. 11. T. STEVENS Totriuds, Tab.". liTi. EDWARD TROST. ' LESTER, R. 111.08 T. An Iliostrated monthly of ANNOVNCSITENT FOE 1877. 1103 4 , 37 25 less previously paid 55 00 INTIRF.ST. ]FSCR•]QE MOUT PLR CENT BONDS ins 57 • TOTIVE.- . .The Board of Revision bays axed Upon' the following dotes And places between the bourtof pA. IL and Sr. X., or bolding Appeals tor 1a77 t Asyiatu—At thi house of Ii L Monday, Tab 12. - Terry—At the house of 71 11 Ribble, Tuesday, Feb 13. - Wilmot—At the house of Josiah Stowell, Wed nesday, Feb H. Albany—At the house of D Ketiop, Thursday, Feb 15. Overton—At the home of Batman, Friday, Feb le. Monroe Twp , and Bons—At the house ,of Ornal Kellogg, Saturday, Feb 17. Franklin—At the M E Church, Monday, Feb 19. - Granville—At the houseot B F Taylor, Tuesday, Feb 20. k , Leßoy—At the -Holcomb Hoe's!, • Wednesday, Feb 21, Canton Twp—At the Keystmas House, Thursday, Fob V.. • Canton Doro—At ' tpe Keyo4llno Troupe, Friday, Feb 23. Armenia and Alba—At Ira Smith's, Saturday, Feb 24. Troy Twp—At tho !wale of V Milong. Monday, Feb 28. Troy BoroAt tho houso or V M. Long, Tuesday; Fob 27. • 'Columbia and Sylvania—At the. A usttnellie Ho tel. Wednesday, Feb S. Burlington West—At the M F. Church, Thnrs. day, March 1. . . Burlingtori Twp and Boro—At the house of W Ii D Green, Friday. March 2. Smithfield—At the Blakeslee Rouse—Monday, 'arch S. Springfield—At the htntso or Joseph Causer, Temsday, March 6. , • - Itldgbury—At the house of Charles Efendy, - Wed nesday, March 7. , South Creek—At the house of George Barrens; Thursday, Merck 8. • '• Wells—At the 3fosterrille ifoiel. Friday. Mar '9. Sheshequln —At the Valley House, Monday March 12. • Ljtchflehl—At the house of E. II Carmer, Tues day, March 13. iVlndham—At the house of George Moser Weilnesilar, March ft. Warren—At the house of James Coopers, Thurs day. March' 15. " ' ' Orwell—At the Thorn Ilall. Friday, March 15. • Rome Twp and Boro—At the house of A A Tay lor. Saturday. March 17. Herrick—At the Mee TionseMonday, March 19. like and Leßaysvlllci-At the - Case Hotel, Tuea. 'day, March-20. , .......Tuscarora—At the hoiso of Alfred Ackley, Wed - nesday, March Sl. Wyaluslng-4At the house of N Black, Thursday, March . Standing Stone—At the house of II W earner, Friday, March TS. Vt'yeox—At the Myereburgh Hotel, Saturday, Match 24. Theran,ln Boro—At the Gmnd Jury Room, 3fon day. Mittel] YB. Towanda Twp--At the Grand Jury Room, Tues day. March 27., Towanda North—At the Grand dp r,T Room, Wed nesday. March 28. Gister —At the Van Dyke Hotel, Thursday, 'March W. Athens BoroAt the Exchange Motel, .Erlday, March 30. Athens Tip—At the Exchange Hotel, Saturday, March 31. ' Barclay—At the School House of Foot of Inane, Monday, April 2. Attiessors will be punctnal In delivering notices to taxabies. and In making returns In person at the time specified In their warrants, at which time and place the Board of Revision will attend and hear those who consider themselves aggrieved by . the Assessment, and make such alterations as to them. shall appear just and reasonable. ' By order of the Board Aftest:=WlLLl LEWIS. Clerk.. Commissioners' Office. Jan. 27. 1e77. TRIAL LIST FOR FEBRUARY TERM, 1874. .