- vir A.. CHAMBERLIN; Dealer ta FINE JEWELRY, TCHES, S I - LVER;' AND PLATED WARE, TOWANDA, PA. Tv)ratilla. Jai. IP, 1577 pyidfortl ej,l-cp.ottic' r tc: Towanda, Pa.-, Thnroday, Zanta.7 18,1577. LOCAL AND CENERAL. Tnn,tniversalist Sociable will meet on Tile day evening, 2:3d inst., at Mrs. Dr. ANDREW FEE has been appointed Post master at Wyalusing„ vice 11. B. GASJ.ORD resigned. TUE rain of Monday afternoon and evening served to settle the snow and iin proe the sleighing. A LADY friend of ours says her hushafid. is'not entirely harmless, but he is home less than he ouglit to be. Monnow, one of the,olaest and post highly esteemed-citizens of Herrick, died last week. The deceased was uncle of lion. I • '. 1). Monnow. Mn. AND. MN. WM. - MAXWELL have -returned from their wedding tour, Old arc now receivin , r the congratulations of their numerous friends. TIrE township and borough elections take place next month, and the question of W - tin shall be candidates is being tly.t roughly discussed. - COMI'ENiUTII.F..— JOHN WELLESITOL LENIIIM cif Wilkes-I;arre, has given no tice to his numerous tenant's that he will reduce :tuts tifecn per cent. this year. - ONE of the ceatures, of the (Toed Tem- Oars Lodge ih this place, •is . tt semi- Monthly paper condnetcd by rnemberap 'pointed by the Worthy Chief. THE friends of the Rev. DAvro CRAFT will,lnake a - donation the Presby terian' Parsona , re,, ; Friday, Jan. f 9, All are invited. WE T.F.AIEN with sorrow of, the death of Mrs. _ If. A. CASE. of Troy. The sad event ocearred on the 9th, int. She was 51 years old, and leaves a hm:band and several children to mourn her demise. THE County. Auditors: y e enragedin examining the accounts of the - Commis sioners and other county officers. Mr. I;nAsrEn, one inemb - er of : the_Boaril.' we regret to learn, is in very delicate health. Tf; E Fourth (and. last ) Quarterl Meet ing 01 Hush (lunge. \N - y,aning Conf,r-' ewe.' Will be liel.l at Stexiensville, on Sat urday ithel Sunday, ,Inntiary 20 . and 21. Presiding 1:14r NyALKI:II will offi ciate E !NI friends of Rev. E. - T. I)CTcirEa will. pay him h donation vi , it .at the regi dt'nee of Hindi McC.t nE.,:in Centre Valley, Rome township, on Thni•sday, Jan._ 577, r‘fterniim and evening. A general inVitation extended to all. THF: semi-annual examination of the Scholars in the ; - ruled school commenceil on Mpnilay is t, and will ciintinuo t 0141 next week. -The,-teneher would be picaS ..ed to have parents and others interested in the school witness the exercises. YorNG lady in the third iv . ard, tivho evidewly, fond of vithiying the "Leanti f~tl and the company of her " ben etit at the rittl:e time, said to the gentletv-aal the ()Hier exening,i •• thihk the pt.!st n::}• n> kill time is ti; sleigh it.'" Tula it - Gtt the efi - Ort-; of SukrintendCnt ;mil Mrs. Pail;E::„.scr‘ ices of the Epkcoj pal vhiirch have been estaliliheil at Sayre._ t)ii Sunday last a Sabbath-sehotil was in st-itated. B e v. J. Si BEER:, of this place, cfti and preached to the et.ngrega ti.in. and in the afteneion assisted:in put tiniz ftc Sunday-seheol in ritnnitig order. (tt - :1 LtTmi:Ll townsman, .1. 3f. IV %it!), tindin:* snot; -11(.1111(1, _ at the otht r •l y, improvcd the op pyrt unity of vie Win.• the 'falls in winter, :t1t1 ,,, n ! , 11 the litutinumeter indicated sec t r,!l I.elt)w zero. lle dese'ribt•s 11:e rh ,, st 1 ~ , ratiln! anytlrim.; (yes ever be - - es A N i:w Car Yankee'slioemalter," ha, conceived _a new and_ :,• improvement in his profes,lon. 111\ - t•I;1 ion e()IISIStSinT111111Q1' IleS al.: :1. 1,, anti thus protect tl:.' fr,ml tiu e(.l(i and wet, and at tia . • time fib% iating the b n oier :mil tatting: - lid eumber.,,onte is _setting tip the ad-. U 1 ••:t lama at private salr., l k. !•ever:t l . blunder:. In s.t e•T(i ,If 1 ,, 01us the 'house emit:ill:l4 q. 40,. For pear oichard, the'eopy These criers ate co.ii-o:61 Allis week. Tl , t• farm is a valn - - (1[17... nn it }win, w, r tl i N , •ty Loaily the price asked 7 ' fur the plae;t-. EMCEE THI; Lth• DEcj:En, of To 1 .:,-,lnvatlita to his llopllt c and I).ANtEL KI.It, au11.F.)12 W. 11. 1/1.1:,1:1 , ., 0,k2 vfatiablc. farnf tau dect-a,t a resided :at 111 - time i",f 1:i-. DAN, good -has pos!-e , :-ion-of 1;r4)1,4-1..- ty, :tad NVltit tia , aid of an allot as 11.)to-c -110t-per, is condnetin4 - frusiness in per- For a long time past Judge .I(l4rrir, T. Pi: %TT has suffered from an affection 1 of the throat that has seriously impaired his general health. The laborious duties 1.1 the.liklich. added to this, so elebilitated him that it was only by his extraordinary persis:enee in the e rtseientions elischar . , e of th. e obligations, and in . spite, of the advice of his physicians awl the 'solicita: tions of his brother judges, that lie was enabled to sit. through the tedious and continin s • session of the Derember ham of the Qualter Sossions. It was his inten; Lion to leave for- Florida at the beginning of ;he Christ thas holidays, but his eller . ;jos gave' Way On ('hliNtillaS night, and in . stead of taking the midni!dit train for the Soutit,,As he intended, he took to his bed, :e,;,1 now lies at his home or Spruce street in a condit - um that t'all,VA him the grave - st capprehonsion. In addition to his bron chial trouble he suffers intense pain from an affection of the muscles of the spine, . the result “I a sprain received some years ago while Selling a tr,e en his New letsey farm.. It is from: this that his immediate n•i.!l':•r., , ..—The year 1577. upon which peril to - 4)e •c.'...: this safely we•athered, a we have Jost -enteled; will lie prolific - with departure fitea more genial climat,.., and eclipses, •as will Fe observed : A total a total absta,ining front the cares of both eclipse of the moon on F e bruary 27 ; and business, will, it is hoped. ti— lde in the United• States; a partial eclipse store him tolis usual vigorous health. — ofjhe sun on Match O. visible , in West- 1 ern Asie.2 a partial eelip eof the sun on l'lc4oN A GRAN t:r. NO. Distrief August S, visihlc .iii Alaska, Namschatka, Grange so, 2:1, ,c . un po se fl o f B ra ,if„ r d and ,the Nor:li' Pacific Ocean:. a total and Sullivan e . unities. Pa., will meet in c curse of the moon on Au .rust !23, pat:fly Hall, in I.Zome, lireulfinicOunty, io the Eastern and :Southern on Thursday. the 111 , 4 day of February at Sates, :and a pal tial eclipse of the sun on 11 o'clock A. M. All granges will send scrtetul;ei 7, visible iu South America, three delegates without further notice. Credebt ills made out in form with seal of Mit.., - S!nr.s:Ev D. Prrcnrat died at Nor ton:. Va:, 1;1 , 1_ Saturday, of tri,boid fever. The deeeze , ed was traveling agent for a patent nwil',:•ine establishment, and had I)een fpr some Si ye W.:lrs past a resident 3. , 1111' OrWcll., atlf..rd eoni.ty. 11, was f.a• st•v!ral kyi'ars 1 , 14),11 at i • ctitrai House in this vil lage. Mr: PIT( wa,: a Knight Telll, plar. awl a lavinlwr NO. Kni!•ll.l . "f rre. - Den bor.ot-li Poo:-Masters. Dr. PnATT and 'l'. 1:...i \V . Nr, have won the hi g h e ,t, of'all pattic. , , tor the pronpt: im partial. and. -at the :,ame titne.prudent and eronotnic - 11 Mamrer in which they pane ininiqurcd to the wants of that an fortunate clts:, of win they have the especial en: ,, tody: . . The, interests ,;( th e bor.kuzlt have never been more jealously the deserving poor have been well provided for. Tit rpe fee, Printed at Conifers- tZrame. clothed in proper re , zalia. :port, Pa.. has these Complimentary words 4th degree members ate invited I o . attend. frig' our old friend, LEW TEAMS, ond of , Masters of Gra.m , es sit nil be there to re the most efficient and successful traveling ce - Ne the 1;(!NV password. Worthy State salt sthen in the country : Master pii)l.l,EF will be there to talk to tto Tuesday we received a call from mid help in The work of installation of L. 11. TEAR-. of Troy. agent for BARKER, officers at one o'clock r. m. Fifth degree,: Por:cen, Host::: Co., hardware dealers utferreti in the evening ill full form. AIL tds T as has traveled thro' committecS will attend, and Treasurer l this .t:etiou of country for a - number of Ilale wilt 1,,0 there Without fail, that a full year s :, and wherever li.nown meets with a ! exhibit of.the tiirtnces may be shown. Lot hearty welcome. To his enOgies and every Member be at his or her post of many good , qualities the firm 'he relive- duty, ready t& speak, vote. and pay dues. Ills are indebted for the greaterportion Come preplued to stay and make this one of their tiad . ti in this seetion.”?,i a go.,d and profitable meeting. and enj,cy . . . .. .. • . the social part in the evening, : the thermometer of his life - recorded, as Uomea.xv K.—Adjutant General borEs Brothers and sisters, let us go to Ilome; :in the weather deli:milieu every change IV. L_O - ra, in his annual report of the I will give you my word you will be t:' ken of temperature is recorded; died a death 7•:.;tfonahiluard of Pennsylvania, speaks care or. Our brothers and sisters of; the in the midst of unutterable horrors, for ; fyr C;lntpany li, of this place, as folloly: w(.strtn part of the e;ainty are exiacted to In that terrific plunge made through that ~N e...% c.oopany, .;.nd an acquisitnin; be prcsent. Jils Master, I cannot do any- ,i,hroken brut e at Aslitalaile, it would i .lisyi.;ine eatelition rind iustrzet ion gotgl; - thing without the co-operation of the . .seem as if all the gorgons had come to 'Pio • s particularly neat and well ban- members. Let us get well organized and i gether for whatever conld be done by ill . wake up to business, and sec'if V. e can at 1 rending and tearing . and burin. and lacer . • _ _ , - ` We see no' - l i vason - why "the boys" this meeting adonee our cause. Officers lain,;.;.-• here 'Mr. Bt.tss died—lnot it great ~ houltl not fed proud of the record they t elect fur the year will please be on hand ' man, but a man whose whole life was de made so f.tr, and we 119P3 tnefmay in time for installation. Brothers SuAw voted serionsly, earnestly, sweetly to the e. , ultitie to improve, - so that by then next and TAYLOR are live grangers, and will work of softening, toddling and elm°. ia.;pectiou they -_may he the - best drilled see you don't layout ; in the snow. •-: blip g the dispositions of man. do not Cimpany ,in the Divisiom • , ;..t'oesfat'd t Tours • hymias7,oll.last: -* att'4 or'-`44 boy , , pct.= dojo';::: . ';'_" ) - - ;:,'_'? , :A 1 -141; 4 0402 14 ): 31 4404 110 0 , • rj:' , * ;' - NAmdttiOntittiii40 1 7144 4 1Ctii', , "1 , 13 , , - •=r-: ..; WE learn that arrangements have - been perfected which will insure an early re sumption of business at the Eureka works. An assignee is to be appointed, who will conduct the work the same as heretofore. This is,a welcome _announcement to all Concerned. COL. PIOLLET, Master of State Grange, has appointed E. R. DELo.No deputy for this county. Mr. D is perhaps better "posted up" in the work of the Grange than any other member of the order in this county. TILE City of Scranton was visited by a destructive fire on Saturday night. The fire originated in the bookstore of Paron and Tuomesox, co Lackawanna avenue, and three valuable stores and a numifier_ of law .offices, comprising what was known as I:x.