Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 08, 1877, Image 3

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    padford Xleporttt
ezwazda, Pa., Thursday, Febsstary 8.1877.
Dealer In
,70\VA.NDA, PA.
Tol6aoa, Jan. IS, 18n
3ln. C. M. fikt.t. has received the ap
pointment of Notary Public.
Tits mild weather of the past week has
materially diminished the volume of snow.
.NATHANIEL BENNETT, one of the old
est citizens of North Towanda, died- on
'Monday morning last, 'aged about eighty
years. .
CAPT. .T. K. Wnirarr, of Athens twp.,
- died on Tuesday morning last. He will
be buried by. "'helps Post, G. H., to
=day. '
Tiesga county, N. Y., 'celebrated the one
hundred and first anniversary of his birth
day ,on the 26th ult. -
TilE name of the Luz erne Leader has
been changed to The Levier, and the
office of publication removed from Pitts
ton to Wilkes-Barre.
41. ) noFCom.t3t, of Troy, having
taught the required period in this Stare,
has been granted a permanent certifiate
hy.the State Superintendent.
A PRESBYTERIAN Church Sociable will
be held at! the house of E. 0. GOODRiell,
On Wednegclay evening, Feb. 14. A cor
dialiir:itation is extended to all. -
Carr. C. M. MANN - mix has been invit
ed to deliver a temperance lecture at
Camptown, and will comply with the in
vitation on -Friday evening, Feb. M.
A REGULAR meeting of the Historical
Society will be held iu the Grand Jury
. Room, on Monday, Feb. 12, at 2 o'clock -
R. A. 3lEnOut:, See'y.
Titn - ne.,3t sociable of the Presbyterian
t.. 4 ‘;ciety in Monroefroii, will be held at, the
hnuse of Mr. WILLTAn A. PARK, on
Thursday evening, Feb. 15. All are in
- A CRAZY woman startled the Court and
jury on Monday; by rushing toward the
beach and demanding •of Judge Monitow
a deed for property she imagines belongs
to her somewhere in the county:;
- A SKETCH artist, employed b 3 the Rut-
PF.lis, has been sojourning - with us for
several days past. lie-left evidences of
his:skill, in the ftirm of pictures drawn
with soap, on many (f the shop windows
about town. -
WE 1I received from JOHN C.
_WELLES Esq., 3 pamphlet containing the
Poi;ort of :fudge ASA PACKER- -Pre ident
of the L. V: R. R.. for - 1.,• 1 76; also a report
of R. X. PACKER, General superintendent
of the Pa. & N. F. Sr; R. R. Co.
ON TUESDAY * evening; Jan. 30, the
F.pieopal (lurch, utm being erected a%
Friem , sville, Pa., received substantial aid
in the form . of a fair and supper. The
Attendance vas quite large, and the pro
ceeds amounted to $75, aboVe expenses.
Ilts Honor. judge liusszi.r.. believing
I het e is PO authinity under the I.resent
liciq e law fur grauting licenses to eating
Louses and saloons. refuscs to concur with
Piesiihint :lodge Nol:ita'; and all appli
cations for eating house licenses have been
refni-ed this -terin.-ri
Fitrseit and WALTF.I: FRENCH,
arretzted lasut week U., S. Deputy Mar
-1/111.,,::(;, for I,:issing counterfeit
11 ~ and taken 'before .lonN W. Mix.
S. Conlin is:ioner, for
I' a full healing, were discharged, the
evi!ence fouthl to war
rAnt -their being laid fur trial at U. S.
AS WE predicted, tlicOnecting_ of Po
rno Lia Grange. in Rome. last week was a
very interest ii and enjoyable occasion.
Thittyroight Gratwes were represented
neath, iiveinflatvd patrons and ma
t tons. The good people of Home had
ma ,le arnph.‘ provision for the large crowd,
and an were taken care of. The proceed
ings of the. Grange were conducted by
llorthw- Modcr 1);:l.oNn,, to the' entire
;s.iti,faction .W the raendwrs.
f'rhh.l till rep...rt of the Boni Auditors
..rand Treasurer. -we learn that the re
ch of the buronadeTrom all stuices last
year. were t5;17,6-1,11.0.). The disburse
ments were $15,:i74 ........ kitting a balance
in the treasury of :1-:1;!;.4-1. The indebted-
Th ., of the borough on t. a first of Jaml
ry was The debt .vas reduced
during the year i: The principal
item in the lcultm2:ll expenses is the
am.mnt paid out, on streets, : - .47,535.77.
The expense of caring fur the poor of the
ltorouLt - h, -including tramps, was about
( . 11.‘11T.T.S M. h;-xi. r, a former citizen
of ihisillaots. Las just been 'oppointetl
Policeman at - Se:iforth. -Canada. Mr. D.
is well qualithd for the re4ronsihle poi_
ti n. and we have 110 tiollbi will dischar;_te
the duties to the entiic satisfaction of the
authorities. CIIAIII.TE has hri : sts of fri e nds
('Ti side the line who rOjoice in his
seecesis over in the Dminion. The posi
tion II) 'Which lie has heen appointed is a
iTspunsible-one, and is for life. ;We take
ple.:sure in conmietaling the action of the
g ., 0 ,1 people tlfaforth, in honoring one
...1- I.: 7AVE. are under oblti.,-ations to Jo is E.
Wap.D. tele:zraph 'operator, for the
part icula: s of a disastrons fire, which .cc
ciirri,d at Wav'eriy this Wednesday morn
ing,- The fire . originated in A. littaK
mtay Ws store on Broad street at 3::".0 A.M.
Ti.' l,uildic and contents were destroy-
The dames spread to the. Gilbert
and the Weathetly Block, both of
wh;cii we:e lenlly damaged.. The - vs - s by
ti , .‘ and damage will reach 21.000. Three
n men .. were seriously, injured by an ex
plosion of gas. one of them JAS. MCNEE,
• cry seriutzz•ly.
P !:SIINAT.:—Mr, anti Mrs. CLARK WlL
:tee, yin pan iesl by Mrs. W.'s atzed
ituttlier. Mrs. leave forlingo
-till, week.. Thvy Al ill rimaili there ,but
shert tiu u, at. 4 then go to Michigan,
wl.ere they will enter upon .evangelleal
wt.rlr. Tht best wishot 6f a lark circle
of friends iu Towanda and, elsewhere, go
with them.
N'icnoi.s, of this
is Visiting friends in Elmira. •
—Senritei• D.NVIF- , spent last- Sunday
AI it IL in this place. _
—J. A. M. Passmon'r- i . of Pottsville, was
in town last week. and paid a Hying visit
to hi.: friend Jud! , e l'as:=stonr., of Rome.
• -FRANK STALFORD, of Norwalk, et.;
ihippod in upon ns the other day. look
ing as flesh and buoyant as ever. lie re
ports himself wed pleased with hi new
hone in the land of wooden nutmegs.
—Hey. .Tons I). llEirtYr, i formerly
of this county, has rne to Helena, Mons,
I.lmt where Lis many friends
mny address him. Be bears with him
the best wishes 'of a large' circle of aci
WE ARE in receipt of a copy of the An
t< Phil feur4l .1 fair, far 1877 . ,
published at Albany, Y., by LUTHER
Sos, and mailed to any ad
dress for the nominal sum of :10 cents. It
is the oldest (and now the only) publica
tion of the kind, and contains 150 pages
of practical matter, :Mere:44lg to , every
-resident in the 'country, illustrated with
no less than - 1-10 - beautifnl ,engravings, al
most all original. We notice particularly
a capital article--on '• Practical Ycntila•
tion," which discusses this all important
topic iu a clear,aod at the same" time sei
entitle manner, giving fully illustratdd de
scriptions of all the improved systems.
Elaborate Almanac pages are prefixed,
and a very useful feature is the " Farm
ers' Ilegiver, - which gives the addresses
4,1' all the reliable dealers, in everything a
iartner needs to bit,—live stock of all
seeds, iznpleinvltF, ppmery stock,
*e l ttiti - •
Surramirmarr PACXER and wife
have invited a large .company of their
friends 'to a " house-warming " at their
elegant mansion in Sayre this evening.
A train will leave the Court House switch
at 7:30, for the accommodation of invited
gnCsts. •
A LITEUARY erritiosrm—The follow
ing rather curious piece rof composition
was recently placed upon the black board
at a teachers' institute, and a prise of a
Webster's Dictionary offered to any per
son who could mad it and pronounce
every word correctly. The book was not
carried off, however, as twelve was, the
lowest number of mistakes in prommcia.
Lion made :
"A sacrilegious son of Beliat, who suf
fered from bronchitis, having exhausted
his finances, in order to make good the
deficit, resolved to ally himself to a come
ly. lenient and docile young lady of the
Malay or Caucasian race. He according
ly purchased a calliope and a coral neck- .
lace of a chameleon hue, and securing a
suite of rooms at a principal hotel, he en
gaged the head-waiter as his coadjutor.
He then dispatched a letter of the most
unexceptional caligraphy extant, inviting
the young lady to a matinee. She revolt
ed at the idea, refused to consider herself
sacrificable to his desire; and sent a po- .
lite note of refusal, on receiving which he
procured a carbine and bowie .knife, said
that he would not now forge fetters hy
meneal with the queen, went to an isolat
ed spot. severed his jugular vein, and dis
charged the contents of his carbine into
his abdomen. The' debris was removed
by the money." '
The mistakes in pronunciation were
made on the following words : Sacrile
gious, Belial, bronchitis, exhausted,
finances, deficit, comely, lenient, docile,
Malay, calliope, chameleon, suite, coadju
tor, caligraphy, matinee, sacrificable. car
bine, hymeneal, isolated, jugular and de
lowing very pertinent remarks on a pop.
ular 'fallacy are from an exchange, and
are s o full o: sound sense that' we cannot
resist the impulse of reprodncino. them :
" t he
.outside world have strange no
tions about the, privileges of 'the:press.