• SZCostn WEEK. , James Wood, et alms M W Wheelock issue Wm Cook's use vs Elizabeth Gable CI, • C W Clapp vs I) B Walker ' debt Justus B Rayners use vs W J Fuller issue A E Comstuek vs E B Williams, i sul debt Wm I) Powers vs John 'McQueen assutnpt Abram Waltman vs Wm & Peter Hunslnger...tres Abram, altman vs Rufus Potter trespass Morn Waltman vs Justus Lewis, lfel trespass Jefferson Carley vs Peter' Miller covenant Geo S Hornet vs 0 W Gorden - issue Tillable Kinney vs Geo NV Kinney ...debt A L McKean vs Wm . illlei ejctment _. _. Writrahlll vs N N Parks,. .... appeal J•lt Cowell vs Overseers Poor Asylum J) Frost vs fl A Mans. et al .• S It Boss vs Corneilus Mimicker set Ia Guy Tozer vs Anlsziah Kinney eject Fitzerald, Flagg & Co vs Dunbar dc Dewey.assnmp M O Mercur vs John Ransom , .:4,..lssue Andrew Bally vs Michael Lynch appea it C Lockwood vs Samutkl green '' dcb- Michael Coleman vs John J Thompson....trespas - -)lenry Beeman vs Towanda' Coal Co . Samuel B Smith vs Levi Wells assumpt John F Sat terlee vs Mises IS . 11ewIti, adm'r...issne 311ehael I'yne vs North Britlfer Ins Co debt X 0 Frost. et al vs J D Montanye, Jr., et al..scl fa Lafferty & Landon vs Lyman 3latson .... ~. —appeal Lydia Harding, et al vs - Watson Freeman..'.. eject Augustus Lewis vs Hiram Herton'sas'gnee.assump Jackson Lewis vs 0 E Pickett . . - debt Marian Tninpkins vs - Wallace Miller trespass Arthur Yates vs Michael Coleman, et al—trespass 81:11er & I'ark vs Peter-Herdic assumpt II W Patrick vs Benjamln Northrop • "eject Wm May vs L T Royse trespass Susan Carmer, et al va C W Doane eject Jaines 0111 vs Levi Welts • . debt John Thcmpson vs M ichael Coleman eject It S Hakes vs Joseph Scriven... A Whitman vs Warren, Ayer ., appeal Michael Hickey vs Thomas Welsh trespass B W Lane vs John J Griffith. et al covenant John Fassett vs hi T Park, et al eject 'Wm M Cox vs A J Layton. et al trespass W Itarroorrillf vs W S Ford trover 1/r Wm M Cheney vs Mark Minto ~..appeal Michael McDonnell vs A & T Waltman—covenant Sextus B Ross vs John 81 Pike, et al sci fa Nathaniel Davison vs J Leßoy Corbin.„, ,, ..assumpt Subpmnas 2(1 Week returnable Monday,Teb,l2,'77. ” t. I. . 1 9 ..... BENJ. M. PECK, Prothonotary. Towanda, January 8, 1877. ORPHANS' COITILT SALE.-By virtue ofan order Issued out of the Orphan's Court of Bradford County. the undersigned Ad ministrators of the estate of 11. B. Wilhelm, late of Burlington twp., deceased, will expose to public sate In Burlington, on SATURDAY, FEB, 3, 1877, conimencing at 10 o'clock A. st., the following real estate, follows: 1360 00 No. I. One certain piece or parcel of land gnu ated In Burlington, Bradford County, Pa., bound ed on the north by lands of Seth (Justin, east. by lands of Daniel Lane, south by lands of Isaac MAX (*This and P. P. Bunts, west by the public road and lands of Laivrence Kendall, containing about acres more or less, about ael'es improved with framed house, new framed barn, gTalpery and 3 or. chards of fruit trees thereon. ALS No. 2. One other lot of land situated in Burllngtotf twp.; county and State aforesaid and Isiuntied as follows, to wit: On the 'north by- Deca tur Ayers, east by lands of John Bolllaler and Da , Vid Luther, south by lands of David Luther and west by L. M. Itundell, containing about 60 acres: More or less, nearly all Improved, with framed house, framed barn, with sheds attached, and an Orchard of