-hange block, were entirely consumed. The loss is estimated at $lOO, 000, and includes the buildings owned by llAtm, BLAIR & SPENCER, valued at :?00,- 000, and the Library of the Young Men's Christian Association. valued at $5,000; the library of HAND & POST, attorneys, valued 'at $lO,OOO, and the library of A., CHAMBERLAIN, attorney, valued at $ l ,- 0(K); the 'library of Attorney STCnGES, val ued at :13,000; the library of Attorney Archbald, valued at $1,500; the office of thelMooSie Powder Company; the store of PRYER & THOMPSON; the grocery store.! of CotTllSElt & Co., and the millinery es tablishment of Mrs. Cusnmx.N. The buildings and stock were fully insured:" THE stockholders of the Citizens Na tiOlial Bank held an election for directors on Thursday last. TLC following- gentle men were chosen far the current year'. ,E. T. Fox, N. C. ELsunEE, .1. F. "MEAxs. BENJ. KrvsExnALL, Jon,N. W. Mix, J. L.K ENT, N. L. LEINHEIM, PECK, P. H. ACKLEY, JAS. MACFARLANE, 31. 11. WRIGHT. At a subsequent meeting of . the direct ors, E. T,.Fox wat t . chosen PreSiaeat and (tro: A. GrEENSEV Cashier. The above named officers are too wed ,knOwn in this community as successful business men o r large experience to need any .-Uottinienda tion. 'rho enviable reputation each one bears is a sufficient guaranty, that the atlittrs of the bank will continue to be con ducted nu correct business principles. De posiiors,and stockholders will rest satisfi ed that their- funds have been intrusted to the custody of honest and capable men. PEttsoN.kr..—Mrs. M. C. MEl:run, who haA'lteen in Germany for the past year and-a-half. returned to her hotpelit this place last week. -G. W. KINNEY, of Sheshc:in;:i, has f , een . appoihted to a cicr:cship in the House cif Representatives in Harrisburg. —Rev. F. W. BA I:TLETT orenpied the pulpit of Chi LA Church int Sunday last, favoring the eong,regation with two ex cellent tliseours. -RCA% JOHN D. Ht.:WIT. at one time.a teacher in the Collegiate Institute here, is visiting friends in this county. 3lr. 11. is now stationed near Trenton, N. .1., as pastor of a:ehurell. - • -Is.•=istant Saperintendent Goonmas Was the .happy. recipient of a handsome and valuable present, on Monday Last, in the firm. of :t bt(noeing . ,.. healthy boy baby. ' —Miss . DAmii, of Troy. is itp:mid l ing• few xeekslcith Mrs. W. 11. CAnNoettAN, in this plate. —Miss MARY EL:vm.t. is visiting her many friends iil Towanda. ME Osc.k . r.uwA Grange is compeseil of the most enterprising and socially-inclined members of any nr,ganization in the.cioan try. The meetings are always sell at= tended, and the proccedin , 73 of a charac ter to interest and edify all the members. On Fliday evening last the officers of the present year were installed. after which a nu st bollatiful and sumptimu3 repast. was .spread, to which those who were food nate em nigh t; be: present did ample jits tire. The following are the names of the officers just installed : 1t ester—E. It. DELoNG. -Orerster—A. H. TiiiimcsoN. rd—l.Est.t El 3111.1.5. fd—D. O. INIT,LON. I;'. t. r-111.•nop O. HoLLON. r —NV. 11. SMITH . . B. :MILLS. So-re - Nl—Mrs'. A. H. Tifomrso.N.. SMITH; EI.MA IIonTON. ('err,—)liss A series of socialites are being held at the houses of the different, memln. , rs. . SpnlN.; H On :gonday, Jan. S, tFarmer,' Mut nal Company of Tn.carora„ met at this place, alai the followim.; twelve is.r.,,ons• were ehos , pn diz•ectors for the coming - ycar, M. Sii! • lwAy. • re,-.Pr'ir;.--T. 11. Ilt...teN. /; , 1 .19 . /—A. 11. SL MS1:11. \V. \\ I)%fre7 i). ED:Ne.I:I:, It. E. 1t1y, 7 i:ERT, .1. I'. Wm. 311TTEN, lit:(!:GE JoHN L. CAMP, J. \V. 11ENI:1" The Immmiavie;•'l , i" the emnpany sverp cxtendvd, talk in ttie:-‘2 townships lying east of f the river. Jam i.;:1; is named as the proper time to make I:ev. E. F. RoiIEP.TS a donati o n at thehoase of T. The ••phellow who makes the weath er for Altuanacs should have put it about thus the p,kst •' Look out for of SID,w; more signs of snw: eongea , l t li z.howers; oh :—oh !—oh ! the beautiftil snow. — The fact is, ty , bolly has any IniSiness nut in the or nut of the twaten track, who is thing Icss than six feet. We Liar that Mr. S. F. Af LEV is 10 h“!.1 another "sing here soon, with eon ', Stittnr.. ctrt at cl , ?so. jail. In, is;'7 TIIY: Philadelphia of Fri(lny t" the ilint•ss of Jutlgt! Tltotinier:qv: frit nils of the .111,1 , ge in this c,iinty .I,c gratiCa(l V. , learn t!'ilt there is a lair I,ro,iwet of ultimate I-c -et tVei'S : 4 7 ; I r 7 • 4:14 • • IltnittSOTON.-'—While etheiplices bave been visited by 'remarkable events and calamities, we are having our little inci dents, perhaps not unworthy of mention. Dr. Munnocs,i while on a professional visit to Nichols Hill, left his spirited team hitched, to make a call. While absent _the horses took' fright and ran some dis 4 tance down the hill te a eurvdin the road, which they failed to .make; and plunged down a precipice, resulting in the imme diate death of. one of the animals and wreck of the wagon. An aged journeyman shoemaker. Mr. McConmicic. who luul been for sometime making his home at W. T. ME.tn's, died after a week's niers', of :erysipelas. Ire , was an active Christian, and his honesty unquestioned by those who knew him. Although he had no relative at qhe funer al, yet dining the discourse by IteV. Mr. EVERET there Were few dry eves. . 11. B. Wit.nwt, who had been on the decline for a year, has passed away. Prof: WlLsos and wife, of Towanda, gave nit a very interesting free concert, after which they held a musical conven tion,' cominiting tire days and closing with a conceit. It iS but rarely that our place is visited by so good singers as Prof.- and Mrs. WaLsox. Mn tionday eveningnthe 7th inst., Rev. Mr. EVER,LT gave a sermon in memory of the late P. P. Puss and wife, victims of the 21Aitnbula disaster. The Elder gave a very feeling discourse, in the course of which he remarked that it seemed as if half a dozen like himself could better have been spared than one I ke Mr. B l a s s. The choir sang, assisted by Miss Auer, EvEnkT ; at the .organ, those beautiful pieces of his, "1141 the Fort." "That will be Heaven for Me," and " When-Je sus Comes:" Mite Society on Wednesday evenina< A donotion visit icill be paid the Hey. Mr, EVERET at .the Paisdnage, on Tuesday afternoon and evening:, Jan. 23. Jan. - 15, 1577. HoNous TO A BRAOFORD COUNTY MAN. —Hon. .J. L. Gums, si'n of the late ELI GI NES, of ftrwell township, has just been elected Speaker of the House of Itepret sentatives of Minnesota. - 1' Mr. Gi received his preparatory education at the Stiseine hanna Collegiate Institute. and will IL• re membered e:pt chilly by the A,lci members of the A. E. Society, of winch be was an active member. We congratulate him on Ills tilleeeSS in his Western home : Tltr. St. Ptal itatt .1111,;itapolis Piooirr Pre.vx, in referring to the selection of '• At the Republican caucus laSt even ing, Hon. .1071 N GUMS, of Freeborn county, received. the nomination for Speaker, in opposition- to Mr. Ham., of Hennepin county. The contest seems to have been decided chiefly on sectional grounds. most of the sotithern members, as we favoring Mr. Gurus. HALL -bad the advantage or two years' previous experinee in tbeSlteaker's elude ; Out the general respect-and cordial goon will entertained for him by all the old mentbets went for little in .a body largely composed of new .meinhers. Bat on the other li'and Mr. Glints is an t.id titcntli r, who must be pretty well up in Cushing's manual and in the :nits of parlianicaitary practice by this time. and he is besides a gentlemen of conceded ability anti a first rate sore of a siplai'v., level-headed man, whither way yen look Ile will, no doubt, make a go , sl speaker." "llon. J. L. Dion-, the newlyielcet , A Speaker, is a gentleman who is consider ed, by those wholniiw him best. perfect ly_capable of tilling his lost 10 the entice Nitissact ion or the Ilimse and with credit to himself. Thong!' ehissified as a farm er Legislative Manual, 31r, ibbs i?; and has been a hiWyer of ability, and is a graduate of the Law Sclwol at Ann Arlioi% Michigan. Coming to 31innesota in ised, his talents were pnalTptly MO be was att er e lected ILs trio_ ...I.ttbrirey of Freeborn c . ounty. I n bc 4 il Ito 'was elected to the Legislature, and was ivturncti to the hline office in P`C6, 41/(1 in 1 , i.75 and 31 1 '. i;intis has had, it will „lie seen, con- siderable parliamentary experience, in cor.t:ectiuu with which he possesses a clear head, quickness of compreheilsiOn, and promptness in action. 31r: Ginrs' uenni nat ion Inc t ti speaker-Lin gives unbound ed satisfacthin to the Democratic odnori ty of the !louse, and the members of that hide, it is reporled. Mill lute for him in a body to-day. iirstead of nominating a can didate of thcir own. Mr. (hit:its is to he congratulated upon :his samtless in reach ing. ins high mid hon o r a bl e po s it m.:ainst so strong, popul tr and able a competitor as Mr. A. It. HALL."' IN 3IENTOiII.% M.— Life, is one scene of transformations. Pictures, changing from ginre , to •-ay..pass'. L.:Just:lndy before ..tar Now INI! are 111 the of mirth and festivity, and mnV -death ,tare:; us in fire faev. alai we ale nuide ...hti the utt cert.tintV.•fall things. Upon the December '2 !. St. Matt lie v:s h, Pa, was open for its usual services. yet Yr : AS the 01 the :'4II4IVAI Or, all the beAutifill rites of the. Episcopal Death is at all times 1.11 come visitant, and. as au inmicent child ()lice rental it must be so dreadful to lose your motliti: at. Christmas time," sec AVC ' :II2 now of the ehildrvii of Et.t.voirrtt, whose Mani inate`foian. was- 11,11 IN from tier home ,:u Chi istmas eve, to lea , - e her fireside deso- The subject of this sketch was born and brought . op in the vicinity of Pike, Marrying and settling there. She was rally matured in the school g r patience and affliction, being the only datothter of parents who were agA when she was'ex tromely Young. •She was their help and comfort. and it .seems as if she never Live been a child, for site wits so .40on c a lled upon to flriS:ilte the innocent joys of childhood. •and take upon herself wt nianiy tart s*iind the stern realities of life. It is not al(rne anion ! ! the 'via and the highly cultivated that we find even tCl:llWri,. minds, or tarot : in fart many of the sweet graces: wh;eh so well bt•come a mother, are sadly, larkiin in lin of h's.•dt station,' anti are of ten found beautifully developed in the howler walks of life. NA.. Of I EI,I.:=WORTIC it - is a patient, sidf-sactificing, enduring woman. Long before her •death. she suf fered liont the dread disease which bay tided her life. Several in(niths SinVe kite went with her husband to the West, with a faint hope Ib:tt she might be restored to hy.zith, Lut retitrned short time no to di.