They see journalists going here and there
without paying their way; they find thenkl
in favored seats at"the play, the public
meeting anti the grand dinner; and s)
they look upon editors as a pecuiarly fa 7
cored class, constantly receiving compli
ments and benefits for which • they return
nothing. Let us say, at once, that this
is a grave error. There is not in journal
ism a legitirnate worker who does not, in
service of solid value, pay twice, five, nay,
ten times over for every favor he receives.
And these conditions between journalism
and the people are not likely to be chang
'Yet the outside barbarian thinks all
newspaper men deadheads, and envies,
them the tine times they have in the way
of free dinners and free tickets to all
manner of shbws. There never was a
greater mistake. People do nut seem to
realize that, on the part of the journalist,-
it is merely a matter of business; that the
or reporter goes to these places; so
attractive to the outsider, much as the
horse goes to the plow—because: he must
do so. We venture to say that four-fifths
of these free entertainments arc to jour
nalists intolerable bores. But the press
touching- the public is tire monumental
deadhead, and the press is the victim Of
the public's rapacious and unceasing de
mand for services without pay. Let us
have the bout on the right leg."
Br:rot:TEß: On Monday, Jan. 29, Perkins
Post, 202, G. A. R., Were. called upon to
perform the funeral rites over the remains
of their late comrade, Joutt TALLADY,
who departed tLis life on Saturday, the.
tiGth ult. The funeral services were held
in the Baptist Church, and the sermon
preached by Rey. .Mr. PEci:, pastor of
the Universalist Church, of this place.
The Grand-Army assembled at their hall
at 10 o'clock, and at .1:50 formed in line
mid procee:cd to the late quarters of de
ceitsed. headed by the Athens Cornet
Band; from thence to the Baptist church;
thence to the cemetery, with arms revers- -
ed. colors draped in mourning, and the
band playing dirges. After the services
of the Post were performed at the grave,
the fasewell shot was fired over the re
mains of the soldier, when the line of
march was again resumed tO the late
quarters of deceased; thence to the
the band playing lively airs. After arriv
ing at the Hail, a short session was held,
and the Post dismissed. This wa's a tho-
ronghly military funeral, fully in accord
ance with the Army Regniations, and
probably the first ever witnessed in Ath
ens. The church was tilled to its utmost
capacity, and the procesgion the largest
that we have witnessed for a long time,
in this pla.:e. Jolts TAhhAnv was one of
.Bradford county's best soldiers, well
worthy the honors, so well perform d by
his surviving comrades, .over his remains.
Commander C. T. llrt.r. delivered the
:following'address on the occasion : .
Comrade Jon:: TAIIIADY was born in
lister, Bradford county, Pa., and at the
time of his death was •years old. Ile
entered the military service of his noun
try by loilisting as an artificer in Company
N. T. Engineers, on the 28th day
Of An ,, ust, >6l. for three years, or du
ring the war, and was honorably dis
charged therefrom on the 20th day of
:: , Tcptember, Isr,4, by reason of expiration
of his term of enlistment. Thus we find
by the military records that he was a true I
soldier, carrying out his ple - dges
government Ii) serving the full term for I
which he enlistO, and so the nation has
recol(Ld him as one,~of its faithful de -1
fendyrs in its great tune of need, and his
name is inscril:A-i on that immortal "roll
of honor" of brave men who esteemed
Ulu national life and integrity as of more
lalue than personal ease or even life it
self. Inimottal record ! I care not bow
bumble and obscure he may have been in
the social walks of life, this will be hand
ed down as an imperishatdelegacy to sue-
cceding generations as long as there are j
kindred to remember him and our nation
has an existence.
of his conduct as a soldier, his coin
rades speak in the highest terms. Obedi
ent to his superiiirs. kind and considerate
to hi , comrades, faithful at all times.
and brave in timeof danger, he avlar the
esteem of all. 'ln the held, it. the camp,
wherever duty called he was at his Post.
Thr.miji exposure m the performance of
severe duties, be contracted that disease
which has terminated his life. While
ottnisfell by his side, stricken by the Ili : .
t:11 bu:let,lie received his death wound;
thick more slowly but just as surely has
worn his life out.
Yes, be is dead ! We shall see him no
more upon earth. No more will he an
swer the call of duty, for he sleeps till the
last - great'ec'f•Ur shall be sounded. .
We, the surviv,:rs of the Grand Army,
shall miss fur he will no lon L ;er an
swer to our roll-call of duty. These or
phan children will iniss him, for the va.
c int iu their 1 , 41 I
v.y Was'
them that their earthly protector has
goon, -'A sister who. yith tearful eyeS,
has hwa:t(d tidiners froin many a battle
field of the past, will miss him, for be wi
come again no •more. • \o: hereafter
the only reminders of him will be in past
•mernorit•s. and the mementoes that were
once his, that alfectiOn has now laid aside,
and will be preserved; as relics of the de
Comrades of the Grand Army One
more comrade has been mustered
Our ranks are gradually- thinning, as one
by one they fail out of line to pass the
dark liver to the other shore. "Death is
no new thing to us. We have witnessed
its work is all its forms. As you have
halted on the march. in the'battle's strife,
oron the lonely picket line, to pay the
last act of respect to a dying cornr4de,
you have been made familiar with its rav
ages. But familiarity has nut hardened
your natures. • As you have leaned over
to catch the dying words of a cumrade,you
have heard no word of murmuring or com
plaint from them. Their last words have .
been about home and the dear - ones
around the family circle, and their List
request that they should not be left with.
out a protector. To carry out-these re
quest* is one of the objects - ot our order.
Our hearts made more Sensitive from the
dangers, shared together in the past have
been linked in a closer sympathy for each
other and the wards left in our keeping;
Our departed comrade , was an honored
member of this association, almost front
the beginning of our existence as a rost.
He lovtal Is•associations, and almost the
last words hespoke upon earth were to S ped u ata "
his children, that they world remember exantortasies
the Grand,Army of the Republic. Coto- ;.sheets
rades, let us then close np our broken ! pL n . e l r ;, m, p. „ l ,
ranks, and cherishing whatever -is good, ; Knee cap and I Galvanic 2nd hand
noble and true, perform those offices of • !.ep's Sht.ftv, hvw
bkindness ' which shall mak, otir order 64 rm . to, 1e 74 11 r i tsirg. • • ' ::y
letilling OM hod, . tinwo t 1 i 1 ,trr7l~r, t4r7r~rr~,llrt!
! Tax Lars RALPH B. Lrens 07 MONT',
ROSE.—AIIEL TURRELLoontributeito the
Montrose Democrat the following bio-
graphical sketch of the late R. B. -Ltrrt.E.
Mr. L. was a brother of G. R. Lereht,
Esq., of Leßaysville, and alas 81 years of
"Mr. trrirts was bete lath 21, 1818,
in Delaware hounty, in the State of New
York. Wlsen about eight years old, with
his parents, he moved. to Bethany, then
the county seat of Wayne , county, Pa.
He made the beat improvement of the
limited opportunities of that place, at
that time, for obtaining learning. Ile
studied Latin and Greek under the in
structions of Rev. ALEX. CAMPBELL, at
Bethany, and the Natural Sciences under
Dr. STrueso, with such other aide as that
small town afforded. When about eigh
teen years of age, he commenced the
study of law, in the lace of the late
EARL WHEELER, at Bethany. About the
time of the removal of the county seat to
Honesdale, he 'came to Montrose, and
completed - his legal studies with • the late
B. T . CASE, Esq. • Ho was admitted to
the Bar of Susquehanna county, on the
22d day of November; 1830,. having pass-
ed an excellent examination. - He then
entered upon the practice of the law with
encouraging success. On the 24th day of
April, 1840, he was married to Miss PITILA
ANN Posr, daughter of DAVID POST,
Esq., of Montrose. She, two sons and
one daughter survive him.
"Mr. LITTLE was endowed by nature
with superior intellect and a high ordei
el talent, and by the practice of strictly
moral and temperate habits and untiring
and 'persevering industry as
a student, be became an able advocate at
tbo bar and a formidable opponent. What
he deemed right in law, politics or any- .
thing else, ho had the undaunted courage
to stand up and advocate, or defend, re
gardless of denunciation or ...opposition
from any source :'•and men of prudence
took issue with him with caution, and
those who lacked caution and other need--
f-ul qualities were doomed to disaster and
"During his entire brilliant legal ca
reer, he made and, ; kept at hand a shed
memorandum of all the decisions of the
Supreme Court of this State, commencing
with . Ist Binney and ending with 2tith
Smith. ' In his profession ho took a spe
cial pride, honoring it for its own sake,
and devoting to it his entire energies,
with an industry very rarely witnessed,
and'with a degree of success very rarely.
equaled. liks labors have been rewarded
with worldly competence.
• "During the first years of his manhood
he acted with the so-called Liberty party;
when that party failed to place a t cket in
the field, he generally voted with . the
Democratic party; and during the last
fifteen years lie has been an active laborer
in - the cause of Democracy, and identified
as a - prominent and leading member of
the Democratic party; not as an .office
seeker, but from hottest principle, for the
good Of the people, and the prosperity
and honor of the counties constituted a
Congressional District, and at the time
that tEoltni: W. WOODWARD was first
the Ddmocratic candidate for member o:
Congress, Itat.Pit B. LITTLE received the
nomination for Congress by - the Demo
cratic convention of Susquehannacounty.
At the recent election for President Judge
in this District, he was tendered the nom
ination as the Democratic candidate, and
accepted the same, receiving a very com
plimentary vote.
"Formerly, during many years, Mr.