fruit trees thereon. ALSO—No. 3. One other lot of land situated in Burlington borough. county' and State aforesaid. and bounded as-follows, to wit:. On the north by lands of Holiliter Compton and Long Bros., east by the brick wall of Long Bros. store, being the vett-. tre of the main building, south by Tiny street, west by lands of Geo. I'. Tracy, being about 33feet front On said Troy street and 111 feet deep, with three Story brick building thereon.. ALSO—No. 4. One other lot of land situated in Smithfield twp., county and State aforesaid, .and bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by lands of Adam Schill, east by landsof Andrew Campbell, south by the public road, west by lands of Dorvilla Ford, containing 50 acres more or less, about 35 acres improved with a log house thereon. TE.lMS.—eioo to be paid on each parcel, on same behest ruck down, one-third of balance on confir mation of sale, one-half the residue with interest in 6 mouths thereafter, and-the balance with interest In one year thereafter. ELIZABETH KELLY, JAMES 11. WEBB, jan4-td. Administrators. ME 11,216 33 asm ADJOURNMENT.—Notice Is hereby given that the aixrre sale stands adjourned until THURSDAY, -.=,FE BIWA HY 22,5 t 10 Melock..A. )1., In Burlington aloro. ELIZABETH KELLY, JAMES H. WEBB, febS. Administrators.. AssIGNEES' SALE.—In the Dis trict Court of the tnited Sitites, for the Western,District of Pennsylvania. In the Matter of S. W. Paine, Bankri. No. 1815. In Bank ruptcy. t, By virtue of an order. Issued nut of the tailed States Court, the tinderiigned will sell at public sale, on SATURDAY. MARCII 24th, 1877. at one o'clock, P. M., at the (Mice of Delos Rockwell in Troy Miro', Bradford County, Pa., the uncollected notes and accounts remaining In, their handS, be longing to the estate of S. W. Paine, Bankrupt, amounting to several thousand dollars. Terms of, sale, cash. DE LoS ROCKWELL. ' . .GEORGE B. DAVIDSON', FeblS,w3. Asslgnees - of S. W. Paine. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. C. M. Parker vs A. Waltman k Co. No. 400. Felt. Term, 1877. The undersigned, an Auditor appointed. by the Court to distribute the fund . raised from the Sheriff's sale of the defendant's personal property. will attend to the duties of hls appointment at his office In the Borough of Towadda, on MONDAY, the 1.7. th day of MARCH, 1877 at 9 o'clock, A. at., when and where all persons having claims upon said fowl must present them or be forever debarred therefrom. JNO. F. SANDERSON,. Feb 15.w41 Auditor. ADMINISTRATOIt'a NOTICE —Notice is hereby given that all personsin debted to;the estate of Studey-D. Pitcher, late of Orwell, deceased. must make Immediate payment to the undersigned, and all persons having claims against said estate must present them, duly authen Heated, fOr settlement. SABIN ALLEN. • North Orwell, Jan. 25,4W.* Administrator. lIIND VX.ECITTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice uj is hereby given that all persons Indebted to the estate Of Polly Warner, late of Plke, deceased, must make Immediate payment to the undersigned. all persons hating claims against said estate must present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. C. REYNOLDS, Leßaysville. 'Feb. 8. Executor. 