• the side of hcr sorrowity, mother and While she was absent flout th - cm. tti/• beautiful letters she - wrote hotre htll•cil to sustain and prepare them for t 3 ;Lid event.: Coe which her own to tat lira‘ely r. itled. The writer of t these lines was li - er rirna, - and had I .often been comforted by the mild per-. t 4; : s iv e n t . s.; of her words, in the griefs of chiulliood, as well as in time severer trials of later years: therefore 1 may say with truth she was kind and good.. the saddest condition itr.life is that of a fantily Of young - children who have hail a tender. loving mother. and ar'. weeping because." she is not." Sorely the tito.t _selfish may have time to speak words of svninatitv to such as. these. , _ . . . It ye.rieh, pcnyerfel aul happy oncs ! think not that, ye troarl the earth alone. There - are many 4Lisol.tte chiblren wlei need your ei :tell care. awl if ye give it out, reilicinbt.r that He will who Rath 01 such are the ltingilion of Icaven. — J. E. H. 'llnsav WARD BEE( ITER ON P. P. IthEcitEn. re!orrinit; to the clath of Coliii.lodorc. , VANDER Er LT and Pitt Lti' I'. Miss, Ar.v.rs t kis comparison, Mr. II2:1:1:111,tt cv viand v errs in jtulgmcnt w-lien he sayer.: .. hut . few persons noted the death of the sweet sinizer." ,No man Las died in this country since the assassin ation of LiNtoi.N, more universally nommal than Mr. Ilt.tss. His beautiful hymns had made his name a hom , eloqd :aord jn every Sunday-school, ('lurch, and Christian-fannly, not only hal America but ail over the civilized world.:_ • " Within a few days another man dies, not in Lis own mansion: not surrounded I y affectionate friends apit ail endear tuelits; not his half dozen phySicians and skillful hires; mit with his name ft 4 tin day to day mentioned ip thv IVashington, Jai)..;. 1',471 irFfrc- ' t, tlinerind litai , 1 lireiled ti' *We' gentmdloit of schools and'ehurebes. . I 'do not think Lis nielklieS will ever last by the side.of Mozart's, or Beethoven's; or a host of others, yet they have been adopted in this land, and the hymns nd songs written by.Mr.l,ltass have giv n a silent in fl uence, gently as the dew i summer, as gently as the rains,. and have nourished ton thousand times ten thousand tender roots; nave caused more thoughts, more sacred emotions to spring up in the souls of men, I had almost said, than the showers do in the summer. here is a man almost un• known, except as a sweet singer in Israel. his life suddenly ceased; a few pFs acs noted it; be holds no such place an the world as, Vaxnratnitir. It is not right that I should zomparo these . men except to say that the latter was the vaster in the lower range of the mind, in strength of character, and yet it seems to mo that Mr. 111.1Ss has done a far grander work— has opened the door through which 10,- 000 souls have seen the other life; has made the heaven not of brass, .but trans parent; has caused joy to blossom, and Made:the name.of Jesus Christ to be 'efful- gent, and brought something of the very spirit of heavenly grace upon the earth; ' has made little children understand the glory of the Saviour's love and servicb, and his Whole life has been put into the work of sanctifying the dispositions of, men. It is a noble ,life, and it lies riot . within the circuit. of imitation of every one, but all pf us may do something, each in our several milleres." _ LITTELCS LTVINfi :tor(— A prominent 'feature of the current numbers of The Lieik,fx :Igo is 4,he new and powerful seri al, "The Martinis of Lossie, by George Macdonald, appearing iti• its pages from advance sheetS. The number for the week ending January 1:1, contains a valu able article from the •/. , indon Quailerly Beefor, on the "The ]Microscope _and its lievelations;" a long and interesting ac count of "Our Arctic Voyage," by the Chaplain of the "Discovery;" a short story, "A Peasant Prometheus," trans lated for The Lirlop Age from the French of ENIII,F. SoI7VEsTIIE, and other note worthy matter. This is the second week ly number of the new year anti new vol ume. The back ninnbers, containing. the, first installments of MAcnoKALD's now serial, are still sent gratis to nevi subscri bers for For fifty-two numbers, of ,siNty-four large pages (or.more than 3.000 pages . a year), the sulOription price ($8) is hAy; 11 - hile for $10.50 the publishers mpia- to send any one of the American onthlies or weeklies with 7'le Lirieg Age for a year, both postpaid. LITTEt.i.. & . o.‘l",.Boston, are the publishers. • WE vf: ace's ed the 'January number of Lci‘ere Hottor, a handsome mamtnoth 1 14page (114 colutum) family paper, tilled with the elerirest Ittcrature—sewill and sSuwt stories. sketches, poetry, wit, hu mor_ etc., etc. It is entertaining, amus ing and instructive, and is one Of the cheapest rapers—thenmonnt and quality of matter considered—that we have seen. The price is :$4.30 per year. , including. as 'premium a genuine tine-line steel - en graving., called ..The Mitherless Bairn,' printed on :272x.'2!-I' plate paper, which the publishers claim is superior in point of merit and attraCtiveness to any premium . ever oirereil by any other paper in this country, and is alone worth the money asked fur-both. Co.,- The publishers, J. L. PATTEN 11i_ street, New York, authorize us to: say, that in order to intrioluee the paper in this vicinity they make a special oiler to every one of our readers to send them tit& paper-1, " trial trip'' of four months, post-paid, cothmencing with the January number—for cents. - Our readers who avail themselves of lads offer will, we feel certain, thank us f or h av i ng called their att. nticm to it. The puldishers of /.rt . r.n.;•e: .1101.ft,i would Lice to employ same one in every place to aziva‘,.'s for this paper. t'iwirr l'uorEEDlNus.--.lannary 8. Geo }'rink vs Cominercial Union Assii rauco Co.. Court direct the removal or this cause into, the next Circuit Court of the United States at Williamsport. i E 'moulds' Assignet , vs C II Morley. Buie why judgmentishall,not be set aside. .las Wood vs C 14 Ward's Adm'r et aL Rule why judgment as to Mrs Ellen \V Miller Fliall not be set aside. L Lowaii vs Vincent Stevens et al. Same vs A.Stevt Rule why judgment shall not lie opened and the defendant let into a defense iii earth caze. P 1. Ward's use vs .1 0 Wheat`et al. Rule Jn absolute suhrogating Campli,:ll to the rights of the plaintiff. Wm Brain - vs .1 G Srn:lder' 1•: Leon ard VS Jl.lll Clltinin;4llam. F 11 Person vs Prank I;ish. - Rule in each case Till - a:1 , 3 ;;1).-:olute. Manle's Ex*rs vs C E Manley. I Alfred Furninn vs'N. I)ninark. lute diseharLred. It 1' Hulett cs Asa Fi . ench. Eule tt set aside Slierilrs sale. \V 11 11arnes L vs 11 C Barnes and Wm May. Court strike on . 74,1?,ere liteere and judLfraent in this ease. .1 1' by et ai . vs Mutual Building . and Saving Fund Ass(whition of Towalula. First Natiowl Bank of Athens vs II A Itlo4ll et al. Court i,!ermit idaintiirs bills in eat h eAse to be arn'ended. i; II Van Dyke vs Chas Wells et al. Court dive: Sheriff to amend his return. First National Bank of Athens vs .J D Kvsuer. Com t pet mit record to be amend ed' On motion of Col: O‘erton, Court admit (Tinton Lloyd, EFN., •a memller of the I,y,oiniiig• (:fin nt y Bar, to practice in the several courts of this county, where upon he was duly sworn. Com ex rel vs • Chas II Attics. ,Court give judpme.nt that the defendant be oust ed and altogether excluded from the of Justice of the Peace in and for the county of Bradfol 41; hI 11 7 ashburn ,vs Sarah- Washburn. Court direct a subpoma in divorce to is sue.• ('curt adjourned on Saturday, .Tan 13 BUSINESS ILOCAL. :%1 tisk Roxt , s at xPi:t.m AN's 4",t1 - NI.'W goods received (tally at lii:NDLEMANB New prints at KENT a:. BLiss.[se.p7 Eagravibg done at ItENDer..MAN'S :Jewelry Ston., tr (...ItlN.Thaires or the latest styt , a at IIEN- MEIER Neiw Dress Goods at - KENT 111.7,15*.r,01.7- Cn lIENDLEIIAN offers a great reduction in Sii ver-I",atcd Ware.. M . " I I amlsomest assortment of Jewelry In town at ENDELM AN 'S rr New Goriiis in every Depari wept at Neer Caltp.t KENT tki Buss.' for your ta ble thuna , k. - : - _ - :;rl;uttricx's", Patterns -at KENT IS; EMI /" A lt- Guard and Ve,,t Cintins at HEN. 1191231111 Fine Fr clocks at HENnE.I.- BEE L.ti'• iII:NI , ELNIAN ha , pod gr,ials and his prices are vury Tha: IY the [dare to buy. :75' Dollar-and-a-half books for 'J9 ets Me re u r rff Ladies' Ties in great variety, at KF*T Ladies' Collars and Cuffs at KENT & rzterling Starr Natzql Cup 3 a lILNOLLMAN • S Illanit.wls, II 11 4 S and shill 1.1113 at. lIEN MIEEEE :a- The best: drackers baked every thy at CowLEV — "raw Crackers of all varieties bak'ed • Jen' ,I.ty at. Cov. - L Ea' Bakery. B. atVirtil 41,11stinas and Neu; Year's Imes ept.: A big._ stock of very tine Stone n1a,7,; at Yry low prlces at 11EN DEL MAN'S' r.2r Sterling Silver and Silver Plated ware allow iCeN :it WENDEL 3IAN . S. n-• Call at KENT << 111.1SS' and sec heir new Doll:a Contettsep7. Er' New Cloths a nd Cassimerq at Ii ENT & ise.'.[sriii tl.ltr Otte more case of thine cheap Quilts,. at rizNT Si lit 897.cliett7 t ,:-orYOU c Itom !W rofmtel Qatar f0r.99 - 4 'Mr Wet ,• • -we.. o.++ „ 3~:~:+~~r x.r" M l * it . Irg" & - Wet bolt at their Onset Grenadines.' largo stock of. games and - toys, at coo, st wurrcouo & SUAIIT.F. rir AU the Latest publicitiops, very Cheap, 6tAVIII7COIIII &.911At7r6. • . air Everything In the line of Joxvelry, Sliver and Silver Platell Ware, at lIENDELMAN'S.. Or Don't fall to call at HENDIROtAN'S and see hlagockla and learn the prices, ' 44- All vadl sow at M. Ilzsort,3lmi'6 war muted u rppri,septed. :SrEverything in the line of • station ery 4L WHITCOMB & SHAUT'S. • r2r. Call and see the latest Ladies' Tics, Collars and Culls, at 31 fr. MINGOV. . . IlicinEmtAN's stoiro is filled with first-data artii;lei for the 11011 day trade. ar You can buy nice,. fresh-baked Crackers a Cow .Es' Ilakery. very cheap. • rr'Virtirrto3tn SHALT sell the best Blank 1109 ks manufactured In the country. Or' Ladiei are especially invited to at tend the sale of Crockery at Athen's next week. CF" You can get all the latest styles of Statl4nery,rery cheap, at WIIITCOIIII All;r8 Mr The largest and best assortment of spring clothing In town, at M. E. EaENVILLD'S. Ca' You will be surprised to learn how much you cam -buy fur 99 cents In Mercur Blukk. W6old, Silver, and Steel Spectacles; and Eyo Was4,ex, Itt great variety, at HENDPLILAN'S Jewel- IT Store. G Flue American and Swlea Gold Widches, lil Key abd Situi Winders., for ladies and gents, at IfEsnEtslAlVe. Fir The Finest 'Display of Holiday Goods In Towanda at the o:d stand of 0. A. Ist-m3n next week. [deeli Car A. large assck ment of spring and saintlier bats, just reeetrra, at M. E. ItosEN- 11E4132 nr Fon SAIX.