Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 14, 1876, Image 3

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Vradfora gotta
I Towatez, Pa., Tharsday, pea. 14, 1876.
In Order to give our subscribers the
benefit of CLUBBING RATES for most
of t; 'e popular publications of the day, we
have made arrangements by which we
can furnish the 'REPORT= anil any of the
following papers and magazines at prices
named. All oi-ders must be accompanied
by the cash :
BEpo3TEB and Harper's Magazine, 14 50
" Harper's Weekly, ', 450
• ", -" Harper's Bazar, 450
" " Galaxy, - 470
" " Lippincotts' Mag., 4 50 .
" " „Littell's Magazine, 7qo
" " Appleton' Journal, 4op
." • " Pop. Sci. Monthly, :5 50
GodeYs' Magazine, - 3 7p
" Nursery, - 250
" " American Agri'ist, '2 50
" "_ Country Gentleman, 375
" Atlantic Monthly, 470
" " Eclectic Magazine, 5 311
" " N. Y. Weekly Times, 2 60 .
" " N.Y.WeeklyTribune 200
" " Semi-Weekly Post, 350
. " Setni.:Weekli Times, 400
" " Semi` Weekly Trib'c„.4 00
TriE. Nerds of Rev. D. COOK will give
him a donation at the parsonage, in Mer
ryall. on Friday, Dec. 22. 1 . 111 are invited.
PATTIE!: IIuNT, the eecentrie,..preacher
and temperance - lecturer.. who was well
known in this section , died in l'hil'adcl
phia last week,. agid S 4 years.
:''EXT sociable of the Presbyterian
society, - of Monroeton,- wilt be hell at the
house ot)fr. HittAxt SWEET, on Thursday
evening., Dec. :21, All'are invited.
Ie nun citizen;;; would take pains to
clean 'he snow off , t 1 e sidewalks in front
of th it premises, in:cc in awhile, We
would doubtless he_ are' less profanity on the
is to be the' fr fashionable
furt season. A. silk cloak lined with
this n Aterial is4oo. New seal
-skin saques will belined with chinchilla
Our carrier boy. will present . the pa
trons , :f the REPORTER with a handsnme
Address on New _Year's morning.' FRED
lias_u't it in his heart to refuse small
chang, even.
3ln. J. 3IrAFFF,F.. of Athens. infonns
- us that be has eight hens which laid
eleven hundred and nineteen eggs, in six
monti• from April Ito October 1, inclu
sive. Next:
WE REGRET to learn that the
eatier. i f the Sullivan County ...;tantlartl
and .F 1 ee Press has been diseentinned,
but e suppose brother INetAm has
growl. weary of whiting a paper for glory.
Tni. subject for discussion at the next
Toeetic , of the Troy Farmers'. Club. is
our tlat - concerns everylurdy sanneeted
with it and should call Feuer I at
tendat.ce. It is this : " What shall he
done :o make farming pay in Western
Brad fyrd
As TniArolidays draw near, everybody
is intertFted in knowing where he may
buy f , e choicest goods at the lowestlig
tire. Those wishim , anything in the line
of gift hriohs. - stationery, and faney-arti
des, ill find an elegant assortment at
TnT• first Qua:telly Confen - ence of fife
?North Ilrauch Association of Universal-.
fists, Le held in Athens, Iliadford
county. Pa.. Wednesday anti Thursday,
Dec. and 2t 4 , IS:G. The frig! ds are
cerdiallp invited to be present.
J. L. KENT, Standing Clerk.
Tin revival meetinffs at Sylvania still
contin m with marked interest, the at
tendance being larrre each evenin , -. Rev.
SI L. coNDE and Rev. .Totes. ,lElP47r.r, Still
carry on the work, and there is a deep
and ef•rnestinterest in the work, and the
citizeAs secmid the efforts with la.artiness.
Quite a moldier have -already proles-ea
'COUNT:Sion and there are others
Roi T. of TTonnr at the Towanda
School, or names of students; with i•er!eet
record in a!tcnilance, rlepartnirnt l and
1 , 111.14 for tL•e Irseek'etulit.; Doe.
1.1z::117 r0,4:1:1F - 1". FIIANK4t
Ptlrsonki..—Senator DAVIF . :S ill make
his htad tputrtt rs at the " Loeb; , •l7 dn
-rimy:lt's stay in Herrisbnrix this winter.
lii e‘mst it oehts and other friend, will
alway , find his latch-string out, mien not
official e7vreged.
TnomAs RYAN, of Topeka,
Kan., a Congressman elect to the -13th
Con ri. , as, was in town on Monday. lie
was lookinm hale and hearty. Western at
mospre'evidently agrees with him.
SEV7-:RAT. blunders appeared in the no
tice or the Benevolent Association last
week. The amount deposited in the box
at, the Pot-t-011ice was one do!lor aed
rents,. instead of el.ecen do!' , ,rs
rentx„ as our types made
Mt say. We also wrote, there are name:-
ons,e:dls on, the treafi;wry; but the types
made it Secret.ary, and so it was printed.
The Association get; the benefit;, of an
other notice through " these blunders, how
THE stndents of . the Susquehanna Col
lcgiaL will give an i'ntertain
went. consisting of vocal and instrument
al mo:3ie, declamations, recitat ons, tab
leaux, dialogues, essays and orations,
FridLy evening, Dec. 22, in ~Mercur's
C!011init•Ileill , at 7:30 P. ti. Dtstts
oven z.t 7 o'clock. He'erved Seats, 35
coats I.*rirerved. 2 cents. IProceeds
txbe .11q.licil to pni t chase of ac , utornical
mud( Is for use of classes in Physiology.
congrcvtion of the Pre=byteriam
Chu , &h Pr Troy, cOnipleted •an clemint
new .-hurch edifice sometime last summer,
hut mvino. to the fact that there vz...• a
small tica due on it. have not been occu
pying. it. An amount sufficient to cancel
the claims against the church having been
raisec. the dedicatory
_services Nil! tqlk.
pnee. on Wednesday next. The entire
cost oT the building, organ and furniture
was sAnethiurg over thirty thousand dol.-
(Iry I/Arius, son of Senator
•DANAL-1, . had a narrow; escape from
drowning; on Saturday morning last. In
company with.several other small boys he
was : , katim , on the river, when he came
upoio place where the ice had been re
movt .1, and only a very thin coating had
formed, which was not sufficient • to-bear
his uci;:;lit. A faithful dog which had
to:lowed the lad, made strenuous efforts
io re,eue his young master, but failing to
do so attracted the attention of: Mr. Nuv
rN!,. who happened to be passing near the
sPot ) . and took Master GUY from his cold
% ate bath.
LADv's.BooK still oc 4 cupies the
front Tank in its . peculiar branch of liter
ature. As a faShion magazine, it is at—
C 4 Pi «1 aiithority all .over the world. Al
thougii hthanetli in years, its vigor
and usi Fula, ss,are unimpaired and. its se
lCcti and original
.articles keep pace
with advancing civilizatum. As an addl.
ii.ducertient to, subscribers, Mr.
Gorl luls prepared a beautiful chronic,.
th. i's Darling.," which is • in itself
worth the small price asked for the ulna
z:ne. per annum inclyid-
Ing e:uoin4. We will furnish the llErOtt-
Thlt Bork for $3.1'5.
I'vtl:oN Past Mutter J. L.l.Jusr..s, Esq.,
~ ..r•rat• of New- Er.t , Grunge, O.
ti Nt•W Erl. Bradfoid county,
died p,"(7, ' at the age of 7.-,9 years.
By oe - Ith - the Grange loses an intelli
gent. useful and upright officer and mem
ber, and the community a good . citizen. -
We :ot only mourn , ' his loss, but syropa
th...7.- with the betrayed family. - We trust
be /''ts found a biller and happier home
beyoudqiie sherilof time.
30 5%1T11,MS Rerrtms,)
F.. B. Wirrpr /
'Tait Ifitwi - 4risoni , IPOllittatpi=l , Tbe
New Fork - Observe clahnito *ghat the
best'family newspiper. - and repudiated.all
unsound or objectionable teaching. - Even
its advertising columns are free !tom all
quackery and dangerous sulvertisements;
and the whole paper, both in its religions
and in its secular department, is filled
with pirre aud - L entertaining reading.
While we "commend' the position of the
Observer n this matter, we also heartily
endorse it as one of the most desirable
periodieals for any household. The price,
$3.15 a year post-paid, can hardly be made
to retuning much good spent in any other
way. B. I. PR= & Co., 37 Park Row,
New York.
THE following sensible suggestion from
the Iluntingdon Hews is applicable to this
town, and especially at this time :
" The most deserving poor are often
the very last to make known their condi
tion, and not unfrequently a false delica
cy prevenb3,them from appealing for aid
when they are really suffering from bun
,.,oert and cold, Our people, generally,
know the families and persons who would
be likely to want attention, and they
should not be backward in looking after
them. It should be proper for each
church to look after its own members.
help rendered in tnis way is often more
readily and cheerfully received."
THE following paragraph is going the
rounds of the press, asiol as every locality
is liable to the contagion, we print it,
hoping it may prove useful' to some one,
if he 'dreaded disease should prevail in
this vi
"4 am willing to risk my, reputatien'as
a puTic man," wrote EDWARD HI et to
the '-L Mercury, "if the worst
casei.lf small-Pox cannot be cured in three
days, simply by the use of cream of tar
tar. One ounce of ,7ream o; tartar dis
scilved in a-pint of water, drank at -inter
vals, when cold, is - a certain n , ver-failing
remedy. It has cured thousands,. never.
leaCes a mark, nor causes blindness, and
avoids tedious lingerting."
