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';'''" > '•: - • r 'r' t • % .7 = r-..-3- - ' - ';••;t V "- ',•+•,--- -- '- 4 -M•.•• - . 1. --; ' -' - ±• - ' ''''''s • - 'J..Val t ilat -- '...i . 0i;d4' .* :.. - fglZO-7044 11:, ? - 4:;i s .....e. , :ii.i.iti.i•Z ' A:il.S.:: - ..V...1 .• Z• , ..4.61 . i , fratt - 1 . 2i 2 0= 4 • -0. -. 45 '" S l4-.. . l .''''''''' .= ' l . - - •''''''''=:•'•'-' ; '-' , ' , • - k.'• - "'' , •:: = ' •":"-•''''-'"''''''''' ' •"''''' '-'' ' '''''' - • ''''' -". ,',, - . , ._: , ~, , ~. _ , ...,„_...,„,...,..., _ . 4? -7 '''' - '. - 6•45.....-4.4 - . --.- 3 * _ - r. . , - - - - ' ' *4 , , „. . . .. • ;':": 4 - VIC .- ttli ti f '3l o4 -411- , intlet t l-- -..' ' , t'.- ' - till lia ' ''''' • lilt ' :: :1 - a t tilp ." ' i;i ' - ' isi - '' ltfie - '. ' : n :' i .1141 " . ' rb a - - - P . ''''' P i e*:, -.. 4-,17 * -- ''' St- b.. - . 0 if" ' '''::::: : -' 15. ,'- ' - f - ;: . - 3inti s ,.. ,--- 16 t. --.." 6 "_. _ , :.:±‘::'1 . :r7 7.. : 7 ::' ; ' , 7;: -: :::'-';'2 , :::-'''''''ic: 4 ':.fil ei " . .:•::' - : - F -11441.t ‘: - , ....,:i;' : '-'l'-'-_7l: , '-'; i - -. - '-'.l - 7 - ;',c'',',',.... ''',--_-.-'''..l'-';' ,, , , "'ir - *l f i li ts _, . 1- --_. .. --. -- ':"....'"`: itr: \ - 1 -. ! -- • ''''', . , ,...,_.„,. - 1:,. ,":1': '_'-'...:--: :: "-- ----..' :' . - - "• '-;' '' '''''-':-!' ''-. '' - - ;''"- '' Sr ".- • • ' " - '- . 1 'Clad Ued 2141 / 12 16 .Pel, 4l ° l 4: ll :illabr ill* ger •- • - - - ------ _.•• ___---.. —; •. - - - -I - - :' ' 'i ..,. , A -- • - • — ••__ 1 ;: p ." -- L li• T '•-r - 0 1 24 7'` - "i; . .,•7 4 .'H , _, -, . ..- 1 : .. '---- =i4 . -'. - .4 '; ' '". -' , -'''.:'-', .••'.-:-.--"...-. • • -'- '• -. •:;,'-.; 4.• '4....•,;;; 1 it..:. . CoAL. - •, . .. ,• - _,-- , - ' T.EinGsvAttsy . AND PA. & _ . ......;.........,..-.---..-,..--- , --- , -.3- , ; ,,, ...- ••••••••••••• i . der. John is a good 'boy; she learns. her 11 - 11 t ell. C. POR - TERi -.--- ':. - - - - :-,.-..-. ... '- - 4 SEDVENIS, X LONG,;- -.-,.- .-..-----.'• ' • NEW' nuLtuAi uuvuo: 1 .. - - • ' - _ ,l - . - P - •• - LIN. Y. RAIL ROATML-Arraugeasent of Par Sweet Corp ; far Pigs. ' " R. E. Quiwt.a.s,- lessons well. Let the. class correct above 1.. " - , ' 1 - •sengeryndasi to take-elfeet Aprlll7 1576. . - .• , 1• -, t. J. A: WELT, Coalmines , _ f , ----.-- 'I, sentence., giving reasons. _Multiply isen- - - r- .II -' I was interested a few weeks since, REY" ' D. RIFT, ' of OLD -CASH • DRUG STORE, . AMERICAN CYCLOP&DiA -,- - - - • .- ' . - - . Ct , .„.. _ . G. . Rw.s, Auociate Editors. tences: Rale 2. The form of the telling ~ . I WHOLESALE- &" RETAIL . W. A. CH,AMBERLINi • 1 - .Jl3 , 1 ,1 1) j 7 29 31 in an article from the pen of . Tope - A. A. KEENEY, %read must be fitted to the name word. corner Main Wisd Pine Sts., Towanda, Pa. . . • . P . -• • 1 . -- , . than , Talcott, upon growing Sweet .. . , • - . . Ms just refereed from New-York. wbere be has ~- ! . In ease where the ttndent cannot tell what fßstahltiked oiwr a quarter eta Ce9 211,1 / 1 1 • , - - NEW EVISED EDITION. - ~..-. _ ; •---. , purchased a large awl' elegant assostment et. , If corn for cows. I ehtirely agree with Communicatioas may be gent to either o f the tile proper form of the telling word is, Wholesale and Retail Dealer 1 • _ • 1 and Wilkes Barre coal, and Loyal Sock caul. tram - P,112. P.M. A.MIP.M A.M. P.M. - JIWELRY, the Sullivan County Mines. Also, Barclay' imp Niagara Pa 118.... 215 7, 65 428 733 .... ...., .• ' him that it is •much better to plant L i tton editors, as may be preferred, and will appear iet h m the , DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, 1 i , ~ . . 4 • • Ituffaio 250 Itt I 8 Hie la .... ,„„ of which he has champ. . I put e •proper yronoun in ,the ...• - Entirely rewritten by the ablestwritera . .. . MLitt R.PL ATED WARE, wid Smith. , ,__ • ... 1 the corn thin, than to plant it thick. E.T... Qtqw LAW. Editor Present Week. . ' .-ACIDS, DYE-STUFFS, & GLIM, - We keep the hest quality °Mime, Ilalr and Ce. Rochester.. ' 4 6 6 500 .:.. .... place of the sultject and 'then determine. p en i u - stERT. . , on every subject. Printed from new . . • . ' . ' WATCHES,' - TOILET AND FANCY GOODS . menu , Brick and Plaster, *II of which we will sell Auburn ,.. • 345 ... s .... .... ...,„ r I have tried both ' ways, and am Let the teacher now define common and SPONGES, 811USIIES, BRAC ES a, TRESSES, type, and illi istritted with Several Thu i. • -1- cLOciifs„ • at bottom penes. . - . 1 .. . Geneva. •••• b5O .... 600 .... ft dr ... . -' 1 stronolv in favor of thin Seeding, not TEE CHILDREN. 11 1 CIIOICE FAIRLY GROCERIES,. i - laws sand Engrain4s and Maps. and In fact; ' . • proper.nouns, telling the student that all , SOAPS. Comas, POWADES. Hats DIMS. PIERCE & SCOTt . ( ""r A - . so much because it gives a few ears _ nouns should begin with Capitals. TEETH, SKIN, wail HAIR PREFAHAT ONE,. , i • EVERYTHING IN HIS LINE. _ Elm r 900 .3 4510 5211 i 45iii; .• (The fouowing. among the heantlfal thingi at. proper , , of corn (for if the matter coo sin tvibuted to Dickens, and published everewhere ur. .5 RAZORS . POCII ET-K1".11 VE 51' . . ' - . of the Weil styles. 1 . Waverly 935 4 20111 20 1 0 011 20 t lOa , ' . , ' de his hams , was written by Chas. M. 'Dickinson. Litt the teacher, now givenhe thief cases \ ...- i. , ' , . . • t 143yre.. ... .• 945 4 21111 21 4 9 121 3 191 6'14 • the ears were in the 'stalk. I fail to 1r....q r....q- of thl:elty. It 15 Not thy of any pen. We ' POCEET-114:10ES AND PORT-MONNAIES., . . -. . • COUNTRY PItOCUCE,- ' Don't defer your visit to his store until too M i te. Towanda May lit, 1878, •! . A,thena 950 .4 3111 ,33, 9 101 9 241,6 20 • • See why it woufd not be just as well e.ciy the poem from the New . l'ork ..Star.tlard.•• to the class drilling it in the use of the MACAOY and SCOTCH sNtrer, ,: • , • . , -. . • , which prefaces it with the were,: - The renewing ~,,,5 „ ;,,, a„,4 reauiring seltences to be . • ---, ,• puRE . GROUND PLASTER l'o!rr.. .. .. • .... ;...I 9 40i 3 36, 640 or the - cows as to bare it coneentrat- exquisite ser-es wore written by Charies Dick- r -." - - "*" - - FOREIGN AN6 DOMESTIC CIGARS, FROM niv..on. STRONG. Mitered 'McClintock . • . . . . • • • W. A. CIIA3iLERLIN. • ; Towanda.----11626 1 6 051305 ' 1031415. 666 -• ed in the Own ears). but rather be- ens ' ..3 • I..rought in ill4class showing the earrect . CARDEN. FIELD AND PLOWER SEEDS, awl Strung t.iselepfeillaor Biblical Literatuni. .- AT i • ' I rt an S 1 1 In k ; %Tune:. .. : :: : : .. : : ::: : 1: ° l 9 9'. 1 1, 27 291, ! ... 