1209 b EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice Is hereby given that all persons Indebted to tae estate of 3lary Keeler, late of Herrick twp., deceSsed, must make immediate paymentto the un -4.lendgned. and all• persons having claims upon said 'estate must present' them, duly authenticated, for 'settlement. FLORENTIIA 11. MARSH, • Orwellj3nlo'77. Executoi. T IST OF LETTERS remaining in JUI Post Office at 'Towanda: Bradford Co., Pa, for the week ending Feb. 14: Henrietta Ball 7. n Bennett • Orlaii.ln Bell Mary Evans Timothy L Crowley Daniel Georco Henrietta Carpenter Martha d Joiner Wallace MeManace— Michaletrilerren John Post C Park, W nt Hegens Lucy Skean nnt,o FOR FORFAR/Z. Maggie Llnard, Barclay. John Bonn°ily, Barclay. Judaea Waterbury. Keeney's Settlement N. Y. Minnie Haggerty, New Albany. Martha Lee, Clifford Susquehanna Co. Pa. Bridget Grady, Touanda. Kate Metiahren, Towanda. . - Miehale Sullivan. Towanda. Lewis Horace, Towanda. Mary J. IdeCarde, Towanda. Alms letter with no address. . . , Perrone calling for any of the OM, *Hiram° toy "sdreatilletV giving data of llst.• • B. W. /MVOS.% P.M. = Thos' hake Chas Palmer Cordelialtennels Lucy Steins ANNUAL EEPORT,4O THE RECEIVALS AND EXPENIATEHEg OP BRADFORD COUNTYTROM JARDARY'isr TO DECEMBRaIurr, 1 A . To amount paid Auditors ' # 124 90 Poe Prothonotary and, Register 011 ices.. 90 00 Bridge contracts ' .., 407 24 Repairs ~,, " ' ' 432 37 Views 4.... 78 39 Bradford County Agricultnral Society:. - i 100 00 Constables making returtis to Court":. 1,575 enz Assess Ors 2.878 00 .Costs in Commonwealth snits • 2,964 96 Counsel In criminal snitsr • , TO 00 Counsel to Commissioners - '...'. . 50 00 Crier and Stip Staves_ f, Court - ' 858 39 Distrisi Attorney ' 503 00 Electiou expenses , • 1,526 68 rue! a' ' lights - - . . ' 597 79 Grand J Jrolll ~. ; 941 52 Travers , : Jurors • • ' 7,029 83 Irmansure on public buntlines • - 216 00 Justices' inquisitions 164 28 Jury Commissioners red Clerk ' ; ~ 183 49 Ogles books and stationery 594 34 Public printing ' 577 04 Prisoners' support In count jail.— 2.578 99 Prisoners , sup`rt In cr Penitentiary 1.220 80 Conveying prisons niteutiary.... 481. 15 ' i'roCy and Clerk of Quarter Sessions... 440,93: - ' ~...._ . Account . with_ths efecrat Collectora . of Coital( Tar for the Counts/0J Bradford for lie year ;RN. - - . •:',..: ' •! ' • 11, I . ... ',.. wilt! In/ o'ntrlnioln.P.44o9%ll l A)no'ht, TW rs.. AND 'SOROS. !. 'Names of Colltetors. IC rge.d. i "leo ect...t...r it d4' r , gel lue. :. ; • I I 1 • 1 I I - , . I • ; . Armenia IW. U. Becket)* ' . • ;1076 144 le' 110 64 : 1 .44; -'l9 13;' ~..^5 53 • Athens, Born— ~ J. H. Homer • I. ' 11876 780 13' 710 50; • 3 28 , 7.9!..1 .. Athens Twp N. V. Weller... ... ...2.. . ; !MC: 1717 37; 1594 181 37 23; 85 96: .., . Asylum - Myron Fristde - ,•• ~ 11876' 564:20 ; 445 r.. 0 ' .....j.•...,; IgB 7 0 Albany NC. W. Corson I' *e -Y • '187& 358 584 310 92 1 10 31! .1,7 45; ..: .... Albs ' - John T. Leonard 4 - ' 0870; 98 691 92 78' . 1'23- '4 08. .. ••• • - Barclay ' John H. Davis..t... 1; 1876' 720 1' : 500 Or ..... .. ~.;.... '21.31 13' Burllngton - Wm. P. Lane • 118,61 519 10 490 651 2 624 - 55 81' ..i...... Burlington %aro • 3f. B. Phelps: .• !1.876, 105 45 '69 re . ; '-; , 46 43 , Burlington West V. C, McKean 1 •••••—: 18 70, 45 9 44' 410 00 1 . 