GEM Lonor. No. 1,113, I. 0. of G. T.,
at Luther's Mills, met Nov. 23, 1876, and
passed the following restlutions on: the
death of Miss FRANKIE . BENNETT, a
worthy member of the order :
WnEnEas : It has pleased Almighty
God, in his wisdom, to remove our friend
and bister, FIuNKIE BENNETT, in, the
bloom of youth; therefore,
Roolred, That in her death we lose a
devoted friend awl faithful sister.
• Roo!fed, That we hereby extend,to the
bereaved parents our heartfelt sympathy.
Rexolred„That .our hall be draped in
nwurning fot thiity days; that a copy of
these rest hitions be sent to the parents.of
the dece'asecbsister. and also be published
in the BRADFORD ItErouruit and Miran
da Journal. -
W. S. firsTlV
St'slE GU L :TIN, Coin
AT A REGULAR meeting of Franklin
Steam Fire Engine Co., No. I. of Towan
da, held on the evening of Wednesday,
Dec. 6, the following officers were elected
for the ensuing teal
Prexident—lnA 11. lli - mrniiEr.
Vice Pre,r;dent—C. F. TA I bin.
.` , ',:t'refitrli—A. S. MAruosst.o.
Fin &ere/a ry—M. n mAN
Tre;rxnrer—J. V. GEIGER.
Trustee.—C. E. AsDßus, JAMES BRY
j - ;,,'eni , 11% —ED. FROST. .
Firxt DowD.
,se ad A (—M. M. PARSONS.
Eogincer—J. C. LANG.
Enriizircrx .TAME~ SITTILP ' Eu
Piponen. OE WM:NEH, -ED. WI L
Franklin Engine Company. of this place,
;,Jaiticipate'd in the LScrauttni Firemen's
papde. as the t guests of Franklin Fire
Eierihe Company No: 1; of Hyde Park.
As a remembrances of the pleasant occa
sion, several of the Towanda "boys"
haVe presented td , -their Scranton friends
a heautifni frame C,nitailling their photo
graphic likenesses, accrlin;nied by the'
following resolutions, arristic.dly engross
ed. as a centre-piece to the wool):
Win:REAs : Franklin Steam Fire En
gine Co. No. 1, of Towanda, by special
invirition from Franklin Engine Co. No.
1, of ['plc Park, took part in the annual
parade of the Scranton Fire Department,
on Monday, June 12, 18611. anti
Wity:rts:As : We met with such recep
tion at the haturs'of our bi.sts crn thatroc
casion as should receive front us special
recagnition; thereftire, be it
- - -Wepariel; That we tender tonic ollice , s
and members of Franklin Efigine C'o. No.
1. nr Hyde Park, our sincere and heart-.
fell thanks for tne hearty and abundant
:!ity, and the many brotherly and
friendly acts extended to us during our
stay l, 1 Scranton. •
Pe,o,!rerl. That we take this opportuyi_
tv to txpreps our thanks to the'- ladies of
1 Hyde Park who so •nobly responded to
the exil of the Firemen, and who succeed
ed so well' in inakitio•--onr visit pleasant
and. full if happy recollections; said visit
will always remain a greeri spot in our
Hnemory, as it has been the brightesL and
twst it , our history as firemen.
f Com.
AN EXCELLENT lady and model mother
regaests us to print, the roth i n " Short
Sermon Witty Situtents, — by Prof..E.Asv-
MAN - , believing it applicable to young men
in all professions :
"You are the architects of - your own
fortunes; rely upon rour own strength of
body and soul. Select some specialty for
your-life's work., and adhere. to Paul's
preeiq.t„` This one thin , I do.' Let your
star be Industry. Self-Reliance, Faith and
Honesty, and inscribe on your banner,
-' Luck is a fool, Pluck is - a Lero.' Earn
est effort in one direction is the surest.
road to wealth and high position. Don't
take too much advice, keep at the.helm,
steel? yonr own ship, and remember that
the great art of commanding is to take
upon yourself the largest share o the
work. Don't practice too much humility.
think well of yourself—strike out—as
same }our position. It is the jostlings
and joltings of life that bring great men
to the surface. Put potatoes in a cart
over a lough road, and small potatoes go
to the bottom; turn a raft of logs down a
mill-race, and the large logsconie ou top.
Rise above the envious and joalous. Fire
alpWe the mark you intend to hit-4cru
right motive, are the levers that move the
world. Don't drink. Don't chew. Don't
Smoke. Don't swear. Don't deceive.
Don't read novels. Be in earnest, Be
self-reliant. Be generims—thete arc two
sides to every balance. and favors thrown
in one ide of the scales. are sure to be
reciprocated in the other. Be civil. Be
a gentleApan:- 7 -it is a foolish man who
does not utidtirstand that molasses will
catch more flies than vinegar. cßeail the
papers: they arc the great educators of
the people. Advertise your ' business.
Keep your own counsels, and superintend
your own business.° Slake money, and
do good with tt. Love your: Pod and
fellow-man Love truth and vit.*. Love
yoOr country and obey the laws.
BrITLINGTON.—However` much the Re- 1 , and battery. Dist Att'y caw and Jas
publican. ' patty neglected its duty-in other Wood, Esq., for Corn. .1 4. ,wilt and E
.sections of the coontryliere, I am,,) mud ; Overton, jr., Esqs. for - defendant. The
:to say, it did its duty. Had it done the jury find the defendant not• guilty, but
Same ail over this great country, astit bad that he pay the costs.
the power and the right to do, suclra ma- Corn vs same Assault and battery;
jorit) would have been rolled up for Pres- j Same counsel. The jury find the
ident HAYES as would have caused- the lant-net guilty, but that he pay one-half
dry bones of treason to rattle in their of the costs, and Frank Sweet,, the prose
very boots : cutor the other half.
• I sometimes think that there is a Prov- ! Com.vs G Smith PoSt —Foigery, De
idence iu the course the Republicans are I fendi:nt pleads guilty. - .
talZing to lead those rebellious scoundrels ; Coin vs Phineas Pond—False pretenses.
op the :Soutlr•on to a punishment, such as i (.'cin vs C It Cole—Nuisance.
they never "yet have ekperienced, nor even i Corn vs George Ada—Fornication and
dreamed of. j bastardy. Each of the above cases con-
When Providence lays plans for the tinned to February term.
scourging of a community, whose cup of Corn us Wm Melvin and Kate Melvin—
in;qii.ty is permitted to fill up to the idling liquors without license. Defend
brirn, as they seem bent on filling theirs ants plead guilty; Court suspend sen
at the-South, the punishment is swift and tt nee upon payment of costs.
severe. Although the . Democratic party t' Corn vs John Harrows Surety of the
has never been known to offer, or even :'peace. Court direct the defendant to en
think of'anything -good, for the promo if ter into a recognizance to keep the peace.
thin or benefit of good government, dur- Court appint Giles N DeWolf, Treasur-'
ing the last fifty years; and though today er of Pike twp., to fill a vacancy.
it still continues to lift up its hollow voice • Deborah- Wheeler vs Walter Wheeler.
against, and toreach out its bony fingers 31 G Palmer vs Fannie Palmer. Sarah
to clutch at and to. tear down the best, Morse vs M K Morse. Court direct a sub
themost m. ".titianimous and glorious gov- i pecnaln divorce to issue in each case.
et nment the sun ever r.hone upon,(or in Line Haynes vs Charles Haynes. Julia
all probability. ever will), since hat old A McCarthy vs F S McCarthy. Court di
serpent the Devil entered the Garden of , rect en alias subpoena to issue in each
gden, yet I firmly believe that it is the cum.
wijllof God that - this -Republic.. - though'i Eli Dunsmore vs Celestia Dunsmore,
tried, will come of•every.trial br gbt-,i Court make Sheriff to make proolamation.
er,and Ammer: end will stand as long as 1-- 'D L Gamble vs O,A.:Otimblia::.7 . On - me
beta* the watigivitaatis; and that to_tbillt Court
usual. 0r00.404,4e.
asalaatiksiiit tatelligesew audi,lvirtas
`--,, 1
, e r
lay "hare a apace In your columns
you atindevoto to it aotmtry artielej
attempt to Op you a few items of 1 -
ing events.
In the recent political campaign;:lle
rick stood by the side of flight and Loy
alty. Her soldiers th ink that a blood
less battle fought and'won at home is •
better than thousands slain on distan
fields. '
The present is . a season of gene .
_health with our people.,
Many neighborhoods have given Sun
day-school concerts, in which young an=
old participated.- Anthems of praise we =
sung and recitations given expressive o
reverence and gratitude to the (liver of al
Winter has 'shrouded the . rugged hil
'and pleasant valleys, reminding .us tha
the year 1876, with all its momentous
events, is drawing to a , close, and will
soon bo among the , things that were.
The new school building in Herrickville
is completed, and contains ample room
for all the youth of the place. The upper
school is conducted by Mr. CASWELL, and
embraces the older pupils who speak
many good words for their teacher; while
the younger ones are delighted with Mis I
DIMMICK, their teacher. The interest
manife ted in their studies. Is the best
evidence of the successful management of
the schotil.
The good people of this place are enter
tained twice each week by! the Cornet
Band.. Toil is lightened and trouble diS
sipated by the': cheering influence of the
music. They have completed a new band
room, and have just organized a singing
'school for general cultivation, conducted
by Prof. G. F..\tiAnNEn. Hoping it may
be a success, and of benefit to all who
may attend, as well as the public genet:-
tilltve wish them God-speed.