—A good Gold Watch. l'erfect time keieT. take borungli orders lu payment. Eteralrelt thl,4 (ace. • CZ' If you want a ,suit of . clothefi cheapi er than can can buy the ',awe In New York, just call at ItosENYIELD'S. =CI iI r. T . HENDELMAN Las the finest stock nt Watelie;t, Jewelry and Silverware, ever brought Into this town, Cali and :we It. tar lion't fall to . ca!l at ITENDLEMAN'S; If you wtsh to buy anything In the Ilne nt .Jevelry, Silver and Silver-plated Ware. TLe store -in I!atton's Block now occupied s lvy C. F. ("ROSS :14 a book store attcl.twws Mom. Is for rent. riAsesssm given April 1, v:77 •Ur I will buy Combings, or cut Hair an.l prireba,e,lt. from tlie,c, wiNliltw, to sell. Call on 311 , A ELLA J. PowELL, No 12 Ltaittmr,l street. All *persons knowing th6niselves trideLted to Mrs. E. MINGos will please cal and sett it. withlti ten days, and suve costs. [ ' VI 7.,11A CF .. / . .Tnrymen andk others attending Court will Mil the best br arcommo,lattoos at era:.: prices nt SEEI.V.Y . !4 lEurolwan Hotel, on 31a :u street. Take Notice,,thero is a great re duction In Waltham and Watc ' ho , . Call ai REND ELM .1 N and yint teal I, sure to Lug• one at the prlces . he to offering. The Grand Central Hotel, New Yuri, was Om first le:1411;g hotel to reduce and scin,dule its rides according to tlcl locatirm of its rooms. It now charge, 9.i.50 and .04) In:r I lay. bt l if .. FOTt SALE Valuable'i C - ntsiin illwanda Bone, on oa,y term.. to .1011 N W. MIX: Ware Mercur Block, north xide Public Square, Towanda. Cg' Send to l'olvell's - Music Store, Sr:ranton, Pa, for .5'‘.n.2 rtfrl Earftrt , Choler, awl all latest convention I,e.9kq. 'thee are kept In , lantlty,,and can be Fent promptly. ,Janl,2t. :57- A. KLINE, the Merchant Tailor, has m - oved ids Tailoring estabilNlimenftnpAyt,; Co'. Siorr.! Cioth;ng mad , ! to wart': elating, littltig and trimming donb with ,nc•atnls+ and di. pitch. Gilt , him a call. :r ° SUSQUEHANNA COLI.F.C.TATE INSTI- TrTE.LThe second winter term ~f thl' will begin Motolay..lartuury 1577. 'rhe corps of touchers Is large. course , . of stlldy 1111111:`:1:11N:1!1 , 1 rates of 1:0:11,1 :1114111111o:I reasoonle.e. No tdiort will be spared to give satts(actlt , tl to n.l - 'For catalogue or further purl lculari; r,•,+, or call (nth"! ittelpal, E. E. Qt't NLA v; vratola, Pa. =ll n 4.7" A Wont) OF Am - ft-E.—Now that the hoEd.ty ,, are over. young men de,iring to enter Into lmsinesN In the spring should talfr a coarse of [ con;lnercial hp , t action at the '.V myo t .ii: Cm !, otEn ut Al. COL L EvIE J.lntr•ton, Pa' Ono hundred dol. Tars will pay your expcn , es here for thirteen weelt4. linudredi have tralten the course and are succeed ing t , bly. For circulars, address janl3-11 Every. gelatine article has its coun terfre I; wt every honest man has his Such Is the rase with our er thimble and honorable clothing dealer, M. E. PO.SENFIE.I.P. Having made! he busine-s a study front early mouth, and helm: controlled In business transactions Ivy the strictest regard for pla:11,, and the rights of his cuts-, looters, who are not presumed always to hi as well posted as himself, others who have no regard for' the precept ld' the. "gotd••n rule," seek to profit by his enviable remitation, by engaging in the same business, and make large Jnefessions, Look out for them. Do IT AT ONCI:.-4f a tithe of the test hnonlaN now on hand of the value of Dr. TA It • S BA LSAM OF WILD CIIEItRY, should be pul..- lished, no one would stop to rend the bulky volume. As!: any dreggist, and he will tell you that this IsALSA 0 Is a real Messing toall affected with throat or long diseases. All kindred affections. Ineltullog Dronehilis, Sore Throat, eroup,lloarseness, Pains In the Chest, and Bleeding of the Lung., yield to Its wonderful power. We advise any one tired of exp,,ritnenting with Physicians' prescriptions or quack medielit'es to drop 'them at our" and use this' 51 14 . U:11, o E1:1:1". 50 Cents and It a bot tle. Sold by all drukgists. :Janie. =IC= C - 5" To CONsUMPTIVES.—The adverti ser, a retired physician, having providentially .11 , :•• covered, while a Medleal Missionary In Soul hern a set y simple vegetable rc , tnedy for the speedy and pertnanent earn 14( Mstltaptlon. Asth ma, Ilrotichlti., ratan h. and thrOat and long affections—also a p..Ative and raqical specific for Nervous I•zeinnt ore Decay. and all Ner- Vous Complaint.', feels It ths duty to make It known to his stunt ring fellons ' . Actuated by tins motive. ho cheerfully scud (free of charge) to alt_who it, the snipe for pr-paring. and full direcilona . for sue(e.sfullyn,log. this providmllal ly discovered remedy. Those; who v,i , 11 to av;all , thrinselves of the benefits of this discoyery without, eo,t, ran do so by return mall, by v.ddresAng with a stamp, naming paper, Dn. CIL% P. MARSHALL, :13 Niagara Strent. Buffalo, N. Y. MARRIED. IIiASMEST—BLt.F:?.—At the home or the brb.l ,- 's fattier, in Pm terv.l:r., VT. 2:), 1,7 a, by Rev. Li. t'uolt. F. N. 'lbianh.w. of Towanda, an(l.3thfs Sarah, tlrtugltter of ',owls Mks. , Ni)Eit'ON.-16 7.• I 3trry A. Attier:. ta, hot It of Itatfinglon. KIIAN—LIN!)I.E.Y.—in West Frink I, by Ekter ra1%14 Newell, Mr. Wo!. Gehan.. or Mare and Mr... E l !lzalict!l Lindley, of Flank -116. ITow Aivarti ;ements.. 1. 1 ,0 C SALE.—:I Farm of. 3 i acres, ou mkuon Nlonrova try., all liiipmved. goo:l Iliou , e an:l Mira. and tile. , y"011.2 irrt , t. Nt'..lt feared atone stmops. "or partkillai,, esoplro of l',ter Vang.q.ler. 0 11 the mint Ars. ' .11n I.lf. jOTlCE.—Notive is -hereby given t h at itt. t .:frattott Whl br mute to the present ttrei of the Slate of re an.yti-an la. 1,4 th e pa:saw., ()Clan act._ of As.embly. anthorlzldg the Sely4 Itoafil of the Itortingh of Towanda, to pay ('()..dint; and IttikpAl atot other.. who base filed Medi:titles Clainii for thatertalg faints:tett, and labor dur.....ur.n4 the Publle Se hoot of flald But. eukh. C. F. %It 11411.5, Pre.., S. W. ALVORD. . . Jani. Towanda Sehool mord :XECU'rOtt'S.NOTICE •-Where - liv, letters testamentary to the etdate of Car tes Tyrrell, late tf l'lke, deceased, have been granted to the subscribers, all persons hole , t'Nt to mild estate aro requested to matte Immediate pay meat, an,l all persons havlngelaltustOprelent them 46 4 att o 4 44 far settlotitent. • "...1.,11.11F1W11,GL. • 110,V..•;'Te. 'WJ :: ~...;, ;~1 P • ROCLA3fATION:--- WITEtEAS, • lion. Part. U. 3lonnOts, President Judge of the 17th Judlclat LP tattier. confining of the county of Bradford. ,anti lion. C. s.llBasztt,, Associate Judge In ntarforsabl vaulty of Bradford, hate la. sued their precept bearing date the 9th day of Jan uary. 1877. to the directed. for holding a Court of Oyer and Termlber. General Jail Delivery. Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleas and Orphans' Court. at Towsnda, for the county of Bradford, on Monday, February Mh, 11177, to contlnuetwo weeks. Nonce Is tuff: fore hereby given to the Coroners and Justlcesof the Peace, of the county of Brad ford. that they be then . and there In their proper. person. at 10 feclralt" In tho forenoon-of said day,' with, record!, Inquisitions and other renieruhratic'es to do those things which to their office appertains to lid dour and those who aro bound by recogni sance!' Cir otherwise, to prosecute against the ptiso ners who ere or may be In the' Jail of said county. aro to be then awl there to prowcnte against then. as shall be just. Jurors are requested to he punc tual In their attend:lrmo egret:a hly to !hetr not lee. Dated at Towanda, the it; h day of Febri:dry, In the year of tntlll by lands of I I Itoorne.' slot on the .est by lands of Amnso,, Campb e ll: eontaloing acre.. of land bo,re all imprm ed: um buii!- S.•lz.•(1 :OA 1.11:1.11 11110 at 'h., s alt of ' (lartlit I. Rockwell's, cry v., Itrt:ey Cole and I) Bourne. . A LSO—ftne otlittrilo! of land mate in SlieNlte. gni!, twit. and I.tottidnd nn the by the indtlle highway,. on the rant I, lands tif Mlles the :nutty be latols.of Po,t. and on the we,t hydd: o l-: of %1 ties Ilorton: rentaltitng derns of laud i tl ent or le,F, all litiprevrtl. I framed luu.. t f rained !dint. and I flamed 141:01:4ty, and '2.orrhattd, of fault tree, ttp:•re.na. '1 4, .17tt and tak.ni exe cution at the bait of 31anville t, .1 A lilltner. • Al.:4o—one other lilt of lan4l - Atuato in Towanda bor. , . bounded ail - 11.-rrllwok fo:Iov..: li,zion 11. on the north of Phil: ,t at 010 •t 6., the 1111111i1 .. ..1• ' t•cli li.t: tlitizior too :nor's ¶•Y• and 9.12 fe,t to a corrwr of a 11/t inerly bolonglog to II 1. Scott. now of Mrs lir'•ne: room , •onfnolly In of and paralld tirAt 11110 !)ei ;tu.l 9-1.2 fert to Pin.. t along [no north lice of Ilio• foot to If, play, Of 1.-ginning. will, a (tamed , Iwi•llinv ianA ao.I a thr,s story bri..l: ;not (ram, - ..1 wagon ?tt•il biaassmit it 0111,11 thrrrnn, .and take n Int.l rxt.,• , 111(.11 at 11,. cult of the ;:tiumal 1 :1 11,1 ing ;Ma . Saving Fuliti .I.,octatiun of On Coro of l'oa-alnia vs 11.-ory ALS(t—tine ntlittilnt of land 'tint:Mein Tow:did:l tap, hounded and deserib.).l a, folirms; Beginning) :it a obi tier pa.; on the north tti.to of ;In) ittiltile read 1 ft.:piing; to Tor,;intla I Ireilt ; I ben. , north 1.15° and ) ,° ea , : slug thet) . side. of 01.• Itarolay %Miro,' iili feel to a corner; ti-ene• , .1.1.4); the saine, l i.l' , Wll; 21 0 ittiNt Vat trot u, a corner; th - rtbee :drug the sans% I n 4.1017 M 2° e a. ' I 15a r, , t 1, 1 , :, ~;,;,,,,,, th, ~,,. „.„'„, 1 1,,,, ;or M 4 -' et , ir sact Iti ft,. esst 36.1 ret-f 1.4 a rots: tfi.-itt-t• :11.0);;) 1 Iatoi .if S I' Sod ~ 1 Ny )1,,,i, ..011111 ::...',.. 0,--1 7 , 2 feet to 3 1 - :11,1 , r WI tile 1 . :1,4 : , 1110 Of ',ail 111.41iy. ay berlint; to. lowitittla l're-ii; til t .i....- 11% - e?. the 0, 1 ,1 •ol - of ...alto. 3, 0 0:01 5' vi 0-% :06 feet t .110. pace ,it totioolog; cont,il.lot: I :ten, stiti i pe: Ono- or laud. i... tit.' ••:11114•Ittore tor 140 , . aa.i 1.. , - I tog two lots etniveye,j to - t 111" p.trtv of the lit < I ; Flit one rty S I' and .1 - W Mrs,, , and a toot. by 5,....,1 'timed I li•t. It. 1 , 70. alt'S sh^ In iter by M t' St-ietir ' anti is tr.., Ise. lit'''ll 'i1 ,, .! the S:1111.• that', wilts 6 i toilit-g tain - LllOl nail fa , •tory at,: ...tore litet:tt• tlntret: .111.::"..1.!!1,1:1114.1 !,.,:t in1.....5.e11514,11 :11 ti, . • ,Ill! of C :4 1:,1,4.11. T:1,,,:ec . , vi :he Towanda Iron :trahli fart tiring Co, A If',st ,-441.11. other lot of 4)11.1 s itest, in W.- t s 111104110 alt twp„:fittl li)auale.: an the north by isit.l;, or it,,ra,e Rooth, NI:. Sat . ::!l Tayl0r:loll t'nr,.. W I Thacker. 011 OW 03,1 be iall'i, of rfia, NV 'llia .1... tr. ii•••+• ./ehilit. 1i:1V;12,4 MO! DAllitl S.-likk, WI tilt' south by rood, of .1 , 4111 Phillip. and 011 tilt. Ix e--1 1. !ands of Ilarat•.• Spence' ; eantaining 157. ;totes of i 311.1 11111/rl. or it,S. :11. ,, ,1t it".. 1 1:•-e: implored. with I II:311 k bou ~. I fra I I !..,I 113 II with shed , attached and oreintitl, of frolt tr--t-s tlo•reon, Seized and tat:. n 1100 I-Net 11(1011 at th• stilt of A and J Mates vs Win liattarti. , c . . A Itst )---('o101 other lot of land sit note In 'Nes - atoll Irmo. 1...und01l and .1),•111;-.1;ot follow,: lleglititing at a rorster on the WeS.I :nth. of Vritlgo,l (14: feet ; to)rtli ; trots Win l'ittltat , ;:) itotitee -oath it 1„..4 i '21).19-lit feet to a colter: I h.•;tee north 7°t) - - , t 75 . f; 1 Eli ,i metier: t hen, t • n.4.11161° t.:1,4 2NI 9-to ft to n. watt Nitl;• of 11111:40-st liere:ofi re niention • , 1: 11i •ne,- along Ow w 0.4 ',Mt, of sainv 75 ft to thu 1,: at, of beginning. A 1,4 , 411-•-01LC'iqh..1 . 1:t if lam], !..i toate In Toltrlnd, ' lkor. , *. boutol•4a • follo0 , : 11 , :zIttnIng at a rarner 'an the o.e.t site of Bridge:St ; tio•nee itoath 0. 0 moo' S:6 9-10 ft to a or: Monett north lia•wt,t IC; ft to is (or; th,net. north 01 0 03-4 511; ft ,to a corner on tlO - ; os ttt side or its bliz.,st heretofore mentittio.n: 111-nc , Wong Iht , sante , :ii'lli 10° es- t 10 ft to p:a00 of 6..000114: Owing IO ft l istltied lii the north --Itie of lot llr,t described ), wlth I fronted hou•-. I 1 slo-.1, and it rely fruit trO-s 111-roott. 