2 .1. ; 22 e , , '34 n Canton Trip .1 . ilimm Lindley 18761 984 194 ' 070 42; 4 5.5; .40 16! ;. I ,Cauton Boro C. T. Farnsworth , 58761 465,191 437 69. 4 474 31 rAi ~ Colurn4ols O. L. Gates • e P 57 61 1031 74 ' 095-77 ; a 31! 52: fir.i Frat(klin David Smile y i• • • ..e.• • •1 1 3 78 i 37 0 8 5 i 350 461 1 9 1, j 18 4: .. .... 0 ratiV4.lle ... , C) N. Fuller. ' 11576! 051 101 615 21, • 3 4: , ,• -32 4:.1 lfetriek: .0. L. Catnp ' i• - I 11876! 441 79i ' 412 50j 5 42! 33 871 ~ ...1. Leßoy • - I. A. Wooster 4- .1'... —.118701 009 te2,.' 573 57, 5 ,' 30 21.1 Lite1efie1d.1........... Albert Carmer.... 1 e ;.iIB7OI '702 771,1601 404 7 li3 ', li 7. , 4 .... ~ VeP.aysville U. C. Lyon • 10-6 , 174 7 0, MI 77% 1 32 1 8 67. . .• • Monroe Twp D. S. '3llngos; I 1876; 630 24' 555 40i! ~. ,il 81. Monroe Bona B..B.'Hoilett: 1 115761 12:9 13' ' 114 221 2'BBl 005.: Orwell ...e. - - C. O. Vanwinkle 0 1 53; 1187 I 756 700 004 . i ' 4 56 531 Overton' 1 r' John Mathews e 11876, 208 67! 133 C1:.17 491' 0 5.n! .. ' Pike' . ' E. C. Abbott • 11870; 928 151. '073 721 8 491 45 5), ..;.... Ititigbury G. M. Owens • • 1 1 87 0 , 1 736 11 4 690 CS, 11 46- 30 . 311 ..;,..... Rome Ta-p !Morris rought'' 1876, 616 1 20. 429)(0 t 1,96 Rome Bora 'lsaac Adams. 1876! 8.5 r.' 80 91 4 1.. .. 1 . 1 . 3 . i. Smithfield!' ' ' IF.. V. Nl6hols • 1876: Ins 00, 900 001 . ; 275 90 Springfield . .... Tim Leonard; •• •• ,13701 978 +.13 405 " 6 : -10 78 48 411 50 1:3 : South Creek David Chase- . 118764 967 28: 345 WI i ' , 1122 28 ; e 'Silvania Boro ' lames F. Briatol ! • 113 - 6. 93 05; 87 91 441 Ol , • 4 . _ .. .... , Sheshequin - IDeo. Cillids..•• . :...... ...2 ........ ;1876 ; 1037 151 980 514 5 35: 51 .p — ..,s, .... Standing 5t0ne........', Geo. Sage ' '1876, 525 lo• 495 341 3 61; 20.1n' , . 1 , '..... Terry ' • S. Bowman ' 113761 361 13: 340 774 5 38! .1.8 oc: e Towanda Twp : .1. W. Magill • 1876! 562 771 512 Oni I • 1 50 77 ; Towanda Boro' A.,Wickhatu 11876' 3213 03 2976 30' 79 73 157 of. l g ... . Towanda North F R. Oohing! 1 18761 321 3 - 2' , 2.;3 74; 1. 1 , - 14; .53'. Tel' Tirp ; Leonard Vanflorn....t ',. 1187211 107 52, 820 00h 5 4e, e 53 2'; , , 191 77. ... Troy Boro IL 31. Spalding ; 1876 - 8 1 57 702 75, 8' 64' 40 14; .. I ..e.. Tuscarora. - Wm. Snyder ' 11074'- 15:,3 001, 51es 12: 8 62; 27 2C ' Ulster James Howie ;18769 580 22 551 91: 4 lE'; 29 13, ..;:... Warren • C. F. Bowen ' • !War 970 OS 509 204 . 7 24 . 42 114 i Windham IS. I). Russell • 11976, 096 93! 658 311 3 981. 34 64 ..1.... Wyatusing C -W. C0rbin.....,,.. 11870' 789 78 71410,4 6'294 39 34. ..1.... . Wy inr„ F. R. Bishop 1870' 852 82 602 001 - :'' -1 . 2.t.0 92 \Vette., • G. 11. Knapp : .'... 41876, 723 29 450 00' 1 213 29, Wilmot.: 'John Scluyek :1876, 505 44 469 55 14 16: ' 111 73 ..1...:. , • IneLassessmenl "11876 L 1 96 72 BO 84' I ;8588 . . ; ' • I ' - I 1 ; I 27.11 , ~- • , JamCst . C. Robinson, Treasurer, in lecount with the County of Bradford Due upon dupl !rates of 1875 and previous., 2142 19 Duplicates of 1878 ' 31204 OS liat•.k tax ' ' 1032 90 = w‘eated land tax.. seated land tax lte-assessments Wni. Bunyan Loaned from Citizens• National Bank In Trearry, Jan. Ist, 1676 Tqtal County. Auditors in ac . l) - ettit with the County of BrTlf,Jrci fur the .ye ar 1,37,7 To amount of orders Issued In 1876, • BRADFORD COUNTY, 