1 .. , When the lessons and tasks are 4.11 code .', ‘ .. - 'use of the ` a ti in the po ssive Pure Wines and Liquors,. for Medicinal P. poses "•Tho preparation of rurrtotievek , rxillahaerted, ; ,'4 ' . • cause thin planting allows the sun to a nd indeed. required m g to kccp a n elmorrant er e •_.GRAIN &C. • i , REMEIPTIIeIII ..... . .... .... .... 10 ZS! 4 401 ..... And the •chool for tbe,day .‘ di•miost.d, 1 BOTAXIC.ECLECTICA HowcuoraTfircßuattorze, 7 Towand.r, Nov. 30. 18:6. . ' ' - RUMI4ERFIELD 1 Freneb"n - have access to all the stalks of corn. The litt`e ones gather aramad nie, , rouse. Explaifi IJy . the forms of the' pro- And.all genuine riepatar Patent Mutlicines. lIP'II 811 the g.ncrit ryclepasllas, est..vial:l. the • • O new miss. I end 141 reyn.torrt from airmail that the . . . 1. •: l' W,1 011 A 111 11••• ..... 1 ••.• i 45 1 ..O .0 612 1.... - _ c I notice that the advocates of thick To bid me g0..5.14.1ght and be kissed:. LOtttiS the n , fsity of Case& Give them neeernagtis; SCSpENSOSTELI. EitzsgT rtfairs. trw edition 6f Apple:owe American (:ycloptedhs . • WA.TCHES, . - —. , r.ateyvilie it sa 605 12 3911 12 53$ .... 'seeding SST that by their method a Oh, the Idlie white arms that tncircie - tAttences to e corrected in which the NIPPLES, NIPPLII. SitExts k Somata, his nuuh e rapid progrecs, having now reathco the ' . I ' i - Skinner's Eddy... l ..i.. 6 02, „,„:11 15 5 2 . .... atinth volntim. Ittint:ing (bora th e alllha"Pf to Kr- JEW,EI4{Y ' t '' . I have Just received a large supply of • : .Meshoppett .. ..... I .... 622 - .....1 I 22. 6T4 7.... MY neck In their tender emu-are 1 scrotig case of the pronoun ix usefg I In' • fir RSING BOTTLES. TEETWIEW n i e ces, . _ ' - 'Sleboopany heavier growth can be secured. Sup- ram highly pleseud with Its character, The linit • • • . ''• Ob. the smile,- that are halos of heaven ,; ..• 1- •• rnrsol.s. Drat PANS , URINALS, TUiRMONTe. edition wag a rely coop. , nlent work, and more enniV 1 ; ft " FRESH' GROUND CAYUGA P L A S TER Tunkbannock .... , ,,ii to 7 10 , 1 2 it3l2 its 635 .... pose they, are right. _Does it proveorder to k.now l r.•hat form of the prenOun ! reteefor Aluerfesn re.s.lnrs t ban app.:Ebert hut this , • r,tso range ••1 .... ,7 20 ....'l2 Si 645 .... , _ Shedding sunshine of love on my faces TERS. ELASTIC SToCKINGS. ke. Having a large and commodlou(stcwe we are Manufacture,d from Leone selcctid by myself, and wade i ...., Z. ....17. 51 1 6 30, ~... their pfactice to : be the Heat '. By no 14 use it. is neceNsary to give the DlOdilled- greatly surpasses It. The articles have all bees re. . And when they are gone I sit dreaming o 99 01 • SILVER WARE warranted PURE. : • itanhout •• •• - ..... 1 • ....1 ....1 • ....1 - I 031 7 10 .. , , I ineans. There is a va.st difference . lion of the roans. This we call 19rsing erniebrs , the. effect of _which is .:hewn in their r . , I, Blt Junction ..'l2 ill 7532N11 In 7 20 ......' •• - Of,my childhood too lovely to Last ; WICKS, CHIMNEYS, BATH . BRICE', ' , PRICE.-Cash, .6 59 *;- on time, 17 00. oct" l nd In Wll6e*-Barre I 20 1 6 2 51 2 12 : 2 00 1 26e•• • • chmrn. , as. comprehension. - and condensation Of 7 - - between a light-colored . thip, watery or the - noun.' By applying, Rule lin petting SVERII, LARD, WHALE, NEATS FDOT, s'atentent. ' t- lov that my heart will remember, , . &Os yOur °Mars • %Sancti Cbnult. •• • 3 40;10 601 5 7.5; 4 25, , .... -.. •,- stnlk. grown in the shade. and a nark While it wales to me thilse of the past, Lhe proper pronoun in the place of the TA N N ER'S, AND 51AVIIINE OILS, "Th . vocabulary Is ?rattle:early ri..h in-American ' - %.11.-ntown•• •. •• • • 4 45111 83 6 25 8 sf,', .... ... 1 lography. porealtr science. and all those subjects CASH PAID FOR, BUTTER , , 4 __., pE'ip.IILANDMEgSER. - it/itlitehem.. 6 0012 10.6 40: 6 05i ...I . green, well-matured one, grown' in the Ere the,w4l.l and Its air kedn.sss male me !t , oitted mlnnt, we see the necessity of At.e.otrot,. AND SPIRITs TCRYRNTINR. that roe most Intemdlng to the 117:1r4 of readers . t , , • • • Fasten bas 1 1 -CO. 7 00! 6 551 ;... , - ......1 * :Az o sh,Paint, Varnish, Whitewash', Counter Ths style Is slmse. - .. Imnsmrent, and chaste, and , •.' ' . ' Enmertelti. March L 1.6 - (6. - PhiladclPhla •-•-I 8 45 1 2 05, 8 25: 8 15 1 , .... .... , brosd sunli • ' FINE JEWELRY. - , - . , Wilkes-Itarro .... 1 1 151.7 2n IV 40 2 151, 4 00; .... -. -••1.: of Gird in LI.-- -, u1...« ; ' (i1:01 - ND IN on. on vAltNis : ti, r I;',ir off', ,N••••e Yorlo:sereer. , Si - tiers than any other establishment in Northern -OF - - 1 L. k B..Junetion.l i 401 ?8511 10 . 2 41' 423 ...• tie cornstalk.- and sPttinfr, free the, ii 3. 1"1 " t' 1 " j F. - In:bine, ....! 8 0811 23 . ...1, 445 .... - • Iftssuu igut 3i I '7 , l' .4 `q 'h •Ir tremo:-., , AND 14 - t . Y COL111:3 OF tALL HUES. lIENP•V 74 FIF1.1). la. D.. ,3 Hinson . oXVfIPTI particles. Give the plants ( Ills ory still ); gams 11l i11e.rey....; " 1 Gender. I riininion, 17,111 hr cf , the Sem. For.: Erangeltal. 1 Pennsylvania. 1- , ~. - . . 1 Falls ....l 8 1011 at .i..: s ou! .... Oen plenty of sun, for if it grow in Thos• truant s fro,. h ...tie and I rr,in li-awen. I . I, :'`..ctiter. All o rtieles tearrauteil as represenpti. • ........ ~ I . • Abut .. , ANTHRACITE larGrat,ge., ....1 ti 25,1 t 51 ...-1 5 IS; .... . '• ' • ' I ', Tunkhann,ck.... 2 21 ; S 4r , :l . 1:1 irl 3 22, 5 30 ... i. ' I i N'on. in itir. - e, rnorr r:Ev. DE. STF EV EQ. of ties Cas t le : Pa. • • . -,, ' 1. , 11.e sti , ide. they will be sickly and in Th , y sate trade me, more mealy and mild: _1 •a . • . 1 , ••• 1 Ca5e.....: i',ssuz•sive, ... , nutri t ion , . ' _. And 1 1..:"..0w n.ov li ow Jesc, cm. , (ll:ken t. (rlbjective. STEVNS & LONG. STERLING SILVER 4 3 ti,,,k•mudou.l of G. 4 .1 to a . - 11:, , 1 i . . LOYAL SOCK .._ 1 . . -; If it were, not: for the great trouble ' drying sWeet corn, it might be profitably suhstitnted- for our corn , innmfield corn. But there is one use for sweet corn Which I do not remem -•ber to have seen referred to in' the aFricultural papers. I thigh it he be. 4 thing we can grow' for feeding our I:6gc in the NI: Far'ttwo or three months it might he used for this purpose without any drying. and tb& fat•t, that it keeps soft, and dt•es grow dry and hard. - is very Inneh in its favor: for while soft...it is er.-4. lv eaten and digested. I had a 4m- 1 11 quantity _this fall which I fed to my pig.