'Set" - ,1 a , o1;,11 tot,. tr•tkooti lon at the Stilt of Mat'y Donahue vs F.. N MeCorinki,. L. L. Synar Principal, A I.St I—‘,/a0 othcr 1. , : of land. Shesh gain twp,bolllrded north 10: %mil .of John 1 atohrer, east ty tort,, of Flank SCxtoti, rett!ll by land. of Walter Ft noel,. and we: t l'y lawl-; of Jet re l'noteh: were- n' i.tnrl. 0101 : 0 about acre. linproved,'Nvlth I framed horn and orehatarcf fruit trees thereon. - ..•••lz.ed and tokon Into :diem. lion at the N C' one r,i Abrazina Frcitch. Also at . sult of .ante vs canal. A 1,.• 4 9—(),1e 01:i.`r lot of land. .itualo in Litell fiela trip, bounded an follows: Ileglintlng- at f ire northca.t of a lot is po.se.,lon of Win Wright t thou...! south cant I'o rods to :I eor t thcnee north I o j east .h; rodn - 10 The eent.:r of the Dayta...o o road; them,.'::•ollTh : 0 , ' 2 ° earl in rod, to a core, th. . n .... f'olllll 1• 2 ° roost 107 rwls to a cor: thene.. nyrtlt a we-t '2O 9-to rod. , - to a r,r; thcto , o ' , anti 1 lt rod. NI a cot; i hoo.p , o;tth :rest tat too' th,lice 11.4 th 1 ~ o ea-t o.) rod. to thg pace of t begthning ; eontaluneq 1:0 acr y. s or land , . t 0,,. or , Ie:; aboal 00 acre. Implored ; 1 f ranoal I fr.:l:tiled barn. t wagon-110.c, 1 barn with sloql a!- Inched. tint malt:lid of fruit tree.,tht.teon. and t'lk ell • eXeelltloll at tilt: snit of t: C it,e as laeolt 1. Hall. A I.:s0- 4 )ite oth , r lot of ;and. s.ltuatti in \\91:11- hani,twp. :hounded north by lands of Jot Bixby. en. , lLtry lands of 11 - Id,, v..lohnson. south by lands of I, ti tnis 811liy„, lamb of .In:tot 'reed: cot:taint; st :wr ,, s , of land. olore or less s ahiout 3, , res Improved, with I frain,•d house. I trained Ilnnt,null °reliant of, fruit trees ther.on. Seized and taken Into execution at the snit of A C Hunt vs Jonathan Mx iv. A I.Sll—One other lot of land. slinate In West Iturllngton top. hounded north I,y Laid: or Whirr li3llllll3gt. alp! Treat Shoeinater, east laud of Treat Stioetn.llter. sololt and most by puly.le-Itlgli sv3y ; eontalohla 6:1 acme of land. inorki or less : about Is :let es hot ro'v,?ll. wft It I flaunt , 4I a-n. I barn, mutt orehard of' fruit trios take:i Into e::.l.e.utlon at the stilt of E Pomeroy vs t: Perry. .t lot of latnr..illnate Marling north by laud.; of Mrs Henry ;1(111, east liy the ltrrtt lrk Turnpike, soi?th liy longing Moor. hoar I , est al., and west 13111 IN of A and .1 Morley: eonialhing I vernot land. noire or less. .all Mirrored ; whit 1 frannot I flamed hail:, 1 1 %la:on-shop, I tilark.nrltL; ,trop, and a few Emit trece. tle,roon.. - :skiz•A hit. exoelitlon at tin. suit of ri M vs Iliorintior V.:dough. ti;ll , .r lot of land. sltnate to Blltiligq ton twp, liound.sl north hy lands of Willlain !train's. east by lands llonry h !awls of Augaslini at or NSCS!.. ' hp tail' id - 31,liton ; contaltili4; d i acres of land, more ur fear. all liarro‘vil. with I (rattled ilwellltig.hotts I fia:tind hart', and len" frill trees thereon: S•niaril and. I:00-1) iota ..X.)l . ll*r!t- At the ,ult of Eiliva,l 'Overt-ii NS A c it of land, ! , Itnate, In Asylum n. , . , 1t. smith and west by lam!, of - Ayirs. and edst hy the Iwop:A.lnm, liver: mitt:tilting I acre of 1394, inure le,-; a Li , ,t, , ri,(l woodo:1 f anirtl building.a.m..4l for a niaatiP•ett.ry it lib a t-storl , ql framed hack butpling. and a 1-siorle,l uidolett wing: the multi boiltiiog , b,tog about .1a fl . tront 1.1,* aln.:±t 7, 1 it In 'bin!). this tar:, bitibiltig'about 4 ,1 ft In %%Nth by abont :Wilt In depth. and the 1% log,nhoqi 1g ft Ih %%lath hy nianit So f; (11,4 h. d int , ,execnilon of John I , :tlenhety.fer , S Kiieipl be:*g..r. A F kii;otiln•rg , r :mil Win H Ellenberger. ,e,Mr lot f.t land, slitrtle iu A5y.,1131 [tsp. le.:and-41 until and ea+t bf Cind , of the estate of 4) .101°1114.1411y( Si, 11 tit - highway lead 11.g up ilobtoh w.•;4 by 13114,14, the Sa• rah Slosi:•r trae l. now oeettpl.•,l.l , y Henry 11-nja in!n; ::2 afore :1;1 11:11(roV , 44, %%Uri I trained !masa and I' , ••.v fruit ati.ll.lsen 114 a en:CI:11(41 at the stilt of J lizr . .y vs M Eile . mberger. ALS, toter lot or hold, situate InSpriitrz -11 Mil. bounded twilit by 1a1. , 1q of Ala .).44:(0a.10„ r: , l 1,...,14 Of Jame:9,l'll,lldpi and L.`.4,;.,11 hy . ll - 1.1- of sett:,ler tarot i,y Lind. of A ;‘3 or M'atlaee, 31.13,10 hA; eon:al:ling 17 a , ro.of ; Iv, Improvements.l S-'le ti and t.il; ,- n Into eteentlon at the stilt of Cain lµ Newell vs Y 11.11'.ey. A uther lot of land situate In Radne tirp, bounded and dewlibed as followK: Beginning corner In the centre of Dullard's Creek; thence smith litl° east 102.1 perches along lands of .E A I . ll , lgrivay to cornet; tlnntql north, to oast, In Perches along taints 0 F Young and A3l Wat t top cornerLthentic not - LULA? tCZPt •20 . 1Lorchtii along lands ard. A 310,0i1y to *tomer', thence nail/ perhotistlcknk Liarlopf asl4.loody. urn, • * • , - ,Aooo..nototievr.: • • ;;~;;: .. ,' f ~. IMII • .~~ ~- ES 22.5 perehes ahmglandS Of mill Moody tir corner; theure north see west, 40.3" parches Mons lands of snit! Moody to a corner; thence smith 2* west, 2-34.8 Perches airmg of t heel fog to the place of beginning,. Cofll3lllllllgl3t acres nod 32 perches. more or less, .1.03 neros . ocing Improved, with. 2 framed houses. 2 - framed barns, ont build ings. SAW mill and all nilll fixtures, 'wafer privi leges, &a.. and orchard or fruit threest hereon. ". Lot No 2—freginulog, on the northeast side ;Of Dullard's Creek, nod hounded as follows: North by lands of Edward Overton, west by lands or 3:041 t I Ire nen, now Keefe estate, eonlh west by jitinnew.s Creek, and east by other.lamis of raid Laiwis Goa; containing 23 ntlres and 122 perches more or ICS.q. with 2 framed houses and 2 framed barns, thereon. Lot No 3—Also, all that other piece of land situ ate on the southweatuf Dullard's Creek, being the Ada 11111 directly opposite the before' mentioned piece of land. and bounded as follows: On. the cast 1 )17 lands of. E A Itldgway,-west by lands of Patrick Quigley and P phy, and north by -Dullard's Crock. cOntatillng no acres more or less. . ALSO—ono other lot of land situate in bounded and described as follows:. die_ ginning at the hemlock, southeast 'corner of a lot rounhered thence west 103 3-10 1 ,-.91,211 , •3 to a post a corner of a lot run out for Cyrus Wheeler:Abend, north 7r4 4-10 Tx.rebes to a costive of a. lot deeded - to - Philb Ikaxtrr: thener east Intl SLIO perehrs. to the southeast corner of said Baxter's lot: thence south 75 4-10 per4thes to the beginning. eontalritng.s2 , h , re.s and 47 porches; be the saute IIIf.111) or, less; no Im provements. AL9O--Otie other lot of latid sttllatelll Rome lwP, bounded and il , Nierihril as folinvon lterloning at a obi - We the sOtittrwest corner of Mrs 1. 114 Tar relP.s lot4th , nee along the month lino of this Come. r nu Eh so , 7 a eao, 145 reli‘o, to a stake and stoneA oa the 'lnn ote"Panctso; !bodice month I w....gt to stake and stones; corner of .G W Werbnibitrgin theneo by'the 'Woof the 4fllll , llor:11 81>!;;° We,t, 130 jin.olies to a rortwr on the line of S hid lack; tinier. tholille Of the same north I;.: °, east CO 3-10 perelle:i to a cot net. in line of Win lot; thenen by the lino of the same south 84% 0 . east 43 - porch.s to a firm; thence gonttit!!; o . wegt 25 s-lo pe.elieg to the W.:inning, rinitalninz TA acres atof 'parches of land more or hens, al - iout it isereslimprored, with 1 fancied lion so. I boa rd hong,. j tram...l barn. steam saw mill, and orebard of fruit frets tliorroo == I: Say kr tt. Overton & Elsbree vs Levis Golf. AP ;:o 17,u0 Niebots v saiii4. ALSO:—One other lot of land situate In Standing Stone twp, tounded and described:l. follitw 0: 4 'Oll,- ineneaig at (Ito corner where tine road leading from 'he r to State road cross." each other near Ir W Tracy's resithnrei itrrrice running, 9etthea.terly aiong the line Or the river road to a whit - 4 tiara: th.m,,, in a sou: It westerly course and parallel with the road leading from the river to the Stre road fit aforesaid. to the line of canal: thence on said mannl to the road aforesaid: thence maid road lead ill; from I iser to Stat,t revel to 11. main road halhsg tip and down the river aforecrid to the Owe ur I,, , gintdog, eontalaing al. - mit 1 a: re of land taore.or les,, with store hote , e, dwelling and barn th , refal, I (ration) house.! ,, nd a I'm (mit :me, $-Ixel and taken into. Cie , ' (lion it the Qtalr of Thomas Stall itt v, C S Taylor b 4 - Crntua Taylor. t—One other Int of land situate In _Overton twp, boood-d and ,ie.eri:w4 as 1011„w• Itegiuning at a statoi the corner or ' hd, rotating theni•i: mirth :it°. emit Ing ro.l•i to a thrtirr ,milli east to a eiirn"r., thence , otitti 30 0 . Mr, rods to ;1,14:1,k , ': tit •nr. , north at 40 roil• to thy titace of io.gliiiitti; emit:11111m: 33 arms of !and intire or tel.+. :1 1 p1:11 Improved. no Seized taken into est:cotton at the Ant: Gl' John :mil Mrry SuJitviitt is er,I;1011iN .1. oth-r lot. sitimre In 'Tort:lrk twp. lintitolmt 'omit% 4 I It ,qtroitori.,:i at ttm iilit ltrathhaw : the Itrait i:ltaiv ltrle wet 117 per to the (M!,l ('reek road: Mimeo Ire I.rnian 31..t -t•on :it d It•irtmo . wirth 57 n. 20 ti mil:: them, he limits of Thottro: Iteintmont sor , t; hi 0 coot 71 p , r to the Ware tiozinutiig: iterri; limn: nr le , s; a n'i•prq ici proved. - mid taken hit. ex :euthiti at tie: snit of Lyman 3Lit , ..oi V.. Attain Hunt and 7.olioton Wheeler: - 1..0-03.'011;or lot of land, sign & lu `4'ra.,lie twn, loandi.d north It land; or rl r o:14: Nouilt 11 land of I: tipii Goro. and w;.t. e.ntalnloz 3tl ilior.• or all itnprovo,l. with 1 ,toa:a z:1•1-inill:• viol all the•roto.S-tind a.:or takon htto r?;..catton at Th.: I:l,nree's F S yor; A 1..... 4 -0 , o•hor F.l. • Tow:m.l.l holtud..4 nco•;:i Lc.Lmrly of }: Jayno, enit IM=ltnal :a1;.1, of .1 3Pjf . olfir: and wirf Areo• liv FonrOr-sl: cent:iintrg about = 4.1 a n a , f.• of land. in , re- or lvs, with I.fratne4l,hyvning -1,0“,e. 1 framed !ant, fothl`r otal.nr.4llogi, and a large r.”.nil,er of (raft, anti a few. ornaniefital, trees ti.. re,a. flefvn,lant': lutert,t In one oltiet - lot of taunt . ,Ituare lwp. I onrill,l hurth op ?awl: of C' 1/ 11 role and Gore. ea ,f !.y I end, of Dar:I:OG/Ire. hp nut b,•;oLgit,g to e.;ate of re,. by 4111' '.. - % , 1 , .1.1 , •11.111111 rive,: eoplalning :1v0 .. .. of load, mote or 1,-, ;ere, Iniprovu(l. 1;11.11 1 fratoNl 11 . .vellIng-heuse, I fl,-.me,l yarn, aunt fro !mull thereon. A I.l , l3—Tlie , l'efenllaar4 Interest Ln one oillvr let %tout, 1q:un,1i...2 and (lest - H:0 , 1 as follow:t : 11a-ariinalbff at a poltat on th.• ,;•!.. or Stain-'.l at: 1::.• 1 , :t , .1" of a !qt..]: wall of the shop of I: fretner: robliing - thrrosi. In a Ives t , rly direction tabing the a-ewer of raki hrtrk It -r :1!! o r: to a ttinre 111 a line parallel Avitla 1,1 :t southerly .llreetlora '2:". ft. Inoise or less, to the 1:11e of laud of S,tattael !Zenon,: ttirnee s aid `attanel liethint's latol-In , P.lrt. , f ft a.; west line of 31:11,1 1 -st In a northerly line of )lain--t fr, 111,1, 10 the plat,. of lens ft-story irk ito tiler .f27`,,,.11 rxer.jltl.., 11,t 11*-A Overton,vs t: S 11uss •11. Als.