Dec.'s, JEPTHA.
CORRESPONDENT suggests that the
following notice from the American Agri
cultur TO, for December, may throw some
light upon the letter published in the Itn
ronrial of Nov. 30, in, regard to the
death of a Mr. roci ELi. :
which was formerly 'in New York, ap
pears to have moved over toward sun
doln. Persons going to Nevada City,
Cal., should be very careful in the choice
of their hotel, as there is one at which
peoplc.die so suddenly, that they have not
even time to tell where their friend live,
or what shall be done with their baggage.
A - few _years ago we described the hotel
dodge, but as it will be new to many we
relate a recent case. 4 A gentleman in Cy
lon, Wis., received a letter as follows :
" City, Sept. 16, 18:6. W. 0.,
Esq , Dear Sir: On the 19th of last
lnentb, a gentletnan stopped at my hotel,
registering his name (we give only ini
tials) as D. F. G. Two days ago he
of apoplexy (how very precise). Not
k6wing anything of his relatives, I ex
amined his trunk, and found it to contain
a very tine gold watch and chain, two
sliver mounted revolvers, agold ring, and
many other valuables. 1 also found some
papers adoress.'ed to W. G., Cyfon,
On seeing this; and supposing you to be
home 'dative, I concluded to write to you, -
as the trunk is a very valuable one, and
'Sou are evidently'the proper person to
have it. I would 'also say that. Mr. G.
owes me a balance of ..:20.50, for board
bill, etc. Please remit to me the above
amount.'by registered letter,-with instruc
tions to what point you want the trunk
shipped, and I will forward it to you at
once. !Address, 'l'. A. LArmitur, Neva
da Nevada county. California."
The Wisconsin gentleman Who received
the above, having a relative in California,
did not wish 'to ignore the matter alto
gether, but took the precaution to place
the letter in the bands of a business man
in Nevada, who of course found it to ho
bare-faced attempt at swindling, and that
great-numbers of similar letters had been
sent hut all over the country. The insti
gator of the scheme is well known in Ne
vada, as a person who formerly had a
"lott„lrs." with its headquarters in that
place. Thc.thing is so tralisparent, that
the mere exposure of it is tqlicient, to de- ;
ter seusiblepershns front sending montt3;
in iesponse to such letters; as for persons
of the other kind nothing will deter
them. It is now live or six years since
one COLLIN WATER was sending out letters
flout New York, that were almost word
ftir wurd like the above. It is a little
short-sighted in these would-be swindlers,
not to know that the -dist question of a
relative who received such a letter, would
Lt , " What have they done w ith the
body:'" If buried there 'were charges,
and a trunkful of valuables would hut be
sent off on the mere payment of a bOard
bill. We have. first anti last, seen a num
ber of these letters, and had that io every
ea.-e, the person who died soddenly, has
a ,vi.luitb:e gold watch and chain, silver-,
mounted revolvers, gold ring," etc. This
leads to an i!eportant deduction._ If you
ould avoid sudden death, don't travel •
with valuables in your trunk.
Tiltin•lay, Dec. 7.
The Grand .Jury disposed of the follow
ing additional c:•hcs :
Corn vs Simon Russell:— Assault and
("em vs henry 'llebird Disturbing a
religions ineetiag.
Colo vs Frank A. Brink—Breaking in
to a dwelling house.
Com vs Perry Wheeler—Fpreible entry
and detainer.
(cci vs G. Sinith Post —Forgery.
Cold vs S.onnel Depue—Forgery.
Cont vs G L Blackman Assault and
battery 4.! cases.
CoBI NS Frank Chiison—Burglary;
Com vs 0 D CoveyLareeny.
Com vs Frederick Tabou—Larceny.
Coin vs Landers Grautser—Lareeny.
Com vs Josiah Hamburg Malicious
m isc ie f. George Griffith 'or costs.
Coin vs Louisa BristerMalicious•Mis
chief. S3[ Gregory for costs.
('om vs W E Armstrong Selling li
quors with.;ut license. F . II Sherman, L
L Brainard and S B Canner for costs.
Coin vs Daniel Hoover Assablt and
battery. David Keene for costs.
Com vs W 't`' Daily, Miller Daily, and
Irvine Burgess—Forcible entry and de
The Grand Jury ,were discharged on
Saturday. •
Com vs -Wm Isabel—Rape:' The Jury
find defendant not , milty.
Con vs F A Brink Breaking into a
dweilingi house. Bist Att'y Calif and .J
II Sias v. Esq., for Com.' II N 11 illiams
and \‘' H CarnOchan, Esqs., for defmni
ant. The Jury - tind defendant not guilty..
Com vs Alonzo Pool—Larceny. 2 cases.
Corn vs .J A Lee and Jas Taylor -, Lar
et-nr 5 cases. The defendants iu each
of the above cases plead guilty.
Corn vs Perry Wheeler—Forcible entry
and detainer. District Aktey Calif and
Overton & Mercur for Coi4,S W Little,
for de.endant. The fury find the
defendant guilty of (arable detainer.
Coin vs Henry . Hcbird Disturbing a
religious meeting. Dist Atry Calif and
E F :Esq., for Corn. W II Thomp
eon, Esq.,!for defendant. The jury find
"defendant not- guilty, on the ground of
insanity, and t o county for costs. ,
COlll vs George L Blackman— Assault
: PM* Plaintitritiat#ol) l o l _,4o*
litteet to the respotident. '
•W T Squires, vs StitdiWs& de.
fondant to show cause why he shall not
perfect his appeal. ,
Edward Smith's use vs W W E
Armstrong vs A Kinney and L M Rogers.
Rule to show cause why judgment shall
not be opened '
add defendant let into a
defense in each case. • ,k
8 hornet's use vs M Vanderpool. Rile
to show cause why execution shall not be
set aside, . - -
Henry Carl vs P H Person. Rule dis
O E Harris vs VT H VanSyckle and 31
G Vansyckle. Rule made absolute.
Andrew Fletcher vit L H Lynn. Court
direct record to be amended.
A C Wright et al vs J A Bloom et al.
Plaintiffs, by leave of Court, discontinue
this case.
E W Hale's use vs D D Maynard. Sa
rah Strauss' use vs George Lenox. Audi
tors' Reports in each case flied and con
finned aim'.
In re the assignment of Moses Watkins
for the benefit of his creditors. Final ac
count confirmed finally, :and Court ap
point L Elsbree, Esq.. an 'Auditor to dis
tnbuto money in Abe j hands of the As
C J French vs C A Brown and George
Lenox. Court vacate the appointment of
Henry Peet, Esq., on account of illness,
mid appoint Delos Rockwell, Esq., Mas
ter and Examiner in his place.
,G V Kendall vs Eliza Kendall Court
set aside order appointing a Commission
er, grunt leave to Sheriff to athend his re
turn, and direct an alias IS übpcona to
issue. •
B W Lane vs J F Sanderson and Wm
Griffis' security. Auditor's report filed
and confirmed ni rt.
Sarah Strauss' use vs Geo Lenox.. - Ex
ceptions tiled on the part of 201 m Lenox.
Iu re. the final account of E T Fox; trus
tee of the estate of David Wilmot, deceas
ed. Chas Burgess' E'er vs J P Fosbufg.
Jas Stether's use vs Richard Graham.
Auditors' Reports in the above cases con
firmed finally.
Wm Brain vs W A Porter. Court di
rect a writ of Hebere facies posseBsionem
to issue.
i ll W. Strong et al vs Ilenry Roberts et
al. Coktrt direct a.third pins hubere facias
possektionem to issue.
The following Sheriff's 'Deeds were ae
knowledged in open court :
To Athens Building and Lolu Associa
tion, house and lot in Athens Boro', sold
Dec. 1. as the property of A B and Mary
Stone, iO.
To 'sime, acre in Athens twp., sold
Dec. 1, as the property of T IF Lucas,
To Alfred Bennett. 30 acres in Athens
twp., bold Dec 1, as the property 6f .1 B
Wiggins, $lO9.
To Jas Crofut, 2 lots in Franklin twp.,
told Dec 1, as the property of F. W (4.`ro
rut, $30..
To .1 „IT Chilson, 148 acres in Albany
twp., sold Aug 31, as the property of
Henry - •
To W S Davis, 25 acres in Pike town
ship. sold Dee. 1, as the property of Pres
ton Wi!son, ?,250.
To lliram Elsbree, 50 acres in South
Creek twp., sold Dee 1, as the property
lot' Gen Kinsman, $220.
To .Icahn Ellis, house and lot in Athens
tWp., sold Dec 1; as the property of C
Hamer, $lOO.
To H A Elmer. 110 acres in Athens
Itwix'; r•old Dec. 1, as the property of J
and Clara Wiggins,s3oo.
- To .1 11 Griswold, house and lot in To
wanda Biro", sold Aug 31, as the proper,
ty of W Bramball, $1,015.
To Wln Hutchinson, 6 I,cres in Pike
Dec 1 as the properly of J A
.11:irrington, $9O.
'f ti N C Harris, ' 4 ' acre in Athens Tioro',
sal Dec I. as the property of 11 C Smith
and J M Ely, jr., $5O.
To .1 It Lyon, 37 acres in Monore twp.,
sold Dec 1 as the property of F L Wilcox,
To 1: W Lane, 78 acres in Asylum tap.
sol , l DIT 1, as the property of M Mitten
stein. $1.5.
To goli Morley, 102 acres in Burling:i
ton .124,4 V, sold Dec 1, a's the property of
Henben Morley, %150.