- - akd ng exceedingly fond of it th - v grew very.lyripidly., One of my English Cheshire sows farrowed the latter pert of A ttenstr giving „.114rth to sixteen pigs. They were quite small at—birth. thane being. so many of them rand tbFi sow bacilli". • picked up her living from the gr.'s: in the pisthre.. The I - Other was fed sour milk. and , sweet corn picked from the sulks in the field. The pigs grew nonce. and when large enough greedily ate the sweet corn thrown to the - dam. I tried to get 'pigs to eat some. mi'k and middlings. hut they would . not 'ouch the swill as lOng as they-could find any of the sweet morn to eat.i When five weeks old I weighed one of the pigs, which weighed 32 pounds... At seven weeks Of age,-.several •of the 'pigs weighed oeer 40 pojands each. At this time many of-the pigs, were shipped away though one kept to breed from wei,rlt ed 5' pounds when eight weeks old. Very likely other pigs have done as w e lt, though when we remember the „ntunher, of pigs In the litter. and their small -size at birth. T think they . did retty well. From this experi. once, I have concluded it will be good "policy to plant sireet corn nfi,purpose to fatten my piq:s; in .the II find also that the stalks from Sweet. corn ard'•'much more valuable than 'those froM 'the common field corn: coWs.prefer•them to good hay, and eat them greedily It seems to me that farmers in creneral do not value their corn firlder" highly enough. and do not take sufficient - pains in curing it. I am. of the opin ion that. the stalks from a field of sweety.corn, prope'rly cared for; are worth quite as much as a good crop ~ of grass Cu. from the same field.. In growing sweet corn for the purpose of fee•iiitrr, of course a variety liV , ins a large growth of stalks and ears. should he chosen. - The' hest variety we have fottryl we call the Xsylum. The ears are very lame . and the stalks everaged•the past summer nearly or quite - ten feet in height.. The Asylum corn is also a most. exeellent variety fir the table. E. \V. D.ivis. Oneida ,Cotpity, N. Y. - - • Goon TAttmrsa;.=Tt worth, while risking. what would be the efret - 4, i teVerybod v firmed in the liest . manner.- As individital farmers , vi'e are competing with each other and • a common market. Our rim- must he to lessen the 'enqt c-f produetion„liv, raisin_ larger erof per acre, or by keeping such animals us give more milk and grow mor e 'rapidly in - proportion to -the fond consumed. Prices . denend on simply anddi•mand..; In feeding animals w. - ,!! make close estimates as to the cost of prodnets, but in raisincr - crops, the ififluenee wf,the season of mildew and frost, of rain and lronth, and insects, must never he forgo' ten - . NOt line. e can do will ever make usindepen dent of the weather:- : But (_it-is cer tainly true as a rule that the good farmer suffers less from adverse sea _ aims. insects, &e., than the farmer whoseland is i tindrained, poor and . weedy. Dimino' Mr. haw& twenty years experiments on barley, ; the lest yield on the Iplst : without. measure,. was fifteen bushels 'per acre. The same year the„ adjoining plat, dressed with:barnyard 'manure, produced forty-eight bushels per acre. In a favorable-season the , result was forty-four bushels without manure, and sixty-five bushels with manure. • —Walks and Talks. Tarr. PLANTINO—An agricultural society• in Massachusetts, desiring to enconrage tree-planting and the reforesting of poor lands in that State hsve offered prizes for the best plantations of larch, pine, ash and. other-trees suited to different locali ties and soils. The prizes range . in amount from $4OO to $l,OOO, and special instructions are published to guide competitors. Coast MEAT, PCFFB.—Three pints of milk. one quark of corn meal, four eggs, one tableVoonful of butter, salt, one teaspoonful of soda dis woiced in s hot water; whn the batter ie },eaten smooth. pour...lnto heate jrota enps and bake quickly. EWE CORN BREAD:—For a half dozen personsOlve eggs, one pint of sour milk, one pint of cooked , rice,. ore teaspoonfal of stilt, one teaspoon'- ful of soda, corn meal sanicient to *like a thin batter; bake three quarters of an hour. s l s tc s2o Per li al tt ibor i3t ta l mpl:.iti C4+; Peirtiovo; N ' • 4 • • -4111111 1 1. ' ' - , . „ • , . -40*, , !.1.r.••••• • • •, . • • • . Alv . • ,t41111)0011ki__,,. ' - ' 4 , c 4. • ••••-: :,• • • • •• • • " ' • - • • :...,•••••',•••:;•••" -'," • ' ' • . • • . r ,• • • •.• • • • -''*:••••":•-•47.; - • .-Vecarr CARE.,—One dap of sogall foul: . e,ggs Anl'oivice, Of b040 . .ril fx , cop - 0f,4043_, - 1 ,AltOtltiffilat , ' I I ask tic: a life !or +. ti All r....:taht., ..as ••:ht-ts Bat that Lite iilay has.. J:iit eno“gh'sliadots I To tetrpyr g'.Arr of the stn: I w o uld gi•sl irtard thmt trim et 11. • But a pray to.u.ysr.:l; Al:: a s' - caph Shay przy f•.r x Sl,Tls! . r. Buts :tune: thast p..y fur Itniselt. - The talc Is so ea' , llr 11•14...1; I haye t avl. el! rci:.ancl the r"1: I have Loglat thetn'th•• - g lo.onledge. They Lase tanibt Die tie k . ,•lne. of Go.I ; My heart Is fit • •lur,g,on of dark rt. &b. Where I -hu , i lbeta for ~r.-rat- l ug a nee; his frown I bulf..•ie,t e0rr,....1.!•;1 ; My love is th,) law of the sch,ol. I Sind lei: , Me old trms • I. lhn altniun, To tra,..r3.., i‘s in•Ar Ah ty.:r I .ha.l slg'i for d 'ar That ro rn • eaclt inon at the door I shall tnis3 -go.KI an..l the kisses,' A hd gu.h of :ht-(r noc.n: gle", • The gronp on :he an I th' It lts.. rs ''hat arc nrungh: ev,:ry roora:ng I shall nil. , tit Ina: morn and at even, Their wag i•, seboo. str.-et; I shill tr,is., tr. • 1.. W biro of ill. Ir .. .And [lv: tram. df th•dr d-lie:ve feet, When th- or llfe ar: all , Add dea:li 50....1 Is olisinl..sed May the little ones ga'll.-r around me, To Lid .nte night and be kissed. The following crude Outline for teach ing Elementary tiramintr orally. is given in the hope that it.may call out other anti better -methods, and that it possibly may ai ! l Some inexiPriencetl teacher in proper ly starting boys and girls in the study of oitr language without the aid of a book. In ao study is it moredifileult to elicit an ilir.erest on the part of the beginner, nor is any, in many cases, more barren of re sults. Our Cotinty Teachert' Association has frequently in its sessions after dis cussing' the subject, re,. wrimethhA that grammar be taught orally to begrmvars. In many of our city sch tols teachers arc required to iustriet those commencing ihe study of grammar without the aid 01 a book. To the average boy, or girl a ne cessity for studying our iauguageand an insight in its structure, can he imparted by Oral instruction, which would be ac quired, if at all. only after he had studied the gratpxpr for some time, dnd..per ehince had)carned to parse with consid erable glibness. More prtctieal grammar has been taught to many boy is the