LITTLE was a worthy and exemplary
member of, the Baptist church. During
the last few years, he has been a proud
vent, efficient and leading member of the
Methodist Church in this town. To this
Society the, loss is great.
" The funeral was-attended Jan. 29, in
the 31. E. (loud? edifice. That large
house was filled vqtli people, and many
persons were unable to obtain admission.
Rev. VY . L. THORPE delivered a splendid :
sermon suitable to the occasion, and -be
stowed a merited eulogy of the deceased
for for his superior legal attainments, tal
ents, dchristian character. and many vir-.
tues. Other prominent clergymen-assist
ed in t le services. - The body was buried
ju the lontrose Cemetery."
-CI AT lON. - Looking over and carefully
- comparing and analyzing the work of our
Society, we find that.this, the busy Cen
tennial year, is not behind the last three
of our organization in.good, earnest en
deavors to relieve the sick and poor.
Many of us have stood for the titst time
by the side of abject poverty and the neg
lected sick, - tind in heart have been
strengthened to better purpoSe and zeal
in this part of Gon's vinyard.
Gootl and blessed lessons have been
taught tzs, how it, watch and wait for the
coming of the Loan by the sickness and
death of motherand-daugher, whose tem
poral wants it was our privilege to relieve
dnring the latter part of their lives, and
for whom bUrial careful and tender
provision was 'Made. Surely " Messed
arc the dead who die in the Loup:"
In all eireetions we can sfe the growing
improvement iu the Workers—we know
bate' how to visit,distressed homes, and
the task no less, is bocoming easier, be
cause gratitude is such a sweet reward
for kindly pets, and we are learning the
truth of those Gospel words so often spo
ken with little,meanin that "It is more
blessed to give than to receive."
Our Community is still botintifut in good
will toward us, as our reports- will show.
Among the individual good deeds extend
.eel, as we are -glad to acknowledge the
drawing up of our Constitution and
Laws in proper form by_ Mr.' - ; H. M.
WELmis, to whom we extend our thanks,
and also for the nice framing of saran by
Mr. IFutrro3tit. '
It has never been our lot to work with
any society in Which the general good
management was to truly praised as iu
this; aid the universal good feeling, exist
ing; between officers and members is so
marked, that it seems almost like insult
to comment nn it. Old and young alike
working with cheerful deference and each
ambitious . to do his Part.
The silent, thoughtful, and sometimes
tearful attention given to the reports of
the visiting Committee has often impress
ed us, and though perhaps We are oftener
sobered by these meetings, than joyed,
yet we all feel the cause a blessed institu
ti,an, and ow which commands the great
est consideration and respect toward the
instigators from whom we have learned
to look forward with interest to this work.
The generous "Thanksgiving" gifts
speak the good wishes of the public, while
individual donations from all parts of the
torn :•re constantly coming to our relict,
and we feel like adding in bennediction
the prayer which so often comes to our
ears, " May COD add His blessing and
His name shall be praised. Respectfully,
Mus 0. A. BALDWIN,Prest.
Towanda, Pa., Jan. 31, 1877.
CORDING SECRETARY.—The following is a
list of the distributions . made during the.
past year :
luraar.s Doul,le Gown, new
second-11 - and 3
1.11!pg. new 4
•• Flannel Skirt,, new 3
" - Shirts, svetaul-hand
markets," ..... —3
new •
-• " Flannel Ski: ts, new 10
- " Canton Flannel Drawers, 1 6 econtl-hand, term-;
new Pt
ender' assts, new IS
' 6 •• second-hand 1
;Night l)res.ces, new..
.. .. .
.. Go .
. 64
.. . ..
" floats .
" Wrappers
" Ilutda
" Hats,
Seta of tars, second-hand
Suits, second-hand
Tanta " pairs..
Te rci.ats' " • ,•••••• •
storti 4 second-hand
" new
Doutde-Gown,' now
"' Booth new, pale
•-• second-hand........
Women's 1)ouble-Gowu,' new..
** Wrappers, -
6 4
• secnnd-band
0 Night Dresses, 0
" Chemises. new
" • " Fecond-hand .....
Drawers, second-hand. 14Ire.••••
Polonaise. second-band
6. (*teak. second-baud,
" Skirls, new
" Hood, new
Mittens, new. Pahl"
Stockings, new, jwira
second hand, pair; -
Shnee. second-hand. pairs
" new, pairs
Slippers, new,s.ilatni. •
ovenboee, DI! w, pairs
second-hand, pairs
" Coster " " 4
~ Orattaat -.." ,nt " 1- 4 .. , 4 ; . I A
Rocking Chairs, - needdilauf ' ' • t 1' .
, Oluses or Jellyt I ~..t.t
Canned rralt, Jars •• • • • •
, 2 6
Two% pounds • • - ...:17
I}not, pounds 127
Potatoes, busned*.......
Coat. -lons • • -- , , ' . . a •-ki
Medicines •
More Goals. amount ' " 666
Delatne, yar ds ,
Flannel, , " .
Calico, "
factory. S. ..
°merles and Prortslosts.
The Association has necked the. fol
lowing :
A valuable package of goods from Tad-
Lon. 6.; Co.; also second-baud clothing.
From Episcopal Church Poor Fund,'s9.-
32. From Mr. E. T. Fox, pounds of
tea. Contributed by lady members : one,
$l9; another, $2O; and several others to
thn amount of $25. A boa of valuable
now clothing donated by Mr.R. A. PACK
ER; Received-from Union Thanksgiving
services, $64:79. The Episcopal Church
Thanksgiving CollectiOn, $23.70.. Post-
Office Thanksgiving box, $1.63. Powraz,
Co., 61 yards Canton flannel. Grocer.
ics, D. W. SCOTT, $5.00. From a num
ber of gentlemen,.
$41.05, in special trust.
Mus. R. M. WELLESi
_Rec. Seelig.
Mrs. 8. W. ALTORIN Treas'r, in ac
count with Ladies' Denev. Assoc'n :
Jan. 27,.1876. . Dr
To balance in Treasury,. $ GI 78
To amount received during year.• 186 Q 9
Total . 44...4237 87
By cash exiindid as per 'rancher& $163 33
Balance in Treasury . $72.54
At the annual meeting of the Ladies'
Benevolent Association, of this place,
held on Wednesday, Jan. 31, the follow
ing officers' were chosen for, the ensuing
President, Mrs. 0. A. BALDVirIN; Vice.
Presidents, Mrs. T. M. WOODRUFF, Mrs.
C. S. Rcssin,L, Mrs.. Dr. -H. C. PORTER,
Mrs. D' A. OVERTON; Tre:fsurer, Mrs. S.W.
ALvonn; ReCording Secretary, Mrs. R. M.
,WELLEs; Corresponding Sec'y, Mrs. D. H.
The following resolutions were passed :
Pesolred, That-the thanks of this. Soci
ety are due,•aud are hereby tendered,to
Mrs: ; Wm. WATKINS, for her kindness
and liberality in gratuitously furnishing
a room for our use, thus aiding and facili
tating the work of benevolence. •
A'e.colred, . That we, the members of the
Ladies' Benevolent Society, extend with
great regard our thanks for the kind con
sideration shown us by Mrs. Fox, during
the four years of her management as
President of this Society; and while we
regret the circumstances that prevent her
acceptin g the position for the coming
year, we feel sure she will give us hei ex.'
cellent co-operation in our work; and for
this ale earnestly petition, while we re
main truly - her friends.
IN MEMORIAM.—TII9 following pream
ble awl resolutions were adopted in mem
ory of Jonzi. I. JoNEs, by Smithfield
Lodge, No. 1.124 4 _, I. 0. of 0. F.:
WHEREAS : God.' in His all-wise Provi
dence, bath seen fit to: remove from our
midst by death our worthy brother, JOHN
I. JONES, who departed this lifo Saturday,
Jan. 20. 1377. Therefore, be it
Resolved, That wo as members of
Smithfield 'Lodge, do tender to the be-:
leaved family our heartfelt sympathy iu
the loss of a much loved companion, and
kkind , and indulgent father.
ResOlrid, That we sincerely mourn the
loss of 'our • belayed brother, who by his
daily walk awl conversation, proved that
!divas not only an Odd Fellow in name,
but exemplified the true principles of the
71'esolterl, That the loss by the decease
of our worthy-brother, will be deeply felt
in the counsels of the .I.odge room, and
that this community has lost a most
Worthy and, respected citizen, and the
aura an honest and upright member.
ittsolred, That our hall be draped in
mourning, and that our members wear
the usual badge of mourning for thirty
days, and that a copy of these resolutions
be sent to the. family of the deceased, and
also to the several county papers.
rr•nr rsu elsewhere an account of
`the IlefalCations of Mr. LESHEISI, Cashier
of the First National Bank of Montrose.
Mr. L. was atone time a toekholder and
director in the Citizens' National, of this
place, but disposed of his stock some time
since. His irregularities de not affect in
the least the bank here. The young man
held a prominent position, both socially
and financially, in tiusquehauna comity,
and the discovery.of his evil deeds was a
complete. surprise to every one. ills
transactions had been entirely concealed
from his father and other intimate
friends. The mania for stock gambling
and the desire for great wealth. undoubt
edly proved too great temptatitn.s to the
young man.
Counv PitocEEntNns.—Court convened
at this place on Monday, the stli inst., at
I() A. 31. Hon P D Morrow presiding and
Associate Judge Russell on the bench.
The usual prelnnjuary business was trans
Monday :Memnon the following per-
Sons were sworn in as Grand Jurors :
W II Phelps, Foreman; A
A. A Bishop, Z T Bowen, Wm Conklin,
Frank Pimp y, Dennis Fas. , let, Thomas
Fitzgerald, Cyrns Horton, Henry Huff,
Adam Innes,Michael Kerwin, John Lew
is, Frank Newberry„ Michael Quilty,
Alex. Shear, Reuben Stone,
Whitaker, Samuel Whitehead, John Wil
liams, Asa Wood, George Wright.