• at suit ..•twr tot of 1::::a r ri-anit:t , in Towandaawl boulole.l 011 the north by . hoots of Mrs !' l'arollte• on the east.l. , . - Main I :In. , 011111 by I.IIIIIS of 'rew:tiela 1-:j.rolta Mower re, :not un the west liy an attey. being; 1. - 1. feet-front on . l st. II; fool de,n. '‘‘ lII] • I IA twdory brick with a franoll arid tr•-es thereon. 5,••17 , -.1 and tat:-•r'' Info bxeraatiou at Itte salt of PT. Ward's itsi. s-Nrieleael A an.• author 20, tsia; : iii„ g „ out Herrick top:, an I bontoled on the no-t! 7atels roan:N.oy 0wn...1 by,Win cni.ii• .1 'to the east by law], of Ft:MI.I4 Str11;;-1... aril 1 . -113, A the south bylataals: of Chas Ssinia es. 1, a.. 1 bat'lto. tv..••t I.y 1:ttol forinerlyowneo by %Vial 11:131, (new li'arhyb ronitlitttroz..l:,aerrs of ,„,1 h „,,,-,• ai r ; 01 ;. hulre. t frantr,l hart:, awl too fruit trees thereon. .1 1.:•,t1 1 -1,•••• ul'n'a' Is: er: and sit natt...l lit llerriek p. beloide.latol I at a pot fornieriy b , ..aet., it I.i•itav the sonblawest earner of a Hot eenvey. l .l .4.. r0.t.a.11:41% en., vaster!: on t tar line 'if .ohreltall '2ll. I VCart ,, l"%lata•l Natal:ante! tut the centa,' I -f the nod airt.hal,-; flow IL , ...bony 'Point s'i•hfro, i'ial tll.l:ve 11l the 1,1,11...1,0" sabl row] 11..ru•rat es.airses .ouch •rly t roa.3 :'hit' s ! to Nut,' • I,...tiveonvotata - .: ;,1 s ,, aolterly to the Ilite of !awls .1' theaee the nue ..f Noble LeaVowverstla and Sarah A 11••:a rti to a 1 1 ,3.11, fora .., , rnvr on Ito' Tb'.: of Andr,a, I;raff: .51A1,, 'soli'. :17!„...p, r ,.h., ,do.**•ra)d , ', nbrttwa•; north Sar., west 31 ta 1.9.1 for 1.9.1'• n.l !;....rth 1 0 ...3 , 4 it 5•1 , 11,-reltbs to a 11 . 1 north east rare-r• or 01l I.f TPA, to a Corli,fol,altl'l'it as. land: th , ''af. t• ...oath I°. 011 th.. Ilne or tint of ...al i t I.,.rulles I.; the of betrtranint,!: 1 1 -if ..••res I,f 1.11..] more or abont 7:1 ar res improved. ,boats'. 2 frau:: 41 bartas, and' ,alter 01 . .•liaff 11 of 1'110; 11... 4 thf•roli!). Slat 3111/,ln 4,11 into 1.\. , 11ti. , :a at Ito stilt .if J C toy V, NV' A alicl I' A saltine;, I—, all , ot:1 , 1' tot of hoot sit nab' Ip TO,VVltii+: win.. ;17,1 1.n.1111,1 eta th, north by (awls of Ma , I'. 1% 1 11‘111:..r. on the 4.3.-.1 by inter" of Mary Ilreboan, on the south by I...winit.l street, awl nn the xvost 1:111,I... or \Sat It. lion. 1,...;11g flu fart ..lint anal 1 - 21 feet deep walla olio frame.' 11 , 0151' tltereots. seice.l and taken int.. eswent on at the suit of \V-11...-.k-Aekley vs Ed , ,ard Alas' v—lth, other lot of ~illl,lO hi t henu It. n, IKatnoed b,4111 by pithiie hi;;havtc and 'tun's fr if lansle]..l% east Mods of Ira ott,s - on.ti by lands of fints 1 1 g.lon tuts! (I IV ati.l west by lan.l , l'atrivk .wattalnltagto aerrs."nr.fe or a b•ss, about :do improved. Wi:h 1 fratnial hoar, oilier outbuiblin:::,, and or , ll.ird of fruit ; I s•d.r, d tal.oll \••••11- tion at snit of A It I:::shria. l .; use ‘s 1 .I.l;riattli an,l ab it . .-"nd.' io ,51.7.31)—(`::e other !or of lanl, sit:a:lto 'l'olvarida north' , :' I...Jab:ants.% east by bawls of 'Mrs y Itnetanan, sown by bawls of Mrs Er-la ‘Varur.‘lil ter. and w..st by Insist. ~ 'f Wrn 11.bnant, Is-- lk.t.; (t front ...in I.onal.ar.l-st I.y ft v.lth framed lionw and f.w. - fruit Tr—, thor,on. s. d7....,1 :Ind taken lain, exi.(.llll,in at the Spit of IValbtl.l;2_ , I:.'i‘v.ar.tWalliwr. :it snit of S amain NV:ol,riage's Edw' NV:ol:er and ?lacy LS I I-0:1, ,d her lad of lawl. situate . . in :kiwi' oe ' p. wet ;eoii,v..:'l:rgiNiiing ton the 'north site of a rob] Wailing front the flrsit 1 rilitre nn Iloe inlaitt bank of 'l - nu multi Creek abw." tires ;raw rot snit' twa. t,a 11. r- wick Tom'::, 41+,0 ',lst tl-10 Per b. a .oath a.n.d 179 per a p..st f/11 Morita 11:111k of Toy. yola creek : e op scud ewe% to•rtla 0 1 0 0 ii:ess '2l tea cor tie.tr h.:11,f/g rOlll •alit T..1V:11,41:1 Creek near pr4.1.11 , 2c10ry to ro:n1 11101111 , .;1 , 1 ; 11;01(... north 1,..c.t p:.r ; it WV,t 111 2.11) ; thrnrr .: 0 1,-.1 15 rit,ri:l 41" wt.... 1.- ; , ..‘r:iliettet• north 15' t.•: , 1 14 Im11:111t.11..,.. i',"rlll -41" 1 1-111 pel 10 "f bogir Iting =11101 , 4 "r Lmd. inoro or- - akoll pros . 1.,1, w'llll I ft . :mod house and I. tc fruit tree, - tilet•- 1 4, 11.eil tatron into eaeoutlou at slot J II chrinter vs Scepter Brown. A.J. LAITUN, Sheriff. Sheriff's a 1 111 ,. ..../311. 10, 1,77. I [ El\ I F S A S.— By virtue ~r out of the i'ourt of contuton 1 1 .1e,is of Brad Colltil V. :1!ili; to I will I . apos,l to pa' , ito saie 1 . 11 . 111.1 the 9th - ,tap of February. 1 ,1 77. at the , Ibor. or the tu Tow a 0,1,,, at laa'elociL , the , lessu fit tun 11 tine lit of tams situate In tusearora to p, bounded as follows: Beginning at t it , barn - of the inoutintin corner of Wm it I . ll , •wn's taut. now . onves,nt is Joliatui then'' Cot ° , nest na p•r to rtte stag. root: thence sotithorly along said, the aaa - lVallal coars,.s :not tlicri.of, to a • ( . 4iner.thenee west 2:1 • ; pet Ow , to a vorner: then,. prches - to a pule konert. thence wait 90 to a Lia l lloOil lila of the inouotali,; thenr e al • ••,,g . :e q. of north 6 ° , w,•st 2 . 4 perches 111 , 1 - 11: at ° , weal 37 perches, Lin 19 ° . wept tivrtlies to the , place of In . ,zintling; u oulutning urn, 1 1 . 1 : porches or ::t ( 11,1 more or less, arres im proved. with 1 fratue , l itilllsta, 1 trained 11.1ra. , uti ~chant of fruit trees then.on. Set 'lot unit' tal:en item 'Ai - n . 11111+:1 at tit., suit of .1•11, overtiehl mot It doh,:-o:/.. .V.Sat_une other lohof :and situati• to Striae fu•;d top. :not 1. , ,,,..1-)1 1 .q I.y ;ands 'of l'rancls Bel,intser Fri l ey, airby the l oom.. In Ii uric. nr.el on ;he ;:‘l,,i; .Atu.nlii j ,„-- t...v....,41;:kiffi,. ; . 1 lapel more or .as . n • nre,1,n.1,.1, I framed hoilre. 1 fr..ineil. harn and .hods a ttaolie,l, aO,l ("n . 1131'11111 . fruit tree, ther.nna. :seized anal talzen Into extnuit ton at the :su itof t'rao• \Yin.' c.. John 1 . 1 - ',nop l n•ll. A oi :or :a., ot,tll rte Take:x.- Ira top, anil 4e : sr] inint -an follow: Begins fling at a I,..xna.oit eorner adj'duing ' lanq. Oila red and Larelltaiaill lay l'ayilari Ovate, 1 01s1 . ...:31101'1 . .11lai 10 11 piaLl .:till LI a:Oasi 1110fla.• 11aatili pen. he., Laa a heioniclit Ill••11ro west 'll perille, to a iti . n11 ,, ,• 1 „: 71 5-1. ta:relies to place of I. gig:llll4i 1 1 '4 ' ;‘ ,. res and int 1 , ,•re1t,, of latnt wary' !. 4 1•. I, with 1 framed foonse, I Ir,littoP oa r s ai.tl shark. :not fruit trees 110railall. A1.,5 1 4--erne other lot of laud situate in Tuseal,..., tit tr,p, tioutol , nl and il• - •, , etit,eff follows: Begin ning'nt a Ola roll to•ur s house tiro Tatlor; thence north si3 o , 510,t le3 per to a r.,.t:th pre mwtla nrst 1Q:') rod; to. lio3u look.sapling; tut-nee unith :is ° , oast 114 runt tut 110131 0 0 k: iiiolloo folhlll a piasr; them!, taltra SS ° . 111 igs rods ti, po,t; thenee,ll.,rt 2 , 1', oast rink to the of tieglienhig; eontatbing . _ . Int acwA and 11.; r•rcln.4 ..r Ta , id 4r n•trictimi IA 31'reS, enliVt•p'a I v El' 11 • t . 11/24' . , gerris4 As. kiey. alwl: :ter,. in,pr"red. %.1:h 1 framed triuNe, I frann.,l mon and lew fruit treem :hereon. . _ Al.tit).-pno other Int of - laud situate In Tesearn- by la:itli I , elongliny, to l'Urtet: Oliver, rentalteng rn tnr, nontnle , .l and do , erin -4 to followr.:, Begin- ain - it. 50 acres, tie the saran mote or less, with a N IO: at a 10.13100 - , MI 3,c"riv:r or Il i , bare, tie il ;ITO 'swan cratilt4l hops:, ,f r:i.trAil barn.: ,hort, Ivithap -1 Mallet; then: -.,n)::4 3,0, wog 1.*24 pa to a p.m: . pie orcharil, and' other fruit- trtes thereon. . - the'ell north 8912 3 , wtst , 0.? .per . to : . eorntir; Menet. ALSO—One other lot (4 . -13nd sttnate. In Wilmot 1 north 1.-4 9 east 124 jar; thence south - 133V, .paat ai . twp,•aucl.bouttdcd.cni the east or 4tortheast•trit hy 4ercbeit to ittordsao or bethatlog;'coutlifulpt, pH, L WA* or RA Stool oud- J Gorlin, on tha- south-. by am* vit:b44 - p!l, , trt - e,:pittucinfitt.tc.:lointv.rwrilt -mo t liutitiA or .6 . ...-.lltuta. oti _The - w 4;. pi tho .14unost A 1110.1461 littOtM l ll444l4lVirttliialritrit,TorOr • ,10!Or*T): f Okl . deAlit4.l VT il'lbbki . 1 4 ,111ati4At . t. At - . 'T r a - i';'orze• • ••-... -,, t ,ir- ' 4 • - : i i ,- ;:: - : :i ,-, .'.'f . . ,- -: -. .. - Z.: 7 - •• -iz x ,,,,,, : -: -#5;•• 7 4:?• 7 .4 - --:*`ffi , -- , :: , : , :c,•:, -,-,, -;;':: 1- - , ,..'• '..•. 1 .:r '.4 , .. , .. - &-.; . : ,- .r.i. , :- .1, - 1 ....- ~;.. , ..... .*. .• .-4:-.1F,V4:-.0=',.',"'.1-slA,A,';‘-,,,-:;,--,ZA'...17:Z--n'i....•?e,:','S.I.=-4..4.:114.p,A,--?-'?$,IT.,fi"-`,,,-;17.-‘,,,..1-..74.1, Zr. • . , A" - 'e;r‘" • '••• .-;;C , ' • • • •,.-rf7fl, • .1 1 •'-"-' •• 7 - . . - • ••••••'' • - • • • by Levi Welles and Wife by deed dated August 31. A. L. WS, and recorded in the Mlles for recording deeds in and for said county of Bradford In deed hook, NO 123, page 425, etc.; about 20 acres 'raptor. edt - no buildings. Seized and taken Into eXecution at the suit of N CI, Eisbree, go,ardian's use, and iteulamiu KOkendall's Ws, vs Hiram Taylor. ALSO—thurother lot Of land situate hi Armenia twp and bounded on the north by lands of Alfred Ripley, On the east by lands Of Henry Covert, on the south by lands of Hosea Scott and other lands of defendant. - Manson Smith and on the west by -lands . or Walter rolinizt, being lots Nu X 290 on war tants, No OSI and 095, - eontaining 100 acres of land morn or less, and Is a part or lands of Ilenty •Dlu ker, decd assubdivided by Samuel Strait, Jr. A LSO—Ono one other lot of situate in Armenia trap, aid bounded on the north by lands of Walter Bollard and said defendant, Alanson Smith, on the cast by lend:: of Hosea Seott„ on the south by lands of Jas Furniants estate; now ;ands of Crawford, and on the west by lands of Anson Palmer, contain ing 114 acres and 2 Pereltes of rand more or less, and being lois No r.e3of warrants 081 andlnYi of the sugar Creek land of N Dinner deed as subdivided by ssrunel Strait, Jr:about 120 acres Improved on tedh of said lots, with 2 frarreld houses; 2 framed barns. granary, and orchard thereon. - Sefzed and aken Into otjouthur at the, suit crf P. Ballard's .1114 T 4 Alateeer Smith. A I,Str—One other tot of land sthiate In Towanda boro. and.tionnded mt tha north by lands of Walter ll Tracy. on the east by lands of Job P Kirby. on the south bathe public highway, (Lombard street), and On the west by lands of SIMon Kinney. being aunt 7.1 feet front on tontbattl !trent, and 160 feet deep, ulth I framed house thereon. Seized and taken into aXf.l . lltlo7l at the cult of n Smalley's use vs 3; Cantgey and P Morrison. ALstt—.4 ide oth..r lot of laud 'situate to Leitnit tarp; bounded and described as :follOW,: Beginning at the southeast - corner of Geo P ManlPy's land on Towanda Crre.lc: tt..Ani,, north 1 0 awl 36', tmt along aalil Manic, 'a east line 310 per to _a port and . helve south 0lt?