careful cor rection of one essay of his own - comp. - A-. tioa, by his teacaer, than in .weeks of parsing. Not that parsing is nut good in its. place, • but because many students neNer learn the use ofparsing by ailfiy. in,: its rules to Oeir own in tecurate com po-itiOn. or to the false syntax of others. ri:e aim ec* the teacher, Glen, i r oral to zhing should be synthesis, the baildin't: op Hof sentences; rhea will as itys.s, or the hr..iking to pifiels of sentences and the ev, ft - dilation of the mutual relation of their parts. be an easy an] prodtable ta:sk lat r in the study. la the first lesson it would be *ell for I:=1 the teacher to., say something about the tAseA of language, of the various ways of A car:ing up in the mind of another the pie titre one may have in his own mind, and of the necessity, of learning to taint the pie ure as accurately as possible by liv ing words,—living bi•cause they give birth bought. These words, although abort ..,100,009 in number, can easily be divided in sine great classes. As a etitninand-=r must divide his army in division?: in ord-r dm:: he May use his men roore elfecti%-ely, .4o must The commander of words marshal his vocabulary 'of words in divisions, that he !nay handle the& and apply rules for their government. No matter how large the array of words we see on the page, they can be divided in small companies called sentences. "A sentence is a com plete thought put in words" (Def..l). Every sentence can be broke: in two parts : 1. The name of that of which we speak: 2. What is told about the thing spoken of. We see then the two princi pal parts 'of the sentence .are the hunt word and words. Write ten name words, as John, book, rain, etc. Rewrite the same words, and place after cacti word a telling word. That of which some thing is said is called the subject. What !is said of the subject is called the predi :cat°. (Def. 2). The combination of sub ject and predicate ' makes a sentence. - Every sentence should commence with a capital, and unlesh you ask a question, or mete an exclamation, should end with a period. (Def. 3)'. Write ten sentences containing subject and predicate. Copy , them Mt the blackboard. Let the teacher correct in presence of the class all mis spelled words and other Mistakes. Let the scholar name the subjects and the predicates in.'the sentences. , All name words are nouns, therefore ,a noun is a name. (Def.,4). Name the nouns in your sentences. When a sentence. has two name words, one that acts and one that is acted upon, the latter is called an object . (Det. 5). • Write ten sentences on the board, con-: tainiog subject, predicate and object. Let, 'the class correct all mistakes. .r Name the , nouns. A For.noun, or Pronoun, is a word used instead of a noun., (Def. 6).• Rewrite the last sentences, putting in every mite when it is possible a fornoun, or pronoun;. in the -place of the noun, re membering to use the proper pronoun . in the place of the omitted noun. 'How are we to know what the proper prononn is? We will see. In order to know what pro- Ar VIZ head of the Educational noun to - use in the plaza of the omitted Ipir•rnent..three week's sinoe, when noon, we irtrwthe.uenn . eertaiti. puddle:47 urinates of the AssOciatlon . appmirtd, 40ziti calkirriKtni:napt*si - -*O4- - itataf at Rim: D..: UttAtt .should base, z„,r, ELEXENTARY Nt.xt teach the class the name.; of t he. r . on•tuns: awl their declensions, first writ-, it gt'tent - otothe box,.-1 and having - lit_• c t.s.nopy. Have a cl:art of the pr on-an h irmd so•Vtat the shriek can recit 1 it r- pialy, detiaitig the tettns in concise d -ttit .l _ Personal, Relative.: . , Interrot.;ltivc, A I .-taj-etive., `first, Person.. ..;econd, f Third. . Number {- Ai ngola r, • k Plural. 1 Mas-culine, Gender. i Ftlininine, I tlttninon, I N( titer. , i N . I. r.iina t hl . e, Case.... Pos.teisive; . f objective. e sentenectt to be brought: otaining-personal prtmoutts, rt-lati%e p..otiono4; etc.. one kind of a pro- OEM BEM P - toNorNs Ne,cv. rerjna th, cltvis e.• 01. Then dive tuc cl Lss r Mil .at a 1,.h L - e requiring. the nouns vaiv.iltlS to he p.tiS , :Ci : it the next less ,n, I e parsin . 4- to be brought in the class iie wi [;o LE CONTINI:ZD IN A FUTURE NUMBLIII SELE3TED MATTEL, 111. - ett of the efficiency of the teacher dopeptls upon his daily reading. WittM4 informat kin of carreut events, .live work is .class-room Ife_done. teacher recently told his class in geo_ r.:phy that a • canal had heeTT-svin siructed actors-the Isthmus . of Panama i regular prusil of an ordinary mm p•.per would prevent such errors. It is lossible th it too many teachers arc nit well-informed with regard to the present. Ire'who occupies a ch:iir in a muivel;sity cm lie a musty, antiquated biiok-worn, frill of the subject which is directly iu l his lile,,ang with room for. nothing. else, and yct rio good wdrk. teaching. But it is not so with'the teacher in the piiblic Feholl; T pia, the discussion of which involve a kanwledge of the present world, will pre sent themselves, and must be con tiered. The reading of one-or more of than popular monthlies, too., ought to be the duty as well as the pleasure, of each and all. Neither "no time" nor •• immey " will di. as an excuse for the negiect:.: have time always to do what is duty; and • a very few dollars will sliflice to pat i•ito our hands, moutlpy,• Thrper, The lir, .!..;•eibner, Li ? p , ', L , _•,,!!. or other of the leadiu.; mag:izmes. There is ever daikcer or the teacher's life hei . 1,4 like that. of cae iu in a tread-indi; this oins of the me:ins al: )riled vat flag the c noise of th•oight inVEII'S.I4F.NT OF Never ih to dii•ibedienee. and never en what yon are not prepared to Carry ur.. 2. Never l tse y ur temper. Ito say Mere: he an'gry. Auger is some. tit es indispeussLle, especiailY where, th, re has been anything mean, dishonest, or But anger is very different fro n t o • of.temper. 3. Of 1./1 things; nev •-•r sn• crab them; and be care.ul even how yeo rally them. • 4 Do not often try to tde 1: on their feelings. 5. Never show, th..t yen 'lout': rules.; yon ate able to co t : To doubt•an hom i st child is to do all you e.sn to mike a li tr of him; and to believe a ; li;tr, if he is not altogetls.r 511- nie:ess, is to shame him. G. Instill no rei:gious doctrine ai art from its rimy. If it have 11.) duty as its neeossary einbadi- • meat, thelloetrine may well be regarded as doubtful. 