The constable's' retnrns were made and
sworn to..
I.'lC. Harris vs Hardford Fire Insu
rance Co. Ru!o on defendants to give
new bail, or show cause why their appeal
shall - not be stricken off.
Livice Blackman vs I) R Blackman et
al. JII Shrader vs Scepter Brown. 118
McCrossan vs C - A Squires,- •et al. Jas
McGreggor vs Martha McGreggor. J J
Thompson vs W II Dunlap. G C At
wood vs Griffin .Magee. Rule to open
judgment and let the defendants into a
defense in each case.
S Walbridge's use vs E Walker et al.
Mary Donahoe vs B N McCormick. Rule
to enjoin - plaintirs from Riling defend
ants' real estate in each case.
E Hornet vs Wm Camp et al. Rule to
subrog,ate Wm Camp to the rights of the
Bull & Rockwell vs Wrn Griffith et al.
Rule to strike off judgment as to Win
John A C(xlding vs F S Ayres., Rule
to open judgment, also •to enjoin Sheriff
from proceeding further in this case.
J 1 1 1 -.Means ve: M " Eilenherger: et al.
Rule to set aside Sheriff's sale.
Jas Lynn vs David Thompson. Court
enjoin Sheriff frnn proceeding further in
Ohs case. •
Chas Dense vs .f F Gillett. 'Hula on
Sheriff to pay money into Court, and the
came shat remain there until an ac
tibn of replevin is determined. '
E Case vs E Sellard. Court direct the
Fu m of P 72.40 to be paid to plaintiff up
on his filing a bond. Towanda Iron Man ,
ufacturing Co. vs D. 0. !lollop. Court
permit defendant to withdraw affidavit of
In re. the assignment of Noses Wat
kins for the benefit of creditors. Audi
tor's Report filed and confirmed ni
John Hansom vs M C' tol,prour- et al.
Court appoint Wm Foyle, Isq., "Maker
and 'E:caminet in this case, in this plaeo of
J F Sanderson, Esq, who declined to act.
Nancy D Morley, vs Jienben Morley.
Court direst a subpoma in divOrce to is
sue. ,
. Wm Crooks vs Elizabeth Crooks. DD
Wheeler vs Walter Wheeler. Court di
rect an alias subixepa to issue in each
case. Lina Haynes "vs Chas Haynes.
Julia McCarthy vs F T McCarthy. Court
direct Sheriff to make proclamation - in
each case... Emma Levering vs C L Lev
ering. 0 E Houts vs W H Bouts. Court
appoint H N Wii)iarnq Esq., a Commis"-
sioner in each case. S E Evans vs C H
Evans. Court appoint W J Young, Esq.,
a comtnissioner.? Amelia Shaw, vs G N
Shaw. Court appoint 3 8 Williston, Em.
a commissioner.. M Palmer vs Fannie
Palmer. - Court appoint B A Long, Esq,
a Commissioner.
In re. tlte applimtion for a County
Bridgei-in Leßoy twii. Pie,)ort of Viewers
- tiled reporting in favor ~of the bridge.
Exceptions to the same sustained by thO
Cum" vs' Thomas Meehan— Malicious
Mischief. Court direct a noi4 prosequi to
be entered upon the payment of costs.
(Atm vs (1 9 Fi Cole—Nuisance.. Con.'. -
tinned to May. term. •
Com vs Anthony Nul)k§ikretypf the
pew, Pefendant peed§ gnlitt wins
tars into rows. ulnae. to keep the peace:
ira.CharleiAtrtiw l , -4•l' -mty, pf, the
tkiee. Defendant pleadi.&ilty. Mud
sentence him to pay the caste, and enter
into a recognizance to keep the peace.
_Com vs Daniel Lyle—Burning a barn.
That. Att'y CaLiff and Elhanan Smith,
Esq., for Com. .1 F Sanderson and E F
Golf, Ems., for defendant. After the
jury: wore charged, the defendant with
drew his plea of not guilty, and pleaded
Com vs Dtanduti llottenst mini Weeny
as bailee,. Dist Att'y Calle and" I: ;Me-
Pherson, Esq., for Com. Elhanan Smith
and J A 'Wilt, Emig, for defendants. .0n
The Grand Jury disposed of the follow
lug cases ::
Corn vs Daniel Lyle—Dnrning.i
Corn vs Mandus flottenstein —Larceny
as bailee.
Com vs Edward Britton, Jack Chibson,
and Ambrose Vincent—Larceny.
Com vs .1 G Corson and Frank Corson.
Resisting an o ffi cer. Com vs Edward
Britton--Selling liquors witbont license.
Jar Mato nose. at IlvtaatatJort.
Vii` New goode received dolly •t niravDtalsAilli
oar Now prints at . 4s -r Brass. [sep7
air Engraving doao at iitNDSLMAN;II Jewelry
ffir- Gold Necklaces of the latest styles at riEN
rw- New "Dress arms- at Kkat cE L
lar TIEN nizmnx otters I great redneilan 1D 811
ter-Plated Ware.
C7f - Handsomest assoement of Jewelry
In town la mNDELmAx-s
Vir New Goods in every Department
Si Rimy - 34 81488'45131).7•VV
far Call at KENT & BLISS', for your ta
ble Ditnask t Napkins, age, ir•r•Cmela
Buttrick's Patterns at KENT &
Liss.' •
J3` Gold Opera Guard and Veat Chains at llzs-
f i ff" Fine French clocks at lIENDEI,
sir HEND.V.LMAX has good goods and Ids prices
are very low. That Is the place to'hey. ' '
Far Dollar-and-a-half books for 99 cts.:
Mercur Block.
Ur Ladies' Ties in great variety, at
' -
KENT a FlLlss'zsep7
CV' Ladies' Collars and Cuffs at KENT
Sterling Silver and Sliver 'Plated Cups at
Itiir Diamonds, Rings and Stud Pins at Itri-
M .- A pod Cutter for 4 sale cheap by
E. T. Fox.
t J. 0. FROST & Soxs have a Sleigh
which they will sell very cheap. . jan2s.
M' The best; Crackers baked every
day at COWLt6• Bakery.
3' Crackers of all varieties baked
every day at COWLES' Bakery.
aSir Wantlful Chr6tmas and New Tears
eats at HENDELMAIra.
Ur A big stock of very fine Stone
Mega at very low prices at IlaN DELMAN'S'
Sterling Silver and Silver Plated
ware at low prices at IiESIDELNAW'S.
oar Call - at KENT & anA see
elr new Dollar Comet.caela
rEf" Nevi Cloths and Cassimeres nt
Eir.sT & ntiss..rsep7
1:1T One more rase of those cheap
Quilts, at Kr" & Ittaste.(sep7
• Or You can bay a plated Castor for 99
teats, In 31ercur Mock.
J. H. WEBB.,
CIF" Call at KENT tc:, BLISS', and tool
at their Black GFeriadln,..s.
'Ca — A large stock' or gamcs arid toys,
it coif, at WHITCOMB i sttArrs.
rh" All the latest publications, very
cheap, at worreonn & SIIACT'S.
saT EverylLing lu the line of Jewelry, Silver
and Sliver Plated 'Ware, at It E NIL/EL IAN
llon•t fall to ran at lIENDELMAN'S and sec
his goods and learn the prices.
All goals F ,, 141 at 31. lIENDELMAN'S Way
ranted as represented.
rrEve4tliing iu the line of station
ery at iVtirrcoun S SHAVT'S.
Vl' CaWand see the latest Ladies' Tics,
Collars snd Gees, it Mn.s sltxaes•.,
t?", • lIF:N;DEL3tAN's storo is filled with
first-class articles for lli•• Holiday trade.
Or You can buy nice, fresh-baked
Crackers 111 COWLF.S . eatery, very cheap. -
Mr" WHlTcomm 4S; SHALT sell the best
plankllookslnanufactared In he eduntry.
ear Ladies nre cspecially• invited to at
tend the ',sale ei Crockery a Athens next. week. .
- le
Yon can get all the latest tit,Ples' of
Stationery, very cheap, at WHITCONtt & Snarl's,
tar The largest and best assortment of
spring clothing In town, at M. E. Itostxstimh'S-.
-Mr Yon will be surprised to lain litow
math you can buy for 99 cents tirkercur Mock. '
air Gold, Silver. and Stec! Spectacles, and . !In
4511a?3e5, In great variety, at lIENDr.LHAN'S
ry Store.
l Fine American and Swl Gold Watches, In
'Key and .Stem Winders, for ladles and :genis; at
CM" A largo assortment of spring and
summer hats; Just . I.l:.;crlved, at M. ROSsar-
far GOSPEL lISSINS t No. 2—The New
Moo & Saiikeynyalti Rook, at Powell's' Music
rff" The Grand Central'lloteL the Larg
est In lewyork, hay made another Innovation, and
Numhled"lta ratektrom Leo to and sp.oo per
day. •
ar Fon SALE.—A good Gold
re.rfret ttme keeper, take boyouglp oFders In
frayment Enquire at this ',Mee.
If you want a suit of clothes,cheap.
er than you can buy_atozazue In New York, juxt
call at lkisibmEtb'S.
nr.ilE t lii/ElataN has the finest ; eteek
Or VlStities, Jesttlit'artA'Stivers, : ary, wiretlttintslttit
tato this toms, call . atv3 sos lt. . 4
, Q' Don't fall to call at liz:mLiontAN'S, If you
`wlsll to buylanything In the line of Jewelry, Silver
and SllvFr-plated Ware.