8 S. I . . . - We t the underMined,.Commissioners of f.ald County, do hereby eertify that the atxrce Is a trn • and correct !datement of the receivals and' expenditures of said County front the Ist day of January in t ti , .: 31st day of December inclusive, A. D., 1876. I, Wittiglll our hands and sal of office at Towanda, this 10th day of. January, A. I)., .Attest—WILLIASI LEWIS, Clerk BRADFORD COUNTY, s S. , 4 ! We. the undersigned. Auditors of said Comity, do hereby certify that we have examined the; fem. going statement and the vouchers tor the same, and find it to be correct. • ,i- Cominlssioners' Office, January 10, 1877 C ITATEMENT OF TrIE AMOUNT, DESCRIPTION , AND I . ;ALITIT lONI OF ►real and personal property, trades, profess;ons and occupations, offices and posts of profit, money at interest,- - gold lever, silver lever, and gold and silver watches val ued at over twenty-five dollars, as returned by the several assessors for the cOunfy of Bradford, for the year A. D. 1877. - - - _ . . . IE4 ~.. '.4 • . Zn. ~.! s . I ._•-• , i t` ~ I -• • . • L... z , r... . ~., z. . .-.. ‘.., , ; : t . . ':: . 4 :: ... ,•:. Banos' AND Twrs. -Zi • ,t. z"): '' •.•> h.. . C, • .t . ! Z . , :•• ` s , 7 :: ',.. 'z • •••• i ••i.,.. ";;..:. I t z •- • • ..i.. , ...„, _ , .. • ... -. . • ::::_ •....- ....... , -..., ..: ... ;,- . . -z - - 1 -,••=-.., - -;-. • -,--- • , ...: :r• !•• 1 - - ri , 7... - - . ..-: ;•1' :-.- fz z z• i--- ,-.1: , k-., -• t. ."-- . -.•:-••-' , Athens Twii ...... ....I $434,597, $47,000;A .. $15,0p0 • 1.,.. - 0;:..... 1:11 .s Athens 80r0.... ..... . 1 • 184,722: 7;440: 800. 35,000 .tft;91)9 . :.. 1p ....i.... Asylum .1 136,88:1: 10,51' 3 . i 1 . 300 1,070 ........!.'... Albany.. ! - 77,472 ; 10,8881 , I 2. 5 1(0 , 1 ~...,.... Armenia - I 32,435', r . 2,050 " - i.„.. 1 '. . ' 180 -.... : el.'. ;.. Alba`Boro .1 19,857 i ~1f 954i130 3 ...., . 3 . . Barclay . • 51,800' . 050 80 , ' .86.290 ......... .... Burlington Twp. . 120.3291' 11,W4.......... , . , .... ... -.... Burlington Bore. ' 20,383! 1,11/16:' : .300 356 2 ......-..'.. Burliiigton West " 100.482! 9,700 i I g 400 50 . ' • Canton Twp - . 208,198. 20,130; - . 7,566......'.. ' 1 3 5, Canton Aoro ' .....1 97,7911 9,85_3 , 700: • 1,010 ;. 3,731, - '.7 12....'' Columbia.... .1 235,4 X 22,65,i 1 ' '' , .... ... Franklin .i 76,139! 0,674! ' 4 8 00 ' 2901. ; ._. .... .. Granville .! -142,3861 14,221! 1,740 40 ....,. :..:. Herrick .i 9 1 .8581 10,029" ' i 9,500 Leßoy I. - .1 . - - 1.44,r'90, 12,841: - i • 1,530 Litchfield , .! 16,843710 , 1 ....' Leßaysville.... .... ..1 3f), ..cio', • 2,480; ' 75: 13,00' 1,7 0 ..:. Monroe Twp.... I ' 144,002, 0,389' . . .. Monroe 80r0.... .. ... .i,---'' 29,026, 1,482 1 : .800 Orwell - •i ' 171,416, '19,205 1 3,100 . Overton .1.. 51;842' 2;988 . . 97: ''.oo '420 .... ......... Pike.:. - i 292.706! 21.150! ; 9,014 930 .... • 1 - 5 .1 , 156,144; 18,106 Ridgbury • i • • • ! , 930, 185 .' . :. .... 4 .. 1 .. Rome Twp .' 140,926 k 10 44 . i 300 • ... .... .... Rome Boro I 18,407, ' 1,58: , 300 ' 1,185 2 1 .... Smithfield . , 266.300 1 27,027 . 1,850 . •735 .... ....,.... Springfield' .1 221,193 i . 24,195 i I 270 -, South creek ' 1 103,779 i 13,872' , 'l, 100 t ... ...., Sylvania. • . 18,853 2,105 • 1 ~••.„....•.• .... Eieshequin.... . 