7. Do not be hard on mere qu trreling, Ihich like a st irtn in mann:, is often helpful in clearing the moral at , moThere. Stop it by a jwigmetA ere ; tureen the parties. But be severe as to the bind of quarreling., and the temper slic.wn in it. Especia4) give no quarter te• any unfairness arising ; from greed or spite. Use the strongest language with regard to that. THE SOUL'S BIRTHDAY.i— When, be yond'death, Re come to ourselves, it is likely that nothing will surprise us more than our former dread of death. We shall see that we were like children in a dirk room, fearing the.cloor that leads to the lig:it. No man who is fit to live need fear to die. How. we will smile at our vain alamis when the worst hai happened. To many of us here death is the most terrible word we know. But when we have tast ed its reality, it will mean to us birth, de liverance, a new creation of ourselves. It will be what health is to the sick man. It will be what home is to the exile. It will be what loved ones given back are to the bereaved. As we draW near to it a sol-, ema gladness shOuld fill our hearts. It is God's great morning lighting up the sky.. Out sad fears are the terrors of little rite uin the night. The night. with its terrors,•its darkness, its feverish dreams, 'is Passing away; and when we awake it will be in the sunlight of God. To REMOTE CIIALK...-It is said that the best article • for removing chalk-marks from the blackboard is a feather-dustett— uut a wool or , buckskin.. Those who have use-I Ibis say it leavei the board entirely clean and black. It is worth trying. Ia coultry school-houses a turkey's wing is sometimes used for the purpose. rompouad.•d at all dlrl..nd night. Ul.•n S.multtsit for Pre,eripttom% 1 , au ',lt .IC, ?.. 1 and a toe. P. N. Or. P:.rter ran ht! conculied as betetoforP in tho r:.•r. r. 11.23,17.73 • FrA:.TELESS MEDICINES. " A. pro:Anent Nnw Y:dlc phyttinlitn leely tom sinwt :o DICK a . 00.1 shoat t telr wont. Ot L •_`,A.P.SULKS, AtD:ilig that 9, a:te tt:Art It. nur , tl nilrachlottNiy. but that a pat.PrAt h .1 tllr:n itithout effect. Orvb• lag iv !ortnn 1 ;bit ttnltltlon% Wt•ht. aid, h. In n ti f•ytti.l hte rattrnt had n 2 d he.n fa% illy It tIN PAt Pic %'ha: ':apowlial th,s physician may have Lap i—ne.l sLci & co..ska N, me i'..4 of pr..t.••Org phyeirt,rn-P, drugg,atd. the, ta Zr.,.. rn , v••tiling OIL OF v: 'Kg> onl ••••,:ii.T into dislapiite. %NS whacnce pr,1,•.r11 , 4 -the Caps•ilor ItiniiB to do sa for th , j the I. t.LW(...1) alai, al Whole•air a;..1 lie 7 all D. lig g'qs f' , l - funb•ri in the Sta , ialirll,llf.e, a' 11 tlii:l..the sale 17 . :1V•11 .lay th, pure 0 I is ld chea par iu c apsules than in any u hot fern. • • 0111, itf" S A NIIA T.W001) Is fait xnperce.lng evory C.arldiles only being' r..t. tiiod t. ine a-. n 1:10. Pet •131r3 arse In gi.e. viZtt! ft. , " 4 . From no ,nlitr medicine ran thisie t•olt be DUNI) tS DICK & CO.'S SOFT CAPSULES. Ot ' t.rt4.l-11t. tong r•oosk.lon.d tutnent phy •lati< ”1" biro/ ,lie 11:111 , 1.3 p•r!otirc, In 4r:Yrrowl:lg. whieb are u—ti known to d •tratt from, II not ‘10311 , ,y. the good effect. of v.!;131. 1 1 , rcutv:llon. S,:ft earcitie, nre put 1111.11111114611 and neat box 31.1A111). only ear.ules prq s,r!.!e;(l TASTELESS Ca oi co and Main' 11,11.1, , trt1S 111 , ..111i110,1 nn 1.11:1- 1c eat , lY is !UNDAS DICK' &. CO'S .:OFT CAPSULES. No Taste no Smell. • -- These were the only capsules admitted :o the last Paris-Exposi tion. Send circular to in Wooster atttet,Scw York. Sold at all Wog Stores Here. IVIg IR. BANKRUPT SATE! laiie New:Norl.: Clothing lintis%liaviag been • 01;4.A to tali, have sent to rue £30,000 WORTH OF CLOTHING! Con:lstivg of GENTS' FURNISTIINO GOODS HATS AND CAPS, CLINES, MITTENS, Ac., , • • W W hich :4 usT he Fa. 1,1 1 ,1 order to,ralAt. Inott.y, they. h Irl.li: ogre,' to trty their Crt tlittlrs 25 cell is ott tip. ti .111% tthtl hare sent the the goods to tlintosz of f-r thrill.. . SEE THE PEICES WE HAVE Gray .......3 . 60 and rp Z nt..l 13,:1ek Ker. y (3v (3.) .• 4'• i!••-(''a r. Hat t',"l . l.lnn 11-n)'r4 r, 4.) Fir •-(";:s Savv!,r , . uhlr.clilelce. •• •• 1. 0 l'iti•nt 31' r.!7l , ,it's h Ihl " ••, I. 3) Tia. kn., D. 1; i•assinker.. , S•1/1., bIO •• • I' , 9 Wni 3 . fio n rt,-Int• I:4 I) 'c T Pant, 7, 75 and 4 Ger.• , (lle '‘rjr.t 3'12 •• •• 11 'A. illl'2.1•• 71 1 , 9 Ca, Vs••bt Di •'ollld -srlr mar Itnrzaihs. 'Thh is ,g. - M VAT and 511 A GI. tr.:tU:ll fire next vO (lap, at 3I; R(*;}:NFIF.T.Ir:4, ToWANDA, PA 1; - N:llVe !el' 7.. 1%74. GiIEATEST .1_ • CHANCE- TO BUT 3 FALL AND WINTER. CLOTHES Ever offered to the people of BRAD-FORD COUNTY. , As nave a prospect of gaining an important snit in one of the west ern territories,' ,which will render it, necessary for tne to retire from.the CLOTHING BUSINESS, I take this method of informing the people that my present large stock of MEN AND BOYS' WEAR Will be sold regardless of cost, FOR CASH. , 11=1 8-pt. 6. ~.rants. ciJ AND EUROPEAN HOUSE! C. H. SEELEY • Itcrecifully Informs the pnbllc that ! be bss re. muted to Ms new I:MI(14 , g put F•outh or the 3tear,s Elot:styalin3 be will be phased forge Wold friends WARM MEALS • Served at rdl hours at the 'lowest possible rates De the the !IR 1 .!?4, OYSTERS By we Gaike, weir Dageih and in Shea. ~, ;. Cl:thing. H. J ACOBS. - :4i.:,W,77 0 .Y.' / • APV'qon e ot•cv oclitfon Am••rlr'n eye'oVred!♦ I , the no,t Irott „ r•h. no','l , hed. It is wit! owl t .s ', I • oort , y This work I•tentl4l kr n itidt. the read; of ev.”1.1.4,1y. aotrx • 11. STYl7l7}:q. Prinripa! Nrpo Ca , rtle Conege. FROM REV. Dr.. RE.F.D.INti ra PVT ABU ItGII, Pa., Vel,. 3. IS • ?TEAR Slit: You 4 flte to my opts:cm - alth r-feF - I.t.f. (Wae :11110' the \ni rlrmi Cyr Ir.- & • wiill.ll relates to the 11. , mata C,athuac I.ll.ireh Id R bt.,oty. articles aro. wrltton. so far PA r 11:11N. Cana..l7:,'!iiill , s. from .1 It laithi C:kt ho; is ; though at tau!...anie time they s rtae to 14. lottoaial., • ...Hu, to nt- that :his In a.featore to he colt'- u• Wa naot to k ;‘% hat that (Thatch I hfo Its dortelnes fool 1i142.1.y. I n•garl It,; iwrielzir.ex. , ,,lfnwe of Ow. Amorl• cnn !mt. tmiy %%WI r,f,t.,lll.r.the. , toao (7;q1J..11r Church, bat also tvpli a,lottr..r art:el-; aretrittenbrper s..us'.eho:ur theitell4ubj,oti. , I am, ymir, WILLIAM J. PrETi. 1). .Iftoixttr of Firat C. P. Charch.": • . • • FROM TgE, ISISIIOI' OF CONNECTICUT. 1 Conn., nev. 11. 1873.., I do not tti!ok aterxrr:lnnt a Muir:: as A prln:otne J merle:to exo•lopo•II la fan !wed any wortli of ..om. riol2lion fr"ni I am. 13 , a,ver. tho mot+. randy now to say tt.at!.l (...insli •t• !t 'lti inr Iv )rain xtv ,Im"ar wct k I - 1 IN ellara. o , r aro! us •f , tin..s. : 11:tr i a4. , nr..anY P"."IiIII Who maymr,,hr..... it, 'lilt th,y MO hay,. ',rapid nu unfalt &lg.:lin-I trustwortLy 11-!p In all 41. part to, In!4 of w.w1..,14,: i •peak frbm a thorough :lc. uoalotanco with tut: Wtlik. J. WILLI . 