„ east 7.0 rod win 1-7 of a rot too a post: thence tooth 1 0 and 3V, west 316 rod? to the_Towanda Creek to a post: thence west np sald creek to Matt Manley's corner to;the place of be ,glanlim: eon:Mining 00 aeres of lr nrl more or less, li'mut to acres linprOved, with 1 frWiterl barn and .e few fruit trees 1110010 M. Seller! and taken In - 41 ce. = an 4 F. 11:•;0] tat of land i.ltuato In We,t linriington top. and boo:RINI on the north by land S.tralt Taylor, and elsagWlThark er, ca,t hv lands of City: W Thacker. Mr:. Jennie T?avi , ; and Daniel SiAllck. $4. - .ath by land,l'ifif John and on the west bv land.i of Horace Spen ,er, vontainlo7 Il7:acrei of ;awl inore or 1e , 5../thont 107 acres Improved, with I plank horse, 1 framed barn atol'lthed attached, and :orchard of fruit ;reel thereon. • ALS I—Ono other lot`of 'land rltttatt• In West tcyp, and hounded On the north by !midi ot f;coltarrow. on,the oast by land. , of .ino White, nn the tout ladd4 of • ilia; W Thacker. and on the we,t rather lands F,f S W and k3f!lly Tlraztfe (the above dc-scrit,e4l. lot)..containlaz '2 I acres oil !and loot', or les,, abo , p avre,..;iroproved; tiudlpv, but few fruit trecc therer , n. Seized andi, t Into n•ze..tt :ion at- the nit I t of ,Jahn A Parsons to S W. and chat lirt7,ne. ,Af.' 4 o 7 -Itn- other lot or hind .11nate In Tuscaro. twp. air t bounded on the north by Yawl.; of Geo WakelV, I , tt The: east by land, of ..fark..4nn CoT on tho'sonth by lands of .Teryinlah linger, and .on the west by land:: or Sliplr4l Stale), and Annon W-V-iontan, containing fn.; awry of land inore or ahont. 51 acres Imorovr , 4l. with' I Trained Tonve. I frata.ld barn. and feat frnlt tre,,s'illoreon. The a:)ove desc: - Intion Is calculated to inelnd..., In acres oa eas: ,d. 1 4, of aim...se tle,eGl,vt, jot. nn4h , r contract trust Jark,:on Co'gsmsdl. as 1,1•11 as the 55 acres con •voyed to 414.rendanT by dc.e.l of 3T Mylert,eXeg.fitnT (4 . rata 106 i!oe'4l: rocorded In Deed Book N. an. Vag.. s , . , .•!zed and ta.L. , n Into execn non at it, salt of .1 t Smith vs C II TC.,wrnan. A 1.t 4 f. 0 --i l ao othor lot of nand .!ttlat^ in Burling twp. hona4b d and 41 •seribed as r0:11OVS: MTN at th" south..a.t cortn,r of lot No 2?;, in sub !lvl-lon of [ l ark !amok, and beim; the nprth.•ast r or 1(4. N,, On old warrant line; the-Ins. ont; t ~111,1- swab 45' we -t oo lour to a corner: north ST , i O . w. 1.4 175 and p.tr to a stake _ . • th... 4.3,1 of to No 232: ii nr.rill I.° 41' od 21 !.:.r to the 'muilnv...,t d•orner- of lot No 231: line of ' , lame . and No south •IT; and 2.10 rm. to tbm of !Ong: '"litaloind and 141 Rid' or land more. or about '4 an nere,of I,lml, upon wldefi a pnblt.s , So:ll Vl , l 'Mali bome.°l Larn. 1 Idar.kAnit it 'top anal fruit tror, i_odzod rold •••:••,.di4on the salt of Ward's .fa, 311. N eal A.l.s. , —Oneotper7lot of land .Itnate in Herrick wp. and !" , ; 11 , : , 1{ DII • 11 , - north hr land; of Franel, ':wher , and Iyrit'',l on the rat lir l:..1, itliffit, A soattl hy Tarok .of A ntri-. Prank ii;,rie and John'ErAdno, and ni l :ho Inv land', of P formerly ,)1 - nt Grifh ac more land •re or a , .nne se or-.l!pr,ved, tt Ph 1 fram , l I framed !aria and ~ betl, attaelled..and oreliarti of fruit i•••refin. and-ta!ten into execution at the (lark Char!, A Sflon.4. A. Lt. , ott.i.qt lot of lan+l-..l::,atti in Towanda bounded and d erPed 33 if .11 ,, t4".=: I4g11111111: i lard ' t in snid horo. the noriime,t rorller of IVatd. Hemel! north.- , - ajeriz Tittri , t 104 foot, tnoro ori__or, to Ma. ttb• al; I trrit a• ,Oastwar,:lyay Mattb , s t ft to tt-t,t th‘lnt , t solittra'artfly s t Int ft tiorsi irss Ito rester of land ownoil . hpt" 1. E 2i. t!tet.do latol , , 217 to"! liogintilM2!: all Int powith 1 larger wa.,stoxy fow fruit orfanit-ntalm; th-reon. A 1..•-- I )—Onts oth , l - 10: hind sit ilato in 'Towanda ro. hoi ,-- not. att.l ti• at f 7 1:1 o.rnoy of Maple ami Tbltabsts In • - •.ilil I!,, tilting said Map!, 110 ft-:•t more or I.—c, to the v. - al - re of an alloy I f la ivllth. tuukong from north to ninth tptout toid n.rr l' 4 •••atttOl aoti. Third .Is In said borough; th ahag the i,r northwardly 5 , , It it-. 11, to th-tw, liy the Nil ft to TI;Ird'•1: Ohm ~ ‘outliwnrilly I.y Thind st to pill.- all tnipho e.l, with I frinw-.1 barn tin-r.lon. f 100 t and taken Into everation at the sniff of Irr Pratt's use vs T LEhitt and John :1 f`iid,.llitro,, .See'y, • . 'A othor lot tit' land sitlare la Iloith , rn p. ti-+u::-led and do- rili flak/NV , : 111 :I eorro.r hl :t,.• of Etillard's then,• south is° e.ol 1. 2.5 por aloim Moils of E A Ittilg a oilmen: then , i- a5t,11,2 ptr aloag Ito-I, o f t Ytolitat and NV:iltles to a corner: . r !ter n'oritr, lands of to a ehriii-r: tlt.•itr- not th emt, 70 pc.relle ah-in: land: Wl'vl 12.5 p'-,1 - taml: 'of Mr,orty' t, thonou north f-Mr. 72.2 por :awls of .al-1 Moody to ~ •i.rot•r: ti-r.".• Minh t ,!° west, , -f Ni.ody to a corner: theme toutil ill -,t, p.r alo: . .hd , • it: , • pivots • of totutioff. etlittaintoz 131 acro• and •52 per, gearlinprorml, ith frant,l 2 framed hart.s. and all Itiiii fixtures. water prirl. ;; ;; ,1 on•lmtd, f hitt tr,•os then- tat. Loton the northeast vita of. and bout:m.4l, romisy ti North hy land , Edward uvt•r:o,,, of sal , ! Krofe -.oath tweet hy Il,iili rl' , f'r• and by land , of sald•Leu Cot% ornitalitim7 aores mot 122 por, more or lest, with 2 riatia-ll 2 fra.a.. tto-rvon. ' Lot No s—Alto, Mt shit other pi.o r• of land sitig wo on tk.•,..ollimv ..7 Itilltards lidm; its' MU' ilin•e•ty. oi.p,-Ite the lief, r, tiontionr.l h0m01. , 1 as follows: Ott Ow emt br Talittsnf E A Itidzway, w.-.t he lands,of Patrick olhzley low! Morptiy„ au-I n•-rth lop re,-l;„ lt- , act,o In, a or los,. k).S 4 )—Olie 1 , 4 of laatt s!:Hatein ShO,IIC iiIIIII' TIVII, a n d a, fotiow- s : n,. gimiltig al thii.h. miork. t , ollthomq .. ,, ralae . of a tot tollulionat - 2.1;1111;aw, was; I ("; it-ti t - post, a wrier t , fla lot rmilont for ,'urns Wheeler, ht.) p -r ro a c..:nm - of a lot dembid to Phi lo it .... <'r: thine , '_ east to I 10., roroor-of said Cotter's lot: Money sott!li -I.ll.tpt-r to the illat't , . : Of Itt l !ftilltiltGl.'eontalttltig 22 :litres and 47 104 , , be the same ii 'rue or loss:int In'Pr6"m'nt'• ALS( t—a na• .•.b , r lot of land, situate th twP, homiiPd. and th-sorilied as foil•Avs: llottinnint; at a stale t hi- siott hires: eon of 31, 1. Il'Torrefi't lot: iltonee Meng the south liar of the Sallle south cast 142; per to a stake :mil stones on the line of Cane!-e: tb-no-t. -oath 1 , . nos( to stake and s:ones, w't( of it W Wertentnirgh: thrum by the line- or 'an:, north ss .° west 133 p to a cot' 4-1 th.• •if IM-no , by Or• titre of the north 1 3.111 t•or hi a cor in ltrie of it to tia ; thehre by the line of the sante smith s•• • , 0 ri/ them, smith I'_° west ;!--, par'io•gititilrg; of land, more- or abouttri with I frame.) hells, I la-and 11 , ta,e. 1 frano,i 1,1111, :•aiti saw mill, and orchatit or fruit ti...“ - th,r , on. i•-•i - tyil awl :abet., tntoo N.-mit:on at r'.f Mr. • 1' Ilmo•ry• ~ II.: Of land, situate tirtia \Art; tit p, tilumiod north by th- uora, ltimi--tt nt cre...k, oast hp lilithway. and :until Mot wo•I 'fatal-tor Ezra 117V,loy; containing 7% - tros of ltoi 1. ition. or lets, improved. %%10111.o:int hott-e,I fronted Itarmanil few fruit trees and Ittken Into tt-).eotitton - at the Solt of it I'..ineniy vs. 1' )Icll A1.,- , (t—Otr , WIWI' lot of land. irate In Litoll nobl twp, hotindoilaMl,l:•.•-ritieL as follow.: -11ei.,:lit nin: at tit • 11.0111111v -y: lit I of 'li Irani A. Ind; them-0 sovial 2 01 we-t Itt2 2-le rots Mohif 1 ands of Wm it Morrill: their,' south u.7t, va.t , ltti it-to roil, alotm, _Loot, of Wt-atott St Van --;01 I bora , . forth 2° east t-to il• abet:{ 1 - mil. \l'm Wirt itittion then.-e north sa o we•: 112 2-1.) rod, tt'oto_t - lands of Iliram hlorrift: ttl••!,,t• th..fire no ft) 1!..t• 114t,•._. of I.llllllg fit iore'or t. 31.0!/1 15 ilpi'ov.nt. nitli 1 1 ,, :tr.11,11,. fralt ner,n. LS( 1 , int9 . .1,., of Lunt , ,i1.1:3;t• in top, notilele.l rforth by' of "devrill awl (14444 .1441441:41 , 14, and ,oath Ind 11e 111 . ;:11m ay, 03.1 welt Ls title i thilr ltighway,—heing ttoi 'lug.' roail front 'Athol's In 11ollit-; containing ;ter noire or les , , ai•olt; all Itultrnvint, atilt 1, ;ramcd hOit. , e„ 1 friitneil haru with :louts taelwil,i 'col tow (roll 'ret.4 44 thereon. , :nal taken lotto c‘eeatioit at the sult'of Ilenjanilu Knykettilall vs •.I It Wlii atm:. iitle‘r hit of land. sltnate lit :Wyatt/- MHz imp, bow )0,1, T o, a , !tn.. Thre-ia sione' On the ,-0 - ..;11 hank of the Wanislng Creek ; thence 1111 'lino of 'f iire'o Stolle s o uth CO° Va,l la per TO ;%. post: thence on Uil.• of .1 31440 , 11.4 4 yr, 'a:3l .1 1:C: •a anal other,. sr.al 11 ::;t l 4.° west Is 2, tier to a post; thew, 51'; 'oli•s - t 6-1 p.ir lea, Iro.-1; thence 'florin 1:3., 0 west p,•r to a pine on 1.:11,1; up -the laottreof the creek v•irt1i;;,..., 0 ea.( p s ;theiiiie np tho venire of Oil creek 31. 0 , SIC-1 4 1 per to the etnitalittlig aere•anil Ili per of land, .10 or its, I atrrlO!,l, with 1 (ranted dn'tdling framed barn. of lion nal building.. and or chard of trait trees titer. on. S,lz,nl and taken int,. oxetsdinit at tti-• 51111 of Itrn (' Alwooll v`i Sainuet Also at suit of .ante as sante. other lot of land, situate In Wyaln slug tv - p, li.anateil and ileseriiieit iii. fiinews:-,ltegin -11;a4.iti tn.. centre if the camp road : thence north along lauds of Ilhani Washburn I east hi 13:r to 314,4.3 3:441 5:44: 4 3., for a 4'4,r : tll . 011, a: o rig irOoa.as ) ea-,t .15 per to a 01ar. , ,1; oak vor : thYlo . 4. 314.ng hunt 4.f A rt etdennto , ste:haty 5444404 14,4 r 034 ceittre 441 ramp mad I ittl.f . i• all•ng t'eliti'," of ti t , afore,,, , tht e amp - west Ii per (.0 Eh.: Var.. of liegloolog; acres, !nor, or all intprie.eil; too latihlings. anthtaken into 4:xyytitton at the .tilt of 00 4 ,4 t. 4 d 1. • torlaill,Mag , O. A f,:•O laiwriot of htail, satiate In ToWatal.t. Miro', homily.' and ileserliie't as follow.: at a ror onLn Mix's lot south weiit t• to ` r.'•Con of 134:4;a1,41 ,;44,:44, on tin. north •1.10 of sireet fo'rtuerly,P.ank lh ;1.1; thence Ittirtb S xv,•st 1.9 U t.t:o nr pi. t liii ston,s; l t!r•n r.it.:llll but. Itit• of 31 C rash al ft tea cur of post and steno--; t h an • by ;aria Of . )lereur ninth :I,ii ea..; UJ fi itt.tnt' of i,giuniug: coNtain feel,' of land, MOT Vor le,: I Tranvia', lo•ase ;toil tow fruit trees thereon. ••••eiized atoll:a:en Into ei....onitimt at the suit of The "Towanda tog and Sat tug l'unit A,Nortatinn of 'lowaiota. !lore' V, All , l 31.-chita. i—tlice.t. other lot. sl; ttftte In Athol.; .tivp, hounded north by 'httlits of Henry 31111'er, east. by WA , - or Mt, !mink highway 3!la .1 .1 fielikr, xtnl west by Ntaloit.,: cootalning I :ten-. noire or hi,s, all litlitryvy 4 l, with I frant• d house, shop and tuoar,d hartilattil fow (rim tr ies thereon. Selz:it...awl I:thytt Into 4 4 :ctn.:tn.:I at 1110 stilt Of .1 Thentpsort 55 o , '• If Itholap. ALS , 0-1 1 ne other lot of laud >ltuato lit Wi l mot tv,p.:.itd t,, , tin,1e.1 on the t , :iea by Litols of Snitth Tatar, yo the hin,ls to rattle or dnitit deed. Ott he went by gaudy belonging to the ~tate, of Dank! Valighn, On the north OE LegaL La 3 lands of It Lannlng; containing's - bent 120 Mat tfilt, land, be the same4uore or tem.