Vir The store in t Patton's Block now
occupied c. F. ettossAsna nook stntek and news
room, Is for rent. Possesfslon Oren Aptll
0- will buy Combinipt, or. cut Hair
and intrchaNe It. from those Nabbing to 8011. Call
on.Ntlis Et.i.a J. I'OWELL, \o 12 Lombard street.
persona}mowing themselves
Indebted to Mrs. E. J. Mix , scis will please cal
and settle within ten days, and save colds.
Or - Jurymen 'lnd 'others attending
C our t will and the. best of aecommotiattons atmod
hate tirlees at SEEta.VS Europein Hotel, ou 'Main
Talte Notice, there is a great re
duction In Walthatuit , nd Elgin 11"tttcheft. Call at
HEseEL)a and . you'w!it be' to buy one at
the prices he Is offering.
far Fon SAL,: Valuablo Building
Lots In Towanda Mat'," on easy terms. Apply to
Jou"; W. )!ix. Office Mercur Block, north skis
Public Square, Towanda. . •
Kmanit i •Xerchatit Tailor,
has MOTrti 'his Tailoring establishment to It aVla
rws Store. Clothing made to onler; also rotting,
fitting and trimming done with neatness and dis
patch: Give him a call.
brnthil c . 01:44 , A8LE.—1 respectfully
announce repel( se a -candidate for the office et
Iftun CONSTA BLS, subject to the decision of the
Itepablicini'onneus. It nsmhusted and eleopi, I
Ruldiro =mu to t3tichorpt the Bu ttes OT t
Mt 9 1 in 1/111111104, - 014:01iWillrOrArf
. „ . . .
TAeteti will be candidate. baton the Republican
initiate tot nomination the 001E0 of CciwitrA ,
ELI. eye way qualleed for the posititen
and the support of his friends is respectfully Sono.
not!. Cow.
Cr Why will you eat stale Crackers
when youi can buy them nice; fresh baked, Pit as
cheap T Ask your grocer for
. Cowtax' Cracker.
or goip Mr. Va. Bakery In theFlrst Ward, where
you can get Crackers the rule day they are taken
from the atm.'
Dar PoUTiAlib ONE lionaz Cirrrzus:
=Light, neat, strong, : durable, and
Stronger than ordinary Churn's. Good enough for
anybody. '•,;Warrazdod. rrtee
Towanda, Pa., Jan.2s4t.
Vir LosT—On the L. - V. It. R., about
the 'J»d of December, a DoU of 'Rhymes, with
writer's name and residende written on drat page.
The finder will please transmit to writer, with
his or her address, and the postage will be remit
ted, with &ants and corrected, printed' copy of
article—when published.:. Golan,* nuts.
DOl:Oran OP TOWiIIDA.--At the earnest solicits.
tlon and under the advice of numerous friends cud
business men, I have consenter. to be a candidate
for the ofteo of BOROUGH CONSTABLE, instead
of fat Constable, as noticed In some of the pa
pers last vreek..and 1 respecu'aily •aOlicit thO voles
of the people. t. *Asa.
110 FOR THE_ WEST !—Arrange
ments for • the transportation, at very low
rate*, oetwo or three hundred able Wiled men and
women, to Washington Territory. Laborers of all
kinds are in good demand. All persons willing to
work can find employment. Fanners command
from fie to fan per month. Mechanics get from IS
to .7 per day. t Females are trald from gao to fie per
Month, and board. The climatei"of Washington
Territory Is the best in the world. Flowers bloom
in the open air tbo year round. • For particulars
awl to time of starting, expense, etc., address ItiC,
rourrat Mice, Towanda, Pa.
kr.—The great remedy for Consumption. This
well-known remedy, Is offered to the public, sanc
tioned by an experience of over forty years; and
when resorted to In season, seldom tails to effect a
speedy cure of Coughs, Colds, Crouit,- Bronchitis,
Influenza, Whooping Cough, Iloarseness,7lPalns or
Soreness In the Chest or Blde, Weeding at the
Lungs, Liver Cotnplaint, ete. Beware of Counter
feits: Remember that the genuine Wisrart's
BALSAM Or WILD CIIER.IIY has on the outside
wrapper the signature of "I. BUTTS," and the
printed name of the proprietors, " SETH W. FOWLS
Sosts, IIOSTON." All others aro base imitations.
Examine the wrapper carefully before purchasing.
Egr To CONSOMPTIVES.—The adverti
ser, a retired physician, having ,providentially dis
covered, while a Medical Slissiunary in Southern
Asia, a very simple vegetable remedy for the
speedy awl permanent cure of Consumption, Asth
ma. Bronchitis, Catarrh, and all throat and lung
afiectlons=ilso a positive and radical specific for
Nervous Debility, Preinature Decay, and all Ner
vous Complaints, 'feels it his duty to. make it
known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this
motive ; ho Will cheerfully Feud (free of charge) to
all who dcs!re it; the recipe for preparing, and full
directions for successfully using, this providential-,
ly d4viDyered remedy. Mono who wish Its avail
theniselves of the benefits of this discovery without
cost, can do so by return mall, by addressing with
a stamp, naming paper,
33 Niagara Street,
Buffalo, N. Y.
11OFFMAN—BENDF.11.—At the house of B. B.
Tharp. Jan. 14th, 18T7. by Row. Geo. Greenfield,
Chas. frogman. of Camino wn, and Sphina Ben
der, of Sterns,:llle.
Eddy Parsonage, Jan. 19th, by Rev. Geo. Green
field, Azle W. Lindell and JAW,Ie C. Sturdevant,
both of Tuscarora. '
11 F'.'..E3IEY—GIII:CBT.--M the Skinner's Eddy
Parsonage. Feb. Ist. by Rev. Gee. Greel,ll.
, Clinton Keeney, of Sttfcensville, and Annie (lulu
by, of Tuscarora,
Alt MSTIIOI44I - --ri RV ANT.—A t the Parsonage in
Motiroeton, Erb. 4th. 1477. by Rev. Mattock Arm
'strong. Mr. Charkm E. Armstrong. of Monrueton,
and Miss May Bryant, of Towanda,
DRAKE- 7 11:7LS.—At the 3t. E. Parsonage. Lib
erty Corners, Dec. 2.8, ism by Rev. M. S. Kytner,
Amg C Drake, of Monroe Cu., ra., to. Mary E.
Fels, of Asylum, I'a.
LAPORTE—,VTATT.—. , :t the home of the bride's
parents. Dec 28, 1974, by Rev. 3f. S. Rymer, 31-.
.Geoige B. Laporte, of Asylum, to Mica Amanda
Platt, of Monroe Fa. !
Wit E A TON-01.315T EAD.4A t the 31. E Parson
age. In Wimilmni, Jan. 577. by the Rev. 4.11.
Angel, Mr. George C. Wheaton and Miss Agatha
It. I )1111S:r3ti, hotly id Windham, i'a.
'nonage. in Terrytmcn. 4an. 9, 1877, by tne lire.
.1. Met ring, 31r. Perry Validerpg .1 and 311.5. s
Charlotte Ilearnan, both of Spring Lake, Pa.
SIMPSON.—Mra. Hannah S. SinnKan departed this
II to at the roshirtiro of her stin-In-law. John Mc-
Nt.tsti, Jr., of_Wifites-flarre, In the 72nd year of
her ago. •.a
Ili early life she removed !roan liar native plane,
I, Bradford county, to 'Stanch Chunk, Where she
became one of the earliest members of the Brest's
.terlan Church-under the frstyastor, the Itcv. Rich
ard Webster, by whom the teas nutted In Marriage
In 1537 to the late John Simpson, one of the first el
ders of flit:Church. The last years of her life were
spent in the happy home of her only daughter and
gratitlehlidren. for whom she dived, and cared, and
prayed, ever selling before them a good, and ally
example. tier attachment. to the Preshyt.,
Church was strong and Intelligent, but not bigoted.
Ifer Bible was her constativcompanton, and prayer
a frequent employment ; the House of God her
arisen resort t Ills people her a.soelatev. She took
Much comfort In exchanging day visits with a be
loved sister, who resides within a Omit distance,
until within a few days of her decease, which,
while It took all her friends and even her fatuity by
a painful surprise, did not find her unprepared,
Sao hmt gene to join the love-t ones gone before,
and await those who remain to mourn tile loss of
one of the fondest of mothers and 'sincerest of
friends. "Thoushalt come to thy grave In a full
age, like u a shock of COM ascendeth in his sea
amt."' A. G. M.
nunnows.—ln Me, on Thursday. the 25th of
January', Mrs. Ilarrhq. C., wife of 3fr. Joshua
Burrows, and only sunk, v g daughter of the late
. \i re. Burrows' funeral was attended by a Lugo
number of friends and rnlativcs. Services on Sun
day, the 2Sth, at St. 3latt i bews• Church, of which
she was a member.
New Advertisements.
ropartnershlp heretofore ixist leg neiltsr the
heat name of J. 0. Fist Sonk. is this day dis
solved by mutual consent. The business will here
after be cotolucted under the arm name of J. 0.
Frost's Sells to wheel ail , debts due the late Fleet
most be paid. and who will also pay all debts due
by the late Firtn.
Towanda, Jan. 31. 1877.
If you wish to become*Conamercial Florist, read
IC jop . *lgh to dat•len tor IToma, use onir, read
:GARls}:". 4 ild
• • .• An 14-..r.c.rzuzAxDr.c.soz.
Trf6i el.vieichvPostPild, titukri;
our CeniblnNl CATALQGIIII for 1677, of '
EV4RYTHING 1 7 61V - 411E - GARDEN,
lanaberlng 17$ r4ges,,wlth one colored plate,
sr.sT TREE:
to all our (int.:timers of past years,: or to thostt who
have purchase , ' any of the above booksi to others
on receipt of :S cents.