1 0.Ig, . . L'lnhop of 'Cunrvet f rnt.n: rEOM .1:0F. EATON, of 119 ..1.11.4:1:TV, MO.. lire. Li, 187.1. i I r-pdee every day flyer ;hi. (!ye1!.pa. , 113, flagird- Int: It :is the Cyclop.etni mu. C.reall•lle•C. 1 Wet! zeit' root I 0 rally. a., 1 , no: t 36:1y tvsort to It, brio ,, llititossesslott of tblr Inyaltt:olo .1. It. EATOV.. Projess9r ..Vatoral Science, IV. J. C.". vitom insiror • Dec. i l3, 1873.' • Th« American Cyciorn , - , 11:1 . . when rain. pleteti, It.. wilt 'ilk• an with. trative text. , ook on all subjceis—an viilt;rnie nf FT)3II 7 :Np N..i ‘N Eq. Selitur Bishop', Metho•lirt Episcupul Church.", FROM PROFESSORS IN ReCII . ESTER TIIEO- LOGICAL SEMINARY (RAP rIST). .6.ltllclfy.srEn Tll ruLurttcat. Febrn.‘ry lb7l. 'lj hr mr:telr. Ore C/9,1(: - fir.. '.l most cat l eful preir nratlon. and ofton prewmt. In compact fro - tn. re- InArkal.:y rol 1;.t..! In formr.lon, and the latest no salts of tilt trall:,,cm , t tgat lon. AUGUSTUS H. ST{:4)S4I. Prenietral and Pr.t6s.vor Thenlooy. j. w. Primvir /'!,u-c% Ht•lorY. WL LIAM v. 'XI NSoN, Profeettorlloniflctleg,„ ,• • F1:031 VSIDENT CITMMINGq: Hitt" t.E.Tow March'l. 1875 1 regard the Allll.lleatl,eyclepaAla as a wonde'r tut wt rk. It Iti rt.t . t.nutt , olett Acid Itolors,d by many of the ablest and tutt , t c.a.4elett: lung sent.lara t t , , tibtry. It Is WortllV „ r 0., „n„„th,„ „; all &sir, a rellaldP., eari.ially-prepartd and well arranvd epitome of kn.,:svit.,lT.. _ j(ts4:1•11 eInIMINGS. Preatchat of IP.thyrin Cniecreitu.7 Hoar Complete in 16 Large Oetao I ' Vol u Ince. 1 - - . , T). A I'PLETON & ('O.. Publishers, Sew Tor ai'l D 2 i 'hes: uni-St ... Phi hule:phla. ' (J'2.7.1 BRYANI"S I'OPULAIt• 32 33 1 31 11113 TORY OF TllO L''.vlTED sTATEs. 35 • 3 Fr the (11 , it nrery yireeedel by a sket ,, lr ' 4.f he pre-akturie period dad lige of the mon (.! ;IS buililerr, by. ; WII.I,I3.3IICILILLEN BRYANT AND SIDNEY .? HOW HI/ GAY. I•'ullytiliustrate,l with original to bn rani roar tulanary larg- oeta%o„ 7te pages part). Seri beer, trtua Long & CO, putill,hers, 743 & 74 - Bl,ldway. New York., • ' F /r luforniation addresit, . 31ATTESON & (General Agents Cheinent St, IthifaideliAla. Or 31. R, CONY/At", .Ig, et, for ';Northern Fettle . Vyania. 311 William St.,..Elnilra, N. Y. trtnitr. Llizcella=ectai ii7ertisements. 1 1 1 H E SUBSCRIBEK. TAKES 11 r!camare in caillng th attention et Illguunic7- o.t. pair. ns :IA the public geuhrally, to the tact that be still cull:lt:yea a • GENERAL MARKET BUSINESS At the OLD STAND of 3n - ER h RuNDELL. in CratollN Block. nearly kippobitd the p means an.l that be Is prepared to furnish L , SALT AND FRESH MEATS, FRESH POITLTRY, VEGETABLES AXD iBERRIES Of the very hest quality, at as low rates as any other establishmetit. I _ C. M. 311 ER ME June 1. 18704? F IRST NATIONAL BAN OF TOWANDA. $125,000.1 80,000 CAPITA SCUPLUS FUND Thts Rani offers UNUSUAL FACILITIES 14 the transaction of a 1 GENERAL BANKING BUSINES'A INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS Acconm4 TO AGREEMENT. SPECIAL CARE iIIVEN TO THY COLLECTION Of NOTES AND CRECHE'. Parties witilling to SEND MONEY to any part tit the United States, England, Ireland, Scotland, or the principal cities and towns of Europe, can hone procure drafts for that purpose. PASSAGE TICKETS To nr Min the Old Country, by thebest steam or l Ilus, always on hand. rAMILIKFI tutOUGHT OVLR li ILIDUCID ILATLin highest nice paid for Li. S., BondS, Gold and Sifter. • POWO9, ELL, rPsidfin 0 • Tux. LITTLE STOLE 4 V.CPENE, TUT. CoRNE! Is the best place In TtY9l3llCia to hey gaud , CIGARS AND TOBACCO, at tow rates. Wmember MERC(713.13 BLOCK, oppotte corm' nous slam or SUS "INDIAN SQtTf►W CM= ,:; mar L GROCERIES & PROVISIONS IMOCERIES k. l PROVISIONS NE DOOR NORTH OF CODDING & RUSSEL! Tow:mita, Jti , y 22. 4A7:: r'PRE MUTUAL PROTECTION': _L COMPANY." Hem! Oltce, 909 Walnut Street, Ph11;141001a, Pir Acting ender a_ Special ~,Act of Ineorporceion • Prom 111 . e Pennsylvania Legislature Special attention Is emtert to the toilewing rate table, which will be tonml strictly equitable. as be tween all ageN, atul which the company will gesr4) ; .! to not eittemi ore-half the' cog of any first- . OLD PLAN Company. etc:lowing Table shows the Rates for 11000 nay be neat!piled for any siaditlenal amount .1;-1000; which Is the largest risk taken on any life. Twenty Cents will Le added to the each assessment Vl' collection. etc. DM GM Tli a ul t op to 01, 1 Effitl I 20 3.4.0 2.00 .60 41 6.00 4.00 .0,1 21 3.10 2.00 .92 92 • 11.0 , 4.00 .99 22 3.00 2.00 -.65 43 6.00 4.00 1.00 23 3.4911 2. 0 0 .69 ' 44 6.00 4.00 I.4'S 24 3.00 1 2.e0 .67 45 6 . 00 4. 6 0 1./5 2:i 3.10 I 2.10 .69 16 7.00 4.50 1.22 26 3. 5 0. 2.50 .439 47 7.00 4.50 1.2.5 .77 3.50 2.50 .70 . 49 7.60 4.50 .1.35 24 3.50 2.50 .71 7,49 7.00 4.50 - 1.45 29 3.50 2.50 - .62 50 7.00 4.50 1. , 5 3 0 3.7:0 2.50 .7:i 51 ' 9.50 5.00 1.95 31 4.f1. 3.00 .75 52 A.% 5.00 4.75 ' 1 4.00 3.00 .77 , 53 9.50 5.00 1. 0 .5 4. 0 0 3.00 . .79 54 9.50 :5.00 2.00 1.00 33" .7! 5.5 8.55 5.00 2.15 4. 1 4 , 3.01 .WI se, 10.440 6.00 2.35 5.00 3.50 • .85 57 10.01; 6.00 2.50 54:0 3.40 .93 -69 10.00 6.00' 2.60 - 5.0? 3.50 .99 59 10.00 6.00 2.70 5.07 3.54 .52 60 10.00 6.00 2.90 6.01, 3.50 .94 'UAL rfillE !FARMERS' MUT I NBI7IIA NICE CO., OF TUSCAROS., Is tujir taming perpetual pollute on FARM PRORERT`.7 ONLY. Each member pays a fee, at the time of Insuring; to cover charter and Iv...Ade:dal expenses of the after which no fuel:der payntent Is papitred, except to meet actua toss by fire among the membership. This pia^ of Insurance for FARM PROPERTY, Is cow !..g rapidly Into favor. race Of Itusittess, SPRING HILL, PA. The Agent will canvass the Townships of:Tusca rora, Pike. Henget, Wyeluslog, Asylum, Terry aid Standing Stone, and farmers in thaw Town ships wishing Insurance or Information, May full- Mess, • A, B. SUMNER. Ser. and Agt., • Spring inn, BrAdrord Co., ra, W. M. SIIUMWAY, l'rea. t wain" Eardrare; • T HE CHEAPEST IN TOWANDA SCYTHES, FORKS, FIXTURES, ROPES, I Cheaper Than at Any Other Place! I have always on hand Revolts for the Totnto WARRIOR and Cuwairtost 31 4 astIng Machines. PERRIGOS SIDE HILL PLOWS, All kinds of TINWARE on band; and Tim work or all kinds done at lowest, prices. Towanda. Jun. 28, Ira. FARM 'OR SALE.—The Farm lately owned by Matilda Wangorder. of Aty- Juin tw7, ,13 offered at private sale. The farm cum- Ulna 3S acres, all luipturiA. well watered and fenc ed ; five wiles from Towanda, and convenient to school and church. Fur terms. he., Inquire of PE TER VANGURDER, Liberty Corners. E. 11. DE. LONG, near the premises, or G. 1.. BULL. 3lun rot ma. Oct. 2. '76-tf. N, N. NETT.. JE. IL I O R SALE.