239,33 S 18,400' - 1,400 ~ ......... Standing Stone• . 101, - 448i 8,416; 4,910 sz;o. '- 5 ....; Terry.... - , 81 3551 9,040 i . ! - - i Towanda-Twp .l 119,215 6,180, , , 1,480 Toivar.da'Boro I. 545,726' . 9,040. 2.750! 87,090 37 271 79 ..... 1 ..... Towanda North. .1 82,450 1 . 5,125, 250, 10,810 ':,-,: 20'.... ....,.... Troy Twp ' ' "36,023 21,118 , I -1,000 . ' - 607 . :.. .....'....- ' Troy Boro ..... .: '157,886, 3,209 250 i 8,900, 18,665 '. 4 2.... Tuscarora..„.'. .1 119,072 i 10,077; . - . Ulster.... .: .. . I 141,182; 12,803 - ' 3 124 . , 460 ..... ....: . 9 Warren l • 194,098; 22,680! 1: 2,400 y . _.. , - Windham = !. 152,371 • 14,465 70;- 2,300 • 23.):... ' Wyalusing.... ' "' " '-' ; 182,37:h 17 4 35 435 i -. 520 - 1,880. - 3 . 1 4 ,- , WysA - ......., .., ..... . 1 188.130`, . 11,220 I4;400 . 830 ~. ....I . _ Welles 1 . 150.15•4 1t4,03 ~? 1,000 .... .., . .., Wilmot , , '•109,887: ' 15,15:1 ;1; • 250 .... • • Tptal... 1111SDRORD COUNTY S.S We, the.undersigned, Commissioners of said county - , do hereby certify the above to be a true and correct statement of the returns made by the several assessors or , Bradford county for the . year 1877. And we also Ove notice that we will meet .at tilt i . Commissioners' Office in Towanda, Saturday, the 10th day of February, .1877, ITer the purpose of revising and equalizing said assessment. , . . . G. W. KILMER, . „ . . . - • . .M. J. CO,OLBALTGII, - Commissioners. , . . JOAN BALDWIN, - -7 ..,_ . • . Attest—WILIAAM LEWIS,'Clerk. Legal. AUDITOR'S • UDITOR'S NOTICE.—In • the . Orphatra Court, In and for the County of Itradford. In the matter cif the estate of Silas IF. Cole, late of Rome Township, deceased. The Auditor, appointed by the Court to make distribution of the fund In the bands of Loyal F. Russell, adm'adstrator upon the said estate, will at tend to the duties of his appointment on Thurmlay. Abe 15th day of February, A. 1) 1577, at 10 o'clock A. M. at his oflice on Main Street. In the Boniugti of Towanda, 1 'doors north of the Ward Rouse` when all persons, having claims upon said fund must-present them or be forever debarred -from the same. . GEORGE 1/ STROUD. JanlB-Iw. Auditor. ; -EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice • .is hereby given that all persons Indebted to• the estate of Ahlra Pitridge_,.. late of Ulster tip:, deed, are required to make immediate pay meat to the undersigned, and all persons having claims against the said estate, must present them, duly authenticated,, tot settlement. L. 31. I'ATRIDGE, Executor. 3111.5n,Jan4,77 • VXECITTORS' NOTICE --Where a,+ ; letters testamentary to the estate of Car tes 'Tyrrell, late of Pike, deceased, bare•been granted to the subscribers, all person& Indebted to raid estate are requested to ma,kefirnmediate pay ment, and allyonons hay ba g chills to present - them duly attested for settlement. ' Plltei'Jan.t6;l74ll* Cotuaty Dfimies for 187,&. Repairs on pniillebnilding'S I .......11 1.00.5 Ott - Rent of rooms for Court at Troy., - ,..4.... . ',IGO CO Sheriff for summoning Jurors ;- p 1.5 io Sheriff's fees in Commonwealth suip.',.... - 219 05 State Lunatic AtylUlp"" ..-..,.4.:,.., p 45 VI _ St hool and township . taX ..../4 , i IKi Wild cateertificates -'.. . ...,-... f 75 Bounties to volunteers 010 00 , Township litir. viewit?' ~... 