To .iohn McKean, houseand lot in Troy
Boors', sold Dec 1, as the Property,ofJ
To Henry Morgan, house and lot iu
Canton Hord, sold Dec I', as the property
of I .Vnt Crooks et al; t. t's, $4OO.
'fo , Eleazer Pomeroy,- 225 acres in Co
lombia and Armenia twps.. sold Dec 1, as
the property of John and Lydia Tomlin
son, :•:1;00.
A 'IAN rrilo)iday Fair, for the benefit
of the Catholic Church, of Towanda,, will
be held in Nercnr llall, commencing on
Christmas, (Dee. 25, 1876), and continu
ing out' week, closing Jan. 1, 1877. A
line time is anticipated. A splendid
watch and chain is to be presented to
whichever of the two following named
gentleman shall receive the largest num
ber of votes: Mr. Jon,: llrex. conductor
on the & 11. IL, and Mr. : J. Rus.
P.% iltir lA. of the Barclay R. It From the
popul;•rity of the contestants, we predict
a very lively time. All are cordially in
vited to attend.
As WE gn to press, the weather from
being intensely cold has become warm
and' spring -like, the ice melting on the
ricer and the snow fait turning to slush
in the' street. It is exactly like spring,
nor Winter, nor:lndian summer, nor any
other summer, but it reminds'Uß somiihat
of an old-fashioned January thaw. Don't
be.aiwry with us, (lading, but you Won't
get that sleign-ride just yet !
93 Cent Goods at WitiTcoma
NIIAVT'S Store, opposite the I'uhile Square.
4 Music now at lIENDELitAteR
4 •
1 40 - r" New prints at,'KENI 4-, sLiss. rsep7
sa- Now , gt. 681132.1111?.,L1.1.1..ANF.
Or Engraving done at HEIStir.LXAN*B Jewelry
New Dress Coodii at KENT &
liuss - .(sep7.
&Frit IV:ULLMAN effers a great reduction In 811-
ver-Plated Ware,
Or Handsomest assortment of Jewelry
In tuali at HEN DELM AN'S • 1
- _
.New Goods in •
.every Department
St ti'ENT & BLIEX•CSPP 7 . j , 1 ,1 !
•,," "Holiday Goods at GailifiEntui'l
, - No 29)
- - ,
Goods received eve day at: CIIA3I
Goods sold cheaper than ever 'at
r nOV29).
Call at KENT S BLlss' for your ta
ble Da•nask,.Napk:ns, Scr., &c.Csbp7
ifV" Buttrick's Patterns at KEx
C$ , -;01,1 Opera. Guard and Vest Chalns at ii EN
lad` It Exur.LarAv has good goods'and his prices
are vet y low. Thai Is the place in buy.
Dollar-and-a-half twks for 99 cts.
Berm* Block. "
0" Ladies' Ties in. great variety, at
KENT St,p7
car Ladies' Collars and Cuffs at KENT
& 111.3.50Zetz,p7
ar" New Bazar Patterns for December
at Mr,. Mrccos%
ar. Sterling Silver and Silver Plated Cupk nt
H} ND •
D3` Dlam,ondr. Ring
Look at Mrs.
Hosiery for the hulks.
- 31 m. MING
simpc4; In Hats and Bo
Car Call nt RE:
heir Dow Dollar Corset
n" New Clot]
KENT 8 Itcass•.(sep7
tr One raoricaso ;cif those cheap
Quilts, at KENTIk 111.1iir.rse1,i
VW" You can buy a plat i nd Castor foro9
Cesui t ia Meseta Stock, ,
larthalat 4 ibM. 4 sSWlN't .k ) a l
R° ll 9 l .
itirEvery little boy wants a pair of
these Coutineetel Boots at Cosseels, opposite the
tourt Ileuse.reep2B '
rmr- FOR SALE.--A. good Gold- Watch.
Pollees time I.eepor. Will tato borough orders la
payment. Enquire at this Wilco.
Or it new stock . or Trunks and Trav
elling Bags just received at Consitit's, an at low
er prima than ever. Aug,.
far: ' lf you want a suit of clothes cheap
er; than you . eau buy Use same to New York, just
can at UossarrteLD's.
Jar Don't fall to call at Ifartoz.r.ttax's, If you
vetch to boy anything In the Une of Jewelry, Sliver
and Silver-plated Ware.-
rir The Grand Central Hotel, New
Ybrk, "leads'the ran' , among the ant-clues hotels.
by reducing its rates from 14.00 to i 2.50 and 13.e0
per day.
Vir Take Notice, there is a .great re
daction In Waltham and Elgin Watches. Call at
itrxertmAs•s rind you will be sure to buy. one at
the priees he is offering.
tlr Fon SALE Valuable Building
Lots-in Towanda Bbro•, on easy terms. Apply to
Jon.w W. Mix. (Moo )tercnr Block; north side
Square, Towanda.
0", A.,KLINE, the Merchant Tailor,
has moved his Tailoring establishment to Davis &
Co'S Store: Clothing made to order; also tutting,
fitting and trimming done with neatness and dia.-
patch. Gilt Mut a call.'
• Or AucTios ! AuerioN ! tuartoN
$25.000 worth or ready-made clothing must be sold
In iio . 4lgys. Sales to commence Nov. 25. IS7B, and
continue Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. The
best chance ever offered In Towanda to buy *lnter
goods cheap. A. lat
Moreurs Mock, opposite tho Square
Or GRAND BALL.—A grand Ball will
be gireu at the BARTLETT Holum:. Wyeauking, on
Friday evening, Dee. 2t, 187 a. Lln-ta Orchestra
will tarnish the music, awl no palms will be spared
to wake It a pleasant occasion to all who may par
ticipate. 11111 [deel t•2n•;
tI i TT On 3lonclay, Dec. 18, there will be
openedat the old gland of 0. A. lit Aca4large an
sortment of Toys and Fancy Gotols, Toilet
rang China Gool and Holiday Presents. As no
mm - 4 close 'out the stork on hand. we have added a
tine -Ant of tiew and will well all at pekes
that will astonish you. tall and be convinced. •
G , ,ht Necklaces or the latest stiles at 11. t.
Di:LatAN's.-; •
Imo" Loot: HERE.—You will litul at the
.ol.tstand of 0. A. BLACK the fullowlitglssortruent
of Rogers Bros. Triple P:ate Silver .Ware. which
must le^ sold before January lst : t Table Castors.
Is Cake Baslzets, 8 Butter Dishes. Also, a large
stock of Napkin Ring., Card Receiver"; Knives,
Forks, Tea and Table Spoons, Fruit Knives, Ice
Pitchers, Ace. Call at once and get a bargaln.
Jlii" Fine Aancrlean and Swi•s finid Watch^n, in
ley and Stem 'Winders, rut ladles and!vtits, at
RARE OH ANCE.,—To prociire
valnable Hotel linperty i.ii reawonable terms. 417..
In to-health I will my Hotel, known as the
Int •rtia.lotittl Hotel. 4] his Is O!ie Of Iha 1)1151 con...
,trixtea buildings In T , v,tittiln. being a 3 feet on
Main street. ant. GI feet on Elizabeth street, flee
stories I.igit , with all Ib. innilern linf4oventetils,
:in./ row:4l7+,llW a till, I..+t ball rooms In Um Ilin.d.
It i t h.I Iby March 1, be for rent. 'For
fartht.r :01:erruat lon etigni i te on ti• pretiihes. '
Llterling Silver and Silver Plated
'are at tun• prlce• at lIENDELMAN'S.
The largo ready-made clothing
lia‘hics , ,,ldit up by M. F. ROSENFIELD, 13 at tract
tpg nihr est.thlhhinents to t this seetton„but the
.pureletser will bear In mind that all deal
',iris are th.ssessril of the ragaclty, a :Awn; and
strict honesty that actuates Mr. R. In his hardness
! tranvactions. ]lost MCI. who preknid
ing'"A‘e , p, - are tarp• pretenders, which th e ered_
ohms hover learns to lain cos% Our advice is to all
who Avant go• I pods at fair price& to call on RO
SENFIELD. It flakes no difference whether you
are a Judge of thti tleslreft or not, he is, and
will not deceive you. Above all things heara of
the man who never Invites you through advertise
[mints In call.
null! el Chrkthmi and New Years pres-
cuts at IT
THE 7tlArnrsir, WAS WORN
Why? Not :,eealme It was not Kea but It
wa, run. Thon• 'lnds of men who have run
down long le ore their three FrOtV and ten years
are tieeoutplt,ho.l. ntlghi have IN:YU renewed Into
sprighlllness and vim, Ir they had tried Alio well
knew!' I'M: eel ax Srni - n. is bleb contains among
its coin prlill , l4,the Protoxide of Item, ru cdruhinod
that It.::,4lmitates with the Motel and Invigorates
the who',,s systent. This system 1124 proved eine:v.
chops in limas:lnds of eases, and will do everybody
good who uses Alt druggists keep 11.
E 2- A, bit; stock of very tine Stone
Rings ar very low prices at LI ENDr.LMAN'S'
rir CHRISTMAS NComixo. 7 -Wlint nice
present can I got for my wife. slater, or sweetheart,
or for hatband, brother, or tricot!, as the case may
tie ? What 'a I 1 1w morn acceptable than a nice
Irlioto;trapli at Woori's? They are very nicely re
and painted In neat styles. Or If you want
a photograph, large, front Ilfe or copy. you can also
got them there In India Ink, Water C 010.4, or Cray
on. Nothing Ilk , It made In this county, Remcm
hot., at Otio. if. Wooti's Gallery. Thcrell3 so touch
cloudy you need to think of It hi Hine.