—A farm of 100 acres, 80 Improved, wont-west part of Smithfield too tahlp, Dradford Co., Pa. Too orchards, mutt) , gr4ted fruit, house of II rums, arranged for ono or tou !mottles. two barns. For particulars. - en. titdre elk sold premises, or of a 4g2 FIIANCIS FRENCH VOIV§ALE AT A BAIWAIN, lI A good faun, containing ei actig, f Orwell tca ash p. 'Excellent trait. a geooV.houte.. atiapteil to eltbar grain or 0117 purpoi i. Tonna Id clitdebarats. et _ - - iiOt9F.IILACX.--C . ItayartAolet.'lltiiigg;•o7„ _•• t;-'4:••• - • C`OWNEIt 3141 N A DRIDGE;ST , ;TOWANDA, PA McCABE & EDWARDS, Cash dealers In all kinds of Insrxmce. 11. S. CLARK, AGENT. TOWA!.i . I")A, PA. MB C' I I a. lE.' - ' Ef 1 o i. 4 .. ° . .- , = . HARDWARE STORE IS IN MERCUR BLOCK! Farmers can buy their SNATIIS, GRINDSTONES, , Best in Use, H. T. JUNE. Par Cabo. and _ . SH I VER PLATED WARE ;aO3l THE CHEAPEST TO THE BEST GOLD, SILVER AND STEEL SPECTACLES & EYE GLASSES (no door north of Dr, Porter At Sores Drug store, 3laln Street, TOVANDA, PA., ' I 1zn645. pßESElkiys FOR ALL, AT THE N ' EWJEWELR - Y STORE W. A. ROCKWELL le constantly receiving In addltiois to his large stock of Jewelry, FINE GOLD .SE TS, PINS, PI.IBANDS BANDS, RINGS, AMERICAN AND SWISS 7/404ES, GOLD AND, SILVER WITCHES, AIL'VEII PLATED WARE OF ALL VARIETIES GOLD, Silver AND STEEL SPECTACLES, PIM SILVER AND PLATED RINGS AND CHARMS .1 . Lil CLOCKS OF ALL VASIETIES, Watch, Clock, and JAvrelry repairing dune in the belt taatrtr, and warranted., Thaagnfor a liberal ird mune and h.pe to merit a continuance of the sallin. n , 712-73 Vow Advertisements. fIONIE TO COWEN'S IF YOJ vv would get twice i 1 1 ,3 worth of the money yi p,. uded. COWEN CRESLEY, ill Having oilmen an AUCTION AND COMMI+SIO:.I STORE CO: PARK ST., 3 DOORS EAST OF CITIZENS DANK, TOWANDA, PENNA.', Where will be . found a full line of the very best CIVICKERT. GLASSWARE. PANTY GOODS, FRENCH. i•Ill NA, &C.,IRON STONE and QUEENSW ARE. EN44 Lisa FRENCH and lIELGINN• • CUT It PREPARED - GL tSSWARE. • LOOKING GLASSES, and a flue assurment of LAMPS, with the very best of triuituings KNIVES and VOKK 4 , TEA and TABLE SPOONS, POCKET KNIVES, A full Hue of the finest- PLATED WARP, KNIVES, • FORKS, • SPOONS,. CASTORS, C. YANKEE NOTIONS OF ALL ;,a KINDS. StatlOnery, Blank Books, Page Books, Lr.dles and Gent's Hosiery, Ilundkerchlefx, raid*, and Towel Linens, 'rowels and Nap. lays, Subpliders, Callan., And 4. thousand other articles too numerous to mentlet AUCTION SATURDAY AFTERNOON' AND , All goods must 'chip satisfaction or the money re fuotded. floods dAirered in th ,, corn 'ration free. Soliciting Ma sale. at Auction. of 11. , A1 Estate, Live stock. Farm Utensils, Household Goode, or any thing to be sold at Auction in town or country, at prices [Omit the times. PROMPT AND ACCURATE RETURNS MADE On all goods left on comntlsslon. COWEN & ,CIIESLEY. Towanda, Oct. 19, 7G-tt ME .--, .. e• _ q' P 't 12 r . 1:19 .:7 1- iP a fi ..: ' - S 4 g r ~8 i e t ''' -z. ::,- • .... a ..... I=i ri2 L 4; bmi a r.... =• 14 .ntr, ;I t cr. , , rt. ~,, letA MrD Cl. e• M /P. ..—• 2 t z . --a -s ce• 0.• ,_ 0 ;:,:, IT 6 ..., —I — o sz -7 " .—"" d, Co - ,.. 1 ri a., r. Eet ~.., ..• == , ..., c t ~.. c et •ci tl: = : 15 ~.z. = -01 t-4 Li. o ''' ; t-4 5. _.„!: ~.. 0 .._ 2,1 e. e. = 0 cr, te Ft. = = •—, MAW 0 g - S , -;:: .0 0 ..r. .e.... = 0, er. Cl• ... .a • CI Cts . . ;i.• et tt e'. t l . ; 7 t ie " et g i t C".%FSe C 9 2 e" D, C.: ' 'Z'' . c e I g 2. 134 6. - z• sa •• = •••• • b. pi • m 0 .0 :C . • "• °co g - - 2 . 0n ? = 7 0 4 .= ...4 pi —, tz e. , 6 4 tr o .-- P -C = t'D ° 4° e-' 2* 3x.- t o z .0 r • •••• = = . ... = , ' )- 4•. = I ;:• so 4 .1 et ...Z ''. ~1 & it CLOCKS, STUDS, CHARMS, Alm at the lowest prices W.. 1. ROCKWELL A fins assortment of EVENI:CG ~TX :,~q•i~"3:sp~ ~~~^ ~~ EMI ZARCLAY, COAL. Also LIME AND CEMENT. Coal delivered on short notice. TERMS :—Cash. ` , HENRY 3IERC Oct2l-75-1 f. 1 CHEAP COAL AND LIME From And after July 1, I will sell coal, 11 cash only. add the price list will be monthly.' FRICF. OF COAL. FOA JULY. PER TON' OF AI 7116 TA Rfr., Pittston Steve. Chestnut and Filrunee. •o. Pea Carbon Run Lump • " " Swift . Barclay. Matultalo Lump , tlealth Allentmva Lime 7 , 1 bushel: • • I.atb 'o3t [lair '4% bushel Brick '# aI 10 nn I am always preps.N.l to deliver purchases nit short notice at the u-tal price of delivery. I also tender my P•aril:s;to my many fritqlds and ohoomers for their very lit-ral patronage In tho past and hope. under :he new departure to wake It tr, their Interest to Not thine to buy where, hey cat get the befit goods to , - M.. least mon e y. ; Those who are ind-lued to uto will take, notice that 1 ?unit have money or J ,rater buy for eish Ind tay freights. They must settle by the Brat of Au gust next Vbry liespectfully Your,. J. H. PHINNY. Towanda. July 1. 1!,75. Carrizsz. N9W IS YOUR OPPORTENITY, TO BUY CARRIAGES AND 'WAGONS BB BRYAN T S, Cheaper then you will ever . 11ave theopportuhity of do I have a large assortment o OWN MANUFACTURE; Warranted in everypartieillar, I will SELL SO LOW That everybody can afford t one of his own. 1 also have the sole agency place of OVIATT'S PATENT RUN. An invention which has eota: very general use all through the They give the „best satisef wherevere they have been intro CALL AND EXAMINE TH JAMES BRYA Jan6:76. NEW CARRIAGE FACT ; . I :Oppottlte the new Mt, TOWANDA, PENN'A. ll} NRY STU LEN Respectfully announces to his friends and As: be has built a ' 113 W BRICK CAttTAGE FACTOR Where haw musts:illy keep on band's fu Lnieut Of FAMIL i I.IAILIIIAGES; TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, PLATFORM WAGONS TEOTTING SULHTS , 4.ND SKELETONS ' • I Made of the best maleriat and finti.hed to jthe best city styie. KLi lung rzperleuce in city Car riage Factories gives Lim a decided advantage over others In the' FINIS; STYLE AND bUSABILITY • Of wagons. iakll ho asks is an • INSPECTION OF; HIS. WORK I Previous to purchasing elsewhere. r ALL WOItIC WARR/LT.:TETI TO a V E TERFUT ATISVATION. Tbankftil for the ltbsral patronage fomerly ei tended and respectfully ask a continuance %Otte ,same. REPAIRING PRON:TLY ATTENDED TO AT RIDUCED HE imna - sTuON, ,"; ••:••••-.., IF "'`. ..s4Z4 spot., 40,40,....ait , .Aa = .11i%; =thz SOUTH I WARD. STATIONS. • 115 3T«tionketly ;•10.Abrpr , r , L;lnlit-n. Eddy Fmreyville AVriluAl.g Frt.r.cht,•ven :umnferB dA 5t0ne......'10 32 2 O. , ! X lO 41' 2 15 720' .... Toivanda .1-- 4 '104065 23") pOO, 735. 