74 i - SO , Copying Indices. Register's Office ' . L. 90 aOO (3°04 Judgment doe., Pret's 0ffice..,,... .2 -10 CO Making duplicates I sB7 CO Making registers' ' ' 'l4O On Livery for County Commissioners,lB7s.. 18 OQ Treasurer's expenses at Troy Court..i. :. .'. 27 40 . Abram Snell, late ,Commlssioner.. - ..',... ' ',lo'oo t Ben,. Kiiykendall. late Commissioner„. 110 00 ;Morris Shepard, late Commissioner...l... -10 00 . E. B. Cooltaugh, late Clerk..., ' len e 0 George W. Kilmer. Commissiener,...'... . la:. 00 MOMS JA:oolbatlgh. COMMISSIUtIer.:,..., 69") 00 fl John Baldwin, Commissioner 240 00 William Lewis, Clerk I - 1,4(.0 el 24tal Returns uncollected for Exonerated to Collectors) Percentage to C011ect0r5....... 25-1 97 Paid State Treasurer EOM Elf= Orders paid EIS 96 72 ' Two per cent. commission on 1t.31589.41 500-00 One per cent. commi,slon on fa 1590.24:. 3040 :V In Treasury, Jan. 1.4 t, 1577 2537'53 i . • • e 4 ISt& :3 Tottl e 31704 16 I 1y amount of orders pald'ln Taxable Pmerty or 184. ?.0,688,866 $177,319 ?5,507 $241,614 $168,325 I Commissioners' Office, Febi'-uary 1, 1577 ORPHANS' (`OI.TRT SALE.—By virtue of an i-n, 1 1 1,, t1Ca out of tip; Orphat,' Court of Bradford e• t.• ty, the tindersir,.llol„ Ac,.. nitutstrator of the es• 4, eof (J. P. Well late ~: Athens, deceased, 1 , ..i1l .-c,....e to public f.3lr. at Iho Vannyke IrousP, ta l'lster, on FRIDAY- Yi'''• la, 1577, at 1 o'czoet, i•. la- the .f•dlevrti: , .l,:m.,! 4 f land situated in U,st,.r.v.r. Is , unded anetics,rii.ed as follows: Beglenl92 at .1 , stoup corner i.t , tot N... 2: thence south BSS° east 125 .1-10 rods to a the southeast corner of lot No. Vihence 58 ..° 1 • ,, t. (by hits Nos.-2 and aby the Welles and I larris s,.'' 1 division) 74 8-10 rods to a state ; .thence :oli;11 1' . west by lots Nos. 3, - 4 and 5 In 'Welles at: d riot 1:, subdlstision„ 142,15 5 ,. rods to a' Stake In lb n.rt4 1'.;..." of .Edmund Lockwood's land, deceased.: tin , :, ~ along the same north 635 0 , west 46 7710 rods t” a stake:the northwest center of the sante; 1L.,11 , , 5:240. west 10 2.40 rods to a stake.,north , a .4 eor t ,..c of lot No. 7 of the Welles and llollenhael; sliv4:l , :•; thence along the north line of said division 8 , ,, , ,, 0 , west 87 4;10 rods to a state northwest comerof :. , :c; I lot No. 7; thence north 13e., east 284 1,, I!, • It inning; containing 175 acres, deducting a, t..- from 73 acres sold to Mlles K. Smith. TElt3lti,--t too down: ape-third atlmlauri• ou cc firmatiom.halanre In two ?final_ Annual payowl from date of confirmatio t eale. 'f, jan2,s DNIINISTRAI. °F.'S . .. N 03i C,Il A ., • — Notlee Is hereby given that s'l 1,-no. I!. r A. 1-F ..... I b.l. to the estate of rattlek HaF ~ .4.1•, 1::,...,, Warreni, .4en'tri ..ongst, wake InjAecllato :ii.. 1.31- 1 rt , the tintlemignell, anti alrpersoM - baying. elai“ ,z aratitst said estate must present therarduiy stoat -, ticated. tor settlement. W. H. HL t-.S - ELL; ' . Jatt4l7. • . ' . ..tiqtrulatattatt,r. F. F. TYRRELL, L. 31. TYRRELL. Executon, G. W. KILMER. M. J. COOLB A UGH. Comruis'eJoner§ JOHN. BALDWIN, , n. Edi - RNE. ? W. L. LANTZ. • 4 iiptlit 4 o4 J. It 'BRASTED. ): BE WEAR: -Adnibilstralor 13 II JE MOM =EU 3sO Fl l 1175 F.,; 27. 1:12 10 31 P 3 19 1791 79 413' 31 . 734 ,z 1 .111.113 t'.4 IN '.1 4, 4 46 MI El