-with2 Mg/lenses, "i I tonall plank house. unfinlshed, one old_ leg , trirref, : _ - :: with a fear young fruit trees thereon: Seised Snilr , „ taken Into execution at the snit of John Ci ding, Y 8 Theron G Wakefield.L' 4 • - ALSO—One other lot of landeltuateln 'tap, and bound4l on the north by lands of. D '3lntinkand-lltrani Rodgers, on the east by India A D ilann and Avery Ca mbers, •CM tho south h lands of Avery. Lrmbers and A lama. and 12a the west by lands of A D Munn end - Royal Vanpr-_ der, containing 70 aerosol land more or let!, abunt, - SS acres improved, with t frarnettionse, 1 - framed': barn, and orchard of fruit trees ,thercon. _Seised -I and taken into execution at the-'salt of Daniel. neneley's use vs Joshua 8 Goodsell. ,` i A 1,50--One rather" lot of land situate - in Sheshe.:, quin twp, and bounded on , the north by - lands of 0 liyor. on the, east by lands of Ralph Gore, on the polite by lands of Ralph Gore, and on the west by the public highway; conting Sere Of landtmoni or Jess, all Improved, with I steam , *dot mill -.... and an mill fixtures belonging thereto. Seized and taken Into execution at the snit of John A.Coddlnig vs F .4 Ayer. A. J. , LAYTON, Sheriff. Sheeiff's Onice.Towands, Ps., Jan. 17.,1876. ORPHANS' COURT SALE,--By -, virtue of an order issued out of the Orphan'sh Court of Bradford County. the Undersigned Ad. - mhastrators of the estate of IL ft Wilhelm, late Of -= Darlington twp., deceased, will expose to Ohne .-..: sale in Burlington, on SATURDAY, :FEB.; 5,1877.._ commencing at 10 o'clock A. M., the following real .'.,. estate, bounded as follows: - No. I. One certain piece or parcel of land situ. . • °tea In Burlington, Bradford County, Pa.,, bound .. . ed on the north by lands of Seth Gratin. feast 14 , ... ' lauds of Daniel Lane, south by lands of Isaac .Max-: , li , - coitus and P m „ I'. Bus , west by the public road a (I: lands of L'awrence Kendall, containing about - acres more pr less, about :0 acres Improved Wi 7 : I framed borise, new framed bairn, gralnery and a or 7; ;.-_. ' chard IS of fruit trees thereon.- ALSO—No. Z. One other lot of land situated In . Burlington twp., county and State aforesaid. and bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by Dees= for Ayers, east by ands of John Boillafer and ipa vid Luther, south by lands of David Luther and- . west by L. SI. Ituretell, containing about 60 acres. more or less. nearly all Improved, with 'tamed lonise, framed barn,'ivlth sliedk attached, and an orchard of fruit (recall:err:mu - 3sll.So—No. 3. One other lot of land site In - Darlington borough; county and State aforesaid,. and hounded as follows, to wit: On 1. - he,north by latidsMf•lliallster Compton and Long Brot., east by . the brick wall of Long pros. store. being the Cen tre of the main building, south by Troystreet, west by lands of tJeo. e. Ttacy, being about 33 feet front oo said Troy street and 111 feet deep, with three story brick building thereon. , - IA CSO---No.i. One other lot of Land situated : In . • Smithlictri.twp., county and State aforesaid, and . bounded as follows, to wit: On the,north by lands of Adam Seidl!: mist by lands of Andrew CatnpbelL south by the public road, west by lands of Dondlia Word, containing 10 acres more or lest, about 35 lacres improved with a leg house thereon. TE:t MS.—floe to be paid on each parcel, on same being ,tract: down, one-third of-balance on confir mation of sale, cone-half the residue with interest in C mouths thereafter, and the balance with Interest in one year thereafter. ELIZA.BETIT KELLY, - . , JAMES If. WEBB, Administrators. ' IMEM T--7- , ... , ICENSE§. Notice; is hereby 4 given that the following appOeatlona for 1.1- rensesfor taverns, eating houses.' and inerehStt , dealers, have heen flied in tists.otiaee; and that the ••Itine will be presented to the Courtof Quarter .4es slon,. on Monday, Feb. 5, 1577,. for the considera tion of said Court: ' ' TA*ERNS. C U Holcomb, Leßoy; - - C F.:Bartlett, Wy.sox. Sprlnfleld. S 1"ar1;:., Towanda Dor», 24 Ward. J C Towanda Dorn, 21 Ward. Fitzgera'4, Towanda Born. Ist Wird. s M Brown, • `• Hyman Vaialuzeit, , A Owns " - • Cbarle4 Crowley;' Twp; Syre. l)a 1131 Slnsabangb, "' Dorn,, .Frederirk Green,, " Twp, Sayre. ' • :" MI3I Heilot.rf,r, Monroe Boro. I:4wln Illake , iee, Smithfield Trrp. M A Fr,rre,t, Ulster Twp, James F Fox. Canton Dorn. A P. 3tather-4 Wyaluslng Twp, Camptown. t:eoSiittern, South Creek,. 6I lefts. James I lanau, Overtoli Twp. James W Wilcox, Albany Tvrp. MERCHANT DEALERS. Aliihens;Twist. Athens Borti.. Caton. Towanda ltoro, Ist Vard. Atheirs horo. ; -‘ EATING 110LSE3. „Kate - Melvin. Barclay. C lit S:.,:!ey, 'Towanda Boro, Ist Ward .1 , ,1in Fitzgerald, T El Emmons " .1 - 6lin Griffin S Brown " A .I Be"rs. Cann'.in Bozo, L:inlei wtlllcau. Atlvins,BotO, OM =MEI TrowanJa. Pa.. Jan. 9. 1577 AUDITOR'S' . NOTICE. Fitch S Kinney vs. Simon Gibbs. No. 22 Septem ,,or 1.•;:u. In thi Court of Common Pleas of The undersigned. an Auditor appointed by the Court to di,trihute the. fund raised from the Sheriff's sale of the defendant's real-estate in the stated will attend to the duties of his apr.ol - nt incur at his office In the trorough; of Toe-au ,n. .en ...ATV I:1)A Y. the 3d day of Feb.; IST;at IS o'clock .t. wheal affil where 'all persons hav ing elaims upon said tii r ud, hiustpresent them, or forever debarred the efrom. ME AUDITOR'S. NOTICE.—In the matter of the voluntar!, assignment of Moses Watkite , for the benefit Of his creditors. In tte l'ourt of Cumne Pleas of Bradford County. 6.'et. Sept. T.., 1.75. . • , _ , The undersigned. an atulltor appointed 1y the 42 , trt distrilmte• fund in' hands of the assignee,- will attend to.the (intros of his appointment at his in the borough at Towanda, on FRIDAY, latmary lt), at ti - o A. 31., lw hen all-Ter:ions having up,m said fund must present them, or be forever bebarred from the saute. • . ME PPLICATION IN DIVORCE.- Li_ --:To D. L. Brewster• In the Court of Com noel pieas of Bradford Comity. No. 663, Sept. T, is 76: Vol are hereby notified that Kato Brewster, - wife. ha: applied to the Conn ollCommon • P.eas for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, 3n.1 said rehrt has appointed Monday, the sth day or v,77, for hearing the said - Kate in the pre mises, at which time and place you can atterul yon think proper: X.. 1. LAYTON. 331111-4 w. Sheriff. t PPLICATION, IN DIVORCE. %—T r." Celestia Densmore: In the Conk of , 00luton Plea' , of Bradford County: - No. 1384 Feb. . t.'n: Yon are here by notified that Eli Denstnore, our ittol , anti. has applied to the Court of Cominon leas for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony. nd ,ald court has appointed Monday. the sth day f Feb:, 1i77. for hearing the said Eli the prembes, at which. time and tpiace you can item, if you think proper. A. J.. LAYTON, Sheriff. t I'PLICATION IN DIVORCE. .1 - 1_ Cha4. IT. Evans. fn the enurent Cotp 1,t".3j Plea, of BraVOrd Co. No, MO, May. T. 1876: l'ou ar • lierrhy 1 - edified that Sarah E. Evans. , nr wlf.. has applied to the court ofiCommuit i•loai.or Bradford County for a divorce from the Lands of matrimony. mot the said court has ap p-,inlVd Monday, Feli. 5. 1877, In the court house in Towanda. fur hearing' the said Sarah E. In prvndes, at which time and place you can at feud y'u think proper. j.1114-w4. A ..T. T. Sheriff. • ~A PPLICAT;ION IN DIVORCE.' A.--To Gen. N. Shaw: In the Court or Common ilia I fi:rll Co. 5:0,84, Sept, Term, ISTa Sou are hereby notified 'that Amelia Shaw,. Tour wife. has applied to the Court of Common fleas ~1 Bradford ounty for a ilisoree from the bonds of Inatrimon,', and the said Court hasvappointed Mon ‘l.ly. Feb. Is; in the Court 'louse in Towanda, hi : Marine the said Amelia, In the premises, at which time and place you can attend if you think propyr. Jan 1-w I.] A. J. LA YTpl§.l, Sheriff. i PPLICA'PON IN DIVORCE. Wm. If. (louts. In the Court of Com.: n_tmTa-i Ilrad ford Co. No. 1012, May T. 1876 : VOU arc hereby notified that Ophelia E. flouts, your j 1,., asqll ied to the Court of - Com Mon Pleas of It rad foed 4!iinnty for a divorce from,the bonds of rimony, and the said Court has appointed M0n .1.4. Feb. In the Court House In Towanda for tulari tut he said Ophe: la T., in the premises, at which time ant place rot can attend. if you think proper. 'jaw-wt.) A.. 1. LAYTON, Sheriff. A.PPLIC AT to N N DIVORCE. Charm. S. Levering. In the,Conrt or Com noon Plea,: of Bradford Co. No. It 6, )fay T. MI: You ar' hereby notified that - t:tuina Lmering, 1.0 . M. wife. has applied to the Court of Common l':ras of Bradford County for t a divorce from the' 'h,.nds of matrimony and the. said Courthal ap pointed Monday. Feb.rs, 1:477. in the Court House m Towanda for hearing the Said Emma. fn tiro premises. at which time and pive you can attend it ;von think proper. . A..f. LAYTON, Sheriff. NJ PPLICATION IN DIVORCE:- -To Ella Smith. In the Court of Common Fie.ts of ilrailforil Co. No. 317, Feb. T. 1878 t•You 'ar. .ifer,ny not Ifli4l l l hat Leander Smith, your htts. !Kula. ha , applied to the Court of Common PleaS of , nl2 d r.rd Co. for a divorce from the bonds of matt'. 4110 n y. and the Bald Court has appointed Monday, Fen.:, 1,77, In the Court Houie at Towanda, for , h.•arie,7 the said Leander, In the premises, at which ' time and 'place you may attend if you think proper. . jittiCul,A. J. LAYTON Sheriff. • - t ,PPLICATION IN DIVORCE. ~,r,- ‘ ,.. —✓T., Bet,ey Mann. In the Court of Common l'i , aA of ii,ratiferd Co. No. 598. Mao Term, lag:. Y. , n are lii•reby notified that Iteitry Mann, your hus h:old. ha.; applied to the Court of 'Common Pleas of .' fira,lford County for ft divorce front the. bonds of matrimony, and the said Court has appointed Mon -1 ts, Feb. 5, 1477, In the Court House in Towanda ' f.r hearing the said Henry in the premises, at • titit•it tittle and place you may attend if you think_ . prop4.r. fjan4-Kl.l A.J. LANVIN. Sheriff. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ,±3L. k hereby given - that •an persona nt -.10.; 61 to the estate of 11. U. Wllhelitit, late of But tington 4lerM. must make Immediate 'pay iin•nt to the tintlersigneil. atut all persons basing . tat. against salilii•state, must present th2tu, duly althrutleated, for settlement.. MRS. ELIZA pETTI KELLEY . ; .JAMES IL WEBB. Adth'ric - • • East Staltlineld, Pa. . DEMI A DMINIsTRATows NoTlcE'f ri —Notice ls hereby Riven - that all ; persnnslll. - .1,111‘..1 to the . estate of Patrick- "Tanana, late: et N'arr,l. tott,t mato Inunedlate tellment to UnderAigned. and all persona having clatas e , tate intist present them, duly authen.✓. heated, for settlement. EEG X EC UTOR!S NOTlCE.—Notice., . J la 116rehy given that all persons indebted to rlw : estate of Mary Keeler. late of Herrick top 4-- I,•;:ea.sni, most make immediate payment tothquri, rAglie,i, and all persona having claims upon lOW e.t3te must present them, duly authenticated, for utt koleut. • FLORENTEIA H. MAWR, Extic:utgr.. Orwel •tn 10'77 •FX EC I. l l' OR'S NOTlCE.—Notice _ heieby Owen that an pefOotat Indebted tfiT , Um vstate ot,Ahlra Pattidge,..late of 'Ulster 1 1 47. derti. are required to tualto itetei4ltdo meat to the undersigned. and-;ail .pbrionm rlaftny aatiast the salit:estat*; meat plasefkattFoh dots 'X :74Yeli t" .~-. B. 31. PECK; Prot. 0. 1); • -- Acd(tor L. ELSBREE, Auditor W. li. IttiSSELL,' Admlntst !star.