Plain Plant or Seed Catalogues wlthput rate,
free to all applicants. • -
Stedemen, Marker Gantanor* & Thrtoto,
fokBrn7. , 33 Cortlatid-St., Ntri , York
iST OF LETTERS remaining in
j Pont Oillee at Towanda, Bradford Co., Pa.,
for the week ending Feb. 7: • ,
Beeman Jennie, : . Bpulley MIAs Belle,
Belle William, " Brost Martin.
Drnlioy Geo W, • Evans Mine Marv,
Goodwin Freedom, . Granger Hattie,
Gilmour 11. W,
.. George Haulei,
Henan Hannah. - Hart Sarah, . ra
Kingsbury S.D.. - Kellogg Mande,: k 1
Kingsbury p 8,.., Ke.rsuer Msty4
Lane .lulu, .: : Orhps F.ustly, n :
l'atteinim Jake, ' Preetly Hugh,
Scott Auptiwi, Sehingtnan H.
Shores r-lephen, Sulltynn A nnlo,
Snell Win It, - Smith Ma M E,
Moron Mahlon W, ' Sullivan Jerre.
Sligo Peter,
~ . Sweeney, Maggie,. '
- ' - ~ ' - Van Nyle, kirk! L
' - lIF,LD FOR rosTans. ; •
• - • •
Eugene Inehatellgw; ill:lnert:la, Pa - : ,
,; AULD FOlt—it DURESS. -
- -.... . .--. ..1-M Berry: °saga Co, 'Kansas. • -
'Persons calling for any t Of the above:•will please
say •° advertised," giving cite of list. '.
..... , -. i ' S. W. ALVORD, V. M.
ti t / fif eyor7 agent every month In the bust.
h. ,;4 1140 fit 41144 but tuorntwilling Co work can eas
ily earn a - d , isen dollars a. day right In their own
localities. liare no mere Mom to explain here.
Bmiliess.pleasaiii. and . : lieliterahlt.'; Women w boys
and glen - do a. Kell a. men. Are will furnish you
Onsetkeompleto tree. Th4 , ,lrtigillen , pays better
lhaa :anything elk, - •:•Wiri will' he•ltr expenserof
starting you. Partlentars- tree. Write and MM.
Farmers and n mechanicr, thetr.sons and daughters, • . . :-,
~-, • • • , 2 , • •I:, •
mail all, - ;el iviesi in need , of 4kaytog of Neve. . people wanting any goods in this itio ; Will land It
ationkrwrito to us and lean all:ahoot the work itt. tell Interest to attend Mb Sate; Paielk,ererY 'by
once. ..t , low: Is t4e, , tirne, Don't delay.' Addresi At r ia. a pi. and.. 7 14, .. ra., TERMS—AIt ander 00,
Tatrie=ictws.i/oweste. Steitte• -- - - J 374 4. 17 . -'•- catty - kartiet Salk tie oppmett Neap%
4 5 4 . :11;- 0 -Owl a Week to agent/4..4i oe4,4l.Fred .1
. . .
A/ 4 0 i f - Pt 9. VIVEIXT I AtinittkliCall 1 TqITRIPt-/ 146 iv WM .
.11g()TICE:--The Boaid or - Be* . ion
hate fixed npoti the. folloWlei dates end'
41sees between the liefirs of At Y. t. for
Ming' Aneals for NM:. •
'Asylinunt the house of MW L U, Nouasy;
Feb 12.
Teetrynt the house of D U Ribble, Tuesday;
Wilmot—At the houso of Josiah gitowell, Wefl
needs,. Fah H.
Feb Albany—At the Uwe of D Kellogg, Thursday,
Overton—At the house of jam Hannan, ifriday,
Feb le.
Hansa° Twp and lloro—At the hottse of Oust
Kellogg. Saturday, Feb 11.
Franklin—At the H Z Church, Monday, Feb 19.
Granville—At - the house of 11 r Taylor, Tuesday,
reb 20.
Leßoy—At 'Um Holcomb House, Wednesday;
Feb 21.
It. M. WELLKB & Sox.
Canton Torp—At the Keystone Howse, Thursday,
Feb tit.
Canton Derc—At tho Keystone noose, Friday,
Feb 23.
Armenia and Alba-.At Ira Spaltlrs, Saturday
Feb 24.
Troy lioro—At the house of V M Long, Tuesday,
Feb 27.
Columbia and Sylvania—At the Austinville Mo
tel. Wednesday, Feb 26. E Burlington he M E Church, Thum
!by, March I.
Burlington Top and Born—At the house of W
D Green. Friday, March 2. _
Smithfield—At the House—Monday,
March e.
Springflol4—At the house of Joseph Causer.
Tuesday, Match e.
ftldgtmry-4t the house of Charles needy, Wed•
ncsday, March 7.
South Creek—At the house of George Iguffretta,
Thursday, March S.
Wells—At the Mesterellle Hotel. Friday, Mar O.
Shesbeouln —At the , Valley House, MoOday
March 12.
I.ltchtleld.mAt the haus° bf S ZCarmen, Tues
day, March 13.
Wlndham—At the house of become Mt:scrip,
Wedneklay, March 14.
Warren—At the house of James coopers, Thurs
day, March 13.
Orwell—At the Town Hall, Friday, March 16.
Rome Twp and Boro—At the house of A A Tay
or. Saturday, March 17.
Herrick—At the Rice House—Monday, March 19:
Pike and Leltayscille—At the Case lintel, Toes
ay, March 20.
Tuscamra—At the house of Alfred Ackley, Wed
ezday, March 21.
Wit . 'losing—At the bleu* of N Blaelt,Thunday,
arch 22.
Standing Stene—its the house of H W Cutter,
rhlay, March 23.
Wysox—At tho Ityerstrurgh Hotel, Saturday
arch 24."
Towanda Boro—At the Grand Jury Room, Mon
ay, March 2e.
Towanda Ttrp—At the Grand Jury Room, Tun
ny, March 27. .
Towanda Northj-At the Grand Jury Room, Wed
nesday. March 28.
Ulster —At the VanDyite Hotel, Tharisday,
March 29.
Athens Boro—At the Exchanie - Hetet, Friday,
March se.'
Athens Twp—At the Exchange Hotel, Saturday,
March 31.
itirclay,—At the School House of Foot of
Monday, April 2.
Assessors will be punctual in delivering notices
to taxables, ant) In making returns in permit at the
time specified In their warrants, at which time and
place the Board of Revision will attend and -hear
those who consider themselves aggrieved by the
Asssitsment, and make uttch alterations as to them
shall appear just and reasonable.
By order of the Board. •
Attest:—WILLIASI LEWIS. Clerk.
Commissioners , Office, Jan. 27. 1877.
TERM, 1817.
James Wood, et al vs SI W Wheelock issue
Wm Cook's use vs Elizabeth Gable
C W Clapp vs D B W,siker debt
Justus II Raynor's- usevs W J Fuller Issue
A E Comstock vs E B I sul debt
Wm D Powers vs John McQueen assumpt
Abram Waltman vs Wm St, Peter Ilunsinger„.tres
Abeam Waltman vs Rufus Potter trespass
Abram Waltman vs Justus Lewis, trespass
Jetterson Carley vs Peter - covenant
Geu S Hornet vs GW. ......... • • —issue
Thlsble Kinney vs Geo W Kinney - .debt
AI. McKean vs Win pile& !
'Win Cahill TS N N Parks ' ~.appeal
J Unwell vs OVeNeers Pont Asylum • •••
JO Frnst vs G A Burns, et al • : •
S 11 Ross vs_Cornellus tiunslcker ' - scl fa
Guy Tozer is Amazlah Kinney "eject'
Fitzerahl. Flagg &Co vsMunbar & Dewey, sump
3t C Merritt' vs John Ransom - 4.i3SUO
alulrew Bally vs 3tichael Lynch appea
It C Lockwood vs Samuel Green - doh
Michael Coleman vs John J ,Thompson....trespas
Henry Berman vs Towanda Coal Co• ' ' 1
Samuel B Smith vs Levi Wells assumpt
John F Satterleo vs Ma Reg 13 Dewitt, adm'r....lsine
Michael Pyne vs North Brit 3ler Ins Co ' dObt
.1 0 Frost, et al vs J 13 31ontative, Jr., 'et al..scl fa
Latnirty & Landon vs Lyman Matson.. .......appeal
Lydia liardlng, et al vs Watson Frite r man....eject
Augustus Lewis vs Hiram Ilortotesaalnee.assump:
Jackson Lewis vs° E Pickett. l4 : debt
Marti Tompkinsvs Wallace Miller::.!....trespass.
Artlnfr 'Yates vs Michael Coleman, et al.-..trespass
Mtller k Park vs. Peter Herdic assumpt
II W Itatrick.vs Benjamin Northrop eject
WIIIMay vs L T 'Wyse trespass
Susan (farmer. et al vs C W Doano eject-
James Gill vs Levi Wells . ~...debt
John Thompson vs Michael Coleman .33jeet
It 3 Hakes vs Joseph Scritien t'
A Waltman vs Warren JAyer appeal
Michael Hickey vs Tholnas Welsh,. trespass
B W Lane vs Johtr.l Griffith, et al covenant
John t Fassett vs E T Park, et al eject
Wm M Cox. vs A J Layton. et al b . ' trespass
'4 itarrowelltr vs W S Ford trover
Dr Wm M Cheney vs 'Mark Minto appeal
Michael .llclionnell vs A k T Waltman...covenant
Sextusi Ilfltoss vs John SI Pike, et al set fa
Nathaniel Davison vs J Leßoy Corbln.....assumpt-
Subponms 24 Week returnable Monday, Feb. 12,17.
tt.t. t ad , t , .. tt " la "
BENJ. M. PECK, Prothonotary
Triwautla, Januity a, 1877.
virtue of an order Issued out of the Orphan's
Couitof Bradford County. the undersigned Ad
mlnislintors of the estate of H. B. Wilhelni, late of
Burlington twp.,.deceased, will expose to public
sale In Burlington, on SATURDAY, FEB. 3;1877,
commencing at 10 o'clock A. R., the following real
estate, bounded as follows:
. No. I. One certain piece or parcel of land situ
ated In Burlington, Bradford County,
ed on the north by lavas of Seth GUAM; east by
lands or Daniel Lane, south by lands of Isaac Mar
eellus and P. P. Burns, west by the public mad and
lands of Lawrence Helldal), containing about 97
acres more or less, about 70 acres improved with
fratn-d bonsO, new Trained barn, graincry and a or
chards of fruit trees thereon. V
A LSO—No. Onp other lot of land situated In
Burlington twp., county and State aforesaid and
bounded as . follows, to wit: On the north by Deca
tur Ayers. east by lands of John Flolilafer and Da
vid Luther, south by lands of David Luther and
west by L. 31. Itundelb containing about GO - acres.
more of less. nearly all Improved, with framed
Miuse. trained barn, with sheds attached, and an
orchard of fruit trees thereon.