Only a Lin' meek:: to Chrlqinas.
Fine French clocks at ITENDEI,
rir Every genuine article has its corn=
ferret% so every honest man has his pretender: :
Such Is the ease with our estimable and honorable
made the business a study from . early Twin', And
being controiled In tininess transactions by the
strictest i r eprd for truth, and the rights of his cus
tomers., Who are not presumed always to be as well
potted asildraself, others who ,have no regard for
the preett of the "golden rulit," seek to profit by
his envla ile reputation, by, engaging In the Same
business, and make largo professions. Look out
for them.;
M r " iir.spEt.arm. , :'s store is filled with
flat-rt:. hrt ides fur t iv. 11 01 May tral
• •,1":;"0 - To CoNsumrrivus.—The adverti
ser, a tiettried physician. having providentially dl l 4-
owerrti, while a 31Mical 1511s,lonary in Southern
ery . f,simple vegetable remedy for the
.sr.-eify and Wm:int:at cure of Consumption, Asch- ,
Catart h. and lan th roat and lung
n.F-also a posii ire and :radical 'specific for
li , •ryo.lll)ebility, Premature Decay, and all,Tiler
yetis Cou l iplatuta, feels it his -duty to make It
know'. tollils suserlti7, fellows. Actuated by this
motive, he will cheerfully send (tree of charge) to
all will desire It. the recipe fur preparing. and full
fer succe s sfully using. thls o:evidential
ly tilscovt , red rcincdy. Those %Cho to avail
themselves of the beriedts of thls . dtscovery without
cost, can do so by return matt, by tuldresslng with
a stamp, !lathing paper. , '
• I.)x, ell A RI.ES P. 31ARSIIAL
33 Niagara Street, .
1 • Buffalo, N. Y.
r lIENDELNAN ha the !nest stock
of Watch'es. Jewelry and Silverware ever brought
Into this icon), Call ao.l see It.
The PEIti:VIAN Sq - ncr . Is a Protected Solution of
the PrAdaide of Iron, which vitalizes, purifies, and
enriches the WOW. Dyspeptics and those suffering
from Ch4)ule Diseases: read the following:
. .
From Pry. John,Csre, cry. Pastor'of the Wesleyan
3lethod i lst Church. at Pittston, ,I..ttzerne C 0.., Pa.
31y Depr.titi.—ilavinl,r at parlous tltries, p•esoa
ally, and in my own and other familles, tested the
great vaftte Al the medicine called PitarVlAN
Ca' Ines; I must cheerfully rvcolunien4 It, especi
ally to q i re.: who are suffering from dyst.rptle and
uerrous discmiers, As a reliable and powerful al.
teratlc - .":, it Is. I thine, unsurpassed: and as a tonic,'
free (ern as the collletlonaltle features of alcoholic
remedies,l it lea most eatclent anzitlary to the tent
peranre chuse. One of the greatest hindrances to
the teloperaree reform at present Is, as 1 ttiluk, the
tactilmd roe of aicolialic stimulants.; WhateN'er may
be argued as to their , tn.eessity In Certain cases, we
have, la t e PERCVIAN Sle av?, a *ate and etlicient.
sabstltatfor those dangerous remedies. 1 histea
dinony I given unsolicited, with the how that
some wholare not yet acquainted with the valuable
properflea of the medicine may be Induced to give
It a trial. Yours truly,
ri DS at ii EN.
Glqvcs and
new French
asaimeres at
Carrion.—Bo eves you get the raneri Alt SYR.
ur (oot Peruvian Dark). 8014 by dealen generally,
A ihlrty•tero pip
, paraphlot,'eontatning I tecattea'
Oil him mai medic* Aget_4o4sll oolloaltle
11 4;C: 1 , 11,1101141r)10044.4t,i,"*Iellt
' Lltt , doieo4%,e- •
: ; ; 1 - , . • •
--. am* largisiiikbiatsst
•Priti 4,kehini u.r.; nos.!rtrismii.
vie A largo stka - k of ticliool Shims; very
ajaap, at consawa r t optaadtithe Cour, HOTAiglidt
be surprised 'to learn how
much you can buy for In cents 111 3lercur Block.
Ur Great display of Toys at. BLACK'S
old stand, next Monday, Dec. 18. Eljact4
• Oo to the old stand of O. A BLACK
and buy your Holiday Presents cheap. [dectt '
rif The Finest • Display of Holiday
Goods In Towanda At the oldittand of O. A. fst,Avlc
next week. 1 blecl4
Ur All the latest publications, very
cheap, At WUITCOMD k StIArT'S.
* Everything in tho line of devielry, Sliver
and Sliver Plated Wore, at FIENDELMAN'a.
Sir Don•t fall to call at Uallontsun's and 800
his goods and learn the prices.
Jar 411 goods fOld At ..M.:I4NDIL*AN'S Wax ,
ridded as roprosenteN
la' Everything in the line of station
ar Call and seethe latest ladies' Ties;
Collars and Cuffs, at Ifni. 31t5a06% •
CH" A new arrival of Ladies' Pannierr,
In colored and white, at Mrs. MiNcioS%
WIIITCOMB & SHA:UT sell the best
Muk Books manufactured In the country.
mr You can get all the latest styles of
:Ratio:wry, very cheap, at WHITCOMB A eIIALIT'S
. Mrs. 31tNtios has I:lilies! Hats,
ti imam.' for ono doll" r and fifty cont.s In goal
ATETetii AIiEItICAN ALat.vsAc is
now ready for delivery by thl druggists, and :ve
are free to toy that we base read this welcome visi
tor with sail:a:loton and - profit. it coistaina in :vs
toulshlng amount of Information which is
ewrybody, anti shows how to treat nearly all the
iliaeaws front whWli pelvic suffer. It invariably
recommends the best remedies to be employed, Ir
respective of AYER'S MEP ICINE?., and
forniphes, Indeed. the best medical advice ;by
which a great of ailments ran be treated
enceessfnlly. The anecdotes. witticisms and Jokes
art the best compilation that comes under our no
tice, and the book Is a refreshing contrilintlen to,
our enjoyments every year.-e-St. ()lair observer.
lirGuld. Sliver, and Steel Spectacles, and It
Glasses, In great variety, nt 11ENDELMA:4 s Jewet
iy 'Store.
HINER , l'Artnis—FouTy:SEvEsni Aic.—Tbe
COUNTRY GENTLEMAN is publistied eekly on the
following terinK, when told strictly In advance
One Copy,oud year, {2.00; Font* eoples {lO, and an
additheial copy foi the year free to the sender t
the club; Ten copies, tar, and an additional copy
for the year free to the sender of the club.
All new subscribers for 1017, paying In advance
alter November 1,. V,75, will receive thel paper
weekly, front - receipt of remittance to January Ist
1577, without charge.,
Tie Country Gentleinan possesses an unequaled
Cmps of ccrreqlondents, regular and occwilqnal,
Wrong the hest lal uteri of all parts of the country
a.tu conNtautly reflects the practical tiaulltlou and
:cad progress of the hushamlry of every section of
the Milted States and civilized world.
the Colinlry Gentleman gives In Its Ifortleulto
ral 11-part men t a Cllllt liintas variety of Information
amt tr.g . ;Testlons, equal or Auperh.r 111 . 01 e aggregate
to vilat Is obtained la tho itiontlilintabors of
r:4.4 magazines (I«votc4l to Horticulture.
Countfry Gentleman has probably done as
irdo,h as all othea journalv N.llli , iGPli, to illtrOfllleo
161,, lis.einlilate Improved. ! ,s liic of
_every kind
tbr4ugh the country; and ronnuauds to a greater
d .grve Clan any contetuporatl, the told:deuce and
o;ort breeders and purelta.sers.
The ( <unary Gentleman runtalus nimsually full
troLtwarthy Market reports.., and devotea epee-
Ltl.ittentlon to them and to the pr.-9eet
in throwing, light 'ut , tl one or the ino,t im
p-rtant of all questions--When to buy antrwhen to
The Country Gentlemen ernbrats numerous
•ninor departments of n practical character, such
to , the hairy, the Poultry Yard, the Apiary, the .
V!iuyard.alld so on, ant week;y presents a column*
or taco for the Housewife and en interesting yade
i of fireside rcadL•g. It coloains a cell edited te
, of current events. anal its ailvertislug rages
nreish a directory of all the jwinclynl agricultural
rAd horticultural tbstablii.hrtients of the country.
s:rrcetio,.ft copt.•s free. Address
Lenten TUCKEIC SC SONS, PnbtLLherr.
I.Ff7K - Elt.—ln Smith Towanda. on the 9th inst.,.
imniel Decker. K-q , aged 70 years
Mr. DEcErit resided In the early part of his life
:IQlonroe towtodllp, hut• uOlllO twmty-live years
..en moved to the place of his late residence. where
'or many year, he has fill , sl iruportant offices or
trmt, and re's Msible postrions .- in society. to the
,mlsfactiou of di of his a..snel I tes.. Mr. Itr.csint
leaves ne fatull • but many friends and relations,
e.s evinced by the solemn cortege that attended Ids
lemains to their sepulchral home. Ilt.Tras In has
um vl health until an hour prerMes to his &par :Tie
for that - out tied world. It Is' supposed :hat
of the heart caused , the sic.•edy termination of a
usually vlgorotts and useful life. V. rely. "In the
uMlit of life we are-in death.,' Ills body rests In
thm windowless palace, to he undisturbed uutll the
—Great flay." -
BOWMAN.—In South Tor.randa. Per. Bth, 3Trq
Orare Ilownlinswl,low of the late Oeorge (hal
wan, In h-r a7in year.