790 7 45; !!,' 45 }filar • ; 19,11 55 CC; 55.. tthens.... 4 4211 '23 3 fPSI 29 8. 16' 865 .... 4 4211 3.5 21 532 8 blO `Vav , ily 1.. 455 11 45, ft V', pi 40j 25: 820 !:1 , u1ra..,.... .... 5 3512 361 4Pi i 5 IC! 010 , )18.8g0 ...... J r ....! 5 40 ....! 30!....,, j 9 5.5 ' 6 15 , 1 so; ; 25" ...... S 40 3 5.5 ! ....I 0 28: i.olotrn - ..!9 a& ....! 9 30 4 35 I :o6lwster 70 50" :...! 11 20; 6 55 4017810 ' 112 25 —.112 3.5' 8 20, 615 .Masan Falls , !12 54 .... ! 104 940 •Pali. r. 31. Sisnd 13 rutidatly, tr , lth Pulln+.•n Sleet. rile car, artached. twnircan Elmira and.rbiladel t•hia. and Getneva and New Ym K. Martina Booth Car- at tacked to Train• 2 and 9 an(.. Phytad«lptla. AD Phtladalidtla tralos run through to Cahtenni. it Grountta. , R. A. PACKER, BuperinterA4it. Towanda, April 26, 1626-tf. nt DTIILADELI'HIA 8; READING RAILROAD. IRTZANGEMFNT OF PASSFNGER TRAINS = Trains terve Allentown a:A . ..ileac*: ,(vira Perkinmen Branch.) Phlladdlpltta at e6..7.0, 6.5 u. 5.55 and •6.ZS ~ e, 3c.. rrecte t -for Phllad.klphla, at u 0 p. tn. trio Snit Penna. Branch.) 000rb, For 11.041ng, 42.30. 5.30, 8.35 a. m.. 12.23. 2.10, 4.30 nd 0.00 p. m.. • - s , r,r Harrisburg, '42.30, 5.50, 8.55 5. 126.• 12.20. 4.30 040.00 P.M. Fm • T.lmeaster and Columbia, 5.50. 8.53 a. m., and 4.30 p.m. , tL),*5 not Tula on .r.ondays. .I'S PI J.. . 3 IR .... 3 F.P ... 2 7:. For Reading. 2.30 a. m., and 9.00 p. in. For liarrbburg, 2.30 a. M. and o.cli p. m., Trainajor Allenpncn leave air/ i nflow (rda Perkiomen !ranch.) eav Phl:adelphia, •8.20, 7.34. a.. m., 7../5 arid • •5.2 a. p. m. 6V"?.CDAYS . Leave Philadelphia. 8.15 a. in. (eta East Penna. 'Branch.) Leave Iteadiu,7, 7.40. 7.45 1 10.35 a. m., and itarrist , urg. -,8.10 a. in., 2.0(. 3.57 and 7.51 p. M. - ,'is' I.aneaBter 8.10 a..m., 12.55. and 3.45 p.m. Leave Columbia 8.00 a. in.. 1.00 and 3.15 p. cp. I..erorr Roadtrw... 7.2 n. a. rn. I.eare Harrbtfurg, 540 a. tn. • Trains- marked thus (*), run to and filla depot :lilt and Groi.n streets,, other "trains to nri4l troy _ etreet depot. The B.`..'n a. m. train from 'Philadelphia and 8.2 . tn. train from A Ilentosvn have through ( . 11,1 . 6 CO! • ow! f?o_o N: Y. Th. 5.15 p. m. ttplis from Philast.lphia and 8.7.0 Hi. tn. tralti from Allentown have through care to aid from Mauch Ch i nk. 0c.4..754y HOWARD EL3IER. ITHACA ATHENS G ENEVA, R.—Commencing Monday. jam 24. 1376, tr:Aus win run as on this Toad r. LtdAPING•RAYRE NonTirwAnn ' m.. daily. wit} , Prlng c'eamp throngh from New Yr.rk; Arrlyin., :4. Van Eel -i 5:43. Spenen. 5:56, Ithaca 6:50, TA.ighanic 'Falls Trninam , bitrz 7:25. Farmer 7: , :" 4. Ocid, CPnt.4 7:2. Hays Confer 6:1,11, la 6:45; invk Ing eke:eon - an-44ton en andi^mac y.lth raln.ii , u• N. Y. & H.. arrtsir.gi at 1 . : t.2:1c• tt.r. .at 1%20 3. in.. Bpfiato 4:1544, tu.,' awl ; ittrnr:, F cis .1: V,71 • No. :30. , -.12.00a. in.. daily exe.pt STlnda , " 4,lti Br :Iva! nr_l.. V. ?rat, from lit ,rte„ Pi•ttr.nt. •Cuilloarimek. Towanda; r.rriN lid( at Van Et- Spenerr 12:55. Ilhnen I:SS. T:.nyhvnte. I Trumamlbutg Varnwr 2:4?. 004.1 'enfer liayts Comer.. t, Ge• I,Ewn 4:69. -rctin..ctipg with trains eaat and n - 23101.1 Y. Y. 0..4 11. It. it. It. again ng. my p. m., daily earept Sundays. wi:b,th7ongh ron: infra for Genera, leaving tet tb, arrivlrg at Van Etten 6:49, Spe: thaea 7:5% Tanghanle Falls Trte..:n.v.barit •-e29. Fanner 8:46. Ovid ( 71, 1 1 Ter 8:55. 113,Y1 , roMers Geneva 9:53: eopnee'log with east . nral west on N. Y. e. & H. IL. R. S. CM ARRIVE AT SAYRE FROM THE NORTH No. 7,-0:05. a. m.. dully czetmt Suntlt,yr, with through ear f ritm Geneva to E'lnira, leaving Gene. ya at WO aFn., Romulus sm. linyts +Et, ,era 5:47, twit Center 5:50, Farmer 6;e5. Trumat , l.arst 6:25. TaughanirtFalk 6:2o.lthaca 7:05, Sponeer *:O5, Van Eaten 8:111. arriving at Et ntlm, a: 9:51: !linking cur, onto.ction at Sayre with I . V.llay Extte.t., arri 'ring at New York at 10:00 p Philade;plll3 - 8;20 p. ut.' o; 9.-1:30 p. m. daily except Sundays. leaving fleitt-va at 141:00 a. in.. Romulus 10:34, Ilttyl. For ',era 19:411. Ovid Center 10:51., Farmer It:fa, Tru manomfg 11:17. Tanghaffic Falls 11:2'.'1. Ithaca 11:45, q.pencer ,12;37. Van Ellen 1255; making "7 , •ft, eon. nem wilt L. V. Fast Line. arriving luPhdadel ;thin IC:30 p.. m. 15.-9:40 p. m. daily, with Pullman Sleeping t.olollt attached for New York without elmagei I..aves Genova at 5:40 p. in., on arrival of N. Y. C. 'rains from the East and 11 est. ROIIIIIIIIS 6:10, Flayic Centers 6.119, Ovid Cimt.r (hal, Fat rsrr 6:47, Tramanslturg 7:e7, Taughante Falls'. 7:11, Ithaca 1;50. Spencer 8:13. Van Etten 8:53; rot - meeting with L. V. Night Llite,arriving at New York at 8= and I.lllladelphla 6:45 a. nt. ' — Tickets bold and baggage checked Ito all prlnct, tql points. • _ have n this ERS, e into west. action uced.. 11. A. PACKER, Ger..Stipt R. M. 'HOVEY. Gen. Pass , Ag:. 1 3 - 31.,$TEVENSON. Amt. Sitpt,- SO 11311 THE 'CENTRAL 13 OTEL,?, - ULzelitit, • The undersigned havin,g taken possession of, the above hotel, respectfully solielts the patron age of his old friends and the public generally. augitt-tf. f M. A. T'Olt REST. I'L LWELL HOUSE, TOWANDA, PA," ! JOHN 'I3CLLIVAN. -.• • ( patrons, c,.. Having leased this holm. is s UMW ready to sterie- I...iodate the travelling public. No pains no: expect, el Isla les spatwl to give satisfaction to those who may give hint a call. t t 44-N orthilde of Public Sqt are, east of Metall.% new iticwl6 ' . I aasort- 14 EANS- HOUSE, TOWA,NDA, in CORNER MAIN AND BAIDOZ STWEETS. The Horses, Harmers, ae., of all guests of tills hosuse. Insured against loss by Fite, without any extra charge. A superior quality of Old EngILO 110 s Ale, just received., • ' • T. It. JORDAN, Towanda.. Jan. 24.14. Proprietor. EAGLE 110 TEL, TONFANDI, PA At lite corner of Chun and Inver-stet, directly In .the vicinity awl south of the Court House: JOHN 1111RKE, Pnorxtirou, The above !tense has beeg re-rundshed and re fitted. - . and Is .wowArpon to the ttavelit.g radie. The Mu wilt at all tlnies be suppllcd al b Hie I:est or liquors. Good &tabling attached to th- ppnlaes. Ito4riters be the . day or week accommodated. Hay,lo., ink)* • JOHN urrxr.. lIA 10 II di. BR OA DL EY, 31enut,Acturers of Woolen t0t,41:4, Yarns; &c ' CARDING & DItESSIN,G, Done to order. Cash Vial fur wool, alio clothe ecliarged for wt of JEnll 4 l ' KR YR T. IrAr. PA. I .%t r iml li tass‘k °4ll %! . .i E ll! E. QpIWOVLAMACIiprest r*eth S 3 .. E. 16 .... 6 V.: 6 1 . i ...... ia .' 9 9 : r 1 5 1 ,2 1 11 1 . 54 4 130 1 4. .... 62.. .1 —lO 00;.1.33 • ..- 10 TS: 1 4 4 : ~..! etirl IgUNDATS CIMIXEI =UM! J. E. WOnTTEN, Genera/ Superintendent Rotel:.