41.50—.N0. 3. One other lot of land 'situated In
Burlington borough. county and State aforesaid.
and bortnded as follows, to wit: On the north by
lambs of Hollistet Compton and Long Bros., east - by
the brick wall of Long Byrn. store, being the cen
tre of the main - building. Troy street, West
by lands of Geo.4'. Tracy..belng aboutl3 feet front
on said Troy street and 111 feet deep, with three
story brick building thereon.
ALSO—No. 4. One other lot of land situated in
Stnitlifiehldwp., county and State aforesaid,' and
bounded as follows, to wit On the north by lands
of Adam Seblll, east by landsof Andrew'Campbell,
sent h'by the public road. west by lands of. Dorvllla
Ford, containing 50 acres more or less, about
0 35
acres improved with a lug house thereon.
TE.t3IS.-4100 to be paid on each parcel,en Rime
lining struck down, one-third of balance on confir
mation of sale, one-half the residue with Interest le
G months thereafter„-and the balance with Interest
-in one year thereafter.
Jan;-td. Administrators. ,
ADJOURN3IENT.—Notice is hereby given that ,
, the above sale stands adjourned until THURSDAY,.
FEBRUARY at 10 o'clock. A. 8.. In Burlington
NOTlCE—Notice is berebrgiverr
that appitOtion will be tilado to the present
session of the Legislature of the State of Pennsyl
vania, ftir the repeal of the Art of Assembly •ati
pniveti the grol day of April,ls6o, tonmend the Act
approved the 4th day of Aprll, WK. "allowlnk the
iturgesi and Town Council of the Borough
O f To
wanda, Bradford County. to levy and collect a tax
of no: more than two per centtun on the dollar of
the last atlffisted valuation, for Borough purposes."
and for the restoration of the Act approved the 4th
(My of April, MG, aforesaid. allowing the Burgess
and Town Council of said Borough of Towanda, to
levy and collect a tax for Borough purposes. of Mot
tame than elle per cent, on the dollar of the last id
lusted valuation. • C. D. PASSAGE;
W. MIX, _
—Norice 15 hereby given that all persons In
debted to the eldatent Sindey h, Pitcher, tan, of
( /melt. deceased. must make Immediate payment to
the untler•lgned, and all persona having clalm•
agalind rah) estate Mcist present them, duly anthen
1:e.g.:4, for tuittlement. SABIN ALLEN.
North Urtvell,i Jan. 25,-Gtv.• Adullulstrator.
y.. 4 Is hereby given that all persons indebted to
the estate of Polly Warner. late of Pike, deceased,
must make Immediate payment to the undersigned.
all persons hawing claims against said estate most
present them,;.tluly authenticated, for' settlement.
C. W. ItErNbuns,
LeT:aysvllle, Feb.
.I_l4 Is hereby given that all persons tndebted to
the estate of 31ary Keeler. late of Herrick twp.,
dere:vied, must make immediate payment to the un
dersigned. and all persons having claims upon said
estate must present them, dnixanthenticsted; for
lOTlCE.—Notiee is hereby given - - ;
1 that the undersigned,lslit agply to the tag.
.isesture as Its present session, for the passage of an
act subrogatfug the County of Bradford to The
rights of said Wm Bunyan against the- estattiof U.
F.fdason, and satisfy a certain judgment in the
Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, No.
60...31ay Term 1b74, against him. -
tel.& - • WM.BUNVAN.
At the ehretang of O. A. Black, Towanda; Perna,
The large stock of
IL 07 BRADFORD COUNTY TROM JANUARY les TO ntenttraups% pnov_
to iltualtit. paid Andltari " ~..4 129-90
rot prothonotary attd Register Ofaces.„ anop
:B ge r=donttatts... .......... ~. ..... .. 407 24
.1 . 1 432 37
Views 1. 73 39
Bradford Coup_ qv Agrteiilttala Iteltletyri 100 00
Constables mato; returns to COftte.••• 1,575 92
Assessors , f 2,11111 00
Costs In Commonwealth salts—. .... . . 2, 944 90
Counsel in criminal salts • 20 00
Counsel to Commisslonuts ' l f 0 00
Crier sod Stip Staves of Court .. 1159 39
Dtstri t Attorney''.. ' 503 00
. ... .„,..
Blepti,t, pspenses 4. 1,526 MI •
Fuel a - tights , 597 79
Brand 'Jurors - 941 52
Traverll Jurors 7.026 16
insurnuce of pUblie buildings 216 00
Justices' Inquisitions./ 4f . • 164 28
Jury Conlinise!mere sad 1.01 40
Office books and astlceety.; • tr. I 4.•• 504 14
Public printing 517 04
Prison:era' support in county jail . 2,978 00
Prisoners' 'alert in Eastern Penitentiary 1,220 110
Conveying prisoners to Penitentutry.... 481 16
Prory anti Clerk of Quarter Sessions—. 446 9
Account iota tie several Collectors of County Tax for tAe Conn - ili of Bris.4fote IfOrille rfoir OM •-,
r • ,
. . - . 1
..... , - Auto'nflAmo•lit'AmO'nflisno'nt Aliso . **
'VESTS. AND TIORvB. Nomes of collectore: l Pr. argat o R „. e en .d.ipw ge. D ud .
1 .--.
. . . .
~ . .
AT1909111 W. U. Becker • - ' ;1876' 144 —L-1
10' 110 001 1 I '
144 7 1 3 25.53
'Athens Bon, J. 11. Ilosmer , ...... i 1876 789 13 746 561 ' 328 39 29
Athens Twp N. V. Wallet ' 1876 1717 37 1594 II 37 85 96 '
A stiam Myron Friable.,.:... - ' 187 8 564 20 445 50 • 118 70
Alhahy ..... W. W. Corson 181 • 359 58 330 - 10 21 17 45 -
Alba John T. Leonard - 1876 96 89, 92 78 j1 23 4.; . .
Barclay John 11. Davis. 1876 720 18' 500 cioi 2 2 018
Burlington ' ' . Win. 1 1 : Lane w /8761. 519 10 490 651 242 -25 ea
Burlington Bare M. B. Phelps ' 1876, 106 45 60 00 46 4S
BurlingtottMest V. C. McKean ••;..-• 1 871 439 48 410'00 24822 88 • 5412
Canton Twp Hiram Lindley . • 1876 984 33 930 42 455 42;4 . .... ..
Canton Boro C. T. Farnsworth • 1876 465 101 437 68 4,4 23 04 .
Colutnbia. G. L. Gate's ''
1 57 6 1051 74' VA 77 321 - .62 66
Franklin David Smiley 1876 1 370851 35046 129 18 49 .:.....
.Granville.. •. - ' I). N. Fuller 1371 851 .181. 815 24' 349 32 43
Merrick • J. L. Camp 1876 441 791-. CT 50 _ 5 ''M 87
Leßoy L. A. Wooster
Litchfield.... - ..,.. Albert Canner 2-•• • • • 1 8 78 4 09 571 573 57 575.30 2C '•
1876 702 71 660 48 1' 14'7 - . -
Leßaysville R. C. Lyon ' •'' 1876 174 76 164 77 132 867
Monroe Twp • 1).13, Mingos 1876 630 24 55s 40 ' • . 74 84
Monroe Born R. 13. Yloliett - .., 18 76 123 13, 114 32 , 2 - 88 603
Orwell C.O. Vsuawinkle 1876 786 531, 769 00 ' • " 56 53
OVerton John Mathews ... 1876 - 208 CI 181 . 64 17.48 955 ..... ...
Pike • . E. C. Abbott 1876 023 10 873 72 8 -45 98
Ridgbury . G. B. Owens 1876 • 736 25 688 OS 11 36 31
Rome Twp - - Morris Vought 1876 , 616 20 420 00 . 196 291
Rome Bon, laffa&Adams 1878 85112 80 91 ' ' 431
Smithfield E. V Nichols 1876 1178 901 WO 00 275 90
Springfield. - ' Tlm-.Leonard • 1876 978 BSI 4 0 .5 00 10 . 78 48 41 514 49 •t.
South Creek - David Chase - 1
1876 467 781 . 34.5 06 - /2 28
Sylvania font James F. Bristol 18761 93 05 1 87 97 44 464
Sheshnluin. Geo. Childs.... •• . 11878! 1 - 037 151 980 21 '535,51 59 ' '-
Standing 5t0ne......... Geo. Sage 11741 52. S 101 495 34 361 28 15 ' ' • "'I
Terry S. Bowman 1876 384 131 340 77 536 18 00 .... ...
Towanda Twp .... JW. Magill 187 61 562 771 512. ....... 50 77 .