Mrs.' BocextAi.i. has been ling and favorably
known, as a valuable member of society, vilwra she
has sesided for more limn fifty yrars. As a citizen
place could not have been better tllle.l, and In
her domestic relatlons she was most eminently
happy awl successful. Her example Is worthy of
haltatlmi, her piety tinge...timed, her liberality
commend:MM., and her end was IW3l`O. She has
left a large cireie of 'ehlldren and frltMds to mourn
her loss, but they sorrow, hot without hops. '
YOUNG.—fn 3lonros borough, on the 11th
Edward Youtig. aged 72 yearn and 4 mout,s,,ln
the toll assurance of hope, _
Mr. YOVNG had teens resident of Monroil for
ut 35 years, was emidently r..spctetl. Industri
ous la tits habits; and exemplary In his life, and
deeply mintrued In his death. Of him It inay be
said that he leaves no enemies behind him. Ills
sieknesS was pro; ranted and severe, and pis pat knee
vra4 equal to the great emergency unto the end.
With his btricken family Ids loss Is Irreparable,
whlle In the community his place cannot easily be
1311 NI. "We all do fide as a leaf." • Com.
New Alvtrticomentz.
Th 9 annual meeting of the Stockholders of this
h.:llc, for the election of It.rectorc wtil be held on
i 1;ylillAy, January 9, 1877, between the hours of
I and 3P, 31. . .
N. N. BETTS. Jr-. Ser7.
Stnekholders of the Towanda Iron 31antafne
le, lug (to.. will lie held at the Mike of the Pre6t.,
J. F. 3tean4on TL 1).\l - , the Inth o, Dec.,
os ,.
iaNi. at '2 o'clock-T. m., for the p ur p or eleettbg
DiMetors, and 'Snell other latsinfts as may prop
r.y come before It.
' H. L. SCOTT, Scc'y & Treae.
Towanda. Pa, Dee. tr:1876.
The Stockholders or the Ton i :lll4 , v lirldge,CO.,
u.r . the election Or a Ptt•shlent, Tte.ttoirer an six
`.ritharrs, to ser6• the eo,olog year, wl.l he bold
(41' the First tk:alitirlai RAO:. TOW:aid:l.
nn WED'S ESD AY, January 3. 1877 btivect-n
I!vt hours or I and 2 P. M.
N. N. BETTS, See'y.
Towanda, Di.r, 3, 1376
WANTED.—Aetive • agents to
Sell - 4*r "Great Household Cornr.sniell..
:In hellspensilde urtiele In every faintly. Agents
aro innk Ing twenty to terry dollars a week. ?flee
01 auntpie e1t.40. • For eLOO we will mall It prepald
to agents odly. State territory desired. Address
2IS North oth St:, Phtra, Pa.
Nov. 30-Int
4,1)E01 ATA NOTlCE.—Notice , is
bnieby given that the nnticrvigned 'intend to
apply to the General Assemhly of the Slat," of
Pen obrhinin at its next session, (or the pa.+age of
ialv for the more. efficient prqection of sheep
front in•ing destroynd by dlgv. tirtbling the own
.-!s of ri• g 4 for tit,: grate .tc.. In and C.,r thin county
of Eratford4
S. R. MeCunt".
, II: L. Scow., et at.
jThe ondorsigneil idlers his farm for sat, , , sn
it-tied In Wyalusis.g,.llfailford Co. Pa. atiii con.
talnltig 2t oasts. The farm IA 'won a dapted for
sown Trutt enltiere, mites form Depot. and
front Sugar Con swlteli. On it a dwelling bouse
with good ee!lar. and a goeil will of water at the
door; small barn, aati !Mine a../ fruit. Was, and
mire-ti:A to strawberry plants last Aping
For particulars enquire of W. IL UltoW.N. 'nor-
Moe. co. Pa. V 2.7. 4
Manufacturer awl dealer In •
of every description
For Scrofula sad all scrofulous diseases,
OW; Rose, or ftt..s.nthoors Vire, Erupttotts mud
Eruptive dlseuses of the sklu, Uteeritlons of the
Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, I r Lungs, Pimples, pus;
totes, Bolls, Blotches; Tumors, Totter, Salt Rheum,
Staid Head, Ringworm, ITlcers,Soinis,Rbenmatilim,l
Neuralgia, Pain In ttie Bones, 81de . and, Bead, Ye-
male Weakness, Sterility, Lencorrlicea, arising
from internal ulceration, and Uterine disease, Sy-
philltic and Mercurial diseases, Dropsy.Dysuepita,
Emaclatfoo; ‘ alineral Dqblllty, and for Purifying
the Blood
This Sarsaparlils is a combination of vegetabis
alteratives--Stllllngia, Mandrake, Yellow Dock—
with the lodides of rotas'tura and Iron, and lathe
most enlenclons medicine yet known for the dia•
eases It Is Intended to cure
Itsingredlents are so sklllfuly combined that the
full alterative effect of each is assured, and while
It is so mild as to be harmless even to children, it
Is still so effectual as to purge out from tfoi system
thode Impuiltlesand cotruptiona which develop ih.
to loathsome disease.
The mputntlan It enjoys Is derived frem its ettrt4,„
and the confidence which prominent physicians ail
over the country repose Inlt, prove their expert
once of Its usefulness. ,
Certificates attesting_lta virtues . have acCamu-
lated, and are constantly being recebre l , and as
many of these cases trelpublicly known,they fur
rash ronvincin: evide'rice of the superiority of this
Sarsaparilla over etery other
; alterative medicine-
So generally la its superiority to any otiler 11304111 M
known, that we need do no more than to Assure the
public tbat thu beat qualities it has ever possessed
are btrictly malt
Practical and Analytical Chenßits.
4 ,1 On Lain IStree,t„
From now until January lot, 1877, they will sell
their entire slack of Furniture very low
There to.ver was a better time to boy, as - all kinds
of goodi are. low. We. art selling
Our assortment of goods for Christmas was never
Allany. N. Y
Come at once and securc bar,7ains
Remember that we are the only Itannfieture,
of Furniture !n Towanda, and the only house [hit
can sell at • wholesala prices. Please call and get
Dec. 11 76-3 m
Is rucelN ing a new supply to tits large stock of goody,
. , •
And everything in th 3 line, which will be sold at
Neve Sire ua a'call and examine our gonds
Repairing done at the shortest notice.
Doe. 11,1&78
X 0. N.. T, A N Y. E. S. 1
Complete tor Flire Dollars
4 7- ' 4 " "•'W
for Country Produce, for the week ending
rue. 1876,, Reported expressly for the BRAD.'
rOu UZPORTZII, by U. k "P.M TOCREItit t.
Cot, West Broadway, Undo' and Hudson Streets,
New, York.
llVTElt.—llecelphs for the week 24900 ackages.
~. here le but little change M note In the market,
fresh made baring the preference over other quaff-
t leS, selling promptly on arrlvalochlle the damand
fother grades Is dull and prices Irregular.
We quote:—
to Dairies, palls, selected'
GU ,
, fair to good 31 0 3 3
!I creamery, choice, • re®37
" smite line—. r,00 , --
firkins selected (4r.
t s " fair to good :r44^,3
, half firkn tubs, choice sefeeted -.250:18
it it• i . Isirto r good 30033
• !.! W.lsh tithe., selected 334 .
.4, .. '.. fair to good
Western, creamery. choice MO
.4, lat. " fair to good 23035
. " . firkins, selected. 21(4
.1 ....• talr to good • Maui
Wilatern dairy tubs. selected =426
" fair to good 19422
''astern fadory tubs. selected' :i1423
1 114 . fair to good 117420
Cll i EESE.—Recetpts for the week, 33,000packiges.
Thu market atthe Rose is a trifle more active, on
secpunt• of increased local trade. Hardness for ex
poll is dull without material change in price. • .
; . • ;
• •
;We quote:—
State factory, 'fancy ` Infil
1.6 " fair to good,. ' • la' , i ffalil!‘
Western ' factory cheddar nue • ; 13414
t ; -
i " . . flat, fine , t
1:14: .
.... poor to good . 841:
F:Gr.:l. ' . :
Tlne recent rota weather has a tendenry to
Ftr“:ll,:then the market and Inerrant) prier...,
Staie and
Weideru tine rre.b..
;fair to giant
Sou pieni
/I"ir c atiluyi 9 attiVO, with an wiraare of fermi
5,C per Lartel. In Inger bt!pply
••11.•.*Inco In price.
Spri:lg wheat. ettrai
st. 1.411 i., extra,.
' ,'•!* • • . fancy_
Corti meal, yellow
171n.yr firmly held. tr3n , c.v.ilotin stroll, Itar:oy
dull:. Stye. rpilet. hat. l qtrady Corn
firni I'4 Lieu:, heavy Tor old
Spring,. No. 1.2;
*i N o.
Yllwankee. .0.2
Red vrinter.
'1 A nibr,r
0.04, mixed
• white..
Corn, western mixed
" septa:
II Efpirs. .
Market for Medium is'derldedly, better. Other
kinds rhinalit as last reported.
i!eal fair to
Mir dw
tide K,idney
1101,'S. • . *
rofavorstde foreign adviees hare restricted "Ter
;Wong for export, while the home Ira:le has.slightly
Itnt.4mosi, but with a largt supply prices are barely
sycady at quotations.
ereti•'74. State, geed to prime
fair to prime
Cretj '74, poor to geod e
r . ,
Clt , vz4r aethe, and when prime. varies little In
prte.t. Timothy steady. Flax firm at qardatlttn.
Clorpr Ili:a . • 15. 1 ,711156
,f . ' Li,t, western neigh : 1 n.l'td 135;
'11 , 11)tlov. I,,hel 11 9 , 'Tr; cc DI:LE li FltelT , F, :, r 1
Tien', I,i.a 1)-Z; C r 111111 ry tnrt prune ' ' apieeq, it
'e, s:
. . - .
trifle In a:lva:ice at 0N...! reallzbi
Sets' peaches are scarce aild command wit
sid-1 fizures. Raspberries ILI more liberal.ulply
and 1.•‘; er. Blackberries and other small fruttt Art
41104 at quotations. . • •
:itate, Sliced
limners 7.
Western, sliceo •
quart tas
r ars
Pel.l pveleti: lanes
fair Cu good
UUja•uleil, 1231ve,N..
Onr6es. pr 1b...
h. rii.q. 101 fed. per it,
m pot lb
If. K. 4 F. B. THURBER l CO
Itui .rtors; Wh , def‘ate Gre,ers & Com. lferrhantl..
W , ..: EtroAdway. Ilteade,At Hudson Sts.. N. Y
P nirxe Commls.hlon 11..partment in charge of J
I ` -4 . 1. -
. le, We receive atol sell on Commlssh;tl 'LI
- .1 1 01 ( . 011111ry ppnltter: Make rash ailvanceso.
lio•nents and furalsn stencil plates and mar
no:a:ions when Cie:tired. Correspondence s• •
vtl. ,
F:4 0 4. Se CO.. Bankers and Brokers. No. 1.
O tt Third street, Philadelphia, Dee. nth.' 1876.
18,1, r
" " '65, J. and
44 . 67. 1.1 • •
10 - 40, i'onpon '•
Itt-g. (841 .....
" C. 101
71Va. - 1:x. Lae.
01i . C. H. of N.J...
31ortgm , •s 9
'L 111
N... -
i -11
R the District Court of the United
stat..:R. For the Western District of Pennsyl.
V,IM;L. , •
[n; ;he mattAr of G. F!Mason & Co.
701. In. Bankruptcy
Slid Court havlog ordered that the Trustee o'
sh.idl estate shall refer quAstions In dispute as te
pr-fiqvi los aeiNing in tie) distribut'om of sal.;
estate, to tlio It-Oster of the District for derision.
and That distlit.utlon be made In accordance th,re-
Witq, to the approval of 'aid Court.
N4tice is hereby given to the creditors of sal."
estato. and all persons interested, that for the pur
fs:‘ , Hf investigating nud determining k 14,1 roes
ti m 4 1n dispute, a hoaring held before at.
It.utister at 10. office to the Boromth of Tow:not . .
ou WEDNESDAY, the 27th dayof December. 1576.
cr,,,ijuni.eing at I 9 o'clock, a. in., and coot burin:
tlinntgli said day and ether days (if necessary). and
upoa the final determination by said Court of sato
qla' tiers, distribution will be-made of the mom,
in the hands of said Trustee,
• TI. L. SCOTT, Trustee.
Ton - at:dm, Nor. 20th, 1576,
Is. BA NK I: U . PT CY.—ln the inat
ler of Georg.. T. Grander. Itaukrtipt.. lo th ,
Do `;;riot yourt of the IThited States, for the Wei
ern Di‘trict of I' mtoylvanla.
1 ,
To PM creditors of Geo. T. Grangor, bankrupt:
This is to give yon notice that a second gmer?
'needing of the creditors of said bankrupt e 111 it
he'd at 'Vow:rola. Pa.. In , all District, on the 15!I
tiav of 911(F..m - P ER. 1)70. at to o'clock. a.'31.. a
the Alice of Edward Overton. Jr.. one of the 11 , g 1...
ernri in Bankroptcy In cold District,' for the por
pp, 4 ni-ntlonecl in the 27th Sec. of the Bapkrutl
Act of 'March 2. 3867.. And I further give iptlice.
Mali I have Wed my final account as Assigr.4 . 0
the ,estate 0r.93111 bankrupt in gold court, of
the llay oamettabove I :shall apply to said emi:l f..•
the I,ettlement'of my, account and for a dlveltarg•
from all itabintles aw Assigneu of sold estate, IL
aelltrumAgre With Flue TITOVI,iOITS of the :Slit S..e. o
110 Bankrupt law of March 2. 1807. .Be rvie.n.
thereat. C. S. ItIiSSEI.I„
Stirring As.lgnee of Estate of D.m.T. Granger.
i'111.1 ) H ANS' COURT SA I.E.—Br'
Ik, f vitiate of an order ilmed out of the (Norm
(:,,:trt I-f Bradford County the. under:lgned. ad•
ti,'olisirtZrix of' the estate of Ira •Adant.. late b
Spittitti .Itl tw'p, ttec'tl, will explise to pnblic sale 01
'...t.;•tirday, December 16, 1 , 476., at tWd.o.-lock p. m .
on the prerapw,t, tho to:towing described, Pll,rrfS
situnte al Smlthlit , ld tw*p.atel bounded to follwr.:
on the north by iao'dv or Clark tcflieitand, west
by lands of damn Vitsburg, sant li by lands of 30
or 'dna cast ttv land, of Robert McQueen and Tem.
pietl , n. eoirtainiug one hundred acres, improved.
i4ERMS:-71 . 10 upon the property being strucl
deco. one-foarth of the Nibitie upon the cot:sons
t i,.ii of sate and. the balance In my equal anneal in
stallments thetearterovPh 'Morey
irDirrows -NOTICE.—In the the voluntary assignnient of
itiiids'for the - Tentlic of his creditors. In tt
C. r Counm'n Pleas of Bradford County.
T., 14'5.
The underogned. an auditor appointed T3' th.
C , .irt to dis:ribuie fund In hands of the
nitljatt'nd to the 'duties of TES appointment at id
ohlre in the borough of TOW31311:1, on FRIDAY
J anuary 10, at lii A M.. -when all
eh.linsik mon said fund must pies . them; or h. ,
Ld.jyerßarred fro tile same.
• ls hereby given that all percons Inclehted to
t estate ofJohn•Wat k Ins,late of Athens twp.deed.
mutt mace Immediate payment to the undersigned.
all:Persons having claims against said estate roust
}:.Trent them, dilly authenticated. for settlement.
11.'31. PECK.
. Executor.
1, ltereV i glveu that all. persons indebted tc.
t n 4.! I : , tat. , •• of. David Elinharger Imo o
deeermat. tn:cst Inimecllate payment
t, ,rlO% heith-rs,lgTo-il; end all persons having etalrns
NrthlS , said 12niato must, present Ghcrn, duly au
roe 6 , ,ttkitirnt.
N0%r.0,6% • rt .11 STROUD. Ex..euror.
• UXEC mows NOTlCE.—Notiet
herAy glv-ti that all persons imiolited is
the estate of ILArgaret Eilenl erger. late of Wilmot.
dec. d, are required to 'make immediate pay
ment r., the tilliterAglieli, and alt persons having
claims against. the eaof estate. mast present them,
dui authenticated; fur settlement,
. - I). lI:STOWELL,
• Executors..
Notice is hereby given that all perstms in-•
dalted to the estate of 11. 4. Wilhelm, late of Bur
lington twp„, dec'd, must make-Immediate pay
ment to the undersigned;-and all persons having
clams againstuald estate, must present them, duly
authenticattnkfor settlement. •-
. JA.IIEg 11. WEIIB, Atlan'r,
. ,
Dee. 13. ' • Fast Smithfield, Pa.
NOTICE*eBtate onf it " 11[4 e a11. P 6111413 In
_S9rgo Mr.4be, WAS of TO
-4044; aii4s irt.:2l°. , ,tatePilloetittolbetio
- 06,011,41, leria7rAarda.aritAsbi
4 t ~... s
1.0 l
( 4 1-41.1 7/1
Mel i l'.
I 3" 1 37
..1 at)
•.:47;d 4
..1 43/
'47 , 64
)47 , ri 4!)
56 ,
21a2 50
.2 2e 21
2 27,0,4 .2.5
2 4(62 rA)
2 40a.: 50
5 . 4. a. 1
In; 1
to 1
4(q 4.
r. -:3
I.k _o
114 E, 2
17g .8
. 11.5.2 115 ,
. 10,3"c', lt , a 4 ;
. 111 S 111 7 v
. 114!! : 114 4 .
• 11. Ii i
. 111;_ 111 , .
. 121 121 , .
. 111"4 111' , ,
. 110!4 110 v.
11,7 S 147 1.
. 100 1(.0
. 45zi
. 1: 4 % 1s ra
. 12% 13
. 27 3 , 2S
. 47', -53
. 13 , 4 l:lS'.
. 21',
r, 40
so st
07 107
P4';7 •.- "r
-• : •
'„l2, "-,
• VV- Manufaittiter,fifethellthibilfaithikr,
er, or Profeickipal 10ItterptilleraindelSyX04 -, F*-
theimprovements and discoverlees‘t
IT PAYS the header artetx.tatanyirote.
into his household a newspaper that la
one that fosters AL taste for
motes thought and encoutaged... iFF•
the members. ' . : ""ie
Which 'has beta published weakly'fer thellifitl
thistis e o:e years, does this, th an eitteattereedilitth..47"s 4
of an other publication:ln fact it la th e poly treet,;!;,i;-t
ly pa puhliithed in the Putted Ilitates,*deritedlikli.;7,l•::
Mantifactures. Mechanics, -Inventions' ariC'Nelerf;:iftY4
Dlmoverles In the Arts entiSeleneefti
Every number Is profusely lthistrated, end
contents embrace the latest and inoskinterWithilr; '•••
information pertaining to the Industrial, Sees,W,T , t''!•Os.,o,
eat and Scienti Re 'Progress of the Weald ; DercurlOK,`:-,714.A
lions, with Beautifm'Engravin:gatef New Ineertf-„1.;. : , ..,- . _,w ...!