Tow'anda Boro. A. Wickham ' 1187, 3213 03 1 2976 30 •79 73 157 00
Towanda North ........ E. R. Delong - .......'!. .p 8761 321 321 253 '74 ' E 7 58
Troy Twp 1 eonaxd Vanllorn •' • '18761 1070 521 820 00 646 53 29 ' 191 77
Troy Born- • EL 31:Spalding .118766, 811 57i 762 75 868 , 40 14
Tuscarora. Wm. Snyder . , 1876', 554 00' 518 12 6 , 6 2 27 r •
Ulster • James Howie , '11876 58.5 22 551 91 418 29 13
Warren C. F. Bowen ' ,
11870., 859 08 309 20 721 42 64
Windham S. D. Russell .
11875' 696 931 658 31 398 24 64 ''
Wya fusing ' C. W. Corbin _
118761 789 78 741 16 '6 28 39 34 ..
Wrior. E. R. Bishop . , 187& 852 82 1 602 00 , ' 230 ii
Welles G. 11. Knapp - i'. .... .... :11878. 723 291 450.00 273 M
Wilmot ,John Schock 1878 505, 44. - 469 551 14.16 24 73 •
. . 'lle-assessment fire' 941 7. 1 60 84 33 88
t . .1 I.
. .
. • 1
. •
1 ' 1 31300 80 1 275 61 zoo 811 1175 76'''Z•III 51
Jame* C. Robinson, Treasurer, in account with the CoUnty of Bradford.
• • . . . ', ,
Due uponduplicatesof 1875 and prevloutt., 2142 19 , i RettanS uncollected for 1376 '' • 1254833
I.)uplicates of 1878 - ' 31%4 08:• Exonerated to Collectors . 300 81
.hank" tax • • • • - 1032 90 j Percentage to Collectors 1175 88
Incidental recelvals • 254 97. I Paid State Treasurer 2885 48
Unseated land fax ' 626 05 I Bank tax • 1832 90
Seated land tax-97 "•* `• 58 sa i Orders paid ' _. 31704:16
Re-assessments ' 96 72- 1- Two per cent. commission on t 34.189.64... 691 79
. .
Received from Wm. Bunyan '
Lamed from Citizens' Natlotlal Bank
In Treasury, Jan , . Ist, 1870
County Auditor. a (recount with the County of Bradford for the year 1576
To amount of brans Issued in 1876,
, We, the undersigned, Commissioners of mid bounty, do hereby certify that the above is a true and
correct statement of the recelvals and expenditures of said County from the Ist day of January, to the
- .
slat day of December inclusive, A. D., 1578. .
•e -- 0. .ds • se lot • ' c t .T • ' I I /0t day. S :rr
We‘. the undersigned, Auditors of said Couitty, do hereby certify that we have examined the fore
going statement and the vouchers for the same, and And it to be correct. •
111. BOURNE,
W. L. LANTZ, , Auditors.
CommlFsloners' Once. January 10. 1677
0 real and personal property, trades, professions and occiipations, offices and posts
of profit, money at interest, gold lever, silver lever,, and gold and silver watches val
ued at over twenty-five dollars, as returned by the several assessors fimthe county of
Bradford, for the year A.. D. 1877.
Athens Twp,
Athens 80r0....
Alba Boro
.Burlington Twp.
Burlington 80r0....
Burlington West....
Canton Twp
Canton Aoro
Leßoy ... .
Monroe Twp....
Monroe 80r0.... - ...
Ridgbury.. •
Rome Twp
Rome Boro
South Creek
Standing Stone
Terry: L.,
Towanda Tarp
Towanda Boro.
Towanda worth....
Troy Twp
Troy Bore •
Ulster. -
... • ..
Wil Mot
Total • °
We, the undersigned, Commissioners of. said county,,o herebyleertify tho abeve
to be a true and, correct statement •of the returns made by the several assessors of
Bradford countY'foy.the Tear 1877. And we also give notice that wits will meet at the
Commissioners' °Thee in Towanda; Saturday; the 10th day of Febrnary, 1877, for
the purpose of revising and equalizing said assessment.•
G: - W. KIiMER
COOLBAUG , Commissioners.
Atte§t-WILLIAM LEWIS, Clerk.
Orphan's Core; itOand for the County of
ltmdford. In the matter of the estate of Slim 41.
Cole, late of Rome Township, &ceased.
The Auditor, appointed by the Court to make
distribution of the fund in the hands of 'Loyal B.
Russell. adm i nistrator upon the said estate, will at
tend to the duties of his appointment on Thursday.
the 15th day of February. A D 1877, at 10 o'clock
A. M.. at his office on Main itreet. in the Borough
of Towanda. .4 doors north of lho_ Ward Ifeuse 4
when all persons having claims upon said fund•
must present them or be forever debarred from
the same. GEORGE D STROUD.
janlB-4w. , Auditor. "
VXEC lITOIt'S - NOTlCk—Notic6
juj Is hereby given that an Persons Indebted to
the estate of Ahlta Patridge, late or Mater tarp.,
dee'd, are required to . mate Immediate pay
ment, to the undersigned, and all persons having
claims against the said estate. must present them,
duly authenticated, for settlement. _
t • L. M. PA-TRU - HIE,
as lettere testamentary to the estate - of C'ar
tea Tyrrell, late of Pike . . deceased,. have been
granted to the Subsertkers, all persons indebted to
raid estate are requested to make trumedtate pay.
meet; and all pereoatt haelakelaints to present them
duly attested Tot rettleluent. : _ • • ..•
F. 7.-TYRRT.Li I
• !4:14. TYItRELL,
rmoi ionaSlMvri , -
rapases for 18711 ,
Reptira buildings:...
neat of rooffflifor Coen at Trel .- Id* 0/i
for suitunotting Jurors .
Sheriff's feed In Counnorilrealtk - • 210 00
State LunatiO Asylum - ... -MO SO
School and townphiptaz • I SO
Wild eat certificates... , 211
Bounties to volunteers ; O.
Township line view - 74 00"
Copying indices. Begliters Offfee ' 00 so
Coping judgment dec., Prot's Odice _ 240 00
Ma lag duplicates... . " 87 00
Making register,. . ..... 40 00.
Livery for CountiCil:rol . s . siOneril, je7l.. a.OO
Treasurers expenses at Troy Court.'....l' - ST 40
Abram Snell,lsle Corussitiftws.. 10 80
Benj. Kuyitendall„ late Conimlssiotter... '.•10 00
Morris Shepard, late Coatudasiceer.. - .... 10.00
Z. B. Cooltaugh, late elers,... 00
George W. Ilimer. 00
Morris J. Coolbaugh. Commissioner MO 00,
Jobd Baldwin, Comtnisaloner..... WI 00
Innate Lewis, Clerk .1,000 0111
500 00 i One per cent. commission on 131890.27
:MO 24 t. In Treasury, Jan. Ist, 1877
tiisit:4 I
' - •
e 317011 16 By amount of orders paid in 1676,
. ;
Taxable Property for 1877.
c P3.
q ,
34 - X
i 184,722,
10,81 4 6
20,130 1
9,3b9 1
19,295 1
18 1
6,180 1
6,125 1
. 3 2061
10,077, 1
17 '' l 3s
1 $6,68t5,866
I .
15 177,319
0,507, 1 5241,014 $168,3251
Comniissioners' Office, Febniary 1, 1877
Virtue or an order tuned oitt of the Orphans.
Court of Bradford Coarrly, the undersigned. Ad
mluistratog of the estate of C. Welles. late of.
Athens, deceased, will expose to public sale at the
Vanstyto noose, in Biter, on FRIDAY, Feb.
Is, 1877, at 1 o'clock. the following parcel of
land situated In Ulster twp, bounded and described
as follows:- Beginning at *stone corner of lot No.
2; theneo south 883‘ 0 . east 123 140 rods to a stake
the southeast corner of; lot No. 2; thence 3311 c east
(by lots Nos. 2 and 3 by the Welles and Barris
division) 74 840 rods to estate ; thence sunlit IS °
west -by lots Noe. 3, 4 and 5 in Welles and-Harris
subdivlsiOn, 145 S rods to l iiti stake in the north lino
of Edmund Lockwood's, if. deceased; thence
along the same north 413)C 2 . west 4lt 7-10. rods to a
stake, the northwest corner of the same; thane')
522,10', West 10 34/s
0 rods to nake. northeast corner
of lot o. 7of the Welles and' fiottenback division;
thence along the north line of said division WIN°.
west 87 410 rods to a stake northwest cornerof said
lot No. 7; thence north 13so, east sum rods to "tho
begituting; containingo3 aelres. deducting there
from 75 acres sold to litties K. Smith.
TERNS.— 100 down; one-third of balance on con
firmation; balance' in two equal mutual psymeuts
from date of confinnstket of sale. -
_ Jam.
—Notice is hereby letrewtlust ell *rims in.
tub ea to ttet estate or: ratti4 Heonou.
Marren. 001, Joust male Itheleillate,psyritent
the ,oruiersigherU sac it! . 'roma asysar, Wain
molestkeld estate mushplena tiz e tluir iirithek
trested;Ur kW/1M
'NW • 01,704 II
M. J. 'COOLBAUGH, ICominßusiOners.
• -Et . I I
1 E. 1 1
$13,000 650 ,
35,000; 86,006 10
300 1,0701...
250; • 1:
130; '3'
c 290 .. • •
300'• 3.56 . 2
2,400, • 50: „
7,566 1
1,010 3,751! 7,
9,5001 6151
110, , - 180...
3,100, •_, 615:...
90, 420'...
930. 185'. ...,
300 .
300: 1,185 j 21
1,8:50 ; 735
270 .1
••• • i
I,loo' - .
i • •
4, 1,400
4,910, 580, 5'
•••••••4•• ' .1 eeeeee • •.,,•••1
• / ; Ck. 1 /
, 87,690 37,271 i, 79;
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