Hons. New Implements. New Proneasesi and
proved Industries of all kinds: Useful Mcdeorlterli - a ,. q.
clpes, Suggestions and Advice by 'Practical -
em. for Workmen an 4 Employers. hi ail
arts, forming a complete eeertary Of: New-7 -, A4A
Sons and Discoveries; conta i ning weekly record 1.
not only of the pmgreas of the IntimiblO,
onr own country. but also of all New Dlieoltertek.,-;?-
and Inventions In every branch of- Enghielleinge,
Mechanics anti Science *breed. _ •
• Tit z SCIENTIric AMERICAN has been ins -
mon of all Industrial publications for therabthirsi.
*pone years. •It Is the Oldest, Largest„
and the Rest Weekly illustrated paper. devetedla',....n..4.
Engineering. Mechanics, Chemistry, Now
0•4%. Sclenras and Industrial Progress, putilltilted ,
cs- -
in tne world.
The Vrartleal Recipe, are welt worth tea Maw
the subseription price. and for the shop and boas._':
will save many times the cost of sulisertptiott.-
Monti:mut, Farmers, !lethal:des. Enfilneels,lns-.;- , 'Z'
version.. Manufacturers. Chemists, I,onmes
whence. and Fer,ipte orall Profesaisinall find the;
Al verirtc.A NERIA: AN espial to there. •It should:;.:;; - c'*;
have s p,Ase It: • every Ismaili. 'library. study, oillee;., - ,;
and counting ruble; In every leading mum. !Mete
3.1: , 1 1 1 , ,01. A new. volume leOlinnentell
I 9••.
A yea 's nututens contain ea. Pars
hwafted Tbou.sands of Tetouan& are 0,-4;
prcscrecd for l•ifiding and reference. Terms.
4 p-ar. l.v an, \I. Including postage. Discount to
4perl:o circulars, giving club ratek sent
'tee. .tougle copies =lied ot: receipt of ip
Muy he 14410 f all News Dealers.
in eft:met-Ur-4 with the s.rivertexc AMERICAN.
...el , . 'Mr N 1 / 4 t Co. are tlAillettors of Americas,
Fnrelgn Vat , nte, and have the largest tiara!,
ity4ttr^ umbt. More than irty'theasand:j
imps bare been made_ tor patents through
rie•lr .
PAtri.:s are bbtsined on the twat'terrae.i Models*?
v., 1,, venTle;‘s and Sketches examinen, and
<tre A speetal notice is aide In the
711 , 1 t• II Eft T , ' -Gt all Inventlime Patented
liincilgt , 'l+ l4 Agt nrY. elth the name and realdenee - -,
•f the Patette-. ^ l'atento are often sold in part
bole. ru persons attrietal to the Invention by welt
,10:10.. A I'sraphlet, containing full direct:nosier , .
Pat'ent., sent free, The SCIMinvIC
AmanivAx lt , tforrnee Book. a vointue bound In "-
Hon and gilt, containing the Patent Laws, Census
nt the U. S.. anti 14T, Engravings of mechanical
rn+•vemrnts. Pace 2.5 cents.
.t.piro-s for :be p per. or concerning Patente-.
311515 , N k. Co., 27 mark Row. :New York. Branch. ,
7th Rs., Wallah: on, D. C.
.1 Compide Picte;rilai illeterry pf. the Ttnles."..
The lcst, cheapest, and moat successful
Family Paper in the linan." .
Notices of the' Press."'
IlarpeKs should be In, every family
throughout thelaud, as a parer, more haterrating,
higher-toned, better-Illustrated paper Is not Tab
.l•bed In thls or any other country.—Commercial,
Bp,/ lei ire. Boston. '
Tbe Weekly .
Is tho onhyl Illustrated paper of tho
. 4
lay that* in-1 ts essential r aiactertst les In reece l3ll;
~ as a ILltiarlai paper,— rooklyn Eagle- "
-Tti, - , , leading articles In ,Ifizipere Weekly on po'
'Weal topics are !node's of high-toned cliscuselon,
-ialits pictorial illustrations are often eiirrobora=
of no swan force.—gzaminer and'
flkt IVeekly has to a still larger degree distanced _
ell competltois as an illustrated newspaper. Its
•tlitrHa s are among the most l able of their kind,-
moo its miter reading matter is at once learned,
rilliant hn , trainublug. Its Mu-v/3110ns artrabniad
and of rare extellence.—Christian Advocate;
t'.^.sfatte free to all sulhuribers fn the United Stater.
HAL PER une*nar
.ft 00 i!icludes pfepayluent - of U. 9. postage bytho .rrrlSshC Fe.
Swi.,e-iptions to HAI:PEWS 31.tGAZINE.'W:REEI ,
wet itAZAI:, to one :uldrvls for one year, elo oot
two f Itaroer's Periodicals, werte address for
.ne year, Cu:l . 7 postage free.
Fir.tra - f'ipy of either the 3;AGAZTNE.,_WEIIXS.
uy..or BAZAn, wilt be 51 11 Vied gratis for PTO 7
f.::;11, of Five Subscribers at et 0 each, in one re,
r•irtaticc; or, As copies for $:000. Without extra
flaet.Ntunl,r, can be supplied at any time.
'The N ,, kturues_of the Wedgy commence ulthtbe
Whea'ne time is mentionctl„.it will be An., •
l:-.-stew.t that the subscriber wl:.hes to eomns,ece • ;
% th the number next atter th.recelpt of tits order,.
The Annual Volerne.ef HARPER'S WiESLY,:IIi
s -at cloth bumf tn., will be sent by eirrest:. free of
. tutise. fore; 00 each. A cempleto Set. comptie.
r.; Volumes, sent on receipt or cash at the • t,
,tie ci volutue. freight at expense of par, - ••
cloth Cities foreach volume. suitable for binding,
•virt be snit by mall,postpaid, on reelPf of
liiex.!s to each volume sent gratis otr receipt of
' NricgioLpoio• are not to copy this adverttarmeni
Tithout the e.l pre,ce order of IiAIt.PEU & flux U-
r:us. Arlftre-s
• .
IiAItPER g BROTHERS; Nave York. ,-
--v :
The Orapes! antlmo;et readable of the:high-eta**
acs. I
gays the Chicago Adranee f* . an
fly ,len : itt articles are short, bright,
-Vecrin , inatin,g • and full of itfe.••
It o` . farre , .." Rage the Itneton Post, "a place
in the flout ra .ek of current magaziat tittracur."l
- numherr among its contributors," ittWit the
Ptctottr • of the most britilant „ • •
names kaotcn to magazine literature."
(Nrw , sznizs.)
,i i, Centg per -Nnmber; 13.00 per Al 4 03,m. • 4
, .
AYP r.TONS' JOrRNAL id di monthly household
re,gaziii.• of a high popular character,
devoted to
, riFumi literature and all matters of taste and cut.
1t aim , to be bright, entertalOng, andln
It contains superior fiction s Its the form of serial . .
, tvels and short stories, from leading writers in '
Europe and America.
It girits ilium rated papers. griphicely deseriptiro • ,
1 4.111(1ns:I ries, recreations, and picturesque. pLates.-- , . -
It contains articles upon men of note, and sari- .
/11.4 phasEts of -life. . ...
It glv..e essays upon household ann social topics.
I. has articles devoted to travel, adventure, and
3;p:oration. .
It Includes papers upon Industrial and scienilfic . '
sullects.• written Id a popular - and entertaining ,:
1t phin. In brief, includeg all.branches 'ltem .
are and all subj-eta of itrerest.lo lutelifgent read=
pre•ethinent prpese being to keep abreast
uh tie times in Its selection of themes and Its
wamient of them. • . .
Far Safe by all Booksellers and News- Jeers.
549 and Ml Brnadiray.'
.I.—lt publishes all the news. The servrnt of. no
tout and the slave of no party, It Can afford to and
tell the truth about all.
Lt.-1t: Is impartial and independent. Believing
, 1 Intelligent suffrage. it aims to instruet votera to
i• wis at discharge of their responsibility. . -
111.—It is. as It always was, essentially Reptibili;
may quarrel lu the future. as It has done Irk
paS:. with errors of .Republican leaders or cols •
: - .ptions in the Reptiblican party; but. It can neveK
case to be true to Republican principles, and espe,
,•I any to those golden doctrines of 'civil service re.
hard money. the sanctity of the National' • • - "I':
with, and equal justice to all classis at the South,
.:hick formed the corner-stones of Gov. Hayes'.;-.:
m imhie letter of acceptance.
moral tone is pure and ele,vated. The -•••
family - circle is never profaned by anything which -
tinwars• Pa the columns of THE TRIBUNE: ,;
V.—The choicest standard and current literature
the day is presented in its column-, Including
I •orrespondence. Poems. Stories and Reviews .
the moat talented and popular 'writers. , •
VT.-4f Is the best and cheapest farmer's' paper::
iMblished. "TILE WEEKIT TRIM:ANL' 11/18 done
mere to make good farmers than any other, tufa. •
,nce which ever existed." '-
Vll.—The market reports of Tim TRIBUNE Mr
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